{"_id": "0", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Create Container Tracking, api_name:Get Tracking Data, api_description:The user will be able to retrieve the data using this endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:SQUAKE, api_name:Checkhealth, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Transportistas de Argentina, api_name:/tracking/correo_argentino/result_task/:task_id, api_description:Result for one Task ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"task_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Task ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Turkey Postal Codes, api_name:il, api_description:Turkish plates. 1 to 81, required_params: [{\"name\": \"il\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"str\", \"dataupdatedate\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"pagecreatedate\": \"str\", \"postakodu\": [{\"plaka\": \"int\", \"il\": \"str\", \"ilce\": \"str\", \"semt_bucak_belde\": \"str\", \"mahalle\": \"str\", \"pk\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 975}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Transitaires, api_name:Transitaires, api_description:Renvoie tous les transiatires, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Pack & Send, api_name:/api/Tracking/, api_description:If you support your Pack & Send Reference 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\"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"status_info\": \"str\", \"history\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Pridnestrovie Post, api_name:Get track info, api_description:Get track info by track number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"track_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:TrackingMore_v2, api_name:packages/track (Deprecated), api_description:Get tracking information of specific package, required_params: [{\"name\": \"carrierCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Carrier code gotten from .../carriers/list or carriers/detect endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"trackingNumber\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Tracking number of package\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Kargom Nerede, api_name:companies, api_description:Companies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"info\": \"NoneType\", \"additionalDatas\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 31}], \"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Air Cargo CO2 Track And Trace, api_name:PULL (track), api_description:By providing a valid AWB, you can get tracking information for the shipment., required_params: [{\"name\": \"awb\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"provide valid AWB number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"awb\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"pieces\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"destination\": \"str\", \"events\": 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ou les ressources sur un IoT. Permet par exemple de poller un état de manière optimale., required_params: [{\"name\": \"colisId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"nbSteps\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "25", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Web Search, api_name:autoComplete, api_description:Suggest as-you-type completion., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The prefix to complete\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "26", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Udemy course scrapper api, api_name:Course URL, api_description:Provide the course URL, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"1\\\": {\\\"course url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"2\\\": {\\\"course url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"3\\\": {\\\"course url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"4\\\": {\\\"course url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"5\\\": {\\\"course url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"6\\\": 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These records contain information like the domain name’s IP addresses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "32", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Latest Laptop Deals, api_name:Get Latest Laptop Deals, api_description:Get Latest Laptop Deals available right now., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "33", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube Video Info, api_name:Info, api_description:Get all the Information of an YouTube Video, including Audio and Video Streams, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"successfull\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"info\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"formats\\\": [{\\\"format_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format_note\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ext\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"protocol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"acodec\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"vcodec\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fps\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"rows\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"columns\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fragments\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"resolution\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aspect_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"http_headers\\\": {\\\"User-Agent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Accept\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Accept-Language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Sec-Fetch-Mode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"audio_ext\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"video_ext\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 33}], \\\"thumbnails\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"preference\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 42}], \\\"thumbnail\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channel_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channel_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"view_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"age_limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"webpage_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"categories\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"tags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 10\\\"], \\\"playable_in_embed\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"live_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"automatic_captions\\\": \\\"empty l\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "34", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:api-telecom, api_name:/products, api_description:details products, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"zone\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "35", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Real-Time Image Search, api_name:Search, api_description:Get real-time image search results from across the web. Supports all Google Images search filters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query / keyword.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "36", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Local Businesses by Outscraper, api_name:Get Places Reviews, api_description:Returns Places Maps reviews from places when using search queries (e.g., `restaurants, Manhattan, NY, USA`) or from a single place when using IDs or names (e.g., `NoMad Restaurant, NY, USA`, `0x886916e8bc273979:0x5141fcb11460b226`, `ChIJrZhup4lZwokRUr_5sLoFlDw`). In addition to the reviews, it returns places information.\n\nIn case no reviews were found by your search criteria, your search request will consume the usage of one request.\n\nThis endpoint is optimized for fast responses and can be used as a real-time API. Set the `reviewsLimit` parameter to 10 to achieve the maximum response speed., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The parameter defines the query you want to search. You can use anything that you would use on a regular Maps site. Additionally, you can use `feature_id`, `place_id`, or `CID`. The example of valid queries: `Real estate agency, Rome, Italy`, `The NoMad Restaurant, NY, USA`, `restaurants, Brooklyn 11203`, `0x886916e8bc273979:0x5141fcb11460b226`, `ChIJrZhup4lZwokRUr_5sLoFlDw`, etc.\\n\\nIt supports batching by sending arrays with up to 25 queries (e.g., `query=text1&query=text2&query=text3`). It allows multiple queries to be sent in one request and save on network latency time.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"bool\", \"errorMessage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "37", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Local Businesses by Outscraper, api_name:Search Places, api_description:Returns places from Places Maps based on a given search query (or many queries).\n\nThe results from searches are the same as you would see by visiting a regular Maps site. However, in most cases, it's recommended to use locations inside queries (e.g., bars, NY, USA) as the IP addresses of Outscraper's servers might be located in different countries.\n\nThis endpoint is optimized for fast responses and can be used as a real-time API., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The parameter defines the query you want to search. You can use anything that you would use on a regular Maps site. Additionally, you can use feature_id, place_id, or CID. The example of valid queries: `Real estate agency, Rome, Italy`, `The NoMad Restaurant, NY, USA`, `restaurants, Brooklyn 11203`, `0x886916e8bc273979:0x5141fcb11460b226,` `ChIJrZhup4lZwokRUr_5sLoFlDw`, etc.\\n\\nIt supports batching by sending arrays with up to 25 queries (e.g., `query=text1&query=text2&query=text3`). It allows multiple queries to be sent in one request and save on network latency time.\\n\\nYou might want to check out [the web application](https://app.outscraper.com/googleMaps) to play with locations and categories that we would suggest.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "38", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fear and Greed index, api_name:/historical, api_description:Get the index for the given date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "39", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Wayback Machine, api_name:Content, api_description:Content, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Web URL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"content_type\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "40", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fear and Greed index, api_name:/index, api_description:Actual Fear and Greed index, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"score\": \"float\", \"rating\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"previous_close\": \"float\", \"previous_1_week\": \"float\", \"previous_1_month\": \"float\", \"previous_1_year\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "41", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Wayback Machine, api_name:Calendar, api_description:Calendar, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Web URL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"status_code\": \"int\", \"snapshots\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 30}], \"date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "42", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Arbeitnow Free Job Board, api_name:Free Job Postings API, api_description:Built in Berlin, Arbeitnow helps companies hire candidates with visa sponsorship / four day work week / remote opportunities.\n\nFour day work weeks - Companies offering better work life balance with a shorter work week results in improved productivity and helps retain candidates. Get your company listed on the [4 day work week jobs](https://arbeitnow.com/4-day-work-week-jobs) page\n\nHiring without Whiteboard - No trivia questions or stress inducing whiteboard interviews? We will include you in our popular section among tech & software developers - [hiring without whiteboard.](https://arbeitnow.com/hiring-without-whiteboard)\n\n[Jobs with Salary / Compensation](https://arbeitnow.com/jobs-with-salary) information helps bring transparency to candidates on what they can expect from an offer., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"slug\": \"str\", \"company_name\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"remote\": \"bool\", \"url\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"job_types\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"location\": \"str\", \"created_at\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"links\": {\"first\": \"str\", \"last\": \"NoneType\", \"prev\": \"NoneType\", \"next\": \"str\"}, \"meta\": {\"current_page\": \"int\", \"from\": \"int\", \"path\": \"str\", \"per_page\": \"int\", \"to\": \"int\", \"terms\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "43", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Tomba, api_name:DomainStatus, api_description:Returns domain status if is webmail or disposable., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": {\"status\": \"bool\", \"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "44", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Tomba, api_name:LinkedinFinder, api_description:This API endpoint generates or retrieves the most likely email address from a Linkedin URL., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The URL of the Linkedin. For example, \\\"https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-maccaw-ab592978\\\".\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"website_url\": \"str\", \"accept_all\": \"bool\", \"email\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"phone_number\": \"bool\", \"position\": \"str\", \"twitter\": \"str\", \"linkedin\": \"str\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"webmail\": \"bool\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"company\": \"str\", \"score\": \"int\", \"verification\": {\"date\": \"NoneType\", \"status\": \"NoneType\"}, \"sources\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"website_url\": \"str\", \"extracted_on\": \"str\", \"last_seen_on\": \"str\", \"still_on_page\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "45", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Tomba, api_name:EmailFinder, api_description:generates or retrieves the most likely email address from a domain name, a first name and a last name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Domain name from which you want to find the email addresses. For example, \\\"stripe.com\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"first_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The person's first name. It doesn't need to be in lowercase.\"}, {\"name\": \"last_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The person's last name. It doesn't need to be in lowercase.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"website_url\": \"str\", \"accept_all\": \"bool\", \"email\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"phone_number\": \"bool\", \"position\": \"str\", \"twitter\": \"NoneType\", \"linkedin\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"company\": \"str\", \"score\": \"int\", \"verification\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"sources\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "46", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Unofficial Efteling API, api_name:Retrieve specific Queue time, api_description:retrieve a specific queue item based on the ID that can be retrieved from the /queue endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"queueLength\": \"str\", \"specialQueueStatus\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "47", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Tomba, api_name:AuthorFinder, api_description:This API endpoint generates or retrieves the most likely email address from a blog post url., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The URL of the article. For example, \\\"https://clearbit.com/blog/company-name-to-domain-api\\\".\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"website_url\": \"str\", \"accept_all\": \"bool\", \"email\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"phone_number\": \"NoneType\", \"position\": \"str\", \"twitter\": \"str\", \"linkedin\": \"str\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"webmail\": \"bool\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"company\": \"str\", \"score\": \"int\", \"verification\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"sources\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"website_url\": \"str\", \"extracted_on\": \"str\", \"last_seen_on\": \"str\", \"still_on_page\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"info\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "48", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Unofficial Efteling API, api_name:Retrieve all Queue times, api_description:Retrieve all the queue times in the efteling, data will be updated every 10 minutes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"queueLength\": \"str\", \"specialQueueStatus\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "49", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Tomba, api_name:EmailVerifier, api_description:verify the deliverability of an email address., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The email address you want to verify.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"email\": {\"mx_records\": \"bool\", \"smtp_server\": \"bool\", \"smtp_check\": \"bool\", \"accept_all\": \"bool\", \"block\": \"bool\", \"email\": \"str\", \"gibberish\": \"bool\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"webmail\": \"bool\", \"regex\": \"bool\", \"whois\": {\"registrar_name\": \"str\", \"created_date\": \"str\", \"referral_url\": \"str\"}, \"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"score\": \"int\"}, \"sources\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"website_url\": \"str\", \"extracted_on\": \"str\", \"last_seen_on\": \"str\", \"still_on_page\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "50", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Unofficial Efteling API, api_name:Retrieve the latest blogs, api_description:Retrieve the latest blogs, these are updated once every hour, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"published\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "51", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US Counties, api_name:Get metadata, api_description:metadata, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "52", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Referential DB, api_name:Countries, api_description:Get the list of countries., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"iso3\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"currency_code\": \"str\", \"phonecode\": \"str\", \"emoji\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "53", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Sign Hexagram, api_name:Get Sign Hexagram, api_description:Return one of the sign with full info by given category., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Category ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "54", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure Smartable, api_name:GetFutureEvents, api_description:Get future Azure events., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"startDateTime\": \"str\", \"endDateTime\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"content\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 15}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "55", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Article Extractor, api_name:GET /article/parse, api_description:Extract main article and meta data from a news entry or blog post., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"links\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"image\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"published\": \"str\", \"ttr\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "56", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:France 2D, api_name:Live, api_description:Live, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"live\": {\"ipK_TRANSACTION_ID\": \"str\", \"transactioN_DATE\": \"str\", \"transactioN_TIME\": \"str\", \"set\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"twO_D\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"result\": [{\"ipK_TRANSACTION_ID\": \"str\", \"transactioN_DATE\": \"str\", \"transactioN_TIME\": \"str\", \"set\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"twO_D\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "57", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cigars, api_name:Get Cigar Average Length, api_description:Get the average length of cigars, filter supported, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"average\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "58", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blur, api_name:Retreive collections, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve information about all collection, including real time statistics such as floor price.\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "59", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blur, api_name:Retrieve tokens, api_description:This endpoint returns a set of NFTs based on the specified filter parameters.\n\nFilter for Listed Tokens: {\"cursor\":null,\"traits\":[],\"hasAsks\":true}\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "60", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cigars, api_name:Get Cigar by ID, api_description:Get a Cigar by it's Database ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cigarId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cigar\": {\"cigarId\": \"int\", \"brandId\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"length\": \"int\", \"ringGauge\": \"int\", \"country\": \"str\", \"filler\": \"str\", \"wrapper\": \"str\", \"color\": \"str\", \"strength\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "61", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cigars, api_name:Get Colors, api_description:Get Enum of Cigar colors, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"colors\": [\"list of str with length 11\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "62", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Linkedin Company and Profile Data, api_name:Supported Locations, api_description:Get a list of the supported LinkedIn locations. You can use these locations to get personalized search results when using an API endpoint that supports location parameter., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "63", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:100% Success Instagram API - Scalable & Robust, api_name:user-feed, api_description:Get user feed, required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "64", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:100% Success Instagram API - Scalable & Robust, api_name:user-info, api_description:Get data of user profile, required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "65", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:100% Success Instagram API - Scalable & Robust, api_name:fbsearch-places, api_description:Get results of fbsearch-places endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "66", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Sample API, api_name:about, api_description:About our website, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "67", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Subtitles for YouTube_v3, api_name:Get subtitle in SRT format, api_description:Get subtitle in SRT format, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "68", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Subtitles for YouTube_v3, api_name:Get Subtitle in JSON format, api_description:Get Subtitle in JSON format, required_params: [{\"name\": \"video_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "69", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Phone, api_name:iso, api_description:Get the ISO codes from a given Country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Description of the Country in English\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"api-message\": \"str\", \"country-calling-code\": \"str\", \"iso-code\": \"str\", \"iso-code2\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "70", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Phone, api_name:flag, api_description:Get the Flag Image from a given Country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\\"Country ISO Code\\\" or \\\"Description of the Country in English\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"api-message\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "71", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Subtitles for YouTube_v3, api_name:Get subtitle in TEXT format, api_description:Get subtitle in TEXT format, required_params: [{\"name\": \"video_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "72", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Phone, api_name:region, api_description:Get the Geographic Region information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\\"ISO 2 letter country code\\\" or \\\"Name of the Country in English\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"area-code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Local Area Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items\": [{\"api-message\": \"str\", \"iso-code\": \"str\", \"region1\": \"str\", \"region2\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 19}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "73", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube Influencer Search, api_name:getSearchResults, api_description:Get the results from a certain search id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Unique identifier of the search.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"search_id\": \"int\", \"channel_id\": \"str\", \"channel_title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"subscribers_count\": \"int\", \"views_count\": \"int\", \"video_count\": \"int\", \"country\": \"NoneType\", \"email\": \"str\", \"topic_categories\": \"str\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "74", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Jiosaavn, api_name:Get Data, api_description:Get Jiosaavn Data (Get all possible data of songs, albums, playlists & lyrics), required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"release_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primary_artists\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primary_artists_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"albumid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"perma_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"songs\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"song\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"album\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"music\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"music_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primary_artists\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primary_artists_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"featured_artists\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"featured_artists_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"singers\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"starring\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"albumid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"origin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"play_count\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"copyright_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"320kbps\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_dolby_content\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"explicit_content\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"has_lyrics\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lyrics_snippet\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"encrypted_media_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"encrypted_media_path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"media_preview_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"perma_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"album_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rights\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cacheable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"delete_cached_object\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"webp\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"disabled\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"disabled_text\\\": \\\"str\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "75", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoAPI, api_name:Get Country Details, api_description:Get details of country from its name and prefix., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "76", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Animals by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/animals, api_description:API Ninjas Animals API endpoint. Returns up to 10 results matching the input name parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"common name of animal to search. This parameter supports partial matches (e.g. fox will match gray fox and red fox)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"taxonomy\": {\"kingdom\": \"str\", \"phylum\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\", \"order\": \"str\", \"family\": \"str\", \"genus\": \"str\", \"scientific_name\": \"str\"}, \"locations\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"characteristics\": {\"prey\": \"str\", \"name_of_young\": \"str\", \"group_behavior\": \"str\", \"estimated_population_size\": \"str\", \"biggest_threat\": \"str\", \"most_distinctive_feature\": \"str\", \"gestation_period\": \"str\", \"habitat\": \"str\", \"diet\": \"str\", \"average_litter_size\": \"str\", \"lifestyle\": \"str\", \"common_name\": \"str\", \"number_of_species\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"slogan\": \"str\", \"group\": \"str\", \"color\": \"str\", \"skin_type\": \"str\", \"top_speed\": \"str\", \"lifespan\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"age_of_sexual_maturity\": \"str\", \"age_of_weaning\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "77", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Domain SEO Analysis, api_name:Domain SEO Analysis, api_description:Get popular SEO metrics for a given domain name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "78", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Domain SEO Analysis, api_name:SERP Analysis, api_description:SERP Analysis aka keyword overview. Discover thousands of great keyword ideas, analyze their ranking difficulty and calculate their traffic potential., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "79", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retreive portfolio, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve portfolio details for a single wallet address.\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"filters\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"walletAddress\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "80", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Asset Information, api_description:Scrape all the HTML information from the NFT asset page without having to use chrome , scrape 10,000 NFTs images, & metadata in under 11min (*using top plan), required_params: [{\"name\": \"contract_address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"token_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "81", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Crops, api_name:Crops list, api_description:This endpoint returns back all crops that are grown in Spain, being possible to filter them through query string (see Optional Parameters)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Category\": \"str\", \"Class\": \"str\", \"CommonName\": \"str\", \"Consistency\": \"str\", \"CropCycle\": \"str\", \"Division\": \"str\", \"Family\": \"str\", \"FruitType\": \"str\", \"Genus\": \"str\", \"Order\": \"str\", \"Remarks\": \"str\", \"SpecieId\": \"int\", \"SpecieName\": \"str\", \"Subcategory\": \"str\", \"Subclass\": \"str\", \"Subdivision\": \"str\", \"Subfamily\": \"str\", \"SubspecieVarietyForm\": \"str\", \"Superorder\": \"str\", \"Synonyms\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "82", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Historical Figures by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/historicalfigures, api_description:API Ninjas Historical Figures API endpoint. Returns a list of up to 10 people that match the search parameters. Either **name** and/or **title** parameter is required., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"info\": {\"born\": \"str\", \"died\": \"str\", \"years\": \"str\", \"awards\": \"str\", \"office\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"parents\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"spouses\": \"str\", \"children\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"partners\": \"str\", \"conflicts\": [\"list of str with length 32\"], \"occupation\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"notable_work\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"resting_place\": \"str\", \"cause_of_death\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "83", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:EPA Superfunds, api_name:Superfund Search, api_description:Search Superfunds by {lat, lng, radius}, required_params: [{\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Results\": {\"FRSFacility\": [{\"RegistryId\": \"str\", \"FacilityName\": \"str\", \"LocationAddress\": \"str\", \"CityName\": \"str\", \"CountyName\": \"str\", \"StateAbbr\": \"str\", \"ZipCode\": \"str\", \"Latitude83\": \"float\", \"Longitude83\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 8}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "84", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Railway Periods, api_name:Get Railway Period for UTC date, api_description:This endpoint will return railway period between:\n{\"millis\":\"0\",\"railwayPeriod\":\"1969-1970 P10\"} (01/01/1970 00:00:00)\nAnd\n{\"millis\":\"8640000000000\",\"railwayPeriod\":\"2243-2244 P8\"} (17/10/2243 00:00:00), required_params: [{\"name\": \"millis\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"millis\": \"str\", \"railwayPeriod\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "85", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Currents News, api_name:Latest news, api_description:Get the latest news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "86", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Currents News, api_name:Search, api_description:This endpoint allow you to search through ten millions of article over 14,000 large and small news sources and blogs. This includes breaking news, blog articles, forum content. This endpoint is well suited for article discovery and analysis, but can be used to retrieve articles for display, too., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "87", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:IP reputation, geoip and detect VPN, api_name:ip-reputation, api_description:Fetch detailed information about the specified IPv4 or IPv6 address. Get the country by geolocation, ISP or hosting provider. You will also find out if this IP address has a history of abuse or malicious activity., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"risk\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"risk_level\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cidr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"asn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_calling_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continent_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"in_eu\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postal_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency_native_short\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"languages\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"native_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"flag_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flag_image_icon\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"organization\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"domain\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time_zone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time_zone_short\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time_zone_offset\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time_zone_is_dst\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"current_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mobile_carrier\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mobile_carrier_mcc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mobile_carrier_mnc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_datacenter\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_isp\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_educational\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_military\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_government\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_business\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_vpn_proxy\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_tor\\\": \\\"b\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "88", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:VRM STR Tools, api_name:Get Airbnb Listing Ratings, api_description:Returns the ratings from a listing on Airbnb\n\n**Where to find your Airbnb Listing ID**\n![](https://vitesa.com/rapidAPI_Images/airbnb_listingID.png), required_params: [{\"name\": \"listingid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "89", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:VRM STR Tools, api_name:Get Airbnb Listing Reviews, api_description:Returns up to the last 10 reviews on a listing from Airbnb\n\n**Where to find your Airbnb Listing ID**\n![](https://vitesa.com/rapidAPI_Images/airbnb_listingID.png), required_params: [{\"name\": \"listingid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "90", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:MLS Router, api_name:Check User Existence, api_description:Check User Existence., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "91", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:MLS Router, api_name:List Properties, api_description:top: this parameter determines the number of records on each page (max is 200, default is 10).\n\nskip: this parameter determines the page number (default is 0).\n\nselect: this parameter determines the needed fields (default is all). note: more than 20 fields cannot be selected explicitly.\n\nfilter: this determines the filtered criteria which are implemented by users. note: filters must be defined in Odata format.\n\norderby: this parameter sorts results by the defined field (default is ListingKey). note: this parameter accepts “asc” and “desc” as an argument (default is “asc”)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "92", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:VRM STR Tools, api_name:Get VRBO Listing Reviews, api_description:Returns up to the last 10 reviews on a listing from VRBO\n\n**Where to find your VRBO Listing ID**\n![](https://vitesa.com/rapidAPI_Images/vrbo_listingID.png), required_params: [{\"name\": \"listingid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "93", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Real-Time News Data, api_name:Topic Headlines, api_description:Get the latest news headlines for a topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Topic for which to get news headlines.\\n\\n**Available topic**\\n- WORLD\\n- NATIONAL\\n- BUSINESS\\n- TECHNOLOGY\\n- ENTERTAINMENT\\n- SPORTS\\n- SCIENCE\\n- HEALTH\\n\\nIn addition, topic IDs are also accepted and can be taken from a News topic URL as it appears after the *topics/* path part (e.g. Elon Musk Topic - `/topics/CAAqIggKIhxDQkFTRHdvSkwyMHZNRE51ZW1ZeEVnSmxiaWdBUAE`) \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "94", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Real-Time News Data, api_name:Top Headlines, api_description:Get the latest news headlines/top stories for a country., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "95", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Weather, api_name:5 day Forecast, api_description:3 hour interval - 5 day forecast for a given lat/lon, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude (Degrees)\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude (degrees)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "96", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory, api_name:Nearest Stations, api_description:Return the nearest alternative fuel stations within a distance of a given location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"location_country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"precision\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"types\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"station_locator_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"total_results\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"station_counts\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fuels\\\": {\\\"BD\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"E85\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"ELEC\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"stations\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"HY\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"LNG\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"CNG\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"LPG\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"RD\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}}, \\\"offset\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fuel_stations\\\": [{\\\"access_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"access_days_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"access_detail_code\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cards_accepted\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"date_last_confirmed\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expected_date\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"fuel_type_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"groups_with_access_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"open_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"owner_type_code\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"status_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"restricted_access\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"maximum_vehicle_class\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"station_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"station_phone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"facility_type\\\": \\\"NoneT\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "97", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Weather, api_name:Current Weather Data of a location., api_description:Returns the current (most recent) weather observation of a given location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"app_temp\": \"float\", \"aqi\": \"int\", \"city_name\": \"str\", \"clouds\": \"int\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"dewpt\": \"int\", \"dhi\": \"int\", \"dni\": \"int\", \"elev_angle\": \"float\", \"ghi\": \"int\", \"gust\": \"float\", \"h_angle\": \"NoneType\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"ob_time\": \"str\", \"pod\": \"str\", \"precip\": \"int\", \"pres\": \"float\", \"rh\": \"int\", \"slp\": \"float\", \"snow\": \"int\", \"solar_rad\": \"int\", \"sources\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"state_code\": \"str\", \"station\": \"str\", \"sunrise\": \"str\", \"sunset\": \"str\", \"temp\": \"float\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"ts\": \"int\", \"uv\": \"int\", \"vis\": \"int\", \"weather\": {\"description\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"icon\": \"str\"}, \"wind_cdir\": \"str\", \"wind_cdir_full\": \"str\", \"wind_dir\": \"int\", \"wind_spd\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "98", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Real Estate Records, api_name:summary, api_description:Get a summary of property records by units given an address (if it's a multi-unit building). Street number, name and zipcode are needed to match records. The street names are normalized using Here.com conventions. This API requires a subscription cost. \n\nThis API provides details a level further than the \"address\" endpoint. For instance, for 220 Central Park S, New York, NY 10019 it returns\n \"data\": [\n {\n \"_id\": {\n \"id\": \"6144a17b3afc5ca06ea0dd95\",\n \"Loc\": {\n \"coordinates\": [\n -73.9802,\n 40.76719\n ],\n \"type\": \"Point\"\n },\n \"STREET_NUMBER\": \"220\",\n \"STREET\": \"Central Park S\",\n \"UNIT\": \"67\",\n \"PROPERTY_TYPE\": \"SINGLE RESIDENTIAL CONDO UNIT\",\n \"ZIPCODE\": \"10019\",\n \"STATE\": \"NY\"\n },\n \"lastSalesDate\": \"2021-05-24T00:00:00.000Z\",\n \"lastSalesAmount\": 59500000,\n \"maxSalesAmount\": 59500000,\n \"SQFT\": 0,\n \"TotalRecords\": 1\n },\n\nThe API is available for public records for New York City 5 boroughs, all New Jersey Counties and DC. \nSources of information are:\nNJ: http://tax1.co.monmouth.nj.us/cgi-bin/prc6.cgi?&ms_user=monm&passwd=&srch_type=0&adv=0&out_type=0&district=0200\nNYC Acris: https://a836-acris.nyc.gov/DS/DocumentSearch/Index, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"street\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"err\": \"NoneType\", \"count\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"_id\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"Loc\": {\"coordinates\": [\"list of float with length 2\"], \"type\": \"str\"}, \"STREET_NUMBER\": \"str\", \"STREET\": \"str\", \"UNIT\": \"str\", \"PROPERTY_TYPE\": \"str\", \"ZIPCODE\": \"str\", \"STATE\": \"str\"}, \"lastSalesDate\": \"str\", \"lastSalesAmount\": \"int\", \"maxSalesAmount\": \"int\", \"SQFT\": \"int\", \"TotalRecords\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "99", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Real Estate Records, api_name:detail, api_description:Return all detailed historical transactions of a given address. To call this API, it requires to call summary API first using address information. Then use the Id value returned from the summary API and call this API with the same Id. This API requires a subscription cost., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"err\": \"NoneType\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "100", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory, api_name:Utility Rates, api_description:This service returns annual average utility rates ($/kWH) for residential, commercial and industrial sectors as well as the local utility name for a specific location. This service does not return complex rate information. Version 3 is the current version of the utility rates API. Previous versions have been deprecated and its users are encouraged to migrate to this newly enhanced version., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"inputs\": {\"address\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\"}, \"errors\": \"empty list\", \"warnings\": \"empty list\", \"version\": \"str\", \"metadata\": {\"sources\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}, \"outputs\": {\"company_id\": \"str\", \"utility_name\": \"str\", \"utility_info\": [{\"company_id\": \"str\", \"utility_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"commercial\": \"float\", \"industrial\": \"float\", \"residential\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "101", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory, api_name:All Stations, api_description:Return a full list of alternative fuel stations that match your query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"station_locator_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"total_results\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"station_counts\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fuels\\\": {\\\"BD\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"E85\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"ELEC\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"stations\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"HY\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"LNG\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"CNG\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"LPG\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"RD\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}}, \\\"fuel_stations\\\": [{\\\"access_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"access_days_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"access_detail_code\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cards_accepted\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"date_last_confirmed\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expected_date\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"fuel_type_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"groups_with_access_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"open_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"owner_type_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"restricted_access\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"maximum_vehicle_class\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"station_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"station_phone\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"updated_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"facility_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geocode_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"intersection_directions\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"plus4\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"street_addre\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "102", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:runs.tech, api_name:getTechDomains, api_description:Retrieve the domains that use a specific technology, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tech\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "103", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:All information about IP, api_name:Get IP information, api_description:Get IP information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"query\": \"str\", \"continent\": \"str\", \"continentCode\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"regionName\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"mobile\": \"bool\", \"proxy\": \"bool\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"org\": \"str\", \"as\": \"str\", \"asname\": \"str\", \"isp\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"hosting\": \"bool\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "104", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Vietnamese News, api_name:Query by Date, api_description:- Show all articles and all of their metadata fields that have the publish date match the provided string.\n- For the URL, `date` can be shortened to `d`.\n- Each query will return **10 results**, sorted by date incrementally. Add `/1`, `/2`, etc. at the end of the URL to fetch more. Default is equal to `/0`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"dateString\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "105", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Instagram Downloader, api_name:user_Post, api_description:get all post, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_Post\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_code\": \"str\", \"error_message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "106", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Instagram Downloader, api_name:User, api_description:get user info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"is_private\": \"bool\", \"profile_pic_url\": \"str\", \"biography\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"edge_owner_to_timeline_media\": {\"count\": \"int\"}, \"edge_followed_by\": {\"count\": \"int\"}, \"edge_follow\": {\"count\": \"int\"}, \"profile_pic_url_signature\": {\"expires\": \"int\", \"signature\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "107", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Instagram Downloader, api_name:url, api_description:download by url, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "108", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Genderize - Nationalize, api_name:genderize, api_description:Get gender of provided name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"NoneType\", \"probability\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "109", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Genderize - Nationalize, api_name:nationalize, api_description:Get nationality of provided name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"country\": [{\"country_id\": \"str\", \"probability\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "110", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:MagicEden, api_name:URL, api_description:Enter the full Magic Eden URL to bypass in the header request, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "111", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zippopotam.us, api_name:Get info by city, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country abbreviation\": \"str\", \"places\": [{\"place name\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"post code\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"country\": \"str\", \"place name\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"state abbreviation\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "112", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zippopotam.us, api_name:Get Zip Code info, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"postal_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"post code\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country abbreviation\": \"str\", \"places\": [{\"place name\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"state abbreviation\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "113", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US Counties, api_name:Get detailed data for all counties for a single state, api_description:county, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postal\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "114", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US Counties, api_name:Get top 100 county lists by demographic category, api_description:list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "115", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:runs.tech, api_name:getAllTech, api_description:returns a list of all of the technology that runs.tech can find, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "116", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:AI Random User Generator, api_name:Get Random User, api_description:Get random user, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"gender\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"street\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}, \"email\": \"str\", \"login\": {\"uuid\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\"}, \"dob\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"age\": \"int\"}, \"registered\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"age\": \"int\"}, \"phone\": \"str\", \"cell\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"picture\": \"str\", \"nat\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "117", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:COVID-19 News, api_name:/v1/covid, api_description:Highly customizable search through our database of news only on the next specific keywords: \n`covid`,`covid-19`, `coronavirus`, `коронавирус`, `koronavirüs`, `koronavirüs`, `coronavirüs`, `التاجى`\nAll filters and sorting options are allowed., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A word to search on from the list :\\n`covid`,`covid-19`, `coronavirus`, `\\u043a\\u043e\\u0440\\u043e\\u043d\\u0430\\u0432\\u0438\\u0440\\u0443\\u0441`, `koronavir\\u00fcs`, `koronavir\\u00fcs`, `coronavir\\u00fcs`, `\\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u0627\\u062c\\u0649`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"error_code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "118", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:runs.tech, api_name:getDomainTech, api_description:retrieve domain technology information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "119", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Gis Engine, api_name:Get cities, api_description:Get cities by providing the country code and region code\n\n- country_code can be fetch from Get Countries endpoint\n- region_code can be fetch from Get Regions endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"region_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "120", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Seeding Data, api_name:Addresses, api_description:Get 100 addresses with en_US locale, required_params: [{\"name\": \"_quantity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"street\": \"str\", \"streetName\": \"str\", \"buildingNumber\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"zipcode\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"county_code\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "121", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Seeding Data, api_name:Images, api_description:Get 100 kitten images with height of 300 pixels and locale en_US, required_params: [{\"name\": \"_height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_quantity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "122", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Motivational Quotes, api_name:getQuote, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"text\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "123", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Screenshot URL to image, api_name:Screenshot Endpoint, api_description:Take a screenshot from a webpage url., required_params: [{\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"width\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"screenshotUrl\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "124", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Historical YouTube Data, api_name:Historic views and subscribers, api_description:Returns historic views and subscribers for a channel, along with basic details of the channel (name, handle, thumbnails, etc.).\n\n**Note:**\n `viewsHist`/ `subsHist` data format: \n`[[timestampInMilliSecondsA, valueA], [timestampInMilliSecondsB, valueB], ...]`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"channelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "125", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fluximmo, api_name:get_portail_api, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "126", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fluximmo, api_name:get_search, api_description:get_search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postal_codes\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Liste des codes postaux : s\\u00e9par\\u00e9s par une virgule. e.g. \\\\\\\"75003,75001,75004,63122\\\\\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "127", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Utils, api_name:Get vehicle models, api_description:Get all supported vehicle models for specified make., required_params: [{\"name\": \"make\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The brand of the vehicle.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"make\": \"str\", \"models\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "128", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Captcha, api_name:solve, api_description:Solve a Captcha given an image URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"image\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"HTTP Path/URL of the Captcha Image\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"api-message\": \"str\", \"captcha\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "129", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Sex Offenders, api_name:Search Sex Offenders, api_description:Params:\n@lat: latitude\n@lng: longitude\n@radius: search radius in Miles (Mi), e.g. radius = 0.2 means the API will search for sex offenders within 0.2 miles of the given lat and lng\n\nResponse:\n@offenders: List of Offender Object; If no offenders are found, it will return empty list `offenders: []`.\n\nExtensive database of National Registered Sex Offenders API for the United States. This API covers 750k+ offender records, 1M+ crime records, 19k+ cities, and all 50 states. Supports lat/lng search with radius., required_params: [{\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"offenders\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"zipcode\": \"str\", \"crime\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\", \"updatedAt\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 11}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "130", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cat Facts, api_name:Facts, api_description:Retrieve and query facts, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": {\"verified\": \"bool\", \"sentCount\": \"int\"}, \"_id\": \"str\", \"user\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\", \"source\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"deleted\": \"bool\", \"used\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "131", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Barcodes, api_name:Search & Product Details, api_description:It returns product results if you enter a search term, and returns product details if you enter a barcode number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**Barcode** or **search term**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "132", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Covid-19 Live data, api_name:Global statistics, api_description:The Global live data statistics, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"msg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"lastUpdated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"globalStatis\\\": {\\\"nowConfirm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"confirm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"heal\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dead\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nowConfirmAdd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"confirmAdd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"healAdd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"deadAdd\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"chinaStatis\\\": {\\\"nowConfirm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"confirm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"heal\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dead\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nowConfirmAdd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"confirmAdd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"healAdd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"deadAdd\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"foreignStatis\\\": {\\\"nowConfirm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"confirm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"heal\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dead\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nowConfirmAdd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"confirmAdd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"healAdd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"deadAdd\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"foreignlist\\\": [{\\\"country_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_en\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continent_en\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isUpdated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"confirmAdd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"confirmAddCut\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"confirm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"suspect\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dead\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"heal\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nowConfirm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"confirmCompare\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nowConfirmCompare\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"healCompare\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"deadCompare\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fill\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 8}], \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "133", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Trinidad Covid 19 Statistics, api_name:getMostRecentDay, api_description:This endpoint fetches the most recent Trinidad & Tobago Covid 19 statistics. It returns data for that specific day alone., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latestVax2SinoAZPf\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestActive\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastDeath\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestState\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastActive\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeStepDown\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"update\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastTest\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax2SinoAZPf\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastState\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestHomeIso\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeActive\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeTest\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestHospital\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeHomeIso\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeTotalPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestRecovery\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastStepDown\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestDeath\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastRecovery\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestVax1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax2SinoAZPf\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestVax2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestStepDown\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestVax3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastHomeIso\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax2JJ\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestVax2JJ\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax2JJ\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastHospital\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeHospital\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastTotalPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"population\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timeStamp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latestTotalPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestTest\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"chang\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "134", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Trinidad Covid 19 Statistics, api_name:getStatsbyMonth, api_description:This endpoint fetches Trinidad & Tobago Covid 19 statistics by month. For a valid response, the months are input as \"01\" or \"12\" and not the actual month name such as \"January\" or \"December\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"yearId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"monthId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latestVax2SinoAZPf\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestActive\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastDeath\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestState\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastActive\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeStepDown\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"update\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastTest\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastState\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax2SinoAZPf\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeActive\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeTest\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestHomeIso\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestHospital\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeHomeIso\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeTotalPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestRecovery\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastStepDown\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestDeath\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastRecovery\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestVax1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax2SinoAZPf\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestVax2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestVax3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestStepDown\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastHomeIso\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax2JJ\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestVax2JJ\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax2JJ\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastHospital\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeHospital\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastTotalPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"population\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timeStamp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latestTest\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestTotalPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"chang\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "135", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fish species, api_name:/fish_api/group, api_description:This endpoint will group the available data by the property_value parameter. The available URL query parameters are meta_property, meta_property_attribute, and property_value. The API will group and return all fishes that are matching the property_value that is given in the meta-object., required_params: [{\"name\": \"meta_property\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The property to search for\"}, {\"name\": \"property_value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of property that will be matched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"img_src_set\": {\"1.5x\": \"str\", \"2x\": \"str\"}, \"meta\": {\"conservation_status\": \"str\", \"scientific_classification\": {\"kingdom\": \"str\", \"phylum\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\", \"order\": \"str\", \"family\": \"str\", \"genus\": \"str\", \"species\": \"str\"}, \"binomial_name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "136", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Trinidad Covid 19 Statistics, api_name:getStatsbyYear, api_description:This endpoint delivers Trinidad & Tobago Covid 19 statistics by year. For a valid response, the beginning year is 2020 and the latest year is the current year., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cases\\\": {\\\"1-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"2-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"3-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"4-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"5-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"6-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"7-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"8-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"9-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"10-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"11-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"13-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"12-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"14-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"16-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"15-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"17-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"18-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"19-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"20-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"21-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"22-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"23-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"24-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"25-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"26-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"27-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"28-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"29-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"30-April\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"deaths\\\": {\\\"1-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"2-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"3-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"4-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"5-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"7-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"6-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"8-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"9-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"10-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"11-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"12-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"13-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"14-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"15-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"16-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"17-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"18-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"19-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"20-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"21-April\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"22-April\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "137", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fish species, api_name:/fish_api/fishes, api_description:This endpoint will return back all available fishes that are available, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"img_src_set\": {\"1.5x\": \"str\", \"2x\": \"str\"}, \"meta\": {\"conservation_status\": \"str\", \"scientific_classification\": {\"kingdom\": \"str\", \"phylum\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\", \"order\": \"str\", \"family\": \"str\", \"genus\": \"str\", \"species\": \"str\"}, \"binomial_name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "138", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fish species, api_name:/fish_api/fish/{name}, api_description:This endpoint will return information for a specific fish, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The fish to be found\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"img_src_set\": {\"1.5x\": \"str\", \"2x\": \"str\"}, \"meta\": {\"scientific_classification\": {\"kingdom\": \"str\", \"phylum\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\", \"superorder\": \"str\", \"order\": \"str\", \"family\": \"str\", \"genus\": \"str\"}, \"species\": \"str\", \"synonyms\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "139", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Motivational Content, api_name:Get a Specific Picture, api_description:This endpoint fetches a specific motivational picture according to the given id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"largeImage\": \"str\", \"mediumImage\": \"str\", \"smallImage\": \"str\", \"source\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "140", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Motivational Content, api_name:Get All Motivational Quotes, api_description:This endpoint fetches all the motivational quotes. However, you can do pagination as well using the 'skip' and 'limit' parameters., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"quote\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "141", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:IP Geo Location - Find IP Location and Details, api_name:iplocation, api_description:Provides Geo information for the given IP., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"ip\": \"str\", \"hostname\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"postal_code\": \"str\", \"flag\": {\"image\": \"str\"}, \"currency\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\"}, \"time\": {\"timezone\": \"str\", \"current_time\": \"str\"}, \"connection\": {\"isp\": \"str\"}, \"privacy\": {\"threat_level\": \"str\", \"is_proxy\": \"bool\", \"is_crawler\": \"bool\", \"is_tor\": \"bool\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "142", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Motivational Content, api_name:Get All Motivational Pictures, api_description:This endpoint fetches all the pictures. However, you can use 'skip' and 'limit' parameters to do pagination., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"largeImage\": \"str\", \"mediumImage\": \"str\", \"smallImage\": \"str\", \"source\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "143", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Dog breeds, api_name:Get All Dog Breeds, api_description:This endpoint will return back all available dog breeds that are available, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breed\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"meta\": {\"height\": {\"dogs\": \"str\", \"bitches\": \"str\"}, \"weight\": {\"dogs\": \"str\", \"bitches\": \"str\"}, \"coat\": \"str\", \"img_src_set\": {\"1.5x\": \"str\", \"2x\": \"str\"}, \"life_span\": \"str\", \"other_names\": \"str\", \"common_nicknames\": \"str\", \"colour\": \"str\", \"litter_size\": \"str\", \"notes\": \"str\", \"breed_status\": \"str\", \"foundation_stock\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "144", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Dog breeds, api_name:Get Breed Information, api_description:This endpoint will return information for a specific dog breed, required_params: [{\"name\": \"breed\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breed\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"meta\": {\"height\": {\"dogs\": \"str\", \"bitches\": \"str\"}, \"weight\": \"str\", \"coat\": \"str\", \"img_src_set\": {\"1.5x\": \"str\"}, \"life_span\": \"str\", \"other_names\": \"str\", \"common_nicknames\": \"str\", \"colour\": \"str\", \"litter_size\": \"str\", \"notes\": \"str\", \"breed_status\": \"str\", \"foundation_stock\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "145", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:SimilarWeb (historical data), api_name:/api/getCountries, api_description:Returns country shares by months, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Domain name (like google.com)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"isSuccess\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"months\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"countries\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"share\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 33}], \"_list_length\": 101}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "146", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Indian Names, api_name:Get Names, api_description:Fetch a random list of indian names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"names\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "147", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:VinHub, api_name:Balance, api_description:Check your balance, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "148", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Linkedin Profiles, api_name:/search, api_description:Search company or profile, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Allowed values: person, company\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "149", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Proxy-Spider Proxies, api_name:/proxies.example.json, api_description:This is a free sample of ten proxies. Sign up and receive the full list., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"proxies\": [{\"ip\": \"str\", \"port\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"response_time\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"supports\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"protocols\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 10}], \"filters\": \"empty list\", \"quota_remaining\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"has_next_page\": \"bool\"}, \"message\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "150", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Gloppo Fake API, api_name:/people, api_description:Get a list of random generated fake people data., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"uuid\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"job\": \"str\", \"salary\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "151", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Covid Italy statistics, api_name:General Info, api_description:General information of service, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dashboardData\": {\"active\": \"int\", \"confirmed\": \"int\", \"deaths\": \"int\", \"deltaConfirmed\": \"int\", \"deltaDeaths\": \"int\", \"deltaRecovered\": \"int\", \"recovered\": \"int\", \"state\": \"str\", \"stateCode\": \"str\", \"stateNotes\": \"NoneType\", \"lastUpdatedTime\": \"str\"}, \"regions\": [{\"state\": \"str\", \"stateCode\": \"int\", \"confirmed\": \"int\", \"active\": \"int\", \"recovered\": \"int\", \"deaths\": \"int\", \"lastUpdatedTime\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 22}], \"nationalCasesTimes\": [{\"dailyConfirmed\": \"int\", \"dailyDeceased\": \"int\", \"dailyRecovered\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1208}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "152", "title": "", 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domain info, api_description:This endpoint returns the domain information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"isAvailable\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "155", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Name Using Domain, api_name:NameByDomain, api_description:Get Domain or Organization Name using Domain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"domain\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "156", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:climate-change-live-api, api_name:Get All Climate Change News, api_description:Get climate change news all over the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"at\": \"str\", \"method\": \"str\", \"hostname\": \"str\", \"ip\": \"str\", \"query\": {}, \"headers\": {\"accept\": \"str\", \"accept-encoding\": \"str\", \"content-length\": \"str\", \"host\": \"str\", \"user-agent\": \"str\", \"x-amzn-trace-id\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-for\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-host\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-port\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-proto\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-user\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-version\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-host\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-request-id\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-tenant-name\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-user\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-version\": \"str\", \"x-real-ip\": \"str\", \"connection\": \"str\"}, \"params\": {\"0\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "157", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube Trending, api_name:trending, api_description:Gather Trending Videos from Youtube, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"publishedDate\": \"str\", \"publishedText\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\", \"videoUrl\": \"str\", \"channelName\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"channelUrl\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"quality\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"views\": \"int\", \"viewsText\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"int\", \"durationText\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"creatorOnRise\": \"bool\", \"isShort\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "158", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:climate-change-live-api, api_name:Get individual publication's news about climate change, api_description:Get individual publication's news about climate change all over the world., required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"at\": \"str\", \"method\": \"str\", \"hostname\": \"str\", \"ip\": \"str\", \"query\": {}, \"headers\": {\"accept\": \"str\", \"accept-encoding\": \"str\", 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api_name:Rip, api_description:Extract links and info from a given URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The URL to extract links and info from\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"links\": [\"list of str with length 164\"], \"hostnames\": {\"cn.nytimes.com\": \"int\", \"cooking.nytimes.com\": \"int\", \"help.nytimes.com\": \"int\", \"nytimes.com\": \"int\", \"nytmediakit.com\": \"int\", \"relative-link\": \"int\", \"theathletic.com\": \"int\", \"www.nytco.com\": \"int\", \"www.nytimes.com\": \"int\", \"www.tbrandstudio.com\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "161", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter Data, api_name:v2/user-tweets-and-replies, api_description:v2/user-tweets-and-replies, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\\n\\nUse the User By Screen Name endpoint to find the ID from a username.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"user\": {\"result\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"timeline_v2\": {\"timeline\": {\"instructions\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"metadata\": {\"scribeConfig\": {\"page\": \"str\"}}}}}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "162", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fake Identity Generator, api_name:GenerateRandomIdentity, api_description:Use this endpoint to generate a random fake identity, click the test button and enjoy the informations generated!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Personal_private\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Race\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Birthday\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Street\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"City, State, Zip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Telephone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Mobile\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Personal\\\": {\\\"Favorite Food\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Personality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Personal Style\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Website\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Username\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Password\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Password after MD5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Temporary Mail\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Register Time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Register IP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Last Login Time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Last Login IP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Login Times\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"On-line Time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Points\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Level\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Number of Comments\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Posted Articles\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Friends\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Basics\\\": {\\\"Email\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Height\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Weight\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hair Color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Blood Type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Starsign(Tropical Zodiac)\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Mother's Maiden Name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Civil Status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Educational Background\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Disease History\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Employment Status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Monthly Salary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Occupation(Job Title)\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Company Name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Employment\\\": {\\\"Company Size\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Ind\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "163", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Uers API, api_name:Get Single User, api_description:This Endpoint return Individual user data for the provided user ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"err\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "164", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Email and internal links scraper, api_name:GET request, api_description:Pass URL as \"url\" GET parameter.\nExample: /?url=https://example.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"links\": \"empty list\", \"mails\": \"NoneType\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "165", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Most expensive NFT artworks, api_name:Most expensive, api_description:Get most expensive artworks list.\n\n**Possible filtering by gallery: **\nArt Blocks\nAsync Art\nAuction Houses\nFoundation\nhic et nunc\nKnownOrigin\nMakersPlace\nNifty Gateway\nSuperRare, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artist\": \"str\", \"artwork_id\": \"int\", \"block_number\": \"NoneType\", \"collector\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"date_sold\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"editions\": \"int\", \"gallery\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"mimetype\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"num_sold\": \"int\", \"price\": \"float\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"token_address\": \"NoneType\", \"url\": \"str\", \"usd_price\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "166", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zip Code Master, api_name:Get ZIP code summary, api_description:Retrieve a summary profile for the provided ZIP code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"zip_code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"area_codes\": \"str\", \"population\": \"str\", \"racial_majority\": \"str\", \"public_school_racial_majority\": \"str\", \"unemployment_rate\": \"str\", \"median_household_income\": \"str\", \"avg_adjusted_gross_income\": \"str\", \"school_test_performance\": \"str\", \"avg_commute_time\": \"str\", \"time_zone\": \"str\", \"elevation_range\": \"str\", \"area\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "167", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zip Code Master, api_name:Get ZIP code detail, api_description:Retrieve a detailed profile and demographic data for the provided ZIP code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"summary\\\": {\\\"zip_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"county\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"area_codes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"population\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"racial_majority\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"public_school_racial_majority\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unemployment_rate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"median_household_income\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avg_adjusted_gross_income\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"school_test_performance\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avg_commute_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time_zone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"elevation_range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"area\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coordinates\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"population\\\": {}, \\\"ethnicity\\\": {\\\"White\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Black\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hispanic\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Asian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Native American\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hawaiian/Pac. 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Refer exchange endpoint for more information how to call the currency exchange from the source quote to destination quote., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "172", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Company Logo, api_name:Get Company Logo by Domain, api_description:Fetch company logo by providing domain in query params, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "173", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:IP Geolocation - IPWHOIS.io, api_name:JSON endpoint, api_description:Detailed information on our website: https://ipwhois.io/documentation, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"success\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"str\", \"continent\": \"str\", \"continent_code\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"country_flag\": \"str\", \"country_capital\": \"str\", \"country_phone\": \"str\", \"country_neighbours\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"asn\": \"str\", \"org\": \"str\", \"isp\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"timezone_name\": \"str\", \"timezone_dstOffset\": \"int\", \"timezone_gmtOffset\": \"int\", \"timezone_gmt\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"currency_code\": \"str\", \"currency_symbol\": \"str\", \"currency_rates\": \"float\", \"currency_plural\": \"str\", \"completed_requests\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "174", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Busy and Popular Times, api_name:Search a Place, api_description:Search for a location exactly the way you Google it. The API will only work if the search returns the \"Popular Times\" graph in the result, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bars\": {\"maxDay\": \"float\", \"currValue\": \"float\", \"currtAvg\": \"float\"}, \"ts\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "175", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Company Data, api_name:Get Company Data by Its LinkedIn Internal ID, api_description:Given a company’s LinkedIn internal ID, the API will return valuable data points in JSON format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"company_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"company_id\": \"str\", \"company_name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"employee_count\": \"int\", \"employee_range\": \"str\", \"follower_count\": \"int\", \"hq_address_line1\": \"str\", \"hq_address_line2\": 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\"VerseFrom\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Enter Verse to start.\"}, {\"name\": \"VerseTo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Enter Verse to End.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Book\": \"str\", \"Chapter\": \"str\", \"VerseFrom\": \"str\", \"VerseTo\": \"str\", \"Output\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "177", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:CheckThatPhone, api_name:/checkthatphone, api_description:Validation, carrier look-up, line type, portability status, geoIP and timezone, routing.\nSimply provide a United States phone number and an ip (optional) to get a result., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"phone\": \"str\", \"nanpType\": \"str\", \"ipResult\": \"str\", \"dip\": \"str\", \"dipLrn\": \"str\", \"dipPorted\": \"bool\", \"dipOcn\": \"str\", \"dipCarrier\": \"str\", \"dipCarrierSubType\": \"str\", \"dipCarrierType\": \"str\", 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estimate, api_description:Returns an estimate of the salary of a job., required_params: [{\"name\": \"app_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application ID, supplied by Adzuna\"}, {\"name\": \"app_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application key, supplied by Adzuna\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "183", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Adzuna, api_name:Search properties, api_description:Search Adzuna properties, required_params: [{\"name\": \"app_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application ID, supplied by Adzuna\"}, {\"name\": \"app_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application key, supplied by Adzuna\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ISO 8601 country code of the relevant country.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "184", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Subtitles for YouTube_v2, api_name:List all available subtitles, api_description:List all available subtitles for a YouTube video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"YouTube video Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "185", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:SERP Results, api_name:SERP, api_description:SERP, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search Query\\n\\ne.g. `music site:youtube.com`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"search_term\": \"str\", \"knowledge_panel\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"description\": {\"text\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"site\": \"str\"}, \"image\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"page_url\": \"str\"}, \"info\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"labels\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 6}]}, \"results\": [{\"position\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "186", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US Zipcodes, api_name:/{code}, api_description:Return a zip code detail, required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"zip_code\": \"str\", \"primary_city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "187", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Amazon Web Scraping API, api_name:Get Websites, api_description:Get the available websites available by country to extract amazon product data., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"countryCode\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"countryName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "188", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Amazon Web Scraping API, api_name:Search Products(All countries), api_description:Allows to search products in Amazon using real time data scraping API., required_params: [{\"name\": \"criteria\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search term that will be used to search for products on Amazon.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"pageCount\": \"int\", \"products\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"leftInStock\": \"NoneType\", \"image\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"totalReviews\": \"int\", \"rating\": \"float\", \"sponsored\": \"bool\", \"amazonChoice\": \"bool\", \"bestSeller\": \"bool\", \"amazonPrime\": \"bool\", \"price\": {\"discounted\": \"bool\", \"priceSymbol\": \"str\", \"currentPrice\": \"float\", \"priceFraction\": \"str\", \"beforePrice\": \"float\"}, \"asin\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"position\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 21}], \"categories\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"categoryLink_url\": \"str\", \"categoryId\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "189", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Users list, api_name:Users list, api_description:Get a list of users., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "190", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Industry NAICS Search, api_name:Filter and Query NAICS & Description, api_description:This endpoint will allow you to search by freeform text, eg. Hotel and get all the list of NAICS code, hash, and description back.\nYou can also filter the search if you have an NAICS code and want to get the description and the hash of the industry., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"description\": \"str\", \"hash\": \"str\", \"naics\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "191", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow Base, api_name:Search, api_description:Search for properties, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\nLocation details, address, county, Zip code.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"resultsPerPage\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalResultCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalPages\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"searchResultsData\\\": [{\\\"zpid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"providerListingId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"imgSrc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hasImage\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"carouselPhotos\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 19}], \\\"detailUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"statusType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"statusText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unformattedPrice\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addressStreet\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addressCity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addressState\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addressZipcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isUndisclosedAddress\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"beds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"baths\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"area\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latLong\\\": {\\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"isZillowOwned\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"variableData\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"badgeInfo\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"hdpData\\\": {\\\"homeInfo\\\": {\\\"zpid\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"streetAddress\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zipcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bathrooms\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bedrooms\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"livingArea\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"homeType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeStatus\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "192", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Date and Time, api_name:getDateTimeByAddress, api_description:This endpoint internally calculates the co-ordinates and timezone to calculate the current date and time, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The address\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"iso8601\": \"str\", \"rfc2822\": \"str\", \"rfc5322\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"timezone\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"daylightsaving\": \"bool\", \"offset\": {\"gmt\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"utc\": \"str\"}, \"abbreviation\": \"str\"}, \"time\": {\"hour\": {\"24\": \"str\", \"12\": \"str\"}, \"minute\": \"str\", \"second\": \"str\", \"meridiem\": {\"uppercase\": \"str\", \"lowercase\": \"str\"}}, \"day\": {\"ofmonth\": \"str\", \"ofweek\": \"str\", \"ofyear\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"ordinalsuffix\": \"str\"}, \"month\": {\"number\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"days\": \"str\"}, \"week\": {\"ofyear\": \"str\"}, \"year\": {\"number\": \"str\", \"leap\": \"bool\"}, \"coordinates\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}, \"address\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "193", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Local Rank Tracker, api_name:Keyword Search at Coordinates, api_description:Make a Keyword search at a Coordinate (lat/lng) for all the business., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The **Google Place ID** of the business or the **Business Name** to match against in results. Use the **match_type** parameter to specify.\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Grid **center** coordinate point **longitude** value.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Grid **center** coordinate point **latitude** value.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"parameters\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"distance\": \"int\", \"distance_unit\": \"str\", \"query\": \"str\"}, \"data\": {\"points\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\", \"found\": \"bool\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\", \"results_url\": \"str\", \"results\": [{\"rank\": \"int\", \"placeId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\", \"sab\": \"bool\", \"address\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"reviews\": \"int\", \"rating\": \"float\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"page\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"categories\": [\"list of str with length 8\"], \"hours\": [\"list of list with length 7\"], \"logo\": \"str\", \"photos\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"maps_url\": \"str\", \"booking_url\": \"str\", \"localguide_url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "194", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Local Rank Tracker, api_name:GeoGrid Seach With Ranking, api_description:Make a full grid search and get the ranking of a specific business in every coordinate point in the grid. 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Use the **match_type** parameter to specify choice.\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Grid **center** coordinate point **longitude** value.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Grid **center** coordinate point **latitude** value.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"parameters\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"distance\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"distance_unit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"query\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"match_by\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"match_value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"data\\\": {\\\"points\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"found\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"found_top_10\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"found_top_3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rank_percent\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rank_percent_top_10\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rank_percent_top_3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"average_rank\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"average_rank_top_10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"average_rank_top_3\\\": 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API , api_name:Skill child, api_description:Skill child, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "196", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Holy Bible, api_name:GetVerseOfaChapter, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Book\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"chapter\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Verse\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Book\": \"str\", \"Chapter\": \"str\", \"Verse\": \"str\", \"Output\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "197", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Search Results Scraper, api_name:Top News, api_description:Returns current top news by region and language as a clean json object., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"headline_stories\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"published\": \"str\", \"by\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 30}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "198", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:WatchSignals, api_name:Get exchange rates, api_description:Return latest exchange rates, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "199", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:WatchSignals, api_name:Get all watch brands, api_description:Get all watch brands, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"total\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 164}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "200", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:WatchSignals, api_name:Get offers by watch id, api_description:Get offers by watch id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"watch-id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "201", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US Counties, api_name:Get detailed data for all U.S. counties, api_description:counties, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "202", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:DNS Records Lookup, api_name:DNS Request, api_description:DNS Request\n\nType can be one of:\n'A', 'AAAA', 'AFSDB', 'APL', 'CAA', 'CDNSKEY', 'CDS', 'CERT', 'CNAME', 'CSYNC', 'DHCID', 'DLV', 'DNAME', 'DNSKEY', 'DS', 'EUI48', 'EUI64', 'HINFO', 'HIP', 'HTTPS', 'IPSECKEY', 'KEY', 'KX', 'LOC', 'MX', 'NAPTR', 'NS', 'NSEC', 'NSEC3', 'NSEC3PARAM', 'OPENPGPKEY', 'PTR', 'RP', 'SMIMEA', 'SOA', 'SPF', 'SRV', 'SSHFP', 'SVCB', 'TA', 'TKEY', 'TLSA', 'TXT', 'URI', 'ZONEMD'\n\nIDN domains should be converted before requesting.\n\nUse **xn--fuball-cta.de** instead of **fußball.de**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"int\", \"TTL\": \"int\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "203", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US Counties, api_name:Get basic county data for all U.S. counties, api_description:counties, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "204", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Facebook User Info, api_name:find_feed_find_get, api_description:Find Feed by UID or by_object_id(PageID, GroupID) , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "205", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Facebook User Info, api_name:find_user_find_get, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"err\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": 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api_description:Website Loading speed Related Information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"website\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"content_type\": \"NoneType\", \"http_code\": \"int\", \"header_size\": \"int\", \"request_size\": \"int\", \"filetime\": \"int\", \"ssl_verify_result\": \"int\", \"redirect_count\": \"int\", \"total_time\": \"float\", \"namelookup_time\": \"float\", \"connect_time\": \"float\", \"pretransfer_time\": \"float\", \"size_upload\": \"int\", \"size_download\": \"int\", \"speed_download\": \"int\", \"speed_upload\": \"int\", \"download_content_length\": \"int\", \"upload_content_length\": \"int\", \"starttransfer_time\": \"float\", \"redirect_time\": \"int\", \"redirect_url\": \"str\", \"primary_ip\": \"str\", \"certinfo\": \"empty list\", \"primary_port\": \"int\", \"local_ip\": \"str\", \"local_port\": \"int\"}, \"speed\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"loadingExperience\": \"NoneType\", 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\"language_isocode2\": \"str\", \"language_isocode3\": \"str\", \"language_name\": \"str\", \"words\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "212", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Free stopwords, api_name:Stopwords, api_description:Will return the exact extract words to use in your data analysis or application, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "213", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Chunk API, api_name:getRandomTvshow, api_description:Returns random TVshows., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "214", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Motivational Quotes, api_name:getCategories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "215", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:World Bank | GDP, api_name:List of countries with income level, api_description:Sourced from Developer Information issued by The World Bank Group at https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/topics/125589-developer-information\n\nExternal Doc URL available at http://api.worldbank.org/V2/incomeLevel/LIC/country\n\nOutput format available at http://api.worldbank.org/v2/country/all/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL?format=json, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "216", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:World Bank | GDP, api_name:List all countries, api_description:Sourced from Developer Information issued by The World Bank Group at https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/topics/125589-developer-information\n\nExternal Doc URL available at http://api.worldbank.org/v2/country\n\nOutput format available at http://api.worldbank.org/v2/country/all/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL?format=json, required_params: [{\"name\": \"iso2Code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "217", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Quotes by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/quotes, api_description:Returns one (or more) random quotes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quote\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "218", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow, api_name:Search for properties, api_description:Search for properties, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location details, address, county, neighborhood or Zip code.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"props\": [{\"dateSold\": \"NoneType\", \"propertyType\": \"str\", \"lotAreaValue\": \"float\", \"address\": \"str\", \"variableData\": {\"text\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"priceChange\": \"int\", \"zestimate\": \"int\", \"imgSrc\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"bedrooms\": \"int\", \"contingentListingType\": \"NoneType\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"listingStatus\": \"str\", \"zpid\": \"str\", \"listingSubType\": {\"is_FSBA\": \"bool\"}, \"rentZestimate\": \"int\", \"daysOnZillow\": \"int\", \"bathrooms\": \"int\", \"livingArea\": \"int\", \"country\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"lotAreaUnit\": \"str\", \"hasImage\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 40}], \"resultsPerPage\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"totalResultCount\": \"int\", \"schools\": {}, \"currentPage\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "219", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US Cell Coverage by Zip Code, api_name:Get Coverage, api_description:Get cell coverage for AT&T, T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular and Verizon by zip code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"request\": {\"postcode\": \"str\"}, \"result\": {\"Att\": {\"5G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\"}, \"4G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\"}, \"3G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\"}, \"2G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\"}}, \"UsCellular\": {\"5G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\"}, \"4G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"float\"}, \"3G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"float\"}, \"2G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\"}}, \"Tmobile\": {\"5G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\"}, \"4G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\"}, \"3G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\"}, \"2G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\"}}, \"Verizon\": {\"4G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\"}, \"3G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\"}, \"2G\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "220", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:SimilarWeb (historical data), api_name:/api/getVisits, api_description:Return visits data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Domain name (like google.com)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"isSuccess\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"months\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"visits\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 180}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "221", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:TLD, api_name:Get list of top level domains, api_description:Get an exhaustive list of more than official 1500 generic and country code TLDs for which domains can be registered with., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "222", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Player Data, api_name:/search_by_weight, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"PlayerName\": \"str\", \"Weight\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "223", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Player Data, api_name:/SearchPlayer, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"PlayerName\": \"str\", \"Weight\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "224", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Hedonometer, api_name:Timeseries, api_description:Call the happiness timeseries, required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"limit\": \"int\", \"next\": \"NoneType\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"previous\": \"str\", \"total_count\": \"int\"}, \"objects\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "225", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Trulia Real Estate Scraper, api_name:Get home details, api_description:Returns full details of home. Call **Get listing by url** or get items from *Search*. In response you'll get **url** of home. Take this url and pass it here into query. You can also go to https://www.trulia.com/AZ/Scottsdale/ and take urls e.g. https://www.trulia.com/p/az/fountain-hills/14834-e-valley-vista-dr-fountain-hills-az-85268--2113652369, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"is_empty\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"price_change\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"price_history\\\": [{\\\"event\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"formatted_data\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": {\\\"formatted_price\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currency_code\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"branch_banner_price\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"source\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"price\\\": {\\\"formatted_price\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currency_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"branch_banner_price\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"selling_soon_information\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"highlights\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 6}], \\\"agent_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"broker_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_listed\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": {\\\"date_last_updated_formatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"markdown\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subheader\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"contact_phone_number\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"floor_space\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"floor_space_formatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"photos\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 77\\\"], \\\"property_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": {\\\"state_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"full_location\\\": \\\"str\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "226", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Address Monitor, api_name:Get address transactions, api_description:Get address transactions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"offset\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\", \"addressTransactions\": \"empty list\"}, \"requestId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "227", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:OutSystems Community API, api_name:get_profiles, api_description:Returns a list of profiles, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result_info\\\": {\\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page_number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"limit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"profiles\\\": [{\\\"profile_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"profile_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"job_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Company\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"social\\\": {\\\"linkedin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"os_friend_since\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_mvp\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_speaker\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_champion\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_staff\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"community_rank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total_kudos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total_components\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total_marked_as_solution\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"community_score\\\": {\\\"profile_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"training_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"forums_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"forge_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ideas_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total_score\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"forums\\\": {\\\"total_posts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total_comments\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"ideas\\\": {\\\"total_submitted\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total_commented\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"forge\\\": {\\\"total_components\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"publications\\\": {\\\"total_articles\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TotalCertifications\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"CertificationsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"SpecializationCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 50}], \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "228", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random User by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/randomuser, api_description:API Ninjas Random User API endpoint. 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numbers of a specific brand, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "235", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Shopify Stores Info, api_name:Get Store Info, api_description:This endpoint retrieves information on any store in Shopify., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"storeName\": \"str\", \"storeTitle\": \"str\", \"storeUrl\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"storeDescription\": \"str\", \"emails\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"phoneNumber\": \"empty list\", \"socialMedia\": {\"facebook\": \"str\", \"twitter\": \"str\", \"pinterest\": \"str\", \"instagram\": \"str\", \"snapchat\": \"str\", \"youtube\": \"str\"}, \"physicalAddress\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "236", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Shopify Stores Info, api_name:Search, api_description:In this endpoint you can search any particular Niche, or keyword for more narrowed results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the query to search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"storeName\": \"str\", \"storeTitle\": \"str\", \"storeUrl\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"storeDescription\": \"str\", \"emails\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"phoneNumber\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"socialMedia\": {\"facebook\": \"str\", \"twitter\": \"str\", \"pinterest\": \"str\", \"instagram\": \"str\", \"snapchat\": \"str\", \"youtube\": \"str\"}, \"physicalAddress\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "237", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Linkedin Live Data, api_name:Supported Locations, api_description:Get a list of the supported LinkedIn locations. You can use these locations to get personalized search results when using an API endpoint that supports location parameter., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "238", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Get Docs, api_name:document, api_description:doc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "239", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Weather, api_name:16 Day Forecast, api_description:Returns a 16 day (daily) forecast, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "240", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Weather, api_name:1 Hour / Minutely Forecast (Nowcast), api_description:Retrieve a 60 minute \"Nowcast\" for precipitation, and snowfall, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "241", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube Search, api_name:Video Recommendation, api_description:This endpoint returns a list of recommended videos based on a given a video ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"continuation_token\": \"NoneType\", \"number_of_videos\": \"int\", \"status\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"videos\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "242", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Quotes_v2, api_name:Quotes by Keywords, api_description:Returns Quotes containing specified keyword, required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "243", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube Search, api_name:Video Recommendation Continuation, api_description:This endpoint will return the continuation list of recommended videos based on a former call to /video/recommendation/ endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"continuationToken\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"continuation_token\": \"NoneType\", \"number_of_videos\": \"int\", \"status\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"videos\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "244", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Get Companies By SIC Code API, api_name:Search Companies by Name, api_description:This endpoint will allow you to search for companies by their name. This endpoint will provide you with the company slug that could be used to get additional company data, like SIC code and NAICS code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"company_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Company name to lookup.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": {\"companies\": [{\"company_name\": \"str\", \"company_name_slug\": \"str\", \"company_city_state\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 30}]}, \"total\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "245", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Get Companies By SIC Code API, api_name:Get Company Data by Company Slug, api_description:Using the Company Slug that is provided in the \"Get Companies by SIC code\" endpoint, you will be receiving additional information about a company. \nGet city, state, zip code, estimated annual revenue, years in business, and estimated company size, and company NAICS., required_params: [{\"name\": \"company_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Company Slug provided in \\\"Get Companies by SIC code\\\" endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"company_name\": \"str\", \"company_slug\": \"str\", \"company_sic\": \"int\", \"company_naics\": \"int\", \"overview\": {\"City\": \"str\", \"County\": \"str\", \"State\": \"str\", \"Metro Area\": \"str\", \"ZIP\": \"str\", \"Area Code\": \"str\", \"Country\": \"str\", \"Time Zone\": \"str\", \"Est. Annual Revenue\": \"str\", \"Years In Business\": \"str\", \"Est. 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alternative, api_name:Playlist, api_description:Get playlist details and videos., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Playlist Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"videoCount\": \"str\", \"viewCount\": \"str\", \"lastUpdated\": \"str\", \"avatar\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"channelTitle\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\"}, \"continuation\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"videoId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"index\": \"str\", \"lengthSeconds\": \"str\", \"lengthText\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"videoOwnerChannelTitle\": \"str\", \"videoOwnerChannelId\": \"str\", \"channelTitle\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"isPlayable\": \"bool\", \"videoInfo\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "255", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3 - alternative, api_name:Video details, api_description:Get details of the YouTube video., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Video id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"lengthSeconds\": \"str\", \"keywords\": [\"list of str with length 27\"], \"channelTitle\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"allowRatings\": \"bool\", \"viewCount\": \"str\", \"isPrivate\": \"bool\", \"isUnpluggedCorpus\": \"bool\", \"isLiveContent\": \"bool\", \"isCrawlable\": \"bool\", \"isFamilySafe\": \"bool\", \"availableCountries\": [\"list of str with length 249\"], \"isUnlisted\": \"bool\", \"category\": \"str\", \"publishDate\": \"str\", \"uploadDate\": \"str\", \"storyboards\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "256", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:phone validation, api_name:/{phone}, api_description:Get info on phone number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Provided number should be in E.164 format. (E.164 numbers can have a maximum of fifteen digits and are usually written as follows: [+][country code][subscriber number including area code].)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"international\": \"str\", \"national\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"int\", \"blacklisted\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "257", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3 - alternative, api_name:Search, api_description:Search videos, playlist, channel., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search term\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"continuation\": \"str\", \"estimatedResults\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"channelTitle\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"viewCount\": \"str\", \"publishedText\": \"str\", \"lengthText\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"richThumbnail\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"channelThumbnail\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 20}], \"msg\": \"str\", \"refinements\": [\"list of str with length 14\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "258", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Sign Hexagram, api_name:Get Categories, api_description:Return a list of category of sign with description and image link., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"caishen\\\": {\\\"simplified\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"]}, \\\"traditional\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"]}, \\\"image-link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"daojiao\\\": {\\\"simplified\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"]}, 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Zealand, hk=Hong Kong\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "261", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:EV Charging Stations, api_name:Get Stations within 1 km, api_description:Return nearest charging stations within 1 km radius., required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"us=United States, ca=Canada, uk=United Kingdom, nz=New Zealand, hk=Hong Kong\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "262", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Airdna, api_name:Rental ratings, api_description:Returns rental ratings, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "263", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Airdna, api_name:Rental amenities, api_description:Returns rental amenities, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "264", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Airdna, api_name:Property listings, api_description:Get rental properties of Airbnb and Vrbo by location and date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "265", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Phishing Url Risk API, api_name:Phishing Url Detection API, api_description:This end point takes a 'GET' request with urll/string as a parameter and retunrs phishing risk indicators such as : url Redirecting risk, SubDomains, HTTPS, Domain Regulation Length,\nIframeRedirection, Age of Domain, DNS Recording, WebsiteTraffic., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"@ Symbol in URL\": \"bool\", \"Ai_model_phishing_predict_score\": \"str\", \"Ai_model_phishing_risk_class\": \"str\", \"DNS_Record\": \"bool\", \"Depth of URL\": \"bool\", \"Domain Age Risk\": \"bool\", \"Domain of the URL\": \"str\", \"End Period of Domain\": \"bool\", \"IFrame Redirection\": \"bool\", \"IP Address in the URL\": \"bool\", \"Length of URL\": \"bool\", \"Low Web_Traffic Risk\": \"bool\", \"Mouse Over Risk\": \"bool\", \"Phishing Alert\": \"str\", \"Prefix or Suffix in Domain\": \"bool\", \"Redirection in URL Risk\": \"bool\", \"Right Click Risk\": \"bool\", \"TinyURL\": \"bool\", \"Url Reputation\": \"str\", \"Website Forwarding Risk\": \"bool\", \"badBots attack blacklisted\": \"bool\", \"bruteforce login attack blacklisted\": \"bool\", \"ddos attack blacklisted\": \"bool\", \"ftp attack blacklisted\": \"bool\", \"https in Domain\": \"bool\", \"ip blacklisted\": \"bool\", \"ssh attack blacklisted\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "266", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Diablo4 Smartable, api_name:GetPeople, api_description:Get Diablo 4 influencers and top players., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"bio\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"twitter\": {\"username\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"followers\": \"int\"}, \"affiliation\": {\"path\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"heat\": \"int\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"content\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "267", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Redfin Base, api_name:Search by region, api_description:Search by region, required_params: [{\"name\": \"region_type\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"One of the following : \\n` -1`: Unknowns | `1`: Neighborhood\\n`2`: Zip Code | `4`: State\\n`5`: County | `6`: City\\n`7`: School| `8`: School District\\n`9`: Service Region| `10`: Minor Civil Division\\n`11`: Country| `30`: CA Postal Code\\n`31`: CA Province| `32`: CA Provincial Division\\n`33`: CA Municipality| `34`: CA Forward Sortation Area\\nOr Use API \\u3010**Get region info**\\u3011to get `region_type_id`\"}, {\"name\": \"region_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Use the\\u3010Get region info\\u3011API to get the `region_id ` value.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"NoneType\", \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "268", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Redfin Base, api_name:Get ZipCode by City, api_description:Get ZipCode by City, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"zipCode\": \"str\", \"regionId\": \"NoneType\", \"city\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"usps\": \"str\", \"stateCapital\": \"str\", \"countryName\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"NoneType\", \"lng\": \"NoneType\", \"northLat\": \"NoneType\", \"southLat\": \"NoneType\", \"westLng\": \"NoneType\", \"eastLng\": \"NoneType\", \"fieldType\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "269", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blur, api_name:Retrieve collection pricing chart, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve collection pricing chart data\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "270", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:PowerBI, api_name:GetFunctionsByTopic, api_description:Get Power BI DAX functions by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"topItems\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"heat\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"size\": \"int\", \"heat\": \"int\", \"content\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 30}], \"nextPage\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "271", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Leetcode Compensation, api_name:Get Information of a particular post, api_description:This API Endpoint will return information of a particular post with specific postID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"postid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"topic\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"viewCount\": \"int\", \"topLevelCommentCount\": \"int\", \"subscribed\": \"bool\", \"title\": \"str\", \"pinned\": \"bool\", \"tags\": \"empty list\", \"hideFromTrending\": \"bool\", \"post\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"voteCount\": \"int\", \"voteStatus\": \"int\", \"content\": \"str\", \"updationDate\": \"int\", \"creationDate\": \"int\", \"status\": \"NoneType\", \"isHidden\": \"NoneType\", \"coinRewards\": \"empty list\", \"author\": \"NoneType\", \"authorIsModerator\": \"bool\", \"isOwnPost\": \"bool\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "272", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blur, api_name:Retrieve user collection bids, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve the active collection bids to a user wallet address.\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"walletAddress\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"filters\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "273", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:PowerBI, api_name:GetFunctions, api_description:Get Power BI DAX functions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"topItems\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"heat\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"size\": \"int\", \"heat\": \"int\", \"content\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 25}], \"nextPage\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "274", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Leetcode Compensation, api_name:Get HOT posts of Leetcode Discuss Compensation, api_description:This API Endpoint will return 150 HOT posts of Leetcode Discuss Compensation., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"categoryTopicList\": {\"totalNum\": \"int\", \"edges\": [{\"node\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"commentCount\": \"int\", \"viewCount\": \"int\", \"pinned\": \"bool\", \"tags\": \"empty list\", \"post\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"voteCount\": \"int\", \"creationDate\": \"int\", \"isHidden\": \"NoneType\", \"author\": {\"username\": \"str\", \"isActive\": \"bool\", \"nameColor\": \"NoneType\", \"activeBadge\": \"NoneType\", \"profile\": {\"userAvatar\": \"str\", \"__typename\": \"str\"}, \"__typename\": \"str\"}, \"status\": \"NoneType\", \"coinRewards\": \"empty list\", \"__typename\": \"str\"}, \"lastComment\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"post\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"author\": {\"isActive\": \"bool\", \"username\": \"str\", \"__typename\": \"str\"}, \"peek\": \"str\", \"creationDate\": \"int\", \"__typename\": \"str\"}, \"__typename\": \"str\"}, \"__typename\": \"str\"}, 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"category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Trends US, api_name:Get Trending Result, api_description:Gives you an array of trending search result., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "278", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:World Coordinates to Income, api_name:World Coordinate to Income, api_description:Granular city per capita income, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "279", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Homeless Shelter, api_name:By Zip Code, api_description:Search Homeless Shelters by Zip Code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zipcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Zip code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "280", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Homeless Shelter, api_name:By Location, api_description:Search Homeless Shelters by Location Coordinate and Radius, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Radius in mile (10 miles maximum)\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "281", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Thai Lottery, api_name:Get latest lottery result, api_description:Get latest lottery result - ข้อมูลผลการออกรางวัล งวดล่าสุด, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "282", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Neostrada Domains, api_name:domainlist, api_description:Get a list of your domains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"extension\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"discount\": \"str\", \"start_date\": \"str\", \"paid_until\": \"str\", \"is_external\": \"int\", \"redirect\": \"str\", \"dns_id\": \"int\", \"redirect_type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 33}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "283", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Tesla VIN Identifier, api_name:Manufacturing Location Detection, api_description:This endpoint resolves a VIN identifier to manufacturing location.\nA few examples:\nLRW-C (Shanghai, China)\nXP7-B (Berlin, Germany), required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin-identifier\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "284", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Tesla VIN Identifier, api_name:Model Detection, api_description:This endpoint resolves a VIN identifier to a model type, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin-identifier\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "285", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zenserp, api_name:Search, api_description:Get a SERP, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query String (keyword)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"num\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "286", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cities Cost of Living and Average Prices API, api_name:Cost of Living By Country, api_description:This endpoint will retrieve the average cost of living in a certain country. This endpoint will calculate the average prices and cost of living across the given country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country name to retrieve its cost of living.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Version\": \"int\", \"Country Name\": \"str\", \"City Name\": \"str\", \"Cost of Living Month Total\": \"str\", \"Currency\": \"str\", \"Note\": \"str\", \"Status\": \"int\", \"Success\": \"bool\", \"Restaurants prices\": [{\"Cost\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}], \"Markets prices\": [{\"Cost\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"Transportation prices\": [{\"Cost\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"Utilities Per Month prices\": [{\"Cost\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"Sports And Leisure prices\": [{\"Cost\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"Salaries And Financing prices\": [{\"Cost\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"Childcare prices\": [{\"Cost\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"Clothing And Shoes prices\": [{\"Cost\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"Rent Per Month prices\": [{\"Cost\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"Buy Apartment prices\": [{\"Cost\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "287", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Chunk API, api_name:getRandomArray, api_description:Generate a random array with numbers, words or mixed values., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "288", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Reqres, api_name:Users, api_description:Users, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "289", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Indian Names, api_name:Get Status, 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SCIENCE\\n- HEALTH\\n\\nIn addition, topic IDs are also accepted and can be taken from a News topic URL as it appears after the *topic/* path part (e.g. Elon Musk Topic - `/topics/CAAqIggKIhxDQkFTRHdvSkwyMHZNRE51ZW1ZeEVnSmxiaWdBUAE`) \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "296", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Real-Time News Data, api_name:Search, api_description:Search news articles by query with an option to limit the results to a specific time range., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query for which to get news.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "297", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Real-Time News Data, api_name:Local Headlines (Geo), api_description:Get local, geo based headlines, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Area, city or country 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\"stateCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"state_code\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "300", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube Influencer Search, api_name:getAllSearches, api_description:Get all searches, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"client_id\": \"int\", \"query\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "301", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Tomba, api_name:EmailCount, api_description:Domain name from which you want to find the email addresses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The email address you want to find sources.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"personal_emails\": \"int\", \"generic_emails\": \"int\", \"department\": {\"engineering\": \"int\", \"finance\": \"int\", \"hr\": \"int\", \"it\": \"int\", \"marketing\": \"int\", \"operations\": \"int\", \"management\": \"int\", \"sales\": \"int\", \"legal\": \"int\", \"support\": \"int\", \"communication\": \"int\", \"executive\": \"int\"}, \"seniority\": {\"junior\": \"int\", \"senior\": \"int\", \"executive\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "302", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Airdna, api_name:Top property managers, api_description:Returns the largest property managers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "303", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Diablo4 Smartable, api_name:GetNews, api_description:Get Diablo 4 news., 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\"author_id\": \"str\", \"author_name\": \"str\", \"author_photo\": \"str\", \"author_app_version\": \"str\", \"review_timestamp\": \"int\", \"review_datetime_utc\": \"str\", \"review_likes\": \"int\", \"app_developer_reply\": \"NoneType\", \"app_developer_reply_timestamp\": \"NoneType\", \"app_developer_reply_datetime_utc\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"cursor\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "310", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:WA Rego Check, api_name:Expiry Date Enquiry, api_description:Vehicle license expiry date query and license registration, required_params: [{\"name\": \"rego\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "311", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:QR Code Generator API, api_name:/qrcode, api_description:This endpoint will return a qrcode base on string given in input., required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "312", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:House Plants, api_name:GetAllCategories, api_description:Get all available categories for all plants, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "313", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:House Plants, api_name:GetById, api_description:Returns a single plants data within an object. Information for each plant returned contains (but not limited to) the list below\n\n- Latin name \n- Img \n- Id\n- Family \n- Other names \n- Common name \n- Common name (fr.) \n- Description \n- Categories \n- Origin \n- Climat \n- Temperature max\n- Temperature min\n- Zone \n- Growth \n- Light ideal \n- Light tolered \n- Watering \n- Insects \n- Disease \n- Appeal \n- Color of leaf \n- Color of blooms \n- Blooming season \n- Perfume \n- Avaibility \n- Pot diameter\n- Height at purchase\n- Width at purchase\n- Height potential\n- Width potential\n- Available sizes\n- Bearing \n- Clump\n- Pruning \n- Style \n- Use, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "314", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:AirportsData, api_name:Get airports, api_description:Will return data from 28k+ airports in the database., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"icao\": \"str\", \"iata\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"subd\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"elevation\": \"int\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"tz\": \"str\", \"lid\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"metadata\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"skip\": \"str\", \"limit\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "315", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:House Plants, api_name:GetAllLite, api_description:Gets all items but only identifying data. All additional data can be grabbed from the GetById route or the GetAll route which return all item with all its keys, no restriction, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "316", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Chain49, api_name:Get Block V2, api_description:Returns information about block with transactions, subject to paging.\n\nNote: Blockbook always follows the main chain of the backend it is attached to. If there is a rollback-reorg in the backend, Blockbook will also do rollback. When you ask for block by height, you will always get the main chain block. If you ask for block by hash, you may get the block from another fork but it is not guaranteed (backend may not keep it), required_params: [{\"name\": \"blockchain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Blockchain name\"}, {\"name\": \"blockHashOrHeight\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Block hash or height\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "317", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Ultimate password generator, api_name:Generate password, api_description:Get your desired password with specific options to use, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "318", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Local Rank Tracker, api_name:Keyword Search at Coordinate Point, api_description:Get search results at the specified coordinate point without any rank comparison data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Coordinate point latitude value.\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Coordinate point longitude value.\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query / keyword.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "319", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Local Rank Tracker, api_name:Search Business Locations, api_description:Returns a list of found Google My Business locations based on search query, including Service Area Businesses (SAB)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"parameters\": {\"query\": \"str\", \"near\": \"str\"}, \"data\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"place_id\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\", \"name\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"sab\": \"bool\", \"place_link\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"cid\": \"str\", \"google_id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "320", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Chain49, api_name:Get address V2, api_description:Returns balances and transactions of an address. The returned transactions are sorted by block height, newest blocks first.\n\nThe **details** query parameter can specify the level of details returned by the request (default: \"txids\").\nPossible values are:\n\n**basic**: return only xpub balances, without any derived addresses and transactions\n\n**tokens**: basic + tokens (addresses) derived from the xpub, subject to tokens parameter\n\n**tokenBalances**: basic + tokens (addresses) derived from the xpub with balances, subject to tokens parameter\n\n**txids**: tokenBalances + list of txids, subject to from, to filter and paging\n\n**txs**: tokenBalances + list of transaction with details, subject to from, to filter and paging\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Wallet address\"}, {\"name\": \"blockchain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Blockchain name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "321", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cloudflare bypass, api_name:GET Requests, api_description:Scrape any website with GET requests\n\nURL: enter full URL required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "322", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Web Search, api_name:webSearch, api_description:Get relevant web pages for a given query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user's search query string.\"}, {\"name\": \"autoCorrect\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"Automatically correct spelling.\"}, {\"name\": \"pageNumber\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The page to view.\"}, {\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of items per page. The maximum value is 50.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "323", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Linkedin Profiles, api_name:/extract, api_description:Extracts data from Linkedin URL (profile or company page)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"graph\\\": {\\\"@context\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@graph\\\": [{\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"author\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"articleBody\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}]}, \\\"extractor\\\": {\\\"education\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"degree\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"field\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"activities\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"startDate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"endDate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 6}], \\\"address\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addressLocality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addressCountry\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"alumniOf\\\": [{\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"startDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endDate\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"awards\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"image\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"contentUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"jobTitle\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sameAs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"memberOf\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"worksFor\\\": [{\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"startDate\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"knowsLanguage\\\": [{\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"s\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "324", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:CountryByIP, api_name:getCountryByIP, api_description:Get Country code by IP address. IPV4 & IPV6 both are supported., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "325", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:whatsapp data, api_name:Fetch profile picture, api_description:Gets the whatsapp number profile picture, you can select its resolution (`high` or `low`) and the response format: `png` file, `url` or `base64` encoded file., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "326", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Chunk API, api_name:getRandomQuote, api_description:Get a random quote., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "327", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Mzansi Loadshedding Api , api_name:town, api_description:Returns the schedule for the specific requested town, required_params: [{\"name\": \"town\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "328", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Risk Management Framework, api_name:Get Subcontrol By Control, api_description:This endpoint will return all the subcontrols/ccis owned by a control such as AC-1. In the case of AC-1, this endpoint will return AC-1.1, AC-1.2, etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"control\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"Id\": \"int\", \"SubControlNumber\": \"str\", \"ImplemGuid\": \"str\", \"AssessProc\": \"str\", \"RecomCompEvid\": \"str\", \"CCI_Id\": \"int\", \"Control_Id\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "329", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Risk Management Framework, api_name:Get All CCIs/APs, api_description:Returns all Control Correlation Identifiers (CCIs) AKA Assessment Procedures (APs)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"CCINumber\": \"str\", \"Definition\": \"str\", \"Contributor\": \"str\", \"Note\": \"str\", \"Parameter\": \"str\", \"PublishDate\": \"str\", \"Location\": \"str\", \"Title\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2922}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "330", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Risk Management Framework, api_name:Get All SubControls, api_description:Returns all the subcontrols of all main controls. \n\nEx/ AC-1 is a main control while AC-1.1 is a subcontrol., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"SubControlNumber\": \"str\", \"ImplemGuid\": \"str\", \"AssessProc\": \"str\", \"RecomCompEvid\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1893}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "331", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:PlantWise, api_name:plant, api_description:Get all information regarding a specific plant type, required_params: [{\"name\": \"plant_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "332", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Utils, api_name:Get fuel economy information, api_description:Get fuel economy information from the official U.S. government source., required_params: [{\"name\": \"model\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The vehicle model. Use /models endpoint to get supported models for the specified make.\"}, {\"name\": \"make\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The vehicle make. Use /makes endpoint to get supported makes.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"city_mpg\": \"int\", \"combined_mpg\": \"int\", \"cylinders\": \"int\", \"engine_displacement_liters\": \"float\", \"drive_axle_type\": \"str\", \"fuel_type\": \"str\", \"highway_mpg\": \"int\", \"make\": \"str\", \"model\": \"str\", \"transmission\": \"str\", \"vehicle_size_class\": \"str\", \"model_year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "333", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Utils, api_name:Estimate Market Value, api_description:Estimate market value of the car with specified VIN., required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"[Vehicle identification number](https://www.autocheck.com/vehiclehistory/vin-basics).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"vin\": \"str\", \"vehicle\": \"str\", \"mean\": \"float\", \"stdev\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\", \"mileage\": \"int\", \"certainty\": \"int\", \"period\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"prices\": {\"average\": \"float\", \"below\": \"float\", \"above\": \"float\", \"distribution\": [{\"group\": {\"min\": \"int\", \"max\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 10}]}, \"adjustments\": {\"mileage\": {\"average\": \"float\", \"input\": \"int\", \"adjustment\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "334", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Utils, api_name:Get vehicle makes, api_description:Get all supported vehicle makes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "335", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Tokenizer, api_name:tokenize, api_description:Tokenizes a value passed to the endpoint. The value must be 1KB or smaller and the follow characters are not allowed:\n- The forward slash (/) character\n- The backslash () character\n- The number sign (#) character\n- The question mark (?) character\n- Control characters from U+0000 to U+001F, including:\n - The horizontal tab (t) character\n - The linefeed (n) character\n - The carriage return (r) character\n- Control characters from U+007F to U+009F, required_params: [{\"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"token\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "336", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Rich NFT API + Metadata, api_name:Activities/Transfers, api_description:**Get collection activity**\n\n**Pagination example**:\n start=0&limit=20\n\n**Supported chain_id**: \neth, bsc, matic, avax, arb, op\n\n**order_by** \n-time_at\ntime_at\nusd_value\n-usd_value, required_params: [{\"name\": \"chain_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"collection_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_cache_seconds\": \"int\", \"_seconds\": \"float\", \"_use_cache\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"activities\": \"empty list\", \"total_count\": \"int\"}, \"error_code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "337", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:scout, api_name:get time, api_description:Gets the time, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "338", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:TheClique, api_name:Year-End Billboard 200 Albums, api_description:Get the Year-End Billboard 200 Albums chart.\nAvailable years **2002 - 2022**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"artist\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 200}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "339", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Addressr, api_name:/addresses, api_description:returns a list of addresses matching the search string\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"search string\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "340", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Wayback Machine, api_name:Captures, api_description:Captures, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Web URL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"status_code\": \"int\", \"collected_by\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 1729}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "341", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Wayback Machine, api_name:Search, api_description:Search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"isUrl\": \"bool\", \"hosts\": [{\"display_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "342", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:livestock, api_name:livestock, api_description:Livestock information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"image\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "343", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube Media Downloader, api_name:List Post Comments, api_description:This endpoint lists comments of a YouTube community post. Pagination scraping is supported., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"nextToken\": \"str\", \"countText\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"contentText\": \"str\", \"isPinned\": \"bool\", \"isHearted\": \"bool\", \"channel\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"isPostOwner\": \"bool\", \"isVerified\": \"bool\", \"isVerifiedArtist\": \"bool\", \"avatar\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}, \"publishedTimeText\": \"str\", \"voteCountText\": \"str\", \"replies\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"nextToken\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "344", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Generate LinkedIn Leads, api_name:Get Available Locations, api_description:Get Available Locations which could be used in /leads/leads/ endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "345", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Generate LinkedIn Leads, api_name:Get Available Job Titles, api_description:Get Available Job Titles which could be used in /leads/leads/ endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "346", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Data.Police.UK, api_name:Crime categories, api_description:Returns a list of valid categories for a given data set date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "347", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Data.Police.UK, api_name:Local Neighbourhood, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"force\": \"str\", \"neighbourhood\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "348", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Generate LinkedIn Leads, api_name:Get Available Companies, api_description:Get Available Companies which could be used in /leads/leads/ endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "349", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Data.Police.UK, api_name:Street level availability, api_description:Return a list of available data sets., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"stop-and-search\": [\"list of str with length 33\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "350", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Open Brewery DB, api_name:Breweries, api_description:List of Breweries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "351", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Open Brewery DB, api_name:Search, api_description:Search for a brewery, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"brewery_type\": \"str\", \"address_1\": \"str\", \"address_2\": \"NoneType\", \"address_3\": \"NoneType\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state_province\": \"str\", \"postal_code\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"website_url\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"street\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "352", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube Search, api_name:Channel Videos, api_description:Get the latest videos published by a Youtube channel, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"channel_id\": \"str\", \"continuation_token\": \"str\", \"number_of_videos\": \"int\", \"status\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"videos\": [{\"channel_id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"NoneType\", \"number_of_views\": \"str\", \"published_time\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"video_id\": \"str\", \"video_length\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "353", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:World Population, api_name:getPopulationByCountryCode, api_description:Get the population's data of a country by its country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 format). More information at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-3., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Rank\": \"int\", \"CCA3\": \"str\", \"Country\": \"str\", \"Capital\": \"str\", \"Continent\": \"str\", \"2022 Population\": \"int\", \"2020 Population\": \"int\", \"2015 Population\": \"int\", \"2010 Population\": \"int\", \"2000 Population\": \"int\", \"1990 Population\": \"int\", \"1980 Population\": \"int\", \"1970 Population\": \"int\", \"Area (km\\u00b2)\": \"int\", \"Density (per km\\u00b2)\": \"float\", \"Growth Rate\": \"float\", \"World Population Percentage\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "354", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:World Population, api_name:getCountriesByContinent, api_description:Obtain countries' data according to the continent., required_params: [{\"name\": \"continent\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Rank\": \"int\", \"CCA3\": \"str\", \"Country\": \"str\", \"Capital\": \"str\", \"Continent\": \"str\", \"2022 Population\": \"int\", \"2020 Population\": \"int\", \"2015 Population\": \"int\", \"2010 Population\": \"int\", \"2000 Population\": \"int\", \"1990 Population\": \"int\", \"1980 Population\": \"int\", \"1970 Population\": \"int\", \"Area (km\\u00b2)\": \"int\", \"Density (per km\\u00b2)\": \"float\", \"Growth Rate\": \"float\", \"World Population Percentage\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "355", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cigars, api_name:Get Cigar Average Ring Gauge, api_description:Get the average ring gauge of cigars, filter supported, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "356", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Person App, api_name:Gender from Name, api_description:Given someones name infer their gender, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"genderPercentage\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "357", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US Gun Laws, api_name:Get laws for all states, api_description:This endpoint will provide links to gun law documentation for all 50 states., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "358", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:OpenBlur, api_name:Retrieve Listing Events, api_description:Retrieve Blur Listing Events, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"marketplace\": \"str\", \"orderType\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"owner\": \"str\", \"contractAddress\": \"str\", \"tokenId\": \"str\", \"imageUrl\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"priceUnit\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\"}, \"order\": {\"trader\": \"str\", \"side\": \"int\", \"matchingPolicy\": \"str\", \"collection\": \"str\", \"tokenId\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"str\", \"paymentToken\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"listingTime\": \"str\", \"expirationTime\": \"str\", \"fees\": [\"list of list with length 1\"], \"salt\": \"str\", \"extraParams\": \"str\", \"v\": \"int\", \"r\": \"str\", \"s\": \"str\", \"extraSignature\": \"str\", \"signatureVersion\": \"int\", \"blockNumber\": \"str\", \"orderHash\": \"str\", \"nonce\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 20}], \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "359", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US Gun Laws, api_name:Get laws for one state, api_description:This endpoint provides links to gun law documentation for any particular state., required_params: [{\"name\": \"stateName\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "360", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:IYS Skill API , api_name:Functional Areas, api_description:Functional Areas, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_key\": \"str\", \"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"NoneType\", \"display_order\": \"int\", \"child_count\": \"NoneType\", \"rating_type\": \"int\", \"rating_legend\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "361", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:IYS Skill API , api_name:Skills Search, api_description:Skills Search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "362", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Get Supported Countries, api_description:Get supported countries. Use the country codes in your \"Search employees\" endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "363", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:IP and Location Spoofing Detection, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "364", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GS1-Code128 Generator, api_name:gs1code128, api_description:it gets data, company_prefix, lot and quantity and it generates a barcode. company_prefix and data is required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"company_prefix\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "365", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Lorem Ipsum Api, api_name:Word, api_description:Create lorem ipsum by defining the number of words, required_params: [{\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"text\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "366", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Company Data, api_name:Get Company by Domain, api_description:Given a company’s web domain, the API will return valuable data points in JSON format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"confident_score\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"company_id\": \"str\", \"company_name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"employee_count\": \"int\", \"employee_range\": \"str\", \"follower_count\": \"int\", \"hq_address_line1\": \"str\", \"hq_address_line2\": \"str\", \"hq_city\": \"str\", \"hq_country\": \"str\", \"hq_full_address\": \"str\", \"hq_postalcode\": \"str\", \"hq_region\": \"str\", \"industries\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"linkedin_url\": \"str\", \"locations\": [{\"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"full_address\": \"str\", \"is_headquarter\": \"bool\", \"line1\": \"str\", \"line2\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"zipcode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"logo_url\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"NoneType\", \"specialties\": \"str\", \"tagline\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"year_founded\": \"int\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "367", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Dogs by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/dogs, api_description:Get a list of dog breeds matching specified parameters. Returns at most 20 results. To access more than 20 results, use the offset parameter to offset results in multiple API calls., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"image_link\": \"str\", \"good_with_children\": \"int\", \"good_with_other_dogs\": \"int\", \"shedding\": \"int\", \"grooming\": \"int\", \"drooling\": \"int\", \"coat_length\": \"int\", \"good_with_strangers\": \"int\", \"playfulness\": \"int\", \"protectiveness\": \"int\", \"trainability\": \"int\", \"energy\": \"int\", \"barking\": \"int\", \"min_life_expectancy\": \"float\", \"max_life_expectancy\": \"float\", \"max_height_male\": \"float\", \"max_height_female\": \"float\", \"max_weight_male\": \"float\", \"max_weight_female\": \"float\", \"min_height_male\": \"float\", \"min_height_female\": \"float\", \"min_weight_male\": \"float\", \"min_weight_female\": \"float\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "368", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Lorem Ipsum Api, api_name:Paragraph, api_description:create lorem ipsum by defining the number of paragraph, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"text\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "369", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Company Data, api_name:Get Company Data by LinkedIn URL, api_description:Given a company’s LinkedIn URL, the API will return valuable data points in JSON format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"linkedin_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"company_id\": \"str\", \"company_name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"employee_count\": \"int\", \"employee_range\": \"str\", \"follower_count\": \"int\", \"hq_address_line1\": \"str\", \"hq_address_line2\": \"str\", \"hq_city\": \"str\", \"hq_country\": \"str\", \"hq_full_address\": \"str\", \"hq_postalcode\": \"str\", \"hq_region\": \"str\", \"industries\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], 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\"slug\": \"str\", \"addresses\": [{\"address\": \"str\", \"standard\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"name\": \"str\", \"imageUrl\": \"str\", \"isVerified\": \"bool\", \"stats\": {\"one_day_volume\": \"float\", \"one_day_change\": \"float\", \"one_day_sales\": \"int\", \"one_day_difference\": \"float\", \"total_supply\": \"int\", \"num_owners\": \"int\", \"floor_price\": \"float\", \"rolling_one_day_change\": \"float\", \"rolling_one_day_sales\": \"int\", \"rolling_one_day_volume\": \"float\", \"items_listed\": \"int\", \"one_day_sales_change\": \"float\", \"rolling_one_day_sales_change\": \"float\", \"top_offer_price\": \"float\"}, \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"createdDate\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "372", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Top NFT Collections, api_name:Get Top NFT Collections, api_description:Get the NFT collections ordered by volume or sales., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"count\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"collections\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"categories\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"floorPrice\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"floorPriceUsd\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"floorPriceToken\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"popular\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"logo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"website\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketCap\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"marketCapUsd\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"owners\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"assets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dataSource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"oneDay\\\": {\\\"volume\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volumeChangePercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"sales\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"salesChangePercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"averagePrice\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"averagePriceChangePercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"sevenDay\\\": {\\\"volume\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volumeChangePercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"sales\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"salesChangePercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"averagePrice\\\": \\\"float\\\", 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{}} {"_id": "374", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Countries, api_description:Find countries, filtering by optional criteria. If no criteria are set, you will get back all known countries., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"currencyCodes\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"name\": \"str\", \"wikiDataId\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"links\": [{\"rel\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"metadata\": {\"currentOffset\": \"int\", \"totalCount\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "375", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Country Region Divisions, api_description:Get the administrative divisions in the given region., required_params: [{\"name\": \"regioncode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An ISO-3166 or FIPS region code\"}, {\"name\": \"countryid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An ISO-3166 country code or WikiData id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "376", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Get Population, api_name:Get Country Population, api_description:Get country population., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"readable_format\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "377", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:10000+ Anime Quotes With Pagination Support, api_name:Popular Quotes by pagination, api_description:Get anime quotes popular among fans:\nRequired GET parameter\n**page**: 1\nOn the above **page**, 1 means it will fetch the latest 10 quotes if the page value is 2 then It will bring the next 10 latest quotes\npage 1: 0-10 \npage 2: 10-20 ......\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**quote** \nContain quote text\n\n**animename** \nJapanese anime name, quotes related to.\n\n**character** ( Depend on subscription )\nCharacter name who spoke that quote.\n\n**is_popular** ( Depend on subscription )\ntells whether a quote is popular among fans.\nResponse will be either 1 or 0 ( 1 represent yes, 0 represent no )\n\n**quote_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique quote id which can be later used to get more information.\n\n**image** (Depend on subscription)\nCharacter Image URL will be provided which is related to the quote.\n\n**Note: if no quote found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "378", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Date and Time, api_name:getDateTimeByCoOrdinates, api_description:Get Date and time for a pair of given co-ordinates., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "379", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:10000+ Anime Quotes With Pagination Support, api_name:Recent Quotes by pagination, api_description:Get recent anime quotes without any categorization:\nRequired GET parameter\n**page**: 1\nOn the above **page**, 1 means it will fetch the latest 10 quotes if the page value is 2 then It will bring the next 10 latest quotes\npage 1: 0-10 \npage 2: 10-20 ......\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**quote** \nContain quote text\n\n**animename** \nJapanese anime name, quotes related to.\n\n**character** ( Depend on subscription )\nCharacter name who spoke that quote.\n\n**is_popular** ( Depend on subscription )\ntells whether a quote is popular among fans.\nResponse will be either 1 or 0 ( 1 represent yes, 0 represent no )\n\n**quote_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique quote id which can be later used to get more information.\n\n**image** (Depend on subscription)\nCharacter Image URL will be provided which is related to the quote.\n\n**Note: if no quote found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "380", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Data.Police.UK, api_name:Outcomes for a specific crime, api_description:Returns the outcomes (case history) for the specified crime. Crime ID is 64-character identifier, as returned by other API methods., required_params: [{\"name\": \"persistent_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "381", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:10000+ Anime Quotes With Pagination Support, api_name:Search quote by character name, api_description:Get anime quotes based on character search:\nRequired GET parameter\n**page**: 1\n**search**: Lelouch\n\nOn the above **page**, 1 means it will fetch the latest 10 quotes if the page value is 2 then It will bring the next 10 latest quotes\npage 1: 0-10 \npage 2: 10-20 ......\n\nOn the above **search** means it will try to fetch all quotes spoken by that character\n**Note:** Search param should contain atleast 3 characters.\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**quote** \nContain quote text\n\n**animename** \nJapanese anime name, quotes related to.\n\n**character** ( Depend on subscription )\nCharacter name who spoke that quote.\n\n**is_popular** ( Depend on subscription )\ntells whether a quote is popular among fans.\nResponse will be either 1 or 0 ( 1 represent yes, 0 represent no )\n\n**quote_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique quote id which can be later used to get more information.\n\n**image** (Depend on subscription)\nCharacter Image URL will be provided which is related to the quote.\n\n**Note: if no quote found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "382", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:10000+ Anime Quotes With Pagination Support, api_name:Quote of the Day, api_description:Get quote of the day.\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**quote** \nContain quote text\n\n**animename** \nJapanese anime name, quotes related to.\n\n**character** ( Depend on subscription )\nCharacter name who spoke that quote.\n\n**is_popular** ( Depend on subscription )\ntells whether a quote is popular among fans.\nResponse will be either 1 or 0 ( 1 represent yes, 0 represent no )\n\n**quote_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique quote id which can be later used to get more information.\n\n**image** (Depend on subscription)\nCharacter Image URL will be provided which is related to the quote.\n\n**Note: if no quote found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "383", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Data.Police.UK, api_name:Crimes at location, api_description:Returns just the crimes which occurred at the specified location, rather than those within a radius. If given latitude and longitude, finds the nearest pre-defined location and returns the crimes which occurred there., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "384", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Location and Time, api_name:Search Country by Name, api_description:Get details of the country specified by name, fuzzy search is supported. Up to 10 records for countries with similar name may be returned. Information includes country name, capital, area, population, languages, neighbors, phone code, postal code, and more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the country.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "385", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, api_name:GetByCords, api_description:Uses Latitude & Longitude to get near by electric charging stations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Radius in miles\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"access_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"access_days_time\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"access_detail_code\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cards_accepted\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"date_last_confirmed\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expected_date\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"fuel_type_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"groups_with_access_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"open_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"owner_type_code\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"status_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"restricted_access\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"station_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"station_phone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"facility_type\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"geocode_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"intersection_directions\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"plus4\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"street_address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bd_blends\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cng_dispenser_num\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cng_fill_type_code\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cng_psi\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cng_renewable_source\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cng_total_compression\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cng_total_storage\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cng_vehicle_class\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"e85_blender_pump\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"e85_other_ethanol_blends\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ev_con\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "386", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Location and Time, api_name:Get Time at Other City, api_description:Find out time at `to_city` given `from_time` and `from_city`. Daylight saving time are taken care of. **Note**: the fuzzy search of provided city may not be the one you want due to multiple cities may have the same name, the most common one will be used. In this case, use a geocoding service to find the exact geolocation of the city, use `/timeat/bylocation` endpoint instead., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from_city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the city.\"}, {\"name\": \"to_city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the city.\"}, {\"name\": \"from_time\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date and time, fuzzy search is supported.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "387", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Word Generator, api_name:Generate a random word, api_description:Scour through thousands of words from the RandomWordGenerator.com database, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "388", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Kick.com API | Kick API, api_name:Get Channel Links, api_description:Get Channel Links, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "389", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Kick.com API | Kick API, api_name:Get Channel Polls, api_description:Get Channel Polls, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "390", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Kick.com API | Kick API, api_name:Get Chat Messages, api_description:Returns chat messages from livestream ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"livestream_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "391", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Quotes_v2, api_name:Quote of The Day, api_description:Returns Quote of the Day, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "392", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:EV Charge Finder, api_name:Search by Location, api_description:Search for EV charging stations near a specific location specified as a free-form location query (e.g. *San Francisco, CA, USA*)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"near\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Free-form location query to search near by (e.g. *San Francisco, CA, USA*).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"connectors\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"kw\": \"int\", \"speed\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"formatted_address\": \"str\", \"address_components\": {\"district\": \"str\", \"street_address\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"zipcode\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}, \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"place_link\": \"str\", \"phone_number\": \"str\", \"opening_hours\": {\"Friday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Saturday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Sunday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Monday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Tuesday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Wednesday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Thursday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}, \"rating\": \"int\", \"review_count\": \"int\", \"website\": \"str\", \"photo\": \"str\", \"google_place_id\": \"str\", \"google_cid\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "393", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:App Store, api_name:Similar Apps By ID, api_description:Get a list of apps similar to the provided app, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"appId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"developer\": \"str\", \"developerId\": \"int\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"score\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "394", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:App Store, api_name:Top free Ipad apps, api_description:Get list of the top free Ipad apps, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "395", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:ScrapeNinja, api_name:/scrape (legacy), api_description:Scrape via GET method. Not recommended for production, you'd better use POST requests., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": {\"version\": \"str\", \"statusCode\": \"int\", \"statusMessage\": \"str\", \"headers\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"content-type\": \"str\", \"last-modified\": \"str\", \"vary\": \"str\", \"cf-cache-status\": \"str\", \"report-to\": \"str\", \"nel\": \"str\", \"server\": \"str\", \"cf-ray\": \"str\", \"content-encoding\": \"str\", \"alt-svc\": \"str\"}}, \"body\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "396", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Diffbot, api_name:Product API, api_description:The Product API retrieves full product data from any e-commerce shopping page., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"URL of the page to process.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errorCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "397", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Diffbot, api_name:Frontpage, api_description:The Frontpage API takes in a multifaceted “homepage” and returns individual page elements., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Frontpage URL from which to extract items\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errorCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "398", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Diffbot, api_name:Article API, api_description:The Article API is used to extract clean article text from news articles, blog posts, and other text-heavy web pages., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"URL to extract article from (URLEncoded)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errorCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "399", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:OpenBlur, api_name:Retrieve Listings, api_description:Retrieve Top 100 Blur Listings, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"isSuspicious\": \"bool\", \"owner\": \"str\", \"contractAddress\": \"str\", \"tokenId\": \"str\", \"imageUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"price\": \"str\", \"priceUnit\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "400", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Consulta CNPJ Tempo Real, api_name:Consulta Estabelecimento, api_description:Consulta CNPJ unificada a Receita Federal, Simples Nacional e Cadastro de Contribuintes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"CNPJ\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"updated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"taxId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alias\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"founded\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"head\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"statusDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"mainActivity\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"company\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"equity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"nature\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"size\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"acronym\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"simples\\\": {\\\"optant\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"since\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"simei\\\": {\\\"optant\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"since\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"members\\\": [{\\\"since\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"role\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"person\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"taxId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"age\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]}, \\\"address\\\": {\\\"municipality\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"street\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"details\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"district\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"phones\\\": [{\\\"area\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"emails\\\": [{\\\"address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"domain\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"sideActivities\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"s\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "401", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Consulta CNPJ Tempo Real, api_name:Consulta Empresa, api_description:Consulta Empresa, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"8 primeiros d\\u00edgitos do CNPJ\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"updated\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"equity\": \"int\", \"nature\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"size\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"acronym\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"simples\": {\"optant\": \"bool\", \"since\": \"str\"}, \"simei\": {\"optant\": \"bool\", \"since\": \"NoneType\"}, \"members\": [{\"since\": \"str\", \"role\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"person\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"taxId\": \"str\", \"age\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}], \"offices\": [{\"taxId\": \"str\", \"alias\": \"str\", \"founded\": \"str\", \"head\": \"bool\", \"statusDate\": \"str\", \"status\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"mainActivity\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "402", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Yelp Reviews, api_name:Business Search, api_description:Search for Yelp businesses by query / keyword and location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search location (e.g. *New York, NY, USA*).\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query / keyword.\\n\\n**Examples:**\\n- *Alansi\\u2019s Plumbing*\\n- *Chinese restaurants*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "403", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Yelp Reviews, api_name:Business Reviews, api_description:Fetch a single or multiple business review pages from Yelp (each page includes up to 10 reviews)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"business_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Yelp business id or alias to fetch reviews for.\\n\\n**Examples**\\n- *WHJ2spR-_1P_tbiOqOibjg*\\n- *pearls-deluxe-burgers-san-francisco-3*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "404", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Word Generator, api_name:Generate a random sentence, api_description:Generate a random sentence, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sentence\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "405", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Semantic Quotes, api_name:Random Quote, api_description:Get random quotes by length and/or tags. **NOTE:** up to 10 results can be returned, they may have similar meanings. If you want want absolute random, just pick the first result (or set `limit` to 1) and call this API again to get another quote., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": [{\"author\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"quote\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "406", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Semantic Quotes, api_name:Search Quotes, api_description:Search quotes which have similar meaning/intent to the query sentences/words. We allow user to flexibly filter the results by the length of the quote, and by a large variety of tags. The results are returned in order of similarity., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search term.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": [{\"author\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"quote\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "407", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Holy Bible, api_name:GetBooks, api_description:Get List Of All Books., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"The_Old_Testament\": \"str\", \"The_New_Testament\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "408", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Food Price Inflation, api_name:Get all Food typen, api_description:Get all the food typen from our Data., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"Changes in Consumer Price Indexes for food, 2019 through 2022\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "409", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:URL Shortener - We store your links forever!, api_name:GET request, api_description:Enter your password to get click-through statistics for your link.\nShows long URL and visitor statistics., required_params: [{\"name\": \"shortUrl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "410", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:fake users, api_name:get user by gender, api_description:get user by gender, required_params: [{\"name\": \"gender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"gender\": \"str\", \"name\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"first\": \"str\", \"last\": \"str\"}, \"location\": {\"street\": {\"number\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"int\", \"coordinates\": {\"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}, \"timezone\": {\"offset\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}}, \"email\": \"str\", \"login\": {\"uuid\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"salt\": \"str\", \"md5\": \"str\", \"sha1\": \"str\", \"sha256\": \"str\"}, \"dob\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"age\": \"int\"}, \"registered\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"age\": \"int\"}, \"phone\": \"str\", \"cell\": \"str\", \"id\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}, \"picture\": {\"large\": \"str\", \"medium\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\"}, \"nat\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"info\": {\"seed\": \"str\", \"results\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"version\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "411", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:fake users, api_name:user, api_description:get one user, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"gender\": \"str\", \"name\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"first\": \"str\", \"last\": \"str\"}, \"location\": {\"street\": {\"number\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"int\", \"coordinates\": {\"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}, \"timezone\": {\"offset\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}}, \"email\": \"str\", \"login\": {\"uuid\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"salt\": \"str\", \"md5\": \"str\", \"sha1\": \"str\", \"sha256\": \"str\"}, \"dob\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"age\": \"int\"}, \"registered\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"age\": \"int\"}, \"phone\": \"str\", \"cell\": \"str\", \"id\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"NoneType\"}, \"picture\": {\"large\": \"str\", \"medium\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\"}, \"nat\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"info\": {\"seed\": \"str\", \"results\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"version\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "412", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Open Proxies, api_name:Open Proxies, api_description:Get a list of 200-400 working open proxies, updated every 15 minutes. Because they can go up & down, these IPs may not be functional when you retrieve them. For higher reliability, consider a [paid proxy service](https://proxymesh.com/)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "413", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:KVStore, api_name:Get Collection info, api_description:Get information about the Collection, required_params: [{\"name\": \"collection\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "414", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:KVStore, api_name:Collection List, api_description:Get the list of all collections, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "415", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Open Proxies, api_name:Hourly Open Proxies, api_description:Get a list of 200-400 working open proxies, updated every hour. Because they can go up & down, these IPs may not be functional when you retrieve them. For higher reliability, try the **Open Proxies** endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "416", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Captcha_v2, api_name:Calculation captcha, api_description:- Provide info captcha for website to prevent auto request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "417", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Captcha_v2, api_name:String captcha, api_description:captcha code is string format.\n\n- params: length is number (from 1 to 8, default is 6), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "418", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Captcha_v2, api_name:getErrors, api_description:This endpoint is used to get a list of available error codes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "419", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Flowers, api_name:List, api_description:List all flowers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"list\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"scientificName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "420", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Flowers, api_name:Show image, api_description:Show image of the flower, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "421", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Country Details, api_description:Get the details for a specific country, including number of regions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An ISO-3166 country code or WikiData id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "422", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Country Region Details, api_description:Get the details of a specific country region, including number of cities., required_params: [{\"name\": \"regioncode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An ISO-3166 or FIPS region code\"}, {\"name\": \"countryid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An ISO-3166 country code or WikiData id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "423", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Flowers, api_name:Get by id, api_description:Get all info about the flower, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"scientificName\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "424", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:Tweet User Retweets, api_description:This endpoint returns a list of user who retweeted the tweet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tweet_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "425", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:Tweet Replies, api_description:This endpoint returns a list of reply tweets, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tweet_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "426", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:User Details, api_description:This endpoint returns the public information about a Twitter profile, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "427", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Company Data, api_name:Get Company Jobs Count, api_description:Get number of opening jobs the company posted on LinkedIn. 1 request = 1 credit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"company_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"jobs_count\": \"int\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "428", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Keyword Research for Youtube, api_name:Keyword Research, api_description:Get exact and related keywords information including monthly search , SEO difficulty and competition score, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exact_keyword\": [{\"keyword\": \"str\", \"monthlysearch\": \"int\", \"competition_score\": \"int\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"overallscore\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"related_keywords\": [{\"keyword\": \"str\", \"monthlysearch\": \"int\", \"competition_score\": \"int\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"overallscore\": \"int\", \"last_update\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 311}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "429", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Personator, api_name:Personator Endpoint, api_description:Access to Personator Web Service, required_params: [{\"name\": \"act\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Actions (Check, Verify, Append, Move)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Records\\\": [{\\\"AddressDeliveryInstallation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressExtras\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressHouseNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressKey\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressLine1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressLine2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressLockBox\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressPostDirection\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressPreDirection\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressPrivateMailboxName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressPrivateMailboxRange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressRouteService\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressStreetName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressStreetSuffix\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressSuiteName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressSuiteNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressTypeCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CBSACode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CBSADivisionCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CBSADivisionLevel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CBSADivisionTitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CBSALevel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CBSATitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CarrierRoute\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CensusBlock\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CensusKey\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CensusTract\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ChildrenAgeRange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"City\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CityAbbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CompanyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CongressionalDistrict\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CountryCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CountryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CountyFIPS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CountyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CountySubdivisionCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CountySubdivisionName\\\": \\\"str\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "430", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Website Contacts Scraper, api_name:Scrape Contacts from Website, api_description:Extract emails, phone numbers and social profiles from website root domain domain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Domain from which to scrape emails and contacts (e.g. wsgr.com). Accepts any valid url and uses its root domain as a starting point for the extraction.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"domain\": \"str\", \"query\": \"str\", \"emails\": [{\"value\": \"str\", \"sources\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"_list_length\": 78}], \"phone_numbers\": [{\"value\": \"str\", \"sources\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 58}], \"facebook\": \"str\", \"instagram\": \"str\", \"tiktok\": \"str\", \"snapchat\": \"NoneType\", \"twitter\": \"str\", \"linkedin\": \"NoneType\", \"github\": \"NoneType\", \"youtube\": \"str\", \"pinterest\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "431", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:House Plants, api_name:GetAll, api_description:Returns all plant data within an array. Information for each plant returned contains (but not limited to) the list below\n\n- Latin name \n- Img \n- Id\n- Family \n- Other names \n- Common name \n- Common name (fr.) \n- Description \n- Categories \n- Origin \n- Climat \n- Temperature max\n- Temperature min\n- Zone \n- Growth \n- Light ideal \n- Light tolered \n- Watering \n- Insects \n- Disease \n- Appeal \n- Color of leaf \n- Color of blooms \n- Blooming season \n- Perfume \n- Avaibility \n- Pot diameter\n- Height at purchase\n- Width at purchase\n- Height potential\n- Width potential\n- Available sizes\n- Bearing \n- Clump\n- Pruning \n- Style \n- Use, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "432", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Domain name search, api_name:Domain name search, api_description:Search 600m+ root domains (domain names) by partial match, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip_assigned\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"pagenum\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"numFound\": \"int\", \"start\": \"int\", \"numFoundExact\": \"bool\", \"docs\": [{\"domain\": \"str\", \"tld\": \"str\", \"ip\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "433", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Location and Time, api_name:Get Time Diff by City, api_description:Find out time difference from `from_time` to `to_time` for specified cities. Daylight saving time are taken care of. **Note**: the fuzzy search of provided city may not be the one you want due to multiple cities may have the same name, the most common one will be used. In this case, use a geocoding service to find the exact geolocation of the city, use `/timediff/bylocation` endpoint instead., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from_city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the city.\"}, {\"name\": \"to_city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the city.\"}, {\"name\": \"to_time\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Time, fuzzy search is supported.\"}, {\"name\": \"from_time\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Time, fuzzy search is supported.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "434", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:VIN Decoder API - Europe, api_name:VIN Decoder, api_description:Provide any VIN number for any vehicle manufactured in Europe. \n\nReceive the Car model, maker, year, engine and other relevant information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"VIN Number to lookup.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"VIN\": \"str\", \"Manufacturer\": \"str\", \"Adress line 1\": \"str\", \"Adress line 2\": \"str\", \"Region\": \"str\", \"Country\": \"str\", \"Note\": \"str\", \"Entered VIN\": \"str\", \"Corrected VIN\": \"str\", \"Squish VIN\": \"str\", \"WMI\": \"str\", \"VIS identifier\": \"str\", \"VDS\": \"str\", \"Year identifier\": \"str\", \"Serial number\": \"str\", \"VIN type\": \"str\", \"Check digit\": \"str\", \"Make\": \"str\", \"Model\": \"str\", \"Model year\": \"str\", \"Body style\": \"str\", \"Engine type\": \"str\", \"Fuel type\": \"str\", \"Transmission\": \"str\", \"Vehicle class\": \"str\", \"Vehicle type\": \"str\", \"Manufactured in\": \"str\", \"Body type\": \"str\", \"Number of doors\": \"str\", \"Number of seats\": \"str\", \"Displacement SI\": \"str\", \"Displacement CID\": \"str\", \"Displacement Nominal\": \"str\", \"Engine HorsePower\": \"str\", \"Engine KiloWatts\": \"str\", \"Manual gearbox\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "435", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Location and Time, api_name:Search City by Name, api_description:Get details of the city specified by name, fuzzy search is supported. Up to 10 records for cities with similar name may be returned. Information includes city name, alternative names, geolocation (latitude/longitude), population, timezone, map url, and more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the city.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "436", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:OG Link preview, api_name:Scrape Open graph details, api_description:Scrape website with Open Graph protocol to get metadata from a website such as a title, description, images, favicon and raw data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "437", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Most expensive NFT artworks, api_name:Monthly volume by gallery, api_description:Get list of monthly volume by gallery, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"async\": \"NoneType\", \"foundation\": \"NoneType\", \"knownorigin\": \"NoneType\", \"makersplace\": \"NoneType\", \"month\": \"str\", \"superrare\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "438", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:FastYTAPI, api_name:Channel, api_description:Returns channel-related information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"channelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"24-characters-long channel id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"tags\": [\"list of str with length 7\"], \"monetized\": \"bool\", \"isFamilySafe\": \"bool\", \"tabs\": [\"list of str with length 8\"], \"subs\": \"int\", \"thumbnailsTvBanner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"thumbnailsMobileBanner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"thumbnailsAvatar\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"videos\": \"int\", \"thumbnailsBanner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"badges\": \"empty list\", \"views\": \"int\", \"hasBusinessEmail\": \"bool\", \"handle\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"links\": {}, \"ts\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "439", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:FastYTAPI, api_name:Search channel, api_description:Returns list of channel when searching YouTube for the provided query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"thumbnails\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"channelId\": \"str\", \"handle\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "440", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Website Analyze and SEO Audit (PRO), api_name:Domain Data, api_description:Website Domain informations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"website\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"age\": {\"domainAge\": \"str\", \"createdDate\": \"str\", \"updatedDate\": \"str\", \"expiredDate\": \"str\"}, \"whois\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "441", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Real-Time News Data, api_name:Language List, api_description:Get valid languages for a country code, to be used with all other APIs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country code of the country to get languages for. See [all available country codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"lang\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "442", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Chunk API, api_name:getRandomDate, api_description:Get random date., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "443", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoAPI, api_name:Get Cities in a Country, api_description:Get cities in a country based on population., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_iso2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "444", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:BlockIt, api_name:BlockIt, api_description:BlockIt is detect IP Address a Proxy, Tor, Hosting, Cloud, Bogon and etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"ipAddress\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"isp\": \"str\", \"org\": \"str\", \"hostname\": \"str\", \"blocked\": \"str\", \"tools\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "445", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure Smartable, api_name:GetFutureEventsByTopic, api_description:Get future Azure events by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "446", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Risk Management Framework, api_name:Get All Controls, api_description:Returns a complete list of all Risk Management Framework (RMF) controls., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"ControlNumber\": \"str\", \"Title\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"SuppGuid\": \"str\", \"Family\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1063}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "447", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Risk Management Framework, api_name:Get CCI by Number, api_description:This endpoint will return a single CCI and it's definition based on the 6-digit CCI identification number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cci\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"CCINumber\": \"str\", \"Definition\": \"str\", \"Contributor\": \"str\", \"Note\": \"str\", \"Parameter\": \"str\", \"PublishDate\": \"str\", \"Location\": \"str\", \"Title\": \"str\", \"Version\": \"str\", \"Status\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "448", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Todo Lsit, api_name:get todo list detail infomation, api_description:get my todo list detail infomation,include title,content,due, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "449", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Todo Lsit, api_name:get my todo list, api_description:get all my todo list title, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "450", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Realtor, api_name:Search properties for rent, api_description:Search properties for rent by location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "451", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Realtor, api_name:Search agents, api_description:Search agents by city/zip, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"agents\\\": [{\\\"address\\\": {\\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postal_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state_code\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"advertiser_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"agent_rating\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"agent_team_details\\\": {\\\"is_team_member\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"agent_type\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"areas_of_business\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"background_photo\\\": {\\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"broker\\\": {\\\"accent_color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"designations\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"fulfillment_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"photo\\\": {\\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"video\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"data_flags\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"designations\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"feed_licenses\\\": [{\\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"license_number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"first_month\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"first_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"first_year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"for_sale_price\\\": {\\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"last_listing_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"min\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"full_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"has_photo\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_realtor\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"lang\\\": {\\\"srp_content\\\": {\\\"Recommendations\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"active_ag\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "452", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:BuiltWith Domain, api_name:v19 JSON, api_description:Get technology usage for a domain, required_params: [{\"name\": \"LOOKUP\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The domain you want to lookup.\\n\\n**Multi-Lookup Option**\\nWhen doing RAW domain lookups, you can parse up to 16 domains at once as a CSV. For example cnn.com,about.com,builtwith.com - this dramatically improves throughput.\"}, {\"name\": \"KEY\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is your key, use this for lookups. Get this key from https://api.builtwith.com\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Results\": \"empty list\", \"Errors\": [{\"Lookup\": \"NoneType\", \"Message\": \"str\", \"Code\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "453", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:User's Following, api_description:This endpoint returns the list of following, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "454", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Weather, api_name:120 Hour Forecast, api_description:Returns a forecast for up to 120 hours in the future (default 48 hours), required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "455", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:Search, api_description:This endpoint return search results, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "456", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Data_v2, api_name:Cars, api_description:Retrieve and filter lists of cars, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "457", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Lotto Draw Results - Global, api_name:Game List, api_description:Games available by country., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ar\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 7\\\"], \\\"at\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"au\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 6\\\"], \\\"az\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"be\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 7\\\"], \\\"br\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 8\\\"], \\\"by\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"ca\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 7\\\"], \\\"cl\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"cn\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"co\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"cr\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"cy\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"cz\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 6\\\"], \\\"de\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 7\\\"], \\\"dk\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"ec\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"es\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"fi\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"fr\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"gr\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"gy\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 7\\\"], \\\"hr\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"hu\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"ie\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"il\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"in\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "458", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Lotto Draw Results - Global, api_name:Get Draw Result, api_description:Get draw result by given region, game and draw date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"game\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Use **Game List** method to get available games by country in json format.\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Use **Region List** method to get available country list in json format.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"resultDate\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"drawTime\": \"int\", \"gameName\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"gameId\": \"str\", \"drawNumber\": \"int\", \"drawPeriod\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"secondary\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"primary\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"prizeTierId\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "459", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:jobtitle, api_name:/status/, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"corrected_since_start\": \"int\", \"fails_since_start\": \"int\", \"models\": {\"job_titles\": {\"entries_for_validation\": \"str\", \"precision\": \"str\", \"recall\": \"str\", \"total_entries\": \"int\", \"used_entries\": \"int\"}, \"roles\": {\"entries_for_validation\": \"str\", \"precision\": \"str\", \"recall\": \"str\", \"total_entries\": \"int\", \"used_entries\": \"int\"}}, \"success_since_start\": \"int\", \"total_corrected\": \"int\", \"total_fails\": \"int\", \"total_success\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "460", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Web Search Autocomplete, api_name:Autocomplete, api_description:Get query suggestions from Google Search, including Knowledge Graph information when available., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Autocomplete / typeahead search query.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "461", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Matrimony Profiles, api_name:Get Profiles, api_description:Get 200 profiles, required_params: [{\"name\": \"method\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"member_id\": \"str\", \"member_name\": \"str\", \"member_dob\": \"str\", \"member_height\": \"str\", \"member_education\": \"str\", \"member_occupation\": \"str\", \"member_religion\": \"str\", \"member_caste\": \"str\", \"member_subcaste\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"state_name\": \"str\", \"city_name\": \"str\", \"member_profile_photo\": \"str\", \"member_shortlist_status\": \"str\", \"member_chat_status\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"total_members\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "462", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Matrimony Profiles, api_name:Get Religions, api_description:Get All Religions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"method\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"religion\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "463", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Trulia Real Estate Scraper, api_name:Search for SALE, api_description:To download data from SALE, you must first generate a Token with Get search token and set search_type=ForSale. Then you need to use this generated token by setting the search_token value in this endpoint. Or just use one of our developer libraries. Everything is already implemented there., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"search_token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Call **Get search token** endpoint to generate the token and put it here.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "464", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Trulia Real Estate Scraper, api_name:Get listing by url, api_description:Returns homes from the listing. Just go to https://www.trulia.com/ select the listing you are interested in e.g. https://www.trulia.com/AZ/Scottsdale/ and pass that url into query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"description\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"homes\": [{\"date_listed\": \"str\", \"broker_name\": \"str\", \"agent_name\": \"str\", \"lot_size\": \"float\", \"lot_size_formatted\": \"str\", \"bathrooms\": \"NoneType\", \"bathrooms_formatted\": \"NoneType\", \"bedrooms\": \"NoneType\", \"bedrooms_formatted\": \"NoneType\", \"property_type\": \"str\", \"status\": {\"is_active_for_rent\": \"bool\", \"is_active_for_sale\": \"bool\", \"is_foreclosure\": \"bool\", \"is_off_market\": \"bool\", \"is_recently_rented\": \"bool\", \"is_recently_sold\": \"bool\"}, \"price\": {\"formatted_price\": \"str\", \"currency_code\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\"}, \"floor_space_formatted\": \"NoneType\", \"floor_space\": \"NoneType\", \"photos\": [\"list of str with length 18\"], \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"location\": {\"state_code\": \"str\", \"full_location\": \"str\", \"zip_code\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}, \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 40}], \"paging\": {\"current_page\": \"int\", \"page_count\": \"int\", \"next_page_url\": \"NoneType\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "465", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Global Address, api_name:Global Address, api_description:Validate, Standardize and Cleanse Addresses across the globe, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ctry\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country Code / Country Name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TransmissionReference\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TransmissionResults\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TotalRecords\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Records\\\": [{\\\"RecordID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Results\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FormattedAddress\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Organization\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressLine1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressLine2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressLine3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressLine4\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressLine5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressLine6\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressLine7\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressLine8\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SubPremises\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DoubleDependentLocality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DependentLocality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Locality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SubAdministrativeArea\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AdministrativeArea\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PostalCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PostalCodeType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressKey\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SubNationalArea\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CountryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CountryISO3166_1_Alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CountryISO3166_1_Alpha3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CountryISO3166_1_Numeric\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CountrySubdivisionCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Thoroughfare\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ThoroughfarePreDirection\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ThoroughfareLeadingType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ThoroughfareName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ThoroughfareTrailingType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ThoroughfarePostDire\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "466", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:10000+ Anime Quotes With Pagination Support, api_name:Search quote by anime name, api_description:Get anime quotes based on anime search\n\nRequired GET parameter\n**page**: 1\n**search**: Naruto\nOn the above **page**, 1 means it will fetch the latest 10 quotes if the page value is 2 then It will bring the next 10 latest quotes\npage 1: 0-10 \npage 2: 10-20 ......\n\nOn the above **search** means it will try to fetch all quotes related to that anime\n**Note:** Search param should contain atleast 3 characters\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**quote** \nContain quote text\n\n**animename** \nJapanese anime name, quotes related to.\n\n**character** ( Depend on subscription )\nCharacter name who spoke that quote.\n\n**is_popular** ( Depend on subscription )\ntells whether a quote is popular among fans.\nResponse will be either 1 or 0 ( 1 represent yes, 0 represent no )\n\n**quote_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique quote id which can be later used to get more information.\n\n**image** (Depend on subscription)\nCharacter Image URL will be provided which is related to the quote.\n\n**Note: if no quote found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "467", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:German Cities, api_name:city_name, api_description:Gibt Informationen zu der angegebenen Stadt zurück. Bei Mehrdeutigkeit werden maximal drei Ergebnisse zurückgegeben. Zurückgegebene Werte sind: Einwohnerzahl, Durchschnittsalter, umliegende Orte., required_params: [{\"name\": \"city-name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "468", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Chain49, api_name:Get Balance History V2, api_description:Returns a balance history for the specified XPUB or address\n\nThe value of sentToSelf is the amount sent from the same address to the same address or within addresses of xpub., required_params: [{\"name\": \"addressOrXpub\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address or XPUB\"}, {\"name\": \"blockchain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Blockchain name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "469", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Chain49, api_name:Send transaction (in URL) V2, api_description:Sends new transaction to backend\n\nIt is recommended to use POST for sending transactions as there is a limit on how much data can be sent in the URL itself., required_params: [{\"name\": \"hex\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Transaction hex data\"}, {\"name\": \"blockchain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Blockchain name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "470", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:JoJ Web Search, api_name:Search, api_description:Web Search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query. You can use Google Search parameters.\\n\\ne.g. `adele site:youtube.com`\\ne.g. `harry potter filetype:pdf`\\ne.g. `inurl:store`\\ne.g. `ronaldo -cristiano`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"search_term\": \"str\", \"knowledge_panel\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"description\": {\"text\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"site\": \"str\"}, \"image\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"page_url\": \"str\"}, \"info\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"labels\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 7}]}, \"results\": [{\"position\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"related_keywords\": {\"spelling_suggestion_html\": \"NoneType\", \"spelling_suggestion\": \"NoneType\", \"keywords\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "471", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow Base, api_name:Search by URL, api_description:Search by URL, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"resultsPerPage\": \"int\", \"totalResultCount\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"searchResultsData\": [{\"zpid\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"lotId\": \"int\", \"imgSrc\": \"str\", \"hasImage\": \"bool\", \"carouselPhotos\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 11}], \"statusType\": \"str\", \"statusText\": \"str\", \"detailUrl\": \"str\", \"latLong\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}, \"units\": [{\"price\": \"str\", \"beds\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"variableData\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"badgeInfo\": \"NoneType\", \"buildingName\": \"str\", \"isBuilding\": \"bool\", \"address\": \"str\", \"addressStreet\": \"str\", \"addressState\": \"str\", \"addressCity\": \"str\", \"addressZipcode\": \"str\", \"providerListingId\": \"str\", \"availabilityCount\": \"int\", \"canSaveBuilding\": \"bool\", \"has3DModel\": \"bool\", \"isFeaturedListing\": \"bool\", \"isShowcaseListing\": \"bool\", \"isSaved\": \"bool\", \"list\": \"bool\", \"relaxed\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"currentPage\": \"str\", \"message\": \"NoneType\", \"status\": \"bool\", \"listResultsTitle\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "472", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Simple YouTube Search, api_name:Search, api_description:Make youtube search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"uploadedAt\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"tags\": {}, \"nsfw\": \"bool\", \"private\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"NoneType\", \"url\": \"str\", \"unlisted\": \"bool\", \"channel\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\"}, \"thumbnail\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"height\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\"}, \"ratings\": {\"likes\": \"int\", \"dislikes\": \"int\"}, \"shorts\": \"bool\", \"title\": \"str\", \"live\": \"bool\", \"duration_formatted\": \"str\", \"views\": \"int\", \"duration\": \"int\", \"shorts_url\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 19}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "473", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Local Business Data, api_name:Search Nearby, api_description:Search businesses near by specific geographic coordinates. To see it in action, right click on a specific point in the map on Google Maps and select \"Search nearby\", enter a query and search., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query / keyword.\\n\\n**e.g.** `Bars and pubs`\\n**e.g.** `Plumbers`\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the geographic coordinates to search near by.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the geographic coordinates to search near by.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "474", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Local Business Data, api_name:Business Details, api_description:Get full business details including emails and social contacts. Supports batching of up to 20 Business Ids., required_params: [{\"name\": \"business_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Unique Business Id. Batching of up to 20 Business Ids are supported in a single request using a comma separated list (e.g. business_id=id1,id2).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "475", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Get Population, api_name:Get Population, api_description:Get world population., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"readable_format\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "476", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Chunk API, api_name:getRandomMovie, api_description:Returns random movies from over 1000 movie list., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "477", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Chunk API, api_name:getRandomColor, api_description:Get a random quote., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "478", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US States, api_name:Get detailed state data, api_description:Retrieve all fields for each states and territory., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "479", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Randomizer, api_name:getRandom, api_description:Retrieve a random sequence of characters matching the provided query attributes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"length\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sequence length\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"errors\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "480", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve all offers, api_description:Get all open offers for a collection\n\nThis endpoint is used to get all open offers for a given collection. It returns: all offers on individual NFTs, all collection offers, and all trait offers. The offers are sorted by ascending date (oldest listings first) -- at this time, we do not support any other sorting methods.\n\nThe response has two fields: offers and an optional next cursor in case the number of offers is greater than our default page size (100). This endpoint returns only a subset of the fields found in our orders endpoint. Here is the model for each offer:\n\norder_hash\nchain\ncriteria: specifies if the offer was for an individual NFT, a collection offer, or a trait offer\nprotocol_data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "481", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve active loans offers, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve the active loan offer levels for a collection.\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"collection\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "482", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Seeding Data, api_name:Texts, api_description:Get 100 texts with it_IT locale and 250 characters length, required_params: [{\"name\": \"_quantity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_characters\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "483", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Seeding Data, api_name:Custom, api_description:Get 100 rows with first name, last name, country, birthday, email and vat, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vatId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_quantity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"birthday\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"surname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"birthday\": \"str\", \"from\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"surname\": \"str\", \"vatId\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "484", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US States, api_name:Get states by census region, api_description:Retrieve all fields for states matching the provided Census Region(s). Multiple census regions can be provided separated by commas., required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "485", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US States, api_name:Search states by capital, api_description:Retrieve all fields for states/territories matching the provided capital. Partial and full name searches are accepted., required_params: [{\"name\": \"capital\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "486", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US States, api_name:Get states by census division, api_description:Retrieve all fields for states matching the provided Census Division(s). Multiple census divisions can be provided separated by commas., required_params: [{\"name\": \"division\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "487", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Unique Username Generator By Pizza API, api_name:Random Username Generator, api_description:Returns a Random and unique username everytime, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"username\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "488", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Unicode Codepoints, api_name:Block, api_description:Information about a Unicode block, required_params: [{\"name\": \"block\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the Unicode block\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"first\": \"int\", \"last\": \"int\", \"next_block\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "489", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Dicolink, api_name:Get Random Word, api_description:Get random word, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "490", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Unicode Codepoints, api_name:Codepoint, api_description:show detailed information about a single codepoint. You can specify fields of interest with the “property” parameter: codepoint/1234?property=age,uc,lc, required_params: [{\"name\": \"codepoint\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The hex number of the codepoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"cp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"age\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"na\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"na1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"blk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ccc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dm\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Lower\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Upper\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"suc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"stc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cf\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"AHex\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Alpha\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Bidi_C\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Bidi_M\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"CE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"CI\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"CWCF\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"CWCM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"CWKCF\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"CWL\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"CWT\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"CWU\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Cased\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Comp_Ex\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"DI\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Dash\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Dep\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Dia\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"EBase\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"EComp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"EMod\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"EPres\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Emoji\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Ext\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ExtPict\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"FC_NFKC\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"GCB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Gr_Base\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Gr_Ext\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Gr_Link\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Hex\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Hyphen\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"IDC\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"IDS\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"IDSB\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"IDST\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Ideo\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"InMC\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"InPC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"InSC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"JSN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Join_C\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"LOE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Math\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"NChar\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"NFC_QC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NFD_QC\\\": \\\"str\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "491", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Messages, api_name:getMsgs, api_description:GetMsg, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Select a category to get unlimited messages.Eg: Love,quotes,friendship,Good night,Good morning,funny,Birthday,Sad,Sweet,Random\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Category\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "492", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Dicolink, api_name:Get Expressions, api_description:Get Expression with a specific word, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mot\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"mot\": \"str\", \"expression\": \"str\", \"semantique\": \"str\", \"contexte\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "493", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Dicolink, api_name:Get Definitions, api_description:Get definition of a word, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mot\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Set the word you want to search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"nature\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"attributionText\": \"str\", \"attributionUrl\": \"str\", \"mot\": \"str\", \"definition\": \"str\", \"dicolinkUrl\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "494", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Utils, api_name:Estimate Ownership Cost, api_description:Estimate how much you will spend on the car with specified VIN for the next 5 years., required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"[Vehicle identification number](https://www.autocheck.com/vehiclehistory/vin-basics).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"vin\": \"str\", \"mileage_start\": \"int\", \"mileage_year\": \"int\", \"vehicle\": \"str\", \"depreciation_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"insurance_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"fuel_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"maintenance_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"repairs_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"fees_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"total_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"total_cost_sum\": \"int\", \"5yr_mileage\": \"int\", \"cost_per_mile\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "495", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Utils, api_name:Decode VIN, api_description:Decode VIN, get valuable information for the car you are interested in., required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"[Vehicle identification number](https://www.autocheck.com/vehiclehistory/vin-basics). Incomplete VIN checking is supported.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"vin\": \"str\", \"errors\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"specs\": {\"abs\": \"str\", \"body_class\": \"str\", \"bus_floor_config_type\": \"str\", \"bus_type\": \"str\", \"custom_motorcycle_type\": \"str\", \"displacement_cc\": \"str\", \"displacement_ci\": \"str\", \"displacement_l\": \"str\", \"doors\": \"str\", \"drive_type\": \"str\", \"fuel_type_primary\": \"str\", \"gvwr\": \"str\", \"make\": \"str\", \"make_id\": \"str\", \"manufacturer\": \"str\", \"manufacturer_id\": \"str\", \"model\": \"str\", \"model_id\": \"str\", \"model_year\": \"str\", \"motorcycle_chassis_type\": \"str\", \"motorcycle_suspension_type\": \"str\", \"plant_city\": \"str\", \"plant_company_name\": \"str\", \"plant_country\": \"str\", \"plant_state\": \"str\", \"series2\": \"str\", \"tpms\": \"str\", \"trailer_body_type\": \"str\", \"trailer_type\": \"str\", \"vehicle_descriptor\": \"str\", \"vehicle_type\": \"str\", \"wheels\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "496", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube v3_v3, api_name:PlaylistItems, api_description:Returns a collection of playlist items that match the API request parameters. You can retrieve all of the playlist items in a specified playlist or retrieve one or more playlist items by their unique IDs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The **part** parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more **playlistItem** resource properties that the API response will include.\\n\\nIf the parameter identifies a property that contains child properties, the child properties will be included in the response. For example, in a **playlistItem** resource, the **snippet** property contains numerous fields, including the **title**, **description**, **position** and **resourceId** properties. As such, if you set **part=snippet**, the API response will contain all of those properties.\\n\\nThe following list contains the **part** names that you can include in the parameter value:\\n\\n- contentDetails\\n- id\\n- snippet\\n- status\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "497", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube v3_v3, api_name:I18nLanguages, api_description:Returns a list of application languages that the YouTube website supports., required_params: [{\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The **part** parameter specifies the **i18nLanguage** resource properties that the API response will include. Set the parameter value to **snippet**.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "498", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Airdna, api_name:Rental settings, api_description:Returns rental settings., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "499", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US States, api_name:Search states by name, api_description:Retrieve all fields for states/territories matching the provided Name. Name field is searched. Partial and full name searches are accepted., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "500", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Adzuna, api_name:Search jobs, api_description:Search the Adzuna jobs, required_params: [{\"name\": \"app_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application ID, supplied by Adzuna\"}, {\"name\": \"app_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application key, supplied by Adzuna\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ISO 8601 country code of the relevant country.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "501", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Adzuna, api_name:Search cars, api_description:Search Adzuna cars., required_params: [{\"name\": \"app_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application ID, supplied by Adzuna\"}, {\"name\": \"app_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application key, supplied by Adzuna\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ISO 8601 country code of the relevant country.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "502", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US States, api_name:Get subdivisions by abbreviation, api_description:Retrieve all state subdivisions for the provided state abbreviation., required_params: [{\"name\": \"abbreviation\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "503", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow_v2, api_name:Search for properties by coordinates, api_description:Search for filtered properties by coordinates.\nYou can select the output format (JSON , CSV , XLSX) using the optional \"output\" parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"d\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Diameter in miles.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"long\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "504", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Indonesian National Identity Card Validator, api_name:data, api_description:Check validation and get details of indonesian national identity card such as day, month, year, gender and location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"day\": \"int\", \"month\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"province\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "505", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Bible Memory Verse Flashcard, api_name:Get Verses, api_description:Takes parameters and returns requested verses, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text_mode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"MODES: 'full', 'blank', 'first', 'vowels', 'misc', 'ends', \\n\\n(Not case sensitive)\"}, {\"name\": \"book_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"description\": \"str\", \"number_of_verses\": \"int\", \"verses\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"book_name\": \"str\", \"chapter\": \"str\", \"verse_num\": \"str\", \"verse_text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "506", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube Media Downloader, api_name:Get Playlist Details, api_description:This endpoint fetches details of a YouTube playlist (user created playlist, album or radio playlist)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"playlistId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"videoCount\": \"int\", \"viewCountText\": \"str\", \"publishedTimeText\": \"str\", \"channel\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"avatar\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}, \"thumbnails\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"videos\": {\"nextToken\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"index\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"channel\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"lengthText\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"_list_length\": 200}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "507", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube Media Downloader, api_name:Get Video Details, api_description:This endpoint fetches full details of a YouTube video, including URLs of videos, audios, thumbnails and subtitles as well as related videos and playlists., required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"YouTube video id. The value of `v` in YouTube player URL query parameters.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "508", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Place Time, api_description:Get this place's current time in ISO-8601 format: HHmmss.SSSZ, required_params: [{\"name\": \"placeId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "509", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:FastYTAPI, api_name:Recommended channels, api_description:Returns a list of recommended channels for the provided channel.\n\nNote: this endpoint requires some heavier computations, response time might take ~5 seconds., required_params: [{\"name\": \"channelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"channels\": [{\"tags\": [\"list of str with length 20\"], \"monetized\": \"bool\", \"isFamilySafe\": \"bool\", \"tabs\": [\"list of str with length 9\"], \"subs\": \"int\", \"thumbnailsTvBanner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"thumbnailsMobileBanner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"thumbnailsAvatar\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"videos\": \"int\", \"thumbnailsBanner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"badges\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"views\": \"int\", \"hasBusinessEmail\": \"bool\", \"handle\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"links\": {}, \"ts\": \"float\", \"recommendedScore\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 153}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "510", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Book, api_name:getBook, api_description:get, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"books\": [{\"author\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "511", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Iframely, api_name:endpoint, api_description:main endpoint to get extract json, required_params: [{\"name\": \"uri\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"url to extract\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "512", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blur, api_name:Retrieve rewards, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve if bid rewards\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "513", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:SnapChat Story, api_name:Get Data and Story, api_description:Get Data and Story by username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"props\\\": {\\\"pageProps\\\": {\\\"viewerInfo\\\": {\\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isGdprCountry\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"localization\\\": {\\\"direction\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"pageLinks\\\": {\\\"oneLinkUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"snapchatCanonicalUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"canonicalUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"snapcodeImageUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"downloadUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"oneLinkParams\\\": {\\\"oneLinkBaseUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pidKeys\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"pidFallbackValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"campaignKeys\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"campaignFallbackValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"googleClickIdParam\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"deepLinkUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"iosAppStoreUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"desktopPageUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"snapchatDeepLinkUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"pageMetadata\\\": {\\\"pageType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pageTitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pageDescription\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"shareId\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"userProfile\\\": {\\\"$case\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userInfo\\\": {\\\"username\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"snapcodeImageUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bitmoji3d\\\": {\\\"avatarImage\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fallbackUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"backgroundImage\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fallbackUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}}, \\\"linkPreview\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "514", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:100% Success Instagram API - Scalable & Robust, api_name:user-search, api_description:Get user search results of keyword, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "515", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Rainforest, api_name:Autcomplete, api_description:When making a request with the type parameter set to type=autocomplete Rainforest API will return autocomplete suggestions for the search term specified in the search_term parameter, on the Amazon domain specified in the amazon_domain parameter.\nYou may scope your autocomplete request to an Amazon autocomplete alias (synonymous with a product area or top-level category) by specifying the alias using the autocomplete_alias parameter. The available autocomplete_alias values vary depending on the amazon_domain used. You can find a full list of all autocomplete aliaes, per Amazon-domain, in the autocomplete aliases reference., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The search term to get autocomplete suggestions for. Used in combination with the amazon_domain parameter.\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Amazon domain to retrieve autocomplete details from for the search term specified in the search_term parameter. For a full list of supported Amazon domains see Supported Amazon Domains.\"}, {\"name\": \"amazon_domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "516", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:100% Success Instagram API - Scalable & Robust, api_name:hashtag-feed, api_description:Get hashtag feed, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tagName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"rank_token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This parameter is a UUID version 5, and for each request that use it you should pass a newly generated UUID. If the request is of pagination type, use the same `rank_token` for all pagination requests.\\n\\nFor example, when you request the `paris` hashtag feed and the generated UUID is `f0d8368d-85e2-54fb-73c4-2d60374295e3`, all the pagination requests of `paris` hashtag will use the same UUID:\\n\\n```\\nGET /instagram/v1/feed/tag/paris?rank_token=f0d8368d-85e2-54fb-73c4-2d60374295e3\\nGET /instagram/v1/feed/tag/paris?rank_token=f0d8368d-85e2-54fb-73c4-2d60374295e3&max_id=QVFCQ0ZDMUlNOEw0X3dyNGJQSXR0UVVNaU9yM2tNdzlFN2ZyMnJDY1V2VXhTemEzbTQzTmxfRTNhY3pHUlFMT0kwQ2RVMTNqSy1DRXJadm1SWW41THhQTw==\\nGET /instagram/v1/feed/tag/paris?rank_token=f0d8368d-85e2-54fb-73c4-2d60374295e3&max_id=...\\n```\\n\\nThen, when you request for a different hashtag, let's say `israel`, you'll have to generate a new UUID:\\n\\n```\\nGET /instagram/v1/feed/tag/israel?rank_token=35adbb92-df2c-4ec3-909e-ddaa081d2b39\\nGET /instagram/v1/feed/tag/israel?rank_token=35adbb92-df2c-4ec3-909e-ddaa081d2b39&max_id=...\\n```\\n\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "517", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Rainforest, api_name:Reviewer Profile, api_description:When making a request with the type parameter set to type=reviewer_profile Rainforest API will return details of reviewer specified in either the reviewer_id and amazon_domain parameters or the url parameter.\n\nReviewer profile details are retrieved from the reviewer profile page. You can retrieve the reviewer_id value for a given reviewer from other Rainforest requests, such as type=reviews requests., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "518", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Rainforest, api_name:Bestsellers, api_description:The Bestsellers Parameters are applicable when making a request with type=bestsellers to retrieve Bestseller results from an Amazon bestsellers page - the bestsellers page is specified either using the category_id and amazon_domain parameters (where category_id is a Category ID returned from the Categories API, or by using the url parameter. The parameters should be appended as querystring parameters to the Product Data API GET HTTP request.\n\nNote that, if using the url parameter it should be url-encoded.\n\nBestsellers results are retrieved from the bestsellers listing page on Amazon. Rainforest supports all types of Amazon Bestseller pages, bestsellers, new releases, movers & shakers, most wished for and gift ideas., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "519", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Lowest Bins Api, api_name:Fetch lowest bins, api_description:This endpoint lets you fetch the lowest bins, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ABICASE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ABIPHONE_XIII_PRO\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ABIPHONE_XIII_PRO_GIGA\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ABIPHONE_XII_MEGA\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ABIPHONE_XII_MEGA_COLOR\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ABIPHONE_XIV_ENORMOUS\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ABIPHONE_XIV_ENORMOUS_BLACK\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ABIPHONE_XIV_ENORMOUS_PURPLE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ABIPHONE_XI_ULTRA\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ABIPHONE_XI_ULTRA_STYLE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ABIPHONE_X_PLUS\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ABIPHONE_X_PLUS_SPECIAL_EDITION\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ABSOLUTE_ENDER_PEARL\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ACACIA_BIRDHOUSE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ACACIA_DOOR_ITEM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ACACIA_FENCE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ACACIA_FENCE_GATE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ACACIA_STAIRS\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ACTIVATOR_RAIL\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ADAPTIVE_BOOTS\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ADAPTIVE_CHESTPLATE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ADAPTIVE_HELMET\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ADAPTIVE_LEGGINGS\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ADVANCED_GARDENING_AXE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ADVANCED_GARDENING_HOE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ADVENT_CALENDAR_DISPLAY\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"AIMING_BOW\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ALERT_FLARE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ALL_SKILLS_SUPER_BOOST\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ALPHA_PICK\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"AMALGAMATED_CRIMSONITE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"AMALGAMATED_CRIMSONITE_NEW\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"AMBER_MATERIAL\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"AMBER_POLISHED_DRILL_ENGINE\\\": \\\"i\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "520", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:DataEstado, api_name:Ministerio específico, api_description:Obtiene el listado de un sólo ministerio, required_params: [{\"name\": \"nombre\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"titular\\\": {\\\"nombres\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"apellidos\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cargo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"foto\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nacimiento\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subrogante\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"profesion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"universidad\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"partido\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"genero\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"redes_sociales\\\": {\\\"twitter\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tiktok\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"instagram\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"orden\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"nombre\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ciudad\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"direccion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"web\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"redes_sociales\\\": {\\\"twitter\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tiktok\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"instagram\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"youtube\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"subsecretarias\\\": [{\\\"subsecretaria\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ciudad\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"direccion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"web\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"titular\\\": {\\\"nombres\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"apellidos\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cargo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"foto\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nacimiento\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subrogante\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"profesion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"universidad\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"partido\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"genero\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"redes_sociales\\\": {\\\"twitter\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tiktok\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"instagram\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"servicios\\\": [{\\\"nombre_servicio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nombre_comun\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"acronimo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"descentralizado\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"desconcentrado\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"ciudad\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"direccion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "521", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:DataEstado, api_name:Listar todos, api_description:Obtener listado de todos los ministerios y subsecretarías., required_params: [{\"name\": \"todos\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "522", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Word API, api_name:Get Word, api_description:Returns a random word. No parameters. Just randomness., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "523", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Commodity Rates API, api_name:Time-Series, api_description:With this endpoint, you will be provided with daily historical rates between two dates of your choice. \n\nNote: This endpoint has a limitation of 365 days per range, and only can provide one symbol information per request.\n\nAll the commodities rates you get need using ANY currency as a base currency (base parameter) need to be divided by 1\nWe return the values based on the base currency. For example, for 1 USD the return is a number like 0.00055307742 for Gold (XAU).\nTo get the gold rate per troy ounce in USD: 1/0.00055307742 = 1808.06 USD, required_params: [{\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the three-letter currency code or commodity code of your preferred base currency\"}, {\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the three-letter currency code or commodity code of your preferred base currency\"}, {\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The end date of your preferred timeframe.\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date of your preferred timeframe.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"success\": \"bool\", \"timeseries\": \"bool\", \"start_date\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"base\": \"str\", \"rates\": {\"2022-01-10\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\"}, \"2022-01-11\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\"}, \"2022-01-12\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\"}, \"2022-01-13\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\"}, \"2022-01-14\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\"}, \"2022-01-15\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\"}, \"2022-01-16\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\"}, \"2022-01-17\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\"}, \"2022-01-18\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\"}, \"2022-01-19\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\"}, \"2022-01-20\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\"}}, \"unit\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "524", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Commodity Rates API, api_name:Open/High/Low/Close (OHLC) Price, api_description:Allows you to query the API to get the open, high, low, and close price.\nThis endpoint has a limitation of one symbol per request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the three-letter currency code or commodity code of your preferred base currency\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the three-letter currency code or commodity code of your preferred base currency\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"base\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"rates\": {\"open\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"close\": \"float\"}, \"unit\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "525", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Domain DA - PA Check, api_name:URL Metrics, api_description:- Title\n- Domain Authority Score\n- Page Authority Score\n- Equity\n- Links\n- Moz Rank, required_params: [{\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Target URL, page or domain\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "526", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Address Monitor, api_name:Get addresses, api_description:Get addresses, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"offset\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\", \"addresses\": \"empty list\"}, \"requestId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "527", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Address Monitor, api_name:Get quota usage, api_description:Get quota usage, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"addressQuota\": \"str\", \"addressQuotaUsed\": \"str\"}, \"requestId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "528", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:WatchSignals, api_name:Get watches from reference number, api_description:Get watches from reference number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ref-number\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "529", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Address Monitor, api_name:Get address transaction webhook, api_description:Get address transaction webhook, required_params: [{\"name\": \"transactionId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "530", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:BlogsAPI, api_name:Blogs by category, api_description:Get all blogs from a particular category by its ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"next\": \"NoneType\", \"previous\": \"NoneType\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"category\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"categoryDesc\": \"str\", \"categoryImage\": \"str\"}, \"title\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"tags\": \"str\", \"contentSourceName\": \"NoneType\", \"contentSourceURL\": \"NoneType\", \"extraImageUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"extraImageAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imageOwnerName\": \"NoneType\", \"imageOwnerBacklink\": \"NoneType\", \"image\": \"str\", \"videoURL\": \"NoneType\", \"date_published\": \"str\", \"website\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "531", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:BlogsAPI, api_name:Latest Posts, api_description:Get all blogs ordered by latest first., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ordering\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"next\": \"str\", \"previous\": \"NoneType\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"category\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"categoryDesc\": \"str\", \"categoryImage\": \"str\"}, \"title\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"tags\": \"str\", \"contentSourceName\": \"NoneType\", \"contentSourceURL\": \"NoneType\", \"extraImageUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"extraImageAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imageOwnerName\": \"str\", \"imageOwnerBacklink\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"videoURL\": \"NoneType\", \"date_published\": \"str\", \"website\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "532", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Domain WHOIS Lookup API, api_name:domain_name, api_description:Please provide the domain name for which you would like to retrieve WHOIS details., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"domain\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "533", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Url Metadata: OpenGraph, api_name:parse, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Url / Endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "534", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Thai Lotto New API, api_name:2D ပိတ်ရက်များ, api_description:တစ်နှစ်တာအတွက် ထိုင်းအစိုးရ ထီပိတ်မည့်ရက်များကို ကြိုတင်သိရှိနိုင်မယ့် Endpoint ပဲဖြစ်ပါတယ်။, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "535", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:BigBox, api_name:Product, api_description:The Product Parameters are applicable when making a request with `type=product` to retrieve details of a single product on Home Depot - the product is specified using either the item_id parameter or the url parameter (where the url parameter contains a link to a Home Depot product page). The parameters should be appended as querystring parameters to the Home Depot Product Data APIGETHTTP request.\n\nProduct details are retrieved from the product page for a single product on Home Depot, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"request_info\": {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "536", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:BigBox, api_name:Search, api_description:The Search Parameters are applicable when making a request with `type=search` to retrieve search results from Home Depot. The search term is specified in the search_term parameter. The parameters should be appended as querystring parameters to the Home Depot Product Data API GET HTTP request.\n\nSearch results are retrieved from the Search results page on Home Depot., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A search term to use to search for Home Depot items.\\nEither the search_term or url parameter must be supplied.\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "537", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:BigBox, api_name:Category, api_description:The Category Parameters are applicable when making a request with `type=category` to retrieve category results from Home Depot. The category is specified in the category_id parameter. The parameters should be appended as querystring parameters to the Home Depot Product Data API GET HTTP request.\n\nCategory results are retrieved from the Category results page on Home Depot., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A category ID to retrieve results from. You may supply any arbitary value in the category_id parameter however we recommend using a category ID returned from the Categories API as these are known-good category IDs from Home Depot.\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "538", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Referential DB, api_name:States, api_description:Get the list of states within country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "539", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Thai Lotto New API, api_name:ထွက်ခဲ့ပြီးသော 3လုံးထီ, api_description:ယခု နေရာကနေတစ်ဆင့် ယခင်ထွက်ရှိခဲ့တဲ့ 3D ဂဏန်းများကို ကြည့်ရှုနိုင်မှာပဲဖြစ်ပါတယ်။, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "540", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Thai Lotto New API, api_name:ထွက်ဂဏန်းပြသခြင်း (Modern & Internet), api_description:ယခု Endpoint မှာတော့ နံနက် ၉ခွဲ နှင့် နေ့လည် ၂နာရီ မော်ဒန်၊ အင်တာနက် ထွက်ဂဏန်း နှင့် 12:01 မိနစ်၊ ညနေ 4:30 ထွက်မယ့် ဂဏန်းများကို တိုက်ရိုက်ပြသဖို့အတွက်ပဲဖြစ်ပါတယ်။, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"afSet\": \"str\", \"afValue\": \"str\", \"afResult\": \"str\", \"evSet\": \"str\", \"evValue\": \"str\", \"evResult\": \"str\", \"mModern\": \"str\", \"mInternet\": \"str\", \"eModern\": \"str\", \"eInternet\": \"str\", \"round\": \"str\", \"mRound\": \"str\", \"check\": \"str\", \"isHoliday\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "541", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Vessel Data, api_name:Get All Vessels, api_description:Return all available on board vessels.\nVisit our [demo site](https://core-api.net/vessel/map.html), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "542", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Vessel Data, api_name:Get Vessel Info, api_description:Individual on board vessel info based on given ship id.\nVisit our [demo site](https://core-api.net/vessel/map.html), required_params: [{\"name\": \"shipid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Ship ID which included in list return by **Get All Vessels** or **Get Vessels by Area** method.\\ne.g \\\"SHIP_ID\\\": \\\"410553\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ship_info\": \"NoneType\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "543", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fake Data Generator, api_name:/random_post, api_description:This endpoint generate a list of fake posts, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"author\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"publishedAt\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"text\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"info\": {\"disclaimer\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "544", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Commodity Rates API, api_name:Historical Rates, api_description:Historical rates are available for most symbols all the way back to the year 2021. You can query the API for historical rates by appending a date (format YYYY-MM-DD) to the base URL.\n\nNote: All the commodities rates you get need using ANY currency as a base currency (base parameter) need to be divided by 1\nWe return the values based on the base currency. For example, for 1 USD the return is a number like 0.00055307742 for Gold (XAU).\nTo get the gold rate per troy ounce in USD: 1/0.00055307742 = 1808.06 USD, required_params: [{\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"success\": \"bool\", \"historical\": \"bool\", \"date\": \"str\", \"base\": \"str\", \"rates\": {\"COTTON\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\"}, \"unit\": {\"COTTON\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "545", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fake Data Generator, api_name:random_profiles, api_description:This endpoint generate a list of fake user profiles, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"avatar\": \"str\", \"blood_group\": \"str\", \"company\": \"str\", \"date_of_birth\": {\"age\": \"int\", \"birthdate\": \"str\"}, \"gender\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"job\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"address\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": {\"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}, \"country\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}, \"login\": {\"md5\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"sha1\": \"str\", \"sha256\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\"}, \"mail\": \"str\", \"name\": {\"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"prefix\": \"str\"}, \"phones\": {\"country_code\": \"str\", \"msisd\": \"str\", \"phone_number\": \"str\"}, \"picture\": {\"large\": \"str\", \"medium\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\"}, \"residence\": \"str\", \"sex\": \"str\", \"ssn\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"website\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"_list_length\": 5}], \"info\": {\"disclaimer\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "546", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Linkedin Profile Data, api_name:Profile Data, api_description:Returns a JSON for the LinkedIn profile, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"public_identifier\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"profile_pic_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"first_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"full_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_full_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"languages\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"education\\\": [{\\\"starts_at\\\": {\\\"day\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"month\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"ends_at\\\": {\\\"day\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"month\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"field_of_study\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"degree_name\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"school\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"logo_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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this param:\n\n```\n{'fields': \t{\n\t\t\t\t'date': {'type': 'DATE_AND_HOUR'},\n\t\t\t\t'name': {'type': 'NAME_FULL_NAME'},\n\t\t\t\t'purchase': {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'type': 'COMPOUND', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'fields': {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'company': {'type': 'COMPANY_NAME'},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'amount': {'type': 'CURRENCY_PRICE'}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n}\n```\n\nWith 'type': 'COMPOUND', you can add nodes, tha max depth is 3.\n\nIn regard to the diferents type of data, you can use this types:\n\n```\n'COUNTRY'\n'COUNTRY_CODE'\n'CITY'\n'STREET_ADDRESS'\n'BUILDING_NUMBER'\n'POSTAL_CODE'\n'COMPANY_NAME'\n'COMPANY_SUFFIX'\n'COMPANY_BUSINESS'\n'COMPANY_PHRASE'\n'CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRE'\n'CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER'\n'CREDIT_CARD_PROVIDER'\n'CREDIT_CARD_SECURITY_CODE'\n'CURRENCY_PRICE'\n'CURRENCY_CODE_NAME'\n'CURRENCY_CRYPTO_CODE_NAME'\n'NAME_PREFIX_NAME'\n'NAME_FIRST_NAME_MALE'\n'NAME_FIRST_NAME_FEMALE'\n'NAME_LASTNAME'\n'DATE'\n'DATE_AND_HOUR'\n'DATE_CENTURY'\n'DATE_THIS_DECADE'\n'DATE_THIS_MONTH'\n'INT'\n'PARAGRAPH'\n'PARAGRAPH_LOREMIPSUM'\n'SENTENCE'\n'SENTENCE_LOREMIPSUM'\n'BBAN'\n'IBAN'\n'SWIFT'\n'SWIFT11'\n'TEXT'\n'TEXT_LOREMIPSUM'\n'URL'\n'WORD'\n```, required_params: [{\"name\": \"layout\", \"type\": \"OBJECT\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"credit_card_number\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"purchase\": {\"amount\": \"str\", \"company\": \"str\"}, \"uid\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], 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with their information.\nFor example: employee ID, first name, email, and etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"end\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"metadata\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"start\": \"int\", \"end\": \"int\", \"previousPage\": \"NoneType\", \"currentPage\": \"int\", \"nextPage\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\"}, \"data\": [{\"empID\": \"int\", \"namePrefix\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"middleInitial\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"fatherName\": \"str\", \"motherName\": \"str\", \"dateOfBirth\": \"str\", \"timeOfBirth\": \"str\", \"ageInYears\": \"float\", \"weightInKgs\": \"int\", \"dateOfJoining\": \"str\", \"yearOfJoining\": \"int\", \"monthOfJoining\": \"int\", \"monthNameOfJoining\": \"str\", \"shortMonth\": \"str\", \"dayOfJoining\": \"int\", \"DOWofJoining\": \"str\", \"shortDOW\": 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\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "552", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Advanced SERP Operators, api_name:get-related-search-terms, api_description:Related searches in Google search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "553", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Human Resources API, api_name:Get employee information associated with a specific payment card., api_description:This endpoint gets employee record associated with a specific card number that is unique for each card, and displays the employee information in the response.\nFor example: employee ID , first name, and etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"metadata\": {\"message\": \"str\"}, \"data\": {\"empID\": \"int\", 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is used for getting all the alphabets, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"binary\": {\"0\": \"int\", \"1\": \"int\"}, \"octal\": {\"0\": \"int\", \"1\": \"int\", \"2\": \"int\", \"3\": \"int\", \"4\": \"int\", \"5\": \"int\", \"6\": \"int\", \"7\": \"int\"}, \"hexadecimal\": {\"0\": \"int\", \"1\": \"int\", \"2\": \"int\", \"3\": \"int\", \"4\": \"int\", \"5\": \"int\", \"6\": \"int\", \"7\": \"int\", \"8\": \"int\", \"9\": \"int\", \"A\": \"int\", \"B\": \"int\", \"C\": \"int\", \"D\": \"int\", \"E\": \"int\", \"F\": \"int\"}, \"decimal\": {\"0\": \"int\", \"1\": \"int\", \"2\": \"int\", \"3\": \"int\", \"4\": \"int\", \"5\": \"int\", \"6\": \"int\", \"7\": \"int\", \"8\": \"int\", \"9\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "555", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Emotional Poem, api_name:getPoem, api_description:/app/api/getPoem\nmethod:only: [\"cos\", \"dot\", \"cross\", \"euler\"]\ntype:only: [\"max\", \"min\"]\ndelight:0.0-1.0\nanger:0.0-1.0\nsorrow:0.0-1.0\npleasure:0.0-1.0, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"record\": {\"poem\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}, \"poemId\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}, \"auther\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}, \"$revision\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}, \"$id\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "556", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:CNPJ Validator, api_name:Generate CNPJ, api_description:Generates a valid CNPJ number., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cnpj\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "557", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:CNPJ Validator, api_name:Validate CNPJ, api_description:Check if a CNPJ number is valid. 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\"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"msg\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"appId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"genres\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"genreIds\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"primaryGenre\": \"str\", \"primaryGenreId\": \"int\", \"contentRating\": \"str\", \"languages\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"size\": \"str\", \"requiredOsVersion\": \"str\", \"released\": \"str\", \"updated\": \"str\", \"releaseNotes\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"free\": \"bool\", \"developerId\": \"int\", \"developer\": \"str\", \"developerUrl\": \"str\", \"developerWebsite\": \"str\", \"score\": \"float\", \"reviews\": \"int\", \"currentVersionScore\": \"float\", \"currentVersionReviews\": \"int\", \"screenshots\": [\"list of str with length 7\"], \"ipadScreenshots\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], 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[], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "563", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:World countries, api_name:get all countries, api_description:get all countries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"ar\": \"str\", \"bg\": \"str\", \"cs\": \"str\", \"da\": \"str\", \"de\": \"str\", \"el\": \"str\", \"en\": \"str\", \"es\": \"str\", \"et\": \"str\", \"eu\": \"str\", \"fi\": \"str\", \"fr\": \"str\", \"hu\": \"str\", \"it\": \"str\", \"ja\": \"str\", \"ko\": \"str\", \"lt\": \"str\", \"nl\": \"str\", \"no\": \"str\", \"pl\": \"str\", \"pt\": \"str\", \"ro\": \"str\", \"ru\": \"str\", \"sk\": \"str\", \"sv\": \"str\", \"th\": \"str\", \"uk\": \"str\", \"zh\": \"str\", \"zh-tw\": \"str\", \"alpha2\": \"str\", \"alpha3\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "564", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:World countries, api_name:get a country by alpha-2 numeric code, api_description:get a country by alpha-2 numeric codes ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code are two-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1, \n\npart of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO),, required_params: [{\"name\": \"alpha-2-code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"ar\": \"str\", \"bg\": \"str\", \"cs\": \"str\", \"da\": \"str\", \"de\": \"str\", \"el\": \"str\", \"en\": \"str\", \"es\": \"str\", \"et\": \"str\", \"eu\": \"str\", \"fi\": \"str\", \"fr\": \"str\", \"hu\": \"str\", \"it\": \"str\", \"ja\": \"str\", \"ko\": \"str\", \"lt\": \"str\", \"nl\": \"str\", \"no\": \"str\", \"pl\": \"str\", \"pt\": \"str\", \"ro\": \"str\", \"ru\": \"str\", \"sk\": \"str\", \"sv\": \"str\", \"th\": \"str\", \"uk\": \"str\", \"zh\": \"str\", \"zh-tw\": \"str\", \"alpha2\": \"str\", \"alpha3\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "565", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:OpenBlur, api_name:Retrieve Bids, 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False otherwise. 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\"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"props\": [{\"bathrooms\": \"int\", \"state\": \"str\", \"isFeatured\": \"bool\", \"isPremierBuilder\": \"bool\", \"isShowcaseListing\": \"bool\", \"isPreforeclosureAuction\": \"bool\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"isNonOwnerOccupied\": \"bool\", \"lotAreaUnit\": \"str\", \"lotAreaValue\": \"float\", \"taxAssessedValue\": \"int\", \"homeStatus\": \"str\", \"daysOnZillow\": \"int\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"country\": \"str\", \"bedrooms\": \"int\", \"livingArea\": \"int\", \"streetAddress\": \"str\", \"isZillowOwned\": \"bool\", \"shouldHighlight\": \"bool\", \"zpid\": \"int\", \"homeStatusForHDP\": \"str\", \"isUnmappable\": \"bool\", \"listing_sub_type\": {\"is_FSBA\": \"bool\"}, \"city\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"homeType\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"zipcode\": \"str\", \"priceForHDP\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 40}], \"resultsPerPage\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", 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{\\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"neighborhood\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"streetAddress\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zipcode\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "590", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Local Business Data, api_name:Business Photos, api_description:Get all business photos., required_params: [{\"name\": \"business_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Unique Business Id of the business for which to get photos.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "591", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Encryption-Api, api_name:DecryptString, api_description:Decrypt encrypted-text (base64-format) using input secret-key according to selected crypt-algorithm and cipher-mode (optional with CBC as default value)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cryptAlgorithm\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Decryption Algorithm (AES [default], DES, TripleDES, RC2, Rijndael).\"}, {\"name\": \"secretKey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Secret-Key string which will be used on decryption process, and it should be same secret-key which used on encryption process.\"}, {\"name\": \"encryptedText\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Encrypted text on base64-string format.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "592", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Pocket Cube Solver, api_name:getRandomSolution, api_description:Returns json data consisting of a random optimal solution of a given cube position., required_params: [{\"name\": \"position\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"position\": \"str\", \"depth\": \"int\", \"sol\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "593", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Get Docs, api_name:RetrieveClaimListByUser, api_description:Retrieve Claim List By User, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"caseRefNumber\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"createOn\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"fullName\": \"str\", \"caseGuid\": \"str\", \"firmGuid\": \"NoneType\", \"caseType\": \"str\", \"caseTypeName\": \"str\", \"filedDate\": \"str\", \"form23ClaimNumber\": \"NoneType\", \"externalCaseNumber\": \"str\", \"externalCaseTitle\": \"str\", \"subpoenaType\": \"str\", \"productionDate\": \"str\", \"dateOfJudgement\": \"str\", \"claimant\": \"str\", \"defendant\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "594", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Weather, api_name:Severe Weather Alerts, api_description:Get servere weather alerts from local meteorlogical agencies (US, EU, and Isreal supported ), required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"alerts\": \"empty list\", \"city_name\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"state_code\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "595", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Api plaque immatriculation SIV, api_name:/get-vehicule-info, api_description:* Récupérer les informations des véhicules simplement avec notre API PLAQUE IMMATRICULATION rapide flexible .\n\nLes données sont demandées à notre api plaque immatriculation en temps réel à partir de sources de données officielles du gouvernement, de sorte que les informations que vous voyez soient en temps réel et non mises en cache, ou stockées., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"result\": \"empty list\", \"erreur\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "596", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Crime Data By ZipCode API, api_name:Get Crime Rates by ZIP, api_description:Just with the ZIP code to analyze, you will be receiving a JSON object with an Overall Crime Scoring, and also a breakdown of different crimes that are assessed on the zone. \n\nGet information like:\n\n- \"Overall Crime Grade\".\n- \"Violent Crime Grade\".\n- \"Property Crime Grade\".\n- \"Other Crime Grade\".\n- \"Violent Crime Rates\".\n- \"Property Crime Rates\".\n- \"Other Crime Rates\".\n- \"Crime Rates Nearby\".\n- \"Similar Population Crime Rates\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ZIP Code to retrieve crime data from.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Overall\": {\"Zipcode\": \"str\", \"Overall Crime Grade\": \"str\", \"Violent Crime Grade\": \"str\", \"Property Crime Grade\": \"str\", \"Other Crime Grade\": \"str\", \"Fact\": \"str\", \"Risk\": \"str\", \"Risk Detail\": \"str\"}, \"Crime BreakDown\": [{\"Violent Crime Rates\": {\"Assault\": \"str\", \"Robbery\": \"str\", \"Rape\": \"str\", \"Murder\": \"str\"}, \"0\": {\"Total Violent Crime\": \"str\", \"Total Violent Crime Score\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 3}], \"Crime Rates Nearby\": [{\"Nearby Zip\": \"str\", \"Overall Crime Grade\": \"str\", \"Violent Crime Grade\": \"str\", \"Property Crime Grade\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"Similar Population Crime Rates\": [{\"Similar Zip\": \"str\", \"Overall Crime Grade\": \"str\", \"Violent Crime Grade\": \"str\", \"Property Crime Grade\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"success\": \"bool\", \"status code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "597", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:10000+ Anime Quotes With Pagination Support, api_name:Get Random anime quote, api_description:**RESPONSE**\n**quote** \nContain quote text\n\n**animename** \nJapanese anime name, quotes related to.\n\n**character** ( Depend on subscription )\nCharacter name who spoke that quote.\n\n**is_popular** ( Depend on subscription )\ntells whether a quote is popular among fans.\nResponse will be either 1 or 0 ( 1 represent yes, 0 represent no )\n\n**quote_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique quote id which can be later used to get more information.\n\n**image** (Depend on subscription)\nCharacter Image URL will be provided which is related to the quote.\n\n**Note: if no quote found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "598", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Get Supported Industries, api_description:Get supported industries. Use the industry_id in your \"Search employees\" endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "599", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Get Company Data by LinkedIn URL, api_description:Given a company’s LinkedIn URL, the API will return valuable data points in JSON format. **1 credit per call.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"linkedin_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "600", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:VALUE SERP, api_name:Google Product Reviews, api_description:The Google Product Reviews Parameters are applicable when making a request with `search_type=product` and `product_type=reviews` to retrieve product reviews results for a given product ID. The product ID is specified in the `product_id` parameter and you should also specify a location parameter to geo-locate the request (locations can be retrieved via the Locations API).\n\nGoogle Product IDs are returned by Google Shopping search requests.\n\n**Products & Location**\nGoogle Product pages are highly location-sensitive so it is important that you specify a location that matches the location that was used to retrieve the `product_id` in the original Google Shopping search request.\n\n**Place Reviews Pagination**\nProduct Reviews results do not contain a traditional pagination section where a specific page of results is uniquely addressable. Instead, each `product_type=reviews` result will return a `next_page_token` in its' product_results.pagination object. This `next_page_token `can be passed in to the `next_page_token` request parameter to retrieve the next page of Product Reviews results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Google Product ID to retrieve. Google Product IDs are returned by [Google Shopping search ](https://www.valueserp.com/docs/search-api/results/google/shopping)requests.\"}, {\"name\": \"product_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Should be set to `product_type=reviews`\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "601", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:VALUE SERP, api_name:Google Product, api_description:The Google Product Parameters are applicable when making a request with `search_type=product` to retrieve product results for a given product ID. The product ID is specified in the `product_id `parameter and you should also specify a `location` parameter to geo-locate the request (locations can be retrieved via the [Locations API](https://www.valueserp.com/docs/locations-api/overview)).\n\nGoogle Product IDs are returned by Google Shopping search requests., required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Google Product ID to retrieve. Google Product IDs are returned by [Google Shopping search ](https://www.valueserp.com/docs/search-api/results/google/shopping)requests.\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "602", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:VALUE SERP, api_name:Google Image, api_description:The Google Image Parameters are applicable when making a request with search_type=images to retrieve image results for a given search term. The search term is specified in the q parameter and the optional location parameter can be used to geo-locate the image request (locations can be retrieved via the Locations API)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The keyword you want to use to perform the search.\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "603", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US States, api_name:Get states by time zone, api_description:get, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "604", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Play API, api_name:Get Apps From Dev, api_description:Returns dev's apps., required_params: [{\"name\": \"dev_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"appId\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"developer\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"free\": \"bool\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"scoreText\": \"str\", \"score\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "605", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US States, api_name:Get metadata, api_description:Get value lists for common fields., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "606", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GTrend, api_name:timezoneList, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "607", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GTrend, api_name:regionList, api_description:List support region / Country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "608", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GTrend, api_name:geoMap, api_description:Get geo map data from given query, required_params: [{\"name\": \"property\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"resolution\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"geo\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"for supported region/country , please see regionList from region menu\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"support timezone from GMT-12 to GMT+14\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"dataframe\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "609", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Company Data, api_name:Get Company Ads Count, api_description:Get number of ads the company posted on LinkedIn. 1 request = 1 credit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"company_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"ads_count\": \"int\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "610", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:StopModReposts Blocklist, api_name:JSON, api_description:JavaScript Object Notation endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "611", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:StopModReposts Blocklist, api_name:UBLACKLIST.TXT, api_description:ublacklist.txt endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "612", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:StopModReposts Blocklist, api_name:HOSTS.TXT, api_description:Hosts file endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "613", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Languages, api_description:Get all supported languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "614", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:ASIN Data, api_name:Product, api_description:The Product Parameters are applicable when making a request with `type=product` to retrieve details of a single product on Amazon - the product is specified using either the asin and `amazon_domain` parameters or the url parameter (where the url parameter contains a link to an Amazon product page). The parameters should be appended as querystring parameters to the Product Data API GET HTTP request.\n\nProduct details are retrieved from the product page for a single product on Amazon., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "615", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:ASIN Data, api_name:Offers, api_description:The Offers Parameters are applicable when making a request with `type=offers` to retrieve seller Offers for a single product on Amazon - the product is specified using either the asin and `amazon_domain` parameters or the url parameter (where the url parameter contains a link to an Amazon product offers page). The parameters should be appended as querystring parameters to the Product Data API GET HTTP request.\n\nOffers are retrieved from the offers listing popup window for a single product on Amazon., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "616", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:ASIN Data, api_name:Reviews, api_description:The Reviews Parameters are applicable when making a request with `type=reviews` to retrieve customer Reviews for a single product on Amazon - the product is specified using either the asin and `amazon_domain` parameters or the url parameter (where the url parameter contains a link to an Amazon reviews page). The parameters should be appended as querystring parameters to the Product Data API GET HTTP request.\n\nReviews are retrieved from the customer reviews page for a single product on Amazon., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "617", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Web Search, api_name:imageSearch, api_description:Get relevant images for a given query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user's search query string.\"}, {\"name\": \"pageNumber\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The page to view.\"}, {\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of items per page. The maximum value is 50.\"}, {\"name\": \"autoCorrect\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"Automatically correct spelling.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "618", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Web Search, api_name:newsSearch, api_description:Get news articles relevant for a given query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of items per page. The maximum value is 50.\"}, {\"name\": \"autoCorrect\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"Automatically correct spelling.\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user's search query string.\"}, {\"name\": \"pageNumber\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The page to view.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "619", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Age Calculator, api_name:Age Calculator, api_description:Calculates age based on the requested date. Accepts different formats and Time Zones., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This endpoint will accept to following parameters formats:\\nYYYYMMDD\\nYYY-MM-DD\\nMMDDYYYY\\nMM-DD-YYYY\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"age\": \"int\", \"year\": \"int\", \"month\": \"int\", \"day\": \"int\", \"calendarMonth\": \"str\", \"shortMonth\": \"str\", \"timeZone\": \"str\", \"requestDate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "620", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Rest Countries, api_name:Get Countries, api_description:returns all the currently available countries. Every item includes the following parameters: \n- Short name\n- Short name lowcase\n- Full name\n- ISO alpha-2-code\n- ISO alpha-3-code\n- ISO numeric 3-digit code\n- Flag (from Twitter emojis)\n- Official flag —only for those countries which have an unnoficial flag, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"countrycode\": {\"aplha2code\": \"str\", \"alpha3code\": \"str\", \"numericcode\": \"str\"}, \"countryname\": {\"shortname\": \"str\", \"shortnamelowercase\": \"str\", \"fullname\": \"str\"}, \"flag\": {\"officialflag\": {\"svg\": \"str\", \"png\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "621", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:PMI Jateng, api_name:TEST, api_description:PMI, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"pmi\": \"str\", \"darah_a\": \"float\", \"darah_b\": \"float\", \"darah_o\": \"float\", \"darah_ab\": \"float\", \"total\": \"float\", \"tanggal\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "622", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Vessel Data, api_name:Get Vessel Photo, api_description:Image of vessel based on given ship id.\n*Image might not be display correctly here due to base64 issue of Test Endpoint, but it work indeed.*, required_params: [{\"name\": \"shipid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "623", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube Search, api_name:Video Details, api_description:Get all publicly available details about a Youtube Video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"author\": \"str\", \"average_rating\": \"NoneType\", \"category\": \"str\", \"channel_id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"is_live_content\": \"str\", \"keywords\": [\"list of str with length 13\"], \"number_of_views\": \"str\", \"published_time\": \"str\", \"status\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"title\": \"str\", \"video_id\": \"str\", \"video_length\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "624", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube Search, api_name:Channel Search, api_description:This endpoint gets search results in a given Youtube channel using the channel ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"channel_id\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"lang\": \"str\", \"number_of_videos\": \"str\", \"query\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"videos\": [{\"channel_id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"number_of_views\": \"str\", \"published_time\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"video_id\": \"str\", \"video_length\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 29}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "625", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Vessel Data, api_name:Get Vessels by Ship Name, api_description:Return vessels by its name.\nVisit our [demo site](https://core-api.net/vessel/map.html), required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the ship\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ship_name\": \"str\", \"total_vessel\": \"int\", \"vessels\": [{\"COURSE\": \"str\", \"DESTINATION\": \"str\", \"DWT\": \"str\", \"ELAPSED\": \"str\", \"FLAG\": \"str\", \"GT_SHIPTYPE\": \"str\", \"HEADING\": \"str\", \"LAT\": \"float\", \"LENGTH\": \"str\", \"LON\": \"float\", \"L_FORE\": \"str\", \"ROT\": \"str\", \"SHIPNAME\": \"str\", \"SHIPTYPE\": \"str\", \"SHIP_ID\": \"str\", \"SPEED\": \"str\", \"TYPE_NAME\": \"str\", \"WIDTH\": \"str\", \"W_LEFT\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "626", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube Search, api_name:Channel Details, api_description:This endpoint get all available details about a given channel ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"avatar\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"banner\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"channel_id\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"creation_date\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"has_business_email\": \"bool\", \"links\": [{\"endpoint\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"status\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"subscriber_count\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"view_count\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "627", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Polish zip codes, api_name:find-zip-codes-by-city-and-district, api_description:Return all zip codes located in city's district, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"district\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "628", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Polish zip codes, api_name:find-zip-codes-by-city, api_description:Return all zip codes that belong to this city. If there is more then one city with that name, all zip codes are returned., required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "629", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Polish zip codes, api_name:find-zip-codes-by-city-and-street, api_description:Return all zip codes by street name in the city., required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"street\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "630", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Date and Time, api_name:getDateTimeByTimezone, api_description:Get Date and time for a given timezone., required_params: [{\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A valid time zone. See list @ Valid timezones: https://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "631", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Trinidad Covid 19 Statistics, api_name:getStatsbyDay, api_description:This endpoint fetches Trinidad & Tobago Covid 19 statistics by day. For a valid response, the months are input as \"01\" or \"12\" and not the actual month name such as \"January\" or \"December\". Th e days are entered in the similar format as months ie \"01\" -\"31\" and not actual days such as \"Thursday\" or \"Monday\",, required_params: [{\"name\": \"yearId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"monthId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"dayId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latestVax2SinoAZPf\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastDeath\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestActive\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestState\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastActive\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeStepDown\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"update\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastTest\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastState\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax2SinoAZPf\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeTest\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeActive\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestHomeIso\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestHospital\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeHomeIso\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeTotalPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestRecovery\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastStepDown\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestDeath\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastRecovery\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestVax1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestVax2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax2SinoAZPf\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestStepDown\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestVax3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastHomeIso\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeVax2JJ\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestVax2JJ\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastVax2JJ\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastHospital\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeHospital\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastTotalPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"population\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timeStamp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latestTotalPos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestTest\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"chang\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "632", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Word API, api_name:Get French Word, api_description:Same as random word, but grabs a random french word instead., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "633", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Seeding Data, api_name:Persons, api_description:Get 100 persons with en_US locale and gender female, required_params: [{\"name\": \"_locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_quantity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_gender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"firstname\": \"str\", \"lastname\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"birthday\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"address\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"street\": \"str\", \"streetName\": \"str\", \"buildingNumber\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"zipcode\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"county_code\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}, \"website\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "634", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Seeding Data, api_name:Books, api_description:Get 100 books with en_US locale, required_params: [{\"name\": \"_quantity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"isbn\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"published\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "635", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Word API, api_name:Get Word by Start, api_description:Returns a random word that starts with the specified string.\nFor example, \"fru\" will only return words that start with \"fru\", such as \"fruit\", required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "636", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Word API, api_name:Get Word by Start and Contain, api_description:Returns a random word that starts with a certain string and contains a certain string.\nFor example, if the start is \"fru\" and the substring is \"le\", you will get a word that starts with \"fru\" and contains \"le\", such as \"frustules\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"substring\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "637", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Consumer Reports, api_name:brands/detail, api_description:Get detailed information of a brand, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of brands -> id field returned in .../search endpoint OR brandId field returned in .../products/list, .../products/detail endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"brandName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"brandSlugName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isPublishable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"publishableModelsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"categories\\\": [{\\\"_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"productGroupName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productGroupSlugName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productGroupTypeId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"productGroupTypeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productGroupClassificationId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"productGroupClassificationName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sortOrder\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"targetPath\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"breadcrumbName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"originalGroupName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"singularName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pluralName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isSurveyRatings\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"groupCurrencyId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasChildren\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"cuGroupId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"modelCounts\\\": {\\\"totalTestedModelsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"testedProductsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"testedServicesCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"testedMaterialsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dnaProductsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"testInProgressProductsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"nonTestedProductsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"similarAvailableWithTestedPrntProductsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"similarAvailableWithTestedPrntMaterialsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ratedModelsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"recommendedOrBestBuyModels\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "638", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Consumer Reports, api_name:cars/detail, api_description:Get detailed information of car model by year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"modelYearId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of modelYearId field returned in .../cars/get-models endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"response\\\": {\\\"modelYear\\\": {\\\"modelYearId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cars\\\": [{\\\"testState\\\": {\\\"testStateName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"testStateId\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"lastPublishedDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodyStyle\\\": {\\\"bodyStyleId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"bodyStyleName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"driveWheel\\\": {\\\"driveWheelName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"driveWheelAbbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"driveWheelId\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"powerTrainType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ratingsCopiedFromCarModelYear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ratingsCopiedFromCarId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tiresAsTested\\\": {\\\"isRearSameAsFront\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rear\\\": {\\\"wheelDiameter\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tireBrandId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tireBrandName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tireModelId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"loadIndex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tireModelName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aspectRatio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"speedRating\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"front\\\": {\\\"wheelDiameter\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tireBrandId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tireBrandName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tireModelId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"loadIndex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tireModelName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aspectRatio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"speedRating\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"carId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"carVersionName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"carTags\\\": {\\\"carTypes\\\": [{\\\"carTypeSingularName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isPrimary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"carTypeOriginalNa\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "639", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Consumer Reports, api_name:product-groups/detail, api_description:Get detailed information of product group, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of _id field returned in .../product-groups/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"productGroupName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productGroupSlugName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"parentProductGroupId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"productGroupTypeId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"productGroupTypeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productGroupClassificationId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"productGroupClassificationName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"targetPath\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"breadcrumbName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"originalGroupName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"singularName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pluralName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketingText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isSurveyRatings\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"lastPublishedDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"groupCurrencyId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasChildren\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"cuGroupId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"guid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"modelCounts\\\": {\\\"totalTestedModelsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"testedProductsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"testedServicesCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"testedMaterialsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dnaProductsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"testInProgressProductsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"nonTestedProductsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"similarAvailableWithTestedPrntProductsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"similarAvailableWithTestedPrntMaterialsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ratedModelsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"recommendedOrBestBuyModelsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"modelMaxOverallDisplayScore\\\": \\\"int\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "640", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Whois Lookup_v3, api_name:Domain Information, api_description:This endpoint pulls the domain information, such as IP, expiration date and much more.\n\n\nParameters:\n-> search - The domain to search, don't add https or http. i.e: google.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The domain to search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "641", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Open Brewery DB, api_name:Get a brewery, api_description:Get Brewery by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of Brewery\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "642", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blur, api_name:Retrieve fees, api_description:This endpoint returns the various contract fees\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "643", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blur, api_name:Retrieve active loans offers, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve the active loan offer levels for a collection.\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"collection\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "644", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:JSearch, api_name:Estimated Salary, api_description:Get estimated salaries for a jobs around a location, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"parameters\": {\"job_title\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"radius\": \"int\"}, \"data\": [{\"location\": \"str\", \"job_title\": \"str\", \"publisher_name\": \"str\", \"publisher_link\": \"str\", \"min_salary\": \"int\", \"max_salary\": \"int\", \"median_salary\": \"int\", \"salary_period\": \"str\", \"salary_currency\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "645", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Word API, api_name:Get Word by Length and Start, api_description:Returns a random word of specified length and that starts with specified string.\nFor example, 7 and \"fru\" will return any word that is 7 letters long and starts with \"fru\", such as \"fruiter\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"length\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "646", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Word API, api_name:Get Word by Length, api_description:Returns a random word that has the specified length. For example, 7 will return any word that is 7 letters long, such as \"swallow\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"length\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "647", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3 - alternative, api_name:Related Videos, api_description:Get the videos related to the provided video., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Video id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"continuation\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"lengthText\": \"str\", \"viewCount\": \"str\", \"publishedTimeText\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"channelTitle\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"authorThumbnail\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 20}], \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "648", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3 - alternative, api_name:Comments, api_description:Get Comments of the particular video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Video Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"commentsCount\": \"str\", \"continuation\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"commentId\": \"str\", \"authorDisplayName\": \"str\", \"authorChannelId\": \"str\", \"authorProfileImageUrl\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"textDisplay\": \"str\", \"publishedTimeText\": \"str\", \"likesCount\": \"str\", \"replyCount\": \"int\", \"replyToken\": \"str\", \"authorIsChannelOwner\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "649", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Tardis.dev, api_name:Exchanges, api_description:Gets the exchanges details: available symbols, availability dates, available channels, CSV datasets info, incidents etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "650", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Reddit - Track the mentions and conversations about your business, api_name:GetMentions, api_description:Track the mentions and conversations about your business, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"web_summary\": {\"total_results\": \"NoneType\"}, \"result\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "651", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:User Information, api_description:Scrape all the HTML information from the NFT asset page without having to use chrome , scrape 10,000 NFTs images, & metadata in under 11min (*using top plan), required_params: [{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "652", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve owners, api_description:This endpoint is used to obtain the entire list of owners for an NFT. Results will also include the quantity owned., required_params: [{\"name\": \"asset_contract_address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"token_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "653", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YT-API, api_name:Search, api_description:Search videos, playlists, channels, or all of them.\nQuota cost is 1 unit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search term\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"continuation\": \"str\", \"estimatedResults\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"viewCountText\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"isOriginalAspectRatio\": \"bool\", \"params\": \"str\", \"playerParams\": \"str\", \"sequenceParams\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 40}], \"_list_length\": 22}], \"msg\": \"str\", \"refinements\": [\"list of str with length 14\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "654", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YT-API, api_name:Channel Livestreams, api_description:Get live stream listing and channel details.\nQuota cost is 1 unit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"channelId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"channelHandle\": \"str\", \"banner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"tvBanner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"mobileBanner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"avatar\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"subscriberCountText\": \"str\", \"subscriberCount\": \"int\", \"videosCountText\": \"str\", \"videosCount\": \"str\", \"keywords\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"isFamilySafe\": \"bool\", \"availableCountries\": [\"list of str with length 249\"], \"tabs\": [\"list of str with length 7\"]}, \"continuation\": \"str\", \"data\": \"empty list\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "655", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YT-API, api_name:Comments, api_description:Get video's or shorts' comments/thread.\nQuota cost is 1 unit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Video Id or Shorts Video Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"commentsCount\": \"str\", \"continuation\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"commentId\": \"str\", \"authorText\": \"str\", \"authorChannelId\": \"str\", \"authorThumbnail\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"textDisplay\": \"str\", \"publishedTimeText\": \"str\", \"publishDate\": \"str\", \"publishedAt\": \"str\", \"likesCount\": \"str\", \"replyCount\": \"int\", \"replyToken\": \"str\", \"authorIsChannelOwner\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "656", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:TransitFeeds, api_name:getFeedVersions, api_description:Retrieve a list of feed versions. This list can be filtered by a number of input parameters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"ts\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "657", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:VinHub, api_name:Orders, api_description:Get runs orders, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "658", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:VinHub, api_name:Run, api_description:Run Checked Report, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"report\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "659", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:VinHub, api_name:Check, api_description:Check if report exist, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"report\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "660", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Bible Search, api_name:Get Chapter by BookName, api_description:Returns a chapter of a book in the Bible., required_params: [{\"name\": \"bookName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the book.\"}, {\"name\": \"chapterId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Chapter number.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"chapter\": \"int\", \"verse\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\", \"book_id\": \"str\", \"book_name\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "661", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Bible Search, api_name:Random Verse, api_description:Returns a random verse of the bible., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"chapter\": \"int\", \"verse\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\", \"translation_id\": \"str\", \"book_id\": \"str\", \"book_name\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "662", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Bible Search, api_name:Get Book by Id, api_description:Returns a book of the Bible., required_params: [{\"name\": \"bookId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of the book.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"chapter\": \"int\", \"verse\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\", \"book_id\": \"str\", \"book_name\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "663", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Token Forwarding, api_name:Get token forwarding wallets, api_description:Get token forwarding wallets, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"offset\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\", \"tokenForwardingWallets\": \"empty list\"}, \"requestId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "664", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Token Forwarding, api_name:Get usage quota for the current month, api_description:Get usage quota for the current month, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"walletQuota\": \"str\", \"walletQuotaUsed\": \"str\"}, \"requestId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "665", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow Data v2, api_name:Search, api_description:Search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`location`: Address, neighborhood, or ZIP\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"currentPage\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addressCity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addressState\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addressStreet\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addressZipcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"area\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"availabilityDate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"badgeInfo\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"baths\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"beds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"brokerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"builderName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"carouselPhotos\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 35}], \\\"countryCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"detailUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"has3DModel\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasAdditionalAttributions\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasImage\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasVideo\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hdpData\\\": {\\\"homeInfo\\\": {\\\"bathrooms\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bedrooms\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"daysOnZillow\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"homeStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeStatusForHDP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isFeatured\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isNonOwnerOccupied\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isPreforeclosureAuction\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isPremierBuilder\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isShowcaseListing\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isUnmappable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isZillowOwned\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"listing_sub_type\\\": {\\\"is_newHome\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"livingArea\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"f\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "666", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Address Monitor, api_name:Get service status, api_description:Get service status, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"isRunning\": \"bool\", \"lastCrawledBlocks\": {\"BSC_TESTNET\": \"str\", \"ETHEREUM_MAINNET\": \"str\", \"ETHEREUM_GOERLI\": \"str\", \"POLYGON_MAINNET\": \"str\", \"POLYGON_TESTNET\": \"str\", \"BSC_MAINNET\": \"str\"}, \"unprocessedTransactionsCount\": \"int\", \"numberOfFailedTransactions\": \"int\", \"numberOfTotalTransactions\": \"int\"}, \"requestId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "667", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Phone, api_name:directory, api_description:Get all the Local Area Codes from a given Country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\\"ISO 2 letter country code\\\" or \\\"Name of the Country in English\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items\": [{\"api-message\": \"str\", \"area-code\": \"str\", \"country-calling-code\": \"str\", \"iso-code\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 67}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "668", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:House Plants, api_name:GetBySearch, api_description:Searches through all plants and returns the closest results matching \"Latin name\", \"Family\", \"Other names\", \"Common name\", \"Common name (fr.)\", \"Description\", \"Categories\", \"Origin\" in order by highest most likely. This route is case insensitive and uses fuzzy search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "669", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Link Preview, api_name:parse ogp meta data, api_description:Parse link preview, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"oembed\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"canonical_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"oembed\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ogp\\\": {\\\"al:android:app_name\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"al:android:package\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"al:android:url\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"al:ios:app_name\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"al:ios:app_store_id\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"al:ios:url\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"al:web:url\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"fb:app_id\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"og:description\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"og:image\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"og:image:height\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"og:image:width\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"og:site_name\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"og:title\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"og:type\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"og:url\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"og:video:height\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"og:video:secure_url\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"og:video:type\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"og:video:url\\\": [\\\"list of str with \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "670", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:House Plants, api_name:GetByCategory, api_description:Get all item based on a category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "671", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Link Preview, api_name:parse(minified) ogp meta data, api_description:Parse minified link preview, required_params: [{\"name\": \"oembed\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\", \"canonical_url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"cover\": \"str\", \"sitename\": \"str\", \"images\": \"NoneType\", \"icons\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "672", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Keyword Analysis, api_name:PopularSitesForQuery, api_description:Get the **popular sites** for a given search query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user's search query string.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"score\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "673", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Instagram Downloader, api_name:story_user, api_description:Download all story, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "674", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Hashing-Api, api_name:SHA Text Hash, api_description:Hash text (as query-string-parameter) using SHA1, SHA256, SHA384 or SHA512 algorithm according to selected mode path-parameter [1, 256, 384, 512]., required_params: [{\"name\": \"dataString\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"mode\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hashHexString\": \"str\", \"hashBase64String\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "675", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Hashing-Api, api_name:MD5 Text Hash, api_description:Hash text (as query-string-parameter) using MD5 algorithm., required_params: [{\"name\": \"dataString\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "676", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Bible Search, api_name:Search Text, api_description:Return all verses from the bible by text parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Text to be searched.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"chapter\": \"int\", \"verse\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\", \"book_id\": \"str\", \"book_name\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "677", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:FastAPI Project, api_name:Explore, api_description:explore api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "678", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:FastAPI Project, api_name:interests, api_description:Gets interests, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"interest_list\": [{\"interest\": \"str\", \"key_id\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": {\"hdpi\": \"str\", \"xxxhdpi\": \"str\", \"xxhdpi\": \"str\", \"mdpi\": \"str\", \"xhdpi\": \"str\"}, \"web_icon\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 14}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "679", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:TradingFlow Option Flow, api_name:Option Flow, api_description:Option Flow, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "680", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Phone, api_name:analysis, api_description:Analyse, validate and parse the content of a given Phone Number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"telephone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Full Telephone Number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"api-message\": \"str\", \"country-calling-code\": \"str\", \"formatted-number\": \"str\", \"iso-code\": \"str\", \"line-type\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"telephone-number\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "681", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Address From To Latitude Longitude, api_name:Coordinates (latitude longitude) to Address, api_description:By using this geographic tool you can get an address from lat long coordinates., required_params: [{\"name\": \"Lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "682", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:US Counties, api_name:Get basic data for all counties in a single state, api_description:counties, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postal\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "683", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Rich NFT API + Metadata, api_name:Top holders, api_description:Get top holders \n\n**Pagination example**:\n start=0&limit=20\n\n**Supported chain_id**: \neth, bsc, matic, avax, arb, op, required_params: [{\"name\": \"chain_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"_cache_seconds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_seconds\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_use_cache\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"holders\\\": [{\\\"desc\\\": {\\\"born_at\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cex\\\": {}, \\\"contract\\\": {\\\"eth\\\": {\\\"create_at\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_danger\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"is_muted\\\": 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api_description:getPharmaciesUsingGET, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"totalPages\": \"int\", \"totalItems\": \"int\", \"currentPage\": \"int\", \"first\": \"bool\", \"last\": \"bool\", \"itemsPerPage\": \"int\", \"pageSize\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"vat\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"postalCode\": \"str\", \"hamlet\": \"str\", \"city\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"district\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"region\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}}}, \"type\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "687", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Geography, api_name:Search Countries By Sub-Region, api_description:Search Countries by its Sub-Region, required_params: [{\"name\": \"subregion\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The subregion of the country. This search is case insensitive and exact match\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": {\\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nativeName\\\": [{\\\"lang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"translations\\\": [{\\\"lang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 25}]}, \\\"tld\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"cca2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ccn3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cca3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cioc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fifa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"independent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unMember\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"currencies\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alphaCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"idd\\\": {\\\"root\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"suffixes\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"capital\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latLng\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"altSpellings\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subregion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continents\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"languages\\\": [{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"latLng\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"landlocked\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"area\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flags\\\": {\\\"png\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"svg\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"demon\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "688", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Indonesia Hotspot and Fire Location Data, api_name:Hotspot, api_description:Indonesian Realtime Hotspot, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"confidence\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"lokasi\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"r_val\": \"int\", \"sattelite_code\": \"str\", \"waktu\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "689", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:scout, api_name:index, api_description:Root endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "690", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:WhatsApp_Api, api_name:PhoneList, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "691", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Kick.com API | Kick API, api_name:Get Channel Livestream Info, api_description:Get Channel Livestream Info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "692", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Kick.com API | Kick API, api_name:Get Subcategories, api_description:Returns subcategories., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "693", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Kick.com API | Kick API, api_name:Get Chat User (like user from chat), api_description:Get Chat User (like user from chat), required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "694", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Axesso - Instagram Data Service, api_name:comments, api_description:Fetch comments for a given post. Therefore the shortcode needs to be passed which is returned in the \"node\" array from posts endpoint. If in the first response \"data.shortcode_media.edge_media_to_parent_comment.page_info.has_next_page\" equals true, then more comments exists and it can be fetched by passing \"data.shortcode_media.edge_media_to_parent_comment.page_info.end_cursor\" to the after param in the next request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"shortCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"shortcode_media\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dimensions\\\": {\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"sharing_friction_info\\\": {\\\"should_have_sharing_friction\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"display_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_resources\\\": [{\\\"src\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"config_width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"config_height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"is_video\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"tracking_token\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"edge_media_to_tagged_user\\\": {\\\"edges\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"edge_media_to_caption\\\": {\\\"edges\\\": [{\\\"node\\\": {\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"can_see_insights_as_brand\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"caption_is_edited\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"has_ranked_comments\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"like_and_view_counts_disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"edge_media_to_parent_comment\\\": {\\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page_info\\\": {\\\"has_next_page\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"end_cursor\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"edges\\\": [{\\\"node\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"created_at\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"did_report_as_spam\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"owner\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_verified\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"profile_pic_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"username\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"viewer_has_liked\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"edge_liked_by\\\": {\\\"coun\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "695", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Lorem Ipsum by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/loremipsum, api_description:API Ninjas Lorem Ipsum API endpoint. Returns one or more paragraphs of lorem ipsum placeholder text., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"text\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "696", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Axesso - Instagram Data Service, api_name:accountInfo, api_description:Fetch data for a give account. The response includes the field \"id which is required for further requests e.g. posts, comments and replies and needs to be passed to query param userId. This endpoint needs the sessionid to work., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"full_name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"responseStatus\": \"str\", \"responseMessage\": \"str\", \"appId\": \"str\", \"csrfToken\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "697", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Axesso - Instagram Data Service, api_name:posts, api_description:Get posts for a give user. This endpoints needs the userid which can be obtained from the account-info endpoint. For pagination the field data.user.edge_owner_to_timeline_media.page_info.end_cursor from the response needs to be passed to after param in the next request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"user\\\": {\\\"edge_owner_to_timeline_media\\\": {\\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page_info\\\": {\\\"has_next_page\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"end_cursor\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"edges\\\": [{\\\"node\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dimensions\\\": {\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"display_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_resources\\\": [{\\\"src\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"config_width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"config_height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"is_video\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"tracking_token\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"edge_media_to_tagged_user\\\": {\\\"edges\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"edge_media_to_caption\\\": {\\\"edges\\\": [{\\\"node\\\": {\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"shortcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"edge_media_to_comment\\\": {\\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page_info\\\": {\\\"has_next_page\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"end_cursor\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"edges\\\": [{\\\"node\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"created_at\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"did_report_as_spam\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"owner\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_verified\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"profile_pic_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"username\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"viewer_has_liked\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}]}, \\\"edge_media_to_sponsor_user\\\": {\\\"edges\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"comments_disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"taken_at\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "698", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YT Data API_v2, api_name:avaliableCountry, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "699", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Token Forwarding, api_name:Get token forwarding transactions, api_description:Get token forwarding transactions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"offset\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\", \"tokenForwardingTransactions\": \"empty list\"}, \"requestId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "700", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Socialgrep, api_name:Comment search, api_description:Searches Reddit comments., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The comma-separated query for the search. Supports the following term types:\\n\\n`/r/{subreddit}` - search only comments from the subreddit {subreddit}.\\n\\n`-/r/{subreddit}` - search only comments not from the subreddit {subreddit}.\\n\\n`{term}` - search only comments containing the term {term}.\\n\\n`-{term}` - search only comments not containing the term {term}.\\n\\n`score:{score}` - search only comments with score at least {score}.\\n\\n`before:{YYYY-mm-dd}`, `after:{YYYY-mm-dd}` - search only comments within the date range. `before` is inclusive, `after` is not.\\n\\n`post:{post_id}` - search only comments for the given post.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"subreddit\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nsfw\": \"bool\"}, \"created_utc\": \"int\", \"permalink\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\", \"sentiment\": \"int\", \"score\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 25}], \"total_count\": \"int\", \"query\": \"str\", \"sort_key\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "701", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Socialgrep, api_name:Post search, api_description:Searches Reddit posts., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The comma-separated query for the search. Supports the following term types:\\n\\n`site:{site_name}` - search only posts where the domain matches {site_name}.\\n\\n`-site:{site_name}` - search only posts where the domain does not match {site_name}.\\n\\n`/r/{subreddit}` - search only posts from the subreddit {subreddit}.\\n\\n`-/r/{subreddit}` - search only posts not from the subreddit {subreddit}.\\n\\n`{term}` - search only posts with titles containing the term {term}.\\n\\n`-{term}` - search only posts with titles not containing the term {term}.\\n\\n`score:{score}` - search only posts with score at least {score}.\\n\\n`before:{YYYY-mm-dd}`, `after:{YYYY-mm-dd}` - search only posts within the date range. `before` is inclusive, `after` is not.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"subreddit\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nsfw\": \"bool\"}, \"created_utc\": \"int\", \"permalink\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"selftext\": \"NoneType\", \"url\": \"str\", \"score\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 25}], \"total_count\": \"int\", \"query\": \"str\", \"sort_key\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "702", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Token Forwarding, api_name:Get gas fee funding wallets, api_description:Get gas fee funding wallets, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"offset\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\", \"gasFeeFundingWallets\": \"empty list\"}, \"requestId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "703", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blackbox, api_name:Multiple Array | V2, api_description:Using the GET method you can request an IP specific detections, and other IP information.\n\nCheck out our documentation for more info on our different detections., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ips\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"error\": \"NoneType\", \"asn\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"number\": \"int\", \"network\": \"str\", \"cidr\": \"int\"}, \"detection\": {\"bogon\": \"bool\", \"cloud\": \"bool\", \"hosting\": \"bool\", \"proxy\": \"bool\", \"spamhaus\": \"bool\", \"tor\": \"bool\"}, \"suggestion\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "704", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:vin-decoder_v4, api_name:Vin Decode, api_description:Vin Decode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "705", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:vin-decoder_v4, api_name:AU Decode, api_description:AU Decode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "706", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:vin-decoder_v4, api_name:NZ Decode, api_description:NZ Decode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "707", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blackbox, api_name:Singular Object | V2, api_description:Note: This will work only with singular IP lookups.\n\nIf you are unkeen to lookup multiple IP addresses at the same time, and want a simpler request. This might be for you. \n\nWe will return a singular IP object, that will minimize your request complexity, but with the loss of flexibility., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"error\": \"NoneType\", \"asn\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"number\": \"int\", \"network\": \"str\", \"cidr\": \"int\"}, \"detection\": {\"bogon\": \"bool\", \"cloud\": \"bool\", \"hosting\": \"bool\", \"proxy\": \"bool\", \"spamhaus\": \"bool\", \"tor\": \"bool\"}, \"suggestion\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "708", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Chain49, api_name:Get raw block data V2, api_description:Returns the raw hex-encoded block data for a given block hash or height, required_params: [{\"name\": \"blockHashOrHeight\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Block hash or height\"}, {\"name\": \"blockchain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Blockchain name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "709", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Crypto Prices API, api_name:Prices and up and down, api_description:Here you can fetch the data using this rest endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"\": \"int\", \"open\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"close\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"marketCap\": \"int\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"crypto_name\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "710", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Geography, api_name:Get Sub Regions, api_description:Get list of sub regions of a region, required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the region\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "711", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Geography, api_name:Search Countries By Name, api_description:Search Countries by Name. Both official and common names are searched, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the Country to be searched. By default like query type search is supported where a country can be search by only providing part of the name. If exact match is needed, add exactMatch=true in query parameter.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "712", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:UK Real Estate Rightmove, api_name:commercial/property-to-rent/detail, api_description:Commercial property to rent for detail, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id from commercial/property-to-rent endpoint \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"address\\\": {\\\"countryCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"deliveryPointId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"displayAddress\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"incode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"outcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ukCountry\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"affordableBuyingScheme\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"auctionProvider\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"bathrooms\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"bedrooms\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"broadband\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"brochures\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"businessForSale\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"channel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"commercial\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"commercialUseClasses\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"contactInfo\\\": {\\\"contactMethod\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"telephoneNumbers\\\": {\\\"disclaimerDescription\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"disclaimerText\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"disclaimerTitle\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"internationalNumber\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"localNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"countryGuide\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"customer\\\": {\\\"bannerAd\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"branchDisplayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"branchId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"branchName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"buildToRent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"buildToRentBenefits\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"commercial\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"companyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"companyTradingName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"customerBannerAdProfileUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"customerDescription\\\": {\\\"isTruncated\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "713", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Instagram Downloader, api_name:hid, api_description:get all highlights by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "714", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:UK Real Estate Rightmove, api_name:commercial/property-to-sale, api_description:Commercial property for sale, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"currentPage\": \"int\", \"data\": \"empty list\", \"message\": \"str\", \"resultsPerPage\": \"int\", \"status\": \"bool\", \"totalResultCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "715", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:UK Real Estate Rightmove, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:Get auto complete suggestion by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"displayName\": \"str\", \"locationIdentifier\": \"str\", \"normalisedSearchTerm\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "716", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Contact Scraper, api_name:Scrape Contact Details from a website, api_description:this endpoint will scrape emails and phones from any website using it`s URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the url of the website\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Emails\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Phones\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "717", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoAPI, api_name:Get City Detail, api_description:Get details of a city from its name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"cities\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "718", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow Base, api_name:Property details, api_description:Property details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zpid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"listingDataSource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zpid\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"address\\\": {\\\"streetAddress\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zipcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"neighborhood\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"community\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"subdivision\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"isListingClaimedByCurrentSignedInUser\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isCurrentSignedInAgentResponsible\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"bedrooms\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"bathrooms\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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api_description:Get Power BI learning resources., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"featuredContent\": \"str\", \"length\": \"str\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"publishedDateTime\": \"str\", \"heat\": \"int\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"content\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 30}], \"nextPage\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "720", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Power BI Smartable, api_name:GetTopics, api_description:Get Power BI topics., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"shortname\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"services\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"endpoint\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}], \"_list_length\": 6}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "721", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Power BI Smartable, api_name:GetSamples, api_description:Get Power BI samples, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", 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"category_name:Data, tool_name:US States, api_name:Get states by FIPS, api_description:Retrieve all fields for states matching the provided FIPS code(s). Multiple FIPS codes can be provided separated by commas., required_params: [{\"name\": \"fips\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "724", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:100% Success Instagram API - Scalable & Robust, api_name:post-comments, api_description:Get post comments list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mediaId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "725", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:100% Success Instagram API - Scalable & Robust, api_name:media-info, api_description:Get media info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"media_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"needs to be the same as mediaId in url\"}, {\"name\": \"mediaId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "726", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:BlogsAPI, api_name:Categories, api_description:List all available categories from the BlogsAPI., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"categoryDesc\": \"str\", \"categoryImage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "727", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:BlogsAPI, api_name:Search, api_description:Search blogs by keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"next\": \"NoneType\", \"previous\": \"NoneType\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"category\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"categoryDesc\": \"str\", \"categoryImage\": \"str\"}, \"title\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"tags\": \"str\", \"contentSourceName\": \"NoneType\", \"contentSourceURL\": \"NoneType\", \"extraImageUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"extraImageAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imageOwnerName\": \"NoneType\", \"imageOwnerBacklink\": \"NoneType\", \"image\": \"str\", \"videoURL\": \"NoneType\", \"date_published\": \"str\", \"website\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "728", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Consumer Reports, api_name:cars/get-models, api_description:Get model generations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"modelId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of carModels -> id field returned in .../search endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"response\\\": [{\\\"modelGenerationId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"modelGenerationStartYear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"modelGenerationSummary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"modelYears\\\": [{\\\"modelYearId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"modelYear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"modelYearStates\\\": {\\\"modelYearStateName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"modelYearStateId\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"imgUrl\\\": {\\\"fileName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cloudName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"relativePath\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"imageDomain\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cloudFrontDomain\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fileFormat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"trimAsShown\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"price\\\": {\\\"currentRetailAvgValueMax\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentRetailAvgValueMin\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentTradeInAvgValueMax\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentTradeInAvgValueMin\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"defaultMsrpMax\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"defaultMsrpMin\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"modelYearPricing\\\": [{\\\"msrpMin\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dataSourceId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dataSourceName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"msrpMax\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}]}, \\\"expertRatings\\\": {\\\"isUsedCarRecommended\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"cars\\\": [{\\\"testState\\\": {\\\"testStateName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"testStateId\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"lastPublishedDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodyStyle\\\": {\\\"bodyStyleId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"bodyStyleName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"driveWheel\\\": {\\\"driveWheelName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"driveWh\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "729", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Consumer Reports, api_name:cars/get-recalls, api_description:Get recalls relating to a car model year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"modelYearId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of modelYearId field returned in .../cars/get-models endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"content\": [{\"_id\": \"int\", \"NHTSACampaignNumber\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"last\": \"bool\", \"totalElements\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"size\": \"int\", \"number\": \"int\", \"first\": \"bool\", \"numberOfElements\": \"int\", \"sort\": [{\"direction\": \"str\", \"property\": \"str\", \"ignoreCase\": \"bool\", \"nullHandling\": \"str\", \"ascending\": \"bool\", \"descending\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "730", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve user collection bids, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve the active collection bids to a user wallet address.\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"walletAddress\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"filters\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "731", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve airdrop leaderboard, api_description:Retrieve the current airdrop leaderboard list\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "732", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve assets, api_description:This endpoint returns a set of NFTs based on the specified filter parameters.\n\nAuctions created on OpenSea don't use an escrow contract, which enables gas-free auctions and allows users to retain ownership of their items while they're on sale. In these cases, some NFTs from opensea.io may not appear in the API until a transaction has been completed., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "733", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:ASN Details, api_name:get_asn_by_ip, api_description:Enter an IP Address (Both IPv4 or IPv6 Addresses allowed) to get its ASN number, Organization, Country etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip_address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IP Address to retrieve its ASN details\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ASN Number\": \"str\", \"ASN Owner\": \"str\", \"Network\": \"str\", \"Country\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "734", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:JailBase, api_name:Recent, api_description:Get recent arrests, required_params: [{\"name\": \"source_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of a specific organization to search (use 'az-mcso' for test). Full list at http://www.jailbase.com/api/#sources_list\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "735", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:ASN Details, api_name:get_asn_by_country, api_description:Enter country code (ISO 2 letter code such as US, GB etc) to get all the ASNs associated with that country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country Code (e.g US, UK etc) to retrieve all of its ASN numbers\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"0\\\": {\\\"Start_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"End_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AS_Number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Country_Code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AS_Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Network_CIDR\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"1\\\": {\\\"Start_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"End_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AS_Number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Country_Code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AS_Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Network_CIDR\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"2\\\": {\\\"Start_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"End_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AS_Number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Country_Code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AS_Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Network_CIDR\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"3\\\": {\\\"Start_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"End_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AS_Number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Country_Code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AS_Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Network_CIDR\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"4\\\": {\\\"Start_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"End_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AS_Number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Country_Code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AS_Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Network_CIDR\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"5\\\": {\\\"Start_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"End_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AS_Number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Country_Code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AS_Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Network_CIDR\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"6\\\": {\\\"Start_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"End_IP_Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AS_Number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Country_Code\\\": \\\"str\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "736", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:User's Followers, api_description:This endpoint return a list of user's followers given a user ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "737", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:ASN Details, api_name:get_details_by_asn_number, api_description:Enter an ASN Number (Integer) to get all of its details such as IP ranges, Country, Organization, CIDR., required_params: [{\"name\": \"asn_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ASN Number to retrieve its details\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"0\": {\"Start_IP_Range\": \"str\", \"End_IP_Range\": \"str\", \"AS_Number\": \"int\", \"Country_Code\": \"str\", \"AS_Description\": \"str\", \"Network_CIDR\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"Start_IP_Range\": \"str\", \"End_IP_Range\": \"str\", \"AS_Number\": \"int\", \"Country_Code\": \"str\", \"AS_Description\": \"str\", \"Network_CIDR\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"Start_IP_Range\": \"str\", \"End_IP_Range\": \"str\", \"AS_Number\": \"int\", \"Country_Code\": \"str\", \"AS_Description\": \"str\", \"Network_CIDR\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "738", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:Get trends near a location (Beta), api_description:Returns the top 50 trending topics for a specific id (woeid), if trending information is available for it., required_params: [{\"name\": \"woeid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "739", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:JailBase, api_name:Search, api_description:Search for individuals by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"source_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of a specific organization to search. Full list at http://www.jailbase.com/api/#sources_list\"}, {\"name\": \"last_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The last name to search for, partial names accepted\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"next_page\": \"int\", \"records\": \"empty list\", \"current_page\": \"int\", \"total_records\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "740", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Reqres, api_name:Unknown, api_description:List of unknown resources, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"per_page\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"color\": \"str\", \"pantone_value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"support\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "741", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Whois Lookup_v4, api_name:emailValidation, api_description:Clean your email list database with our free email checker and verifier, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email to be verified\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "742", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Whois Lookup_v4, api_name:newlyRegisteredDomains, api_description:REST API to lookup newly registered domains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "743", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Yandex Video API, api_name:Get server time, api_description:Gets server time., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "744", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:File Extension, api_name:details, api_description:Get data based on file extension. Currently only has one endpoint to get icon and full name of the file extension, required_params: [{\"name\": \"extension\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "745", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Barcodes Lookup, api_name:Search & Product Details, api_description:It returns product results if you enter a search term, and returns product details if you enter a barcode number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**Barcode** or **search term**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "746", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Commodity Rates API, api_name:Supported Symbols, api_description:Check all the available symbols for your queries. 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api_description:Skill Tree, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ancestors\": \"empty list\", \"siblings\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "749", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Seeding Data, api_name:Users, api_description:Get 100 users with en_US locale and gender male, required_params: [{\"name\": \"_quantity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_gender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"uuid\": \"str\", \"firstname\": \"str\", \"lastname\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"ip\": \"str\", \"macAddress\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "750", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Avito Scraper, api_name:FastSearchFull, api_description:this is a beta test of fast API of Full info Search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fastav\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"pageNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"previousPage\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"currentPage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"items\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subject\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"listTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": {\\\"city\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"trackingValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"trackingName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"area\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"trackingValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"trackingName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"address\\\": 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info for a single offer, required_params: [{\"name\": \"singleav\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"listId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"subject\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"listTime\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"isPhoneHidden\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"phone\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"phoneImageUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"isPhoneVerified\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasShipping\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"friendlyUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"vertical\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"isEligibleToExpertize\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"rentalBlockedDates\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"isExpertizeSent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"seller\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"regTime\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"img\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"website\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"address\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"uuId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", 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\"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"vat\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"addresses\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"street\": \"str\", \"streetName\": \"str\", \"buildingNumber\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"zipcode\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"county_code\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"website\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"contact\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"firstname\": \"str\", \"lastname\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"birthday\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"address\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"street\": \"str\", \"streetName\": \"str\", \"buildingNumber\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"zipcode\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"county_code\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}, \"website\": \"str\", 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For this, provide the `pagination` received in the previous request to this endpoint.\n\nResults are returned ordered by upload date, from latest to oldest., required_params: [{\"name\": \"videosType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"channelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"videos\": [{\"videoId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"dateApprox\": \"str\", \"viewCount\": \"int\", \"lengthSeconds\": \"int\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 30}], \"pagination\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "755", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:FastYTAPI, api_name:Video recommendations (w/ pagination), api_description:Return video recommendations given a videoId., required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "756", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Vessel Data, api_name:Get Vessels by Geo Position, api_description:Return available vessels within 300 nautical miles radius of the given geo coordinate.\nVisit our [demo site](https://core-api.net/vessel/map.html), required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"nautical_miles_radius\": \"int\", \"total_vessel\": \"int\", \"vessels\": [{\"COURSE\": \"str\", \"ELAPSED\": \"str\", \"LAT\": \"float\", \"LON\": \"float\", \"SHIPNAME\": \"str\", \"SHIPTYPE\": \"str\", \"SPEED\": \"str\", \"STATUS_NAME\": \"str\", \"TYPE_IMG\": \"str\", \"TYPE_NAME\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 182}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "757", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:IP to Income, api_name:IP address, api_description:IP address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "758", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:OpenSea GraphQL, api_name:(Advance) X-Signed-Query & Payload [BETA], api_description:This endpoint provides a verified request template based on the latest consecutive request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "759", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:dummyData, api_name:overview, api_description:Overview of all entry points and usage, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "760", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube Search (Unlimited), api_name:Search Results, api_description:Get Top 22 YouTube Search Results with Video ID, URL, Thumbnail, Title & Duration. No API Key/No Quota Limits, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"results\\\": {\\\"0\\\": {\\\"videoid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"1\\\": {\\\"videoid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"2\\\": {\\\"videoid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"3\\\": {\\\"videoid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumb\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"4\\\": {\\\"videoid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"5\\\": {\\\"videoid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"6\\\": {\\\"videoid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"7\\\": {\\\"videoid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"8\\\": {\\\"videoid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"10\\\": {\\\"videoid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"11\\\": {\\\"videoid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"s\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "761", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Verification Nigeria, api_name:Verify Plate Number Location, api_description:Enter the first 3-digit of any Nigeria plate number to know the state and LGA it comes from. For example, if a plate number is GGE123YZ. you will pass the parameter as GGE or gge (not case sensitive) and the state, LGA and state slogan will be displayed including its unique id. Feel free to try it out., required_params: [{\"name\": \"platecodeloc\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"information\": {\"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "762", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Hashing-Api, api_name:Blake2B Text Hash, api_description:Hash text (as query-string-parameter) using blake2b algorithm., required_params: [{\"name\": \"dataString\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "763", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Captcha_v2, api_name:Custom captcha, api_description:captcha code is user format. \n\n- string is number or character, string length is up to 8 (from 1 to 8), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "764", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Captcha_v2, api_name:Number captcha, api_description:Captcha code is number format.\n\n- params: length is number (from 1 to 8, default is 6), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "765", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Provinces of Thailand, api_name:subdistrict, api_description:ตำบล : subdistricts, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sub_district_id\": \"int\", \"sub_district_code\": \"str\", \"sub_district_name\": \"str\", \"district_id\": \"int\", \"province_id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "766", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube v3_v3, api_name:Captions, api_description:Returns a list of caption tracks that are associated with a specified video., required_params: [{\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The **part** parameter specifies the **caption** resource parts that the API response will include.\\n\\nThe list below contains the **part** names that you can include in the parameter value:\\n\\n- id\\n- snippet\"}, {\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The **videoId** parameter specifies the YouTube video ID of the video for which the API should return caption tracks.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "767", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Data.Police.UK, api_name:Last updated, api_description:Crime data in the API is updated once a month. Find out when it was last updated., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "768", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Data.Police.UK, api_name:Crimes with no location, api_description:Returns a list of crimes where the responsible force hasn't specified a location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"force\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "769", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube v3_v3, api_name:Search, api_description:Returns a collection of search results that match the query parameters specified in the API request. 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Set the parameter value to **snippet**.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "770", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure, api_name:GetPastEvents, api_description:Get past Azure events., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"startDateTime\": \"str\", \"endDateTime\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"content\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 25}], \"nextPage\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "771", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:ASN Lookup, api_name:Fetch information, api_description:Retrieve information based on AS number, CIDR (IPV4 & IPV6) or organization name., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "772", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:TransitFeeds, api_name:getLatestFeedVersion, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"feed\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ID of the feed to download\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"ts\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "773", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Complete Study Bible, api_name:Book List and Chapter Counts API, api_description:Lists all books of the Bible, abbreviations, and chapter counts. 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tool_name:Refactor numbers in human readable form like 1K or 1M, api_name:Number, api_description:Send a number to get the refactored human-readable form of the number.\nYou can use this to show the price for your products to your e-commerce website, and many more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "784", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Mobile-Phones, api_name:Get Devices By Brand, api_description:Params\n\n1. brand_id (required)\n2. page\n3. limit, required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"brand_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"devices\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", 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Pagination scraping is supported., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "808", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cigars, api_name:Get Cigars, api_description:Get cigar data, paginated with filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cigars\": \"empty list\", \"page\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "809", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:vin-decoder_v4, api_name:US Decode, api_description:US Decode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "810", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Get Profile Recent Activity Time, api_description:Get the time of the latest activity. **2 credits per call.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"linkedin_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "811", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Get Job Details, api_description:Scrape the full job details, including the company basic information. **1 credit per call.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"job_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "812", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:vin-decoder_v4, api_name:ZA Decode, api_description:ZA Decode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "813", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Data.Police.UK, api_name:Street-level outcomes, api_description:Outcomes at street-level; either at a 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api_name:Autocomplete, api_description:Find location for search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`text`: Input to search location\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "817", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Gis Engine, api_name:Get all countries, api_description:Get all supported countries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "818", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Gis Engine, api_name:Get regions, api_description:Get regions per country\n\n- country_code can be fetch from Get Countries endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "819", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Gis Engine, api_name:Get country details, api_description:Get the country details by providing the country code (2 letter code), required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "820", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Thai Lotto New API, api_name:Beta Calendar (စမ်းသပ်ဆဲ), api_description:2019 မှ ယနေ့လက်ရှိအချိန်အထိ ထွက်ရှိခဲ့သော 2D History များကို စုစည်းပေးထားခြင်းဖြစ်ပါသည်။, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "821", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Token Forwarding, api_name:Get token forwarding transaction webhook, api_description:Get token forwarding transaction webhook, required_params: [{\"name\": \"transactionId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "822", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cities Cost of Living and Average Prices API, api_name:Get Cities by Country, api_description:This endpoint will retrieve all the supported cities in a given country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country name to retrieve the cities from.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"country\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"iso3\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "823", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cities Cost of Living and Average Prices API, api_name:Cost Of Living By City, api_description:This endpoint will retrieve the average prices and cost of living for the desired city. 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and amazon_domain parameters or the url parameter (where the url parameter contains a link to an Amazon product page). 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generated by a machine or a human. 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"metadata": {}} {"_id": "881", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:TikTok API, api_name:User's Details, api_description:Return User Details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"username\": \"str\", \"nickname\": \"str\", \"user_id\": \"str\", \"profile_image\": \"str\", \"following\": \"int\", \"followers\": \"int\", \"total_videos\": \"int\", \"total_heart\": \"int\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"bio_link\": {\"link\": \"str\", \"risk\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "882", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:CPF Validator, api_name:Generate CPF, api_description:Generate a random valid CPF number., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cpf\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "883", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:CPF Validator, api_name:Validate CPF number, api_description:Checks if a CPF number is valid., required_params: [{\"name\": \"n\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"valid\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "884", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3_v2, api_name:Playlist Details, api_description:Get playlist details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "885", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3_v2, api_name:Playlist Videos, api_description:Get playlist videos, required_params: [{\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"playlistId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "886", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Power BI Smartable, api_name:GetCommunities, api_description:Get Power BI communities., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"heat\": \"int\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"content\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"members\": \"int\", \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 6}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "887", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:App Store, api_name:Similar Apps By bundle ID, api_description:Get a list of apps similar to the provided app by app bundle ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"appId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"developer\": \"str\", \"developerId\": \"int\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"score\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "888", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:App Store, api_name:Reviews by bundle ID, api_description:Get reviews for a chosen app by app bundle id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"userName\": \"str\", \"userUrl\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\", \"score\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "889", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:scrape for me, api_name:is it up, api_description:check the server is working \ninsteed of \"up\" in the link you can type anything, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "890", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Chunk API, api_name:getRandomPassword, api_description:Get random password string., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "891", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Realtor, api_name:Search for region, api_description:Get location suggestions by keyword, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"_score\": \"float\", \"area_type\": \"str\", \"centroid\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\"}, \"city\": \"str\", \"counties\": [{\"fips\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"state_code\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"country\": \"str\", \"county_needed_for_uniq\": \"bool\", \"geo_id\": \"str\", \"slug_id\": \"str\", \"state_code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "892", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Amazon Web Scraping API, api_name:Get Languages, api_description:Return the list of currently supported languages in the API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"key\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "893", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:SA Rego Check, api_name:Registration Check, api_description:Information returned from this check includes:\n\nMake\nPrimary Colour\nExpiry Date \nbody or hull type\ncompulsory third-party (CTP) insurer (vehicles only)\nheavy vehicle details (gross vehicle, combination, or trailer mass)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"rego\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "894", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Amazon Web Scraping API, api_name:​Get Product Details(All countries), api_description:Get the detail of a specific product from Amazon using the ASIN code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"asin\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"asin_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": {\\\"discounted\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"savingPorcentage\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"priceSymbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"priceFraction\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"features\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"productInformation\\\": [{\\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 21}], \\\"mainImage_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mainImage_description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medias\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"images\\\": [{\\\"asin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"imageCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"images\\\": [{\\\"large\\\": 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For example, you can retrieve all playlists that the authenticated user owns, or you can retrieve one or more playlists by their unique IDs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The **part** parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more **playlist** resource properties that the API response will include.\\n\\nIf the parameter identifies a property that contains child properties, the child properties will be included in the response. For example, in a **playlist** resource, the **snippet** property contains properties like **author**, **title**, **description** and **timeCreated**. As such, if you set **part=snippet**, the API response will contain all of those properties.\\n\\nThe following list contains the **part** names that you can include in the parameter value:\\n\\n- contentDetails\\n- id\\n- localizations\\n- player\\n- snippet\\n- status\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "896", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Restaurant, api_name:restaurant, api_description:list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "897", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure Smartable, api_name:GetPeople, api_description:Get Azure influencers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"bio\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"twitter\": {\"username\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"followers\": \"int\"}, \"linkedin\": {\"url\": \"str\"}, \"affiliation\": {\"path\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"heat\": \"int\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"content\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "898", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure Smartable, api_name:GetNewsByTopic, api_description:Get Azure news by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"featuredContent\": \"NoneType\", \"highlight\": \"NoneType\", \"heat\": \"int\", \"tags\": \"NoneType\", \"images\": \"NoneType\", \"content\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ampWebUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"cdnAmpWebUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"publishedDateTime\": \"str\", \"updatedDateTime\": \"NoneType\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"title\": \"NoneType\", \"attribution\": \"NoneType\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"publishers\": \"NoneType\", \"authors\": \"NoneType\"}, \"locale\": \"str\", \"categories\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 30}], \"nextPage\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "899", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blur, api_name:Retrieve collection traits, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve trait information about a single collection.\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"contract_address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "900", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blur, api_name:Retreive portfolio, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve portfolio details for a single wallet address.\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"walletAddress\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "901", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blur, api_name:Retrieve collection fees, api_description:This endpoint returns the various collection fees\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "902", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:vin-decoder_v4, api_name:PL Decode, api_description:PL Decode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "903", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fluximmo, api_name:get_annonce, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"unique_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "904", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fluximmo, api_name:get_alerts_list_or_create, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "905", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fluximmo, api_name:get_annonce_by_urls, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"url with https://\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "906", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Linkedin Profile Data Api, api_name:Get profile data, api_description:get profile data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"isOpenToWork\": \"bool\", \"isHiring\": \"bool\", \"profilePicture\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"headline\": \"str\", \"geo\": {\"country\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"full\": \"str\"}, \"languages\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"proficiency\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"educations\": \"NoneType\", \"position\": [{\"companyName\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"employmentType\": \"str\", \"start\": {\"year\": \"int\", \"month\": \"int\", \"day\": \"int\"}, \"end\": {\"year\": \"int\", \"month\": \"int\", \"day\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 5}], \"skills\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 70}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "907", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Realtor, api_name:Search properties for sale, api_description:Search properties for sale by Address, School, City, Zip or Neighborhood. Filter the results using different parameter filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "908", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Realtor, api_name:Property Details, api_description:Get property details by property ID or by Address, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"home\\\": {\\\"advertisers\\\": [{\\\"builder\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"office\\\": {\\\"phones\\\": [{\\\"ext\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primary\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"trackable\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]}, \\\"state_license\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"team_name\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"branding\\\": [{\\\"accent_color\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"phone\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"photo\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"slogan\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"builder\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"coming_soon_date\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"community\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"consumer_advertisers\\\": [{\\\"address\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"advertiser_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"agent_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"broker_id\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"contact_name\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"hours\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"phone\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"photo\\\": {\\\"description\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"href\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"show_realtor_logo\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"slogan\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"description\\\": {\\\"baths\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"baths_1qtr\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"baths_3qtr\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"baths_\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "909", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Subtitles for YouTube_v2, api_name:Download mp3, api_description:Download mp3 from youtube video., required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Youtube Video ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "910", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Diablo4 Smartable, api_name:GetTopics, api_description:Get Diablo 4 topics., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"shortname\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"services\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"endpoint\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "911", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Diablo4 Smartable, api_name:GetSponsorships, api_description:Get Diablo 4 sponsorships., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "912", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Axesso - Facebook Data Service, api_name:replies, api_description:Fetch comments for for given feedbackId which is located in \"data.feedback.display_comments.edges.node.feedback.id\" in the post or comments endpoint. For pagination the optional query parameter \"after\" can be used by including \"comments.data.feedback.page_info.end_cursor\" from the revious response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"feedbackId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "913", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Axesso - Facebook Data Service, api_name:posts, api_description:Query posts by providing url e.g. https://www.facebook.com/longhornsteakhouse/posts/. In the response the field \"nextUrl\" have to passed to the next request to fetch the next posts., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "914", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Social Links Search, api_name:Search Social Links, api_description:Get social profile links by search query or keywords. The following social networks are supported: Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, GitHub and Pinterest., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Social links search query.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"facebook\": [\"list of str with length 12\"], \"instagram\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"twitter\": [\"list of str with length 19\"], \"linkedin\": [\"list of str with length 22\"], \"github\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"youtube\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"pinterest\": [\"list of str with length 20\"], \"tiktok\": [\"list of str with length 11\"], \"snapchat\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "915", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:OpenSea Data Query, api_name:Retrieve listings V2, api_description:This endpoint is used to fetch the set of active listings on a given NFT for the Seaport contract., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chain\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"maker\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"taker\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"listed_after\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"listed_before\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"order_by\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"order_direction\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "916", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:OpenSea Data Query, api_name:Retrieve all offers V2, api_description:get all open offers for a collection, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"limit\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "917", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Web Search, api_name:spellCheck, api_description:Check spelling., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The text string to check for spelling errors.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "918", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Lexicala, api_name:SearchEntries, api_description:search for entries with filters in query, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"errors\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"errors\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"params\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"empty list\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"in\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"path\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "919", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:France 2D, api_name:History, api_description:History, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ipK_TRANSACTION_ID\": \"str\", \"transactioN_DATE\": \"str\", \"twoD_11_00\": \"str\", \"twoD_13_00\": \"str\", \"twoD_15_00\": \"str\", \"twoD_17_00\": \"str\", \"twoD_19_00\": \"str\", \"twoD_21_00\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "920", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Keyword Analysis, api_name:QueryKeywords, api_description:Get the **main keywords** for a given search query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user's search query string.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "921", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Returns company info based on the website, api_name:getCompanyByWebsite, api_description:For valid response use valid website domain. Other values will generate exceptions. Subdomains will be removed., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "922", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow Base, api_name:locationSuggestions_v2, api_description:Search for a location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State, county, neighborhood, city, street name, zip code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "923", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow Base, api_name:getZipCodeByCity, api_description:Get zip code by city, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"zipCode\": \"str\", \"regionId\": \"NoneType\", \"city\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"usps\": \"str\", \"stateCapital\": \"str\", \"countryName\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"NoneType\", \"lng\": \"NoneType\", \"northLat\": \"NoneType\", \"southLat\": \"NoneType\", \"westLng\": \"NoneType\", \"eastLng\": \"NoneType\", \"fieldType\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "924", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:SERP by Outscraper, api_name:Search, api_description:Returns search results based on a given search query (or many queries). This endpoint is optimized for fast responses and can be used as a real-time API.\n\n[API Docs](https://app.outscraper.com/api-docs), required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Queries to search (e.g., `bitcoin`, `37th president of USA`).\\n\\nIt supports batching by sending arrays with up to 25 queries (e.g., `query=text1&query=text2&query=text3`). It allows multiple queries to be sent in one request and to save on network latency time (each query will be counted as a different request in billing).\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"query\": \"str\", \"organic_results\": [{\"link\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"ads\": \"empty list\", \"shopping_results\": \"empty list\", \"related_questions\": [{\"link\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"question\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"search_information\": {\"total_results\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "925", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Hubspot APIs, api_name:Search calls, api_description:Search for calls, required_params: [{\"name\": \"after\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"config\": {\"transitional\": {\"silentJSONParsing\": \"bool\", \"forcedJSONParsing\": \"bool\", \"clarifyTimeoutError\": \"bool\"}, \"adapter\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"transformRequest\": [\"list of NoneType with length 1\"], \"transformResponse\": [\"list of NoneType with length 1\"], \"timeout\": \"int\", \"xsrfCookieName\": \"str\", \"xsrfHeaderName\": \"str\", \"maxContentLength\": \"int\", \"maxBodyLength\": \"int\", \"env\": {}, \"headers\": {\"Accept\": \"str\", \"Content-Type\": \"str\", \"authorization\": \"str\", \"accept-encoding\": \"str\", \"User-Agent\": \"str\", \"Content-Length\": \"str\"}, \"responseType\": \"str\", \"method\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}, \"code\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "926", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GTrend, api_name:timeseries, api_description:Get timeseries from query, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"geo\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"for supported region/country , please see regionList from region menu\"}, {\"name\": \"dataframe\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"h = hour\\nd = day\\nm = month\\ny = year\"}, {\"name\": \"property\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"support timezone from GMT-12 to GMT+14\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "927", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Trulia Real Estate Scraper, api_name:Get server time, api_description:Returns server time, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "928", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Webit QR Code, api_name:Generate QR Code, api_description:Generate a beautiful QR Codes with custom logo, colors, gradient effects and styles with ease., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"size\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "929", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:dummyData, api_name:provider, api_description:provider entry points, required_params: [{\"name\": \"provider\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "930", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Image Search, api_name:Image Search, api_description:Image Search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search Query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"request\": {\"hl\": \"str\", \"query\": \"str\", \"suggestion_query\": \"str\", \"cursor\": \"str\"}, \"response\": {\"next_cursor\": \"NoneType\", \"suggestions\": \"empty list\", \"images\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "931", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:frrefe, api_name:end, api_description:end, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "932", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:frrefe, api_name:end_copy, api_description:end, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "933", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:frrefe, api_name:https://www.tiktok.com/@88bur?, api_description:https://www.tiktok.com/@88bur?, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "934", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:PowerBI, api_name:GetPeopleByTopic, api_description:Get Power BI influencers by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "935", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Location and Time, api_name:Get Date and Time by Timezone, api_description:Get date and time for specified timezone., required_params: [{\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specify time zone from the response of `/timezone` endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "936", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:OpenSea Data Query, api_name:Retrieving a contract, api_description:Used to fetch more in-depth information about an contract asset., required_params: [{\"name\": \"asset_contract_address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"collection\\\": {\\\"banner_image_url\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"chat_url\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", 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The \"event_type\" field indicates what type of event it is (transfer, successful auction, etc)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"account_address\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"event_type\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"auction_type\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"occurred_after\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "938", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:OpenSea Data Query, api_name:Retrieve collection offers V2, api_description:This endpoint is used to get collection offers for a specified collection., required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"offers\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "939", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Trulia Real Estate Scraper, api_name:Get search token, api_description:Get search token and use it in **search/for_sale**, **search/for_rent**, **search/sold** endpoints., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_type\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"place\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Type city (or phrase) you are interested in, example: **California**, **Cali**, **Boston** etc.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "940", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Human Resources API, api_name:Get a specific employee by employee ID., api_description:This endpoint gets one record by a specific employee ID that is unique for each employee in the employees table, up to 900 employees with their information.\nFor example: employee ID , first name, email, and etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"metadata\": {\"message\": \"str\"}, \"data\": {\"empID\": \"int\", \"namePrefix\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"middleInitial\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"fatherName\": \"str\", \"motherName\": \"str\", \"dateOfBirth\": \"str\", \"timeOfBirth\": \"str\", \"ageInYears\": \"float\", \"weightInKgs\": \"int\", \"dateOfJoining\": \"str\", \"yearOfJoining\": \"int\", \"monthOfJoining\": \"int\", \"monthNameOfJoining\": \"str\", \"shortMonth\": \"str\", \"dayOfJoining\": \"int\", \"DOWofJoining\": \"str\", \"shortDOW\": \"str\", \"ageInCompany_Years\": \"float\", \"salary\": \"int\", \"lastPercentHike\": \"str\", \"ssn\": \"str\", \"phoneNumber\": \"str\", \"placeName\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"int\", \"region\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"bankCardNumber\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "941", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:JSearch, api_name:Search, api_description:Search for jobs posted on job sites across the web., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Free-form jobs search query. It is highly recommended to include job title and location as part of the query, see query examples below.\\n\\n**Query examples**\\n- *web development in chicago*\\n- *marketing manager in new york via linkedin*\\n- *developer in germany 60306*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "942", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:OpenSea Data Query, api_name:Retrieve all listings V2, api_description:get all active listings for a collection, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"listings\": \"empty list\", \"next\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "943", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:OpenSea Data Query, api_name:Retrieving assets, api_description:To retrieve assets from our API, call the `/assets` endpoint with the desired filter parameters.\n\nAuctions created on OpenSea don't use an escrow contract, which enables gas-free auctions and allows users to retain ownership of their items while they're on sale. So this is just a heads up in case you notice some assets from opensea.io not appearing in the API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"include_orders\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"token_ids\": {\"0\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}, \"owner\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"collection_editor\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"asset_contract_address\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"asset_contract_addresses\": {\"0\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "944", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, api_name:GetByCordsAdv, api_description:Uses Latitude & Longitude to get near by electric charging stations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Radius in miles\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], 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{"_id": "950", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Wayback machine domain archived lookup, api_name:Wayback Query, api_description:API query domain for years available on Wayback machine, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"1997\": \"str\", \"2000\": \"str\", \"2001\": \"str\", \"2002\": \"str\", \"2003\": \"str\", \"2004\": \"str\", \"2005\": \"str\", \"2006\": \"str\", \"2007\": \"str\", \"2008\": \"str\", \"2009\": \"str\", \"2010\": \"str\", \"2011\": \"str\", \"2012\": \"str\", \"2013\": \"str\", \"2014\": \"str\", \"2015\": \"str\", \"2016\": \"str\", \"2017\": \"str\", \"2018\": \"str\", \"2019\": \"str\", \"2020\": \"str\", \"2021\": \"str\", \"2022\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "951", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Axesso - Facebook Data Service, api_name:comments, api_description:Fetch comments for a given feedbackId (returned in the post endpoint). For pagination the optional query parameter \"after\" can be used by including \"comments.data.feedback.page_info.end_cursor\" from the previous response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"feedbackId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "952", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Axesso - Facebook Data Service, api_name:post details, api_description:Fetch post details for a single post, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "953", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:Continuation User's Likes, api_description:This endpoint returns the list of a user's Likes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"continuation_token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "954", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:User's Tweets, api_description:This endpoint return a list of user's tweets given a username, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "955", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:Hashtag Continuation, api_description:This endpoint return the next hashtag results, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hashtag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"continuation_token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "956", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Adzuna, api_name:Salary data, api_description:Provides salary data for locations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"app_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application ID, supplied by Adzuna\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ISO 8601 country code of the relevant country.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "957", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure Smartable, api_name:GetPastEvents, api_description:Get past Azure events., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"startDateTime\": \"str\", \"endDateTime\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"content\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 25}], \"nextPage\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "958", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure Smartable, api_name:GetPeopleByTopic, api_description:Get Azure influencers by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "959", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Bible Search, api_name:Get Verses by BookName, api_description:Get a range of verses of the Bible., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chapterId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Chapter number.\"}, {\"name\": \"bookName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the book.\"}, {\"name\": \"verseStart\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Beginning verse.\"}, {\"name\": \"verseEnd\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"End verse.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"chapter\": \"int\", \"verse\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\", \"book_id\": \"str\", \"book_name\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "960", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:BlogsAPI, api_name:All blogs, api_description:All blogs paginated in a set of 20., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"next\": \"str\", \"previous\": \"NoneType\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"category\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"categoryDesc\": \"str\", \"categoryImage\": \"str\"}, \"title\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"tags\": \"str\", \"contentSourceName\": \"NoneType\", \"contentSourceURL\": \"NoneType\", \"extraImageUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"extraImageAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imageOwnerName\": \"str\", \"imageOwnerBacklink\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"videoURL\": \"NoneType\", \"date_published\": \"str\", \"website\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "961", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:OutSystems Community API, api_name:get_profile_series, api_description:Returns time series snapshots of a profile., required_params: [{\"name\": \"profile_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"profile_series\": [{\"ProfileId\": \"str\", \"CommunityRank\": \"int\", \"Kudos\": \"int\", \"Components\": \"int\", \"MarkedAsSolution\": \"int\", \"ProfileScore\": \"int\", \"TrainingScore\": \"int\", \"ForumsScore\": \"int\", \"ForgeScore\": \"int\", \"IdeasScore\": \"int\", \"TotalScore\": \"int\", \"Forums_Posts\": \"int\", \"Forums_Comments\": \"int\", \"Ideas_Submitted\": \"int\", \"Ideas_Commented\": \"int\", \"Forge_Components\": \"int\", \"Publications_Articles\": \"int\", \"CreatedAt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 60}], \"status\": \"str\", \"status_message\": \"str\", \"@meta\": {\"api_version\": \"str\", \"execution_time\": \"str\", \"cache_hit\": \"bool\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "962", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Addressr, api_name:/addresses/{addressId}, api_description:returns detailed information about a specific address\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"addressId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the address.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "963", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Data, api_name:Makes, api_description:get a list of supported makes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "964", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Data, api_name:Cars, api_description:Retrieve and filter lists of cars, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"year\": \"int\", \"make\": \"str\", \"model\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "965", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Thesaurus by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/thesaurus, api_description:API Ninjas Thesaurus API endpoint. Returns a list of synonyms and a list of antonyms for a given word., required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"word to look up.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\", \"synonyms\": [\"list of str with length 158\"], \"antonyms\": [\"list of str with length 90\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "966", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:PostcodeJP-API, api_name:postcodes, api_description:postcodes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"postcode\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"allCode\": \"str\", \"stateCode\": \"str\", \"townCode\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"stateHalfKana\": \"str\", \"stateFullKana\": \"str\", \"stateFullHira\": \"str\", \"town\": \"str\", \"townHalfKana\": \"str\", \"townFullHira\": \"str\", \"townFullKana\": \"str\", \"street\": \"str\", \"streetHalfKana\": \"str\", \"streetFullKana\": \"str\", \"streetFullHira\": \"str\", \"allAddress\": \"str\", \"allAddressHalfKana\": \"str\", \"allAddressFullKana\": \"str\", \"allAddressFullHira\": \"str\", \"general\": \"bool\", \"office\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"size\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"hasNext\": \"bool\", \"hasPrev\": \"bool\", \"version\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "967", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Search Results Scraper, api_name:Web Search, api_description:Runs a standard google web search and parses the results returning a clean json object, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"results\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"is_sponsored\": \"bool\", \"favicons\": {\"high_res\": \"str\", \"low_res\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 12}], \"people_also_ask\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"people_also_search\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "968", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:SEO API - Get Backlinks, api_name:GetTopBacklinks, api_description:Get domains top backlinks, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"counts\\\": {\\\"backlinks\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"doFollow\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fromHomePage\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"doFollowFromHomePage\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"toHomePage\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"domains\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"doFollow\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fromHomePage\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"toHomePage\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"ips\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"doFollow\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"cBlocks\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"doFollow\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"anchors\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"doFollow\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"anchorUrls\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"topTLD\\\": {\\\"line\\\": [{\\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}]}, \\\"topCountry\\\": {\\\"line\\\": [{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}]}, \\\"topAnchorsByBacklinks\\\": {\\\"line\\\": [{\\\"anchor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}]}, \\\"topAnchorsByDomains\\\": {\\\"line\\\": [{\\\"anchor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}]}, \\\"topAnchorUrlsByBacklinks\\\": {\\\"line\\\": [{\\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}]}, \\\"topAnchorUrlsByDomains\\\": {\\\"line\\\": [{\\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}]}}, \\\"backlinks\\\": [{\\\"url_from\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "969", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:DNS Lookup, api_name:Nslookup, api_description:NsLookup queries the specified DNS server and retrieves the requested records that are associated with the domain name you provided. These records contain information like the domain name’s IP addresses.\n\nThe following types of DNS records are especially useful:\n\n- **A**: the IPv4 address of the domain.\n- **AAAA**: the domain’s IPv6 address.\n- **CNAME**: the canonical name — allowing one domain name to map on to another. This allows more than one website to refer to a single web server.\n- **MX**: the server that handles email for the domain.\n- **NS**: one or more authoritative name server records for the domain.\n- **TXT**: a record containing information for use outside the DNS server. The content takes the form name=value. This information is used for many things including authentication schemes such as SPF and DKIM., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"host\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"A\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"AAAA\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"CAA\": [{\"critical\": \"int\", \"issue\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"MX\": [{\"exchange\": \"str\", \"priority\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"NS\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"SOA\": {\"nsname\": \"str\", \"hostmaster\": \"str\", \"serial\": \"int\", \"refresh\": \"int\", \"retry\": \"int\", \"expire\": \"int\", \"minttl\": \"int\"}, \"TXT\": [\"list of str with length 12\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "970", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Airdna, api_name:Overview, api_description:Returns overview stats (ADR, OCC ,Revenue ..) of a location rental data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "971", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Hashing-Api, api_name:Blake2B Text Hash with Key, api_description:Hash text (as query-string-parameter) with private-key (as query-string-parameter) using blake2b algorithm., required_params: [{\"name\": \"dataString\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"keyString\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "972", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Airdna, api_name:Active listings, api_description:Returns active rentals, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"start_year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"start_month\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"number_of_months\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "973", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Word API, api_name:Get Word by Length and Contain, api_description:Returns a random word that contains a certain string and contains a certain amount of letters.\nFor example, if the substring is \"le\" and the length \"7\", you will get a word that contains \"le\" and is 7 characters long, such as \"dozzled\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"substring\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"length\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "974", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Word API, api_name:Get Word by Contain, api_description:Returns a random word that contains a certain string.\nFor example, if the string is \"le\" then you will get any word that contains the string, whether it's at **the start, the end or the middle**, and you will get for example \"odourless\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"substring\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "975", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Get Search Results, api_description:Get search results. Please make sure the search is \"done\" before calling this endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "976", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:FilePursuit, api_name:discover, api_description:Discover every file crawled by FilePursuit using links and domains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"result\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"domain_name\": \"str\", \"domain_link\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "977", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:FilePursuit, api_name:pursuit, api_description:Search for a query in file names and path, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search Query \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"files_found\": [{\"file_id\": \"str\", \"file_type\": \"str\", \"file_name\": \"str\", \"file_link\": \"str\", \"date_added\": \"str\", \"time_ago\": \"str\", \"file_size\": \"str\", \"file_size_bytes\": \"str\", \"referrer_link\": \"str\", \"referrer_host\": \"str\", \"readable_path\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "978", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Random Word API, api_name:Get Word by Length, Start and Contain, api_description:Returns a random word that is a certain amount of characters long, starts with a certain string and contains a certain string.\nFor example, if the length is 7, the start \"fru\" and the substring \"le\", you will get a 7 letter long word that begins with fru and contains le, like \"frumple\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"length\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"substring\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "979", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Country Region Places, api_description:Get the places in the given region., required_params: [{\"name\": \"regionId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"countryid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An ISO-3166 country code or WikiData id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "980", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:App Store, api_name:Top grossing ios apps, api_description:Get list of the top grossing ios apps, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "981", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:App Store, api_name:Search, api_description:Search for apps on the App Store, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"appId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"developer\": \"str\", \"developerId\": \"int\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"score\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "982", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure, api_name:GetNewsByTopic, api_description:Get Azure news by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"featuredContent\": \"NoneType\", \"highlight\": \"NoneType\", \"heat\": \"int\", \"tags\": \"NoneType\", \"images\": \"NoneType\", \"content\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ampWebUrl\": \"NoneType\", 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\"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"bio\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"twitter\": {\"username\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"followers\": \"int\"}, \"linkedin\": {\"url\": \"str\"}, \"affiliation\": {\"path\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"heat\": \"int\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"content\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "984", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Redfin Base, api_name:Get region info, api_description:This API will return `region_type_id`, `region_id`\n➞ Will use for API 【Search by region】, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The input value can be full URL or sub URL\\n- **Full URL**: `https://www.redfin.com/zipcode/01026`\\n- **Sub URL**: `/zipcode/01026` (use the Auto-complete API to get the value, it is a property URL)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"region_type_id\": \"str\", \"region_id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "985", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure Smartable, api_name:GetTopics, api_description:Get Azure topics., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"shortname\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"images\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"services\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"endpoint\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "986", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube Search, api_name:Trending Videos, api_description:This endpoint returns the list of trending videos given a country, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "987", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Consulta CNPJ Tempo Real, api_name:Gera Visão da Rua, api_description:Gera Visão da Rua, required_params: [{\"name\": \"CNPJ\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"constraints\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "988", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Consulta CNPJ Tempo Real, api_name:Consulta CEP, api_description:Consulta CEP, required_params: [{\"name\": \"CEP\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"zip\": \"str\", \"municipality\": \"int\", \"street\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "989", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure Smartable, api_name:GetLearningResourcesByTopic, api_description:Get Azure learning 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{"_id": "1023", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Similar Movies, api_name:find similar, api_description:find similar movies for your movie, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"movies:\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1024", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Similar Movies, api_name:get Id, api_description:get the id of your movie, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"movies:\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1025", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Streaming Availability, api_name:Get Ultra, api_description:Get the details of a show via IMDb or TMDb id, including the global streaming availability info, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1026", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Streaming Availability, api_name:Genres (FREE), api_description:Get the id to name mapping of supported genres., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"1\": \"str\", \"10402\": \"str\", \"10749\": \"str\", \"10751\": \"str\", \"10752\": \"str\", \"10763\": \"str\", \"10764\": \"str\", \"10767\": \"str\", \"12\": \"str\", \"14\": \"str\", \"16\": \"str\", \"18\": \"str\", \"2\": \"str\", \"27\": \"str\", \"28\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\", \"35\": \"str\", \"36\": \"str\", \"37\": \"str\", \"4\": \"str\", \"5\": \"str\", \"53\": \"str\", \"6\": \"str\", \"7\": \"str\", \"80\": \"str\", \"878\": \"str\", \"9648\": \"str\", \"99\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1027", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Streaming Availability, api_name:Services (FREE), api_description:Get the list of supported services and details about them, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"all4\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countries\\\": {\\\"gb\\\": {\\\"supportedStreamingTypes\\\": {\\\"addon\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"buy\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"free\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"rent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"subscription\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"addOns\\\": {}}, \\\"ie\\\": {\\\"supportedStreamingTypes\\\": {\\\"addon\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"buy\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"free\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"rent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"subscription\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"addOns\\\": {}}}}, \\\"apple\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countries\\\": {\\\"ae\\\": {\\\"supportedStreamingTypes\\\": {\\\"addon\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"buy\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"free\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"rent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"subscription\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"addOns\\\": {\\\"tvs.sbd.1000234\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homePage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"themeColorCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"tvs.sbd.1000358\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homePage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"themeColorCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"tvs.sbd.3000\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homePage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"themeColorCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}, \\\"ar\\\": {\\\"supportedStreamingTypes\\\": {\\\"addon\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"buy\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"free\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"rent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"subscription\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"addOns\\\": {\\\"tvs.sbd.1000212\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1028", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Movie by ID, api_description:A valid Movie ID (e.g. tt1375666)\nreturn Title, Description, Year, Release Date, Rated, Runtime, Genre, Directors, Actors, Languages, Country\n Rating, votes, Popularity, id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"movieid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A valid Movie ID (e.g. tt1375666)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1029", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie, TV, music search and download, api_name:Get Monthly Top 100 Movies Torrents, api_description:Monthly Top 100 Movies Torrents, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"result\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"torrent\": \"str\", \"size\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1030", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies NEWS, api_name:movies_news_recent_get, api_description:Get the most recent movies news from top sources\n10 news items will be returned per request, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1031", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie, TV, music search and download, api_name:Get Monthly Top 100 Music Torrents, api_description:Monthly Top 100 Music Torrents, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"result\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"torrent\": \"str\", \"size\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1032", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie and TV shows Quotes, api_name:GET a random quote, api_description:This endpoint will return a random quote, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"character\": \"str\", \"quoteFrom\": \"str\", \"actor\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1033", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie, TV, music search and download, api_name:Get Monthly Top 100 Games Torrents, api_description:Monthly Top 100 Games Torrents, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"result\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"torrent\": \"str\", \"size\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1034", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie and TV shows Quotes, api_name:GET quote by Year, api_description:This endpoint will return back quotes by the given year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"character\": \"str\", \"actor\": \"str\", \"quoteFrom\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1035", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie and TV shows Quotes, api_name:GET quote by movie or TV show name, api_description:This endpoint will return quotes by given movie or TV show name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"show\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"character\": \"str\", \"actor\": \"str\", \"quoteFrom\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1036", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Star Wars Characters, api_name:Get all characters, api_description:Get all characters with all details, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"mass\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"species\": \"str\", \"eye_color\": \"str\", \"homeworld\": \"str\", \"birth_year\": \"str\", \"hair_color\": \"str\", \"skin_color\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1037", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:OTT details, api_name:Search, api_description:This endpoint allows you to search for a movie or tvshow based on the given 'title '., required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1038", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:OTT details, api_name:Title Details, api_description:Get basic information on a movie or tv show such as imdbid , title , genre , runtime , imdbrating , language , synopsis , type , imageurl , Streaming platforms info etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"imdbid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"imageurl\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"genre\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"imdbid\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"runtime\": \"str\", \"imdbrating\": \"float\", \"released\": \"int\", \"synopsis\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"language\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"streamingAvailability\": {\"country\": {\"US\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"platform\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1039", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:IMDB_API, api_name:/get_movies_by_cast_name, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"director\": \"str\", \"cast\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1040", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"next\": \"NoneType\", \"entries\": \"int\", \"results\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1041", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/x/titles-by-ids, api_description:Titles by ids list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"idsList\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Imdb id's comma separated -> tt0001702,tt0001856,tt0001856 ...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1042", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Advanced Movie Search, api_name:Genre List, api_description:Get list of all available genres, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"genres\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 19}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1043", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Advanced Movie Search, api_name:Get Detailed Response, api_description:Get detailed response for a movie ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"movie_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"adult\": \"bool\", \"backdrop_path\": \"str\", \"belongs_to_collection\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"poster_path\": \"str\", \"backdrop_path\": \"str\"}, \"budget\": \"int\", \"genres\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"homepage\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"imdb_id\": \"str\", \"original_language\": \"str\", \"original_title\": \"str\", \"overview\": \"str\", \"popularity\": \"float\", \"poster_path\": \"str\", \"production_companies\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"logo_path\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"origin_country\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"production_countries\": [{\"iso_3166_1\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"release_date\": \"str\", \"revenue\": \"int\", \"runtime\": \"int\", \"spoken_languages\": [{\"english_name\": \"str\", \"iso_639_1\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"status\": \"str\", \"tagline\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"video\": \"bool\", \"vote_average\": \"float\", \"vote_count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1044", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:IMDb top 100 movies, api_name:Get Top 100 Movies according to IMDb, api_description:Get Top 100 Movies according to IMDb, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"director\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"genre\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"image\": [\"list of list with length 3\"], \"imdbid\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"rating\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"writers\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1045", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Advanced Movie Search, api_name:Search by Name, api_description:Search a movie by query string, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1046", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:IMDB_API, api_name:/get_movies_by_director, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"director\": \"str\", \"cast\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1047", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Streaming Availability, api_name:Search Pro, api_description:Search through the catalog of the given services in the given country. Provides filters such as show language, genre and keyword. Items per page is 10. Output includes all the information about the shows, such as title, IMDb ID, TMDb ID, IMDb rating, link to shows' pages in streaming services (including individual season/episode links), cast, runtime, poster and many more! Apart from the info about the given country-service combinations, output also includes information about availability in the other services for the given country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"2 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country to search in. See the about page to check the supported countries.\"}, {\"name\": \"services\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A comma separated list of up to 8 services to search in. See `/v2/services` endpoint to get the supported services and their ids/names.\\n\\nSyntax of the values supplied in the list can be as the followings:\\n\\n``: Searches in the entire catalog of that service, including (if applicable) rentable, buyable shows or shows available through addons i.e. `netflix`, `prime`, `apple`\\n\\n`.`: Only returns the shows that are available in that service with the given offer type. Valid offer type values are `subscription`, `free`, `rent`, `buy` and `addon` i.e. `peacock.free` only returns the shows on Peacock that are free to watch, `prime.subscription` only returns the shows on Prime Video that are available to watch with a Prime subscription. `hulu.addon` only returns the shows on Hulu that are available via an addon, `prime.rent` only returns the shows on Prime Video that are rentable.\\n\\n`.addon.`: Only returns the shows that are available in that service with the given addon. Check `/v2/services` endpoint to fetch the available addons for a service. Some sample values are: `hulu.addon.hbo`, `prime.addon.hbomaxus`.\\n\\nIf a service supports both `free` and `subscription`, then results included under `subscription` will always include the `free` shows as well.\\n\\nWhen multiple values are passed as a comma separated list, any show that satisfies at least one of the values will be included in the result.\\n\\nSome sample list values:\\n\\n`prime.rent,prime.buy,apple.rent,apple.buy`: Returns all the buyable/rentable shows on Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV.\\n\\n`prime.addon,prime.subscription`: Returns all the shows on Amazon Prime Video that are available through either a Prime Video subscription or a Prime Video Channel subscription.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1048", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:IMDB_API, api_name:/get_movies_by_name, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"director\": \"str\", \"cast\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1049", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:IMDB_API, api_name:/get_movies_by_year, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1050", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Abir82 Bollywood Recommendations, api_name:Fetch Movies, api_description:This Endpoint allows to get a list of movies from 2000 to 2019 based on the genre selected by the user., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"genre\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"Movie_ID\": \"str\", \"Title\": \"str\", \"Year\": \"str\", \"Genre\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 18}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1051", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Latest Anime API, api_name:Get Latest Anime, api_description:Get latest anime data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"anime_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"img_url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1052", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Popular TV Shows By Year, api_description:return tv series results with title, id, year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1053", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Netflix_v2, api_name:Title Trailers, api_description:Title Trailers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Title ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1054", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Trending TV Shows, api_description:return tv series results with title, id, year, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1055", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Netflix_v2, api_name:Season Episodes, api_description:Season Episodes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Season IDs (you can separate with commas)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1056", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Films, api_name:searchInventory, api_description:By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for\navailable inventory in the system\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"manufacturer\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"homePage\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1057", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie and TV shows Quotes, api_name:Get all quotes, api_description:This endpoint will return back all the quotes in the API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"character\": \"str\", \"actor\": \"str\", \"quoteFrom\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1058", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Anime DB, api_name:Get Genres, api_description:Get Genres, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1059", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie and TV shows Quotes, api_name:GET quotes by actor, api_description:This endpoint will return back quotes by the given actor or actress., required_params: [{\"name\": \"actor\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"character\": \"str\", \"quoteFrom\": \"str\", \"actor\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1060", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:GET TV Series Episodes by Series ID, Season Number, api_description:A valid TV Series ID (e.g. tt2741602)\nreturn Episode number, episode name, episode air date, vote average, vote count, required_params: [{\"name\": \"season\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"seriesid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A valid Series ID (e.g. tt2741602)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1061", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Anime DB, api_name:Get one anime by ranking, api_description:Get anime by ranking, required_params: [{\"name\": \"rank\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1062", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Popular Movies by Year, api_description:return movie results with title , year , id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1063", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:DAILY OVRLL 0822202140642, api_name:/status/200, api_description:Testing, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1064", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/search/keyword/{keyword}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Keyword\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1065", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:DAILY OVRLL 0822202130334, api_name:/status/200, api_description:Testing, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1066", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Netflix_v2, api_name:Title Similars, api_description:Title Similars, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Title ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1067", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get TV Series by Title, api_description:Search by TV Series Title\nreturn title, id, release_date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1068", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Netflix_v2, api_name:Languages, api_description:Languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1069", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Trending Movies, api_description:return movie results with title , year , id, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1070", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Playphrase.me, api_name:Get Video, api_description:To get 5 videos by searching quotes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"phrases\": \"empty list\", \"suggestions\": \"empty list\", \"subscription\": \"bool\", \"next-word-suggestions\": \"empty list\", \"next-word-suggestion\": \"str\", \"word-suggestions\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1071", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Anime DB, api_name:Get by id, api_description:Get anime by its corresponding ID.\n\nID is got from 'Get All' endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"alternativeTitles\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"ranking\": \"int\", \"genres\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"episodes\": \"int\", \"hasEpisode\": \"bool\", \"hasRanking\": \"bool\", \"image\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"synopsis\": \"str\", \"thumb\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1072", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Streaming Availability, api_name:Get Basic (FREE), api_description:Get the details of a show via IMDb or TMDb id, including the streaming availability info in the given country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"overview\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"streamingInfo\\\": {\\\"us\\\": {\\\"apple\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"audios\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"subtitles\\\": [{\\\"locale\\\": {\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"closedCaptions\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 34}], \\\"price\\\": {\\\"amount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"formatted\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"leaving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"availableSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"hbo\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"audios\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"subtitles\\\": [{\\\"locale\\\": {\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"closedCaptions\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"price\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"leaving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"availableSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"hulu\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"audios\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_l\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1073", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Streaming Availability, api_name:Search Ultra, api_description:Search through the catalog of the given services in the given country. Provides filters such as show language, genre and keyword. Items per page is 25. Output includes all the information about the shows, such as title, IMDb ID, TMDb ID, IMDb rating, link to shows' pages in streaming services (including individual season/episode links), cast, runtime, poster and many more! Apart from the info about the given country-service combinations, output also includes information about availability in the other services for the given country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"services\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A comma separated list of up to 16 services to search in. See `/v2/services` endpoint to get the supported services and their ids/names.\\n\\nSyntax of the values supplied in the list can be as the followings:\\n\\n``: Searches in the entire catalog of that service, including (if applicable) rentable, buyable shows or shows available through addons i.e. `netflix`, `prime`, `apple`\\n\\n`.`: Only returns the shows that are available in that service with the given offer type. Valid offer type values are `subscription`, `free`, `rent`, `buy` and `addon` i.e. `peacock.free` only returns the shows on Peacock that are free to watch, `prime.subscription` only returns the shows on Prime Video that are available to watch with a Prime subscription. `hulu.addon` only returns the shows on Hulu that are available via an addon, `prime.rent` only returns the shows on Prime Video that are rentable.\\n\\n`.addon.`: Only returns the shows that are available in that service with the given addon. Check `/v2/services` endpoint to fetch the available addons for a service. Some sample values are: `hulu.addon.hbo`, `prime.addon.hbomaxus`.\\n\\nIf a service supports both `free` and `subscription`, then results included under `subscription` will always include the `free` shows as well.\\n\\nWhen multiple values are passed as a comma separated list, any show that satisfies at least one of the values will be included in the result.\\n\\nSome sample list values:\\n\\n`prime.rent,prime.buy,apple.rent,apple.buy`: Returns all the buyable/rentable shows on Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV.\\n\\n`prime.addon,prime.subscription`: Returns all the shows on Amazon Prime Video that are available through either a Prime Video subscription or a Prime Video Channel subscription.\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"2 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country to search in. See the about page to check the supported countries.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1074", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Anime DB, api_name:Get All, api_description:Get List of anime. You can search, sort an specify genre, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"size\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"alternativeTitles\": [\"list of str with length 9\"], \"ranking\": \"int\", \"genres\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"episodes\": \"int\", \"hasEpisode\": \"bool\", \"hasRanking\": \"bool\", \"image\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"synopsis\": \"str\", \"thumb\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"meta\": {\"page\": \"int\", \"size\": \"int\", \"totalData\": \"int\", \"totalPage\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1075", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:DAILY OVRLL 0822202130837, api_name:/status/200, api_description:Testing, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1076", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie and TV shows Quotes, api_name:Get quote by character, api_description:This end point will return back quotes delivered by the given character, required_params: [{\"name\": \"character\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"character\": \"str\", \"actor\": \"str\", \"quoteFrom\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1077", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/{id}/crew, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Imdb Id of title ex: tt0000002\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1078", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/{id}/ratings, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Imdb Id of title ex: tt0000002\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1079", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Movie Images by ID, api_description:A valid Movie ID (e.g. tt1375666)\nreturn title, id, poster, fanart, required_params: [{\"name\": \"movieid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A valid Movie ID (e.g. tt1375666)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1080", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/seasons/{seriesId}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"seriesId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Series Imdb Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1081", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Movies By Title, api_description:Result set includes all search results\nEach item includes fields:\nTitle\nYear\nMovie ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1082", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/utils/titleTypes, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [\"list of NoneType with length 15\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1083", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/series/{seriesId}/{season}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"season\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Season number\"}, {\"name\": \"seriesId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Series Imdb Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1084", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Advanced Movie Search, api_name:Search by Genre, api_description:Discover movies by Genre, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"adult\": \"bool\", \"backdrop_path\": \"str\", \"genre_ids\": [\"list of int with length 3\"], \"id\": \"int\", \"original_language\": \"str\", \"original_title\": \"str\", \"overview\": \"str\", \"popularity\": \"float\", \"poster_path\": \"str\", \"release_date\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"video\": \"bool\", \"vote_average\": \"float\", \"vote_count\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"total_results\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1085", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie and TV shows Quotes, api_name:Get individual quotes by quote ID, api_description:This endpoint will return back individual quotes based on the given ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"character\": \"str\", \"actor\": \"str\", \"quoteFrom\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1086", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Streaming Availability, api_name:Search Basic (FREE), api_description:Search through the catalog of the given services in the given country. Provides filters such as show language, genre and keyword. Items per page is 8. Output includes all the information about the shows, such as title, IMDb ID, TMDb ID, IMDb rating, link to shows' pages in streaming services (including individual season/episode links), cast, runtime, poster and many more! Apart from the info about the given country-service combinations, output also includes information about availability in the other services for the given country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"services\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A comma separated list of up to 4 services to search in. See `/v2/services` endpoint to get the supported services and their ids/names.\\n\\nSyntax of the values supplied in the list can be as the followings:\\n\\n``: Searches in the entire catalog of that service, including (if applicable) rentable, buyable shows or shows available through addons i.e. `netflix`, `prime`, `apple`\\n\\n`.`: Only returns the shows that are available in that service with the given offer type. Valid offer type values are `subscription`, `free`, `rent`, `buy` and `addon` i.e. `peacock.free` only returns the shows on Peacock that are free to watch, `prime.subscription` only returns the shows on Prime Video that are available to watch with a Prime subscription. `hulu.addon` only returns the shows on Hulu that are available via an addon, `prime.rent` only returns the shows on Prime Video that are rentable.\\n\\n`.addon.`: Only returns the shows that are available in that service with the given addon. Check `/v2/services` endpoint to fetch the available addons for a service. Some sample values are: `hulu.addon.hbo`, `prime.addon.hbomaxus`.\\n\\nIf a service supports both `free` and `subscription`, then results included under `subscription` will always include the `free` shows as well.\\n\\nWhen multiple values are passed as a comma separated list, any show that satisfies at least one of the values will be included in the result.\\n\\nSome sample list values:\\n\\n`prime.rent,prime.buy,apple.rent,apple.buy`: Returns all the buyable/rentable shows on Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV.\\n\\n`prime.addon,prime.subscription`: Returns all the shows on Amazon Prime Video that are available through either a Prime Video subscription or a Prime Video Channel subscription.\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"2 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country to search in. See the about page to check the supported countries.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"overview\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"streamingInfo\\\": {\\\"us\\\": {\\\"apple\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"audios\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"subtitles\\\": [{\\\"locale\\\": {\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"closedCaptions\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"price\\\": {\\\"amount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"formatted\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"leaving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"availableSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"prime\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"audios\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"subtitles\\\": [{\\\"locale\\\": {\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"closedCaptions\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"price\\\": {\\\"amount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"formatted\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"leaving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"availableSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}]}}, \\\"cast\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 7\\\"], \\\"year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"advisedMinimumAudienceAge\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imdbId\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1087", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:OTT details, api_name:Additional Title Details, api_description:Get additional details for a movie or tv show like reviews , quotes , plotsummary , number of votes , trailer url , cast details etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"imdbid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"imdbid\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"people\": [{\"peopleid\": \"str\", \"characters\": \"NoneType\", \"category\": \"str\", \"job\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"numVotes\": \"int\", \"trailerUrl\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"plotSummary\": \"str\", \"quotes\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"reviews\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1088", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Recently Added Movies by Release Date, api_description:get recently added movies \nreturn title, year, id, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1089", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get TV Series Images by ID, api_description:A valid TV Series ID (e.g. tt2741602)\nreturn poster, fanart, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seriesid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A valid Series ID (e.g. tt2741602)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1090", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Upcoming Movies, api_description:return movie results with title, year, id, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1091", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:IMDb top 100 movies, api_name:Get a specific Movie by id, api_description:get top x movie by id 'top46' :\nThe Cover image, Rank, Title, Thumbnail, Rating, Id, Year, Images, Description, Genre, Director, Writer and IMDb ID ., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"director\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"genre\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"image\": [\"list of list with length 3\"], \"imdbid\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"rating\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"writers\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1092", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie, TV, music search and download, api_name:Search Torrents, api_description:Get downloadable torrent link by movie name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"keywords\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"quantity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"MAX:40\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"keyword\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"int\", \"result\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"torrent\": \"str\", \"size\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 40}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1093", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:DAILY OVRLL 0822202141203, api_name:/status/200, api_description:Testing, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1094", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:DAILY OVRLL 0822202143542, api_name:/status/200, api_description:Testing, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1095", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get TV Series Aliases by ID, api_description:A valid TV Series ID (e.g. tt2741602)\nreturn tv series aliases, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seriesid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A valid Series ID (e.g. tt2741602)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1096", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:DAILY OVRLL 0822202130418, api_name:/status/200, api_description:Testing, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1097", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/actors/random, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"entries\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"nconst\": \"str\", \"primaryName\": \"str\", \"birthYear\": \"str\", \"deathYear\": \"str\", \"primaryProfession\": \"str\", \"knownForTitles\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1098", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Latest Anime API, api_name:Get Anime By Page, api_description:Get Latest Anime by Page, required_params: [{\"name\": \"num\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1099", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie, TV, music search and download, api_name:Get Monthly Top 100 TV-shows Torrents, api_description:Monthly Top 100 TV-shows Torrents, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"result\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"torrent\": \"str\", \"size\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1100", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Streaming Availability, api_name:Search By Title (FREE), api_description:Search movies and series by title. Maximum amount of items returned are 20, unless there are more than 20 shows with the exact given title input. In that case all the items have 100% match with the title will be returned.\n\nNo pagination is supported., required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Title to search for.\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Regardless of this value, the given title is searched across all the platforms and all the countries. This parameter determines according to which country the streamingInfo field will be populated. Thus even if a show is not available in this country, It will be included in the results if it resembles with the given title, but the streaming information will not be available.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"overview\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"streamingInfo\\\": {\\\"us\\\": {\\\"apple\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"audios\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"subtitles\\\": [{\\\"locale\\\": {\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"closedCaptions\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 34}], \\\"price\\\": {\\\"amount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"formatted\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"leaving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"availableSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"hbo\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"audios\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"subtitles\\\": [{\\\"locale\\\": {\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"closedCaptions\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"price\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"leaving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"availableSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"hulu\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"addOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"audios\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1101", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Airing today TV Shows, api_description:return tv series results with title, id, year, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1102", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Recently Added TV Series By Release Date, api_description:return tv series results with title, id, year, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1103", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/x/upcoming, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"next\": \"NoneType\", \"entries\": \"int\", \"results\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1104", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/actors/{id}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Actor imdb id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1105", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/{id}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Imdb Id of title ex: tt0000002\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1106", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Pattern Monster, api_name:Get SVG Pattern, api_description:Get SVG Pattern, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"input\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"colors\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"stroke\": \"str\", \"scale\": \"str\", \"spacing\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"angle\": \"str\", \"strokeJoin\": \"str\", \"moveLeft\": \"str\", \"moveTop\": \"str\"}, \"output\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"colors\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"stroke\": \"str\", \"scale\": \"str\", \"spacing\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"angle\": \"str\", \"strokeJoin\": \"str\", \"moveLeft\": \"str\", \"moveTop\": \"str\"}, \"svg\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1107", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Webp Image Converter, api_name:Convert, api_description:Convert image to webp format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"image_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"webp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1108", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Access Instagram, api_name:Instagram Endpoint, api_description:Instagram Endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1109", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Alt Bichinhos, api_name:Get All Languages, api_description:This endpoint will return back all languages available for the image., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"file\": \"str\", \"portuguese\": \"str\", \"english\": \"str\", \"spanish\": \"str\", \"german\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1110", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Alt Bichinhos, api_name:Get Portuguese Alt Text., api_description:This endpoint will return back a pet image with **Brazilian Portuguese** alt text., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"file\": \"str\", \"alt\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1111", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Alt Bichinhos, api_name:Get German Alt Text., api_description:This endpoint will return back a pet image with alt text in **German.**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"file\": \"str\", \"alt\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1112", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Deep Image, api_name:/rest_api/deep_image/result/{jobHash}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"jobHash\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1113", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:test-api_v2, api_name:health check, api_description:health check, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1114", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Web Capture, api_name:Generate PDF, api_description:Generate PDF by providing URL of any website., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1115", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:videogrammer, api_name:getResult, api_description:get result of previous requested rendering with job_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"job_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the previous recieved job_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"job_id\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1116", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:JSON2Video, api_name:Get the status of your movie renders, api_description:Get a list of your movie renders, in what step of the rendering process they are and a link to the resulting video once they finish., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1117", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v2, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1118", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Web Capture, api_name:Take Image Screenshot, api_description:Get Screenshot of any website by providing URL and the image ratio (width, height), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1119", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v2, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1120", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v2, api_name:Me, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1121", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:List Movies, api_name:Query Term, api_description:Used for movie search, matching on: Movie Title/IMDb Code, Actor Name/IMDb Code, Director Name/IMDb Code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query_term\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status_message\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"movie_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page_number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"movies\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"imdb_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title_english\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title_long\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rating\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"runtime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"genres\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description_full\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"synopsis\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yt_trailer_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mpa_rating\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"background_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"background_image_original\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"small_cover_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medium_cover_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"large_cover_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"torrents\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seeds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"peers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"size\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"size_bytes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"date_uploaded\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_uploaded_unix\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"date_uploaded\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_uploaded_unix\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 20}]}, \\\"@meta\\\": {\\\"server_time\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"server_timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"api_version\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1122", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:List Movies, api_name:Order By, api_description:Orders the results by either Ascending or Descending order, required_params: [{\"name\": \"order_by\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1123", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Aspose.Imaging Cloud, api_name:ModifySvg, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Filename of image.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1124", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:tes, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Sale\": \"int\", \"totvs\": \"int\", \"sold\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"dgdfgdf\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"peric\": \"int\", \"cat\": \"int\", \"not available\": \"int\", \"new-2\": \"int\", \"Available\": \"int\", \"disponible\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1125", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Blurhash URL API, api_name:Converting URL to Blurhash, api_description:Free api to convert url to a hash for https://blurha.sh/, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1126", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Mission Creation, api_name:Get Mission, api_description:get details of a mission, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1127", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Access Instagram, api_name:Instagram Endpoint_copy, api_description:Instagram Endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"corsEnabled\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"response_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1128", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:QrCodeGenerator, api_name:Home, api_description:Home endtpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1129", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Youtube Videos, api_name:/mp4, api_description:Returns a list of MP4 files with different qualities and other details., required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items\": [{\"quality\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"size\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 12}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1130", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Astro Gallery, api_name:Get Astro Photo Info (randomly), api_description:Return one of the photo info selected randomly by system, including paths (image_hd and image) which use to download photo in **Download Astro Photo** method., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"explanation\": \"str\", \"media_type\": \"str\", \"service_version\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"image_hd\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1131", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image diffusion, api_name:/image/anime/diffusion, api_description:design to generate weeb stuff., required_params: [{\"name\": \"steps\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"maximum 50\"}, {\"name\": \"image_num\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"maximum 4\"}, {\"name\": \"width\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"maximum width/height 1024\"}, {\"name\": \"cfg\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"maximum 20\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"maximum width/height 1024\"}, {\"name\": \"prompt\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Describe your fantasy in prompt\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"result\": {\"metadata\": {\"mimetype\": \"str\", \"prompt\": \"str\", \"negative_prompt\": \"str\", \"width\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"batch_size\": \"str\", \"steps\": \"str\", \"cfg_scale\": \"str\"}, \"images\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1132", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:styles, api_description:Method that allows you to get a paged list with information about Flaticon styles, design formats that icons or packs have. Styles are the different versions in which an icon from a given family may appear. For example, an icon may be available in lineal, color, or lineal color styles., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1133", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:categories, api_description:Method that allows you to get a paged list with information about Flaticon categories. Categories are the different themes in which icons are grouped at Flaticon., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1134", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:WebCap - Website Screenshot Capture, api_name:Capture Screenshot, api_description:This will capture the website screenshot and return a downloadable image URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"cache\": \"bool\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1135", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Porn gallery, api_name:Search for any category or star, api_description:use category key word or pornstar name to browse pictures, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"images\": [\"list of str with length 15\"], \"models\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"source\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1136", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Video Downloader, api_name:Video Downloader, api_description:FreeVideoDownloader is a powerful video downloader tool designed for websites, allowing seamless integration of video downloading capabilities. It provides an easy-to-use API that enables website owners to offer their visitors the ability to download videos from various platforms without leaving the site. With FreeVideoDownloader, users can effortlessly save videos in different formats, enhancing their browsing experience and content accessibility., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1137", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:NSFW / Nude Detection, api_name:NSFW detection, api_description:AI-based detection if an image is likely to contain NSFW content (nudity)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"config\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"method\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\", \"headers\": {\"Accept\": \"str\", \"Content-Type\": \"str\", \"User-Agent\": \"str\", \"Content-Length\": \"int\"}, \"transformRequest\": [\"list of NoneType with length 1\"], \"transformResponse\": [\"list of NoneType with length 1\"], \"timeout\": \"int\", \"xsrfCookieName\": \"str\", \"xsrfHeaderName\": \"str\", \"maxContentLength\": \"int\", \"maxBodyLength\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1138", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Youtube Search, api_name:search, api_description:Search video on YouTube, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"channel_name\": \"str\", \"channel_url\": \"str\", \"views\": \"int\", \"length\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"next_continuation\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1139", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Thai Lottery Result Image, api_name:Gen Image, api_description:Gen Image, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1140", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Any Anime, api_name:anime img, api_description:Show only the image from the api on your browser ., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1141", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Any Anime, api_name:anime gif, api_description:Get anime gif pfp's / banners, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1142", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Video Builder, api_name:video/{videoId}, api_description:Read video informations and status, required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"status\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1143", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Any Anime, api_name:anime, api_description:Shows json data and image url of the anime pfp you want to use / show !, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"stuff\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1144", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Background removal_v2, api_name:Check Status, api_description:Use this endpoint to check if the server is up and running., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1145", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Premium-Anime-Mobile-Wallpapers-Illustrations, api_name:Premium anime wallpapers by pagination, api_description:Premium anime arts are wallpapers that look best of the best on a mobile device or contain high-quality digital art:\nRequired GET parameter\n**page**: 0\n**sensitivity**: 1\nOn the above **page**, 0 means it will fetch the latest 10 wallpaper if the page value is 1 then It will bring the next 10 latest wallpaper \npage 0 : 0-10 \npage 1: 10-20 ......\n\nOn the above sensitivity, 1 means it will not fetch any 18+ or ecchi-related images if the value is 0 then it will bring all without any filter.\n\nOptional GET parameter\n**quality**:0\n\nThis API provides two types of wallpaper images\n1. Compress lower size wallpaper.\n2. Best quality but will result in high size.\n\nif the **quality** parameter, is not provided then by default it will provide the URL of compressed wallpaper low size if the quality parameter is set to 1 then it will provide a URL of the highest quality wallpaper ( high size ).\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**animename** ( Depend on subscription )\nif the wallpaper is related to any anime, or game then the Japanese name of the anime will be sent otherwise illustration will be sent.\n\n**arturl**\nURL of wallpaper\n\n**sensitivity** ( Depend on subscription )\nIs wallpaper sensitive, 1 means yes 0 means no\n\n**art_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique wallpaper id which can be later used to get more info\n\n**premium** (Depend on subscription)\nWhether art is of premium category 1 means yes 0 means no.\n\n**Note: if no wallpaper found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sensitivity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1146", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Alt Bichinhos, api_name:Get Spanish Alt Text, api_description:This endpoint will return back a pet image with alt text in **Spanish.**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"file\": \"str\", \"alt\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1147", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Video Thumbnail Extractor, api_name:Video Thumbnail Extractor_copy, api_description:Extractor thumbnail image from mp4 video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoUrl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The full URL link of the mp4 video\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1148", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Premium-Anime-Mobile-Wallpapers-Illustrations, api_name:Recent Wallpapers by pagination, api_description:Get recent anime wallpapers without any categorization:\nRequired GET parameter\n**page**: 1\n**sensitivity**: 1\nOn the above **page**, 1 means it will fetch the latest 10 wallpaper if the page value is 2 then It will bring the next 10 latest wallpaper \npage 1: 0-10 \npage 2: 10-20 ......\n\nOn the above sensitivity, 1 means it will not fetch any 18+ or ecchi-related images if the value is 0 then it will bring all without any filter.\n\nOptional GET parameter\n**quality**:0\n\nThis API provides two types of wallpaper images\n1. Compress lower size wallpaper.\n2. Best quality but will result in high size.\n\nif the **quality** parameter, is not provided then by default it will provide the URL of compressed wallpaper low size if the quality parameter is set to 1 then it will provide a URL of the highest quality wallpaper ( high size ).\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**animename** ( Depend on subscription )\nif the wallpaper is related to any anime, or game then the Japanese name of the anime will be sent otherwise illustration will be sent.\n\n**arturl**\nURL of wallpaper\n\n**sensitivity** ( Depend on subscription )\nIs wallpaper sensitive, 1 means yes 0 means no\n\n**art_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique wallpaper id which can be later used to get more info\n\n**premium** (Depend on subscription)\nWhether art is of premium category 1 means yes 0 means no.\n\n**Note: if no wallpaper found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sensitivity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1149", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Quality Porn, api_name:Top 10 search queries, api_description:Get the top 10 search queries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"queries\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1150", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:dagpi, api_name:Blur, api_description:Blur Image, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1151", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:polar_image_polaroid__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1152", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image Anonymization, api_name:Get list of available modes, api_description:Service provides server modes that may be used to choose which kind of objects to hide. This endpoint returns list of modes that may be used as query parameters for requests to the `results` endpoint.\n\nThe following modes are supported:\n\n* `hide-clp` – to hide car license plates\n* `hide-face` – to hide faces, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1153", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:wasted_image_wasted__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1154", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Cars image background removal, api_name:Get list of available modes, api_description:The service provides three options for background removal results:\n* Mask of foreground.\n* Image with foreground object.\n* Image with foreground object with shadow., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1155", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:hog_image_hog__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1156", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Aspose.Imaging Cloud, api_name:RotateFlipImage, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"method\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"RotateFlip method (Rotate180FlipNone, Rotate180FlipX, Rotate180FlipXY, Rotate180FlipY, Rotate270FlipNone, Rotate270FlipX, Rotate270FlipXY, Rotate270FlipY, Rotate90FlipNone, Rotate90FlipX, Rotate90FlipXY, Rotate90FlipY, RotateNoneFlipNone, RotateNoneFlipX, RotateNoneFlipXY, RotateNoneFlipY).\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Filename of an image.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1157", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:MikuAPI, api_name:getRandomImage, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"apiUrl\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"sourceLink\": \"str\", \"webPLink\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1158", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Nexweave, api_name:GetCampaignDetails, api_description:This API will return the Campaign details including variables used in the overall Campaign., required_params: [{\"name\": \"campaignId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1159", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Nexweave, api_name:GetTemplateDetails, api_description:This API will return the template details including variables for a valid template., required_params: [{\"name\": \"templateId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1160", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image Service, api_name:profile-image, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Users name, or any other text\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1161", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Premium-Anime-Mobile-Wallpapers-Illustrations, api_name:Anime wallpapers related to the couple by pagination, api_description:Get anime wallpapers related to the couple:\nRequired GET parameter\n**page**: 1\n**sensitivity**: 1\nOn the above **page**, 1 means it will fetch the latest 10 wallpaper if the page value is 2 then It will bring the next 10 latest wallpaper \npage 1 : 0-10 \npage 2: 10-20 ......\n\nOn the above **sensitivity**, 1 means it will not fetch any 18+ or ecchi-related images if the value is 0 then it will bring all without any filter.\n\nOptional GET parameter\n**quality**:0\n\nThis API provides two types of wallpaper images\n1. Compress lower size wallpaper.\n2. Best quality but will result in high size.\n\nif the **quality** parameter, is not provided then by default it will provide the URL of compressed wallpaper low size if the quality parameter is set to 1 then it will provide a URL of the highest quality wallpaper ( high size ).\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**animename** ( Depend on subscription )\nif the wallpaper is related to any anime, or game then the Japanese name of the anime will be sent otherwise illustration will be sent.\n\n**arturl**\nURL of wallpaper\n\n**sensitivity** ( Depend on subscription )\nIs wallpaper sensitive, 1 means yes 0 means no\n\n**art_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique wallpaper id which can be later used to get more info\n\n**premium** (Depend on subscription)\nWhether art is of premium category 1 means yes 0 means no.\n\n**Note: if no wallpaper found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sensitivity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1162", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Premium-Anime-Mobile-Wallpapers-Illustrations, api_name:Anime wallpapers related to the wedding by pagination, api_description:Get anime wallpapers related to the wedding:\nRequired GET parameter\n**page**: 1\n**sensitivity**: 1\nOn the above **page**, 1 means it will fetch the latest 10 wallpaper if the page value is 2 then It will bring the next 10 latest wallpaper \npage 1 : 0-10 \npage 2: 10-20 ......\n\nOn the above **sensitivity**, 1 means it will not fetch any 18+ or ecchi-related images if the value is 0 then it will bring all without any filter.\n\nOptional GET parameter\n**quality**:0\n\nThis API provides two types of wallpaper images\n1. Compress lower size wallpaper.\n2. Best quality but will result in high size.\n\nif the **quality** parameter, is not provided then by default it will provide the URL of compressed wallpaper low size if the quality parameter is set to 1 then it will provide a URL of the highest quality wallpaper ( high size ).\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**animename** ( Depend on subscription )\nif the wallpaper is related to any anime, or game then the Japanese name of the anime will be sent otherwise illustration will be sent.\n\n**arturl**\nURL of wallpaper\n\n**sensitivity** ( Depend on subscription )\nIs wallpaper sensitive, 1 means yes 0 means no\n\n**art_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique wallpaper id which can be later used to get more info\n\n**premium** (Depend on subscription)\nWhether art is of premium category 1 means yes 0 means no.\n\n**Note: if no wallpaper found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sensitivity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"art_id\": \"str\", \"animename\": \"str\", \"arturl\": \"str\", \"sensitivity\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1163", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Video Thumbnail Extractor, api_name:Video Thumbnail Extractor, api_description:Extractor thumbnail image from mp4 video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoUrl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The full URL link of the mp4 video\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1164", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Nexweave, api_name:GetAllTemplates, api_description:This API will return all the templates associated with the user's account, including Images & Video., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1165", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Instagram Media Downloader, api_name:Get User, api_description:Retrieve valuable user information including username, name, alternate name, description, profile image, post count, and follower count., required_params: [{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"username\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"alternateName\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"profileImage\": \"str\", \"postsCount\": \"str\", \"followersCount\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1166", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Aspose.Imaging Cloud, api_name:ModifyTiff, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Filename of image.\"}, {\"name\": \"bitDepth\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Bit depth.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1167", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Alt Bichinhos, api_name:Get English Alt Text., api_description:This endpoint will return back a pet image with alt text in **English.**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"file\": \"str\", \"alt\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1168", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Bing Video Search, api_name:Video Search, api_description:Get videos relevant for a given query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user's search query string\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_type\": \"str\", \"errors\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"subCode\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"moreDetails\": \"str\", \"parameter\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1169", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Bing Video Search, api_name:Trending, api_description:Get currently trending videos., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_type\": \"str\", \"instrumentation\": {\"_type\": \"str\"}, \"errors\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"subCode\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"moreDetails\": \"str\", \"parameter\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1170", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v2, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1171", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v2, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1172", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Premium-Anime-Mobile-Wallpapers-Illustrations, api_name:Anime wallpapers related to the valentine by pagination, api_description:Get anime wallpapers related to the valentine:\nRequired GET parameter\n**page**: 1\n**sensitivity**: 1\nOn the above **page**, 1 means it will fetch the latest 10 wallpaper if the page value is 2 then It will bring the next 10 latest wallpaper \npage 1 : 0-10 \npage 2: 10-20 ......\n\nOn the above **sensitivity**, 1 means it will not fetch any 18+ or ecchi-related images if the value is 0 then it will bring all without any filter.\n\nOptional GET parameter\n**quality**:0\n\nThis API provides two types of wallpaper images\n1. Compress lower size wallpaper.\n2. Best quality but will result in high size.\n\nif the **quality** parameter, is not provided then by default it will provide the URL of compressed wallpaper low size if the quality parameter is set to 1 then it will provide a URL of the highest quality wallpaper ( high size ).\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**animename** ( Depend on subscription )\nif the wallpaper is related to any anime, or game then the Japanese name of the anime will be sent otherwise illustration will be sent.\n\n**arturl**\nURL of wallpaper\n\n**sensitivity** ( Depend on subscription )\nIs wallpaper sensitive, 1 means yes 0 means no\n\n**art_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique wallpaper id which can be later used to get more info\n\n**premium** (Depend on subscription)\nWhether art is of premium category 1 means yes 0 means no.\n\n**Note: if no wallpaper found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sensitivity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"art_id\": \"str\", \"animename\": \"str\", \"arturl\": \"str\", \"sensitivity\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1173", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:List Movies, api_name:Minimum Rating, api_description:Used to filter movie by a given minimum IMDb rating, required_params: [{\"name\": \"minimum_rating\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status_message\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"movie_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page_number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"movies\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"imdb_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title_english\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title_long\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rating\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"runtime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"genres\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description_full\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"synopsis\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yt_trailer_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mpa_rating\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"background_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"background_image_original\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"small_cover_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medium_cover_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"large_cover_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"torrents\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seeds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"peers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"size\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"size_bytes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"date_uploaded\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_uploaded_unix\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"date_uploaded\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_uploaded_unix\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 20}]}, \\\"@meta\\\": {\\\"server_time\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"server_timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"api_version\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1174", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:MikuAPI, api_name:getImage, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"fileId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1175", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:List Movies, api_name:Sort By, api_description:Sorts the results by choosen value, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sort_by\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1176", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:List Movies, api_name:Genre, api_description:Used to filter by a given genre (See http://www.imdb.com/genre/ for full list), required_params: [{\"name\": \"genre\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1177", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:YouTube Mp3 Downloader, api_name:Download mp3 (custom audio quality), api_description:Download YouTube to Mp3 in various audio quality: 320 Kbps, 192Kbps, 256Kbps, 128Kbps & 64Kbps. (Specify the quality in the field), required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"quality\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Select the audio quality of the output mp3. Allowed values are:\\n320\\n192\\n256\\n128\\n64\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1178", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:YouTube Mp3 Downloader, api_name:Download YouTube Mp3, api_description:Update: 17 May 2023: API is fixed & it is now 100% working. Converts any YouTube video into Mp3 downloadable files. No Ads. No wild redirects., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"length\": \"str\", \"size\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1179", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:TikTok, api_name:tikapi, api_description:test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1180", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Cars image background removal, api_name:Get version, api_description:Returns an actual version of the service in format `vX.Y.Z` where X is the version of API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1181", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:free images API, api_name:copyright free images API, api_description:in this API we gathered best sources of free to use images, and we keep adding more sources., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1182", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:searchIcons, api_description:Method that allows you to get a paged list with the results of the search. Icons returned by the search may be SELECTION icons or PREMIUM icons. By default, it will return a list order by priority. If no order is set, it will return items order by priority. In order to avoid 403 errors when svg icon is used to show the icon in result lists you must not store data in cache more than 15 minutes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"term to search for\"}, {\"name\": \"orderBy\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Order by in results from Flaticon API. You can choose between order the results between 'priority' or 'added'. Priority order will return items ordered by an algorithm based on the downloads ratio. Added order will return items ordered by the date they were added to Flaticon.\\nFor example: `https://api.flaticon.com/v2/search/icons/added?q=arrow&stroke=2&styleName=gradient&packId=1554346&limit=15`\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1183", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Bing Video Search, api_name:Video Details, api_description:Get insights about a video, such as related videos., required_params: [{\"name\": \"modules\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_type\": \"str\", \"instrumentation\": {\"_type\": \"str\"}, \"errors\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"subCode\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"moreDetails\": \"str\", \"parameter\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1184", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:totalPacks, api_description:Method that allows you to get a number stating the full quantity of packs available at Flaticon. The number refreshes periodically according to the content available at flaticon.com. Packs are sorted into two groups: PREMIUM packs and SELECTION packs. PREMIUM packs are those that contain one or more PREMIUM icons., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1185", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:icon, api_description:Method that allows you to get detailed information about an icon., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1186", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:packs, api_description:Method that allows you to get a paged list with information about the packs available at Flaticon. A pack is a set of icons that share a theme. Besides, any given pack may be found in one or many styles associated or not with a family. By default, it will return a list order by priority. If no order is set, it will return items order by priority., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"term to search for\"}, {\"name\": \"orderBy\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Order by in results from Flaticon API. You can choose between order the results between 'priority' or 'added'. Priority order will return items ordered by an algorithm based on the downloads ratio. Added order will return items ordered by the date they were added to Flaticon.\\nFor example: `https://api.flaticon.com/v2/search/icons/added?q=arrow&stroke=2&styleName=gradient&packId=1554346&limit=15`\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1187", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:tes, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1188", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:tes, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1189", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:totalIcons, api_description:Method that allows you to get a number stating the full quantity of icons available at Flaticon. The number refreshes periodically according to the content available at flaticon.com., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1190", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:tes, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1191", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Plate Detection, api_name:Detection of Plates and Faces, api_description:In order to protect personal data, you can detect license plates and faces in the pictures you have., required_params: [{\"name\": \"image\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1192", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Random anime img, api_name:random img anime, api_description:Random link, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"get\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1193", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Nexweave, api_name:GetAllCampaigns, api_description:The API will return all the CSV Campaigns associated with the user's account, including Images, Videos & Image+Video Campaign.\n\nNote: The campaigns must be in Success state., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1194", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Aspose.Imaging Cloud, api_name:ObjectExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File or folder path e.g. '/file.ext' or '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1195", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:List Movies, api_name:List Movies, api_description:Used to list and search through out all the available movies. Can sort, filter, search and order the results, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1196", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Snappy: Web Capture, api_name:snap, api_description:Simply input url of the webpage that you wish to screenshot.\nAPI returns a temporary link (valid for 1 hour) to download the screenshot.\nAlternatively, you can also choose to have the image returned in base64 encoding., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\", \"base64\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1197", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Petey Vid Video Search API, api_name:Video search API, api_description:Use this API to search Petey Vid index/repository, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source_url\": \"str\", \"site\": \"str\", \"dt\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1198", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Random anime img, api_name:5000img, api_description:randomly selects around 5000 images, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1199", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:rgb_image_rgb__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1200", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:get_thought_image_thoughtimage__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1201", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:wanted_image_wanted__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1202", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image Anonymization, api_name:Get version, api_description:Returns an actual version of the service in format `vX.Y.Z` where X is the version of API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1203", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:retro_meme_retromeme__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"bottom_text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"top_text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1204", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:sith_image_sith__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1205", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:sat_image_satan__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1206", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:MlemAPI, api_name:Random mlem, api_description:Returns one random mlem image in JSON, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"orientation\": \"str\", \"brightness\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1207", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:MlemAPI, api_name:Tags, api_description:Returns all tags in JSON, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1208", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:List Movies, api_name:With RT Ratings, api_description:Returns the list with the Rotten Tomatoes rating included, required_params: [{\"name\": \"with_rt_ratings\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status_message\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"movie_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page_number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"movies\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"imdb_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title_english\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title_long\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rating\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"runtime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"genres\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description_full\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"synopsis\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yt_trailer_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mpa_rating\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"background_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"background_image_original\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"small_cover_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medium_cover_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"large_cover_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"torrents\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seeds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"peers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"size\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"size_bytes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"date_uploaded\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_uploaded_unix\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"date_uploaded\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_uploaded_unix\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 20}]}, \\\"@meta\\\": {\\\"server_time\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"server_timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"api_version\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1209", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image diffusion, api_name:/image/stable/prompter, api_description:generate prompt from image url for stable diffusion, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1210", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:MlemAPI, api_name:New mlem, api_description:Returns one most recently published mlem image in JSON, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"orientation\": \"str\", \"brightness\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1211", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:james, api_name:red, api_description:red, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1212", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:List Movies, api_name:Page, api_description:Used to see the next page of movies, eg limit=15 and page=2 will show you movies 15-30, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1213", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:html5tomp4, api_name:getResult, api_description:get result of previous requested rendering with job_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"job_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The numbers of items to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1214", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Unofficial Icons8 Search, api_name:Search, api_description:Search Icons8 repository, required_params: [{\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search term\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"success\": \"bool\", \"parameters\": {\"amount\": \"int\", \"countAll\": \"int\", \"language\": \"str\", \"foundLanguage\": \"str\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"term\": \"str\", \"searchTranslations\": {\"en\": \"str\", \"ru\": \"str\", \"de\": \"str\", \"es\": \"str\", \"ja\": \"str\", \"it\": \"str\", \"hi\": \"str\", \"fr\": \"str\", \"pt\": \"str\", \"pl\": \"str\", \"ar\": \"str\", \"ko\": \"str\", \"zh\": \"str\"}}, \"icons\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"commonName\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"platform\": \"str\", \"isColor\": \"bool\", \"isExplicit\": \"bool\", \"authorId\": \"str\", \"authorName\": \"str\", \"sourceFormat\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1215", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:gay_image_gay__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1216", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:sobel_image_sobel__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1217", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:api.video, api_name:GET_videos-videoId-chapters, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1218", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:api.video, api_name:GET_live-streams-liveStreamId, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"liveStreamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1219", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:modern_meme_modernmeme__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1220", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Premium-Anime-Mobile-Wallpapers-Illustrations, api_name:Anime wallpapers related to the family by pagination, api_description:Get anime wallpapers related to the family:\nRequired GET parameter\n**page**: 1\n**sensitivity**: 1\nOn the above **page**, 1 means it will fetch the latest 10 wallpaper if the page value is 2 then It will bring the next 10 latest wallpaper \npage 1 : 0-10 \npage 2: 10-20 ......\n\nOn the above **sensitivity**, 1 means it will not fetch any 18+ or ecchi-related images if the value is 0 then it will bring all without any filter.\n\nOptional GET parameter\n**quality**:0\n\nThis API provides two types of wallpaper images\n1. Compress lower size wallpaper.\n2. Best quality but will result in high size.\n\nif the **quality** parameter, is not provided then by default it will provide the URL of compressed wallpaper low size if the quality parameter is set to 1 then it will provide a URL of the highest quality wallpaper ( high size ).\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**animename** ( Depend on subscription )\nif the wallpaper is related to any anime, or game then the Japanese name of the anime will be sent otherwise illustration will be sent.\n\n**arturl**\nURL of wallpaper\n\n**sensitivity** ( Depend on subscription )\nIs wallpaper sensitive, 1 means yes 0 means no\n\n**art_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique wallpaper id which can be later used to get more info\n\n**premium** (Depend on subscription)\nWhether art is of premium category 1 means yes 0 means no.\n\n**Note: if no wallpaper found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sensitivity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1221", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Premium-Anime-Mobile-Wallpapers-Illustrations, api_name:Anime wallpapers related to the halloween by pagination, api_description:Get anime wallpapers related to the halloween:\nRequired GET parameter\n**page**: 1\n**sensitivity**: 1\nOn the above **page**, 1 means it will fetch the latest 10 wallpaper if the page value is 2 then It will bring the next 10 latest wallpaper \npage 1 : 0-10 \npage 2: 10-20 ......\n\nOn the above **sensitivity**, 1 means it will not fetch any 18+ or ecchi-related images if the value is 0 then it will bring all without any filter.\n\nOptional GET parameter\n**quality**:0\n\nThis API provides two types of wallpaper images\n1. Compress lower size wallpaper.\n2. Best quality but will result in high size.\n\nif the **quality** parameter, is not provided then by default it will provide the URL of compressed wallpaper low size if the quality parameter is set to 1 then it will provide a URL of the highest quality wallpaper ( high size ).\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**animename** ( Depend on subscription )\nif the wallpaper is related to any anime, or game then the Japanese name of the anime will be sent otherwise illustration will be sent.\n\n**arturl**\nURL of wallpaper\n\n**sensitivity** ( Depend on subscription )\nIs wallpaper sensitive, 1 means yes 0 means no\n\n**art_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique wallpaper id which can be later used to get more info\n\n**premium** (Depend on subscription)\nWhether art is of premium category 1 means yes 0 means no.\n\n**Note: if no wallpaper found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sensitivity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1222", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v2, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1223", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image diffusion, api_name:/image/stable/diffusion, api_description:Most stable and fast diffusion to generate safe image `stuff.`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"prompt\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Describe your fantasy in prompt\"}, {\"name\": \"ratio\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available ratio.\\n\\n> 1:1\\n> 9:16\\n> 16:9\\n> 4:3\\n> 3:2\\n> 2:3\\n> 5:4\\n> 4:5\\n> 8:10\\n> 3:1\\n> 3:4\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"result\": {\"mimetype\": \"str\", \"base64Image\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1224", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:api.video, api_name:LIST-videos, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1225", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:List Movies, api_name:Quality, api_description:Used to filter by a given quality, required_params: [{\"name\": \"quality\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1226", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:List Movies, api_name:Limit, api_description:The limit of results per page that has been set, required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1227", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:FinHost, api_name:/sumsub/access-token, api_description:Requests customer token to initialize Sumsub SDK, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1228", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CalcX - Loan Calculator, api_name:GET - Calculate Loan Cost, api_description:This endpoint calculates the total cost of a loan given the loan amount, interest rate, and repayment term., required_params: [{\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The repayment term in months as an integer. **Example: term=12**.\"}, {\"name\": \"loan\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The loan amount as a float. **Example: loan=10000**.\"}, {\"name\": \"rate\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The annual interest rate as a float. **Example: rate=5.5**.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"interest_rate\": \"str\", \"loan_amount\": \"str\", \"loan_interest\": \"str\", \"loan_type\": \"str\", \"monthly_payment\": \"str\", \"repayment_term\": \"str\", \"schedule\": [{\"balance\": \"str\", \"interest\": \"str\", \"payment\": \"str\", \"period\": \"int\", \"principal\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 12}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1229", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:FreeFloatUs, api_name:trades/pending, api_description:Get pending trades for your freefloat strategies., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1230", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:MarketCI Analytics, api_name:Price Forecasts, api_description:An AI-generated price forecast for the Stock over the next 3 months., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"cap\": \"float\", \"date\": \"str\", \"yhat\": \"NoneType\", \"close\": \"float\", \"trend\": \"float\", \"adjClose\": \"float\", \"yhat_lower\": \"NoneType\", \"yhat_upper\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 285}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1231", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Crypto Update Live, api_name:GET Top gainers losers list, api_description:This endpoint gives the list of the top gainers and losers., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Top Gainers\": [{\"Coin\": \"str\", \"Rank\": \"str\", \"Rise 24hr\": \"str\", \"Price\": \"str\", \"Volume 24hr\": \"str\", \"Symbol\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 30}], \"Top Losers\": [{\"Coin\": \"str\", \"Rank\": \"str\", \"Price\": \"str\", \"Drop 24hr\": \"str\", \"Volume 24hr\": \"str\", \"Symbol\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1232", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:MarketCI Analytics, api_name:Peer Metrics Average, api_description:An Average of Company Peer Metrics for TTM Data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"roeTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"roicTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"pbRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"peRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ptbRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"evToSalesTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"marketCapTTM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pfcfRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"pocfratioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"payoutRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cashPerShareTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"currentRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"debtToAssetsTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"debtToEquityTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"grahamNetNetTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"grahamNumberTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"capexPerShareTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dividendYieldTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"earningsYieldTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"incomeQualityTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"capexToRevenueTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"workingCapitalTTM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"averagePayablesTTM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"debtToMarketCapTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"enterpriseValueTTM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"investedCapitalTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"netDebtToEBITDATTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"revenuePerShareTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"averageInventoryTTM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dividendPerShareTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"evToFreeCashFlowTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"interestCoverageTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"payablesTurnoverTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bookValuePerShareTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"freeCashFlowYieldTTM\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1233", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Crypto Update Live, api_name:GET latest news on Cryptocurrency, api_description:This endpoint returns all the news regarding cryptocurrency., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Title\": \"str\", \"URL\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1234", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:MarketCI Analytics, api_name:Price Probability, api_description:Based on over 1000 forecasts, the probabilistic outcome is above or below the current price in a normal distribution., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"one_day_probability_up\": \"float\", \"one_week_probability_up\": \"float\", \"probability_of_forecast\": \"float\", \"one_day_probability_down\": \"float\", \"one_month_probability_up\": \"float\", \"one_week_probability_down\": \"float\", \"one_month_probability_down\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1235", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Crypto Update Live, api_name:GET top 50 cryptocurrencies list, api_description:This endpoint gives the list of the top fifty cryptocurrencies., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1236", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Number2Words, api_name:Get, api_description:Get equivalent words of this number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1237", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:UniBit AI, api_name:Realtime Stock Price , api_description:This API returns intraday time series data for any specified stock., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1238", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Stocks, api_name:Get the stock history by code, api_description:Get the stock history by code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"stockCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exchangeCode\": \"str\", \"stockCode\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1239", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:StocksEyes, api_name:Get Latest Quote, api_description:The /getLatestQuote API returns latest realtime quote for for given trading symbol. The tradingSymbol parameter lets you select any valid trading symbol of stocks that are part of the Nifty 500 or the top 500 stocks, giving you access to the data you need for the stocks you're interested in.\nSee the list of trading symbols [here](https://stockseyes.com/group/all)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tradingSymbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Check the list of all supported tradingSymbols at [https://stockseyes.com/group/all](https://stockseyes.com/group/all) , you can download as csv also. Mainly, all major stocks which are part of nifty500, nifty 50, nifty next 50, nifty midcap50, nifty sector indices, nifty bank are supported. For exact details check the link.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"volume\": \"int\", \"instrument_token\": \"int\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"last_price\": \"float\", \"timestampIST\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1240", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Currency Converter_v2, api_name:Supported Currencies, api_description:get a list of currencies we support, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1241", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Currency Converter_v2, api_name:Convert, api_description:Convert from one currency toanother, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1242", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:stock-api, api_name:Stock.GetLatestStock, api_description:Get the latest stock information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickerId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"tickerId\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1243", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:stock-api, api_name:Stock.GetOverview, api_description:Get the Stock Overview information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickerId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"tickerId\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1244", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:FmpCloud, api_name:Income Statement, api_description:Get Company Income Statement In JSON format, required_params: [{\"name\": \"stock\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"get your apikey at https://fmpcloud.io/register\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Error Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1245", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:FmpCloud, api_name:Cash Flow Statement, api_description:Get Cash Flow Statement in JSON Format, required_params: [{\"name\": \"stock\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"get your apikey at https://fmpcloud.io/register\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Error Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1246", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CryptoInfo, api_name:Get last 5 news, api_description:Get last 5 actual and processed financial news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"unique\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"topic\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"post_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hash\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"data\\\": {\\\"en\\\": {\\\"header\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subheader\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"domain\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"article_label\\\": {\\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"source_lang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_breaking_news\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hashtags_list\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"fields_tickers\\\": {}, \\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sentiment\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"article_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"blockwords\\\": {\\\"appropriate\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"blockwords\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"similarity\\\": [{\\\"record\\\": {\\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"article_label\\\": {\\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"article_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"blockwords\\\": {\\\"appropriate\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"blockwords\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"content\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"domain\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fields_tickers\\\": {}, \\\"hashtags_list\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"header\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_breaking_news\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"post_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sentiment\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"source_lang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subheader\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"score\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"unique\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1247", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CryptoInfo, api_name:Get economic calendar news over a period of time, api_description:You can get news from one date to another. Maximum from 30 days range, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"topic\": \"str\", \"post_time\": \"str\", \"event_id\": \"str\", \"hash\": \"int\"}, \"data\": {\"ru\": {\"event_id\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_key\": \"str\", \"country_money\": \"str\", \"n_full_stars\": \"int\", \"n_total_stars\": \"int\", \"event\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"actual_text\": \"str\", \"forecast_text\": \"str\", \"previous_text\": \"str\", \"was_notification\": \"bool\", \"hashtags\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"actual_text_symbol\": \"str\", \"forecast_text_symbol\": \"str\", \"previous_text_symbol\": \"str\"}, \"en\": {\"event_id\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_key\": \"str\", \"country_money\": \"str\", \"n_full_stars\": \"int\", \"n_total_stars\": \"int\", \"event\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"actual_text\": \"str\", \"forecast_text\": \"str\", \"previous_text\": \"str\", \"was_notification\": \"bool\", \"hashtags\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"actual_text_symbol\": \"str\", \"forecast_text_symbol\": \"str\", \"previous_text_symbol\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1248", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Bank SWIFT codes, api_name:SWIFT codes by country, api_description:Returns list of SWIFT codes for a country (use two letter ISO country code), required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"country\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"bank\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1176}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1249", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Bank SWIFT codes, api_name:SWIFT code, api_description:Returns details of a SWIFT code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"swift_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"bank\": \"str\", \"branch\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1250", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Crypto News API, api_name:Get Last Cryptocurrency News, api_description:This end point returns all the latest articles on cryptocurrency, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1251", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CryptoInfo, api_name:Get last 5 economic calendar news, api_description:Get last 5 actual and processed economic calendar news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"topic\": \"str\", \"post_time\": \"str\", \"event_id\": \"str\", \"hash\": \"int\"}, \"data\": {\"ru\": {\"event_id\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_key\": \"str\", \"country_money\": \"str\", \"n_full_stars\": \"int\", \"n_total_stars\": \"int\", \"event\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"actual_text\": \"float\", \"forecast_text\": \"float\", \"previous_text\": \"float\", \"was_notification\": \"bool\", \"hashtags\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"actual_text_symbol\": \"str\", \"forecast_text_symbol\": \"str\", \"previous_text_symbol\": \"str\"}, \"en\": {\"event_id\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_key\": \"str\", \"country_money\": \"str\", \"n_full_stars\": \"int\", \"n_total_stars\": \"int\", \"event\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"actual_text\": \"float\", \"forecast_text\": \"float\", \"previous_text\": \"float\", \"was_notification\": \"bool\", \"hashtags\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"actual_text_symbol\": \"str\", \"forecast_text_symbol\": \"str\", \"previous_text_symbol\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1252", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Yahoo Finance, api_name:finance-analytics, api_description:This API endpoint also returns **AI recommendation**\nFinancial analysis refers to an assessment of the viability, stability, and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. It is performed by professionals who prepare reports using ratios and other techniques, that make use of information taken from financial statements and other reports., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symb\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"maxAge\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentPrice\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"targetHighPrice\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"targetLowPrice\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"targetMeanPrice\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"targetMedianPrice\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"recommendationMean\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"recommendationKey\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"numberOfAnalystOpinions\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"totalCash\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"totalCashPerShare\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ebitda\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"totalDebt\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"quickRatio\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"currentRatio\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"totalRevenue\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"debtToEquity\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"revenuePerShare\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"returnOnAssets\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"returnOnEquity\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1253", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Yahoo Finance, api_name:historic-data, api_description:return historic data\ninterval - The time interval between two data points. Can be 1m 2m 5m 15m 30m 60m 90m 1h 1d 5d 1wk 1mo 3mo\nrange - The range for which the data is returned.\n\nfor normal stocks :\nyou can directly search by tickername:\neg. tsla , msft , meta\n\nfor crypt:\ntry searching by ticker name followed by -USD.\nfor bitcoin try : btc-usd, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"range\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"instrumentType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"firstTradeDate\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"regularMarketTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gmtoffset\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangeTimezoneName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"regularMarketPrice\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"chartPreviousClose\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"priceHint\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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of float wi\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1254", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Yahoo Finance, api_name:Trend, api_description:This reflects the insurance company's profits over given periods of time.\nThis endpoint also gives **experts** & **AI supported predictions** about stock future behavior, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbl\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"trend\\\": [{\\\"maxAge\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"growth\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"earningsEstimate\\\": {\\\"avg\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"low\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"high\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"yearAgoEps\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"numberOfAnalysts\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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{\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"90daysAgo\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}},\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1255", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Bitcoin Balance, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Bitcoin balance of an address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1256", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Cosmos Balance, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Cosmos balance of an address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1257", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:📅 Economic Events Calendar 🚀, api_name:Events, api_description:Get all economic events \nFilter by countries symbols like: US, JP, GB and so on. You can add multiple separating by comma or remove to get all events.\nFilter by date: from & to using date in format 2023-05-09, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1258", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Luhn algorithm, api_name:Service status, api_description:Returns service status, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"service_status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1259", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Luhn algorithm, api_name:Validate card number, api_description:Validates given card number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"card_number\": \"str\", \"is_valid\": \"bool\", \"issuer_category\": \"str\", \"issuing_network\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1260", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get BNB Balance From Specific Network, api_description:This endpoint will return back the BNB balance of an address in a specific network., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"network\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"network can take the value : \\n- bnb\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1261", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Fetchallindividualcustomers, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1262", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Fetchallnotes, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"customer_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1263", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Short, api_name:MostRecentShortVolume, api_description:MostRecentShortVolume, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1264", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cion Prices Api, api_name:GIT ALL WORLD CURRENCIES PRICES, api_description:This end point will return back prices of world currencies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1265", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cion Prices Api, api_name:get currency by name, api_description:get several states of one currency prices, required_params: [{\"name\": \"coinId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1266", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:IBAN validation, api_name:Validate IBAN, api_description:Validate IBAN, required_params: [{\"name\": \"iban\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1267", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:TND Exchange Rate, api_name:api, api_description:GET the average exchange rate of TND against USD & EUR, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"USD\": \"float\", \"EUR\": \"float\", \"GBP\": \"float\", \"CHF\": \"float\", \"BTC\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1268", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CurrencyAPI.net, api_name:Convert, api_description:Convert a custom amount value from one currency to another, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currency code of the currency you want to convert to. Eg, USD if you want to convert GBP to USD\"}, {\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value you want to convert. Eg 10.99 or 15\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currency code of the currency you want to convert from. Eg, GBP if you want to convert GBP to USD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"valid\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1269", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Fetchindividualcustomer, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"customer_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1270", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Fetchoneassociationbelongingtoamatch, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"asso_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"match_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"customer_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"screening_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1271", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Fetchamatch, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"customer_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"match_1_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"screening_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1272", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Futures, api_name:Supported Assets, api_description:This endpoint returns all symbols supported by the * last *and* time-series *endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"exchange\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"contract_size\": \"int\", \"contract_unit\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"earliest_available_date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1273", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Futures, api_name:Latest Contracts for Symbol, api_description:This endpoint returns each of the latest futures contracts for a given symbol for the next twelve months.\n\nUse the optional ** parameter to return the latest contract for a given month., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"metadata\": {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"exchange\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"contract_size\": \"int\", \"contract_unit\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"month\": \"int\", \"year\": \"int\", \"last\": \"float\", \"open\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"change\": \"float\", \"change_p\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1274", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:QuantaEx Market Data, api_name:24 Hours Tickers, api_description:24 hours trading data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1275", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:1p Challenge, api_name:/api/user/{userId}, api_description:Retreive a user object, their logs and calendar of savings, required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1276", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Viewoverallscreeningresult, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"customer_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"screening_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1277", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Fetchallassociationsbelongingtoamatch, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"customer_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"screening_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"match_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1278", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Exchange Rate by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/exchangerate, api_description:API Ninjas Exchange Rate API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pair\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currency pair to query. Must be in the form of **(currency1)_(currency2)** (e.g. **USD_EUR**)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"currency_pair\": \"str\", \"exchange_rate\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1279", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:RedStone, api_name:Prices, api_description:Redstone HTTP API currently has a single yet very powerful endpoint, which allows you to fetch prices data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"provider\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"provider\": \"str\", \"value\": \"float\", \"liteEvmSignature\": \"str\", \"permawebTx\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\", \"source\": {\"binance\": \"float\", \"coingecko\": \"float\", \"hitbtc\": \"float\", \"huobipro\": \"float\"}, \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"minutes\": \"int\", \"providerPublicKey\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1280", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Currency Converter_v3, api_name:converter, api_description:This endpoint is used to perform currency conversion between multiple currencies. The endpoint accepts input parameters in the form of the amount of money, source currency, and one or more target currencies., required_params: [{\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This parameter specifies the currency code of the currency that you want to convert to. It is a mandatory parameter and should be a valid three-letter currency code. If there are multiple target currencies, they should be separated by a comma (',') .\"}, {\"name\": \"source\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This parameter represents the currency from which you want to convert. It is a mandatory parameter and should be a valid three-letter currency code, such as USD (United States Dollar) or EUR (Euro) or many others.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1281", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Bank SWIFT codes, api_name:Banks by country, api_description:Returns list of banks for a country (use two letter ISO country code), required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1282", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Number2Text, api_name:Get text from number, api_description:This endpoint returns the text base from the number.\nLanguages: en, fr, de, ro, es, pt, hu, it, da, pl, required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1283", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:crypto-news_v2, api_name:CoinJournal, api_description:Get the latest news from CoinJournal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1284", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:crypto-news_v2, api_name:CoinCu, api_description:Get the latest news from CoinCu., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1285", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CurrencyAPI.net, api_name:Currencies, api_description:Gets list of currencies we support, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"valid\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"currencies\\\": {\\\"AED\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AFN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ALL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ANG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AOA\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ARS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AUD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AZN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BAM\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BBD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BCH\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BDT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BGN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BHD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BIF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BND\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BOB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BRL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BSD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BTC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BTG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BWP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BZD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CAD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CDF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CHF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CLP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CNH\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CNY\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"COP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CRC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CUC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CUP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CVE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CZK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DASH\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DJF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DKK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DOP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DZD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EGP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EOS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ETB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ETH\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EUR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FJD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GBP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GEL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GHS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GIP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GNF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GTQ\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GYD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HKD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HNL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HRK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HTG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HUF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IDR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ILS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"INR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IQD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IRR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ISK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"JMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1286", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CurrencyAPI.net, api_name:History, api_description:Display the currency conversions historical rates for a particular day, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Display the single date you wish to get the historical data from. Eg 2010-12-25\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The currency code you wish to get the historical rates of. Eg, USD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"valid\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1287", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CurrenciesExchangeRateAPI, api_name:3-Fluctuation Endpoint:, api_description:Request Parameters:\n'start_date': \n'end_date': \n'base': \n'symbols': \nResponse: This endpoint returns the percentage change in the exchange rates of the specified currencies over the specified time period in JSON format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1288", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Smile, api_name:list-webhooks, api_description:List all webhook endpoints., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1289", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Smile, api_name:get-user, api_description:Get a particular user profile., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the specific object in the collection.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1290", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:FinHost, api_name:/fee/payment, api_description:Calculates transfer payment according to the fee plan, required_params: [{\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Client provided amount of assets\"}, {\"name\": \"account\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Sender account\"}, {\"name\": \"action\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Transfer type\"}, {\"name\": \"actionType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Transfer type\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1291", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:I am rich, api_name:iamrich, api_description:Since so many people asked for it.\n\nBe part of the fun !, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1292", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:FreeFloatUs, api_name:portfolio, api_description:Download your freefloat portfolio., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1293", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Stocks, api_name:Get the current stock by exchange code and stock code, api_description:Get the current stock by exchange code and stock code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"stockCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"exchangeCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1294", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Indian Bank Account Verification, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1295", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:DAX, api_name:DAX point changes for each month (January-August, 2022), api_description:Gets the actual points, gains and losses for each individual month., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"41043618-875a-4a89-b372-062b0e33fe19\": {\"April\": \"str\", \"February\": \"str\", \"January\": \"str\", \"July\": \"str\", \"June\": \"str\", \"March\": \"str\", \"May\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1296", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Crypto Update Live, api_name:GET Cryptocurrency Details, api_description:This endpoint gives live detailed information about the current value of a particular cryptocurrency., required_params: [{\"name\": \"crypto-name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1297", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Crypto Update Live, api_name:GET top 100 cryptocurrencies list, api_description:This endpoint gives the list of the top hundred cryptocurrencies., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1298", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:1p Challenge, api_name:/api/create/user, api_description:Creates a new user within the system, returning the userId, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1299", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:1p Challenge, api_name:/api/global-tracking, api_description:Shows all tracked savings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1300", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:FinHost, api_name:/fee/plans, api_description:Describes fee payments for the services, required_params: [{\"name\": \"account\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Sender account\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1301", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Mutual fund Nav, api_name:fundID, api_description:current Nav, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"FundID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1302", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:FinHost, api_name:/account/details/{account}, api_description:Account bank detailes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"account\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Account ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1303", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:FinHost, api_name:/recipient, api_description:List of the recipients for the client, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1304", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CryptoInfo, api_name:Get news over a period of time, api_description:You can get news from one date to another. Maximum from 1 day range, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"unique\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"topic\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"post_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hash\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"data\\\": {\\\"en\\\": {\\\"header\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subheader\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"domain\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"article_label\\\": {\\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"source_lang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_breaking_news\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hashtags_list\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"fields_tickers\\\": {\\\"russian\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"]}, \\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sentiment\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"article_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"blockwords\\\": {\\\"appropriate\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"blockwords\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 10\\\"]}, \\\"similarity\\\": [{\\\"record\\\": {\\\"header\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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\"str\", \"High\": \"str\", \"Low\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 24}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1306", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Alpha Vantage, api_name:Busca por simbolo, api_description:buscar dados pelo simbolo, required_params: [{\"name\": \"function\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"outputsize\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Information\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1307", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Candlestick Chart, api_name:Binance charts, api_description:This endpoint creates candlestick charts for any cryptocurrency listed on [Binance](https://www.binance.com) that you want!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol for the traiding pair\\n\\nYou can see every traiding pair available [here](https://coinmarketcap.com/en/exchanges/binance)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"chartImage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1308", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Currency_v2, api_name:currencyToAll, api_description:Service that converts the entered exchange rate to other currencies., required_params: [{\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currency Code (USD,EUR etc.)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1309", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Stocks, api_name:Get the stock history by exchange code and stock code, api_description:Get the stock history by exchange code and stock code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"exchangeCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"stockCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exchangeCode\": \"str\", \"stockCode\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1310", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:crypto-news_v2, api_name:CoinTelegraph, api_description:Get the latest news from CoinTelegraph., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1311", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:crypto-news_v2, api_name:CryptoNinjas, api_description:Get the latest news from CryptoNinjas., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1312", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Stocks, api_name:Get the current stock by code, api_description:Get the current stock by code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"stockCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1313", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Currency_v2, api_name:cripto, api_description:Bitcoin and Altcoins prices, changes in the instant service., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1314", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Consulta de boleto, api_name:consulta, api_description:Recebe como parâmetro de busca, a linha digitável do boleto e devolve as informações do mesmo., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1315", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Candlestick Chart, api_name:Health, api_description:Health check, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1316", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Dark Cloud Cover, api_description:List of stocks having Dark Cloud Cover signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 60}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1317", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:RSI Oversold, api_description:List of stocks having RSI Oversold signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1318", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Supertrend Buy, api_description:List of stocks having Supertrend Buy signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1319", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Fetchaverification, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"verification_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"customer_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1320", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Viewallscreeningsresult, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"customer_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1321", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Open DeFi, api_name:web_impressive_numbers, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"oracles\": \"int\", \"blockchains\": \"int\", \"exchanges\": \"int\", \"pairs\": \"int\", \"tokens\": \"int\", \"database_size\": \"int\", \"liquidity\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1322", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Open DeFi, api_name:web_pair_trade_data, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"pair_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\\nPair id as received in `/pairs` or `/pair-details`\\n\\nAs the endpoint /pair-details is preferred, this endpoint only gives direct pair_id access for now.\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\nThe time perid for the stats.\\n\\nCurrently only latest stats are supported.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"price_open\": \"float\", \"price_high\": \"float\", \"price_low\": \"float\", \"price_close\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"buys\": \"int\", \"sells\": \"int\", \"liquidity_high\": \"float\", \"liquidity_low\": \"float\", \"liquidity_events\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1323", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Open DeFi, api_name:web_pair_details, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"chain_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Blockchain slug, e.g, \\\"ethereum\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"pair_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\nTrading pair friendly presentation (token0 symbol - token1 symbol) or pair pool contract address.\\n\\nSymbols can be in any order: base token - quote token or quote token - base token.\\n\\nIf multiple trading pairs match the same symbol the one with the highest volume is returned\\n(assuming other trading pairs are ones with a fake token).\\n\\nExamples of accepted `pair_slugs`:\\n- `ETH-USDC`\\n- `eth-usdc`\\n- `WETH-USDC`\\n- `USDC-WETH`\\n- `0xB4e16d0168e52d35CaCD2c6185b44281Ec28C9Dc`\\n\\nThe response is a composite of pair summary information, additional trading volume numbers and related links.\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"exchange_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Exchange path slug e.g, `sushiswap`\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"summary\\\": {\\\"pair_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pair_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"exchange_slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_factory_address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chain_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"chain_slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chain_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base_token_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base_token_symbol_friendly\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quote_token_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quote_token_symbol_friendly\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base_token_address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quote_token_address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base_token_slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quote_token_slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pool_address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"usd_price_latest\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"price_change_24h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"exchange_rate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"usd_volume_24h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"usd_volume_30d\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"usd_liquidity_latest\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"liquidity_change_24h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"usd_liquidity_change_24h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"liquidity_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pool_swap_fee\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"pair_swap_fee\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"additional_details\\\": {\\\"chain_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chain_link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chain_logo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_link\\\": \\\"Non\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1324", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:StocksEyes, api_name:Get Latest candle NSE, api_description:The /getLatestCandle API returns latest realtime candle formed for given trading symbol and time frame. The timeFrame parameter allows you to select the time frame of candleStick, with options of 1m, 5m, 15m, or 1h for 1 minute candle, 5 minute candle, 15 minute candle, 1 hour candle respectively. The tradingSymbol parameter lets you select any valid trading symbol of stocks that are part of the Nifty 500 or the top 500 stocks, giving you access to the data you need for the stocks you're interested in., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tradingSymbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Check the list of all supported tradingSymbols at [https://stockseyes.com/group/all](https://stockseyes.com/group/all) , you can download as csv also. Mainly, all major stocks which are part of nifty500, nifty 50, nifty next 50, nifty midcap50, nifty sector indices, nifty bank are supported. For exact details check the link.\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"timeFrame\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"1m -> 1 minute candle\\n5m -> 5 minute candle\\n15m -> 15 minute candle\\n1h -> 1 hour candle\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1325", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:StocksEyes, api_name:GET Last N Candles nse, api_description:The /getLastNCandles API returns latest n number of candles formed for given trading symbol and time frame. The timeFrame parameter allows you to select the time frame of candleStick, with options of 1m, 5m, 15m, or 1h for 1 minute candle, 5 minute candle, 15 minute candle, 1 hour candle respectively. The tradingSymbol parameter lets you select any valid trading symbol of stocks that are part of the Nifty 500 or the top 500 stocks, giving you access to the data you need for the stocks you're interested in., required_params: [{\"name\": \"numberOfCandles\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of candles to be fetched (max 100).\"}, {\"name\": \"tradingSymbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Check the list of all supported tradingSymbols at [https://stockseyes.com/group/all](https://stockseyes.com/group/all) , you can download as csv also. Mainly, all major stocks which are part of nifty500, nifty 50, nifty next 50, nifty midcap50, nifty sector indices, nifty bank are supported. For exact details check the link.\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"timeFrame\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"1m -> 1 minute candle\\n5m -> 5 minute candle\\n15m -> 15 minute candle\\n1h -> 1 hour candle\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tradingSymbol\": \"str\", \"open\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"int\", \"close\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"startTimeIST\": \"str\", \"endTimeIST\": \"str\", \"startTimeUTC\": \"str\", \"endTimeUTC\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1326", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Fetchanote, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"customer_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"note_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1327", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Job Salary Data, api_name:Job Salary, api_description:Get estimated job salaries/pay by job title and location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"job_title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Job title for which to get salary estimation\"}, {\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Free-text location/area in which to get salary estimation\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"location\": \"str\", \"job_title\": \"str\", \"publisher_name\": \"str\", \"publisher_link\": \"str\", \"min_salary\": \"int\", \"max_salary\": \"int\", \"median_salary\": \"int\", \"salary_period\": \"str\", \"salary_currency\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1328", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:The Shrimpy Universal Crypto Exchange Interface, api_name:Get Ticker, api_description:This endpoint retrieves all Shrimpy supported exchange assets for a particular exchange along with pricing information. The pricing information is updated once per minute., required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The exchange for which you are collecting data\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1329", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Yahoo Finance, api_name:search, api_description:search for tickers with similar name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symb\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quotes\": [{\"exchange\": \"str\", \"shortname\": \"str\", \"quoteType\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"index\": \"str\", \"score\": \"int\", \"typeDisp\": \"str\", \"longname\": \"str\", \"exchDisp\": \"str\", \"sector\": \"str\", \"industry\": \"str\", \"dispSecIndFlag\": \"bool\", \"isYahooFinance\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1330", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Currency Converter_v3, api_name:currencies, api_description:Endpoint to retrieve all supported currencies., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1331", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Holo Balance From Specific Network, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Holo balance of an address in a specific network., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"network\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"network can take the value : \\n- eth\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1332", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Chiliz Balance From Specific Network, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Chiliz balance of an address in a specific network., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"network\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"network can take the value : \\n- eth\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1333", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Ontology Gas Balance, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Ontology Gas balance of an address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1334", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Insiders, api_name:gedetailedtinsiders, api_description:Get insiders with details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"CIK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"issuerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"issuerTradingSymbols\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"LastTransaction\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"insideTransactions\\\": [{\\\"CIK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reportingOwner\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reportingOwnerCik\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Director\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"Officer\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"otherText\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"periodOfReport\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"accessionNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"acceptanceDateTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SECDocumentURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transactions\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transactions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 23}], \\\"compnayTransactions\\\": [{\\\"CIK\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"reportingOwner\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reportingOwnerCik\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"10% Owner\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"otherText\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"periodOfReport\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"accessionNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"acceptanceDateTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SECDocumentURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transactions\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transactions\\\": [{\\\"securityTitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transactionDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transactionCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"equ\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1335", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:MarketCI Analytics, api_name:Discounted Cash Flow Models (DCF's), api_description:Artificial Intelligence-powered DCF's for Cash Flow forecasts and assumptions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cost_of_equity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"equity_percentage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cost_of_debt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"debt_percentage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avg_tax_rate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"wacc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dcf_value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_current_year_ebit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_current_year_inc_depreciation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_current_year_ebit_tax_shield\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_current_year_capex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_current_year_nwc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_current_year_fcf\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_next_year_ebit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_next_year_ebit_tax_shield\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_next_year_inc_depreciation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_next_year_capex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_next_year_nwc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_next_year_fcf\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_next_2_year_ebit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_next_2_year_ebit_tax_shield\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_next_2_year_inc_depreciation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_next_2_year_capex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashflow_forecast_next_2_year_nwc\\\": \\\"st\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1336", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Crypto Update Live, api_name:GET multiple coin details for your choice, api_description:This endpoint gives live detailed information about the current value of multiple cryptocurrencies. Separate coin name using \"_\" underscore symbol., required_params: [{\"name\": \"crypto1-name_crypto2-name_crypto\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1337", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:MarketCI Analytics, api_name:Peers, api_description:Get List of Company Peers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1338", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:MarketCI Analytics, api_name:Peer Ratio Averages, api_description:An Average of Company Peer Ratios for TTM Data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"peRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"pegRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cashRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"debtRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ebtPerEbitTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quickRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"payoutRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cashPerShareTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"currentRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dividendYielTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"assetTurnoverTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dividendYieldTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ebitPerRevenueTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"operatingCycleTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"priceFairValueTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"returnOnAssetsTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"returnOnEquityTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"debtEquityRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"netIncomePerEBTTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"netProfitMarginTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"priceSalesRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dividendPerShareTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"effectiveTaxRateTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"interestCoverageTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"payablesTurnoverTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"priceToBookRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"grossProfitMarginTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"inventoryTurnoverTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"priceToSalesRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fixedAssetTurnoverTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"pretaxProfitMarginTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"priceCashFlowRatioTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"priceEarningsRatioT\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1339", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ohlc history forex, api_name:Get Symbols, api_description:Get all available forex pairs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbols\": [\"list of str with length 28\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1340", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Shiba Inu Balance From Specific Network, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Shiba Inu balance of an address in a specific network., required_params: [{\"name\": \"network\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"network can take the value : \\n- eth\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1341", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get VeThor Token Balance, api_description:This endpoint will return back the VeThor Token balance of an address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1342", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CalcX - Investment API, api_name:GET - Calculate Investment, api_description:This endpoint performs multiple investment calculations in a single request. It accepts a list of investment parameters, such as principal amount, rate of return, time period, and compounding frequency, and returns a list of investment results, including the simple interest, compound interest, investment returns, return on investment, capital gains tax, and annual percentage yield of each investment., required_params: [{\"name\": \"rate\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The interest rate of the investment\"}, {\"name\": \"principal\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The amount of money invested\"}, {\"name\": \"time\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The length of the investment in months\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"apy\": \"str\", \"cg_tax\": \"str\", \"compound_interest\": \"str\", \"compounding_freq\": \"str\", \"investment_returns\": \"str\", \"principal\": \"str\", \"principal_in\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"str\", \"results_in\": \"str\", \"roi\": \"str\", \"simple_interest\": \"str\", \"time_months\": \"str\", \"time_years\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1343", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Dogelon Mars Balance From Specific Network, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Dogelon Mars balance of an address in a specific network., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"network\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"network can take the value : \\n- eth\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1344", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Yahoo Finance, api_name:earnings, api_description:A company's earnings are its after-tax net income. This is the company's bottom line or its profits. Earnings are perhaps the single most important and most closely studied number in a company's financial statements.\nThis API **also** returns **historical earnings**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symb\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"maxAge\": \"int\", \"earningsChart\": {\"quarterly\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"actual\": {\"raw\": \"float\", \"fmt\": \"str\"}, \"estimate\": {\"raw\": \"float\", \"fmt\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 4}], \"currentQuarterEstimate\": {\"raw\": \"float\", \"fmt\": \"str\"}, \"currentQuarterEstimateDate\": \"str\", \"currentQuarterEstimateYear\": \"int\", \"earningsDate\": [{\"raw\": \"int\", \"fmt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}, \"financialsChart\": {\"yearly\": [{\"date\": \"int\", \"revenue\": {\"raw\": \"int\", \"fmt\": \"str\", \"longFmt\": \"str\"}, \"earnings\": {\"raw\": \"int\", \"fmt\": \"str\", \"longFmt\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 4}], \"quarterly\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"revenue\": {\"raw\": \"int\", \"fmt\": \"str\", \"longFmt\": \"str\"}, \"earnings\": {\"raw\": \"int\", \"fmt\": \"str\", \"longFmt\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 4}]}, \"financialCurrency\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1345", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Yahoo Finance, api_name:index, api_description:Trend Analysis is a relatively straightforward quantitative demand forecasting technique that uses the historical relationship between the operational index (i.e. sales level) and the number of employees required by the organization (demand for labour) to forecast future requirements., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"maxAge\": \"int\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"peRatio\": {\"raw\": \"float\", \"fmt\": \"str\"}, \"pegRatio\": {\"raw\": \"float\", \"fmt\": \"str\"}, \"estimates\": [{\"period\": \"str\", \"growth\": {\"raw\": \"float\", \"fmt\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 6}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1346", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Currency Converter_v5, api_name:Exchange currency and show thier countries, api_description:A simple API that allows you to exchange a specific currency to another, and see in which countries you can use this currency, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1347", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Screeningstats, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1348", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:crypto-news_v2, api_name:CoinDesk, api_description:Get the latest news from CoinDesk., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1349", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:crypto-news_v2, api_name:Top News, api_description:Get the top latest news from CoinDesk.\n\nSelect number of articles to return. Maximum limit depends on the provider which is usually 50+ articles for CoinDesk. The first articles are the latest.\n\nExample URLs:\n/news/top/5\n/news/top/20\n/news/top/1000 (if only 50 articles are available then 50 is returned), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1350", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Open DeFi, api_name:web_pairs, api_description:\nQuery different combinations of the trading pairs.\n\nThe most common query is all trading pairs of a decentralised exchange.\n\n`/pairs?chain_slugs=ethereum&exchange-slugs=uniswap-v2`\n\nThe results are always paginated.\n\n## Parameter seralisation\n\nNote that lists are not JSON serialised, but use [OpenAPI query parameter serialization](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/serialization/). I.e. lists are comma separated, no spaces between items.\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1351", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CurrenciesExchangeRateAPI, api_name:6-TimeSeries Endpoint:, api_description:Request Parameters:\n'start_date': \n'end_date': \n'base': \n'symbols': \nResponse: This endpoint returns the exchange rates for the specified currencies over the specified time period in JSON format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1352", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Latest signals, api_description:Returns list of all latest signals order by date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1353", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CurrencyAPI.net, api_name:Rates, api_description:Get live currency conversion rates of a given currency, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"valid\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"updated\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"base\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rates\\\": {\\\"AED\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AFN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ALL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ANG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AOA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ARS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AUD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AWG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BAM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BBD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BCH\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BDT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BGN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BHD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BIF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BMD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"BND\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BOB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BRL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BSD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BTC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BTG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BWP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BZD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CAD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CDF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CHF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CLP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CNH\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CNY\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"COP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CRC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CUC\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"CUP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CVE\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CZK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DASH\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DJF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DKK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DOP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DZD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"EGP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"EOS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ETB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ETH\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"EUR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FJD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GEL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GHS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GIP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GNF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GTQ\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GYD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"HKD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"HNL\\\": \\\"float\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1354", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Inverted Hammer, api_description:List of stocks having Inverted Hammer signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1355", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Doji, api_description:List of stocks having Doji signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1356", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Currency_v2, api_name:exchange, api_description:The currency converter service that converts the entered rate into the desired exchange rate., required_params: [{\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currency Code (USD, EUR etc.)\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Target Currency Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1357", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Yahoo Finance, api_name:ESG, api_description:Simply explained, an ESG score is a measure of a company's exposure to long-term environmental, social, and governance risks that are often overlooked during traditional financial analyses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symb\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"maxAge\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalEsg\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"environmentScore\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"socialScore\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"governanceScore\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ratingYear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ratingMonth\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"highestControversy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"peerCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"esgPerformance\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"peerGroup\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"relatedControversy\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"peerEsgScorePerformance\\\": {\\\"min\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"peerGovernancePerformance\\\": {\\\"min\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"peerSocialPerformance\\\": {\\\"min\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"peerEnvironmentPerformance\\\": {\\\"min\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"peerHighestControversyPerformance\\\": {\\\"min\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"percentile\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"environmentPercentile\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"socialPercentile\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"governancePercentile\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"adult\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"alcoholic\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"animalTesting\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1358", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Vechain Balance, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Vechain balance of an address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1359", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Cordano Balance, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Cordano balance of an address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1360", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Supertrend Sell, api_description:List of stocks having Supertrend Sell signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1361", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Bullish Harami, api_description:List of stocks having Bullish Harami signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1362", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Stock list, api_description:Get list of stocks covered by the screener. Result includes stock information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"exchange\": \"str\", \"yahooChartLink\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1363", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Yahoo Finance, api_name:Statistics, api_description:Key Statistics are **important points of financial data that allow you to quickly view and ascertain transaction history**, as well as provide insight into donation trends. These statistics can be found both on the Dashboard as entire database summaries and on an individual basis at the top of each entity record., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"maxAge\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"priceHint\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"enterpriseValue\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"forwardPE\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"profitMargins\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"floatShares\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"sharesOutstanding\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"sharesShort\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"sharesShortPriorMonth\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"sharesShortPreviousMonthDate\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"dateShortInterest\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"sharesPercentSharesOut\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"heldPercentInsiders\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"heldPercentInstitutions\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"shortRatio\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"shortPercentOfFloat\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"beta\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"impliedSharesOutstanding\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"lon\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1364", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Yahoo Finance, api_name:price, api_description:Returns the Stock Price Information for the symbol passed as parameter\n\nfor normal stocks :\nyou can directly search by tickername:\neg. tsla , msft , meta\n\nfor crypt:\ntry searching by ticker name followed by -USD.\nfor bitcoin try : btc-usd\nfor eth try : eth-usd\nfor dogecoin try : doge-usd, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"maxAge\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"preMarketChange\\\": {}, \\\"preMarketPrice\\\": {}, \\\"postMarketChange\\\": {}, \\\"postMarketPrice\\\": {}, \\\"regularMarketChangePercent\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"regularMarketChange\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"regularMarketTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"priceHint\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"regularMarketPrice\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"regularMarketDayHigh\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"regularMarketDayLow\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"regularMarketVolume\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"averageDailyVolume10Day\\\": {}, \\\"averageDailyVolume3Month\\\": {}, \\\"regularMarketPreviousClose\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"regularMarketSource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"regularMarketOpen\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"strikePrice\\\": {}, \\\"openInterest\\\": {}, \\\"exchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangeDataDelayedBy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"marketState\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quoteType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"underlyingSymbol\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longName\\\": \\\"str\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1365", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Currency_v2, api_name:symbols, api_description:Service that brings the names and symbols of exchange rates., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1366", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:FinHost, api_name:/client, api_description:Client info, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1367", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CurrencyAPI.net, api_name:Timeframe, api_description:Display a currency conversion's historical rates within a given timeframe, required_params: [{\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Display the start date you wish to get the historical data from. Eg 2010-12-29\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The currency code you want to get the historical data of. Eg, USD\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Display the start date you wish to get the historical data from. Eg 2010-12-25\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"valid\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1368", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get TRON Balance, api_description:This endpoint will return back the TRON balance of an address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1369", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get ICON Balance, api_description:This endpoint will return back the ICON balance of an address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1370", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Tezos Balance, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Tezos balance of an address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1371", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Crypto Symbols by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/cryptosymbols, api_description:API Ninjas Crypto Symbols API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbols\": [\"list of str with length 522\"], \"timestamp\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1372", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CurrenciesExchangeRateAPI, api_name:5-Latest Endpoint:, api_description:Endpoint URL:/latest?symbols=EUR&base=usd\nHTTP Method: GET\nRequest Parameters:\n'symbols': \n'base': \nResponse: This endpoint returns the latest exchange rates for the specified currencies in JSON format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1373", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Morning Star, api_description:List of stocks having Morning Star signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1374", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Macd Crossover Down, api_description:List of stocks having Macd crossover down signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1375", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Piercing Line, api_description:List of stocks having Piercing Line signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 48}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1376", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:getQRcode, api_name:qrcode, api_description:qrcode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"forQR\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errorCode\": \"int\", \"happyApiStatus\": \"str\", \"happyApiVersion\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1377", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:News In Bay, api_name:Get San Francisco Chronicle news, api_description:Get all news titled with keyword (sources via San Francisco Chronicle ), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1378", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Music Trivia, api_name:/getgamelevel, api_description:get a game level with a level parameter. The level this does not imply difficulty, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1379", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:News In Bay, api_name:Get All News, api_description:Get all news titled with keyword (sources via San Francisco Chronicle / SFGATE / abc7News), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1380", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:9GAG API (Detailed), api_name:Get User Profile, api_description:Returns user profie., required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1381", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:9GAG API (Detailed), api_name:Get Posts From Page, api_description:Returns page posts., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Supports categories returned from the /get_pages endpoint\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1382", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Images Infos - API1, api_name:/getWebsitesPDF, api_description:Get a PDF from a website, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1383", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:StreamlineWatch - Streaming Guide, api_name:regions, api_description:Retrieve the list of regions covered by the API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1384", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Images Infos - API1, api_name:/getWebsitesScreenshot, api_description:Capture a screenshot from website, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1385", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Instagram Reels and post Downloader, api_name:Posts, api_description:Download post using instagram url, required_params: [{\"name\": \"link\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1386", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Instagram Reels and post Downloader, api_name:Reels Downloader, api_description:You only need to provide the link to your Instagram media, and our API will give you the results in Download links of reels and posts, required_params: [{\"name\": \"link\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1387", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Easy QR Code Generator, api_name:Create QR Code, api_description:Turn any URL or even text into a downloadable and printable QR code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1388", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Youtube video info, api_name:Get Video info, api_description:dzdadaz, required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"dateCreated\": \"str\", \"likes\": \"int\", \"dislikes\": \"int\", \"rating\": \"int\", \"viewCount\": \"int\", \"deleted\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1389", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:public-url-share, api_name:Media sources statistics, api_description:Search and find details or statistics on media sources, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1390", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:public-url-share, api_name:Top 50 startups news from the last month, api_description:Top 50 startups news from the last month, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1391", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:StreamlineWatch - Streaming Guide, api_name:/shows/{id}, api_description:Return the metadata associated with the specified show., required_params: [{\"name\": \"platform\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Retrieve sources from the specified platform.\\n*required, possible values: ios, android, androidtv, web*\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of the show. You can also use a tmdb id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"int\", \"backdrop_path\": \"str\", \"first_aired\": \"str\", \"genres\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"original_title\": \"str\", \"overview\": \"str\", \"poster_path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"vote_average\": \"float\", \"vote_count\": \"int\", \"youtube_trailer\": \"str\", \"sources\": [{\"source\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1392", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:StreamlineWatch - Streaming Guide, api_name:/shows, api_description:Returns the basic metadata for all shows available for playback in a specific region. The results are ordered by popularity or alphabetical order. You may get additional information about each show using its ID., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"int\", \"backdrop_path\": \"str\", \"first_aired\": \"str\", \"genres\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"original_title\": \"str\", \"overview\": \"str\", \"poster_path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1393", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Open Library, api_name:Search Title, api_description:Searches for books by title., required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"int\", \"books\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1394", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Open Library, api_name:Search Author, api_description:Searches for authors., required_params: [{\"name\": \"author\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"int\", \"authors\": [{\"author\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"numberOfbooks\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1395", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Hacker News, api_name:Items, api_description:Stories, comments, Ask HNs and polls are considered items identified by ids (unique integers), required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The item's unique id. Required.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1396", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Giphy, api_name:Search, api_description:Search all Giphy GIFs for a word or phrase. Punctuation will be stripped and ignored. Use a plus or url encode for phrases., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"search query term or phrase\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"meta\": {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"response_id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1397", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Hacker News, api_name:Top Stories, api_description:Returns the current top 100 stories., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1398", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Text-to-Speech (TTS Engine), api_name:go, api_description:Convert textual content to .mp3, required_params: [{\"name\": \"t\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"l\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Languages available: ru, en, de, es, pt, fr, nl, zh\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"s\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"first\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"lng\": \"str\", \"file\": \"str\", \"lenght\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1399", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:9GAG API (Detailed), api_name:Get Categories, api_description:Returns all categories., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1400", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:User Details (XML), api_description:Get the user details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the user\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1401", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:placekitten, api_name:Kitten, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"width\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1402", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:List Movies (JSON), api_description:Used to list and search through out all the available movies. Can sort, filter, search and order the results, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1403", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:User Details (JSONP), api_description:Get the user details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the user\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1404", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Images Infos - API2, api_name:/extracttext, api_description:Extract text from an image, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1405", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Youtube Video/Stream Download, api_name:Get Stream Url, api_description:Get Stream Url, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1406", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Youtube Video/Stream Download, api_name:Get Video Info, api_description:Get basic informations of video/stream or shorts., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1407", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Twitch, api_name:Get top games, api_description:Returns an array of top games on Twitch by current viewers., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1408", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Baby Pig Pictures, api_name:Random, api_description:Generates a random baby pig image for whatever your needs are, even enjoyment., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1409", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Youtube Video/Stream Download, api_name:Get Video Urls, api_description:Get video/shorts urls for, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1410", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Bing Image Search, api_name:Trending, api_description:Get currently trending images., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_type\": \"str\", \"instrumentation\": {\"_type\": \"str\"}, \"errors\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"subCode\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"moreDetails\": \"str\", \"parameter\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1411", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:StreamlineWatch - Streaming Guide, api_name:/shows/{id}/episodes, api_description:List all the episodes from the show, required_params: [{\"name\": \"platform\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Retrieve sources from the specified platform.\\n*required, possible values: ios, android, androidtv, web*\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the show\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"_id\": \"int\", \"episode_number\": \"int\", \"first_aired\": \"str\", \"season_number\": \"int\", \"show_id\": \"int\", \"thumbnail_path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"sources\": [{\"source\": \"str\", \"link_ios\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 8}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1412", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Bing Image Search, api_name:Image Search, api_description:Get relevant images for a given query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user's search query string\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_type\": \"str\", \"errors\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"subCode\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"moreDetails\": \"str\", \"parameter\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1413", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:StreamlineWatch - Streaming Guide, api_name:/genres, api_description:Return a list of all genres, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1414", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Images Infos - API2, api_name:/getMetadataFromImage, api_description:Get metadata from image, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1415", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:AOL On Network, api_name:Single/Multiple Video, api_description:To access the data for a specific video, you simply request a URL from Aol On Network's API with the specific video ID you want., required_params: [{\"name\": \"Video_Group_Id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of video group you want to get.\"}, {\"name\": \"video_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Can be retrieved from the end of the video URL.\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Xml or Json (Not all json calls are supported)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"version\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"exception\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1416", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:AOL On Network, api_name:Searching for videos, api_description:You can search our library using this request:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"most_viewed / top_rated / most_discussed / most_favorited / most_recent / featured / relevance / approval_date\"}, {\"name\": \"search_term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The search_term can either be free text, or 3 words separated by spaces for density search.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1417", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Giphy, api_name:Random, api_description:Returns a random GIF, limited by tag. Excluding the tag parameter will return a random GIF from the Giphy catalog., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the GIF tag to limit randomness by\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"meta\": {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"response_id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1418", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Twitch API, api_name:Get Streamer Info, api_description:Returns streamer info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"user\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"login\": \"str\", \"stream\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1419", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Twitch API, api_name:Get Stream Tags, api_description:Returns stream tags., required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"user\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"stream\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1420", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Rijksmuseum, api_name:Collection, api_description:GET /api/[culture]/collection gives the full collection with brief information about each work. This results are split up in result pages. By using the p and ps parameters you can fetch more results. All of the other parameters are identical to the search page on the Rijksmuseum website. You can use that to find out what's the best query to use, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The search terms that need to occur in one of the fields of the artwork data\"}, {\"name\": \"culture\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"nl / en\\t\\tThe language to search in (and of the results)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1421", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Pikwy, api_name:API Documentation, api_description:Use our simple API to capture screenshots of websites., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"mesg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1422", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Vimeo, api_name:GetRelatedVideos, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the category.\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json or xml or php\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1423", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Vimeo, api_name:GetRelatedPeople, api_description:Get a list of related people for a category., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the category.\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json or xml or php\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"generated_in\": \"str\", \"stat\": \"str\", \"err\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"expl\": \"str\", \"msg\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1424", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Vimeo, api_name:GetRelatedTags, api_description:Get a list of related tags for a category., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Name of category\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json or xml or php\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1425", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:Artist Search, api_description:This endpoint let you search for an artist by their name. You can get a list of artists from its name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"artist\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artists\": {\"hits\": [{\"actions\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"alias\": \"str\", \"avatar\": {\"blurred\": \"str\", \"default\": \"str\", \"play\": \"str\"}, \"follow\": {\"followkey\": \"str\"}, \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1426", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:Track Info, api_description:This endpoint will return info of any track from shazam.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"track_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"albumadamid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alias\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"artists\\\": [{\\\"adamid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alias\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"follow\\\": {\\\"followkey\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"genres\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"highlightsurls\\\": {}, \\\"hub\\\": {\\\"actions\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"displayname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"explicit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"options\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"images\\\": {\\\"background\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coverart\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coverarthq\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"joecolor\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"isrc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"layout\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"relatedtracksurl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"releasedate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sections\\\": [{\\\"metadata\\\": [{\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"metapages\\\": [{\\\"caption\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"tabname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}], \\\"share\\\": {\\\"avatar\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"html\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"snapchat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subject\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"subtitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"trackadamid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1427", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:Track Recommendations, api_description:This endpoint will return the recommendation or similar songs of the given track., required_params: [{\"name\": \"track_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"next\": \"str\", \"properties\": {}, \"tracks\": [{\"artists\": [{\"adamid\": \"str\", \"alias\": \"str\", \"follow\": {\"followkey\": \"str\"}, \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"highlightsurls\": {}, \"hub\": {}, \"images\": {\"background\": \"str\", \"coverart\": \"str\", \"coverarthq\": \"str\", \"joecolor\": \"str\"}, \"key\": \"str\", \"layout\": \"str\", \"properties\": {}, \"share\": {\"avatar\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"html\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"snapchat\": \"str\", \"subject\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"twitter\": \"str\"}, \"subtitle\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1428", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Vimeo, api_name:SearchVideos, api_description:Search for videos., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json/xml/php\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The search terms\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1429", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Colorful, api_name:Get a random color, api_description:**quantity** _integer_ (optional) The number of colors to return. Max is 50. If no quantity is specified, returns only one color-object. Any quantities above 50 will default to 50.\n\nIf a quantity less than 1 is used, it will default to 0, and an empty array will be returned. If the quantity cannot be parsed to an integer, a 400 error will be returned.\n\nReturns an array of objects, or one object, containing information about random colors from the sRGB color space. The color-object contains the color codes in RGB, CMYK, HEX, HSL, and HSV (HSB). In addition the property \"safe\" specifies whether the color is [web-safe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Web-safe_colors) or not. If the color has a name that can be used in CSS, the name(s) will also be included. The nearest color(s) will also be included., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rgb\": {\"r\": \"int\", \"g\": \"int\", \"b\": \"int\"}, \"cmyk\": {\"c\": \"int\", \"m\": \"float\", \"y\": \"float\", \"k\": \"float\"}, \"hex\": \"str\", \"hsl\": {\"h\": \"float\", \"s\": \"float\", \"l\": \"float\"}, \"hsv\": {\"h\": \"float\", \"s\": \"float\", \"v\": \"float\"}, \"safe\": \"bool\", \"named\": \"empty list\", \"nearest\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1430", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Colorful, api_name:Get random named color, api_description:**quantity** _integer_ (optional) The number of colors to return. Max is 50. If no quantity is specified, returns only one color-object. Quantities above 50 will default to 50.\n\nIf a quantity less than 1 is used, it will default to 0, and an empty array will be returned. If the quantity cannot be parsed to an integer, a 400 error will be returned.\n\nReturns an array of objects, or one object, containing information about random colors from the list of named color keywords that can be used in CSS according to the W3 standard. The color-object contains the color codes in RGB, CMYK, HEX, HSL, and HSV (HSB). In addition the property \"safe\" specifies whether the color is [web-safe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Web-safe_colors) or not., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"rgb\": {\"r\": \"int\", \"g\": \"int\", \"b\": \"int\"}, \"cmyk\": {\"c\": \"int\", \"m\": \"float\", \"y\": \"float\", \"k\": \"float\"}, \"hex\": \"str\", \"hsl\": {\"h\": \"float\", \"s\": \"float\", \"l\": \"float\"}, \"hsv\": {\"h\": \"float\", \"s\": \"float\", \"v\": \"float\"}, \"safe\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1431", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:9GAG API (Detailed), api_name:Get Post Comments, api_description:Returns post comments. Uses cursor (**after **parameter)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"post_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1432", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:9GAG API (Detailed), api_name:Get Posts From Category, api_description:Returns post from specific category. Uses cursor as **after** parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1433", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:Top Track by City, api_description:This endpoint will give the top song in specific city, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"next\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"properties\\\": {}, \\\"tracks\\\": [{\\\"artists\\\": [{\\\"adamid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alias\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"follow\\\": {\\\"followkey\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"highlightsurls\\\": {\\\"artisthighlightsurl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"relatedhighlightsurl\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"hub\\\": {\\\"actions\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"displayname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"explicit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"options\\\": [{\\\"actions\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"beacondata\\\": {\\\"providername\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"caption\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"colouroverflowimage\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listcaption\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"overflowimage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"providername\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"images\\\": {\\\"background\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coverart\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coverarthq\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"joecolor\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"layout\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"properties\\\": {}, \\\"share\\\": {\\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"html\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"snapchat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subject\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"subtitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1434", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:Artist Info, api_description:This endpoint will extract information of any artist from https://www.shazam.com., required_params: [{\"name\": \"artist_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"actions\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"adamid\": \"str\", \"alias\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\", \"genres\": {\"primary\": \"str\", \"secondaries\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}, \"id\": \"str\", \"layout\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"share\": {\"href\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"subject\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"twitter\": \"str\"}, \"toptracks\": {\"url\": \"str\"}, \"url\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"weburl\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1435", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:Search Track, api_description:This endpoint will search for the name of any song and return similar songs with the name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"track\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tracks\": {\"hits\": [{\"actions\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"alias\": \"str\", \"artists\": [{\"adamid\": \"str\", \"alias\": \"str\", \"follow\": {\"followkey\": \"str\"}, \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"heading\": {\"subtitle\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"images\": {\"blurred\": \"str\", \"default\": \"str\", \"play\": \"str\"}, \"key\": \"str\", \"share\": {\"avatar\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"html\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"snapchat\": \"str\", \"subject\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"twitter\": \"str\"}, \"stores\": {\"apple\": {\"actions\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"coverarturl\": \"str\", \"explicit\": \"bool\", \"previewurl\": \"str\", \"productid\": \"str\", \"trackid\": \"str\"}}, \"streams\": {}, \"type\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"urlparams\": {}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"next\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1436", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Images Infos - API2, api_name:/extracthandwriting, api_description:Extract text from an image, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1437", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Twitch API, api_name:Get Pinned Chat, api_description:Returns pinned chat., required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"channel\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"pinnedChatMessages\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"edges\": \"empty list\", \"pageInfo\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"hasNextPage\": \"bool\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1438", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Giphy, api_name:STICKER Trending, api_description:Get the latest stickers trending on Giphy with this endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"s\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"term or phrase to translate into a GIF\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"meta\": {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"response_id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1439", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Giphy, api_name:Translate, api_description:This is prototype endpoint for using Giphy as a translation engine for a GIF dialect. The translate API draws on search, but uses the Giphy \"special sauce\" to handle translating from one vocabulary to another. In this case, words and phrases to GIFs. Use a plus or url encode for phrases., required_params: [{\"name\": \"s\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"term or phrase to translate into a GIF\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"meta\": {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"response_id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1440", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:List Movies (XML), api_description:Used to list and search through out all the available movies. Can sort, filter, search and order the results, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1441", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:Movie Details (JSONP), api_description:Returns the information about a specific movie, required_params: [{\"name\": \"movie_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the movie\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1442", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Hacker News, api_name:Users, api_description:Users are identified by case-sensitive ids, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user's unique username. Case-sensitive.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1443", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Hacker News, api_name:Max Item ID, api_description:Returns the current largest item id, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1444", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 872}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1445", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1446", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Images Infos - API2, api_name:/getColorPaletteFromImageUrl, api_description:Get palette from image, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1447", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Online Video Downloader, api_name:Fetch Task Status and Get Download Link, api_description:/tasks/{id} pass the id you get when you call create download task api...\nonce you create the download task use this api to fetch the status of the download link generation.\nCheckout the **About** section for api docs.\nAll steps will be found in the **About** section of api., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"details\": \"NoneType\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1448", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Giphy, api_name:STICKER Roulette, api_description:Returns a spotaneously selected sticker from Giphy's sticker collection. Optionally limit scope of result to a specific tag. Like the GIF random endpoint, Punctuation will be stripped and ignored. Use a hyphen for phrases. Example oops, birthday or thank-you. Search terms should be URL encoded., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"meta\": {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"response_id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1449", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": \"empty list\", \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1450", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Twitch API, api_name:Get Channel Videos, api_description:Returns Channel Videos, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"currentUser\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"user\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"videoShelves\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"edges\\\": [{\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cursor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"node\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"collection\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"items\\\": [{\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"animatedPreviewURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"contentTags\\\": [{\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isLanguageTag\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"localizedName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tagName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"game\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"boxArtURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lengthSeconds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"owner\\\": 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api_description:Get individual character by ID\nOptions:\n\n- Limit → Limit amount of responses received\n- Step → Skip amount of characters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"err\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1454", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Bruzu, api_name:Image generation Endpoint, api_description:Image endpoint.\nCheck docs.bruzu.com for more information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1455", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Hacker News, api_name:Changed Items and Profiles, api_description:Returns the item and profile changes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1456", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:convm, api_name:theofficialvkr, api_description:put video url to download, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1457", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:Movie Details (JSON), api_description:Returns the information about a specific movie, required_params: [{\"name\": \"movie_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the movie\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1458", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Magisto, api_name:Get Movie, api_description:Downloading of the completed movie, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vsid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"From Start Movie Session API call response\"}, {\"name\": \"hash\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Returned from Check Status API when \\\"movie_status\\\" = \\\"DONE\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"errcode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1459", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Magisto, api_name:Check Movie Status, api_description:Check the state of the movie session, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vsid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"From Start Movie Session API call response\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1460", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Twitch API, api_name:Get Channel Goals, api_description:Returns channel goals., required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"channel\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"goals\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"edges\": [{\"__typename\": \"str\", \"cursor\": \"str\", \"node\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"contributionType\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"currentContributions\": \"int\", \"customizations\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"progressBarAccentColor\": \"str\", \"progressBarBackgroundColor\": \"str\"}, \"description\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"targetContributions\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"pageInfo\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"hasNextPage\": \"bool\"}}, \"id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1461", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Twitch API, api_name:Get Channel Points Context, api_description:Returns channel points info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"community\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channel\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"communityPointsSettings\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"automaticRewards\\\": [{\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"backgroundColor\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"defaultBackgroundColor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"defaultCost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"defaultImage\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url2x\\\": 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\\\"isUserInputRequire\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1462", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Vimeo, api_name:GetRelatedChannels, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Category name\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json or xml or php\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1463", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Vimeo, api_name:GetAllCategories, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json or xml or php\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"generated_in\": \"str\", \"stat\": \"str\", \"err\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"expl\": \"str\", \"msg\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1464", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:tiktok download video , api_name:get tiktok video info, api_description:Get tiktok video full info. HD Quality, No Watermark. Fast.\nSupport Tiktok & Douyin.\nSupport Getting Image List.\nSupport Tiktok Stories., required_params: [{\"name\": \"hd\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Get HD Video(High bit rate). This increases the total request time a little.\\nresponse: data.hdplay\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"7106658991907802411\\nor\\nhttps://www.tiktok.com/@tiktok/video/7106658991907802411\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1465", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:tiktok download video , api_name:user follower list, api_description:get user follower list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1466", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:tiktok download video , api_name:get feed video list by region, api_description:get feed video list by region, required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"region code\\nby get region list api\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1467", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Vimeo, api_name:GetVideoFromUser, api_description:Get all videos credited to a user (both uploaded and appears)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json/xml/php\"}, {\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ID number or username of the user. A token may be used instead.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1468", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Vimeo, api_name:GetVideosByTag, api_description:Get a list of videos that have the specified tag., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json/php/xml\"}, {\"name\": \"tag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The tag to get\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1469", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Twitch API, api_name:Get Viewer Card (Pleb info), api_description:Get Viewer Card (Pleb info), required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"activeTargetUser\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"channel\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"moderationSettings\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"canAccessViewerCardModLogs\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}}, \\\"channelUser\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"login\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"self\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"subscriptionProducts\\\": [{\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"emoteModifiers\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"emoteSetID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"emotes\\\": [{\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"assetType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"setID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"token\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 59}], \\\"gifting\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"community\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"standard\\\": [{\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"offer\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eligibility\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"benefitsStartAt\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"isEligible\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"giftType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listing\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chargeModel\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"internal\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"plan\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"interval\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"preview\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1470", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Twitch API, api_name:Get Channel Panels, api_description:Get Channel Panels, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1471", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:StreamlineWatch - Streaming Guide, api_name:/movies, api_description:Returns the basic metadata for all movies available for playback in a specific region. The results are ordered by popularity or alphabetical order. You may get additional information about each movie using its ID., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"int\", \"backdrop_path\": \"str\", \"genres\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"original_title\": \"str\", \"overview\": \"str\", \"poster_path\": \"str\", \"release_date\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1472", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:Movie Comments (JSON), api_description:Returns all the comments for the specified movie, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1473", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:Movie Suggestions (XML), api_description:Returns 4 related movies as suggestions for the user, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1474", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:Movie Parental Guides (XML), api_description:Returns all the parental guide ratings for the specified movie, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1475", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:9GAG API (Detailed), api_name:Get User Posts, api_description:Returns user posts., required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1476", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:Movie Details (XML), api_description:Returns the information about a specific movie, required_params: [{\"name\": \"movie_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the movie\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1477", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Giphy, api_name:Trending GIFs, api_description:Fetch GIFs currently trending online. The data returned mirrors that used to create The Hot 100 list of GIFs on Giphy. Returns 25 results by default., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"meta\": {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"response_id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1478", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:tiktok download video , api_name:get music info, api_description:get music info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\nid or https://vm.tiktok.com/xxxxxxx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1479", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:Artist Top Tracks, api_description:This endpoint will return the top tracks of the artist, required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"artist_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"next\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"properties\\\": {}, \\\"tracks\\\": [{\\\"artists\\\": [{\\\"adamid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alias\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"follow\\\": {\\\"followkey\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"highlightsurls\\\": {\\\"artisthighlightsurl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"relatedhighlightsurl\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"hub\\\": {\\\"actions\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"displayname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"explicit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"options\\\": [{\\\"actions\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"beacondata\\\": {\\\"providername\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"caption\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"colouroverflowimage\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listcaption\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"overflowimage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"providername\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"images\\\": {\\\"background\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coverart\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coverarthq\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"joecolor\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"layout\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"properties\\\": {}, \\\"share\\\": {\\\"avatar\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"html\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"snapchat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subject\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"s\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1480", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:StreamlineWatch - Streaming Guide, api_name:/movies/{id}, api_description:Return the metadata associated with the specified movie., required_params: [{\"name\": \"platform\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Retrieve sources from the specified platform.\\n*required, possible values: ios, android, androidtv, web*\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the movie. You can also use a tmdb id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"int\", \"backdrop_path\": \"str\", \"genres\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"original_title\": \"str\", \"overview\": \"str\", \"poster_path\": \"str\", \"release_date\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"vote_average\": \"float\", \"vote_count\": \"int\", \"youtube_trailer\": \"str\", \"sources\": [{\"source\": \"str\", \"link_ios\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1481", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getStockTransations, api_description:Get all stock item transations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"stock_item_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Stock Item ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1482", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getCarts, api_description:Get all carts, required_params: [{\"name\": \"store_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Store ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1483", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Scrapper_v4, api_name:GET a product details, api_description:GET a product details.\nYou can get the product id from the URL when you search for a particular product. It is the next value after '/dp/'.\nEg: B08N5WG761 is the value we want from the url - \nhttps://www.amazon.in/Apple-MacBook-Chip-13-inch-256GB/dp/B08N5WG761/, required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1484", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Scrapper_v4, api_name:GET a product reviews, api_description:GET a product reviews, required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1485", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:E-commerce Delivery Status, api_name:GET, api_description:Display data on console, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"fullname\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"subsciption_id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1486", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Axesso - Otto Data Service, api_name:Keyword search, api_description:Retrieve keyword search results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"responseStatus\": \"str\", \"responseMessage\": \"str\", \"sortStrategy\": \"str\", \"domainCode\": \"str\", \"keyword\": \"str\", \"numberOfProducts\": \"int\", \"resultCount\": \"int\", \"nextPage\": \"int\", \"lastPage\": \"int\", \"searchProductDetails\": [{\"productDescription\": \"str\", \"manufacturer\": \"str\", \"asin\": \"str\", \"productId\": \"str\", \"variationId\": \"str\", \"countReview\": \"int\", \"imgUrl\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"retailPrice\": \"float\", \"productRating\": \"str\", \"dpUrl\": \"str\", \"deliveryMessage\": \"str\", \"sponsored\": \"bool\", \"variations\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1487", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Get and Compate products allover the web, api_name:GetProducts, api_description:Search for products by name and retrieve newly added items from the last X days, among other features., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1488", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:BestBuy Product Data, api_name:BestBuyProductData, api_description:It will accept two parameters keyword and page.\nFor Ex:\nkeyword: iphone (it is the search term and it can be anything for example: iphone, ps5, sony tv etc)\npage: min 1 (max depends on the number of products available), required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1489", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Real-Time Amazon Data, api_name:Search, api_description:Search for products offers on Amazon., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query. Supports both free-form text queries or a product asin.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1490", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target, api_name:stores/list, api_description:List available nearby store by zipcode, GEO location, or city name. One at a time, do NOT use them together at once., required_params: [{\"name\": \"zipcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Zip code or postal code of area to look for stores, such as : 10009\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"place\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"within\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"locations\\\": [{\\\"location_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type_description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"distance\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"distance_unit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location_names\\\": [{\\\"name_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"address\\\": {\\\"address_line1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"county\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postal_code\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"capabilities\\\": [{\\\"capability_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"capability_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"physical_specifications\\\": {\\\"total_building_area\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"contact_information\\\": {\\\"building_area\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"telephone_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"telephone_number\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"geographic_specifications\\\": {\\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"time_zone_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"iso_time_zone\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"rolling_operating_hours\\\": {\\\"regular_event_hours\\\": {\\\"days\\\": [{\\\"sequence_number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"day_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_open\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hours\\\": [{\\\"begin_time\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1491", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target, api_name:products/list (Deprecated), api_description:List products in specific store with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"endecaId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You need to parse the value of target field returned in .../categories/list endpoint, such as : ...?category=o9rnh. Please notice that do NOT use searchTerm and endecaId parameters together, searchTerm OR endecaId is required.\"}, {\"name\": \"storeId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of location_id returned in .../stores/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1492", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Redbubble scraper, api_name:/redbubble, api_description:Get items per page, you can optionally specify a search term, specific categories or ordering, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1493", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Temu.com Shopping API (Realtime api scrapper from temu.com), api_name:product search, api_description:Search for list of products by providing the keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"goodsList\\\": [{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"pageAlt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goodsId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"mallId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"specialTags\\\": [{\\\"footer\\\": {\\\"iconImg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"splitLine\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"header\\\": {\\\"iconImg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"endTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"goodsTags\\\": [{\\\"extMap\\\": {\\\"extraText\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tagId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tagSeries\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"priceInfo\\\": {\\\"priceStr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reductionText\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"marketPriceStr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketPrice\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"marketPriceText\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reduction\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"priceText\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"]}, \\\"benefitText\\\": {\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"tagsInfo\\\": {\\\"goodsTags\\\": [{\\\"extMap\\\": {\\\"extraText\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tagId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tagSeries\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"promotionTags\\\": [{\\\"dx\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1494", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:AmazonAPI, api_name:GAPD, api_description:njnjnejn, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1495", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target.Com(Store) Product/Reviews/Locations Data, api_name:Product Details, api_description:The endpoint returns single product details\n\n- Every target has a uniq **store_id** , **store_id** can be extract with the help of this endpoint **/target/location/search**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"store_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Store id\\n\\n- Every target has a uniq **stored_id** , **stored_id** can be extract with the help of this endpoint **/target/location/search**\"}, {\"name\": \"tcin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Product id\\n\\nFor example: 53331580\\n\\n**/product/search** will contain **tcin** for each product in the list\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1496", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target.Com(Store) Product/Reviews/Locations Data, api_name:Product Reviews, api_description:The endpoint returns product reviews, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tcin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Product id\\n\\nFor example: 53331580\\n\\n**/product/search** will contain **tcin** for each product in the list\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1497", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Hepsiburada Data, api_name:Get Comments from product id, api_description:Retrieve comments based on a product id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"comments\": \"empty list\", \"stars\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1498", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Comany Details Search Online, api_name:Fetch Company Details, api_description:Fetch Company Details by company name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1499", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Price Comparison, api_name:details, api_description:get details on the product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"An identifier can be any of the following:\\n\\n- UPC\\n- EAN\\n- ISBN\\n- GTIN\\n- Amazon ASIN\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ID\": \"int\", \"ASIN\": \"str\", \"Title\": \"str\", \"BasePrice\": \"float\", \"FormattedBasePrice\": \"str\", \"BestPrice\": \"float\", \"FormattedBestPrice\": \"str\", \"ProductCategories\": [{\"Source\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"FullName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"Media\": {\"XImage\": \"str\", \"OriginalWidth\": \"int\", \"OriginalHeight\": \"int\", \"AverageColor\": \"str\", \"DominantColor\": \"str\", \"ImageAlternatives\": [\"list of str with length 14\"]}, \"Attributes\": [{\"Type\": \"str\", \"Key\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"Offers\": [{\"ID\": \"NoneType\", \"Merchant\": \"str\", \"ProductID\": \"int\", \"Quality\": \"str\", \"Venue\": \"str\", \"Price\": \"float\", \"FormattedPrice\": \"str\", \"Link\": \"str\", \"Links\": {\"AffiliateLink\": \"str\", \"CashbackLink\": \"NoneType\", \"ParentLink\": \"NoneType\", \"ParentAffiliateLink\": \"NoneType\", \"ParentCashbackLink\": \"NoneType\"}, \"InStockStatus\": \"str\", \"BasePrice\": \"int\", \"FormattedBasePrice\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"Raw\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1500", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Price Comparison, api_name:offers, api_description:list offers for the product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"An identifier can be any of the following:\\n\\n- UPC\\n- EAN\\n- ISBN\\n- GTIN\\n- Amazon ASIN\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1501", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:website screenshot, api_name:Screenshot, api_description:Take a screenshot from a webpage url., required_params: [{\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"width\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1502", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Leo Github Data Scraper, api_name:Get list of Github repo for Ruby Webscrapping, api_description:Get list of Github repo for Ruby Webscrapping, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1503", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Taobao Tmall Product Detail, api_name:Get product detail, api_description:Get product detail, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"productId\\\": 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api_description:Get top 30 of Github repos based on a query, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1506", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:category-list, api_name:22.GetSendbirdUser, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1507", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:DigiXpress, api_name:liste des pays villes, quartiers, secteurs et localités, api_description:Base de localisation., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1508", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Zappos, api_name:brands/list, api_description:List all brands from Zappos, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1509", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Zappos, api_name:products/detail, api_description:Get detail information of product by productId, required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Get id value from products/list API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"statusCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"product\\\": [{\\\"reviewSummary\\\": {\\\"reviewWithMostVotes\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"reviewWithLeastVotes\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"totalCriticalReviews\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalFavorableReviews\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalReviews\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalReviewScore\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"averageOverallRating\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"comfortRating\\\": {}, \\\"overallRating\\\": {}, \\\"lookRating\\\": {}, \\\"archRatingCounts\\\": {}, \\\"overallRatingCounts\\\": {}, \\\"sizeRatingCounts\\\": {}, \\\"widthRatingCounts\\\": {}, \\\"archRatingPercentages\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"overallRatingPercentages\\\": {}, 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\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"responseStatus\": \"str\", \"responseMessage\": \"str\", \"productTitle\": \"NoneType\", \"manufacturer\": \"NoneType\", \"countReview\": \"int\", \"productRating\": \"NoneType\", \"asin\": \"str\", \"productId\": \"str\", \"variationId\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"soldBy\": \"NoneType\", \"sellerId\": \"NoneType\", \"warehouseAvailability\": \"NoneType\", \"retailPrice\": \"float\", \"price\": \"float\", \"priceRange\": \"NoneType\", \"shippingPrice\": \"float\", \"priceSaving\": \"NoneType\", \"features\": [\"list of str with length 7\"], \"imageUrlList\": [\"list of NoneType with length 5\"], \"productDescription\": \"NoneType\", \"productDetails\": \"empty list\", \"variations\": \"empty list\", \"deliveryMessage\": \"NoneType\", \"mainImage\": {\"imageUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"imageResolution\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1511", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Zappos, api_name:categories/list (Deprecated), api_description:List all categories from Zappos, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1512", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:BestBuy Product Data API, api_name:BestBuyProductData, api_description:It will accept two parameters keyword and page.\nFor Ex:\nkeyword: iphone (it is the search term and it can be anything for example: iphone, ps5, sony tv etc)\npage: min 1 (max depends on the number of products available), required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1513", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Real-Time Amazon Data, api_name:Product Details (EXPERIMENTAL), api_description:Get product details. Currently returns the Product Information table data, as seen on specific product pages on Amazon.com (e.g. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09TBLBFXC)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"asin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Product ASIN for which to get details. Supports batching of up to 10 ASINs in a single request, separated by comma (e.g. *B08PPDJWC8,B07ZPKBL9V, B08BHXG144*).\\n\\nNote that each ASIN in a batch request is counted as a single request against the plan quota.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1514", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Real-Time Amazon Data, api_name:Product Category List, api_description:Get Amazon product categories (per country / marketplace)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 59}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1515", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Price Tracker South Africa, api_name:getBarcode, api_description:Return prices based on barcode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"barcode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Count\": \"int\", \"Items\": [{\"barcode\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"price_history\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"product_name\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"store_name\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"ScannedCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1516", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Price Tracker South Africa, api_name:getProductSku, api_description:Return prices based on Product ID or Product Sku, required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_sku\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1517", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:AliExpress Product, api_name:/scraper, api_description:/scraper, required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1518", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Real-Time Amazon Data, api_name:Product Reviews, api_description:Get and paginate through all product reviews on Amazon., required_params: [{\"name\": \"asin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Product asin for which to get reviews.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1519", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Asos, api_name:products/detail (Deprecated), api_description:Get detail information of product by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Get id value from products/list API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1520", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Product Categorization, api_name:Product Categorization, api_description:Return category of product base on the product title., required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1521", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Facebook Marketplace, api_name:products, api_description:Get facbook items, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total_products\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"result_per_page\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"ID\": \"int\", \"Title\": \"str\", \"City_Name\": \"str\", \"Category\": \"str\", \"Item_Description\": \"str\", \"Main_Image\": \"str\", \"Seller_Name\": \"str\", \"Seller_Profile\": \"str\", \"Item_Link\": \"str\", \"Seller_Feedback_Amount\": \"int\", \"Num_Saves\": \"int\", \"No_Of_Sales\": \"int\", \"Shipping_Cost\": \"int\", \"Discounted_Price\": \"int\", \"Original_Price\": \"int\", \"Created_At\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1522", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Facebook Marketplace, api_name:categories, api_description:Facebook items categories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1523", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Shopify Store Scraper, api_name:Single Product, api_description:Fetch complete data of single product., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"handle\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1524", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Shopify Store Scraper, api_name:Shopify Store Products, api_description:Get all the products of shopify store., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1525", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Kohls, api_name:categories/list, api_description:List all available categories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"payload\": {\"categories\": [{\"ID\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"seoURL\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"categories\": [{\"ID\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"seoURL\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"_list_length\": 22}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1526", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Sephora, api_name:v2/auto-complete, api_description:Get suggestions by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any term or phrase that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"relationships\": {\"brands\": {\"data\": \"empty list\"}, \"categories\": {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"products\": {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}, \"filter\": 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Could be DE, US, UK, JP, ES, IT and so on.\"}, {\"name\": \"asin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The products ASIN (amazon product identifier)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1528", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Kohls, api_name:products/list, api_description:List products with options and filters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"payload\\\": {\\\"searchTerm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"autoCorrectedTerm\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"legalDisclaimer\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"links\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"relatedSearchTerms\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"linkCartridge\\\": {\\\"linkGroup\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"metaInfo\\\": {\\\"metaTitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"metaDescription\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"metaKeywords\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"seoNoIndex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"copyBlock\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"seoLinks\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"omnitureInfo\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", 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[], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1531", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Gearbest, api_name:/get_shipping, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"product_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1532", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Github API Scraper , api_name:Get the top30 Github repos based on a query, api_description:Get the top30 Github repos based on a query, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1533", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Magic AliExpress, api_name:/api/products/search, api_description:Search a product by his name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Filter the products compatible with the name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1534", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Magic AliExpress, api_name:/api/product/{productId}, api_description:This resource represents a product, each product is identifier by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The Aliexpress product ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1535", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Dungy Amazon Data Scraper, api_name:Get Amazon Product Details, api_description:Get Amazon Product Details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"product_information\": {}, \"brand\": \"str\", \"brand_url\": \"str\", 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are supported. 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return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1539", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Asos, api_name:products/v3/list-similarities, api_description:List similar products by product id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field that returned in .../products/v2/list\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1540", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Gearbest, api_name:/get_product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1541", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Asos, api_name:products/v2/list, api_description:List products, search products with options and filters version 2, required_params: [{\"name\": \"store\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Get value from store field from countries/list API\"}, {\"name\": \"offset\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The offset to skip already viewed products\"}, {\"name\": \"categoryId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of categoryId field from categories/list API\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of items per page\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"searchTerm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"categoryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"itemCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"redirectUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"products\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": {\\\"current\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"previous\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"rrp\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"isMarkedDown\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isOutletPrice\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"colour\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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.../navigations/get-tabs endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"msg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"info\\\": {\\\"abtBranch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"autoMap\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"autoSort\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cateTreeId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"navNodeId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"enName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_recommend\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hrefType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"child\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hrefType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"navNodeId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isAutoRec\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"trackHrefType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"trackHrefTarget\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isRecommendation\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 20}], \\\"hitSite\\\": {\\\"lang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"siteUid\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"have_recommend\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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'good_info' > 'goodsSpu' in result of get_product\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1554", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Ikea API, api_name:Search By Category, api_description:Obtain a list of Ikea products information based on a specified categoryID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Can be obtained through the **Countries** endpoint,\"}, {\"name\": \"categoryID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Can be obtained through the **Categories** endpoint,\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1555", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Unofficial SHEIN, api_name:products/search, api_description:Search products by keywords with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keywords\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You should use the value of 'cateName' or 'word' field returned in .../auto-complete endpoint for best results\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"msg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"info\\\": {\\\"num\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"action\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"origin_words\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"suggest_words\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"page_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"page_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mall_code_list\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"page_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_suggest_res\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"double_lang_correct\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"profile\\\": {\\\"plus_strategy\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"prefer_cate_1_id\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"pay_score_level\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"old_customer_flag\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"products\\\": [{\\\"newProductPriceStyleShow\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"newProductPriceStyleSymbol\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"goods_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_sn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_img\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goodsImgScale\\\": 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optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"menuItemList\\\": [{\\\"Depth\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Order\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NameKr\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"NameJp\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"NameCn\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"NameDe\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"NameEs\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"NameFr\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"NameIt\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"NameNl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"NameFromDB\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Brand\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GroupName\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ParentKey\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HasLandingPage\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"LandingPageKey\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"LeftMenuKey\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ShowsOnTopMenu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ExclusivePage\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ExclusiveOption\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"CssClass\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"UseAltName\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ImageViewType\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ImagePath\\\": 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"1560", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Forever21, api_name:products/list (Deprecated), api_description:List products by category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The page number to display data\"}, {\"name\": \"pagesize\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The records return in each page\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Look for values from /categories/list\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1561", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Magic AliExpress, api_name:/api/store/{storeID}/seller/{sellerID}/products, api_description:This ressource displays the products by Store, required_params: [{\"name\": \"storeID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The Aliexpress store ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1562", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Forever21, api_name:products/v2/detail, api_description:Get detail information of product by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Look for values of ProductId object returned in .../products/v2/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"product\\\": {\\\"BackorderedQuantity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"BaseCatalogName\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Brand\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BrandCode\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"CatalogLangOId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"CatalogLangTimestamp\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"CatalogName\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"CatalogProductType\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"CatalogRowNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"CategoryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ClassType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ComingSoon\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"CustomerNote\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"DataInfomation\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"DefinitionName\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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returns the historic of prices, required_params: [{\"name\": \"productID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The Aliexpress product ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1564", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Magic AliExpress, api_name:/api/category/{categoryId}/products, api_description:This resource represents the product list; you can filter by\n - attributes\n - minimum price\n - brand \n - ship to country\n - ship from country\n - max sale price \n
**For information, One first request, you must not indicate the attr & brands, you retrieve this informations in the Product Object.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"categoryId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The Aliexpress product ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1565", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Zappos Realtime Data, api_name:Category List, api_description:Realtime categories from Zappos, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1566", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Real-Time Amazon Data, api_name:Product Offers, api_description:Get top 10 offers of a specific product on Amazon by its asin, the first offer in the list is the pinned offer returned by the **Search** endpoint. Supports filtering by product condition., required_params: [{\"name\": \"asin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Product ASIN for which to get offers. Supports batching of up to 10 ASINs in a single request, separated by comma (e.g. *B08PPDJWC8,B07ZPKBL9V, B08BHXG144*).\\n\\nNote that each ASIN in a batch request is counted as a single request against the plan quota.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1567", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:natural milk, api_name:natural-milk, api_description:natural-milk, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1568", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Get Promo Codes, api_name:Get Stores, api_description:Get Stores, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1569", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Get Promo Codes, api_name:Get Coupons, api_description:Get Coupons, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"request\": {\"page\": \"str\", 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product by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"rows\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The number of records to return\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of products to look for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1572", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Leo Github API Scraper, api_name:Get list of Github repo for ruby web scrapping, api_description:Get list of Github repo for ruby web scrapping, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1573", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Scrapper_v4, api_name:GET search results, api_description:GET search results, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchQuery\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1574", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Leo Github API Scraper, api_name:Get the top 30 of Github repos based on a query, api_description:Get the top 30 of Github repos based on a query, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1575", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Magic AliExpress, api_name:/api/bestSales/SortedByNewest, api_description:Retrieves the last best product added in the system, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1576", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Magic AliExpress, api_name:/api/shipping/{productID}, api_description:This ressource displays the shipping information for one product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"productID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The 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api_description:Get detailed Walmart store locations (phone number and address) by specifying the zip code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1582", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Walmart_v2, api_name:Product-reviews, api_description:Get product reviews on Walmart.com by specifying product page url or usItemId., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1583", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:IHerb Product Data Api, api_name:Get Product By Brand Name, api_description:Lists all products by brand, and allows you to filter in all ways!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"brandName\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1584", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Taobao Tmall Product Detail, api_name:Get SKU, api_description:Get SKU, Price, Propperties Image, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1585", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Taobao Tmall Product Detail, api_name:Search by keyword, api_description:Search products by keyword, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1586", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Turkey Data Scrapeer, api_name:Search Product in Turkey, api_description:This endpoint can get you search all product in amazon tr . 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Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

\nImportant information:
\n\t, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1594", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Wayfair, api_name:products/detail, api_description:Get detail information of specific product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sku\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of sku fields returned in .../products/list or .../products/search endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"summary\\\": {\\\"request_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transaction_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"page_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"response_hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"response_matches_prior_hash\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"cache_seconds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cache_always_check_server\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"spv_custom_vars\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"response\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"product\\\": {\\\"hasOptionPartImagery\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"has_return_sale\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_customized\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_kit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_composite_sku\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"sale_banner\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"event_id\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isCustomProduct\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"promo_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"special_sku_type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"price_restriction_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"selected_image_model\\\": {\\\"image_source\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"product_image_type\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"has_price_restriction\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_general_electric_product\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"inventory\\\": {\\\"stockStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"available_quantity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display_quantity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"backInStockDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"backInStockText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"out_of_stock_ordering_mode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isCustomLogisticsProduct\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"default_options\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 1\\\"], \\\"giftWithPurchase\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1595", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Wayfair, api_name:reviews/list, api_description:List reviews relating to specific product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sku\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of sku fields returned in .../products/list or .../products/search endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"summary\": {\"request_id\": \"str\", \"transaction_id\": \"str\", \"page_type\": \"str\", \"response_hash\": \"str\", \"response_matches_prior_hash\": \"bool\", \"cache_seconds\": \"int\", \"cache_always_check_server\": \"bool\", \"spv_custom_vars\": \"str\"}, \"response\": {\"data\": {\"product\": {\"customer_reviews\": {\"sku\": \"str\", \"average_rating_value\": \"float\", \"rating_count\": \"int\", \"histogram_stats\": [{\"rating\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"reviews\": [{\"is_kit_child\": \"bool\", \"review_id\": \"int\", \"rating\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"has_verified_buyer_status\": \"bool\", \"reviewer_name\": \"str\", \"reviewer_location\": \"str\", \"headline\": \"str\", \"product_comments\": \"str\", \"has_customer_photos\": \"bool\", \"language_code\": \"str\", \"review_helpful\": \"int\", \"reviewer_badge_id\": \"int\", \"reviewer_badge_text\": \"str\", \"customer_photos\": [{\"src\": \"str\", \"ire_id\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 10}]}}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1596", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Wayfair, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:Get auto suggestions by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any term or phrase that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"summary\": {\"request_id\": \"str\", \"transaction_id\": \"str\", \"page_type\": \"str\", \"response_hash\": \"str\", \"response_matches_prior_hash\": \"bool\", \"cache_seconds\": \"int\", \"cache_always_check_server\": \"bool\", \"spv_custom_vars\": \"str\"}, \"response\": [{\"schema_id\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"first_in_section\": \"bool\", \"is_reform\": \"bool\", \"keyword\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1597", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Getallcustomers, api_description:


\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\n\t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\n\t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n
idsFilter cutomers by Id's provided
limitLimit size of the search
pagePagination number.
sinceIdFilter customers since the Id given
createdAt[from]Filter customers by date created from. When used createdAt[to]Required
createdAt[to]Filter customers by date created to. When used createdAt[from]Required
updatedAt[from]Filter customers by date updated from. When used updatedAt[to]Required
updatedAt[to]Filter customers by date updated to. When used updatedAt[from]Required
nameFilter categories by name
searchSearch by string
emailSearch customers by email
offsetLower limit of the results block.\n\t\t\t\tModifies the range of the results provided range goes from offset to limit
, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1598", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Facebook Marketplace, api_name:cities, api_description:Facebook items cities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1599", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target.com Shopping - API, api_name:product_search, api_description:Returns the list of products based on keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"store_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1600", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target.com Shopping - API, api_name:nearby_stores, api_description:Returns the list of stores near to specified ZIP code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"place\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"nearby_stores\": {\"stores\": [{\"store_id\": \"str\", \"mailing_address\": {\"country_code\": \"str\", \"address_line1\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"postal_code\": \"str\"}, \"location_name\": \"str\", \"main_voice_phone_number\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"float\", \"rolling_operating_hours\": {\"main_hours\": {\"days\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"hours\": [{\"end_date\": \"str\", \"end_time\": \"str\", \"begin_time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"day_name\": \"str\", \"is_open\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 14}]}}, \"status\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"count\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1601", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Trendyol Data, api_name:Get Comments from product id, api_description:Retrieve comments based on a product id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"comments\": [\"list of str with length 150\"], \"stars\": [\"list of int with length 150\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1602", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target.com Shopping - API, api_name:product_details, api_description:Returns detailed product information.\nIncluding:\n```\nproduct variants (with different dimension like size, color and etc.\nratings and reviews\nitem images/videos\nprice\npromotion\nchild products\n```, required_params: [{\"name\": \"store_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of the store which product details data is being retrieved from. (optional)\\nValue comes from nearby store API.\"}, {\"name\": \"tcin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Target product id.\\nValue comes from product search API.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"product\\\": {\\\"tcin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"item\\\": {\\\"enrichment\\\": {\\\"images\\\": {\\\"primary_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alternate_image_urls\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 7\\\"], \\\"content_labels\\\": [{\\\"image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 9}], \\\"alternate_images\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 7\\\"], \\\"primary_image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"swatch_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"swatch_image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"return_policies\\\": [{\\\"user_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"day_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"buy_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"size_chart_fragment_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"videos\\\": [{\\\"video_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"video_poster_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"video_captions\\\": [{\\\"caption_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"video_files\\\": [{\\\"video_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"video_height_pixels\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mime_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"video_length_seconds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"is_limited_time_offer\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"relationship_type_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primary_brand\\\": {\\\"linking_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"canonical_url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"handling\\\": {\\\"import_designation_description\\\": \\\"str\\\"},\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1603", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Barcode, api_name:Barcode, api_description:Generate barcode images, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbology\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1604", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:GST Number Search by Name and PAN, api_name:Get details by director name, api_description:Get Director and their company details by director name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1605", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Aliexpress DataHub, api_name:Aliexpress - Store Item Search by Keyword, api_description:In-store item search by keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sellerId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Aliexpress product ID.\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1606", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:GST Number Search by Name and PAN, api_name:Get Company Details By company name, api_description:Suggestions To do GST Number search by name:-\nEnter the correct word (check spelling) with\nGST Verification\n\n- Enter at least ten characters of the word you want\n- Enter a state name because the company may have GST registration in various states.\n\nFor example, if you want to do the GST number search by the name of an enterprise named GIRIRAJ TRADERS IN DELHI, then search with the name mentioned above. You will get all the registered information associated with GIRIRAJ TRADERS IN DELHI., required_params: [{\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_index\": \"str\", \"_id\": \"str\", \"_score\": \"float\", \"id\": \"int\", \"int_id_int\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"ref\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"color\": \"str\", \"roc\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"company_type\": \"str\", \"directors\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"incorporation_date\": \"str\", \"last_scraped_on\": \"str\", \"last_company_checked_on\": \"NoneType\", \"industry\": \"str\", \"image\": \"NoneType\", \"documents\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1607", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Axesso - Otto Data Service, api_name:Reviews, api_description:Query product reviews., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1608", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Scrapper_v4, api_name:GET a product offers, api_description:GET a product offers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1609", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon India Scraper_v3, api_name:Gets Products, api_description:Get The Product Details Using A Identifier(id), required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1610", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon India Scraper_v3, api_name:Product Reviews, api_description:Get The Product's Reviews, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1611", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Product, api_name:Get all Product, api_description:get all products, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"discount_price\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"image\": {\"url\": \"str\"}, \"rating\": {\"rating\": \"int\", \"reviewer\": \"int\"}, \"sold\": {\"total\": \"str\"}, \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 3}], \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1612", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Pricer, api_name:Search for a product, api_description:search by product name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1613", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Kohls, api_name:auto-complete (Deprecating), api_description:Get suggestions by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any term or phrase that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Suggestions\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1614", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Sephora, api_name:products/search (Deprecated), api_description:Search products by term or phrase with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any term or phrase to search for relating products\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1615", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Sephora, api_name:brands/v2/list, api_description:List brands, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1616", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:rttrt, api_name:users, api_description:used to get all users, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1617", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Asos, api_name:products/v2/list-similarities (Deprecating), api_description:List similar products by product id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field that returned in .../products/v2/list\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"products\\\": [{\\\"order\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"product\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"brandName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"images\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"colourCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"colour\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isPrimary\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], 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\\\"product_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"product_collection\\\": [{\\\"schema_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"average_overall_rating\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"is_b2b_exclusive\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_eligible_for_designer_commission\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"b_has_list_price\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_return_sales\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"free_ship_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"has_stock\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"selected_image_model\\\": {\\\"schema_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"raw_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"image_resource_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"selected_image_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"list_price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"manufacturer_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"manufacturer_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"number_of_reviews\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"num_star_ratings\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"option_category_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"color_option_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"size_option_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"oth\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1619", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Wayfair, api_name:products/list, api_description:List products with filters and options, required_params: [{\"name\": \"categoryId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of categoryId fields returned in .../categories/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"summary\\\": {\\\"request_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transaction_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"page_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"response_hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"response_matches_prior_hash\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"cache_seconds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cache_always_check_server\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"spv_custom_vars\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"response\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"category\\\": {\\\"category_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"class_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"browse\\\": {\\\"roadsign\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postalCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pagination\\\": {\\\"currentPage\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalNumberOfPages\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"sort\\\": {\\\"appliedSort\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"availableSorts\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}]}, \\\"currentFilterString\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"products\\\": [{\\\"sku\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leadImage\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"percent_sold\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"promo_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"banner_type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"special_sku_type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"manufacturer\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"hasReturnSale\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"inventory\\\": {\\\"stockStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"pricing\\\": {\\\"customerPrice\\\": {\\\"unitPrice\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"appliedPromotion\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1620", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Data_v2, api_name:MarketPlace List, api_description:This endpoint lists down the market places we use to fetch data!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1621", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Data_v2, api_name:Categories List, api_description:This endpoint point fetches categories of Amazon!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1622", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:ZAPPOS 2022, api_name:GET price by styleIds and siteId(zappos =1, 6pm=2), api_description:GET price by styleIds and shopId, required_params: [{\"name\": \"siteId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"styleIds\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"15651\": {\"productName\": \"str\", \"brandName\": \"str\", \"listPrice\": \"int\", \"price\": \"float\", \"imageId\": \"str\", \"mainImageId\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1623", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:ZAPPOS 2022, api_name:GET stocks info by styleIds & siteId(zappos =1, 6pm=2), api_description:GET stocks info by siteId & styleIds, required_params: [{\"name\": \"siteId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"productId\": \"str\", \"styles\": [{\"styleId\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"stocks\": [{\"stockId\": \"str\", \"asin\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1624", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:AI-Powered WishScraper API, api_name:PaidAccess, api_description:This endpoint provides access to the full suite of features available to premium or paid users. It allows you to retrieve data with fewer restrictions and higher limits than the free access endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1625", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Makeup, api_name:Products, api_description:Search makeup products, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"brand\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"price_sign\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"image_link\": \"str\", \"product_link\": \"str\", \"website_link\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"NoneType\", \"category\": \"str\", \"product_type\": \"str\", \"tag_list\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"created_at\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\", \"product_api_url\": \"str\", \"api_featured_image\": \"str\", \"product_colors\": [{\"hex_value\": \"str\", \"colour_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1626", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:AI-Powered WishScraper API, api_name:FreeAccess, api_description:This endpoint provides access to the basic features available to free or unpaid users. It allows you to retrieve data according to the limitations and restrictions set for free users., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"last_updated_data\": \"str\", \"next_update_data\": \"str\", \"total_products\": \"int\", \"products\": [{\"productUrl\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1627", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Kohls, api_name:qnas/list, api_description:List questions and answers relating to a product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ProductId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of webID returned in .../products/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"payload\\\": {\\\"Includes\\\": {\\\"Answers\\\": {\\\"5129831\\\": {\\\"UserNickname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ContextDataValues\\\": {}, \\\"UserEmailAddress\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Videos\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"Photos\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"TotalNegativeFeedbackCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"CampaignId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"UserLocation\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"IsBrandAnswer\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"ContextDataValuesOrder\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"TotalPositiveFeedbackCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"LastModificationTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ProductRecommendationIds\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"BadgesOrder\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"AuthorId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SubmissionTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AdditionalFields\\\": {}, \\\"TotalFeedbackCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"AdditionalFieldsOrder\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"AnswerText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ModerationStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IsFeatured\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"QuestionId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Badges\\\": {}, \\\"SubmissionId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IsSyndicated\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"LastModeratedTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ContentLocale\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"5155204\\\": {\\\"UserNickname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ContextDataValues\\\": {}, \\\"UserEmailAddress\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Videos\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"Photos\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"TotalNegativeFeedbackCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1628", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Kohls, api_name:products/search-by-barcode, api_description:Search product by barcode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"upc\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The scanned code (UPC)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1629", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Swagger PetStore, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1630", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Swagger PetStore, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1631", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Swagger PetStore, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:Get user by user name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"username\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"userStatus\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1632", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Turkey Data Scrapeer, api_name:Get Product Offers in Turkey, api_description:This endpoint can get you product offers in amazon tr products. This method is required the product id in the amazon tr page if you don't know you can get search with my method to. And you need to api_key scraperapi you can get easly in this site ; https://www.scraperapi.com/, required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1633", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Unofficial SHEIN, api_name:countries/detail, api_description:Get detailed information of a country, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"info\": {\"support_language_list\": [{\"language\": \"str\", \"languageTip\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"language_full_name_in_header\": {\"language\": \"str\", \"languageTip\": \"str\"}, \"suppport_currency_list\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"symbol_left\": \"str\", \"symbol_right\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"country_flag\": \"str\", \"default\": \"str\", \"decimal_place\": \"str\", \"dec_point\": \"str\", \"thousands_sep\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"current_country_full_name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1634", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:N11 Data, api_name:Get comments with product id, api_description:Retrieve comments based on a product id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"comments\": [\"list of str with length 40\"], \"stars\": [\"list of int with length 40\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1635", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Getasinglecustomer, api_description:

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

\nImportant information:
\n\t, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1636", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Getallproductvariants, api_description:

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product.

\n\nImportant information:


limitLimit size of the search.
pagePagination number.
sinceIdFilter items since the Id given.
offsetLower limit of the results block. Modifies the range of the results provided, range goes from offset to limit.
, required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1637", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Getsingleproductvariant, api_description:

Searches for the selected variant and shows the detailed information.

\n\nImportant information:
\n\t, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1638", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Weee grocery API (sayweee.com) - browsing/searching/details, api_name:product search (zipcode, keyword), api_description:provide list of products based on user's zipcode\nresponse also includes available filters/sort and categories, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"zipcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1639", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Weee grocery API (sayweee.com) - browsing/searching/details, api_name:product details (zipcode, product_id), api_description:provide detailed product information based on the product id and user's zipcode\nproduct_id should come from the product search endpoint\nresponse also contains detailed price and availability information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zipcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1640", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Temu.com Shopping API (Realtime api scrapper from temu.com), api_name:product details, api_description:Returns the product details information based on the given goodsId (product id defined by temu, returned by the /search endpoint)\nResponse includes:\n- price information\n- product reviews\n- offers/availability\n- sku - variants in different options like size, color etc.\n- metadata, image gallery, description ...\n\n-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"goodsId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1641", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Pricing and Product Info, api_name:Main Endpoint, api_description:Main Endpoint for all calls, required_params: [{\"name\": \"asin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1642", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Product Reviews, api_name:AmazonProductReviews, api_description:It will accept three parameters asin, domain, pageNum.\nFor Ex:\nasin: B087N3LWRB (you can find it in the product page of amazon)\ndomain: amazon.co.uk (put the domain without www, currently we only provide amazon.com, amazon.in and amazon.co.uk)\npageNum: 1 (min 1 and max depends on the number of reviews on the product. Each page give 10 reviews), required_params: [{\"name\": \"pageNum\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"asin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1643", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Kohls, api_name:stores/list, api_description:List stores near a provided GEO location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The longitude of GEO location\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The latitude of GEO location\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"payload\": {\"stores\": [{\"storeNum\": \"str\", \"storeName\": \"str\", \"openDate\": \"NoneType\", \"storeHours\": {\"days\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"hours\": {\"open\": \"str\", \"close\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 7}]}, \"address\": {\"addr1\": \"str\", \"addr2\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"postalCode\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"id\": \"NoneType\", \"type\": \"NoneType\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\"}, \"firstName\": \"NoneType\", \"lastName\": \"NoneType\", \"county\": \"NoneType\", \"phoneNumber\": \"str\"}, \"contactInfo\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"distanceFromOrigin\": \"str\", \"supportsBopus\": \"bool\", \"sephoraFlag\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 17}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1644", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getProducts, api_description:Get all products, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1645", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getVariations, api_description:Get all variations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1646", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:IHerb Product Data Api, api_name:Get All Brands, api_description:Lists all available brands, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"currentPage\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"allBrands\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1647", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target, api_name:products/v2/get-details (Deprecated), api_description:Get detail information of product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"store_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of location_id returned in .../stores/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"tcin\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of tcin field returned in .../products/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1648", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Asos, api_name:v2/auto-complete, api_description:Get auto complete suggestion by product name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of products\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"suggestionGroups\": [{\"indexName\": \"str\", \"indexTitle\": \"str\", \"suggestions\": [{\"searchTerm\": \"str\", \"numberOfResults\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1649", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Open, api_name:SpeechAPI_Health, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1650", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Asos, api_name:countries/list, api_description:List countries that Asos supports selling products, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country\": \"str\", \"store\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"imageUrl\": \"str\", \"siteUrl\": \"str\", \"siteId\": \"int\", \"majorCountry\": \"NoneType\", \"isDefaultCountry\": \"NoneType\", \"region\": \"NoneType\", \"legalEntity\": \"NoneType\", \"languages\": [{\"language\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"languageShort\": \"str\", \"isPrimary\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"currencies\": [{\"currency\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"isPrimary\": \"bool\", \"currencyId\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"sizeSchemas\": [{\"sizeSchema\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"isPrimary\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1651", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:ZAPPOS 2022, api_name:GET images by productId & siteId(zappos =1, 6pm=2), api_description:GET images by productId & siteId, required_params: [{\"name\": \"siteId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"productId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"images\\\": {\\\"6265694\\\": [{\\\"imageId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"filename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"recipeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"styleId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 48}], \\\"5866314\\\": [{\\\"imageId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"filename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"recipeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"styleId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 48}], \\\"5866313\\\": [{\\\"imageId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"filename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"recipeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"styleId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 48}], \\\"5866312\\\": [{\\\"imageId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"filename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"recipeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"styleId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 48}], \\\"5866311\\\": [{\\\"imageId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"filename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"recipeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"styleId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 48}], \\\"5866315\\\": [{\\\"imageId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"filename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"recipeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"styleId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_lengt\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1652", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:IHerb Product Data Api, api_name:Get Solicitation, api_description:Retrieves a download link containing all over 30,000 products, in json format in a .zip file. Remember, the protocol expires in 24 hours! Download your .zip ASAP!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"protocol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1653", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Abiola Amazon Data Scraper, api_name:Get Amazon Product Details, api_description:This endpoint get the general product description of any amazon product., required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This endpoint get the general product description of any amazon product.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1654", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Abiola Amazon Data Scraper, api_name:Get Amazon Product Offer, api_description:This endpoint gets the offer of any amazon product., required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1655", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Abiola Amazon Data Scraper, api_name:Get Amazon Product Reviews, api_description:This endpoint gives you the review of the product id you enter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1656", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Ecommerce Product API, api_name:Product Data, api_description:The /data endpoint is a part of the Ecommerce Product API that allows you to retrieve information about a specific product in your ecommerce store. By making a GET request to this endpoint and specifying the product name, you can access a wide range of information about the product, including its name, description, images, and more. The response to the request will be in JSON format and will include all relevant product data. This endpoint is an essential tool for retrieving information about products in your store, and is designed to be fast and efficient, ensuring that you receive the information you need quickly and easily., required_params: [{\"name\": \"product\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1657", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Allproductlistings, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1658", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Ebay de Product Details Page Scraper, api_name:Detail Page, api_description:Get all Data from https://www.ebay.de/itm/ITEM_ID\n\n**Payload:** ITEM_ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1659", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:HM - Hennes Mauritz, api_name:regions/list, api_description:List regions H&M supported, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"region\": \"str\", \"countries\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"languages\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 32}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1660", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:GetAllOrderFulfillments, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"status[status]\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Filters by orders fulfillment status\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1661", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Taobao Tmall Product Detail, api_name:Get description, api_description:Get description, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1662", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target, api_name:products/v2/list-recommended, api_description:List more products to consider, required_params: [{\"name\": \"store_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of location_id returned in .../stores/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"tcins\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of tcin field returned in .../products/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"data\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1663", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Shopee_v2, api_name:get_product_details_product_get, api_description:Gets product details using item_id, shop_id and region, required_params: [{\"name\": \"shop_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"item_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1664", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Product Price Data, api_name:product, api_description:Get Amazon product price information by locale.\n\nASINs provided will be searched by the locale provided, e.g. if `B005YQZ1KE,B074R8RQQ2` were provided and `US` as a locale were provided, it will provide metadata from only `amazon.com`.\n\nPlease note that price data may be up to 30 minutes out of date.\n\nCurrently supported locales:\n\nUS (amazon.com)\nUK (amazon.co.uk)\nCA (amazon.ca)\nIN (amazon.in)\nFR (amazon.fr)\n\nMore coming soon!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currently supported locales:\\n\\nUS (amazon.com)\\nUK (amazon.co.uk)\\nCA (amazon.ca)\\nIN (amazon.in)\\nFR (amazon.fr)\\n\\nMore coming soon!\"}, {\"name\": \"asins\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1665", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Shopee_v2, api_name:get_category_tree_category_tree_get, api_description:Get shopee category tree, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1666", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target.com Shopping - API, api_name:search_autocomplete, api_description:Product autocompletion based on search keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1667", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Shopee_v2, api_name:get_product_details_by_url_product_url_get, api_description:Get product details using product url, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1668", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target.com Shopping - API, api_name:product_fulfillment, api_description:Returns product fulfillment information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tcin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Target product id.\\nValue comes from product search API.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"product\\\": {\\\"tcin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fulfillment\\\": {\\\"scheduled_delivery\\\": {\\\"availability_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location_available_to_promise_quantity\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"is_out_of_stock_in_all_store_locations\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"product_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shipping_options\\\": {\\\"availability_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"available_to_promise_quantity\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"services\\\": [{\\\"max_delivery_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shipping_method_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"min_delivery_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shipping_method_short_description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cutoff\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_base_shipping_method\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"service_level_description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_two_day_shipping\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"loyalty_availability_status\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"store_options\\\": [{\\\"location_available_to_promise_quantity\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"order_pickup\\\": {\\\"availability_status\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"in_store_only\\\": {\\\"availability_status\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"search_response_store_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"store\\\": {\\\"mailing_address\\\": {\\\"address_line1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postal_code\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"location_name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1669", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Price Tracker South Africa, api_name:getProductURL, api_description:Return prices based on the url of the product page on the retailers website.\n\nNOTE: replace all / with a +, required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_url\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Count\": \"int\", \"Items\": [{\"barcode\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"price_history\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"product_name\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"store_name\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"ScannedCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1670", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:ETSY Products API allows you to scrape the products from etsy, api_name:GetProducts, api_description:Get Etsy products, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"summary\\\": {\\\"total_results\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"product\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"availability\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"meta_tags\\\": {\\\"twitter:app:url:iphone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter:app:id:googleplay\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"og:image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter:card\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"theme-color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter:app:url:ipad\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"apple-mobile-web-app-title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"al:android:package\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dist\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"product:price:amount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter:app:name:googleplay\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter:app:id:iphone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"al:ios:url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"og:description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"al:ios:app_store_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"csrf_nonce\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter:site\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"application-name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"msapplication-tilecolor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"og:type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"al:ios:app_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"og:title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter:app:id:ipad\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pinterest\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uaid_nonce\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"al:android:url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fb:app_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter:app:url:googleplay\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter:app:name:ipa\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1671", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinaculo, api_name:Live Sports, api_description:Get live sports., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"featureOrder\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"isFeatured\": \"bool\", \"isHidden\": \"bool\", \"isSticky\": \"bool\", \"matchupCount\": \"int\", \"matchupCountSE\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"primaryMarketType\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1672", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 Fantasy Stats, api_name:Get Daily Scoreboard - Live - Real Time, api_description:This call will pull game scores and no other stats. \n/getNBAScoresOnly\nCall it with no parameters, it will return the current date's game list with their scores. \n\nYou can use both gameID and gameDate for parameters. gameID will give you only the scores for one specific game. gameDate will give you the scores for every game on that date. \n\nExample, to get all games for March 11, 2022\n/getNBAScoresOnly?gameDate=20220311\nor you can use this call to get just one specific game \n/getNBAScoresOnly?gameID=20220311_DAL@HOU\nor call with no parameters for the games for 'current processing day'.\n\nIf you want to include the top performers from each team when game is in progress, include topPerformers paremter. \n It needs to be &topPerformers=true, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"statusCode\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"body\\\": {\\\"20230509_PHI@BOS\\\": {\\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayPts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homePts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameClock\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"topPerformers\\\": {\\\"PHI\\\": {\\\"pts\\\": {\\\"playerID\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"total\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"reb\\\": {\\\"playerID\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"total\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"stl\\\": {\\\"playerID\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"total\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ast\\\": {\\\"playerID\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"total\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"blk\\\": {\\\"playerID\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"total\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"TOV\\\": {\\\"playerID\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"total\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"tptfgm\\\": {\\\"playerID\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"total\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"BOS\\\": {\\\"pts\\\": {\\\"playerID\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"total\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"reb\\\": {\\\"playerID\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"total\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"stl\\\": {\\\"playerID\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"total\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ast\\\": {\\\"playerID\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"total\\\": \\\"str\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1673", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 Fantasy Stats, api_name:Get Daily Schedule, api_description:Get basic information on which games are being played during a day. \ncall is like this:\n/getNBAGamesForDate?gameDate=20220310\nThe above call will return all of the games from March 10th, 2022. Date must be in that format. \nFor March 10th, there were two games. They come back in a list format within the body of the response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gameDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"format: YYYYMMDD\\nrequired\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": [{\"gameID\": \"str\", \"teamIDAway\": \"str\", \"away\": \"str\", \"gameDate\": \"str\", \"teamIDHome\": \"str\", \"home\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 11}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1674", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 Fantasy Stats, api_name:Get Player Information, api_description:Call this to get general information on each player (name, team, experience, birthday, college, etc).\n\nYou can call with their playerID, if you know it. playerID calls will always be quicker as it acts on the key of the table. \n\nYou can also call with playerName. This call will return a list of players who have that name. If you want to include spaces in the search name, then use underscore. So if you want to find LeBron, you can use lebron_james and it will bring him back. Or try with playerName=smith and it will return a list of guys with smith in their name.\n\n/getNBAPlayerInfo?playerID=28908111729\n\n/getNBAPlayerInfo?playerName=smith\n\netc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": [{\"espnID\": \"str\", \"espnName\": \"str\", \"nbaComName\": \"str\", \"college\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"nbaComHeadshot\": \"str\", \"jerseyNum\": \"str\", \"team\": \"str\", \"espnLink\": \"str\", \"bDay\": \"str\", \"espnHeadshot\": \"str\", \"nbaComID\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"nbaComLink\": \"str\", \"teamID\": \"str\", \"bRefName\": \"str\", \"pos\": \"str\", \"cbsPlayerID\": \"str\", \"longName\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"bRefID\": \"str\", \"lastGamePlayed\": \"str\", \"playerID\": \"str\", \"exp\": \"str\", \"stats\": {\"blk\": \"str\", \"fga\": \"str\", \"DefReb\": \"str\", \"ast\": \"str\", \"ftp\": \"str\", \"tptfgp\": \"str\", \"tptfgm\": \"str\", \"trueShootingPercentage\": \"str\", \"stl\": \"str\", \"fgm\": \"str\", \"pts\": \"str\", \"reb\": \"str\", \"fgp\": \"str\", \"effectiveShootingPercentage\": \"str\", \"fta\": \"str\", \"mins\": \"str\", \"gamesPlayed\": \"str\", \"TOV\": \"str\", \"tptfga\": \"str\", \"OffReb\": \"str\", \"ftm\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1675", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Free Football (Soccer) Videos_v2, api_name:Feed, api_description:You can retrieve the highlights and goals of the latest football matches in JSON format from this endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1676", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Cbet, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds for Cbet, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1677", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinaculo, api_name:Matchup Related, api_description:Get matchup related., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The matchup id. Please use the ids returned from other endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1678", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaSport, api_name:Games (esports), api_description:Get games (esports) by event_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Event id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"length\": \"int\", \"status\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"winnerCode\": \"int\", \"map\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"homeScore\": {\"display\": \"int\", \"period1\": \"int\", \"period2\": \"int\"}, \"awayScore\": {\"display\": \"int\", \"period1\": \"int\", \"period2\": \"int\"}, \"homeTeamStartingSide\": \"int\", \"hasCompleteStatistics\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"startTimestamp\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1679", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Dolphin, api_name:Head to head statistics, api_description:Head to head statistics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"first_team\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**Enter first team from all available teams:** Arsenal, Aston Villa, Barnsley, Birmingham, Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton, Bournemouth, Bradford, Brighton, Burnley, Cardiff, Charlton, Chelsea, Coventry, Crystal Palace, Derby, Everton, Fulham, Huddersfield, Hull, Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man United, Middlesbrough, Newcastle, Norwich, Nott'm Forest, Portsmouth, QPR, Reading, Sheffield United, Sheffield Weds, Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, Swansea, Tottenham, Watford, West Brom, West Ham, Wigan, Wimbledon, Wolves\"}, {\"name\": \"second_team\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**Enter second team from all available teams:** Arsenal, Aston Villa, Barnsley, Birmingham, Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton, Bournemouth, Bradford, Brighton, Burnley, Cardiff, Charlton, Chelsea, Coventry, Crystal Palace, Derby, Everton, Fulham, Huddersfield, Hull, Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man United, Middlesbrough, Newcastle, Norwich, Nott'm Forest, Portsmouth, QPR, Reading, Sheffield United, Sheffield Weds, Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, Swansea, Tottenham, Watford, West Brom, West Ham, Wigan, Wimbledon, Wolves\"}, {\"name\": \"type_of_statistics\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**Enter one from available types of statistics:** \\nfull time result, \\nhome vs away full time result, \\nresult first half and the match,\\nexact number of goals in the match, \\ngoals over, \\ngoals under\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"H2H\": \"str\", \"Period\": \"str\", \"Total number of played matches\": \"float\", \"Man United won the match\": \"float\", \"Liverpool won the match\": \"float\", \"The match ended with draw result\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1680", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Nba Latest News, api_name:Get all latest Nba articles, api_description:GET /articles\nReturns a list of all the latest nba articles.\n\nOptional params:\n\nsource returns articles based on chosen source\n\noptions: nba-canada, nba, bleacher-report, yahoo, espn, slam\n\nExample /articles?source=bleacher-report\n\nteam returns articles based on chosen team\n\nExample /articles?team=lakers\n\nlimit returns the maximum number of articles desired\n\nExample /articles?limit=5\n\nplayer returns articles based on chosen player\n\nUse dash to seperate names\n\nSearching by players full name seperated by dash produces best results\n\nExample /articles?player=kevin-durant&limit=10, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1681", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NFL Team Stats, api_name:Team Stats, api_description:Over 500 different categorized statistics for each team in the NFL (depending on league year). Optionally, pass in a league year and/or team to narrow the query results., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"lastUpdated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leagueYear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"stats\\\": {\\\"Buffalo Bills\\\": {\\\"Standings\\\": {\\\"Tm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"W\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"L\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"T\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"W-L%\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PA\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MoV\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SoS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SRS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"OSRS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DSRS\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Defense\\\": {\\\"Tm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"G\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PA\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Yds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Tot Yds & TO\\\": {\\\"Ply\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Y/P\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TO\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"FL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1stD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Passing\\\": {\\\"Cmp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Att\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Yds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Int\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NY/A\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1stD\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Rushing\\\": {\\\"Att\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Yds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Y/A\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1stD\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Penalties\\\": {\\\"Pen\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Yds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1stPy\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Sc%\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TO%\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EXP\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Scoring Defense\\\": {\\\"Tm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"G\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RshTD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RecTD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PR TD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KR TD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FblTD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IntTD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"OthTD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AllTD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2PM\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2PA\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"D2P\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"XPM\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"XPA\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FGM\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FGA\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Sfty\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Pts\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1682", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccerway Feed, api_name:Search multi, api_description:Search team, player by query, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"teams\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"uuid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"tla_name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"type_club\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"competitions\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"uuid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"area\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"uuid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}], \"players\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"uuid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"team\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"uuid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"tla_name\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 50}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1683", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccerway Feed, api_name:Team Squad statistics, api_description:Get Team Squad statistics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"team_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"team_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1684", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Cricket, api_name:live score, api_description:to view live score, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1685", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:F1 drivers quotes, api_name:10 interesting quotes, api_description:Gets 10 interesting quotes said by famous F1 people., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1686", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:F1 drivers quotes, api_name:Driver's quotes with pagination of 10 quotes each page, api_description:Gets 10 quotes of the driver depending on which page you input., required_params: [{\"name\": \"driverId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1687", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Baseball, api_name:game-probability/{gamePk}, api_description:Query Baseball probability data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gamePk\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter a game ID - can be found in the schedule endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"event\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eventType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rbi\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"awayScore\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"homeScore\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isOut\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"about\\\": {\\\"atBatIndex\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"halfInning\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isTopInning\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"inning\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isComplete\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isScoringPlay\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasReview\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasOut\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"captivatingIndex\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"count\\\": {\\\"balls\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"strikes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"outs\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"matchup\\\": {\\\"batter\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fullName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"batSide\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"pitcher\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fullName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"pitchHand\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"batterHotColdZones\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"pitcherHotColdZones\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"splits\\\": {\\\"batter\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pitcher\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"menOnBase\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"pitchIndex\\\": {\\\"1\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"actionIndex\\\": {\\\"1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"2\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"runnerIndex\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"runners\\\": [{\\\"movement\\\": {\\\"originBase\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1688", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Baseball, api_name:schedule/{date}, api_description:Baseball schedule, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"gamePk\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gameType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"season\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"officialDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": {\\\"abstractGameState\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"codedGameState\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"detailedState\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"statusCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"startTimeTBD\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"abstractGameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teams\\\": {\\\"away\\\": {\\\"leagueRecord\\\": {\\\"wins\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pct\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"isWinner\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"splitSquad\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"seriesNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"home\\\": {\\\"leagueRecord\\\": {\\\"wins\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pct\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"isWinner\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"splitSquad\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"seriesNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"venue\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"content\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"isTie\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gameNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"publicFacing\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"doubleHeader\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gamedayType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tiebreaker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"calendarEventID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonDisplay\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dayNight\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"scheduledInnings\\\": \\\"int\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1689", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Golf Course Finder, api_name:Get Courses, api_description:This endpoint will return courses within a mile radius of the passed latitude and longitude, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"courses\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"zip_code\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 18}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1690", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 Fantasy Stats, api_name:Get NBA Injury List History, api_description:This table currently has injury history from the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 for players who played an NBA game in the 21-22 season and afterwards. Consider this table as \"beta\" at this point, as we are still collecting previous seasons' data and working through some challenges. \n\nparameters:\n(All dates must be in format YYYYMMDD)\nplayerID - Use this if you only want to pull back injury history from a specific player.\ninjDate - Use this is to pull back injury history for only a specific date.\nThe next two are used to pull back a range of dates. You can use one or the other. Or none. \nbeginningInjDate - Lower boundary of the range of dates. Inclusive\nendInjDate - Upper boundary of the range of dates. Inclusive.\nyear - If your range of dates include multiple years, the api will only pull back dates for one year. If year isn't selected then you will get injuries from current year. Using \"year\" without any other parameters will do nothing and the api will still bring back the default, last 14 days of injuries.\nnumberOfDays - Valid for numbers 0 through 30, you can pull back information from the previous 0 to 30 days. \nCalling this endpoint with no parameters will give a list of all players injuries from the last 14 calendar days. \n\nAgain, please consider this endpoint as not fully functional and it could be buggy. We'll update the description here whenever we add more years, add options, or finalize the interface.\n\nWe encourage testing and feedback here. Thanks in advance!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": [{\"designation\": \"str\", \"injDate\": \"str\", \"playerID\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 15}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1691", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 Fantasy Stats, api_name:Get Teams, api_description:This call will retrieve the list of NBA teams. Included is their name, city, abbreviation, and teamID which can be used in other calls. This also includes standings (win/loss/ppg/oppg/streak) data.\n\nIn the team rosters, all player information is available, which includes current injury status. \n\n/getNBATeams\n\nOptional parameters are schedules=true , rosters=true , and/or topPerformers=true\n\ntopPerformers get returned in a list for each stat, since a team might have multiple leaders averaging the same amount of whichever stat., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"statusCode\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"body\\\": [{\\\"teamAbv\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamCity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamSchedule\\\": {\\\"20221223_SA@ORL\\\": {\\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime_epoch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20230110_ORL@POR\\\": {\\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime_epoch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20230205_ORL@CHA\\\": {\\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime_epoch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20230207_NY@ORL\\\": {\\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime_epoch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20221024_ORL@NY\\\": {\\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gam\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1692", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:v3rankings, api_name:Basketballv3, api_description:Basketball rankings v3, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"attributes\": {\"hometown\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"picture\": {\"large\": \"str\"}, \"rating\": \"int\", \"sport\": \"str\"}, \"id\": \"int\", \"manager\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 222}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1693", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Baseball, api_name:seasons/{seasonId}, api_description:Baseball seasons, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"version\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}, \"results\": [{\"seasonId\": \"str\", \"hasWildcard\": \"bool\", \"preSeasonStartDate\": \"str\", \"preSeasonEndDate\": \"str\", \"seasonStartDate\": \"str\", \"springStartDate\": \"str\", \"springEndDate\": \"str\", \"regularSeasonStartDate\": \"str\", \"lastDate1stHalf\": \"str\", \"allStarDate\": \"str\", \"firstDate2ndHalf\": \"str\", \"regularSeasonEndDate\": \"str\", \"postSeasonStartDate\": \"str\", \"postSeasonEndDate\": \"str\", \"seasonEndDate\": \"str\", \"offseasonStartDate\": \"str\", \"offSeasonEndDate\": \"str\", \"seasonLevelGamedayType\": \"str\", \"gameLevelGamedayType\": \"str\", \"qualifierPlateAppearances\": \"float\", \"qualifierOutsPitched\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1694", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Golf Course Finder, api_name:Course Details, api_description:This endpoint will return the course details from Google Places, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"course_details\": {\"html_attributions\": \"empty list\", \"result\": {\"formatted_address\": \"str\", \"formatted_phone_number\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"photos\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"html_attributions\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"photo_reference\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"rating\": \"float\", \"url\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\"}, \"status\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1695", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NFL Team Stats_v2, api_name:Get Team Passing Data, api_description:Provides a JSON Response containg a list of all teams' passing data. Parameters include whether you'd like the data for offense or defense sides, and a specific year.\n\nThe side parameter should be one of these two options: \"offense\" or \"defense\"\nThe year parameter should be a year between these years: 1920 - current year., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"side\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1696", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NFL Team Stats_v2, api_name:Get Team Rushing Data, api_description:Provides a JSON Response containg a list of all teams' rushingdata. Parameters include whether you'd like the data for offense or defense sides, and a specific year.\n\nThe side parameter should be one of these two options: \"offense\" or \"defense\"\nThe year parameter should be a year between these years: 1920 - current year., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"side\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1697", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:⚽ Football Live Score 🔥, api_name:Live score, api_description:Get live football score & history, required_params: [{\"name\": \"edition\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tzoffset\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"liveScores\": [{\"competition\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"area\": {\"name\": \"str\"}, \"image\": {\"url\": \"str\"}}, \"matches\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"startDate\": \"str\", \"venue\": {\"name\": \"str\"}, \"lastUpdated\": \"str\", \"period\": \"NoneType\", \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"display\": \"bool\"}, \"status\": \"str\", \"teamA\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"short\": \"str\", \"long\": \"str\", \"full\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"image\": {\"url\": \"str\"}}, \"teamB\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"short\": \"str\", \"long\": \"str\", \"full\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"image\": {\"url\": \"str\"}}, \"redCards\": {\"teamA\": \"int\", \"teamB\": \"int\"}, \"score\": {\"teamA\": \"int\", \"teamB\": \"int\"}, \"agg\": \"NoneType\", \"penalty\": \"NoneType\", \"tvChannel\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"_list_length\": 139}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1698", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betigolo Predictions, api_name:Futsal predictions by day, api_description:Get a list of all matches for a specific day, including predictions for many markets., required_params: [{\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1699", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NFL Team Stats_v2, api_name:Get Team Receiving Data, api_description:Provides a JSON Response containg a list of all teams' receiving data. Parameters include whether you'd like the data for offense or defense sides, and a specific year.\n\nThe side parameter should be one of these two options: \"offense\" or \"defense\"\nThe year parameter should be a year between these years: 1920 - current year., required_params: [{\"name\": \"side\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1700", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sportsbook Odds, api_name:Low Hold Bets, api_description:This returns the bets that have low hold bets. It may be a bit confusing at the moment so if you have questions feel free to ask. Just as a basic overview, all of the lines for each side of the bet are shown in \"outcomes\", in \"alt_low_hold\" it shows the combinations of 2 sites that make up low hold bets from those outcomes, in \"alt_arb\" it likewise shows the combinations that are arbitrage., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"10024x10012@2023-06-16T23_PSO^0^(Miles Mikolas)^4.5\\\": {\\\"tag_info\\\": {\\\"is_prop\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bet_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"period\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"period_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"player\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bet_desc\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"arb_tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"outcomes\\\": {\\\"O\\\": {\\\"FanDuel\\\": {\\\"dec_odds\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"am_odds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"full_hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"vf_odds_pct\\\": 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"category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sportsbook Odds, api_name:Game Odds - Basic Lines Schedule, api_description:This is a schedule that shows moneylines, spreads, and over under offerings by all bookmakers., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Baseball\\\": {\\\"10027x10021@2023-06-16T23\\\": {\\\"home_team_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away_team_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_team_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ESPN_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"event_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"game_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"league_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"odds\\\": {\\\"1^0^-5.0*A\\\": {\\\"DraftKings\\\": {\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dec_odds\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"full_hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"am_odds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}}, \\\"1^0^3.5*H\\\": {\\\"FanDuel\\\": {\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dec_odds\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"full_hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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api_name:Games List, api_description:Valid League Names: \"NBA\", \"NCAA Basketball\", \"NFL\", \"NCAA Football\", \"NHL\", \"MLB\"\n\nThis will return a dictionary of games where the keys will be hashes describing the game and the values will be dictionaries of all of the games attributes including which sites have that game for betting and when our data last updated that site.\n\nIf you want all of the games for all of the leagues just leave the \"league_name\" parameter empty., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"10009x10018@2023-06-16T23\\\": {\\\"home_team_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away_team_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_team_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"away_team_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"game_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"league_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sites_dic\\\": {\\\"FanDuel\\\": {\\\"update_time\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"DraftKings\\\": {\\\"update_time\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Caesars\\\": {\\\"update_time\\\": 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many markets., required_params: [{\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1705", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betigolo Predictions, api_name:Basketball predictions by day, api_description:Get a list of all matches for a specific day, including predictions for many markets., required_params: [{\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1706", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get best player, api_description:\"Get best player\" will return the best player of each team with their rating., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gameId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1707", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball, api_name:Basketball, api_description:i will use this only for live feeds, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1708", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Search player, api_description:Search for any player, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1709", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Team Depth Charts, api_description:Returns player depth charts for a team, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NFL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1710", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get competition seasons, api_description:Here you'll also find historic data from the last seasons, required_params: [{\"name\": \"competitionId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1711", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Weekly Schedule, api_description:Returns all events from the date specified plus 7 days in advance, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NFL\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Returns all events from the date specified plus 7 days in advance.\\n\\nFormat: now or YYYY-MM-DD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1712", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betbro Sportbook, api_name:/fixture_tree/InPlay/sport/{sport_id}, api_description:Get a tree list of fixtures suitable for constructing a SportBook navigation side menu.\nResponse tree consists of sport, region, competition and fixtures.\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1713", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:168predict VIP Football Predictions, api_name:Today Super Sure VIP Predictions, api_description:This endpiont delivers daily super sure and precise match forecasts. All of the forecasts have been carefully selected. Visit www.168predict.site for more information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1714", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betbro Sportbook, api_name:/fixture_tree/PreGame/sport/{sport_id}, api_description:Get a tree list of fixtures suitable for constructing a SportBook navigation side menu.\nResponse tree consists of sport, region, competition and fixtures.\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1715", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:168predict VIP Football Predictions, api_name:Tomorrow Sure VIP Over 2.5 Goals, api_description:This endpiont delivers tomorrow sure and precise over 2.5 goal forecasts. All of the forecasts have been carefully selected. Visit www.168predict.site for more information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1716", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betbro Sportbook, api_name:/fixture/{fixture_id}, api_description:Get full fixture SportBook\nwhat the fuck is going on !\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fixture_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1717", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:168predict VIP Football Predictions, api_name:Yesterday Sure VIP Over 1.5 Goals, api_description:This endpiont delivers yesterday over 1.5 goal forecasts. All of the forecasts have been carefully selected. Visit www.168predict.site for more information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1718", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarket, api_name:competitions/get-game-plan, api_description:Get game plan by competition and season, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../search or .../competitions/list-default endpoints\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../competitions/list-seasons endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"seasonID\": \"str\", \"leagueID\": \"str\", \"currentPlayDayId\": \"int\", \"gamePlanPlayDays\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateString\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 38}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1719", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarket, api_name:statistic/list-golden-boot, api_description:List golden boot, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"share\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"player\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"seasonID\": \"str\", \"clubID\": \"str\", \"matches\": \"str\", \"points\": \"str\", \"goals\": \"str\", \"goalsPerMatch\": \"str\", \"factor\": \"str\", \"cycle\": \"str\", \"competitionID\": \"str\", \"competitionCountryID\": \"str\", \"clubs\": \"str\", \"playerName\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"alias\": \"str\", \"playerAge\": \"str\", \"playerImage\": \"str\", \"mainPositionID\": \"str\", \"mainPosition\": \"str\", \"countryID\": \"int\", \"countryImage\": \"str\", \"clubName\": \"str\", \"clubImage\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1720", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Zeus API, api_name:Competitions Scorers, api_description:List the current scorers for a league ⚽., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"area\": \"str\", \"yearStart\": \"int\", \"yearEnd\": \"int\", \"scorers\": [{\"position\": \"int\", \"player\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"team\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"logo\": \"str\"}, \"area\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"str\"}, \"goals\": \"int\", \"assists\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1721", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarket, api_name:matches/get-club-comparison, api_description:Get club comparison of specific match, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../matches/list... endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"facts\\\": {\\\"verein_h\\\": {\\\"totalMarketvalue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalMarketvalueCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalMarketvalueNumeral\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalMarketValueUnformatted\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avgMarketvalue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avgMarketvalueCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avgMarketvalueNumeral\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avgMarketValueUnformatted\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avgAge\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nationalPlayer\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"youthNationalPlayer\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"legionaries\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tableRank\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"members\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mostValuablePlayer\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketValueCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketValueNumeral\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketValueUnformatted\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"clubImage\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"coach\\\": {\\\"countryID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"countryImage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondCountryID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondCountryImage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondCountryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"personID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"verein_g\\\": {\\\"totalMarketvalue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalMarketvalueCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalMarketvalueNumeral\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalMarketValueUnformatted\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avgMarketva\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1722", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get last games, api_description:With that call you'll receive the last games in a multipage request, required_params: [{\"name\": \"competitionId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1723", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get managers, api_description:You want to know who's behind the teams at this game? 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"category_name:Sports, tool_name:LaLiga Standings, api_name:LaLiga Standings, api_description:LaLiga Standings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1733", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:msport, api_name:livescores, api_description:list of soccer livescores, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"result\": [{\"league\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"home\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"away\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"color\": \"str\", \"match_id\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"half_date_time\": \"str\", \"sets_score\": \"str\", \"resume\": [{\"status\": \"str\", \"score\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"date_time\": \"str\", \"score\": \"str\", \"status_code\": \"int\", \"status_name\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}], \"pager\": {\"page\": \"int\", \"perPage\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1734", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:OS Sports Perform, api_name:Team Latest media, api_description:Get latest media by team ID. Ex. Full Highlights, required_params: [{\"name\": \"team_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"team_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"subtitle\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"thumbnailUrl\": \"str\", \"mediaType\": \"int\", \"doFollow\": \"bool\", \"keyHighlight\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"createdAtTimestamp\": \"int\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1735", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:F1 Latest News, api_name:News from individual source, api_description:With this endpoint you can specify the source of the articles you wish to get\n/news/f1 for example, or any of the other 4: skyf1, BBCF1, WTF1, autosport., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sourceID\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1736", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:msport, api_name:fixtures, api_description:* list of future match up to next 7 days\n* you can retrieve full list of soccer matches up to next 7 days, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1737", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:OS Sports Perform, api_name:Tweets, api_description:Get tweets by event_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Event id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1738", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:OS Sports Perform, api_name:Rounds, api_description:Get rounds of the season, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasons_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"seasons_id\"}, {\"name\": \"unique_tournament_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"unique_tournament_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"currentRound\": {\"round\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}, \"rounds\": [{\"round\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"prefix\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 17}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1739", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMA Stats, api_name:search event details, api_description:This lets you search for specific fights by the names of the fighters involved. 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\"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match you want to retrieve the incidents for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"incidents\": [{\"addedTime\": \"int\", \"awayScore\": \"int\", \"homeScore\": \"int\", \"incidentType\": \"str\", \"isLive\": \"bool\", \"text\": \"str\", \"time\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 63}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1742", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:HandballAPI, api_name:LeagueOverallTopTeams, api_description:Get overall top teams for a handball unique tournament and season, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique ID of the tournament for which you want to retrieve the top teams.\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the season for which you want to retrieve the top teams.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"topTeams\\\": {\\\"fastbreakGoals\\\": [{\\\"statistics\\\": 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{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the tournament in which the team's best players will be retrieved.\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team whose best players you want to retrieve.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"topPlayers\\\": {\\\"defensiveInterceptions\\\": [{\\\"playedEnough\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"player\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"appearances\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"defensiveInterceptions\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"defensiveSacks\\\": [{\\\"playedEnough\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"player\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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api_name:LeagueTotalTeamEvents, api_description:This endpoint retrieves the last 5 matches for a specific league in a given season for both home and away events., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the unique tournament for which the league's team events are to be retrieved.\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the season for which the league's total team events are to be retrieved.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"tournamentTeamEvents\\\": {\\\"108948\\\": {\\\"188055\\\": [{\\\"awayScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period4\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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api_name:MatchOdds, api_description:Get betting odds for a specific American Football match by providing the match ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match for which you want to get the odds.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"eventId\": \"int\", \"markets\": [{\"choices\": [{\"change\": \"int\", \"fractionalValue\": \"str\", \"initialFractionalValue\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"sourceId\": \"int\", \"winning\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"fid\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"isLive\": \"bool\", \"marketId\": \"int\", \"marketName\": \"str\", \"sourceId\": \"int\", \"structureType\": \"int\", \"suspended\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1750", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AmericanFootballApi, api_name:TeamNearMatches, api_description:Get the list of near matches for a specific American Football team by providing its ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team for which you want to get the list of near matches.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"nextEvent\\\": {\\\"awayScore\\\": {}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"subTeams\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"changes\\\": {\\\"changeTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"crowdsourcingDataDisplayEnabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"customId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"finalResultOnly\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasGlobalHighlights\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"homeScore\\\": {}, \\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"subTeams\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periods\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"overtime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"period1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"period2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"period3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"p\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1751", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Premier League Stats, api_name:GameweekGamesByClub, api_description:Get all games from a particular gameweek and club., required_params: [{\"name\": \"club\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"gameweek\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [\"list of list with length 1\"], \"totalResultsCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1752", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AmericanFootballApi, api_name:MatchManagers, api_description:Get managers for a specific American Football match by providing its ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match for which you want to get the managers.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1753", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 NFL Live In-Game Real Time Statistics NFL, api_name:Get NFL Team Schedule, api_description:This call returns the schedule of any team, using the teamID that can be found in \"getNFLTeams\" call.\n\nCall needs to look like this:\n/getNFLTeamSchedule?teamID=1\nYou can also use the team Abbreviation:\n/getNFLTeamSchedule?teamAbv=CHI \n\nThat will return a list of the team's games in the body. \n\nTo get a list of appropriate team abbreviations, use the getNFLTeams call.\n\nYou can also add the \"season\" parameter if you want to specify season. Good for seasons 2022 and 2023., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": {\"team\": \"str\", \"schedule\": [{\"gameID\": \"str\", \"seasonType\": \"str\", \"away\": \"str\", \"teamIDHome\": \"str\", \"gameDate\": \"str\", \"gameStatus\": \"str\", \"gameWeek\": \"str\", \"teamIDAway\": \"str\", \"home\": \"str\", \"awayResult\": \"str\", \"homePts\": \"str\", \"gameTime\": \"str\", \"homeResult\": \"str\", \"awayPts\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1754", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Today Football Prediction, api_name:Daily Predictions, api_description:Returns **Daily Football Predictions** with pagination support. \nSearch/filter can be used by **date**, **league**, **market-type**.\n\n* Use **predictions/{matchId}/details** endpoint to see more information about any particular match prediction.\n* Use **predictions/scores** endpoint to get score prediction and average goals., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1755", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Fantasy Cricket, api_name:Matchlist By Seriesid, api_description:Using Series ID get the name, participating teams, start date, end date and match keys for the matches of a specified Series. Any issues, queries, api integration, custom plan or to **Create your own Fantasy Sports Application** contact us at support@techflinch.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seriesid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1756", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Fantasy Cricket, api_name:Playing Eleven API, api_description:Get Playing Eleven by matchid when it's announced by the teams. Any issues, queries, api integration, custom plan or to **Create your own Fantasy Sports Application** contact us at support@techflinch.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1757", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:CricketAPI2, api_name:LeagueSeasons, api_description:Get a list of seasons for a cricket league using the unique tournament ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID for which you want to retrieve the league's seasons.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"seasons\": [{\"editor\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"year\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1758", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Today Football Prediction, api_name:Prediction Details, api_description:Shows all details about the match, its prediction and the prediction results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"match_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"match\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"home_team\": \"str\", \"away_team\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"date_time\": \"str\", \"league\": \"str\", \"predictions\": {\"1X2\": {\"prediction\": \"str\", \"probabilities\": {\"1\": \"int\", \"2\": \"int\", \"X\": \"int\"}}, \"OU25\": {\"prediction\": \"str\", \"probabilities\": {\"U\": \"int\", \"O\": \"int\"}}, \"bts\": {\"prediction\": \"str\", \"probabilities\": {\"YES\": \"int\", \"NO\": \"int\"}}}, \"odds\": {\"1X2\": {\"1\": \"float\", \"2\": \"float\", \"X\": \"float\"}, \"OU25\": {\"U\": \"float\", \"O\": \"int\"}, \"bts\": {\"YES\": \"float\", \"NO\": \"float\"}}, \"is_finished\": \"bool\", \"result_score\": \"str\", \"prediction_results\": {\"1X2\": {\"prediction\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"status\": \"bool\", \"probability\": \"int\", \"odd\": \"float\", \"profitLoss\": \"float\"}, \"OU25\": {\"prediction\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"status\": \"bool\", \"probability\": \"int\", \"odd\": \"int\", \"profitLoss\": \"int\"}, \"bts\": {\"prediction\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"status\": \"bool\", \"probability\": \"int\", \"odd\": \"float\", \"profitLoss\": \"float\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1759", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Premier League Standings, api_name:Premier League Standings, api_description:Premier League Standings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1760", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Unofficial Cricbuzz, api_name:matches/get-commentaries, api_description:Get match commentaries, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of matchId field returned in .../matches/list, .../matches/get-schedules, .../series/get-matches, .../teams/get-schedules, .../teams/get-results, .../venues/get-matches endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"commentaryLines\\\": [{\\\"commentary\\\": {\\\"commtxt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"inningsId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"eventType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"commentaryFormats\\\": [{\\\"_list_length\\\": 5}]}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 20}], \\\"miniscore\\\": {\\\"batsmanStriker\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"balls\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"runs\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fours\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"strkRate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nickName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"batsmanNonStriker\\\": {\\\"strkRate\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"bowlerStriker\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"overs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"wickets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"runs\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"economy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"bowlerNonStriker\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"overs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"wickets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"runs\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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\"data\": \"str\", \"localTeamName\": \"str\", \"localTeamLogo\": \"str\", \"visitorTeamName\": \"str\", \"visitorTeamLogo\": \"str\", \"bet\": \"str\", \"betQuote\": \"float\", \"probability\": \"float\", \"matchDate\": \"str\", \"betState\": \"int\", \"hits\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1762", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AmericanFootballApi, api_name:MatchStatistics, api_description:Get match statistics for a specific American Football match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match for which you want to get match statistics.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statistics\": [{\"groups\": [{\"groupName\": \"str\", \"statisticsItems\": [{\"away\": \"str\", \"compareCode\": \"int\", \"home\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"_list_length\": 5}], \"period\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1763", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Morpheus Predictions , api_name:Best Sign 1, api_description:Today's best 1 sign, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"countryName\": \"str\", \"countryLogo\": \"str\", \"leagueName\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\", \"localTeamName\": \"str\", \"localTeamLogo\": \"str\", \"visitorTeamName\": \"str\", \"visitorTeamLogo\": \"str\", \"bet\": \"str\", \"betQuote\": \"float\", \"probability\": \"float\", \"matchDate\": \"str\", \"betState\": \"int\", \"hits\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1764", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AmericanFootballApi, api_name:MatchVotes, api_description:Get votes for a specific American Football match by providing its ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match for which you want to get the votes.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"vote\": {\"vote1\": \"int\", \"vote2\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1765", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Morpheus Predictions , api_name:Best Sign 2, api_description:Today's best 2 sign, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"countryName\": \"str\", \"countryLogo\": \"str\", \"leagueName\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\", \"localTeamName\": \"str\", \"localTeamLogo\": \"str\", \"visitorTeamName\": \"str\", \"visitorTeamLogo\": \"str\", \"bet\": \"str\", \"betQuote\": \"float\", \"probability\": \"float\", \"matchDate\": \"str\", \"betState\": \"int\", \"hits\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1766", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AmericanFootballApi, api_name:LeagueTopPlayersPlayoffs, api_description:This endpoint retrieves the top players for a specific league in playoffs during a given season., required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the season for which the league's top players in playoffs are to be retrieved.\"}, {\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the unique tournament for which the league's top players in playoffs are to be retrieved.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"topPlayers\\\": {\\\"defensiveInterceptions\\\": [{\\\"playedEnough\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"player\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"appearances\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"defensiveInterceptions\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 22}], \\\"defensiveSacks\\\": [{\\\"playedEnough\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"player\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"appearances\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"defensiveSacks\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCo\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1767", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Premier League Stats, api_name:GameweekGames, api_description:Get all games from a particular gameweek., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gameweek\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"club1\": \"str\", \"club2\": \"str\", \"club1Score\": \"str\", \"club2Score\": \"str\", \"finalScore\": \"str\", \"winner\": \"NoneType\", \"isLive\": \"bool\", \"isFuture\": \"bool\", \"gw\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"totalResultsCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1768", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betway, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds for Betway, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1769", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetEventDetails, api_description:GetEventDetails api data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"skinName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1770", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Metrx Factory, api_name:Matches, api_description:Returns a list of matches for given parameters.\n\nBoth historical and upcoming matches are supported. If no parameters are provided then all upcoming matches are returned. The time span covering next matches ranges between 8 hours for *Basic* and 60 hours for paid subscriptions.\n\nFor free subscriptions the following limits apply:\n\n`Max. requests per hour: 20`\n`Min. time between requests: 30 seconds`\n`Max. matches returned: 5`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"bill\": {\"charge\": \"int\"}, \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1771", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetTopSports, api_description:GetTopSports data api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1772", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Metrx Factory, api_name:Team Performance Indices, api_description:Returns a snapshot of global team performance indices sorted by rank in ascending order.\nSeparate index lists are maintained for club and national teams. The indication of projections controls which data should be collected and has direct impact on the payload and billed credits.\n\nIf no parameters are provided then the latest club team ranking is returned with only the main index projection in absolute index format. For details about index calculation and factors refer to the documentation.\n\nFor free subscriptions the following limits apply:\n\n`Max. requests per hour: 20`\n`Min. time between requests: 1 minute`\n`Max. performances returned: 5`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"bill\": {\"charge\": \"int\"}, \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1773", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betway, api_name:Matches, api_description:Latest Matches for Betway, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1774", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Dafabet, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds for Dafabet, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1775", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Betting Odds, api_name:/provider4/live/upcoming, api_description:get upcoming matches list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"38454059\\\": {\\\"mid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"away_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTXT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastUpdateTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"importancy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"odds\\\": {\\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"draw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-0\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest-of-match-1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest-of-match-0\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest-of-match-2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-over-1-5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-under-1-5\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"38454061\\\": {\\\"mid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"away_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTXT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastUpdateTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"importancy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"odds\\\": {\\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"draw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-0\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-2\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1776", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:Market value of players, api_description:Get market value of players, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sort_by\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"limit_value\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1777", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 NFL Live In-Game Real Time Statistics NFL, api_name:Get NFL Team Roster, api_description:This call returns the current or historical* roster of any team, using the teamID that can be found in \"getNFLTeams\" call.\n\nRosters are updated a few times throughout the day. Usually every hour. \n \nHistorical rosters are saved on a daily basis as of 20230505 and moving forward. \n\nCall needs to look like this:\n/getNFLTeamRoster?teamID=6\nor\n/getNFLTeamRoster?teamAbv=CHI\n\nThat will return a list of the team's current roster players in the body.\n\nAdd parameter archiveDate to the call to get a list of roster players (playerID's only) for that specific date. Historical roster dates only are kept as far back as 20230505., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": {\"team\": \"str\", \"roster\": [{\"jerseyNum\": \"str\", \"espnName\": \"str\", \"espnHeadshot\": \"str\", \"espnID\": \"str\", \"cbsLongName\": \"str\", \"cbsPlayerIDFull\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"team\": \"str\", \"espnIDFull\": \"str\", \"lastGamePlayed\": \"str\", \"espnLink\": \"str\", \"pos\": \"str\", \"school\": \"str\", \"bDay\": \"str\", \"teamID\": \"str\", \"injury\": {\"description\": \"str\", \"injDate\": \"str\", \"designation\": \"str\"}, \"exp\": \"str\", \"age\": \"str\", \"longName\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"playerID\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 86}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1778", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Handball Data, api_name:Team Schedule, api_description:Team fixtures by all the tournaments a team participates., required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the team.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"regular\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"regular\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"playingRound\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1779", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Handball Data, api_name:Tournament Standings, api_description:Team Rankings for a specific competition., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the tournament.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"tournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"stage\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"round\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"standings\\\": {\\\"overall\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"positionStatus\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"scored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"against\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"average\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"delta\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"played\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"points\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 16}], \\\"home\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"scored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"against\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"average\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"delta\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"played\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"points\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 16}], \\\"away\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"scored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"against\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"average\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"delta\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"played\\\": \\\"int\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1780", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Fitness Calculator, api_name:Daily calory requirements, api_description:Knowing your daily calorie requirements is important to achieve your final goal. You can calculate your daily calorie req. for 7 different goals., required_params: [{\"name\": \"activitylevel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"gender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"request_result\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"BMR\": \"int\", \"goals\": {\"maintain weight\": \"int\", \"Mild weight loss\": {\"loss weight\": \"str\", \"calory\": \"int\"}, \"Weight loss\": {\"loss weight\": \"str\", \"calory\": \"int\"}, \"Extreme weight loss\": {\"loss weight\": \"str\", \"calory\": \"int\"}, \"Mild weight gain\": {\"gain weight\": \"str\", \"calory\": \"int\"}, \"Weight gain\": {\"gain weight\": \"str\", \"calory\": \"int\"}, \"Extreme weight gain\": {\"gain weight\": \"str\", \"calory\": \"int\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1781", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betigolo Tips, api_name:Premium Tips, api_description:List of active Premium Tips, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1782", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Fitness Calculator, api_name:Burned Calorie From Activity, api_description:Calculate the burned calorie for a specific activity., required_params: [{\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"activityid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"activitymin\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"request_result\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"burnedCalorie\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1783", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betigolo Tips, api_name:Premium History, api_description:Historical result of Premium Tips in past 30 days, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"match_dat\": \"str\", \"sport\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"league\": \"str\", \"home_team\": \"str\", \"away_team\": \"str\", \"tip\": \"str\", \"fair_odd\": \"float\", \"tip_odd\": \"float\", \"result\": \"str\", \"tip_successful\": \"bool\", \"tip_profit\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1784", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Fitness Calculator, api_name:Ideal weight, api_description:Find four different ideal weight scores according to four different well-known equations which are Hamwi, Devine, Miller, Robinson. There are two parameters which are age and height(cm) values., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"request_result\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"Hamwi\": \"float\", \"Devine\": \"float\", \"Miller\": \"float\", \"Robinson\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1785", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Spectation Sports Events API, api_name:Fight, api_description:Get a single fight by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1786", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Formula 1 Standings, api_name:Races, api_description:It will return the current season races with basic information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"race_name\": \"str\", \"race_date\": \"str\", \"race_location\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 22}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1787", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Formula 1 Standings, api_name:Driver Standings, api_description:Will return the current F1 season driver standings., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1788", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Live Sports Odds, api_name:/v4/sports, api_description:Returns a list of available sports and tournaments. Use the `sports_key` in requests for /odds and /scores endpoints., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"key\": \"str\", \"group\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"active\": \"bool\", \"has_outrights\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1789", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Live Sports Odds, api_name:/v4/sports/{sport}/odds, api_description:Returns list of live and upcoming games for a given sport, showing bookmaker odds for the specified region and markets. Set the `sport` to a `sport_key` from the /sports endpoint. Alternatively if `sport=upcoming`, it will return a list of the next 8 upcoming games across all sports, as well as any live games. For more info, see [list of available sports](https://the-odds-api.com/sports-odds-data/sports-apis.html) and [list of available bookmakers](https://the-odds-api.com/sports-odds-data/bookmaker-apis.html)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"sport key for which to return games and odds\"}, {\"name\": \"regions\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Determines which bookmakers appear in the response. Can be a comma delimited list of regions. Each region will count as 1 request against the usage quota for each market. Most use cases will only need to specify one region. For a list of bookmakers by region, see https://the-odds-api.com/sports-odds-data/bookmaker-apis.html\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"sport_key\": \"str\", \"sport_title\": \"str\", \"commence_time\": \"str\", \"home_team\": \"str\", \"away_team\": \"str\", \"bookmakers\": [{\"key\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"last_update\": \"str\", \"markets\": [{\"key\": \"str\", \"last_update\": \"str\", \"outcomes\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1790", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Bildbet, api_name:Matches, api_description:Latest Matches for Bildbet, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1791", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Bildbet, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds for Bildbet, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1792", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Player Information, api_description:This endpoint returns player demographic information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NFL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1793", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:PredictX, api_name:Get Today's Predictions, api_description:\"Get Today's Predictions\" is a powerful feature offered by the predictX API that allows developers to retrieve accurate predictions for events happening on the current day. This feature provides users with valuable insights and helps them make informed decisions about upcoming matches.\n\n These predictions are generated using advanced algorithms and statistical models that take into account various factors such as team performance, player statistics, historical data, and other relevant parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1794", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Premier League Upcoming Matches, api_name:/fixtures, api_description:When making a request to this API, it will return a JSON containing a list of upcoming matches in Premier League, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"results\": \"empty list\", \"pageInfo\": {\"page\": \"int\", \"numPages\": \"int\", \"pageSize\": \"int\", \"numEntries\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1795", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:PredictX, api_name:Get Next Predictions, api_description:\"Get Next Predictions\" is a powerful feature offered by the predictX API that allows developers to retrieve accurate predictions for upcoming events happening on the current day. This feature provides users with valuable insights and helps them make informed decisions about upcoming matches.\n\n These predictions are generated using advanced algorithms and statistical models that take into account various factors such as team performance, player statistics, historical data, and other relevant parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1796", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Player Season Statistics, api_description:Returns Player Season Statistics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NFL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1797", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get game statistics, api_description:You are a statistics freak? We too! Here you can check all statistics!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"gameId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1798", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Divanscore, api_name:players/get-transfer-history, api_description:Get transfer history of specific player, required_params: [{\"name\": \"playerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in \\u2026/players/search or \\u2026/teams/get-squad or \\u2026/matches/get-best-players or etc\\u2026\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"transferHistory\": [{\"player\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"position\": \"str\", \"userCount\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"transferFrom\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"userCount\": \"int\", \"nameCode\": \"str\", \"disabled\": \"bool\", \"national\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"teamColors\": {\"primary\": \"str\", \"secondary\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}}, \"transferTo\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"userCount\": \"int\", \"nameCode\": \"str\", \"disabled\": \"bool\", \"national\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"teamColors\": {\"primary\": \"str\", \"secondary\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}}, \"fromTeamName\": \"str\", \"toTeamName\": \"str\", \"type\": \"int\", \"transferFee\": \"int\", \"transferFeeDescription\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"transferDateTimestamp\": \"int\", \"transferFeeRaw\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1799", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get game details, api_description:With \"Get game details\" you'll get the basic information about the game you were looking for., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gameId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1800", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Divanscore, api_name:matches/get-media, api_description:Get latest media relating to the match, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id field of match returned in \\u2026/tournaments/get-featured-events or \\u2026/tournaments/get-scheduled-events or \\u2026/tournaments/get-matches or \\u2026/teams/get-matches or \\u2026/players/get-matches or \\u2026/managers/get-matches\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1801", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Free NBA, api_name:Get All Games, api_description:This endpoint retrieves all games. Seasons are represented by the year they began. For example, 2018 represents season 2018-2019., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"home_team\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"conference\": \"str\", \"division\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"home_team_score\": \"int\", \"period\": \"int\", \"postseason\": \"bool\", \"season\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"visitor_team\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"conference\": \"str\", \"division\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"visitor_team_score\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 25}], \"meta\": {\"total_pages\": \"int\", \"current_page\": \"int\", \"next_page\": \"int\", \"per_page\": \"int\", \"total_count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1802", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betcity, api_name:Matches, api_description:Latest matches by Betcity, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1803", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:Copa Sudamericana latest matches, api_description:Latest matches of Copa Sudamericana by bookie - updated every 24 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1804", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:Copa Libertadores latest matches, api_description:Latest matches of Copa Libertadores by bookie - updated every 24 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1805", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:England latest Matches, api_description:Latest matches in England by bookie - updated every 24 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1806", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betano, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds by Betano., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1807", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Premier League Stats, api_name:FootballersByClub, api_description:Get list of footballers for a given club., required_params: [{\"name\": \"club\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"position\": \"str\", \"nationality\": \"str\", \"club\": \"str\", \"updatedTimestamp\": {\"seconds\": \"int\", \"nanos\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 40}], \"totalResultsCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1808", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betano, api_name:Matches, api_description:Latest matches by Betano., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1809", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Serie A, api_name:Team Stats by Category, api_description:This endpoints allows you to retrieve players statistics accross different categories. Possible categories are: goals, shots, assists, crosses, saves, avgkmtraveled, headshotgoals , offsides, corners , playingtime, posts-crossbars ,ballpossession], required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \" Possible categories are: goals, shots, assists, crosses, saves, avgkmtraveled, headshotgoals , offsides, corners , playingtime, posts-crossbars ,ballpossession]\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"internal_error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1810", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Serie A, api_name:Players Stats by Category, api_description:This endpoints allows you to retrieve players statistics accross different categories. 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You can also query for live matches and for matches played starting from 1990., required_params: [{\"name\": \"match_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"MatchId\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"Text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1812", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NFL Team Stats_v2, api_name:Get Team Win Data, api_description:Provides a JSON Response containg a list of all teams' win/loss data. Parameters include a specific year.\n\nThe year parameter should be a year between these years: 1920 - current year., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1813", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NBA Stats_v2, api_name:get_per36_career_regular_season_by_id, api_description:Api to query per36 career regular season, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1814", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NBA Stats_v2, api_name:get_teams, api_description:Api to query teams, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1815", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Major League Soccer Standings, api_name:Major League Soccer Standings, api_description:Major League Soccer Standings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1816", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:OS Sports Perform, api_name:Transfer history, api_description:Get player transfer history, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"player_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"player\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"firstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"transferFrom\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", 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\"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../series/list or .../series/list-archives endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"venue\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"ground\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"imageId\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 13}], \"appIndex\": {\"seoTitle\": \"str\", \"webURL\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1819", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Unofficial Cricbuzz, api_name:teams/list, api_description:List teams, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : international|league|domestic|women\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"teamData\": [{\"teamName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 39}], \"appIndex\": {\"seoTitle\": \"str\", \"webURL\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1820", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NBA Stats_v2, api_name:get_career_totals_allstar, api_description:Api to query career totals allstar, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1821", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetAllSports, api_description:GetAllSports data api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1822", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetEventExternalInfo, api_description:GetEventExternalInfo data api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1823", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetLiveMenuStreaming, api_description:GetLiveMenuStreaming data api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Result\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1824", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinaculo, api_name:Search Matchups, api_description:Search matchups., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query string.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ageLimit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"altTeaser\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"bestOfX\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"external\\\": {}, \\\"featureOrder\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasAltSpread\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasAltTotal\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasLive\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasMarkets\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isBetshareEnabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isFeatured\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isHighlighted\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isLive\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isPromoted\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"league\\\": {\\\"ageLimit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"external\\\": {}, \\\"featureOrder\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"group\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isFeatured\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isHidden\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isPromoted\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isSticky\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"matchupCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matchupCountSE\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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[{\"amount\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"matchupId\": \"int\", \"period\": \"int\", \"prices\": [{\"designation\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"status\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"version\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1827", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NBA Stats_v2, api_name:get_per36_career_regular_season, api_description:Api to query per36 career regular season, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1828", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NBA Stats_v2, api_name:get_per_game_career_regular_season, api_description:Api to query per game career regular season, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1829", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports Live Scores, api_name:Futsal Live Matches, api_description:Returns Futsal Live Matches with betting odds, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"internal_error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1830", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NBA Stats_v2, api_name:get_per36_career_post_season_by_id, api_description:Api to query per36 career post season, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1831", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccer Data, api_name:Team Schedule, api_description:Team fixtures by all the tournaments a team participates., required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the team.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"regular\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"regular\": \"int\", 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You can choose suitable match from Soccer Match List or Fixture endpoints., required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"status\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"h2h\\\": {\\\"goalAnalysis\\\": {\\\"overall\\\": {\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"scoringFirst\\\": {\\\"matchCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalMatchCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"winningAfter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"drawAfter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losingAfter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"scoringFirstGoalMinutesBetween\\\": [{\\\"from\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"to\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"percentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]}}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"scoringFirst\\\": {\\\"matchCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalMatchCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"winningAfter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"drawAfter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losingAfter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"scoringFirstGoalMinutesBetween\\\": [{\\\"from\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"to\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"percentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]}}}, \\\"home\\\": {\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"scoringFirst\\\": {\\\"matchCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalMatchCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"winningAfter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"drawAfter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losingAfter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"scoringFirstGoalMinutesBetween\\\": [{\\\"from\\\": \\\"int\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1833", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Hockey - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Weekly Schedule, api_description:Returns all events from the date specified plus 7 days in advance, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NHL\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Returns all events from the date specified plus 7 days in advance.\\n\\nFormat: now or YYYY-MM-DD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1834", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Hockey - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Player Season Statistics, api_description:Returns Player Season Statistics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NHL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1835", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Chillybets, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds for Chillybets, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1836", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Chillybets, api_name:Matches, api_description:Latest Matches for Chillybets, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1837", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Score API, api_name:get_football_live_scores_today, api_description:Get Live scores for today's football matches, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1838", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Score API, api_name:get_scores_for_given_date, api_description:If you want to know the list of football matches for a given date and what was their scores you can use this API.\nAll this api needs is the date input in the format %Y-%m-%d.\nEg:- 2022-12-01, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1839", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Hockey - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Team Information, api_description:This endpoint returns team information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NHL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1840", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Dolphin, api_name:Football season statistics, api_description:Football season statistics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type_of_statistics\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"**Enter one from available types of statistics:**\\nall scores,\\nexact number of goals in the match,\\ngoals over,\\ngoals under,\\nhome vs away full time result,\\nhome vs away result first half and the match\"}, {\"name\": \"season\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**Enter one season from all available seasons:**\\n1995/96, 1996/97, 1997/98, 1999/00, 2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Season\": \"str\", \"Total number of played matches\": \"float\", \"0-0\": \"float\", \"1-0\": \"float\", \"2-0\": \"float\", \"3-0\": \"float\", \"4-0\": \"float\", \"5-0\": \"float\", \"6-0\": \"float\", \"7-0\": \"float\", \"0-1\": \"float\", \"1-1\": \"float\", \"2-1\": \"float\", \"3-1\": \"float\", \"4-1\": \"float\", \"5-1\": \"float\", \"0-2\": \"float\", \"1-2\": \"float\", \"2-2\": \"float\", \"3-2\": \"float\", \"4-2\": \"float\", \"0-3\": \"float\", \"1-3\": \"float\", \"2-3\": \"float\", \"3-3\": \"float\", \"6-3\": \"float\", \"0-4\": \"float\", \"1-4\": \"float\", \"2-4\": \"float\", \"0-5\": \"float\", \"1-5\": \"float\", \"2-5\": \"float\", \"0-6\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1841", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetHighlights, api_description:GetHighlights Data Api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1842", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetLiveEvents, api_description:GetLiveEvents data api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1843", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FootApi, api_name:LeagueOverallTopPlayers, api_description:Get the overall top players for the given tournament and season ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique ID of the tournament for which you want to retrieve the top players.\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the season for which you want to retrieve the top players.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1844", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FootApi, api_name:TeamOverallStatistics, api_description:Get the overall statistics for a specific Football team in a particular tournament and season., required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID you want to retrieve the team's overall statistics for.\"}, {\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID you want to retrieve the team's overall statistics for.\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team you want to retrieve the overall statistics for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1845", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Daily Betting Tips, api_name:Get Predictions by Date, api_description:This Endpoint is used to load Betting Tips from API the tips, this returns only tips for a given date passed as parameter.\nTo load tips for a given date organised in Ascending order pass parameter sort with value \"-id\".\nThe date format for a given date should be \"dd.MM.yyyy\", else response from API will be empty., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1846", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Match Play by Play, api_description:Live match events with scores.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Basketball Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"playByPlay\": {\"quarter1\": [{\"type\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"minute\": \"int\", \"orderNo\": \"int\", \"period\": \"int\", \"isStatus\": \"bool\", \"second\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 9}]}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1847", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Team Schedule, api_description:Team fixtures by all the tournaments a team participates., required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the team.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"quarter1\": \"int\", \"quarter2\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"quarter3\": \"int\", \"quarter4\": \"int\", \"regular\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"quarter1\": \"int\", \"quarter2\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"quarter3\": \"int\", \"quarter4\": \"int\", \"regular\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"info\": {\"stadium\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1848", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Match APi, api_name:Get all match play today by competitions, api_description:Retrieve all matches info (teams, time,result) that are scheduled to be played today by competition id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"competition_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1849", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FootApi, api_name:CategoryTournaments, api_description:Get all leagues associated with a specific Football category by providing the category ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The category ID for which you want to retrieve all leagues.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1850", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccer App, api_name:Lives, api_description:All Live matches, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1851", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Seasonal Advanced Team Statistics, api_description:Provides the season-wide advanced team statistics with home team / away team filters.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Basketball Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1852", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:F1 Race Schedule, api_name:Race List, api_description:Lists down all the races in the schedule, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"race_no\": \"int\", \"track\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1853", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Bundesliga Standings, api_name:Bundesliga Standings, api_description:Bundesliga Standings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1854", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Super Lig Standings, api_name:Super Lig Standings, api_description:Super Lig Standings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1855", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FIFA 2022 Schedule and Stats, api_name:Get matches on a specific date, api_description:Parameters:\n1. date - Date to query the matches\n2. utc_offset - Change the utc offset of the date to suit your timezone.\n\nReturns the matches on the specified date and timezone.\nWorks for both historical, live, and future dates.\nMatch data consists of date, time, home team, away team, and many more, see the example response for an example., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"from\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"to\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"matches\\\": [{\\\"StageName\\\": [{\\\"Locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"GroupName\\\": [{\\\"Locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"CompetitionName\\\": [{\\\"Locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"SeasonName\\\": [{\\\"Locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"Date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LocalDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Home\\\": {\\\"Score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Side\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"IdTeam\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IdCountry\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Tactics\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"AgeType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"TeamName\\\": [{\\\"Locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"Abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ShortClubName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FootballType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Gender\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"IdAssociation\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Away\\\": {\\\"Score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Side\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"IdTeam\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IdCountry\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Tactics\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"AgeType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"TeamName\\\": [{\\\"Locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"Abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ShortClubName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FootballType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Gender\\\": \\\"i\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1856", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccerway Feed, api_name:Explore competitions, api_description:Get a list of competitions by area_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"area_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"area_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"uuid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"season_name\": \"str\", \"area\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"uuid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 85}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1857", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NBA Schedule_v2, api_name:Schedule, api_description:Get the stats of past NBA games and schedule for upcoming ones, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1858", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Cricket Live Data, api_name:Fixtures By Date, api_description:Lists fixtures for a given date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"series_id\": \"int\", \"venue\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"match_title\": \"str\", \"match_subtitle\": \"str\", \"home\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}, \"away\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1859", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Simple Surf Forecast Api, api_name:GetSurfbreaksByCountry, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1860", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Cricket Live Data, api_name:Fixtures, api_description:Lists next 50 fixtures across all series', required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"series_id\": \"int\", \"venue\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"match_title\": \"str\", \"match_subtitle\": \"str\", \"home\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}, \"away\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1861", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Betting Odds, api_name:/provider4/live/list, api_description:get all matches, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"38454059\\\": {\\\"mid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"away_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTXT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastUpdateTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"importancy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"odds\\\": {\\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"draw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-0\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest-of-match-1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest-of-match-0\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest-of-match-2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-over-1-5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-under-1-5\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"38454061\\\": {\\\"mid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"away_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTXT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastUpdateTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"importancy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"odds\\\": {\\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"draw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-0\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1st-2\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1862", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Betting Odds, api_name:/oddsnames, api_description:get all odds names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ename\": \"str\", \"ecode\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1863", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore_v2, api_name:matches/v2/get-incidents, api_description:Get incidents in a match, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Eid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of Eid field returned in .../matches/v2/list-by-league or .../matches/v2/list-by-date or .../matches/v2/list-live or .../competitions/detail endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"Category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : soccer|cricket|basketball|tennis|hockey\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1864", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore_v2, api_name:news/list (Deprecated), api_description:List all news of specific category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : soccer|cricket|basketball|tennis|hockey\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1865", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore_v2, api_name:news/v2/list-by-sport, api_description:List news relating to a specific sport by category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of categories -> id JSON object returned in .../news/v2/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1866", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SportifyAPI, api_name:StatisticsinUniqueTournament, api_description:Statisticsin Unique Tournament, required_params: [{\"name\": \"uniqueTournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1867", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SportifyAPI, api_name:EventHighlights, api_description:Event Highlights, required_params: [{\"name\": \"eventId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], 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optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1908", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NBA Statistics API, api_name:topAssistsBySeasonTotalAssists, api_description:## Return top 20 players by assists in descending order.\n\n_Season is specified in the URL._, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1909", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football_v2, api_name:SquadName, api_description:Search a squad in a table by its name. 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standings.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"standings\": [{\"podiums\": \"int\", \"points\": \"int\", \"position\": \"int\", \"racesStarted\": \"int\", \"racesWithPoints\": \"int\", \"team\": {\"category\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}}, \"country\": {\"alpha2\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"disabled\": \"bool\", \"flag\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nameCode\": \"str\", \"national\": \"bool\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}, \"teamColors\": {\"primary\": \"str\", \"secondary\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"int\", \"userCount\": \"int\"}, \"updatedAtTimestamp\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 15}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1918", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:National Football Players, api_name:Positions, api_description:Returns all positions (i.e. quarterback: QB), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Quarterback\": \"str\", \"RunningBack\": \"str\", \"Fullback\": \"str\", \"WideReceiver\": \"str\", \"TightEnd\": \"str\", \"Center\": \"str\", \"OffensiveTackle\": \"str\", \"OffensiveGuard\": \"str\", \"DefensiveEnd\": \"str\", \"DefensiveTackle\": \"str\", \"Linebacker\": \"str\", \"Cornerback\": \"str\", \"Safety\": \"str\", \"Kicker\": \"str\", \"Punter\": \"str\", \"LongSnapper\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1919", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MotorsportApi, api_name:TeamImage, api_description:Get image for a specific Motorsport team., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The team ID for which to retrieve the image.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1920", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:National Football Players, api_name:Player, api_description:Returns player info of player specified (i.e. name, number, position, team). Use hyphenated name with capitals (i.e. Tom-Brady), required_params: [{\"name\": \"playerName\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"player\": \"str\", \"position\": \"str\", \"number\": \"str\", \"team\": \"str\", \"teamAbb\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1921", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Live Sports Odds, api_name:/v4/sports/{sport}/scores, api_description:Returns list of live and upcoming games for a given sport, and optionally recently completed games. Live and completed games will contain scores. **Currently in beta** and only available for selected sports. For more info, see the [list of available sports](https://the-odds-api.com/sports-odds-data/sports-apis.html), required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"sport key for which to return games and odds\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"sport_key\": \"str\", \"sport_title\": \"str\", \"commence_time\": \"str\", \"completed\": \"bool\", \"home_team\": \"str\", \"away_team\": \"str\", \"scores\": \"NoneType\", \"last_update\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1922", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Match APi, api_name:Get all competitions information, api_description:Retrieve all competitions information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1923", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football (soccer) team names, api_name:All teams, api_description:You'll get more than 7000 football (soccer) team names, with their short names from almost every league and country., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1924", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betmaster, api_name:Matches, api_description:Latest Matches by Betmaster, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1925", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betmaster, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds by Betmaster., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1926", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football (soccer) team names, api_name:First 25 teams, api_description:You'll get only the first 25 team names and their short names if you have basic plan., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1927", "title": "", "text": 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Updated throughout each session., required_params: [{\"name\": \"session_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fields\\\": {\\\"race\\\": {\\\"race_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"season\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"track\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"session\\\": {\\\"general\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"session_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"details\\\": {\\\"laps\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"comments\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"finished_ts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated_ts\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"flag_history_array\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"detail\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"session_timer\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"drivers_array\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gap\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"interval\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"current_tyre\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stops\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"current_lap\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"comments\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"retired\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"did_not_start\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"disqualified\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last_update\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"speed\\\": {\\\"note\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last_update\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"top_speeds\\\": {\\\"sector\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"drivers_array\\\": {\\\"driver\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"speed\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"driver_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team_id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}, \\\"wea\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1934", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:F1 Live Motorsport Data, api_name:Seasons, api_description:Lists available F1 seasons to query - starting point for the application., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"fields\": {\"season\": \"str\"}}, \"results\": [{\"season\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1935", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Global Data, api_name:Sports List, api_description:Provides the list of the sports which are supported in the global coverage., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1936", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Global Data, api_name:Country List, api_description:Provides the list of the countries which belong to the tournaments., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1937", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Daily Betting Tips, api_name:Get All Predictions, api_description:This Endpoint is used to load all Betting Tips from API the tips are organised into multiple coupons.\nTo load all tips organised in Ascending order pass parameter sort with value \"-id\"., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"sort\": \"NoneType\", \"owner\": \"NoneType\", \"created_on\": \"str\", \"modified_on\": \"str\", \"league_name\": \"str\", \"match_id\": \"str\", \"home_team\": \"str\", \"away_team\": \"str\", \"odd_value\": \"str\", \"team_home_score\": \"NoneType\", \"team_away_score\": \"NoneType\", \"match_minute\": \"str\", \"coupon_name\": \"str\", \"game_prediction\": \"str\", \"match_status\": \"str\", \"match_date\": \"str\", \"match_time\": \"str\", \"match_timestamp\": \"str\", \"sport_type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1938", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Serie A, api_name:Current Leaderboard, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve the current leaderboard, updated at the last match played., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"internal_error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1939", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Serie A, api_name:Matches List by Season and Matchday, api_description:Via this endpoint, you can retrieve all the matches that occurred on a given matchday in a given season. Note that we support season starting from **1990** till **2022**, and matchday between **1** and **38**., required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchday\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"matchday>=1 and matchday<=38\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"year>=1990 and year<=2022\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"MatchDay\": \"int\", \"Year\": \"int\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1940", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinaculo, api_name:Sport Markets Live Straight, api_description:Get sport markets live straight., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The sport id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1941", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinaculo, api_name:Sport Leagues, api_description:Get sport leagues., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The sport id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1942", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:TeamTournaments, api_description:Get the unique tournaments that a specific basketball team has participated in., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team for which you want to retrieve the tournaments\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uniqueTournaments\": [{\"category\": {\"alpha2\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}}, \"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"primaryColorHex\": \"str\", \"secondaryColorHex\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"userCount\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1943", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:TeamNextMatches, api_description:Get the next matches for a specific basketball team., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zero-based page\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team for which you want to retrieve the next matches\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1944", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:MatchH2HDuel, api_description:Get head-to-head duel information for a specific basketball match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match for which you want to get head-to-head duel\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"managerDuel\": \"NoneType\", \"teamDuel\": {\"awayWins\": \"int\", \"draws\": \"int\", \"homeWins\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1945", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Premier League Stats, api_name:Footballers By ID, api_description:Get a players stats by their ID. Choose from all 597 registered premier league players., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"position\": \"str\", \"nationality\": \"str\", \"club\": \"str\", \"updatedTimestamp\": {\"seconds\": \"int\", \"nanos\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"totalResultsCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1946", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get scheduled games by country, api_description:With \"Get scheduled games by country\" you'll receive all games which a scheduled for a specific country and date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"scoreHomeAwaySlug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"scoreAwayHomeSlug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"round\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasEventPlayerStatistics\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"status\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"short\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"short\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"homeScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"normaltime\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"normaltime\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"time\\\": {\\\"injuryTime1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentPeriodStartTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"competition\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"category\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1947", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Daily Betting Tips, api_name:Get Predictions performance statistics, api_description:This Endpoint is used to check the predictions performance for a given date.\nThe date format for a given date should be \"dd.MM.yyyy\", else response from API will be empty., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1948", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Prediction, api_name:Get list of fixture IDs, api_description:Returns a list of fixture IDs that can be used to make requests to endpoints expecting a ID url parameter.\nCan be filtered by:\n\n- iso_date\n- market\n- federation, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [\"list of int with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1949", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Zeus API, api_name:Competitions, api_description:List all available competitions 🏆., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"competitions\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"area\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1950", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Baseball - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Season Schedule, api_description:Returns season schedule for the specified season. If omitted, returns the schedule for current season., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Returns season schedule for the specified season. If omitted, returns the schedule for current season.\"}, {\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1951", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Hockey - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Player Information, api_description:This endpoint returns player demographic information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NHL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1952", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Hockey - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Team Depth Charts, api_description:Returns player depth charts for a team, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NHL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1953", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Bet-at-Home, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds by Bet-at-Home, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1954", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaSport, api_name:Newly added events, api_description:Newly added events, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"eventId\": \"int\", \"homeTeamId\": \"int\", \"awayTeamId\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 72}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1955", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Daily Betting Tips, api_name:Get Coupons Endpoint, api_description:- This Endpoint provides daily AI analyzed Betting coupons with high win rate.\n- To load all tips organized in Ascending order pass parameter sort with value \"-id\"., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"sort\": \"NoneType\", \"owner\": \"NoneType\", \"created_on\": \"str\", \"coupons_list_data\": [{\"league_name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"match_id\": \"str\", \"home_team\": \"str\", \"away_team\": \"str\", \"game_prediction\": \"str\", \"odd_value\": \"str\", \"match_minute\": \"str\", \"match_status\": \"str\", \"match_date\": \"str\", \"match_time\": \"str\", \"match_timestamp\": \"str\", \"sport_type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"coupon_date_time\": \"str\", \"coupon_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1956", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaSport, api_name:Stage seasons (motorsport), api_description:Get team stage seasons (motorsport), required_params: [{\"name\": \"team_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"team_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"uniqueStage\": {\"category\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"id\": \"int\", \"flag\": \"str\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"description\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"year\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"startDateTimestamp\": \"int\", \"endDateTimestamp\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 6}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1957", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Player Information, api_description:This endpoint returns player demographic information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1958", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Daily Schedule, api_description:Returns season schedule for the specified date or \"now\" returns current day's schedule. Daily schedule is changed at 10 AM ET., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"now returns current day's schedule. Daily schedule is changed at 10 AM ET.\\n\\nFormat: string now or YYYY-MM-DD\"}, {\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1959", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:IPL API, api_name:getMatchs, api_description:to get all the match details ., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1960", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccerway Feed, api_name:Match data, api_description:Get match data by match uuid. Ex.: season, competition, area, form, h2h, table, lineup, commentaries, teams stats, required_params: [{\"name\": \"match_uuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Match uuid\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"area\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"competition\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"season\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"round\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"match\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"round\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"date_time_utc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"match_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"played\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fts_A\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fts_B\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hts_A\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hts_B\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"match_day\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team_A\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tla_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"team_B\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tla_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"venue\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"attendance\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"referee\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"form\\\": {\\\"team_A\\\": {\\\"serie\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goal_pro\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goal_against\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matches\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_time_utc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"match_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fts_A\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fts_B\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hts_A\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hts_B\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team_A\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uui\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1961", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BetSports, api_name:get-banners-new, api_description:get-banners-new data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"error\": \"NoneType\", \"data\": {\"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1962", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccerway Feed, api_name:Competition data, api_description:Get competition data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"competition_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"competition_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"competition\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"area\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"seasons\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"active\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"start_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"end_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 112}]}, \\\"gamesets\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameweek\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"matches\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rb_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"round\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"date_time_utc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"match_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fts_A\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fts_B\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hts_A\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hts_B\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"match_day\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team_A\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tla_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"team_B\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tla_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 38}], \\\"tables\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"round\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"season\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"active\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"start_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"end_date\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"competition\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uu\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1963", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMA Stats, api_name:UFC 289: Nunes vs. Aldana (June 10, 2023), api_description:**Get details to UFC 289: Nunes vs. Aldana**. \n Access a range of information about each fighter, including their win-loss record, height, weight, reach, and age. results of a particular fight or a fighter's win-loss record., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1964", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BetSports, api_name:superOffer, api_description:superOffer data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"matches\": \"empty list\", \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1965", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMA Stats, api_name:UFC Fight Night: Rozenstruik vs. Almeida (May 13, 2023), api_description:**Get details to UFC Fight Night: Rozenstruik vs. Almeida**. \n Access a range of information about each fighter, including their win-loss record, height, weight, reach, and age. results of a particular fight or a fighter's win-loss record., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1966", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Handball Data, api_name:Seasonal Statistics: Goals, api_description:Provides the goal statistics of the team in the tournament., required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the team.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"h2h\\\": {\\\"seasonalStatistics\\\": {\\\"overall\\\": {\\\"halfTime\\\": {\\\"win\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"winningPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"drawPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lose\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losingPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalGoalsScored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goalsScoredPerMatch\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalGoalsConceded\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goalsConcededPerMatch\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalGoals\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goalsPerMatch\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"ordinaryTime\\\": {\\\"win\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"winningPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"drawPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lose\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losingPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalGoalsScored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goalsScoredPerMatch\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalGoalsConceded\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goalsConcededPerMatch\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalGoals\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goalsPerMatch\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"finalScore\\\": {\\\"win\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"winningPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"drawPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lose\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losingPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalGoalsScored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goalsScoredPerMatch\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalGoalsConceded\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goalsConcededPerMatch\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalGoals\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goalsPerMatch\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"home\\\": {\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1967", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betigolo Predictions, api_name:Football predictions by day, api_description:Get a list of all matches for a specific day, including predictions for many markets., required_params: [{\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1968", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 Fantasy Stats, api_name:Get Team Roster, api_description:This call returns the current or historical* roster of any team, using the teamID that can be found in \"getNBATeams\" call.\n\nRosters are updated a few times throughout the day. Usually once per hour and before each game starts.\n \nCall needs to look like this:\n/getNBATeamRoster?teamID=1\nor\n/getNBATeamRoster?teamAbv=ATL\n\n\nThat will return a list of the team's current roster players in the body.\n\nHistorical rosters are saved on a daily basis as of 20230505 and moving forward. \n\nAdd parameter archiveDate to the call to get a list of roster players (playerID's only) for that specific date. Historical roster dates only are kept as far back as 20230505., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": {\"team\": \"str\", \"teamID\": \"str\", \"roster\": [{\"college\": \"str\", \"jerseyNum\": \"str\", \"bRefID\": \"str\", \"espnName\": \"str\", \"nbaComLink\": \"str\", \"nbaComHeadshot\": \"str\", \"lastGamePlayed\": \"str\", \"espnLink\": \"str\", \"pos\": \"str\", \"teamID\": \"str\", \"injury\": {\"description\": \"str\", \"injDate\": \"str\", \"designation\": \"str\"}, \"nbaComName\": \"str\", \"exp\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"nbaComID\": \"str\", \"espnHeadshot\": \"str\", \"espnID\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"team\": \"str\", \"bRefName\": \"str\", \"espnShortName\": \"str\", \"bDay\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"longName\": \"str\", \"playerID\": \"str\", \"stats\": {\"blk\": \"str\", \"fga\": \"str\", \"DefReb\": \"str\", \"ast\": \"str\", \"ftp\": \"str\", \"tptfgp\": \"str\", \"tptfgm\": \"str\", 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{\"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"uniqueName\": \"str\", \"hasEventPlayerStatistics\": \"bool\", \"hasEventPlayerHeatMap\": \"NoneType\", \"hasBoxScore\": \"NoneType\", \"isActive\": \"bool\", \"uniqueId\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 37}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1972", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Bet-at-Home, api_name:Matches, api_description:Latest matches by Bet-at-Home, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1973", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BetSports, api_name:localized-routes, api_description:localized-routes data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"routes\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1974", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BetSports, api_name:getTaxRulesV2, api_description:getTaxRulesV2 data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"taxes\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1975", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:WOSTI-Futbol TV Spain, api_name:GetTeams, api_description:Obtener el listado de equipos de fútbol televisados en España., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Competitions\": \"empty list\", \"Id\": \"int\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1976", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:WOSTI-Futbol TV Spain, api_name:GetEvents, api_description:Obtener el listado de eventos de partidos de fútbol televisados en España.\n\n> Este endpoints no requiere de ningún parámetro., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"LocalTeam\": {\"Competitions\": \"empty list\", \"Id\": \"int\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Image\": \"str\"}, \"AwayTeam\": {\"Competitions\": \"empty list\", \"Id\": \"int\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Image\": \"str\"}, \"Competition\": {\"Sport\": {\"MatchesSport\": 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{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The page number (starting from 0) of the next matches you want to retrieve.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1979", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:CricketAPI2, api_name:LeagueLogoImage, api_description:Get the logo image for a cricket league in PNG format, using the league's ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the cricket league for which you want to retrieve the logo image.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1980", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Morpheus Predictions , api_name:Best Over 1.5, api_description:Today's best over 1.5, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"countryName\": \"str\", \"countryLogo\": \"str\", \"leagueName\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\", \"localTeamName\": \"str\", \"localTeamLogo\": 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tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:ManagerImage, api_description:Get the image for a specific basketball manager using the manager ID. The image is in PNG format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The manager ID for which you want to retrieve the image\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1983", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Morpheus Predictions , api_name:Best Quote, api_description:The best predictions with good odds, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1984", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Baseball, api_name:game-boxscore/{gamePk}, api_description:Query Baseball games, teams, scores etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gamePk\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter a game ID - can be found in the schedule endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"results\\\": {\\\"away\\\": {\\\"team\\\": {\\\"springLeague\\\": 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"category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:Japan latest Odds, api_description:Latest odds for matches in Japan - updated every 6 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1989", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ice Hockey Data, api_name:Tournament Fixture, api_description:Full match list with period and final scores., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the tournament.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"period1\": \"int\", \"period2\": \"int\", \"period3\": \"int\", \"regular\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"period1\": \"int\", \"period2\": \"int\", \"period3\": \"int\", \"regular\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": 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league's away standings.\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID for which you want to get the league's away standings.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"standings\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rows\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"draws\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matches\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"overtimeLosses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"points\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"promotion\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"scoresAgainst\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"scoresFor\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": 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api_description:Get a list of every Final Four venue sorted alphabetically., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2000", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NCAA Final Four, api_name:Coach appearances by count, api_description:Get a list of coach appearances in the Final Four ranked by count., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2001", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BetsAPI, api_name:Bet365 Upcoming Events, api_description:get bet365 fixtures, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"error_detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2002", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Event Ball-ball (cricket), api_description:Get a ball by ball on an event (cricket) by event ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Event id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": [{\"TAB_NAME\": \"str\", \"ITEMS\": [{\"OVERS\": \"str\", \"RUNS\": \"str\", \"SCORE\": \"str\", \"BOWLER_TO_BATSMAN_INFO\": \"str\", \"BALLS\": [{\"BALL_TYPE\": \"str\", \"BALL_VALUE\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"_list_length\": 189}], \"_list_length\": 4}], \"LAST_CHANGE_KEY\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2003", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FIA Formula 1 Championship Statistics, api_name:Starting Grid, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve information about a specific race starting grid by passing path parameters for year & location. The parameters are required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"startingGrid\": [{\"pos\": \"str\", \"no\": \"str\", \"driver\": \"str\", \"car\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"title\": \"str\", \"raceDate\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"httpStatusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2004", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:National Football Players, api_name:Team Roster, api_description:Returns roster of football team. Use team abbreviation when specifying team (i.e. BUF, NE, MIA, etc.). See /teams to get team names and abbreviations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"team\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"player\": \"str\", \"position\": \"str\", \"number\": \"str\", \"team\": \"str\", \"teamAbb\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2005", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Player Career, api_description:Get player career by player ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Player id\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sport id, use `Sports list` endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": [{\"TAB_ID\": \"int\", \"TAB_LABEL\": \"str\", \"TAB_TYPE\": \"int\", \"ROWS\": [{\"SEASON_LABEL\": \"str\", \"TEAM_ID\": \"str\", \"TEAM_NAME\": \"str\", \"TEAM_IMAGE_URL\": \"str\", \"TOURNAMENT_NAME\": \"str\", \"TOURNAMENT_FLAG_ID\": \"int\", \"TOURNAMENT_STAGE_ID\": \"str\", \"STATS\": {\"4\": \"str\", \"1\": \"str\", \"8\": \"str\", \"2\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 19}], \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2006", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FIA Formula 1 Championship Statistics, api_name:Hall of Fame, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve information about all F1 champions also known as the Hall of Fame. The result of the endpoint will be a breakdown of driver's name and in which year the driver was crowned champion., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hallOfFames\": [{\"driver\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 34}], \"httpStatusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2007", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FIA Formula 1 Championship Statistics, api_name:Race Calendar, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve the current championship schedule and information about the **next round**. Time zone is GMT +00:00 Europe/London, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"nextRoundEvents\": [{\"organizer\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"startDate\": \"str\", \"endDate\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"raceCalendarEvents\": [{\"organizer\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"startDate\": \"str\", \"endDate\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 117}], \"httpStatusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2008", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Sports list, api_description:Get a list of sports, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": [{\"ID\": \"int\", \"NAME\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 40}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2009", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Simple Surf Forecast Api, api_name:GetForecastById, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"spotId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2010", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Event Odds, api_description:Get odds by event ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Event id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": [{\"BETTING_TYPE\": \"str\", \"PERIODS\": [{\"ODDS_STAGE\": \"str\", \"GROUPS\": [{\"GROUP_NAME\": \"NoneType\", \"OUTCOMES\": {\"ODDS_LABEL_SECOND\": \"str\", \"ODDS_LABEL_THIRD\": \"str\"}, \"MARKETS\": [{\"BOOKMAKER_ID\": \"int\", \"BOOKMAKER_NAME\": \"str\", \"ODD_CELL_SECOND\": {\"MOVE\": \"str\", \"VALUE\": \"float\"}, \"ODD_CELL_THIRD\": {\"MOVE\": \"str\", \"VALUE\": \"float\"}, \"ODDS_AVAILABLE\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2011", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Simple Surf Forecast Api, api_name:GetTodaysForecast, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"spotId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2012", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports Betting API, api_name:Inplay, api_description:Inplay List, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"events\": [{\"event_id\": \"int\", \"sport_id\": \"str\", \"league\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"match\": \"str\", \"home\": \"str\", \"away\": \"str\", \"home_score\": \"int\", \"away_score\": \"int\", \"tv\": \"NoneType\", \"current\": \"str\", \"odds\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"groupId\": \"int\", \"value\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"markets\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2013", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Summary news data, api_description:Get brief information about the news by article_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"article_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Article ID\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": {\"ID\": \"str\", \"TITLE\": \"str\", \"PUBLISHED\": \"int\", \"EDITED_AT\": \"NoneType\", \"IMAGES\": [{\"URL\": \"str\", \"VARIANT_TYPE\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 9}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2014", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NCAA Final Four, api_name:Location, api_description:Get the Final Four city and venue for the given year., required_params: [{\"name\": \"identifier\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"year\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"venue\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2015", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:WOSTI-Futbol TV Peru, api_name:GetCompetitions, api_description:Obtener el listado de competiciones de partidos de fútbol televisados en Perú.\n\n> Este endpoints no requiere de ningún parámetro., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Sport\": {\"MatchesSport\": \"bool\", \"Id\": \"int\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Image\": \"str\"}, \"Id\": \"int\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2016", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:WOSTI-Futbol TV Peru, api_name:GetTeams, api_description:Obtener el listado de equipos de fútbol televisados en Perú., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Competitions\": \"empty list\", \"Id\": \"int\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2017", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football PL, api_name:Player Stats, api_description:Player Stats, required_params: [{\"name\": \"PlayerName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2018", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Team Season Statistics, api_description:Returns statistics for teams, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NFL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2019", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Dreambet, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds for Dreambet, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2020", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Live Game Data, api_description:This endpoint provides real-time game box scores., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"now returns today's started and finished events. Specific date returns started and finished events from that date.\\n\\nFormat: now or YYYY-MM-DD\"}, {\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NFL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2021", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 NFL Live In-Game Real Time Statistics NFL, api_name:Get Player List, api_description:Grabs all of this season's players and their IDs. \n\nONE CALL is all you need to retrieve every player. No need to call multiple times to get the full list.\n\nRosters are updated multiple times per day during the season.\n\nYou mainly will use this to match a player with his playerID.\n\nThere are no parameters, just a simple call..\n\n/getNFLPlayerList, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": [{\"espnID\": \"str\", \"espnName\": \"str\", \"espnIDFull\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"jerseyNum\": \"str\", \"cbsShortName\": \"str\", \"team\": \"str\", \"age\": \"str\", \"espnLink\": \"str\", \"bDay\": \"str\", \"espnHeadshot\": \"str\", \"cbsLongName\": \"str\", \"injury\": {\"description\": \"str\", \"injDate\": \"str\", \"designation\": \"str\"}, \"teamID\": \"str\", \"pos\": \"str\", \"school\": \"str\", \"cbsPlayerID\": \"str\", \"longName\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"cbsPlayerIDFull\": \"str\", \"lastGamePlayed\": \"str\", \"playerID\": \"str\", \"exp\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3489}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2022", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 NFL Live In-Game Real Time Statistics NFL, api_name:Get Daily NFL Schedule, api_description:Get basic information on which games are being played during a day. \ncall is like this:\n/getNFLGamesForDate?gameDate=20221211\nThe above call will return all of the games from December 11th, 2022. Date must be in that format. \nThey come back in a list format within the body of the response., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": [{\"gameID\": \"str\", \"seasonType\": \"str\", \"away\": \"str\", \"gameDate\": \"str\", \"espnID\": \"str\", \"teamIDHome\": \"str\", \"gameStatus\": \"str\", \"gameWeek\": \"str\", \"teamIDAway\": \"str\", \"home\": \"str\", \"espnLink\": \"str\", \"cbsLink\": \"str\", \"gameTime\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\", \"neutralSite\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 11}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2023", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Betting Odds, api_name:/provider2/live/inplaying, api_description:get inplaying matches list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"240360435\\\": {\\\"mid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"away_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTXT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastUpdateTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"importancy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"odds\\\": {\\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"draw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"next-goal-4-2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"next-goal-4-0\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"next-goal-4-1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"over-3-5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"under-3-5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"over-4-5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"under-4-5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"draw-and-over-3-5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home-and-over-3-5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home-and-under-3-5\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"240360438\\\": {\\\"mid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"away_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTXT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastUpdateTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"importancy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"odds\\\": {\\\"next-goal-5-2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"next-goal-5\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2024", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Daily Match List-Scheduled, api_description:Daily match list including scheduled matches.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with date range of today - 7 days.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the match. The format is {dd/MM/yyyy}. Data can be retrieved for only \\u00b1 7 days.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2025", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports Betting API, api_name:Leagues, api_description:League List, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"sportId\": \"str\", \"leagues\": [{\"lId\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 217}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2026", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:Featured Games, api_description:Get featured games., required_params: [{\"name\": \"langId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The language id. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"numberOfGames\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of games to include.\"}, {\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The sport.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"competitions\\\": [{\\\"competitorsType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentSeasonNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentStageNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentStageType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasActiveGames\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasBrackets\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasLiveStandings\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStandings\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStandingsGroups\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"liveGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameForURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"popularityRank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sportId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"competitors\\\": [{\\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"competitorNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasSquad\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"longName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mainCompetitionId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameForURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"popularityRank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sportId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"symbolicName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 8}], \\\"countries\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"liveGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameForURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sportTypes\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 8\\\"], \\\"totalGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 9}], \\\"games\\\": [{\\\"awa\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2027", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:Competitor Large Image, api_description:Get competitor large image. It generates image/png., required_params: [{\"name\": \"imageVersion\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The imageVersion value.\"}, {\"name\": \"competitorId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The athlete id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2028", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:Argentina latest Matches, api_description:Latest matches in Argentina by bookie - updated every 24 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2029", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:Norway latest Odds, api_description:Latest odds for matches in Norway - updated every 6 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2030", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:Surebets, api_description:The provided endpoint lists all the latest arbitrage opportunities, sorted in chronological order. Surebets can be led together by the same \"id\".\nPlease be careful and always verifiy the odds and the matched games., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2031", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:Game Predictions, api_description:Get game predictions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"langId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The language id. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The sport.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"competitions\\\": [{\\\"competitorsType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentSeasonNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentStageNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentStageType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasActiveGames\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasBrackets\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasLiveStandings\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStandings\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStandingsGroups\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"liveGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameForURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"popularityRank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sportId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"competitors\\\": [{\\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"competitorNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasSquad\\\": 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reach, and age. results of a particular fight or a fighter's win-loss record., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2037", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FIA Formula 1 Championship Statistics, api_name:Fastest Laps, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve fastest laps data about a specific F1 championship by specifying a year. If you ommit the year query parameter, a default value will be set to current year. The response data will contain information about the Grand Prix, Driver, Car & Fastest Lap Time in the form of a collection., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"dhlFastestLapWinner\": {\"driverName\": \"NoneType\", \"fastestLapsCount\": \"NoneType\"}, \"dhlFastestLaps\": [{\"grandPrix\": \"str\", \"driver\": {\"firstname\": \"str\", \"lastname\": \"str\", \"abbr\": \"str\"}, \"car\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 19}], \"httpStatusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2038", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccer Data, api_name:Match Summary, api_description:Match scores, match status, team names, stadium, referee and weather forecast.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Soccer Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"regular\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"regular\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"info\": {\"stadium\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"referee\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"weather\": {\"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"temperatureC\": \"float\", \"temperatureF\": \"float\"}}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2039", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FIA Formula 1 Championship Statistics, api_name:Qualifying Results, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve the qualifying results for a specific race by specifying the year and location as path parameters. The parameters are required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"qualifyingResults\": [{\"pos\": \"str\", \"no\": \"str\", \"driver\": \"str\", \"car\": \"str\", \"q1\": \"str\", \"q2\": \"str\", \"q3\": \"str\", \"lapTime\": \"NoneType\", \"laps\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 22}], \"title\": \"str\", \"raceDate\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"httpStatusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2040", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FIA Formula 1 Championship Statistics, api_name:Practice Session Results, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve information about a specific practice session by passing path parameters for **session number**, **year** & **location**., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"session_number\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2041", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football xG Statistics, api_name:Tournaments List By CountryId, api_description:The method is used to get a list of leagues (divisions) by the country id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2042", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccer Data, api_name:Seasonal Goal Analysis: Conceding First, api_description:Provides the conceding first goal statistics of the teams against to other teams in the tournament in the minutes intervals(0-10, 11-20, 21-30...etc.)\n\nThe data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Soccer Match List or Fixture endpoints., required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"status\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"h2h\\\": {\\\"seasonalGoalAnalysis\\\": {\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"overall\\\": {\\\"concedingFirst\\\": {\\\"matchCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalMatchCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"winningAfter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"drawAfter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losingAfter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"commonGoalMinutes\\\": [{\\\"percentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"from\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"to\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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[], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2044", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:2PEAK.com Dynamic TRAINING PLANS for cycling running and Triathlon, api_name:/api/v2/activities?before=2014-07-24T18:00:00Z&after=2014-07-14T18:00:00Z, api_description:Get Activities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2045", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MotorsportApi, api_name:StageDetails, api_description:Get the details of a specific Motorsport stage., required_params: [{\"name\": \"stageId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The stage ID for which to retrieve the details.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"stage\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endDateTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"flag\\\": 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player's injury on a team, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NHL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2050", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Cricbuzz Cricket, api_name:matches/get-scorecard-v2, api_description:Get match scorecard, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of matchId field returned in \\u2026/matches/list, \\u2026/schedules/list, \\u2026/series/get-matches, \\u2026/teams/get-schedules, \\u2026/teams/get-results, \\u2026/venues/get-matches endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"scoreCard\\\": [{\\\"matchId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"inningsId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timeScore\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"batTeamDetails\\\": {\\\"batTeamId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"batTeamName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"batTeamShortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"batsmenData\\\": {\\\"bat_5\\\": {\\\"batId\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. 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\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Returns all events from the date specified plus 7 days in advance.\\n\\nFormat: now or YYYY-MM-DD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2099", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Baseball - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Player Season Statistics, api_description:Returns Player Season Statistics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Parameter can be omitted and request will return player stats for current season. Specify the beginning of sport season, ie: 2017-2018 season = 2017.\\n\\nFormat: YYYY\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2100", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Serie A Standings, api_name:Serie A Standings, api_description:Serie A Standings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2101", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BetsAPI, api_name:Bet365 InPlay, api_description:bet365 inplay data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"int\", \"results\": [\"list of list with length 1\"], \"stats\": {\"update_at\": \"str\", \"update_dt\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2102", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BetsAPI, api_name:Bet365 PreMatch Odds, api_description:prematch odds, required_params: [{\"name\": \"FI\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"error_detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2103", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Fitness Calculator, api_name:Food Info, api_description:Find the food info for a food id from the food database., required_params: [{\"name\": \"foodid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status_code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"request_result\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"foodid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"portion\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"portionUnit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"foodNutrients\\\": {\\\"Protein\\\": {\\\"unitname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"Fat\\\": {\\\"Fatty acids, total saturated\\\": {\\\"unitname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"Total lipid (fat)\\\": {\\\"unitname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"Fatty acids, total monounsaturated\\\": {\\\"unitname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated\\\": {\\\"unitname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"Carbonhydrate\\\": {\\\"unitname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"Energy\\\": {\\\"unitname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Water\\\": {\\\"unitname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Micronutrients\\\": {\\\"Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)\\\": {\\\"unitname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"Carotene, beta\\\": {\\\"unitname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Vitamin K (phylloquinone)\\\": {\\\"unitname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)\\\": {\\\"unitname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"Vitamin A, IU\\\": {\\\"unitname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Retinol\\\": {\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2104", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Rugby Live Data, api_name:Teams By Competition Season, api_description:Lists teams for a given competition and season, required_params: [{\"name\": \"comp_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"season_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 12}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2105", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Rugby Live Data, api_name:Fixtures By Team, api_description:Lists only upcoming/in play fixtures for a given team. \n\n**Note** it will not list any results, so when a match reaches result status it drops off. Use Fixtures and Results By Team OR Fixtures And Results by Team by Season endpoint for this functionality., required_params: [{\"name\": \"team_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2106", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Rugby Live Data, api_name:Competitions, api_description:Lists active competitions available to query, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"fields\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\", \"season_name\": \"str\"}}, \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"season\": \"int\", \"season_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 81}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2107", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football xG Statistics, api_name:Fixture By FixtureId, api_description:The method is used to get info and events of fixtures by the fixture id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"startTime\": \"int\", \"updateTime\": \"int\", \"homeTeam\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"duration\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"firstHalf\": \"int\", \"secondHalf\": \"int\"}, \"homeScore\": {\"final\": \"int\", \"firstHalf\": \"int\"}, \"awayScore\": {\"final\": \"int\", \"firstHalf\": \"int\"}, \"xg\": {\"home\": \"float\", \"away\": \"float\"}, \"country\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"tournament\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"season\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"events\": [{\"homeScore\": \"int\", \"awayScore\": \"int\", \"minute\": \"int\", \"author\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"teamId\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"xg\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 26}], \"odds\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"open\": \"float\", \"last\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"limits\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2108", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FootApi, api_name:MatchStatistics, api_description:Get the statistics for a specific Football match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match you want to retrieve the statistics for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2109", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football_v2, api_name:News, api_description:Search all the news for a specific championship., required_params: [{\"name\": \"championship\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2110", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football_v2, api_name:Results, api_description:Get all the results from a championship., required_params: [{\"name\": \"championship\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2111", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FootApi, api_name:LeagueLastMatches, api_description:This operation returns the last matches of a football league for the specified tournament and season ID, including match timings, teams, and other relevant information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique ID of the tournament for which you want to retrieve the last matches.\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID for which you want to retrieve the last matches.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The zero-based page number.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2112", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Match Boxscore, api_description:Live, detailed team and player statistics.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Basketball Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"boxscore\\\": [{\\\"player\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"knownName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shirtNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"playingTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalPoints\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"successfulFreeThrows\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"freeThrowAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"freeThrowSuccessRate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"successfulFieldGoals\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fieldGoalAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fieldGoalSuccessRate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"successfulThreePointShots\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"threePointShotAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"threePointSuccessRate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"defensiveRebounds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"offensiveRebounds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalRebounds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"assists\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"turnovers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"steals\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"blocks\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"personalFouls\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isStarting\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}], \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"stage\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"round\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2113", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Horse Racing, api_name:Trainers win rate, api_description:Get Trainers stats in the last days.\nRuns, Wins and Win Rate in %., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": \"str\", \"win_rate\": [{\"wins\": \"str\", \"runs\": \"str\", \"win-rate\": \"str\", \"trainer\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 151}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2114", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Seasonal Statistics: Quarter Analysis, api_description:Provides the seasonal quater analysis and statistics of the team in the tournament., required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the team.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"h2h\\\": {\\\"seasonalQuarterAnalysis\\\": {\\\"overall\\\": {\\\"averagePointsScored\\\": {\\\"quarter1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter2\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"halfTime\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter4\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ordinaryTime\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"overTime\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"finalScore\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"averagePointsConceded\\\": {\\\"quarter1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter2\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"halfTime\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter4\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ordinaryTime\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"overTime\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"finalScore\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"home\\\": {\\\"averagePointsScored\\\": {\\\"quarter1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter2\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"halfTime\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter4\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ordinaryTime\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"overTime\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"finalScore\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"averagePointsConceded\\\": {\\\"quarter1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter2\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"halfTime\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter4\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ordinaryTime\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"overTime\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"finalScore\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"away\\\": {\\\"averagePointsScored\\\": {\\\"quarter1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter2\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"halfTime\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter4\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"o\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2115", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Horse Racing, api_name:Racecards, api_description:Get races list., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id_race\": \"str\", \"course\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"age\": \"str\", \"going\": \"str\", \"finished\": \"str\", \"canceled\": \"str\", \"finish_time\": \"str\", \"prize\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2116", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:168predict VIP Football Predictions, api_name:Tomorrow Super Sure VIP HT/FT Matches, api_description:This endpiont delivers tomorrow super sure and precise HT/FT matches. All of the forecasts have been carefully selected. Visit www.168predict.site for more information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2117", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Unofficial Cricbuzz, api_name:matches/get-hcommentaries, api_description:Another endpoint used to get match commentaries, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of matchId field returned in .../matches/list, .../matches/get-schedules, .../series/get-matches, .../teams/get-schedules, .../teams/get-results, .../venues/get-matches endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"commentaryLines\": [{\"commentary\": {\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"eventType\": \"str\", \"commentaryFormats\": [{\"_list_length\": 5}]}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"responseLastUpdated\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2118", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Unofficial Cricbuzz, api_name:series/get-stats, api_description:Get stats, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seriesId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../series/list or .../series/list-archives endpoints.\"}, {\"name\": \"statsType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'value' field returned in .../series/get-stats-filter endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"testStats\": [{\"headers\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"values\": [{\"values\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"_list_length\": 15}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2119", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Zeus API, api_name:Areas ID, api_description:List one area given by id 🔍., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2120", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Zeus API, api_name:Competitions ID, api_description:List one competition given by id 🔍., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"area\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2121", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Cbet, api_name:Matches, api_description:Latest Matches for Cbet, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2122", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:test opta, api_name:test, api_description:test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2123", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:test opta, api_name:EPL, api_description:EPL Key, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2124", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Greyhound Racing UK, api_name:Results, api_description:Get results races by date, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2125", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Greyhound Racing UK, api_name:Race detail info, api_description:**Get race detailed info by ID {id_race}.**\n\nYou can get the \"id_race\" from Results or Racecards endpoints, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id_race\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"greyhounds\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2126", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Greyhound Racing UK, api_name:Racecards, api_description:**Get races list.**\n\n- By default current day.\n- Or by date, setting it by parameter, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2127", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ice Hockey Data, api_name:Daily Match List-Scheduled, api_description:Daily match list including scheduled matches.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with date range of today - 7 days.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the match. The format is {dd/MM/yyyy}. Match list data can be retrieved for only \\u00b1 7 days.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2128", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NHL API, api_name:NHL Team Players, api_description:This API endpoint will return the team roster information for a specific NHL team., required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Team Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nickname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortDisplayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alternateColor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isActive\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"logos\\\": [{\\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"alt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rel\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"lastUpdated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"record\\\": {\\\"items\\\": [{\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stats\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 31}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}]}, \\\"athletes\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"guid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alternateIds\\\": {\\\"sdr\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"alternateId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"firstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fullName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"weight\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"displayWeight\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"displayHeight\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"age\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dateOfBirth\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"links\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rel\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sho\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2129", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ice Hockey Data, api_name:Daily Match List-Live, api_description:Daily match list including live matches.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with date range of today - 7 days.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the match. The format is {dd/MM/yyyy}. Match list data can be retrieved for only \\u00b1 7 days.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"period1\": \"int\", \"period2\": \"int\", \"period3\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"period1\": \"int\", \"period2\": \"int\", \"period3\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2130", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NHL API, api_name:NHL Box Score, api_description:From the NHL, this endpoint retrieves game box score data for a specific game., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Game id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"teams\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortDisplayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alternateColor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"logo\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"players\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortDisplayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alternateColor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"logo\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"keys\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 21\\\"], \\\"labels\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 21\\\"], \\\"descriptions\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 21\\\"], \\\"athletes\\\": [{\\\"athlete\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"guid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"links\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rel\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2131", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:UFC Fighters_v2, api_name:Get all fighters, api_description:endpoint with all ufc fighters stats in the history, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2132", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:UFC Fighters_v2, api_name:Get specific fighter, api_description:endpoint to get specific fighter stats\nFirstname_Lastname\nfirst letter of first name shoud be upper and same for last name\nfirstname and lastname seprated with underscore _, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Firstname_Lastname\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2133", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NCAA Final Four, api_name:Team appearances, api_description:Get a list of every team and the years they appeared in the Final Four., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2134", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SportifyAPI, api_name:UniqueTournaments, api_description:Unique Tournaments, required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uniqueTournaments\": [{\"category\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}}, \"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"primaryColorHex\": \"str\", \"secondaryColorHex\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"userCount\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2135", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Hockey - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Daily Schedule, api_description:Returns season schedule for the specified date or \"now\" returns current day's schedule. Daily schedule is changed at 10 AM ET., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NHL\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Returns all events from the date specified plus 7 days in advance.\\n\\nFormat: now or YYYY-MM-DD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2136", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get team transfers, api_description:Here you'll get all in and outgoing transfers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2137", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get best players in playoffs (if exist), api_description:Works the same like regular season just for the playoffs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"competitionId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2138", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:Competition Standings, api_description:Get competition standings, required_params: [{\"name\": \"standing_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"competition_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Competition ID\"}, {\"name\": \"season_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Season ID, endpoint `Seasons of competition`\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"share\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"table\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"group\": \"NoneType\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"oldRank\": \"int\", \"clubName\": \"str\", \"clubImage\": \"str\", \"points\": \"int\", \"goals\": \"int\", \"goalsConceded\": \"int\", \"goalDifference\": \"int\", \"matches\": \"int\", \"wins\": \"int\", \"losses\": \"int\", \"draw\": \"int\", \"markID\": \"str\", \"markClass\": \"str\", \"markColor\": \"str\", \"markDescription\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"legend\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\", \"color\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2139", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:Competitor Current Games, api_description:Get competitor current games., required_params: [{\"name\": \"competitorId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The competitor id.\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"langId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The language id. Check the tutorials.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"bookmakers\\\": [{\\\"actionButton\\\": {\\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameForURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"competitions\\\": [{\\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"competitorsType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentPhaseName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currentPhaseNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentSeasonNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentStageNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentStageType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasActiveGames\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasBrackets\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStandings\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStandingsGroups\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"liveGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameForURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"popularityRank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sportId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"competitors\\\": [{\\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"competitorNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasSquad\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"mainCompetitionId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameForURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"popularityRank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sportId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"symbolicName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2140", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:World Cup champions, api_description:World cup champions. 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Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"competitorId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The competitor id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"competitions\\\": [{\\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"competitorsType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentPhaseName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currentPhaseNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentSeasonNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentStageType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasBrackets\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStandings\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStandingsGroups\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStats\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameForURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"popularityRank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sportId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"competitors\\\": [{\\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"competitorNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasSquad\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": 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\"description\": \"The unique tournament ID you want to retrieve the league's home standings from.\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID you want to retrieve the league's home standings from.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2144", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:ManagerLastMatches, api_description:Get the last matches for a specific basketball manager., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zero-based page\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the manager for which you want to retrieve the last matches\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2145", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:LeagueAwayStandings, api_description:Get the away standings for a specific basketball league in a given tournament and season., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID for which you want to retrieve the league's away standings\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID for which you want to retrieve the league's away standings\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"standings\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rows\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"draws\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gamesBehind\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matches\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"percentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"promotion\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"scoresAgainst\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"scoresFor\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": 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Check out the example responses here for the type of data you can expect back. Some of the sportsbooks do not offer live betting, so data from those sportsbooks will not be returned after the game starts. \n\n\nEither gameDate or gameID is required.\nExamples of what the calls can look like:\n/getNBABettingLines?gameDate=20221227\n/getNBABettingLines?gameID=20221227_DEN@SAC, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"statusCode\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"body\\\": {\\\"20230304_ATL@MIA\\\": {\\\"last_updated_e_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"betmgm\\\": {\\\"totalUnder\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamSpread\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamSpreadOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeamSpread\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeamSpreadOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalOverOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalUnderOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamMLOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeamMLOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalOver\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gameDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fanduel\\\": {\\\"totalUnder\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamSpread\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamSpreadOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeamSpread\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeamSpreadOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalOverOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalUnderOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamMLOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeamMLOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalOver\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"wynnbet\\\": {\\\"totalUnder\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamSpread\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamSpreadOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeamSpread\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeamSpreadOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalOverOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalUnderOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamMLOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeamMLOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalOver\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"unibet\\\": {\\\"totalUnder\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamSpread\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamSpreadOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeamSpread\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeT\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2147", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:Competition Brackets, api_description:Get competition braackets., required_params: [{\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"langId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The language id. Check the tutorials.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2148", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:Competition Standings, api_description:Get competition standings., required_params: [{\"name\": \"isPreview\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"Is it for use in a preview?\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonNum\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season number.\"}, {\"name\": \"competition\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The competition id.\"}, {\"name\": \"stageNum\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The stage number.\"}, {\"name\": \"live\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"Get live standings.\"}, {\"name\": \"langId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The language id. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. Check the tutorials.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2149", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football xG Statistics, api_name:Fixtures List By SeasonId, api_description:The method is used to get a list of fixtures by the season id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"startTime\": \"int\", \"updateTime\": \"int\", \"homeTeam\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"duration\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"firstHalf\": \"int\", \"secondHalf\": \"int\"}, \"homeScore\": {\"final\": \"int\", \"firstHalf\": \"int\"}, \"awayScore\": {\"final\": \"int\", \"firstHalf\": \"int\"}, \"xg\": {\"home\": \"float\", \"away\": \"float\"}, \"country\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"tournament\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"season\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"events\": [{\"homeScore\": \"int\", \"awayScore\": \"int\", \"minute\": \"int\", \"author\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"teamId\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"xg\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 29}], \"odds\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"open\": \"float\", \"last\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"limits\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"open\": \"int\", \"last\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"_list_length\": 380}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2150", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports Live Scores, api_name:Cricket League Rankings, api_description:Returns the standings for a given league ID. 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\"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team you want to retrieve the last matches for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2178", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:HandballAPI, api_name:PlayerNearMatches, api_description:Get near matches of a handball player by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the player you want to retrieve the near matches for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"nextEvent\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"previousEvent\\\": {\\\"awayScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"normaltime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period2\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": 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For details about index calculation and factors refer to the documentation.\n\nFor free subscriptions the following limits apply:\n\n`Max. requests per hour: 20`\n`Min. time between requests: 1 minute`\n`Max. performances returned: 5`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"bill\": {\"charge\": \"int\"}, \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2184", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:OS Sports Perform, api_name:Unique tournament seasons, api_description:Get seasons of the unique tournament, required_params: [{\"name\": \"unique_tournament_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Unique tournament id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"year\": \"str\", \"editor\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 31}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2185", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllSportsApi, api_name:Cricket Match, 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api_name:topScorersInThePlayoffsBySeasonTotalPoints, api_description:## Return top players (playoffs) by total points in descending order.\n\n_Playoffs season is specified in the URL._, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2190", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:Transfers records, api_description:Get the transfers records, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"playerID\": \"str\", \"fromClubID\": \"str\", \"toClubID\": \"str\", \"transferredAt\": \"int\", \"isLoan\": \"NoneType\", \"wasLoan\": \"NoneType\", \"season\": \"str\", \"fromCompetitionID\": \"str\", \"toCompetitionID\": \"str\", \"transferFee\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\"}, \"transferMarketValue\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"progression\": \"NoneType\"}, \"_list_length\": 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the last 20 matches between the two teams in overall, with home and away filters.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Basketball Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2196", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Match Summary, api_description:Basic summary about the match that includes match scores, match status, team names, venue, and round info.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Basketball Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"quarter1\": \"int\", \"quarter2\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"quarter3\": \"int\", \"quarter4\": \"int\", \"regular\": \"int\", \"overTime\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"quarter1\": \"int\", \"quarter2\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"quarter3\": \"int\", \"quarter4\": \"int\", \"regular\": \"int\", \"overTime\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"info\": {\"stadium\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2197", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetCouponMatchesCount, api_description:GetCouponMatchesCount data api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2198", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetTopSportMenu, api_description:GetTopSportMenu data api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Result\": [{\"SportId\": \"int\", \"SortOrder\": \"int\", \"SportTypeId\": \"int\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"EventCount\": \"int\", \"HasLiveEvents\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2199", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:score, api_name:cat, api_description:cat, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cid\": \"int\", \"category_name\": \"str\", \"category_image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2200", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMA Stats, api_name:UFC Fight Night: Emmett vs. Topuriar (June 24, 2023), api_description:**UFC Fight Night: Emmett vs. Topuria**. \n Access a range of information about each fighter, including their win-loss record, height, weight, reach, and age. results of a particular fight or a fighter's win-loss record., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2201", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetMenuBySport, api_description:GetMenuBySport data api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2202", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetEventTypes, api_description:GetEventTypes data api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2203", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Fantasy Cricket, api_name:Live Fantasy Score, api_description:Real-time and Low-Latency Match Live Score API. Get the match score, Batting, bowling and fielding information for a specified match in real time\nAny issues, queries, api integration, custom plan or to **Create your own Fantasy Sports Application** contact us at support@techflinch.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2204", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports odds BetApi, api_name:Concrete match, api_description:data of concrete match, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dataApi\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The \\\"event\\\" parameter indicates that we return a match with a specific id\"}, {\"name\": \"dataType\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"line or live\"}, {\"name\": \"game_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"enter the match id\"}, {\"name\": \"dataLang\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"ru, en\"}, {\"name\": \"list_type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Way of formation of a conclusion. There may be two kinds: sub - events will be grouped into groups. list - all events are displayed, just a general list.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"page\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2205", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Heatmap, api_description:Get heatmap player by event_id and team_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"team_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Team id\"}, {\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Event id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"playerPoints\": [{\"x\": \"float\", \"y\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 649}], \"goalkeeperPoints\": [{\"x\": \"float\", \"y\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2206", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Player statistics, api_description:Get player statistics. 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All data = 0\"}, {\"name\": \"TypeOdds\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"line, live\"}, {\"name\": \"TypeParams\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"sports, countries, tournaments\"}, {\"name\": \"CountryId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"number Country[1 or 2 or 3]. 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Same query strings and pagination functionality is supported with **/predictions/list**\n\n* Use **/predictions/list** endpoint to get market bet predictions., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2210", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get player details, api_description:Get more information about a playerId, required_params: [{\"name\": \"playerId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2211", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ice Hockey Data, api_name:Tournament Standings, api_description:Team Rankings for a specific competition., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the tournament.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"tournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"stage\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"round\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"standings\\\": {\\\"overall\\\": [{\\\"streakLose\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"overtimeLost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"row\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shootoutWon\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shootoutLost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"positionStatus\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"scored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"against\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wpg\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"difference\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"delta\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"played\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"points\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}], \\\"home\\\": [{\\\"streakWin\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"overtimeLost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"row\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shootoutWon\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shootoutLost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"scored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"against\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wpg\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"difference\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"delta\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"played\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"points\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_l\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2212", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sportsbook Odds, api_name:Arbitrage & Low Hold, api_description:This returns the bets that have arbitrage and all bets that have low holds. It may be a bit confusing at the moment so if you have questions feel free to ask. Just as a basic overview, all of the lines for each side of the bet are shown in \"outcomes\", in \"alt_low_hold\" it shows the combinations of 2 sites that make up low hold bets from those outcomes, in \"alt_arb\" it likewise shows the combinations that are arbitrage., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2213", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sportsbook Odds, api_name:Game Odds - Tiered Schedule, api_description:This is a schedule that is tiered and separated with qualitative information. It is used for the website BookBreakers.us to create accordion tables of bet data.\n\nThe Tiers:\n1. Bet Type and Game Period (Eg. P3^0 is 3 Pointers Full Game in Basketball)\n2. Player (Eg. Jayson Tatum) (NOTE: If this is not a prop this tier will not exists)\n3. Lines Available (Eg. 2.5, 3.5)\n4. Outcomes for Those Lines (Eg. O, U for Over and Under)\n5. Sites (Eg. Fanduel, DraftKings, ETC.), required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2214", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Baseball, api_name:game-matrix/{gamePk}, api_description:Query Baseball scores, stats, betting information etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gamePk\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter a game ID - can be found in the schedule endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"results\\\": {\\\"game\\\": {\\\"gamePk\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gameType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"season\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"officialDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": {\\\"abstractGameState\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"codedGameState\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"detailedState\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"statusCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"startTimeTBD\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"abstractGameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teams\\\": {\\\"away\\\": {\\\"leagueRecord\\\": {\\\"wins\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pct\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"isWinner\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"probablePitcher\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fullName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"splitSquad\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"seriesNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"home\\\": {\\\"leagueRecord\\\": {\\\"wins\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pct\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"isWinner\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"probablePitcher\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fullName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"splitSquad\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"seriesNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"venue\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"content\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"isTie\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gameNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"publicFacing\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"doubleHeader\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gamedayType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ti\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2215", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:All data, api_name:APIs, api_description:Return data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2216", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Baseball, api_name:leagues, api_description:Baseball leagues, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameShort\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonState\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hasWildCard\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasSplitSeason\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"numGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasPlayoffPoints\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"numTeams\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"numWildcardTeams\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"seasonDateInfo\\\": {\\\"seasonId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"preSeasonStartDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"preSeasonEndDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonStartDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"springStartDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"springEndDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"regularSeasonStartDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastDate1stHalf\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"allStarDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"firstDate2ndHalf\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"regularSeasonEndDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postSeasonStartDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postSeasonEndDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonEndDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"offseasonStartDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"offSeasonEndDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonLevelGamedayType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameLevelGamedayType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"qualifierPlateAppearances\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"qualifierOutsPitched\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"season\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"orgCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"conferencesInUse\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"divisionsInUse\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"sortOrder\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2217", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FIA Formula 1 Championship Statistics, api_name:Drivers Standings, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve drivers standings data about a specifit F1 championship by specifying a year. If you ommit the ***year*** query parameter, a default value will be set to current year. The response data will contain information about the position in the rank list, driver's name, nationality, team and total points accumulated., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"driverStandings\": [{\"pos\": \"int\", \"driver\": {\"firstname\": \"str\", \"lastname\": \"str\", \"abbr\": \"str\"}, \"nationality\": \"str\", \"car\": \"str\", \"pts\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 23}], \"httpStatusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2218", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Unofficial Cricbuzz, api_name:news/get-topics, api_description:Get all available topics, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"topics\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"headline\": \"str\", \"desc\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 330}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2219", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Unofficial Cricbuzz, api_name:series/get-points-table, api_description:Get points table by series, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seriesId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../series/list or .../series/list-archives endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"pointsTable\": [{\"groupName\": \"str\", \"pointsTableInfo\": [{\"teamId\": \"int\", \"teamName\": \"str\", \"matchesPlayed\": \"int\", \"matchesWon\": \"int\", \"matchesDrawn\": \"int\", \"noRes\": \"int\", \"points\": \"int\", \"nrr\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"appIndex\": {\"seoTitle\": \"str\", \"webURL\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2220", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 Fantasy Stats, api_name:Get NBA Games and Stats for a Single Player, api_description:This call will grab a map of all of the games a player has played in the season. \nplayerID is a required parameter.\nYou can also use gameID if you want to only pull back a specific game. \nseason is an optional parameter. Currently only 2022 (last season) and 2023 (this season) are available. If you do not include season as a parameter, it will return this season's games. \n\nExample:\nCorrect way to get the stats for Nikola Vucevic for his game against the Heat on 10/19/2022 would be this:\n/getNBAGamesForPlayer?playerID=28268405032&gameID=20221019_CHI@MIA\n\nBut if you wanted to get all of his games this season, you'd make this call\n/getNBAGamesForPlayer?playerID=28268405032\n\nIf you want his games from last season, do this..\n/getNBAGamesForPlayer?playerID=28268405032&season=2022\n\nBut if you wanted to get all of his games this season, you don't have to include the season. Simply make this call\n/getNBAGamesForPlayer?playerID=28268405032\n\nYou can limit the amount of games returned with parameter: numberOfGames. For example: &numberOfGames=5 will return the last 5 games this player has an entry for.\n\nThis call will not work without playerID. If you want stats for all players during a game, then use the getNBABoxScore call with that specific gameID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"playerID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"playerID required\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"statusCode\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"body\\\": {\\\"20230414_CHI@MIA\\\": {\\\"blk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"OffReb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ftp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DefReb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"plusMinus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tech\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOV\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fga\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ast\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tptfgp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamAbv\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mins\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fgm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fgp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tptfgm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fta\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tptfga\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"playerID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ftm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20230412_CHI@TOR\\\": {\\\"blk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"OffReb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ftp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DefReb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"plusMinus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tech\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOV\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fga\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ast\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tptfgp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamAbv\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mins\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fgm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fgp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tptfgm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fta\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tptfga\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"playerID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ftm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20230409_DET@CHI\\\": {\\\"blk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"OffReb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ftp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DefReb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2221", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NBA Stats_v2, api_name:get_per_game_career_regular_season_by_id, api_description:Api to query per game career regular season, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2222", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports Live Scores, api_name:Baseball League Rankings, api_description:Returns the standings for a given league ID. You can retrieve League IDs from the Baseball Live Matches endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"league_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"You can retrieve League IDs from the Baseball Live Matches endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"league_id\": \"str\", \"rankings\": [{\"Text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2223", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports Live Scores, api_name:Esports Live Matches, api_description:Returns Esports Live Matches with betting odds, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"matches\": [{\"1st Period P1\": \"str\", \"1st Period P2\": \"str\", \"2nd Period P1\": \"str\", \"2nd Period P2\": \"str\", \"3rd Period P1\": \"str\", \"3rd Period P2\": \"str\", \"4th Period P1\": \"str\", \"4th Period P2\": \"str\", \"Away Score\": \"int\", \"Away Team\": \"str\", \"Game\": \"str\", \"Home Score\": \"int\", \"Home Team\": \"str\", \"Initial Away Odd\": \"NoneType\", \"Initial Home Odd\": \"NoneType\", \"League\": \"str\", \"League ID\": \"int\", \"Live Away Odd\": \"NoneType\", \"Live Home Odd\": \"NoneType\", \"Match ID\": \"str\", \"Status\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 11}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2224", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:RugbyAPI2, api_name:TeamNearMatches, api_description:Get near matches for a specific Rugby team., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team for which to retrieve the near matches.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"nextEvent\\\": {\\\"awayScore\\\": {}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"subTeams\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"changes\\\": {\\\"changeTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"crowdsourcingDataDisplayEnabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"customId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"finalResultOnly\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasGlobalHighlights\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"homeScore\\\": {}, \\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"subTeams\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"roundInfo\\\": {\\\"round\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"startTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"time\\\": {}\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2225", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:RugbyAPI2, api_name:MatchTvChannelDetails, api_description:Get the details of a specific TV channel broadcasting a specific Football match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"channId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the channel you want to retrieve the details for.\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match you want to retrieve the channel details for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2226", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Team Information, api_description:This endpoint returns team information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2227", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Season Schedule, api_description:Returns season schedule for the specified season. If omitted, returns the schedule for current season., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2228", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Market Statistics (Points), api_description:Provides the market points statistics which are “First Quarter Result”, “Highest Scoring Quarter” and also “Ordinary/Half Time Winning Margins” for both two teams against the other teams in the tournament.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Basketball Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2229", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Seasonal Market Statistics: Points, api_description:Provides the seasonal market points statistics of the team in the tournament., required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the team.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2230", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AmericanFootballApi, api_name:LeagueTotalStandings, api_description:This endpoint retrieves total standings for a specific league in a given season., required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the season for which the league's total standings are to be retrieved.\"}, {\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the unique tournament for which the league's total standings are to be retrieved.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"standings\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rows\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"percentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"streak\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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tool_name:AmericanFootballApi, api_name:HeadToHeadMatches, api_description:Get head-to-head match data for a specific American Football match using its custom ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"customId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The custom ID of the match for which you want to get the head-to-head matches.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"events\\\": [{\\\"awayScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period4\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"subTeams\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": 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{"_id": "2232", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AmericanFootballApi, api_name:MatchBestPlayers, api_description:Get the best players for a specific American Football match by providing its ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match for which you want to get the best players.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bestAwayTeamPlayer\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"player\": {\"dateOfBirthTimestamp\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"marketValueCurrency\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"position\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"userCount\": \"int\"}, \"value\": \"str\"}, \"bestHomeTeamPlayer\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"player\": {\"dateOfBirthTimestamp\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"marketValueCurrency\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"position\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"userCount\": \"int\"}, \"value\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2233", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetFavouritesChamps, api_description:GetFavouritesChamps data api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Result\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2234", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:score, api_name:config, api_description:config, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"users\": [{\"userId\": \"int\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"phoneNumber\": \"str\", \"emailAddress\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2235", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Data, api_name:Tournament Standings, api_description:Team Rankings for a specific competition., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the tournament.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2236", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Data, api_name:Match Game Leaders, api_description:Live passing, rushing and receiving stats leaders of the game.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Football Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"passing\\\": {\\\"player\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"position\\\": {\\\"positionTypeId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"knownName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"middleName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shirtNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"attemptedPass\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"completedPass\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"interceptedPass\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"passingNetYards\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"passingTD\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"rushing\\\": {\\\"player\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"position\\\": {\\\"positionTypeId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"knownName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"middleName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shirtNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"totalRushingPlays\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rushingNetYards\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"receiving\\\": {\\\"player\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"position\\\": {\\\"positionTypeId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"knownName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"middl\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2237", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Data, api_name:Match Play by Play, api_description:Provides all match drives and plays during the match with their detailed informations.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Football Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"homeTeam\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"drives\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"period\": \"int\", \"startTime\": \"str\", \"playCount\": \"int\", \"yardsGained\": \"int\", \"totalFirstDowns\": \"int\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"team\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"plays\": [{\"quarter\": \"int\", \"time\": \"str\", \"down\": \"int\", \"yardsToGo\": \"int\", \"startYardTeamShortName\": \"str\", \"startYardLine\": \"int\", \"commentaryText\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"_list_length\": 2}], \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2238", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SportScore, api_name:Teams by sport ID, api_description:Get a list of teams belonging to a specified sport. 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Updated every 6 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2244", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:Copa Libertadores latest Odds, api_description:Latest odds for Copa Libertadores matches - Updated every 6 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2245", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Cricbuzz Cricket, api_name:matches/get-scorecard, api_description:Get match scorecard, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of matchId field returned in \\u2026/matches/list, \\u2026/schedules/list, \\u2026/series/get-matches, \\u2026/teams/get-schedules, \\u2026/teams/get-results, \\u2026/venues/get-matches endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"scoreCard\\\": [{\\\"matchId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"inningsId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timeScore\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"batTeamDetails\\\": {\\\"batTeamId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"batTeamName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"batTeamShortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"batsmenData\\\": {\\\"bat_5\\\": {\\\"batId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"batName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"batShortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isCaptain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isKeeper\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"runs\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"balls\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dots\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fours\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sixes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"mins\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"strikeRate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"outDesc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bowlerId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fielderId1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fielderId2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fielderId3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ones\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"twos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"threes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fives\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"boundaries\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sixers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wicketCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isOverseas\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"inMatchChange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"playingXIChange\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"bat_2\\\": {\\\"batId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"batName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"batShortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isCaptain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isKeeper\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"runs\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"balls\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dots\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fours\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sixes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"mins\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"strikeRate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"outDesc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bowlerId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fielderId1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fielderId2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2246", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Teams statistics, api_description:Get teams statistics of the season, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasons_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"seasons_id\"}, {\"name\": \"seasons_statistics_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"unique_tournament_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"unique_tournament_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"avgRating\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"avgRating\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matches\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"awardedMatches\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 20}], \\\"goalsScored\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"goalsScored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matches\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"awardedMatches\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 20}], \\\"goalsConceded\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"statistics\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2247", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 MLB Live In-Game Real Time Statistics, api_name:Get Daily Scoreboard - Live - Real Time, api_description:Use this if you want basic game data returned. It's lighter/quicker than getting the full boxscore, for applications that do not need anything but basic data like line score, away/home, etc.\n\n/getMLBScoresOnly\n\nThis can be called using ?gameDate (returns all games for a date, format YYYYMMDD) or ?gameID (returns one game, format YYYYMMDD_AWAY@HOME)\n\nExample:\n\n/getMLBScoresOnly?gameID=20220409_CHW@DET\n\nreturns:\n`{2 items\n\"statusCode\":200\n\"body\":\"{\"20220409_CHW@DET\": {\"away\": \"CHW\", \"home\": \"DET\", \"gameID\": \"20220409_CHW@DET\", \"gameStatus\": \"Completed\", \"lineScore\": {\"away\": {\"H\": \"10\", \"R\": \"5\", \"team\": \"CHW\", \"scoresByInning\": {\"1\": \"2\", \"2\": \"0\", \"3\": \"0\", \"4\": \"0\", \"5\": \"0\", \"6\": \"2\", \"7\": \"1\", \"8\": \"0\", \"9\": \"0\"}, \"E\": \"1\"}, \"home\": {\"H\": \"7\", \"R\": \"2\", \"team\": \"DET\", \"scoresByInning\": {\"1\": \"0\", \"2\": \"0\", \"3\": \"0\", \"4\": \"0\", \"5\": \"0\", \"6\": \"2\", \"7\": \"0\", \"8\": \"0\", \"9\": \"0\"}, \"E\": \"0\"}}, \"currentInning\": \"\", \"currentOuts\": \"\", \"currentCount\": \"\", \"awayResult\": \"W\", \"homeResult\": \"L\"}}\"\n}`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"statusCode\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"body\\\": {\\\"20230410_NYY@CLE\\\": {\\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime_epoch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lineScore\\\": {\\\"away\\\": {\\\"H\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"R\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"scoresByInning\\\": {\\\"1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"4\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"6\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"7\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"8\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"9\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"E\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"home\\\": {\\\"H\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"R\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"scoresByInning\\\": {\\\"1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"4\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"6\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"7\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"8\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"9\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"E\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"currentInning\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currentCount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currentOuts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayResult\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeResult\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20230410_STL@COL\\\": {\\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime_epoch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lineScore\\\": {\\\"away\\\": {\\\"H\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"R\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"scoresByInning\\\": {\\\"1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"4\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"6\\\": \\\"str\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2248", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 MLB Live In-Game Real Time Statistics, api_name:Get MLB Games and Stats For a Single Player, api_description:This call will grab a map of all of the games a player has played this season. \nplayerID is a required parameter.\nYou can also use gameID if you want to only pull back a specific game. \n\nseason is an optional parameter. Currently only 2022 (last season) and 2023 (this season) are available. If you do not include season as a parameter, it will return this season's games. \n\n\nYou can limit the amount of games returned with parameter: numberOfGames. For example: &numberOfGames=5 will return the last 5 games this player has an entry for.\n\nExample:\nCorrect way to get the stats for Aaron Judge for the season opener against SF on 3/30/2023, would be this:\n/getMLBGamesForPlayer?playerID=592450&gameID=20230330_SF@NYY\n\nBut if you wanted to get all of his games this season, you'd make this call\n/getMLBGamesForPlayer?playerID=592450\n\nThis call will not work without playerID. If you want stats for all players during a game, then use the getMLBBoxScore call with that specific gameID., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"statusCode\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"body\\\": {\\\"20230603_NYY@LAD\\\": {\\\"Pitching\\\": {\\\"Balk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Groundouts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Wild Pitch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Flyouts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Inherited Runners\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Batters Faced\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Pitches\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Strikes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Inherited Runners Scored\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"startingPosition\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hitting\\\": {\\\"BB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"battingOrder\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"H\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IBB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"substitutionOrder\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"3B\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GIDP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2B\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"R\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AVG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SAC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HBP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RBI\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SO\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LOB\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"allPositionsPlayed\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"started\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Fielding\\\": {\\\"Passed Ball\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Outfield assists\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"E\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Pickoffs\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BaseRunning\\\": {\\\"CS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PO\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"mlbID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"playerID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20230602_NYY@LAD\\\": {\\\"Pitching\\\": {\\\"Balk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Groundouts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Wild Pitch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Flyouts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Inherited Runners\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Batters Faced\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2249", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:WNBA API, api_name:WNBA Summary, api_description:This endpoint gets the WNBA game summary data for a specific game., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2250", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 MLB Live In-Game Real Time Statistics, api_name:Get Team Schedule, api_description:This endpoint returns the full season schedule for any MLB team identified in the parameters.\n\nExample:\n\n/getMLBTeamSchedule?teamID=6\nor\n/getMLBTeamSchedule?teamAbv=CHW\n\nCalling it either way will return the same result, a list of the White Sox games this season, each game in it's own map. If the game has been played, the linescore and game result will be included in the game's map.\n\nYou can also add the \"season\" parameter if you want to specify season. Right now we only have season 2022 and 2023. \nDefault season is current season., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": {\"team\": \"str\", \"schedule\": [{\"gameID\": \"str\", \"gameType\": \"str\", \"away\": \"str\", \"teamIDHome\": \"str\", \"gameDate\": \"str\", \"gameStatus\": \"str\", \"teamIDAway\": \"str\", \"home\": \"str\", \"awayResult\": \"str\", \"gameTime\": \"str\", \"gameTime_epoch\": \"str\", \"homeResult\": \"str\", \"probableStartingPitchers\": {\"away\": \"str\", \"home\": \"str\"}, \"lineScore\": {\"away\": {\"H\": \"str\", \"R\": \"str\", \"team\": \"str\", \"scoresByInning\": {\"1\": \"str\", \"2\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\", \"4\": \"str\", \"5\": \"str\", \"6\": \"str\", \"7\": \"str\", \"8\": \"str\", \"9\": \"str\"}, \"E\": \"str\"}, \"home\": {\"H\": \"str\", \"R\": \"str\", \"team\": \"str\", \"scoresByInning\": {\"1\": \"str\", \"2\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\", \"4\": \"str\", \"5\": \"str\", \"6\": \"str\", \"7\": \"str\", \"8\": \"str\", \"9\": \"str\"}, \"E\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 165}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2251", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betcity, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds by Betcity, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2252", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:WNBA API, api_name:WNBA Box Score, api_description:This endpoint returns the WNBA game box score data for a specified game., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Game id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2253", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:WNBA API, api_name:WNBA Standings, api_description:The endpoint provides you with the team standings for the WNBA, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sports\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"leagues\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"teams\": [{\"team\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"displayName\": \"str\", \"shortDisplayName\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nickname\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"color\": \"str\", \"alternateColor\": \"str\", \"isActive\": \"bool\", \"isAllStar\": \"bool\", \"logos\": [{\"href\": \"str\", \"alt\": \"str\", \"rel\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"links\": [{\"language\": \"str\", \"rel\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"href\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"shortText\": \"str\", \"isExternal\": \"bool\", \"isPremium\": \"bool\", \"isHidden\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}, \"_list_length\": 12}], \"year\": \"int\", \"season\": {\"year\": \"int\", \"displayName\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2254", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccer App, api_name:Leagues, api_description:League Matches 2020, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2255", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FootApi, api_name:ManagerImage, api_description:Get the image of a football manager with the given ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the manager for which you want to retrieve the image.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2256", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FootApi, api_name:MatchAwayGoalkeeperJersey, api_description:Get the away goalkeeper jersey for a specific Football match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match you want to retrieve the away goalkeeper jersey for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2257", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FootApi, api_name:ManagerLastMatches, api_description:Get the list of the last matches played by a football manager, paginated by the given page number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the manager whose last matches you want to retrieve.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The zero-based page number of the results you want to retrieve.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2258", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Gold Standard Sports, api_name:Gold Standard Sports, api_description:For sports feeds, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2259", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMAAPI, api_name:MmaOctogonImage, api_description:Get MMA octagon image, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2260", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMAAPI, api_name:TeamCareerStatistics, api_description:Get the career statistics for a specific team., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team you want to retrieve the career statistics for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"issued\\\": {\\\"significantStrikes\\\": {\\\"body\\\": {\\\"landed\\\": {\\\"roundAvg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"roundPct\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"distance\\\": {\\\"landed\\\": {\\\"roundAvg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"roundPct\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"ground\\\": {\\\"landed\\\": {\\\"roundAvg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"roundPct\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"head\\\": {\\\"landed\\\": {\\\"roundAvg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"roundPct\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"legs\\\": 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\\\"roundAvg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"roundPct\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"distance\\\": {\\\"gene\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2261", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMA Stats, api_name:UFC Fight Night: Kara-France vs. Albazi (June 03, 2023), api_description:**Get details to UUFC Fight Night: Kara-France vs. Albazi**. \n Access a range of information about each fighter, including their win-loss record, height, weight, reach, and age. results of a particular fight or a fighter's win-loss record., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2262", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:168predict VIP Football Predictions, api_name:Yesterday Super Sure VIP HT/FT Matches, api_description:This endpiont delivers yesterday super sure VIP HT/FT matches. All of the forecasts have been carefully selected. Visit www.168predict.site for more information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2263", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:168predict VIP Football Predictions, api_name:Today Sure VIP Over 2.5 Goals, api_description:This endpiont delivers daily sure and precise over 2.5 goal forecasts. All of the forecasts have been carefully selected. Visit www.168predict.site for more information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2264", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:168predict VIP Football Predictions, api_name:Today Sure VIP BTTS/Goal Goal, api_description:This endpiont delivers daily sure and precise BTTS/Goal Goal forecasts. All of the forecasts have been carefully selected. Visit www.168predict.site for more information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2265", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinnacle Odds, api_name:Betting status, api_description:Get a betting status. Checking the Pinnacle server, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"time\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2266", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Golf Leaderboard Data, api_name:Tour Rankings, api_description:See player rankings accross the various tours given a `tour_id` and `season`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tour_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"season\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"fields\": {\"last_updated\": \"str\"}}, \"results\": {\"last_updated\": \"str\", \"rankings\": [{\"player_id\": \"int\", \"player_name\": \"str\", \"position\": \"int\", \"movement\": \"int\", \"num_events\": \"int\", \"num_wins\": \"int\", \"points\": \"str\", \"num_top_tens\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 150}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2267", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinnacle Odds, api_name:List of leagues, api_description:Get a list of leagues, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sport id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"leagues\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"homeTeamType\": \"str\", \"hasOfferings\": \"bool\", \"container\": \"str\", \"allowRoundRobins\": \"bool\", \"leagueSpecialsCount\": \"int\", \"eventSpecialsCount\": \"int\", \"eventCount\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2002}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2268", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Golf Leaderboard Data, api_name:World Rankings, api_description:World Golf Rankings for players across all tours. Big file, shouldn't be queried often., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"fields\": {\"last_updated\": \"str\"}}, \"results\": {\"last_updated\": \"str\", \"rankings\": [{\"position\": \"int\", \"movement\": \"int\", \"player_id\": \"int\", \"player_name\": \"str\", \"num_events\": \"int\", \"avg_points\": \"str\", \"total_points\": \"str\", \"points_lost\": \"str\", \"points_gained\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 999}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2269", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinnacle Odds, api_name:List of markets, api_description:Get a list of markets. Always first issue a snapshot call and continue with the delta calls. Calls return changes since the provided `since` value. You must always use the `since` parameter, after starting your program cycle. You can make request without a `since` parameter no more than 15 times in 5 minutes. Please note that `prematch` and `live` events are different, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sport id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2270", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Golf Leaderboard Data, api_name:Fixtures, api_description:Lists tournament fixtures for a given tour_id and season_id. You'll need to query the \"Tours\" endpoint to get the correct tour_id and season_id you're looking for., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tour_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"season_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"fields\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"tour_id\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"course\": \"str\", \"start_date\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\", \"prize_fund\": \"str\", \"fund_currency\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"updated\": \"str\"}}, \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"tour_id\": \"int\", \"country\": \"str\", \"course\": \"str\", \"start_date\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"season\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"prize_fund\": \"str\", \"fund_currency\": \"str\", \"updated\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 54}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2271", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Cricbuzz Cricket, api_name:matches/get-commentaries, api_description:Get match commentaries, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of matchId field returned in \\u2026/matches/list, \\u2026/schedules/list, \\u2026/series/get-matches, \\u2026/teams/get-schedules, \\u2026/teams/get-results, \\u2026/venues/get-matches endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2272", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2273", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:Game Details, api_description:Get game details., required_params: [{\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"gameId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The game id.\"}, {\"name\": \"langId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The language id. Check the tutorials.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"competitions\\\": [{\\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"competitorsType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentPhaseName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currentPhaseNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentSeasonNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentStageNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentStageType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasActiveGames\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasBrackets\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStandings\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStandingsGroups\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"liveGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameForURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"popularityRank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sportId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"countries\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"liveGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameForURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sportTypes\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 7\\\"], \\\"totalGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 11}], \\\"game\\\": {\\\"awayCompetitor\\\": {\\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isQualified\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isWinner\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"lineups\\\": {\\\"hasFieldPositions\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"members\\\": [{\\\"formation\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"hasStats\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": {\\\"id\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2274", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BaseballApi, api_name:PlayerNearMatches, api_description:Get the near matches for a specific baseball player using the player ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The player ID for which you want to retrieve the near matches.\"}], optional_params: 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return_schema: {\"success\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"success\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2285", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Betting Odds, api_name:/provider3/live/upcoming, api_description:get upcoming matches list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2286", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:IceHockeyApi, api_name:MatchH2HDuel, api_description:Get the head-to-head duel for a specific Ice Hockey match using the match id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match for which you want to retrieve the head-to-head duel.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"managerDuel\": \"NoneType\", \"teamDuel\": {\"awayWins\": \"int\", \"draws\": \"int\", \"homeWins\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2287", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:IceHockeyApi, api_name:MatchBestPlayers, api_description:Get the best players for a specific Ice Hockey match using the match id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match for which you want to retrieve the best players.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2288", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:IceHockeyApi, api_name:LeagueHomeStandings, api_description:Get the home standings for a specific Ice Hockey league by providing the tournament ID and season ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID for which you want to get the league's home standings.\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID for which you want to get the league's home standings.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2289", "title": "", 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\"height_feet\": \"NoneType\", \"height_inches\": \"NoneType\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"position\": \"str\", \"team\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"conference\": \"str\", \"division\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"weight_pounds\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 25}], \"meta\": {\"total_pages\": \"int\", \"current_page\": \"int\", \"next_page\": \"int\", \"per_page\": \"int\", \"total_count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2292", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:News, api_description:Get news., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The sport.\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"langId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The language id. Check the tutorials.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"news\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"isMagazine\": \"bool\", \"publishDate\": \"str\", \"sourceId\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"newsSources\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"imageVersion\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2293", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Tournament Fixtures events, api_description:Get upcoming events by tournament_stage_id, Use the pagination, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournament_stage_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Season tournament stage id\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2294", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Player Transfers, api_description:Get the latest player transfers by player ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Player id\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sport id, use `Sports list` endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": [{\"TRANSFER_REASON\": \"str\", \"TRANSFER_DATE\": \"str\", \"FROM_TEAM_ID\": \"str\", \"FROM_TEAM_NAME\": \"str\", \"FROM_TEAM_LOGO\": \"str\", \"TO_TEAM_ID\": \"str\", \"TO_TEAM_NAME\": \"str\", \"TO_TEAM_LOGO\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2295", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Data, api_name:Daily Match List-Scheduled, api_description:Daily match list including scheduled matches.\n\nThe data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with date range of today - 7 days., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the matches. The format is {dd/mm/yyyy}. Match list data can be retrieved for only \\u00b1 7 days.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2296", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BetsAPI, api_name:Bet365 InPlay Event, api_description:inplay event with all scores/stats/markets, required_params: [{\"name\": \"FI\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"error_detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2297", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:National Football Players, api_name:All Teams, api_description:Returns an array of all football teams and abbreviations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Arizona Cardinals\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2298", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Unofficial Cricbuzz, api_name:stats/get-records, api_description:Get records, required_params: [{\"name\": \"statsType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'value' field returned in .../stats/get-record-filters endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"filter\": {\"matchtype\": [{\"matchTypeId\": \"str\", \"matchTypeDesc\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"team\": [{\"teamId\": \"str\", \"teamSName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 12}], \"selectedMatchType\": \"str\"}, \"headers\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"values\": [{\"values\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"_list_length\": 20}], \"appIndex\": {\"seoTitle\": \"str\", \"webURL\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2299", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Unofficial Cricbuzz, api_name:series/get-squads, api_description:Get squads by series, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seriesId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../series/list or .../series/list-archives endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"squadAnnouncedList\": [{\"squadType\": \"str\", \"isHeader\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 7}], \"appIndex\": {\"seoTitle\": \"str\", \"webURL\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2300", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ultimate Tennis, api_name:Player Details by ID, api_description:This endpoint allows you to retrieve specific details about a single player. ID **must** be provided, you can retrieve a player ID from the Players Rankings endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Id of the player. A list of the IDs can be retrieved from the Players Rankings endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"player_data\": [{\"Age\": \"str\", \"Birthday\": \"str\", \"Birthplace\": \"str\", \"Career high\": \"str\", \"Coach\": \"str\", \"Date careeer High\": \"str\", \"Flag Code\": \"str\", \"Image\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Play Style\": \"str\", \"Prize money 2023\": \"str\", \"Prize money Career\": \"str\", \"Rank\": \"str\", \"Rank 2023\": \"str\", \"Rank diff 2023\": \"str\", \"TItles Career\": \"str\", \"Titles 2023\": \"str\", \"W/L 2023\": \"str\", \"W/L Career\": \"str\", \"Year Turned Pro\": \"str\", \"height(cm)\": \"str\", \"height(ft)\": \"str\", \"weight(kgs)\": \"str\", \"weight(lbs)\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2301", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Fitness Calculator, api_name:Sub_Table Names, api_description:Find sub-table names of a table name in the food database., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tablename\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"request_result\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"dataType\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"subDataType\": \"str\", \"foodCount\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2302", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NHL Stats and Live Data, api_name:getTeamStats, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2303", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NHL Stats and Live Data, api_name:getGame, api_description:This contains all data related to a game, from the boxscore, to play data and even on-ice coordinates. 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For playoff games, the 2nd digit of the specific number gives the round of the playoffs, the 3rd digit specifies the matchup, and the 4th digit specifies the game (out of 7).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"copyright\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameData\\\": {\\\"datetime\\\": {\\\"dateTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endDateTime\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"game\\\": {\\\"pk\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"season\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"players\\\": {\\\"ID8468208\\\": {\\\"active\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"birthCity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"birthCountry\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"birthDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"birthStateProvince\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"firstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fullName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nationality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primaryNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primaryPosition\\\": {\\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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for a sub-table in the food database., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"request_result\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"dataType\": \"str\", \"subDataType\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"foodType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 17}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2305", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NHL Stats and Live Data, api_name:getDraftProspect, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The prospect ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"copyright\": \"str\", \"prospects\": [{\"amateurLeague\": {\"link\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"amateurTeam\": {\"link\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"birthCity\": \"str\", \"birthCountry\": \"str\", \"birthDate\": \"str\", \"draftStatus\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"fullName\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"nationality\": 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All of the forecasts have been carefully selected. Visit www.168predict.site for more information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2334", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Attribute overviews, api_description:Get player attribute overviews, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"player_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"averageAttributeOverviews\": [{\"attacking\": \"int\", \"technical\": \"int\", \"tactical\": \"int\", \"defending\": \"int\", \"creativity\": \"int\", \"position\": \"str\", \"yearShift\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"playerAttributeOverviews\": [{\"attacking\": \"int\", \"technical\": \"int\", \"tactical\": \"int\", \"defending\": \"int\", \"creativity\": \"int\", \"position\": \"str\", \"yearShift\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2335", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:football test, api_name:leagues ep1, api_description:leagues description, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2336", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Tournament events, api_description:Get events of the tournament, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"page\"}, {\"name\": \"tournament_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Unique tournament id\"}, {\"name\": \"course_events\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"events\\\": [{\\\"tournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"priority\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"customId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"winnerCode\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"subTeams\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"subTeams\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"homeScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pe\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2337", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Morpheus Predictions , api_name:TopOver25, api_description:Today top Over 2,5 prediction., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2338", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NCAA Final Four, api_name:Seeds, api_description:Get the number 1 seeds for the given year (only available from 1979 onwards)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"identifier\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"year\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\", \"number_one_seeds\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2339", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:F1 drivers quotes, api_name:Driver's quotes, api_description:Gets the quotes of a specific driver., required_params: [{\"name\": \"driverId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2340", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Player Season Statistics, api_description:Returns Player Season Statistics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2341", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinnacle Odds, api_name:List of periods, api_description:Get a list of periods, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sport id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"periods\": [{\"number\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"short_description\": \"str\", \"spread_description\": \"str\", \"moneyline_description\": \"str\", \"total_description\": \"str\", \"team_1_total_description\": \"str\", \"team_2_total_description\": \"str\", \"spread_short_description\": \"str\", \"moneyline_short_description\": \"str\", \"total_short_description\": \"str\", \"team_1_total_short_description\": \"str\", \"team_2_total_short_description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 40}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2342", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinnacle Odds, api_name:List of sports, api_description:Get a list of sports, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"p_id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"last\": \"int\", \"special_last\": \"int\", \"last_call\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2343", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Prediction, api_name:Away Team League Stats, api_description:Shows the league table and stats for the away team of an upcoming match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"(use predictions endpoint to get list of IDs)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"errors\": {\"id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2344", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Prediction, api_name:Away Team Last 10 Matches, api_description:Grab the statistics and list of the last 10 matches played by the away team for a certain ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"(use predictions endpoint to get list of IDs)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"errors\": {\"id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2345", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Form, api_description:Get pregame team form by event_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Event id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"homeTeam\": {\"avgRating\": \"str\", \"position\": \"int\", \"value\": \"str\", \"form\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}, \"awayTeam\": {\"avgRating\": \"str\", \"position\": \"int\", \"value\": \"str\", \"form\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}, \"label\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2346", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Prediction, api_name:Head To Head, api_description:Shows head to head stats and previous encounters for the home and away team of an upcoming match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"(use predictions endpoint to get list of IDs)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"stats\\\": {\\\"overall\\\": {\\\"num_encounters\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"over_05\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"over_15\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"over_25\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"over_35\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"both_teams_scored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total_goals\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg_goals_per_match\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"home_team\\\": {\\\"team_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goals_scored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goals_conceived\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"clean_sheet\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"first_half_win\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"first_half_draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"first_half_lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg_goals_scored\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg_goals_conceived\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg_bookie_win_chance\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg_bookie_draw_chance\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg_bookie_lose_chance\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"away_team\\\": {\\\"team_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goals_scored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goals_conceived\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"clean_sheet\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"first_half_win\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"first_half_draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"first_half_lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg_goals_scored\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg_goals_conceived\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg_bookie_win_chance\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg_bookie_draw_chance\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg_bookie_lose_chance\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"en\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2347", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email API, api_name:Get Fake Email Address, api_description:Get a fake business email address and job title, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"email\": \"str\", \"job_title\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2348", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Disposable Generator API, api_name:Inbox, api_description:Get your email messages of that specific temp email., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Temporal Email Address Provided In The Create Temp Email Endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2349", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Temp Mail, api_name:Read Inbox, api_description:Read inbox an email, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2350", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Mail Temple, api_name:Some, api_description:nothing, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2351", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Validator_v3, api_name:Email Validate Regex, api_description:Email Validate Regex, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2352", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Disposable Email Validation, api_name:Validate domain or email address, api_description:Validate can either be a domain ( **spam4.me** ) or an email address ( **badactor@spam4.me** ), required_params: [{\"name\": \"validate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"is_disposable_domain\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2353", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailCheck, api_name:Domain, api_description:Check if a domain is disposable, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"mx\": \"bool\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"did_you_mean\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2354", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Send Sleuth - Email Validation, api_name:Validate Email, api_description:Checks whether an email is valid. Numerous checks are performed on the email and its host to ensure validity., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"email_status\": \"str\"}, \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2355", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:GetUsers, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2356", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Validator_v2, api_name:/email/validate, api_description:Validate single email in real-time.\n\n**7 levels of verification:**\n\n1. By RFC standards.\n2. By service email (no-reply@, no-spam@, ...).\n3. MX records exist.\n4. By disposable/temporary email service.\n5. By spam catchers (like abusix.com network members).\n6. Connects to email service via standard protocol (SMTP) to check account exists.\n7. Connects to email service via internal api to check account banned or blocked (supports: Gmail, Mail.Ru, iCloud, Hotmail, Yahoo, Outlook, Rambler, Yandex and more)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email for validation\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2357", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Emails Verifier, api_name:Verify Email, api_description:Allows verifying email addresses. Checks if emails are deliverable., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email address (e.g., support@outscraper.com).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2358", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:E-mail Check Invalid, api_name:mailCheck, api_description:☑ Filter domain\n☑ Not start with a special character and must begin with a letter, \ndigit, or certain special characters like +, _, ., -.\n☑ Followed by the @ symbol to separate the username part and the domain part of the email address.\n☑ Domain part does not start or end with a dot or hyphen and only contains alphanumeric characters or dots.\n☑ Email string ends after the domain part and there are no additional characters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"valid\": \"bool\", \"email\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2359", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email validator_v5, api_name:Email, api_description:This API will validate email with domain name, it is use to filter out invalid email and invalid domain, to perfact match delivery rate and minimum email bounce, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2360", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Get emails from url, api_name:Get emails, api_description:Get emails by URL., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2361", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Verify Email, api_name:Verify Email, api_description:Verify Email Address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2362", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Blaze Verify, api_name:Verify an email, api_description:Verify a single email. If a verification request takes longer than the timeout, you may retry this request for up to 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, further requests will count against your usage. The verification result will be returned when it is available.

, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The email you want verified.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"accept_all\": \"bool\", \"did_you_mean\": \"NoneType\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"float\", \"email\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"free\": \"bool\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"NoneType\", \"mx_record\": \"str\", \"reason\": \"str\", \"role\": \"bool\", \"score\": \"int\", \"smtp_provider\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"tag\": \"NoneType\", \"user\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2363", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailCheck, api_name:Email, api_description:Check if an email is disposable, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"email\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"mx\": \"bool\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"alias\": \"bool\", \"did_you_mean\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2364", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Validation_v3, api_name:Validate_Email, api_description:This endpoint will return if the email address is disposable or not, also it validates the format of the email as well., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2365", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Validator_v9, api_name:check, api_description:Core api to check your email., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2366", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MatinApi, api_name:end1, api_description:none, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2367", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Utilities, api_name:/normalize, api_description:get normalized form of an email, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"email id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2368", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Utilities, api_name:/verify, api_description:get normalized form of an email, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"email id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2369", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getAttachmentMetaData, api_description:Returns the metadata such as name and content-type for a given attachment and email., required_params: [{\"name\": \"attachmentId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of attachment\"}, {\"name\": \"emailId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of email\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2370", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Validate Email, api_name:Validate Email, api_description:“Validate Email” API Validates single email or bulk email addresses.\n\nIt's simple REST API to Verify and Validate single email or bulk email addresses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"result\": [{\"email\": \"str\", \"isValid\": \"bool\", \"username\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"regex_validation\": {\"value\": \"bool\"}, \"typo_validation\": {\"value\": \"bool\"}, \"disposable_validation\": {\"value\": \"bool\"}, \"mx_validation\": {\"value\": \"bool\"}, \"smtp_validation\": {\"value\": \"bool\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2371", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Mailcheap, api_name:Get status, api_description:Fetch API status, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2372", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getOrganizationInboxes, api_description:List organization inboxes in paginated form. These are inboxes created with `allowTeamAccess` flag enabled. Organization inboxes are `readOnly` for non-admin users. The results are available on the `content` property of the returned object. This method allows for page index (zero based), page size (how many results to return), and a sort direction (based on createdAt time). , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2373", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getDomains, api_description:List all custom domains you have created, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2374", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Easy Email Validation, api_name:Validate Email, api_description:Validate an email, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"email\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"mxRecord\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2375", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Bouncer Email Checker, api_name:Bouncer Email Checker, api_description:Bouncer Email Checker, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"email_address\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"valid_syntax\": \"bool\", \"webmail\": \"bool\", \"catch_all\": \"bool\", \"gibberish\": \"bool\", \"spam\": \"bool\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"deliverable\": \"bool\"}, \"tools\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2376", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Validect - Email Verification, api_name:/v1/verify, api_description:#### Verify email address\n*We do bill only valid or invalid verification statuses.*\nPass the email as a GET parameter. Response properties description:\n```json\n{\n\"status\": \"valid\", // verification status of the email\n\"reason\": \"accepted_email\", // the reason of the status\n\"email\": \"example@gmail.com\", // normalized email address\n\"user\": \"example\", // The part before at-sign\n\"domain\": \"gmail.com\", // The part after at-sign\n\"public\": true, // Is address belongs to a publicly accessible email provider\n\"disposable\": false, // Is address belongs to a disposable email service\n\"role\": false // Is address role based (e.g. abuse, admin, no-reply etc.)\n}\n```\nPossible verification statuses:\n- `valid` - email address has been accepted by the mail server (safe to send)\n- `invalid` - email address is invalid, various reasons possible, see below (do not send)\n- `accept_all` - mail server accepts any email address (not recommended to send)\n- `unknown` - unable to verify email address (not recommended to send)\n\nPossible status reasons:\n- `accepted_email` - email address has been accepted by the mail server\n- `rejected_email` - email address has been rejected by the mail server\n- `invalid_syntax` - syntax of the email address is invalid according to RFC\n- `invalid_domain` - domain name of the email address does not exist\n- `no_mx_record` - mx record for the domain does not exist\n- `invalid_mx_record` - mx record of the domain is invalid\n- `dns_error` - error occurred while performing dns resolving of the domain\n- `smtp_error` - error occurred while performing smtp validation, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email address to validate\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"reason\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"user\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"public\": \"bool\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"role\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2377", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:account verifyer, api_name:Instagram account verifyer, api_description:to verify Instagram account, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2378", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Existence Validator, api_name:Verify the Existence of Email, api_description:endpoint which takes email and output result in JSON about existence of email on server., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"syntax\": \"bool\", \"mx\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"smtp\": \"bool\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"datetime\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2379", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Existence Validator, api_name:Get the MX Records, api_description:endpoint for getting MX records from email address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2380", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Domain Emails And Contacts, api_name:Emails And Contacts, api_description:Allows finding email addresses, social links, and phones from domains., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Domain or link (e.g., outscraper.com).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2381", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Disposable & Invalid Email Verifier, api_name:Email verifier, api_description:This endpoint verifies the validity of an email address. It checks the email address format, domain, and whether it is a disposable email address. It then extracts the MX records from the domain's DNS records and connects to the email server via SMTP. The function also simulates sending a message to the email server to confirm that the mailbox associated with the email address actually exists., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"reason\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2382", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Blaze Verify, api_name:Get the status of a batch, api_description:GET requests to the batch endpoint will get the current status of the batch verification job specified in the \"id\" parameter.

When a credit card transaction is necessary to obtain enough credits to verify a batch, billing related messages will be returned if there is an error. These will be sent with a 402 response code.

, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of the batch.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2383", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Temporary Generator, api_name:Inbox, api_description:Get your email messages of that specific temp email., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2384", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Emails Validator, api_name:Verify Email, api_description:Allows validating email addresses. Checks if emails are deliverable., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email address (e.g., support@outscraper.com).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2385", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Address Validator, api_name:Validate Email Address, api_description:Determine firsthand if the email is deliverable and working, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"valid\": \"bool\", \"validators\": {\"regex\": {\"valid\": \"bool\"}, \"typo\": {\"valid\": \"bool\"}, \"disposable\": {\"valid\": \"bool\"}, \"mx\": {\"valid\": \"bool\"}, \"smtp\": {\"valid\": \"bool\", \"reason\": \"str\"}}, \"reason\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2386", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:fast Email verifier, api_name:FreeDomain, api_description:Check whether or not you have a free domain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"FreeDomain\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2387", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:fast Email verifier, api_name:Role Account, api_description:Check the rols account of your domain, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"RoleAccount\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2388", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:PeopleI'mworkingwith, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2389", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"statusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2390", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2391", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:Getausersmessage, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"MessageId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2392", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2393", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Existence Validator, api_name:Check for Disposable emails, api_description:Check if given email is disposable or temporary mail or not., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"datetime\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2394", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getLatestEmailInInbox_1, api_description:Get the newest email in all inboxes or in a passed set of inbox IDs, required_params: [{\"name\": \"inboxId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the inbox you want to get the latest email from\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2395", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getAllInboxes, api_description:List inboxes in paginated form. The results are available on the `content` property of the returned object. This method allows for page index (zero based), page size (how many results to return), and a sort direction (based on createdAt time). You Can also filter by whether an inbox is favorited or use email address pattern. This method is the recommended way to query inboxes. The alternative `getInboxes` method returns a full list of inboxes but is limited to 100 results., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2396", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getBouncedEmail, api_description:Bounced emails are email you have sent that were rejected by a recipient, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the bounced email to fetch\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2397", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Existence Validator, api_name:Homepage | About the API, api_description:Display information of API used, developer name, Documentation page, server status page and other relevant informations., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"Developer\": \"str\", \"App_name\": \"str\", \"documentation\": \"str\", \"other_APIs\": \"str\", \"serverStatus\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2398", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Blaze Verify, api_name:Get account info, api_description:Get general account information like the email of the account owner and available credits., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2399", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:apimail10, api_name:ReadMail, api_description:ReadMail, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mailid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"bool\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2400", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:apimail10, api_name:Current Mail, api_description:Current Mail, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"mail_get_user\": \"str\", \"mail_get_mail\": \"str\", \"mail_get_host\": \"str\", \"mail_get_time\": \"int\", \"mail_get_duetime\": \"int\", \"mail_server_time\": \"int\", \"mail_get_key\": \"str\", \"mail_left_time\": \"int\", \"mail_recovering_key\": \"NoneType\", \"mail_recovering_mail\": \"NoneType\", \"session_id\": \"str\", \"permalink\": {\"host\": \"str\", \"mail\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"key\": \"str\", \"time\": \"int\"}, \"mail_list\": [{\"mail_id\": \"str\", \"from\": \"str\", \"subject\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"datetime2\": \"str\", \"timeago\": \"int\", \"isread\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2401", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MARCOM Robot - Email Validation Bot, api_name:Email, api_description:Email Validation, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email Address to Validate\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2402", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getInbox, api_description:Returns an inbox's properties, including its email address and ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"inboxId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2403", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 872}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2404", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2405", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getTemplate, api_description:Get email template, required_params: [{\"name\": \"templateId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Template ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2406", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Me, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2407", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:apimail10, api_name:getNewEmail10, api_description:get New Email 10, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"mail_get_user\": \"str\", \"mail_get_mail\": \"str\", \"mail_get_host\": \"str\", \"mail_get_time\": \"int\", \"mail_get_duetime\": \"int\", \"mail_server_time\": \"int\", \"mail_get_key\": \"str\", \"mail_left_time\": \"int\", \"mail_recovering_key\": \"NoneType\", \"mail_recovering_mail\": \"NoneType\", \"session_id\": \"str\", \"permalink\": {\"host\": \"str\", \"mail\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"key\": \"str\", \"time\": \"int\"}, \"mail_list\": [{\"mail_id\": \"str\", \"from\": \"str\", \"subject\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"datetime2\": \"str\", \"timeago\": \"int\", \"isread\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2408", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:downloadAttachment, api_description:Returns the specified attachment for a given email as a stream / array of bytes. You can find attachment ids in email responses endpoint responses. The response type is application/octet-stream., required_params: [{\"name\": \"emailId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of email\"}, {\"name\": \"attachmentId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of attachment\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2409", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getAlias, api_description:Get an email alias by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"aliasId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2410", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getPhoneNumber, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"phoneNumberId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2411", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:GetTestMail, api_name:wait_for_message, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ID of the GetTestMail to retrieve\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2412", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:EmailQualityPlus, api_name:Validação de Email, api_description:Validação Simples de Email, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"email a ser validado\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2413", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:GetMyDirectReports, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2414", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:Getausersmessages, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"UserId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2415", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Verifier/Validator, api_name:Email, api_description:## The status attribute will be:\n\nOK - Only if the smtp server explicitly confirms the availability of the mailbox address.\n\nINVALID - If the smtp server explicitly confirms the mailbox is not available.\n\nUNKNOWN - For every other scenario (The mailbox may or may not be available)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2416", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:GetPrimaryChannel, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"GroupId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2417", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getSentDeliveryStatusesBySentId, api_description:Get all sent email delivery statuses, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sentId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2418", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getSentEmailPreviewURLs, api_description:Get a list of URLs for sent email content as text/html or raw SMTP message for viewing the message in a browser., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2419", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getAliasEmails, api_description:Get paginated emails for an alias by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"aliasId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2420", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getGroups, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2421", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Alpha Email Verification, api_name:Email Checker, api_description:check the email provided by user for registration is valid or not or may be disposable email., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"disposable\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2422", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Fast Routing, api_name:Get Route, api_description:Get a driving route for cars (with turn-by-turn directions) by submitting (at least) a start- and endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"coordinates\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"At least two coordinates as start and endpoint of route, defined by longitude and latitude.\\nRequired format: {longitude},{latitude};{longitude},{latitude}\\nAlternatively a polyline or polyline6 as input allowed.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2423", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Places, api_name:Places list by bounding box, api_description:Method returns all objects (or number of objects) in the given boundary box optionally filtered by parameters. Only basic information is include in response: xid, name, kinds, osm, wikidata of each object. Depending on the chosen format, the response is either a simple array of objects (with a smaller volume) or an object in GeoJSON format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon_max\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Maximum longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lat_min\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Minimum latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Language code (2 characters, ISO639-1). The following values are available: en (english), ru (russian)\"}, {\"name\": \"lon_min\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Minimum longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lat_max\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Maximum latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2424", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Places, api_name:Geographic coordinates by placename, api_description:Returns geographic coordinates for the given placename (city, village, etc.). The method returns the place whose name is most similar to the search string., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Placename\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Two-letter language code (ISO639-1). The following values are available: en (english), ru (russian)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2425", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Address Normalization and Geocoding, api_name:Geocoding, api_description:Returns standard, normalized address and geocode lat/long rooftop coordinates., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"address\": \"str\", \"addressDetail\": {\"number\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"municipality\": \"str\", \"postalCode\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"street\": \"str\", \"subRegion\": \"str\"}, \"coordinates\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2426", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:City List, api_name:getCountryList, api_description:return list of all country include ISO code and ISO3 code and phonecode, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"int\", \"0\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"cname\": \"str\", \"iso\": \"str\", \"phonecode\": \"str\", \"iso3\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 239}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2427", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:MapTiles, api_name:getMapTilewithEnglishLabels, api_description:Raster Map Tiles with English Labels. Please see our [tutorials page](https://rapidapi.com/MapTilesApi/api/maptiles/tutorials) on how to use this., required_params: [{\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"X-number of tile (see documentation)\"}, {\"name\": \"z\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"zoom (from 0 up to zoom 19)\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Y-number of tile (see documentation)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2428", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:City List, api_name:getCity, api_description:return list of citis, required_params: [{\"name\": \"iso\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"int\", \"0\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"parent_id\": \"NoneType\", \"left\": \"NoneType\", \"right\": \"NoneType\", \"depth\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"alternames\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"a1code\": \"str\", \"level\": \"str\", \"population\": \"int\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"long\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 150}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2429", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:MapTiles, api_name:getStandardMapTile, api_description:Standard tiles with labels in local language for a place (untranslated and untransliterated) as known from OpenStreetMap, required_params: [{\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Y-number of tile (see documentation)\"}, {\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"X-number of tile (see documentation)\"}, {\"name\": \"z\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"zoom (from 0 up to zoom 19)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2430", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:MapTiles, api_name:getMapTilewithFrenchLabels, api_description:Raster Map Tiles with French Labels, required_params: [{\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"X-number of tile (see documentation)\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Y-number of tile (see documentation)\"}, {\"name\": \"z\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"zoom (from 0 up to zoom 19)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2431", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Offline MapTiles, api_name:/local/osm/v1/{z}/{x}/{y}.png, api_description:Download OpenStreetMap standard tile, required_params: [{\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"y tile number\"}, {\"name\": \"z\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zoom factor between 0 and 19\"}, {\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"x tile number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2432", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Offline MapTiles, api_name:/en/map/v1/{z}/{x}/{y}.png, api_description:Download English tile, required_params: [{\"name\": \"z\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zoom factor between 0 and 19\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"y tile number\"}, {\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"x tile number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2433", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Forward & Reverse Geocoding, api_name:ReverseGeocoding, api_description:Find address or place by latitude and longitude, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2434", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Weather Forecast Map Tiles, api_name:Get Weather Tile, api_description:Get a transparent weather tile according to the [Web Tile Standard(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiled_web_map)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The y value of the requested tile\"}, {\"name\": \"z\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The z value of the requested tile\"}, {\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The x value of the requested tile\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2435", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Walk Score, api_name:Walk Score, api_description:Get Walk Score, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\tThe latitude of the requested location.\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The URL encoded address.\"}, {\"name\": \"wsapikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your Walk Score API Key. https://www.walkscore.com/professional/api-sign-up.php\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\tThe longitude of the requested location.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2436", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:NAVITIME Maps, api_name:map_image(GET), api_description:Get a static map image of the location, range and zoom value specified in the parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"width\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Width of the map.\\n(Minimum value: 1, Maximum value: 999)\"}, {\"name\": \"center\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Center of the map.\"}, {\"name\": \"zoom\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zoom level.\\n(Minimum value: 6, Maximum value: 19)\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Height of the map.\\n(Minimum value: 1, Maximum value: 999)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2437", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Be Zips, api_name:Get zip code in Mexico, api_description:Get zip code data given a specific zip code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zipcode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"zip_code\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"municipality\": \"str\", \"neighborhood_name\": \"str\", \"zone_type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 11}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2438", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:SpatialScale Route Engine, api_name:Get Isochrone, api_description:The isochrone service computes areas that are reachable within specified time intervals from a location,\nand returns the reachable regions as contours of polygons or lines that you can display on a map.\n\n**Costing parameters**\n\nThe isochrone service uses the auto, bicycle, pedestrian, and multimodal costing models available in the Turn-by-Turn service.\nRefer to the route costing models and costing options documentation for more on how to specify this input.\n\n**Other request parameters**\n\n
\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n
date_time\n The local date and time at the location. These parameters apply only for multimodal requests and are not used with other costing methods.\n
  • type
  • \n
    • 0 - Current departure time for multimodal requests.
    • \n
    • 1 - Specified departure time for multimodal requests.
    • \n
    • 2 - Specified arrival time. Note: This is not yet implemented.
    • \n
  • value - the date and time specified in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm) in the local time zone of departure or arrival. For example, \"2016-07-03T08:06\".\n
  • \n
id\n Name of the isochrone request. If id is specified, the name is returned with the response.\n
contours\n A JSON array of contour objects with the time in minutes or distance in kilometers and color to use for each isochrone contour. You can specify up to four contours (by default).\n
  • time - A floating point value specifying the time in minutes for the contour.\n
  • \n
  • distance - A floating point value specifying the distance in kilometers for the contour.\n
  • \n
  • color -The color for the output of the contour. Specify it as a Hex value, but without the #, such as \"color\":\"ff0000\" for red. If no color is specified, the isochrone service will assign a default color to the output.\n
  • \n
\n You can only specify one metric per contour, i.e. time or distance.\n
polygons\n A Boolean value to determine whether to return geojson polygons or linestrings as the contours. The default is false, which returns lines; when true, polygons are returned. Note: When polygons is true, any contour that forms a ring is returned as a polygon.\n
generalize\n A floating point value in meters used as the tolerance for Douglas-Peucker generalization. Note: Generalization of contours can lead to self-intersections, as well as intersections of adjacent contours.\n
\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"payload\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location information\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2439", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Compare Route Names, api_name:Compare Route Names, api_description:Calculates the coefficient of how similar are 2 strings containing the name (and type) of the route. With a value of 0.9 and higher, it is possible to do auto-matching,at 0.2-0.9 - visual matching., required_params: [{\"name\": \"str2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"str1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2440", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:MapToolkit, api_name:Route Enhancement, api_description:Enhance your GPX-file with elevation, surface and mapmatching, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"key\": \"str\", \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": \"empty list\"}, \"elevation\": \"empty list\", \"surface\": \"empty list\", \"mapmatch\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2441", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:TrueWay Places, api_name:FindPlacesNearby, api_description:Search for nearby places, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The latitude/longitude around which to retrieve places\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"types\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"distance\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2442", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:TrueWay Places, api_name:FindPlaceByText, api_description:Search for places by text string, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A text string on which to search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"phone_number\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"types\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2443", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Places, api_name:Place properties, api_description:Returns detailed information about the object. Objects can contain different amount of information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"xid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Unique identifier of the object in OpenTripMap\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Two-letter language code (ISO639-1). The following values are available: en (english), ru (russian)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2444", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:LocationIQ, api_name:balance, api_description:The Balance API provides a count of request credits left in the user's account for the day. Balance is reset at midnight UTC everyday (00:00 UTC)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2445", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Heightmap from Latitude and Longitude, api_name:get heightmap from two geopoints, api_description:you provide two geopoints( latitude, longitude). Server returns image/png with heightmap within this borders., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lng0\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat0\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2446", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Zip Code to State Converter, api_name:Exchange Zip Code for State, api_description:The endpoint to pass a zip code as a query parameter and get the state the zip code is located in as a response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"state\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2447", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Forward & Reverse Geocoding, api_name:ForwardGeocoding, api_description:Turn an address into latitude and longitude (e.g. to display on a map) by schematic input., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2448", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Organización territorial de España, api_name:Lista de municipios por provincia, api_description:Lista todas lps municipios de una provincia, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id_provincia\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2449", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:ca.boundaries.io, api_name:Query for Hexagon by Location and Resolution, api_description:Query for Hexagon by Location and Resolution, required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2450", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Geocode - Forward and Reverse, api_name:Forward geocode, api_description:Get lat,lng coordinates from an address., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"address\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"place_id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2451", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Geocode - Forward and Reverse, api_name:Reverse geocode, api_description:Get an address from a lat,lng coordinate., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"address\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"place_id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2452", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Dargan, api_name:Distance, api_description:Gets the distance between 2 postcodes in KM, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postcodeA\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"postcodeB\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"A\": {\"postcode\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}, \"B\": {\"postcode\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}, \"Distance\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2453", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Dargan, api_name:Geocode, api_description:Returns the latitude and longitude for a given postcode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"postcode\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2454", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Dargan, api_name:In Radius, api_description:Find all postcodes within a certain radius (in KM) of a postcode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Distance\": \"float\", \"Postcode\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2455", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Geocoding by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/geocoding, api_description:API Ninjas Geocoding API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"City name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"country\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2456", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:MapTiles, api_name:getMapTilewithSpanishLabels, api_description:Raster Map Tiles with Spanish Labels. Please see [tutorial](https://rapidapi.com/MapTilesApi/api/maptiles/tutorials/openstreetmap-in-spanish---add-a-spanish-map-to-your-website-with-leaflet-js-and-maptiles-api) on how to use the Spanish world map., required_params: [{\"name\": \"z\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"zoom (from 0 up to zoom 19)\"}, {\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"X-number of tile (see documentation)\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Y-number of tile (see documentation)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2457", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:SpatialScale Route Engine, api_name:Get Route, api_description:Given a list of locations, the route service provides details about the trip,\nincluding locations, a summary with basic information about the entire trip, and a list of legs.\n\n**Locations**\n\nYou specify locations as an ordered list of two or more locations within a JSON array. Locations are visited in the order specified.\n\nA location must include a latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. The coordinates can come from many input sources, such as a GPS location, a point or a click on a map, a geocoding service, and so on.\n\nTo build a route, you need to specify two `break` locations. In addition, you can include `through`, `via` or `break_through` locations to influence the route path.\n\n
\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n
Location parametersDescription
lat\nLatitude of the location in degrees. This is assumed to be both the routing location and the display location if no display_lat and display_lon are provided.\n
lon\nLongitude of the location in degrees. This is assumed to be both the routing location and the display location if no display_lat and display_lon are provided.\n
type\n\tType of location, either break, through, via or break_through. Each type controls two characteristics: whether or not to allow a u-turn at the location and whether or not to generate guidance/legs at the location. A break is a location at which we allows u-turns and generate legs and arrival/departure maneuvers. A through location is a location at which we neither allow u-turns nor generate legs or arrival/departure maneuvers. A via location is a location at which we allow u-turns but do not generate legs or arrival/departure maneuvers. A break_through location is a location at which we do not allow u-turns but do generate legs and arrival/departure maneuvers. If no type is provided, the type is assumed to be a break. The types of the first and last locations are ignored and are treated as breaks.\n
\n\n**Costing models**\n\nThe routing service uses dynamic, run-time costing to generate the route path. The route request must include the name of the costing model and can include optional parameters available for the chosen costing model.\n\n
\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n
Costing modelDescription
auto\n\tStandard costing for driving routes by car, motorcycle, truck, and so on that obeys automobile driving rules, such as access and turn restrictions. Auto provides a short time path (though not guaranteed to be shortest time) and uses intersection costing to minimize turns and maneuvers or road name changes. Routes also tend to favor highways and higher classification roads, such as motorways and trunks.\n
bicycle\n\tStandard costing for travel by bicycle, with a slight preference for using cycleways or roads with bicycle lanes. Bicycle routes follow regular roads when needed, but avoid roads without bicycle access.\n
bus\n\tStandard costing for bus routes. Bus costing inherits the auto costing behaviors, but checks for bus access on the roads.\n
\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"payload\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location information\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2458", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Places Nearby a Coordinates, api_name:Nearby, api_description:Returns nearby places sorted by distance from the origin coordinates in ascending order.\n\nReturns up to 60 places per request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2459", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Organización territorial de España, api_name:Lista de provincias, api_description:Lista el nombre y el id de todas las provincias de España, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2460", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Magical Taske, api_name:Fetch details of multiple records, api_description:This endpoint fetches details of more than 1 record. Make sure you pass a valid record ids. If you pass in an invalid id, you will get an `Internal Sever Error 500` for the whole request.\n\nYou can request details of a maximum of 10 records at a go in this endpoint. The `id`s should be separated using a comma with no spaces., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Record id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"isKenyaMagical\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"record_id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"fact\": \"str\", \"activities\": \"str\", \"rough_location\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2461", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Magical Taske, api_name:Fetch by region, api_description:This endpoint fetches records by region as defined in the `ABOUT` section above. You have to provide region and a limit of the number of records returned., required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Type of record you want. Refer to README above to see accepted types.\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"isKenyaMagical\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2462", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:TrueWay Geocoding, api_name:ReverseGeocode, api_description:Obtain address for location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The location for which you wish to obtain the human-readable address\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"address\": \"str\", \"postal_code\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"area\": \"str\", \"locality\": \"str\", \"neighborhood\": \"str\", \"street\": \"str\", \"house\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"location_type\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2463", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Magical Taske, api_name:Fetch by type, api_description:This endpoint fetches records by type as defined in `ABOUT` section above. You have to provide type and a limit of the number of records returned., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Type of record you want. Refer to README above to see accepted types.\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"isKenyaMagical\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2464", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:TrueWay Geocoding, api_name:Geocode, api_description:Obtain geocoordinates for address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The address that you want to geocode\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"address\": \"str\", \"postal_code\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"area\": \"str\", \"locality\": \"str\", \"neighborhood\": \"str\", \"street\": \"str\", \"house\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"location_type\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2465", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:LocationIQ, api_name:Matching, api_description:Matching API matches or snaps given GPS points to the road network in the most plausible way. Please note the request might result multiple sub-traces. Large jumps in the timestamps (> 60s) or improbable transitions lead to trace splits if a complete matching could not be found. The algorithm might not be able to match all points. Outliers are removed if they can not be matched successfully., required_params: [{\"name\": \"coordinates\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"String of format {longitude},{latitude};{longitude},{latitude}[;{longitude},{latitude} ...] or polyline({polyline}) or polyline6({polyline6}). polyline follows Google's polyline format with precision 5\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2466", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:de-boundaries-io, api_name:Query for City Boundary by Name, api_description:Query for City Boundary by City Name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"postalCodes\": [\"list of str with length 13\"], \"state\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"areaTotal\": \"float\", \"areaUnit\": \"str\"}, \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"geometries\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of list with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2467", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Reverse Geocoding and Geolocation Service, api_name:GetNearestCities, api_description:Returns a readable place name as nearest 3 cities with population, country and distance based on given latitude/longitude pair., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"latitude in decimal degrees (wgs84)\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"longitude in decimal degrees (wgs84)\"}, {\"name\": \"range\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"max radial range for lookup in meter (0=no range)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"City\": \"str\", \"Population\": \"int\", \"Latitude\": \"float\", \"Longitude\": \"float\", \"Country\": \"str\", \"CountryId\": \"str\", \"TimeZoneId\": \"str\", \"TimeZoneName\": \"str\", \"TimeZone_GMT_offset\": \"int\", \"LocalTimeNow\": \"str\", \"Distance\": \"float\", \"Bearing\": \"float\", \"CompassDirection\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2468", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Reverse Geocoding and Geolocation Service, api_name:GetLargestCities, api_description:Returns 5 largest cities within a given radial range with name, population, country and distance., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"latitude in decimal degrees (wgs84)\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"longitude in decimal degrees (wgs84)\"}, {\"name\": \"range\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"radial lookup range in meters (max 100.000)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"City\": \"str\", \"Population\": \"int\", \"Latitude\": \"float\", \"Longitude\": \"float\", \"Country\": \"str\", \"CountryId\": \"str\", \"TimeZoneId\": \"str\", \"TimeZoneName\": \"str\", \"TimeZone_GMT_offset\": \"int\", \"LocalTimeNow\": \"str\", \"Distance\": \"float\", \"Bearing\": \"float\", \"CompassDirection\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2469", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:smart locations, api_name:get-location, api_description:smart-location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2470", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:uk.boundaries.io, api_name:Retrieve UK Postal Sector Outline Boundaries, api_description:example: Query by \"W41,W42\" sectors., required_params: [{\"name\": \"postal-sector\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"postal-sector\": \"str\"}, \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of list with length 2\"]}, \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2471", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:uk.boundaries.io, api_name:Query for Distance between two H3 Indexes, api_description:Query for Distance between two H3 Indexes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"bearing(degrees)\": \"float\", \"distance(miles)\": \"float\", \"distance to(h3)\": \"str\", \"between(h3)\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"h3-index\": \"str\", \"resolution\": \"int\"}, \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}, \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2472", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:uk.boundaries.io, api_name:Query for Hexagon by H3Index, api_description:Query for Hexagon by H3Index, required_params: [{\"name\": \"h3Index\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"h3-index\": \"str\", \"resolution\": \"int\"}, \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2473", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Magical Taske, api_name:Fetch by type and region, api_description:You can make a request finer by combining region and type. This endpoint will return the records requested. You have to provide a limit of the number of records you want., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Type of record you want. Refer to README above to see accepted types.\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"isKenyaMagical\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2474", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:uk.boundaries.io, api_name:Query for Hexagon by Location and Resolution, api_description:Query for Hexagon by Location and Resolution, required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"resolution\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"h3-index\": \"str\", \"resolution\": \"int\"}, \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2475", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Be Zips, api_name:Search zip codes in mexico, api_description:Perform a text search in zip codes in Mexico, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2476", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Mapilion - Vector and Raster Map Tiles, api_name:Get Vector Tile, api_description:Returns Vector tiles following the OpenMapTiles schema, required_params: [{\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"z\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2477", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Mapilion - Vector and Raster Map Tiles, api_name:Get Style Json, api_description:Returns the style json for the given style. These are pre-configured styles to get started easily. For advanced use cases we recommend to extend these styles or create a new style. The following styles are currently available:\n- `osm-bright` Osm-Bright\n- `osm-bright-hillshading-v1` Osm-Bright with Hillshading V1 overlay\n- `osm-bright-hillshading-v2` Osm-Bright with Hillshading V2 overlay\n- `dark-matter` A dark map style., required_params: [{\"name\": \"style\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"version\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"metadata\": {\"mapbox:type\": \"str\", \"mapbox:groups\": {\"1444849364238.8171\": {\"collapsed\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1444849354174.1904\": {\"collapsed\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1444849388993.3071\": {\"collapsed\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1444849242106.713\": {\"collapsed\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1444849382550.77\": {\"collapsed\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1444849345966.4436\": {\"collapsed\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1444849334699.1902\": {\"collapsed\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\"}}, \"mapbox:autocomposite\": \"bool\", \"openmaptiles:version\": \"str\", \"openmaptiles:mapbox:owner\": \"str\", \"openmaptiles:mapbox:source:url\": \"str\"}, \"sources\": {\"openmaptiles\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}}, \"sprite\": \"str\", \"glyphs\": \"str\", \"layers\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"paint\": {\"background-color\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 119}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2478", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Reverse Geocode Locator (U.S), api_name:Lookup Coordinates, api_description:Convert US latitude and longitude coordinates into local city information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"long\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"zipcode\": \"str\", \"state_abbr\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2479", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Mapilion - Vector and Raster Map Tiles, api_name:Get Fonts, api_description:Returns Fonts for vector tiles. This endpoint is typically used in your style.json., required_params: [{\"name\": \"range\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fontstack\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2480", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Geocoding by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/reversegeocoding, api_description:API Ninjas Reverse Geocoding API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude coordinate.\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude coordinate.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2481", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Organización territorial de España, api_name:Lista de provincias por Comunidad Autónoma, api_description:Lista todas las provincias de una Comunidad Autónoma, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id_comunidad\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2482", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Organización territorial de España, api_name:Lista de Comunidades Autónomas, api_description:Lista el nombre y el id de todas las Comunidades Autónomas de España, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2483", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Mapilion - Vector and Raster Map Tiles, api_name:Get Hillshading Tile, api_description:Returns special hillshading Raster tiles as PNG. Hillshading can be used as an overlay to create the look and feel of mountains. The version can be either v1 or v2., required_params: [{\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"version\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"z\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2484", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:ca.boundaries.io, api_name:Query for City names by province/territory name, api_description:Query for City names by province/territory name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"province\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"names\": [\"list of str with length 424\"], \"province\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2485", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:de-boundaries-io, api_name:Query for Postal Code Boundary By location, api_description:Query for Postal Code By location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"areaUnit\": \"str\", \"areaTotal\": \"float\", \"city\": \"str\", \"postalcode\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}, \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2486", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Places, api_name:Places list by radius (Nearby Search) , api_description:Method returns objects closest to the selected point optionally filtered by parameters. Only basic information is include in response: xid, name, kinds, osm, wikidata of each object. Depending on the chosen format, the response is either a simple array of objects (with a smaller volume) or an object in GeoJSON format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Language code (2 characters, ISO639-1). The following values are available: en (english), ru (russian)\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Maximum distance from selected point in meters\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of selected point\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of selected point\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2487", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:de-boundaries-io, api_name:Query for all State names., api_description:Query for all State names., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"states\": [\"list of str with length 17\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2488", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Places Nearby a Coordinates, api_name:Categories, api_description:Categories of establishments., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2489", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:de-boundaries-io, api_name:Query for City Names by State, api_description:Query for list of city names by a state name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cities\": [\"list of str with length 81\"], \"count\": \"int\", \"state\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2490", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Mexico ZIP Codes, api_name:Zip Code Information, api_description:Retrieves the information of a particular zip code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A zip code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"codigo_postal\": \"str\", \"municipio\": \"str\", \"estado\": \"str\", \"colonias\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2491", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Mexico ZIP Codes, api_name:Search zip codes, api_description:Search for valid zip codes with starting digits, required_params: [{\"name\": \"codigo_postal\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Part of a zip code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"codigos_postales\": [\"list of str with length 20\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2492", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Reverse Geocoding and Geolocation Service, api_name:GetTimezone, api_description:Finds the local timezone for any given geo-location point by lat and long and returns timezone information with Timezone name, Timezone id and current local time., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"TimeZoneId\": \"str\", \"GMT_offset\": \"int\", \"TimeZoneName\": \"str\", \"LocalTime_Now\": \"str\", \"Country\": \"str\", \"CountryId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2493", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get option strikes, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An equity symbol\"}, {\"name\": \"expiration\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An expiration date\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2494", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BraveNewCoin, api_name:Market, api_description:List the UUIDs for all markets or provide a query parameter to search.\n\nThe parameters are asset UUIDs. The full list of all asset details is available from the Asset endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"content\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"baseAssetId\": \"str\", \"quoteAssetId\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 16210}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2495", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webit Blockchain, api_name:Generate Wallet, api_description:Generate a new crypto wallet.\n\nSupported blockchains are Ethereum, Polygon, Binance mainnets and Ropsten, Rinkey, Goerly, Kovan, Mumbai testnets., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"address\": \"str\", \"private_key\": \"str\", \"public_key\": \"str\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2496", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BraveNewCoin, api_name:AssetTicker, api_description:This free endpoint will return the latest details for an asset refreshed every 5 minutes with global USD spot price, 24 hour volume and supply. The optional percentChange parameter provides the 1, 7 and 30 day percentage movements as additional payload. \n\nSupply the unique identifier (UUID) for an asset. The UUID for any asset may be found from the Assets endpoint in Lookups.\n\nA security token is required for the Authorization Header. Obtain a token valid for 24 hours from the GetToken endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"assetId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"UUID. The unique resource identifier of an asset e.g. BTC = f1ff77b6-3ab4-4719-9ded-2fc7e71cff1f\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2497", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webit Blockchain, api_name:Gas price, api_description:Get current gas price with a single API call on multiple chains.\n\nSupported blockchains:\n- `ethereum`;\n- `binance`;\n- `polygon`;\n- `ethereum-ropsten`;\n- `ethereum-rinkeby`;\n- `ethereum-goerli`;\n- `ethereum-kovan`;\n- `binance-testnet`;\n- `polygon-mumbai`., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"gas_price\": \"int\", \"gas_price_hex\": \"str\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2498", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Oil Thai Price, api_name:Get latest price, api_description:Get latest thai oil price, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": {\"lastupdate\": \"str\", \"beforeupdate\": \"str\", \"diffdays\": \"str\"}, \"Premium Diesel B7\": {\"latest\": \"str\", \"before\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\"}, \"Diesel B10\": {\"latest\": \"str\", \"before\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\"}, \"Normal Diesel\": {\"latest\": \"str\", \"before\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\"}, \"Diesel B20\": {\"latest\": \"str\", \"before\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\"}, \"Gasohol E85\": {\"latest\": \"str\", \"before\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\"}, \"Gasohol E20\": {\"latest\": \"str\", \"before\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\"}, \"Gasohol 91\": {\"latest\": \"str\", \"before\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\"}, \"Gasohol 95\": {\"latest\": \"str\", \"before\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\"}, \"ULG\": {\"latest\": \"str\", \"before\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\"}, \"Hi Premium 97 Gasohol 95\": {\"latest\": \"str\", \"before\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\"}, \"Super Power Gasohol 95\": {\"latest\": \"str\", \"before\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2499", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get a user's positions, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2500", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webit Blockchain, api_name:Estimate gas, api_description:Estimate gas required by send transaction and smart contract method call on multiple blockchains.\n\nSupported blockchains:\n- `ethereum`;\n- `binance`;\n- `polygon`;\n- `ethereum-ropsten`;\n- `ethereum-rinkeby`;\n- `ethereum-goerli`;\n- `ethereum-kovan`;\n- `binance-testnet`;\n- `polygon-mumbai`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Target address the action is performed \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"to\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".\\n\\nThis can be another wallet address simulating an amount transferring to.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"gas_price\": \"int\", \"gas_price_hex\": \"str\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2501", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:list, api_description:get listed items by screener, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"get from screener/filters\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"hits\\\": [{\\\"pair_ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"stock_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"parent_pair_ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"canonical_to_pair_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"override_country_ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"eq_pe_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"eq_pe_ratio_eu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eq_market_cap\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"eq_market_cap_eu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eq_one_year_return\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"eq_one_year_return_eu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eq_dividend\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"eq_dividend_eu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eq_eps\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"eq_eps_eu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eq_beta\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"eq_beta_eu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eq_revenue\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"eq_revenue_eu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"security_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eq_pe_ratio_frmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eq_market_cap_frmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eq_one_year_return_frmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eq_dividend_frmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eq_eps_frmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eq_beta_frmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eq_revenue_frmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"a1fcf\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"a1fcf_eu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"a1fcf_us\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aastturn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aastturn_eu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aastturn_us\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abepsxclxo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abepsxclxo_eu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abepsxclxo_us\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abvps\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abvps_eu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abvps_us\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"acfshr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"acfshr_\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2502", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:stock/v2/get-price-fair-value, api_description:Mapped to Price vs Fair Value tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from .../auto-complete or /get-summary or .../get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2503", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/performance/get-latest-distributions, api_description:Get latest distributions in the Performance tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2504", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:JP Funda, api_name:getLatestBySecuritiesCode, api_description:### Return latest securities report data of the company specified with securities code.\nNote: If the company doesn't have a consolidated subsidiary, all of consolidated management indicators become null. But you can obtain data instead of consolidated management indicators from non consolidated management indicators, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securities_code\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"company_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"edinet_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securities_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securities_report_submission_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"beginning_of_year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ending_of_year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"consolidated_management_indicators\\\": {\\\"revenue\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"operating_revenue\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"operating_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ordinary_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"income_before_tax\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"net_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_income_attributable_to_owners_of_parent\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"comprehensive_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"comprehensive_income_attributable_to_owners_of_parent\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"net_assets\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"total_assets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"net_assets_per_share\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"basic_earnings_loss_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"diluted_earnings_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"equity_to_asset_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"price_earnings_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"rate_of_return_on_equity\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_operating_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_investing_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_financing_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_and_cash_equivalents\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2505", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:JP Funda, api_name:getListBySecuritiesCode, api_description:### Return all of securities report data of the company specified with securities code.\nNote: If the company doesn't have a consolidated subsidiary, all of consolidated management indicators become null. But you can obtain data instead of consolidated management indicators from non consolidated management indicators, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securities_code\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"company_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"edinet_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securities_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securities_report_submission_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"beginning_of_year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ending_of_year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"consolidated_management_indicators\\\": {\\\"revenue\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"operating_revenue\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"operating_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ordinary_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"income_before_tax\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"net_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_income_attributable_to_owners_of_parent\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"comprehensive_income\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"comprehensive_income_attributable_to_owners_of_parent\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_assets\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"total_assets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"net_assets_per_share\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"basic_earnings_loss_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"diluted_earnings_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"equity_to_asset_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"price_earnings_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"rate_of_return_on_equity\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_operating_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_investing_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_financing_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_and_cash_equivalents\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2506", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Defi Data, api_name:Protocol, api_description:Get historical TVL of a protocol and breakdowns by token and chain, required_params: [{\"name\": \"protocol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"protocol slug\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"logo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chains\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"gecko_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cmcId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"treasury\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"governanceID\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"wrongLiquidity\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"github\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"currentChainTvls\\\": {\\\"Ethereum\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Ethereum-borrowed\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"borrowed\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Optimism\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Metis\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Arbitrum-borrowed\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Polygon-borrowed\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Metis-borrowed\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Harmony\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Harmony-borrowed\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Fantom-borrowed\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Optimism-borrowed\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Avalanche\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Polygon\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Arbitrum\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Fantom\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Avalanche-borrowed\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"pool2\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Ethereum-pool2\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Ethereum-staking\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"staking\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"chainTvls\\\": {\\\"Ethereum\\\": {\\\"tvl\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalLiquidityUSD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1124}], \\\"tokens\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"tokensInUsd\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"Ethereum-borrowed\\\": {\\\"t\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2507", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Defi Data, api_name:Tvl protocol, api_description:Get only protocol TVL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"protocol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"protocol slug\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"config\": {\"transitional\": {\"silentJSONParsing\": \"bool\", \"forcedJSONParsing\": \"bool\", \"clarifyTimeoutError\": \"bool\"}, \"transformRequest\": [\"list of NoneType with length 1\"], \"transformResponse\": [\"list of NoneType with length 1\"], \"timeout\": \"int\", \"xsrfCookieName\": \"str\", \"xsrfHeaderName\": \"str\", \"maxContentLength\": \"int\", \"maxBodyLength\": \"int\", \"headers\": {\"Accept\": \"str\", \"User-Agent\": \"str\"}, \"method\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2508", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fear and greed index, api_name:Get Fear and greed index, api_description:https://money.cnn.com/data/fear-and-greed/, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lastUpdated\": {\"epochUnixSeconds\": \"int\", \"humanDate\": \"str\"}, \"fgi\": {\"now\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"valueText\": \"str\"}, \"previousClose\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"valueText\": \"str\"}, \"oneWeekAgo\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"valueText\": \"str\"}, \"oneMonthAgo\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"valueText\": \"str\"}, \"oneYearAgo\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"valueText\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2509", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Interest Rate by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/interestrate, api_description:API Ninjas Interest Rate API endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"central_bank_rates\": [{\"central_bank\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"rate_pct\": \"float\", \"last_updated\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 25}], \"non_central_bank_rates\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"rate_pct\": \"float\", \"last_updated\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 18}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2510", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Defi Data, api_name:Charts, api_description:Get historical TVL of DeFi on all chains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"totalLiquidityUSD\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2511", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Commodity Groups, api_description:Get data for commodity groups, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2512", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bankruptcy Search, api_name:/GetArchiveReport, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"AppId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fault\": {\"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": {\"errorcode\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2513", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Commodities News, api_description:This endpoint provides the commodities news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"link\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"shortDescription\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"when\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 36}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2514", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:The Sandbox - SAND, api_name:Past 1 Month, api_description:Get price data for the past month. (~30 days)\n\n~hourly data points., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2515", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Info, api_name:Get Stock Price, api_description:To get the Stock Price (Delayed 30 mins), required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2516", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:The Sandbox - SAND, api_name:Year to Date, api_description:Get price data for year to date.\n\n1 day = 5 minute interval data\n1 - 90 days = hourly data\nabove 90 days = daily data (00:00 UTC), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prices\": [\"list of list with length 167\"], \"market_caps\": [\"list of list with length 167\"], \"total_volumes\": [\"list of list with length 167\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2517", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Prague Stock Exchange, api_name:/api/Stocks, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"bic\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"isin\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2518", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Prague Stock Exchange, api_name:/api/Days, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2519", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Prague Stock Exchange, api_name:/api/About/version, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"version\": \"str\", \"buildDate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2520", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:2 Year Historical Daily Prices, api_description:2 Year historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Daily Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2521", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ChangeNOW crypto exchange, api_name:API V2 | User addresses, api_description:This API endpoint returns a list of addresses bound to address name.\n \n

Successful response:


The response contains an array of addresses bound to address name.

Successful response fields
\n\n\n\t\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
successBooleanIndicates if a request was processed successfully
addressesArrayArray of addresses for requested fio-address or unstoppable-domain
currencyStringCurrency ticker in naming space of his protocol
chainStringCurrency chain in naming space of his protocol
addressStringReal address for requested fio-address or unstoppable-domain
protocolStringProtocol of current address

Request Parameters:

, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) FIO address or Unstoppable domain as name.zil / name.crypto\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2522", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:1 Month Historical Daily Prices, api_description:1 Month historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Daily Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2523", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ChangeNOW crypto exchange, api_name:Minimal exchange amount, api_description:The API endpoint returns minimal payment amount required to make an exchange. If you try to exchange less, the transaction will most likely fail.\n\n

You can find examples of errors in the Example request block (use the drop-down list).


Request Parameters:

, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"minAmount\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2524", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:5 Day Historical Daily Prices, api_description:5 Day historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Daily Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2525", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:quote/get-chart, api_description:Get data to draw chart, required_params: [{\"name\": \"endDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\"}, {\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol to get information\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Labels\": \"NoneType\", \"Positions\": [\"list of float with length 3\"], \"Dates\": [\"list of float with length 3\"], \"Elements\": [{\"Currency\": \"str\", \"TimeStamp\": \"str\", \"Symbol\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"str\", \"ID\": \"str\", \"DataSeries\": {\"open\": {\"min\": \"float\", \"max\": \"float\", \"maxDate\": \"float\", \"minDate\": \"float\", \"values\": [\"list of float with length 3\"]}, \"high\": {\"min\": \"float\", \"max\": \"float\", \"maxDate\": \"float\", \"minDate\": \"float\", \"values\": [\"list of float with length 3\"]}, \"low\": {\"min\": \"float\", \"max\": \"float\", \"maxDate\": \"float\", \"minDate\": \"float\", \"values\": [\"list of float with length 3\"]}, \"close\": {\"min\": \"float\", \"max\": \"float\", \"maxDate\": \"float\", \"minDate\": \"float\", \"values\": [\"list of float with length 3\"]}}, \"Status\": \"int\", \"ErrorMsg\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2526", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:news/get-market-update, api_description:Get latest market update news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Headline\": \"str\", \"Timestamp\": \"str\", \"Teaser\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2527", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:GaiaLens Company Names, api_name:getCompanyNames, api_description:This API returns a list of all company names available to the user. It can be used as a pre-step before invoking other GaiaLens APIs such as GaiaLens ESG Scores, Gaialens Historical ESG Scores and GaiaLens ESG News., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"companyname\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2528", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bitcoin News, api_name:Get All Bitcoin News, api_description:This endpoint will return back all the news across all the major bitcoin news site from all over the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2529", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ExchangeRatesPro, api_name:List Available Currencies, api_description:Returns a list of all currencies that are available through the API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"currencies\\\": {\\\"AED\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AFN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ALL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ANG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AOA\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ARS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AUD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AZN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BAM\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BBD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BDT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BGN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BHD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BIF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BND\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BOB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BRL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BSD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BTC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BTN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BWP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BYN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BYR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BZD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CAD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CDF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CHF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CLF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CLP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CNY\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"COP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CRC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CUC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CUP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CVE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CZK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DJF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DKK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DOP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DZD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EGP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ERN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ETB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EUR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FJD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FKP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GBP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GEL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GGP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GHS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GIP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GNF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GTQ\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GYD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HKD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HNL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HRK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HTG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HUF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IDR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ILS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IMP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"INR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IQD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IRR\\\": \\\"str\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2530", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Prague Stock Exchange, api_name:/api/Trades/isin/{isin}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"isin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2531", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Quake, api_name:Market Status, api_description:Is the market open?, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"market_is_open\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2532", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BraveNewCoin, api_name:DailyOHLCV, api_description:This endpoint returns end-of-day open, high, low, close prices and volumes (OHLCV) for market weighted averages (MWA) or global weighted averages (GWA). The 24hr period for end of day is based on an open/close at 00:00:00 UTC. Parameters may be used to select the data required. \n\nBNC uses universal identifiers (UUIDs) for assets and markets. Each index type will have a UUID which identifies the constituent type used to build the index:\n\n| Index Type | Index Id | Output |\n| -----------|:---------:|:---------:|\n| MWA | Market Id | OHLCV for that market |\n| GWA | Asset Id | OHLCV for that coin / asset |\n\nThe UUIDs for assets or markets may be found from the Lookups with those names.\n\nIf no timestamp is provided, then only the latest values are returned. With a timestamp, records are returned in reverse date order, the number determining how far back controlled by the size parameter. \n\nAn authentication token is required. Obtain a token valid for 24 hours from the GetToken endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2533", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:market/get-sectors, api_description:Get brief information about all sectors, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"RequestTimestamp\": \"str\", \"SectorPerformance\": {\"AsOfDateRaw\": \"str\", \"StatusCodeTemp\": \"str\", \"StatusMessageTemp\": \"str\", \"Sectors\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"Performance1Day\": \"str\", \"Performance1DayRaw\": \"float\", \"Performance1Month\": \"str\", \"Performance1MonthRaw\": \"float\", \"Performance1Year\": \"str\", \"Performance1YearRaw\": \"float\", \"Performance3Month\": \"str\", \"Performance3MonthRaw\": \"float\", \"Performance6Month\": \"str\", \"Performance6MonthRaw\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 11}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2534", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Ethereum random address generator. ETH key pairs generator, api_name:eth, api_description:This API generates a random ethereum public address with its private key, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"address\": \"str\", \"private_key\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2535", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Quake, api_name:Symbol Strength, api_description:Exposes the combined strength of 8 individual currencies using calculations applied to 28 Forex pairs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"timeframe\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Timeframe (h1, h4, d1 or w1)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"change\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2536", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BraveNewCoin, api_name:MarketById, api_description:Retrieves the details of an individual market. Supply the unique identifier (UUID) of the market.\n\nThe full list of all market UUIDs can be obtained from the Market endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"UUID. The unique resource identifier of a market e.g. BTC/USD = 6ea0d2ef-6dd0-4adb-ad32-f7f3db58ccbe\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2537", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bitcoin News, api_name:Get Individual Bitcoin News Sources, api_description:In this endpoint you can get informations for a specific News resource., required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2538", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Sentiment API, api_name:Most Positive News, api_description:Returns a list of the most positive articles related to the given stock. The sentiment scores can be viewed in the compound field and you can change the number of articles returned with the count parameter.\n\nNote: The api parses for 100 articles so any count given over 100, the api will just return all 100 articles, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rank\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"compound\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2539", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Sentiment API, api_name:News Sentiment Data, api_description:Returns a list of articles related to the input stock and their associated sentiment score.\nThe sentiment score is called compound., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"compound\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2540", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:GaiaLens ESG Scores, api_name:getESGScores, api_description:This API provides real-time Environmental, Social, Governance and Overall scores for companies on a scale of 0 to 100. In addition to this, the API also provides other relevant metrics like Global Rank, Industry Rank and more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"request_id\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2541", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:currencies/list, api_description:List all global currencies and rates, required_params: [{\"name\": \"userRegionId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../regions/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"regionId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../regions/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"exchangeId\": \"int\", \"type\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"disSymbol\": \"str\", \"disExchangeCode\": \"str\", \"exchangeCode\": \"str\", \"template\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"close\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"changeRatio\": \"str\", \"microTrend\": {\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"type\": \"int\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"preClose\": \"str\", \"current\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\", \"data\": [\"list of str with length 149\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2542", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Credit card prediction, api_name:Dependent_count, api_description:Dependent_count GET request, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"1\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dependent_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Education_Level\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"2\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dependent_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Education_Level\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"3\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dependent_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Education_Level\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"4\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dependent_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Education_Level\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"5\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dependent_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Education_Level\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"6\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dependent_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Education_Level\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"7\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dependent_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Education_Level\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"8\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dependent_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Education_Level\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"9\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dependent_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Education_Level\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"10\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dependent_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Education_Level\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"11\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dependent_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Education_Level\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"12\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dependent_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Education_Level\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"13\\\": {\\\"Gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dependent_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Education_Level\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"14\\\": {\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2543", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Credit card prediction, api_name:Months_on_book, api_description:Months_on_book, card category GET request, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"1\\\": {\\\"Income_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Card_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Months_on_book\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"2\\\": {\\\"Income_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Card_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Months_on_book\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"3\\\": {\\\"Income_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Card_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Months_on_book\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"4\\\": {\\\"Income_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Card_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Months_on_book\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"5\\\": {\\\"Income_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Card_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Months_on_book\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"6\\\": {\\\"Income_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Card_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Months_on_book\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"7\\\": {\\\"Income_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Card_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Months_on_book\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"8\\\": {\\\"Income_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Card_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Months_on_book\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"9\\\": {\\\"Income_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Card_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Months_on_book\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"10\\\": {\\\"Income_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Card_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Months_on_book\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"11\\\": {\\\"Income_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Card_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Months_on_book\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"12\\\": {\\\"Income_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Card_Category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Months_on_book\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"13\\\": {\\\"Inco\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2544", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Credit card prediction, api_name:Attrition_Flag, api_description:Attrition_Flag Get request, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"1\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Attrition_Flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Customer_Age\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"2\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Attrition_Flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Customer_Age\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"3\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Attrition_Flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Customer_Age\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"4\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Attrition_Flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Customer_Age\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"5\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Attrition_Flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Customer_Age\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"6\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Attrition_Flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Customer_Age\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"7\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Attrition_Flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Customer_Age\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"8\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Attrition_Flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Customer_Age\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"9\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Attrition_Flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Customer_Age\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"10\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Attrition_Flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Customer_Age\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"11\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Attrition_Flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Customer_Age\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"12\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Attrition_Flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Customer_Age\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"13\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Attrition_Flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Customer_Age\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"14\\\": {\\\"CLIENTNUM\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2545", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:EarningsData, api_name:GetCurrentBySymbol, api_description:Get the current value, growth and momentum information for a single stock., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"act_symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"growth\": \"str\", \"momentum\": \"str\", \"vgm\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2546", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:EarningsData, api_name:GetByMonth, api_description:Get Earning Data By Month, required_params: [{\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2547", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:EarningsData, api_name:GetByStock, api_description:Get earnings data by symbol., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2548", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Loan Amortization Schedule Calculator, api_name:Calculate repayment schedule, api_description:Returns detailed loan repayment schedule, required_params: [{\"name\": \"annualInterestRate\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Decimal number: (annual interest rate in percent) / 100\"}, {\"name\": \"installmentCount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of installments (payments)\"}, {\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Start date of the schedule\"}, {\"name\": \"principalAmount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Principal amount of the loan\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"principalAmount\": \"str\", \"annualInterestRate\": \"str\", \"repaymentInterval\": \"str\", \"installmentCount\": \"str\", \"repaymentSchedule\": {\"installments\": [{\"installmentNumber\": \"int\", \"dueDate\": \"str\", \"installmentAmount\": \"str\", \"startingBalance\": \"str\", \"principalAmount\": \"str\", \"interestAmount\": \"str\", \"endingBalance\": \"str\", \"extraPayment\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 12}]}, \"startDate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2549", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_Project, api_name:vol_strike, api_description:This function generates the implied-volatility (lognormal) for a given, specified delta. The convention works with delta of 0.10 is specified via 0.90 in the argument, as we generate the delta from a 'call option' function.\n\nThis is the standard function to generate the 25-delta and 10-delta risk-reversals and butterfly which provides the market-conventions for the volatility-skew and volatility-smile.\n\nstrike_: List of absolute strikes,\n vols_: List of lognormal annualized volatilities,\nr_: float of risk-free-rate,\nS_: float of the spot:\nT_ : the time-to-expiry of the option\ndelta_target: float, the desired delta where you want the implied volatility, required_params: [{\"name\": \"delta_target\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"T_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"r_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"S_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"vols_\", \"type\": \"ARRAY\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"strike_\", \"type\": \"ARRAY\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2550", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_Project, api_name:opt_theta, api_description:option lognormal greeks : theta calculates the theta, given where\nS = forward (float), K = strike (float), T = time-to-expiry (float), sigma = implied volatility lognormal (float)\nr = risk-free-rate (float), type_ =call (c) /put (p) (string), ret_= 0 (default) for use in rapidAPI.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"r\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ret_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type_\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"T\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sigma\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"K\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"S\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"theta\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2551", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Sales Tax by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/salestax, api_description:API Ninjas Sales Tax API endpoint. Returns one or more sales tax breakdowns by ZIP code according to the specified parameters. Each breakdown includes the state sales tax (if any), county sales tax (if any), city sales tax (if any), and any additional special sales taxes. All tax values are presented in decimals (e.g. 0.1 means 10% tax).\n\nExactly one of the following must be set: zip_code or (city + state), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"zip_code\": \"str\", \"total_rate\": \"str\", \"state_rate\": \"str\", \"city_rate\": \"str\", \"county_rate\": \"str\", \"additional_rate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2552", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BB Finance, api_name:market/get-compact, api_description:Get most informative fields about indices, commodities, currencies, rates, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../market/auto-complete endpoint, separated by comma to query multiple stickers at once.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"ADSMI:IND\\\": {\\\"securityType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resourceType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fundamentalDataCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resourceSubtype\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ticker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tickerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"template\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tinyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchlist\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"resourceId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eqtIndex\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"netChange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastPriceTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pctChange1M\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yearHigh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dayHigh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"yearLow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dayLow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pctChangeYTD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pctChange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isOpen\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"AEX:IND\\\": {\\\"securityType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resourceType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fundamentalDataCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resourceSubtype\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ticker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tickerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"template\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tinyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchlist\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"resourceId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eqtIndex\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"netChange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastPriceTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pctChange1\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2553", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing - Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:coins/get-brief-chart, api_description:Get brief information chart of specific cryptocurrency, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pair_ID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Value of pair_id field returned in coins/list, coins/search, coins/list-pairs, etc...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_comment\": \"str\", \"candle_colors\": {\"up\": \"str\", \"dn\": \"str\"}, \"candles\": [{\"start_timestamp\": \"int\", \"open\": \"int\", \"max\": \"int\", \"min\": \"int\", \"close\": \"int\", \"navigation\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"vol_open\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 95}], \"attr\": {\"use_volume\": \"bool\", \"last_value\": \"int\", \"decimals\": \"int\", \"tooltip_percent_value\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2554", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Converter by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/convertcurrency, api_description:API Ninjas Convert Currency API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Amount of currency to convert.\"}, {\"name\": \"have\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currency you currently hold. Must be 3-character currency code (e.g. **USD**).\"}, {\"name\": \"want\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currency you want to convert to. Must be 3-character currency code (e.g. **EUR**)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"new_amount\": \"float\", \"new_currency\": \"str\", \"old_currency\": \"str\", \"old_amount\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2555", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:COVID-19 Economic Impact, api_name:United States COVID-19 Death Count, api_description:Get cumulative United States COVID-19 death count daily., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"COVID case numbers and death numbers from the New York Times COVID-19 repository. COVID test numbers from the COVID Tracking Project\\\": {\\\"2020-01-07\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-08\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-09\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-10\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-11\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-12\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-13\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-14\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-15\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-16\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-17\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-18\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-19\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-20\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-21\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-22\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-23\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-24\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-26\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-27\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-13\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-14\\\": \\\"f\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2556", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Wallet, api_name:Total User Balance, api_description:returns all user balance getting all walets balances, required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2557", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Wallet, api_name:Get User Wallets, api_description:returns all user wallets, required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2558", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Wallet, api_name:Get User By Id, api_description:Get user information by Id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2559", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Free Currency Converter by Hajana One, api_name:/currency-api.php, api_description:Convert Ant Currency, required_params: [{\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Amount you want to convert\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Three Letters of currency\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2560", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fidelity Investments, api_name:market/get-movers, api_description:Get market movers which are most actives, top gainers, top losers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2561", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:{type}/portfolio/get-historical-fixed-income-style, api_description:Get historical fixed income style as displayed in the Portfolio tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}, {\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in \\u2026/market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"history\": [{\"year\": \"int\", \"portfolioDate\": \"str\", \"style\": \"int\", \"percentage\": \"float\", \"relativeVolatility\": \"NoneType\", \"categoryName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"secId\": \"str\", \"masterPortfolioId\": \"str\", \"asOfDate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2562", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:{type}/get-strategy, api_description:Get strategy, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in \\u2026/market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"investmentStrategy\": \"str\", \"languageId\": \"str\", \"isInvestmentStrategyEmpty\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2563", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fidelity Investments, api_name:news/get-details, api_description:Get news details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"resId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of resId field returned in .../news/list-top endpoint, such as : 202003011902RTRSNEWSCOMBINED_KBN20O2GM-OUSBS_1\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2564", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:news/get-details, api_description:Get news details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of id returned in \\u2026/news/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"sourceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of sourceId returned in \\u2026/news/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2565", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:stock/get-detail, api_description:Get detail information of stock, market, required_params: [{\"name\": \"PerformanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of PerformanceId field from /market/auto-complete and /market/get-summary APIs\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2566", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockExchangeAPI, api_name:/price/{assetID}, api_description:Get price quotes and details from an specific stock exchange asset, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2567", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:AwesomeAPI Exchange, api_name: Retorna os registros dos últimos dias, api_description: Retorna os registros da ultima ocorrência dos últimos dias, required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Formato de resposta, json, jsonp ou xml\"}, {\"name\": \"numero_dias\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Numero de dias para retornar (Default: 30)\"}, {\"name\": \"moeda\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"USD-BRL, EUR-BRL...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2568", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:AwesomeAPI Exchange, api_name: Retorna os registros de um período específico, api_description: Retorna os registros da ultima ocorrência de um período específico, required_params: [{\"name\": \"moeda\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2569", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:stock/v2/get-valuation, api_description:Mapped to Valuation tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from .../auto-complete or /get-summary or .../get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2570", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/get-morningstar-analysis, api_description:Get Morningstar's analysis related to an ETF or FUND, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}, {\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2571", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trend and Strength API for Forex ( GOLD/XAUUSD ), api_name:GET Latest Signal, api_description:Get the current trend direction of Forex GOLD, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2572", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Inflation by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/inflation, api_description:API Ninjas Inflation API endpoint. Returns current monthly and annual inflation percentages., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"period\": \"str\", \"monthly_rate_pct\": \"float\", \"yearly_rate_pct\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2573", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Smart Chain, api_name:Account Transaction Count, api_description:Get the number of transactions done by an address on the Binance Smart Chain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address you want to scan!\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2574", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Smart Chain, api_name:Account Balance, api_description:Get the BNB balance for an address on the Binance Smart Chain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address you want to scan!\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2575", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Smart Chain, api_name:Account Transaction History, api_description:Get an array of all transactions of an address on the Binance Smart Chain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address you want to scan!\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"result\": [{\"blockNumber\": \"str\", \"timeStamp\": \"str\", \"hash\": \"str\", \"nonce\": \"str\", \"blockHash\": \"str\", \"transactionIndex\": \"str\", \"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"gas\": \"str\", \"gasPrice\": \"str\", \"isError\": \"str\", \"txreceipt_status\": \"str\", \"input\": \"str\", \"contractAddress\": \"str\", \"cumulativeGasUsed\": \"str\", \"gasUsed\": \"str\", \"confirmations\": \"str\", \"methodId\": \"str\", \"functionName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2576", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Futures Leaderboard, api_name:get_other_performance, api_description:Get the trader performance, required_params: [{\"name\": \"encryptedUid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The encrypted UID of the trader\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"pattern\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2577", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Futures Leaderboard, api_name:get_trader_positions, api_description:Get trader open positions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"encryptedUid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The encrypted UID of the trader\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"pattern\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2578", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:RealStonks, api_name:Stock Information, api_description:This endpoint gets you the real-time stock information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"price\": \"float\", \"change_point\": \"float\", \"change_percentage\": \"float\", \"total_vol\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2579", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Asset Cold Wallet Create, api_name:GetActiveCurrencyList, api_description:The Current Active Currency List REST API allows clients to retrieve a list of currently active currencies by sending a GET request to the endpoint. The endpoint should be in the following format:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"n_id\": \"int\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"alt_name\": \"str\", \"network_name\": \"NoneType\", \"short_description\": \"NoneType\", \"decimals\": \"int\", \"display_decimals\": \"int\", \"status\": \"int\", \"deletedAt\": \"NoneType\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2580", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Converter_v2, api_name:Convert, api_description:Convert between Currencies., required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currency to which you are converting.\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currency from which you are converting.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2581", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchange Rate Provider, api_name:Get Foreign Exchange Rates for other major currencies, api_description:Get Foreign Exchange Rates for other major currencies. At the moment only GBP and USD are available. More will be added with future updates.\n\nSo as `currencyId` please **use only** `/gbp` or `/usd`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"currencyId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2582", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchange Rate Provider, api_name:Get EUR Foreign Exchange Rates, api_description:Get Foreign Exchange Rates for default currency EUR., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2583", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency_v3, api_name:Latest Rates, api_description:Get the latest rates for all supported countries., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2584", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency_v3, api_name:Historical Rates, api_description:Find currency exchange rates for any day since 1999!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"2005-02-03\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2585", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Direct Debit Managed Service, api_name:Rapidata Services, api_description:Direct Debit Managed Service API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2586", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fidelity Investments, api_name:quotes/get-mashup, api_description:Get additional information for specific quote, market, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Only one symbol is allowed\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"mashup\\\": {\\\"financialMetric\\\": {\\\"financialMetricDetails\\\": {\\\"financialMetricDetail\\\": [{\\\"secDetail\\\": {\\\"requested\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"classification\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"classificationType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": 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\\\"priceToSalesTTM\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}}, \\\"analystOpinion\\\": {\\\"analystOpinionDetails\\\": {\\\"analystOpinionDetail\\\": [{\\\"secDet\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2587", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Circulating Supply, api_name:Coin, api_description:This endpoint returns the value of given coin as parameter., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2588", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:France Scheduled Flights Level, api_description:Get weekly France scheduled departing flights level., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2589", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:Most Visited, api_description:Most visited cryptocurrencies today., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"version\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2590", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Indian Stock Exchange API, api_name:StockPrice, api_description:Enter the SYMBOL such as TATAMOTORS, M&M etc as a parameter at the endpoint and it will give your the Live Price updates from exchange., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"open\": \"float\", \"day_high\": \"float\", \"day_low\": \"float\", \"previous_close\": \"float\", \"last_trading_price\": \"float\", \"lowPriceRange\": \"float\", \"highPriceRange\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"day_change\": \"float\", \"day_change_percent\": \"float\", \"totalBuyQty\": \"int\", \"totalSellQty\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2591", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:tokenlist, api_name:tokens, api_description:tokens list and contract based on network parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"network\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"arbitrum | aurora | avalanche | bsc | cronos | ethereum | fantom | harmony | heco | kcc | metis | moonriver | oasisemerald | optimism | polygon | telos\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2592", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:news/get-details, api_description:Get analysis detail by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id returned in .../news/list or .../news/list-trending endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"publishOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isLockedPro\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"commentCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gettyImageUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"videoPreviewUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"themes\\\": 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\\\"isPaywalled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"lastModified\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isExclusive\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"metered\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"correctionReason\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"relationships\\\": {\\\"author\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2593", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:analysis/list (Deprecated), api_description:List analysis of specific symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol to query for data, only one is allowed at a time.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"publishOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isLockedPro\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"commentCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gettyImageUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"videoPreviewUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"themes\\\": {}, \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isPaywalled\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"relationships\\\": {\\\"author\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"sentiments\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"primaryTickers\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"secondaryTickers\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"otherTags\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}}, \\\"links\\\": {\\\"self\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 20}], \\\"included\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"company\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tagId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"image\\\": {\\\"small\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medium\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"big\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"extra_large\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"nick\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"deactivated\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"memberSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"contributorSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"followersCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"relationships\\\": {\\\"user\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}, \\\"links\\\": {\\\"se\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2594", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:comments/list (Deprecated), api_description:List all comments relating to a post or article or news, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id returned in .../articles/list or .../articles/list-trending or .../articles/list-wall-street-breakfast endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"included\": \"empty list\", \"meta\": {\"page\": {\"size\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}}, \"links\": {\"next\": \"NoneType\", \"self\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2595", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance Historical Stock Prices, api_name:GetHistoricalPrices, api_description:Get historical prices., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The *symbol* parameter, e.g. **AAPL**.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dateTime\": \"str\", \"open\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"close\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"adjustedClose\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2596", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:stocks_archive, api_name:ping, api_description:Check that server is still alive, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"datetime\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\", \"uptime\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2597", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:stocks_archive, api_name:tickerData, api_description:Returns a list of ticker records, required_params: [{\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker period\"}, {\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Start date\"}, {\"name\": \"tickerName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker name\"}, {\"name\": \"endDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"End date\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"records\": [{\"closeDateTime\": \"str\", \"open\": \"float\", \"close\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 142}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2598", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:stocks_archive, api_name:tickersList, api_description:Returns a list of available tickers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2599", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:360MiQ, api_name:Market Breadth, api_description:Stock Market Breadth API for the US and Global Stock Markets, required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"NYSE, Nasdaq, TSX, LSE, ASX, NSE, TYO, HKEX, SHSE, SZSE\"}, {\"name\": \"series\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"C>MA20, \\nC>MA50, \\nC>MA200, \\nC>MA250, \\nMA3>MA18, \\nMA5>MA20, \\nMA10>MA50, \\nMA50>MA200, \\nMA50>MA250, \\nADV, \\nADV-DEC, \\nADV-DEC_CUM, \\nRSI14D<30, \\nRSI14D>50, \\nRSI14D>70, \\nRSI14W<30, \\nRSI14W>50, \\nRSI14W>70, \\nHIGH250-LOW250, \\nHIGH250-LOW250_CUM, \\nMCCLELLANOSC, \\nMCCLELLANSUM\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2600", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fund Transfer, api_name:GetBankDetailsFT, api_description:By accessing this API we can get all the bank details of a particular customer. For this a bank code is required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"bankcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2601", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fund Transfer, api_name:FindCustomerDetailsFT, api_description:This API permits us to find a particular customer's details. e.g-customer's name, customer's mobile number etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"customermobileno\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2602", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Risk Free Rate API, api_name:Risk Free Rate, api_description:This endpoint returns the risk free rate for a specific date. Default values are:\n\ndate = yesterday\ngeography = US\nduration = 3m\n\nCurrently only US is supported. Durations supported are 3m, 5y and 10y. Historical values are supported until 1960-01-04., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"geography\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"risk_free_rate\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2603", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Data, api_name:Symbol, api_description:The ticker symbol of the stock., required_params: [{\"name\": \"Symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Index\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P/E\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EPS (ttm)\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Insider Own\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Shs Outstand\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Perf Week\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Market Cap\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Forward P/E\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EPS next Y\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Insider Trans\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Shs Float\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Perf Month\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Income\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PEG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EPS next Q\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Inst Own\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Short Float / Ratio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Perf Quarter\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Sales\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P/S\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EPS this Y\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Inst Trans\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Short Interest\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Perf Half Y\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Book/sh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P/B\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ROA\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Target Price\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Perf Year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Cash/sh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P/C\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EPS next 5Y\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ROE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"52W Range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Perf YTD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dividend\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P/FCF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EPS past 5Y\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ROI\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"52W High\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Beta\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dividend %\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Quick Ratio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Sales past 5Y\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Gross Margin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"52W Low\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ATR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Employees\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Current Ratio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Sales Q/Q\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Oper. Margin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"R\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2604", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CoinLore Cryptocurrency, api_name:Global crypto stats, api_description:Get global info, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"coins_count\": \"int\", \"active_markets\": \"int\", \"total_mcap\": \"float\", \"total_volume\": \"float\", \"btc_d\": \"str\", \"eth_d\": \"str\", \"mcap_change\": \"str\", \"volume_change\": \"str\", \"avg_change_percent\": \"str\", \"volume_ath\": \"int\", \"mcap_ath\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2605", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:Non-Manufacturing PMI, api_description:Get monthly non-manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Non manufacturing - PMI\": {\"2020-05\": \"float\", \"2020-06\": \"float\", \"2020-07\": \"float\", \"2020-08\": \"float\", \"2020-09\": \"float\", \"2020-10\": \"float\", \"2020-11\": \"float\", \"2020-12\": \"float\", \"2021-01\": \"float\", \"2021-02\": \"float\", \"2021-03\": \"float\", \"2021-04\": \"float\", \"2021-05\": \"float\", \"2021-06\": \"float\", \"2021-07\": \"float\", \"2021-08\": \"float\", \"2021-09\": \"float\", \"2021-10\": \"float\", \"2021-11\": \"float\", \"2021-12\": \"float\", \"2022-01\": \"float\", \"2022-02\": \"float\", \"2022-03\": \"float\", \"2022-04\": \"float\", \"2022-05\": \"float\", \"2022-06\": \"float\", \"2022-07\": \"float\", \"2022-08\": \"float\", \"2022-09\": \"float\", \"2022-10\": \"float\", \"2022-11\": \"float\", \"2022-12\": \"float\", \"2023-01\": \"float\", \"2023-02\": \"float\", \"2023-03\": \"float\", \"2023-04\": \"float\", \"2023-05\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2606", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CoinLore Cryptocurrency, api_name:All coins ticker, api_description:Get tickers for coins, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nameid\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"price_usd\": \"str\", \"percent_change_24h\": \"str\", \"percent_change_1h\": \"str\", \"percent_change_7d\": \"str\", \"price_btc\": \"str\", \"market_cap_usd\": \"str\", \"volume24\": \"float\", \"volume24a\": \"float\", \"csupply\": \"str\", \"tsupply\": \"str\", \"msupply\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"info\": {\"coins_num\": \"int\", \"time\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2607", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mortgage Monthly Payment Calculator, api_name:Monthly Payment, api_description:calculate monthly payment. Add all input to the query parameter string.\nloanAmount, interestRate, and terms., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interestRate\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"terms\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"loanAmount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"monthlyPayment\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2608", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:Manufacturing PMI, api_description:Get monthly manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2609", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Is This Coin A Scam, api_name:Get a list of trending profiles, api_description:Get a list of the top 100 crypto projects currently trending on isthiscoinascam.com added to the site. Ordered by most popular first., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 250}], \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2610", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:Nonfarm Payrolls Adjusted, api_description:Get monthly seasonally adjusted nonfarm payrolls., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Employment, Hours, and Earnings - National\\\": {\\\"1939-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-12\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2611", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Is This Coin A Scam, api_name:Get coin by slug, api_description:Get a specific coin by slug, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Coin Slug\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2612", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CoinLore Cryptocurrency, api_name:Get exchange pairs, api_description:Returns top 100 pars, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"date_live\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"pairs\": [{\"base\": \"str\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"price\": \"float\", \"price_usd\": \"float\", \"time\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2613", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Is This Coin A Scam, api_name:Get a list of latest profiles, api_description:Get a list of the top 100 crypto projects added to on isthiscoinascam.com. Ordered by date added., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 250}], \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2614", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Gold Price - Live_v2, api_name:Get Metal Prices, api_description:Get the current latest metals price.\nIncluding gold and silver., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2615", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:stock/earnings, api_description:Get earnings information for a particular stock, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2616", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Chaingateway.io, api_name:getTransactions, api_description:Returns information like confirmations, token contract address, amount, gas price and more of a given transaction., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2617", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Swap, api_name:Get Order Status, api_description:Get the data and status of a previously created order, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2618", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Involve Thailand FX Rates, api_name:Get Latest FX Rates, api_description:Get Latest FX Rates, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ID\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"Family\": \"str\", \"FamilyLong\": \"str\", \"BuyingRates\": \"str\", \"SellingRates\": \"str\", \"SightBill\": \"str\", \"Bill_DD_TT\": \"str\", \"TT\": \"str\", \"Ddate\": \"str\", \"Update\": \"str\", \"DTime\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2619", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Markets Global indices, api_description:Get global indices, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}, \"relationships\": {\"tickers\": {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}]}}, \"_list_length\": 6}], \"included\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"company\": \"str\", \"tagKind\": \"str\", \"alias_name\": \"str\"}, \"links\": {\"self\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 32}], \"meta\": {\"marketData\": {\"open\": \"bool\", \"openTime\": \"int\", \"refreshRate\": \"int\"}, \"chartTimes\": {\"MARKET_OPEN_TS\": \"int\", \"END_TIME\": \"str\", \"1D\": \"str\", \"PREV_1D\": \"str\", \"5D\": \"str\", \"1M\": \"str\", \"6M\": \"str\", \"1Y\": \"str\", \"5Y\": \"str\", \"10Y\": \"str\", \"20Y\": \"str\", \"MAX\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2620", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Afterbanks PSD2 payments and bank reader, api_name:Listofsupportedbanks, api_description:Get a complete list of supported banks, as well as the names of the fields needed to draw a login form similar to the bank's original., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country code, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2). For example ES for Spain. If no code is provided, the entire list will be returned.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"countryCode\": \"str\", \"service\": \"str\", \"swift\": \"str\", \"fullname\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"imageSVG\": \"str\", \"paymentsSupported\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2621", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webit Blockchain, api_name:Get Balance, api_description:Get balance from any wallet on different blockchains, including Ethereum, Polygon, Binance, Solana mainnets, including Ropsten, Rinkey, Goerly, Kovan, Mumbai testnets., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Crypto wallet address to get Balance of.\\n\\n*Example contains Vitalik Buterin wallet address.*\\n*Solana addresses are different from Ethereum fork blockchains, so please try `7xKXtg2CW87d97TXJSDpbD5jBkheTqA83TZRuJosgAsU` instead, with `solana` chain parameter selected.*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"balance\": \"int\", \"formatted\": \"float\", \"prettified\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2622", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webit Blockchain, api_name:Chain ID, api_description:Retrieve Chain ID for the selected blockchain.\n\nSupported blockchains:\n- `ethereum`;\n- `binance`;\n- `polygon`;\n- `solana`;\n- `ethereum-ropsten`;\n- `ethereum-rinkeby`;\n- `ethereum-goerli`;\n- `ethereum-kovan`;\n- `binance-testnet`;\n- `polygon-mumbai`., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"chain_id\": \"int\", \"chain_id_hex\": \"str\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2623", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Symbols Shares, api_description:Get shares for symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker slug\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"ownertypeid\": \"str\", \"sharesheld\": \"int\", \"percentage\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 5}], \"meta\": {\"totalShares\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2624", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webit Blockchain, api_name:Get latest (current) block, api_description:Get latest (current) block being currently mined.\n\nSupported blockchains:\n- `ethereum`;\n- `binance`;\n- `polygon`;\n- `solana`;\n- `polygon-mumbai`., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"block_number\": \"int\", \"block_hex\": \"str\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2625", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Qvantana, api_name:Kline, api_description:This endpoint retrieves historical k-line (candlestick) data for a specific cryptocurrency pair on a chosen exchange and market. The endpoint accepts the following parameters:\n\nsymbol (required): The trading pair (e.g., 'ethusdt'). The availability of symbols depends on the chosen exchange.\nmarket (required): The market type. Options include 'usdt-perpetual', 'spot', and 'inverse-perpetual'.\ninterval (required): The timeframe for each k-line data point. The available timeframes depend on the chosen exchange.\nlimit (optional): The number of data points to return. The maximum limit is 5000.\nfrom & to (optional): The start and end time for the data, respectively. They can be in UNIX timestamp format (seconds) or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' format.\nexchange (required): The exchange to fetch data from. Available options are 'bybit', 'binance', 'bitstamp', 'gateio', and 'kraken'.\nThis endpoint offers comprehensive historical trading data tailored to your specific needs, providing a valuable tool for market analysis., required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available markets are:\\n\\nspot\\nusdt-perpetual\\ninverse-perpetual\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"retMsg\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"period\": \"str\", \"startAt\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"open\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"close\": \"float\", \"timeInterval\": \"str\", \"openTime\": \"str\", \"turnover\": \"NoneType\", \"openTimeFormat\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2626", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Qvantana, api_name:Relative Strength Index (RSI), api_description:Stochastic Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available markets are:\\n\\nspot\\nusdt-perpetual\\ninverse-perpetual\"}, {\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": \"float\", \"period\": \"int\", \"timeFormat\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2627", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Qvantana, api_name:Stochastic RSI, api_description:Stochastic RSI indicator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available markets are:\\n\\nspot\\nusdt-perpetual\\ninverse-perpetual\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"percentK\": \"float\", \"percentD\": \"float\", \"rsiLength\": \"float\", \"stochLength\": \"float\", \"smoothKLength\": \"float\", \"smoothDLength\": \"float\", \"timeFormat\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2628", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:European Central Bank - Reference Rates, api_name:GetReferenceRates, api_description:Get the current Reference Rates, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"subject\": \"str\", \"sender\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"rates\": [{\"currency\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2629", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Market Indices Data, api_name:Forecast, api_description:Predics stock price for the next ^ months, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2630", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Market Indices Data, api_name:price, api_description:Get price of index over a period, required_params: [{\"name\": \"index\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"close\": \"float\", \"adj\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 250}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2631", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Market Indices Data, api_name:Indices, api_description:Get Listed Indices, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 12}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2632", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Markets, api_name:Symbol Order Book Ticker, api_description:Symbol Order Book Ticker, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"bidPrice\": \"str\", \"bidQty\": \"str\", \"askPrice\": \"str\", \"askQty\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2633", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Whale Transactions, api_name:Specific transactions, api_description:get info about single transaction, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hash\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tx\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"format_amount_without_digit\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"float\", \"to_owner\": \"str\", \"unique_machine_id\": \"str\", \"amount_usd\": \"int\", \"from_owner\": \"str\", \"twitter_account_config\": \"NoneType\", \"to_address\": \"str\", \"transaction_type\": \"str\", \"format_amount_usd\": \"str\", \"indexed_at\": \"str\", \"blockchain\": \"str\", \"from_alias\": \"str\", \"format_amount\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"from_address\": \"str\", \"telegram_account_channel\": \"NoneType\", \"hash\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"_score\": \"float\"}, \"explorers\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"outputs\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2634", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Realtime Crypto Prices, api_name:Market Capitalization, api_description:Returns Market Capitalization of a coin in US Dollars., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"marketcap\": \"int\", \"readable_marketcap\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2635", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Realtime Crypto Prices, api_name:Get Liquidity Value, api_description:Returns Liquidity value of a coin in US Dollars, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"liquidity\": \"int\", \"readable_liquidity\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2636", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Realtime Crypto Prices, api_name:Get Realtime Volume, api_description:Returns Realtime volume of a coin in US Dollars., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"readable_volume\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2637", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Daily-Sec-Financial-Statement-Dataset, api_name:premium_daily, api_description:This endpoints delivers the daily zip files of filed 10-q and 10-k reports. The files are published daily (resp. once or twice a week during the beta phase).\n\nThe structure of the data is similar as in the SEC financial statement dataset (https://www.sec.gov/files/aqfs.pdf), with the exception that not TAG file is present and that the SUB file only contains a subset of the attributes.\n\nPlease not that the https-url has to end with a \"/\": \nhttps://daily-sec-financial-statement-dataset.p.rapidapi.com/basic/day/2022-11-10**/**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2638", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Daily-Sec-Financial-Statement-Dataset, api_name:basic_daily, api_description:This endpoints delivers the daily zip files of filed 10-q and 10-k reports. With the basic subcription, you only have access to daily zip files older than 21 days.\n\nThe structure of the data is similar as in the SEC financial statement dataset (https://www.sec.gov/files/aqfs.pdf), with the exception that not TAG file is present and that the SUB file only contains a subset of the attributes.\n\nPlease not that the https-url has to end with a \"/\": \nhttps://daily-sec-financial-statement-dataset.p.rapidapi.com/basic/day/2022-11-10**/**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2639", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_Project, api_name:opt_gamma, api_description:option lognormal greeks : gamma calculates the gamma, given where\nS = forward (float), K = strike (float), T = time-to-expiry (float), sigma = implied volatility lognormal (float)\nr = risk-free-rate (float), cp =call (c) /put (p) (string), type_ = 0 (default) for use in rapidAPI.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ret_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sigma\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"r\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"K\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type_\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"T\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"S\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"gamma\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2640", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_Project, api_name:opt_rho, api_description:option lognormal greeks : delta calculates the delta, given where\nS = forward (float), K = strike (float), T = time-to-expiry (float), sigma = implied volatility lognormal (float)\nr = risk-free-rate (float), type_ =call (c) /put (p) (string), ret_= 0 (default) for use in rapidAPI.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type_\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ret_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"r\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"K\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sigma\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"T\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"S\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rho\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2641", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Daily-Sec-Financial-Statement-Dataset, api_name:content, api_description:This endpoint delivers the a json that shows which dates are available with which subscription. The format is as follows:\n\n```\n{\n \"daily\": [\n { \n \"date\": \"2022-01-03\",\n \"file\": \"20220103.zip\",\n \"subscription\": \"basic\"\n },\n...\n { \n \"date\": \"2022-12-02\",\n \"file\": \"20221202.zip\",\n \"subscription\": \"premium\"\n },\n\n```\nEntries marked with \"subscription: premium\" are only accessible with the premium plan. All other entries are available with basic and premium plan, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"daily\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"file\": \"str\", \"subscription\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 220}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2642", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kalshi Trading API, api_name:GetSeries, api_description:Endpoint for getting data about a series by its ticker., required_params: [{\"name\": \"series_ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Should be filled with the ticker of the series.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2643", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kalshi Trading API, api_name:GetEvent, api_description:Endpoint for getting data about an event by its ticker., required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Should be filled with the ticker of the event.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2644", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:GaiaLens Historical ESG Scores, api_name:getHistoricalScoresByYear, api_description:This API returns historical Environmental, Social, Governance and Overall scores for companies on a scale of 0 to 100 based on the year provided in the request. In addition to this, the API also provides other relevant metrics like Global Rank, Industry Rank and more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"<= 2020\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"request_id\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2645", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Converter_v2, api_name:List, api_description:List of Supported Currencies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2646", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock News, api_name:Get Stock News , api_description:Get individual stock news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2647", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Financial Statements, api_name:Income Statement, api_description:Get company income statement by year (ttm = Trailing Twelve Months).\n\nAll numbers in thousands., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"9/30/2019\\\": {\\\"Basic Average Shares\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Cost of Revenue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Diluted Average Shares\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Diluted NI Available to Com Stockholders\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EBIT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Gross Profit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Interest Expense\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Interest Income\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Net Income Common Stockholders\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Net Income from Continuing & Discontinued Operation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Net Income from Continuing Operation Net Minority Interest\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Net Interest Income\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Net Non Operating Interest Income Expense\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Normalized EBITDA\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Normalized Income\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Operating Expense\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Operating Income\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Other Income Expense\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Pretax Income\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Reconciled Cost of Revenue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Reconciled Depreciation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Tax Effect of Unusual Items\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Tax Provision\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Tax Rate for Calcs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Total Expenses\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Total Operating Income as Reported\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Total Revenue\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"9/30/2020\\\": {\\\"Basic Average Shares\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Cost of Revenue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dilu\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2648", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Financial Statements, api_name:Cash Flow Statement, api_description:Get company cash flow statement by year (ttm = Trailing Twelve Months).\n\nAll numbers in thousands., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"9/30/2019\\\": {\\\"Capital Expenditure\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"End Cash Position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Financing Cash Flow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Free Cash Flow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Income Tax Paid Supplemental Data\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Interest Paid Supplemental Data\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Investing Cash Flow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Issuance of Capital Stock\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Issuance of Debt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Operating Cash Flow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Repayment of Debt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Repurchase of Capital Stock\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"9/30/2020\\\": {\\\"Capital Expenditure\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"End Cash Position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Financing Cash Flow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Free Cash Flow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Income Tax Paid Supplemental Data\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Interest Paid Supplemental Data\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Investing Cash Flow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Issuance of Capital Stock\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Issuance of Debt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Operating Cash Flow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Repayment of Debt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Repurchase of Capital Stock\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"9/30/2021\\\": {\\\"Capital Expenditure\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"End Cash Position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Financing Cash Flow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Free Cash Flow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Income Tax Paid Supplemental Data\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Interest Paid Supplem\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2649", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Financial Statements, api_name:Balance Sheet Statement, api_description:Get company balance sheet statement by year.\n\nAll numbers in thousands., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"9/30/2019\\\": {\\\"Common Stock Equity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Invested Capital\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Net Debt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Net Tangible Assets\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Ordinary Shares Number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Share Issued\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Tangible Book Value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Total Assets\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Total Capitalization\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Total Debt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Total Equity Gross Minority Interest\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Total Liabilities Net Minority Interest\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Working Capital\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"9/30/2020\\\": {\\\"Common Stock Equity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Invested Capital\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Net Debt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Net Tangible Assets\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Ordinary Shares Number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Share Issued\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Tangible Book Value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Total Assets\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Total Capitalization\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Total Debt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Total Equity Gross Minority Interest\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Total Liabilities Net Minority Interest\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Working Capital\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"9/30/2021\\\": {\\\"Common Stock Equity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Invested Capital\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Net Debt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Net Tangible Assets\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Ordinary Shares Number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Share Issued\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Tangible Boo\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2650", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Form 5500 Data, api_name:Form5500_PlanName, api_description:This will return information about the plan., required_params: [{\"name\": \"EIN\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"plan_sponsor\": \"str\", \"address_line_1\": \"str\", \"address_line_2\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"ein\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"admin_person\": \"str\", \"tax_year_begin\": \"str\", \"tax_year_end\": \"str\", \"sector_level_1\": \"str\", \"sector_level_2\": \"str\", \"sector_level_3\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"plan_type\": \"str\", \"plan_inception\": \"str\", \"plan_catagory\": \"str\", \"assets\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2651", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:EarningsData, api_name:GetCurrentByValueGrowthMomentum, api_description:Get list of stocks according to current value, growth and momentum information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"momentum\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"growth\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"act_symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"growth\": \"str\", \"momentum\": \"str\", \"vgm\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2652", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Card Validator, api_name:Generate Fake Credit Card Number, api_description:This endpoint create a fake and valid credit card number with desired length., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cardLength\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cardNumber\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2653", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:EarningsData, api_name:GetByDate, api_description:Get earnings data by date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2654", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Swap, api_name:Get All Currencies, api_description:Fetch every currency that is supported by our exchange. The `canSend` and `canReceive` fields determine if we only send/receive or do both to a particular crypto., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"coin\": \"str\", \"network\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"canSend\": \"int\", \"canReceive\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 64}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2655", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:SentiTrade, api_name:Daily Sentiment, api_description:Returns asset ticker queried, sentiment score, date queried, and number of articles used to calculate the sentiment score., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"score\": \"float\", \"num_articles\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2656", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Experian Credit Report Score, api_name:/GetArchiveReport, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"AppId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fault\": {\"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": {\"errorcode\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2657", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Evictions Suits Liens and Judgments, api_name:/GetArchiveReport, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"AppId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fault\": {\"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": {\"errorcode\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2658", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Test_v3, api_name:Price, api_description:Get current price of a currency., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pair\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2659", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Forex quotes, api_description:Provides real-time forex data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"source\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"changesPercentage\": \"float\", \"change\": \"float\", \"dayLow\": \"float\", \"dayHigh\": \"float\", \"yearHigh\": \"float\", \"yearLow\": \"float\", \"marketCap\": \"NoneType\", \"priceAvg50\": \"float\", \"priceAvg200\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"avgVolume\": \"int\", \"open\": \"float\", \"previousClose\": \"float\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2660", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Stock ownership, api_description:Provides current stock ownership information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"includeCurrentQuarter\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"lastInvestorsHolding\": \"int\", \"investorsHoldingChange\": \"int\", \"numberOf13Fshares\": \"int\", \"lastNumberOf13Fshares\": \"int\", \"numberOf13FsharesChange\": \"int\", \"totalInvested\": \"int\", \"lastTotalInvested\": \"int\", \"totalInvestedChange\": \"int\", \"ownershipPercent\": \"float\", \"lastOwnershipPercent\": \"float\", \"ownershipPercentChange\": \"float\", \"newPositions\": \"int\", \"lastNewPositions\": \"int\", \"newPositionsChange\": \"int\", \"increasedPositions\": \"int\", \"lastIncreasedPositions\": \"int\", \"increasedPositionsChange\": \"int\", \"closedPositions\": \"int\", \"lastClosedPositions\": \"int\", \"closedPositionsChange\": \"int\", \"reducedPositions\": \"int\", \"lastReducedPositions\": \"int\", \"reducedPositionsChange\": 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\\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"disSymbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"disExchangeCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangeCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listStatus\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"template\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"derivativeSupport\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"futuresSupport\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isPTP\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tradeTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"changeRatio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"turnoverRate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"peTtm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yield\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"preClose\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiftyTwoWkHigh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiftyTwoWkLow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pe\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"vibrateRatio\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"values\\\": {\\\"earningReleaseId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tickerId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"regionId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"qualifier\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"quarter\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"releaseDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isLive\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"lastReleaseDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publishStatus\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2662", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:news/list-by-ticker, api_description:List news by ticker id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of tickerId field returned in other endpoints, such as .../stock/search or .../market/get-common-ranking or .../market/get-top-active or .../market/get-top-gainers or etc... \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"siteType\": \"int\", \"comments\": \"int\", \"newsTime\": \"str\", \"sourceName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2663", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:3 Month Historical Daily Prices, api_description:3 Month historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Daily Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2664", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:5 Year Historical Monthly Prices, api_description:5 Year monthly historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. 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ETHUSD, ETHEUR)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ask\": \"float\", \"bid\": \"float\", \"last\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"open\": {\"hour\": \"float\", \"day\": \"float\", \"week\": \"float\", \"month\": \"float\", \"month_3\": \"float\", \"month_6\": \"float\", \"year\": \"float\"}, \"averages\": {\"day\": \"float\", \"week\": \"float\", \"month\": \"float\"}, \"changes\": {\"price\": {\"hour\": \"float\", \"day\": \"float\", \"week\": \"float\", \"month\": \"float\", \"month_3\": \"float\", \"month_6\": \"float\", \"year\": \"float\"}, \"percent\": {\"hour\": \"float\", \"day\": \"float\", \"week\": \"float\", \"month\": \"float\", \"month_3\": \"float\", \"month_6\": \"float\", \"year\": \"float\"}}, \"volume_percent\": \"float\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"display_timestamp\": \"str\", \"display_symbol\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2691", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:Time Series, api_description:This API call returns meta and time series for equities. 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It also provides a summary of the key financial metrics and news related to the stock, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2706", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockyAPIExchange, api_name:6-Daily, api_description:This feature provides up-to-date information about a stock's performance during a trading day. It includes the stock's opening and closing prices, as well as its high, low, and trading volume for the day., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2707", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockyAPIExchange, api_name:4-Charts, api_description:This feature provides interactive charts that allow users to visualize the performance of a stock over time. Users can customize the time period and type of chart (line, bar, candlestick, etc.) to get a better understanding of the stock's price movements., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2708", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Market Data from Token Metrics, api_name:Tokens, api_description:Get tokens, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2709", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Market Data from Token Metrics, api_name:Price Prediction, api_description:Get price prediction for tokens powered by Token Metrics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tokens\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2710", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fidelity Investments, api_name:news/list-top, api_description:List top news from all supported area, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"responseStatus\": \"NoneType\", \"headlineResults\": [{\"responseStatus\": {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"statusMessage\": \"str\"}, \"headline\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"resId\": \"str\", \"resDate\": \"str\", \"resTime\": \"str\", \"wirename\": \"str\", \"receivedTime\": \"str\", \"receivedDate\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"service\": \"str\", \"provider\": \"str\", \"symbols\": \"str\", \"codes\": \"str\", \"impactRating\": \"int\", \"type\": \"int\", \"photo\": {\"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"midImage\": \"str\", \"viewImage\": \"str\", \"caption\": \"str\"}, \"isHot\": \"bool\", \"isRead\": \"bool\", \"isUpdate\": \"bool\", \"searchItem\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"correlId\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 15}], \"responseId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2711", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Market Data from Token Metrics, api_name:Sentiments, api_description:Get market sentiment for tokens powered by Token Metrics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"endDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tokens\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2712", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Data, api_name:metadata, api_description:The list of all available assets, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2713", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Corporate Supply Chain, api_name:Supply Chain, api_description:Get supply chain information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the stock symbol for the company\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Ticker\": \"str\", \"Full Name\": \"str\", \"Relationship\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2714", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Economic Calendar, api_description:This endpoint provides information about the economic calendar., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"Actual\": \"str\", \"Cur.\": \"NoneType\", \"Event\": \"str\", \"Forecast\": \"str\", \"Previous\": \"str\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 59}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2715", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trading View, api_name:exchanges/list, api_description:List all available and supported exchanges, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"desc\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"str\", \"group\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"provider_id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2716", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Transaction, api_name:getPaymentInitiationInstructionSummary, api_description:Get all payment initiation instructions allows to retrieve all customer credit transfer initiations. If the number of results exceeds the default limit, the response will be paginated. The operation allows filtering the results based on the creation from date and creation to date. The result is filtered based on \"creation_date_time\". The endpoint will return an empty array when no resource is found.\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"payment_initiation_instruction\\\": [{\\\"uetr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"end_to_end_identification\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"creation_date_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"payment_instructionlifecycle_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"payment_method\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"instruction_priority\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"service_level\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"requested_execution_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"debtor_account\\\": {\\\"identification\\\": {\\\"iban\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"debtor\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postal_address\\\": {\\\"structured\\\": {\\\"street_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"building_number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"post_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"town_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}, \\\"debtor_agent\\\": {\\\"bicfi\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"amount\\\": {\\\"instructed_amount\\\": {\\\"currency_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"amount\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"creditor_agent\\\": {\\\"bicfi\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"creditor\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postal_address\\\": {\\\"structured\\\": {\\\"street_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"building_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"floor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"post_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"town_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}, \\\"creditor_account\\\": {\\\"identification\\\": {\\\"iban\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"purpose\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"links\\\": [{\\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2717", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Qvantana, api_name:Three Stars In The South, api_description:Three Stars In The South indicator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available markets are:\\n\\nspot\\nusdt-perpetual\\ninverse-perpetual\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bullish\": \"bool\", \"timeFormat\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2718", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Transaction, api_name:getDirectDebitInitiationInstructionSummary, api_description:Get all direct debit initiation instructions allows to retrieve all direct debit initiation instruction. If the number of results exceeds the default limit, the response will be paginated. The operation allows filtering the results based on the creation from date and creation to date. The result is filtered based on \"creation_date_time\". The endpoint will return an empty array when no resource is found.\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"direct_debit_initiation_instruction\": [{\"uetr\": \"str\", \"end_to_end_identification\": \"str\", \"creation_date_time\": \"str\", \"sequence_type\": \"str\", \"requested_collection_date\": \"str\", \"debtor_account\": {\"identification\": {\"iban\": \"str\"}}, \"debtor\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"postal_address\": {\"structured\": {\"street_name\": \"str\", \"building_number\": \"str\", \"post_code\": \"str\", \"town_name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}}}, \"debtor_agent\": {\"bicfi\": \"str\"}, \"instructed_amount\": {\"currency_code\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"str\"}, \"creditor_agent\": {\"bicfi\": \"str\"}, \"creditor\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"postal_address\": {\"structured\": {\"street_name\": \"str\", \"building_name\": \"str\", \"floor\": \"str\", \"post_code\": \"str\", \"town_name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}}}, \"creditor_account\": {\"identification\": {\"iban\": \"str\"}}, \"purpose\": \"str\", \"mandate_information\": {\"mandate_identification\": \"str\", \"date_of_signature\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"links\": [{\"href\": \"str\", \"rel\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2719", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Qvantana, api_name:Three Advancing White Soldiers, api_description:Three Advancing White Soldiers indicator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available markets are:\\n\\nspot\\nusdt-perpetual\\ninverse-perpetual\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bullish\": \"bool\", \"timeFormat\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2720", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Transaction, api_name:getPaymentInitiationInstruction, api_description:Use this operation to retrieve a payment initiation instruction by ID (UETR)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uetr\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An RFC4122 UID used as a unique Payment Instruction Identifier.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uetr\": \"str\", \"end_to_end_identification\": \"str\", \"creation_date_time\": \"str\", \"payment_method\": \"str\", \"instruction_priority\": \"str\", \"service_level\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"category_purpose\": \"str\", \"requested_execution_date\": \"str\", \"debtor_account\": {\"identification\": {\"iban\": \"str\"}, \"currency\": \"str\"}, \"debtor\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"postal_address\": {\"structured\": {\"street_name\": \"str\", \"building_number\": \"str\", \"post_code\": \"str\", \"town_name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}}}, \"debtor_agent\": {\"bicfi\": \"str\"}, \"charge_bearer\": 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tool_name:Kiann_Options_Project, api_name:opt_vega, api_description:option lognormal greeks : vega calculates the vega, given where\nS = forward (float), K = strike (float), T = time-to-expiry (float), sigma = implied volatility lognormal (float)\nr = risk-free-rate (float), type_ =call (c) /put (p) (string), ret_ = 0 (default) for use in rapidAPI.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ret_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"r\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"K\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"T\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"S\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type_\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sigma\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"vega\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2725", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:market/undervalued_growth_stocks, api_description:Stocks with earnings growth rates better than 25% and relatively low PE and PEG ratios., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2726", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:stock/cashflow-statement/{stock}_, api_description:Get stock cash flow statements., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"cashflowStatementHistory\\\": {\\\"cashflowStatements\\\": [{\\\"maxAge\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"endDate\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"netIncome\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"depreciation\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"changeToNetincome\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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\\\"totalCashflowsFromInvestingActivities\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2727", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:spacHero - SPAC Database, api_name:SPAC Summary, api_description:Retrieve SPAC summary including important dates, status and target names., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2728", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:spacHero - SPAC Database, api_name:SPAC SEC Filings, api_description:Get latest SPAC SEC filings, filter by SPAC symbol., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ticker\": \"str\", \"form_type\": \"str\", \"form_description\": \"str\", \"filing_date\": \"str\", \"document_link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2729", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quandl, api_name:Get filtered time-series data, api_description:You can slice, transform and otherwise customize your time-series dataset prior to download by appending various optional parameters to your query. Get monthly % changes in Facebook's closing price for the year 2014:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dataset_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The code for this time-series\"}, {\"name\": \"return_format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json, xml or csv\"}, {\"name\": \"database_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The code for the database this time-series belongs to\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dataset\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"dataset_code\": \"str\", \"database_code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"refreshed_at\": \"str\", \"newest_available_date\": \"str\", \"oldest_available_date\": \"str\", \"column_names\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"frequency\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"premium\": \"bool\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"transform\": \"str\", \"column_index\": \"int\", \"start_date\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"data\": [\"list of list with length 11\"], \"collapse\": \"str\", \"order\": \"str\", \"database_id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2730", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Markets, api_name:Recent Trades List, api_description:Recent Trades List, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"price\": \"str\", \"qty\": \"str\", \"quoteQty\": \"str\", \"time\": \"int\", \"isBuyerMaker\": \"bool\", \"isBestMatch\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2731", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quandl, api_name:Get time-series data, api_description:This call returns data from a specified time-series., required_params: [{\"name\": \"return_format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"How you want the data returned (json, xml, or csv)\"}, {\"name\": \"dataset_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The code for this time-series\"}, {\"name\": \"database_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The code for the database this time-series belongs to\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dataset_data\": {\"limit\": \"NoneType\", \"transform\": \"NoneType\", \"column_index\": \"NoneType\", \"column_names\": [\"list of str with length 13\"], \"start_date\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"frequency\": \"str\", \"data\": [\"list of list with length 1472\"], \"collapse\": \"NoneType\", \"order\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2732", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Markets, api_name:Order Book, api_description:Order Book, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lastUpdateId\": \"int\", \"bids\": [\"list of list with length 100\"], \"asks\": [\"list of list with length 100\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2733", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quandl, api_name:Get time-series metadata, api_description:This call returns metadata for a specified time-series., required_params: [{\"name\": \"return_format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json, xml or csv\"}, {\"name\": \"database_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The code for the database this time-series belongs to\"}, {\"name\": \"dataset_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The code for this time-series\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dataset\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"dataset_code\": \"str\", \"database_code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"refreshed_at\": \"str\", \"newest_available_date\": \"str\", \"oldest_available_date\": \"str\", \"column_names\": [\"list of str with length 13\"], \"frequency\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"premium\": \"bool\", \"database_id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2734", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Markets, api_name:Old Trade Lookup, api_description:Get older market trades., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2735", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:SCipherCrypto, api_name:Conversion, api_description:example from \"BTC\" (Bitcoin) to \"USDT\" (Tether)\nThis JSON response contains data for the cryptocurrency example:Ethereum (ETH), including its name, algorithm, block number, launch date, and market performance ratings. It also includes conversion information for ETH to USDT, such as the current market cap, total volume, and conversion rate. use the correct symbol in order to get an accurate data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tsym\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fsyms\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"int\", \"Data\": [{\"CoinInfo\": {\"Id\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"FullName\": \"str\", \"Internal\": \"str\", \"ImageUrl\": \"str\", \"Url\": \"str\", \"Algorithm\": \"str\", \"ProofType\": \"str\", \"Rating\": {\"Weiss\": {\"Rating\": \"str\", \"TechnologyAdoptionRating\": \"str\", \"MarketPerformanceRating\": \"str\"}}, \"NetHashesPerSecond\": \"int\", \"BlockNumber\": \"int\", \"BlockTime\": \"float\", \"BlockReward\": \"float\", \"AssetLaunchDate\": \"str\", \"MaxSupply\": \"int\", \"Type\": \"int\", \"DocumentType\": \"str\"}, \"ConversionInfo\": {\"Conversion\": \"str\", \"ConversionSymbol\": \"str\", \"CurrencyFrom\": \"str\", \"CurrencyTo\": \"str\", \"Market\": \"str\", \"Supply\": \"float\", \"MktCapPenalty\": \"int\", \"TotalVolume24H\": \"float\", \"TotalTopTierVolume24H\": \"float\", \"SubBase\": \"str\", \"SubsNeeded\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"RAW\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"RateLimit\": {}, \"HasWarning\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2736", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:SCipherCrypto, api_name:TopTier /summary, api_description:This response returns an ascending crypto coins the rank varies the way you choose limit if you choose 10 as limit you will get the top 10 cryptos\n->limit= Options are: 1-->100\n->page= Options are: 1-->100 based on limit rate \n->assetClass= Options are: ALL,DEFI,NFT\n->tsym\" typically stands for \"to symbol\", which represents the cryptocurrency that the conversion rate is being calculated for., required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tsym\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"assetClass\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"int\", \"MetaData\": {\"Count\": \"int\"}, \"SponsoredData\": \"empty list\", \"Data\": [{\"CoinInfo\": {\"Id\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"FullName\": \"str\", \"Internal\": \"str\", \"ImageUrl\": \"str\", \"Url\": \"str\", \"Algorithm\": \"str\", \"ProofType\": \"str\", \"Rating\": {\"Weiss\": {\"Rating\": \"str\", \"TechnologyAdoptionRating\": \"str\", \"MarketPerformanceRating\": \"str\"}}, \"NetHashesPerSecond\": \"int\", \"BlockNumber\": \"int\", \"BlockTime\": \"int\", \"BlockReward\": \"float\", \"AssetLaunchDate\": \"str\", \"MaxSupply\": \"float\", \"Type\": \"int\", \"DocumentType\": \"str\"}, \"ConversionInfo\": {\"Conversion\": \"str\", \"ConversionSymbol\": \"str\", \"CurrencyFrom\": \"str\", \"CurrencyTo\": \"str\", \"Market\": \"str\", \"Supply\": \"int\", \"MktCapPenalty\": \"int\", \"TotalVolume24H\": \"float\", \"TotalTopTierVolume24H\": \"float\", \"SubBase\": \"str\", \"SubsNeeded\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"RAW\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"DirectPairAvailable\": \"bool\"}, \"_list_length\": 100}], \"RateLimit\": {}, \"HasWarning\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2737", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Simple Interest Payment Calculator, api_name:/PaymentCalculatorSimple/Calculate, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"downPayment\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"loanTermMonths\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interestRate\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"purchasePrice\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2738", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:Japan Scheduled Flights Level, api_description:Get weekly Japan scheduled departing flights level., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2739", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchange Rates API , api_name:historical, api_description:This endpoint returns historical rates for any working day since 4 January 1999.\n\nGET /1999-01-04 HTTP/1.1\nYou can again tweak the response using the from and to parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"YYYY-MM-DD\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amount\": \"float\", \"base\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"rates\": {\"EUR\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2740", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Credit Card Number Validator, api_name:Validate Card Number, api_description:Validate Credit Card Number and get the card type, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cardnumber\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"niceType\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"gaps\": [\"list of int with length 3\"], \"lengths\": [\"list of int with length 3\"], \"code\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"size\": \"int\"}, \"matchStrength\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2741", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchange Rates API , api_name:latest, api_description:This endpoint returns the latest rates.\n\nGET /latest HTTP/1.1\nRates quote against the Euro by default. You can quote against other currencies using the from parameter.\n\nGET /latest?from=USD HTTP/1.1\nto limits returned rates to specified values.\n\nGET /latest?to=USD,GBP HTTP/1.1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amount\": \"float\", \"base\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"rates\": {\"AUD\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2742", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:Spain Scheduled Flights Growth, api_description:Get weekly Spain scheduled departing flights growth., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2743", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mineable coins, api_name:Get coins' data, api_description:With this endpoint you can get a collection of all coins.\n\n**API alterations**\n- **Get one coin:** https://api.minerstat.com/v2/coins?list=BTC\n- **Get list of coins:** https://api.minerstat.com/v2/coins?list=BTC,BCH,BSV\n- **Get all coins from one algorithm:** https://api.minerstat.com/v2/coins?algo=SHA-256\n- **Get all coins from multiple algorithms:** https://api.minerstat.com/v2/coins?algo=SHA-256,Scrypt,Ethash, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"coin\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"algorithm\": \"str\", \"network_hashrate\": \"int\", \"difficulty\": \"int\", \"reward\": \"float\", \"reward_unit\": \"str\", \"reward_block\": \"int\", \"price\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"updated\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2744", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Coin Historical Metrics By Ticker, api_description:Retrieve coin´s historical social media metrics by Coin ticker\nIn the case you want to retrieve real time data check \"Get Coin Metrics by Name\" or \"Get Coin Metrics by Ticker\"\n\n**Input:** \n- Date (MM/DD/YYYY HH:HH AM/PM) (Required)\n- Security Ticker: Coin Ticker (Required)\n- TimeFrame: 1d, 1h, 8h (Optional)\n\n**Output:**\n\n- Sentiment\n- Sentiment change\n- Weighted sentiment\n- Weighted sentiment change\n- Followers\n- Followers change\n- Mentions\n- Mentions change\n- Security ticker\n- Security name\n- TimeFrame\n- DataTimeStamp\n\n**Definitions:**\n\n•\tMentions - Number of posts related to the coin in tracked social media sources in the requested date with TimeFrame required.\n•\tMentionsChange - Percentage change of Mentions in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n•\tSentiment - Democratic Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative)in the requested date with TimeFrame required. [Democratic Sentiment is a sentiment that gives the same weight to each mention related to the coin despite the number of followers for each mention]\n•\tSentimentChange - Percentage change of Democratic Sentiment in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n•\tWeightedSentiment – Weighted Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative) in the requested date with TimeFrame required. [ Weighted Sentiment is a sentiment that gives more weight to mentions with more followers] \n•\tWeightedSentimentChange - Percentage change of Weighted Sentiment in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n•\tFollowers - Sum of followers reached by coin related mentions in the requested date with TimeFrame required.\n•\tFollowersChange - Percentage change of Followers Reach in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n\n**Details:**\n\n- All dates are in UTC\n- Historical date is only avaliable from 7 days back, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityTicker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2745", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Coin Metrics By Ticker, api_description:Retrieve coin´s real time social media metrics by Coin ticker\nIn the case you want to retrieve historical data check \"Get Coin Historical Metrics by Name\" or \"Get Coin Historical Metrics by Ticker\"\n\n**Input:** \n- Security Ticker: Coin Ticker (Required)\n\n**Output:**\n\n- Sentiment\n- Sentiment change\n- Followers\n- Followers change\n- Mentions\n- Mentions change\n- Security ticker\n- Security name\n- DataTimeStamp\n\n**Definitions:**\n\n•\tMentions - Number of posts related to the coin in tracked social media sources in the requested date with TimeFrame required.\n•\tMentionsChange - Percentage change of Mentions in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n•\tSentiment - Democratic Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative)in the requested date with TimeFrame required. [Democratic Sentiment is a sentiment that gives the same weight to each mention related to the coin despite the number of followers for each mention]\n•\tSentimentChange - Percentage change of Democratic Sentiment in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n•\tFollowers - Sum of followers reached by coin related mentions in the requested date with TimeFrame required.\n•\tFollowersChange - Percentage change of Followers Reach in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n\n**Details:**\n\n- All dates are in UTC\n- Results are on 1 day timeframe, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityTicker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2746", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CA Lottery, api_name:Daily 3 Recent, api_description:Most recent draw for Daily 3, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2747", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CA Lottery, api_name:Daily 3, api_description:Daily 3 History, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2748", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto and Forex Rates, api_name:ExchangeCurrencies, api_description:Exchange between two currency ( USD is base ) \nUser can define Buy and Sell Fees also can define withdraw fee in percentage, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"int\", \"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"str\", \"sell\": \"float\", \"buy\": \"float\", \"result\": \"float\", \"withdrawFee\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2749", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto and Forex Rates, api_name:getPrices, api_description:Get list of prices for all assets, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"int\", \"0\": [{\"Symbol\": \"str\", \"Price\": \"str\", \"LastUpdate\": \"str\", \"AssetType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 186}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2750", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finispia USA with company details, api_name:Get Compliance with company details, api_description:Display compliance of company, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"methodName\": \"str\", \"companyName\": \"str\", \"companySymbol\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"activity\": \"str\", \"debt\": \"float\", \"securities\": \"float\", \"lastUpdate\": \"str\", \"isin\": \"str\", \"sectorName\": \"str\", \"purificationRate\": \"float\", \"score\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2751", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CA Lottery, api_name:Fantasy 5 Recent, api_description:Most recent draw for Fantasy 5, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2752", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ChangeNOW crypto exchange, api_name:API V2 | List of all available pairs, api_description:

This API endpoint returns the list of all available pairs. Some currencies get enabled or disabled from time to time, so make sure to refresh the list occasionally.


Notice that the resulting array will contain about 13000 pairs.


Successful response:


The response contains an array of underscore separated pair of tickers.


Request Parameters:

, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2753", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto and Forex Rates, api_name:api/assetInfo, api_description:Information about single asset, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"int\", \"0\": {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"AssetType\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"ChartSymbol\": \"str\", \"LastUpdate\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2754", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockTwits, api_name:streams/home, api_description:Returns the most recent 30 messages posted to the authenticating user's home stream, which is made up of the users and stocks they follow., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2755", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Market Data from Token Metrics, api_name:Trader Grades, api_description:Access Trader Grades for tokens, required_params: [{\"name\": \"endDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tokens\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2756", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Market Data from Token Metrics, api_name:Resistance & Support, api_description:Get automated Resistance and Support for tokens powered by Token Metrics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"endDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tokens\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2757", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:Global Metric, api_description:Current cryptocurrency global metrics., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"version\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}, \"result\": {\"num_cryptocurrencies\": \"int\", \"num_markets\": \"int\", \"active_exchanges\": \"int\", \"market_cap\": \"float\", \"market_cap_change\": \"float\", \"total_vol\": \"float\", \"stablecoin_vol\": \"float\", \"stablecoin_change\": \"float\", \"total_vol_change\": \"float\", \"defi_vol\": \"float\", \"defi_change\": \"float\", \"defi_market_cap\": \"float\", \"derivatives_vol\": \"float\", \"derivative_change\": \"float\", \"btc_dominance\": \"float\", \"btc_dominance_change\": \"float\", \"eth_dominance\": \"float\", \"etherscan_gas\": {\"lastBlock\": \"str\", \"slowPrice\": \"str\", \"slowConfirmationTime\": \"str\", \"standardPrice\": \"str\", \"standardConfirmationTime\": \"str\", \"fastPrice\": \"str\", \"fastConfirmationTime\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2758", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Get Live Stock Price By Symbol, api_name:Price by Symbol, api_description:Get live price of stock by symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"input\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2759", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Forecast crypto and fiat currency exchange rates, api_name:Currency Converter With Forecast and Historical Data, api_description:Free subscribe plan available! Check it in pricing and subscribe for tests!\nAllows to convert currency and shows prediction of exchange rate for currency pairs.\n\n`country_code` - is now optional. API will try first to get cross rate from European Central Bank. If API will found both currencies in another central bank, you will see from which central bank it was taken.\n\nExample: To get CNY to GBP provided by European Central Bank\n`/api/get_cross?currency=cny¤cy_cross=gbp`\nor \n`/api/get_cross?country_code=eu¤cy=cny¤cy_cross=gbp`\nor from Kazakhstan's CB:\n`/api/get_cross?country_code=kz¤cy=cny¤cy_cross=gbp`\nOf course cross rates from KZ and EU will be slightly different.\n\nExample 2: If you want to get historical data, add `&history_yyyy_mm_dd=2022-06-21`\n`/api/get_cross?country_code=eu¤cy=cny¤cy_cross=gbp&history_yyyy_mm_dd=2022-06-21`\n\nExotic example: To get CNY to MDL (Yuan to Moldavian Lei) provided by Kazakhstan CB\n`/api/get_cross?currency=cny¤cy_cross=mdl`\n\nParameters:\n1) country_code; 2) currency; 3) currency_cross; 4) optional parameter is `history_yyyy_mm_dd` (example:2022-06-27)' .\nTo get available `country_code` - access `/api/info/countries`\nTo get all currency abbreviations - access `/api/info/currencies` - there you need `code` value which is having 3 capital letters, like USD or CHF\n\nExample 3: If you want get price of Bitcoin in USD use:\n`/api/get_cross?currency=btc¤cy_cross=usd`\n...same in GBP with specified `country_code`:\n`/api/get_cross?country_code=bitcoin¤cy=btc¤cy_cross=gbp`\n\nExample 4: If you want get price of Bitcoin in USD for a day in the past use:\n`/api/get_cross?country_code=bitcoin&history_yyyy_mm_dd=2022-06-27¤cy=btc¤cy_cross=usd`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"currency_cross\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2760", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:articles/list (Deprecated), api_description:List articles by category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the following : etfs-and-funds|latest-articles|stock-ideas|editors-picks|stock-ideas::editors-picks|dividends|investing-strategy|dividends::reits|podcast|market-outlook\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2761", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Forecast crypto and fiat currency exchange rates, api_name:Get banks in a country, api_description:Free subscribe plan available! Check it in pricing and subscribe for tests!\nThis endpoint gives list of banks in selected country.\n\nExample 1\n` /api/get_all_banks_in_country?country_code=eu`\n\nExample 2\n `/api/get_all_banks_in_country?country_code=md`\n\nExample 3\n `/api/get_all_banks_in_country?country_code=bitcoin`\nwell... I hope you've got the idea:) The currency must have it's country and bank and for cryptocurrencies it is just imaginable bank \"Bitcoin\" and imaginable country \"Bitcoin\". This request will show you JSON\n{... \"is_central\": 1, \"name\": \"Bitcoin\", \"name_short\": \"Bitcoin\",...}\n\nTo get all available `country_code` use free endpoint `/api/info/countries`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2762", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Conversion and Exchange Rates, api_name:Time-Series Endpoint, api_description:Retrieve historical rates between two specified dates.\n\n`Maximum of 365 day time range`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"start_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"end_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timeseries\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"rates\\\": {\\\"2019-01-02\\\": {\\\"ANG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SVC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CAD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"XCD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MVR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"HRK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AUD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MWK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"XAG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MAD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PHP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"NAD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GNF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"KES\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BTN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MGA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"RON\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CHF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"EGP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BSD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"TWD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GGP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"LVL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MMK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"WST\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ILS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BHD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"TZS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SDG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"LAK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DJF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BYN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MRO\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"RWF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PEN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"EUR\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ZMK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"RSD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"INR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MUR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BWP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GEL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"KMF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"UZS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"RUB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CUC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BGN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"JOD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"NGN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BDT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PKR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2763", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Conversion and Exchange Rates, api_name:Symbols, api_description:Retrieve a list of all currently available currency symbols, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"symbols\\\": {\\\"ANG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SVC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CAD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"XCD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MVR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HRK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AUD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MWK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"XAG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MAD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PHP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NAD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GNF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KES\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MZN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BTN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MGA\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AZN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RON\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CHF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EGP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BSD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TWD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GGP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LVL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MMK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"WST\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ILS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BHD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GBP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TZS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SDG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LAK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DJF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BYN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MRO\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RWF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PEN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EUR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ZMK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RSD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"INR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MUR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BWP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GEL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KMF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"UZS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RUB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CUC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BGN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"JOD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NGN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BDT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PKR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BRL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KZT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CVE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HNL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NZD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ERN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NPR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ZMW\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FKP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DZD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"JMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CRC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PLN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"A\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2764", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Conversion and Exchange Rates, api_name:Historical Exchange Rates, api_description:Retrieve historical exchange rate data. Data is available for most currencies all the way back to the year of 1999., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The date to retrieve the historical exchange rates from.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"base\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"rates\\\": {\\\"ANG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SVC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CAD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"XCD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MVR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"HRK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AUD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MWK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"XAG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MAD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PHP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"NAD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GNF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"KES\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BTN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MGA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"RON\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CHF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"EGP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BSD\\\": 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\\\"HNL\\\": \\\"f\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2765", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradingview TA API (Technical Analysis), api_name:Get Screeners, api_description:Get list of screeners., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2766", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradingview TA API (Technical Analysis), api_name:Get Analysis From Symbol, api_description:Get analysis data from symbol., required_params: [{\"name\": \"screener\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2767", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto grana, api_name:List position for each crypto, api_description:List your current position for each crypto, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"user_id\": \"str\", \"crypto\": \"str\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\", \"amount\": {\"cents\": \"int\", \"currency_iso\": \"str\", \"exponent\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2768", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchanger Currency Rates Provider, api_name:Supported Currencies, api_description:Return the list of all supported currencies including \n\n- Country Name \n- Country Code\n- Currency Code, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"list\": [{\"countryCode\": \"str\", \"countryName\": \"str\", \"currencyCode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 157}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2769", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchanger Currency Rates Provider, api_name:Latest Rates, api_description:This endpoint will return the exchange rate data updated every 60 minutes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rates\\\": {\\\"FJD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MXN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"STD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"LVL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SCR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CDF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BBD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GTQ\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CLP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"HNL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"UGX\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ZAR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"TND\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SLE\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CUC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BSD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SLL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SDG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"IQD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CUP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"TWD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"RSD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DOP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"KMF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MYR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FKP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"XOF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GEL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BTC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"UYU\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MAD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CVE\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"TOP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"OMR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PGK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"KES\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SEK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BTN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"UAH\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GNF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ERN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SVC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ARS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"QAR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"IRR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MRO\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CNY\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"THB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"UZS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"XPF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BDT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"LYD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"KWD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PHP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"RUB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PYG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ISK\\\": \\\"float\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2770", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto grana, api_name:List histories, api_description:List of your histories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2771", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:market/growth_technology_stocks, api_description:Technology stocks with revenue and earnings growth in excess of 25%., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2772", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:stock/calendar-events/{stock}, api_description:Get stock calendar events., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"calendarEvents\": {\"maxAge\": \"int\", \"earnings\": {\"earningsDate\": [{\"raw\": \"int\", \"fmt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"earningsAverage\": {\"raw\": \"float\", \"fmt\": \"str\"}, \"earningsLow\": {\"raw\": \"float\", \"fmt\": \"str\"}, \"earningsHigh\": {\"raw\": \"float\", \"fmt\": \"str\"}, 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Effortlessly integrate real-time forex rates and conversion capabilities into your applications with our easy-to-use API. Enhance your projects with accurate and up-to-date exchange data, empowering users across the globe to make informed financial decisions. Get started with ForexGo API today!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Defines the value of the amount.\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Supported currencies are listed below.\\n\\nEUR, USD, JPY, BGN, CZK, DKK, GBP, HUF, PLN, RON, SEK, CHF, ISK, NOK, TRY, AUD, BRL, CAD, CNY, HKD, IDR, ILS, INR, KRW, MXN, MYR, NZD, PHP, SGD, THB, ZAR\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Supported currencies are listed below.\\n\\nEUR, USD, JPY, BGN, CZK, DKK, GBP, HUF, PLN, RON, SEK, CHF, ISK, NOK, TRY, AUD, BRL, CAD, CNY, HKD, IDR, ILS, INR, KRW, MXN, MYR, NZD, PHP, SGD, THB, ZAR\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2775", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Symbols Splits, api_description:Get splits for historical prices. Ex.: https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/NVDA/historical-price-quotes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker slug\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"numerator\": \"float\", \"denominator\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2776", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Symbols Press releases, api_description:Get a list of press releases for symbol. Ex result: https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/NVDA/press-releases, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker slug\"}, {\"name\": \"page_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"publishOn\": \"str\", \"isLockedPro\": \"bool\", \"commentCount\": \"int\", \"gettyImageUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"themes\": {}, \"title\": \"str\", \"isPaywalled\": \"bool\"}, \"relationships\": {\"author\": {\"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}}, \"sentiments\": {\"data\": \"empty list\"}, \"primaryTickers\": {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"secondaryTickers\": {\"data\": \"empty list\"}, \"otherTags\": {\"data\": \"empty list\"}}, \"links\": {\"self\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 20}], \"included\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"nick\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 9}], \"meta\": {\"page\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"listTitle\": \"str\", \"listDescription\": \"NoneType\", \"proStatus\": \"int\", \"uriImage\": \"str\", \"size\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"minmaxPublishOn\": {\"min\": \"int\", \"max\": \"int\"}}, \"mone\": {\"params\": {\"pu\": \"str\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2777", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Futures Leaderboard, api_name:get_other_leaderboard_base_info, api_description:Get the trader information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"encryptedUid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The encrypted UID of the trader\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"pattern\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2778", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Futures Leaderboard, api_name:get_trader_info, api_description:Get trader information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"encryptedUid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The encrypted UID of the trader\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"pattern\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2779", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bybit, api_name:Announcement, api_description:Get Bybit OpenAPI announcements in the last 30 days in reverse order., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ret_code\": \"int\", \"ret_msg\": \"str\", \"result\": \"empty list\", \"ext_code\": \"str\", \"ext_info\": \"str\", \"time_now\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2780", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bybit, api_name:Latest Information for Symbol, api_description:Get the latest information for symbol., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"retCode\": \"int\", \"retMsg\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"list\": [{\"t\": \"int\", \"s\": \"str\", \"bp\": \"str\", \"ap\": \"str\", \"lp\": \"str\", \"o\": \"str\", \"h\": \"str\", \"l\": \"str\", \"v\": \"str\", \"qv\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 398}]}, \"retExtInfo\": {}, \"time\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2781", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MathAAS, api_name:getDivision, api_description:Divides two numbers (dividend and divisor) provided as parameters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"divisor\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The second term in a division: / \"}, {\"name\": \"dividend\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The first term in a division: / \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2782", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:Japan Scheduled Flights Growth, api_description:Get weekly Japan scheduled departing flights growth., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2783", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:UAE Scheduled Flights Level, api_description:Get weekly United Arab Emirates scheduled departing flights level., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2784", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Rankiteo Climate Risk Assessment, api_name:GetDisasterByRadiusAndGps, api_description:Get disasters which have coordinate points falling into a specific radius for a specific date range, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2785", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Data, api_name:Get Company Balance Sheet, api_description:Get Company latest data for balance sheet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashOnHand\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"receivables\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"inventory\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"prePaidExpenses\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"otherCurrentAssets\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"totalCurrentAssets\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveY\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2786", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Data, api_name:Get Company Cash Flow, api_description:Get company cash flow latest data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"netIncomeLoss\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"totalDepreciationAndAmortization\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"otherNonCashItems\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"totalNonCashItems\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"changeInAccountsReceivable\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"changeInInventories\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"b\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2787", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Rankiteo Climate Risk Assessment, api_name:GetDisasterTypeByDate, api_description:Get disaster by type within a time range, required_params: [{\"name\": \"disaster_type_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"1 : Earthquake\\n2 : Tropical Cyclone\\n3 : Floods\\n4 : Volcano\\n5 : Drought\\n6 : WildFire\"}, {\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2788", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Data, api_name:Get Company Quarterly Income Statement, api_description:Get Company Income Statement, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"revenue\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 57}]}, \\\"costOfGoodsSold\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 57}]}, \\\"grossProfit\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 57}]}, \\\"researchAndDevelopmentExpenses\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sgAndAExpenses\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 57}]}, \\\"otherOperatingIncomeOrExpenses\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"operatingExpenses\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_l\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2789", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:India Scheduled Flights Level, api_description:Get weekly India scheduled departing flights level., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2790", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Nordigen, api_name:See results, api_description:Get results for the requested analysis on the bank statement. Use the request_id from the operations request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"error-code\": \"str\", \"source\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2791", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:RetrieveUSTaxRate, api_name:GetTaxRateByZip, api_description:Retrieve the US tax rate by zip code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2792", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Latest Stock Price, api_name:prices, api_description:Fetch latest stock price based on indices, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Indices\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Define Stock Indices\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_code\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2793", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Routing Number Bank Lookup, api_name:Get Bank Info, api_description:This endpoint returns information about a bank by passing in the routing number.\n\nQuery Params:\n- **format:** defines the response type, currently XML and JSON are supported. Default value is JSON. Possible values: \"xml\", \"json\"\n- **paymentType:** choose to retrieve either the ACH or Wire Transfer information from the bank. Default value is ACH. Possible values: \"ach\", \"wire\"\n\n####Example:\nGET https://routing-number-bank-lookup.p.rapidapi.com/api/v1/121000248?paymentType=wire&format=json returns the wire transfer information for the bank corresponding to routing number 121000248 in json format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"routingNumber\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The routing number that you want to lookup\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"routingNumber\": \"str\", \"paymentType\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"addressFull\": \"str\", \"street\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"active\": \"str\", \"lastUpdated\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2794", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Latest Stock Price, api_name:price, api_description:Fetch latest stock price based on indices, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Indices\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Define Stock Indices\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_code\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2795", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:JP Funda, api_name:getListByEdinetCode, api_description:### Return all securities report data of the company specified with edinet code.\nNote: If the company doesn't have a consolidated subsidiary, all of consolidated management indicators become null. But you can obtain data instead of consolidated management indicators from non consolidated management indicators, required_params: [{\"name\": \"edinet_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"company_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"edinet_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securities_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securities_report_submission_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"beginning_of_year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ending_of_year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"consolidated_management_indicators\\\": {\\\"revenue\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"operating_revenue\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"operating_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ordinary_income\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"income_before_tax\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_income_attributable_to_owners_of_parent\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"comprehensive_income\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"comprehensive_income_attributable_to_owners_of_parent\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_assets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total_assets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"net_assets_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"basic_earnings_loss_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"diluted_earnings_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"equity_to_asset_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"price_earnings_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"rate_of_return_on_equity\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_operating_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_investing_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_financing_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_and_cash_equivalents\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"number\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2796", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Currency Scraper API, api_name:See about the exchanges, api_description:The endpoint fetch the data of the top exchanges including names and prices even rank and more!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"headers\": {\"host\": \"str\", \"user-agent\": \"str\", \"accept\": \"str\", \"accept-encoding\": \"str\", \"cdn-loop\": \"str\", \"cf-connecting-ip\": \"str\", \"cf-ew-via\": \"str\", \"cf-ipcountry\": \"str\", \"cf-ray\": \"str\", \"cf-visitor\": \"str\", \"cf-worker\": \"str\", \"render-proxy-ttl\": \"str\", \"true-client-ip\": \"str\", \"x-amzn-trace-id\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-for\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-host\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-port\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-proto\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-user\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-version\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-host\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-request-id\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-tenant-name\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-user\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-version\": \"str\", \"x-request-start\": \"str\"}, \"baseUrl\": \"str\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2797", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Currency Scraper API, api_name:See about nft prices, api_description:The endpoint fetch the data of the top nft currencies including names and prices even rank and more!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"headers\": {\"host\": \"str\", \"user-agent\": \"str\", \"accept\": \"str\", \"accept-encoding\": \"str\", \"cdn-loop\": \"str\", \"cf-connecting-ip\": \"str\", \"cf-ew-via\": \"str\", \"cf-ipcountry\": \"str\", \"cf-ray\": \"str\", \"cf-visitor\": \"str\", \"cf-worker\": \"str\", \"render-proxy-ttl\": \"str\", \"true-client-ip\": \"str\", \"x-amzn-trace-id\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-for\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-host\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-port\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-proto\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-user\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-version\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-host\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-request-id\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-tenant-name\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-user\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-version\": \"str\", \"x-request-start\": \"str\"}, \"baseUrl\": \"str\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2798", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Merchant credit card reward, api_name:Merchant credit card reward lookup, api_description:This is an API designed to retrieve comprehensive information about merchants, in addition to providing associated data on qualifying credit card rewards., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"credit_cards\\\": [{\\\"application_href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"card_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"criteria\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"details_href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image_href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"institution\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"long_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"owned\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"public_remarks\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"rewards\\\": [{\\\"cap\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"reason\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"reward_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rewards_list\\\": [{\\\"_reward_per_dollar\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cap\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cap_unit\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cashback_per_dollar\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"criteria\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"miles_per_dollar\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"min_spend\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"min_spend_unit\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"reward_target_tag\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"reward_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"short_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 123}], \\\"icon\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mcc_info\\\": [{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"merchant_details\\\": {\\\"address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"business_legal_names\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"country_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dba_names\\\": [\\\"list of str with le\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2799", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Is This Coin A Scam, api_name:List all coins, api_description:Get a list of coins. You can search slug, name and symbol. You can perform wildcard searches, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"paging\": {\"records\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2800", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinmill Currency, api_name:Coinmill, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2801", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Quotes, api_name:Stock symbols, api_description:Returns a list of all available stock symbols, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2802", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Quotes, api_name:Crypto symbols, api_description:Returns a list of all available crypto currencies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2803", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Quotes, api_name:Stock quotes, api_description:Returns the real time price of one or multiple companies, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2804", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get coins, api_description:Get a list of coins. Coins are by default ordered by their rank, which - somewhat simplified - means that they are ordered on marketcap. The response not only returns a list of coins, but also statistics regarding the requested list, such as the volume in the last 24 hours., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"stats\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"totalCoins\": \"int\", \"totalMarkets\": \"int\", \"totalExchanges\": \"int\", \"totalMarketCap\": \"str\", \"total24hVolume\": \"str\"}, \"coins\": [{\"uuid\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"color\": \"str\", \"iconUrl\": \"str\", \"marketCap\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"listedAt\": \"int\", \"tier\": \"int\", \"change\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"sparkline\": [\"list of str with length 24\"], \"lowVolume\": \"bool\", \"coinrankingUrl\": \"str\", \"24hVolume\": \"str\", \"btcPrice\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2805", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get exchanges index, api_description:List of all exchanges currently available on Coinranking, for indexing purposes.\nThis endpoint requires the **ultra** plan or higher., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2806", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Fear & Greed Index, api_name:index, api_description:Extract Fear & Greed index value(s)\n\nQuery params:\nlimit (NUMBER) - Get latest N records (Optional)\ntimestamp (STRING) - Get index value by UTC timestamp (Optional)\n\nIf no query params specified, all available history will be fetched., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": \"str\", \"value_classification\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2807", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Top NFT Sales, api_name:Top Collections this Month, api_description:Top trending collections this month, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"collection_url\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"str\", \"trades\": \"str\", \"collection\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2808", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Market Indices Data, api_name:Index, api_description:Get an Index constituents, required_params: [{\"name\": \"index\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"sector\": \"str\", \"date_added\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 91}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2809", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Latest Mutual Fund NAV, api_name:fetchDividends, api_description:Fetch Dividends data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"isin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"eventDate\": \"str\", \"eventValue\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2810", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Latest Mutual Fund NAV, api_name:fetchSchemeCategoriesBySchemeType, api_description:Fetch Scheme Categories By Scheme Type, required_params: [{\"name\": \"SchemeType\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Define Scheme Type\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2811", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get All Social Spikes by Coin Ticker, api_description:Retrieve social media spikes in the last 24 hours by Coin Ticker. Results will contain Sentiment, Weighted Sentiment, Mentions and Followers spikes both positive and negative. \n\nThis brings all spikes including:\n\n- Predictive spikes (that went through another machine learning model to predict likelihood of market change within the next 24 hours). These spikes are colored as red and orange.\n- Other spikes in social media metrics that did not go through another layer of market moving prediction. These include spikes that are colored as yellow, gray, and black.\n\n**Input:**\n\n- Coin Ticker (Required)\n\n**Output:**\n\n- EventId\n- EventType\n- Event Time\n- Related coins\n- Event Color\n- Event text\n\n**Definitions:**\n\n- Related coins: Coins mentioned in the post\n- Event type: Determines the type of spike (Sentiment, Weighted sentiment, Mentions or Followers) and the timeframe of the spike (1 hour, 8 hours or 1 day)\n- Event Color: Shows the magnitude of the event (From most important to less important: Red, Orange, Yellow, Gray and Black)\n- Mentions: Number of posts related to the coin in tracked social media sources.\n- Sentiment: Democratic Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative). [Democratic Sentiment is a sentiment that gives the same weight to each mention related to the coin despite the number of followers for each mention]\n- WeightedSentiment: Weighted Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative). [ Weighted Sentiment is a sentiment that gives more weight to mentions with more followers]\n- Followers: Sum of followers reached by coin related mentions\n\n**Details:**\n\n- Results are up to 100\n- All dates are UTC, required_params: [{\"name\": \"coinTicker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"EventId\": \"int\", \"EventType\": \"str\", \"EventTime\": \"str\", \"RelatedCoins\": \"str\", \"EventColor\": \"str\", \"EventText\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2812", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get All Social Spikes by Coin Name, api_description:Retrieve social media spikes in the last 24 hours by Coin Name. Results will contain Sentiment, Weighted Sentiment, Mentions and Followers spikes both positive and negative. \n\nThis brings all spikes including:\n\n- Predictive spikes (that went through another machine learning model to predict likelihood of market change within the next 24 hours). These spikes are colored as red and orange.\n- Other spikes in social media metrics that did not go through another layer of market moving prediction. These include spikes that are colored as yellow, gray, and black.\n\n**Input:**\n\n- Coin Name (Required)\n\n**Output:**\n\n- EventId\n- EventType\n- Event Time\n- Related coins\n- Event Color\n- Event text\n\n**Definitions:**\n\n- Related coins: Coins mentioned in the post\n- Event type: Determines the type of spike (Sentiment, Weighted sentiment, Mentions or Followers) and the timeframe of the spike (1 hour, 8 hours or 1 day)\n- Event Color: Shows the magnitude of the event (From most important to less important: Red, Orange, Yellow, Gray and Black)\n- Mentions: Number of posts related to the coin in tracked social media sources.\n- Sentiment: Democratic Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative). [Democratic Sentiment is a sentiment that gives the same weight to each mention related to the coin despite the number of followers for each mention]\n- WeightedSentiment: Weighted Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative). [ Weighted Sentiment is a sentiment that gives more weight to mentions with more followers]\n- Followers: Sum of followers reached by coin related mentions\n\n**Details:**\n\n- Results are up to 100\n- All dates are UTC, required_params: [{\"name\": \"coinName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"EventId\": \"int\", \"EventType\": \"str\", \"EventTime\": \"str\", \"RelatedCoins\": \"str\", \"EventColor\": \"str\", \"EventText\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2813", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Latest Mutual Fund NAV, api_name:fetchAllSchemeTypes, api_description:Fetch All Scheme Types, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2814", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Chaingateway.io, api_name:getExchangeRate, api_description:Returns the current Ethereum price in Euro or US Dollar., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2815", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Chaingateway.io, api_name:exportAddress, api_description:Returns all ethereum addresses created with an account., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2816", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:market/get-realtime-quotes, api_description:Get multiple stock quotes in real time., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of tickerId field returned in other endpoints, such as .../stock/search or .../market/get-common-ranking or .../market/get-top-active or .../market/get-top-gainers or etc... Separated by comma for multiple tickers\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"tickerId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"exchangeId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"secType\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 1\\\"], \\\"regionId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"regionCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currencyId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"disSymbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"disExchangeCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangeCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listStatus\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"template\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"derivativeSupport\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isPTP\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"filingsSupport\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"futuresSupport\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tradeTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"changeRatio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"turnoverRate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timeZone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tzName\\\": 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\"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2818", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:stock/get-performance, api_description:Get stock fund performance, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of tickerId field returned in other endpoints, such as .../stock/search or .../market/get-common-ranking or .../market/get-top-active or .../market/get-top-gainers or etc... \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fundRating\": \"empty list\", \"fundPerformance\": {\"fundPerforms\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2819", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get a user's balances, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2820", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get quotes, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A comma-delimited list of equity or option symbols\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2821", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:news/v2/list, api_description:List news by category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the following : 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\\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sasource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"hidden-from-qp\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sasource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"us-economy\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sasource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"news-metered\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sasource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}}, \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isPaywalled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"lastModified\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isExclusive\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"metered\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"correctionReason\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"relationships\\\": {\\\"author\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"sentiments\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"primaryTickers\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"secondaryTickers\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2822", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:symbols/get-options, api_description:Get optional prices, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Identifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol to query for data, only one is allowed at a time.\"}, {\"name\": \"Month\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Delay\": \"float\", \"Outcome\": \"str\", \"Quote\": \"NoneType\", \"Expirations\": \"NoneType\", \"Security\": {\"MostLiquidExchange\": \"bool\", \"Delay\": \"int\", \"Outcome\": \"str\", \"CategoryOrIndustry\": \"NoneType\", \"MarketIdentificationCode\": 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\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Symbol\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"FScore\": {\"Current\": \"int\", \"Min\": \"int\", \"Med\": \"int\", \"Max\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2825", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchange rates live, api_name:Get individual bank, api_description:Get rates from Central banks using prefixed. \nDenmark National Bank (dkk), \nNational Bank Of Poland (pln),\nEuropean Central Bank (eur),\nEuropean Central Bank - calculated for USD base(usd), \nSwedish Central Bank (sek)\nFeel free to contact me If you wish to add new currency rates/ banks., required_params: [{\"name\": \"bankId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rate\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"fullName\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2826", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mortgage Calculator by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/mortgagecalculator, api_description:API Ninjas Mortgage Calculator API endpoint. Either **loan_amount** or (**home_value** + **downpayment**) parameters must be set., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interest_rate\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"annual interest rate (in %). For example, a 3.5% interest rate would be 3.5. Cannot exceed 10000.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"monthly_payment\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"mortgage\": \"int\", \"property_tax\": \"int\", \"hoa\": \"float\", \"annual_home_ins\": \"int\"}, \"annual_payment\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"mortgage\": \"int\", \"property_tax\": \"float\", \"hoa\": \"float\", \"home_insurance\": \"float\"}, \"total_interest_paid\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2827", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Date Calculator, api_name:now, api_description:Computes and returns local time zone taking into account Daylight Saving Time (DST)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timezone\": \"str\", \"now\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2828", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:vatlayer, api_name:Single EU VAT Rate, api_description:Using the \"rate\" endpoint, you may request the API to return standard and reduced VAT rates for a EU member state you specify. Important: Only one of the following three parameters for defining the country is allowed., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2829", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:vatlayer, api_name:Request list of types of goods, api_description:Request an entire list of all available \"types of goods\", which fall into reduced VAT categories in specific EU member states, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2830", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Prague Stock Exchange, api_name:/api/Trades/{stock}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"stock\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2831", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:Mortgage Rate 30-Year Fixed, api_description:Get monthly 30-Year fixed mortgage rates., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Housing affordability index\": {\"2022-02\": \"float\", \"2022-03\": \"float\", \"2022-04\": \"float\", \"2022-05\": \"float\", \"2022-06\": \"float\", \"2022-07\": \"float\", \"2022-08\": \"float\", \"2022-09\": \"float\", \"2022-10\": \"float\", \"2022-11\": \"float\", \"2022-12\": \"float\", \"2023-01\": \"float\", \"2023-02\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2832", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Get 52 week Low by Fundamental with respecto to Country, api_description:Get 52 week low by Fundamental with respecto to Country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Please use the **Value** key pair that is returned from /countryList API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"marketCap\": \"str\", \"revenue\": \"str\", \"ratio\": \"str\", \"beta\": \"str\", \"EPS\": \"str\", \"dividend\": \"str\", \"nextEarningDate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2833", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Active Stocks by price with respecto to Country, api_description:Active Stocks by price with respecto to Country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Please use the **Value** key pair that is returned from /countryList API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"last\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"changePercentage\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2834", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Finance Data, api_name:Search, api_description:Find stocks, indices, mutual funds, futures, currency / forex / crypto using a free-form query or symbol as seen on Google Finance - https://www.google.com/finance., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Free-form search query.\\n\\n**e.g.** *`AAPL`*\\n**e.g.** *`Microsoft NASDAQ`*\\n**e.g.** *`Dow Johns`*\\n**e.g.** *`USD to EUR`*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"stock\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"change\": \"float\", \"change_percent\": \"float\", \"previous_close\": \"float\", \"last_update_utc\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"exchange\": \"str\", \"exchange_open\": \"str\", \"exchange_close\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"utc_offset_sec\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"google_mid\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"ETF\": \"empty list\", \"index\": \"empty list\", \"mutual_fund\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"change\": \"float\", \"change_percent\": \"float\", \"previous_close\": \"float\", \"last_update_utc\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"google_mid\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"currency\": \"empty list\", \"futures\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2835", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Finance Data, api_name:Stock / Company Overview, api_description:Get stock / public company details. Supports all stock types: *stock*, *index*, *mutual fund* and *futures*. Returns company details for the *stock* type., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Stock symbol (ticker).\\n\\n**e.g.** *`MSFT:NASDAQ`*\\n**e.g.** *`MSFT`*\\n**e.g.** *`^DJI`*\\n**e.g.** *`VTSAX`*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"previous_close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"pre_or_post_market\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"pre_or_post_market_change\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"pre_or_post_market_change_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"last_update_utc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_open\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_close\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"utc_offset_sec\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"about\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year_low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"year_high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"primary_exchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_website\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_country_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_street_address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_ceo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_employees\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"company_cdp_score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_founded_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_cdp_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avg_volume\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"company_pe_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"company_market_ca\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2836", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Finance Data, api_name:Market Trends, api_description:Get the latest market trends and relevant news. Supported trends: **Most Active**, **Gainers**, **Losers**, **Crypto**, **Currencies** and **Climate Leaders**., required_params: [{\"name\": \"trend_type\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Trend type.\\n\\n**Supported trend types:**\\n\\n- *MARKET_INDEXES*\\n- *MOST_ACTIVE*\\n- *GAINERS*\\n- *LOSERS*\\n- *CRYPTO*\\n- *CURRENCIES*\\n- *CLIMATE_LEADERS*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2837", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Date Calculator, api_name:time_zone_converter, api_description:Converts time from time zone to another taking into account Daylight Saving Time (DST) and accepts present, past, or future dates., required_params: [{\"name\": \"datetime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date time in [ISO 8601 format](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tzconversion\": {\"from\": {\"timezone\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\"}, \"to\": {\"timezone\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2838", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Date Calculator, api_name:sdate, api_description:Shifts a date or a datetime in the future or past., required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date w/ or w/o the time part in [ISO 8601 format](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sdate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2839", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Currency Scraper API, api_name:See about the prices of the cryptos., api_description:The endpoint fetch the data of the top crypto currencies including names and prices even rank and more!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"headers\": {\"host\": \"str\", \"user-agent\": \"str\", \"accept\": \"str\", \"accept-encoding\": \"str\", \"cdn-loop\": \"str\", \"cf-connecting-ip\": \"str\", \"cf-ew-via\": \"str\", \"cf-ipcountry\": \"str\", \"cf-ray\": \"str\", \"cf-visitor\": \"str\", \"cf-worker\": \"str\", \"render-proxy-ttl\": \"str\", \"true-client-ip\": \"str\", \"x-amzn-trace-id\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-for\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-host\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-port\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-proto\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-user\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-version\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-host\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-request-id\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-tenant-name\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-user\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-version\": \"str\", \"x-request-start\": \"str\"}, \"baseUrl\": \"str\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2840", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:articles/list, api_description:List latest articles, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from \\u2026/auto-complete or /get-summary or \\u2026/get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Collection\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Content\\\": {\\\"evergreen\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"LargeIconPath\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"SmallIconPath\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ClosedCaptioning\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"HDVideoURL\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"VideoPodcastURL\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"VideoFileURL\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Deck\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"VideoDescription\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"RemoveArchive\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"Body\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Transcript\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"Authors\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isPrimary\\\": 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section in Quote tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from \\u2026/auto-complete or /get-summary or \\u2026/get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"performanceId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"sections\": {\"businessDescription\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}, \"contact\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"address1\": \"str\", \"address2\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"fax\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"sector\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}, \"industry\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}, \"mostRecentEarnings\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}, \"fiscalYearEnds\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}, \"totalEmployees\": {\"label\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\"}, \"stockType\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2842", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Quake, api_name:Pair Strength, api_description:Exposes the underlying calculations that are performed on each pair to get a currency’s combined strength., required_params: [{\"name\": \"timeframe\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Timeframe (h1, h4, d1 or w1)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"pair\": \"str\", \"change\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2843", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finshorts, api_name:Cash flow statement, api_description:Finshorts provide companies cash flow statement in realtime, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"etype\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2844", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finshorts, api_name:Historical Prices, api_description:Finshorts provide companies historical prices in realtime, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"etype\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2845", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finshorts, api_name:Company Info, api_description:Finshorts provide company Info in realtime, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"etype\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2846", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get coin issuance blockchains, api_description:Get the issuance blockchains on which the coin is issued.\nThis endpoint requires the **ultra** plan or higher., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"UUID of the coin you want to request the blockchains for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"issuanceBlockchains\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"referenceName\": \"str\", \"reference\": \"NoneType\", \"blockExplorerUrl\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2847", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get coin exchanges, api_description:Find exchanges where a specific coin can be traded.\nThis endpoint requires the **ultra** plan or higher., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"UUID of the coin you want to request exchanges for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"stats\": {\"24hVolume\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\"}, \"exchanges\": [{\"uuid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"iconUrl\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"recommended\": \"bool\", \"numberOfMarkets\": \"int\", \"coinrankingUrl\": \"str\", \"btcPrice\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"24hVolume\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2848", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/portfolio/get-asset-allocation, api_description:Get asset allocation as displayed in the Portfolio tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}, {\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2849", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/performance/get-returns, api_description:Get returns in the Performance tab related to an ETF or FUND, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}, {\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2850", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CA Lottery, api_name:Powerball, api_description:Powerball History, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2851", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CA Lottery, api_name:Mega Millions, api_description:Mega Millions History, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2852", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Latest Stock Price, api_name:price_all, api_description:Fetch latest stock price, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"identifier\": \"str\", \"open\": \"float\", \"dayHigh\": \"float\", \"dayLow\": \"int\", \"lastPrice\": \"float\", \"previousClose\": \"float\", \"change\": \"float\", \"pChange\": \"float\", \"yearHigh\": \"float\", \"yearLow\": \"float\", \"totalTradedVolume\": \"int\", \"totalTradedValue\": \"float\", \"lastUpdateTime\": \"str\", \"perChange365d\": \"float\", \"perChange30d\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2853", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stoxx, api_name:Get Company Market Performance, api_description:Retrieve the overall current market performance\n\n```\n{\n\"datetimeUpdated\":1661544000005\n\"performance\":-0.01535\n\"sector\":\"Utilities\"\n\"symbol\":\"XLU\"\n}\n```, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"datetimeUpdated\": \"int\", \"performance\": \"float\", \"sector\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2854", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stoxx, api_name:Get Company Information, api_description:Provides detailed information for a given company:\n- Symbol\n- Company Name\n- Industry\n- Website\n- Relevant Tags\n- General Sector\n- Country\n- Zip Code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"companyName\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"industry\": \"str\", \"sector\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"website\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2855", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Currency Scraper API, api_name:See about Gainers/Losers, api_description:The endpoint fetch the data of the top Gainers and Losers including names and percentage even rank and more!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"headers\": {\"host\": \"str\", \"user-agent\": \"str\", \"accept\": \"str\", \"accept-encoding\": \"str\", \"cdn-loop\": \"str\", \"cf-connecting-ip\": \"str\", \"cf-ew-via\": \"str\", \"cf-ipcountry\": \"str\", \"cf-ray\": \"str\", \"cf-visitor\": \"str\", \"cf-worker\": \"str\", \"render-proxy-ttl\": \"str\", \"true-client-ip\": \"str\", \"x-amzn-trace-id\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-for\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-host\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-port\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-proto\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-user\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-version\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-host\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-request-id\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-tenant-name\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-user\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-version\": \"str\", \"x-request-start\": \"str\"}, \"baseUrl\": \"str\", \"gainers\": \"empty list\", \"losers\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2856", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:vatlayer, api_name:Calculate EU VAT Compliant Price, api_description:Use the \"price\" endpoint, you may request the API to calculate a country-specific VAT compliant price on your behalf. Important: There are 3 options to define a country - choose only one!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\\"amount\\\" parameter - append the amount to convert to VAT compliant price\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2857", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:vatlayer, api_name:Request all EU VAT Rates, api_description:Use the API's \"rate_list\" endpoint to obtain standard & reduced VAT rates for all 28 current member states, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2858", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Exchange Fx, api_name:Converter, api_description:This endpoint will return the converted amount in a specified currency., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from_currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The currency symbol from which the amount needs to be converted\"}, {\"name\": \"to_currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Currency symbol in which the amount needs to be converted\"}, {\"name\": \"from_value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Amount to be converted in base currency\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2859", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Pancakeswap API Freemium, api_name:Get NFT Collections, api_description:An Endpoint to get NFT Collections on Pancakeswap, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"address\": \"str\", \"owner\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"totalSupply\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\", \"banner_large\": \"str\", \"banner_small\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2860", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trading View, api_name:market/get-movers, api_description:Get movers in different exchanges and different categories, required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the following : US|ADX|AMEX|ATHEX|EURONEXT_BRU|ASX|BAHRAIN|BCBA|BCS|BELEX|BET|BER|BIST|BME|BMFBOVESPA|BMV|BSE|BSSE|BVC|BVL|BVB|BVCV|BX|CSE|DFM|DUS|OMXCOP|OMXTSE|OMXHEX|EGX|EURONEXT|EURONEXT_PAR|EURONEXT_AMS|EURONEXT_LIS|FWB|GPW|HAN|HKEX|HNX|HOSE|IDX|JSE|LSE|LSIN|MIL|MOEX|MYX|MUN|NAG|NASDAQ|NEO|NEWCONNECT|NGM|NSE|NSENG|NYSE|NZX|KRX|OTC|OMXICE|OMXRSE|OMXSTO|OMXVSE|LUXSE|OSL|PSE|QSE|SGX|SIX|SWB|SZSE|SSE|SET|TADAWUL|TASE|TPEX|TSE|TSX|TSXV|TWSE|UPCOM|XETR\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"time\": \"str\", \"fields\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"metainfo\": {\"resultsName\": \"str\", \"symbolset\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"symbols\": [{\"s\": \"str\", \"f\": [\"list of int with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2861", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trading View, api_name:news/list, api_description:List latest news with options and filters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"shortDescription\": \"str\", \"astDescription\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"children\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"children\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"_list_length\": 5}]}, \"language\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"provider\": \"str\", \"sourceLogoId\": \"str\", \"published\": \"int\", \"source\": \"str\", \"urgency\": \"int\", \"permission\": \"str\", \"relatedSymbols\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"logoid\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"storyPath\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2862", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Pancakeswap API Freemium, api_name:Get Token Price, api_description:An endpoint to get Token Price, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"price\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2863", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:sundayfinance, api_name:Get the yield, api_description:Feed in the ticker and get the yield, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2864", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:sundayfinance, api_name:Get the next dividend payout date, api_description:Feed in the ticke and get the next dividend payout date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2865", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Rankiteo Climate Risk Assessment, api_name:GetClimateScoreByAddress, api_description:Get climate score for a specific location mapped to some industries/disasters with a given address., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"activity_type_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"0 : **ALL**\\n1 : Agriculture\\n2 : Nuclear Plants\\n3 : Telecommunications\\n4 : Education\\n5 : Automobile\\n6 : Chemical Industry\\n7 : Market\\n8 : Finance Industry\\n9 : Aerospace, \\n10 : Construction\\n11 : Mining\\n12 : News Media\\n13 : Pharmaceutical\\n14 : Datacenter\\n15 : Entertainment complex\\n16 : Freight logistics\\n17 : Hospital\\n18 : Hotel\\n19 : Manufacturing\\n20 : Office\\n21 : Shopping center\\n22 : Residential complex\\n23 : Storage Ware houses\\n24 : Oil and Gas Industry\\n25 : Transportation\"}, {\"name\": \"disaster_type_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"0 : **ALL**\\n1 : Air Quality\\n2 : Earthquake\\n3 : Floods\\n4 : Heat Stress\\n5 : Sea Level Rise \\n6 : Tropical\\n7 : Tsunami\\n8 : Volcano\\n9 : Water Stress\\n10 : Wildfire\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2866", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Loan Amortization Calculator, api_name:Calculate Repayment Schedule, api_description:This endpoint calculates repayment schedule., required_params: [{\"name\": \"installmentCount\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"principalAmount\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"annualInterestRate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2867", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-timestamps/4h, api_description:Search for a ticker and capture the total posts, comments, likes, impressions over a specified timeframe. Social Activity is grouped by 4 hour intervals, required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"twitterPosts\": \"int\", \"twitterComments\": \"int\", \"twitterLikes\": \"int\", \"twitterImpressions\": \"int\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"utc\": \"str\", \"local\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2868", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-stats/influencers, api_description:Search for a stock or cryptocurrency's sentiment statistics from posts generated on Twitter or Stocktwits by user post category (influencers,spam,bot)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2869", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Conversion and Exchange Rates, api_name:Convert, api_description:In addition to providing converstion rates, our API provides a dedicated endpoint to easily do conversion on a specific amount of the currency., required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The three-letter currency code of the currency you would like to convert to.\"}, {\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The amount to be converted.\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The three-letter currency code of the currency you would like to convert from.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"query\": {\"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"int\"}, \"info\": {\"timestamp\": \"int\", \"rate\": \"float\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"result\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2870", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-timestamps/1d, api_description:Search for a ticker and capture the total posts, comments, likes, impressions over a specified timeframe. Social activity is grouped by 1 day intervals, required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2871", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:IP2Currency, api_name:IP2Currency API, api_description:Currency by IP Geolocation API, required_params: [{\"name\": \"LICENSE\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API license key.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2872", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/equity/signal, api_description:Return a trading signal based on market sentiment, reliable indicators, analyst ratings and news. Signal : `1`=**buy**, `0`=**hold** and `-1`=**sell**. Confidence interval : [0%-100%]., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the asset to look for, e.g., `AAPL` (Apple Inc), `F` (Ford Motor Company).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2873", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/equity/financial, api_description:Return financial data (revenue, earnings, ratios, etc) for a given security., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the asset to look for, e.g., `AAPL` (Apple Inc), `F` (Ford Motor Company).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2874", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finanzoo API_Fundamentals, api_name:API_Index_Wkn, api_description:Determine shareuid\nTo query the fundamental data via our API, you need the Shareuid for the share you are looking for. You can either determine this yourself via the API, or take it from the Excel table.\nIMPORTANT! The currency that is output in the API_Fundamentals results is also included here.\n\nSyntax:\n\nwkn = search shareuid with WKN, required_params: [{\"name\": \"wkn\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"API_Index\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"shareuid\": \"str\", \"isin\": \"str\", \"wkn\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"shortname\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"indizes\": \"str\", \"sector\": \"str\", \"lastbalanceupdate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2875", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bank Card Bin Num Check, api_name:Check, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"binnum\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bin_number\": \"int\", \"bank\": \"str\", \"scheme\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2876", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:news/v2/list-by-symbol, api_description:List latest news by symbol name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol returned in .../v2/auto-complete or other endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"symbolEntries\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"headline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pageName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateFirstPublished\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"relatedTagsFilteredFormatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sectionHierarchyFormatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"authorFormatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortDateFirstPublished\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortDateLastPublished\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shorterHeadline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateLastPublished\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"premium\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"promoImage\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"section\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shortestHeadline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tagName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"premium\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"tickerSymbols\\\": [{\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 8}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 30}], \\\"tags\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}}, \\\"extensions\\\": {\\\"tracing\\\": {\\\"version\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"execution\\\": {\\\"resolvers\\\": [{\\\"path\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"parentType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fieldName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"retu\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2877", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:symbols/get-summary, api_description:Get summary information of stock quote, index, exchange, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"issueIds\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of issueId field returned in .../auto-complete or .../symbols/translate endpoints. Separated by comma for multiple values. Ex : 36276,24812378\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ITVQuoteResult\\\": {\\\"xmlns\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"xmlns:xsi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ITVQuote\\\": [{\\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yrlodate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"curmktstatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mktcapView\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"source\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DEBTEQTYQ\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EventData\\\": {\\\"div_amount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yrhiind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"announce_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"next_earnings_date_today\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yrloind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"next_earnings_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"div_ex_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"div_ex_date_today\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_halted\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"high\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"streamable\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"changetype\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"previous_day_closing\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sharesout\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yrhiprice\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"altSymbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"change_pct\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eps\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last_timedate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"realTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ExtendedMktQuote\\\": {\\\"last_timedate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"change_pct\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"changetype\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"source\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"volume_alt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"TTMEBITD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pcttendayvol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NETPROFTTM\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exc\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2878", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Date Calculator, api_name:edate, api_description:Computes and returns a date on the same day of the month in the future or past. This resource behave exactly as Excel EDATE function., required_params: [{\"name\": \"months\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of months before or after start_date. A positive value for months yields a future date; a negative value yields a past date.\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date w/ or w/o the time part in [ISO 8601 format](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"edate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2879", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Date Calculator, api_name:datedif, api_description:Computes the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds or microseconds between two dates (end_date - start_date)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date w/ or w/o the time part in [ISO 8601 format](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date w/ or w/o the time part in [ISO 8601 format](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"datedif\": {\"months\": \"int\", \"hours\": \"int\", \"minutes\": \"int\", \"seconds\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2880", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Litecoin Wallet, api_name:Get the balance of a Litecoin address, api_description:The API returns the balance only if the address has up to 50,000 UTXOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs). For an address with more than 50,000 UTXOs, the API returns an error with the 403 response code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"incoming\": \"str\", \"outgoing\": \"str\", \"incomingPending\": \"str\", \"outgoingPending\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2881", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BitcoinAverage crypto ticker and historical price, api_name:History price at a point in time, api_description:Fetch the exact price of a cryptocurrency at a specific timestamp in the past., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol_set\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2882", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Ex, api_name:Get Exchange Rate, api_description:Return excahnge rate of two currency codes., required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2883", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Synthetic Financial Data, api_name:Get Financial Time Series - Daily, api_description:Returns synthetic financial time series (Date, Price Return) for the specified symbol. \n\nParameters:\nasset_class = [equity, bond, commodity, mixed]\nsymbol = [0000...0999] \nsize = [compact, full] (size = compact returns the most recent 252 data points), required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"asset_class\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"0008\\\": {\\\"1262649600000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1262736000000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1262822400000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1262908800000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1263168000000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1263254400000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1263340800000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1263427200000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1263513600000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1263859200000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1263945600000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1264032000000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1264118400000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1264377600000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1264464000000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1264550400000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1264636800000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1264723200000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1264982400000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1265068800000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1265155200000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1265241600000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1265328000000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1265587200000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1265673600000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1265760000000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1265846400000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1265932800000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1266278400000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1266364800000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1266451200000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1266537600000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1266796800000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1266883200000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1266969600000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1267056000000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1267142400000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1267401600000\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2884", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BitcoinAverage crypto ticker and historical price, api_name:Cryptocurrency Index Ticker price, api_description:Get the latest Ticker price for thousands of cryptocurrencies.\nOur Ticker data includes the latest price, bid, ask, 24h volume, moving average and price changes., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The shorthand symbol of the market you are requesting data for.\\nA full list of supported symbols grouped by symbol set can be found [here.](https://apiv2.bitcoinaverage.com/info/indices/ticker)\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol_set\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Symbol set can be one of: global, local, crypto, tokens and light\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ask\": \"float\", \"bid\": \"float\", \"last\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"open\": {\"hour\": \"float\", \"day\": \"float\", \"week\": \"float\", \"month\": \"float\", \"month_3\": \"float\", \"month_6\": \"float\", \"year\": \"float\"}, \"averages\": {\"day\": \"float\", \"week\": \"float\", \"month\": \"float\"}, \"changes\": {\"price\": {\"hour\": \"float\", \"day\": \"float\", \"week\": \"float\", \"month\": \"float\", \"month_3\": \"float\", \"month_6\": \"float\", \"year\": \"float\"}, \"percent\": {\"hour\": \"float\", \"day\": \"float\", \"week\": \"float\", \"month\": \"float\", \"month_3\": \"float\", \"month_6\": \"float\", \"year\": \"float\"}}, \"volume_percent\": \"float\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"display_timestamp\": \"str\", \"display_symbol\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2885", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:stock/earnings-trend, api_description:Get earnings trend earnings history information for a particular stock, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2886", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:market/most_actives, api_description:Stocks ordered in descending order by intraday trade volume., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2887", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:market/small_cap_gainers, api_description:Small Caps with a 1 day price change of 5.0% or more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2888", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trader Wagon, api_name:getTraderPositions, api_description:Get trader positions of a given portfolio id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"portfolioId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Portfolio ID of the trader\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2889", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:news/v2/list, api_description:List news by category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"franchiseId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of .../sectionData/parameters/franchiseId json object returned in .../get-meta-data endpoint. Pass this parameter multiple times for news from multiple categories. Ex : ...&franchiseId=105230142&franchiseId=15839263&...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"sectionsEntries\\\": [{\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"assets\\\": [{\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"headline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shorterHeadline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pageName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"relatedTagsFilteredFormatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateFirstPublished\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sectionHierarchyFormatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"authorFormatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortDateFirstPublished\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortDateLastPublished\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateLastPublished\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"premium\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"promoImage\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"section\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shortestHeadline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tagName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"premium\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"featuredMedia\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 15}], \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hier1Formatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"headline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortestHeadline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"datePublished\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateFirstPublished\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateLastPublished\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"premium\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"projectTeamContentF\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2890", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:v2/auto-complete, api_description:Get auto suggestion by familiar terms or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any word or phrase that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"symbolEntries\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"tags\": [{\"__typename\": \"str\", \"group\": \"str\", \"results\": [{\"__typename\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"issueId\": \"int\", \"issuerId\": \"int\", \"exchangeName\": \"str\", \"subType\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"totalResults\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}, \"extensions\": {\"tracing\": {\"version\": \"int\", \"startTime\": \"str\", \"endTime\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"int\", \"execution\": {\"resolvers\": [{\"path\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"parentType\": \"str\", \"fieldName\": \"str\", \"returnType\": \"str\", \"startOffset\": \"int\", \"duration\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 145}]}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2891", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Credit Card BIN Checker/Validator, api_name:Bin, api_description:User's query (BIN) entry., required_params: [{\"name\": \"bin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2892", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:stock/key-statistics/{stock}, api_description:Get stock key statistics data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2893", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finanzoo API_Fundamentals, api_name:API_Roa, api_description:Contains the profitability (ROA ratio) for the financial year.\n\nAPI_Roa\nSyntax:\n \n\nshareuid = unique identifier for the share searched\nfrom = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0\nto = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0, required_params: [{\"name\": \"API_Roa\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"shareuid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2894", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finanzoo API_Fundamentals, api_name:API_Dividend, api_description:Contains the annual dividends (split-adjusted without special dividend)\n\nAPI_Dividend\nSyntax:\n\nshareuid = unique identifier for the share searched\nfrom = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0\nto = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"shareuid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"API_Dividend\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"year\": \"str\", \"dividend\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2895", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Futures Leaderboard, api_name:search_trader, api_description:Search for traders by nickname, required_params: [{\"name\": \"nickname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The trader nickname to search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"NoneType\", \"data\": \"empty list\", \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2896", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:JoJ Finance, api_name:Market Trends, api_description:Explore market trends, required_params: [{\"name\": \"t\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Tab name. One of these:\\n\\n- `indexes`\\n- `most-active`\\n- `gainers`\\n- `losers`\\n- `climate-leaders`\\n- `cryptocurrencies`\\n- `currencies`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"responseType\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2897", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance RSI indicator, api_name:Get RSI by Pairs, api_description:Get RSI indicator for all trading pairs on Binance.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pairs\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Trading pairs for quote USDT, BTC, ETH or BNB in uppercase separated by commas\"}, {\"name\": \"timeframe\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Timeframe for calculate RSI is available: \\n\\n- **15m** - 15 minutes \\n- **1h** - 1 hour \\n- **4h** - 4 hours\\n- **1d** - 1 day\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"BTCUSDT\": \"float\", \"ETHUSDT\": \"float\", \"LTCBTC\": \"float\", \"XRPETH\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2898", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Forecast crypto and fiat currency exchange rates, api_name:Get Exchange Rates Forecast, api_description:Free subscribe plan available! Check it in pricing and subscribe for tests!\nThis API provides convinient way to get forecast for almost all fiat currencies and for bitcoin. Forecast based on Moving Average method with at least 30 historical observations.\n\nExample with fiat- \n`/api/get_forecast?country_code=eu¤cy=usd&predict_days=5`\nList of all available country_code's in `/api/info/countries`\nInfo about all currencies: `/api/info/currencies`\n\nExample 1 - \n`/api/get_forecast?country_code=bitcoin¤cy=btc`\nList of all available country_code's in `/api/info/countries`\nInfo about all currencies: `/api/info/currencies`\n\nSince 11 April 2022 you can request `/api/get_forecast?country_code=bitcoin¤cy=btc&predict_days=10`\nThis will provide prediction for 10 days. `&predict_days` accepting integer from 2 to 10\n\nExample 2 - If you want to get forecast for Canadian Dollar in USD:\n`/api/get_forecast?country_code=eu¤cy=usd&cross_currency=cad`\nyou will get response:\n\"`message`\":\".......... price for 1 CAD in US DOLLAR.... \"\n\"`forecast_rate`\": 0.7896, -->> means that forecast for 1 CAD is equal to 0.7896 USD\n\"`forecast_date`\": \"2021-11-21\", \n...\n\nExample 3 - If you want to get forecast of exchange rate for US Dollar in EU (European Union) provided by European Central Bank:\n`/api/get_forecast?country_code=eu¤cy=usd`\nyou get:\n\"`forecast_rate`\": 1.1254, -->>which means 1 Euro = 1.1254 US Dollar\n\"`forecast_date`\": \"2021-11-21\",\n\nExample 4 - get forecast and exhange rates for 1 USD provided by Moldavian Central Bank in Russian language:\n`/api/get_forecast?country_code=md&lang=ru¤cy=eur&cross_currency=usd`\nInfo about lang= : `/api/info/languages`\nInfo about `cross_currency`= : `/api/info/currencies`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2899", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Funds, api_name:v1GetFundHistoricalPrices, api_description:Get fund's historical prices, required_params: [{\"name\": \"isin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Fund's ISIN\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"humanDate\": \"str\", \"epochSecs\": \"int\", \"price\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2900", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Funds, api_name:v1GetFundLatestPrice, api_description:Get fund latest price, required_params: [{\"name\": \"isin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Fund's ISIN\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"market\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"humanDate\": \"str\", \"epochSecs\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2901", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Is This Coin A Scam, api_name:List all platforms, api_description:Get a list of platforms. You can search slug, name and symbol. You can perform wildcard searches, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": \"empty list\", \"paging\": {\"records\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2902", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fake Credit Card Number Generator API, api_name:Fake Credit Card Number Generator, api_description:Pass in one of the following card networks as a parameter:\n\n- amex\n- diners\n- discover\n- jcb\n- mastercard\n- visa, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cardnetwork\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cardNetwork\": \"str\", \"cardNumber\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2903", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:10 Year Historical Monthly Prices, api_description:10 Year monthly historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Monthly Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2904", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:1 Day Historical Daily Prices, api_description:1 Day historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Daily Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2905", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:FancyOptions, api_name:Options Chain, api_description:This endpoint returns the an options chain for a given ticker and expiration date.\n\nDate format. YYYY-MM-DD, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A stock ticker\"}, {\"name\": \"expiration\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"expiration format: YYYY-MM-DD\\n\\nex: 2022-09-16\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2906", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:FancyOptions, api_name:Options Vertical, api_description:This endpoint returns verticals for an individual ticker. The verticals that are returned have a 70% chance of being out of the money at time of expirations., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2907", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:market/get-ipo-center, api_description:Get IPO center information of specific region, required_params: [{\"name\": \"regionId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../regions/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"issueUpLimit\": \"str\", \"issuePrice\": \"str\", \"issuePriceStr\": \"str\", \"offerAmount\": \"str\", \"issueDownLimit\": \"str\", \"issueCurrencyId\": \"int\", \"prospectusPublishDate\": \"str\", \"prospectus\": \"str\", \"ipoStatus\": \"str\", \"offeringType\": \"str\", \"currencyId\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"disSymbol\": \"str\", \"disExchangeCode\": \"str\", \"tickerTuple\": {\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"exchangeId\": \"int\", \"type\": \"int\", \"secType\": [\"list of int with length 1\"], \"regionId\": \"int\", \"regionCode\": \"str\", \"currencyId\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"disSymbol\": \"str\", \"disExchangeCode\": \"str\", \"exchangeCode\": \"str\", \"listStatus\": \"int\", \"template\": \"str\", \"derivativeSupport\": \"int\", \"futuresSupport\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"changeRatio\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 100}], \"bannerIpos\": \"empty list\", \"applyBuyItems\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2908", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:FancyOptions, api_name:S&P 500 Verticals, api_description:This endpoint returns the call and put spreads from the S&P 500 with the highest credits. The verticals that are returned have a 70% chance of being out of the money at time of expirations. This endpoint is updated hourly., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"call_side\\\": [{\\\"2021-03-03\\\": [{\\\"bid_ask_spread\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"break_even\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"est_credit\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"long_side_price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max_loss\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"prob_of_success\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"short_side_price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"stock\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stock_price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"strikes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"2021-03-05\\\": [{\\\"bid_ask_spread\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"break_even\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"est_credit\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"long_side_price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max_loss\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"prob_of_success\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"short_side_price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"stock\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stock_price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"strikes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 40}], \\\"2021-03-08\\\": [{\\\"bid_ask_spread\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"break_even\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"est_credit\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"long_side_price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max_loss\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"prob_of_success\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"short_side_price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"stock\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stock_price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"strikes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"2021-03-10\\\": [{\\\"bid_ask_spread\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"break_even\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"est_credit\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"long_side_price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max_loss\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"prob_of_success\\\": \\\"flo\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2909", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:stock/get-asset-allocation, api_description:Get stock fund asset allocation, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of tickerId field returned in other endpoints, such as .../stock/search or .../market/get-common-ranking or .../market/get-top-active or .../market/get-top-gainers or etc... \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2910", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CoinLore Cryptocurrency, api_name:Get exchanges, api_description:Get all exchanges, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"501\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"0\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"4\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_live\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_added\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"6\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"usdt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"7\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"8\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"auto\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"9\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alexa\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"10\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"centralized\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"11\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"mining\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"12\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"f\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"13\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dex\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"14\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"volume_usd\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"udate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pairs\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tr\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"volume_usd_adj\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"5\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"0\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"4\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_live\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_added\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"6\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"usdt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"7\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"8\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"auto\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"9\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alexa\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"10\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"centralized\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"11\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"mining\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"12\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"f\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2911", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CoinLore Cryptocurrency, api_name:Get ticker for specific coin, api_description:Get ticker for specific coin, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nameid\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"price_usd\": \"str\", \"percent_change_24h\": \"str\", \"percent_change_1h\": \"str\", \"percent_change_7d\": \"str\", \"market_cap_usd\": \"str\", \"volume24\": \"str\", \"volume24_native\": \"str\", \"csupply\": \"str\", \"price_btc\": \"str\", \"tsupply\": \"str\", \"msupply\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2912", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_annual_avg_div_rate, api_description:return annual average dividend rate, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2913", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_total_revenue, api_description:return total revenue, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2914", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_stock_quote_type_data, api_description:return stock quota type data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2915", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Metals Prices Rates API, api_name:Historical Rates, api_description:Historical rates are available for most symbols all the way back to the year of 2019. You can query the API for historical rates by appending a date (format YYYY-MM-DD) to the base URL., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter a list of comma-separated currency codes or metal codes to limit output codes.\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the three-letter currency code or metal code of your preferred base currency.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"historical\": \"bool\", \"date\": \"str\", \"base\": \"str\", \"rates\": {\"USD\": \"int\", \"XAU\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2916", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Metals Prices Rates API, api_name:Supported Symbols, api_description:The API comes with a constantly updated endpoint returning all available symbols., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ADA\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"AED\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"AFN\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ALL\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ALU\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"AMD\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ANG\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ANTIMONY\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"AOA\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ARS\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"AUD\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"AWG\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"AZN\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BAM\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BBD\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BCH\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BDT\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BGN\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BHD\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BIF\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BITUMEN\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BMD\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BND\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BOB\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BRASS\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BR\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2917", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Metals Prices Rates API, api_name:Carat, api_description:Using the API karat endpoint, you will be able to retrieve latest information about gold rates per karat., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"base\": \"str\", \"rates\": {\"Carat 24K\": \"float\", \"Carat 23K\": \"float\", \"Carat 22K\": \"float\", \"Carat 21K\": \"float\", \"Carat 18K\": \"float\", \"Carat 16K\": \"float\", \"Carat 14K\": \"float\", \"Carat 12K\": \"float\", \"Carat 10K\": \"float\", \"Carat 9K\": \"float\", \"Carat 8K\": \"float\", \"Carat 6K\": \"float\"}, \"unit\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2918", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing - Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:currencies/list, api_description:List all available currencies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2919", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockyAPIExchange, api_name:5-History, api_description:This feature provides historical data for a stock, including its open, high, low, close, and trading volume for each day. Users can access data for different time periods, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2920", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing - Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:coins/list-pairs, api_description:List available crypto pairs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"screen_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screen_data\\\": {\\\"pairs_data\\\": [{\\\"pair_ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"change_percent_val\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"change_precent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"change_val\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_change_color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"localized_last_step_arrow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_is_open\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"last_timestamp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_cfd\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"earning_alert\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_table_row_main_subtext\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_innerpage_quote_subtext\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency_in\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_type_section\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"internal_pair_type_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_name_base\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_country_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zmqIsOpen\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 18}], \\\"tradenow\\\": [{\\\"IOS_Unit2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AND_Unit2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AND_Broker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AND_URL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AND_PIXEL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AND_T_URL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AND_btn\\\": {\\\"bgcol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"txtcol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"AND_RiskNew\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ANDtradenowID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IOS_Broker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IOS_URL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IOS_PIXEL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IOS_T_U\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2921", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:spacHero - SPAC Database, api_name:SPAC Price Targets, api_description:Get latest SPAC price targets from analysts, filter by SPAC symbol., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2922", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Business Credit Scores, api_name:Credit score by name, city and/or state, api_description:Look up credit scores for private companies that do not have a ticker symbol. Almost 8 million companies available. Try searching by city and state first, then look for a name match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"where\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2923", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Business Credit Scores, api_name:Distinct Tickers, api_description:Get list of tickers for which credit scores exist., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [\"list of str with length 5649\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2924", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Business Credit Scores, api_name:Credit score by ticker, api_description:Provide a ticker and receive a score: 1- 10. \n1 is the best and 10 is the worst., required_params: [{\"name\": \"where\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"objectId\": \"str\", \"ticker\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"int\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2925", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:NFTs by address, api_name:getNFTs_metadata, api_description:Get NFTs metadata, attributes and enclosed media., required_params: [{\"name\": \"contractAddress\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address of NFT contract. Example for Bored APES: 0xb47e3cd837ddf8e4c57f05d70ab865de6e193bbb\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Id for NFT\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"contract\": {\"address\": \"str\"}, \"id\": {\"tokenId\": \"str\", \"tokenMetadata\": {\"tokenType\": \"str\"}}, \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"tokenUri\": {\"gateway\": \"str\", \"raw\": \"str\"}, \"media\": [{\"gateway\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"raw\": \"str\", \"format\": \"str\", \"bytes\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"metadata\": {\"image\": \"str\", \"attributes\": [{\"value\": \"str\", \"trait_type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}]}, \"timeLastUpdated\": \"str\", \"contractMetadata\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"totalSupply\": \"str\", \"tokenType\": \"str\", \"contractDeployer\": \"str\", \"deployedBlockNumber\": \"int\", \"openSea\": {\"floorPrice\": \"float\", \"collectionName\": \"str\", \"safelistRequestStatus\": \"str\", \"imageUrl\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"externalUrl\": \"str\", \"twitterUsername\": \"str\", \"discordUrl\": \"str\", \"lastIngestedAt\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2926", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BB Finance, api_name:market/get-chart, api_description:Get related data for drawing chart, required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : d1|d3|ytd|m1|m3|m6|y1|y5\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../market/auto-complete endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"INMEX:IND\": {\"historical\": \"bool\", \"ticksType\": \"str\", \"ticks\": [{\"time\": \"int\", \"close\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 253}], \"low\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"first\": \"int\", \"last\": \"int\", \"security\": {\"ticker\": \"str\", \"open\": \"str\", \"prevClose\": \"str\"}, \"hasVolume\": \"bool\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2927", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stoxx, api_name:Get Company Quote / Price Data, api_description:Retrieve updated quote and pricing data for a given company. This endpoint provides you with:\n\n- Symbol\n- Company Name\n- Exchange\n- High\n- Low\n- Close\n- PE\n- Volume\n- Market Cap\n- Datetime, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"close\": \"NoneType\", \"exchange\": \"str\", \"high\": \"NoneType\", \"high52w\": \"float\", \"lastTime\": \"str\", \"lastUpdate\": \"int\", \"low\": \"NoneType\", \"low52w\": \"float\", \"marketCap\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"pe\": \"float\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2928", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stoxx, api_name:Get List of Publicly Traded Companies, api_description:Provides a list of all publicly traded companies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"active\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2929", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ISLAMICOIN, api_name:/ISLAMIBLOCKCHAIN/ISLAMICOIN/main/cs.txt, api_description:ISLAMICOIN Circulation Supply, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2930", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:DeFi Watch, api_name:WALLETS -> TRANSFERS BY CHAIN, api_description:Get wallet transfers by chain, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"chain\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Select specific blockchain for wallet assets\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2931", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Market Indices Data, api_name:Top5, api_description:Get best/worst performers for a symbol over a period, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"index\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2932", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BB Finance, api_name:news/list, api_description:List news by category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the following is allowed markets|technology|view|pursuits|politics|green|citylab|businessweek|fixed-income|hyperdrive|cryptocurrencies|wealth|latest|personalFinance|quickTake|world|industries|stocks|currencies|brexit\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"modules\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"NoneType\", \"skipDedup\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"str\", \"tracking\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"stories\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"internalID\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"autoGeneratedSummary\": \"str\", \"abstract\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"published\": \"int\", \"updatedAt\": \"int\", \"wordCount\": \"int\", \"premium\": \"bool\", \"secondaryBrands\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"byline\": \"str\", \"shortURL\": \"str\", \"longURL\": \"str\", \"primaryCategory\": \"str\", \"primarySite\": \"str\", \"eyebrowSite\": \"str\", \"readings\": \"empty list\", \"image\": \"str\", \"thumbnailImage\": \"str\", \"card\": \"str\", \"contentTags\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 51}], \"meta\": {\"newsletterToutLabel\": \"NoneType\", \"newsletterSlug\": \"NoneType\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 21}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2933", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Market Indices Data, api_name:Change, api_description:Get the symbol change over the period of time(1DAY, 7DAYS, 1MONTH, 3MONTHS, 6MONTHS, 1YEAR ), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"msg\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2934", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance Complete, api_name:Simple Summary of the Stocks, api_description:This endpoint returns a Simple Summary of the Stocks, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"i.e: TSLA\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2935", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance Complete, api_name:Full Stock Price, api_description:This endpoint returns a stock price., required_params: [{\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2936", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fidelity Investments, api_name:market/get-sectors, api_description:Get sectors performance, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2937", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance Complete, api_name:Stock Price, api_description:This endpoint retrieves a price with details for any public stock., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"i.e: TSLA\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2938", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchanger Currency Rates Provider, api_name:Convert, api_description:This API with a separate currency conversion endpoint, which can be used to convert any amount from one currency to another. In order to convert currencies, please use the API's convert endpoint, append the from and to parameters and set them to your preferred base and target currency codes., required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rate\": \"float\", \"date\": \"str\", \"result\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2939", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Most Active Stocks by Technical with respecto to Country, api_description:Most Active Stocks by Technical with respecto to Country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Please use the **Value** key pair that is returned from /countryList API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"hourly\": \"str\", \"daily\": \"str\", \"weekly\": \"str\", \"monthly\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2940", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Most Active Stocks by Fundamental with respecto to Country, api_description:Most Active Stocks by Fundamental with respecto to Country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Please use the **Value** key pair that is returned from /countryList API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"marketCap\": \"str\", \"revenue\": \"str\", \"ratio\": \"str\", \"beta\": \"str\", \"EPS\": \"str\", \"dividend\": \"str\", \"nextEarningDate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2941", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Recent Updates, api_description:Get Recent Updates, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"EventId\": \"int\", \"EventType\": \"str\", \"EventTime\": \"str\", \"Publisher\": \"str\", \"Source\": \"str\", \"RelatedCoins\": \"str\", \"EventColor\": \"str\", \"EventText\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2942", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Arbitrage Trading, api_name:Get coin price difference, api_description:returns the object with all the required data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"direction\": \"int\", \"binancePrice\": \"str\", \"priceKucoin\": \"str\", \"Difference\": \"str\", \"Percentage\": \"str\", \"EthGasFee\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2943", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ChangeNOW crypto exchange, api_name:API V2 | Minimal exchange amount, api_description:The API endpoint returns minimal payment amount required to make an exchange. If you try to exchange less, the transaction will most likely fail.\n\n

You can find examples of errors in the Example request block (use the drop-down list).


Request Parameters:

, required_params: [{\"name\": \"flow\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Optional) Type of exchange flow. Enum: [\\\\\\\"standard\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"fixed-rate\\\\\\\"]. Default value is standard\"}, {\"name\": \"toCurrency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) Ticker of the currency you want to receive\"}, {\"name\": \"fromCurrency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) Ticker of the currency you want to exchange\"}, {\"name\": \"fromNetwork\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Optional) Network of the currency you want to exchange\"}, {\"name\": \"toNetwork\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Optional) Network of the currency you want to receive\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fromCurrency\": \"str\", \"fromNetwork\": \"str\", \"toCurrency\": \"str\", \"toNetwork\": \"str\", \"flow\": \"str\", \"minAmount\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2944", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currencies And Countries, api_name:Get Country Info, api_description:You can get country info by using countryName or Iso Name (DE).\nExample :\n\n```\n params: {param: 'iso', value: 'DE'}\n params: {param: 'countryName', value: 'Germany'}\n```\n\nThese two is gets the same result which is the information of germany. \nExample response:\n\n```\n{\"iso\":\"DE\"\n\"currency\":\"EUR\"\n\"symbol\":\"€\"\n\"countryName\":\"Germany\"\n\"dateFormat\":\"dd.MM.yyyy\"}\n```\n\nExample2:\n\n```\n params: {param: 'currency', value: 'USD'}\n params: {param: 'symbol', value: '$'}\n```\n\nYou will get a response like this below. It contains all countries that are using defined currency. \n\nExample2 Response:\n\n```\n {\n iso: 'US',\n currency: 'USD',\n symbol: '$',\n countryName: 'United States',\n dateFormat: 'M/d/yyyy'\n },\n . . .\n```, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"iso\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"countryName\": \"str\", \"dateFormat\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2945", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currencies And Countries, api_name:Crypto Convert, api_description:You can convert crypto currencies., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2946", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Is This Coin A Scam, api_name:Get a list of highest community rated profiles, api_description:Get a list of the most highly community rated crypto projects on isthiscoinascam.com over the past 7 days. Ordered by highest rating first., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2947", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Is This Coin A Scam, api_name:Get profile by slug, api_description:Get a specific coin profile by slug, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Slug of Coin\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"genesis_at\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"technology\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"infrastructure\": \"str\", \"generation\": \"str\"}, \"meta\": {\"capsize\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"style\": \"str\"}, \"score\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"str\", \"marketcap_rank\": \"int\", \"percentage\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"platform\": \"empty list\", \"updated_at\": \"str\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2948", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Is This Coin A Scam, api_name:Get platform by slug, api_description:Get a specific platform by slug, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Platform Slug\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2949", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Forecast crypto and fiat currency exchange rates, api_name:Currency rates for 1 bank. Historical data., api_description:Free subscribe plan available! Check it in pricing and subscribe for tests!\n**S**o it does - get exchange rates for selected bank on chosen date. Timezone is important!!!\n\nExample 1 - get currency rates provided by ECB(European Central Bank) in Berlin:\n`/api/get_all_currencies_values_for_1bank/?country_code=eu&date_yyyy_mm_dd_from=2021-11-15&date_yyyy_mm_dd_till=2021-11-15&bank_id=15&tz=Europe/Berlin`\n\nExample 2, MAIB (private Moldavian bank): `/api/get_all_currencies_values_for_1bank/?country_code=md&date_yyyy_mm_dd_from=2021-11-12&date_yyyy_mm_dd_till=2021-11-12&bank_id=1&tz=Europe/Chisinau`\n\nPrameters and where to get info:\n`country_code=` -->> `/api/info/countries` -here you can get all available country_code's and their's timezones.\n`bank_id=` -->> `/api/get_all_banks_in_country?country_code=bitcoin` or `/api/get_all_banks_in_country?country_code=eu`\n`date_yyyy_mm_dd_till=` and `date_yyyy_mm_dd_from=` -->> must be equal, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date_yyyy_mm_dd_from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"bank_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date_yyyy_mm_dd_till\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tz\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2950", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Forecast crypto and fiat currency exchange rates, api_name:API Info, api_description:Free subscribe plan available! Check it in pricing and subscribe for tests!\nAll info about API's of this project are available at `/api/info` Free of charge.\nFor example, if you access `/api/info/get_forecast` - you will get information about `/api/get_forecast`\n\nThe `ENDPOINT_NAME` can be one of these:\n`timezones` , `countries` , `languages` , `currencies` , `author`\n..and it provides response with data, for example all available countries.\n\nAlso `ENDPOINT_NAME` can be one of these:\n`get_forecast` , `get_all_banks_in_country` , `get_best_rates` , `get_all_currencies_values_for_1bank` , `faq`\n..but these requests provides only information about selected endoint.\n\nTo get all available `ENDPOINT_NAME` , go to `/api/info/all`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2951", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-sentiment-trending/bullish, api_description:Search for top 50 trending bullish stocks/crypto symbols on Twitter/StockTwits., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2952", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Live Metal Prices, api_name:Latest Selected Metals in Selected Currency In Grams, api_description:Select what you need for a smaller payload! Real-time Gold, Silver, Palladium, Platinum and 160+ currency rates based on selected Currency, required_params: [{\"name\": \"requestedUnitOfWeight\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"requestedCurrency\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"requestedSymbols\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"validationMessage\": \"empty list\", \"baseCurrency\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"rates\": {\"XAU\": \"float\", \"XAG\": \"float\", \"PA\": \"float\", \"PL\": \"float\", \"GBP\": \"float\", \"EUR\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2953", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-moving-averages/72h, api_description:Search for a ticker and capture the moving average of posts, comments, likes, and impressions within a specified timeframe. The recorded social moving average is grouped by 72-hour intervals., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickers\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2954", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-trending/posts, api_description:Search the top 50 tickers trending on social media by posts., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2955", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Alpaca Trading, api_name:Get the calendar, api_description:Returns the market calendar, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2956", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_stock_profile_data, api_description:return stock profile data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2957", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_daily_low, api_description:return daily low, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2958", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_price_to_sales, api_description:return price to sales, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2959", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Oil Thai Price, api_name:Get image result today price, api_description:Get result image for today price, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2960", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockTwits, api_name:streams/friends, api_description:Returns the most recent 30 messages posted to the authenticating user's people stream of the users they follow., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2961", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockTwits, api_name:watchlists/index, api_description:Returns a list of private watch lists for the authenticating user., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2962", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currencygenie, api_name:Get list of Currency Exchanges, api_description:Performs GET request for getting list of currencies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2963", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:walletapi.cloud, api_name:List customer's wallets, api_description:Obtain a list of wallets owned by a customer., required_params: [{\"name\": \"projectId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Project ID\"}, {\"name\": \"customerId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Customer ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2964", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BitcoinAverage crypto ticker and historical price, api_name:Crypto Exchange Ticker price, api_description:Get the latest price data for specific cryptocurrency exchange., required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data_source\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbols\\\": {\\\"ETHUSD\\\": {\\\"ask\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bid\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vwap\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"exchange_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"XRPUSD\\\": {\\\"ask\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bid\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vwap\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"exchange_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BCHBTC\\\": {\\\"ask\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bid\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vwap\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"exchange_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BCHUSD\\\": {\\\"ask\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bid\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vwap\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"exchange_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ETHEUR\\\": {\\\"ask\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bid\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vwap\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"exchange_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"LTCUSD\\\": {\\\"ask\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2965", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BitcoinAverage crypto ticker and historical price, api_name:List of all supported crypto markets, api_description:Lists all supported cryptocurrency markets by the BitcoinAverage API.\nNew cryptos or tokens are added on a monthly basis., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"local\": {\"symbols\": [\"list of str with length 58\"]}, \"global\": {\"symbols\": [\"list of str with length 1169\"]}, \"crypto\": {\"symbols\": [\"list of str with length 123\"]}, \"tokens\": {\"symbols\": [\"list of str with length 139\"]}, \"light\": {\"symbols\": [\"list of str with length 671\"]}, \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2966", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradingview TA API (Technical Analysis), api_name:Get Intervals, api_description:Get valid intervals., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2967", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradingview TA API (Technical Analysis), api_name:Get Symbols From Exchange, api_description:Get symbol list from exchange., required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2968", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:Prime Loan Rates, api_description:Get daily bank prime loan interest rates., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2969", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:Unemployment Rate Not Adjusted, api_description:Get monthly not seasonally adjusted unemployment rate., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Labor Force Statistics including the National Unemployment Rate\\\": {\\\"1948-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-11\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2970", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:spacHero - SPAC Database, api_name:SPAC Top-10 Rankings, api_description:Returns Top-10 gainers, losers and volume leaders for a given period and equity type (i.e., common, unit, warrants). \n\nAccepts three query parameters:\n\n**period: **daily, weekly, monthly\n**type:** common, unit, warrant\n**sortby:** gainers, losers, volume, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sortby\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Gainers\": [{\"Commons_Symbol\": \"str\", \"Commons_Daily_Change_Percent\": \"str\", \"Commons_Price\": \"str\", \"Commons_Volume\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2971", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Alpaca Trading, api_name:Get open positions, api_description:Retrieves a list of the account's open positions., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2972", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/indexes/signal, api_description:Return a trading signal based on market sentiment, reliable indicators, analyst ratings and news. Signal : `1`=**buy**, `0`=**hold** and `-1`=**sell**. Confidence interval : [0%-100%]., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the index to look for, e.g., `^GSPC` (S&P 500 index) or with suffix notation `SPX:INDEX` (S&P 500 index), `^GSPTSE` (TSX Composite Index) or with suffix notation `TXCX:INDEXCA` (TSX Composite Index). Valid suffixes are :\\n\\n - `:INDEX`: for world indices, e.g., `SPX:INDEX` (S&P 500 index) or `^GSPC`\\n - `:INDEXUS`: for us specific indices, e.g., `SREN:INDEXUS` (S&P 500 Energy (Sector)) or `^GSPE`\\n - `:INDEXCA`: for canadian specific indices, e.g., `TXCX:INDEXCA` (TSX Composite Index) or `^GSPTSE`\\n - `:INDEXAU`: for australian specific indices, e.g., `XTO:INDEXAU` (ASX 100 Index) or `^ATOI`\\n - `:INDEXEU`: for european specific indices, e.g., `BEL2I:INDEXEU` (BEL 20 Gr) or `BEL2I.BR`\\n\\n Please use the lookup endpoint to find out the symbol you're looking for.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2973", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/crypto/daily, api_description:Return end of day (daily) time series (Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) given the input parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query start date (supported format is : **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2018-04-01`.\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query end date (supported format is : **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-21`.\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the cryptocurrency pair to look for, e.g., `BTC/USD` (Bitcoin USD), `BTC-EUR` (Bitcoin EUR), `ETH/BTC` or `ETH-BTC` or `ETHBTC` (Ethereum BTC).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Date\": \"str\", \"Open\": \"float\", \"High\": \"float\", \"Low\": \"float\", \"Close\": \"float\", \"Volume\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2974", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:DeFi Watch, api_name:WALLETS -> BALANCE BY CHAIN, api_description:Get wallet balance in USD by chain, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"chain\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Select specific blockchain for wallet assets\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2975", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:DeFi Watch, api_name:BRIDGES, api_description:Get access to verify data about cross-chain bridges by integrating Bridges API from DeFi Watch into the code. This solution offers links to bridges as well as information about fees and duration. The API code is user-friendly, clear and accessible. \n\n[![](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52164830761_c7a2292634_b.jpg)](https://defi.watch/bridges), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2976", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/forex/daily, api_description:Return end of day (daily) time series (Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) given the input parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query start date (supported format is : **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2018-04-01`.\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the currency pair to look for, e.g., `EUR/USD` or `EUR-USD` or `EURUSD`.\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query end date (supported format is : **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-21`.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2977", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stoxx, api_name:Get Company Historical Data, api_description:Provides access to daily historical company pricing data over a given period of months\n\nA sample output for each day:\n`{\n\"changePercent\":0\n\"close\":115.1465\n\"date\":\"2022-05-27\"\n\"high\":115.187\n\"low\":112.628\n\"open\":113.55\n\"symbol\":\"AMZN\"\n\"updated\":1654726813000\n\"volume\":93660160\n}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"months\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"changePercent\": \"int\", \"close\": \"float\", \"date\": \"str\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"open\": \"float\", \"priceDate\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"updated\": \"int\", \"volume\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2978", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Article Trending, api_description:Get list of the trending article, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2979", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:symbols/get-fundamentals, api_description:Get fundamental information of stock quote, index, exchange, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"issueIds\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of issueId field returned in .../auto-complete or .../symbols/translate endpoints. Separated by comma for multiple values. Ex : 36276,24812378\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"36276\": {\"Ranges\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"HighValue\": \"str\", \"HighValueRaw\": \"str\", \"HighDate\": \"str\", \"LowValue\": \"str\", \"LowValueRaw\": \"str\", \"LowDate\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"WsodIssue\": \"str\", \"Industry\": \"str\", \"Sector\": \"str\", \"Values\": [{\"SectorAvg\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"RawValue\": \"str\", \"PerfDate\": \"str\", \"IndustryAvg\": \"str\", \"IndustryHigh\": \"str\", \"IndustryLow\": \"str\", \"SectorHigh\": \"str\", \"SectorLow\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}, \"24812378\": {\"Ranges\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"HighValue\": \"str\", \"HighValueRaw\": \"str\", \"HighDate\": \"str\", \"LowValue\": \"str\", \"LowValueRaw\": \"str\", \"LowDate\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"WsodIssue\": \"str\", \"Industry\": \"str\", \"Sector\": \"str\", \"Values\": [{\"SectorAvg\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"RawValue\": \"str\", \"PerfDate\": \"str\", \"IndustryAvg\": \"str\", \"IndustryHigh\": \"str\", \"IndustryLow\": \"str\", \"SectorHigh\": \"str\", \"SectorLow\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2980", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Symbols News, api_description:Get a list of news for symbol. Ex result: https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/NVDA/news, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker slug\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2981", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:market/list-indices, api_description:List all available indices, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ITVQuoteResult\": {\"xmlns\": \"str\", \"xmlns:xsi\": \"str\", \"ITVQuote\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"yrlodate\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"curmktstatus\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"EventData\": {\"yrhiind\": \"str\", \"yrloind\": \"str\", \"is_halted\": \"str\"}, \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"provider\": \"str\", \"streamable\": \"str\", \"changetype\": \"str\", \"previous_day_closing\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"altName\": \"str\", \"yrhiprice\": \"str\", \"altSymbol\": \"str\", \"change_pct\": \"str\", \"last\": \"str\", \"yrloprice\": \"str\", \"issue_id\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"yrhidate\": \"str\", \"last_timedate\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"str\", \"realTime\": \"str\", \"portfolioindicator\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"subType\": \"str\", \"exchange\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"currencyCode\": \"str\", \"open\": \"str\", \"volume_alt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 39}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2982", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Ethereum-large-buy/sell-orders, api_name:GetLargeOrders, api_description:get large orders of Eth tokens, required_params: [{\"name\": \"contract_address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2983", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Hryvna Today, api_name:/v1/list/banks, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"type_id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 17}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2984", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Hryvna Today, api_name:/v1/convert, api_description:Use this method to convert money, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sum\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sum of money to convert\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Currency ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2985", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ExchangeRate-API, api_name:Latest Rates, api_description:This endpoint returns the latest exchange rates for the base currency code you have supplied.\n\nYou can view the list of supported currency codes here: [https://www.exchangerate-api.com/docs/supported-currencies](https://www.exchangerate-api.com/docs/supported-currencies), required_params: [{\"name\": \"Base_Code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"provider\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"documentation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"terms_of_use\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time_last_update_unix\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"time_last_update_utc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time_next_update_unix\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"time_next_update_utc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time_eol_unix\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"base_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rates\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"AED\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AFN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ALL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ANG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AOA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ARS\\\": 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\\\"float\\\", \\\"FJD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FKP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FOK\\\": \\\"float\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2986", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/risk/get-risk-return-analysis, api_description:Get risk return analysis in the Risk tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}, {\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2987", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:5 Year Historical Daily Prices, api_description:5 Year historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Daily Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2988", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:2 Year Historical Quarterly Prices, api_description:2 Year quarterly historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Quarterly Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2989", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Daily Influencer Posts, api_description:Retrieve news and posts from Top Influencers in social media ordered by date\nThis endpoint contains results from all coins. To search for posts on a specific coins check \"Get Daily Influencer Posts by Coin Name\" or \"Get Daily Influencer Posts by Coin Ticker\"\n\n**Output:**\n\n- EventId \n- EventType\n- Event Time\n- Publisher\n- Source\n- Related coins\n- Event Color\n- Number of followers\n- Event text\n\n**Definitions:** \n\n- Publisher: User name of the publisher of the event in social media\n- Source: Social media where the post was published\n- Related coins: Coins mentioned in the post\n- Event Color: Shows the magnitude of the event (From most important to less important: Red, Orange, Yellow, Gray and Black)\n- Number of followers: Influencer´s number of followers in social media\n\n**Details:**\n\n- Results are up to 100\n- All dates are UTC, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"EventId\": \"int\", \"EventType\": \"str\", \"EventTime\": \"str\", \"Publisher\": \"str\", \"Source\": \"str\", \"RelatedCoins\": \"NoneType\", \"EventColor\": \"str\", \"NumOfFollowers\": \"int\", \"EventText\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2990", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:COVID-19 Economic Impact, api_name:United States Small Businesses Revenue, api_description:Get daily United States 7 day moving average percentage change of small businesses revenue seasonally adjusted relative to January 4 - 31, 2020., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Small business openings and revenue data from Womply\\\": {\\\"2020-01-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-13\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-14\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-15\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-16\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-17\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-19\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-20\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-21\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-22\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-23\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-24\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-26\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-27\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-13\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-14\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-15\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-16\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-17\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-19\\\": \\\"float\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2991", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:COVID-19 Economic Impact, api_name:United States Away from Home Mobility, api_description:Get daily United States percentage change in time spent away from home., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2992", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Predictive Spikes by Coin Name, api_description:Retrieve predictive social media spikes in the last 24 hours by Coin Name. Results will contain Sentiment, Weighted Sentiment, Mentions and Followers spikes both positive and negative. \n\nThis brings predictive spikes (that went through another machine learning model to predict likelihood of market change within the next 24 hours). These spikes are colored as red and orange.\n\n**Input:**\n\n- Coin Name (Required)\n\n**Output:**\n- EventId\n- EventType\n- Event Time\n- Related coins\n- Event Color\n- Event text\n\n**Definitions:**\n\n- Related coins: Coins mentioned in the post\n- Event type: Determines the type of spike (Sentiment, Weighted sentiment, Mentions or Followers) and the timeframe of the spike (1 hour, 8 hours or 1 day)\n- Event Color: Shows the magnitude of the event (From most important to less important: Red, Orange, Yellow, Gray and Black)\n- Mentions: Number of posts related to the coin in tracked social media sources.\n- Sentiment: Democratic Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative). [Democratic Sentiment is a sentiment that gives the same weight to each mention related to the coin despite the number of followers for each mention]\n- WeightedSentiment: Weighted Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative). [ Weighted Sentiment is a sentiment that gives more weight to mentions with more followers]\n- Followers: Sum of followers reached by coin related mentions\n\n**Details:**\n\n- Results are up to 100\n- All dates are UTC\n- Coins in this endpoint are 3 Billion market cap and more, required_params: [{\"name\": \"coinName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2993", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:COVID-19 Economic Impact, api_name:United States Retail and Recreation Mobility, api_description:Get daily United States percentage change in time spent at retail and recreation., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"GPS mobility data indexed to Jan 3-Feb 6 2020 from Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports\\\": {\\\"2020-02-24\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-26\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-27\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-13\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-14\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-15\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-16\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-17\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-19\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-20\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-21\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-22\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-23\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-24\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-26\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-27\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-04-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-04-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"202\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2994", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Hryvna Today, api_name:/v1/rates/today, api_description:Average rates for today, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"124\\\": {\\\"avg\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"avg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"commercial\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"avg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"government\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"avg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}}, \\\"392\\\": {\\\"avg\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"avg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"commercial\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"avg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"government\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"avg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}}, \\\"643\\\": {\\\"avg\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": 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The results include ESG specific topics including SASB and UN SDGs and a few other important ESG themes such as Modern Slavery and Gender Equality., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"request_id\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2998", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CA Lottery, api_name:Daily 4, api_description:Daily 4 History, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2999", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:symbols/get-top-holdings (Deprecated), api_description:Get top holdings of specific symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol to query for data. Separating by comma to query multiple symbols at once, ex : aapl,tsla\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3000", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:analysis/v2/list, api_description:List analysis of specific symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol to query for data, only one is allowed at a time.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"publishOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isLockedPro\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"commentCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gettyImageUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"videoPreviewUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"themes\\\": {}, \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isPaywalled\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"relationships\\\": {\\\"author\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"sentiments\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"primaryTickers\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"secondaryTickers\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"otherTags\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}}, \\\"links\\\": {\\\"self\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 20}], \\\"included\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"company\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tagId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"image\\\": {\\\"small\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medium\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"big\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"extra_large\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"nick\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"deactivated\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"memberSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"contributorSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"followersCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"relationships\\\": {\\\"user\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": 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\\\"monthly_per_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"prev_market_cap\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ytd_per_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"net_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"weekly_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"market_cap\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seo_string\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"52wkLow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"market_cap_billion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"3years_per_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ttmeps\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"6months_per_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"percent_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sector\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"market_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"beta\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"52wkHigh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastupd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2years_per_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ticker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"5years_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"market_state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"6months_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"3years_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastupd_epoch\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"3months_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yearly_per_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2years_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yearly_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"indices\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ytd_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"3months_per_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"5years_per_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ttm_pe_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"current_price\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ttmpe\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"monthly_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"prev_close\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3003", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investors Exchange (IEX) Trading, api_name:IEX Short Interest List, api_description:Consolidated market short interest positions in all IEX-listed securities, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3004", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Market Data from Token Metrics, api_name:Market Indicator, api_description:Access Market Indicator powered by Token Metrics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"endDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3005", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investors Exchange (IEX) Trading, api_name:Time Series, api_description:Alternate way to access the chart endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3006", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinbase, api_name:Show individual order, api_description:Show an individual merchant order., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3007", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinbase, api_name:Get bitcoin receive address, api_description:Get the user's current bitcoin receive address., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3008", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinbase, api_name:Show individual subscription, api_description:Show an individual customer subscription, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3009", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BitcoinAverage crypto ticker and historical price, api_name:Historical price data for period, api_description:Returns history price for specific symbol for certain period.\nWorks in parallel to the Ticker endpoint where both symbol set and market symbol need to be specified.\nThis endpoint additionally accepts the period query parameter that specifies the resolution of the data.\nPeriod can be: minute, hour or day., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol_set\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3010", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:Coin List, api_description:All active cryptocurrencies available to trade, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"result\\\": {\\\"1\\\": {\\\"key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"maxSupply\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalSupply\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isActive\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"high24h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low24h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quote\\\": {\\\"quotes_name\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_lastUpdated\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_marketCap\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_percentChange1h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_percentChange24h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_percentChange30d\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_volume24h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_volume30d\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_volume7d\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_ytdPriceChangePercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"logo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"2\\\": {\\\"key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"maxSupply\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"totalSupply\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"isActive\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"high24h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low24h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quote\\\": {\\\"quotes_name\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_lastUpdated\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_marketCap\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_percentChange1h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quotes_percentChange24h\\\": \\\"f\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3011", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:Newly Listed, api_description:Recently listed cryptocurrencies., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"version\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3012", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ByBit Leaderboard, api_name:search/master_traders, api_description:Returns MASTER traders that match your search filters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"description\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"pager\": {\"page\": \"int\", \"page_size\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"has_more_pages\": \"bool\"}, \"traders\": [{\"leader_id\": \"str\", \"user_id\": \"str\", \"user_name\": \"str\", \"user_intro\": \"str\", \"last7_days_win_rate\": \"int\", \"last3_weeks_win_rate\": \"int\", \"last7_days_yield\": \"int\", \"last3_weeks_yield\": \"int\", \"history_transactions_count\": \"int\", \"followers_count\": \"int\", \"current_follower_count\": \"int\", \"transactions_in_profit_count\": \"int\", \"transactions_in_loss_count\": \"int\", \"yesterday_profit\": \"int\", \"locate_days\": \"int\", \"profile_photo\": \"str\", \"global_rank\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3013", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockTwits, api_name:streams/direct, api_description:Returns the most recent 30 direct messages sent to the authenticating user. These area all private messages sent and recieved., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3014", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:Trending, api_description:Current cryptocurrencies trending today., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"version\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3015", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockTwits, api_name:streams/investor_relations, api_description:Returns the most recent 30 messages posted by verified Investor Relations customers., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3016", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fund Transfer, api_name:ResendOTPFT, api_description:In case you miss the otp from our side., required_params: [{\"name\": \"Body\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Give customerMobileNo in json format\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3017", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Freedom Finance, api_name:Yearly Balance Sheets, api_description:Annual balance sheet statements, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"offset\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"totalAssets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalAssetsSection\\\": {\\\"currentAssets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentAssetsSection\\\": {\\\"cashAndCashEquivalentsAndShortTermInvestments\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cashAndCashEquivalentsAndShortTermInvestmentsSection\\\": {\\\"cashAndCashEquivalents\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cashAndCashEquivalentsSection\\\": {\\\"cash\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cashEquivalents\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"otherShortTermInvestments\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"receivables\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"receivablesSection\\\": {\\\"accountsReceivable\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"accountsReceivableSection\\\": {\\\"grossAccountsReceivable\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"allowanceForDoubtfulAccountsReceivable\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"loansReceivable\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"notesReceivable\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"accruedInterestReceivable\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"taxesReceivable\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"dueFromRelatedPartiesCurrent\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"otherReceivables\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"receivablesAdjustmentsAllowances\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"inventory\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"inventorySection\\\": {\\\"rawMaterials\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"workInProcess\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"finishedGoods\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"otherInventories\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3018", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Freedom Finance, api_name:Yearly Income Statements, api_description:Annual income statements, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"offset\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"totalRevenue\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalRevenueSection\\\": {\\\"operatingRevenue\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"exciseTaxes\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"netInterestIncome\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"nonInterestIncome\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"netInterestIncomeSection\\\": {\\\"interestIncome\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"interestIncomeSection\\\": {\\\"interestIncomeFromSecurities\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"interestIncomeFromLoansAndLease\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"interestIncomeFromDeposits\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"interestIncomeFromFederalFundsSoldAndSecuritiesPurchaseUnderAgreementsToResell\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"otherInterestIncome\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"interestIncomeFromLoansAndLeaseSection\\\": {\\\"interestIncomeFromLoans\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"interestIncomeFromLeases\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}}, \\\"interestExpense\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"interestExpenseSection\\\": {\\\"interestExpenseForDeposit\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"interestExpenseForShortTermDebt\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"interestExpenseForLongTermDebtAndCapitalSecurities\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"interestExpenseForFederalFundsSoldAndSecuritiesPurchaseUnderAgreementsToResell\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"otherInt\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3019", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_SABR, api_name:local_hist, api_description:This function pulls out the latest 5 time-stamp snapshot of the 3-degree polynomial calibrated parameters, for local-Volatility model across the strike and expiry axis.\nThere are choices of either 'btc' or 'eth'.\n\nThe parameters can be seen in the header of x^3, x^2*y, x^1 * y^2, etc, ......... and intercept., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ccy_\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3020", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_SABR, api_name:sabr_Norm, api_description:This is the implementation of the SABR model (z-shift) under the normal volatility mode, with the parameters as follows:\nK_ : strike, fwd_ : forward, shift_ : z-shift, time_ : time-to-expiry, alpha : sabr alpha, beta : sabr beta, rho : sabr rho, volvol : sabr volvol\nmethod_ : internal mode for two modes of calibration. Default of 1\nret_ : set of 0, to return proper json format, required_params: [{\"name\": \"shift_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"method_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"time_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fwd_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"K_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"alpha\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"beta\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ret_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"rho\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"volvol\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3021", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Sentiment API, api_name:Most Negative News, api_description:Returns a list of the most negative articles related to the given stock. The sentiment scores can be viewed in the compound field and you can change the number of articles returned with the count parameter.\n\nNote: The api parses for 100 articles so any count given over 100, the api will just return all 100 articles, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rank\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"compound\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3022", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Alpaca Trading, api_name:Retrieves the account's open position for given symbol, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3023", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Alpaca Trading, api_name:Get a list of orders, api_description:Retrieves a list of orders for the account, filtered by the supplied query parameters., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3024", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Markets, api_name:Symbol Price Ticker, api_description:Symbol Price Ticker, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3025", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Markets, api_name:24hr Ticker Price Change Statistics, api_description:24hr Ticker Price Change Statistics, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3026", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Markets, api_name:Kline/Candlestick Data, api_description:Kline/Candlestick Data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3027", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:SEC Filings, api_name:Income, api_description:Returns a company's most recent income statement detailing what they earn for providing their goods and services OR a statement of loss explaining where lost income occurred, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Publicly traded company's stock symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"copyright\": \"str\", \"terms\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"data\": {\"attributes\": {\"status\": \"int\", \"company\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"cik\": \"str\", \"ticker\": \"str\"}, \"filing\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"accessionNumber\": \"str\", \"filingDate\": \"str\", \"period\": \"str\", \"formType\": \"str\", \"filingCount\": \"int\"}, \"count\": \"int\", \"result\": {\"RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax\": \"float\", \"CostOfRevenue\": \"float\", \"ResearchAndDevelopmentExpense\": \"float\", \"SellingAndMarketingExpense\": \"float\", \"GeneralAndAdministrativeExpense\": \"float\", \"CostsAndExpenses\": \"float\", \"OperatingIncomeLoss\": \"float\", \"NonoperatingIncomeExpense\": \"float\", \"IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeIncomeTaxesExtraordinaryItemsNoncontrollingInterest\": \"float\", \"IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit\": \"float\", \"NetIncomeLoss\": \"float\", \"EarningsPerShareBasic\": \"float\", \"EarningsPerShareDiluted\": \"float\"}}, \"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3028", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:SEC Filings, api_name:Manager Holdings, api_description:Returns an institutional manager's quarterly portfolio holdings including new, sold and changed positions by comparing current and previous 13F SEC Filings, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cik\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Central Index Key (CIK)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3029", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:SEC Filings, api_name:Cash Flows, api_description:Returns a company's most recent cash flow statement showing the amount of cash used and generated, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Publicly traded company's stock symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3030", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:financial summary, api_description:get financial summary by pair_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pair_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"info\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"table\": [\"list of list with length 5\"], \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3031", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:chart data (deprecated), api_description:get latest chart data by equity pair id (provided in screener result), required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"can be ( P1D - P1W - P1M - PT5H - PT1H - PT30M - PT15M - PT5M )\"}, {\"name\": \"pair_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"get it from screener result\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3032", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:politics news, api_description:get latest politics news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 35}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3033", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Financial Data, api_name:/trades/futures, api_description:Derivatives contracts transactions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"market_venue\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of an exchange or a venue\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The second listed currency of a currency pair\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The first listed currency of a currency pair\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3034", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Financial Data, api_name:/metrics/ohlcv/futures/trial, api_description:Limited coverage and availability for tests, required_params: [{\"name\": \"market_venue\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available exchanges in trial: `BINANCE`, `BITFINEX`, `HITBTC`, `KRAKEN`, `OKX`\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available bases in trial: `BTC`, `USD`, `USDT`, `USDC`\"}, {\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Start of the requested time period, *%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S* UTC timezone. **Should be within one month from the current timestamp**\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available symbols in trial: `BTC`, `ETH`, `ADA`, `XRP`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3035", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:all equities list ( long load ), api_description:all equities list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"get from countries list\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3036", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Financial Data, api_name:/trades, api_description:Trades endpoint available upon request, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Start of the requested time period, *%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S* UTC timezone\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The second or quote currency in the traded pair\"}, {\"name\": \"market_venue\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of an exchange or a venue\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The first or base currency in the traded pair\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3037", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Exchanges, api_name:All Exchanges, api_description:Get all Exchanges, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"exchangeId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"percentTotalVolume\": \"str\", \"volumeUsd\": \"str\", \"tradingPairs\": \"str\", \"socket\": \"bool\", \"exchangeUrl\": \"str\", \"updated\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 73}], \"timestamp\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3038", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Smart Chain, api_name:Current Block Number, api_description:Get the current block number of the Binance Smart Chain!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3039", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Hryvna Today, api_name:/v1/rates/landing, api_description:Notice: this method is temporary return rates for USD and EUR currencies only., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"avg\\\": {\\\"840\\\": {\\\"avg\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, 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\"description\": \"Data refresh interval. 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"3044", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:market/get-futures, api_description:Get future reports about the market\n* There are response images in encoded base 64 string, you need to decode to get the images yourself, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"HasQuotes\": \"bool\", \"LastTradeTime\": \"str\", \"LastTradeTimeFormatted\": \"str\", \"SparkChartHeight\": \"int\", \"TimePeriod\": \"str\", \"Futures\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"SparkChart\": \"str\", \"Symbol\": \"str\", \"Quote\": {\"LastChange\": \"float\", \"LastChangeFormatted\": \"str\", \"LastChangePercent\": \"float\", \"LastChangePercentFormatted\": \"str\", \"LastValue\": \"float\", \"LastValueFormatted\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3045", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:market/get-volatility, api_description:Get market volatility\n* There are response images in encoded base 64 string, you need to decode to get the images yourself, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ThirtyDaySPRateOfChangeChartURL\": \"str\", \"ThirtyDayVixChartURL\": \"str\", \"ThirtyDayPutCallChartURL\": \"str\", \"ShortTermImpliedVolatility\": \"int\", \"SPOneMonthChange\": \"int\", \"ShortTermSentiment\": \"int\", \"VIXActivityOverLastThreeYearsText\": \"str\", \"SPRollingOneMonthChangeText\": \"str\", \"ThirtyDaySPProbChartAsOfDate\": \"str\", \"ThirtyDayVixChartAsOfDate\": \"str\", \"ExpirationTime\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3046", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:market/get-movers, api_description:List recent movers in the market, required_params: [{\"name\": \"rankType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the following : MostActives|PctChgGainers|PctChgLosers|NetGainers|NetLosers|52WkHigh|52WkLow\"}, {\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the following : US|USN|USQ|USA\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ExchangeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ExchangeRankSet\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RankingTypeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RankingType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SectorName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SectorCusip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CompanyMovers\\\": [{\\\"Symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CompanyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PriceLast\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PriceLastTruncated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PriceLastFormatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PriceChangePercent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PriceChangePercentTruncated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PriceChangePercentFormatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PriceChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PriceChangeTruncated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PriceChangeFormatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PriceLow52Week\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PriceLow52WeekFormatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PriceHigh52Week\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PriceHigh52WeekFormatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Volume\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"VolumeTruncated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"VolumeFormatted\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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For example: *USD*.\"}, {\"name\": \"to_symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A 3-Letter currency code / symbol (ISO 4217). For example: *EUR*.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"from_symbol\": \"str\", \"to_symbol\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"news\": [{\"article_title\": \"str\", \"article_url\": \"str\", \"article_photo_url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"post_time_utc\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3050", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Finance Data, api_name:Currency Time Series, api_description:Get forex time series for the following periods: **1 day**, **5 days**, **1 month**, **6 months**, **year-to-date**, **1 year**, **5 years** and **all times (max)**., required_params: [{\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Period for which to return time series.\\n\\n**Periods:**\\n- **1D** - 1 day.\\n- **5D** - 5 days.\\n- **1M** - 1 month.\\n- **6M** - 6 months.\\n- **YTD** - year-to-date.\\n- **1Y** - 1 year.\\n- **5Y** - 5 years.\\n- **MAX** - all times.\"}, {\"name\": \"to_symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A 3-Letter currency code / symbol (ISO 4217). For example: *EUR*.\"}, {\"name\": \"from_symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A 3-Letter currency code / symbol (ISO 4217). For example: *USD*.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"from_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"to_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_rate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"previous_close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"last_update_utc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time_series\\\": {\\\"2023-06-16 00:01:00\\\": {\\\"exchange_rate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"change_percent\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"2023-06-16 00:03:00\\\": {\\\"exchange_rate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-06-16 00:05:00\\\": {\\\"exchange_rate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-06-16 00:07:00\\\": {\\\"exchange_rate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-06-16 00:09:00\\\": {\\\"exchange_rate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-06-16 00:11:00\\\": {\\\"exchange_rate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-06-16 00:13:00\\\": {\\\"exchange_rate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-06-16 00:15:00\\\": {\\\"exchange_rate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-06-16 00:17:00\\\": {\\\"exc\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3051", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Finance Data, api_name:Stock News, api_description:Get the latest news related to a specific stock. 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This endpoint accepts address inputs to deliver up-to-date, relevant local tax rates instantly., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Set to one of the countrie codes listed in Supported Countries.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3053", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:general tables, api_description:get stocks general tables, required_params: [{\"name\": \"table\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3054", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchange Rate, api_name:Convert, api_description:Currency conversion endpoint, can be used to convert any amount from one currency to another., required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"motd\": {\"msg\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"success\": \"bool\", \"query\": {\"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"int\"}, \"info\": {\"rate\": \"float\"}, \"historical\": \"bool\", \"date\": \"str\", \"result\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3055", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchange Rate, api_name:Historical, api_description:Get historical rates for any day since 1999., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"motd\": {\"msg\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"success\": \"bool\", \"historical\": \"bool\", \"base\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"rates\": {\"USD\": \"float\", \"JPY\": \"float\", \"CYP\": \"float\", \"CZK\": \"float\", \"DKK\": \"float\", \"EEK\": \"float\", \"GBP\": \"float\", \"HUF\": \"float\", \"LTL\": \"float\", \"LVL\": \"float\", \"MTL\": \"float\", \"PLN\": \"float\", \"ROL\": \"int\", \"SEK\": \"float\", \"SIT\": \"float\", \"SKK\": \"float\", \"CHF\": \"float\", \"ISK\": \"float\", \"NOK\": \"float\", \"TRL\": \"int\", \"AUD\": \"float\", \"CAD\": \"float\", \"HKD\": \"float\", \"KRW\": \"float\", \"NZD\": \"float\", \"SGD\": \"float\", \"ZAR\": \"float\", \"EUR\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3056", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:5 Year Historical Quarterly Prices, api_description:5 Year quarterly historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Quarterly Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3057", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:walletapi.cloud, api_name:List project's assets, api_description:Obtain a list of assets for a project., required_params: [{\"name\": \"projectId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Project ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3058", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:Max Historical Daily Prices, api_description:Max historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Daily Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3059", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:walletapi.cloud, api_name:Get wallet details, api_description:Obtain wallet balance and details., required_params: [{\"name\": \"projectId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Project ID\"}, {\"name\": \"walletId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Wallet ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3060", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:walletapi.cloud, api_name:Get customer details, api_description:Call this endpoint to obtain a record for a customer with provided ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"customerId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Customer ID\"}, {\"name\": \"projectId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Project ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3061", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:quote_retrieve, api_description:You receive a detail stock quote with time critical data, f.ex. the price or market cap. of AAPL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"identifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3062", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:income_statement_retrieve, api_description:We serve 6 categories for 10-Q data. To combine all of them use the '10-Q' endpoint(s)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"identifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3063", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bybit, api_name:Get Risk Limit, api_description:Get Risk Limit, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Derivatives products category.For now, *linear inverse* including inverse futures are available\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"retCode\": \"int\", \"retMsg\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"category\": \"str\", \"list\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"limit\": \"str\", \"maintainMargin\": \"str\", \"initialMargin\": \"str\", \"isLowestRisk\": \"int\", \"maxLeverage\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 34}]}, \"retExtInfo\": {}, \"time\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3064", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bybit, api_name:Query Index Price Kline USDT, api_description:Index price kline. Tracks BTC spot prices, with a frequency of every second., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Data refresh interval. Enum : 1 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 360 720 \\\\\\\"D\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\"M\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\"W\\\\\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"From timestamp in seconds\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ret_code\": \"int\", \"ret_msg\": \"str\", \"ext_code\": \"str\", \"ext_info\": \"str\", \"result\": \"NoneType\", \"time_now\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3065", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BB Finance, api_name:stories/detail, api_description:Get full story information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"internalID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Get suitable value from .../stories/list or .../news/list or .../news/list-by-region endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondaryBrands\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"internalID\\\": 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{\"success\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3069", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:JP Funda, api_name:getLatestByEdinetCode, api_description:### Return latest securities report data of the company specified with edinet code.\nNote: If the company doesn't have a consolidated subsidiary, all of consolidated management indicators become null. But you can obtain data instead of consolidated management indicators from non consolidated management indicators, required_params: [{\"name\": \"edinet_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"company_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"edinet_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securities_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securities_report_submission_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"beginning_of_year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ending_of_year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"consolidated_management_indicators\\\": {\\\"revenue\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"operating_revenue\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"operating_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ordinary_income\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"income_before_tax\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_income_attributable_to_owners_of_parent\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"comprehensive_income\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"comprehensive_income_attributable_to_owners_of_parent\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_assets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total_assets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"net_assets_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"basic_earnings_loss_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"diluted_earnings_per_share\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"equity_to_asset_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"price_earnings_ratio\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"rate_of_return_on_equity\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_operating_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_investing_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_financing_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_and_cash_equivalents\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3070", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:stock/v2/get-executive, api_description:Mapped to Executive tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from \\u2026/auto-complete or /get-summary or \\u2026/get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rows\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"personId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"holding\": \"str\", \"memberSince\": \"str\", \"age\": \"str\", \"totalCompensation\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"compensation\": [{\"nameId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"datum\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"_list_length\": 8}], \"_list_length\": 6}], \"datesDef\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"currency\": \"str\", \"template\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3071", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:SEC Filings, api_name:Items, api_description:Returns the content of each item in an entire 10-K Annual Report, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"copyright\": \"str\", \"terms\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"data\": {\"attributes\": {\"status\": \"int\", \"company\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"cik\": \"str\", \"ticker\": \"str\"}, \"filing\": {\"accessionNumber\": \"str\", \"filingDate\": \"str\", \"period\": \"str\", \"formType\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"count\": \"int\", \"result\": [{\"Key\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}, \"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3072", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Stock quotes, api_description:Provides real-time stock data of a single or multiple stock companies., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3073", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Executives, api_description:Provides information about the current composition of executives, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"pay\": \"str\", \"currencyPay\": \"str\", \"yearBorn\": \"str\", \"titleSince\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3074", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Defi Data, api_name:Charts chain, api_description:Get historical TVL of a chain, required_params: [{\"name\": \"chain\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"chain slug, you can get these from /v1/tvl/chains or the chains property on /v1/tvl/protocols\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"totalLiquidityUSD\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3075", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Qvantana, api_name:Ichimoku Cloud, api_description:Ichimoku Cloud indicator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available markets are:\\n\\nspot\\nusdt-perpetual\\ninverse-perpetual\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tenkanSen\": \"float\", \"kijunSen\": \"float\", \"senkouSpanA\": \"float\", \"senkouSpanB\": \"float\", \"chikouSpan\": \"float\", \"tenkanSenPeriod\": \"int\", \"kijunSenPeriod\": \"int\", \"senkouSpanBPeriod\": \"int\", \"chikouSpanPeriod\": \"int\", \"timeFormat\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3076", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/equity/live, api_description:Return current market price data given the input parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the asset to look for, e.g., `AAPL` (Apple Inc), `TSLA` (Tesla Inc).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3077", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Qvantana, api_name:Bollinger Bands, api_description:Bollinger Bands indicator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available markets are:\\n\\nspot\\nusdt-perpetual\\ninverse-perpetual\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"upperBand\": \"float\", \"middleBand\": \"float\", \"lowerBand\": \"float\", \"length\": \"int\", \"stdDevLength\": \"float\", \"timeFormat\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3078", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/equity/intraday, api_description:Return intraday time series (Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) given the input parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"1-minute level time interval, e.g., `1` (1 min), `5` (5 min).\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query end date (supported formats are : **YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM**, **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-21 10:30` or simply `2020-04-22`.\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query start date (supported formats are : **YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM**, **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-21 10:00` or simply `2020-04-21`.\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the asset to look for, e.g., `AAPL` (Apple Inc), `MSFT` (Microsoft).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3079", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get a user's history, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3080", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get an account's positions, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"account\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An account number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3081", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get a user's cost basis, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3082", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing - Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:coins/get-overview, api_description:Get overview information of specific cryptocurrency, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pair_ID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Value of pair_id field returned in coins/list, coins/search, coins/list-pairs, etc...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"screen_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screen_data\\\": {\\\"pairs_data\\\": [{\\\"overview_table\\\": [{\\\"key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"val\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 6}], \\\"old_version_support\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_type_section\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ask\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"change_percent_val\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change_val\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"change_precent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"change_precent_raw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"extended_price\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"extended_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"extended_change_percent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"extended_shown_datetime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"extended_shown_unixtime\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"extended_hours_show_data\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_change_color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"extended_change_color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"technical_summary_color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"technical_summary_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"localized_last_step_arrow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"extended_localized_last_step_arrow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_is_open\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"last_timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"last_close_value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bond_coupon\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"day_range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"a52_week_range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"a52_week_low\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"a52_week_h\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3083", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Financial Data, api_name:/metrics/ohlcv/pro, api_description:Price and volume metrics for spot markets, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Start of the requested time period, *%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S* UTC timezone\"}, {\"name\": \"market_venue\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of an exchange or a venue\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The second listed currency of a currency pair\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The first listed currency of a currency pair\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"base\": \"str\", \"market_venue\": \"str\", \"open\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"close\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"trades\": \"int\", \"vwap\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 31}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3084", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchange Rate, api_name:Latest, api_description:Get the latest foreign exchange rates., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"motd\\\": {\\\"msg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"base\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rates\\\": {\\\"AED\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AFN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ALL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ANG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AOA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ARS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AUD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AWG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AZN\\\": 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\\\"ETB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"EUR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FJD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FKP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GEL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GGP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GHS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GIP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GNF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GTQ\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3085", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Dividends Calendar, api_description:This endpoint provides information about the dividends calendar., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"Company\": \"str\", \"Dividend\": \"str\", \"Ex-Dividend Date\": \"str\", \"Payment Date\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"NoneType\", \"Yield\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 51}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3086", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Currency News, api_description:This endpoint provides the currency news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"link\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"shortDescription\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"when\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 36}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3087", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Cryptocurrency Forex Market Data, api_name:Search Exchange, api_description:Search exchanges by query or category, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"exchange\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 22}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3088", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Cryptocurrency Forex Market Data, api_name:Get Price, api_description:Get Stock, Cryptocurrency, Forex price by timeframe, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timeframe\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"open_time\": \"float\", \"open\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"close\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 60}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3089", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:stock/insider-holders, api_description:Get stock insider holders' information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3090", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:sectors_movers_list, api_description:A list of all sectors& their winners and losers (stocks), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3091", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ExchangeRatesPro, api_name:Historical Exchange Rates, api_description:Access over two decades of historical exchange rate data with the /historical endpoint. Exchange rates are provided as daily end of day exchange rates dating back all the way to 1999. Choose the day with the 'date' parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3092", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:datatables_list, api_description:Premium: Interact with your table by querying it with its unique ID. You can list, retrieve, delete, update, create and replace tables on the go., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3093", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ExchangeRatesPro, api_name:Latest Exchange Rates, api_description:Get up-to-date exchange rate data with the /latest endpoint. Choose from daily, hourly, or minute updates, based on your plan. Stay on top of the markets with real-time data, delivered with one simple request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rates\\\": {\\\"ADA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AED\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AFN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ALL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ANG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AOA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ARS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AUD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AVA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AWG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BAM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BBD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BCH\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BDT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BGN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BHD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BIF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BNB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BND\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BOB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BRL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BSD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BTC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BTN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BWP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BYN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BYR\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"BZD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CAD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CDF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CHF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CLF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CLP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CNH\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CNY\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"COP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CRC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CUC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CUP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CVE\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CZK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DAS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DJF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DKK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DOP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DOT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DZD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"EGP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"EOS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ERN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ETB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ETH\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"EUR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FJD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FKP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBP\\\": \\\"f\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3094", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:10Q_list, api_description:Useful to fetch the latest quarterly dataset for a stock or multiple stocks., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3095", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Ex, api_name:Currency List, api_description:List of available currency in JSON format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"currencies\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 159}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3096", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:all crypto, api_description:get all datatable of crypto, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"icon_class\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"market_cap\": \"str\", \"market_cap_raw\": \"str\", \"24h_volume\": \"str\", \"24h_volume_raw\": \"str\", \"total_volume\": \"str\", \"change_24h\": \"str\", \"change_7d\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3097", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:show future, api_description:get future latest data by href, required_params: [{\"name\": \"href\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"get it from future tables list\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"pair_id\": \"str\", \"last\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"change_percent\": \"str\", \"info\": [{\"key\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3098", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webchain, api_name:Webchain, api_description:WEBCHAIN: A Blockchain for DApps, Secured via Websites, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3099", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get coin price history, api_description:Coinranking keeps track of prices on all listed assets. The history endpoint lists prices and their timestamp for the requested time period, useful for making a chart., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"UUID of the coin you want to request\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"change\": \"str\", \"history\": [{\"price\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 288}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3100", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BraveNewCoin, api_name:AssetById, api_description:Retrieves the details of an individual asset. Supply the unique identifier (UUID) of the asset.\n\nThe full list of all asset details can be obtained from the Asset endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The unique resource identifier (UUID) of an asset e.g. BTC = f1ff77b6-3ab4-4719-9ded-2fc7e71cff1f\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3101", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Politics News, api_description:This endpoint provides the politic news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"link\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"shortDescription\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"when\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 36}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3102", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Futures Expiration Calendar, api_description:This endpoint provides information about the futures expiration calendar., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"Contract\": \"str\", \"Instrument\": \"str\", \"Last Rollover\": \"NoneType\", \"Month\": \"str\", \"Settlement\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 104}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3103", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Get Global Indices by Performance, api_description:World financial market to get global Indices with respect to performance, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"daily\": \"str\", \"oneWeek\": \"str\", \"oneMonth\": \"str\", \"yearToDate\": \"str\", \"oneYear\": \"str\", \"threeYear\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3104", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:ADX, api_description:Average Directional Index(ADX) is used to decide if the price trend is strong., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instrument symbol, can be any equity, index, ETF, forex or cryptocurrency\\nE.g. `AAPL`, `EUR/USD`, `ETH/BTC`, ...\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Interval between two consecutive points in time series\\nSupports: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `30min`, `45min`, `1h`, `2h`, `4h`, `1day`, `1week`, `1month`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3105", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Hryvna Today, api_name:/v1/rates/banks, api_description:History of average rates from banks, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"2023-06-07\\\": {\\\"124\\\": {\\\"6\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"avg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"8\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"avg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"9\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"avg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"1\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"avg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}}, \\\"392\\\": {\\\"9\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"avg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"1\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"avg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}}, \\\"643\\\": {\\\"16\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"sale\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"avg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"diff\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"2\\\": {\\\"buy\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3106", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:market/get-commentaries, api_description:Get latest commentaries in the market, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3107", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/portfolio/get-exposure, api_description:Get exposure as displayed in the Portfolio tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3108", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/portfolio/get-holdings, api_description:Get holdings as displayed in the Portfolio tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}, {\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3109", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Is This Coin A Scam, api_name:Get a list of most watched profiles, api_description:Get a list of the most watched 100 crypto projects on isthiscoinascam.com over the past 7 days. Ordered by most most watched first., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 250}], \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3110", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Top Coins By Followers, api_description:Retrieve real time top 10 coins by Followers\n\n**Output:**\nEach item contains:\n- Rank number\n- Coin name\n- Coin ticker\n- Followers value\n\n**Definitions:**\n- Followers: Sum of followers reached by coin related mentions\n\n**Details:**\n- All results are in real time, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Rank\": \"int\", \"CoinName\": \"str\", \"CoinTicker\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3111", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Recent News By Coin Ticker, api_description:Get Recent News By Coin Ticker, required_params: [{\"name\": \"coinTicker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"EventId\": \"int\", \"EventType\": \"str\", \"EventTime\": \"str\", \"Publisher\": \"str\", \"Source\": \"str\", \"RelatedCoins\": \"str\", \"EventColor\": \"str\", \"EventText\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3112", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Top Coins By Mentions Change, api_description:Retrieve real time top 10 coins by Mentions change in the last 24 hours\n\n**Output:**\nEach item contains:\n- Rank number\n- Coin name\n- Coin ticker\n- Mentions change value\n\n**Definitions:**\n- MentionsChange: Percentage change of Mentions in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n\n**Details:**\n- All results are in real time, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3113", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinbase, api_name:Show transaction details, api_description:Show details for an individual transaction., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3114", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Wealth Reader API, api_name:/error-codes, api_description:Listado de códigos de error. Presta especial atención a que no todos los códigos de error deben recibir el mismo tratamiento por parte de tu aplicación. Ante un error de password incorrecto no debes reintentar la llamada con los mismos parámetros, pero ante un error que te indique que la entidad está en mantenimiento sí puedes reintentarlo. Pide una sesión técnica con nuestro equipo para resolver cualquier duda sobre la gestión de errores.\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"possible_reasons\": \"str\", \"how_to_proceed\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3115", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Wealth Reader API, api_name:/entities, api_description:Obtiene el listado de entidades soportadas y la información necesaria para dibujar el formulario de login de la entidad.\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"logo\": \"str\", \"bic\": \"str\", \"inputs\": {\"document_type\": {\"required\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\", \"placeholder\": \"str\", \"validation_rule\": \"str\"}, \"user\": {\"required\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\", \"placeholder\": \"str\", \"validation_rule\": \"str\"}, \"password\": {\"required\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\", \"placeholder\": \"str\", \"validation_rule\": \"str\"}, \"second_password\": {\"required\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\", \"placeholder\": \"str\", \"validation_rule\": \"str\"}}, \"statistics\": {\"SESSION\": \"str\", \"execution_time\": \"float\", \"operation_id\": \"str\", \"token\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3116", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Just CURRENCIES, api_name:CONVERT, api_description:Convert, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3117", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ChangeNOW crypto exchange, api_name:API V2 | Exchange range, api_description:The API endpoint returns minimal payment amount and maximum payment amount required to make an exchange. If you try to exchange less than minimum or more than maximum, the transaction will most likely fail. Any pair of assets has minimum amount and some of pairs have maximum amount.\n\n

Successful response:

Successful response fields
\n\n\n\t\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
fromCurrencyStringTicker of the currency you want to exchange
fromNetworkStringNetwork of the currency you want to exchange
toCurrencyStringTicker of the currency you want to receive
toNetworkStringNetwork of the currency you want to receive
flowStringType of exchange flow. Enum: [\"standard\", \"fixed-rate\"]
minAmountNumberMinimal payment amount
maxAmountNumber|nullMaximum payment amount. Could be null.

You can find examples of errors in the Example request block (use the drop-down list).


Request Parameters:

, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fromCurrency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) Ticker of the currency you want to exchange\"}, {\"name\": \"toCurrency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) Ticker of the currency you want to receive\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fromCurrency\": \"str\", \"fromNetwork\": \"str\", \"toCurrency\": \"str\", \"toNetwork\": \"str\", \"flow\": \"str\", \"maxAmount\": \"NoneType\", \"minAmount\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3118", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ChangeNOW crypto exchange, api_name:Exchange range fixed-rate, api_description:New!\n\nThe API endpoint returns minimal payment amount and maximum payment amount required to make an exchange. If you try to exchange less than minimum or more than maximum, the transaction will most likely fail. Any pair of assets has minimum amount and some of pairs have maximum amount.\n\n

Successful response:

Successful response fields
\n\n\n\t\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
minAmountNumberMinimal payment amount
maxAmountNumber|nullMaximum payment amount. Could be null.

You can find examples of errors in the Example request block (use the drop-down list).


Request Parameters:

, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from_to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) Underscore separated pair of tickers\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3119", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Date Calculator, api_name:eomonth, api_description:Computes and returns a date on the last day of the month in the future or past. This resource behave exactly as Excel EOMONTH function., required_params: [{\"name\": \"months\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of months before or after start_date. A positive value for months yields a future date; a negative value yields a past date.\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date w/ or w/o the time part in [ISO 8601 format](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"eomonth\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3120", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Date Calculator, api_name:rdates, api_description:Computes and returns recurring dates based on very flexible recurrence rules as defined and specified in the [iCalendar RFC 5545](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545 \"ICalendar\"). It's possible to specify more than one recurrence rule., required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date w/ or w/o the time part in [ISO 8601 format](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime)\"}, {\"name\": \"rrules\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The recurrence rules list as string seperated by space; Each rule should be prefixed by **RRULE:**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dates\": [\"list of str with length 38\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3121", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:income statement, api_description:get income statement by pair id for some stocks \nnot all, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pair_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"dates\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"reports\": [\"list of list with length 34\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3122", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:market stocks news, api_description:get latest market stocks news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 35}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3123", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:market/most_actives, api_description:Stocks are ordered in descending order by intraday trade volume., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"source\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"start\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quotes\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quoteType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"typeDisp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quoteSourceName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"triggerable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"customPriceAlertConfidence\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastCloseTevEbitLtm\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lastClosePriceToNNWCPerShare\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"regularMarketChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"regularMarketTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"regularMarketPrice\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"regularMarketDayHigh\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"regularMarketDayRange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"regularMarketDayLow\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"regularMarketVolume\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"regularMarketPreviousClose\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bid\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ask\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bidSize\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"askSize\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"market\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"messageBoardId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fullExchangeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"financialCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"regularMarketOpen\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"averageDailyVolume3Month\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"averageDailyVolume10Day\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fiftyTwoWeekLowChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiftyTwoWeekLowChangePercent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiftyTwoWeekRange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fif\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3124", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:stock/history/{stock}/{interval}, api_description:Historic data for stocks, ETFs, mutuals funds, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Allows one of following : 5m|15m|30m|1h|1d|1wk|1mo|3mo\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"instrumentType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"firstTradeDate\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"regularMarketTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gmtoffset\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangeTimezoneName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"regularMarketPrice\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"chartPreviousClose\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"previousClose\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"scale\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"priceHint\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dataGranularity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"range\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"items\\\": {\\\"1684251000\\\": {\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_utc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"1684251900\\\": {\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_utc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"1684252800\\\": {\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_utc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"1684253700\\\": {\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_utc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"1684254600\\\": {\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_utc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3125", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ChangeNOW crypto exchange, api_name:API V2 | Estimated exchange amount, api_description:This API endpoint returns estimated exchange amount for the exchange and some additional fields. Accepts to and from currencies, currencies' networks, exchange flow, and RateID.\n\n

Successful response:

Successful response fields
\n\n\n\t\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
fromCurrencyStringTicker of the currency you want to exchange
fromNetworkStringNetwork of the currency you want to exchange
toCurrencyStringTicker of the currency you want to receive
toNetworkStringNetwork of the currency you want to receive
flowStringType of exchange flow. Enum: [\"standard\", \"fixed-rate\"]
typeStringDirection of exchange flow. Use \"direct\" value to set amount for currencyFrom and get amount of currencyTo. Use \"reverse\" value to set amount for currencyTo and get amount of currencyFrom. Enum: [\"direct\", \"reverse\"]
rateIdString || nullRateId is needed for fixed-rate flow. If you set param \"useRateId\" to true, you could use returned field \"rateId\" in next method for creating transaction to freeze estimated amount that you got in this method. Current estimated amount would be valid until time in field \"validUntil\"
validUntilString || nullDate and time before estimated amount would be freezed in case of using rateId. If you set param \"useRateId\" to true, you could use returned field \"rateId\" in next method for creating transaction to freeze estimated amount that you got in this method. Estimated amount would be valid until this date and time
transactionSpeedForecastString || nullDash-separated min and max estimated time in minutes
warningMessageString || nullSome warnings like warnings that transactions on this network take longer or that the currency has moved to another network
fromAmountNumberExchange amount of fromCurrency (in case when type=reverse it is an estimated value)
toAmountNumberExchange amount of toCurrency (in case when type=direct it is an estimated value)

You can find examples of errors in the Example request block (use the drop-down list).


Request Parameters:

, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fromAmount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"(Required if type is direct) Must be greater then 0.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3126", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:G - Finance, api_name:search, api_description:search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"ticker\": \"str\", \"ticker_symbols\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"country_code\": \"str\", \"exchange\": {\"primary\": {\"symbol\": \"NoneType\", \"name\": \"NoneType\"}, \"secondary\": {\"symbol\": \"NoneType\", \"name\": \"NoneType\"}}}, \"price\": {\"currency\": \"str\", \"previous_close\": \"float\", \"last\": {\"time\": \"int\", \"value\": \"float\", \"today_change\": \"float\", \"today_change_percent\": \"float\"}, \"after_hours\": {\"value\": \"float\", \"change\": \"float\", \"change_percent\": \"float\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3127", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:G - Finance, api_name:market-trends, api_description:market-trends, required_params: [{\"name\": \"t\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Tab name. One of these:\\n\\nindexes\\nmost-active\\ngainers\\nlosers\\nclimate-leaders\\ncryptocurrencies\\ncurrencies\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"info\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"ticker\": \"str\", \"ticker_symbols\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"country_code\": \"str\", \"exchange\": {\"primary\": {\"symbol\": \"NoneType\", \"name\": \"NoneType\"}, \"secondary\": {\"symbol\": \"NoneType\", \"name\": \"NoneType\"}}}, \"price\": {\"currency\": \"str\", \"previous_close\": \"float\", \"last\": {\"time\": \"int\", \"value\": \"float\", \"today_change\": \"float\", \"today_change_percent\": \"float\"}, \"after_hours\": {\"value\": \"float\", \"change\": \"float\", \"change_percent\": \"float\"}}, \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3128", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:market/news, api_description:Recently published stock news in all sectors., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3129", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:market/most-watched, api_description:Trending stocks in today's market, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3130", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:G - Finance, api_name:ticker, api_description:ticker, required_params: [{\"name\": \"t\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker symbol. For example:\\n\\nABNB:NASDAQ\\n.DJI:INDEXDJX\\nEUR-USD\\nBTC-USD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"info\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ticker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ticker_symbols\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"country_code\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"about\\\": {\\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"about_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"headquarters\\\": {\\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"address\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"founded\\\": {\\\"year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"month\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"day\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"ceo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"employees\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"website\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"price\\\": {\\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"previous_close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"last\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"today_change\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"today_change_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"time\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"after_market_closing\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"change_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"charts\\\": {\\\"1day\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 163}], \\\"1month\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 23}]}, \\\"news\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"published_time\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"source\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"logo\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 6}], \\\"stats\\\": {\\\"curr\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3131", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Rankiteo Climate Risk Assessment, api_name:GetDisasterTypeByDateAndStatus, api_description:Get disaster by status within a time range, required_params: [{\"name\": \"disaster_status\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"0 : Past Disaster\\n1 : Ongoing Disaster\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3132", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currencies And Countries, api_name:Convert, api_description:You can convert the currencies and get a value., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3133", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchange Rates API , api_name:currencies, api_description:This endpoint gets a list of available currency symbols along with their full names.\n\nGET /currencies HTTP/1.1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"AUD\": \"str\", \"BGN\": \"str\", \"BRL\": \"str\", \"CAD\": \"str\", \"CHF\": \"str\", \"CNY\": \"str\", \"CZK\": \"str\", \"DKK\": \"str\", \"EUR\": \"str\", \"GBP\": \"str\", \"HKD\": \"str\", \"HUF\": \"str\", \"IDR\": \"str\", \"ILS\": \"str\", \"INR\": \"str\", \"ISK\": \"str\", \"JPY\": \"str\", \"KRW\": \"str\", \"MXN\": \"str\", \"MYR\": \"str\", \"NOK\": \"str\", \"NZD\": \"str\", \"PHP\": \"str\", \"PLN\": \"str\", \"RON\": \"str\", \"SEK\": \"str\", \"SGD\": \"str\", \"THB\": \"str\", \"TRY\": \"str\", \"USD\": \"str\", \"ZAR\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3134", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:The Sandbox - SAND, api_name:Past 1 Day, api_description:Get price data for the past 24 hours.\n\n~5 minutes data points., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prices\": [\"list of list with length 288\"], \"market_caps\": [\"list of list with length 288\"], \"total_volumes\": [\"list of list with length 288\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3135", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:The Sandbox - SAND, api_name:Quote, api_description:Get the latest price., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3136", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CoinLore Cryptocurrency, api_name:Get markets of coin, api_description:Returns top 50 markets for coin, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"base\": \"str\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"price_usd\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"volume_usd\": \"float\", \"time\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3137", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Realtime Crypto Prices, api_name:Get Realtime Rates, api_description:Returns Realtime price of a coin, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Crypto coin symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"float\", \"to_fiat\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3138", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:walletapi.cloud, api_name:List projects, api_description:Obtain a list of your projects., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"projects\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3139", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:walletapi.cloud, api_name:Get transaction details, api_description:Call this endpoint to obtain a transaction's current state., required_params: [{\"name\": \"projectId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Project ID\"}, {\"name\": \"txId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Transaction ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3140", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Metals Prices Rates API, api_name:Latest Rates, api_description:The latest API endpoint will return real-time exchange rate data updated every 60 seconds.\n\nNote: All the responses retrieved in USD needs to be converted. \n\nEx: 1/value = USD PRICE., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter a list of comma-separated currency codes or metal codes to limit output codes.\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the three-letter currency code or metal code of your preferred base currency.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"base\": \"str\", \"rates\": {\"USD\": \"int\", \"XAU\": \"float\", \"USDXAU\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3141", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stoxx, api_name:Get Company Competition, api_description:Retrieve a company's known competitors, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"company\": \"str\", \"competition\": [\"list of str with length 6\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3142", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:10-Year Bond Yield, api_description:Get monthly 10-Year government bond yields., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3143", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:COVID-19 Economic Impact, api_name:United States Small Businesses Open, api_description:Get daily United States 7 day moving average percentage change of small businesses open seasonally adjusted relative to January 4 - 31, 2020., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Small business openings and revenue data from Womply\\\": {\\\"2020-01-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-13\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-14\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-15\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-16\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-17\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-19\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-20\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-21\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-22\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-23\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-24\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-26\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-27\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-13\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-14\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-15\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-16\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-17\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-19\\\": \\\"float\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3144", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:COVID-19 Economic Impact, api_name:United States Card Spending, api_description:Get daily United States 7 day moving average percentage change in credit and debit card spending seasonally adjusted relative to January 4 - 31, 2020., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3145", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:Nonfarm Payrolls Not Adjusted, api_description:Get monthly not seasonally adjusted nonfarm payrolls., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Employment, Hours, and Earnings - National\\\": {\\\"1939-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1939-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1940-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1941-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1942-12\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3146", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Coin Historical Metrics By Name, api_description:Retrieve coin´s historical social media metrics by Coin Name\nIn the case you want to retrieve real time data check \"Get Coin Metrics by Name\" or \"Get Coin Metrics by Ticker\"\n\n**Input:** \n- Date (MM/DD/YYYY HH:HH AM/PM) (Required)\n- Security Name: Coin Name (Required)\n- TimeFrame: 1d, 1h, 8h (Optional)\n\n**Output:**\n\n- Sentiment\n- Sentiment change\n- Weighted Sentiment\n- Weighted sentiment change\n- Followers\n- Followers change\n- Mentions\n- Mentions change\n- Security ticker\n- Security Name\n- TimeFrame\n- DataTimeStamp\n\n**Definitions:**\n\n•\tMentions - Number of posts related to the coin in tracked social media sources in the requested date with TimeFrame required.\n•\tMentionsChange - Percentage change of Mentions in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n•\tSentiment - Democratic Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative)in the requested date with TimeFrame required. [Democratic Sentiment is a sentiment that gives the same weight to each mention related to the coin despite the number of followers for each mention]\n•\tSentimentChange - Percentage change of Democratic Sentiment in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n•\tWeightedSentiment – Weighted Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative) in the requested date with TimeFrame required. [ Weighted Sentiment is a sentiment that gives more weight to mentions with more followers] \n•\tWeightedSentimentChange - Percentage change of Weighted Sentiment in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n•\tFollowers - Sum of followers reached by coin related mentions in the requested date with TimeFrame required.\n•\tFollowersChange - Percentage change of Followers Reach in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n\n**Details:**\n\n- All dates are in UTC\n- Historical date is only avaliable from 7 days back, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3147", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Recent News By Coin Name, api_description:Get Recent News By Coin Name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"coinName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"EventId\": \"int\", \"EventType\": \"str\", \"EventTime\": \"str\", \"Publisher\": \"str\", \"Source\": \"str\", \"RelatedCoins\": \"str\", \"EventColor\": \"str\", \"EventText\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3148", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Optimism, api_name:Account Transaction Count, api_description:Get the number of transactions done by an address on the Optimism blockchain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address you want to scan!\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3149", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Optimism, api_name:Account Balance, api_description:Get the OP balance for an address on the Optimism blockchain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address you want to scan!\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3150", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-alerts, api_description:Search for alert notifications that identify changes in trading (price & volume), financial, & company news/announcement activities for a given stock or cryptocurrency., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"actionType\": \"str\", \"subActionType\": \"str\", \"ticker\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"readTime\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"prices\": {\"_id\": \"str\", \"ticker\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"regularMarketDayHigh\": \"float\", \"regularMarketDayLow\": \"float\", \"logo\": \"str\", \"previousClose\": \"float\", \"previousVolume\": \"int\", \"useMarketChange\": \"float\", \"useMarketChangePercent\": \"float\", \"useMarketPrice\": \"float\", \"useMarketTime\": \"str\", \"useMarketType\": \"str\", \"industry\": \"str\", \"sector\": \"str\"}, \"contentTextBrief\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3151", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-stats/bots, api_description:Search for a stock or cryptocurrency's sentiment statistics from posts generated on Twitter or Stocktwits by user post category (influencers,spam, bot)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3152", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Hryvna Today, api_name:/v1/list/bank_types, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"alias\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3153", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Exchanges, api_name:Rate by ID, api_description:Get rate by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"currencySymbol\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"rateUsd\": \"str\"}, \"timestamp\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3154", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Financial Modeling Prep, api_name:Earning Call Transcript API PREMIUM, api_description:Analyzing Earnings Conference Call With NLP, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"symbol name\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Error Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3155", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Financial Modeling Prep, api_name:Companies Profile, api_description:This API returns companies profile (Price,Beta,Volume Average, Market Capitalisation, Last Dividend, 52 week range, stock price change, stock price change in percentage, Company Name, Exchange, Description, Industry,Sector,CEO,Website and image)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"symbol names\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Error Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3156", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_Project, api_name:lognormal_call, api_description:Black-Scholes Pricer/premium, Lognormal vols. Params are as per :\nk = strike (float)\nf = forward (float)\nt = time-to-expiry (float)\nv = implied volatility, lognormal, annualized (float)\nr = risk-free-rate (float). Note can be combined with dividend, funding, risk-free rate into one value, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ret_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"v\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"r\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"cp\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"k\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"f\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"t\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3157", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_Project, api_name:Sunction-one, api_description:N/A, required_params: [{\"name\": \"x2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"x1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3158", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_Project, api_name:normal_call, api_description:params = {\"k\": 1.0, \"f\": 1.0, \"t\": 1.0, \"v\":0.3, \"r\":0.0, \"cp\":\"call\"}, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ret_\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"f\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"r\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"cp\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"v\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"t\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"k\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"pv\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3159", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Arbitrage, api_name:crypto-arb, api_description:Detects the exchanges with the highest bid and lowest ask for the currency pair provided by the user. Users can allow trading fees (market taker fees from each exchange) to be considered. It returns:\n\n**1- Arbitrage Profit:** The return of a trade where the currency is bought from the exchange with the lowest ask and sold in the exchange with the highest bid. If positive, an arbitrage opportunity has been detected.\n**2- Data for Highest Bid and Lowest Ask Exchanges:** Exchange name, price, time, volume, and considered fees for both exchanges.\n**3- List of Exchanges Considered**\n\nAllowed pairs:\n['BTC/AUD', 'BTC/CAD', 'BTC/EUR', 'BTC/GBP', 'BTC/HKD', 'BTC/JPY', 'BTC/NZD', 'BTC/SGD', 'BTC/USD', 'BTC/PLN', 'LTC/BTC', 'DASH/BTC', 'DOGE/BTC', 'ETH/BTC', 'XRP/BTC', 'BCH/BTC', 'BCH/USD', 'BTG/BTC', 'BTG/USD', 'DASH/USD', 'ETH/USD', 'LTC/USD', 'BCH/PLN', 'BTG/PLN', 'LTC/PLN', 'ETH/EUR', 'LTC/EUR', 'XRP/USD', 'BTC/CNY', 'BTC/TRY', 'ETC/BTC', 'ETH/TRY', 'BCH/CNY', 'ETH/CNY', 'LTC/CNY', 'BTC/CZK', 'BTC/INR', 'LTC/AUD', 'BTC/BRL', 'BTC/CLP', 'BTC/PKR', 'BTC/VEF', 'BTC/VND', 'BTC/SEK', 'BTC/RUB', 'BCH/UAH', 'BTC/UAH', 'ETH/UAH', 'LSK/BTC', 'ETC/CNY', 'BCH/BRL', 'LTC/BRL', 'XMR/BTC', 'ZEC/BTC', 'BCH/EUR', 'BCH/ETH', 'BTS/BTC', 'GAME/BTC', 'GNT/BTC', 'GNT/ETH', 'NXT/BTC', 'OMG/BTC', 'OMG/ETH', 'PPC/BTC', 'REP/BTC', 'REP/ETH', 'XEM/BTC', 'XLM/BTC', 'ZRX/BTC', 'ZRX/ETH', 'BAT/BTC', 'BAT/ETH', 'CVC/BTC', 'CVC/ETH', 'EOS/BTC', 'EOS/ETH', 'SAN/BTC', 'SAN/ETH', 'SNT/BTC', 'SNT/ETH', 'TRX/BTC', 'TRX/ETH', 'EUR/USD', 'XRP/EUR', 'AMP/BTC', 'ARDR/BTC', 'BCH/USDT', 'BCY/BTC', 'BLK/BTC', 'BTC/USDT', 'BURST/BTC', 'CLAM/BTC', 'CRW/BTC', 'DASH/USDT', 'DCR/BTC', 'DGB/BTC', 'EMC2/BTC', 'ETC/ETH', 'ETC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT', 'EXP/BTC', 'FCT/BTC', 'FLDC/BTC', 'FLO/BTC', 'FUN/BTC', 'FUN/ETH', 'GNO/BTC', 'GNO/ETH', 'GRC/BTC', 'LBC/BTC', 'LTC/USDT', 'MAID/BTC', 'MANA/BTC', 'MANA/ETH', 'NAV/BTC', 'NEO/BTC', 'NEO/ETH', 'NEOS/BTC', 'NXC/BTC', 'NXT/USDT', 'OMNI/BTC', 'PAY/BTC', 'PAY/ETH', 'PINK/BTC', 'POT/BTC', 'QTUM/BTC', 'QTUM/ETH', 'RADS/BTC', 'RCN/BTC', 'RCN/ETH', 'RLC/BTC', 'RLC/ETH', 'SBD/BTC', 'SC/BTC', 'STEEM/BTC', 'STORJ/BTC', 'STRAT/BTC', 'SYS/BTC', 'VIA/BTC', 'VRC/BTC', 'VTC/BTC', 'XCP/BTC', 'XMR/USDT', 'XRP/USDT', 'XVC/BTC', 'ZEC/ETH', 'ZEC/USDT', 'BSD/BTC', 'NMC/BTC', 'PTC/BTC', 'SPK/BTC', 'SPK/USD', 'XMR/USD', 'XVG/BTC', 'BCH/GBP', 'BTG/EUR', 'DASH/EUR', 'ZEC/USD', 'BITB/BTC', 'BTA/BTC', 'BTCD/BTC', 'BTG/ETH', 'DASH/ETH', 'EFL/BTC', 'LTC/ETH', 'MONA/BTC', 'NLG/BTC', 'NVC/BTC', 'OK/BTC', 'RDD/BTC', 'SLR/BTC', 'START/BTC', 'XPM/BTC', 'BTC/MXN', '1ST/BTC', '1ST/ETH', 'ARK/BTC', 'AVT/BTC', 'AVT/ETH', 'AVT/USD', 'BNT/BTC', 'BNT/ETH', 'BT1/BTC', 'BT2/BTC', 'BTG/USDT', 'CMT/BTC', 'CMT/ETH', 'DASH/BCH', 'DAT/BTC', 'DAT/ETH', 'DAT/USD', 'DGB/ETH', 'DGD/BTC', 'DGD/ETH', 'DNT/BTC', 'DNT/ETH', 'EDO/BTC', 'EDO/ETH', 'EDO/USD', 'ELF/BTC', 'ELF/ETH', 'ELF/USD', 'ENG/BTC', 'ENG/ETH', 'EOS/USD', 'ETC/USD', 'FUN/USD', 'GAS/BTC', 'GAS/ETH', 'GNT/USD', 'ICN/BTC', 'ICN/ETH', 'INS/BTC', 'INS/ETH', 'IOTA/BTC', 'IOTA/ETH', 'IOTA/USD', 'LTC/BCH', 'MCO/BTC', 'MCO/ETH', 'NEO/USD', 'NEO/USDT', 'NGC/BTC', 'NGC/ETH', 'OMG/USD', 'OMG/USDT', 'QTUM/USD', 'RCN/USD', 'SALT/BTC', 'SALT/ETH', 'SAN/USD', 'SMT/BTC', 'SMT/USD', 'SNGLS/BTC', 'SNT/USD', 'STORJ/ETH', 'TNB/BTC', 'TNB/ETH', 'TNB/USD', 'TRX/USD', 'UKG/BTC', 'UKG/ETH', 'VIB/BTC', 'VIB/ETH', 'XEM/ETH', 'XLM/ETH', 'XLM/USD', 'XLM/USDT', 'XMR/ETH', 'XRP/ETH', 'ZEN/BTC', 'ZRX/USD', 'AID/BTC', 'AID/ETH', 'AID/USD', 'BAT/USD', 'ETP/BTC', 'ETP/ETH', 'ETP/USD', 'MNA/BTC', 'MNA/ETH', 'MNA/USD', 'REP/USD', 'RLC/USD', 'RRT/BTC', 'RRT/USD', 'SNG/BTC', 'SNG/ETH', 'SNG/USD', 'SPK/ETH', 'YYW/BTC', 'YYW/ETH', 'YYW/USD', 'ADX/BTC', 'ADX/ETH', 'AEON/BTC', 'AMM/BTC', 'AMM/ETH', 'AMM/USDT', 'ANT/BTC', 'ARN/BTC', 'ATL/BTC', 'BCN/BTC', 'BNT/USDT', 'BTM/BTC', 'BTM/ETH', 'BTM/USDT', 'CFI/BTC', 'CFI/ETH', 'CTR/BTC', 'CTR/ETH', 'CTR/USDT', 'CVC/USDT', 'DATA/BTC', 'DATA/ETH', 'DCT/BTC', 'DENT/ETH', 'DGB/USDT', 'DOGE/ETH', 'EDG/BTC', 'EDO/USDT', 'EMC/BTC', 'EOS/USDT', 'EVX/BTC', 'EVX/ETH', 'EVX/USDT', 'FUN/USDT', 'GUP/BTC', 'HSR/BTC', 'ICX/BTC', 'ICX/ETH', 'ICX/USDT', 'KMD/BTC', 'LA/ETH', 'LEND/BTC', 'LEND/ETH', 'LRC/BTC', 'LRC/ETH', 'LSK/ETH', 'LUN/BTC', 'MANA/USDT', 'MCO/USDT', 'MTH/BTC', 'MTH/ETH', 'NGC/USDT', 'OAX/BTC', 'OAX/ETH', 'OAX/USDT', 'POE/BTC', 'POE/ETH', 'PPT/BTC', 'PPT/ETH', 'PTOY/BTC', 'PTOY/ETH', 'QTUM/USDT', 'QVT/ETH', 'REP/USDT', 'SBTC/BTC', 'SMS/BTC', 'SMT/ETH', 'SMT/USDT', 'SNC/BTC', 'SNC/ETH', 'SNC/USDT', 'SNM/ETH', 'SNT/USDT', 'SPF/ETH', 'STRAT/ETH', 'SUB/BTC', 'SUB/ETH', 'SUB/USDT', 'SWFTC/BTC', 'SWFTC/ETH', 'SWFTC/USDT', 'SWT/BTC', 'TIO/BTC', 'TIO/ETH', 'TIO/USDT', 'TIX/ETH', 'TRST/BTC', 'TRX/USDT', 'VIB/USDT', 'VOISE/BTC', 'WAVES/BTC', 'WINGS/BTC', 'WRC/BTC', 'WRC/ETH', 'WRC/USDT', 'WTC/BTC', 'XDN/BTC', 'XEM/USDT', 'XUC/BTC', 'XUC/ETH', 'XUC/USDT', 'XVG/USDT', 'ZRX/USDT', 'ETH/GBP', 'BTC/CHF', 'GBP/USD', 'HMQ/BTC', 'SNM/BTC', 'TIME/BTC', 'TIME/ETH', 'USD/RUB', 'BAY/BTC', 'BBP/BTC', 'BBP/USD', 'DASH/DOGE', 'DOGE/USD', 'ELM/BTC', 'ETH/DOGE', 'EVR/BTC', 'GLD/BTC', 'GRS/BTC', 'HSR/USD', 'IOP/BTC', 'MCAP/BTC', 'MLM/BTC', 'MLM/LTC', 'MLM/USD', 'NVC/DOGE', 'ODN/BTC', 'ORME/BTC', 'OTX/BTC', 'R/BTC', 'RGC/BTC', 'SIB/BTC', 'UNO/BTC', 'UNO/DOGE', 'XAUR/BTC', 'ZSC/BTC', 'BTC/IDR', 'BTC/ZAR', 'DASH/LTC', 'ETH/LTC', 'NVC/USD', 'ZEC/LTC', 'PPC/USD', '1ST/USDT', 'ADX/USDT', 'AE/BTC', 'ANT/ETH', 'AST/BTC', 'AST/ETH', 'AST/USDT', 'BMC/BTC', 'BMC/ETH', 'BMC/USDT', 'DGD/USDT', 'DNT/USDT', 'ENG/USDT', 'GBG/BTC', 'GNT/USDT', 'GOLOS/BTC', 'GUP/ETH', 'HMQ/ETH', 'ICN/USDT', 'INCNT/BTC', 'IND/ETH', 'INS/USDT', 'KNC/BTC', 'KNC/ETH', 'KNC/USDT', 'LUN/ETH', 'MGO/BTC', 'MGO/USDT', 'MLN/BTC', 'NET/ETH', 'PAY/USDT', 'PLU/BTC', 'PLU/ETH', 'PRO/ETH', 'QRL/BTC', 'QRL/ETH', 'REQ/BTC', 'REQ/ETH', 'REQ/USDT', 'SALT/USDT', 'SAN/USDT', 'SNGLS/ETH', 'SNGLS/USDT', 'SNM/USDT', 'STORJ/USDT', 'STX/BTC', 'STX/ETH', 'STX/USDT', 'TAAS/BTC', 'TAAS/ETH', 'TKN/BTC', 'TNT/BTC', 'TNT/ETH', 'TNT/USDT', 'TRST/ETH', 'VEN/BTC', 'VEN/ETH', 'VEN/USDT', 'WAVES/ETH', 'WINGS/ETH', 'XZC/BTC', 'ETH/PLN', 'KICK/BTC', 'USDT/USD', 'ZEC/EUR', 'DASH/RUB', 'ETH/RUB', 'LTC/RUB', 'XMR/EUR', 'ZEC/RUB', 'BTC/PHP', 'ETH/AUD', 'ETH/IDR', 'QASH/BTC', 'QASH/ETH', 'QASH/USD', 'UBTC/BTC', 'UBTC/ETH', 'UBTC/USD', 'XRP/IDR', 'ADA/BTC', 'ADA/USDT', 'AE/ETH', 'AE/USDT', 'ARN/ETH', 'BAT/USDT', 'BCD/BTC', 'BCD/USDT', 'BCX/BTC', 'CDT/ETH', 'CDT/USDT', 'DATA/USDT', 'DOGE/USDT', 'DPY/ETH', 'DPY/USDT', 'DRGN/ETH', 'ELF/USDT', 'FUEL/ETH', 'FUEL/USDT', 'GAS/USDT', 'GNX/ETH', 'GNX/USDT', 'GTC/BTC', 'GTC/ETH', 'HSR/ETH', 'HSR/USDT', 'IOTA/USDT', 'KICK/ETH', 'LEND/USDT', 'LINK/ETH', 'LINK/USDT', 'LRC/USDT', 'LSK/USDT', 'LUN/USDT', 'MDA/ETH', 'MDA/USDT', 'MDT/BTC', 'MDT/ETH', 'MDT/USDT', 'MKR/ETH', 'MKR/USDT', 'NAS/BTC', 'NAS/ETH', 'NAS/USDT', 'OCN/BTC', 'OCN/ETH', 'OST/ETH', 'OST/USDT', 'POWR/BTC', 'POWR/ETH', 'PST/ETH', 'PST/USDT', 'RCN/USDT', 'RDN/ETH', 'RDN/USDT', 'SBTC/USDT', 'THETA/ETH', 'THETA/USDT', 'WAVES/USDT', 'XTZ/USDT', 'ZSC/ETH', 'ZSC/USDT', 'AUD/USD', 'BTC/NGN', 'USD/CAD', 'USD/CHF', 'USD/HKD', 'USD/JPY', 'USD/SGD', 'PPC/EUR', 'AIR/BTC', 'AIR/ETH', 'AIR/USDT', 'ART/BTC', 'ATB/BTC', 'ATB/ETH', 'ATB/USDT', 'ATM/BTC', 'ATM/ETH', 'ATM/USDT', 'ATS/BTC', 'ATS/ETH', 'AVH/BTC', 'B2X/BTC', 'B2X/ETH', 'B2X/USDT', 'BAS/ETH', 'BCN/ETH', 'BCN/USDT', 'BET/ETH', 'BKB/BTC', 'BMT/BTC', 'BMT/ETH', 'BOS/BTC', 'BQX/BTC', 'BQX/ETH', 'BQX/USDT', 'BTCA/BTC', 'BTCA/ETH', 'BTCA/USDT', 'BTX/BTC', 'BTX/USDT', 'BUS/BTC', 'BitClave/BTC', 'BitClave/ETH', 'BitClave/USDT', 'C20/BTC', 'C20/ETH', 'CAS/BTC', 'CAS/ETH', 'CAS/USDT', 'CCT/ETH', 'CDT/BTC', 'CDX/ETH', 'CHAT/BTC', 'CHAT/ETH', 'CHAT/USDT', 'CL/BTC', 'CL/ETH', 'CL/USDT', 'CLD/BTC', 'CLD/ETH', 'CLD/USDT', 'CND/BTC', 'CND/ETH', 'CND/USDT', 'CNX/BTC', 'COSS/BTC', 'COSS/ETH', 'COV/BTC', 'COV/ETH', 'CPAY/ETH', 'CSNO/BTC', 'CTX/BTC', 'CTX/ETH', 'DBIX/BTC', 'DCN/ETH', 'DCN/USDT', 'DDF/ETH', 'DICE/BTC', 'DICE/ETH', 'DIM/BTC', 'DIM/ETH', 'DIM/USDT', 'DLT/BTC', 'DOV/BTC', 'DOV/ETH', 'DRPU/BTC', 'DRPU/ETH', 'DRT/ETH', 'DRT/USDT', 'DSH/BTC', 'EBET/ETH', 'EBTC/BTC', 'EBTC/ETH', 'EBTC/USDT', 'EBTCOLD/BTC', 'EBTCOLD/ETH', 'EBTCOLD/USDT', 'ECH/BTC', 'EET/BTC', 'EET/ETH', 'EET/USDT', 'EKO/BTC', 'EKO/ETH', 'ELE/BTC', 'EMC/ETH', 'EMC/USDT', 'ENJ/BTC', 'ENJ/ETH', 'ENJ/USDT', 'ERO/BTC', 'ETBS/BTC', 'ETP/USDT', 'EXN/BTC', 'FCN/BTC', 'FRD/BTC', 'FUEL/BTC', 'FYN/ETH', 'FYP/BTC', 'GRMD/BTC', 'GVT/ETH', 'HAC/BTC', 'HDG/ETH', 'HGT/ETH', 'HPC/BTC', 'HVN/BTC', 'HVN/ETH', 'ICO/BTC', 'ICOS/BTC', 'ICOS/ETH', 'ICOS/USDT', 'IDH/BTC', 'IDH/ETH', 'IGNIS/ETH', 'INDI/BTC', 'IPL/BTC', 'ITS/BTC', 'IXT/BTC', 'IXT/ETH', 'KBR/BTC', 'KMD/ETH', 'KMD/USDT', 'LAT/BTC', 'LIFE/BTC', 'LOC/BTC', 'LOC/ETH', 'LOC/USDT', 'MAID/ETH', 'MAID/USDT', 'MIPS/BTC', 'MNE/BTC', 'MSP/ETH', 'MYB/ETH', 'NDC/ETH', 'NEBL/BTC', 'NEBL/ETH', 'NTO/BTC', 'NXT/ETH', 'OPT/BTC', 'OTN/BTC', 'PING/BTC', 'PIX/BTC', 'PIX/ETH', 'PLBT/BTC', 'PLR/BTC', 'PLR/ETH', 'PLR/USDT', 'POLL/BTC', 'PPC/USDT', 'PRE/BTC', 'PRG/BTC', 'PRG/ETH', 'PRG/USDT', 'QAU/BTC', 'QAU/ETH', 'QCN/BTC', 'RKC/ETH', 'RVT/BTC', 'SBTC/ETH', 'SCL/BTC', 'SISA/BTC', 'SISA/ETH', 'SKIN/BTC', 'SMART/BTC', 'SMART/ETH', 'SMART/USDT', 'SMS/ETH', 'SMS/USDT', 'STAR/ETH', 'STORM/BTC', 'STRAT/USDT', 'STU/BTC', 'STU/ETH', 'STU/USDT', 'SUR/BTC', 'SUR/ETH', 'SUR/USDT', 'SWT/ETH', 'TBT/BTC', 'TGT/BTC', 'TKR/ETH', 'TRAC/ETH', 'UET/ETH', 'UGT/BTC', 'UGT/ETH', 'UGT/USDT', 'ULTC/BTC', 'UTT/BTC', 'UTT/ETH', 'UTT/USDT', 'VERI/BTC', 'VERI/ETH', 'VERI/USDT', 'VIBE/BTC', 'W3C/BTC', 'W3C/ETH', 'WAX/BTC', 'WAX/ETH', 'WAX/USDT', 'WMGO/BTC', 'WMGO/USDT', 'XAUR/ETH', 'XDN/ETH', 'XDN/USDT', 'XDNCO/BTC', 'XTZ/BTC', 'XTZ/ETH', 'XVG/ETH', 'YOYOW/BTC', 'ZAP/BTC', 'ZRC/BTC', 'ADA/ETH', 'AION/BTC', 'AION/ETH', 'APPC/BTC', 'APPC/ETH', 'ARK/ETH', 'BRD/BTC', 'BRD/ETH', 'GXS/BTC', 'IOST/BTC', 'IOST/ETH', 'LINK/BTC', 'MDA/BTC', 'MTL/BTC', 'MTL/ETH', 'NANO/BTC', 'NANO/ETH', 'NULS/BTC', 'NULS/ETH', 'OST/BTC', 'PIVX/BTC', 'QSP/ETH', 'RDN/BTC', 'STEEM/ETH', 'WTC/ETH', 'YOYO/BTC', 'YOYO/ETH', 'BCX/USDT', 'BTS/USDT', 'INK/BTC', 'INK/USDT', 'QUN/BTC', 'QUN/USDT', 'TOPC/BTC', 'TOPC/USDT', 'TRUE/BTC', 'TRUE/USDT', 'UBTC/USDT', '611/BTC', 'ACP/BTC', 'ADCN/BTC', 'B2B/BTC', 'BDL/BTC', 'BELA/BTC', 'BITB/DOGE', 'BITB/ETH', 'BIZ/BTC', 'BQ/BTC', 'BRIT/BTC', 'CALC/BTC', 'CANN/BTC', 'CJ/BTC', 'DGC/BTC', 'DNR/BTC', 'DOGE/LTC', 'DP/BTC', 'DRGN/BTC', 'ECN/BTC', 'ECN/LTC', 'EGC/BTC', 'ERT/BTC', 'ETHOS/BTC', 'ETHOS/ETH', 'EXCL/BTC', 'FAIR/BTC', 'FCH/BTC', 'FTC/BTC', 'GAM/BTC', 'GB/BTC', 'GLTC/BTC', 'GMX/BTC', 'HMC/BTC', 'ICE/BTC', 'ILC/BTC', 'INXT/BTC', 'KLC/BTC', 'LA/BTC', 'LINDA/BTC', 'LMC/BTC', 'LTC/DOGE', 'MAG/BTC', 'MEME/BTC', 'MER/BTC', 'MINT/BTC', 'MOIN/BTC', 'MOON/BTC', 'MOON/DOGE', 'MUE/BTC', 'MXT/BTC', 'NLC2/BTC', 'PCS/BTC', 'PIVX/ETH', 'PRO/BTC', 'PTS/BTC', 'PURA/BTC', 'REV/BTC', 'RIYA/BTC', 'RMC/BTC', 'SYNX/BTC', 'TCOIN/BTC', 'TRC/BTC', 'TUN/BTC', 'UNO/ETH', 'VOISE/ETH', 'VOX/BTC', 'VSX/BTC', 'XBC/BTC', 'XCXT/BTC', 'XGOX/BTC', 'XSH/BTC', 'YOC/BTC', 'ZCL/BTC', 'ZEIT/BTC', 'ZENI/BTC', 'ZZC/BTC', 'ACT/BTC', 'ACT/ETH', 'AIDOC/BTC', 'AIDOC/ETH', 'BIFI/BTC', 'DBC/BTC', 'DBC/ETH', 'GNX/BTC', 'IOST/USDT', 'ITC/BTC', 'ITC/ETH', 'MDS/ETH', 'MTN/ETH', 'PROPY/BTC', 'QSP/BTC', 'QUN/ETH', 'RUFF/BTC', 'RUFF/ETH', 'SOC/BTC', 'SOC/ETH', 'SRN/BTC', 'SRN/ETH', 'STK/BTC', 'STK/ETH', 'THETA/BTC', 'TOPC/ETH', 'UTK/BTC', 'UTK/ETH', 'YEE/BTC', 'YEE/ETH', 'ZIL/ETH', 'CAN/BTC', 'CAN/ETH', 'DENT/BTC', 'FCT/ETH', 'IND/BTC', 'MTN/BTC', 'SPHTX/BTC', 'SPHTX/ETH', 'UBTC/QASH', 'BTC/THB', 'HYP/BTC', 'LEO/BTC', 'ZET/BTC', 'BCH/JPY', 'ETH/JPY', 'ACC/BTC', 'BASH/BTC', 'BOT/QTUM', 'INK/QTUM', 'INT/BTC', 'IQT/BTC', 'OC/BTC', 'QBT/QTUM', 'TSL/QTUM', 'UGC/ETH', 'ETH/HKD', 'GAT/BTC', 'GAT/ETH', 'GTO/BTC', 'GTO/ETH', 'IFT/BTC', 'KEY/BTC', 'KEY/ETH', 'LEV/BTC', 'LEV/ETH', 'MGO/ETH', 'BNTY/ETH', 'GXS/ETH', 'INK/ETH', 'OXY/BTC', 'PART/BTC', 'PUT/BTC', 'PUT/ETH', 'UNIT/BTC', 'VIU/BTC', 'YBCT/BTC', 'AGI/BTC', 'AGI/ETH', 'CPC/BTC', 'DRGN/USDT', 'EDG/ETH', 'MSP/BTC', 'TKS/BTC', 'VEE/BTC', 'VEE/ETH', 'VSL/BTC', 'WBTC/BTC', 'BCH/AUD', 'ACT/BCH', 'AMB/BTC', 'AMB/ETH', 'BCD/ETH', 'BCPT/BTC', 'BCPT/ETH', 'BNTY/BTC', 'CAG/BTC', 'CAG/ETH', 'CAT/BTC', 'CAT/ETH', 'COFI/ETH', 'DBC/USDT', 'DNA/BTC', 'DNA/ETH', 'ELIX/BTC', 'ELIX/ETH', 'GVT/BTC', 'HPB/BTC', 'MOD/BTC', 'MOD/ETH', 'OCN/USDT', 'PRL/BTC', 'PRL/ETH', 'PURA/ETH', 'QLC/BTC', 'QLC/ETH', 'RPX/BTC', 'SNOV/BTC', 'SNOV/ETH', 'TNC/BTC', 'TNC/ETH', 'TNC/USDT', 'XAS/BTC', 'XLR/BTC', 'XRB/BTC', 'ZPT/BTC', 'ZPT/ETH', '1337/BTC', '1337/DOGE', '611/DOGE', '611/LTC', 'ABC/BTC', 'ABC/DOGE', 'ABC/LTC', 'ABY/BTC', 'ADC/BTC', 'ADC/DOGE', 'ADST/BTC', 'ALIS/BTC', 'ALL/BTC', 'ALT/BTC', 'ALT/DOGE', 'ALT/LTC', 'ANI/BTC', 'ARC/BTC', 'ARC/DOGE', 'ARC/LTC', 'ARG/BTC', 'ARGUS/BTC', 'ARK/USDT', 'ATOM/BTC', 'AU/BTC', 'AUR/BTC', 'BAY/DOGE', 'BAY/LTC', 'BCH/DOGE', 'BCH/LTC', 'BDL/DOGE', 'BDL/LTC', 'BENJI/BTC', 'BLK/DOGE', 'BLZ/BTC', 'BSTY/BTC', 'BSTY/DOGE', 'BTA/DOGE', 'BTCD/DOGE', 'BTCS/BTC', 'BTCS/DOGE', 'BTCS/LTC', 'BTDX/BTC', 'CACH/BTC', 'CDN/BTC', 'CDN/DOGE', 'CHESS/BTC', 'CJ/DOGE', 'CJ/LTC', 'CLAM/DOGE', 'CLOAK/BTC', 'CMPCO/BTC', 'CNNC/BTC', 'CQST/BTC', 'CRAVE/BTC', 'CRAVE/DOGE', 'CRAVE/LTC', 'CRC/BTC', 'CRC/DOGE', 'CRC/LTC', 'CREA/BTC', 'CTIC3/BTC', 'CTIC3/DOGE', 'CTIC3/LTC', 'CXT/BTC', 'DALC/BTC', 'DAS/BTC', 'DAS/DOGE', 'DAS/LTC', 'DCN/BTC', 'DCR/DOGE', 'DEM/BTC', 'DEUS/BTC', 'DEUS/DOGE', 'DEUS/LTC', 'DFS/BTC', 'DFS/LTC', 'DGC/DOGE', 'DIME/BTC', 'DIME/DOGE', 'DNR/LTC', 'DOPE/BTC', 'DP/DOGE', 'EC/BTC', 'EC/DOGE', 'EC/LTC', 'EDRC/BTC', 'EFL/DOGE', 'ELM/DOGE', 'ELM/LTC', 'EPC/BTC', 'EQT/BTC', 'ERY/BTC', 'ETC/DOGE', 'ETC/LTC', 'ETHD/BTC', 'ETHD/LTC', 'ETT/BTC', 'ETT/DOGE', 'ETT/LTC', 'EVR/DOGE', 'EVR/LTC', 'EXP/DOGE', 'FAZZ/BTC', 'FJC/BTC', 'FJC/DOGE', 'FLASH/BTC', 'GBX/BTC', 'GBYTE/BTC', 'GCN/BTC', 'GCN/LTC', 'GDC/BTC', 'GEERT/BTC', 'GEO/BTC', 'GLD/DOGE', 'GLD/LTC', 'GP/BTC', 'GRS/DOGE', 'GRS/LTC', 'GRWI/BTC', 'GRWI/DOGE', 'GRWI/LTC', 'HAL/BTC', 'HBC/BTC', 'HC/BTC', 'HEAT/BTC', 'HEAT/DOGE', 'HEAT/LTC', 'HSR/DOGE', 'HSR/LTC', 'HST/BTC', 'INFX/BTC', 'INSN/BTC', 'IXC/BTC', 'KAYI/BTC', 'KAYI/DOGE', 'KGB/BTC', 'KOBO/BTC', 'KRONE/BTC', 'KRONE/DOGE', 'KRONE/LTC', 'KURT/BTC', 'LBTC/BTC', 'LDC/BTC', 'LINDA/DOGE', 'LINDA/LTC', 'LINX/BTC', 'LUX/BTC', 'LUX/DOGE', 'LUX/LTC', 'MAC/BTC', 'MEC/BTC', 'MINEX/BTC', 'MNM/BTC', 'MOIN/DOGE', 'MOIN/LTC', 'MOJO/BTC', 'MST/BTC', 'MUSIC/BTC', 'MYB/BTC', 'MZC/BTC', 'NAMO/BTC', 'NAMO/DOGE', 'NAMO/LTC', 'NLC2/DOGE', 'NLC2/LTC', 'NMC/DOGE', 'NOTE/BTC', 'NOTE/DOGE', 'NOTE/LTC', 'NVC/LTC', 'NXS/BTC', 'ODN/DOGE', 'ODN/LTC', 'OK/DOGE', 'ONION/BTC', 'ORB/BTC', 'ORME/DOGE', 'ORME/LTC', 'OX/BTC', 'OX/DOGE', 'OX/LTC', 'PBL/BTC', 'PIGGY/BTC', 'PLX/BTC', 'PND/BTC', 'POST/BTC', 'POSW/BTC', 'POT/DOGE', 'PPC/DOGE', 'PROC/BTC', 'PROC/DOGE', 'PROC/LTC', 'PURA/DOGE', 'PURA/LTC', 'PUT/LTC', 'QRK/BTC', 'QWARK/BTC', 'R/DOGE', 'R/LTC', 'RAIN/BTC', 'RBY/BTC', 'RDD/DOGE', 'RIYA/DOGE', 'RIYA/LTC', 'RKC/BTC', 'RKC/DOGE', 'RKC/LTC', 'RNS/BTC', 'RUP/BTC', 'SBC/BTC', 'SBC/DOGE', 'SBC/LTC', 'SCT/BTC', 'SFC/BTC', 'SIB/DOGE', 'SIB/LTC', 'SLG/BTC', 'SLG/DOGE', 'SMART/DOGE', 'SPR/BTC', 'SRC/BTC', 'START/DOGE', 'STC/BTC', 'STN/BTC', 'TER/BTC', 'TER/LTC', 'TIX/BTC', 'TOA/BTC', 'TOA/DOGE', 'TOA/LTC', 'TRC/DOGE', 'TRC/LTC', 'TRUMP/BTC', 'TRUMP/DOGE', 'TRUMP/LTC', 'TSE/BTC', 'TSE/DOGE', 'TX/BTC', 'UBQ/BTC', 'UNIFY/BTC', 'UNO/LTC', 'VIDZ/BTC', 'VRC/DOGE', 'VRM/BTC', 'VUC/BTC', 'VUC/DOGE', 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'SUMO/BTC', 'SXC/BTC', 'TER/ETH', 'TFL/BTC', 'TFL/ETH', 'TKN/ETH', 'UNY/BTC', 'UNY/LTC', 'UNY/USD', 'UQC/BTC', 'UQC/ETH', 'USD/RUR', 'VIB/USD', 'VLTC/BTC', 'VRS/BTC', 'VRS/USD', 'XEM/USD', 'XSPEC/BTC', 'YOC/USD', 'B3/BTC', 'BTX/DOGE', 'BTX/ETH', 'BTX/LTC', 'ECN/DOGE', 'NAV/DOGE', 'NAV/ETH', 'NAV/LTC', 'NKA/BTC', 'NKA/DOGE', 'NKA/LTC', 'NSR/BTC', 'TZC/BTC', 'TZC/DOGE', 'TZC/LTC', 'XCN/BTC', 'XMCC/DOGE', 'XMCC/LTC', 'XVG/DOGE', 'XVG/LTC'], required_params: [{\"name\": \"selected_exchanges\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User can provide a string of exchanges separated by space so that only these exchanges will be considered in the search.\"}, {\"name\": \"pair\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"consider_fees\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"*True* to consider Market Taker fees of each exchange in the return calculation. *False* to ignore fees in the calculation.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"arbitrage_profit\": \"float\", \"order_sell\": {\"exchange\": \"str\", \"bid\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"fees\": \"int\", \"datetime\": \"str\"}, \"order_buy\": {\"exchange\": \"str\", \"ask\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"fees\": \"int\", \"datetime\": \"str\"}, \"pair\": \"str\", \"considered_exchanges\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"warning\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3160", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Smart Chain, api_name:Block, api_description:Get full data from a specific block on the Binance Smart Chain!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"block\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Block you want to scan!\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_type\": \"str\", \"baseFeePerGas\": \"NoneType\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"extraData\": \"str\", \"gasLimit\": \"str\", \"gasUsed\": \"str\", \"hash\": \"str\", \"miner\": \"str\", \"nonce\": \"str\", \"number\": \"int\", \"parentHash\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"transactions\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3161", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing - Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:get-meta-data, api_description:Get init meta data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale_info\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The language code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"countries\": [{\"ci\": \"str\", \"cc\": \"str\", \"cname\": \"str\", \"country_name_translated\": \"str\", \"country_international_phone_code\": \"str\", \"is_default_economic_cal_country\": \"bool\", \"is_economic_cal_country\": \"bool\", \"is_default_earn_cal_country\": \"bool\", \"is_earn_cal_country\": \"bool\", \"flag_image_32x32\": \"str\", \"flag_image_32x32_flat\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 222}], \"countries_popular\": \"str\", \"ipo_countries\": [\"list of int with length 102\"], \"default_ipo_countries\": [\"list of int with length 3\"], \"countries_market\": \"str\", \"market_default_country\": {\"flag_image_32x32\": \"str\", \"flag_image_32x32_flat\": \"str\", \"country_ID\": \"int\", \"flag\": \"str\"}, \"edition_currency_id\": \"int\", \"edition_currency_short_name\": \"str\", \"all_langs\": [{\"iso_639_lang_code\": \"str\", \"lang_dir\": \"str\", \"lang_ID\": \"int\", \"lang_foreign\": \"str\", \"ci\": \"str\", \"is_currency_onright\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 38}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3162", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing - Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:coins/get-news, api_description:Get news relating to specific cryptocurrency, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pair_ID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Value of pair_id field returned in coins/list, coins/search, coins/list-pairs, etc...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"screen_ID\": \"str\", \"screen_data\": {\"ob\": \"str\", \"next_page\": \"int\", \"news\": [{\"news_ID\": \"int\", \"hash\": \"str\", \"providerId\": \"str\", \"itemCategoryTags\": \"str\", 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authenticating user's handle. These are considered public replies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3165", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:spacHero - SPAC Database, api_name:SPAC Calendar, api_description:Get important SPAC dates such as merger meetings dates, warrant redemption deadlines, definitive agreement dates, unit split (estimate), SPAC deadline (estimate).\n\nAvailable options: merger, split, deadline, redemption, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3166", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:WalnutTradingDash, api_name:free_access, api_description:The api call will grant access to a unique URL to access the dashboard (demo [here](https://walnuthillai.com/wp-content/themes/blankslate-child/videos/demo_walnuttradingdash.mp4)). The FREE version grants access to half of the assets and technical indicators / strategies and any time period from 2021/06 to 2022/1., required_params: [{\"name\": \"get_dash_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3167", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:WalnutTradingDash, api_name:full_access, api_description:The api call will grant access to a unique URL to access the dashboard (demo [here](https://walnuthillai.com/wp-content/themes/blankslate-child/videos/demo_walnuttradingdash.mp4)). The PRO version grants access to 60 minutes of use per request, unlimited access to all assets and technical indicators, and any time period up to the previous date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"get_dash_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3168", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:symbols/get-peers, api_description:Get peers of specific symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol to query for data. Separating by comma to query multiple symbols at once, ex : aapl,tsla\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"iexSlug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"companyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"equityType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"indexGroup\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tradingViewSlug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangeDescription\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"company\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isBdc\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"visible\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"searchable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"private\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"pending\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isDefunct\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"followersCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fundTypeId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"articleRtaCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"newsRtaCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"divYieldType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primaryEpsConsensusMeanType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isReit\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"relationships\\\": {\\\"sector\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"subIndustry\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}, \\\"meta\\\": {\\\"companyLogoUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"companyLogoUrlLight\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"companyLogoUrlDark\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}], \\\"included\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quant_tickers_count\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"meta\\\": {\\\"screener_links\\\": {\\\"self\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"canonical\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"_list_length\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3169", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:symbols/get-earnings, api_description:Get information in Earnings tab of specific symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker_ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id fields returned in .../symbols/get-meta-data endpoint. Separating by comma to query multiple tickers at once, ex : 1742,146\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"revisions\\\": {\\\"1742\\\": {\\\"revenue_consensus_mean\\\": {\\\"1\\\": [{\\\"asofdate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"numanalysts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"numanalystsup\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"numanalystsnochange\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"numanalystsdown\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period\\\": {\\\"periodtypeid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiscalquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fiscalyear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calendarquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calendaryear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodenddate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"advancedate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"3\\\": [{\\\"asofdate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"numanalysts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"numanalystsup\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"numanalystsnochange\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"numanalystsdown\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period\\\": {\\\"periodtypeid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiscalquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fiscalyear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calendarquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calendaryear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodenddate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"advancedate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"2\\\": [{\\\"asofdate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"numanalysts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"numanalystsup\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"numanalystsnochange\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"numanalystsdown\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period\\\": {\\\"periodtypeid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiscalquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fiscalyear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calendarquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calendaryear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodenddate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"advancedat\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3170", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockyAPIExchange, api_name:7-Latest, api_description:This feature provides the most recent information about a stock, including its current price, percentage change, and trading volume. It's updated in real-time as new data becomes available., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3171", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockyAPIExchange, api_name:2-Stockdetails, api_description:Stockdetails: This feature provides detailed information about a specific stock, including its name, ticker symbol, market capitalization, sector, industry, and other key financial metrics such as price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio), dividend yield, and earnings per share (EPS), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3172", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing - Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:currencies/get-rate, api_description:Get exchange rate between two different currencies, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fromCurrency\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Value of currency_ID field returned in currencies/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"toCurrency\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Value of currency_ID field returned in currencies/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3173", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing - Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:coins/get-technical, api_description:Get technical information of specific cryptocurrency, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pair_ID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Value of pair_id field returned in coins/list, coins/search, coins/list-pairs, etc...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"screen_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screen_data\\\": {\\\"pair_updatetime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"technical_data\\\": [{\\\"timeframe\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"main_summary\\\": {\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text_color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bg_color\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ma_summary\\\": {\\\"ma_buy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ma_sell\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ma_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ma_text_color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ma_bg_color\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ti_summary\\\": {\\\"ti_buy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ti_sell\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ti_neutral\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ti_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ti_text_color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ti_bg_color\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"pivot_points\\\": [{\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value_class\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"color_class_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"color_class_bg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value_class_color_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value_fib\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"color_fib_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"color_fib_bg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value_fib_color_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"ti\\\": [{\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"action\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"action_color_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"action_color_bg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value_color_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 12}], \\\"ma\\\": 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time series\\nSupports: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `30min`, `45min`, `1h`, `2h`, `4h`, `1day`, `1week`, `1month`\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instrument symbol, can be any equity, index, ETF, forex or cryptocurrency\\nE.g. `AAPL`, `EUR/USD`, `ETH/BTC`, ...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3176", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:LINEARREGSLOPE, api_description:Linear Regression Slope(LINEARREGSLOPE) calculates the slope for the linear regression trendline for each data point., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Interval between two consecutive points in time series\\nSupports: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `30min`, `45min`, `1h`, `2h`, `4h`, `1day`, `1week`, `1month`\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instrument symbol, can be any equity, index, ETF, forex or cryptocurrency\\nE.g. `AAPL`, `EUR/USD`, `ETH/BTC`, ...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3177", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/parent/get-top-medalist-rated-investments, api_description:Get top medalist rated investments as displayed in the Parent tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3178", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:stock/v2/get-competitors, api_description:Mapped to Competitors section in Quote tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from .../auto-complete or /get-summary or .../get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3179", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:stock/get-industry-sector, api_description:Get relating industry sector, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of tickerId field returned in other endpoints, such as .../stock/search or .../market/get-common-ranking or .../market/get-top-active or .../market/get-top-gainers or etc... \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"regionId\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"changeRatio\": \"str\", \"declinedNum\": \"int\", \"advancedNum\": \"int\", \"flatNum\": \"int\", \"tickerTuple\": {\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"exchangeId\": \"int\", \"type\": \"int\", \"secType\": [\"list of int with length 1\"], \"regionId\": \"int\", \"currencyId\": \"int\", \"currencyCode\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"disSymbol\": \"str\", \"disExchangeCode\": \"str\", \"exchangeCode\": \"str\", \"listStatus\": \"int\", \"template\": \"str\", \"derivativeSupport\": \"int\", \"isPTP\": \"int\", \"close\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"changeRatio\": \"str\", \"regionName\": \"str\", \"regionIsoCode\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3180", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Quotes, api_name:Historical crypto price, api_description:Returns historical data of a specific time interval and crypto currency, required_params: [{\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"source\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3181", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Quotes, api_name:Forex quotes, api_description:Returns the real time price of a forex currency pair, required_params: [{\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"source\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"changesPercentage\": \"float\", \"change\": \"float\", \"dayLow\": \"float\", \"dayHigh\": \"float\", \"yearHigh\": \"float\", \"yearLow\": \"float\", \"marketCap\": \"NoneType\", \"priceAvg50\": \"float\", \"priceAvg200\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"avgVolume\": \"int\", \"open\": \"float\", \"previousClose\": \"float\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3182", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:The Sandbox - SAND, api_name:Past 6 Months, api_description:Get price data for the past 6 months.\n\n~ daily data points., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prices\": [\"list of list with length 182\"], \"market_caps\": [\"list of list with length 182\"], \"total_volumes\": [\"list of list with length 182\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3183", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Afterbanks PSD2 payments and bank reader, api_name:Categorieslist.Onlyforthoseservicekeythatincludethisoption., api_description:Returns a list with all the categories retrieved by Afterbanks own categorizer., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country code, format ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2). For example ES for Spain. If no code is given, the full list is returned.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"color\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3184", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trader Wagon, api_name:listPortfolios, api_description:List portfolios, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"enum_values\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3185", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:market/get-top-mentions, api_description:List top mentions stock quotes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"TopMentions\": [{\"Symbol\": \"str\", \"NumberOfMentions\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"TopMentionsApiData\": [{\"DisplayName\": \"str\", \"Symbol\": \"str\", \"LastValue\": \"float\", 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{\"MarginRequirement\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3188", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Freedom Finance, api_name:Quarterly Income Statements, api_description:Quarterly income statements, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"results\": \"empty list\", \"responseStatus\": {\"errorCode\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"stackTrace\": \"NoneType\", \"errors\": \"empty list\", \"meta\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3189", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Freedom Finance, api_name:Historic Stock Prices, api_description:List all end of day quotes (open, close, high, low, volume etc) for given stock symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"StartDateInclusive\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"EndDateInclusive\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"open\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"close\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"adjClose\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 62}], \"responseStatus\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3190", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Defi Data, api_name:Block, api_description:Get closest block to a timestamp\n\nRuns binary search over a blockchain's blocks to get the closest one to a timestamp.\n\nEvery time this is run we add new data to our database, so each query permanently speeds up future queries., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chain\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Chain which you want to get the block from\"}, {\"name\": \"timestamp\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"UNIX timestamp of the block you are searching for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"height\": \"int\", \"timestamp\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3191", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:Inflation, api_description:Get monthly inflation rates., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3192", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bybit, api_name:Latest Information for Symbol, api_description:If symbol is not specified, the data from all symbols will be returned, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"retCode\": \"int\", \"retMsg\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"list\": [{\"t\": \"int\", \"s\": \"str\", \"bp\": \"str\", \"ap\": \"str\", \"lp\": \"str\", \"o\": \"str\", \"h\": \"str\", \"l\": \"str\", \"v\": \"str\", \"qv\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 398}]}, \"retExtInfo\": {}, \"time\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3193", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bybit, api_name:Get Order Book, api_description:Get the orderbook. Each side has a depth of 25.\nEnable 500 orders for orderbook API., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Derivatives products category. For now, *linear* *inverse* *option* are available\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"retCode\": \"int\", \"retMsg\": \"str\", \"result\": {}, \"retExtInfo\": {}, \"time\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3194", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trading View, api_name:ideas/get-view-count, api_description:Get view count related to an ideal post, required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of image_url field returned in .../ideas/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"view_count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3195", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trading View, api_name:countries/list, api_description:List all available supported countries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"us\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenerTimezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"defaultExchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangesForHotlist\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"exchangesStocks\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"group\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ae\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenerTimezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangesStocks\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"group\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ar\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenerTimezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangesForHotlist\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"exchangesStocks\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"defaultExchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"group\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"at\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"au\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenerTimezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangesStocks\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"group\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"be\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenerTimezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangesForHotlist\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"exchangesStocks\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"defaultExchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"group\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"bh\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenerNam\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3196", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trading View, api_name:auto-complete (Deprecated), api_description:Get suggestion by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any term or phrase that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"exchange\": \"str\", \"currency_code\": \"str\", \"provider_id\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3197", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Financial Data, api_name:/metadata, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"spot\": {\"metrics\": [{\"market_venue\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"base\": \"str\", \"earliest_date\": \"str\", \"latest_date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3198", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Optimism, api_name:Current Block Number, api_description:Get the current block number of the Optimism blockchain., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3199", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:GDP Growth, api_description:Get quarterly percent change of Gross Domestic Product annualized., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3200", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:M2 Money Stock Adjusted, api_description:Get monthly seasonally adjusted M2 monetary aggregate from the Federal Reserve. M2 is the money supply that includes all elements of M1 as well as \"near money.\" Near money refers to savings deposits, money market securities, mutual funds, and other time deposits., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"H6 M2 Money Stock Measure\\\": {\\\"1959-01-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-02-28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-03-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-04-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-05-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-06-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-07-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-08-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-09-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-10-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-11-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-12-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-01-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-02-29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-03-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-04-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-05-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-06-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-07-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-08-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", 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optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"MarketRegions\\\": {\\\"USA\\\": [{\\\"PerformanceId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RegionAndTicker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Exchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ExchangeShortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ExchangeTimeZoneOffsetFromUTCInSeconds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StarRating\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PriceChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PercentChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"OpenPrice\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Volume\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"DayHigh\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DayLow\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ActivityTimeUTC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ExchangeActivityTimeLabel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AverageVolume\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"InceptionDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"YesterdayPrice\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"Europe\\\": [{\\\"PerformanceId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RegionAndTicker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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\\u2026/market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"FIXEDINCOME\\\": {\\\"fundPortfolio\\\": {\\\"portfolioDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"government\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"municipal\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"corporate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"securitized\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cashAndEquivalents\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"derivative\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"categoryPortfolio\\\": {\\\"portfolioDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"government\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"municipal\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"corporate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"securitized\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cashAndEquivalents\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"derivative\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"indexPortfolio\\\": {\\\"portfolioDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"government\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"municipal\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"corporate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"securitized\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cashAndEquivalents\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"derivative\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"categoryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"indexName\\\": 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For example:\\n\\n- `ABNB:NASDAQ`\\n- `.DJI:INDEXDJX`\\n- `EUR-USD`\\n- `BTC-USD`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3204", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:JoJ Finance, api_name:Search, api_description:Search for indexes, stocks, ETFs, cryptocurrencies, currencies and more, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"ticker\": \"str\", \"ticker_symbols\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"country_code\": \"str\", \"exchange\": {\"primary\": {\"symbol\": \"NoneType\", \"name\": \"NoneType\"}, \"secondary\": {\"symbol\": \"NoneType\", \"name\": \"NoneType\"}}}, \"price\": {\"currency\": \"str\", \"previous_close\": \"float\", \"last\": {\"time\": \"int\", \"value\": \"float\", \"today_change\": \"float\", \"today_change_percent\": \"float\"}, \"after_hours\": {\"value\": 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[\"list of float with length 252\"], \"Adj Close\": [\"list of float with length 252\"], \"Volume\": [\"list of int with length 252\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3208", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MacroTrends Finance, api_name:Financial Income Statement, api_description:Gives 10 years data of cash statement by the given ticker symbol.\n\nTo choose for a time format put a QUERY PARAMETER (freq) either \"A\" for annual or \"Q\" for quarterly\n\n(symbol) To choose what ticker symbol to see the company financials., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Years\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 57\\\"], \\\"Revenue\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Cost-Of-Goods-Sold\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Gross-Profit\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Research-And-Development-Expenses\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"SG&A-Expenses\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Other-Operating-Income-Or-Expenses\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 57\\\"], \\\"Operating-Expenses\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Operating-Income\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Total-Non-Operating-Income/Expense\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Pre-Tax-Income\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Income-Taxes\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Income-After-Taxes\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Other-Income\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 57\\\"], \\\"Income-From-Continuous-Operations\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Income-From-Discontinued-Operations\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 57\\\"], \\\"Net-Income\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"EBITDA\\\": [\\\"list of float with length\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3209", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock and Options Trading Data Provider, api_name:Options, api_description:Stock and Options Data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A ticker for U.S. Trading Stocks and ETF\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"stock\\\": {\\\"avgTotalVolume\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calculationPrice\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"closeSource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"closeTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"delayedPrice\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"delayedPriceTime\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"extendedChange\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"extendedChangePercent\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"extendedPrice\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"extendedPriceTime\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"highSource\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"highTime\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"lastTradeTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestSource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latestTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latestUpdate\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"latestVolume\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lowSource\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"lowTime\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"marketCap\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"oddLotDelayedPrice\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"oddLotDelayedPriceTime\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"openTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"openSource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"peRatio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"previousVolume\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"primaryExchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"week52High\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"week52Low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ytdChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"isUSMarketOpen\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"regularMarketPrice\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"regularMarketOpen\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"regularMarketDayHigh\\\": \\\"N\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3210", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MacroTrends Finance, api_name:Financial Balance Sheet, api_description:Gives 10 years data of cash statement by the given ticker symbol.\n\nTo choose for a time format put a QUERY PARAMETER (freq) either \"A\" for annual or \"Q\" for quarterly\n\n(symbol) To choose what ticker symbol to see the company financials., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Years\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 57\\\"], \\\"Cash-On-Hand\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Receivables\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Inventory\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Pre-Paid-Expenses\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 57\\\"], \\\"Other-Current-Assets\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Total-Current-Assets\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Property,-Plant,-And-Equipment\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Long-Term-Investments\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Goodwill-And-Intangible-Assets\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Other-Long-Term-Assets\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Total-Long-Term-Assets\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Total-Assets\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Total-Current-Liabilities\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Long-Term-Debt\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Other-Non-Current-Liabilities\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Total-Long-Term-Liabilities\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Total-Liabilities\\\": [\\\"list of \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3211", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock and Options Trading Data Provider, api_name:Straddle, api_description:Straddle Format, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker for Intel Stock\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3212", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockTwits, api_name:streams/watchlist, api_description:Returns the most recent 30 messages for the specified watch list for the authenticating user. The watch list is a private list of all the symbols a user is watching., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the watch list you want to show from the authenticating user\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3213", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockTwits, api_name:streams/user, api_description:Returns the most recent 30 messages for the specified user. Includes user object in response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID or Username of the stream's user you want to show\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3214", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:shortterm_analysis_retrieve, api_description:Technical Scores are calculated multiple times a day. Check the docs for explanation, required_params: [{\"name\": \"identifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3215", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Search Advanced, api_description:Get all search result (people,symbols,pages) by query. Advanced search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query keyword\"}, {\"name\": \"search_advanced_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"people\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"content\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3216", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:exchange_listed_tickers_list, api_description:Get a list of all stocks listed on all exchanges., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3217", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Symbols Transcripts, api_description:Get a list of transcripts for symbol. Ex result: https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/NVDA/earnings/transcripts, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker slug\"}, {\"name\": \"page_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3218", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Rankiteo Climate Risk Assessment, api_name:GetPowerplantByRadiusAndGps, api_description:Get powerplants which have coordinate points falling into a specific radius, required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"q\": \"str\", \"total_count\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"current_page\": \"int\", \"curent_page_count\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"country_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"pp_name\": \"str\", \"pp_capacity\": \"float\", \"fuel_primary\": \"str\", \"fuel_secondary\": \"str\", \"fuel_tertiary\": \"str\", \"fuel_other\": \"str\", \"pp_commissioned\": \"float\", \"pp_estimated_generation\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"float\", \"clean_energy\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3219", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Rankiteo Climate Risk Assessment, api_name:GetCityExposedByDisasterId, api_description:Get affected city along with informations by disaster id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"disaster_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3220", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:market/get-top-active, api_description:Get market top active in specific region, required_params: [{\"name\": \"regionId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../regions/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rankType\": \"str\", \"direction\": \"int\", \"hasMore\": \"bool\", \"latestUpdateTime\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"ticker\": {\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"exchangeId\": \"int\", \"type\": \"int\", \"secType\": [\"list of int with length 1\"], \"regionId\": \"int\", \"currencyId\": \"int\", \"currencyCode\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"disSymbol\": \"str\", \"disExchangeCode\": \"str\", \"exchangeCode\": \"str\", \"listStatus\": \"int\", \"template\": \"str\", \"derivativeSupport\": \"int\", \"isPTP\": \"int\", \"tradeTime\": \"str\", \"faTradeTime\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"close\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"changeRatio\": \"str\", \"marketValue\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"str\", \"regionName\": \"str\", \"regionIsoCode\": \"str\", \"peTtm\": \"str\", \"preClose\": \"str\", \"fiftyTwoWkHigh\": \"str\", \"fiftyTwoWkLow\": \"str\", \"open\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"vibrateRatio\": \"str\", \"pchange\": \"str\", \"pprice\": \"str\", \"pchRatio\": \"str\"}, \"values\": {\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"rankValue\": \"str\", \"isRatio\": \"bool\"}, \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3221", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:market/get-common-ranking, api_description:Get market common ranking in specific region, required_params: [{\"name\": \"regionId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../regions/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rankType\": \"str\", \"direction\": \"int\", \"hasMore\": \"bool\", \"latestUpdateTime\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"ticker\": {\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"exchangeId\": \"int\", \"type\": \"int\", \"secType\": [\"list of int with length 1\"], \"regionId\": \"int\", \"currencyId\": \"int\", \"currencyCode\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"disSymbol\": \"str\", \"disExchangeCode\": \"str\", \"exchangeCode\": \"str\", \"listStatus\": \"int\", \"template\": \"str\", \"tradeTime\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"close\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"changeRatio\": \"str\", \"marketValue\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"str\", \"turnoverRate\": \"str\", \"regionName\": \"str\", \"regionIsoCode\": \"str\", \"peTtm\": \"str\", \"preClose\": \"str\", \"fiftyTwoWkHigh\": \"str\", \"fiftyTwoWkLow\": \"str\", \"open\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"vibrateRatio\": \"str\"}, \"values\": {\"tickerId\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3222", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:DeFi Watch, api_name:WALLETS -> PROFILE BY CHAIN, api_description:Get wallet profile by chain, required_params: [{\"name\": \"chain\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Select specific blockchain for wallet assets\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3223", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:NFTs by address, api_name:getNFTs_byaddress, api_description:Gets all NFTs currently owned by a given address. Unlimited, results display in 100s., required_params: [{\"name\": \"owner\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Input the address for NFT owner and scrape their NFTs.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ownedNfts\": [{\"contract\": {\"address\": \"str\"}, \"id\": {\"tokenId\": \"str\", \"tokenMetadata\": {\"tokenType\": \"str\"}}, \"balance\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"tokenUri\": {\"gateway\": \"str\", \"raw\": \"str\"}, \"media\": [{\"gateway\": \"str\", \"raw\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"metadata\": {\"metadata\": \"empty list\", \"attributes\": \"empty list\"}, \"timeLastUpdated\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"contractMetadata\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"tokenType\": \"str\", \"contractDeployer\": \"str\", \"deployedBlockNumber\": \"int\", \"openSea\": {\"collectionName\": \"str\", \"safelistRequestStatus\": \"str\", \"imageUrl\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"externalUrl\": \"str\", \"lastIngestedAt\": \"str\"}}, \"spamInfo\": {\"isSpam\": \"str\", \"classifications\": [\"list of str with length 7\"]}, \"_list_length\": 100}], \"pageKey\": \"str\", \"totalCount\": \"int\", \"blockHash\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3224", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_SABR, api_name:sabr_log, api_description:This is the implementation of the SABR model (z-shift) under the Lognormal volatility mode, with the parameters as follows:\nK_ : strike, fwd_ : forward, shift_ : z-shift, time_ : time-to-expiry, alpha : sabr alpha, beta : sabr beta, rho : sabr rho, volvol : sabr volvol\nmethod_ : internal mode for two modes of calibration. Default of 1\nret_ : set of 0, to return proper json format, required_params: [{\"name\": \"method_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"time_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"alpha\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fwd_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"beta\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"rho\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ret_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"volvol\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"shift_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"K_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3225", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_SABR, api_name:sabr_calib, api_description:A simplistic least-error fit to retrieve sabr parameters given arrays of (lognormal)vols and strikes. Note that, it does not explicitly calibrate to ATMF vols.\n\nParams as per below.\nparams = {\"fwd_\" : 1655, \"shift_\": 0.0, \"time_\": 0.159, \"beta\" : 0.9, \"k_\": [strikes_], \"vols_\": [vols_], \"ret_\": 0}\n\nNote that in the (python) request.get, k_ should be of format [x1, x2, x3,........ ] where there is no \"\", similarly for [vols_], required_params: [{\"name\": \"ret_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"vols_\", \"type\": \"ARRAY\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"time_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"k_\", \"type\": \"ARRAY\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"beta\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fwd_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"shift_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3226", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Conversion and Exchange Rates, api_name:Recent Exchange Rates, api_description:Retrieve the latest exchange rate data. Refresh rate will depend on your subscription: updated every 60 minutes, every 10 minutes or every 60 seconds., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"base\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rates\\\": {\\\"ANG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SVC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CAD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"XCD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MVR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"HRK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AUD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MWK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"XAG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MAD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PHP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"NAD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GNF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"KES\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BTN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MGA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"RON\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CHF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"EGP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BSD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"TWD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GGP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"LVL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MMK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"WST\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ILS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BHD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"TZS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SDG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"LAK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DJF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BYN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MRO\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"RWF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PEN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"EUR\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ZMK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"RSD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"INR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MUR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BWP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GEL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"KMF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"UZS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"RUB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CUC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BGN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"JOD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"NGN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BDT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PKR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BRL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"KZT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CVE\\\": \\\"fl\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3227", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:FancyOptions, api_name:Options Expirations, api_description:This endpoint returns the expirations for a given ticker., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3228", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ID Verify, api_name:/GetArchiveReport, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"AppId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fault\": {\"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": {\"errorcode\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3229", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CA Lottery, api_name:Fantasy 5, api_description:Fantasy 5 History, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3230", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:M2 Money Stock Not Adjusted, api_description:Get weekly not seasonally adjusted M2 monetary aggregate from the Federal Reserve. M2 is the money supply that includes all elements of M1 as well as \"near money.\" Near money refers to savings deposits, money market securities, mutual funds, and other time deposits., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"H6 M2 Money Stock Measure\\\": {\\\"1981-W02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W13\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W14\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W15\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W16\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W17\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W19\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W20\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W21\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W22\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W23\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W24\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W26\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W27\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W32\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W33\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W34\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W35\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W36\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W37\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W38\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W39\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W40\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W41\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W42\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W43\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W44\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W45\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W46\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W47\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"19\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3231", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trading View, api_name:calendars/get-economic-calendar, api_description:Get economic calendar by specific date range and countries, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date format is yyyy-MM-dd. Ex : 2022-08-21\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date format is yyyy-MM-dd. Ex : 2022-09-05\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3232", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Quotes, api_name:Crypto quotes, api_description:Returns the real time price of a crypto currency pair, required_params: [{\"name\": \"source\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"changesPercentage\": \"float\", \"change\": \"float\", \"dayLow\": \"float\", \"dayHigh\": \"float\", \"yearHigh\": \"float\", \"yearLow\": \"float\", \"marketCap\": \"int\", \"priceAvg50\": \"float\", \"priceAvg200\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"avgVolume\": \"int\", \"open\": \"float\", \"previousClose\": \"float\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3233", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trading View, api_name:ideas/get-comments, api_description:Get comments relating to an ideal post, required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of image_url field returned in .../ideas/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"comment\": \"str\", \"comment_ast\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"children\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}, \"created_at\": \"str\", \"editable_until\": \"str\", \"replies_count\": \"int\", \"likes_count\": \"int\", \"user_vote\": \"int\", \"user\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"avatars\": {\"small\": \"str\", \"mid\": \"str\", \"big\": \"str\", \"orig\": \"NoneType\"}, \"username\": \"str\", \"is_broker\": \"bool\", \"is_pro\": \"bool\", \"is_paid_pro\": \"bool\", \"pro_plan\": \"str\", \"broker_plan\": \"NoneType\", \"is_moderator\": \"bool\", \"is_trial\": \"bool\", \"badges\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"verbose_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"is_online\": \"bool\"}, \"spam_status\": \"NoneType\", \"is_hidden\": \"bool\", \"coins\": \"NoneType\", \"platform\": \"NoneType\", \"platform_link_url\": \"NoneType\", \"platform_link_text\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3234", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Ethereum Price Index - GEX, api_name:All Ticker Data, api_description:If no query parameters are sent, then returns ticker data for every supported symbol. If fiat(s) are sent as parameters, then only the ticker for those values is sent., required_params: [{\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Possible values: global, local\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ETHEUR\\\": {\\\"ask\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bid\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"open\\\": {\\\"hour\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"day\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"week\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month_3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month_6\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"averages\\\": {\\\"day\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"week\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"changes\\\": {\\\"price\\\": {\\\"hour\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"day\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"week\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month_3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month_6\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"percent\\\": {\\\"hour\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"day\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"week\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month_3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month_6\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"volume_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display_timestamp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ETHUSD\\\": {\\\"ask\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bid\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"open\\\": {\\\"hour\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"day\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"week\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month_3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month_6\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"averages\\\": {\\\"day\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"week\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"month\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3235", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Ethereum Price Index - GEX, api_name:Short Ticker, api_description:Returns basic ticker denoting last and daily average price for all symbols, required_params: [{\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Possible values: global, local\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ETHEUR\": {\"last\": \"float\", \"averages\": {\"day\": \"float\"}, \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"ask\": \"float\", \"bid\": \"float\"}, \"ETHUSD\": {\"last\": \"float\", \"averages\": {\"day\": \"float\"}, \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"ask\": \"float\", \"bid\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3236", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Markets, api_name:Exchange Information, api_description:Current exchange trading rules and symbol information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timezone\": \"str\", \"serverTime\": \"int\", \"rateLimits\": [{\"rateLimitType\": \"str\", \"interval\": \"str\", \"intervalNum\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"exchangeFilters\": \"empty list\", \"symbols\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"baseAsset\": \"str\", \"baseAssetPrecision\": \"int\", \"quoteAsset\": \"str\", \"quotePrecision\": \"int\", \"quoteAssetPrecision\": \"int\", \"baseCommissionPrecision\": \"int\", \"quoteCommissionPrecision\": \"int\", \"orderTypes\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"icebergAllowed\": \"bool\", \"ocoAllowed\": \"bool\", \"quoteOrderQtyMarketAllowed\": \"bool\", \"allowTrailingStop\": \"bool\", \"cancelReplaceAllowed\": \"bool\", \"isSpotTradingAllowed\": \"bool\", \"isMarginTradingAllowed\": \"bool\", \"filters\": [{\"filterType\": \"str\", \"minPrice\": \"str\", \"maxPrice\": \"str\", \"tickSize\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"permissions\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"defaultSelfTradePreventionMode\": \"str\", \"allowedSelfTradePreventionModes\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3237", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-trending/impressions, api_description:Search the top 50 tickers trending on social media by impressions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3238", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency_v2, api_name:Free Exchange Rates, api_description:Convert Currency value from and to., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3239", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Chaingateway.io, api_name:getEthereumBalance, api_description:Returns the ethereum balance of a given address., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3240", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Chaingateway.io, api_name:sendEthereum, api_description:Sends ethereum from an address controlled by the account to a specified receiver address., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3241", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:DeFi Watch, api_name:TOKENS -> ALL, api_description:Get data about all tokens and filter them, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3242", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:DeFi Watch, api_name:BLOCKCHAINS -> ALL, api_description:Get information about all available blockchains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3243", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Crypto symbol, api_description:Returns a list of all available crypto symbols, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3244", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Income, api_description:Provides either annual or quarterly income statements of an single stock company., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"period\": \"str\", \"reportedCurrency\": \"str\", \"calendarYear\": \"int\", \"revenue\": \"int\", \"costOfRevenue\": \"int\", \"grossProfit\": \"int\", \"grossProfitRatio\": \"float\", \"researchAndDevelopmentExpenses\": \"int\", \"generalAndAdministrativeExpenses\": \"int\", \"sellingAndMarketingExpenses\": \"int\", \"sellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpenses\": \"int\", \"otherExpenses\": \"int\", \"operatingExpenses\": \"int\", \"costAndExpenses\": \"int\", \"interestExpense\": \"int\", \"depreciationAndAmortization\": \"int\", \"ebitda\": \"int\", \"ebitdaratio\": \"float\", \"operatingIncome\": \"int\", \"operatingIncomeRatio\": \"float\", \"totalOtherIncomeExpensesNet\": \"int\", \"incomeBeforeTax\": \"int\", \"incomeBeforeTaxRatio\": \"float\", \"incomeTaxExpense\": \"int\", \"netIncome\": \"int\", \"netIncomeRatio\": \"float\", \"eps\": \"float\", \"epsdiluted\": \"float\", \"weightedAverageShsOut\": \"int\", \"weightedAverageShsOutDil\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3245", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:symbols/get-option-expirations, api_description:Get option expirations to use with .../symbols/get-options endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol to query for data. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"ticker_id\": \"int\", \"dates\": [\"list of str with length 20\"]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3246", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:symbols/get-profile, api_description:Get profile information of specific symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol to query for data. Separating by comma to query multiple symbols at once, ex : aapl,tsla\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"longDesc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sectorname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sectorgics\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"primaryname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primarygics\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"numberOfEmployees\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"yearfounded\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"streetaddress\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"streetaddress2\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"streetaddress3\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"streetaddress4\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zipcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"officephonevalue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"webpage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"companyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketCap\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalEnterprise\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totAnalystsRecommendations\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fy1UpRevisions\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fy1DownRevisions\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"divYield\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"eps\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lastDaily\\\": {\\\"rtTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rtSource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"high\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"volumeAt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"at\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"estimateEps\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"debtEq\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totDebtCap\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ltDebtEquity\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ltDebtCap\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totLiabTotAssets\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"impliedMarketCap\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"shortIntPctFlo\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3247", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-timestamps/1h, api_description:Search for a ticker and capture the total posts, comments, likes, impressions over a specified timeframe. Social activity is grouped by 1-hour intervals, required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3248", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-feed, api_description:Search posts from Twitter or StockTwits that mention specified tickers. In the additional feeds provided, Utradea filters posts on your behalf based on our spam criteria and returns posts that reaches 10,000+ impressions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3249", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:JP Funda, api_name:getDisclosedToday, api_description:### Return securities report data disclosed today\nNote: If the company doesn't have a consolidated subsidiary, all of consolidated management indicators become null. But you can obtain data instead of consolidated management indicators from non consolidated management indicators, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3250", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:JP Funda, api_name:getDisclosedDateRange, api_description:### Return securities report data Specified by the date range.\nNote: This endpoint requires the 2 query parameters, start_date and end_date\nNote: max date range is 31 days. if you want longer date range data, need to requesting API twice or more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3251", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:JP Funda, api_name:getDisclosedYesterday, api_description:### Return securities report data disclosed yesterday\nNote: If the company doesn't have a consolidated subsidiary, all of consolidated management indicators become null. But you can obtain data instead of consolidated management indicators from non consolidated management indicators, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"company_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"edinet_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securities_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securities_report_submission_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"beginning_of_year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ending_of_year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"consolidated_management_indicators\\\": {\\\"revenue\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"operating_revenue\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"operating_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ordinary_income\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"income_before_tax\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_income_attributable_to_owners_of_parent\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"comprehensive_income\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"comprehensive_income_attributable_to_owners_of_parent\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_assets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total_assets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"net_assets_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"basic_earnings_loss_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"diluted_earnings_per_share\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"equity_to_asset_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"price_earnings_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"rate_of_return_on_equity\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_operating_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_investing_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_financing_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_and_cash_equivalents\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"num\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3252", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Litecoin Wallet, api_name:Generate Litecoin deposit address from Extended public key, api_description:Generate Litecoin deposit address from Extended public key. Deposit address is generated for the specific index - each extended public key can generate up to 2^31 addresses starting from index 0 until 2^31 - 1., required_params: [{\"name\": \"index\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"number\\nDerivation index of desired address to be generated.\\n\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"xpub\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"string\\nExtended public key of wallet.\\n\\nExample: xpub6EsCk1uU6cJzqvP9CdsTiJwT2rF748YkPnhv5Qo8q44DG7nn2vbyt48YRsNSUYS44jFCW9gwvD9kLQu9AuqXpTpM1c5hgg9PsuBLdeNncid\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3253", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Daily-Sec-Financial-Statement-Dataset, api_name:heartbeat, api_description:A simple heartbeat that returns the time of the server to check if the connection to the server is working., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"time\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3254", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_net_income, api_description:return net income, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3255", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_earnings_per_share, api_description:return earnings per share, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3256", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Pancakeswap API Freemium, api_name:Get Token Balance, api_description:An endpoint to get Token Balance, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"balance\": \"int\", \"balance_decimal\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3257", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Litecoin Wallet, api_name:Get Litecoin Blockchain Information, api_description:Get Litecoin Blockchain Information. Obtain basic info like testnet / mainnet version of the chain, current block number and it's hash., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3258", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get reference currencies, api_description:Get a list of reference currencies, which can be used as reference for coins. The response includes all the essentials for this use-case, such as the symbol (e.g. USD) and - if available - the sign (e.g. $)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"stats\": {\"total\": \"int\"}, \"currencies\": [{\"uuid\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"iconUrl\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"sign\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3259", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency_v2, api_name:Free Convert, api_description:Convert Currency value from and to., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Type in the ISO Currency Code of the desired currency you're converting from. Eg. **USD**\"}, {\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value you want to convert. Eg **12**\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Type in the ISO Currency Code of the desired currency you're converting to. Eg. **AUD**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3260", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get search suggestions, api_description:Search suggestions are a quick and easy way to find data on coinranking. The endpoint only accepts one parameter; a query. With this query you can find currencies (including fiat), exchanges and markets, by their symbol or name. The response always returns a set of the most prominent coins, exchanges and markets matching your query., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"coins\": [{\"uuid\": \"str\", \"iconUrl\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"exchanges\": [{\"uuid\": \"str\", \"iconUrl\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"recommended\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"markets\": [{\"uuid\": \"str\", \"baseSymbol\": \"str\", \"quoteSymbol\": \"str\", \"baseUuid\": \"str\", \"quoteUuid\": \"str\", \"exchangeIconUrl\": \"str\", \"exchangeName\": \"str\", \"exchangeUuid\": \"str\", \"recommended\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3261", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency_v2, api_name:Convert, api_description:Convert Currency value from and to., required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3262", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investors Exchange (IEX) Trading, api_name:IEX Regulation SHO Threshold Securities List, api_description:IEX-listed securities that have an aggregate fail to deliver position for five consecutive settlement days at a registered clearing agency, totaling 10,000 shares or more and equal to at least 0.5% of the issuer’s total shares outstanding (i.e., “threshold securities”). , required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3263", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v3, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3264", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v3, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3265", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BB Finance, api_name:stock/get-statistics, api_description:Get statistics information of stocks, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of stickers, use market/auto-complete API to get correct values\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"table\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 15}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3266", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BB Finance, api_name:market/get-full, api_description:Get all field and information about tickers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../market/auto-complete endpoint, separated by comma to query multiple stickers at once.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"ADSMI:IND\\\": {\\\"securityType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resourceType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resourceSubtype\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ticker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tickerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"template\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchlist\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"resourceId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalReturn1Y\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"netChange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastPriceTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"peRatio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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"category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investors Exchange (IEX) Trading, api_name:Book, api_description:Response includes data from deep and quote. Refer to each endpoint for details., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3268", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:news/list-trending (Deprecated), api_description:List trending news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3269", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Optimism, api_name:Transaction, api_description:Get full data from a specific transaction on the Optimism blockchain!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hash\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Transaction you want to scan!\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_type\": \"str\", \"accessList\": \"NoneType\", \"blockNumber\": \"int\", \"blockHash\": \"str\", \"chainId\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\", \"from\": \"str\", \"gasLimit\": \"str\", \"gasPrice\": \"str\", \"hash\": \"str\", \"maxFeePerGas\": \"NoneType\", \"maxPriorityFeePerGas\": \"NoneType\", \"nonce\": \"int\", \"signature\": {\"_type\": \"str\", \"networkV\": \"str\", \"r\": \"str\", \"s\": \"str\", \"v\": \"int\"}, \"to\": \"str\", \"type\": \"int\", \"value\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3270", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:symbols/v2/get-chart, api_description:Get raw data to draw price line chart of stock quote, index, exchange, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'symbolName' returned in .../auto-complete OR 'symbol' returned in .../v2/auto-complete endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"barData\": {\"priceBars\": [{\"open\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"close\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"tradeTime\": \"str\", \"tradeTimeinMills\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1847}], \"barcount\": \"int\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"companyName\": \"str\", \"timeZone\": \"str\"}, \"requestDetails\": {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"startTime\": \"str\", \"endTime\": \"str\", \"adjusted\": \"NoneType\", \"ouputFields\": \"NoneType\", \"source\": \"NoneType\", \"session\": \"str\"}, \"responseDetails\": {\"requestTrackingNumber\": \"int\", \"processTime\": \"str\"}, \"responseErrorMessages\": [{\"responseCode\": \"str\", \"responseMessage\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3271", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Exchanges, api_name:All Rates, api_description:Get all rates, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"currencySymbol\": \"NoneType\", \"type\": \"str\", \"rateUsd\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 182}], \"timestamp\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3272", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Exchanges, api_name:Exchange by ID, api_description:Get Exchange by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchangeId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"exchangeId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"percentTotalVolume\": \"str\", \"volumeUsd\": \"str\", \"tradingPairs\": \"str\", \"socket\": \"bool\", \"exchangeUrl\": \"str\", \"updated\": \"int\"}, \"timestamp\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3273", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Exchanges, api_name:All Assets, api_description:Get All Assets, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"supply\": \"str\", \"maxSupply\": \"str\", \"marketCapUsd\": \"str\", \"volumeUsd24Hr\": \"str\", \"priceUsd\": \"str\", \"changePercent24Hr\": \"str\", \"vwap24Hr\": \"str\", \"explorer\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"timestamp\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3274", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:6 Month Historical Daily Prices, api_description:6 Month historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Daily Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3275", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-sentiment-trending/bearish, api_description:Search for top 50 trending bearish stocks/crypto symbols on Twitter/StockTwits., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3276", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:symbols/get-profile, api_description:Get summary information of stock quote, index, exchange, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"issueId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of issueId field returned in .../auto-complete or .../symbols/translate endpoints. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Symbol\": \"str\", \"Address1\": \"str\", \"Address2\": \"str\", \"City\": \"str\", \"State\": \"str\", \"Zip\": \"str\", \"Url\": \"str\", \"Phone\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"DescriptionLong\": \"str\", \"Industry\": \"str\", \"Sector\": \"str\", \"MarketCap\": \"str\", \"SharesOutstanding\": \"str\", \"InstitutionalOwnership\": \"str\", \"Executives\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"Position\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3277", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_daily_high, api_description:return daily h igh, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3278", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_operating_income, api_description:return operatin income, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3279", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:industries/list-best-performing, api_description:List best performing industries, required_params: [{\"name\": \"regionId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../regions/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"changeRatio\": \"str\", \"marketValue\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"str\", \"declinedNum\": \"int\", \"advancedNum\": \"int\", \"flatNum\": \"int\", \"latestUpdateTime\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"values\": {\"change\": \"str\", \"changeRatio\": \"str\"}, \"ticker\": {\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"exchangeId\": \"int\", \"type\": \"int\", \"secType\": [\"list of int with length 1\"], \"regionId\": \"int\", \"currencyId\": \"int\", \"currencyCode\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"disSymbol\": \"str\", \"disExchangeCode\": \"str\", \"exchangeCode\": \"str\", \"listStatus\": \"int\", \"template\": \"str\", \"derivativeSupport\": \"int\", \"isPTP\": \"int\", \"tradeTime\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"close\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"changeRatio\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"str\", \"regionName\": \"str\", \"regionIsoCode\": \"str\", \"peTtm\": \"str\", \"preClose\": \"str\", \"fiftyTwoWkHigh\": \"str\", \"fiftyTwoWkLow\": \"str\", \"open\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"vibrateRatio\": \"str\", \"pchange\": \"str\", \"pchRatio\": \"str\", \"pprice\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3280", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_dividend_yield, api_description:return dividend yield, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3281", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:get-meta-data, api_description:Get meta data that supports for other endpoints, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"version\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"appversion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"marketPanelSources\\\": {\\\"domestic\\\": {\\\"defaultVariant\\\": {\\\"schedule\\\": [{\\\"day\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timeframes\\\": [{\\\"start\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"panelId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"cmsId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"refreshDelay\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"international\\\": {\\\"defaultVariant\\\": {\\\"schedule\\\": [{\\\"day\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timeframes\\\": [{\\\"start\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"panelId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"cmsId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"refreshDelay\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}}, \\\"newsSections\\\": {\\\"domestic\\\": {\\\"defaultVariant\\\": {\\\"sections\\\": [{\\\"default\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sectionData\\\": {\\\"parameters\\\": {\\\"franchiseId\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"source\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"sectionID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sectionLayout\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"condensedLayoutEligible\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"sectionName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 22}]}}, \\\"international\\\": {\\\"defaultVariant\\\": {\\\"sections\\\": [{\\\"default\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sectionData\\\": {\\\"parameters\\\": {\\\"franchiseId\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"source\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"sectionID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sectionLayout\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"condensedLayoutEligible\\\": \\\"bo\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3282", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:stock/get-trending-chart, api_description:Get brief pricing history chart in a period of time, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickerId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of tickerId field returned in other endpoints, such as .../stock/search or .../market/get-common-ranking or .../market/get-top-active or .../market/get-top-gainers or etc... \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"tickerKDatas\": [{\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"tradeTime\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"str\", \"dealAmount\": \"str\", \"noneKData\": {\"open\": \"str\", \"close\": \"str\", \"preClose\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\"}, \"forwardKData\": {\"open\": \"str\", \"close\": \"str\", \"preClose\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 24}], \"hasMoreData\": \"bool\", \"version\": \"str\", \"timeZone\": \"str\", \"zzz\": \"str\", \"regionId\": \"int\", \"tickerType\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3283", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Latest Mutual Fund NAV, api_name:fetchHistoricalNAV, api_description:Fetch Historical NAV, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Defind Historical Date (DD-MMM-YYYY), where MMM: Jan Feb ... Dec\\nSupports multiple comma separated Date\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3284", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency_v2, api_name:Exchange Rates, api_description:Convert Currency value from and to., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3285", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Latest Mutual Fund NAV, api_name:fetchLatestNAV, api_description:Fetch Latest NAV, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3286", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Litecoin Wallet, api_name:Generate Litecoin wallet, api_description:Litecoin wallet API supports BIP44 HD wallets. It is very convenient and secure, since it can generate 2^31 addresses from 1 mnemonic phrase. Mnemonic phrase consists of 24 special words in defined order and can restore access to all generated addresses and private keys.\nEach address is identified by 3 main values:\n\nPrivate Key - your secret value, which should never be revealed\nPublic Key - public address to be published\nDerivation index - index of generated address\nIt follows BIP44 specification and generates for Litecoin wallet with derivation path m'/44'/2'/0'/0. More about BIP44 HD wallets can be found here - https://github.com/litecoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0044.mediawiki. Generate BIP44 compatible Litecoin wallet., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"mnemonic\": \"str\", \"xpub\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3287", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Litecoin Wallet, api_name:Get Litecoin Block hash, api_description:Get Litecoin Block hash. Returns hash of the block to get the block detail., required_params: [{\"name\": \"i\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hash\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3288", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Litecoin Wallet, api_name:Get Litecoin Transactions by address, api_description:Get Litecoin Transaction by address., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"number [ 1 .. 50 ]\\nMax number of items per page is 50.\\nExample: pageSize=10\"}, {\"name\": \"offset\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Offset to obtain next page of the data.\\nExample: offset=0\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3289", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Futures Leaderboard, api_name:search_leaderboard, api_description:Get the list of traders on the leaderboard, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"enum_values\": [\"list of str with length 4\"]}, \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3290", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Quotes, api_name:Historical stock price, api_description:Returns historical data of a specific time interval and stock symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3291", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:PERCENT_B, api_description:%B Indicator(PERCENT_B) measures the position of an asset price relative to upper and lower Bollinger Bands., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Interval between two consecutive points in time series\\nSupports: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `30min`, `45min`, `1h`, `2h`, `4h`, `1day`, `1week`, `1month`\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instrument symbol, can be any equity, index, ETF, forex or cryptocurrency\\nE.g. `AAPL`, `EUR/USD`, `ETH/BTC`, ...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3292", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Data, api_name:Get Company Income Statement, api_description:Get Company Income Statement, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"revenue\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"costOfGoodsSold\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"grossProfit\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"researchAndDevelopmentExpenses\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sgAndAExpenses\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, 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{\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3294", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v3, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3295", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:Purchase Info, api_description:This API request returns essential information on purchasing a mutual fund, including minimums, pricing, and available brokerages.\n\nAvailability: Mega plan\nData weighting: 200 API credits per symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol ticker of mutual fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"mutual_fund\": {\"purchase_info\": {\"expenses\": {\"expense_ratio_gross\": \"float\", \"expense_ratio_net\": \"float\"}, \"minimums\": {\"initial_investment\": \"int\", \"additional_investment\": \"int\", \"initial_ira_investment\": \"NoneType\", \"additional_ira_investment\": \"NoneType\"}, \"pricing\": {\"nav\": \"float\", \"12_month_low\": \"float\", \"12_month_high\": \"float\", \"last_month\": \"float\"}, \"brokerages\": [\"list of str with length 112\"]}}, \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3296", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Analysis, api_name:Key Statistics, api_description:Get key statistics., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"% held by insiders \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"% held by institutions \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"200-day moving average \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"5-year average dividend yield \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"50-day moving average \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"52-week change \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"52-week high \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"52-week low \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Avg vol (10-day) \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Avg vol (3-month) \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Beta (5Y monthly)\\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Book value per share (mrq)\\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Current ratio (mrq)\\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Diluted EPS (ttm)\\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Dividend date \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"EBITDA\\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Enterprise value\\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Enterprise value/EBITDA\\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Enterprise value/revenue\\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Ex-dividend date \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Fiscal year ends\\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Float \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Forward P/E\\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Forward annual dividend rate \\\": {\\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Forward annual dividend yield \\\": {\\\"Va\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3297", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Analysis, api_name:Growth Estimate, api_description:Get growth estimate., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"AAPL\": {\"Current qtr.\": \"str\", \"Current year\": \"str\", \"Next 5 years (per annum)\": \"str\", \"Next qtr.\": \"str\", \"Next year\": \"str\", \"Past 5 years (per annum)\": \"str\"}, \"Industry\": {\"Current qtr.\": \"float\", \"Current year\": \"float\", \"Next 5 years (per annum)\": \"float\", \"Next qtr.\": \"float\", \"Next year\": \"float\", \"Past 5 years (per annum)\": \"float\"}, \"S&P 500\": {\"Current qtr.\": \"float\", \"Current year\": \"float\", \"Next 5 years (per annum)\": \"float\", \"Next qtr.\": \"float\", \"Next year\": \"float\", \"Past 5 years (per annum)\": \"float\"}, \"Sector(s)\": {\"Current qtr.\": \"float\", \"Current year\": \"float\", \"Next 5 years (per annum)\": \"float\", \"Next qtr.\": \"float\", \"Next year\": \"float\", \"Past 5 years (per annum)\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3298", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get exchange, api_description:Find information on a specific exchange listed on coinranking. An exchange is a place where cryptocurrencies are traded.\nThis endpoint requires the **ultra** plan or higher., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"UUID of the exchange you want to request\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3299", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get coin supply, api_description:Get the maximum, total, and circulating supply of a coin., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"UUID of the coin you want to request the supply for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"supply\": {\"maxAmount\": \"str\", \"totalSyncedAt\": \"str\", \"totalAmount\": \"str\", \"circulatingSyncedAt\": \"str\", \"circulatingAmount\": \"str\", \"modifierCount\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3300", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:MuscleWiki, api_name:GET Exercises, api_description:Get all Exercises, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Category\": \"str\", \"Difficulty\": \"str\", \"Force\": \"str\", \"Grips\": \"str\", \"details\": \"str\", \"exercise_name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"steps\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"target\": {\"Primary\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}, \"videoURL\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"youtubeURL\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3301", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:MuscleWiki, api_name:GET Attributes, api_description:Get Attributes you can use to filter exercises, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [\"list of str with length 11\"], \"difficulties\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"forces\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"muscles\": [\"list of str with length 15\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3302", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Health Calculator API, api_name:Ideal Body Weight, api_description:This endpoint allows you to calculate the ideal weight range based on factors like height, body frame size, and gender. The endpoint provides different formulas and approaches for ideal weight estimation, such as the Hamwi method and the Devine formula., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The gender of the person. It can be either \\\\\\\"**male**\\\\\\\" or \\\\\\\"**female**\\\\\\\".\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The height in **centimeters (cm)** of the person for whom you want to calculate the ideal weight.\"}, {\"name\": \"body_frame\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The body frame size of the person. It can be one of the following values: \\\\\\\"**small**\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"**medium**\\\\\\\", or \\\\\\\"**large**\\\\\\\".\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3303", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Health Calculator API, api_name:Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), api_description:This endpoint allows you to calculate the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) based on age, weight, height, and gender parameters. The BMR represents the number of calories needed to maintain basic bodily functions at rest., required_params: [{\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The weight in **kilograms**.\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The height in **centimeters**.\"}, {\"name\": \"age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The age in **years**.\"}, {\"name\": \"gender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The gender (either \\\"**male**\\\" or \\\"**female**\\\").\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bmr\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3304", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Health Calculator API, api_name:BodyFat - Imperial, api_description:This endpoint calculates the body fat percentage based on the provided gender, age, height, and weight parameters in imperial units., required_params: [{\"name\": \"age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The age of the person in **years**. Required.\"}, {\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The weight of the person in **pounds**. Required.\"}, {\"name\": \"gender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The gender of the person. Must be either '**male**' or '**female**'. Required.\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The height of the person in **inches**. Required.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"age\": \"float\", \"bmi\": \"str\", \"bodyfat\": \"str\", \"bodyfat_status\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3305", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Scoring Tables API, api_name:/marks/men/, api_description:This retrieves all men's marks from the World Athletics Scoring Tables., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3306", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Scoring Tables API, api_name:/marks/women/, api_description:This retrieves all women's marks from the World Athletics Scoring Tables., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3307", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ClinicalMarkers, api_name:/bmi, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"HeightInCentrimetres\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"WeightInKilograms\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3308", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ClinicalMarkers, api_name:/apache2, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"_Fio2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ArterialPh\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"MeanArterialPressureInMmHg\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"HeartRateInBpm\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"RespiratoryRateInBpm\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"AcuteRenalFailure\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"BodyTemperatureInDegCelsius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_Aa\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_PaO2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Hematocrit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"SerumSodiumInMeqPerLt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"PostOperative\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"SerumPotasiumInMeqPerLt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"WhiteBloodCellCountInBillionsPerLt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"SevereOrganInsufficiencyOrImmunocompromised\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"GlasgowComaScore\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"SerumCreatinineInMicroMolsPerLt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3309", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:BMR and TMR, api_name:BMR index, api_description:Endpoint allows you to calculate the Basal Metabolic Rate, required_params: [{\"name\": \"inImperial\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sex\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the gender of the person you are calculating the index for. The currently supported genders are female and male.\"}, {\"name\": \"age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Enter the age of the person you are calculating the indicator for.\"}, {\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Enter the weight of the person you are calculating the index for. The weight should be expressed in kilograms.\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Enter the height of the person you are calculating the index for. Height should be expressed in centimeters.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3310", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:BMR and TMR, api_name:TMR index, api_description:Endpoint allows you to calculate the Total Metabolic Rate, required_params: [{\"name\": \"inImperial\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Enter the weight of the person you are calculating the index for. The weight should be expressed in kilograms.\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Enter the height of the person you are calculating the index for. The weight should be expressed in kilograms.\"}, {\"name\": \"sex\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the gender of the person you are calculating the index for. The currently supported genders are female and male.\"}, {\"name\": \"age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Enter the age of the person you are calculating the index for.\"}, {\"name\": \"activity\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the physical activity of the person for whom you are calculating the index.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3311", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Horostory, api_name:planetaryoverview, api_description:get the Planetary Overview of the day, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"planet\": \"str\", \"sign\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3312", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:AirVisual, api_name:cities/get-information (Deprecated), api_description:Get information in specific city by its id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field (type is city) that received from .../auto-complete API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coordinates\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 2\\\"]}, \\\"current_weather\\\": {\\\"ts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pr\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hu\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ws\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wd\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ic\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"current_measurement\\\": {\\\"ts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"p2\\\": {\\\"conc\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"aqius\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"aqicn\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"aqius\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"mainus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aqicn\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"maincn\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"forecasts\\\": [{\\\"ts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aqius\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"aqicn\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tp_min\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hu\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pr\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ws\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wd\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ic\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 73}], \\\"forecasts_daily\\\": [{\\\"aqius\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"aqicn\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ic\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hu\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pr\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tp_min\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wd\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ws\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pop\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 6}], \\\"i18n\\\": {}, \\\"providers\\\": {\\\"pictures\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"redirection\\\": {\\\"action_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"app_category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"item\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"d\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3313", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:AirVisual, api_name:stations/v2/get-measurements, api_description:Get measurements at specific station by its id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field (type is station) that returned in \\u2026/v2/auto-complete endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"hourlyMeasurements\": [{\"ts\": \"str\", \"measurements\": [{\"value\": \"int\", \"measure\": \"str\", \"color\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"_list_length\": 48}], \"dailyMeasurements\": [{\"ts\": \"str\", \"measurements\": [{\"measure\": \"str\", \"value\": \"float\", \"color\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"_list_length\": 30}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3314", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Workout Planner, api_name:Get Customized Plan, api_description:The /customized endpoint provides a way for users to generate personalized workout plans based on their preferences. It takes various parameters into account to create a workout plan tailored to the user's needs. \nHere's an explanation of the parameters and how to use them:\n1. time: This parameter represents the duration of the workout plan in minutes. By default, if not provided, it is set to 30 minutes. You can customize this parameter to specify the desired duration of your workout.\n2. equipment : This parameter allows you to specify the equipment available for your workout. If you don't have any equipment, you can set it to \"none\". However, if you have specific equipment available, you can provide the details in this parameter.\n3. muscle: This parameter represents the target muscle group for your workout plan. You can specify the muscle group you want to focus on, such as \"legs\", \"chest\", \"back\", etc. If you don't have a specific target muscle group, you can set it to \"none\".\n4. fitness_level: This parameter enables you to define your fitness level. You can choose from options like \"beginner\", \"intermediate\", or \"advanced\" to indicate your current fitness level. The workout plan generated will be adjusted based on this level. \n5. fitness_goals: This parameter allows you to specify your fitness goals, such as \"weight_loss\", \"muscle_gain\", \"strength_training\", \"cardiovascular_endurance\", \"flexibility\", or \"general_fitness\". By indicating your goals, the generated workout plan will align with your specific objectives., required_params: [{\"name\": \"fitness_goals\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fitness_level\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"muscle\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"equipment\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"time\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"Warm Up\": [{\"Exercise\": \"str\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"Exercises\": [{\"Exercise\": \"str\", \"Sets\": \"str\", \"Reps\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"Cool Down\": [{\"Exercise\": \"str\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"key\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3315", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:selector-tipo-consultas, api_name:Generar Fhir ID QR, api_description:Recibe el id de fhir como string y lo convierte en codigo qr, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fhir_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3316", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:AirVisual, api_name:cities/get-measurements (Deprecated), api_description:Get measurements in specific city by its id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field (type is city) that received from .../auto-complete API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"measurements\": [{\"ts\": \"str\", \"p2\": {\"conc\": \"float\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\"}, \"aqius\": \"int\", \"mainus\": \"str\", \"aqicn\": \"int\", \"maincn\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 48}], \"measurements_daily\": [{\"ts\": \"str\", \"p2\": {\"conc\": \"float\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\"}, \"aqius\": \"int\", \"mainus\": \"str\", \"aqicn\": \"int\", \"maincn\": \"str\", \"p1\": {\"conc\": \"float\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\"}, \"o3\": {\"conc\": \"float\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\"}, \"s2\": {\"conc\": \"float\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\"}, \"co\": {\"conc\": \"float\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 30}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3317", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Workout Planner, api_name:Get Workout Plan, api_description:Get Workout Plans\n\nThis api request can be used to get Workout plan based on:\n\n- Time duration\n- Target Muscle\n- Location\n- Equipment\n\nHence api call takes 4 query parameters:\n\n- time\n- muscle\n- location\n- equipment, required_params: [{\"name\": \"time\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"equipment\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"muscle\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"Warm Up\": [{\"Exercise\": \"str\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"Exercises\": [{\"Exercise\": \"str\", \"Sets\": \"str\", \"Reps\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"Cool Down\": [{\"Exercise\": \"str\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"key\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3318", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:BMI Calculator_v2, api_name:BMI, api_description:Calculate BMI using weight and height., required_params: [{\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3319", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Scoring Tables API, api_name:/marks/men/{points}, api_description:This retrieves the men's marks for the point value given as a parameter (0-1400)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"points\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Please enter a number between 1 and 1400.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3320", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Suggestic, api_name:Create User, api_description:Each Suggestic partner/client has the ability to create their own set of users., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3321", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:MuscleWiki, api_name:GET Exercise by ID, api_description:Get an exercise by it's ID. Valid IDs [0,953], required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Exercise's ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Category\": \"str\", \"Difficulty\": \"str\", \"Force\": \"str\", \"Grips\": \"str\", \"details\": \"str\", \"exercise_name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"steps\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"target\": {\"Primary\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Secondary\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}, \"videoURL\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"youtubeURL\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3322", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Suggestic, api_name:Remove a Meal Plan, api_description:Use the **removeMealPlan** mutation to remove the current and following days in the profile's meal plan. Therefore, it is not possible to delete meal plans which dates have already passed., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"message\": \"str\", \"extensions\": {\"code\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3323", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:fastingcenters, api_name:Get all fastingCenters, api_description:Get all, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"Name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3324", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:fastingcenters, api_name:Get ID, api_description:Get ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3325", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Horostory, api_name:hoscoscope, api_description:retrieve the horoscope for a specific sign and date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sign\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3326", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Health Calculator API, api_name:Macronutrient Distribution, api_description:This endpoint calculates the optimal distribution of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) based on factors such as activity level, body composition goals, and dietary preferences., required_params: [{\"name\": \"activity_level\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The activity_level parameter accepts the following values:\\n\\n**sedentary** - Little to no exercise.\\n**moderately_active** - Moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week.\\n**very_active** - Hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/week.\"}, {\"name\": \"body_composition_goal\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The body_composition_goal parameter accepts the following values:\\n\\n**weight_loss** - Goal of losing weight.\\n**maintenance** - Goal of maintaining current weight.\\n**muscle_gain** - Goal of gaining muscle.\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"dietary_preferences\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The dietary_preferences parameter allows users to specify their dietary preferences. It can be any string value representing the individual's dietary choices or restrictions, such as \\\\\\\"**vegetarian**,\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\"**vegan**,\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\"**pescatarian**,\\\\\\\" or \\\\\\\"**gluten-free**.\\\\\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3327", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Health Calculator API, api_name:Target Heart Rate, api_description:This endpoint calculates the target heart rate range for cardiovascular exercise based on the user's age and fitness level. It uses the Karvonen method to determine the target heart rate zone., required_params: [{\"name\": \"fitness_level\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The fitness level of the user.\\n\\nThe fitness_level parameter accepts the following values:\\n**beginner** - Beginner fitness level.\\n**intermediate** - Intermediate fitness level.\\n**advanced** - Advanced fitness level.\"}, {\"name\": \"age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The age of the user in years.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3328", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:cancer rates by usa state, api_name:Get by state, api_description:Get by state, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"Range\": \"str\", \"State\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3329", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ExerciseDB, api_name:List by body part, api_description:Fetch exercises by body part, required_params: [{\"name\": \"bodyPart\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`bodyPart` property of exercise object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3330", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ExerciseDB, api_name:List of target muscles, api_description:Fetch a list of available target muscles, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3331", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:BMI_v2, api_name:Gives the BMI when you Input values in Metric units, api_description:Gives the BMI in kg/m2 when we input height in centimeters and weight in kilograms, required_params: [{\"name\": \"heightincm\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"weightinkg\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3332", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Exercises by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/exercises, api_description:API Ninjas Exercises API endpoint. Returns up to 10 exercises that satisfy the given parameters., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"muscle\": \"str\", \"equipment\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"instructions\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3333", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Pregnancy Calculator API, api_name:Fertility Window - GET, api_description:This endpoint accepts a GET request to calculate the fertility window., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cycle_length\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The length of the menstrual cycle in days.\"}, {\"name\": \"menstrual_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the first day of the last menstrual period in the format '**YYYY-MM-DD**'.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3334", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Pregnancy Calculator API, api_name:Pregnancy Weight Recommendation - GET, api_description:This endpoint that accepts a GET request to calculate the recommended weight during pregnancy based on the user's pre-pregnancy weight, height, and current gestational age., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pre_pregnancy_weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The user's pre-pregnancy weight in kilograms (**kg**).\"}, {\"name\": \"gestational_age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The current gestational age in **weeks**.\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The user's height in meters (**m**).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3335", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Appointment System API, api_name:Appointment Time List, api_description:EndPoint gets Appointment Time List by Day. EndPoint gets date parameter and returns List of Appointment Times of that date. In the list there is available field, This field indicates whether there is an appointment at the specified time.\nParameter Descriptions : \ndate --> The day that hours will be return\nclinicName --> Name of the clinic\n\nReturn Value: \nThe EndPoint returns json object in format below.\n[\n{\"id\":1\n\"hLabel\":\"07:00\"\n\"available\":\"true\"\n\"hour\":7\n\"minute\":0\n\"interval\":15\n},\n......\n]\n\nId --> is the key value of the record.\nhLabel --> is the string format of the time\navailable --> if is true that means the time is suitable for new record. If it is false that means there is another appointment in this time interval. \nhour --> Hour of the appointment time.\nminute --> Minute of the appointment time.\ninterval --> this field points out to the interval whether 15 minutes or 30 minutes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"hLabel\": \"str\", \"available\": \"str\", \"hour\": \"int\", \"minute\": \"int\", \"interval\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3336", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Ind Nutrient API, api_name:View Food Item By Name, api_description:This request allows clients to retrieve detailed information about a food item by specifying by its `name`.\n\nWhen making the request, ensure the food item's name is written with hyphens (\"-\") separating the words. For instance, \"Paneer Butter Masala\" should be written as \"paneer-butter-masala\" in the request.\n\nAPI request sent to [https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food/name/paneer-butter-masala](https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food/name/paneer-butter-masala), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"item\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"food_name\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"str\", \"calories\": \"int\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"type_uri\": \"str\", \"core\": \"str\", \"core_uri\": \"str\", \"food_nutrition\": [{\"nutrient_name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"float\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"request\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3337", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Ind Nutrient API, api_name:View All Cores With Their Food Items, api_description:This request allows clients to retrieve a list of all available cores along with the food items associated with each core.\n\nAPI request sent to [https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food/core](https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food/core), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"core_count\": \"int\", \"cores\": [{\"core_type\": \"str\", \"related_food_length\": \"int\", \"related_food\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"food_name\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"str\", \"calories\": \"int\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"type_uri\": \"str\", \"core\": \"str\", \"core_uri\": \"str\", \"food_nutrition\": [{\"nutrient_name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"float\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 11}], \"_list_length\": 16}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3338", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Ind Nutrient API, api_name:View Food Items by Type, api_description:This request allows clients to retrieve detailed information about a food item by filtering by query param `type`.\n\nAPI request sent to [https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food?type=non-vegetarian](https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food?type=non-vegetarian), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"item\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"food_name\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"str\", \"calories\": \"int\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"type_uri\": \"str\", \"core\": \"str\", \"core_uri\": \"str\", \"food_nutrition\": [{\"nutrient_name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"int\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"request\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 231}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3339", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:US Hospitals, api_name:getHospitalsByName, api_description:###Find US Hospitals by name.\nSimply add your search string to the \"name\" parameter in the url.\nTip: The API also works if your search for *name='pr'* instead of *name='presbyterian'.* \n\n**Note**: The API only returns the first 30 results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3340", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:US Hospitals, api_name:getHospitalsById, api_description:###Find US Hospitals by CMS Certification Number\nSimply add your search string as a parameter to the \"ccn\" query.\n\n**Note**: The API only returns the first 30 results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ccn\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Provider CCN\": \"int\", \"Hospital Name\": \"str\", \"Alias\": \"str\", \"Url\": \"str\", \"Phone\": \"str\", \"Service\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"str\", \"Approval Codes\": \"str\", \"Street Address\": \"str\", \"City\": \"str\", \"State Code\": \"str\", \"Zip Code\": \"str\", \"County\": \"str\", \"Medicare CBSA Number\": \"int\", \"Rural Versus Urban\": \"str\", \"Control\": \"str\", \"Number of Beds\": \"int\", \"Parent Unit\": \"NoneType\", \"Affiliated Units\": \"NoneType\", \"System\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3341", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:cancer rates by usa state, api_name:Get by filter, api_description:Get by filter, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3342", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Calories Burned by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/caloriesburned, api_description:API Ninjas Calories Burned API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"activity\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"name of the given activity. This value can be partial (e.g. ski will match water skiing and downhill skiing)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"calories_per_hour\": \"int\", \"duration_minutes\": \"int\", \"total_calories\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3343", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Scoring Tables API, api_name:/marks/women/{points}, api_description:This retrieves the women's marks for the point value given as a parameter (0-1400)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"points\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Please enter a number between 1 and 1400.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3344", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Ind Nutrient API, api_name:View All Types With Their Food Items, api_description:This request allows clients to retrieve a list of all available types along with the food items associated with each type.\n\nAPI request sent to [https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food/type](https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food/type), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"types\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"related_food_length\": \"int\", \"related_food\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"food_name\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"str\", \"calories\": \"int\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"type_uri\": \"str\", \"food_nutrition\": [{\"nutrient_name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"float\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 266}], \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3345", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Ind Nutrient API, api_name:View Food Items by Core, api_description:This request allows clients to retrieve detailed information about a food item by filtering by query param `core`.\n\nClients can include multiple cores in a single request. For example, by sending a request to https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food?core=chicken,dal,paneer, the API will return food items associated with the specified cores: chicken, dal, and paneer.\n\nAPI request sent to [https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food?core=chicken](https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food?core=chicken), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"item\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"food_name\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"str\", \"calories\": \"int\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"type_uri\": \"str\", \"core\": \"str\", \"core_uri\": \"str\", \"food_nutrition\": [{\"nutrient_name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"int\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"request\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 53}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3346", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:BMI_v2, api_name:Gives the BMI when you input values in Imperial units (Feet/Inches & Pounds), api_description:The API generates the BMI in kg/m2 when the height is entered in feet and inches and weight is entered in pounds., required_params: [{\"name\": \"weightinpounds\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"heightinches\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"heightfeet\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3347", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:BMI_v2, api_name:Gives the BMI when you input height in feet and inches & input weight in kilograms, api_description:The API generates the BMI in kg/m2. You need to enter the weight in kilograms and height in feet and inches, required_params: [{\"name\": \"weightinkg\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"heightfeet\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"heightinches\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3348", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Ind Nutrient API, api_name:View Food Item by Id, api_description:This request enables clients to retrieve detailed information about a specific food item based on its unique identifier (ID)\n\nAPI request sent to [https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food/646e44df0e77ec175b88cf32](https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food/646e44df0e77ec175b88cf32), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"food_name\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"str\", \"calories\": \"int\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"type_uri\": \"str\", \"core\": \"str\", \"core_uri\": \"str\", \"food_nutrition\": [{\"nutrient_name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"float\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"request\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3349", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Ind Nutrient API, api_name:View All Food Items, api_description:The request allows clients to retrieve a comprehensive list of all available food items.\n\nAPI request sent to [https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food](https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"food\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"food_name\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"str\", \"calories\": \"int\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"type_uri\": \"str\", \"core\": \"str\", \"core_uri\": \"str\", \"food_nutrition\": [{\"nutrient_name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"float\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3350", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator, api_name:Metric [Kilograms], api_description:This endpoint will calculate the BMI of an individual using the imperial measurement system., required_params: [{\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The weight of someone in kilograms (kgs)\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The height of someone in meters (m)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bmi\": \"float\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"weightCategory\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3351", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator, api_name:Weight Category, api_description:Retrieve the weight category of an individual based on their BMI, required_params: [{\"name\": \"bmi\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bmi\": \"str\", \"weightCategory\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3352", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Health Calculator API, api_name:Daily Caloric Needs, api_description:This endpoint provides a simple and efficient way to calculate daily caloric needs based on various factors such as age, weight, height, activity level, and goal. It offers different formulas or approaches for caloric needs estimation, including the popular Harris-Benedict equation and Mifflin-St. Jeor equation., required_params: [{\"name\": \"activity_level\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The activity level of the person. Valid values are \\\\\\\"**sedentary**\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"**lightly_active**\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"**moderately_active**\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"**very_active**\\\\\\\", or \\\\\\\"**extra_active**\\\\\\\".\"}, {\"name\": \"gender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The gender of the person. Valid values are \\\\\\\"**male**\\\\\\\" or \\\\\\\"**female**\\\\\\\".\"}, {\"name\": \"goal\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The goal of the person. Valid values are \\\\\\\"**weight_loss**\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"**maintenance**\\\\\\\", or \\\\\\\"**weight_gain**\\\\\\\".\"}, {\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The weight of the person in **kilograms**.\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The height of the person in **centimeters**.\"}, {\"name\": \"age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The age of the person in years.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"caloric_needs\": {\"calories\": \"float\", \"equation\": \"str\", \"goal\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3353", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Health Calculator API, api_name:Daily Water Intake, api_description:The Daily Water Intake Recommendation endpoint calculates the daily recommended water intake based on factors such as weight, activity level, and climate. It provides flexibility by allowing you to specify the unit of measurement for the water intake, either in liters or ounces., required_params: [{\"name\": \"climate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The climate in which the individual is located.\\n\\nThe climate parameter accepts the following values:\\n**normal** - Average climate\\n**hot** - Hot climate\\n**cold** - Cold climate\"}, {\"name\": \"activity_level\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The activity level of the individual. \\n\\nThe activity_level parameter accepts the following values:\\n**sedentary** - Little to no exercise\\n**lightly_active** - Light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week\\n**moderately_active** - Moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week\\n**very_active** - Hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/week\\n**extra_active** - Very hard exercise/sports and physical job or 2x training\"}, {\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The weight of the individual in **kilograms (kg)**.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3354", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:BMR and TMR, api_name:Activity Values, api_description:Returns a list of possible activity values that are needed to compute TMR, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3355", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ClinicalMarkers, api_name:/BacterialMeningitisScoreForChildren, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"CSFGramStainPositive\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"SeizureAtOrPriorToInitialPresentation\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"CSFProteinOver80\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"CSF_ANCOver1000Cells\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"PeripheralBloodANCOver10000Cells\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3356", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ClinicalMarkers, api_name:/apgar, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"RespirationScore\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"SkinColorScore\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"HeartRateInBpm\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ResponseToIrritableStimuliScore\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ActivityScore\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3357", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Appointment System API, api_name:Get Appointments, api_description:EndPoints returns all appointments in the date. \n\nParameter Description :\ndate : the date the appointments is requested\nclinicName : Name of the clinic\n\nReturn Value : \nIt returns json object. Json contains all the appointments in requested date.\n\nJson Format :\n\nhLabel:\"07:00\"\nid:5\naDay:\"2022-09-09T00:00:00\"\naHour:58\naName:\"Efe Kemal TASAR\"\naTel:\"+905376853054\"\naType:\"Appoint\", required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"clinicName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3358", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:selector-tipo-consultas, api_name:triage virtual, api_description:define si un paciente debe ser atendido via consulta virtual o presencial, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"resp\": {\"isEmergency\": \"str\", \"probabilidad\": \"float\", \"tipo_consulta\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3359", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ExerciseDB, api_name:List of all exercises, api_description:Fetch all exercises (non-paginated), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bodyPart\": \"str\", \"equipment\": \"str\", \"gifUrl\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"target\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3360", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ExerciseDB, api_name:List by equipment, api_description:Fetch exercises by type of equipment, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`equipment` property of exercise object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3361", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Health Calculator API, api_name:BMI - Imperial, api_description:This endpoint calculates the BMI based on the provided height and weight parameters in imperial units., required_params: [{\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The weight in **pounds**. Required\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The height in **inches**. Required\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bmi\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"weight_status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3362", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Health Calculator API, api_name:BodyFat, api_description:This endpoint calculates the body fat percentage based on the provided gender, age, height, and weight parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The height in **centimeters**. Required.\"}, {\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The weight in **kilograms**. Required.\"}, {\"name\": \"gender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The gender of the person. Possible values are **male** or **female**. Required.\"}, {\"name\": \"age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The age of the person in years. Required.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"age\": \"float\", \"bmi\": \"str\", \"bodyfat\": \"str\", \"bodyfat_status\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3363", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Pregnancy Calculator API, api_name:Conception Date, api_description:This endpoint calculates the estimated due date based on the user's conception date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"conception_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of conception in the format '**YYYY-MM-DD**'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3364", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:AirVisual, api_name:cities/v2/get-information, api_description:Get information in specific city by its id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field (type is city) that returned in \\u2026/v2/auto-complete endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lon\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"websiteLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"report\\\": {\\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"actionText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"followers\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pictures\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"contributors\\\": {\\\"pictures\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"redirection\\\": {\\\"actionType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"appCategory\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"item\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"sources\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalStations\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"picture\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"currentMeasurement\\\": {\\\"ts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aqius\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"mainus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aqicn\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"maincn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pollutants\\\": [{\\\"conc\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"aqius\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"aqicn\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pollutant\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isEstimated\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"sensorDefinitions\\\": [{\\\"pollutant\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 16}], \\\"currentWeather\\\": {\\\"ts\\\": \\\"s\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3365", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:AirVisual, api_name:stations/v2/get-information, api_description:Get information at specific station by its id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field (type is station) that returned in \\u2026/v2/auto-complete endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lon\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"websiteLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"report\\\": {\\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"actionText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"followers\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pictures\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"contributors\\\": {\\\"pictures\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"redirection\\\": {\\\"actionType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"appCategory\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"item\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"sources\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalStations\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"picture\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"gallery\\\": {\\\"pictures\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"contributor\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"profileID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"profilePicture\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"currentMeasurement\\\": {\\\"ts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aqius\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"mainus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aqicn\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"maincn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pollutants\\\": [{\\\"conc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"aqius\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"aqicn\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pollutant\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isEstimated\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3366", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:AirVisual, api_name:v2/auto-complete, api_description:Find countries, cities, places by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of countries, cities, districts, places, etc...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"cities\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": {\\\"lon\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"currentMeasurement\\\": {\\\"ts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aqius\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"aqicn\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isEstimated\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"sensorDefinitions\\\": [{\\\"pollutant\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 16}], \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"stations\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": {\\\"lon\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"currentMeasurement\\\": {\\\"ts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aqius\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"aqicn\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pollutants\\\": [{\\\"conc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"aqius\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"aqicn\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pollutant\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isEstimated\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"sensorDefinitions\\\": [{\\\"pollutant\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 16}], \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}], \\\"contributors\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"picture\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"news\\\": [{\\\"author\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3367", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:BMR and TMR, api_name:Sexes Values, api_description:Returns a list of possible sexes values that are needed to compute BMR and TMR, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3368", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ClinicalMarkers, api_name:/bsa, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"WeightInKilograms\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"HeightInCentrimetres\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3369", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ExerciseDB, api_name:List by target muscle, api_description:Fetch exercises by target primary muscle, required_params: [{\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`target` property of exercise object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3370", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Pregnancy Calculator API, api_name:Conception Date., api_description:This endpoint calculates the current week of pregnancy based on the conception date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"conception_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of conception in the format '**YYYY-MM-DD**'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3371", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Pregnancy Calculator API, api_name:Last Menstrual Period (LMP), api_description:This endpoint calculates the estimated due date based on the user's last menstrual period (LMP), required_params: [{\"name\": \"cycle_length\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The average length of the user's menstrual cycle in days.\"}, {\"name\": \"last_period_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the user's last menstrual period in the format '**YYYY-MM-DD**'.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3372", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Count listings by market, api_description:Retrieve listings count in the specified market. Can be filtered on bedrooms and max guest capacity, required_params: [{\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3373", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:flight | flight aggregator, api_name:flight, api_description:FlightsLogic provides Flight API, Airline Consolidator, Flight Aggregator to the travel agents, tour operators and travel companies worldwide., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3374", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airports Finder, api_name:Get Airports By City, api_description:The \"Get Airports By City\" API enables you to effortlessly retrieve a list of airports based on a specific city. This API provides comprehensive details about airports, including their names, IATA codes, locations, and additional information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3375", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb Search, api_name:Autocomplete, api_description:Find location for search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id item from the Get Languages API\"}, {\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id item from the Get Currency API\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3376", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb Search, api_name:Property Details, api_description:Property details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id item from the Get Currency API\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id item from the Get Languages API\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id from search API: data -> homes[index] -> listing -> id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3377", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:KAYAK Flights, api_name:Results, api_description:Pricing and results data as it appears on the source website., required_params: [{\"name\": \"m\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3378", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:funtrip, api_name:ttt, api_description:ttt, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3379", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airports Finder, api_name:Get Airport Details By Code, api_description:The \"Get Airport Details By Code\" API allows you to quickly retrieve comprehensive information about airports based on their IATA codes. Obtain precise details such as airport names, locations, time zones, and more with this efficient and reliable API., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3380", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb Search, api_name:Get Currency, api_description:Get Currency, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3381", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Zumata, api_name:/hotels_minimal, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3382", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:British Airways Flight Info, api_name:Search arrivals by route, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"departurelocation-arrivallocation-arrivallocation-scheduledarrivaldate-scheduledarrivaldate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"departureLocation\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"arrivalLocation\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"scheduledArrivalDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3383", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Get_Ticket_Information, api_name:Manage_Booking, api_description:Manage_Booking, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3384", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:ASR Hub, api_name:/api/TripDetails/{MFRef}, api_description:Retrives the TripDetails based on the MFRef Number\r\n- MFRef, required_params: [{\"name\": \"MFRef\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Success\": \"bool\", \"Data\": \"NoneType\", \"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3385", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:ASR Hub, api_name:/api/ScheduleChangeAccept/{MFRef}/{FlightId}, api_description:Accept Schedule Change based on the UserInputs\r\n - MFRef\r\n - Flight Id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"FlightId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"MFRef\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Success\": \"bool\", \"Data\": \"NoneType\", \"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3386", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Gas Price, api_name:usaCitiesList, api_description:The service that get list of cities with price information in the USA., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3387", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Gas Price, api_name:allUsaPrice, api_description:Service that brings the average current gasoline prices of states in America., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3388", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:BART, api_name:Station information, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cmd\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"See more examples at http://api.bart.gov/docs/overview/examples.aspx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3389", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:BART, api_name:Schedule information, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cmd\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"See more examples at http://api.bart.gov/docs/overview/examples.aspx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3390", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Biggest Cities, api_name:Get all cities, api_description:Get all cites, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3391", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Get Hotel Details, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Pass in the hotel id as **id**, which can be retrieved from **Search Hotels** API from **Hotels** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"checkIn\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkin Date\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}, {\"name\": \"checkOut\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"CheckOut Date\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3392", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SBB Suisse railway, api_name:Search trips, api_description:Find trips between two stations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Departure id\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Travel date in format DD.MM.YYYY\"}, {\"name\": \"time\", \"type\": \"TIME (24-hour HH:MM)\", \"description\": \"Travel time\"}, {\"name\": \"passenger0_age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Age of the fist passenger\"}, {\"name\": \"to_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Arrival id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3393", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SBB Suisse railway, api_name:Autocomplete, api_description:Search for train and public transport stations in Switzerland and across Europe, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query parameter\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3394", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Search Restaurants, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locationId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**locationId** of the place got from **Search Restaurant Location** in **Restaurants collection**.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3395", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:webcams.travel, api_name:/webcams/list/nearby={lat},{lng},{radius}, api_description:This is a modifier. Returns a list of webcams near the given coordinates {lat},{lng} up to the given {radius} in kilometers. Required: {lat}, {lng}, {radius}. The maximum value for {radius} is 250., required_params: [{\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Maximum distance in kilometers.\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"WGS84 longitude.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"WGS84 latitude.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3396", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Real-Time PNR Status API for Indian Railways, api_name:Live Train Running Status, api_description:Live Train Running Status is a crucial keyword in the world of railway transportation, and Qrail is one of the leading providers of this service. With Live Train Running Status, passengers can get real-time updates on the current location and running status of their train, including expected arrival and departure times. Qrail's Live Train Running Status service is highly reliable and accurate, providing passengers with peace of mind and ensuring that they arrive at their destinations on time. With this service, passengers can plan their journey better and avoid any inconvenience caused by unexpected delays or cancellations., required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3397", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Real-Time PNR Status API for Indian Railways, api_name:PNR Status, api_description:This is an unofficial PNR Status API that provides real-time information on the status of Indian Railways train reservations. This API is designed for educational purposes only and is not affiliated with Indian Railways in any way., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pnr_status\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3398", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:webcams.travel, api_name:/webcams/list/limit={limit},{offset}, api_description:This is a modifier. Returns the list of webcams sliced by {limit}. The optional offset is given by {offset}. Required: {limit}. The maximum value for {limit} is 50. {offset} defaults to 0. If limit is not given, then a default of limit=10 is applied., required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Maximum number of webcams in the result list.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3399", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:iRail, api_name:Departures, api_description:Departures of trains in Belgium, required_params: [{\"name\": \"stationname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You can find the appropriate names in the Stations list\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The year you want to query\"}, {\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The number of the month\"}, {\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The number of the day\"}, {\"name\": \"hour\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The number of hours in 24h style\"}, {\"name\": \"minutes\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The minutes you want to retrieve responses from\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3400", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:IRCTC, api_name:CheckPNRStatus, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pnrNumber\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3401", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Zumata, api_name:/hotels, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3402", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:British Airways Flight Info, api_name:Search departures by route, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"departurelocation-arrivallocation-arrivallocation-scheduleddeparturedate-scheduleddeparturedate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"departureLocation\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"arrivalLocation\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"scheduledDepartureDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3403", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Cities Cost of Living, api_name:Get Cities List, api_description:Get a list of all the Cities available, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3404", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Cities Cost of Living, api_name:Get Currencies List, api_description:Get a list of all the Currencies available, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3405", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner API, api_name:Locations, api_description:Geographical locations have the concept of hierarchy. Each location has a parent of a larger hierarchy. I.e.: a place `type` of `airport` can have a parent of `city` and `city` can have a parent of `country`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Locale of the request. \\nList of locales can be retrieved from the `Locales` endpoint.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3406", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:BART, api_name:Advisory information, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cmd\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"See more examples http://api.bart.gov/docs/overview/examples.aspx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3407", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Travel API's, api_name:B2B Travel portal development with API integration, api_description:TravelPD offers affordable travel portal development solutions with travel API integration and travel portal software. , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3408", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:World Airports Directory, api_name:ListAllAirports, api_description:API to explore all airports we have in our huge directory., required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sortBy\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Valid format to sort is `field:order`\\ne.g. `name:asc`, `name:desc`\\nwhere `asc` for sorting in ascending order\\n`desc` for sorting in descending order\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3409", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:World Airports Directory, api_name:SearchAirports, api_description:Primary API to get all the matching airports based on the keyword you pass in the params. API runs best matching algorithm to find most relevant airports matching with either city, city code or airport code and so on.\n**BONUS**: It returns complete `Airport Name, Lat, Long, Timezone, Country, Country Code, Airport Code and City Code.`\n\nNOTE: This API is case insensitive.\n\nFor e.g.\n1. When user trying with city `/v1/airports/dubai`\n2. When user trying with Airport Code `/v1/airports/dxb`\n3. When user trying with city code `/v1/airports/omdb`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchingKeywordAirportOrCityOrCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sortBy\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Valid format to sort is `field:order`\\ne.g. `AirportName:asc`, `AirportName:desc`\\nwhere `asc` for sorting in ascending order\\n`desc` for sorting in descending order\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"This controls the pagination of results.\\nDefault is `1`\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"This indicates how many results you would like to query in one time.\\nDefault value is `10` if limit is not provided.\\nMaximum limit is `20`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3410", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:AI Trip Planner, api_name:Get Trip Plan, api_description:This endpoint is used to generate trip plan based on no. of days and destination., required_params: [{\"name\": \"days\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3411", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Ski Resorts and Conditions, api_name:Resort View, api_description:View the information of a resort, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3412", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Ski Resorts and Conditions, api_name:Resorts, api_description:Paginated list of all resorts, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3413", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Get Top Tier Stays Filter, api_description:-, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3414", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:World Scuba Diving Sites Api, api_name:Query Divesites by a country or a region., api_description:The endpoint returns a json list of dive sites which match the region or country entered as the query. The range of results depend but there is usually around 100-500 sites for each country. There are around 15'000 dive sites listed in the database., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3415", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Ranked Crime Cities, api_name:Ranked World Crime cities, api_description:Ranked World Crime cities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3416", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Get Property Type Filters, api_description:-, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3417", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:World Scuba Diving Sites Api, api_name:Query divesites by gps boundaries (For use with maps), api_description:The API endpoint that queries dive sites by GPS boundaries allows developers to search for dive sites within a specified geographical region, defined by a set of latitude and longitude coordinates. This endpoint can be particularly useful for creating interactive maps or applications that require displaying dive sites within a specific area. To use it add the four map bounds as query params, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3418", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Get Host Language Filters, api_description:-, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3419", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:BiggestCities, api_name:Get All Cities, api_description:Get All Cities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3420", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Zumata, api_name:/hotels_dynamic, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3421", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:TripVair AI Flight Cancel Predictor, api_name:GET /flights/v1/cancel, api_description:Offers a statistical probability of a future flight being cancelled using deep learning AI from 7 days up to 363 days in advance, required_params: [{\"name\": \"carrier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Scheduled airline by code \"}, {\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Origin city code for departure\"}, {\"name\": \"departdate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Departs 10/29/2023.\"}, {\"name\": \"dest\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Destination city code for departure\"}, {\"name\": \"flightno\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Flight Number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3422", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:List of Hotel facility types, api_description:Returns hotel facility types names and their translations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3423", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airports Finder, api_name:Get Airports By Coordinates, api_description:The \"Get Airports By Coordinates\" API enables you to retrieve a list of airports based on specific latitude and longitude coordinates. By providing the latitude and longitude values, this API returns comprehensive details about airports located within that vicinity. This information includes airport names, IATA codes, locations, and additional relevant data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3424", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Rental extras, api_description:Get additional services when renting, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pick_up_datetime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Pick up datetime\"}, {\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from_country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"price\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Price\"}, {\"name\": \"drop_off_datetime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Drop off datetime\"}, {\"name\": \"driver_age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Driver age\"}, {\"name\": \"vehicle_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Vehicle id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3425", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Gas Price, api_name:stateUsaPrice, api_description:The service that brings gas prices in the United States by state., required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3426", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Gas Price, api_name:europeanCountries, api_description:Service that brings up the current gasoline prices at european countries., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3427", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner Flights, api_name:Results, api_description:Pricing and results data as it appears on the source website., required_params: [{\"name\": \"m\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3428", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:iRail, api_name:Stations list, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3429", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:52 In Kicks, api_name:Test, api_description:test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3430", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:The popular directions from a city, api_description:Brings the most popular directions from a specified city back., required_params: [{\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the airline tickets currency\"}, {\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the point of departure. The IATA city code or the country code. The length - from 2 to 3 symbols.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3431", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:Tickets for each day of month, api_description:Returns the cheapest non-stop, one-stop, and two-stop flights for the selected route for each day of the selected month, required_params: [{\"name\": \"calendar_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"field used to build the calendar. Equal to either: departure_date or return_date\"}, {\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IATA code of destination city. IATA code is shown by uppercase letters, for example LED\"}, {\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IATA code of departure city. IATA code is shown by uppercase letters, for example MOW\"}, {\"name\": \"depart_date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"day or month of departure\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3432", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:The calendar of prices for a month, api_description:Brings the prices for each day of a month, grouped together by the number of transfers, back, required_params: [{\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the point of destination. The IATA city code or the country code. The length - from 2 to 3 symbols. Note! If the point of departure and the point of destination are not specified, then the API shall bring 30 the most cheapest tickets, which have been found during the recent 48 hours, back.\"}, {\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the point of departure. The IATA city code or the country code. The length - from 2 to 3 symbols\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3433", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:FlightsLogic's Flight Booking | Flight Booking Software, api_name:https://flightslogic.com/about.php, api_description:FlightsLogic provides Flight Booking Software, Flight Booking API to the travel agents, tour operators and travel companies worldwide., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3434", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tsaboin Cams, api_name:camlist, api_description:List all available traffic cameras, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3435", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Listing Availability Full, api_description:Retrieve listing availability and stay length rules for the next 12 months\n**Note**: The fact the available field is true does not means that the listing can be booked. It only tells indicates that it is not taken. To confirm if it is really available for stay you must verify all previous and following day rules for stay length are respected., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the listing id\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3436", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels, api_name:reviews/list (Deprecated), api_description:Get all reviews of specific property, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field that received from .../properties/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3437", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels, api_name:properties/get-hotel-photos (Deprecated), api_description:Get all available photos of property, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field that received from .../properties/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3438", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Search Property, api_description:-, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3439", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Ranked Crime Cities, api_name:Get city by filter, api_description:Get city by filter, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3440", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:FlightsLogic Flight, api_name:FlightsLogic Flight API, api_description:FlightsLogic provides Flight API integration within your new or existing online travel website. Flight API integration connects travel agents and customers across the globe, extensively broadening your market reach. We deliver Flight API Integration Solution- one of the most reliable and most trusted Global Distribution Systems (GDS), that helps the travel portals get the best service suppliers by their side to broadcast their effective services at the portal and that successively can bring vast website traffic as well., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3441", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Get Currency, api_description:-, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3442", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels com Provider, api_name:Hotels Search, api_description:Get hotels by the filter. Set the `domain`, it is necessary for localization at the currency setting. (meta / Domains List). `accessibility` parameter, needed to get ONLY available hotels. Indicate the `region_id` -> use `Region Search`, check-in and check-out date, number of adults and children, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sort_order\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"checkout_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Checkout Date\"}, {\"name\": \"region_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Region Id -> use `Regions Search`\"}, {\"name\": \"adults_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of adults\"}, {\"name\": \"checkin_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Checkin Date\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3443", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Get Accessibility Filters, api_description:-, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3444", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:IRCTC, api_name:Get Train Schedule, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"trainNo\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3445", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels com Provider, api_name:Hotel Details, api_description:Get hotel details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3446", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels com Provider, api_name:Hotel Summary, api_description:Get hotel summary, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3447", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Search Property By Place, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id query parameter is **required** and it can be got from **Search Destination API**.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3448", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airports Finder, api_name:Get Airports By Country, api_description:The \"Get Airports By Country\" API allows you to easily retrieve a list of airports based on a specific country. This API provides comprehensive details about airports, including their names, IATA codes, locations, and additional information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3449", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Where to Credit, api_name:/api/1.0/programs, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"programName\": \"str\", \"fullName\": \"str\", \"denomination\": \"str\", \"tierNames\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"airlines\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3450", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking.com_v2, api_name:languages, api_description:Get languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3451", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner API, api_name:Currencies, api_description:You can use the `/currencies` endpoint to retrieve the currencies that we support and information about how we format them in Skyscanner., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3452", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner API, api_name:Markets, api_description:You can use the `/markets` endpoint to retrieve the market countries that we support. Most suppliers (airlines, travel agents, and car hire dealers) set their fares based on the market (or country of purchase). It is therefore necessary to specify the market country in every query. The names of the markets returned are localised based on a locale passed as a parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Locale of the request.\\nList of locales can be retrieved from the `Locales` endpoint.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3453", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Visa Requirements, api_name:/countries, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3454", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels com Provider, api_name:Reviews scores, api_description:Get hotel overall score, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel ID\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3455", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels com Provider, api_name:Regions Search, api_description:Search region, locations, city or hotel by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query. Live search\"}, {\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3456", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Get Hotel Price, api_description:Get the detail price for the hotel and room selected., required_params: [{\"name\": \"checkin\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkin Date\\nFormat: YYYY-MM-DD\"}, {\"name\": \"checkout\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkout Date\\nFormat: YYYY-MM-DD\"}, {\"name\": \"adults\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of adult guests (with age 18 and over)\"}, {\"name\": \"entityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**entityId** can be retrieved from **Search Hotel** API in **Hotels** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"hotelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**Hotel ID** can be retrieved from **Search Hotel** or **Get Hotel Details** API in **Hotels** collection.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3457", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Search Location, api_description:Use this API to get EntityId for the pickup and drop location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location name for pickup/drop off.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3458", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Gas Price, api_name:canada, api_description:The service that brings gas prices in the Canada., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3459", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:world cities by homicide rate, api_name:Get by homicide rate, api_description:Get by homicide rate, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3460", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels com Provider, api_name:Reviews summary, api_description:Get hotel reviews summary, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3461", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Download locations, api_description:Downloads a list of Locations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3462", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Auto Suggest, api_description:This API will provide a list of possible cities and hotels for a given search string, required_params: [{\"name\": \"string\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search string that will enable a list of selection to be listed to the traveller.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3463", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:thailand, api_name:thai4, api_description:thai4, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3464", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels, api_name:properties/v2/resolve-url, api_description:Hotels system is being merged with Expedia. This endpoint helps to convert the old hotel ID (embedded in the shared link, Ex : \"ho133528\" in hotels.com/ho133528/) to the new one (423818)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id (started with ho...) extracted from the shared link. Ex : 'ho546370' from https://www.hoteles.com/ho546370\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3465", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Deutsche Bahn, api_name:Autocomplete, api_description:Search for train and public transport stations in Germany and across Europe, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query parameter\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3466", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Deutsche Bahn, api_name:Search trips, api_description:Find trips between two stations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Travel date in format DD.MM.YYYY\"}, {\"name\": \"from_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Departure id\"}, {\"name\": \"passenger0_age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Age of the first passenger\"}, {\"name\": \"time\", \"type\": \"TIME (24-hour HH:MM)\", \"description\": \"Travel time\"}, {\"name\": \"to_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Arrival id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3467", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Integration, api_name:Flight, api_description:FlightsLogic provides Flight API, Airline Consolidator, Flight Aggregator to the travel agents, tour operators and travel companies worldwide., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3468", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Integration, api_name:Flight Integration, api_description:FlightsLogic provides Flight API, Airline Consolidator, Flight Aggregator to the travel agents, tour operators and travel companies worldwide., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3469", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Search (results v), api_description:The getResultsRequest endpoint returns car availability based on the provided search criteria, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dropoff_time\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Car Drop Off Time (HH:mm:ss)\"}, {\"name\": \"pickup_time\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Car Pick Up Time (HH:mm:ss)\"}, {\"name\": \"dropoff_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Car Drop Off Date (YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY).\"}, {\"name\": \"pickup_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Car Pick Up Date (YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3470", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Download countries, api_description:Downloads a list of countries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3471", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Search (results request), api_description:The getResultsRequest endpoint returns car availability based on the provided search criteria, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dropoff_time\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Car Drop Off Time (HH:mm:ss)\"}, {\"name\": \"pickup_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Car Pick Up Date (YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY)\"}, {\"name\": \"dropoff_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Car Drop Off Date (YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY).\"}, {\"name\": \"pickup_time\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Car Pick Up Time (HH:mm:ss)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3472", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking, api_name:currency/get-exchange-rates, api_description:Get currency exchange rates between different countries, required_params: [{\"name\": \"base_currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : en|en-us|ar|bg|ca|cs|da|de|el|es|es-ar|et|fi|fr|he|hr|hu|id|is|it|ja|ko|lt|lv|ms|nl|no|pl|pt|pt-br|ro|ru|sk|sl|sr|sv|th|tl|tr|uk|vi|zh|zh-tw\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3473", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking, api_name:properties/get-description, api_description:Get description of property by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_ids\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of hotel_id from properties/list API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3474", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking, api_name:properties/get-featured-reviews, api_description:Get featured reviews of stayed guests, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of hotel_id from properties/list API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3475", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner API, api_name:Carriers, api_description:The Carriers API returns a full list of active carriers with name and IATA code indexed by their carrierId., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3476", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:BiggestCities, api_name:Get Cities by filter, api_description:Get Cities by filter, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3477", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Traveldax, api_name:Insights, api_description:Access all the processed insights in order to boost revenue on metasearch channels., required_params: [{\"name\": \"m\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Last \\\\\\\"m\\\\\\\" minutes of insights.\"}, {\"name\": \"token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Contact an account manager to request this for your brand.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3478", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Visa Requirements, api_name:/visa-requirements, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"passport\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3479", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Visa Requirements, api_name:/statuses, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3480", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SEPTA, api_name:Twitter, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"req1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of posts\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3481", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Vuelos, api_name:Lista, api_description:cualquiera, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3482", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Vuelos, api_name:Aeropuerto, api_description:Location search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"where\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3483", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Great Circle Math Api, api_name:Get Distance in Km, api_description:Returns circle math distance in kilometers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latB\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longB\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longA\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latA\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3484", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Travelo Pro, api_name:Travel Technology, api_description:Travelopro provides travel API integration, third party API integration, xml API integration services for hotels, flights, car rentals, holiday packages and many more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3485", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:BART, api_name:Route information, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cmd\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"See more examples http://api.bart.gov/docs/overview/examples.aspx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3486", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:IRCTC, api_name:Get Fare, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"trainNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"toStationCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fromStationCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3487", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:IRCTC, api_name:TrainsBetweenStations V3, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dateOfJourney\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"toStationCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fromStationCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3488", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking.com_v2, api_name:stays/properties/detail/facilities, api_description:Get detail facilities, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id_detail\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`idDetail` from `stays/properties/list` endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3489", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking.com_v2, api_name:stays/properties/list-by-url, api_description:Search by url, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3490", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Turkey Public Holidays, api_name:IsUpdate, api_description:Not Necessary, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"str\", \"pagecreatedate\": \"str\", \"resmitatiller\": [{\"gun\": \"str\", \"en\": \"str\", \"haftagunu\": \"str\", \"tarih\": \"str\", \"uzuntarih\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 35}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3491", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Great Circle Math Api, api_name:Get Distance By City, State, Country, api_description:Takes city, state, and country of both locations and returns latitude, longitude, and calculated miles., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"state2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"state1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3492", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Great Circle Math Api, api_name:Get Distance By City, State, Country In Km, api_description:Takes city, state, and country of both locations and returns latitude, longitude, and calculated miles in kilometers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"state2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"state1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3493", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Great Circle Math Api, api_name:Get Distance, api_description:Returns the circle math distance in miles., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latB\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longA\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latA\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longB\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3494", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels com Provider, api_name:Hotel Info, api_description:Get hotel info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel ID\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3495", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels com Provider, api_name:Reviews list, api_description:Get hotel reviews list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3496", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight , Airline Consolidator, Flight Aggregator, api_name:Flight aggregator, api_description:FlightsLogic Global Airfare APIs connect you to the finest information in the travel industry. You can now build, innovate and launch your web and Mobile applications with our Flight API. Inspirational search features combine our Global Airfare APIs with your existing travel offering to complement your product range., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3497", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Nomad List Cities, api_name:Asia, api_description:Get Asian cities sorted by overall score by default.\n\nPagination: size & page \nsort_by: you can sort by any numeric value like fore example internet_speed, temperatureC, cost_for_family_in_usd and so on.\nsort: asc | desc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3498", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Nomad List Cities, api_name:Africa, api_description:Get African cities sorted by overall score by default.\n\nPagination: size & page \nsort_by: you can sort by any numeric value like fore example internet_speed, temperatureC, cost_for_family_in_usd and so on.\nsort: asc | desc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3499", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Nomad List Cities, api_name:Middle East, api_description:Get Middle East cities sorted by overall score by default.\n\nPagination: size & page \nsort_by: you can sort by any numeric value like fore example internet_speed, temperatureC, cost_for_family_in_usd and so on.\nsort: asc | desc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3500", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Amenities, api_description:Retrieves amenities ids And descriptions. Returns 50 results, required_params: [{\"name\": \"offset\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"index to start from\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3501", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Listings by lat lng, api_description:Retrieve listings ids, distance from starting point and last updated dates for prices, availability and ratings in a range from a given geographical point. Returns 50 results. Can be filtered on bedrooms and max guest capacity, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"offset\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"index to start from\"}, {\"name\": \"range\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"range in meters from latitude and longitude point\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3502", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Biggest Cities, api_name:Biggest cities, api_description:Biggest cities, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3503", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Listing status, api_description:Retrieve the calculated status (available/not available for stay) of a listing based on previous and following days stay rules., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the listing id\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"the year\"}, {\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"the month\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3504", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Search Hotel, api_description:Get and poll hotel room search with prices, filter etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"entityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**entityId** can be retrieved from **Search Hotel** API in **Hotels** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"checkin\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkin Date\\nFormat: YYYY-MM-DD\"}, {\"name\": \"checkout\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkout Date\\nFormat: YYYY-MM-DD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3505", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Get Hotel Filters, api_description:This API is used to get all the available filters for the place to visit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"adults\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of adult guests (with age 18 and over)\"}, {\"name\": \"checkout\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkout Date\\nFormat: YYYY-MM-DD\"}, {\"name\": \"entityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**entityId** can be retrieved from **Search Hotel** API in **Hotels** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"checkin\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkin Date\\nFormat: YYYY-MM-DD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3506", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Get Hotel Reviews, api_description:Get all the review related to the hotel selected., required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**Hotel ID** can be retrieved from **Search Hotel** or **Get Hotel Details** API in **Hotels** collection.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3507", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Payment features of the hotel, api_description:Get payment features of the hotel by hotel_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel id\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3508", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Get Flight Details, api_description:Get all the details of the fights based on a unique Id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"legs\", \"type\": \"OBJECT\", \"description\": \"The legs must contain the **origin**, **destination** and **date** in object format and must be passed in an array.\\nEXAMPLE:\\n[\\n {\\n 'origin': 'LOND',\\n 'destination': 'NYCA',\\n 'date': '2023-02-07'\\n },\\n ...\\n]\\n**Note:** If there are multiple stops, there should be more leg objects on the board. And the legs have to be the same as the **Search Flights** API in **Flight** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"itineraryId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**itineraryId** can be retrieved from **Search Flights** API in **Flight** collection as **id**.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3509", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Tips of the hotel, api_description:Get guest tips of the hotel by hotel_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel id\"}, {\"name\": \"sort_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3510", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking, api_name:properties/get-facilities, api_description:Get facilities of property by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_ids\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of hotel_id field from properties/list API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3511", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking, api_name:review-filters/list, api_description:List supported options metadata for filtering reviews, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of hotel_id field from properties/list API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3512", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Search Flights Multi Stops, api_description:Get and poll all flights. Searching the flights between multiple locations with prices, filter, sorting etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"legs\", \"type\": \"OBJECT\", \"description\": \"The legs must contain the **origin**, **destination** and **date** in object format and must be passed in an array.\\nEXAMPLE:\\n[\\n {\\n 'origin': 'LOND',\\n 'destination': 'NYCA',\\n 'date': '2023-02-07'\\n },\\n ...\\n]\\n**Note:** If there are multiple stops, there should be more leg objects on the board.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3513", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SEPTA, api_name:Next to Arrive, api_description:Fetch a list of regional rail trains that will soon be traveling from point A to point B., required_params: [{\"name\": \"req1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Origin station\"}, {\"name\": \"req2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Destination station\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"orig_train\": \"str\", \"orig_line\": \"str\", \"orig_departure_time\": \"str\", \"orig_arrival_time\": \"str\", \"orig_delay\": \"str\", \"term_train\": \"str\", \"term_line\": \"str\", \"term_depart_time\": \"str\", \"term_arrival_time\": \"str\", \"Connection\": \"str\", \"term_delay\": \"str\", \"isdirect\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3514", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flixbus_v2, api_name:Get timetable, api_description:Returns timetable for a given station id and date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"station_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of flixbus station\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date in format DD.MM.YYYY\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3515", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flixbus_v2, api_name:Search trips, api_description:Search trips between two cities or stations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Travel date in format DD.MM.YYYY\"}, {\"name\": \"to_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Flixbus id of the arrival city or station\"}, {\"name\": \"adult\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of adult travellers (from 15 years)\"}, {\"name\": \"from_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Flixbus id of the departure city or station\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3516", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Get Property Details V2, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"propertyId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Required filed **propertyId** can be got from search property api as **id** parameter.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3517", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Search Destination, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3518", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:World Dive Centres Api, api_name:Query Dive Operators by a country or a region., api_description:The endpoint returns a json list of dive sites which match the region or country entered as the query. The range of results depend but there is usually around 100-500 sites for each country. There are around 15'000 dive sites listed in the database., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3519", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Prices and Availability by lat lng, api_description:Retrieve average Price, average price of available properties only, availability percent and number of processed properties in a range from a given geographical point. Max range is 20000 meters. Can be filtered on bedrooms and max guest capacity., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"the year\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"range\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"range in meters from latitude and longitude point\"}, {\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the month\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3520", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Nomad List Cities, api_name:North America, api_description:Get North America cities sorted by overall score by default.\n\nPagination: size & page \nsort_by: you can sort by any numeric value like fore example internet_speed, temperatureC, cost_for_family_in_usd and so on.\nsort: asc | desc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3521", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Nomad List Cities, api_name:Latin America, api_description:Get Latin America cities sorted by overall score by default.\n\nPagination: size & page \nsort_by: you can sort by any numeric value like fore example internet_speed, temperatureC, cost_for_family_in_usd and so on.\nsort: asc | desc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3522", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Hotel children policy, api_description:Get hotel children policy by hotel_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3523", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:List of Hotels, api_description:This call returns the hotel and room data. List of hotels, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3524", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Listing Details, api_description:Retrieve listing details., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the listing Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3525", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Vehicle charging stations , api_name:Get Stations, api_description:Return nearest charging stations within\nA POI (Point of Interest), also referred to as a Site or ChargePoint, is the top-level set of information regarding a geographic site with one or more electric vehicle charging equipment present., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3526", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Get Similar Hotels, api_description:Get all the similar hotels based on the selected hotel., required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**Hotel ID** can be retrieved from **Search Hotel** or **Get Hotel Details** API in **Hotels** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"adults\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of adult guests (with age 18 and over)\"}, {\"name\": \"checkin\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkin Date\\nFormat: YYYY-MM-DD\"}, {\"name\": \"checkout\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkout Date\\nFormat: YYYY-MM-DD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3527", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Get Config, api_description:This API endpoint is responsible for providing some of the parameters require for most of the API's., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3528", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Search Place, api_description:Search for a place to get the **entityId** needed in searching the hotel API., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location Name in which you want to visit.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3529", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Traveldax, api_name:New Search, api_description:Add a new search to the queue. It will be executed in real time., required_params: [{\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"outbound\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"meta\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"pax\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Contact an account manager to request this for your brand.\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3530", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flixbus, api_name:trip-details, api_description:Get a trip details by trip uid, required_params: [{\"name\": \"trip_uid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Trip uid\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3531", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:StreetNarrator, api_name:street, api_description:StreetNarrator API Get a unique history/touristic AI text for any street around the world, required_params: [{\"name\": \"street\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3532", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flixbus, api_name:schedule, api_description:Get a list of schedule, required_params: [{\"name\": \"station_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Station id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3533", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:BART, api_name:Real-time information, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cmd\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"See more examples http://api.bart.gov/docs/overview/examples.aspx\"}, {\"name\": \"orig\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specifies the station. Stations are referenced by their abbreviations (http://api.bart.gov/docs/overview/abbrev.aspx). You can also use 'ALL' to get all of the current ETD's.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3534", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:British Airways Flight Info, api_name:Search departures by flight, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"flightnumber-scheduleddeparturedate-scheduleddeparturedate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"flightNumber\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"scheduledDepartureDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3535", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:IRCTC, api_name:CheckSeatAvailability, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"quota\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"classType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fromStationCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"toStationCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"trainNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3536", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking.com_v2, api_name:stays/properties/detail/policies, api_description:Get detail policies, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id_detail\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`idDetail` from `stays/properties/list` endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3537", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking.com_v2, api_name:stays/properties/detail/photos, api_description:Get detail photos, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3538", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Nomad List Cities, api_name:Oceania, api_description:Get Oceania cities sorted by overall score by default.\n\nPagination: size & page \nsort_by: you can sort by any numeric value like fore example internet_speed, temperatureC, cost_for_family_in_usd and so on.\nsort: asc | desc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3539", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Nomad List Cities, api_name:All citites, api_description:Get all cities sorted by overall score.\n\nPagination: size & page \nsort_by: you can sort by any numeric value like fore example internet_speed, temperatureC, cost_for_family_in_usd and so on.\nsort: asc | desc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3540", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:The calendar of prices for a week, api_description:Brings the prices for the nearest dates to the target ones back, required_params: [{\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the point of departure. The IATA city code or the country code. The length - from 2 to 3 symbols\"}, {\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the point of destination. The IATA city code or the country code. The length - from 2 to 3 symbols\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3541", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Important information, api_description:Important information of vehicles, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"pick_up_location_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Pick up location id\"}, {\"name\": \"drop_off_location_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Drop off location id\"}, {\"name\": \"drop_off_datetime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Drop off datetime\"}, {\"name\": \"from_country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"pick_up_datetime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Pick up datetime\"}, {\"name\": \"driver_age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Driver age\"}, {\"name\": \"vehicle_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Vehicle id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3542", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Description of the hotel, api_description:Get description of the hotel by hotel_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel id\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3543", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:Airplane data in json format, api_description:API returns a file with a list of airplanes from the database, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3544", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:Alliance data in json format, api_description:API returns a file with a list of alliances from the database, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3545", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:List of Districts, api_description:Returns all the districts where Booking offers hotels., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3546", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking, api_name:properties/list, api_description:List properties having type of resorts, hotels, motels, hostels, etc as on official site, required_params: [{\"name\": \"offset\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of items to ignore as offset for paging (fixed 30 items returned per page). You are interested in the optional parameter 'search_id'\"}, {\"name\": \"departure_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The check-out date, the format is yyyy-MM-dd. Ex : 2022-08-15\"}, {\"name\": \"room_qty\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of rooms\"}, {\"name\": \"guest_qty\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of adults\"}, {\"name\": \"arrival_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The check-in date at hotel, the format is yyyy-MM-dd. Ex : 2022-08-14\"}, {\"name\": \"search_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of dest_type returned by locations/auto-complete API\"}, {\"name\": \"dest_ids\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Value of dest_id or city_ufi field from locations/auto-complete API (Don't pass this if you use latlong as search_type)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3547", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Fare Search, api_name:Flight Search V2, api_description:A faster, more agile Endpoint that's used to search flights., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"adult\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3548", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Fare Search, api_name:Airport Departues, api_description:An endpoint to get Departues in an airport, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airportCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3549", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Reviews about the supplier of vehicles , api_description:Reviews about the supplier of vehicles by location_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"location_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Location id\"}, {\"name\": \"from_country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3550", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Search hotels, api_description:Get available hotels by the filter. Indicate the `destination_id` and `dest_type` -> use **@Search locations** endpoint, check-in and check-out date, number of adults and children. For possible filters use **@Filters for search** endpoint. Use `page_number` to paginate and navigate through the result pages!
Comparable to: ![Search locations](https://i.imgur.com/PCuK81r.png), required_params: [{\"name\": \"checkin_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Checkin date\"}, {\"name\": \"dest_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"units\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"checkout_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Checkout date\"}, {\"name\": \"adults_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of adults\"}, {\"name\": \"order_by\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"dest_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Destination id, use `Search locations` to find a place, field `dest_id` and `dest_type`\"}, {\"name\": \"filter_by_currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"room_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of rooms\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3551", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Reviews of the hotel, api_description:Get reviews of the hotel by hotel_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sort_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel id\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3552", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Search flights, api_description:Search flights. Set type: `ONE_WAY` or `ROUND_TRIP`. Set location_departure and location_arrival, use `/flights/locations` api point. You can filter out tickets by price, max duration and number of stops, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location_arrival\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Arrival location code\"}, {\"name\": \"sort_order\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date_departure\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Departure date\"}, {\"name\": \"itinerary_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"class_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"location_departure\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Departure location code. Use `Search locations` api point\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3553", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Hotel reviews, api_description:This API returns a list of reviews, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The PPN Hotel ID identifying the desired property.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3554", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:webcams.travel, api_name:/webcams/list/webcam={webcamid}[,{webcamid}[,...]], api_description:This is a modifier. Returns a list of webcams according to the listed {webcamid}s. Multiple {webcamid}s must be separated by comma. Required: at least one {webcamid}., required_params: [{\"name\": \"webcamid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Comma separated list of webcamids that are in the initial list. If this modifier ist not applied, all available webcams will be in the initial list.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3555", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:webcams.travel, api_name:/webcams/list/bbox={ne_lat},{ne_lng},{sw_lat},{sw_lng}, api_description:This is a modifier. Returns a list of the webcams in the bounding box given by north-east ({ne_lat},{ne_lng}) and south-west ({sw_lat},{sw_lng}) coordinates. Required: {ne_lat},{ne_lng},{sw_lat},{sw_lng}., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ne_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"North-east WGS84 latitude of the bounding box.\"}, {\"name\": \"sw_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"South-west WGS84 longitude of the bounding box.\"}, {\"name\": \"sw_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"South-west WGS84 latitude of the bounding box.\"}, {\"name\": \"ne_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"North-east WGS84 longitude of the bounding box.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3556", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Test API, api_description:This API is to test if server is up and running, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3557", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight _v2, api_name:Flight API, api_description:FlightsLogic Global Airfare APIs connect you to the finest information in the travel industry. You can now build, innovate and launch your web and Mobile applications with our Flight API. Inspirational search features combine our Global Airfare APIs with your existing travel offering to complement your product range., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3558", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flightera Flight Data, api_name:flightStatistics, api_description:Returns statistics for a flight number with one entry per route flown. Statistics are updated daily.\nThe query can be filtered by route.\nStatistics are always as of today, please contact us if you require historical statistics., required_params: [{\"name\": \"flnr\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The flight number to request\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3559", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:webcams.travel, api_name:/webcams/list/category={category}[,{category}[,...]], api_description:This is a modifier. Returns a list of webcams according to the listed categories. Multiple categories must be separated by comma. Required: at least one {category}., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Comma separated list of category names.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3560", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Get Property Reviews, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"propertyId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Required filed **propertyId** can be got from search property api as **id** parameter.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3561", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Get Category, api_description:-, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3562", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:British Airways Flight Info, api_name:Search today's departures by time, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"departurelocation-starttime-starttime-endtime-endtime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"departureLocation\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"startTime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"endTime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3563", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:British Airways Flight Info, api_name:Search arrivals by flight, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"flightnumber-scheduledarrivaldate-scheduledarrivaldate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"flightNumber\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"scheduledArrivalDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3564", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Rental Availability, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"rentalId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Get **rentalId** from **Rental Search** API in **Vacation Rentals** collection.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3565", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking, api_name:locations/auto-complete, api_description:List suggested locations by countries, cities, districts, places name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of cities, districts, places\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3566", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking, api_name:properties/get-hotel-photos, api_description:Get photos of hotel, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_ids\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Get value from properties/list\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3567", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Search Cars, api_description:Use this API for searching the cars for hire based on location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pickUpEntityId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"**pickUpEntityId** can be retrieved from **Search Location** API in **Cars** collection as **entity_id**\"}, {\"name\": \"pickUpDate\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Pick Up Date\"}, {\"name\": \"pickUpTime\", \"type\": \"TIME (24-hour HH:MM)\", \"description\": \"Pick Up Time\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3568", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Search car rentals, api_description:Search car rentals by filter. Indicate the `location_id` -> use `Search locations` api point, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location_pickup\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location pickup code or id. Ex: JFK or 1365100023, use `Search locations` api point\"}, {\"name\": \"location_return\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location return code or id\"}, {\"name\": \"date_time_pickup\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Pickup date and time\"}, {\"name\": \"date_time_return\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Return date and time\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3569", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:UKRail, api_name:/GetUKRail, api_description:Query the API to get rail data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"CMD\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Version\": \"str\", \"Result\": \"str\", \"Station_CRS\": \"str\", \"Station_Name\": \"str\", \"Command\": \"str\", \"Number_Queries\": \"str\", \"Last_Updated\": \"str\", \"Results\": {\"GetStationBoardResult\": {\"generatedAt\": \"str\", \"locationName\": \"str\", \"crs\": \"str\", \"platformAvailable\": \"bool\", \"trainServices\": {\"service\": [{\"std\": \"str\", \"etd\": \"str\", \"operator\": \"str\", \"operatorCode\": \"str\", \"serviceType\": \"str\", \"serviceID\": \"str\", \"rsid\": \"str\", \"origin\": {\"location\": [{\"locationName\": \"str\", \"crs\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"destination\": {\"location\": [{\"locationName\": \"str\", \"crs\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"_list_length\": 5}]}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3570", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:Airport data in json format, api_description:API returns a file with a list of airports from the database, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3571", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:Non-stop tickets, api_description:Returns the cheapest non-stop tickets for the selected route with departure/return date filters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IATA code of the destination city (for all routes, enter \\u201c-\\u201d). The IATA code is shown in uppercase letters, for example\"}, {\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IATA code of the departure city. The IATA code is shown in uppercase letters, for example\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3572", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripit, api_name:Get, api_description:A get request is used to retrieve a specific object from the TripIt API given its TripIt object ID. Since get requests do not change data they are all made via an HTTP GET request for a URL that takes the following form:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"object_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"is one of the following strings: air activity car cruise directions lodging map note points_program profile rail restaurant transport trip weather\"}, {\"name\": \"tripit_object_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"is the object ID of the TripIt object being requested.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3573", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripit, api_name:List, api_description:A list request is used to retrieve multiple objects given an object type and set of filter parameters. Since list requests do not change data they are all made via an HTTP GET request for a URL that takes the following form:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"object_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"is one of the following strings: trip object points_program\"}, {\"name\": \"filter_parameter\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Valid values for and depend on the . See http://tripit.github.io/api/doc/v1/index.html#resource_section for a table of valid combinations.\"}, {\"name\": \"filter_value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Valid values for and depend on the . See http://tripit.github.io/api/doc/v1/index.html#resource_section for a table of valid combinations.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3574", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Prices and Availability by administrative divisions, api_description:Retrieve average Price, average price of available properties only, availability percent and number of processed properties in an geographical administrative division. Geographic area names can be found from \"Get administrative divisions\" endpoint. admin* parameters are optional but to use admin2, admin1 is required, to use admin 3, admin2 and admin1 are required and so on. Not respecting this requirement could give you unwanted results (ie listings with cities with the same name but in different countries). Can be filtered on bedrooms and max guest capacity., required_params: [{\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3575", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Search hotels by coordinates, api_description:Get available hotels by coordinates latitude and longitude, required_params: [{\"name\": \"units\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"room_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of rooms\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"filter_by_currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"order_by\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"checkout_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Checkout date\"}, {\"name\": \"adults_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of adults\"}, {\"name\": \"checkin_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Checkin date\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3576", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels, api_name:locations/search (Deprecated), api_description:Search for related locations and suggestions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of countries, cities, districts, places, etc...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3577", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Travelopro , api_name:Travelopro, api_description:Travelopro is the best leading travel technology company , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3578", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Search Hotels, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"checkIn\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkin Date\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}, {\"name\": \"geoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Pass in the **geoId** of the location retrieved from the **Search Location** API from the **Hotels** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"checkOut\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkout Date\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3579", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Get Amenities Filters, api_description:-, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3580", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Get Currency, api_description:-, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3581", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Hotels Search, api_description:Get available hotels by the filter. Indicate the `destination_id` and `dest_type` -> use **@Search locations** endpoint, check-in and check-out date, number of adults and children. For possible filters use **@Filters for search** endpoint. Use `page_number` to paginate and navigate through the result pages!
Comparable to: ![Search locations](https://i.imgur.com/PCuK81r.png), required_params: [{\"name\": \"order_by\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"adults_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of adults\"}, {\"name\": \"checkin_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Checkin date\"}, {\"name\": \"filter_by_currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"dest_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Destination id, use `Search locations` to find a place, field `dest_id` and `dest_type`\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"checkout_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Checkout date\"}, {\"name\": \"units\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"room_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of rooms\"}, {\"name\": \"dest_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3582", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Description of the hotel, api_description:Get description of the hotel by hotel_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3583", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SEPTA, api_name:Plain-text Bus Schedules, api_description:Intended for SMS., required_params: [{\"name\": \"req1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Stop ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3584", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airports Info (α), api_name:Airport Info, api_description:Get airport details\nIf you want a specific airport, say it in a comment, required_params: [{\"name\": \"IATA\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IATA Airport\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3585", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Zumata, api_name:/healthcheck, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3586", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking.com_v2, api_name:stays/properties/list, api_description:Get list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3587", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking.com_v2, api_name:currencies, api_description:Get currencies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3588", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking.com_v2, api_name:stays/auto-complete, api_description:Auto complete, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3589", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:All Cars Names, Image and Variants Info, api_name:Search All Cars, api_description:This API will fetch you all cars list, \nIf you need bike details change **vehicle_type** from \"car\" to \"bike\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"vehicle_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"vehicles\": [{\"variants\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"fuel_type\": \"str\", \"cc\": \"int\", \"transmission_type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"name\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 779}], \"popular_vehicles\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"variants\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"fuel_type\": \"str\", \"cc\": \"int\", \"transmission_type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 123}], \"image\": \"str\", \"priority\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"vehicle_type\": \"str\"}, \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3590", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Weed Strain, api_name:Search, api_description:Provides list of results by search keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"strain\": \"str\", \"thc\": \"str\", \"cbd\": \"str\", \"cbg\": \"str\", \"strainType\": \"str\", \"climate\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"fungalResistance\": \"str\", \"indoorYieldInGramsMax\": \"int\", \"outdoorYieldInGramsMax\": \"int\", \"floweringWeeksMin\": \"float\", \"floweringWeeksMax\": \"float\", \"heightInInchesMin\": \"float\", \"heightInInchesMax\": \"float\", \"goodEffects\": \"str\", \"sideEffects\": \"str\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imgAttributionLink\": \"NoneType\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3591", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Weed Strain, api_name:Strain Type, api_description:Provides a list of results by strain type such as Indica, Sativa, Hybrid, etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"strainType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"strain\": \"str\", \"thc\": \"str\", \"cbd\": \"str\", \"cbg\": \"str\", \"strainType\": \"str\", \"climate\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"fungalResistance\": \"str\", \"indoorYieldInGramsMax\": \"int\", \"outdoorYieldInGramsMax\": \"int\", \"floweringWeeksMin\": \"float\", \"floweringWeeksMax\": \"float\", \"heightInInchesMin\": \"float\", \"heightInInchesMax\": \"float\", \"goodEffects\": \"str\", \"sideEffects\": \"str\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imgAttributionLink\": \"NoneType\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3592", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:CatBreedDB, api_name:Origin, api_description:Gives a list of all cats with the origin country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breedName\": \"str\", \"breedType\": \"str\", \"breedDescription\": \"str\", \"furColor\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"minHeightInches\": \"NoneType\", \"maxHeightInches\": \"NoneType\", \"minWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"maxWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"str\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3593", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Roman Gods By Pizza API, api_name:Random Roman God, api_description:Returns information about a random Roman God, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Description\": \"str\", \"God\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3594", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:veiculos-api, api_name:/veiculo_tipo/id_marca, api_description:Retorna listagem dos veículos de uma determinada marca., required_params: [{\"name\": \"veiculo_tipo\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id_marca\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"result\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"tipo\": \"str\", \"id_marca\": \"str\", \"id_marca_modelo\": \"str\", \"nome\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 274}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3595", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:veiculos-api, api_name:/veiculo_tipo, api_description:Retorna as marcas do tipo selecionado, os tipos disponíveis são \"carros\", \"motos\" e \"caminhoes\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"veiculo_tipo\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"result\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"tipo\": \"str\", \"nome\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 91}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3596", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:light switch, api_name:switches, api_description:This endpoint helps you read all the switches and their state, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"statusCode\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"records\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"state\": \"bool\", \"notes\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3597", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Felina Multisig Wallet API, api_name:Read transactions, api_description:Fetch the list of transactions submitted to the database., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3598", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Felina Multisig Wallet API, api_name:Get NFTs, api_description:Fetch the list of owned NFTs by the wallet, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3599", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:veiculos-api, api_name:/veiculo_tipo/id_marca/id_modelo/id_modelo_ano, api_description:/, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id_modelo_ano\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"veiculo_tipo\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id_marca\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id_modelo\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"result\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"tipo\": \"str\", \"id_modelo_ano\": \"str\", \"fipe_codigo\": \"str\", \"id_marca\": \"str\", \"marca\": \"str\", \"id_modelo\": \"str\", \"modelo\": \"str\", \"ano\": \"str\", \"nome\": \"str\", \"combustivel\": \"str\", \"preco\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3600", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Reverse MX, api_name:/api/v1, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mx\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The mail server to obtain information for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3601", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Whois History, api_name:Whois History (v1), api_description:Check Whois record's history, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domainName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The domain for which historic WHOIS data is requested.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3602", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:BusinessMate, api_name:Get list of languages, api_description:Get list of languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"results\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 81}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3603", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Pan Card Verification at Lowest price, api_name:Verify PAN Card, api_description:Instant PAN Card Verification using government database check.\n\nThis PAN Card Verification API instantly verifies details of a PAN Card by confirming them from the Government database.\n\nThis makes your onboarding process faster, safer and smarter. With our PAN verification, you can be confident that the individuals or merchants you onboard hold a valid PAN card and have provided you with the right identity proof., required_params: [{\"name\": \"panNumber\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errorCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3604", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:SuggestUse, api_name:Search Application, api_description:Search Application, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3605", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Python Libraries tst, api_name:View User List, api_description:Gets a user’s list of favorite libraries., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"userId\": \"int\", \"username\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"favorites\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3606", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:India Bankruptcy Verification, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3607", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Geo_Coder_Dev, api_name:search, api_description:Search addresses, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3608", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:MCI NMC Doctor Verification, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3609", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:classes, api_name:get classes infomation, api_description:get all classes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3610", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:WHOIS v2, api_name:WHOIS lookup v2, api_description:WHOIS lookup in JSON or XML, ver. 2, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domainName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the domain looked up.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3611", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Complete Criminal Checks Offender Data, api_name:API Docs, api_description:Easily create your links!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3612", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:fwd-api, api_name:get test, api_description:test the endpoint response, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3613", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:timedb, api_name:results, api_description:Returns latest results for a query associated to a given `webhookId`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"webhookId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3614", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:MongoDB Wix, api_name:Search Data, api_description:Data also referred as case is searched using this api, required_params: [{\"name\": \"filter\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3615", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:MongoDB Wix, api_name:Get Tenant, api_description:Use this call to get the Tenant name, This name will be used in the configuration section on wix. e.g. {\"Yauthtenantname\":\"\"}, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"tenantname\": \"str\", \"tenantdesc\": \"str\", \"_owner\": \"NoneType\", \"createdate\": \"str\", \"createuser\": \"str\", \"dbconnection\": \"NoneType\", \"rapidapikey\": \"NoneType\", \"rapidhost\": \"str\", \"rapidsubscription\": \"str\", \"message\": \"NoneType\", \"yAuthSource\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3616", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:timedb, api_name:query, api_description:InfluxDB Query (v1.8), required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3617", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:timedb, api_name:webhooks, api_description:Retrieve a list of existing webhooks., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3618", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:MongoDB Wix, api_name:Data By id, api_description:Returns data (case) by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"NoneType\", \"casenumber\": \"int\", \"casetitle\": \"NoneType\", \"casetype\": \"NoneType\", \"casestatus\": \"NoneType\", \"currentactivityid\": \"NoneType\", \"currentactionid\": \"NoneType\", \"casedescription\": \"NoneType\", \"createdate\": \"NoneType\", \"createuser\": \"NoneType\", \"updatedate\": \"NoneType\", \"updateuser\": \"NoneType\", \"fields\": \"empty list\", \"activities\": \"empty list\", \"message\": {\"_id\": \"str\", \"messageype\": \"str\", \"messagecode\": \"str\", \"messagedesc\": \"NoneType\"}, \"itemId\": \"NoneType\", \"blob\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3619", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Indian Bank Statement, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3620", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Data Breach Checker, api_name:Data Breach Checker Endpoint, api_description:The Data Breach Checker API provides a simple endpoint for users to check if their email has been compromised in any known data breaches., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"AddedDate\": \"str\", \"BreachDate\": \"str\", \"DataClasses\": [\"list of str with length 7\"], \"Description\": \"str\", \"Domain\": \"str\", \"IsFabricated\": \"bool\", \"IsMalware\": \"bool\", \"IsRetired\": \"bool\", 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{}} {"_id": "3622", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:House Plants, api_name:Get All Plants, api_description:This endpoint retrieves all the plants., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"latin\": \"str\", \"family\": \"str\", \"common\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"category\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"climate\": \"str\", \"tempmax\": {\"celsius\": \"int\", \"fahrenheit\": \"float\"}, \"tempmin\": {\"celsius\": \"int\", \"fahrenheit\": \"float\"}, \"ideallight\": \"str\", \"toleratedlight\": \"str\", \"watering\": \"str\", \"insects\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"diseases\": \"str\", \"use\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3623", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:House Plants, api_name:Get By Origin, api_description:Get plants by their origin., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"latin\": \"str\", \"family\": \"str\", \"common\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"category\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"climate\": \"str\", \"tempmax\": {\"celsius\": \"int\", \"fahrenheit\": \"float\"}, \"tempmin\": {\"celsius\": \"int\", \"fahrenheit\": \"int\"}, \"ideallight\": \"str\", \"toleratedlight\": \"str\", \"watering\": \"str\", \"insects\": \"str\", \"diseases\": \"str\", \"use\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3624", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:World History Timeline, api_name:Historic Event By year, api_description:Give an year in the query and it returns all the available events from that year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"order\": \"str\", \"Year\": \"str\", \"Event\": \"str\", \"UID\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3625", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:World History Timeline, api_name:Random Historic Event, api_description:Returns a Random World Historic Event with the year and the event, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"next\": \"NoneType\", \"previous\": \"NoneType\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"order\": \"str\", \"Year\": \"str\", \"Event\": \"str\", \"UID\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3626", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Data Axle Business Address Search, api_name:Business Address Search, api_description:Find relevant businesses in the Data Axle database, required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"packages\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"documents\": [{\"infogroup_id\": \"str\", \"place_type\": \"str\", \"in_business\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"street\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"postal_code\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"geo_match_level\": \"str\", \"location_parent_relationship\": \"str\", \"building_number\": \"str\", \"number_of_tenants\": \"int\", \"primary_sic_code_id\": \"str\", \"sic_code_ids\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"primary_naics_code_id\": \"str\", \"naics_code_ids\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"cbsa_code\": \"str\", \"cbsa_level\": \"str\", \"census_block\": \"str\", \"census_tract\": \"str\", \"fips_code\": \"str\", \"population_density\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3627", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:SuggestUse, api_name:Detail info, api_description:Get detail info by application name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3628", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Reverse IP, api_name:/api/v1, api_description:Reverse IP API, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IPv4 address.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3629", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:List oF Philosophers, api_name:Search Philosopher By Name, api_description:Search for a philosopher by their name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"order\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Life\": \"str\", \"About\": \"str\", \"Image_url\": \"str\", \"Philosophy_type\": \"str\", \"Born\": \"str\", \"UID\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3630", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:List oF Philosophers, api_name:Random Philosopher, api_description:Returns information of a random philosopher, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"next\": \"NoneType\", \"previous\": \"NoneType\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"order\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Life\": \"str\", \"About\": \"str\", \"Image_url\": \"str\", \"Philosophy_type\": \"str\", \"Born\": \"str\", \"UID\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3631", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:siteDomain, api_name:domain detail, api_description:get detail by did, required_params: [{\"name\": \"did\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"basicInfo\": {\"did\": \"int\", \"projectNo\": \"int\", \"projectName\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"languageCode\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"int\", \"startDate\": \"str\", \"endDate\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"tag\": \"str\", \"themeBlockName\": \"str\", \"organizers\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}, \"activity\": {\"type\": \"int\", \"condition\": {\"languageCode\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"industryCode\": \"int\", \"enableStart\": \"str\", \"enableEnd\": \"str\", \"disableStart\": \"str\", \"disableEnd\": \"str\", \"activityType\": \"str\"}}, \"news\": {\"type\": \"int\", \"condition\": {\"languageCode\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"industryCode\": \"int\", \"tradeCategory\": \"str\", \"enableStart\": \"str\", \"enableEnd\": \"str\", \"disableStart\": \"str\", \"disableEnd\": \"str\"}}, \"themeList\": [{\"dtid\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"attendNum\": \"int\", \"updateTime\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3632", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:siteDomain, api_name:theme detail, api_description:取得主題館edit show by dtid, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dtid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dtid\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"pictureId\": \"int\", \"imgUrl\": \"str\", \"companyList\": [{\"companyId\": \"int\", \"taxNo\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"account\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"type\": \"int\", \"attendNum\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3633", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Voter Card Verifications, api_name:Get Call, api_description:Get call is to be made by appending request id to the url in the query parameter, to fetch the api results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3634", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Roman Gods By Pizza API, api_name:Search Roman God By Name, api_description:Search for a Roman God By name to get a description about them, required_params: [{\"name\": \"god\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3635", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:VCT Global Contract Database, api_name:PACIFIC, api_description:Returns a json of all teams inside PACIFIC., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"DFM\\\": [{\\\"EndDate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FamilyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FirstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"IGN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ResidentStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Role\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RosterStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamContact\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamTag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"DRX\\\": [{\\\"EndDate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FamilyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FirstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"IGN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ResidentStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Role\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RosterStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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tool_name:VCT Global Contract Database, api_name:AMERICAS, api_description:Returns a json of all teams inside AMERICAS., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"100T\\\": [{\\\"EndDate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FamilyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FirstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"IGN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ResidentStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Role\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RosterStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamContact\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamTag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"C9\\\": [{\\\"EndDate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FamilyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FirstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"IGN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ResidentStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Role\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RosterStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamContact\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamTag\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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EMEA., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"BBL\\\": [{\\\"EndDate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FamilyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FirstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"IGN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ResidentStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Role\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RosterStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamContact\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamTag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"FNC\\\": [{\\\"EndDate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FamilyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FirstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"IGN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ResidentStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Role\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RosterStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamContact\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TeamTag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"FUT\\\": [{\\\"EndDate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FamilyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FirstName\\\": 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{\"code\": \"int\", \"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3639", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Joke Test, api_name:/random_joke, api_description:Returns a random joke, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"setup\": \"str\", \"punchline\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3640", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:car code, api_name:/obd2/{code}, api_description:This endpoint will provide the human readable version of a requested obd2 code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"definition\": \"str\", \"cause\": [\"list of str with length 7\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3641", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:House Plants, api_name:Get By Climate, api_description:Get plants by climate of their natural habitat., required_params: [], 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\"imgAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3645", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:DogBreedDB, api_name:Origin, api_description:Gives a list of all dogs with the origin country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breedName\": \"str\", \"breedType\": \"str\", \"breedDescription\": \"str\", \"furColor\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"minHeightInches\": \"float\", \"maxHeightInches\": \"float\", \"minWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"maxWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"str\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3646", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:KFC locations, api_name:GET all City names, api_description:GET all City names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cityName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3647", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:KFC locations, api_name:GET all KFC locations, api_description:GET all KFC locations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"10 results per page\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3648", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:AirplanesDB, api_name:Single Airplane, api_description:Get details of a single airplane by its ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"plane\": \"str\", \"brand\": \"str\", \"passenger_capacity\": \"int\", \"priceUSD\": \"float\", \"fuel_capacity_litres\": \"float\", \"max_takeoff_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"max_landing_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"empty_weight_kg\": \"float\", 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\"img_attribution\": \"str\", \"img_creative_commons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3650", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:AirplanesDB, api_name:Airplanes ordered by ascending, api_description:Get all airplanes ordered by name in ascending order., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ordering\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"plane\": \"str\", \"brand\": \"str\", \"passenger_capacity\": \"int\", \"priceUSD\": \"float\", \"fuel_capacity_litres\": \"float\", \"max_takeoff_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"max_landing_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"empty_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"range_km\": \"float\", \"length_ft\": \"float\", \"wingspan_ft\": \"float\", \"height_ft\": \"float\", \"engine\": \"str\", \"cruise_speed_kmph\": \"float\", \"ceiling_ft\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"img_attribution\": \"str\", \"img_creative_commons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3651", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Card Databse, api_name:HSDB, api_description:HSDB, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3652", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Database on Entities Sanctioned for Compliance (DESC), api_name:/sanction-data, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3653", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": \"empty list\", \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3654", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3655", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3656", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Subdomains Lookup, api_name:/api/v1, api_description:Subdomain Lookup API, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domainName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The target domain name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3657", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Dati Comuni, api_name:MouldInformation, api_description:test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3658", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Real_Estate_Heroku, api_name:Real_Estate_Api, api_description:Real Estate, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3659", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:testGetApi, api_name:testBatmanApi, api_description:API for test project batman, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3660", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Women in Tech, api_name:getCompanies, api_description:For valid response try base URL, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"companies\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"subtitle\": \"str\", \"callToActionUrl\": \"str\", \"youtubeUrl\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"votes\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3661", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:aaaa, api_name:Get Billing Plan Version, api_description:Get Billing Plan Version, required_params: [{\"name\": \"apiId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"billingPlanId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"correlationId\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3662", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:aaaa, api_name:Get Requesting User Teams, api_description:Get all of the team ID's that are associated to your account, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"correlationId\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3663", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:aaaa, api_name:Get Quota Export, api_description:Download Quota Export file for a specific month, required_params: [{\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"correlationId\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3664", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:DNS Lookup, api_name:/whoisserver/DNSService, api_description:DNS Lookup API, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"DNS type: A, NS, SOA, MX, etc. You can specify multiple comma-separated values, e.g., A,SOA,TXT; all records can be retrieved with type=_all.\\nAcceptable values: [A, NS, SOA, MX, etc.](https://dns-lookup.whoisxmlapi.com/api/documentation/making-requests#Supported-DNS-Types)\"}, {\"name\": \"domainname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The target domain name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ErrorMessage\": {\"errorCode\": \"str\", \"msg\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3665", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Portfolio, api_name:web, api_description:dsada, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"imgUrl\": \"str\", \"framework\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3666", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Portfolio, api_name:api, api_description:Auto generated using Swagger Inspector, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3667", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:veiculos-api, api_name:/veiculo_tipo/id_marca/id_modelo, api_description:/, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id_marca\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id_modelo\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"veiculo_tipo\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"result\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"tipo\": \"str\", \"id_marca\": \"str\", \"id_modelo\": \"str\", \"id_modelo_ano\": \"str\", \"nome\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3668", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:HSN TSN, api_name:Get Models, api_description:Returns all models based on manufacturer., required_params: [{\"name\": \"manufacturer\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3669", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Winget API, api_name:Get complete package list, api_description:Get all available packages in database by ID., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3670", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Taekwondo_Athlete_World_Ranking, api_name:/GET_U-58_ATHLETE_RANKING, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"athlete_Rank\": \"int\", \"athlete_name\": \"str\", \"athlete_GAL\": \"str\", \"athlete_Country\": \"str\", \"athlete_Points\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3671", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Taekwondo_Athlete_World_Ranking, api_name:/GET_U-54_ATHLETE_RANKING, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"athlete_Rank\": \"int\", \"athlete_name\": \"str\", \"athlete_GAL\": \"str\", \"athlete_Country\": \"str\", \"athlete_Points\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3672", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Lista de empresas por segmento, api_name:Detalhes empresa, api_description:Detalhes da empresa utilizando o CNPJ. Dados retornados:\nCNPJ\nRazão social\nNome fantasia\nData criação\nStatus empresa\nNatureza jurídica\nCNAE principal\nCNAEs secundários\nPorte empresa\nEndereço\nTelefone\nE-mail\nQuadro de sócios e administradores\nParticipações em outras empresas, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cnpj\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"mensagem\": \"str\", \"dados\": {\"cnpj\": \"str\", \"razao_social\": \"str\", \"nome_fantasia\": \"str\", \"data_criacao\": \"str\", \"natureza_juridica\": \"str\", \"cnae_principal\": \"str\", \"data_situacao\": \"str\", \"situacao\": \"str\", \"porte\": \"str\", \"capital_social\": \"str\", \"endereco\": {\"logradouro\": \"str\", \"numero\": \"str\", \"complemento\": \"str\", \"bairro\": \"str\", \"cep\": \"str\", \"uf\": \"str\", \"municipio\": \"str\"}, \"telefones\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"email\": \"str\", \"cnaes_secundarios\": \"empty list\"}, \"socios\": [{\"documento_socio\": \"str\", \"nome_socio\": \"str\", \"data_entrada\": \"str\", \"qualificacao\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"participacoes\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3673", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Lista de empresas por segmento, api_name:CNAE ou localização, api_description:Busque uma lista de empresas filtrando pelo CNAE ou localização. Você pode filtrar usando apenas CNAE tendo abrangência nacional, filtrar usando apenas a localização, ou utilizar ambos os filtros combinados. Dados retornados da empresa:\n**CNPJ, endereço, UF, cidade, razão social e nome fantasia**., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Pagina\\u00e7\\u00e3o da lista, cada requisi\\u00e7\\u00e3o retorna 10 registros por p\\u00e1gina.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3674", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Countries Population, api_name:Total Population, api_description:Returns the estimated total population\n\n- Number in millions., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3675", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Countries Population, api_name:Country Details Level 1, api_description:Specified one valid param and retrieve access level 1 information about a country:\n- english name\n- population (in millions)\n\n\nValid params are country english name, ISO code 2 or ISO code 3, required_params: [{\"name\": \"param\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"For the param you must use only:\\n1. the country english name\\n2. country ISO code 2\\n3. country ISO code 3\\n\\n- The param is not case sensitive.\\n- Accept spaces between a country name\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3676", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Countries Population, api_name:All countries names, api_description:Returns all countries english full names. Useful when need to know wich country names to search for., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3677", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:List Movies v3, api_name:List Movies, api_description:Used to list and search through out all the available movies. Can sort, filter, search and order the results, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3678", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:List Movies v3, api_name:Movie Parental Guides, api_description:Returns all the parental guide ratings for the specified movie, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"status_message\": \"str\", \"@meta\": {\"server_time\": \"int\", \"server_timezone\": \"str\", \"api_version\": \"int\", \"execution_time\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3679", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:List Movies v3, api_name:Movie Suggestions, api_description:Returns 4 related movies as suggestions for the user, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"status_message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"movie_count\": \"int\", \"movies\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"imdb_code\": \"str\", 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api_description:Get information on all of the Apps associated with an account., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"correlationId\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3729", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:aaaa, api_name:Get API, api_description:Get information on specified API, including `category`, `id`, and `name`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"apiId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A string associated with a specific API. You can get the API ID from the \\\"APIs\\\" tab on the Admin Panel, or by using the \\\"Get All APIs\\\" endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"correlationId\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3730", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Legend of Takada Kenshi, api_name:Main, api_description:クエリパラメータは不要です.そのままアクセスしてください.\n**API認証等は特に設けておりませんが, プログラムによるAPIアクセスの場合はUser-Agentにリクエスト元のサービス名・アプリケーションを入力して下さい.**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"No\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3731", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Motorcycle Specs Database, api_name:Image by {ID} as Link, api_description:/api/v1/article/{article}/image/link\n[ArticleGetImageByType]\nGet article image link\nsample:\n\n```\n{\n \"imageName\": \"BMW HP4 2015.jpg\",\n \"link\": \"\"\n}\n```, required_params: [{\"name\": \"article\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"imageName\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3732", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Motorcycle Specs Database, api_name:List of all Makes, api_description:List of all Makes\n[MakeAll]\nGet a list of all makes\nsample:\n\n```\n {\n \"id\": \"55\",\n \"name\": \"BMW\"\n },\n {\n \"id\": \"60\",\n \"name\": \"BPG\"\n },\n {\n \"id\": \"66\",\n \"name\": \"BSA\"\n }\n```, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3733", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Consulta CPF CNPJ Brasil, api_name:Consulta dados societários, api_description:**## consulta dados dos sócios do cnpj consultado pelo id_socio**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ID_SOCIO\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3734", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Consulta CPF CNPJ Brasil, api_name:Consulta por CNPJ, api_description:**Consulta dados e informações do CNPJ, a demanda de informações está sempre sendo atualizada para melhor atende-los **, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cnpj\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3735", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:DogBreedDB, api_name:Paginated, api_description:Get all dog breed results in a set of 10 per page., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"next\": \"str\", \"previous\": \"NoneType\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"breedName\": \"str\", \"breedType\": \"str\", \"breedDescription\": \"str\", \"furColor\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"minHeightInches\": \"float\", \"maxHeightInches\": \"float\", \"minWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"maxWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"NoneType\", \"imgAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3736", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 872}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3737", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Me, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3738", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:ICMAI Verification, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3739", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Weed Strain, api_name:Single Strain, api_description:Provides all details for a single strain by its ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"strain\": \"str\", \"thc\": \"str\", \"cbd\": \"str\", \"cbg\": \"str\", \"strainType\": \"str\", \"climate\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"fungalResistance\": \"NoneType\", \"indoorYieldInGramsMax\": \"int\", \"outdoorYieldInGramsMax\": \"int\", \"floweringWeeksMin\": \"float\", \"floweringWeeksMax\": \"float\", \"heightInInchesMin\": \"float\", \"heightInInchesMax\": \"float\", \"goodEffects\": \"str\", \"sideEffects\": \"str\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imgAttributionLink\": \"NoneType\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3740", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Countries Population, api_name:Country Details Level 3, api_description:Specified one valid param and retrieve access level 3 information about a country:\n\n- english name\n- french name\n- ISO code 2\n- ISO code 3\n- numeric code\n- population (in millions)\n\nValid params are country english name, ISO code 2 or ISO code 3, required_params: [{\"name\": \"param\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"For the param you must use only:\\n1. the country english name\\n2. country ISO code 2\\n3. country ISO code 3\\n\\n- The param is not case sensitive.\\n- Accept spaces between a country name\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3741", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:ICAI Chartered Accountant Verification, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3742", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Data Axle Business Phone Search, api_name:Business Phone Search, api_description:Find relevant businesses in the Data Axle database, required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"packages\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"documents\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3743", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:List Movies v3, api_name:Movie Details, api_description:Returns the information about a specific movie, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status_message\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"movie\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"imdb_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title_english\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title_long\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rating\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"runtime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"genres\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"download_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"like_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"description_intro\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description_full\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yt_trailer_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mpa_rating\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"background_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"background_image_original\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"small_cover_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medium_cover_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"large_cover_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medium_screenshot_image1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medium_screenshot_image2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medium_screenshot_image3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"large_screenshot_image1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"large_screenshot_image2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"large_screenshot_image3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cast\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"character_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url_small_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"imdb_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"torrents\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seeds\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3744", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Watch Database, api_name:Get Media Links, api_description:Get Media Links, required_params: [{\"name\": \"watchId\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3745", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:aaaa, api_name:Get all Organizations (Environment Admin), api_description:Get Organization information for all of the Organizations in your Enterprise Hub.Organization information includes the associated `email`, the number of `seats`, the Organization `name`, the `status`, and more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"correlationId\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3746", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:aaaa, api_name:Get Team Users, api_description:Get information about all of the users that belong to a specific team. Returned user information includes the user `id`, `email`, `username`, and `lastActive`. , required_params: [{\"name\": \"organizationTeamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A number associated with a specific team in an organization. You can get the organizationTeamId by using the \\\"Get All Teams\\\" endpoint.\"}, {\"name\": \"organizationId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A number associated with a specific organization. You can get the organizationId from the \\\"Organization\\\" tab on the Admin Panel, or by using the \\\"Get All Organizations\\\" endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"correlationId\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3747", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:House Plants, api_name:Get By Category, api_description:Get plants by their category., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"latin\": \"str\", \"family\": \"str\", \"common\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"category\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"climate\": \"str\", \"tempmax\": {\"celsius\": \"int\", \"fahrenheit\": \"int\"}, \"tempmin\": {\"celsius\": \"int\", \"fahrenheit\": \"int\"}, \"ideallight\": \"str\", \"toleratedlight\": \"str\", \"watering\": \"str\", \"insects\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"diseases\": \"str\", \"use\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3748", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Watch Database, api_name:Get All Brands, api_description:Get All Brands, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"brandName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3749", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Data Axle Consumer Search, api_name:Consumer Name Search, api_description:Find relevant People in the Data Axle database, required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"packages\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"documents\": [{\"person_id\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"family_id\": \"str\", \"estimated_married\": \"str\", \"multi_family\": \"bool\", \"location_family_count\": [\"list of int with length 2\"], \"location_unit_count\": [\"list of int with length 2\"], 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\"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"str\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3751", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:DogBreedDB, api_name:Single Dog Breed, api_description:Gives details of a single dog breed., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breedName\": \"str\", \"breedType\": \"str\", \"breedDescription\": \"str\", \"furColor\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"minHeightInches\": \"float\", \"maxHeightInches\": \"float\", \"minWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"maxWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"str\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3752", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:DogBreedDB, api_name:Order by Ascending, api_description:Gives a list of all dogs sorted in ascending order by name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ordering\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breedName\": \"str\", \"breedType\": \"str\", \"breedDescription\": \"str\", \"furColor\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"minHeightInches\": \"float\", \"maxHeightInches\": \"float\", \"minWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"maxWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"NoneType\", \"imgAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3753", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Consulta CPF CNPJ Brasil, api_name:Consulta por CPF, api_description:**Consulta por CPF endpoint**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cpf\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3754", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:HSN TSN, api_name:Get HSN TSN, api_description:Search for dedicated car. Year is optional. Records are limited by 100 rows., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"haftpficht\": \"str\", \"teilkasko\": \"str\", \"vollkasko\": \"str\", \"vehicletype\": \"str\", \"yearFrom\": \"str\", \"yearTo\": \"NoneType\", \"power\": \"str\", \"ccm\": \"str\", \"fuel\": \"str\", \"hsn\": \"str\", \"tsn\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3755", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Chattydata, api_name:endpoint1, api_description:indpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3756", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:AirplanesDB, api_name:Search, api_description:Search airplane by name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"plane\": \"str\", \"brand\": \"str\", \"passenger_capacity\": \"int\", \"priceUSD\": \"float\", \"fuel_capacity_litres\": \"float\", \"max_takeoff_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"max_landing_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"empty_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"range_km\": \"float\", \"length_ft\": \"float\", \"wingspan_ft\": \"float\", \"height_ft\": \"float\", \"engine\": \"str\", \"cruise_speed_kmph\": \"float\", \"ceiling_ft\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"img_attribution\": \"str\", \"img_creative_commons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3757", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:EPFO Employee Verification, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3758", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:IP Netblocks, api_name:IP Netblock v2, api_description:Get exhaustive information on IP Range (v2), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3759", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:PageantDB, api_name:Single Country, api_description:Get all details of a country by its ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"country\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3760", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:CatBreedDB, api_name:Order by Descending, api_description:Gives a list of all cats sorted in descending order by name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ordering\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breedName\": \"str\", \"breedType\": \"str\", \"breedDescription\": \"str\", \"furColor\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"minHeightInches\": \"NoneType\", \"maxHeightInches\": \"NoneType\", \"minWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"maxWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3761", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:CatBreedDB, api_name:Order by Ascending, api_description:Gives a list of all cats sorted in ascending order by name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ordering\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breedName\": \"str\", \"breedType\": \"str\", \"breedDescription\": \"str\", \"furColor\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"minHeightInches\": \"float\", \"maxHeightInches\": \"float\", \"minWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"maxWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"str\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3762", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Motorcycle Specs Database, api_name:Image by {ID} as Media Content, api_description:Get article image as media as content.\n[ArticleGetImageByType]\nUseful for mobile apps., required_params: [{\"name\": \"article\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3763", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Countries Population, api_name:Country Details Level 2, api_description:Specified one valid param and retrieve access level 2 information about a country:\n- english name\n- ISO code 2\n- numeric code\n- population (in millions)\n\nValid params are country english name, ISO code 2 or ISO code 3, required_params: [{\"name\": \"param\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"For the param you must use only:\\n1. the country english name\\n2. country ISO code 2\\n3. country ISO code 3\\n\\n- The param is not case sensitive.\\n- Accept spaces between a country name\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3764", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Lista de empresas por segmento, api_name:Pesquisa por campo, api_description:Busque uma lista de empresas utilizando outros campos, como: **nome, email, telefone, socio, cep**.\nCampos retornados: CNPJ, localização, UF, Cidade, bairro, nome fantasia e razão social., required_params: [{\"name\": \"campo\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Informar um campo dispon\\u00edvel para busca. Campos dispon\\u00edveis: **nome, email, telefone, socio, cep.**\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3765", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:MongoDB Wix, api_name:Search All, api_description:Returns all vault keys, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3766", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:MongoDB Wix, api_name:Get Vault By Name, api_description:Get Vault by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"NoneType\", \"name\": \"NoneType\", \"macroname\": \"NoneType\", \"encryptwithkey\": \"NoneType\", \"safekeeptext\": \"NoneType\", \"message\": {\"_id\": \"str\", \"messageype\": \"str\", \"messagecode\": \"str\", \"messagedesc\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3767", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Dictionary, api_name:wordSearchEnglish, api_description:With this service you can learn the meaning of English words from Oxdord dictionary., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter word\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3768", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Test_Crypto_Api, api_name:Get_Crypto, api_description:Get_Crypto, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3769", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:weather_v3, api_name:weather, api_description:weather, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3770", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Indonesia School List, api_name:School Detail, api_description:School Detail by sekolah_id_enkrip field that get by other endpoint (see List of School)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"after_bangunan\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_gudang\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_ruang_guru\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_ruang_ibadah\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_ruang_kelas\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_ruang_konseling\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_ruang_lab\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_ruang_osis\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_ruang_perpus\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_ruang_pimpinan\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_ruang_praktik\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_ruang_sirkulasi\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_ruang_tu\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_ruang_uks\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_tempat_bermain_olahraga\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"after_toilet\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"air_mengalir_wastafel\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"before_bangunan\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_gudang\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_ruang_guru\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_ruang_ibadah\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_ruang_kelas\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_ruang_konseling\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_ruang_lab\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_ruang_osis\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_ruang_perpus\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_ruang_pimpinan\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_ruang_praktik\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_ruang_sirkulasi\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_ruang_tu\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_ruang_uks\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_tempat_bermain_olahraga\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"before_toilet\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"guru_agama_budi_pekerti\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"guru_\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3771", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Indonesia School List, api_name:Number of Schools in Indonesian City / District (Kabupaten / Kota), api_description:Number of Schools in Indonesian City / District (Kabupaten / Kota), also return kode_wilayah that used in other endpoints (See Example response)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"kode_wilayah_propinsi_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id_level_wilayah\": \"int\", \"induk_kabupaten\": \"NoneType\", \"induk_provinsi\": \"str\", \"kb\": \"int\", \"kb_n\": \"int\", \"kb_s\": \"int\", \"kode_wilayah\": \"str\", \"kode_wilayah_induk_kabupaten\": \"NoneType\", \"kode_wilayah_induk_provinsi\": \"str\", \"mst_kode_wilayah\": \"str\", \"nama\": \"str\", \"pkbm\": \"int\", \"pkbm_n\": \"int\", \"pkbm_s\": \"int\", \"sd\": \"int\", \"sd_n\": \"int\", \"sd_s\": \"int\", \"sekolah\": \"int\", \"sekolah_n\": \"int\", \"sekolah_s\": \"int\", \"skb\": \"int\", \"skb_n\": \"int\", \"skb_s\": \"int\", \"slb\": \"int\", \"slb_n\": \"int\", \"slb_s\": \"int\", \"sma\": \"int\", \"sma_n\": \"int\", \"sma_s\": \"int\", \"smk\": \"int\", \"smk_n\": \"int\", \"smk_s\": \"int\", \"smp\": \"int\", \"smp_n\": \"int\", \"smp_s\": \"int\", \"sps\": \"int\", \"sps_n\": \"int\", \"sps_s\": \"int\", \"tk\": \"int\", \"tk_n\": \"int\", \"tk_s\": \"int\", \"tpa\": \"int\", \"tpa_n\": \"int\", \"tpa_s\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3772", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Indonesia School List, api_name:List of School in Sub-Disctrict (Kecamatan), api_description:List of School in Sub-Disctrict (Kecamatan), this endpoint has school NPSN, and sekolah_id_enkrip field to lookup school detail in other endpoint. See Example Result, required_params: [{\"name\": \"kode_wilayah_kecamatan_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bentuk_pendidikan\": \"str\", \"induk_kabupaten\": \"str\", \"induk_kecamatan\": \"str\", \"induk_provinsi\": \"str\", \"jml_lab\": \"int\", \"jml_perpus\": \"int\", \"jml_rk\": \"int\", \"jumlah_kirim\": \"int\", \"kode_wilayah_induk_kabupaten\": \"str\", \"kode_wilayah_induk_kecamatan\": \"str\", \"kode_wilayah_induk_provinsi\": \"str\", \"nama\": \"str\", \"npsn\": \"int\", \"pd\": \"int\", \"pegawai\": \"int\", \"ptk\": \"int\", \"rombel\": \"int\", \"sekolah_id\": \"str\", \"sekolah_id_enkrip\": \"str\", \"sinkron_terakhir\": \"str\", \"status_sekolah\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3773", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Dr Almotawa Quotes, api_name:Get random quote, api_description:This endpoint returns a random quote out of over 40000 quotes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"wisdom\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\", \"categories\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3774", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:LeetcodeApi, api_name:getMediumQuestion, api_description:Get the number of medium level questing solved by the user., required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3775", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Random Words - Spanish and French, api_name:Get List of Random Words, api_description:Generates A List Of Random Words., required_params: [{\"name\": \"array-size\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3776", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:LeetcodeApi, api_name:getEasyQuestion, api_description:Get the number of easy question solved by the user, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3777", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Random Words - Spanish and French, api_name:Get Random Word, api_description:Get One Random Word, required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3778", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:LeetcodeApi, api_name:getMaxStreak, api_description:Get the max streak of the user in the current user, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3779", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:USDA, api_name:/AmberWaves Retrieve Paged Collection, api_description:Retrieves a paged collection of amber waves content nodes filtered by a particular section alias, ordered by descending release date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"alias\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A string parameter that specifies a series alias used for filtering. (FromUri)\"}, {\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"A zero-index integer parameter that specifies the desired starting index (0 for page 1, 100 for page 2, etc...) (FromUri)\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"api key\"}, {\"name\": \"size\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"An integer parameter that specifies the desired page size. (FromUri)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3780", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Random Words, api_name:Get multiple random words, api_description:Get multiple random words (i.e. min 2 and max 20) from a list of 5500+ words\n\nImportant Notes:\n1. *count* must be a valid number between 2 and 20 (both 2 and 20 included)\n2. *wordLength* must not be used with minLength and/or maxLength, required_params: [{\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The word count must be between 2 and 20\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3781", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Allah Name, api_name:Get, api_description:Get all name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"main\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"arName\": \"str\", \"enName\": \"str\", \"meaning\": \"str\", \"explanation\": \"str\", \"benefit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 99}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3782", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Bhagavad Gita_v3, api_name:Get verse details by verse id, api_description:Get verse details by verse id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"chapterId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"verseId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3783", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Random Words, api_name:Get a random word, api_description:Returns a random words from a list of more than 5500+ words\n\nImportant Note: \n1. *wordLength* must not be used with minLength and/or maxLength, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3784", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Dictionary, api_name:wordSearchTurkish, api_description:With this service you can learn the meaning of words from Turkish dictionary., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter word\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"result\": [{\"madde\": {\"kelime_say\\u0131\": \"str\", \"kelime\": [{\"anlam\": \"str\", \"ornek\": [{\"ornek\": \"str\", \"yazar\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"ozellik\": [{\"tamAd\\u0131\": \"str\", \"k\\u0131saAd\\u0131\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 6}]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3785", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:SevenTraderAPI, api_name:Get - Countries, api_description:Get all countries in API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3786", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:aftab, api_name:aftavb, api_description:dsafadasd, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3787", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Current Affairs Of India, api_name:Today's International Current Affairs, api_description:This endpoint provides you the international current affairs of today., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3788", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Current Affairs Of India, api_name:History Of Today, api_description:This endpoint will return you the historical events that has occurred today., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3789", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Current Affairs Of India, api_name:Recent Current Affairs, api_description:This will provide you with the recent current affairs of India., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3790", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:lm_API, api_name:lmAPI, api_description:anything, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3791", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Code For You, api_name:Code For You, api_description:Code For You, required_params: [{\"name\": \"CodeIsFun\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"CodeForYou\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"CodeWithMe\", \"type\": \"OBJECT\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3792", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Current Affairs Of India, api_name:Quiz For Today, api_description:This endpoint will fetch you today's current affair 10 quiz questions., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"question\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3793", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Uurrooster_v2, api_name:download, api_description:downloaden, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3794", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:apiDeveloper, api_name:getData, api_description:returns the data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3795", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Pluralsight Articles, api_name:Get data with articles about software development, api_description:This endpoint will return back data with around 100 articles from Pluralsight's \"software-development\" section., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pathId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3796", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Word of the day, api_name:Word of the day from DC, api_description:Get word of the day from dictionary.com, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"mean\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3797", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Pluralsight Articles, api_name:Get data with articles about IT Operations, api_description:This endpoint will return back data with around 100 articles from Pluralsight's \"it-ops\" section., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pathId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3798", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Word of the day, api_name:Word of the day from mw, api_description:Get word of the day from mw., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"mean\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3799", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Word of the day, api_name:Word of the day from cd, api_description:Get word of the day from cd., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"mean\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3800", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:todo, api_name:list, api_description:gdf, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3801", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:tapzulecountry, api_name:country, api_description:country fetch, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3802", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:GetBooksInfo, api_name:Search, api_description:Search Book by its name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"s\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3803", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:hellonext, api_name:speakers, api_description:speakers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3804", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:TED Talks API, api_name:getTalks, api_description:Get info about specific talks based on the provided parameters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3805", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:thefluentme, api_name:Get language by id, api_description:Returns a language by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"language_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3806", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:TED Talks API, api_name:getSpeakers, api_description:Get all the TED talks speakers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"get\": \"str\", \"parameters\": \"empty list\", \"errors\": \"empty list\", \"result\": {\"num_results\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"full_name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4904}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3807", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Hadiths API, api_name:Get hadiths by collection, api_description:Each collection has their own categories, You can check the collection and category endpoints to get more information. Each hadiths is under a category and each category is under a collection. \nExample:\n{COLLECTION} ---> {CATEGORY} ---> {HADITHS}\n{Sahih Bukhari} ---> {Revelation} --->{hadiths}\nYou can seperate the hadiths by their specific collections.\nBy default limit is 10 and page is 1. the limit and page can be altered to suit your taste., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"collections\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"hadiths\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"Chapter_Number\": \"int\", \"Chapter_English\": \"str\", \"Chapter_Arabic\": \"str\", \"Section_Number\": \"int\", \"Section_English\": \"str\", \"Section_Arabic\": \"str\", \"Hadith_number\": \"int\", \"English_Hadith\": \"str\", \"English_Isnad\": \"str\", \"English_Matn\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Hadith\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Isnad\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Matn\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Comment\": \"str\", \"English_Grade\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Grade\": \"str\", \"Volume\": \"int\", \"Created_By\": \"str\", \"Approved_By\": \"str\", \"Translated_By\": \"str\", \"Approved_At\": \"str\", \"Collection\": \"str\", \"Status\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"Likes\": [{\"user\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3808", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Pluralsight Articles, api_name:Get data with articles about security, api_description:This endpoint will return back data with around 30 articles from Pluralsight's \"security-professional\" section., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pathId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3809", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:periodicTable, api_name:periodic table, api_description:It gives detailed information about elements in the periodic table., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"alloys\": \"str\", \"atomicMass\": \"str\", \"atomicNumber\": \"str\", \"atomicRadius\": \"str\", \"block\": \"str\", \"boilingPoint\": \"str\", \"bondingType\": \"str\", \"cpkHexColor\": \"str\", \"crystalStructure\": \"str\", \"density\": \"str\", \"electronAffinity\": \"str\", \"electronegativity\": \"str\", \"electronicConfiguration\": \"str\", \"facts\": \"str\", \"group\": \"str\", \"groupBlock\": \"str\", \"ionRadius\": \"str\", \"ionizationEnergy\": \"str\", \"isotopes\": \"str\", \"magneticOrdering\": \"str\", \"meltingPoint\": \"str\", \"molarHeatCapacity\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"oxidationStates\": \"str\", \"period\": \"str\", \"speedOfSound\": \"str\", \"standardState\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"vanDelWaalsRadius\": \"str\", \"yearDiscovered\": \"str\", \"minerals\": \"str\", \"history\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3810", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Events UEL, api_name:Ticket, api_description:Ticket, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3811", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:LeetcodeApi, api_name:getName, api_description:Get the name of the user, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3812", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Word of the day, api_name:Word of the day from pm, api_description:Get word of the day from pm, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"mean\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3813", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Bhagavad Gita_v3, api_name:Get all chapters, api_description:Get all chapters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3814", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Uncovered Treasure, api_name:/today, api_description:Get treasure of the day, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"context\": \"str\", \"scriptures\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"text\": \"str\", \"topics\": \"empty list\", \"bookOrder\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3815", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Numbers, api_name:Get random fact, api_description:Get result by random number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of \\\"trivia\\\", \\\"math\\\", \\\"date\\\", or \\\"year\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3816", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Quotes, api_name:quote, api_description:Get a random Quote, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quote\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3817", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Uncovered Treasure, api_name:/topics, api_description:Get list of all topics, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [\"list of NoneType with length 2443\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3818", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Numbers, api_name:Get math fact, api_description:Get a mathematical property about a number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The integer of interest\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3819", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Uncovered Treasure, api_name:/search/{searchterm}, api_description:Search for treasure by term, e.g. \"wisdom\", required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchterm\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"e.g. \\\"God's plan\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3820", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Numbers, api_name:Get trivia fact, api_description:Get a trivia fact about a number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The integer of interest\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3821", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Dictionary Translation Hablaa, api_name:Get a translation, api_description:Get a translation by defining source and destination languages as well as a word to translate., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text_to_translate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lang_code_src-lang_code_dst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3822", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Stars API, api_name:Star, api_description:returns full information about the star., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"constellation\": \"str\", \"rightAscension\": \"str\", \"declination\": \"str\", \"apparentMagnitude\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"spectralType\": \"str\", \"mass\": \"str\", \"temperature\": \"str\", \"age\": \"str\", \"planets\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"mass\": \"str\", \"temperature\": \"str\", \"discovery\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"method\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"site\": \"NoneType\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"planetMapList\": \"empty list\", \"notes\": \"str\", \"numPlanets\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"rigthAscension\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3823", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Stars API, api_name:Planet list, api_description:Returns the planets surrounding a star, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"mass\": \"str\", \"temperature\": \"str\", \"discovery\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"method\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"site\": \"NoneType\"}, \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3824", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:message-api, api_name:Get Messages, api_description:Gets all messages, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3825", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:DCPS Project, api_name:subject, api_description:filters data by subject input, required_params: [{\"name\": \"subject\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3826", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Urban Dictionary, api_name:Random Word, api_description:Returns a list of random words & definitions from the Urban Dictionary database, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"list\": [{\"definition\": \"str\", \"permalink\": \"str\", \"thumbs_up\": \"int\", \"author\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"defid\": \"int\", \"current_vote\": \"str\", \"written_on\": \"str\", \"example\": \"str\", \"thumbs_down\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 8}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3827", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Miraisoft Training, api_name:dashboard, api_description:dashboard, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"VN30\": {\"stocks\": {\"items\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"buyPrice3\": \"float\", \"buyVolume3\": \"int\", \"buyPrice2\": \"float\", \"buyVolume2\": \"int\", \"buyPrice1\": \"int\", \"buyVolume1\": \"int\", \"change\": \"float\", \"currentPrice\": \"float\", \"currentVolume\": \"float\", \"totalVolume\": \"int\", \"sellPrice3\": \"float\", \"sellVolume3\": \"int\", \"sellPrice2\": \"float\", 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\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"list\": [{\"definition\": \"str\", \"permalink\": \"str\", \"thumbs_up\": \"int\", \"author\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"defid\": \"int\", \"current_vote\": \"str\", \"written_on\": \"str\", \"example\": \"str\", \"thumbs_down\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3830", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Urban Dictionary, api_name:Word of the Day, api_description:Gets the Word of the Day for the past 10 days, including today., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"list\": [{\"definition\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"permalink\": \"str\", \"thumbs_up\": \"int\", \"author\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"defid\": \"int\", \"current_vote\": \"str\", \"written_on\": \"str\", \"example\": \"str\", \"thumbs_down\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3831", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Dictionary Translation Hablaa, api_name:Similar words, api_description:Get translations of similar words., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text_to_translate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lang_code_src-lang_code_dst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3832", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Uncovered Treasure, api_name:/random, api_description:Get random treasure, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"context\": \"str\", \"scriptures\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"text\": \"str\", \"topics\": \"empty list\", \"bookOrder\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3833", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:LeetcodeApi, api_name:getTotalActiveDays, api_description:Get the total active days of the user in the current year., required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3834", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:TDot School Data, api_name:Get all locations, api_description:Get all locations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"key1\": \"str\", \"key2\": \"str\", \"tdsbdatumId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3835", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:q-study, api_name:q-study, api_description:education, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3836", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:TDot School Data, api_name:Get Filter, api_description:Get Filter, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3837", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:TDot School Data, api_name:Get Paginate, api_description:Get Paginate, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"key1\": \"str\", \"key2\": \"str\", \"tdsbdatumId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3838", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Real Estate Exam, api_name:Flashcards, api_description:Get a list of all flashcard terms and definitions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"questionId\": \"int\", \"questionDescription\": \"str\", \"tags\": \"str\", \"choiceDescription\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3839", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:COVID19PH, api_name:covid, api_description:covid, required_params: [{\"name\": \"infected\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tested\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3840", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Real Estate Exam, api_name:/QandA, api_description:Returns all multiple choice and true or false questions with answers and feedback., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"questionId\": \"int\", \"typeDescription\": \"str\", \"questionDescription\": \"str\", \"tags\": \"str\", \"feedback\": \"str\", \"choiceId\": \"int\", \"choiceDescription\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 57}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3841", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Reading Home APIs, api_name:GetBooksbyTitleSearch, api_description:Get Paginated List of Books on Title Searched, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3842", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Reading Home APIs, api_name:GetBooksbyAuthorSearch, api_description:Get List of Books of a Searched Author Name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3843", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:News space, api_name:Get Space News, api_description:Get Space News, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3844", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Random Ukrainian Word, api_name:getRandomWords, api_description:Get random Ukrainian words., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3845", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:Kanji character, api_description:The Advanced Search URL parameters are described here as individual endpoints to permit per parameter testing. Parameters may be combined as required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"kanji\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Kanji character\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kanji\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\"}, \"radical\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3846", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Indonesia School List, api_name:Number of Schools in Indonesia Sub-District (Kecamatan), api_description:Number of Schools in Indonesia Sub-District (Kecamatan), also return kode_wilayah that used in other endpoint. (See example result and find kode_wilayah field), required_params: [{\"name\": \"kode_wilayah_kabupaten_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id_level_wilayah\": \"int\", \"induk_kabupaten\": \"str\", \"induk_provinsi\": \"str\", \"kb\": \"int\", \"kb_n\": \"int\", \"kb_s\": \"int\", \"kode_wilayah\": \"str\", \"kode_wilayah_induk_kabupaten\": \"str\", \"kode_wilayah_induk_provinsi\": \"str\", \"mst_kode_wilayah\": \"str\", \"nama\": \"str\", \"pkbm\": \"int\", \"pkbm_n\": \"int\", \"pkbm_s\": \"int\", \"sd\": \"int\", \"sd_n\": \"int\", \"sd_s\": \"int\", \"sekolah\": \"int\", \"sekolah_n\": \"int\", \"sekolah_s\": \"int\", \"skb\": \"int\", \"skb_n\": \"int\", \"skb_s\": \"int\", \"slb\": \"int\", \"slb_n\": \"int\", \"slb_s\": \"int\", \"sma\": \"int\", \"sma_n\": \"int\", \"sma_s\": \"int\", \"smk\": \"int\", \"smk_n\": \"int\", \"smk_s\": \"int\", \"smp\": \"int\", \"smp_n\": \"int\", \"smp_s\": \"int\", \"sps\": \"int\", \"sps_n\": \"int\", \"sps_s\": \"int\", \"tk\": \"int\", \"tk_n\": \"int\", \"tk_s\": \"int\", \"tpa\": \"int\", \"tpa_n\": \"int\", \"tpa_s\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3847", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:Onyomi reading, api_description:The Advanced Search URL parameters are described here as individual endpoints to permit per parameter testing. Parameters may be combined as required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"on\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Katakana or romaji\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kanji\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\"}, \"radical\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3848", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Safe Exam, api_name:judget0, api_description:code compiler online, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3849", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:sekolah, api_name:Sekolah, api_description:berita tentanf anak, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3850", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Pluralsight Articles, api_name:Get a hundreds of all kind of articles from Pluralsight.com, api_description:This endpoint will return back a data with hundreds of articles from Pluralsight.com, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3851", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Physical quantities, constants and equations , api_name:Get All constants, api_description:This endpoint return back data of physical constants formatted as JSON, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"pack\": \"str\", \"locals\": {\"de\": {\"name\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3852", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Physical quantities, constants and equations , api_name:Get All Physical quantities, api_description:This endpoint return back data of physical quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"wikipedia\": \"str\", \"vector\": \"bool\", \"category\": \"str\", \"pack\": \"str\", \"locals\": {\"de\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"wikipedia\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3853", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Physical quantities, constants and equations , api_name:Get equations, api_description:This endpoint return back data of equations formatted as JSON, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quantity\": \"str\", \"categories\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"equations\": [{\"equation\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"locals\": {\"de\": {\"title\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3854", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Random Word, api_name:/run.cgi, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3855", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Word of the day, api_name:Get word of the day from multiple sources, api_description:Gets word of the day from mutiple sources in one go easy., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3856", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Helioviewer v1, api_name:getJP2Header, api_description:Get the XML header embedded in a JPEG2000 image. Includes the FITS header as well as a section of Helioviewer-specific metadata., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Unique JP2 image identifier.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"errno\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3857", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Helioviewer v1, api_name:downloadMovie, api_description:Download a custom movie in one of three file formats., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Unique movie identifier (provided by the response to a `queueMovie` request).\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Movie Format (`mp4`, `webm`, or `flv`).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3858", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Helioviewer v1, api_name:getTile, api_description:Request a single image tile to be used in the Helioviewer.org Viewport. Tiles are 512x512 pixel PNG images, generated for a given image scale from the intermediary JPEG2000 image files.\n\n Use the `getClosestImage` API endpoint to obtain the desired image identifier for the `id` parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Unique image identifier.\"}, {\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Tile position.\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Tile position.\"}, {\"name\": \"imageScale\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Image scale in arcseconds per pixel.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3859", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Uncovered Treasure, api_name:/verse/{verse}, api_description:Get treasure by verse, required_params: [{\"name\": \"verse\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Use common English name with chapter number and optionally verse, such as \\\"1 Corinthians 1\\\", \\\"1 Corinthians 1:5\\\" or \\\"James 3\\\". Does NOT support ranged searches, such as \\\"James 3:1-4\\\".\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"context\": \"str\", \"scriptures\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"text\": \"str\", \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"bookOrder\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3860", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Old English Translator, api_name:Translate to Old English, api_description:Old English Translator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Text to convert to old English.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": {\"total\": \"int\"}, \"contents\": {\"translated\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"translation\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3861", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Tech Exams, api_name:getQuestionsByExam, api_description:Get exam questions by exam, required_params: [{\"name\": \"exam\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"questionId\": \"int\", \"typeDescription\": \"str\", \"questionDescription\": \"str\", \"exam\": \"str\", \"tags\": \"NoneType\", \"choices\": [{\"choiceId\": \"int\", \"choiceDescription\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 43}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3862", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Tech Exams, api_name:All Supported Exams, api_description:Returns all supported exams., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3863", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Helioviewer v1, api_name:getNewsFeed, api_description:Get the XML RSS feed of the official Helioviewer Project Blog., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3864", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:futboleta, api_name:jfjfked, api_description:sadscdv, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3865", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:thefluentme, api_name:Get post by id, api_description:Returns a post by `post_id`. You can get the `post_id` from the `Get all posts` endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"post_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3866", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:thefluentme, api_name:Get all scores, api_description:Get a paginated list of all scores.\n\nPlease provide the following parameters in the query string\n- **page**: The page number. If no value is provided, the default value of `1` will be applied.\n- **per_page**: Scores per page. If no value is provided, the default value of `10` will be applied., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3867", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:thefluentme, api_name:Get all posts, api_description:Get a paginated list of all posts.\n\nPlease provide the following parameters in the query string\n- **page**: The page number. If no value is provided, the default value of `1` will be applied.\n- **per_page**: Posts per page. If no value is provided, the default value of `10` will be applied., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3868", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Stars API, api_name:Stars list, api_description:Returns list of stars, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3869", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Dictionary Data API, api_name:GetDefinition, api_description:This is used to retrieve definition, pronunciation and example usages of any word, required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\", \"meaning\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3870", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Bhagavad Gita_v3, api_name:Get chapter details by id, api_description:Get chapter details by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"chapterId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3871", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:TED Talks API, api_name:getAudioLanguages, api_description:Get all the TED talks audio languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"get\": \"str\", \"parameters\": \"empty list\", \"errors\": \"empty list\", \"result\": {\"num_results\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"slug\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 12}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3872", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Chemical Elements, api_name:Get All Chemical Elements, api_description:This endpoint will return back data of all Chemical Elements of the periodic table, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"elements\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"appearance\": \"str\", \"atomic_mass\": \"float\", \"boil\": \"float\", \"category\": \"str\", \"color\": \"NoneType\", \"density\": \"float\", \"discovered_by\": \"str\", \"melt\": \"float\", \"molar_heat\": \"float\", \"named_by\": \"str\", \"number\": \"int\", \"period\": \"int\", \"phase\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"spectral_img\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"xpos\": \"int\", \"ypos\": \"int\", \"shells\": [\"list of int with length 1\"], \"electron_configuration\": \"str\", \"electron_configuration_semantic\": \"str\", \"electron_affinity\": \"float\", \"electronegativity_pauling\": \"float\", \"ionization_energies\": [\"list of int with length 1\"], \"cpk-hex\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 119}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3873", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Helioviewer v1, api_name:getUserVideos, api_description:Get a listing (in descending time order) of the most recently user-generated movies that have been publicly shared to YouTube. Result set is limited to the value requested or default value of the `num` parameter (unless truncated when the date value of the `since` parameter is reached)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3874", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Reading Home APIs, api_name:Getbooksbycategory, api_description:This will get a paginated list of books in a specific category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3875", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:data_visualisation_, api_name:getting data, api_description:this api is for the sales of supermarkets in three different cities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"field1\": \"str\", \"Invoice_id\": \"str\", \"Branch\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"customer_type\": \"str\", \"Gender\": \"str\", \"Product_line\": \"str\", \"Unit_price\": \"str\", \"Quantity\": \"str\", \"Tax\": \"str\", \"Total\": \"str\", \"Date\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"Payment\": \"str\", \"cogs\": \"str\", \"gross_margin_percent\": \"str\", \"income\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3876", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Book Finder, api_name:Find books, api_description:Search books using optional title, author, series, book type, categories, and [lexile measure](https://lexile.com/educators/understanding-lexile-measures/) range., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"limit_value\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3877", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Top 2023 IT Certifications, api_name:Get All Certifications, api_description:Get All Certifications, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"Name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3878", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Numbers, api_name:Get year fact, api_description:Get a fact about a year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The year of interest\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3879", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:ask-ai, api_name:Ask question to AI Service, api_description:Ask question to AI Service. Be concise., required_params: [{\"name\": \"question\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3880", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:weatherJS, api_name:index, api_description:test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3881", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Tech Exams, api_name:getQuestionsandAnswers, api_description:Returns all multiple choice and true or false questions with answers and feedback., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"questionId\": \"int\", \"typeDescription\": \"str\", \"questionDescription\": \"str\", \"exam\": \"str\", \"tags\": \"NoneType\", \"feedback\": \"NoneType\", \"choiceId\": \"int\", \"choiceDescription\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 133}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3882", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Tech Exams, api_name:getOneQuestionWithAnswers, api_description:Get a specific question and corresponding answers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"questionId\": \"int\", \"typeDescription\": \"str\", \"questionDescription\": \"str\", \"exam\": \"str\", \"tags\": \"NoneType\", \"choices\": [{\"choiceId\": \"int\", \"choiceDescription\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3883", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:weather, api_name:open weather, api_description:weathermap, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3884", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Numbers Translator, api_name:Numbers Translator, api_description:Numbers Translator, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": {\"total\": \"int\"}, \"contents\": {\"translated\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"translation\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3885", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:DCPS Project, api_name:schoolCode, api_description:gets school code upon input, required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"details\": \"empty list\", \"extendedCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3886", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:DCPS Project, api_name:all, api_description:gets all data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"displayFieldName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exceededTransferLimit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"features\\\": [{\\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"ASSESSMENT_TYPE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CREATED_DATE\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"CREATED_USER\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"GRADE_OF_ENROLLMENT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LAST_EDITED_DATE\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"LAST_EDITED_USER\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"LEA_CODE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"LEA_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"OBJECTID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"PERCENT_LEVEL_1\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"PERCENT_LEVEL_2\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"PERCENT_LEVEL_3\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"PERCENT_LEVEL_3_\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PERCENT_LEVEL_4\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"PERCENT_LEVEL_5\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"PERCENT_MEETING_OR_EXCEEDING_E\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SCHOOL_CODE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"SCHOOL_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SCHOOL_WARD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SCHOOL_YEAR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SUBGROUP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SUBGROUP_VALUE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SUBJECT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TESTED_GRADE_SUBJECT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOTAL_NUMBER_VALID_TEST_TAKERS\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1000}], \\\"fieldAliases\\\": {\\\"ASSESSMENT_TYPE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CREATED_DATE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CREATED_USER\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GRADE_OF_ENROLLMENT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LAST_EDITED_DATE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LAST_EDITED_USER\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LEA_CODE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LEA_NAME\\\": \\\"st\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3887", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:fachaApi, api_name:clientes, api_description:obtener cientes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"nombre\": \"str\", \"apellido\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3888", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:mony, api_name:get mony, api_description:get datat, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3889", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Word of the day, api_name:Word of the day from ld, api_description:Get word of the day from ld, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"mean\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3890", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Indonesia School List, api_name:Number of Schools in the Province of Indonesia, api_description:Number of Schools in the Province of Indonesia, also return region code (kode_wilayah) that used in other endpoints, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id_level_wilayah\": \"int\", \"induk_kabupaten\": \"NoneType\", \"induk_provinsi\": \"NoneType\", \"kb\": \"int\", \"kb_n\": \"int\", \"kb_s\": \"int\", \"kode_wilayah\": \"str\", \"kode_wilayah_induk_kabupaten\": \"NoneType\", \"kode_wilayah_induk_provinsi\": \"NoneType\", \"mst_kode_wilayah\": \"int\", \"nama\": \"str\", \"pkbm\": \"int\", \"pkbm_n\": \"int\", \"pkbm_s\": \"int\", \"sd\": \"int\", \"sd_n\": \"int\", \"sd_s\": \"int\", \"sekolah\": \"int\", \"sekolah_n\": \"int\", \"sekolah_s\": \"int\", \"skb\": \"int\", \"skb_n\": \"int\", \"skb_s\": \"int\", \"slb\": \"int\", \"slb_n\": \"int\", \"slb_s\": \"int\", \"sma\": \"int\", \"sma_n\": \"int\", \"sma_s\": \"int\", \"smk\": \"int\", \"smk_n\": \"int\", \"smk_s\": \"int\", \"smp\": \"int\", \"smp_n\": \"int\", \"smp_s\": \"int\", \"sps\": \"int\", \"sps_n\": \"int\", \"sps_s\": \"int\", \"tk\": \"int\", \"tk_n\": \"int\", \"tk_s\": \"int\", \"tpa\": \"int\", \"tpa_n\": \"int\", \"tpa_s\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3891", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Dictionary Translation Hablaa, api_name:Example sentences, api_description:Request multiple example sentences containing the word to translate., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text_to_translate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lang_code_src-lang_code_dst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3892", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:TCYonlineDictionary, api_name:tcyonline dictionary endpoint, api_description:this is tcyonline dictionary endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3893", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learning Engine, api_name:/memre_api/v1/concepts, api_description:Retrieve a list of concepts for the current customer., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3894", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Word of the day, api_name:Recent word of the day from DC, api_description:Fetches upto 3 recent word from Dictionary.com, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"mean\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3895", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Hadiths API, api_name:Get hadith by id, api_description:Each hadith have a unique ID. These ID can be used to get the hadith, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"hadith\": {\"_id\": \"str\", \"Chapter_Number\": \"int\", \"Chapter_English\": \"str\", \"Chapter_Arabic\": \"str\", \"Section_Number\": \"int\", \"Section_English\": \"str\", \"Section_Arabic\": \"str\", \"Hadith_number\": \"int\", \"English_Hadith\": \"str\", \"English_Isnad\": \"str\", \"English_Matn\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Hadith\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Isnad\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Matn\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Comment\": \"str\", \"English_Grade\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Grade\": \"str\", \"Volume\": \"int\", \"Created_By\": \"str\", \"Approved_By\": \"str\", \"Translated_By\": \"str\", \"Approved_At\": \"str\", \"Collection\": \"str\", \"Status\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"Likes\": [{\"user\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3896", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Hadiths API, api_name:Get hadiths based on the category, api_description:Each h collection has their own categories, You can check the collection and category endpoints to get more information. Each hadiths is under a category and each category is under a collection. \nExample:\n{COLLECTION} ---> {CATEGORY} ---> {HADITHS}\n{Sahih Bukhari} ---> {Revelation} --->{hadiths}\nYou can seperate the hadiths by their specific categories.\nBy default limit is 10 and page is 1. the limit and page can be altered to suit your taste., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3897", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Pluralsight Articles, api_name:Get articles about \"data\", api_description:This endpoint will return back data with around 50 articles from Pluralsight's \"data-professional\" section., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pathId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3898", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Hadiths API, api_name:Get collection by id, api_description:Each collection have a unique ID. These ID can be used to get the collection, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3899", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:TED Talks API, api_name:getSubtitleLanguages, api_description:Get all the TED talks subtitle languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"get\": \"str\", \"parameters\": \"empty list\", \"errors\": \"empty list\", \"result\": {\"num_results\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"slug\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 115}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3900", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:LeetcodeApi, api_name:getTotalSolved, api_description:Get the total number of questions solved by the user., required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3901", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Aeries, api_name:v5/schools, api_description:v5/schools, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3902", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Bhagavad Gita_v3, api_name:Get all verse of chapter by chapter id, api_description:Get all verse of chapter by chapter id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"chapterId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3903", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:All Kanji Details, api_description:Language attributes and media files for all supported kanji (~ 6.5MB), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_rev\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rad_name_ja\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"grade\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hint_group\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"kunyomi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"meaning\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kstroke\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"examples\\\": [{\\\"japanese\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"meaning\\\": {\\\"english\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"audio\\\": {\\\"opus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aac\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ogg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mp3\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"kunyomi_ja\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ka_utf\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"luminous\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rad_name_search\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"rad_order\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"txt_books\\\": [{\\\"chapter\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"txt_bk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}], \\\"kname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rad_utf\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stroketimes\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 8\\\"], \\\"kunyomi_ka_display\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dick\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rad_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dicn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mn_hint\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rad_stroke\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"onyomi_ja\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rad_meaning\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"onyomi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ka_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"onyomi_search\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"kunyomi_search\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"meaning_search\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"onyomi_ja_search\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"kunyomi_ja_search\\\": [\\\"list of str w\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3904", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:Single Kanji Details, api_description:Language attributes and media files for a single kanji, required_params: [{\"name\": \"kanji\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single kanji character\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_rev\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rad_name_ja\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"grade\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hint_group\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"kunyomi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"meaning\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kstroke\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"examples\\\": [{\\\"japanese\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"meaning\\\": 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\\\"rad_position_search\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"onyomi_search\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"kunyomi_search\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"meaning_search\\\": [\\\"list of str w\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3905", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:Kanji stroke number, api_description:The Advanced Search URL parameters are described here as individual endpoints to permit per parameter testing. Parameters may be combined as required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ks\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Positive integer\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kanji\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\"}, \"radical\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3906", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Top 2023 IT Certifications, api_name:Get by id, api_description:Get by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3907", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Dictionary Translation Hablaa, api_name:Get available languages, api_description:Get a list of available languages., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3908", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:Kanji grade level, api_description:The Advanced Search URL parameters are described here as individual endpoints to permit per parameter testing. Parameters may be combined as required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"grade\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Positive integer\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kanji\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\"}, \"radical\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3909", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:Radical Japanese name, api_description:The Advanced Search URL parameters are described here as individual endpoints to permit per parameter testing. Parameters may be combined as required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"rjn\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Hiragana or romaji\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kanji\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\"}, \"radical\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3910", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Numbers, api_name:Get date fact, api_description:Get a fact about a day of year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The 1-indexed month (eg. 6 for June)\"}, {\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The day of the month\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3911", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:TED Talks API, api_name:getTopics, api_description:Get all the TED talks topics, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"get\": \"str\", \"parameters\": \"empty list\", \"errors\": \"empty list\", \"result\": {\"num_results\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"slug\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 355}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3912", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Uncovered Treasure, api_name:/topic/{topic}, api_description:Get entries from a specific topic, required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\\"seek God\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3913", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:nguyenthanhduy178.tk, api_name:copy of endpoint: nguyenthanhduy178.tk, api_description:nguyenthanhduy178.tk, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3914", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Master Dictionary, api_name:Word infos, api_description:Get word infos, required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\", \"phonetics\": [{\"audio\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"license\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 3}], \"meanings\": [{\"partOfSpeech\": \"str\", \"definitions\": [{\"definition\": \"str\", \"synonyms\": \"empty list\", \"antonyms\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"synonyms\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"antonyms\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"license\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"sourceUrls\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3915", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Helioviewer v1, api_name:getJPX, api_description:Generate and (optionally) download a custom JPX movie of the specified datasource.\n\n Either `sourceId` must be specified, or the combination of `observatory`, `instrument`, `detector`, and `measurement`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"startTime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date/Time for the beginning of the JPX movie data. ISO 8601 combined UTC date and time UTC format.\"}, {\"name\": \"endTime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date/Time for the end of the JPX movie data. ISO 8601 combined UTC date and time UTC format.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3916", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Helioviewer v1, api_name:getJP2Image, api_description:Download a JP2 image for the specified datasource that is the closest match in time to the `date` requested.\n\n Either `sourceId` must be specified, or the combination of `observatory`, `instrument`, `detector`, and `measurement`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Desired date/time of the JP2 image. ISO 8601 combined UTC date and time UTC format.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3917", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:thefluentme, api_name:Get all languages, api_description:Returns a list of all supported languages. The API supports 40 different languages and 80 different voices for the ai_reading. This is used to define the post language when a post is added. It also defines the voice for the sound file that is generated for the user to listen to., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"supported_languages\": [{\"language_id\": \"int\", \"language_name\": \"str\", \"language_voice\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 81}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3918", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:thefluentme, api_name:Get score by id, api_description:Returns a score by `score_id`. You can get the `score_id` from the `Get all scores` endpoint. The scale parameter defines the maximum number of points for the recording, as well as each word. This parameter is not required. The default value of 100 will be applied if the parameter is not provided., required_params: [{\"name\": \"score_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3919", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Helioviewer v1, api_name:playMovie, api_description:Output an HTML web page with the requested movie embedded within., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Unique movie identifier (provided by the response to a `queueMovie` request).\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Movie format (mp4, webm, or flv).\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Height of embedded movie player in pixels. Defaults to the actual height of the movie itself.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3920", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Helioviewer v1, api_name:getDataSources, api_description:Return a hierarchial list of the available datasources.\n\n Optional parameter `verbose` is exists for compatability with JHelioviewer. It outputs the hierarchical list in an alternative format and limits the list of available datasources to a known set (SDO and SOHO). JHelioviewer may not operate properly if new datasources appear in the feed without a client-side updgrade. To explicitly include new sources, use the optional `enable` parameter., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3921", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Drillster 2.0, api_name:Retrieve group members, api_description:Retrieves all members of a specific group., required_params: [{\"name\": \"group_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3922", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Drillster 2.0, api_name:Retrieve test question, api_description:Returns the next question for a predefined test., required_params: [{\"name\": \"test_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The unique ID for the predefined test\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3923", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Drillster 2.0, api_name:Retrieve own user, api_description:Requests (own) user details., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3924", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:democracia, api_name:nombre, api_description:nombre, required_params: [{\"name\": \"idusers\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3925", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:APIGabin, api_name:Base, api_description:uNE BASE, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3926", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:LeetcodeApi, api_name:getRank, api_description:Get the contest rank of the user, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3927", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Hadiths API, api_name:Get category by id, api_description:Each category have a unique ID. These ID can be used to get the category, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"Chapter_Number\": \"int\", \"Chapter_English\": \"str\", \"Collection\": \"str\", \"Hadith_Total\": \"int\", \"Created_By\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3928", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Hadiths API, api_name:Get all categories, api_description:Get all categories from the database, by default limit is 10 and page is 1. the limit and page can be altered to suit your taste., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3929", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Reading Home APIs, api_name:GetBookDetail, api_description:Get Detail of book by Book ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3930", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:kittichai, api_name:kittichai, api_description:test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3931", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Pluralsight Articles, api_name:Get less then 20 articles from Pluralsight.com, api_description:This endpoint will return back a data with less then 20 various articles from Pluralsight.com, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3932", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Beekeeping Research, api_name:Basic endpoint, api_description:See full docs on https://research.docs.beekeeping.io, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3933", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonFootprint, api_name:TraditionalHydroToCarbonFootprint, api_description:Calculate CO2e from the use of traditional hydro provider, required_params: [{\"name\": \"consumption\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The KWH usage of hydro.\"}, {\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The country or continent providing the hydro. Can be any of USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Africa, LatinAmerica, MiddleEast, OtherCountry\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"carbonEquivalent\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3934", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Numerology-API, api_name:descriptions, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusValue\": \"int\", \"statusReasonPhrase\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"detail\": [{\"category\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3935", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Planets by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/planets, api_description:Get a list of planets matching specified parameters. Returns at most 30 results. To access more than 30 results, use the offset parameter to offset results in multiple API calls., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"mass\": \"float\", \"radius\": \"float\", \"period\": \"float\", \"semi_major_axis\": \"float\", \"temperature\": \"float\", \"distance_light_year\": \"float\", \"host_star_mass\": \"float\", \"host_star_temperature\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3936", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonFootprint, api_name:AirQualityHealthIndex, api_description:Return the official air quality health index (1 to 10) bases on key parameters.The national AQHI is based on three-hour average concentrations of ground-level ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and fine particulate matter (PM2.5). O3 and NO2 are measured in parts per billion (ppb) while PM2.5 is \t measured in micrograms per cubic metre (ug/m3), required_params: [{\"name\": \"O3\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ground-level ozone (O3) in parts per billion (ppb).in \"}, {\"name\": \"NO2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The nitrogen dioxide (NO2), in parts per billion (ppb)\"}, {\"name\": \"PM\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The fine particulate matter (PM2.5), PM2.5 is \\t * measured in micrograms per cubic metre (ug/m3).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"airQualityHealthIndex\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3937", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Mathematical Symbolic Expression Manipulator, api_name:SimplifyBasic, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"expression\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The input expression string.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errorMessage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3938", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Astronomy, api_name:Search, api_description:Search endpoint can be used to get information for stars and deep space objects., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"statusCode\": \"int\", \"errors\": [{\"stack\": \"str\", \"property\": \"str\", \"path\": {}, \"message\": \"str\", \"argument\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"schema\": {\"oneOf\": [{\"properties\": {\"term\": {\"minLength\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"match_type\": {\"enum\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"type\": \"str\"}, \"order_by\": {\"enum\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"type\": \"str\"}}, \"required\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"allOf\": [{\"properties\": {\"offset\": {\"maximum\": \"int\", \"minimum\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"limit\": {\"maximum\": \"int\", \"minimum\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\"}}, \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"instance\": {\"dec\": \"str\", \"match_type\": \"str\", \"order_by\": \"str\", \"offset\": \"str\", \"limit\": \"str\", \"exact\": \"str\", \"ra\": \"str\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3939", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Mathematical Symbolic Expression Manipulator, api_name:Evaluate, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"variables\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The variables (comma-separated).\"}, {\"name\": \"values\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The values of the variables (comma-separated).\"}, {\"name\": \"expression\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The input expression string.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errorMessage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3940", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Astronomy, api_name:Get positions for body, api_description:Returns properties of the given body for the given date range in tabular format.\n\nSupported bodies are \"sun\" ,\"moon\", \"mercury\", \"venus\", \"earth\", \"mars\", \"jupiter\", \"saturn\", \"uranus\", \"neptune\", \"pluto\", required_params: [{\"name\": \"to_date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"body\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from_date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"observer\": {\"location\": {\"longitude\": \"float\", \"elevation\": \"int\", \"latitude\": \"float\"}}, \"dates\": {\"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\"}, \"table\": {\"rows\": [{\"cells\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"distance\": {\"fromEarth\": {\"km\": \"str\", \"au\": \"str\"}}, \"position\": {\"horizontal\": {\"altitude\": {\"string\": \"str\", \"degrees\": \"str\"}, \"azimuth\": {\"string\": \"str\", \"degrees\": \"str\"}}, \"constellation\": {\"short\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\"}, \"equatorial\": {\"rightAscension\": {\"hours\": \"str\", \"string\": \"str\"}, \"declination\": {\"string\": \"str\", \"degrees\": \"str\"}}, \"horizonal\": {\"altitude\": {\"string\": \"str\", \"degrees\": \"str\"}, \"azimuth\": {\"string\": \"str\", \"degrees\": \"str\"}}}, \"name\": \"str\", \"extraInfo\": {\"elongation\": \"float\", \"magnitude\": \"float\"}, \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"entry\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"header\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3941", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Astronomy, api_name:Get all bodies positions, api_description:Returns a iterable list of bodies and their properties in tabular format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from_date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to_date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"observer\": {\"location\": {\"longitude\": \"float\", \"elevation\": \"int\", \"latitude\": \"float\"}}, \"dates\": {\"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\"}, \"table\": {\"rows\": [{\"cells\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"distance\": {\"fromEarth\": {\"km\": \"str\", \"au\": \"str\"}}, \"position\": {\"horizontal\": {\"altitude\": {\"string\": \"str\", \"degrees\": \"str\"}, \"azimuth\": {\"string\": \"str\", \"degrees\": \"str\"}}, \"constellation\": {\"short\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\"}, \"equatorial\": {\"rightAscension\": {\"hours\": \"str\", \"string\": \"str\"}, \"declination\": {\"string\": \"str\", \"degrees\": \"str\"}}, \"horizonal\": {\"altitude\": {\"string\": \"str\", \"degrees\": \"str\"}, \"azimuth\": {\"string\": \"str\", \"degrees\": \"str\"}}}, \"name\": \"str\", \"extraInfo\": {\"elongation\": \"int\", \"magnitude\": \"float\"}, \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"entry\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 11}], \"header\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3942", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonFootprint, api_name:TreeEquivalent, api_description:Calculate how many trees it took to create paper., required_params: [{\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The weight of the paper\"}, {\"name\": \"unit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The unit (kg or lb) used for the weight\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"numberOfTrees\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3943", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Numerology-API, api_name:description, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusValue\": \"int\", \"statusReasonPhrase\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"detail\": {\"category\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3944", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonFootprint, api_name:FuelToCO2e, api_description:Transform liters of Diesel, Petrol or LPG into CO2 Equivalent in Kg., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type can be Petrol, Diesel, LPG.\"}, {\"name\": \"litres\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The number of litres to calculate from.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"carbonEquivalent\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3945", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Mathematical Symbolic Expression Manipulator, api_name:Differentiate, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"expression\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The input expression string.\"}, {\"name\": \"variable\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The variable on which to differentiate.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errorMessage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3946", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Mathematical Symbolic Expression Manipulator, api_name:IsValidExpression, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"expression\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The input expression string.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3947", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonFootprint, api_name:CarbonFootprintFromCarTravel, api_description:Returns the CO2e in Kg from a travel by car, required_params: [{\"name\": \"distance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The distance in KM.\"}, {\"name\": \"vehicle\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of car, either SmallDieselCar, MediumDieselCar, LargeDieselCar, MediumHybridCar, LargeHybridCar, MediumLPGCar, LargeLPGCar, MediumCNGCar, LargeCNGCar, SmallPetrolVan, LargePetrolVan, SmallDielselVan, MediumDielselVan, LargeDielselVan, LPGVan, CNGVan, SmallPetrolCar, MediumPetrolCar, LargePetrolCar, SmallMotorBike, MediumMotorBike, LargeMotorBike\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"carbonEquivalent\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3948", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Astrologer, api_name:Now, api_description:Gets astrological data for the current moment at UTC., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"month\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"day\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hour\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"minute\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tz_str\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zodiac_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"local_time\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"utc_time\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"julian_day\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"sun\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"element\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sign\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sign_num\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"abs_pos\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"emoji\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"point_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"house\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"retrograde\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"moon\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"element\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sign\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sign_num\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"abs_pos\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"emoji\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"point_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"house\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"retrograde\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"mercury\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"element\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sign\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sign_num\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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\\\"publisher\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content-domain\\\": {\\\"domain\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"crossmark-restriction\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"published-print\\\": {\\\"date-parts\\\": [\\\"list of list with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"abstract\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DOI\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"created\\\": {\\\"date-parts\\\": [\\\"list of list with length 1\\\"], \\\"date-time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"page\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"source\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is-referenced-by-count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"title\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"prefix\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"author\\\": [{\\\"given\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"family\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sequence\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"affiliation\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"member\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"published-online\\\": {\\\"date-parts\\\": [\\\"list of list with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"container-title\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], 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\"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Refers to a *Surah/Chapter* in the Koran\\n**Min Value: *1***\\n**Max Value: *114***\"}, {\"name\": \"verseId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"A valid *Ayah/verse* number from a specific chapter from the Quran\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"float\", \"content\": \"str\", \"translation_eng\": \"str\", \"transliteration\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3952", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:crossref, api_name:DOI, api_description:Information of a article with specified doi., required_params: [{\"name\": \"doi\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3953", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Al-Quran, api_name:Get base information, api_description:Responds with JSON including some properties of the Quran. *(deprecated)*, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total_surahs\": \"int\", \"total_meccan_surahs\": \"int\", \"total_medinan_surahs\": \"int\", \"total_verses\": \"int\", \"number_of_words\": \"int\", \"number_of_unique_words\": \"int\", \"number_of_stems\": \"int\", \"number_of_lemmas\": \"int\", \"number_of_roots\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3954", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:manatee jokes, api_name:random, api_description:retrieves a random manatee joke, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"setup\": \"str\", \"punchline\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3955", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:teste, api_name:loginUser, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The password for login in clear text\"}, {\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user name for login\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3956", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:teste, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3957", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:manatee jokes, api_name:get by id, api_description:gets a specific joke by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3958", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Atmosphere nitrous oxide levels, api_name:Nitrous endpoint, api_description:The response will be an object with no CORS resources enabled., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"nitrous\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"average\": \"str\", \"trend\": \"str\", \"averageUnc\": \"str\", \"trendUnc\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 267}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3959", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:dna2protein, api_name:DNA2mRNA, api_description:This end-point converts a DNA sequence into an mRNA sequence., required_params: [{\"name\": \"dna\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The DNA sequence to transform into an mRNA sequence.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"mRNA\": \"str\", \"dna\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3960", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:dna2protein, api_name:DNA2AminoAcid, api_description:Transform a DNA sequence into a sequence of Amino Acids, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dna\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The DNA sequence used for the transformation to Amino Acids\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"aminoAcids\": [{\"order\": \"int\", \"letter\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3961", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:dna2protein, api_name:mRNA2DNA, api_description:This endpoint transforms an mRNA sequence to its DNA sequence equivalent., required_params: [{\"name\": \"mRNA\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The mRNA sequence as a string of letters.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"mRNA\": \"str\", \"dna\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3962", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Astronomy Picture of The day, api_name:Picture Of The Day, api_description:This Endpoint returns an astronomy image of the univers with caption and explanation from professionals., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3963", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:test, api_name:random_usr_copy, api_description:api/users/random_user, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"phone_number\": \"str\", \"social_insurance_number\": \"str\", \"date_of_birth\": \"str\", \"employment\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"key_skill\": \"str\"}, \"address\": {\"city\": \"str\", \"street_name\": \"str\", \"street_address\": \"str\", \"zip_code\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}}, \"credit_card\": {\"cc_number\": \"str\"}, \"subscription\": {\"plan\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"payment_method\": \"str\", \"term\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3964", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:test, api_name:random_usr, api_description:api/users/random_user, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"phone_number\": \"str\", \"social_insurance_number\": \"str\", \"date_of_birth\": \"str\", \"employment\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"key_skill\": \"str\"}, \"address\": {\"city\": \"str\", \"street_name\": \"str\", \"street_address\": \"str\", \"zip_code\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}}, \"credit_card\": {\"cc_number\": \"str\"}, \"subscription\": {\"plan\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"payment_method\": \"str\", \"term\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3965", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Stars by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/stars, api_description:Get a list of stars matching specified parameters. Returns at most 30 results. To access more than 30 results, use the offset parameter to offset results in multiple API calls., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"constellation\": \"str\", \"right_ascension\": \"str\", \"declination\": \"str\", \"apparent_magnitude\": \"str\", \"absolute_magnitude\": \"str\", \"distance_light_year\": \"str\", \"spectral_class\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3966", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Daily Knowledge, api_name:/logical-fallacies-en.json, api_description:Learn to identify flaws in reasoning., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"head\": \"str\", \"first\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"example\": \"str\", \"pageTitle\": \"str\", \"exampleText\": \"str\", \"meta\": {\"seo\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"og\": {\"og:title\": \"str\", \"og:description\": \"str\", \"og:image\": \"str\", \"og:image:width\": \"int\", \"og:image:height\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3967", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Daily Knowledge, api_name:/countries-en.json, api_description:Capitals, currencies, flags and more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"capital\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"languages\": \"str\", \"tld\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3968", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Daily Knowledge, api_name:/chemical-elements-en.json, api_description:Periodic table of elements., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"atomicMass\": \"float\", \"atomicNumber\": \"int\", \"ionizationEnergy\": \"float\", \"boilingPoint\": {\"C\": \"int\"}, \"group\": \"str\", \"electronsPerShell\": [\"list of int with length 2\"], \"elementGroup\": \"str\", \"meltingPoint\": {\"C\": \"float\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"period\": \"int\", \"phase\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"discoveryDate\": \"int\", \"context\": \"str\", \"nameLatin\": \"str\", \"nameDE\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3969", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Daily Knowledge, api_name:/sustainable-development-goals-en.json, api_description:The UN global goals for sustainable development., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"number\": \"int\", \"backgroundColor\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"introduction\": \"str\", \"manifest\": \"str\", \"targets\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\", \"pictogram\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"tips\": [\"list of str with length 7\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3970", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonFootprint, api_name:CarbonFootprintFromPublicTransit, api_description:Return CO2e in Kg from the use of public transporation., required_params: [{\"name\": \"distance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The distance in KM.\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of transportation, one of: Taxi, ClassicBus, EcoBus, Coach, NationalTrain, LightRail, Subway, FerryOnFoot, FerryInCar\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"carbonEquivalent\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3971", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonSutra, api_name:Nearest Airport from Postal Code, api_description:This is an advanced algorithm which takes a postal code and country code as input and returns the nearest airport its lat-long value. It is important to note that the straight line distance between the lat-long of postal code and airport is measured. The returned value is in kilometers. The source of 1.5 million postal code data is taken as it is from https://public.opendatasoft.com/explore/dataset/geonames-postal-code/. For airports, the publicly available database of IATA codes and airport names is used., required_params: [{\"name\": \"postal_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Two digit country code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"postal_code\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"country_code\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3972", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonFootprint, api_name:CleanHydroToCarbonFootprint, api_description:Return the CO2e in Kg from the consumption of clean hydro energy, required_params: [{\"name\": \"energy\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The source of the clean energy. Can be Solar, Wind, HydroElectric, Biomass, Geothermal, Tidal or OtherCleanEnergy\"}, {\"name\": \"consumption\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The amount of energy consumed in KWH..\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"carbonEquivalent\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3973", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonSutra, api_name:Vehicles Models, api_description:List of Vehicle Models for a Make. A list of every make and model used by this API is at https://www.carbonsutra.com/data-vehicle-make-model.html, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vehicle_make\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3974", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:EveryEarthquake, api_name:Significant Earthquakes, Past 30 Days, api_description:Significant Earthquakes, Past Thirty Days, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"httpStatus\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"noun\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"verb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"errorCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"errors\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"friendlyError\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"result\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"magnitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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"category_name:Science, tool_name:Al-Quran, api_name:Search for a word in Quran, api_description:Looks for a given keyword (English) in ***translation_eng*** key in the entire Koran and responds with all the verses containing the given keyword and toal matches in JSON, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchTerm\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Any given keyword or phrase you like to search for in the Koran\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total_matches \": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3978", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Al-Quran, api_name:Get range of verses, api_description:Responds with a collection of *Ayahs/Verses* in a specific *Chapter/Surah* along with original Arabic text, translation, transliteration and verse ID in JSON, required_params: [{\"name\": \"chapterId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"range\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"1\": {\"id\": \"float\", \"content\": \"str\", \"translation_eng\": \"str\", \"transliteration\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"float\", \"content\": \"str\", \"translation_eng\": \"str\", \"transliteration\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"float\", \"content\": \"str\", \"translation_eng\": \"str\", \"transliteration\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"float\", \"content\": \"str\", \"translation_eng\": \"str\", \"transliteration\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3979", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:EveryEarthquake, api_name:Latest Earthquake Near Me, api_description:Call this endpoint with your latitude and longitude and you'll receive a simple return for the most recent earthquake, within 100 miles, of the lat/long coordinates provided., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3980", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:EveryEarthquake, api_name:M4.5+ Earthquakes, Past Hour, api_description:Magnitude 4.5+ Earthquakes, Past Hour, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3981", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Numerology-API, api_name:info, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"application\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3982", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Numerology-API, api_name:health, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3983", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonSutra, api_name:Airports by Keyword, api_description:Returns the lists of airport names and IATA code which matches the keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"keyword\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3984", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonSutra, api_name:Vehicles Makes, api_description:List of Vehicle Makes. A list of every make and model used by this API is at https://www.carbonsutra.com/data-vehicle-make-model.html, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"make\": \"str\", \"number_of_models\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 141}], \"success\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3985", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:astrometry.ch perihelion astronomy, api_name:Base endpoint, api_description:http://astrometry.ch:5000/perihelion/0, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3986", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:EveryEarthquake, api_name:Earthquakes, api_description:Get the 100 most recent earthquakes from all over in the world. No parameters required., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3987", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:EveryEarthquake, api_name:All Earthquakes, Past 30 Days, api_description:All Earthquakes, Past Thirty Days, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"httpStatus\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"noun\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"verb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"errorCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"errors\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"friendlyError\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"result\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"magnitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"detailUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"felt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cdi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mmi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alert\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tsunami\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sig\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"net\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ids\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sources\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"types\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nst\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dmin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rms\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gap\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"magType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geometryType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"depth\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"place\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"distanceKM\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"placeOnly\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subnational\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"what3words\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locationDetails\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"wikidataId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geonameId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"adminLevel\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3988", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonSutra, api_name:Cluster Data, api_description:Emissions can be grouped into self-defined clusters and retrieved using those labels. This eliminates the need to store the results at developer's end. A key will need to be generated, which is then passed as a Bearer Token (within Authorization) in all calculations, so that the user can be identified and the results are securely delivered.\n\nUse the POST API of RegisterKey to obtain your API_KEY which will be used in all estimation calculations for which clustering is required. Your email address and a secret phrase (password) will be required to generate this key.\n\nThe POST API of RetrieveKey will give you the key again if it was misplaced, as long as the correct password is entered.\n\nNote that if clustering is not needed then you do not need API_KEY.\n\nThe GET API of ClusterData returns all the estimations that were calculated for a specific cluster_name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cluster_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3989", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:dna2protein, api_name:mRNA2AminoAcid, api_description:Transform an mRNA sequence into a sequence of Amino Acids., required_params: [{\"name\": \"mRNA\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the mRNA sequence used to find the Amino Acid sequence.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"aminoAcids\": [{\"order\": \"int\", \"letter\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3990", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:EveryEarthquake, api_name:All Earthquakes, Past Day, api_description:All Earthquakes, Past Day, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3991", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:teste, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3992", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:teste, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3993", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Materials Platform for Data Science, api_name:MPDS, api_description:Retrieve materials data, see www.mpds.io, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"JSON-serialized URL-encoded Object with the retrieval criteria, e.g. {\\\"elements\\\":\\\"Ag-K\\\"}\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3994", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:EveryEarthquake, api_name:M2.5+ Earthquakes, Past Day, api_description:Magnitude 2.5+ Earthquakes, Past Day, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"httpStatus\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"noun\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"verb\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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[{\"name\": \"targetUrl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Website url\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"imageUrl\": \"str\", \"imageName\": \"str\", \"performance\": {\"browser\": \"float\", \"upload\": \"float\"}, \"payload\": {\"proxy\": {\"country\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}, \"fullpage\": \"bool\", \"isFullyLoaded\": \"bool\", \"removables\": \"NoneType\", \"click\": {\"selector\": \"str\", \"options\": {\"delay\": \"int\", \"button\": \"str\", \"clickCount\": \"int\"}}, \"viewport\": {\"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"deviceScaleFactor\": \"int\", \"isMobile\": \"bool\", \"hasTouch\": \"bool\", \"isLandScape\": \"bool\"}}, \"times\": {\"openPage\": \"float\", \"goto\": \"float\", \"screenshot\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4004", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:SSL Snitch, api_name:Check, api_description:Takes a domain name and returns SSL information. 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\"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4007", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:world population by decade and growth rate, api_name:Get by decade, api_description:Get by decade, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"Year\": \"str\", \"Population\": \"str\", \"Growth Rate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4008", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:MX - Email server UP or DOWN, api_name:Check EMAIL server, api_description:Returns if email server is up or down., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4009", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:Newly Registered Domains, api_name:newlyRegisteredDomains, api_description:REST API to lookup newly registered domains, 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For example like this:\nbackup.sh && curl https://simple-email-notifications.p.rapidapi.com/Backup finished ✅ /?email=demo@example.com&rapidapi-key=\n\nWe recommend to use your rapidapi key as a query parameter as to reduce the complexity of the curl call.\n\nSend a email notification to the specified recipient. Note that it's not possible to set a email body. It's only possible to set a subject, as this API is only supposed to be used as a notification tool for jobs or tasks that have finished or experienced errors. If you don't set a subject, \"📩\" will be set automatically for you., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The E-Mail address that should receive this notification. Please note that it is NOT ALLOWED TO USE THIS API TO SEND ANY KIND OF MARKETING E-MAILS OR ANY E-MAIL COMMUNICATION WITH PARTIES THAT HAVE NOT GIVEN THEIR CONSENT TO RECEIVE THOSE E-MAILS! \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4022", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:Similar Web, api_name:countries/list, api_description:List countries with meta data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"alpha-2\": \"str\", \"alpha-3\": \"str\", \"country-code\": \"str\", \"iso_3166-2\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"sub-region\": \"str\", \"intermediate-region\": \"str\", \"region-code\": \"str\", \"sub-region-code\": \"str\", \"intermediate-region-code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4023", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:Similar Web, api_name:get-analysis, api_description:Get website traffic, key metrics, including engagement rate, traffic ranking, keyword ranking and traffic source., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any site or domain that you are familiar with. Ex : amazon.com\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4024", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:OTP, api_name:sms, api_description:otp sms to users, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mobileno\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4025", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:Yandex SERP, api_name:Get SERP [async], api_description:Creates a task that will return complete SERP data for provided domain. Using this endpoint is very simple!\n1. Make a request\n2. Grab received **task_id**\n3. Provide the **task_id** to **GetTaskResult** endpoint to get complete domain data.\n\nThe average execution time is 5-40 seconds. It all depends how many tasks are in the queue., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"get search results from:\\n- yandex.com\\n- yandex.ru\\n- yandex.by\\n- yandex.kz\\n- yandex.uz\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"0 - first page\\n1 - second page\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"Domain\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Region\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4026", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:Yandex SERP, api_name:GetMyTasks [free of use], api_description:Retrieves your all tasks. Use this endpoint when lost your **task_id** . Use this endpoint how much you want. **It's free of charge**!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"description\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4027", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:Plerdy, api_name:Heatmap, api_description:With Plerdy Heatmaps we see exactly where the clicks were on the website. All clicks on the website are recorded and displayed in real time. Which helps to understand how users behave on the website., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4028", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:Yandex SERP, api_name:CancelTask [free of use], api_description:Cancels pending task. Removes task from your job queue. Use this endpoint how much you want. **It's free of charge**!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"task_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"task_id\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4029", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:Price Tracking Tools, api_name:camelizer/get-prices, api_description:Get latest prices, history highest/lowest prices of a product from Amazon, required_params: [{\"name\": \"asin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The asin number of a product from Amazon, and must be in the correct format. Ex : B08QB93S6R\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4030", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:Yandex SERP, api_name:Get server time, api_description:Returns server time., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4031", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:Price Tracking Tools, api_name:camelizer/get-price-chart, api_description:Get pricing history chart of a product from Amazon, required_params: [{\"name\": \"asin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The asin number of a product from Amazon, and must be in the correct format. Ex : B08QB93S6R\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4032", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:About My IP, api_name:GetIPInfo, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4033", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:Youtube classification api, api_name:Overview of channels, api_description:GET Overview of channels, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"0\\\": {\\\"channelTitle\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"viewCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"likeCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"commentCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"definition\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"caption\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"subscribers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalViews\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalVideos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg polarity score\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Label\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pushblishYear\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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\"bool\", \"valid\": \"bool\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"dns\": \"bool\", \"syntaxVerified\": \"bool\", \"mxHosts\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4037", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:openSquat, api_name:Get Daily Domains, api_description:Get the daily list of domains that have been registered in the past day that have a similar word to {keyword} - the keyword should not contain any domain, e.g: Google, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": \"str\", \"keyword\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\", \"domains\": [\"list of str with length 28\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4038", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:ICS-CERT Advisories, api_name:Get All Advisories, api_description:This endpoint will return back all advisories and provide timely information about current security issues, vulnerabilities, and exploits from CISA.gov, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4039", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:JoJ Translate, api_name:Translate, api_description:Translate, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Text to be translated\"}, {\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Language to be translated\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"responseType\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4040", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:English synonyms, api_name:Get Synonyms, api_description:Get all synonyms from a given english word, required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"An english word\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"synonyms\": [\"list of str with length 25\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4041", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:AIbit translator, api_name:Get Supported Languages, api_description:Get list support languages by AIbit, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4042", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Translef - translator, api_name:List of available languages, api_description:This method returns a list of language codes that will be needed in the method to translate the text, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4043", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Cheap Translate, api_name:/goo/translate/languages, api_description:Get all Goog supported language, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"auto\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"af\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sq\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"am\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ar\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"as\\\": 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api_name:Get Languages, api_description:Get all supported languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4046", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Anime Voice Waifu Ai Api, api_name:Get Speaker List, api_description:Get Speaker List, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"speaker\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4047", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Simple & Elegant Translation Service, api_name:To get a list all the supported languages by this API Endpoint, api_description:To get a list all the supported languages, execute this API, https://translate.pregnya.com/getSupportedLanguages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"languages\\\": {\\\"af\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"am\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ar\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"az\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"be\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bg\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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\"STRING\", \"description\": \"File ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4049", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:RushTranslate, api_name:Get Order, api_description:Get detailed information about a specific order., required_params: [{\"name\": \"order_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Order number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4050", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:RushTranslate, api_name:List Orders, api_description:Get a paginated list of your orders sorted in descending order by received_at date., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4051", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Anime Voice Waifu Ai Api, api_name:Get Voice, api_description:Get Voice, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4052", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Google Translate_v3, api_name:Supported languages, api_description:Get Support Languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4053", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Translate All Languages, api_name:Languages, api_description:Returns a list of supported languages for translation., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"languages\": [{\"af\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 91}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4054", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Translate All Languages, api_name:Translate, api_description:Translates input text, returning translated text, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The input text to translate.\"}, {\"name\": \"toLang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The language to use for translation of the input text, set to one of the language codes listed in the overview tab\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"langDetect\": \"str\", \"translatedText\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4055", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Dictionary by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/dictionary, api_description:API Ninjas Dictionary API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Word to look up.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"definition\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4056", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Rapid Translate, api_name:Get Languages, api_description:Returns supported language list., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"englishName\": \"str\", \"nativeName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4057", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:ceviri, api_name:ceee, api_description:faas aasdd, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4058", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:navicon1, api_name:1, api_description:1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4059", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:RushTranslate, api_name:Get Revision, api_description:Get detailed information about a specific revision., required_params: [{\"name\": \"revision_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Revision ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4060", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Long Translator, api_name:languages, api_description:This endpoint is used to get a list of available language codes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"languages\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 111}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4061", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Language Detection_v2, api_name:Language Codes List, api_description:Return list of language codes in ISO 639-1 format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4062", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:AI Translation APIs, api_name:Supported Languages List, api_description:Get Supported Languages List That AI Translation APIs Support, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4063", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Microsoft Translator Text, api_name:Languages, api_description:Gets the set of languages currently supported by other operations of the Translator Text API., required_params: [{\"name\": \"api-version\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Version of the API requested by the client. Value must be **3.0**.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4064", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Translate it, api_name:options, api_description:With this endpoint you can get the supported languages and the possible translations between them, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4065", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:RushTranslate, api_name:List Languages, api_description:Get the list of languages we support. The language codes included in the response will be required when placing orders via the API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"active\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4066", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Nitro, api_name:Account, api_description:This endpoint retrieves an account., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4067", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Nitro, api_name:Get All Orders, api_description:This endpoint retrieves all account orders., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4068", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Translate Plus, api_name:supported_languages, api_description:The languages which out api supports., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"supported_languages\\\": {\\\"Auto Detect\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Afrikaans\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Albanian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Amharic\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Arabic\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Armenian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Azerbaijani\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Basque\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Belarusian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bengali\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bosnian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bulgarian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Catalan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Cebuano\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Chinese (Simplified)\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Chinese (Traditional)\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Corsican\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Croatian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Czech\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Danish\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Dutch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"English\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Esperanto\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Estonian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Finnish\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"French\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Frisian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Galician\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Georgian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"German\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Greek\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Gujarati\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Haitian Creole\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hausa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hawaiian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hebrew\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hindi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hmong\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hungarian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Icelandic\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Igbo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Indonesian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Irish\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Italian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Japanese\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Javanese\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Kannada\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Kazakh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Khmer\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Kinyarwanda\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Korean\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Kurdish (K\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4069", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Translate_v3, api_name:Translate, api_description:Return Translated Text and the source language if it wasn't specified, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"dest\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4070", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Translate_v3, api_name:Accurate Language Detection, api_description:This endpoint will return the Language of the Text, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4071", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Translate_v3, api_name:Fast Language Detection, api_description:This endpoint will return the Language of the Text, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4072", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Text Translator_v2, api_name:getLanguages, api_description:This endpoint is used to get a list of available language codes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4073", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Fast And Highly Accurate Language Detection, api_name:Languages, api_description:Endpoint to return language information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"accuracy\": \"float\", \"datapoints\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4074", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Tribal Mail - Translate, api_name:Allowance, api_description:This endpoint shows your current left over allowance for the month., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"allowance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4075", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Neuro High-quality Translation, api_name:List of available languages, api_description:Language list for translation into both directions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"langs\\\": {\\\"af\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"am\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ar\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"az\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"be\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ca\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ceb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"co\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"da\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"de\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"el\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"en\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"es\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"et\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ga\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ha\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"haw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"he\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hmn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ht\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ig\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"it\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"iw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ja\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"jw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ka\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"km\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ko\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ku\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ky\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"la\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lv\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ml\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ms\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"my\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ne\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"no\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"or\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ny\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ps\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4076", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Bing_Translate, api_name:Noname, api_description:Không có gì, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4077", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Nitro, api_name:Rates, api_description:This endpoint retrieves all rates., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"source_language\": \"str\", \"target_language\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4078", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Translate All Languages, api_name:Detect, api_description:Detects the language of text within a request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The input text upon which to perform language detection. Repeat this parameter to perform language detection on multiple text inputs.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"langDetect\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4079", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Deep Translate, api_name:languages, api_description:You can discover the supported languages of this API by sending an HTTP request using a URL of the following format, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"languages\": [{\"language\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 121}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4080", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Indic-Translator, api_name:queryTranslator/, api_description:For translating an English sentence (query) to Hindi., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4081", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Webit Language, api_name:Dictionary Examples (TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE), api_description:Dictionary Examples, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"input_text\": \"str\", \"languages\": \"empty list\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4082", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Webit Language, api_name:Dictionary Antonyms (TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE), api_description:Dictionary Antonyms, required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"input_text\": \"str\", \"languages\": \"empty list\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4083", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Nitro, api_name:Get a Specific Order, api_description:This endpoint retrieves a specific order., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4084", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Webit Language, api_name:Transliterate (Any to Latin), api_description:Transliteration endpoint provides you with transliteration of text from any language to Latin. Transliterate \"こんにちは\" to \"kon'nichiha\" with ease., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Transliterate any text to Latin.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"text\": \"str\", \"transliteration\": \"str\"}, \"message\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4085", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Webit Language, api_name:Bilingual Dictionary, api_description:Powerful multi-language bilingual neural translation dictionary, supporting 80+ languages., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The word or comma separated words (up to 10 words per request) to seek bilingual translations for.\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Supported ISO 639-1 language codes: 'ar', 'az', 'be', 'bg', 'ca', 'ce', 'cs', 'cy', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'fi', 'fr', 'gl', 'he', 'hi', 'hr', 'hu', 'hy', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'ka', 'kk', 'ko', 'la', 'lt', 'lv', 'mk', 'ms', 'nl', 'nn', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sh', 'sk', 'sl', 'sr', 'sv', 'ta', 'tg', 'th', 'tr', 'tt', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz', 'vi', 'vo', 'zh'.\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Supported ISO 639-1 language codes: 'ar', 'az', 'be', 'bg', 'ca', 'ce', 'cs', 'cy', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'fi', 'fr', 'gl', 'he', 'hi', 'hr', 'hu', 'hy', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'ka', 'kk', 'ko', 'la', 'lt', 'lv', 'mk', 'ms', 'nl', 'nn', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sh', 'sk', 'sl', 'sr', 'sv', 'ta', 'tg', 'th', 'tr', 'tt', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz', 'vi', 'vo', 'zh'.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"term\": \"str\", \"translations\": [{\"translation\": \"str\", \"confidence\": \"int\", \"is_reliable\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 3}], \"message\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4086", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Translate Language, api_name:Supported Languages, api_description:Supported Languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 107}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"bool\", \"totalResultCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4087", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:RushTranslate, api_name:Download File, api_description:Retrieve a temporary download URL for the file. Files are encrypted and stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. When you want to download a file this request will generate a temporary signed URL allowing access to download the file securely. URLs expire after two minutes., required_params: [{\"name\": \"file_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4088", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:RushTranslate, api_name:Create File, api_description:Creates a new file. File uploads are limited to 100Mb in size. Each file may be attached to only one resource after creation., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Type of file - source or reference\"}, {\"name\": \"file\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File to be uploaded\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4089", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Bidirectional Text Language Translation, api_name:Get Supported Languages, api_description:takes no inputs and provides an array of supported language with iso 2 code and name of language in english., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4090", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Bidirectional Text Language Translation, api_name:Translate, api_description:takes source text, from language and to language and provides results in a very simple object.\nLanguages specified are in two character ISO codes.\nif lang_from is not specified it will be auto detected., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lang_to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4091", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Domain Checker, api_name:Whois, api_description:Checks the domain Whois Details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"domain\": \"str\", \"sld\": \"str\", \"tld\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\", \"available\": \"bool\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\", \"expires_at\": \"str\", \"registrar\": \"str\", \"whois\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4092", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Scanova QR Code, api_name:V-Card QR Code, api_description:This request returns a Static QR Code (standard or custom-designed) encoded with specified contact information. When scanned, the QR Code prompts the scanning device to 'Save as Contact'., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4093", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Domain Checker, api_name:DNS, api_description:Checks the domain DNS records, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"domain\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\", \"A\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"AAAA\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"CNAME\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"NS\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"MX\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"TXT\": [\"list of str with length 19\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4094", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Scanova QR Code, api_name:Text QR Code, api_description:This request returns a Static QR Code (standard or custom-designed) encoded with specified text. When scanned, the QR Code prompts the scanning device to display the text., required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"size\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4095", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code API updated, api_name:qr endpoint, api_description:qr endpoint to surf to any website, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4096", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:PDF Text Extractor, api_name:Intro, api_description:Main access point, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4097", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:All Purpose Complex Converter, api_name:Convert Text To Speech || Provide Any Text, api_description:Convert Any Text To Speech., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Support Both Text and Numbers. \\nCan Pass Text Such as (\\\\\\\"any Thing to convert\\\\\\\")\\nor \\nCan Pass Any Number such as 1029383833384474\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4098", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Bar QR Code Generator, api_name:download, api_description:Generate and download a single barcode., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of barcode can be one of qr_code, code_128a, code_128b, code_128c, code_25, code_25_interleaved, code_25_iata, code_39, code_93, gs1_128, ean_13, bookland, ean_8, upc_supplemental, codabar\"}, {\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The data to be encoded\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4099", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:All Purpose Complex Converter, api_name:Convert Numbers To Words | Provide Any Integer Number, api_description:Convert any number to words., required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Pass only Integer Numbers! \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Provided Number\": \"int\", \"Converted to Words\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4100", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:oDesk APIs, api_name:Generating Company Wide Reports, api_description:Time reports can be generated on a company-wide level. All time reports fields are supported on this level except earnings related fields. In order to access this API the authorized user needs either hiring or finance permissions to all teams within the company., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"note: format must be specified in tqx parameter, see example\"}, {\"name\": \"tq\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Google query goes here\"}, {\"name\": \"company\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The company ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4101", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Password Generator by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/passwordgenerator, api_description:API Ninjas Password Generator API endpoint. Returns a random password string adhering to the specified parameters., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"random_password\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4102", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Email Validator, api_name:/email-validator/validate, api_description:Validate email address. Key features:\n1. Checks that an email address has the correct syntax\n1. Gives friendly error messages when validation fails.\n1. Checks deliverability of an email address.\n1. Supports internationalized domain names and \n1. Normalizes email addresses, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"originalEmail\": \"str\", \"normalizedEmail\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"localPart\": \"str\", \"isDisposable\": \"bool\", \"isValid\": \"bool\", \"isDeliverable\": \"bool\", \"isSmtpUtf8\": \"bool\", \"mx\": [{\"host\": \"str\", \"priority\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"message\": \"str\", \"asciiEmail\": \"str\", \"asciiLocalPart\": \"str\", \"asciiDomain\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4103", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:oDesk APIs, api_name:Get Specific Job, api_description:Returns the complete job object for the referenced job, this is only available to users with manage_recruiting permissions within the team that the job is posted in., required_params: [{\"name\": \"job_reference-format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"job_reference\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Job reference ID\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"formation of response\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4104", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Text Sentiment API, api_name:Sentiment Analysis, api_description:This endpoint takes a GET request with a string as a parameter and returns the sentiment scores (polarity and subjectivity) of the text as well as the 'Full Text', 'Language', 'Entities', 'Keywords', 'Sentiment Label' and 'Subjectivity Label'., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Entities\": [{\"label\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"Full Text\": \"str\", \"Keywords\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"Language\": \"str\", \"Sentiment\": \"str\", \"Sentiment Score\": \"float\", \"Subjectivity\": \"str\", \"Subjectivity Score\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4105", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:oDesk APIs, api_name:Get My Jobs, api_description:Returns all jobs that a user has manage_recruiting access to. This API call can be used to find the reference ID of a specific job., required_params: [{\"name\": \"buyer_team__reference\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The buyer's team reference ID\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"formation of response\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4106", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Captcha, api_name:Generate Captcha, api_description:Generates a captcha and returns a UUID., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uuid\": \"str\", \"captcha\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4107", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Github Repos, api_name:Search, api_description:Search for public repositories of an user, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"repositories\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 16}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4108", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:SQL Code Compiler, api_name:SQL Versions, api_description:SQL Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4109", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code - Dynamic and Static, api_name:Generate API Key, api_description:From this endpoint you can generate a single api key.\n\nIt will be used to link all the qr code created, and allow any changes.\n\nImportant: Keep in mind that once generated, it is necessary that you store this key well, since it is not possible to recover it, and without it, you do not have access to change any of your QR Codes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"msg\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4110", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code - Dynamic and Static, api_name:List All QR Code's, api_description:From this endpoint is to list all registered qr codes, related to their api key., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"msg\": \"str\", \"err\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4111", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Anchor Data Scrapper, api_name:Get Podcast episodes, api_description:Get Podcast episodes with Audio, image, description using the username of the podcast., required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The username of the anchor podcase user for example:\\nhttps://anchor.fm/**financialfreedomtribe**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"username\": \"str\", \"userID\": \"str\", \"episodes\": [{\"ID\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"audio\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4112", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code - Dynamic and Static, api_name:List Specific QR Code, api_description:From this endpoint is to get the information of a specific registered qr code, related to the respective api key, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ref\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"msg\": \"str\", \"err\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4113", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Judge0 Extra CE, api_name:Get a Language, api_description:Get a language., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"is_archived\": \"bool\", \"source_file\": \"str\", \"compile_cmd\": \"NoneType\", \"run_cmd\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4114", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Judge0 Extra CE, api_name:About, api_description:Get general information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"version\": \"str\", \"homepage\": \"str\", \"source_code\": \"str\", \"maintainer\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4115", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code_v18, api_name:qrcode, api_description:Get a QR Code from an input text, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4116", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Judge0 Extra CE, api_name:Get Configuration, api_description:Configuration information gives you detailed information about the configuration of Judge0., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"maintenance_mode\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"enable_wait_result\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"enable_compiler_options\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"allowed_languages_for_compile_options\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"enable_command_line_arguments\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"enable_submission_delete\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"enable_callbacks\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"callbacks_max_tries\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"callbacks_timeout\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"enable_additional_files\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"max_queue_size\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cpu_time_limit\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max_cpu_time_limit\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cpu_extra_time\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max_cpu_extra_time\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wall_time_limit\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max_wall_time_limit\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"memory_limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max_memory_limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"stack_limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max_stack_limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max_processes_and_or_threads\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max_max_processes_and_or_threads\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"enable_per_process_and_thread_time_limit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"allow_enable_per_process_and_thread_time_limit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"enable_per_process_and_thread_memory_limit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"allow_enable_per_process_and_thread_memory_limit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"max_file_size\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max_max_file_size\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4117", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Masehi ke Hijriyah, api_name:tanggal, api_description:isi tanggal, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tanggal\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4118", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Articles Generator, api_name:Get Generated Article By ID, api_description:When using Generate New Article Endpoint, the article is saved, and can be accessed by the provided id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"article-id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Article ID that was outputted by the generate new article endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"lang\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"subject\": \"str\", \"NParagraphs\": \"int\", \"keywords\": \"str\", \"format\": \"str\", \"articleLength\": \"int\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4119", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Perl Code Compiler, api_name:Perl Versions, api_description:Perl Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4120", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Noly url shortener, api_name:Shorten long link, api_description:Use this endpoint to shorten a URL. The response will be a JSON object with the following structure:\n\nOn success:\n{\n\"status\": 1,\n\"error\": \"\",\n\"data\": \"https://tombo.icu/57h80n\"\n}\n\nOn failure:\n{\n\"status\": 0,\n\"error\": \"This website is already shortened here.\",\n\"data\": \"https://tombo.icu/57h80n\"\n}\n\nThe \"data\" field contains the shortened URL., required_params: [{\"name\": \"link\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4121", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Plus One, api_name:get plus one, api_description:Get your integer, incremented by one, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4122", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:GUID generator, api_name:GenerateGuid, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4123", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:GUID generator, api_name:BulkGenerateGuids, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4124", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:YouTube Video Summarizer, api_name:/v1/youtube/summarizeVideoWithToken, api_description:Create a video summary of a given YouTube video. The summary is provided in markdown format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoURL\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The URL of the YouTube video to summarize.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4125", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR-Generator-Api, api_name:Generate, api_description:Generate HTML image-tag with base64-image-string as QR code of input text (Query Parameter), required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"QR Code Text Content\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4126", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Go Code Compiler, api_name:Go Versions, api_description:Go Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4127", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Placeholder text API for your application, api_name:Generate placeholder text, api_description:Generates placeholder text based on \"length\" query param, required_params: [{\"name\": \"length\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specifies what size placeholder text you want in the response.\\nThe \\\\\\\"length\\\\\\\" param must be one of the following:\\n- small\\n- medium\\n- large\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"text\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4128", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code API_v92, api_name:QR Code, api_description:GET request to /qr-code with a url query parameter, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4129", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:URL Content Extractor, api_name:Search Content, api_description:Allows you to search content for content based on a query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4130", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:URL Content Extractor, api_name:Get Trending, api_description:This will return a list of news articles that are trending., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4131", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:YouTube Video Tags, api_name:Get All The Video Tags, api_description:This endpoint will return all the tags used for the SEO of a video, with the video title., required_params: [{\"name\": \"URL\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4132", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:URL Content Extractor, api_name:Get Content, api_description:Give a url and it will spit back the content of that url, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4133", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:PHP Code Compiler, api_name:PHP Versions, api_description:PHP Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4134", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Keyword Tool_v2, api_name:/langlist, api_description:List of support Language, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4135", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Exerra phishing check, api_name:Check a URL, api_description:Check if a URL is a known phishing attempt, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the URL that the API will check.\\nMust be a valid HTTP(s) URL or it will throw a 400\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"isScam\": \"bool\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"detection\": {\"type\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4136", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Tmail, api_name:View message, api_description:View a particular message by id\nUse the token received from /mailbox as authorization header & message id received from /messages as path parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4137", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Tmail, api_name:Get Email ID, api_description:Get Email ID for Mailbox, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"token\": \"str\", \"mailbox\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4138", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code API_v119, api_name:QR Code API (Web URL), api_description:Call the API Endpoint /qr and pass in the url parameter along with your rapidApi key to obtain a QR Code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4139", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Tmail, api_name:Get Messages, api_description:Get all the messages received by email\nUse the token received from email as authorization header., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4140", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:utile-space, api_name:/health, api_description:API health information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4141", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QRLink API, api_name:URL to QR code, api_description:This endpoint is a GET request that takes a single parameter \"url\" which specifies the website URL. The endpoint generates a QR code image using the input URL and the response is downloadable., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4142", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:utile-space, api_name:/dns/{domain}, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4143", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Judge0 CE, api_name:Get Languages, api_description:Get active languages., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4144", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Check page or website loading speed, api_name:getPageSpeed, api_description:Get page or website loading speed in seconds, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4145", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Judge0 CE, api_name:Get Configuration, api_description:Configuration information gives you detailed information about the configuration of Judge0., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"maintenance_mode\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"enable_wait_result\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"enable_compiler_options\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"allowed_languages_for_compile_options\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"enable_command_line_arguments\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"enable_submission_delete\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"enable_callbacks\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"callbacks_max_tries\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"callbacks_timeout\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"enable_additional_files\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"max_queue_size\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cpu_time_limit\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max_cpu_time_limit\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cpu_extra_time\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max_cpu_extra_time\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wall_time_limit\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"max_wall_time_limit\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"memory_limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max_memory_limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"stack_limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max_stack_limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max_processes_and_or_threads\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max_max_processes_and_or_threads\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"enable_per_process_and_thread_time_limit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"allow_enable_per_process_and_thread_time_limit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"enable_per_process_and_thread_memory_limit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"allow_enable_per_process_and_thread_memory_limit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"max_file_size\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max_max_file_size\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4146", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QRickit QR Code QReator, api_name:Generate a QR Code image, api_description:Format of GET request to generate QR Code image. See documentation at https://qrickit.com/qrickit_apps/qrickit_api.php, required_params: [{\"name\": \"d\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Data for QR Code (e.g. URL, text, vCard data, iCal data, etc.) See documentation at https://qrickit.com/qrickit_apps/qrickit_api.php for instructions.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4147", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:SEO Keyword Research, api_name:Keyword Research API, api_description:Keyword Research API, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"text\": \"str\", \"cpc\": \"str\", \"vol\": \"int\", \"v\": \"int\", \"competition\": \"str\", \"score\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4148", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project_v3, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4149", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Web Scrapper, api_name:go, api_description:Fetch & parse HTML page, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4150", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Ruby Code Compiler, api_name:Ruby Versions, api_description:Ruby Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4151", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:dimondevosint, api_name:INN general director, api_description:Returns the general director of a company by INN nymber., required_params: [{\"name\": \"inn\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fio\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4152", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Referral Domain checker API, api_name:Get Referral Domains, api_description:Get Referral Domains List, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"referrers\": [{\"refdomain\": \"str\", \"backlinks\": \"int\", \"dofollow_backlinks\": \"int\", \"first_seen\": \"str\", \"domain_inlink_rank\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 33}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4153", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:SEO Checker, api_name:Analyze, api_description:analyze page speed, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"unused-javascript\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": 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\\\"proportion\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"EXPERIMENTAL_INTERACTION_TO_NEXT_PAINT\\\": {\\\"percentile\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"distributions\\\": [{\\\"min\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"proportion\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"EXPERIMENTAL_TIME_TO_FIRST_BYTE\\\": {\\\"percentile\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"distributions\\\": [{\\\"min\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"proportion\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"FIRST_CONTENTFUL_PAINT_MS\\\": {\\\"percentile\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"distributions\\\": [{\\\"min\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"proportion\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"FIRST_INPUT_DELAY_MS\\\": {\\\"percentile\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"distributions\\\": [{\\\"min\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"proportion\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"INTERACTION_TO_NEXT_PAINT\\\": {\\\"percentile\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"distributions\\\": [{\\\"min\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"proportion\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4155", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code API_v33, api_name:QR code image, api_description:This Api takes URL, or string and returns the QR code image, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4156", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:SEO Checker, api_name:Summary, api_description:Summary SEO, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"meta\": {\"viewport\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"og:title\": \"str\", \"og:description\": \"str\", \"og:url\": \"str\", \"canonical\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"keywords\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}, \"heading_count\": \"int\", \"word_count\": \"int\", \"external_links\": \"int\", \"internal_links\": \"int\", \"links\": [\"list of str with length 18\"], \"headings\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4157", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Qr Code Generator_v5, api_name:qr code, api_description:Qr Generator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4158", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Whois by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/whois, api_description:API Ninjas Whois API endpoint. Returns domain registration details (e.g. registrar, contact information, expiration date, name servers) about a particular domain name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"valid domain to check.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"domain_name\": \"str\", \"registrar\": \"str\", \"whois_server\": \"str\", \"updated_date\": \"int\", \"creation_date\": \"int\", \"expiration_date\": \"int\", \"name_servers\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"dnssec\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4159", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:core_js, api_name:name, api_description:name=?\n? = javascript, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4160", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:free QR Code Generator, api_name:Generate QR Code, api_description:Turn Word to QR Code with just one request, required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4161", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Full-Text RSS US, api_name:Convert feed, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4162", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Jibber Jabber, api_name:/words, api_description:Returns random **words**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4163", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Jibber Jabber, api_name:/sentence, api_description:Returns a single random **sentence**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4164", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:GDrive Link Generator, api_name:Health Check, api_description:health check, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4165", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Jibber Jabber, api_name:/word, api_description:Returns a random **word**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4166", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:bitly, api_name:shorten, api_description:Given a long URL, returns a bitly short URL., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longUrl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"a long URL to be shortened (example: http://betaworks.com/).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"status_txt\": \"str\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4167", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:YouTube Video Summarizer, api_name:/v1/youtube/summarizeVideoFromCache, api_description:Return the video summary of a given YouTube video that has already been summarized. The summary is provided in markdown format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoURL\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The URL of the YouTube video to get from the summary cache.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"summary\": \"str\", \"videoTitle\": \"str\", \"videoAuthor\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4168", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Domain Backorder, api_name:backorders, api_description:Get the latest expiring domain names in our pool, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4169", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Shakespeare Translator, api_name:shakespeare, api_description:Shakespeare Translator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Text to convert to Shakespeare style English.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": {\"total\": \"int\"}, \"contents\": {\"translated\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"translation\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4170", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Discord Webhook API, api_name:send message, api_description:Allows you to send a message with a webhook. More information in the docs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"webhook_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4171", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Discord Webhook API, api_name:multi send message, api_description:Allows you to send multiple messages with a webhook. More information in the docs. Modify the message_count value to the amount of messages you wish to send, and then specify each of the contents of the messages. If you wish to send the same message several times, use repeat send message.\nMaximum 10 messages at once., required_params: [{\"name\": \"message_count\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"message1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"webhook_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4172", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Simple QR Code Generator, api_name:Get, api_description:Simple Get endpoint to retrieve a QR code as a Jpeg file. \nSend the parameter **link ** as a query string parameter.\nReturn content-type is application/octet-stream., required_params: [{\"name\": \"link\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4173", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:World Clock, api_name:JSONP, api_description:Get current timezone (JSONP), required_params: [{\"name\": \"time_zone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"timezone (see:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_time_zone_abbreviations)\"}, {\"name\": \"callback\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4174", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:World Clock, api_name:Get Current Time (within a Timezone), api_description:Get the Current Time for EST, required_params: [{\"name\": \"time_zone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Timezone (see: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"$id\": \"str\", \"currentDateTime\": \"str\", \"utcOffset\": \"str\", \"isDayLightSavingsTime\": \"bool\", \"dayOfTheWeek\": \"str\", \"timeZoneName\": \"str\", \"currentFileTime\": \"int\", \"ordinalDate\": \"str\", \"serviceResponse\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4175", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:giflayer, api_name:/capture, api_description:Main API endpoint used to generate GIFs, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The video URL you would like to generate a GIF from\"}, {\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The starting time (in seconds) of your GIF\"}, {\"name\": \"end\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ending time (in seconds) of your GIF\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4176", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Easy QR Code, api_name:Generate QR Code, api_description:Generate QR Code by providing content, required_params: [{\"name\": \"content\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4177", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Arespass, api_name:/about, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4178", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Bulk Domain Check, api_name:/domain_check, api_description:Returns domain availability status, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domains\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Coma separated list of domains.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4179", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:rgb to cmyk, api_description:Converts rgb color code to cmyk color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"r\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"g\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"b\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cyan\": \"int\", \"magenta\": \"int\", \"yellow\": \"int\", \"key\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4180", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:rgb to hsv, api_description:Converts rgb color code to hsv color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"r\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"g\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"b\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hue\": \"int\", \"saturation\": \"int\", \"value\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4181", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Travelling Salesman, api_name:exampleProblem, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4182", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Subdomain Scan, api_name:Get Subdomains, api_description:Enter a domain here and we'll check and return all subdomains in a JSON format for you., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4183", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Unfurl API written in go, api_name:Unfurl, api_description:Send a url as a url param to our API to preview it, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"author\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"favicon\": \"str\", \"hostname\": \"str\", \"keywords\": \"str\", \"og:image\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4184", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Endpoint Monitor Tool, api_name:RemoveEndpointData, api_description:Remove an endpoint from you user account by Id.\n\n(KNOWN ISSUE with RAPIDAPI)\nSuccessfully deleting an enpoint will result with a 200, however it MAY provide an ERROR stating \"src property must be a valid json object\". This is an issue with RAPIDAPI and not our API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4185", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Endpoint Monitor Tool, api_name:GetEndpointData, api_description:This Endpoint retrieves the endpoint data from the specified UserId and EndpointId., required_params: [{\"name\": \"UserId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Id of the user\"}, {\"name\": \"EndpointId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Id of the endpoint requested\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4186", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Scala Code Compiler, api_name:Scala Versions, api_description:Scala Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4187", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:languagelayer, api_name:/detect, api_description:API endpoint used to perform standard (single) language detection, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The full query text you would like the API to perform language detection for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4188", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:CPP 17 Code Compiler, api_name:C++ 17 Versions, api_description:C++ 17 Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4189", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Java Code Compiler, api_name:Java Versions, api_description:Java Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4190", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:TIN Check, api_name:TIN Lookup, api_description:Through this operation you know if the tin number is valid or not and more information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4191", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Bash Code Compiler, api_name:Bash Versions, api_description:Bash Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4192", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:convert cmyk, api_description:Endpoint to converts cmyk color code to other color code like RGB , HSL, Hex, required_params: [{\"name\": \"c\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"k\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"m\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hex\": \"str\", \"rgb\": {\"red\": \"int\", \"green\": \"int\", \"blue\": \"int\"}, \"hsl\": {\"hue\": \"int\", \"saturation\": \"float\", \"lightness\": \"float\"}, \"hsv\": {\"hue\": \"int\", \"saturation\": \"int\", \"value\": \"int\"}, \"cmyk\": {\"cyan\": \"float\", \"magenta\": \"float\", \"yellow\": \"float\", \"key\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4193", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:convert rgb, api_description:Endpoint to converts RGB color code to other color code like Hex , HSL, CMYK, required_params: [{\"name\": \"r\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"g\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"b\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hex\": \"str\", \"rgb\": {\"red\": \"int\", \"green\": \"int\", \"blue\": \"int\"}, \"hsl\": {\"hue\": \"float\", \"saturation\": \"float\", \"lightness\": \"float\"}, \"hsv\": {\"hue\": \"int\", \"saturation\": \"int\", \"value\": \"int\"}, \"cmyk\": {\"cyan\": \"int\", \"magenta\": \"int\", \"yellow\": \"int\", \"key\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4194", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Email Checkup, api_name:/email/exist, api_description:help you to check if email really exist., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"info\": {\"reason\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"provider\": \"str\", \"free_email\": \"bool\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4195", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Email Checkup, api_name:/email/format, api_description:Help you to validate email format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4196", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Joe Rogan Quote Generator, api_name:Generate Rogan Quote, api_description:Generate a quote from Joe Rogan, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4197", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Waktu Solat, api_name:/solat/time, api_description:Display the prayer time based on selected zone.\nData in json format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"zone code, get from API /solat/list\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4198", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Disposable Email Checker, api_name:Email Validation, api_description:Email Validation Api, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"block\": \"bool\", \"valid\": \"bool\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"text\": \"str\", \"reason\": \"str\", \"mx_host\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"mx_ip\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"mx_priority\": {\"alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com\": \"int\", \"alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com\": \"int\", \"alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com\": \"int\", \"gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com\": \"int\", \"alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4199", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code Generator API_v6, api_name:QR Code Image Generator, api_description:A QR code generator API is a tool that enables developers to generate QR codes within their applications. QR codes are two-dimensional barcodes that can be scanned using a smartphone camera and decoded using QR code reader software. The API allows developers to easily integrate QR code generation functionality into their existing applications, such as mobile apps, web apps, and software.\n\nThis API can be used to generate QR codes for a variety of purposes, such as:\n\nContact information: Generate a QR code containing your contact information, such as your phone number or email address.\nLinks: Create a QR code that links to a website, YouTube video, or other online content.\nPayments: Create a QR code for making payments through a mobile wallet or payment app.\nEvents: Generate a QR code for an event, such as a concert or conference, to provide attendees with all the necessary information.\nCoupons: Create a QR code for a coupon or promo code to be redeemed at a physical store or online.\nOverall, a QR code generator API is a versatile tool that can help businesses and individuals streamline their processes and improve the user experience for their customers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4200", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Ephemeral Proxies, api_name:Obtain a new residential proxy, api_description:The connection proxy details are `proxy.host` and `proxy.port` from the response fields.\nThe proxy will allow connections from the same source IP as the one making this API call. Make use of the `whitelist_ip` parameter to allow an additional ip.\nCountries can be selected by using the `countries` parameter, otherwise the country is randomly selected. A list of countries is available on *Service Status* endpoint.\nThe proxy is available for 30 mins.\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4201", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:MyPEAK Calculator API, api_name:GET - Payment Calculator, api_description:Calculate payments and schedules, required_params: [{\"name\": \"termType\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"amortizationInYears\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interestRate\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"loanAmount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"loan_amount\": \"int\", \"term_type\": \"int\", \"interest_rate\": \"int\", \"number_of_payments\": \"int\", \"payment\": \"str\", \"total_payments\": \"str\", \"total_interest\": \"str\", \"schedules\": [{\"beginning_balance\": \"str\", \"interest_payment\": \"str\", \"principal_payment\": \"str\", \"ending_balance\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 180}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4202", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:YouTube MP3, api_name:Get MP3, api_description:Convert to MP3 at the default bit rate.\nQuota cost will apply according to the length of the mp3 file., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Quota cost will apply according to the length of the mp3 file.\\nQuota is calculated as follows:\\nif length <= 30 then 1\\nif 30 < length <= 60 then 2\\nif 60 < length <= 90 then 3\\nif 90 < length <= 120 then 4\\nif 120 < length <= 150 then 5\\nif 150 < length <= 180 then 6\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"link\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"progress\": \"int\", \"duration\": \"float\", \"status\": \"str\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4203", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ExplorArc's Password Generation API, api_name:Password Generation, api_description:The Best API to Generate Random Password with your desired length and as a response you get an set of 10 Passwords, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"1\": \"str\", \"2\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\", \"4\": \"str\", \"5\": \"str\", \"6\": \"str\", \"7\": \"str\", \"8\": \"str\", \"9\": \"str\", \"10\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4204", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Overnight Policy Rate, api_name:/opr, api_description:Provide latest Overnight Policy Rate., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"year\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"change_in_opr\": \"float\", \"new_opr_level\": \"int\"}, \"meta\": {\"last_updated\": \"str\", \"total_result\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4205", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Discord Lookup, api_name:Get User Data, api_description:Fetches user data by their ID. Automatically handles rate limits and bypasses them and it parses their creation date automatically, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\", \"discriminator\": \"str\", \"public_flags\": \"int\", \"flags\": \"int\", \"banner\": \"str\", \"accent_color\": \"NoneType\", \"global_name\": \"str\", \"avatar_decoration\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"banner_color\": \"NoneType\", \"created_at\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4206", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Discord Lookup, api_name:Get Invite Data, api_description:Fetches detailed data, including hidden data of invites or vanities, required_params: [{\"name\": \"invite\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"type\": \"int\", \"expires_at\": \"NoneType\", \"guild\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"splash\": \"str\", \"banner\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"features\": [\"list of str with length 26\"], \"verification_level\": \"int\", \"vanity_url_code\": \"str\", \"premium_subscription_count\": \"int\", \"nsfw\": \"bool\", \"nsfw_level\": \"int\", \"welcome_screen\": {\"description\": \"str\", \"welcome_channels\": [{\"channel_id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"emoji_id\": \"NoneType\", \"emoji_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}}, \"channel\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"int\"}, \"uses\": \"int\", \"max_uses\": \"int\", \"max_age\": \"int\", \"temporary\": \"bool\", \"created_at\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4207", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Python 3 Code Compiler, api_name:Python 3 Versions, api_description:Python 3 Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4208", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:YTStream - Download YouTube Videos, api_name:Download/Stream, api_description:Stream or download info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Youtube Video Id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lengthSeconds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"keywords\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 18\\\"], \\\"channelTitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channelId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"allowRatings\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"viewCount\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"isPrivate\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isUnpluggedCorpus\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isLiveContent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"storyboards\\\": [{\\\"width\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbsCount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"columns\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rows\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"interval\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"storyboardCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"expiresInSeconds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"formats\\\": [{\\\"itag\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mimeType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bitrate\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastModified\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"contentLength\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fps\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"qualityLabel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"projectionType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"averageBitrate\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"audioQuality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"approxDurationMs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"audioSampleRate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"audioChannels\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4209", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Bulk Whatsapp Validator, api_name:Is a business?, api_description:Requests to this endpoint will return `true` if the number is a **Whatsapp for Business** account, or `false` if it's not., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The whatsapp number must be written as: `countrycode` and `number`; do NOT include any non-number character, spaces, or anything which is not a number.\\nExamples: of correct numbers are: `34123456789` (for spain) or `491234567890` (for Germany).\\nCountry codes can be checked here: https://countrycode.org/\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4210", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:qrcode-generator-base64, api_name:qrcode, api_description:qrcode to genrate base64 qrcode image, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4211", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Temp Email, api_name:List Domains, api_description:List of Domains for email, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4212", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:CPP Code Compiler, api_name:C++ Versions, api_description:C++ Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"5\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4213", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QRCode, api_name:List all images, api_description:This endpoint allows you to list images hosted in the LinQR storage. If there are no images hosted, an empty array is returned., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4214", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Youtube MP3 Download, api_name:Get MP3, api_description:Convert to MP3 at the default bit rate., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Youtube Video Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"link\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"progress\": \"int\", \"duration\": \"float\", \"status\": \"str\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4215", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR code generator with multiple datatypes ., api_name:getQrcode, api_description:This API will return you an URL of the QR Code image that you can easily embed on to website or download it for your other needs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Select one of the QR code formats to generate. url,text,telno,mailto,smsto\"}, {\"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter value as per your QR code type. Eg: url=https://www.google.com,text=Some text,telno=9142545474,smsto=8542487542\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4216", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:tiktok no watermark, api_name:Video no watermark, api_description:Get no watermark video., required_params: [{\"name\": \"video_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"no_watermark\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4217", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code Wizard, api_name:Generate QR, api_description:Generate QR codes with ease via API, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4218", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Temp Email, api_name:Fetch Message, api_description:Get message of the provided message ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"message_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4219", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:teamriverbubbles random utilities, api_name:is prime, api_description:checks if a number is prime, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4220", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:teamriverbubbles random utilities, api_name:random uuid, api_description:creates a random uuid v4, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4221", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Whois , api_name:whois, api_description:Use this endpoint for fetch whois data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"domainName\": \"str\", \"registryDomainId\": \"str\", \"registrarWhoisServer\": \"str\", \"registrarUrl\": \"str\", \"updatedDate\": \"str\", \"creationDate\": \"str\", \"registrarRegistrationExpirationDate\": \"str\", \"registrar\": \"str\", \"registrarIanaId\": \"str\", \"registrarAbuseContactEmail\": \"str\", \"registrarAbuseContactPhone\": \"str\", \"domainStatus\": \"str\", \"registrantOrganization\": \"str\", \"registrantStateProvince\": \"str\", \"registrantCountry\": \"str\", \"registrantEmail\": \"str\", \"adminOrganization\": \"str\", \"adminStateProvince\": \"str\", \"adminCountry\": \"str\", \"adminEmail\": \"str\", \"techOrganization\": \"str\", \"techStateProvince\": \"str\", \"techCountry\": \"str\", \"techEmail\": \"str\", \"nameServer\": \"str\", \"dnssec\": \"str\", \"urlOfTheIcannWhoisDataProblemReportingSystem\": \"str\", \"lastUpdateOfWhoisDatabase\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4222", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Website Screenshot or Thumbnail, api_name:/capture, api_description:Capture screenshot from any URL or Raw HTML. POST method is also available. Please take a look https://restpack.io/screenshot/docs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"extensions\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4223", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:URL Shortener, api_name:short-urls/{code}, api_description:Shows information about a short link code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4224", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Go QR code - LINK to QRCODE, api_name:QR Code Endpoint, api_description:/qr, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4225", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:YTConvert, api_name:Search, api_description:Search by content or URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"SearchQuery\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4226", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project_v3, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4227", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:YTConvert, api_name:Url Download, api_description:Gets a url to download the file, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\", \"key\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4228", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project_v3, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4229", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project_v3, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4230", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Password Generator API, api_name:Base, api_description:Only this endpoint is currently supported which gives you a random password, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"password\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4231", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UnitConversion, api_name:/pressure/:from/:to/:number, api_description:Pressure unit conversions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\", \"from_symbol\": \"str\", \"to_symbol\": \"str\", \"input\": \"int\", \"rounded\": \"int\", \"result\": \"float\", \"roundedResult\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4232", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UnitConversion, api_name:/temperature/:from/:to/:number, api_description:Temperature unit conversions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4233", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Password Generator API, api_name:Password of length 50, api_description:Gives you length 50 password, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"password\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4234", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UnitConversion, api_name:/data/:from/:to/:number, api_description:Data unit conversions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\", \"from_symbol\": \"str\", \"to_symbol\": \"str\", \"input\": \"int\", \"rounded\": \"int\", \"result\": \"int\", \"roundedResult\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4235", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Judge0 CE, api_name:About, api_description:Get general information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"version\": \"str\", \"homepage\": \"str\", \"source_code\": \"str\", \"maintainer\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4236", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Judge0 CE, api_name:Get a Language, api_description:Get a language., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"is_archived\": \"bool\", \"source_file\": \"str\", \"compile_cmd\": \"str\", \"run_cmd\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4237", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:YouTube Video Data Extractor, api_name:Extract Data, api_description:Almost all YouTube video urls are supported, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"invalidHeaders\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"invalidQueryParams\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4238", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:3D Services, api_name:blender-project, api_description:(Warnig - in zip mode the return of this api is a large file (~20MB)) similar to executing blender --background ./main.blend --python ./script.py. The zip in parameter should be composed of a main.blend file and a script.py. see example here https://files.aptero.co/api/public/dl/CJTvv0V7?inline=true, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"output mode of the query (zip or img)\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A string containing an url of a '.zip' file of the project\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4239", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:3D Services, api_name:version, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4240", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:3D Services, api_name:thumbnail, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A string containing an url of a '.glb' file\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4241", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Jibber Jabber, api_name:/paragraph, api_description:Returns a **paragraph** with random sentences, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4242", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Jibber Jabber, api_name:/sentences, api_description:Returns some single random **sentence**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4243", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Judge0 Extra CE, api_name:Get Statuses, api_description:Get statuses., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4244", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Domain Checker API, api_name:Checker, api_description:Checks the domain Details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4245", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:mailboxlayer, api_name:Validate email address, api_description:The main API endpoint for validating email addresses, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the email address to be validated\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4246", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:DateClock, api_name:Convert to Islamic / (Hijri) (Hijriah), api_description:Convert date to Islamic or (Hijri) (Hijriah), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4247", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code API_v67, api_name:QR Code Image Copy, api_description:This end point takes a 'GET' request with url / string as a parameter and returns QR code image., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4248", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:SEO - Count website pages in Google index, api_name:countPages, api_description:Count website pages in Google index, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4249", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Simple & Cheap QR CODE GENERATOR, api_name:Qr Code Gen, api_description:This endpoint takes a \"GET\" request with the \"url\" query parameter and returns a QR code image associated with the text passed., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4250", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:utile-space, api_name:/d{die}, api_description:Roll a die with n faces. With n between 2 and 100., required_params: [{\"name\": \"die\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4251", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:DailyCred, api_name:User Event Timeline, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of event you wish to see the user's activity for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4252", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:DailyCred, api_name:Find a User, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"client_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your client id, found on your settings page.\"}, {\"name\": \"client_secret\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your client secret key, found on your settings page.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4253", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:DailyCred, api_name:Account Event Timeline, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The specific event type you want to query for.\"}, {\"name\": \"client_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your client id, found on your settings page.\"}, {\"name\": \"client_secret\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your client secret key, found on your settings page.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4254", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:PurgoMalum, api_name:Remove profanity, api_description:Calling the web service involves a simple HTTP GET request. The only two requirements for using PurgoMalum are the \"text\" parameter on the query string and the request-type name as part of the path in the request, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Input text to be processed.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4255", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:PurgoMalum, api_name:Check if text contains profanity, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4256", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Todo, api_name:getTodoUsingGET, api_description:Get todo from id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4257", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Domain Name Search, api_name:Domain Availability, api_description:Check domain availability, including domain validation, expiration, prices, domain quality aspects (advantages / considerations) and more data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Domain for which to get availability info.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"parameters\": {\"domain\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\"}, \"data\": {\"domain\": \"str\", \"sld\": \"str\", \"tld\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\", \"available\": \"bool\", \"register_price\": \"str\", \"purchase_price\": \"str\", \"transfer_price\": \"str\", \"renew_price\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"is_premium\": \"bool\", \"is_aftermarket\": \"bool\", \"whois_privacy_offered\": \"bool\", \"domain_positives\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"domain_negatives\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4258", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Domain Name Search, api_name:Domain Search, api_description:Search for domains by keyword / query. Supports all 341 TLDs available on Google Domains. Each result includes availability information, pricing, quality aspects and more data available on Google Domains., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query / keyword.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"parameters\": {\"query\": \"str\", \"max_price\": \"NoneType\", \"available_only\": \"bool\", \"currency\": \"str\"}, \"data\": {\"domains\": [{\"domain\": \"str\", \"sld\": \"str\", \"tld\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\", \"available\": \"bool\", \"domain_positives\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"domain_negatives\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 364}], \"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4259", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:IsBehindCDN, api_name:isbehindcdn, api_description:Check if domain is fronted by CDN provider., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domainname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DateTime\": \"str\", \"Domain\": \"str\", \"IsBehindCDN\": \"str\", \"CDNName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4260", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Bulk Whatsapp Validator, api_name:Validate WA number, api_description:enter the number you want to validate.\nLearn how to use it on this [video](https://youtu.be/_h5ybzp9UNU)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The whatsapp number must be written as: number (including countrycode); do **NOT** include any non-number character, spaces, or anything which is not a number. Otherwise, the request will not be processed.\\nExamples: of correct numbers are: 34123456789 (for spain) or 491234567890 (for Germany).\\nTIPS:\\n Do NOT include '+' before your countrycode,\\n Do NOT include a '-', or any other character or space (anything which is not a number) as part of your phone number.\\n If you do not know which is your country code check this: https://countrycode.org/\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4261", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Proxy Checker, api_name:Retrieve Proxy Information, api_description:For retrieving a proxy test result, you should make a request to this endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"**User Request ID** - received from the response of sending a proxy for checking.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"user_request_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"proxy_address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"callback_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"callback_state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"testing_status\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"test_result\\\": {\\\"is_online\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_http_anonymous\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_https_anonymous\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_http_proxy\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_https_proxy\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_altering_http\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_altering_https\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"recorded_at\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timings_http\\\": {\\\"headers\\\": {\\\"Cache-Control\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Via\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"X-Forwarded-For\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"status_code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dns_lookup\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tcp_connection\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tls_handshake\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"server_processing\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"content_transfer\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name_lookup\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"connect\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pre_transfer\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"start_transfer\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"timings_https\\\": {\\\"headers\\\": {}, \\\"status_code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dns_lookup\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tcp_connection\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tls_handshake\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"server_processing\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"content_transfer\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name_lookup\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"connect\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pre_transfer\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"start_transfer\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"updated\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4262", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:twitter, api_name:hls, api_description:hls => mp4 converter, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4263", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Epoch Converter, api_name:start_end_date_to_time, api_description:Convert datetime to get start timestamp and end timestamp. (year, month, day Hours:Minutes:Seconds) -> 1674864000.0, 1674950399.0, required_params: [{\"name\": \"figure\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"data_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp_start\": \"str\", \"timestamp_end\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4264", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Epoch Converter, api_name:seconds_simplified, api_description:Convert seconds to get days, hours, minutes, seconds. (Seconds) -> Days: 1, Hours: 3, Minutes: 46, Seconds: 40, required_params: [{\"name\": \"data_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"figure\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"simplified\": \"str\", \"formatted\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4265", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Epoch Converter, api_name:time_to_date, api_description:Convert timestamp to datetime. (year, month, day Hours:Minutes:Seconds), required_params: [{\"name\": \"data_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"figure\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4266", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Helper Function, api_name:Generate UUID, api_description:Generate UUID v4 with dash or not.\nmax\nBASIC: 3\nPRO: 20\nULTRA: 50\nMEGA: 150, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4267", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Text to speech, api_name:get language, api_description:get list of available language for text to speech, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"af\": \"str\", \"sq\": \"str\", \"ar\": \"str\", \"hy\": \"str\", \"ca\": \"str\", \"zh\": \"str\", \"zh-cn\": \"str\", \"zh-tw\": \"str\", \"zh-yue\": \"str\", \"hr\": \"str\", \"cs\": \"str\", \"da\": \"str\", \"nl\": \"str\", \"en\": \"str\", \"en-au\": \"str\", \"en-uk\": \"str\", \"en-us\": \"str\", \"eo\": \"str\", \"fi\": \"str\", \"fr\": \"str\", \"de\": \"str\", \"el\": \"str\", \"ht\": \"str\", \"hi\": \"str\", \"hu\": \"str\", \"is\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"it\": \"str\", \"ja\": \"str\", \"ko\": \"str\", \"la\": \"str\", \"lv\": \"str\", \"mk\": \"str\", \"no\": \"str\", \"pl\": \"str\", \"pt\": \"str\", \"pt-br\": \"str\", \"ro\": \"str\", \"ru\": \"str\", \"sr\": \"str\", \"sk\": \"str\", \"es\": \"str\", \"es-es\": \"str\", \"es-us\": \"str\", \"sw\": \"str\", \"sv\": \"str\", \"ta\": \"str\", \"th\": \"str\", \"tr\": \"str\", \"vi\": \"str\", \"cy\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4268", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code API Generator, api_name:QR CODE GENERATOR, api_description:This endppint https://qrcodegenerator-47jz.onrender.com/qrcode/download/{text} will take input from user , you can replace {text} with anything and it will generate response as QR code Image., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4269", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Helper Function, api_name:Random, api_description:Generate Random String with custom length\nBASIC: 20 \nPRO: 30\nULTRA: 70\nMEGA: 150, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4270", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Pascal Code Compiler, api_name:Pascal Versions, api_description:Pascal Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4271", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Captcha, api_name:Verify the captcha, api_description:Verify the captcha, required_params: [{\"name\": \"captcha\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4272", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:dimondevosint, api_name:Phone number information., api_description:It gives you some public information about the phone number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"operator\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"obyavleniya\": \"str\", \"locations\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": \"str\", \"money_spent\": \"str\", \"user_agent\": \"str\", \"vkLinks\": \"str\", \"extra\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4273", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:dimondevosint, api_name:Photo from given number, api_description:It searches for a photo in the internet about the phone number, if it matches, it returns the photo in bytes., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4274", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Words World, api_name:T2G-Kurs-Check, api_description:Kurs check of IDR to another valuta, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"valuta\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4275", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Captcha Generator, api_name:Captcha Generator, api_description:This is a captcha generator tool that gives you an image of 270x80 pixels and the text solution. It has different settings that allows you to configure the captcha difficulty, and even create a captcha with a custom text solution., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"solution\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4276", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Judge0 Extra CE, api_name:Get Languages, api_description:Get active languages., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4277", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Famous Quotes, api_name:Get Random Quotes, api_description:Get multiple random quotes from chosen category or send **all** to get results from multiple categories.\nYou can view all categories on the Category endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"author\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4278", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Password Generator, api_name:Generate Password, api_description:Generate Password, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4279", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Geolocate, api_name:GET coordinates, api_description:GET request to the \"/geocode\" endpoint with an \"address\" parameter containing the address or place you want to geocode, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4280", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Text to speech, api_name:send text to speech stream, api_description:text to speech \n\ntext = the text you want to speak\n\nlanguage = default en , get the list of supported language for get /tts/speech/lang\n\n\n```\nconsole.log(response);\n audio.pause();\n audio.src = URL.createObjectURL(response.data);\n audio.play();\n\n```, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4281", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:JSON Sort and Filter, api_name:root__get, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4282", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QRCode, api_name:List image, api_description:This endpoint allows you to list single image hosted in the LinQR storage., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4283", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:qr code_v8, api_name:QR Code, api_description:For example:\nhttp://owatheowais.pythonanywhere.com//qr?url=https://www.google.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4284", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Email Verifier, api_name:Verify Email, api_description:To verify a single email address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"email\": {\"type\": \"str\"}, \"valid\": {\"type\": \"str\"}, \"disposable\": {\"type\": \"str\"}, \"validators\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"regex\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"valid\": {\"type\": \"str\"}}}, \"typo\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"valid\": {\"type\": \"str\"}}}, \"disposable\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"valid\": {\"type\": \"str\"}}}, \"mx\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"valid\": {\"type\": \"str\"}}}, \"smtp\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"valid\": {\"type\": \"str\"}, \"reason\": {\"type\": \"str\"}}}}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4285", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:DateClock, api_name:Between Checker, api_description:Check if given date is between two dates, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": {\"year\": \"int\", \"month\": \"int\", \"day\": \"int\", \"dayOfWeek\": \"int\", \"dayOfYear\": \"int\", \"hour\": \"int\", \"minute\": \"int\", \"second\": \"int\", \"micro\": \"int\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"formatted\": \"str\", \"timezone\": {\"timezone_type\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}}, \"is_between\": \"bool\", \"from\": \"str\", \"from_until\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\", \"to_until\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4286", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Scrapey - Link Scraper, api_name:Scrape Links, api_description:Scrape all links from URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 90}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4287", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Unit Measurement Conversion, api_name:Convert a Unit, api_description:GET the Unit and Value you want to convert, and get a object with the result and abbreviation (if available)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"fromValue\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"toUnit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fromUnit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4288", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Unit Measurement Conversion, api_name:Get a List of All Units, api_description:This endpoint gets a full list of units available for conversion, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"measurements\": [{\"unit\": \"str\", \"abbr\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 36}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4289", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Exerra phishing check, api_name:Get stats, api_description:Get statistics about the Exerra Phishing API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"domains\": \"int\", \"links\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4290", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Discord Webhook API, api_name:repeat send message, api_description:Enter your webhook URL, enter how many times to send the message, and then specify the message to send. Max 10 messages., required_params: [{\"name\": \"repeat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"webhook_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4291", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v12, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4292", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code Generator, api_name:Generate Basic - Direct Image, api_description:Generates a QR code as a direct image with limited settings. (NOTE: doesn't show correctly in RapidAPI), required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4293", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Text2Image, api_name:text to image, api_description:Generate image using input text., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4294", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v13, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4295", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v13, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4296", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v12, api_name:Get Posts, api_description:Get Posts, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4297", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Email Validator, api_name:/email-validator/health, api_description:Return the health status of the API. Returns current UTC time., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"time\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4298", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v12, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4299", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v12, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4300", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Temporary Email, api_name:Get Email, api_description:Get Email, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4301", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:C Code Compiler, api_name:C Versions, api_description:C Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"5\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4302", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Domain Checker, api_name:Keyword Search, api_description:Query up to 333 TLDs to check registered domains, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sld\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sld\": \"str\", \"found\": \"bool\", \"lookup_tlds\": \"int\", \"found_tlds\": \"int\", \"registered\": [{\"domain\": \"str\", \"tld\": \"str\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\", \"expires_at\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 18}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4303", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:free url shortener, api_name:http://ulvis.net/API/write/get, api_description:shorten url url= url-wan't shorten &custom= your custom name& private= if wan't be public them 0 if private them 1http://ulvis.net/api/write/post, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The url you want to shrink.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4304", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Token API, api_name:generate, api_description:Generate a new token for Language API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4305", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Reword PDF, api_name:getAll, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"pdfId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4306", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR-Scanner-Api, api_name:ScanImageUrl, api_description:Scan image from URL and return QR text or Barcode number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"imageUrl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Image URL which you want to scan\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"format\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4307", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Text to Speech_v2, api_name:Text to Speech, api_description:Text to Speech Voice Reader, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Speech Language\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4308", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Ephemeral Proxies, api_name:Check residential proxies service status, api_description:It returns the current status of the service, including the total number of residential proxies available and grouped by country.\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"service_status\": {\"availability\": {\"total\": {\"proxies\": \"int\"}, \"by_country\": [{\"country_iso\": \"str\", \"proxies\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 32}]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4309", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UnitConversion, api_name:/angle/:from/:to/:number, api_description:Angle unit conversions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\", \"from_symbol\": \"str\", \"to_symbol\": \"str\", \"input\": \"int\", \"rounded\": \"int\", \"result\": \"float\", \"roundedResult\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4310", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UnitConversion, api_name:/mass/:from/:to/:number, api_description:Mass unit conversions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\", \"from_symbol\": \"str\", \"to_symbol\": \"str\", \"input\": \"int\", \"rounded\": \"int\", \"result\": \"float\", \"roundedResult\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4311", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Epoch Converter, api_name:date_to_time, api_description:Convert datetime to timestamp. (year, month, day Hours:Minutes:Seconds) -> 1674919760, required_params: [{\"name\": \"figure\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"data_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4312", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Reword PDF, api_name:getInPage, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"pdfId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"pageNum\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4313", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:URL Shortener, api_name:short-urls/{code}/visits, api_description:Shows clicks, referer, etc. for a specific short link., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4314", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Scanova QR Code, api_name:Phone Call QR Code, api_description:This request returns a Static QR Code (standard or custom-designed) encoded with the phone number. When scanned, the QR Code will prompt the scanning device to 'dial the number'., required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4315", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Scanova QR Code, api_name:SMS QR Code, api_description:This request returns a Static QR Code (standard or custom-designed) encoded with the recipient phone number and pre-loaded message. When scanned, the QR Code will prompt the scanning device to 'send SMS' pre-loaded with the recipient number and message., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone_no\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4316", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Bulk WHOIS, api_name:Get WHOIS batch, api_description:Get WHOIS batch., required_params: [{\"name\": \"batch_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4317", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Variable Size QR Code API, api_name:QR Code Image, api_description:this end point takes a 'GET' request with url / string and an size / integer as parameters and returns a QR Code image of the desired size., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4318", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Spotify Downloader, api_name:Track List - Album, api_description:Get track list from album, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"nextOffset\": \"NoneType\", \"trackList\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"artists\": \"str\", \"cover\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 12}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4319", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Spotify Downloader, api_name:Metadata - Track, api_description:Get metadata about track, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4320", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Torrent-Search, api_name:Get from eztv, api_description:can use this for search eztv, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchtopic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Name\": \"str\", \"ReleasedDate\": \"str\", \"Genre\": \"str\", \"Rating\": \"str\", \"Likes\": \"str\", \"Runtime\": \"str\", \"Language\": \"str\", \"Url\": \"str\", \"Poster\": \"str\", \"Files\": [{\"Quality\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"str\", \"Size\": \"str\", \"Torrent\": \"str\", \"Magnet\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4321", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Torrent-Search, api_name:Get from piratebay, api_description:for piratebay, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchtopic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4322", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Torrent-Search, api_name:Get from 1337.x, api_description:scrape data from various torrent websites such as 1337x, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchtopic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Name\": \"str\", \"Magnet\": \"str\", \"Poster\": \"str\", \"Category\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"str\", \"Language\": \"str\", \"Size\": \"str\", \"UploadedBy\": \"str\", \"Downloads\": \"str\", \"LastChecked\": \"str\", \"DateUploaded\": \"str\", \"Seeders\": \"str\", \"Leechers\": \"str\", \"Url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4323", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Endpoint Monitor Tool, api_name:GetUser, api_description:Gets and returns the current user data from the associated userId., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Id of the user\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4324", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:FraudFreeze Phishing Check, api_name:Check a URL, api_description:Check if a URL is a known phishing or scam attempt, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"isscam\": \"bool\", \"domain\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4325", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:teamriverbubbles random utilities, api_name:uuid to username, api_description:turns a uuid into a username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"errorMessage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4326", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:teamriverbubbles random utilities, api_name:username to uuid, api_description:turns a username into a uuid, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4327", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ColorMe, api_name:RandomColorSet, api_description:Get a random set of colors, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4328", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Avatar.io - MODERN AVATAR PLACEHOLDER API, api_name:Generate avatar, api_description:Generates the desired avatar and returns the image to the client., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4329", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:bitly example, api_name:SendSms, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"status_txt\": \"str\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4330", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:otp-2fa, api_name:/createSecret, api_description:[Step 0] Create new secret, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4331", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Reword PDF, api_name:getTask, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"taskId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4332", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Wayback Machine, api_name:Availability, api_description:This simple API for Wayback is a test to see if a given url is archived and currenlty accessible in the Wayback Machine. This API is useful for providing a 404 or other error handler which checks Wayback to see if it has an archived copy ready to display. The API can be used as follows:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\", \"archived_snapshots\": {\"closest\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"available\": \"bool\", \"url\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}}, \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4333", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code Generator_v14, api_name:Generate QR Code, api_description:Simply Provide Url or Text in url parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4334", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code API_v6, api_name:QR Code Image Generator, api_description:This API is a QR code generation service built using Flask. It accepts a 'url' parameter in the GET request and returns a PNG image of the generated QR code. The QR code can be saved as an attachment with the filename 'qr_code.png'. The API runs on port 4000 and can be easily integrated into any application or website that needs to generate QR codes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4335", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ProbablyThese, api_name:EndPonit, api_description:This is an End Point, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4336", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:TIN Check, api_name:TIN Check, api_description:Through this operation you know if the tin number is valid or not, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4337", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Waktu Solat, api_name:/solat/list, api_description:List of zones in each state along with the zone code.\nData in json format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Johor\\\": {\\\"JHR01\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"JHR02\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"JHR03\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"JHR04\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Kedah\\\": {\\\"KDH01\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KDH02\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KDH03\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KDH04\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KDH05\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KDH06\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KDH07\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Kelantan\\\": {\\\"KTN01\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KTN02\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Melaka\\\": {\\\"MLK01\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Negeri Sembilan\\\": {\\\"NGS01\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NGS02\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NGS03\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Pahang\\\": {\\\"PHG01\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PHG02\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PHG03\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PHG04\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PHG05\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PHG06\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Perlis\\\": {\\\"PLS01\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Pulau Pinang\\\": {\\\"PNG01\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Perak\\\": {\\\"PRK01\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PRK02\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PRK03\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PRK04\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PRK05\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PRK06\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PRK07\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Sabah\\\": {\\\"SBH01\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SBH02\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SBH03\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SBH04\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SBH05\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SBH06\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SBH07\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SBH08\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SBH09\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Selangor\\\": {\\\"SGR01\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SGR02\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SGR03\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Sarawak\\\": {\\\"SWK01\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SWK02\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SWK03\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SWK04\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SWK05\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SWK06\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SWK07\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SWK08\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SWK09\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4338", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Perf monitor metrics, api_name:Performance monitor metrics, api_description:- Retrieve real-time CPU usage in percentage (%).\n- Monitor memory utilization and get the percentage of memory in use.\n- Track network latency to assess network performance.\n- Access system bottlenecks information to identify performance constraints.\n- Easy integration into your application or system using the RESTful API.\n- Accelerate troubleshooting and performance optimization of TI systems., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cpu_percent\": \"str\", \"disk_usage\": [\"list of list with length 7\"], \"memory_percent\": \"str\", \"network_latency\": \"int\", \"system_bottlenecks\": [\"list of int with length 4\"], \"virtual_available_memory\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4339", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Haskell Code Compiler, api_name:Haskell Versions, api_description:Haskell Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4340", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:SEO Fast Audit, api_name:Analysis, api_description:Analyse the content from URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"wordsCounts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"googleAnalytics\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"facebookPixel\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"wordpress\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shopify\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"prestashop\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"links\\\": {\\\"noFollow\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"follow\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"internal\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"external\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"title\\\": {\\\"tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"counts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"words\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"h1\\\": {\\\"tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"counts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"words\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"a\\\": {\\\"tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"counts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"words\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 53}]}, \\\"img\\\": {\\\"tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"counts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"src\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 8}]}, \\\"meta\\\": {\\\"tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"counts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"charset\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 29}]}, \\\"b\\\": {\\\"tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"counts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"strong\\\": {\\\"tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"counts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"h2\\\": {\\\"tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"counts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"words\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}]}, \\\"h3\\\": {\\\"tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"counts\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4341", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:oDesk APIs, api_name:Generating Agency Specific Reports, api_description:Time reports can be generated for an agency, in order to use this API the authorized user needs staffing manager permissions to the agency., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"note: format must be specified in tqx parameter, see example\"}, {\"name\": \"tq\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Google query goes here\"}, {\"name\": \"company\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The company ID\"}, {\"name\": \"agency\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The agency ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4342", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Spotify Downloader, api_name:Metadata - Playlist, api_description:Get metadata about playlist, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4343", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Spotify Downloader, api_name:Track List - Playlist, api_description:Get Track List from Playlist, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"nextOffset\": \"NoneType\", \"trackList\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"artists\": \"str\", \"cover\": \"str\", \"album\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4344", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Spotify Downloader, api_name:Download Song, api_description:Download a song by spotify's song ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4345", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UnitConversion, api_name:/force/:from/:to/:number, api_description:Force unit conversions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4346", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ColorMe, api_name:SpecificColorSet, api_description:Get a set of colors based on input color like - \"yellow\" / \"red\", required_params: [{\"name\": \"colorname\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4347", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ProxyPage, api_name:Tier1, api_description:List our tier 1 proxies with filters\nThis proxies are more comprehensively checked\n\n\nYou can set type which is just your proxy type, either HTTP, HTTPS\n\nfor limit set an integer that will tell us how many proxies you will need. Our users usually set a limit to avoid using too many credits.\n\nWith latency you can set an integer which will filter out all proxies that have a latency higher then specified.\n\nssl is a boolean parameter, you can filter out proxies that support ssl or don't\n\nis_anonymous is also a boolean statemet where you can filter anonymous proxies\n\ncountry is a parameter that you can use to set a country that you want., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5, CONNECT:25\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"port\": \"int\", \"latency\": \"int\", \"is_anonymous\": \"bool\", \"types\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"country\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4348", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:cmyk to hsv, api_description:Converts cmyk color code to hsv color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"m\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"k\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"c\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hue\": \"int\", \"saturation\": \"int\", \"value\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4349", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:hex to cmyk, api_description:Converts hex color code to cmyk color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hex\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cyan\": \"int\", \"magenta\": \"int\", \"yellow\": \"int\", \"key\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4350", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:hsl to cmyk, api_description:Converts hsl color code to cmyk color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"s\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"h\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"l\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cyan\": \"int\", \"magenta\": \"int\", \"yellow\": \"int\", \"key\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4351", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Bulk WHOIS, api_name:Bulk WHOIS, api_description:WHOIS query, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4352", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ArabicCountryList, api_name:countryList, api_description:Get Arabic & English Country list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4353", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:APIEvangelist, api_name:Deployment Tools, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4354", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:qrcodeutils, api_name:qrcodepro, api_description:Pro QR Code Barcode Generator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Barcode text\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4355", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UUID Generator_v2, api_name:Generate UUID, api_description:Generates a UUID and returns to client, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4356", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UptoSite Link Shortener, api_name:Get Long URL, api_description:Get the actual long URL from shortened URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4357", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:World Clock, api_name:Coordinated Universal Time, api_description:Gets the coordinated universal time, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"$id\": \"str\", \"currentDateTime\": \"str\", \"utcOffset\": \"str\", \"isDayLightSavingsTime\": \"bool\", \"dayOfTheWeek\": \"str\", \"timeZoneName\": \"str\", \"currentFileTime\": \"int\", \"ordinalDate\": \"str\", \"serviceResponse\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4358", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:qrcodeutils, api_name:qrcodefree, api_description:Free QR Code Barcode Generator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Barcode text\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4359", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Text To Speech API, api_name:TTS, api_description:takes text & languages code and returns as **.mp3** format, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4360", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Objective-C Code Compiler, api_name:Objective-C Versions, api_description:Objective-C Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4361", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Temporary Email, api_name:Domains list, api_description:Get domains list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4362", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:unit converter, api_name:Transform Units Using The Get Method, api_description:Transform Units Using The Get Method, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\", \"input\": \"int\", \"result\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4363", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Serpstat, api_name:General, api_description:Basic request, required_params: [{\"name\": \"api_method\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"domain-com\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"se\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4364", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Visual Basic Code Compiler, api_name:Visual Basic Versions, api_description:Visual Basic Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4365", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:All in One FIle Converter, api_name:Get Supported File Type, api_description:Get supported file types by providing an input file type, required_params: [{\"name\": \"input\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"supportedFiles\": [\"list of str with length 7\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4366", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Question Explorer, api_name:full data, api_description:full data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4367", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Question Explorer, api_name:data, api_description:full Data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4368", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code Generator, api_name:Generate Advance - Base64, api_description:Generates a QR code as base64 with additional settings., required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4369", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project_v3, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4370", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:pdflayer, api_name:/convert, api_description:Main API endpoint for PDF conversion, required_params: [{\"name\": \"document_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The URL of the HTML source you would like to convert to PDF. Looking to use pass raw HTML code to the API? Learn more at https://pdflayer.com/documentation#quickstart\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4371", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ViewDNS, api_name:IP Location Finder, api_description:This tool will display geographic information about a supplied IP address including city, country, latitude, longitude and more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the ip address to find the location of\"}, {\"name\": \"output\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the output format required ('xml' or 'json')\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4372", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ViewDNS, api_name:DNS Record Lookup, api_description:View all configured DNS records (A, MX, CNAME etc.) for a specified domain name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the domain name to lookup DNS records for\"}, {\"name\": \"output\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the output format required ('xml' or 'json')\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4373", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:IP ECHO, api_name:json, api_description:Response your real IP with json format, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4374", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:IP ECHO, api_name:text, api_description:Response your real IP with plain format, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4375", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:IPInfoAPI, api_name:Get IP, api_description:Get user's IP, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4376", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:TLY Link Shortener, api_name:Stats, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4377", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ShortAdLink - Shorten URLs and Earn Money, api_name:Shorten URL, api_description:Primary method for shortening URL with custom alias., required_params: [{\"name\": \"api\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You can get your API key by registering on [ShortAdLink](https://shortad.link/)\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter your long URL link that you want to shorten.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4378", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:USA Jobs for IT, api_name:Full Stack Jobs, api_description:Full Stack Jobs Api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"IdNumber\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4379", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:USA Jobs for IT, api_name:React Jobs, api_description:React Jobs API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"IdNumber\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4380", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:USA Jobs for IT, api_name:Laravel Jobs, api_description:Laravel Jobs Api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"IdNumber\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4381", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Pagepeeker, api_name:2. Thumbnail ready, api_description:Poll this API until it returns that the image is available. If available, you can download through endpoint 1. Rendering an image depends largely on how fast a particular web page is loaded (and if it contains Flash). Average waiting time is around 20 - 60 seconds, required_params: [{\"name\": \"size\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"t = Tiny, 90 x 68 pixels; s= Small, 120 x 90 pixels; m = Medium, 200 x 150 pixels; l = Large, 400 x 300 pixels; x = Extra large, 480 x 360 pixels\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The URL to generate the thumbnail from\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4382", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Pagepeeker, api_name:1. Shoot thumbnail, api_description:Issues a reset API call if refresh is set to 1. Else it will download if the image is ready (see endpoint 2.), required_params: [{\"name\": \"size\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"t = Tiny, 90 x 68 pixels; s= Small, 120 x 90 pixels; m = Medium, 200 x 150 pixels; l = Large, 400 x 300 pixels; x = Extra large, 480 x 360 pixels\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The URL to generate the thumbnail from\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4383", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QuickMocker, api_name:Sample user read, api_description:Sample user read, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"user_id\": \"str\", \"confirmation_code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4384", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UUID generator, api_name:UUIDv5 generator, api_description:UUIDv5 generator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"namespace\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Allowed values: \\n\\n- dns\\n- url\\n- oid\\n- x500\\n- nil\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uuid\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4385", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UUID generator, api_name:UUIDv4 generator, api_description:Generate UUIDv4, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uuid\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4386", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UUID generator, api_name:UUIDv3 generator, api_description:UUIDv3 generator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"namespace\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Allowed values: \\n\\n- dns\\n- url\\n- oid\\n- x500\\n- nil\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4387", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Measurement Unit Converter, api_name:Convert from one unit to another, api_description:Converts the given quantity in one unit to the equivalent quantity in another, for a given measurement, and returns a detailed answer., required_params: [{\"name\": \"measure\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"measure\": \"str\", \"from\": {\"abbr\": \"str\", \"measure\": \"str\", \"system\": \"str\", \"singular\": \"str\", \"plural\": \"str\"}, \"to\": {\"abbr\": \"str\", \"measure\": \"str\", \"system\": \"str\", \"singular\": \"str\", \"plural\": \"str\"}, \"value\": \"float\", \"result\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4388", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Youtube Video Download Info, api_name:Get Video Info, api_description:Provides the video download links and other relevant information in the JSON format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Youtube Video Id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lengthsec\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"keywords\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"author\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channelid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"allowRatings\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"viewCount\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"isPrivate\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isUnpluggedCorpus\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isLiveContent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"lexp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": {\\\"17\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"18\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"22\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"136\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"247\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"398\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"135\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], 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tool_name:Measurement Unit Converter, api_name:Measurements, api_description:GET enum array of all types of measurement, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4391", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Números a Letras, api_name:NAL Query, api_description:Convierte un número a letras, required_params: [{\"name\": \"num\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"N\\u00famero a convertir\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"letras\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4392", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Números a Letras, api_name:NAL Path, api_description:Convierte un número a letras, required_params: [{\"name\": \"num\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"N\\u00famero a convertir\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4393", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Email Validation, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4394", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:CORS Proxy_v2, api_name:index__get, api_description:Welcome to CORS Proxy, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4395", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:HTML-2-JSON, api_name:cheerio, api_description:returns the HTML page as JSON or Markdown, required_params: [{\"name\": \"selector\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ur\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"selector\": \"str\", \"json\": \"bool\", \"markdown\": \"bool\", \"data\": [\"list of list with length 111\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4396", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ViewDNS, api_name:MAC Address Lookup, api_description:This tool will display the name of the company that manufactured a specific network device based on its MAC Address., required_params: [{\"name\": \"mac\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the MAC address to lookup\"}, {\"name\": \"output\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the output format required ('xml' or 'json')\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4397", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Measurement Units Converter, api_name:Convert from one unit of measure to another, api_description:Convert efficiently and quickly between more than 50 of the most used units with a simple and intuitive conversion tool. At the output, you will get an answer with the conversion of your measurement units., required_params: [{\"name\": \"output_unit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"input_unit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"input\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"output\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"unit\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4398", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ViewDNS, api_name:Ping, api_description:Test how long a response from remote system takes to reach the ViewDNS server. Useful for detecting latency issues on network connections., required_params: [{\"name\": \"output\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the output format required ('xml' or 'json')\"}, {\"name\": \"host\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the domain or IP address to perform a ping on\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4399", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Measurement Units Converter, api_name:Measurements, api_description:GET array of all types of measurement. The array key is in the format {inputUnit-outputUnit} - you can later use these values ​​when converting units of measurement., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"kg-g\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"g-kg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"lb-kg\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"kg-lb\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"oz-g\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"g-oz\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"km-m\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"m-km\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"mi-km\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"km-mi\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"l-ml\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ml-l\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gal-l\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"l-gal\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ft-m\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"m-ft\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"in-cm\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"cm-in\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"F-C\\\": {\\\"value\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 2\\\"], \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"C-F\\\": {\\\"value\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 2\\\"], \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"N-kgf\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"kgf-N\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"atm-Pa\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4400", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code Generator, api_name:Generate Basic - Base64, api_description:Generates a QR code as base64 with limited settings., required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4401", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code Generator, api_name:Generate Advance - Direct Image, api_description:Generates a QR code as a direct image with additional settings. (NOTE: doesn't show correctly in RapidAPI), required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4402", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Judge0 CE, api_name:Get Statuses, api_description:Get statuses., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4403", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:teamriverbubbles random utilities, api_name:kda calculator, api_description:Calculates a kd (kill + assists death ratio), required_params: [{\"name\": \"deaths\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"assists\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"kills\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4404", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Free Random Word Generator API, api_name:Random Word Getter, api_description:Fetches a random word., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4405", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:QR Code Generator Pro, api_name:Generate QR Code, api_description:Easily convert any URL into a QR code that can be downloaded and printed., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4406", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Free URL Un-Shortener, api_name:url, api_description:url, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Short url to un short\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ShortUrl\": \"str\", \"longUrl\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4407", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:C Sharp Code Compiler, api_name:C# Versions, api_description:C# Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4408", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v13, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4409", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v13, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4410", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:teamriverbubbles random utilities, api_name:kd calculator, api_description:Calculates a kd (kill death ratio), required_params: [{\"name\": \"kills\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"deaths\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4411", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:CommonPortNumbers, api_name:commonports, api_description:Get registered service names and transport protocols port numbers., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ServiceName\": \"str\", \"PortNumber\": \"str\", \"PortType\": \"str\", \"TransportProtocol\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"Reference\": \"str\", \"Source\": \"str\", \"Notes\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4412", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Arespass, api_name:/ec, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**The password to be analyzed.**\\n\\nMinimum length is 4 characters; maximum length is 128 characters.\\n\\nBeware that certain characters like '#', '=' or '?' must be properly encoded.\\n\\nFor more information about this issue, please refer to RFC 3986 (\\\"*Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax*\\\"), sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.4.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4413", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v13, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4414", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:All Purpose Complex Converter, api_name:GET Languages, api_description:Get All The Supported Languages., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"af\": \"str\", \"ar\": \"str\", \"bg\": \"str\", \"bn\": \"str\", \"bs\": \"str\", \"ca\": \"str\", \"cs\": \"str\", \"da\": \"str\", \"de\": \"str\", \"el\": \"str\", \"en\": \"str\", \"es\": \"str\", \"et\": \"str\", \"fi\": \"str\", \"fr\": \"str\", \"gu\": \"str\", \"hi\": \"str\", \"hr\": \"str\", \"hu\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"is\": \"str\", \"it\": \"str\", \"iw\": \"str\", \"ja\": \"str\", \"jw\": \"str\", \"km\": \"str\", \"kn\": \"str\", \"ko\": \"str\", \"la\": \"str\", \"lv\": \"str\", \"ml\": \"str\", \"mr\": \"str\", \"ms\": \"str\", \"my\": \"str\", \"ne\": \"str\", \"nl\": \"str\", \"no\": \"str\", \"pl\": \"str\", \"pt\": \"str\", \"ro\": \"str\", \"ru\": \"str\", \"si\": \"str\", \"sk\": \"str\", \"sq\": \"str\", \"sr\": \"str\", \"su\": \"str\", \"sv\": \"str\", \"sw\": \"str\", \"ta\": \"str\", \"te\": \"str\", \"th\": \"str\", \"tl\": \"str\", \"tr\": \"str\", \"uk\": \"str\", \"ur\": \"str\", \"vi\": \"str\", \"zh-CN\": \"str\", \"zh-TW\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4415", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Discord Webhook API, api_name:send embed, api_description:Allows you to send an embed via a webhook. Read the documentation to get this to work., required_params: [{\"name\": \"content\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"webhook_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4416", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Proxy, api_name:proxy, api_description:Proxy your request anywhere., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The url you want to visit\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"ip\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4417", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:rgb to hsl, api_description:Converts rgb color code to hsl color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"r\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"g\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"b\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hue\": \"float\", \"saturation\": \"float\", \"lightness\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4418", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Reword PDF, api_name:download, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"pdfId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4419", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:KolektifAPI, api_name:Döviz, api_description:«altinkaynak.com» Güncel Döviz Verileri, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kaynak\": \"str\", \"saglayici\": \"str\", \"veri\": [{\"Gi\\u015fe Al\\u0131\\u015f\": \"float\", \"Gi\\u015fe Sat\\u0131\\u015f\": \"float\", \"birim\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 15}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4420", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Famous Quotes, api_name:List Categories, api_description:List all available categories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4421", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:youtube, api_name:go, api_description:Video converter, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4422", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:HackerRank, api_name:Languages, api_description:This method provides you with information regarding the language codes which our code checker supports, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4423", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Personality Quest, api_name:DISC Personality Test Questionnaire, api_description:This route will give you all questions for DISC Personality Test., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4424", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Walnut Entity, api_name:wrt_transformer, api_description:Get the text input and returns the entities identified., required_params: [{\"name\": \"payload\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"entity\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4425", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Personality Quest, api_name:sixteen type personality questionnaire, api_description:This route is for getting Sixteen Type Personality Test Questionnaire., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4426", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Sentino, api_name:Questionnaire Sentino, api_description:They are sampled from original items so the first 30 are best for Big5, first 60 are best for BFAS and 90 for NEO. The more items scored the better., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4427", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Sentiment analysis_v13, api_name:an, api_description:an, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4428", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:IAB Taxonomy Text Classification, api_name:Classify, api_description:takes one input text and returns the confidence score and IAB classification/categorization, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"likelihood\": \"float\", \"label\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4429", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Sentiment by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/sentiment, api_description:Returns sentiment analysis score and overall sentiment for a given block of text., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"query text for sentiment analysis. Maximum 2000 characters.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"score\": \"float\", \"text\": \"str\", \"sentiment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4430", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Mad-Libs-Diceware, api_name:/madlibs-diceware, api_description:**Generate password using madlibs diceware**\n\nUse query string parameter *nphrase* to change number of phrases in the password\n\nThe generated phrase/s have the following structure: \n\n``` ```\n\nAccepted values for *nphrases* parameter: 1 and 2, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"redirect\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4431", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Terminology Extraction, api_name:/get.php, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currently supported languages: en,fr,it\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": \"int\", \"errors\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4432", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Philippines Driving License OCR, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4433", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Google Translate, api_name:languages, api_description:Returns a list of supported languages for translation., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"languages\": [{\"language\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 136}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4434", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Article Rewriter Pro API, api_name:Generate, api_description:To rewrite articles, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"article\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4435", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:SEO analysis, api_name:Content Analysis, api_description:Content Analysis endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"Overview\\\": {\\\"Keyword\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"URL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Overall SEO score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Available SEO points\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Earned SEO points\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Summary\\\": {\\\"Errors\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Warnings\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Optimized\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"Input\\\": {\\\"URL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Status code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Readability URL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Focus keywords found\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Keyword\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Input type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Feedback details\\\": {\\\"Status code\\\": {\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"class\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"0\\\": {\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"class\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"Max SEO score available\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"SEO Score\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Title tag\\\": {\\\"Result\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Title found\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Input URL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Title tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Title length\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"title tag number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Focus keywords position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Focus keywords found\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Keyword\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Feedback details\\\": {\\\"Found\\\": {\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"class\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Length\\\": {\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"class\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Focus keyword\\\": {\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"class\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Focus keywords position\\\": {\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"class\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"Max SEO score availabl\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4436", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:TextAPI, api_name:Extract Entities, api_description:Extracts named entities from text., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"start\": \"int\", \"end\": \"int\", \"label\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4437", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:TextAPI, api_name:Extract Text [From Webpage], api_description:Extract text from the webpage linked with the url query parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"text\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4438", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Linguin AI, api_name:Languages, api_description:Get the list of supported languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ab\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"af\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"am\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"an\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"ar\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"as\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"az\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"ba\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"be\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"bg\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"bh\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"bn\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"bo\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"br\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"bs\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"ca\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"ce\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"co\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"cs\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"cv\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"cy\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"da\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"de\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"el\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"en\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"eo\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"es\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4439", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Sentiment Analysis Service, api_name:Analyze Text, api_description:Determine the sentiment of a given body of text, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"score\": \"int\", \"comparative\": \"float\", \"calculation\": [{\"positive\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4440", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Mobile phone validation, api_name:extract, api_description:Find and format/validate Phone/Cell numbers in given text.\n \nCountry used to identify number format and highly recommended to set value in case you know it (as example your shop works only in US and clients have US cellnumbers).\n \nUse 'country_auto' param in case you can't provide Country and service will try to guess the country :). Country recognition not very fast. Read docs to explain possible values., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Text containing phone(cell) numbers\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"nums\": \"empty list\", \"state\": {\"state\": \"str\", \"desc\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4441", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Profanity Filter, api_name:Read Text, api_description:Allows you to detect and filter out profanity / offensive form a given text. It is only available for English words. You can also censor out words in text content., required_params: [{\"name\": \"check_word\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Use this parameter to filter text for profanity / offensive word. MAX_LENGTH = `[ 2 .. 700 ] characters`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"enum_values\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}, \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4442", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Mobile phone validation, api_name:extract_fast, api_description:Find and format/validate Phone/Cell numbers in given text.\n \nCountry used to identify number format and highly recommended to set value in case you know it (as example your shop works only in US and clients have US cellnumbers).\n \nUse 'country_auto' param in /extract endpoint case you can't provide Country and service will try to guess the country :), required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country Name or ISO2/ISO3 code\"}, {\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Text containing phone(cell) numbers\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"nums\": [{\"isValid\": \"bool\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"msisdn\": \"str\", \"national\": \"str\", \"international\": \"str\", \"E164\": \"str\", \"carrier\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"number_type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"state\": {\"state\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4443", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Segmentor, api_name:Segment, api_description:segment languages, required_params: [{\"name\": \"chinese\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4444", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Word Scramble, api_name:scramble/{word}, api_description:Call scramble with {word} parameter, required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4445", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Spellout, api_name:SpellOut, api_description:Spell out number in given language using provided rule set, required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number to spell out\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"2 letter ICO 639 language code. Specifies language in which number will be spelled out. Use /v1/languages endpoint to list all supported languages.\"}, {\"name\": \"ruleset\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Rule Set name. Specifiles rule set accoring to which number will be spelled out. Use /v1/rulesets to list all supported rule sets for any given language.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"spellout\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4446", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Spellout, api_name:RuleSets, api_description:List of availible rule sets for given language, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"2 letter ICO 639 language code. Specifies language for which all availible rule sets will be provided. Use /v1/languages endpoint to list all supported languages.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4447", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Walnut Word Completion, api_name:wrt_transformer, api_description:Returns the hidden word in the sentence., required_params: [{\"name\": \"payload\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4448", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Spellout, api_name:Languages, api_description:List ISO 639 languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nativeName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4449", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:GCP Translate, api_name:Languages, api_description:This endpoint returns a list of supported languages for translation., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"af\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"am\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ar\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"az\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"be\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ca\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ceb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"co\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"da\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"de\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"el\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"en\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"es\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"et\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ga\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ha\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"haw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"he\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hmn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ht\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ig\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"it\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"iw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ja\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"jw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ka\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"km\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ko\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ku\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ky\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"la\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lv\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ml\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ms\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"my\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ne\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"no\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ny\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"or\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ps\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ro\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ru\\\": \\\"s\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4450", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Bing Spell Check, api_name:Spell Check, api_description:Check spelling., required_params: [{\"name\": \"mode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Mode of spellcheck:\\n- **proof** - Meant to provide Office Word like spelling corrections. It can correct long queries, provide casing corrections and suppresses aggressive corrections.\\n- **spell** - Meant to provide Search engine like spelling corrections. It will correct small queries(up to length 9 tokens) without any casing changes and will be more optimized (perf and relevance) towards search like queries.\"}, {\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The text string to check for spelling and grammar errors.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_type\": \"str\", \"errors\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"subCode\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"parameter\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4451", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Driving License OCR, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4452", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Offensive User Comment Detection, api_name:Detect Offensive Message, api_description:This endpoint will detect hate speech, offensive language in a message, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"query\": \"str\", \"hate_score\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4453", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Fast Reading, api_name:go, api_description:Convert raw text to Bionized Reading., required_params: [{\"name\": \"txt\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Raw text to be converted\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4454", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Personality Quest, api_name:Career Aptitude Personality Test Questionnaire, api_description:This route will give you all questions for Career Aptitude Personality Test., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4455", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Neuronet NLP, api_name:main, api_description:Enter a single sentence., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4456", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Personality Quest, api_name:IQ Personality Test Questionnaire, api_description:This route will give you all questions for IQ Personality Test., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4457", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Sentimental Analysis_v2, api_name:search tweets, api_description:searched tweets, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4458", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:National ID Vietnam OCR, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4459", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Google Translator, api_name:Languages, api_description:Returns a list of supported languages for translation., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"languages\": [{\"language\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 136}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4460", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Hello world_v2, api_name:hello, api_description:helloapi, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4461", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Sentiment Analysis_v12, api_name:Text Analysis, api_description:Analyzes text using VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner)\n\nProvide a string and the API will output combined, positive, neutral, and negative scores based on the output specified., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4462", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:CleanTalk, api_name:Check, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4463", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:CleanTalk, api_name:Replace, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4464", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:gruite, api_name:Synonym, api_description:Synonyms of the word, required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"language of the word\"}, {\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"word\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\", \"synonym\": [\"list of str with length 4\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4465", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Mad-Libs-Diceware, api_name:/eff-diceware, api_description:**Generate password using plain diceware**\n\nUse query string parameter *nwords* to change number of words in the password\n\nAccepted values for *nwords* parameter: 4 to 7, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"words\": [\"list of list with length 6\"], \"password\": \"str\", \"entropy\": \"str\", \"possible_combinations\": \"float\", \"crack_time\": {\"seconds\": \"float\", \"minutes\": \"float\", \"hours\": \"float\", \"days\": \"float\", \"weeks\": \"int\", \"months\": \"int\", \"years\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4466", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Cyber Guardian, api_name:setup, api_description:Generates a link that grants access to the configuration dashboard for the Cyber Guardian and redirects you to it, already logged in through Rapid., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4467", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Walnut Topic, api_name:wrt_transformer, api_description:Gets the text and set of possible topics separated by a comma.\n\nReturns the ranking of topics from most relevant to least relevant., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"topics\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"topic_relevance_1\": \"str\", \"topic_relevance_2\": \"str\", \"topic_relevance_3\": \"str\", \"topic_relevance_4\": \"str\", \"topic_relevance_5\": \"str\", \"topic_relevance_6\": \"str\", \"topic_relevance_7\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4468", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Philippines Passport OCR, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4469", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Philippines Voter Card OCR, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4470", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Quick Language Detector, api_name:Detect Language, api_description:Feed this API a few sentences and have it determine what language it is with a confidence score, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": [\"list of list with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4471", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Profanity Filter_v2, api_name:/profanity-filter/health, api_description:Return the health status of the API. Returns current UTC time., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4472", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Google Translate_v2, api_name:translate, api_description:https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/languages, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"target_lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"enter language code of target language ( you can get language code here : https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/languages)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4473", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Multi-lingual Sentiment Analysis, api_name:Sentiment Analysis, api_description:Multi-lingual Sentiment Analysis parameter {lang} is optional, we can detect the language but you can define it for better result and accurate, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4474", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:What's Language, api_name:LanguageDetection, api_description:Detect the language of a given text and return the detected language code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"languages\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4475", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:AI Tool - GPT Token Splitter, api_name:Using Path Parameters, api_description:limited input text size, limited delimiter quantity., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4476", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Profanity Filter by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/profanityfilter, api_description:API Ninjas Profanity Filter API endpoint. Returns the censored version (bad words replaced with asterisks) of any given text and whether the text contains profanity., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Input text. Maximum 1000 characters.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"original\": \"str\", \"censored\": \"str\", \"has_profanity\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4477", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:PAN Card OCR, api_name:Get Task, api_description:To get the response of the API request when used in asynchronous mode, you can use either of the following methods:\n\nPre-configuring a web-hook URL with IDfy Whenever the submitted task is completed, the response for the task would be sent back to your application through a POST HTTP request.\n\nMaking a GET call to IDfy GET call can be made to IDfy to fetch the API response for the completed tasks. You can create a GET call using the request_id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4478", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:testingsunlife, api_name:sample1, api_description:sample1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4479", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:SpeakEasy, api_name:Get Synthesize, api_description:Synthesizes the provided text and returns the corresponding audio URL., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"text\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4480", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Simple Poet, api_name:get rhyme, api_description:Finds a rhyme for a given word in the database. If multiple words are a rhyme, one is picked at random., required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"the word you need a rhyme for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4481", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Philippines Social Security OCR, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4482", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Ginger, api_name:Translation, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"toLanguage\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fromLanguage\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"fromLanguage\": \"str\", \"toLanguage\": \"str\", \"translatedText\": \"str\", \"translationEngine\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4483", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Url Metadata: OpenGraph, api_name:parse, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Url / Endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4484", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Gender From Name, api_name:getGender, api_description:Finds the gender from over 100,000 (first) names. Supports name variants as well., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"gender\": \"str\", \"probability\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4485", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Ginger, api_name:Get Definitions, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"DefsByWord\": [{\"DefinedWord\": \"str\", \"DefsByPos\": [{\"Defs\": [{\"Def\": \"str\", \"HighFreq\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"Pos\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"SeeAlso\": [{\"Word\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"OrigWord\": \"str\", \"PosInContext\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4486", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Ginger, api_name:Correct and Rephrase, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"engine\": \"str\", \"truncated\": \"bool\", \"timeTaken\": \"int\", \"corrections\": [{\"group\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"shortDescription\": \"str\", \"longDescription\": \"str\", \"startIndex\": \"int\", \"endIndex\": \"int\", \"mistakeText\": \"str\", \"correctionText\": \"str\", \"suggestions\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 4}], \"sentences\": [{\"startIndex\": \"int\", \"endIndex\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"autoReplacements\": \"empty list\", \"stats\": {\"textLength\": \"int\", \"wordCount\": \"int\", \"sentenceCount\": \"int\", \"longestSentence\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4487", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Ginger, api_name:Correction In Sentence, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"Corrections\": [{\"Confidence\": \"int\", \"From\": \"int\", \"LrnFrg\": \"str\", \"LrnFrgOrigIndxs\": [{\"From\": \"int\", \"To\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"Mistakes\": [{\"CanAddToDict\": \"bool\", \"From\": \"int\", \"To\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"ShouldReplace\": \"bool\", \"Suggestions\": [{\"Definition\": \"str\", \"LrnCatId\": \"int\", \"Text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"To\": \"int\", \"TopLrnCatId\": \"int\", \"Type\": \"int\", \"UXFrgFrom\": \"int\", \"UXFrgTo\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"Sentences\": [{\"FromIndex\": \"int\", \"ToIndex\": \"int\", \"IsEnglish\": \"bool\", \"ExceededCharacterLimit\": \"bool\", \"IsSentencePart\": \"bool\", \"AllCaps\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4488", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:AI Chatbot, api_name:Chat, api_description:The chatbot endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User Identification for personalised response and response continuity.\"}, {\"name\": \"message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Message that the chatbot has to respond to.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"chatbot\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"response\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4489", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Synonyms Words, api_name:Get, api_description:We use the Get method in our api, which returns a string with the synonyms separated by commas, which can later be treated in the programming language you use.\n\nWord - here you put the word you want to know the synonym of.\nLanguage - EN, ES, FR and PT representing English, Spanish, French and Portuguese, just put one of the representations .\n\nIf the word has no synonym, the return is the word itself., required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4490", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Auto Profanity Filter, api_name:Remove Profanity, api_description:Removes Profanity from Text, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"profane\": \"bool\", \"cleaned\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4491", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:gruite, api_name:Meanings, api_description:Meaning of the word, required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"language of the word\"}, {\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"word\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\", \"meaning\": [\"list of str with length 18\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4492", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Personality Quest, api_name:Enneagram Personality Test Questionnaire, api_description:This route will give you all questions for Enneagram Personality Test., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"personality_test_id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"lowest_range\": \"int\", \"heighest_range\": \"int\", \"lowest_range_name\": \"str\", \"heighest_range_name\": \"str\", \"personality_test_type\": \"str\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\", \"personality_test_questions\": [{\"personality_test_id\": \"int\", \"question\": \"str\", \"personality_test_question_id\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 180}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4493", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Personality Quest, api_name:PQ Personality Test Questionnaire, api_description:This route will give you all questions for Positive Quotient Personality Test., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4494", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Personality Quest, api_name:Big Five Personality Test, api_description:This route is for getting Big Five Personality Test Questionnaire, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4495", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Google's BERT Sentiment Analysis, api_name:Sentiment Analysis, api_description:Multi-lingual Sentiment Analysis parameter {lang} is optional, we can detect the language but you can define it for better result and accurate, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4496", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Random Word by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/randomword, api_description:API Ninjas Random Word API endpoint. Returns a random word., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4497", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Text Language by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/textlanguage, api_description:API Ninjas Text Language API endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"iso\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4498", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Voter Card OCR, api_name:GET API, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4499", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4500", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4501", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Me, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4502", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Stacks Patent Similarity, api_name:get_infringement_v1_infringement_research_predict_get, api_description:Create a request item with the following information:\n\n- **text**: could be the description of a company asset or a product explanation. It should be minimum length of `20` words for better performance. Note that GET queries are limited to `2048` characters (_required_).\n- **patent_number**: should start with a country code and end with the _Kind_ _Code_. You can enter as many as `5` patent numbers, each separated with a comma (_required_).\n- **model_name**: is the name of the model empowering Stacks Patent Similarity engine. Defaults to `stk_nova`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"patent_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4503", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name: Paraphrasing API, api_name:Retrieve Response, api_description:With the JOB ID generated on the \"Paraphrase\" endpoint, you will be able to get the response from that rewrite., required_params: [{\"name\": \"job_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The JOB ID generated on \\\\\\\"Paraphrase\\\\\\\" endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4504", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Personality Quest, api_name:Emotional Intelligence Personality Test Questionnaire, api_description:This route will give you all questions for Emotional Intelligence Personality Test., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4505", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:YouTuber Success Estimator, api_name:estimate, api_description:Submit a YouTube `channelId` value along with the `channelType` as query param values appended to the endpoint for getting back the estimated video view performance of the submitted channel.\n\n## Example\nThis submits a request for the estimated 30 day video view performance of the YouTube channel with that unique `channelId` value provided in the query param\n\n`GET /api/v0/dmt_estimator?channelId=UChQl2YkLt3dj-KDyGUBzcHw&channelType=youtube`\n\n## FAQ\n\nQ. Does the DMT Channel Estimator support other platforms like TikTok?\nA. This is currently planned and in development - if you have ideas for other platforms you'd like to be supported feel free to reach out!\n\nQ. What is the accuracy of the estimations?\nA. This estimator has been tested in dozens of real-life campaigns with clients spending 6-7 figures on each influencer native ad campaign, totaling out in a median margin of error of 10%. Not bad!\n\nWe will say that while most channels have a certain degree of predictability in terms of performance, more popular *and* less frequently posting channels are outliers that the estimator will only be so accurate in estimating.\n\nQ. So no guarantees? How should I use this?\nA. Use it like the creators of the API have: as a way to understand baseline performance of a given influencer's channel and how you can back out of that with your own campaign's goals to a pricing number that makes sense.\n\nQ. Is there an offering for this API to integrate *directly* into my application?\nA. Yes, feel free to reach out and we can discuss more custom integrations including callback url support\n\nQ. Can I reach out if I am interested in doing a YouTube or broader influencer campaign activation?\nA. Yes, feel free to reach out and we can make a recommendation to you: [Best of Bold Agency](https://www.bestofbold.com/?utm_source=dmt-estimator)\n\nQ. What is the SLA for fixing bugs?\nA. ASAP! We dont have one much more official than that, we are focused availability and making sure the predictions are as accurate as possible\n\nQ. Will you expose the prediction model?\nA. No plans to do this for now, if you have ideas for prediction models or if and how you would like to incorporate your own, feel free to reach out!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channelType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"channel\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"projection\": {\"views\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4506", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:route-precedence-test-1, api_name:/prices/today, api_description:/prices/today, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4507", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:route-precedence-test-1, api_name:/prices/{date}, api_description:/prices/{date}, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4508", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:ThisisaPublicAPI_v2, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4509", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Abstract IP geolocation, api_name:Geolocation from an IP Address, api_description:Get Geolocation from an IP Address, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"details\": {\"api_key\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4510", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:ThisisaPublicAPI_v2, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4511", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:20211230 testing upload swagger, api_name:/open-api/v1.0/indoor-air-quality/iot/, api_description:Apply for this API to access the steps for indoor air quality information about IoT device - v2, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4512", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Test_v5, api_name:for testin, api_description:For testing, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4513", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:hello_v2, api_name:rtrt, api_description:uuyu, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4514", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:pe-demo, api_name:View personalized greeting, api_description:View a personalized greeting for the specified or guest user., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4515", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:pe-demo, api_name:Get help, api_description:View help information about available resources in HTML format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4516", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:pe-demo, api_name:View request headers and body, api_description:View the request headers and body in JSON format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"headers\": {\"host\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-port\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-proto\": \"str\", \"x-real-ip\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-host\": \"str\", \"x-amzn-trace-id\": \"str\", \"user-agent\": \"str\", \"accept-encoding\": \"str\", \"accept\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-host\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-version\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-version\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-tenant-name\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-request-id\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-user\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-user\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-cloud-trace-context\": \"str\", \"via\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-for\": \"str\", \"connection\": \"str\"}, \"method\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4517", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PrivatePublicAPI, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4518", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PrivatePublicAPI, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4519", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:asd, api_name:user endpoint, api_description:user, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4520", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Revdl, api_name:search, api_description:Eto no mirecherche, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4521", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Revdl, api_name:App downloader, api_description:Ity ny api *mi-downloader*an'le `apps`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4522", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:test_v6, api_name:test, api_description:test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4523", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:versioning-free, api_name:v1, api_description:v1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4524", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PetstoreRateLimit, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4525", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:20211230 testing upload swagger, api_name:testing endpoint, api_description:testing endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4526", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:versions-paid, api_name:v1, api_description:v1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4527", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:lets, api_name:sdafdasf, api_description:adsfdasf, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4528", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:petstore blitz, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Sale\": \"int\", \"totvs\": \"int\", \"sold\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"cat\": \"int\", \"dgdfgdf\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"not available\": \"int\", \"Available\": \"int\", \"peric\": \"int\", \"disponible\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4529", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:asdfadsf, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4530", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:asdfadsf, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4531", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:asdfadsf, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 872}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4532", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Facebook Ad, api_name:Facebook Ad Copy, api_description:Generate Facebook Ad using AI, required_params: [{\"name\": \"description\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4533", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Frederick, api_name:thelast1, api_description:X-RapidAPI-Proxy-Secret, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4534", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:SEO Automations, api_name:Extract top Keywords, Phrases by density + all headers, api_description:Analyze any webpage's keyword density for SEO or research. Get the specified number of keywords or phrases you wish, sorted by density and occurrences in a JSON format. The algorithm has been optimized for pages with large amounts of text, as well as advanced cloud infrastracure ensuring accurate and speedy results for your SEO needs. This API uses Puppeteer to scrape even the most advanced SPA ( Single Page Applications )., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"keywords\": [{\"keyword\": \"str\", \"frequency\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"phrases\": [\"list of list with length 20\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4535", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:MultipleTeamsCallingTest, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:Get user by user name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"username\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"userStatus\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4536", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:MultipleTeamsCallingTest, api_name:loginUser, api_description:Logs user into the system, required_params: [{\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The password for login in clear text\"}, {\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user name for login\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4537", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:MultipleTeamsCallingTest, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4538", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PublicAPITestingInbox, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4539", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:ssssss, api_name:s, api_description:sssssssss, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4540", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:People Lookup, api_name:lookup, api_description:Lookup people by name and US state (optional), required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4541", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:petstore blitz, api_name:loginUser, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user name for login\"}, {\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The password for login in clear text\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4542", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:pe-demo, api_name:View JSON response, api_description:View a sample response in JSON format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4543", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:underscore test, api_name:/test, api_description:/test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"valid_keys\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4544", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:test, api_name:testtesttest, api_description:nsadas, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4545", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:pe-demo, api_name:View a personalized greeting, api_description:View a personalized greeting for the specified or guest user., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fault\": {\"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": {\"errorcode\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4546", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:My API1, api_name:/endpoint_1, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4547", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:coupons, api_name:getallcoupon, api_description:getallcoupon, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4548", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:coupons, api_name:all, api_description:get all coupons, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4549", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:testing, api_name:Random Number Fact, api_description:Random Number Fact, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4550", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:asdfadsf, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4551", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:testing, api_name:Fact for specific number, api_description:Fact for specific number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": null, \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4552", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:URL Link Shortener, api_name:Create a new link, api_description:Create a new link, required_params: [{\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The destination URL you want your branded short link to point to\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4553", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:URL Link Shortener, api_name:Get a list of domains, api_description:Get a list of domains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4554", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PublicAPITestingInbox, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Sale\": \"int\", \"totvs\": \"int\", \"sold\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"dgdfgdf\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"peric\": \"int\", \"cat\": \"int\", \"not available\": \"int\", \"new-2\": \"int\", \"Available\": \"int\", \"disponible\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4555", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Hello World, api_name:get user, api_description:get user by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"maidenName\": \"str\", \"age\": \"int\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"birthDate\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"bloodGroup\": \"str\", \"height\": \"int\", \"weight\": \"float\", \"eyeColor\": \"str\", \"hair\": {\"color\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"domain\": \"str\", \"ip\": \"str\", \"address\": {\"address\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"postalCode\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}, \"macAddress\": \"str\", \"university\": \"str\", \"bank\": {\"cardExpire\": \"str\", \"cardNumber\": \"str\", \"cardType\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"iban\": \"str\"}, \"company\": {\"address\": {\"address\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"postalCode\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}, \"department\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"ein\": \"str\", \"ssn\": \"str\", \"userAgent\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4556", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PublicAPITestingInbox, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4557", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PublicAPITestingInbox, api_name:logoutUser, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4558", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PrivatePublicAPI, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Sale\": \"int\", \"totvs\": \"int\", \"sold\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"cat\": \"int\", \"dgdfgdf\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"not available\": \"int\", \"Available\": \"int\", \"peric\": \"int\", \"disponible\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4559", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:petstore blitz, api_name:getUserByName, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4560", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:16e0e5f7a076c2f62a2e41f6b5b99d37e5b9b25e, api_name:venture, api_description:Link to any suggestions on a nail, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4561", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:recash, api_name:All products, api_description:This will gives you all the products with codes on the data base, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"affiliatelink\": \"str\", \"discount\": \"str\", \"enddate\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"ratting\": \"float\", \"startdate\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4562", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:recash, api_name:Search, api_description:This will filter what you want from the products on the data base, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"affiliatelink\": \"str\", \"discount\": \"str\", \"enddate\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"ratting\": \"float\", \"startdate\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4563", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PublicAPITestingInbox, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4564", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PublicAPITestingInbox, api_name:loginUser, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user name for login\"}, {\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The password for login in clear text\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4565", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:FOOTBALL_API_KEY, api_name:https://football_api_key.p.rapidapi.com/, api_description:https://football_api_key.p.rapidapi.com/, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4566", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:ThisisaPublicAPI_v2, api_name:loginUser, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user name for login\"}, {\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The password for login in clear text\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4567", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:FreePlanwithHardLimit, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Sale\": \"int\", \"totvs\": \"int\", \"sold\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"cat\": \"int\", \"dgdfgdf\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"not available\": \"int\", \"Available\": \"int\", \"peric\": \"int\", \"disponible\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4568", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:FreePlanwithHardLimit, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4569", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:SEO Automations, api_name:Extract Sitemap XML as JSON, api_description:Are you looking for an API that can quickly and easily download and parse sitemap.xml files into JSON format? Look no further! Our API allows you to make a simple GET request, passing in the URL of a sitemap.xml file as a parameter. The API will handle the rest, downloading the file, parsing it into a JSON object, and returning the result in the response. And if you need a little extra information to help organize and navigate the URLs in the sitemap, we've got you covered there too. By adding a query parameter to the GET request, you can also include category and breadcrumb information for each URL in the parsed sitemap. Give it a try and see how much easier working with sitemaps can be!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"urls\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"scheme\": \"str\", \"lastModified\": \"str\", \"category-1\": \"str\", \"categoriesCount\": \"int\", \"breadcrumb-1\": \"str\", \"breadCrumbsCount\": \"int\", \"pagePath\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 84}], \"numOfMaxCategories\": \"int\", \"numOfMaxBreadCrumbs\": \"int\"}, \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4570", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:ThisisaPublicAPI_v2, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4571", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:ThisisaPublicAPI_v2, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4572", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Social media caption, api_name:Social Media Caption, api_description:Generate catchy captions for social media, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"description\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4573", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:JobsApi, api_name:Jobs, api_description:get's jobs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4574", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:AdCopy AI - Google Ads AI Text Generation, api_name:20+ Ad Headlines Generator (~ 25 Seconds), api_description:Get relevant & Complint Google Ad headlines for SEM and PPC marketers, created by SEM Experts. Results include 10+ ad headlines, and are based on user inputs as well as A.I. Intelligence based on OpenAI's engine. \n\n**Detailed description:**\nThe Headlines generator endpoint uses advanced prompt engineering to analyze user inputs in the form of URL, subject, and important keywords to create high-quality ad headlines that are tailored to the product or service being advertised. By leveraging the advanced capabilities of OpenAI's ChatGPT engine, the endpoint is able to deliver top-of-the-line ad headlines that are optimized for relevance, clarity, and engagement.\n\n**Detailed Technical Documentation:**\nThe Headlines generator endpoint of AdCopy AI can be accessed through a GET request, with the following query parameters:\n\n**subject:** Required. A string of between 10 and 60 characters, which represents the \"value proposition\" of the product or service being advertised. The user is advised to provide keywords in a comma-delimited format.\n\n**url:** Required. A string that represents the URL of a page that describes the product or service being advertised. The API will fetch the content from the page and extract relevant keywords to help generate quality ads.\n\n**mostImportantKeywords:** Optional. A string of up to 100 characters, representing the most important keywords about the ad group being advertised. The presence of these keywords in the resulting content is not guaranteed.\n\n**language:** Optional. A string that represents the target audience's language in ISO-2 format (e.g. EN, IT, ES, etc.). The field is currently in alpha testing and may not provide results in the requested language.\n\n**country:** Optional. A string that represents the target audience's country in ISO-2 format (e.g. US, CA, IT, etc.). The field is currently in alpha testing and may not provide country-specific content.\n\n**exampleHeadlines:** Optional. A string of at most 200 characters, representing example headlines that the user may provide to fine-tune the results.\n\nThe endpoint will return up to 10 ad headlines that are tailored to the product or service being advertised. The headlines will be optimized for relevance, clarity, and engagement, leveraging the advanced capabilities of OpenAI's ChatGPT engine and Significat Prompt Optimization., required_params: [{\"name\": \"describeProductOrService\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4575", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:AdCopy AI - Google Ads AI Text Generation, api_name:10+ Ad Descriptions Generator (~ 25 Seconds), api_description:Get relevant & Complint Google Ad descriptions for SEM and PPC marketers, created by SEM Experts. Results include 10+ ad descriptions, and are based on user inputs as well as A.I. Intelligence based on OpenAI's engine. \n\n**Detailed description:**\nThe Descriptions generator endpoint uses advanced prompt engineering to analyze user inputs in the form of URL, subject, and important keywords to create high-quality ad descriptions that are tailored to the product or service being advertised. By leveraging the advanced capabilities of OpenAI's ChatGPT engine, the endpoint is able to deliver top-of-the-line ad descriptions that are optimized for relevance, clarity, and engagement.\n\n**Detailed Technical Documentation:**\nThe Descriptions generator endpoint of AdCopy AI can be accessed through a GET request, with the following query parameters:\n\n**subject:** Required. A string of between 10 and 60 characters, which represents the \"value proposition\" of the product or service being advertised. The user is advised to provide keywords in a comma-delimited format.\n\n**url:** Required. A string that represents the URL of a page that describes the product or service being advertised. The API will fetch the content from the page and extract relevant keywords to help generate quality ads.\n\n**mostImportantKeywords:** Optional. A string of up to 100 characters, representing the most important keywords about the ad group being advertised. The presence of these keywords in the resulting content is not guaranteed.\n\n**language:** Optional. A string that represents the target audience's language in ISO-2 format (e.g. EN, IT, ES, etc.). The field is currently in alpha testing and may not provide results in the requested language.\n\n**country:** Optional. A string that represents the target audience's country in ISO-2 format (e.g. US, CA, IT, etc.). The field is currently in alpha testing and may not provide country-specific content.\n\n**exampleDescriptions:** Optional. A string of at most 200 characters, representing example descriptions that the user may provide to fine-tune the results.\n\nThe endpoint will return up to 10 ad descriptions that are tailored to the product or service being advertised. The descriptions will be optimized for relevance, clarity, and engagement, leveraging the advanced capabilities of OpenAI's ChatGPT engine and Significat Prompt Optimization for your specific ad and product or service requirement.\n\nTry it now, for free., required_params: [{\"name\": \"describeProductOrService\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4576", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Putreq, api_name:Endpoint A, api_description:end, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4577", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:March4, api_name:albums, api_description:njnj, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"userId\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4578", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:ddd, api_name:dddddda, api_description:fdfdf, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4579", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Putreq, api_name:Endpint B, api_description:efsdfs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4580", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Free IP Geolocation, api_name:Any IP, api_description:Get the location, city, country, lat/long etc of any IP address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4581", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:asdfadsf, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": \"empty list\", \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4582", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:pe-demo, api_name:View XML response, api_description:View a sample response in XML format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4583", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:pe-demo, api_name:View API affirmation, api_description:View API affirmation in HTML format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4584", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/alerts/active/zone/{zoneId}, api_description:A list of active alerts by zone id. The ATOM format returns items in CAP-ATOM. Example: /alerts/active/zone/ILZ081, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zoneId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"zoneId: a valid zone, see list in counts endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"correlationId\": \"str\", \"parameterErrors\": [{\"parameter\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4585", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Vision Weather Map, api_name:Current Weather Data, api_description:With this type of request you can get weather data anywhere on earth. The current weather data is updated online based on data from more than 40,000 weather stations., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\nuse this parameter when searching for a city. Do not use with other parameters\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4586", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Vision Weather Map, api_name:5 day / 3 hour forecast data, api_description:The 5-day forecast is available in any location or city. It contains weather data every 3 hours. The forecast is available in JSON or XML format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4587", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/stations/{stationId}, api_description:Metadata about a station. Similar to /stations endpoint with id parameter. Example: /stations/KMKC, required_params: [{\"name\": \"stationId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"stationId: the id of a station from the /points/{point}/stations endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"correlationId\": \"str\", \"parameterErrors\": [{\"parameter\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4588", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Vision Weather Map, api_name:Climate forecast for 30 days, api_description:With the climate forecast for 30 days you can request weather data for the next 30 days. This product is based on a statistical approach for our historical weather data and is updated every hour., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4589", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:History, api_name:dailyWeather, api_description:This endpoint returns the historical weather for a given day for a given location (latitude and longitude), required_params: [{\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The longitude in decimal format of the requested point\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The latitude in decimal format of the requested point\"}, {\"name\": \"parameters\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Define the parameter, you wish to request. Allowed options are \\\\\\\"all\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"air_quality\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"anomaly\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"astronomy\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"weather\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"signal\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"pollen\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"occurrence\\\\\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The requested day in the format \\\\\\\"YYYYmmdd\\\\\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4590", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/stations, api_description:A list of stations and station metadata that can be filtered by parameters. If no parameters are provided, then all stations are returned. This list is not configured by field offices and only returns active stations. Example: /stations?limit=10&states=KS,MO, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"correlationId\": \"str\", \"parameterErrors\": [{\"parameter\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4591", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Cloud Cast, api_name:Get current weather, api_description:Gets the current weather for the inputted city name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4592", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Indonesia Most Accurate Weather and Earthquake, api_name:Latest earth quake happened on Indonesia BMKG, api_description:Latest earth quake happened on Indonesia, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"NoneType\", \"data\": {\"tanggal\": \"str\", \"jam\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": \"str\", \"lintang\": \"str\", \"bujur\": \"str\", \"magnitude\": \"str\", \"kedalaman\": \"str\", \"wilayah\": \"str\", \"potensi\": \"str\", \"dirasakan\": \"str\", \"shakemap\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4593", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Peak Conditions, api_name:get daily report by mountain id, api_description:Returns a daily report for the mountain peak specified in the request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"mountainId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The id number associated with a mountain peak. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4594", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ambee Air Quality, api_name:Weather, api_description:Get weather data for any place based on coordinates, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the coordinate to get the weather\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the coordinate to find the weather\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4595", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ambee Air Quality, api_name:By Coordinates, api_description:Get nearest places readings based around the given latitude and longitude, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Specifies latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Specifies longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4596", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Peak Conditions, api_name:search mountain peak by name, api_description:search for mountain peaks by name. returns all mountains with names containing the search query, along with their associated peak_id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The search query - enter the name of the mountain peak you wish to search for. spaces can be represented by the '+' character.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"peak_name\": \"str\", \"peak_id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4597", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ambee Air Quality, api_name:By City, api_description:Get the latest air quality data for your city, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the city for which you want the air quality\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of rows to be returned\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4598", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Weather by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/weather, api_description:API Ninjas Weather API endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cloud_pct\": \"int\", \"temp\": \"int\", \"feels_like\": \"int\", \"humidity\": \"int\", \"min_temp\": \"int\", \"max_temp\": \"int\", \"wind_speed\": \"float\", \"wind_degrees\": \"int\", \"sunrise\": \"int\", \"sunset\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4599", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Sunrise Sunset Times, api_name:Get Sunrise and Sunset Times, api_description:Get sunrise and sunset times by date, latitude, and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sunrise\": \"str\", \"sunset\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4600", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ouranos, api_name:Predict Feature Forecast 1 Day, api_description:Predict Forecast returns \n- Binary predict value, 1 if it’s a good night to observe and 0 if it’s not. This value is calculated according to the forecast for the night.\n- Rating, score out of 5.\n- Tips for astronomers based on the forecast., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"long\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4601", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ouranos, api_name:7 Day Forecast, api_description:7 Day Forecast return seeing value in arc seconds and transparency on a scale of 1 for the next 7 day every 3 hours, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"long\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4602", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ouranos, api_name:Moon Information, api_description:Moon Information return moon phase and illumination., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4603", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Aviation Weather Center, api_name:Most Recent METARs, api_description:Obtain the most recent METARs from the past X hours. If you use the `mostRecent` flag only one METAR is returned. Otherwise, all METARs from the specified time window will be returned., required_params: [{\"name\": \"datasource\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4604", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ski Resort Forecast, api_name:5 Day Forecast, api_description:Returns the 5 day forecast for a given resort name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"resort\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4605", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Aviation Weather Center, api_name:Most Recent TAFs, api_description:Obtain the most recent TAFs from the past X hours. If you use the `mostRecent` flag only one TAF is returned. Otherwise, all TAFs from the specified time window will be returned., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4606", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ski Resort Forecast, api_name:Current Snow Conditions, api_description:Returns the current snow conditions for a given resort name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"resort\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"topSnowDepth\": \"str\", \"botSnowDepth\": \"str\", \"freshSnowfall\": \"NoneType\", \"lastSnowfallDate\": \"NoneType\", \"basicInfo\": {\"region\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"topLiftElevation\": \"str\", \"midLiftElevation\": \"str\", \"botLiftElevation\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4607", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ski Resort Forecast, api_name:Hourly Forecast, api_description:Returns the hourly forecast for a given resort name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"resort\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"forecast\": [{\"time\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"windSpeed\": \"str\", \"windDirection\": \"str\", \"rain\": \"str\", \"maxTemp\": \"str\", \"minTemp\": \"NoneType\", \"windChill\": \"str\", \"humidity\": \"str\", \"freezeLevel\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 14}], \"basicInfo\": {\"region\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"topLiftElevation\": \"str\", \"midLiftElevation\": \"str\", \"botLiftElevation\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4608", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Open Weather Map, api_name:current weather data, api_description:current weather data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4609", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Hourly Weather Report of Hong Kong, api_name:Current Weather Report, api_description:Current Weather Report, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"dataType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rainfall\": {\"data\": [{\"unit\": \"str\", \"place\": \"str\", \"max\": \"int\", \"main\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 18}], \"startTime\": \"str\", \"endTime\": \"str\"}, \"icon\": [\"list of int with length 1\"], \"iconUpdateTime\": \"str\", \"uvindex\": \"str\", \"updateTime\": \"str\", \"temperature\": {\"data\": [{\"place\": \"str\", \"value\": \"int\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 26}], \"recordTime\": \"str\"}, \"warningMessage\": \"str\", \"mintempFrom00To09\": \"str\", \"rainfallFrom00To12\": \"str\", \"rainfallLastMonth\": \"str\", \"rainfallJanuaryToLastMonth\": \"str\", \"tcmessage\": \"str\", \"humidity\": {\"recordTime\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"unit\": \"str\", \"value\": \"int\", \"place\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4610", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:AI Weather by Meteosource, api_name:daily, api_description:**Daily weather** forecast for the next 21 days. **Global** data are based on our **AI technology**, which uses many different models. **Define your location** using GPS coordinates or `place_id` from `Location endpoints`., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"elevation\": \"int\", \"units\": \"str\", \"daily\": {\"data\": [{\"day\": \"str\", \"weather\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"int\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"predictability\": \"int\", \"temperature\": \"float\", \"temperature_min\": \"float\", \"temperature_max\": \"float\", \"feels_like\": \"float\", \"feels_like_min\": \"float\", \"feels_like_max\": \"float\", \"wind_chill\": \"float\", \"wind_chill_min\": \"float\", \"wind_chill_max\": \"float\", \"dew_point\": \"float\", \"dew_point_min\": \"float\", \"dew_point_max\": \"float\", \"wind\": {\"speed\": \"float\", \"gusts\": \"float\", \"dir\": \"str\", \"angle\": \"int\"}, \"cloud_cover\": \"int\", \"pressure\": \"float\", \"precipitation\": {\"total\": \"float\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"probability\": {\"precipitation\": \"int\", \"storm\": \"float\", \"freeze\": \"float\"}, \"ozone\": \"float\", \"humidity\": \"int\", \"visibility\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 21}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4611", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:World Weather Online API, api_name:Local History Weather API, api_description:The Local Historical or Past Weather API (also known as City and Town Historical Weather API) allows you to access weather conditions from 1st July 2008 up until the present time. The API returns weather elements such as temperature, precipitation (rainfall), weather description, weather icon and wind speed., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4612", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:World Weather Online API, api_name:Astronomy API, api_description:The Astronomy and Lunar API method allows you to access astronomy information for any given date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4613", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ambee Water Vapor Data, api_name:Water Vapour Data By Coordinates, api_description:Get Water Vapour data by Coordinates, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4614", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Qwiper Weather, api_name:Météo d'aujourd'hui - Niamey, Niger, api_description:Obtenez la température, les conditions du ciel, les vents, l'humidité, etc. pour la ville de Niamey., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4615", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:CurrencyConverter, api_name:weather, api_description:aaaaaaaa, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4616", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Peak Conditions, api_name:get extended report by mountain id, api_description:Returns an extended 6-day report for the mountain peak specified in the request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"mountainId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4617", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Forecast, api_name:RapidApiGetForecastSummaryByLocationName, api_description:Get Forecast, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locationName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location Name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"location\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coordinates\\\": {\\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"forecast\\\": {\\\"items\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateWithTimezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"freshSnow\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"snowHeight\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"weather\\\": {\\\"state\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"icon\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"prec\\\": {\\\"sum\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"probability\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sumAsRain\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"class\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"sunHours\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rainHours\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"temperature\\\": {\\\"min\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"wind\\\": {\\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"direction\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avg\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"min\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gusts\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"significationWind\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"windchill\\\": {\\\"min\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"snowLine\\\": {\\\"avg\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"min\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"astronomy\\\": {\\\"dawn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sunrise\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"suntransit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sunset\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dusk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"moonrise\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"moontransit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"moonset\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"moonphase\\\": \\\"int\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4618", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:havo, api_name:weatherendpoin, api_description:ob havo, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4619", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Forecast, api_name:RapidApiGetObservationHistoryByCoordinates, api_description:Get an Observation object with historical information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"int\", \"coordinates\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"elevation\": \"NoneType\"}, \"history\": [{\"summary\": \"NoneType\", \"details\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"temperature\": {\"unit\": \"str\", \"avg\": \"float\", \"min\": \"NoneType\", \"max\": \"NoneType\"}, \"wind\": {\"unit\": \"str\", \"direction\": \"NoneType\", \"text\": \"NoneType\", \"avg\": \"float\", \"min\": \"NoneType\", \"max\": \"NoneType\", \"gusts\": {\"value\": \"NoneType\", \"text\": \"NoneType\"}, \"significationWind\": \"bool\"}, \"pressure\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4620", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:OikoWeather, api_name:Weather Data, api_description:Hourly historical and forecast weather parameters in time-series format, from 1950 to 16 days ahead for any location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"param\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"end\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4621", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Forecast, api_name:RapidApiGetObservationHistoryByStationId, api_description:Get an History object with historical information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Station ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"details\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4622", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ouranos, api_name:Predict Feature Forecast 7 Day, api_description:Predict Forecast returns \n- Binary predict value, 1 if it’s a good night to observe and 0 if it’s not. This value is calculated according to the forecast for the night.\n- Rating, score out of 5.\n- Tips for astronomers based on the forecast., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4623", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Weather API - By Any City, api_name:Get Weather Updates, api_description:This endpoint get all necessary weather information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"location\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"tz_id\": \"str\", \"localtime_epoch\": \"int\", \"localtime\": \"str\"}, \"current\": {\"last_updated_epoch\": \"int\", \"last_updated\": \"str\", \"temp_c\": \"int\", \"temp_f\": \"int\", \"is_day\": \"int\", \"condition\": {\"text\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}, \"wind_mph\": \"float\", \"wind_kph\": \"float\", \"wind_degree\": \"int\", \"wind_dir\": \"str\", \"pressure_mb\": \"int\", \"pressure_in\": \"float\", \"precip_mm\": \"int\", \"precip_in\": \"int\", \"humidity\": \"int\", \"cloud\": \"int\", \"feelslike_c\": \"float\", \"feelslike_f\": \"float\", \"vis_km\": \"int\", \"vis_miles\": \"int\", \"uv\": \"int\", \"gust_mph\": \"float\", \"gust_kph\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4624", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:NOAA Tides, api_name:Get station information, api_description:Get information about the provided station ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"station_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"time_zone\": \"str\", \"time_zone_offset\": \"str\", \"noaa_chart\": \"str\", \"established\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4625", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:NOAA Tides, api_name:Get stations, api_description:Get list of all NOAA stations that provide tide predictions to be used in other endpoints., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"stations\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"long_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 236}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4626", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Cloud Cast, api_name:Get wind speed, api_description:Get the current wind speed, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4627", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ouranos, api_name:3 Day Forecast, api_description:3 Day Forecast return seeing value in arc seconds and transparency on a scale of 1 for the next 3 day every 3 hours, required_params: [{\"name\": \"long\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4628", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:climate data, api_name:Search location by Name or zip code, api_description:Search location by Name or zip code and get the key for the forecast, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"modified\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"generator\": \"str\", \"location\": [{\"wmo\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4629", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:climate data, api_name:List of cities in one Country, api_description:List of cities in one Country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"COUNTRY\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"link\": \"str\", \"modified\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"generator\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"country\": \"str\", \"countryname\": \"str\", \"NumberOfCity\": \"str\"}, \"Cities\": [{\"wmo\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 700}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4630", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Koppen Climate Classification, api_name:Classification, api_description:Get Köppen classification code for the given latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"resource\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}, \"classification\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4631", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:climate data, api_name:List of all Countries, api_description:List of all Countries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"link\": \"str\", \"modified\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"generator\": \"str\", \"Countries\": [{\"COUNTRY\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 278}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4632", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Air Quality by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/airquality, api_description:API Ninjas Air Quality API endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4633", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Sun Seeker API, api_name:sunposition, api_description:Parameters:\nlat (float): The latitude of the location for which you want to get the solar position. The value should be between -90 and 90 degrees.\nlon (float): The longitude of the location for which you want to get the solar position. The value should be between -180 and 180 degrees., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"azimuth\": \"float\", \"elevation\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4634", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Air Quality, api_name:Current Air Quality, api_description:Retrieves current air quality conditions for any location in the world, given a lat/lon., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"city_name\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"aqi\": \"int\", \"co\": \"int\", \"mold_level\": \"int\", \"no2\": \"int\", \"o3\": \"int\", \"pm10\": \"int\", \"pm25\": \"int\", \"pollen_level_grass\": \"int\", \"pollen_level_tree\": \"int\", \"pollen_level_weed\": \"int\", \"predominant_pollen_type\": \"str\", \"so2\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"state_code\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4635", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Air Quality, api_name:Air Quality Forecast, api_description:Returns a 3 day (72 hour) air quality forecast for any point in the world given a lat/lon. , required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"city_name\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"aqi\": \"int\", \"co\": \"float\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"no2\": \"float\", \"o3\": \"float\", \"pm10\": \"float\", \"pm25\": \"float\", \"so2\": \"float\", \"timestamp_local\": \"str\", \"timestamp_utc\": \"str\", \"ts\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 72}], \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"state_code\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4636", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Air Quality, api_name:Air Quality History, api_description:Returns the past 24 hours of air quality observations for any point in the world given a lat/lon., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"city_name\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"aqi\": \"int\", \"co\": \"float\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"no2\": \"float\", \"o3\": \"float\", \"pm10\": \"float\", \"pm25\": \"int\", \"so2\": \"int\", \"timestamp_local\": \"str\", \"timestamp_utc\": \"str\", \"ts\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 72}], \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"state_code\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4637", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:weather_v14, api_name:weather, api_description:dsfghbn, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4638", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Forecast, api_name:RapidApiGetHourlyForecastByLocationName, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"locationName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location Name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"location\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coordinates\\\": {\\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"forecast\\\": {\\\"items\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"period\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"freshSnow\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"weather\\\": {\\\"state\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"icon\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"sunHours\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"rainHours\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"prec\\\": {\\\"sum\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"probability\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sumAsRain\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"class\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"temperature\\\": {\\\"avg\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"pressure\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"relativeHumidity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"clouds\\\": {\\\"high\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"low\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"middle\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"wind\\\": {\\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"direction\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"min\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"gusts\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"significationWind\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"windchill\\\": {\\\"avg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"min\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"snowLine\\\": {\\\"avg\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"min\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"isNight\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 274}], \\\"forecastDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nextUpdate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"source\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"point\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fingerp\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4639", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Cloud Cast, api_name:Get humidty, api_description:Get the humidity for the current city, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4640", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Air Quality API, api_name:Current Air Quality, api_description:Gives back data of current air quality in a specified city!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}, \"current\": {\"ts\": \"str\", \"aqi\": \"int\", \"mainPollutant\": \"str\", \"concentration\": \"float\", \"condition\": \"str\", \"humidity\": \"int\", \"pressure\": \"int\", \"wind\": {\"speed\": \"float\", \"direction\": \"int\"}, \"temperature\": \"int\", \"pollutants\": [{\"aqi\": \"int\", \"concentration\": \"float\", \"estimationSource\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"estimated\": \"bool\", \"pollutantName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"recommendations\": {\"pollution\": {\"exercice\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"windows\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"product\": {\"text\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}}, \"mask\": {\"value\": \"str\"}, \"air_purifier\": {\"value\": \"str\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4641", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:NOAA Tides, api_name:Get tides for a station, api_description:Get tide information for the given station ID in local times., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"station_id\": \"str\", \"tides\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4642", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Groundhog Day API, api_name:groundhogs, api_description:Returns all prognosticating animals with their known predictions., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"groundhogs\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"shortname\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"contact\": \"str\", \"currentPrediction\": \"str\", \"isGroundhog\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"active\": \"int\", \"successor\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"predictionsCount\": \"int\", \"predictions\": [{\"year\": \"int\", \"shadow\": \"NoneType\", \"details\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 138}], \"_list_length\": 32}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4643", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:climate data, api_name:Get climate data by lat/lon or Key, api_description:get climate for the location Lat/Lon, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"modified\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"generator\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"tz_long\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"SI\": \"str\", \"SIU\": \"str\", \"CEL\": \"str\", \"start_date\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\"}, \"ClimateDataMonth\": [{\"tmax\": \"str\", \"temp\": \"str\", \"tmin\": \"str\", \"accumulated_rain\": \"str\", \"days_with_rain\": \"str\", \"sun_hours\": \"str\", \"rh\": \"str\", \"TIME\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 12}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4644", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Stormglass Complete, api_name:Get Tide Station Area Data, api_description:**Stormglass Tide Station Area Data**\n\nThe Tide Stations Area Request will list all available tide stations within a defined geographic area.\n\nTop right and bottom left coordinate draws a box with the selected coordinates. \nAll stations with in the area of this box are queried., required_params: [{\"name\": \"botLng\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apiKey\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"topLng\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"topLat\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"botLat\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4645", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Stormglass Complete, api_name:Get Tide Sea-level Data, api_description:**Stormglass Tide Sea-level Data**\n\nRetrieve the sea level given in meters hour by hour for a single coordinate. If nothing is specified the returned values will be in relative to Mean Sea Level - MSL., required_params: [{\"name\": \"params\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apiKey\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4646", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Visual Crossing Weather, api_name:Historical weather record, api_description:The weather history data is suitable for retrieving hourly or daily historical weather records., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The address or latitude or longitude of the location. Addresses can be specified as full addresses. The system will also attempt to match partial addresses such as city, state, zip code, postal code and other common formats. When specify a point based on longitude, latitude, the format must be specifed as latitude,longitude where both latitude and longitude are in decimal degrees. latitude should run from -90 to 90 and longitude from -180 to 180 (with 0 being at the prime meridian through London, UK).\"}, {\"name\": \"endDateTime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date time for the start of the data request using the time zone of the location. In the ISO format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. Hours should be specified in 24 hour clock format.\"}, {\"name\": \"startDateTime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date time for the start of the data request using the time zone of the location. In the ISO format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. Hours should be specified in 24 hour clock format.\"}, {\"name\": \"aggregateHours\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The interval between weather history data in the output. 1 represent hourly records, 24 represents a daily forecast. As the source data is recorded at the hourly level, 24 hour records are aggregated to indicate the predominant weather conditions during that time period. Supported values 1 or 24.\"}, {\"name\": \"unitGroup\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The system of units used for the output data. Supported values are us,uk,metric\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4647", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Visual Crossing Weather, api_name:Weather forecast data, api_description:Provides access to weather forecast information. The forecast is available for up to seven days at the hourly, 12 hour and daily summary level., required_params: [{\"name\": \"aggregateHours\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The interval between weather forecast data in the output. 1 represents an hourly forecast, 24 represents a daily forecast. As the source data is calculated at the hourly level, records calculated at 12 or 24 hours are aggregated to indicate the predominant weather condition during that time period. For example the maximum temperature, total precipitation, maximum windspeed etc. Supported values 1,12 or 24.\"}, {\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"he address or latitude or longitude of the location. Addresses can be specified as full addresses. The system will also attempt to match partial addresses such as city, state, zip code, postal code and other common formats. When specify a point based on longitude, latitude, the format must be specifed as latitude,longitude where both latitude and longitude are in decimal degrees. latitude should run from -90 to 90 and longitude from -180 to 180 (with 0 being at the prime meridian through London, UK).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4648", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Easy Weather, api_name:Daily forecast (10 days), api_description:Get a 10-day daily forecast for the given latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4649", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Easy Weather, api_name:Hourly forecast (240 hours), api_description:Get a 240-hour forecast for the given latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4650", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Easy Weather, api_name:Historical (hourly), api_description:Get a historical hourly forecast for the given latitude, longitude, and start date/time., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4651", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Air Quality API, api_name:Air Quality Forecasts, api_description:Gives hourly air quality forecast for a given city!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"forecasts\": {\"hourly\": [{\"ts\": \"str\", \"aqi\": \"int\", \"pressure\": \"int\", \"humidity\": \"int\", \"wind\": {\"speed\": \"float\", \"direction\": \"int\"}, \"condition\": \"str\", \"temperature\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 34}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4652", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ambee Air Quality, api_name:By Postal Code, api_description:Check air quality for your postal code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postalCode\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Postal code to display the air quality for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4653", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Air Quality API, api_name:Air Quality Measurements, api_description:Gives current air quality measurements per hour for a given city!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"measurements\": {\"hourly\": [{\"ts\": \"str\", \"aqi\": \"int\", \"pm25\": {\"aqi\": \"int\", \"concentration\": \"float\"}, \"pm10\": {\"aqi\": \"int\", \"concentration\": \"float\"}, \"o3\": {\"aqi\": \"int\", \"concentration\": \"float\"}, \"no2\": {\"aqi\": \"int\", \"concentration\": \"float\"}, \"so2\": {\"aqi\": \"int\", \"concentration\": \"float\"}, \"co\": {\"aqi\": \"int\", \"concentration\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 3}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4654", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:weather forecast 14 days, api_name:Get forecastdata by lat/lon, api_description:get forecast for 14 days for the location Lat/Lon, required_params: [{\"name\": \"LAT\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"LON\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"modified\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"generator\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"tz_long\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"wmo\": \"str\", \"SI\": \"str\", \"SIU\": \"str\", \"CEL\": \"str\"}, \"ActualsYesterday\": [{\"Tmax\": \"str\", \"Tmin\": \"str\", \"sunshine_hours\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"symbol_text\": \"str\", \"TIME\": {\"year\": \"str\", \"mon\": \"str\", \"mday\": \"str\", \"weekday\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"6_hourly_forecast\": [{\"FCTTIME\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"symbol_text\": \"str\", \"temp\": \"str\", \"tdew\": \"str\", \"rh\": \"str\", \"pres\": \"str\", \"wind_bft\": \"str\", \"wind\": \"str\", \"wind_direction\": \"str\", \"wind_direction_dez\": \"str\", \"wind_gust\": \"str\", \"rain\": \"str\", \"rain_chance_0.3mm\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 57}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4655", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/alerts/active/region/{region}, api_description:A list of active alerts by region. The ATOM format returns items in CAP-ATOM. Example: /alerts/active/region/GL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"area: a valid region, see list in counts endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"correlationId\": \"str\", \"parameterErrors\": [{\"parameter\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4656", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:weather_v13, api_name:Andy Lin, api_description:weather, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4657", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/stations/{stationId}/observations/{recordId}, api_description:Data for a specific observation. NOTE! See note in /stations/{stationId}/observations for important details on observation data. Example: /stations/KMKC/observations/2017-01-04T18:54:00+00:00, required_params: [{\"name\": \"stationId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"stationsId: Station id\"}, {\"name\": \"recordId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"recordId, Record Id (ISO8601DateTime)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"correlationId\": \"str\", \"parameterErrors\": [{\"parameter\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4658", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:World Weather Online API, api_name:Time Zone API, api_description:The Time Zone API method retrieves current local time and UTC offset hour and minute for a specified location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4659", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Easy Weather, api_name:Current conditions (detailed), api_description:Get (detailed) current conditions for the given latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4660", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Easy Weather, api_name:Current conditions (basic), api_description:Get (basic) current conditions for the given latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"resource\": \"str\", \"parameters\": {\"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}, \"currentWeather\": {\"reportedTime\": \"str\", \"readTime\": \"str\", \"temperature\": \"float\", \"conditionCode\": \"str\", \"cloudCover\": \"float\", \"pressure\": \"float\", \"humidity\": \"float\", \"daylight\": \"bool\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4661", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:WeatherAPI.com, api_name:Future Weather API, api_description:Future weather API method returns weather in a 3 hourly interval in future for a date between 14 days and 300 days from today in the future., required_params: [{\"name\": \"dt\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"'dt' should be between 14 days and 300 days from today in the future in yyyy-MM-dd format (i.e. dt=2023-01-01)\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query parameter based on which data is sent back. It could be following:\\n\\nLatitude and Longitude (Decimal degree) e.g: q=48.8567,2.3508\\ncity name e.g.: q=Paris\\nUS zip e.g.: q=10001\\nUK postcode e.g: q=SW1\\nCanada postal code e.g: q=G2J\\nmetar: e.g: q=metar:EGLL\\niata:<3 digit airport code> e.g: q=iata:DXB\\nauto:ip IP lookup e.g: q=auto:ip\\nIP address (IPv4 and IPv6 supported) e.g: q=\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4662", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:WeatherAPI.com, api_name:Astronomy API, api_description:Astronomy API method allows a user to get up to date information for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, moon phase and illumination in json., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query parameter based on which data is sent back. It could be following:\\n\\nLatitude and Longitude (Decimal degree) e.g: q=48.8567,2.3508\\ncity name e.g.: q=Paris\\nUS zip e.g.: q=10001\\nUK postcode e.g: q=SW1\\nCanada postal code e.g: q=G2J\\nmetar: e.g: q=metar:EGLL\\niata:<3 digit airport code> e.g: q=iata:DXB\\nauto:ip IP lookup e.g: q=auto:ip\\nIP address (IPv4 and IPv6 supported) e.g: q=\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"location\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"tz_id\": \"str\", \"localtime_epoch\": \"int\", \"localtime\": \"str\"}, \"astronomy\": {\"astro\": {\"sunrise\": \"str\", \"sunset\": \"str\", \"moonrise\": \"str\", \"moonset\": \"str\", \"moon_phase\": \"str\", \"moon_illumination\": \"str\", \"is_moon_up\": \"int\", \"is_sun_up\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4663", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Easy Weather, api_name:Hourly forecast (48 hours), api_description:Get a 48-hour forecast for the given latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"resource\": \"str\", \"parameters\": {\"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}, \"forecastHourly\": {\"reportedTime\": \"str\", \"readTime\": \"str\", \"hours\": [{\"forecastStart\": \"str\", \"conditionCode\": \"str\", \"cloudCover\": \"float\", \"uvIndex\": \"int\", \"humidity\": \"float\", \"pressure\": \"float\", \"pressureTrend\": \"str\", \"snowfallAmount\": \"float\", \"snowfallIntensity\": \"float\", \"visibility\": \"float\", \"windSpeed\": \"float\", \"windGust\": \"float\", \"windDirection\": \"int\", \"precipitationChance\": \"float\", \"precipitationType\": \"str\", \"precipitationAmount\": \"float\", \"temperature\": \"float\", \"temperatureApparent\": \"float\", \"temperatureDewPoint\": \"float\", \"daylight\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 48}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4664", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Easy Weather, api_name:Weather alerts, api_description:Get weather alerts posted by the local meteorological agency for the given latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4665", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Monitoring Syatem, api_name:Weather, api_description:Weather details Monitoring and Update in mobile, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"weather_id\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"temperature\": \"str\", \"humidity\": \"str\", \"pollen\": \"str\", \"air\": \"str\", \"so\": \"str\", \"no\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4666", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Weather with AI, api_name:Get Weather, api_description:Return weather in current, hourly and daily info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"version\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Geographical coordinates of the location (longitude)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Geographical coordinates of the location (latitude)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lon\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timezone_offset\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"current\\\": {\\\"dt\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sunrise\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sunset\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"temp\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"feels_like\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"pressure\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"humidity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dew_point\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"uvi\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"clouds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"visibility\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wind_speed\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wind_deg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"weather\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"main\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"icon\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"hourly\\\": [{\\\"dt\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"temp\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"feels_like\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"pressure\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"humidity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dew_point\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"uvi\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"clouds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"visibility\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wind_speed\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wind_deg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wind_gust\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"weather\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"main\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"icon\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"pop\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"rain\\\": {\\\"1h\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 48}], \\\"daily\\\": [{\\\"dt\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sunrise\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sunset\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"moonrise\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"moonset\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"moon_phase\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"temp\\\": {\\\"day\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"min\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4667", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Indonesia Latest Weather and Earthquake, api_name:Latest Top 15 Earthquake (felt by local), api_description:Latest Top 15 Earthquake (felt by local), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Bujur\": \"str\", \"Coordinates\": \"str\", \"DateTime\": \"str\", \"Dirasakan\": \"str\", \"Jam\": \"str\", \"Kedalaman\": \"str\", \"Lintang\": \"str\", \"Magnitude\": \"str\", \"Tanggal\": \"str\", \"Wilayah\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4668", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Indonesia Latest Weather and Earthquake, api_name:Latest Top 15 Earthquake, api_description:Latest Top 15 Earthquake, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Bujur\": \"str\", \"Coordinates\": \"str\", \"DateTime\": \"str\", \"Jam\": \"str\", \"Kedalaman\": \"str\", \"Lintang\": \"str\", \"Magnitude\": \"str\", \"Potensi\": \"str\", \"Tanggal\": \"str\", \"Wilayah\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4669", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Indonesia Latest Weather and Earthquake, api_name:Latest Earthquake, api_description:Latest Earthquake, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Bujur\": \"str\", \"Coordinates\": \"str\", \"DateTime\": \"str\", \"Dirasakan\": \"str\", \"Jam\": \"str\", \"Kedalaman\": \"str\", \"Lintang\": \"str\", \"Magnitude\": \"str\", \"Potensi\": \"str\", \"Shakemap\": \"str\", \"Tanggal\": \"str\", \"Wilayah\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4670", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Vision Weather Map, api_name:View from 16 day / daily forecast dates, api_description:16-day forecasts are available in any location or city. Forecasts include the daily weather and are available in JSON or XML format. It is only available for all paid accounts., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4671", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:History, api_name:dailyWeatherZip, api_description:This endpoint returns the historical weather for a given day for a given location (Country and zip code), required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ISO Alpha-2 code of the country\"}, {\"name\": \"zip-code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The postal code for the requested country\"}, {\"name\": \"parameters\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Define the parameter, you wish to request. Allowed options are \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"all\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"air_quality\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"anomaly\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"astronomy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"weather\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"signal\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"pollen\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"occurrence\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The requested day in the format \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"YYYYmmdd\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4672", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:History, api_name:dailyWeatherSeries, api_description:This endpoint returns the historical weather for a given series of days for a given location (latitude and longitude), required_params: [{\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The longitude in decimal format of the requested point\"}, {\"name\": \"start_day\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The requested start day in the format \\\\\\\"YYYYmmdd\\\\\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"end_day\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The requested end day in the format \\\\\\\"YYYYmmdd\\\\\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"parameters\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Define the parameter, you wish to request. Allowed options are \\\\\\\"all\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"air_quality\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"anomaly\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"astronomy\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"weather\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"signal\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"pollen\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"occurrence\\\\\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The latitude in decimal format of the requested point\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4673", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ambee Water Vapor Data, api_name:Water Vapour History by Lat Lng, api_description:Water vapour History by lat lng, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"endDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4674", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Aviation Weather Center, api_name:METARs in Time Range, api_description:Obtain all METARs for a station collected between these start and end times using ISO8601 date/time format, with UTC offset: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. Please see [W3C date/time formats](http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"datasource\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4675", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Aviation Weather Center, api_name:Station Info, api_description:Information about a weather reporting station., required_params: [{\"name\": \"datasource\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"stationString\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4676", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:OpenWeather, api_name:getCurrentWeather, api_description:Test, required_params: [{\"name\": \"appid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"City name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cod\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4677", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:OpenWeather, api_name:getForecastWeather, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"City name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cod\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4678", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Stormglass Complete, api_name:GET Astronomy Data, api_description:Stormglass Astronomy Data\n\nRetrieve sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset and moon phase for a single coordinate., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4679", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Indonesia Most Accurate Weather and Earthquake, api_name:Weather forecast for Indonesian cities BMKG, api_description:Weather forecast for Indonesian cities BMKG, required_params: [{\"name\": \"province\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"NoneType\", \"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"coordinate\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"level\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"tags\": \"str\", \"params\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"times\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"h\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 12}], \"_list_length\": 9}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4680", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:123, api_name:123, api_description:make it better, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4681", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Plant Hardiness Zone, api_name:Retrieve the Hardiness Zone, api_description:Pass a ZIP code in the endpoint path to return an object that includes the ZIP code and USDA Plant Hardiness Zone., required_params: [{\"name\": \"zipcode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hardiness_zone\": \"str\", \"zipcode\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4682", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:WeatherAPI.com, api_name:Forecast Weather API, api_description:Forecast weather API method returns upto next 14 day weather forecast and weather alert as json. It contains astronomy data, day weather forecast and hourly interval weather information for a given city., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query parameter based on which data is sent back. It could be following:\\n\\nLatitude and Longitude (Decimal degree) e.g: q=48.8567,2.3508\\ncity name e.g.: q=Paris\\nUS zip e.g.: q=10001\\nUK postcode e.g: q=SW1\\nCanada postal code e.g: q=G2J\\nmetar: e.g: q=metar:EGLL\\niata:<3 digit airport code> e.g: q=iata:DXB\\nauto:ip IP lookup e.g: q=auto:ip\\nIP address (IPv4 and IPv6 supported) e.g: q=\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"location\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lon\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tz_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"localtime_epoch\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"localtime\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"current\\\": {\\\"last_updated_epoch\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"last_updated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"temp_c\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"temp_f\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"is_day\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"condition\\\": {\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"icon\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"wind_mph\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wind_kph\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wind_degree\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wind_dir\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pressure_mb\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"pressure_in\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"precip_mm\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"precip_in\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"humidity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cloud\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"feelslike_c\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"feelslike_f\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vis_km\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vis_miles\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"uv\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"gust_mph\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"gust_kph\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"forecast\\\": {\\\"forecastday\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_epoch\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"day\\\": {\\\"maxtemp_c\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"maxtemp_f\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"mintemp_c\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"mintemp_f\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avgtemp_c\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avgtemp_f\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"maxwind_mph\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"maxwind_kph\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalprecip_mm\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalprecip_in\\\": \\\"float\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4683", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:WeatherAPI.com, api_name:Search/Autocomplete API, api_description:Search or Autocomplete API returns matching cities and towns., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query parameter based on which data is sent back. It could be following:\\n\\nLatitude and Longitude (Decimal degree) e.g: q=48.8567,2.3508\\ncity name e.g.: q=Paris\\nUS zip e.g.: q=10001\\nUK postcode e.g: q=SW1\\nCanada postal code e.g: q=G2J\\nmetar: e.g: q=metar:EGLL\\niata:<3 digit airport code> e.g: q=iata:DXB\\nauto:ip IP lookup e.g: q=auto:ip\\nIP address (IPv4 and IPv6 supported) e.g: q=\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4684", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:AI Weather by Meteosource, api_name:current, api_description:**Current weather** conditions based on weather stations around the world. Updated every 10 minutes. **Define your location** using GPS coordinates or `place_id` from `Location endpoints`., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"elevation\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"units\": \"str\", \"current\": {\"icon\": \"str\", \"icon_num\": \"int\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"temperature\": \"float\", \"feels_like\": \"float\", \"wind_chill\": \"float\", \"dew_point\": \"float\", \"wind\": {\"speed\": \"float\", \"gusts\": \"float\", \"angle\": \"int\", \"dir\": \"str\"}, \"precipitation\": {\"total\": \"float\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"cloud_cover\": \"int\", \"ozone\": \"float\", \"pressure\": \"float\", \"uv_index\": \"float\", \"humidity\": \"int\", \"visibility\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4685", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:AI Weather by Meteosource, api_name:historical_weather, api_description:Receive **historical weather** data for a **given day** in the past **8 years**. Define your location using GPS coordinates or `place_id` from `Location endpoints`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"The UTC day of the data in the past in `YYYY-MM-DD` format.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"elevation\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"units\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"weather\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"int\", \"temperature\": \"float\", \"feels_like\": \"float\", \"wind_chill\": \"float\", \"dew_point\": \"float\", \"wind\": {\"speed\": \"float\", \"gusts\": \"float\", \"angle\": \"int\", \"dir\": \"str\"}, \"cloud_cover\": \"int\", \"pressure\": \"float\", \"precipitation\": {\"total\": \"float\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"ozone\": \"int\", \"humidity\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 24}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4686", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Foreca Weather, api_name:Current, api_description:Current weather estimate for location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"current\": {\"time\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"symbolPhrase\": \"str\", \"temperature\": \"int\", \"feelsLikeTemp\": \"int\", \"relHumidity\": \"int\", \"dewPoint\": \"int\", \"windSpeed\": \"int\", \"windDir\": \"int\", \"windDirString\": \"str\", \"windGust\": \"int\", \"precipProb\": \"int\", \"precipRate\": \"int\", \"cloudiness\": \"int\", \"thunderProb\": \"int\", \"uvIndex\": \"int\", \"pressure\": \"float\", \"visibility\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4687", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Indonesia Latest Weather and Earthquake, api_name:Weather Cities in Indonesia filtered by Province (Code), api_description:Weather Cities in Indonesia filtered by Province (Code)\n\nHere is the list of Povince Code (kode_bps)\n- 11\tProvinsi Aceh\n- 51\tProvinsi Bali\n- 19\tProvinsi Bangka Belitung\n- 36\tProvinsi Banten\n- 17\tProvinsi Bengkulu\n- 34\tProvinsi DI Yogyakarta\n- 31\tProvinsi DKI Jakarta\n- 75\tProvinsi Gorontalo\n- 15\tProvinsi Jambi\n- 32\tProvinsi Jawa Barat\n- 33\tProvinsi Jawa Tengah\n- 35\tProvinsi Jawa Timur\n- 61\tProvinsi Kalimantan Barat\n- 63\tProvinsi Kalimantan Selatan\n- 62\tProvinsi Kalimantan Tengah\n- 64\tProvinsi Kalimantan Timur\n- 65\tProvinsi Kalimantan Utara\n- 21\tProvinsi Kepulauan Riau\n- 18\tProvinsi Lampung\n- 81\tProvinsi Maluku\n- 82\tProvinsi Maluku Utara\n- 52\tProvinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat\n- 53\tProvinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur\n- 94\tProvinsi Papua\n- 91\tProvinsi Papua Barat\n- 14\tProvinsi Riau\n- 76\tProvinsi Sulawesi Barat\n- 73\tProvinsi Sulawesi Selatan\n- 72\tProvinsi Sulawesi Tengah\n- 74\tProvinsi Sulawesi Tenggara\n- 71\tProvinsi Sulawesi Utara\n- 13\tProvinsi Sumatera Barat\n- 16\tProvinsi Sumatera Selatan\n- 12\tProvinsi Sumatera Utara, required_params: [{\"name\": \"kode_bps\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"@coordinate\": \"str\", \"@description\": \"str\", \"@domain\": \"str\", \"@id\": \"str\", \"@latitude\": \"str\", \"@level\": \"str\", \"@longitude\": \"str\", \"@region\": \"str\", \"@tags\": \"str\", \"@type\": \"str\", \"name\": [{\"#text\": \"str\", \"@xml:lang\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"parameter\": [{\"@description\": \"str\", \"@id\": \"str\", \"@type\": \"str\", \"timerange\": [{\"@datetime\": \"str\", \"@h\": \"str\", \"@type\": \"str\", \"value\": {\"#text\": \"str\", \"@unit\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 12}], \"_list_length\": 9}], \"_list_length\": 23}], \"issued_by\": \"str\", \"issued_info\": {\"day\": \"str\", \"hour\": \"str\", \"minute\": \"str\", \"month\": \"str\", \"second\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"year\": \"str\"}, \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4688", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ambee Air Quality, api_name:By Country, api_description:Provides the air quality data for a country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The international country code for the country you want the air quality for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4689", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Cloud Cast, api_name:Get hourly forecast, api_description:Get the hourly forecast, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4690", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:The Weather API, api_name:weather report, api_description:Gives weather report of a particular city., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cityName\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4691", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:weather forecast 14 days, api_name:List of cities in one Country, api_description:List of cities in one Country, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"link\": \"str\", \"modified\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"generator\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"country\": \"str\", \"countryname\": \"str\", \"NumberOfCity\": \"str\"}, \"Cities\": [{\"wmo\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 700}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4692", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:weather forecast 14 days, api_name:List of all Countries, api_description:List of all Countries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"link\": \"str\", \"modified\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"generator\": \"str\", \"Countries\": [{\"COUNTRY\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 278}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4693", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/alerts/active/area/{area}, api_description:A list of active alerts by area. The ATOM format returns items in CAP-ATOM., required_params: [{\"name\": \"area\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"area: a valid area, see list in counts endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"correlationId\": \"str\", \"parameterErrors\": [{\"parameter\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4694", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/products/types/{typeId}/locations, api_description:A list of locations that have issues products for a type. Example: /products/types/AFD/locations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"typeId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"typeId: an id of a valid product type (list forthcoming)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"correlationId\": \"str\", \"parameterErrors\": [{\"parameter\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4695", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Indonesia Latest Weather and Earthquake, api_name:Top Cities Weather in Indonesia, api_description:Top Cities Weather in Indonesia, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"@coordinate\": \"str\", \"@description\": \"str\", \"@domain\": \"str\", \"@id\": \"str\", \"@latitude\": \"str\", \"@level\": \"str\", \"@longitude\": \"str\", \"@region\": \"str\", \"@tags\": \"str\", \"@type\": \"str\", \"name\": [{\"#text\": \"str\", \"@xml:lang\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"parameter\": [{\"@description\": \"str\", \"@id\": \"str\", \"@type\": \"str\", \"timerange\": [{\"@datetime\": \"str\", \"@h\": \"str\", \"@type\": \"str\", \"value\": {\"#text\": \"str\", \"@unit\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 12}], \"_list_length\": 9}], \"_list_length\": 33}], \"issued_by\": \"str\", \"issued_info\": {\"day\": \"str\", \"hour\": \"str\", \"minute\": \"str\", \"month\": \"str\", \"second\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"year\": \"str\"}, \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4696", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:weather forecast 14 days, api_name:Search location by Name or zip code, api_description:Search location by Name or zip code and get the key for the forecast, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"modified\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"generator\": \"str\", \"location\": [{\"wmo\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4697", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Test_v2, api_name:Rest, api_description:rest endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4698", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:WeatherTest, api_name:Fake Weather, api_description:Get a fake weather, no date or authentication is necessary, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"condition\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4699", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Wavebase, api_name:Ocean Conditions Closest to Latitude / Longitude, api_description:​https://api.wavebase.app/v4/conditions/search/{latitude}/{longitude}\n\nSearch for current and predicted ocean conditions closest to a given latitude/longitude.\n\nReturned conditions include the closest point found, along with Waves, Tides and Weather conditions are the location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"closest_coordinates\\\": {\\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"conditions\\\": [{\\\"primary_swell_wave_from_direction\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"primary_swell_wave_mean_period\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"primary_swell_wave_significant_height\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"secondary_swell_wave_from_direction\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"secondary_swell_wave_mean_period\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"secondary_swell_wave_significant_height\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tide_direction\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tide_height\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tide_state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"valid_for_dtg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"wave_from_direction\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wave_from_direction_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_inverse_freq\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_freq\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wave_significant_height\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wind_dir\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wind_speed\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wind_wave_from_direction\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"wind_wave_mean_period\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4700", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:APJOY-Weather Forecast, api_name:GetWeatherForecast, api_description:This endpoint provides weather forecast information based on the user's location. It returns the current weather conditions, daily forecasts, and additional weather data, such as temperature, humidity, and wind speed. The data is sourced from OpenWeatherMap, ensuring accurate and reliable information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the city or location for which to retrieve the weather forecast.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cod\": \"str\", \"message\": \"int\", \"cnt\": \"int\", \"list\": [{\"dt\": \"int\", \"main\": {\"temp\": \"float\", \"feels_like\": \"float\", \"temp_min\": \"float\", \"temp_max\": \"float\", \"pressure\": \"int\", \"sea_level\": \"int\", \"grnd_level\": \"int\", \"humidity\": \"int\", \"temp_kf\": \"float\"}, \"weather\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"main\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"clouds\": {\"all\": \"int\"}, \"wind\": {\"speed\": \"float\", \"deg\": \"int\", \"gust\": \"float\"}, \"visibility\": \"int\", \"pop\": \"int\", \"sys\": {\"pod\": \"str\"}, \"dt_txt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"city\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"coord\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\"}, \"country\": \"str\", \"population\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"int\", \"sunrise\": \"int\", \"sunset\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4701", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Wavebase, api_name:XYZ Map Tiles for Ocean Conditions, api_description:Wavebase Global Ocean Tiles API:\n\nWave Signficant Height (GET): https://api.wavebase.app/v1/tiles/singleband/{variable}/{date-timeslot - YYYYMMDDHH}/0/0/0.png\n\ne.g.: https://api.wavebase.app/v1/tiles/singleband/VHM0/2023051703/0/0/0.png \n\nCurrently only Tile at 0/0/0 is available Free. Contact: info@wavebase.app for additional tiles., required_params: [{\"name\": \"variable\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"datetime\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4702", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Sri Lanka News Api, api_name:Get all latest news, api_description:Get latest news from all the news sources.This route return all the latest news from each news source at once, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 73}], \"succes\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4703", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:pollution-news-api, api_name:Get All News on Pollution, api_description:This endpoint would return all news on pollution in african countries available in our database., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4704", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Sri Lanka News Api, api_name:Get news from one news source, api_description:Get news from one news source passing {source} paramter value and {page} value.Each news soure different number of news count in one page.\n\n\n**News Sources\n--Lankadeepa.lk\n--Deshaya.lk\n--Ada.lk\n--BBCSinhala.com\n--Mawbima.lk, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"source\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4705", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate Change API_v3, api_name:Get Individual News Sources, api_description:Get climate change news from individual news sources., required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4706", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate Change API_v3, api_name:Get All Climate Change News, api_description:This endpoint will return all news about climate change from top news sites., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4707", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Live Climate Change_v2, api_name:Get Individual News from Source News, api_description:Get news about climate change from a specific source news, required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4708", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:India Today Unofficial, api_name:Get News, api_description:All Latest news from India Today Platform, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tag\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4709", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Live Climate Change_v2, api_name:Get All Climate Change News, api_description:This endpoint will return news from climate change from all over the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4710", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:India Today Unofficial, api_name:Tag Search, api_description:Get news as per the tag, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tag\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tag\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4711", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:PAC API, api_name:Get all Biden Articles, api_description:This end point will return all articles from each major newspaper for Biden, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4712", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:PAC API, api_name:Get Trump articles from specific newspaper, api_description:This endpoint returns all articles for Trump from a specific newspaper, required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaper\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Response\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4713", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Newscatcher, api_name:/v1/search_free, api_description:**Up to 100 articles per 1 API call even with free Basic Plan.**\nFree search. Only the language filter is allowed., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"String to search for. Has to be [URL-encoded](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"total_hits\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"page_size\": \"int\", \"articles\": [{\"summary\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"media\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"media_content\": [\"list of str with length 20\"], \"clean_url\": \"str\", \"rights\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"topic\": \"str\", \"published_date\": \"str\", \"_id\": \"str\", \"_score\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 50}], \"user_input\": {\"q\": \"str\", \"search_in\": \"str\", \"lang\": \"str\", \"ranked_only\": \"str\", \"sort_by\": \"str\", \"from\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"size\": \"int\", \"media\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4714", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Newscatcher, api_name:/v1/sources, api_description:Returns a list of supported news websites for any topic, country, language, or any of those combined, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4715", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate Change Live_v3, api_name:Get All Climate Change News, api_description:This endpoint will return back all news about the climate change from all over world., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4716", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:OneLike, api_name:Social Media News in Greek, api_description:Get social media news in Greek, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4717", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate Change Live_v3, api_name:Get Indivisual News Source News, api_description:Get News about climate change from a specific news resource., required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4718", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Philippine News, api_name:Latest News, api_description:Get the latest news and stories from different sources, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"pubDate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4719", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:OneLike, api_name:Social Media News in German, api_description:Get social media news in German, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4720", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Google News API, api_name:Get articles, api_description:Get, filter, smart search google news articles., required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Supported by 10 languages. \\n\\nLanguage request codes:\\n\\n TR, EN, FR, DE, IT, ZH, ES, RU, KO, PT\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"messsage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4721", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:OneLike, api_name:Social Media News in Hindi, api_description:Get social media news in Hindi, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4722", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Cote Ivoire news, api_name:Get news, api_description:Cet endpoint produit plusieurs lignes d'information que vous pouvez directement utiliser dans votre app ou votre site web., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4723", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Coronavirus Smartable, api_name:GetNews, api_description:Get the latest coronavirus news for the globe or your selected country or state., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"ISO 3166-2 location code. For example, use \\\"FR\\\" for coronavirus news in France; use \\\"US\\\" for coronavirus news in US; use \\\"US-CA\\\" for coronavirus news in the US California state. Use \\\"global\\\" to retrieve global news. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"location\": {\"long\": \"float\", \"countryOrRegion\": \"str\", \"provinceOrState\": \"NoneType\", \"county\": \"NoneType\", \"isoCode\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\"}, \"updatedDateTime\": \"str\", \"news\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"featuredContent\": \"NoneType\", \"highlight\": \"NoneType\", \"heat\": \"int\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"title\": \"NoneType\", \"attribution\": \"NoneType\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"content\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ampWebUrl\": \"str\", \"cdnAmpWebUrl\": \"str\", \"publishedDateTime\": \"str\", \"updatedDateTime\": \"NoneType\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": \"NoneType\", \"publishers\": \"NoneType\", \"authors\": \"NoneType\"}, \"locale\": \"str\", \"categories\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4724", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Coronavirus Smartable, api_name:GetStats, api_description:Get the latest and historic coronavirus stats data (confirmed cases, deaths and recovered cases) for the globe or your selected country or state., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"ISO 3166-2 location code. For example, use \\\"FR\\\" for coronavirus stats in France; use \\\"US\\\" for coronavirus stats in US; use \\\"US-CA\\\" for coronavirus stats in the US California state. Use \\\"global\\\" to retrieve global stats. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"location\": {\"long\": \"float\", \"countryOrRegion\": \"str\", \"provinceOrState\": \"NoneType\", \"county\": \"NoneType\", \"isoCode\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\"}, \"updatedDateTime\": \"str\", \"stats\": {\"totalConfirmedCases\": \"int\", \"newlyConfirmedCases\": \"int\", \"totalDeaths\": \"int\", \"newDeaths\": \"int\", \"totalRecoveredCases\": \"int\", \"newlyRecoveredCases\": \"int\", \"history\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"confirmed\": \"int\", \"deaths\": \"int\", \"recovered\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 401}], \"breakdowns\": [{\"location\": {\"long\": \"float\", \"countryOrRegion\": \"str\", \"provinceOrState\": \"str\", \"county\": \"NoneType\", \"isoCode\": \"NoneType\", \"lat\": \"float\"}, \"totalConfirmedCases\": \"int\", \"newlyConfirmedCases\": \"int\", \"totalDeaths\": \"int\", \"newDeaths\": \"int\", \"totalRecoveredCases\": \"int\", \"newlyRecoveredCases\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 62}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4725", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Pharma Industry Data Collection, api_name:search term, api_description:search term, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": {\"requestLeft\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4726", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:Filter Japan news by newspaper company, api_description:^^, required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4727", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Kubric: The Comprehensive Movie News API, api_name:Trending, api_description:The `/trending` endpoint is a powerful feature of the Kubric Movie News API, designed to provide users with the most recent and popular movie news articles. This endpoint returns the top 50 trending movie articles, ensuring users stay up-to-date with the latest and most engaging content from the world of cinema., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4728", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Anime News Net, api_name:Get details of a news item, api_description:Get the details of each news item, such as the title, an image and the body of the news item, in addition to other properties, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"subtitle\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"intro\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4729", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:Filter China news by newspaper company, api_description:As name says., required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4730", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:China and US relation filter, api_description:Filters all news for US and China, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4731", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Anime News Net, api_name:Get anime news list, api_description:Get the most up-to-date anime list up to date and in real time, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"article\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"topic\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"api_url\": \"str\"}, \"details_api\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4732", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Targeted Keyword trend, api_name:Keyword, api_description:Returns “Monthly Data” and “Search count” for a given keyword, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Your Targeted Keyword is \": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4733", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Live Climate Change News_v2, api_name:Get All Climate Change News, api_description:This endpoint will return all the news about Climate Change from all over the world., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4734", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Kubric: The Comprehensive Movie News API, api_name:Basic Search, api_description:The `/news/basic/search` endpoint allows you to search for movie news articles., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"body\": {\"totalArticles\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"publishedDate\": \"str\", \"sentiment\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4735", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Google News, api_name:Science, api_description:This endpoint is used to get science news from Google News., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lr\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"language region, ex: en-US\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"original\": \"str\"}, \"hasSubnews\": \"bool\", \"subnews\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"original\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 4}], \"_list_length\": 69}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4736", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Kubric: The Comprehensive Movie News API, api_name:Advanced Search, api_description:The `/news/advanced/search` endpoint allows you to search for movie news articles by applying various filters such as date, source, type, and sentiment. It offers a versatile and customizable way to explore the latest news and updates in the movie industry., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"body\": {\"totalArticles\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"publishedDate\": \"str\", \"sentiment\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4737", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Google News, api_name:Business, api_description:This endpoint is used to get business news from Google News., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lr\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"language region, ex: en-US\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"original\": \"str\"}, \"hasSubnews\": \"bool\", \"subnews\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"original\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 5}], \"_list_length\": 59}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4738", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:News_v3, api_name:Articles, api_description:Fetches articles from one specific newspaper, required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaper_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4739", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Google News, api_name:Search, api_description:This endpoint is used to search for news from Google News based on keywords. The mandatory parameter to be used is **keyword** to specify the search term, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \" The mandatory parameter to specify the search term\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"original\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 92}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4740", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Kubric: The Comprehensive Movie News API, api_name:Sources, api_description:Returns sources used for articles based of current tier., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"body\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"urls\": {\"base\": \"str\", \"search\": \"str\"}, \"tier\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4741", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Instant Cameroon News, api_name:Retrieve data, api_description:Endpoint, which you use to retrieve the data you need. This endpoint can accept some parameters like page, search key and data range, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4742", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Political Bias Database, api_name:fetch all allsides.com data, api_description:get request that returns entire allsides.com database as a json., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"allsidesurl\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"bias\": \"str\", \"agreement\": \"str\", \"disagreement\": \"str\", \"confidence\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4743", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Political Bias Database, api_name:fetch all mediabiasfactcheck.com data, api_description:get request that returns entire mediabiasfactcheck.com database as a json., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"profile\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"bias\": \"str\", \"factual\": \"str\", \"credibility\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4744", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate change_v31, api_name:World climate change, api_description:Endpoint showing Climate changes all over the the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4745", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate change_v31, api_name:Get news source feeds, api_description:Api showing news feedsa all over the planet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4746", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:Filter for conflict, api_description:Filters for conflict in all three regions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"section\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4747", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:Filter Korean news, api_description:Filters Korean news from all sources, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4748", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:IMDb, api_name:title/get-awards-summary, api_description:Get awards summary related to the title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tconst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You need to extract the value started with \\\\\\\"tt\\\\\\\" of id field returned from .../title/auto-complete or .../title/find endpoint. Ex : tt0944947\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"@type\": \"str\", \"awardsSummary\": {\"highlighted\": {\"awardName\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\", \"eventId\": \"str\", \"isWinner\": \"bool\"}, \"otherNominationsCount\": \"int\", \"otherWinsCount\": \"int\"}, \"highlightedRanking\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"rankType\": \"str\"}, \"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"titleType\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4749", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:IMDb, api_name:title/get-trivia, api_description:Get trivia of title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tconst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You need to extract the value started with \\\\\\\"tt\\\\\\\" of id field returned from .../title/auto-complete or .../title/find endpoint. Ex : tt0944947\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"@type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"spoilt\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"interestingVotes\": {\"down\": \"int\", \"up\": \"int\"}, \"spoiler\": \"bool\", \"text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 45}], \"unspoilt\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"interestingVotes\": {\"down\": \"int\", \"up\": \"int\"}, \"spoiler\": \"bool\", \"text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 163}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4750", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:getMedia, api_name:get media, api_description:Get Media, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4751", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Crypto News_v2, api_name:Get Individual News Source, api_description:Get news about crypto from a specific news source. There are 18 news sources to choose from cryptonews, coindesk, crypto.news, yahoo, fxstreet, cointelegraph, businessinsider, cryptopotato, ambcrypto, cryptonewsline, cryptoglobe, coingecko, cryptoslate, bitcoinist, forbes, nulltx, blockonomi, and coinspeaker., required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4752", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Crypto News_v2, api_name:Get All Crypto News, api_description:This endpoint will return all news with crypto and bitcoin from many different websites across the internet., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4753", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Book Cover API, api_name:getBookCoverImage, api_description:Get a book cover image by isbn and language code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"isbn\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"languageCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4754", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Crypto News_v2, api_name:General search, api_description:Can take a single word search that will return any articles with the given keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4755", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Top Stories of Kuensel, api_name:Get top stories of kuensel, api_description:Get top stories of kuensel, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4756", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Crypto News_v3, api_name:Latest articles, api_description:This endpoint provides the latest crypto news articles scraped from the web incl. sentiment analysis ([textblob](https://textblob.readthedocs.io/en/dev/quickstart.html)) and keyword extraction ([Yake](http://yake.inesctec.pt/)). \n\nFor historical cryptonews data check out our open source dataset on [Kaggle](https://www.kaggle.com/oliviervha/crypto-news)\n\nParameters:\n- **[REQUIRED] subject** e.g. bitcoin, altcoin, ethereum, nft, blockchain, defi\n- **[OPTIONAL] last_n_hours**: Only news articles from the last *n* hours are provided (default: 24).\n- **[OPTIONAL] max_articles**: Maximum number of articles in response (default:100, max:100)\n- **[OPTIONAL] top_n_keywords**: Number of keywords to extract from article (default:10)\n\nCurrently news is scraped from:\n- [CryptoNews](cryptonews.com)\n- [CoinTelegraph](https://cointelegraph.com/)\n- [CryptoPotato](https://cryptopotato.com/)\n\nIf you have suggestions for more sources to add, please get in contact.\n\nMore information:\n- Get the [historical Crypto News dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/oliviervha/crypto-news) from Kaggle!\n- Click [here](https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/CryptoAdvisor/CryptoNews/1.0.0#/developers/cryptonews) for the API Swagger documentation.\n- Keep up-to-date with our [CryptoNews+ Twitter](https://twitter.com/cryptonews_plus) account!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"subject\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4757", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Flixster, api_name:theaters/list, api_description:List theaters around a postal code or GEO location, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"theaters\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"tid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"hasShowtimes\": \"str\", \"hasReservedSeating\": \"bool\", \"isTicketing\": \"bool\", \"distance\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 141}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4758", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Crypto News_v3, api_name:Latest tweets, api_description:This endpoint provides the latest crypto news tweets incl. sentiment analysis ([textblob](https://textblob.readthedocs.io/en/dev/quickstart.html)) and keyword extraction ([Yake](http://yake.inesctec.pt/)). \n\nParameters:\n- **[OPTIONAL] last_n_hours**: Only tweets from the last *n* hours are provided (default: 12).\n- **[OPTIONAL] max_articles**: Maximum number of tweets in response (default:100, max:100)\n- **[OPTIONAL] top_n_keywords**: Number of keywords to extract form tweet (default:10)\n\nCurrently, we make use of the following sources:\n- [@BTCTN](https://twitter.com/BTCTN) \n- [@CryptoBoomNews](https://twitter.com/CryptoBoomNews)\n- [@cryptocom](https://twitter.com/cryptocom)\n- [@Crypto_Potato](https://twitter.com/crypto_potato)\n\nIf you have any suggestions for twitter accounts to add, please get in touch., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4759", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Flixster, api_name:movies/get-opening, api_description:Get opening movies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"opening\": [{\"emsId\": \"str\", \"emsVersionId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"sortEms\": \"NoneType\", \"posterImage\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"type\": \"NoneType\", \"width\": \"NoneType\", \"height\": \"NoneType\"}, \"tomatoRating\": \"NoneType\", \"userRating\": {\"dtlLikedScore\": \"int\", \"dtlWtsScore\": \"NoneType\", \"dtlWtsCount\": \"int\", \"dtlScoreCount\": \"int\", \"iconImage\": {\"url\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 81}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4760", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Flixster, api_name:movies/detail, api_description:Get movie detail, required_params: [{\"name\": \"emsVersionId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of emsVersionId field returned in .../movies/get-opening , .../movies/get-popularity , .../movies/get-upcoming , .../movies/get-dvds , .../search endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"errors\\\": [{\\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locations\\\": [{\\\"line\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"column\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"path\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"data\\\": {\\\"movie\\\": {\\\"emsId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fandangoId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rtMovieId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"durationMinutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"synopsis\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directedBy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"releaseDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"showReleaseDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dvdReleaseDate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"availabilityWindow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ovdReleaseDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalGross\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"trailer\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"freewheelId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"posterImage\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"backgroundImage\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"userRating\\\": {\\\"dtlLikedScore\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dtlWtsScore\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ratingCount\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"iconImage\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"tomatoRating\\\": {\\\"tomatometer\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ratingCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"consensus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"iconImage\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"largeIconImage\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"genres\\\": [{\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4761", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Arabic news API, api_name:RT Arabic, api_description:مسار يسترجع اخر الاخبار المضافة الى موقع روسيا اليوم, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"source\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 40}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4762", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Arabic news API, api_name:Aljazeera, api_description:مسار يقوم باسترجاع الاخبار من موقع الجزيرة, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"headline\": \"str\", \"underHeadline\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 27}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4763", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:Japan filter for news, api_description:Filters Japan news from all sources, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4764", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:China filter for all news, api_description:Filters all Chinese news from all sources, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4765", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Latest IPL News, api_name:Get All IPL News, api_description:This endpoint will return back all news about IPL from all over the world., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4766", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Movie Articles and News, api_name:Get Articles By Publisher, api_description:Get articles by a specific publisher., required_params: [{\"name\": \"publisher\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4767", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate Change API_v5, api_name:Get Specific Climate Change News, api_description:This endpoint will return back specific news about climate change from all over the world, required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4768", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:pollution-news-api, api_name:Get news from a specific source, api_description:This Endpoint would return news on pollution in african countries from a specific news source, required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperID\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4769", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate Change API_v5, api_name:Get All Climate Change News, api_description:This endpoint will return back all news about climate change from all over the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4770", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Smart Curator, api_name:Headlines, api_description:Current/historical headlines, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4771", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:dev-to-api, api_name:Get all the top articles of the week by default, api_description:It returns all the week's top articles, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4772", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Narco in Mexico, api_name:Get All Narco News, api_description:Get All Narco in Mexico News, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4773", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:dev-to-api, api_name:Get the month's top articles, api_description:It returns the month's top 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"4783", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Malaysia Kini, api_name:Get Latest Article List, api_description:Return a list of current latest news article with info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"English (en), Malay (my), Chinese (zh)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4784", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Malaysia Kini, api_name:Get Article by SID, api_description:Return news article content based on sid stated in **Get Latest Article List** method., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Article id number return by **Get Latest Article List** method (stated as **sid**)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"top-image\": \"str\", \"publish-date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4785", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, 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Can be either a string or a number type.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"year\": \"int\", \"state_results\": [{\"state\": {\"state_name\": \"str\", \"state_abbr\": \"str\", \"state_code\": \"int\", \"total_votes\": \"int\", \"candidate_results\": [{\"candidate\": \"str\", \"party\": \"str\", \"cand_votes\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}, \"_list_length\": 51}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4844", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Kenyan News Api, api_name:Get the news in swahili, api_description:This request will return the news articles in swahili language, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4845", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Kenyan News Api, api_name:Get all the news in english, api_description:This endpoint will return back all news about climate change from all over the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": 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returns all newspaper artices for Trump, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4866", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:News Network, api_name:Get News, api_description:Return list of news by selected region and category.\nVisit our [demo site](https://core-api.net/news/news.html), required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"ae: United Arab Emirates\\nar: Argentina\\nat: Austria\\nau: Australia\\nbe: Belgium\\nbg: Bulgaria\\nbr: Brazil\\nca: Canada\\nch: Switzerland\\ncn: China \\nco: Colombia\\ncu: Cuba\\ncz:\\tCzech Republic\\nde: Germany\\neg: Egypt\\nfr: France\\ngb: United Kingdom\\ngr: Greece\\nhk: Hong Kong\\nhu: Hungray\\nid: Indonesia\\nie: Ireland\\nil: Israel\\nin: India\\nit: Italy\\njp: Japan\\nkr: South Korea\\nlt: Lithuania\\nlv: Latvia\\nma: Morocco\\nmx: Mexico\\nmy: Malaysia\\nng: Nigeria\\nnl: Netherlands\\nno: Norway\\nnz: New Zealand\\nph: Philippines\\npl: Poland\\npt: Portugal\\nro: Romania\\nrs: Serbia\\nru: Russia\\nsa: Saudi Arabia\\nse: Sweden\\nsg: Singapore\\nsi: Slovenia\\nsk: Slovakia\\nth: Thailand\\ntr: Turkey\\ntw: Taiwan\\nua: Ukraine\\nus: United States\\nve: Venuzuela\\nza: South Africa\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4867", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate Change API Tutorial, api_name:Get All Climate Change News, api_description:This endpoint will return back all news about Climate Change from all over the world., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4868", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Election2020 Smartable, api_name:GetFAQsByTopic, api_description:Get FAQs by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4869", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:Filter Korea news by newspaper company, api_description:^^, required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4870", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Test_v2, api_name:get size, api_description:get size, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4871", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:climate-change-api_v2, api_name:GET Individual News Source, api_description:Get climate news from specific news source, required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4872", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Greek News in English, api_name:Get All News, api_description:This endpoint will return back all greek news from all the sources., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"site\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4873", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Greek News in English, api_name:Get Articles From A Single Source, api_description:Get Greek News from a specific news source., required_params: [{\"name\": \"siteId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"site\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4874", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate Change News_v5, api_name:Get News From Single News Resource, api_description:With this endpoint you can get news from one specific news resource, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4875", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Medium, api_name:/search/topics, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"query to search by\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4876", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Medium, api_name:/search/stories, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"query to search by\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4877", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:filter for diease, api_description:Filters for all diseases in all newspaper sources, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"section\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4878", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Medium, api_name:/stories/{topic}, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Topic slug\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4879", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate News Feed, api_name:Get all publications, api_description:Get the name of all publications this API delivers news from., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4880", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate News Feed, api_name:Get Articles, api_description:Gets all articles.\n\nquery examples:\nsource = United Nations, Nasa Climate, The Guardian, Carbon Brief\nLimit = 100 (default)\nexclude=The Guardian, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"articles\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"published\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4881", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Greek News in English, api_name:Get All Sources, api_description:Get All Sources' names and ids, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4882", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:US Presidential Election, api_name:osoy, api_description:Returns JSON block of results for One State, One Year (OSOY), for the specified US Presidential Election year (i.e., Illinois/2008)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Election year as a string\"}, {\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State Name or Abbreviation. Use spaces for multi-word states (i.e., New York)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"year\": \"int\", \"state_results\": [{\"state\": {\"state_name\": \"str\", \"state_abbr\": \"str\", \"state_code\": \"int\", \"total_votes\": \"int\", \"candidate_results\": [{\"candidate\": \"str\", \"party\": \"str\", \"cand_votes\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 24}]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4883", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:IEEE Spectrum API, api_name:Get the latest 30 News from IEEE Spectrum, api_description:This endpoint will return back the latest 30 news from IEEE Spectrum website as JSON objects with 6 data elements. These will be the Title, URL, DatePublished, Section, Image source and how much time it takes to read the article., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"newsTitle\": \"str\", \"newsSubHeadline\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"newsDatePublished\": \"str\", \"newsTimetoRead\": \"str\", \"newsSections\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"newsImgSrc\": \"str\", \"newsImgAlt\": \"str\", \"newsLikes\": \"str\", \"newsIsSponsored\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4884", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Arabic news API, api_name:Alarabiya - العربية, api_description:مسار يسترجع اخر الاخبار من موقع العربية نت, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"headline\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 40}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4885", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Arabic news API, api_name:CNN Arabic, api_description:مسار يسترجع جميع الأخبار من موقع سي ان ان بالعربية, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"headline\": \"str\", \"underHeadline\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 40}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4886", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Arabic news API, api_name:France24 Arabic, api_description:مسار يقوم باسترجاع اخر الأخبار من موقع فرانس 24 بالعربية, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"source\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 58}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4887", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Google News, api_name:Latest, api_description:This endpoint is used to get the latest news from Google News., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lr\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"language region, ex: en-US\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"original\": \"str\"}, \"hasSubnews\": \"bool\", \"subnews\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"original\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 55}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4888", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Flixster, api_name:movies/get-popularity, api_description:Get popular movies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"popularity\": [{\"emsId\": \"str\", \"emsVersionId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"sortEms\": \"int\", \"sortPopularity\": \"int\", \"posterImage\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"type\": \"NoneType\", \"width\": \"NoneType\", \"height\": \"NoneType\"}, 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optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"person\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"birthDate\": \"str\", \"biography\": \"str\", \"headShotImage\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}, \"birthPlace\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"filmography\": [{\"emsId\": \"str\", \"emsVersionId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"posterImage\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"type\": \"NoneType\", \"width\": \"NoneType\", \"height\": \"NoneType\"}, \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"tomatoRating\": {\"tomatometer\": \"int\", \"iconImage\": {\"url\": \"str\"}}, \"userRating\": {\"dtlLikedScore\": \"NoneType\", \"dtlWtsScore\": \"NoneType\", \"dtlWtsCount\": \"int\", \"dtlScoreCount\": \"NoneType\", \"iconImage\": {\"url\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 10}]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4890", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate News API_v2, api_name:Get Individual News Source news, api_description:Get news about climate change from a specific newspaper., required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4891", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:AI News_v2, api_name:Get Individual Source News, api_description:Gets News about Artificial Intelligence from a specific news resource., required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4892", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate News API_v2, api_name:Get All Climate Change Related News, api_description:This endpoint will return all news about Climate change from all around the world., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4893", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:NewsData, api_name:news, api_description:The latest news endpoint provides access to the latest and breaking news for a country, for a specific category in a country, or for a single or multiple domains. The news articles are sorted by the publish date.\n\nRetrieving the latest news allows you to build experience such as showcasing the latest news, breaking news tickers and analyzing News to better understand their content., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"results\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4894", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Cote Ivoire news, api_name:Home, api_description:Welcome message, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4895", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Green Gold, api_name:specific publication articles, api_description:Gets news articles from specific publications, required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4896", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Green Gold, api_name:all articles, api_description:Endpoint to gather all articles from all listed publications detailed in API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4897", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:BizToc, api_name:Tags / Trending, api_description:Get list of trending tags for `{page_id}`, sorted by popularity. The `{tag}` can be used for the **Tag/News** endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tag\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4898", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:BizToc, api_name:Sources, api_description:Lists all currently available `{source_id}`s. Equivalent of news blocks on biztoc.com. Note that certain proprietary blocks like Twitter or Stock Tickers are not available., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"web\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4899", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:BizToc, api_name:Tag / News, api_description:Get the latest news stories for the respective `{tag}` in chronological order., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tag\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"body\": \"str\", \"created\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"favicon\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"img\": {\"o\": \"str\", \"s\": \"str\", \"t\": \"str\", \"w\": \"str\"}, \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 17\"], \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4900", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:News_v3, api_name:All Articles, api_description:Fetch all articles, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4901", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Spaceflight News, api_name:Reports, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"imageUrl\": \"str\", \"newsSite\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"publishedAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4902", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:IMDb, api_name:title/get-company-credits, api_description:Get company credits related to a title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tconst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You need to extract the value started with \\\\\\\"tt\\\\\\\" of id field returned from .../title/auto-complete or .../title/find endpoint. Ex : tt0944947\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"section\": {\"items\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"rowTitle\": \"str\", \"listContent\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 2}]}, \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4903", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:IMDb, api_name:actors/get-interesting-jobs, api_description:Get interesting jobs of actor or actress, required_params: [{\"name\": \"nconst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You need to extract the value started with \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"nm\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" returned in .../actors/list-born-today or .../actors/list-most-popular-celebs endpoint. Ex : nm0001667\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4904", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:papercliff, api_name:Overview, api_description:Returns summary statistics about how many keywords have been found and how many articles and agencies papercliff looked at, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4905", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:IMDb, api_name:actors/get-all-news, api_description:Get all news of actor or actress, required_params: [{\"name\": \"nconst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You need to extract the value started with \\\\\\\"nm\\\\\\\" returned in .../actors/list-born-today or .../actors/list-most-popular-celebs endpoint. 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All filters and sorting options are allowed., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"String to search for. Has to be [URL-encoded](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"error_code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4952", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Newscatcher, api_name:/v1/aggregation, api_description:Searches as `/v1/search` but returns the articles count per hour or day instead of articles' data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"String to search for. Has to be [URL-encoded](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding). \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"error_code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4953", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:BizToc, api_name:News / Latest, api_description:Get the latest news stories in chronological order, across all pages. Akin to the /live view on biztoc.com., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"body\": \"str\", \"created\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"favicon\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"img\": {\"o\": \"str\", \"s\": \"str\", \"t\": \"str\", \"w\": \"str\"}, \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4954", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Arabic news API, api_name:BBC Arabic, api_description:مسار يقوم باسترجاع اخر الاخبار من موقع بي بي سي بالعربية, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"source\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 136}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4955", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Crypto News_v2, api_name:Specific Article Keyword Search, api_description:Takes a title and keyword that will then return any articles from a specific news source., required_params: [{\"name\": \"newspaperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4956", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:NewsData, api_name:sources, api_description:News sources endpoint provides access to the subsets of news publishers that the latest news is available from.\n\nIt's mainly a convenience endpoint that you can use to keep track of the publishers available on the API, and you can pipe it straight through to your users, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"results\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4957", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Online Movie Database, api_name:actors/list-most-popular-celebs, api_description:Get most popular movies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4958", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Online Movie Database, api_name:title/get-parental-guide, api_description:Get parent guide information for specific movie, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tconst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You need to extract the value started with 'tt' of id field returned from \\u2026/title/auto-complete or \\u2026/title/find endpoint. Ex : tt0944947\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"parentalguide\": [{\"items\": [{\"hasProfanity\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"str\", \"isSpoiler\": \"bool\", \"language\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"label\": \"str\", \"severityVotes\": {\"mildVotes\": \"int\", \"moderateVotes\": \"int\", \"noneVotes\": \"int\", \"severeVotes\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4959", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Online Movie Database, api_name:title/v2/find, api_description:Find title by whatever you are familiar with, such as : name of title, album, song, etc… with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Anything that you are familiar with, such as : name of title, album, song, etc...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"@meta\": {\"operation\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\", \"serviceTimeMs\": \"float\"}, \"@type\": \"str\", \"paginationKey\": \"str\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"image\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\"}, \"title\": \"str\", \"titleType\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"totalMatches\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4960", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:IMDb, api_name:title/get-popular-movies-by-genre (Deprecated), api_description:Get popular movies by genre\n* This endpoints is deprecated, use .../title/v2/get-popular-movies-by-genre instead, required_params: [{\"name\": \"genre\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of endpoint field returned in .../title/list-popular-genres endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4961", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:BizToc, api_name:News / Hot, api_description:Get trending topic clusters and their respective stories, ordered by a proprietary popularity algorithm. Akin to the /hot view on biztoc.com. The topics and stories will change every 15 minutes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"posts\": [{\"body\": \"str\", \"created\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"extras\": {\"expires\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"tweets\": \"empty list\"}, \"favicon\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"img\": {\"o\": \"str\", \"og\": \"str\", \"ogs\": \"str\", \"s\": \"str\", \"t\": \"str\", \"w\": \"str\"}, \"order_p\": \"int\", \"order_t\": \"int\", \"prio\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"topic\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"tldr\": \"str\", \"topic\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4962", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Flixster, api_name:movies/get-upcoming, api_description:Get upcoming movies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"upcoming\": [{\"emsId\": \"str\", \"emsVersionId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"NoneType\", \"posterImage\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"type\": \"NoneType\", \"width\": \"NoneType\", \"height\": \"NoneType\"}, \"tomatoRating\": \"NoneType\", \"userRating\": {\"dtlLikedScore\": \"NoneType\", \"ratingCount\": \"NoneType\", \"dtlWtsCount\": \"int\", \"dtlWtsScore\": \"NoneType\", \"dtlScoreCount\": \"NoneType\", \"iconImage\": {\"url\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 91}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4963", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Flixster, api_name:search, api_description:Search for movies, actors, theaters by term and phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"search\": {\"movies\": [{\"emsId\": \"str\", \"emsVersionId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"posterImage\": \"NoneType\", \"tomatoRating\": \"NoneType\", \"userRating\": {\"dtlLikedScore\": \"NoneType\", \"dtlWtsScore\": \"NoneType\", \"iconImage\": {\"url\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 4}], \"people\": \"empty list\", \"theaters\": \"empty list\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4964", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:IMDb, api_name:title/get-synopses, api_description:Get synopses information of the title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tconst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You need to extract the value started with \\\\\\\"tt\\\\\\\" of id field returned from .../title/auto-complete or .../title/find endpoint. Ex : tt0944947\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hasProfanity\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4965", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:NewsData, api_name:archive, api_description:The news archive endpoint provides access to the old news data for a country, for a specific category in a country, or for a single or multiple domains.\n\nRetrieving a piece of old news allows you to get the past news data for research and analysis purposes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"results\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4966", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:papercliff, api_name:Keywords, api_description:Returns the 100 most popular keywords with the corresponding number of news agencies and articles from which they have been cited, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4967", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:papercliff, api_name:Combinations, api_description:Returns the 100 most popular combinations/triples of keywords with the corresponding number of news agencies and articles from which they have been cited, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4968", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:OneLike, api_name:Social Media News in Italian, api_description:Get social media news in Italian, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4969", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:OneLike, api_name:Social Media News in Chinese, api_description:Get social media news in Chinese, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4970", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Energy Price News, api_name:List of Regions, api_description:See which regions we have news sources from., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4971", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:depuertoplata, api_name:depuertoplata, api_description:web, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4972", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Energy Price News, api_name:List of Sources, api_description:See which regions we have news sources from., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4973", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:papercliff, api_name:History, api_description:Returns the number of articles published daily during the last week and the number of corresponding news agencies that created those articles, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4974", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Online Movie Database, api_name:title/get-top-rated-movies, api_description:Get top rated 250 movies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"chartRating\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4975", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Online Movie Database, api_name:title/get-releases, api_description:Get release information of the title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tconst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You need to extract the value started with 'tt' of id field returned from \\u2026/title/auto-complete or \\u2026/title/find endpoint. Ex : tt0944947\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"attributes\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"date\": \"str\", \"premiere\": \"bool\", \"region\": \"str\", \"wide\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4976", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Makini_v2, api_name:The universal CMMS API, api_description:The universal\nCMMS API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4977", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:ucinema, api_name:peunaple, api_description:one package website, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4978", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Codester API, api_name:Items, api_description:You can get item details such as description, price, author, images and so on., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"short-desc\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"features\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4979", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Wordpress Checker, api_name:/check-wordpress, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"URL of the website to check\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4980", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:SuperSaaS - Online Bookings and Appointment Scheduling, api_name:Recent changes, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"schedule_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4981", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Freeplanhardlimitexternal, api_name:logoutUser, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4982", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Yardillo, api_name:Read Case Type By Id, api_description:Gets case type by _id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"NoneType\", \"casetype\": \"NoneType\", \"casestypedesc\": \"NoneType\", \"createdate\": \"NoneType\", \"createuser\": \"NoneType\", \"updateuser\": \"NoneType\", \"updatedate\": \"NoneType\", \"defaultactivityid\": \"NoneType\", \"activities\": \"empty list\", \"fields\": \"NoneType\", \"message\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4983", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Freeplanhardlimitexternal, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4984", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Yardillo, api_name:Read Vault By Name, api_description:Gets vault details by Name. Response will send your key un encrypted, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"NoneType\", \"name\": \"NoneType\", \"macroname\": \"NoneType\", \"encryptwithkey\": \"NoneType\", \"safekeeptext\": \"NoneType\", \"message\": {\"_id\": \"str\", \"messageype\": \"str\", \"messagecode\": \"str\", \"messagedesc\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4985", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Logo, api_name:Logo API, api_description:Using our logo finder service is entirely free with attribution. \n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4986", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Freeplanhardlimitexternal, api_name:loginUser, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user name for login\"}, {\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The password for login in clear text\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4987", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Yardillo, api_name:Read Vault, api_description:Returns all Vault keys. This api return keys encrypted., required_params: [{\"name\": \"filter\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4988", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:HRIS, api_name:Health Check, api_description:Check API Health Status, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statue\": \"str\", \"now\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4989", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:HRIS, api_name:Get Access Settings, api_description:Get stored Access Setting for a specific customer, required_params: [{\"name\": \"customerId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4990", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:B2BHint, api_name:Get company [Basic data], api_description:The Get company details endpoint will return all basic company data on B2BHint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"internationalNumber\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"internationalNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"localNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dateCreated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateDisolved\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"accountingAuthorityId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"createdAt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updatedAt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alternateNames\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"brandName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"canSellShares\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hasPublicDebt\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"paysVat\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"vatNumber\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"vatDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"vatCancelDate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"paysExcise\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"exciseNumber\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"exciseDate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"exciseCancelDate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"additionalData\\\": {}, \\\"europeanNumber\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"typeId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"statusText\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"publicDebtAmount\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"subscribedShareCapital\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"paidShareCapital\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"terms\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"annualAssembly\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endDateFinancialYear\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"vatRemovalBasis\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"vatRestorationBasis\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"currentEmployeesNumber\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sharesValue\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sharesIssued\\\": \\\"None\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4991", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:HRIS, api_name:Get Employees, api_description:Get Employees for a specific customer, required_params: [{\"name\": \"customerId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4992", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Flowcode, api_name:Create QR Code, api_description:This API takes an endpoint and return and image for a QR Code in either svg, png, jpg, or pdf format, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the URL the QR code will scan to\"}, {\"name\": \"imageType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Response image type:\\npng, svg, pdf, or jpg\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4993", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Yardillo, api_name:Read Case Type, api_description:Searches all or specific case type, required_params: [{\"name\": \"filter\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4994", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:B2BHint, api_name:Get company [Full data], api_description:The Get company details endpoint will return all full company data, including company contacts, financial reports and other data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"internationalNumber\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"internationalNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"localNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dateCreated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateDisolved\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"accountingAuthorityId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"createdAt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updatedAt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alternateNames\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"brandName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"canSellShares\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hasPublicDebt\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"paysVat\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"vatNumber\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"vatDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"vatCancelDate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"paysExcise\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"exciseNumber\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"exciseDate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"exciseCancelDate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"additionalData\\\": {}, \\\"europeanNumber\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"typeId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"statusText\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"publicDebtAmount\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"subscribedShareCapital\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"paidShareCapital\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"terms\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"annualAssembly\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endDateFinancialYear\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"vatRemovalBasis\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"vatRestorationBasis\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"currentEmployeesNumber\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sharesValue\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sharesIssued\\\": \\\"None\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4995", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Slot and Betting Games, api_name:Slot and betting games, api_description:Games for your online casino., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4996", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:B2BHint, api_name:Search person by name, api_description:Search for a person by parameters will return a list of persons that match your query, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"countryId\": \"int\", \"occupation\": \"NoneType\", \"nationality\": \"NoneType\", \"birthYear\": \"NoneType\", \"birthMonth\": \"NoneType\", \"birthDate\": \"NoneType\", \"address\": \"str\", \"countryOfResidence\": \"NoneType\", \"honorific\": \"NoneType\", \"number\": \"NoneType\", \"isForeign\": \"NoneType\", \"documentType\": \"NoneType\", \"documentIssuedOn\": \"NoneType\", \"documentIssuedBy\": \"NoneType\", \"documentNumber\": \"NoneType\", \"hideAddress\": \"NoneType\", \"email\": \"NoneType\", \"phone\": \"NoneType\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"companies\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"NoneType\", \"brandName\": \"NoneType\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"percentage\": \"NoneType\", \"amount\": \"NoneType\", \"appointedOn\": \"NoneType\", \"resignedOn\": \"NoneType\", \"role\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"providerId\": \"NoneType\", \"countryId\": \"int\", \"translation\": {\"en\": \"str\", \"ro\": \"str\", \"ru\": \"str\"}, \"isInactive\": \"NoneType\", \"priority\": \"NoneType\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4997", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Top brand names & valuation api, api_name:get brands, api_description:Get the brand data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Rank\": \"int\", \"Brand\": \"str\", \"Brand Value ($B)\": \"str\", \"Country\": \"str\", \"Sector\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4998", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Scanily, api_name:Health Check, api_description:This endpoint allows you to check the availability of the systems to ensure everything is operational., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4999", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:IronWifi, api_name:READ - USERS BY LOGON SUCCESS, api_description:READ - USERS BY LOGON SUCCESS, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5000", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:IronWifi, api_name:READ - AUTH REQUESTS 2, api_description:READ - AUTH REQUESTS 2, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5001", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:IronWifi, api_name:READ - GUEST REGISTRATION, api_description:READ - GUEST REGISTRATION, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5002", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:testapi_v2, api_name:mobilitu/public, api_description:mobilitu, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5003", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:testapi_v2, api_name:bananas, api_description:hey, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5004", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Business Days / Work Days Calculator , api_name:Business Days / Work Days Calculator API, api_description:# Workdays Calculation API Documentation\n\nThe Workdays Calculation API allows you to calculate the date after a given number of workdays, taking into account weekends and holidays. By specifying the country code, number of workdays, start date, and options, you can retrieve the ISO date of the day after the workdays have passed.\n\n\n## Request Parameters\n\nThe API expects the following GET parameters:\n\n1. `state` (required): The country code for which the workdays are calculated. Please refer to the [list of country codes](https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/international-calling-codes.htm) to find the appropriate code for your country.\n\n2. `work_days` (required): The number of workdays to calculate. This indicates how many workdays should be skipped before determining the result.\n\n3. `start_date` (required): The starting date from which to begin counting the workdays. The format of the start date should be `DD/MM/YYYY`.\n\n4. `options` (optional): The options for skipping specific days. This parameter accepts the following values:\n - `0`: Skip holidays and weekends.\n - `1`: Skip only weekends.\n - `2`: Skip only holidays.\n\n## Response\n\nThe API response will be a string representing the ISO date of the day after the specified workdays have passed.\n\n## Example\n\nGiven `start_date` of 19/05/2023, which is Friday, and `work_days` of 2, \nthe returned result will be 23/05/2023. Here's the breakdown of the calculation:\n\n- 19/5-20/5: Weekend (Saturday and Sunday)\n- 21/5: First workday\n- 22/5: Second workday\n\nTherefore, 23/5 is the day after the specified workdays have passed, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"work_days\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"options\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5005", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Proxy List, api_name:/proxy/get, api_description:Returns the list of proxies based on the given parameters. The list is updated every 1 minute. API returns only working at the time of check proxies., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5006", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Proxy List, api_name:/proxy/health, api_description:ReturnS the health status of the API. Also return last time the proxies check was completed. Time is in UTC., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5007", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Address to Image, api_name:getimage, api_description:Generates an image for a given address. Images are output in JPEG as a base64 encoded string., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5008", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:OptLog.co - Optimize Anything, api_name:recommend, api_description:Recommend, required_params: [{\"name\": \"experiment_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5009", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Intelligent Automation (OCR, AI,...), api_name:Get /formats, api_description:Get a list of formats, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5010", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:HelloRold, api_name:ttt, api_description:tt, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5011", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:demo, api_name:api, api_description:to get the location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"api\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"My test order\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5012", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Beeg, api_name:ss, api_description:ss, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5013", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Vizor Ads, api_name:API Status, api_description:Check API server is running or not, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"env\": \"str\"}, \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5014", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Vizor Ads, api_name:Show, api_description:Get details of your existing embed records using it's unique slug, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5015", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:My API 12345, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5016", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:QuizApp, api_name:Ping, api_description:Ping for Health Check, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5017", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:newnew, api_name:Get, api_description:Get, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5018", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:IronWifi, api_name:READ - USAGE TOTALS AND AVERAGES, api_description:READ - USAGE TOTALS AND AVERAGES, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5019", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:test2, api_name:/{orgCode}/cards, api_description:Returns a list of cards for the given session. User authentication is required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"muid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID.\"}, {\"name\": \"msid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Session ID.\"}, {\"name\": \"orgCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The organization associated with the request.\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Language used.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5020", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:sdfsdf_v2, api_name:asdasd, api_description:dasdasd, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5021", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Print your own labels and stickers, api_name:Label sizes, api_description:Returns a list of label sizes in the format [width]x[height].\n\nThese sizes are rounded, meaning that they can represent a few other sizes that are close to them. For example size 4\"x3\", will represent 3.75\"x3\", 4\"x3.25\" and so on., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Its value can be either \\n**Letter**\\nor \\n**A4** \\nThey represent the two world standard printer paper sizes, respectively 8.5 inch by 11 inch and 210 mm by 297 mm.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5022", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Print your own labels and stickers, api_name:Label template brands, api_description:Returns the list of blank label sheet brands that Ecardify supports to date. If your preferred brand is missing, please let us know., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Its value can be either \\n**Letter**\\nor \\n**A4** \\nThey represent the two world standard printer paper sizes, respectively 8.5 inch by 11 inch and 210 mm by 297 mm.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5023", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Print your own labels and stickers, api_name:Print on label templates or plain paper, api_description:Generates the PDF file which contains the printout of labels.\n\nLabel layout conforms the label template and three print setup query parameters.\nThe content printed on each label, is the image whose URL is supplied by **labelContent** query parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"templateCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Label sheet manufactures, assign a unique code to each of their blank label templates. \"}, {\"name\": \"labelContent\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Url of the image that you are going to print on labels.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"brandName\": \"str\", \"labelContent\": \"str\", \"pdfPrintout\": \"str\", \"templateCode\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5024", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:fomoAPI, api_name:Get Campaign Lead From ID, api_description:Get ALL Lead From Your Campaign Social Proof, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"list_complete\": \"bool\", \"keys\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5025", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Inkit, api_name:/v1/render/{renderId}/pdf, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"renderId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your Render Id. You receive this in the response of a Render create call\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5026", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Inkit, api_name:/v1/render, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5027", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:fomoAPI, api_name:Get Campaign From URL, api_description:Get lead from Specific website Campaign, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"list_complete\": \"bool\", \"keys\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5028", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:LimouCloud, api_name:Get assigned Vehicle, api_description:Get the Assigned vehicle to add its id in Checklist creation, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5029", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Print your own labels and stickers, api_name:Label shapes, api_description:List of available label shapes., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Its value can be either \\n**Letter**\\nor \\n**A4** \\nThey represent the two world standard printer paper sizes, respectively 8.5 inch by 11 inch and 210 mm by 297 mm.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5030", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:LimouCloud, api_name:Get Reservation by ID, api_description:Get Reservation by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5031", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:LimouCloud, api_name:Get Reservations, api_description:get all driver related reservations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5032", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:E2open, LLC., api_name:Demand Sensing, api_description:Creates accurate near-term forecasts that reflect current market realities using real-time data, automation and machine learning algorithms., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5033", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:ZohoCreator, api_name:ViewRecords, api_description:Replace https://zohocreator.p.rapidapi.com/ with https://creator.zoho.com/api/ if you're using native system\n\nGet Records from a Zoho View/Report, required_params: [{\"name\": \"scope\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"authtoken\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"appLinkName\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"zc_ownername\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"viewLinkName\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5034", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:myBooky - DEMO, api_name:getReservationForUser, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"message\": \"str\", \"statusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5035", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:myBooky - DEMO, api_name:getUsersForSlot, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"message\": \"str\", \"statusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5036", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:myBooky - DEMO, api_name:getUsers, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"message\": \"str\", \"statusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5037", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:BogieApis, api_name:Profiles, api_description:asd, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5038", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:test2, api_name:/{orgCode}/cards/{cardId}, api_description:Returns card information for a given card ID. User authentication is required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cardId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The card ID.\"}, {\"name\": \"muid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID.\"}, {\"name\": \"msid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Session ID.\"}, {\"name\": \"orgCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The organization associated with the request.\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Language used.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5039", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:test2, api_name:/{orgCode}/accounts/{accountId}/cards, api_description:Returns a list of cards belonging to a specific account. User authentication is required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Language used.\"}, {\"name\": \"msid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Session ID.\"}, {\"name\": \"orgCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The organization associated with the request.\"}, {\"name\": \"muid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID.\"}, {\"name\": \"accountId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The parent account ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5040", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Intelligent Automation (OCR, AI,...), api_name:Get /inboxes, api_description:Get a list of inboxes with their ids, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5041", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:EnsureFlight, api_name:ensure-flight, api_description:Just ensure flight, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5042", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Pulsar, api_name:Get All Users, api_description:Get all users in system., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"photo\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"role\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5043", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Pulsar, api_name:Get All Active Users, api_description:Get all active users in system., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"photo\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5044", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Pulsar, api_name:Get All Collections By User, api_description:Get all collections by user, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"author\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"defaultThumb\": \"str\", \"activeUser\": \"str\", \"qtdImages\": \"str\", \"qtdAproved\": \"str\", \"qtdDiscarded\": \"str\", \"qtdPending\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5045", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:SuperSaaS - Online Bookings and Appointment Scheduling, api_name:Read forms, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5046", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:SuperSaaS - Online Bookings and Appointment Scheduling, api_name:User agenda, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"schedule_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5047", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:SuperSaaS - Online Bookings and Appointment Scheduling, api_name:Read one user, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5048", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:cloudlayer.io, api_name:Convert URL to Image, api_description:Make a GET request to convert url to image, accepts simple options as query strings in URL (use POST endpoint for advanced options)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5049", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Global Email V4, api_name:Global Email V4, api_description:Define Input Fields, required_params: [{\"name\": \"opt\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Express/Premium\"}, {\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Input Email\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Version\": \"str\", \"TransmissionReference\": \"str\", \"TransmissionResults\": \"str\", \"TotalRecords\": \"str\", \"Records\": [{\"RecordID\": \"str\", \"DeliverabilityConfidenceScore\": \"str\", \"Results\": \"str\", \"EmailAddress\": \"str\", \"MailboxName\": \"str\", \"DomainName\": \"str\", \"DomainAuthenticationStatus\": \"str\", \"TopLevelDomain\": \"str\", \"TopLevelDomainName\": \"str\", \"DateChecked\": \"str\", \"EmailAgeEstimated\": \"str\", \"DomainAgeEstimated\": \"str\", \"DomainExpirationDate\": \"str\", \"DomainCreatedDate\": \"str\", \"DomainUpdatedDate\": \"str\", \"DomainEmail\": \"str\", \"DomainOrganization\": \"str\", \"DomainAddress1\": \"str\", \"DomainLocality\": \"str\", \"DomainAdministrativeArea\": \"str\", \"DomainPostalCode\": \"str\", \"DomainCountry\": \"str\", \"DomainAvailability\": \"str\", \"DomainCountryCode\": \"str\", \"DomainPrivateProxy\": \"str\", \"PrivacyFlag\": \"str\", \"MXServer\": \"str\", \"DomainTypeIndicator\": \"str\", \"BreachCount\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5050", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Stamping, api_name:GET evidence, api_description:GET by hash sha256 or TrxId from Blockchain of Bitcoin and Ethereum, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5051", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:ROAC, api_name:/api/Auditores/roac/{roac}Sociedad, api_description:asd, required_params: [{\"name\": \"roac\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"documento\": \"str\", \"codigoROAC\": \"str\", \"idTipoDocumento\": \"str\", \"nombre\": \"str\", \"apellidos\": \"str\", \"razonSocial\": \"NoneType\", \"fechaAlta\": \"str\", \"fechaBaja\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5052", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:LambdaTest Screenshot, api_name:Get Screenshots, api_description:Fetch specified screenshot details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"test_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5053", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:LambdaTest Screenshot, api_name:Get OS-Browsers, api_description:Fetch all os browsers combinations available on lambdatest platform., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5054", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:LambdaTest Screenshot, api_name:Get Resolutions, api_description:Fetch all available resolution on different OS, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5055", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:CLLAX, api_name:cllax, api_description:Cllax - Advice, resources and tools for starting a small business. Information on getting finance, business planning, hiring, IT, marketing and much more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5056", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Git Pager, api_name:List folder contents, api_description:Lists all of the contents of a specific Github repo., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"documentation_url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5057", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:PTL, api_name:create_client, api_description:Receive new users, required_params: [{\"name\": \"client_email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"client_lastname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"client_firstname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"client_pass\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"client_login\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages_good\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"mesages_bad\": \"empty list\", \"client\": {\"client\": {\"exp_date\": \"NoneType\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"lastname\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"telephone_mobile\": \"str\", \"firstname\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"email\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\"}}, \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5058", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:PTL, api_name:update, api_description:update endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"info3\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"info1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"info2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"key1\": \"str\", \"key2\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5059", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:XLSX Template, api_name:Template download, api_description:Download template file from Cloud storage, required_params: [{\"name\": \"templateFilename\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5060", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:BoldSign, api_name:ListTemplates, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"Page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5061", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Invoices Generator, api_name:Generate Invoice, api_description:Quickly generate invoices through a REST API endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"services\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A JSON representing the services, and their prices that will be written on the invoice. The JSON is using the following format:\\n\\n`[{\\\\\\\"name\\\\\\\": \\\\\\\"My Service\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"price\\\\\\\": \\\\\\\"30\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"units\\\\\\\": \\\\\\\"Hours\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"discount\\\\\\\": \\\\\\\"1000\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"quantity\\\\\\\": \\\\\\\"1000\\\\\\\"}]`\\n\\nThe JSON is an array. Each element of the array represents a service. Each service is a JSON object with the following properties:\\n\\n- name: The name of the service/product that is sold\\n- price: Represents the price per unit of the service/product that is sold\\n- units: Represents how the service/product in measured in quantity. This can be anything, such as hours, kilograms, tons etc.\\n-discount: Represents the total discount for all the quantity of this product/service.\\n-quantity: Represents the amount of units that are being sold. For example if the unit is hour and the quantity is 100, then you're billing 100 hours of the service. Another example could be where the units is kilograms and the quantity is 100 and the product sold is \\\\\\\"Sugar\\\\\\\" => billing 100 kilograms of sugar.\"}, {\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Represents the invoice number\"}, {\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The currency in which the prices will be shown on the invoices. It can be any 3 letter currency code. If the code is not recognized then it will be simply displayed directly.\"}, {\"name\": \"seller_company_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The company name of the seller entity. This can be a person's name as well, in case the seller is not a company.\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the invoice\"}, {\"name\": \"tax\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The tax percentage aplied to the invoice.\"}, {\"name\": \"buyer_company_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The company name of the buyer entity. It can also be just a simple name of a person in case the buyer is not a company.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5062", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Real Estate USA, api_name:get property by id, api_description:get property by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"property_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transformVersion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"debug\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"params\\\": {}, \\\"headers\\\": {\\\"x-forwarded-for\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"x-forwarded-proto\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"x-forwarded-port\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"host\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"x-amzn-trace-id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content-type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"accept-encoding\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"accept\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"x-newrelic-id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"x-newrelic-transaction\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"x-rdc-correlation-id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"body\\\": {\\\"variables\\\": {\\\"property_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tag_version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"caller\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"debug\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"query\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"client_id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"responseTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"transformApi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data_key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"api\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"property\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rethink_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prop_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"public_records\\\": [{\\\"prop_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"baths\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"baths_half\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"baths_full\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"baths_3qtr\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"baths_1qtr\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"beds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"distinct_baths\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sqft\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"building_sqft\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"floor_1_sqft\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"fireplace\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"exterior1\\\": \\\"NoneTyp\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5063", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Freeplanhardlimitexternal, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5064", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Freeplanhardlimitexternal, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sold\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"unavailable\": \"int\", \"\\u043f\\u0440\\u043e\\u0434\\u0430\\u043d\\u043e\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"cat\": \"int\", \"dgdfgdf\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"peric\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5065", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:OptLog.co - Optimize Anything, api_name:optimize, api_description:get, required_params: [{\"name\": \"loss\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"experiment_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5066", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:IronWifi, api_name:READ - CLIENTS PER AP, api_description:READ - CLIENTS PER AP, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5067", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:IronWifi, api_name:READ - CAPT PORTAL, api_description:READ - CAPT PORTAL, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5068", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:IronWifi, api_name:READ USERS, api_description:READ USERS, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5069", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Print your own labels and stickers, api_name:Label templates, api_description:List of label templates filtered by one or more of the following parameters:\npaper format\ntemplate brand\nexact label size\napproximate label size\nlabel shape, required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Its value can be either \\n**Letter**\\nor \\n**A4** \\nThey represent the two world standard printer paper sizes, respectively 8.5 inch by 11 inch and 210 mm by 297 mm.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5070", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:MBOX Migrator, api_name:Terminate, api_description:Termination of MBOX Migrator after successful conversion, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5071", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:OPA-test, api_name:User summary, api_description:Returns the user's document status summary, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5072", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Pulsar, api_name:Get All Images Of An Collection, api_description:Get all images of an collection., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"smallFile\": \"str\", \"file\": \"str\", \"bigFile\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"metadata\": {\"fileCode\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"subject\": \"str\", \"mainSubject\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"tag\": \"str\", \"rightOfTheImage\": \"str\", \"LUI\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"pagination\": {\"limit\": \"str\", \"count\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5073", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:SuperSaaS - Online Bookings and Appointment Scheduling, api_name:Read all Users, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5074", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Business Card Maker, api_name:/api/templates, api_description:Get business cards templates list., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hasError\": \"bool\", \"errorCode\": \"int\", \"errorMessage\": \"NoneType\", \"contentType\": \"str\", \"body\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5075", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Business Card Maker, api_name:/api/business-card/{fromat}, api_description:Get Business Card., required_params: [{\"name\": \"webSite\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lastName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"firstName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"company\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"template\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"/api/templates for getting template list\"}, {\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fromat\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Response data format.\\n**formats:**\\n\\n- json\\n- html\\n- jpg\\n- png\"}, {\"name\": \"position\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hasError\": \"bool\", \"errorCode\": \"int\", \"errorMessage\": \"str\", \"contentType\": \"str\", \"body\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5076", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:XLSX Template, api_name:Mail config get, api_description:Get a mail confing from cloud database, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mailConfigId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5077", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:SuperSaaS - Online Bookings and Appointment Scheduling, api_name:List appointments, api_description:it fetches list of appointments between given time range, required_params: [{\"name\": \"schedule_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5078", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:XLSX Template, api_name:Mail config List, api_description:Get mail config list from cloud database, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5079", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:BoldSign, api_name:GetTeam, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Team Id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5080", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:XLSX Template, api_name:Generate historys, api_description:Generated files history, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5081", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Inkit, api_name:/v1/render/{renderId}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"renderId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your Render Id. You receive this in the response of a Render create call\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5082", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:aug13, api_name:777, api_description:7, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5083", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:NPS-Net Promoter Score, api_name:Read Organization, api_description:Get a organization record by its organization id (oid), required_params: [{\"name\": \"oid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5084", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:XLSX Template, api_name:Template list, api_description:Cloud storage templates file list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5085", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:NPS-Net Promoter Score, api_name:Details all organization surveys, api_description:Get a full list of all customer survey responses for a given organization, by identifying its organization id (oid), required_params: [{\"name\": \"oid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5086", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:NPS-Net Promoter Score, api_name:Read a survey NLP, api_description:Get a detail of customer survey answer by its survey id (sid), and applies to the third answer (a3) the sentiment analysis feature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5087", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:LimouCloud, api_name:Logout, api_description:Logout from account, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5088", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:NPS-Net Promoter Score, api_name:NPS Template, api_description:Get a summary of NPS calculation for a given template. It considers the overall answers related to that template and consolidates in a global NPS indicator. A time period is mandatory (start_date and end_date) to narrow the results, otherwise, it will consider the last 24hs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5089", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:dathoang, api_name:dat, api_description:hoang, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5090", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:B2BHint, api_name:Search company by Email, api_description:Search for a company by email will return a list of companies that match the selected email, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"NoneType\", \"brandName\": \"NoneType\", \"internationalNumber\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5091", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:BoldSign, api_name:ListDocuments, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"Page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5092", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:BoldSign, api_name:Download, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"templateId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Template Id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5093", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Yardillo, api_name:Get Tenant, api_description:This API allows you to push data into your own MongoDB Database, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"NoneType\", \"tenantname\": \"NoneType\", \"tenantdesc\": \"NoneType\", \"_owner\": \"NoneType\", \"createdate\": \"NoneType\", \"createuser\": \"NoneType\", \"dbconnection\": \"NoneType\", \"rapidapikey\": \"NoneType\", \"rapidhost\": \"NoneType\", \"rapidsubscription\": \"NoneType\", \"message\": {\"_id\": \"str\", \"messageype\": \"str\", \"messagecode\": \"str\", \"messagedesc\": \"NoneType\"}, \"yAuthSource\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5094", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:SuperSaaS - Online Bookings and Appointment Scheduling, api_name:Read appointments, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"schedule_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5095", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Find any IP address or Domain Location world wide, api_name:IP Location by IPv4, IPv6 IP Address, api_description:Free IP Geo Location API which provide 100% accurate geo location information of any IPv4, IPv6 IP address or Domain name like its city latitude, longitude, zipcode, state/province, country, country codes, country flag, currency, dialing code. timezone, total number of cities & states/province in country, continent code, continent name and many more details in JSON format. 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It returns an healthcheck object that has three properties uptime , message and timestamp., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uptime\": \"float\", \"message\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5100", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Today in History, api_name:Get Event, api_description:Gets a detailed summary of an event., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"article\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5101", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Art openings Italy, api_name:Live events, api_description:To call this service, you would make a GET request to the endpoint /api/ongoing-events with the optional query parameter city. When the service is called, it retrieves a list of events from the database, filtered by the city parameter if it is provided., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5102", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Enoch Calendar, api_name:Get Calendar Components for Today, api_description:Get calendar components for today, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"days\": \"int\", \"month\": \"int\", \"date\": \"int\", \"day_milli\": \"int\", \"eng_start_date\": \"str\", \"eng_start_date_milli\": \"int\", \"holydays\": {\"days\": {\"1\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"14\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"15\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"16\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"17\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"18\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"19\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"20\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"21\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}}}, \"sabbathday\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5103", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Flag Status, api_name:Get current status for given flag, api_description:Get the current status for the provided flag, required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5104", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Art openings Italy, api_name:Get all cities, api_description:This service returns a list of all cities where art events take place., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5105", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Enoch Calendar, api_name:Get Hebrew Month and Date, api_description:Get Hebrew Month, Date and holydays from supplied date string or today's date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"datestring\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"month\": \"int\", \"date\": {\"number\": \"int\", \"holyday\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}}, \"sabbathday\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5106", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Flag Status, api_name:Get half-staff events for given flag, api_description:Get all half-staff events for the provided flag, required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"flag\": \"str\", \"issued_by\": \"str\", \"date_issued\": \"str\", \"date_start\": \"str\", \"date_end\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5107", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Enoch Calendar, api_name:Get Calendar Components, api_description:Get the calendar components to build the current Hebrew month calendar from the supplied Hebrew month number, if supplied, or the first Hebrew month and, a supplied year, or this year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"days\": \"int\", \"month\": \"str\", \"date\": \"int\", \"day_milli\": \"int\", \"eng_start_date\": \"str\", \"eng_start_date_milli\": \"int\", \"holydays\": {\"days\": {\"1\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"9\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"10\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"15\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"16\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"17\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"18\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"19\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"20\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"21\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}, \"22\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}}}, \"sabbathday\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5108", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Art openings Italy, api_name:Get all locations, api_description:This service returns a list of all locations where art events take place., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5109", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Flag Status, api_name:Get all half-staff events for every flag, api_description:Get every half-staff event for the last 365 days, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5110", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Sagenda v3, api_name:List, api_description:A list of bookable items associated with supplied authentication token (account), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5111", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Sagenda v3, api_name:Get bookings information, api_description:This endpoint lets you request detailed booking information for a given period of time, optionally filtered by bookable item and status., required_params: [{\"name\": \"fromDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Inclusive request range start date \"}, {\"name\": \"toDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Inclusive request range end date\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5112", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Art openings Italy, api_name:Get all genres, api_description:This service returns a list of all genres of the events., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5113", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Art openings Italy, api_name:Events Detail, api_description:This service returns all data related to a specific id. The id field in the example you provided is a unique identifier for the event. It is a string of characters that follows the format of a universally unique identifier (UUID), which is a standardized way of generating a 128-bit identifier that is guaranteed to be unique across all devices and all time., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"openingDate\": \"str\", \"closingDate\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"press\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"dates\": \"str\", \"opening\": \"str\", \"genres\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"artists\": \"empty list\", \"editors\": \"empty list\", \"id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5114", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:contests, api_name:/contests, api_description:Get the latest active contests list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"start_time\": \"str\", \"end_time\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"site\": \"str\", \"in_24_hours\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5115", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:contests, api_name:/health, api_description:Use health endpoint to check if server is up and running, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"date_time\": \"str\", \"api_name\": \"str\", \"api_version\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5116", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Enoch Calendar, api_name:Get Hebrew Month, api_description:Get Hebrew Month from supplied date string or today's date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"datestring\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"month\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5117", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Enoch Calendar, api_name:Is Holyday, api_description:Get the Holyday, corresponding Scritpures and if this Holyday is also a Sabbath from the supplied date string or today's date. Or false in for all returned properties, required_params: [{\"name\": \"datestring\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"holyday\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5118", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Historical Events by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/historicalevents, api_description:API Ninjas Historical Events API endpoint. Returns a list of up to 10 events that match the search parameters. At least one of the following parameters is required: text, year, month, day., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"year\": \"str\", \"month\": \"str\", \"day\": \"str\", \"event\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5119", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Holidays by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/holidays, api_description:API Ninjas Holidays endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Calendar year between 2010 and 2030 (inclusive). Note: not all countries are guaranteed contain data going back to 2010.\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country name or ISO 3166-2 country code (preferred).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country\": \"str\", \"iso\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"day\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5120", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Calendars, api_name:Fetch Events, api_description:Fetches a list of events in either JSON or iCalendar format for the selected calendar, required_params: [{\"name\": \"c\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"validCalendarsRead\": \"empty list\", \"events\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5121", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Enoch Calendar, api_name:Count of Days, api_description:Current day count in this Hebrew year from the supplied date string or today's date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"datestring\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"The date that you want to know the number of the day of the Hebrew year\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"day\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5122", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Enoch Calendar, api_name:Is Sabbath Day, api_description:Is supplied date string or today a Sabbath day, required_params: [{\"name\": \"datestring\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sabbath\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5123", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:WonderboyAPI, api_name:Date and Time of last update, api_description:With this endpoint you can retrieve the Date and Time of the last update, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lastDate\": \"str\", \"lastTime\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5124", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Working days, api_name:/1.3/list_non_working_days, api_description:List the non working days (weekend days, public holidays and custom dates) between two dates in chronlogical order., required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date (YYYY-MM-DD)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The end date (YYYY-MM-DD)\"}, {\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ISO country code (2 letters). See available countries & configurations\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5125", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Working days, api_name:/1.3/analyse, api_description:Analyse a period (you provide a start_date and an end_date over a given calendar, we respond with the period analysis), required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date (YYYY-MM-DD)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The end date (YYYY-MM-DD)\"}, {\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ISO country code (2 letters). See available countries & configurations\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5126", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Working days, api_name:/1.3/get_info_day, api_description:Get detailed information about a specific day., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ISO country code (2 letters). See available countries & configurations\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date to analyze (YYYY-MM-DD)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5127", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:feriados-brasileiros, api_name:Feriados das Cidades, api_description:Retorna os feriados de certa cidade brasileira. Os parâmetros necessários são: 1. Cidade - Nome da cidade sem acentos ou símbolos especiais, com exceção do hífen (\"-\") que deve ser mantido. 2. Estado - Unidade Federativa correspondente à cidade. Usar a sigla e em letra maíuscula. 3. Ano, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cidade\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ano\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"estado\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"str\", \"feriado\": \"str\", \"tipo\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5128", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:feriados-brasileiros, api_name:Feriados dos Estados, api_description:Retorna os feriados de certo estado. Os parâmetros necessários são: 1. Estado - Sigla da Unidade Federativa em letra maíuscula. 2. Ano, required_params: [{\"name\": \"estado\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ano\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"str\", \"feriado\": \"str\", \"tipo\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5129", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Sagenda v3, api_name:Events for item by date range, api_description:Returns an array of events that start in the date range between startDate and endDate (inclusive) for given bookable item, required_params: [{\"name\": \"bookableitem\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Bookable item identifier\"}, {\"name\": \"startdate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Start of date range (inclusive). Format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g 2018-03-17)\"}, {\"name\": \"enddate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"End of date range (inclusive). Format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g 2018-03-17). Format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g 2018-03-17)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5130", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 872}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5131", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Enoch Calendar, api_name:Get Hebrew Date, api_description:Get Hebrew Date for supplied date string or today's date; as well as current holyday if any, required_params: [{\"name\": \"datestring\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": {\"number\": \"int\", \"holyday\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"scripture\": \"str\", \"isSabbath\": \"bool\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5132", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:📅 Crypto Events Calendar 🚀, api_name:Events, api_description:Get crypto events like listing, airdrops, release, tokenomics, partnershiop, other.\nGrouped by days!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Max pageSize = 10\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"total_count\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"list\": [{\"eventdate\": \"int\", \"enablevote\": \"bool\", \"eventlist\": [{\"eventcode\": \"str\", \"tagnamelist\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"nativename\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"proof\": \"str\", \"truecount\": \"int\", \"fakecount\": \"int\", \"confidence\": \"int\", \"isimportant\": \"int\", \"confirmed\": \"int\", \"eventtime\": \"int\", \"addedtime\": \"int\", \"coincode\": \"str\", \"coinname\": \"str\", \"coinsymbol\": \"str\", \"coinlogo\": \"str\", \"price_usd\": \"int\", \"price_btc\": \"int\", \"changerate\": \"int\", \"voteflag\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"code\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5133", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Birthday Cake With Name Generator, api_name:Send Name Birthday Cakes, api_description:Write name on birthday cake for free, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5134", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Enoch Calendar, api_name:Count of Days for today, api_description:Get the count of days for today, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"day\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5135", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Sagenda v3, api_name:Authentication status, api_description:You can use this endpoint to check whether your authentication token is valid. Responds with HTTP 200, API version and list of available claims for a token (for reference), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5136", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Sagenda v3, api_name:API status, api_description:Receive an API status. Responds with HTTP 200 OK and API version in body if functional, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"apiVersion\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5137", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Sagenda v3, api_name:Get specific event information, api_description:Returns a single event object containing all the booking information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"eventIdentifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Unique event identifier from booking or event search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5138", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Public Holiday, api_name:Public Holidays, api_description:Returns the public holidays from a given year and country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"CountryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"CountryCode\"}, {\"name\": \"Year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Year\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"localName\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"fixed\": \"bool\", \"global\": \"bool\", \"counties\": \"NoneType\", \"launchYear\": \"NoneType\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5139", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:WonderboyAPI, api_name:All Belgian Races, api_description:At this endpoint nothing happens for now, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5140", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cybersecurity, tool_name:Greip, api_name:/validateEmail, api_description:This method can be used as an extra-layer of your system for validating email addresses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Email Address you want to validate.\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your API Key. Each user has a unique API Key that can be used to access the API functions. If you don't have an account yet, please create new account first.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5141", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cybersecurity, tool_name:NetDetective, api_name:/query, api_description:Query information about an IP address., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"result\": {\"ipAddress\": \"str\", \"isVpn\": \"bool\", \"isDataCenter\": \"bool\", \"isBruteForce\": \"bool\", \"isSpam\": \"bool\", \"isBogon\": \"bool\", \"isProxyHttp\": \"bool\", \"isProxySocks\": \"bool\", \"isProxyWeb\": \"bool\", \"isProxyOther\": \"bool\", \"isSmtpRelay\": \"bool\", \"isWebVuln\": \"bool\", \"isNoMail\": \"bool\", \"isZombie\": \"bool\", \"isPotentialZombie\": \"bool\", \"isDynamic\": \"bool\", \"isNoServer\": \"bool\", \"isBadConf\": \"bool\", \"isDDos\": \"bool\", \"isOpenDns\": \"bool\", \"isCompromised\": \"bool\", \"isWorm\": \"bool\", \"isIrcDrone\": \"bool\", \"isNotSpam\": \"bool\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5142", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cybersecurity, tool_name:WebLasso, api_name:Get Scan Results, api_description:Obtain the scan results from a given scan ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"scan_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5143", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cybersecurity, tool_name:Token Scanner Multichain | Honeypot Checker Multichain, api_name:Get Chain Id, api_description:Returns chainId from chain name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available chains:\\n**ethereum, bsc, okc, heco, polygon, arbitrum, optimism, avalanche, fantom, kcc, gnosis, tron, linea, harmony, zkysnc, ethw, fon, cronos**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5144", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cybersecurity, tool_name:TweetFeed, api_name:v1, api_description:Version 1 Endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"time\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Select 1 of these timeframes:\\n\\n**today** - Today starting 00:00 UTC)\\n**week** - Last 7 days\\n**month** - Last 30 days\\n**year** - Last 365 days\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"user\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"tweet\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5145", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cybersecurity, tool_name:WebLasso, api_name:Get Scan Status, api_description:Check the status of a scan (ongoing/completed) using a scan ID., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5146", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cybersecurity, tool_name:XSS Shield, api_name:GET Detect, api_description:This endpoint detects and prevents XSS attacks in input data sent via query parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The input data to be checked for XSS.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5147", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cybersecurity, tool_name:WebLasso, api_name:Get Callback URL Status, api_description:Check if a callback URL is able to receive scan results (ensure that the callback URL accepts POST requests)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"callback_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5148", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cybersecurity, tool_name:Greip, api_name:/IPLookup, api_description:Returns the geolocation data of a specific IP Address., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The IP Address you want to lookup.\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your API Key. Each user has a unique API Key that can be used to access the API functions. If you don't have an account yet, please create new account first.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5149", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cybersecurity, tool_name:Greip, api_name:/Country, api_description:Country endpoint: Returns the information of a specific country by passing the `countrCode`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"CountryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Country Code of the country you want to fetch it's data.\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your API Key. Each user has a unique API Key that can be used to access the API functions. If you don't have an account yet, please create new account first.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5150", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cybersecurity, tool_name:WebLasso, api_name:Get Scan ID, api_description:Run a scan against a target URL and receive a scan ID to obtain scan results or check scan status at a later time.\n\nProvide an optional callback URL to receive scan results automatically once the scan is completed (ensure that the callback URL accepts POST requests), required_params: [{\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5151", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Weeby, api_name:3000 Years, api_description:Generates the 3000 Years Meme.\n**ALL DOCUMENTATION HERE**: [https://weebyapi.ntmnathan.com/api/docs](https://weebyapi.ntmnathan.com/api/docs), required_params: [{\"name\": \"image\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5152", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:FortniteCosmetics, api_name:searchInventory, api_description:By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for\navailable inventory in the system\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5153", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends Stats, api_name:Get All Champion Base Stats, api_description:This endpoint returns all base stats from every champion in the game., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"hp\": \"float\", \"hp_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"hp_regen\": \"float\", \"hp_regen_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"mana\": \"float\", \"mana_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"mana_regen\": \"float\", \"mana_regen_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"attack_damage\": \"float\", \"attack_damage_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"attack_speed\": \"float\", \"attack_speed_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"armor\": \"float\", \"armor_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"magic_resist\": \"float\", \"magic_resist_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"movement_speed\": \"float\", \"range\": \"float\", \"ability_power\": \"int\", \"ability_haste\": \"int\", \"crit\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5154", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends Stats, api_name:Get List of All Champion Names, api_description:This endpoint returns a list of all Champion names., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"champ_names\": [\"list of str with length 165\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5155", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends Stats, api_name:Get A Specific Champion's Base Stats, api_description:This endpoint returns the base stats of a specific champion., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"hp\": \"float\", \"hp_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"hp_regen\": \"float\", \"hp_regen_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"mana\": \"float\", \"mana_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"mana_regen\": \"float\", \"mana_regen_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"attack_damage\": \"float\", \"attack_damage_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"attack_speed\": \"float\", \"attack_speed_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"armor\": \"float\", \"armor_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"magic_resist\": \"float\", \"magic_resist_gain_per_lvl\": \"float\", \"movement_speed\": \"float\", \"range\": \"float\", \"ability_power\": \"int\", \"ability_haste\": \"int\", \"crit\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5156", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Market and Store, api_name:Get Price History By ID, api_description:For a given ID, get the price history together with the number of items sold., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ID\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Retrieve this ID from the Get Items IDs by query endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5157", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Market and Store, api_name:Retrieve Buy/Sell informations by ID, api_description:From a given ID, retrieve the latest Buy/Sell orders placed on the Steam Store., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ID\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Retrieve this ID from the Get Items IDs by query endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5158", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Epic Games Store - Free Games, api_name:Free Games, api_description:Return All Free Games on Offer on the Epic Games Store. Also returns upcoming Free Games., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"currentGames\\\": [{\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"namespace\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"effectiveDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"offerType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expiryDate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"viewableDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isCodeRedemptionOnly\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"keyImages\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"seller\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"productSlug\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"urlSlug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"items\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"namespace\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"customAttributes\\\": [{\\\"key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"categories\\\": [{\\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"tags\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"catalogNs\\\": {\\\"mappings\\\": [{\\\"pageSlug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pageType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"offerMappings\\\": [{\\\"pageSlug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pageType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"price\\\": {\\\"totalPrice\\\": {\\\"discountPrice\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"originalPrice\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"voucherDiscount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"discount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currencyInfo\\\": {\\\"decimals\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"fmtPrice\\\": {\\\"origina\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5159", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Market and Store, api_name:Get latest activity by ID, api_description:Given a specific ID, retrieve the last activity dealed with it. Basic information about the user performing the activity is also provided., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ID\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Retrieve this ID from the Get Items IDs by query endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5160", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Galore, api_name:Search For A Item, api_description:This will go through the list of items and return a single item or a list of items depending on YOUR request!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5161", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:CricketLiveApi, api_name:match, api_description:NA, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5162", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Fodase, api_name:Get users, api_description:sdfsdfsdf, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5163", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Dungeons and Dragon 5e, api_name:Get subclass, api_description:Get info about a subclass, required_params: [{\"name\": \"subclass_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"class_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5164", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Pokemon Unite Pokemons, api_name:Get Pokemon data by name, api_description:Get Pokemon data sing the pokemon name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tier\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tier_change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"soon\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"exclude_stats\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"tags\\\": {\\\"range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"difficulty\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"role\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"evolution\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"level\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"last_updated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"builds\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"soon\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lane\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"held_items\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"battle_items\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"battle_items_optional\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"basic\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"upgrade\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"damage_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"notes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"early_learn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"standard_moves\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"skills\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ability\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rsb\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ratio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dmg_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slider\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exception\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alert\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"true_desc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"notes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"add1_label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"add1_ratio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"add1_dmg_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"add1_slider\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5165", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Word Tree, api_name:NWL20, api_description:Search using the NASPA Word List 2020 edition, © 2020 North American Word Game Players Association., required_params: [{\"name\": \"input\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prob\": \"int\", \"shortsteal\": \"str\", \"def\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"longsteal\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5166", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends API, api_name:GET champions, api_description:Get list of all champions by default give you in english, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Aatrox\\\": {\\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"blurb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"info\\\": {\\\"attack\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"defense\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"magic\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"difficulty\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"image\\\": {\\\"full\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sprite\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"group\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"x\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"y\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"w\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"h\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"tags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"partype\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stats\\\": {\\\"hp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hpperlevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"mp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"mpperlevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"movespeed\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"armor\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"armorperlevel\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"spellblock\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"spellblockperlevel\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"attackrange\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hpregen\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hpregenperlevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"mpregen\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"mpregenperlevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"crit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"critperlevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"attackdamage\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"attackdamageperlevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"attackspeedperlevel\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"attackspeed\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"Ahri\\\": {\\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"blurb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"info\\\": {\\\"attack\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"defense\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"magic\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"difficulty\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"image\\\": {\\\"full\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5167", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Word Tree, api_name:CSW21, api_description:Search for words using Collins Scrabble Words 2021 lexicon., required_params: [{\"name\": \"input\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A series of at least 4 letters (a-z, case-insensitive). No other characters should be included or no meaningful results will be returned.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prob\": \"int\", \"shortsteal\": \"str\", \"def\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"longsteal\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5168", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Marvel Vs Capcom 2, api_name:Show Moves, api_description:Show Moves For A Specific Character, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"character_name\": \"str\", \"move_name\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5169", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Marvel Vs Capcom 2, api_name:Show Character, api_description:Get details about a single character and their traits, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"head_shot\": \"str\", \"universe\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5170", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Marvel Vs Capcom 2, api_name:All Characters, api_description:Access all characters in MVC2 (Marvel Vs Capcom) Universe, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"head_shot\": \"str\", \"universe\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5171", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:cs-skin API, api_name:Random Skin from Weapon, api_description:retrieve name, price, icon, class and weapon for a random counterstrike skin from a specific weapon\n(prices for field tested condition in USD)\n\n(replace weapon_name)\n\nExample: /api/random/AWP, required_params: [{\"name\": \"weapon_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"weapon\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5172", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:cs-skin API, api_name:Random Skin, api_description:retrieve name, price, icon, class and weapon for a random counterstrike skin (prices for field tested condition), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5173", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Trivia by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/trivia, api_description:API Ninjas Trivia API endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"category\": \"str\", \"question\": \"str\", \"answer\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5174", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:GamerPower, api_name:Live giveaways by platform, api_description:Insert platform eg: pc, steam, epic-games-store, uplay, gog, icthio, ps4, xbox-one, switch, android, ios, vr, battlenet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"platform\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"worth\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"instructions\": \"str\", \"open_giveaway_url\": \"str\", \"published_date\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"platforms\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"users\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"gamerpower_url\": \"str\", \"open_giveaway\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5175", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:cs-skin API, api_name:Random Skin from Class, api_description:retrieve name, price, icon, class and weapon for a random counterstrike skin from a specific class \n(prices for field tested condition in USD)\n\n(replace class_name)\n\nExample: /api/randomclass/Rifle, required_params: [{\"name\": \"class_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"weapon\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5176", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark Simple, api_name:Get Chest Item Recipes, api_description:Get List of **Lost Ark** Chest Item Recipes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"materials\": [{\"item\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"details\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5177", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark Simple, api_name:Get Battle Item Recipes, api_description:Get List of Lost Ark Battle Item Recipes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"materials\": [{\"item\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"details\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 60}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5178", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:HleBy6eK, api_name:Rating, api_description:Rating of the game for the month, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"score\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5179", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark Simple, api_name:Get Life Skill Tool Recipes, api_description:Get List of Lost Ark Life Skill Tool Recipes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"materials\": [{\"item\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"details\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 38}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5180", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Champion Informaion, api_name:Get Champions, api_description:Accepts a comma delimited list of champion names or nicknames.\n\nReturns a list of Champions full names and list of passive ability and standard abilities in an on object format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"champions\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"p\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"q\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"w\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"e\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"r\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5181", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Galore, api_name:Get All League Ranks, api_description:Get League of Legends ranks and their player base!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"playerBase\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5182", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Galore, api_name:Search For A Champion, api_description:This will go through the list of champions and return a single champion or a list of champions depending on YOUR request!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5183", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Call of Duty: Warzone Stats, api_name:warzone/Rollosis/psn, api_description:Warzone stats for Rollosis, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5184", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Champion Generator, api_name:Generate League Of Legends Champion, api_description:Will generate a new champion along with its passive and standard abilities., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5185", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Wordle Answers Solutions, api_name:All Solutions, api_description:Calling this endpoint you will get all the historical solutions of the Wordle game, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"day\": \"str\", \"num\": \"str\", \"answer\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 725}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5186", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Wordle Answers Solutions, api_name:Today, api_description:Calling this endpoint you will todays solution., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"today\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5187", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Valorant Esports_v2, api_name:Get team info, api_description:Get comprehensive information about a team, including player details, events, results, and more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Team id from vlr.gg\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5188", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Valorant Esports_v2, api_name:Get all players, api_description:Get id, name and country of all players., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5189", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Bet7k Aviator API, api_name:bet7k-aviator-latest, api_description:Will retrieve the latest results from Aviator at BET7K.\n\n- The first result is the most recent\n- The last result is the oldest, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5190", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Valorant Esports_v2, api_name:Get player info, api_description:Get name, country, team and more about a player., required_params: [{\"name\": \"playerid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5191", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:World of Tanks Stats, api_name:Get Stats, api_description:Get WN8, WN7, battles, victories, defeats, kills, draws, avereageTier, tanksSpotted, battlesSurvived, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"account_id\": \"int\", \"battles\": {\"total\": \"str\", \"last24h\": \"str\", \"last7d\": \"str\", \"last30d\": \"str\"}, \"averageTier\": {\"total\": \"str\", \"last24h\": \"str\", \"last7d\": \"str\", \"last30d\": \"str\"}, \"victories\": {\"total\": \"str\", \"last24h\": \"str\", \"last7d\": \"str\", \"last30d\": \"str\"}, \"defeats\": {\"total\": \"str\", \"last24h\": \"str\", \"last7d\": \"str\", \"last30d\": \"str\"}, \"draws\": {\"total\": \"str\", \"last24h\": \"str\", \"last7d\": \"str\", \"last30d\": \"str\"}, \"battlesSurvived\": {\"total\": \"str\", \"last24h\": \"str\", \"last7d\": \"str\", \"last30d\": \"str\"}, \"kills\": {\"total\": \"str\", \"last24h\": \"str\", \"last7d\": \"str\", \"last30d\": \"str\"}, \"tanksSpotted\": {\"total\": \"str\", \"last24h\": \"str\", \"last7d\": \"str\", \"last30d\": \"str\"}, \"wn7\": {\"total\": \"str\", \"last24h\": \"str\", \"last7d\": \"str\", \"last30d\": \"str\"}, \"wn8\": {\"total\": \"str\", \"last24h\": \"str\", \"last7d\": \"str\", \"last30d\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5192", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:OSRS Live prices, api_name:latest price, api_description:gives the latest price for the given itemID and timestep, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timestep\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"itemID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"int\", \"avgHighPrice\": \"int\", \"avgLowPrice\": \"int\", \"highPriceVolume\": \"int\", \"lowPriceVolume\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5193", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:OSRS Live prices, api_name:historical prices, api_description:Gives a list of the high and low prices of item with the given id at the given interval, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timestep\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"itemID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"timestamp\": \"int\", \"avgHighPrice\": \"int\", \"avgLowPrice\": \"int\", \"highPriceVolume\": \"int\", \"lowPriceVolume\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"itemId\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5194", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark, api_name:get engravings, api_description:Endpoint to get all engravings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"engravings\": [\"list of str with length 42\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5195", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends Champion Meta, api_name:Gets the Meta Data from one given Champion, api_description:Fetches the Data from the provided League of Legends Champion.\nWill return a list of Objects, because a Champion can be played in multiple roles, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5196", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark, api_name:get raids, api_description:Endpoint to get all guardian raids, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Ur'nil\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Lumerus\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Icy Legoros\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"vertus\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Chromanius\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Nacrasena\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Flame Fox Yoho\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Tytalos\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Dark Legoros\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Helgaia\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Calventus\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Achates\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Frost Helgaia\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Lava Chromanium\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"levanos\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Alberhastic\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Armored Nacrasena\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"Igrexion\\\": {\\\"raidLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"itemLevel\\\": \\\"in\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5197", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends Champion Meta, api_name:Gets the data from all League Champions, api_description:Fetches the Meta Data for all available League of Legends Champions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5198", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:SteamGames Special offers, api_name:GamesList, api_description:This Endpoint will List all the Games which are on Special Discount Offers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"games_list\": [\"list of int with length 10\"], \"possible_has_more\": \"bool\", \"total_games\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5199", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ContextoGuess, api_name:getSecondWord, api_description:returns the second word for a given game, required_params: [{\"name\": \"game\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5200", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:cs-skin API, api_name:Specific Skin, api_description:retrieve name, price, icon, class and weapon for a specific counterstrike skin \n(prices for field tested condition in USD)\n\n(replace skin_name, underscores instead of spaces)\n\nExample: /api/AK-47_Redline, required_params: [{\"name\": \"skin_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"weapon\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5201", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:DiceForge, api_name:/roll, api_description:Rolls a set of dice and returns the results.\n\nMethods: GET, POST\n\nParameters:\n\nsides (integer): A list of integers representing the number of sides for each die.\ncount (integer): A list of integers representing the number of times to roll each die. Defaults to 1 if not provided.\nmodifier (integer): A list of integers representing the modifier to apply to the total of each die roll.\nadvantage (boolean): If set to true, rolls each die twice and takes the higher result.\ndisadvantage (boolean): If set to true, rolls each die twice and takes the lower result., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sides\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dice\": [{\"sides\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"rolls\": [\"list of int with length 2\"], \"selected_roll\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"modifier\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"advantage\": \"bool\", \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5202", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark, api_name:Get all island with dropped items, api_description:This endpoint will return all the islands with the id's of the dropped items on the island., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"items\": {\"133003\": \"int\", \"510103\": \"int\", \"889005\": \"int\", \"889101\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5203", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:DiceForge, api_name:/statroll, api_description:Rolls 4d6 for generating character stats, dropping the lowest die result from the total, and returns the results.\n\nMethods: GET, POST\n\nParameters:\n\nmodifier (integer): An integer representing the modifier to apply to the total of the stat roll., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5204", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends API, api_name:GET Champion details, api_description:Getting detail from champion name you give, translate by the language you give, required_params: [{\"name\": \"champion\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5205", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends API, api_name:GET Champion rotation, api_description:Return's you a liste of free champion ids and liste of free champions ids for new player., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5206", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Twitch Channel Clips, api_name:Get Clips, api_description:Get the latest 50 clips of a channel., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"clips\": [{\"broadcasterDisplayName\": \"str\", \"broadcasterId\": \"str\", \"creationDate\": \"str\", \"creatorDisplayName\": \"str\", \"creatorId\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"int\", \"embedUrl\": \"str\", \"gameId\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"thumbnailUrl\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"views\": \"int\", \"videoUrl\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 39}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5207", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark, api_name:Get a specific item by id, api_description:Enpoint to get a specific item by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"sell\": \"str\", \"disassamble\": \"str\", \"maxStack\": \"int\", \"tier\": \"str\", \"grade\": \"int\", \"durability\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5208", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Raider.IO, api_name:RaiderIO_Call, api_description:Calls the Raider.io API to get info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Region (us)\"}, {\"name\": \"realm\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Realm (stormrage)\"}, {\"name\": \"fields\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Field (gear or mythic_plus_scores_by_season:current\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Character Name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5209", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends Champion Meta, api_name:Gets the Meta Data from one given Champion based on a rank, api_description:Fetches the Data from the provided League of Legends Champion based on a rank.\nWill return a list of Objects, because a Champion can be played in multiple roles\n\nPossible rank parameters are: \n- placements\n- iron\n- bronze\n- silver\n- gold\n- platinum\n- diamond\n- master\n- grandmaster\n- challenger\nThey also be combined with a \"comma-sign\": e.g challenger,master, required_params: [{\"name\": \"rankname\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5210", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:MMO Games, api_name:Games by category or tag, api_description:Insert game category or tag, eg: mmorpg, shooter, pvp, mmofps and more. Full tag list at [https://www.mmobomb.com/api](url), required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"short_description\": \"str\", \"game_url\": \"str\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"platform\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"developer\": \"str\", \"release_date\": \"str\", \"profile_url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5211", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Epic Store Games, api_name:Search Coming Soon Games, api_description:Search Coming Soon Games, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchWords\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error-index\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"searchValue\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5212", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Epic Store Games, api_name:Search On Sale Games, api_description:Search On Sale Games, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchWords\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error-index\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"searchValue\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5213", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:CSGO matches and tournaments, api_name:Played, api_description:Last of played cs:go matches, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"created_at\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"team_won\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"team_lose_country\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"match_kind\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"score_lose\": \"int\", \"team_won_country\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"id\": \"str\", \"team_lose\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"score_won\": \"int\", \"event\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"NoneType\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"stars\": \"int\", \"played_at\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"meta\": {\"limit\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"pages\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5214", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Evosis's Game Database, api_name:getGameDetail, api_description:Returns the game's information as Json, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5215", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Valorant, api_name:Valorant Players, api_description:This API gets all valorant players, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"Rank\": \"int\", \"Player\": \"str\", \"Gold\": \"int\", \"Silver\": \"int\", \"Bronze\": \"int\", \"S_Tier\": \"int\", \"Earnings\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5216", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Word Ladder Builder, api_name:Build Word Ladders, api_description:Create Word Ladders between two words. By default it uses 2019 edition of Collins Dictionary., required_params: [{\"name\": \"EndWord\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"StartWord\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5217", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:taboo-api, api_name:Get Stored Word From Any Category, api_description:Get a random result which will contain the main phrase and the taboo words, result may come from any of the stored categories.\n\nOptionally pass a parameter which will control the amount of taboo words to be returned, \"forbiddenWordLimit\" defaults to 4 and has a max of 10, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"category\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"forbiddenWords\": [\"list of str with length 6\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5218", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:taboo-api, api_name:Get Result From Category, api_description:Given a stored category, get a random result which will contain the main phrase and the taboo words.\n\nOptionally pass a parameter which will control the amount of taboo words to be returned, \"forbiddenWordLimit\" defaults to 4 and has a max of 10, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\", \"forbiddenWords\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5219", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Dungeons and Dragon 5e, api_name:Get background, api_description:Returns information about the D&D background in JSON format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"background_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5220", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark Simple, api_name:Get Character Skills, api_description:List of Lost Ark Character Skills, required_params: [{\"name\": \"character_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"skills\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"require_level\": \"str\", \"cooldown\": \"str\", \"stagger\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"tripods\": [{\"level\": \"str\", \"points\": \"str\", \"upgrades\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"level\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 20}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5221", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Dungeons and Dragon 5e, api_name:Get class, api_description:Get info about a D&D class such as the proficiencies or abilities., required_params: [{\"name\": \"class_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5222", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Valorant Weapons, api_name:Weapon Classes, api_description:Returns a list of all weapons classes (along with their respective weapons) that are currently in Valorant., required_params: [{\"name\": \"weapon_class_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5223", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends Champion Meta, api_name:Gets all the Meta Data from all Champions based on a rank, api_description:Fetches all the Meta Data in a provided rank.\nPossible parameters are:\n- placements\n- iron\n- bronze\n- silver\n- gold\n- platinum\n- diamond\n- master\n- grandmaster\n- challenger\nThey also can be combined with a 'comma-sign': e.g. challenger**,**master, required_params: [{\"name\": \"rankname\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5224", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Epic Free Games, api_name:Get Epic Free Games, api_description:Get Epic Free Games, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"offerImageWide\": \"str\", \"offerImageTall\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"discountPrice\": \"int\", \"originalPrice\": \"int\", \"currencyCode\": \"str\", \"appUrl\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5225", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:VRising Server Query API, api_name:/playerCount/, api_description:Get the player count from server - change `/IP/PORT`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Port\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"IP\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5226", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:VRising Server Query API, api_name:/discord/, api_description:Gets the discord link found in the server description., required_params: [{\"name\": \"Port\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"IP\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5227", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Epic Free Games, api_name:Get Epic Free Games Coming Soon, api_description:Get Epic Free Games - Coming Soon, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"offerImageWide\": \"str\", \"offerImageTall\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"discountPrice\": \"int\", \"originalPrice\": \"int\", \"currencyCode\": \"str\", \"appUrl\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5228", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Community, api_name:Group Profile, api_description:An overview of a steamcommunity group., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"slogan\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"founded\": \"str\", \"announcements\": {\"latest\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"contents\": \"str\", \"by\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"count\": \"str\"}, \"comments\": {\"latest\": [{\"authorName\": \"str\", \"authorProfile\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"contents\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"count\": \"str\"}, \"membership\": {\"members\": \"str\", \"inGame\": \"str\", \"online\": \"str\"}, \"links\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5229", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Community, api_name:User Aliases, api_description:Get a list of user aliases and when they were changed., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"aliases\": [{\"newname\": \"str\", \"timechanged\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5230", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Community, api_name:User Friends List, api_description:Get a full listing of in-game, online, and offline friends of a user., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"friends\": {\"inGame\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"inGame\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"online\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 33}], \"offline\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 215}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5231", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Chess Puzzles_v2, api_name:random, api_description:Get random chess puzzles, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5232", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Esports, api_name:Get Schedule, api_description:In this method you can get all schedule for the leagues. You can filter multiple leagueId with join % seperator., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"schedule\": {\"pages\": {\"older\": \"str\", \"newer\": \"str\"}, \"events\": [{\"startTime\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"blockName\": \"str\", \"league\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}, \"match\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"flags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"teams\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"outcome\": \"str\", \"gameWins\": \"int\"}, \"record\": {\"wins\": \"int\", \"losses\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}], \"strategy\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\"}}, \"_list_length\": 80}]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5233", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:MMO Games, api_name:Latest MMO News, api_description:Latest MMO News powered by MMOBomb., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"short_description\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"main_image\": \"str\", \"article_content\": \"str\", \"article_url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5234", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:MMO Games, api_name:Games by Platform, api_description:Insert platform, eg: pc, browser or all, required_params: [{\"name\": \"platform\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"short_description\": \"str\", \"game_url\": \"str\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"platform\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"developer\": \"str\", \"release_date\": \"str\", \"profile_url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5235", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Galore, api_name:Get Champion Tier List, api_description:Get either a list of the current champion tier list or a tier list section based on YOUR request!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sTier\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"role\": \"str\", \"winRate\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 14}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5236", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ID Game Checker, api_name:GET username Higgs Domino, api_description:Enter your Higgs Domino ID in the required parameters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5237", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ID Game Checker, api_name:GET username Call of Duty Mobile, api_description:Enter your Call of Duty Mobile ID in the required parameters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5238", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ID Game Checker, api_name:GET username Arena of Valor, api_description:Enter your Arena of Valor ID in the required parameters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5239", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Rocket League, api_name:Challenges, api_description:Check the seasonal and weekly challenges., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"statusCode\": \"int\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5240", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Rocket League, api_name:Esports, api_description:Check the Esports events:\n`rocket-league1.p.rapidapi.com/esports`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5241", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Rocket League, api_name:News, api_description:Check the news:\n`rocket-league1.p.rapidapi.com/news`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5242", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Rocket League, api_name:Population, api_description:Check the playlist population:\n`rocket-league1.p.rapidapi.com/population`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"online\": \"int\", \"playlists\": [{\"population\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 11}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5243", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Rocket League, api_name:Titles, api_description:Check a player's titles:\n`rocket-league1.p.rapidapi.com/titles/:player`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The Epic Games account ID or display name to search.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5244", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Videogames NEWS, api_name:videogames_news_recent_get, api_description:Get the most recent video games news from top sources\n10 news items will be returned per request, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5245", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Videogames NEWS, api_name:videogames_news_search, api_description:Returns search results for current and historic news from top sources, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query text to search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"enum_values\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5246", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Trackmania, api_name:Player Summary, api_description:Get the summary of a player containing general information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Account ID of the Player. Can be obtained using the `/players` endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"amount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"query\\\": {\\\"method\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"player_id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"results\\\": {\\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"trophies\\\": {\\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zonepositions\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 4\\\"], \\\"echelon\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"zone\\\": {\\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"parent\\\": {\\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"parent\\\": {\\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"parent\\\": {\\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}}, \\\"counts\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 9\\\"], \\\"points\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"meta\\\": {\\\"sponsor\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"vanity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"youtube\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sponsorlevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"clubtag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"matchmaking\\\": [{\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"info\\\": {\\\"typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"progression\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"division\\\": {\\\"minpoints\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rule\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"maxpoints\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"rank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"division_next\\\": {\\\"minpoints\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rule\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"maxpoints\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"accountid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"typeid\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"accountid\\\": \\\"s\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5247", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Esports, api_name:Get Standings, api_description:In this api method you can get all standings for tournaments. You can get tournaments id Get Tournaments From League method., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"standings\": [{\"stages\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"NoneType\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sections\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"matches\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"previousMatchIds\": \"NoneType\", \"flags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"teams\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"outcome\": \"str\", \"gameWins\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 144}], \"rankings\": [{\"ordinal\": \"int\", \"teams\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"record\": {\"wins\": \"int\", \"losses\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 9}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5248", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Play to Earn Blockchain Games, api_name:Summary, api_description:Get games market data summary, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"payload\": {\"marketCap\": \"float\", \"marketCapChangePercent\": \"int\", \"tradingVolume24h\": \"int\", \"tradingVolume24hChangePercent\": \"int\", \"topGameCode\": \"NoneType\", \"topGameName\": \"NoneType\", \"topGameMarketCap\": \"int\", \"topGameMarketCapChangePercent\": \"int\", \"topGameMarketCapDominance\": \"int\", \"totalGame\": \"int\"}, \"code\": \"int\", \"locale\": \"NoneType\", \"message\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5249", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Esports, api_name:Get Leagues, api_description:This api method can gives you all of the leagues and region information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"leagues\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"priority\": \"int\", \"displayPriority\": {\"position\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 38}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5250", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Trackmania, api_name:Sponsor Players, api_description:Get Players that are sponsors., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amount\": \"int\", \"query\": {\"method\": \"str\", \"search_query\": \"str\"}, \"results\": [{\"player\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"meta\": {\"sponsor\": \"bool\", \"vanity\": \"str\", \"twitter\": \"str\", \"youtube\": \"str\", \"sponsorlevel\": \"int\", \"twitch\": \"str\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"zone\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}}}}}, \"tag\": \"str\"}, \"matchmaking\": [{\"typename\": \"str\", \"progression\": \"int\", \"division\": {\"minpoints\": \"int\", \"position\": \"int\", \"rule\": \"str\", \"maxpoints\": \"int\"}, \"rank\": \"int\", \"division_next\": {\"minrank\": \"int\", \"maxpoints\": \"int\", \"minpoints\": \"int\", \"rule\": \"str\", \"position\": \"int\"}, \"score\": \"int\", \"accountid\": \"str\", \"typeid\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 58}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5251", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:SUDOKU All-Purpose PRO, api_name:CREATE, api_description:Image output is base64 encoded! See https://myv.at/api/sudoku/code-examples/ how to decode back to HTML, SVG, JPG, PNG, GIF, WEBP easily!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5252", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:SUDOKU All-Purpose PRO, api_name:VERIFY, api_description:Check any solved (as well as *unsolved!*) Sudoku for authenticity and integrity., required_params: [{\"name\": \"verify\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5253", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:BingoAPI, api_name:/eu, api_description:EU game spec.\nReturns numbers between 1 and 90.\n\nIf you have a paid plan you can specify the number of cards to generate as a query parameter: `?cards=10`\nThis will return an array of array (the cards).\n\nPlease note that empty spaces are not returned as it is more portable for who don't need them. You are free to loop through the cards and add them at your wish., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5254", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:VRising Server Query API, api_name:/allDetails/, api_description:Get all details from server - change `/IP/PORT`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"IP\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Port\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5255", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:BingoAPI, api_name:/us, api_description:US game spec.\nReturns numbers between 1 and 75, randomized in 5 groups.\n\nIf you have a paid plan you can specify the number of cards to generate as a query parameter: `?cards=10`\nThis will return an array of array (the cards).\n\nPlease note that empty spaces are not returned as it is more portable for who don't need them. You are free to loop through the cards and add them at your wish., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5256", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Chess Puzzles_v2, api_name:id, api_description:Get a chess puzzle by its id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Unique id assigned to a certain puzzle\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5257", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Evosis's Game Database, api_name:getStoreStatusList, api_description:Returns as Json of store status list., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5258", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Chess Puzzles_v2, api_name:advanced, api_description:Advanced search options, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5259", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Evosis's Game Database, api_name:getGameDetailPro, api_description:Returns the game's information as Json., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5260", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Pictionary Charades Word Generator, api_name:Get Charades Word, api_description:Get a random charades word with the specified difficulty. If not difficulty is supplied, a random difficulty will be used., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5261", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Pictionary Charades Word Generator, api_name:Get Pictionary Word, api_description:Get a random pictionary word with the specified difficulty. If not difficulty is supplied, a random difficulty will be used., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5262", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Galore, api_name:Get Player Details, api_description:Get Player Details based on UserName.\nCase Sensitive!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"username\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"lp\": \"str\", \"winLossRatio\": \"str\", \"mostPlayedChamps\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"winPercentage\": \"str\", \"totalGames\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5263", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ESportApi, api_name:LeagueTotalStandings, api_description:Get the total standings for a specific E-Sports league by providing the tournament ID and season ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID for which you want to retrieve the league's total standings.\"}, {\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID for which you want to retrieve the league's total standings.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"standings\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rows\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matches\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"wins\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 16}], \\\"tournament\\\": {\\\"category\\\": {\\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priority\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uniqueTournament\\\": {\\\"category\\\": {\\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasPerformanceGraphFeature\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"upda\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5264", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ESportApi, api_name:TeamPlaceholderImage, api_description:Get the team placeholder image in SVG format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5265", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ESportApi, api_name:CategoryTournaments, api_description:Get all leagues from a specific E-Sports category using the category ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The category ID for which you want to retrieve all leagues.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"groups\": [{\"uniqueTournaments\": [{\"category\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}}, \"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"userCount\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 401}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5266", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ContextoGuess, api_name:docs, api_description:docs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5267", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Minecraft UUID Converter, api_name:Name to UUID, api_description:Provide your Minecraft username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"uuid\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"faceImage\": \"str\", \"headImage\": \"str\", \"bodyImage\": \"str\", \"skinImage\": \"str\", \"capeImage\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5268", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Minecraft UUID Converter, api_name:UUID to Name, api_description:Convert your Mineccraft UUID to a Name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"uuid\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"faceImage\": \"str\", \"headImage\": \"str\", \"bodyImage\": \"str\", \"skinImage\": \"str\", \"capeImage\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5269", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:CROSSWORD Solver, api_name:CROSS, api_description:**Using this API is easy! An example?**\n\nSearch string:\n- must contain letters (a-z) AND at least one _ (underscore) for unknown letters.\n- must have a minimum length of 3 and a maximum lenght of 65 characters.\n- is a required parameter.\n\nExample request: `word=u_b_l_e_a_l_`\n\nLanguage:\n- en, es, de (English, Spanish, German)\n- is a optional parameter. If not set /en/ is used. \n\nExample request: `lang=en`\n\n**This is fun!**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5270", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Playstation Store Deals API, api_name:PlaystationDeals, api_description:There is only 1 parameter for this API endpoint.\n\n1. playstation_deals/?count=0\n\ncount = 0 (Min is 0, starting of the list. Max value depends on the total number of games available.)\nNote: Since its a List of Items, If the maximum number of games available on deals is 771 then you have to enter (771-1) = 770 to get the last game on the deal.\n\nThis will provide you with the game data as given below which contains name, price, platform, discount percent, discounted price, total no. of games, etc..:\n\n{\n \"name\": \"God of War III Remastered\",\n \"titleId\": \"CUSA01623_00\",\n \"platform\": [\n \"PS4\"\n ],\n \"basePrice\": \"$19.99\",\n \"discountPercent\": \"-50%\",\n \"discountPrice\": \"$9.99\",\n \"url\": \"https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP9000-CUSA01623_00-0000GODOFWAR3PS4\",\n \"Total No. of Games\": 771\n}, required_params: [{\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"titleId\": \"str\", \"platform\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"basePrice\": \"str\", \"discountPercent\": \"NoneType\", \"discountPrice\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"Total No. of Games\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5271", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Dota2 Heroes, api_name:Heroes Data, api_description:You can get heroes all heroes data name, image, videos, roles, abilities and talents with 20 languages., required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5272", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Dota2 Heroes, api_name:Heroes List, api_description:You can list of heroes id , name , image, complexity and attribute, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"name_loc\": \"str\", \"name_english_loc\": \"str\", \"primary_attr\": \"int\", \"complexity\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"attribute_img\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5273", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Tibia Items, api_name:Get imbuements for Vampirism (Life steal), api_description:This enpoint will get all imbuement for type Vampirism\n\nVampirism (Life steal)\nVampire Teeth \nBloody Pincers \nPiece of Dead Brain, required_params: [{\"name\": \"World\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"World\": \"str\", \"itemName\": \"str\", \"RegisterDate\": \"str\", \"Average\": {\"sellNumberofTransactions\": \"str\", \"buyNumberofTransactions\": \"str\", \"sell\": \"str\", \"buy\": \"str\"}, \"TypeItem\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5274", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Tibia Items, api_name:Get imbuements for Dragon Hide (Fire Protection), api_description:This enpoint will get all imbuement for type Dragon Hide\n\nDragon Hide (Fire Protection)\nBlazing Bone \nGreen Dragon Leather \nDraken Sulphur, required_params: [{\"name\": \"World\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"World\": \"str\", \"itemName\": \"str\", \"RegisterDate\": \"str\", \"Average\": {\"sellNumberofTransactions\": \"str\", \"buyNumberofTransactions\": \"str\", \"sell\": \"str\", \"buy\": \"str\"}, \"TypeItem\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5275", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:GamerPower, api_name:Live giveaways by platform & type & sorted, api_description:Get all live giveaways by platform and type and sorted., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"worth\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"instructions\": \"str\", \"open_giveaway_url\": \"str\", \"published_date\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"platforms\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"users\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"gamerpower_url\": \"str\", \"open_giveaway\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5276", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:GamerPower, api_name:Total live giveaways & worth estimation in dollars, api_description:You can also use the \"platform\" and \"type\" parameters to get more specific results, eg: /api/worth?platform=steam?type=game, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"active_giveaways_number\": \"int\", \"worth_estimation_usd\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5277", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:GamerPower, api_name:Filter & Group Giveaways, api_description:Filter and group platforms and giveaway types to get personalized results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"platform\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"worth\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"instructions\": \"str\", \"open_giveaway_url\": \"str\", \"published_date\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"platforms\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"users\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"gamerpower_url\": \"str\", \"open_giveaway\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5278", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Champion Informaion, api_name:Get Champion Abilities as Text, api_description:Accepts a comma delimited list of champion names/nicknames and returns a text list of champions as well as their passive and standard abilities., required_params: [{\"name\": \"champion\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"responseText\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5279", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Unigamer API, api_name:getGamesByCategory, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"legacyId\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"consoles\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"genre\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"pegiUrl\": \"str\", \"coverUrl\": \"str\", \"media\": \"empty list\", \"metaScore\": \"str\", \"metaScoreUrl\": \"int\", \"ignScore\": \"int\", \"ignScoreUrl\": \"str\", \"igdbScore\": \"int\", \"igdbScoreUrl\": \"str\", \"videoUrl\": \"str\", \"isSponsored\": \"bool\", \"adBanner\": \"str\", \"followersCount\": \"int\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"claimRequest\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"averageRating\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5280", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Unigamer API, api_name:getAllGames, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"legacyId\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"consoles\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"genre\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"pegiUrl\": \"str\", \"coverUrl\": \"str\", \"media\": \"empty list\", \"metaScore\": \"str\", \"metaScoreUrl\": \"int\", \"ignScore\": \"float\", \"ignScoreUrl\": \"str\", \"igdbScore\": \"int\", \"igdbScoreUrl\": \"str\", \"videoUrl\": \"str\", \"isSponsored\": \"bool\", \"adBanner\": \"str\", \"followersCount\": \"int\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"claimRequest\": \"empty list\", \"averageRating\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5281", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Market and Store, api_name:Get Items IDs by query, api_description:Enter a (text) query and retrieve the IDS associated to your items. This ID will be needed in order to explore market information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Text Query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5282", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:RPG Items, api_name:Get All Items, api_description:Get all RPG items, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"slot\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"rarity\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5283", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:GoTW, api_name:CommanderSkills, api_description:Commander skills, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"commanderSkills\": \"empty list\", \"commanderTypes\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"ico\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5284", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Minecraft User Data, api_name:User Data, api_description:Get minecraft user data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5285", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Galore, api_name:Get Random Champion, api_description:This will go through the list of champions and return a single RANDOM champion!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"champName\": \"str\", \"blueEssence\": \"int\", \"RP\": \"int\", \"HP\": \"int\", \"hpGainPerLvL\": \"int\", \"HPR\": \"float\", \"hpRegenGainPerLvL\": \"float\", \"resource\": \"str\", \"mp\": \"int\", \"mpGainPerLvL\": \"int\", \"mpRegen\": \"int\", \"mpRegenGainPerLvL\": \"int\", \"moveSpeed\": \"int\", \"attDamage\": \"int\", \"attDamageGainPerLvL\": \"float\", \"attSpeed\": \"float\", \"attSpeedGainPerLvL\": \"float\", \"range\": \"int\", \"armor\": \"int\", \"armorGainPerLvL\": \"float\", \"magicArmor\": \"int\", \"magicArmorGainPerLvL\": \"float\", \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"Attributes\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5286", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Chess Puzzles_v2, api_name:range, api_description:Get random puzzles within a specified rating range, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5287", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Galore, api_name:Get Random Item, api_description:This will go through the list of items and return a single RANDOM item!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"itemSynergy\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"champSynergy\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5288", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ESportApi, api_name:Search, api_description:Search for E-Sports players, teams, and tournaments by providing a search term., required_params: [{\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The search term.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"entity\": {\"country\": {\"alpha2\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nameCode\": \"str\", \"national\": \"bool\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}, \"teamColors\": {\"primary\": \"str\", \"secondary\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"int\", \"userCount\": \"int\"}, \"score\": \"float\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5289", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ESportApi, api_name:LeagueNextMatches, api_description:Get the next matches for a specific E-Sports league by providing the tournament ID, season ID, and page number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID for which you want to retrieve the league's next matches.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zero-based page number.\"}, {\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID for which you want to retrieve the league's next matches.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5290", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Minecraft Servers List, api_name:Get Sample Data, api_description:Get 10 Servers List with Free Plan, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"server\": \"str\", \"ip\": \"str\", \"users\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"userslimit\": \"str\", \"online\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5291", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Evosis's Game Database, api_name:getGameList, api_description:Returns the ID and series names of the games as Json., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"serialName\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5292", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Dice Roll Simulator, api_name:Custom dice rolls, api_description:Roll any number of dice with any number of sides any number of times., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"roll\": [\"list of int with length 3\"], \"subtotal\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5293", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Store API, api_name:Language list, api_description:Returns a full list of available languages. Use them in other endpoints to retrieve data in the language you're interested in., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5294", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Store API, api_name:Tag list, api_description:Retrieve the full list of tags. Use the tag IDs to handle other endpoints. If you want to get all the games e.g. with **Action** tag, just:\n- retrieve the list\n- find the Action tag \n- take its ID \n- put it into **Items by tag** endpoint\nIt's so simple!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available languages, just call the **Language list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}, {\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available country codes, just call the **Country code list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5295", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Store API, api_name:Achievement list, api_description:Returns a full list of achievements with information on what needs to be done to get the achievement and what percentage of players have achieved it., required_params: [{\"name\": \"appid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"292030 is 'The Witcher\\u00ae 3: Wild Hunt' AppId\"}, {\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available country codes, just call the **Country code list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available languages, just call the **Language list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"description\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"achievements\": [{\"image_url\": \"str\", \"achievement_pct\": \"float\", \"name\": \"str\", \"task\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 78}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5296", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Pokemon Unite Pokemons, api_name:List all Pokemons, api_description:A list of all pokemons within pokemon unite, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"damageType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"itemCount\": \"int\", \"pageCount\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5297", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ContextoGuess, api_name:guessWord, api_description:guess a word and it will return the position it holds, required_params: [{\"name\": \"game\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"guess\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5298", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:big89, api_name:big89, api_description:Big89 merupakan [situs judi online](https://www.inksgame.com) resmi di indonesia tanpa bank offline BCA BRI MANDIRI BNI DANAMON., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5299", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ID Game Checker, api_name:GET username Mobile Legends, api_description:Enter the Mobile Legends ID and Server in the required parameters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"server\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5300", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ID Game Checker, api_name:GET username PUBG Mobile, api_description:Enter your PUBG Mobile ID in the required parameters\n\nINFO: The API for this game is currently in the process of being maintained, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5301", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Dice Roll Simulator, api_name:Regular dice, api_description:Roll any number of regular dice., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [\"list of int with length 3\"], \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5302", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Dice Roll Simulator, api_name:Custom dice, api_description:Roll any number of dice with any number of sides., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [\"list of int with length 3\"], \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5303", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Dice Roll Simulator, api_name:Regular die, api_description:Roll one regular die., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5304", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:game, api_name:game, api_description:get game, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5305", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends API, api_name:GET player by name, api_description:Return you the summoner related the name given, required_params: [{\"name\": \"summonerName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5306", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends API, api_name:GET player by puiid, api_description:Return you the summoner profile related to the puuid given, required_params: [{\"name\": \"puuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5307", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:CheapShark - Game Deals, api_name:Game Lookup, api_description:Gets info for a specific game. Response includes a list of all deals associated with the game., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"An existing gameID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"steamAppID\": \"NoneType\", \"thumb\": \"str\"}, \"cheapestPriceEver\": {\"price\": \"str\", \"date\": \"int\"}, \"deals\": [{\"storeID\": \"str\", \"dealID\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"retailPrice\": \"str\", \"savings\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5308", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:CheapShark - Game Deals, api_name:Deal Lookup, api_description:Get info for a specific deal. Response includes game info, any cheaper current deals, and the cheapest historical price. As elsewhere, dealID is encoded, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An Encoded Deal ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"gameInfo\": {\"storeID\": \"str\", \"gameID\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"steamAppID\": \"str\", \"salePrice\": \"str\", \"retailPrice\": \"str\", \"steamRatingText\": \"str\", \"steamRatingPercent\": \"str\", \"steamRatingCount\": \"str\", \"metacriticScore\": \"str\", \"metacriticLink\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"int\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"steamworks\": \"str\", \"thumb\": \"str\"}, \"cheaperStores\": [{\"dealID\": \"str\", \"storeID\": \"str\", \"salePrice\": \"str\", \"retailPrice\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"cheapestPrice\": {\"price\": \"str\", \"date\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5309", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:CheapShark - Game Deals, api_name:Manage Alerts, api_description:Send an email containing a link to manage your alerts., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any valid email address\"}, {\"name\": \"action\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The action to take on the price alert, set to `manage`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5310", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Rocket League, api_name:Blog, api_description:Check the blog:\n`rocket-league1.p.rapidapi.com/blog`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5311", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Rocket League, api_name:Ranks, api_description:Check a player's ranks:\n`rocket-league1.p.rapidapi.com/ranks/:player`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The Epic Games account ID or display name to search.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5312", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Unigamer API, api_name:getGamesById, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"_id\": \"str\", \"legacyId\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"consoles\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"genre\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"pegiUrl\": \"str\", \"coverUrl\": \"str\", \"media\": \"empty list\", \"metaScore\": \"str\", \"metaScoreUrl\": \"int\", \"ignScore\": \"int\", \"ignScoreUrl\": \"str\", \"igdbScore\": \"int\", \"igdbScoreUrl\": \"str\", \"videoUrl\": \"str\", \"isSponsored\": \"bool\", \"adBanner\": \"str\", \"followersCount\": \"int\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"claimRequest\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"averageRating\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5313", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Store API, api_name:Country code list, api_description:Use this codes in other endpoints to grab data from the country of your interest. The country code is very **important** because it determines the **currency** in which prices will be displayed., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5314", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Store API, api_name:User reviews, api_description:💡 The endpoint returns a complete list of user reviews. Use filters to narrow down the results as desired. If you want to get reviews from page 2, you must first grab data from page 1 and save the **cursor** value from response. Then set in the new call **page=2** and **cursor** from page 1., required_params: [{\"name\": \"languageFilter\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Additional filter for user reviews. To get available languages, just call the **Language list** endpoint from **General** section. You can also use here **All** and **Default** values.\"}, {\"name\": \"browseFilter\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ratingFilter\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available country codes, just call the **Country code list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}, {\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"292030 is 'The Witcher\\u00ae 3: Wild Hunt' AppId\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available languages, just call the **Language list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page numbering starts from 0, so the first page is 0.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5315", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Vai de Bob Aviator API, api_name:vaidebob-aviator-latest, api_description:Will retrieve the latest results from Aviator at Vai de Bob.\n\n- The first result is the most recent\n- The last result is the oldest, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5316", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Simbrief - Get latest OFP, api_name:Simbrief - Get latest OFP, api_description:Get latest ofp in xml (default) or json based on username\nthe json param must be 0 or 1, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5317", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Esports, api_name:Get Live, api_description:In this method you can get all live events score, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"schedule\": {\"events\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"startTime\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"blockName\": \"str\", \"league\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"priority\": \"int\", \"displayPriority\": {\"position\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\"}}, \"tournament\": {\"id\": \"str\"}, \"match\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"teams\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"outcome\": \"NoneType\", \"gameWins\": \"int\"}, \"record\": {\"wins\": \"int\", \"losses\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}], \"strategy\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\"}, \"games\": [{\"number\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"teams\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"side\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"vods\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"streams\": [{\"parameter\": \"str\", \"locale\": \"str\", \"mediaLocale\": {\"locale\": \"str\", \"englishName\": \"str\", \"translatedName\": \"str\"}, \"provider\": \"str\", \"countries\": \"empty list\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"statsStatus\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 5}]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5318", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Esports, api_name:Get Statics, api_description:This endpoint gives you champion statics. This statics can filtered time period and league., required_params: [{\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5319", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark Simple, api_name:Get Classes List, api_description:List of Lost Ark Classes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"class\": \"str\", \"characters\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"_list_length\": 5}], \"backup\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5320", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark, api_name:get a specific item, api_description:Endpoint to get a specific item, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"sell\": \"str\", \"disassamble\": \"str\", \"maxStack\": \"int\", \"tier\": \"str\", \"grade\": \"int\", \"durability\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5321", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Dungeons and Dragon 5e, api_name:Get item, api_description:Returns information about the D&D item in JSON format. Only includes magic items, not equipment., required_params: [{\"name\": \"item_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The full name of a D&D item. Words separated by dashes.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5322", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Pokemon TCG Card Prices, api_name:Get Many Cards, api_description:Returns many cards based on query parameters.\n\nA card represents a single card that can be defined by a combination of series / set / number in set / variant., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"results\\\": [{\\\"cardId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cardNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"setNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"setId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"set\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"series\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"variant\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"superType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"types\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"subTypes\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"rarity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pokemon\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"artist\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"minSoldPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"lowSoldPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"soldPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"highSoldPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"maxSoldPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"soldVolume\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"soldLastUpdatedAt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"minListingPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"lowListingPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"listingPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"highListingPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"maxListingPrice\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5323", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Trackmania, api_name:Player Cup of the Day Information, api_description:Get the COTD info of a player., required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Account ID of the Player. Can be obtained using the `/players` endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amount\": \"int\", \"query\": {\"method\": \"str\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"page\": \"str\", \"player_id\": \"str\"}, \"results\": {\"stats\": {\"avgdivrank\": \"float\", \"best\": {\"bestrankdivrank\": \"int\", \"bestrankindivdiv\": \"int\", \"bestrankindivtime\": \"str\", \"bestrankindiv\": \"int\", \"bestrank\": \"int\", \"bestranktime\": \"str\", \"bestdiv\": \"int\", \"bestdivtime\": \"str\"}, \"total\": \"int\", \"divwinstreak\": \"int\", \"totalwins\": \"int\", \"winstreak\": \"int\", \"totaldivwins\": \"int\", \"avgrank\": \"float\", \"avgdiv\": \"float\"}, \"total\": \"NoneType\", \"cotds\": [{\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"totalplayers\": \"int\", \"score\": \"int\", \"div\": \"int\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"divrank\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5324", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ESportApi, api_name:GameMapImage, api_description:Get the map image in PNG format by providing the map ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"mapId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The map ID for which you want to retrieve the image.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5325", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Valorant Weapons, api_name:Weapon, api_description:Returns the desired weapon's stats., required_params: [{\"name\": \"weapon_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5326", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:MCAPI, api_name:Total Count, api_description:Get total count of entries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items_count\": \"int\", \"blocks_count\": \"int\", \"advancements_count\": \"int\", \"tags_count\": \"int\", \"recipes_count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5327", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Tibia Items, api_name:Get imbuements for Demon Presence (Holy Protection), api_description:This enpoint will get all imbuement for type Demon Presence\n\nDemon Presence (Holy Protection)\nCultish Robe \nCultish Mask \nHellspawn Tail, required_params: [{\"name\": \"World\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5328", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Tibia Items, api_name:Get imbuements for Lich Shroud (Death Protection), api_description:This enpoint will get all imbuement for type Lich Shroud\n\nLich Shroud (Death Protection)\nFlask of Embalming Fluid \nGloom Wolf Fur \nMystical Hourglass, required_params: [{\"name\": \"World\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5329", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:MCAPI, api_name:Tags, api_description:Retrieve blocks and items tags, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tag_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"father_tag\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5330", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:MCAPI, api_name:Recipes, api_description:Retrieve recipes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5331", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:SUDOKU All-Purpose PRO, api_name:SOLVE, api_description:Solve every Sudoku. Simply make an API call with missing digits and receive the answer back immediately. Choose from different output formats to display your Sudoku perfectly., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5332", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Store API, api_name:Shortened item details, api_description:🎮 It retrieves shortened game data. Check the endpoint worth since it may contain information more important to you than the ones in \"Full item details\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available country codes, just call the **Country code list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}, {\"name\": \"appid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"292030 is 'The Witcher\\u00ae 3: Wild Hunt' AppId\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available languages, just call the **Language list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5333", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Wordle Game API, api_name:today word, api_description:get today word or the correct answer, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5334", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Trackmania, api_name:Top Players by Trophies, api_description:Get the top players by their tophy count., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amount\": \"int\", \"query\": {\"method\": \"str\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"page\": \"str\"}, \"results\": [{\"player\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"meta\": {\"twitter\": \"str\", \"twitch\": \"str\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"zone\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}}}, \"tag\": \"str\"}, \"score\": \"int\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5335", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:GamerPower, api_name:Live giveaways by type, api_description:Get live giveaways by type, eg: game, loot, beta, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"worth\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"instructions\": \"str\", \"open_giveaway_url\": \"str\", \"published_date\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"platforms\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"users\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"gamerpower_url\": \"str\", \"open_giveaway\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5336", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:CheapShark - Game Deals, api_name:Edit Alert, api_description:Set or remove a price alert., required_params: [{\"name\": \"action\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The action to take on the price alert (`set` or `delete`)\"}, {\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any valid email address\"}, {\"name\": \"gameID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"An existing gameID\"}, {\"name\": \"price\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The price to wait for, only required when using `set` value for `action` parameter\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5337", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Esports, api_name:Get Teams And Players, api_description:You can get all teams and player this api methods also you can filtered by team id or name., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"teams\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"alternativeImage\": \"str\", \"backgroundImage\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"homeLeague\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\"}, \"players\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"summonerName\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"role\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5338", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Store API, api_name:Search items (🔥), api_description:👉 This is one of the most important endpoints. Retrieve data from the Steam search engine. The filters here have a powerful impact. With their use you can find anything that interests you. If you want to limit the games to a certain amount, read the description of maxPrice parameter below.\n\nMaximum number of results served from one call is 50. But very often the number of results is lower because we skip game packs (bundles) in the search engine. If you're interested in this, let us know., required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderBy\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"showOnlySpecialOffers\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available languages, just call the **Language list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}, {\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available country codes, just call the **Country code list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}, {\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search for items containing a given term/phrase/query\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page numbering starts from 0, so the first page is 0.\"}, {\"name\": \"hideFreeToPlay\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"OrderBy\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5339", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Minecraft Servers List, api_name:Get All Servers, api_description:Get All Servers List, required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"server\": \"str\", \"ip\": \"str\", \"users\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"userslimit\": \"str\", \"online\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5340", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:taboo-api, api_name:Get Taboo Words From Word, api_description:Provide your own word and get the taboo words back.\n\nOptionally pass a parameter which will control the amount of taboo words to be returned, \"forbiddenWordLimit\" defaults to 4 and has a max of 10, required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"word\": \"str\", \"related\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5341", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:VRising Server Query API, api_name:/specificPlayer/, api_description:Get the details of a specific player currently online on server - change `/IP/PORT`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Port\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"IP\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5342", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:VRising Server Query API, api_name:/description/, api_description:Get the full description from server - change `/IP/PORT`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"IP\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Port\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5343", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:CSGO matches and tournaments, api_name:Upcoming, api_description:Last of upcoming cs:go matches, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"created_at\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"match_kind\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"id\": \"str\", \"event\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"NoneType\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"stars\": \"int\", \"play_at\": \"str\", \"team1\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"team1_country\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"team2\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"team2_country\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 6}], \"meta\": {\"limit\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"pages\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5344", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends API, api_name:GET PlayerMatch, api_description:Return an detailed list of games for the number you passed for a player, required_params: [{\"name\": \"summonerName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5345", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends API, api_name:GET queue, api_description:Returns the list of people in division, tier and according to the type of queue, required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"queue\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"division\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tier\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5346", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:RPG Items, api_name:Get Items by query, api_description:Get all RPG items, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"slot\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"rarity\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5347", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Trackmania, api_name:Royal matches, api_description:Get recent royal matches., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amount\": \"int\", \"query\": {\"method\": \"str\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"page\": \"str\"}, \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"starttime\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"lid\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5348", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Esports, api_name:Get Tournaments For League, api_description:This endpoint can gives you all of the tournaments for league id. You can get all league id from the Get Leagues endpoint . If you want you can get all tournaments data without filtering leagues., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"leagues\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5349", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:RPG Items, api_name:Get Item by ID, api_description:Get all RPG items, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"slot\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"rarity\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5350", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:a56219609685dd9033d060cdbb60093c, api_name:http://newexch.com, api_description:betting exchange, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5351", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Esports, api_name:Get Game, api_description:In this api method you can search all of the game data with game id. You can get this id from the Get Vods api method., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gameId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"esportsGameId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"esportsMatchId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameMetadata\\\": {\\\"patchVersion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"blueTeamMetadata\\\": {\\\"esportsTeamId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"participantMetadata\\\": [{\\\"participantId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"esportsPlayerId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"summonerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"championId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"role\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}]}, \\\"redTeamMetadata\\\": {\\\"esportsTeamId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"participantMetadata\\\": [{\\\"participantId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"esportsPlayerId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"summonerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"championId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"role\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}]}}, \\\"frames\\\": [{\\\"rfc460Timestamp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameState\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"blueTeam\\\": {\\\"totalGold\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"inhibitors\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"towers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"barons\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalKills\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dragons\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"participants\\\": [{\\\"participantId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalGold\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"level\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"kills\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"deaths\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"assists\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"creepScore\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentHealth\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"maxHealth\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}]}, \\\"redTeam\\\": {\\\"totalGold\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"inhibitors\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"towers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"barons\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalKills\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5352", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:VRising Server Query API, api_name:/keyDetails/, api_description:Get the key details from server - change `/IP/PORT`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Port\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"IP\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5353", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Card Draw Simulator, api_name:Cards, api_description:Draw multiple cards from a regular 52-card playing deck., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cards\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5354", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:wordle-api, api_name:/documentation, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"swagger\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"paths\\\": {\\\"/match/authenticate\\\": {\\\"post\\\": {\\\"parameters\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"tags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"consumes\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"produces\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"responses\\\": {\\\"200\\\": {\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"schema\\\": {\\\"$ref\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}}}, \\\"/api/match\\\": {\\\"delete\\\": {\\\"parameters\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"in\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"required\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"tags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"consumes\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"produces\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"responses\\\": {\\\"200\\\": {\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"schema\\\": {\\\"$ref\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}}, \\\"post\\\": {\\\"parameters\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"in\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"required\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"tags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"consumes\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"produces\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"responses\\\": {\\\"200\\\": {\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"schema\\\": {\\\"$ref\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}}}, \\\"/api/match/verify\\\": {\\\"patch\\\": {\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5355", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Pokemon TCG Card Prices, api_name:Get Many Sets, api_description:Returns many sets based on query parameters.\n\nA set is a grouping of cards that are periodically released together. Every card has a set. Every set is part of a series., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"setId\": \"str\", \"set\": \"str\", \"series\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"fromId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5356", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Pokemon TCG Card Prices, api_name:Get One Card by Id, api_description:Gets details about a single card by it's ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cardId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"cardId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cardNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"setNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"setId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"set\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"series\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"variant\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"superType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"types\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"subTypes\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"rarity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pokemon\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"artist\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"minSoldPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"lowSoldPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"soldPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"highSoldPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"maxSoldPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"soldVolume\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"soldLastUpdatedAt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"minListingPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"lowListingPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"listingPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"highListingPrice\\\": {\\\"amountInMinorUnits\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"st\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5357", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Pokemon TCG Card Prices, api_name:Get One Set By Id, api_description:Returns information about a single set, retrieved using the ID for that set., required_params: [{\"name\": \"setId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5358", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League of Legends Champion Meta, api_name:Gets all the available Champions names, without any meta data, api_description:Fetches all the champion names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5359", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:GamerPower, api_name:Sort live giveaways, api_description:Insert sort by, eg: date, value, popularity, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"worth\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"instructions\": \"str\", \"open_giveaway_url\": \"str\", \"published_date\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"platforms\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"users\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"gamerpower_url\": \"str\", \"open_giveaway\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5360", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Canada Postal Codes, api_name:Get all postal code, api_description:Get all postal code, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"City\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"str\", \"Unit\": \"str\", \"Count\": \"str\", \"aType\": \"str\", \"Number\": \"str\", \"Street\": \"str\", \"Latitude\": \"str\", \"PostCode\": \"str\", \"Province\": \"str\", \"Direction\": \"str\", \"Longitude\": \"str\", \"Confidence\": \"str\", \"Street Name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5361", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Canada Postal Codes, api_name:Get postal codes by id, api_description:Get postal code by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5362", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BDapi, api_name:All Districts with Coordinates, api_description:`/v1.1/districts`\nGet all Districts with their Coordinates in English and Bangla.\n\n**Response**\n```\nstatus: object,\ndata: [\n _id: string,\n district: string,\n districtbn: string,\n coordinates: string\n]\n```, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"districtbn\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 64}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5363", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:UK PostCode API, api_name:/postcodes/{postcode}, api_description:Gets addresses for the given UK PostCode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Pass a PostCode value for looking up addresses\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"noOfItems\": \"int\", \"result\": {\"postcode\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"ward\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"geocode\": {\"eastings\": \"str\", \"northings\": \"str\", \"lattitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}, \"addresses\": [{\"po_box\": \"str\", \"line_2\": \"str\", \"postcode_type\": \"str\", \"line_3\": \"str\", \"su_organisation_indicator\": \"str\", \"building_number\": \"str\", \"udprn\": \"str\", \"thoroughfare\": \"str\", \"line_1\": \"str\", \"postcode_outcode\": \"str\", \"postcode_compact\": \"str\", \"dependant_thoroughfare\": \"str\", \"premise\": \"str\", \"post_town\": \"str\", \"building_name\": \"str\", \"organisation_name\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"department_name\": \"str\", \"postcode_incode\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"double_dependant_locality\": \"str\", \"sub_building_name\": \"str\", \"dependant_locality\": \"str\", \"delivery_point_suffix\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 37}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5364", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Stadia Maps Time Zone API, api_name:TZ Lookup by Location, api_description:The Stadia TZ Lookup API provides time zone information, as well as information about any special offset (such as DST) in effect based on the latest IANA TZDB. Note that this API may not be accurate for timestamps in the past and does not claim to report precise nautical times in the open ocean beyond territorial waters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The latitude component of any point on land.\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The longitude component of any point on land.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tz_id\": \"str\", \"base_utc_offset\": \"int\", \"dst_offset\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5365", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Nearby Places, api_name:Place Details - (Google), api_description:Get contact and opening hours for a place.\n\nRequires a **place id** provided by **/nearby (Google)**., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Place ID.\\nThis value can be retrieved from */nearby* or */random* endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"place_id\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"address\": \"str\", \"types\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"map_url\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"opening_hours\": {\"open_now\": \"bool\", \"periods\": [{\"close\": {\"day\": \"int\", \"time\": \"str\"}, \"open\": {\"day\": \"int\", \"time\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 4}], \"weekday_text\": [\"list of str with length 7\"]}, \"website\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5366", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Nearby Places, api_name:Random (Google), api_description:Return a random place nearby., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"place_id\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"rating\": \"float\", \"address\": \"str\", \"distanceMeter\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5367", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Dubai Makani, api_name:GetMakaniInfoFromCoordination, api_description:When entering the coordinate (latitude & longitude) for certain\nlocation, this method/function will return building details (in case\nthis location falls inside a building), Makani details for the building\nand latitude & longitude for each Makani Number. Makani\nentrance(s) for the building can be plotted / pinned on an\nelectronic map by using the latitude & longitude for each Makani\nNumber., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"invalidHeaders\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"invalidQueryParams\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5368", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Dubai Makani, api_name:IsValidMakani, api_description:Makani Number is generated to uniquely identify each main entrance of\nan existing building. When entering Makani Number for certain\nentrance, this method/function will verify if the entry is valid, required_params: [{\"name\": \"makaniNo\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"invalidHeaders\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"invalidQueryParams\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5369", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Dubai Makani, api_name:GetQRCodeForMakaniNo, api_description:When entering Makani Number, this method/function returns the\nQR Code download path in .jpg file which includes URL for\nentrance’s location link., required_params: [{\"name\": \"makaniNo\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"invalidHeaders\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"invalidQueryParams\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5370", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Partenaires Mobilis, api_name:Partenaire par id, api_description:Récupérer un partenaire par son id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"id du partenaire fourni par API.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"nom\": \"str\", \"ridet\": \"str\", \"telephone\": \"str\", \"adresse\": \"str\", \"quartier\": \"str\", \"position\": {\"x\": \"float\", \"y\": \"float\"}, \"codeInsee\": \"str\", \"codePostal\": \"str\", \"ville\": \"str\", \"url_gmaps\": \"str\", \"url_fb\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5371", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Partenaires Mobilis, api_name:Get ALL partenaires, api_description:Récupérer tous les partenaires., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"nom\": \"str\", \"ridet\": \"str\", \"adresse\": \"str\", \"quartier\": \"NoneType\", \"ville\": \"str\", \"code_postal\": \"str\", \"code_insee\": \"str\", \"telephone\": \"str\", \"url_gmaps\": \"str\", \"url_fb\": \"str\"}, \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of float with length 2\"]}, \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5372", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Cities and Countries, api_name:SearchCities, api_description:API to search cities based on the matching search keyword passed in url param.\ne.g. \n`/v1/locations/cities/new y`: This will return all the matching cities whose name starts from `new y`.\nYou can also filter the cities or narrow down results for specific country by passing its 2 letter country code in query param which can be found from our searchCountry API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"city\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"page\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"totalResults\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5373", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Cities and Countries, api_name:ListAllCountries, api_description:This API returns list of all countries and can be paginated over the results., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"isActive\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\", \"alpha-2\": \"str\", \"alpha-3\": \"str\", \"country-code\": \"str\", \"iso_3166-2\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"sub-region\": \"str\", \"intermediate-region\": \"str\", \"region-code\": \"str\", \"sub-region-code\": \"str\", \"intermediate-region-code\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 200}], \"page\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"totalResults\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5374", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Time, api_name:Timezone for Location, api_description:Request the current time for a timezone (in plain text or JSON), required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location, example:\\\"London\\\" or \\\"London.txt\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"area\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Area, example:\\\"Europe\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"client_ip\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"day_of_week\": \"int\", \"day_of_year\": \"int\", \"dst\": \"bool\", \"dst_from\": \"str\", \"dst_offset\": \"int\", \"dst_until\": \"str\", \"raw_offset\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"unixtime\": \"int\", \"utc_datetime\": \"str\", \"utc_offset\": \"str\", \"week_number\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5375", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Local Search, api_name:/businesses, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5376", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Geolocation_v3, api_name:Get IP Geolocation, api_description:This endpoint returns geolocation and other useful points from an IP Address. If IP address is provided as query parameter, geolocation is performed on that IP address. If IP address is left empty, geolocation data of client IP is returned., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5377", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Location, api_name:Get the states, api_description:Get the states., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"country\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"alpha2\": \"str\", \"alpha3\": \"str\", \"number\": \"int\", \"countryCode\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5378", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Nearby Places, api_name:Nearby - (Google), api_description:Returns a **JSON array of nearby places** sorted by distance from the origin coordinates in ascending order.\n\nOnly values from **/types (Google)** are valid types.\n\nMaximum places returned per request is 20., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"place_id\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"address\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"int\", \"distanceMeter\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5379", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Location, api_name:Get the places by latitude and longitude, api_description:Get the places by latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5380", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:City by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/city, api_description:API Ninjas City API endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"country\": \"str\", \"population\": \"int\", \"is_capital\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5381", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Timezone By API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/timezone, api_description:API Ninjas Timezone API endpoint. Returns the timezone name of the specified input location.\n\nEither both (**lat** and **lon**) or (**city**/**state**/**country**) parameters must be set., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timezone\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5382", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:WGD Places, api_name:Get Country, api_description:Get country data using a name or continent, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"countryName\": \"str\", \"capitalCity\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"continent\": \"str\", \"subregion\": \"str\", \"population\": \"str\", \"callingCode\": \"str\", \"iso2\": \"str\", \"iso3\": \"str\", \"borders\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"nativeName\": \"str\", \"basicInformation\": \"str\", \"states\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"flag\": {\"path\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"size\": \"int\", \"mime\": \"str\", \"meta\": {\"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}, \"url\": \"str\"}, \"timezones\": [{\"timezones\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"currency\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"languages\": [{\"iso639_1\": \"str\", \"iso639_2\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nativeName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5383", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Time, api_name:Current time by IP, api_description:Request the current time based on your public IP, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"client_ip\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"day_of_week\": \"int\", \"day_of_year\": \"int\", \"dst\": \"bool\", \"dst_from\": \"NoneType\", \"dst_offset\": \"int\", \"dst_until\": \"NoneType\", \"raw_offset\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"unixtime\": \"int\", \"utc_datetime\": \"str\", \"utc_offset\": \"str\", \"week_number\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5384", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:WGD Places, api_name:Get City, api_description:Gets city information from a country id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"country_id\": \"int\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5385", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Tunisia API, api_name:Measure Distance, api_description:This endpoint calculates the distance between two locations based on their latitude and longitude coordinates, while allowing the user to specify the unit of measurement.\n\nBelow Example: **Distance from Sfax to Tunis**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the second location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the second location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lon1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the first location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the first location (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5386", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Time, api_name:Current time by Specific IP, api_description:Request the current time for a specific IP (in plain text), required_params: [{\"name\": \"ipv4\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specific IP address\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5387", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Wyre Data, api_name:Search restaurants by town, api_description:Find all Restaurants within a Town/City, required_params: [{\"name\": \"town\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"BusinessName\": \"str\", \"AddressLine2\": \"str\", \"AddressLine3\": \"str\", \"PostCode\": \"str\", \"RatingValue\": \"str\", \"Geocode_Longitude\": \"float\", \"Geocode_Latitude\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5388", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Location to Timezone, api_name:Convert Coordinates to Timezone String, api_description:This endpoint converts coordinates(latitude,longitude) to a timezone string which can be used for time calculations., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timeZoneId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5389", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP forensics - IP Geolocation, Currency Exchange And Threat Intelligence API, api_name:Single Lookup, api_description:## Single Lookup\n\nThis is the primary IpForensics endpoint. It is used to look up any given IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. \n\nTo call this endpoint, simply attach an IP address to the API's base URL (HTTP GET method):\n\n**Each request to the single IP lookup endpoint consumes 1 token.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip_address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your API Key - Obtain the API key from your dashboard\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5390", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Location_v2, api_name:search result, api_description:We are providing a location search result according to your search query,1, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5391", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:shw-geolocation-api, api_name:get geolocation data, api_description:fetch geolocation data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"asn\": \"str\", \"provider\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"subregion\": \"str\", \"alpha2\": \"str\", \"alpha3\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"start_of_week\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5392", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BPS, api_name:Health, api_description:Get the status of the API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5393", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Codigos Postales MX, api_name:Obtener CP, api_description:Obtén la lista de códigos postales encontrados acorde al parámetro solicitado, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"codigoPostal\": \"str\", \"municipio\": {\"nombre\": \"str\", \"codigo\": \"str\", \"clave\": \"str\"}, \"colonia\": \"str\", \"codigoOficina\": \"str\", \"estado\": {\"nombre\": \"str\", \"codigo\": \"str\"}, \"asenta\": {\"nombre\": \"str\", \"tipo\": \"str\"}, \"tipoDeZona\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5394", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Geolocation Metadata, api_name:IP-Locator, api_description:The API supports .csv, .xml and .json as output formats., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip_address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Specify the desired format as part of the request uri and the response will be formatted accordingly.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"region_code\": \"NoneType\", \"region_name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"zip_code\": \"str\", \"time_zone\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"metro_code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5395", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Pharmacies de garde NC, api_name:All, api_description:Renvoie les pharmacies de garde de Nouvelle-Calédonie, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"nom\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5396", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Income by Zipcode, api_name:Income By Zipcode, api_description:Income By Zipcode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"income_data\": {\"Households\": \"int\", \"Income100kTo150k\": \"int\", \"Income150kTo200k\": \"int\", \"Income25To44Years\": \"int\", \"Income25To44YearsError\": \"int\", \"Income25kTo50k\": \"int\", \"Income45To64Years\": \"int\", \"Income45To64YearsError\": \"int\", \"Income50kTo75k\": \"int\", \"Income65YearsAndOver\": \"int\", \"Income65YearsAndOverError\": \"int\", \"Income75kTo100k\": \"int\", \"IncomeAbove200k\": \"int\", \"IncomeLessThan25k\": \"int\", \"IncomeUnder25Years\": \"NoneType\", \"IncomeUnder25YearsError\": \"NoneType\", \"IncomeUnder35YearsOver100k\": \"int\", \"MeanIncome\": \"int\", \"MeanIncomeError\": \"int\", \"MedianHouseholdIncome\": \"int\", \"MedianHouseholdIncomeError\": \"int\", \"PerCapitaIncome\": \"int\", \"PerCapitaIncomeError\": \"int\", \"PercentIncomeOver200K\": \"float\", \"PercentIncomeOver200KError\": \"float\", \"State\": \"str\", \"Zipcode\": \"str\"}, \"zipcode\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5397", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Geo, api_name:Location IP, api_description:Location IP, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"region_name\": \"str\", \"city_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"zipcode\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5398", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Time by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/worldtime, api_description:API Ninjas World Time API endpoint. Returns the current date and time by city/state/country, location coordinates (latitude/longitude), or timezone.\n\nOne of the following parameter combinations must be set:\nlat + lon,\ncity (state and country optional),\ntimezone, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timezone\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"year\": \"str\", \"month\": \"str\", \"day\": \"str\", \"hour\": \"str\", \"minute\": \"str\", \"second\": \"str\", \"day_of_week\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5399", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:UK Postcode, api_name:/search, api_description:Find an street or post code using one of more key words, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query string\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"results\": [{\"postCode\": \"str\", \"postCodeTrimmed\": \"str\", \"streetName\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"plusCode\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"locality\": \"str\", \"area\": \"str\", \"numUPRNs\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5400", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Senegal API, api_name:Directions Between 2 Locations, api_description:This endpoint returns information about the route between two locations in terms of distance, duration, and steps.\n\nBelow Example: **Directions from a hospital in Koalack to Dakar**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the starting point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the starting point (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"steps\": [{\"direction\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"instruction\": \"str\", \"location\": [\"list of float with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 15}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5401", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Senegal API, api_name:Facilities Lookup, api_description:This endpoint allows you to get facilities in Senegal like hospital, bank, college, etc. by providing optional query parameters for facility type, region and city. It returns a list of facilities that match the query parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The region where the facility is located\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of amenity facility to search for (default: **hospital**)\\nOptions:\\n**aerodrome, bar, cafe, fast_food, pub, restaurant, college, driving_school, school, university, bank, atm, pharmacy,** etc.. \\n\\n[More options->](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_features#Amenity)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hospital\": [{\"ISO3166-2-lvl4\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"amenity\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"road\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\", \"village\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5402", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:US States and Postal areas in GeoJSON, api_name:Get Postal areas of specific US state in GeoJSON format, api_description:Get Postal areas of specific US state in GeoJSON format, required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5403", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:MapReflex, api_name:placesListByState, api_description:Get a plain list of Places of a state. Result is a plain list of place ids, not GeoJSON format. To retrieve boundaries of all Places of a state you may query method \"placesByIds\" with a portion of current method output., required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State name abbreviation. Test example: NY\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"int\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5404", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:MapReflex, api_name:countiesByState, api_description:Get Counties boundaries of state (in GeoJSON format). For a quick view, copy and paste results: http://geojsonlint.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State name abbreviation. Test example: TX\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"int\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5405", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Distance Calculator_v3, api_name:calc, api_description:Calculate distance between two coordinates, required_params: [{\"name\": \"startLongitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"startLatitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"endLongitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"endLatitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5406", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Services, api_name:timezone, api_description:Return timezone, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"City\": \"str\", \"TimeZone\": \"str\", \"Lon\": \"float\", \"lat\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5407", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:58 provinces of algeria, api_name:Provinces and municipalities, api_description:All Algeria provinces and ther municipalities., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5408", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:58 provinces of algeria, api_name:Wilaya_Informations, api_description:all provinces, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5409", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Geolocation Find IP Location and IP Info, api_name:Get IP Geolocation, api_description:This endpoint returns geolocation and other useful points from an IP Address. If IP address is provided as query parameter, geolocation is performed on that IP address. If IP address is left empty, geolocation data of client IP is returned., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"hostname\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"loc\": \"str\", \"org\": \"str\", \"postal\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"isEU\": \"bool\", \"country_flag\": {\"emoji\": \"str\", \"unicode\": \"str\"}, \"country_currency\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\"}, \"continent\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5410", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Time, api_name:Timezones, api_description:Request a list of valid timezones, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5411", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Location, api_name:Get the timezones, api_description:Get the timezones., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"countries\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 11}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5412", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Elevation From Latitude and Longitude, api_name:Get Elevation, api_description:Get Elevation, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"elevation\": \"float\", \"units\": \"str\", \"units_long\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5413", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Find By Address, api_name:Find By Address, api_description:“Find By Address” API gets addresses for the given search term. This API provides a JSON interface to search UK addresses. This API gives access to Royal Mail PAF data and Geocoding., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"upgrade-url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5414", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Countries, api_name:get phone number, api_description:This gets phone codes on a country. Use ISO2 for country_code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5415", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Countries, api_name:get time zone, api_description:This gets timezone data on a country. Use ISO2 for country_code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5416", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Countries, api_name:list all countries, api_description:This lists all countries., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5417", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Nearest Delhi Metro Station, api_name:Nearest Metro Station, api_description:This endpoint is a **GET** method API that returns -\n\n- **Station name**\n- **Latitude** & **Longitude** of the nearest Delhi Metro station\n- **Google Maps direction**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"long\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"maps_direction\": \"str\", \"station_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5418", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Geo Location and IP Reputation, api_name:ip, api_description:Returns all data for the provided IP, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ip_number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ip_version\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ip_address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"host\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geo_location\\\": {\\\"country_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"time_zone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zip_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_continent_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_continent_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_shortname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_longname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_alpha3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_iso_numeric_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_ioc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_capital_city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_states\\\": {\\\"Armed Forces Americas\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Armed Forces Europe, Canada, Africa and Middle East\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Alaska\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Alabama\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Armed Forces Pacific\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Arkansas\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"American Samoa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Arizona\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"California\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Colorado\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Connecticut\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"District of Columbia\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Delaware\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Florida\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Micronesia\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Georgia\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Guam\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hawaii\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Iowa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Idaho\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Il\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5419", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:URL Lookup by API-Ninjas, api_name:v1/urllookup, api_description:API Ninjas URL Lookup API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \" valid URL to check. It supports schemes (e.g. http://example.com) as well as schemeless (e.g. example.com) formats.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"is_valid\": \"bool\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"region_code\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"isp\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5420", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Senegal API, api_name:Measure Distance, api_description:This endpoint calculates the distance between two locations based on their latitude and longitude coordinates, while allowing the user to specify the unit of measurement.\n\nBelow Example: **Distance from a hospital in Koalack to Dakar**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the second location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the second location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lon1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the first location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the first location (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5421", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Referential, api_name:Timezones, api_description:List the world's time zones in 20 languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5422", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Country, api_name:Get Sub Regions, api_description:Get sub region list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5423", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Country, api_name:Get Countries, api_description:Get Country list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"total_items\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"iso3\": \"str\", \"iso2\": \"str\", \"numeric_code\": \"str\", \"phone_code\": \"str\", \"capital\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"currency_name\": \"str\", \"currency_symbol\": \"str\", \"tld\": \"str\", \"native\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"region\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"subregion\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"states\": \"empty list\", \"timezones\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"zone_name\": \"str\", \"tz_name\": \"str\", \"gmt_offset_name\": \"str\", \"gmt_offset\": \"int\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5424", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:KFC locations, api_name:Get by Id, api_description:Get by Id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Count\": \"int\", \"Items\": [{\"Phone\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"Address\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"City\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"Cuisine\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"Longitude\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"Latitude\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"Website\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"State\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"Hours\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"Zipcode\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"id\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"Name\": {\"S\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"ScannedCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5425", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Referential, api_name:City by id, api_description:Direct lookup of over 75,000 cities by id. See the v1/city API to search for city ids., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Lookup at /v1/city.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5426", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Referential, api_name:Continent by id, api_description:Lookup a continent by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Two letter iso continent code. Lookup /v1/continent.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5427", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geokeo Forward Geocoding, api_name:reverse.php, api_description:Blazing fast geocoding open service with world wide coverage and 24x7 Support.Quickly start deploying your apps with our affordable and accurate geocoding api.Support for all languages java, python, php, c, c++, React, Angular etc.Sign up without any credit card and get 2500 free api requests daily., required_params: [{\"name\": \"api\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"get your api key for free for 2500 api requests at [https://geokeo.com](https://geokeo.com)\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5428", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geokeo Forward Geocoding, api_name:search.php, api_description:Blazing fast geocoding open service with world wide coverage and 24x7 Support.Quickly start deploying your apps with our affordable and accurate geocoding api.Support for all languages java, python, php, c, c++, React, Angular etc.Sign up without any credit card and get 2500 free api requests daily., required_params: [{\"name\": \"api\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"get your api key for free for 2500 api requests at [https://geokeo.com](https://geokeo.com)\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5429", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:MapReflex, api_name:countiesSearchInRadius, api_description:Get Counties boundaries in circle with given radius (in GeoJSON format). For a quick view, copy and paste results: http://geojsonlint.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Radius size in miles. Min value is 1, max value is 50 miles.\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of radius center. Test example: -74.72\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of radius center. Test example: 40.61\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"int\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5430", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:MapReflex, api_name:states, api_description:Get boundaries of given States (in GeoJSON format). By default, returns boundaries of all States. For a quick view, copy and paste results: http://geojsonlint.com, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"int\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5431", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Tunisia API, api_name:Directions Between 2 Locations, api_description:This endpoint returns information about the route between two locations in terms of distance, duration, and steps.\n\nBelow Example: **Directions from Sfax to Tunis**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the starting point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the starting point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the ending point (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"steps\": [{\"direction\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"instruction\": \"str\", \"location\": [\"list of float with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 48}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5432", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:getCountries, api_name:getCountriesV2, api_description:get all coutries of the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5433", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Tunisia API, api_name:Facilities Lookup, api_description:This endpoint allows you to get facilities in Tunisia like hospital, bank, college, etc. by providing optional query parameters for facility type, province and city. It returns a list of facilities that match the query parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The city where the facility is located\"}, {\"name\": \"province\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The region where the facility is located\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of amenity facility to search for (default: **hospital**)\\nOptions:\\n**aerodrome, bar, cafe, fast_food, pub, restaurant, college, driving_school, school, university, bank, atm, pharmacy,** etc.. \\n\\n[More options->](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_features#Amenity)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hospital\": [{\"ISO3166-2-lvl4\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"amenity\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"province\": \"str\", \"road\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\", \"village\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5434", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:MapReflex, api_name:zipCodesByIds, api_description:Get boundaries of given ZIP Codes (in GeoJSON format). For a quick view, copy and paste results: http://geojsonlint.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Array of comma separated zipCodes/ids. Max size is 200. Test example: 10021,10022,10023\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5435", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Find By UDPRN, api_name:Find By UDPRN, api_description:“Find By UDPRN” API gets address for the specified UDPRN.\n\nUDPRN stands for ‘Unique Delivery Point Reference Number. A UDPRN is a unique numeric code (e.g. 64983) for any premise on the Postcode Address File.\n\nThis API uses the latest PAF and Multiple Residence data from Royal Mail.UDPRN are unique identifiers for every address in the UK that Royal Mail has in its database., required_params: [{\"name\": \"udprn\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"building_number\": \"str\", \"premise\": \"str\", \"building_name\": \"str\", \"sub_building_name\": \"str\", \"organisation_name\": \"str\", \"line_1\": \"str\", \"line_2\": \"str\", \"line_3\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"thoroughfare\": \"str\", \"post_town\": \"str\", \"po_box\": \"str\", \"ward\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"udprn\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"postcode_incode\": \"str\", \"postcode_outcode\": \"str\", \"postcode_compact\": \"str\", \"postcode_type\": \"str\", \"department_name\": \"str\", \"su_organisation_indicator\": \"str\", \"double_dependant_locality\": \"str\", \"dependant_thoroughfare\": \"str\", \"dependant_locality\": \"str\", \"delivery_point_suffix\": \"str\", \"geocode\": {\"eastings\": \"str\", \"northings\": \"str\", \"lattitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5436", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Itcooking.eu - IP Geolocation, api_name:/geoip/v1/lite/GetIpInfoLite, api_description:Identifying location for 1 IP address., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ipAddress\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"asn\\\": {\\\"asNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"organization\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"city\\\": {\\\"cityName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cityNames\\\": {\\\"en\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"location\\\": {\\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"mostSpecificSubdivision\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"names\\\": {\\\"en\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"subdivisions\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"names\\\": {\\\"en\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"stateOrProvinceName\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"continentCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continentName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continentNames\\\": {\\\"de\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"en\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"es\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ja\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ko\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pt-BR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ru\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zh-CN\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"countryIsoCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryNames\\\": {\\\"de\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"en\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"es\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ja\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ko\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pt-BR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ru\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zh-CN\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"isInEuropeanUnion\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"country\\\": {\\\"continentCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continentName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continentNames\\\": {\\\"de\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"en\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"es\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ja\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ko\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pt-BR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ru\\\": \\\"str\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5437", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:US States and Postal areas in GeoJSON, api_name:Get US states in GeoJSON format, api_description:Get US states in GeoJSON format, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5438", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Geolocator, api_name:IP lookup, api_description:## Retrieve an IP address geolocation and ASN informations., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"`IP address` to retrieve\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5439", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Viet Nam administrative divisions, api_name:Get All Districts Of A City In Vietnam, api_description:Get all names of districts in a city, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"province_code\": \"str\", \"province_name\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5440", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Viet Nam administrative divisions, api_name:Get All Wards Of A District In Vietnam, api_description:Get all names of wards in a district in Vietnam, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"district_code\": \"str\", \"district_name\": \"str\", \"province_code\": \"str\", \"province_name\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5441", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Viet Nam administrative divisions, api_name:Get All Cities in Vietnam, api_description:This endpoint will return back all names of cities in Vietnam, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5442", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GEOIP_v2, api_name:Visitor Lookup, api_description:Returns the IP address of the client with additional data., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5443", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Egypt API, api_name:Geocode, api_description:This endpoint allows you to lookup locations in Egypt by providing an address query parameter. It returns the latitude, longitude and city name of the location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the location to look up.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"display_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5444", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:mymappi, api_name:Search places, api_description:Searches around a set of coordinates within a certain radius (in meters) to retrieve a list of nearby points of interest of a specific type (optionally)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"licence\": \"str\", \"osm_type\": \"str\", \"osm_id\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"distance_to_source\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5445", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Reverse Geocoding_v3, api_name:Reverse Geocoding, api_description:Translate locations on the map into human-readable addresses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5446", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:UK PostCode API, api_name:/udprn/{udprn}, api_description:Gets addresses for given search term., required_params: [{\"name\": \"udprn\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Pass a search term to get addresses matching search query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"building_number\": \"str\", \"premise\": \"str\", \"building_name\": \"str\", \"sub_building_name\": \"str\", \"organisation_name\": \"str\", \"line_1\": \"str\", \"line_2\": \"str\", \"line_3\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"thoroughfare\": \"str\", \"post_town\": \"str\", \"po_box\": \"str\", \"ward\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"udprn\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"postcode_incode\": \"str\", \"postcode_outcode\": \"str\", \"postcode_compact\": \"str\", \"postcode_type\": \"str\", \"department_name\": \"str\", \"su_organisation_indicator\": \"str\", \"double_dependant_locality\": \"str\", \"dependant_thoroughfare\": \"str\", \"dependant_locality\": \"str\", \"delivery_point_suffix\": \"str\", \"geocode\": {\"eastings\": \"str\", \"northings\": \"str\", \"lattitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5447", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:UK PostCode API, api_name:/addresses, api_description:Gets addresses for given search term., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Pass a search term to get addresses matching search query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5448", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:UK PostCode API, api_name:/addresses/autocomplete, api_description:Suggests address results for a given search term., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"pass a search term for address suggestions for a complete or partial address query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5449", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Localization services, api_name:health, api_description:Checks health status of services, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5450", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Global WebServer or IP Response Time and Location, api_name:Geo Ping Global IP lookup, api_description:Connects to 12 global servers and determines the local ip at that location for a given domain name or ip address, reports back location and response time of servers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"california-US-ipv6\\\": {\\\"ip_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"results\\\": {\\\"seq\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slaac\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"domain\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"global_unicast\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"teredo\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"six2four\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"possible_mac\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"isp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"icmp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"webtime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ssltime\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"new-york-us-ipv6\\\": {\\\"ip_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"results\\\": {\\\"seq\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slaac\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"domain\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"global_unicast\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"teredo\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"six2four\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"possible_mac\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"isp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"icmp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"webtime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ssltime\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"bahrain-UAE-ipv6\\\": {\\\"ip_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"results\\\": {\\\"seq\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slaac\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"domain\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"global_unicast\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"teredo\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"six2four\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"possible_mac\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5451", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Geolocator, api_name:Health check, api_description:Check if the API is up and running., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5452", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Dubai Makani, api_name:GetMakaniDetails, api_description:When entering Makani Number for certain building entrance, this\nmethod/function will return building details and Makani details for\nthe building. In case Makani Number is available in more than\none emirate, this method/function will list the emirates and their\ncommunities, required_params: [{\"name\": \"makanoNo\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"invalidHeaders\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"invalidQueryParams\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5453", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Location, api_name:Get the addresses by latitude and longitude, api_description:Get the addresses by latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"postalCode\": \"str\", \"street\": \"str\", \"neighborhood\": \"str\", \"city\": {\"name\": \"str\"}, \"state\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\"}, \"country\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"alpha2\": \"str\", \"alpha3\": \"str\"}, \"coordinates\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5454", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Vessels, api_name:Latest vessel position, api_description:Latest vessel position, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mmsi\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5455", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Pharmacies de garde NC, api_name:Health, api_description:Renvoie le statut de l'application : up ou down, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"checks\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5456", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Country Information and Conversion API, api_name:ByCountryName, api_description:# Country Information and Conversion API\n\nThe Country Information and Conversion API provides comprehensive country-related data and conversion capabilities, allowing developers to access detailed information about countries worldwide and seamlessly convert between country names and country codes.\n\n## Endpoints\n\n### Get Country Code by Name\n\nRetrieve the country code based on the country name.\n\n- **URL:** `/api/country/code/:name`\n- **Method:** `GET`\n- **Parameters:**\n - `:name` - The name of the country.\n\nExample Request:\n```\nGET /api/country/code/United States\n```\n\nExample Response:\n```json\n{\n \"code\": \"US\",\n \"name\": \"United States\",\n \"capital\": \"Washington, D.C.\",\n \"population\": 331002651,\n \"language\": \"English\",\n \"currency\": \"USD\",\n \"timezone\": \"UTC-04:00, UTC-05:00\"\n}\n```\n\n### Get Country Name by Code\n\nRetrieve the country name based on the country code.\n\n- **URL:** `/api/country/name/:code`\n- **Method:** `GET`\n- **Parameters:**\n - `:code` - The country code.\n\nExample Request:\n```\nGET /api/country/name/US\n```\n\nExample Response:\n```json\n{\n \"code\": \"US\",\n \"name\": \"United States\",\n \"capital\": \"Washington, D.C.\",\n \"population\": 331002651,\n \"language\": \"English\",\n \"currency\": \"USD\",\n \"timezone\": \"UTC-04:00, UTC-05:00\"\n}\n```\n\n## Additional Country Information\n\nIn addition to the country code and name, both endpoints provide the following additional information about each country:\n\n- `capital`: The capital city of the country.\n- `population`: The population count of the country.\n- `language`: The official language(s) spoken in the country.\n- `currency`: The currency used in the country.\n- `timezone`: The time zone(s) observed in the country.\n\nPlease note that the additional country information is included in the example responses for both endpoints.\n\n## Error Handling\n\nThe API returns appropriate HTTP status codes and error responses to indicate various scenarios:\n\n- `200 OK`: Successful request and response.\n- `400 Bad Request`: Invalid request parameters or missing required parameters.\n- `404 Not Found`: Country not found or invalid country name/code.\n- `500 Internal Server Error`: An unexpected error occurred.\n\nPlease make sure to handle these status codes appropriately in your application., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"capital\": \"str\", \"population\": \"int\", \"language\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5457", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Country Information and Conversion API, api_name:ByCountryCode, api_description:# Country Information and Conversion API\n\nThe Country Information and Conversion API provides comprehensive country-related data and conversion capabilities, allowing developers to access detailed information about countries worldwide and seamlessly convert between country names and country codes.\n\n## Endpoints\n\n### Get Country Code by Name\n\nRetrieve the country code based on the country name.\n\n- **URL:** `/api/country/code/:name`\n- **Method:** `GET`\n- **Parameters:**\n - `:name` - The name of the country.\n\nExample Request:\n```\nGET /api/country/code/United States\n```\n\nExample Response:\n```json\n{\n \"code\": \"US\",\n \"name\": \"United States\",\n \"capital\": \"Washington, D.C.\",\n \"population\": 331002651,\n \"language\": \"English\",\n \"currency\": \"USD\",\n \"timezone\": \"UTC-04:00, UTC-05:00\"\n}\n```\n\n### Get Country Name by Code\n\nRetrieve the country name based on the country code.\n\n- **URL:** `/api/country/name/:code`\n- **Method:** `GET`\n- **Parameters:**\n - `:code` - The country code.\n\nExample Request:\n```\nGET /api/country/name/US\n```\n\nExample Response:\n```json\n{\n \"code\": \"US\",\n \"name\": \"United States\",\n \"capital\": \"Washington, D.C.\",\n \"population\": 331002651,\n \"language\": \"English\",\n \"currency\": \"USD\",\n \"timezone\": \"UTC-04:00, UTC-05:00\"\n}\n```\n\n## Additional Country Information\n\nIn addition to the country code and name, both endpoints provide the following additional information about each country:\n\n- `capital`: The capital city of the country.\n- `population`: The population count of the country.\n- `language`: The official language(s) spoken in the country.\n- `currency`: The currency used in the country.\n- `timezone`: The time zone(s) observed in the country.\n\nPlease note that the additional country information is included in the example responses for both endpoints.\n\n## Error Handling\n\nThe API returns appropriate HTTP status codes and error responses to indicate various scenarios:\n\n- `200 OK`: Successful request and response.\n- `400 Bad Request`: Invalid request parameters or missing required parameters.\n- `404 Not Found`: Country not found or invalid country name/code.\n- `500 Internal Server Error`: An unexpected error occurred.\n\nPlease make sure to handle these status codes appropriately in your application., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"capital\": \"str\", \"population\": \"int\", \"language\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5458", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Feroeg - Reverse Geocoding, api_name:ReverseGeocode, api_description:Return a text address from a latitude/longitude location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5459", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:District Capitals In Ghana, api_name:Get All District Capital, api_description:The endpoint retrieves all the district capitals, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": {\"$oid\": \"str\"}, \"COV_DIST_1\": \"int\", \"NAMECAP\": \"str\", \"DISTRICT\": \"str\", \"POPCAP\": \"int\", \"POINT_X\": \"float\", \"POINT_Y\": \"float\", \"xcoord\": \"float\", \"ycoord\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5460", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:District Capitals In Ghana, api_name:Get District Capital By ID, api_description:This endpoint gets a particular district capital by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": {\"$oid\": \"str\"}, \"COV_DIST_1\": \"int\", \"NAMECAP\": \"str\", \"DISTRICT\": \"str\", \"POPCAP\": \"int\", \"POINT_X\": \"float\", \"POINT_Y\": \"float\", \"xcoord\": \"float\", \"ycoord\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5461", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:District Capitals In Ghana, api_name:Get District Capital By Name, api_description:This endpoint gets a district capital by district name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": {\"$oid\": \"str\"}, \"COV_DIST_1\": \"int\", \"NAMECAP\": \"str\", \"DISTRICT\": \"str\", \"POPCAP\": \"int\", \"POINT_X\": \"float\", \"POINT_Y\": \"float\", \"xcoord\": \"float\", \"ycoord\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5462", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Country by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/country, api_description:API Ninjas Country API endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"gdp\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"sex_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"surface_area\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"life_expectancy_male\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"unemployment\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"imports\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"homicide_rate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"currency\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"iso2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"employment_services\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"employment_industry\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"urban_population_growth\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"secondary_school_enrollment_female\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"employment_agriculture\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"capital\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"co2_emissions\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"forested_area\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tourists\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"exports\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"life_expectancy_female\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"post_secondary_enrollment_female\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"post_secondary_enrollment_male\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"primary_school_enrollment_female\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"infant_mortality\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"gdp_growth\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"threatened_species\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"population\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"urban_population\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"secondary_school_enrollment_male\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pop_growth\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pop_density\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"internet_users\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"gdp_per_capita\\\": \\\"float\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5463", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Country, api_name:Get Time Zones, api_description:Get Time Zone list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"total_items\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"zone_name\": \"str\", \"tz_name\": \"str\", \"gmt_offset_name\": \"str\", \"gmt_offset\": \"int\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5464", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Country, api_name:Get States, api_description:Get State list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"total_items\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5465", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Wyre Data, api_name:Get all data on an establishment by restaurant, api_description:Find a Restaurant, required_params: [{\"name\": \"restaurant\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"FHRSID\": \"int\", \"LocalAuthorityBusinessID\": \"int\", \"BusinessName\": \"str\", \"BusinessType\": \"str\", \"BusinessTypeID\": \"int\", \"AddressLine1\": \"str\", \"AddressLine2\": \"str\", \"AddressLine3\": \"str\", \"PostCode\": \"str\", \"RatingValue\": \"str\", \"RatingKey\": \"str\", \"RatingDate\": \"str\", \"LocalAuthorityCode\": \"int\", \"LocalAuthorityName\": \"str\", \"LocalAuthorityWebSite\": \"str\", \"LocalAuthorityEmailAddress\": \"str\", \"Scores_Hygiene\": \"str\", \"Scores_Structural\": \"str\", \"Scores_ConfidenceInManagement\": \"str\", \"SchemeType\": \"str\", \"Geocode_Longitude\": \"float\", \"Geocode_Latitude\": \"float\", \"AddressLine4\": \"str\", \"Scores\": \"str\", \"Geocode\": \"str\", \"RatingDate_xsi:nil\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5466", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Wyre Data, api_name:Get ratings by restaurant, api_description:Find a Food Hygiene Rating for a restaurant, required_params: [{\"name\": \"restaurant\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"FHRSID\": \"int\", \"LocalAuthorityBusinessID\": \"int\", \"BusinessName\": \"str\", \"BusinessType\": \"str\", \"BusinessTypeID\": \"int\", \"AddressLine1\": \"str\", \"AddressLine2\": \"str\", \"AddressLine3\": \"str\", \"PostCode\": \"str\", \"RatingValue\": \"str\", \"RatingKey\": \"str\", \"RatingDate\": \"str\", \"LocalAuthorityCode\": \"int\", \"LocalAuthorityName\": \"str\", \"LocalAuthorityWebSite\": \"str\", \"LocalAuthorityEmailAddress\": \"str\", \"Scores_Hygiene\": \"str\", \"Scores_Structural\": \"str\", \"Scores_ConfidenceInManagement\": \"str\", \"SchemeType\": \"str\", \"Geocode_Longitude\": \"float\", \"Geocode_Latitude\": \"float\", \"AddressLine4\": \"str\", \"Scores\": \"str\", \"Geocode\": \"str\", \"RatingDate_xsi:nil\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5467", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:UK Postcode To Latitude and Longitude, api_name:Search Single Postcode, api_description:Search a single postcode and return the latitude and longitude, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"output\": [{\"postcode\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5468", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Nearby Places, api_name:Types - (Google), api_description:Get a list of establishment types.\n\nThese types will only work with **/nearby (Google)**., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5469", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:MapReflex, api_name:countyByNameAndState, api_description:Get boundaries of County by name and state (in GeoJSON format). For a quick view, copy and paste results: http://geojsonlint.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Full county name. Test example: Logan\"}, {\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State name abbreviation. Test example: KS\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"int\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5470", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Address Tracker - Free, api_name:Auto IP Lookup, api_description:This endpoint will automatically look up the ip of your users, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"ip\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"isp\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5471", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geography _v2, api_name:get city by id, api_description:get city by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5472", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geography _v2, api_name:countries, api_description:get a list of all the countries filtering by name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5473", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geography _v2, api_name:get country by id, api_description:get a single country by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5474", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Senegal API, api_name:Reverse Geocode, api_description:This endpoint allows you to perform reverse geocoding in Senegal by providing query parameters for latitude and longitude. It returns the name of the city where the location is located., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The longitude of the location.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The latitude of the location.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amenity\": \"str\", \"boundingbox\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"category\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5475", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Senegal API, api_name:Geocode, api_description:This endpoint allows you to lookup locations in Senegal by providing an address query parameter. It returns the latitude, longitude and city name of the location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"he name of the location to look up.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"display_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5476", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:get cities, api_name:v1/geo/cities, api_description:s, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5477", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Australian Suburbs, api_name:Suburbs, api_description:Search for suburbs by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"suburb\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Part of suburb name or suburb name. Min length 3\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5478", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Australian Suburbs, api_name:Neighbours, api_description:Find neighbouring suburbs based on the distance in km., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Don't change\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Radius around the provided suburb in kilometers (km)\"}, {\"name\": \"locationId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Suburb ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5479", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:UK Postcode, api_name:/getpostcode, api_description:Find an exact match for a given post code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"postcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An exact match for the post code to be queried\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"result\": {\"postCode\": \"str\", \"postCodeTrimmed\": \"str\", \"streetName\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"plusCode\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"locality\": \"str\", \"area\": \"str\", \"numUPRNs\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5480", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:CatchLoc, api_name:[Group Management] API access for registered group list, api_description:API access for group information.\n\nrequired parameter : api (api.common.group.get.list), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5481", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Address Geolocation, api_name:IP Geolocation, api_description:Returns the geolocation of the given IP address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5482", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Address Validation NL, api_name:/api/v1/addresses, api_description:Get Address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Postcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"HouseNumber\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"streetName\": \"str\", \"residence\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5483", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Partenaires Mobilis, api_name:Géolocaliser les partenaires, api_description:Récupérer tous les partenaires, ou récupérer tous les partenaires dans un rayon donné autour d'un point donné :\n\n- **nearByLon**= {longitude du centre du cercle de la zone de recherche}\n- **nearByLat**= {latitude du centre du cercle de la zone de recherche}\n- **nearByDistance**= {rayon du cercle de la zone de recherche}, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"nom\": \"str\", \"ridet\": \"str\", \"adresse\": \"str\", \"quartier\": \"str\", \"ville\": \"str\", \"code_postal\": \"str\", \"code_insee\": \"str\", \"telephone\": \"str\", \"url_gmaps\": \"str\", \"url_fb\": \"str\"}, \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of float with length 2\"]}, \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5484", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:ip-lookup, api_name:IPLookup, api_description:IPLookup, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"hostname\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"loc\": \"str\", \"org\": \"str\", \"postal\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"all\": {\"ip\": \"str\", \"hostname\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"loc\": \"str\", \"org\": \"str\", \"postal\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5485", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:mymappi, api_name:Snap to road, api_description:Given a geographical coordinate, it retrieves the another coordinate which is snapped to the nearest road. This means that the snapped coordinate is found by calculating the intersection between the longitudinal axis of the nearest road segment and the perpendicular line between the provided coordinate and this longitudinal axis., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"licence\": \"str\", \"osm_type\": \"str\", \"osm_id\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"distance_to_source\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5486", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:mymappi, api_name:Isochrone, api_description:The Isochrone API allows you to request polygon or line features that show areas that are reachable within a few specified amounts of time from a certain location in different routing profiles (car, on foot and soon bike and public transport)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"max_time\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"profile\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"licence\": \"str\", \"osm_type\": \"str\", \"osm_id\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"distance_to_source\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5487", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Reverse Geocoding_v2, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5488", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP to Country Name, api_name:ip, api_description:A Free API for getting Country name Of any IP, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You Can Change IP address.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5489", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BPS, api_name:All BPs, api_description:Lister toutes les boîtes postales, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bpId\": \"int\", \"libelle\": \"str\", \"rangeMin\": \"str\", \"rangeMax\": \"str\", \"codePostal\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"localite\": \"str\", \"libelle\": \"str\", \"codeCommune\": \"int\", \"province\": \"str\", \"cedex\": \"bool\", \"bp\": \"bool\", \"domicile\": \"bool\"}, \"ilot\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5490", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BPS, api_name:Code postal par code, api_description:Fournit les informations à partir d'un code postal connu en Nouvelle Calédonie., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"localite\": \"str\", \"libelle\": \"str\", \"codeCommune\": \"int\", \"province\": \"str\", \"cedex\": \"bool\", \"bp\": \"bool\", \"domicile\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5491", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Schweizer Postleitzahlen, api_name:getZIP, api_description:get town information from ZIP-code (Postleitzahl), required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"distinct\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [{\"zip\": \"int\", \"bfs\": \"int\", \"town\": \"str\", \"canton\": \"str\", \"zip-share\": \"float\", \"locale\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5492", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Timezone by Location, api_name:Timezone, api_description:Convert a position into its timezone, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Safezone\": \"float\", \"Zones\": [{\"CountryAlpha2\": \"str\", \"CountryName\": \"str\", \"Result\": \"str\", \"TimezoneId\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5493", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:CatchLoc, api_name:[Group Management] API access for modifying group information, api_description:API access to modifying location object's group information\n\nrequired parameter : api (api.common.group.set.modify), required_params: [{\"name\": \"timestamp\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"group_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"cert_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"group_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5494", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GoApis Geocoding API, api_name:Geocding, api_description:Geocoding is the process of converting a physical address into geographic coordinates, such as latitude and longitude. It allows for the identification of a specific location on the Earth's surface, making it possible to map and analyze data spatially, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"plus_code\": {\"compound_code\": \"str\", \"global_code\": \"str\"}, \"results\": [{\"address_components\": [{\"long_name\": \"str\", \"short_name\": \"str\", \"types\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 8}], \"formatted_address\": \"str\", \"geometry\": {\"location\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"location_type\": \"str\", \"viewport\": {\"northeast\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"southwest\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}}}, \"place_id\": \"str\", \"plus_code\": {\"compound_code\": \"str\", \"global_code\": \"str\"}, \"types\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 9}], \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5495", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Locations - Languages, Countries & German Cities, api_name:Countries All (min), api_description:Minimized information of all countries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"nameEngCommon\": \"str\", \"nameNativeCommon\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5496", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Locations - Languages, Countries & German Cities, api_name:\"All\" Languages, api_description:List of most of the worldwide languages with the language code, the native language name and the English translation, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"eng\": \"str\", \"native\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5497", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Tanzania API, api_name:Facilities Lookup, api_description:This endpoint allows you to get facilities in Tanzania like hospital, bank, college, etc. by providing optional query parameters for facility type, region and city. It returns a list of facilities that match the query parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of amenity facility to search for (default: **hospital**)\\nOptions:\\n**aerodrome, bar, cafe, fast_food, pub, restaurant, college, driving_school, school, university, bank, atm, pharmacy,** etc.. \\n\\n[More options->](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_features#Amenity)\"}, {\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The region where the facility is located\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hospital\": [{\"ISO3166-2-lvl4\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"amenity\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"road\": \"str\", \"subward\": \"str\", \"ward\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5498", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geocoder - United States Census Bureau, api_name:Geocoding and Geolookup for an address, api_description:Returns a geocode and a geolookup for a specified address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"benchmark\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A numerical ID or name that references what version of the locator should be searched.\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address in one line\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json or html\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5499", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IsItWater.com, api_name:Is a coordinate water?, api_description:Given a latitude and longitude, return if that coordinate on Earth is water., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"water\": \"bool\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5500", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Locations - Languages, Countries & German Cities, api_name:Filter German Cities, api_description:Filter all German citities by name or postal code, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"city\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"long\": \"float\", \"postal_code\": \"int\", \"postal_code_5\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5501", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Countries, api_name:get capital, api_description:This gets capital data on a country. Use ISO2 for country_code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5502", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:mymappi, api_name:Speed limit, api_description:Given a coordinate, it retrieves speed limit info about the nearest road segment, in km/h., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"licence\": \"str\", \"osm_type\": \"str\", \"osm_id\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"distance_to_source\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5503", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:CatchLoc, api_name:[Group Management] API access for device's group list, api_description:API access for location object's group list.\n\nrequired parameter : api (api.common.group.get.object.group.list), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5504", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Countries, api_name:iso2, api_description:This gets country name on a country. Use ISO2 for country_code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5505", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Directory, api_name:lookup, api_description:This is the only endpoint available to this API. It accepts an IP Address and returns all available associated data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"IP Address to look up\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5506", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geography _v2, api_name:cities, api_description:get a list of all the cities filtering by name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5507", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:USA ZIP Codes Inside Radius, api_name:Search By Centre ZIP and Radius, api_description:Perform a single radius search with a defined radius and then a location in the form of a ZIP code OR a latitude/longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"output\": [{\"zip\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 64}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5508", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:USA ZIP Codes Inside Radius, api_name:Search By Latitude & Longitude and Radius, api_description:Perform a single radius search with a defined radius and then a location in the form of a ZIP code OR a latitude/longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"output\": [{\"zip\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 318}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5509", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Geolocation API, api_name:IP Geolocation, api_description:IP Geolocation, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip_address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip_address\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"city_geoname_id\": \"int\", \"region\": \"str\", \"region_iso_code\": \"str\", \"region_geoname_id\": \"int\", \"postal_code\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"country_geoname_id\": \"int\", \"country_is_eu\": \"bool\", \"continent\": \"str\", \"continent_code\": \"str\", \"continent_geoname_id\": \"int\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"security\": {\"is_vpn\": \"bool\"}, \"timezone\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"gmt_offset\": \"int\", \"current_time\": \"str\", \"is_dst\": \"bool\"}, \"flag\": {\"emoji\": \"str\", \"unicode\": \"str\", \"png\": \"str\", \"svg\": \"str\"}, \"currency\": {\"currency_name\": \"str\", \"currency_code\": \"str\"}, \"connection\": {\"autonomous_system_number\": \"int\", \"autonomous_system_organization\": \"str\", \"connection_type\": \"str\", \"isp_name\": \"str\", \"organization_name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5510", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Wyre Data, api_name:Search restaurants by local authority, api_description:Find all Restaurants within a Local Authority, required_params: [{\"name\": \"localauthority\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"FHRSID\": \"int\", \"BusinessName\": \"str\", \"BusinessType\": \"str\", \"BusinessTypeID\": \"int\", \"AddressLine1\": \"str\", \"AddressLine2\": \"str\", \"AddressLine3\": \"str\", \"PostCode\": \"str\", \"RatingValue\": \"str\", \"RatingKey\": \"str\", \"RatingDate\": \"str\", \"LocalAuthorityCode\": \"int\", \"LocalAuthorityName\": \"str\", \"LocalAuthorityWebSite\": \"str\", \"LocalAuthorityEmailAddress\": \"str\", \"Scores_Hygiene\": \"str\", \"Scores_Structural\": \"str\", \"Scores_ConfidenceInManagement\": \"str\", \"SchemeType\": \"str\", \"Geocode_Longitude\": \"float\", \"Geocode_Latitude\": \"float\", \"AddressLine4\": \"str\", \"Scores\": \"str\", \"Geocode\": \"str\", \"RatingDate_xsi:nil\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5511", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Distance Calculation API by Pizza API, api_name:Calculate distance By Lat & Long, api_description:Calculate Distance between to place by their latitude and longitudes and metric you want the output of., required_params: [{\"name\": \"metric\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5512", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Geo Location and IP Reputation, api_name:format, api_description:Format to display data\nCan be \"json\" or \"xml\"\nBy default will be select json, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ip_number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ip_version\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ip_address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"host\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geo_location\\\": {\\\"country_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"time_zone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zip_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_continent_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_continent_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_shortname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_longname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_alpha3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_iso_numeric_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_ioc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_capital_city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_states\\\": {\\\"Beijing\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Tianjin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hebei\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Shanxi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Inner Mongolia\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Liaoning\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Jilin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Heilongjiang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Shanghai\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Jiangsu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Zhejiang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Anhui\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Fujian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Jiangxi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Shandong\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Henan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hubei\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hunan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Guangdong\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Guangxi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Hainan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Chongqing\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Sichuan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Guizhou\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Yunnan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Ti\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5513", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:India Pincode API, api_name:findpincodebydistrict, api_description:findpincodebydistrict, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"noOfItems\": \"int\", \"result\": [{\"taluk\": \"str\", \"pincode\": \"str\", \"districtname\": \"str\", \"placename\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"statename\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"accuracy\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 18}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5514", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BPS, api_name:All communes, api_description:La liste des communes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"province\": \"str\", \"nom\": \"str\", \"nomMinus\": \"str\", \"codeCom\": \"int\", \"codePost\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5515", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name: Forward & Reverse Geocoding by googleMap api, api_name:forward, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"code\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"boundingbox\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"place_rank\": \"int\", \"category\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"importance\": \"float\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5516", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name: Forward & Reverse Geocoding by googleMap api, api_name:reverse, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"code\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"address\": \"str\", \"province\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5517", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GeoSource API, api_name:ZipCode By City, api_description:Retrives the zip code/codes of the city ( must be in the supported countries list [ 44 countries ])., required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"CityName\": \"str\", \"StateCode\": \"str\", \"CountryCode\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"zip\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5518", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BDapi, api_name:All Divisions with Coordinates, api_description:`/v1.1/divisions`\nGet all divisions with coordinates in English and Bangla.\n\n**Response**\n```\nstatus: object,\ndata: [\n _id: string,\n division: string,\n divisionbn: string,\n coordinates: string\n]\n```, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"division\": \"str\", \"divisionbn\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5519", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BDapi, api_name:All Districts, api_description:`/v1.0/districts`\nGet all Districts of Bangladesh in English and Bangla.\n\n**Response**\n```\nstatus: object,\ndata: [\n _id: string,\n district: string,\n districtbn: string\n]\n```, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"districtbn\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 64}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5520", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geocoding Places, api_name:Get Geocoding, api_description:Get complete readable place info in prefered language based on given coordinate in latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"version\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude in decimal degrees (wgs84)\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude in decimal degrees (wgs84)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"continent\": \"str\", \"lookupSource\": \"str\", \"continentCode\": \"str\", \"localityLanguageRequested\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"countryName\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"principalSubdivision\": \"str\", \"principalSubdivisionCode\": \"str\", \"plusCode\": \"str\", \"locality\": \"str\", \"localityInfo\": {\"LikelyLand\": \"bool\", \"administrative\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"order\": \"int\", \"adminLevel\": \"int\", \"isoCode\": \"str\", \"wikidataId\": \"str\", \"geonameId\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"informative\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"order\": \"int\", \"isoCode\": \"str\", \"wikidataId\": \"str\", \"geonameId\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5521", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geocoding Places, api_name:Get Geocoding with Images, api_description:Get complete readable place info with high resolution images in prefered language based on given latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude in decimal degrees (wgs84)\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude in decimal degrees (wgs84)\"}, {\"name\": \"version\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"continent\": \"str\", \"lookupSource\": \"str\", \"continentCode\": \"str\", \"localityLanguageRequested\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"countryName\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"principalSubdivision\": \"str\", \"principalSubdivisionCode\": \"str\", \"plusCode\": \"str\", \"locality\": \"str\", \"localityInfo\": {\"LikelyLand\": \"bool\", \"administrative\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"order\": \"int\", \"adminLevel\": \"int\", \"isoCode\": \"str\", \"wikidataId\": \"str\", \"geonameId\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"informative\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"order\": \"int\", \"isoCode\": \"str\", \"wikidataId\": \"str\", \"geonameId\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}, \"images\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"width\": \"int\", \"byteSize\": \"int\", \"thumbnailLink\": \"str\", \"thumbnailHeight\": \"int\", \"thumbnailWidth\": \"int\", \"imageLink\": \"str\", \"mime\": \"str\", \"fileFormat\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5522", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Cameroon, api_name:Directions Between 2 Locations, api_description:This endpoint returns information about the route between two locations in terms of distance, duration, and steps., required_params: [{\"name\": \"end_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the starting point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the starting point (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"steps\": [{\"direction\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"instruction\": \"str\", \"location\": [\"list of float with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 43}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5523", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geocoding Places, api_name:Get Geocoding with Videos, api_description:Get complete readable place info in prefered language with related video on Youtube based on given latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude in decimal degrees (wgs84)\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude in decimal degrees (wgs84)\"}, {\"name\": \"version\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"continent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lookupSource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continentCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"localityLanguageRequested\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"principalSubdivision\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"principalSubdivisionCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"plusCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"localityInfo\\\": {\\\"LikelyLand\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"administrative\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"order\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"adminLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isoCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"wikidataId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geonameId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}], \\\"informative\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"order\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isoCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"wikidataId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geonameId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}]}, \\\"videos\\\": {\\\"nextPageToken\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"items\\\": [{\\\"snippet\\\": {\\\"publishedAt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channelId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnails\\\": {\\\"default\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"medium\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"high\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"in\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5524", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Cameroon, api_name:Measure Distance Reverse, api_description:This endpoint calculates the distance between two addresses in Cameroon., required_params: [{\"name\": \"stop_address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The destination address for which the distance needs to be calculated\"}, {\"name\": \"start_address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The starting address for which the distance needs to be calculated.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"distance_unit\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"start\": \"str\", \"stop\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5525", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GeoSource API, api_name:Location By City, api_description:Retrives the lat and lng of the city., required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"CityName\": \"str\", \"StateCode\": \"str\", \"CountryCode\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5526", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geocoder - United States Census Bureau, api_name:Geocoding for an address, api_description:Returns a geocode for a specified address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"benchmark\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A numerical ID or name that references what version of the locator should be searched.\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single line containing the full address to be searched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"input\": {\"address\": {\"address\": \"str\"}, \"benchmark\": {\"isDefault\": \"bool\", \"benchmarkDescription\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"benchmarkName\": \"str\"}}, \"addressMatches\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5527", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:CatchLoc, api_name:[Group Management] API access for creating group, api_description:API access for location object's group designation and creation.\n\nrequired parameter : api (api.common.group.set.add), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5528", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:CatchLoc, api_name:[Group Management] API access for Group's device list, api_description:API access for location object group's device list.\n\nrequired parameter : api(api.common.group.get.group.object.list), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5529", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:US Cellular, api_name:Terminal Location, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5530", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Códigos Postales de España, api_name:Municipio por código postal, api_description:Obtiene el municipio al que pertenece un código postal, required_params: [{\"name\": \"codigo-postal\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"codigo_postal\": \"str\", \"municipio\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5531", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:https://ipfinder.io/, api_name:ipfinder, api_description:ASN, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5532", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP To Location - Apiip, api_name:Get IP data, api_description:Detailed information on our website: https://apiip.net/, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5533", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GeoWide, api_name:Distance, api_description:This API endpoint takes latitude and longitude coordinates for two points and calculates the geodesic and great circle distances between them. It returns a json object with formatted coordinate information for each point, along with the distances in miles, kilometres, meters, feet, and nautical miles for both geodesic and great circle measurements., required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"start_latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"end_latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"end_longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"point1_decimal\": \"str\", \"point1_unicode\": \"str\", \"point1_format\": \"str\", \"point2_decimal\": \"str\", \"point2_unicode\": \"str\", \"point2_format\": \"str\", \"geodesic_distance\": {\"distance_miles\": \"float\", \"distance_kilometers\": \"float\", \"distance_metres\": \"float\", \"distance_feet\": \"float\", \"distance_nautical_miles\": \"float\"}, \"great_circle_distance\": {\"distance_miles\": \"float\", \"distance_kilometers\": \"float\", \"distance_metres\": \"float\", \"distance_feet\": \"float\", \"distance_nautical_miles\": \"float\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5534", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Egypt API, api_name:Facilities Lookup, api_description:This endpoint allows you to get facilities in Egypt like hospital, bank, college, etc. by providing optional query parameters for facility type, gov (governorate) and city. It returns a list of facilities that match the query parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gov\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The governorate where the facility is located\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of amenity facility to search for (default: **hospital**)\\nOptions:\\n**aerodrome, bar, cafe, fast_food, pub, restaurant, college, driving_school, school, university, bank, atm, pharmacy,** etc.. \\n\\n[More options->](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_features#Amenity)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hospital\": [{\"ISO3166-2-lvl4\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"amenity\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"governorate\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"road\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\", \"village\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5535", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Spott, api_name:Get place by IP, api_description:Returns the Place where a given IP Address is located. Returns \"Not Found\" error when no place is related to the IP. When sending '' or '' IP Addresses it will return the Place from the request was performed., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IP Address (v4 and v6 are supported).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5536", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Spott, api_name:Get place by ID, api_description:Returns a single Place identified by an ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the Place.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5537", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Spott, api_name:Search places, api_description:Returns a list of places (either countries, cities or administrative divisions) matching a query and filtered by properties., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5538", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Spott, api_name:Get place by my IP, api_description:Returns the place related to the IP where the request was performed. Returns \"Not Found\" error when no place is related to the IP., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5539", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Lookup by API-Ninjas, api_name:v1/iplookup, api_description:API Ninjas IP Lookup API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IP Address to query. Must be in the format A.B.C.D. For example:\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"is_valid\": \"bool\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"region_code\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"isp\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5540", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:mymappi, api_name:Traveling salesman, api_description:It solves the Traveling Salesman Problem using a greedy heuristic (farthest-insertion algorithm) for 10 or more waypoints and uses brute force for less than 10 waypoints. The returned path does not have to be the fastest path. As TSP is NP-hard it only returns an approximation. Note that all input coordinates have to be connected for this service to work., required_params: [{\"name\": \"coordinates\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"profile\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5541", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:reverse geocode, api_name:reverse, api_description:reverse geocode, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5542", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BDapi, api_name:District detail and Coordinates of specific Division, api_description:`/v1.1/division/{division_name}`\nGet all Districts, Coordinates, and Upazila of any Division.\n\n**Response:**\n```\nstatus: object,\ndata: [\n _id: string:district,\n district: string,\n coordinates: string\n upazilla: array\n]\n```, required_params: [{\"name\": \"division_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\"}, \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5543", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Nearby Tesla Superchargers, api_name:Nearby superchargers, api_description:Get nearby superchargers up to 50km away., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"locationId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"address\": {\"street\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}, \"gps\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}, \"stallCount\": \"int\", \"powerKilowatt\": \"int\", \"distanceKm\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5544", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Australian postcode to suburb, api_name:Get a list of suburbs, api_description:This endpoint will return all matching suburbs for the passed postcode. The response also includes the state for each suburb and, if available, latitude and longitude for the suburb., required_params: [{\"name\": \"postcode\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"suburb\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5545", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Australian postcode to suburb, api_name:Get all suburbs and postcodes in a radius, api_description:This endpoint takes your epic centre latitude, longitude along with radius in KM and returns all postcodes and suburbs within it., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"postcode\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5546", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:bng2latlong, api_name:Convert, api_description:Convert easting and northing to latitude and longitude, required_params: [{\"name\": \"northing\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The northing\"}, {\"name\": \"easting\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The easting\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"easting\": \"int\", \"northing\": \"int\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5547", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:MapReflex, api_name:placeByNameAndState, api_description:Get boundaries of Place by name and state (in GeoJSON format). For a quick view, copy and paste results: http://geojsonlint.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Full place name. Test example: Madison\"}, {\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State name abbreviation. Test example: AL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of list with length 2\"]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5548", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Address Autosuggest, api_name:Address Autosuggest, api_description:\"Address Autosuggest\" API buit to suggests address results for a given search term. This API provides a JSON interface to extract address suggestions for a complete or partial address query.\n\nThe Autocomplete API suggests partial address results for a given query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"upgrade-url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5549", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Branded SMS Pakistan, api_name:Send Single Message, api_description:This API is useful to send a branded sms to single number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Message Limited to 640 characters\"}, {\"name\": \"mask\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Masking (Branded Name)\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Destination Number (Default Format) 923151231016\"}, {\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Account Email Address\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Account API Key\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sms\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"response\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5550", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Phone verification, api_name:Get Processing Status of File, api_description:This endpoint gives you status of file uploaded for verification., required_params: [{\"name\": \"fileName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"file name received in response of upload file call. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"additional\": {\"validation\": [{\"location\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"severity\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"workspaceSlug\": \"str\", \"projectSlug\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"dynamic\": \"bool\", \"mediaTypes\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5551", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Phone verification, api_name:Verify Single Number, api_description:Get the details of phone number supplied in the query param. Do not forget to pass Authorization header with your access_token. \n\nHint - access_token are returned as part of login api call., required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Phone/mobile number to get details for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"additional\": {\"validation\": [{\"location\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"severity\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"workspaceSlug\": \"str\", \"projectSlug\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"dynamic\": \"bool\", \"mediaTypes\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5552", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Virtual Number, api_name:Get All Countries, api_description:Get the list of currently available countries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"countryCode\": \"str\", \"countryName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5553", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Virtual Number, api_name:Get Number By Country Id, api_description:Get currently available numbers list by given country id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5554", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Virtual Number, api_name:View SMS history, api_description:View All received SMS for the given number and country id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"countryId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"text\": \"str\", \"serviceName\": \"str\", \"myNumber\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5555", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Promotional SMS, api_name:Promotional sms, api_description:Promotional sms Endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5556", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Whatsapp Checker PRO, api_name:Validate PhoneNumber, api_description:Whatsapp Validate PhoneNumber, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Phone\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"response\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5557", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:D7 Verify, api_name:Check Balance, api_description:Get information about current balance on your D7API account, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5558", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:PhoneNumberValidateFree, api_name:Validate, api_description:Free and easy. Validate any phone number, from any country.\nGet type of number (for example, fixed line or mobile), the location of the number, and also reformat the number into local and international dialing formats., required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"1_ Option: local format (without prefix):\\nExample: 94887799\\n\\n2_ Option: format E 164:\\nRecommended: starting with symbol + followed by country prefix and number, without blank spaces\\nRemark: the + symbol in a url is escaped for the text %2B leaving %2B59894887799\\nExample: +59894887799 \\n\\n1_ Opci\\u00f3n: formato local (sin prefijo):\\nEjemplo: 94887799\\n\\n2_ Opci\\u00f3n: formato E 164:\\nRecomendado: comenzando con s\\u00edmbolo + seguido de prefijo pa\\u00eds y n\\u00famero, sin espacios en blanco\\nObservaci\\u00f3n: el s\\u00edmbolo + en una url se escapea para el texto %2B quedando %2B59894887799\\nEjemplo: +59894887799\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"phoneNumberEntered\": \"str\", \"defaultCountryEntered\": \"str\", \"languageEntered\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"nationalNumber\": \"str\", \"extension\": \"str\", \"countryCodeSource\": \"str\", \"italianLeadingZero\": \"bool\", \"rawInput\": \"str\", \"isPossibleNumber\": \"bool\", \"isValidNumber\": \"bool\", \"isValidNumberForRegion\": \"bool\", \"phoneNumberRegion\": \"str\", \"numberType\": \"str\", \"E164Format\": \"str\", \"originalFormat\": \"str\", \"nationalFormat\": \"str\", \"internationalFormat\": \"str\", \"outOfCountryFormatFromUS\": \"str\", \"outOfCountryFormatFromCH\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"timeZone_s\": \"str\", \"carrier\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5559", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:D7 Verify, api_name:Get OTP Status, api_description:Get the status of OTP generated or verified, required_params: [{\"name\": \"otp_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The otp_ id which was returned from **Send OTP** endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5560", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSto, api_name:Get messages, api_description:Fetch paginated messages.\n\nPlease note that the messages will be sorted by the date of creating (sending) - latest first., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5561", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSto, api_name:Get last campaign, api_description:Get the last campaign that you have sent, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5562", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Phone verification, api_name:Download Verification Results, api_description:This endpoint returns the result file to be downloaded.\n\nPass name of file to be downloaded as path param. Result file name is always in format {filename}_output.xlsx Replace {filename} with the name returned from upload file call.\n\nTo download the file with angular follow sample code here\n\nhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/40240796/angular-2-best-approach-to-use-filesaver-js, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fileName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of file to be downloaded. Result file name is always in format {filename}_output.xlsx Replace {filename} with the name returned from upload file call.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5563", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Rivet SMS, api_name:Bulk SMS, api_description:Send bulk sms to multiple numbers ., required_params: [{\"name\": \"SenderId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Registered sender ID.\"}, {\"name\": \"MobileNumber_Message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"sample: 9138764782364^message1~91344873637^message2~916846465464^message3\"}, {\"name\": \"ApiKey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Use Rivet SMS API API key (You can get it from https://app.rivet.solutions/ApiDocument/ApiDocs#)\"}, {\"name\": \"ClientId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Use Rivet SMS API client Id(You can get it from https://app.rivet.solutions/ApiDocument/ApiDocs#)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ErrorCode\": \"int\", \"ErrorDescription\": \"str\", \"Data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5564", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMS Receive, api_name:/GetUpdates, api_description:Get updates about newly received messages., required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the last received message plus one. Set to zero for the first call.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5565", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMS Receive, api_name:/GetNumbers, api_description:Get a list of available numbers to receive messages from., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"numbers\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5566", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Rivet SMS, api_name:SendSMS, api_description:Send single messages, required_params: [{\"name\": \"SenderId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Use Rivet SMS sender ID that is assigned to you (You can get it from https://app.rivet.solutions/Management/ManageSenderID)\"}, {\"name\": \"ClientId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Use Rivet SMS API client ID (You can get it from https://app.rivet.solutions/ApiDocument/ApiDocs#)\"}, {\"name\": \"MobileNumbers\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Recipient number \\u2013 numbers in format - 971 223344566(please enter mobile number with country code, without preceding 00 or +). Multiple recipients can be specified separated by commas.\"}, {\"name\": \"Message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Write the content of your SMS \"}, {\"name\": \"ApiKey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Use Rivet SMS API API key (You can get it from https://app.rivet.solutions/ApiDocument/ApiDocs#)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ErrorCode\": \"int\", \"ErrorDescription\": \"str\", \"Data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5567", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Zigatext - Global Bulk SMS & OTP, api_name:Fetch Message, api_description:Fetch Message, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sentID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5568", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Zigatext - Global Bulk SMS & OTP, api_name:Check Balance, api_description:Check Balance, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5569", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Zigatext - Global Bulk SMS & OTP, api_name:Fetch Months, api_description:Fetch Months, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5570", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Branded SMS Pakistan, api_name:Send Message to Multiple Numbers, api_description:This API is useful to send a branded sms to multiple numbers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Destination Number (Default Format) 923151231016\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Account API Key\"}, {\"name\": \"mask\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Masking (Branded Name)\"}, {\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Account Email Address\"}, {\"name\": \"message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Message Limited to 640 characters\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sms\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"response\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5571", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMS_v3, api_name:send, api_description:use this to send the sms., required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5572", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:BroadNet SMS, api_name:Send SMS, api_description:Message Submission, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"accesskey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"mno\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5573", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSAPI.com, api_name:/short_url/links, api_description:List short URLs., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"errors\": \"NoneType\", \"developer_description\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5574", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSto, api_name:Get message by id, api_description:Get the message that you have sent by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5575", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMS_v2, api_name:Send SMS, api_description:Send SMS, required_params: [{\"name\": \"provider\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"phone_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sms\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5576", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Rivet SMS, api_name:Sent Message Status, api_description:Get the sent message status of the message using the message id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ClientId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Use Rivet SMS API client Id(You can get it from https://app.rivet.solutions/ApiDocument/ApiDocs#)\"}, {\"name\": \"ApiKey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Use Rivet SMS API API key (You can get it from https://app.rivet.solutions/ApiDocument/ApiDocs#)\"}, {\"name\": \"MessageId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of the message for which you need its status.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ErrorCode\": \"int\", \"ErrorDescription\": \"str\", \"Data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5577", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSAPI.com, api_name:/sms/sendernames, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"errors\": \"NoneType\", \"developer_description\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5578", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Me, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5579", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Zigatext - Global Bulk SMS & OTP, api_name:Fetch Newsletter Lists, api_description:Fetch Newsletter Lists, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5580", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5581", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Zigatext - Global Bulk SMS & OTP, api_name:Fetch Timezones, api_description:Fetch Timezones, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5582", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5583", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:sms77io, api_name:Get Balance, api_description:Retrieves the account balance for the given API key., required_params: [{\"name\": \"p\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your API key from [Sms77.io](https://sms77.io).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5584", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Rivet SMS, api_name:Get Sender ID, api_description:Get the list of all Sender ID that are registered for your account to send SMS., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ClientId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You can get the Client ID at https://app.rivet.solutions/ApiDocument/ApiDocs, once your account is created.\"}, {\"name\": \"ApiKey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You can get the API key at https://app.rivet.solutions/ApiDocument/ApiDocs, once your account is created.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ErrorCode\": \"int\", \"ErrorDescription\": \"str\", \"Data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5585", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:sms77io, api_name:Replies, api_description:Retrieves message replies history., required_params: [{\"name\": \"p\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API key from [Sms77.io](https://www.sms77.io)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5586", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:D7SMS, api_name:D7API - Check Balance, api_description:Get information about current balance on your D7API account, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5587", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 872}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5588", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5589", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMS Receive, api_name:/GetMessage, api_description:Get message details., required_params: [{\"name\": \"message_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"message_id\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5590", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMS Receive, api_name:/GetTag, api_description:Get the current tag., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5591", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:sms77io, api_name:Get Pricing, api_description:Retrieves pricing information for a single country or all., required_params: [{\"name\": \"p\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Key from [Sms77.io](https://sms77.io).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5592", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:sms77io, api_name:Get Contacts, api_description:Retrieves all contacts for a given API key., required_params: [{\"name\": \"p\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Key from [Sms77.io](https://sms77.io).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5593", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:D7SMS, api_name:Get OTP Status, api_description:Get the status of OTP generated or verified, required_params: [{\"name\": \"otp_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The otp_ id which was returned from **Send OTP** endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5594", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:D7SMS, api_name:Get Message Status, api_description:Get Message Delivery Status of previously sent messages., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The Request id which was returned from **Send Message** endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5595", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:sms77io, api_name:Read, api_description:Retrieves information regarding subacounts., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5596", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:sms77io, api_name:Voice, api_description:Retrieves voice messages history., required_params: [{\"name\": \"p\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API key from [Sms77.io](https://www.sms77.io)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5597", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:sms77io, api_name:Get Status, api_description:Get a delivery report for a message ID sent with your API key., required_params: [{\"name\": \"msg_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The message ID of the SMS.\\nCan be obtained by setting parameter *JSON*, *return_msg_id* or *details* to **1** when sending SMS via the API.\\nAlternatively it can be retrieved from the message journal in the user area.\"}, {\"name\": \"p\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Key\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": 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\"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5601", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok_v3, api_name:Challenge Videos, api_description:get challenge videos by challenge _id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hashtag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5602", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok_v3, api_name:Profile, api_description:get profile information by username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5603", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v10, api_name:getProfileByUserId, api_description:getProfileByUserId, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5604", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter V2, api_name:User By Rest ID, api_description:Get User By Rest ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"user\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"affiliates_highlighted_label\\\": {\\\"label\\\": {\\\"url\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"urlType\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"badge\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userLabelType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userLabelDisplayType\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"is_blue_verified\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"legacy\\\": {\\\"protected\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"created_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"default_profile\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"default_profile_image\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"entities\\\": 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Name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"user\": {\"result\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"timeline_v2\": {\"timeline\": {\"instructions\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"metadata\": {\"scribeConfig\": {\"page\": \"str\"}}}}}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5606", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Tiktok User, api_name:GET Search User, api_description:Get search result for specific username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"user_list\\\": [{\\\"user_info\\\": {\\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nickname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"signature\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avatar_thumb\\\": {\\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url_list\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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network.\nReturns general account information and identifier.\n\nContains the status of data collection and the time the data was last updated.\n\nDue to direct access to the social network, it may work a little slower. It is recommended to use for the initial receipt of the identifier.\n\n![](https://36627.selcdn.ru/jagajam-static/000000012_16b6e212-c0c3-42c6-8c3c-9dfd22ae1bf6_f.png?time=1666776494), required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"data\\\": {\\\"cid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"socialType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"groupID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"usersCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"communityStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isBlocked\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isClosed\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"tags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 13\\\"], \\\"suggestedTags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 7\\\"], \\\"avgER\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avgInteractions\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avgViews\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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api_name:Feed, api_description:Returns a list of posts with all metrics for the period.\n\nThe effectiveness of hashtags, post types and text length\n\n![](https://36627.selcdn.ru/jagajam-static/000000012_e1767a2c-31de-4501-9279-661f7c03e8c1_f.png?time=1666776603), required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"cid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"data\\\": {\\\"posts\\\": [{\\\"socialType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"socialPostID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postImage\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"postUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dataId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"likes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dislikes\\\": 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"category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Info, api_name:getUserVideos, api_description:Get all the videos of an user. 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You can customize it., required_params: [{\"name\": \"getUserVideos\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5615", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Info, api_name:getVideo, api_description:Get all the video information like Play URL, Cover, Stats, Codec along with Author and Music details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"link\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5616", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Info, api_name:getMusic, api_description:Get all the TikTok videos that are using a specific music along with the information about original music, required_params: [{\"name\": \"getMusic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5617", "title": "", 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required_params: [{\"name\": \"Url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5622", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Celebrity Social Media API, api_name:api/socialmedia, api_description:Use this endpoint to fetch Social Media Accounts, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"wikipedia\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\"}, \"twitter\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\"}, \"instagram\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\"}, \"facebook\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\"}, \"youtube\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\"}, \"linkedin\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5623", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Downloader - Reel,Video, Post Downloader, api_name:Download Video or Reel, api_description:Enjoy!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5624", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Tronald Dump, api_name:Search quotes, api_description:Free text search for quotes., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5625", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:OnlyFans, api_name:List, api_description:Used to get a full list of expired user details\n\nMust hit the auth endpoint first!\nAlso best to hit the count endpoint beforehand., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"signend\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"signstart\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apptoken\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": 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\"NoneType\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\", \"_links\": {\"self\": {\"href\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"source\": [{\"created_at\": \"str\", \"filename\": \"NoneType\", \"quote_source_id\": \"str\", \"remarks\": \"NoneType\", \"updated_at\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_links\": {\"self\": {\"href\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"_links\": {\"self\": {\"href\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5627", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:OnlyFans, api_name:Authentication, api_description:Best to call the Sign Info first take those values and pass them on, required_params: [{\"name\": \"signstart\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value from /signinfo/ signinfo.start\"}, {\"name\": \"apptoken\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value from /signinfo/\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"signend\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value from /signinfo/ signinfo.start\"}, {\"name\": \"xbc\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value from localstorage.bcTokenSha\"}, {\"name\": \"sess\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value from cookie.sess\"}, {\"name\": \"useragent\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"auth_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value from cookie.auth_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5628", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:OnlyFans, api_name:Performer / Model Info, api_description:Get detail info about a performer / model, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Can be a userid or a username\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"avatarurl\": \"str\", \"headerurl\": \"str\", \"profileurl\": \"str\", \"about\": \"str\", \"status\": \"bool\", \"rawresults\": {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5629", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Ocoya, api_name:/workspace, api_description:Returns workspace info., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5630", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Ocoya, api_name:/social-profiles, api_description:Returns information about connected social profiles., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5631", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Ocoya, api_name:/me, api_description:Returns information about authenticated user., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5632", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:IDD, api_name:username, api_description:get data by username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"USERNAME\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5633", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Downloader - Download TikTok Videos without watermark, api_name:Video full info by URL, api_description:Tiktok videos with full info \nvideo without watermark\ncover / music\nshare / likes / comments\nauthor info like connected Youtube channel / IG / avatar thumbnail / statistics about the video including comments number / likes \nsupport for all Tiktok links ( vm.tiktok.com / vt.tiktok.com / m.tiktok.com / web / t.tiktok.com), required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"video\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"music\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"cover\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"OriginalWatermarkedVideo\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"dynamic_cover\": [\"list of str 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1\"], \"dynamic_cover\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"author\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"region\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"avatar_thumb\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"custom_verify\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"description\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"videoid\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"post_type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5635", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API - Media Downloader, api_name:Get Stories, api_description:Receive all stories with download url for videos and photos, required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5636", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API - Media Downloader, api_name:Get All Highlights, api_description:Receive a list of all highlights, including the cover image., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"cover_media\": {\"cropped_image_version\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"url_signature\": {\"expires\": \"int\", \"signature\": \"str\"}}}, \"_list_length\": 11}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5637", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Soundcloud, api_name:/search, api_description:Search the soundcloud, possible values for type are \"track\", \"user\", \"playlist\", \"all\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"index\": \"int\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"itemName\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5638", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API - Media Downloader, api_name:Get Highlight by ID, api_description:Provides all images and videos of the highlight. This has the same structure as the stories endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"highlightId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"This is provided by the Get All Highlights endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"image_versions2\": {\"candidates\": [{\"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"url_signature\": {\"expires\": \"int\", \"signature\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 11}]}, \"original_height\": \"int\", \"original_width\": \"int\", \"pk\": \"str\", \"taken_at\": \"int\", \"video_versions\": [{\"type\": \"int\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"url_signature\": {\"expires\": \"int\", \"signature\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}], \"has_audio\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 87}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5639", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok APIs, api_name:Search Users, api_description:Search user by keyword, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"int\", \"user_list\": \"empty list\", \"challenge_list\": \"NoneType\", \"music_list\": \"NoneType\", \"cursor\": \"int\", \"has_more\": \"int\", \"status_code\": \"int\", \"qc\": \"str\", \"rid\": \"str\", \"log_pb\": {\"impr_id\": \"str\"}, \"extra\": {\"now\": \"int\", \"logid\": \"str\", \"fatal_item_ids\": \"empty list\", \"search_request_id\": \"str\"}, \"search_nil_info\": {\"search_nil_type\": \"str\", \"is_load_more\": \"str\", \"search_nil_item\": \"str\", \"text_type\": \"int\"}, \"input_keyword\": \"str\", \"global_doodle_config\": {\"keyword\": \"str\", \"display_filter_bar\": \"int\", \"new_source\": \"str\", \"search_channel\": \"str\", \"hide_results\": \"bool\", \"feedback_survey\": \"NoneType\", \"hit_shark\": \"bool\", \"hit_dolphin\": \"bool\"}, \"feedback_type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5640", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Socie, api_name:Get Member, api_description:Return a specific member. To do this, you need the `externalId` you gave the member when you created it or the `id` provided by Socie., required_params: [{\"name\": \"identifier\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5641", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Socie, api_name:Get Members, api_description:Retrieve all or some members of your community., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5642", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Youtube V2, api_name:Channel Videos, api_description:Get the latest videos published by a Youtube channel, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5643", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Private API, api_name:/api/exist/, api_description:Get \"sec_id\" and \"id\" by username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cache\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"str\", \"nickname\": \"str\", \"sec_uid\": \"str\", \"uniqueId\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5644", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Private API, api_name:/api/analyze/, api_description:Analyze user data : engagement, hashtags, mentions, and recent videos., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sec_user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"author\": {\"avatarLarger\": \"str\", \"avatarMedium\": \"str\", \"avatarThumb\": \"str\", \"cache\": \"bool\", \"country\": \"str\", \"followerCount\": \"int\", \"followingCount\": \"int\", \"heartCount\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"nickname\": \"str\", \"sec_uid\": \"str\", \"uniqueId\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"videoCount\": \"int\"}, \"earnings\": {\"max\": \"float\", \"min\": \"float\"}, \"engagement_rates\": {\"comments_rate\": \"float\", \"likes_rate\": \"float\", \"shares_rate\": \"float\", \"total_rate\": \"float\"}, \"hashtags\": [{\"count\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}], \"mentions\": [{\"count\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"performance\": {\"avgComments\": \"int\", \"avgLikes\": \"int\", \"avgShares\": \"int\", \"avgViews\": \"int\"}, \"videos\": [{\"comments\": \"int\", \"cover\": \"str\", \"create_date\": \"int\", \"creator\": \"str\", \"desc\": \"str\", \"engRate\": \"float\", \"hashtags\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"isPinned\": \"int\", \"likes\": \"int\", \"mentions\": \"int\", \"plays\": \"int\", \"shares\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5645", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Youtube V2, api_name:Trending Videos, api_description:This endpoint returns the list of trending videos given a country, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"number_of_videos\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"lang\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"videos\": [{\"video_id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"number_of_views\": \"int\", \"video_length\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"is_live_content\": \"NoneType\", \"published_time\": \"str\", \"channel_id\": \"str\", \"category\": \"NoneType\", \"type\": \"str\", \"keywords\": \"empty list\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5646", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API, api_name:Story by Id, api_description:Gets a story by Id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5647", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Whatsapp Scraper, api_name:Fetch business info (get free token), api_description:Free token needed, click [here](https://wa.me/34631428039?text=get-token) to get it. The endpoint will provide: `description`, `website`, `email`, `business hours`, `address` and `category`; if the number is a whatsapp for business account., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The phone number must be written as a number (including countrycode); \\ndo **NOT** include: any non-number character, spaces, or anything which is not a number; do **NOT** add zeros (0) at the beginning.\"}, {\"name\": \"token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get a free token, click [here](https://wa.me/34631428039?text=get-token) to send a whatsapp with the command `get-token`.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5648", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:funny emojis, api_name:using category name to get emoji list, api_description:using category name to get emoji list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5649", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:PeerReach, api_name:User lookup, api_description:Returns a detailed overview of available PeerReach data for the user, required_params: [{\"name\": \"screen_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Twitter handle\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"screen_name\": \"str\", \"user_id\": \"str\", \"lastupdate\": \"str\", \"followers\": \"str\", \"friends\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"interests\": \"empty list\", \"profiles\": [\"list of str with length 8\"], \"peergroups\": [{\"topic\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"score\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"subjects\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"subject_id\": \"str\", \"score\": \"str\", \"assign_date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5650", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API, api_name:Location by Id, api_description:Gets a location by Id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5651", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API, api_name:Hashtag by Name, api_description:Gets a Hashtag by Name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5652", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/user/{user_id}/playlist/{playlist_id}, api_description:Playlist information by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"user's ID can be uid or sec_uid\"}, {\"name\": \"playlist_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5653", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram DP Download, api_name:get basic details & dp, api_description:get basic details and Instagram DP download link, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter your username or profile link\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5654", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/music/{music_id}, api_description:Music information by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"music_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5655", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/user/{user_id}/followers, api_description:User followers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"user's ID can be uid or sec_uid\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"log_pb\": {\"impr_id\": \"str\"}, \"status_code\": \"int\", \"status_msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5656", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v6, api_name:MediaInfo, api_description:get media info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"short_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5657", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Data, api_name:Location Feed, api_description:Get location post feed, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Location ID\\n\\nFor example in this link **https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/213385402/london-united-kingdom/** the location_id value will be **213385402**\\n\\nValues accepted:\\n - 213385402\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"has_more\": \"bool\", \"end_cursor\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"collector\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"shortcode\": \"str\", \"is_video\": \"bool\", \"dimension\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"width\": \"int\"}, \"display_url\": \"str\", \"thumbnail_src\": \"str\", \"owner\": {\"id\": \"str\"}, \"description\": \"str\", \"comments\": \"int\", \"likes\": \"int\", \"comments_disabled\": \"bool\", \"taken_at_timestamp\": \"int\", \"hashtags\": [\"list of str with length 24\"], \"mentions\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5658", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Data, api_name:User Reels Feed, api_description:Get user reels feed\n\n**NOTE:** By using **user_id** instead of the username your request will be executed much faster, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5659", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Downloader - Download Videos, Reels, Stories 2023, api_name:URL, api_description:Enter Instagram Media URL\nExample:-\nhttps://www.instagram.com/p/Ctu7iCJpYhF/, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5660", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Tiktok video no watermark_v3, api_name:Get tiktok video info, api_description:Get tiktok video full info. HD Quality, No Watermark. Fast.\nSupport Tiktok & Douyin.\nSupport Getting Image List.\nSupport Tiktok Stories., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"use tiktok id: 7213756991653547269 \\nor https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRvK8Fn4/\\nor https://www.tiktok.com/@tiktok/video/7213756991653547269\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5661", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Marryme, api_name:Alexander, api_description:123, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5662", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TwttrAPI, api_name:Search Images, api_description:Search images, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5663", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TwttrAPI, api_name:Search Videos, api_description:Search videos, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5664", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:QUIZ, api_name:/QUESTIONS, api_description:NOTHING, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5665", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:YouTube Video Details, api_name:YouTube Video Details, api_description:YouTube Video Details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**Video ID** or **Video URL**\\n\\ne.g. `SmM0653YvXU`\\ne.g. `https://youtu.be/SmM0653YvXU`\\ne.g. `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmM0653YvXU`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"author\\\": {\\\"avatar\\\": [{\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"badges\\\": [{\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"canonicalBaseUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channelId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stats\\\": {\\\"subscribers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"subscribersText\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"captions\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"cards\\\": [\\\"list of NoneType with length 1\\\"], \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chapters\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endScreen\\\": {\\\"items\\\": [{\\\"channel\\\": {\\\"avatar\\\": [{\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"channelId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}]}, 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[{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"user\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uniqueId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nickname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avatarLarger\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avatarMedium\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avatarThumb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"signature\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"createTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"verified\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"secUid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ftc\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"relation\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"openFavorite\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"bioLink\\\": {\\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"risk\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"commentSetting\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"commerceUserInfo\\\": {\\\"commerceUser\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"duetSetting\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"stitchSetting\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"privateAccount\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"secret\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isADVirtual\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"roomId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uniqueIdModifyTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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\"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"user\\\": {\\\"has_anonymous_profile_picture\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_supervision_features_enabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"follower_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"media_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"following_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"following_tag_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"can_use_affiliate_partnership_messaging_as_creator\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"can_use_affiliate_partnership_messaging_as_brand\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"has_collab_collections\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"has_private_collections\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"has_music_on_profile\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_potential_business\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"page_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"page_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ads_page_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ads_page_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"can_use_branded_content_discovery_as_creator\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"can_use_branded_content_discovery_as_brand\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"fan_club_info\\\": 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\"edge_followed_by\": {\"count\": \"int\"}, \"edge_follow\": {\"count\": \"int\"}, \"profile_pic_url_signature\": {\"expires\": \"int\", \"signature\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5670", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Reddit Fast Search, api_name:Search Subreddits, api_description:The endpoint utilizes the Reddit API's search functionality to retrieve the Subreddits.\nTo obtain the best results, it is recommended to use appropriate search parameters, including the keyword, sorting order, time range, and limiting the number of results to a reasonable value.\nSetting the limit parameter to its maximum value of 250 allows you to retrieve the maximum number of search results in a single request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_subreddits\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total_results\": \"int\", \"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"public_description\": \"str\", \"subscribers\": \"int\", \"over18\": \"bool\", \"created_utc\": \"float\", \"subreddit_type\": \"str\", \"is_mod\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5671", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Reddit Fast Search, api_name:Get Posts from Subreddit, api_description:Get Posts from Subreddit, required_params: [{\"name\": \"get_subreddit_posts\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total_posts\": \"int\", \"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"selftext\": \"str\", \"img_url\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"author_fullname\": \"str\", \"author_profile\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"subreddit_id\": \"str\", \"subreddit\": \"str\", \"upvote_ratio\": \"float\", \"upVotes\": \"int\", \"total_awards_received\": \"int\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"allow_live_comments\": \"bool\", \"permalink\": \"str\", \"subreddit_subscribers\": \"int\", \"num_crossposts\": \"int\", \"created_date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 11}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5672", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v9, api_name:Instagram Post Info, api_description:Get Instagram Post (likes, comments, hashtags, mentions, location, etc.), required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5673", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Youtube V2, api_name:Youtube Channel ID, api_description:This endpoint get the channel ID of a Youtube Channel given the channel name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"channel_id\": \"str\", \"channel_name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5674", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Youtube V2, api_name:Channel Search, api_description:This endpoint gets search results in a given Youtube channel using the channel ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"channel_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5675", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v9, api_name:Instagram User Info, api_description:Get Instagram account information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5676", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Private, api_name:Trending Challenges, api_description:Get Trending Challenges, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5677", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Private, api_name:Search Users, api_description:Search Users By Keyword, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5678", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Bulk Profile Scrapper, api_name:Followers by Username, api_description:**Contact me for Custom package or requirements**\n\nFetch followers list\n\nCarry forward nextMaxId to retrieve next batch, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5679", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Conversation Starters API, api_name:Random, api_description:Get a random conversation starter, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"starter\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5680", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Fortune Cookie, api_name:My fortune, api_description:Get your fortune, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"category\": \"str\", \"answer\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5681", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Fortune Cookie, api_name:category_list, api_description:List of fortune categories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"key\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5682", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Bulletproof, api_name:/user-feed, api_description:Retrieves 30 latest feed items from TikTok account, by username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"feed\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"desc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"createTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"scheduleTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"video\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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\"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5685", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Snapchat, api_name:getUserLenses, api_description:getUserLenses, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"scannableUuid\": \"str\", \"lensName\": \"str\", \"lensCreatorDisplayName\": \"str\", \"lensPreviewImageUrl\": \"str\", \"lensPreviewVideoUrl\": \"str\", \"iconUrl\": \"str\", \"unlockUrl\": \"str\", \"userProfileUrl\": \"str\", \"lensCreatorUsername\": \"str\", \"lensId\": \"str\", \"lensCreatorSearchTags\": \"empty list\", \"isOfficialSnapLens\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5686", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Downloader - Reels and Videos Downloader, api_name:Extract Download Links, api_description:Add url parameter to get download links., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"thumbnail_url\": \"str\", \"download_url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"developer\": \"str\", \"github\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5687", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Full Video Info (without watermark), api_name:Getting full details, api_description:Tiktok videos with full info \n- video without watermark (HD)\n- cover / music\n- share / likes / comments\n- and more, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"aweme_detail\\\": {\\\"aweme_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"desc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"create_time\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"author\\\": {\\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"short_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nickname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"signature\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avatar_larger\\\": {\\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url_list\\\": [\\\"list 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\\\"fb_expire_time\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tw_expire_time\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"has_youtube_token\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"youtube_expire_time\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"room_i\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5688", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v7, api_name:Get media info, api_description:Get information about a media by providing the media id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5689", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v7, api_name:Get user info, api_description:Get information about a user, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5690", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Top Instagram Hashtag, api_name:GET Hashtags, api_description:Get 100 Most Popular Instagram Hashtags, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"row\": [{\"tag\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5691", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Top Instagram Hashtag, api_name:GET New Hashtags, api_description:GET 1000 New Genereted Hashtags, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"page 0 - 9\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"row\": [{\"tag\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"next\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5692", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter v2_v2, api_name:User By Rest ID, api_description:User By Rest ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5693", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter v2_v2, api_name:User Likes, api_description:User Likes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\\n\\nUse the `User By Screen Name` endpoint to find the ID from a username.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5694", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:instagram_v3, api_name:hls, api_description:hls => mp4 converter, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5695", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Pro, api_name:Followers by PK, api_description:Instagram Followers list up to 1000 records only, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pk\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"pk\": \"int\", \"username\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"is_verified\": \"bool\", \"is_private\": \"bool\", \"profile_pic_url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 24}], \"cursor\": {\"moreAvailable\": \"bool\", \"nextMaxId\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5696", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Pro, api_name:Following by username, api_description:Instagram Following List by username, Up to 1000 records, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"pk\": \"int\", \"username\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"is_verified\": \"bool\", \"is_private\": \"bool\", \"profile_pic_url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 24}], \"cursor\": {\"moreAvailable\": \"bool\", \"nextMaxId\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5697", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Reddit Fast Search, api_name:Search Comments, api_description:The endpoint utilizes the Reddit API's search functionality to retrieve the comments.\nTo obtain the best results, it is recommended to use appropriate search parameters, including the keyword, sorting order, time range, and limiting the number of results to a reasonable value.\nSetting the limit parameter to its maximum value of 250 allows you to retrieve the maximum number of search results in a single request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_comments\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total_results\": \"int\", \"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"body\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"author_fullname\": \"str\", \"author_profile\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"permalink\": \"str\", \"upVotes\": \"int\", \"downVotes\": \"int\", \"total_awards_received\": \"int\", \"created_utc\": \"float\", \"created_date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5698", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Reddit Fast Search, api_name:Shadowban Checker, api_description:This endpoint allows you to check if a Reddit user is shadowbanned. Shadowbanning is a practice where a user's actions and content are hidden from the public without their knowledge. This endpoint provides a way to detect if a user is affected by shadowbanning on Reddit.\n\nParameters:\n\nusername (string, optional): Specifies the username of the Reddit user to check for shadowbanning. The default value is set to \"John\".\nfull (boolean, optional): Determines whether additional user information should be returned in the response. If set to True, it includes details such as the user's join date, post karma, comment karma, and verified mail status. By default, it is set to False.\nproxy (string, optional): Specifies the proxy server to be used for the request. If required, you can provide the proxy server's details to route the request through a specific network or location. The default value is None, indicating no proxy is used.\ntimeout (integer, optional): Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a response from the Reddit API. The default timeout is set to 5 seconds.\nReturns:\n\nThe endpoint returns a JSON response with the following fields:\n\nis_shadowbanned (boolean): Indicates whether the specified Reddit user is shadowbanned. If True, the user is shadowbanned. If False, the user is not shadowbanned.\nIf full is set to True, the response also includes the following additional fields:\nusername (string): The username of the Reddit user.\njoin_date (string): The date and time when the user joined Reddit.\npost_karma (string): The amount of karma the user has gained from posting.\ncomment_karma (string): The amount of karma the user has gained from commenting.\nverified_mail (string): Indicates whether the user has a verified email associated with their account.\nError Handling:\n\nThe endpoint handles potential errors during the process. If the provided username is invalid, a ValueError is raised with an HTTPException status code of 400 and an error message indicating the issue.\n\nPossible errors during the request process, such as proxy connection failures, request timeouts, or internal server errors, are handled as HTTPExceptions with status codes 500 and appropriate error details.\n\nNote:\n\nThe endpoint utilizes the Reddit API to fetch information about the user.\nProper validation and handling of the username parameter are performed to ensure the input is valid and avoid potential errors.\nThe endpoint supports the usage of proxy servers for the request if required.\nThe timeout parameter allows controlling the maximum waiting time for the response from the Reddit API.\nThe endpoint provides basic information about the user and helps identify if they are shadowbanned on Reddit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"shadowban\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"is_shadowbanned\": \"bool\", \"username\": \"str\", \"join_date\": \"str\", \"post_karma\": \"int\", \"comment_karma\": \"int\", \"verified_mail\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5699", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Reddit Fast Search, api_name:Search Posts, api_description:The endpoint utilizes the Reddit API's search functionality to retrieve the posts.\nTo obtain the best results, it is recommended to use appropriate search parameters, including the keyword, sorting order, time range, and limiting the number of results to a reasonable value.\nSetting the limit parameter to its maximum value of 250 allows you to retrieve the maximum number of search results in a single request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_posts\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"This endpoint allows you to search for posts on Reddit. It retrieves a list of posts based on the specified search parameters. The search results can be filtered and sorted based on various criteria such as relevance, popularity, and time.Also in one request you can get up to 250 results.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5700", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Tiktok User, api_name:GET User, api_description:Get user profile will return all the information of the user, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"owner\\\": {\\\"user_info\\\": {\\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nickname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"signature\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avatar_thumb\\\": {\\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url_list\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"follow_status\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"follower_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"custom_verify\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unique_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"room_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"enterprise_verify_reason\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"followers_detail\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"platform_sync_info\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"geofencing\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cover_url\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"item_list\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"type_label\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ad_cover_url\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"relative_users\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cha_list\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sec_uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"need_points\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"homepage_bottom_toast\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"can_set_geofencing\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"white_cover_url\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"user_tags\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"bold_fields\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"search_highlight\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"mutual_relation_avatars\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"events\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"advance_feature_item_order\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"advanced_feature_info\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"user_profile_guide\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5701", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Genderify3, api_name:Genderify v3, api_description:Predict and detect male or female based on their name or email address. Names are supported in over 160 supported countries.\n\ninput: Emily Blunt or shigeotokuda@email.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"accuracy\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5702", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Olato Quotes, api_name:Love Quote, api_description:It shows random quotes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quote\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5703", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:gwyo-twitch, api_name:Get Channel Total Views, api_description:Get Channel Cumulated Views since its creation (using username or id), required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total_views\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5704", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Olato Quotes, api_name:Success Quote, api_description:It shows random quotes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quote\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5705", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Popular languages, api_name:Language by id, api_description:Get popular language by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5706", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:gwyo-twitch, api_name:Get All Active Stream Infos, api_description:Get a Stream Informations if the status is Online (by username or id)\n( return an empty JSON object if not currently LIVE ), required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Username or Id can be used as UserId\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5707", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:FaceGen, api_name:Generate a face, api_description:Provides a link to download a face image generated by artificial intelligence.\n\n```\n\nOccasionally, a neural network makes mistakes, \nwhich is why artifacts appear: an incorrectly bent pattern, \na strange hair color, and so on.\n```, required_params: [{\"name\": \"AI\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"face\": \"str\", \"time_gen\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5708", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:ZodiacAPI, api_name:Get signs list, api_description:Get signs list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5709", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:instagram downloader, api_name:Download Story - Post - Highlight, api_description:past a copied link of story or highlight or post \nindex/url={URL}, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"result\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"caption\": \"str\", \"is_video\": \"bool\", \"is_album\": \"bool\"}, \"album\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"FileType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5710", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Hashtag, api_name:Top Hashtags, api_description:Gets a list of all the top hashtags, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tags\": [\"list of str with length 100\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5711", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Flirty words, api_name:Generate flirty line, api_description:Generates a random flirty line, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5712", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5713", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Bulk Profile Scrapper, api_name:Followings by Username, api_description:Fetch following list\n\nCarry forward nextMaxId to retrieve next batch, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5714", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Yotpo, api_name:Get Product Reviews, api_description:get all reviews for a specific product that belongs to a specific app_key, required_params: [{\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"specify how many reviews you want to pull\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"specify the page number you want to pull\"}, {\"name\": \"app_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"your application key that is assigned to you after signing up to Yotpo (www.yotpo.com)\"}, {\"name\": \"domain_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"unique identifier of the product as stored when creating the review\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"response\\\": {\\\"total_reviews\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"reviews\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"content\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"users\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"products\\\": [{\\\"Location_idx\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 2\\\"], \\\"Product\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"product_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shorten_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"images\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"big_image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"social_network_links\\\": {\\\"linkedin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"facebook\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"google_oauth2\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"facebook_testemonials_page_product_url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"user_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"votes_up\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"votes_down\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"user_vote\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"created_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"deleted\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"new\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"verified_buyer\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"archived\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"social_pushed\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"facebook_pushed\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"twitter_pushed\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"user\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"social_image\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"is_social_connected\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"bio\\\": \\\"NoneTyp\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5715", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v4, api_name:v2 / User Affiliates, api_description:v2 / User Affiliates, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"User ID\\n\\nUse the `User By Screen Name` endpoint to find the ID from a username.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5716", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Snapchat, api_name:getTrendingLenses, api_description:getTrendingLenses, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5717", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v4, api_name:Tweet Retweeters, api_description:Tweet Retweeters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Tweet ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5718", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Check Username, api_name:.com, api_description:Check a .com domain, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5719", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Check Username, api_name:Snapchat, api_description:Check username on Snapchat, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5720", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Check Username, api_name:Wikipedia, api_description:Check username on Wikipedia, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5721", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Data, api_name:Video post comments, api_description:Get video post comments., required_params: [{\"name\": \"video_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Where to get vide id value?\\n\\nFor example in this video /@INFLUENCER/video/6818009093052189958 the id will be **6818009093052189958**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"has_more\": \"bool\", \"max_cursor\": \"str\", \"comments\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5722", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Data, api_name:Music metadata, api_description:Get music metadata\n\nBasic metadata: number of posts, direct url to the song(MP3) and etc, required_params: [{\"name\": \"music\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Tiktok music url. For example: **https://www.tiktok.com/music/Streets-x-Kiss-it-better-7090403288818584347**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5723", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:wiMAN - The Social Wi-Fi Network, api_name:venue search, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"response\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"id_venue\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"business_type\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"fb_page_address\": \"str\", \"fb_page_id\": \"str\", \"fb_place_id\": \"str\", \"4sq_venue_id\": \"str\", \"activated_at\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 244}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5724", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Data, api_name:User metadata (information), api_description:Get user metadata. Number of followers, followings , avatar url, description and more, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"TikTok username. For example: **amazon**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5725", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:ScrapTik, api_name:List Comments Replies, api_description:Get replies of a comment., required_params: [{\"name\": \"aweme_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"comment_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"comments\\\": [{\\\"aweme_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"collect_stat\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"comment_language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"create_time\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"digg_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"is_author_digged\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"label_list\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"no_show\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"reply_comment\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"reply_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reply_to_reply_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"share_info\\\": {\\\"acl\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"extra\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"desc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text_extra\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"trans_btn_style\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"user\\\": {\\\"accept_private_policy\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"account_labels\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"account_region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ad_cover_url\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"advance_feature_item_order\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"advanced_feature_info\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"apple_account\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"authority_status\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avatar_168x168\\\": {\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url_list\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"avatar_300x300\\\": {\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url_list\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"avatar_larger\\\": {\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5726", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:ScrapTik, api_name:Start a Live Stream, api_description:Start a live stream., required_params: [{\"name\": \"stream_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"room_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"cookie\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5727", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:ScrapTik, api_name:TikTok URL Shortener, api_description:TikTok URL Shortener., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"data\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"now\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5728", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/category, api_description:Trending categories list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5729", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Looter, api_name:Get User Related Profiles by user_id, api_description:Get **Instagram** user related profiles by **user_id**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"viewer\": \"NoneType\", \"user\": {\"edge_related_profiles\": {\"edges\": [{\"node\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"is_private\": \"bool\", \"is_verified\": \"bool\", \"profile_pic_url\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 80}]}}}, \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5730", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/search/user, api_description:Search users by text query, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5731", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Looter, api_name:Get Username by user_id, api_description:Get **Instagram** username by **user_id**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"username\": \"str\", \"user_id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5732", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Fast, api_name:Get user following, api_description:Get user following list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"users\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5733", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Fast, api_name:Get feed data, api_description:Get instagram feed, last 12 posts from username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"user\\\": {\\\"edge_owner_to_timeline_media\\\": {\\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page_info\\\": {\\\"has_next_page\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"end_cursor\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"edges\\\": [{\\\"node\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gating_info\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"fact_check_overall_rating\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"fact_check_information\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"media_overlay_info\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sensitivity_friction_info\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sharing_friction_info\\\": {\\\"should_have_sharing_friction\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"bloks_app_url\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"dimensions\\\": {\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"display_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_resources\\\": [{\\\"src\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"config_width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"config_height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"is_video\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"media_preview\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tracking_token\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"has_upcoming_event\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"edge_media_to_tagged_user\\\": {\\\"edges\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"accessibility_caption\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"edge_media_to_caption\\\": {\\\"edges\\\": [{\\\"node\\\": {\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"shortcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"edge_media_to_comment\\\": {\\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page_info\\\": {\\\"has_next_page\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5734", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v6, api_name:MediaLikers, api_description:Get one media's likers, batch_size range from 1 to 50., required_params: [{\"name\": \"short_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5735", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API 2023, api_name:Get all stories by user_id, api_description:Get all active stories of an Instagram user using user_id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5736", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Jobs from remoteok, api_name:Get list, api_description:Will show you all job posts. Also you can filter it by adding in the end of endpoint ?tags=digital+nomad, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_______PLEASE_______\": \"str\", \"_______PLEASE2_______\": [\"list of str with length 51\"], \"last_updated\": \"int\", \"legal\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5737", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API 2023, api_name:Search Giphy(gif), api_description:Search gif using string. 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Please note currently we only support images. No CORS image urls will expire after 30 days from date of creation.\n**Note: For carousel media having more than 5 images, this endpoint will take some time to generate no CORS image urls for all carousel media of posts.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"media_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Use post, story, reel media_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5741", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter v2_v2, api_name:User Tweets, api_description:User Tweets, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\\n\\nUse the `User By Screen Name` endpoint to find the ID from a username.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5742", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter RSS, api_name:Generate RSS Feed, api_description:Generate RSS for given Twitter ID. (*NOTE: PubDates will be calculated approximately), required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Twitter ID of target\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5743", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter v2_v2, api_name:User Media, api_description:User Media, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\\n\\nUse the `User By Screen Name` endpoint to find the ID from a username.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5744", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter v2_v2, api_name:User By Screen Name, api_description:User By Screen Name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Username\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5745", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Cheapest, api_name:user_medias, api_description:get user_medias by user_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"items\\\": [{\\\"taken_at\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"device_timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"media_type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"client_cache_key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"filter_type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"caption\\\": {\\\"pk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"user_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"created_at\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"created_at_utc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"content_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bit_flags\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"did_report_as_spam\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"share_enabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"user\\\": {\\\"has_anonymous_profile_picture\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"fan_club_info\\\": {\\\"fan_club_id\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"fan_club_name\\\": 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\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5747", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram #1, api_name:Hashtag, api_description:Posts by hashtag, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hashtag\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"api\": \"str\", \"hashtag\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"caption\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"shortcode\": \"str\", \"likes\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"w\": \"int\", \"h\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 27}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5748", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram #1, api_name:Feed by username, api_description:Collect the current feed from the username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": 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api_description:Returns session information 1685369452715x643061726475037300, required_params: [{\"name\": \"session_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"post\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"social_channels\": \"str\", \"post_type\": \"str\", \"post_url\": \"str\", \"blog_url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5751", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Gigopost, api_name:Get API Key, api_description:This will simply send you email with instruction. Complete signup process and then access url https://gigopost.com/dev_api to get the api key., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"response\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"messageid\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5752", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok_v3, api_name:Music Info, api_description:get music information by music_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"music_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5753", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok_v3, api_name:Challenge, api_description:get challenge by hashtag, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hashtag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5754", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Soundcloud, api_name:/user/info, api_description:Get basic user info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"profile_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"urn\": \"int\", \"username\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"avatarURL\": \"str\", \"profile\": \"str\", \"bannerURL\": \"str\", \"followers\": \"int\", \"following\": \"int\", \"likesCount\": \"int\", \"tracksCount\": \"int\", \"tracks\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"publishedAt\": \"str\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"likes\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"publishedAt\": \"str\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"author\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"profile\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5755", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Soundcloud, api_name:/song/download, api_description:Download one song, the result is a url which you can get the song., required_params: [{\"name\": \"track_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5756", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:MockTwitter, api_name:login, api_description:login to the user profile, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5757", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Video No Watermark_v2, api_name:Get user favorite list, api_description:get user favorite list id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sec_uid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5758", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Video No Watermark_v2, api_name:Search users, api_description:**Search users by keyword**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keywords\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5759", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Video No Watermark_v2, api_name:Get user follow list, api_description:Get user follower or following, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sec_uid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5760", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Downloader_v2, api_name:Get Media, api_description:Post, Photo, Video, Igtv, Reel, Profile Picture, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url_username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5761", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Video No Watermark_v2, api_name:Get reply comment by id, api_description:Get reply comment by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"aweme_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5762", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Statistics API, api_name:Retrospective, api_description:Returns the history of the number of subscribers, posts, interactions, likes, comments, reposts, engagement for the selected period by day and in total for the period\n\n![](https://36627.selcdn.ru/jagajam-static/000000012_1f14d181-31f7-40ea-b957-fac40f8eee6f_f.png?time=1666779218), required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"cid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"data\\\": {\\\"series\\\": {\\\"current\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": 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Helps to understand when it is better to publish content and make integrations with influencers\n\n![](https://36627.selcdn.ru/jagajam-static/000000012_df890402-1ba3-4da4-855b-84c4f5e43df6_f.png?time=1666777428), required_params: [{\"name\": \"cid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [{\"time\": \"str\", \"interactions\": \"float\", \"likes\": \"float\", \"comments\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 168}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5766", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Scraper_v2, api_name:User videos, api_description:Get user videos., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5767", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:ScrapTik, api_name:End a Live Stream, api_description:End a live stream., required_params: [{\"name\": \"stream_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"room_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"cookie\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5768", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Scraper_v2, api_name:User followings, api_description:Get user followings., required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5769", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 872}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5770", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Social Media Data TT, api_name:User followers list, api_description:Get user followers:\n\n- Before testing don't forget to fill out the username **OR** sec_uid inputs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"has_more\": \"bool\", \"total_followers\": \"int\", \"max_cursor\": \"str\", \"followers\": [{\"unique_id\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"nickname\": \"str\", \"sec_uid\": \"str\", \"is_private\": \"bool\", \"country\": \"str\", \"avatar_medium\": \"str\", \"avatar_large\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 40}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5771", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5772", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Social Media Data TT, api_name:Music feed (Video posts), api_description:Get current music feed. \n\n- Endpoint will return an array of objects with very useful metadata. \n- Direct urls to the video , statistics and more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Music id\\n\\nFor example: 6823045620027099910\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"has_more\": \"bool\", \"max_cursor\": \"str\", \"media\": [{\"video_id\": \"str\", \"create_time\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"desc_language\": \"str\", \"author\": {\"unique_id\": \"str\", \"nickname\": \"str\", \"is_private\": \"bool\", \"language\": \"str\", \"signature\": \"str\", \"custom_verify\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"sec_uid\": \"str\", \"avatar_large\": \"str\", \"avatar_thumb\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\"}, \"video\": {\"video_no_watermark\": \"str\", \"video_with_watermark\": \"str\", \"cover\": \"str\", \"dynamic_cover\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"float\"}, \"statistics\": {\"play_count\": \"int\", \"whatsapp_share_count\": \"int\", \"comment_count\": \"int\", \"forward_count\": \"int\", \"like_count\": \"int\", \"share_count\": \"int\", \"download_count\": \"int\"}, \"music\": 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"metadata": {}} {"_id": "5776", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter Scraper, api_name:search, api_description:Search Twitter by keyword, hashtag or URL, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"total\": \"int\", \"message\": {\"error\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}, \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5777", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok_Solutions, api_name:Trending Videos by Region, api_description:Trending videos by specific Region. \nAvailable regions:\n- RU\n- US\n- GB\n- DE\n- FR\n- ES, required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5778", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok_Solutions, api_name:Followers of account by ID, api_description:Get **Followers** of account by **ID**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"min_time\": \"int\", \"followers\": \"empty list\", \"max_time\": \"int\", \"has_more\": \"bool\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5779", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok_Solutions, api_name:Hashtag Data by ID, api_description:Get Hashtag Data by using ID number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"challenge_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"ch_info\": {\"desc\": \"str\", \"view_count\": \"int\", \"hashtag_profile\": \"str\", \"type\": \"int\", \"user_count\": \"int\", \"cid\": \"str\", \"cha_name\": \"str\"}, \"status_code\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5780", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Reddit, api_name:Posts By Subreddit, api_description:Posts By Subreddit, required_params: [{\"name\": \"subreddit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"example: reddit.com/r/`memes`\"}, {\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"you can just send `new `or `hot`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5781", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Scraper_v2, api_name:User follower, api_description:Get user followers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5782", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:funny emojis, api_name:get emoji category list, api_description:get emoji category list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5783", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Scraper_v2, api_name:Video comments, api_description:Get video comments., required_params: [{\"name\": \"video_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5784", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:funny emojis, api_name:emoji api Instructions, api_description:emoji api Instructions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5785", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Scraper_v2, api_name:Video no watermark, api_description:Get video no watermark., required_params: [{\"name\": \"video_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5786", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:funny emojis, api_name:using emoji_name to get emoji, api_description:using emoji_name to get emoji, required_params: [{\"name\": \"emoji_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5787", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:YouTooSound, api_name:YouTooSound, api_description:YouTooSound Chiede di poter usare la tua mail e Nome, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5788", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Tronald Dump, api_name:/tag/{tag}, api_description:Retrieve a quotes by a given tag., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5789", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Downloader - Download TikTok Videos without watermark, api_name:video without watermark [mp4,mp3,cover,desc,region,wt], api_description:video without watermark [mp4,mp3,cover,description,region,verify]\nthe response may be slower than the other \" video without watermark\" endpoint cause it's more loaded but it is still so fast enough and it's more stable \nserved by proxy, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5790", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter v2_v2, api_name:User Following, api_description:User Following, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\\n\\nUse the `User By Screen Name` endpoint to find the ID from a username.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5791", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Tweesky, api_name:/status, api_description:Endpoint to verify API is working and available
, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5792", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Chuck Norris, api_name:/jokes/categories, api_description:Retrieve a list of available joke categories., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5793", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Chuck Norris, api_name:/jokes/random, api_description:Retrieve a random chuck joke in JSON format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5794", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:gwyo-twitch, api_name:Get Stream Game Name, api_description:Get Stream Game Name (by username or id)\n( return an empty JSON object if not currently LIVE ), required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5795", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:gwyo-twitch, api_name:Get Stream Number of Viewers, api_description:Get Stream Number of Viewers (using username or id)\n( return an empty JSON object if not currently LIVE ), required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5796", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:gwyo-twitch, api_name:Get Stream Language, api_description:Get Stream Language (using username or id)\n( return an empty JSON object if not currently LIVE ), required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5797", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/hashtag/posts/{hashtag_id}, api_description:Search videos by hashtag ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hashtag_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5798", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/music/posts/{music_id}, api_description:Search videos by music ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"music_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5799", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:ScrapTik, api_name:Trending Creators, api_description:Get trending creators., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"extra\\\": {\\\"fatal_item_ids\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"logid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"now\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"log_pb\\\": {\\\"impr_id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"status_code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"user_list\\\": [{\\\"aweme\\\": 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Automobile, Software, HealthCare, Edutech are some examples.\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Use this key for testing.\"}, {\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The email where you will receive the response at.\"}, {\"name\": \"depth\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Depth tells the API to fetch info from number of Pages. If depth is 3 , the information will be collected from first 3 pages.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5817", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v2, api_name:Validate Username, api_description:Instagram Username validation, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5818", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v2, api_name:Profile, api_description:Instagram Profile, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ig\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5819", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Private API, api_name:/api/userinfo/, api_description:Get avatar and followers, likes and videos count of a user by \"id\", required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"avatarThumb\": \"str\", \"cache\": \"bool\", \"followerCount\": \"int\", \"followingCount\": \"int\", \"heartCount\": \"int\", \"sec_uid\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"videoCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5820", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Fast, api_name:Get user id, api_description:Get instagram id by username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5821", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Profile Picture Viewer, api_name:View Profile Picture, api_description:View full HD Profile Picture of anyone on Instagram just using username., required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"is_private\": \"bool\", \"bio\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"followers\": \"int\", \"is_verified\": \"bool\", \"fullname\": \"str\", \"profile_picture_url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5822", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/user/{user_id}/playlist/{playlist_id}/videos, api_description:Videos by playlist ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"user's ID can be uid or sec_uid\"}, {\"name\": \"playlist_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"extra\\\": {\\\"fatal_item_ids\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"logid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"now\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"has_more\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"has_more_of_load_more\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"log_pb\\\": {\\\"impr_id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"max_cursor\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"min_cursor\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status_code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status_msg\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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**NOT** add zeros (0) at the beginning.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5825", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Whatsapp Scraper, api_name:Is whatsapp for business?, api_description:Requests to this endpoint will return `true` if the number is a **Whatsapp for Business** account, or `false` if it's not., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The phone number must be written as a number (including countrycode); \\ndo **NOT** include: any non-number character, spaces, or anything which is not a number; do **NOT** add zeros (0) at the beginning.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5826", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v6, api_name:GetUserNameByUserId, api_description:get username by user id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5827", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Hajana One Free SMS For Websites, api_name:Send SMS, api_description:A File for sending SMS, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5828", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v6, api_name:HashTagMedias, api_description:Get hashtag medias, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hash_tag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5829", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Initials Avatar, api_name:Avatar, api_description:Generates initials avatar, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5830", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:Auto Complete, api_description:this returns auto complete result in twitter search., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"num_results\": \"int\", \"users\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"id_str\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"badges\": \"empty list\", \"is_dm_able\": \"bool\", \"is_secret_dm_able\": \"bool\", \"is_blocked\": \"bool\", \"can_media_tag\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\", \"screen_name\": \"str\", \"profile_image_url\": \"str\", \"profile_image_url_https\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"is_protected\": \"bool\", \"rounded_score\": \"int\", \"social_proof\": \"int\", \"connecting_user_count\": \"int\", \"connecting_user_ids\": \"empty list\", \"social_proofs_ordered\": \"empty list\", \"social_context\": {\"following\": \"bool\", \"followed_by\": \"bool\"}, \"tokens\": \"empty list\", \"inline\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"topics\": [{\"topic\": \"str\", \"rounded_score\": \"int\", \"tokens\": \"empty list\", \"inline\": \"bool\", 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ID, api_description:Get Individual Result by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"City\": \"str\", \"Address\": \"str\", \"Latitude\": \"str\", \"Zip_Code\": \"str\", \"Arms_Used\": \"str\", \"Longitude\": \"str\", \"Crime_Name\": \"str\", \"Incident_ID\": \"str\", \"Place_of_Crime\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5833", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Hashtag, api_name:Get Category, api_description:Get a specific category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"category\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5834", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Pro, api_name:Advance Profile, api_description:Profile data with email/phone if available, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ig\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"response_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"has_fan_club_subscriptions\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"has_exclusive_feed_content\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"open_external_url_with_in_app_browser\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_memorialized\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"highlight_reshare_disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_new_to_instagram\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"auto_expand_chaining\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"show_account_transparency_details\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_bestie\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"remove_message_entrypoint\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"request_contact_enabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"show_post_insights_entry_point\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_potential_business\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"include_direct_blacklist_status\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"upcoming_events\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"fan_club_info\\\": {\\\"fan_club_name\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"fan_club_id\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"pronouns\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", 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You can use the cursor and count to navigate around., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The userId of the user. You can get it by converting a username to the userId or by searching a user and extracting the restId.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5836", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:SendAPic API, api_name:Get image, api_description:Retrieve the image by ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"fileID\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"document\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5837", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Youtube V2, api_name:Video Data, api_description:Get downloadable links of the Video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"video_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"itag\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"mimeType\": \"str\", \"bitrate\": \"int\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"lastModified\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"str\", \"fps\": \"int\", \"qualityLabel\": \"str\", \"projectionType\": \"str\", \"audioQuality\": \"str\", \"approxDurationMs\": \"str\", \"audioSampleRate\": \"str\", \"audioChannels\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5838", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Statistics API, api_name:Profile by ID, api_description:Returns profile information from our database or searches for an account in a social network.\nReturns general account information and identifier.\n\nContains the status of data collection and the time the data was last updated.\n\nDue to direct access to the social network, it may work a little slower. It is recommended to use for the initial receipt of the identifier.\n\n![](https://36627.selcdn.ru/jagajam-static/000000012_16b6e212-c0c3-42c6-8c3c-9dfd22ae1bf6_f.png?time=1666776494), required_params: [{\"name\": \"cid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"data\\\": {\\\"cid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"socialType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"groupID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"usersCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"communityStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isBlocked\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isClosed\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"tags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 13\\\"], \\\"suggestedTags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 7\\\"], \\\"avgER\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avgInteractions\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avgViews\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ratingIndex\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ratingTags\\\": [{\\\"tagID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 13}], \\\"similar\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"qualityScore\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"timeStatistics\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timePostsLoaded\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"membersCities\\\": [{\\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 15}], \\\"membersCountries\\\": [{\\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 17}], \\\"membersGendersAges\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"m\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"f\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 8}], \\\"summary\\\": {\\\"m\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"f\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avgAges\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"avgLikes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5839", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter AIO, api_name:User Details by userId, api_description:This is the prefered method of getting any information. 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required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"thumbnail_url\": \"str\", \"sd\": \"str\", \"hd\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"github\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5841", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Data, api_name:User followers list, api_description:Get user followers:\n\n- Before testing don't forget to fill out the username **OR** sec_uid inputs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5842", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Tronald Dump, api_name:Quote, api_description:Get quote by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5843", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Data, api_name:User followings list, api_description:Get user followings:\n\n- Before testing don't forget to fill out the username **OR** sec_uid inputs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5844", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Data, api_name:Real-time hashtag search, api_description:Search for hashtags by keyword, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"cha_name\": \"str\", \"view_count\": \"int\", \"cid\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5845", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Greet Generator, api_name:Get Greet, api_description:Get Greet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"cringeLevel\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5846", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Soundcloud, api_name:/song/info, api_description:Get basic information of a song., required_params: [{\"name\": \"track_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"int\", \"playCount\": \"str\", \"commentsCount\": \"str\", \"likes\": \"str\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"author\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"avatarURL\": \"str\", \"urn\": \"int\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"followers\": \"int\", \"following\": \"int\"}, \"publishedAt\": \"str\", \"embedURL\": \"str\", \"embed\": {\"version\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"provider_name\": \"str\", \"provider_url\": \"str\", \"height\": \"int\", \"width\": \"str\", 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\"status\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5848", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:ZodiacAPI, api_name:Get sign prediction for today by name, api_description:Get sign prediction for today by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5849", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v7, api_name:Get user feed, api_description:Get the feed of a user, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5850", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Statistics API, api_name:Tags, api_description:Returns all tags with which accounts are marked.\nYou can filter the desired tags and nesting., required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"country, city, category, type, interest\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [{\"tagID\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": \"str\", \"level\": \"int\", \"fullName\": \"str\", \"isLeaf\": \"bool\", \"hidden\": \"bool\", \"code\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5851", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Whatsapp Scraper, api_name:Fetch business info, api_description:The endpoint will provide: `description`, `website`, `email`, `business hours`, `address` and `category`; if the number is a whatsapp for business account., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The phone number must be written as a number (including countrycode); \\ndo **NOT** include: any non-number character, spaces, or anything which is not a number; do **NOT** add zeros (0) at the beginning.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5852", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:gwyo-twitch, api_name:Get Stream Preview as HTML Element, api_description:Get the Last Picture Preview as a HTML Element from a Live Stream\n( using optional width or width/height )\n( return an empty JSON object if not currently LIVE ), required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5853", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:gwyo-twitch, api_name:Get Channel Profile Pic HTML Element, api_description:Get Channel Profile Pictures as a HTML Element with tag (using username or id)\n( Sizes: 150x150, 300x300, 600x600 ), required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"img_element\": {\"smallProfilePicture\": \"str\", \"mediumProfilePicture\": \"str\", \"bigProfilePicture\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5854", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Telegram_v2, api_name:Messages from Telegram Channel, api_description:The endpoint returns last 10 messages or specific id message from Telegram Channel. \nThe channel must be public.\n\n- Author\n- Photo\n- Message\n- Views \n- DateTime\n- ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The @username of the channel\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5855", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Telegram_v2, api_name:Telegram Channel info, api_description:The endpoint returns realtime information about public Telegram Channel\n\n- Title\n- Photo\n- Description\n- Members, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The @username of the channel\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5856", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Telegram_v2, api_name:Telegram Group Info, api_description:The endpoint returns realtime information about public Telegram Group\n\n- Title\n- Photo\n- Description\n- Members\n- On line Memebers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"group\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The @username of the group\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5857", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v6, api_name:UserInfo, api_description:Get instagram user info by user name, response with old format. result -> user., required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5858", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Tiktok Video Feature Summary, api_name:get user following list, api_description:get user following list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5859", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Tiktok Video Feature Summary, api_name:get music info, api_description:get music info base on id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id or https://vm.tiktok.com/xxxxxxx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"processed_time\": \"float\", \"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"play\": \"str\", \"cover\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"original\": \"bool\", \"duration\": \"int\", \"album\": \"str\", \"video_count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5860", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Video No Watermark_v2, api_name:Get favorite video by id, api_description:get favorite video by id\n**url doesn't seem to work please use get video details to get download link**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mixId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5861", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Tiktok Video Feature Summary, api_name:region list, api_description:the region list use in video search params, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"msg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"processed_time\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"IN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GH\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KZ\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AI\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MZ\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MX\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SO\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AM\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BA\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RO\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KM\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BZ\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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tool_name:Pinterest Downloader - Download image video and pinterest ideapin, api_name:video download, api_description:Get a url to download the video in original hd quality by passing pinterest video pin address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5865", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter AIO, api_name:User Followings by userId, api_description:Receive all followings of a user. You can use the cursor and count to navigate around., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The userId of the user. You can get it by converting a username to the userId or by searching a user and extracting the restId.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"more\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5866", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter AIO, api_name:Twitter Space by spaceId, api_description:Receive all informations for a Twitter Space stream by its id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"spaceId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5867", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter AIO, api_name:Search, api_description:With the search endpoint you can search all of twitter. You just need to provide a search term., required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchTerm\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5868", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok_Solutions, api_name:User Data by ID, api_description:Get User Data by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"user\": {\"avatar_168x168\": {\"uri\": \"str\", \"url_list\": \"empty list\"}, \"avatar_300x300\": {\"uri\": \"str\", \"url_list\": \"empty list\"}, \"avatar_larger\": {\"uri\": \"str\", \"url_list\": \"NoneType\"}, \"avatar_medium\": {\"uri\": \"str\", \"url_list\": \"empty list\"}, \"avatar_thumb\": {\"uri\": \"str\", \"url_list\": \"empty list\"}, \"commerce_user_info\": {\"ad_experience_entry\": \"bool\", \"ad_experience_text\": \"str\", 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"category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v4, api_name:v1.1 / User Followers, api_description:v1.1 / User Followers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5871", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v4, api_name:User By Screen Name, api_description:User By Screen Name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Username\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5872", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v4, api_name:v1.1 / Tweet Retweeters IDs, api_description:v1.1 / Tweet Retweeters IDs, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Tweet ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5873", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/search/music, api_description:Search music by text query, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query text\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5874", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Looter, api_name:Get User Tagged Media by user_id, api_description:Get **Instagram** user tagged media by **user_id**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"user\": {\"edge_user_to_photos_of_you\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"page_info\": {\"has_next_page\": \"bool\", \"end_cursor\": \"str\"}, \"edges\": [{\"node\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"__typename\": \"str\", \"edge_media_to_caption\": {\"edges\": [{\"node\": {\"text\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"shortcode\": \"str\", \"edge_media_to_comment\": {\"count\": \"int\"}, \"comments_disabled\": \"bool\", \"taken_at_timestamp\": \"int\", 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{\"cat_face\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5877", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok_Solutions, api_name:Music Feed by ID, api_description:Get** Music Feed **by **ID**\nYou can get ID from TikToc music url, required_params: [{\"name\": \"music_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5878", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter Hashtags, api_name:Get worldwide hashtags, api_description:Returns a list of all recent hashtags worldwide, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tweets\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5879", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter Hashtags, api_name:Get country's hashtags, api_description:Get hashtags based on country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"string\", 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api_description:Get **Hashtag search** by** Keyword**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"challenge_list\": [{\"challenge_info\": {\"view_count\": \"int\", \"type\": \"int\", \"user_count\": \"int\", \"cid\": \"str\", \"cha_name\": \"str\"}, \"items\": \"NoneType\", \"position\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 30}], \"cursor\": \"int\", \"global_doodle_config\": {\"keyword\": \"str\", \"new_source\": \"str\", \"search_channel\": \"str\"}, \"has_more\": \"int\", \"status_code\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5927", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:LinkedIn Outreach, api_name:Linkedin Connections, api_description:This API does the sending connections job easy for you , just feed the URLs of the people you want to connect with and leave the job to us., required_params: [{\"name\": \"urls\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"URLs of the people you wish to send requests, Please insert a insert a string of 10 URLs separated by comma. Example : URL1, URL2, URL3, ....... , URL10 \"}, {\"name\": \"message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The message you will leave while sending request. You can customize the message by using variables. For example, \\\\\\\"Hello [target_name], would love to connect with you.\\\\\\\" is the message you want to send, here target_name is a variable, written in squared brackets '[]'. Assuming the target's name is John Wick then the resulting string will be, \\\\\\\"Hello John Wick, would love to connect with you.\\\\\\\"\\nNote: Please take care of the spelling while adding the variable(s).\"}, {\"name\": \"cookie\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of cookie named \\\\\\\"li_at\\\\\\\".\\nNote: The above value is just a sample. To get the value actual value of the cookie , please follow the document link given.\"}, {\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The email where you will receive the results of connection requests' status.\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5928", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Looter, api_name:Get Hashtag Media by Query, api_description:Get **Instagram** hashtag media by **query**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"hashtag\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"allow_following\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_following\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_top_media_only\\\": \\\"bool\\\", 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endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"shortcode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5933", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Social Media Data TT, api_name:Real-time user search, api_description:Search for influencers by the keyword. \n\n- Very useful data will be returned in the response, if user is verified or not, users country and more, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search keyword. 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{\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5938", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API, api_name:Media by Code, api_description:Get a media by code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5939", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok_v4, api_name:Hashtag/Challenge Info, api_description:Get Hashtag/Challenge Information By \"challenge_name\" or \"challenge_id\",\nand the endpoint will return Challenge Information. //Notice: it will not return the challenge posts, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5940", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:IG Private API, api_name:Highlight Items, api_description:Highlight Items, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5941", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:IG Private API, api_name:Highlights, api_description:Highlights, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5942", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Scraper_v2, api_name:Video info, api_description:Get video info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"video_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5943", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Scraper_v2, api_name:Hashtag info, api_description:Get hashtag (challenge) info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"hashtag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5944", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:IG Private API, api_name:IGTV, api_description:IGTV, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5945", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v4, api_name:v1.1 / User Following IDs, api_description:v1.1 / User Following IDs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5946", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:YouTube Channel Details, api_name:YouTube Channel Details, api_description:YouTube Channel Details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**Channel ID** starting with the `UC` prefix, or **Channel URL**\\n\\ne.g. `https://www.youtube.com/user/PewDiePie`\\ne.g. `UC-lHJZR3Gqxm24_Vd_AJ5Yw`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artistBio\": \"NoneType\", \"avatar\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"badges\": [{\"text\": 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Video, api_description:Provide Link of TikTok video in url parameter to get Download Links of TikTok Video., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"invalidHeaders\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"invalidQueryParams\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5948", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:MockTwitter, api_name:login_copy, api_description:login to the user profile, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5949", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Olato Quotes, api_name:Motivation Quote, api_description:It shows random quotes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quote\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5950", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Youtube V2, api_name:Video Details, api_description:Get all publicly available details about a Youtube Video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"video_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"video_id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"number_of_views\": \"int\", \"video_length\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"is_live_content\": \"str\", \"published_time\": \"str\", \"channel_id\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"keywords\": [\"list of str with length 13\"], \"thumbnails\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5951", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Youtube V2, api_name:Channel Details, api_description:This endpoint get all available details about a given channel ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"channel_id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"subscriber_count\": \"str\", \"links\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"endpoint\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"avatar\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"banner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"verified\": \"bool\", \"has_business_email\": \"bool\", \"view_count\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"creation_date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5952", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Video No Watermark_v2, api_name:Search challenge, api_description:Search challenge by keywords, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keywords\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5953", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Geeklist, api_name:Get Authenticated Users Following, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5954", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Geeklist, api_name:Get Specified Users Following, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"user\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5955", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Geeklist, api_name:Highfive Item, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of item being highfived.\"}, {\"name\": \"gfk\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of the item being highfived.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5956", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok_Solutions, api_name:Hashtag Feed by Name, api_description:Get **Hashtag Feed **by **Name**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"challenge_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5957", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v5, api_name:Get Users By IDs, api_description:Get Users By IDs (Rest IDs), required_params: [{\"name\": \"users\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5958", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v5, api_name:Autocomplete, api_description:Twitter Seach Query Autocomplete, required_params: [{\"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5959", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Bulk Profile Scrapper, api_name:Post with Cursor, api_description:This API return time will be faster, As this fetch profile data directly from userid (pk)\n\nScrap instagram profile by pk or username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ig\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5960", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Bulk Profile Scrapper, api_name:Music Search by Keyword, api_description:**Contact me for Custom package or requirements**\n\nSearch Music by Keyword\n\nYou can pass nextMaxId to fetch more reels, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"moreAvailable\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"track\": {\"audio_cluster_id\": \"str\", \"cover_artwork_thumbnail_uri\": \"str\", \"cover_artwork_uri\": \"str\", \"display_artist\": \"str\", \"duration_in_ms\": \"int\", \"has_lyrics\": \"bool\", \"is_explicit\": \"bool\", \"progressive_download_url\": \"str\", \"subtitle\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 30}], \"query\": \"str\", \"nextCursor\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5961", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Terabox Downloader, api_name:Info Link Data, api_description:Get Data Terabox Share Link, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: https://terabox.com/s/1gw8aGb75AWIp0fkfd3VaAgs\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5962", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter AIO, api_name:User Followers by userId, api_description:Receive all followers of a user. You can use the cursor and count to navigate around., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The userId of the user. You can get it by converting a username to the userId or by searching a user and extracting the restId.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"user\": {\"result\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"timeline\": {\"timeline\": {\"instructions\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}}}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5963", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:Tweets by hashtag, api_description:this returns tweets based on twitter hashtag.\nyou can use cursor input for pagination., required_params: [{\"name\": \"hashtag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"tweets\\\": {\\\"1669804995863281669\\\": {\\\"created_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id_str\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"full_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"truncated\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"display_text_range\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 2\\\"], \\\"entities\\\": 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\"userid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Range from 1 to 50\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5967", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API_v2, api_name:search, api_description:search any query on Instagram, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5968", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API_v2, api_name:Shortcode to Media id, api_description:Each Media on Instagram has a unique id like 2931558439012794055, but in the Url you will see it this way: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ciu_N9Qpm5d/\nThis endpoint will converts Ciu_N9Qpm5d to 2931558439012794055, required_params: [{\"name\": \"shortcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5969", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Full Video Info, api_name:Getting full details by URL, api_description:Url must be encoded, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5970", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:Tweet by id, api_description:access to one tweet data by its id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tweet_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"entryId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sortIndex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"entryType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"itemContent\\\": {\\\"itemType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tweet_results\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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\\\"friends_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"has_custom_timelines\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_translator\\\": \\\"b\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5971", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v5, api_name:User Reels, api_description:Get Instagram user reels by Instagram user id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"userid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5972", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v5, api_name:User Posts, api_description:Get Instagram user posts by Instagram user id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"userid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5973", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API 2023, api_name:Get place ids from city names, api_description:Get place ids from place(city) names. You can use these place ids to get posts by city names in next endpoint. \nYou can use any language as place/city name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"place_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Use can put place(city) name in any language.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"items\": [{\"location\": {\"pk\": \"int\", \"short_name\": \"str\", \"facebook_places_id\": \"int\", \"external_source\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"has_viewer_saved\": \"bool\", \"lng\": \"float\", \"lat\": \"float\"}, \"title\": \"str\", \"subtitle\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 55}], \"has_more\": \"bool\", \"rank_token\": \"str\"}, \"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5974", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API 2023, api_name:Get media(story, post, reel & other) info by media_id, api_description:Get brief media (story, post, reel & other) info by media_id.\n\n`story_id` can be obtained from url ex. in instagram. com/stories/thegoodquote/3102217023052923777/ here **3102217023052923777** is story_id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"media_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5975", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API 2023, api_name:Get like details of any media by media id, api_description:Get all users who liked a particular post/reel/IGTV/etc using media_id.\nYou can fetch upto 9000 users(upto 5MB of response). Please make sure your systems are capable of handling too much data otherwise you can use 1000 count value., required_params: [{\"name\": \"media_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5976", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Real Love Calculator, api_name:GET /, api_description:It is use to check if this API is working. Make sure that you use POST API and not the GET API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5977", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API 2023, api_name:Get user tags posts by user_id, api_description:Get user tag posts of an Instagram user using user_id.\nUser tag posts can be found at www. instagram .com/{username}/tagged/, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5978", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Memes, api_name:Random Meme, api_description:Get Random Meme from genre\n\n**Default Type:** top\n**Available Type**\n- Top\n- Hot\n- New\n\n**Default Genre: ** memes\n**Available Genres**\n- \"anime\"\n- \"dnd\"\n- \"history\"\n- \"historyani\"\n- \"memes\"\n- \"politics\"\n- \"science\"\n- \"lotr\"\n- \"ww2\", required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"genre\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5979", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Data, api_name:Video post metadata, api_description:Get single post metadata, required_params: [{\"name\": \"video\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"TikTok video post url. For example: **https://www.tiktok.com/@charlidamelio/video/7137423965982592302**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"createTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"authorMeta\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secUid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unique_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nickName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avatar\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"verified\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"signature\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"other_social_profiles\\\": {\\\"instagram_username\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter\\\": {\\\"twitter_username\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter_id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"youtube\\\": {\\\"youtube_channel_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"youtube_channel_id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}, \\\"musicMeta\\\": {\\\"musicId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"musicName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"musicAuthor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"album\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"musicOriginal\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"playUrl\\\": 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"category_name:Search, tool_name:Job Search, api_name:Search Jobs, api_description:Search jobs by input value, required_params: [{\"name\": \"agent\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"l\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5982", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Front Page search engine, api_name:Search, api_description:takes any search string in any language., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pageno\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", 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"text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Bing Web Search, api_name:Supported Countries, api_description:You can search against these countries., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Australia\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Belgium\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Brazil\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Canada\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"China\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"France\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Germany\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"India\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Italy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Japan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Korea\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Mexico\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Netherlands\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Poland\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Russia\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Spain\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Sweden\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Switzerland\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"United Kingdom\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"United States\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Afghanistan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Albania\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Algeria\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"American Samoa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Andorra\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Angola\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Anguilla\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Antigua and Barbuda\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Argentina\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Armenia\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Aruba\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Austria\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Azerbaijan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bahamas\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bahrain\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bangladesh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Barbados\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Belarus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Belize\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Benin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bermuda\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bhutan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bolivia\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bosnia & Herzegovina\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Botswana\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"British Virgin Islands\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Brunei\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bulgaria\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Burkina Faso\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Burundi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Cabo Verde\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Cambodia\\\": \\\"s\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5986", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Webit Image Search, api_name:Search, api_description:Webit Image Search API provides you a powerful endpoint to search billions of images from the world wide web featuring rating, reverse search by image and multi-lingual capabilities., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"results\": [{\"title\": \"NoneType\", \"url\": \"NoneType\", \"id\": \"NoneType\", \"confidence\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"results_count\": \"int\", \"number\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"int\"}, \"message\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5987", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Webit Image Search, api_name:Similar, api_description:Search for Visually Similar images to an image from a previous Search result., required_params: [{\"name\": \"image_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The \\\\\\\"image_id\\\\\\\" of an image from search results to search similar images by.\\n\\nThe used image_id corresponds to the following image:\\n![](https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/3d-aesthetics-with-shapes-vaporwave-style_23-2148981118.jpg?size=262&ext=jpg)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"results\": [{\"title\": \"NoneType\", \"url\": \"NoneType\", \"id\": \"NoneType\", \"confidence\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"results_count\": \"int\", \"number\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"int\"}, \"message\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5988", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Question-Answered, api_name:Get Answer to Question, api_description:This endpoint fetches the answer to a single question., required_params: [{\"name\": \"questionAsked\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"question\": \"str\", \"answer\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5989", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Google Search API, api_name:Search, api_description:Get search results for Google search keyword query. 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\"description\": \"you will use alpha code for any language you need: \\n\\nAfrikaans => \\\\\\\"af\\\\\\\"\\nAlbanian => \\\\\\\"sq\\\\\\\"\\nAmharic => \\\\\\\"sm\\\\\\\"\\nArabic => \\\\\\\"ar\\\\\\\"\\nAzerbaijani => \\\\\\\"az\\\\\\\"\\nBasque => \\\\\\\"eu\\\\\\\"\\nBelarusian => \\\\\\\"be\\\\\\\"\\nBengali => \\\\\\\"bn\\\\\\\"\\nBihari => \\\\\\\"bh\\\\\\\"\\nBosnian => \\\\\\\"bs\\\\\\\"\\nBulgarian => \\\\\\\"bg\\\\\\\"\\nCatalan => \\\\\\\"ca\\\\\\\"\\nChinese (Simplified) => \\\\\\\"zh-CN\\\\\\\"\\nChinese (Traditional) => \\\\\\\"zh-TW\\\\\\\"\\nCroatian => \\\\\\\"hr\\\\\\\"\\nCzech => \\\\\\\"cs\\\\\\\"\\nDanish => \\\\\\\"da\\\\\\\"\\nDutch => \\\\\\\"nl\\\\\\\"\\nEnglish => \\\\\\\"en\\\\\\\"\\nEsperanto => \\\\\\\"eo\\\\\\\"\\nEstonian => \\\\\\\"et\\\\\\\"\\nFaroese => \\\\\\\"fo\\\\\\\"\\nFinnish => \\\\\\\"fi\\\\\\\"\\nFrench => \\\\\\\"fr\\\\\\\"\\nFrisian => \\\\\\\"fy\\\\\\\"\\nGalician => \\\\\\\"gl\\\\\\\"\\nGeorgian => \\\\\\\"ka\\\\\\\"\\nGerman => \\\\\\\"de\\\\\\\"\\nGreek => \\\\\\\"el\\\\\\\"\\nGujarati => \\\\\\\"gu\\\\\\\"\\nHebrew => \\\\\\\"iw\\\\\\\"\\nHindi => \\\\\\\"hi\\\\\\\"\\nHungarian => \\\\\\\"hu\\\\\\\"\\nIcelandic => \\\\\\\"is\\\\\\\"\\nIndonesian => \\\\\\\"id\\\\\\\"\\nInterlingua => \\\\\\\"ia\\\\\\\"\\nIrish => \\\\\\\"ga\\\\\\\"\\nItalian => \\\\\\\"it\\\\\\\"\\nJapanese => \\\\\\\"ja\\\\\\\"\\nJavanese => \\\\\\\"jw\\\\\\\"\\nKannada => \\\\\\\"kn\\\\\\\"\\nKorean => \\\\\\\"ko\\\\\\\"\\nLatin => \\\\\\\"la\\\\\\\"\\nLatvian => \\\\\\\"lv\\\\\\\"\\nLithuanian => \\\\\\\"lt\\\\\\\"\\nMacedonian => \\\\\\\"mk\\\\\\\"\\nMalay => \\\\\\\"ms\\\\\\\"\\nMalayam => \\\\\\\"ml\\\\\\\"\\nMaltese => \\\\\\\"mt\\\\\\\"\\nMarathi => \\\\\\\"mr\\\\\\\"\\nNepali => \\\\\\\"ne\\\\\\\"\\nNorwegian => \\\\\\\"no\\\\\\\"\\nNorwegian (Nynorsk) => \\\\\\\"nn\\\\\\\"\\nOccitan => \\\\\\\"oc\\\\\\\"\\nPersian => \\\\\\\"fa\\\\\\\"\\nPolish => \\\\\\\"pl\\\\\\\"\\nPortuguese (Brazil) => \\\\\\\"pt-BR\\\\\\\"\\nPortuguese (Portugal) => \\\\\\\"pt-PT\\\\\\\"\\nPunjabi => \\\\\\\"pa\\\\\\\"\\nRomanian => \\\\\\\"ro\\\\\\\"\\nRussian => \\\\\\\"ru\\\\\\\"\\nScots Gaelic => \\\\\\\"gd\\\\\\\"\\nSerbian => \\\\\\\"sr\\\\\\\"\\nSinhalese => \\\\\\\"si\\\\\\\"\\nSlovak => \\\\\\\"sk\\\\\\\"\\nSlovenian => \\\\\\\"sl\\\\\\\"\\nSpanish => \\\\\\\"es\\\\\\\"\\nSudanese => \\\\\\\"su\\\\\\\"\\nSwahili => \\\\\\\"sw\\\\\\\"\\nSwedish => \\\\\\\"sv\\\\\\\"\\nTagalog => \\\\\\\"tl\\\\\\\"\\nTamil => \\\\\\\"ta\\\\\\\"\\nTelugu => \\\\\\\"te\\\\\\\"\\nThai => \\\\\\\"th\\\\\\\"\\nTigrinya => \\\\\\\"ti\\\\\\\"\\nTurkish => \\\\\\\"tr\\\\\\\"\\nUkrainian => \\\\\\\"uk\\\\\\\"\\nUrdu => \\\\\\\"ur\\\\\\\"\\nUzbek => \\\\\\\"uz\\\\\\\"\\nVietnamese => \\\\\\\"vi\\\\\\\"\\nWelsh => \\\\\\\"cy\\\\\\\"\\nXhosa => \\\\\\\"xh\\\\\\\"\\nZulu => \\\\\\\"zu\\\\\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"gcountry\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"you will use only the alpha code of any country \\n\\nAfghanistan => 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With this API, developers can retrieve valuable insights into the most popular and trending search terms for specific locations., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"NL\": \"str\", \"SE\": \"str\", \"CO\": \"str\", \"TW\": \"str\", \"NO\": \"str\", \"TH\": \"str\", \"NG\": \"str\", \"NZ\": \"str\", \"HK\": \"str\", \"AU\": \"str\", \"AT\": \"str\", \"DE\": \"str\", \"IT\": \"str\", \"BE\": \"str\", \"UA\": \"str\", \"TR\": \"str\", \"ZA\": \"str\", \"VN\": \"str\", \"US\": \"str\", \"RO\": \"str\", \"CH\": \"str\", \"SA\": \"str\", \"ES\": \"str\", \"DK\": \"str\", \"CZ\": \"str\", \"JP\": \"str\", \"AR\": \"str\", \"SG\": \"str\", \"BR\": \"str\", \"ID\": \"str\", \"CL\": \"str\", \"PT\": \"str\", \"PH\": \"str\", \"MY\": \"str\", \"GB\": \"str\", \"RU\": \"str\", \"EG\": \"str\", \"FI\": \"str\", \"CA\": \"str\", \"GR\": \"str\", \"PE\": \"str\", \"IL\": \"str\", \"IE\": \"str\", \"MX\": \"str\", \"KE\": \"str\", \"PL\": \"str\", \"HU\": \"str\", \"FR\": 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\"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"predictions\": [{\"description\": \"str\", \"matched_substrings\": [{\"length\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"place_id\": \"str\", \"reference\": \"str\", \"structured_formatting\": {\"main_text\": \"str\", \"main_text_matched_substrings\": [{\"length\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"secondary_text\": \"str\"}, \"terms\": [{\"offset\": \"int\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"types\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"_list_length\": 5}], \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6015", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Google Jobs, api_name:OfferInfo, api_description:get offer data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"joburl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6016", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, 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api_description:This endpoint is used to perform text search on the web using the Google Search JSON API. 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Parameters compatible to SEARXNG (see linked external documentation). \nIn addition, a parameter `url` might be given to specify a webhook URL (POST request will be sent)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"query\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"number_of_results\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"engine\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"parsed_url\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 6\\\"], \\\"template\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"engines\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"positions\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 1\\\"], \\\"score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pretty_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open_group\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"resultid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isNew\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"firstSeen\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}], \\\"answers\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"corrections\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"infoboxes\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"suggestions\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 8\\\"], \\\"unresponsive_engines\\\": [\\\"list of list with length 1\\\"], \\\"queryId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"new\\\": [{\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"engine\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"parsed_url\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 6\\\"], \\\"template\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"engines\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"positions\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 1\\\"], \\\"score\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pretty_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resultid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isNew\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"firstSeen\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 11}], \\\"webhookEr\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6024", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:searchhook, api_name:webhooks, api_description:Returns list of saved queries with associated webhooks., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"queryId\": \"str\", \"search\": {\"language\": \"str\", \"categories\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"q\": \"str\", \"time_range\": \"str\", \"safesearch\": \"str\", \"format\": \"str\", \"iteration\": \"bool\"}, \"url\": \"str\", \"expires\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6025", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Bing Entity Search, api_name:Entities Search, api_description:Get entities and places results for a given query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user's search term.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_type\": \"str\", \"errors\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"subCode\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"moreDetails\": \"str\", \"parameter\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6026", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:YouTube Search Results, api_name:YouTubeSearchResults, api_description:Get all the YouTube Search Results Items and their Information! 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"metadata": {}} {"_id": "6035", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Youtube Search_v3, api_name:getChannelVideos, api_description:Retrieve a comprehensive list of videos associated with a specific channel, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) Channel ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6036", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Subdomains lookup, api_name:Subdomains lookup, api_description:Query API with root domain to retrieve all known subdomains, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"pagenum\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rootDomain\": \"str\", \"numFound\": \"str\", \"start\": \"int\", \"numFoundExact\": \"bool\", \"subdomains\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}", "metadata": 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optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"user\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"namespace\": \"str\", \"repository_type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"status_description\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"is_private\": \"bool\", \"is_automated\": \"bool\", \"star_count\": \"int\", \"pull_count\": \"int\", \"last_updated\": \"str\", \"date_registered\": \"str\", \"collaborator_count\": \"int\", \"affiliation\": \"NoneType\", \"hub_user\": \"str\", \"has_starred\": \"bool\", \"full_description\": \"str\", \"permissions\": {\"read\": \"bool\", \"write\": \"bool\", \"admin\": \"bool\"}, \"media_types\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"content_types\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6042", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:OPT-NC public docker images, api_name:GET ALL Images, api_description:Récupère la liste de toutes les images Docker publiques, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"next\": \"str\", \"previous\": \"NoneType\", \"results\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"namespace\": \"str\", \"repository_type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"status_description\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"is_private\": \"bool\", \"star_count\": \"int\", \"pull_count\": \"int\", \"last_updated\": \"str\", \"date_registered\": \"str\", \"affiliation\": \"str\", \"media_types\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"content_types\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6043", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Google Trends, api_name:trendings, api_description:The endpoint used to display some of the trending search keywords on Google in a specific region and on a specific date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"To display trend data for a specific date\"}, {\"name\": \"region_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The region_code parameter is used to display data only for the specified region.\\nExample: **GB**, **ID**, **US**, etc.\\nTo view the list of supported regions, please check the **/regions** endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6044", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Fiverr Pro services, api_name:Categories, api_description:List of category names you can search for, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6045", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Google Trends, api_name:regions, api_description:The endpoint to retrieve a list of supported regions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"regions\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6046", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Mobile Phone Specs Database, api_name:Get {Phone Image ids} by {Custom id}, api_description:Get up to 10 phone images (IDs). \nUse these IDs in the Endpoint: Get {Image} by {Phone Image id}\nThe image IDs expire after 30 minutes., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phoneCustomId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"imageOrder\": \"int\", \"imageId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6047", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Mobile Phone Specs Database, api_name:List all {Phone Brands}, api_description:1. List all Phone Brands, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"brandValue\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6048", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Mobile Phone Specs Database, api_name:List all {Models} by {Phone Brand}, api_description:List Models By Phone Brand name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"brandName\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"modelValue\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6049", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:lottery, api_name:Get Lottery List By Date, api_description:Get Lottery List By Date, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6050", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Geolocation Simulation For Mobile Apps, api_name:List All Layers, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6051", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:MAC Address to Manufacturer, api_name:maclookup, api_description:Enter MAC Address (string) to find the manufacturer. MAC Formats Allowed: ('xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx', 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx', 'xxxx.xxxx.xxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'), required_params: [{\"name\": \"mac_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"MAC Address Number to Find Manufacturer\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"0\": {\"MAC OUI Number\": \"str\", \"Vendor Manufacturer\": \"str\", \"Vendor Address\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6052", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:CellPhones, api_name:GetPhoneDetails, api_description:Get all phone specifications & photos by phone id, get the phone id from the endpoint GetPhonesByBrandId, required_params: [{\"name\": \"phoneid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"brandId\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"dimension\": \"str\", \"os\": \"str\", \"storage\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"displaySize\": \"str\", \"resolution\": \"str\", \"ram\": \"str\", \"chipset\": \"str\", \"batterySize\": \"str\", \"batteryType\": \"str\", \"photosUrl\": \"str\", \"price\": \"NoneType\", \"brand\": \"NoneType\", \"phonePhotoes\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"phoneId\": \"int\", \"photo\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"phoneSpecs\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"specId\": \"int\", \"phoneId\": \"int\", \"val\": \"str\", \"specTitle\": \"str\", \"spec\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 30}], \"variants\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6053", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:CellPhones, api_name:GetPhonesByBrandId, api_description:Use this end point to load all phone ids for a specific brand. get the brand id from the endpoint GetBrands, required_params: [{\"name\": \"brandid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6054", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Geolocation Simulation For Mobile Apps, api_name:List All Groups, api_description:List All Groups, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6055", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Test, api_name:test, api_description:1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6056", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:football, api_name:league, api_description:league, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6057", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Mobile Phone Specs Database, api_name:Get {Specifications} by {Custom id}, api_description:Get all phone specifications by phone custom id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"phoneCustomId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"phoneDetails\\\": {\\\"customId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"yearValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"brandValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"modelValue\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmNetworkDetails\\\": {\\\"networkTechnology\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"network2GBands\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"network3GBands\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"network4GBands\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"network5GBands\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"networkSpeed\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmLaunchDetails\\\": {\\\"launchAnnounced\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"launchStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmBodyDetails\\\": {\\\"bodyDimensions\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodyWeight\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodySim\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodyBuild\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodyOther1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodyOther2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodyOther3\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmDisplayDetails\\\": {\\\"displayType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displaySize\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayResolution\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayProtection\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayOther1\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmPlatformDetails\\\": {\\\"platformChipset\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"platformCpu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"platformGpu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"platformOs\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmMemoryDetails\\\": {\\\"memoryCardSlot\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"memoryInternal\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"memoryOther1\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmMainCameraDetails\\\": {\\\"mainCameraFeatures\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mainCameraQuad\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mainCameraVideo\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmSelfieCameraDetails\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6058", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:asdasd, api_name:fasfas, api_description:fsafasfas, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6059", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Spam Number Checker, api_name:number, api_description:Number for which you think that is a spam., required_params: [{\"name\": \"NUMBER\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6060", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Ubidots, api_name:GET /variables, api_description:Retrieves the list of all the variables owned by a user. The header X-Auth-Token is needed to have the permissions for this endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6061", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Geolocation Simulation For Mobile Apps, api_name:List All Simulations Of A Group, api_description:Enter groupID in the route, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6062", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Geolocation Simulation For Mobile Apps, api_name:List Applications, api_description:List all your applications, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6063", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:CellPhones, api_name:GetBrands, api_description:Load all cell phone brands, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"workingPhones\": \"NoneType\", \"brandPhones\": \"empty list\", \"phones\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6064", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Geolocation Simulation For Mobile Apps, api_name:View Application, api_description:Enter your applicationID in the route, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6065", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:IoTVAS, api_name:get_accounts, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"firmware_hash\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"SHA2 hash of device firmware\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6066", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:IoTVAS, api_name:get_private_keys, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"firmware_hash\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"SHA2 hash of device firmware\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6067", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:IoTVAS, api_name:get_config_issues, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"firmware_hash\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"SHA2 hash of device firmware\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6068", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Geolocation Simulation For Mobile Apps, api_name:View Layer, api_description:Enter layerID in route, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6069", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:IoTVAS, api_name:get_risk, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"firmware_hash\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"SHA2 hash of device firmware\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6070", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Parking places, api_name:Get availiable models list, api_description:Method returns availiable models, which can be used for image processing.\nEvery model name can be passed to 'model' parameter., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6071", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Fashion, api_name:Get version, api_description:Returns an actual version of the service in format `vX.Y.Z` where X is the version of API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6072", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Document Image Validation, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6073", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Auther Check, api_name:Get person by id, api_description:To check if the person_id already exists in the system, just specify the path with person_id. If the person_id exists in response you will get the same person_id and information when a person was created and updated., required_params: [{\"name\": \"person_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6074", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:OCR, api_name:Get list of algorithms, api_description:Service provides alternative algorithms that may be used for OCR.\n\nThe idea behind multiple algorithms is to let client try different algorithms to get the best one that matches client's use case., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6075", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Mantis Object Detection, api_name:Detection Objects as modified Image by Image URL, api_description:Image URL and it will return a updated image of detected objects in image via bounding boxes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6076", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:OCR, api_name:Get version, api_description:Returns an actual version of the service in format `vX.Y.Z` where X is the version of API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6077", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Aspose OCR Cloud, api_name:DownloadFile, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/folder/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6078", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Fast Recaptcha V2 Solver, api_name:Get Response, api_description:Get response based on the input received from create request\nOnly numeric values are accepted., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6079", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Mantis Object Detection, api_name:Detection Objects as Json by Image URL, api_description:Any valid image URL and return JSON, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"number-of-objects\": \"int\", \"detected-objects\": [{\"label\": \"str\", \"confidence\": \"float\", \"bounding-box\": [{\"x\": \"float\", \"y\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6080", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Aspose OCR Cloud, api_name:GetDiscUsage, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6081", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Everypixel Image Recognition, api_name:/quality, api_description:This method allows you to get the quality score for your photo. This service doesn't measure how cool or beautiful a person or an object on a photo may look. It cares only about technical parts like brightness, contrast, noise and so on. The service is not dedicated for scoring historical photos, illustrations or 3D visualizations., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quality\": {\"score\": \"float\"}, \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6082", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Face Recognition, api_name:View DB, api_description:Read / view all face uids in your DB as \"faces_list\", required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"num_of_faces\": \"int\", \"faces_list\": \"empty list\", \"latency_ms\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6083", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Wine Recognition, api_name:Get version, api_description:Returns an actual version of the service in format `vX.Y.Z` where X is the version of API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6084", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:NSFW Image Classification_v2, api_name:NSFW Image Classification, api_description:Use our Content Moderation API to flag possible inappropriate content in your images., required_params: [{\"name\": \"link\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Image link\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6085", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Brand Recognition, api_name:Get version, api_description:Returns an actual version of the service in format `vX.Y.Z` where X is the version of API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6086", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Background Remover, api_name:getImage, api_description:Retuns the result of an image that was previously handled by autoremove route for the given image Id.\naccepts two parameters:\n - imageId: The Id of the image to get.\n - recompute: bollean, if set to true, asks the server to remove the backgorund again for the specified ID (costs credits).\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"imageId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the image to get\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6087", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Background Remover, api_name:getAccount, api_description:Returns a description of your user account information.\nUseful to get the remaining credits on your account\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"state\": \"str\", \"statusCode\": \"int\", \"code\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"message\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6088", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:General Detection, api_name:Get list of algorithms, api_description:Service provides alternative algorithms that may be used for image detection.\n\nThe idea behind multiple algorithms is to let client try different algorithms to get the best one that matches client's use case., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6089", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Everypixel Image Recognition, api_name:/keywords, api_description:By sending an image to this method you can get a list of suggested keywords. You may specify a number of returned words or a threshold of its minimum score. Just provide num_keywords or threshold parameter to this method., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"keywords\": [{\"keyword\": \"str\", \"score\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 14}], \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6090", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:OCR - Separate Text From Images, api_name:OCR, api_description:This is the main endpoint for using ocr API.\n\nThe \"url\" parameter requires an image or PDF file url. The PDF file must not be long.\n\nThe \"language\" parameter requires some specific language codes:\n\n- Arabic - ara\n- Bulgarian- bul\n- ChineseSimplified- chs\n- ChineseTraditional- cht\n- Croatian- hrv\n- Czech- cze\n- Danish- dan\n- Dutch- dut\n- English- eng\n- Finnish- fin\n- French- fre\n- German- ger\n- Greek- gre\n- Hungarian- hun\n- Italian- ita\n- Japanese- jpn\n- Korean- kor\n- Polish- pol\n- Portuguese- por\n- Russian- rus\n- Slovenian- slv\n- Spanish- spa\n- Swedish- swe\n- Turkish- tur, required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"OCRExitCode\": \"int\", \"IsErroredOnProcessing\": \"bool\", \"ErrorMessage\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"ProcessingTimeInMilliseconds\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6091", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Label Detection, api_name:GET Label Detection, api_description:the **important** thing is that you should use **image** as a query name\nExample (url?**image**=“image_url”), required_params: [{\"name\": \"image\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"labels\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"score\": \"float\", \"locale\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"success\": \"bool\", \"dimensions\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"width\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6092", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Face Detection_v3, api_name:Get version, api_description:Returns an actual version of the service in format `vX.Y.Z` where X is the version of API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6093", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Fast Hcaptcha Solver, api_name:Get Response, api_description:Get response using the Id received from the create Hcaptcha Request, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6094", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:General Detection, api_name:Get version, api_description:Returns an actual version of the service in format `vX.Y.Z` where X is the version of API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6095", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Image Text Recognition, api_name:Supported Languages, api_description:3 letters language codes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"afr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"amh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ara\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"asm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"aze\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ben\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bod\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bos\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bul\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ceb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ces\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chi_sim\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chi_tra\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cym\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"deu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dzo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ell\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eng\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"enm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"epo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"est\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fas\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fra\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"glg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"grc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"guj\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"heb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hrv\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hun\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"iku\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ita\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"jav\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"jpn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kaz\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"khm\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kir\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lao\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lav\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mal\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mar\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mkd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mlt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"msa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mya\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nep\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nld\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ori\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"osd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"por\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ron\\\": \\\"str\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6096", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Liquor Recognition, api_name:Get Current Version, api_description:Returns the current version of the service in format vX.Y.Z, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6097", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Aspose OCR Cloud, api_name:GetFilesList, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Folder path e.g. '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6098", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Aspose OCR Cloud, api_name:ObjectExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File or folder path e.g. '/file.ext' or '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6099", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Masks detection, api_name:Get version, api_description:Returns an actual version of the service in format `vX.Y.Z` where X is the version of API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6100", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:VIN Recognition/Decoder, api_name:Get Info From VIN, api_description:This endpoint returns the information of a vin such as country of origin, model, year, model, car seats, etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Please enter the vin.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6101", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:NSFW, api_name:Get version, api_description:Returns an actual version of the service in format `vX.Y.Z` where X is the version of API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6102", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Aspose OCR Cloud, api_name:GetRecognizeDocument, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the file to recognize.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6103", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Aspose OCR Cloud, api_name:StorageExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"storageName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Storage name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6104", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Web Detection, api_name:GET Web Detection, api_description:the **important** thing is that you should use **image** as a query name\nExample (url?**image**=“image_url”), required_params: [{\"name\": \"image\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"entities\": [{\"score\": \"float\", \"text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"fullMatches\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"score\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"partialMatches\": \"empty list\", \"visualMatches\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"score\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"pages\": [{\"fullMatches\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"score\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"partialMatches\": \"empty list\", \"url\": \"str\", \"score\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"success\": \"bool\", \"dimensions\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"width\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6105", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:General Classification, api_name:Get version, api_description:Returns an actual version of the service in format `vX.Y.Z` where X is the version of API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6106", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:General Classification, api_name:Get list of algorithms, api_description:Service provides alternative algorithms that may be used for image classification.\nThe idea behind multiple algorithms is to let client try different algorithms to get the best one that matches client's use case., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6107", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Voltox OCR, api_name:Voltox Endpoint ocr, api_description:asdfesdxzfvas, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6108", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Microsoft Computer Vision, api_name:List Models, api_description:This operation returns the list of domain-specific models that are supported by the Computer Vision API. Currently, the API supports following domain-specific models: celebrity recognizer, landmark recognizer., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"models\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"categories\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6109", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Everypixel Image Recognition, api_name:/quality_ugc, api_description:The main difference between Stock photo scoring and this model is in the training dataset. User-Generated Photo Scoring is a model trained on a 347 000 of user photos from Instagram. Estimation parameters for this model were prepared by a group of 10 professional photographers. Scoring methods are based on five classes: very bad (0-20), bad (20-40), normal (40-60), good (60-80) and excellent (80-100). This model is designed to evaluate user photos taken both by a professional camera and by a camera of a smartphone. It doesn't estimate the plot and do not measure how cool or beautiful a person or an object on a photo may look. It cares only about technical parts like brightness, contrast, noise and so on. The service is not dedicated for scoring historical photos, illustrations or 3D visualizations., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quality\": {\"score\": \"float\", \"class\": \"int\"}, \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6110", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:OpenNWI, api_name:SearchByAddress, api_description:Search local walk scores and regional bike and transit data by address. NWI score range from 0-20., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6111", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Travel Hacking Tool, api_name:Get Airline List, api_description:This endpoint returns a full list of airlines with their IATA code and full name., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6112", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Travel Hacking Tool, api_name:Get Airplane List, api_description:This endpoint returns a list of all airplane types available in our database., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6113", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Datamo, api_name:/specs/v1/tier2, api_description:Pull requested vehicle data for specific field parameters. Tier 2 allows the following to be queried by: \n1. make\n2. model\n3. engineType\n4. bodyType\n\nAt least one query parameter is required for a successful call., required_params: [{\"name\": \"make\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"At least 1 query parameter is required to make a successful call. For purpose of testing through the RapidAPI interface, this is required. Normally, only one of any additional query parameters is required. i.e. make, model, engineType, ...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6114", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Datamo, api_name:/specs/v1/tier3, api_description:Pull requested vehicle data for specific field parameters. Tier 3 access grants to filter by any of the 100+ fields in the database\n\nAt least one query parameter is required for a successful call., required_params: [{\"name\": \"make\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"At least 1 query parameter is required to make a successful call. For purpose of testing through the RapidAPI interface, this is required. Normally, only one of any additional query parameters is required. i.e. make, model, engineType, ...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6115", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Helicopter by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/helicopter, api_description:API Ninjas Helicopter API endpoint. Returns a list of helicopter specs that match the given parameters.\n\nAt least one of the following parameters (excluding the limit parameter) must be set., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"manufacturer\": \"str\", \"model\": \"str\", \"max_speed_sl_knots\": \"str\", \"cruise_speed_sl_knots\": \"str\", \"range_nautical_miles\": \"str\", \"cruise_time_min\": \"str\", \"fuel_capacity_gallons\": \"str\", \"gross_external_load_lbs\": \"str\", \"external_load_limit_lbs\": \"str\", \"main_rotor_diameter_ft\": \"str\", \"num_blades\": \"str\", \"blade_material\": \"str\", \"rotor_type\": \"str\", \"storage_width_ft\": \"str\", \"length_ft\": \"str\", \"height_ft\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6116", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Aircraft by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/aircraft, api_description:API Ninjas Aircraft API endpoint. Returns a list of aircrafts that match the given parameters. This API only supports airplanes - for helicopter specs please use our Helicopter API.\n\nAt least one of the following parameters (excluding the limit parameter) must be set., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"manufacturer\": \"str\", \"model\": \"str\", \"engine_type\": \"str\", \"engine_thrust_lb_ft\": \"str\", \"max_speed_knots\": \"str\", \"cruise_speed_knots\": \"str\", \"ceiling_ft\": \"str\", \"takeoff_ground_run_ft\": \"str\", \"landing_ground_roll_ft\": \"str\", \"gross_weight_lbs\": \"str\", \"empty_weight_lbs\": \"str\", \"length_ft\": \"str\", \"height_ft\": \"str\", \"wing_span_ft\": \"str\", \"range_nautical_miles\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6117", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Datamo, api_name:/specs/v1/tier1, api_description:Pull requested vehicle data for specific field parameters. Tier 1 allows the following to be queried by: \n1. make\n2. model\n\nAt least one query parameter is required for a successful call., required_params: [{\"name\": \"make\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"At least 1 query parameter is required to make a successful call. For purpose of testing through the RapidAPI interface, this is required. Normally, only one of any additional query parameters is required. i.e. make, model, engineType, ...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"totalItems\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalPages\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"angleOfApproach\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"angleOfDeparture\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"body\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodyType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"camType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"carClassification\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cargoCapacity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chargeTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"colorsExterior\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"colorsInterior\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"comfort\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"convenience\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryOfOrigin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"curbWeight\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cylinders\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateAdded\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"domesticOrImported\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"doorFeatures\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"doors\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dragCoefficient\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"driveType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eRange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"energyConsumption\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"engineSize\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"engineType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expertRatingComfort\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expertRatingDriving\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expertRatingEconomy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expertRatingInterior\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expertRatingStorage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expertRatingTechnology\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expertRatingValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expertRatingVerdict \\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expertRatingWildcard\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exteriorOptions\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontHeadRoom\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontHipRoom\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontLegRoom\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontS\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6118", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Airports by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/airports, api_description:API Ninjas Airports API endpoint. At least one of the optional parameters must be provided., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"icao\": \"str\", \"iata\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"elevation_ft\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6119", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Travel Hacking Tool, api_name:Get Airline Details, api_description:This endpoint returns the details for an airline based on an IATA code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Specify the IATA code of an airline\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"alliance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6120", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Datamo, api_name:/specs/v1/getMakes, api_description:This endpoint will return all the vehicle makes available, as an array of strings., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6121", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Car API, api_name:Exterior Colors, api_description:To include additional information about the returned body (such as year, make, model and trim) request with the query parameter as verbose=yes.\n\nFor complex queries you may use the json field to send an array of URL encoded JSON conditions, example:\n\n[{\"field\": \"name\", \"op\": \"in\", \"val\": [\"red\", \"blue\"]}]\n\nAllowed operators are: `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `in`, `not in`, `like`, `not like`, `is null` and `not null`.\n\nAllowed json search fields are: year, make, model, trim, name, rgb, make_id, make_model_id, and make_model_trim_i, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exception\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6122", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Brazilian airlines real flights data, api_name:Get airline data, api_description:In this endpoint you get all data about real flights of airline. Including detailed information like flight plan routes and remarks, required_params: [{\"name\": \"company\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"aicraft_type\": \"str\", \"arrival_icao\": \"str\", \"callsign\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"cruise_flight_level\": \"str\", \"cruise_speed\": \"str\", \"departure_icao\": \"str\", \"enroute_time\": \"str\", \"eobt\": \"str\", \"flight_days\": {\"friday\": \"bool\", \"monday\": \"bool\", \"saturday\": \"bool\", \"sunday\": \"bool\", \"thursday\": \"bool\", \"tuesday\": \"bool\", \"wednesday\": \"bool\"}, \"flight_number\": \"str\", \"remarks\": \"str\", \"route\": \"str\", \"wake_turbulence\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6123", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Car API, api_name:Mileages, api_description:To include additional information about the returned body (such as year, make, model and trim) request with the query parameter as verbose=yes.\n\nFor complex queries you may use the json field to send an array of URL encoded JSON conditions, example:\n\n[{\"field\": \"combined_mpg\", \"op\": \">=\", \"val\": 20}, {\"field\": \"combined_mpg\", \"op\": \"<=\", \"val\": 30}]\n\nAllowed operators are: `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `in`, `not in`, `like`, `not like`, `is null` and `not null`.\n\nAllowed json search fields are: year, make, model, trim, combined_mpg, epa_city_mpg, epa_highway_mpg, range_city, range_highway, make_id, make_model_id, and make_model_trim_id., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exception\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6124", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Car API, api_name:Years, api_description:For complex queries you may use the json field to send an array of URL encoded JSON conditions, example:\n\n`[{\"field\": \"make\", \"op\": \"in\", \"val\": [\"Scion\", \"Tesla\"]}]`\n\nAllowed operators are: `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `in`, `not in`, `like`, `not like`, `is null` and `not null`.\n\nAllowed search fields are: `year`, `make`, `model`, `trim`, `make_id`, and `make_model_id`., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exception\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6125", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Airlines by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/airlines, api_description:API Ninjas Airlines API endpoint. At least one of the optional parameters must be provided., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"iata\": \"str\", \"icao\": \"str\", \"fleet\": {\"A359\": \"int\", \"A388\": \"int\", \"B38M\": \"int\", \"B738\": \"int\", \"B744\": \"int\", \"B772\": \"int\", \"B773\": \"int\", \"B77W\": \"int\", \"B78X\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}, \"logo_url\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6126", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:aqls-b2c-system, api_name:get_priority_mrt__train_no__wagons__wagon_no__priorityrows__priorityrows_no__seats_get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"train_no\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"priority_no\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"wagon_no\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6127", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:aqls-b2c-system, api_name:get_trains_mrt__get, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6128", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:Predictions, api_description:Provides a current prediction of tomorrow's gas price provided by Dan McTeague's [gaswizard.ca](https://gaswizard.ca/gas-price-predictions/). Returns all estimated city prices and their expected day-to-day change (in cents)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prices\": [{\"city\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"change\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 38}], \"date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6129", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:Locations List, api_description:Returns full object representing collection of valid locations for this API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"canadianLocations\": {\"Ontario\": [\"list of str with length 35\"], \"Quebec\": [\"list of str with length 29\"], \"Alberta\": [\"list of str with length 9\"], \"British Columbia\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"Manitoba\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"New Brunswick\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"Newfoundland and Labrador\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Nova Scotia\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"Prince Edward Island\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Saskatchewan\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"americanLocations\": [\"list of str with length 51\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6130", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:City, api_description:Returns the average price of gas in a specific city in Canada. You must provide both the Province and the specific City you wish to gather the price for.\n\n**Warning you must select a City and Province supported by this API**: To view the current supported locations try out the `/locations-list` endpoint to view all valid Province/City combinations., required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Please view the results of `/locations-list` to view the most up-to-date list of valid locations for this request.\"}, {\"name\": \"province\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6131", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Car API, api_name:Trim View, api_description:Returns all data associated with the vehicle trim., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exception\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6132", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Taxi Fare Calculator, api_name:Get taxi fares, api_description:Search fares by geo coordinates, required_params: [{\"name\": \"arr_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of arrival point\"}, {\"name\": \"arr_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of arrival point\"}, {\"name\": \"dep_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of departure point\"}, {\"name\": \"dep_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of departure point\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"headers\": {\"response_time\": \"int\", \"response_timestamp\": \"str\", \"api\": \"str\", \"response_id\": \"int\"}, \"journey\": {\"city_name\": \"str\", \"department\": \"str\", \"arrival\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"int\", \"distance\": \"float\", \"fares\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"price_in_cents\": \"int\", \"estimated\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6133", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:FachaAPI, api_name:Aircraft Database Stats, api_description:Get the total number of known aircraft, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"knownAircraft\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6134", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Driving Directions, api_name:Get Directions, api_description:Get driving directions from an origin to a destination., required_params: [{\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Directions origin / starting point - specified as free-text location query or latitude, longitude pair.\\n\\n**`e.g.`** *`Church St & 29th St, San-Francisco, CA, USA`*\\n**`e.g.`** *`37.743292, -122.420437`*\"}, {\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Directions destination - specified as free-text location query or latitude, longitude pair.\\n\\n**`e.g.`** *`145 5th Ave, New York, NY, USA`*\\n**`e.g.`** *`40.649238, -73.974229`*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6135", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TrackingPackage, api_name:TrackingPackage, api_description:Track UPS, USPS and FedEx packages., required_params: [{\"name\": \"trackingNumber\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6136", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:City Prediction, api_description:Returns the estimated price for a given City and its expected day-to-day change (in cents). View the `/predictions-list` endpoint to view the list of valid cities., required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"View the `/predictions-list` endpoint to view valid cities.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"price\": \"float\", \"change\": \"NoneType\", \"date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6137", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Vehicle RC Information_v2, api_name:Vehicle Information, api_description:Fetch Vehicle Information using Registration Number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"VehicleNumber\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6138", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:flights/list-most-tracked, api_description:Return the most tracked flights around the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"version\": \"str\", \"update_time\": \"float\", \"data\": [{\"flight_id\": \"str\", \"flight\": \"NoneType\", \"callsign\": \"str\", \"squawk\": \"NoneType\", \"clicks\": \"int\", \"from_iata\": \"str\", \"from_city\": \"str\", \"to_iata\": \"NoneType\", \"to_city\": \"NoneType\", \"model\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6139", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Motorcycles by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/motorcycles, api_description:API Ninjas Motorcycles API endpoint. Returns up to 30 motorcycle results matching the input name parameters. For searches that yield > 30 results, please use the offset parameter.\n\nEither **make** or **model** parameter must be set., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"make\": \"str\", \"model\": \"str\", \"year\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"displacement\": \"str\", \"engine\": \"str\", \"power\": \"str\", \"torque\": \"str\", \"compression\": \"str\", \"bore_stroke\": \"str\", \"valves_per_cylinder\": \"str\", \"fuel_system\": \"str\", \"fuel_control\": \"str\", \"ignition\": \"str\", \"lubrication\": \"str\", \"cooling\": \"str\", \"gearbox\": \"str\", \"transmission\": \"str\", \"clutch\": \"str\", \"frame\": \"str\", \"front_suspension\": \"str\", \"front_wheel_travel\": \"str\", \"rear_suspension\": \"str\", \"rear_wheel_travel\": \"str\", \"front_tire\": \"str\", \"rear_tire\": \"str\", \"front_brakes\": \"str\", \"rear_brakes\": \"str\", \"total_weight\": \"str\", \"seat_height\": \"str\", \"total_height\": \"str\", \"total_length\": \"str\", \"total_width\": \"str\", \"ground_clearance\": \"str\", \"wheelbase\": \"str\", \"fuel_capacity\": \"str\", \"starter\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6140", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Car API, api_name:Bodies, api_description:To include additional information about the returned body (such as year, make, model and trim) request with the query parameter as verbose=yes.\n\nFor complex queries you may use the json field to send an array of URL encoded JSON conditions, example:\n\n`[{\"field\": \"doors\", \"op\": \">=\", \"val\": 4}, {\"field\": \"type\", \"op\": \"in\", \"val\": [\"SUV\",\"Van\"]}]`\n\nSee /api/vehicle-attributes for a complete list of vehicle attributes.\n\nAllowed operators are: `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `in`, `not in`, `like`, `not like`, `is null` and `not null`.\n\nAllowed json search fields are: year, make, model, trim, type, doors, make_id, make_model_id, and make_model_trim_id., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exception\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6141", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:VIN Lookup by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/vinlookup, api_description:API Ninjas VIN Lookup API endpoint. Returns key vehicle information including manufacturer, country of origin and model year for a given VIN., required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"valid VIN to check. Must be a 17-character string.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"vin\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"manufacturer\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"wmi\": \"str\", \"vds\": \"str\", \"vis\": \"str\", \"years\": [\"list of int with length 2\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6142", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:InfoCarsAPI, api_name:Get Car Models, api_description:This endpoint will return back all the models of a respective car maker, required_params: [{\"name\": \"maker\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"maker\": \"str\", \"models\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6143", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:InfoCarsAPI, api_name:Get Car Versions, api_description:Get the different versions of a car model, required_params: [{\"name\": \"model\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"maker\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"maker\": \"str\", \"model\": \"str\", \"years\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6144", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:aqls-b2c-system, api_name:get_train_data_by_no_mrt__train_no__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"train_no\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6145", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:aqls-b2c-system, api_name:get_priorityrows_mrt__train_no__wagons__wagon_no__priorityrow_get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"wagon_no\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"train_no\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6146", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Aircraft data simple collection, api_name:getbyhex, api_description:get aircraft info by hex number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"hex\": \"str\", \"reg\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"mil\": \"NoneType\", \"fr24\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"airline\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"hex\": \"str\", \"reg\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"planefinder\": \"NoneType\", \"adsbnl\": \"NoneType\", \"flightdb\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"registration\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"owner\": \"str\", \"modes\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6147", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Information of Hong Kong International Airport, api_name:3 months flight info, api_description:Today - 90D or Today + 14D, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"yyyy-MM-dd\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6148", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:InfoCarsAPI, api_name:Get Car Makers, api_description:This endpoint will return back all car makers supported., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"makers\": {\"Acura\": \"str\", \"Alfa Romeo\": \"str\", \"Aston Martin\": \"str\", \"Audi\": \"str\", \"Bentley\": \"str\", \"BMW\": \"str\", \"Bugatti\": \"str\", \"Buick\": \"str\", \"Cadillac\": \"str\", \"Canoo\": \"str\", \"Chevrolet\": \"str\", \"Chrysler\": \"str\", \"Dodge\": \"str\", \"Ferrari\": \"str\", \"FIAT\": \"str\", \"Fisker\": \"str\", \"Ford\": \"str\", \"Genesis\": \"str\", \"GMC\": \"str\", \"Honda\": \"str\", \"Hyundai\": \"str\", \"Infiniti\": \"str\", \"Jaguar\": \"str\", \"Jeep\": \"str\", \"Karma\": \"str\", \"Kia\": \"str\", \"Lamborghini\": \"str\", \"Land Rover\": \"str\", \"Lexus\": \"str\", \"Lincoln\": \"str\", \"Lordstown\": \"str\", \"Lotus\": \"str\", \"Lucid\": \"str\", \"Maserati\": \"str\", \"Mazda\": \"str\", \"McLaren\": \"str\", \"Mercedes-Benz\": \"str\", \"MINI\": \"str\", \"Mitsubishi\": \"str\", \"Nissan\": \"str\", \"Polestar\": \"str\", \"Porsche\": \"str\", \"Ram\": \"str\", \"Rivian\": \"str\", \"Rolls-Royce\": \"str\", \"Subaru\": \"str\", \"Tesla\": \"str\", \"Toyota\": \"str\", \"VinFast\": \"str\", \"Volkswagen\": \"str\", \"Volvo\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6149", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:InfoCarsAPI, api_name:Get Car Data, api_description:You can get specifications, pictures and the average pricing of a car, required_params: [{\"name\": \"model\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"maker\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"maker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"model\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"specifications\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 39}], \\\"specs\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 13}], \\\"powerMPG\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 11}], \\\"safety\\\": {\\\"ratings\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"features\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"msrpRange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"images\\\": [{\\\"interiorExterior\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"featuredImageUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"featuredVideo\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnailUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"widthPx\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"heightPx\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"contentType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publishedDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"accessType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kalturaOoyalaId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"categories\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"season\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"episode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": [{\\\"make\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"model\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"categoryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"author\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"show\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"meta\\\": {\\\"episod\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6150", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:FachaAPI, api_name:Live Aircraft by REG, api_description:Get live positioning for an aircraft with a specific REG, required_params: [{\"name\": \"reg\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6151", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:FachaAPI, api_name:Temporary Email Stats, api_description:Get the number of temporary emails in the database and its last update, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6152", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:FachaAPI, api_name:Live Aircraft by Squawk, api_description:Get live positioning for all aircraft with a specific Squawk, required_params: [{\"name\": \"squawk\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6153", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Carriers operating out of an airport, api_description:Return a list of carriers operating out of an airport, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airportiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airport IATA Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6154", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:codes - Entertainment Codes, api_description:Return a list of entertainment codes used by the airlines, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6155", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - List of airports, api_description:Return a list of the airports worldwide, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6156", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:Province, api_description:Returns the average price of gas in a specific province in Canada., required_params: [{\"name\": \"province\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"A valid province name. Options include Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6157", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:flights/list-by-airline, api_description:List flights by airline, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airline\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'icao' field returned in .../airlines/list or .../flights/detail endpoint\\nThe value of 'operator' field returned in .../flights/search endpoint\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"full_count\": \"int\", \"version\": \"int\", \"aircraft\": [\"list of list with length 78\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6158", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:flights/search, api_description:Search for specific flight, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Aircraft number, flight code, airline code, etc...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"detail\": {\"iata\": \"str\", \"logo\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"str\", \"match\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"stats\": {\"total\": {\"all\": \"int\", \"airport\": \"int\", \"operator\": \"int\", \"live\": \"int\", \"schedule\": \"int\", \"aircraft\": \"int\"}, \"count\": {\"airport\": \"int\", \"operator\": \"int\", \"live\": \"int\", \"schedule\": \"int\", \"aircraft\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6159", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:ADSBx Flight Sim Traffic, api_name:LiveTraffic, api_description:Returns all aircraft within 25nm radius of specified Lat/Lon, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude (-90 to 90)\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude (-180 to 180) Hint: US is negative longitude!\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ERR\": \"str\", \"V\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6160", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Waze, api_name:Driving Directions, api_description:Get routes and driving directions from Waze/Google., required_params: [{\"name\": \"source_coordinates\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude pair) of the starting point\"}, {\"name\": \"destination_coordinates\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude pair) of the destination\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6161", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:Cities, api_description:Returns the average price of gas of major cities in a specific province in Canada., required_params: [{\"name\": \"province\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6162", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:Provinces, api_description:Returns the average price of gas in all Canadian provinces., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prices\": [{\"province\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6163", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airlines - Airlines and the countries they operate in, api_description:Return a list of airlines and the countries they operate in, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6164", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:AP sample, api_name:AR by city / state, api_description:AR by state, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6165", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/ak, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Alaska. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6166", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/hi, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Hawaii. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6167", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/or, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Oregon. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6168", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airlines - Nonstop and direct flights for an airline, api_description:Return a list of nonstop and direct flights for an airline, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airlineiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airline Iata Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6169", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:FachaAPI, api_name:Total Live tracked Aircraft, api_description:Get total live tracked aircraft, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"liveAircraft\": \"int\", \"updatedAt\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6170", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/ca, api_description:Returns current gas price data for California. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6171", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/ut, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Utah. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6172", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/nc, api_description:Returns current gas price data for North Carolina. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6173", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Nonstop routes for an airport, api_description:Returns a list of nonstop routes for an airport, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airportiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airport IATA Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6174", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Travel Hacking Tool, api_name:Get TimeZones, api_description:Get TimeZones in Olsen Format with UTC offset and Daylight Savings Time (DST)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timezone\": \"str\", \"utc\": \"str\", \"dst\": \"str\", \"zone_code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6175", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Travel Hacking Tool, api_name:Get Country List, api_description:This endpoint returns a list of country codes (ISO-3166)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6176", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Comparison Cloud, api_name:GetSupportedFileFormats, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6177", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Comparison Cloud, api_name:StorageExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"storageName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Storage name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6178", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Comparison Cloud, api_name:ObjectExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File or folder path e.g. '/file.ext' or '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6179", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:TestAPI_v4, api_name:getTest, api_description:get, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6180", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:MyPolicyAPI, api_name:Get Policy, api_description:Get Policy, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6181", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Bucket List by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/bucketlist, api_description:Returns a random bucket list idea., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"item\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6182", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Groups associated to a tag, api_description:List of all the groups associated to the user and to the selected tag, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tag_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6183", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Domain Count, api_description:Get a count of domains available, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6184", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Random Username Generate, api_name:Identity, api_description:Random Username Generate, required_params: [{\"name\": \"minAge\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"maxAge\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"items\": {\"email\": \"str\", \"email_fake\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"phone_fake\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"dob\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"payment\": {\"bin\": \"int\", \"bank\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6185", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Cells Cloud, api_name:StorageExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"storageName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Storage name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6186", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Cells Cloud, api_name:GetFilesList, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Folder path e.g. '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6187", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Cells Cloud, api_name:ObjectExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File or folder path e.g. '/file.ext' or '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6188", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Datapoint Hit List, api_description:A detailed hits list for the last 90 days maximum by DataPoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"datapoint_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6189", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Translation Cloud, api_name:GetFilesList, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Folder path e.g. '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6190", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Translation Cloud, api_name:StorageExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"storageName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Storage name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6191", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Translation Cloud, api_name:GetLanguagePairs, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6192", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Merger Cloud, api_name:DownloadFile, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/folder/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6193", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Sunnah Fasting, api_name:/api/v1/categories, api_description:Get list of categories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6194", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Sunnah Fasting, api_name:/api/v1/types, api_description:Get list of types, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6195", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Korean Baby Name Ranking, api_name:Korean baby girl names, api_description:This endpoint will return the most popular Korean baby name in Korea.\nIt will show you the name, rank and total count., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rank\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"count\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6196", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Korean Baby Name Ranking, api_name:Korean baby boy names, api_description:This endpoint will return the most popular Korean baby name in Korea.\nIt will show you the name, rank and total count., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rank\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"count\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6197", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Most Exclusive API, api_name:/exclusiveness/{callerID}, api_description:Check Exclusiveness. See if you are already exclusive, not yet or you get the exclusivity now., required_params: [{\"name\": \"callerID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Caller ID. Any string identifying the requester. Be creative. Alphanumeric [a-zA-Z0-9_-] max 32 chars.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Code\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6198", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:DogBreeds, api_name:Get Specific dog breed, api_description:Get all info from specific dog breed, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data_characteristics\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"star_title\": \"str\", \"characteristics\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"star\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"_list_length\": 5}], \"characteristics_vital\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"stat\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"more_about\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"more_about_description\": [{\"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6199", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:DogBreeds, api_name:Get all dog breeds, api_description:Get all info from dog breeds, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6200", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Felina API, api_name:Faucets, api_description:Fetchs the balances of tokens in the faucet., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"balanceSepolia\": \"str\", \"balanceMumbai\": \"str\", \"sepoliaFaucetDripAmount\": \"str\", \"mumbaiFaucetDripAmount\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6201", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Felina API, api_name:Transactions, api_description:Fetch and parsed data from Transfer events., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6202", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:uniswap-v2-api, api_name:/transaction/{id}, api_description:Return the info of the Transaction by the address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The address of the Transaction\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6203", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:uniswap-v2-api, api_name:/uniswapFactory, api_description:Return the info like pair count of Uniswap V2, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6204", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:uniswap-v2-api, api_name:/ethPrice, api_description:Return the current eth price in uniswap v2, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6205", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Merger Cloud, api_name:CheckPassword, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"filePath\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6206", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:favicon-finder, api_name:Find Favicon, api_description:Find favicons for a URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\", \"icons\": [{\"src\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6207", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:World of Quotes, api_name:Get Quotes By Specific Category, api_description:This API returns the collection of quotes by category you pass in the query params. Maximum you can get 20 quotes at a time and can be customized by *limit*. Our API support pagination and records can be paginated by *page* query param., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"isActive\": \"bool\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"page\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"totalResults\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6208", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Ecoindex, api_name:Get_screenshot__version__ecoindexes__id__screenshot_get, api_description:This returns the screenshot of the webpage analysis if it exists, required_params: [{\"name\": \"version\", \"type\": \"OBJECT\", \"description\": \"Engine version used to run the analysis (v0 or v1)\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6209", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Ecoindex, api_name:Get_ecoindex_analysis_task_by_id_v1_tasks_ecoindexes__id__get, api_description:This returns an ecoindex given by its unique identifier, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6210", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Heck Yes Markdown, api_name:Get Markdown, api_description:Enter a url or some HTML code to convert the page to Markdown. One parameter between \"u\" and \"html\" must be submitted with the request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6211", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Ecoindex, api_name:Get_host_list__version__hosts_get, api_description:This returns a list of hosts that ran an ecoindex analysis order by most request made, required_params: [{\"name\": \"version\", \"type\": \"OBJECT\", \"description\": \"Engine version used to run the analysis (v0 or v1)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6212", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Node Express API Tutorial, api_name:Get All Users, api_description:This endpoint will return all users stored in the database., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6213", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Node Express API Tutorial, api_name:Get Specific User, api_description:This endpoint will return back the user with the specified ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6214", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Quotes Diffusion, api_name:/topic, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"pagination\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"perPage\": \"int\", \"currentPage\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"links\": {\"next\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6215", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Quotes Diffusion, api_name:/random, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"topic_id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"image_sd\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6216", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Online Code Compiler, api_name:Languages & Versions, api_description:Languages & Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"versions\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6217", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Evaluate expression, api_name:Evaluate expression, api_description:Scans the given expression and returns the result of any calculation found, in plain text., required_params: [{\"name\": \"expression\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6218", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Cells Cloud, api_name:GetFileVersions, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6219", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:HauteCouture-API, api_name:Get all artistic directors for a specific category, api_description:Renders all artistic directors in a specific category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6220", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:HauteCouture-API, api_name:Get all maisons, api_description:Get all the maisons who possessed the haute couture label, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6221", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Touchbase, api_name:synonyms, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6222", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Facts by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/facts, api_description:API Ninjas Facts API endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6223", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Baby Names by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/babynames, api_description:API Ninjas Baby Names API endpoint. Returns 10 baby name results., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6224", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:User demo, api_name:getUsers, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6225", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:User demo, api_name:getUserById, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Resource identifier string.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6226", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/posts/{id}/revisions-16a458a3-dbc6-4bec-aee5-93db717a117a, api_description:Get post revisions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6227", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud, api_name:ObjectExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File or folder path e.g. '/file.ext' or '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6228", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/comments/{id}-68712d36-48f7-4050-9c6a-a1e8491a8477, api_description:Get Single Comment, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6229", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Sunnah Fasting, api_name:/api/v1/fastings, api_description:Get list of sunnah fasting, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"category_id\": \"int\", \"type_id\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"month\": \"int\", \"day\": \"int\", \"category\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"type\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 159}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6230", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Ukraine war data, api_name:Refugee by country, api_description:Ukranian refugees per country, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"individuals\": \"str\", \"centroid_lon\": \"str\", \"centroid_lat\": \"str\", \"lat_max\": \"float\", \"lon_max\": \"float\", \"lat_min\": \"float\", \"lon_min\": \"float\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6231", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Ukraine war data, api_name:Refugee by data, api_description:Refugee by data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"individuals\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6232", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Hafez, api_name:Fal, api_description:get a random a poem(Fal) and it's meaning!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"poem\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6233", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Editor Cloud, api_name:GetSupportedFileFormats, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6234", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Editor Cloud, api_name:DownloadFile, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/folder/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6235", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:quotsy, api_name:get quotes by genre, api_description:returns first 10 list of quotes for the genre, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"quoute\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6236", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:flow study, api_name:getcodecontent, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"contract_address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u5408\\u7ea6\\u5730\\u5740\"}, {\"name\": \"contract_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u5408\\u7ea6\\u540d\\u79f0\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"contract_name\": \"str\", \"contract_address\": \"str\", \"contract_code\": \"str\", \"contract_type\": \"str\", \"contract_category\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6237", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:flow study, api_name:codesearch, api_description:示例接口描述, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page_num\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\\u9875\\u6570\"}, {\"name\": \"page_size\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\\u9875\\u5927\\u5c0f\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u641c\\u7d22\\u5173\\u952e\\u8bcd\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"num\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"contract_name\": \"str\", \"contract_address\": \"str\", \"contract_code\": \"str\", \"contract_type\": \"str\", \"is_process\": \"int\", \"contract_category\": \"str\", \"is_structed\": \"int\", \"is_relate\": \"int\", \"is_trans\": \"int\", \"_score\": \"float\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"took_time\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6238", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Editor Cloud, api_name:GetFileVersions, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6239", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Words to numbers, api_name:words2number, api_description:Returns the corresponding number for your input sentence. Specify the language with the associated request parameter (currently available for italian (\"it\") and english (\"en\")), required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6240", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud, api_name:GetDiscUsage, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6241", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Get conversion by id, api_description:Get conversion by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"conversion_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6242", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:httpbin-test, api_name:GET, api_description:Get request, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"args\": {}, \"headers\": {\"Accept\": \"str\", \"Accept-Encoding\": \"str\", \"Host\": \"str\", \"User-Agent\": \"str\", \"X-Amzn-Trace-Id\": \"str\", \"X-Forwarded-Host\": \"str\", \"X-Mashape-Proxy-Secret\": \"str\", \"X-Mashape-Subscription\": \"str\", \"X-Mashape-User\": \"str\", \"X-Mashape-Version\": \"str\", \"X-Rapidapi-Host\": \"str\", \"X-Rapidapi-Proxy-Secret\": \"str\", \"X-Rapidapi-Request-Id\": \"str\", \"X-Rapidapi-Subscription\": \"str\", \"X-Rapidapi-Tenant-Name\": \"str\", \"X-Rapidapi-User\": \"str\", \"X-Rapidapi-Version\": \"str\"}, \"origin\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6243", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Cardsearch, api_name:/v1/prices, api_description:Get general price information per card, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"succes\": \"int\", \"reason\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6244", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:World of Quotes, api_name:Get Quote of the Day, api_description:This API returns the handpicked quote of the day among 45,000+ quotes based on the highest ratings.\nYou may also get quote of the day of specific *author* or *category*., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quote\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6245", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud, api_name:GetFilesList, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Folder path e.g. '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6246", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud, api_name:DownloadFile, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/folder/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6247", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud, api_name:GetDiscUsage, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6248", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:AI endpoint, api_name:Question endpoint, api_description:Ask this endpoint any question, required_params: [{\"name\": \"prompt\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6249", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:erictestpet, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value <= 5 or > 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6250", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Merger Cloud, api_name:ObjectExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File or folder path e.g. '/file.ext' or '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6251", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Merger Cloud, api_name:GetSupportedFileFormats, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6252", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:erictestpet, api_name:logoutUser, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6253", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Inferno, api_name:Inferno, api_description:Meme API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6254", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud, api_name:StorageExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"storageName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Storage name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6255", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:petFood, api_name:petfoods, api_description:petfoods, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6256", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:backend, api_name:Get Data, api_description:Get all Data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6257", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:team petstore, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6258", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:World of Quotes, api_name:Get Quotes By Specific Author, api_description:This API returns the collection of quotes by author you pass in the query params. Maximum you can get 20 quotes at a time and can be customized by *limit*. Our API support pagination and records can be paginated by *page* query param., required_params: [{\"name\": \"author\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"isActive\": \"bool\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"page\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"totalResults\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6259", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Merger Cloud, api_name:GetFilesList, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Folder path e.g. '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6260", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:hanime-python-api, api_name:search/req, api_description:Search API with Query\n\n**This request is limited, Please Refer to /search for more stuff**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query Parameter\"}, {\"name\": \"p\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Page Parameter\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6261", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:IFC BIM Services, api_name:exists_exists__ticket__get, api_description:Check if the key ticket is available or not, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticket\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exists\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6262", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:IFC BIM Services, api_name:ilod_status_ilod__ticket__get, api_description:Check Result of an ILOD check, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticket\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6263", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:IFC BIM Services, api_name:syntax_status_syntax__ticket__get, api_description:Check Result of a syntax check, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticket\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6264", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:hanime-python-api, api_name:getVideo, api_description:Get All Stream URL from Hanime Video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6265", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud, api_name:GetFileVersions, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6266", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud, api_name:GetSupportedConversionTypes, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6267", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Dog API, api_name:GetRandom, api_description:DISPLAY SINGLE RANDOM IMAGE FROM ALL DOGS COLLECTION, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6268", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud, api_name:StorageExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"storageName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Storage name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6269", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Dog API, api_name:GetBreeds, api_description:LIST ALL BREEDS, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6270", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:MyPersonal, api_name:MyEndpoint, api_description:MyEndPoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6271", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:World of Quotes, api_name:Get Authors, api_description:This API returns array of over 10,000 authors we have in our library.\nThis returns an array of strings., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6272", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:flow study, api_name:Getcoderelatedtransactioncode, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"contract_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"contract_address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6273", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:flow study, api_name:getcodestructure, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"contract_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"contract_address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"contract_name\": \"str\", \"contract_address\": \"str\", \"struct_type\": \"str\", \"struct_name\": \"str\", \"start_pos\": \"int\", \"end_pos\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 218}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6274", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Comparison Cloud, api_name:GetFilesList, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Folder path e.g. '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6275", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Comparison Cloud, api_name:DownloadFile, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/folder/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6276", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:J2ACoin, api_name:Ranking list, api_description:Example test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6277", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Industrypedia Random Articles, api_name:Retrieve Random Article, api_description:Retrieves a random informational article from [Industrypedia](https://industrypedia.net)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6278", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/taxonomies/{id}-b2a5d5a0-3692-43aa-ae85-624855b4cde8, api_description:Get Single Taxonomy, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6279", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/tags-c0b25f9e-c759-46ae-8d6f-14e6404e49a3, api_description:List Tags, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6280", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Classification Cloud, api_name:GetSupportedFileFormats, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6281", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:URLTEST, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:Get user by user name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"username\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"userStatus\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6282", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/posts-2504660f-8ad6-4815-86e0-312cc593fe26, api_description:Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6283", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/statuses/{id}-1853ae07-ba42-43d0-8a00-00f562d98e48, api_description:Get Single Status, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6284", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:URLTEST, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6285", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:toptalOnlineTest, api_name:items, api_description:gets an array of strings., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6286", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Horoscope API, api_name:Glossary, api_description:This endpoint returns a JSON with information about the API. In it you can preview request and response templates, mandatory fields and much more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"api_version\": \"str\", \"request_example\": {\"method\": \"str\", \"endpoint\": \"str\"}, \"url_parameters\": {\"langId\": {\"description\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"required\": \"bool\", \"option\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}, \"signId\": {\"description\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"required\": \"bool\", \"option\": [\"list of str with length 12\"]}}, \"response_example\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6287", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:quotsy, api_name:get qoutes by authors, api_description:return a paginated list of qoutes for a specific author, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page_no\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6288", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:quotsy, api_name:get_qoutes _by_page, api_description:return quotes for the page no, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page_no\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6289", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:quotsy, api_name:get all authors, api_description:returns all the authors as a json array ., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [\"list of str with length 2180\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6290", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Metadata Cloud, api_name:StorageExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"storageName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Storage name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6291", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Metadata Cloud, api_name:DownloadFile, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/folder/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6292", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Metadata Cloud, api_name:ObjectExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File or folder path e.g. '/file.ext' or '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6293", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:katzion test, api_name:getDetails, api_description:getDetails, required_params: [{\"name\": \"abn\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6294", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:myapi, api_name:account, api_description:show account details, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6295", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Cors Proxy, api_name:proxy request endpoint, api_description:returns response text of a given website using cors proxy, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"website\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6296", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:colegiosantaana, api_name:Mensajes-2, 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\"CP50087\",\n \"model\": \"DOBLE CABINA\",\n \"assembly_plant_location\": \"\",\n \"state\": \"CAMPECHE\",\n \"classification\": \"ESTANDAR\",\n \"type\": \"\",\n \"make\": \"NISSAN\",\n \"version\": \"V4\",\n \"origin_country\": \"MEXICO\"\n}\n```, required_params: [{\"name\": \"plates\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6299", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Fake users_v6, api_name:Fake user, api_description:This endpoint will give dummy users for your application testing., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6300", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Hello World, api_name:Hello name, api_description:test api, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6301", 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This information can include compatibility with other signs, strengths and weaknesses, and general insights into the individual's nature and tendencies. 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\"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6309", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Horoscope API, api_name:Get a daily horoscope, api_description:Get a daily horoscope for the horoscope sign., required_params: [{\"name\": \"signId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"langId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6310", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Convert Units, api_description:Gets the converted value (decimal units to number or number to decimal units) of a specified amount of a token., required_params: [{\"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value to format.\"}, {\"name\": \"direction\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specifies conversion method.\\n \\n * From: Converts a number in units to an actual number.\\n \\n * To: Converts the actual number to a number in units.\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Token contract address that will be used to determine the number of digits to convert the value.\"}, {\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Network that the token resides on.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6311", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Metadata Cloud, api_name:GetFileVersions, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6312", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, 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\"description\": \"Enter the chain ID of the specific NFT to query.\"}, {\"name\": \"nftAddress\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the address of the NFT contract.\"}, {\"name\": \"nftId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the NFT ID of the specific NFT to query.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6340", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Current NFT Balance for User, api_description:Gets the NFT balance of a specific user., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Specific network to fetch the user's NFT balance.\"}, {\"name\": \"walletAddress\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The wallet address of the user whose NFT balances are being retrieved. 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If \\\"custom\\\" use also fromDay-toDay parameters.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6357", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:List groups, api_description:List groups, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6358", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Comparison Cloud, api_name:GetFileVersions, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6359", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ChurchApp, api_name:Get all Tags, api_description:This will return tags ordered alphabetically, required_params: [], optional_params: 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\"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6400", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Event Logs within Block range, api_description:Gets the event logs in a block range, filtered by topics., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topics\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The topic to fetch logs for.\"}, {\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Network to fetch logs for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6401", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:team petstore, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"totvs\": \"int\", \"sold\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"cat\": \"int\", \"dgdfgdf\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"not available\": \"int\", \"Available\": \"int\", \"New-4\": 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Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6412", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Ridet NC, api_name:Etablissements d'une entreprise, api_description:Affiche les établissement d'une entreprise en Nouvelle Calédonie., required_params: [{\"name\": \"rid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"establishments\": [{\"code_ape\": \"str\", \"code_forme_juridique\": \"str\", \"date_etablissement_actif\": \"str\", \"section_naf\": \"str\", \"division_naf\": \"str\", \"libelle_commune\": \"str\", \"libelle_division_naf\": \"str\", \"libelle_forme_juridique\": \"str\", \"libelle_naf\": \"str\", \"libelle_section_naf\": \"str\", \"code_commune\": \"str\", 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[], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6415", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:platformbil, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Sale\": \"int\", \"totvs\": \"int\", \"sold\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"dgdfgdf\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"peric\": \"int\", \"cat\": \"int\", \"not available\": \"int\", \"new-2\": \"int\", \"Available\": \"int\", \"disponible\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6416", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Signature Cloud, api_name:GetFileVersions, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6417", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Signature Cloud, api_name:GetSupportedQRCodes, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6418", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:getAssessments, api_name:getAssessment, api_description:getAssessment, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6419", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Tasks Cloud, api_name:GetCalendarExceptions, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"calendarUid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Calendar's Uid\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the file.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6420", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:SurveyMethods, api_name:Deployment Details, api_description:Using this API call, you can retrieve the current deployment status of a particular survey., required_params: [{\"name\": \"login_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"survey_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6421", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:SurveyMethods, api_name:Responses Summary, api_description:Using this API call you can retrieve information such as custom field labels & values, date on which a response was started and when was it completed, the survey response method (email/web), the email address of the respondent in case of an email response, IP address and the response code for each individual response of your survey., required_params: [{\"name\": \"login_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"survey_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6422", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Ecoindex, api_name:Get_ecoindex_analysis_by_id__version__ecoindexes__id__get, api_description:This returns an ecoindex given by its unique identifier, required_params: [{\"name\": \"version\", \"type\": \"OBJECT\", \"description\": \"Engine version used to run the analysis (v0 or v1)\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6423", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ChurchApp, api_name:Get Contact, api_description:Search for a contact by their unique ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"contact_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"extras\": \"empty list\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6424", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:SurveyMethods, api_name:All Survey Details, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"login_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6425", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:SurveyMethods, api_name:Dashboard, api_description:Get the deployment and response dashboard, required_params: [{\"name\": \"login_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"survey_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6426", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:uniswap-v2-api, api_name:/swap/{id}, api_description:Return the info of the Swap by the address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The address of the Swap\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6427", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:URLTEST, api_name:logoutUser, api_description:Logs out current logged in user session, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6428", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:team petstore, api_name:logoutUser, api_description:Logs out current logged in user session, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6429", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:URLTEST, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6430", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Editor Cloud, api_name:ObjectExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File or folder path e.g. '/file.ext' or '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6431", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Translation Cloud, api_name:ObjectExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File or folder path e.g. '/file.ext' or '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6432", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud, api_name:GetFilesList, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Folder path e.g. '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6433", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:World of Quotes, api_name:Get Quotes Category, api_description:This API returns array of over 350 types of categories we have in our library.\nThis returns an array of strings. Real response will have more categories but in mock response we displayed a few., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6434", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.PDF Cloud, api_name:GetPages, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The document name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"RequestId\": \"str\", \"Error\": {\"Code\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"DateTime\": \"str\", \"InnerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6435", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:HauteCouture-API, api_name:Get all artistic directors, api_description:Renders all the maisons artistic directors, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6436", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ODAM, api_name:tsv5, api_description:Get all values of a merged data subsets\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"value as filter criteria for entry attribute\"}, {\"name\": \"subset\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"data subset identifier\"}, {\"name\": \"entry\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"entry identifier\"}, {\"name\": \"dataset\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"dataset identifier\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6437", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ODAM, api_name:tsv4, api_description:Get the entry list of a merged data subsets\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"subset\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"data subset identifier\"}, {\"name\": \"dataset\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"dataset identifier\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6438", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ODAM, api_name:tsv, api_description:Get the subset list of a dataset along with the metadata\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dataset\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"dataset identifier\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6439", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Ecoindex, api_name:Get_ecoindex_analysis_list__version__ecoindexes_get, api_description:This returns a list of ecoindex analysis corresponding to query filters and the given version engine. The results are ordered by ascending date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"version\", \"type\": \"OBJECT\", \"description\": \"Engine version used to run the analysis (v0 or v1)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6440", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Ecoindex, api_name:Get_healthcheck_health_get, api_description:Check health status of components of the API (database...), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"database\": \"bool\", \"workers\": {\"healthy\": \"bool\", \"workers\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"healthy\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6441", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Shapeways, api_name:GET /categories/v1, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"List\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"httpMethod\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"revision\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"preferred\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"discoveryRestUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"discoveryLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"discoveryRootUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"documentationLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"parameters\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"returns\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"categories\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"properties\\\": {\\\"\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"properties\\\": {\\\"title\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"parentId\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}}}, \\\"nextActionSuggestions\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"error\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"reason\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"oauthErrorMessage\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dependencies\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}, \\\"Get\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"httpMethod\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"revision\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"preferred\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6442", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:JAK_API, api_name:Ben 10, api_description:Get the JSON formatted data about Ben 10!!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"omnitrix\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 96}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6443", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:JAK_API, api_name:Genshin Impact, api_description:Get the JSON formatted data about Genshin Impact, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"character\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"element\": \"str\", \"weapon\": \"str\", \"special_dish\": \"str\", \"sex\": \"str\", \"birthday\": \"str\", \"constellation\": \"str\", \"nation\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 52}], \"elements\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"archon\": \"str\", \"status_applies\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6444", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:DAd, api_name:asd, api_description:asd, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6445", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Horoscope Astrology, api_name:Daily horoscope, api_description:A daily horoscope is a personalized astrological prediction for an individual based on their birth date and zodiac sign. It provides insight and guidance on various aspects of life such as love, career, finances, and personal growth. The predictions take into account the current positions of the planets and other celestial bodies, offering a unique perspective on the individual's current astrological influences. Daily horoscopes are meant to be used as a tool for reflection and can provide helpful insights and advice for navigating life's challenges and opportunities. Whether you're looking to start your day off on the right foot or seeking guidance in a specific area of your life, a daily horoscope can be a valuable resource for gaining new insights and perspective., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sunsign\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"- aries\\n- taurus\\n- gemini\\n- cancer\\n- leo\\n- virgo\\n- libra\\n- scorpio\\n- sagittarius\\n- capricorn\\n- aquarius\\n- pisces\"}, {\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"- Today\\n\\n- Yesterday\\n\\n- Tomorrow\\n\\n- Week\\n\\n- Month\\n\\n- Year\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6446", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:PragmavantApi, api_name:/python-env, api_description:Get python env, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dists\": [\"list of list with length 14\"], \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6447", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:PragmavantApi, api_name:/image/convert, api_description:Convert image to different type and resize to smaller size., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6448", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:PragmavantApi, api_name:/echo, api_description:Echo request, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"env\\\": {\\\"AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_VERSION\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_SESSION_TOKEN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_LAMBDA_LOG_GROUP_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LD_LIBRARY_PATH\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_LAMBDA_LOG_STREAM_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_EXECUTION_ENV\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PATH\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_DEFAULT_REGION\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PWD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LANG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LAMBDA_RUNTIME_DIR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_LAMBDA_INITIALIZATION_TYPE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NODE_PATH\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TZ\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_REGION\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SHLVL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_PORT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_HANDLER\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_MEMORY_SIZE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_X_AMZN_TRACE_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"event\\\": {\\\"resource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"httpMethod\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"headers\\\": {\\\"Accept\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Accept-Encoding\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Host\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"User-Agent\\\": \\\"str\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6449", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Echo, api_name:Echo Request, api_description:Echo HTTP Request, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"clientIP\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6450", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:List conversions, api_description:List conversions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6451", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Calulator, api_name:hello, api_description:entertain, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6452", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:uniswap-v2-api, api_name:/token/{id}, api_description:Return the info of the Token by the address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The address of the Token\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6453", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:uniswap-v2-api, api_name:/pair/{id}, api_description:Return the info of the Par by the address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The address of the Pair\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6454", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ChurchApp, api_name:Get Key Dates by Contact, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"contact_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"extras\": \"empty list\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6455", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ChurchApp, api_name:Get all Contacts, api_description:Get all contacts, listed alphabetically, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"extras\": \"empty list\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6456", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:quotsy, api_name:get_qoute, api_description:get a quote by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6457", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:hanime-python-api, api_name:getInfo, api_description:Get Hanime Video Info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6458", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Love Quotes by LoveMelon, api_name:getLoveQuotes, api_description:Get Love Quotes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6459", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:MangaVerse API, api_name:Fetch Latest, api_description:This will get the latest of the updated manga on this server\npage should be 1 or more than 1 and the genres should be string with comma\ngenres ex: Harem,Fantasy, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6460", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:MangaVerse API, api_name:Fetch Manga, api_description:This will get the list of manga on this server\npage should be 1 or more than 1 and the genres should be string with comma\ngenres ex: Harem,Fantasy, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6461", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:MangaVerse API, api_name:Get Manga, api_description:Get manga details \nid should be manga id, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6462", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Chuck Norris by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/chucknorris, api_description:API Ninjas Chuck Norris API endpoint. Returns a Chuck Norris joke., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6463", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:NameForge, api_name:Double name medium, api_description:Create double name.\nMax query length is 50 characters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6464", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:NameForge, api_name:Single name medium, api_description:Create single name.\nMax query length is 50 characters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6465", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:jokes , api_name:Get jokes, api_description:Get the jokes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6466", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Would You Rather, api_name:question, api_description:Get random 'Would You Rather' question, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6467", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Facebook video downloader MP4, api_name:Facebook video downloader, api_description:Facebook video downloader API @ https://mp3downy.com/facebook-video-downloader-api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6468", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Twitter video downloader mp4, api_name:https://mp3downy.com/twitter-video-downloader-API, api_description:New twitter video downloader https://mp3downy.com/twitter-video-downloader-API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6469", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Poetry DB, api_name:/title, api_description:List of all poem titles on Poetry DB, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6470", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:DaddyJokes, api_name:Random, api_description:Get a random dad joke, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6471", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:YouTube to Mp4, api_name:Title & URL, api_description:fetches YouTube direct download link and video title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6472", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Poetry DB, api_name:/lines/{line}:abs, api_description:All poems that contain a specific line, required_params: [{\"name\": \"line\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The exact line in the poem\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6473", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Wrestling API, api_name:Wrestling News, api_description:This will give you the most up to date results for wrestling matches., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6474", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Dad Jokes_v2, api_name:/dad-jokes/search, api_description:Search for a joke by a keyword. Keyword will be used as is in the search. E.g. if you need to search for a joke with the keyword \"dad\" in it, you will need to pass \"dad\" as the keyword. If you need to search for a joke with specific word, you will need to pass keyword with surrounding spaces or punctuation, e.g. \" dad\". Search is not case-sensitive.\n\nAPI return is limited to 3 records per one search request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6475", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Dad Jokes_v2, api_name:/dad-jokes/joke-of-the-day, api_description:Return joke of the day. Each new UTC day API will return a new joke. During the UTC day, API returns the same joke., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6476", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:TVView, api_name:AllChannel, api_description:Get All the Channel, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6477", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Soft-cat-quiz, api_name:Get Questions and Answers, api_description:This endpoint returns the quiz questions and answers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6478", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Netflix Original Series Top 100 (ranked), api_name:search, api_description:Get Request for Netflix Original Series Top 100 (ranked), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6479", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:rapid-porn, api_name:/photo, api_description:This is where the fun starts, replace category with a value to get ;))\nIf you get 500 Internal Server Error,\nPlease cross check your category inserted from the all-tags endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6480", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Random Quote Generator, api_name:Request Random Quote, api_description:A simple get request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6481", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:vadym-rock-paper-scissors-api, api_name:Choice Endpoint, api_description:User's selection, required_params: [{\"name\": \"choice\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6482", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Meme Generator_v2, api_name:Memes, api_description:Generate mems by /meme, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6483", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Cinema API, api_name:Get Cast By ID, api_description:With this endpoint, you can retrieve the full cast's list (together with their images and their role in the movie)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ID\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Movie ID. You can obtain the ID from the Get Movie By ID endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6484", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Cinema API, api_name:Get Movie ID By Title, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve the ID of the movies you are interested in. You can search your movie or your preferite actor., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Two categories allowed:\\n*movies*\\n*actors*\"}, {\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Enter the text to search. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6485", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Cinema API, api_name:Get Movie Images By ID, api_description:This Endpoint returns a complete list of images associated to the ID. You can obtain the ID from the Get Movie By ID endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Movie ID. You can obtain the ID from the Get Movie By ID endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6486", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Coin Flip, api_name:Heads / Tails, api_description:Returns an outcome. Either heads or tails, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6487", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:TuneIn, api_name:Broadcaster Endpoint, api_description:Your title and artist information should be set to be updated by your broadcast software in correspondence with the currently playing song., required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the song\"}, {\"name\": \"artist\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The artist associated with the song\"}, {\"name\": \"album\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the associated album\"}, {\"name\": \"commericial\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"Set to true if the now playing broadcast is in commercial rather than a song\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6488", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Cinema API, api_name:Get Movie Reviews By Id, api_description:This Endpoint returns a complete list of reviews associated to the ID. You can obtain the ID from the Get Movie By ID endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Movie ID. You can obtain the ID from the Get Movie By ID endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6489", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:GMC Radio, api_name:GMC, api_description:Allow users to add radio stations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6490", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Media-Group, api_name:List genres, api_description:List genres, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6491", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Marvel Heroic API: Unlock the MCU Legendary Characters., api_name:getCharacterById, api_description:Get sepcific character, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6492", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Marvel Heroic API: Unlock the MCU Legendary Characters., api_name:getCharacterByName, api_description:Get specific Character by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6493", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:mydailyinspiration, api_name:helloworld, api_description:Test the API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6494", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Marvel Heroic API: Unlock the MCU Legendary Characters., api_name:characters, api_description:Get All 30 Characters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6495", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Throne of Glass API_v2, api_name:Get Charater by ID, api_description:Get Character Detail by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6496", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Throne of Glass API_v2, api_name:Get All Characters, api_description:To Get All Characters in Throns of Glass, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6497", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Euro Millions, api_name:Get All draws, api_description:Get a list of all draws dates available in the API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6498", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ASE's Quiz API, api_name:Get difficulty by id, api_description:Get difficulty by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6499", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ASE's Quiz API, api_name:Get random 20 questions, api_description:Get random 20 questions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6500", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Euro Millions, api_name:Get All M1lhao results, api_description:Get the whole history of M1lhao result draws, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6501", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Euro Millions, api_name:Get last fresh result, api_description:Get the latest result available in real time on official results website, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6502", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ASE's Quiz API, api_name:Get question by id, api_description:Get question by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6503", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Disney worlds, api_name:action movies, api_description:get action movies by generating movie id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"action\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6504", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Words of Wisdom - The Famous Quotes API, api_name:/quotes, api_description:Get inspired by the words of history's greatest thinkers. Get your daily dose of motivation, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6505", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Fancy text, api_name:/text, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u0454\\u03b7\\u0442\\u0454\\u044f \\u0443\\u03c3\\u03c5\\u044f \\u0442\\u0454\\u03c7\\u0442 \\u03b1\\u03b7\\u2202 \\u00a2\\u043d\\u03b1\\u03b7g\\u0454 \\u0442\\u03c3 \\u0192\\u03b1\\u03b7\\u00a2\\u0443 \\u0442\\u0454\\u03c7\\u0442 \\u03c5\\u0455\\u03b9\\u03b7g \\u0442\\u043d\\u03b9\\u0455 \\u00a2\\u03c3\\u03c3\\u2113 \\u03b1\\u03c1\\u03b9 :\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6506", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Disney worlds, api_name:romance, api_description:get all full movies for romance, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6507", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Disney worlds, api_name:animes, api_description:Get the best and current disney animes released today, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6508", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Poker Cards Cartomancy, api_name:Get All Cards, api_description:All cards name, number, meaning and images, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6509", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Poker Cards Cartomancy, api_name:Get one card, api_description:This is a random card., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6510", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Chinese Zodiacs - AI, api_name:Get Zodiac, api_description:return specific zodiac fortune by sign, period and language., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sign\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Chinese Simplified or Traditional\"}, {\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6511", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:GetAccount, api_description:Get account information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6512", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Random Yes/No, api_name:Yes or No, api_description:Get some random Yes or No, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6513", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Programming Memes Images, api_name:v1/memes, api_description:Get Random Programming Memes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6514", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Flames Love Calculator, api_name:/flame, api_description:Pass both name as path parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sname\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fname\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6515", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Burning Series API, api_name:Get Show Episodes, api_description:- page url\n- stream urls\n- episode title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"languageSlug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonID\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"showSlug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6516", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Burning Series API, api_name:Get Show Details, api_description:- Title\n- Description\n- Runtime\n- Author\n- Director\n- Actors\n- Producer\n- Genres\n- Languages\n- Seasons, required_params: [{\"name\": \"showSlug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6517", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:TVMaze, api_name:/search/shows?q={query}, api_description:Search for shows, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6518", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Euro Millions, api_name:Get Birthday draws, api_description:Get all draws result occurred at a given birthday date (mm-dd) and check it out what's your lucky number and related statistics., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6519", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Euro Millions, api_name:Get M1lhao, api_description:Get last drawn result of M1lhao (M1lhão (‘The Million’) is a supplementary game offered to Portuguese EuroMillions players which offers the chance to win a prize of €1 million on Friday evenings.), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6520", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Dark Humor Jokes, api_name:Get Joke, api_description:Fetch a joke., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6521", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:PixelStix, api_name:PixelStix Map Meta, api_description:A PixelStix Map is a collection of PREMIUM PixelStix that have been assigned latitude and longitude coordinates. A PREMIUM PixelStix can belong to multiple Maps and is also known as a Gallery.\n\nThis endpoint will retrieve information about your particular Map/Gallery. The name used in the endpoint is the same name that you will see in the list of galleries when using the PixelStix app., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pixelstix_map_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"object_voice\\\": [{\\\"account\\\": {\\\"account_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"created\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last_active\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"role\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"username\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"account_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"alias\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"clears_remaining\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"created\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"first_assigned\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geo_fixed\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"last_assigned\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lon\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"mimetype\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"parent_code\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"scans\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tag\\\": [{\\\"account\\\": {\\\"account_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"created\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last_active\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"role\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"username\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"account_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"badge\\\": {\\\"badges_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"primary_url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"badges_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"object_voice_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"popularity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"public\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"remote_content_access\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"scans\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tag_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"visibility\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"web_location\\\": [{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_created\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags_id\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"thumbnail_default\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_l\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6522", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:PixelStix, api_name:Get Last N Days Scan Counts For Tag, api_description:Gets the number of scans over the last N days, per day, required_params: [{\"name\": \"days\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"jwt\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"map_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6523", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:IMDb Top 100 Movies, api_name:Movie Data By Id, api_description:This endpoint Lists a movie's data by the id.\nContains medium sized cover image, trailer, description and more.\nExample id: top17, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rank\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"trailer\": \"str\", \"genre\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"director\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"writers\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"imdbid\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6524", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:IMDB Charts, api_name:Chart by id, api_description:Get an IMDB Chart by ID\n\nThe API endpoint expects an `id` query parameter and the JSON response format is different based on it. We currently support these chart ids:\n* `boxoffice`: Top Box Office (US)\n* `moviemeter`: Most Popular Movies\n* `top`: IMDb Top 250 Movies\n* `top-english-movies`: Top Rated English Movies\n* `tvmeter`: Most Popular TV Shows\n* `toptv`: Top Rated TV Shows\n* `top-rated-indian-movies`: Top Rated Indian Movies\n* `bottom`: Lowest Rated Movies\n* `top-action`: (Top Rated Action Movies\n* `top-adventure`: Top Rated Adventure Movies\n* `top-animation`: Top Rated Animation Movies\n* `top-biography`: Top Rated Biography Movies\n* `top-comedy`: Top Rated Comedy Movies\n* `top-crime`: Top Rated Crime Movies\n* `top-drama`: Top Rated Drama Movies\n* `top-family`: Top Rated Family Movies\n* `top-fantasy`: Top Rated Fantasy Movies\n* `top-film_noir`: Top Rated Film-Noir Movies\n* `top-history`: Top Rated History Movies\n* `top-horror`: Top Rated Horror Movies\n* `top-music`: Top Rated Music Movies\n* `top-musical`: Top Rated Musical Movies\n* `top-mystery`: Top Rated Mystery Movies\n* `top-romance`: Top Rated Romance Movies\n* `top-sci_fi`: Top Rated Sci-Fi Movies\n* `top-sport`: Top Rated Sport Movies\n* `top-thriller`: Top Rated Thriller Movies\n* `top-war`: Top Rated War Movies\n* `top-western`: Top Rated Western Movies, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6525", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:IMDb Top 100 Movies, api_name:Top 100 movies list, api_description:The Cover image, Rank, Title, Thumbnail, Rating, Id, Year, Images, Description, Trailer, Genre, Director, Writer and IMDb ID of The Top 100 Movies of All Time., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rank\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"trailer\": \"str\", \"genre\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"director\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"writers\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"imdbid\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6526", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Web - Novel API, api_name:/search/{query}, api_description:Search the Novel Catalog for Query and returns results with Scoring etc.\n\nSearches:\n- Title\n- Author, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6527", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Web - Novel API, api_name:/novel/{novel_id}/cover, api_description:Returns the Cover for the Requested Novel ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"novel_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6528", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:VOD App, api_name:Category, api_description:Category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6529", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:VOD App, api_name:Related, api_description:Show related collection, required_params: [{\"name\": \"show-slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6530", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:4D Results, api_name:4D Dream Dictionary, api_description:Return relevant 4D/3D lucky draw number based on keyword (english/chinese) of your dream., required_params: [{\"name\": \"digit\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Search for 3D or 4D\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"en for English, zh for Chinese (simplifed)\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Keyword to search for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6531", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Game of Thrones, api_name:Get continents, api_description:Returns all GOT continents, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6532", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Lotto America, api_name:Latest 10 Drawings, api_description:Get the latest, and last winning 10 Lotto America number sets., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6533", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Lotto America, api_name:Latest Drawing, api_description:Get the latest, and last winning Lotto America winning number set., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6534", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Game of Thrones, api_name:Get all characters, api_description:Returns all of the GOT characters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6535", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Game of Thrones, api_name:Get character by ID, api_description:Returns a character by their ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6536", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HAPI Books, api_name:Get the Most Popular Authors, api_description:Get the list of the most popular authors right now with a set of other relevant information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6537", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HAPI Books, api_name:Get Weekly Popular Books by Genre, api_description:Returns the most popular books from the last weeks given a genre., required_params: [{\"name\": \"genre\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6538", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Porn Movies, api_name:Movies Link And Name, api_description:Movies Link And Name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6539", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HAPI Books, api_name:Get the Top 15 most popular books in a Month of an Year, api_description:Provide the year and the month (between 1 and 12) and receive the 15 most popular books for that month., required_params: [{\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6540", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Pipotronic, api_name:Get sentence, api_description:Funny and ironic randomly generated textual content to incorportate into powerpoints, meetings, corporate brochures..., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6541", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:TVMaze, api_name:/shows/{id}, api_description:Get show information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6542", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ASE's Quiz API, api_name:Get all categories, api_description:Get all categories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6543", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ASE's Quiz API, api_name:Get all questions, api_description:Get all questions without pagination, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6544", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Disney worlds, api_name:movie details, api_description:Get movie details by searching movie name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"movieid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6545", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:The Dozen - The Yo Mamsa Roast API, api_name:Get a Random, Categorized and/or Filter Joke, api_description:Allows for either randomize, categorized or filtered insults to be returned with or without metadata., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6546", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Wisdom Quotes, api_name:Get A Random Wisdom Quote, api_description:Returns a JSON object which includes a random wisdom quote and its related id., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6547", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:The Dozen - The Yo Mamsa Roast API, api_name:Get Specific Insult, api_description:Allows for a specific insults to be returned with or without metadata., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the UUID for a Specific Joke\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6548", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:The Dozen - The Yo Mamsa Roast API, api_name:Get All Jokes in a Single Category, api_description:This endpoint will return all joke in a catagory., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6549", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Wisdom Quotes, api_name:Get Wisdom Quotes By Page, api_description:Returns an JSON object that includes:\n\n- the page number requested (current_page), \n- the amount of all pages (max_pages),\n- the amount of the quotes (quotes_count) (15 per page),\n- the wisdom quotes array (quotes)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6550", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:New York Lottery, api_name:Get Draw Results, api_description:Return all draw results for all games., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6551", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Words of Wisdom - The Famous Quotes API, api_name:/categories, api_description:Returns a list of categories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6552", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Words of Wisdom - The Famous Quotes API, api_name:/authors, api_description:Returns a list of authors, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6553", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Horoscopes AI, api_name:Get Period, api_description:Return available period for Horoscope., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6554", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:CrazyTimeAPI, api_name:latest-outcome, api_description:Get the last Outcome data and details, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"transmissionId\": \"str\", \"totalWinners\": \"int\", \"totalAmount\": \"int\", \"winners\": [{\"screenName\": \"str\", \"winnings\": \"int\", \"payout\": \"NoneType\", \"multiplier\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"startedAt\": \"str\", \"settledAt\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"gameType\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"wager\": \"float\", \"payout\": \"int\", \"table\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"dealer\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\"}, \"numOfParticipants\": \"int\", \"result\": {\"outcome\": {\"topSlot\": {\"wheelSector\": \"str\", \"multiplier\": \"int\"}, \"wheelResult\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"wheelSector\": \"str\"}, \"maxMultiplier\": \"int\", \"isTopSlotMatchedToWheelResult\": \"bool\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6555", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:beyblade-api, api_name:/api/v1/beyblades, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6556", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:CrazyTimeAPI, api_name:History, api_description:Get the last 10 spins Histories and details, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"transmissionId\": \"str\", \"totalWinners\": \"int\", \"totalAmount\": \"int\", \"winners\": [{\"screenName\": \"str\", \"winnings\": \"int\", \"payout\": \"NoneType\", \"multiplier\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"startedAt\": \"str\", \"settledAt\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"gameType\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"wager\": \"float\", \"payout\": \"int\", \"table\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"dealer\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\"}, \"numOfParticipants\": \"int\", \"result\": {\"outcome\": {\"topSlot\": {\"wheelSector\": \"str\", \"multiplier\": \"int\"}, \"wheelResult\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"wheelSector\": \"str\"}, \"maxMultiplier\": \"int\", \"isTopSlotMatchedToWheelResult\": \"bool\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6557", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Joke1, api_name:/random_joke, api_description:Returns a random joke, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6558", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:beyblade-api, api_name:/api/v1/beyblades/{id}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the Beyblade to retrieve\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6559", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Horoscopes AI, api_name:Get Types, api_description:Return available types for the particular period., required_params: [{\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"{period}\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6560", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Horoscopes AI, api_name:Get Signs, api_description:Return 12 horoscope sign names., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6561", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:CrazyTimeAPI, api_name:Statistics, api_description:Stats of wheelResults:\n\"count\"\n\"percentage\"\n\"lastOccurredAt\"\n\"lastSeenBefore\"\n\"hotFrequencyPercentage\": 1.11\nNote that Duration is Hourly basis 1,2,3,.......72 ect, required_params: [{\"name\": \"duration\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"aggStats\": [{\"wheelResult\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\", \"percentage\": \"float\", \"lastOccurredAt\": \"str\", \"lastSeenBefore\": \"int\", \"hotFrequencyPercentage\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"bestMultipliers\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"wheelResult\": \"str\", \"lastOccurredAt\": \"str\", \"maxMultiplier\": \"int\", \"bigWinStreamUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"topSlotToWheelResultStats\": [{\"matched\": \"bool\", \"percentage\": \"float\", \"totalCount\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"winnerAggregatedStats\": [{\"screenName\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\", \"totalWonAmount\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"bestIndividualWins\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"screenName\": \"str\", \"winAmount\": \"float\", \"wheelResult\": \"str\", \"maxMultiplier\": \"int\", \"lastOccurredAt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6562", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:retrieve info, api_name:Get random joke, api_description:to get random joke, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6563", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Meme Generator and Template Database, api_name:/search, api_description:Returns meme templates that contain a specific string. **searchString is case sensitive**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchString\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6564", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Meme Generator and Template Database, api_name:/fonts, api_description:Any of the fonts can be used in any text box or caption.\nSome fonts are language specific:\n- Chinese -> zcool-wenyi\n- Japanese -> takaopmincho\n- Korean -> gugi\n- Hindi -> poppins, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6565", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hummingbird v2, api_name:Anime Details, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6566", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Guinness-World-Records-Api, api_name:Get Record Details, api_description:Get the record details for a given href which will be returned from the \"Get Records\" request\n\n\nReturns details like who/what/where/when and an array of strings indicating the different paragraphs as displayed in guinnessworldrecords.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"href\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6567", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Jokes by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/jokes, api_description:API Ninjas Jokes API endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6568", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Throne of Glass API 2, api_name:Get all characters, api_description:Get all the characters with options to limit amount of responses and skip an amount of characters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6569", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:cubiculus - managing LEGO set collection, api_name:User by email, api_description:get detail user informations, requires users's own cubiculus credential, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"users's email\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application key. Accessing application is identified by key. This application key could be for free obtained at cubiculus.com after registration\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6570", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Guinness-World-Records-Api, api_name:Get Records, api_description:Get Guinness World Records for a given term, required_params: [{\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6571", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Celebrity by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/celebrity, api_description:API Ninjas Celebrity API endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6572", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hobbies by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/hobbies, api_description:Returns a random hobby and a Wikipedia link detailing the hobby., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6573", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Dad Jokes by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/dadjokes, api_description:API Ninjas Dad Jokes API endpoint. Returns one (or more) random dad jokes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6574", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Dad Jokes_v2, api_name:/dad-jokes/random, api_description:Return random joke., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6575", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Quotes, api_name:Get 10 random quotes, api_description:Get 10 random quotes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6576", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Wisdom Quotes, api_name:Get Wisdom Quote By ID, api_description:Returns a single wisdom quote by a given ID. The highest is 27753., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6577", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Quotes, api_name:Get quotes by anime title, api_description:Get quotes by anime title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6578", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Wisdom Quotes, api_name:Get Wisdom Quotes By Topic, api_description:Returns an array of all wisdom quotes that are related to a given topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6579", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Poetry DB, api_name:/linecount/{linecount}, api_description:All poems on Poetry DB with a specific number of lines, required_params: [{\"name\": \"linecount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of lines in a poem.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6580", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Show Air Dates, api_name:Today, api_description:Shows airing today, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6581", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Poetry DB, api_name:/author/{author}:abs, api_description:All poems by a specific author, required_params: [{\"name\": \"author\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The exact name of the poet\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6582", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Show Air Dates, api_name:Next 7 days, api_description:Shows airing in the next 7 days, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6583", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Poetry DB, api_name:/author,title/{author};{title}, api_description:All poems with a specific title by a specific author, required_params: [{\"name\": \"author\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The poet, or part of the poet's name\"}, {\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The title of the poem, or part of the title of the poem.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6584", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Show Air Dates, api_name:Next 31 days, api_description:Shows airing in the next 31 days, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6585", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:stapi - showerthoughts, api_name:latest, api_description:chose a number between 1 to 500 and based on that all the latest showerthoughts on the subReddit will be fetched.\n\nif the number is not specified a total of 100 showerthougts are returned by default., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6586", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:stapi - showerthoughts, api_name:random, api_description:Fetches a random shower thought out of latest 100 posted on the subReddit., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6587", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:stapi - showerthoughts, api_name:top, api_description:this end point will fetch the top shower thought from all frames of time. \n(i.e. now, today,week,month,year,alltime), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6588", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Steam, api_name:Global Achievement Percentages For App, api_description:Get the list of all achievements and their percentages success rate, required_params: [{\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6589", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Steam, api_name:App Reviews, api_description:Get last n reviews of an app, required_params: [{\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Max limit 200\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6590", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Meme Generator and Template Database, api_name:/templates, api_description:Returns all of the currently supported templates and the number of text boxes that a particular template can support. For how to use this response go to **/template/:image**., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6591", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:CsC e-Sim, api_name:Battle, api_description:It will shows the battle statistic of given ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Server\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"e-Sim server\"}, {\"name\": \"Battle ID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"It's clear.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6592", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:New Girl, api_name:Get recurring characters, api_description:This endpoint gets the recurring characters within the show., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6593", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:New Girl, api_name:Get main characters, api_description:This route will provide you with the show's main characters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6594", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:New Girl, api_name:Get show facts & rotten tomato scores, api_description:You can find show data including season by season rotten tomato scores by hitting the home route., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6595", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Waifu, api_name:Get user metadata, api_description:Get user metadata, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"user_id\": \"str\", \"last_modified_datetime\": \"NoneType\", \"last_modified_timestamp\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6596", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Waifu, api_name:Get user dialog json, api_description:Get user dialog json, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"user_id\": \"str\", \"dialog\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6597", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:SHIMONETA, api_name:Send a word to check, api_description:The API returns what the word means if the word is vulgar., required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6598", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Waifu, api_name:Get users count, api_description:Get users count, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"user_count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6599", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Programming Memes Reddit, api_name:Get All Memes, api_description:Gets all memes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6600", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:SongMeanings, api_name:lyrics.get, api_description:Retrieves lyrics and lyric related data for a specific song., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sm_lid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"SongMeanings Lyric ID. When specified, this parameter will bypass any other lyric identification parameters.\"}, {\"name\": \"lyric_title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Song or track title.\"}, {\"name\": \"artist_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Artist name.\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Decide the output type (either xml or json); xml is default.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6601", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:60K Radio Stations, api_name:Get Channels, api_description:Get channel list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6602", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:60K Radio Stations, api_name:Get Countries, api_description:Get country list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6603", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:60K Radio Stations, api_name:Get Genres, api_description:Get genre list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6604", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Reddit meme, api_name:Trending memes, api_description:Use this route to get the newest trending memes from subreddit, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6605", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Riddlie , api_name:Riddle by ID, api_description:Get a riddle by ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6606", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hummingbird v1, api_name:Anime, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Anime ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6607", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Reddit meme, api_name:Top memes, api_description:Use this route to get the all top quality memes from subreddit, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6608", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Chart Lyrics, api_name:/apiv1.asmx/SearchLyricDirect?artist=michael%20jackson&song=bad, api_description:Sample API request to search Lyrics, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6609", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:MDBList, api_name:Get by IMDb ID, api_description:Returns movie or TV Show info by IMDb ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"i\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A valid IMDb ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6610", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Quotes_v2, api_name:Get Random Quote, api_description:Get a random quote, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6611", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:DOTA 2 Steam Web, api_name:Match Details, api_description:To retrieve the specific details of a match, use this API:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"match_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"matches_requested\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Defaults is 25 matches, this can limit to less\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6612", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:GetAllVideos, api_description:List of all videos, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6613", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:DownloadVideo, api_description:Download the source video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6614", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:DownloadEncodedVideo, api_description:Download the encoded video file, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6615", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:mbar, api_name:Event, api_description:Can be ordered by start time, descending; and various fields can be filtered, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6616", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:mbar, api_name:Artist, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6617", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:mbar, api_name:Club Series, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6618", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Soft-cat-quiz, api_name:Get Results, api_description:This endpoint returns the result of the users who attempted the quiz, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6619", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:World of Jokes, api_name:Get Joke of the Day, api_description:Get the joke of the day from a collection of most rated and most popular jokes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6620", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Jokes, api_name:Get all jokes, api_description:Get all the jokes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6621", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Jokes, api_name:Get anime by ID, api_description:Search anime using ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6622", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Jokes, api_name:Search jokes by anime name, api_description:Search jokes using anime name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6623", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name: Jokester, api_name:/jokes, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6624", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Lotto America, api_name:Get All Lotto America Drawings, api_description:Get all winning drawings from Lotto America., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6625", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Official World Cup, api_name:Matches, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6626", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Euro Millions, api_name:Get M1lhao by date, api_description:Get a specific M1lhao drawn result by date (M1lhão (‘The Million’) is a supplementary game offered to Portuguese EuroMillions players which offers the chance to win a prize of €1 million on Friday evenings.), required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6627", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Euro Millions, api_name:Get result by date, api_description:Get the draws result for an specific date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date you want to check draws numbers\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6628", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:kast, api_name:/info/news, api_description:official api, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6629", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:StarLoveMatch, api_name:match, api_description:Accepts a string parameter containing the first person's name and birth date, followed by up to 10 other people and their birth dates with which to apply the astrological matching algorithms and return them in order of most to least compatible., required_params: [{\"name\": \"birthdetails\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6630", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Memes brasileiros, api_name:Memes, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6631", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:New Girl, api_name:Get all characters, api_description:This will provide the show's characters with a tiny bit of data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6632", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:New Girl, api_name:Get character by id, api_description:Providing the character id, you will get that specific character in the response. You can find a character id by hitting `/characters` and grabbing an id from there., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6633", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:rapid-porn, api_name:/all-tags, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6634", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Meowfacts, api_name:defaultRoot, api_description:By passing in the appropriate options, you can recieve a specific or more than one fact.\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6635", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Meowfacts, api_name:healthcheck, api_description:The health check endpoint will return a status of 200 if the api is up and ready to recieve connections. It will tell the uptime, and total requests served since last restart. It also has a field for version which corresponds to the versioned release from the github repo. \n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6636", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:MagicMirrorAPI, api_name:Home, api_description:Home endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6637", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Humor-Jokes-and-Memes, api_name:generate-nonsense-word, api_description:Generate a nonsense word.\nSee https://humorapi.com/docs/#Generate-Nonsense-Word for more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6638", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Humor-Jokes-and-Memes, api_name:search-jokes, api_description:Search for jokes.\nSee https://humorapi.com/docs/#Search-Jokes for more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6639", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Steam, api_name:App Detail, api_description:Get detailed info of the app, required_params: [{\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6640", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Interesting Facts API, api_name:Health Check Endpoint, api_description:This endpoint returns successful response, if service works fine., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6641", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Steam, api_name:Search, api_description:Search in steam shop, required_params: [{\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6642", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Argentina movie theatres, api_name:/cinemas/{cinemaId}/films/{filmId}/showtimes, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"cinemaId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The cinema identifier\"}, {\"name\": \"filmId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The film identifier\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6643", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Random Cat Fact, api_name:Cat Facts, api_description:Get some random cat fact, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6644", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Horoscopes AI, api_name:Get Horoscope (Multilingual), api_description:Return horoscope information by sign, period, type and languages provided., required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"en: English, \\nzh-t: Chinese (transditional), \\nzh-s: Chinese (simplified),\\nes: Spanish,\\nhi: Hindu,\\nfr: French,\\nja: Japanese,\\nko: Korean\"}, {\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sign\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Depend on period, use **Get Types** method to get available types for the selected period.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6645", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Wisdom Quotes, api_name:Get All Wisdom Topics, api_description:Returns an Array of all available wisdom topics. \nEach topic has its own quotes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6646", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Wordle Today, api_name:Today's Wordle, api_description:Get today's wordle word, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6647", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:GetAllEncodedVideos, api_description:Get all encoded videos of your account, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6648", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:MDBList, api_name:Search by Title, api_description:Search for Movies or TV Shows by title, include option year or mediatype filter to narrow your results, required_params: [{\"name\": \"s\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Movie or TV Show Title to search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6649", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HAPI Books, api_name:Get the Awarded Books of a Year, api_description:Returns the list of the best books of a year by its winning category.\nEach returned book has its Name, Winning Category, Cover Image and more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6650", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:SongMeanings, api_name:songs.search, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query string\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6651", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Movie Showtimes, api_name:/api/information, api_description:Get the sessions for the specified movie (IMDb id), required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IMDb movie id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6652", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:SongMeanings, api_name:artists.search, api_description:Search the SongMeanings database for artist names and aliases., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query string\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6653", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Movie Showtimes, api_name:/api/all, api_description:Get all the sessions for all the available movies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6654", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:SongMeanings, api_name:users.favorite.get, api_description:Get a user’s favorites by specified type., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sm_uid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID to grab favorites for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6655", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Jet Set Radio API, api_name:Songs, api_description:Returns a list of all Songs from JSR/JSRF, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6656", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Jet Set Radio API, api_name:Graffiti Tags, api_description:Returns a list of all Graffiti-Tags, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6657", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Jet Set Radio API, api_name:Levels, api_description:Returns a list of all Levels, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6658", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:GetFormat, api_description:Get a specific format, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6659", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:GetDownload, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6660", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Fantasy 5, api_name:General Statistics, api_description:This endpoint pulls basic statistics of the Fantasy 5 numbers. For each ball (denoted firstNumber, secondNumber, thirdNumber, fourthNumber, fifthNumber) this endpoint returns the mean, median, mode, min, max, standard deviation, variance, skewness, and kurtosis. After which, the endpoint returns the number of occurrences of each number over the life of game., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6661", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Fantasy 5, api_name:Random QuickPick for Play, api_description:Get a randomized Quick Pick for the Fantasy 5. This is a random set of playable Fantasy 5 numbers., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6662", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Cash4Life, api_name:Latest 10 Drawings, api_description:Latest 10 Cash4Life drawings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6663", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Cash4Life, api_name:General Statistics, api_description:This endpoint pulls basic statistics of the Cash4Life numbers. For each ball (denoted firstNumber, secondNumber, thirdNumber, fourthNumber, fifthNumber, and cashBall) this endpoint returns the mean, median, mode, min, max, standard deviation, variance, skewness, and kurtosis. After which, the endpoint returns the number of occurrences of each number over the life of game., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6664", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Cash4Life, api_name:Lastest Drawing, api_description:Get the latest, and last winning Cash4Life winning number set., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6665", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:StarLoveMatch, api_name:Jennifer Aniston, api_description:This is a demo endpoint showing how it processes a list of Jennifer Aniston's partners.\n\nHere are the input 'birthdetails' parameters : name=Jennifer Aniston&dob=2/11/1969&name1=Justin Theroux&dob1=8/10/1971&name2=Gerard Butler&dob2=11/13/1969&name3=John Mayer&dob3=10/16/1977&name4=Paul Sculfor&dob4=2/1/1971&name5=David Schwimmer&dob5=11/2/1969&name6=Vince Vaughn&dob6=3/28/1970&name7=Brad Pitt&dob7=12/18/1963&name8=Paul Rudd&dob8=4/6/1969&name9=Tate Donovan&dob9=9/25/1963&name10=Daniel McDonald&dob10=7/30/1960&sort=S&NC=C&ryr=2022&details=N&coupon=12345678\n\nYou will see that it calculates Paul Rudd to be her best overall (sort='O') general match, followed by Justin Theroux and Brad Pitt.\n\nHowever, if you change the input parameters and specify sort='P' (Physical), you will see that John Mayer is her best physical (sex) match.\n\nLikewise, if you wish to see how it calculates her Intellection matches in order, change this to sort='I', and you will see that Paul Rudd is again her best intellectual partner., required_params: [{\"name\": \"birthdetails\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6666", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:StarLoveMatch, api_name:Brad Pitt, api_description:This is a demo endpoint showing how it processes a list of Jennifer Aniston's partners.\n\nHere are the input 'birthdetails' parameters : name=Brad Pitt&dob=12/18/1963&name1=Angelina Jolie&dob1=06/04/1975&name2=Jennifer Aniston&dob2=02/11/1969&name3=Gwyneth Paltrow&dob3=9/27/1972&name4=Charlize Theron&dob4=8/07/1975&sort=O&NC=C&ryr=2022&details=N&coupon=12345678\n\nYou will see that it calculates Nicole Poturalski as his best overall (sort='O') general match.\n\nIf you change the input parameters and specify sort='P' (Physical), you will see that she is also currrently (20220 his best physical (sex) match.\n\nIf you wish to see how it sorts his Intellectual matches, change this to sort='I', and you will see that Jennifer Aniston is currently her best intellectual partner.\n\nFor interest, change the ryr parameter to '2004' using the sortorder = 'L'ove setting, you'll see how Jennifer was at the top of the love list, i.e.\n\nname=Brad Pitt&dob=12/18/1963&name1=Angelina Jolie&dob1=06/04/1975&name2=Jennifer Aniston&dob2=02/11/1969&name3=Gwyneth Paltrow&dob3=9/27/1972&name4=Charlize Theron&dob4=8/07/1975&name5=Nicole Poturalski&dob5=01/02/1993&sort=L&NC=C&ryr=2000&details=N&coupon=12345678\n\n\nTo have a look at what his compatibility ratings were in 2015, enter the following parameters : \n\nname=Brad Pitt&dob=12/18/1963&name1=Angelina Jolie&dob1=06/04/1975&name2=Jennifer Aniston&dob2=02/11/1969&name3=Gwyneth Paltrow&dob3=9/27/1972&name4=Charlize Theron&dob4=8/07/1975&name5=Nicole Poturalski&dob5=01/02/1993&sort=O&NC=C&ryr=2015&details=N&coupon=12345678\n\nYou'll see Angeline Jolie is second from the bottom, with a negative overall rating.\n\nNegative ratings indicate that there are bad aspects in operation and this person should be avoided. In 2015 Brad and Angelina divorced.\n\nBut there is some good news for him and his family. If you look ahead to the year 2030 by changing the ryr parameter to 2030, you will see he has a strong love relationship with Angelina Jolie again, and Jennifer Aniston has faded away in his life.\n\nname=Brad Pitt&dob=12/18/1963&name1=Angelina Jolie&dob1=06/04/1975&name2=Jennifer Aniston&dob2=02/11/1969&name3=Gwyneth Paltrow&dob3=9/27/1972&name4=Charlize Theron&dob4=8/07/1975&name5=Nicole Poturalski&dob5=01/02/1993&sort=O&NC=C&ryr=2030&details=N&coupon=12345678\n\nOf course, this is looking too far ahead to be generally useful at this point in time, so it is better to use the current year for the ryr parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"birthdetails\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6667", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Wisdom API, api_name:wisdomoftheday, api_description:Daily Wisdom Quote: This API endpoint provides a wise quote that is refreshed everyday between 8-9 AM PT., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6668", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Cash4Life, api_name:Drawing by Date, api_description:Get the winning Cash4Life number set from a specific drawing date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6669", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Waifu, api_name:Get user dialog string, api_description:Get user dialog string, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"user_id\": \"str\", \"dialog\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6670", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Euro Millions, api_name:Get all stats, api_description:Provide statistics about the frequency of each number in all draws in EuroMillions history in database. Here you can get the most frequent number or star in the draws., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6671", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Comedy(KK), api_name:Funny Movement, api_description:Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6672", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Bruno Jokes, api_name:Get a Joke, api_description:Retrieves a joke, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6673", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Img to ASCII, api_name:Get ASCII by id, api_description:Load previously generated ASCII image by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6674", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:VOD App, api_name:Episode, api_description:Single Episode Endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"episodeHouseNumber\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6675", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Show Air Dates, api_name:Tomorrow, api_description:Shows airing tomorrow, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6676", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:VOD App, api_name:Series, api_description:Series Endpoint, will have details about series and it's episodes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"series-slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6677", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Streaming, api_name:latest-anime, api_description:Gets all new anime added in last 24 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6678", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Text similarity calculator, api_name:getPercentage, api_description:Calculate the percentage of match between two texts., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ftext\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter text number one\"}, {\"name\": \"stext\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter text number two.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6679", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:LightningRoulletteAPI, api_name:History, api_description:The Histories of last 30 spins with all the details, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6680", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:LightningRoulletteAPI, api_name:Get last update, api_description:A JSON response with information about a single roulette spin., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6681", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Quotes, api_name:Get quotes by character name, api_description:Get quotes by character name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6682", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Deezer, api_name:Genre, api_description:A genre object, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The editorial's Deezer id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6683", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Deezer, api_name:Playlist, api_description:A playlist object, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The playlist's Deezer id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6684", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Deezer, api_name:Editorial, api_description:An editorial object, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The editorial's Deezer id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6685", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Riddles by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/riddles, api_description:API Ninjas Riddles API endpoint. Returns one or more random riddles., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"question\": \"str\", \"answer\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6686", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:VOD App, api_name:Show All Series, api_description:Show all series, required_params: [{\"name\": \"show-slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6687", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:GetAllFormats, api_description:Retrieve all the formats, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6688", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Poetry DB, api_name:/title/{title}, api_description:All poems on Poetry DB with a specific title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The title of the poem, or part of the title of the poem.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6689", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:GetVideo, api_description:Get Information about a specific video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6690", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Poetry DB, api_name:/author, api_description:List of all poets on Poetry DB, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6691", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Events Linz, api_name:events, api_description:Retrieves events in Linz, Austria, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6692", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:MDBList, api_name:Get by TVDB ID, api_description:Returns TV Show info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tv\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6693", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:MDBList, api_name:Get by TMDb ID, api_description:Returns movie or TV Show info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tm\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"A valid TMDb ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6694", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Argentina movie theatres, api_name:/cinemas/{id}/films, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The cinema identifier\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6695", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Argentina movie theatres, api_name:/cinemas/{id}/showtimes, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The cinema identifier\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6696", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Argentina movie theatres, api_name:/cinemas, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6697", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:GenerateVideoThumbnailSync, api_description:Generate the thumbnail of the video (Sync), required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6698", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:GetHLSJob, api_description:Get information of the specified HLS Job, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6699", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Outking, api_name:Get Poster, api_description:Get movie poster by title and release year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6700", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:yurna, api_name:yurna, api_description:Discord bot, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6701", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Riddlie , api_name:Riddle by Keyword, api_description:Get one random riddle around a specific subject or keyword. For example, a riddle on a \"cat\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6702", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Follow Youtube Channel, api_name:Get Videos By Channel, api_description:This endpoint will return the last 30 videos. Just specify the channel id (cid)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6703", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:DOTA 2 Steam Web, api_name:Match History, api_description:will return the latest 25 public matches in JSON format. You can request it in XML format, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6704", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ASE's Quiz API, api_name:Get random 20 questions by category, api_description:Get random 20 questions by category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"categoryId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6705", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Throne of Glass API 2, api_name:Get Character by ID, api_description:Get an Individual Character, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6706", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:TVMaze, api_name:/people/{id}, api_description:Get person information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6707", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Quotes, api_name:Get a random quote, api_description:Get a random quote, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6708", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:The Love Calculator, api_name:Get Match, api_description:The main endpoint to get your match percentage., required_params: [{\"name\": \"fname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6709", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Web - Novel API, api_name:/novel/{novel_id}, api_description:Returns the full Details Page for the Requested Novel ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"novel_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6710", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Watchmode, api_name:List Titles, api_description:Get a listing of titles that match certain parameters. This powerful endpoint can allow you to find many combinations of titles. For example you could search for something as granular \"Horror Movies Streaming on Netflix in the USA\" by using the genres, types, source_ids and regions parameters.\n\nResults are paginated, and return 250 pages per query by default. Useful for mapping all Watchmode title IDs in your app, and finding in bulk what titles are available in different countries, different sources or source types.\n\nStreaming sources are limited to USA only for free plans., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"titles\": \"empty list\", \"page\": \"int\", \"total_results\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6711", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Cash4Life, api_name:Random QuickPick for Play, api_description:Get a quickpick number for the Cash4Life drawing., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6712", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Web - Novel API, api_name:/genres, api_description:Returns all Genres., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6713", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Web - Novel API, api_name:/tags, api_description:Returns all Tags, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6714", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Watchmode, api_name:Titles with Changed Details, api_description:Get a listing of titles that have had a change to their basic details (overview, cast, genres, ratings, etc) within the date range., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"statusCode\": \"int\", \"statusMessage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6715", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:animes, api_name:Get animes, api_description:This endpoint allows for the retrieval of data about anime. The query parameters include q (the search query), limit (the number of results per page), offset (the number of results to skip), ascending (sort order), order (sort order), `media_type `(anime type), studio (studio name), source (source material), status (`currently_airing `or `finished_airing`), genre, season, `year_equal `(equal to a year specified), `year_less `(less than a year specified), `year_greater `(greater than a year specified), language, and nsfw (not safe for work content)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6716", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hummingbird APIv1, api_name:User, api_description:Get informations about a single user, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6717", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hummingbird APIv1, api_name:Search, api_description:Search for an anime (supports fuzzy search), required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your search term\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6718", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Football Live Stream Api, api_name:Football Live, api_description:Live Match, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6719", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Football Live Stream Api, api_name:Match Embed Link, api_description:Live Link, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6720", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:gogoanime-data-api, api_name:GetRecentAnimes, api_description:Get Animes From googanime Recent Page, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pageNumber\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6721", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:gogoanime-data-api, api_name:GetSinglePageInfo, api_description:GetInfoFrom SingleAnime Pages, required_params: [{\"name\": \"link\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6722", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:SongMeanings, api_name:comments.get, api_description:Get comments from our database for a specific song., required_params: [{\"name\": \"artist_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The artist name\"}, {\"name\": \"lyric_title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The song, track or lyric title\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6723", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ASE's Quiz API, api_name:Get random 50 questions, api_description:Get random 50 questions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6724", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Manga Scrapper, api_name:Chapters list - all, api_description:Make request to fetch chapter collection for a specific webtoon from a specific provider., required_params: [{\"name\": \"webtoon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"provider\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6725", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:XXXtremeLightningRouletteAPI, api_name:latest-outcome, api_description:last spin details and Outcome Data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6726", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:XXXtremeLightningRouletteAPI, api_name:History, api_description:Histories of the last 30 spins, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6727", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Boggle, api_name:/{letters}, api_description:Solve Boggle board, required_params: [{\"name\": \"letters\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6728", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Epic Games store, api_name:Get News, api_description:Get list of all news on the platform., required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6729", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Epic Games store, api_name:Search, api_description:Find games in simple search API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6730", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Love Calculator, api_name:getPercentage, api_description:getPercentage, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter second name.\"}, {\"name\": \"fname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter first name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6731", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Midknightt, api_name:Midknightt, api_description:Receives data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6732", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:4D Results, api_name:Get Past Results (10 years), api_description:Return all company 4D Results within a specific date range.\n(Up to 10 year data and only available for MEGA PLAN subscriber), required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Start date\"}, {\"name\": \"end\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"End date\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6733", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HAPI Books, api_name:Get Book Information by Book Id, api_description:Giving its Id, this endpoint returns a lot of information about that book, such as Name, Published Date, Authors, Synopsis, and many more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"book_Id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6734", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HAPI Books, api_name:Search Books by Name, api_description:Giving a book name (where spaces must be replaced by '+') you will receive a list of corresponding books. This list can return up to 20 books related to the input.\nEach book has information such as Name, Authors, Cover image URL, Launched Year, and many more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"book_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6735", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HAPI Books, api_name:List of Nominated Books for a Genre in a Year, api_description:For a certain year and a genre, get the list of all nominated books to win an award., required_params: [{\"name\": \"genre\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6736", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Riddlie , api_name:Riddle by Difficulty Level, api_description:Get one random riddle based on the difficulty. For example, by Easy, Medium, Hard., required_params: [{\"name\": \"level\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6737", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:SimAPI Movies, api_name:Movies, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"t\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Movie Title\"}, {\"name\": \"r\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Response Type\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Get by 'Movie' or 'Person'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6738", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Memeados, api_name:Google Fake Autocomplete, api_description:Generate Fake google autocomplete, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"text3\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"text2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6739", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Memeados, api_name:Sponge bob, api_description:Generate Sponge Bob meme, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6740", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Memeados, api_name:Pet Pet, api_description:Generate My Pet Pet meme GIF, required_params: [{\"name\": \"image\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6741", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Jet Set Radio API, api_name:Locations, api_description:Returns a list of all Locations in JSR/JSRF, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6742", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HTTP Status Cats, api_name:Get status cat image, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"status\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"100 101 200 201 202 204 206 207 300 301 303 304 305 307 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 408 409 410 411 413 414 416 417 418 422 423 424 425 426 429 431 444 450 500 502 503 506 507 508 509 599\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6743", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Fortune Cookie, api_name:defaultRoot, api_description:default get request to the random fortune endpoint returning a standard response, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6744", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Manga Scrapper, api_name:A chapter by its slug, api_description:Make request to fetch a specific chapter information for a specific webtoon from a specific provider., required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Specify the chapter's slug. See /chapters for the chapter list.\"}, {\"name\": \"provider\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specify the webtoon provider's slug. See /providers for the provider list.\"}, {\"name\": \"webtoon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specify the webtoon's slug. See /webtoons for the webtoon list.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6745", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Manga Scrapper, api_name:Webtoons list - paginated, api_description:Make request to fetch webtoon's series collection from a specific provider., required_params: [{\"name\": \"provider\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specify the webtoon provider' slug. See /providers for the provider list.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Specify the page to fetch.\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of results per page, between 1 - 20.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6746", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Waifu, api_name:Check server status, api_description:Check server status, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6747", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Allbet Online Casino in Singapore, api_name:Allbet Casino Singapore, api_description:[Allbet ](https://allbetsg.com/\n)is so much more than just an online Allbet Casino Singapore., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6748", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:World of Jokes, api_name:Get Random Joke, api_description:Get the random joke from a collection of most rated and most popular jokes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6749", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:World of Jokes, api_name:Get Jokes, api_description:Access our huge collection of jokes and paginate through them based on your desired limit and sorting criteria., required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6750", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Humor-Jokes-and-Memes, api_name:search-gifs, api_description:Search for gifs.\nSee https://humorapi.com/docs/#Search-Gifs for more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A search query.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6751", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Humor-Jokes-and-Memes, api_name:search-memes, api_description:Search for memes.\nSee https://humorapi.com/docs/#Search-Memes for more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6752", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Humor-Jokes-and-Memes, api_name:praise, api_description:Praise somebody for doing something.\nSee https://humorapi.com/docs/#Praise for more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"reason\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The reason for the praise/insult.\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The person's name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6753", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Memeados, api_name:drakelikehate, api_description:Generate Drake Likes and Hates meme, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"text1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6754", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Horoscopes AI, api_name:Get Horoscope (English Only), api_description:Return horoscope information by sign, period, type and languages provided., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sign\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Depend on period, use **Get Types** method to get available types for the selected period.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6755", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Fantasy 5, api_name:Latest 10 Drawings, api_description:Get the latest, and last winning 10 Fantasy 5 number sets., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6756", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Web - Novel API, api_name:/novel/{novel_id}/chapters, api_description:Returns the Available Chapter Sources for the Requested Novel ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"novel_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6757", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:animes, api_name:Get anime detail, api_description:This endpoint will allow a user to get the data of a specific anime. It will take the anime's mal_id as a parameter and return the anime's data in JSON format. The data returned will include the anime's title, aired episodes, genre, and a brief synopsis., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Insert the anime `mal_id`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"anime\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"title_english\": \"str\", \"mal_id\": \"int\", \"main_picture\": {\"large\": \"str\", \"medium\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6758", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Minecraft-Forge-Optifine, api_name:minecraftVersionList, api_description:Return Minecraft version list in JSON format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6759", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:erpk, api_name:Citizen Profile, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id-format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Citizen ID\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Response format\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6760", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Minecraft-Forge-Optifine, api_name:downloadMinecraftJarChecksum, api_description:Return a .sha1 file used to checksum for downloadMinecraftJar method., required_params: [{\"name\": \"minecraftversion\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6761", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Steam, api_name:App News, api_description:Get last n news for App, required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6762", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Youtube Search and Download, api_name:Trending, api_description:Get list of trending videos, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"contents\": [{\"video\": {\"channelId\": \"str\", \"channelName\": \"str\", \"lengthText\": \"str\", \"publishedTimeText\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"title\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\", \"viewCountText\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6763", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Youtube Search and Download, api_name:Channel, api_description:Channel videos, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"avatar\": {\"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"contents\": \"empty list\", \"description\": \"str\", \"links\": \"NoneType\", \"next\": \"NoneType\", \"title\": \"str\", \"vanityChannelUrl\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6764", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Dung Bui, api_name:Rapid API of Dung Bui End Point, api_description:lưu webhook call, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6765", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:TVMaze, api_name:/schedule, api_description:Get the TV schedule, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6766", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:World of Jokes, api_name:Get Categories of Jokes, api_description:Get all available categories of our Jokes collection which can be used to filter jokes based on specific category., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6767", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:TVMaze, api_name:/search/people?q={query}, api_description:Search for people, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6768", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:MangaVerse API, api_name:Search Manga, api_description:Fetch manga base on the text, text will be include from title and sub title, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6769", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:MangaVerse API, api_name:Fetch Chapters, api_description:This will get all the chapters list from the manga \nid should be manga id, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6770", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Quotes_v4, api_name:Get quotes by character name, api_description:Get quotes by character name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6771", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Quotes_v4, api_name:Get a random quote, api_description:Get a random quote, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6772", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Poetry DB, api_name:/title/{title}:abs, api_description:All poems with a specific title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The exact title of the poem\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6773", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Poetry DB, api_name:/author/{author}, api_description:All poems on Poetry DB by a specific poet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"author\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The poet, or part of the poet's name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6774", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:NameForge, api_name:Double name short, api_description:Create double name.\nMax query length is 25 characters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6775", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:NameForge, api_name:Single name short, api_description:Create single name.\nMax query length is 25 characters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6776", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Daily Cat Facts, api_name:Get some random facts, api_description:Get some random facts ., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6777", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ImmersiveRouletteAPI, api_name:latest-outcome, api_description:Last Spin data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6778", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ImmersiveRouletteAPI, api_name:Statistics, api_description:Stats of wheelResults:\n\"count\"\n\"percentage\"\n\"lastOccurredAt\"\n\"lastSeenBefore\"\n\"hotFrequencyPercentage\": 1.11\nNote that Duration is Hourly basis 1,2,3,.......72 ect, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6779", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name: Jokester, api_name:/jokes/categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6780", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Deezer, api_name:Artist, api_description:An artist object, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The artist's Deezer id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6781", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Deezer, api_name:* Search, api_description:Search tracks, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6782", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Disney worlds, api_name:seasonal movies, api_description:Get a full list of all seasonal movies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6783", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:originals/titles/list, api_description:List comics in originals category\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6784", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Quotes_v4, api_name:Get 10 random quotes, api_description:Get 10 random quotes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6785", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:4D Results, api_name:Get 4D Results, api_description:Get 4D results by date and company.\nResults including 4D and jackpot., required_params: [{\"name\": \"version\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"company\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Magnum (MAGNUM), Sports Toto (TOTO), Damacai (DAMACAI), Cashsweep (CASHSWEEP), Sabah 88 (SABAH88), Sadakan (STC), Singapore (SG)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6786", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:canvas/genres/list, api_description:List genres in canvas category\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6787", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:4D Results, api_name:Get 4D Company List, api_description:Return available company code and name.\nCode can use as parameter to query the Get 4D Results method., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6788", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Quotes_v4, api_name:Get all the available anime, api_description:Get all the available anime, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6789", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:NameForge, api_name:Single name long, api_description:Create single names.\nMax query length is 200 characters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6790", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Jokes, api_name:Search jokes, api_description:Search jokes using the keywords of joke, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6791", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:YouTube Data, api_name:playlist-details, api_description:playlist-details, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"author\": {\"avatar\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"canonicalBaseUrl\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"badges\": \"empty list\", \"description\": \"str\", \"playlistId\": \"str\", \"stats\": {\"videos\": \"int\", \"views\": \"int\"}, \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"title\": \"str\", \"updatedTime\": \"str\", \"updatedTimeText\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6792", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:YouTube Data, api_name:channel-details, api_description:channel-details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artistBio\": \"NoneType\", \"avatar\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"badges\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"banner\": {\"desktop\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"mobile\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"tv\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}, \"canonicalBaseUrl\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"hasBusinessEmail\": \"bool\", \"joinedDate\": \"str\", \"joinedDateText\": \"str\", \"keywords\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"links\": [{\"icon\": \"str\", \"targetUrl\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"stats\": {\"subscribers\": \"int\", \"subscribersText\": \"str\", \"videos\": \"int\", \"videosText\": \"str\", \"views\": \"int\"}, \"title\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6793", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Quotes_v4, api_name:Get quotes by anime title, api_description:Get quotes by anime title, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6794", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Youtube Search and Download, api_name:Video related, api_description:Get related videos, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Video id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"errors\": [{\"domain\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"reason\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6795", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Fun Facts, api_name:fun-fact, api_description:returns radomly generated facts on each all, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6796", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:GetEncodedVideo, api_description:Get specific info about an encoded video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6797", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Meowfacts, api_name:options, api_description:This endpoint will list all languages available to the root endpoint. \n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6798", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Lotto America, api_name:Drawings Between Dates, api_description:Get all Lotto America winning number sets between two specified dates where the first number supplied is the beginning date and the second number supplied is the end date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6799", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Lotto America, api_name:Drawing By Date, api_description:Get the winning Lotto America number set from a specific drawing date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6800", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Youtube Search and Download, api_name:Video info, api_description:Get video info by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Video id from YouTube\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"captions\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"streamingData\\\": {\\\"adaptiveFormats\\\": [{\\\"approxDurationMs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"averageBitrate\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"bitrate\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"contentLength\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fps\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"indexRange\\\": {\\\"end\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"start\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"initRange\\\": {\\\"end\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"start\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"itag\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastModified\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mimeType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"projectionType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"qualityLabel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"expiresInSeconds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"formats\\\": [{\\\"approxDurationMs\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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\"sortNewestNext\" fields from first response and pass it to \"next\" parameter., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"comments\": [{\"authorId\": \"str\", \"authorName\": \"str\", \"authorThumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"likes\": \"str\", \"publishedTimeText\": \"str\", \"replyCount\": \"int\", \"replyNext\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 19}], \"next\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6802", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:The Dozen - The Yo Mamsa Roast API, api_name:Get All Joke Categories, api_description:Returns a list of all joke categories, whose as values can be used as a path or query parameter in other endpoints., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6803", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Jokes, api_name:Query joke using ID, api_description:Search anime joke using joke ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6804", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:YouTube Data, api_name:channel-playlists, api_description:channel-playlists, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"contents\": \"empty list\", \"cursorNext\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6805", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:YouTube Data, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:auto-complete, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"query text\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"query\": \"str\", \"results\": [\"list of str with length 14\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6806", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:jokes , api_name:Search for joke, api_description:Find joke by text, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6807", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Disney worlds, api_name:latest movie, api_description:Get the latest movies released from disney and other platforms, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6808", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:NameForge, api_name:Double name long, api_description:Create double name.\nMax query length is 200 characters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6809", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Fantasy 5, api_name:Drawings Between Dates, api_description:Get all Fantasy 5 winning number sets between two specified dates where the first number supplied is the beginning date and the second number supplied is the end date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Must be a date field in the form of MM-DD-YYYY. Please no slashes \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".\"}, {\"name\": \"date2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Must be a date field in the form of MM-DD-YYYY. Please no slashes \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6810", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:PAPI - PornstarsAPI, api_name:listPornstars, api_description:API endpoint that allows pornstars to be viewed., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6811", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:PAPI - PornstarsAPI, api_name:retrievePornstar, api_description:API endpoint that allows pornstars to be viewed., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A unique integer value identifying this pornstar.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6812", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hummingbird APIv1, api_name:Favourites, api_description:Get a user's favourite anime, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6813", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hummingbird APIv1, api_name:Anime, api_description:Get information about a single anime, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Anime-ID (eq. Anime slug)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6814", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Fantasy 5, api_name:Latest Drawing, api_description:Get the latest, and last winning Fantasy 5 winning number set., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6815", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Burning Series API, api_name:Get All Shows, api_description:Get all currently available shows, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6816", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Burning Series API, api_name:Get All Routes, api_description:Get all available routes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6817", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Youtube Search and Download, api_name:Playlist, api_description:Playlist videos, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"contents\": [{\"video\": {\"lengthText\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"title\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 100}], \"description\": \"str\", \"lastUpdated\": \"str\", \"next\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"title\": \"str\", \"videosCount\": \"str\", \"views\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6818", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:60K Radio Stations, api_name:Get Cities, api_description:Get city list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6819", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Watchmode, api_name:Autocomplete Search, api_description:Search for titles/and or people by name or a partial name. Useful for building an autocomplete search of titles and/or people. The results include the field result_type to indicate which type of result it is (title or person). For titles, the movie poster will be returned in image_url, for a person a headshot will be returned in image_url., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The phrase to search for, can be a full title or person name, or a partial phrase. For example searching for \\\\\\\"The sha\\\\\\\" will find the movie \\\\\\\"The Shawshank Redemption\\\\\\\".\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"relevance\": \"float\", \"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"year\": \"int\", \"result_type\": \"str\", \"tmdb_id\": \"int\", \"tmdb_type\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6820", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Watchmode, api_name:Title Streaming Sources, api_description:Get all of the streaming sources this title is available on and direct links to watch the title (web, iOS deeplinks and Android deeplinks for paid users). Streaming sources are limited to USA only for free plans., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This ID can be the Watchmode ID of the title (returned by other endpoints such as the list-titles endpoint), or found in the mapping file: https://api.watchmode.com/datasets/title_id_map.csv.\\n\\nYou can also pass an IMDB ID here instead, or a TMDB type and TMDB ID combination. For example, the TMDB combination for The Shawshank Redemption is movie-278 and for Breaking Bad is tv-1396. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"source_id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"ios_url\": \"str\", \"android_url\": \"str\", \"web_url\": \"str\", \"format\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"seasons\": \"NoneType\", \"episodes\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6821", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Tiktok Video Downloader, api_name:Video, api_description:This will return the details of video and download link, required_params: [{\"name\": \"link\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6822", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:PixelStix, api_name:PixelStix Meta, api_description:This endpoint will retrieve the meta information for a given PixelStix code and any Maps/Galleries it may be associated with if the PixelStix is of type 'PREMIUM', required_params: [{\"name\": \"pixelstix_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"object_voice\": {\"account\": {\"account_id\": \"int\", \"created\": \"str\", \"last_active\": \"str\", \"role\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\"}, \"account_id\": \"int\", \"alias\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"clears_remaining\": \"int\", \"code\": \"str\", \"created\": \"str\", \"first_assigned\": \"str\", \"geo_fixed\": \"bool\", \"last_assigned\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"mimetype\": \"str\", \"parent_code\": \"NoneType\", \"scans\": \"int\", \"tag\": [{\"account\": {\"account_id\": \"int\", \"created\": \"str\", \"last_active\": \"str\", \"role\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\"}, \"account_id\": \"int\", \"badge\": \"NoneType\", \"badges_id\": \"NoneType\", \"object_voice_count\": \"int\", \"popularity\": \"int\", \"public\": \"int\", \"remote_content_access\": \"str\", \"scans\": \"int\", \"tag_name\": \"str\", \"tags_id\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"visibility\": \"str\", \"web_location\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"date_created\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"tags_id\": \"NoneType\", \"thumbnail_default\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6823", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:New Girl, api_name:Get extra character details, api_description:Get extra details about a character. (Currently being updated with more data), required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6824", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:VOD App, api_name:Home, api_description:Home, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6825", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Testing, api_name:filmarks, api_description:get popular titles, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page_number_start\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page_number_end\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6826", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:AudioCloud, api_name:AudioCloud, api_description:Sound, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6827", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:69bd0c7193msh3c4abb39db3a82fp18c336jsn8470910ae9f0, api_name:music_lovers, api_description:recibe datos, required_params: [{\"name\": \"music_lovers\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Red Musical para Amateurs\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6828", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:MangaVerse API, api_name:Fetch Images, api_description:This will be get the image from the chapters, the image sort base on the index\nso make sure you sort base from index if you manipulate it,\nid should be chapter id, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6829", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:SimSimi Conversation, api_name:request, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query message\"}, {\"name\": \"lc\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Language code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6830", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Deezer, api_name:Comment, api_description:A comment object, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The playlist's Deezer id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6831", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Sholltna, api_name:1, api_description:1st 1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6832", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Deezer, api_name:Album, api_description:An album object, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Deezer album id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6833", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:GetAllJobs, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6834", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Minecraft-Forge-Optifine, api_name:forgeVersionList, api_description:This method return a forge version list in JSON format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6835", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Minecraft-Forge-Optifine, api_name:minecraftResources, api_description:Same to official source. Used to get resources file for MC 1.6., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6836", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:World of Jokes, api_name:Get Random Joke By Category, api_description:Get the random joke by category from a collection of most rated and most popular jokes., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Category of joke based on the jokes categories API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6837", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Mixy Word Guess Api, api_name:Produce mixy words list, api_description:It produces random words in a requested amount and varios difficulty levels such as; \"easy\", \"medium\", \"hard\". In the query, \"amount\" and \"difficulty\" are optional parameters., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6838", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Epic Games store, api_name:Get free games, api_description:List of present free games., required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6839", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Humor-Jokes-and-Memes, api_name:Create Joke, api_description:Create a joke using a large language model., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topics\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"joke\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6840", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Deezer, api_name:Radio, api_description:A radio object, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The radio deezer ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6841", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Lotto America, api_name:General Statistics, api_description:This endpoint pulls basic statistics of the Lotto America numbers. For each ball (denoted firstNumber, secondNumber, thirdNumber, fourthNumber, fifthNumber, starBall, bonus) this endpoint returns the mean, median, mode, min, max, standard deviation, variance, skewness, and kurtosis. After which, the endpoint returns the number of occurrences of each number over the life of game., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6842", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:canvas/titles/list, api_description:List comics in canvas category\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [{\"name\": \"genre\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of code field returned in .../canvas/genres/list endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6843", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:YouTube Data, api_name:community-post-details, api_description:community-post-details, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cursorComments\": \"str\", \"post\": {\"attachment\": {\"images\": [{\"source\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"type\": \"str\"}, \"author\": {\"avatar\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"canonicalBaseUrl\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"postId\": \"str\", \"publishedTimeText\": \"str\", \"stats\": {\"likes\": \"int\"}, \"text\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6844", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:YouTube Data, api_name:playlist-videos, api_description:playlist-videos, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"contents\": [{\"index\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"video\": {\"author\": {\"canonicalBaseUrl\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"isLiveNow\": \"bool\", \"lengthSeconds\": \"int\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"title\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 100}], \"cursorNext\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6845", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:YouTube Data, api_name:community-post-comments, api_description:community-post-comments, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cursor\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Cursor token\\n\\nYou can get it from the Community Post Details endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"comments\": \"empty list\", \"cursorNext\": \"NoneType\", \"filters\": \"NoneType\", \"totalCommentsCount\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6846", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Humor-Jokes-and-Memes, api_name:random-joke, api_description:Get a random joke.\nSee https://humorapi.com/docs/#Random-Joke for more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6847", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Humor-Jokes-and-Memes, api_name:random-meme, api_description:Get a random meme.\nSee https://humorapi.com/docs/#Random-Meme for more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6848", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:4D Results, api_name:Get Past Results (1 year), api_description:Return all company 4D Results within a specific date range.\n(Up to 1 year data and only available for ULTRA PLAN subscriber), required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"end\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6849", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Football Highlight, api_name:Youtube Emb Link, api_description:Youtube Emb Link, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6850", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Football Highlight, api_name:Highlight Link, api_description:Best Live Emb, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6851", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime, manga and Novels Api, api_name:Anime, api_description:Get a list of all anime, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6852", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Football Highlight, api_name:Elhighlights, api_description:Elhighlights, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6853", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Deezer, api_name:Infos, api_description:Get the infos about the api in the current country, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6854", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Deezer, api_name:Track, api_description:A track object, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The track's Deezer id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6855", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:VOD App, api_name:Show Movie, api_description:Show Movie, required_params: [{\"name\": \"show-slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6856", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hearthstone, api_name:Cards by Race, api_description:Returns all the cards of a certain race. Example values: Mech, Murloc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"race\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Card race.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6857", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:YouTube Data, api_name:search, api_description:search, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"contents\": [{\"channel\": {\"avatar\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"badges\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"canonicalBaseUrl\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"descriptionSnippet\": \"str\", \"stats\": {\"subscribers\": \"NoneType\", \"subscribersText\": \"NoneType\"}, \"title\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 37}], \"cursorNext\": \"str\", \"didYouMean\": \"NoneType\", \"estimatedResults\": \"int\", \"filterGroups\": [{\"filters\": [{\"cursorSelect\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"selected\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"refinements\": [\"list of str with length 8\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6858", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:YouTube Data, api_name:video-details, api_description:video-details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Video ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"author\\\": {\\\"avatar\\\": [{\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"badges\\\": [{\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"canonicalBaseUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channelId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stats\\\": {\\\"subscribers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"subscribersText\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"captions\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"cards\\\": [\\\"list of NoneType with length 1\\\"], \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chapters\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endScreen\\\": {\\\"items\\\": [{\\\"channel\\\": {\\\"avatar\\\": [{\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"channelId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}]}, \\\"isLiveContent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isLiveNow\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"keywords\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 31\\\"], \\\"lengthSeconds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"musics\\\": [{\\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"album\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"artist\\\": {\\\"browseId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"licenses\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"song\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"writers\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"publishedDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"s\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6859", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:YouTube Data, api_name:channel-videos, api_description:channel-videos, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"contents\": \"empty list\", \"cursorNext\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6860", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:canvas/titles/get-recommend, api_description:Get similar comics\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [{\"name\": \"titleNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of titleNo field returned in .../canvas/titles/list or .../canvas/search or .../canvas/home endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6861", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Drinking, api_name:Get random question, api_description:Allows you to get a random question with optionally specifying the type of the challenge., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6862", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Drinking, api_name:Get random challange, api_description:Allows you to get a random challenge with optionally specifying the type of the challenge., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6863", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ImmersiveRouletteAPI, api_name:history, api_description:the last 20 spins histories includes all details about the game, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6864", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hearthstone, api_name:Card Search, api_description:Returns cards by partial name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6865", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Watchmode, api_name:New Titles, api_description:Get a listing of the title IDs of new titles added to Watchmode within the date range. You can use this to find new titles, then use the /v1/title/ endpoint to get details on the title., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"statusCode\": \"int\", \"statusMessage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6866", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Watchmode, api_name:Titles with Changed Sources, api_description:Get a listing of titles that have changed to their streaming sources within the date range., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"statusCode\": \"int\", \"statusMessage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6867", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Poetry DB, api_name:/lines/{line}, api_description:All poems on Poetry DB containing a specific line, required_params: [{\"name\": \"line\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The line of a poem, or part of the line of a poem.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6868", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:MDBList, api_name:Get by Trakt.tv ID, api_description:Returns movie or TV Show info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"t\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A valid Trakt.tv ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6869", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Humor-Jokes-and-Memes, api_name:rate-word, api_description:Rate the funniness of a word.\nSee https://humorapi.com/docs/#Rate-Word for more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The word to be rated.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6870", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Euro Millions, api_name:Get the Last result, api_description:Get the latest draw results available, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6871", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hummingbird APIv1, api_name:Library, api_description:Get a user's anime library, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6872", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Zanjir cryptocurrency payment gateway, api_name:verify transactions (logs), api_description:You can confirm successful transactions using this API., required_params: [{\"name\": \"in_wallet\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6873", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6874", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Fake Valid CC Data Generator, api_name:Receive the credit card data, api_description:Receive the requested credit card data set consisting of:\n\n- type\n- firstname\n- lastname\n- cc\n- valid_date\n- cvc\n\n**The following providers are valid and can be generated**\n***amex,diners,discover',jcb',jcb15,jcb16,maestro,mastercard,visa,visa13,visa16,visa19***, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"firstname\": \"str\", \"lastname\": \"str\", \"cc\": \"str\", \"valid_date\": \"str\", \"cvc\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6875", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:fastmoney, api_name:Authentic Money Transfer Portal, api_description:Authentic Money Transfer Portal, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6876", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6877", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:FraudSentinel, api_name:FraudSentinel, api_description:Detailed JSON data from hundreds of IP classification databases., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6878", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:NOWPayments, api_name:1.GetAPIstatus, api_description:This is a method to get information about the current state of the API. If everything is OK, you will receive an \"OK\" message. Otherwise, you'll see some error., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6879", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Virtual Accounts API, api_name:GetAccountById, api_description:To get a single virtual account., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6880", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Sigue payout, api_name:batch, api_description:batch process to retrieve payout transaction data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6881", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Capacitacionangular, api_name:Categorias, api_description:Categorias, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6882", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Capacitacionangular, api_name:Productos, api_description:Productos prueba, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6883", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Virtual Accounts API, api_name:GetAllTransactions, api_description:To get all transactions in organisation., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6884", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Virtual Accounts API, api_name:GetAllCurrencies, api_description:To get all currencies. It's needed for the create virtual account endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6885", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Virtual Accounts API, api_name:GetTransactionsByAccount, api_description:To get transactions by account., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6886", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Virtual Accounts API, api_name:GetByAccountNumber, api_description:To get a virtual account by account number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"accountNumber\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"(Required) \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6887", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Beers List, api_name:Get beers by single country, api_description:Available Countries are:\n- denmark\n- sweden\n- belgium\n- spain\n- portugal\n- ireland\n- luxembourg\n- norway\n- finland\n- switzerland\n- czech\n- italy\n- poland\n- malta, required_params: [{\"name\": \"beerId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"alchool\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6888", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Beers List, api_name:getAllBeersList, api_description:List of all beers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"alchool\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6889", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe_v2, api_name:go, api_description:Creative recipes. The API provides access to 231,637 creative recipes from all cuisines around the world., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6890", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe_v4, api_name:search recipes, api_description:Search and Recommends recipes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6891", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Auth, api_name:getCatalogTenant, api_description:Get tenant information. Internal endpoint only available to other services., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6892", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Auth, api_name:getUser, api_description:Get single user data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6893", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:cake/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random cake recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6894", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Beverages and Desserts, api_name:Get all the Beverages, api_description:This endpoint will returns all the **Beverages**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"img\": [{\"sm\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"desc\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"price\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6895", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Beverages and Desserts, api_name:Get all the Desserts, api_description:This endpoint will returns all the** Desserts**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"img\": [{\"sm\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"desc\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6896", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:dinner/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random dinner recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 9\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6897", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:diet/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random diet recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 9\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 6\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6898", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:ComfyFood, api_name:Get all Recipes 1, api_description:returns all the recipes from comfyfood's website, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"recipes\": [{\"Id\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"Steps\": \"str\", \"Official\": \"bool\", \"Ingredients\": \"str\", \"ImageName\": \"str\", \"RecipeCategories\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"ImageName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6899", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:ComfyFood, api_name:Get All Categories, api_description:Returns all categories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"ImageName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 36}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6900", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:ComfyFood, api_name:Get all Recipes 2, api_description:return more recipes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"recipes\": [{\"Id\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"Steps\": \"str\", \"Official\": \"bool\", \"Ingredients\": \"str\", \"ImageName\": \"str\", \"RecipeCategories\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"ImageName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6901", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Bespoke Diet Generator, api_name:Get user's diet for a specific day, api_description:Get the current diet plan for the specified user for a specific day., required_params: [{\"name\": \"dayIndex\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The day index of the diet.\"}, {\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6902", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Bespoke Diet Generator, api_name:Retrieve user's food preferences., api_description:Retrieve the list of all ingredients that will be excluded from user's diets., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user that does not want these ingredients in their diet.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6903", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Low Carb Recipes, api_name:Get a Random Recipe, api_description:Get a random recipe, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 16\\\"], \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"prepareTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cookTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ingredients\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"servingSize\\\": {\\\"units\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"desc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"qty\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"grams\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"scale\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 12}], \\\"steps\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"servings\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"servingSizes\\\": [{\\\"scale\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"qty\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"grams\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"units\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"nutrients\\\": {\\\"caloriesKCal\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalCarbs\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"diabetesCarbsADA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"netCarbs\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"diabetesCarbs\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiber\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"sugar\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"sugarAlcohols\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"protein\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"monousatFat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"polyunsatFat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"saturatedFat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cholesterol\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vitaminA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vitaminC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vitaminD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vitaminE\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vitaminK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vitaminB1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vitaminB2\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vitaminB3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vitaminB6\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vitaminB12\\\": \\\"float\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6904", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Bespoke Diet Generator, api_name:Get user's information, api_description:Retrieve the information of the user with the matching user ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of an existing user.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6905", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Low Carb Recipes, api_name:Search for Recipes, api_description:Search for recipes that match provided criterions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 23\\\"], \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"prepareTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cookTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ingredients\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"servingSize\\\": {\\\"units\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"desc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"qty\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"grams\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"scale\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 8}], \\\"steps\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"servings\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"servingSizes\\\": [{\\\"scale\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"qty\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"grams\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"units\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"originalWeight\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"originalWeightUnits\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"nutrients\\\": {\\\"caloriesKCal\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"caloriesKJ\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalCarbs\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"diabetesCarbsADA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"netCarbs\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"diabetesCarbs\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiber\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"starch\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"sugar\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"addedSugar\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"sugarAlcohols\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"protein\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"transFat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"monousatFat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"polyunsatFat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"omega3Fat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"omega6Fat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"saturatedFat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cholesterol\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vitaminA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"vitami\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6906", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Food Nutrition Information, api_name:Find food by id, api_description:Retrieves a single food item by an FDC ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"fooId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"discontinuedDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"foodComponents\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"foodAttributes\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"foodPortions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"fdcId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publicationDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"foodNutrients\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nutrient\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"unitName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"foodNutrientDerivation\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"amount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}], \\\"dataType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"foodClass\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"modifiedDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"availableDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"brandOwner\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"brandName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dataSource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"brandedFoodCategory\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gtinUpc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredients\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketCountry\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"servingSize\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"servingSizeUnit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"foodUpdateLog\\\": [{\\\"discontinuedDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"foodAttributes\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"fdcId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publicationDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dataType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"foodClass\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"modifiedDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"available\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6907", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:KFC Chickens, api_name:Search By Id, api_description:Search Chicken Dishes by their **ID**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"quantity\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6908", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:KFC Chickens, api_name:Get Chickens, api_description:This Endpoint returns all the chicken dishes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"quantity\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6909", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Halal Korean Restaurants API, api_name:Restaurants, api_description:Lists of halal restaurants in korea, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"restaurantname\": \"str\", \"desc\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"locationkr\": \"str\", \"operatinghrs\": [{\"day\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"contact\": \"str\", \"deliveryoption\": \"str\", \"dine\": \"str\", \"takeaway\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"main_image\": \"str\", \"image_alt\": \"str\", \"gmap\": \"str\", \"image_gallery\": [{\"0\": \"str\", \"1\": \"str\", \"2\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\", \"4\": \"str\", \"5\": \"str\", \"6\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6910", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:pastry/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random pastry recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 9\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 7\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6911", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:mediterranean/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random mediterranean recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 11\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6912", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Caterer Groceries Intel, api_name:Search a Grocery, api_description:Search for products or a specific product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchQuery\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total\": \"int\", \"foundGroceries\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"vendorCode\": \"str\", \"vendorName\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"subCategory\": \"str\", \"productDescription\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"packSize\": \"str\", \"numberInCase\": \"int\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"pricePerSingleUnit\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 646}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6913", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Food Ingredient Measurement Conversion, api_name:Convert Ingredient, api_description:1. Convert between Weight and Volume, \n e.g., 1 cup of flour is 120 gram, or 1 ounce of butter is 2 tablespoon\n\n2. Convert in the same category, e.g., 1 cup = 16 tablespoon = 48 teaspoon; 1 ounce = 28.35 gram; or 0°C = 32°F, 100°C = 212°F; or, required_params: [{\"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\", \"abbr\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6914", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Burgers Hub, api_name:Burgers, api_description:This endpoint returns all the burgers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"sm\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"desc\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"price\": \"float\", \"veg\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6915", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:BBC Good Food API, api_name:Search for recipes, api_description:Search for recipes by keyword or full phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query for recipes\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6916", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Food Ingredient Measurement Conversion, api_name:List of All Ingredients, api_description:GET a list of all the Ingredients available, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"details\": [{\"ingredient\": \"str\", \"brand\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 213}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6917", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:BBC Good Food API, api_name:Author profile + recipes, api_description:Get author recipes and profile info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Name ID of the author/chef\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6918", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:favoriteFoodApi, api_name:Get All Favorite Food, api_description:This endpoint will return all my favorite Cameroonian dishes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"favoriteDish\": \"str\", \"imageUrl\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"platesAvailable\": \"int\", \"__v\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6919", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Ordering, api_name:getList, api_description:Get paginated list of orders. This endpoint is compatible with React AdminOnRest framework to provide DataSource., required_params: [{\"name\": \"filter\", \"type\": \"OBJECT\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6920", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Ordering, api_name:get, api_description:Get single order by ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Order id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6921", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Ordering, api_name:listOpenedVenue, api_description:Get opened orders in venue. Used by KDS, queue displays etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Venue id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6922", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Fast Food Restaurants USA - TOP 50 Chains, api_name:GET all Restaurants by {Chain} & {State}, api_description:**10 results per request. Use page number for Pagination.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"restaurantChainName\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"matching_results\": \"int\", \"restaurants\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"restaurantName\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"zipCode\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"stateName\": \"str\", \"cityName\": \"str\", \"hoursInterval\": \"str\", \"cuisineType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6923", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:DietaGram, api_name:Food Api, api_description:Find food info by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dishes\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"caloric\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"fat\": \"str\", \"carbon\": \"str\", \"protein\": \"str\", \"category_id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 15}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6924", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:ComfyFood, api_name:Get all recipes 3, api_description:return more recipes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"recipes\": [{\"Id\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"Steps\": \"str\", \"Official\": \"bool\", \"Ingredients\": \"str\", \"ImageName\": \"str\", \"RecipeCategories\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"ImageName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6925", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Cocktail by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/cocktail, api_description:API Ninjas Cocktail API endpoint. Either **name** or **ingredients** parameter must be set., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 7\"], \"instructions\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6926", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Ghana Food Recipe Api, api_name:Get food by ID, api_description:This endpoint gets food by ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"food\": {\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"foodImage\": \"str\", \"ingredient\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\"}, \"request\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6927", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recetas en español, api_name:Get recipes details, api_description:Get details of any recipe, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"date_publish\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6928", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Ghana Food Recipe Api, api_name:Get all Recipe, api_description:This endpoint gets all food recipes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"recipes\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"ingredient\": \"str\", \"preparation\": \"str\", \"_id\": \"str\", \"request\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6929", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Ghana Food Recipe Api, api_name:Drink by Id, api_description:Get Specific drink recipe by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"drink\": {\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"drinkImage\": \"str\", \"ingredient\": \"str\", \"preparation\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\"}, \"request\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6930", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:betaRecipes, api_name:Send Image, api_description:Send Image to get prediction and other data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6931", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Fast Food Restaurants USA - TOP 50 Chains, api_name:GET all Restaurants by {Chain} & {City} & {State}, api_description:**10 results per request. Use page number for Pagination.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"restaurantChainName\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"matching_results\": \"int\", \"restaurants\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"restaurantName\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"zipCode\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"stateName\": \"str\", \"cityName\": \"str\", \"hoursInterval\": \"str\", \"cuisineType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6932", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:test1, api_name:testfood, api_description:testing about food, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6933", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Fast Food Restaurants USA - TOP 50 Chains, api_name:GET all {City} names, api_description:GET all City names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cityName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6934", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Generic Food_v2, api_name:Get all foods, api_description:Get all foods, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6935", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Edamam Nutrition Analysis, api_name:/api/nutrition-data, api_description:This returns the nutritional analysis for the specified food text by extracting information from a short unstructured food text (usually an ingredient line and returns the following structured data for the text: quantity, measure and food,) and if available: diet, health and allergen labels for the text. With the built in food logging feature, this allows for change of context. For example, “rice” will normally be matched to raw rice while, with the food logging feature on, it will match to ready to eat ‘cooked rice.’ \n \n Access Point: https://api.edamam.com/api/nutrition-data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingr\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ingredient.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6936", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Generate a recipe based on an ingredient, api_name:Generate recipe, api_description:Generate your recipe for your use case or application!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6937", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:The Mexican Food DB, api_name:List of Foods, api_description:This endpoint responds with a list of mexican foods that includes their names and images, as well as their IDs, which must be provided in the \"Detailed Food Recipe by ID\" endpoint to receive the detailed recipe., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6938", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Low Carb Recipes, api_name:Get recipe by ID, api_description:Get details of the specified recipe, required_params: [{\"name\": \"recipeId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Recipe ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 23\\\"], \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"prepareTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cookTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ingredients\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"servingSize\\\": {\\\"units\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"desc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"qty\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"grams\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"scale\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 8}], \\\"steps\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 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\"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6941", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Burgers Hub, api_name:Search Burger By There Name, api_description:Get **Bugers** by searching there **Name**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6942", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Bespoke Diet Generator, api_name:get-ingredients, api_description:Retrieve all the ingredients., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 51}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6943", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Cheeses, api_name:List, api_description:List all cheeses, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"list\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6944", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Yummly, api_name:reviews/list, api_description:List reviews, feedback from other users, required_params: [{\"name\": \"offset\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The offset of items to be ignored in response for paging\"}, {\"name\": \"globalId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of globalId field returned in feeds/list and feeds/search API\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of items returned per response\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"averageRating\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalReviewCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"reviewImages\\\": [{\\\"isDisabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"commentId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"originalImageUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resizableImageUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"globalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"user\\\": {\\\"profileUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"profileName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"firstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": 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\"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"portion\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 16\"], \"method\": [{\"Step 1\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6950", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:vegan-recipes-api, api_name:Get All Vegan Recipes, api_description:This endpoint returns all vegan recipes from a variety of food blogs., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"invalidHeaders\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"invalidQueryParams\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6951", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Food Nutrional Data, api_name:Search a food/recipe item (100g serving), api_description:Search a food item and get all its nutritional information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"nutrientQuery\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"result\\\": [{\\\"_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"food_code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"food_description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category_number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"category_description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"energy_kj\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"energy_kcal\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"protein_g\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"carbohydrate_g\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"sugar_g\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiber_g\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fat_g\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fatty_acid_g\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fatty_acid_monounsaturated_g\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fatty_acid_polyunsaturated_g\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cholesterol_mg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"retinol_mcg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"vitamin_a_rae_mcg_RAE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"carotene_alpha_mcg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"carotene_beta_mcg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cryptoxanthin_beta_mcg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lycopene_mcg\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lutein_plus_zeaxanthin_mcg\\\": 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```/vebue-i8n/menus/{id}/details``` with the key of **\\\"menu_item\\\"**\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"menu_category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"availability\\\": {\\\"summary\\\": {\\\"days\\\": {\\\"Monday\\\": {\\\"open\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Tuesday\\\": {\\\"open\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Wednesday\\\": {\\\"open\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Thursday\\\": {\\\"open\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Saturday\\\": {\\\"open\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Sunday\\\": {\\\"open\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Friday\\\": {\\\"open\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"close\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"other\\\": [\\\"list of list with length 2\\\"]}, \\\"rules\\\": [{\\\"days\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"time\\\": {\\\"notAvailable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", 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restaurant. 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[], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"portion\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"method\": [{\"Step 1\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6958", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Cocktails, api_name:Random, api_description:Get a random cocktail with all ingredients, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"body\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 8\"], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6959", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:The Cocktail DB, api_name:List of Cocktails, api_description:This endpoint responds with a list of cocktails that includes their names and images, as well as their IDs, which must be provided in the \"Detailed Cocktail Recipe by ID\" endpoint to receive the detailed cocktail recipe., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6960", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Cocktails, api_name:Random Nonalcoholic, api_description:Get a random nonalcoholic cocktail with all ingredients, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"body\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6961", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:restaurant, api_name:Michellin Restaurants, api_description:All resautrants, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6962", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:restaurant, api_name:One Michellin restaurant, api_description:Only one restaurant., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6963", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Pizza and Desserts, api_name:Get specific dessert, api_description:Get the Dessert by their id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6964", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Pizza and Desserts, api_name:All Desserts Data, api_description:This will return s all the desserts data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6965", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Worldwide Recipes, api_name:Recipes by author, 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you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"autocomplete\": [{\"__typename\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"highlight\": [{\"__typename\": \"str\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"length\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"categoryId\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6969", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Generator, api_name:Generate Recipe, api_description:Uses AI to generate a unique recipe based on a provided name and a list of ingredients, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredients\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6970", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Veggie Me, api_name:restaurants, api_description:Aggregates all vegetarian restaurants from Yelp from London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Stockholm, Barcelona and Paris, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6971", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Nutrition by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/nutrition, api_description:API Ninjas Nutrition API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query text to extract nutrition information (e.g. **bacon and 3 eggs**).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"calories\": \"float\", \"serving_size_g\": \"float\", \"fat_total_g\": \"float\", \"fat_saturated_g\": \"float\", \"protein_g\": \"float\", \"sodium_mg\": \"int\", \"potassium_mg\": \"int\", \"cholesterol_mg\": \"int\", \"carbohydrates_total_g\": \"float\", \"fiber_g\": \"float\", \"sugar_g\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6972", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:breakfast/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random breakfast recipe that contains a specific ingredient. 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than\nfat_in_grams__gt = Greater than, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fat_in_grams__lt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fat_in_grams__gt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"recipe\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"prep_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prep_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cook_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cook_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"difficulty\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"serving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"measurement_1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_2\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_4\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_5\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_6\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_7\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_8\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_9\\\": 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auto complete suggestions by name or ingredients, required_params: [{\"name\": \"prefix\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Food name or ingredient\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"search_value\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"display\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6979", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Tasty, api_name:feeds/list, api_description:List latest feeds about new food, recipes,etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"vegetarian\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"List vegetarian food only\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone of your location in format of +/- hhmm\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The offset of items to be ignored in response for paging\"}, {\"name\": \"size\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of items returned per response\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: 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"category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe_v3, api_name:foodrecipe, api_description:food recipe, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6985", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Cocktails, api_name:Search by name, api_description:Search Cocktail by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6986", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Cocktails, api_name:Search by ingredient, api_description:Get cocktails by its ingredients, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6987", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Fast Food Restaurants USA - TOP 50 Chains, api_name:GET all Restaurants by {Chain}, api_description:**10 results per request. 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Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 4\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6991", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/recipe, api_description:Get a list of recipes for a given search query. Returns at most 10 results. To access more than the first 10 results, use the offset parameter to offset results in multiple API calls., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"query text to search.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": \"str\", \"servings\": \"str\", \"instructions\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6992", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Cheeses, api_name:Get by id, api_description:Get all info about the cheese, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6993", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:PedidosYa, api_name:Get Restaurants by Address, api_description:Get Restaurants by Address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Allowed countries:\\nar,cl,cr,ec,sv,gt,hn,ni,pa,py,pe,do,ve,uy\"}, {\"name\": \"businessType\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6994", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:PedidosYa, api_name:Get Restaurant by Link, api_description:Get Restaurant by Link, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Allowed countries:\\nar,cl,cr,ec,sv,gt,hn,ni,pa,py,pe,do,ve,uy\"}, {\"name\": \"link\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cheapMealId\": \"NoneType\", \"globalDiscounts\": \"NoneType\", \"id\": \"str\", \"legacyId\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"sections\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"images\": \"empty list\", \"index\": \"int\", \"legacyId\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"products\": [{\"description\": \"str\", \"feedback\": \"NoneType\", \"id\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"isCustomized\": \"bool\", \"urls\": \"empty list\"}, \"legacyId\": \"int\", \"maxQuantity\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nutritionInfo\": \"NoneType\", \"price\": {\"currency\": \"str\", \"currencyMask\": \"str\", \"discount\": \"NoneType\", \"finalPrice\": \"int\", \"originalPrice\": \"NoneType\"}, \"rating\": \"int\", \"tags\": {\"foodCategories\": \"empty list\", \"hasOptions\": \"bool\", \"isFavourite\": \"bool\", \"isMostOrdered\": \"bool\", \"isRecommended\": \"bool\", \"requiresAgeCheck\": \"bool\"}, \"_list_length\": 4}], \"requiresAgeCheck\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"trackingInfo\": \"NoneType\", \"business_id\": \"int\", \"last_update\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6995", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Bespoke Diet Generator, api_name:Get food replacement options in diet, api_description:Retrieve the list of ingredients that can replace another ingredient in an existing diet., required_params: [{\"name\": \"dayIndex\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The index of the day for a given diet\"}, {\"name\": \"ingredientId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of the ingredient that will be changed.\"}, {\"name\": \"mealType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The meal type for which the change should be made.\"}, {\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Existing user.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6996", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:CamRest676, api_name:bookRestaurant, api_description:Returns the restaurants the user is looking for, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pricerange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"pricerange desired by the user\"}, {\"name\": \"area\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"area where the restaurant is located\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6997", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Yummly, api_name:feeds/auto-complete, api_description:Get auto complete suggestions by name or ingredients, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Food name or ingredient\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 14\"], \"searches\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6998", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Ghana Food Recipe Api, api_name:Get all food, api_description:This endpoint gets all Ghanaian food along with ingredients and a short description. Each page supplies 5 payload, use the parameter ?page=(page number) to access other pages. Example. url?page=2, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"food\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"foodImage\": \"str\", \"ingredient\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"request\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6999", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:The Fork The Spoon, api_name:restaurants/v2/list, api_description:List restaurants with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"queryPlaceValueCityId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id_city field returned in \\u2026/locations/v2/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geo\\\": {\\\"longitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"servesCuisine\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"containedInPlace\\\": {}, \\\"priceRange\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currenciesAccepted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"address\\\": {\\\"street\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postalCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"aggregateRatings\\\": {\\\"thefork\\\": {\\\"ratingValue\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"reviewCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"tripadvisor\\\": {\\\"ratingValue\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"reviewCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"mainPhoto\\\": {\\\"source\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"612x344\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"480x270\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"240x135\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"664x374\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1350x759\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"160x120\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"80x60\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"92x92\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"184x184\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"mainPhotoSrc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hasLoyaltyProgram\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isBookable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isInsider\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketingOffer\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"bestOffer\\\": {\\\"tagsIds\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"canBurnYums\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"yumsDetail\\\": {\\\"isSuperYums\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"highlightedTag\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"indexable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"t\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7000", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:The Vegan Recipes DB, api_name:List of Foods, api_description:This endpoint responds with a list of vegan foods that includes their names and images, as well as their IDs, which must be provided in the \"Detailed Food Recipe by ID\" endpoint to receive the detailed recipe., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7001", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:The Vegan Recipes DB, api_name:Detailed Food Recipe by ID, api_description:Food Recipe by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"portion\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 13\"], \"method\": [{\"Step 1\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7002", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Testing_v2, api_name:VenueDetails, api_description:Venue Details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7003", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Testing_v2, api_name:MenuDetails, api_description:Menu API, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7004", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:The Birthday Cake DB, api_name:List of Cakes, api_description:This endpoint responds with a list of cakes that includes their names and images, as well as their IDs, which must be provided in the \"Detailed Cake Recipe by ID\t\n\" endpoint to receive the detailed recipe., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7005", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:The Birthday Cake DB, api_name:Detailed Cake Recipe by ID, api_description:Get Cake Recipe by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"portion\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 20\"], \"method\": [{\"Step 1\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}], \"image\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7006", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Caterer Groceries Intel, api_name:Get all groceries, api_description:Fetch all groceries data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total\": \"int\", \"groceries\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"vendorCode\": \"str\", \"vendorName\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"subCategory\": \"str\", \"productDescription\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"packSize\": \"str\", \"numberInCase\": \"int\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"pricePerSingleUnit\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 37964}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7007", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Bespoke Diet Generator, api_name:Get user's diet, api_description:Return the diet configuration and the diet plan for each day., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user for which the diet will be generated.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7008", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:DietaGram, api_name:UPC Api, api_description:Find food info by UPC (barcode), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dishes\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"caloric\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"fat\": \"str\", \"carbon\": \"str\", \"protein\": \"str\", \"category_id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7009", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Worldwide Recipes, api_name:Explore, api_description:Explore Recipes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"results\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7010", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Auth, api_name:getPublicTenantConfig, api_description:Get tenant public config for front apps, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7011", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Worldwide Recipes, api_name:Review, api_description:Get reviews, required_params: [{\"name\": \"recipe_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"results\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7012", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Worldwide Recipes, api_name:Related, api_description:Get related recipes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"related_product_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"results\\\": {\\\"feed\\\": [{\\\"seo\\\": {\\\"web\\\": {\\\"noindex\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"canonical-term\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"meta-tags\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"link-tags\\\": [{\\\"rel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"image-url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"redirect\\\": {\\\"permanent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"domain\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"spotlightSearch\\\": {\\\"keywords\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"noindex\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"firebase\\\": {\\\"noindex\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}}, \\\"tracking-id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"description\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"urbSubmitters\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"tags\\\": {\\\"course\\\": [{\\\"display-name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tag-url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"cuisine\\\": [{\\\"display-name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tag-url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"nutrition\\\": [{\\\"display-name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tag-url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 6}], \\\"technique\\\": [{\\\"display-name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tag-url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]}, \\\"preparationSteps\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"moreContent\\\": {\\\"mobileSectionName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"queryParams\\\": {\\\"start\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"authorId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"s\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7013", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Beverages and Desserts, api_name:Get Beverage by there Id, api_description:Get beverages by there id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7014", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Tasty, api_name:tips/list, api_description:This endpoint is used to load tips (reviews), required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of recipe id returned in .../recipes/list .../feeds/list .../recipes/list-similarities endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"author_avatar_url\": \"str\", \"author_name\": \"str\", \"author_rating\": \"int\", \"author_user_id\": \"int\", \"author_username\": \"str\", \"author_is_verified\": \"int\", \"is_flagged\": \"bool\", \"recipe_id\": \"int\", \"status_id\": \"int\", \"comment_id\": \"int\", \"comment_count\": \"int\", \"tip_body\": \"str\", \"tip_id\": \"int\", \"tip_photo\": \"NoneType\", \"created_at\": \"NoneType\", \"updated_at\": \"int\", \"upvotes_total\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7015", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Tasty, api_name:tags/list, api_description:List supported tags name for filtering in recipes/list API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"root_tag_type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 456}], \"prev\": \"NoneType\", \"next\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7016", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Tasty, api_name:recipes/detail (Deprecated), api_description:Get more information of recipe if available, such as : ingredients, nutrition info, preparation, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id value of any recipe returned in recipes/list API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7017", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Keto Diet, api_name:All Keto Recipes, api_description:Get a list of all available keto recipes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"recipe\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"prep_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prep_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cook_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cook_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"difficulty\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"serving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"measurement_1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_2\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_4\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_5\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_6\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_7\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_8\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_9\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_10\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ingredient_1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_4\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_6\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ingredient_7\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ingredient_8\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ingredient_9\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ingredient_10\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"directions_step_1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_4\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_6\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"directions_step_7\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"dir\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7018", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Generic Food_v2, api_name:Get food by filter, api_description:Get food by filter, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7019", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Worldwide Recipes, api_name:Suggestions, api_description:Get Suggestions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"results\": {\"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 413\"], \"searches\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7020", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:icecream/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random icecream recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7021", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Storage, tool_name:Web Image Storage, api_name:Get History, api_description:Returns the history as pages, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The size of one page\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The page you want to return, starting at 0\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7022", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Storage, tool_name:Image CDN, api_name:Show History, api_description:Shows all images you uploaded in a pageable list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The size of one page, maximum 100\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The page you want to return, starting at 0\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7023", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Storage, tool_name:Aniku, api_name:AnikuEndPoint, api_description:Storage, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7024", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Storage, tool_name:Postput, api_name:Transform your images, api_description:Perform on-the-fly operations on your files, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7025", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Storage, tool_name:Simple File Storage, api_name:GET, api_description:Get previously uploaded file using the file_id. \n(file_id is returned from the UPLOAD endpoint), required_params: [{\"name\": \"file_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"err\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7026", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Storage, tool_name:lab, api_name:/labs, api_description:labs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7027", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:Regionalkonzept Strom Herkunft, api_name:erzeugung, api_description:Endpunkt erlaubt eine Liste der Postleitzahlenbereiche zu erhalten, in denen Verbraucher sein dürfen, die von einer Erzeugungsanlage von angegebener Postleitzahl ihren Strom beziehen sollen.\n\n**Regionaler Herkunftsnachweis**\nBei Verwendung von Regionalnachweisen dürfen Stromversorger nun in ihrer Stromkennzeichnung ausweisen, dass der von ihnen gelieferte EEG-Strom aus Anlagen in der Region der Verbraucherin oder des Verbrauchers kommt. [weitere Informationen](https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/dokument/rnr-regionenkonzept-2021/)\n\n**Verwendung**\n`/erzeugung?postleitzahl=10117 `\n\nLiefert eine Liste der Postleitzahlen, an der eine Verbraucher sein darf, damit der Strom als regionaler Ökostrom bezeichnet werden darf, wenn dessen Netzeinspeisung (Erzeuger) in der Postleitzahl `10117` stattfindet.\n\nDatenstand: 2021, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postleitzahl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Postleitzahl der Erzeugungsanlage, f\\u00fcr die eine Liste der Postleitzahlen von Verbrauchergebiete einers regionalen \\u00d6kostrombezugs erstellt werden soll.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7028", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:CO2 Offset, api_name:Retrieve Compensation, api_description:Response contains full compensation details (if exists, and owner is account)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"err\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7029", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:Europe Fuel Prices, api_name:All Countries, api_description:Get all of Europe countries Fuel prices, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country\": \"str\", \"diesel_price\": \"float\", \"gasoline_price\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7030", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:CO2 Offset, api_name:List existing Compensations, api_description:Returns a list of all existing co2offset certificates linked to account., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7031", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:Europe Fuel Prices, api_name:Get specific country, api_description:Get fuel prices for a specific country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country\": \"str\", \"diesel_price\": \"float\", \"gasoline_price\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7032", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:INDIAN FUEL, api_name:/fuel/data, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"city\": \"str\", \"diesel\": \"str\", \"petrol\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7033", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:CAISO, api_name:caisoregion, api_description:Gets Regional Authorities where node prices are tracked by CAISO, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"regions\": [{\"region_code\": \"str\", \"region_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7034", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:CAISO, api_name:caisoprice, api_description:Fetches hourly CAISO price data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prices\": {\"nodes\": [{\"node_info\": {\"node\": \"str\", \"price_date\": \"str\", \"hourly_prices\": [{\"price_hour\": \"int\", \"price_details\": {\"lmp\": \"float\", \"congestion\": \"int\", \"energy\": \"float\", \"losses\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 24}]}, \"_list_length\": 500}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7035", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:proclima, api_name:dolar, api_description:dolar, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7036", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:Regionalkonzept Strom Herkunft, api_name:Strommix, api_description:Resultierender Strommix nach Anwendung der regionalen Ökostromerzeugung im Gebiet einer Postleitzahl., required_params: [{\"name\": \"postleitzahl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7037", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:INDIAN FUEL, api_name:/fuel/data/{city}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7038", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:CAISO, api_name:caisonode, api_description:Returns nodes where prices are tracked by CAISO, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"nodes\": [{\"node_name\": \"str\", \"node_type\": \"str\", \"node_region\": \"str\", \"node_ntype\": \"str\", \"node_lat\": \"float\", \"node_long\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 1800}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7039", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:Regionalkonzept Strom Herkunft, api_name:entnahme, api_description:Endpunkt erlaubt eine Liste der Postleitzahlenbereiche zu erhalten, in denen Erzeugungsanlagen sein dürfen, die für einen Verbraucher (Entnahme) an gegebener Postleitzahl ist.\n\n**Regionaler Herkunftsnachweis**\nBei Verwendung von Regionalnachweisen dürfen Stromversorger nun in ihrer Stromkennzeichnung ausweisen, dass der von ihnen gelieferte EEG-Strom aus Anlagen in der Region der Verbraucherin oder des Verbrauchers kommt. [weitere Informationen](https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/dokument/rnr-regionenkonzept-2021/)\n\n**Verwendung**\n`/entnahme?postleitzahl=10117 `\n\nLiefert eine Liste der Postleitzahlen, an der eine Erzeugungsanlage sein darf, damit der Strom als regionaler Ökostrom bezeichnet werden darf, wenn die Netzentnahme (Verbrauch) in der Postleitzahl `10117` stattfindet.\n\nDatenstand: 2021, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postleitzahl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Postleitzahl des Verbrauchers (Entnahmestelle)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7040", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:ecoweather, api_name:ecoweather, api_description:Retrieve historical weather data for a location. Dataset lasts back until year 2016. Results are limited to 366 days (1 year) per request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of a geo-location in degrees. \"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of a geo-location in degrees. \"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7041", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:Electricity Carbon Footprint Germany, api_name:CO2 Emission, api_description:The CO2 Emission endpoint will provide carbon emissions in grams per Kilo-Watt-Hour. To latest and historical footprint information for electricity in Germany., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"co2perKwh\": \"int\", \"trend\": {\"avg30\": \"int\", \"avg365\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7042", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:CAISO, api_name:caiso, api_description:Gets standard CAISO data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Type needs to be one of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"co2\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"fuelsource\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"netdemand\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", or \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"all\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". The \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"all\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" value will combine the results for the three other tables into a single CSV file with all the columns you requested.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7043", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:Marktdaten Deutschland, api_name:marketdata, api_description:Abruf einer regionalen Prognose des Strompreises., required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Postleitzahl in Deutschland\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"object\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"license\": \"str\", \"documentation\": \"str\", \"support\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"start_timestamp\": \"int\", \"end_timestamp\": \"int\", \"marketprice\": \"float\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"localprice\": \"float\", \"localcell\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 24}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7044", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:sandbox mktplace eu 01 products, api_name:listcategoriesandsub-categories, api_description:API Instructions: https://www.mktplace.eu/api-instructions-i-32.html\n\nSell on mktplace.eu: https://www.mktplace.eu/sell-on-mktplace-i-25.html, required_params: [{\"name\": \"action\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7045", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:togo420, api_name:Our Catalogue, api_description:This endpoint allows developers to view our inventory catalogue with inventory quantities, product images, product descriptions, etc., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7046", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:sandbox mktplace eu 01 products, api_name:listofattributeandvalueoptions, api_description:API Instructions: https://www.mktplace.eu/api-instructions-i-32.html\n\nSell on mktplace.eu: https://www.mktplace.eu/sell-on-mktplace-i-25.html, required_params: [{\"name\": \"action\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7047", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Flance AliExpress, api_name:product_id, api_description:Get Aliexpress Data by Product Id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7048", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:My Store, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": \"empty list\", \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7049", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:My Store, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7050", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:GST Details API Documentation, api_name:GST Number Search Tool & GSTIN Verification Online, api_description:GST Number Search Tool & GSTIN Verification Online, required_params: [{\"name\": \"GST\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7051", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Ebay, api_name:Search Products, api_description:Search for products on Ebay in specific country.\nReturns the `last_page` that can be scraped for the specific `search_query`.\nDefault country is `United States`.\nSpecify country with country name or country code.\n\nAllowed countries:\nDefault: `us`\n- Germany (de)\n- France (fr)\n- Australia (au)\n- Austria (at)\n- Canada (ca)\n- Hong Kong (hk)\n- Ireland (ie)\n- Italy (it)\n- Malaysia (my)\n- Netherlands (nl)\n- Singapore (sg)\n- Switzerland (ch)\n- United Kingdom (uk), required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Search Query used in Ebay search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"seller\": \"NoneType\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"bidding\": {\"bid_amount\": \"NoneType\", \"end_time\": \"NoneType\", \"remaining_time\": \"NoneType\"}, \"instant_buy\": \"bool\", \"condition\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"logistics_cost\": \"NoneType\", \"url\": \"str\", \"product_id\": \"int\", \"location\": \"NoneType\", \"price\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 61}], \"last_page\": \"int\", \"search\": {\"search_query\": \"str\", \"country_url\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\"}, \"products_amount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7052", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Ebay, api_name:Product Details, api_description:Get the product details for a given product id and a specific country.\nDefault country is `United States`.\nSpecify country with country name or country code.\n\nAllowed countries:\nDefault: `us`\n- Germany (de)\n- France (fr)\n- Australia (au)\n- Austria (at)\n- Canada (ca)\n- Hong Kong (hk)\n- Ireland (ie)\n- Italy (it)\n- Malaysia (my)\n- Netherlands (nl)\n- Singapore (sg)\n- Switzerland (ch)\n- United Kingdom (uk), required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of the product. Can be obtained from the url of the product or by using the `/search` endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"seller\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"user_name\": \"str\", \"rating_amount\": \"str\"}, \"images\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"bidding\": {\"remaining_time\": \"NoneType\", \"bid_amount\": \"NoneType\"}, \"instant_buy\": \"bool\", \"payment_methods\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"quantity\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"return_policy\": \"str\", \"logistics_cost\": \"NoneType\", \"why2buy\": {}, \"condition\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"price\": {\"value\": \"float\", \"currency\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7053", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Vouchery.io, api_name:Get main campaigns, api_description:Gets main campaign, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7054", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:sandbox mktplace eu - 04 orders, api_name:getthelistofcountriesregistered, api_description:API Instructions: https://www.mktplace.eu/api-instructions-i-32.html\n\nSell on mktplace.eu: https://www.mktplace.eu/sell-on-mktplace-i-25.html, required_params: [{\"name\": \"action\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7055", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:sandbox mktplace eu - 04 orders, api_name:listoforders, api_description:API Instructions: https://www.mktplace.eu/api-instructions-i-32.html\n\nSell on mktplace.eu: https://www.mktplace.eu/sell-on-mktplace-i-25.html, required_params: [{\"name\": \"action\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"status\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7056", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Name compare, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7057", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Cartify, api_name:getProductByCategory, api_description:Do you want to search for a product by category?\nUse the category of the product in the path parameter.\n\nFor example,\nAre you looking for Phones? Use Phones in your path parameter, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 16}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7058", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Cartify, api_name:getProducts, api_description:This endpoint gets all products in the database.\n\nA list of products in the store, with the following attributes:\n\nid (integer): The unique identifier for the product.\ntitle (string): The name of the product.\ncategory (string): A description of the product.\nprice (number): The price of the product.\nimage_url (string): A URL to an image of the product., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7059", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Cartify, api_name:getOrders, api_description:The endpoint retrieves all orders.\n\nSet the authorization to \"Bearer admin\" to authorize that the admin can check and confirm all orders.\n\nYou should get a JSON object with the following attributes;\nid (integer): The unique identifier for the order.\ndeliveryDate(Date): The date that the user wants the order to be delivered\ndestination(String): Location\nAlongside with the user who ordered the product, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7060", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:ShopeeApi, api_name:Search products, api_description:Search product & Paginate, required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The region must one of [\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"en\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"sg\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"my\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"id\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"th\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"vn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"ph\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"tw\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"br\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"cl\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"mx\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"co\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"]\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A product search query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"query\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"location\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"int\", \"sold\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7061", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:ShopeeApi, api_name:Product details, api_description:Get shopee product details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The region. must be one of [\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"en\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"sg\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"my\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"id\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"th\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"vn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"ph\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"tw\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"br\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"cl\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"mx\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"co\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"]\"}, {\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Path parameters\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"region\": \"str\", \"itemId\": \"str\", \"shopId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"ctime\": \"int\", \"brand\": \"NoneType\", \"item_rating\": {\"rating_star\": \"float\", \"rating_count\": [\"list of int with length 6\"]}, \"condition\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"images\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"attributes\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 11}], \"categories\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"is_default_subcat\": \"bool\", \"no_sub\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"price\": \"int\", \"price_max\": \"int\", \"price_min\": \"int\", \"discount\": \"NoneType\", \"discount_stock\": \"int\", \"raw_discount\": \"int\", \"location\": \"str\", \"stock\": \"int\", \"sold\": \"int\", \"is_mart\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7062", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:27coupons, api_name:Popular Coupons, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7063", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:27coupons, api_name:Trending Coupons, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7064", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:27coupons, api_name:Latest Coupons, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7065", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Face Compare, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"action\": \"str\", \"completed_at\": \"str\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"group_id\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"image_1\": {\"face_detected\": \"bool\", \"face_quality\": \"str\"}, \"image_2\": {\"face_detected\": \"bool\", \"face_quality\": \"str\"}, \"is_a_match\": \"bool\", \"match_score\": \"int\", \"review_recommended\": \"bool\"}, \"status\": \"str\", \"task_id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7066", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Used GPU Pricing, api_name:Get Prices, api_description:Retrieves used prices of all GPUs, the following prices are in USD., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"gpu\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"min\": \"str\", \"max\": \"str\", \"mean\": \"str\", \"numSales\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7067", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Patreon, api_name:Details, api_description:Get the details and general information of a Creator with the `creator_id`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"creator_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The `creator_id` can be obtained using the `/search` endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"query\\\": {\\\"user_id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"result\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"pledge_sum_currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_nsfw\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"one_liner\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"patron_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"creation_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cover_photo_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"published_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"main_video_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"paid_member_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display_patron_goals\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_charge_upfront\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pledge_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_charged_immediately\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_monthly\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"created_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"outstanding_payment_amount_cents\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cover_photo_url_sizes\\\": {\\\"small\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"xsmall\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medium\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"xlarge\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"large\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"avatar_photo_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image_small_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"creation_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avatar_photo_image_urls\\\": {\\\"default_small\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail_small\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"original\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"default\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail_large\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"is_plural\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"main_video_embed\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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\"str\", \"avatar_blurred\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 17}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7069", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:GST advance, api_name:GST, api_description:Used to verify GST Number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"gstnumber\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"gstin\": \"str\", \"legal_name\": \"str\", \"trade_name\": \"str\", \"adm_office\": \"str\", \"other_office\": \"str\", \"regt_date\": \"str\", \"const_business\": \"str\", \"gst_status\": \"str\", \"taxpayer_type\": \"str\", \"aggreTurnOverFY\": \"str\", \"aggreTurnOver\": \"str\", \"gross_total_income\": \"str\", \"percentTaxInCashFY\": \"str\", \"percentTaxInCash\": \"str\", \"adhrVFlag\": \"str\", \"ekycVFlag\": \"str\", \"isFieldVisitConducted\": \"str\", \"nba\": \"str\", \"mbr\": \"str\", \"update_time\": \"str\"}, \"message\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7070", "title": 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https://www.ecombr.com/vender-no-ecombr-i-26.html, required_params: [{\"name\": \"action\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7073", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:AliExpress unofficial, api_name:/feedbacks/{id}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7074", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:AliExpress unofficial, api_name:/products/{id}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7075", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:AliExpress unofficial, api_name:/categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7076", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Tokopedia Super API, api_name:sortProductsMaster, api_description:the list of available sorting methods, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7077", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Apfelpreise, api_name:price, api_description:Get latest average price for manufacturer number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"manufacturerNumBase64Encoded\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A manufacturer number of an apple product, base64 encoded, e.g for a Apple MacBook Pro 13\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" 2020 with manufacturer number MWP72D/A -> TVdQNzJEL0E=\"}, {\"name\": \"condition\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"ENUM, valid values are: USED, NEW, DEFECT, REFURBISHED\\n\\nNote: Until now in v1, only values USED and REFURBISHED are allowed and give the same results (no distringuish between USED or REFURBISHED, so use any of the two.\\nIn a future release, the other values will be also supported.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7078", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Amazon Live Data, api_name:Get Asin, api_description:This endpoint get data from Amazon ASIN. You have to select a supported locale (us, uk, de, fr, es, it)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"asin\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"status_message\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7079", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Etsy, api_name:findAllListingActive, api_description:Finds all active Listings. (Note: the sort_on and sort_order options only work when combined with one of the search options: keywords, color, tags, location, etc.), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7080", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Etsy, api_name:getTrendingListings, api_description:Collects the list of listings used to generate the trending listing page, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7081", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Etsy, api_name:findAllCurrentFeaturedListings, api_description:Finds FeaturedTreasury listings that are currently displayed on a regional homepage., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7082", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Patreon, api_name:Posts, api_description:Get posts of a Creator with the `creator_id`. 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This identifies and attributes the transaction to particular website\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7087", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Shoes collections, api_name:Get a specific item, api_description:This will return a specific item from the collection ..,simpily write the id of the product and you will get the product, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"int\", \"rating\": {\"rate\": \"float\", \"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7088", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Shoes collections, api_name:Get all the shoes, api_description:This end point return the collection of shoes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"int\", \"rating\": {\"rate\": \"float\", \"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7089", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Direct Wines, api_name:Recommendations, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7090", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Direct Wines, api_name:Profile, api_description:Profile, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7091", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Direct Wines, api_name:Cart, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7092", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:mrautoparts, api_name:subscribe, api_description:add email for additional savings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7093", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Ebay Search Result, api_name:Search on ebay, api_description:Enter anything you want to search for on Ebay website., required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchQuery\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"shipping\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 76}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7094", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Check Disposable Email, api_name:newlyRegisteredDomains, api_description:REST API to lookup newly registered domains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"info\": {\"totalItems\": \"int\", \"pageSize\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"currentPage\": \"int\", \"sort\": \"str\"}, \"domains\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 999}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7095", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Check Disposable Email, api_name:emailValidation, api_description:Clean your email list database with our free email checker and verifier, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email to be verified\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"domain\": \"str\", \"account\": \"str\", \"block\": \"bool\", \"valid\": \"bool\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"dns\": \"bool\", \"syntaxVerified\": \"bool\", \"mxHosts\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"mailStatus\": \"str\", \"reason\": \"str\", \"role\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7096", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Etsy, api_name:getInterestingListings, api_description:Collects the list of interesting listings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7097", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:FSSAI License Verification, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7098", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:sandbox ecombr com - 04 orders, api_name:getthelistofcountriesregistered, api_description:API Instructions: https://www.ecombr.com/instrucoes-api-i-28.html\n\nSell on ecombr.com marketplace: https://www.ecombr.com/vender-no-ecombr-i-26.html, required_params: [{\"name\": \"action\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Content-Type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Cache-Control\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Secret\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"E-mail\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7099", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:sandbox ecombr com - 04 orders, api_name:listoforders, api_description:API Instructions: https://www.ecombr.com/instrucoes-api-i-28.html\n\nSell on ecombr.com marketplace: https://www.ecombr.com/vender-no-ecombr-i-26.html, required_params: [{\"name\": \"status\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"action\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7100", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Amazon_API_v2, api_name:/Smart_Phones, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7101", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:H30 E-commerce Data scraper, api_name:Get Search Results from Amazon, api_description:Get Search Results from Amazon, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchQuery\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7102", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:H30 E-commerce Data scraper, api_name:Get Product Details from Amazon, api_description:Get Product Details from Amazon, required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7103", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Amazon_API_v2, api_name:/BCAA, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7104", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Amazon_API_v2, api_name:/Headphones, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7105", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:My Store, api_name:Get Products, api_description:Get all products in the store, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7106", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Inventory and eCommerce hosted and self-hosted solution, api_name:List Services, api_description:List all of the services within your account, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7107", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Inventory and eCommerce hosted and self-hosted solution, api_name:Open service, api_description:Open the specified service id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the service to open\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7108", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Azaprime, api_name:check holiday, api_description:check holiday, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7109", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:BlockTrail - Bitcoin Developers Platform, api_name:/v1/{network}, api_description:BlockTrail API Endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"network\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7110", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:invoice, api_name:para, api_description:yes we are, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7111", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:My Store, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 871}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7112", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:resumeAPI, api_name:imtired, api_description:imtiredss sada sd asdas, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7113", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:ClickbankUniversity, api_name:clickbank, api_description:email marketing, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7114", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:dd, api_name:employee, api_description:get employee id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"nam\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7115", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:IP2Proxy, api_name:IP2Proxy API, api_description:Proxy Detection API, required_params: [{\"name\": \"IP\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IP address to query.\"}, {\"name\": \"LICENSE\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API license key.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7116", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Check Disposable Email, api_name:checkDisposableEmail, api_description:REST API to lookup disposable email, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email to check disposable.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"domain\": \"str\", \"account\": \"str\", \"block\": \"bool\", \"valid\": \"bool\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"dns\": \"bool\", \"syntaxVerified\": \"bool\", \"mxHosts\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7117", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:API1, api_name:Endpoint1, api_description:Endpoint1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7118", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Argaam Data APIs Free, api_name:Get a List of Indicator against each Subgroup, api_description:Get a List of Indicator against each Subgroup, required_params: [{\"name\": \"groupID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fieldID\": \"int\", \"displayNameAr\": \"str\", \"displayNameEn\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7119", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:My Store, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7120", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:E-mail Check Invalid or Disposable Domain_v2, api_name:mailcheck, api_description:Check if e-mail domain is valid, or a disposable/temporary address. Invalid domains (typos, non-responding mailserver, etc) will return \"valid: false\", \"block: true\". Disposable e-mail domains will return \"valid: true\" (since it's a valid domain), but \"block: true\" and \"disposable: true\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Full e-mail, or domain to check if valid or temporary/disposable. You can enter an e-mail address, and it will be converted to a domain, but entering just the domain is recommended for user privacy reasons.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7121", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:mrautoparts, api_name:HTTP://MRAUTO.PARTS, api_description:DOWNLOADS APP, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7122", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:QueuingAppApi, api_name:TestEndpoint, api_description:test only, required_params: [{\"name\": \"testparam\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7123", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:sms, api_name:tety constant, api_description:vie de Dieu , required_params: [{\"name\": \"tety\", \"type\": \"TIME (24-hour HH:MM)\", \"description\": \"papa\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7124", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:India - Pan card OCR, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7125", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:TokopediaApi, api_name:Get Product Detail, api_description:Get Product Detail By Provide Slug, required_params: [{\"name\": \"act\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"images\": [\"list of str with length 14\"], \"video\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"variants\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"label\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 11}], \"specification\": [{\"kondisi\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"description\": \"str\", \"seller\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"int\", \"badge\": \"str\"}, \"otherProducts\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"float\", \"sold\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 12}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7126", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:test, api_name:get product, api_description:get product, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7127", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Cartify, api_name:getOrdersbyEmail, api_description:For a valid response, fill in the email of the user in the path parameter. This is helpful instead of looping from the userId since the users can't have or use the same email. To also verify that it is an authenticated user trying to get his/her order, fill in an authorization header that takes the token of the user.....\nFor example, \n\"Bearer , required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7128", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Cartify, api_name:getProductByName, api_description:This endpoint filters through the products database and brings out results based on the preferences you want.\n\nFor a valid response, it takes a path parameter which is required which takes the name of the product you would want., required_params: [{\"name\": \"brand\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7129", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:JSMon, api_name:Get Info, api_description:Request information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"site_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Site ID\"}, {\"name\": \"session_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Session ID\"}, {\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\"}, {\"name\": \"callback_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Callback function\"}, {\"name\": \"action_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Action ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7130", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:test pg prod, api_name:Get, api_description:gfd, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7131", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:AliExpress unofficial, api_name:/product/{id}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7132", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Jobs, tool_name:Remote Jobs API, api_name:Get the latest remote jobs, api_description:Get a list of the latest 20 remote jobs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"page\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"has_more\": \"bool\"}, \"items\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"company_logo\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"company_name\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7133", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Jobs, tool_name:AI Resume Generator, api_name:Generate Document: Resume, api_description:Endpoint that will generate a large text response containing a Resume document using the provided information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7134", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Jobs, tool_name:AI Resume Generator, api_name:Generate Document: Cover Letter, api_description:Endpoint that will generate a large text response containing a Cover Letter document using the provided information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7135", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Jobs, tool_name:JobSearch, api_name:/api/v1/Jobs/{slug}, api_description:Get details of a job by slug, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"company\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"postDate\": \"str\", \"salary\": \"NoneType\", \"jobSource\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sentiment\": {\"polarity\": \"int\", \"subjectivity\": \"int\"}, \"dateAdded\": \"str\", \"keyPhrases\": [{\"affinity\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"tags\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"summary\": \"str\", \"originalPosting\": \"str\", \"viewCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7136", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Jobs, tool_name:Indeed Jobs API - Finland, api_name:SearchJobs, api_description:offset = 0 (starting of the page, it must be increased by 10 to achieve pagination)\nkeyword = python (it can be any search keyword for ex: job title or skill title)\nlocation = Helsinki (For now this API gets data for Finland Indeed. You can enter a specific city or state.)\nThis will provide you with a list of 15 jobs in the page, by default a single page can have a max of 15 jobs posting only. In order to get all the data using pagination you need to keep increasing the count of offset by 10.\n\nYou will get the following fields using this API.\n\n'position'\n'company_name'\n'job_title'\n'job_location'\n'salary'\n'date'\n'job_url'\n'urgently_hiring'\n'multiple_hiring'\n'company_rating'\n'company_reviews'\n'company_review_link'\n'company_logo_url'\n'page_number', required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"offset\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"company_logo_url\": \"str\", \"company_name\": \"str\", \"company_rating\": \"str\", \"company_review_link\": \"str\", \"company_reviews\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"job_location\": \"str\", \"job_title\": \"str\", \"job_url\": \"str\", \"multiple_hiring\": \"str\", \"next_page\": \"str\", \"page_number\": \"int\", \"position\": \"int\", \"salary\": \"str\", \"urgently_hiring\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7137", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Jobs, tool_name:Indeed Jobs API - Sweden, api_name:SearchJobs, api_description:offset = 0 (starting of the page, it must be increased by 10 to achieve pagination)\nkeyword = python (it can be any search keyword for ex: job title or skill title)\nlocation = Stockholm (For now this API gets data for Sweden Indeed. You can enter a specific city or state.)\nThis will provide you with a list of 15 jobs in the page, by default a single page can have a max of 15 jobs posting only. In order to get all the data using pagination you need to keep increasing the count of offset by 10.\n\nYou will get the following fields using this API.\n\n'position'\n'company_name'\n'job_title'\n'job_location'\n'salary'\n'date'\n'job_url'\n'urgently_hiring'\n'multiple_hiring'\n'company_rating'\n'company_reviews'\n'company_review_link'\n'company_logo_url'\n'page_number', required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"offset\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"company_logo_url\": \"str\", \"company_name\": \"str\", \"company_rating\": \"str\", \"company_review_link\": \"str\", \"company_reviews\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"job_location\": \"str\", \"job_title\": \"str\", \"job_url\": \"str\", \"multiple_hiring\": \"str\", \"next_page\": \"str\", \"page_number\": \"int\", \"position\": \"int\", \"salary\": \"str\", \"urgently_hiring\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7138", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Jobs, tool_name:Open To Work Remote API, api_name:Search Jobs, api_description:# Open To Work Remote - API\n\n## Search Jobs:\n\nThis endpoint allows you to search for jobs.\n\nYou can search for jobs by filtering by title, tags, salary, location, and company name. All the information comes paginated.\n\n*[Click 3 Dots Button To View More Details About All Params]*\n\n### Parameters and Filters:\n\n**page:** Select the page.\n**perPage:** Quantity of jobs shown per page.\n**title:** Allows search jobs by title/role.\n**tag:** Allows search jobs by tags/categories.\n**location:** Allows search jobs by location.\n**company:** Allows search jobs by the company name.\n**salaryMin:** Allows search jobs by salary.\n**source:** Allows search jobs by the Job Board source., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"pagesInfo\": {\"totalJobs\": \"int\", \"totalpages\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"perPage\": \"int\", \"nextPage\": \"str\"}, \"jobs\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"company\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"salaryMin\": \"NoneType\", \"salaryMax\": \"NoneType\", \"salaryRange\": \"NoneType\", \"logo\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"NoneType\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"tags\": \"empty list\", \"featured\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"publicationDate\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7139", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Jobs, tool_name:Open To Work Remote API, api_name:Get One Job, api_description:# Open To Work Remote - API\n\n## Get One Job:\n\nThis endpoint allows you to get info on a job by id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"company\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"salaryMin\": \"NoneType\", \"salaryMax\": \"NoneType\", \"salaryRange\": \"NoneType\", \"logo\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"NoneType\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 33\"], \"featured\": \"NoneType\", \"date\": \"str\", \"publicationDate\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7140", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Jobs, tool_name:JobSearch, api_name:/api/v1/Jobs/Search, api_description:Search for your dream job, required_params: [{\"name\": \"SearchQuery\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"PageSize\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"PageNumber\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7141", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Jobs, tool_name:Remote Jobs API, api_name:Get a specific remote job by id, api_description:Using the id of the job returned from /jobs route, get more details about a specific job, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7142", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Jobs, tool_name:Indeed Jobs API, api_name:SearchJobs, api_description:offset = 0 (starting of the page, it must be increased by 10 to achieve pagination)\nkeyword = python (it can be any search keyword for ex: job title or skill title)\nlocation = california (For now this API gets data for USA Indeed. You can enter a specific city or state.)\nThis will provide you with a list of 15 jobs in the page, by default a single page can have a max of 15 jobs posting only. In order to get all the data using pagination you need to keep increasing the count of offset by 10.\n\nYou will get the following fields using this API.\n\n'position'\n'company_name'\n'job_title'\n'job_location'\n'salary'\n'date'\n'job_url'\n'urgently_hiring'\n'multiple_hiring'\n'company_rating'\n'company_reviews'\n'company_review_link'\n'company_logo_url'\n'page_number', required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"offset\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"company_logo_url\": \"str\", \"company_name\": \"str\", \"company_rating\": \"str\", \"company_review_link\": \"str\", \"company_reviews\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"job_location\": \"str\", \"job_title\": \"str\", \"job_url\": \"str\", \"multiple_hiring\": \"str\", \"next_page\": \"str\", \"page_number\": \"int\", \"position\": \"int\", \"salary\": \"str\", \"urgently_hiring\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7143", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Eczanem, api_name:nobetci, api_description:il ve ilçe bilgisine göre nöbetçi eczaneleri görüntüleyin!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ilce\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"il\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7144", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:EndlessMedicalAPI, api_name:GetOutcomes, api_description:GetOutcomes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [\"list of str with length 385\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7145", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:EndlessMedicalAPI, api_name:GetFeatures, api_description:GetFeatures, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [\"list of str with length 837\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7146", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:EndlessMedicalAPI, api_name:InitSession, api_description:Initializes API Session, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"SessionID\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7147", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Konviere DrugsAPI, api_name:Get Drug Info by Drug Name & Route, api_description:This web method will return all the dataset related to the drug information using the “drgNm” the drug name or brand name or drug product and “drgRte” drug route, these input parameters are required. All web method requires the \"api_key\" as query parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"drgRte\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"drgNm\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7148", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:GetGuidelines, api_name:vac, api_description:Vaccinations only, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7149", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Konviere DrugsAPI, api_name:Get Adverse Event Info by Reaction & Sex, api_description:This web method will return a summary dataset related to the adverse events information using the “reaction” the reaction and “sex” the patient sex (0: unknown, 1: male, 2: female), these input parameters are required.\nAll web method requires the \"api_key\" as query parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sex\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"reaction\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7150", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:GetGuidelines, api_name:all, api_description:All guidelines, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7151", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Konviere DrugsAPI, api_name:Get Adverse Event Info by Reaction, Sex, Age Group & Drug Name, api_description:This web method will return a summary dataset related to the adverse events information using the “reaction” the reaction, “sex” the patient sex (0: unknown, 1: male, 2: female), “ageGrp” age group (1: Neonate, 2: Infant,3: Child,4: Adolescent,5: Adult,6: Elderly) and “drgNm” the drug name or brand \nname, these input parameters are required. All web method requires the \"api_key\" as query parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"drgNm\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sex\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"reaction\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ageGrp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7152", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Body Shape Analyzer, api_name:check server, api_description:check server, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7153", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:The Cancer Imaging Archive, api_name:getPatient, api_description:Returns a set of patient objects filtered by query keys, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"PatientID\": \"str\", \"PatientName\": \"str\", \"Collection\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7154", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:23andMe, api_name:ancestry, api_description:Ancestral breakdown for the user's profile. Each population has an absolute proportion of the genome. A population with sub_populations has an unassigned proportion — the ancestry we couldn't classify in it. threshold is optional, default 0.75 and range (0.5, 1.0) exclusive. 0.51 means a speculative estimate, 0.75 standard, and 0.90 conservative. A higher threshold would increase the unassigned proportions, a lower would speculate., required_params: [{\"name\": \"threshold\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"threshold ex: 0.9\"}, {\"name\": \"profile_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7155", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:The Cancer Imaging Archive, api_name:getSeries, api_description:Returns a set of series objects filtered by query keys, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"SeriesInstanceUID\": \"str\", \"StudyInstanceUID\": \"str\", \"Modality\": \"str\", \"SeriesDate\": \"str\", \"BodyPartExamined\": \"str\", \"SeriesNumber\": \"str\", \"AnnotationsFlag\": \"str\", \"Collection\": \"str\", \"Manufacturer\": \"str\", \"ManufacturerModelName\": \"str\", \"SoftwareVersions\": \"str\", \"Visibility\": \"str\", \"ImageCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7156", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Drug Info and Price History, api_name:Price History, api_description:Returns an array of price histories when given a valid drug ID., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7157", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:The Cancer Imaging Archive, api_name:getImage, api_description:Set of images in a zip file. NOTE: The resulting zip files can become very large. We strongly advise not testing this endpoint via Mashape. Instead, consider using curl with the -o option set to output.zip, required_params: [{\"name\": \"SeriesInstanceUID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Has been de-identified as part of submission process. (DICOM Tag 0020x000E)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7158", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Drug Info and Price History, api_name:genericname, api_description:Given a brand name, returns a generic name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"generic_name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7159", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Drug Info and Price History, api_name:Drug Info, api_description:Returns information about the given drug, required_params: [{\"name\": \"drug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"product_ndc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"generic_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"labeler_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"brand_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"active_ingredients\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"strength\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"finished\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"packaging\\\": [{\\\"package_ndc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketing_start_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sample\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 21}], \\\"listing_expiration_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"openfda\\\": {\\\"manufacturer_name\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"rxcui\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"spl_set_id\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"is_original_packager\\\": [\\\"list of bool with length 1\\\"], \\\"nui\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"pharm_class_moa\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"pharm_class_cs\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"pharm_class_epc\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"unii\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"]}, \\\"marketing_category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dosage_form\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"spl_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"product_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"route\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"marketing_start_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"product_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"application_number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"br\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7160", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Covid-19 by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/covid19, api_description:API Ninjas Covid19 API endpoint. Either **date** or **country** must be set., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7161", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:ZomiDictionary, api_name:ZomiDictionary, api_description:Zomi Dictionary, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7162", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Konviere DrugsAPI, api_name:Get Adverse Event Summary Info by Pharmacologic Class, api_description:This web method will return a summary dataset related to the adverse events information using the “pharmacologicClass” the pharmacologic class, this input parameter is required. All web method requires the \"api_key\" as query parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pharmacologicClass\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"invalidHeaders\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"invalidQueryParams\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7163", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Hapihub, api_name:Get Fixtures, api_description:Fetch a list of fixtures, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7164", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Hapihub, api_name:Version metadata, api_description:Retrieve the server's version metadata, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"mode\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\", \"build\": {\"version\": \"str\", \"builddate\": \"str\", \"gitcommit\": \"str\"}, \"hostname\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7165", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:EndlessMedicalAPI, api_name:Analyze, api_description:Analyzes provided data set, required_params: [{\"name\": \"SessionID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7166", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:23andMe, api_name:haplogroups, api_description:For the user's profile, gets maternal and paternal haplogroups, as well as terminal SNPs. Maternal terminal SNPs include the rsid and rCRS reference position, while the paternal ones include the rsid and ISOGG SNP. Note: if the profile belongs to a female, the paternal (y) haplogroup and terminal SNP information will be null., required_params: [{\"name\": \"profile_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"profile_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7167", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:23andMe, api_name:drug_responses, api_description:Our analysis of how each profile responds to these drugs (starred reports). status is reduced, typical, or increased for a person, not_applicable if the drug is not applicable to them (e.g., the oral contraceptives report is for women only), or null if they're not analyzed at any of the markers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"profile_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"profile_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7168", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:23andMe, api_name:publish_get, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"profile_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"profile_id\"}, {\"name\": \"feature_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"feature_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7169", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:The Cancer Imaging Archive, api_name:getModalityValues, api_description:getModalityValues, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Modality\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7170", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:The Cancer Imaging Archive, api_name:getPatientStudy, api_description:Returns a set of patient/study objects filtered by query keys, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7171", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:The Cancer Imaging Archive, api_name:getCollectionValues, api_description:Set of all TCIA collection names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Collection\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7172", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:RojMusic, api_name:Rojmusic, api_description:rojmusic stranen kurdi, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Rojmusic\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7173", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Data API, api_name:Get track audo futures, api_description:Get track audio futures data from track ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"acousticness\": \"float\", \"danceability\": \"float\", \"duration_ms\": \"int\", \"energy\": \"float\", \"id\": \"str\", \"instrumentalness\": \"float\", \"key\": \"int\", \"liveness\": \"float\", \"loudness\": \"float\", \"mode\": \"int\", \"speechiness\": \"float\", \"tempo\": \"float\", \"time_signature\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"valence\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7174", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:online-music, api_name:online-music, api_description:Слушать бесплатно онлайн на online-music.su. Лучшие песни русских ретро групп и исполнителей. Руccкая ретро поп-рок-шансон музыка 1970х-2000х, лучшая забугорная музыка ретро эпохи., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7175", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:LANDR Mastering v1, api_name:Preview_GetDownloadPath, api_description:Rate Limits: 100 requests per minute\n , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The unique id of the preview.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7176", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:LANDR Mastering v1, api_name:Master_GetDownloadPath, api_description:Rate Limits: 100 requests per minute\n , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The unique id of the master.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7177", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify, api_name:Track credits, api_description:Get track credits, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Track ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"trackUri\": \"str\", \"trackTitle\": \"str\", \"roleCredits\": [{\"roleTitle\": \"str\", \"artists\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"imageUri\": \"str\", \"subroles\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"weight\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 3}], \"extendedCredits\": \"empty list\", \"sourceNames\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7178", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:Get suggestions by word or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any word or phrase of song, artist, etc... that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hints\": [{\"term\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7179", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Genius - Song Lyrics, api_name:Artist Details, api_description:An artist is how Genius represents the creator of one or more songs (or other documents hosted on Genius). It's usually a musician or group of musicians., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Artist ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"artist\\\": {\\\"_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alternate_names\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"api_path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": {}, \\\"description_preview\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"facebook_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"followers_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"header_image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"index_character\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"instagram_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_meme_verified\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_verified\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tracking_paths\\\": {\\\"aggregate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"concurrent\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"translation_artist\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twitter_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"current_user_metadata\\\": 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"category_name:Music, tool_name:YourVinylStore, api_name:Your Vinyl Store_copy, api_description:Best vinyl records in your collection, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7182", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard_v2, api_name:Year-End Hot 100 Songs, api_description:Get the Year-End Hot 100 Songs chart., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7183", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify _v2, api_name:Search, api_description:Search Spotify, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ACCEPTED VALUES: \\nalbum\\nartist\\ntrack\\nyear\\ngenre\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7184", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard_v2, api_name:Year-End Top Artists, api_description:Get the Year-End Top Artists chart., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7185", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:artists/get-details, api_description:Get detailed information of an artist, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'artist->adamid' field returned in .../search OR .../songs/v2/detect OR .../songs/get-details endpoint\\nThe value of 'artists->id' field returned in .../shazam-songs/get-details OR .../albums/get-details OR .../albums/get-related-artist\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"genreNames\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"name\": \"str\", \"artwork\": {\"width\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"height\": \"int\", 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Leave {countryID} blank for all countries., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"overall\": [{\"ranking\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"likes\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}], \"music\": [{\"ranking\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"likes\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7188", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:shazam-songs/list-similarities, api_description:Get similar (You may also like) songs, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'related-tracks->id' field returned in .../shazam-songs/get-details endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"resources\\\": {\\\"shazam-song-lists\\\": {\\\"track-similarities-id-424767377\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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api_name:/youtube/topartist_feat/{year}, api_description:Youtube top artist including features in music videos by year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"views\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7192", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:xmusic, api_name:xmusic song info, api_description:Test apis xmusic song info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"songid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"song_preview_kbps\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"https_only\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"s\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7193", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Youtube Music API (Detailed), api_name:Trends, api_description:Get latest charts data from YouTube Music: Top songs, top videos, top artists and top trending videos. Global charts have no Trending section, US charts have an extra Genres section with some Genre charts., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code. Default: ZZ = Global\\nhttps://www.iban.com/country-codes\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artists\": {\"items\": [{\"browseId\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"subscribers\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"title\": \"str\", \"trend\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 40}], \"playlist\": \"NoneType\"}, \"countries\": {\"options\": [\"list of str with length 62\"], \"selected\": {\"text\": \"str\"}}, \"trending\": {\"items\": [{\"artists\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"playlistId\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"title\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\", \"views\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"playlist\": \"str\"}, \"videos\": {\"items\": [{\"artists\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"playlistId\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"title\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\", \"views\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 40}], \"playlist\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7194", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Indie Songs : DistroKid & Unsigned, api_name:Search indie songs by filters, api_description:Search song by track name, artist name, label, release date, ISRC, composer name, genre, required_params: [{\"name\": \"by\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"'trackname', 'artistname', 'isrc', 'label', 'genre', 'composer_name', or 'release_date'\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7195", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Youtube Music API (Detailed), api_name:Get Artist Albums, api_description:Get information about an artist and their top releases (songs, albums, singles, videos, and related artists). The top lists contain pointers for getting the full list of releases, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"params\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"params\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" data obtained by **get_artist()**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7196", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Youtube Music API (Detailed), api_name:Get User Playlists, api_description:Retrieve a list of playlists for a given user. Call this function again with the returned params to get the full list., required_params: [{\"name\": \"params\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7197", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Indie Songs : DistroKid & Unsigned, api_name:Get Top 50 indie songs, api_description:Get TOP 50 indie songs based on their daily stream increase ratio, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7198", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Apple Music, api_name:Single Track, api_description:Get Single track data from Apple Music, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"albumname\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"thumb\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7199", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Miza, api_name:Song download/convert, api_description:Searches, downloads, converts, and uploads the song URL simultaneously, streaming the file with very little delay. Song URL may be from any platform supported by Youtube-DL/FFmpeg, which are used as part of the backend.\nThis endpoint is the fastest to respond out of all the available ones for song downloading, but will only support *mp3*, *opus*, *ogg*, and *wav* as output formats (no video downloading). Quality will be maximum by default, or 224kbps if conversion is required. For those wishing to use this API as a backend for their own Discord bot, the opus format output is compatible with direct playback through Discord's voice websocket.\nFor testing purposes, the *download* query key may be changed to *view*, which will stream the same file, but without the attachment disposition, allowing it to play as audio in a browser while being downloaded., required_params: [{\"name\": \"download\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7200", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Youtube MP3 Converter, api_name:Get Download URL MP3/MP4, api_description:Get Download URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The language\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The youtube video id\"}, {\"name\": \"action\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"widget\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7201", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Miza, api_name:Song trimming/extending, api_description:Trims a song or video, outputting as a URL (similar to the concatenation function). Like the output from concat, one must send a GET request to the URL returned in order to retrieve the actual output.\nSpecify trim start and end after the URL, optionally omitting them by replacing them with an empty string or dash (-). Accepts input in number of seconds, as well as time formats such as *2h30m* or *1:53:30*.\nIf the trim end passes the end of the song, it will automatically be extended by looping back from the beginning. This is *much* faster than concatenating multiple copies of the same song, as it skips re-encoding every single copy, allowing it to produce 10-hour extensions of songs or videos in seconds. Output format can additionally be specified after trim end.\nSee https://mizabot.xyz/downloader for more info as well as test usage of this endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7202", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Halsey Lyric Snippets, api_name:all songs from {artist}, api_description:This endpoint retrieves all songs by the specified artist and returns them in the response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"artist\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"lyrics\": [\"list of str with length 14\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7203", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Halsey Lyric Snippets, api_name:album by {id}, api_description:returns album information when searched by {id}, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"songs\": [\"list of str with length 14\"], \"artist\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7204", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard, api_name:Hot 100, api_description:Provide the Hot 100 chart information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Set the date for which you want to get a chart.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artist\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"last_week\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"award\": \"bool\", \"image\": \"str\", \"peak_position\": \"str\", \"weeks_on_chart\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7205", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Halsey Lyric Snippets, api_name:random song & song's album information out of {artist}, api_description:Returns album information and random song information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"artist\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"albumId\": \"str\", \"albumName\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"albumArtist\": \"str\", \"song\": {\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"lyrics\": [\"list of str with length 25\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7206", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard, api_name:Billboard Global Excl. US, api_description:Billboard Global Excl. US. Available from SEPTEMBER 19, 2020, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Set the date for which you want to get a chart.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artist\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"last_week\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"award\": \"bool\", \"image\": \"str\", \"peak_position\": \"str\", \"weeks_on_chart\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7207", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard, api_name:Artist 100, api_description:Provide the Artist 100 chart information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Set the date for which you want to get a chart.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artist\": \"str\", \"last_week\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"award\": \"bool\", \"image\": \"str\", \"peak_position\": \"str\", \"weeks_on_chart\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7208", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Apple Music, api_name:Album, api_description:Get entire Playlist data of any album from Apple Music., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"album_details\": {\"album\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"NoneType\", \"thumb\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\", \"0\": {\"link\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"link\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"link\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"link\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"link\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\"}, \"5\": {\"link\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\"}, \"6\": {\"link\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7209", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Genius - Song Lyrics, api_name:Web Page Lookup, api_description:A web page is a single, publicly accessible page to which annotations may be attached. Web pages map 1-to-1 with unique, canonical URLs.\n\nInformation about a web page retrieved by the page's full URL (including protocol). The returned data includes Genius's ID for the page, which may be used to look up associated referents with the /referents endpoint.\n\nData is only available for pages that already have at least one annotation., required_params: [{\"name\": \"raw_annotatable_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Web page URL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"web_page\": {\"_type\": \"str\", \"api_path\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"normalized_url\": \"str\", \"protected\": \"bool\", \"share_url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"web_site_id\": \"int\", \"annotation_count\": \"int\", \"draft_annotation_count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7210", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Genius - Song Lyrics, api_name:Chart: Songs, api_description:Chart: Songs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7211", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Indie Songs : DistroKid & Unsigned, api_name:Get songs with ALL metadata and stats (play counts), api_description:Get all tracks with full metadata including recent Spotify play counts.\n\nAlso Apple song URL, Spotify song URL, Composer name, ISRC, Label, Release date, Genres, Apple IDs, Spotify IDs are included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"offset\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7212", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Youtube Music API (Detailed), api_name:Get Artist, api_description:Get information about an artist and their top releases (songs, albums, singles, videos, and related artists). The top lists contain pointers for getting the full list of releases., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"albums\\\": {\\\"browseId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"params\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"browseId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isExplicit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"thumbnails\\\": [{\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}]}, \\\"channelId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"radioId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"related\\\": {\\\"browseId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"browseId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subscribers\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnails\\\": [{\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}]}, \\\"shuffleId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"singles\\\": {\\\"browseId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"params\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"browseId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnails\\\": [{\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}]}, \\\"songs\\\": {\\\"browseId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"album\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"artists\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"isAvailable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isExplicit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"likeStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnails\\\": [\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7213", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:baixar musicas mp3 completas, api_name:teste, api_description:teste, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7214", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/spotify/topalbums, api_description:Spotify most streamed albums of all time, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"artist_and_title\": \"str\", \"streams\": \"str\", \"daily\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7215", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/topviews/artist/{nationality}, api_description:Youtube top viewed music video by X artist. (X: nationality of the artist). For example: \"/youtube/topviews/vietnamese\", required_params: [{\"name\": \"nationality\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"views\": \"str\", \"yesterday_views\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7216", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:50K Radio Stations, api_name:Get Genres, api_description:Get genre list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7217", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:artists/get-top-songs, api_description:Get top songs of an artist, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'artist->adamid' field returned in .../search OR .../songs/v2/detect OR .../songs/get-details endpoint\\nThe value of 'artists->id' field returned in .../shazam-songs/get-details OR .../albums/get-details OR .../albums/get-related-artist\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"hasTimeSyncedLyrics\": \"bool\", \"albumName\": \"str\", \"genreNames\": [\"list of str with length 9\"], \"trackNumber\": \"int\", \"durationInMillis\": \"int\", \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"isVocalAttenuationAllowed\": \"bool\", \"isMasteredForItunes\": \"bool\", \"isrc\": \"str\", \"artwork\": {\"width\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"height\": \"int\", \"textColor3\": \"str\", \"textColor2\": \"str\", \"textColor4\": \"str\", \"textColor1\": \"str\", \"bgColor\": \"str\", \"hasP3\": \"bool\"}, \"audioLocale\": \"str\", \"composerName\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"playParams\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"kind\": \"str\"}, \"discNumber\": \"int\", \"isAppleDigitalMaster\": \"bool\", \"hasLyrics\": \"bool\", \"audioTraits\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"name\": \"str\", \"previews\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"artistName\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7218", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicZone, api_name:getSongs, api_description:get song details, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7219", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:L-yrics, api_name:Main endpoint, api_description:Get the song lyrics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"song\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"song\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"lyrics\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7220", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard-API, api_name:Latin Artists, api_description:Provide the Greatest of All Time Latin Artists chart information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7221", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard_v2, api_name:Billboard Hot 100, api_description:Get the Billboard Hot 100 chart., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7222", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard_v2, api_name:Year-End Billboard 200 Albums, api_description:Get the Year-End Billboard 200 Albums chart., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7223", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Scraper, api_name:List Artist Concerts, api_description:This endpoint lists all concerts of an artist., required_params: [{\"name\": \"artistId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Artist ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"concerts\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"festival\": \"bool\", \"venue\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"artists\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\", \"visuals\": {\"avatar\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"NoneType\", \"height\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"ticketers\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"imageUrl\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"ticketing\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 58}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7224", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Scraper, api_name:Get Playlist Metadata, api_description:This endpoint fetches full details of a playlist., required_params: [{\"name\": \"playlistId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Playlist ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7225", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Scraper, api_name:List Album Tracks, api_description:This endpoint lists tracks of an album. Pagination scraping is supported., required_params: [{\"name\": \"albumId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Album ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7226", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:50K Radio Stations, api_name:Get Cities, api_description:Get city list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7227", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard, api_name:Billboard 200, api_description:Provide the Billboard 100 chart information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Set the date for which you want to get a chart.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artist\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"last_week\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"award\": \"bool\", \"image\": \"str\", \"peak_position\": \"str\", \"weeks_on_chart\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7228", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:50K Radio Stations, api_name:Get Countries, api_description:Get country list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7229", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard, api_name:Billboard Global 200, api_description:Provide Billboard Global 200 chart information. Available from SEPTEMBER 19, 2020, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Set the date for which you want to get a chart.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artist\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"last_week\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"award\": \"bool\", \"image\": \"str\", \"peak_position\": \"str\", \"weeks_on_chart\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7230", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/weekly, api_description:Most viewed Youtube music videos weekly, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"weeks\": \"str\", \"peak\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7231", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/toplikes, api_description:Top Youtube liked videos of all time, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"likes\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7232", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Data API, api_name:Get user profile and public playlists, api_description:Get useer profile and public playlists by user ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"display_name\": \"str\", \"externalUrls\": {\"spotify\": \"str\"}, \"followers_count\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"images\": \"empty list\", \"playlists\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7233", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/video/{videoID}, api_description:Specific Youtube music video statistics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoID\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"track\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"general\": {\"Published\": \"str\", \"Total views\": \"str\", \"Expected to hit 8,500,000,000 on\": \"str\", \"Most views in a day\": \"str\", \"Likes\": \"str\"}, \"other_data\": [\"list of str with length 20\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7234", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Data API, api_name:Get artist related artists, api_description:Get artist related artist by artis id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"external_urls\": {\"spotify\": \"str\"}, \"followers\": {\"total\": \"int\"}, \"genres\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"popularity\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7235", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Data API, api_name:Get futured playlists, api_description:Get futured playilsts by country from one of the countrys and timestamp date example 2022-10-20 :\nAD, AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AR, AT, AU, AZ, \nBA, BB, BD, BE, BF, BG, BH, BI, BJ, BN, \nBO, BR, BS, BT, BW, BZ, CA, CD, CG, CH, \nCI, CL, CM, CO, CR, CV, CW, CY, CZ, DE, \nDJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, ET, \nFI, FJ, FM, FR, GA, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, \nGN, GQ, GR, GT, GW, GY, HK, HN, HR, HT, \nHU, ID, IE, IL, IN, IQ, IS, IT, JM, JO, \nJP, KE, KG, KH, KI, KM, KN, KR, KW, KZ, \nLA, LB, LC, LI, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, \nLY, MA, MC, MD, ME, MG, MH, MK, ML, MN, \nMO, MR, MT, MU, MV, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, \nNE, NG, NI, NL, NO, NP, NR, NZ, OM, PA, \nPE, PG, PH, PK, PL, PS, PT, PW, PY, QA, \nRO, RS, RW, SA, SB, SC, SE, SG, SI, SK, \nSL, SM, SN, SR, ST, SV, SZ, TD, TG, TH, \nTJ, TL, TN, TO, TR, TT, TV, TW, TZ, UA, \nUG, US, UY, UZ, VC, VE, VN, VU, WS, XK,\nZA, ZM, ZW, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timestamp\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date of the futured playlists - String in format yyyy-mm-dd\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country one from available :\\nAD, AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AR, AT, AU, AZ, \\nBA, BB, BD, BE, BF, BG, BH, BI, BJ, BN, \\nBO, BR, BS, BT, BW, BZ, CA, CD, CG, CH, \\nCI, CL, CM, CO, CR, CV, CW, CY, CZ, DE, \\nDJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, ET, \\nFI, FJ, FM, FR, GA, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, \\nGN, GQ, GR, GT, GW, GY, HK, HN, HR, HT, \\nHU, ID, IE, IL, IN, IQ, IS, IT, JM, JO, \\nJP, KE, KG, KH, KI, KM, KN, KR, KW, KZ, \\nLA, LB, LC, LI, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, \\nLY, MA, MC, MD, ME, MG, MH, MK, ML, MN, \\nMO, MR, MT, MU, MV, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, \\nNE, NG, NI, NL, NO, NP, NR, NZ, OM, PA, \\nPE, PG, PH, PK, PL, PS, PT, PW, PY, QA, \\nRO, RS, RW, SA, SB, SC, SE, SG, SI, SK, \\nSL, SM, SN, SR, ST, SV, SZ, TD, TG, TH, \\nTJ, TL, TN, TO, TR, TT, TV, TW, TZ, UA, \\nUG, US, UY, UZ, VC, VE, VN, VU, WS, XK,\\nZA, ZM, ZW\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"owner\": {\"external_urls\": {\"spotify\": \"str\"}, \"id\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\"}, \"collaborative\": \"bool\", \"external_urls\": {\"spotify\": \"str\"}, \"total_tracks\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7236", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Halsey Lyric Snippets, api_name:specified {song}, api_description:This endpoint retrieves the specified song by name and returns it in the response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"song\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"lyrics\": [\"list of str with length 14\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7237", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:station, api_name:station, api_description:radio, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7238", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:LANDR Mastering v1, api_name:Master_GetTrackMasterStatus, api_description:Rate Limits: 100 requests per minute\n , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The unique id of the master.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7239", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Halsey Lyric Snippets, api_name:all songs from a specified {artist} and specified {album}, api_description:This endpoint retrieves all songs from the specified album by the specified artist and returns them in the response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"artist\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"album\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"lyrics\": [\"list of str with length 14\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7240", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Halsey Lyric Snippets, api_name:all albums from {artist}, api_description:This endpoint retrieves all albums by the specified artist and returns them in the response.\nUse \"Halsey\" for Halsey's music, required_params: [{\"name\": \"artist\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"songs\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"artist\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7241", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:LANDR Mastering v1, api_name:Webhook_GetWebhookConfiguration, api_description:Get the webhook configuration.\n , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7242", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify_v3, api_name:Track credits, api_description:Get track credits, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Track ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7243", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify_v3, api_name:Top 20 by Monthly Listeners, api_description:Monthly listeners in millions., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7244", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard API_v2, api_name:Greatest of All Time Top Dance Club Artists, api_description:Greatest of All Time Top Dance Club Artists chart.\nSee response example, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7245", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard API_v2, api_name:Greatest of All Time Top Country Artists, api_description:Greatest of All Time Top Country Artists chart.\nSee response example, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7246", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify_v3, api_name:Artist discography overview, api_description:Get artist discography overview, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Artist ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7247", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard API_v2, api_name:Greatest of All Time Holiday 100 Songs, api_description:Greatest of All Time Holiday 100 Songs chart.\nSee response example, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7248", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:SpeechNoted, api_name:Get Voices, api_description:Get available voice, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7249", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Halsey Lyric Snippets, api_name:random song from a specific {artist} and specified {album}, api_description:This endpoint retrieves a random song from the specified album by the specified artist and returns it in the response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"artist\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"album\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"lyrics\": [\"list of str with length 11\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7250", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify_v3, api_name:Top 20 by followers, api_description:Amount of followers in millions., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7251", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Halsey Lyric Snippets, api_name:random song out of {artist}, api_description:This endpoint retrieves a random song by the specified artist and returns it in the response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"artist\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"lyrics\": [\"list of str with length 14\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7252", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify _v2, api_name:Audio Analysis, api_description:Get audio analysis of any track, required_params: [{\"name\": \"track_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7253", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify_v3, api_name:Get Albums, api_description:Get one or more albums, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Album IDs (you can use commas)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7254", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify _v2, api_name:Artist Details (Single), api_description:Get Spotify artist details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"artist_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7255", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Radio World - 75,000+ Worldwide FM Radio stations.., api_name:getAllCountry, api_description:Get all countries Name based on.\n- limit\n- page\n- order, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7256", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Radio World - 75,000+ Worldwide FM Radio stations.., api_name:getAllStation, api_description:You will get all recent stations here, based on.\n- limit (integer)\n- order (string)\n- page (integer)\n- random (boolean), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7257", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Radio World - 75,000+ Worldwide FM Radio stations.., api_name:getStationByCountry, api_description:Getting all Stations by country based on.\n- country id\n- limit\n- page\n- order, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Country ID* to fetch stations (default: 26 (USA))\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7258", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Youtube Music API (Detailed), api_name:Search, api_description:Search YouTube music Returns results within the provided category., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artists\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"category\": \"str\", \"resultType\": \"str\", \"subscribers\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7259", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Radio World - 75,000+ Worldwide FM Radio stations.., api_name:searchStation, api_description:Search Radio station by keywords.\n- keyword = radio name, country name\n- limit = item limitation per page ***default 10***\n- page = page number to be displayed ***default 1***\n- order = order by ASCENDING/DISASCENDING *(use only ASC or DESC)* ***default ASC***, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter search keyword here.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7260", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:247NaijaBuzz, api_name:247NaijaBuzz Media, api_description:For Flash Music Download, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7261", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard-API, api_name:Top Artists, api_description:Provide the YEAR-END Top Artists chart information\n\nIf `year` is not supplied, will default to last year., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7262", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard-API, api_name:HOT 100, api_description:Provide the HOT 100 chart information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"range\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"max range(1-100)\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"format(YYYY-MM-DD)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7263", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:LANDR Mastering v1, api_name:Preview_GetTrackMasterStatus, api_description:Rate Limits: 100 requests per minute\n , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The unique id of the preview.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7264", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard-API, api_name:Portugal Songs, api_description:Provide the Portugal Songs chart information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"range\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"date format(YYYY-MM-DD)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"notice\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7265", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Scraper, api_name:List Top Tracks, api_description:This endpoint lists weekly or daily top tracks at any time and in any country., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7266", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify _v2, api_name:User details, api_description:get user details of any Spotify user, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7267", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/trending/overall, api_description:Treding Youtube (including non-music) videos worldwide, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"highlights\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7268", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/topviews/published/{year}, api_description:Top Youtube viewed videos that was published in year X (X: 2010 - now), required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"views\": \"str\", \"yesterday_views\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7269", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/topcomments, api_description:Top Youtube commented videos of all time, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"comments\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7270", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Top Charts 2022, api_name:Spotify Music, api_description:Spotify top chart songs 2022, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7271", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard API_v2, api_name:Chile Songs, api_description:Chile Songs chart \nis weekly based. \n\nIf `week` is not supplied, will default to last week. \nif the week date is not Saturday, will default to Saturday of that week, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7272", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard API_v2, api_name:Portugal Songs, api_description:Portugal Songs chart \nis weekly based. \n\nIf `week` is not supplied, will default to last week. \nif the week date is not Saturday, will default to Saturday of that week, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7273", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard API_v2, api_name:Greatest of All Time Pop Songs, api_description:Greatest of All Time Pop Songs chart.\nSee response example, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7274", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard-API, api_name:Hot 100 Songs by Women, api_description:Provide the Greatest of All Time Hot 100 Songs by Women chart information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7275", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Shazam API, api_name:artist/get-details, api_description:Retrieving information from an artist profile, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'artist -> adam_id' field returned in \\u2026/search endpoint\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"attributes\": {\"artwork\": {\"bgColor\": \"str\", \"hasP3\": \"bool\", \"height\": \"int\", \"textColor1\": \"str\", \"textColor2\": \"str\", \"textColor3\": \"str\", \"textColor4\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\"}, \"genreNames\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"href\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"relationships\": {\"albums\": {\"data\": [{\"href\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 25}], \"href\": \"str\", \"next\": \"str\"}}, \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7276", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Shazam API, api_name:charts/get-top-songs-in_country_by_genre, api_description:get top songs in country by genre, required_params: [{\"name\": \"genre\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"POP,HIP_HOP_RAP,DANCE,ELECTRONIC,SOUL_RNB,ALTERNATIVE,ROCK,LATIN,FILM_TV,COUNTRY,AFRO_BEATS,WORLDWIDE,REGGAE_DANCE_HALL,HOUSE,K_POP,FRENCH_POP,SINGER_SONGWRITER,REG_MEXICO\"}, {\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"DZ,BY,CI,SN,TN,AU,AT,AZ,AR,BE,BG,BR,GB,HU,VE,VN,GH,DE,GR,DK,EG,ZM,IL,IN,ID,IE,ES,IT,KZ,CM,CA,KE,CN,CO,CR,MY,MA,MX,MZ,NG,NL,NZ,NO,AE,PE,PL,PT,RU,RO,SA,SG,US,TH,TZ,TR,UG,UZ,UA,UY,PH,FI,FR,HR,CZ,CL,CH,SE,ZA,KR,JP\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"next\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"properties\\\": {}, \\\"tracks\\\": [{\\\"artists\\\": [{\\\"adamid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alias\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"highlightsurls\\\": {\\\"artisthighlightsurl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"trackhighlighturl\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"hub\\\": {\\\"actions\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"displayname\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"subtitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"t\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7277", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Shazam API, api_name:charts/get-top-songs-in-country, api_description:get top osngs in country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"DZ,BY,CI,SN,TN,AU,AT,AZ,AR,BE,BG,BR,GB,HU,VE,VN,GH,DE,GR,DK,EG,ZM,IL,IN,ID,IE,ES,IT,KZ,CM,CA,KE,CN,CO,CR,MY,MA,MX,MZ,NG,NL,NZ,NO,AE,PE,PL,PT,RU,RO,SA,SG,US,TH,TZ,TR,UG,UZ,UA,UY,PH,FI,FR,HR,CZ,CL,CH,SE,ZA,KR,JP\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"apple_music_url\": \"str\", \"artist_id\": \"str\", \"key\": \"int\", \"photo_url\": \"NoneType\", \"ringtone\": \"str\", \"sections\": \"empty list\", \"shazam_url\": \"str\", \"spotify_uri\": \"NoneType\", \"spotify_uri_query\": \"NoneType\", \"spotify_url\": \"NoneType\", \"subtitle\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"youtube_link\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7278", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Genius - Song Lyrics, api_name:User Contributions (articles), api_description:User Contributions (articles), required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7279", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Youtube Music API (Detailed), api_name:Get User, api_description:Retrieve a user’s page. A user may own videos or playlists., required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"channelId of the user\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"playlists\": {\"browseId\": \"str\", \"params\": \"str\", \"results\": [{\"description\": \"str\", \"playlistId\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}, \"videos\": {\"browseId\": \"str\", \"results\": [{\"artists\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"playlistId\": \"NoneType\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"title\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\", \"views\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7280", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Youtube Music API (Detailed), api_name:Mood Categories, api_description:Returns mood categories., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Genres\": [{\"params\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 26}], \"Stimmungen\\u00a0& Momente\": [{\"params\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7281", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify, api_name:Artist discography overview, api_description:Get artist discography overview, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Artist ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"artist\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"profile\": {\"name\": \"str\"}, \"discography\": {\"albums\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\"}, \"singles\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\"}, \"compilations\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\"}}}}, \"extensions\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7282", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Web, api_name:Track lyrics, api_description:Get track lyrics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Track ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lyrics\": {\"syncType\": \"str\", \"lines\": [{\"startTimeMs\": \"str\", \"words\": \"str\", \"syllables\": \"empty list\", \"endTimeMs\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 44}], \"provider\": \"str\", \"providerLyricsId\": \"str\", \"providerDisplayName\": \"str\", \"syncLyricsUri\": \"str\", \"isDenseTypeface\": \"bool\", \"alternatives\": \"empty list\", \"language\": \"str\", \"isRtlLanguage\": \"bool\", \"fullscreenAction\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7283", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:K-POP, api_name:random girl-group, api_description:Get random girl-group, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"Group Profile\": \"str\", \"Group Name\": \"str\", \"Short Group Name\": \"NoneType\", \"Korean Name\": \"str\", \"Date of Debut\": \"NoneType\", \"Company\": \"str\", \"Members\": \"str\", \"Orginal Members\": \"str\", \"Fanclub Name\": \"NoneType\", \"Active\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7284", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:K-POP, api_name:random idol, api_description:Get random idol, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"Profile\": \"str\", \"Stage Name\": \"str\", \"Full Name\": \"str\", \"Korean Name\": \"str\", \"K. Stage Name\": \"str\", \"Date of Birth\": \"str\", \"Group\": \"str\", \"Country\": \"str\", \"Second Country\": \"NoneType\", \"Height\": \"str\", \"Weight\": \"str\", \"Birthplace\": \"str\", \"Other Group\": \"NoneType\", \"Former Group\": \"NoneType\", \"Gender\": \"str\", \"Position\": \"NoneType\", \"Instagram\": \"NoneType\", \"Twitter\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7285", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard_v2, api_name:Billboard Global 200, api_description:Get the Billboard Global 200 chart., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7286", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard_v2, api_name:Greatest of All Time Artists, api_description:Get the Greatest of All Time Artists chart., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7287", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Radio World - 75,000+ Worldwide FM Radio stations.., api_name:getAllQuotes, api_description:You will get all the quotes here based on.\n- limit\n- page, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7288", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Miza, api_name:Song concatenation, api_description:Joins one or more audio or video files into a single file.\nInputs are specified by URLs specified by query parameters \"u1\", \"u2\", etc. These URLs may be playlists, which will perform the concat operation on all contained tracks.\nOutput format supports most video and audio formats. See https://mizabot.xyz/downloader for list of available formats, as well as test usage of this API.\nMay or may not be the same input format, codec, or framerate/resolution/aspect ratio (if it is a video), but will take much longer to provide a response compared to the download endpoint, because it must finish all conversion before it can begin streaming.\nRedirects to a URL which will return the output file. This download link will be reusable, but temporary., required_params: [{\"name\": \"u1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7289", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Radio World - 75,000+ Worldwide FM Radio stations.., api_name:getHomePage, api_description:*We have made an option for you to display result in your landing/home page. So you don't have to work hard to achieve this.*\nGet limited radios to show in landing/home page, based on.\n- limit, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7290", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Scraper, api_name:Download Track on YouTube (3 Quotas), api_description:Provides a solution to download a Spotify track on YouTube and returns URLs of audio files. (Powered by [Youtube Media Downloader](https://rapidapi.com/DataFanatic/api/youtube-media-downloader/). Get a better price by subscribing to and using it directly.), required_params: [{\"name\": \"track\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Track ID, track share URL, track name, or other search term.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"youtubeVideo\": {\"searchTerm\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"channel\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"isVerified\": \"bool\", \"isVerifiedArtist\": \"bool\"}, \"audio\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"durationMs\": \"int\", \"durationText\": \"str\", \"mimeType\": \"str\", \"format\": \"str\", \"lastModified\": \"int\", \"size\": \"int\", \"sizeText\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}, \"spotifyTrack\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\", \"durationMs\": \"int\", \"durationText\": \"str\", \"artists\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"album\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\", \"cover\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7291", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusiclinkssApi, api_name:Get artist's albums, api_description:Given a **Spotify url**, returns basic details about albums of artist., required_params: [{\"name\": \"spotify_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"release_date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7292", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Scraper, api_name:Download Track on SoundCloud (3-4 Quotas), api_description:Provides a solution to download a Spotify track on SoundCloud. HQ (4 Quotas) and SQ (3 Quotas) audios. (Tutorial: [How to Use SoundCloud Audio URLs](https://rapidapi.com/DataFanatic/api/soundcloud-scraper/tutorials/how-to-use-audio-urls)) (Powered by [SoundCloud Scraper](https://rapidapi.com/DataFanatic/api/soundcloud-scraper/). Get a better price by subscribing to and using it directly.), required_params: [{\"name\": \"track\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Track ID, track share URL, track name, or other search term.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"soundcloudTrack\": {\"searchTerm\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"permalink\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"user\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"permalink\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\"}, \"audio\": [{\"quality\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"durationMs\": \"int\", \"durationText\": \"str\", \"mimeType\": \"str\", \"format\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}, \"spotifyTrack\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\", \"durationMs\": \"int\", \"durationText\": \"str\", \"artists\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"album\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\", 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[], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7348", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/topartist/{year}, api_description:Youtube top artist of all time / or at a specific year.\nLeave {year} blank for all time data, or specify a year., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"views\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7349", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/24h/{type}, api_description:Youtube most viewed music video by content language type: (English, Spanish, Asian or Other), required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"views\": \"str\", \"likes\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7350", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, 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\"height\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7353", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Genius - Song Lyrics, api_name:Song Recommendations, api_description:Song Recommendations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Song ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"song_recommendations\\\": {\\\"_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"api_path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"recommendation_strategy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"recommendations\\\": [{\\\"_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unique_common_viewers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"recommended_song\\\": {\\\"_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"annotation_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"api_path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"artist_names\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"full_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"header_image_thumbnail_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"header_image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"instrumental\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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api_description:MP3 Downloader, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keywords\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"state\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"total\": \"str\", \"list\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"album\": \"str\", \"song_time_minutes\": \"str\", \"album_image\": \"str\", \"album_image_120\": \"str\", \"release_date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7355", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Youtube Music API (Detailed), api_name:Get Watch Playlist, api_description:Get a watch list of tracks. This watch playlist appears when you press play on a track in YouTube Music.\n\n\nList of watch playlist items. The counterpart key is optional and only appears if a song has a corresponding video counterpart (UI song/video switcher)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"video_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lyrics\": \"NoneType\", \"playlistId\": \"str\", \"related\": \"str\", \"tracks\": [{\"artists\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"feedbackTokens\": \"NoneType\", \"length\": \"str\", \"likeStatus\": \"NoneType\", \"thumbnail\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"title\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\", \"videoType\": \"str\", \"views\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 25}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7356", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Genius - Song Lyrics, api_name:User Accomplishments, api_description:User Accomplishments, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7357", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Genius - Song Lyrics, api_name:Annotation Versions, api_description:Annotation Versions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Annotation ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"versions\": [{\"body\": {}, \"created_at\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"user\": {\"_type\": \"str\", \"about_me_summary\": \"str\", \"api_path\": \"str\", \"avatar\": {\"tiny\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"bounding_box\": {\"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}}, \"thumb\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"bounding_box\": {\"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}}, \"small\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"bounding_box\": {\"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"bounding_box\": {\"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}}}, \"header_image_url\": \"str\", \"human_readable_role_for_display\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"iq\": \"int\", \"is_meme_verified\": \"bool\", \"is_verified\": \"bool\", \"login\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"role_for_display\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"current_user_metadata\": {\"permissions\": \"empty list\", \"excluded_permissions\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"interactions\": {\"following\": \"bool\"}}}, \"_list_length\": 8}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7358", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Scraper, api_name:List User Followers, api_description:This endpoint lists part of a user's followers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7359", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AndroidAPI, api_name:get all data from api, api_description:read all data from api to show on detail screen, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7360", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AndroidAPI, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:get data by Id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"getId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7361", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:YC Hacker news official, api_name:top stories, api_description:Returns the current top 100 stories., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7362", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:YC Hacker news official, api_name:ask stories, api_description:Up to 200 of the latest Ask HN Stories!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7363", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:PetStoreAPI2.0, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sold\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"unavailable\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"cat\": \"int\", \"dgdfgdf\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"peric\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7364", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:YC Hacker news official, api_name:user by id, api_description:Users are identified by case-sensitive ids, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"about\": \"str\", \"created\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"karma\": \"int\", \"submitted\": [\"list of int with length 142\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7365", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:PetStoreAPI2.0, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7366", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Uganda Company Data, api_name:Search by company name, api_description:Perform a search on the Uganda company register by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"NoneType\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"subType\": \"str\", \"no\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"score\": {\"sound\": \"float\", \"text\": \"float\"}, \"similarity\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7367", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Custom QR Code, api_name:Dynamic QR Codes, api_description:Generate dynamic QR Codes with custom colors for Qr Code Background, Qr Code Body, eyes and eyeballs. Choose designs for QR Body, QR eyes and eyeballs. Encode URL, TEXT, EMAIL, PHONE, SMS, VCARD, LOCATION, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, YOUTUBE, WIFI, EVENT, BITCOIN in your QR Code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7368", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:VerticalResponse, api_name:Contacts: List, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7369", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:VerticalResponse, api_name:Messages: List, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7370", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:SOTI Sync, api_name:Enterprise Customer, api_description:Is he a Enterprise Customer?, required_params: [{\"name\": \"EntCustomer\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7371", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:VerticalResponse, api_name:Lists: List, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7372", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:SOTI Sync, api_name:Email, api_description:Fetch Customer Email, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7373", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Sapling Intelligence, api_name:Private Endpoint, api_description:https://api.sapling.ai/, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7374", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:news, api_name:news, api_description:news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7375", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Comparable Companies, api_name:/contacts, api_description:Returns a list of contact persons (incl. email addresses) at a given company.\n\nQuerying the same domain multiple times will only cost a single search credit.\n\nQuerying a domain that you have already queried through the /similar endpoint will not cost any credit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) The company domain for which you want to look up contacts for (e.g. unilever.com). Providing a URL works as well, we will then parse the domain on our end.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7376", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:567 Live app 2022, api_name:567 Live | Tải App Mới Nhất 2022 Tại Trang Chủ Chính Thức, api_description:567 Live có trang chủ 567live.io duy nhất chính xác. Cung cấp đủ link tải 567 live app an toàn cho bạn phiên bản mới nhất.\nĐịa chỉ : 99 Giải Phóng, Đồng Tâm, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội\nGoogle map https://www.google.com/maps?cid=7118718670140148249 \nHotline 0978720550\nGmail: 567liveapp@gmail.com\nWebsite https://567live.io/ \nhttps://sites.google.com/view/567live-app/\nhttps://567live.io/tai-ve/567live-apk \nhttps://567live.io/tai-ve/567live-ios\nhttps://567live.io/thu-muc/app-live/ \nhttps://folkd.com/user/567liveapp\nhttps://sketchfab.com/567liveapp\nhttps://forums.iis.net/members/567liveapp.aspx\nhttps://wefunder.com/567live\nhttps://www.ultimate-guitar.com/u/567liveapp\nhttps://www.thingiverse.com/567liveapp/designs\nhttps://www.tickaroo.com/user/61fe0be0ed68b63b06bd40d5\nhttps://www.goodreads.com/user/show/147284265-567live\nhttps://gifyu.com/567liveapp\nhttps://ignitiondeck.com/id/dashboard/?backer_profile=153894\nhttps://www.sqlservercentral.com/forums/user/567liveapp\nhttps://abroadsanjal.com/index.php?qa=user&qa_1=567live\nhttps://beermapping.com/account/567liveapp\nhttps://www.zoimas.com/profile/567liveapp1/about\nhttps://www.eduvision.edu.pk/counseling/index.php?qa=user&qa_1=567liveapp\nhttps://567live.hpage.com/\nhttps://www.leetchi.com/en/c/5Yj6J40r\nhttps://public.tableau.com/app/profile/567live\nhttps://www.brownbook.net/user-profile/4782891\nhttps://amara.org/en/profiles/profile/MndaPixiSx4HXYOyjdeCtoryc1vYtjp933bdJZs6MYo/\nhttps://cycling74.com/author/6201cfb5d540c65659fc25e7\nhttps://api.rakuten.net/user/567liveapp\nhttps://lnk.bio/567live\nhttps://www.pozible.com/profile/567live\nhttps://new.edmodo.com/home\nhttp://www.nfomedia.com/profile?uid=rKfQfiD&result=ep5dbp81\nhttps://degreed.com/profile/567liveapp/overview\nhttps://bittube.tv/profile/567live\nhttps://git.feneas.org/567liveapp\nhttps://forum.singaporeexpats.com/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=370389\nhttps://sallatunturinkoulu.purot.net/profile/567liveapp\nhttps://liveviewsports.com/community/profile/567live/\nhttp://q2a.sydt.com.tw/index.php?qa=user&qa_1=567live, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7377", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Web scraping and proxy, api_name:Target URL, api_description:To make a request, you simply include the target URL API will return the data from that site. Optional configuration options, like proxies, location of the request, and more are possible to include., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The URL to extract the data from. Note that this parameter should include the full HTTP Protocol (http:// or https://). If your URL has parameters, you should encode it. For example the & character would be encoded to %26. Your should check your language for native support of URL encoding or use a third party library.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7378", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Basic Info vikkon Assets, api_name:Get Device-Asset by Identifier, api_description:External info Device-Asset by Identifier, required_params: [{\"name\": \"identifier\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7379", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Deal Catcher, api_name:Get rentals, api_description:Get rentals, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"desc\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"float\", \"address\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7380", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:360 Business Tool, api_name:GetCompanies, api_description:Get all companies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7381", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CloudWays_v2, api_name:GET, api_description:Response Class (Status 200), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7382", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in AU, api_name:properties/detail, api_description:Get detailed information of a property, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of 'listingId' field returned in .../properties/list endpoint or 'id' field returned in .../auto-complete endpoint with type as listing\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7383", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in AU, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:Get suggestions by term or phrase. The returned data will be used with .../properties/list endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any term or phrase you are familiar with. It can be an address to get the property id directly to use with .../properties/detail endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_embedded\": {\"suggestions\": [{\"display\": {\"subtext\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"id\": \"str\", \"source\": {\"atlasId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}, \"count\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7384", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Check Mail, api_name:/validate.php?action=validate&id={user@example.com}, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"useremail\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7385", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:SOTI Sync, api_name:Customer Name, api_description:Fetch Customer Name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7386", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Passbook, api_name:Download Pass, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"passtypeidentifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"serialnumber\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7387", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Passbook, api_name:List Passes, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7388", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:French Vehicle License Plate API, api_name:search, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7389", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:ExplorArc's Internel Links Crawler, api_name:Crawler, api_description:The Best API t Fetch all the Internel Links from an given URL, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\", \"totalLinks\": \"int\", \"moreLinks\": \"int\", \"links\": [\"list of str with length 432\"], \"more\": [\"list of str with length 355\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7390", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in AU, api_name:schools/list, api_description:List schools around a GEO location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The latitude of GEO location\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The longitude of GEO location\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"all\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"sector\": \"str\", \"year_range\": \"str\", \"school_type\": \"str\", \"address\": {\"street\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\"}, \"location\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"accuracy\": \"str\"}, \"distance\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 10}], \"primary\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"sector\": \"str\", \"year_range\": \"str\", \"school_type\": \"str\", \"address\": {\"street\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\"}, \"location\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"accuracy\": \"str\"}, \"distance\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 10}], \"secondary\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"sector\": \"str\", \"year_range\": \"str\", \"school_type\": \"str\", \"address\": {\"street\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\"}, \"location\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"accuracy\": \"str\"}, \"distance\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7391", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:German Company Data_v2, api_name:/companies/{id}/people, api_description:This endpoint returns the information about people associated with the company with the given identifier. The information includes names, roles, email addresses, and phone numbers, if available., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7392", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:German Company Data_v2, api_name:/companies/{id}/events, api_description:This endpoint returns the latest events about the company with the given identifier since the given timestamp. This timestamp is optional and is specified via a query parameter. Events come with a type (companies' register event, blog article, press release, etc.), a category (change in management, finances, merger/acquisition, etc.), a text (the content of the event), a source, and a timestamp., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7393", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:German Company Data_v2, api_name:/companies/{id}/data, api_description:This endpoint returns the basic information of the company with the given identifier. The information includes all the core data (name, address), web data if known (phone, fax, email, url, social media profiles), legal information (registry, founding date, capital), up to three industries, and revenue and employees class., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Implisense identifier of the company.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7394", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Forbes worlds billionaires list, api_name:Get Billionaires, api_description:This method can get you full list of Forbes billionaires by year.If you want you can search by name or filtered by country or country of citizenship. This api can get list of people page by page and you can search max 100 limit per one request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"size\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You can search max 100 person list per one request.\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"personLists\\\": [{\\\"naturalId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"premiumProfile\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"month\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"listUri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"finalWorth\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"otherCompensation\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"person\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"imageExists\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"squareImage\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"visible\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"personName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"age\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"source\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"industries\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"countryOfCitizenship\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"organization\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"version\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageExists\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"selfMade\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"birthDate\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"firstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listDescription\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"employment\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"government\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"date\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wealthList\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"familyList\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"selfMadeRank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"residenceStateRegion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"squareImage\\\": \\\"str\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7395", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AgroFitData, api_name:FindByPestScientificName, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"pestScientificName\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7396", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AgroFitData, api_name:GetPestsScientificName, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7397", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Test New Team, api_name:asd, api_description:asd, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7398", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Slovenia Company Data, api_name:Basic Search, api_description:Basic text based search for company names registered in Slovenia, required_params: [{\"name\": \"s\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"method\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7399", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Quickbooks, api_name:/api/Customer/{id}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7400", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Quickbooks, api_name:/api/Customer, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7401", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Florida Realty API, api_name:getListing, api_description:Use this endpoint to get detailed information about a single condominium or townhouse., required_params: [{\"name\": \"identifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The unique identifier of a listing you'll got before from getListings. Each OfferForPurchase has got an attribute named Identifier that is used on this endpoint to get the details of the property.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"@context\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 10\\\"], \\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ActionStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Result\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DateModified\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Creator\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Address\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StreetAddress\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PostalCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressLocality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressCountry\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ContactPoint\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EMail\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"SameAs\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Offers\\\": [{\\\"@context\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 15\\\"], \\\"@id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Identifier\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"OfferedBy\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Name\\\": 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\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The name of the image to load.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7403", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Florida Realty API, api_name:getListings, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of condominiums and townhouses in Southwest Florida and on the East Coast., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"@context\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 10\\\"], \\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ActionStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Result\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Creator\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Address\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StreetAddress\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PostalCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressLocality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AddressCountry\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ContactPoint\\\": {\\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EMail\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"SameAs\\\": 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"metadata": {}} {"_id": "7404", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:TEXTKING Translation, api_name:Get language, api_description:Returns a single language with the given ISO 639 language code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ISO 639 language code.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"localization_language\": \"str\", \"links\": [{\"rel\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7405", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla, api_name:House prices & values, api_description:House prices & values, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_area\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"currentPage\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"__typename\": \"str\", \"cursor\": \"str\", \"node\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"address\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"fullAddress\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"uprn\": \"str\"}, \"attributes\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"bathrooms\": \"NoneType\", \"bedrooms\": \"NoneType\", \"livingRooms\": \"NoneType\", \"propertyType\": \"NoneType\", \"tenure\": \"NoneType\"}, \"lastSale\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\"}, \"propertyId\": \"NoneType\", \"saleEstimate\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"lowerPrice\": \"int\", \"upperPrice\": \"int\"}, \"uprn\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 10}], \"message\": \"str\", \"resultsPerPage\": \"int\", \"status\": \"bool\", \"totalResultCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7406", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Phone Validator API, api_name:Is mobile?, api_description:Returns `true` or `false` depending on whether the number is a mobile line or not., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7407", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Phone Validator API, api_name:Is valid?, api_description:Validates both phone number length and the actual phone number digits, returns `true` or `false`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7408", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Phone Validator API, api_name:Country ISO 3166, api_description:Returns the officially assigned ISO alpha-2 country code, on [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7409", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:MCA Corporate Verifications, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7410", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:123CACA, api_name:samburg boologn, api_description:visit https://123goal.info, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7411", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:TEXTKING Translation, api_name:Get job, api_description:Returns a single job with the given ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"projectid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The project UUID.\"}, {\"name\": \"jobid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The job UUID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7412", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:TEXTKING Translation, api_name:List target languages, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"per_page\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"localization_language\": \"str\", \"links\": [{\"rel\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 44}], \"links\": [{\"rel\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7413", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:TEXTKING Translation, api_name:Download source document, api_description:Downloads the source document for a job., required_params: [{\"name\": \"projectid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The project UUID.\"}, {\"name\": \"jobid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The job UUID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7414", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Email Verifier, api_name:/v2/, api_description:Email Verifier Api, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The email address to be verified\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7415", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:8prd2T1api1, api_name:ep1, api_description:ep1 test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7416", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Flight Booking, api_name:API , api_description:API Key, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7417", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Company Consultation Reportero Industrial Mexicano API, api_name:Company By Name, api_description:Return company data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7418", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:German Company Data_v2, api_name:/companies/{id}/financials, api_description:This endpoint returns the financial key figures (balance sheet total, revenue, profit, number of employees) for the company with the given identifier. For each key figure the endpoint returns a list of values associated with the corresponding year., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7419", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realtor Data API for Real Estate, api_name:RealtorSchoolList, api_description:This endpoint will give you the Realtor School List with the data as given below, if you provide the city, state_code and page.\nParameters:\ncity: San Jose or New York etc\nstate_code: CA or NY etc\nschool_level: It can be either one of them (elementary, middle, high, private & charter)\npage: min = 1 and max can be depends on the total number of results. \n\n`{\n \"coordinates\": {\n \"lat\": 37.247605,\n \"lon\": -121.946069\n },\n \"funding_type\": \"public\",\n \"grades\": [\n \"K\",\n \"1\",\n \"2\",\n \"3\",\n \"4\",\n \"5\"\n ],\n \"id\": \"078653021\",\n \"location\": {\n \"city\": \"San Jose\",\n \"city_slug_id\": \"San-Jose_CA\",\n \"state\": \"CA\"\n },\n \"name\": \"Carlton Elementary School\",\n \"parent_rating\": 4,\n \"rating\": 9,\n \"review_count\": 27,\n \"school url\": \"https://www.realtor.com/local/schools/Carlton-Elementary-School-078653021\"\n }`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"school_level\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"state_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7420", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:German Company Data_v2, api_name:/companies/{id}/financials/exists, api_description:This endpoint returns the list of years for which financial key figures (balance sheet total, revenue, profit, number of employees) for the company with the given identifier are available. The purpose of this endpoint is to give the user the opportunity to avoid potentially expensive and useless calles to the /financials-endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7421", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realtor Data API for Real Estate, api_name:RealtorPropertyList, api_description:This endpoint will give you the Realtor Property List with the data as given below, if you provide the city, state_code and offset.\nParameters:\ncity: San Jose or New York\nstate_code: CA or NY\noffset: min = 0 and max can be depends on the total number of results. but the maximum number of results you can see at a time is 42. So you need to keep increasing the offset value by 42 to achieve a pagination. To achieve pagination you have to start the offset from 0 and increase the offset by 42.\n\n`{\n \"agent\": [\n {\n \"office_name\": \"CENTURY21 REAL ESTATE ALLIANCE\"\n },\n {\n \"office_name\": null\n }\n ],\n \"branding\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"CENTURY 21 Real Estate Alliance\",\n \"photo\": null,\n \"type\": \"Office\"\n }\n ],\n \"last_update_date\": \"2022-12-06T01:24:16Z\",\n \"list_date\": \"2022-08-23T23:24:23Z\",\n \"list_price\": 875000,\n \"listing_id\": \"2946989531\",\n \"location\": {\n \"address\": {\n \"city\": \"San Francisco\",\n \"coordinate\": {\n \"lat\": 37.71979,\n \"lon\": -122.462898\n },\n \"line\": \"9 Garfield St\",\n \"postal_code\": \"94132\",\n \"state\": \"California\",\n \"state_code\": \"CA\"\n },\n \"county\": {\n \"fips_code\": \"06075\",\n \"name\": \"San Francisco\"\n },\n \"street_view_url\": 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"text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:360 Business Tool, api_name:GetCasesSince, api_description:Get cases modified since, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timestamp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7453", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:TEXTKING Translation, api_name:List topics, api_description:Returns a collection of all available topics., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"per_page\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"localization_language\": \"str\", \"links\": [{\"rel\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 13}], \"links\": [{\"rel\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7454", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Project Gutenberg API, api_name:Search Books, api_description:Search for books using full name or just a snippit and get the book's ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7455", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Project Gutenberg API, api_name:Extract Info, api_description:Get all the informations about a book using it's ID\nInformations : \n- title.\n- authors.\n- language.\n- download links.\n- download count.\nand much more ..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"authors\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"birth_year\": \"int\", \"death_year\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"translators\": \"empty list\", \"subjects\": [\"list of str with length 9\"], \"bookshelves\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"languages\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"copyright\": \"bool\", \"media_type\": \"str\", \"formats\": {\"text/plain\": \"str\", \"application/octet-stream\": \"str\", \"text/plain; charset=us-ascii\": \"str\", \"application/x-mobipocket-ebook\": \"str\", \"application/epub+zip\": \"str\", \"image/jpeg\": \"str\", \"text/html\": \"str\", \"application/rdf+xml\": \"str\"}, \"download_count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7456", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Abuse IP Check, api_name:CHECK Endpoint, api_description:The check endpoint accepts a single IP address (v4 or v6). Optionally you may set the maxAgeInDays parameter to only return reports within the last x amount of days.\n\nThe desired data is stored in the data property. Here you can inspect details regarding the IP address queried, such as version, country of origin, usage type, ISP, and domain name. And of course, there is the valuable abusive reports.\n\nGeolocation, usage type, ISP, and domain name are sourced from the IP2Location™ IP Address Geolocation Database. If you're looking for a performant IP database for geolocation, then use their product directly.\n\nThe isWhitelisted property reflects whether the IP is spotted in any of our whitelists. Our whitelists give the benefit of the doubt to many IPs, so it generally should not be used as a basis for action. The abuseConfidenceScore is a better basis for action, because it is nonbinary and allows for nuance. The isWhitelisted property may be null if a whitelist lookup was not performed.\n\nThe usageType is a string that describes the general usage of this address. Possible values are:\n\nCommercial\nOrganization\nGovernment\nMilitary\nUniversity/College/School\nLibrary\nContent Delivery Network\nFixed Line ISP\nMobile ISP\nData Center/Web Hosting/Transit\nSearch Engine Spider\nReserved\nThe maxAgeInDays parameter determines how far back in time we go to fetch reports. In this example, we ask for reports no older than 90 days. The default is 30.\n\nThe totalReports property is a sum of the reports within maxAgeInDays.\n\nReports are included in this response because the verbose flag was added. Omitting the verbose flag will exclude reports and the country name field. If you want to keep your response payloads light, this is recommended. The reports array is limited to 10,000 elements. Only reports within the timeframe of maxAgeInDays are considered.\n\nThe IP address should be url-encoded, because IPv6 addresses use colons, which are reserved characters in URIs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ipAddress\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"ipAddress\": \"str\", \"isPublic\": \"bool\", \"ipVersion\": \"int\", \"isWhitelisted\": \"bool\", \"abuseConfidenceScore\": \"int\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"usageType\": \"str\", \"isp\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"hostnames\": \"empty list\", \"isTor\": \"bool\", \"totalReports\": \"int\", \"numDistinctUsers\": \"int\", \"lastReportedAt\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7457", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CPF Format Validation, api_name:TOKEN, api_description:Returns the authentication token., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"token\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7458", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:USPTO Trademark, api_name:/v1/databaseStatus, api_description:Returns info about the freshness of the Trademark Search API database.\n\n`last_update_date` holds the date of the newest entry from USPTO filling entries that is synced to the API. \n\n`latest_trademark` array holds 10 random samples from the most recent confirmed registered trademarks, the `keyword`, the `registration_number` and the `registration_date` . Please note the date could be a few days back as not every day are published new registration of trademarks. They publish daily new partial filings and abandoned trademarks., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"last_update_date\": \"str\", \"latest_trademarks\": [{\"keyword\": \"str\", \"registration_number\": \"str\", \"serial_number\": \"str\", \"status_label\": \"str\", \"registration_date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7459", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Self-help Quotes, api_name:Get all available self-help books, api_description:Get a list of all available books in addition to the total count of quotes available from that book, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"book_id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"purchase_link\": \"str\", \"quotes_count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7460", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:USPTO Trademark, api_name:/v1/trademarkAvailable, api_description:returns if the given keyword is available, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"keyword\": \"str\", \"available\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7461", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:GST Return Status, api_name:/gstin, api_description:Get Details about GSTIN (GST number) and following \n1. Latest Return filing list\n2. GST Compliance Classification\n3. HSN/SAC, required_params: [{\"name\": \"gstin\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"compCategory\": \"str\", \"dty\": \"str\", \"hsn\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"lgnm\": \"str\", \"pan\": \"str\", \"sts\": \"str\", \"tradeName\": \"str\", \"pincode\": \"str\", \"gstin\": \"str\", \"mandatedeInvoice\": \"str\", \"einvoiceStatus\": \"str\", \"ctb\": \"str\", \"aggreTurnOverFY\": \"str\", \"aggreTurnOver\": \"str\", \"rgdt\": \"str\", \"nba\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"cxdt\": \"str\", \"ctj\": \"str\", \"stj\": \"str\", \"adr\": \"str\", \"meta\": {\"latestgtsr1\": \"str\", \"latestgtsr3b\": \"str\", \"syncMasterDate\": \"str\", \"syncReturnDate\": \"str\"}, \"fillingFreq\": {\"2023_Q1\": \"str\", \"2023_Q2\": \"str\", \"2023_Q3\": \"str\", \"2023_Q4\": \"str\"}, \"returns\": [{\"fy\": \"str\", \"dof\": \"str\", \"rtntype\": \"str\", \"taxp\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 22}]}, \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7462", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:constructioness, api_name:ad, api_description:ad, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7463", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:360 Business Tool, api_name:GetCompaniesSince, api_description:Get companies modified since, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timestamp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7464", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Bayut, api_name:agencies/get-listings, api_description:Get listing belonging to an agency, required_params: [{\"name\": \"agencySlug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of hits -> slug field returned in .../agencies/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hits\": \"empty list\", \"nbHits\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"nbPages\": \"int\", \"hitsPerPage\": \"int\", \"exhaustiveNbHits\": \"bool\", \"exhaustive\": {\"nbHits\": \"bool\"}, \"query\": \"str\", \"params\": \"str\", \"processingTimeMS\": \"int\", \"processingTimingsMS\": {\"getIdx\": {\"load\": {\"dicts\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}, \"total\": \"int\"}, \"request\": {\"roundTrip\": \"int\"}, \"total\": \"int\"}, \"serverTimeMS\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7465", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Bayut, api_name:properties/detail, api_description:Get detail information of a property, required_params: [{\"name\": \"externalID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of externalID returned in ..../properties/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"objectID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ownerID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userExternalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sourceID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geography\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"purpose\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"product\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productLabel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rentFrequency\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"referenceNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"permitNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"externalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"level\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"externalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"category\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"level\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"externalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameSingular\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameSingular_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"createdAt\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"approvedAt\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"updatedAt\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"touchedAt\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"reactivatedAt\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"rooms\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"baths\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"area\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"score_l1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7466", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:OFAC Service, api_name:GET /data/entity/{uid}, api_description:Gets an entity record by `uid`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": {\"published_date\": \"str\", \"total_entry_count\": \"int\", \"total_aka_count\": \"int\"}, \"entity\": {\"uid\": \"int\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"title\": \"NoneType\", \"type\": \"str\", \"remarks\": \"str\", \"score\": \"int\", \"matched_name\": \"NoneType\", \"alt_names\": \"empty list\", \"addresses\": \"empty list\", \"ids\": [{\"id_type\": \"str\", \"id_number\": \"str\", \"id_country\": \"str\", \"issue_date\": \"NoneType\", \"expiration_date\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"birth_dates\": [{\"birth_date\": \"str\", \"main_entry\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"ErrorCode\": \"NoneType\", \"ErrorMessage\": \"NoneType\", \"Success\": \"bool\", \"Details\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7467", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:OFAC Service, api_name:GET /data/info, api_description:Gets an information about OFAC database., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7468", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Bayut, api_name:agencies/list, api_description:List agencies or search for agencies by name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"hits\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"agentsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"externalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"product\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productScore\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"licenses\\\": [{\\\"number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"authority\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"logo\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locations\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"objectID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"externalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_geoloc\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"geography\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"level\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hierarchy\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"level\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"externalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"adCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"aliases\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"hasBuilding\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"trackID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"roles\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"completionStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7469", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Sertifi eSignature and ePayment, api_name:/v1/users/{email}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email of the user\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"isError\": \"bool\", \"messages\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7470", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:DL Format Validation, api_name:GetArchiveReport, api_description:Gets Archived DL Report, required_params: [{\"name\": \"AppId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7471", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Florida Realty API, api_name:getCities, api_description:Get a list of supported cities with some data about those cities like the number of residents, the latitude, longitude, altitude and a description and image of the city., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"@context\": [\"list of str with length 12\"], \"@type\": \"str\", \"ActionStatus\": \"str\", \"Result\": [{\"@type\": \"str\", \"Identifier\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Latitude\": \"float\", \"Longitude\": \"float\", \"Altitude\": {\"@type\": \"str\", \"UnitCode\": \"str\", \"Value\": \"int\"}, \"Description\": [{\"@value\": \"str\", \"@language\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"NumberOfResidents\": \"int\", \"SameAs\": \"str\", \"Photo\": {\"@type\": \"str\", \"EncodingFormat\": \"str\", \"ContentUrl\": \"str\"}, \"Address\": {\"@type\": \"str\", \"AddressRegion\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 13}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7472", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Convert Company Name to Website URL, api_name:getWebsite, api_description:Get Company Website from Company Name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7473", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:ExplorArc's OpenGraph Crawling API, api_name:OG, api_description:The Best API to Fetch all the OpenGraph and Meta tags from an given website URL, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"siteName\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"locale\": {\"name\": \"str\"}, \"image\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"alternate-link\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7474", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:MyMemory - Translation Memory, api_name:search translations, api_description:This API gets a list of translation from the translation memory ranked by quality and similarity (what we call match). MyMemory will check if a sentence has been already translated in the private TM specified. If we don't find it in the private TM of the translator, we search it in the public TMs (shared among all the translators). Again, if we don't have this translation we ask MT providers to generate it. In order to get the best from MyMemory, it is highly recommended to use different keys for each translators and also different keys for different topics (as a real Translation Memory)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"langpair\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The language pair. Two ISO-631 language codes, separated by |.\\nMyMemory support over 80 languages but some combinations may contains no data. Nepali into Vietnamese?\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the text you want to translate. Normally a sentence.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"responseData\": {\"translatedText\": \"str\", \"match\": \"int\"}, \"quotaFinished\": \"bool\", \"mtLangSupported\": \"NoneType\", \"responseDetails\": \"str\", \"responseStatus\": \"int\", \"responderId\": \"NoneType\", \"exception_code\": \"NoneType\", \"matches\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"segment\": \"str\", \"translation\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"target\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"int\", \"reference\": \"NoneType\", \"usage-count\": \"int\", \"subject\": \"str\", \"created-by\": \"str\", \"last-updated-by\": \"str\", \"create-date\": \"str\", \"last-update-date\": \"str\", \"match\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7475", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Free Cashback, api_name:Cashabck, api_description:Access this for cashback feed, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ctype\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"cid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7476", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:360 Business Tool, api_name:GetAllRecords, api_description:Get all data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7477", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Company Consultation Reportero Industrial Mexicano API, api_name:Product By Name, api_description:Return product data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7478", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:YC Hacker news official, api_name:new stories, api_description:Returns the current top 100 stories., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7479", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:ALT Coins, api_name:meme, api_description:Provide memes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7480", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:0MMO, api_name:0MMO, api_description:0MMO is the number 1 site offering the very best software designed for Internet Marketers from 2008!\nAddress Novokosinskaya 14k7, Moscow,119034, Russia\nHotline 0945273782\nEmail: support@0mmo.net\nhttps://www.0mmo.net \nhttps://www.0mmo.net/gb \nhttps://www.0mmo.net/im-tools \nhttps://www.0mmo.net/wp \nhttps://www.0mmo.net/tutorials \nhttps://www.liveinternet.ru/users/0mmo/profile\nhttps://dribbble.com/0mmo/about\nhttps://infogram.com/0mmonet-1h7g6k0e17ry02o?live\nhttps://www.babelcube.com/user/0m-mo\nhttps://www.spreaker.com/user/15816794\nhttps://sketchfab.com/0mmo\nhttps://gitlab-test.eclipse.org/0mmo\nhttps://w3techs.com/users/profile/2751735\nhttps://www.scoop.it/topic/0m-mo\nhttps://0mmo.hpage.com/\nhttps://www.diigo.com/user/ommonet\nhttps://forums.iis.net/members/0mmo.aspx\nhttps://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/0mmonet9\nhttps://pinshape.com/users/1775513-0mmonet#designs-tab-open\nhttps://osf.io/xmzqj/\nhttps://gitlab.tue.nl/0mmo\nhttps://git.qt.io/0mmo\nhttps://communities.bentley.com/members/53bef9c4_2d00_8015_2d00_43ab_2d00_8a9c_2d00_d7d0b2a8d418\nhttps://myanimelist.net/profile/0mmo\nhttps://app.glosbe.com/profile/6875826798379142906\nhttps://8tracks.com/users/0mmo\nhttps://0mmo.cgsociety.org/profile\nhttps://api.rakuten.net/user/0mmonet\nhttps://www.forexfactory.com/0mmonet\nhttps://os.mbed.com/users/0mmonet/\nhttps://xclams.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/0mmonet\nhttp://photozou.jp/user/top/3300078\nhttps://www.designspiration.com/0mmonet9/saves/\nhttps://piqs.de/user/0mmo/account/\nhttps://hypothes.is/users/0mmo\nhttps://www.renderosity.com/users/0mmonet\nhttps://onmogul.com/0mmo\nhttps://www.hulkshare.com/0mmo\nhttps://writeablog.net/qur56j124j\nhttps://www.noteflight.com/profile/137b8a32fba12c039d5987842f5b20676af05440\nhttps://blogfreely.net/me/posts/\nhttps://www.cakeresume.com/dashboard\nhttps://appsliced.co/u/0mmo\nhttps://dashburst.com/0mmo\nhttps://timeswriter.com/members/0mmo/profile/\nhttps://www.csslight.com/profile/0mmo\nhttps://git.feneas.org/0mmonet9\nhttps://www.phuot.vn/members/0mmo.267461/\nhttps://startupmatcher.com/p/0mmo\nhttps://getpocket.com/@0mmo\nhttps://www.free-ebooks.net/profile/1356925/0mmo\nhttps://www.cnccode.com/user/0mmo\nhttps://amara.org/en/profiles/profile/pOFx88VGGOI-X9mHsomnquPySAFAWbW6JlrFYtYIgKU/\nhttps://en.eyeka.com/u/0mmo\nhttp://gitlab.aic.ru/0mmo\nhttp://www.asmetalwork.1gb.ua/forum/user/edit/56363.page\nhttps://band.us/band/86095136\nhttps://www.tripline.net/0mmo/\nhttps://bookme.name/0mmonet\nhttps://able2know.org/user/0mmo/\nhttps://profile.hatena.ne.jp/huyss/profile\nhttps://lackky.com/0mmonet\nhttps://www.webmasterpro.de/user/0mmonet/\nhttps://openuserjs.org/users/0mmo\nhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/0mmo/, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7481", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Domain Authority, api_name:Domain/URL Metrics, api_description:This Will Get Domain Authority and Page Rank For Any Domain/URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"domainAuthority\": \"int\", \"pageAuthority\": \"int\", \"isDomain\": \"bool\", \"operationId\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}, \"resultInfo\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"elapsedTime\": \"int\", \"success\": \"bool\", \"captchaValid\": \"NoneType\", \"captchaVersion\": \"NoneType\", \"captchaV3Score\": \"NoneType\", \"inputError\": \"bool\", \"inMaintenance\": \"bool\", \"premiumResultCount\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7482", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Idealista_v2, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:Get auto complete suggestion by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"prefix\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any term or phrase that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7483", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Idealista_v2, api_name:properties/detail, api_description:Get property detail, required_params: [{\"name\": \"propertyCode\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of propertyCode field returned in .../properties/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7484", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Idealista_v2, api_name:zois/detail, api_description:Get information about specific zone of interest, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zoiId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of zoiId field returned in .../auto-complete endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7485", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Proxy Detection, api_name:Proxy Detection API, api_description:API will detect if an ip address is related to a proxy of any kind. Checks through a database of over 26 million proxies., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The IP address to be tested.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7486", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:partydiva, api_name:party, api_description:party, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7487", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Streak CRM for GMAIL, api_name:Pipeline, api_description:Pipelines represent a business process that a user would like managed., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7488", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Streak CRM for GMAIL, api_name:User, api_description:User call, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7489", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:UK VRM Lookup, api_name:search, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7490", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:print, api_name:Get all, api_description:Gets all the data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7491", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:ShopeeApi, api_name:Status, api_description:Verify if is up, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7492", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:NY Times - Top Stories, api_name:List stories by section, api_description:The Top Stories API returns an array of articles currently on the specified section., required_params: [{\"name\": \"section\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The section the story appears in.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fault\": {\"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": {\"errorcode\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7493", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:ShopeeApi, api_name:GenerateShopeeLink, api_description:/generateShopeeLink?url=SHOPEEURLPRODUCT\nGenerates a affiliate link \n\nHeaders\nx-shopee-appId: YOURAPPID\nx-shopee-secret: YOUR SECRET\n\nget this in https://affiliate.shopee.com.br/open_api, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7494", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:11BET, api_name:11bet link, api_description:11BET ⭐️trang Web cá cược thể thao, bóng đá đỉnh cao uy tín nhất Việt Nam ⭐️ Có những ưu đãi lớn cho người chơi, Link truy cập vào nhà cái 11bet mới nhất.\t\n#đăng ký 11bet #nạp tiền 11bet #tải ứng dụng 11bet #rút tiền_11bet #/m/033_l8 /m/033_l8 #Casino\nĐịa chỉ : 43 Lý Thánh Tông, An Đào, Đa Tốn, Gia Lâm, Hà Nội, Việt Nam\nHotline 0376202879\nGmail: 11betlink@gmail.com\t\nWebsite https://11bet.link/ \t\nhttps://11bet.link/dang-ky-11bet/ \t\nhttps://11bet.link/nap-tien-11bet/ \t\nhttps://11bet.link/rut-tien-11bet/\nhttps://11bet.link/tai-ung-dung-11bet/ \t\nhttps://sites.google.com/view/11betlink/11bet-di-dong-link-vao-nha-cai-11bet-tren-mobile \nhttps://sites.google.com/view/11betlink \nhttps://11betlink.blogspot.com/ \t\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_casino\nhttps://issuu.com/11betlink?\nhttps://profile.hatena.ne.jp/betlink11/\nhttps://www.liveinternet.ru/users/nhacaibetlink/profile\nhttps://www.openstreetmap.org/user/11betlink\nhttps://ok.ru/profile/589311685548\nhttps://linktr.ee/11betlink\nhttps://www.bark.com/en/gb/company/11betlink/gyvgQ/\nhttp://community.getvideostream.com/user/11betlink\nhttps://www.110designs.com/profile/28077-11betlink\nhttps://myspace.com/11betlink\nhttps://hub.docker.com/u/11betlink\nhttps://about.me/link11bet\nhttps://start.me/p/ADxp7n/11bet\nhttps://tawk.to/11betlink\nhttps://www.doyoubuzz.com/11bet-link\nhttps://www.reverbnation.com/11betlink\nhttps://note.com/11betlink/\nhttps://www.discogs.com/fr/user/11betlink\nhttps://fliphtml5.com/homepage/sfodp\nhttps://www.producthunt.com/@11bet_link\nhttps://gallery.autodesk.com/users/AMUJJ9W5QP6HQP8T?relProf=1\nhttps://support.wedesignthemes.com/users/11betlink/\nhttps://descubre.beqbe.com/p/-11betlink\nhttps://ko-fi.com/11betlink\nhttp://wpc.hotlog.ru/profile.php?user_id=423307, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7495", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Phone Validator API, api_name:Fetch full metadata, api_description:This endpoint will return the full metadata of the number included on the request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7496", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Healthcaremailing, api_name:Healthcare mailing, api_description:Healthcare mailing, a direct marketing business founded on a base of many successful years of experience building list., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7497", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Indeed, api_name:Search, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"v\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Version. Which version of the API you wish to use. All publishers should be using version 2. Currently available versions are 1 and 2. This parameter is required.\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Format. Which output format of the API you wish to use. The options are \\\"xml\\\" and \\\"json.\\\" If omitted or invalid, the XML format is used.\"}, {\"name\": \"callback\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Callback. The name of a javascript function to use as a callback to which the results of the search are passed. This only applies when format=json. For security reasons, the callback name is restricted letters, numbers, and the underscore character.\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Callback. The name of a javascript function to use as a callback to which the results of the search are passed. This only applies when format=json. For security reasons, the callback name is restricted letters, numbers, and the underscore character.\"}, {\"name\": \"l\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location. Use a postal code or a \\\"city, state/province/region\\\" combination.\"}, {\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Sort by relevance or date. Default is relevance.\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Distance from search location (\\\"as the crow flies\\\"). Default is 25.\"}, {\"name\": \"st\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Site type. To show only jobs from job boards use 'jobsite'. For jobs from direct employer websites use 'employer'.\"}, {\"name\": \"jt\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Job type. Allowed values: \\\"fulltime\\\", \\\"parttime\\\", \\\"contract\\\", \\\"internship\\\", \\\"temporary\\\".\"}, {\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Start results at this result number, beginning with 0. Default is 0.\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Maximum number of results returned per query. Default is 10\"}, {\"name\": \"fromage\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Number of days back to search.\"}, {\"name\": \"highlight\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Setting this value to 1 will bold terms in the snippet that are also present in q. Default is 0.\"}, {\"name\": \"filter\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Filter duplicate results. 0 turns off duplicate job filtering. Default is 1.\"}, {\"name\": \"latlong\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"If latlong=1, returns latitude and longitude information for each job result. Default is 0.\"}, {\"name\": \"co\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search within country specified. Default is us. See below for a complete list of supported countries.\"}, {\"name\": \"chnl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Channel Name: Group API requests to a specific channel\"}, {\"name\": \"userip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The IP number of the end-user to whom the job results will be displayed. This field is required.\"}, {\"name\": \"useragent\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The User-Agent (browser) of the end-user to whom the job results will be displayed. This can be obtained from the \\\"User-Agent\\\" HTTP request header from the end-user. This field is required.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7498", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:mgs, api_name:mgs_products, api_description:MGS Products, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"products\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"images\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"manufacturer\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"caliber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"weight\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"barrel_length\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"capacity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"model\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"upc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gauge\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"action\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"finish\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"discounted_price\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"current_price\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"condition_status\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"used_condition\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shipping\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shipping_fee\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"payment_methods\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"old_category\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"in_stock\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"purchasing_url\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"created_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"user_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"is_published\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"subcategory_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sku\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"user\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_shipping\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"transfer_fee\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"avg_rating\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 12}], \\\"per_page\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"last_page\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"action_data\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"product_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7499", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:mgs, api_name:blogs, api_description:MGS Blogs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7500", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:MyMemory - Translation Memory, api_name:create key, api_description:MyMemory provides a specific API to create a new private TM key. Such key can be then used in the API call to identify a private TM or to privately contribute to a TM. Every contribution that has been created with a private TM key will be only shown if the same private TM key is used in the GET call; no other users will see private contributions without the right private TM key., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"key\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"pass\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7501", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:MyMemory - Translation Memory, api_name:set contribution, api_description:The SET api is used to save a contribution. You can either save a contribution privately with your private TM key or add it to the public collaborative TM., required_params: [{\"name\": \"seg\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The source segment\"}, {\"name\": \"tra\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The translation of the source segment\"}, {\"name\": \"langpair\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Source and language pair, separated by the | symbol. Use ISO standard names or RFC3066\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"responseData\": {\"translatedText\": \"str\"}, \"quotaFinished\": \"NoneType\", \"mtLangSupported\": \"NoneType\", \"responseDetails\": \"str\", \"responseStatus\": \"str\", \"responderId\": \"NoneType\", \"exception_code\": \"NoneType\", \"matches\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7502", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Ticketbud, api_name:Tickets for an Event, api_description:All tickets for an event that you have access to, required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The unique identifier of the event.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7503", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Ticketbud, api_name:A Single Event, api_description:Information about a single event you have access to, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The unique identifier of the event\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7504", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla_v2, api_name:house-prices/get-market-activity, api_description:Get market activity in an area, required_params: [{\"name\": \"area\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of suggestions/value json object returned in .../auto-complete endpoint with properties as search_type. You must use EXACTLY the value returned by the endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7505", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla_v2, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:Get auto complete suggestion by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7506", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla_v2, api_name:house-prices/get-points-of-interest, api_description:Get nearest points of interest, required_params: [{\"name\": \"property_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of property_id field returned in .../house-prices/estimate endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7507", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:LD, api_name:LD, api_description:LD, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7508", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:pss, api_name:test, api_description:test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7509", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:SmartSync, api_name:get_settings, api_description:smartsync settings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7510", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Business Starter API, api_name:Business name for, api_description:Generate a Business name for existing idea, required_params: [{\"name\": \"idea\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7511", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Business Starter API, api_name:Business name, api_description:Generate a random Business name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7512", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Business Starter API, api_name:Businessplan, api_description:Generate a Businessplan for your idea, required_params: [{\"name\": \"idea\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"idea\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7513", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:mgs, api_name:blogs_copy, api_description:MGS Blogs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"post_category_id\": \"int\", \"user_id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"post_body\": \"str\", \"short_description\": \"str\", \"is_published\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"view_count\": \"int\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"post_category\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7514", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:German Company Data_v2, api_name:/companies/{id}/jobs, api_description:This endpoint returns the latest job postings about the company with the given identifier since the given timestamp. This timestamp is optional and is specified via a query parameter. Job postings come with a title, a text (the content of the posting), a source, and a timestamp., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7515", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:VAT validation and tax rates, api_name:VAT price calculation API endpoint, api_description:The Calculate Endpoint makes it easy to calculate a VAT compliant price given a country and price, as well as such optional values as the type of goods., required_params: [{\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The amount that you would like to get the VAT amount for or from.\"}, {\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The two letter [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2) code of the country in which the transaction takes place.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7516", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CalendarEvents, api_name:Calendar Events, api_description:Retrieve Google Calendar Events from a public calendar, required_params: [{\"name\": \"src\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Calendar ID (ending in `@group.calendar.google.com`).\\nYou can find it in the `src` parameter of the embed URL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"kind\": \"str\", \"etag\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"updated\": \"str\", \"timeZone\": \"str\", \"accessRole\": \"str\", \"defaultReminders\": \"empty list\", \"items\": [{\"kind\": \"str\", \"etag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"htmlLink\": \"str\", \"created\": \"str\", \"updated\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"creator\": {\"email\": \"str\"}, \"organizer\": {\"email\": \"str\", \"displayName\": \"str\", \"self\": \"bool\"}, \"start\": {\"date\": \"str\"}, \"end\": {\"date\": \"str\"}, \"recurringEventId\": \"str\", \"originalStartTime\": {\"date\": \"str\"}, \"transparency\": \"str\", \"iCalUID\": \"str\", \"sequence\": \"int\", \"eventType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 11}], \"maxDate\": \"str\", \"minDate\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7517", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:VAT validation and tax rates, api_name:VAT validation API endpoint, api_description:The Validate Endpoint takes a VAT number in the request, checks if that number is valid, and if it is valid, returns addition details about the company associated with that VAT number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"vat_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The VAT number to validate.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"details\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7518", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Business and company name API, api_name:Search Company By Name, api_description:Do you know the company name? you can make a search of company information with just the name. You will get hits of all companies and businesses that are matching that particular name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"companyName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"api_version\": \"str\", \"generated_on\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"companyName\": \"str\", \"registrationNumber\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"registrationDate\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"registeredOn\": \"NoneType\", \"isDeleted\": \"bool\", \"isActive\": \"bool\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updateAt\": \"str\", \"modifiedAt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7519", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Business and company name API, api_name:Get All Companies (Paginated), api_description:This endpoint gets all the companies and business as in the CAC database., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"api_version\": \"str\", \"generated_on\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"companyName\": \"str\", \"registrationNumber\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"registrationDate\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"registeredOn\": \"str\", \"isDeleted\": \"bool\", \"isActive\": \"bool\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updateAt\": \"str\", \"modifiedAt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7520", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Princier Couture, api_name:Postal, api_description:Postal, required_params: [{\"name\": \"get\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"asd\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7521", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Email Validation and Verification, api_name:Email Validation API, api_description:Email Validation and Verification API requires only a single email.\nChecking a misspelled email.\nChecking a malformed email., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The email address to validate.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7522", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:My public interface, api_name:Root endpoint, api_description:Description, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7523", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Business Starter API, api_name:Business Slogan, api_description:Generate a slogan for you Business name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7524", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:TEXTKING Translation, api_name:List projects, api_description:Returns a collection of projects of the authorized customer., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7525", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Demo, api_name:getTeam, api_description:gets team, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"copyright\": \"str\", \"teams\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"venue\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"timeZone\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"tz\": \"str\"}}, \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"teamName\": \"str\", \"locationName\": \"str\", \"firstYearOfPlay\": \"str\", \"division\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nameShort\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\"}, \"conference\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}, \"franchise\": {\"franchiseId\": \"int\", \"teamName\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}, \"shortName\": \"str\", \"officialSiteUrl\": \"str\", \"franchiseId\": \"int\", \"active\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 32}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7526", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:apfd, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sold\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"unavailable\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"cat\": \"int\", \"dgdfgdf\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"peric\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7527", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:apfd, api_name:getUserByName, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7528", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:apfd, api_name:logoutUser, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7529", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Import Export Verification, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7530", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:YC Hacker news official, api_name:show stories, api_description:Up to 200 of the latest Show HN Stories!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7531", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Test Plan, api_name:asdf, api_description:asdf, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7532", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Validate VAT, api_name:Validate VAT, api_description:“Validate VAT” validates VAT numbers, get company information, including address, returned for each VAT number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"vat_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"vatNumber\": \"str\", \"isValid\": \"bool\", \"company\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\"}, \"country\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7533", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Public Holidays, api_name:Public Holiday Endpoint, api_description:The Public Holiday API allows you to gett the public, local, religious, and other holidays of a particular country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"he day to get the holiday(s) from, in the format of 1-31.\"}, {\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The month to get the holiday(s) from, in the format of 1-12 (e.g., 1 is January, 2 is February, etc).\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The year to get the holiday(s) from.\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The country's two letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7534", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Netherlands Vehicle License Plate lookup, api_name:search, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7535", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Lake B2B, api_name:Email Marketing, api_description:Lake B2B provides best email marketing services and programs across the globe to meet your marketing needs thus helping business to run more efficiently., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7536", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:KarenRecommends, api_name:karenrecommends.com, api_description:posts news stories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7537", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Test_API, api_name:POST_API, api_description:Testing post request, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7538", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:XTREAM, api_name:TradesQ, api_description:Collects, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7539", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:ev, api_name:ev, api_description:get data, place parameter page to paginate list by 1000 object. ex.: *?page=2*, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"address\": {\"link\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\"}, \"amenities\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"description\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"opened\": \"str\", \"parking\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"source_url\": \"str\", \"stations\": [{\"costs\": \"str\", \"details\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"plugs\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"power\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1000}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7540", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Verifica Targhe Italiane - API, api_name:search, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7541", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Matricula API - Espana, api_name:search, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7542", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Croatia Company Data, api_name:Search by MBS or OIB, api_description:Search the Croatian company register by either MBS or OIB company identifiers (osobni identifikacijski broj), required_params: [{\"name\": \"tipIdentifikatora\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"expand_relations\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"identifikator\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"mbs\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sud_id_nadlezan\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sud_id_sluzba\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"oib\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ino_podruznica\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"stecajna_masa\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"datum_osnivanja\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"likvidacijska_masa\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"potpuni_mbs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"potpuni_oib\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tvrtke\\\": [{\\\"ime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"naznaka_imena\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"prijevodi_tvrtki\\\": [{\\\"prijevod_tvrtke_rbr\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"jezik\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sifra\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"naziv\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"skracene_tvrtke\\\": [{\\\"ime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"prijevodi_skracenih_tvrtki\\\": [{\\\"prijevod_skracene_tvrtke_rbr\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"jezik\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sifra\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"naziv\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"sjedista\\\": [{\\\"drzava\\\": {\\\"sifra\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"naziv\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"oznaka_2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"oznaka_3\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ulica\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kucni_broj\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"kucni_podbroj\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sifra_zupanije\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"naziv_zupanije\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sifra_opcine\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"naziv_opcine\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sifra_naselja\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"naziv_naselja\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"temeljni_kapitali\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7543", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Idealista_v2, api_name:properties/list, api_description:List properties for sale or rent in Italy, Spain, Portugal with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"operation\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the following rent|sale\"}, {\"name\": \"locationName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of name field returned in .../auto-complete endpoint.\"}, {\"name\": \"locationId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of locationId field returned in .../auto-complete endpoint. Do NOT use together with zoiId parameter \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7544", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AgroFitData, api_name:GetPests, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7545", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AgroFitData, api_name:GetActiveIngredients, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7546", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AgroFitData, api_name:FindByActiveIngredientCrop, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"crop\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"activeIngredient\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7547", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Testing out Sharing w/ Rachael, api_name:LastName, api_description:Last name of customer, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7548", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:hfghfgh, api_name:games, api_description:game list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7549", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:PetStoreAPI2.0, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7550", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:PetStoreAPI2.0, api_name:logoutUser, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7551", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:qwe, api_name:qwe, api_description:qwe, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7552", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Business Name Generator, api_name:Business Name Generator, api_description:Business Name Generator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Keyword query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7553", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:eNotas Gateway, api_name:Buscar empresas, api_description:Buscar empresas emissoras, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pageNumber\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Pagina\\u00e7\\u00e3o, a partir de 0\"}, {\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Tamanho da p\\u00e1gina\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7554", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Giay tay nam, api_name:Đồ da Laforce, api_description:Đồ da Laforce là thương hiệu uy tín tại Hà Nội cũng như trên toàn quốc về sản phẩm đồ da như giày, túi, ví, thắt lưng, găng tay., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7555", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Email Scraper, api_name:email-extractor, api_description:Get emails scraped from url provided, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"bob@b.org\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7556", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Email Scraper, api_name:dashboard_free_access, api_description:Call this endpoint (or click 'Test Endpoint') to get access to the dashboard., required_params: [{\"name\": \"get_dash_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7557", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Seloger, api_name:properties/list, api_description:List properties with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zipCodes\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Either zipCodes OR districtIds parameter is required. The postal code, separated by comma for multiple values. Ex : 75,13,...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"experts\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"geolocatedCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"items\\\": [{\\\"bedrooms\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"businessUnit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isExclusiveness\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isIndividual\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isPriceVariationDisplayed\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isNew\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isSelection\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"level\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"listingType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"livingArea\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"livingAreaUnit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medias\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"permalink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"photos\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 24\\\"], \\\"price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"priceDescription\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"polygon\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priceAnnuity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"priceVariation\\\": {\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"newPrice\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7559", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CatalogAPI, api_name:List Available Catalogs, api_description:Lists the Available Catalogs, required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"rest or restx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Fault\": {\"faultcode\": \"str\", \"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7560", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Email Scraper, api_name:dashboard_pro_access, api_description:Call this endpoint (or click 'Test Endpoint') to get access to the dashboard with all features., required_params: [{\"name\": \"get_dash_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7561", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:PetStoreAPI2.0, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7562", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:test1, api_name:X-RapidAPI-Proxy-Secret: 123f7cd0-e73e-11e9-9851-17fbbfd737cf, api_description:X-RapidAPI-Proxy-Secret: 123f7cd0-e73e-11e9-9851-17fbbfd737cf, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7563", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:testpk, api_name:image, api_description:image, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7564", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Company Domain Finder, api_name:Get Company Domain, api_description:Enter the name of a company and the API will return the matching domain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"company_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7565", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:SOTI Sync, api_name:Registration Fee, api_description:Registration Fee, required_params: [{\"name\": \"RegFee\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7566", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:SOTI Sync, api_name:Total Amount, api_description:Total Amount to be paid, required_params: [{\"name\": \"totalamount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7567", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AgroFitData, api_name:GetCrops, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7568", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:DaysAPI, api_name:is_weekend, api_description:Endpoint will return True if date falls on the weekend, Saturday or\nSunday., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7569", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:DaysAPI, api_name:business_days, api_description:Calculate working days from given date with given number of days.\n\nThe timezone is set to US/Eastern due to US banks operate only in\nthat timezone., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7570", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:apfd, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\\u5ba0\\u7269 ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7571", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Ziff, api_name:Base Currency Exchange Rates, api_description:Get all Exchange Rates (in alphabetical order) for a Base Currency., required_params: [{\"name\": \"basecurrency\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"copyright\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangerates\\\": {\\\"basecurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pairs\\\": {\\\"GBPAAVE\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPACT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPADA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPADX\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAE\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAED\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAEON\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAFN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAGRS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAION\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPALGO\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPALL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAMB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPANG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPANT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAOA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAPPC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPARDR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPARK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPARS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPATM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAUD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAVAX\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAWG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPAZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBAM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBAT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBBD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBCH\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBCN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBDT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBGN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBHD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBIF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBITB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBITCNY\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBLK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBLOCK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBNB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBND\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBNT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBOB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBRD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBRL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GBPBSD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GB\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7572", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:MailBoxValidator, api_name:MailBoxValidator API, api_description:Email validation API, required_params: [{\"name\": \"EMAIL\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email address to validate.\"}, {\"name\": \"LICENSE\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API license key.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7573", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Ziff, api_name:All Exchange Rates, api_description:Get all Exchange Rates in alphabetical order; organised by Base Currency (also in alphabetical order)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"copyright\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangerates\\\": {\\\"links\\\": [{\\\"rel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"content\\\": [{\\\"basecurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pairs\\\": {\\\"AAVEACT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEADA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEADX\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAE\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAED\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAEON\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAFN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAGRS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAION\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEALGO\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEALL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAMB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEANG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEANT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAOA\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAPPC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEARDR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEARK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEARS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEATM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAUD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAVAX\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAWG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEAZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBAM\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBAT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBBD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBCH\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBCN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBDT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBGN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBHD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBIF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBITB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBITCNY\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBLK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBLOCK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBNB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AAVEBND\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AA\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7574", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Norwegian License Plate API, api_name:search, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7575", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:5ka_Porocila, api_name:parse_data, api_description:description, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7576", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Currency Exchange Rates, api_name:Converting currencies, api_description:The /convert/ endpoint is similar to the /live/ and /historical/ endpoints, except it allows you to convert an arbitrary amount of currency.\n\nFor example, it calculates how many EUR you would get for 1,337.99 USD today, or how many GBP and CAD you'd get for that amount on January 1, 2020., required_params: [{\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The base currency used to get the latest exchange rate(s) for. Uses the ISO 4217 currency standard (e.g., USD for United States Dollars), like all currency parameters in this API. You can see a full list of supported currencies here.\"}, {\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The target currency or currencies to get the exchange rate of versus the base currency. Like the base parameters, any currency passed here follows the ISO 4217 standard. Note that unlinke the other endpoints, /convert/ only accepts one target currency at a time.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7577", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Website Categorization API, api_name:Categorize Website, api_description:Returns the top 3 categories for any website., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7578", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla_v2, api_name:house-prices/estimate, api_description:Returned list of estimated house prices, required_params: [{\"name\": \"area\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of suggestions/value json object returned in .../auto-complete endpoint with properties as search_type. You must use EXACTLY the value returned by the endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7579", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla_v2, api_name:house-prices/get-running-costs, api_description:Get running costs, required_params: [{\"name\": \"property_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of property_id field returned in .../house-prices/estimate endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7580", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AppraisalQC, api_name:ValidationReport, api_description:The API returns the XML validation report of the Appraisal Report uploaded, required_params: [{\"name\": \"OrderNumber\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"OrderNumber of the uploaded PDF file for which validation report needs to be displayed\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ErrorCode\": \"int\", \"ErrorMessage\": \"str\", \"Status\": {\"Type\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7581", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Phone Validator API, api_name:Format number, api_description:Returns the phone number on standardized formats., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7582", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Self-help Quotes, api_name:Get a random self-help quote, api_description:Get a random hand-picked self-help quote in addition to its tags and the book it was taken from, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7583", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in AU, api_name:properties/list, api_description:List properties with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchLocation\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of text field returned in .../auto-complete endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the following : buy|rent|sold\"}, {\"name\": \"searchLocationSubtext\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of subtext field returned in .../auto-complete endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of region field returned in .../auto-complete endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"prettyUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalResultsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"resolvedLocalities\\\": [{\\\"display\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"precision\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"atlasId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"resolvedQuery\\\": {\\\"localities\\\": [{\\\"locality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subdivision\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"searchLocation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"channel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pageSize\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"page\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"filters\\\": {\\\"surroundingSuburbs\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}}, \\\"tieredResults\\\": [{\\\"tier\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"prettyUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"standard\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"midtier\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"lister\\\": {\\\"website\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"phoneNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mainPhoto\\\": {\\\"server\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"email\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"featured\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"signature\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"constructionStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"advertising\\\": {\\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priceRange\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"showAgencyLogo\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isLinkedExternalChildListing\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"listers\\\": [{\\\"website\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"agentId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"phoneNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"powerProfile\\\": \\\"boo\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7584", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Entity Risk, api_name:Sources, api_description:Lists the available Sigma Sources to search on. Sigma Sources are specific integrations which Sigma has constructed to impose structure to its various datasets. Use the name field as value to filter sources on., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Aggregate Sources\": [{\"description\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"Primary Sources\": [{\"description\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 16}], \"Sigma Proprietary\": [{\"description\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7585", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Testing out Sharing w/ Rachael, api_name:Accept-Charset, api_description:accepting character set, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mediaId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Character Set\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7586", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Testing out Sharing w/ Rachael, api_name:Input test, api_description:description of the endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"testing\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7587", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Entity Risk, api_name:Account Status, api_description:Check the status of this account (api key), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"active\": \"bool\", \"created\": \"str\", \"currentRequests\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"expires\": \"NoneType\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"permissions\": {}, \"refresh_period\": \"str\", \"request_limit\": \"int\", \"token\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7588", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Comparable Companies, api_name:/similar, api_description:The key feature of the comparable-companies API. This endpoint will return a list of companies that are similar to the one that has been provided. The endpoint will also return information about the queried domain through the variable \"frontend_company_info\".\n\nOccasionally, the algorithm finds new information that will take longer to crawl and process. In these cases, it will return results with the \"further_crawling\" variable set to true, indicating that we will have better results available in the next 10-15 sec. There is a possibility to establish a WebSocket connection through the \"connectionID\" parameter to be notified of these new results. This is not covered in this documentation, but our engineers will happily assist you with it.\n\nQuerying the same domain multiple times will only cost you a single search credit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) The company domain for which you want to look up similar companies for (e.g. unilever.com). Providing a URL works as well, we will then parse the domain on our end.\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"(Optional) Max number of results to return. A lower limit leads to faster response times. Results beyond that limit are included in the response field \\\\\\\"next_companies\\\\\\\" which only shows their domain name and similarity percentage.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"errors\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"query\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"plan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"queries_left\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total_queries\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"companies\\\": [{\\\"domain_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"similarity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"result_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lkn_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"industry\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sector\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stock_ticker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"employees\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"revenue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"growth\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"growth_trend\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attrib\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"img_link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"website\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rating_points\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 45}], \\\"next_companies\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"nr_of_remaining_companies\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"HMAC\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"further_crawling\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"frontend_company_info\\\": [{\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"result_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lkn_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"industry\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sector\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stock_ticker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"employees\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"revenue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"growth\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"growth_trend\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attrib\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"img_link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"website\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"domain_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7589", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Woo-temp, api_name:product_category, api_description:get product category, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"imageUrl\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7590", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:YC Hacker news official, api_name:best stories, api_description:Returns up to the current best 500 stories., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7591", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Business Starter API, api_name:Business Idea, api_description:Generate a business idea, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7592", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:TEXTKING Translation, api_name:Download translated document, api_description:Downloads the translated document for a job., required_params: [{\"name\": \"projectid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The project UUID.\"}, {\"name\": \"jobid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The job UUID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7593", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Woo-temp, api_name:boxes, api_description:Get all boxes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7594", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Woo-temp, api_name:levels, api_description:Get levels, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7595", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Australian Business Industries API, api_name:Search, api_description:Search Australian business industries, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"test\": \"str\", \"probableMatches\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"activities\": [{\"score\": \"float\", \"code\": \"str\", \"industryCode\": \"str\", \"fullName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 15}]}, \"alphabeticMatches\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"activities\": [{\"score\": \"float\", \"code\": \"str\", \"industryCode\": \"str\", \"fullName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 674}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7596", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Email finder, api_name:Fetch email of a person, api_description:Get email of anyone in the internet. Best for lead generation, prospecting, and cold marketing., required_params: [{\"name\": \"first_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"last_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"email\": \"str\", \"email_status\": \"str\"}, \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7597", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:GST Details & Filing Data, api_name:Get GST info & Filing Data, api_description:Just punch in the GSTIN & get company info & filing data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"GSTIN\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": {\"enrichment_details\": {\"online_provider\": {\"details\": {\"central_jurisdiction\": {\"value\": \"str\"}, \"constitution\": {\"value\": \"str\"}, \"gstin\": {\"value\": \"str\"}, \"legal_name\": {\"value\": \"str\"}, \"primary_address\": {\"value\": \"str\"}, \"registration_date\": {\"value\": \"str\"}, \"state_jurisdiction\": {\"value\": \"str\"}, \"status\": {\"value\": \"str\"}, \"tax_payer_type\": {\"value\": \"str\"}, \"trade_name\": {\"value\": \"str\"}}}}}, \"filing\": [{\"gstin\": \"str\", \"filing_type\": \"str\", \"financial_year\": \"str\", \"tax_period\": \"str\", \"tax_period_start_date\": \"str\", \"tax_period_end_date\": \"str\", \"filing_frequency\": \"str\", \"date_of_filing\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 30}], \"hsn\": [{\"goods_services_desc\": \"str\", \"hsn_code\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7598", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Ticketbud, api_name:A Single Ticket, api_description:Information about a single ticket., required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Unique identifier of the event.\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Unique identifier of the ticket.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7599", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AgroFitData, api_name:FindByActiveIngredient, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"activeIngredient\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7600", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Bayut, api_name:properties/list, api_description:List properties with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locationExternalIDs\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The location/externalID fields returned in .../auto-complete endpoint. Separated by comma for multiple locations. Ex : 5002,6020\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"hits\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ownerID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userExternalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sourceID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_geoloc\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"geography\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"purpose\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"product\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productLabel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productScore\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rentFrequency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"referenceNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"permitNumber\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"projectNumber\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"externalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"level\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"externalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}], \\\"category\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"level\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"externalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameSingular\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameSingular_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameSingular_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"createdAt\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"u\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7601", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Finnish License Plate API, api_name:search, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7602", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Entity Risk, api_name:Audit, api_description:This endpoint retrieves individual audit records. An audit record represents the request and response that was submitted using Sigma's API and it is used for traceability., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7603", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:TEXTKING Translation, api_name:List a project's jobs, api_description:Returns a collection of jobs for a project., required_params: [{\"name\": \"per_page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"An integer value defining how many entries should be returned. Only values between 1 and 100 (both inclusive) are allowed. If not given, this defaults to 100.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Return search results starting at a given page. Used for paging through more than one page of results.\"}, {\"name\": \"projectid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The project UUID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7604", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Entity Risk, api_name:Indicator Categories, api_description:List the available Sigma indicator categories to filter by., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"collection\": [\"list of str with length 14\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7605", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:notevent, api_name:1, api_description:1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7606", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:SOTI Sync, api_name:Phone Number, api_description:Fetch Customer Phone Number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"PNumber\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7607", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Interceptor Sample, api_name:quote, api_description:Quotation service, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7608", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Seloger, api_name:properties/list-in-boundary, api_description:List properties in a bounding box with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"southEastLongitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The south east longitude of bounding box\"}, {\"name\": \"southEastLatitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The south east latitude of bounding box\"}, {\"name\": \"zipCodes\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Either zipCodes OR districtIds parameter is required. The postal code, separated by comma for multiple values. Ex : 75,13,...\"}, {\"name\": \"northWestLongitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The north west longitude of bounding box\"}, {\"name\": \"northWestLatitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The north west latitude of bounding box\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"clusters\": [{\"latitude\": \"float\", \"listingCount\": \"int\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"name\": \"str\", \"photoUrl\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"displayMode\": \"int\", \"geolocatedCount\": \"int\", \"listings\": \"empty list\", \"polygons\": \"empty list\", \"totalCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7609", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Interceptor Sample, api_name:products, api_description:list of products, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7610", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CalAPI, api_name:AddNumbers, api_description:Add 2 numbers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"valA\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"valB\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7611", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:token2go, api_name:Read a Link or Token by its id, api_description:Read a link or token by its id. It is used to see the content (t=link or t=token), but cannot validate the signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"t\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7612", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:SignNow, api_name:Get signing links, api_description:The endpoint allows to get all existing signing links and IDs of these signing links., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7613", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:SignNow, api_name:Get field and field invite id, api_description:The endpoint returns field and field invite ids., required_params: [{\"name\": \"document_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"id of the document\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"404\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7614", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:USPTO Trademark, api_name:/v1/serialSearch, api_description:Does a serial number search and returns details about the trademark attributes., required_params: [{\"name\": \"serial_number\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"keyword\": \"str\", \"registration_number\": \"str\", \"serial_number\": \"str\", \"status_label\": \"str\", \"status_code\": \"str\", \"status_date\": \"str\", \"status_definition\": \"str\", \"filing_date\": \"str\", \"registration_date\": \"str\", \"abandonment_date\": \"NoneType\", \"expiration_date\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"owners\": [{\"index\": \"int\", \"owner_type\": \"str\", \"owner_label\": \"str\", \"legal_entity_type\": \"str\", \"legal_entity_type_label\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"address1\": \"str\", \"address2\": \"NoneType\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7615", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:USPTO Trademark, api_name:v1/ownerSearch, api_description:Does a search on **owner name** or **postcode** and returns details about the trademarks found for that owner. Duplicate owner results can be returned by this endpoint, especially when an owner had an address change.\n\nYou can use literal 'null' if you don't want to use a param. So you can either search just for a keyword or just for a postcode or together if you want to filter by both., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"address1\": \"NoneType\", \"address2\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"trademarks\": [{\"keyword\": \"str\", \"registration_number\": \"str\", \"serial_number\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 19}], \"_list_length\": 6}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7616", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:FM_API_RELEASE v0.1, api_name:/api/FollowMe/uploadFileAnonymously, api_description:The aim of the FollowMe Tracking Servie API is to enable developers on brining our tracking services to more convenient and accessible platforms for users, required_params: [{\"name\": \"https:/rapidapi.com\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7617", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:test_v20, api_name:testEndpoint, api_description:test, required_params: [{\"name\": \"test\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7618", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:TEXTKING Translation, api_name:Get topic, api_description:Returns a single topic area with the given ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topicid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The topic UUID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"localization_language\": \"str\", \"links\": [{\"rel\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7619", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:REMarketLite APIs, api_name:GetListingsByRadius IDX, api_description:Search listings around a point or address within the specified Radius, required_params: [{\"name\": \"State\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State of the address around which radius search needs to be performed\"}, {\"name\": \"Street\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Street Address around which radius search needs to be performed\"}, {\"name\": \"Zip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"PostalCode of address around which radius search needs to be performed\"}, {\"name\": \"Radius\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Radius in whcih search needs to be done\"}, {\"name\": \"OrderId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Alpha numeric combinations to uniquely reference an order\"}, {\"name\": \"City\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"City of the address around which radius search needs to be performed\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ErrorCode\": \"int\", \"ErrorMessage\": \"str\", \"Status\": {\"Type\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7620", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:REMarketLite APIs, api_name:GetListingsByRadius Valuation, api_description:Search listings around a point or address within the specified Radius, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Street\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Street Address around which radius search needs to be performed\"}, {\"name\": \"Radius\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Radius in whcih search needs to be done\"}, {\"name\": \"Zip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"PostalCode of address around which radius search needs to be performed\"}, {\"name\": \"State\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State of the address around which radius search needs to be performed\"}, {\"name\": \"City\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"City of the address around which radius search needs to be performed\"}, {\"name\": \"OrderId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Alpha numeric combinations to uniquely reference an order\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ErrorCode\": \"int\", \"ErrorMessage\": \"str\", \"Status\": {\"Type\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7621", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:REMarketLite APIs, api_name:GetListingsByGeo Valuation, api_description:API returns property listings by accepting various filters like Zip code, Street, City and State, required_params: [{\"name\": \"OrderId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Alpha numeric combinations to uniquely reference an order\"}, {\"name\": \"State\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The State in which the search needs to be performed\"}, {\"name\": \"City\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The City in which the search needs to be performed\"}, {\"name\": \"Zip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The PostalCode in which the search needs to be performed\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ErrorCode\": \"int\", \"ErrorMessage\": \"str\", \"Status\": {\"Type\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7622", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CallTrackingMetrics, api_name:List Users, api_description:The users API allows you to create and manage users., required_params: [{\"name\": \"aid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"authentication\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7623", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Bayut, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:Get suggestions of locations by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any term or phrase that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"hits\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"externalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_geoloc\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"geography\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"level\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hierarchy\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"level\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"externalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug_l2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"adCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"aliases\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"hasBuilding\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"trackID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"roles\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"completionStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"objectID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_highlightResult\\\": {\\\"name\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"matchLevel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fullyHighlighted\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"matchedWords\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"]}, \\\"name_l1\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"matchLevel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"matchedWords\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"name_l2\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"matchLevel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fullyHighlighted\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"matchedWords\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"]}, \\\"externalID\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"matchL\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7624", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Real Estate, api_name:properties/rent, api_description:U.S properties for rent, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the starting page number, default (1)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7625", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Real Estate, api_name:property/details, api_description:Get detailed information on U.S properties, required_params: [{\"name\": \"property_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter property ID. (This information can be found on sales and rent endpoints results)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7626", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Real Estate, api_name:properties/sale, api_description:U.S properties for sale, required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the starting page number, default (1)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7627", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:EU VAT Number Checker, api_name:Check 1 param, api_description:Get details (1 param: full vat number, with country code), required_params: [{\"name\": \"vat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"countryCode\": \"str\", \"vatNumber\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7628", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:EU VAT Number Checker, api_name:Check 2 params, api_description:Get details (2 params: 'country' and 'vat num' ), required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"vatnum\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"countryCode\": \"str\", \"vatNumber\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7629", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CasinoSearch, api_name:Casino Tournaments List, api_description:Casino Tournaments List with details, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tournaments\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"prizepool\": \"str\", \"rewarded\": \"str\", \"timeTill\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"thumbnailUrl\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7630", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Woo-temp, api_name:levels_category, api_description:get levels category, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7631", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Sigma Scooters, api_name:electric scooters, api_description:electric scooter rental similar to lime, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7632", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:acopaer, api_name:AllCompanies, api_description:# Description GET All Companies\r\n\r\nThis url is to get all Companies created is type `GET`, the url is `BASE_URL/companies` and returns an array of objects or only an object depends on how many are there.\r\n\r\nClick [here](https://strapi.io/documentation/v3.x/content-api/parameters.html#available-operators) for more info about params., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7633", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:REMarketLite APIs, api_name:GetListingsByGeo IDX, api_description:API returns property listings by accepting various filters like Zip code, Street, City and State, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Zip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The PostalCode in which the search needs to be performed\"}, {\"name\": \"OrderId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Alpha numeric combinations to uniquely reference an order\"}, {\"name\": \"State\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The State in which the search needs to be performed\"}, {\"name\": \"City\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The City in which the search needs to be performed\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ErrorCode\": \"int\", \"ErrorMessage\": \"str\", \"Status\": {\"Type\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7634", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:American Company Business Data, api_name:Search, api_description:Search business contacts, required_params: [{\"name\": \"p\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Search by: 1 - company name, 2- address, 3-email, 4-web, 5-industry, 6-zip\"}, {\"name\": \"ls\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Limit Start Page Offset: 0,50,100,150,...N\"}, {\"name\": \"c\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country Selector. Available Options: US, GB\"}, {\"name\": \"s\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search Query. Example: bank, sport, music ... etc\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"s\": \"int\", \"d\": [{\"company\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"industry\": \"str\", \"rowid\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 50}], \"p\": {\"limitstart\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"pagesStart\": \"int\", \"pagesStop\": \"int\", \"pagesCurrent\": \"int\", \"pagesTotal\": \"int\"}, \"f\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7635", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:DOMAINE nc, api_name:GET All domaines, api_description:Get all domain names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"extension\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7636", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:DOMAINE nc, api_name:GET API' Health, api_description:Status de l'API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"components\": {\"domaine-nc\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"details\": {\"best-time\": \"int\", \"http\": \"int\", \"latest-time\": \"int\", \"worst-time\": \"int\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7637", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Petstore, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7638", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Rotating Proxies, api_name:Rotating Proxy API, api_description:API will respond with a random proxy currently active in the pool upon each request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7639", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Sertifi eSignature and ePayment, api_name:/v1/{folderId}/payments/{paymentId}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"paymentId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of the payment to retrieve data for.\"}, {\"name\": \"folderId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of the folder to retrieve data for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"isError\": \"bool\", \"messages\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7640", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Sertifi eSignature and ePayment, api_name:/v1/folders/{folderId}/summary/{documentId}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"folderId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of the folder to retrieve data for.\"}, {\"name\": \"documentId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of the document to retrieve data for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"isError\": \"bool\", \"messages\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7641", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Sertifi eSignature and ePayment, api_name:GetFolder, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"folderId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of the folder to retrieve data for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"isError\": \"bool\", \"messages\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7642", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:cvr.dev, api_name:Rå CVR virksomhed, api_description:Dette endpoint returnerer alt data om en virksomhed, som den er i CVR. Dette dataformat er bestemt af Virk, ikke af cvr.dev., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7643", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:DaysAPI, api_name:is_weekday, api_description:Endpoint will return True or False of date entered is a weekday.\n\nIf date is a Saturday or Sunday, then `false` will be returned., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7644", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:DNS Propagation and Domain Checker, api_name:GetCurrentIPAddress, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7645", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:360 Business Tool, api_name:GetCases, api_description:Get all cases, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7646", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Currency Exchange Rates, api_name:Getting historical exchange rate(s), api_description:The /historical/ endpoint functions almost exactly like the /live/ endpoint, except it requires you to request a date parameter, and subsequently returns the returns the most recent exchange rate(s) for a given set of currencies.\n\nAs with the /live/ endpoint, the base currency is the currency you're converting FROM, while the target currency or currencies are what you're converting TO. Also, if no target currency or currencies are specified, then all available currencies are returned. You can see a full list of supported currencies at the bottom of this documentation., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The historical date you'd like to get rates from, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7647", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Currency Exchange Rates, api_name:Getting the latest exchange rate(s), api_description:The /live/ endpoint returns the most recent exchange rate(s) for a given set of currencies. The base currency is the currency you're converting FROM, while the target currency or currencies are what you're converting TO.\n\nIf no target currency or currencies are specified, then all available currencies are returned. You can see a full list of supported currencies at the bottom of this documentation., required_params: [{\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The base currency used to get the latest exchange rate(s) for. Uses the ISO 4217 currency standard (e.g., USD for United States Dollars), like all currency parameters in this API. You can see a full list of supported currencies here.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7648", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:WRAWS Load Test, api_name:Test, api_description:Test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7649", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:DaysAPI, api_name:business_delta, api_description:Given two dates. This endpoint will output the number of business\ndays between them.\n\nDates can be entered in any order. Please enter readable dates.\nDoesn't have to be ISO or RFC formatted dates., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7650", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:DaysAPI, api_name:difference_calendar, api_description:This endpoint takes in two dates and calculates the difference for\nyou with the queries you enter., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7651", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:SEA Games 31, api_name:SEA Games 31, api_description:Cổng thông tin chính thức của SEA Games 31 - Việt Nam 2021. Đại hội Thể thao Đông Nam Á 2021. Đại hội Thể thao Đông Nam Á - SEA Games 2021, sẽ diễn ra ở Hà Nội, Việt Nam từ ngày 12 tháng 5 đến ngày 23 tháng 5 năm 2022.\nWebsite http://seagames.info/ \nEmail:info@seagames.info\nGoogle map: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=10302187337639672513 \nĐịa chỉ : 36 P. Trần Phú, Điện Biên, Ba Đình, Hà Nội Hanoi, Vietnam 100000\n#vietnamxseagames31 #Hà_Nội #Việt_Nam #Lịch_thi_đấu_SEA Games 31\nhttps://seagames.info/sea-games-31/ \nhttps://www.facebook.com/vietnamxseagames31 \nhttps://sites.google.com/view/vietnamxseagames31 \nhttps://connect.garmin.com/modern/profile/9fba05fe-267e-4843-9511-74c0fd2d697d\nhttps://gitlab.haskell.org/seagamesinfo\nhttps://cartoonmovement.com/cartoonist/18495\nhttps://www.feedsfloor.com/profile/seagamesinfo\nhttps://deepai.org/profile/seagamesinfo\nhttps://www.bark.com/en/gb/company/seagamesinfo/kVPmo/\nhttps://community.tubebuddy.com/index.php?members/103488/#about\nhttps://start.me/p/jja0qL/seagamesinfo\nhttps://marketplace.apartmenttherapy.com/store/d03759a3-53fa-4a94-a31b-dbbba532f142\nhttps://www.lifeofpix.com/photographers/seagamesinfo/\nhttps://kuula.co/post/NHp4C\nhttp://wiki.cs.hse.ru/Участник:Seagamesinfo\nhttps://bibliocrunch.com/profile/seagamesinfo/\nhttps://www.dday.it/profilo/seagamesinfo\nhttps://www.mountainproject.com/user/201342996/seagames-info\nhttps://www.thingiverse.com/seagamesinfo/designs\nhttps://www.trepup.com/seagamesinfo-100997554504555\nhttps://sharree.com/User-seagamesinfo\nhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-5432-601X\nhttps://zindi.africa/users/seagamesinfo\nhttps://ourstage.com/seagamesinfo\nhttps://infogram.com/seagamesinfo-1h8n6m35qeovz4x?live\nhttps://kyteapp.mn.co/members/11333334\nhttps://www.bhimchat.com/seagamesinfo\nhttp://pixelhub.me/seagamesinfo, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7652", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Job Title Categorization, api_name:Categorize Job Title, api_description:Easily categorize any job title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"department\": \"str\", \"level\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7653", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AgroFitData, api_name:GetPestsByCrop, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"crop\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7654", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AgroFitData, api_name:FindByCrop, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"crop\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7655", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:DaysAPI, api_name:calendar_arithmetic, api_description:This endpoint will take in a date number of years, months, days,\nhours, minutes, and seconds as query parameters and return the date\nwith the addtion or subtraction produced from entered query\nparameters.\n\nThis endpoint can do addition and subtraction. To do subtraction just add\n`-` befor the integer like so `-8` and the endpoint will subtract based\non the query.\n\n**Note**: Please enter properly formatted dates and optionally times.\nThis endpoint will try and figure out what is entered but will output\nincorrect dates and times if date format isn't well formatted., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7656", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CatalogAPI, api_name:Validate, api_description:Validates the address and items in the cart. You should call this method just before placing an order to make sure that the order will not be rejected., required_params: [{\"name\": \"creds_datetime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"UTC iso8601\"}, {\"name\": \"creds_uuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"GUID\"}, {\"name\": \"creds_checksum\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"checksum\"}, {\"name\": \"socket_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the socket that the item is in. You can find your available sockets by using the list_available_catalogs method.\"}, {\"name\": \"external_user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is an id from your system that identifies the user that the cart is for. It can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores.\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"rest or restx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Fault\": {\"faultcode\": \"str\", \"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7657", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:DOMAINE nc, api_name:GET Domaine, api_description:Récupère les détails d'un domaine, cela permet de rechercher en mode API le contenu disponible en web sur [DOMAINE.nc](https://www.domaine.nc/whos)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ext\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Chaque extension ob\\u00e9it \\u00e0 ses propres r\\u00e8gles d'enregistrement, avec des variantes en termes d'identification des titulaires, de pr\\u00e9sence locale ou de justificatifs \\u00e0 fournir.\\n\\nCe sont les extensions disponibles en Nouvelle-Cal\\u00e9donie, qui sont :\\n\\n- `nc` : extension g\\u00e9n\\u00e9rique\\n- `asso.nc` : r\\u00e9serv\\u00e9 aux associations\\n- `nom.nc` : r\\u00e9serv\\u00e9 aux particuliers qui d\\u00e9sirerai deposer leur nom de famille \\n\"}, {\"name\": \"nom\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Nom de domaine, voir [quelques exemples](https://www.domaine.nc/whos?who=AA) sur le site web.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"nom\": \"str\", \"extension\": \"str\", \"isProtected\": \"bool\", \"gestionnaire\": \"str\", \"beneficiaire\": \"str\", \"ridet\": \"str\", \"rid7\": \"str\", \"dns\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"dateCreation\": \"str\", \"dateModification\": \"str\", \"dateExpiration\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"expired\": \"bool\", \"nbDaysBeforeExpires\": \"int\", \"note\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7658", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:b4c6577cb2msh7c15fca215f2c30p1f1717jsn998498c6865e, api_name:ff, api_description:fff, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7659", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Phone Validator API, api_name:Is fixed?, api_description:Returns `true` or `false` depending on whether the number is fixed or not., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7660", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Phone Validator API, api_name:Country code number, api_description:Returns the digits between the `+` and the national number when the number is written in international format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7661", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:kassbet, api_name:https://kassbet.p.rapidapi.com/, api_description:fetch games, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7662", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:TEXTKING Translation, api_name:Get price info for word count, api_description:Returns price information for a specific number of words for all available quality levels., required_params: [{\"name\": \"words\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"An integer value defining the number of words to translate.\"}, {\"name\": \"source_language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ISO 639 language code of the source language.\"}, {\"name\": \"target_language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ISO 639 language code of the target language.\"}, {\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A topic UUID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"source_language\": \"str\", \"target_language\": \"str\", \"topic\": \"str\", \"words\": \"int\", \"prices\": [{\"quality\": \"str\", \"price_per_word\": \"float\", \"total_price\": \"float\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7663", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:TEXTKING Translation, api_name:Upload source document, api_description:Uploads the source document for a job., required_params: [{\"name\": \"projectid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The project UUID.\"}, {\"name\": \"jobid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The job UUID.\"}, {\"name\": \"documentname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A valid file name for the uploaded file.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7664", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:test, api_name:testapi ep, api_description:afeaw, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7665", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AcroSuite OAuther, api_name:OpenID Connecter, api_description:OAuth/OpenID Connect(OIDC) authentication information from the third-party providers(**Google/LINE/YahooJP/Azure**) will be available. \nAfter calling the API, you will get an OIDC list without **oAuthCode** or OIDC authentication information with **oAuthCode**.\nWhen you get an OIDC list, you may choose an **OAuthURL** to call it, then you will get OIDC authentication information.\nAnd it is not necessary to input redirectHost/redirectPort parameter here.\nPlease refer to the sample[**OIDC Authentication**] in the following demo page.\nhttps://mars.restgate.net/intro/en/suite_en.html#oauther\n\nサードパティプロバイダー(**Google/LINE/YahooJP/Azure**)からOAuth **OpenID Connect(OIDC)**認証情報を取得します。\nこのAPIを呼び出したら、OIDC一覧(**oAuthCode**付きなしの場合)又は認証情報(**oAuthCode**付きの場合)が戻られます。\nOIDC一覧が戻された場合は、続いて**OAuthURL**を選んで呼び出すと、該当する認証情報を取得できます。\nまたここでは、redirectHost/redirectPortのパラメータを無視してください。\n実際の挙動は、下記のデモページに呼び出しサンプル[**OIDC認証**]をご参考ください。\nhttps://mars.restgate.net/intro/jp/suite_jp.html#oauther\n
\nThe following external document is for directly calling AcroSuite original APIs. Some Auth parameters may be neglected here.\nhttps://mars.acrochannel.com:8443/AcroSuite/v0_1/CstService/apiInfo/doc?appId=10006&language=2&withTitle=true&apiCode=02301016\n\n下記の外部ドキュメントは、AcroSuiteオリジナルAPIに対する資料であり、ここでは一部の認証パラメータを省略します。\nhttps://mars.acrochannel.com:8443/AcroSuite/v0_1/CstService/apiInfo/doc?appId=10006&language=1&withTitle=true&apiCode=02301016, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"OAuthList\": [{\"OAuthCode\": \"str\", \"OAuthURL\": \"str\", \"LoginInfo\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7666", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Speech Recognition, api_name:languages, api_description:Get list of supported languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"languages\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 136}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7667", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:OptiTalk, api_name:Get Sessions, api_description:Get a list of sessions and their corresponding `session_id`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"character_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"payload\": {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"page\": \"int\", \"page_size\": \"int\"}, \"status_code\": \"int\", \"timestamp\": \"float\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7668", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v3, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7669", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:ARImageSynthesizer, api_name:Get Image, api_description:Retrieve generated image with given `hash`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"hash\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7670", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:ARImageSynthesizer, api_name:My Images, api_description:Get all generated images' information in a JSON response. Images can be accessed at `/get` endpoint with the given hash., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"image\": [{\"engine\": \"str\", \"guidanceScale\": \"float\", \"hash\": \"str\", \"height\": \"int\", \"img2img_image\": \"NoneType\", \"img2img_strength\": \"NoneType\", \"inferenceSteps\": \"int\", \"negativePrompt\": \"str\", \"prompt\": \"str\", \"ready\": \"bool\", \"requestTime\": \"int\", \"style\": \"str\", \"uniqueID\": \"str\", \"userName\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7671", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:People photo background removal, api_name:Get version, api_description:Returns an actual version of the service in format `vX.Y.Z` where X is the version of API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7672", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Web Scraping API, api_name:Scraper, api_description:The \"Scraper\" endpoint of the Web Scraping API is responsible for extracting data from websites while simulating a real browser. With its Headless Browser capability, the endpoint enables users to bypass restrictions, solve captchas, and scrape dynamic websites with ease. The endpoint can be used for high-level web scraping tasks, making it an ideal choice for businesses, data analysts, and developers who need to extract data from websites quickly and efficiently. By providing the endpoint with the necessary input parameters, users can initiate the scraping process and receive the extracted data in the desired format. This endpoint is a powerful tool for anyone who needs to extract data from websites and can be easily integrated into existing workflows and systems., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7673", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Stable Diffusion v2, api_name:Generate Image, api_description:Generate an image with stable diffusion, required_params: [{\"name\": \"description\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7674", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Text Mood Changer AI, api_name:Mood List, api_description:list of moods available, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [\"list of str with length 12\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7675", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Artificial intelligence News API, api_name:Get Recent News From a Single News Source, api_description:This will return all the artificial intelligence news from a single news source., required_params: [{\"name\": \"paperId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7676", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:TTSKraken, api_name:List Speakers, api_description:List the speakers available and some more information such as the languages they can speak., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"models\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"speaker_name\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"languages\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"multilingual\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 26}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7677", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Artificial intelligence News API, api_name:Get News From All News Sources Related to Artificial Intelligence, api_description:This end point will return back all the artificial intelligence news from all over the world., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7678", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:TTSKraken, api_name:List Languages, api_description:Get a list of currently supported languages. We are constantly adding more every few weeks., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"languages\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7679", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:AION, api_name:List my Bots, api_description:Once you have created your bot, you can manage the configurations by using the “access_token” received during authentication. Here you can view a list of all the bots you have created on the platform., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7680", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:OptiTalk, api_name:Get Characters, api_description:Get a list of publicly available characters as well as the characters that you created.\n\n## Character Usage\nOnce you've retrieved a character, you can copy its ID and use it in the /chat endpoint in order to chat with it., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"payload\": {\"data\": [{\"created_at\": \"str\", \"created_by\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"example_exchanges\": \"empty list\", \"favorite_words\": \"empty list\", \"featured\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"knowledge\": \"empty list\", \"name\": \"str\", \"personalities\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"private\": \"bool\", \"response_styles\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"uses\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 25}], \"page\": \"int\", \"page_size\": \"int\", \"pages\": \"int\"}, \"status_code\": \"int\", \"timestamp\": \"float\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7681", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:OptiTalk, api_name:Get Session Messages, api_description:Retrieve the message history inside a session., required_params: [{\"name\": \"character_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"payload\": {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"page\": \"int\", \"page_size\": \"int\"}, \"status_code\": \"int\", \"timestamp\": \"float\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7682", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v3, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7683", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:AI Content Detector_v2, api_name:chat gpt detector, api_description:detector, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7684", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:ToxDetectAI - AI Powered Toxic Comment Detector , api_name:🔥 ToxDetectAI API, api_description:😀 Our AI-powered endpoint can analyze text in over 140 languages, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7685", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Blogzee AI - SEO & Social Content Generator, api_name:Generate Blog Post, api_description:This is the /generate_blog_post endpoint for the Blogzee AI service, designed to generate a complete blog post based on user-provided input parameters.\n\nEndpoint Structure:\n\n Method: GET\n Route: /generate_blog_post\n Response Model: BlogPostResponse\n\nFunctionality:\nThis endpoint accepts a blog post title, a list of keywords (minimum of 2, maximum of 5), and two boolean flags (include_html, include_emojis) as parameters. It uses these inputs to generate a complete blog post using the underlying AI model.\n\nInput Validation:\nThe endpoint expects the keywords to be a list with a minimum length of 2 and a maximum length of 5, with each keyword being no longer than 30 characters. If these conditions are not met, an error is thrown.\n\nError Handling:\nThe endpoint has a mechanism to handle potential API errors from OpenAI's language model. If there is a \"Request failed due to server shutdown\" error, it responds with an HTTP 503 status code and a \"Service Unavailable: API server shutdown\" message. For other unknown errors, it returns an HTTP 500 status code with a \"Internal Server Error: Unknown API error\" message.\n\nOutput Formatting:\nIf the 'include_html' flag is set, it converts new lines in the generated blog post to HTML break tags for better web display.\n\nOutput:\nThis endpoint returns a BlogPostResponse, which includes the blog post title, the generated blog post content, and the values of include_html and include_emojis flags, and the keywords used for generation.\n\nOverall, this endpoint provides a way for users to generate complete blog posts tailored to specific titles and keywords, significantly accelerating the content creation process with the help of AI., required_params: [{\"name\": \"include_html\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"First keyword, max 30 characters\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Second keyword, max 30 characters\"}, {\"name\": \"include_emojis\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7686", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Carbon management, api_name:Statusforexcelemissionanalysis, api_description:Get results in details from the task id., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"current\": \"int\", \"state\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7687", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Quizy API, api_name:/generateQuiz, api_description:This endpoint will return you the 5 questions, options, correct answer and explaination for the quiz topic you provide., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"body\": [{\"question\": \"str\", \"options\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"correct_answer\": \"str\", \"explanation\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7688", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Carbon management, api_name:Statusforemissiontable, api_description:Get results in details from the task id., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"current\": \"int\", \"state\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7689", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Review Generator (AI), api_name:Locales, api_description:Get list of locales, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"results\": [{\"locale\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 57}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7690", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Review Generator (AI), api_name:Languages, api_description:Get list of Languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"results\": [\"list of str with length 37\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7691", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:AI-writer, api_name:QR Code, api_description:Generate a QR Code from a link or a text., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7692", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:LemurBot, api_name:Get Chat Detail, api_description:Get the details for an active chat session.\nSend a bot slug and client slug as query parameters and the request will return the details from the last active chat session., required_params: [{\"name\": \"client\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The slug of the client\"}, {\"name\": \"bot\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The slug of the bot\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7693", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Text Sentiment API, api_name:List Endpoints (Can be used as an endpoint health-check), api_description:This endpoint lists the possible endpoints to connect to.\n\nAlias: /api/sentiment, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7694", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:The Apophis, api_name:getForecast (Mega), api_description:This endpoint is part of Mega subscriptions.\n\n**Available Currencies:**\nAll traded coins & tokens on Coinbase.\n\n**Forecast Data:**\n- 30 Periods\n\n**Timeframe:**\n- 1m\n- 5m\n- 15m\n- 1h\n- 6h, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timeframe\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7695", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:The Apophis, api_name:getForecastlList (Mega), api_description:Get Full Crypto Asset List with Expected Daily Forecast Change, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7696", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v3, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7697", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Microsoft Edge Text to Speech, api_name:GetDownloadURL, api_description:request with a long text and get the mp3 download URL created by the TTS engine.\n\nSupporting lots of languages with different voices, such as French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Polish, Hindi and so on\n\nparams:\ntext - STRING : the text to be transformed to speeches.\nvoice_name - STRING: the voice and language for the speeches., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7698", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Dream Diffusion, api_name:GetGeneration, api_description:Gets the generation status and generated images, required_params: [{\"name\": \"generation_uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uuid\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"image_urls\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7699", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Microsoft Edge Text to Speech, api_name:GetVoicesList, api_description:Voices list for the param \"voice_name\" of the function \"GetDownloadUrl\", required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7700", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Face Animer, api_name:Create Job ID, api_description:Create Job ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"templateId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"templateId could be from 0 to 21 (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21)\"}, {\"name\": \"imageUrl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter valid image url\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"data\": \"NoneType\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"time\": \"int\", \"requestId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7701", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Text To Speech_v2, api_name:Voices Endpoint, api_description:Get List of all available speakers that can be used as voice in /tts Endpoint\n\n**Format of Voices** : Language-Accent-Speaker_Name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7702", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Islam & AI API, api_name:Have a Chat with our Bot, api_description:Have a conversation with our Islam&AI Bot in which it remembers your previous conversation! (upto 30 texts), required_params: [{\"name\": \"question\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"response\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7703", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Islam & AI API, api_name:Get an Answer to your Question, api_description:Get answer to an Islamic question from our Islam&AI bot, required_params: [{\"name\": \"question\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"response\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7704", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Dream Diffusion, api_name:GetTraining, api_description:Gets the training status, required_params: [{\"name\": \"training_uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uuid\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"zip_file\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7705", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:The Apophis, api_name:getForecast (Pro), api_description:This endpoint is part of Pro subscriptions.\n\n**Available Currencies:**\nAll traded coins & tokens on Coinbase.\n\n**Forecast Data:**\n- 10 Periods\n\n**Timeframe:**\n- 1h, required_params: [{\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7706", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:The Apophis, api_name:getAssetsList (Pro+), api_description:Retrieve a list of available assets for forecasting, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7707", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Face Studio, api_name:/generate, api_description:Generate a face given optional parameters: **gender**, **age**, and **ethnicity**. Ethnicity is an approximation of the corresponding ethnic/racial phenotype for a given option., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7708", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Timeseries Prediction Model, api_name:prediction, api_description:predict next period with dates and values, required_params: [{\"name\": \"periods\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"how many days do you want to predict\"}, {\"name\": \"values\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"dates\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7709", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Carbon management, api_name:Status for getting pdf urls, api_description:Get results in details from the task id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"current\": \"int\", \"state\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7710", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Carbon management, api_name:Status for mapper, api_description:Get results in details from the task id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"current\": \"int\", \"ready\": \"bool\", \"state\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7711", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Screening and Matching Resumes, api_name:/sourcingResume, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7712", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Omniinfer, api_name:Progress, api_description:This page will help you get started with text to image. Support ControlNet., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7713", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Omniinfer, api_name:Get Models, api_description:This page will help you get started with text to image. Support ControlNet., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7714", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Article Extractor and Summarizer, api_name:/summarize, api_description:Summarizes the article after extracting it from the specified url., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"summary\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7715", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Article Extractor and Summarizer, api_name:/extract, api_description:Extract an article body and markdown version of the body., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"links\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"image\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"published\": \"str\", \"ttr\": \"int\", \"md\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7716", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:The Apophis, api_name:getForecast (Free), api_description:This endpoint is part of Basic (Free) subscriptions.\n\n**Available Currencies:**\n- BTC\n- ETH\n\n**Forecast Data:**\n- 3 Periods\n\n**Timeframe:**\n- 1h, required_params: [{\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7717", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:TextSentAI - AI powered Text Sentiment Analyzer , api_name:TextSentAI API 📊, api_description:Our API can analyze text in over 140 languages, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7718", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:MidJourney, api_name:get_binary_image_set, api_description:returns requested binary image (\"image/png\"). Full image set, required_params: [{\"name\": \"set_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7719", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:MidJourney, api_name:get_upscaled_binary_image, api_description:returns requested binary image (\"image/png\") from the set, required_params: [{\"name\": \"image_pos\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"set_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7720", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:LemurBot, api_name:Get A Bot Category Group, api_description:Get a specific bot category group by it's id and view it's details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of BotCategoryGroup\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7721", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:LemurBot, api_name:List All Conversation Turns, api_description:Each conversation has conversation turns.\nEach turn represents an input from the client and the output from the bot., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7722", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:LexAI API, api_name:get_classes, api_description:Get available detection classes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7723", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:MidJourney, api_name:get_generation_status, api_description:Get status of the previously posted job.\n\n- outcome - if Failure, then it comes from MJ, like censorship.\n- estimated_time - in seconds. based on previous generation.\n- percent - available when actual generation started, required_params: [{\"name\": \"track_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7724", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v3, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7725", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Explor-Arc's Colors API, api_name:Colors, api_description:The Best API for Effortless Color Inspiration, Unleash Limitless Color Possibilities with The Best API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"1\": \"str\", \"2\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7726", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:EmoAI - AI powered Text Emotion Analyzer, api_name:🔥 EmoAI API, api_description:**😀 Our AI-powered endpoint can analyze text in over 140 languages**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7727", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:AI-writer, api_name:Text, api_description:Generate content, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7728", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:LemurBot, api_name:Get A Bot, api_description:Get a specific bot by its id. (e.g. 1), required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of Bot\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7729", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:LemurBot, api_name:List All Bot Category Groups, api_description:Get a list of category groups which are linked to user owned bots (not locked bots)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7730", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:ARImageSynthesizer, api_name:My Images by ID, api_description:Similar to `/my_images` endpoint, returns generated images' information in a JSON response filtered by given `id`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uniqueID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"image\": [{\"engine\": \"str\", \"guidanceScale\": \"float\", \"hash\": \"str\", \"height\": \"int\", \"img2img_image\": \"NoneType\", \"img2img_strength\": \"NoneType\", \"inferenceSteps\": \"int\", \"negativePrompt\": \"str\", \"prompt\": \"str\", \"ready\": \"bool\", \"requestTime\": \"int\", \"style\": \"str\", \"uniqueID\": \"str\", \"userName\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7731", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Face liveness check, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7732", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:AI-writer, api_name:Revise, api_description:Revise and correct any text, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7733", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:AI-writer, api_name:Keywords, api_description:Quickly define keywords from a given text, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7734", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Text to Speech PRO, api_name:Get List of Voices, api_description:Get List of Voices, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7735", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Text to Speech PRO, api_name:Get List of Audios, api_description:Get List of Audios, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7736", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Carbon management, api_name:Statusforemissionreductiontarget, api_description:Get results in details from the task id., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"current\": \"int\", \"state\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7737", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Carbon management, api_name:Getprocesscountforcelery, api_description:Get results in details from the task id., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"activeCount\": {\"celery@ip-10-0-10-239\": [{\"hostname\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"celery@ip-10-0-11-37\": \"empty list\"}, \"reservedCount\": {\"celery@ip-10-0-10-239\": \"empty list\", \"celery@ip-10-0-11-37\": \"empty list\"}, \"scheduleCount\": {\"celery@ip-10-0-10-239\": \"empty list\", \"celery@ip-10-0-11-37\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7738", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Carbon management, api_name:Statusforonepdffilecrawler, api_description:Get results in details from the task id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"current\": \"int\", \"state\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7739", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Face Animer, api_name:Get Result, api_description:Enter taskId and get result. Note: you have to wait about 5 seconds after you created the job id. Otherwise response will be Null data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"taskId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter taskId and get result. Note: you have to wait about 5 seconds after you created the job id. Otherwise response will be Null data. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"data\": \"NoneType\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"time\": \"int\", \"requestId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7740", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Text Sentiment Analysis , api_name:Text Sentiment Analysis, api_description:Analyse the Sentiment of the given text context, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sentiment\": {\"score\": \"int\", \"locale\": \"str\", \"comparative\": \"float\", \"vote\": \"str\", \"tokens\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"words\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"positive\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"negative\": \"empty list\", \"negation\": \"bool\", \"language\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7741", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:test, api_name:qwetre, api_description:qweytr, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7742", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Midjourney best experience, api_name:get job by task id, api_description:you can get the generate job and action job status by the task_id, and the task_id will expired at 24 hours after, required_params: [{\"name\": \"task_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7743", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Midjourney best experience, api_name:ping, api_description:not for use, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7744", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:The Apophis, api_name:getForecast (Ultra), api_description:This endpoint is part of Ultra subscriptions.\n\n**Available Currencies:**\nAll traded coins & tokens on Coinbase.\n\n**Forecast Data:**\n- 10 Periods\n\n**Timeframe:**\n- 1m\n- 5m\n- 15m\n- 1h\n- 6h, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timeframe\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7745", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:AI-writer, api_name:Hashtags, api_description:Generate hashtags from a given text., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7746", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:ChatGPT Detector - AI Powered ChatGPT Answer Detector , api_name:ChatGPT Detector API 📊, api_description:Our API can detect text in over 140 languages, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7747", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Melrose Labs Voice API, api_name:Retrieve audio file, api_description:Retrieve audio file from previously converted text-to-speech. File is in MP3 format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"transactionid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Transaction ID for previously submitted text-to-speech conversion.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7748", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:D7 Viber, api_name:Get Message Status, api_description:Retrieve the delivery status of Viber messages that were sent earlier., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7749", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Melrose Labs Voice API, api_name:Retrieve text, api_description:Retrieve text from previously converted speech-to-text., required_params: [{\"name\": \"transactionid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of speech-to-text transaction\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7750", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:eazita.com, api_name:Check Account Balance, api_description:Retrieve your current eazita account balance., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7751", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Melrose Labs Voice API, api_name:Get endpoint, api_description:Get endpoint for a number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"telno\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Get current endpoint for telephone number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7752", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:D7 Viber, api_name:Check Balance, api_description:Retrieve details about your D7API account's current balance., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7753", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:31Events - Send Native Calendar Invites, api_name:AccoungGet, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"customer_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Customer ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7754", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:31Events - Send Native Calendar Invites, api_name:EventResponses, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Event ID\"}, {\"name\": \"response_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"one of \\\"accepted\\\", \\\"attended\\\", \\\"declined\\\", \\\"noreply\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7755", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Flask, api_name:flask_app, api_description:flask application, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7756", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Melrose Labs Voice API, api_name:List available numbers for a country, api_description:Get list of available telephone numbers for a country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country for which querying for available numbers\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7757", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Veriphone, api_name:verify, api_description:Global phone number verification, required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The phone number to verify\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"phone_valid\": \"bool\", \"phone_type\": \"str\", \"phone_region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"country_prefix\": \"str\", \"international_number\": \"str\", \"local_number\": \"str\", \"e164\": \"str\", \"carrier\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7758", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Veriphone, api_name:example, api_description:Get an example phone number for any country, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"phone_type\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"country_prefix\": \"str\", \"international_number\": \"str\", \"local_number\": \"str\", \"e164\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7759", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:BulkSMSAPI, api_name:/api/command?username=test&password=test&cmd=X, api_description:HTTP GET Commands, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7760", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Maytapi WhatsApp, api_name:logs, api_description:Gets logs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter which page\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"count\": \"str\", \"list\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"pid\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"int\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"body\": {\"pid\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"phoneId\": \"int\", \"phone_id\": \"int\", \"product_id\": \"str\"}, \"webhook\": \"NoneType\", \"response\": {\"message\": \"str\"}}, \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7761", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Maytapi WhatsApp, api_name:redeploy, api_description:Redeploys docker instance of your phone. If your phone having any unexpected problems you can use this endpoint to reboot the instance., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7762", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Maytapi WhatsApp, api_name:getQRCode, api_description:Gets the image of QR-Code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter phone id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7763", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:getBs, api_name:Prefereces, api_description:Prefereces, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"prefereces\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7764", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:English Talking, api_name:Get an answer, api_description:Get an answer, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"status\": \"str\", \"approvals\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"disapprovals\": \"empty list\", \"_id\": \"str\", \"speech\": \"str\", \"answer\": \"str\", \"user\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\", \"approval_rate\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"entity\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7765", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:getBs, api_name:getBars, api_description:getBars, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"userId\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7766", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:MailValid, api_name:Check lists, api_description:The route for checking the lists of disposable or non disposable emails, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"disposableDomains\": \"str\", \"nonDisposableDomains\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7767", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Revista Verde, api_name:Green Journal, api_description:A Revista Verde (RV) é periódico científico internacional semestral do Programa Escola Verde e do Grupo de Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental Interdisciplinar (CNPq) sobre problemáticas socioambientais e sustentabilidade.\n\nWebsite: https://revistaverde.escolaverde.org, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7768", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:HQSMS, api_name:Send SMS, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Destination number\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Sender name have to be activated\"}, {\"name\": \"message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Content of message\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7769", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Stampr, api_name:Health, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7770", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:https://i.imgur.com/JM9TESV.jpg/, api_name:https://i.imgur.com/JM9TESV.jpg/, api_description:https://i.imgur.com/JM9TESV.jpg/, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7771", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Sagenda Free Booking System, api_name:/Events/GetBookableItemList, api_description:list of the bookable Items, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7772", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Validate Phone, api_name:Validate Phone, api_description:“Validate Phone” API Validates single phone number or bulk phone numbers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7773", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/events/{eventId}/parameters, api_description:Get parameters of an event by id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"eventId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Event Id of the requested Alert.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7774", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:QR Code by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/qrcode, api_description:API Ninjas QR Code API endpoint. Returns a QRCode image binary specified by input parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"data to encode in the QR code.\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"image format to return. Must be one of the following: png, jpg, jpeg, eps, svg.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7775", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/teams/{teamId}/alertReports/{fileName}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of team you want to get the duty report file infos for.\"}, {\"name\": \"fileName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File name of file you want to download.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7776", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Checky - Verify Phone Number, api_name:GET - Verify, api_description:To use this endpoint, you need to make an HTTP GET request to the API with the phone and country parameters in the query string., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The phone number to verify. It should be provided without any spaces or special characters.\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The two-letter country code of the phone number. eg **US**, **CA**, **FR** etc.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country\": \"str\", \"phone_number\": \"str\", \"phone_type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7777", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Web Push Notifications Server, api_name:Owner Info, api_description:Fetch owner's details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"owner-id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uptime\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7778", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Web Push Notifications Server, api_name:Index, api_description:Endpoint to fetch server information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"apiDocumentation\": \"str\", \"uptime\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7779", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:PubNub Network, api_name:Time, api_description:Timetoken from PubNub Network, required_params: [{\"name\": \"callback\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"JSONP Callback\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7780", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Mojitok Sticker Store SDK, api_name:/stickers/trending, api_description:API that provides information on creators and stickerpacks of 16 popular stickers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"spec\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"packageId\": \"str\", \"stickerPackId\": \"str\", \"stickerPack\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"description\": [{\"content\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"name\": [{\"content\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"thumbnailUrl\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"spec\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"package\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"description\": [{\"content\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"name\": [{\"content\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"thumbnailUrl\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"spec\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"meta\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7781", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Barbaraaa, api_name:M, api_description:crypto, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7782", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:TrumpetBox Cloud, api_name:Messages-GetPendingMessagesFromAccount, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"device\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the specific device you want to get pending messages (Optional)\\n\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"TrumpetBox Cloud API KEY\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"bool\", \"data\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7783", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:TrumpetBox Cloud, api_name:Devices-GetASingleDeviceInfoFromAccount, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the device\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"TrumpetBox Cloud API KEY\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"bool\", \"data\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7784", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Serverless blogging, api_name:GROUPS, api_description:Get different blog groups of your account., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7785", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SendSMS, api_name:message_send, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your SensSMS Api Key\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Destination Phone Number\"}, {\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"SMS Content\"}, {\"name\": \"action\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your SensSMS User Name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7786", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:2Factor Authentication - India, api_name:Check Balance - Addon Services, api_description:Check Balance For Addon Services, required_params: [{\"name\": \"service_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the addon service\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"2Factor account API Key\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7787", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:2Factor Authentication - India, api_name:Sending SMS OTP ( Custom OTP - Custom Template ), api_description:This endpoint is used to send SMS OTP to India, required_params: [{\"name\": \"otp\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"4 Digit ( Numeric ) OTP code to be sent\"}, {\"name\": \"phone_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"10 Digit Indian Phone Number\"}, {\"name\": \"template_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Template name created using Custom Template Wizard\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Obtained From 2Factor.in\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7788", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Serverless blogging, api_name:BLOG, api_description:Open Individual blog, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7789", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:2Factor Authentication - India, api_name:Sending VOICE OTP ( Auto Generated OTP ), api_description:This endpoint is used to send Auto Generated VOICE OTP to India, required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"10 Digit Indian Phone Number\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Obtained From 2Factor.in\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7790", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Serverless blogging, api_name:MEDIA, api_description:Get image from your sapphire account, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7791", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Grup Terbuka, api_name:Kirim Pesan, api_description:api untuk kirim pesan, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pesan\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7792", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Serverless blogging, api_name:BLOGS, api_description:Query blogs from your account, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7793", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:whin, api_name:list groups, api_description:This endpoint returns a list of the groups you created through whin., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7794", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:whin, api_name:signup, api_description:This endpoint is **ONLY** used to enter the code you received to signup. Follow this [video](https://youtu.be/uOZ-oH4kP58), or read the [tutorial](https://rapidapi.com/inutil-inutil-default/api/whin2/tutorials/what-to-do-to-start-using-whin%3F-1), to learn how to start using whin., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7795", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:PubNub Network, api_name:History, api_description:Get older messages., required_params: [{\"name\": \"callback\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"JSONP Callback\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Limit of messages to return\"}, {\"name\": \"subscribe_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Subscribe Key\"}, {\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Channel Name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7796", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Phone Number Validator, api_name:Validate Phone Number, api_description:Easily and quickly looks up details about a phone number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter a valid phone number. You can also include the country code **(e.g +19843323454)** and dashes are also valid **(e.g 984-332-3454)** \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"isvalid\": \"bool\", \"country\": \"str\", \"countrycode\": \"int\", \"nationalnumber\": \"int\", \"extension\": \"NoneType\", \"e614\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"geodata\": {\"location\": \"str\", \"carrier\": \"NoneType\", \"timezones\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7797", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Maytapi WhatsApp, api_name:queue, api_description:Returns the queue info of the phone., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter phone id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7798", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Upcall, api_name:fetchWebhook, api_description:Get a specific webhook, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of webhook\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7799", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Upcall, api_name:fetchOauthAuthorizedApplications, api_description:Fetch Oauth authorized applications, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7800", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Upcall, api_name:fetchCustomFields, api_description:Get custom fields, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of contact\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7801", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Maytapi WhatsApp, api_name:purgeQueue, api_description:Clears phone's send message queue., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter phone id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7802", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Phone Formatter, api_name:regions, api_description:Returns a collection of supported regions for the specified\n IETF BCP 47 language tag string., required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Language in BCP 47 format\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7803", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Networking, api_name:WhatsMyIP, api_description:This will fetch your public IP., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7804", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:On hold audio messages, api_name:Endpoint, api_description:It needs for ordering messages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7805", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Quick Email Verification, api_name:/v1/verify, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter email address to validate\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7806", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:LanguageTool, api_name:List of Languages, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"longCode\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7807", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:QuickBlox, api_name:GET places.json, api_description:Retrieving a list of the created places by application, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7808", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:QuickBlox, api_name:GET geodata/find.json, api_description:Retrieve all (by default) geodata for current application. The ID of the application is taken from the token which is specified in the request, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7809", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:QuickBlox, api_name:GET blobs/{uid}.xml, api_description:Download File (Get File as a redirect to the S3 object) by uid. 'uid' is a parameter which should be taken from the response of the request for the creating a file. To have a possibility to download a file you should set a status complete to your file firstly., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7810", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Phone Formatter, api_name:simpleRegions, api_description:Returns a collection of supported regions. Method use \"Accept-Language\" header value for output list of\n regions on specific language, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7811", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Phone Formatter, api_name:simple, api_description:A simplified version of the formatting method that does not accept additional filtering and parsing parameters\n and uses the language value from the \"Accept-Language\" header., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7812", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SMSLink, api_name:Account Balance, api_description:Account Balance, required_params: [{\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Password\"}, {\"name\": \"connection_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Connection ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7813", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SMSLink, api_name:Send SMS, api_description:Send SMS, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Destination Number\"}, {\"name\": \"message\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Message\"}, {\"name\": \"connection_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Connection ID\"}, {\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Password\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7814", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Upcall, api_name:fetchWebhooks, api_description:Get all webhooks, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7815", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Validate Phone by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/validatephone, api_description:API Ninjas Validate Phone API endpoint. Returns metadata (including whether it is valid) for a given phone number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"phone number to check. If country is not set, the 3-digit country code prefix needs to be included.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"is_valid\": \"bool\", \"is_formatted_properly\": \"bool\", \"country\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"timezones\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"format_national\": \"str\", \"format_international\": \"str\", \"format_e164\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7816", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Phone and Email Validator_v2, api_name:Email Id, api_description:eg: email@example.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7817", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:QuieroChat, api_name:Acceso al chat, api_description:Conecta al usuario con el chat, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7818", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Hesab, api_name:Hesab Yarat, api_description:Yoxdur, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Mail\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7819", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Clickatell, api_name:Send Message, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7820", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Automatic-custom-response-creator, api_name:get_response, api_description:There are 3 params necessary : \n\n- First - Add a review \"avis\" (ex. \"Merci pour votre accueil, c'était parfait\")\n- Then - Add a \"business_type\" (ex. \"Restaurant\")\n- Finaly - Add a \"business_brand\" (ex. \"Fuzi\"), required_params: [{\"name\": \"business_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"business_brand\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"avis\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"C'\\u00e9tait excellent\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7821", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/userLicenses, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"subscriptionId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the subscription\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7822", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/prepaidSettings, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"subscriptionId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7823", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Hotspot Social 1, api_name:usuarios, api_description:banco para usuarios, required_params: [{\"name\": \"whatsapp\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Campo destinado para armazenar o email\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7824", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:LINE Messaging, api_name:Get rich menu ID of user, api_description:Gets the ID of the rich menu linked to a user., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID. Found in the source object of webhook event objects. Do not use the LINE ID used in LINE.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7825", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:LINE Messaging, api_name:Get default rich menu ID, api_description:Gets the ID of the default rich menu set with the Messaging API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7826", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:LINE Messaging, api_name:Get profile, api_description:Gets user profile information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID that is returned in a webhook event object. Do not use the LINE ID found on LINE.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7827", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:ISS Location, api_name:get, api_description:gets you the data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7828", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:LINE Messaging, api_name:Get rich menu list, api_description:Gets a list of all uploaded rich menus., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7829", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:31Events - Send Native Calendar Invites, api_name:EventList, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7830", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:LINE Messaging, api_name:Get number of sent reply messages, api_description:Gets the number of messages sent with the /bot/message/reply endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\\t\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date the messages were sent. Format: yyyyMMdd (Example: 20191231) Timezone: UTC+9\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7831", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Upcall, api_name:fetchCalls, api_description:Get all calls, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7832", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Truecaller_v2, api_name:Get Details, api_description:This end point will display the search details for the number you are looking for., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7833", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Truecaller_v2, api_name:Get Bulk Details, api_description:This end point will display the search details for the bulk number's you are looking for., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"phoneNumbers\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Comma separated number (Without Country Code)\\nExample:- 9768XXXXXX,1400XXXXXX,1400XXXXXX\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7834", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Email Checker and Validator, api_name:Check Email, api_description:Just paste the Email Address you want to validate and wait for the results, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The email address to validate\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ascii_domain\": \"str\", \"ascii_email\": \"str\", \"ascii_local_part\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"local_part\": \"str\", \"mx\": [\"list of list with length 1\"], \"mx_fallback_type\": \"NoneType\", \"original_email\": \"str\", \"smtputf8\": \"bool\", \"spf\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7835", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Phone and Email Validator_v2, api_name:PostalCode, api_description:Postal Code or Zip Code to Location For USA only, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postal_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7836", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Phone and Email Validator_v2, api_name:Phone Number, api_description:E164 Format. Eg 19542567890 for USA, required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7837", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Phone and Email Validator_v2, api_name:IP Address, api_description:Eg:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7838", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:test apideno, api_name:article index, api_description:article index, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"items\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"youtube_url\": \"NoneType\", \"content\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"category_id\": \"int\", \"user_id\": \"int\", \"order_in_landing_page\": \"int\", \"column_medium\": \"NoneType\", \"show_banner\": \"NoneType\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"publish_date\": \"str\", \"category\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"user_id\": \"int\", \"order_in_header\": \"int\", \"order_in_footer\": \"int\", \"is_active\": \"int\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\"}, \"created_by\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"profile_image\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"pagination\": {\"total_found\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"current_page\": \"int\", \"total_page\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7839", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:CakeMail, api_name:Documentation, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"How to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"How to Start\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7840", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:31Events - Send Native Calendar Invites, api_name:AccountList, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7841", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Skype Graph, api_name:Search, api_description:Search for a Skype user by email address or name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"results\": [{\"nodeProfileData\": {\"skypeId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"avatarUrl\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"contactType\": \"str\", \"avatarImageUrl\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7842", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:QuickBlox, api_name:GET blobs.json, api_description:Get list of files for the current user. The ID of the user is taken from the token specified in the request, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7843", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:31Events - Send Native Calendar Invites, api_name:EventGet, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Event ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7844", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Compras Net Api, api_name:2º - Mensagens do Chat (Chat message), api_description:Chat, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cod\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"C\\u00f3digo do Chat (Pode ser obtido no outro endpoint)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7845", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Compras Net Api, api_name:1º - Obter Código do Chat (Code to Chat), api_description:Obter Código do Chat, required_params: [{\"name\": \"co_uasg\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"C\\u00f3digo UASG do Org\\u00e3o\"}, {\"name\": \"numprp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"N\\u00famero do Processo a ser Consultado\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7846", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:whin, api_name:group invite link, api_description:the endpoint returns an invite link url for a group you own., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the group id of which you want to get an invite link url\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7847", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:whin, api_name:websocket checker, api_description:Whin-receive (thick-client) websockets checker. \nThis endpoint is **ONLY** used to authorize websocket connections to the backend by thick clients. The Response is a token needed to complete handshaking., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7848", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Wavecell SMS, api_name:SMS-MT - Send SMS (GET), api_description:Send a SMS message using Wavecell HTTP GET, required_params: [{\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your Wavecell Password\"}, {\"name\": \"encoding\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The encoding format of the message\"}, {\"name\": \"subaccountid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your Wavecell Sub Account ID\"}, {\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The destination phone number (MSISDN) to send to. This must be in international format without \\\"+\\\" such as 33123456789. 33 is the country code and 123456789 is the mobile number\"}, {\"name\": \"body\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The message text\"}, {\"name\": \"source\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sender Id the message will appear from, TPOA. Only available on agreed routes with your account manager.\"}, {\"name\": \"accountid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your Wavecell Account ID\"}, {\"name\": \"scheduleddatetime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specify this if you wish to schedule your message up to 7 days in advance, to be specified in UTC Time. Specify this parameter blank if you do not want to schedule your message. SET 0 IF NOT REQUIRED\"}, {\"name\": \"umid\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7849", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Wavecell SMS, api_name:Get delivery status, api_description:This API should be used to retrieve the current delivery status of a message sent using Wavecell., required_params: [{\"name\": \"AccountID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your Wavecell Accountid\"}, {\"name\": \"Subaccountid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your Wavecell subaccountid\"}, {\"name\": \"Password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your Wavecell password\"}, {\"name\": \"umid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Unique Message ID of the SMS for which you want to retrieve the delivery status\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7850", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Upcall, api_name:fetchSpecificContact, api_description:Get a specific contact, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of contact to fetch\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7851", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Flowplayer Drive, api_name:/videos, api_description:List all videos in the library, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7852", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Flowplayer Drive, api_name:retention, api_description:Get retention data for the specified video. Retention data answers following questions: How long do viewers spend watching your videos? At what point do they lose interest or tune out and go elsewhere? The returned data tells the percentage (and count) of viewers that watched the video up to a given time in the video's timeline., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7853", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Another Rapid Test, api_name:Demo Max, api_description:hello, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"invalidHeaders\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"invalidQueryParams\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7854", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:DNS Lookup, api_name:/Api/any/{domain}, api_description:Sample request:\r\nGET /api/any/oxog.net, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"aResults\": [{\"ipAddress\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"aaaaResults\": [{\"ipAddress\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"aResultsForWww\": [{\"ipAddress\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"aaaaResultsForWww\": \"empty list\", \"nsResults\": [{\"nameServer\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"txtResults\": [{\"txtDetail\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"mxResults\": [{\"reference\": \"int\", \"exchange\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"soaResult\": {\"expire\": \"int\", \"defaultTTL\": \"int\", \"refresh\": \"int\", \"retry\": \"int\", \"serial\": \"int\", \"hostmasterEmail\": \"str\", \"primaryNameserver\": \"str\"}, \"processResponseTime\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"requestType\": \"str\", \"warnings\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7855", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Free Phone Carrier Lookup, api_name:Carrier Endpoint, api_description:The phone number carrier provides useful information about location. Please any Bug contact me at @ta9ra9pa9 on Telegram, required_params: [{\"name\": \"PhoneNumber\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Carrier\": \"str\", \"Country\": \"str\", \"International\": \"str\", \"Line Type\": \"str\", \"Local Time\": \"str\", \"Location\": \"str\", \"National\": \"str\", \"Owner\": \"NoneType\", \"Views count\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7856", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Scout, api_name:Advanced Phone Number Lookup, api_description:**Advanced Phone Number Information**\n\n*retrieves valuable technical data about a phone number*\n\n- validity\n\n- approximate location\n\n- timezone\n\n- carrier\n\n- line type\n\n- ported status\n\n- carrier\n\n- robocall/spam score\n\n- much more, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dialcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dialcode_e164\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"timezone_short\": \"str\", \"timezone_utc_offset\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"sub_region\": \"str\", \"administrative_area_level_3\": \"NoneType\", \"administrative_area_level_2\": \"str\", \"administrative_area_level_1\": \"str\", \"administrative_area_level_1_short\": \"str\", \"locality\": \"str\", \"sublocality_level_1\": \"NoneType\", \"point_of_interest\": \"NoneType\", \"neighborhood\": \"NoneType\", \"clli\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_short\": \"str\", \"postal_code\": \"str\", \"operating_company_name\": \"str\", \"operating_company_type\": \"str\", \"lata\": \"str\", \"ocn\": \"str\", \"line_type\": \"str\", \"location_routing_number\": \"str\", \"ported\": \"bool\", \"risk_rating\": \"str\", \"risk_level\": \"int\", \"ported_date\": \"NoneType\", \"dialcode_invalid\": \"bool\", \"dialcode_impossible\": \"bool\", \"notes\": \"str\", \"switch_assignment_date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7857", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:DNS Lookup, api_name:/Api/soa/{domain}, api_description:Sample request:\r\nGET /api/soa/oxog.net, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"soaResult\": {\"expire\": \"int\", \"defaultTTL\": \"int\", \"refresh\": \"int\", \"retry\": \"int\", \"serial\": \"int\", \"hostmasterEmail\": \"str\", \"primaryNameserver\": \"str\"}, \"processResponseTime\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"requestType\": \"str\", \"warnings\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7858", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Scout, api_name:Basic Phone Number Validation, api_description:**Basic Phone Number Validation**\n\n- determine if a phone number is in a valid format \n\n- determine if a phone number is impossible for a particular region\n\n- properly format the number for various scenarios like international or local dialing\n\n- attempts to determine line type\n\n- determines country and country code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dialcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"original\": \"str\", \"sanitized\": \"str\", \"e164\": \"str\", \"national\": \"str\", \"full_national\": \"str\", \"full_international\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"country_code_prefix\": \"str\", \"area_code\": \"str\", \"valid_countries\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"invalid\": \"bool\", \"impossible\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"str\", \"possible_types\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7859", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:DNS Lookup, api_name:/Api/txt/{domain}, api_description:Sample request:\r\nGET /api/txt/oxog.net, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"txtDetail\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"processResponseTime\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"requestType\": \"str\", \"warnings\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7860", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:GREEN-API, api_name:Logoutaccount, api_description:Документация [Logout](https://green-api.com/docs/api/account/Logout/), required_params: [{\"name\": \"waInstanceidInstance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apiTokenInstance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7861", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:GREEN-API, api_name:Receivenotification, api_description:Документация [ReceiveNotification](https://green-api.com/docs/api/receiving/technology-http-api/ReceiveNotification/), required_params: [{\"name\": \"waInstanceidInstance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apiTokenInstance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7862", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:GREEN-API, api_name:GetQRcode, api_description:Документация [QR](https://green-api.com/docs/api/account/QR/), required_params: [{\"name\": \"waInstanceidInstance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apiTokenInstance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7863", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:bitikas1, api_name:lopp1, api_description:niisamalopp, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7864", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Dudu, api_name:Command, api_description:Please check http://dudu.com/docs/api/command/list for the proper parameter and method combinations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"json\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"mask\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"application_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7865", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:2Factor Authentication - India, api_name:Block Number - VOICE Service, api_description:This endpoint is used to add number to VOICE Blocklist, required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"10 Digit Indian Phone Number\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Get one from http://2Factor.in\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7866", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:2Factor Authentication - India, api_name:Block Number - SMS Service, api_description:This endpoint is used to add number to SMS Blocklist, required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"10 Digit Indian Phone Number\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Obtained From 2Factor.in\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7867", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Upcall, api_name:fetchCampaigns, api_description:Get all campaigns, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7868", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Upcall, api_name:fetchQuestionAnswers, api_description:Get question's answers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of question\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7869", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:BOTlibre, api_name:form-check-user, api_description:The form-check-user API validates user, and returns the user's details., required_params: [{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"REQUIRED: The ID of the user. The user must be registered with BOT libre. If not passed the user will be anonymous. The user is required if the bot is private.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7870", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:BOTlibre, api_name:form-chat, api_description:The form-chat API receives a chat message and returns the chat bot's reply as an XML document., required_params: [{\"name\": \"instance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"REQUIRED: The ID of the bot to chat with. The bot's name can also be used, but the ID is better as it is guaranteed to be unique.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7871", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:BOTlibre, api_name:form-check-instance, api_description:The form-check-instance API validates that a bot ID or name exists, and returns the bot's details., required_params: [{\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"OPTIONAL: The password of the user. A token can also be used.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7872", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Punto 61, api_name:getarchive, api_description:getarchive, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"template\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"page\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"contentKey\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"creationDate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7873", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:GeneralTalker, api_name:on_general, api_description:いろいろなボットでご利用いただける雑談APIです。\n\n以下はon_generalのレスポンス例と、その意味です。\n```\n{\n\"response\":{\n \"res\":\"おはよーございます\" # 生成された返答\n \"user_score\":-2.8724350929260254 # ユーザーの発話のスコア\n \"lm\":0.7096909880638123 # 文章の妥当性スコア\n \"mc\":-1.5187406539916992 # 返答としての妥当性スコア\n \"score\":-0.3534274697303772 # 総合スコア\n \"history_text\":\"Hello\" # 発話の生成に使われた発話履歴\n \"res_score_list\":[ # 採用しなかった返答のリスト\n 0:[\n 0:\"おはよーございます\" # 返答の内容\n 1:[ # スコア(文章の妥当性,返答としての妥当性,総合スコア)\n 0:0.7096909880638123\n 1:-1.5187406539916992\n 2:-0.3534274697303772\n ]\n ]\n ... # 中略\n ]\n }\n}\n```, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u30dc\\u30c3\\u30c8\\u306e\\u8a71\\u3057\\u76f8\\u624b\\u3067\\u3042\\u308b\\u30e6\\u30fc\\u30b6\\u30fc\\u306e\\u540d\\u524d\\u3092\\u6307\\u5b9a\\u3057\\u3066\\u304f\\u3060\\u3055\\u3044\\u3002\"}, {\"name\": \"user_msg_text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u30e6\\u30fc\\u30b6\\u30fc\\u304b\\u3089\\u8a71\\u3057\\u304b\\u3051\\u3089\\u308c\\u305f\\u5185\\u5bb9\\uff08\\u30c6\\u30ad\\u30b9\\u30c8\\uff09\\u3092\\u6307\\u5b9a\\u3057\\u3066\\u304f\\u3060\\u3055\\u3044\\u3002\"}, {\"name\": \"bot_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u3053\\u306eAPI\\u3092\\u5229\\u7528\\u3059\\u308b\\u30dc\\u30c3\\u30c8\\u306e\\u540d\\u524d\\u3092\\u6307\\u5b9a\\u3057\\u3066\\u304f\\u3060\\u3055\\u3044\\u3002\\n\\u203bAPI\\u5185\\u90e8\\u3067\\u306f[bot_name - user_name]\\u9593\\u306e\\u4f1a\\u8a71\\u5c65\\u6b74\\u3092\\u5143\\u306b\\u3001\\u300c\\u6d41\\u308c\\u306e\\u3042\\u308b\\u81ea\\u7136\\u306a\\u4f1a\\u8a71\\u300d\\u3092\\u6210\\u7acb\\u3055\\u305b\\u307e\\u3059\\u3002\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": {\"res\": \"str\", \"user_score\": \"float\", \"lm\": \"float\", \"mc\": \"float\", \"score\": \"float\", \"history_text\": \"str\", \"res_score_list\": [\"list of list with length 5\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7874", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:HoG, api_name:18.1 App Config, api_description:取得系統參數, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7875", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:DNS Lookup, api_name:/Api/mx/{domain}, api_description:Sample request:\r\nGET /api/mx/oxog.net, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"reference\": \"int\", \"exchange\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"processResponseTime\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"requestType\": \"str\", \"warnings\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7876", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:DNS Lookup, api_name:/Api/a/{domain}, api_description:Sample request:\r\nGET /api/a/oxog.net, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"ipAddress\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"processResponseTime\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"requestType\": \"str\", \"warnings\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7877", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Zipwhip, api_name:group/removemember, api_description:Remove a group member. This is useful if a group member has requested to opt-out of notifications., required_params: [{\"name\": \"group\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}, {\"name\": \"member\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}, {\"name\": \"session\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"desc\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7878", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/teams/{teamId}/setupProgress, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the team the progress should be retrieved for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7879", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/alerts/{alertId}/notifications, api_description:Get notifications of all users by alert id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"alertId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of the requested Alert.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7880", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Retrieve DNS Entries, api_name:/api/whois, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"startAddress\": \"str\", \"endAddress\": \"str\", \"ipVersion\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"lastChanged\": \"str\", \"registered\": \"str\", \"registrant\": [{\"handle\": \"str\", \"vcard\": [\"list of list with length 4\"], \"roles\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"lastChanged\": \"str\", \"registered\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"status\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"cidr0_cidrs\": [{\"v4prefix\": \"str\", \"length\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7881", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Zipwhip, api_name:contact/delete, api_description:This method can take one or more contact ID(s) and delete those records from Zipwhip. A contact's ID is available from contact/list or part of the return from message/send., required_params: [{\"name\": \"contact\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the contact ID that is return from contact/list. A contact ID is also part of the return from message/send.\"}, {\"name\": \"session\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"response\": {\"desc\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"path\": \"str\"}, \"sessions\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7882", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Retrieve DNS Entries, api_name:/api/dns, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7883", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Truecaller_v2, api_name:Get Country Codes, api_description:This will return list of all country codes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7884", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Whatsapp Private API, api_name:GetContacts, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"account_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7885", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Melrose Labs Voice API, api_name:List available numbers for a country/prefix, api_description:Get list of available telephone numbers for a country and given prefix, required_params: [{\"name\": \"prefix\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Prefix within country for which query for available numbers\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Country for which querying for available numbers\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7886", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:whin, api_name:hk receiver, api_description:this endpoint shall be used by the origin services, it's **NOT** to be used on the playground., required_params: [{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7887", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Truecaller_v2, api_name:Test API, api_description:This API is to test if server is up and running, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7888", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:whin, api_name:create a group, api_description:This API will create a group, it will add you, and will promote you to Admin of the group. Check this [video](https://youtu.be/wD0DWoua0L4) to learn how to use it., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7889", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Whatsapp Private API, api_name:GetAccount, api_description:API for get list account under the projects, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7890", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Sim based Location Tracking, api_name:Getlatestlocation, api_description:

This API can be used for getting latest location of the passed number.


Body Parameters

phone_numberYes 10 digit previously added mobile number




Invalid user credentials


{\n    \"errors\": \"Invalid username/password.\"\n}\n


Wrong or not added mobile number passed


\n{\n    \"status\": \"invalid_mobile\"\n}\n
, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7891", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Sim based Location Tracking, api_name:NumberList, api_description:\n

All of last updated locations of provided concents phone numbers can be fetched through this endpoint,





Invalid user credentials


{\n    \"errors\": \"Invalid username/password.\"\n}\n
\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7892", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Sim based Location Tracking, api_name:CheckConsent, api_description:

You can use this endpoint to check concent status of the passed mobile number.


Body Parameters

telYes 10 digit comma seperated mobile number used for creating trip




Invalid user credentials


{\n    \"errors\": \"Invalid username/password.\"\n}\n
, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7893", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Zipwhip, api_name:contact/save, api_description:Save details about the contact for the given phone number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"For US domestic use 10-digit number. For International numbers use full E.164 format. Examples: US: 5555555555 E.164: +1155555555555\"}, {\"name\": \"session\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"response\": {\"desc\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"path\": \"str\"}, \"sessions\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7894", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Zipwhip, api_name:contact/list, api_description:This method returns all contacts associated with session provided., required_params: [{\"name\": \"session\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"response\": {\"desc\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"path\": \"str\"}, \"sessions\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7895", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Flowplayer Drive, api_name:traffic, api_description:Get traffic statistics for the specified video., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7896", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Flowplayer Drive, api_name:show account, api_description:Shows the account, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7897", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:GREEN-API, api_name:Getchats, api_description:Документация [GetContacts](https://green-api.com/docs/api/service/GetContacts/), required_params: [{\"name\": \"waInstanceidInstance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apiTokenInstance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7898", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:GREEN-API, api_name:Getoutgoingmessagesjournal, api_description:Документация [LastOutgoingMessages](https://green-api.com/docs/api/journals/LastOutgoingMessages/), required_params: [{\"name\": \"waInstanceidInstance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apiTokenInstance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7899", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:2Factor Authentication - India, api_name:Pull Delivery Report, api_description:Pull Delivery Report - Transactional SMS, required_params: [{\"name\": \"session_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Session Id Returned By Send SMS Step\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Obtained From 2Factor.in\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7900", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:2Factor Authentication - India, api_name:Sending Voice OTP ( Custom OTP ), api_description:This endpoint is used to send VOICE OTP to India, required_params: [{\"name\": \"otp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"4 Digit ( Numeric ) OTP code to be sent\"}, {\"name\": \"phone_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"10 Digit Indian Phone Number\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Obtained From 2Factor.in\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7901", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:caller-id, api_name:search-mobile, api_description:Retrieve personal details with mobile number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"encoding\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"access\": \"str\", \"enhanced\": \"bool\", \"phones\": [{\"e164Format\": \"str\", \"numberType\": \"str\", \"nationalFormat\": \"str\", \"dialingCode\": \"int\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"carrier\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"addresses\": [{\"countryCode\": \"str\", \"timeZone\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"internetAddresses\": \"empty list\", \"tags\": \"empty list\", \"ns\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7902", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Melrose Labs Voice API, api_name:List allocated numbers, api_description:Get list of allocated numbers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7903", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Maytapi WhatsApp, api_name:contacts, api_description:Returns the contacts in the current whatsapp instance., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7904", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Upcall, api_name:fetchContactAnswers, api_description:Get contact's answers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of contact\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7905", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:whin, api_name:show url, api_description:This endpoint is used to request the webhook routes created on your account. \nLearn how to use it on this [video](https://youtu.be/8WyG_becZXM), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7906", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:TrackingMore_v2, api_name:carriers/list, api_description:List all supported carriers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7907", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Transportistas de Argentina, api_name:/cities/postcode/:stateIsoCode/:postCode, api_description:List of city for iso state and postcode., required_params: [{\"name\": \"stateIsoCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State ISO Code\"}, {\"name\": \"postCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Postcode\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7908", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Transportistas de Argentina, api_name:/cities/search/:stateIsoCode/:keyword, api_description:Search city for iso state and keyword name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"stateIsoCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State ISO Code\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Keyword to search, example: Caballito\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7909", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Transportistas de Argentina, api_name:/tracking/correo_argentino/create_task/:service/:tracking_code, api_description:Create task to get the history.\nThe result of the trace can be obtained after approximately 20-60 seconds by calling the endpoint: /tracking/correo_argentino/result_task/:task_id\n**IMPORTANT: ** The result will only be stored for approx 1 hour., required_params: [{\"name\": \"service\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Service: ecommerce, mercadolibre, national, national-plus or national-international\"}, {\"name\": \"tracking_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Tracking code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7910", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Transportistas de Argentina, api_name:/quotes/city/correo_argentino/:weight/:stateIsoCodeSrc/:normalizeCityNameSrc/:stateIsoCodeDst/:normalizeCityNameDst, api_description:List of quote for iso state and city keyword name in Correo Argentino., required_params: [{\"name\": \"normalizeCityNameSrc\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Normalize City Name of Source\"}, {\"name\": \"stateIsoCodeDst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State ISO Code of Destination\"}, {\"name\": \"normalizeCityNameDst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Normalize City Name of Destination\"}, {\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Weight in KG\"}, {\"name\": \"stateIsoCodeSrc\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State ISO Code of Source\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7911", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Email address search, api_name:Email search, api_description:Search email addresses by partial match, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"numFound\": \"int\", \"start\": \"int\", \"numFoundExact\": \"bool\", \"docs\": [{\"email\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7912", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Spotify Data, api_name:user-followers, api_description:user-followers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"profiles\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"followers_count\": \"int\", \"color\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1000}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7913", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Spotify Data, api_name:artist-appears-on, api_description:artist-appears-on, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Artist ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"artist\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"profile\": {\"name\": \"str\"}, \"relatedContent\": {\"appearsOn\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"releases\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"artists\": {\"items\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"profile\": {\"name\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"coverArt\": {\"sources\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}, \"sharingInfo\": {\"shareId\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"_list_length\": 50}]}}}}, \"extensions\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7914", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Spotify Data, api_name:artist-albums, api_description:artist-albums, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Artist ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"artist\": {\"discography\": {\"albums\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"releases\": {\"items\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"date\": {\"year\": \"int\", \"isoString\": \"str\"}, \"coverArt\": {\"sources\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}, \"playability\": {\"playable\": \"bool\", \"reason\": \"str\"}, \"sharingInfo\": {\"shareId\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\"}, \"tracks\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"_list_length\": 11}]}}}}, \"extensions\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7915", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Dicolink, api_name:Get Citations, api_description:Get citations of a word, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mot\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Set the word you want to search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"mot\": \"str\", \"citation\": \"str\", \"auteur\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7916", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Get Open Profile Status, api_description:Given a LinkedIn profile URL, the API will let you know if that profile is “open profile” or not. **1 credit per call.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"linkedin_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7917", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure, api_name:GetNewsletters, api_description:Get Azure newsletters., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"publishedDateTime\": \"str\", \"images\": \"empty list\", \"locale\": \"str\", \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 20}], \"nextPage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7918", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure, api_name:GetSponsorships, api_description:Get Azure sponsorships, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7919", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:UK Real Estate Rightmove, api_name:commercial/property-to-rent, api_description:Commercial property to rent, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"currentPage\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"addedOrReduced\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"auction\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"bathrooms\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"bedrooms\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"channel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"commercial\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"contactUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"customer\\\": {\\\"branchDisplayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"branchId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"branchLandingPageUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"branchName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"brandPlusLogoURI\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"brandPlusLogoUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"brandTradingName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"buildToRent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"buildToRentBenefits\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"commercial\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"contactTelephone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"development\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"developmentContent\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"enhancedListing\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"showOnMap\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"showReducedProperties\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"development\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"displayAddress\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displaySize\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"distance\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"enhancedListing\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"enquiredTimestamp\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"featuredProperty\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"feesApply\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"feesApplyText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"firstVisibleDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"formattedBranchName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"formattedDistance\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hasBrandPlus\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7920", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Whois Lookup_v3, api_name:NS Lookup, api_description:This endpoint returns IP from a domain. (NameServer)\n\nParameters\n-> search - The domain to search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7921", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Advanced SERP Operators, api_name:search-links-in-website, api_description:Search for all links in a website, required_params: [{\"name\": \"website\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7922", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Advanced SERP Operators, api_name:search-words-in-title, api_description:Find a web page with certain words in the title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7923", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow_v2, api_name:Agent's rental listings, api_description:Get agent's rental listings by zuid, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7924", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow_v2, api_name:Agent's active listings, api_description:Get agent's active listings by zuid, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7925", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Matrimony Profiles, api_name:Get Profile Details, api_description:Get Profile Details of Member for given member_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"member_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value member_id can be found in Get Profiles api result.\"}, {\"name\": \"method\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"member_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_profile_for\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_dob\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_email\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_country_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_mobile\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_show_mobile\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_password\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_religion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_mother_tongue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_caste\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_subcaste\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_gothram\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_star\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_raasi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_zodiac\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_marital_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_children\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_children_livingwith\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_allow_intercaste\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_citizenship\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_residential_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_dosham\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_dosham_details\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_height\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_weight\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_physical_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_physical_details\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_education\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_college_institution\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"member_education_details\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7926", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube Search, api_name:Video Comments, api_description:This endpoint returns a list comments under a given Youtube video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"comments\": [{\"author_channel_id\": \"str\", \"author_name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"like_count\": \"str\", \"number_of_replies\": \"str\", \"published_time\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 20}], \"continuation_token\": \"str\", \"number_of_comments\": \"int\", \"status\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7927", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:App Store, api_name:Applications by Developer, api_description:Get a list of apps published by a chosen developer, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"appId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"developer\": \"str\", \"developerId\": \"int\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"score\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7928", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fluximmo, api_name:get_webhook_sample, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7929", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car database, api_name:Makes, api_description:Return all makes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7930", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Pet Store, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7931", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Advanced SERP Operators, api_name:search-for-words-in-url, api_description:Search for words in URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7932", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Specs, api_name:Get Makes, api_description:Returns a list of all car manufacturers available in the API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7933", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Specs, api_name:Download Entire Database, api_description:Returns a zipped csv file containing all the data that the Car Specs API owns., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7934", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Specs, api_name:Get Generations By Model ID, api_description:Returns a list of generations of a car model., required_params: [{\"name\": \"modelId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"modelId\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7935", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Chain49, api_name:Get Mempool V2, api_description:Get a list of transaction IDs currently in the mempool of the node (meaning unconfirmed transactions not included in any block yet)\n\nNote: this route was implemented by us and is therefore not yet supported by existing blockbook clients., required_params: [{\"name\": \"blockchain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Blockchain name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7936", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Chain49, api_name:Estimate transaction fee V2, api_description:Returns an estimated transaction fee for a specific confirmation target.\nIf you want your transaction to be included in the next block, then you give 1 as parameter. If it is not urgent, then you can wait a bit longer and get an estimation for the fifth next block., required_params: [{\"name\": \"confirmationTarget\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of blocks in which the transaction should be confirmed\"}, {\"name\": \"blockchain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Blockchain name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7937", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:WhatsApp_Api, api_name:Logs, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7938", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Search 2, api_name:Google Maps Data ID, api_description:Using this API you can get the JSON results of the data ID of a particular place., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"api_key\": \"str\", \"q\": \"str\", \"gl\": \"str\"}, \"placeDetails\": [{\"Address\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7939", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Search 2, api_name:Autocomplete Results, api_description:Use this API to get suggestions based on the entered keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"api_key\": \"str\", \"q\": \"str\", \"gl\": \"str\"}, \"suggestions\": [{\"value\": \"str\", \"relevance\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"verbatim_relevance\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7940", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Search 2, api_name:Organic Results, api_description:Using this API you can get the JSON data of the organic search results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"api_key\": \"str\", \"q\": \"str\", \"gl\": \"str\"}, \"organic_results\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"displayed_link\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"pagination\": {\"current\": \"str\", \"next\": \"str\", \"page_no\": {\"2\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\", \"4\": \"str\", \"5\": \"str\", \"6\": \"str\", \"7\": \"str\", \"8\": \"str\", \"9\": \"str\", \"10\": \"str\"}}, \"serpdog_pagination\": {\"current\": \"str\", \"page_no\": {\"2\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\", \"4\": \"str\", \"5\": \"str\", \"6\": \"str\", \"7\": \"str\", \"8\": \"str\", \"9\": \"str\", \"10\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7941", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Get Company Data by ID, api_description:Given a company’s LinkedIn internal ID, the API will return valuable data points in JSON format. **1 credit per call.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"company_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7942", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Get Open to Work Status, api_description:Given a LinkedIn profile URL, the API will let you know if that profile is “open to work” or not. **1 credit per call.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"linkedin_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"open_to_work\": \"bool\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7943", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Get Company Posts, api_description:Get 50 latest posts from a LinkedIn company page. **2 credits per call.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"linkedin_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7944", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Feku Json, api_name:Get Users, api_description:To Get list of all Users, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"content\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"pageNumber\": \"int\", \"pageSize\": \"int\", \"totalElements\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"lastPage\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7945", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Commodity Rates API, api_name:Latest Rates, api_description:Check the real-time exchange rate data updated every 60 seconds with this endpoint. \n \n\nNote: All the commodities rates you get need using ANY currency as a base currency (base parameter) need to be divided by 1\nWe return the values based on the base currency. For example, for 1 USD the return is a number like 0.00055307742 for Gold (XAU).\nTo get the gold rate per troy ounce in USD: 1/0.00055307742 = 1808.06 USD, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter a list of comma-separated currency codes or commodity codes to limit output codes. Check Symbols endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the three-letter currency code or commodity code of your preferred base currency. Check Symbols endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"success\": \"bool\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"base\": \"str\", \"rates\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\"}, \"unit\": {\"BRENTOIL\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7946", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Amazon-Products-API, api_name:Home, api_description:Home Route to show usage message, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7947", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Bible Memory Verse Flashcard, api_name:Search for Chapters containing Terms, api_description:Takes term(s) and returns chapters that contain term(s). Terms are not case sensitive. Books, operators etc. are NOT CASE SENSITIVE.\n\n** ONLY SEARCHES 2 BOOKS (NO RANGE FUNCTION) **, required_params: [{\"name\": \"first_book\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"term1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"headers\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7948", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Bible Memory Verse Flashcard, api_name:Search for Verses containing Terms, api_description:Takes term(s) and returns verses that contain term(s). Terms are not case sensitive. \nBooks, operators etc. are NOT CASE SENSITIVE\n\n** CAN SEARCH A RANGE OF BOOKS. \n(first_book = 'matthew' , second_book = 'john' MEANS ENDPOINT SEARCHES 'matthew' 'mark' 'luke' 'john') **, required_params: [{\"name\": \"word_search_mode\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"first_book\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"1ST / book name IN POSSIBLE VERSE SEQUENCE\"}, {\"name\": \"term_filter_operator\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"OPERATORS: 'and' 'or'\\n\\n(Not Case Sensitive)\"}, {\"name\": \"term1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"headers\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7949", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Data, api_name:Types, api_description:get a list of supported types, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7950", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Age Calculator, api_name:Usable Time Zones, api_description:Call this endpoint to view the current endpoint. Find the appreciate time zone for your location. \nExample: US/Eastern, US/Pacific, Europe/London ..., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timezones\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7951", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve collection stats, api_description:This endpoint can be used to fetch stats for a specific collection, including real-time floor price data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"collection_slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7952", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Africa-Api , api_name:sizes[All Countries], api_description:Gets the sizes of all countries in Africa\nTakes parameter: with value \nResponse example:\n[54 items\n0:{3 items\n\"size\":2381741\n\"unit\":\"km2\"\n\"country\":\"Algeria\"\n}\n], required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"size\": \"int\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7953", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Get Twitter mentions, api_name:GetMentions, api_description:Find your brand, competitor, or any other query mentions across Twitter, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"web_summary\": {\"total_results\": \"NoneType\"}, \"result\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7954", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:PowerBI, api_name:GetCommunitiesByTopic, api_description:Get Power BI communities by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7955", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Diablo4 Smartable, api_name:GetGamesByTopic, api_description:Get Diablo 4 gameplays by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"featuredContent\": \"str\", \"length\": \"str\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\"}, \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"heat\": \"int\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"content\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"publishedDateTime\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 30}], \"nextPage\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7956", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Country Location API, api_name:Country Location API, api_description:The Country Location API is a RESTful API that allows developers to retrieve location data for any country in the world. Using a GET request with a country parameter, the API retrieves information about the specified country, such as its name, capital city, region, subregion, population, languages, and currencies., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"location\": {\"capital\": \"str\", \"currencies\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"languages\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"name\": \"str\", \"population\": \"int\", \"region\": \"str\", \"subregion\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7957", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Human Resources API, api_name:Get a specific payment card by card number., api_description:This endpoint gets one record by a specific card number that is unique for each card in the bank cards table, up to 900 cards with their information.\nFor example: card number , holder name, and etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"metadata\": {\"message\": \"str\"}, \"data\": {\"cardTypeCode\": \"str\", \"cardTypeFullName\": \"str\", \"issuingBank\": \"str\", \"cardNumber\": \"int\", \"cardHolderName\": \"str\", \"ccv_ccv2\": \"int\", \"issueDate\": \"str\", \"expiryDate\": \"str\", \"billingDate\": \"int\", \"cardPIN\": \"int\", \"creditLimit\": \"int\", \"cardHolderID\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7958", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube Media Downloader, api_name:Get Channel Details, api_description:This endpoint fetches details of a YouTube channel., required_params: [{\"name\": \"channelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Channel ID, custom URL name or handle. `@` is required as a prefix for a channel handle.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"handle\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"isVerified\": \"bool\", \"isVerifiedArtist\": \"bool\", \"subscriberCountText\": \"str\", 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\"_list_length\": 3}]}, \"publishedTimeText\": \"str\", \"voteCountText\": \"str\", \"poll\": {\"totalVotesText\": \"str\", \"choices\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"ratio\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7960", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:TikTok API, api_name:Search Videos, api_description:Return Search Result, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"query\": \"str\", \"videos\": [{\"video_id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"create_time\": \"int\", \"author\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"uniqueId\": \"str\", \"nickname\": \"str\", \"avatarThumb\": \"str\", \"avatarMedium\": \"str\", \"avatarLarger\": \"str\", \"signature\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"secUid\": \"str\", \"secret\": \"bool\", \"ftc\": \"bool\", \"relation\": \"int\", \"openFavorite\": \"bool\", \"commentSetting\": \"int\", \"duetSetting\": \"int\", \"stitchSetting\": \"int\", \"privateAccount\": \"bool\", \"downloadSetting\": \"int\"}, \"author_id\": \"NoneType\", \"author_name\": \"NoneType\", \"statistics\": {\"number_of_comments\": \"int\", \"number_of_hearts\": \"int\", \"number_of_plays\": \"int\", \"number_of_reposts\": \"int\"}, \"cover\": \"str\", \"download_url\": \"str\", \"video_definition\": \"str\", \"format\": \"NoneType\", \"bitrate\": \"int\", \"duration\": \"int\", \"avatar_thumb\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 12}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7961", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Gis Engine, api_name:Get districts, api_description:Get districts by providing the country code, region code and city number\n\n- country_code can be fetch from Get Countries endpoint\n- region_code can be fetch from Get Regions endpoint\n- city_num can be fetch from the Get Cities endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city_num\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"region_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"metadata\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"region_code\": \"str\", \"num_code\": \"str\", \"region_name\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"region_code\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"num_code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 33}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7962", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:SSH Honeypot, api_name:Login Data, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7963", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Open Proxies, api_name:Daily Open Proxies, api_description:Get a list of 200-400 open proxies, updated once per day around 00:00 UTC. Because they can go up & down, these IPs may not be functional when you retrieve them. For higher reliability, try the **Hourly** or **Open Proxies** endpoints., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7964", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Axesso - Instagram Data Service, api_name:replies, api_description:Fetch replies for a given commentId. CommentId can be obtained from the comments endpoint response in field node.id. Also the field edge_threaded_comments.page_info.end_cursor needs to be passed for the given comment which can also be found in the response from the comments endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"after\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"commentId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"comment\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"edge_threaded_comments\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"page_info\": {\"has_next_page\": \"bool\", \"end_cursor\": \"str\"}, \"edges\": [{\"node\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"created_at\": \"int\", \"owner\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"profile_pic_url\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\"}, \"viewer_has_liked\": \"bool\", \"edge_liked_by\": {\"count\": \"int\"}, \"is_restricted_pending\": \"bool\"}, \"_list_length\": 4}]}}}, \"status\": \"str\", \"responseStatus\": \"str\", \"responseMessage\": \"str\", \"extensions\": {\"is_final\": \"bool\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7965", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:SSH Honeypot, api_name:Commands Run, api_description:Commands being run by honey pot logins, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7966", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:SSH Honeypot, api_name:Proxy Requests, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7967", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Kick.com API | Kick API, api_name:Get Chatroom Rules, api_description:Get Chatroom Rules, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7968", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Kick.com API | Kick API, api_name:Get Livestreams (from Category), api_description:Returns livestreams from category., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7969", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Phone, api_name:area-code, api_description:Get the International Country Calling Code and the Local Area Code information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\\"ISO 2 letter country code\\\" or \\\"Name of the Country in English\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Geographic Region (e.g. City). No accented letter is required.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"api-message\": \"str\", \"area-code\": \"str\", \"country-calling-code\": \"str\", \"iso-code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7970", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter Data, api_name:user-tweets, api_description:user-tweets, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\\n\\nUse the User By Screen Name endpoint to find the ID from a username.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"user\": {\"result\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"timeline\": {\"timeline\": {\"instructions\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"responseObjects\": {\"feedbackActions\": \"empty list\", \"immediateReactions\": \"empty list\"}}}}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7971", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter Data, api_name:user-followers, api_description:user-followers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\\n\\nUse the User By Screen Name endpoint to find the ID from a username.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"user\": {\"result\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"timeline\": {\"timeline\": {\"instructions\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}}}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7972", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Yandex Video API, api_name:Get video from yandex search results, api_description:Use advanced filtering to get specific video from yandex! Remember to set from which domain you want data. Default is yandex.com but yandex.ru, .by, .kz, .uz are also available. Set page number in order to get more results. 0 is the first page, 1 is second and so on., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"0 - first page\\n1 - second page\\n...\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"get search results from:\\n- yandex.com\\n- yandex.ru\\n- yandex.by\\n- yandex.kz\\n- yandex.uz\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"Domain\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Region\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"VideoHd\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"VideoRecent\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7973", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:autocomplete india, api_name:Autocomplete Localities, api_description:Autocomplete Localities, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locality\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Id\": \"str\", \"RequestId\": \"NoneType\", \"ClientSessionId\": \"NoneType\", \"StatusCode\": \"int\", \"Result\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"MaxAllowedUsage\": \"NoneType\", \"UsageStatistics\": \"NoneType\", \"IsError\": \"bool\", \"Errors\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7974", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:autocomplete india, api_name:Autocomplete Cities, api_description:Autocomplete Cities, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Id\": \"str\", \"RequestId\": \"NoneType\", \"ClientSessionId\": \"NoneType\", \"StatusCode\": \"int\", \"Result\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"MaxAllowedUsage\": \"NoneType\", \"UsageStatistics\": \"NoneType\", \"IsError\": \"bool\", \"Errors\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7975", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blur, api_name:Retrieve blur events, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve events, customisable.\n\n**Filter examples:**\n{\"count\":50,\"eventFilter\":{\"mint\":{},\"sale\":{},\"transfer\":{},\"orderCreated\":{}}}\n\n{\"count\":50,\"tokenId\":\"541\",\"contractAddress\":\"0x60e4d786628fea6478f785a6d7e704777c86a7c6\",\"eventFilter\":{\"mint\":{},\"sale\":{},\"transfer\":{},\"orderCreated\":{}}}\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7976", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Global Patent, api_name:search patent, api_description:search with keyword and return list of patents, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ds\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"took\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"code\": \"int\", \"success\": \"bool\", \"nextPage\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"patents\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"legalStatus\": \"str\", \"currentStatus\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"applicant\": \"str\", \"applicationDate\": \"str\", \"applicantAddress\": \"str\", \"mainIpc\": \"str\", \"applicationNumber\": \"str\", \"documentNumber\": \"str\", \"documentDate\": \"str\", \"inventor\": \"str\", \"currentAssignee\": \"str\", \"currentAssigneeAddress\": \"str\", \"ipc\": \"str\", \"province\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"imagePath\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"page\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7977", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Diablo4 Smartable, api_name:GetNewsletters, api_description:Get Diablo 4 newsletters., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": \"empty list\", \"nextPage\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7978", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Whois Lookup_v3, api_name:DNS Lookup, api_description:This endpoint pulls DNS data from a domain\n\nParameters:\n> domain - The domain to search\n> rtype - The type of record to pull. Records availables: A, PTR, MX, CNAME, TXT,NS., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The domain to search\"}, {\"name\": \"rtype\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The rtype. i.e: A, MX, TXT, CNAME,NS, PTR\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7979", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Whois Lookup_v3, api_name:Check Similarity, api_description:This endpoint Helps to check if two domains are similar.\n\nParemeters:\n> domain1 \n>domain2, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"first domain to compare with.\"}, {\"name\": \"domain2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"second domain to compare with.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7980", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:MoodRing, api_name:Users, api_description:Get all users of MoodRing, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uuid\": \"int\", \"quiz_id\": \"int\", \"_created\": \"str\", \"_id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"location\": \"str\", \"mode\": \"str\", \"more_info\": \"str\", \"qrurl\": \"str\", \"user_id\": \"int\", \"responses\": [{\"question_id\": \"int\", \"question\": \"str\", \"answer_id\": \"int\", \"answer\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7981", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:MoodRing, api_name:Quiz, api_description:Get one quiz by quizId., required_params: [{\"name\": \"quizId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"location\": \"str\", \"mode\": \"str\", \"more_info\": \"str\", \"qrurl\": \"str\", \"questions\": [{\"_id\": \"int\", \"quiz_id\": \"int\", \"question\": \"str\", \"hidden\": \"int\", \"answers\": [{\"_id\": \"int\", \"question_id\": \"int\", \"color\": \"str\", \"speed\": \"int\", \"answer\": \"str\", \"direction\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7982", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:MoodRing, api_name:Quizzes, api_description:Retrieves all the MoodRing Quizzes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"location\": \"str\", \"mode\": \"str\", \"more_info\": \"str\", \"qrurl\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7983", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Quotes_v2, api_name:Get Available Authors, api_description:Returns list of available authors, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7984", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow_v2, api_name:Walk, Transit and Bike Score, api_description:Get Walk, Transit and Bike Score of a property by zpid, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7985", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Axesso - Facebook Data Service, api_name:page info, api_description:Fetch information for a page like followers and many more, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"responseStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"responseMessage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"complete\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"result\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"user\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"profile_header_renderer\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"user\\\": {\\\"__isProfile\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"profile_picture_for_sticky_bar\\\": {\\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"__isEntity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_viewer_friend\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"__isRenderedProfile\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cover_photo\\\": {\\\"focus\\\": {\\\"x\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"y\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"photo\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": {\\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"viewer_image\\\": {\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"blurred_image\\\": {\\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"story_bucket\\\": {\\\"nodes\\\": [{\\\"should_show_close_friend_badge\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"is_additional_profile_plus\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"delegate_page\\\": {\\\"is_business_page_active\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"profilePhoto\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"viewer_image\\\": {\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"profilePicLarge\\\": {\\\"uri\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7986", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Rainforest, api_name:Seller Products, api_description:The Seller Products Parameters are applicable when making a request with type=seller_products to retrieve seller product listing results for a single seller on Amazon - the seller is specified using either the seller_id and amazon_domain parameters or the url parameter (where the url parameter contains a link to an Amazon seller product listing page). The parameters should be appended as querystring parameters to the Product Data APIGETHTTP request.\n\nSeller product listing results are retrieved from the seller product listings page for a single seller on Amazon. You can retrieve the seller_id value for a given seller from other Rainforest requests, such as type=offers requests., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7987", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Power BI Smartable, api_name:GetNewsletters, api_description:Get Power BI newsletters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"publishedDateTime\": \"str\", \"images\": \"empty list\", \"locale\": \"str\", \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 20}], \"nextPage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7988", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Power BI Smartable, api_name:GetLearningResources (topic), api_description:Get Power BI learning resources by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"featuredContent\": \"str\", \"length\": \"str\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"publishedDateTime\": \"str\", \"heat\": \"int\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"content\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 30}], \"nextPage\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7989", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve blur collections, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve information about all collection, including real time statistics such as floor price.\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7990", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve events, api_description:This endpoint provides a list of events that occur on the NFTs that are tracked by OpenSea. The event_type field indicates the type of event (transfer, successful auction, etc) and the results are sorted by event timestamp.\n\nNote that due to block reorganizations, recent events (less than 10 minutes old) may not reflect the final state of the blockchain., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7991", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve fees, api_description:This endpoint returns the various contract fees\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"feeRequests\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7992", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3_v2, api_name:Video Comments, api_description:Get YouTube video comments., required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"maxResults\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7993", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3_v2, api_name:Video details, api_description:Get YouTube video details.\n\nNote:\n**topicDetails** part is not enabled. If you want this part to be included in the API response then please contact us., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7994", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Referential DB, api_name:Cities in a country, api_description:Get the list of cities in a country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"state_code\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7995", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Redfin Base, api_name:Get zipcode by county, api_description:Get zipcode by county, required_params: [{\"name\": \"county\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"zipCode\": \"str\", \"regionId\": \"NoneType\", \"city\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"usps\": \"str\", \"stateCapital\": \"str\", \"countryName\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"NoneType\", \"lng\": \"NoneType\", \"northLat\": \"NoneType\", \"southLat\": \"NoneType\", \"westLng\": \"NoneType\", \"eastLng\": \"NoneType\", \"fieldType\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 45}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7996", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Redfin Base, api_name:Search by Sub URL, api_description:Search by Sub URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sub_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The input value can be full URL or sub URL\\n- **Full URL**: `https://www.redfin.com/zipcode/01026`\\n- **Sub URL**: `/zipcode/01026` (use the Auto-complete API to get the value, it is a property URL)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"NoneType\", \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7997", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Spotify Data, api_name:get-albums, api_description:get-albums, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Album IDs (you can use commas)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"albums\\\": [{\\\"album_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"artists\\\": [{\\\"external_urls\\\": {\\\"spotify\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"copyrights\\\": [{\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"external_ids\\\": {\\\"upc\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"external_urls\\\": {\\\"spotify\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"genres\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"images\\\": [{\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"is_playable\\\": 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Search 2, api_name:Google News, api_description:Using this API you can get the JSON data of the news results., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"api_key\": \"str\", \"q\": \"str\", \"gl\": \"str\"}, \"subArticles\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"news_results\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 2}], \"news_results\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"imgSrc\": \"str\", \"lastUpdated\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"pagination\": {\"current\": \"str\", \"next\": \"str\", \"page_no\": {}}, \"serpdog_pagination\": {\"current\": \"str\", \"page_no\": {}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7999", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Bible Search, api_name:Get Chapter by BookId, api_description:Returns a chapter of a book in the Bible., required_params: [{\"name\": \"bookId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of the book.\"}, {\"name\": \"chapterId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Chapter number.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"chapter\": \"int\", \"verse\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\", \"book_id\": \"str\", \"book_name\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8000", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cigars, api_name:Get Brand by ID, api_description:Grab a Brand by it's Database ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"brandId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"brand\": {\"brandId\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8001", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Advanced SERP Operators, api_name:get-related-questions, api_description:The People Also Ask For Keywords Tool. We scrape Google for all the keywords shown in the \"people also ask for\" boxes, that it shows when you click a link and then go back to the Google SERP., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8002", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Scraper's Proxy, api_name:Tor GET, api_description:Send request to the [Tor network](//www.torproject.org/). Use [Standard GET](//rapidapi.com/scapers-proxy-scapers-proxy-default/api/scrapers-proxy2) instead for better performance and reliability for normal websites. Only recommended to access websites that are only accessible from the Tor network (e.g. websites with a \".onion\" top level domain), since this enpoint is slower than other endpoints., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"value\": \"str\", \"property\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8003", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Scraper's Proxy, api_name:Standard GET, api_description:Basic proxy GET request, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \" Pass in `url` to specify the url that you want to fetch. If you require query parameters you can include a query string in the url or specify a json serialized object in the `params` parameter\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"value\": \"str\", \"property\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8004", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3_v2, api_name:Search, api_description:Search from YouTube, required_params: [{\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8005", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:ScrapeMaster, api_name:Get data by \"id\", api_description:This endpoint will return all data from a specific tag and its id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8006", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:ScrapeMaster, api_name:Get data by “research a specific word/string” in the tag’s text, api_description:Get data by “research a specific word/string” in the tag’s text, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"source\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8007", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:JailBase, api_name:Sources, api_description:All the organizations we collect information for, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"records\": [{\"city\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"state_full\": \"str\", \"address1\": \"str\", \"source_url\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"source_id\": \"str\", \"zip_code\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"has_mugshots\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 991}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8008", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cat breeds, api_name:Get Breed Information, api_description:This endpoint will return information for a specific cat breed, required_params: [{\"name\": \"breed\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breed\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"meta\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"body_type\": \"str\", \"coat_type_and_length\": \"str\", \"coat_pattern\": \"str\", \"img_src_set\": {\"1.5x\": \"str\", \"2x\": \"str\"}, \"origin\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8009", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Tesla VIN Identifier, api_name:VIN Detection, api_description:This endpoint is capable of resolving a Tesla VIN identifier to an actual VIN. This conversion has a success rate of approximately 98%.\nThe following information is encoded in a Tesla VIN:\nManufacturer ID\nModel Type\nPlatform Type\nSeat Belt Type\nDrive System \nMotor Type\nYear of Manufacturing\nManufacturing Location (Fremont, Shanghai, Berlin, Austin)\nSpecial Series (like R for research)\nVIN Serial, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin-identifier\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8010", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:EV Charge Finder, api_name:Search by Coordinates Point, api_description:Search for EV charging stations near specific geographic coordinates point., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the geographic coordinates point to search near by.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the geographic coordinates point to search near by.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"connectors\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"kw\": \"int\", \"speed\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"formatted_address\": \"str\", \"address_components\": {\"district\": \"str\", \"street_address\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"zipcode\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}, \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"place_link\": \"str\", \"phone_number\": \"str\", \"opening_hours\": {\"Friday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Saturday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Sunday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Monday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Tuesday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Wednesday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"Thursday\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}, \"rating\": \"float\", \"review_count\": \"int\", \"website\": \"str\", \"photo\": \"str\", \"google_place_id\": \"str\", \"google_cid\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8011", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube, api_name:Home, api_description:Home, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"contents\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"video\": {\"author\": {\"avatar\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"badges\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"canonicalBaseUrl\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"badges\": \"empty list\", \"isLiveNow\": \"bool\", \"lengthSeconds\": \"int\", \"movingThumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"publishedTimeText\": \"str\", \"stats\": {\"views\": \"int\"}, \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"title\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 20}], 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"", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Realtor API for Real Estate Data, api_name:RealtorSchoolList, api_description:This endpoint will give you the Realtor School List with the data as given below, if you provide the city, state_code and page.\nParameters:\ncity: San Jose or New York etc\nstate_code: CA or NY etc\nschool_level: It can be either one of them (elementary, middle, high, private & charter)\npage: min = 1 and max can be depends on the total number of results. \n\n`{\n \"coordinates\": {\n \"lat\": 37.247605,\n \"lon\": -121.946069\n },\n \"funding_type\": \"public\",\n \"grades\": [\n \"K\",\n \"1\",\n \"2\",\n \"3\",\n \"4\",\n \"5\"\n ],\n \"id\": \"078653021\",\n \"location\": {\n \"city\": \"San Jose\",\n \"city_slug_id\": \"San-Jose_CA\",\n \"state\": \"CA\"\n },\n \"name\": \"Carlton Elementary School\",\n \"parent_rating\": 4,\n \"rating\": 9,\n \"review_count\": 27,\n \"school url\": \"https://www.realtor.com/local/schools/Carlton-Elementary-School-078653021\"\n 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\"regionCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ISO 3166-2 country code of the region. Like US (default), UK, CA, IN, etc.\"}, {\"name\": \"chart\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Chart name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kind\": \"str\", \"pageInfo\": {\"totalResults\": \"int\", \"resultsPerPage\": \"int\"}, \"items\": [{\"kind\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"snippet\": {\"publishedAt\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": {\"default\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}}, \"channelTitle\": \"str\", \"liveBroadcastContent\": \"str\", \"publishTime\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 46}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8016", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3 Lite, api_name:Search, api_description:Get search results.\nQuota cost is 1., required_params: [{\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kind\": \"str\", \"nextPageToken\": \"str\", \"pageInfo\": {\"totalResults\": \"str\", \"resultsPerPage\": \"int\"}, \"items\": [{\"kind\": \"str\", \"id\": {\"kind\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\"}, \"snippet\": {\"publishedAt\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": {\"default\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}, \"maxres\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}}, \"channelTitle\": \"str\", \"liveBroadcastContent\": \"str\", \"publishTime\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8017", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Apple App Store Scraper, api_name:Scrape AppStore, api_description:Get details of App Store Listing, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the two letter country code to search in. Default is **us**. Examples include:\\n\\n- us\\n- ca\\n- gb\\n- de\\netc\"}, {\"name\": \"appid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the app ID that you want to retrieve, for example **544007664**. 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It's not the same everywhere, so you need someone you can trust for up-to-date information. I am eager to serve you. Here are some of the things I can do for you:nnFind Your Next HomenYou need someone who knows this area inside and out! I can work with you to find the right home at the right price for you, including all the neighborhood amenities that matter - not to mention the essential criteria you have for your ideal homennSell a HomenWhen it's time to move, you need someone who will advertise your home, show to prospective buyers, negotiate the purchase contract, arrange financing, oversee the inspections, handle all necessary paperwork and supervise the closing. I can take care of everything you need, from start to close.nnConsult on Home Selling TacticsnOftentimes buyers don't visualize living in your home the way you do. I can make your home attractive to its ideal audience - which can help you get top dollar. 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\"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8038", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Spotify Data, api_name:user-profile, api_description:user-profile, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uri\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"followers_count\": \"int\", \"following_count\": \"int\", \"public_playlists\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"followers_count\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"total_public_playlists_count\": \"int\", \"is_verified\": \"bool\", \"report_abuse_disabled\": \"bool\", \"has_spotify_name\": \"bool\", \"has_spotify_image\": \"bool\", \"color\": \"int\", \"allow_follows\": \"bool\", \"show_follows\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} 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data, api_name:India Timeline data starting from 30th Jan 2020, api_description:India timeline data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8042", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Places Near Location, api_description:Get places near the given location, filtering by optional criteria., required_params: [{\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The location radius within which to find places\"}, {\"name\": \"locationid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Only cities near this location. Latitude/longitude in ISO-6709 format: \\u00b1DD.DDDD\\u00b1DDD.DDDD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8043", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Scraper's Proxy, api_name:JavaScript Rendered Page GET, api_description:Render html using a real browser. Useful for if content is loaded asynchronously or generated dynamically in the browser. JavaScript rendering is usually required to scrape websites that use React, Angular or Vue. For websites that do not need javascript rendering use [Standard GET](//rapidapi.com/scapers-proxy-scapers-proxy-default/api/scrapers-proxy2) instead for better performance and reliability., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \" Pass in `url` to specify the url that you want to fetch. If you require query parameters you can include a query string in the url or specify a json serialized object in the `params` parameter\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"value\": \"str\", \"property\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8044", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:G Search, api_name:/search, api_description:Get Real-time Search Result Page, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The parameter defines the query you want to search. You can use anything that you would use in a regular Google search. (e.g., `inurl:`, `site:`,` intitle:`, etc.) . You can also pass the absolute google search URL (**URL encoded**) here. For example, if you want to scrape the 2nd page of the SERP, you can pass the URL from the navigation field in the result response. If the absolute URL is passed here then others parameters will be ignored.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"result_stat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"organic_results\\\": [{\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"desc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 8}], \\\"related_questions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"image_results\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"image_filters\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"video_results\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"inline_products\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"inline_cards\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"inline_twitter\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"knowledge_graph\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subtitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"informations\\\": [{\\\"attribute\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"desc\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 8}], \\\"answer_panel\\\": [{\\\"question\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"answer_html\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]}, \\\"section_with_header\\\": {\\\"section_list\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"navigation\\\": {\\\"current_page\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"other_pages\\\": [{\\\"page\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}]}, \\\"top_section\\\": {\\\"featured_snippet\\\": {}, \\\"answer_box\\\": {}}, \\\"query\\\": {\\\"auto_correction\\\": {}, \\\"related_search\\\": [{\\\"query\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}]}, \\\"local_res\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8045", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Local Business Data, api_name:Business Reviews, api_description:Get all business reviews. Supports pagination, query and several sort options., required_params: [{\"name\": \"business_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Unique Business Id of the business for which to get reviews.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8046", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Local Business Data, api_name:Search, api_description:Search local businesses on Google Maps., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query / keyword.\\n\\n**e.g.** `Plumbers near New-York, USA`\\n**e.g.** `Bars in 94102, USA`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8047", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow Base, api_name:locationSuggestions, api_description:Search for a location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State, county, neighborhood, city, street name, zip code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"locationSuggestions\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8048", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, api_name:GetEVConnectors, api_description:Return only electric charging connector types that can be used to filter GetByCordsAdv., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8049", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, api_name:GetAccessType, api_description:Returns access type options for stations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8050", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Solcast, api_name:Simple PV Power Forecast, api_description:The simple PV power request returns a first-guess PV power output forecast, based on your specified latitude and longitude plus some basic PV system characteristics., required_params: [{\"name\": \"capacity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The capacity of the system, in Watts.\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8051", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3_v2, api_name:Captions List, api_description:Returns a list of caption tracks that are associated with a specified video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8052", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Whois Lookup_v4, api_name:whois, api_description:REST API to WhoIS lookup data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"domain name of WhoIS to be searched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8053", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Whois Lookup_v4, api_name:checkDisposableEmail, api_description:REST API to lookup disposable email, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email to check disposable.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8054", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Real-Time Lens Data, api_name:Image to Text (OCR), api_description:Extract text from an image and get paragraph, sentence and word level text detections from Google Lens., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"URL of an image from which to extract text.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"parameters\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}, \"data\": {\"text\": \"str\", \"paragraphs\": [{\"box\": {\"left\": \"float\", \"top\": \"float\", \"width\": \"float\", \"height\": \"float\"}, \"sentences\": [{\"box\": {\"left\": \"float\", \"top\": \"float\", \"width\": \"float\", \"height\": \"float\"}, \"words\": [{\"word\": \"str\", \"box\": {\"left\": \"float\", \"top\": \"float\", \"width\": \"float\", \"height\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 18}], \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 2}], \"language\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8055", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Real-Time Lens Data, api_name:Image Search, api_description:Search image by url and get visual matches, knowledge graph, products and prices, text and object detections. See it in on [Google Lens](https://lens.google.com/uploadbyurl?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FHBrB8p0.png)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"URL of an image to perform Google Lens search.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"parameters\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}, \"data\": {\"visual_matches\": [{\"position\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"source_icon\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 60}], \"knowledge_graph\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"subtitle\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"more_images_link\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"detected_objects\": [{\"box\": {\"left\": \"float\", \"top\": \"float\", \"width\": \"float\", \"height\": \"float\"}, \"detections\": [{\"label\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"confidence\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"_list_length\": 3}], \"searched_object\": {\"box\": {\"left\": \"float\", \"top\": \"float\", \"width\": \"float\", \"height\": \"float\"}, \"detections\": [{\"label\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"confidence\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}, \"reverse_image_search_link\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8056", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Free stopwords, api_name:Categories, api_description:Will list all available word categories. Check this before calling /stopwords, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"category_id\": \"str\", \"category_name\": \"str\", \"category_description\": \"str\", \"parent_category\": \"str\", \"words\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8057", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Trulia Real Estate Scraper, api_name:Search for SOLD, api_description:To download data from SALE, you must first generate a Token with Get search token and set search_type=Sold. Then you need to use this generated token by setting the search_token value in this endpoint. Or just use one of our developer libraries. Everything is already implemented there., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"search_token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"search_token\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8058", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blur, api_name:Retreive portfolio collections, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve collections owned for a single wallet address.\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"walletAddress\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8059", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:oauthecho, api_name:/echo, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8060", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Pet Store, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8061", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow_v2, api_name:List of properties by URL, api_description:Get a list of properties by providing the zillow search results URL\nYou can select the output format (JSON , CSV , XLSX) using the optional \"output\" parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8062", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Car Specs, api_name:Get Car Specs, api_description:Returns detailed specs for the chosen car by trim id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"trimId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"trimId\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8063", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Hull ID Boat HIN Decoder, api_name:Year & Make Lookup (returns json), api_description:Lookup the boat manufacturers (makes) for a given year. This API can be used to create selection drop down menu for year and make. It will return json results, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The year you want to look for the boat builders. format YYYY. From 1970 to present year.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8064", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Bible Search, api_name:Get Book By Name, api_description:Returns a book of the Bible., required_params: [{\"name\": \"bookName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the book.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"chapter\": \"int\", \"verse\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\", \"book_id\": \"str\", \"book_name\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8065", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Consulta CNPJ Grátis, api_name:Consulta Estabelecimento, api_description:Consulta Receita Federal, Simples Nacional e Cadastro de Contribuintes através do CNPJ, required_params: [{\"name\": \"CNPJ\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"updated\": \"str\", \"taxId\": \"str\", \"alias\": \"str\", \"founded\": \"str\", 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\"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"registrations\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8066", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cryptocurrencies data collection, api_name:search term, api_description:search term, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": {\"requestLeft\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8067", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Keyword Analysis, api_name:SimilarQueries, api_description:Get **similar queries** for a given search query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user's search query string.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"score\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8068", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Consulta CNPJ Grátis, api_name:Consulta Unificada, api_description:Retorna todos os dados presentes no 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You can pass the `location_name` returned by the Location API as the `location_name` parameter and set the `location_parameters_auto` value to true in a Search API query to retrieve search results localized to that location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"locations\": [{\"location_name\": \"str\", \"location_type\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8101", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube v3_v3, api_name:Channels, api_description:Returns a collection of zero or more `channel` resources that match the request criteria., required_params: [{\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The **part** parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more **channel** resource properties that the API response will include.\\n\\nIf the parameter identifies a property that contains child properties, the child properties will be included in the response. 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Set the parameter value to **snippet**.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8103", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube v3_v3, api_name:ChannelSections, api_description:Returns a list of `channelSection` resources that match the API request criteria., required_params: [{\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The **part** parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more **channelSection** resource properties that the API response will include.\\n\\nIf the parameter identifies a property that contains child properties, the child properties will be included in the response. For example, in a **channelSection** resource, the **snippet** property contains other properties, such as a display title for the section. If you set **part=snippet**, the API response will also contain all of those nested properties.\\n\\nThe following list contains the **part** names that you can include in the parameter value:\\n\\n- contentDetails\\n- id\\n- snippet\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8104", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Api plaque immatriculation SIV, api_name:/get-vehicule-info2, api_description:* Récupérer les informations des véhicules simplement avec notre API PLAQUE IMMATRICULATION rapide flexible .\n\nLes données sont demandées à notre api plaque immatriculation en temps réel à partir de sources de données officielles du gouvernement, de sorte que les informations que vous voyez soient en temps réel et non mises en cache, ou stockées., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"result\": \"empty list\", \"erreur\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8105", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure, api_name:GetLearningResourcesByTopic, api_description:Get Azure learning resources by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"length\": \"str\", \"ratings\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"average\": \"float\"}, \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"levels\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"heat\": \"int\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"content\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"_list_length\": 30}], \"nextPage\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8106", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube Media Downloader, api_name:List Autocomplete Suggestions, api_description:This endpoint lists autocomplete predictions depending on the keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Keyword for search.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"items\": [\"list of str with length 14\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8107", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube Media Downloader, api_name:List Channel Playlists/Releases/Podcasts, api_description:This endpoint lists playlists, releases or podcasts of a YouTube channel. Pagination scraping is supported., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"nextToken\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"videoCountText\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8108", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:10000+ Anime Quotes With Pagination Support, api_name:Search quote based on quote id, api_description:Get full quote info based on quote_id.\n\nRequired GET parameter\n**quote_id**: 3702\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**quote** \nContain quote text\n\n**animename** \nJapanese anime name, quotes related to.\n\n**character** ( Depend on subscription )\nCharacter name who spoke that quote.\n\n**is_popular** ( Depend on subscription )\ntells whether a quote is popular among fans.\nResponse will be either 1 or 0 ( 1 represent yes, 0 represent no )\n\n**quote_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique quote id which can be later used to get more information.\n\n**image** (Depend on subscription)\nCharacter Image URL will be provided which is related to the quote.\n\n**Note: if no quote found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"quote_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8109", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fluximmo, api_name:Get alert adverts, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"alert_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique id of the script\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8110", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3_v2, api_name:Comment Info, api_description:Get comments info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8111", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Diablo4 Smartable, api_name:GetGames, api_description:Get Diablo 4 gameplays., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"featuredContent\": \"str\", \"length\": \"str\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\"}, \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"heat\": \"int\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"content\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"publishedDateTime\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 30}], \"nextPage\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8112", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3 - alternative, api_name:Channel, api_description:Get Channel details and videos, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Channel Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"image\": {\"banner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"tvBanner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"mobileBanner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}, \"subscriberCount\": \"str\", \"keywords\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"isFamilySafe\": \"bool\", \"availableCountries\": [\"list of str with length 249\"]}, \"continuation\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"videoId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", 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"", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Geography, api_name:Get Country By FIFA Code, api_description:Get Country by FIFA assigned Country Code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fifaCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"FIFA assigned Country Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": {\\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nativeName\\\": [{\\\"lang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"translations\\\": [{\\\"lang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 25}]}, \\\"tld\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"cca2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ccn3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cca3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cioc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fifa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"independent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unMember\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"currencies\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": 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api_description:Returns suggestions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8117", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YT-API, api_name:Download/Stream, api_description:Stream or download info.\nQuota cost is 5 units., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Youtube Video Id or Shorts Id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lengthSeconds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"keywords\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 13\\\"], \\\"channelTitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channelId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"allowRatings\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"viewCount\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"isPrivate\\\": 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\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"subscriberCountText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subscriberCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"videosCountText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"videosCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isVerified\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"keywords\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 47\\\"], \\\"isFamilySafe\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"availableCountries\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 249\\\"], \\\"tabs\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 10\\\"]}, \\\"continuation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"authorText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"authorChannelId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"authorThumbnail\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"contentText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publishedTimeText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publishDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publishedAt\\\": \\\"s\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8119", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:TikTok API, api_name:Video Details, api_description:Return Video Details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"video_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8120", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:TikTok API, api_name:User's Videos, api_description:Return User Videos, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"username\": \"str\", \"secondary_id\": \"str\", \"continuation_token\": \"str\", \"videos\": [{\"video_id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"create_time\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"author_id\": \"str\", \"author_name\": \"str\", \"statistics\": {\"number_of_comments\": \"int\", \"number_of_hearts\": \"int\", \"number_of_plays\": \"int\", \"number_of_reposts\": \"int\"}, \"cover\": 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Accept all type of profile urls. **1 credit per call.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"linkedin_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8122", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Get Company Jobs Count, api_description:Get number of opening jobs the company posted on LinkedIn. **1 credit per call.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"company_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8123", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Real-Time Lens Data, api_name:Object Detection, api_description:Detect landmarks, places, plants, animals, products, and other objects in an image, including bounding boxes, labels / types and confidence score., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"URL of an image to perform Google Lens object detection.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"parameters\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}, \"data\": {\"detected_objects\": [{\"box\": {\"left\": \"float\", \"top\": \"float\", \"width\": \"float\", \"height\": \"float\"}, \"detections\": [{\"label\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"confidence\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"_list_length\": 5}], \"detected_object_count\": \"int\", \"main_detected_object\": {\"box\": {\"left\": \"float\", \"top\": \"float\", \"width\": \"float\", \"height\": \"float\"}, \"detections\": [{\"label\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"confidence\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8124", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Feku Json, api_name:getBooks, api_description:get list of all books, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"content\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"pageNumber\": \"int\", \"pageSize\": \"int\", \"totalElements\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"lastPage\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8125", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GTrend, api_name:relatedTopic, api_description:Get related topic from given query, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"dataframe\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"support timezone from GMT-12 to GMT+14\"}, {\"name\": \"geo\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"for supported region/country , please see regionList from region menu\"}, {\"name\": \"property\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8126", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure, api_name:GetFutureEvents, api_description:Get future Azure events., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"startDateTime\": \"str\", \"endDateTime\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"content\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 15}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8127", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blackbox, api_name:Legacy | V1, api_description:This is a legacy and free IP checked. We provide a simply non-json style response to requests. Responses are cached for 7 days. \n\nCheck out our Documentation for more information.\n\nResponses will be (Y,E,N):\n\n(Y) : Yes, we have determined the IP address to be used by either or multiple of the following: Cloud, Hosting, Tor, Proxy. \n\n(E) : Error, something has gone wrong with the request.\n\n(N) : No, we have determined the IP address to be NOT used by any of the following: Cloud, Hosting, Tor, Proxy., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ips\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8128", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Unofficial Trust Pilot, api_name:business-units/get-reviews, api_description:Get reviews related to a business unit, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../business-units/search or .../business-units/search-by-domain endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"reviews\": [{\"id\": 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web links to a consumer, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of consumer->id field returned in .../business-units/get-reviews or .../consumers/detail endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"locale\": \"str\", \"profileUrl\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8130", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Consumer Reports, api_name:products/detail, api_description:Get detailed information of a product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of _id field returned in .../products/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"content\\\": [{\\\"_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"modelName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slugName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slugModelName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"defaultMpn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"defaultUpc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"asin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"overallScoreDescription\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"overallDisplayScore\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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\\\"str\\\", \\\"superCategorySlugName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"superCategorySingularName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"superCategoryC\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8131", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Blur, api_name:Retrieve active user lend ETH offers, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve active user lend ETH offers\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"collection\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8132", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Subtitles for YouTube_v2, api_name:Get Subtitle in JSON format, api_description:Get subtitle as a JSON object, required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"YouTube video Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8133", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Search Results Scraper, api_name:Image Search, api_description:Runs a standard image search and parses the output to a clean json object., required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"result\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8134", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Wayback Machine, api_name:Sparkline, api_description:Sparkline, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Web URL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"years\\\": {\\\"1998\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"1999\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2000\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2001\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2002\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2003\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2004\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2005\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2006\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2007\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2008\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2009\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2010\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2011\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2012\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2013\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2014\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 12\\\"], \\\"2015\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 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api_name:Top Free Games, api_description:Top free games chart., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"app_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"app_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"app_category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"app_developer\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"num_downloads\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"app_description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"app_page_link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"price_currency\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"is_paid\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"rating\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"photos\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 24\\\"], \\\"app_icon\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"trailer\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"num_downloads_exact\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"app_content_rating\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chart_label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chart_rank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"app_updated_at_timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"app_updated_at_datetime_utc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"num_reviews\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"reviews_per_rating\\\": {\\\"1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"4\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"5\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"app_first_released_at_datetime_utc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"app_first_released_at_timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"current_version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"current_version_released_at_timestamp\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"current_version_released_at_datetime_utc\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"current_version_whatsnew\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"data_shared_by_app_and_why\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"data_collected_by_app_and_why\\\": \\\"NoneTyp\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8137", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Store Apps, api_name:Search, api_description:Search for apps on the Store., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"apps\\\": [{\\\"app_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"app_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"app_category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"app_developer\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"num_downloads\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"app_description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"app_page_link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"price_currency\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"is_paid\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"rating\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"photos\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 8\\\"], \\\"app_icon\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"trailer\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"num_downloads_exact\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"app_content_rating\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chart_label\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"chart_rank\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"app_updated_at_timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"app_updated_at_datetime_utc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"num_reviews\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"reviews_per_rating\\\": {\\\"1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"4\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"5\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"app_first_released_at_datetime_utc\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"payload\": {\"paginate\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"currentPage\": \"int\", \"maxPages\": \"int\", \"perPage\": \"int\"}, \"results\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"date\": {\"day\": \"int\", \"month\": \"int\", \"year\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 24}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8140", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Thai Lottery Result, api_name:Lottery Results by Date ID, api_description:Lottery Results by date id - ผลการออกรางวัล, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dateid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"payload\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": {\\\"day\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"month\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"results\\\": {\\\"FirstPrize\\\": {\\\"info\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"amount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prizeMoney\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"numbers\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"SideFirstPrize\\\": {\\\"info\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"amount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prizeMoney\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"numbers\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"]}, \\\"SecondPrize\\\": {\\\"info\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"amount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prizeMoney\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"numbers\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"]}, \\\"ThirdPrize\\\": {\\\"info\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"amount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prizeMoney\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"numbers\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 10\\\"]}, \\\"FourthPrize\\\": {\\\"info\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"amount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prizeMoney\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"numbers\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 50\\\"]}, \\\"FifthPrize\\\": {\\\"info\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"amount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prizeMoney\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"numbers\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 100\\\"]}, \\\"FirstThreeDigitsPrize\\\": {\\\"info\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"amount\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8141", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:RaastaAPI, api_name:getPoints, api_description:This will retrieve specific points from the database and return it., required_params: [{\"name\": \"TypePoint\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Points\": [\"list of list with length 36\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8142", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:car-averages, api_name:ZA Car averages, api_description:ZA Car averages, required_params: [{\"name\": \"model\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"make\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"averages\": {\"mileage\": \"int\", \"price\": \"int\"}, \"tiersAverages\": {\"lower\": {\"price\": \"int\", \"mileage\": \"int\"}, \"middle\": {\"price\": \"int\", \"mileage\": \"int\"}, \"top\": {\"price\": \"int\", \"mileage\": \"int\"}}, \"yearlyAverages\": [{\"year\": \"int\", \"averages\": {\"price\": \"int\", \"mileage\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 17}], \"topModels\": [{\"model\": \"str\", \"averages\": {\"mileage\": \"float\", \"price\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8143", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:x2y2, api_name:x2y2 GET, api_description:x2y2 API endpoint (https://api.x2y2.io)\nMake over 1000 requests / minute\n\nSimply copy the path into the x2y2_path header.\n\n![](https://i.ibb.co/WKYfTDy/x2y2-path-get-header.png), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8144", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Cats by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/cats, api_description:API Ninjas Cats API endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"length\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"image_link\": \"str\", \"family_friendly\": \"int\", \"shedding\": \"int\", \"general_health\": \"int\", \"playfulness\": \"int\", \"meowing\": \"int\", \"children_friendly\": \"int\", \"stranger_friendly\": \"int\", \"grooming\": \"int\", \"intelligence\": \"int\", \"other_pets_friendly\": \"int\", \"min_weight\": \"float\", \"max_weight\": \"float\", \"min_life_expectancy\": \"float\", \"max_life_expectancy\": \"float\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8145", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Rich NFT API + Metadata, api_name:Traits for collection, api_description:Get all NFT traits attributes of a specific collection\n\n**Supported chain_id**: \neth, bsc, matic, avax, arb, op, required_params: [{\"name\": \"chain_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_cache_seconds\": \"int\", \"_seconds\": \"float\", \"_use_cache\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"traits\": [{\"chain_id\": \"str\", \"collection_id\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nft_count\": \"int\", \"rank_at\": \"int\", \"rarity_rank_at\": \"int\", \"rarity_rate\": \"float\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}, \"error_code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8146", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Geography, api_name:Search Neighbour Countries by country code, api_description:Search broder sharing countries for given country code. Country code is ISO 3166 standard alpha code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ISO 3166 standard alpha code of the country\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8147", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Geography, api_name:Search Countries By Continent, api_description:Search Countries by its Continent, required_params: [{\"name\": \"continent\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The continent of the country. This search is case insensitive and exact match\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": {\\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nativeName\\\": [{\\\"lang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"translations\\\": [{\\\"lang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 25}]}, \\\"tld\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"cca2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ccn3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cca3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cioc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fifa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"independent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unMember\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"currencies\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alphaCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"idd\\\": {\\\"root\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"suffixes\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"capital\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latLng\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"altSpellings\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subregion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continents\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"languages\\\": [{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"latLng\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"landlocked\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"area\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flags\\\": {\\\"png\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"svg\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"demon\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8148", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Advanced SERP Operators, api_name:find-keywords-in-url, api_description:Return only results where the search words are included in the URL, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8149", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Africa-Api , api_name:independence[All Countries], api_description:If you provide the name of a country as a parameter, the api will return information about its independence date and the country or countries that colonized it.\nTakes Parameter: with value: \nResponse example: \n{\n\"country\":\"Kenya\"\n\"colonizer\":\"United Kingdom\"\n\"independence_date\":\"December 12, 1963\"\n}, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country\": \"str\", \"colonizer\": \"str\", \"independence_date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8150", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure Smartable, api_name:GetNews, api_description:Get Azure news, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"featuredContent\": \"NoneType\", \"highlight\": \"NoneType\", \"heat\": \"int\", \"tags\": \"NoneType\", \"images\": \"NoneType\", \"content\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ampWebUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"cdnAmpWebUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"publishedDateTime\": \"str\", \"updatedDateTime\": \"NoneType\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"title\": \"NoneType\", \"attribution\": \"NoneType\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"publishers\": \"NoneType\", \"authors\": \"NoneType\"}, \"locale\": \"str\", \"categories\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"_list_length\": 25}], \"nextPage\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8151", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Place Details, api_description:Get the details for a specific place, including location coordinates, population, and elevation above sea-level (if available)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"placeId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8152", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Place Distance, api_description:Gets this place's distance to the given place., required_params: [{\"name\": \"placeId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8153", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:indeed, api_name:Company Search, api_description:Search companies by name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"company_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8154", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:indeed, api_name:Company jobs, api_description:Search jobs by company., required_params: [{\"name\": \"company_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8155", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Advanced SERP Operators, api_name:get-related-keywords, api_description:Scrape Google for all the related keywords that it shows at the bottom of the search results page, and show them to you along with the Volume and other SEO metrics in the Related Keyword Tool., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8156", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YT-API, api_name:Convert/Translate/Download Subtitle, api_description:Convert, translate, download the subtitle. \nTo get the subtitle url, use `Video -> Subtitles` endpoint or `Video -> Details` endpoint\nQuota cost is 1 unit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Provide the Subtitle url.\\nAvailable in the `Video -> Subtitles` or `Video -> Details` endpoint response.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8157", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fake Data Generator, api_name:/random_bank_by_id, api_description:Retrieve fake banks by id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"bban\": \"str\", \"iban\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"swift\": \"str\", \"swift11\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"info\": {\"disclaimer\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8158", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fake Data Generator, api_name:/random_post_by_id, api_description:Retrieve fake post by id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"author\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"publishedAt\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"text\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"info\": {\"disclaimer\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8159", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube, api_name:Community Post Comments, api_description:Community Post Comments, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cursor\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Cursor token\\n\\n*You can get it from the `Community Post Details` endpoint.*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"comments\": \"empty list\", \"cursorNext\": \"NoneType\", \"filters\": \"NoneType\", \"totalCommentsCount\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8160", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Cities Near Location, api_description:Get cities near the given location, filtering by optional criteria., required_params: [{\"name\": \"locationid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Only cities near this location. Latitude/longitude in ISO-6709 format: \\u00b1DD.DDDD\\u00b1DDD.DDDD\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The location radius within which to find cities\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8161", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Admin Divisions, api_description:Find administrative divisions, filtering by optional criteria. If no criteria are set, you will get back all known divisions with a population of at least 1000, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8162", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:BigBox, api_name:Reviews, api_description:The Reviews Parameters are applicable when making a request with `type=reviews` to retrieve customer Reviews for a single product on Home Depot - the product is specified using either the item_id or url parameter (where the url parameter contains a link to a Home Depot product page). The parameters should be appended as querystring parameters to the Home Depot Product Data API GET HTTP request.\n\nReviews are retrieved from the customer reviews page for a single product on Home Depot., required_params: [{\"name\": \"item_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The Home Depot Item ID to retrieve Reviews for.\\n\\n**Note: If the item_id parameter is supplied then the url parameter is ignored.**\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8163", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:BigBox, api_name:Questions, api_description:The Questions Parameters are applicable when making a request with type=questions to retrieve customer Questions for a single product on Home Depot - the product is specified using either the item_id or url parameter (where the url parameter contains a link to a Home Depot product page). The parameters should be appended as querystring parameters to the Home Depot Product Data APIGETHTTP request.\n\nQuestions are retrieved from the customer questions page for a single product on Home Depot., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8164", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Seeding Data, api_name:Products, api_description:Get 100 products with en_US locale and taxes of 10% and categories type set as string, required_params: [{\"name\": \"_categories_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_taxes\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"_quantity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"ean\": \"str\", \"upc\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"net_price\": \"float\", \"taxes\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"categories\": [\"list of str with length 8\"], \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8165", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Spotify Data, api_name:album-tracks, api_description:album-tracks, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Album ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"album\": {\"playability\": {\"playable\": \"bool\"}, \"tracks\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"uid\": \"str\", \"track\": {\"saved\": \"bool\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"playcount\": \"str\", \"discNumber\": \"int\", \"trackNumber\": \"int\", \"contentRating\": {\"label\": \"str\"}, \"relinkingInformation\": \"NoneType\", \"duration\": {\"totalMilliseconds\": \"int\"}, \"playability\": {\"playable\": \"bool\"}, \"artists\": {\"items\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"profile\": {\"name\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}}, \"_list_length\": 10}]}}}, \"extensions\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8166", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Spotify Data, api_name:artist-discography-overview, api_description:artist-discography-overview, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Artist ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"artist\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"profile\": {\"name\": \"str\"}, \"discography\": {\"albums\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\"}, \"singles\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\"}, \"compilations\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\"}}}}, \"extensions\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8167", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:indeed, api_name:Job details, api_description:Crawl information for Indeed's Job., required_params: [{\"name\": \"job_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"You can retrieve jobs ids from on jobs searches\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8168", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:indeed, api_name:Company details, api_description:Crawl information for Indeed's Companies., required_params: [{\"name\": \"company_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8169", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:UK Real Estate Rightmove, api_name:property-for-sale/detail, api_description:Property for sale for detail, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id from property-for-sale endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"address\\\": {\\\"countryCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"deliveryPointId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"displayAddress\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"incode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"outcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ukCountry\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"affordableBuyingScheme\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"auctionProvider\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"bathrooms\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"bedrooms\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"broadband\\\": {\\\"broadbandCheckerUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"disclaimer\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"brochures\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"businessForSale\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"channel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"commercial\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"commercialUseClasses\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"contactInfo\\\": {\\\"contactMethod\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"telephoneNumbers\\\": {\\\"disclaimerDescription\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"disclaimerText\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"disclaimerTitle\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"internationalNumber\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"localNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"countryGuide\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"customer\\\": {\\\"bannerAd\\\": 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tool_name:Youtube v3 - alternative, api_name:Trending, api_description:Get trending videos of the particular geo, required_params: [{\"name\": \"geo\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ISO 3166-2 country code of the region for which you want the trending data. Like US (default), UK, CA, IN, etc.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"videoId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"channelTitle\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"viewCount\": \"str\", \"publishedText\": \"str\", \"lengthText\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"richThumbnail\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"channelThumbnail\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 47}], \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8172", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:PowerBI, api_name:GetPeople, api_description:Get Power BI influencers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"bio\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"twitter\": {\"username\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"followers\": \"int\"}, \"linkedin\": {\"url\": \"str\"}, \"affiliation\": {\"path\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\"}, \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"heat\": \"int\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"content\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8173", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:PowerBI, api_name:GetNewsByTopic, api_description:Get Power BI news by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8174", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Local Business Data, api_name:Search In Area, api_description:Search businesses in a specific geographic area defined by a center coordinate point and zoom level. To see it in action, make a query on Google Maps, wait for the results to show, move the map or change the zoom and click \"Search this area\" at the top., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the center coordinate point of the area to search in.\"}, {\"name\": \"zoom\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Zoom level on which to make the search (the search area / viewport is determined by lat, lng and zoom on a 1000x1000 screen).\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query / keyword.\\n\\n**e.g.** `Bars and pubs`\\n**e.g.** `Plumbers`\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the center coordinate point of the area to search in.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8175", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Email Search, api_name:Search Emails, api_description:Search the web for emails using a query and email domain and get up to 5,000 email addresses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email_domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email domain - typically a company domain (e.g. wsgr.com) or an email provider domain (e.g. gmail.com).\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query.\\n\\n`e.g.` *`steve smith san francisco ca usa`*\\n`e.g.` *`facebook ceo`*\\n`e.g.` *`jack blogger new york`*\\n`e.g.` *`car dealer california usa`*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": [\"list of str with length 100\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8176", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Real Estate Records, api_name:transactions, api_description:Show transactions given a zipcode. The API returns 50 records each time in descending order by date and supports pagination. This API requires a subscription cost.\n\nThe returned data shows the summary of information. To get further detail (such as the unit of a building that posts the most recent transaction, use summary API.\n\nSample data of the API when query zipcode 10019 is:\n \"data\": [\n {\n \"_id\": {\n \"STREET_NUMBER\": \"310\",\n \"STREET\": \"W 56th St\",\n \"PROPERTY_TYPE\": \"SINGLE RESIDENTIAL COOP UNIT\",\n \"ZIPCODE\": \"10019\",\n \"STATE\": \"NY\"\n },\n \"lastSalesDate\": \"2021-07-21T00:00:00.000Z\",\n \"lastSalesAmount\": 514000,\n \"maxSalesAmount\": 1359000,\n \"TotalRecords\": 74\n },, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zipcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"err\": \"NoneType\", \"count\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"_id\": {\"STREET_NUMBER\": \"str\", \"STREET\": \"str\", \"PROPERTY_TYPE\": \"str\", \"ZIPCODE\": \"str\", \"STATE\": \"str\"}, \"lastSalesDate\": \"str\", \"lastSalesAmount\": \"int\", \"maxSalesAmount\": \"int\", \"TotalRecords\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8177", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter Data, api_name:user-likes, api_description:user-likes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\\n\\nUse the User By Screen Name endpoint to find the ID from a username.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"user\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timeline_v2\\\": {\\\"timeline\\\": {\\\"instructions\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"entries\\\": [{\\\"entryId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sortIndex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"entryType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"itemContent\\\": {\\\"itemType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tweet_results\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"core\\\": {\\\"user_results\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"affiliates_highlighted_label\\\": {\\\"label\\\": {\\\"url\\\": 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api_description:user-by-rest-id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"user\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"affiliates_highlighted_label\\\": {\\\"label\\\": {\\\"url\\\": {\\\"urlType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"badge\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userLabelType\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"has_nft_avatar\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"legacy\\\": {\\\"created_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"default_profile\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"default_profile_image\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"entities\\\": {\\\"description\\\": {\\\"urls\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}}, \\\"fast_followers_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"favourites_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"followers_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"friends_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"has_custom_timelines\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_translator\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"listed_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"media_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"normal_followers_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pinned_tweet_ids_str\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"profile_banner_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"profile_image_url_https\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"profile_interstitial_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"protected\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"screen_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"statuses_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"translator_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"verified\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"withheld_in_countries\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8179", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter Data, api_name:tweet-detail, api_description:tweet-detail, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Tweet ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"threaded_conversation_with_injections\\\": {\\\"instructions\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"entries\\\": [{\\\"entryId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sortIndex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"entryType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"itemContent\\\": {\\\"itemType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tweet_results\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"core\\\": {\\\"user_results\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"affiliates_highlighted_label\\\": {\\\"label\\\": {\\\"url\\\": {\\\"urlType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"badge\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userLabelType\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"has_nft_avatar\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"legacy\\\": {\\\"blocked_by\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"blocking\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"can_dm\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"can_media_tag\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"created_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"default_profile\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"default_profile_image\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"entities\\\": {\\\"description\\\": {\\\"urls\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}}, \\\"fast_followers_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"favourites_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"follow_request_sent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"followed_by\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"followers_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"following\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"friends_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"has_custom_timelines\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8180", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Unicode Codepoints, api_name:Filter, api_description:Filter a String, e.g. , by Unicode version or only uppercase letters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"properties\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"any Unicode property. Appending a \\\"!\\\" negates it.\"}, {\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"an UTF-8 encoded string\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8181", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/random, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8182", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Netflix_v2, api_name:Search, api_description:Search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search Query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8183", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Netflix_v2, api_name:Title Details, api_description:Title Details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Title IDs (you can separate with commas)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8184", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Movie Aliases by ID, api_description:A valid Movie ID (e.g. tt1375666)\nreturn movie aliases, required_params: [{\"name\": \"movieid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A valid Movie ID (e.g. tt1375666)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8185", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/search/title/{title}, api_description:Search by Title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Title of the Movie/Series\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8186", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:OTT details, api_name:Basic Info, api_description:Get info on a cast such as name , profession , birth and death year , bio , poster , best titles etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"peopleid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"peopleid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"profession\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"knownForTitles\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"birthYear\": \"str\", \"deathYear\": \"str\", \"bio\": \"str\", \"born\": \"str\", \"birthName\": \"str\", \"poster\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8187", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Netflix_v2, api_name:Title Seasons, api_description:Title Seasons, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Title IDs (you can separate with commas)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8188", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:OTT details, api_name:New Arrivals, api_description:Get the latest arrivals from different platforms ., required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Use 'IN' for India and 'US' for USA , * currently we support only US and Indian region.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"results\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8189", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Similar TV Shows, api_description:return tv series results with title, id, release date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seriesid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8190", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/series/{seriesId}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"seriesId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Series Imdb Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8191", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Similar Movies, api_description:return movie results with title , release date , id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"movieid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8192", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/actors, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"next\": \"str\", \"entries\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"nconst\": \"str\", \"primaryName\": \"str\", \"birthYear\": \"int\", \"deathYear\": \"int\", \"primaryProfession\": \"str\", \"knownForTitles\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8193", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:nowyAPI, api_name:rereer_copy, api_description:rererer, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8194", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:nowyAPI, api_name:rereer, api_description:rererer, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8195", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Quality Porn, api_name:Video search, api_description:Search for quality porn and get a provider-subdivided list of the best matching videos.\n\n### Examples\n\nSearch only HD videos that have been rated best with the search term \"amateur\".\n`/search?quality=hd&filter=rating&query=amateur'`\n\nSearch for \"amateur\" only. Filters and quality are optional.\n`/search?query=amateur'`\n\nSearch for \"amateur\" on page 2.\n`/search?query=amateur&page=2'`\n\nSearch for \"amateur\" and set a timeout for 5 seconds for each site request.\n`/search?query=amateur&timeout=5000`\n\nFilter only by the page you need. Here for example by PornHub. It can be filtered by any name part or part URL. For example \"porn\", \".com\" or complete names \"pornhub\", \"youporn.com\".\n`/search?query=amateur&site=pornhub`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"site\": {\"requestTime\": \"float\", \"videoResults\": \"int\", \"host\": \"str\", \"requestedUrl\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"supportedQualities\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"supportedFilter\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"supportedAdditionalParameter\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"links\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8196", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:api.video, api_name:GET-video-status, api_description:This API provides upload status & encoding status to determine when the video is uploaded or ready to playback.\n\nOnce encoding is completed, the response also lists the available stream qualities., required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8197", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:api.video, api_name:GET_analytics-videos-videoId, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8198", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Quality Porn, api_name:Supported sites, api_description:Get all available pages with the possible qualities and filters., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"supportedQualities\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"supportedFilter\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"supportedAdditionalParameter\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8199", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Quality Porn, api_name:Random search query, api_description:Get a random search query;, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"query\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8200", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:api.video, api_name:GET_videos-videoId-captions, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8201", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Quality Porn, api_name:Pornstar by name, api_description:Loads a porn star by name from the loaded list., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"aka\": \"str\", \"rating\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"votes\": \"str\"}, \"bio\": [{\"key\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 13}], \"profileImgLink\": \"str\", \"profileImgBase64\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"base64\": \"str\"}, \"galleryImagesLinks\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"galleryImagesBase64\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"base64\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8202", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Quality Porn, api_name:Pornstar search, api_description:Search for a porn star using the \"Query\".\nA list of all stars found is returned, or a detail pornstar if only one is found., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"key\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 125}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8203", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:paint_image_paint__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8204", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:angel_image_angel__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8205", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:floor_image_floor__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8206", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v2, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8207", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:totalPacksSelection, api_description:Method that allows you to get a number stating the full quantity of SELECTION packs available at Flaticon. The number refreshes periodically according to the content available at flaticon.com. SELECTION packs are those that contain only SELECTION icons., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8208", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:ykapi, api_name:search, api_description:search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchQuery\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": {\"kind\": \"str\", \"etag\": \"str\", \"nextPageToken\": \"str\", \"regionCode\": \"str\", \"pageInfo\": {\"totalResults\": \"int\", \"resultsPerPage\": \"int\"}, \"items\": [{\"kind\": \"str\", \"etag\": \"str\", \"id\": {\"kind\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\"}, \"snippet\": {\"publishedAt\": \"str\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": {\"default\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}}, \"channelTitle\": \"str\", \"liveBroadcastContent\": \"str\", \"publishTime\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 50}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8209", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:api.video, api_name:GET-video, api_description:This call provides the same JSON information provided on video creation. For private videos, it will generate a unique token url., required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8210", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Quality Porn, api_name:Live room bio, api_description:Get the bio from a room., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8211", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Aspose.Imaging Cloud, api_name:GetVisualObjectBounds, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The image features detector.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8212", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Aspose.Imaging Cloud, api_name:GetDiscUsage, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8213", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Quality Porn, api_name:Docs, api_description:Get available routs and parameters as json., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"docs\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"route\": \"str\", \"method\": \"str\", \"parameter\": {}, \"example\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 11}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8214", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:america_image_america__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8215", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:totalIconsSelection, api_description:Method that allows you to get a number stating the full quantity of SELECTION icons available at Flaticon. The number refreshes periodically according to the content available at flaticon.com., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8216", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:style, api_description:Method that allows you go get detailed information about a style, the design format that an icon or a pack has. Styles are the different versions in which an icon a given family may appear. For example, an icon may be available in lineal, color, or lineal color styles., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8217", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:download, api_description:Method that allows you to download the selected icon with the selected format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Item format to download. Is possible to choose between 'svg' and 'png' formats. If no format is sent, it will return the item in 'png' format.\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8218", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:tweet_tweet__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8219", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Premium-Anime-Mobile-Wallpapers-Illustrations, api_name:Search by animename, art_id, api_description:Search by animename, art_id\n\nRequired GET parameter\n\n**page**: 1\n**sensitivity**: 1\n**searchText**: 'Tokyo'\n**exact**: 0\n\nOn the above **page**, 1 means it will fetch the latest 10 wallpaper if the page value is 2 then It will bring the next 10 latest wallpaper\npage 1 : 0-10\npage 2: 10-20 ……\n\nOn the above **sensitivity**, 1 means it will not fetch any 18+ or ecchi-related images if the value is 0 then it will bring all without any filter.\n\nOn the above **searchText**, means it will try to fetch all arts based on the above text (Japanese anime name)\nOR\nart_id\n\n***Note: searchText param should be min 3 chars length***\n\nOptional GET parameter\n**exact**: \n\nIf the exact parameter is not provided then by default it will be set to 0.\n0 represents fetch all the arts related to any searchText word of animename.\n\n**Note: Exact params value 0 assume that you are passing japanese animename it will search all the wallpapers related to it**\n( So **attack on t** will result in empty response since its english name but **Shingeki no** will not)\n\n1 represents fetch all the arts which have the same animename and searchText.\n\n**Note: Exact params value 1 support both english and japanese animename**\n( So **Attack on titan** which is english will result wallpaper of japanese animename **Shingeki no Kyojin**)\n\n2 represent fetch arts based on art_id ( so If you are sending art_id on searchText make sure you set the exact param to 2 )\n\n**quality**:0\nThis API provides two types of wallpaper images\n\nCompress lower size wallpaper.\nBest quality but will result in high size.\nIf the **quality** parameter, is not provided then by default it will provide the URL of compressed wallpaper low size if the quality parameter is set to 1 then it will provide a URL of the highest quality wallpaper ( high size ).\n\nRESPONSE\n**animename**( Depend on subscription )\nif the wallpaper is related to any anime, or game then the Japanese name of the anime will be sent otherwise illustration will be sent.\n\n**arturl**\nURL of wallpaper\n\n**sensitivity**( Depend on subscription )\nIs wallpaper sensitive, 1 means yes 0 means no\n\n**art_id**( Depend on subscription )\nUnique wallpaper id which can be later used to get more info\n\n**premium** (Depend on subscription)\nWhether art is of premium category 1 means yes 0 means no.\n\nNote: if no wallpaper found response will be\n\n*{\"status\": \"empty\"}*, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchText\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sensitivity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8220", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Premium-Anime-Mobile-Wallpapers-Illustrations, api_name:Anime wallpapers related to the christmas with pagination, api_description:Get anime wallpapers related to the christmas:\nRequired GET parameter\n**page**: 1\n**sensitivity**: 1\nOn the above **page**, 1 means it will fetch the latest 10 wallpaper if the page value is 2 then It will bring the next 10 latest wallpaper \npage 1 : 0-10 \npage 2: 10-20 ......\n\nOn the above **sensitivity**, 1 means it will not fetch any 18+ or ecchi-related images if the value is 0 then it will bring all without any filter.\n\nOptional GET parameter\n**quality**:0\n\nThis API provides two types of wallpaper images\n1. Compress lower size wallpaper.\n2. Best quality but will result in high size.\n\nif the **quality** parameter, is not provided then by default it will provide the URL of compressed wallpaper low size if the quality parameter is set to 1 then it will provide a URL of the highest quality wallpaper ( high size ).\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**animename** ( Depend on subscription )\nif the wallpaper is related to any anime, or game then the Japanese name of the anime will be sent otherwise illustration will be sent.\n\n**arturl**\nURL of wallpaper\n\n**sensitivity** ( Depend on subscription )\nIs wallpaper sensitive, 1 means yes 0 means no\n\n**art_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique wallpaper id which can be later used to get more info\n\n**premium** (Depend on subscription)\nWhether art is of premium category 1 means yes 0 means no.\n\n**Note: if no wallpaper found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sensitivity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8221", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Aspose.Imaging Cloud, api_name:FindSimilarImages, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"similarityThreshold\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The similarity threshold.\"}, {\"name\": \"maxCount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The maximum count.\"}, {\"name\": \"searchContextId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The search context identifier.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8222", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Aspose.Imaging Cloud, api_name:ModifyWmf, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"pageHeight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Height of the page.\"}, {\"name\": \"pageWidth\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Width of the page.\"}, {\"name\": \"borderY\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Border height.\"}, {\"name\": \"bkColor\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Color of the background.\"}, {\"name\": \"borderX\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Border width.\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Filename of image.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8223", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:asc_image_ascii__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8224", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:pride_image_pride__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"flag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8225", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:charcoal_image_charcoal__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8226", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Premium-Anime-Mobile-Wallpapers-Illustrations, api_name:Random Wallpapers, api_description:Get a random anime wallpaper\n\nOptional GET parameter\n**quality**:0\n\nThis API provides two types of wallpaper images\n1. Compress lower size wallpaper.\n2. Best quality but will result in high size.\n\nif the **quality** parameter, is not provided then by default it will provide the URL of compressed wallpaper low size if the quality parameter is set to 1 then it will provide a URL of the highest quality wallpaper ( high size ).\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**animename** ( Depend on subscription )\nif the wallpaper is related to any anime, or game then the Japanese name of the anime will be sent otherwise illustration will be sent.\n\n**arturl**\nURL of wallpaper\n\n**sensitivity** ( Depend on subscription )\nIs wallpaper sensitive, 1 means yes 0 means no\n\n**art_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique wallpaper id which can be later used to get more info\n\n**premium** (Depend on subscription)\nWhether art is of premium category 1 means yes 0 means no.\n\n**Note: if no wallpaper found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"art_id\": \"str\", \"animename\": \"str\", \"arturl\": \"str\", \"sensitivity\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8227", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Aspose.Imaging Cloud, api_name:GetImageFrameProperties, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Filename with image.\"}, {\"name\": \"frameId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of a frame.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8228", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Quality Porn, api_name:Live cams, api_description:Search for live cams and according to your preferences. Filter by gender, tags and pages., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8229", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:api.video, api_name:GET_analytics-sessions-sessionId-events, api_description:Useful to track and measure video's engagement., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sessionId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8230", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:api.video, api_name:GET_players, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8231", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:trash_image_trash__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8232", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:sepia_image_sepia__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8233", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:blur_image_blur__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8234", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Aspose.Imaging Cloud, api_name:GetObjectBounds, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Image file name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8235", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Aspose.Imaging Cloud, api_name:GetImageFrame, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Filename of image.\"}, {\"name\": \"frameId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of a frame.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8236", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:api.video, api_name:GET_account, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8237", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Aspose.Imaging Cloud, api_name:GetImageSearchStatus, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchContextId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The search context identifier.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8238", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Crypto Update Live, api_name:GET top 50 cryptocurrencies details, api_description:This endpoint gives all the details of the top fifty cryptocurrencies., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Top 50 Cryptocurrency Details\": [{\"Circulating Supply\": \"str\", \"Symbol\": \"str\", \"Rank\": \"str\", \"Max Supply\": \"str\", \"Image\": \"str\", \"Volume/Market Cap\": \"str\", \"Fully Diluted Market Cap\": \"str\", \"Coin\": \"str\", \"Price\": \"str\", \"High/Low 24hr\": {\"High\": \"str\", \"Low\": \"str\"}, \"Total Supply\": \"str\", \"Volume 24hr\": \"str\", \"Link\": \"str\", \"Market Cap\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8239", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Ether Balance, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Ether balance of an address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8240", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Verge Balance, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Verge balance of an address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8241", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Crypto Update Live, api_name:GET top 100 cryptocurrencies details, api_description:This endpoint gives all the details of the top hundred cryptocurrencies., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8242", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Rising Three Methods, api_description:List of stocks having Rising Three Methods signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8243", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:FinHost, api_name:/recipient/search/{currency}, api_description:Receive recipient info and default account, required_params: [{\"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of the search attribute\"}, {\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currency code (ISO 4217)\"}, {\"name\": \"attribute\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Attribute to use for search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8244", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:crypto-news_v2, api_name:YahooFinance, api_description:Get the latest news from Yahoo Finance., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8245", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:FinHost, api_name:/account/, api_description:Return the list of the balances for the client accounts, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8246", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Open DeFi, api_name:web_top_momentum, api_description:\nReturn top up and down 100 price changes for 24h.\n\nThe results are split for all trading pairs and trading pairs with $1M min liquidity.\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"top_up_24h\\\": [{\\\"pair_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pair_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"exchange_slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange_factory_address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chain_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"chain_slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"chain_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base_token_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base_token_symbol_friendly\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quote_token_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quote_token_symbol_friendly\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base_token_address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quote_token_address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base_token_slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"quote_token_slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pool_address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"usd_price_latest\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"price_change_24h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"exchange_rate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"usd_volume_24h\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"usd_volume_30d\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"usd_liquidity_latest\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"liquidity_change_24h\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"usd_liquidity_change_24h\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"liquidity_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pool_swap_fee\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"pair_swap_fee\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 98}], \\\"top_down_24h\\\": [{\\\"pair_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pair_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pair_slug\\\": \\\"str\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8247", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Open DeFi, api_name:web_chain_details, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"chain_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Blockchain slug, e.g, `ethereum` for Ethereum mainnet\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"chain_name\": \"str\", \"chain_slug\": \"str\", \"chain_id\": \"int\", \"chain_logo\": \"str\", \"chain_explorer\": \"str\", \"homepage\": \"str\", \"exchanges\": \"int\", \"pairs\": \"int\", \"tracked_pairs\": \"int\", \"tokens\": \"int\", \"minute_candles\": \"int\", \"start_block\": \"int\", \"end_block\": \"int\", \"last_swap_at\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8248", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Searchscreeningsdone, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"status\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8249", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Futures, api_name:Time Series, api_description:This endpoint returns futures contracts over a specified date range for a given symbol. Use this endpoint for historical data.\n\nThe parameter is optional. Not specifying this parameter will return all contracts between the given parameter and the latest available date.\n\nUse the optional parameter to get a specific month contract over the given period of time.\n\n**✴ Return Limited: 100 Objects\n✴ Oldest Date: 2010-01-01**\n\n*This endpoint will only return 100 objects per request. Use the parameter to paginate results.*, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8250", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Futures, api_name:Days From Date, api_description:This endpoint returns futures contracts for the date falling on the number of days from the date you specified. This is useful for getting contracts closest to a date without having to determine the last date the contract was traded.\n\nConsider wanting contracts for WTI Crude that were traded 30 days before Christmas 2021, with Thanksgiving in the US being November 25, which date were contracts last traded? Specifying the dateFrom parameter as \"2021-12-25\" and the daysFrom parameter as 30 removes the guess work and gives the contract less-than-or-equal-to 30 days from the parameter.\n\nUse the optional parameter to get a specific month contract.\n\nUse the optional parameter to specify if should be added or subtracted from . Setting to false will result in contracts that fall after the given date. Default is true.\n\n**✴ Return Limited: 100 Objects\n✴ Oldest Date: 2010-01-01**\n\n*This endpoint will only return 100 objects per request. Use the parameter to paginate results.*, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"daysFrom\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"dateFrom\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8251", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Fetchriskprofile, api_description:Create individual customer, required_params: [{\"name\": \"customer_a_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8252", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Smile, api_name:list-invite-templates, api_description:Get the list of invite templates., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8253", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Smile, api_name:get-invite, api_description:Get invite sent to users by ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the specific object in the collection.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8254", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Smile, api_name:get-webhook, api_description:Get a webhook endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the specific object in the collection.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8255", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Open DeFi, api_name:web_chains, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"chain_id\": \"int\", \"chain_slug\": \"str\", \"chain_name\": \"str\", \"chain_logo\": \"str\", \"exchanges\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8256", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Aave Balance From Specific Network, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Aave balance of an address in a specific network., required_params: [{\"name\": \"network\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"network can take the value : \\n- eth\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8257", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Yahoo Finance, api_name:news, api_description:returns latest news articles related to symbol passed as parameter, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"0\\\": {\\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publisher\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"providerPublishTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": {\\\"resolutions\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]}, \\\"relatedTickers\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"]}, \\\"1\\\": {\\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publisher\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"providerPublishTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": {\\\"resolutions\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]}, \\\"relatedTickers\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"2\\\": {\\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publisher\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"providerPublishTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": {\\\"resolutions\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]}, \\\"relatedTickers\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"3\\\": {\\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publisher\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"providerPublishTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": {\\\"resolutions\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8258", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Open DeFi, api_name:web_candles, api_description:\nFetch candle data for a single trading pair.\n\nYou need to resolve the symbolic trading pair name to `pair_id` primary key with `/pairs` or `/pair-details`\nto call this API endpoint.\n\nCandle response size is limited to 10,000 candles. Only the first 10,000 candles\nsince the start timestamp is returned.\n\n[Inspired by Bitfinex API](https://docs.bitfinex.com/reference#rest-public-candles).\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"time_bucket\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\nWhat time bucket to use for the candle size.\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"pair_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\\nPrimary key for the trading pair\\n\\nFor tests and demos use id `1` which is ETH/USDC pair on Uniswap v2,\\nas it is the first deployed Uniswap v2 compatible pool.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ts\": \"str\", \"o\": \"float\", \"h\": \"float\", \"l\": \"float\", \"c\": \"float\", \"v\": \"float\", \"xr\": \"float\", \"b\": \"int\", \"s\": \"int\", \"tc\": \"int\", \"bv\": \"float\", \"sv\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8259", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:1p Challenge, api_name:/api/user/{userId}/undo-latest, api_description:Undo the latest savings log from a user (fat-finger click), required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8260", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CHART-IMG, api_name:Advanced Chart, api_description:This endpoint captures TradingView advanced real-time chart image., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8261", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CHART-IMG, api_name:Mini Chart, api_description:This endpoint captures TradingView mini chart image., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8262", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Smile, api_name:get-income, api_description:Get the user's income by ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the specific object in the collection.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8263", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Open DeFi, api_name:web_exchange_details, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Exchange path slug e.g, `sushiswap`\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"chain_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Blockchain slug, e.g, \\\"ethereum\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error_id\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8264", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CurrenciesExchangeRateAPI, api_name:2-Convert Endpoint:, api_description:Endpoint URL: /convert?to=USD&from=EUR&amount=100&date=2023-02-01\nHTTP Method: GET\nRequest Parameters:\n'to': The target currency symbol. (Required)\n'from': The source currency symbol. (Required)\n'amount': The amount to be converted. (Required)\n'date': \nResponse: This endpoint returns the converted amount and the exchange rate used for the conversion in JSON format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8265", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:FinHost, api_name:/posting/{account}, api_description:List assets transfers for the account, required_params: [{\"name\": \"account\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Account identifier\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8266", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8267", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:StreamlineWatch - Streaming Guide, api_name:search, api_description:Returns a list of titles that match the query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of content of your research.\\n*required, possible values: movie, show*\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query itself\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8268", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Vimeo, api_name:GetCategoryInfo, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the category.\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json or xml or php\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8269", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:Movie Parental Guides (JSON), api_description:Returns all the parental guide ratings for the specified movie, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8270", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:9GAG API (Detailed), api_name:Get Pages, api_description:Returns pages., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8271", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:Movie Suggestions (JSON), api_description:Returns 4 related movies as suggestions for the user, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8272", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:List Upcoming (JSONP), api_description:Returns the 4 latest upcoming movies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8273", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Giphy, api_name:Get GIF by ID, api_description:Returns meta data about a GIF, by GIF id. In the below example, the GIF ID is \"feqkVgjJpYtjy\", required_params: [{\"name\": \"gif_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {}, \"meta\": {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"response_id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8274", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Giphy, api_name:Sticker Search, api_description:Replicates the functionality and requirements of the classic Giphy search, but returns animated stickers rather than gifs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"search query term or phrase\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"meta\": {\"status\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"response_id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8275", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Twitch API, api_name:Get Chat Restrictions, api_description:Returns chat restrictions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8276", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Twitch API, api_name:Get User Id, api_description:Returns user id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"user\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8277", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Vimeo, api_name:GetVideosComment, api_description:Get a list of the comments on a video., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json/php/xml\"}, {\"name\": \"video_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ID of the video.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8278", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:Top Track by Country, api_description:This endpoint will return the top tracks from a specific country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"next\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"properties\\\": {}, \\\"tracks\\\": [{\\\"artists\\\": [{\\\"adamid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alias\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"follow\\\": {\\\"followkey\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"highlightsurls\\\": {\\\"artisthighlightsurl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"relatedhighlightsurl\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"hub\\\": {\\\"actions\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"displayname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"explicit\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"options\\\": [{\\\"actions\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"beacondata\\\": {\\\"providername\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"caption\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"colouroverflowimage\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listcaption\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"overflowimage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"providername\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"images\\\": {\\\"background\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coverart\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coverarthq\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"joecolor\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"layout\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"properties\\\": {}, \\\"share\\\": {\\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"html\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"snapchat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subject\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"twitter\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"subtitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8279", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:tiktok download video , api_name:search video list by keywords, api_description:search video list by keywords, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keywords\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8280", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:tiktok download video , api_name:get music post video list, api_description:get music post video list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cursor\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"has more\"}, {\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"max 35 default 10\"}, {\"name\": \"music_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8281", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:tiktok download video , api_name:get user favorite videos, api_description:get user favorite videos for latest\nunique_id or user_id is not empty, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8282", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Youtube Video/Stream Download, api_name:Get All Details, api_description:Get all details of a video/stream/shorts (Captions , Audios Only, Videos Only , Videos, Stream url) if available., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8283", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:List Movies (JSONP), api_description:Used to list and search through out all the available movies. Can sort, filter, search and order the results, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8284", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:YTS.am Torrent, api_name:Movie Reviews (XML), api_description:Returns all the IMDb movie reviews for the specified movie, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8285", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:StreamlineWatch - Streaming Guide, api_name:/sources, api_description:Returns a list of all sources covered in a specific region, required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Filter by region.\\n*required, possible values: US, FR*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"source\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\", \"platform\": {\"android\": \"str\", \"android_tv\": \"str\", \"ios\": \"str\", \"web\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8286", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Swagger PetStore, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sold\": \"int\", \"SOLD\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"availeble\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"avalible\": \"int\", \"yBoVciqxJe\": \"int\", \"peric\": \"int\", \"disponible\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8287", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Wayfair, api_name:categories/list, api_description:List categories and their recursive children categories if available, required_params: [{\"name\": \"caid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of categoryId fields returned right in this endpoint. The default root category is 214970.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8288", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Magic AliExpress, api_name:/api/countriesAvailableToShipping, api_description:This resource represents the countries. Each country is composed of Code and Name Attributes. This service can be used to communicate with product service for the countryFrom and countryTo query parameters., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8289", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:yiwugo product data, api_name:get product detail, api_description:get product detail by item_id,\nThe source of the data can be controlled through the 'lan' field (en: English website, cn: Chinese website), required_params: [{\"name\": \"item_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"given\": \"str\", \"permitted\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8290", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:yiwugo product data, api_name:search products, api_description:search products\nThe source of the data can be controlled through the 'lan' field (en: English website, cn: Chinese website), required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8291", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:yiwugo product data, api_name:search shops, api_description:search shops by keyword.\nThe source of the data can be controlled through the 'lan' field (en: English website, cn: Chinese website), required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"given\": \"str\", \"permitted\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8292", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getStore, api_description:Get a store, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Unique identifier for the resource, in the path parameter.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8293", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getProductOptions, api_description:Get all product options, required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Product ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8294", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getOrderTransactions, api_description:Get all order transactions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"order_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Order ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8295", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getMerchants, api_description:Get all merchants, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8296", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target.Com(Store) Product/Reviews/Locations Data, api_name:Product Search, api_description:The endpoint returns products from the Target.Com Search Result\n\n- Every target has a uniq **store_id** , **store_id** can be extract with the help of this endpoint **/target/location/search**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"store_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Store id\\n\\n- Every target has a uniq **store_id** , **store_id** can be extract with the help of this endpoint **/target/location/search**\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search keyword\\n\\nFor example: **iphone case**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8297", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Axesso - Kaufland Data Service, api_name:Keyword search, api_description:Retrieve keyword search results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8298", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Axesso - Kaufland Data Service, api_name:Product details, api_description:Query product details information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"responseStatus\": \"str\", \"responseMessage\": \"str\", \"productTitle\": \"str\", \"manufacturer\": \"NoneType\", \"countReview\": \"int\", \"productRating\": \"str\", \"asin\": \"str\", \"productId\": \"str\", \"variationId\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"soldBy\": \"str\", \"sellerId\": \"str\", \"warehouseAvailability\": \"str\", \"retailPrice\": \"float\", \"price\": \"float\", \"priceRange\": \"NoneType\", \"shippingPrice\": \"float\", \"priceSaving\": \"NoneType\", \"features\": \"NoneType\", \"imageUrlList\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"productDescription\": \"str\", \"productDetails\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}], \"variations\": [{\"variationName\": \"str\", \"values\": [{\"value\": \"str\", \"dpUrl\": \"str\", \"selected\": \"bool\", \"available\": \"bool\", \"price\": \"float\", \"retailPrice\": \"float\", \"imageUrl\": \"str\", \"asin\": \"str\", \"deliveryOptions\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"deliveryMessage\": \"NoneType\", \"mainImage\": {\"imageUrl\": \"str\", \"imageResolution\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8299", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:PPOB, api_name:Deposit Nominal & Bank, api_description:API Deposit Nominal & Bank is used to display available deposit information on PulsaXpress as well as bank account information used for the deposit process. It also allows users to make a deposit by choosing the desired deposit amount and payment method., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8300", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:PPOB, api_name:Internasional Credit Pricelist, api_description:The Pricelist API is used to display all available Pulsa and Data products. The result of this API can obtain the Code, Name, Nominal, and Price of each available product.\n\n
Country Code
China China
Malaysia Malaysia
Philippines Philippines
Singapore Singapore
Thailand Thailand
Vietnam Vietnam
, required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"operator_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"operator_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"suboperator\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"highlight\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"has_pasca\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"prefix\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"pulsa\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nominal\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"original_price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_pm\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"suboperator_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"master_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}]}, \\\"pm\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"paket\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"pm_paket\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"smstel\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"pricelist\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"pasca\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"additional\\\": {\\\"destination\\\": {\\\"required\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"nominal\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"additional\\\": {\\\"message\\\": {\\\"postpaid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pulsa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"games\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"emoney\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listrik\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"voucher\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"smstel\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"label\\\": {\\\"destination\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8301", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getProductChildren, api_description:Get all child products, required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Product ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8302", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getProductParent, api_description:Get the parent product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Product ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8303", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Forever21, api_name:categories/list (Deprecated), api_description:List all categories from F21, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8304", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:GetallstoreWebhoooks, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8305", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Getallorders, api_description:

\nFilters are available depending of the ecommerce\n

, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8306", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Abiola Amazon Data Scraper, api_name:Get Amazon Search Results, api_description:This endpoint allows you to search any amazon product description by typing the name of the product., required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchQuery\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8307", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Real-Time Product Search, api_name:Product Reviews, api_description:Get all product reviews. Infinite pagination/scrolling is supported using the *limit* and *offset* parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Product id of the product for which to fetch reviews.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8308", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:eBay products search scraper, api_name:GET Search Products Data, api_description:GET Search Products Data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"the number of the page\"}, {\"name\": \"Item_Location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Item Location : europe , north___america. , asia ,us__only , default\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8309", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Magic AliExpress, api_name:/api/bestSales/products, api_description:This resource represents the best sales detected by our system, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"you can sorted the products\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8310", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Gearbest, api_name:/search, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8311", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Getcarrierservices, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8312", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Countallorders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8313", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target, api_name:products/list-recommended (Deprecated), api_description:List more products to consider, required_params: [{\"name\": \"store_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of location_id returned in .../stores/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"tcins\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of tcin field returned in .../products/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8314", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Sephora, api_name:products/list (Deprecated), api_description:List products with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"categoryId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of categoryId returned in .../categories/list or .../categories/list-root\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"categoryId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"bestsellersTargetURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"justArrivedTargetURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region3\\\": [{\\\"componentName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"componentType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"enableTesting\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"links\\\": [{\\\"componentName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"componentType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"enableTesting\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"linkText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"targetScreen\\\": {\\\"targetScreen\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"targetValue\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"testEnabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 9}], \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"testEnabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"seoCanonicalUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seoKeywords\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"seoMetaDescription\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seoName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seoTitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"targetUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"enableNoindexMetaTag\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"marketingTiles\\\": [{\\\"altText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"componentName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"componentType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"enableTesting\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"imageHeight\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"imageSource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"imageWidth\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"targetUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}], \\\"products\\\": [{\\\"brandName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currentSku\\\": {\\\"badgeAltText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"biExclusiveLevel\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8315", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Kohls, api_name:reviews/list, api_description:List reviews relating to a product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ProductId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of webID returned in .../products/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"payload\\\": {\\\"Includes\\\": {\\\"Products\\\": {\\\"4201989\\\": {\\\"CategoryId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EANs\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 6\\\"], \\\"Description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ModelNumbers\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"Attributes\\\": {\\\"VendorName\\\": {\\\"Values\\\": [{\\\"Locale\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"Id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BrandType\\\": {\\\"Values\\\": [{\\\"Locale\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"Id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Childsku\\\": {\\\"Values\\\": [{\\\"Locale\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"Id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"DivisionNumber\\\": {\\\"Values\\\": [{\\\"Locale\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"Id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"BuyerNumber\\\": {\\\"Values\\\": [{\\\"Locale\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 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[], return_schema: \"{\\\"stores\\\": [{\\\"address\\\": {\\\"address1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"address2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"crossStreet\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fax\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mallName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"phone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postalCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"curbsideHours\\\": {\\\"closedDays\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fridayHours\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mondayHours\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"saturdayHours\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sundayHours\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"textColor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thursdayHours\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timeZone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tuesdayHours\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"wednesdayHours\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"distance\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"isBopisable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isConciergeCurbsideEnabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isCurbsideEnabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isNoShowFeeApplicable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isOnlineReservationEnabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isRopisable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isVirtual\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"reservationSystem\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"storeHeroImages\\\": {\\\"componentName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"componentType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"enableTesting\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"imageId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"imagePath\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"testEnabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"storeHours\\\": {\\\"closedDays\\\": \\\"st\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8317", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Ikea API, api_name:Search By Keyword Filters, api_description:Complimentary to the \"Search By Keyword\" endpoint. Obtain a list of filters available based on a keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Can be obtained through the **Countries** endpoint,\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8318", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Ikea API, api_name:Stores, api_description:Obtain a list of all stores in a specified country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Can be obtained through the **Countries** endpoint,\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8319", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Countallcostumers, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8320", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getCustomerAddresses, api_description:Get all customer addresses, required_params: [{\"name\": \"customer_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Customer ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8321", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getProductVariations, api_description:Get all product variations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Product ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8322", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Aliexpress DataHub, api_name:Aliexpress - Item Search, api_description:All details of a single item., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8323", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:PPOB, api_name:Indonesia Credit Pricelist, api_description:This Endpoint is for Indonesia only.\nThe Credit & Data Pricelist API is used to display the list of available credit and data prices on PulsaXpress. This information can be used to know the price of the products you want to buy before making a transaction. This price information can be updated according to the current prices and can be used to determine the prices offered on your application., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"operator_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"operator_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"suboperator\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"operator_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"suboperator_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"created_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}]}, \\\"image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"highlight\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"has_pasca\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"prefix\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"]}, \\\"pulsa\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nominal\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"original_price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_pm\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"suboperator_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"master_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 12}]}, \\\"pm\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"paket\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nominal\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"original_price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_pm\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"suboperator_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"master_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 43}]}, \\\"pm_paket\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"smstel\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nominal\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"original_price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8324", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:PPOB, api_name:Check Status, api_description:
Parameter Deskripsi Contoh
ref_id Referensi ID transaksi trx1 atau 41241211133
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Please notice that do NOT use keyword and category parameters together, keyword OR category is required.\"}, {\"name\": \"store_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of location_id returned in .../stores/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"search\\\": {\\\"ad_placement\\\": {\\\"path_prefix\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"page_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category_id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ad_placement_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"products\\\": [{\\\"item\\\": {\\\"assigned_selling_channels_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dpci\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"enrichment\\\": {\\\"buy_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"images\\\": {\\\"primary_image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"videos\\\": [{\\\"video_captions\\\": [{\\\"caption_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"video_files\\\": [{\\\"mime_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"video_height_pixels\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"video_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"video_length_seconds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"video_poster_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"video_sequence\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"video_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_list_page_eligible\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]}, \\\"eligibility_rules\\\": {}, \\\"fulfillment\\\": {\\\"purchase_limit\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"handling\\\": {\\\"buy_unit_of_measure\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"item_state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mmbv_content\\\": {\\\"street_date\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"product_description\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"product_vendors\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"vendor_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"relationship_type_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tcin\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"fulfillment\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8327", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:AG Amazon Data Web Scraper, api_name:Get Amazon Product Reviews, api_description:It Helps You To Get Reviews Of Any Product By Entering Its Product Id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8328", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:AG Amazon Data Web Scraper, api_name:Get Amazon Search Results, api_description:It Will Give The Product Details You Want Just By Searching The Product Name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchQuery\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8329", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:ZAPPOS 2022, api_name:GET BrandList by siteId (zappos =1, 6pm=2), api_description:GET BrandList by siteId (zappos =1, 6pm=2), required_params: [{\"name\": \"siteId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8330", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Horse Racing, api_name:Results, api_description:Get results by date., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id_race\": \"str\", \"course\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"age\": \"str\", \"going\": \"str\", \"finished\": \"str\", \"canceled\": \"str\", \"finish_time\": \"str\", \"prize\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8331", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FIA Formula 1 Championship Statistics, api_name:Fastest Laps Result, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve information about fastest laps for a specific race by passing path parameters location & year. 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\"Parameter can be omitted and request will return player stats for current season. Specify the beginning of sport season, ie: 2017-2018 season = 2017.\\n\\nFormat: YYYY\"}, {\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8347", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinaculo, api_name:Sport Translations, api_description:Get sport translations., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The sport id.\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The language.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"3x3 Olympics\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"3x3 Olympics Women\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ABA - Adriatic League\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ABA - Liga 2 International\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Abkhazia\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Albania\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Albania - Superleague\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Algeria\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Algeria - Cup\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Argentina - LLF Women\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Argentina - Torneo Federal\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Argentina - Torneo Super 20\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Asia - ASEAN Basketball League\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Asia - West Asia Super League\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Australia\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Australia - Big V\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Australia - Big V Women\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Australia - NBL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Australia - NBL1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Australia - NBL1 Women\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Australia - WNBL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Austria\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Austria - Cup\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Austria - Liga 2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Austria - SuperLiga\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Austria - SuperLiga Women\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Austria - Zweite Liga\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Azerbaijan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bahrain\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bahrain - Premier League\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Balkan League\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Basketball\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Belarus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Belarus - Premier League\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Belgium\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Belgium - Cup\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Be\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8348", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:Referee profile, api_description:Get referee profile by referee_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"referee_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Referee ID\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"share\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"profile\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"refereeName\": \"str\", \"totalCompetitionsPerformance\": {\"LaLiga\": {\"competitionID\": \"str\", \"competitionImage\": \"str\", \"appearances\": \"str\", \"yellow_cards\": \"str\", \"yellow_red_cards\": \"str\", \"red_cards\": \"str\", \"penaltys\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\"}, \"Kypello Elladas\": {\"competitionID\": \"str\", \"competitionImage\": \"str\", \"appearances\": \"str\", \"yellow_cards\": \"str\", \"yellow_red_cards\": \"str\", \"red_cards\": \"str\", \"penaltys\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\"}, \"Copa del Rey\": {\"competitionID\": \"str\", \"competitionImage\": \"str\", \"appearances\": \"str\", \"yellow_cards\": \"str\", \"yellow_red_cards\": \"str\", \"red_cards\": \"str\", \"penaltys\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\"}}, \"totalPerformanceSeasons\": [\"list of str with length 17\"], \"totalPerformanceSum\": {\"appearances\": \"int\", \"yellow_cards\": \"int\", \"yellow_red_cards\": \"int\", \"red_cards\": \"int\", \"penaltys\": \"int\", \"seasonID\": \"int\", \"season\": \"str\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8349", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:Club Profile, api_description:Get club profile by club_id. 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Each datapoint represents an index change based on a match performance. The indication of projections controls which data should be collected and has direct impact on the payload and billed credits.\n\nThere is one obligatory parameter which identifies the team of the trend. If no more parameters are provided then the trend for the last year's performance (*Basic* subscriptions: one month) is returned with only the main index projection in absolute index format. For details about index calculation and factors refer to the documentation.\n\nFor free subscriptions the following limits apply:\n\n`Max. requests per hour: 20`\n`Min. time between requests: 1 minute`\n`Max. time span returned: 1 month`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The identifier of the team for which the performances should be collected. Use the `Get Teams` operation to find valid identifiers.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"bill\": {\"charge\": \"int\"}, \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8352", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Fitness Calculator, api_name:Body Fat Percentage, api_description:Knowing body fat percentage would be helpful to decide on a well-programmed fitness plan. You can use this endpoint with 7 parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"waist\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"neck\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"gender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"hip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"request_result\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"Body Fat (U.S. Navy Method)\": \"float\", \"Body Fat Category\": \"str\", \"Body Fat Mass\": \"float\", \"Lean Body Mass\": \"float\", \"Body Fat (BMI method)\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8353", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MotorsportApi, api_name:Categories, api_description:Get a list of all Motorsport categories., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"flag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"priority\": \"int\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 13}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8354", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:elvar, api_name:elvar endpoint, api_description:elvar endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8355", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:HandballAPI, api_name:LeagueOverallTopPlayers, api_description:Get overall top players for a handball unique tournament and season, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique ID of the tournament for which you want to retrieve the top players.\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the season for which you want to retrieve the top players.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"topPlayers\\\": {\\\"assists\\\": [{\\\"playedEnough\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"player\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"appearances\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"assists\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 50}], \\\"gk7mSaves\\\": [{\\\"playedEnough\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"player\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"appearances\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gk7mSaves\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gk7mShots\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"_list\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8356", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore Sports, api_name:Images Team, api_description:Get team image, required_params: [{\"name\": \"badge_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Badge id, ex. `10260`. BADGE_ID field\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8357", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:Fixture Standings, api_description:Get fixture standings by fixture_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fixture_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Fixture ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"group\": \"NoneType\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"oldRank\": \"str\", \"clubName\": \"str\", \"clubImage\": \"str\", \"points\": \"str\", \"goals\": \"str\", \"goalsConceded\": \"str\", \"goalDifference\": \"str\", \"matches\": \"int\", \"wins\": \"int\", \"losses\": \"int\", \"draw\": \"int\", \"markID\": \"str\", \"markClass\": \"str\", \"markColor\": \"str\", \"markDescription\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8358", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:Seasons of competition, api_description:Get competition seasons, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"competition_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Competition ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 32}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8359", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:List of clubs, api_description:Get a list of clubs, required_params: [{\"name\": \"competition_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Competition ID\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8360", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BetSports, api_name:getTspMatches, api_description:getTspMatches data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"matches\\\": [{\\\"specialType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"groupId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"competition_name_es\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"oddsCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"competition\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priority\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priority\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"priorityByGroupation\\\": {\\\"orderItems\\\": [{\\\"rank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"groupationId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 23}]}}, \\\"priorityByGroupation\\\": {\\\"orderItems\\\": [{\\\"rank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"groupationId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 13}]}}, \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matchNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"participants\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"kodds\\\": {\\\"1001001001\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"subGame\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"subGameId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gameId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gameName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subGameName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameShortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subGameDescription\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"specialOddValueType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priority\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"matchId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"specialOddValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"winStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"1001001002\\\": {\\\"id\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8361", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Formula 1 - fixed, api_name:QualifyingResults, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"round\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8362", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Formula 1 - fixed, api_name:Constructorstandingsafterarace, api_description:To list the constructor standings after a specific race (round) in a season(year), use this endpoint.\n\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"round\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8363", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinnacle Odds, api_name:List of special markets, api_description:Get a list of special markets. Always first issue a snapshot call and continue with the delta calls. Calls return changes since the provided `since` value. You must always use the since parameter, after the first call. Please note that prematch and live events are different, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sport id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8364", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:F1 Race Schedule, api_name:Select Race based on ID, api_description:Returns the race using the ID used in the database for each individual race., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"race_no\": \"int\", \"track\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8365", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMA Stats, api_name:search fighter stats, api_description:The search functionality provided helps you find fighter statistics and UFC/MMA history based on their names. It compares your search criteria with the fighters' information and returns a list of fighters that match all the specified criteria, including their statistics, averages, titles, wins, losses, and more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"Nickname\": \"str\", \"Division Title\": \"str\", \"Division Body\": {\"Wins\": \"str\", \"Losses\": \"str\", \"Draws\": \"str\"}, \"Bio Data\": {\"Status\": \"str\", \"Hometown\": \"str\", \"Age\": \"str\", \"Height\": \"str\", \"Weight\": \"str\", \"Octagon Debut\": \"str\"}, \"Stats\": {\"Standing\": \"str\", \"Clinch\": \"str\", \"Ground\": \"str\", \"KOTKO\": \"str\", \"DEC\": \"str\", \"SUB\": \"str\"}, \"Sig. Strikes Landed\": \"str\", \"Sig. Strikes Attempted\": \"str\", \"Takedowns Landed\": \"str\", \"Takedowns Attempted\": \"str\", \"Striking accuracy\": \"str\", \"Takedown Accuracy\": \"str\", \"Records\": {\"Sig. 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fight or a fighter's win-loss record., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8368", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Divanscore, api_name:teams/get-rankings, api_description:Get rankings of specific team, required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in \\u2026/teams/search endpoint or \\u2026/matches/detail or \\u2026/tournaments/get-featured-events or \\u2026/tournaments/get-scheduled-events or \\u2026/tournaments/get-top-teams, etc\\u2026\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rankings\": [{\"team\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"userCount\": \"int\", \"nameCode\": \"str\", \"disabled\": \"bool\", \"national\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"country\": {\"alpha2\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, 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\"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the match. The format is {dd/MM/yyyy}. Match list data can be retrieved for only \\u00b1 7 days.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8374", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarket, api_name:players/get-profile, api_description:Get player profile, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../search or .../clubs/get-squad or .../transfers/list... endpoints. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"share\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"playerProfile\\\": {\\\"playerID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"playerImage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"playerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"playerFullName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"birthplace\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateOfBirth\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateOfDeath\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"playerShirtNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"birthplaceCountry\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"birthplaceCountryImage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"age\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"foot\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"internationalTeam\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"internationalTeamImage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"internationalTeamStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"internationalGames\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"internationalGoals\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"internationalTeamShortTag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"internationalShirtNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"internationalWmMember\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"internationalValueRank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryImage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryShortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondCountry\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondCountryImage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"league\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leagueLogo\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"clubImage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"club\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"clubID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"loan\\\": {\\\"loan\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"loanStart\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"loanUntil\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"contractOptions\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ownerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ownerID\\\": \\\"str\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8375", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MotorsportApi, api_name:TVCountries, api_description:Get a list of countries and their respective TV channels broadcasting a specific Football match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match you want to retrieve the TV countries for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8376", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Today Football Prediction, api_name:VIP Featured Predictions, api_description:Returns **Daily Featured Prediction** results which have higher probability and better odds than others. More efficient selections.\n\nCompare its performance from **stats/performance** endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8377", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NHL Stats and Live Data, api_name:getDraftProspects, api_description:Be forewarned that this endpoint returns a **lot** of data and there does not appear to be a way to paginate results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of page of the results. 500 results are loaded per page.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8378", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore Sports, api_name:Meta Translations, api_description:Get translations data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"DATA\\\": {\\\"@maintenance_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@maintenance_message\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@maintenance_routine_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@maintenance_routine_subtitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_bet_switcher_main_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_bet_switcher_main_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_odds_tab_main_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_odds_tab_main_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_settings_main_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_settings_main_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_settings_price_boosts_main_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_team_matches_drop_down_main_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_tip_highlighted_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_sports_moved_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_sports_moved_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_smart_acca_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_smart_acca_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_add_your_favorite_teams_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_add_your_favorite_teams_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_quickly_access_fav_teams_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_quickly_access_fav_teams_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_favourite_this_team_confirm_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@tool_tip_favourite_this_team_confirm_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@too\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8379", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Premier League Upcoming Matches, api_name:/competitions, api_description:This API will return an array of **5 biggest competitions** in which all clubs in* Premier League* are able to participate, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"results\": [{\"abbr\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"level\": \"str\", \"compSeasons\": [{\"label\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 31}], \"id\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8380", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports odds BetApi, api_name:Data Country All, api_description:Data from all countries for all sports, required_params: [{\"name\": \"TypeOdds\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"line or live\"}, {\"name\": \"LangOdds\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"en, ru, fr ....\"}, {\"name\": \"SportId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"0 - 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Separated by coma for multiple values. 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\"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The team id you want to retrieve the next matches.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8395", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Handball Data, api_name:Tournament List, api_description:List of tournaments in your data coverage., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"participantType\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"globalName\": \"str\", \"localName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8396", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Team Depth Charts, api_description:Returns player depth charts for a team, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8397", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetUpcoming, api_description:GetUpcoming data api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8398", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Match Margins, api_description:Provides the average match margin statistics of the team in the tournament., required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the team.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8399", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Quarter Analysis, api_description:Provides the analyst data for each quarters including Quarter Winning Avereages, Quarter Winning Counts, Quarter Winning Percentages with home team / away team filters.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Basketball Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"status\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"h2h\\\": {\\\"quarterAnalysis\\\": {\\\"overall\\\": {\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"quarter1Average\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter2Average\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter3Average\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter4Average\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter1Win\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"quarter1WinPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter2Win\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"quarter2WinPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter3Win\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"quarter3WinPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter4Win\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"quarter4WinPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter1Draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"quarter1DrawPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter2Draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"quarter2DrawPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter3Draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"quarter3DrawPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter4Draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"quarter4DrawPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"quarter1Average\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter2Average\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter3Average\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter4Average\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"quarter1Win\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"qua\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8400", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Tournament Teams, api_description:List of teams participating in a specific tournament., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the tournament.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"isNational\": \"bool\", \"country\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8401", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Under / Over Analysis, api_description:Provides the under/over score analysis and statistics with the home/away team filters.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Basketball Match List or Fixture endpoints.**\n\nP.S.\nFull data is available at Under / Over Analysis endpoint but can not be shown in mock response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8402", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:1977-2022 NBA Team Rosters and Schedules, api_name:Get NBA Franchise Roster For a Specific Year, api_description:Grabs NBA Franchise's Roster for a specific year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"franchise\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"roster_schedule\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8403", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 NFL Live In-Game Real Time Statistics NFL, api_name:Get General Game Information, api_description:This call pulls back the most general information for a game: away team, home team, game date, and game start time. All times are in Eastern (ET) time zone. \ngameID is needed. You can retrieve gameID from a few different calls. The \"getNFLGamesForDate\" call or the \"getNFLTeamSchedule\" call will be the best ways to get the gameID's. \n\nCall should look like this: \n/getNFLGameInfo?gameID=20221212_NE@ARI, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": {\"espnID\": \"str\", \"gameStatus\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\", \"gameDate\": \"str\", \"neutralSite\": \"str\", \"teamIDHome\": \"str\", \"cbsLink\": \"str\", \"gameTime\": \"str\", \"teamIDAway\": \"str\", \"away\": \"str\", \"gameWeek\": \"str\", \"gameID\": \"str\", \"seasonType\": \"str\", \"espnLink\": \"str\", \"home\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8404", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 NFL Live In-Game Real Time Statistics NFL, api_name:Get Daily Scoreboard - Live - Real Time, api_description:This call will pull game scores and no other stats. \n/getNFLScoresOnly\nCall it with no parameters, it will return the current date's game list with their scores. \n\nYou can use both gameID and gameDate for parameters. gameID will give you only the scores for one specific game. gameDate will give you the scores for every game on that date. \n\nExample, to get all games for December 11, 2022\n/getNFLScoresOnly?gameDate=20221211\nor you can use this call to get just one specific game \n/getNFLScoresOnly?gameID=20221211_NYJ@BUF\nor call with no parameters for the games for 'current processing day'., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"statusCode\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"body\\\": {\\\"20221211_NYJ@BUF\\\": {\\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayPts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homePts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameClock\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20221211_KC@DEN\\\": {\\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayPts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homePts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameClock\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20221211_MIN@DET\\\": {\\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayPts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homePts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameClock\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20221211_PHI@NYG\\\": {\\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayPts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homePts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameClock\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20221211_MIA@LAC\\\": {\\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayPts\\\": \\\"s\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8405", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get number of games today, api_description:With \"Get number of games today\" you'll receive all sports we support, how many games are today and how many of them are live., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8406", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get standings, api_description:Get competition standings by season, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"competitionId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8407", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get team details, api_description:You'll get all details to a specific team by its id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8408", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:F1 drivers quotes, api_name:List of drivers and personalities, api_description:Shows the list of F1 drivers and personalities who have quotes saved in this API, and their code to access them., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Alexander_Albon\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Jean_Alesi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Fernando_Alonso\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Mario_Andretti\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Alberto_Ascari\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Rubens_Barrichello\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Mattia_Binotto\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Valtteri_Bottas\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Jack_Brabham\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Ross_Brawn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Flavio_Briatore\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Jenson_Button\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"David_Coulthard\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Ron_Dennis\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bernie_Ecclestone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Marcus_Ericsson\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Juan_Manuel_Fangio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Giancarlo_Fisichella\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Emerson_Fittipaldi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Pierre_Gasly\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Romain_Grosjean\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Mika_H\\\\u00e4kkinen\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Lewis_Hamilton\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Damon_Hill\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Graham_Hill\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Phil_Hill\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Christian_Horner\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Nico_H\\\\u00fclkenberg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Jacky_Ickx\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Eddie_Irvine\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Kamui_Kobayashi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Heikki_Kovalainen\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Robert_Kubica\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Daniil_Kvyat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Nicholas_Latifi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Niki_Lauda\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Charles_Leclerc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Kevin_Magnussen\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Pastor_Maldonado\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Nigel_Mansell\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8409", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Unofficial Cricbuzz, api_name:players/get-career, api_description:Get player career, required_params: [{\"name\": \"playerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../players/list-trending, .../players/search endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"values\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"debut\": \"str\", \"lastPlayed\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8410", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FDJ, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds for FDJ, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8411", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FDJ, api_name:Matches, api_description:Latest Matches for FDJ, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8412", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Event Missing players, api_description:Get all missing players by event ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Event id\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8413", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NHL Stats and Live Data, api_name:getDivision, api_description:You can use this to also retrieve inactive divisions. For example, the ID for the old Patrick division is `13`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the division.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8414", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Decathlon Sport Places, api_name:Places, api_description:List out places around a location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"coordinates\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8415", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sport Odds, api_name:GetEvents, api_description:GetEvents data api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8416", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NBA Stats_v2, api_name:get_per36_career_post_season, api_description:Api to query per36 career post season, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8417", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:90 Mins, api_name:Test, api_description:Test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8418", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore Sports, api_name:Teams Statistics, api_description:Get team statistics by team ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"competition_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Timezone, offsets from UTC\"}, {\"name\": \"team_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Team ID\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": {\"EXTERNAL_ID\": \"str\", \"PLAYER_NAME\": \"str\", \"Conm\": \"str\", \"BADGE_ID\": \"str\", \"BADGE_SOURCE\": \"str\", \"STATS_GROUP\": [{\"TABLE_NAME\": \"str\", \"STATS\": [{\"TABLE_NAME\": \"str\", \"TOTAL_VALUE\": \"str\", \"RANK\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 15}], \"_list_length\": 3}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8419", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore Sports, api_name:Events Live List, api_description:Get the list of the live events by sport, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Timezone, offsets from UTC\"}, {\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"DATA\\\": [{\\\"STAGE_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"STAGE_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"COUNTRY_CODE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"COUNTRY_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"COUNTRY_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"COUNTRY_NAME_CSNM\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"STAGE_CODE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IS_CUP\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"COMPETITION_SDS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"STAGE_HIDDEN_CH\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"STAGE_HIDDEN\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ISO\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EVENTS\\\": [{\\\"MATCH_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MATCH_IDS\\\": {\\\"8\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"12\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"6\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"32\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"MATCH_LEAGUE_IDS\\\": {\\\"8\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"12\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"6\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"32\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"HOME_SCORE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWAY_SCORE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HOME_FULL_TIME_SCORE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWAY_FULL_TIME_SCORE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HOME_TEAM\\\": [{\\\"NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BADGE_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BADGE_SOURCE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ABBREVIATION\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IS_VIRTUAL\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"GENDER\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"MATCH_IDS\\\": {\\\"12\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"1\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"6\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"8\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"32\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"COUNTRY_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"COUNTRY_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HAS_VIDEO\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"A\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8420", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Rugby Live Data, api_name:Match, api_description:Detailed match data given a valid match_id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"match_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fields\\\": {\\\"match\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"comp_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"comp_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"season\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"match_minute\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"venue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"game_week\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_team\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away_team\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away_score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_tries\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away_tries\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_conversions\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away_conversions\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_penalties\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away_penalties\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_drop_goals\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away_drop_goals\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"referees_array\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"role\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"home_away_objects\\\": {\\\"teamsheet_array\\\": {\\\"player_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"substitute\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"team_stats\\\": {\\\"stat_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stat_array\\\": {\\\"stat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}, \\\"events_array\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"player_1_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"player_1_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"player_2_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"player_2_id\\\": \\\"str\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8421", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccerway Feed, api_name:Player data, api_description:Get player data. Ex.: clubs career, internationals career, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"player_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"player\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"first_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nationality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nationality_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_of_birth\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_of_birth_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"place_of_birth\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"weight\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"foot\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"birthdate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_of_birth\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"age\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"club\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"clubs_career\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tla_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"date_start\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"role\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transfert_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_loaned\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"active\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"seasons\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"competitions\\\": [{\\\"competition\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"appearances\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goals\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"assists\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"yellow_cards\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"red_cards\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"competition_format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"internationals_career\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uuid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8422", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ultimate Tennis, api_name:Official ATP Players Rankings, api_description:This endpoint allows you to retrieve the rankings(**singles**+ **doubles**) of the current tennis season. You can arbitrarily decide the number of players displayed (nplayers) and the time window to refer to (timestamp).\n\nFor example, if nplayers = 10, category= \"singles\" and timestamp = 2022-04-11 you will receive the top 10 singles standings at the corresponding timestamp (**IMPORTANT**: The timestamp must be in the following format **YYYY-MM-DD** and the date **must fall on Monday** since the rankings are updated at the start of every week), required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"n_players\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"timestamp\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Time window\\n\\n**IMPORTANT**: The timestamp must be in the following format **YYYY-MM-DD** and the date **must fall on Monday** since the rankings are updated at the start of every week\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"category\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"Age\": \"float\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Points\": \"int\", \"Rank\": \"int\", \"Rank Diff\": \"float\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}], \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8423", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ultimate Tennis, api_name:Live Scores with Live Betting Odds, api_description:This endpoint provides info about all the live matches from ATP + WTA. It includes live and prematch odds., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"matches\": [{\"Away Player\": \"str\", \"Current set\": \"str\", \"First to Serve\": \"float\", \"Home Player\": \"str\", \"ID\": \"str\", \"Initial Away Odd\": \"float\", \"Initial Home Odd\": \"float\", \"Live Away Odd\": \"float\", \"Live Home Odd\": \"float\", \"Player 1 Score\": \"str\", \"Player 2 Score\": \"str\", \"Round\": \"str\", \"Set1 Player 1\": \"int\", \"Set1 Player 2\": \"int\", \"Set2 Player 1\": \"int\", \"Set2 Player 2\": \"int\", \"Set3 Player 1\": \"int\", \"Set3 Player 2\": \"int\", \"Set4 Player 1\": \"str\", \"Set4 Player 2\": \"str\", \"Set5 Player 1\": \"str\", \"Set5 Player 2\": \"str\", \"Sets Player 1\": \"int\", \"Sets Player 2\": \"int\", \"Surface\": \"str\", \"Tournament\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 16}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8424", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ultimate Tennis, api_name:Live Players Rankings, api_description:With this endpoint, you can retrieve info about the live tennis rankings for a given number of players, with position/points/info about the last match played in the current active tournament. Please note that in the ATP circuit the official leaderboard is updated every Monday., required_params: [{\"name\": \"n_player\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Max: 200. Please provide just an Integer\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Players\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"Age\": \"str\", \"Championship Points\": \"str\", \"Last Match Comment\": \"str\", \"Live Points\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Next win points\": \"str\", \"Points\": \"str\", \"Points Difference\": \"str\", \"Rank\": \"int\", \"Rank Diff\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8425", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Daily Match List-All, api_description:Daily match list including scheduled, live and finished matches.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with date range of today - 7 days.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the matches. The format is {dd/MM/yyyy}. Data can be retrieved for only \\u00b1 7 days.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"quarter1\": \"int\", \"quarter2\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"quarter3\": \"int\", \"quarter4\": \"int\", \"regular\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"quarter1\": \"int\", \"quarter2\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"quarter3\": \"int\", \"quarter4\": \"int\", \"regular\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8426", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Sport list, api_description:Get a list of sports, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 22}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8427", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Daily Match List-Results, api_description:Daily match list including finished matches.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with date range of today - 7 days.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the matches. The format is {dd/MM/yyyy}. Data can be retrieved for only \\u00b1 7 days.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"quarter1\": \"int\", \"quarter2\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"quarter3\": \"int\", \"quarter4\": \"int\", \"regular\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"quarter1\": \"int\", \"quarter2\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"quarter3\": \"int\", \"quarter4\": \"int\", \"regular\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8428", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BetSports, api_name:getAllGames, api_description:getAllGames data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"1\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subgameIds\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 514\\\"], \\\"prioritySubgameIds\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 14\\\"], \\\"priorityHeaders\\\": [{\\\"sportId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gameName\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"languageCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"subGameName\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"languageCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"specialOddValueType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priority\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}], \\\"regularHeaders\\\": [{\\\"sportId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gameName\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"languageCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"subGameName\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"languageCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"specialOddValueType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priority\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 85}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 20}], \\\"2\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subgameIds\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 216\\\"], \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8429", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarket, api_name:players/get-performance, api_description:Get players performance of specific club, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../search or .../clubs/list-by-competition endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"player\": [{\"competitionID\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"matches\": \"int\", \"goals\": \"int\", \"assists\": \"int\", \"scorer\": \"int\", \"yellowCards\": \"int\", \"yellowRedCards\": \"int\", \"redCards\": \"int\", \"penalty\": \"int\", \"ownGoals\": \"int\", \"starting\": \"int\", \"substitutedOff\": \"int\", \"substitutedOn\": \"int\", \"minutesPlayed\": \"int\", \"minutesPerGoal\": \"int\", \"goalsPerMatch\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 90}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8430", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports Live Scores, api_name:Tennis Rankings, api_description:Returns ATP or WTA Standings for a given number of players., required_params: [{\"name\": \"n_players\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Number of players to be displayed. Max: 1000.\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"*atp* or *wta*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"category\": \"str\", \"rankings\": [{\"Age\": \"float\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Points\": \"int\", \"Rank\": \"int\", \"Rank Diff\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8431", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports Live Scores, api_name:Table Tennis Live Matches, api_description:Returns Table Tennis Live Matches with betting odds, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"matches\": [{\"1st Set P1\": \"int\", \"1st Set P2\": \"int\", \"2nd Set P1\": \"str\", \"2nd Set P2\": \"str\", \"3rd Set P1\": \"str\", \"3rd Set P2\": \"str\", \"4th Set P1\": \"str\", \"4th Set P2\": \"str\", \"Away Score\": \"int\", \"Away Team\": \"str\", \"Home Score\": \"int\", \"Home Team\": \"str\", \"Initial Away Odd\": \"float\", \"Initial Home Odd\": \"float\", \"League\": \"str\", \"League ID\": \"int\", 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api_name:Query races, api_description:The best way to search races., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"summary\": {\"total_results\": \"str\", \"total_pages\": \"str\", \"current_page\": \"str\"}, \"races\": [{\"id_race\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"course\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8436", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Match Game Leaders, api_description:Live points, rebounds and assists leaderboards of the game for triple-double hunting.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Basketball Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"assist\\\": {\\\"player\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"knownName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shirtNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"assists\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"turnovers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"steals\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"point\\\": {\\\"player\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"knownName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shirtNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"totalPoints\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"successfulFreeThrows\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"freeThrowAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"successfulFieldGoals\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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[{\"name\": \"competition_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Competition ID\"}, {\"name\": \"season_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Season ID, endpoint `Seasons of competition`\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Player ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"match\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fullName\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nationalTeam\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"marketValue\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"mainCompetition\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fullName\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nationalTeam\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"marketValue\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", 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"8438", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:Fixture Report, api_description:Get report by fixture_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fixture_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Fixture ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"facts\\\": {\\\"verein_h\\\": {\\\"totalMarketvalue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalMarketvalueCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalMarketvalueNumeral\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalMarketValueUnformatted\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avgMarketvalue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avgMarketvalueCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avgMarketvalueNumeral\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avgMarketValueUnformatted\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avgAge\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nationalPlayer\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"youthNationalPlayer\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"legionaries\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tableRank\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"members\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mostValuablePlayer\\\": 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api_description:Every driver has a finishing status like 'finished', disqualified', 'accident', '+1 lap', '+2 lap', etc. This endpoint will give the list of all such statuses. Example request and response attached, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8440", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Formula 1 - fixed, api_name:RaceResult, api_description:This endpoint gives the result for a specific race (round) in a season(year).\n\n\nIf the results for the specified race are not yet available the RaceTable element in the response will be empty.\n\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"round\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8441", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Formula 1 - fixed, api_name:Seasonenddriverstandings, api_description:Driver Standings at the end of the season(year)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8442", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Metrx Factory, api_name:Teams, api_description:Returns a list of teams that match the given parameters.\nAt least one of the request parameters is required.\n\nFor free subscriptions the following limits apply:\n\n`Max. requests per hour: 20`\n`Min. time between requests: 30 seconds`\n`Max. teams returned: 5`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"bill\": {\"charge\": \"int\"}, \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8443", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Metrx Factory, api_name:Countries, api_description:Returns a list of countries for which teams and metrics are available.\nThere are no parameters to provide.\n\nFor free subscriptions the following limits apply:\n\n`Max. requests per hour: 20`\n`Min. time between requests: 1 minute`\n`Max. countries returned: 5`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"bill\": {\"charge\": \"int\"}, \"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8444", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Free NBA, api_name:Get a Specific Team, api_description:This endpoint retrieves a specific team, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8445", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:hockey-LIVE.sk data, api_name:Player statistics, api_description:Get player historical statistics by his name or his ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Name of the player or his ID\"}, {\"name\": \"league\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8446", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:hockey-LIVE.sk data, api_name:Team standings, api_description:Get current or historical team standings for the certain league and year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"league\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Tournament year\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8447", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:hockey-LIVE.sk data, api_name:Game report, api_description:Get game score, goals, penalties and team statistics for a certain game ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of the game from the game\\u00b4s schedule\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8448", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tennis Live Data, api_name:Tournament Matches, api_description:Lists matches for a given `tournament_id`. This endpoint is a brief summary of all matches within a tournament without result details or detailed player information - use for quick summary of a given tournament., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournament_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"fields\": {\"tournament\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"surface\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"start_date\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\"}, \"match\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"home_id\": \"str\", \"home_player\": \"str\", \"away_id\": \"str\", \"away_player\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"court\": \"str\", \"round_id\": \"str\", \"round_name\": \"str\"}}}, \"results\": {\"tournament\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"surface\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"start_date\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"season\": \"int\", \"country_code\": \"str\"}, \"matches\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"home_id\": \"int\", \"home_player\": \"str\", \"away_id\": \"int\", \"away_player\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"court\": \"str\", \"round_id\": \"int\", \"round_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 39}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8449", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tennis Live Data, api_name:Players, api_description:Full Listing of Players by Tour, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tour\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"fields\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}}, \"results\": {\"players\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 932}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8450", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Handball Data, api_name:Daily Match List-All, api_description:Daily match list including scheduled, live and finished matches.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with date range of today - 7 days.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the match. The format is {dd/MM/yyyy}. Match list data can be retrieved for only \\u00b1 7 days.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8451", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Divanscore, api_name:categories/list-live, api_description:List all categories or nations having matches or events recently, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the following : football|tennis|basketball|ice-hockey|volleyball|handball|esports|baseball|cricket|motorsport|american-football|rugby|badminton|snooker|darts|futsal|table-tennis|beach-volley|waterpolo|cycling|aussie-rules|floorball|bandy\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"liveCategories\": {\"97\": \"int\", \"329\": \"int\", \"1467\": \"int\", \"9\": \"int\", \"48\": \"int\", \"57\": \"int\", \"1578\": \"int\", \"1468\": \"int\", \"10\": \"int\", \"13\": \"int\", \"94\": \"int\", \"20\": \"int\", \"130\": \"int\", \"1465\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8452", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports odds BetApi, api_name:Data Events, api_description:Data Events api, required_params: [{\"name\": \"list_type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Way of formation of a conclusion. There may be two kinds: sub - events will be as sub-items of tournaments. list - all items are displayed, simply by a common list.\"}, {\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"sport ID, if ID = 0, all matches for all sports will be returning\"}, {\"name\": \"tournament_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"tournament ID, if ID = 0, all matches for all tournament will be returning\"}, {\"name\": \"page_length\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of events in answer.It must be a multiple of five. If it 's not like that. That, the system itself will occlude it to the greater side of the multiplicity.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"page\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8453", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports odds BetApi, api_name:Data Sport, api_description:Data Sport params, required_params: [{\"name\": \"LangOdds\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"en, ru\"}, {\"name\": \"TypeOdds\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"line, live\"}, {\"name\": \"TypeParams\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"sports, countries, tournaments\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"page\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8454", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:CricketAPI2, api_name:TeamPlaceholderImage, api_description:Get the team placeholder image in SVG format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8455", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:CricketAPI2, api_name:CategoryFlag, api_description:Get the flag image of a specific category in PNG format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"flag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The flag name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8456", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMAAPI, api_name:TournamentLastMainEvents, api_description:Get last main events for a unique tournamente, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"This operation allows you to retrieve the next main events for a specified MMA tournament.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zero based page.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8457", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMAAPI, api_name:MaleFighterImagePlaceholder, api_description:Get male fighter placeholder image, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8458", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:CricketAPI2, api_name:MatchInnings, api_description:Get the innings for a specific Cricket match using its match ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the Cricket match for which you want to get the innings.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"innings\\\": [{\\\"battingLine\\\": [{\\\"balls\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fowOver\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fowScore\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"player\\\": {\\\"cricketPlayerInfo\\\": {\\\"batting\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"playerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"s4\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"s6\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wicketBowler\\\": 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Scorecards include shot-by-shot granularity., required_params: [{\"name\": \"orgId\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Choose 1 for PGA Tour or 2 for LIV Tour.\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"playerId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tournId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8461", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Live Golf Data, api_name:tournaments, api_description:Fetch tournament information, such as metadata, players, courses, and earnings. Query the `schedule` endpoint to retrieve the necessary `tournId` and `year` parameters. This info will be updated with a players entry list the Friday before the tournament., required_params: [{\"name\": \"orgId\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Choose 1 for PGA Tour or 2 for LIV Tour.\"}, {\"name\": \"tournId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8462", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:sportapi, api_name:GetEvents, api_description:GetEvents data api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8463", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FootApi, api_name:TeamPlayers, api_description:Get the players for a specific Football team., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team you want to retrieve the players for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"foreignPlayers\\\": 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"metadata": {}} {"_id": "8465", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FootApi, api_name:ManagerDetails, api_description:Get details of a football manager, including their name, age, nationality, and other relevant information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the manager for whom you want to retrieve the details.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"manager\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"dateOfBirthTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nationality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nationalityISO2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"performance\\\": {\\\"draws\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goalsConceded\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goalsScored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalPoints\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wins\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"preferredFormation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": 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"metadata": {}} {"_id": "8470", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:IceHockeyApi, api_name:LeaguePlayoffsTopPlayers, api_description:Get the top players for a specific Ice Hockey league during playoffs by providing the tournament ID and season ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID for which you want to get the league's best players.\"}, {\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID for which you want to get the league's best players.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"topPlayers\\\": {\\\"assists\\\": [{\\\"playedEnough\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"player\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"appearances\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"assists\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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Statistics, api_description:Live key match statistics for both team of the match.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Football Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"keyStatistics\": {\"totalNetYards\": \"int\", \"possessionMinute\": \"int\", \"possessionSecond\": \"int\", \"totalFirstDowns\": \"int\", \"passingNetYards\": \"int\", \"rushingNetYards\": \"int\", \"turnovers\": \"int\", \"penaltyNumbers\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"keyStatistics\": {\"totalNetYards\": \"int\", \"possessionMinute\": \"int\", \"possessionSecond\": \"int\", \"totalFirstDowns\": \"int\", \"passingNetYards\": \"int\", \"rushingNetYards\": \"int\", \"turnovers\": \"int\", \"penaltyNumbers\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8493", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Data, api_name:Daily Match List-Live, api_description:Daily match list including live matches.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with date range of today - 7 days.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the matches. The format is {dd/mm/yyyy}. Match list data can be retrieved for only \\u00b1 7 days.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"quarter1\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"quarter1\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8494", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:Top Competitions, api_description:Get top competitions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"langId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The language id. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The sport.\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The limit to return.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"competitions\": [{\"color\": \"str\", \"competitorsType\": \"int\", \"countryId\": \"int\", \"currentSeasonNum\": \"int\", \"currentStageNum\": \"int\", \"hasBrackets\": \"bool\", \"hasStandings\": \"bool\", \"hasStats\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"imageVersion\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nameForURL\": \"str\", \"popularityRank\": \"int\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"sportId\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"countries\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"imageVersion\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nameForURL\": \"str\", \"sportTypes\": [\"list of int with length 9\"], \"_list_length\": 3}], \"sports\": [{\"drawSupport\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"imageVersion\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nameForURL\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8495", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AmericanFootballApi, api_name:PlayerNearMatches, api_description:Get the upcoming and recent matches for an American Football player using their ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the player for which you want to retrieve the near matches.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"nextEvent\\\": {\\\"awayScore\\\": {}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"customId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"finalResultOnly\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"homeScore\\\": {}, \\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"startTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"tournament\\\": {\\\"category\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"i\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8496", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NCAA Final Four, api_name:List of nicknames, api_description:Get a list of every Final Four team nickname sorted alphabetically., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8497", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AmericanFootballApi, api_name:TeamNextMatches, api_description:Get the upcoming matches for a specific American Football team by providing the team ID and page number. You can expect empty responses if no upcoming matches are scheduled., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team for which you want to retrieve the next matches.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zero-based page number.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8498", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:sportapi, api_name:GetMenuBySport, api_description:GetMenuBySport api data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8499", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:CricketAPI2, api_name:MatchDetails, api_description:Get detailed information for a specific cricket match by providing the match ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the cricket match for which you want to get the details.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"event\\\": {\\\"awayScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"innings\\\": {\\\"inning1\\\": {\\\"overs\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"wickets\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {}, \\\"fullName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"subTeams\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"bet365ExcludedCountryCodes\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 6\\\"], \\\"changes\\\": {\\\"changeTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changes\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 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api_description:This endpoint provides you with the WNBA schedule data for a specified date as long as it is available., required_params: [{\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"20230616\\\": {\\\"calendar\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 100\\\"], \\\"leagueName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"calendartype\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leagues\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"games\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"competitions\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"venue\\\": {\\\"address\\\": {\\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"fullName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"indoor\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"capacity\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"conferenceCompetition\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"notes\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", 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total standings\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID for which you want to retrieve the league's total standings\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"standings\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rows\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"draws\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gamesBehind\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matches\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"percentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"promotion\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"scoresAgainst\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"scoresFor\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"streak\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": 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predictions, api_description:Returns information about the accuracy of past predictions. (in the last day, 7 days, 14 days and 30 days) Can be additionally filtered by federation and market. If no market filter is provided it defaults to classic, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"market\": \"str\", \"accuracy\": {\"last_30_days\": \"float\", \"yesterday\": \"float\", \"last_7_days\": \"float\", \"last_14_days\": \"float\"}, \"details\": {\"last_30_days\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"won\": \"int\", \"lost\": \"int\", \"postponed\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\"}, \"yesterday\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"won\": \"int\", \"lost\": \"int\", \"postponed\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\"}, \"last_7_days\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"won\": \"int\", \"lost\": \"int\", \"postponed\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\"}, \"last_14_days\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"won\": \"int\", \"lost\": \"int\", \"postponed\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8506", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Prediction, api_name:Prediction Details, api_description:Grab all available predictions for a match id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"start_date\": \"str\", \"federation\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\", \"competition_cluster\": \"str\", \"competition_name\": \"str\", \"home_team\": \"str\", \"away_team\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"is_expired\": \"bool\", \"last_update_at\": \"str\", \"available_markets\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"prediction_per_market\": {\"classic\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"prediction\": \"str\", \"probabilities\": {}, \"odds\": {\"1\": \"float\", \"X\": \"float\", \"2\": \"float\", \"1X\": \"float\", \"X2\": \"float\", \"12\": \"float\"}}}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8507", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinnacle Odds, api_name:List of archive events, api_description:Get a list of archive events. 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You can choose suitable match from Soccer Match List or Fixture endpoints., required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8510", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:Athlete Large Image, api_description:Get athlete large image. It generates image/png., required_params: [{\"name\": \"athleteId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The athlete id.\"}, {\"name\": \"imageVersion\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The imageVersion value.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8511", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Betting Odds, api_name:/provider2/live/list, api_description:get all matches, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"240333145\\\": {\\\"mid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"away_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTXT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastUpdateTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"importancy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"odds\\\": {\\\"draw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"240333146\\\": {\\\"mid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"away_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTXT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastUpdateTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"importancy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"odds\\\": {\\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"240333178\\\": {\\\"mid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"away_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTXT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"in\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8512", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Betting Odds, api_name:/provider3/live/match/{id}, api_description:get match, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Match ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ErrorCode\": \"int\", \"ErrorMessage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8513", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Season Schedule, api_description:Returns season schedule for the specified season. If omitted, returns the schedule for current season., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NFL\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Returns season schedule for the specified season. If omitted, returns the schedule for current season.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8514", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Hockey - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Team Season Statistics, api_description:Returns statistics for teams, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NHL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8515", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Hockey - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Live Game Data, api_description:This endpoint provides real-time game box scores., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"now returns today's started and finished events. Specific date returns started and finished events from that date.\\n\\nFormat: now or YYYY-MM-DD\"}, {\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NHL\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8516", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sportsbook Odds, api_name:Game Odds - By Category Schedule, api_description:If you query the category schedule and do not include a \"sport\" and \"category\" parameter it will return all possible values of sport and their respective categories. If you do include those parameters it will return a schedule of all sites for that sport and category. Remember that the categories are hashes, 0 is moneylines, 1 is spreads, 2 is over under, etc. There are a lot of categories, refer to the deconstruct ID code to determine which is which., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"10027x10021@2023-06-16T23\\\": {\\\"0^f5^0*A\\\": {\\\"Kambis\\\": {\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dec_odds\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"full_hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"am_odds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"FanDuel\\\": {\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dec_odds\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"full_hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"am_odds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"BetFred\\\": {\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dec_odds\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"full_hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"am_odds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"DraftKings\\\": {\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dec_odds\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"full_hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"am_odds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"SuperBook\\\": {\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dec_odds\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"full_hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"am_odds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"BetMGM\\\": {\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dec_odds\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"full_hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"am_odds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"BallyBet\\\": {\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dec_odds\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"full_hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"am_odds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"BetOnline\\\": {\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dec_odds\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"full_hash\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"am_odds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"open\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8517", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Search Team, api_description:Search for any team, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8518", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:Available coaches, api_description:Get the list of available coaches, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"share\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"coaches\": [{\"coachName\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"alias\": \"str\", \"coachImage\": \"str\", \"countryID\": \"str\", \"countryImage\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"coachAge\": \"str\", \"since\": \"str\", \"lastClubID\": \"str\", \"lastClubName\": \"str\", \"lastClubImage\": \"str\", \"pointsPerMatch\": \"str\", \"lastCompetition\": \"str\", \"lastCompetitionCountryImage\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8519", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:Competition Large Image, api_description:Get competition large image. It generates image/png., required_params: [{\"name\": \"imageVersion\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The imageVersion value.\"}, {\"name\": \"competitionId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The athlete id.\"}, {\"name\": \"countryId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The country id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8520", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Prediction, api_name:Home Team League Stats, api_description:Shows the league table and stats for the home team of an upcoming match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"(use predictions endpoint to get list of IDs)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\", \"errors\": {\"id\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8521", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:HandballAPI, api_name:LeagueTotalStandings, api_description:Get total standings for a handball unique tournament and season, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID you want to retrieve the league's total standings from.\"}, {\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID you want to retrieve the league's total standings from.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8522", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:HandballAPI, api_name:LiveMatches, api_description:Get live handball matches., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"events\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8523", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:HandballAPI, api_name:MatchOdds, api_description:Get odds for a handball match by ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match for which you want to get the odds.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"eventId\": \"int\", \"markets\": [{\"choices\": [{\"change\": \"int\", \"fractionalValue\": \"str\", \"initialFractionalValue\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"sourceId\": \"int\", \"winning\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"fid\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"isLive\": \"bool\", \"marketId\": \"int\", \"marketName\": \"str\", \"sourceId\": \"int\", \"structureType\": \"int\", \"suspended\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8524", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMAAPI, api_name:CategoryTournaments, api_description:This operation allows you to retrieve all leagues from a specified MMA category., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The category ID for which you want to retrieve all leagues.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"groups\": [{\"uniqueTournaments\": [{\"category\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}}, \"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"primaryColorHex\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"userCount\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 13}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8525", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Team Results events, api_description:Get team results by team ID. Use the pagination, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sport id, use `Sports list` endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"team_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Team id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"DATA\\\": [{\\\"NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HEADER\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NAME_PART_1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NAME_PART_2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_TEMPLATE_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"COUNTRY_ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"COUNTRY_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_STAGE_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_TYPE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SOURCE_TYPE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"HAS_LIVE_TABLE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"STANDING_INFO\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"TEMPLATE_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_STAGE_TYPE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"SHORT_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"URL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_IMAGE\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"SORT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SUPER_TEMPLATE_ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"STAGES_COUNT\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ZKL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ZKU\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_SEASON_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CATEGORY_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EVENTS\\\": [{\\\"EVENT_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"START_TIME\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"START_UTIME\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"STAGE_TYPE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MERGE_STAGE_TYPE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"STAGE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SORT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ROUND\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ERN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GN\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"VISIBLE_RUN_RATE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"HAS_LINEPS\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"AUDIO_COMMENT_URL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"STAGE_START_TIME\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"GAME_TIME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"WL\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"HAS_SWAPPED_PARTICIPANTS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MATCH_COMMENTS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"WQ\\\": \\\"NoneTy\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8526", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMAAPI, api_name:TeamNextEvents, api_description:Get information about the next events for a specific team., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zero-based page.\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The team ID you want to retrieve the next events.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8527", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:List of live events, api_description:Get list of live events. Use `/live-update` to get changes in live events!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Time zone\"}, {\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sport id, use `Sports list` endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"DATA\\\": [{\\\"NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HEADER\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NAME_PART_1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NAME_PART_2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_TEMPLATE_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"COUNTRY_ID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"COUNTRY_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_STAGE_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_TYPE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SOURCE_TYPE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"HAS_LIVE_TABLE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"STANDING_INFO\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"TEMPLATE_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_STAGE_TYPE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"SHORT_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"URL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_IMAGE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SORT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"STAGES_COUNT\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ZKL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ZKU\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TOURNAMENT_SEASON_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CATEGORY_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EVENTS\\\": [{\\\"EVENT_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"START_TIME\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"START_UTIME\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"STAGE_TYPE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MERGE_STAGE_TYPE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"STAGE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SORT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ROUND\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"VISIBLE_RUN_RATE\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"LIVE_MARK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HAS_LINEPS\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"STAGE_START_TIME\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"GAME_TIME\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"PLAYING_ON_SETS\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"RECENT_OVERS\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"SHORTNAME_HOME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HOME_PARTICIPANT_IDS\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"HOME_PARTICIPANT_TY\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8528", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Event Data Brief, api_description:Get brief data by event ID. It is better to use Event Details and Event Data Brief endpoints, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Event id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": {\"EVENT_STAGE_TYPE_ID\": \"int\", \"EVENT_MERGE_STAGE_TYPE_ID\": \"int\", \"EVENT_STAGE_ID\": \"int\", \"EVENT_STAGE_START_TIME\": \"int\", \"HAS_LIVE_CENTRE\": \"NoneType\", \"EVENT_START_TIME\": \"int\", \"END_TIME\": \"int\", \"HOME_SCORE\": \"str\", \"AWAY_SCORE\": \"str\", \"HOME_FULL_TIME_SCORE\": \"str\", \"AWAY_FULL_TIME_SCORE\": \"str\", \"GAME_TIME\": \"int\", \"BETTING_TYPE_MAIN\": \"int\", \"EVENT_INFO\": \"NoneType\", \"FEATURES\": \"str\", \"DEI\": \"str\", \"SPORT_ID\": \"int\", \"FINAL_RESULT_ONLY\": \"NoneType\", \"EI\": \"str\", \"FEATURES_ACTIV\": \"str\", \"TOURNAMENT_STAGE_ID\": \"str\", \"PARTICIPANT_HOME\": \"str\", \"PARTICIPANT_AWAY\": \"str\", \"TOURNAMENT_NAME\": \"str\", \"TOURNAMENT_SHORT_NAME\": \"str\", \"TOURNAMENT_COUNTRY_ID\": \"int\", \"TOURNAMENT_LINK\": \"str\", \"WINNER\": \"str\", \"WINNER_FT\": \"int\", \"BETTING_WINNER\": \"int\", \"BETTING_BOOKMAKER_ID\": \"int\", \"BETTING_TYPE\": \"int\", \"BETTING_BOOKMAKER_NAME\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8529", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NCAA Final Four, api_name:List of champions, api_description:Get a list of every National Champion sorted alphabetically., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8530", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NCAA Final Four, api_name:List of teams, api_description:Get a list of every Final Four team sorted alphabetically., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8531", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SportScore, api_name:Sport data, api_description:Returns sport data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sport ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"name_translations\": {\"en\": \"str\", \"ru\": \"str\", \"de\": \"str\", \"es\": \"str\", \"fr\": \"str\", \"zh\": \"str\", \"tr\": \"str\", \"el\": \"str\", \"it\": \"str\", \"nl\": \"str\", \"pt\": \"str\"}}, \"meta\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8532", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Cricbuzz Cricket, api_name:teams/get-stats, api_description:Get stats by team, required_params: [{\"name\": \"statsType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'value' field returned in \\u2026/teams/get-stats-filter endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of teamId field returned in \\u2026/teams/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"filter\": {\"matchtype\": [{\"matchTypeId\": \"str\", \"matchTypeDesc\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"team\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"teamShortName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 733}], \"selectedMatchType\": \"str\", \"selectedTeam\": \"str\"}, \"headers\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"values\": [{\"values\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"_list_length\": 20}], \"appIndex\": {\"seoTitle\": \"str\", \"webURL\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8533", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:IPL API, api_name:getMatchByWinner, api_description:get all the matches by winner, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8534", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:F1 Live Motorsport Data, api_name:Constructors, api_description:Lists constructors for a given season., required_params: [{\"name\": \"season_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"fields\": {\"team_id\": \"str\", \"team_name\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\"}}, \"results\": [{\"team_id\": \"int\", \"team_name\": \"str\", \"season\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8535", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NHL API, api_name:NHL Summary, api_description:With this endpoint you can get the game summary data for a specified game., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Game id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"boxScore\\\": {\\\"teams\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortDisplayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alternateColor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"logo\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"players\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortDisplayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alternateColor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"logo\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"statistics\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"keys\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 21\\\"], \\\"labels\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 21\\\"], \\\"descriptions\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 21\\\"], \\\"athletes\\\": [{\\\"athlete\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"guid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"links\\\": [{\\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rel\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortText\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8536", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Handball Data, api_name:Result Statistics: Goals, api_description:Provides the result list of the last 20 matches between the two teams in overall, with home and away filters.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Handbal Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"status\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"h2h\\\": {\\\"resultStatistics\\\": {\\\"overall\\\": {\\\"halfTime\\\": {\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"win\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"winningPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"draw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"drawPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lose\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losingPercentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"totalGoalsScored\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"averageGoalsScored\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, 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[{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the tournament.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"isNational\": \"bool\", \"country\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8538", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NHL Stats and Live Data, api_name:getStandings, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"copyright\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"records\\\": [{\\\"conference\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"division\\\": {\\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameShort\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"league\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"season\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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\"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID for which you want to retrieve the league's next matches.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8542", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:CricketAPI2, api_name:TeamPlayers, api_description:Get a list of players for a cricket team using their team ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team for which you want to retrieve the players.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"foreignPlayers\\\": [{\\\"player\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"cricketPlayerInfo\\\": {\\\"batting\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bowling\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"dateOfBirthTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": 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The image is returned in PNG format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID of the league whose logo you want to retrieve.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8546", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AmericanFootballApi, api_name:TeamTournaments, api_description:Get team tournaments they are participating., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team for which you want to retrieve the tournaments.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uniqueTournaments\": [{\"category\": {\"alpha2\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}}, \"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"primaryColorHex\": \"str\", \"secondaryColorHex\": \"str\", \"slug\": 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{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season id you want to retrieve the league's away standings.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"standings\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rows\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"draws\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matches\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"overtimeLosses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"points\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"promotion\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"scoresAgainst\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"scoresFor\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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league's home team events.\"}, {\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID for which to retrieve the league's home team events.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"tournamentTeamEvents\\\": {\\\"50604\\\": {\\\"4224\\\": [{\\\"awayScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"normaltime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period2\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"ranking\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": 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api_name:TopPlayersinUniqueTournament, api_description:Top Playersin Unique Tournament, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"uniqueTournamentId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8552", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SportifyAPI, api_name:StandingTotal, api_description:Standing Total, required_params: [{\"name\": \"uniqueTournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8553", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SportifyAPI, api_name:PlayerNextEvents, api_description:Player Next Events, required_params: [{\"name\": \"playerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8554", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NBA Stats_v2, api_name:get_per_game_post_season, api_description:Api to query per game post season, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8555", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BetsAPI, api_name:Bet365 Inplay Filter, api_description:bet365 inplay filter, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"int\", \"pager\": {\"page\": \"int\", \"per_page\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}, \"results\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"sport_id\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"time_status\": \"str\", \"league\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"home\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"away\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"ss\": \"str\", \"our_event_id\": \"str\", \"r_id\": \"str\", \"ev_id\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 54}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8556", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NHL Stats and Live Data, api_name:getPlayerStats, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the player.\"}, {\"name\": \"stats\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Stats explanations:\\n * `homeAndAway` - Provides a split between home and away games.\\n * `byMonth` - Monthly split of stats.\\n * `byDayOfWeek` - Split done by day of the week.\\n * `goalsByGameSituation` - Shows number on when goals for a player happened like how many in the shootout, how many in each period, etc.\\n * `onPaceRegularSeason` - This only works with the current in-progress season and shows projected totals based on current onPaceRegularSeason.\\n * `regularSeasonStatRankings` - Returns where someone stands vs the rest of the league for a specific regularSeasonStatRankings\\n * `statsSingleSeason` - Obtains single season statistics for a player.\\n * `vsConference` - Conference stats split.\\n * `vsDivision` - Division stats split.\\n * `vsTeam` - Conference stats split.\\n * `winLoss` - Very similar to the previous modifier except it provides the W/L/OT split instead of Home and Away.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"copyright\": \"str\", \"stats\": [{\"splits\": \"empty list\", \"type\": {\"displayName\": \"str\", \"gameType\": \"NoneType\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8557", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Baseball, api_name:game-playbyplay/{gamePk}, api_description:Query Baseball games, teams, scores etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gamePk\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter a game ID - can be found in the schedule endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"results\\\": {\\\"allPlays\\\": [{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"event\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eventType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rbi\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"awayScore\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"homeScore\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isOut\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"about\\\": {\\\"atBatIndex\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"halfInning\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isTopInning\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"inning\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isComplete\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isScoringPlay\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasReview\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasOut\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"captivatingIndex\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"count\\\": {\\\"balls\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"strikes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"outs\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"matchup\\\": {\\\"batter\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fullName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"batSide\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, 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date or \"now\" returns current day's schedule. Daily schedule is changed at 10 AM ET., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Returns all events from the date specified plus 7 days in advance.\\n\\nFormat: now or YYYY-MM-DD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8560", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MLB Data, api_name:Projected Hitting Stats, api_description:Retrieve a players projected hitting stats for a given season. Omitting the season parameter will return the actual stats for the players earliest major league season., required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: '592789'\"}, {\"name\": \"league_list_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8561", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MLB Data, api_name:Hitting Leaders, api_description:Retrieve n leaders for a given hitting statistic. This endpoint is best used alongside col_in/col_ex to prune response data. Without, it returns entire player objects. For best results, include the player’s name, id, and the stat as a starting point. See: Using col_in & col_ex, required_params: [{\"name\": \"game_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: 'R' The type of games you want career stats for. 'R' - Regular Season 'S' - Spring Training 'E' - Exhibition 'A' - All Star Game 'D' - Division Series 'F' - First Round (Wild Card) 'L' - League Championship 'W' - World Series\"}, {\"name\": \"results\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: 5 The number of results to return.\"}, {\"name\": \"sort_column\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: 'ab' The statistic you want leaders for.\"}, {\"name\": \"sports_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"season\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: '2017'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8562", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMAAPI, api_name:Categories, api_description:This operation allows you to retrieve MMA categories., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"flag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"priority\": \"int\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": 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return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"uniqueTournamentSeasons\\\": [{\\\"uniqueTournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primaryColorHex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondaryColorHex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"seasons\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"editor\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"seasonCoverageInfo\\\": {}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 8}], \\\"typesMap\\\": {\\\"7\\\": {\\\"8226\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"13415\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"17351\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], 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"title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ice Hockey Data, api_name:Tournament List, api_description:List of tournaments in your data coverage., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"participantType\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"globalName\": \"str\", \"localName\": \"str\", \"isOfficial\": \"bool\", \"isNational\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8567", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Spectation Sports Events API, api_name:Event, api_description:Get a single event by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"promotion\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"startTime\": \"str\", \"endTime\": \"str\", \"venueName\": 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\"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8569", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Free NBA, api_name:Get a Specific Game, api_description:This endpoint retrieves a specific game, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the game\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8570", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AmericanFootballApi, api_name:MatchLineups, api_description:Get the match lineups for a specific American Football match by providing the match ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match for which you want to get the lineups.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"away\\\": {\\\"goalkeeperColor\\\": {\\\"fancyNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"outline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"playerColor\\\": {\\\"fancyNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"number\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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The image is returned in PNG format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team whose logo you want to retrieve.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8574", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore Sports, api_name:Events List, api_description:Get the list of the events by sport and date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Timezone, offsets from UTC\"}, {\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"DATA\\\": [{\\\"STAGE_ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"STAGE_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"COUNTRY_CODE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"badgeUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"COUNTRY_NAME\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"COUNTRY_NAME_CSNM\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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information of constructors., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8579", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Baseball, api_name:teams-affiliates/{teamIds}, api_description:Query baseball team affiliates by ID, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"version\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}, \"results\": {\"teams\": [{\"springLeague\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\"}, \"allStarStatus\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"season\": \"int\", \"venue\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"springVenue\": {\"id\": \"int\"}, \"teamCode\": \"str\", \"fileCode\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"teamName\": \"str\", \"locationName\": \"str\", \"firstYearOfPlay\": \"str\", \"league\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"division\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"shortName\": 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amount. If the bet is won, gets prediction odd as positive number else -1., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"featured\\\": {\\\"classic\\\": {\\\"profit_loss\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"winning_percentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count_won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count_lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg_prob\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg_odd\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"ou25\\\": {\\\"profit_loss\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"winning_percentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count_won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count_lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg_prob\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg_odd\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"both\\\": {\\\"profit_loss\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"winning_percentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count_won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count_lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg_prob\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg_odd\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"all\\\": {\\\"classic\\\": {\\\"profit_loss\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"winning_percentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count_won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count_lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg_prob\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg_odd\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"ou25\\\": {\\\"profit_loss\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"winning_percentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count_won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count_lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg_prob\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"avg_odd\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"both\\\": {\\\"profit_loss\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"winning_percentage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count_won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count_lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg_prob\\\": \\\"float\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8586", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Data, api_name:Tournament Teams, api_description:List of teams participating in a specific tournament., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the tournament.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"isNational\": \"bool\", \"country\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8587", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:HandballAPI, api_name:MatchHighlights, api_description:Get highlights of a handball match by ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the football match for which you want to get highlights.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8588", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NBA Stats_v2, api_name:get_rankings_regular_season, api_description:Api to query rankings regular season, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8589", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ultimate Tennis, api_name:Player Stats by ID and Year, api_description:Via this endpoint you can retrieve official updated statistics for a given WTA player. Values are updated after every played match. ID can be retrieved from the Official WTA Players Rankings endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"ID can be retrieved from the Official WTA Players Rankings endpoint.\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Just pass the year (e.g. 2022, 2021 ecc..)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"player_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"player_data\\\": [{\\\"Aces\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Break_Point_Chances\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Break_Points_Converted\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Break_Points_Faced\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Break_Points_Lost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Current_Rank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Double_Faults\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"First_Name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"First_Return_Won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"First_Serve_Return_Chances\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"First_Serves_Played\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"First_Serves_Won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Last_Name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MatchCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Nationality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PlayerNbr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Return_Games_Played\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Second_Return_Chances\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Second_Return_Won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Second_Serves_Played\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Second_Serves_Won\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Service_Games_Played\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Year_End_Rank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"breakpoint_converted_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"breakpoint_saved_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"countryCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateOfBirth\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"firstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"first_return_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"first_serve_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"first_serve_won_percent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fullName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"metadata\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"return_games_won_percent\\\": \\\"fl\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8590", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ultimate Tennis, api_name:Player Ranking History by ID, api_description:You can access all the history of the rankings for a selected player. ID **must** be provided, you can retrieve a player ID from the Players Rankings endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Id of the player. A list of the IDs can be retrieved from the Players Rankings endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"player\": \"str\", \"player_data\": [{\"Doubles\": \"str\", \"Singles\": \"str\", \"Timestamp\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 251}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8591", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Fantasy Cricket, api_name:Fantasy Squad API, api_description:Using match ID get the list of players in the squad for the match as announced by the teams. Any issues, queries, api integration, custom plan or to **Create your own Fantasy Sports Application** contact us at support@techflinch.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8592", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:Competition Small Image, api_description:Get competition small image. It generates image/png., required_params: [{\"name\": \"imageVersion\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The imageVersion value.\"}, {\"name\": \"countryId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The country id.\"}, {\"name\": \"competitionId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The athlete id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8593", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:Games Scores, api_description:Get games scores., required_params: [{\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date. Format it like: DD/MM/YYYY.\"}, {\"name\": \"langId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The language id. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The sport.\"}, {\"name\": \"endDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The end date. Format it like: DD/MM/YYYY.\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. Check the tutorials.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8594", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 NFL Live In-Game Real Time Statistics NFL, api_name:Get NFL Teams, api_description:This call will retrieve the list of NFL teams. Included is their name, city, abbreviation, and teamID which can be used in other calls. Their current record and current W/L streak is included as well. Optional data that can be included are the team rosters and their schedules. \n\nIncluded in team rosters is all players injuries. \n/getNFLTeams\n\nOptional parameters are ?schedules=true or ?rosters=true, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"statusCode\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"body\\\": [{\\\"teamAbv\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamCity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamSchedule\\\": {\\\"20231218_KC@NE\\\": {\\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime_epoch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameWeek\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20231015_NE@LV\\\": {\\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime_epoch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameWeek\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20230825_NE@TEN\\\": {\\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime_epoch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameWeek\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20231105_WSH@NE\\\": {\\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDHome\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameTime_epoch\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameWeek\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamIDAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20231022_BUF@NE\\\": {\\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8595", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 NFL Live In-Game Real Time Statistics NFL, api_name:Get NFL Games and Stats For a Single Player, api_description:This call will grab a map of all of the games a player has played this season. \nplayerID is a required parameter.\nYou can also use gameID if you want to only pull back a specific game. \n\nExample:\nCorrect way to get the stats for Justin Fields for his game against Detroit on 11/13/2022 would be this:\n/getNFLGamesForPlayer?playerID=4362887&gameID=20221113_DET@CHI\n\nBut if you wanted to get all of his games this season, you'd make this call\n/getNFLGamesForPlayer?playerID=4362887\n\nThis call will not work without playerID. If you want stats for all players during a game, then use the getNFLBoxScore call with that specific gameID.\n\nYou can choose which season you pull games from with parameter: season . \nNFL Season that runs from 2022-2023 is season 2022. And so on.\nIf you call without season parameter then it will pull back current season's games.\n\nYou can limit the amount of games returned with parameter: numberOfGames. For example: &numberOfGames=5 will return the last 5 games this player has an entry for., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"statusCode\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"body\\\": {\\\"20230101_CHI@DET\\\": {\\\"Defense\\\": {\\\"fumblesLost\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"defensiveInterceptions\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fumbles\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fumblesRecovered\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamAbv\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Passing\\\": {\\\"qbr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rtg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sacked\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"passAttempts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"passAvg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"passTD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"passYds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"int\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"passCompletions\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"longName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Rushing\\\": {\\\"rushAvg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rushYds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"carries\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longRush\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rushTD\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"scoringPlays\\\": [{\\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"scorePeriod\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeScore\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayScore\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"scoreDetails\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"scoreType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"scoreTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"playerIDs\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"playerID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"teamID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameID\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"20221224_BUF@CHI\\\": {\\\"Defense\\\": {\\\"fumblesLost\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"defensiveInterceptions\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fumbles\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fumblesRecovered\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamAbv\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Passing\\\": {\\\"qbr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rtg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sac\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8596", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Divanscore, api_name:players/get-characteristics, api_description:Get characteristics of specific player, required_params: [{\"name\": \"playerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in \\u2026/players/search or \\u2026/teams/get-squad or \\u2026/matches/get-best-players or etc\\u2026\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"positive\": [{\"type\": \"int\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"negative\": \"empty list\", \"positions\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8597", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Unique stage logo (motorsport), api_description:Get unique stage logo by unique_stage_id (motorsport), required_params: [{\"name\": \"unique_stage_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Unique stage id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8598", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Formula 1 - fixed, api_name:Currentconstructor'sstanding, api_description:Current constructor standings can always be obtained using this endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8599", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Divanscore, api_name:managers/get-next-matches, api_description:Get recent and future matches in which the manager control, required_params: [{\"name\": \"managerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in \\u2026/managers/search or \\u2026/matches/get-managers or etc \\u2026\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8600", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Player events, api_description:Get events by player ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"player_id\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"page\"}, {\"name\": \"course_events\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"events\\\": [{\\\"tournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"uniqueTournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primaryColorHex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondaryColorHex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"crowdsourcingEnabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasPerformanceGraphFeature\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"country\\\": {}, \\\"hasEventPlayerStatistics\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"priority\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"roundInfo\\\": {\\\"round\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cupRoundType\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"customId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"winnerCode\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"nameCo\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8601", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:World latest Odds, api_description:Latest odds for international matches - updated every 6 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8602", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MLB Data, api_name:Season Pitching Stats, api_description:Retrieve a players pitching stats for a given season., required_params: [{\"name\": \"season\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: '2017'\"}, {\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: '592789'\"}, {\"name\": \"league_list_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"game_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: 'R' The type of games you want career stats for. 'R' - Regular Season 'S' - Spring Training 'E' - Exhibition 'A' - All Star Game 'D' - Division Series 'F' - First Round (Wild Card) 'L' - League Championship 'W' - World Series\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"sport_pitching_tm\\\": {\\\"copyRight\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"queryResults\\\": {\\\"totalSize\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"created\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"row\\\": {\\\"sport_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bqs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"league_short\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"whip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"season\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rs9\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ab\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"qs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hldr\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"league\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ir\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"er\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ao\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"k9\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team_full\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ops\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team_abbrev\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tbf\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"go_ao\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sho\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hfly\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"spct\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"wpct\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"end_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"np\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hgnd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bq\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"h9\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"player_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sf\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sac\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"era\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team_short\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"wp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hpop\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"so\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gidp_opp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pgs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gidp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gf\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ppa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hld\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sv\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"league_full\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"g\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"h\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ibb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"go\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kbb\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8603", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Daily unique tournaments, api_description:Get daily unique tournaments by date and sport, required_params: [{\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Month\"}, {\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sport id\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Timezone\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"uniqueTournamentIds\": [\"list of int with length 558\"], \"_list_length\": 31}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8604", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Sub events, api_description:Get sub events by event_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Event id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8605", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Golf Leaderboard Data, api_name:PGA Scorecards, api_description:Provides scorecards for a given player in a given tournament, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tourn_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"results\": {\"tournament\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"course\": \"str\"}, \"player\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}, \"courses\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"par_front\": \"int\", \"par_back\": \"int\", \"par_total\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"rounds_holes_breakdown\": {\"rounds\": [{\"courses\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"holes\": [{\"par\": \"str\", \"hole_num\": \"str\", \"yards\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 18}], \"yards\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"num\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}, \"scorecard\": [{\"round_num\": \"str\", \"holes\": [{\"round_to_par\": \"str\", \"score\": \"str\", \"hole_number\": \"str\", \"order_of_play\": \"str\", \"total_to_par\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 18}], \"_list_length\": 4}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8606", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:Countries by Bookie, api_description:This endpoint gets all available links. In addition you will have a URL to the leagues. (not every bookie included), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8607", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:USA latest Matches, api_description:Latest matches in the USA by bookie - updated every 24 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8608", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore_v2, api_name:matches/v2/list-by-date, api_description:List all matches by specific date\n* Base for Img field is https://lsm-static-prod.livescore.com/medium . Ex : https://lsm-static-prod.livescore.com/medium/enet/9906.png, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : soccer|cricket|basketball|tennis|hockey\"}, {\"name\": \"Date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date string with following format yyyyMMdd\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8609", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ice Hockey Data, api_name:Daily Match List-All, api_description:Daily match list including scheduled, live and finished matches.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with date range of today - 7 days.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the match. The format is {dd/MM/yyyy}. Match list data can be retrieved for only \\u00b1 7 days.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8610", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:TeamPlayers, api_description:Get the players of a specific basketball team., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team for which you want to retrieve the players\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"foreignPlayers\\\": [{\\\"player\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"dateOfBirthTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"firstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"jerseyNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shirtNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"primaryUniqueTournament\\\": {\\\"category\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": 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return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"entity\": {\"country\": {\"alpha2\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"firstName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"position\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"team\": {\"country\": {\"alpha2\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"disabled\": \"bool\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nameCode\": \"str\", \"national\": \"bool\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}, \"teamColors\": {\"primary\": \"str\", \"secondary\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"int\", \"userCount\": \"int\"}, \"userCount\": \"int\"}, \"score\": \"float\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8612", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get live games, api_description:With \"Get live games\" you'll receive a full list of all live games with their current status and score., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8613", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:LeagueGroupMatches, api_description:Get the groups in the basketball league., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The group tournament ID for which you want to retrieve the matches.\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID for which you want to retrieve the matches.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"events\\\": [{\\\"awayScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"normaltime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period4\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": 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\"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"country\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"participantType\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stages\": [{\"rounds\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 17}], \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"globalName\": \"str\", \"localName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8621", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MLB Data, api_name:Get Roster by Seasons, api_description:Retrieve a teams roster between a given start and end season., required_params: [{\"name\": \"end_season\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: '2017'\"}, {\"name\": \"team_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: '121'\"}, {\"name\": \"start_season\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: '2016'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: 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api_name:LeagueLastMatches, api_description:Get a list of last matches for a cricket league using the tournament ID, season ID, and page number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID for which you want to retrieve the league's last matches.\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID for which you want to retrieve the league's last matches.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zero-based page number.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8624", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football xG Statistics, api_name:Seasons List By TournamentId, api_description:The method is used to get a list of seasons by the league id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8625", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Free NBA, api_name:Get Specific Player, api_description:This endpoint retrieves a specific player., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the player to retrieve\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8626", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NHL Stats and Live Data, api_name:getGameDiff, api_description:You can use this to return a small subset of data relating to game., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the game. The first 4 digits identify the season of the game (ie. 2017 for the 2017-2018 season). The next 2 digits give the type of game, where 01 = preseason, 02 = regular season, 03 = playoffs, 04 = all-star. The final 4 digits identify the specific game number. For regular season and preseason games, this ranges from 0001 to the number of games played. (1271 for seasons with 31 teams (2017 and onwards) and 1230 for seasons with 30 teams). For playoff games, the 2nd digit of the specific number gives the round of the playoffs, the 3rd digit specifies the matchup, and the 4th digit specifies the game (out of 7).\"}, {\"name\": \"startTimeCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The prospect ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8627", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccer Data, api_name:Tournament Fixture, api_description:Full match list with half time and final scores, with additional info for each match such as referee and stadium., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the tournament.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"regular\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"regular\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"info\": {\"stadium\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"referee\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8628", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccer Data, api_name:Result Statistics, api_description:Provides the result list of the last 20 matches between the two teams in overall, with home and away filters.\n\nThe data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Soccer Match List or Fixture endpoints., required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8629", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:IceHockeyApi, api_name:PlayerImage, api_description:Get the image for a specific Ice Hockey player in PNG format by providing the player ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"playerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The player ID for which you want to retrieve the image.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8630", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaSport, api_name:Popular events, api_description:Get today's popular events, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"event\\\": {\\\"venue\\\": {\\\"city\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"stadium\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fightType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"weightClass\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"uniqueTournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"hasEventPlayerStatistics\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"crowdsourcingEnabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasPerformanceGraphFeature\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"priority\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isLive\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"customId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8631", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:sportapi, api_name:GetEventDetails, api_description:GetEventDetails api data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8632", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:sportapi, api_name:GetBreadCrumbNavItem, api_description:GetBreadCrumbNavItem api data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8633", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinnacle Odds, api_name:Event details, api_description:Get a event details and history odds. history:[time, value, max bet]. `Period_results - 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managers, api_description:Get team managers by event_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Event id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"homeManager\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayManager\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8639", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get Team Logo, api_description:Returns the logo of the team as a png, required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8640", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Event News, api_description:Get news by event ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"event_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Event id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": [{\"ID\": \"str\", \"TITLE\": \"str\", \"LINK\": \"str\", \"PUBLISHED\": \"int\", \"PROVIDER_NAME\": \"str\", \"CATEGORY_NAME\": \"str\", \"LINKS\": [{\"IMAGE_VARIANT_ID\": \"int\", \"IMAGE_VARIANT_URL\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 96}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8641", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Formula 1 - fixed, api_name:Currentdrivers'standing, api_description:Current driver standings can always be obtained using this endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8642", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Formula 1 - fixed, api_name:Listofallconstructorswithinaraceinayear, api_description:This endpoint is to obtain a list of all constructors in a particular race(round) of a season(year), required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"round\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8643", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMA Stats, api_name:UFC 288: Sterling vs. Cejudo ( May 06, 2023), api_description:**Get details to UFC 288: Sterling vs. Cejudo**. \n Access a range of information about each fighter, including their win-loss record, height, weight, reach, and age. results of a particular fight or a fighter's win-loss record., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8644", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMA Stats, api_name:UFC 287: Pereira vs. Adesanya 2 (April 08 2023), api_description:**Get details to UFC 287: Pereira vs. Adesanya 2.**. \n .Access a range of information about each fighter, including their win-loss record, height, weight, reach, and age. results of a particular fight or a fighter's win-loss record., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8645", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Zeus API, api_name:Competitions Standings, api_description:List the current standings for a league 🔝., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"area\": \"str\", \"yearStart\": \"int\", \"yearEnd\": \"int\", \"standings\": [{\"position\": \"int\", \"team\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"logo\": \"str\"}, \"playedGames\": \"int\", \"wins\": \"int\", \"draws\": \"int\", \"loses\": \"int\", \"goalsFor\": \"int\", \"goalsAgainst\": \"int\", \"goalDifference\": \"int\", \"points\": \"int\", \"form\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8646", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:Fixture Highlights, api_description:Get fixture highlights by fixture_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fixture_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Fixture ID\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"matchSheet\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"goals\\\": [{\\\"goalsHome\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"goalsAway\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"minute\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"additionalTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"clubID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"clubName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"clubImage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"activePlayer\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"playerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"playerImage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"actionID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"action\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonGoals\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"seasonAssists\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonYellowCards\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonRedCards\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seasonYellowRedCards\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"passivePlayer\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"playerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"playerImage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"actionID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"action\\\": 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\"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the player for which you want to retrieve the statistics seasons\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"typesMap\": {\"132\": {\"12138\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"14072\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"18338\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"24868\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"34951\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"38191\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"45096\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"2329\": {\"44744\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}}, \"uniqueTournamentSeasons\": [{\"seasons\": [{\"editor\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"year\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}], \"uniqueTournament\": {\"category\": {\"alpha2\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}}, \"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"primaryColorHex\": \"str\", \"secondaryColorHex\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"userCount\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8648", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:TeamPlayersStatisticsSeasons, api_description:Get the players statistics seasons for a specific basketball team., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team for which you want to retrieve the players statistics seasons\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"typesMap\\\": {\\\"10415\\\": {\\\"37804\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"42581\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"]}, \\\"132\\\": {\\\"10837\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"12138\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"14072\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"1790\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"18338\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"2342\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"24868\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"2978\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"34951\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"38191\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"4138\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"45096\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"5149\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"6849\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"8776\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"]}, \\\"2329\\\": {\\\"44744\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"]}}, \\\"uniqueTournamentSeasons\\\": [{\\\"seasons\\\": [{\\\"editor\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 15}], \\\"uniqueTournament\\\": {\\\"category\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8649", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:MatchIncidents, api_description:Get incidents for a specific basketball match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match for which you want to get incidents\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"incidents\": [{\"addedTime\": \"int\", \"awayScore\": \"int\", \"homeScore\": \"int\", \"incidentType\": \"str\", \"isLive\": \"bool\", \"text\": \"str\", \"time\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 123}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8650", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FIA Formula 1 Championship Statistics, api_name:Team Details, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve a detailed information about a specific team. You will need to provide the team's name in the path parameter called team_name. You can specify either full name of the team or partial. If partial name is provided as parameter, still the api will make an attempt to search and return the expected result. The expected response will hold information about team's base location , team chief, chassis & more additional statistical data.\nEXAMPLE: redbull or red, haas or haasf1team, alfaromeo or alfa romeo, required_params: [{\"name\": \"team_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"teamDetails\": {\"base\": \"str\", \"teamChief\": \"str\", \"technicalChief\": \"str\", \"chassis\": \"str\", \"powerUnit\": \"str\", \"firstTeamEntry\": \"str\", \"worldChampionships\": \"str\", \"highestRaceFinish\": \"str\", \"polePositions\": \"str\", \"fastestLaps\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"NoneType\", \"points\": \"NoneType\", \"teamName\": \"str\", \"drivers\": [{\"firstname\": \"str\", \"lastname\": \"str\", \"abbr\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}, \"httpStatusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8651", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:Fixture events, api_description:Get fixture events by fixture_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fixture_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Fixture ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8652", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Premier League Stats, api_name:GameweekGamesById, api_description:Get games from a particular gameweek by id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"gameweek\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"club1\": \"str\", \"club2\": \"str\", \"club1Score\": \"str\", \"club2Score\": \"str\", \"finalScore\": \"str\", \"winner\": \"NoneType\", \"isLive\": \"bool\", \"isFuture\": \"bool\", \"gw\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"totalResultsCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8653", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:HandballAPI, api_name:LeagueAwayStandings, api_description:Get away standings for a handball unique tournament and season, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the season for which you want to retrieve the away standings.\"}, {\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique ID of the tournament for which you want to retrieve the away standings.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"standings\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rows\\\": [{\\\"descriptions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"draws\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"losses\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matches\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"points\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"promotion\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"scoresAgainst\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"scoresFor\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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\"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8655", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Match Statistics, api_description:Live in match team statistics for each team in a match.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Basketball Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"successfulFreeThrows\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"freeThrowAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"freeThrowSuccessRate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"successfulFieldGoals\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fieldGoalAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fieldGoalSuccessRate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"successfulThreePointShots\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"threePointShotAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"threePointSuccessRate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"defensiveRebounds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"offensiveRebounds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalRebounds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"assists\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"turnovers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"steals\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"blocks\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fouls\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lead\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"successfulFreeThrows\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"freeThrowAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"freeThrowSuccessRate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"successfulFieldGoals\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fieldGoalAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fieldGoalSuccessRate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"successfulThreePointShots\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"threePointShotAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"threePointSuccessRate\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"defensiveRebounds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"offensiveRebounds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalRebounds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"assists\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"turnovers\\\": \\\"int\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8656", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:HandballAPI, api_name:MatchVotes, api_description:Get votes for a handball match by ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match for which you want to get the votes.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"vote\": {\"vote1\": \"int\", \"vote2\": \"int\", \"voteX\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8657", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:HandballAPI, api_name:TeamPlayers, api_description:Get players for a handball team by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team you want to retrieve the players for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"foreignPlayers\\\": [{\\\"player\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"dateOfBirthTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"jerseyNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shirtNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"primaryUniqueTournament\\\": {\\\"category\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"country\\\": {}, \\\"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primaryColorHex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondaryColorHex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"tournament\\\": {\\\"category\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8658", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:Country Competitions, api_description:Get country competitions by countries ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Country ID. Use `static/Countries` endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"competitionGroupName\": \"str\", \"competitionGroupCompetitionID\": \"str\", \"leagueLevel\": \"str\", \"sortIndex\": \"str\", \"children\": [{\"competitionGroupName\": \"str\", \"competitionGroupCompetitionID\": \"str\", \"leagueLevel\": \"str\", \"sortIndex\": \"int\", \"children\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 17}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8659", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarkt DB, api_name:Player News, api_description:Get player news, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Player ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"share\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}, \"news\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"newsHeadline\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"newsSecondImage\": \"str\", \"newsDate\": \"str\", \"fullNewsDate\": \"str\", \"newsTime\": \"str\", \"newsSource\": \"str\", \"newsStartPageFlag\": \"NoneType\", \"newsShortMessageFlag\": \"NoneType\", \"newsTeaser\": \"str\", \"newsFirstImage\": \"str\", \"newsSpotlightFirstImage\": \"str\", \"newsSpotlightSecondImage\": \"str\", \"newsCategoryID\": \"str\", \"newsCategoryTag\": \"str\", \"newsTickerFlag\": \"str\", \"newsUpdateFlag\": \"str\", \"newsAdFlag\": \"str\", \"spotlightPriority\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8660", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:AllScores, api_name:Fixtures, api_description:Get fixtures for competitors or competitions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"langId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The language id. Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. Check the tutorials.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lastUpdateId\": \"int\", \"requestedUpdateId\": \"int\", \"summary\": {}, \"ttl\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8661", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Spectation Sports Events API, api_name:Fighter, api_description:Get a single fighter by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8662", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Baseball - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Team Information, api_description:This endpoint returns team information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8663", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ultimate Tennis, api_name:Tournament List WTA, api_description:Via this endpoint, you can retrieve the list of all tournaments to be played in a selected year (from *1960* to *2022*). We return some basic info about every row such as tournament venue, surface, prizemoney, etc. Results by Id and Year** endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"year must fall between 1960 and 2022\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Tournaments\": [{\"Full Name\": \"str\", \"ID\": \"str\", \"Outdoor/Indoor\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"doublesDrawSize\": \"int\", \"endDate\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"prizeMoney\": \"int\", \"prizeMoneyCurrency\": \"str\", \"singlesDrawSize\": \"int\", \"startDate\": \"str\", \"surface\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 80}], \"Year\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8664", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Ultimate Tennis, api_name:Live Matches Stats, api_description:You can retrieve all te details related to a single match such as Aces, Break points, First Serve %, first serve returns, second serves, ecc.., required_params: [{\"name\": \"match_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Id identying the single match. It can be retrieved from the Live Scores with Live Betting Odds endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Match Id\": \"str\", \"statistics\": [{\"Aces P1\": \"str\", \"Aces P2\": \"str\", \"Break points converted P1\": \"str\", \"Break points converted P2\": \"str\", \"Break points saved P1\": \"str\", \"Break points saved P2\": \"str\", \"First serve P1\": \"str\", \"First serve P2\": \"str\", \"First serve points P1\": \"str\", \"First serve points P2\": \"str\", \"First serve return points P1\": \"str\", \"First serve return points P2\": \"str\", \"Max games in a row P1\": \"str\", \"Max games in a row P2\": \"str\", \"P1 name\": \"str\", \"P2 name\": \"str\", \"Second serve P1\": \"str\", \"Second serve P2\": \"str\", \"Second serve points P1\": \"str\", \"Second serve points P2\": \"str\", \"Second serve return points P1\": \"str\", \"Second serve return points P2\": \"str\", \"Service games played P1\": \"str\", \"Service games played P2\": \"str\", \"Service points won P1\": \"str\", \"Service points won P2\": \"str\", \"Tiebreaks P1\": \"str\", \"Tiebreaks P2\": \"str\", \"Tournament\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8665", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:EmailBounceAPI, api_name:Email Endpoint, api_description:Simplify your email management with our API that detects and handles bounced emails from a range of ISPs, ensuring your messages are delivered effectively., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email_string\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"again\": \"bool\", \"email\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8666", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getUnreadEmailCount, api_description:Get number of emails unread. Unread means has not been viewed in dashboard or returned in an email API response, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8667", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getGroupWithContactsPaginated, api_description:Get group and paginated contacts belonging to it, required_params: [{\"name\": \"groupId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8668", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:doesInboxExist, api_description:Check if inboxes exist by email address. Useful if you are sending emails to mailslurp addresses, required_params: [{\"name\": \"emailAddress\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email address\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exists\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8669", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getTestWebhookPayloadNewEmail, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messageId\": \"str\", \"webhookId\": \"str\", \"eventName\": \"str\", \"webhookName\": \"str\", \"inboxId\": \"str\", \"domainId\": \"NoneType\", \"emailId\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"to\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"from\": \"str\", \"cc\": \"empty list\", \"bcc\": \"empty list\", \"subject\": \"str\", \"attachmentMetaDatas\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"contentType\": \"str\", \"contentLength\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8670", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:Retrievethelistofapplications, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8671", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getContacts, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8672", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getWebhookResult, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"webhookResultId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Webhook Result ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8673", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8674", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email Existence Validator, api_name:Help Page, api_description:Provides a simple help to the User, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"domain\": [\"list of str with length 11\"], \"documentation\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8675", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:fast Email verifier, api_name:email Check SMTP, api_description:An easy way of checking your domain's SMTP., required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"details\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8676", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:fast Email verifier, api_name:disposable Domain and Suggest Domain, api_description:Find out if the domain is disposable and get a suggested domain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"IsDisposable\": \"str\", \"suggestion\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8677", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:Enumeratethedoclibsinrootsite, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8678", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:GetDriveFiles, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8679", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:GetAlerts, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8680", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:fast Email verifier, api_name:EmailVerification, api_description:Basic usage\nIt is a simple way to verify an email address with different dimensions., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8681", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:fast Email verifier, api_name:EmailVerifications, api_description:He is a simple way to verify a list of email addresses with different dimensions., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"email\": \"str\", \"reachable\": \"str\", \"syntax\": {\"username\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\"}, \"smtp\": \"NoneType\", \"gravatar\": \"NoneType\", \"suggestion\": \"str\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"role_account\": \"bool\", \"free\": \"bool\", \"has_mx_records\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8682", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:GetUsersRelatedPeople, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"users('UserName')\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8683", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MatinApi, api_name:9939c2c0-7fad-11e9-8019-f5bb8c5310ff, api_description:a, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8684", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Places, api_name:Autosuggest, api_description:Method returns suggestions for search term closest to the selected point optionally filtered by parameters. Only basic information is include in response: xid, name, kinds, osm, wikidata of each object. Depending on the chosen format, the response is either a simple array of objects (with a smaller volume) or an object in GeoJSON format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query term on which to search.\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of selected point\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Maximum distance from selected point in meters\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Language code (2 characters, ISO639-1). The following values are available: en (english), ru (russian)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of selected point\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8685", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:LocationIQ, api_name:reverse, api_description:Reverse geocoding is the process of converting a coordinate or location (latitude, longitude) to a readable address or place name. This permits the identification of nearby street addresses, places, and/or area subdivisions such as a neighborhood, county, state, or country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"normalizecity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Normalizes village to city level data to city\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the location to generate an address for.\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Format to geocode. Only JSON supported for SDKs\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the location to generate an address for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8686", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:LocationIQ, api_name:search, api_description:The Search API allows converting addresses, such as a street address, into geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). These coordinates can serve various use-cases, from placing markers on a map to helping algorithms determine nearby bus stops. This process is also known as Forward Geocoding., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address to geocode\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Format to geocode. Only JSON supported for SDKs\"}, {\"name\": \"normalizecity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"For responses with no city value in the address section, the next available element in this order - city_district, locality, town, borough, municipality, village, hamlet, quarter, neighbourhood - from the address section will be normalized to city. Defaults to 1 for SDKs.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8687", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:ca.boundaries.io, api_name:Query for City Boundary by City name, api_description:Query for City Boundary by City name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"province\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"city\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}, \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"geometries\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of list with length 10\"], \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8688", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:ca.boundaries.io, api_name:Query for LDU boundary, api_description:Query by a LDU Postal Code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postal-ldu\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query by LDU code.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"country\": \"str\", \"province\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"postal-fsa\": \"str\", \"postal-ldu-within-count\": \"int\", \"h3-index\": \"str\", \"h3-resolution\": \"int\", \"postal-ldu\": \"str\", \"postal-ldu-within\": \"str\"}, \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8689", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:LocationIQ, api_name:Nearest, api_description:Snaps a coordinate to the street network and returns the nearest n matches. Where coordinates only supports a single {longitude},{latitude} entry., required_params: [{\"name\": \"coordinates\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"String of format {longitude},{latitude};{longitude},{latitude}[;{longitude},{latitude} ...] or polyline({polyline}) or polyline6({polyline6}). polyline follows Google's polyline format with precision 5\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8690", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:MapToolkit, api_name:Terrain RGB, api_description:Global TerrainRGB Tiles., required_params: [{\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"z\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8691", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:MapToolkit, api_name:Hillshading, api_description:Global raster hillshading tiles., required_params: [{\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"z\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8692", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Mapilion - Vector and Raster Map Tiles, api_name:Get Raster Tile, api_description:Returns Raster tiles as PNG. These can be used in mapping libraries like Leaflet. The style-name can be one of:\n- `kurviger-liberty` a map style developed for Kurviger.de\n- `osm-bright` the default Osm Bright style, required_params: [{\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"style-name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"z\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8693", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:NAVITIME Maps, api_name:map_script, api_description:Get a JavaScript file to control the tile map that runs on the browser., required_params: [{\"name\": \"host\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A domain name of your website.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8694", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:ca.boundaries.io, api_name:Query for All Province / Territory names, api_description:Query for All Province / Territory names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"names\": [\"list of str with length 13\"], \"count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8695", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Verify PAN Aadhaar link_v2, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8696", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:MapToolkit, api_name:Contours Vector Tiles, api_description:Global Contourlines., required_params: [{\"name\": \"x\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"z\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8697", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:MapToolkit, api_name:Staticmaps, api_description:Create a Staticmap., required_params: [{\"name\": \"size\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"center\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"zoom\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8698", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:market/get-reports, api_description:Get reports about the market\n* You need to use .../content/decrypt endpoint to decrypt content returned by Url fields., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"LogoUrls\": [{\"Logo\": \"str\", \"Url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"MarketReports\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"Logo\": \"str\", \"LatestReport\": \"str\", \"Reports\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"Url\": \"str\", \"Date\": \"str\", \"DateFormatted\": \"str\", \"Logo\": \"str\", \"ReportType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8699", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockyAPIExchange, api_name:1-AUTOComplete:, api_description:AUTOComplete: This feature allows users to easily search for stocks by providing suggested completions for a ticker symbol or company name as they type. It helps users find the right stock without having to know the exact spelling or symbol., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8700", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Chaingateway.io, api_name:listSubscribedAddresses, api_description:Returns all subscriptions/IPNs created with an account., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8701", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Market Data from Token Metrics, api_name:Indices, api_description:Get indices data powered by Token Metrics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchanges\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"endDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"timeHorizon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lowCap\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8702", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:DeFi Watch, api_name:TOKENS -> ALL MARKET CAP, api_description:Get data about tokens with market capitalisation and filter them, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8703", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:market/news/{stock}, api_description:Recently published stock news., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single stock symbol \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"item\": [{\"description\": \"str\", \"guid\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"pubDate\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"language\": \"str\", \"lastBuildDate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8704", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Financial Modeling Prep, api_name:Companies cash flow statements, api_description:Returns companies cash flow statements, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"symbol name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Error Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8705", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Financial Modeling Prep, api_name:Stock Quote Price, api_description:This API returns stock price in real time, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"symbol names\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"changesPercentage\": \"float\", \"change\": \"float\", \"dayLow\": \"float\", \"dayHigh\": \"float\", \"yearHigh\": \"float\", \"yearLow\": \"float\", \"marketCap\": \"int\", \"priceAvg50\": \"float\", \"priceAvg200\": \"float\", \"exchange\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"avgVolume\": \"int\", \"open\": \"float\", \"previousClose\": \"float\", \"eps\": \"float\", \"pe\": \"float\", \"earningsAnnouncement\": \"str\", \"sharesOutstanding\": \"int\", \"timestamp\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8706", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Converter Pro, api_name:Currencies, api_description:List all supported currencies., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"result\\\": {\\\"AED\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AFN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ALL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ANG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AOA\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ARS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AUD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AWG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AZN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BAM\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BBD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BDT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BGN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BHD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BIF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BND\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BOB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BRL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BSD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BTC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BTN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BWP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BYN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BZD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CAD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CDF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CHF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CLF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CLP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CNH\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CNY\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"COP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CRC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CUC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CUP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CVE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CZK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DJF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DKK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DOP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DZD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EGP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ERN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ETB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EUR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FJD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FKP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GBP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GEL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GGP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GHS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GIP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GNF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GTQ\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GYD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HKD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HNL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HRK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HTG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HUF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IDR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ILS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IMP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"INR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IQD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IRR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IS\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8707", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currencygenie, api_name:Get list of Currency Exchanges_copy, api_description:Performs GET request for getting list of currencies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8708", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Exchanges, api_name:Asset by ID, api_description:Get Asset by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"supply\": \"str\", \"maxSupply\": \"str\", \"marketCapUsd\": \"str\", \"volumeUsd24Hr\": \"str\", \"priceUsd\": \"str\", \"changePercent24Hr\": \"str\", \"vwap24Hr\": \"str\", \"explorer\": \"str\"}, \"timestamp\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8709", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/options/prices, api_description:Return current options data given the input parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of option contract. (`Call` or `Put`).\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the asset to look for, e.g., `AAPL` (Apple Inc), `MSFT` (Microsoft).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8710", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Whale Transactions, api_name:Transactions feed, api_description:Get latest huge whale transactions for most popular blockchains.\n\n**Filter by txn value. Add parameters as below:**\n<_amount_usd=10000 \nOR\n>amount_usd=10000\n\n**Filter by blockchain:**\n t_blockchain=bitcoin\n\nAvailable blockchains: bitcoin, bitcoin-cash, ethereum, bitcoin-sv, litecoin, tron, ripple, zcash, dogecoin, neo, eos, dash, ethereum-classic, tezos, binancechain, stellar, groestlcoin, icon, steem, cosmos, decred, verge, hypercash, siacoin\n\n\n**Pagination:**\nAdd parameter: size=100, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"context\": {\"execution_time\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"from\": \"int\", \"size\": \"int\", \"prev\": \"NoneType\", \"next\": \"int\"}, \"data\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"format_amount_without_digit\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"int\", \"to_owner\": \"str\", \"unique_machine_id\": \"str\", \"amount_usd\": \"int\", \"from_owner\": \"str\", \"to_address\": \"str\", \"transaction_type\": \"str\", \"format_amount_usd\": \"str\", \"indexed_at\": \"str\", \"blockchain\": \"str\", \"from_alias\": \"str\", \"format_amount\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"from_address\": \"str\", \"hash\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"_score\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8711", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Whale Transactions, api_name:Blockchains, api_description:Get list of all supported blockchains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"btc\": \"str\", \"bch\": \"str\", \"eth\": \"str\", \"bsv\": \"str\", \"ltc\": \"str\", \"trx\": \"str\", \"xrp\": \"str\", \"zec\": \"str\", \"doge\": \"str\", \"neo\": \"str\", \"eos\": \"str\", \"dash\": \"str\", \"etc\": \"str\", \"xtz\": \"str\", \"bnb\": \"str\", \"xlm\": \"str\", \"grs\": \"str\", \"icx\": \"str\", \"steem\": \"str\", \"atom\": \"str\", \"dcr\": \"str\", \"xvg\": \"str\", \"hc\": \"str\", \"sc\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8712", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kalshi Trading API, api_name:GetPortfolioSettlements, api_description:Endpoint for getting the logged-in member's settlements historical track., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8713", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:Fed Funds Overnight Rate, api_description:Get daily federal funds overnight rate at which commercial banks borrow and lend their excess reserves to each other overnight., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8714", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trading View, api_name:stocks/get-financials, api_description:Get financials information related to a ticker or symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The format is \\\"exchange:symbol\\\". Ex : NASDAQ:TSLA\"}, {\"name\": \"columns\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the following (Separated by comma for multiple options) : ADR,ADX,ADX-DI,ADX-DI|1,ADX-DI|120,ADX-DI|15,ADX-DI|1M,ADX-DI|1W,ADX-DI|240,ADX-DI|30,ADX-DI|5,ADX-DI|60,ADX+DI,ADX|1,ADX|120,ADX|15,ADX|1M,ADX|1W,ADX|240,ADX|30,ADX|5,ADX|60,after_tax_margin,AO,AO|1,AO|120,AO|15,AO|1M,AO|1W,AO|240,AO|30,AO|5,AO|60,Aroon.Down,Aroon.Up,ATR,average_volume,average_volume_10d_calc,average_volume_30d_calc,average_volume_60d_calc,average_volume_90d_calc,base_currency_logoid,basic_elements,basic_eps_net_income,BB.lower,BB.upper,BBPower,BBPower|1,BBPower|120,BBPower|15,BBPower|1M,BBPower|1W,BBPower|240,BBPower|30,BBPower|5,BBPower|60,beta_1_year,beta_3_year,beta_5_year,CCI20,CCI20|1,CCI20|120,CCI20|15,CCI20|1M,CCI20|1W,CCI20|240,CCI20|30,CCI20|5,CCI20|60,ChaikinMoneyFlow,change,change_abs,change_abs|1,change_abs|15,change_abs|1M,change_abs|1W,change_abs|240,change_abs|5,change_abs|60,change_from_open,change_from_open_abs,change|1,change|15,change|1M,change|1W,change|240,change|5,change|60,close,close|1,close|120,close|15,close|1M,close|1W,close|240,close|30,close|5,close|60,country,currency_logoid,current_ratio,debt_to_assets,debt_to_equity,debt_to_equity_fq,description,dividend_yield_recent,dividends_paid,dividends_per_share_fq,dividends_yield,DonchCh20.Lower,DonchCh20.Upper,dps_common_stock_prim_issue_fy,earnings_per_share_basic_ttm,earnings_per_share_diluted_ttm,earnings_per_share_forecast_next_fq,earnings_per_share_fq,earnings_release_date,earnings_release_next_date,ebitda,elements,EMA10,EMA10|1,EMA10|120,EMA10|15,EMA10|1M,EMA10|1W,EMA10|240,EMA10|30,EMA10|5,EMA10|60,EMA100,EMA100|1,EMA100|120,EMA100|15,EMA100|1M,EMA100|1W,EMA100|240,EMA100|30,EMA100|5,EMA100|60,EMA20,EMA20|1,EMA20|120,EMA20|15,EMA20|1M,EMA20|1W,EMA20|240,EMA20|30,EMA20|5,EMA20|60,EMA200,EMA200|1,EMA200|120,EMA200|15,EMA200|1M,EMA200|1W,EMA200|240,EMA200|30,EMA200|5,EMA200|60,EMA30,EMA30|1,EMA30|120,EMA30|15,EMA30|1M,EMA30|1W,EMA30|240,EMA30|30,EMA30|5,EMA30|60,EMA5,EMA50,EMA50|1,EMA50|120,EMA50|15,EMA50|1M,EMA50|1W,EMA50|240,EMA50|30,EMA50|5,EMA50|60,enterprise_value_ebitda_ttm,enterprise_value_fq,eps_surprise_fq,eps_surprise_percent_fq,exchange,float_shares_outstanding,free_cash_flow,gap,goodwill,gross_margin,gross_profit,gross_profit_fq,high,High.1M,High.3M,High.6M,High.All,HullMA9,HullMA9|1,HullMA9|120,HullMA9|15,HullMA9|1M,HullMA9|1W,HullMA9|240,HullMA9|30,HullMA9|5,HullMA9|60,Ichimoku.BLine,Ichimoku.BLine|1,Ichimoku.BLine|120,Ichimoku.BLine|15,Ichimoku.BLine|1M,Ichimoku.BLine|1W,Ichimoku.BLine|240,Ichimoku.BLine|30,Ichimoku.BLine|5,Ichimoku.BLine|60,Ichimoku.CLine,Ichimoku.Lead1,Ichimoku.Lead2,industry,is_primary,KltChnl.lower,KltChnl.upper,last_annual_eps,last_annual_revenue,logoid,long_term_capital,low,Low.1M,Low.3M,Low.6M,Low.All,MACD.macd,MACD.macd|1,MACD.macd|120,MACD.macd|15,MACD.macd|1M,MACD.macd|1W,MACD.macd|240,MACD.macd|30,MACD.macd|5,MACD.macd|60,MACD.signal,MACD.signal|1,MACD.signal|120,MACD.signal|15,MACD.signal|1M,MACD.signal|1W,MACD.signal|240,MACD.signal|30,MACD.signal|5,MACD.signal|60,market_cap_basic,market_cap_calc,Mom,Mom|1,Mom|120,Mom|15,Mom|1M,Mom|1W,Mom|240,Mom|30,Mom|5,Mom|60,MoneyFlow,name,net_debt,net_income,number_of_employees,number_of_shareholders,open,operating_margin,P.SAR,Perf.1M,Perf.3M,Perf.6M,Perf.W,Perf.Y,Perf.YTD,Pivot.M.Camarilla.Middle,Pivot.M.Camarilla.Middle|1,Pivot.M.Camarilla.Middle|120,Pivot.M.Camarilla.Middle|15,Pivot.M.Camarilla.Middle|1M,Pivot.M.Camarilla.Middle|1W,Pivot.M.Camarilla.Middle|240,Pivot.M.Camarilla.Middle|30,Pivot.M.Camarilla.Middle|5,Pivot.M.Camarilla.Middle|60,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R1,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R1|1,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R1|120,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R1|15,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R1|1M,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R1|1W,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R1|240,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R1|30,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R1|5,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R1|60,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R2,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R2|1,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R2|120,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R2|15,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R2|1M,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R2|1W,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R2|240,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R2|30,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R2|5,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R2|60,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R3,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R3|1,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R3|120,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R3|15,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R3|1M,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R3|1W,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R3|240,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R3|30,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R3|5,Pivot.M.Camarilla.R3|60,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S1,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S1|1,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S1|120,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S1|15,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S1|1M,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S1|1W,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S1|240,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S1|30,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S1|5,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S1|60,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S2,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S2|1,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S2|120,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S2|15,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S2|1M,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S2|1W,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S2|240,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S2|30,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S2|5,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S2|60,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S3,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S3|1,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S3|120,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S3|15,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S3|1M,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S3|1W,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S3|240,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S3|30,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S3|5,Pivot.M.Camarilla.S3|60,Pivot.M.Classic.Middle,Pivot.M.Classic.Middle|1,Pivot.M.Classic.Middle|120,Pivot.M.Classic.Middle|15,Pivot.M.Classic.Middle|1M,Pivot.M.Classic.Middle|1W,Pivot.M.Classic.Middle|240,Pivot.M.Classic.Middle|30,Pivot.M.Classic.Middle|5,Pivot.M.Classic.Middle|60,Pivot.M.Classic.R1,Pivot.M.Classic.R1|1,Pivot.M.Classic.R1|120,Pivot.M.Classic.R1|15,Pivot.M.Classic.R1|1M,Pivot.M.Classic.R1|1W,Pivot.M.Classic.R1|240,Pivot.M.Classic.R1|30,Pivot.M.Classic.R1|5,Pivot.M.Classic.R1|60,Pivot.M.Classic.R2,Pivot.M.Classic.R2|1,Pivot.M.Classic.R2|120,Pivot.M.Classic.R2|15,Pivot.M.Classic.R2|1M,Pivot.M.Classic.R2|1W,Pivot.M.Classic.R2|240,Pivot.M.Classic.R2|30,Pivot.M.Classic.R2|5,Pivot.M.Classic.R2|60,Pivot.M.Classic.R3,Pivot.M.Classic.R3|1,Pivot.M.Classic.R3|120,Pivot.M.Classic.R3|15,Pivot.M.Classic.R3|1M,Pivot.M.Classic.R3|1W,Pivot.M.Classic.R3|240,Pivot.M.Classic.R3|30,Pivot.M.Classic.R3|5,Pivot.M.Classic.R3|60,Pivot.M.Classic.S1,Pivot.M.Classic.S1|1,Pivot.M.Classic.S1|120,Pivot.M.Classic.S1|15,Pivot.M.Classic.S1|1M,Pivot.M.Classic.S1|1W,Pivot.M.Classic.S1|240,Pivot.M.Classic.S1|30,Pivot.M.Classic.S1|5,Pivot.M.Classic.S1|60,Pivot.M.Classic.S2,Pivot.M.Classic.S2|1,Pivot.M.Classic.S2|120,Pivot.M.Classic.S2|15,Pivot.M.Classic.S2|1M,Pivot.M.Classic.S2|1W,Pivot.M.Classic.S2|240,Pivot.M.Classic.S2|30,Pivot.M.Classic.S2|5,Pivot.M.Classic.S2|60,Pivot.M.Classic.S3,Pivot.M.Classic.S3|1,Pivot.M.Classic.S3|120,Pivot.M.Classic.S3|15,Pivot.M.Classic.S3|1M,Pivot.M.Classic.S3|1W,Pivot.M.Classic.S3|240,Pivot.M.Classic.S3|30,Pivot.M.Classic.S3|5,Pivot.M.Classic.S3|60,Pivot.M.Demark.Middle,Pivot.M.Demark.Middle|1,Pivot.M.Demark.Middle|120,Pivot.M.Demark.Middle|15,Pivot.M.Demark.Middle|1M,Pivot.M.Demark.Middle|1W,Pivot.M.Demark.Middle|240,Pivot.M.Demark.Middle|30,Pivot.M.Demark.Middle|5,Pivot.M.Demark.Middle|60,Pivot.M.Demark.R1,Pivot.M.Demark.R1|1,Pivot.M.Demark.R1|120,Pivot.M.Demark.R1|15,Pivot.M.Demark.R1|1M,Pivot.M.Demark.R1|1W,Pivot.M.Demark.R1|240,Pivot.M.Demark.R1|30,Pivot.M.Demark.R1|5,Pivot.M.Demark.R1|60,Pivot.M.Demark.S1,Pivot.M.Demark.S1|1,Pivot.M.Demark.S1|120,Pivot.M.Demark.S1|15,Pivot.M.Demark.S1|1M,Pivot.M.Demark.S1|1W,Pivot.M.Demark.S1|240,Pivot.M.Demark.S1|30,Pivot.M.Demark.S1|5,Pivot.M.Demark.S1|60,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.Middle,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.Middle|1,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.Middle|120,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.Middle|15,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.Middle|1M,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.Middle|1W,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.Middle|240,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.Middle|30,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.Middle|5,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.Middle|60,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R1,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R1|1,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R1|120,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R1|15,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R1|1M,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R1|1W,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R1|240,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R1|30,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R1|5,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R1|60,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R2,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R2|1,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R2|120,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R2|15,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R2|1M,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R2|1W,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R2|240,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R2|30,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R2|5,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R2|60,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R3,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R3|1,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R3|120,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R3|15,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R3|1M,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R3|1W,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R3|240,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R3|30,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R3|5,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R3|60,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S1,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S1|1,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S1|120,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S1|15,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S1|1M,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S1|1W,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S1|240,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S1|30,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S1|5,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S1|60,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S2,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S2|1,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S2|120,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S2|15,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S2|1M,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S2|1W,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S2|240,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S2|30,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S2|5,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S2|60,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S3,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S3|1,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S3|120,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S3|15,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S3|1M,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S3|1W,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S3|240,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S3|30,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S3|5,Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S3|60,Pivot.M.Woodie.Middle,Pivot.M.Woodie.Middle|1,Pivot.M.Woodie.Middle|120,Pivot.M.Woodie.Middle|15,Pivot.M.Woodie.Middle|1M,Pivot.M.Woodie.Middle|1W,Pivot.M.Woodie.Middle|240,Pivot.M.Woodie.Middle|30,Pivot.M.Woodie.Middle|5,Pivot.M.Woodie.Middle|60,Pivot.M.Woodie.R1,Pivot.M.Woodie.R1|1,Pivot.M.Woodie.R1|120,Pivot.M.Woodie.R1|15,Pivot.M.Woodie.R1|1M,Pivot.M.Woodie.R1|1W,Pivot.M.Woodie.R1|240,Pivot.M.Woodie.R1|30,Pivot.M.Woodie.R1|5,Pivot.M.Woodie.R1|60,Pivot.M.Woodie.R2,Pivot.M.Woodie.R2|1,Pivot.M.Woodie.R2|120,Pivot.M.Woodie.R2|15,Pivot.M.Woodie.R2|1M,Pivot.M.Woodie.R2|1W,Pivot.M.Woodie.R2|240,Pivot.M.Woodie.R2|30,Pivot.M.Woodie.R2|5,Pivot.M.Woodie.R2|60,Pivot.M.Woodie.R3,Pivot.M.Woodie.R3|1,Pivot.M.Woodie.R3|120,Pivot.M.Woodie.R3|15,Pivot.M.Woodie.R3|1M,Pivot.M.Woodie.R3|1W,Pivot.M.Woodie.R3|240,Pivot.M.Woodie.R3|30,Pivot.M.Woodie.R3|5,Pivot.M.Woodie.R3|60,Pivot.M.Woodie.S1,Pivot.M.Woodie.S1|1,Pivot.M.Woodie.S1|120,Pivot.M.Woodie.S1|15,Pivot.M.Woodie.S1|1M,Pivot.M.Woodie.S1|1W,Pivot.M.Woodie.S1|240,Pivot.M.Woodie.S1|30,Pivot.M.Woodie.S1|5,Pivot.M.Woodie.S1|60,Pivot.M.Woodie.S2,Pivot.M.Woodie.S2|1,Pivot.M.Woodie.S2|120,Pivot.M.Woodie.S2|15,Pivot.M.Woodie.S2|1M,Pivot.M.Woodie.S2|1W,Pivot.M.Woodie.S2|240,Pivot.M.Woodie.S2|30,Pivot.M.Woodie.S2|5,Pivot.M.Woodie.S2|60,Pivot.M.Woodie.S3,Pivot.M.Woodie.S3|1,Pivot.M.Woodie.S3|120,Pivot.M.Woodie.S3|15,Pivot.M.Woodie.S3|1M,Pivot.M.Woodie.S3|1W,Pivot.M.Woodie.S3|240,Pivot.M.Woodie.S3|30,Pivot.M.Woodie.S3|5,Pivot.M.Woodie.S3|60,post_change,postmarket_change,postmarket_change_abs,postmarket_close,postmarket_high,postmarket_low,postmarket_open,postmarket_volume,pre_change,pre_tax_margin,preferred_dividends,premarket_change,premarket_change_abs,premarket_change_from_open,premarket_change_from_open_abs,premarket_close,premarket_gap,premarket_high,premarket_low,premarket_open,premarket_volume,price_52_week_high,price_52_week_low,price_book_fq,price_book_ratio,price_earnings_to_growth_ttm,price_earnings_ttm,price_free_cash_flow_ttm,price_revenue_ttm,price_sales,price_sales_ratio,quick_ratio,Rec.BBPower,Rec.BBPower|1,Rec.BBPower|120,Rec.BBPower|15,Rec.BBPower|1M,Rec.BBPower|1W,Rec.BBPower|240,Rec.BBPower|30,Rec.BBPower|5,Rec.BBPower|60,Rec.HullMA9,Rec.HullMA9|1,Rec.HullMA9|120,Rec.HullMA9|15,Rec.HullMA9|1M,Rec.HullMA9|1W,Rec.HullMA9|240,Rec.HullMA9|30,Rec.HullMA9|5,Rec.HullMA9|60,Rec.Ichimoku,Rec.Ichimoku|1,Rec.Ichimoku|120,Rec.Ichimoku|15,Rec.Ichimoku|1M,Rec.Ichimoku|1W,Rec.Ichimoku|240,Rec.Ichimoku|30,Rec.Ichimoku|5,Rec.Ichimoku|60,Rec.Stoch.RSI,Rec.Stoch.RSI|1,Rec.Stoch.RSI|120,Rec.Stoch.RSI|15,Rec.Stoch.RSI|1M,Rec.Stoch.RSI|1W,Rec.Stoch.RSI|240,Rec.Stoch.RSI|30,Rec.Stoch.RSI|5,Rec.Stoch.RSI|60,Rec.UO,Rec.UO|1,Rec.UO|120,Rec.UO|15,Rec.UO|1M,Rec.UO|1W,Rec.UO|240,Rec.UO|30,Rec.UO|5,Rec.UO|60,Rec.VWMA,Rec.VWMA|1,Rec.VWMA|120,Rec.VWMA|15,Rec.VWMA|1M,Rec.VWMA|1W,Rec.VWMA|240,Rec.VWMA|30,Rec.VWMA|5,Rec.VWMA|60,Rec.WR,Rec.WR|1,Rec.WR|120,Rec.WR|15,Rec.WR|1M,Rec.WR|1W,Rec.WR|240,Rec.WR|30,Rec.WR|5,Rec.WR|60,Recommend.All,Recommend.All|1,Recommend.All|120,Recommend.All|15,Recommend.All|1M,Recommend.All|1W,Recommend.All|240,Recommend.All|30,Recommend.All|5,Recommend.All|60,Recommend.MA,Recommend.MA|1,Recommend.MA|120,Recommend.MA|15,Recommend.MA|1M,Recommend.MA|1W,Recommend.MA|240,Recommend.MA|30,Recommend.MA|5,Recommend.MA|60,Recommend.Other,Recommend.Other|1,Recommend.Other|120,Recommend.Other|15,Recommend.Other|1M,Recommend.Other|1W,Recommend.Other|240,Recommend.Other|30,Recommend.Other|5,Recommend.Other|60,relative_volume,relative_volume_10d_calc,relative_volume_intraday|5,return_of_invested_capital_percent_ttm,return_on_assets,return_on_equity,return_on_invested_capital,revenue_per_employee,ROC,RSI,RSI|1,RSI|120,RSI|15,RSI|1M,RSI|1W,RSI|240,RSI|30,RSI|5,RSI|60,RSI7,sector,SMA10,SMA10|1,SMA10|120,SMA10|15,SMA10|1M,SMA10|1W,SMA10|240,SMA10|30,SMA10|5,SMA10|60,SMA100,SMA100|1,SMA100|120,SMA100|15,SMA100|1M,SMA100|1W,SMA100|240,SMA100|30,SMA100|5,SMA100|60,SMA20,SMA20|1,SMA20|120,SMA20|15,SMA20|1M,SMA20|1W,SMA20|240,SMA20|30,SMA20|5,SMA20|60,SMA200,SMA200|1,SMA200|120,SMA200|15,SMA200|1M,SMA200|1W,SMA200|240,SMA200|30,SMA200|5,SMA200|60,SMA30,SMA30|1,SMA30|120,SMA30|15,SMA30|1M,SMA30|1W,SMA30|240,SMA30|30,SMA30|5,SMA30|60,SMA5,SMA50,SMA50|1,SMA50|120,SMA50|15,SMA50|1M,SMA50|1W,SMA50|240,SMA50|30,SMA50|5,SMA50|60,Stoch.D,Stoch.D|1,Stoch.D|120,Stoch.D|15,Stoch.D|1M,Stoch.D|1W,Stoch.D|240,Stoch.D|30,Stoch.D|5,Stoch.D|60,Stoch.K,Stoch.K|1,Stoch.K|120,Stoch.K|15,Stoch.K|1M,Stoch.K|1W,Stoch.K|240,Stoch.K|30,Stoch.K|5,Stoch.K|60,Stoch.RSI.D,Stoch.RSI.K,Stoch.RSI.K|1,Stoch.RSI.K|120,Stoch.RSI.K|15,Stoch.RSI.K|1M,Stoch.RSI.K|1W,Stoch.RSI.K|240,Stoch.RSI.K|30,Stoch.RSI.K|5,Stoch.RSI.K|60,submarket,total_assets,total_capital,total_current_assets,total_debt,total_liabilities_fq,total_liabilities_fy,total_revenue,total_shares_outstanding,total_shares_outstanding_fundamental,type,UO,UO|1,UO|120,UO|15,UO|1M,UO|1W,UO|240,UO|30,UO|5,UO|60,update_mode,Value.Traded,Volatility.D,Volatility.M,Volatility.W,volume,VWAP,VWMA,VWMA|1,VWMA|120,VWMA|15,VWMA|1M,VWMA|1W,VWMA|240,VWMA|30,VWMA|5,VWMA|60,W.R,W.R|1,W.R|120,W.R|15,W.R|1M,W.R|1W,W.R|240,W.R|30,W.R|5,W.R|60\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"s\": \"str\", \"d\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"columns\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8715", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/parent/get-summary, api_description:Get summary information as displayed in the Parent tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8716", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/get-strategy, api_description:Get strategy, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8717", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CA Lottery, api_name:Daily 4 Recent, api_description:Most recent draw for Daily 4, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8718", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finanzoo API_Fundamentals, api_name:API_Pricetobook, api_description:contains the price-book ratio (P / B ratio) for each past trading day, required_params: [{\"name\": \"API_Pricetobook\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"shareuid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"pb\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8719", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finanzoo API_Fundamentals, api_name:API_Pricetosales, api_description:Contains the price turnover ratio (P / S ratio) for each past trading day.\n\nAPI_Pricetosales\nSyntax:\n \n\nshareuid = unique identifier for the share searched\nfrom = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0\nto = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0, required_params: [{\"name\": \"shareuid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"API_Pricetosales\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8720", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finanzoo API_Fundamentals, api_name:API_Roe, api_description:Contains the equity ratio (ROE ratio) for the financial year.\n\nAPI_Roe\nSyntax:\n \n\nshareuid = unique identifier for the share searched\nfrom = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0\nto = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"shareuid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"API_Roe\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8721", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Litecoin Wallet, api_name:Get Litecoin Transaction by hash, api_description:Get Litecoin Transaction detail by transaction hash., required_params: [{\"name\": \"hash\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8722", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Litecoin Wallet, api_name:Get Litecoin Block by hash or height, api_description:Get Litecoin Block detail by block hash or height., required_params: [{\"name\": \"hash\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bits\": \"int\", \"hash\": \"str\", \"height\": \"int\", \"merkleRoot\": \"str\", \"nonce\": \"int\", \"prevBlock\": \"str\", \"ts\": \"int\", \"txs\": [{\"blockNumber\": \"int\", \"fee\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"int\", \"hash\": \"str\", \"index\": \"int\", \"inputs\": [{\"prevout\": {\"hash\": \"str\", \"index\": \"int\"}, \"sequence\": \"int\", \"script\": \"str\", \"coin\": {\"version\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"value\": \"str\", \"script\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"coinbase\": \"bool\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"locktime\": \"int\", \"outputs\": [{\"value\": \"str\", \"script\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"ps\": \"int\", \"rate\": \"str\", \"version\": \"int\", \"witnessHash\": \"str\", \"hex\": \"str\", \"size\": \"int\", \"vsize\": \"int\", \"weight\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 81}], \"version\": \"int\", \"chainwork\": \"str\", \"confirmations\": \"int\", \"difficulty\": \"float\", \"mediantime\": \"int\", \"nTx\": \"int\", \"nextBlock\": \"str\", \"size\": \"int\", \"strippedsize\": \"int\", \"time\": \"int\", \"versionHex\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8723", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchanger Currency Rates Provider, api_name:Historical Rates, api_description:Request the prices of any date between the year 2000 till today., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rates\\\": {\\\"FJD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"STD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MXN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"LVL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SCR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CDF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GTQ\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BBD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CLP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"UGX\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"HNL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ZAR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"TND\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CUC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BSD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SLL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SDG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"IQD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CUP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"TWD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"RSD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"DOP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"KMF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MYR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"FKP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"XOF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GEL\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"UYU\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BTC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MAD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CVE\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"TOP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"AZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PGK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"OMR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"KES\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SEK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"UAH\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BTN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"GNF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MZN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ERN\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"SVC\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ARS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"QAR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"IRR\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"MRO\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"THB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"CNY\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"UZS\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"XPF\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BDT\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"LYD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"BMD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PHP\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"KWD\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"RUB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"PYG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"ISK\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"JMD\\\": \\\"float\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8724", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:The Sandbox - SAND, api_name:Medium, api_description:Get official news from Medium., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8725", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ByBit Leaderboard, api_name:search/leaderboard, api_description:Returns traders that match your search filters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"metric\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"product\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"display_shared_positions\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"search traders with shared positions\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8726", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:ETFs List, api_description:This API call return array of ETFs available at Twelve Data API. This list is daily updated., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8727", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ByBit Leaderboard, api_name:traders/with-positions, api_description:Returns traders with shared positions only., required_params: [{\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"metric\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"product\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"metric\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"period\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"product\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8728", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:Market Movers - Stocks, api_description:Get the list of the top gaining or losing stocks today.\n\nTop gainers are ordered by the highest rate of price increase since the previous day's close. Top losers are ordered by the highest percentage of price decrease since the last day.\n\nAvailability: Ultra plan\nData weighting: 100 API credits per symbol, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8729", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:CORREL, api_description:Measures linear correlation between two time series. Takes values in the range from -1 to 1, where -1 is total negative correlation, 0 is no correlation, and 1 is total positive correlation. , required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instrument symbol, can be any equity, index, ETF, forex or cryptocurrency\\nE.g. `AAPL`, `EUR/USD`, `ETH/BTC`, ...\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Interval between two consecutive points in time series\\nSupports: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `30min`, `45min`, `1h`, `2h`, `4h`, `1day`, `1week`, `1month`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8730", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:stock/v2/get-news, api_description:Get news in the News tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from .../auto-complete or /get-summary or .../get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8731", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Litecoin Wallet, api_name:Get information about a transaction output (UTXO) in a Litecoin transaction, api_description:Get information about a transaction output in a transaction and check whether this output is a UTXO or has been spent.\n\n\"UTXO\" stands for \"Unspent Transaction Output\". A UTXO is the amount of LTC that remains at a Litecoin address after a cryptocurrency transaction involving this address has been performed. The UTXO can then be used as input for a new cryptocurrency transaction. For more information the UTXO, see the [Bitcoin user documentation.](https://developer.bitcoin.org/devguide/transactions.html)\n\nIf the transaction output is an UTXO, the API returns data about it.\nIf the transaction output has been spent and there is no UTXO to return, the API returns an error with the 404 response code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"hash\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"string = 64 characters\\nThe transaction hash\\n\\nExample: 5f83d51c8d3044012cea3011fa626b85d89442783721afd60719ab1f9ab8f78a\"}, {\"name\": \"index\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"number >= 0\\nThe index of the transaction output that you want to check for the UTXO\\n\\nExample: 0\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8732", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Financial Data, api_name:/metrics/ohlcv/futures/pro, api_description:Price and volume metrics for futures markets, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Start of the requested time period, UTC timezone\"}, {\"name\": \"market_venue\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of exchange or venue\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The first listed currency of a currency pair\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The second listed currency of a currency pair\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8733", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Finance Data, api_name:Company Balance Sheet, api_description:Get public company's **quarterly** or **annual** balance sheet. Supports the *stock* type only., required_params: [{\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Period for which to get company's balance sheet.\\n\\n**Periods**: *QUARTERLY*, *ANNUAL*.\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Stock symbol (ticker).\\n\\n**e.g.** *`MSFT:NASDAQ`*\\n**e.g.** *`MSFT`*\\n**e.g.** *`AAPL`*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"balance_sheet\": [{\"year\": \"int\", \"quarter\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"cash_and_short_term_investments\": \"float\", \"total_assets\": \"int\", \"total_liabilities\": \"int\", \"total_equity\": \"int\", \"shares_outstanding\": \"int\", \"price_to_book\": \"float\", \"return_on_assets_percent\": \"float\", \"return_on_capital_percent\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"period\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8734", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Is This Coin A Scam, api_name:List all profiles, api_description:Get a list of profiles. You can search slug, name and symbol, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"genesis_at\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"technology\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"infrastructure\": \"str\", \"generation\": \"str\"}, \"meta\": {\"capsize\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"style\": \"str\"}, \"score\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"str\", \"marketcap_rank\": \"int\", \"percentage\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"platform\": \"empty list\", \"updated_at\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"paging\": {\"records\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8735", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quandl, api_name:Get time-series data and metadata, api_description:This call returns data and metadata for a given time-series., required_params: [{\"name\": \"database_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The code for the database this time-series belongs to\"}, {\"name\": \"return_format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json, xml or csv\"}, {\"name\": \"dataset_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The code for this time-series\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dataset\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"dataset_code\": \"str\", \"database_code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"refreshed_at\": \"str\", \"newest_available_date\": \"str\", \"oldest_available_date\": \"str\", \"column_names\": [\"list of str with length 13\"], \"frequency\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"premium\": \"bool\", \"limit\": \"NoneType\", \"transform\": \"NoneType\", \"column_index\": \"NoneType\", \"start_date\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"data\": [\"list of list with length 1472\"], \"collapse\": \"NoneType\", \"order\": \"NoneType\", \"database_id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8736", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quandl, api_name:Get metadata for a time-series database, api_description:You can retrieve metadata for a specified time-series database, required_params: [{\"name\": \"database_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The code for the database this time-series belongs to\"}, {\"name\": \"return_format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json, xml or csv\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"database\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"database_code\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"datasets_count\": \"int\", \"downloads\": \"int\", \"premium\": \"bool\", \"image\": \"str\", \"favorite\": \"bool\", \"url_name\": \"str\", \"exclusive\": \"bool\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8737", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:market/get-sparks, api_description:Used to draw small charts which often display next to symbols, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of tickerId field returned in other endpoints, such as .../stock/search or .../market/get-common-ranking or .../market/get-top-active or .../market/get-top-gainers or etc... Separated by comma for multiple tickers\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"type\": \"int\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"preClose\": \"str\", \"current\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\", \"data\": [\"list of str with length 35\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8738", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:longterm_analysis_retrieve, api_description:Long Term Scores are calculated based on the date of the next 10-Q Report. Check the docs for explanation, required_params: [{\"name\": \"identifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8739", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:timeseries_stats_list, api_description:Use lists full of price statistics to compare and analyse stocks, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8740", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Rankiteo Climate Risk Assessment, api_name:GetClimateScoreByGps, api_description:Get climate score for a specific location mapped to some industries/disasters with a given gps position., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"disaster_type_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"0 : **ALL**\\n1 : Air Quality\\n2 : Earthquake\\n3 : Floods\\n4 : Heat Stress\\n5 : Sea Level Rise \\n6 : Tropical\\n7 : Tsunami\\n8 : Volcano\\n9 : Water Stress\\n10 : Wildfire\"}, {\"name\": \"activity_type_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"0 : **ALL**\\n1 : Agriculture\\n2 : Nuclear Plants\\n3 : Telecommunications\\n4 : Education\\n5 : Automobile\\n6 : Chemical Industry\\n7 : Market\\n8 : Finance Industry\\n9 : Aerospace, \\n10 : Construction\\n11 : Mining\\n12 : News Media\\n13 : Pharmaceutical\\n14 : Datacenter\\n15 : Entertainment complex\\n16 : Freight logistics\\n17 : Hospital\\n18 : Hotel\\n19 : Manufacturing\\n20 : Office\\n21 : Shopping center\\n22 : Residential complex\\n23 : Storage Ware houses\\n24 : Oil and Gas Industry\\n25 : Transportation\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8741", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:etf_list, api_description:A list of n ETFs where each hold time critical information such as price, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8742", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:market/undervalued_large_caps, api_description:Large cap stocks that are potentially undervalued., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8743", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Get 52 Week Low by price with respecto to Country, api_description:Get 52 Week Low by price with respecto to Country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Please use the **Value** key pair that is returned from /countryList API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"last\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"changePercentage\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8744", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance Complete, api_name:Currency Converter, api_description:Looking for a fast and reliable currency converter? Our API endpoint has got you covered! With just a few lines of code, you can easily integrate our endpoint into your application and start converting currencies in no time. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual calculations and let our endpoint handle it all for you. \n\nTry it out today and experience the convenience and efficiency of our currency converter API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"i.e: JPY\"}, {\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"i.e: USD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8745", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance Complete, api_name:Recommendation Trends, api_description:This endpoint returns Recommendation Trends., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"i.e: TSLA\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8746", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance Complete, api_name:Summary Detail, api_description:This endpoint returns full detail of any public stock, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"i.e: TSLA\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8747", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get coin, api_description:Find information about a specific coin., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"UUID of the coin you want to request. UUIDs of coins can be found using the Get coins endpoint or by checking the URL on coinranking.com, e.g. https://coinranking.com/coin/Qwsogvtv82FCd+bitcoin-btc is the URL for Bitcoin, and the part before the + (Qwsogvtv82FCd) is the UUID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"coin\": {\"uuid\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"color\": \"str\", \"iconUrl\": \"str\", \"websiteUrl\": \"str\", \"links\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"supply\": {\"confirmed\": \"bool\", \"supplyAt\": \"int\", \"max\": \"str\", \"total\": \"str\", \"circulating\": \"str\"}, \"numberOfMarkets\": \"int\", \"numberOfExchanges\": \"int\", \"24hVolume\": \"str\", \"marketCap\": \"str\", \"fullyDilutedMarketCap\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"btcPrice\": \"str\", \"priceAt\": \"int\", \"change\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"sparkline\": [\"list of str with length 24\"], \"allTimeHigh\": {\"price\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\"}, \"coinrankingUrl\": \"str\", \"tier\": \"int\", \"lowVolume\": \"bool\", \"listedAt\": \"int\", \"hasContent\": \"bool\", \"notices\": \"NoneType\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8748", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trading View, api_name:ideas/get-replies, api_description:Get replies relating to an ideal post and comment, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of image_url field returned in .../ideas/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"parent_id\": \"int\", \"root_id\": \"int\", \"comment\": \"str\", \"comment_ast\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"children\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"params\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}]}, \"created_at\": \"str\", \"editable_until\": \"str\", \"likes_count\": \"int\", \"user_vote\": \"int\", \"user\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"avatars\": {\"small\": \"str\", \"mid\": \"str\", \"big\": \"str\", \"orig\": \"str\"}, \"username\": \"str\", \"is_broker\": \"bool\", \"is_pro\": \"bool\", \"is_paid_pro\": \"bool\", \"pro_plan\": \"str\", \"broker_plan\": \"NoneType\", \"is_moderator\": \"bool\", \"is_trial\": \"bool\", \"badges\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"verbose_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"is_online\": \"bool\"}, \"spam_status\": \"NoneType\", \"is_hidden\": \"bool\", \"depth\": \"int\", \"platform\": \"str\", \"platform_link_url\": \"str\", \"platform_link_text\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8749", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trading View, api_name:v2/auto-complete, api_description:Get suggestion by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any term or phrase that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbols_remaining\": \"int\", \"symbols\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"exchange\": \"str\", \"currency_code\": \"str\", \"provider_id\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8750", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinbase, api_name:Get spot price, api_description:Get the spot price of bitcoin., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8751", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinbase, api_name:List recurring payments, api_description:List your recurring payments, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8752", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinbase, api_name:List subscriptions, api_description:List customer subscriptions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8753", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:market/aggressive_small_caps, api_description:Small cap stocks with earnings growth rates better than 25%., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8754", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:The Sandbox - SAND, api_name:Past 1 Week, api_description:Get price data for past 1 week.\n\n~hourly data points., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prices\": [\"list of list with length 168\"], \"market_caps\": [\"list of list with length 168\"], \"total_volumes\": [\"list of list with length 168\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8755", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockTwits, api_name:watchlists/show, api_description:Returns the the list of ticker symbols in a specified watch list for the authenticating user. Required parameter is the ID of the watch list, not the name of the watch list., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ID of the watch list to be shown\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8756", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:10 Year Historical Daily Prices, api_description:10 Year historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. 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\\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"regularMarketPrice\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"regularMarketOpen\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"regularMarketDayHigh\\\": \\\"N\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8759", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Economic Indicators News, api_description:This endpoint provides the economic indicators news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"link\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"shortDescription\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"when\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 36}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8760", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock And Options, api_name:Straddle, api_description:Return options data in straddle format, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8761", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:List of Countries for Stocks, api_description:This is a list of available countries, it is used as a request on another endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [\"list of str with length 94\"], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8762", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:currency options, api_description:get the currency options iframe, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"iframe_src\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8763", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:equity related indices, api_description:get equity related indices by slug, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"pair_id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"last\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"change_percent\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8764", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:financial_growth_list, api_description:We serve 6 categories for 10-Q data. To combine all of them use the '10-Q' endpoint(s)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8765", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Cryptocurrency News, api_description:This endpoint provides the news on cryptocurrency, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"link\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"shortDescription\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"when\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 36}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8766", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Latest Mutual Fund NAV, api_name:fetchAllMutualFundFamilies, api_description:Fetch All Mutual Fund Families, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8767", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:balance_sheet_list, api_description:We serve 6 categories for 10-Q data. To combine all of them use the '10-Q' endpoint(s)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8768", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:keyfigures_retrieve, api_description:A list of all metrics you can assign for i.e data tables, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8769", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:{type}/risk/get-risk-volatility-measures, api_description:Get risk volatility measures in the Risk tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in \\u2026/market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"fundName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"categoryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"indexName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"calculationBenchmark\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"extendedPerformanceData\\\": {\\\"ePUsedFor1YearFlag\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"ePUsedFor3YearFlag\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"ePUsedFor5YearFlag\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"ePUsedFor10YearFlag\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"ePUsedFor15YearFlag\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"fundRiskVolatility\\\": {\\\"primaryIndexNameNew\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bestFitIndexName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bestFitAlphaFor3Year\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bestFitBetaFor3Year\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bestFitRSquaredFor3Year\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"endDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"for1Year\\\": {\\\"alpha\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"beta\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"rSquared\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"standardDeviation\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"sharpeRatio\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"for3Year\\\": {\\\"alpha\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"beta\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"rSquared\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"standardDeviation\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"sharpeRatio\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"for5Year\\\": {\\\"alpha\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"beta\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"rSquared\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"standardDeviation\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"sharpeRatio\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"for10Year\\\": {\\\"alpha\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"beta\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"rSquared\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"standardDeviation\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"sharpeRatio\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"for15Year\\\": {\\\"alpha\\\": \\\"NoneT\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8770", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:South Korea Scheduled Flights Growth, api_description:Get weekly South Korea scheduled departing flights growth., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8771", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:stock/v2/get-key-stats, api_description:Mapped to Key Ratios section in Quote tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from \\u2026/auto-complete or /get-summary or \\u2026/get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"revenue3YearGrowth\": {\"stockValue\": \"str\", \"indAvg\": \"str\"}, \"netIncome3YearGrowth\": {\"stockValue\": \"NoneType\", \"indAvg\": \"str\"}, \"operatingMarginTTM\": {\"stockValue\": \"str\", \"indAvg\": \"str\"}, \"netMarginTTM\": {\"stockValue\": \"str\", \"indAvg\": \"str\"}, \"roaTTM\": {\"stockValue\": \"str\", \"indAvg\": \"str\"}, \"roeTTM\": {\"stockValue\": \"str\", \"indAvg\": \"str\"}, \"debitToEquity\": {\"stockValue\": \"str\", \"indAvg\": \"str\"}, \"freeCashFlow\": {\"cashFlowTTM\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8772", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:stock/v2/key-stats/get-financial-health, api_description:Get key stats financial health in the Valuation tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from \\u2026/auto-complete or /get-summary or \\u2026/get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"currency\": \"str\", \"asOfDate\": \"str\", \"dataList\": [{\"fiscalPeriodYearMonth\": \"str\", \"morningstarEndingDate\": \"str\", \"currentRatio\": \"float\", \"quickRatio\": \"float\", \"financialLeverage\": \"float\", \"debtEquityRatio\": \"float\", \"bookValuePerShare\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 11}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8773", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:Spain Scheduled Flights Level, api_description:Get weekly Spain scheduled departing flights level., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8774", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_five_yr_avg_div_yield, api_description:return five year average dividend yield, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8775", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance Complete, api_name:YH Historical, api_description:This endpoint returns the history of a public stock., required_params: [{\"name\": \"edate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"// End Date\"}, {\"name\": \"sdate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"// Start Date\\nformat: yyyyy-mm-dd\"}, {\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8776", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_stock_exchange, api_description:return stock exchange, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8777", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance Complete, api_name:calendar Events, api_description:Calendar Events of a particular stock, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date format: yyyy-mm-dd\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date format: yyyy-mm-dd\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8778", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_200day_moving_avg, api_description:return 200 day moving average, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8779", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance Complete, api_name:Summary Details, api_description:This endpoint returns a summary detailed of any public stock, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"i.e: TSLA\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8780", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v3, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8781", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v3, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8782", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_currency, api_description:return get currency, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8783", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_stock_historical_price_data, api_description:This method will pull historical pricing data for stocks, currencies, ETFs, mutual funds, U.S. Treasuries, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and indexes., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"start_date should be entered in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format and is the first day that data will be pulled for.\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"time_interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"time_interval can be either 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'\"}, {\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"end_date should be entered in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format and is the last day that data will be pulled for.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8784", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_current_percent_change, api_description:return current percent change, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8785", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get option chains, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An equity symbol\"}, {\"name\": \"expiration\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An expiration date\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8786", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get the market calendar, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8787", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get global stats, api_description:These global statistics tell about the data available on coinranking., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"referenceCurrencyRate\": \"int\", \"totalCoins\": \"int\", \"totalMarkets\": \"int\", \"totalExchanges\": \"int\", \"totalMarketCap\": \"str\", \"total24hVolume\": \"str\", \"btcDominance\": \"float\", \"bestCoins\": [{\"uuid\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"iconUrl\": \"str\", \"coinrankingUrl\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"newestCoins\": [{\"uuid\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"iconUrl\": \"str\", \"coinrankingUrl\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8788", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:stock/v2/get-news, api_description:Get news in the News tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from \\u2026/auto-complete or /get-summary or \\u2026/get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], 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\"{\\\"active\\\": [{\\\"securityType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resourceType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fundamentalDataCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resourceSubtype\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ticker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tickerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"template\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tinyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchlist\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"resourceId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"netChange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastPriceTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pctChange1M\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yearHigh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dayHigh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"yearLow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dayLow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pctChangeYTD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastPriceAllSessions\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pctChange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}], \\\"laggards\\\": 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\"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8792", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Get Stock Market News, api_description:Stock market news from the US and around the world. Our news team reports on market moving events around the world, that traders need to know in order to stay on top of developments in the companies whose stocks they trade., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"newsTitle\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"postedBy\": \"str\", \"postedOn\": \"str\", \"shotDesc\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8793", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Get 52 Weel High by performance with respecto to Country, api_description:Get 52 Weel High by performance with respecto to Country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Please use the **Value** key pair that is returned from /countryList API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"daily\": \"str\", \"oneWeek\": \"str\", \"oneMonth\": \"str\", \"yearToDate\": \"str\", \"oneYear\": \"str\", \"threeYear\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8794", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:news/search, api_description:Search for news by terms or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any term or phrase that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"news\": {\"hasMore\": \"bool\", \"busiModel\": \"int\", \"pageSize\": \"int\", \"pageIndex\": \"int\", \"totals\": \"int\", \"datas\": [{\"newsId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"newsTime\": \"int\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"sourceName\": \"str\", \"siteType\": \"int\", \"highlight\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 20}]}, \"busiModel\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8795", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:market/get-charts, api_description:Get multiple history pricing charts, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickerIds\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of tickerId field returned in other endpoints, such as .../stock/search or .../market/get-common-ranking or .../market/get-top-active or .../market/get-top-gainers or etc... Separated by comma for multiple tickers\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"timeZone\": \"str\", \"preClose\": \"str\", \"realPreClose\": \"str\", \"hasMore\": \"int\", \"exchangeStatus\": \"bool\", \"dates\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"start\": \"str\", \"end\": \"str\", \"avgShow\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"data\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"cleanTime\": \"int\", \"cleanDuration\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8796", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:stock/get-dividends-splits, api_description:Get stock dividends and splits, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of tickerId field returned in other endpoints, such as .../stock/search or .../market/get-common-ranking or .../market/get-top-active or .../market/get-top-gainers or etc... \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"secu_stockDividend\": {}, \"secu_stockSplit\": [{\"splitFrom\": \"int\", \"splitTo\": \"int\", \"exDate\": \"str\", \"planDesc\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8797", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:10 Year Historical Quarterly Prices, api_description:10 Year quarterly historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Quarterly Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8798", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:symbols/get-fundamentals, api_description:Get fundamentals for specific symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol to query for data, only one is allowed at a time.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"year\": \"int\", \"quarter\": \"int\", \"field\": \"str\", \"value\": \"float\", \"period_end_date\": \"str\"}, \"meta\": {\"is_fiscal\": \"bool\"}, \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8799", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:News Trending, api_description:Get the list of trending news by category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8800", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currencies And Countries, api_name:Convert & Get Symbol, api_description:It is the same thing with the convert endpoint. But this one can give you the symbol of the converted value., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"float\", \"symbol\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8801", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Top Coins By Mentions, api_description:Retrieve real time top 10 coins by Mentions\n\n**Output:**\nEach item contains:\n- Rank number\n- Coin name\n- Coin ticker\n- Mentions value\n\n**Definitions:**\n- Mentions: Number of posts related to the coin in tracked social media sources in the requested date with TimeFrame required.\n\n**Details:**\n- All results are in real time, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8802", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:walletapi.cloud, api_name:Get asset details, api_description:Obtain the details of an asset with provided ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"assetId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Asset ID\"}, {\"name\": \"projectId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Project ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8803", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:insider-trades, api_description:Latest insider trading activities from CEO, Directors, Chief Executive Officer, 10% Owner, etc..., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"version\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"records\": \"int\", \"form_4_filings\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"reportingOwnerAddress\": \"str\", \"relationship\": \"str\", \"linkToFilingDetails\": \"str\", \"transactionCode\": \"str\", \"sum_transactionShares\": \"int\", \"aveg_pricePerShare\": \"float\", \"num_shares_own\": \"str\", \"tot_value\": \"float\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8804", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:stock/index-trend/{stock}, api_description:Get index trend earnings history information for a particular stock, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8805", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:market/get-realtime-quotes, api_description:Get real time quotes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sa_ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'id' field returned in .../v2/auto-complete endpoint. This endpoint helps to query for real time quotes. Separating by comma to query multiple IDs at once. Ex : 612888,16123\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"real_time_quotes\": [{\"sa_id\": \"int\", \"sa_slug\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"open\": \"float\", \"close\": \"float\", \"prev_close\": \"float\", \"last\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"last_time\": \"str\", \"market_cap\": \"int\", \"info\": \"str\", \"src\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8806", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:articles/get-details, api_description:Get analysis detail by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id returned in .../articles/list or .../articles/list-trending or .../articles/list-wall-street-breakfast endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"publishOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isLockedPro\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"commentCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gettyImageUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"videoPreviewUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"themes\\\": {\\\"dividend-sensei\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"dividends\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sasource\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"dividend-quick-picks-lists\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sasource\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"amat\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"amp\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"bmo\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"bmy\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"bns\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"cm\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"csl\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"no\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8807", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-sentiment-change/bullish, api_description:Search for top 50 trending stocks or crypto symbols on social media with the greatest change in bullish or bearish sentiment on Twitter/StockTwits., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8808", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-content, api_description:Content Articles\nSearch for the latest Utradea generated articles that cover analysis, commentary, & due dilligence for a given stock or cryptocurrency., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickers\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"ticker\": \"str\", \"userid\": \"str\", \"contentTextBrief\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8809", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:keymetrics_list, api_description:We serve 6 categories for 10-Q data. To combine all of them use the '10-Q' endpoint(s)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8810", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finanzoo API_Fundamentals, api_name:API_Pricetocashflow, api_description:Contains the price-cash-flow ratio (P / C ratio) for each past trading day\n\nAPI_Pricetocashflow\nSyntax:\n \n\nshareuid = unique identifier for the share searched\nfrom = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0\nto = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"shareuid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"API_Pricetocashflow\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8811", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Credit card prediction, api_name:Credit_Limit, api_description:Credit_Limit GET request, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"1\\\": {\\\"Credit_Limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Revolving_Bal\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Avg_Open_To_Buy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Amt_Chng_Q4_Q1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Total_Trans_Amt\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Trans_Ct\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Ct_Chng_Q4_Q1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Avg_Utilization_Ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2\\\": {\\\"Credit_Limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Revolving_Bal\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Avg_Open_To_Buy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Amt_Chng_Q4_Q1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Total_Trans_Amt\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Trans_Ct\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Ct_Chng_Q4_Q1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Avg_Utilization_Ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"3\\\": {\\\"Credit_Limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Revolving_Bal\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Avg_Open_To_Buy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Amt_Chng_Q4_Q1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Total_Trans_Amt\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Trans_Ct\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Ct_Chng_Q4_Q1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Avg_Utilization_Ratio\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"4\\\": {\\\"Credit_Limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Revolving_Bal\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Avg_Open_To_Buy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Amt_Chng_Q4_Q1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Total_Trans_Amt\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Trans_Ct\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Ct_Chng_Q4_Q1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Avg_Utilization_Ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"5\\\": {\\\"Credit_Limit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Total_Revolving_Bal\\\": \\\"int\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8812", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Ethereum Price Index - GEX, api_name:Custom Ticker, api_description:This endpoint can be used to generate a custom index in a certain currency. The “inex” path parameter represents “include” or “exclude”, you can choose to generate an index removing specified exchanges, or only including the few that you require., required_params: [{\"name\": \"inex\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"include - if you want the ticker to be calculated using only the exchanges sent as query parameter; exclude - if you want the price to be calculated using all exchanges, but the ones sent as query parameter.\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ETH where is valid ISO currency (ex. ETHUSD)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"int\", \"last\": {\"price\": \"float\"}, \"bid\": {\"price\": \"float\"}, \"ask\": {\"price\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8813", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_annual_avg_div_yield, api_description:return annual avg div yield, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8814", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Optimism, api_name:Block, api_description:Get full data from a specific block on the Optimism blockchain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"block\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Block you want to scan!\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_type\": \"str\", \"baseFeePerGas\": \"NoneType\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"extraData\": \"str\", \"gasLimit\": \"str\", \"gasUsed\": \"str\", \"hash\": \"str\", \"miner\": \"str\", \"nonce\": \"str\", \"number\": \"int\", \"parentHash\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"transactions\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8815", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto and Forex Rates, api_name:getAssets, api_description:return list of supported assets, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"int\", \"0\": [{\"Symbol\": \"str\", \"ChartSymbol\": \"str\", \"AssetType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 186}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8816", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:M1 Money Stock Not Adjusted, api_description:Get weekly not seasonally adjusted M1 monetary aggregate from the Federal Reserve. M1 is the money supply that is composed of physical currency and coin, demand deposits, travelers' checks, other checkable deposits, and negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"H6 M1 Money Stock Measure\\\": {\\\"1981-W02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W13\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W14\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W15\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W16\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W17\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W19\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W20\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W21\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W22\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W23\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W24\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W26\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W27\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W32\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W33\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W34\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W35\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W36\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W37\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W38\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W39\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W40\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W41\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W42\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W43\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W44\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W45\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W46\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1981-W47\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"19\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8817", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:Unemployment Rate Adjusted, api_description:Get monthly seasonally adjusted unemployment rate., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Labor Force Statistics including the National Unemployment Rate\\\": {\\\"1948-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1948-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1949-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1950-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1951-11\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8818", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:Consumer Sentiment Index, api_description:Get monthly Consumer Sentiment Index., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8819", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradingview TA API (Technical Analysis), api_name:Get Exchanges From Screener, api_description:Get exchange list from screener., required_params: [{\"name\": \"screener\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8820", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Analysis, api_name:Earnings Trend, api_description:Get earnings trend., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Current qtr. 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*%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S* UTC timezone. **Should be within one month from the current timestamp**\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available bases in trial: `BTC`, `USD`, `USDT`, `USDC`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8824", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Alpaca Trading, api_name:Get an asset, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8825", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Balance, api_description:Provides either annual or quarterly balance sheet statements of an single stock company., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], 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\"last_time\": \"NoneType\", \"change\": \"NoneType\", \"change_percent\": \"NoneType\", \"open\": \"str\", \"52_week_range\": \"str\", \"earnings_per_share\": \"str\", \"market_cap\": \"str\", \"earnings\": \"str\", \"dividend\": \"str\", \"sharesOutstanding\": \"str\", \"beta\": \"str\", \"revenue\": \"str\", \"ratio\": \"str\", \"prev_close\": \"str\", \"1_year_change_percent\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"str\", \"avg_volume\": \"str\", \"last_after_close\": \"NoneType\", \"change_after_close\": \"NoneType\", \"change_percent_after_close\": \"NoneType\", \"articles\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8830", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:stock candlestick, api_description:get stock candlestick table by slug, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"columns\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"data\": [\"list of list with length 145\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8831", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinbase, api_name:Show user account settings, api_description:Show current user with account settings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8832", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:stock/v2/get-financials, api_description:Mapped to Financials tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from \\u2026/auto-complete or /get-summary or \\u2026/get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"incomeStatement\\\": {\\\"_meta\\\": {\\\"companyId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"statementType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodReport\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latestReport\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"columnDefs\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"filingIdList\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"columnDefs_labels\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"rows\\\": [{\\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dataPointId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"datum\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 4\\\"], \\\"_list_length\\\": 6}], \\\"footer\\\": {\\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currencySymbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"orderOfMagnitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiscalYearEndDate\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"balanceSheet\\\": {\\\"_meta\\\": {\\\"companyId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"statementType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodReport\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latestReport\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"columnDefs\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"filingIdList\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"columnDefs_labels\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 4\\\"], \\\"rows\\\": [{\\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dataPointId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"datum\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 4\\\"], \\\"_list_length\\\": 6}], \\\"footer\\\": {\\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currencySymbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"orderOfMagnitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiscalYearEndDate\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"cashFlow\\\": {\\\"_meta\\\": {\\\"co\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8833", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:stock/v2/get-realtime-data, api_description:Get detail information of stock, market,index, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from \\u2026/auto-complete or /get-summary or \\u2026/get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastPrice\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bid\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bidSize\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"ask\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"askSize\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lotSize\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"volume\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"recentTradingDayOpenPrice\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dayRangeHigh\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dayRangeLow\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lastClose\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"priceOfTradeAfter\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"timeOfTradeAfter\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"recentTradingDay\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastUpdateTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"recentTradingDayJulian\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tradingStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketCap\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dividendYield\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"yearRangeHigh\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"yearRangeLow\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currencySymbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listedCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tradedCurrency\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"avgVolume\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"exchangeID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangeTimeZone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dayChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dayChangePer\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bidMarket\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"askMarket\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"originationMarket\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastUpdateRealTimeDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastUpdateRealTimeTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nav\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"oneDayReturn\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"n\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8834", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/indexes/intraday, api_description:Return intraday time series (Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) given the input parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"1-minute level time interval, e.g., `1` (1 min), `5` (5 min).\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query start date (supported formats are : **YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM**, **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-21 10:00` or simply `2020-04-21`.\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query end date (supported formats are : **YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM**, **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-21 10:30` or simply `2020-04-22`.\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the index to look for, e.g., `^GSPC` (S&P 500 index) or with suffix notation `SPX:INDEX` (S&P 500 index), `^GSPTSE` (TSX Composite Index) or with suffix notation `TXCX:INDEXCA` (TSX Composite Index). Valid suffixes are :\\n\\n - `:INDEX`: for world indices, e.g., `SPX:INDEX` (S&P 500 index) or `^GSPC`\\n - `:INDEXUS`: for us specific indices, e.g., `SREN:INDEXUS` (S&P 500 Energy (Sector)) or `^GSPE`\\n - `:INDEXCA`: for canadian specific indices, e.g., `TXCX:INDEXCA` (TSX Composite Index) or `^GSPTSE`\\n - `:INDEXAU`: for australian specific indices, e.g., `XTO:INDEXAU` (ASX 100 Index) or `^ATOI`\\n - `:INDEXEU`: for european specific indices, e.g., `BEL2I:INDEXEU` (BEL 20 Gr) or `BEL2I.BR`\\n\\n Please use the lookup endpoint to find out the symbol you're looking for.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8835", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:earning_events_list, api_description:A list of all current earnings. We use data in an interval of the last month to the next year., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8836", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Alpaca Trading, api_name:Get the account, api_description:Returns the account associated with the API key, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8837", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:stock/earnings/{stock}, api_description:Get earnings information for a particular stock, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8838", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:stock/insider-holders/{stock}, api_description:Get stock insider holders' information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8839", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Armatic, api_name:casey griswold, api_description:Runs armatic and deals with other vendors., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8840", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:market/auto-complete, api_description:Get auto complete suggestion by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query value to get auto complete suggestions\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Name\": \"str\", \"Currency\": \"str\", \"Exchange\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"str\", \"TypeName\": \"str\", \"ExchangeShortName\": \"str\", \"ExchangeTimeZoneOffsetFromUTCInSeconds\": \"int\", \"CompanyId\": \"str\", \"PerformanceId\": \"str\", \"ShareClassId\": \"str\", \"FundShareClassId\": \"str\", \"InceptionDate\": \"str\", \"Sector\": \"str\", \"Industry\": \"str\", \"RegionAndTicker\": \"str\", \"Instrument\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8841", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:market/get-global-indices, api_description:Get information of global indices, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"realTimeLastUpdateDate\": \"str\", \"gmbIndexDataList\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"ticker\": \"str\", \"exchange\": \"int\", \"securityType\": \"int\", \"netChange\": \"float\", \"netChangePer\": \"float\", \"companyName\": \"str\", \"marketStatus\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"avgVolume\": \"int\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"recentTradingDayOpenPrice\": \"float\", \"lastClosePrice\": \"float\", \"lastPrice\": \"float\", \"lastUpdateDate\": \"str\", \"lastUpdateTime\": \"str\", \"priceReturn1Week\": \"float\", \"priceReturn1Month\": \"float\", \"realTimeLastUpdateDate\": \"str\", \"realTimeLastUpdateTime\": \"str\", \"isRunning\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 43}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8842", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Metals Prices Rates API, api_name:Open/High/Low/Close (OHLC) Price, api_description:Allows you to query the API to get the open, high, low, and close price.\nThis endpoint has a limitation of one symbol per request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"DATE\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8843", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:NATR, api_description:Normalized Average True Range(NATR) is used to compare and analyze across different price levels due to its normalized quality, which might be more effective than the original ATR., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instrument symbol, can be any equity, index, ETF, forex or cryptocurrency\\nE.g. `AAPL`, `EUR/USD`, `ETH/BTC`, ...\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Interval between two consecutive points in time series\\nSupports: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `30min`, `45min`, `1h`, `2h`, `4h`, `1day`, `1week`, `1month`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8844", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:Real-Time Price, api_description:This endpoint is a lightweight method that allows retrieving only the real-time price of the selected instrument., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instrument symbol, can be any equity, index, ETF, forex or cryptocurrency\\nE.g. `AAPL`, `EUR/USD`, `ETH/BTC`, ...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"price\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8845", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:stock/get-press-releases, api_description:Get press releases, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of tickerId field returned in other endpoints, such as .../stock/search or .../market/get-common-ranking or .../market/get-top-active or .../market/get-top-gainers or etc... \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"secu_announcement\": {\"announcements\": [{\"announcementId\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"publishDate\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"htmlUrl\": \"str\", \"typeName\": \"str\", \"formType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8846", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_yearly_low, api_description:return yearly low, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8847", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kalshi Trading API, api_name:GetFills, api_description:Endpoint for getting all fills for the logged-in member., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8848", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kalshi Trading API, api_name:GetBalance, api_description:Endpoint for getting the balance of the logged-in member., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8849", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Alpaca Trading, api_name:Get an order by client order id, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"client_order_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8850", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-change/posts, api_description:Search the top 50 tickers trending on social media with the greatest change in posts., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8851", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Symbols Author ratings, api_description:Get a author ratings for symbol. Ex result: https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/NVDA/ratings/author-ratings, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker slug\"}, {\"name\": \"page_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8852", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:News List, api_description:Get list of the news by category. Trending news in the /news/trending. Ex.: https://seekingalpha.com/market-news/crypto, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page number\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8853", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:stock/institution-ownership/{stock}, api_description:Get stock institution ownership., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8854", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:vatlayer, api_name:Validate VAT Number, api_description:Using the \"validate\" endpoint, you may request the API to validate any EU VAT number and obtain information about the company it is assigned to, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vat_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\\"vat_number\\\" parameter - append the VAT number you want to validate\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8855", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Get Major Global Indices by Technical, api_description:World financial market to get major global Indices with respect to technical, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"last\": \"str\", \"hourly\": \"str\", \"daily\": \"str\", \"weekly\": \"str\", \"monthly\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8856", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Get Most Popular News, api_description:Featured here: links to the most widely read news articles from all sections as determined by readers., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"newsTitle\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"postedBy\": \"str\", \"postedOn\": \"str\", \"shotDesc\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8857", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Financial Modeling Prep, api_name:Companies balance sheet statements, api_description:Returns companies balance sheet statements., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"symbol name\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Error Message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8858", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Exchanges, api_name:Asset History by ID, api_description:Get Asset History by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8859", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:stock/financial-data, api_description:Get stock financial data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8860", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:walletapi.cloud, api_name:Get project details, api_description:Obtain a project's details including all assets., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Project ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8861", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ByBit Leaderboard, api_name:GetServerTime, api_description:Returns server time., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8862", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:United States Scheduled Flights Growth, api_description:Get weekly United States scheduled departing flights growth., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Scheduled Departing Flights by Country and by Week\\\": {\\\"2020-W02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W13\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W14\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W15\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W16\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W17\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W19\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W20\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W21\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W22\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W23\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W24\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W26\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W27\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W32\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W33\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W34\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W35\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W36\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W37\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W38\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W39\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W40\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W41\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W42\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W43\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W44\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W45\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-W46\\\": \\\"float\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8863", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:Hong Kong Scheduled Flights Level, api_description:Get weekly Hong Kong scheduled departing flights level., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8864", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:Singapore Scheduled Flights Level, api_description:Get weekly Singapore scheduled departing flights level., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8865", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:market/most-watched, api_description:Trending stocks in today's market, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8866", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:walletapi.cloud, api_name:List system wallets, api_description:Obtain a list of system wallets for this project., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Project ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8867", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:walletapi.cloud, api_name:List customers, api_description:Retrieve a list of your customers with pagination. Specify current page and page size as query parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Maximum: 500\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"projectId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Project id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8868", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:walletapi.cloud, api_name:List operations in wallet's ledger, api_description:Obtain a pageable list of operations that were posted to a wallet within a specified time period., required_params: [{\"name\": \"projectId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Project ID\"}, {\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page size, max: 500\"}, {\"name\": \"walletId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Wallet ID\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Date from\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Date to\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8869", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Date Calculator, api_name:year_fractions, api_description:Computes and returns the year fraction for a period time in the specified day count convention., required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date of the period time in YYYY-MM-DD format\"}, {\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The end date of the period time in YYYY-MM-DD format\"}, {\"name\": \"dcc_types\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The day count convention\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"year_fractions\": [{\"day_count_convention\": \"str\", \"year_fraction\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8870", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MacroTrends Finance, api_name:Financial Cash Statement, api_description:Gives 10 years data of cash statement by the given ticker symbol.\n\nTo choose for a time format put a QUERY PARAMETER (freq) either \"A\" for annual or \"Q\" for quarterly\n\n(symbol) To choose what ticker symbol to see the company financials., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Years\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 57\\\"], \\\"Net-Income/Loss\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Total-Depreciation-And-Amortization---Cash-Flow\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Other-Non-Cash-Items\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Total-Non-Cash-Items\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Change-In-Accounts-Receivable\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Change-In-Inventories\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Change-In-Accounts-Payable\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Change-In-Assets/Liabilities\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Total-Change-In-Assets/Liabilities\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Cash-Flow-From-Operating-Activities\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Net-Change-In-Property,-Plant,-And-Equipment\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Net-Change-In-Intangible-Assets\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 57\\\"], \\\"Net-Acquisitions/Divestitures\\\": [\\\"list of float with length 57\\\"], \\\"Net-Change-In-Short-term-Investments\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 57\\\"], \\\"Net-Change-In-\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8871", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:stock/get-quote (Deprecated), api_description:Get stock quote information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"PerformanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of PerformanceId field from /market/auto-complete and /market/get-summary APIs\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8872", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:news/list, api_description:List latest news, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from .../auto-complete or /get-summary or .../get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8873", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Stock Split Calendar, api_description:This endpoint provides information about the stock split calendar., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"Company\": \"str\", \"Split date\": \"str\", \"Split ratio\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 36}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8874", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:Australia Scheduled Flights Growth, api_description:Get weekly Australia scheduled departing flights growth., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8875", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:United Kingdom Scheduled Flights Growth, api_description:Get weekly United Kingdom scheduled departing flights growth., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8876", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Cryptocurrency Forex Market Data, api_name:Get Exchange Category, api_description:Get list available categories of exchanges, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [\"list of str with length 8\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8877", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:market/undervalued_large_caps, api_description:Large cap stocks that are potentially undervalued., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8878", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:stock/calendar-events, api_description:Get stock calendar events., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8879", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Estimates, api_description:Provides estimates of a single stock company., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"estimatedRevenueLow\": \"float\", \"estimatedRevenueHigh\": \"float\", \"estimatedRevenueAvg\": \"float\", \"estimatedEbitdaLow\": \"float\", \"estimatedEbitdaHigh\": \"float\", \"estimatedEbitdaAvg\": \"float\", \"estimatedEbitLow\": \"float\", \"estimatedEbitHigh\": \"float\", \"estimatedEbitAvg\": \"float\", \"estimatedNetIncomeLow\": \"float\", \"estimatedNetIncomeHigh\": \"float\", \"estimatedNetIncomeAvg\": \"float\", \"estimatedSgaExpenseLow\": \"float\", \"estimatedSgaExpenseHigh\": \"float\", \"estimatedSgaExpenseAvg\": \"float\", \"estimatedEpsAvg\": \"float\", \"estimatedEpsHigh\": \"float\", \"estimatedEpsLow\": \"float\", \"numberAnalystEstimatedRevenue\": \"int\", \"numberAnalystsEstimatedEps\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8880", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/risk/get-risk-return-summary, api_description:Get summary of risk return in the Risk tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8881", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:M1 Money Stock Adjusted, api_description:Get monthly seasonally adjusted M1 monetary aggregate from the Federal Reserve. M1 is the money supply that is composed of physical currency and coin, demand deposits, travelers' checks, other checkable deposits, and negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"H6 M1 Money Stock Measure\\\": {\\\"1959-01-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-02-28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-03-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-04-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-05-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-06-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-07-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-08-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-09-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-10-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-11-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1959-12-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-01-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-02-29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-03-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-04-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-05-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-06-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-07-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-08-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-09-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-10-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-11-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1960-12-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1961-01-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1961-02-28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1961-03-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1961-04-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1961-05-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1961-06-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1961-07-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1961-08-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1961-09-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1961-10-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1961-11-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1961-12-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1962-01-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1962-02-28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1962-03-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1962-04-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1962-05-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"1962-06-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"19\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8882", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/price/get-cost-illustration, api_description:Get cost illustration as displayed in the Price tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}, {\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8883", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:SEC Filings, api_name:Insider Trades, api_description:Returns an aggregated and summarized collection of the most recent BUY, SELL and OPTION EXERCISE insider trades filed with Form 4 SEC Filings.\n\nVisit [https://last10k.com/stock-screeners/insider-trading](https://last10k.com/stock-screeners/insider-trading) to view this data as a web page., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"copyright\": \"str\", \"terms\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"data\": {\"attributes\": {\"status\": \"int\", \"count\": \"int\", \"result\": [{\"CIK\": \"str\", \"AccessionNumber\": \"str\", 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account number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8887", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Optimism, api_name:Account Transaction History, api_description:Get an array of all transactions of an address on the Optimism blockchain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address you want to scan!\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"result\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8888", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Qvantana, api_name:Chaikin Money Flow (CMF), api_description:Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) indicator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available markets are:\\n\\nspot\\nusdt-perpetual\\ninverse-perpetual\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": \"float\", \"length\": \"int\", \"timeFormat\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8889", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:Get suggestion by word or phase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"MatchChars\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"SymbolLookupResponse\": {\"GenAt\": \"str\", \"NextChars\": \"str\", \"Symbols\": [{\"Symbol\": \"str\", \"CompanyName\": \"str\", \"OptionEligibility\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8890", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:etf_expand_list, api_description:Premium: A list of ETFs with expanded functionality. Here you can view Sectors& Countries., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8891", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:quote/get-details, api_description:Get details information of quote, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol to get details information\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"SchemaType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Stocks\\\": {\\\"QuoteOutput\\\": {\\\"Symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Exchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LastPrice\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ChangePercent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Volume\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"VolumePace\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BidSize\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Ask\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AskSize\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AverageVolume10Day\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MarketCap\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SharesOutstanding\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"High\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Low\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"High52Week\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Low52Week\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AsOfDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FSI\\\": {}, \\\"StatusCodeTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StatusMessageTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Error\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"FundamentalsOutput\\\": {\\\"SharesHeld\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EarningsPerShare\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PriceToEarningsRatio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ForwardPriceToEarnings\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StatusCodeTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StatusMessageTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Error\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"PutCallOutput\\\": {\\\"PutCallRatio30Day\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StatusCodeTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StatusMessageTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Error\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"DividendsOutput\\\": {\\\"PaysDividends\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"DividendPayDateRaw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ExDividendDateRaw\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StatusCodeTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StatusMessageTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Error\\\": \\\"str\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8892", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:technicals_analysis_retrieve, api_description:Technical Scores are calculated multiple times a day. Check the docs for explanation, required_params: [{\"name\": \"identifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8893", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:Max Historical Monthly Prices, api_description:Max monthly historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Monthly Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"1985-01-01\\\": {\\\"Close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Dividends\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"High\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Stock Splits\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Volume\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"1985-02-01\\\": {\\\"Close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Dividends\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"High\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Stock Splits\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Volume\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"1985-03-01\\\": {\\\"Close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Dividends\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"High\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Stock Splits\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Volume\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"1985-04-01\\\": {\\\"Close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Dividends\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"High\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Stock Splits\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Volume\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"1985-05-01\\\": {\\\"Close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Dividends\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"High\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Stock Splits\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Volume\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"1985-06-01\\\": {\\\"Close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Dividends\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"High\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Open\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Stock Splits\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Volume\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"1985-07-01\\\": {\\\"Close\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Dividends\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"High\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Low\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Open\\\": \\\"fl\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8894", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CA Lottery, api_name:Mega Millions Recent, api_description:Most recent draw for Mega Millions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8895", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Get Major Commodities by Price, api_description:World financial market to get major commodities with respect to price, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"last\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"changePercentage\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8896", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Holder, api_description:Provides information about the current holder structure., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8897", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Earnings, api_description:Provides earnings of a single stock company., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"actualEarningResult\": \"str\", \"estimatedEarning\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8898", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Cashflow, api_description:Provides either annual or quarterly cash flow statements of an single stock company., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"period\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reportedCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"calendarYear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"netIncome\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"depreciationAndAmortization\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"deferredIncomeTax\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"stockBasedCompensation\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"changeInWorkingCapital\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"accountsReceivables\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"inventory\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"accountsPayables\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"otherWorkingCapital\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"otherNonCashItems\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"netCashProvidedByOperatingActivites\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"investmentsInPropertyPlantAndEquipment\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"acquisitionsNet\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"purchasesOfInvestments\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"salesMaturitiesOfInvestments\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"otherInvestingActivites\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"netCashUsedForInvestingActivites\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"debtRepayment\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"commonStockIssued\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"commonStockRepurchased\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dividendsPaid\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"otherFinancingActivites\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"netCashUsedProvidedByFinancingActivities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"effectOfForexChangesOnCash\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"netChangeInCash\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cashAtEndOfPeriod\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cashAtBeginningOfPeriod\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"operatingCashFlow\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8899", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get the market status, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8900", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BB Finance, api_name:stock/get-financials, api_description:Get financial information of stocks, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of stickers, use market/auto-complete API to get correct values\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"securityID\": \"str\", \"timeBasedSheets\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"columnHeadings\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"chartData\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"chartType\": \"str\", \"isPercentage\": \"bool\", \"values\": [\"list of float with length 4\"], \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8901", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Markets, api_name:Compressed/Aggregate Trades List, api_description:Compressed/Aggregate Trades List, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8902", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:news/list-latest, api_description:List latest news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"RequestTimestamp\": \"str\", \"MarketsNewsOutput\": {\"Error\": \"str\", \"StatusCodeTemp\": \"str\", \"StatusMessageTemp\": \"str\", \"Stories\": [{\"DocumentID\": \"str\", \"Headline\": \"str\", \"Provider\": \"str\", \"Teaser\": \"str\", \"TimeStamp\": \"str\", \"TimeStampRAW\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 24}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8903", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:quote/get-option-fundamentals, api_description:Get option fundamentals of quote, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol to get information\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"RequestTimeStamp\": \"str\", \"GenAt\": \"str\", \"UnderlyingSym\": \"str\", \"Roots\": [{\"RootSymbol\": \"str\", \"IsNoStandardRootExists\": \"bool\", \"IsAdjusted\": \"bool\", \"Deliverable\": {\"Multiplier\": \"str\", \"Cash\": \"str\", \"Deliverables\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"DisclosuresList\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"SecName\": \"str\", \"Expirations\": [{\"Date\": \"str\", \"DaysToExpiration\": \"int\", \"Days\": \"str\", \"Root\": \"str\", \"ExpirationType\": \"str\", \"StrikePrices\": [\"list of str with length 191\"], \"_list_length\": 19}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8904", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:dividends, api_description:A list of all dividends that are upcoming/occurred recently, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8905", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:SEC Filings, api_name:Balance Sheet, api_description:Returns a company's most recent balance sheet summarizing their liabilities, assets and shareholders' equity, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Publicly traded company's stock symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8906", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:SEC Filings, api_name:Operations, api_description:Returns a company's most recent statement of operations showing how they balance costs with revenue, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Publicly traded company's stock symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8907", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Futures Leaderboard, api_name:get_leaderboard_rank, api_description:Get the leaderboard rank, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"enum_values\": [\"list of str with length 4\"]}, \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8908", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Futures Leaderboard, api_name:get_other_position, api_description:Get trader open positions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"encryptedUid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The encrypted UID of the trader\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ctx\": {\"pattern\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8909", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Historical crypto price, api_description:Provides historical crypto currency data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"source\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8910", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Grades, api_description:Provides grades of a single stock company., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"gradingCompany\": \"str\", \"previousGrade\": \"str\", \"newGrade\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8911", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Finance Data, api_name:Company Income Statement, api_description:Get public company's **quarterly** or **annual** income statement. Supports the *stock* type only., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Stock symbol (ticker).\\n\\n**e.g.** *`MSFT:NASDAQ`*\\n**e.g.** *`MSFT`*\\n**e.g.** *`AAPL`*\"}, {\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Period for which to get company's income statement.\\n\\n**Periods**: *QUARTERLY*, *ANNUAL*.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"income_statement\": [{\"year\": \"int\", \"quarter\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"revenue\": \"int\", \"operating_expense\": \"int\", \"net_income\": \"int\", \"net_profit_margin\": \"float\", \"earnings_per_share\": \"float\", \"EBITDA\": \"int\", \"effective_task_rate_percent\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"period\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8912", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kalshi Trading API, api_name:GetMarketOrderbook, api_description:Endpoint for getting the orderbook for a market., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Market ticker.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8913", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Transaction, api_name:getDirectDebitInitiationInstruction, api_description:Use this operation to retrieve a direct debit initiation instruction by ID (UETR)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uetr\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An RFC4122 UID used as a unique Payment Instruction Identifier.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uetr\": \"str\", \"end_to_end_identification\": \"str\", \"creation_date_time\": \"str\", \"sequence_type\": \"str\", \"requested_collection_date\": \"str\", \"debtor_account\": {\"identification\": {\"iban\": \"str\"}}, \"debtor\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"postal_address\": {\"structured\": {\"street_name\": \"str\", \"building_number\": \"str\", \"post_code\": \"str\", \"town_name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}}}, \"debtor_agent\": {\"bicfi\": \"str\"}, \"instructed_amount\": {\"currency_code\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"str\"}, \"creditor_agent\": {\"bicfi\": \"str\"}, \"creditor\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"postal_address\": {\"structured\": {\"street_name\": \"str\", \"building_name\": \"str\", \"floor\": \"str\", \"post_code\": \"str\", \"town_name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}}}, \"creditor_account\": {\"identification\": {\"iban\": \"str\"}}, \"purpose\": \"str\", \"mandate_information\": {\"mandate_identification\": \"str\", \"date_of_signature\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8914", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:stock/sec-filings/{stock}, api_description:Get stock SEC filings., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8915", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:stock/earnings-trend/{stock}, api_description:Get earnings trend earnings history information for a particular stock, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"earningsTrend\\\": {\\\"trend\\\": [{\\\"maxAge\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"growth\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"earningsEstimate\\\": {\\\"avg\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"low\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"high\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"yearAgoEps\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"numberOfAnalysts\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"growth\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"revenueEstimate\\\": {\\\"avg\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"low\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"high\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"numberOfAnalysts\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"yearAgoRevenue\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"growth\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"epsTrend\\\": {\\\"current\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"7daysAgo\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"30daysAgo\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"60daysAgo\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"90daysAgo\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8916", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-change/impressions, api_description:Search the top 50 tickers trending on social media with the greatest change in impressions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8917", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Coin Metrics By Name, api_description:Retrieve coin´s real time social media metrics by Coin name\nIn the case you want to retrieve historical data check \"Get Coin Historical Metrics by Name\" or \"Get Coin Historical Metrics by Ticker\"\n\n**Input:** \n- Security Name: Coin Name (Required)\n\n**Output:**\n\n- Sentiment\n- Sentiment change\n- Followers\n- Followers change\n- Mentions\n- Mentions change\n- Security ticker\n- Security name\n- DataTimeStamp\n\n**Definitions:**\n\n•\tMentions - Number of posts related to the coin in tracked social media sources in the requested date with TimeFrame required.\n•\tMentionsChange - Percentage change of Mentions in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n•\tSentiment - Democratic Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative)in the requested date with TimeFrame required. [Democratic Sentiment is a sentiment that gives the same weight to each mention related to the coin despite the number of followers for each mention]\n•\tSentimentChange - Percentage change of Democratic Sentiment in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n•\tFollowers - Sum of followers reached by coin related mentions in the requested date with TimeFrame required.\n•\tFollowersChange - Percentage change of Followers Reach in the requested date vs the average of the same metric in the past 14 days.\n\n**Details:**\n- All dates are in UTC\n- Results are on 1 day timeframe, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8918", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get exchanges, api_description:Get a list of exchanges. Exchanges are ranked based on their trading volume in the last 24 hours.\nThis endpoint requires the **ultra** plan or higher., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8919", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Predictive Spikes by Coin Ticker, api_description:Retrieve predictive social media spikes in the last 24 hours by Coin Ticker. Results will contain Sentiment, Weighted Sentiment, Mentions and Followers spikes both positive and negative. \n\nThis brings predictive spikes (that went through another machine learning model to predict likelihood of market change within the next 24 hours). These spikes are colored as red and orange.\n\n**Input:**\n\n- Coin Ticker (Required)\n\n**Output:**\n\n- EventId\n- EventType\n- Event Time\n- Related coins\n- Event Color\n- Event text\n\n\n**Definitions:**\n\n- Related coins: Coins mentioned in the post\n- Event type: Determines the type of spike (Sentiment, Weighted sentiment, Mentions or Followers) and the timeframe of the spike (1 hour, 8 hours or 1 day)\n- Event Color: Shows the magnitude of the event (From most important to less important: Red, Orange, Yellow, Gray and Black)\n- Mentions: Number of posts related to the coin in tracked social media sources.\n- Sentiment: Democratic Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative). [Democratic Sentiment is a sentiment that gives the same weight to each mention related to the coin despite the number of followers for each mention]\n- WeightedSentiment: Weighted Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative). [ Weighted Sentiment is a sentiment that gives more weight to mentions with more followers]\n- Followers: Sum of followers reached by coin related mentions\n\n**Details:**\n\n- Results are up to 100\n- All dates are UTC\n- Coins in this endpoint are 3 Billion market cap and more, required_params: [{\"name\": \"coinTicker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8920", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Get Commodities, api_description:Get Commodities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"country\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"group\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 66}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8921", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Grains Futures Prices, api_description:page source : https://www.investing.com/commodities/grains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8922", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:timeseries_id=_retrieve, api_description:Retrieve all important daily price information about a stock, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8923", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:sectors_history_retrieve, api_description:A detailed view on a specific sector. Find it by referring the Sector ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"identifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8924", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:stock/combine/data, api_description:Get combine stock data such as profile, financial data, statistics, balance sheet, sec-filing, quote, earnings, trends and more!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A single symbol.\"}, {\"name\": \"module\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`asset-profile`, `income-statement`, `balance-sheet,` `cashflow-statement`, `default-key-statistics`, `calendar-events`, `sec-filings`, `upgrade-downgrade-history`, `institution-ownership`, `fund-ownership`, `insider-transactions`, `insider-holders`, `earnings-history`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8925", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:stock/recommendation-trend, api_description:Get stock recommendations and trends., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8926", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:news/list-by-symbol (Deprecated), api_description:List latest news by symbol name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickersymbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of symbolName field returned in .../auto-complete endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8927", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:symbols/get-peers, api_description:Get peers relating to stock quote, index, exchange, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of issueId field returned in .../auto-complete or .../symbols/translate endpoints. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Peers\": [{\"Company\": \"str\", \"Symbol\": \"str\", \"Rating\": \"str\", \"Price\": \"float\", \"PriceDate\": \"str\", \"Change\": \"float\", \"ChangePct\": \"float\", \"MarketCap\": \"int\", \"PECurrFY\": \"float\", \"GrowthRate5Y\": \"float\", \"IssueId\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 11}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8928", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Freedom Finance, api_name:List exchanges, api_description:List all exchanges known to have stocks associated with them, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"exchangeCode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 76}], \"responseStatus\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8929", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Freedom Finance, api_name:Quarterly Balance Sheets, api_description:Quarterly balance sheet statements, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"results\": \"empty list\", \"responseStatus\": {\"errorCode\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"stackTrace\": \"NoneType\", \"errors\": \"empty list\", \"meta\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8930", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currencygenie, api_name:Get list of Currency Exchanges_copy_copy, api_description:Performs GET request for getting list of currencies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8931", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing - Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:coins/search, api_description:Search for available cryptocurrencies relating to a word, name, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"string\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A word or name of any currencies\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"pairs_attr\": [{\"pair_ID\": \"int\", \"search_main_text\": \"str\", \"search_main_subtext\": \"str\", \"search_main_longtext\": \"str\", \"exchange_flag_ci\": \"int\", \"is_in_watchlist\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 26}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8932", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:news/list-trending (Deprecated), api_description:List latest trending news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"publishOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isLockedPro\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"commentCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gettyImageUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"videoPreviewUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"themes\\\": {\\\"technology\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sasource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"large-cap\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sasource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"hidden-from-qp\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sasource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"news-metered\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sasource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}}, \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isPaywalled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"lastModified\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isExclusive\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"metered\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"correctionReason\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"relationships\\\": {\\\"author\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"sentiments\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"primaryTickers\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8933", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:symbols/get-sector-metrics, api_description:Get Profitability, Growth, etc... metrics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol to query for data, only one is allowed at a time.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"value\": \"float\"}, \"relationships\": {\"metric_type\": {\"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}}, \"sector\": {\"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}}}, \"_list_length\": 12}], \"included\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"field\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 12}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8934", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get coin OHLC data, api_description:Get OHLC (Open High Low Close) data for the coin throughout time.\nThis endpoint requires the **ultra** plan or higher.\n\n**Beta**\nThe OHLC endpoint is currently in beta. This means we might make some changes that could be considered breaking for your application, and we expect to have downtime every now and then while we are still in beta., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"UUID of the coin you want to request. UUIDs of coins can be found using the Get coins endpoint or by checking the URL on coinranking.com, e.g. https://coinranking.com/coin/Qwsogvtv82FCd+bitcoin-btc is the URL for Bitcoin, and the part before the + (Qwsogvtv82FCd) is the UUID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8935", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fidelity Investments, api_name:v2/auto-complete (Deprecated), api_description:Auto suggestion by input name or quote, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol or company name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8936", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:TotalSupply, api_name:totlSupply, api_description:gets token supply, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8937", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fidelity Investments, api_name:market/get-orders, api_description:Get orders by Fidelity customers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"topTrade\": {\"tradeDetails\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"sector\": \"str\", \"totalOrderQty\": \"int\", \"totalBuyOrderQty\": \"int\", \"buysPct\": \"float\", \"sellsPct\": \"float\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"todaysChgPct\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 30}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8938", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:news/list-top, api_description:List top news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"news\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"sourceName\": \"str\", \"newsTime\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"siteType\": \"int\", \"collectSource\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"front\": \"empty list\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8939", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Webull, api_name:stock/get-company-profile, api_description:Get relating company profile, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of tickerId field returned in other endpoints, such as .../stock/search or .../market/get-common-ranking or .../market/get-top-active or .../market/get-top-gainers or etc... \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"about\": {\"tickerId\": \"int\", \"companyName\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"establishDate\": \"str\", \"exhibitionCode\": \"str\", \"profile\": \"str\", \"employees\": \"int\", \"address\": \"str\", \"ceo\": \"str\", \"industryName\": \"str\"}, \"keyExecutives\": {\"board\": [{\"companyId\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"sex\": \"int\", \"modDate\": \"str\", \"age\": \"int\", \"salaryCurrencyId\": \"int\", \"education\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"biography\": \"str\", \"isBoard\": \"int\", \"isOfficer\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}, \"holdings\": {\"updateTime\": \"str\", \"ring\": {\"corporation\": \"str\", \"holdingCompany\": \"str\", \"individualInvestor\": \"str\", \"institutions\": \"str\", \"others\": \"str\", \"holdingsDate\": \"int\", \"timeZone\": \"str\"}, \"holdingRatio\": {\"institution\": \"str\", \"insiders\": \"str\", \"institutionRate\": \"str\", \"insidersRate\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8940", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Economy News, api_description:This endpoint provides the economy news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"link\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"shortDescription\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"when\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 36}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8941", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Qvantana, api_name:Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), api_description:Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available markets are:\\n\\nspot\\nusdt-perpetual\\ninverse-perpetual\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"signalLine\": \"float\", \"macdLine\": \"float\", \"histogram\": \"float\", \"fastPeriod\": \"float\", \"slowPeriod\": \"float\", \"signalPeriod\": \"float\", \"timeFormat\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8942", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Qvantana, api_name:Moving average (MA/SMA), api_description:Moving average (MA/SMA) indicator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available markets are:\\n\\nspot\\nusdt-perpetual\\ninverse-perpetual\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": \"float\", \"length\": \"int\", \"timeFormat\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8943", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Qvantana, api_name:3 Black Crows, api_description:3 Black Crows indicator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available markets are:\\n\\nspot\\nusdt-perpetual\\ninverse-perpetual\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8944", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:IPO calendar, api_description:This endpoint provides information about the IPO calendar., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"Company\": \"str\", \"Exchange\": \"str\", \"IPO Listing\": \"str\", \"IPO Price\": \"str\", \"IPO Value\": \"NoneType\", \"Last\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8945", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:SEC Filings, api_name:Trending Stocks, api_description:Returns the top trending stocks on Last10K.com right now with the most viewed 10-K / 20-F / 40-F Annual Reports and 10-Q Quarterly SEC Filings.\n\nView live data at: https://last10k.com/stock-screeners/trending, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8946", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:comments/get-sub-comments, api_description:This endpoint is used to get sub or nested comments of another comment, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id returned in .../articles/list or .../articles/list-trending or .../articles/list-wall-street-breakfast endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"content\": \"str\", \"edited\": \"bool\", \"parentId\": \"int\", \"likesCount\": \"int\", \"rating\": \"int\", \"activeSubject\": \"bool\", \"createdOn\": \"str\", \"topParentId\": \"int\", \"pinned\": \"NoneType\"}, \"relationships\": {\"user\": {\"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}}}, \"links\": {\"self\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 16}], \"included\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"userId\": \"int\", \"image\": {\"small\": \"str\", \"medium\": \"str\", \"big\": \"str\", \"extra_large\": \"str\"}, \"commentsCount\": \"str\", \"contributorStatus\": \"NoneType\", \"nick\": \"str\", \"bio\": \"str\", \"mostPopularService\": \"NoneType\", \"authorBadges\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}, \"links\": {\"self\": \"str\", \"profileUrl\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}], \"meta\": {\"page\": {\"size\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}}, \"links\": {\"next\": \"NoneType\", \"self\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8947", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:symbols/get-analyst-price-target, api_description:Get Wall Street analyst price target for specific symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker_ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../symbols/get-meta-data\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"revisions\": {}, \"estimates\": {\"146\": {\"target_price_low\": {\"0\": [{\"effectivedate\": \"str\", \"dataitemvalue\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 19}]}, \"target_price_high\": {\"0\": [{\"effectivedate\": \"str\", \"dataitemvalue\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 19}]}, \"target_price\": {\"0\": [{\"effectivedate\": \"str\", \"dataitemvalue\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 19}]}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8948", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:market/get-market-open, api_description:Get market open, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"marketOpen\": \"bool\", \"nextMarketOpen\": \"int\", \"nextMarketClose\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8949", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Exchange Rate, api_name:Symbols, api_description:Get the all available currencies., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"motd\\\": {\\\"msg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"symbols\\\": {\\\"AED\\\": {\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"AFN\\\": 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optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timeFormat\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"stalled\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8951", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Qvantana, api_name:Typical price, api_description:Typical price indicator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available markets are:\\n\\nspot\\nusdt-perpetual\\ninverse-perpetual\"}, {\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": \"float\", \"timeFormat\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8952", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Holiday Calendar, api_description:This endpoint provides information about the holiday calendar., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"Country\": \"str\", \"Date\": \"str\", \"Exchange Name\": \"str\", \"Holiday\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 205}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8953", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Commodity Indices, api_description:page source : https://www.investing.com/indices/commodities-indices, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"Chg. %\": \"str\", \"High\": \"float\", \"Index\": \"str\", \"Last\": \"float\", \"Low\": \"float\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 41}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8954", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Energy Futures Prices, api_description:page source: https://www.investing.com/commodities/energy, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"MCX Futures Market Quotes\": [{\"Area\": \"str\", \"Chg.\": \"float\", \"Chg. %\": \"str\", \"Commodity\": \"str\", \"High\": \"float\", \"Last\": \"float\", \"Low\": \"float\", \"Month\": \"str\", \"Prev.\": \"float\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"Real Time Streaming Futures Quotes\": [{\"Area\": \"str\", \"Chg.\": \"float\", \"Chg. %\": \"str\", \"Commodity\": \"str\", \"High\": \"float\", \"Last\": \"float\", \"Low\": \"float\", \"Month\": \"str\", \"Prev.\": \"float\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}], \"US Futures Market Quotes (10-minute Delayed)\": [{\"Chg.\": \"float\", \"High\": \"float\", \"Last\": \"str\", \"Low\": \"float\", \"Month\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Open\": \"float\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 13}]}, \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8955", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/forex/intraday, api_description:Return intraday time series (Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) given the input parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"1-minute level time interval, e.g., `1` (1 min), `5` (5 min).\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the currency pair to look for, e.g., `EUR/USD` or `EUR-USD` or `EURUSD`.\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query end date (supported formats are : **YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM**, **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-21 10:30` or simply `2020-04-22`.\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query start date (supported formats are : **YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM**, **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-21 10:00` or simply `2020-04-21`.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8956", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:{type}/performance/get-returns, api_description:Get returns in the Performance tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in \\u2026/market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"userType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"baseCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"asOfDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"startDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"categoryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"indexName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"graphData\\\": {\\\"fundNav\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 126}], \\\"fundPrice\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 126}], \\\"index\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 126}], \\\"categoryNav\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 126}]}, \\\"fundFlowData\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 132}], \\\"managerChange\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"table\\\": {\\\"columnDefs\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 11\\\"], \\\"growth10KReturnData\\\": [{\\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"datum\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 11\\\"], \\\"epFlag\\\": [\\\"list of bool with length 11\\\"], \\\"_list_length\\\": 8}]}, \\\"currentValues\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"baseCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currentValue\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"currentSymbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"fundFlowQuarterlyData\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"isLimitAgeData\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"cur\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8957", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get coin modifiers, api_description:Get the modifiers of a coin's supply and their balance.\nThis endpoint requires the **ultra** plan or higher., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"UUID of the coin you want to request the modifiers for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"modifiers\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8958", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:keymetrics_retrieve, api_description:We serve 6 categories for 10-Q data. To combine all of them use the '10-Q' endpoint(s)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"identifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8959", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:datatables_retrieve, api_description:Premium: Interact with your table by querying it with its unique ID. You can list, retrieve, delete, update, create and replace tables on the go., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"A unique integer value identifying this table.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8960", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kalshi Trading API, api_name:GetExchangeStatus, api_description:Endpoint for getting the exchange status., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exchange_active\": \"bool\", \"trading_active\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8961", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:reports_retrieve, api_description:Premium: Retrieve one of the reports by their ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"identifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8962", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Get Economy News, api_description:Breaking economic news, with reports on global stock markets, personal finance, businesses and technology., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"newsTitle\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"postedBy\": \"str\", \"postedOn\": \"str\", \"shotDesc\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8963", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ChangeNOW crypto exchange, api_name:Exchange range, api_description:New!\n\nThe API endpoint returns minimal payment amount and maximum payment amount required to make an exchange. If you try to exchange less than minimum or more than maximum, the transaction will most likely fail. Any pair of assets has minimum amount and some of pairs have maximum amount.\n\n

Successful response:

Successful response fields
\n\n\n\t\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
minAmountNumberMinimal payment amount
maxAmountNumber|nullMaximum payment amount. Could be null.

You can find examples of errors in the Example request block (use the drop-down list).


Request Parameters:

, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from_to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) Underscore separated pair of tickers\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"minAmount\": \"float\", \"maxAmount\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8964", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Freedom Finance, api_name:Dividends, api_description:Download dividend history by specific stock symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 77}], \"responseStatus\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8965", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Freedom Finance, api_name:Quarterly Cashflow Statements, api_description:Quarterly cashflow statements, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8966", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Symbols Suggested, api_description:Get suggested tickers by symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker slug\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8967", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:Hong Kong Scheduled Flights Growth, api_description:Get weekly Hong Kong scheduled departing flights growth., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8968", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:spacHero - SPAC Database, api_name:Latest SPAC Deals, IPOs, Closings, api_description:Returns a list of latest SPAC events, such as deals, ipos, closings, rumors.\n\n**Available options are: ** ipo, closings, deals, rumor, required_params: [{\"name\": \"event\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Name\": \"str\", \"Ticker\": \"str\", \"Underwriters\": \"str\", \"Country\": \"str\", \"Unit_Split\": \"str\", \"Status\": \"str\", \"IPO_Date\": \"str\", \"Definitive_Agreement_Date\": \"str\", \"Closing_Date\": \"NoneType\", \"Target_Name\": \"str\", \"Investor_Presentation\": \"NoneType\", \"Trust_Size\": \"str\", \"Target_Details\": \"str\", \"Initial_S1_Date\": \"str\", \"Registration_Date\": \"str\", \"Merger_Meeting_Date\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8969", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Get Cryptocurrency News, api_description:Investing.com's crypto news section is providing the latest cryptocurrency news - stay up-to-date with breaking news on major cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple and ICOs., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"newsTitle\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"postedBy\": \"str\", \"postedOn\": \"str\", \"shotDesc\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8970", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Cryptocurrency Forex Market Data, api_name:Search Stock, Cryptocurrency, Forex, api_description:Search Stock, Cryptocurrency, Forex price by name or symbol or exchange, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8971", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:news/get-market-update-audio, api_description:Get audio link to hear market update news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ChannelGroups\": [{\"Title\": \"str\", \"ShowGroupName\": \"bool\", \"MenuItems\": [{\"SubTitle\": \"str\", \"Command\": \"str\", \"Link\": \"str\", \"PublishedDate\": \"str\", \"Metadata\": {\"MediaType\": \"str\", \"Thumbnail\": \"str\"}, \"Disclosures\": [{\"DisclosureID\": \"str\", \"Location\": \"str\", \"CanTurnOff\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8972", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:EPS Trend, api_description:This API endpoint returns a breakdown of the estimated historical EPS changes at a given period.\n\nAvailability: Mega plan\nData weighting: 20 API credits per symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8973", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:Sustainability, api_description:This API request returns brief information on mutual fund sustainability and ESG.\n\nAvailability: Mega plan\nData weighting: 200 API credits per symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol ticker of mutual fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8974", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:ADOSC, api_description:Chaikin A/D Oscillator(ADOSC) is an indicator, which finds the relationship between increasing and decreasing volume with price fluctuations. The Chaikin Oscillator measures the momentum of the Accumulation/Distribution Line(ADL) using two Exponential Moving Averages of varying length to the line(MACD)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Interval between two consecutive points in time series\\nSupports: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `30min`, `45min`, `1h`, `2h`, `4h`, `1day`, `1week`, `1month`\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instrument symbol, can be any equity, index, ETF, forex or cryptocurrency\\nE.g. `AAPL`, `EUR/USD`, `ETH/BTC`, ...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8975", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:content/decrypt, api_description:Used to decrypt content of Url fields returned in .../market/get-reports endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"encryptedContent\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of Url fields returned in .../market/get-reports endpoint. Ex : \\\"Url\\\": \\\"LZ9K2mvPqP3WhvDsQw09pWbKJfLyyhO630sWnBlegzL7VYQyVA3Q4RKXGO2x%2F0SdXvXBYRH684q4xUo9H4uubq9KJNvdHRO3KLBxTvnKzaU%3D\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8976", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Freedom Finance, api_name:Live Stock Metadata, api_description:Get all the real time metadata about the stock (currency, trend averages etc), required_params: [{\"name\": \"Symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"NoneType\", \"responseStatus\": {\"errorCode\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"stackTrace\": \"NoneType\", \"errors\": \"empty list\", \"meta\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8977", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get option expirations, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An equity symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8978", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_yearly_high, api_description:return yearly high, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8979", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:transcripts/list (Deprecated), api_description:List transcripts of specific symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol to query for data, only one is allowed at a time.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"publishOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isLockedPro\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"commentCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gettyImageUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"videoPreviewUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"themes\\\": {}, \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isPaywalled\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"relationships\\\": {\\\"author\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"sentiments\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"primaryTickers\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"secondaryTickers\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"otherTags\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}}, \\\"links\\\": {\\\"self\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 20}], \\\"included\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"company\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tagId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"image\\\": {\\\"small\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medium\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"big\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"extra_large\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"nick\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"deactivated\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"memberSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"contributorSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"followersCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"relationships\\\": {\\\"user\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}, \\\"links\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8980", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:stock/v2/get-competitors, api_description:Mapped to Competitors section in Quote tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from \\u2026/auto-complete or /get-summary or \\u2026/get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"userType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"main\\\": {\\\"ticker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"instrumentId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fairValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"moat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"assessment\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"starRating\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priceSale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priceBook\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priceEarnings\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priceFair\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isQuant\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"exchangeId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"shareClassId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"securityType\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"dividendYield\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"investmentStyle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bf2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bf3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bf4\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bf5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"premiumDisc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"performanceId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uncertaintyCurrent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fairValCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"analyst\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fairValDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"starRatingDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastCloseDB\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lastCloseDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastCloseCurrencyDB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"oneStar\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stewardship\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiveStar\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"moatTrendEvaluate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"comHighestControversyLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"comControversyLevelDescriptor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"esgRiskGlobes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"esgRiskScore\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"enterpriseValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priceForwardEarning\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"forwardDivYield\\\": \\\"NoneTyp\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8981", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:{type}/parent/get-investment-flows, api_description:Get investment flows as displayed in the Parent tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}, {\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in \\u2026/market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"startYear\": \"int\", \"latestDate\": \"str\", \"endYear\": \"int\", \"secId\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"yr\": \"int\", \"naQ1\": \"float\", \"naQ2\": \"float\", \"naQ3\": \"float\", \"naQ4\": \"float\", \"naYr\": \"float\", \"nfQ1\": \"float\", \"nfQ2\": \"float\", \"nfQ3\": \"float\", \"nfQ4\": \"float\", \"nfYr\": \"float\", \"numFund\": \"int\", \"industryMarketShare\": \"float\", \"growthRate\": \"float\", \"nfMagnitude\": \"str\", \"naMagnitude\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 11}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8982", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_stock_earnings_data, api_description:return stock earning data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8983", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BitcoinAverage crypto ticker and historical price, api_name:History data since timestamp, api_description:Provides historical data since specific timestamp.\nAccepts the regular symbol set and symbol parameter to specify the crypto market.\nAlso accepts query parameters to specify the timestamp for querying and the resolution of the data.\nThe resolution can be minute, hour or day.\nMinute resolution goes back 24 hours.\nHour resolution can go back to 30 days.\nDay resolution can go back years, for BTC it goes back to 2010., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol_set\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8984", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:Top Losers, api_description:Cryptocurrencies with the most losses today., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"version\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8985", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:market/day_losers, api_description:Stocks ordered in ascending order by price percent change with respect to the previous close., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8986", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-sentiment-change/bearish, api_description:Search for top 50 trending stocks or crypto symbols on social media with the greatest change in bullish or bearish sentiment on Twitter/StockTwits., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8987", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bybit, api_name:Query historical volatility, api_description:The data is in hourly.\nIf time field is not passed, it returns the recent 1 hour data by default.\nIt could be any timeframe by inputting startTime & endTime, but it must satisfy [endTime - startTime] <= 30 days.\nIt returns all data in 2 years when startTime & endTime are not passed.\nBoth startTime & endTime entered together or both are left blank, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"retCode\": \"int\", \"retMsg\": \"str\", \"result\": {}, \"retExtInfo\": {}, \"time\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8988", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bybit, api_name:Query Premium Index Kline, api_description:Premium index kline. Tracks the premium / discount of BTC perpetual contracts relative to the mark price per minute., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Data refresh interval. Enum : 1 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 360 720 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"D\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"M\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"W\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"From timestamp in seconds\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ret_code\": \"int\", \"ret_msg\": \"str\", \"ext_code\": \"str\", \"ext_info\": \"str\", \"result\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"period\": \"str\", \"open_time\": \"int\", \"open\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"close\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 200}], \"time_now\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8989", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bybit, api_name:Query Kline, api_description:Get kline., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"From timestamp in seconds\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Data refresh interval. Enum : 1 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 360 720 \\\\\\\"D\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\"M\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\"W\\\\\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"retCode\": \"int\", \"retMsg\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"list\": [{\"t\": \"int\", \"s\": \"str\", \"sn\": \"str\", \"c\": \"str\", \"h\": \"str\", \"l\": \"str\", \"o\": \"str\", \"v\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1000}]}, \"retExtInfo\": {}, \"time\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8990", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Chaingateway.io, api_name:getToken, api_description:Returns information about a specific ERC20 token like name, symbol, decimal places and total supply., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8991", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Chaingateway.io, api_name:getGasPrice, api_description:Returns the current gas price in GWEI., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8992", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Chaingateway.io, api_name:sendToken, api_description:Sends ERC20 tokens from an address controlled by the account to a specified receiver address. The token contract address is needed to specify the token. The use of the identifier parameter is recommend and awaits an unique string. Whenever a transaction is beeing sent, the identifier is checked and the transaction gets dropped if there is one with that identifier already., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8993", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ClinicalMarkers, api_name:/ascvd, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"Gender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"TreatmentForBloodPressure\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"SystolicBloodPressureInMmHg\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"HdlCholesterolInMmolPerLt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Diabetes\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"AgeInYears\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"TotalCholesterolInMmolPerLt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Smoker\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Race\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8994", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ExerciseDB, api_name:List of bodyparts, api_description:Fetch a list of available body parts, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8995", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ExerciseDB, api_name:List by name, api_description:Fetch exercise by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`name` property of exercise object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8996", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:AirVisual, api_name:auto-complete (Deprecated), api_description:Find countries, cities, places by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of countries, cities, districts, places, etc...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"stations\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"i18n\": {}, \"location\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of float with length 2\"]}, \"type\": \"str\", \"current_measurement\": {\"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\", \"ts\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 10}], \"cities\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"i18n\": {}, \"estimated\": \"int\", \"location\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of float with length 2\"]}, \"type\": \"str\", \"current_measurement\": {\"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\", \"ts\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"news\": [{\"author\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}], \"contributors\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"subType\": \"str\", \"picture\": \"str\", \"visibility\": \"bool\", \"isVerified\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8997", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ExerciseDB, api_name:List of equipment, api_description:Fetch a list of available equipment, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8998", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:BMI_v2, api_name:Gives the weight catergory based on the BMI, api_description:The API catergorizes the person based on the BMI. The catergories would be Underweight, Normal weight, Overweight, Obesity Class I, Obesity Class II and Obesity Class III. These definitions differ in Asians hence you may be able to enter the ethnicity of the person (Asian or not asian), required_params: [{\"name\": \"bmienter\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8999", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:AirVisual, api_name:places/list-by-map (Deprecated), api_description:List places in an area by providing a boundary box, required_params: [{\"name\": \"NElon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"North East longitude of boundary\"}, {\"name\": \"SWlat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sount West latitude of boundary\"}, {\"name\": \"NElat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"North East latitude of boundary\"}, {\"name\": \"SWlon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sount West longitude of boundary\"}, {\"name\": \"mapType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"GoogleMap or China is allowed\"}, {\"name\": \"zoomLevel\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zoom level of map, this value affects how many places returned in response\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"i18n\": {}, \"location\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of float with length 2\"]}, \"providers\": {\"pictures\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"link\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"redirection\": {\"action_type\": \"str\", \"app_category\": \"str\", \"item\": \"str\"}}, \"type\": \"str\", \"current_measurement\": {\"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\", \"ts\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 40}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9000", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:AirVisual, api_name:stations/get-measurements (Deprecated), api_description:Get measurements at specific station by its id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field (type is station) that received from .../auto-complete API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"measurements\": [{\"ts\": \"str\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"mainus\": \"str\", \"aqicn\": \"int\", \"maincn\": \"str\", \"p1\": {\"conc\": \"int\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\"}, \"s2\": {\"conc\": \"int\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\"}, \"p2\": {\"conc\": \"int\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\", \"hour_late\": \"int\", \"ts\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 48}], \"measurements_daily\": [{\"ts\": \"str\", \"p2\": {\"conc\": \"float\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\"}, \"p1\": {\"conc\": \"float\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\"}, \"o3\": {\"conc\": \"int\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\"}, \"s2\": {\"conc\": \"float\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\"}, \"co\": {\"conc\": \"int\", \"aqius\": \"int\", \"aqicn\": \"int\"}, \"aqius\": \"int\", \"mainus\": \"str\", \"aqicn\": \"int\", \"maincn\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 31}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9001", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Health Calculator API, api_name:Body Mass Index, api_description:This endpoint calculates the BMI based on the provided height and weight parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The height in **centimeters**. Required.\"}, {\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The weight in **kilograms**. Required.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bmi\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"weight_status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9002", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:AirVisual, api_name:cities/v2/get-measurements, api_description:Get measurements in specific city by its id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field (type is city) that returned in \\u2026/v2/auto-complete endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"hourlyMeasurements\": [{\"ts\": \"str\", \"measurements\": [{\"value\": \"int\", \"measure\": \"str\", \"color\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"_list_length\": 48}], \"dailyMeasurements\": [{\"ts\": \"str\", \"measurements\": [{\"value\": \"float\", \"measure\": \"str\", \"color\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"_list_length\": 30}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9003", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator, api_name:Imperial [Pounds], api_description:This endpoint will calculate the BMI of an individual using the imperial measurement system., required_params: [{\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The weight of someone in pounds (lbs) \"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The height of someone in inches (in)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bmi\": \"float\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"weightCategory\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9004", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Check Availability, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"propertyId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Required filed **propertyId** can be got from search property api as **id** parameter.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9005", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:ChronoVoyages, api_name:Chronovoyages, api_description:Chronovoyages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9006", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Listing Availability, api_description:Retrieve listing availability and stay length rules for the requested month.\n**Note**: The fact the available field is true does not means that the listing can be booked. It only tells indicates that it is not taken. To confirm if it is really available for stay you must verify all previous and following day rules for stay length are respected., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"the year\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the listing id\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"the month\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9007", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels, api_name:get-meta-data (Deprecated), api_description:Get locale meta data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9008", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels, api_name:reviews/v2/list (Deprecated), api_description:Get all reviews of specific property, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field that received from \\u2026/properties/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9009", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:The prices for the airline tickets, api_description:Brings back to the list of prices, found by our users during the recent 48 hours according to the filters used., required_params: [{\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the point of destination. The IATA city code or the country code\"}, {\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the point of departure. The IATA city code or the country code\"}, {\"name\": \"period_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the period, for which the tickets have been found (the required parameter)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9010", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:The prices for the alternative directions, api_description:Brings the prices for the directions between the nearest to the target cities back., required_params: [{\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the point of departure. The IATA city code or the country code. The length - from 2 to 3 symbols\"}, {\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the point of destination. The IATA city code or the country code. The length - from 2 to 3 symbols\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9011", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner API, api_name:Locales, api_description:You can use the `/locales` endpoint to retrieve the locales that we support to translate your content. The names of the locales returned are in the native language associated with the locale., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9012", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Fare Search, api_name:Airport Arrivals, api_description:An Endpoint to fetch Arrivals on a given date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airportCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9013", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Fare Search, api_name:Airport Search, api_description:An endpoint to search airports, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9014", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Facilities of the hotel, api_description:Get facilities of the hotel by hotel_id. Ex.: `Restaurant`, `Room service`, `Breakfast in the room`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel id\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9015", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:List of Regions, api_description:Returns all the regions where Booking offers hotels., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9016", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Vehicle supplier details, api_description:Vehicle supplier details by vehicle_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from_country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"vehicle_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Vehicle id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9017", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Get Things To Do, api_description:Use this API to get Thing to do nearby the hotel selected., required_params: [{\"name\": \"entityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**entityId** can be retrieved from **Search Hotel** API in **Hotels** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**lat** can be retrieved from **Hotel Details** or **Search Hotel** API in **Hotels** collection as **latitude**.\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**lng** can be retrieved from **Hotel Details** or **Search Hotel** API in **Hotels** collection as **longitude**.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9018", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Nearby places of the hotel, api_description:Get nearby places of the hotel by hotel_id. Ex.: nearby `Airport`, `Shopping Centre`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel id\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9019", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Seat Map, api_description:Gets the seat map of all flights in a contract bundle through the getFlightSeatMap endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ppn_bundle\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ppn_bundle for the seat map. Can be retrieved from the ppn_seat_bundle of FlightContract, or FlightLookUp.\"}, {\"name\": \"sid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Session ID. Random string ex.: j10k11l12m13n14\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9020", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:List of Facility types, api_description:Returns facility types names and their translations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9021", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Review scores of the hotel, api_description:Get review scores of the hotel by hotel_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel id\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9022", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SEPTA, api_name:Get Locations, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"location_id\": \"str\", \"location_name\": \"str\", \"location_lat\": \"str\", \"location_lon\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"location_type\": \"str\", \"location_data\": {\"location_id\": \"str\", \"location_name\": \"str\", \"startDate\": \"str\", \"endDate\": \"str\", \"address1\": \"str\", \"address2\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"hours\": \"str\", \"loc_name\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9023", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SEPTA, api_name:Bus/Trolley Schedules, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"req1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Stop ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"17\": [{\"StopName\": \"str\", \"Route\": \"str\", \"trip_id\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"day\": \"str\", \"Direction\": \"str\", \"DateCalender\": \"str\", \"DirectionDesc\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9024", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking, api_name:properties/detail, api_description:Get brief information of a property, required_params: [{\"name\": \"rec_room_qty\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of rooms\"}, {\"name\": \"search_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value returned in properties/list API having response contains the selected hotel\"}, {\"name\": \"departure_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The check-out date \"}, {\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of hotel_id field from properties/list API\"}, {\"name\": \"rec_guest_qty\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of adults separated by comma, and how you arrange them in rooms\"}, {\"name\": \"arrival_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The check-in date at hotel\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9025", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Search Location, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the location where the **Hotel** is situated.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9026", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SEPTA, api_name:Get Alerts, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"route_id\": \"str\", \"route_name\": \"str\", \"current_message\": \"NoneType\", \"advisory_id\": \"NoneType\", \"advisory_message\": \"NoneType\", \"detour_message\": \"NoneType\", \"detour_id\": \"NoneType\", \"detour_start_location\": \"NoneType\", \"detour_start_date_time\": \"NoneType\", \"detour_end_date_time\": \"NoneType\", \"detour_reason\": \"NoneType\", \"last_updated\": \"str\", \"isSnow\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9027", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SEPTA, api_name:TrainView, api_description:Regional Rail real-time train locations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"trainno\": \"str\", \"service\": \"str\", \"dest\": \"str\", \"currentstop\": \"str\", \"nextstop\": \"str\", \"line\": \"str\", \"consist\": \"str\", \"heading\": \"float\", \"late\": \"int\", \"SOURCE\": \"str\", \"TRACK\": \"str\", \"TRACK_CHANGE\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9028", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flixbus_v2, api_name:Autocomplete, api_description:Search for Flixbus stations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"query string\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9029", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:List of Hotel types, api_description:Returns hotel types names and their translations., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9030", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Search car rental, api_description:Search car rental. Browse our inventory of hundreds of cheap car rentals. Get the best rental car deals on your next trip, required_params: [{\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"drop_off_latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Drop off latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"sort_by\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"drop_off_datetime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Drop off datetime\"}, {\"name\": \"from_country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"pick_up_latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Pick up latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"pick_up_datetime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Pick up datetime\"}, {\"name\": \"drop_off_longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Drop off longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"pick_up_longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Pick up longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9031", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flixbus, api_name:stations, api_description:Get a list of stations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9032", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flixbus, api_name:cities, api_description:Get a list of cities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9033", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:British Airways Flight Info, api_name:Search today's arrivals by time, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"arrivallocation-starttime-starttime-endtime-endtime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"arrivalLocation\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"startTime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"endTime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9034", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:List of Cities, api_description:Returns a list of cities where Booking.com offers hotels. location: Latitude and longitude. timezone: Timezone of the city., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9035", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Download amenities, api_description:Downloads a list of Amenities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9036", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking.com_v2, api_name:stays/properties/detail/description, api_description:Get detail description, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id_detail\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`idDetail` from `stays/properties/list` endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9037", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flightera Flight Data, api_name:flightSearch, api_description:Returns a list of flights for a given flight number. Minimum and/or maximum date can optionally be specified to limit the search. Results are ordered by departure date ascending. The next departure time is returned for pagination.\nWill return a 400 if the date range requested is outside the subscription level, required_params: [{\"name\": \"flnr\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The flight number to request\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9038", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Search Hotels By Location, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Pass in the **geoId** of the location retrieved from the **Search Location** API from the **Hotels** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"checkIn\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkin Date\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}, {\"name\": \"checkOut\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkout Date\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9039", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Search Airport, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the location where the **Airport** is situated.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9040", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Get Hotels Filter, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"checkOut\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"CheckOut Date\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}, {\"name\": \"checkIn\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkin Date\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}, {\"name\": \"geoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Pass in the **geoId** of the location retrieved from the **Search Location** API from the **Hotels** collection.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9041", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:Cheapest tickets, api_description:Returns the cheapest non-stop tickets, as well as tickets with 1 or 2 stops, for the selected route with departure/return date filters. Important: Old dates may be specified in a query. No error will be generated, but no data will be returned., required_params: [{\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IATA code of the departure city. IATA code is shown by uppercase letters,\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Is used to display the found data (by default the page displays 100 found prices. If the destination isn't selected, there can be more data. In this case, use the page, to display the next set of data, for example, page=2).\"}, {\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currency of prices\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9042", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:iata_airport_codes, api_name:Get All iata airport codes, api_description:Get all iata airport codes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9043", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:world cities by homicide rate, api_name:Get by filter, api_description:Get by filter, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9044", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Photos of the hotel, api_description:Get all photos of the hotel by hotel_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel id\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9045", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SEPTA, api_name:Bus/Trolley Routes, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"req1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Route number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lng\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"stopid\": \"str\", \"stopname\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9046", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Search Vacation Rental Location, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the location where you want to search for **Vacation Rentals**.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9047", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Search Cars Different DropOff, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dropOffPlaceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**placeId** for the **location** from where you want to **drop off** the car. **dropOffPlaceId** can be retrieved from **Search Rental Cars Location** API from the **Rental Cars** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"order\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Order by parameter\"}, {\"name\": \"dropOffLocationType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**dropOffLocationType** can be retrieved from **Search Rental Cars Location** API from the **Rental Cars** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"dropOffTime\", \"type\": \"TIME (24-hour HH:MM)\", \"description\": \"DropOff Time\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}, {\"name\": \"pickUpLocationType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**pickUpLocationType** can be retrieved from **Search Rental Cars Location** API from the **Rental Cars** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"dropOffDate\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"DropOff Date\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}, {\"name\": \"pickUpDate\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"PickUp Date\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}, {\"name\": \"pickUpPlaceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**placeId** for the **location** from where you want to **pick up** the car. **pickUpPlaceId** can be retrieved from **Search Rental Cars Location** API from the **Rental Cars** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"pickUpTime\", \"type\": \"TIME (24-hour HH:MM)\", \"description\": \"PickUp Time\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9048", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking, api_name:properties/get-policies, api_description:Get policies of property by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hotel_ids\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of hotel_id field from properties/list API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9049", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Listings by administrative divisions, api_description:Retrieve listings ids and last updated dates for prices, availability and ratings in the specified geographic area. Geocrafic area names can be found from \"Get administrative divisions\" endpoint. admin* parameters are optional but to use admin2, admin1 is required, to use admin 3, admin2 and admin1 are required and so on. Not respecting this requirement could give you unwanted results (ie listings with cities with the same name but in different countries). Returns 50 results. Can be filtered on bedrooms and max guest capacity, required_params: [{\"name\": \"offset\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9050", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking, api_name:filters/list, api_description:A list of filter options to pass in categories_filter field. Pass params and values are as same as .../properties/list API, required_params: [{\"name\": \"room_qty\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of rooms\"}, {\"name\": \"departure_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The check-out date \"}, {\"name\": \"dest_ids\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Value of dest_id or city_ufi field from locations/auto-complete API (Don't pass this if you use latlong as search_type)\"}, {\"name\": \"guest_qty\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The number of adults\"}, {\"name\": \"arrival_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The check-in date at hotel\"}, {\"name\": \"search_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of dest_type returned by locations/auto-complete API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9051", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SEPTA, api_name:Regional Rail Schedules, api_description:By train number, lol., required_params: [{\"name\": \"req1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9052", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SEPTA, api_name:Bus Detours, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"route_id\": \"str\", \"route_info\": [{\"route_direction\": \"str\", \"reason\": \"str\", \"start_location\": \"str\", \"end_location\": \"str\", \"start_date_time\": \"str\", \"end_date_time\": \"str\", \"current_message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9053", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flightera Flight Data, api_name:airportStatistics, api_description:Returns detailed airport statistics for airports identified by the provided identifiers. In most cases the list should contain only one entry, unless the ident is ambiguous.\nIf searched by ident, only one airport is returned.\nOne of ident, iata, icao, localID must be provided.\nStatistics are calculated overnight and represent the current day's data., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9054", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flightera Flight Data, api_name:aircraftInfo, api_description:Returns detailed aircraft information for an aircraft identified by registration.\nOnly works for currently active aircraft, required_params: [{\"name\": \"reg\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The registration of the aircraft, as returned by /airline/aircraft or /aircraft/search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9055", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flightera Flight Data, api_name:airlineInfo, api_description:Returns detailed airline information for airlines identified by the provided identifiers. In most cases the list should contain only one entry.\nHowever, due to the nature of the data, it is possible that multiple entries are returned.\nIf searched by ident, only one airline is returned.\nOne of ident, iata, icao, name must be provided., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9056", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Nomad List Cities, api_name:Europe, api_description:Get European cities sorted by overall score by default.\n\nPagination: size & page \nsort_by: you can sort by any numeric value like fore example internet_speed, temperatureC, cost_for_family_in_usd and so on.\nsort: asc | desc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9057", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flixbus, api_name:search-trips, api_description:Search trips from-to. Specify for which parameters (from_id, to_id) you are looking for, city or station, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"To id\"}, {\"name\": \"from_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"From id\"}, {\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"departure_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Departure date\"}, {\"name\": \"number_adult\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of adults\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9058", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking, api_name:properties/list-by-map, api_description:List properties by coordinate of bounding box, required_params: [{\"name\": \"arrival_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The check-in date at hotel, the format is yyyy-MM-dd. Ex : 2022-08-14\"}, {\"name\": \"room_qty\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The number of rooms\"}, {\"name\": \"departure_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The check-out date, the format is yyyy-MM-dd. Ex : 2022-08-15\"}, {\"name\": \"guest_qty\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The number of adults\"}, {\"name\": \"bbox\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Coordinate of bounding box - latitude (bottom left),latitude (top right),longitude (bottom left),longitude (top right)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9059", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:webcams.travel, api_name:/webcams/list/property={property}[,{property}[,...]], api_description:This is a modifier. Returns a list of webcams according to the listed {property}. Multiple {property} must be separated by comma. Required: at least one {property}. Possible values are \"editors\" (featured from the editors), \"hd\" (high resolution webcams), and \"live\" (webcams with a live stream)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"property\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9060", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:VOO, api_name:End1, api_description:Para ver voos baratos, required_params: [{\"name\": \"voo\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9061", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:Cheapest tickets grouped by month, api_description:Returns the cheapest non-stop tickets, as well as tickets with 1 or 2 stops, for the selected route grouped by month., required_params: [{\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IATA code of departure city. IATA code is shown by uppercase letters, for example MOW\"}, {\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IATA code of destination city. IATA code is shown by uppercase letters, for example LED\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9062", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Search Rental Cars Location, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the location where you want to Rent the Car.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9063", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flightera Flight Data, api_name:airlineFlights, api_description:Returns a list of flights for an airline given a start time. The list is sorted ascending by scheduled departure time.\nThe next departure/ time is returned for pagination (use start times to paginate).\nThe dates returned for each flight represent the scheduled departure date in local time and can be used to query flight data via /flight/info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ident\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ident of the airline to request. Ident is the unique identifier as returned by /airline/search or /airline/info endpoints.\"}, {\"name\": \"time\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Timestamp in UTC. Shows flights with scheduled departure time after this timestamp. Expected in any valid format, such as 2022-01-01T12:00:00.000Z. Maximum range of flights returned is 30 days.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9064", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Listing Prices Full, api_description:Retrieve listing prices for the next 12 months, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the listing id\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9065", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Listing status Full, api_description:Retrieve the calculated status (available/not available for stay) for the next 12 months of a listing based on previous and following days stay rules., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the listing id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9066", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:webcams.travel, api_name:/webcams/list/continent={continent}[,{continent}[,...]], api_description:This is a modifier. Returns a list of webcams according to the listed continents. Multiple continents must be separated by comma. Required: at least one {continent}., required_params: [{\"name\": \"continent\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Possible values for {continent} are: \\\"AF\\\" (Africa), \\\"AN\\\" (Antarctica), \\\"AS\\\" (Asia), \\\"EU\\\" (Europe), \\\"NA\\\" (North America), \\\"OC\\\" (Oceania), or \\\"SA\\\" (South America)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9067", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Listing Prices, api_description:Retrieve listing prices for the requested month, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the listing id\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the month\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"the year\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9068", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Search flights locations, api_description:Search airports and locations by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9069", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:City data in json format, api_description:API returns a file with a list of cities from the database, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9070", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Download cities clusters, api_description:Downloads a list of Hotel cities clusters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9071", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Auto complete, api_description:Gets airport and city ids for the air product related to words in passed string through the getAutoComplete endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"string\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Airport or City being searched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9072", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels, api_name:v2/get-meta-data, api_description:Get locale meta data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9073", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels, api_name:properties/list (Deprecated), api_description:List properties with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"checkOut\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The check-out date at hotel, formated as yyyy-MM-dd\"}, {\"name\": \"destinationId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of destinationId returned in locations/search endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"pageNumber\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The page number in which data is display\"}, {\"name\": \"checkIn\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The check-in date at hotel, formated as yyyy-MM-dd\"}, {\"name\": \"adults1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of adults in first room\"}, {\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Total items returned in every requests (max 25)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9074", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Watch Database, api_name:Get All Family By Brand name, api_description:Get All Family By Brand name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"brandName\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"familyName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9075", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Restaurants near me USA, api_name:GET all Restaurant locations by {zipcode], api_description:GET all Restaurant locations by zipcode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"zipCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"matching_results\": \"int\", \"restaurants\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"restaurantName\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"zipCode\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"stateName\": \"str\", \"cityName\": \"str\", \"hoursInterval\": \"str\", \"cuisineType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9076", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:CatBreedDB, api_name:Paginated, api_description:Get all cat breed results in a set of 10 per page., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"next\": \"str\", \"previous\": \"NoneType\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"breedName\": \"str\", \"breedType\": \"str\", \"breedDescription\": \"str\", \"furColor\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"minHeightInches\": \"float\", \"maxHeightInches\": \"float\", \"minWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"maxWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"str\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9077", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:siteDomain, api_name:language list, api_description:系統語系列表, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"cid\": \"int\", \"codeName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 14}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9078", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:AirplanesDB, api_name:Search by Engine, api_description:Get all airplanes by engine keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"engine__icontains\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"plane\": \"str\", \"brand\": \"str\", \"passenger_capacity\": \"int\", \"priceUSD\": \"float\", \"fuel_capacity_litres\": \"float\", \"max_takeoff_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"max_landing_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"empty_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"range_km\": \"float\", \"length_ft\": \"float\", \"wingspan_ft\": \"float\", \"height_ft\": \"float\", \"engine\": \"str\", \"cruise_speed_kmph\": \"float\", \"ceiling_ft\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"img_attribution\": \"str\", \"img_creative_commons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9079", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9080", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9081", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:AirplanesDB, api_name:Airplanes by Brand, api_description:Get all airplanes by brands such as Boeing, Airbus, etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"brand\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"plane\": \"str\", \"brand\": \"str\", \"passenger_capacity\": \"int\", \"priceUSD\": \"float\", \"fuel_capacity_litres\": \"float\", \"max_takeoff_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"max_landing_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"empty_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"range_km\": \"float\", \"length_ft\": \"float\", \"wingspan_ft\": \"float\", \"height_ft\": \"float\", \"engine\": \"str\", \"cruise_speed_kmph\": \"float\", \"ceiling_ft\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"img_attribution\": \"str\", \"img_creative_commons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9082", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Weed Strain, api_name:All Strains - Descending, api_description:List of all strains ordered by name in descending order., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ordering\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"strain\": \"str\", \"thc\": \"str\", \"cbd\": \"str\", \"cbg\": \"str\", \"strainType\": \"str\", \"climate\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"fungalResistance\": \"NoneType\", \"indoorYieldInGramsMax\": \"int\", \"outdoorYieldInGramsMax\": \"int\", \"floweringWeeksMin\": \"float\", \"floweringWeeksMax\": \"float\", \"heightInInchesMin\": \"float\", \"heightInInchesMax\": \"float\", \"goodEffects\": \"str\", \"sideEffects\": \"str\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imgAttributionLink\": \"NoneType\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9083", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:timedb, api_name:measurements, api_description:Retrieve list of Measurements in TimeDB, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9084", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:aaaa, api_name:Get Multiple Users, api_description:Get information on all or multiple users in your Enterprise Hub. Use the optional parameters to return a more narrow range of users.The information returned for each user includes userId , status, email, lastActive, and more. , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"correlationId\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9085", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:aaaa, api_name:Get all App Keys, api_description:Get all App Keys for a specified App., required_params: [{\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A number associated with a specific App. You can get the API ID by using the \\\"Get All Apps\\\" endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"correlationId\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9086", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Motorcycle Specs Database, api_name:Specifications by {Year} / {Make} / {Model}, api_description:GET /article/{year}/{make}/{model}\n[ArticleGetByYearMakeModel], required_params: [{\"name\": \"make\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"model\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"articleCompleteInfo\\\": {\\\"articleID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"makeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"modelName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"categoryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yearName\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"engineAndTransmission\\\": {\\\"displacementName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"engineDetailsName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"powerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"torqueName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"compressionName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"boreXStrokeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"valvesPerCylinderName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fuelSystemName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lubricationSystemName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coolingSystemName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gearboxName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transmissionTypeFinalDriveName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"clutchName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"drivelineName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fuelConsumptionName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"greenhouseGasesName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"emissionDetailsName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exhaustSystemName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"chassisSuspensionBrakesAndWheels\\\": {\\\"frameTypeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontBrakesName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontBrakesDiameterName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontSuspensionName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontTyreName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontWheelTravelName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rakeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rearBrakesName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rearBrakesDiameterName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rearSuspensionName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rearTyreName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rearWheelTravelName\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9087", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9088", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Quadro de sócios CPF/CNPJ, api_name:CPF, api_description:Buscar pelo CPF do sócio ou administrador, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cpf\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9089", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Quadro de sócios CPF/CNPJ, api_name:CPFObliterado, api_description:Buscar quando o CPF está obliterado. Ex: ***053599**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"nome\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Nome do s\\u00f3cio ou administrador\"}, {\"name\": \"cpf\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"CPF obliterado\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9090", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9091", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9092", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:gcfen, api_name:cinemaFenEnd, api_description:endpoint test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9093", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Website Categorization, api_name:Webiste Categorization (v1), api_description:Define website category at once (v1), required_params: [{\"name\": \"domainName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Website's domain name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9094", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:CatBreedDB, api_name:Search, api_description:Search cat breed by keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breedName\": \"str\", \"breedType\": \"str\", \"breedDescription\": \"str\", \"furColor\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"minHeightInches\": \"NoneType\", \"maxHeightInches\": \"NoneType\", \"minWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"maxWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"str\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9095", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:siteDomain, api_name:status list, api_description:審核狀態清單, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"cid\": \"int\", \"codeName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9096", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 872}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9097", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Domain Reputation, api_name:Domain Reputation, api_description:Evaluate reputation of a domain or IP (v1), required_params: [{\"name\": \"domainName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9098", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Me, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9099", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Motorcycle Specs Database, api_name:Models by {Make ID} and {Category}, api_description:Get all models by make ID and category\nex: /api/v1/model/make-id/100/category/Sport\n\nsample:\n\n```\n {\n \"modelId\": 2713,\n \"modelName\": \"Altino 125 ES\",\n \"yearName\": 2004,\n \"categoryName\": \"Sport\",\n \"priceName\": null,\n \"articleId\": 5559\n },\n {\n \"modelId\": 2730,\n \"modelName\": \"Daystar 125 FI\",\n \"yearName\": 2011,\n \"categoryName\": \"Sport\",\n \"priceName\": \" Euro 2990. Prices depend on country, taxes, accessories, etc.\",\n \"articleId\": 5590\n },\n {\n \"modelId\": 2745,\n \"modelName\": \"RoadSport\",\n \"yearName\": 2015,\n \"categoryName\": \"Sport\",\n \"priceName\": null,\n \"articleId\": 5610\n }\n```, required_params: [{\"name\": \"make\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"modelId\": \"int\", \"modelName\": \"str\", \"yearName\": \"int\", \"categoryName\": \"str\", \"articleId\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9100", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Motorcycle Specs Database, api_name:Production Years (grouped) by {Model ID}, api_description:Get makeName, modelName, years, by model Id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"modelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"makeName\": \"str\", \"modelName\": \"str\", \"years\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9101", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:AirplanesDB, api_name:Airplanes ordered by descending, api_description:Get all airplanes ordered by name in descending order., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ordering\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"plane\": \"str\", \"brand\": \"str\", \"passenger_capacity\": \"int\", \"priceUSD\": \"float\", \"fuel_capacity_litres\": \"float\", \"max_takeoff_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"max_landing_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"empty_weight_kg\": \"float\", \"range_km\": \"float\", \"length_ft\": \"float\", \"wingspan_ft\": \"float\", \"height_ft\": \"float\", \"engine\": \"str\", \"cruise_speed_kmph\": \"float\", \"ceiling_ft\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"img_attribution\": \"str\", \"img_creative_commons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9102", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Summery, api_name:Summery_copy, api_description:dahsboard summery, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"date description\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"id descrition\"}, {\"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"value description\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9103", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Mocking Rock , api_name:Get Geo location Of IP address, api_description:Pass IP address to get its geo location and other details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Send a proper IPV4 .If valid IP will return result.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"request\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"delay\": \"str\", \"areaCode\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"continentCode\": \"str\", \"continentName\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"countryName\": \"str\", \"currencyCode\": \"str\", \"currencyConverter\": \"float\", \"currencySymbol\": \"str\", \"currencySymbol_UTF8\": \"str\", \"dmaCode\": \"str\", \"euVATRate\": \"bool\", \"inEU\": \"bool\", \"locationAccuracyRadius\": \"str\", \"latLong\": {\"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}, \"region\": \"str\", \"regionCode\": \"str\", \"regionName\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9104", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Customer, api_name:https://Customer, api_description:https://Customer, required_params: [{\"name\": \"offset\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9105", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:siteDomain, api_name:domain type, api_description:展別類型, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"cid\": \"int\", \"codeName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9106", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Data Axle Consumer Address Search, api_name:Consumer Address Search, api_description:Find relevant People in the Data Axle database, required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"packages\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"documents\": [{\"person_id\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"middle_initial\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"family_id\": \"str\", \"estimated_married\": \"str\", \"multi_family\": \"bool\", \"location_family_count\": [\"list of int with length 2\"], \"location_unit_count\": [\"list of int with length 2\"], \"street\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"postal_code\": \"str\", \"geocoordinate\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\"}, \"geocode_method\": \"str\", \"census_block_group\": \"str\", \"census_tract\": \"str\", \"fips_code\": \"str\", \"congressional_district\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9107", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Summery, api_name:Summery, api_description:dahsboard summery, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"id descrition\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"date description\"}, {\"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"value description\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9108", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:timedb, api_name:provision, api_description:**Runs provisioning on database(s) causing downsampling of data. Provides connection and retention information for account as a result**\n\nMust be run after new measurements or fields are added to datasets (e.q. if new sensor is providing data or additional fields should be stored for existing sensor/measurement)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9109", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:KFC locations, api_name:GET all KFC locations by state and city, api_description:GET all KFC locations by state and city, required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"10 results per page\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9110", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:DogBreedDB, api_name:Search, api_description:Search dog breed by keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breedName\": \"str\", \"breedType\": \"str\", \"breedDescription\": \"str\", \"furColor\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"minHeightInches\": \"float\", \"maxHeightInches\": \"float\", \"minWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"maxWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"str\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9111", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:testapi2, api_name:test endpoint, api_description:OpenAPI Provisioning API Documentation\nRapidAPI's official API that allows you to add or update your API’s definition., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9112", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Bank Account Verification, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9113", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Helioviewer v1, api_name:reQueueMovie, api_description:Re-generate a custom movie that is no longer cached on disk. Once the movie has been successfully queued for regeneration, the Movie ID can be used to check on the status of the movie (via `getMovieStatus`) and to download the movie (via `downloadMovie`)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Unique movie identifier (provided by the response to a `queueMovie` request).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"errno\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9114", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learning Engine, api_name:/memre_api/v1/concepts/{id}, api_description:Retrieve the details of a specific concept by ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Concept ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9115", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Samyutam Eduction, api_name:Samyutam, api_description:Rahul Name is Almost male, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name-rahul-gender-male-probability-1-00-count-5-country_id-india-language_id-ind\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9116", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Helioviewer v1, api_name:getYouTubeAuth, api_description:Request authorization from the user via a Google / YouTube authorization flow to permit Helioviewer to upload videos on behalf of the user., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Unique movie identifier (provided by the response to a `queueMovie` request).\"}, {\"name\": \"title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Movie title.\"}, {\"name\": \"description\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Move description.\"}, {\"name\": \"tags\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Movie keyword tags (comma separated).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9117", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Helioviewer v1, api_name:downloadScreenshot, api_description:Download a custom screenshot (that was generated using the `takeScreenshot` API endpoint)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Unique screenshot identifier (provided by the response to a `takeScreenshot` request).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9118", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Helioviewer v1, api_name:queueMovie, api_description:Create a custom movie by submitting a request to the movie generation queue. The response returned will provide you with a unique Movie ID that can be used to check on the status of your movie (via `getMovieStatus`) and to download your movie (via `downloadMovie`)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"startTime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Desired date and time of the first frame of the movie. ISO 8601 combined UTC date and time UTC format.\"}, {\"name\": \"endTime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Desired date and time of the final frame of the movie. ISO 8601 combined UTC date and time UTC format.\"}, {\"name\": \"layers\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Image datasource layer(s) to include in the movie.\"}, {\"name\": \"events\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"List feature/event types and FRMs to use to annoate the movie. Use the empty string to indicate that no feature/event annotations should be shown.\"}, {\"name\": \"eventsLabels\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"Optionally annotate each event marker with a text label.\"}, {\"name\": \"imageScale\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Image scale in arcseconds per pixel.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9119", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:Radical English meaning, api_description:The Advanced Search URL parameters are described here as individual endpoints to permit per parameter testing. Parameters may be combined as required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"rem\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Radical's meaning in English\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kanji\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\"}, \"radical\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9120", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:Study list (AP exam), api_description:The Advanced Search URL parameters are described here as individual endpoints to permit per parameter testing. Parameters may be combined as required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"list\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Kanji divided into chapters (1-20) by Kanji alive\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kanji\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\"}, \"radical\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9121", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:Basic Search, api_description:A kanji character, Onyomi reading (katakana), Kunyomi reading (hiragana) or a kanji's simplified English meaning., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"N.B. With Basic Search, Onyomi and Kunyomi values must be in katakana or hiragana.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kanji\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\"}, \"radical\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9122", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Reading Home APIs, api_name:GetAllCategories, api_description:Get Paginated List of All Categories, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9123", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:LeetcodeApi, api_name:getHardQuestion, api_description:Get the number of hard questions solved by the user., required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9124", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Drillster 2.0, api_name:Retrieve objectives, api_description:Retrieves the objectives that have been defined for the calling user., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9125", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Drillster 2.0, api_name:Retrieve group results, api_description:Retrieves the up-to-date results for a group., required_params: [{\"name\": \"group_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The unique ID for the group\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9126", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Tutorial, api_name:Google, api_description:google, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9127", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learning Engine, api_name:/memre_api/v1/readiness, api_description:Get the readiness of the user for the specified item.\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ID of the user\"}, {\"name\": \"item_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ID of the item\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9128", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:yosi, api_name:hbjdsj, api_description:sfsdfs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9129", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Hadiths API, api_name:Get all hadiths, api_description:Get all hadiths from the database, by default limit is 10 and page is 1. the limit and page can be altered to suit your taste., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9130", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:nguyenthanhduy178.tk, api_name:nguyenthanhduy178.tk, api_description:nguyenthanhduy178.tk, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9131", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:Kanji English meaning, api_description:The Advanced Search URL parameters are described here as individual endpoints to permit per parameter testing. Parameters may be combined as required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"kem\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Simplified English kanji meaning\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kanji\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\"}, \"radical\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9132", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Hadiths API, api_name:Get categories by collection, api_description:Each collection has their own categories, You can check the collection and category endpoints to get more information. Each hadiths is under a category and each category is under a collection. \nExample:\n{COLLECTION} ---> {CATEGORY} ---> {HADITHS}\n{Sahih Bukhari} ---> {Revelation} --->{hadiths}\nYou can seperate the categories by their specific collections.\nBy default limit is 10 and page is 1. the limit and page can be altered to suit your taste., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"collections\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"categories\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"Chapter_Number\": \"int\", \"Chapter_English\": \"str\", \"Collection\": \"str\", \"Hadith_Total\": \"int\", \"Created_By\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 97}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9133", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Drillster 2.0, api_name:Retrieve drill details, api_description:Retrieves drill or course details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"drill_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The drill or course ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subject\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": [{\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"size\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"compatibility\\\": {\\\"requiredFeatures\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"]}, \\\"icon\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"cover\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"license\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"icon\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"creator\\\": {\\\"contract\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"created\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"created\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thirdParties\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"mayCreateGroupMemberAccounts\\\": \\\"bool\\\", 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\"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ID of the user you want to get learning stats for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9135", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:EveryEarthquake, api_name:M4.5+ Earthquakes, Past 7 Days, api_description:Magnitude 4.5+ Earthquakes, Past Seven Days, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"httpStatus\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"noun\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"verb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"errorCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"errors\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"friendlyError\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"result\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"magnitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"detailUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"felt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cdi\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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Astrology, api_name:Birth Details, api_description:Get Basic astrological details from the birth date and birth time, required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"time\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tamilYearName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tamilMonthName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tamilDayOfMonth\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sunrise\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"star\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pada\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"absoluteAngle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"relativeAngle\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"starLord\\\": {\\\"lord\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"startDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dashaPeriodYears\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dashaBalance\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"zodiac\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lord\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"absoluteAngle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"relativeAngle\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"tithi\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"absoluteAngle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"relativeAngle\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"lagna\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lord\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"absoluteAngle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"relativeAngle\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"zodiacChart\\\": [{\\\"number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lord\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"planets\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"absoluteAngle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"relativeAngle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 12}], \\\"planetaryPositions\\\": [{\\\"planet\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"star\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"patham\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"zodiac\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zodiacLord\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"starL\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9140", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Yawin Indian Astrology, api_name:Get Planet Position Angles, api_description:Find the Planet position angles on a birth date and time, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dateofbirth\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"timeofbirth\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}, \"dateofbirth\": \"str\", \"timeofbirth\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"planets\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"angle\": \"str\", \"degree\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9141", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonFootprint, api_name:CarbonFootprintFromFlight, api_description:Calculate CO2e in Kg from a travel by air., required_params: [{\"name\": \"distance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The flight distance in KM\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of flight, any of DomesticFlight, ShortEconomyClassFlight, ShortBusinessClassFlight, LongEconomyClassFlight, LongPremiumClassFlight, LongBusinessClassFlight, LongFirstClassFlight\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"carbonEquivalent\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9142", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:EveryEarthquake, api_name:Significant Earthquakes, Past Hour, api_description:Significant Earthquakes, Past Hour, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9143", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:CarbonSutra, api_name:Distance between Airports, api_description:Returns the distance between two IATA airport codes in kilometers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"iata_airport_to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"iata_airport_from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"iata_airport_to\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"iata_airport_from\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9144", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:EveryEarthquake, api_name:M2.5+ Earthquakes, Past Hour, api_description:Magnitude 2.5+ Earthquakes, Past Hour, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9145", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Yawin Indian Astrology, api_name:Get Sun Rise and Sun Set Time, api_description:Find the Sun Rise and Sun Set Time on a day with timezone, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"sunrise\": \"str\", \"sunset\": \"str\", \"sunrisedate\": \"str\", \"sunsetdate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9146", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Yawin Indian Astrology, api_name:Convert Planet Degree to Planet Angle, api_description:Convert a Planet Degree to Angle Format . (Degree is 67.5666666667, converted to Angle as 67.34.0), required_params: [{\"name\": \"degree\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}, \"degree\": \"str\", \"angle\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9147", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cryptography, tool_name:Reddio NFT, Token and IPFS, api_name:GetAssetsbycontractinformation, api_description:This request will return asset_id wrapped with return code and error code, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"error_code\": \"int\", \"data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9148", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cryptography, tool_name:Cryptocurrency News, api_name:Decrypt, api_description:Get the top latest news from Decrypt., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 58}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9149", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cryptography, tool_name:Cryptocurrency News, api_name:The Guardian, api_description:Get the top latest news from The Guardian., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9150", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cryptography, tool_name:Cryptocurrency News, api_name:Bitcoinist, api_description:Get the top latest news from Bitcoinist., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9151", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cryptography, tool_name:secure-text-api, api_name:getKey, api_description:This endpoint will generated publickey and privatekey.\nIt response **msgCode** as six character string.\n\nClient can use this code to verify owner of key, \nwhen calling encrypt and decrypt endpoint.\n\n*** After decrypt ciphertext this code will inactive, \nclient need to call getKey again to get new code, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9152", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cryptography, tool_name:Reddio NFT, Token and IPFS, api_name:Aggregationbalanceofastark_keybycontractaddress, api_description:The API aggregation balances by contract address, for previous API, each NFT have an asset_id, but in this API. NFT do not have asset_id when return, but has token id, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"error_code\": \"int\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9153", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cryptography, tool_name:Reddio NFT, Token and IPFS, api_name:Listfilesunderproject, api_description:It will list files under the project, the response item like\n\n| **field** | **description** |\n| --- | --- |\n| cid | [Content Identifiers](https://docs.ipfs.tech/concepts/content-addressing/#what-is-a-cid) |\n| filename | The stored file name |\n| created_at | first create time |\n| filesize | file size(in byte) |\n| endpoints | the endpoints you can view the file |, required_params: [{\"name\": \"project_uuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\", \"error\": \"str\", \"error_code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9154", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:SearchingWebRequest, api_name:SearchWebRequest, api_description:We need to get the response from the web after specifying a keyword, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9155", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:ICS-CERT Advisories, api_name:Get Advisories By Vendor, api_description:This endpoint will return back Advisories by Vendor and provide timely information about current security issues, vulnerabilities, and exploits from CISA.gov, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vendorId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9156", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:Youtube classification api, api_name:Video descriptions, api_description:GET Video descriptions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"0\\\": {\\\"video_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channelTitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publishedAt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"viewCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"likeCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"favouriteCount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"commentCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"definition\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"caption\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"subscribers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalViews\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalVideos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg polarity score\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Label\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"1\\\": {\\\"video_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channelTitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publishedAt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"viewCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"likeCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"favouriteCount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"commentCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"definition\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"caption\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"subscribers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalViews\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalVideos\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg polarity score\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"Label\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"2\\\": {\\\"video_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channelTitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"publishedAt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"viewCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"likeCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"favouriteCount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"commentCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"de\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9157", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Monitoring, tool_name:Yandex SERP, api_name:GetTaskResult [free of use], api_description:To get the result of the task just provide the **task_id** that you obtained after requesting **GetSerpAsync**. When task is not finished yet you will receive **task_status: inprogress**. For a finished task you will get **task_status: succeeded**. Check the **Example Responses** tab to see the examples. \nPossible task statuses:\n- **pending** - task is waiting for its turn\n- **inprogress** - task has been passed to the worker\n- **succeeded** - task has been finished with success\n\nUse this endpoint how much you want. **It's free of charge**!\n\nThe average **GetCompleteDataAsync** execution time is 10-40 seconds. It all depends how many tasks are in the queue., required_params: [{\"name\": \"task_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"task_id\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9158", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:RushTranslate, api_name:List Revisions, api_description:Get a paginated list of your revisions sorted in descending order by requested_at date., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9159", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Bidirectional Text Language Translation, api_name:Detect Language, api_description:If you want to detect language only and not translate you can provide the text parameter and the detected language will be provided in the results, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9160", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Webit Language, api_name:Autocomplete, api_description:This endpoint provides autocomplete (word completion) for 80+ languages., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9161", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:13f918yf19o1t1f1of1t9, api_name:endpoint1, api_description:endpoint1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9162", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Translation, tool_name:Webit Language, api_name:Dictionary Synonyms (TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE), api_description:Dictionary Synonyms, required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"input_text\": \"str\", \"languages\": \"empty list\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9163", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:IPInfoAPI, api_name:Generate IP, api_description:Generate fake IP address, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9164", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:unit converter, api_name:info, api_description:info, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"area\": [\"list of str with length 8\"], \"data-transfer-rate\": [\"list of str with length 13\"], \"digital-storage\": [\"list of str with length 22\"], \"energy\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"frequency\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"fuel-economics\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"length\": [\"list of str with length 11\"], \"mass\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"plane-angle\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"pressure\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"speed\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"temperature\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"time\": [\"list of str with length 12\"], \"volume\": [\"list of str with length 19\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9165", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:SEO Keyword Research, api_name:Global Result (single), api_description:Keyword Research API, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"text\": \"str\", \"cpc\": \"float\", \"vol\": \"int\", \"v\": \"int\", \"competition\": \"str\", \"score\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9166", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ViewDNS, api_name:Abuse Contact Lookup, api_description:Used to find the abuse contact address for a domain name. This is where you would send complaints about spam originating from that domain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the domain name to find the abuse contact for\"}, {\"name\": \"output\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the output format required ('xml' or 'json')\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9167", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ViewDNS, api_name:Chinese Firewall Test, api_description:Checks whether a site is blocked by the Great Firewall of China. This test checks across a number of servers from various locations in mainland China to determine if access to the site provided is possible from behind the Great Firewall of China. This test checks for symptoms of DNS poisoning, one of the more common methods used by the Chinese government to block access to websites., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the domain name to test\"}, {\"name\": \"output\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the output format required ('xml' or 'json')\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9168", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:TVB QR Code, api_name:Get QR Code, api_description:/qr-code, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9169", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Ephemeral Proxies, api_name:Obtain a new datacenter proxy, api_description:The connection proxy details are `proxy.host` and `proxy.port` from the response fields.\nThe proxy will allow connections from the same source IP as the one making this API call. Make use of the `whitelist_ip` parameter to allow an additional ip.\nCountries can be selected by using the `countries` parameter, otherwise the country is randomly selected. A list of countries is available on *Service Status* endpoint.\nThe proxy is available for 30 mins.\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"proxy\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"host\": \"str\", \"port\": \"int\", \"expires_at\": \"str\", \"whitelisted_ips\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"features\": {\"static\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"str\", \"supported_protocols\": {\"socks4\": \"bool\", \"socks5\": \"bool\", \"http\": \"bool\", \"https\": \"bool\"}}, \"visibility\": {\"ip\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_iso\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"asn\": \"str\", \"asn_org\": \"str\", \"zip_code\": \"str\", \"region_name\": \"str\", \"region_code\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9170", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ProxyPage, api_name:Random proxy, api_description:Get random proxy,\n\nchoose type and country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5, CONNECT:25\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"port\": \"int\", \"latency\": \"int\", \"ssl\": \"bool\", \"is_anonymous\": \"bool\", \"types\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"country\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9171", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Torrent-Search, api_name:Get from yts, api_description:You can use this for moive search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchtopic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Name\": \"str\", \"ReleasedDate\": \"str\", \"Genre\": \"str\", \"Rating\": \"str\", \"Likes\": \"str\", \"Runtime\": \"str\", \"Language\": \"str\", \"Url\": \"str\", \"Poster\": \"str\", \"Files\": [{\"Quality\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"str\", \"Size\": \"str\", \"Torrent\": \"str\", \"Magnet\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9172", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ProxyPage, api_name:Tier2, api_description:Tier 2 proxies\n\nEach proxy returned costs 1 credit\n\n\nWith our /v1/tier2 endpoint you can set different parameters for proxies that you need.\n\nYou can set type which is just your proxy type, either HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5, CONNECT:25 (which is smtp proxy)\n\nfor limit set an integer that will tell us how many proxies you will need. Our users usually set a limit to avoid using too many credits.\n\nWith latency you can set an integer which will filter out all proxies that have a latency higher then specified.\n\nssl is a boolean parameter, you can filter out proxies that support ssl or don't\n\nis_anonymous is also a boolean statemet where you can filter anonymous proxies\n\ncountry is a parameter that you can use to set a country that you want., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"port\": \"int\", \"latency\": \"int\", \"is_anonymous\": \"bool\", \"types\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"country\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9173", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:All Purpose Complex Converter, api_name:Convert Number To Speech| Provide Any Integer Number, api_description:Converting any integer number to Speech, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Pass Only Integer Number!\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9174", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Wikipedia Infobox, api_name:InfoBox, api_description:returns a json object representation of the provided wikipedia entry, required_params: [{\"name\": \"wikiurl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Original music\": \"str\", \"Role-playing\": \"str\", \"Years\": \"str\", \"Animated series\": \"str\", \"Television series\": \"str\", \"Toy(s)\": \"str\", \"Portrayers\": \"str\", \"Novel(s)\": \"str\", \"Short film(s)\": \"str\", \"Short stories\": \"str\", \"Comic strip(s)\": \"str\", \"Radio program(s)\": \"str\", \"Original work\": \"str\", \"Traditional\": \"str\", \"Created by\": \"str\", \"Comics\": \"str\", \"Film(s)\": \"str\", \"Video game(s)\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9175", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UnitConversion, api_name:/length/:from/:to/:number, api_description:Length unit conversions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\", \"from_symbol\": \"str\", \"to_symbol\": \"str\", \"input\": \"int\", \"rounded\": \"int\", \"result\": \"float\", \"roundedResult\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9176", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UnitConversion, api_name:/volume/:from/:to/:number, api_description:Volume unit conversions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"supported\": [\"list of str with length 57\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9177", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UnitConversion, api_name:/area/:from/:to/:number, api_description:Area unit conversions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9178", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Ephemeral Proxies, api_name:Get user's traffic balance, api_description:It returns the user's traffic balance for current monthly subscription.\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"balance\": {\"consumed_megabytes\": \"int\", \"limit_megabytes\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9179", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Ephemeral Proxies, api_name:Check datacenter proxies service status, api_description:It returns the current status of the service, including the total number of datacenter proxies available and grouped by country.\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"service_status\": {\"availability\": {\"total\": {\"proxies\": \"int\"}, \"by_country\": [{\"country_iso\": \"str\", \"proxies\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 13}]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9180", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Measurement Unit Converter, api_name:Measurements detailed, api_description:GET a list of all the available measurements with unit details., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"measurements\": [{\"abbr\": \"str\", \"measure\": \"str\", \"system\": \"str\", \"singular\": \"str\", \"plural\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9181", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:hex to hsv, api_description:Converts hex color code to hsv color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hex\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hue\": \"int\", \"saturation\": \"int\", \"value\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9182", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:hsl to hsv, api_description:Converts hsl color code to hsv color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"h\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"s\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"l\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hue\": \"int\", \"saturation\": \"int\", \"value\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9183", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Scanova QR Code, api_name:Email QR Code, api_description:This request returns a Static QR Code (standard or custom-designed) encoded with the email address. When scanned, the QR Code will prompt the user to 'send an email' to the specified email address., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9184", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:hsl to hex, api_description:Converts hsl color code to hex color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"s\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"h\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"l\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hex\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9185", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ViewDNS, api_name:Reverse DNS Lookup, api_description:Find the reverse DNS entry (PTR) for a given IP. This is generally the server or host name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the IP address to retrieve the reverse DNS record for\"}, {\"name\": \"output\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the output format required ('xml' or 'json')\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9186", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ViewDNS, api_name:Spam Database Lookup, api_description:Find out if your mail server is listed in any spam databases., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the IP address to test for spam blacklisting\"}, {\"name\": \"output\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the output format required ('xml' or 'json')\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9187", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Bulk Whatsapp Validator, api_name:Validate WA number (free), api_description:You need a **valid token** to use this endpoint, learn how to get it on this [video](https://youtu.be/TcaAwKpAkl8). \nThe response is `true` if the phone is registered on whatsapp., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The phone number must be written as a number (including countrycode); \\ndo **NOT** include: any non-number character, spaces, or anything which is not a number; do **NOT** add zeros (0) at the beginning.\"}, {\"name\": \"token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get a free token, click [here](https://wa.me/34631428039?text=get-token) to send a whatsapp with the command `get-token`.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9188", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:USA Jobs for IT, api_name:Angular Jobs, api_description:Angular Jobs API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"IdNumber\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9189", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:GUID Generator Tool, api_name:Multiple GUIDs, api_description:Endpoint to retrieve a multiple GUIDs, returned as a a string array.\nRequired query string parameter: *number* - needs to be between 0 and 1000.\nGET only query.\nReturn content-type is text/json., required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9190", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:GUID Generator Tool, api_name:Single GUID, api_description:Endpoint to retrieve a single GUID, returned as a simple string.\nNo parameters required.\nGET only query.\nReturn content-type is text/plain., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9191", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Spotify Downloader, api_name:Metadata - Album, api_description:Get metadata about album, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"artists\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"cover\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9192", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:DateClock, api_name:Date Converter Timezone, api_description:Simply Date Converter Timezone to complete response report, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"utc_datetime\": {\"year\": \"int\", \"month\": \"int\", \"day\": \"int\", \"dayOfWeek\": \"int\", \"dayOfYear\": \"int\", \"hour\": \"int\", \"minute\": \"int\", \"second\": \"int\", \"micro\": \"int\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"formatted\": \"str\", \"timezone\": {\"timezone_type\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}}, \"date\": {\"year\": \"int\", \"month\": \"int\", \"day\": \"int\", \"dayOfWeek\": \"int\", \"dayOfYear\": \"int\", \"hour\": \"int\", \"minute\": \"int\", \"second\": \"int\", \"micro\": \"int\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"formatted\": \"str\", \"timezone\": {\"timezone_type\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}}, \"utc_offset\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"datetime_general\": \"str\", \"is_day_light_savings_time\": \"bool\", \"day_of_week\": \"str\", \"seconds_until_end_of_day\": \"int\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"until\": \"str\", \"is_future\": \"bool\", \"is_past\": \"bool\", \"is_current_century\": \"bool\", \"is_current_decade\": \"bool\", \"is_current_day\": \"bool\", \"is_current_hour\": \"bool\", \"is_current_week\": \"bool\", \"is_weekend\": \"bool\", \"is_weekday\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9193", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ViewDNS, api_name:Iran Firewall Test, api_description:Test if any website is accessible using the Internet in Iran in real-time., required_params: [{\"name\": \"siteurl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the URL to test\"}, {\"name\": \"output\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the output format required ('xml' or 'json')\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9194", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ViewDNS, api_name:Traceroute, api_description:Determines the series of servers that data traverses from the ViewDNS server to the specified domain name or IP address., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the domain or IP address to perform a traceroute on\"}, {\"name\": \"output\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the output format required ('xml' or 'json')\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9195", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:rgb to hex, api_description:Converts rgb color code to hex color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"b\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"g\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"r\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hex\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9196", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:hex to hsl, api_description:Converts hex color code to hsl color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hex\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hue\": \"int\", \"saturation\": \"int\", \"lightness\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9197", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:convert hex, api_description:Endpoint to converts hex color code to other color code like RGB , HSL, CMYK, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hex\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hex\": \"str\", \"rgb\": {\"red\": \"int\", \"green\": \"int\", \"blue\": \"int\"}, \"hsl\": {\"hue\": \"int\", \"saturation\": \"int\", \"lightness\": \"float\"}, \"hsv\": {\"hue\": \"int\", \"saturation\": \"int\", \"value\": \"int\"}, \"cmyk\": {\"cyan\": \"int\", \"magenta\": \"int\", \"yellow\": \"int\", \"key\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9198", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Reword PDF, api_name:getById, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"textId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"pdfId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9199", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:echo-api, api_name:Echo GET, api_description:Make a HTTP GET request with the code you like to get in the response., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9200", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:USA Jobs for IT, api_name:Data Analyst Jobs, api_description:Data Analyst Jobs Api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"IdNumber\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9201", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:USA Jobs for IT, api_name:Python Jobs, api_description:API for Python Jobs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"IdNumber\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9202", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:CPP 14 Code Compiler, api_name:C++ 14 Versions, api_description:C++ 14 Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9203", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Wordnet Search, api_name:Define, api_description:Defines the word, required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9204", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Reword PDF, api_name:getPdf, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"pdfId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9205", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Quick QR Code Generator, api_name:hello, api_description:test hello endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9206", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:oDesk APIs, api_name:List all Tasks, api_description:pull all tasks assigned within a company, team or to a specific user, required_params: [{\"name\": \"company\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The company ID\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"formation of response\"}, {\"name\": \"team\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The team ID\"}, {\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The username of the target user account.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9207", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:languagelayer, api_name:/batch, api_description:API endpoint used to perform batch language detection, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9208", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:USA Jobs for IT, api_name:Data Engineer Jobs, api_description:Data Engineer Jobs Api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"IdNumber\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9209", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:C99 Code Compiler, api_name:C99 Versions, api_description:C99 Versions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"0\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"1\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"2\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"3\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"4\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9210", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:USA Jobs for IT, api_name:NodeJs Jobs, api_description:NodeJs Jobs Api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"IdNumber\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9211", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Domain Name Search, api_name:Whois, api_description:Perform WHOIS domain lookup., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Domain for which to perform WHOIS.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"parameters\": {\"domain\": \"str\"}, \"data\": {\"domain\": \"str\", \"sld\": \"str\", \"tld\": \"str\", \"whois\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9212", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:DailyCred, api_name:Create a User With Only an Email, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user's email.\"}, {\"name\": \"client_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your client id, found on your settings page.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9213", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:DailyCred, api_name:Connect an Existing User with a New Identity Provider, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"identity_provider\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The desired social network your user to authenticate with. If no identity_provider parameter is provided, it will default to email and password authentication. You can also set identity_provider to gateway to use our UI to let the user choose who to sign in with.\"}, {\"name\": \"client_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your DailyCred client ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9214", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:ViewDNS, api_name:Whois, api_description:Displays owner/contact information for a domain name. Can also be used to determine if a domain name is registered or not. This tool is not available to free API key users. Access is restricted to paid API keys only., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the domain to perform a whois lookup on\"}, {\"name\": \"output\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the output format required ('xml' or 'json')\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9215", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:hsl to rgb, api_description:Converts hsl color code to rgb color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"s\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"h\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"l\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"red\": \"int\", \"green\": \"int\", \"blue\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9216", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Color to picture API, api_name:Color to picture, api_description:Takes prompt of picture mode (L,RGB,RGBA), color in hex (example: ff03bc), width (example: 200), height (example: 200) and makes new image in single color), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9217", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Custom QR Code with Logo_v2, api_name:Simple QR Code, api_description:This endpoin returns simple qr code with the possiblity to customize the color., required_params: [{\"name\": \"link\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9218", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:KolektifAPI, api_name:Haber, api_description:«ntv.com.tr» Son Dakika Haberleri Verileri, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kaynak\": \"str\", \"saglayici\": \"str\", \"veri\": [{\"gorsel\": \"str\", \"haber\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 36}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9219", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:KolektifAPI, api_name:Deprem, api_description:«afet.gen.tr» Son Depremler Verisi, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"KolektifAPI\": \"str\", \"istekler\": {\"akaryakit\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"bim\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"deprem\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"doviz\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"eczane\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"ezan\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"google\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"haber\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"piiz\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"sahibinden\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"trendyol_kategori\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"trendyol_urun\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"ucak\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"udemy\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"youtube\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9220", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:KolektifAPI, api_name:Akaryakıt, api_description:«haberler.com» Güncel Akaryakıt Verileri, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kaynak\": \"str\", \"saglayici\": \"str\", \"veri\": [{\"cinsi\": \"str\", \"fiyati\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9221", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:story, api_name:end point, api_description:end point, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9222", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Scanova QR Code, api_name:Wifi QR Code, api_description:This request returns a Static QR Code (standard or custom-designed) encoded with WiFi network details. When scanned, the QR Code prompts the scanning device to 'Join the Network'. Note that this QR Code works only for Android devices. iPhones do not allow automatic joining of WiFi networks and will display network details as text., required_params: [{\"name\": \"authentication\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"size\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ssid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9223", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UnitConversion, api_name:/info, api_description:List all supported units, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"format\": \"str\", \"units\": {\"angle\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"area\": [\"list of str with length 25\"], \"data\": [\"list of str with length 42\"], \"force\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"length\": [\"list of str with length 20\"], \"mass\": [\"list of str with length 22\"], \"pressure\": [\"list of str with length 33\"], \"temperature\": [\"list of str with length 18\"], \"time\": [\"list of str with length 30\"], \"volume\": [\"list of str with length 57\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9224", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:teamriverbubbles random utilities, api_name:get skin from uuid, api_description:gets a skin from a uuid, required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"path\": \"str\", \"errorMessage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9225", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Scanova QR Code, api_name:Google Map QR Code, api_description:This request returns a Static QR Code (standard or custom-designed) encoded with a Google Maps URL linked to specified map coordinates. When scanned, the QR Code prompts the scanning device to open the URL in a mobile browser or Google Maps mobile application (if installed), required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9226", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:USA Jobs for IT, api_name:JavaScript Jobs, api_description:JavaScript Jobs Api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"IdNumber\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9227", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project_v3, api_name:Me, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9228", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project_v3, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9229", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:VPS Tester, api_name:Test, api_description:Test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9230", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Mad-Libs-Diceware, api_name:/madlibs-wordlist, api_description:**Get the wordlist used by madlibs diceware in JSON format**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"redirect\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9231", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Mad-Libs-Diceware, api_name:/eff-wordlist, api_description:**Get the wordlist used by plain diceware in JSON format**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"11111\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"11112\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"11113\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"11114\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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\"The JOB ID generated on \\\"Rewriter\\\" endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"original\": \"str\", \"rewrited\": \"str\", \"rewrited_lang\": \"str\", \"success\": \"bool\", \"job_id\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9233", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Philippines TIN OCR, api_name:GET Call, api_description:Used to fetch api result using the request id received in responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"request_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9234", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9235", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9236", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 872}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9237", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:TextAPI, api_name:Display Entities, api_description:Renders the extracted entity types on submitted text or spans defined manually., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9238", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:TextAPI, api_name:Sentiment, api_description:Get the sentiment of submitted text using VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) is a lexicon and rule-based sentiment analysis tool that is specifically attuned to sentiments expressed in social media., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"neg\": \"float\", \"neu\": \"float\", \"pos\": \"float\", \"compound\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9239", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": \"empty list\", \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9240", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Reqres - dont change!, api_name:User by id, api_description:User by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"email\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\"}, \"support\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9241", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Reqres - dont change!, api_name:Users, api_description:Users, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"per_page\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"email\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"support\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9242", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Test1, api_name:aa, api_description:bb, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9243", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:FreePlanwithHardLimit, api_name:loginUser, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The password for login in clear text\"}, {\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user name for login\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9244", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:FreePlanwithHardLimit, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9245", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:MultipleTeamsCallingTest, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Sale\": \"int\", \"totvs\": \"int\", \"sold\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"cat\": \"int\", \"dgdfgdf\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"not available\": \"int\", \"Available\": \"int\", \"peric\": \"int\", \"disponible\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9246", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:MultipleTeamsCallingTest, api_name:logoutUser, api_description:Logs out current logged in user session, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9247", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:pe-demo, api_name:View IP address, api_description:View the IP address of the client in JSON format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9248", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PetstoreRateLimit, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Sale\": \"int\", \"totvs\": \"int\", \"sold\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"dgdfgdf\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"peric\": \"int\", \"cat\": \"int\", \"not available\": \"int\", \"new-2\": \"int\", \"Available\": \"int\", \"disponible\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9249", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PetstoreRateLimit, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9250", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:ThisshouldbeFREE, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9251", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:MultipleTeamsCallingTest, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9252", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:ThisshouldbeFREE, api_name:getInventory, api_description:Returns a map of status codes to quantities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Sale\": \"int\", \"totvs\": \"int\", \"sold\": \"int\", \"string\": \"int\", \"pending\": \"int\", \"cat\": \"int\", \"dgdfgdf\": \"int\", \"available\": \"int\", \"not available\": \"int\", \"Available\": \"int\", \"peric\": \"int\", \"disponible\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9253", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PetstoreRateLimit, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9254", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:AdCopy AI - Google Ads AI Text Generation, api_name:Fetch Async Content, api_description:Provide async prompt and threadid to fetch content.\nThis endpoint is Free and you are allowed to pull it once every 2 seconds to fetch your content., required_params: [{\"name\": \"threadId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"promptId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"thread\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"sequenceId\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"count\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"data\": \"str\", \"length\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 49}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9255", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PetstoreRateLimit, api_name:loginUser, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user name for login\"}, {\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The password for login in clear text\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9256", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:FreePlanwithHardLimit, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9257", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:petstore blitz, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9258", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:petstore blitz, api_name:logoutUser, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9259", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:petstore blitz, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9260", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:httpbin, api_name:GET /anything, api_description:Forward to httpbin GET /anything endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9261", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:pe-demo, api_name:Validate access using basic authentication, api_description:Validate access using basic authentication., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9262", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PrivatePublicAPI, api_name:loginUser, api_description:Logs user into the system, required_params: [{\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The password for login in clear text\"}, {\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user name for login\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9263", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Weather_v6, api_name:Current Weather Data of a location., api_description:Returns the current (most recent) weather observation of a given location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9264", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:World Weather Online API, api_name:Marine Weather API, api_description:Marine Weather API provides worldwide marine weather forecast and tide data for upto 7-days., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9265", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:World Weather Online API, api_name:Search API, api_description:The Location search API method takes a query value and returns information about the location, including area name, country, latitude/longitude, population, and a URL for the weather information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9266", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:World Weather Online API, api_name:Ski Weather API, api_description:Ski Weather API provides worldwide ski and mountain weather forecast for upto 7-days., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9267", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:KayuloWeather, api_name:Weather, api_description:Obtain weather data for the specified location.\n\nThe `dataSets` query parameter is used to obtain different data, like forecasts and current weather. Thus not all query parameters are needed for every data set. See the description of the query parameters to identify, which parameter is needed for which data set., required_params: [{\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the timezone to use for rolling up weather forecasts into daily forecasts.\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The longitude of the desired location.\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The IETF BCP 47 language tag to use for localizing responses.\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The latitude of the desired location.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"currentWeather\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"metadata\\\": {\\\"attributionURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expireTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"readTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reportedTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"units\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"version\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"asOf\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cloudCover\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cloudCoverLowAltPct\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cloudCoverMidAltPct\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cloudCoverHighAltPct\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"conditionCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"daylight\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"humidity\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"precipitationIntensity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pressure\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pressureTrend\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"temperature\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"temperatureApparent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"temperatureDewPoint\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"uvIndex\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"visibility\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"windDirection\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"windGust\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"windSpeed\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"forecastDaily\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"metadata\\\": {\\\"attributionURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expireTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"readTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reportedTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"units\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"version\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"days\\\": [{\\\"forecastStart\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"forecastEnd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"conditionCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"maxUvIndex\\\": \\\"int\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9268", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:KayuloWeather, api_name:Availability, api_description:Determine the data sets available for the specified location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The latitude of the desired location.\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The longitude of the desired location.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9269", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:AI Weather by Meteosource, api_name:find_places, api_description:**Search places by name** to get **place_id** for the `Weather Forecast Endpoints` and detailed **geographical information** (country, region, elevation, timezone, etc.) for a given location.\n\nThe response can contain multiple places, sorted by relevance. You can then identify the one you want by coordinates, country, region, or type.\n\nUnlike the *find_places_prefix* endpoint, complete words are required here. You can search for cities, mountains, lakes, countries, etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Place name to search for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"place_id\": \"str\", \"adm_area1\": \"str\", \"adm_area2\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9270", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:AI Weather by Meteosource, api_name:weather_statistics, api_description:Get average weather: **long-term normals** for a given place for the next 30 days. Define your location using GPS coordinates or `place_id` from `Location endpoints`., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"elevation\": \"int\", \"units\": \"str\", \"statistics\": {\"data\": [{\"day\": \"str\", \"temperature\": {\"avg\": \"float\", \"avg_min\": \"float\", \"avg_max\": \"float\", \"record_min\": \"float\", \"record_max\": \"float\"}, \"wind\": {\"avg_speed\": \"float\", \"avg_angle\": \"int\", \"avg_dir\": \"str\", \"max_speed\": \"float\", \"max_gust\": \"float\"}, \"precipitation\": {\"avg\": \"float\", \"probability\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 30}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9271", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Stormglass Complete, api_name:Get Tide Extreme Data, api_description:**Stormglass Tide Extreme Data**\n\nRetrieve information about high and low tide for a single coordinate. If nothing is specified, the returned values will be in relative to Mean Sea Level - MSL., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apiKey\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9272", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:RapidWeather, api_name:Call 5 day / 3 hour forecast data - By ZIP code, api_description:Please note if country is not specified then the search works for USA as a default., required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zip code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cod\": \"str\", \"message\": \"int\", \"cnt\": \"int\", \"list\": [{\"dt\": \"int\", \"main\": {\"temp\": \"float\", \"feels_like\": \"float\", \"temp_min\": \"float\", \"temp_max\": \"float\", \"pressure\": \"int\", \"sea_level\": \"int\", \"grnd_level\": \"int\", \"humidity\": \"int\", \"temp_kf\": \"float\"}, \"weather\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"main\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"clouds\": {\"all\": \"int\"}, \"wind\": {\"speed\": \"float\", \"deg\": \"int\", \"gust\": \"float\"}, \"visibility\": \"int\", \"pop\": \"int\", \"sys\": {\"pod\": \"str\"}, \"dt_txt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 40}], \"city\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"coord\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\"}, \"country\": \"str\", \"population\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"int\", \"sunrise\": \"int\", \"sunset\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9273", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:RapidWeather, api_name:Reverse geocoding, api_description:Reverse geocoding allows to get name of the location (city name or area name) by using geografical coordinates (lat, lon). The **limit **parameter in the API call allows you to cap how many location names you will see in the API response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude)\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9274", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/points/{point}/stations, api_description:Stations nearest to a point in order of distance. Example: /points/39.0693,-94.6716/stations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"point\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"point: EPSG:4326 latitude, EPSG:4326 longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"correlationId\": \"str\", \"parameterErrors\": [{\"parameter\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9275", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/alerts/active, api_description:A list of active alerts that can be filtered by parameters. Uses same parameters as the /alerts endpoint, but sets \"active\" parameter to 1 and ignores \"start\" and \"end\" parameters. The ATOM format returns items in CAP-ATOM., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"@context\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"features\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geometry\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coordinates\\\": [\\\"list of list with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"properties\\\": {\\\"@id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"@type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"areaDesc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geocode\\\": {\\\"SAME\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 7\\\"], \\\"UGC\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 7\\\"]}, \\\"affectedZones\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 7\\\"], \\\"references\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"sent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"effective\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"onset\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expires\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ends\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"messageType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"severity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"certainty\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"urgency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"event\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"senderName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"headline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"instruction\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"response\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"parameters\\\": {\\\"AWIPSidentifier\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"WMOidentifier\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"eventMotionDescription\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"windThreat\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"maxWindGust\\\": [\\\"list of str w\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9276", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/zones/{type}/{zoneId}/forecast, api_description:Forecast data for zone. Example: /zones/forecast/MOZ028/forecast, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"type: a valid zone type (list forthcoming)\"}, {\"name\": \"zoneId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"zoneId: a zone id (list forthcoming)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"correlationId\": \"str\", \"parameterErrors\": [{\"parameter\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9277", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/products/types/{typeId}/locations/{locationId}, api_description:A product for a location that has issued a product for a specific type. Example: /products/types/AFD/locations/EAX, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locationId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"locationId: an id of a valid location (list forthcoming)\"}, {\"name\": \"typeId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"typeId: an id of a valid product type \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"correlationId\": \"str\", \"parameterErrors\": [{\"parameter\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9278", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:World Weather Online API, api_name:Local Weather API, api_description:The Local Weather REST API (also called City and Town Weather API) method allows you to access current weather conditions, the next 14 days of accurate and reliable weather forecast, Air Quality Data, Weather Alerts and Monthly Climate Averages for over 4 million cities and towns worldwide. The Local Weather API returns weather elements such as temperature, precipitation (rainfall), weather description, weather icon, wind speed, etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9279", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:World Weather Online API, api_name:Marine History Weather API, api_description:The Historical Marine Weather API method allows you to access marine data since 1st Jan, 2015 for a given longitude and latitude, as well as tide data. The Historical Marine Weather API returns weather elements such as temperature, precipitation (rainfall), weather description, weather icon, wind speed, Tide data, significant wave height, swell height, swell direction and swell period., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9280", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Foreca Weather, api_name:Location info, api_description:Metadata for location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"adminArea\": \"str\", \"adminArea2\": \"NoneType\", \"adminArea3\": \"NoneType\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"lat\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9281", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Foreca Weather, api_name:Nowcast, api_description:3-hour forecast in 15-minute time steps., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"forecast\": [{\"time\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"symbolPhrase\": \"str\", \"temperature\": \"int\", \"feelsLikeTemp\": \"int\", \"relHumidity\": \"int\", \"dewPoint\": \"int\", \"windDir\": \"int\", \"windSpeed\": \"int\", \"windGust\": \"int\", \"windDirString\": \"str\", \"precipProb\": \"int\", \"snowRate\": \"int\", \"precipRate\": \"int\", \"cloudiness\": \"int\", \"thunderProb\": \"int\", \"uvIndex\": \"int\", \"pressure\": \"float\", \"precipType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9282", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Foreca Weather, api_name:Location search, api_description:Search for locations by name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"locations\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"adminArea\": \"str\", \"adminArea2\": \"NoneType\", \"adminArea3\": \"NoneType\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9283", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ouranos, api_name:48 Hour Forecast, api_description:Hourly Forecast return seeing value in arc seconds and transparency on a scale of 1 for the next 48 hours., required_params: [{\"name\": \"long\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9284", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:MagicMirror, api_name:endpoint, api_description:add endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9285", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Foreca Weather, api_name:Latest observations, api_description:Observations from nearby representative weather stations., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"observations\": [{\"station\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"temperature\": \"int\", \"feelsLikeTemp\": \"int\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"windDirString\": \"str\", \"windDir\": \"int\", \"windSpeed\": \"int\", \"windGust\": \"int\", \"pressure\": \"int\", \"relHumidity\": \"int\", \"visibility\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9286", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Foreca Weather, api_name:Hourly, api_description:Hourly forecast., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"forecast\": [{\"time\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"symbolPhrase\": \"str\", \"temperature\": \"int\", \"feelsLikeTemp\": \"int\", \"windSpeed\": \"int\", \"windGust\": \"int\", \"relHumidity\": \"int\", \"dewPoint\": \"int\", \"windDir\": \"int\", \"windDirString\": \"str\", \"precipProb\": \"int\", \"precipAccum\": \"int\", \"snowAccum\": \"int\", \"cloudiness\": \"int\", \"thunderProb\": \"int\", \"uvIndex\": \"int\", \"pressure\": \"float\", \"visibility\": \"int\", \"solarRadiation\": \"int\", \"precipType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9287", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Foreca Weather, api_name:Three-hourly, api_description:A longer three-hourly forecast up to 14 days., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"forecast\": [{\"time\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"symbolPhrase\": \"str\", \"temperature\": \"int\", \"feelsLikeTemp\": \"int\", \"windSpeed\": \"int\", \"windGust\": \"int\", \"relHumidity\": \"int\", \"dewPoint\": \"int\", \"windDir\": \"int\", \"windDirString\": \"str\", \"precipProb\": \"int\", \"precipAccum\": \"int\", \"snowAccum\": \"int\", \"cloudiness\": \"int\", \"thunderProb\": \"int\", \"uvIndex\": \"int\", \"pressure\": \"float\", \"visibility\": \"int\", \"solarRadiation\": \"int\", \"precipType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9288", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:AI Weather by Meteosource, api_name:nearest_place, api_description:Use this endpoint to search for the **nearest named place** (village/town/city) from a given GPS coordinates. You will get **place_id** for the `Weather Forecast Endpoints` and detailed **geographical information**.\n\n*Note: If you specify coordinates of a secluded place (e.g. middle of the ocean), the nearest point can be very far from the coordinates.*, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Longitude in format 12E, 12.3E, 12.3, or 13W, 13.2W, -13.4\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Latitude in format 12N, 12.3N, 12.3, or 13S, 13.2S, -13.4\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"place_id\": \"str\", \"adm_area1\": \"str\", \"adm_area2\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9289", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Forecast, api_name:RapidApiGetForecastSummaryByCoordinates, api_description:Get Forecast summary information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"items\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dateWithTimezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"freshSnow\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"snowHeight\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"weather\\\": {\\\"state\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"icon\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"prec\\\": {\\\"sum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"probability\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sumAsRain\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"class\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"sunHours\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rainHours\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"temperature\\\": {\\\"min\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"avg\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"wind\\\": {\\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"direction\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avg\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"min\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"max\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gusts\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, 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(YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"For history API 'dt' should be on or after 1st Jan, 2010 in yyyy-MM-dd format\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query parameter based on which data is sent back. It could be following:\\n\\nLatitude and Longitude (Decimal degree) e.g: q=48.8567,2.3508\\ncity name e.g.: q=Paris\\nUS zip e.g.: q=10001\\nUK postcode e.g: q=SW1\\nCanada postal code e.g: q=G2J\\nmetar: e.g: q=metar:EGLL\\niata:<3 digit airport code> e.g: q=iata:DXB\\nauto:ip IP lookup e.g: q=auto:ip\\nIP address (IPv4 and IPv6 supported) e.g: q=\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9295", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Cloud Cast, api_name:Get the forecast, api_description:Get the forecast for the current city, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9296", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/alerts/{alertId}, api_description:A specific alert by id provided by a search or list. 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\"@graph\": [{\"productCode\": \"str\", \"productName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 338}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9299", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Testing for My Use, api_name:metrics, api_description:metrics, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"numSpecs\": \"int\", \"numAPIs\": \"int\", \"numEndpoints\": \"int\", \"unreachable\": \"int\", \"invalid\": \"int\", \"unofficial\": \"int\", \"fixes\": \"int\", \"fixedPct\": \"int\", \"datasets\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"adyen.com\": \"int\", \"amadeus.com\": \"int\", \"amazonaws.com\": \"int\", \"apideck.com\": \"int\", \"apisetu.gov.in\": \"int\", \"azure.com\": \"int\", \"ebay.com\": \"int\", \"fungenerators.com\": \"int\", \"github.com\": \"int\", \"googleapis.com\": \"int\", \"hubapi.com\": \"int\", \"interzoid.com\": \"int\", \"mastercard.com\": \"int\", \"microsoft.com\": \"int\", \"nexmo.com\": \"int\", \"nytimes.com\": \"int\", \"parliament.uk\": \"int\", 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\"_list_length\": 145}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9307", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Google News, api_name:Health, api_description:This endpoint is used to get health news from Google News., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lr\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"language region, ex: en-US\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"original\": \"str\"}, \"hasSubnews\": \"bool\", \"subnews\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"original\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 6}], \"_list_length\": 68}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9308", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Google News, api_name:Sport, api_description:This endpoint is used to 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If a LinkedIn page is sent, we will try to identify the company related to the page. Ex. https://api.byautomata.io/similar?link=ibm.com\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9362", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Market Intelligence by Automata, api_name:/search, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"terms\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"We provide information about related companies based on the search terms you provide. Separate search terms with commas. 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It considers the overall answers related to all survey answers belonging to a given client and consolidates in a global NPS indicator. 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User authentication is not required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"muid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID.\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Language used.\"}, {\"name\": \"orgCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The organization associated with the request.\"}, {\"name\": \"msid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Session ID.\"}, {\"name\": \"bins\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One or more six-digit bin separated by commas.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9385", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:ShortLink, api_name:http://shortlink.net/, api_description:-, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9386", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Pulsar, api_name:Download Zip, api_description:Download zip of images., required_params: [{\"name\": \"collectionId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"urlToDownload\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9387", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:BoldSign, api_name:ListUsers, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"Page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page index specified in get user list request.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9388", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:My API 12345, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9389", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:My API 12345, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9390", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:SuperSaaS - Online Bookings and Appointment Scheduling, api_name:Available, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"schedule_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9391", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Yardillo, api_name:Get Case By Id, api_description:Get the case payload by its Id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"NoneType\", \"casenumber\": \"int\", \"casetitle\": \"NoneType\", \"casetype\": \"NoneType\", \"casestatus\": \"NoneType\", \"currentactivityid\": \"NoneType\", \"currentactionid\": \"NoneType\", \"casedescription\": \"NoneType\", \"createdate\": \"NoneType\", \"createuser\": \"NoneType\", \"updatedate\": \"NoneType\", \"updateuser\": \"NoneType\", \"fields\": \"empty list\", \"activities\": \"empty list\", \"message\": {\"_id\": \"str\", \"messageype\": \"str\", \"messagecode\": \"str\", \"messagedesc\": \"NoneType\"}, \"itemId\": \"NoneType\", \"blob\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9392", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:BoldSign, api_name:GetProperties, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"templateId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Template Id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9393", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:BoldSign, api_name:/v1/plan/apiCreditsCount, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9394", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9395", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:BoldSign, api_name:GetUser, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User Id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9396", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Working days, api_name:/1.3/add_working_days, api_description:Add (or remove) any number of working days to a date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ISO country code (2 letters). See available countries & configurations\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date (YYYY-MM-DD)\"}, {\"name\": \"increment\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of working days you want to add to your start date (positive or negative integer but not zero)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9397", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Working days, api_name:/1.3/define_custom_period, api_description:Defining a custom period (typically days of vacations of an employee or days of annual closure of a company) can be done from the working days websites user interface but can also be done programmatically from the API. A typical use case would be to retrieve the vacations of the workers out of the human ressources software and insert them into a custom calendar, then being able to query available working days., required_params: [{\"name\": \"description\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A textual description of the custom period (up to 30 caracters)\"}, {\"name\": \"profile_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ID of the calendar we are customizing.\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date of the custom period (YYYY-MM-DD)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9398", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Working days, api_name:/1.3/delete_custom_period, api_description:Removing a previously defined custom period, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date of the custom period (YYYY-MM-DD)\"}, {\"name\": \"profile_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ID of the calendar we are customizing.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9399", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Me, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9400", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9401", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:Working days, api_name:/1.3/add_working_hours, api_description:Add an amount of working time to a given start date/time, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date (YYYY-MM-DD)\"}, {\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ISO country code (2 letters). See available countries & configurations\"}, {\"name\": \"start_time\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start time in a 24 hours format with leading zeros.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9402", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": \"empty list\", \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9403", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cybersecurity, tool_name:Greip, api_name:/validatePhone, api_description:This method can be used as an extra-layer of your system for validating phone numbers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format of the country code of the phone number.\"}, {\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Phone Number you want to validate.\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your API Key. Each user has a unique API Key that can be used to access the API functions. If you don't have an account yet, please create new account first.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9404", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Free Epic Games, api_name:Free Games, api_description:Get the list of free games on Epic Games for the week, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"freeGames\\\": {\\\"current\\\": [{\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"namespace\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"effectiveDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"offerType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expiryDate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"viewableDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isCodeRedemptionOnly\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"keyImages\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"seller\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"productSlug\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"urlSlug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"items\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"namespace\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"customAttributes\\\": [{\\\"key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"categories\\\": [{\\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"tags\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"catalogNs\\\": {\\\"mappings\\\": [{\\\"pageSlug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pageType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"offerMappings\\\": [{\\\"pageSlug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pageType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"price\\\": {\\\"totalPrice\\\": {\\\"discountPrice\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"originalPrice\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"voucherDiscount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"discount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currencyCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currencyInfo\\\": {\\\"decimals\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"fmtPrice\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9405", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Kills Leaderboard WZ2, api_description:Get top kills information for up to 2000 players on the leaderboard., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"columns\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"mode\": \"str\", \"ranks\": [{\"gamertag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"percentileRank\": \"NoneType\", \"sortKeyStat\": \"float\", \"stats\": {\"kdRatio\": \"float\", \"highestKillstreak\": \"float\", \"operatorKills\": \"float\", \"globalKills\": \"float\", \"deaths\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 2000}], \"nextPageToken\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9406", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Season Career Leaderboard MW 2, api_description:Get season career information for up to 2000 players on the MW 2 leaderboard., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9407", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Season Kills Leaderboard MW 2, api_description:Get season kills information for up to 2000 players on the MW 2 leaderboard., required_params: [{\"name\": \"season\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: s1\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"columns\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"mode\": \"str\", \"ranks\": [{\"gamertag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"percentileRank\": \"NoneType\", \"sortKeyStat\": \"float\", \"stats\": {\"kdRatio\": \"float\", \"highestKillstreak\": \"float\", \"avgKillsPerGame\": \"float\", \"globalKills\": \"float\", \"deaths\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 2000}], \"nextPageToken\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9408", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Rocket League, api_name:Tournaments, api_description:Check the scheduled tournaments:\n`rocket-league1.p.rapidapi.com/tournaments/:region`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"The region to search. Valid options include:\\n- `asia-east`\\n- `asia-se-mainland`\\n- `asia-se-maritime`\\n- `europe`\\n- `india`\\n- `asia-east`\\n- `middle-east`\\n- `oceania`\\n- `south-africa`\\n- `south-america`\\n- `us-east`\\n- `us-west`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"statusCode\": \"int\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9409", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:CheapShark - Game Deals, api_name:Stores Info, api_description:Returns a full list of store IDs and names, a flag specifying if store is active, and an array of image/logo sizes (relative URLs), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"storeID\": \"str\", \"storeName\": \"str\", \"isActive\": \"int\", \"images\": {\"banner\": \"str\", \"logo\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9410", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:CheapShark - Game Deals, api_name:List of Games, api_description:Get a list of games that contain a given title or matches steamAppID. Response includes the cheapest current deal for each game., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"gameID\": \"str\", \"steamAppID\": \"NoneType\", \"cheapest\": \"str\", \"cheapestDealID\": \"str\", \"external\": \"str\", \"internalName\": \"str\", \"thumb\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9411", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Career Leaderboard WZ2, api_description:Get top career information for up to 2000 players on the leaderboard., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9412", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:wordle-api, api_name:/health, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9413", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Estrelabet Aviator API, api_name:estrelabet-aviator-latest, api_description:Will retrieve the latest results from Aviator at Estrelabet.\n\n- The first result is the most recent\n- The last result is the oldest, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9414", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Hearthstone, api_name:Get Cards, api_description:get a list of all the cards available in hearthstone, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"cards\\\": [{\\\"collectible\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"artistName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"manaCost\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flavorText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duels\\\": {\\\"relevant\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"constructed\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"hasImage\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasImageGold\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasCropImage\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"keywords\\\": [{\\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"refText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gameModes\\\": [{\\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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"", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Gulag Leaderboard WZ2, api_description:Get top gulag information for up to 2000 players on the leaderboard., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"columns\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"mode\": \"str\", \"ranks\": [{\"gamertag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"percentileRank\": \"NoneType\", \"sortKeyStat\": \"float\", \"stats\": {\"gulagJailorKills\": \"float\", \"gulagKills\": \"float\", \"gulagWins\": \"float\", \"gulagLosses\": \"float\", \"gulagWinLossRatio\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 2000}], \"nextPageToken\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9416", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Season Wins Leaderboard WZ2, api_description:Get season wins information for up to 2000 players on the leaderboard., required_params: [{\"name\": \"season\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: s1\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"columns\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"mode\": \"str\", \"ranks\": [{\"gamertag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"percentileRank\": \"NoneType\", \"sortKeyStat\": \"float\", \"stats\": {\"top10\": \"float\", \"totalWins\": \"float\", \"top5\": \"float\", \"highestWinstreak\": \"float\", \"top25\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 2000}], \"nextPageToken\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9417", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Rocket League, api_name:Shops, api_description:Check the current shops:\n`rocket-league1.p.rapidapi.com/shops/:type`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9418", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:GamerPower, api_name:All live giveaways, api_description:Get all live giveaways., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"worth\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"instructions\": \"str\", \"open_giveaway_url\": \"str\", \"published_date\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"platforms\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\", \"users\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\", \"gamerpower_url\": \"str\", \"open_giveaway\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9419", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Esports, api_name:Get Vods, api_description:In this api method you can get all previous event , match game information. You can search by tournaments id and you can get this value from the Get Tournaments For League endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"schedule\": {\"events\": [{\"startTime\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"blockName\": \"str\", \"league\": {\"name\": \"str\"}, \"match\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"teams\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"gameWins\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}], \"strategy\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\"}}, \"games\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"vods\": [{\"parameter\": \"str\", \"startMillis\": \"NoneType\", \"endMillis\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 100}]}, \"nextUnstartedMatch\": {\"events\": \"empty list\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9420", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Tibia Items, api_name:Get all valuable Items, api_description:This endpoint will get all Valuble item in our data base., required_params: [{\"name\": \"World\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"World\": \"str\", \"itemName\": \"str\", \"RegisterDate\": \"str\", \"Average\": {\"sellNumberofTransactions\": \"str\", \"buyNumberofTransactions\": \"str\", \"sell\": \"str\", \"buy\": \"str\"}, \"TypeItem\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9421", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Esports, api_name:Get Event Detail, api_description:In this api method you can get all of the event detail from the match or event id (exactly same those ids.) you can get this id from the Get Vods or Get Match api methods., required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"event\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"tournament\": {\"id\": \"str\"}, \"league\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"match\": {\"strategy\": {\"count\": \"int\"}, \"teams\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"gameWins\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}], \"games\": [{\"number\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"teams\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"side\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"vods\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"parameter\": \"str\", \"locale\": \"str\", \"mediaLocale\": {\"locale\": \"str\", \"englishName\": \"str\", \"translatedName\": \"str\"}, \"provider\": \"str\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"firstFrameTime\": \"str\", \"startMillis\": \"NoneType\", \"endMillis\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"streams\": \"empty list\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9422", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Dungeons and Dragon 5e, api_name:Get feat, api_description:Returns information about the feat. Mainly full text description., required_params: [{\"name\": \"feat_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9423", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Dungeons and Dragon 5e, api_name:Get spell, api_description:Get information about a D&D spell like the school of magic, spell level and the full description., required_params: [{\"name\": \"spell_name\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9424", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Card Draw Simulator, api_name:Card, api_description:Draw one card from a regular 52-card playing deck., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"card\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9425", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Chess Puzzles, api_name:Puzzles, api_description:The main access point for the API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"puzzles\": [{\"puzzleid\": \"str\", \"fen\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"int\", \"ratingdeviation\": \"int\", \"moves\": [\"list of str with length 8\"], \"themes\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"_list_length\": 25}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9426", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:MMO Games, api_name:Sort Games, api_description:Sort games by release date, alphabetical, popularity or relevance, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"short_description\": \"str\", \"game_url\": \"str\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"platform\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"developer\": \"str\", \"release_date\": \"str\", \"profile_url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9427", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:MMO Games, api_name:Filter Games by multiple tags, api_description:Filter Games by multiple tags for personalized results. Insert tag, eg: mmorpg, shooter, pvp, mmofps and more at [https://www.mmobomb.com/api ](url). Optionally you can also use the \"platform\" and \"sort\" parameters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9428", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:StonxzyAPI, api_name:APIS, api_description:This shows the apis, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9429", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Store API, api_name:Items by tag (🔥), api_description:👉 This is one of the most important endpoints. It returns games and other products based on the provided **TagID** . You can find the **TagID** by calling the **Tag list** endpoint from the **Tags** section. You can also specify which tab you're interested in by setting the appropriate **tab** value., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available country codes, just call the **Country code list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}, {\"name\": \"tab\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page numbering starts from 0, so the first page is 0.\"}, {\"name\": \"tagId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"TagId **19** means **Action**\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available languages, just call the **Language list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9430", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Tibia Items, api_name:Get imbuements for Epiphany (Magic Skillboost), api_description:This enpoint will get all imbuement for type Epiphany\n\nEpiphany (Magic Skillboost)\nElvish Talisman \nBroken Shamanic Staff \nStrand of Medusa Hair, required_params: [{\"name\": \"World\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"World\": \"str\", \"itemName\": \"str\", \"RegisterDate\": \"str\", \"Average\": {\"sellNumberofTransactions\": \"str\", \"buyNumberofTransactions\": \"str\", \"sell\": \"str\", \"buy\": \"str\"}, \"TypeItem\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9431", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Trackmania, api_name:TOTD Tracks by Date, api_description:Get the TOTD tracks by date containing the year and month., required_params: [{\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"month of the date.\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"year of the date.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"amount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"query\\\": {\\\"method\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"page\\\": 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platform & category & sorted., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"short_description\": \"str\", \"game_url\": \"str\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"platform\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"developer\": \"str\", \"release_date\": \"str\", \"profile_url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9437", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Tibia Items, api_name:Get imbuements for Strike (Critical Damage), api_description:This enpoint will get all imbuement for type Strike\n\nStrike (Critical Damage)\nProtective Charm \nSabretooth \nVexclaw Talon, required_params: [{\"name\": \"World\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9438", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Season Critical Damage Leaderboard MW2, api_description:Get season critical damage information for up to 2000 players on the MW 2 leaderboard., required_params: [{\"name\": \"season\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: s1\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"columns\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"mode\": \"str\", \"ranks\": [{\"gamertag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"percentileRank\": \"NoneType\", \"sortKeyStat\": \"float\", \"stats\": {\"headshotPerGame\": \"float\", \"totalOneshotKills\": \"float\", \"headshotPercent\": \"float\", \"globalHeadshots\": \"float\", \"avgDamage\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 2000}], \"nextPageToken\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9439", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Season Kills Leaderboard WZ2, api_description:Get season kills information for up to 2000 players on the leaderboard., required_params: [{\"name\": \"season\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: s1\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9440", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:VRising Server Query API, api_name:/players/, api_description:Get all players currently online from server - change `/IP/PORT`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"IP\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"Port\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9441", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:MMO Games, api_name:Games list, api_description:Live games list., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"short_description\": \"str\", \"game_url\": \"str\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"platform\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"developer\": \"str\", \"release_date\": \"str\", \"profile_url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9442", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, 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optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"roll\": [\"list of int with length 3\"], \"subtotal\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9445", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ID Game Checker, api_name:GET username Genshin Impact, api_description:Enter the Genshin Impact ID and Server in the required parameters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"server\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Choice your server\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9446", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ID Game Checker, api_name:GET username Free Fire, api_description:Enter your Free Fire ID in the required parameters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9447", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:taboo-api, api_name:Get All Stored Categories, api_description:Get a list of all stored categories. 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Friends, Groups, Steam Profile Level, and so much more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"username\": \"str\", \"isPrivate\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"str\", \"inGame\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\", \"about\": {\"realname\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\"}, \"awards\": {\"featured\": \"empty list\", \"count\": \"str\"}, \"badges\": {\"featured\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"count\": \"str\"}, \"comments\": {\"latest\": [{\"authorName\": \"str\", \"authorProfile\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"contents\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"count\": \"str\"}, \"friends\": {\"featured\": [{\"status\": \"str\", \"inGame\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"level\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"count\": \"str\"}, \"groups\": {\"featured\": 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will help you get sigle item in our data base by World, required_params: [{\"name\": \"World\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"NameItem\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"World\": \"str\", \"RegisterDate\": \"str\", \"ItemName\": \"str\", \"Average\": {\"BuyOffers\": {\"NumberofTransactions\": \"str\", \"LowestPrice\": \"str\", \"AveragePrice\": \"str\", \"HighestPrice\": \"str\"}, \"SellOffers\": {\"NumberofTransactions\": \"str\", \"LowestPrice\": \"str\", \"AveragePrice\": \"str\", \"HighestPrice\": \"str\"}}, \"TypeItem\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9451", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Skill Rating MW 2 Ranked, api_description:Get top Skill Rating for top 250 players, MW 2 ranked Leaderboard, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9452", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Wins Leaderboard WZ2, api_description:Get top wins information for up to 2000 players on the leaderboard., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"columns\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"mode\": \"str\", \"ranks\": [{\"gamertag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"percentileRank\": \"NoneType\", \"sortKeyStat\": \"float\", \"stats\": {\"top10\": \"float\", \"totalWins\": \"float\", \"top5\": \"float\", \"highestWinstreak\": \"float\", \"top25\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 2000}], \"nextPageToken\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9453", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Season Skill Rating MW 2 Ranked, api_description:Get season Skill Rating for top 250 players, MW 2 ranked Leaderboard, required_params: [{\"name\": \"season\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: s1\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: 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\"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID for which you want to retrieve the league's seasons.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"seasons\": [{\"editor\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"year\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 194}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9459", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Wins Leaderboard MW2, api_description:Get top wins information for up to 2000 players on the MW 2 leaderboard., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"columns\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"mode\": \"str\", \"ranks\": [{\"gamertag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"percentileRank\": \"NoneType\", \"sortKeyStat\": \"float\", \"stats\": {\"totalWins\": \"float\", \"totalLosses\": \"float\", \"highestWinstreak\": \"float\", \"globalWlRatio\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 2000}], \"nextPageToken\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9460", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Kills Leaderboard MW2, api_description:Get top kills information for up to 2000 players on the MW 2 leaderboard., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"columns\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"mode\": \"str\", \"ranks\": [{\"gamertag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"percentileRank\": \"NoneType\", \"sortKeyStat\": \"float\", \"stats\": {\"kdRatio\": \"float\", \"highestKillstreak\": \"float\", \"avgKillsPerGame\": \"float\", \"globalKills\": \"float\", \"deaths\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 2000}], \"nextPageToken\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9461", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Warzone 2, api_name:Warzone, api_description:Activision ID :, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9462", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Hearthstone, api_name:Get Card By Slug, api_description:get card information by slug, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"collectible\": \"int\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"artistName\": \"str\", \"manaCost\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"flavorText\": \"str\", \"duels\": {\"relevant\": \"bool\", \"constructed\": \"bool\"}, \"hasImage\": \"bool\", \"hasImageGold\": \"bool\", \"hasCropImage\": \"bool\", \"keywords\": [{\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"refText\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"gameModes\": [{\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"rarity\": {\"slug\": \"str\", \"craftingCost\": [\"list of int with length 2\"], \"dustValue\": [\"list of int with length 2\"], \"name\": \"str\"}, \"class\": {\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"type\": {\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"gameModes\": [{\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}, \"cardSet\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"collectibleCount\": \"int\", \"collectibleRevealedCount\": \"int\", \"nonCollectibleCount\": \"int\", \"nonCollectibleRevealedCount\": \"int\"}, \"spellSchool\": {\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9463", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ID Game Checker, api_name:GET username Point Blank, api_description:Enter your Point Blank ID in the required parameters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9464", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:MCAPI, api_name:Items, api_description:Retrieve items information:\n\n- **item_id** is the id of the item like \"minecraft:stick\"\n- **item_group** is the group of the item like \"Ingredients\"\n- **stack_size** is the max amount of items in one stack\n- **fire_resistant** is true if the item doesn't burn\n- **rarity** is the item rarity such as \"COMMON\"\n- **is_food** is true if the item can be eaten\n- **is_damageable** is true if the item can be damaged when used\n- **is_enchantable** is true if the item can be enchanted\n- **durability** indicates how many times the item can be used\n- **tags** are the tags applied to this item, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"item_id\": \"str\", \"item_group\": \"str\", \"stack_size\": \"int\", \"fire_resistant\": \"bool\", \"rarity\": \"str\", \"is_food\": \"bool\", \"is_damageable\": \"bool\", \"is_enchantable\": \"bool\", \"durability\": \"int\", \"tags\": [{\"item_tags_id\": \"int\", \"item_id\": \"str\", \"tag_id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9465", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v2, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9466", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v2, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9467", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Tibia Items, api_name:Get imbuements for Quara Scale (Ice Protection), api_description:This enpoint will get all imbuement for type Quara Scale\n\nQuara Scale (Ice Protection)\nWinter Wolf Fur \nThick Fur \nDeepling Warts, required_params: [{\"name\": \"World\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"World\": \"str\", \"itemName\": \"str\", \"RegisterDate\": \"str\", \"Average\": {\"sellNumberofTransactions\": \"str\", \"buyNumberofTransactions\": \"str\", \"sell\": \"str\", \"buy\": \"str\"}, \"TypeItem\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9468", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:CheapShark - Game Deals, api_name:List of Deals, api_description:Get a paged list of deals matching any number of criteria, all the filtering parameters are optional.\n\nThe deal object is what drives most of what you see on the site. They are price + metadata properties for games for a given store. All dealID’s are encoded on the server. On your website/app, you will use the redirect page to link users to a specific deal:\n\n> https://www.cheapshark.com/redirect?dealID={id}\n\n**Important Note**: The redirect page is not an API endpoint and is not designed for automated access. It is purely a way to link your end users to deals.\n\nThe deal rating property provides a quick way to compare how 'good' a deal is. It is normalized on a scale from 0 to 10., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"internalName\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"metacriticLink\": \"str\", \"dealID\": \"str\", \"storeID\": \"str\", \"gameID\": \"str\", \"salePrice\": \"str\", \"normalPrice\": \"str\", \"isOnSale\": \"str\", \"savings\": \"str\", \"metacriticScore\": \"str\", \"steamRatingText\": \"str\", \"steamRatingPercent\": \"str\", \"steamRatingCount\": \"str\", \"steamAppID\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"int\", \"lastChange\": \"int\", \"dealRating\": \"str\", \"thumb\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9469", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Season Gulag Leaderboard WZ2, api_description:Get season gulag information for up to 2000 players on the leaderboard., required_params: [{\"name\": \"season\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: s1\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"columns\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"mode\": \"str\", \"ranks\": [{\"gamertag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"percentileRank\": \"NoneType\", \"sortKeyStat\": \"float\", \"stats\": {\"gulagJailorKills\": \"float\", \"gulagKills\": \"float\", \"gulagWins\": \"float\", \"gulagLosses\": \"float\", \"gulagWinLossRatio\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 2000}], \"nextPageToken\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9470", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ESportApi, api_name:PlayerDetails, api_description:Get the details for a specific E-Sports player by providing the player ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the player for which you want to retrieve the details.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"player\": {\"country\": {\"alpha2\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"dateOfBirthTimestamp\": \"int\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"position\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"team\": {\"country\": {\"alpha2\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nameCode\": \"str\", \"national\": \"bool\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}, \"teamColors\": {\"primary\": \"str\", \"secondary\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"int\", \"userCount\": \"int\"}, \"userCount\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9471", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ESportApi, api_name:GameBans, api_description:Get game bans for a specific E-Sports game by providing the game ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the game for which you want to get the bans.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"awayTeamBans\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}], \"homeTeamBans\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9472", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ESportApi, api_name:EventLineups, api_description:Get event lineups for a specific E-Sports event by providing the event ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the event for which you want to get the lineups.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"away\\\": {\\\"goalkeeperColor\\\": {\\\"fancyNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"outline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"playerColor\\\": {\\\"fancyNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"outline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"players\\\": [{\\\"player\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"dateOfBirthTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"firstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketValueCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"substitute\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}]}, \\\"confirmed\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"home\\\": {\\\"goalkeeperColor\\\": {\\\"fancyNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"outline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"playerColor\\\": {\\\"fancyNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"outline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"players\\\": [{\\\"player\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"dateOfBirthTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"firstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketValueCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"substitute\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_lengt\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9473", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Store API, api_name:Dlc list, api_description:Returns full DLC list for selected item., required_params: [{\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"292030 is 'The Witcher\\u00ae 3: Wild Hunt' AppId\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page numbering starts from 0, so the first page is 0.\"}, {\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available country codes, just call the **Country code list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available languages, just call the **Language list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9474", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GeoSource API, api_name:CountriesList, api_description:Retrives a list of all countries and some basic information of them, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"countryID\": \"str\", \"countryName\": \"str\", \"CountryCode\": \"str\", \"numericCode\": \"str\", \"nativeName\": \"str\", \"Region\": \"str\", \"SubRegion\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9475", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GeoSource API, api_name:Phone Code By Country, api_description:Retrives a Phone code of the country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"CountryName\": \"str\", \"CountryCode\": \"str\", \"PhoneCode\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9476", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BDapi, api_name:All Divisions, api_description:`/v1.0/divisions`\nGet all divisions of Bangladesh in English and Bangla.\n\n**Response**\n```\nstatus: object,\ndata: [\n _id: string,\n division: string\n divisionbn: string\n]\n```, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"division\": \"str\", \"divisionbn\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9477", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Australian postcode to suburb, api_name:Get a list of states, api_description:This endpoint return 3 letter states for the passed postcode., required_params: [{\"name\": \"postcode\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Use a valid Australian postcode.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9478", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Address Correction and Geocoding, api_name:/address, api_description:Address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"AddressLine1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"First line of address\"}, {\"name\": \"AddressLine2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Second line of address - city, state, zip.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ErrorCode\": \"int\", \"ErrorMessage\": \"str\", \"AddressLine1\": \"NoneType\", \"AddressLine2\": \"NoneType\", \"Number\": \"NoneType\", \"PreDir\": \"NoneType\", \"Street\": \"NoneType\", \"Suffix\": \"NoneType\", \"PostDir\": \"NoneType\", \"Sec\": \"NoneType\", \"SecNumber\": \"NoneType\", \"SecValidated\": \"NoneType\", \"City\": \"NoneType\", \"State\": \"NoneType\", \"Zip\": \"NoneType\", \"Zip4\": \"NoneType\", \"UspsCarrierRoute\": \"NoneType\", \"County\": \"NoneType\", \"StateFP\": \"NoneType\", \"CountyFP\": \"NoneType\", \"CensusTract\": \"NoneType\", \"CensusBlock\": \"NoneType\", \"Latitude\": \"int\", \"Longitude\": \"int\", \"GeoPrecision\": \"int\", \"TimeZoneOffset\": \"NoneType\", \"DstObserved\": \"NoneType\", \"PlaceFP\": \"NoneType\", \"CityMunicipality\": \"NoneType\", \"SalesTaxRate\": \"NoneType\", \"SalesTaxJurisdiction\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9479", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Egypt API, api_name:Measure Distance, api_description:This endpoint calculates the distance between two locations based on their latitude and longitude coordinates, while allowing the user to specify the unit of measurement.\n\nBelow Example: **Distance between Alexandria and Cairo**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the second location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the first location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lon1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the first location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the second location (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9480", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Cities and Countries, api_name:SearchCountries, api_description:API to search county based on the matching search keyword passed in url param.\nNOTE: This API is case insensitive.\ne.g. \n`/v1/locations/countries/uni`: This will return all the matching countries whose name starts from `uni` and their additional info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sortBy\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Valid format to sort is `field:order`\\ne.g. `name:desc`, `alpha-2:asc`\\nwhere `asc` for sorting in ascending order\\n`desc` for sorting in descending order\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"isActive\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\", \"alpha-2\": \"str\", \"alpha-3\": \"str\", \"country-code\": \"str\", \"iso_3166-2\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"sub-region\": \"str\", \"intermediate-region\": \"str\", \"region-code\": \"str\", \"sub-region-code\": \"str\", \"intermediate-region-code\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"page\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"totalResults\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9481", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Ghana API, api_name:Facilities Lookup, api_description:This endpoint allows you to get facilities in Ghana like hospital, bank, college, etc. by providing optional query parameters for facility type, region and city. It returns a list of facilities that match the query parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The region where the facility is located\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of amenity facility to search for (default: **hospital**)\\nOptions:\\n**aerodrome, bar, cafe, fast_food, pub, restaurant, college, driving_school, school, university, bank, atm, pharmacy,** etc.. \\n\\n[More options->](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_features#Amenity)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hospital\": [{\"ISO3166-2-lvl4\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"amenity\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"road\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\", \"village\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9482", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Ghana API, api_name:Measure Distance, api_description:This endpoint calculates the distance between two locations based on their latitude and longitude coordinates, while allowing the user to specify the unit of measurement.\n\nBelow Example: **Distance from Kumasi to Accra**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the first location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the second location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the first location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lon2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the second location (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9483", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Countries, api_name:get language, api_description:This gets language data on a country. Use ISO2 for country_code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9484", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Referential, api_name:State, api_description:List the sub-regions/states/provinces/departments of the world's countries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9485", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:TimeZoneDB - Find Local Time Zone by Coordinate or Name, api_name:Main, api_description:Return country code, GMT offset, daylight saving time, time zone name, and current timestamp., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9486", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Countries, api_name:get all, api_description:This gets all data on a country. Use ISO2 for country_code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9487", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:ip-to-location_v2, api_name:IP Lookup, api_description:Returns the IP address of the client with all the location data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9488", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Location Lookup Service, api_name:Lookup IP Address, api_description:Feed this API an IP Address and have it perform a quick and easy lookup for you, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"range\": [\"list of int with length 2\"], \"country\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"eu\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"metro\": \"int\", \"area\": \"int\", \"ip\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of float with length 2\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9489", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Time, api_name:Timezone by Area, api_description:Request a list of valid locations for an area, required_params: [{\"name\": \"area\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Area example:\\\"Europe\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9490", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BD, api_name:BD_DIVISION, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9491", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BD, api_name:BD_DISTRICT, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9492", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BD, api_name:BD_UPAZILA, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9493", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Rest Country API, api_name:allCountries, api_description:Returns all countries and its details in single api request, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"name\\\": {\\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nativeName\\\": {\\\"nld\\\": {\\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"pap\\\": {\\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}, \\\"tld\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"cca2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ccn3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cca3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cioc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fifa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"independent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unMember\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"currencies\\\": {\\\"AWG\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"idd\\\": {\\\"root\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"suffixes\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"capital\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"altSpellings\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subregion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continents\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"languages\\\": {\\\"nld\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pap\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"translations\\\": {\\\"ara\\\": {\\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"bre\\\": {\\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ces\\\": {\\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"cym\\\": {\\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": 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\\\"cca3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cioc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fifa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"independent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unMember\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"currencies\\\": {\\\"INR\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"idd\\\": {\\\"root\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"suffixes\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"capital\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"altSpellings\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subregion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continents\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"languages\\\": {\\\"eng\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tam\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"translations\\\": {\\\"ara\\\": {\\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"bre\\\": {\\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ces\\\": {\\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"cym\\\": {\\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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It returns the name of the city where the location is located., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The longitude of the location.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The latitude of the location.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amenity\": \"str\", \"boundingbox\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"category\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"province\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9497", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Partenaires Mobilis, api_name:Health, api_description:Donne l'état de santé de l'API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9498", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Tanzania API, api_name:Measure Distance, api_description:This endpoint calculates the distance between two locations based on their latitude and longitude coordinates, while allowing the user to specify the unit of measurement.\n\nBelow Example: **Distance from Arusha to Dar es Salaam**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the first location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lon2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the second location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the second location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the first location (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9499", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Timezone by Coordinates, api_name:Timezone, api_description:Get the timezone of the coordinate location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"timestamp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The desired time as **seconds **since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dstOffset\": \"int\", \"rawOffset\": \"int\", \"timeZoneId\": \"str\", \"timeZoneName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9500", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geography _v2, api_name:continents, api_description:get a list of all the continents filtering by name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9501", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GeoSource API, api_name:Capital By Country, api_description:Retrives a value of the capital of the country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"countryName\": \"str\", \"CountryCode\": \"str\", \"Capital\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9502", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:India Pincode API, api_name:findsubdistrict, api_description:findsubdistrict, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"noOfItems\": \"int\", \"result\": [{\"townvillagecode\": \"str\", \"placename\": \"str\", \"links\": {\"townvillage\": {\"href\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 31}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9503", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:India Pincode API, api_name:findstate, api_description:findstate, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"noOfItems\": \"int\", \"result\": [{\"districtname\": \"str\", \"districtcode\": \"str\", \"links\": {\"district\": {\"href\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9504", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:India Pincode API, api_name:finddistrict, api_description:finddistrict, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"noOfItems\": \"int\", \"result\": [{\"subdistrictname\": \"str\", \"subdistrictcode\": \"str\", \"links\": {\"subdistrict\": {\"href\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 52}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9505", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Uganda API, api_name:Facilities Lookup, api_description:This endpoint allows you to get facilities in Uganda like hospital, bank, college, etc. by providing optional query parameters for facility type, region and city. It returns a list of facilities that match the query parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The region where the facility is located\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type of amenity facility to search for (default: **hospital**)\\nOptions:\\n**aerodrome, bar, cafe, fast_food, pub, restaurant, college, driving_school, school, university, bank, atm, pharmacy,** etc.. \\n\\n[More options->](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_features#Amenity)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hospital\": [{\"ISO3166-2-lvl4\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"amenity\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"road\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\", \"village\": \"str\", \"website\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9506", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Uganda API, api_name:Measure Distance, api_description:This endpoint calculates the distance between two locations based on their latitude and longitude coordinates, while allowing the user to specify the unit of measurement.\n\nBelow Example: **Distance from Nansana to Kampala**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the first location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the second location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lon2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the second location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lon1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the first location (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9507", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BPS, api_name:Commune par nom, api_description:Récupérer une ou plusieurs communes grâce à son nom. Perfect match ou partiel., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"province\": \"str\", \"nom\": \"str\", \"nomMinus\": \"str\", \"codeCom\": \"int\", \"codePost\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9508", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Woosmap, api_name:localitiesDetails, api_description:Provides details of an autocomplete suggestion (using the suggestion’s `public_id`).\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"public_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A textual identifier that uniquely identifies a locality, returned from a [Localities Autocomplete](https://developers.woosmap.com/products/localities/autocomplete/).\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9509", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Countries, api_name:get currency, api_description:This gets currency data on a country. Use ISO2 for country_code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9510", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Countries, api_name:get geo, api_description:This gets geo data on a country. Use ISO2 for country_code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9511", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Get IP Info_v2, api_name:ip-city, api_description:Get the detail of Longitude and Latitude on the basis of IP-Address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IP-Address of the Country\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Key Generated by Infodb.com\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9512", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:getCountries, api_name:getCountries, api_description:get all countries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9513", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:India Pincode API, api_name:findpincodebysubdistrict, api_description:findpincodebysubdistrict, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"noOfItems\": \"int\", \"result\": [{\"taluk\": \"str\", \"pincode\": \"str\", \"districtname\": \"str\", \"placename\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"statename\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"accuracy\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 13}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9514", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Uganda API, api_name:Reverse Geocode, api_description:This endpoint allows you to perform reverse geocoding in Uganda by providing query parameters for latitude and longitude. It returns the name of the city where the location is located., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The longitude of the location.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The latitude of the location.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amenity\": \"str\", \"boundingbox\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"category\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9515", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Country, api_name:Get Regions, api_description:Get region list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"total_items\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"subregions\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9516", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Tunisia API, api_name:Geocode, api_description:This endpoint allows you to lookup locations in Tunisia by providing an address query parameter. It returns the latitude, longitude and city name of the location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the location to look up.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"display_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9517", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Nigeria API, api_name:Directions Between 2 Locations, api_description:This endpoint returns information about the route between two locations in terms of distance, duration, and steps.\n\nBelow Example: **Directions from Kaduna to Maiduguri**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"end_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the starting point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the starting point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the ending point (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"steps\": [{\"direction\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"instruction\": \"str\", \"location\": [\"list of float with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9518", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:NAVITIME Geocoding, api_name:address_code, api_description:Return address information from address code of request parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address Code.\\nCan be specified multiple times, separated by a period.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"postal_code\": \"str\", \"coord\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\"}, \"details\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"ruby\": \"str\", \"level\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"unit\": {\"datum\": \"str\", \"coord_unit\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9519", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:US Zip Code Information, api_name:Get ZIP Info, api_description:This Endpoint returns the zip information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zipcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ZipCode\": \"str\", \"City\": \"str\", \"State\": \"str\", \"County\": \"str\", \"AreaCode\": \"str\", \"CityType\": \"str\", \"CityAliasAbbreviation\": \"str\", \"CityAliasName\": \"str\", \"Latitude\": \"str\", \"Longitude\": \"str\", \"TimeZone\": \"str\", \"Elevation\": \"str\", \"CountyFIPS\": \"str\", \"DayLightSaving\": \"str\", \"PreferredLastLineKey\": \"str\", \"ClassificationCode\": \"str\", \"MultiCounty\": \"str\", \"StateFIPS\": \"str\", \"CityStateKey\": \"str\", \"CityAliasCode\": \"str\", \"PrimaryRecord\": \"str\", \"CityMixedCase\": \"str\", \"CityAliasMixedCase\": \"str\", \"StateANSI\": \"str\", \"CountyANSI\": \"str\", \"FacilityCode\": \"str\", \"CityDeliveryIndicator\": \"str\", \"CarrierRouteRateSortation\": \"str\", \"FinanceNumber\": \"str\", \"UniqueZIPName\": \"str\", \"CountyMixedCase\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9520", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:NAVITIME Geocoding, api_name:address, api_description:Return address information such as a postal code or latitude/longitude from free keyword of request parameters., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"details\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"kana_row\": \"str\", \"level_from\": \"str\", \"level_to\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9521", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geography _v2, api_name:get continent by id, api_description:get continent by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9522", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Ip To Location, api_name:ip_to_location, api_description:Get location details from IP address, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"coordinates\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}, \"ip\": \"str\", \"isp\": \"str\", \"host\": {\"domain\": \"str\", \"ip_address\": \"str\", \"prefix_len\": \"int\"}, \"status\": \"bool\", \"country\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"area_code\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9523", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:MapReflex, api_name:statesSearchInRadius, api_description:Get States boundaries in circle with given radius (in GeoJSON format). For a quick view, copy and paste results: http://geojsonlint.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of radius center. Test example: 40.61\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Radius size in miles. Min value is 1, max value is 50 miles.\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of radius center. Test example: -74.72\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"int\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9524", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BPS, api_name:Toutes communes, api_description:Récupère le PDF de toutes les communes de la Nouvelle Calédonie, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9525", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GeoSource API, api_name:cities By State, api_description:Retrives a list of cities of the state., required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"CityName\": \"str\", \"StateCode\": \"str\", \"CountryCode\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9526", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GeoSource API, api_name:states By Country, api_description:Retrives a list of all states of the country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"StateName\": \"str\", \"StateCode\": \"str\", \"CountryCode\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9527", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Address, api_name:Get User IP, api_description:Get user IP address., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9528", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Geolocation Lookup, api_name:IP Geolocation Lookup, api_description:API returns location data such as country, region, city, zip, timezone, isp, asn and org and more, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IPv4 address\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"ipAddress\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"stateCode\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"postal\": \"str\", \"countryCodeIso3\": \"str\", \"continent\": \"str\", \"continentCode\": \"str\", \"capital\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"currencySymbol\": \"str\", \"phoneCode\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"asNumber\": \"int\", \"asName\": \"str\", \"network\": \"str\", \"tools\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9529", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Egypt API, api_name:Directions Between 2 Locations, api_description:This endpoint returns information about the route between two locations in terms of distance, duration, and steps.\n\nBelow Example: **Directions from Alexandria to Cairo**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the starting point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the starting point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the ending point (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"steps\": [{\"direction\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"instruction\": \"str\", \"location\": [\"list of float with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9530", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:PT Postcodes, api_name:Get addresses by postcode, api_description:Get the list of addresses/street by specifying the postcode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cp4\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"cp3\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"council\": \"str\", \"locality\": \"str\", \"cp4\": \"str\", \"cp3\": \"str\", \"postalName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9531", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Woosmap, api_name:getDistanceMatrix, api_description:Get distances and durations for a matrix of origins and destinations, based on the recommended route between start and end points for a specified travel mode.\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"destinations\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One or more locations to use as the finishing point for calculating travel distance. The options for the destinations parameter are the same as for the origins parameter, described above. In order to reduce URL size, [encoded polylines](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm) are also supported using `enc:encoded-polyline:`\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"origins\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The starting point for calculating travel distance. You can supply one or more locations separated by the pipe character (|), in the form of latitude/longitude coordinates. They are used unchanged to calculate distance. Ensure that no space exists between the latitude and longitude values. In order to reduce URL size, [encoded polylines](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm) are also supported using `enc:encoded-polyline:`\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"rows\": \"empty list\", \"status\": \"str\", \"error_message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9532", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BPS, api_name:Communes par code Commune, api_description:Récupérer les détails d'une commune depuis son code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code_com\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"province\": \"str\", \"nom\": \"str\", \"nomMinus\": \"str\", \"codeCom\": \"int\", \"codePost\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9533", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BPS, api_name:All, api_description:Liste des provinces de la Nouvelle Calédonie, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9534", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Country, api_name:Get Cities, api_description:Get City list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"total_items\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 35}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9535", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:mymappi, api_name:Highway type, api_description:Given a coordinate, finds the nearest road and determines what type of road it is (motorway, path, primary... etc.), required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"licence\": \"str\", \"osm_type\": \"str\", \"osm_id\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"distance_to_source\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9536", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:India Pincode API, api_name:findbypincode, api_description:“Find By PinCode” API is JSON API to query India Pincode., required_params: [{\"name\": \"pincode\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"noOfItems\": \"int\", \"result\": [{\"taluk\": \"str\", \"pincode\": \"str\", \"districtname\": \"str\", \"placename\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"statename\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"accuracy\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9537", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Referential, api_name:Cities, api_description:List and search over 75,000 world cities in 20 languages., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9538", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Woosmap, api_name:storeAutocomplete, api_description:Autocomplete on `localizedNames` with highlighted results on asset name. Use the field `localized` in your query parameter to search for localized names.\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9539", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Referential, api_name:Languages, api_description:List the world's languages translated into 20 languages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9540", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BPS, api_name:BP par localite, api_description:Liste des BP par localité en Nouvelle Calédonie, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9541", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:mymappi, api_name:Route calculation, api_description:Calculates a route between an origin and a destination, possibly passing through many waypoints. It takes into consideration several configuration options in order to customize the response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"dest\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"profile\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"orig\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"licence\": \"str\", \"osm_type\": \"str\", \"osm_id\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"distance_to_source\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9542", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Referential, api_name:Continents, api_description:List continents of the world localized to requested language, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9543", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:ipstack, api_name:get, api_description:exemple, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9544", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Location, api_name:Get the addresses by IP, api_description:Get the addresses by IP., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"postalCode\": \"str\", \"street\": \"str\", \"neighborhood\": \"str\", \"city\": {\"name\": \"str\"}, \"state\": {}, \"country\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"alpha2\": \"str\", \"alpha3\": \"str\"}, \"coordinates\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9545", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GeoSource API, api_name:Currency By Country, api_description:Retrives a currecny and currency symbol of the country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"CountryName\": \"str\", \"CountryCode\": \"str\", \"Currency\": \"str\", \"CurrencySymbol\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9546", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Locations - Languages, Countries & German Cities, api_name:All German Cities, api_description:Get all German cities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"city\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"long\": \"float\", \"postal_code\": \"int\", \"postal_code_5\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9547", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Get IP Address and basic info., api_name:IP ADDRESS, api_description:JUST SEND AJAX OR REQUEST TO API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\"}, \"flags\": {\"png\": \"str\", \"svg\": \"str\"}, \"tor\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9548", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMS Receive, api_name:/SetTag, api_description:Change the current tag., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of the new tag with a maximum of 16 characters.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"tag\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9549", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Gunsky, api_name:Anjing, api_description:Wkwkwland, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9550", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:PhoneNumberValidate, api_name:Validate, api_description:Validate any phone number from any country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"1_ Option: local format (without prefix):\\nExample: 94887799\\n\\n2_ Option: format E 164:\\nRecommended: starting with symbol + followed by country prefix and number, without blank spaces\\nRemark: the + symbol in a url is escaped for the text %2B leaving %2B59894887799\\nExample: +59894887799 \\n\\n----\\n\\n1_ Opci\\u00f3n: formato local (sin prefijo):\\nEjemplo: 94887799\\n\\n2_ Opci\\u00f3n: formato E 164:\\nRecomendado: comenzando con s\\u00edmbolo + seguido de prefijo pa\\u00eds y n\\u00famero, sin espacios en blanco\\nObservaci\\u00f3n: el s\\u00edmbolo + en una url se escapea para el texto %2B quedando %2B59894887799\\nEjemplo: +59894887799\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"phoneNumberEntered\": \"str\", \"defaultCountryEntered\": \"str\", \"languageEntered\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"nationalNumber\": \"str\", \"extension\": \"str\", \"countryCodeSource\": \"str\", \"italianLeadingZero\": \"bool\", \"rawInput\": \"str\", \"isPossibleNumber\": \"bool\", \"isValidNumber\": \"bool\", \"isValidNumberForRegion\": \"bool\", \"phoneNumberRegion\": \"str\", \"numberType\": \"str\", \"E164Format\": \"str\", \"originalFormat\": \"str\", \"nationalFormat\": \"str\", \"internationalFormat\": \"str\", \"outOfCountryFormatFromUS\": \"str\", \"outOfCountryFormatFromCH\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"timeZone_s\": \"str\", \"carrier\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9551", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Zigatext - Global Bulk SMS & OTP, api_name:Fetch Sent Message Extra, api_description:Fetch Sent Message Extra, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sentID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9552", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:Zigatext - Global Bulk SMS & OTP, api_name:Fetch Birthday Groups, api_description:Fetch Birthday Groups, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9553", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSAPI.com, api_name:/ping, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"authorized\": \"bool\", \"unavailable\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9554", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSAPI.com, api_name:/subusers/{id}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"errors\": \"NoneType\", \"developer_description\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9555", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSAPI.com, api_name:/blacklist/phone_numbers, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"errors\": \"NoneType\", \"developer_description\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9556", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSAPI.com, api_name:/profile/prices, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"errors\": \"NoneType\", \"developer_description\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9557", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v2, api_name:Search Locations, api_description:Location name search from keyword, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9558", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/search/live, api_description:Search live streams by text query, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query text\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9559", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/user/{user_id}/playlist, api_description:User playlists, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"user's ID can be uid or sec_uid\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9560", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter v2_v2, api_name:Search, api_description:Search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query\\n\\nYou can use advanced search queries. E.g. `dogecoin (from:elonmusk)` Check out for more information: [https://twitter.com/search-advanced](https://twitter.com/search-advanced)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9561", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Pinterest Scraper, api_name:Search Pins, api_description:Search Pins, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"endpoint_name\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"items\": [{\"first_name\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"image_small_url\": \"str\", \"image_medium_url\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"verified_identity\": {\"verified\": \"bool\"}, \"native_pin_count\": \"int\", \"show_creator_profile\": \"bool\", \"allow_mentions\": \"int\", \"is_verified_merchant\": \"bool\", \"image\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"subLabel\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 12}]}, \"x_pinterest_sli_endpoint_name\": \"str\", \"http_status\": \"int\", \"time_gen\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9562", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Tiktok full info without watermark, api_name:video without watermark/cover/ music, api_description:original video without watermark/cover/ music / other info about the user and the video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"video\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"music\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"cover\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"OriginalWatermarkedVideo\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"description\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"dynamic_cover\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"author\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"region\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"avatar_thumb\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"custom_verify\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"videoid\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"post_type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9563", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API_v2, api_name:Get Comments List by Media Id, api_description:Get comments list via media id. you can get more data using minid. The response will include this part:\n\"next_min_id\": \"{\"server_cursor\": \"QVFEdjNRSEU5SFY4SzR5TE00MV9ISmh6STZfV1dwcnBxbGlPYlhuZTl3T3lvVW4zYVNETXc0YWVHSnJQTHNKR25ncXE1RFdCT2MzTEhTVWpGMTBBNlhIaw==\", \"is_server_cursor_inverse\": true}\"\nand the minid will be:\n\"QVFEdjNRSEU5SFY4SzR5TE00MV9ISmh6STZfV1dwcnBxbGlPYlhuZTl3T3lvVW4zYVNETXc0YWVHSnJQTHNKR25ncXE1RFdCT2MzTEhTVWpGMTBBNlhIaw==\", required_params: [{\"name\": \"mediaid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9564", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:gwyo-twitch, api_name:Get Channel Username by Id, api_description:Get Channel Username by Id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"username\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9565", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API_v2, api_name:Get Followers by pk, api_description:Get lists of any public Instagram account followers via pk, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pk\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9566", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:Tweets by username, api_description:this returns tweets based on twitter username.\nyou can use cursor input for pagination., required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"tweets\\\": [{\\\"entryId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sortIndex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"entryType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"itemContent\\\": {\\\"itemType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tweet_results\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"core\\\": {\\\"user_results\\\": 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\"description\": \"Instagram username\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9573", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v13, api_name:UserID, api_description:Get instagram user id by username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9574", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Looter, api_name:Get User Media by user_id, api_description:Get **Instagram** user media by **user_id**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"user\\\": {\\\"edge_owner_to_timeline_media\\\": {\\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page_info\\\": {\\\"has_next_page\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"end_cursor\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"edges\\\": 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Up to `100` are allowed in a single request.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9576", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v4, api_name:v1.1 / Users, api_description:v1.1 / Users, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9577", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter V2, api_name:Tweet Retweeters, api_description:Get Tweet Retweeters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tweet_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9578", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Soundcloud, api_name:/playlist/info, api_description:Get playlist info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"playlist_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], 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information about a specific video on Likee., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9583", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter v2_v2, api_name:User Tweets & Replies, api_description:User Tweets & Replies, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\\n\\nUse the `User By Screen Name` endpoint to find the ID from a username.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9584", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Fast, api_name:Get media data, api_description:Get media data by post short code or url, required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"items\\\": [{\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dimensions\\\": 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api_description:User Tweets, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\\n\\nUse the `User By Screen Name` endpoint to find the ID from a username.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9587", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v4, api_name:v1.1 / User Favorites, api_description:v1.1 / User Favorites, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9588", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API 2023, api_name:No CORS HD profile photo, api_description:Fetch no CORS HD profile picture of a Instagram user. \nNo CORS image urls will expire after 30 days from date of creation.\n\nAlong with original no CORS image, you will get thumbnail & display_url for the same., required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9589", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API 2023, api_name:Get public contact details by user_id, api_description:Get public contact details such as phone number, email, address, etc of an Instagram user using user_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9590", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Chuck Norris, api_name:/jokes/search, api_description:Free text search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The search term.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"violations\": {\"search.query\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9591", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v7, api_name:Get user id from username, api_description:Finds user id by username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9592", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v7, api_name:Get media id from data, api_description:Get the id of a media from some data like a link., required_params: [{\"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9593", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Geeklist, api_name:Get Authenticated Users Contributions, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9594", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/post, api_description:Video by web URL, can be vm.tiktok.com or tiktok.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"video_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9595", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:youtube, api_name:go, api_description:Video converter, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9596", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Bulk Profile Scrapper, api_name:Followers by PK, api_description:Fetch followers list\n\nCarry forward nextMaxId to retrieve next batch, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pk\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9597", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Data, api_name:User Search, api_description:Search for a users by using keyword, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any keyword\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9598", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Data, api_name:Post comments V2, api_description:Get post comments V2 - more accurate data\n\n**NOTE:** Profile should be public(not private), required_params: [{\"name\": \"post\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Post example url:\\n- https://www.instagram.com/p/CAVeEm1gDh2/\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"comment_likes_enabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"comments\\\": [{\\\"pk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"user_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"created_at\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"created_at_utc\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"content_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bit_flags\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"did_report_as_spam\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"share_enabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"user\\\": {\\\"pk\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pk_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"username\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"full_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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"title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Private, api_name:Trending Creators, api_description:Get Trending By Creators, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9602", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Private, api_name:Search Videos, api_description:Search Videos By Keyword, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9603", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Youtube V2, api_name:Video Comments, api_description:This endpoint returns a list comments under a given Youtube video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"video_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"video_id\": \"str\", \"total_number_of_comments\": \"int\", \"total_number_of_likes\": \"int\", \"number_of_comments\": 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"title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Social Media Data TT, api_name:User feed (Video posts) V2, api_description:Get user feed V2\n\nV2 - returns more data then older version of the endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9607", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Social Media Data TT, api_name:Music metadata, api_description:Get music metadata\n\nBasic metadata: number of posts, direct url to the song(MP3) and etc, required_params: [{\"name\": \"music\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Music url\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9608", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Data, api_name:Hashtag metadata (information), api_description:Get hashtag metadata, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hashtag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Hashtag name. 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\"description\": \"User ID\\n\\nUse the `User By Screen Name` endpoint to find the ID from a username.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9640", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v4, api_name:v1.1 / Translate Tweet, api_description:v1.1 / Translate Tweet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Tweet ID\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Destination language\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9641", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v4, api_name:v1.1 / User Timeline, api_description:v1.1 / User Timeline, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9642", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v13, api_name:Post Detail Data, api_description:Get instagram user post detail by shortcode., required_params: [{\"name\": \"shortcode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Instagram post shortcode.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9643", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v4, api_name:v2 / User Followers, api_description:v2 / User Followers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\\n\\nUse the `User By Screen Name` endpoint to find the ID from a username.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9644", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v13, api_name:User Highlight Detail, api_description:Get instagram user highlight detail by highlight id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"highlightid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9645", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Kwai, api_name:Search Music, api_description:Search Music API, 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optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9739", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Bing Search APIs, api_name:Emails Search, api_description:Search emails from search engines for related keywords., required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"request\": {\"keyword\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [\"list of str with length 9\"], \"in_seconds\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9740", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Vehicle Ownership Cost, api_name:Vehicle Ownership Cost by License Plate, api_description:Vehicle Ownership Cost by License Plate, required_params: [{\"name\": \"state_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State Code\\nAL,AK,AZ,AR,CA,CO,CT,DE,DC,FL,GA,HI,ID,IL,IN,IA,KS,KY,LA,ME,MD,MA,MI,MN,MS,MO,MT,NE,NV,NH,NJ,NM,NY,NC,ND,OH,OK,OR,PA,RI,SC,SD,TN,TX,UT,VT,VA,WA,WV,WI,WY\"}, {\"name\": \"license_plate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"License plate number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"service\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"vehicle\": \"str\", \"mileage_start\": \"int\", \"mileage_year\": \"int\", \"depreciation_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"insurance_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"fuel_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"maintenance_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"repairs_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"total_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"total_cost_sum\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9741", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Vehicle Ownership Cost, api_name:Vehicle Ownership Cost by VINs, api_description:Vehicle Ownership Cost by VINs, required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State Code\\nAL,AK,AZ,AR,CA,CO,CT,DE,DC,FL,GA,HI,ID,IL,IN,IA,KS,KY,LA,ME,MD,MA,MI,MN,MS,MO,MT,NE,NV,NH,NJ,NM,NY,NC,ND,OH,OK,OR,PA,RI,SC,SD,TN,TX,UT,VT,VA,WA,WV,WI,WY\"}, {\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"service\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"vehicle\": \"str\", \"mileage_start\": \"int\", \"mileage_year\": \"int\", \"depreciation_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"insurance_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"fuel_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"maintenance_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"repairs_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"total_cost\": [\"list of int with length 5\"], \"total_cost_sum\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9742", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Youtube Search_v3, api_name:listAllSuggestions, api_description:This endpoint allows you to access a wide range of recommendations, suggestions, or related items based on contextual information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9743", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Youtube Search_v3, api_name:searchChannel, api_description:Efficiently search for specific videos or playlists within a channel, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) Channel ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9744", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Netlas All-in-One Host, api_name:host_read, api_description:Both ip address and domain might be used as a search query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"host\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9745", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:ExplorArc's Link Finder, api_name:Links Finder, api_description:ExplorArc's Link Finder API simplifies the process of finding relevant links by returning results based on a given query. With this powerful tool, users can easily access the information they need to streamline their workflow and achieve their goals, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"query\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"links\": [\"list of str with length 14\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9746", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:License Plate Lookup, api_name:License Plate Lookup, api_description:License Plate Lookup, required_params: [{\"name\": \"state_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**Run a License Plate Search By State**\\nAL,AK,AZ,AR,CA,CO,CT,DE,DC,FL,GA,HI,ID,IL,IN,IA,KS,KY,LA,ME,MD,MA,MI,MN,MS,MO,MT,NE,NV,NH,NJ,NM,NY,NC,ND,OH,OK,OR,PA,RI,SC,SD,TN,TX,UT,VT,VA,WA,WV,WI,WY\"}, {\"name\": \"license_plate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Report_Type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"VIN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Vehicle_ID\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Model_Year\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Make\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Model\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Trim_Level\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Manufactured_in\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Production_Seq._Number\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Body_Style\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Engine_Type\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Engine_Displacement\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Engine_Shape\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Fuel_Type\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Transmission-short\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Transmission-long\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Driveline\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Tank\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Fuel_Economy-city\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Fuel_Economy-highway\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Anti-Brake_System\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"Ste\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9747", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Reward, tool_name:Rewards as a Service, api_name:7. Get order history, api_description:Get more information about all the orders placed on this customer and account, required_params: [{\"name\": \"customer\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"account_identifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9748", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Reward, tool_name:Kitten Placeholder, api_name:Cat, api_description:Fetches a random cat picture., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9749", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Reward, tool_name:Rewards as a Service, api_name:2. Get Account Information, api_description:Get the information for an account created under a Customer, required_params: [{\"name\": \"customer\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"account_identifier\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9750", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Reward, tool_name:Kitten Placeholder, api_name:Kitten, api_description:Fetches random kitten image!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9751", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Reward, tool_name:Rewards as a Service, api_name:4. Get list of rewards, api_description:Gets the list of rewards available for the platform, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9752", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Geolocation Simulation For Mobile Apps, api_name:View Simulation, api_description:Enter simulationID in route, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9753", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:IoTVAS, api_name:get_weak_keys, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"firmware_hash\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"SHA2 hash of device firmware\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9754", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:IoTVAS, api_name:get_expired_certs, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"firmware_hash\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"SHA2 hash of device firmware\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9755", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:IoTVAS, api_name:get_weak_certs, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"firmware_hash\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"SHA2 hash of device firmware\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9756", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Test, api_name:test_copy, api_description:1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9757", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Geolocation Simulation For Mobile Apps, api_name:View User's Profile, api_description:View Profile (Enter your user-id in route), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9758", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:openHUB, api_name:openHAB, api_description:smart home integration, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9759", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Ubidots, api_name:GET /variables/{variable_id}/values, api_description:This resource returns the values of the specified variable. Every value will have a timestamp which is a value in milliseconds according to the POSIX standard., required_params: [{\"name\": \"variable_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9760", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Ubidots, api_name:GET /variables/{variable_id}, api_description:This resource returns a variable and its details. It shows additional fields than the ones required during the creation of the variable: last_value: Shows the last value written to the variable., required_params: [{\"name\": \"variable_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9761", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Ubidots, api_name:GET /datasources, api_description:This resource lists all the existing data sources of a user., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9762", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Devices, tool_name:Mobile Phone Specs Database, api_name:Get {Specifications} by {Brand Name} and {Model Name}, api_description:Get all phone specifications by brand name and model name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"brandName\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"modelName\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"phoneDetails\\\": {\\\"customId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"yearValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"brandValue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"modelValue\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmNetworkDetails\\\": {\\\"networkTechnology\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"network2GBands\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"network3GBands\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"network4GBands\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"network5GBands\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"networkSpeed\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmLaunchDetails\\\": {\\\"launchAnnounced\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"launchStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmBodyDetails\\\": {\\\"bodyDimensions\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodyWeight\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodySim\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodyBuild\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodyOther1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodyOther2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bodyOther3\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmDisplayDetails\\\": {\\\"displayType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displaySize\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayResolution\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayProtection\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayOther1\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmPlatformDetails\\\": {\\\"platformChipset\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"platformCpu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"platformGpu\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"platformOs\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmMemoryDetails\\\": {\\\"memoryCardSlot\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"memoryInternal\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"memoryOther1\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmMainCameraDetails\\\": {\\\"mainCameraFeatures\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mainCameraQuad\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mainCameraVideo\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gsmSelfieCameraDetails\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9763", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Aspose OCR Cloud, api_name:HcLocal, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9764", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Car API, api_name:Interior Colors, api_description:To include additional information about the returned body (such as year, make, model and trim) request with the query parameter as verbose=yes.\n\nFor complex queries you may use the json field to send an array of URL encoded JSON conditions, example:\n\n[{\"field\": \"name\", \"op\": \"in\", \"val\": [\"red\", \"blue\"]}]\n\nAllowed operators are: `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `in`, `not in`, `like`, `not like`, `is null` and `not null`.\n\nAllowed json search fields are: year, make, model, trim, name, rgb, make_id, make_model_id, and make_model_trim_i, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exception\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9765", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Travel Hacking Tool, api_name:Get Airport List, api_description:Returns an up to date list of all IATA Airports in our database., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9766", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Airports in a metro, api_description:Returns a list of airports in a metro, required_params: [{\"name\": \"metroiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Metro IATA Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9767", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Travel Hacking Tool, api_name:Get Airplane Details, api_description:This endpoint returns a list of airplanes and other means of transportation to match GDS responses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9768", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Nonstop and direct routes for an airport, api_description:Returns a list of nonstop and direct routes for an airport, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airportiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airport IATA Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9769", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/ga, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Georgia. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9770", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:FachaAPI, api_name:Live Aircraft by ICAO, api_description:Get live positioning for an aircraft with a specific ICAO HEX Code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"icao\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9771", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/ky, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Kentucky. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9772", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:FachaAPI, api_name:Check Temporary Email, api_description:Check if a domain is a known temporary email, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The domain to check\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"temporary\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9773", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:FachaAPI, api_name:Live Emergency Aircraft, api_description:Get live emergency aircraft (Squawk 7500/7600/7700), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"general\": \"empty list\", \"radioFailure\": \"empty list\", \"hijack\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9774", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/mn, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Minnesota. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9775", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/nm, api_description:Returns current gas price data for New Mexico. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9776", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Travel Hacking Tool, api_name:Get Airport Details, api_description:This endpoint returns the details such as name and location for a specified IATA airport., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Specify a valid three letter IATA code.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"icao\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"elevation\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"time_zone\": \"str\", \"city_code\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9777", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/ia, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Iowa. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9778", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:State, api_description:Endpoint to provide average gas price of a given American State., required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9779", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:State List, api_description:This endpoint provides a list of valid state codes that can be used with this API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"states\": [\"list of str with length 51\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9780", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:airlines/list, api_description:List all airlines around the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"version\": \"int\", \"rows\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"Code\": \"str\", \"ICAO\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1987}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9781", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:airlines/get-logos, api_description:Get logos of airlines, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"request\": {\"callback\": \"NoneType\", \"code\": \"NoneType\", \"format\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"response\": {\"airlines\": {\"logotypes\": [{\"file\": {\"modified\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"size\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"updated\": \"bool\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 343}]}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9782", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/ct, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Connecticut. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9783", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/in, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Indiana. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9784", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/dc, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Washington D.C. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9785", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Direct routes for an airport by airline, api_description:Returns a list of direct routes for an airport restricted to an airline, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airportiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airport IATA Code\"}, {\"name\": \"airlineiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airline IATA Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9786", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Latitude and longitude for location in country, api_description:Returns the latitude and longitude for location in country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A location in the country\"}, {\"name\": \"countryiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Country IATA Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9787", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/il, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Illinois. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9788", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/md, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Maryland. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9789", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airlines - Direct flights for an airline from an airport, api_description:Return a list of direct flights for an airline from an airport, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airlineiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airline IATA code\"}, {\"name\": \"airportiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airport IATA code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9790", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Airport information, api_description:Return an airport's information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airportiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airport IATA Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9791", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:AutoYMM, api_name:YMM, api_description:Year Make Model, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"attributes\": {\"Year\": \"int\", \"Make\": \"str\", \"Model\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 25}], \"meta\": {\"pagination\": {\"page\": \"int\", \"pageSize\": \"int\", \"pageCount\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9792", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Airports in a country, api_description:Returns a list of airports in a country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Country IATA code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9793", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/ar, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Arkansas. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9794", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Car API, api_name:Engines, api_description:To include additional information about the returned body (such as year, make, model and trim) request with the query parameter as verbose=yes.\n\nFor complex queries you may use the json field to send an array of URL encoded JSON conditions, example:\n\n`[{\"field\": \"horsepower_hp\", \"op\": \">=\", \"val\": 100}, {\"field\": \"horsepower_hp\", \"op\": \"<=\", \"val\": 300}]`\n\nSee /api/vehicle-attributes for a complete list of vehicle attributes.\n\nAllowed operators are: `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `in`, `not in`, `like`, `not like`, `is null` and `not null`.\n\nAllowed json search fields are: year, make, model, trim, fuel_type, engine_type, transmission, drive_type, cam_type, valve_timing, valves, horsepower_hp, size, cylinders, make_id, make_model_id, and make_model_trim_id., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exception\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9795", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/nd, api_description:Returns current gas price data for North Dakota. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9796", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/mo, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Missouri. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9797", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:Province List, api_description:Returns list of valid provinces for this API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"provinces\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9798", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:aircrafts/list, api_description:List available aircrafts, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"version\": \"int\", \"rows\": [{\"description\": \"str\", \"models\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"Code\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9799", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:FachaAPI, api_name:Live NATO Air Policing Aircraft, api_description:Get live military aircraft squaking NATO Air Policing / QRA (Squawk 1301-1327), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9800", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:flights/list-in-boundary, api_description:Helps to list flights, aircrafts in a GEO bounding box, and display them on a map, required_params: [{\"name\": \"bl_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The bottom left longitude of the bounding box\"}, {\"name\": \"tr_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The top right latitude of the bounding box\"}, {\"name\": \"bl_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The bottom left latitude of the bounding box\"}, {\"name\": \"tr_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The top right longitude of the bounding box\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"full_count\": \"int\", \"version\": \"int\", \"aircraft\": [\"list of list with length 14\"], \"stats\": {\"total\": {\"ads-b\": \"int\", \"mlat\": \"int\", \"faa\": \"int\", \"flarm\": \"int\", \"estimated\": \"int\", \"satellite\": \"int\", \"uat\": \"int\", \"other\": \"int\"}, \"visible\": {\"ads-b\": \"int\", \"mlat\": \"int\", \"faa\": \"int\", \"flarm\": \"int\", \"estimated\": \"int\", \"satellite\": \"int\", \"uat\": \"int\", \"other\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9801", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:States, api_description:Returns the average price of gas in all American states., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prices\": [{\"state\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 51}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9802", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:FachaAPI, api_name:Aircraft Details by ICAO, api_description:Get Aircraft details for a specific ICAO HEX Code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"icao\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9803", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/mi, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Michigan. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9804", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/sd, api_description:Returns current gas price data for South Dakota. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9805", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:aqls-b2c-system, api_name:get_wagon_data_mrt_wagons_id__id__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9806", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ODAM, api_name:tsv1, api_description:Get all attribute metadata for all subsets of a dataset\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dataset\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"dataset identifier\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9807", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Test_v4, api_name:Param1, api_description:Param1, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Param\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9808", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Token Price History between Dates, api_description:Gets the price chart of a token between two dates in USD., required_params: [{\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Returns the chart starting at this timestamp. Unix timestamp in seconds.\"}, {\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Specific network the desired coin resides on.\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The token address of the desired coin.\"}, {\"name\": \"endDate\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Returns the chart ending at this timestamp. Unix timestamp in seconds.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9809", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Create Wallet, api_description:Creates and gets a new wallet with a random private key, generated from cryptographically secure entropy sources., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9810", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Datapoints count, api_description:Datapoints count, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9811", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud, api_name:DownloadFile, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/folder/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9812", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:List Domains, api_description:List domains to which is possible to register a datapoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9813", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Approval For NFT Transfer, api_description:Determines whether or not a spender address can transfer the NFTs of an owner address., required_params: [{\"name\": \"owner\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The address which we want to determine the approval of all NFTs of.\"}, {\"name\": \"spender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The spender of the allowed tokens.\"}, {\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Network that the token resides on.\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ERC-721/ERC-1155 contract address that will be used to determine whether or not the spender can transfer tokens from the owner.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9814", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Allowance, api_description:Gets the token allowance limit of a spender for tokens owned by another address., required_params: [{\"name\": \"spender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The spender of the allowance.\"}, {\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Network that the token resides on.\"}, {\"name\": \"owner\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The address which we want to determine the allowance of.\"}, {\"name\": \"tokenAddress\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ERC-20 token contract address to check allowance for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9815", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.PDF Cloud, api_name:GetPdfInStorageToEpub, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The document name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"RequestId\": \"str\", \"Error\": {\"Code\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"DateTime\": \"str\", \"InnerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9816", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Active, api_name:Search v2, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"current_page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"per_page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"exclude_children\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9817", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Transaction By Hash, api_description:Gets transaction information of a given hash, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hash\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Transaction hash to get transaction information from.\"}, {\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Network to retrieve transaction information from.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9818", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get NFT Collection Metadata, api_description:Fetches NFT collection metadata., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Specific network to fetch the user's NFT balance.\"}, {\"name\": \"collectionAddress\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The address of a specific NFT contract.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9819", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Format Ether, api_description:Gets a string representation of a given value in terms of ether., required_params: [{\"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value to format.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9820", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:csa_v2, api_name:Indisciplina-1, api_description:Indisciplina alumno 1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9821", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Hit List, api_description:A detailed hits list for the last 90 days maximum, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9822", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:JAK_API, api_name:Brawl Stars, api_description:Get the JSON formated file containing details about Brawl Stars!!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"brawlers\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"gadget\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"starpower\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"category\": \"str\", \"pins\": [{\"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"sprays\": [{\"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"profile_icon\": [{\"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 58}], \"players\": {\"pins\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"values\": [{\"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 18}], \"_list_length\": 24}], \"sprays\": [{\"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 38}], \"profile_icons\": [{\"image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 48}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9823", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:team petstore, api_name:loginUser, api_description:Logs user into the system, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user name for login\"}, {\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The password for login in clear text\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9824", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:erictestpet, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9825", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Guest Permissions, api_description:A list of permission that guest have, required_params: [{\"name\": \"guestid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9826", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Quran Com, api_name:indopak text, api_description:Get Indopak script of ayah. Use query strings to filter results, leave all query string blank if you want to fetch Indopak script of whole Quran., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9827", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:platformbil, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9828", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:platformbil, api_name:getPetById, api_description:Returns a single pet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"petId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet to return\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9829", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Quran Com, api_name:ayah recitations, api_description:Get list of ayah recitations for a Hizb., required_params: [{\"name\": \"recitation_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Recitation Id, you can get list of all ayah by ayah recitations using this endpoint #endpoint:HLbauN2sdGitPQPPL\"}, {\"name\": \"ayah_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ayah key is combination of surah number and ayah number. e.g 1:1 will be first Ayah of first Surah\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9830", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Comparison Cloud, api_name:GetDiscUsage, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9831", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:13, api_name:orderList, api_description:Retrieves up to 50 orders, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9832", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Borsa, api_name:GARAN, api_description:GARAN, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9833", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Signature Cloud, api_name:ObjectExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File or folder path e.g. '/file.ext' or '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9834", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:team petstore, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:Get user by user name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"username\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"userStatus\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9835", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:13, api_name:categoryList, api_description:Retrieves all category, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9836", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:13, api_name:getAccountById, api_description:Retrieves an account, required_params: [{\"name\": \"accountID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The account id you want to retrieve\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9837", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Translation Cloud, api_name:GetDocumentRequestParameters, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9838", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Translation Cloud, api_name:GetFileVersions, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9839", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Agc, api_name:RR, api_description:Test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9840", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Cells Cloud, api_name:GetDiscUsage, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9841", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Diagram Cloud, api_name:DownloadFileWithFormat, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The destination format.\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The document name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"RequestId\": \"str\", \"Error\": {\"Code\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"DateTime\": \"str\", \"InnerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9842", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Diagram Cloud, api_name:DownloadFile, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/folder/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"RequestId\": \"str\", \"Error\": {\"Code\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"DateTime\": \"str\", \"InnerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9843", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:PragmavantApi, api_name:/web/pdf, api_description:Get webpage snapshot as image, required_params: [{\"name\": \"source\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9844", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:colegiosantaana, api_name:Evaluaciones-2, api_description:Evaluaciones alumnos 2, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"stage\": \"str\", \"subject\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"grade\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9845", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:colegiosantaana, api_name:Inasistencias-2, api_description:Inasistencia de alumnos 2, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"stage\": \"str\", \"extraprogramatic\": \"str\", \"nonattendance\": \"str\", \"justify\": \"str\", \"comments\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9846", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ChurchApp, api_name:Search Contacts, api_description:Get a contact by name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"extras\": \"empty list\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9847", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Translation Cloud, api_name:GetTextRequestParameters, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9848", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Demo1, api_name:HEALTH, api_description:Get health info, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"date_time\": \"str\", \"api_name\": \"str\", \"api_version\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9849", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Demo1, api_name:CONTESTS, api_description:Get list of contests, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"start_time\": \"str\", \"end_time\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"site\": \"str\", \"in_24_hours\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9850", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Plan Detail, api_description:Get detail of the plan used by this account. Valid only for MASTER key., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9851", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Get aggregated counts with daily breakdown, api_description:Get aggregated counts with daily breakdown, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timeframe\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Timeframe can be \\\"today\\\", \\\"yesterday\\\", \\\"last7\\\", \\\"last30\\\", \\\"last90\\\", \\\"beginning\\\", \\\"custom\\\". If \\\"custom\\\" use also fromDay-toDay parameters.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9852", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Get group by id, api_description:Get group by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"group_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9853", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ChurchApp, api_name:Get Tag, api_description:This will return data for a specific tag with the defined ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tag_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"extras\": \"empty list\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9854", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Signature Cloud, api_name:DownloadFile, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/folder/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9855", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Signature Cloud, api_name:StorageExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"storageName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Storage name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9856", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Quran Com, api_name:recitation style, api_description:Get the available recitation styles., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9857", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Quran Com, api_name:recitations by id, api_description:Get list of reciters for a single recitaiton. See reciters endpoint to fetch available recitations.\n\nYou can also include more fields of audio files using `fields` query string., required_params: [{\"name\": \"recitation_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Recitation id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9858", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Groups count, api_description:Groups count, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9859", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Testing, api_name:Test, api_description:This is my first API that i am testing, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9860", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:List domains whitelist, api_description:List domains whitelist, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9861", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Guest Details, api_description:Guest list account. Access only for master key., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9862", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Get a full list of datapoints with statistics, api_description:Get a full list of datapoints with statistics, based on filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timeframe\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Timeframe can be \\\"today\\\", \\\"yesterday\\\", \\\"last7\\\", \\\"last30\\\", \\\"last90\\\", \\\"beginning\\\", \\\"custom\\\". If \\\"custom\\\" use also fromDay-toDay parameters.\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Type of datapoint, \\\"tl\\\" or \\\"tp\\\".\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9863", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/media-8125bc02-6037-4c8c-8102-2297920726f0, api_description:Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9864", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/pages/{id}-04cce496-738c-44ef-9faf-4d42e99c642b, api_description:Get Single Page, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9865", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/types-852347ee-35c5-44fb-8548-1bee078d2350, api_description:Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9866", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:HauteCouture-API, api_name:Get a maison by id, api_description:Renders a maison by its id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9867", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Merger Cloud, api_name:GetFileVersions, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9868", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud, api_name:GetDocumentMetadata, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9869", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:HauteCouture-API, api_name:Get all artistic directors for a specific country, api_description:Renders all artistic directors for a specific country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9870", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:colegiosantaana, api_name:Inasistencias-1, api_description:Inasistencias de alumno 1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"stage\": \"str\", \"extraprogramatic\": \"str\", \"nonattendance\": \"str\", \"justify\": \"str\", \"comments\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9871", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Diagram Cloud, api_name:GetShapes, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Document name.\"}, {\"name\": \"pageName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Page name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"RequestId\": \"str\", \"Error\": {\"Code\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"DateTime\": \"str\", \"InnerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9872", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.PDF Cloud, api_name:GetPageText, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"LLY\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Y - coordinate of lower-left corner.\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The document name.\"}, {\"name\": \"URX\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"X - coordinate of upper-right corner.\"}, {\"name\": \"URY\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Y - coordinate of upper-right corner.\"}, {\"name\": \"pageNumber\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of page (starting from 1).\"}, {\"name\": \"LLX\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"X-coordinate of lower - left corner.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9873", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.PDF Cloud, api_name:GetMhtInStorageToPdf, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"srcPath\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Full source filename (ex. /folder1/folder2/template.mht)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"srcPath\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9874", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.PDF Cloud, api_name:GetPageLinkAnnotation, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"linkId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The link ID.\"}, {\"name\": \"pageNumber\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The page number.\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The document name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"pageNumber\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9875", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Diagram Cloud, api_name:ObjectExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File or folder path e.g. '/file.ext' or '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"RequestId\": \"str\", \"Error\": {\"Code\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"DateTime\": \"str\", \"InnerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9876", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Translation Cloud, api_name:DownloadFile, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/folder/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9877", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:13, api_name:productList, api_description:Retrieves up to 50 products, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9878", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:13, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:Retrieves an order, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The order id, please note this is not the Order Number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9879", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Block Info, api_description:Gets the block of a given block number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Network to fetch the block from.\"}, {\"name\": \"blockNumber\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Block number to retrieve timestamp.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9880", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Total Supply, api_description:Gets the total supply of an ERC-20 or ERC-721 token., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Network that the token resides on.\"}, {\"name\": \"tokenAddress\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Contract address of the token to retrieve total supply from.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9881", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Editor Cloud, api_name:GetDiscUsage, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9882", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Horoscope Astrology, api_name:Get three tarot card, api_description:This endpoint returns a randomly selected tarot card from a traditional tarot deck, along with its corresponding interpretation and meaning. The tarot card reading is generated using a randomized algorithm, offering users a unique and personalized tarot experience. The API is designed to be easy to use, allowing developers to integrate tarot card readings into their own applications and websites., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"res\": [{\"cbd_desc\": \"str\", \"desc\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"rdesc\": \"str\", \"sequence\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9883", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Quran Com, api_name:reciters, api_description:Get list of reciters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"reciters\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"style\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"language_name\": \"str\"}, \"qirat\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"language_name\": \"str\"}, \"translated_name\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"language_name\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 12}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9884", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Quran Com, api_name:languages, api_description:Get all languages. You can get translated names of languages in specific language using `language` query parameter. For example\n\n ```\n /resources/languages?language=ur\n ```\n\nwill return language names translated into Urdu, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"languages\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"iso_code\": \"str\", \"native_name\": \"str\", \"direction\": \"str\", \"translations_count\": \"int\", \"translated_name\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"language_name\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 70}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9885", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:13, api_name:printerList, api_description:Retrieves all the printers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9886", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Shapeways, api_name:GET /printers/{printerId}/v1, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"printerid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Printer id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9887", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:HauteCouture-API, api_name:Get a random artistic director, api_description:Renders a random artistic director, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9888", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ODAM, api_name:check, api_description:Made automatically many test checks and return a list several status about the dataset implementation\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dataset\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"dataset identifier\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9889", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ChurchApp, api_name:Get Tag by Name, api_description:This will return data for a specific tag, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tag_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"extras\": \"empty list\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9890", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:4D Results, api_name:Get Draw Dates (2023), api_description:List of draw dates in 2023., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9891", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Jet Set Radio API, api_name:JSRF Character by ID, api_description:Returns a single Character by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"characterId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9892", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Jet Set Radio API, api_name:Games, api_description:Returns a list of all Games, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9893", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ASE's Quiz API, api_name:Get random 20 questions by difficulty, api_description:Get random 20 questions by difficulty, required_params: [{\"name\": \"difficultyId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9894", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ASE's Quiz API, api_name:Get category by id, api_description:Get category by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9895", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hearthstone, api_name:Cards by Quality, api_description:Returns all the cards of a certain quality. Example values: Legendary, Common., required_params: [{\"name\": \"quality\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Card quality.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9896", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hearthstone, api_name:Cards by Class, api_description:Returns all the cards of a class. Example values: Mage, Paladin., required_params: [{\"name\": \"class\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Card class.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9897", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Jet Set Radio API, api_name:JSR Characters, api_description:Returns a list of all JSR Characters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9898", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hearthstone, api_name:Cards by Type, api_description:Returns all the cards of a certain type. Example values: Spell, Weapon., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Card type.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9899", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hearthstone, api_name:Info, api_description:Returns a list of current patch, classes, sets, types, factions, qualities, races and locales., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9900", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Minecraft-Forge-Optifine, api_name:downloadForgeInstaller, api_description:Redirect to download Forge Installer., required_params: [{\"name\": \"minecraftversion\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"forgeversion\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9901", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Minecraft-Forge-Optifine, api_name:optifineVersionList, api_description:Get Optifine version list., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9902", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Minecraft-Forge-Optifine, api_name:downloadOptimize, api_description:Redirect to download Optimize., required_params: [{\"name\": \"optifineversion\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9903", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hearthstone, api_name:All Cards, api_description:Returns all available Hearthstone cards including non collectible cards., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9904", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:retrieve info, api_name:Get Joke by id, api_description:Search joke by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9905", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Argentina movie theatres, api_name:/showtimes, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9906", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Argentina movie theatres, api_name:/films, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9907", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:World of Jokes, api_name:Get Jokes By Specific Category, api_description:Access our huge collection of jokes of specific category and paginate through them based on your desired limit and sorting criteria., required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Category of joke based on the jokes categories API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9908", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:originals/titles/get-info, api_description:Get comic information\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [{\"name\": \"titleNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of titleNo field returned in .../originals/titles/list or .../originals/titles/list-by-rank\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9909", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:originals/titles/get-recommend, api_description:Get similar comics\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [{\"name\": \"titleNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of titleNo field returned in .../originals/titles/list or .../originals/titles/list-by-rank endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9910", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Jokes, api_name:Get animes, api_description:Get all the anime from Anime Jokes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9911", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Web - Novel API, api_name:/novels/{page}, api_description:Returns the requested Novel Catalog Page., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9912", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Waifu, api_name:Check user exists, api_description:Check user exists, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"user_id\": \"str\", \"exists\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9913", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Watchmode, api_name:Title Cast & Crew, api_description:Return all people associated with the title, the \"cast\" (actors), and \"crew\" (directors, writers, cinematographers, etc). For more details on a person, pass the person-id to the /person/ endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This ID can be the Watchmode ID of the title (returned by other endpoints such as the list-titles endpoint), or found in the mapping file: https://api.watchmode.com/datasets/title_id_map.csv.\\n\\nYou can also pass an IMDB ID here instead, or a TMDB type and TMDB ID combination. For example, the TMDB combination for The Shawshank Redemption is movie-278 and for Breaking Bad is tv-1396. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"person_id\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"headshot_url\": \"str\", \"role\": \"str\", \"episode_count\": \"int\", \"order\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9914", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Watchmode, api_name:Sources, api_description:Return a listing of all streaming sources that Watchmode supports. Optionally filter by type of source (subscription, free, etc)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"logo_100px\": \"str\", \"ios_appstore_url\": \"str\", \"android_playstore_url\": \"str\", \"android_scheme\": \"str\", \"ios_scheme\": \"str\", \"regions\": [\"list of str with length 51\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9915", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ASE's Quiz API, api_name:Get random 100 questions, api_description:Get random 100 questions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9916", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ASE's Quiz API, api_name:Get questions by category, api_description:Get questions by category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"categoryId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9917", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime, manga and Novels Api, api_name:Manga, api_description:get manga information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9918", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime, manga and Novels Api, api_name:Get Novel By Id, api_description:Get Novel By Id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9919", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ClientWars, api_name:main_registration_page__get, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9920", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime, manga and Novels Api, api_name:Get Anime By Id, api_description:Get Anime By Id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9921", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime, manga and Novels Api, api_name:Get Manga By Id, api_description:Get Manga Information by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9922", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HAPI Books, api_name:Get Author Information by Id, api_description:Get a large variety of information of an Author such as the name, a brief biography, the list of books, and more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"author_Id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9923", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Quotes_v2, api_name:Get Quote By Id, api_description:Get quote information by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9924", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:ASE's Quiz API, api_name:Get questions by difficulty, api_description:Get questions by difficulty, required_params: [{\"name\": \"difficultyId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9925", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:canvas/episodes/get-likes, api_description:Get likes count of a episode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"episodeNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of episodeNo field returned in .../canvas/episodes/list endpoint.\"}, {\"name\": \"titleNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of titleNo field returned in .../canvas/titles/list or .../canvas/search endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9926", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:originals/episodes/list, api_description:List episodes of a comic\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [{\"name\": \"titleNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of titleNo field returned in .../originals/titles/list or .../originals/titles/list-by-rank endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9927", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:canvas/episodes/list, api_description:List episodes of a comic\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [{\"name\": \"titleNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of titleNo field returned in .../canvas/titles/list or .../canvas/search or .../canvas/home endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9928", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hearthstone, api_name:Card Backs, api_description:Returns a list of all the card backs., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9929", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Netflix Original Series Top 100 (ranked), api_name:By Filter, api_description:by using search filter, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9930", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Lotto America, api_name:Random QuickPick for Play, api_description:Get a randomized Quick Pick for Lotto America. This is a random set of playable Powerball numbers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9931", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Football Highlight, api_name:Ok.RU Emb Link, api_description:Ok.RU Emb Link, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9932", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Direct Porn_v2, api_name:Search, api_description:Search videos, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9933", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:originals/genres/list, api_description:List genres in originals category, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9934", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime Jokes, api_name:Get jokes using page, api_description:Enter the page number to get the jokes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9935", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:YouTube Data, api_name:channel-community, api_description:channel-community, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"contents\": \"empty list\", \"cursorNext\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9936", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:originals/titles/list-by-rank, api_description:List comics in originals category by ranking\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9937", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Web - Novel API, api_name:/novels, api_description:Returns the amount of pages in the Novel Catalog., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9938", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:YouTube Data, api_name:channel-channels, api_description:channel-channels, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"contents\": \"empty list\", \"cursorNext\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9939", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Fortune Cookie, api_name:slack, api_description:This endpoint's response shape is designed to match the requirements for slack messages. You can easily use this api to have a POST or GET for this /slack endpoint to get the same functionality as the defaultRoot endpoint, but in a slack style response. \n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9940", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Euro Millions, api_name:Get All draws results, api_description:Get the results of all draws in history of EuroMillions since 2004, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9941", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Riddlie , api_name:Flag Riddle, api_description:With this endpoint, you can flag a riddle. This helps the API developer to finetune the API for better service in the future. You can only use four flags sending the number corresponding to the flag type as below:\n\n0: for flagging the riddle as \"Duplicate\"\n1: for flagging the riddle as \"Inappropriate\"\n2: for flagging the riddle as \"Not a Riddle\"\n3: for flagging the riddle as \"Missing Information\", required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9942", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Watchmode, api_name:Regions, api_description:Return a listing of all regions (countries) that Watchmode currently supports and their 2 letter country codes used in the return data of other endpoints., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"str\", \"data_tier\": \"int\", \"plan_enabled\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9943", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hearthstone, api_name:Card Set, api_description:Returns all cards in a set. Example values: Blackrock Mountain, Classic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"set\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Card set.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9944", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Waifu, api_name:Get all users paged by hundreds, api_description:Get all users paged by hundreds, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"users\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9945", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Web - Novel API, api_name:/novel/{novel_id}/chapters/{source_id}, api_description:Returns the full Chapters list for the Requested Novel ID from the selected Source., required_params: [{\"name\": \"novel_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"source_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9946", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:originals/episodes/get-likes, api_description:Get likes count of a episode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"titleNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of titleNo field returned in .../originals/titles/list or .../originals/titles/list-by-rank endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"episodeNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of episodeNo field returned in .../originals/episodes/list endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9947", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:canvas/episodes/get-info, api_description:Get episode and photo links.\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [{\"name\": \"episodeNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of episodeNo field returned in .../canvas/episodes/list endpoint.\"}, {\"name\": \"titleNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of titleNo field returned in .../canvas/titles/list or .../canvas/search endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9948", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Riddlie , api_name:Get Random Riddle, api_description:This endpoint responds with a new random riddle with an answer and other details., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9949", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Fortune Cookie, api_name:healthcheck, api_description:The health check endpoint will return a status of 200 if the api is up and ready to recieve connections. It will tell the uptime, and total requests served since last restart. It also has a field for version which corresponds to the versioned release from the github repo. \n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9950", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Jet Set Radio API, api_name:Artists, api_description:Returns a list of all music Artists who contributed to JSR/JSRF, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9951", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Dad Jokes_v2, api_name:/dad-jokes/health, api_description:Return the health status of the API. Returns current UTC time., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9952", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:HeyWatch Video Encoding, api_name:GenerateEncodedVideoThumbnailSync, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9953", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Watchmode, api_name:Streaming Release Dates, api_description:Get a listing of recently released or coming soon releases on the major streaming services. Only major services and US releases dates included, however most of the major services (Netflix, Hulu, etc) release original content on the same days in all countries they support. We return is_original field to indicate wheter the title is an original release on that streaming service., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"statusCode\": \"int\", \"statusMessage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9954", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:World of Jokes, api_name:Get Joke of the Day By Category, api_description:Get the joke of the day of specific category from a collection of most rated and most popular jokes., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Category of joke based on the jokes categories API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9955", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Fantasy 5, api_name:Get All Fantasy 5, api_description:Get all winning drawings in Fantasy 5, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9956", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Jet Set Radio API, api_name:Characters, api_description:Returns a list of all Characters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9957", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Humor-Jokes-and-Memes, api_name:insult, api_description:Insult somebody for doing something.\nSee https://humorapi.com/docs/#Insult for more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"reason\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The reason for the praise/insult.\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The person's name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"text\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9958", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Manga Scrapper, api_name:Latest chapters updates, api_description:Make request to fetch latest chapters updates up to 7 days ago., required_params: [{\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9959", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Watchmode, api_name:Search, api_description:Search for titles or people using an external ID (IMDB, TheMovieDB.org), or by name. Returns an array of results objects, that can either be a title or a person. Useful for getting the Watchmode IDs for titles and people. For example, you can set the parameters to search_value=Breaking%20Bad and search_field=name to get all of the titles named \"Breaking bad\", and then use the IDs returned in other endpoints such as /v1/title/, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_field\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The field for us to search in, either a 3rd party ID or \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"name\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" which will search for a movie/show title or a person's name depending on the type(s) set. Must be one of the following options:\\nimdb_id, tmdb_person_id, tmdb_movie_id, tmdb_tv_id, name.\"}, {\"name\": \"search_value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value we should search for. For example, if you set search_field to imdb_id, this would be the IMDB title/person ID, eg. tt0944947.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title_results\": [{\"resultType\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"imdb_id\": \"str\", \"tmdb_id\": \"int\", \"tmdb_type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"people_results\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9960", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hearthstone, api_name:Single Card, api_description:Returns card by name or ID. This may return more then one card if they share the same name. Loatheb returns both the card and the boss., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name or ID of the card. Example values: Ysera, EX1_572.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9961", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:retrieve info, api_name:Get Property from joke, api_description:to get property, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9962", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Youtube Search and Download, api_name:Search videos/channels/playlists, api_description:Search any youtube content with all available filters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"contents\": [{\"video\": {\"channelId\": \"str\", \"channelName\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"lengthText\": \"str\", \"publishedTimeText\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"title\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\", \"viewCountText\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 17}], \"estimatedResults\": \"str\", \"next\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9963", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Image QR code generator, api_name:Red colour QR code generator, api_description:Generate the QR code for anything you want., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9964", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:NOWPayments, api_name:2.Getavailablecurrencies, api_description:This is a method for obtaining information about the cryptocurrencies available for payments. This depends on the cryptocurrency you choose for your particular store.\nOptional parameters:\n- fixed_rate(optional) - boolean, can be **true** or **false**. Returns avaliable currencies with minimum and maximum amount of the exchange., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9965", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Virtual Accounts API, api_name:GetAllAccounts, api_description:To get all virtual accounts in your organisation., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9966", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 872}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9967", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:NOWPayments, api_name:5.Getpaymentstatus, api_description:Get the actual information about the payment. You need to provide the ID of the payment in the request.\n\nNOTE! You should make the get payment status request with the same API key that you used in the create payment request.\nHere is the list of avalable statuses:\n- waiting - waiting for the customer to send the payment. The initial status of each payment.\n- confirming - the transaction is being processed on the blockchain. Appears when NOWPayments detect the funds from the user on the blockchain.\n- confirmed - the process is confirmed by the blockchain. Customer’s funds have accumulated enough confirmations.\n- sending - the funds are being sent to your personal wallet. We are in the process of sending the funds to you.\n- partially_paid - it shows that the customer sent the less than the actual price. Appears when the funds have arrived in your wallet.\n- finished - the funds have reached your personal address and the payment is finished.\n- failed - the payment wasn't completed due to the error of some kind.\n- refunded - the funds were refunded back to the user.\n- expired - the user didn't send the funds to the specified address in the 24 hour time window., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9968", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:NOWPayments, api_name:7.Getlistofpayments, api_description:Returns the entire list of all transactions, created with certain API key.\nThe list of optional parameters:\n- limit - number of records in one page. (possible values: from 1 to 500)\n- page - the page number you want to get (possible values: from 0 to **page count - 1**)\n- sortBy - sort the received list by a paramenter. Set to **created_at** by default (possible values: payment_id, payment_status, pay_address, price_amount, price_currency, pay_amount, actually_paid, pay_currency, order_id, order_description, purchase_id, outcome_amount, outcome_currency)\n- orderBy - display the list in ascending or descending order. Set to **asc** by default (possible values: asc, desc)\n- dateFrom - select the displayed period start date (date format: YYYY-MM-DD or yy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ).\n- dateTo - select the displayed period end date (date format: YYYY-MM-DD or yy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"dateFrom\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sortBy\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"orderBy\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"dateTo\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9969", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:NOWPayments, api_name:6.Gettheminimumpaymentamount, api_description:Get the minimum payment amount for a specific pair.\n\nYou can provide both currencies in the pair or just currency_from, and we will calculate the minimum payment amount for currency_from and currency which you have specified as the outcome in the Store Settings.\n\nIn the case of several outcome wallets we will calculate the minimum amount in the same way we route your payment to a specific wallet., required_params: [{\"name\": \"currency_from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"currency_to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9970", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Virtual Accounts API, api_name:GetChannelById, api_description:To get a channel., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9971", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9972", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": \"empty list\", \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9973", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get User Orders, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9974", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:NOWPayments, api_name:3.Getestimatedprice, api_description:This is a method for calculating the approximate price in cryptocurrency for a given value in Fiat currency. You will need to provide the initial cost in the Fiat currency (amount, currency_from) and the necessary cryptocurrency (currency_to)\nCurrently following fiat currencies are available: usd, eur, nzd, brl, gbp., required_params: [{\"name\": \"currency_to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"currency_from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9975", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Yummly, api_name:feeds/list, api_description:List feeds by category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The offset of items to be ignored in response for paging\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of items returned per response\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"feed\\\": [{\\\"seo\\\": {\\\"web\\\": {\\\"noindex\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"canonical-term\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"meta-tags\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"link-tags\\\": [{\\\"rel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"image-url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"spotlightSearch\\\": {\\\"keywords\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 20\\\"], \\\"noindex\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"firebase\\\": {\\\"noindex\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}}, \\\"tracking-id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"description\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"urbSubmitters\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"tags\\\": {}, \\\"preparationSteps\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"alternateExternalUrls\\\": {\\\"source-amp-view-url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"moreContent\\\": {\\\"mobileSectionName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"queryParams\\\": {\\\"start\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"authorId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"apiFeedType\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"feed\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"tagsAds\\\": {}, \\\"details\\\": {\\\"directionsUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalTime\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"images\\\": [{\\\"hostedLargeUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resizableImageUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resizableImageHeight\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"resizableImageWidth\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"keywords\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 20\\\"], \\\"bra\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9976", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Ghana Food Recipe Api, api_name:Get Recipe by ID, api_description:This endpoint gets specific recipe by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9977", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Beverages and Desserts, api_name:Get Desserts by there Id, api_description:Get Desserts by there Id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9978", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Testing_v3, api_name:FindUserActivity, api_description: Find UserActivity, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"where\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"organization\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9979", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Testing_v3, api_name:FindUserLocation, api_description: Find UserLocation, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"organization\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"where\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9980", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Worldwide Recipes, api_name:Search, api_description:Search Recipe, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"results\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9981", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Food Ingredient Measurement Conversion, api_name:List all the Unit (Weight, Volume, Temperature), api_description:1. Convert between Weight and Volume, \n e.g., 1 cup of flour is 120 gram, or 1 ounce of butter is 2 tablespoon\n\n2. Convert in the same catagory, e.g., 1 cup = 16 tablespoon = 48 teaspoon; 1 ounce = 28.35 gram; or 0°C = 32°F, 100°C = 212°F; or, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"details\": [{\"unit\": \"str\", \"abbr\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9982", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:BBC Good Food API, api_name:Recipe by name id, api_description:Get recipe information by recipe name id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"imageSrc\": \"str\", \"recipeAuthor\": \"str\", \"timeToCook\": {\"Cook\": \"str\", \"Prep\": \"str\"}, \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"labels\": \"empty list\", \"portions\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"nutrition\": {\"kcal\": \"str\", \"sugars\": \"str\", \"salt\": \"str\", \"carbs\": \"str\", \"protein\": \"str\", \"fat\": \"str\", \"saturates\": \"str\", \"fibre\": \"str\"}, \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 8\"], \"steps\": {\"1\": \"str\", \"2\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\", \"4\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9983", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Auth, api_name:getUserList, api_description:Get paginated list of users. This endpoint is compatible with React AdminOnRest framework to provide DataSource., required_params: [{\"name\": \"list\", \"type\": \"OBJECT\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9984", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Keto Diet, api_name:All Keto Recipes by Category, api_description:Gives all keto recipes by category ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"recipe\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"prep_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prep_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cook_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cook_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"difficulty\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"serving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"measurement_1\\\": 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\\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"directions_step_7\\\": \\\"NoneTyp\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9985", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Keto Diet, api_name:Filter - Cook Time in Minutes, api_description:Gives keto recipes within given range of cooking time.\ncook_time_in_minutes__lt = Less than\ncook_time_in_minutes__gt = Greater than, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cook_time_in_minutes__tg\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"cook_time_in_minutes__lt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"recipe\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"prep_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prep_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cook_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cook_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"difficulty\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"serving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"measurement_1\\\": 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\\\"directions_step_7\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"dir\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9986", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Keto Diet, api_name:Filter - Protein, api_description:Gives keto recipes within given range of protein value.\nprotein_in_grams__lt = Less than\nprotein_in_grams__gt = Greater than, required_params: [{\"name\": \"protein_in_grams__lt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"protein_in_grams__gt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"recipe\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"prep_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prep_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cook_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cook_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"difficulty\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"serving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"measurement_1\\\": \\\"float\\\", 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\\\"directions_step_7\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"dir\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9987", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Testing_v3, api_name:AppController_health, api_description:Monitoring the api connectivity., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9988", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Testing_v3, api_name:FindOneVenue, api_description: FindOne Venue, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) \"}, {\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"populate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9989", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Testing_v3, api_name:FindCountries, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"populate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9990", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:pizzaallapala, api_name:Get Tags, api_description:Adss, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"mensaje\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"entidad\": \"NoneType\", \"idEntidad\": \"NoneType\", \"nombre\": \"str\", \"sucursal\": \"int\", \"cantidad\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9991", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:pizzaallapala, api_name:Get Productos, api_description:asd, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"mensaje\": \"str\", \"ok\": \"bool\", \"productos\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"nombre\": \"str\", \"descripcion\": \"str\", \"linkImagen\": \"str\", \"precio\": \"str\", \"tasaIva\": \"str\", \"vendible\": \"int\", \"borrado\": \"NoneType\", \"stockRequerido\": \"NoneType\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 21}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9992", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Search and Diet, api_name:Recipe Search and Recommendations, api_description:Search 2 million recipes using keywords, 28 nutrients and 40 diet and health filters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"q\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"from\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"to\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"more\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hits\\\": [{\\\"recipe\\\": {\\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"source\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shareAs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yield\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dietLabels\\\": [\\\"list of str 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\"{\\\"Budget\\\": [{\\\"Budget batch-cooking recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Casserole recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Cheap family recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Budget dinner recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Freezable recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Quick and easy student recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"Health\\\": [{\\\"High-protein recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"104 healthy salad recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Smoothie recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"43 Keto diet recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"63 healthy breakfasts\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Healthy lunch recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Healthy dinner recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"Baking\\\": [{\\\"Kids' baking recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Sweet treat recipe ideas\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Biscuit recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Savoury puff pastry recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bread recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Classic cake recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Easy baking recipes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Vegan 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Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9996", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Keto Diet, api_name:Keto Recipes by Difficulty, api_description:Gives all keto recipes by its difficulty (Easy, Medium or Difficult)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"difficulty\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"recipe\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"prep_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prep_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cook_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cook_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"difficulty\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"serving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"measurement_1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_2\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_4\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_5\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_6\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_7\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_8\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_9\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_10\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ingredient_1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_4\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_6\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_7\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ingredient_8\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ingredient_9\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ingredient_10\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"directions_step_1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_4\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_6\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_7\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_8\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9997", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Yummly, api_name:categories/list, api_description:List all categories of recipes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"browse-categories\": [{\"promoted\": \"bool\", \"tracking-id\": \"str\", \"display\": {\"displayName\": \"str\", \"iconImage\": \"str\", \"categoryImage\": \"str\", \"tag\": \"str\"}, \"content\": {}, \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 12}], \"shopping-categories\": [{\"promoted\": \"bool\", \"tracking-id\": \"str\", \"display\": {\"displayName\": \"str\", \"categoryImage\": \"str\", \"tag\": \"str\"}, \"content\": {}, \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 14}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9998", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:The Fork The Spoon, api_name:restaurants/get-info (Deprecated), api_description:Get all available information of specific restaurant, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id_restaurant\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of data/id field returned in \\u2026/restaurants/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9999", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:The Fork The Spoon, api_name:locations/auto-complete (Deprecated), api_description:Get suggestion by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"City, district,country name, etc any word that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"geolocation\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"name\": {\"text\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 5}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10000", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Keto Diet, api_name:Filter - Calories, api_description:Gives keto recipes within given range of calories.\ncalories__lt = Less than\ncalories__gt = Greater than, required_params: [{\"name\": \"calories__lt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"calories__gt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"recipe\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"prep_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prep_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cook_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cook_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"difficulty\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"serving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"measurement_1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_2\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_4\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_5\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_6\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_7\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_8\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_9\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_10\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ingredient_1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_4\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_6\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ingredient_7\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ingredient_8\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ingredient_9\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ingredient_10\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"directions_step_1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"directions_step_4\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"directions_step_5\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"directions_step_6\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"directions_step_7\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"d\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10001", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Keto Diet, api_name:Categories, api_description:Lists all available categories of keto recipe., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"category\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10002", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:The Fork The Spoon, api_name:locations/v2/list, api_description:List relating locations by Google place id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"google_place_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of data/geolocation/id/id fields returned in \\u2026/locations/auto-complete endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"coordinates\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}, \"id_city\": \"int\", \"prediction\": {\"address_components\": [{\"long_name\": \"str\", \"short_name\": \"str\", \"types\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 5}], \"formatted_address\": \"str\", \"geometry\": {\"bounds\": {\"northeast\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"southwest\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}}, \"location\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"location_type\": \"str\", \"viewport\": {\"northeast\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}, \"southwest\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\"}}}, \"place_id\": \"str\", \"types\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10003", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Auth, api_name:getCatalogUser, api_description:Get user information. Internal endpoint only available to other services., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10004", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:ecoweather, api_name:Schneetage, api_description:Beantwortet die Frage, wie viel Schnee und an wie viel Tagen innerhalb eines Zeitraums vorhanden gewesen ist. Wird verwendet zum Beispiel bei der Einsatzplanung im Winterdienst und Hausmeisterservice sowie im Tourismus., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"input\": {\"geo\": {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\"}, \"timeframe\": {\"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\"}}, \"aggregations\": {\"snowdays\": \"int\", \"snow\": \"float\"}, \"result\": [{\"timestamp\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"snow\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 264}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10005", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:ecoweather, api_name:Niederschlag, api_description:Beantwortet die Frage, wie viel Niederschlag innerhalb eines Zeitraums vorhanden gewesen ist. Wird verwendet zum Beispiel bei der Dimensionierung von Regenwassernutzung (Zisterne) oder bei der Planung von Gärten ., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10006", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Energy, tool_name:ecoweather, api_name:Heizgradtage, api_description:Beantwortet die Frage, wie viele Heizgradtage innerhalb eines Zeitraums vorhanden gewesen sind. Wird verwendet zum Beispiel bei der unterjährigen Abgrenzung von Heizkosten bei der Nebenkostenabrechnung., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"input\": {\"geo\": {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\"}, \"timeframe\": {\"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\"}}, \"aggregations\": {\"hdd12\": \"float\", \"hdd15\": \"float\"}, \"result\": [{\"timestamp\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"hdd12\": \"float\", \"hdd15\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 264}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10007", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Aliexpress True API, api_name:Hot Products, api_description:Get hot products by search value, you can set maximum search price too. You will get up to 50 results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_value\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"app_sale_price\": \"str\", \"app_sale_price_currency\": \"str\", \"commission_rate\": \"str\", \"discount\": \"str\", \"evaluate_rate\": \"str\", \"first_level_category_id\": \"int\", \"first_level_category_name\": \"str\", \"hot_product_commission_rate\": \"str\", \"lastest_volume\": \"int\", \"original_price\": \"str\", \"original_price_currency\": \"str\", \"product_detail_url\": \"str\", \"product_id\": \"int\", \"product_main_image_url\": \"str\", \"product_small_image_urls\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"product_title\": \"str\", \"promotion_link\": \"str\", \"relevant_market_commission_rate\": \"str\", \"sale_price\": \"str\", \"sale_price_currency\": \"str\", \"second_level_category_id\": \"int\", \"second_level_category_name\": \"str\", \"shop_id\": \"int\", \"shop_url\": \"str\", \"target_app_sale_price\": 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\"str\", \"discount\": \"str\", \"evaluate_rate\": \"str\", \"first_level_category_id\": \"int\", \"first_level_category_name\": \"str\", \"hot_product_commission_rate\": \"str\", \"lastest_volume\": \"int\", \"original_price\": \"str\", \"original_price_currency\": \"str\", \"product_detail_url\": \"str\", \"product_id\": \"int\", \"product_main_image_url\": \"str\", \"product_small_image_urls\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"product_title\": \"str\", \"product_video_url\": \"str\", \"promotion_link\": \"str\", \"relevant_market_commission_rate\": \"str\", \"sale_price\": \"str\", \"sale_price_currency\": \"str\", \"second_level_category_id\": \"int\", \"second_level_category_name\": \"str\", \"shop_id\": \"int\", \"shop_url\": \"str\", \"target_app_sale_price\": \"str\", \"target_app_sale_price_currency\": \"str\", \"target_original_price\": \"str\", \"target_original_price_currency\": \"str\", \"target_sale_price\": \"str\", \"target_sale_price_currency\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10010", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:test_v3, api_name:test, api_description:this is test, required_params: [{\"name\": \"test\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ddd\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10011", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:AliExpress unofficial, api_name:/categories/{id}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10012", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Inventory and eCommerce hosted and self-hosted solution, api_name:Open variation, api_description:Open the specified variation., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the variation to open\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10013", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Inventory and eCommerce hosted and self-hosted solution, api_name:Open item, api_description:Get one item, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Item ID to open\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10014", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:mrautoparts, api_name:Disclaimer, api_description:we do not guarantee product safety or prices, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10015", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Argaam Data APIs Free, api_name:Get Company's Profile, api_description:Get Company's Profile, required_params: [{\"name\": \"marketID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Company's Market ID\"}, {\"name\": \"companyID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Company ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"companyID\": \"int\", \"marketID\": \"int\", \"companyProfile\": {\"companyID\": \"int\", \"marketID\": \"int\", \"bid\": \"str\", \"companyNameAr\": \"str\", \"companyNameEn\": \"str\", \"cityNameEn\": \"str\", \"cityNameAr\": \"str\", \"addressEn\": \"str\", \"addressAr\": \"str\", \"poBoxEn\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"fax\": \"str\", \"poBoxAr\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"websiteURL\": \"str\", \"summaryEn\": \"str\", \"summaryAr\": \"str\", \"overviewEn\": \"str\", \"overviewAr\": \"str\", \"ticker\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10016", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Check Disposable Email, api_name:whois, api_description:REST API to WhoIS lookup data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"domain name of WhoIS to be searched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"registrationDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"registrarAbuseContactEmail\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"registrarAbuseContactPhone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"domainInfo\\\": {\\\"domainId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"registrar\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"registrarWhoIsServer\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"registrarUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"registrarIanaId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"creationDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updatedDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"expirationDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"domainStatus\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"nameServers\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"dnsSec\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reseller\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"registrantContact\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"organization\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"street\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postalCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"phone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"email\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fax\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"adminContact\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"organization\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"street\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postalCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"phone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"email\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"techContact\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"organization\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"street\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postalCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"phone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"email\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10017", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Argaam Data APIs Free, api_name:Get a List of Bank Attributes Groups, api_description:Get a List of Bank Attributes Groups, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"reportID\": \"int\", \"nameAr\": \"str\", \"nameEn\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10018", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Hapihub, api_name:Healthcheck, api_description:Service healtcheck endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"mode\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\", \"build\": {\"version\": \"str\", \"builddate\": \"str\", \"gitcommit\": \"str\"}, \"hostname\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10019", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:The Cancer Imaging Archive, api_name:getManufacturerValues, api_description:Returns a set of all manufacturer names filtered by query keys, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Manufacturer\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10020", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:eGFR Calculator (Glomerular filtration rate calculator) , api_name:eGFR Calculation for Creatinine value in mg/dl, api_description:API documentation for eGFR1 (for Creatinine value in mg/dl)\n\n\nAPI Documentation: eGFR Calculator API\n\nIntroduction\n\n\nThis API provides a way to calculate the Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) for assessing renal function using the 2021 CKD-EPI formula. The eGFR is a measure of the kidney's ability to filter waste from the blood, and is an important indicator of renal health.\nEndpoint\n\nThe API endpoint for the eGFR calculation is:\n\n\nhttps://api.algomed.in/egfr1\n\n\nInput\n\nThe API requires the following input parameters to be passed in the request body as a JSON object:\n* creatinine (float): The patient's creatinine level, in mg/dL. \n* age (integer): The patient's age, in years.\n* Female (boolean): Is the patient a female, True or false.\n\n\nInput example:\n\nHere is an example for an input request \n\nhttps://api.algomed.in/egfr1?creat=1.2&female=true&age=50\n\nHere the creatinine is 1.2 mg/dl, The gender is female (Female = true) and age of the patient is 50 years. \n\ncurl -X 'GET' \n 'https://api.algomed.in/egfr1?creat=1.2&female=true&age=50' \n -H 'accept: application/json'\n\n\nOutput\nThe API returns a JSON object with the following structure:\n\n{\n \"egfr\": 55, ==> The calculated eGFR value\n \"units\": \"mL/min/1.73m2\", ==> The units for the same\n \"CKD category\": \"G3a\", ==> CKD category based on current guidelines \n \"details\": \"This falls in category of mildly to moderately decreased eGFR\" ==> Information about the CKD category\n}\n\n\n\nExample\nHere is an example of a request to the API endpoint:\n\nGET https://api.algomed.in/egfr1?creat=1.2&female=true&age=50\n\nAnd the corresponding response from the API:\n\n{\n \"egfr\": 55,\n \"units\": \"mL/min/1.73m2\",\n \"CKD category\": \"G3a\",\n \"details\": \"This falls in category of mildly to moderately decreased eGFR\"\n}\n\n\nError Codes\nIn case of any errors, the API returns a JSON object with the following structure:\n* error: A string indicating the error that occurred.\n* message: A detailed error message.\nNotes\n* The creatinine value must be entered in mg/dL.\n* The API only accepts requests with the 'application/json' content type.\n* The API returns a 500 Internal Server Error response in case of any internal errors.\nDisclaimer\nThis API is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The results of the eGFR calculation should always be interpreted in the context of a comprehensive medical evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional., required_params: [{\"name\": \"age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"creat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"female\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10021", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:melodyn, api_name:melodyn, api_description:melodyn, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10022", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Shazam API, api_name:songs/get-track-listening-count, api_description:Returns the number of times a particular song has been played, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'key' field returned in \\u2026/search endpoint\\n\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10023", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Data API, api_name:Get playlist tracks, api_description:Get playlist tracks by playlist ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"added_at\": \"str\", \"added_by\": {\"external_urls\": {\"spotify\": \"str\"}, \"href\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\"}, \"track\": {\"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"artists\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"external_urls\": {\"spotify\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"duration_ms\": \"int\", \"album\": {\"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"name\": \"str\", \"release_date\": \"str\", \"artists\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"external_urls\": {\"spotify\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"album_type\": \"str\", \"external_urls\": {\"spotify\": \"str\"}, \"total_tracks\": \"int\", \"release_date_precision\": \"str\"}, \"explicit\": \"bool\", \"disc_number\": \"int\", \"track_number\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"preview_url\": \"str\", \"external_urls\": {\"spotify\": \"str\"}, \"external_ids\": {\"isrc\": \"str\"}, \"is_local\": \"bool\", \"is_playable\": \"bool\"}, \"_local\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10024", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:View Song, api_name:View song_copy, api_description:View song, required_params: [{\"name\": \"https_only\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"wmid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"songid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"s\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"song_preview_kbps\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10025", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Web, api_name:User followers, api_description:Get user followers, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"profiles\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"followers_count\": \"int\", \"color\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1000}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10026", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/spotify/artist/{artistID}, api_description:Get specific Spotify artist details. \nAdd \"_info\" or leave blank for general information, \"_songs\" for all songs, \"_albums\" for all albums, required_params: [{\"name\": \"artistID\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"track\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"streams\": \"str\", \"daily_streams\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10027", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/topviews/{year}, api_description:Top Youtube viewed videos all time / on a specific year (2007 - now). Leave {year} blank for all time results, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10028", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Scraper, api_name:Download Track Lyrics, api_description:This endpoint allows downloading lyrics in different formats. You can also tweak the delay time of lyrics., required_params: [{\"name\": \"trackId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10029", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Latest Spotify Downloader, api_name:Fetch Track Details, api_description:Download a track mp3 file returned by the download endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"track_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10030", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:K-POP, api_name:Idols, api_description:Get idol individual info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query to search\\n(Required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"Profile\": \"str\", \"Stage Name\": \"str\", \"Full Name\": \"str\", \"Korean Name\": \"str\", \"K. Stage Name\": \"str\", \"Date of Birth\": \"str\", \"Group\": \"str\", \"Country\": \"str\", \"Second Country\": \"NoneType\", \"Height\": \"str\", \"Weight\": \"str\", \"Birthplace\": \"str\", \"Other Group\": \"NoneType\", \"Former Group\": \"NoneType\", \"Gender\": \"str\", \"Position\": \"NoneType\", \"Instagram\": \"NoneType\", \"Twitter\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10031", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard API_v2, api_name:Netherlands Songs, api_description:Netherlands Songs chart \nis weekly based. \n\nIf `week` is not supplied, will default to last week. \nif the week date is not Saturday, will default to Saturday of that week, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10032", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:songs/get-related-artist, api_description:Get artist related to a song, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'songs->id' field returned from .../shazam-songs/get-details endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"genreNames\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"name\": \"str\", \"editorialNotes\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"standard\": \"str\", \"short\": \"str\"}, \"artwork\": {\"width\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"height\": \"int\", \"textColor3\": \"str\", \"textColor2\": \"str\", \"textColor4\": \"str\", \"textColor1\": \"str\", \"bgColor\": \"str\", \"hasP3\": \"bool\"}, \"url\": \"str\"}, \"relationships\": {\"albums\": {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 25}]}}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10033", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:albums/get-related-artist, api_description:Get artist related to an album, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'albums->id' field returned in .../shazam-songs/get-details OR .../artists/get-albums OR .../artists/get-summary\\nThe value of 'id' field returned in .../artists/get-albums OR .../artists/get-latest-release endpoint\\nThe value of 'albumadamid' field returned in .../songs/v2/detect OR .../songs/detect endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"genreNames\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"name\": \"str\", \"editorialNotes\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"standard\": \"str\", \"short\": \"str\"}, \"artwork\": {\"width\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"height\": \"int\", \"textColor3\": \"str\", \"textColor2\": \"str\", \"textColor4\": \"str\", \"textColor1\": \"str\", \"bgColor\": \"str\", \"hasP3\": \"bool\"}, \"url\": \"str\"}, \"relationships\": {\"albums\": {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 25}]}}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10034", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:shazam-events/list, api_description:List future events, required_params: [{\"name\": \"artistId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'artist->adamid' field returned in \\u2026/search OR \\u2026/songs/v2/detect OR \\u2026/songs/get-details endpoint\\nThe value of 'artists->id' field returned in \\u2026/shazam-songs/get-details OR \\u2026/albums/get-details OR \\u2026/albums/get-related-artist\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10035", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify, api_name:Album metadata, api_description:Get album metadata, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Album ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"album\\\": {\\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"artists\\\": {\\\"totalCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"items\\\": [{\\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"profile\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"visuals\\\": {\\\"avatarImage\\\": {\\\"sources\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}]}}, \\\"sharingInfo\\\": {\\\"shareUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"coverArt\\\": {\\\"extractedColors\\\": {\\\"colorRaw\\\": {\\\"hex\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"sources\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}]}, \\\"discs\\\": {\\\"totalCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"items\\\": [{\\\"number\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tracks\\\": {\\\"totalCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"tracks\\\": {\\\"totalCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"items\\\": [{\\\"track\\\": {\\\"playability\\\": {\\\"playable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"duration\\\": {\\\"totalMilliseconds\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}]}, \\\"releases\\\": {\\\"totalCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"items\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": {\\\"isoString\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"precision\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"playability\\\": {\\\"playable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"copyright\\\": {\\\"totalCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"items\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"st\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10036", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify, api_name:Artist related, api_description:Artist related, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Artist ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artists\": [{\"external_urls\": {\"spotify\": \"str\"}, \"followers\": {\"href\": \"NoneType\", \"total\": \"int\"}, \"genres\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"id\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"name\": \"str\", \"popularity\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10037", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Data API, api_name:Get playlist by category, api_description:Get playlist from category, supported categories are :\npop, hip-hop, rock, latino, dance/electro, mood, indie, workout, country, r&b, k-pop,\nchill, sleep, party, decades, love, metal, jazz, gaming, folk&acoustic, focus, classics,\npunck, ambient, blues, afro, summer, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"pop, hip-hop, rock, latino, dance/electro, mood, indie, workout, country, r&b, k-pop,\\nchill, sleep, party, decades, love, metal, jazz, gaming, folk&acoustic, focus, classics,\\npunck, ambient, blues, afro, summer\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"owner\": {\"external_urls\": {\"spotify\": \"str\"}, \"id\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\"}, \"collaborative\": \"bool\", \"external_urls\": {\"spotify\": \"str\"}, \"total_tracks\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10038", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify_v3, api_name:Artist discovered on, api_description:Artist discovered on playlists (max 50), required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Artist ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10039", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify _v2, api_name:Audio Features, api_description:Get audio_features of any track, required_params: [{\"name\": \"track_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10040", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Scraper, api_name:List Genre Contents, api_description:This endpoint lists sub-genres, playlists, podcasts, albums, etc. of a genre. Pagination scraping is supported., required_params: [{\"name\": \"genreId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Genre ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\", \"contents\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\", \"contents\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"trackCount\": \"int\", \"owner\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\"}, \"images\": [\"list of list with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 10}]}, \"_list_length\": 15}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10041", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify _v2, api_name:New releases, api_description:Get new releases based on country code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter country code like: US, CA, SE, IN, UK...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10042", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/spotify/chart/{countryID}/{timeframe}, api_description:Get global/country daily/weekly chart or total daily/weekly chart for Spotify. Read external docs for more information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryID\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"timeframe\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"artist_and_title\": \"str\", \"weeks\": \"str\", \"peak\": \"str\", \"streams\": \"str\", \"streams_delta\": \"str\", \"total_streams\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10043", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify_v3, api_name:Search, api_description:Search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"multi or one of these:\\n- albums\\n- artists\\n- episodes\\n- genres\\n- playlists\\n- podcasts\\n- tracks\\n- users\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10044", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard-API, api_name:Hot Latin Songs, api_description:Provide the Greatest of All Time Hot Latin Songs chart information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10045", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard_v2, api_name:Greatest of All Time Songs of the Summer, api_description:Get the Greatest of All Time Songs of the Summer chart., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10046", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Data API, api_name:Get new releases, api_description:Get new releases albums from one of the countrys :\nAD, AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AR, AT, AU, AZ, \nBA, BB, BD, BE, BF, BG, BH, BI, BJ, BN, \nBO, BR, BS, BT, BW, BZ, CA, CD, CG, CH, \nCI, CL, CM, CO, CR, CV, CW, CY, CZ, DE, \nDJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, ET, \nFI, FJ, FM, FR, GA, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, \nGN, GQ, GR, GT, GW, GY, HK, HN, HR, HT, \nHU, ID, IE, IL, IN, IQ, IS, IT, JM, JO, \nJP, KE, KG, KH, KI, KM, KN, KR, KW, KZ, \nLA, LB, LC, LI, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, \nLY, MA, MC, MD, ME, MG, MH, MK, ML, MN, \nMO, MR, MT, MU, MV, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, \nNE, NG, NI, NL, NO, NP, NR, NZ, OM, PA, \nPE, PG, PH, PK, PL, PS, PT, PW, PY, QA, \nRO, RS, RW, SA, SB, SC, SE, SG, SI, SK, \nSL, SM, SN, SR, ST, SV, SZ, TD, TG, TH, \nTJ, TL, TN, TO, TR, TT, TV, TW, TZ, UA, \nUG, US, UY, UZ, VC, VE, VN, VU, WS, XK,\nZA, ZM, ZW, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of: AD, AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AR, AT, AU, AZ, \\nBA, BB, BD, BE, BF, BG, BH, BI, BJ, BN, \\nBO, BR, BS, BT, BW, BZ, CA, CD, CG, CH, \\nCI, CL, CM, CO, CR, CV, CW, CY, CZ, DE, \\nDJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, ET, \\nFI, FJ, FM, FR, GA, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, \\nGN, GQ, GR, GT, GW, GY, HK, HN, HR, HT, \\nHU, ID, IE, IL, IN, IQ, IS, IT, JM, JO, \\nJP, KE, KG, KH, KI, KM, KN, KR, KW, KZ, \\nLA, LB, LC, LI, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, \\nLY, MA, MC, MD, ME, MG, MH, MK, ML, MN, \\nMO, MR, MT, MU, MV, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, \\nNE, NG, NI, NL, NO, NP, NR, NZ, OM, PA, \\nPE, PG, PH, PK, PL, PS, PT, PW, PY, QA, \\nRO, RS, RW, SA, SB, SC, SE, SG, SI, SK, \\nSL, SM, SN, SR, ST, SV, SZ, TD, TG, TH, \\nTJ, TL, TN, TO, TR, TT, TV, TW, TZ, UA, \\nUG, US, UY, UZ, VC, VE, VN, VU, WS, XK,\\nZA, ZM, ZW\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"release_date\": \"str\", \"artists\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"album_type\": \"str\", \"total_tracks\": \"int\", \"release_date_precision\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10047", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Data API, api_name:Get artist top tracks, api_description:Get artist top tracks by artist id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"artists\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": 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Album/Podcast/Show not supported., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10050", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify _v2, api_name:Album Tracks, api_description:Get all tracks of an specific Spotify album, required_params: [{\"name\": \"album_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10051", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/trending, api_description:Trending Youtube music videos worldwide now, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"highlights\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10052", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify _v2, api_name:Get Playlist Details, api_description:Get playlist details like: playlist_name, description, thumbnail, likes_count, tracks_count & details of each individual songs (upto 100) like: song_name, url, artist_name, thumbnail & duration., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10053", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Data API, api_name:Get artist albums, api_description:Get artist albums request from one of the groups : album, single, appears_on, compilation, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"ID for the artist\"}, {\"name\": \"group\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of : album, single, appears_on, compilation\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10054", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Genius - 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Each referent is associated with a web page or a song and may have one or more annotations. Referents can be searched by the document they are attached to or by the user that created them.\n\nReferents by content item or user responsible for an included annotation.\n\nYou may pass only one of song_id and web_page_id, not both., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10073", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Genius - Song Lyrics, api_name:Videos, api_description:Videos, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"videos\\\": [{\\\"_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"api_path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"article_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"author_list_for_display\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dek\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dfp_kv\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"values\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"duration\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"poster_attributes\\\": {\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"poster_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"provider\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"provider_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"provider_params\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"short_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"video_attributes\\\": {\\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"current_user_metadata\\\": {\\\"permissions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"excluded_permissions\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"published_at\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"view_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"author\\\": {\\\"_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"about_me_summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"api_path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"avatar\\\": {\\\"tiny\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bounding_box\\\": {\\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"thumb\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bounding_box\\\": {\\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"small\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bounding_bo\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10074", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Bandamp Downloader API, api_name:Download Bandcamp Track, api_description:Supply any Bandcamp track URL & get downloadable links, alongwith:\n\n- Track name\n- Related Album Name\n- Track Published date\n- Duration\n- Thumbnail\n- Artist name\n- Downloadable Mp3 file link, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"track_name\": \"str\", \"length\": \"str\", \"published\": \"str\", \"thumb\": \"str\", \"album_name\": \"str\", \"artist\": \"str\", \"download_link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10075", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Miza, api_name:Playlist extraction, api_description:Produces information on all songs in a playlist (YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud, etc), with much faster response time than most other available tools. Currently O(1) for YouTube, O(log n) for Spotify, and O(log n) for SoundCloud. See [this article](http://i.mizabot.xyz/f/Bc9AUlCRkA) for the algorithm behind the YouTube playlists specifically., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10076", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Miza, api_name:IP address check, api_description:Retrieves the host (server) and remote (your) IP addresses. 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Pagination scraping is supported., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"playlists\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\", \"followerCount\": \"int\", \"images\": [\"list of list with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 4}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10103", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Halsey Lyric Snippets, api_name:specified {album} information from {artist}, api_description:This endpoint retrieves the specified album by the specified artist and returns it in the response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"artist\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"album\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"songs\": [\"list of str with length 15\"], \"artist\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10104", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Youtube Music API (Detailed), api_name:Get Lyrics, api_description:Returns lyrics of a song or video., required_params: [{\"name\": \"browse_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lyrics\": \"NoneType\", \"source\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10105", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard API_v2, api_name:Philippines South Korea Songs, api_description:South Korea Songs chart \nis weekly based. \n\nIf `week` is not supplied, will default to last week. \nif the week date is not Saturday, will default to Saturday of that week, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10106", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard API_v2, api_name:Greatest of All Time Songs of the Summer, api_description:Greatest of All Time Songs of the Summer chart.\nSee response example, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10107", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard API_v2, api_name:Greatest of All Time Adult Alternative Songs, api_description:Greatest of All Time Adult Alternative Songs chart.\nSee response example, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10108", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:SoundCloud Scraper, api_name:List User Followers, api_description:This endpoint lists a user's followers., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"followers\": {\"nextOffsetToken\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"permalink\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"lastModified\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"avatarUrl\": \"str\", \"visuals\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"entryTime\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"followerCount\": \"int\", \"followingCount\": \"int\", \"trackCount\": \"int\", \"playlistCount\": \"int\", \"likeCount\": \"int\", \"playlistLikeCount\": \"int\", \"commentCount\": \"int\", \"repostCount\": \"NoneType\", \"groupCount\": \"int\", \"city\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"pro\": \"bool\", \"proUnlimited\": \"bool\", \"stationPermalink\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10109", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:SoundCloud Scraper, api_name:List User Albums, api_description:This endpoint lists the albums of a user. Pagination scraping is supported., required_params: [{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User URL or ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"playlists\": {\"nextOffset\": \"NoneType\", \"items\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"permalinkUrl\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"lastModified\": \"str\", \"isAlbum\": \"bool\", \"setType\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"durationMs\": \"int\", \"durationText\": \"str\", \"artworkUrl\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"NoneType\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"labelName\": \"str\", \"license\": \"str\", \"purchaseTitle\": \"NoneType\", \"purchaseUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"likesCount\": \"int\", \"repostsCount\": \"int\", \"trackCount\": \"int\", \"tags\": \"empty list\", \"user\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"permalink\": \"str\", \"lastModified\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"avatarUrl\": \"str\", \"followerCount\": \"int\", \"city\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"pro\": \"bool\", \"proUnlimited\": \"bool\", \"stationPermalink\": \"str\"}, \"tracks\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"goPlus\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 8}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10110", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:SoundCloud Scraper, api_name:List User Tracks, api_description:This endpoint lists tracks of a user. 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The number of people on a page, reading, writing, idle, etc... This call returns real-time data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"host\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The domain of the site you would like to query represented as a string.\"}, {\"name\": \"jsonp\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of a function to wrap the return data in.\"}, {\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A specific path. If not given, data is from all paths. e.g. the path of http://chartbeat.com/signup/ is /signup/.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10115", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:acopaer, api_name:AllFormActions, api_description:# Description GET All Form Actions\r\n\r\nThis url is to get all Form Actions created is type `GET`, the url is `BASE_URL/form-actions` and returns an array of objects or only an object depends on how many are there.\r\n\r\nClick [here](https://strapi.io/documentation/v3.x/content-api/parameters.html#available-operators) for more info about params., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10116", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:acopaer, api_name:AllReviewers, api_description:# Description GET All Reviewers\r\n\r\nThis url is to get all Reviewers created is type `GET`, the url is `BASE_URL/reviewers` and returns an array of objects or only an object depends on how many are there.\r\n\r\nClick [here](https://strapi.io/documentation/v3.x/content-api/parameters.html#available-operators) for more info about params., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10117", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla, api_name:find-agents/letting-agents, api_description:find-agents/letting-agents, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"currentPage\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"__typename\": \"str\", \"contactNumber\": \"str\", \"displayAddress\": \"str\", \"displayName\": \"str\", \"featured\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"listingsStatistics\": {\"commercial\": \"NoneType\", \"residential\": {\"forSale\": {\"availableListings\": \"int\", \"avgAskingPrice\": \"int\", \"avgWeeksOnMarket\": \"int\"}, \"toRent\": {\"availableListings\": \"int\", \"avgAskingPrice\": \"int\", \"avgWeeksOnMarket\": \"int\"}}}, \"logo\": {\"height\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"width\": \"str\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"uriName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 25}], \"message\": \"str\", \"resultsPerPage\": \"int\", \"status\": \"bool\", \"totalResultCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10118", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CallTrackingMetrics, api_name:Search Numbers, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"area_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"an area code to search and match on\"}, {\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"the country where you would like to purchase this number. currently supported countries include \\\"US\\\" and \\\"CA\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"account_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"numbers\": \"empty list\", \"country\": \"str\", \"searchby\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"format_style\": \"str\", \"include_distance\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10119", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Seloger, api_name:properties/count, api_description:Count total properties returned with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zipCodes\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Either zipCodes OR districtIds parameter is required. The postal code, separated by comma for multiple values. Ex : 75,13,...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10120", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:acopaer, api_name:AllScenarios, api_description:# Description GET All Scenarios\r\n\r\nThis url provides all Scenarios created, method type `GET`.\r\n\r\n `BASE_URL/scenarios`\r\n \r\n returns an array of objects or only an object depends on how many are there.\r\n\r\n\r\nClick [here](https://strapi.io/documentation/v3.x/content-api/parameters.html#available-operators) for more info about params., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10121", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:test apizzz, api_name:qwe, api_description:qwe, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10122", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in US, api_name:mortgage/v2/calculate, api_description:Calculate mortgage, required_params: [{\"name\": \"price\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Home price\"}, {\"name\": \"rate\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Interest rate\"}, {\"name\": \"down_payment\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Down payment\"}, {\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Mortgage loan type\"}, {\"name\": \"hoa_fees\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Home owner association fee\"}, {\"name\": \"home_insurance\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Home insurance\"}, {\"name\": \"property_tax_rate\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Property tax\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"loan_mortgage\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"loan_amount\": \"int\", \"rate\": \"float\", \"term\": \"int\", \"monthly_payment\": \"int\", \"monthly_payment_details\": [{\"__typename\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"int\", \"display_name\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"total_payment\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10123", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:789bettnet, api_name:789betlinkvao2022, api_description:789bet là nhà cái cá cược trực tuyến uy tín top đầu khu vực châu Á, cung cấp các dịch vụ cá cược như casino, cá cược thể thao, nổ hũ, bắn cá, tài xỉu.\n#789bettnet #789bet #nhacai789bet #linkvao #dangky789bet #dangnhap789bet\nHotline 0985 433 336\nĐịa chỉ : 89 Ngõ 15 Giải Phóng, Hoàng Liệt, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội, Việt Nam \nGoogle map https://www.google.com/maps?cid=5871956287660487504 \nGmaiL: 789bett.net@gmail.com\nWebsite https://789bett.net/ \nhttps://789bett.net/dang-ky-789bet/ \nhttps://789bett.net/khuyen-mai-789bet/ \nhttps://sites.google.com/view/789bettnet/home \nhttps://dailygram.com/index.php/profile-432167\nhttps://www.mtbproject.com/user/201407644/789bett-net\nhttps://mydramalist.com/profile/789bettnet\nhttps://my.desktopnexus.com/789bettnet/\nhttps://worldcosplay.net/member/1058048\nhttps://www.tetongravity.com/community/profile/789bettnet/\nhttps://community.amplifi.com/user/789bett-net\nhttps://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/789bettnet/45915060/\nhttps://www.hackathon.io/789bettnet\nhttps://pawoo.net/@789bettnet\nhttp://pixelhub.me/789bettnet\nhttps://guides.co/p/789bett-net\nhttps://www.allmyfaves.com/789bettnet\nhttps://my.mamul.am/en/profile/1314087/info\nhttp://www.effecthub.com/people/789bettnet\nhttps://kuwestions.248am.com/user/789bettnet\nhttps://www.mapleprimes.com/users/789bettnet\nhttps://www.bahamaslocal.com/userprofile/137779/789bettnet.html\nhttps://www.misterpoll.com/users/4137466\nhttps://yarabook.com/789bettnet\nhttps://anchor.fm/789bettnet\nhttps://www.bitsdujour.com/profiles/Vj49if, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10124", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Free OFAC Scan, api_name:free_ofac.api, api_description:This API returns a simple TRUE (target found) or FALSE (target not found) value n response to an OFAC scan request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"target\": {\"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"business_name\": \"str\", \"street_address\": \"str\"}, \"records_found\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10125", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:My Bot, api_name:Bots Telegram, api_description:For Bots, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10126", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CallTrackingMetrics, api_name:GET Calls, api_description:The Calls API allows you easy access to all your call data. You can subscribe to new incoming calls to receive an HTTP request when a call is completed. You can also query the call API to retrieve all past calls., required_params: [{\"name\": \"account_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"authentication\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10127", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Self-help Quotes, api_name:Get all available tags for self-help quotes, api_description:List all available tags for the hand-picked self-help quotes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10128", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla, api_name:New build developments, api_description:New build developments, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_area\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"currentPage\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"extendedResults\": \"empty list\", \"results\": [{\"__typename\": \"str\", \"cursor\": \"str\", \"node\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"bedrooms\": \"str\", \"hasFlats\": \"bool\", \"hasHouses\": \"bool\", \"helpToBuy\": \"bool\", \"images\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"listingsDetails\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"filterByBeds\": [\"list of int with length 2\"], \"listings\": [{\"__typename\": \"str\", \"counts\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"numBedrooms\": \"int\"}, \"isPriceOnAsk\": \"bool\", \"listingId\": \"str\", \"pricing\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"internalValue\": \"int\", \"label\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 3}]}, \"logoUri\": \"str\", \"metaData\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"after\": \"str\", \"deprecatedBranchId\": \"int\", \"first\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"retirement\": \"bool\", \"seoBranchName\": \"str\", \"sharedOwnership\": \"bool\", \"town\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 20}]}, \"message\": \"str\", \"resultsPerPage\": \"int\", \"status\": \"bool\", \"totalResultCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10129", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:test_API_v2, api_name:api, api_description:12, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10130", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla_v2, api_name:properties/list, api_description:List properties for sale or rent with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"area\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of suggestions/value json object returned in .../auto-complete endpoint with listings as search_type. You must use EXACTLY the value returned by the endpoint. \\n*'listing_id' OR 'area' parameter must be provided to get this endpoint working.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10131", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:NY times - Archive , api_name:/{year}/{month}.json, api_description:Pass in year and month and get back JSON with all articles for that month. The response can be big (~20 megabytes) and contain thousands of articles, depending on the year and month.\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Year: 1-12\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Year: 1851-2019\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fault\": {\"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": {\"errorcode\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10132", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Ticketbud, api_name:Me, api_description:Information about the current token holder, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"user\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10133", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:SOTI Sync, api_name:No. of Participants, api_description:No. of Participants, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ParticipantsCount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10134", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Google Play, api_name:Get reviews by app ID, api_description:Returns the reviews of a single application by its ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10135", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Google Play, api_name:Get list of apps with pagination, api_description:Returns a list of apps and a pagination token, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10136", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Ticketbud, api_name:Your Events, api_description:A list of events owned or accessible by the current token holder, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10137", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:prueba, api_name:products, api_description:Prueba de servicio products, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10138", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla_v2, api_name:house-prices/get-area-stats, api_description:Get area stats, required_params: [{\"name\": \"property_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of property_id field returned in .../house-prices/estimate endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10139", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla_v2, api_name:properties/get-broadband, api_description:Get broadband information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"listing_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of listing_id field returned in .../properties/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10140", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:SignNow, api_name:Get role ids, api_description:This endpoint returns details of specific document\n\nThe Document object contains:\n\n- Metadata: file name, size, extension, ID;\n- Fields, elements (texts, checks and signatures),\n- Invites, status of the invites,\n- Roles,\n- Timestamps (date created, date updated)\n\nDocument is a fundamental object of every e-signature operation. It’s impossible to send an invite without selecting or [uploading a document](https://docs.signnow.com/docs/signnow/reference/operations/create-a-document) first. In signNow you can add other objects to the document called [fillable fields](https://docs.signnow.com/docs/signnow/branches/v1.2/reference/operations/update-a-document-document-id-adds-fields-to-a-document). When the document is signed, it can be [downloaded in PDF file format](https://docs.signnow.com/docs/signnow/reference/operations/get-a-document-download). Documents in signNow can be [turned into a template](https://docs.signnow.com/docs/signnow/reference/operations/create-a-template). API also allows you to create [event subscriptions](https://docs.signnow.com/docs/signnow/reference/operations/create-a-api-v-2-event) triggered by a specific document., required_params: [{\"name\": \"document_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"404\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10141", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:111, api_name:fdfdf, api_description:fdfdf, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10142", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Profile data, api_description:Get LinkedIn profile data with username, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"username\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"fullName\": \"str\", \"headline\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"country\": \"str\", \"countryName\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}, \"experiences\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"NoneType\", \"company\": \"str\", \"startDate\": \"str\", \"endDate\": \"str\", \"companyUrl\": \"str\", \"location\": \"NoneType\", \"photo\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"activities\": [{\"status\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 16}], \"articles\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"photo\": \"str\", \"publishedAt\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"languages\": \"empty list\", \"volunteering\": \"empty list\", \"suggestedProfiles\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10143", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla, api_name:UK new homes for sale, api_description:UK new homes for sale, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_area\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10144", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in AU, api_name:properties/lookup, api_description:Look for off-market property by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of 'id' field returned in .../auto-complete endpoint with display as 'Property history'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayListingId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"suburb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketStatus\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"propertyType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"landArea\\\": {\\\"display\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"floorArea\\\": {\\\"display\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"bedrooms\\\": {\\\"display\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"bathrooms\\\": {\\\"display\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"carSpaces\\\": {\\\"display\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"yearBuilt\\\": {\\\"display\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"valuations\\\": {\\\"sale\\\": {\\\"minValuation\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortDisplay\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"medianValuation\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastUpdated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortDisplay\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"maxValuation\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortDisplay\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"confidence\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display\\\": {\\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10145", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla_v2, api_name:properties/get-area-stats, api_description:Get area stats, required_params: [{\"name\": \"listing_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of listing_id field returned in .../properties/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10146", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla_v2, api_name:properties/get-running-costs, api_description:Get running costs, required_params: [{\"name\": \"listing_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of listing_id field returned in .../properties/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10147", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla, api_name:property/detail, api_description:property/detail, required_params: [{\"name\": \"listing_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`listing_id`: listingId from [UK property for sale],[UK new homes for sale],[UK property to rent] endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10148", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:YC Hacker news official, api_name:item by id, api_description:Stories, comments, jobs, Ask HNs and even polls are just items. They're identified by their ids, which are unique integers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Item ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"by\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"parent\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\", \"time\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10149", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:000, api_name:Ppp, api_description:Ppp, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10150", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Ken, api_name:Ken, api_description:**, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10151", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Shwe 2D Live Api, api_name:Daily Live, api_description:Daily Live Perfect, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"update_time\": \"str\", \"result\": \"str\", \"set\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"a12_result\": \"str\", \"a12_set\": \"str\", \"a12_value\": \"str\", \"a43_result\": \"str\", \"a43_set\": \"str\", \"a43_value\": \"str\", \"a93_modern\": \"str\", \"a93_internet\": \"str\", \"a20_modern\": \"str\", \"a20_internet\": \"str\", \"holiday\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10152", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:SOTI Sync, api_name:Price After Discount, api_description:SOTI Sync ticket price after discount, required_params: [{\"name\": \"priceafterdiscount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10153", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:360 Business Tool, api_name:GetDocumentTypesSince, api_description:Get document types modified since, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timestamp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10154", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Find Vehicle, api_name:quantum4u, api_description:test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10155", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla, api_name:find-agents/commercial-agents, api_description:find-agents/commercial-agents, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"currentPage\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"__typename\": \"str\", \"contactNumber\": \"str\", \"displayAddress\": \"str\", \"displayName\": \"str\", \"featured\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"listingsStatistics\": {\"commercial\": \"NoneType\", \"residential\": {\"forSale\": {\"availableListings\": \"int\", \"avgAskingPrice\": \"int\", \"avgWeeksOnMarket\": \"int\"}, \"toRent\": {\"availableListings\": \"int\", \"avgAskingPrice\": \"int\", \"avgWeeksOnMarket\": \"int\"}}}, \"logo\": {\"height\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"width\": \"str\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"uriName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"message\": \"str\", \"resultsPerPage\": \"int\", \"status\": \"bool\", \"totalResultCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10156", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Business and company name API, api_name:Search By Registration Number, api_description:Search company information by the company or business' registration number issued by the CAC. It returns a single match if the registration number exists., required_params: [{\"name\": \"regNumber\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"generated_on\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"companyName\": \"str\", \"registrationNumber\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"registrationDate\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"registeredOn\": \"NoneType\", \"isDeleted\": \"bool\", \"isActive\": \"bool\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updateAt\": \"str\", \"modifiedAt\": \"str\"}, \"api_version\": \"str\", \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10157", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:acopaer, api_name:AllAnswersForms, api_description:# Description GET All Answers Forms\r\n\r\nThis url is to get all Answers Forms created is type `GET`, the url is `BASE_URL/answers-forms` and returns an array of objects or only an object depends on how many are there.\r\n\r\nClick [here](https://strapi.io/documentation/v3.x/content-api/parameters.html#available-operators) for more info about params., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10158", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:acopaer, api_name:FormActionBy:id, api_description:# Description GET Form Action By id\r\n\r\nThis url is to get a Form Action by id is type `GET`, the url is `BASE_URL/form-actions/id` and returns only an object.\r\n\r\nThe param is `id` must type there the id of Form Action to get details about this Form Action., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10159", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:InsafEl, api_name:Sms, api_description:Send, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Hello\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10160", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Docs_v2, api_name:Yep, api_description:Yep yep yep, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10161", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CatalogAPI, api_name:Search Catalog, api_description:Searches the catalog based on the parameters passed., required_params: [{\"name\": \"creds_datetime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"UTC iso8601\"}, {\"name\": \"creds_uuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"GUID\"}, {\"name\": \"creds_checksum\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"checksum\"}, {\"name\": \"socket_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the socket_id of the catalog you are searching. You can find your available sockets by using the list_available_catalogs method.\"}, {\"name\": \"search\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search the name, description and model of items.\"}, {\"name\": \"max_rank\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Do not return items with a rank higher than this value.\"}, {\"name\": \"per_page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The number of items to return, per page. Can be from 1 to 50. Defaults to 10.\"}, {\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The following sort values are supported: points desc points asc rank asc score desc\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"rest or restx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Fault\": {\"faultcode\": \"str\", \"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10162", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CatalogAPI, api_name:Place Order, api_description:This method places as order using the address and items in the cart. Once the order is placed, the cart is deleted., required_params: [{\"name\": \"creds_datetime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"UTC iso8601\"}, {\"name\": \"creds_uuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"GUID\"}, {\"name\": \"creds_checksum\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"checksum\"}, {\"name\": \"socket_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the socket that the item is in. You can find your available sockets by using the list_available_catalogs method.\"}, {\"name\": \"external_user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is an id from your system that identifies the user that the cart is for. It can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores.\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"rest or restx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Fault\": {\"faultcode\": \"str\", \"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10163", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Google Play, api_name:Get applications by developer ID, api_description:Returns the list of applications of a single developer by its ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"developerId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Developer ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10164", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:acopaer, api_name:ReviewerBy:id, api_description:# Description GET Reviewer By id\r\n\r\nThis url is to get a Reviewer by id is type `GET`, the url is `BASE_URL/reviewers/id` and returns only an object.\r\n\r\nThe param is `id` must type there the id of Reviewer to get details about this Reviewer., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10165", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:acopaer, api_name:CountScenarios, api_description:# Description GET Number Of Scenarios\r\n\r\nThis url provides the Scenarios quantity created, method type `GET`.\r\n\r\n`BASE_URL/scenarios/count`\r\n\r\nreturns the Scenarios quantity., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10166", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:acopaer, api_name:AllForms, api_description:# Description GET All Forms\r\n\r\nThis url is to get all Forms created is type `GET`, the url is `BASE_URL/forms` and returns an array of objects or only an object depends on how many are there.\r\n\r\nClick [here](https://strapi.io/documentation/v3.x/content-api/parameters.html#available-operators) for more info about params., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10167", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Test_v18, api_name:test endpoint, api_description:test endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10168", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in US, api_name:properties/detail (Deprecated), api_description:Get property detail information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"property_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of property_id field returned in .../properties/list-.... or .../properties/v2/list-... endpoints.\"}, {\"name\": \"listing_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of listing_id field returned in .../properties/list-.... or .../properties/v2/list-... endpoints.\"}, {\"name\": \"prop_status\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : for_sale|for_rent\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"build\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"schema\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tracking\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tracking_params\\\": {\\\"ldpPropertyStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pageType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leadDelivery\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leadEnhancements\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listingActivity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"productType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"propertyStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listingId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rentalDataSource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"advertiserIdAgent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"communityId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mprId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listingMls\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"planId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"neighborhood\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listingBaths\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listingBeds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listingSqFt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listingEnhancements\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listingPrice\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"photoCount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"propertyType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"listing\\\": {\\\"prop_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data_source_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year_built\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"permalink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"address\\\": {\\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unit_value\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"street_direction\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"street_post_direction\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"postal_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"address_validation_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10169", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in US, api_name:schools/get-school-district, api_description:Get detailed information of a school district, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of districts -> id field returned in .../schools/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10170", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in US, api_name:agents/get-recommendations, api_description:Get agent's recommendations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"advertiser_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of advertiser_id field returned in .../agents/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"comment\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"photo\": \"str\", \"video\": \"NoneType\", \"source_id\": \"str\", \"last_updated\": \"str\", \"relation\": \"str\", \"year\": \"str\", \"started_timestamp\": \"str\", \"address\": \"NoneType\", \"location\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10171", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Chartbeat, api_name:Historical Traffic Series, api_description:Returns series of the traffic sources and/or page load time where the default time span of each data point is 5 minutes. You should use this call if you want to see a more granular picture of your data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"host\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The domain of the site you would like to query represented as a string.\"}, {\"name\": \"jsonp\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of a function to wrap the return data in.\"}, {\"name\": \"human\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A boolean that tells the api call to return human readable start and end time in the form YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS, as opposed to the unix timestamp. Default: false.\"}, {\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A string in the form of a unix timestamp, YYYY-mm-dd, YY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS or a time delta, where the time delta specified is start time prior to now. NOTE: start is only accepted in EST. Default: The start of today.\"}, {\"name\": \"end\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A string in the form of a unix timestamp, YYYY-mm-dd, YY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. NOTE: end is only accepted in EST. Default: The end of today.\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An integer or string that specifies the number of snapshots to return. e.g. 100 or time span from start to return snapshots for e.g. 10minutes, 3days, respectively. Default: the entire time span between start and end.\"}, {\"name\": \"fields\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One or a comma separated list of: return: the number of returning visitors. new: the number of new visitors. people: the number of people on the domain. read: the number of people reading on the domain. domload: the DOM load time. engaged_time_avg: the average enagaged time. write: the number of people writing on the domain. idle: the number of people idle on the domain. internal: the number of people coming from an internal referrer. social: the number of people coming from social services. Default: people.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10172", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Comparable Companies, api_name:/logo, api_description:The Logo API is used to show company logos in the frontend. The API link is already included in results returned by the Similar companies API., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) The company domain for which you want to retrieve a logo for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10173", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:TEXTKING Translation, api_name:List source languages, api_description:Returns a collection of all source languages supported by TEXTKING., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"per_page\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"localization_language\": \"str\", \"links\": [{\"rel\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 27}], \"links\": [{\"rel\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10174", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:AI-writer, api_name:Translation, api_description:Translate content into any language just enter the language name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10175", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Carbon management, api_name:CheckFactorswithMongoDB, api_description:Check if the factor in mapping table is correct., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10176", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Carbon management, api_name:Status for mapper v2 [Upload file], api_description:Get results in details from the task id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"current\": \"int\", \"ready\": \"bool\", \"state\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10177", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Large text to speech, api_name:Get job status, api_description:Get the status and results of a job, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"job_time\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10178", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:LemurBot, api_name:Get A Category, api_description:Get a specific category by it's id and view it's details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of Category\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10179", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:LemurBot, api_name:Get A Bot Property, api_description:Get a specific bot property by it's id and view it's details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of BotProperty\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10180", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Carbon management, api_name:CollectFactorswithMongoDB, api_description:Check if the factor in mapping table is correct., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10181", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:AI-writer, api_name:Newsletter, api_description:Write a compelling newsletter from a given text, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10182", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:teste, api_name:teste, api_description:teste, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10183", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:QuickBlox, api_name:GET users.json, api_description:Call this API to get a list of current users of you app. By default it returns upto 10 users, but you can change this by adding pagination parameters., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10184", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Flowplayer Drive, api_name:show video, api_description:Shows the specified video, with embedded encodings, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10185", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:2Factor Authentication - India, api_name:Verify SMS OTP Input, api_description:This endpoint is useful in verifying user entered OTP with sent OTP, required_params: [{\"name\": \"otp_input\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"OTP Value input by end user\"}, {\"name\": \"session_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Verification session id returned in send OTP step\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Obtained From 2Factor.in\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10186", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:2Factor Authentication - India, api_name:Sending SMS OTP ( Auto Generated OTP - Custom Template ), api_description:This endpoint is used to send Auto Generated SMS OTP to India, required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"10 Digit Indian Phone Number\"}, {\"name\": \"template_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Template name created using Custom Template Wizard\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Obtained From 2Factor.in\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10187", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:2Factor Authentication - India, api_name:Un-Block Number - SMS Service, api_description:This endpoint is used to remove number from SMS Blocklist, required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"10 Digit Indian Phone Number\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Obtained From 2Factor.in\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10188", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Maytapi WhatsApp, api_name:getListPhones, api_description:Gets the list of phones with their id's and numbers that are registered to the given product id., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10189", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:GREEN-API, api_name:Downloadfilefromincomingmessage, api_description:Документация [DownloadFile](https://green-api.com/docs/api/receiving/files/DownloadFile/), required_params: [{\"name\": \"waInstanceidInstance\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"idMessage\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10190", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Upcall, api_name:fetchCampaignQuestions, api_description:Get campaign's questions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of campaign\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10191", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Zipwhip, api_name:*message/send, api_description:Sends a message from the logged in user's phone number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"contacts\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the contact ID that is return from contact/list. A contact ID is also part of the return from message/send.\"}, {\"name\": \"body\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The message body that you would like to send. This is a maximum of 160 ASCII characters or 140 Bytes.\"}, {\"name\": \"session\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"response\": {\"desc\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"path\": \"str\"}, \"sessions\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10192", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Zipwhip, api_name:group/addmember, api_description:Once a group is created via the group/save call, you then need to populate members., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"For US domestic use 10-digit number. For International numbers use full E.164 format. Examples: US: 5555555555 E.164: +1155555555555\"}, {\"name\": \"group\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The address that identifies the group in the logged in account. Format will be similar to: device:/xxxxxxxxxx/xx.\"}, {\"name\": \"session\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"desc\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10193", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Upcall, api_name:fetchCampaign, api_description:Get a specific campaign, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of campaign\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10194", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/categories/{teamId}/{categoryId}, api_description:Sample Request:\r\n \r\n GET /categories/cbb70402-1359-477f-ac92-0171cf2b5ff7/c0054336-cd89-4abf-882d-ba69b5adb25e, required_params: [{\"name\": \"categoryId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the category to get\"}, {\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the team the category belongs to\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10195", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:HelloSalut, api_name:HelloSalut, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"hello\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10196", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/alerts/{alertId}/attachments/{attachmentId}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"attachmentId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of the attachment, that you want to retrieve.\"}, {\"name\": \"alertId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of the alert that contains the wanted attachment.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10197", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/prepaidBalance, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"subscriptionId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10198", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:GeneralTalker, api_name:on_slack, api_description:slackボット専用の雑談APIです。\n\n以下はon_slackのレスポンス例と、その意味です。\n```\n{\n\"response\":{\n \"res\":\"おはよーございます\" # 生成された返答\n \"user_score\":-2.8724350929260254 # ユーザーの発話のスコア\n \"lm\":0.7096909880638123 # 文章の妥当性スコア\n \"mc\":-1.5187406539916992 # 返答としての妥当性スコア\n \"score\":-0.3534274697303772 # 総合スコア\n \"history_text\":\"Hello\" # 発話の生成に使われた発話履歴\n \"res_score_list\":[ # 採用しなかった返答のリスト\n 0:[\n 0:\"おはよーございます\" # 返答の内容\n 1:[ # スコア(文章の妥当性,返答としての妥当性,総合スコア)\n 0:0.7096909880638123\n 1:-1.5187406539916992\n 2:-0.3534274697303772\n ]\n ]\n ... # 中略\n ]\n }\n}\n```, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u30dc\\u30c3\\u30c8\\u306e\\u8a71\\u3057\\u76f8\\u624b\\u3067\\u3042\\u308b\\u30e6\\u30fc\\u30b6\\u30fc\\u306e\\u540d\\u524d\\u3092\\u6307\\u5b9a\\u3057\\u3066\\u304f\\u3060\\u3055\\u3044\\u3002\"}, {\"name\": \"user_msg_text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u30e6\\u30fc\\u30b6\\u30fc\\u304b\\u3089\\u8a71\\u3057\\u304b\\u3051\\u3089\\u308c\\u305f\\u5185\\u5bb9\\uff08\\u30c6\\u30ad\\u30b9\\u30c8\\uff09\\u3092\\u6307\\u5b9a\\u3057\\u3066\\u304f\\u3060\\u3055\\u3044\\u3002\"}, {\"name\": \"channel_token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Slack\\u306e\\u30c1\\u30e3\\u30f3\\u30cd\\u30eb\\u3054\\u3068\\u306e\\u30c8\\u30fc\\u30af\\u30f3\\u3092\\u6307\\u5b9a\\u3057\\u3066\\u304f\\u3060\\u3055\\u3044\\u3002\\n\\u4f8b 'D01E65TPZ2M'\"}, {\"name\": \"bot_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u3053\\u306eAPI\\u3092\\u5229\\u7528\\u3059\\u308b\\u30dc\\u30c3\\u30c8\\u306e\\u540d\\u524d\\u3092\\u6307\\u5b9a\\u3057\\u3066\\u304f\\u3060\\u3055\\u3044\\u3002\\n\\u203bAPI\\u5185\\u90e8\\u3067\\u306f[bot_name - user_name]\\u9593\\u306e\\u4f1a\\u8a71\\u5c65\\u6b74\\u3092\\u5143\\u306b\\u3001\\u300c\\u6d41\\u308c\\u306e\\u3042\\u308b\\u81ea\\u7136\\u306a\\u4f1a\\u8a71\\u300d\\u3092\\u6210\\u7acb\\u3055\\u305b\\u307e\\u3059\\u3002\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": {\"res\": \"str\", \"user_score\": \"float\", \"lm\": \"float\", \"mc\": \"float\", \"score\": \"float\", \"history_text\": \"str\", \"res_score_list\": [\"list of list with length 5\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10199", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Free Phone Number Lookup and Validation API, api_name:Free JSON Endpoint, api_description:Please see [https://phone-number-api.com/docs/json](url) for details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"query\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"numberType\": \"str\", \"numberValid\": \"bool\", \"numberValidForRegion\": \"bool\", \"numberCountryCode\": \"int\", \"numberAreaCode\": \"int\", \"ext\": \"NoneType\", \"formatE164\": \"str\", \"formatNational\": \"str\", \"formatInternational\": \"str\", \"dialFromCountryCode\": \"str\", \"dialFromCountryNumber\": \"str\", \"carrier\": \"NoneType\", \"continent\": \"str\", \"continentCode\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"countryName\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"regionName\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10200", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/teams/{teamId}/dutyReports, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of team you want to get the duty report file infos for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10201", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/channelPrices, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"subscriptionId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of the subscription that needs to be retrieved.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10202", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/subscriptions, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10203", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:DNS Lookup, api_name:/Api/ns/{domain}, api_description:Sample request:\r\nGET /api/ns/oxog.net, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"nameServer\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"processResponseTime\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"requestType\": \"str\", \"warnings\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10204", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Zipwhip, api_name:user/save, api_description:Save details about the user associated with the provided session, required_params: [{\"name\": \"session\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"response\": {\"desc\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"path\": \"str\"}, \"sessions\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10205", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:DNS Lookup, api_name:/Api/aaaa/{domain}, api_description:Sample request:\r\nGET /api/aaaa/oxog.net, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"ipAddress\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"processResponseTime\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"requestType\": \"str\", \"warnings\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10206", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:2Factor Authentication - India, api_name:Sending SMS OTP ( Auto Generated OTP ), api_description:This endpoint is used to send Auto Generated SMS OTP to India, required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"10 Digit Indian Phone Number\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Obtained From 2Factor.in\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10207", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:mobile-recharge-plans-api-tariff-Plans-free, api_name:Tariff Plans api, api_description:Just send the operator and circle and GET ALL PLANS according to circle and operator our api, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tariff-plan-api\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Hello First you Get the API from our site nixinfo.in for CTRLKEY.\"}, {\"name\": \"ctrlkey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter nixinfo CTRLKEY\"}, {\"name\": \"demo\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"[{\\\"Detail\\\":\\\"140 Local SMS. Maximum 100 SMS per Day\\\",\\\"Amount\\\":\\\"13\\\",\\\"Validity\\\":\\\"5 Days\\\"},{\\\"Detail\\\":\\\"200 Local and STD SMS. Maximum 100 SMS per Day\\\",\\\"Amount\\\":\\\"26\\\",\\\"Validity\\\":\\\"14 days\\\"},{\\\"Detail\\\":\\\"340 Local and STD SMS. Maximum 100 SMS per Day\\\",\\\"Amount\\\":\\\"34\\\",\\\"Validity\\\":\\\"28 days\\\"},{\\\"Detail\\\":\\\"450 Local and STD SMS. Maximum 100 SMS per Day\\\",\\\"Amount\\\":\\\"42\\\",\\\"Validity\\\":\\\"28 days\\\"},{\\\"Detail\\\":\\\"700 Local and STD SMS. Maximum 100 SMS per Day\\\",\\\"Amount\\\":\\\"62\\\",\\\"Validity\\\":\\\"28 days\\\"},{\\\"Detail\\\":\\\"1000 Local and STD SMS. Maximum 100 SMS per Day\\\",\\\"Amount\\\":\\\"88\\\",\\\"Validity\\\":\\\"28 days\\\"},{\\\"Detail\\\":\\\"2400 Local and STD SMS. Maximum 100 SMS per Day\\\",\\\"Amount\\\":\\\"218\\\",\\\"Validity\\\":\\\"28 days\\\"}]\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10208", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/users/{userId}/dutyStatus, api_description:Returns a object with duty information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Identifier of the user to get. Use 'Me' to get information about the currently logged in user. This is not possible with an api key.\\r\\nCan also be an email address of a user in the team or the unique id of an according user object.\\u201d\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10209", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/alerts/report, api_description:Returns information about the occurred alert volume in different time periods as well as information about the\r\nresponse behaviour (amount of confirmed and unhandled alerts) of your team members., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10210", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/events/{eventId}/overview, api_description:Get overview event by id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"eventId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of event to get.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10211", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:LINE Messaging, api_name:Download rich menu image, api_description:Downloads an image associated with a rich menu., required_params: [{\"name\": \"richMenuId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the rich menu with the image to be downloaded\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10212", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:LINE Messaging, api_name:Get content, api_description:Gets image, video, and audio data sent by users., required_params: [{\"name\": \"messageId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Message ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10213", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Zipwhip, api_name:conversation/get, api_description:Retrieves conversation details and messages that specific to the conversation ID provided., required_params: [{\"name\": \"fingerprint\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The unique identifier for a conversation. This can be retrieved from a conversation/list.\"}, {\"name\": \"session\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Limit the number of elements returned when paging.\"}, {\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"When paging through content, this field is used to tell the controller what element to start at for the next page.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"response\": {\"desc\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"path\": \"str\"}, \"sessions\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10214", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:2Factor Authentication - India, api_name:Sending SMS OTP ( Custom OTP ), api_description:This endpoint is used to send Custom SMS OTP to India, required_params: [{\"name\": \"otp\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"4-6 Digit ( Numeric ) OTP code to be sent\"}, {\"name\": \"phone_number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"10 Digit Indian Phone Number\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Obtained From 2Factor.in\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10215", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/categories/{teamId}/{categoryId}/metrics, api_description:Sample Request:\r\n \r\n GET /categories/cbb70402-1359-477f-ac92-0171cf2b5ff7/c0054336-cd89-4abf-882d-ba69b5adb25e/metrics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"categoryId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the category to get\"}, {\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the team the category belongs to\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10216", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SawyerTest, api_name:Sawyer Test, api_description:test, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10217", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Transportistas de Argentina, api_name:/quotes/postcode/oca/:cuit/:operativa/:cost/:weight/:volume/:postCodeSrc/:postCodeDst, api_description:Quote for postcode in OCA e-Pack., required_params: [{\"name\": \"postCodeDst\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Postcode Destination\"}, {\"name\": \"cuit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"CUIT of your account in OCA e-Pack\"}, {\"name\": \"operativa\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Operativa number of your account in OCA e-Pack\"}, {\"name\": \"cost\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Cost of products in ARS\"}, {\"name\": \"postCodeSrc\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Postcode Source\"}, {\"name\": \"volume\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Volume in cm3\"}, {\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Weight in KG\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10218", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Logistics, tool_name:Transportistas de Argentina, api_name:/cities/states/:stateIsoCode, api_description:List of city for iso state., required_params: [{\"name\": \"stateIsoCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"State ISO Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10219", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Kick.com API | Kick API, api_name:Get Channel Details, api_description:Get Channel Details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10220", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Kick.com API | Kick API, api_name:Get Channel Emotes, api_description:Get Channel Emotes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10221", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter Data, api_name:users-by-rest-ids, api_description:users-by-rest-ids, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Users IDs (you can separate with commas)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"users\\\": [{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"affiliates_highlighted_label\\\": {\\\"label\\\": {\\\"url\\\": {\\\"urlType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"badge\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userLabelType\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"has_nft_avatar\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"legacy\\\": {\\\"created_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"default_profile\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"default_profile_image\\\": \\\"bool\\\", 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"category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow_v2, api_name:Agent details by username, api_description:Get agent's details by username(contact infos, active listings and reviews etc).\nPS : username is the profile link \nExample : \nusername : Pardee-Properties\nfor https://www.zillow.com/profile/Pardee-Properties/, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10223", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube, api_name:Auto Complete, api_description:Auto Complete, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query for suggestions\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"query\": \"str\", \"results\": [\"list of str with length 14\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10224", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube, api_name:Search, api_description:Search, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"contents\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"video\": {\"author\": {\"avatar\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"badges\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"canonicalBaseUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"badges\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"descriptionSnippet\": \"str\", \"isLiveNow\": \"bool\", \"lengthSeconds\": \"int\", \"movingThumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"publishedTimeText\": \"str\", \"stats\": {\"views\": \"int\"}, \"thumbnails\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"title\": \"str\", \"videoId\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 34}], \"cursorNext\": \"str\", \"didYouMean\": \"NoneType\", \"estimatedResults\": \"int\", \"filterGroups\": [{\"filters\": [{\"cursorSelect\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"selected\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 5}], 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\"places\": \"empty list\", \"related_searches\": {\"images\": \"empty list\", \"text\": \"empty list\"}, \"image_results\": \"empty list\", \"total\": \"NoneType\", \"knowledge_graph\": \"str\", \"related_questions\": \"empty list\", \"ts\": \"float\", \"device_type\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10227", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:seo api, api_name:News, api_description:Perform Google News Search\n\n Parameters\n----------\nquery : the string query to perform search for Google news. A simple query for `president` will be `q=president`. An example of multiple keyword would be `q=news+about+presdient+trump`. News can also be filtered by country and language. For `US` news and in English the query will be `q=trump&ceid=US:en` for news in Great Britian the query will be `q=trump&ceid=GB:en`\n\nReturns\n-------\njson: {\"feed\": { \"title\" : \"trump\" ...} , \"entites\": [ {\"title\" : \"Trump doubles down on divisive messaging in speech to honor Independence Day - CNN\", \"links\": []} ...]}, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"feed\": {\"html\": {\"lang\": \"str\"}, \"meta\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\"}, \"style\": {\"nonce\": \"str\"}, \"main\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"role\": \"str\"}, \"a\": {\"href\": \"str\"}, \"span\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"aria-label\": \"str\", \"role\": \"str\"}}, \"entries\": \"empty list\", \"ts\": \"float\", \"device_type\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10228", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:autocomplete usa, api_name:Autocomplete Addresses, api_description:Autocomplete USA Addresses, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Id\": \"str\", \"RequestId\": \"NoneType\", \"ClientSessionId\": \"NoneType\", \"StatusCode\": \"int\", \"Result\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"MaxAllowedUsage\": \"NoneType\", \"UsageStatistics\": \"NoneType\", \"IsError\": \"bool\", \"Errors\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10229", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:autocomplete usa, api_name:Autocomplete Cities, api_description:Autocomplete USA Cities, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Id\": \"str\", \"RequestId\": \"NoneType\", \"ClientSessionId\": \"NoneType\", \"StatusCode\": \"int\", \"Result\": [\"list of str with length 9\"], \"MaxAllowedUsage\": \"NoneType\", \"UsageStatistics\": \"NoneType\", \"IsError\": \"bool\", \"Errors\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10230", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Get Docs, api_name:case record, api_description:case, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"actiityPartyId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"activeAccessRequests\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"activityId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"applicationType\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"avScanDetail\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"avScanStatus\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"caseGuid\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"caseNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"caseRefNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"caseTitle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"createdDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currentPublicRequestId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"currentPublicRequestPublicAccessType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"customers\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"docId\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"documentAccessLevel\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"documentAccessType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"documentConfigReference\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"documentLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"documentStatus\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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\"RequestId\": \"NoneType\", \"ClientSessionId\": \"NoneType\", \"StatusCode\": \"int\", \"Result\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"MaxAllowedUsage\": \"NoneType\", \"UsageStatistics\": \"NoneType\", \"IsError\": \"bool\", \"Errors\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10232", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Human Resources API, api_name:Get all campany employees information., api_description:This endpoint gets all the available records in the employees table, up to 900 employees with their information.\nFor example: employee ID, first name, email, and etc..., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"metadata\": {\"message\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [{\"empID\": \"int\", \"namePrefix\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"middleInitial\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"fatherName\": \"str\", \"motherName\": \"str\", \"dateOfBirth\": \"str\", \"timeOfBirth\": \"str\", \"ageInYears\": \"float\", 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\"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"pros\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"cons\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"totalRating\": \"str\", \"fiveStars\": \"str\", \"fourStars\": \"str\", \"threeStarts\": \"str\", \"twoStars\": \"str\", \"oneStar\": \"str\", \"individualRatings\": {\"comfort\": \"str\", \"performance\": \"str\", \"quality\": \"str\", \"reliability\": \"str\", \"styling\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10234", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:JSearch, api_name:Job Details, api_description:Get all job details, including additional application options / links, employer reviews and estimated salaries for similar jobs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"job_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Job Id of the job for which to get details. Batching of up to 20 Job Ids is supported by separating multiple Job Ids by comma (,).\\n\\nNote that each Job Id in a batch request is counted as a request for quota calculation.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"parameters\": {\"job_id\": \"str\", \"extended_publisher_details\": \"bool\"}, \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10235", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Location and Time, api_name:Get Astral Data by City, api_description:Get times of various aspects of the sun for specified date and city, including dawn, sunrise, noon, sunset, dusk times. **Note**: the fuzzy search of provided city may not be the one you want due to multiple cities may have the same name, the most common one will be used. In this case, use a geocoding service to find the exact geolocation of the city, use /astral/bylocation endpoint instead., required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the city.\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Local date at location specified by `lat` and `lon`, fuzzy search is supported.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"request\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}, \"response\": {\"dawn\": \"str\", \"sunrise\": \"str\", \"noon\": \"str\", \"sunset\": \"str\", \"dusk\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10236", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Location and Time, api_name:Get Holidays, api_description:List holidays for the specified country and year., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the country, fuzzy search is supported.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10237", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Geography, api_name:Search Countries TimeZone, api_description:Search Countries where provided TimeZone is used by the country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timeZone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"TimeZone in format (UTC+/-HH:MM). Example: UTC-04:00 or UTC+01:00\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": {\\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nativeName\\\": [{\\\"lang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"translations\\\": [{\\\"lang\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"official\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"common\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 25}]}, \\\"tld\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"cca2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ccn3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cca3\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cioc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fifa\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"independent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"unMember\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"currencies\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alphaCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"idd\\\": {\\\"root\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"suffixes\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"]}, \\\"capital\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latLng\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"altSpellings\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subregion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continents\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"languages\\\": [{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"latLng\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"landlocked\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"area\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flags\\\": {\\\"png\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"svg\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"demon\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10238", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:Continuation User's Media, api_description:This endpoint returns the list of a user's medias, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"continuation_token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": [{\"loc\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"msg\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10239", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Chain49, api_name:List available blockchains, api_description:Get an array of active blockchains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10240", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve trait offers, api_description:This endpoint is used to get all trait offers for a specified collection.\n\nWhat are trait offers?\nA trait offer is an offer that applies to every item in a collection with the specified trait. For example, this is a filter that shows every Cool Cat NFT where the type is 'tier' and the value is 'classy_1'.\n\nBelow is a response when querying trait offers for Cool Cats where trait type is 'tier' and the value is 'classy_1'.\n\nNote: this example query might not return any data if there are no open offers for that trait.\n\nSample URL\nhttps://api.opensea.io/v2/offers/collection/cool-cats-nft/traits?type=tier&value=classy_1, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10241", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve listings, api_description:This endpoint is used to fetch the set of active listings on a given NFT for the Seaport contract., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chain\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10242", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:TheClique, api_name:Get Artist Overview, api_description:Enter Artist ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id_artist\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"biography\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"discography\\\": {\\\"albums\\\": {\\\"items\\\": [{\\\"releases\\\": {\\\"items\\\": [{\\\"copyright\\\": {\\\"items\\\": [{\\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]}, \\\"coverArt\\\": {\\\"sources\\\": [{\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}]}, \\\"date\\\": {\\\"day\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"month\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"precision\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"year\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"playability\\\": {\\\"playable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"reason\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"sharingInfo\\\": {\\\"shareId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shareUrl\\\": 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\"collection\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10246", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Unofficial Trust Pilot, api_name:consumers/get-reviews, api_description:Get reviews belonging to a consumer, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of consumer->id field returned in .../business-units/get-reviews or .../consumers/detail endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"reviews\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"consumer\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"displayName\": \"str\", \"displayLocation\": \"NoneType\", \"numberOfReviews\": \"int\"}, \"businessUnit\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"identifyingName\": \"str\", \"displayName\": \"str\"}, \"stars\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"location\": \"NoneType\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"experiencedAt\": 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\"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"about\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_domain\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_employee_range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_industry\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_linkedin_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_logo_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_website\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"company_year_founded\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"connections_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"current_company_join_month\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"current_company_join_year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"educations\\\": [{\\\"activities\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date_range\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"degree\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"eduId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"end_month\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"end_year\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"field_of_study\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"grade\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"school\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"school_id\\\": 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{"_id": "10254", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:TheClique, api_name:Playlist, api_description:Get playlist by Channel ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quota\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"contentDetails\": {\"itemCount\": \"int\"}, \"etag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"kind\": \"str\", \"player\": {\"embedHtml\": \"str\"}, \"snippet\": {\"channelId\": \"str\", \"channelTitle\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"localized\": {\"description\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"publishedAt\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": {\"default\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\"}, \"high\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\"}, \"medium\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\"}, \"standard\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\"}}, \"title\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 13}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10255", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:TheClique, api_name:List Realated Artists, api_description:Enter Artist ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id_artist\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"sources\": [{\"height\": \"float\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}, \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"totalCount\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10256", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve blur events, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve events, customisable.\n\n**Filter examples:**\n{\"count\":50,\"eventFilter\":{\"mint\":{},\"sale\":{},\"transfer\":{},\"orderCreated\":{}}}\n\n{\"count\":50,\"tokenId\":\"541\",\"contractAddress\":\"0x60e4d786628fea6478f785a6d7e704777c86a7c6\",\"eventFilter\":{\"mint\":{},\"sale\":{},\"transfer\":{},\"orderCreated\":{}}}\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10257", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve tokens / listings, api_description:This endpoint returns a set of NFTs based on the specified filter parameters.\n\nFilter for Listed Tokens: {\"cursor\":null,\"traits\":[],\"hasAsks\":true}\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [{\"name\": \"collection\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Enter contract address or slug\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10258", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:PowerBI, api_name:GetLearningResources, api_description:Get Power BI learning resources., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", 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tool_name:PowerBI, api_name:GetLearningResourcesByTopic, api_description:Get Power BI learning resources by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"featuredContent\": \"str\", \"length\": \"str\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"publishedDateTime\": \"str\", \"heat\": \"int\", \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"content\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"topics\": [\"list of str with 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ID Pelanggan Token PLN, api_description:GET Data Pelanggan Token PLN / PLN PRA BAYAR\n- masukan id PLN di form id, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"meter_number\": \"str\", \"subscriber_id\": \"str\", \"subscriber_name\": \"str\", \"segment_power\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10264", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow_v2, api_name:Search for properties, api_description:Search for filtered properties by address, neighborhood, city, or ZIP code.\nPS : Searching by address would return the details of the property instead of a list\nFor a list of properties, you can select the output format (JSON , CSV , XLSX) using the optional \"output\" parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location can be an address, neighborhood, city, or ZIP code.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10265", "title": "", "text": 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For example, you can retrieve events associated with a particular channel or with the user's own channel., required_params: [{\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The **part** parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more **activity** resource properties that the API response will include.\\n\\nIf the parameter identifies a property that contains child properties, the child properties will be included in the response. For example, in an **activity** resource, the **snippet** property contains other properties that identify the type of activity, a display title for the activity, and so forth. If you set **part=snippet**, the API response will also contain all of those nested properties.\\n\\nThe following list contains the part names that you can include in the parameter value:\\n\\n- contentDetails\\n- id\\n- snippet\"}, {\"name\": \"channelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The **channelId** parameter specifies a unique YouTube channel ID. The API will then return a list of that channel's activities.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10266", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Location and Time, api_name:Encode Geohash, api_description:Encode a geolocation into [geohash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geohash) string which can then used for applications such as proximity search., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude in degree.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude in degree.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10267", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Places Near Place, api_description:Get places near the given place, filtering by optional criteria., required_params: [{\"name\": \"placeId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The location radius within which to find places\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10268", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YT-API, api_name:Channel Videos, api_description:Get channel video listing and channel details.\nQuota cost is 1 unit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Channel Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"channelId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"channelHandle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"banner\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 6}], \\\"tvBanner\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 5}], \\\"mobileBanner\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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"text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:ScrapeMaster, api_name:Get all page's content, api_description:This endpoint will return all the page's content from the URL given by the user., required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"html\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10303", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:FastYTAPI, api_name:Video and recommendations, api_description:Returns details about a video and the first page or recommendations.\nPass the returned `pagination` of this endpoint into the \"Recommended videos (w/ pagination)\" endpoint to obtain the next recommendations., required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"video\": {\"videoId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"lengthSeconds\": \"int\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"shortDescription\": \"str\", \"viewCount\": \"int\", \"author\": 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\"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"streetName\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"info\": {\"version\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10305", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow_v2, api_name:Photos, api_description:Returns a property's photos with different sizes and types., required_params: [{\"name\": \"zpid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10306", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Azure, api_name:GetLearningResources, api_description:Get Azure learning resources, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"length\": \"str\", \"ratings\": 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tool_name:Lootero, api_name:Shared Service, api_description:This endpoint returns the items related to a share code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sc\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10309", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YT-API, api_name:Channel Home, api_description:Get Channel's Home Tab Listings.\nQuota cost is 1 unit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Channel Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"channelId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"channelHandle\": \"str\", \"banner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"tvBanner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"mobileBanner\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"avatar\": [{\"url\": \"str\", 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[{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"api_key\": \"str\", \"q\": \"str\", \"gl\": \"str\"}, \"video_results\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"displayed_link\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"pagination\": {\"current\": \"str\", \"next\": \"str\", \"page_no\": {\"2\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\", \"4\": \"str\", \"5\": \"str\", \"6\": \"str\", \"7\": \"str\", \"8\": \"str\", \"9\": \"str\", \"10\": \"str\"}}, \"serpdog_pagination\": {\"current\": \"str\", \"page_no\": {\"2\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\", \"4\": \"str\", \"5\": \"str\", \"6\": \"str\", \"7\": \"str\", \"8\": \"str\", \"9\": \"str\", \"10\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10314", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Youtube v3 Lite, api_name:Playlists, api_description:Get playlist details.\nQuota cost is 1., required_params: [{\"name\": \"part\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Playlist id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kind\": \"str\", \"pageInfo\": {\"totalResults\": \"int\", \"resultsPerPage\": \"int\"}, \"items\": {\"kind\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"snippet\": {\"publishedAt\": \"NoneType\", \"channelId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": {\"default\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}}, \"channelTitle\": \"str\", \"liveBroadcastContent\": \"str\", \"publishTime\": \"NoneType\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10315", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Zillow_v2, api_name:Zestimate history, api_description:Zestimate history by zpid, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zpid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10316", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:VALUE SERP, api_name:Google Place Details, api_description:The Google Place Details Parameters are applicable when making a request with search_type=place_details to retrieve place details for a Place. The Place is specified in the data_id parameter, data_id values are returned from search_type=places Places requests.\n\nIf the data_id is not available you may also request a place_details request using a data_cid (a standardised Google Place identifier you may already have access to). However, data_id is the recommended identifier to use., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"data_cid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The `data_cid` (a standard Google Place identifier) of the Place to retrieve place details for. `data_cid` values are returned in [Places requests](https://www.valueserp.com/docs/search-api/searches/google/places).\\n\\nNote that either a `data_id` or `data_cid` identifier must be supplied.\"}, {\"name\": \"data_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The `data_id` of the Place to retrieve place details for. `data_id` values are returned in [Places requests](https://www.valueserp.com/docs/search-api/searches/google/places).\\n\\nNote that either a `data_id` or `data_cid` identifier must be supplied.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10317", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:VALUE SERP, api_name:Google Video, api_description:The Google Video Parameters are applicable when making a request with search_type=videos to retrieve video results for a given search term. The search term is specified in the q parameter and the optional location parameter can be used to geo-locate the videos request (locations can be retrieved via the Locations API)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The keyword you want to use to perform the search.\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10318", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Local Rank Tracker, api_name:Calculate GeoGrid Coordinate Points, api_description:Get all grid coordinate points based on a center geocoordinate point and distance arguments., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Grid **center** coordinate point **longitude** value.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Grid **center** coordinate point **latitude** value.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"parameters\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"distance\": \"int\", \"distance_unit\": \"str\"}, \"data\": {\"results\": [\"list of list with length 5\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10319", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Scraper's Proxy, api_name:Parser GET, api_description:Automatically parses html into an easily processable json format, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \" Pass in `url` to specify the url that you want to fetch. If you require query parameters you can include a query string in the url or specify a json serialized object in the `params` parameter\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"alert\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"favicon\": \"NoneType\", \"meta\": {\"description\": \"str\", \"keywords\": \"str\"}, \"content\": \"str\", \"canonical\": \"NoneType\", \"images\": \"empty list\", \"grouped_images\": {}, \"og_images\": \"empty list\", \"links\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10320", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:aircraftscatter, api_name:Aircraft Scatter Data, api_description:Returns all aircraft above 10,000 feet within 1000 kilometres from specified latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ac\": [{\"hex\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"flight\": \"str\", \"r\": \"str\", \"t\": \"str\", \"alt_baro\": \"int\", \"alt_geom\": \"int\", \"gs\": \"int\", \"ias\": \"int\", \"tas\": \"int\", \"mach\": \"float\", \"wd\": \"int\", \"ws\": \"int\", \"oat\": \"int\", \"tat\": \"int\", \"track\": \"float\", \"track_rate\": \"int\", \"roll\": \"float\", \"mag_heading\": \"float\", \"true_heading\": \"float\", \"baro_rate\": \"int\", \"geom_rate\": \"int\", \"squawk\": \"str\", \"emergency\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"nav_qnh\": \"float\", \"nav_altitude_mcp\": \"int\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"nic\": \"int\", \"rc\": \"int\", \"seen_pos\": \"float\", \"version\": \"int\", \"nic_baro\": \"int\", \"nac_p\": \"int\", \"nac_v\": \"int\", \"sil\": \"int\", \"sil_type\": \"str\", \"gva\": \"int\", \"sda\": \"int\", \"alert\": \"int\", \"spi\": \"int\", \"mlat\": \"empty list\", \"tisb\": \"empty list\", \"messages\": \"int\", \"seen\": \"int\", \"rssi\": \"float\", \"dst\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 360}], \"total\": \"int\", \"now\": \"int\", \"ctime\": \"int\", \"ptime\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10321", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve a contract, api_description:This endpoint is used to fetch detailed information about a specified contract., required_params: [{\"name\": \"asset_contract_address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10322", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:🔥 All-In-One Crypto Swiss Knife 🚀, api_name:News, api_description:get crypto news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10323", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Opensea_v2, api_name:Retrieve collection activity, api_description:This endpoint is used to retrieve activity for an individual collection.\n\nTo be able to use the blur endpoints you need an authToken.\nYou can generate one by using the 'Retrieve authchallenge' endpoint with your wallet address in the body of the request.\nOnce you get the response, sign the 'message' string with ethers.js\nconst signature = await ethersSigner.signMessage(response.data.message);\nThen use the 'Retrieve authtoken' endpoint to get your authToken, by inputting the response parameters from 'Retrieve authchallenge' plus the generated signature., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10324", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:🔥 All-In-One Crypto Swiss Knife 🚀, api_name:Podcasts, api_description:get crypto podcasts, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10325", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Bible Search, api_name:Get Books, api_description:Returns a list of the books in the Bible., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"The_Old_Testament\": [\"list of str with length 37\"], \"The_New_Testament\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10326", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Feku Json, api_name:getBookById, api_description:get Specific Book by ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10327", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Email, api_name:analysis, api_description:Analyse, validate and parse the content of a given Email Address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email Address\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"api-message\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"recoded-email\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10328", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Bible Memory Verse Flashcard, api_name:Search Term - Chapter Address Summary, api_description:Returns a summary for chapter addresses that contain term criteria\n\n** CAN SEARCH A RANGE OF BOOKS. \n(first_book = 'matthew' , second_book = 'john' MEANS ENDPOINT SEARCHES 'matthew' 'mark' 'luke' 'john') **, required_params: [{\"name\": \"first_book\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"term1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"headers\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10329", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:seo api, api_name:Search, api_description:Perform Google Search\n\nParameters\n----------\nquery : A url encoded query string, for reference checkout https://moz.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-google-search-parameters\n\nReturns\n-------\njson: a list of results with the link, description, and title for each result, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A url encoded query string, for reference checkout https://moz.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-google-search-parameters\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ads\": \"empty list\", \"ads_count\": \"int\", \"answers\": \"empty list\", \"results\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"additional_links\": [{\"text\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"cite\": {\"domain\": \"str\", \"span\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 8}], \"shopping_ads\": \"empty list\", \"places\": \"empty list\", \"related_searches\": {\"images\": \"empty list\", \"text\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}, \"image_results\": \"empty list\", \"total\": \"NoneType\", \"knowledge_graph\": \"str\", \"related_questions\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"ts\": \"float\", \"device_type\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10330", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Human Resources API, api_name:Get all employees' payment cards., api_description:This endpoint gets all the available records in the bank cards table, up to 900 cards with their information.\nFor example: card number , holder name, and etc..., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"metadata\": {\"message\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [{\"cardTypeCode\": \"str\", \"cardTypeFullName\": \"str\", \"issuingBank\": \"str\", \"cardNumber\": \"int\", \"cardHolderName\": \"str\", \"ccv_ccv2\": \"int\", \"issueDate\": \"str\", \"expiryDate\": \"str\", \"billingDate\": \"int\", \"cardPIN\": \"int\", \"creditLimit\": \"int\", \"cardHolderID\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 952}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10331", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:seo api, api_name:Scholar, api_description:Perform Scholar Search\n\nParameters\n----------\nquery : A url encoded query string, for reference checkout https://moz.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-google-search-parameters\n\nReturns\n-------\njson: a list of results with the link, description, and title for each result, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A url encoded query string, for reference checkout https://moz.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-google-search-parameters\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ads\": \"empty list\", \"ads_count\": \"int\", \"answers\": \"empty list\", \"results\": \"empty list\", \"shopping_ads\": \"empty list\", \"places\": \"empty list\", \"related_searches\": {\"images\": \"empty list\", \"text\": \"empty list\"}, \"image_results\": \"empty list\", \"total\": \"NoneType\", \"knowledge_graph\": \"str\", \"related_questions\": \"empty list\", \"html\": \"str\", \"ts\": \"float\", \"device_type\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10332", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Bible Search, api_name:Get Verse by BookName, api_description:Returns a verse of the Bible., required_params: [{\"name\": \"verseId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Verse number.\"}, {\"name\": \"bookName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the book.\"}, {\"name\": \"chapterId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Chapter number.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"chapter\": \"int\", \"verse\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\", \"book_id\": \"str\", \"book_name\": \"str\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10333", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:TheClique, api_name:Everything, api_description:Search through millions of articles from over 80,000 large and small news sources and blogs.\n\nThis endpoint suits article discovery and analysis., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10334", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Complete Study Bible, api_name:Strongs Number Detail API, api_description:Receives a Strongs Number or comma-separated list of Strong's Numbers (limit 3 at a time) and returns detailed information for each number, including Greek and Hebrew, phonetic pronunciation guide, root, Strong's Condordance, Mounce's Dictionary, Thayer's Greek Lexicon, and Brown-Driver-Brigg's (BDB) Lexicon (Hebrew only).\n\nThayer's and BDB are stored as html and should be displayed as raw html in the browser. Add CSS styling as desired.\nAll scripture references in the html are stored as tags with the following href format: \"/Bible/{book}/{chapter}/{verse}\". If you want the links to work properly, you can program your front-end to recognize these links and do an API call to the Chapter and Verse api and display the response in a pop-up window., required_params: [{\"name\": \"comma-separated-strongs-numbers\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"original_word\": \"str\", \"number\": \"str\", \"strong_definition\": \"str\", \"mounce_definition\": \"str\", \"bdb_definition\": \"str\", \"helps_word_studies\": \"str\", \"thayers_definition\": \"str\", \"transliteration\": \"str\", \"kjv_usage\": \"str\", \"phonetics\": \"str\", \"language\": \"str\", \"linked_derivation\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\", \"translation_counts\": [{\"count\": \"str\", \"trans_link\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"teach_jesus_def\": \"str\", \"lxx_only\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10335", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Android PlayStore Scraper, api_name:Scrape PlayStore, api_description:Scrape AppStore app listing details like descriptions, and reviews, required_params: [{\"name\": \"appid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the app ID that you want to retrieve, for example **com.twitter.android**\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"descriptionHTML\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"installs\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"minInstalls\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"maxInstalls\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"scoreText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ratings\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"reviews\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"histogram\\\": {\\\"1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"4\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"5\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"free\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priceText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"available\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"offersIAP\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"IAPRange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"androidVersion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"androidVersionText\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"developer\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"developerId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"developerEmail\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"developerWebsite\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"developerAddress\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"privacyPolicy\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"developerInternalID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"genre\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"genreId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"icon\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"headerImage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"screenshots\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 9\\\"], \\\"video\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"videoImage\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"contentRating\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"adSupported\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"released\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"recentChanges\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"comments\\\": [\\\"list\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10336", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:StopModReposts Blocklist, api_name:TXT, api_description:Plain text endpoint, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10337", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Complete Study Bible, api_name:Passage of the Day API, api_description:Responds with a passage of the day, KJV translation. Can be a single verse or multiple verses. Passages are pre-selected by the API owner and updated every 24 hours., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"verses\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"verse\": \"int\", \"kjv\": \"str\", \"places\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"note\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10338", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:whatsapp data, api_name:About, api_description:This endpoint will return the `About` data of the Whatsapp for business number, and when the value was set., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10339", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Mobile-Phones, api_name:Get Brands, api_description:Params\n\n1. page\n2. limit, required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"brands\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 60}], \"paging\": {\"totalPage\": \"int\", \"currentPage\": \"int\"}}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10340", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Play API, api_name:Search, api_description:Search page., required_params: [{\"name\": \"num\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"max 30.\"}, {\"name\": \"price\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"all, paid, free.\"}, {\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10341", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Play API, api_name:Get App Reviews, api_description:Returns app reviews. Uses cursor., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Get more info about sorting: /sorting\"}, {\"name\": \"app_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10342", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Data.Police.UK, api_name:Events, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"county\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"neighbourhood\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10343", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:seo api, api_name:Job, api_description:Perform Job Search\n\nCurrently only supports jobs in North America\n\nParameters\n----------\nquery : Position Title and Location (optional). The query should be url encoded\n\nReturns\n-------\njson: a list of jobs with their link to apply, description, and title for each job opportunity, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A url encoded query string, for reference checkout https://moz.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-google-search-parameters\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"jobs\": [{\"highlights\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"description\": {\"summary\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"str\"}, \"link\": \"str\", \"is_remote\": \"bool\", \"is_hybrid\": \"bool\", \"logo\": {\"is_image\": \"bool\", \"style\": \"str\", \"letter\": \"str\"}, \"position\": \"str\", \"employer\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"perks\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"_list_length\": 10}], \"metadata\": {\"data_is_nearby_query\": \"bool\", \"data_query_location\": \"str\", \"data_num_results_in_fetch\": \"int\"}, \"ts\": \"float\", \"device_region\": \"str\", \"device_type\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10344", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Play API, api_name:Sorting, api_description:Data about sorting., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10345", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Play API, api_name:Get Categories, api_description:Returns categories., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10346", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fake Data Generator, api_name:random_profile_by_id, api_description:Retrieve fake profiles by id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"avatar\": \"str\", \"blood_group\": \"str\", \"company\": \"str\", \"date_of_birth\": {\"age\": \"int\", \"birthdate\": \"str\"}, \"gender\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"job\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"address\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": {\"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}, \"country\": \"str\", \"postcode\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}, \"login\": {\"md5\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"sha1\": \"str\", \"sha256\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\"}, \"mail\": \"str\", \"name\": {\"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"prefix\": \"str\"}, \"phones\": {\"country_code\": \"str\", \"msisd\": \"str\", \"phone_number\": \"str\"}, \"picture\": {\"large\": \"str\", \"medium\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\"}, \"residence\": \"str\", \"sex\": \"str\", \"ssn\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"website\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"info\": {\"disclaimer\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10347", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:seo api, api_name:Video, api_description:Perform Video Search\n\nParameters\n----------\nquery : A url encoded query string, for reference checkout https://moz.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-google-search-parameters\n\nReturns\n-------\njson: a list of results with the link, description, and title for each result, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A url encoded query string, for reference checkout https://moz.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-google-search-parameters\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ads\": \"empty list\", \"ads_count\": \"int\", \"answers\": \"empty list\", \"results\": \"empty list\", \"shopping_ads\": \"empty list\", \"places\": \"empty list\", \"related_searches\": {\"images\": \"empty list\", \"text\": \"empty list\"}, \"image_results\": \"empty list\", \"total\": \"NoneType\", \"knowledge_graph\": \"str\", \"related_questions\": \"empty list\", \"ts\": \"float\", \"device_type\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10348", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Twitter, api_name:Available Locations (Beta), api_description:Get the list of available locations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10349", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Best Backlink checker API, api_name:Exact URL (Non English), api_description:Get backlinks of a specific URL. Non English URL's only, required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url_from\": \"str\", \"url_to\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"anchor\": \"str\", \"alt\": \"NoneType\", \"nofollow\": \"bool\", \"image\": \"bool\", \"image_source\": \"NoneType\", \"inlink_rank\": \"int\", \"domain_inlink_rank\": \"int\", \"first_seen\": \"str\", \"last_visited\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10350", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Feku Json, api_name:getProducts, api_description:To Get all Product list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"content\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"productName\": \"str\", \"material\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"department\": \"str\", \"color\": \"str\", \"promotionCode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"pageNumber\": \"int\", \"pageSize\": \"int\", \"totalElements\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"lastPage\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10351", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Adzuna, api_name:API version, api_description:Returns the current version of this API, required_params: [{\"name\": \"app_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application ID, supplied by Adzuna\"}, {\"name\": \"app_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application key, supplied by Adzuna\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10352", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Geography, api_name:Get Regions, api_description:Get list of regions in the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10353", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:BlogsAPI, api_name:Single blog, api_description:Single blog post details by its ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"next\": \"NoneType\", \"previous\": \"NoneType\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"category\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"categoryDesc\": \"str\", \"categoryImage\": \"str\"}, \"title\": \"str\", \"body\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"tags\": \"str\", \"contentSourceName\": \"NoneType\", \"contentSourceURL\": \"NoneType\", \"extraImageUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"extraImageAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imageOwnerName\": \"NoneType\", \"imageOwnerBacklink\": \"NoneType\", \"image\": \"str\", \"videoURL\": \"NoneType\", \"date_published\": \"str\", \"website\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10354", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:UK Real Estate Rightmove, api_name:house-prices/auto-complete, api_description:house-prices/auto-complete, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"displayName\": \"str\", \"locationIdentifier\": \"str\", \"normalisedSearchTerm\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10355", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Search 2, api_name:Google Images, api_description:Using this API you can get the JSON data of the image results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"api_key\": \"str\", \"q\": \"str\", \"gl\": \"str\"}, \"image_results\": [{\"image\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"original\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10356", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:App Store, api_name:Top free mac apps, api_description:Get list of the top free mac apps, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10357", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Africa-Api , api_name:languages[AllCountries], api_description:Returns a json of all languages spoken in each country in Africa\nTakes parameter with value \nResponse example:\n{54 items\n\"Chad\":{2 items\n\"other_languages\":[11 items\n0:\n\"Sara\"\n1:\n\"Maba\"\n2:\n\"Kanembu\"\n3:\n\"Kotoko\"\n4:\n\"Bagirmi\"\n5:\n\"Boulala\"\n6:\n\"Gorane\"\n7:\n\"Marba\"\n8:\n\"Masalit\"\n9:\n\"Tama\"\n10:\n\"Teda\"\n]\n\"national_language\":[2 items\n0:\n\"French\"\n1:\n\"Arabic\"\n]\n}\n], required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10358", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Lexicala, api_name:Search, api_description:search for entries with filters in query, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"errors\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"errors\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"params\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"empty list\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"in\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"path\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10359", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YT-API, api_name:Subtitles, api_description:Get the list of available subtitles for the video.\nQuota cost is 1 unit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"subtitles\": [{\"languageName\": \"str\", \"languageCode\": \"str\", \"isTranslatable\": \"bool\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 48}], \"format\": \"str\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"translationLanguages\": [{\"languageCode\": \"str\", \"languageName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 126}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10360", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Search Jobs, api_description:Search jobs posted on LinkedIn. This endpoint is useful for scraping job openings of a specific company on LinkedIn. \n\nTo scrape all results from each search, change the param *start* from 0 to 25, 50, ... until you see less than 25 results returned.\n\n**2 credits per call.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"company_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"benefit\": \"str\", \"company\": \"str\", \"company_url\": \"str\", \"job_details_url\": \"str\", \"job_id\": \"str\", \"job_title\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"posted_time\": \"str\", \"salary\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 25}], \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10361", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fresh LinkedIn Profile Data, api_name:Get Profile Posts, api_description:Get 50 latest posts of a person based on his/her LinkedIn profile url. **2 credits per call.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"linkedin_url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Possible values: \\n\\n- posts: to scrape posts from tab Posts -- posts or posts reshared by the person\\n\\n- comments: to scrape posts from tab Comments -- posts the person commented\\n\\n- reactions: to scrape posts from tab Reactions -- posts the person reacted\\n\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"article_subtitle\": \"str\", \"article_title\": \"str\", \"num_appreciations\": \"int\", \"num_comments\": \"int\", \"num_empathy\": \"int\", \"num_interests\": \"int\", \"num_likes\": \"int\", \"num_praises\": \"int\", \"num_reposts\": \"int\", \"post_url\": \"str\", \"poster_linkedin_url\": \"str\", \"reshared\": \"bool\", \"text\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"urn\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}], \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10362", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:oauthecho, api_name:/token, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10363", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:PowerBI, api_name:GetSponsorships, api_description:Get Power BI sponsorships, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10364", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Human Resources API, api_name:Paginate through employees payment cards infomation., api_description:This endpoint lets you paginate through all the available records in the bank cards' table in case you only need a limited number of records for your application, the response includes some metadata information to help you with pagination in the frontend, up to 900 bank cards with their information.\nFor example: card number, holder name, card type, and etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"end\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"metadata\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"start\": \"int\", \"end\": \"int\", \"previousPage\": \"NoneType\", \"currentPage\": \"int\", \"nextPage\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\"}, \"data\": [{\"cardTypeCode\": \"str\", \"cardTypeFullName\": \"str\", \"issuingBank\": \"str\", \"cardNumber\": \"int\", \"cardHolderName\": \"str\", \"ccv_ccv2\": \"int\", \"issueDate\": \"str\", \"expiryDate\": \"str\", \"billingDate\": \"int\", \"cardPIN\": \"int\", \"creditLimit\": \"int\", \"cardHolderID\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 25}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10365", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:City Details, api_description:Get the details for a specific city, including location coordinates, population, and elevation above sea-level (if available)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cityid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The city id (either native id or wikiDataId)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10366", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Currencies, api_description:Get currencies, filtering by optional criteria. If no criteria are set, you will get back all known currencies., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10367", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:GeoDB Cities, api_name:Cities Near Division, api_description:Get cities near the given administrative division, filtering by optional criteria., required_params: [{\"name\": \"divisionId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The location radius within which to find cities\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10368", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Local Rank Tracker, api_name:Calculate Grid Coordinate Points, api_description:Get all grid coordinate points based on a center geocoordinate point and distance arguments., required_params: [{\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The distance between coordinate points (on the same row / column in the grid). The units of the radius are determined by the **distance_units** parameter.\\n\\n**Allowed values:** 0.1-100.\\n**Default:** 1\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Grid center coordinate point longitude value.\"}, {\"name\": \"grid_size\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The size of the grid (i.e. 3x3, 5x5, 7x7, etc).\\n\\n**Allowed values:** 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Grid center coordinate point latitude value.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"parameters\": {\"grid_size\": \"str\", \"radius\": \"str\", \"radius_units\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lng\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [{\"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\", \"index\": [\"list of int with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10369", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Google Play API, api_name:Get Similar Apps, api_description:Returns similar apps., required_params: [{\"name\": \"app_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10370", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Rich NFT API + Metadata, api_name:Collections, api_description:Get NFT collections.\n\nPagination example: start=0&limit=100\nSearch for collections: q=CRYPTOPUNKS\nSupported chain ids: eth, bsc, matic, avax, arb, op, required_params: [{\"name\": \"chain_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10371", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:whatsapp data, api_name:Is registered on whatsapp?, api_description:This endpoint returns `true` if the phone is registered on whatsapp., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10372", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:autocomplete usa, api_name:Autocomplete Zipcodes Lite, api_description:Autocomplete USA Zipcodes Lite, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zipcode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Id\": \"str\", \"RequestId\": \"NoneType\", \"ClientSessionId\": \"NoneType\", \"StatusCode\": \"int\", \"Result\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"MaxAllowedUsage\": \"NoneType\", \"UsageStatistics\": \"NoneType\", \"IsError\": \"bool\", \"Errors\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10373", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Fake Data Generator, api_name:/random_credit_card_by_id, api_description:Retrieve fake credit cards by id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"credit_card_expire\": \"str\", \"credit_card_number\": \"str\", \"credit_card_provider\": \"str\", \"credit_card_security_code\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"info\": {\"disclaimer\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10374", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Places in radius, api_name:openapi_openapi_json_get, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10375", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:Africa-Api , api_name:tourism[Per Country], api_description:Returns best tourism locations and categories you can explore in a country in Africa\nTakes parameter , required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country\": \"str\", \"tourism\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10376", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube Media Downloader, api_name:Search for Videos (Movies), api_description:This endpoint searches for YouTube videos (movies) with optional filters. Pagination scraping is supported. Thumbnails will not be blurred by age safety., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"nextToken\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"channel\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"isVerified\": \"bool\", \"isVerifiedArtist\": \"bool\", \"avatar\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"isLiveNow\": \"bool\", \"lengthText\": \"str\", \"viewCountText\": \"str\", \"publishedTimeText\": \"str\", \"thumbnails\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"moving\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 19}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10377", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Data, tool_name:YouTube Media Downloader, api_name:Translate, Convert, Download Subtitle, api_description:This endpoint lets you translate, convert and download a subtitle of a YouTube video. Before doing this, please call endpoint `Video > Get Video Details` to obtain subtitle URLs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"subtitleUrl\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Subtitle URL of a YouTube video. To get this, please call `Video > Get Video Details` first.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10378", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/search/akas/{aka}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"aka\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Title of the Movie/Series\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10379", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Movies by Year, api_description:return movie results with title, year , id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10380", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get Box-Office Movies, api_description:return movie results with title , year , id, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10381", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:OTT details, api_name:OTT Providers, api_description:Get information on OTT platforms we suuport ., required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"currently only USA and India region is supported enter param 'US' for USA and 'IN' for India.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10382", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get TV Schedule By Country, api_description:return TV Series Name, Season Number, Episode number, Episode name, Air date, air time, runtime, Network, series id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10383", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/utils/lists, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"entries\": \"int\", \"results\": [\"list of str with length 9\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10384", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:DAILY OVRLL 0822202124848, api_name:/status/200, api_description:Testing, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10385", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movies Tv Shows Database, api_name:Get by TV Series by ID, api_description:A valid TV Series ID (e.g. tt2741602)\n\nreturn title, description, release_date, id, irating, vote_count, meta, popularity, youtube_trailer_key, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seriesid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A valid Series ID (e.g. tt2741602)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10386", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/{id}/main_actors, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Imdb Id of title ex: tt0000002\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10387", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:MoviesDatabase, api_name:/titles/episode/{id}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Episode Imdb Id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"stack\": \"str\", \"results\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10388", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:MlemAPI, api_name:Mlem ID, api_description:Returns one mlem image by ID in JSON, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mlemid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Mlem ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10389", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:tes, api_name:loginUser, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The password for login in clear text\"}, {\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user name for login\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10390", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Aspose.Imaging Cloud, api_name:ModifyJpeg2000, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Filename of image.\"}, {\"name\": \"comment\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The comment (can be either single or comma-separated).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10391", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Quality Porn, api_name:Live tags, api_description:Search for live tags and the associated data., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10392", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:api.video, api_name:GET_players-playerId, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"playerId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10393", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:tes, api_name:logoutUser, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10394", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:invert_image_invert__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10395", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:pack, api_description:Method that allows you to get detailed information about a pack. A pack is a set of icons that share a theme. Besides, any given pack may be found in one or many styles associated or not with a family., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10396", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:amir1, api_name:amir, api_description:pet, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10397", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:api.video, api_name:GET_videos-videoId-chapters-language, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"videoId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A valid BCP 47 language representation\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10398", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:totalPacksPremium, api_description:Method that allows you to get a number stating the full quantity of PREMIUM packs available at Flaticon. The number refreshes periodically according to the content available at flaticon.com. PREMIUM packs are those that contain one or more PREMIUM icons. , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10399", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Premium-Anime-Mobile-Wallpapers-Illustrations, api_name:Anime Illustrations by pagination, api_description:Get anime illustrations made by anime fans:\nRequired GET parameter\n**page**: 1\n**sensitivity**: 1\nOn the above **page**, 1 means it will fetch the latest 10 wallpaper if the page value is 2 then It will bring the next 10 latest wallpaper \npage 1 : 0-10 \npage 2: 10-20 ......\n\nOn the above **sensitivity**, 1 means it will not fetch any 18+ or ecchi-related images if the value is 0 then it will bring all without any filter.\n\nOptional GET parameter\n**quality**:0\n\nThis API provides two types of wallpaper images\n1. Compress lower size wallpaper.\n2. Best quality but will result in high size.\n\nif the **quality** parameter, is not provided then by default it will provide the URL of compressed wallpaper low size if the quality parameter is set to 1 then it will provide a URL of the highest quality wallpaper ( high size ).\n\n**RESPONSE**\n**animename** ( Depend on subscription )\nif the wallpaper is related to any anime, or game then the Japanese name of the anime will be sent otherwise illustration will be sent.\n\n**arturl**\nURL of wallpaper\n\n**sensitivity** ( Depend on subscription )\nIs wallpaper sensitive, 1 means yes 0 means no\n\n**art_id** ( Depend on subscription )\nUnique wallpaper id which can be later used to get more info\n\n**premium** (Depend on subscription)\nWhether art is of premium category 1 means yes 0 means no.\n\n**Note: if no wallpaper found response will be**\n`{\"status\": \"empty\"}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sensitivity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10400", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Flaticon, api_name:icons, api_description:Method that allows you to get a paged list with information about the icons available at Flaticon. By default, it will return a list order by priority. If no order is set, it will return items order by priority. In order to avoid 403 errors when svg icon is used to show the icon in result lists you must not store data in cache more than 15 minutes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderBy\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Order by in results from Flaticon API. You can choose between order the results between 'priority' or 'added'. Priority order will return items ordered by an algorithm based on the downloads ratio. Added order will return items ordered by the date they were added to Flaticon.\\nFor example: `https://api.flaticon.com/v2/search/icons/added?q=arrow&stroke=2&styleName=gradient&packId=1554346&limit=15`\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"term to search for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10401", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Image, api_name:poster_image_poster__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10402", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Smile, api_name:get-identity, api_description:Get the user's identity profile by ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the specific object in the collection.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10403", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Smile, api_name:list-invites, api_description:Get the list of invites sent out to users., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10404", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Three Black Crows, api_description:List of stocks having Three Black Crows signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 37}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10405", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get Polygon Balance From Specific Network, api_description:This endpoint will return back the Polygon balance of an address in a specific network., required_params: [{\"name\": \"network\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"network can take the value : \\n- eth\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10406", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Cryptocurrency balance, api_name:Get DigiByte Balance, api_description:This endpoint will return back the DigiByte balance of an address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10407", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Yahoo Finance, api_name:balance-sheet, api_description:A **balance sheet** is a financial statement that communicates the so-called “book value” of an organization, as calculated by subtracting all of the company's liabilities and shareholder equity from its total assets., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"balanceSheetStatements\\\": [{\\\"maxAge\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"endDate\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"cash\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"shortTermInvestments\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"netReceivables\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"inventory\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"otherCurrentAssets\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"totalCurrentAssets\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"propertyPlantEquipment\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"goodWill\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"intangibleAssets\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"otherAssets\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"totalAssets\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"accountsPayable\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"shortLongTermDebt\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"otherCurrentLiab\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"long\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10408", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Smile, api_name:get-contribution, api_description:Get the user's contribution by ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the specific object in the collection.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10409", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Smile, api_name:get-archive, api_description:Get a user's archive by ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the specific object in the collection.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\", \"data\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10410", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CurrenciesExchangeRateAPI, api_name:4-Date Endpoint:, api_description:Request Parameters:\n'date': \n'symbols': \n'base': \nResponse: This endpoint returns the exchange rates for the specified currencies on the specified date in JSON format., required_params: [{\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10411", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:ClearDil, api_name:Customerstats, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10412", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:Open DeFi, api_name:web_exchanges, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10413", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:crypto-news_v2, api_name:All News, api_description:Get news from all supported sources., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10414", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Three Inside Down, api_description:List of stocks having Three Inside Down signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 47}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10415", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:CurrenciesExchangeRateAPI, api_name:1-AvailableSymbols Endpoint, api_description:Endpoint URL: /availablesymbols\nHTTP Method: GET\nResponse: This endpoint returns a list of all the available currency symbols that can be used for conversion in JSON format.\nsupports 170 symbols for currencies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10416", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:Hanging Man, api_description:List of stocks having Hanging Man signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10417", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:BarPatterns, api_name:RSI Overbought, api_description:List of stocks having RSI Overbought signal., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"openPrice\": \"float\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"closePrice\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"page\": \"int\", \"total-pages\": \"int\", \"total-elements\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10418", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Financial, tool_name:stock-api, api_name:Ping, api_description:Ping API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10419", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:NewApi, api_name:url, api_description:url, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10420", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Vimeo, api_name:GetAllChannels, api_description:Get a list of all public channels., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json/xml/php\"}, {\"name\": \"per_page\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Number of items to show on each page. Max 50.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10421", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Twitch API, api_name:Get Stream Views, api_description:Returns stream view info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"channel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"user\": {\"__typename\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"stream\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10422", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:9GAG API (Detailed), api_name:Get Post Data (Download Video/Photo), api_description:Returns post data. Includes download link for videos., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10423", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10424", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:NewApi, api_name:n, api_description:new var, required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10425", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:tiktok download video , api_name:get comment list by video, api_description:get comment list by video, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"https://www.tiktok.com/@tiktok/video/7093219391759764782\\nor\\n7093219391759764782\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10426", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:Vimeo, api_name:GetChannelVideos, api_description:Get a list of the videos in a channel., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"json/xml/php\"}, {\"name\": \"channel_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The numeric id of the channel or its url name.\"}, {\"name\": \"full_response\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"Set this parameter to get back the full video information\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10427", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Media, tool_name:tiktok download video , api_name:get region list, api_description:get region list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10428", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getAddress, api_description:Get an address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Unique identifier for the resource, in the path parameter.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10429", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target.Com(Store) Product/Reviews/Locations Data, api_name:Target Store Location Search, api_description:The endpoint returns Target Store locations details\n\n- Only US **zip** codes are accepted\n- **radius** is in miles, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"US 5 digit zip code\\n\\nFor example: 11203\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10430", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:ZAPPOS 2022, api_name:GET likeCounts by itemIds(styleIds), api_description:GET likeCounts by itemIds(styleIds), required_params: [{\"name\": \"siteId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"itemIds\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"15651\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10431", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getStockLocationAddress, api_description:Get stock location address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"stock_location_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Stock Location ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10432", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:HM - Hennes Mauritz, api_name:products/list, api_description:List products from H&M with options to sort, filter, or search for products by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The language code that is gotten from /regions/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"currentpage\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The page index to get data, start from 0\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The country code that is gotten from /regions/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"pagesize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of records to return in each page\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"empty list\", \"pagination\": {\"pageSize\": \"int\", \"currentPage\": \"int\", \"sort\": \"str\", \"numberOfPages\": \"int\", \"totalNumberOfResults\": \"int\", \"totalNumberOfResultsUnfiltered\": \"int\"}, \"facets\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"priority\": \"int\", \"category\": \"bool\", \"multiSelect\": \"bool\", \"visible\": \"bool\", \"values\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\", \"selected\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"_list_length\": 35}], \"freeTextSearch\": \"str\", \"categoryCode\": \"str\", \"rangeFacets\": \"empty list\", \"baseUrl\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10433", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:HM - Hennes Mauritz, api_name:products/detail, api_description:Get detail information of product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The country code that is gotten from /regions/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The language code that is gotten from /regions/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"productcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of articles/code json object returned in /products/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10434", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getStockItem, api_description:Get a stock item, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Unique identifier for the resource, in the path parameter.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10435", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getPriceList, api_description:Get a price list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Unique identifier for the resource, in the path parameter.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10436", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Aliexpress DataHub, api_name:Aliexpress - Item Detail Simple, api_description:All details of a single item., required_params: [{\"name\": \"itemId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Aliexpress product ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10437", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Aliexpress DataHub, api_name:Aliexpress - Item Shipping Detail 4, api_description:All details of a single item., required_params: [{\"name\": \"itemId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Aliexpress product ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"status\": {\"data\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"executionTime\": \"str\", \"requestTime\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\", \"endpoint\": \"str\", \"apiVersion\": \"str\", \"functionsVersion\": \"str\", \"la\": \"str\", \"pmu\": \"int\", \"mu\": \"int\"}, \"settings\": {\"itemId\": \"str\", \"ext\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"locale\": \"str\"}, \"resultList\": [{\"shippingFrom\": \"str\", \"shippingFromCode\": \"str\", \"shippingTo\": \"str\", \"shippingToCode\": \"str\", \"shippingFee\": \"str\", \"shippingCompany\": \"str\", \"shippingTime\": \"int\", \"serviceName\": \"str\", \"estimateDeliveryDate\": \"str\", \"trackingAvailable\": \"bool\", \"note\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"_list_length\": 2}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10438", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Sephora, api_name:products/search-by-barcode (Deprecated), api_description:Search product by barcode (UPC), required_params: [{\"name\": \"upccode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The scanned code (UPC)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errorCode\": \"int\", \"errorMessages\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"errors\": {\"invalidInput\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10439", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Aliexpress DataHub, api_name:Aliexpress - Item Shipping Detail 5, api_description:All details of a single item., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ext\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Obtained from one of the **Item Detail** Endpoints. Add this value for more accuracy in shipping options.\"}, {\"name\": \"itemId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Aliexpress product ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10440", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Aliexpress DataHub, api_name:Aliexpress - Item Detail 2, api_description:All details of a single item. This Endpoint needs an additional request to the \"Item Description\" endpoint to fill the *Properties* and *Description* gaps., required_params: [{\"name\": \"itemId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Aliexpress product ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10441", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Aliexpress DataHub, api_name:Aliexpress - Item Review 2, api_description:All details of a single item., required_params: [{\"name\": \"itemId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Aliexpress product ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10442", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Sephora, api_name:auto-complete (Deprecated), api_description:Get suggestions by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any term or phrase that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"responseSource\": \"str\", \"typeAheadTerms\": [{\"term\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10443", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Ikea API, api_name:Product, api_description:Get up-to-date Information for a specific product., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Can be obtained through the **Countries** endpoint,\"}, {\"name\": \"productID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Can be obtained through the **Search By Keyword or Category** endpoints,\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10444", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Unofficial SHEIN, api_name:products/list, api_description:List products by a category with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"adp\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'goodsId' returned in .../navigations/get-node-content endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"cat_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'hrefTarget' returned in .../navigations/get-node-content endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"msg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"info\\\": {\\\"num\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"products\\\": [{\\\"newProductPriceStyleShow\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"newProductPriceStyleSymbol\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"goods_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_sn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_img\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goodsImgScale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_img_webp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_thumb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_url_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cat_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"stock\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_on_sale\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"is_clearance\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"retailPrice\\\": {\\\"amount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"amountWithSymbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"usdAmount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"usdAmountWithSymbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priceShowStyle\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"salePrice\\\": {\\\"amount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"amountWithSymbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"usdAmount\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"usdAmountWithSymbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"priceShowStyle\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"relatedColor\\\": [{\\\"goods_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_relation_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_img\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_img_webp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_color_image\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"original_img\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_thumb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_sn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cat_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goods_url_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"detail_image\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 5\\\"], \\\"size_stock\\\": \\\"em\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10445", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getProductPriceLists, api_description:Get all product price lists, required_params: [{\"name\": \"product_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Product ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10446", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Getallproducts, api_description:Request used to obtain all the products in a store catalog.\n\nFind a general representation of all the filters and information EcartAPI can abet.\n\n#### For more detailed information please refer to our Supported Requests By Cart folder and find the eCommerce of your choice., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10447", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getCollectionParent, api_description:Get the parent collection, required_params: [{\"name\": \"collection_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Collection ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10448", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getCollection, api_description:Get a collection, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Unique identifier for the resource, in the path parameter.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10449", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getOrderShippingAddress, api_description:Get the order's shipping address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"order_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Order ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10450", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getPriceLists, api_description:Get all price lists, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10451", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Unofficial SHEIN, api_name:products/get-extra-info, api_description:Get extra information of a product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"goods_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of 'goods_id' field returned in .../products/list or .../products/search endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"msg\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"info\\\": {\\\"isLocalShipping\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isShowCollectBills\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primeLevel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalSaving\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"memberShippingTips\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hotNews\\\": [{\\\"content\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tagId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"goods_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hotAtmosphereInfoList\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"return_title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_support_return\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shipping_countryname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isOutExposedShippingTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isOutExposedShippingThreshold\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isShowMultiRangeShipping\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"allNotSupportFreeShippingTips\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"goodsFreeLimit\\\": {\\\"free_policy_limit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"free_activity_limit\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"freight_activity_limit\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"multiRangeShippingList\\\": [{\\\"shippingDays\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transportType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hasDayPercents\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shippingThreshold\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shippingDateTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shippingDayPercentDesc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"firstSortValue\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"secondSortValue\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"new_arrival\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isNewProductUnSale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"descriptions\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10452", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:HM - Hennes Mauritz, api_name:categories/list, api_description:List all categories from H&M, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The country code that is gotten from /regions/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The language code that is gotten from /regions/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"CatName\": \"str\", \"CategoryValue\": \"str\", \"CategoriesArray\": [{\"CatName\": \"str\", \"CategoryValue\": \"str\", \"CategoriesArray\": [{\"CatName\": \"str\", \"CategoryValue\": \"str\", \"tagCodes\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 5}], \"tagCodes\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"tagCodes\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10453", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:HM - Hennes Mauritz, api_name:products/search-by-barcode, api_description:Search product by barcode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"gtinCodes\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The scanned code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10454", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Data Scraper _v2, api_name:Get Amazon Search results, api_description:Get Amazon Search results, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchQuery\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10455", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Aliexpress DataHub, api_name:Aliexpress - Item Search 2, api_description:All details of a single item., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10456", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Ikea API, api_name:Categories, api_description:Obtain a list of all categories available in a specified country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Can be obtained through the **Countries** endpoint,\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10457", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Getallcategories, api_description:

Searches for all the available categories.



\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n
idsFilter categories by the ids given
limitLimit size of the search
pagePagination number.
sinceIdFilter categories since the Id given
nameFilter categories by name
productIdFilter categories by product id
siteIdFilter items by site id
offsetLower limit of the results block. Modifies the range of the results provided, range goes from offset to limit
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{\"result\": {\"ret\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"data\": {\"url\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10464", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Unofficial SHEIN, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:Get suggestions by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"word\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any term or phrase that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"info\": {\"catWord\": \"empty list\", \"guideWords\": [{\"word\": \"str\", \"categories\": [{\"cateId\": \"str\", \"cateName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"word\": [\"list of str with length 9\"], \"is_suggested\": \"bool\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10465", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Unofficial SHEIN, api_name:reviews/list, api_description:List reviews related to a product, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10466", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Getsinglecarrierservices, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10467", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Getasingleproductimage, api_description:

Searches for the selected image of a product.

\n\nImportant information:
, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"productId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10468", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Appibase, api_name:getStockLocations, api_description:Get all stock locations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10469", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Getsallorder'sfulfillments, api_description:

Shows all of the order's fulfillments detailed.

\nImportant information:
\n\t, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10470", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:EcartAPI, api_name:Infoproductlisting, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"ecartapiError\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10471", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Sephora, api_name:products/v2/list, api_description:List products with options and filters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"heading\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rating\\\": 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No need to call multiple times to get the full list.\n\nRosters are updated multiple times per day during the season.\n\nYou mainly will use this to match a player with his playerID.\n\nThere are no parameters, just a simple call..\n\n/getNBAPlayerList, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": [{\"playerID\": \"str\", \"team\": \"str\", \"longName\": \"str\", \"teamID\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 761}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10478", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Fitness Calculator, api_name:macros amounts, api_description:Find the amount of macro nutrients in four different categories which are balanced, low-fat, low-carbs and high-protein for a specific calorie burned. 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Ex : https://lsm-static-prod.livescore.com/medium/enet/9906.png, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : soccer|cricket|basketball|tennis|hockey\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10481", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore_v2, api_name:leagues/v2/list, api_description:List all leagues by category (football, cricket, basketball, tennis, hockey)\n* Base for Img field is https://lsm-static-prod.livescore.com/medium . Ex : https://lsm-static-prod.livescore.com/medium/enet/9906.png, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : soccer|cricket|basketball|tennis|hockey\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10482", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore_v2, api_name:matches/get-table (Deprecated), api_description:Get table of related match, required_params: [{\"name\": \"p\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of Stages/Events/IDs/p field responded in .../matches/list-by-league or .../matches/list-by-date or .../matches/list-live endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : soccer|cricket|basketball|tennis|hockey\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of Stages/Events/IDs/ID field responded in .../matches/list-by-league or .../matches/list-by-date or .../matches/list-live 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\\u2026/players/get-matches or \\u2026/managers/get-matches\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"graphPoints\": [{\"minute\": \"int\", \"value\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 92}], \"periodTime\": \"int\", \"periodCount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10486", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Divanscore, api_name:players/get-last-ratings, api_description:Get ratings of specific player recently, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of seasons/id JSON object returned in \\u2026/players/get-statistics-seasons or \\u2026/tournaments/get-seasons endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of league returned in \\u2026/tournaments/search or \\u2026/tournaments/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"playerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in \\u2026/players/search or \\u2026/teams/get-squad or \\u2026/matches/get-best-players or etc\\u2026\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"lastRatings\\\": [{\\\"eventId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"event\\\": {\\\"tournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"uniqueTournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primaryColorHex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondaryColorHex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"priority\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": 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You can choose suitable match from Soccer Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"status\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"h2h\\\": {\\\"referee\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"firstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"surName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"age\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"refereeTournaments\\\": [{\\\"tournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"season\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"stats\\\": {\\\"matchCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matchResultHomeWin\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matchResultAwayWin\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matchResultAway\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"homeTeamYellow\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"homeTeamSecondYellow\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"homeTeamRed\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"awayTeamYellow\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"awayTeamSecondYellow\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"awayTeamRed\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"homeTeamPenaltiesAwarded\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"awayTeamPenaltiesAwarded\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"refereeMatches\\\": [{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"score\\\": {\\\"regular\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"halfTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10493", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball Data, api_name:Recent Match List, api_description:Provides the result list of the last 20 matches between the two teams in overall, with home and away filters.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Basketball Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10494", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:LeagueSeasons, api_description:Get the seasons for a specific basketball league using the tournament ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID for which you want to retrieve the league's seasons\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"seasons\": [{\"editor\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"year\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 21}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10495", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:LiveMatches, api_description:Get a list of all live basketball matches., required_params: [], optional_params: [], 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{"_id": "10497", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Betting Odds, api_name:/provider3/live/inplaying, api_description:get inplaying matches list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"15943531\\\": {\\\"mid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"away_score\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTXT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastUpdateTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"importancy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"odds\\\": {\\\"away-under-2-5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away-over-2-5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home-under-1-5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home-over-1-5\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2nd-0\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2nd-2\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. Check the tutorials.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"bookmakers\\\": [{\\\"actionButton\\\": {\\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"link\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameForURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"competitions\\\": [{\\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"competitorsType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentPhaseName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currentPhaseNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentSeasonNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentStageNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currentStageType\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasActiveGames\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasBrackets\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStandings\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStandingsGroups\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"liveGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameForURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"popularityRank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sportId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalGames\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"competitors\\\": [{\\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"competitorNum\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"countryId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasSquad\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"imageVersion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"mainCompetitionId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameForURL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"popularityRank\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sportId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"symbolicName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 25}\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10505", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Rugby Live Data, api_name:Fixtures By Date, api_description:Returns fixtures and results by date. 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[{\"name\": \"uniqueStageId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique stage ID for which to retrieve the seasons.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"seasons\": [{\"description\": \"str\", \"endDateTimestamp\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"startDateTimestamp\": \"int\", \"uniqueStage\": {\"category\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}}, \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}, \"year\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 12}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10510", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Betting Odds, api_name:/provider1/live/inplaying, api_description:get inplaying matches list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"1606149277196278\\\": {\\\"mid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"home\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"away\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country_leagues\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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You can choose suitable match from Ice Hockey Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"status\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"h2h\\\": {\\\"results\\\": {\\\"overall\\\": [{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"score\\\": {\\\"regular\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"score\\\": {\\\"regular\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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Data, api_name:Market Tables: Both Teams to Score, api_description:Provides both team to score statistics of the teams in the tournament, ordered by the tournament standings.\n\nP.S.\nFull data is available at Market Tables: Both Teams to Score endpoint but can not be shown in mock response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the tournament.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10518", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tennis Live Data, api_name:Tournaments, api_description:Lists a schedule of all tournaments for a given `tour_code` and `season_id`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tour_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"season_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"fields\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", 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tool_name:Divanscore, api_name:matches/get-esport-games, api_description:Get eSport games (Only supports eSport matches), required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id field of match returned in \\u2026/tournaments/get-featured-events or \\u2026/tournaments/get-scheduled-events or \\u2026/tournaments/get-matches or \\u2026/teams/get-matches or \\u2026/players/get-matches or \\u2026/managers/get-matches\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"games\": [{\"length\": \"int\", \"status\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"winnerCode\": \"int\", \"homeScore\": {\"display\": \"int\"}, \"awayScore\": {\"display\": \"int\"}, \"homeTeamStartingSide\": \"int\", \"hasCompleteStatistics\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"startTimestamp\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10521", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:IceHockeyApi, api_name:TeamLastMatches, api_description:Get the list of last matches played by a specific Ice Hockey team., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the Ice Hockey team for which you want to retrieve last matches.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The page number (zero-indexed) of the results you want to retrieve.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10522", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:IceHockeyApi, api_name:PlayerMedia, api_description:Get the media for a specific Ice Hockey player by providing the player ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the player for which you want to get the media.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"media\": [{\"createdAtTimestamp\": \"int\", \"doFollow\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"keyHighlight\": \"bool\", \"mediaType\": \"int\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"subtitle\": \"str\", \"thumbnailUrl\": \"str\", 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from around the world that are currently Live. 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"category_name:Sports, tool_name:SportifyAPI, api_name:PlayerLastEvents, api_description:Player Last Events, required_params: [{\"name\": \"playerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"events\\\": [{\\\"awayScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"normaltime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period2\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"subTeams\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": 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\"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"userCount\": \"int\", \"nameCode\": \"str\", \"disabled\": \"bool\", \"national\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"teamColors\": {\"primary\": \"str\", \"secondary\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}}, \"performance\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"wins\": \"int\", \"draws\": \"int\", \"losses\": \"int\", \"totalPoints\": \"int\"}, \"startTimestamp\": \"int\", \"endTimestamp\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10534", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Schedule live, api_description:Get live events schedule, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sport id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"tournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": 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You can choose suitable match from Handball Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mediumName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"status\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"h2h\\\": {\\\"results\\\": {\\\"overall\\\": [{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"score\\\": {\\\"regular\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"halfTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"score\\\": {\\\"regular\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"halfTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"status\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tournament\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"stage\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"home\\\": [{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"score\\\": {\\\"regular\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"halfTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"score\\\": {\\\"regular\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"halfTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10536", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 MLB Live In-Game Real Time Statistics, api_name:Get Player Information, api_description:Call this to get general information on each player (name, team, experience, birthday, college, image link, etc).\n\nThis can accept either \"playerID\" or \"playerName\". \n\nIf you use playerID then the body will return one object. playerID values can be found from performing a get on the team roster API. playerID is the unique identifier for each player, and is the preferred parameter to use in this call.\n\nIf you use playerName then it will return a list of objects, since many players can have the same name. It acts as more of a search/scan than direct access, and will be a slower call than if you use playerID.\n\nAlso, you don't have to call the full name with playerName. You can use partial name. For example, if you call with only playerName=smith then it will return all players with smith in their full name., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": [{\"bDay\": \"str\", \"espnID\": \"str\", \"mlbLink\": \"str\", \"espnName\": \"str\", \"espnHeadshot\": \"str\", \"cbsLongName\": \"str\", \"throw\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"pos\": \"str\", \"mlbIDFull\": \"str\", \"cbsPlayerID\": \"str\", \"jerseyNum\": \"str\", \"longName\": \"str\", \"bat\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"cbsPlayerIDFull\": \"str\", \"lastGamePlayed\": \"str\", \"mlbID\": \"str\", \"playerID\": \"str\", \"team\": \"str\", \"mlbHeadshot\": \"str\", \"espnLink\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10537", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:168predict VIP Football Predictions, api_name:Yesterday Sure VIP Under 3.5 Goals, api_description:This endpiont delivers yesterday under 3.5 goal forecasts. All of the forecasts have been carefully selected. Visit www.168predict.site for more information., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10538", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 MLB Live In-Game Real Time Statistics, api_name:Get MLB Betting Odds, api_description:This grabs MLB betting/gambling lines and odds from some of the most popular online sportsbooks (fanduel, betrivers, betmgm, caesars, pointsbet, etc). \n\nYou can call this for specific game or a specific date. Check out the example responses here for the type of data you can expect back. Some of the sportsbooks do not offer live betting, so data from those sportsbooks will not be returned after the game starts. \n\n\nEither gameDate or gameID is required.\nExamples of what the calls can look like:\n/getMLBBettingLines?gameDate=20230410\n/getMLBBettingLines?gameID=20230410_HOU@PIT, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"statusCode\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"body\\\": {\\\"20230410_BOS@TB\\\": {\\\"last_updated_e_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"betmgm\\\": {\\\"totalUnder\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalOverOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamRunLine\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalUnderOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamRunLineOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"awayTeamMLOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeamRunLine\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeamRunLineOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"homeTeamMLOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalOver\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gameDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fanduel\\\": {\\\"totalUnder\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"totalOverOdds\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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api_description:Latest odds for matches in the USA - updated every 6 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10540", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:Brazil latest Odds, api_description:Latest odds for Brazilian matches - Updated every 6 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10541", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:Euro latest matches, api_description:Latest matches international in europe by bookie - updated every 24 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10542", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Unofficial Cricbuzz, api_name:teams/get-news, api_description:Get news by team, required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of teamId field returned in .../teams/list 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required_params: [{\"name\": \"venueId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in \\u2026/series/get-venues endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ground\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"capacity\": \"str\", \"ends\": \"str\", \"homeTeam\": \"str\", \"imageUrl\": \"str\", \"imageId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10545", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Cricbuzz Cricket, api_name:series/get-squads, api_description:Get squads by series, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seriesId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in \\u2026/series/list or \\u2026/series/list-archives endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"squads\": [{\"squadType\": \"str\", \"isHeader\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 7}], \"appIndex\": {\"seoTitle\": \"str\", \"webURL\": \"str\"}, \"seriesName\": \"str\", \"seriesId\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} 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If you ommit the ***year*** query parameter, a default value will be set to current year. The response data will contain information about the Grand Prix, Date, Winner, Car (Team), Laps & overall time of each driver in the form of a collection., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"raceResults\": [{\"grandPrix\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"winner\": {\"firstname\": \"str\", \"lastname\": \"str\", \"abbr\": \"NoneType\"}, \"car\": \"str\", \"laps\": \"int\", \"time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 16}], \"httpStatusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10551", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports odds BetApi, api_name:Data Country, api_description:Data Country params, required_params: [{\"name\": \"TypeOdds\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"line, live\"}, {\"name\": \"SportId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"number sport [1 or 2 or 3]. 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match for which you want to get information\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"event\\\": {\\\"attendance\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"awayScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"normaltime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period2\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period3\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period4\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"fullName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"manager\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": 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\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10556", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get All Season Games, api_description:This returns all games for a competition season. Please note that this only includes scheduled games. For example the NFL Super Bowl event is not included at the start of the season., required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"competitionId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"events\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"startTimestamp\": \"int\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"scoreHomeAwaySlug\": \"str\", \"scoreAwayHomeSlug\": \"str\", \"winner\": \"int\", \"status\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\"}, \"homeTeam\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"short\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"teamColors\": {\"primary\": \"str\", \"secondary\": \"str\"}}, \"awayTeam\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"short\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"teamColors\": {\"primary\": \"str\", \"secondary\": \"str\"}}, \"homeScore\": {}, \"awayScore\": {}, \"time\": {}, \"competition\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}, \"category\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"flag\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 272}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10557", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:RugbyAPI2, api_name:TeamPlaceholderImage, api_description:Get the team placeholder image in SVG format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10558", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:ViperScore, api_name:Get game highlights, api_description:Want to use the highlight video after a match? Here you get all information you need, required_params: [{\"name\": \"gameId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10559", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 Fantasy Stats, api_name:Get Team Schedule, api_description:This call returns the schedule of any team, using the teamID that can be found in \"getNBATeams\" call.\n\nCall needs to look like this:\n\n/getNBATeamSchedule?teamID=1\n\nYou can also use the team Abbreviation:\n\n/getNBATeamSchedule?teamAbv=CHI \n\nThat will return a list of the team's games in the body. \n\nTo get a list of appropriate team abbreviations, use the getTeams call.\n\nYou can also add the \"season\" parameter if you want to specify season. Right now we only have season 2022 and 2023. \nDefault season is current season., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": {\"team\": \"str\", \"teamID\": \"str\", \"schedule\": [{\"gameID\": \"str\", \"seasonType\": \"str\", \"away\": \"str\", \"teamIDHome\": \"str\", \"gameDate\": \"str\", \"gameStatus\": \"str\", \"teamIDAway\": \"str\", \"home\": \"str\", \"awayResult\": \"str\", \"homePts\": \"str\", \"gameTime\": \"str\", \"homeResult\": \"str\", \"awayPts\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 95}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10560", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Prediction, api_name:Home Team Last 10 Matches, api_description:Grab the statistics and list of the last 10 matches played by the home team for a certain ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"(use predictions endpoint to get list of IDs)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": \"empty 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"metadata": {}} {"_id": "10565", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Latest player events, api_description:Get the latest player events by player ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Sport id, use `Sports list` endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Player id\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": [{\"EVENT_ID\": \"str\", \"START_TIME\": \"int\", \"TEAM_HOME_TEMP\": \"int\", \"HOME_NAME\": \"str\", \"HOME_IMAGE_ID\": \"str\", \"HOME_SCORE\": \"int\", \"TEAM_AWAY_TEMP\": \"int\", \"AWAY_NAME\": \"str\", \"AWAY_IMAGE_ID\": \"str\", \"AWAY_SCORE\": \"int\", \"WINNER\": \"int\", \"HOME_HITS\": \"int\", \"WINNER_ICON_SUFFIX\": \"str\", \"ITEMS\": [{\"TYPE\": \"str\", \"VALUE\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10566", "title": 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This is mainly used for associating players with their \"playerID\" which is what you'll want to use when cross referencing with box scores.\n\nNo parameters, just make the call:\n\n/getMLBPlayerLIst, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": [{\"bDay\": \"str\", \"espnID\": \"str\", \"pos\": \"str\", \"jerseyNum\": \"str\", \"longName\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"mlbID\": \"str\", \"playerID\": \"str\", \"team\": \"str\", \"mlbHeadshot\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1808}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10571", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Divanscore, api_name:tournaments/get-top-teams, api_description:List top teams of specific league, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in \\u2026/tournaments/search or \\u2026/tournaments/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of seasons/id JSON object returned in \\u2026/tournaments/get-seasons endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"topTeams\\\": {\\\"avgRating\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"avgRating\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matches\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"awardedMatches\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 20}], \\\"goalsScored\\\": [{\\\"team\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Message\": \"str\", \"MessageDetail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10579", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SportifyAPI, api_name:PlayerAttributeOverviews, api_description:Player Attribute Overviews, required_params: [{\"name\": \"playerId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"averageAttributeOverviews\": [{\"attacking\": \"int\", \"creativity\": \"int\", \"defending\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"position\": \"str\", \"tactical\": \"int\", \"technical\": \"int\", \"yearShift\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"playerAttributeOverviews\": [{\"attacking\": \"int\", \"creativity\": \"int\", \"defending\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"position\": \"str\", \"tactical\": \"int\", \"technical\": \"int\", \"yearShift\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10580", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Live Golf Data, 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"category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinaculo, api_name:League Matchups, api_description:Get league matchups., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The league id.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ageLimit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"altTeaser\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"external\\\": {\\\"touchlineId\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"featureOrder\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasAltSpread\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasAltTotal\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasLive\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasMarkets\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isBetshareEnabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isFeatured\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isHighlighted\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isLive\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isPromoted\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"league\\\": {\\\"ageLimit\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"external\\\": {\\\"touchlineId\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"featureOrder\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"group\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"isFeatured\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isHidden\\\": \\\"bool\\\", 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Ex: `-1` yesterday\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": [{\"EVENT_ID\": \"str\", \"AY\": \"str\", \"BOOKMAKER_ID\": \"str\", \"ODDS\": [{\"ODD_CELL_FIRST\": {\"MOVE\": \"str\", \"VALUE\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 3}], \"ODDS_CHECK\": [{\"ODD_OUTCOME_IS_AVAILABLE\": \"str\", \"ODD_OUTCOME_VALUE\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 53}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10591", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Number of sport events, api_description:Get data about the sport and the number of sport events, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Time zone\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": {\"SPORTS\": [{\"SPORT_ID\": \"int\", \"EVENTS_COUNT\": \"int\", \"EVENTS_COUNT_LIVE\": \"int\", \"IS_POPULAR\": \"int\", \"SPORT_NAME\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 34}], \"EXTENDED_SPORTS\": [{\"SPORT_ID_FOR_EXTENDED_INFO\": \"int\", \"SPORT_SORT\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 40}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10592", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FIA Formula 1 Championship Statistics, api_name:Driver Details, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve a detailed information about a specific driver. You will need to provide the driver's name in the path parameter called team_name. You can specify either full name of the team or partial. If partial name is provided as parameter, still the api will make an attempt to search and return the expected result. Check out the example response for an overview of the result., required_params: [{\"name\": \"driver_fullname\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"driverDetails\": {\"team\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"podiums\": \"str\", \"points\": \"str\", \"grandsPrixEntered\": \"str\", \"worldChampionships\": \"str\", \"highestRaceFinish\": \"str\", \"highestGridPosition\": \"str\", \"dateOfBirth\": \"str\", \"placeOfBirth\": \"str\", \"firstname\": \"str\", \"lastname\": \"str\", \"abbr\": \"NoneType\"}, \"httpStatusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10593", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Basketball - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Team Season Statistics, api_description:Returns statistics for teams, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10594", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NCAA Final Four, api_name:Team appearances by count, api_description:Get a list of team appearances in the Final Four ranked by count., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10595", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:List of top news, api_description:Get list of top news, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10596", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FlashLive Sports, api_name:Most read news, api_description:Get the most read news, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": [{\"ID\": \"str\", \"ARTICLE\": {\"ID\": \"str\", \"TITLE\": \"str\", \"PUBLISHED\": \"int\", \"EDITED_AT\": \"int\", \"URL\": \"str\", \"IMAGES\": [{\"URL\": \"str\", \"VARIANT_TYPE\": \"int\", \"ALT_TEXT\": \"str\", \"CREDIT\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 16}]}, \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10597", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Data, api_name:Daily Match List-All, api_description:Daily match list including scheduled, live and finished matches.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with date range of today - 7 days.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date of the match. The format is {dd/MM/yyyy}. Match list data can be retrieved for only \\u00b1 7 days.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"homeTeam\": {\"score\": {\"quarter1\": \"int\", \"quarter2\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"quarter3\": \"int\", \"quarter4\": \"int\", \"regular\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"awayTeam\": {\"score\": {\"quarter1\": \"int\", \"quarter2\": \"int\", \"halfTime\": \"int\", \"quarter3\": \"int\", \"quarter4\": \"int\", \"regular\": \"int\", \"current\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"status\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"tournament\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"stage\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"round\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} 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Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The type.\"}, {\"name\": \"withSeasons\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"Include seasons?\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10604", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BaseballApi, api_name:LeagueDetails, api_description:Get the details of a specific baseball league using the unique tournament ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID for which you want to retrieve the league's details.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"uniqueTournament\\\": {\\\"category\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"flag\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"country\\\": {}, \\\"crowdsourcingEnabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"endDateTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"hasPerformanceGraphFeature\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasPlayoffSeries\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasRounds\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hasStandingsGroups\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"linkedUniqueTournaments\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"logo\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"md5\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"lowerDivisions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"mostTitles\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"mostTitlesTeams\\\": [{\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"periodLength\\\": {}, \\\"primaryColorHex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondaryColorHex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10605", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore_v2, api_name:teams/detail, api_description:Get team information, recent and up coming matches, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of ID field returned in .../competitions/detail, .../matches/v2/list-by-date, .../matches/v2/list-by-league, .../matches/v2/list-live \\nOR Tid field returned in ../get-table endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10606", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Formula 1 - fixed, api_name:Driverstandingsafterarace, api_description:To fetch the driver standings after a specific race(round) in a season(year), use this endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"round\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10607", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore Sports, api_name:Competitions Standings, api_description:Get competition standings (table) by competition ID. 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\"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10619", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NCAA Final Four, api_name:Coach appearances, api_description:Get a list of every coach along with the team and year of each Final Four appearance., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10620", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FootApi, api_name:LeagueHomeStandings, api_description:Get the home standings of a specific Football league., required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The season ID you want to retrieve the league's home standings from.\"}, {\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique tournament ID you want to retrieve the league's home standings from.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10621", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FootApi, api_name:TeamNextMatches, api_description:Get the next matches for a specific Football team., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zero-based page number.\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team you want to retrieve the next matches for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10622", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FootApi, api_name:MatchHomeGoalkeeperJersey, api_description:Get the home goalkeeper jersey for a specific Football match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match you want to retrieve the home goalkeeper jersey for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10623", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:sportapi, api_name:GetStaticTranslations, api_description:GetStaticTranslations Api Data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10624", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NHL API, api_name:Get Play By Play, api_description:This endpoint gets the NHL game play-by-play data for a specified game, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Game id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"teams\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"order\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"homeAway\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"winner\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"team\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"uid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nickname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"displayName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"color\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alternateColor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"logos\\\": [{\\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"alt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rel\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], 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"title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Metrx Factory, api_name:Competitions, api_description:Returns a list of competitions that match the given parameters.\nCompetitions are divided into stages which differ in playing mode (league vs. knock-out). If no parameters are provided then all competitions hold in this year are returned.\n\nFor free subscriptions the following limits apply:\n\n`Max. requests per hour: 20`\n`Min. time between requests: 30 seconds`\n`Max. competitions returned: 5`, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"bill\": {\"charge\": \"int\"}, \"result\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"domestic\": \"bool\", \"year\": \"int\", \"turnOfYear\": \"bool\", \"stages\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"mode\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10626", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Tournaments list, api_description:Get a list of tournaments by category id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"category_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Category id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"uniqueName\": \"str\", \"hasEventPlayerStatistics\": \"bool\", \"hasEventPlayerHeatMap\": \"NoneType\", \"hasBoxScore\": \"NoneType\", \"isActive\": \"bool\", \"uniqueId\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 37}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10627", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Surebets 2, api_name:England latest Odds, api_description:Latest odds for matches in England - updated every 6 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10628", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:MatchLineups, api_description:Get lineups for a specific basketball match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match for which you want to get lineups\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"away\\\": {\\\"goalkeeperColor\\\": {\\\"fancyNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"outline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"playerColor\\\": {\\\"fancyNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"outline\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"players\\\": [{\\\"jerseyNumber\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"player\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"dateOfBirthTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"firstName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"marketValueCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"position\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shirtNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"statistics\\\": {\\\"assists\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"blocks\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"defensiveRebounds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fieldGoalAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fieldGoalPct\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fieldGoalsMade\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"freeThrowAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"freeThrowsMade\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"offensiveRebounds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"personalFouls\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"plusMinus\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"points\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rebounds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"secondsPlayed\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"steals\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"threePointAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"threePointsMade\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"turnovers\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"twoPointAttempts\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"twoPoin\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10629", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:sportapi, api_name:GetLiveMenuStreaming, api_description:GetLiveMenuStreaming api data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10630", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore_v2, api_name:matches/list-by-date (Deprecated), api_description:List all matches by specific date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date string with following format yyyy-MM-dd\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : soccer|cricket|basketball|tennis|hockey\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10631", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore_v2, api_name:matches/v2/get-statistics, api_description:Get statistics of a match, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : soccer|cricket|basketball|tennis|hockey\"}, {\"name\": \"Eid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of Eid field returned in .../matches/v2/list-by-league or .../matches/v2/list-by-date or .../matches/v2/list-live or .../competitions/detail endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10632", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Baseball - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Team Depth Charts, api_description:Returns player depth charts for a team, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10633", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Baseball - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Player Information, api_description:This endpoint returns player demographic information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10634", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports Live Scores, api_name:Football Match Statistics, api_description:Returns Statistics about a given match_id. The match does not have to be necessarily live but also finished. You can retrieve Match IDs from the Football Live Matches endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"match_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"You can retrieve Match IDs from the Football Live Matches endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Match Id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"statistics\\\": [{\\\"Match ID\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Accurate passes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Aerials won\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Ball possession\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Big chances\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Big chances missed\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Blocked shots\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Clearances\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Corner kicks\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Crosses\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Dribbles\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Duels won\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Expected assists\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Expected goals\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Fouls\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Goalkeeper saves\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Goals prevented\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Interceptions\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Long balls\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Offsides\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Passes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Possession lost\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Red cards\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Shots inside box\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Shots off target\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Shots on target\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Shots outside box\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Tackles\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Total shots\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 Yellow cards\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P1 name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P2 Accurate passes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P2 Aerials won\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P2 Ball possession\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P2 Big chances\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P2 Big chances missed\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P2 Blocked shots\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"P2 \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10635", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports Live Scores, api_name:Football Match Lineups, api_description:Returns LineUps about a given match_id. The match does not have to be necessarily live but also finished. You can retrieve Match IDs from the Football Live Matches endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"match_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"You can retrieve Match IDs from the Football Live Matches endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Match Id\": \"str\", \"statistics\": [{\"Country\": \"str\", \"Formation\": \"str\", \"Jersey Num\": \"str\", \"Match ID\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Position\": \"str\", \"Stats\": {\"accurateLongBalls\": \"int\", \"accuratePass\": \"int\", \"expectedGoals\": \"int\", \"goalsPrevented\": \"float\", \"goodHighClaim\": \"int\", \"minutesPlayed\": \"int\", \"possessionLostCtrl\": \"int\", \"rating\": \"float\", \"ratingVersions\": {}, \"saves\": \"int\", \"totalLongBalls\": \"int\", \"totalPass\": \"int\", \"touches\": \"int\"}, \"Team\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 46}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10636", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:TransferMarket, api_name:transfers/list-by-club, api_description:List transfers relating to specific club, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of seasons/id JSON object returned right in this endpoint.\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../search or .../clubs/list-by-competition endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"seasons\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 117}], \"currentSeason\": {\"transferArrivals\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"playerName\": \"str\", \"playerImage\": \"str\", \"age\": \"int\", \"position\": \"str\", \"transferFee\": \"str\", \"transferFeeCurrency\": \"str\", \"transferFeeNumeral\": \"str\", \"transferFeeUnformatted\": \"int\", \"loan\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"positionsdetail\": \"str\", \"clubID\": \"str\", \"clubName\": \"str\", \"clubImage\": \"str\", \"countryImage\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 31}], \"transferDepartures\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"playerName\": \"str\", \"playerImage\": \"str\", \"age\": \"int\", \"position\": \"str\", \"transferFee\": \"str\", \"transferFeeCurrency\": \"str\", \"transferFeeNumeral\": \"str\", \"transferFeeUnformatted\": \"int\", \"loan\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"positionsdetail\": \"str\", \"clubID\": \"str\", \"clubName\": \"str\", \"clubImage\": \"str\", \"countryImage\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 26}]}, \"nextSeason\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10637", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sports Live Scores, api_name:Table Tennis Match Statistics, api_description:Returns Statistics about a given match_id. The match does not have to be necessarily live but also finished. You can retrieve Match IDs from the Table Tennis Live Matches endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"match_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Match Id\": \"str\", \"statistics\": [{\"Match ID\": \"str\", \"P1 Biggest lead\": \"str\", \"P1 Comeback to win\": \"str\", \"P1 Max points in a row\": \"str\", \"P1 Points won\": \"str\", \"P1 Receiver points won\": \"str\", \"P1 Service errors\": \"str\", \"P1 Service points won\": \"str\", \"P1 name\": \"str\", \"P2 Biggest lead\": \"str\", \"P2 Comeback to win\": \"str\", \"P2 Max points in a row\": \"str\", \"P2 Points won\": \"str\", \"P2 Receiver points won\": \"str\", \"P2 Service errors\": \"str\", \"P2 Service points won\": \"str\", \"P2 name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10638", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SofaScores, api_name:Career history (motorsport), api_description:Get team career history (motorsport), required_params: [{\"name\": \"team_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"team_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"total\": [{\"racesStarted\": \"int\", \"victories\": \"int\", \"podiums\": \"int\", \"polePositions\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"bySeason\": [{\"stage\": {\"uniqueStage\": {\"category\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"id\": \"int\", \"flag\": \"str\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"description\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"year\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"startDateTimestamp\": \"int\", \"endDateTimestamp\": \"int\"}, \"parentTeam\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"userCount\": \"int\", \"nameCode\": \"str\", \"national\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"teamColors\": 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information of a match, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of Stages/Events/IDs/ID field responded in .../matches/list-by-league or .../matches/list-by-date or .../matches/list-live endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"p\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of Stages/Events/IDs/p field responded in .../matches/list-by-league or .../matches/list-by-date or .../matches/list-live endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : soccer|cricket|basketball|tennis|hockey\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10641", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:hockey-LIVE.sk data, api_name:Games schedule, api_description:Get games list for certain league and year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"league\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Tournament year\"}], 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"title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccer Data, api_name:Tournament List, api_description:Provides list of tournaments., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"participantType\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"mediumName\": \"str\", \"globalName\": \"str\", \"localName\": \"str\", \"isOfficial\": \"bool\", \"isNational\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10645", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NHL Stats and Live Data, api_name:getTeam, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10646", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Prediction, api_name:List available markets, api_description:List all available markets 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Check the tutorials.\"}, {\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The timezone name. 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You can choose suitable match from Soccer Match List or Fixture endpoints., required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10685", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Soccer Data, api_name:Match Lineup, api_description:Team lineups, formations and head coaches.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Soccer Match List or Fixture endpoints.**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"formation\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"manager\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"surname\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"knownName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"middleName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"starting\\\": [{\\\"country\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"position\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tactical\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"knownName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"knownNameMedium\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"knownNameShort\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"shirtNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", 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\"Event id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"DATA\": [{\"ID\": \"str\", \"TITLE\": \"str\", \"CONTENT\": \"str\", \"AUTHOR\": \"NoneType\", \"PUBLISHED\": \"int\", \"PROVIDER_NAME\": \"str\", \"IMAGES\": [{\"IVW\": \"int\", \"IMAGE_VARIANT_URL\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"LAST_CHANGE_KEY\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10690", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:HandballAPI, api_name:TeamNextMatches, api_description:Get upcoming matches for a handball team by ID and page, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team you want to retrieve the next matches for.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Zero-based page number.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10691", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:HandballAPI, api_name:LeaguePerGameTopPlayers, api_description:Get overall top players per game for a handball unique tournament and season, required_params: [{\"name\": \"seasonId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the season for which you want to retrieve the top players.\"}, {\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The unique ID of the tournament for which you want to retrieve the top players.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"topPlayers\\\": {\\\"assists\\\": [{\\\"event\\\": {\\\"awayScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"normaltime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period2\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"disabled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"customId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"finalResultOnly\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"homeScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"normaltime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period1\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"period2\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"homeTeam\\\": {\\\"gender\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nameCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"national\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"shortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sport\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"teamColors\\\": {\\\"primary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secondary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"userCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"startTimestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"status\\\": {\\\"code\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"st\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10692", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Hockey - DataFeeds by Rolling Insights, api_name:Season Schedule, api_description:Returns season schedule for the specified season. If omitted, returns the schedule for current season., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: NHL\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Returns season schedule for the specified season. If omitted, returns the schedule for current season.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10693", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MLB Data, api_name:Career Hitting Stats, api_description:Retrieve a players career hitting stats for a given game type., required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: '592789'\"}, {\"name\": \"game_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: 'R' The type of games you want career stats for. 'R' - Regular Season 'S' - Spring Training 'E' - Exhibition 'A' - All Star Game 'D' - Division Series 'F' - First Round (Wild Card) 'L' - League Championship 'W' - World Series\"}, {\"name\": \"league_list_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"sport_career_hitting\": {\"copyRight\": \"str\", \"queryResults\": {\"totalSize\": \"str\", \"created\": \"str\", \"row\": {\"bb\": \"str\", \"sport_id\": \"str\", \"np\": \"str\", \"hgnd\": \"str\", \"roe\": \"str\", \"hr\": \"str\", \"team_count\": \"str\", \"sb\": \"str\", \"player_id\": \"str\", \"avg\": \"str\", \"sf\": \"str\", \"sac\": \"str\", \"wo\": \"str\", \"hpop\": \"str\", \"so\": \"str\", \"gidp_opp\": \"str\", \"gidp\": \"str\", \"ppa\": \"str\", \"ab\": \"str\", \"hldr\": \"str\", \"d\": \"str\", \"tpa\": \"str\", \"g\": \"str\", \"h\": \"str\", \"ibb\": \"str\", \"go\": \"str\", \"sport_code\": \"str\", \"tb\": \"str\", \"ao\": \"str\", \"slg\": \"str\", \"cs\": \"str\", \"r\": \"str\", \"ops\": \"str\", \"t\": \"str\", \"hbp\": \"str\", \"rbi\": \"str\", \"babip\": \"str\", \"go_ao\": \"str\", \"hfly\": \"str\", \"obp\": \"str\", \"sport\": \"str\", \"lob\": \"str\", \"xbh\": \"str\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10694", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MLB Data, api_name:League Pitching Stats, api_description:Retrieve a players career hitting stats for a given game type, split by league., required_params: [{\"name\": \"league_list_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"game_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: 'R' The type of games you want career stats for. 'R' - Regular Season 'S' - Spring Training 'E' - Exhibition 'A' - All Star Game 'D' - Division Series 'F' - First Round (Wild Card) 'L' - League Championship 'W' - World Series\"}, {\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Example: '592789'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10695", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tennis Live Data, api_name:Tour Rankings, api_description:Lists the top 100 players in the relevant tour ranking with their position, movement, and ranking points., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tour_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"fields\": {\"rankings_array\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"ranking\": \"str\", \"movement\": \"str\", \"ranking_points\": \"str\"}}}, \"results\": {\"rankings\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"ranking\": \"int\", \"movement\": \"str\", \"ranking_points\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 250}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10696", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:PlayerTransferHistory, api_description:Get the transfer history for a specific basketball player., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the player for which you want to retrieve the transfer history\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"transferHistory\": [{\"fromTeamName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"player\": {\"firstName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"position\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"userCount\": \"int\"}, \"toTeamName\": \"str\", \"transferDateTimestamp\": \"int\", \"transferFeeDescription\": \"str\", \"transferFrom\": {\"disabled\": \"bool\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nameCode\": \"str\", \"national\": \"bool\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}, \"teamColors\": {\"primary\": \"str\", \"secondary\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"int\", \"userCount\": \"int\"}, \"transferTo\": {\"disabled\": \"bool\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"nameCode\": \"str\", \"national\": \"bool\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}, \"teamColors\": {\"primary\": \"str\", \"secondary\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"int\", \"userCount\": \"int\"}, \"type\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10697", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:BasketAPI, api_name:PreMatchForm, api_description:Get pre-match form information for a specific basketball match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match for which you want to get pre-match form\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"awayTeam\": {\"form\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"position\": \"int\", \"value\": \"str\"}, \"homeTeam\": {\"form\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"position\": \"int\", \"value\": \"str\"}, \"label\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10698", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Data, api_name:Match Boxscore, api_description:Live, detailed team and player statistics.\n\n**The data will return for only -+7 days period, so endpoint can be tested with match that its date is in today +- 7 days. You can choose suitable match from Football Match List or Fixture endpoints.**\n\nP.S.\nFull data is available at Boxscore endpoint but can not shown in mock response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of the match.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10699", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore_v2, api_name:competitions/detail, api_description:Get competition information, recent and up coming matches, required_params: [{\"name\": \"CompId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of Stages -> CompId field returned in .../leagues/v2/list or .../leagues/v2/get-table or .../matches/v2/list-by-date or .../matches/v2/list-by-league or .../matches/v2/list-live endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10700", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:LiveScore_v2, api_name:matches/v2/get-h2h, api_description:Get head to head information in the past, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : soccer|cricket|basketball|tennis|hockey\"}, {\"name\": \"Eid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of Eid field returned in .../matches/v2/list-by-league or .../matches/v2/list-by-date or .../matches/v2/list-live or .../competitions/detail endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10701", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Divanscore, api_name:tournaments/search, api_description:Search for tournaments by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Get suggested value returned in \\u2026/auto-complete endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uniqueTournaments\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"primaryColorHex\": \"str\", \"secondaryColorHex\": \"str\", \"category\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"id\": \"int\", \"flag\": \"str\", \"alpha2\": \"str\"}, \"userCount\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"displayInverseHomeAwayTeams\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10702", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Divanscore, api_name:tournaments/get-logo, api_description:List logo image of specific league, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tournamentId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in \\u2026/tournaments/search or \\u2026/tournaments/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10703", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getLatestEmailInInbox, api_description:Get the newest email in an inbox or wait for one to arrive, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timeoutMillis\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Timeout milliseconds to wait for latest email\"}, {\"name\": \"inboxId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the inbox you want to get the latest email from\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10704", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getInboxRulesets, api_description:List all rulesets attached to an inbox, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10705", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getEmailsPaginated, api_description:By default returns all emails across all inboxes sorted by ascending created at date. Responses are paginated. You can restrict results to a list of inbox IDs. You can also filter out read messages, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10706", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:GetaUserProfilebyId, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"UserId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10707", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:Channelinfo, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"ChannelId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"TeamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10708", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:Getavaiableschemaextensions, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10709", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:GetAdministrativeUnits, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10710", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getInboxEmailCount, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"inboxId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of inbox that emails belongs to\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10711", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getTestWebhookPayloadBounce, api_description:Get webhook test payload for bounce, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messageId\": \"str\", \"webhookId\": \"str\", \"eventName\": \"str\", \"webhookName\": \"str\", \"bounceId\": \"str\", \"sentToRecipients\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"sender\": \"str\", \"bounceRecipients\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10712", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:getTemplatePreviewHtml, api_description:Get email template preview with passed template variables in HTML format for browsers. Pass template variables as query params., required_params: [{\"name\": \"templateId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Template ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"caseNumber\": \"str\", \"errorClass\": \"str\", \"errorCode\": \"str\", \"comment\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10713", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:GetSecurityActions, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10714", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:GetSubscriptions, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10715", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Ishan, api_name:EnumerateSiteContentTypes, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"innerError\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"request-id\": \"str\", \"client-request-id\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10716", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:MailSlurp Email Testing, api_name:waitForNthEmail, api_description:If nth email is already present in inbox then return it. If not hold the connection open until timeout expires or the nth email is received and returned., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10717", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Blaze Verify, api_name:Heartbeat, api_description:Returns API Status, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10718", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:uk.boundaries.io, api_name:Query for Postal Code Unit Boundary( H3 Geo Boundary ), api_description:Query for Postal Unit Boundary (ex. ZE1 0AE) \n\nhttps://eng.uber.com/, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postal-unit\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query by postal units. for example 'ZE1 0AE\\\", or multiples.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"country\": \"str\", \"postal-unit\": \"str\", \"postal-area\": \"str\", \"postal-sector\": \"str\", \"postal-district\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"postal-unit-within-count\": \"int\", \"ward\": \"str\", \"h3-index\": \"str\", \"h3-resolution\": \"int\", \"postal-unit-within\": \"str\"}, \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10719", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Forward & Reverse Geocoding, api_name:GeocodingSearch, api_description:Free-form query forward geocoding., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10720", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:Mapilion - Vector and Raster Map Tiles, api_name:Get Tile Json, api_description:Returns the tile json for the give style. Currently there are three different types:\n- `v3` the OpenMapTiles compatible vector tiles\n- `hillshading-v1` Hillshading tiles Version 1\n- `hillshading-v2` Hillshading tiles Version 2, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tiles\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"name\": \"str\", \"format\": \"str\", \"basename\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"attribution\": \"str\", \"center\": [\"list of int with length 3\"], \"description\": \"str\", \"maxzoom\": \"int\", \"minzoom\": \"int\", \"pixel_scale\": \"str\", \"vector_layers\": [{\"maxzoom\": \"int\", \"fields\": {\"class\": \"str\"}, \"minzoom\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 15}], \"version\": \"str\", \"maskLevel\": \"str\", \"bounds\": [\"list of int with length 4\"], \"planettime\": \"str\", \"tilejson\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10721", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:MapToolkit, api_name:Search, api_description:Global Geocoder., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10722", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:ca.boundaries.io, api_name:Query for Hexagon by H3Index, api_description:Create a h3 hexagon with any h3Index value in the world., required_params: [{\"name\": \"h3Index\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10723", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:ArcGIS Platform Geocoding, api_name:Autocomplete suggestions, api_description:The ArcGIS World Geocoding Service includes a method that allows character-by-character autocomplete suggestions to be generated for user input in a client application. This capability facilitates the interactive search user experience by reducing the number of characters that need to be typed before a suggested match is obtained. The idea is that a client application can provide a list of suggestions that is updated with each character entered by a user until the place they are looking for is returned in the list.\n\n![Autocomplete diagram](https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/geocode/api-reference/GUID-9A754AFE-8154-46C3-8A31-3566963F971E-web.png)\n\n[API reference `suggest` operation](https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/geocode/api-reference/geocoding-suggest.htm), required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) The input text entered by a user, which is used by the suggest operation to generate a list of possible matches.\"}, {\"name\": \"f\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) Format of the response: json or pjson\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"details\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10724", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:ArcGIS Platform Geocoding, api_name:Search address, api_description:The findAddressCandidates operation geocodes one location per request; the input address can be combined into a single input field or divided among multiple parameters.\n\n![geoceode screenshot](https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/geocode/api-reference/GUID-F2F78690-5FB5-4BF1-8633-26BF184C45A9-web.png)\n\n[API reference for `findAddressCandidates` operation](https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/geocode/api-reference/geocoding-find-address-candidates.htm), required_params: [{\"name\": \"f\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search for an address, POI category, intersection, etc.\"}, {\"name\": \"token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) Format of the response: json, pjson, html, ...\"}, {\"name\": \"searchExtent\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The list of fields to be returned within the attributes object of the response. Descriptions for each of these fields are available in the Output fields section of this document. Helper to get search extent with https://arcgis-js-api-extent-helper.gavinr.com/\"}, {\"name\": \"singleLine\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specifies whether the results of the operation will be persisted\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"details\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10725", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:uk.boundaries.io, api_name:Query for Postal Unit Boundary by H3Index, api_description:Query for Postal Unit Boundary by H3Index\n\nIf a Postal Unit code exists within this hexagon a boundary is returned.\nadjusting the resolution(0-16) increases the hexagon area.\n\nhttps://eng.uber.com/, required_params: [{\"name\": \"h3ndex\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"features\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"properties\": {\"postal-unit-within-count\": \"int\", \"h3-index\": \"str\", \"resolution\": \"int\", \"postal-unit-within\": \"str\"}, \"geometry\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": [\"list of list with length 1\"]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10726", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:LocationIQ, api_name:autocomplete, api_description:The Autocomplete API is a variant of the Search API that returns place predictions in response to an HTTP request. The request specifies a textual search string and optional geographic bounds. The service can be used to provide autocomplete functionality for text-based geographic searches, by returning places such as businesses, addresses and points of interest as a user types. The Autocomplete API can match on full words as well as substrings. Applications can therefore send queries as the user types, to provide on-the-fly place predictions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"normalizecity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"For responses with no city value in the address section, the next available element in this order - city_district, locality, town, borough, municipality, village, hamlet, quarter, neighbourhood - from the address section will be normalized to city. Defaults to 1 for SDKs.\"}, {\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address to geocode\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10727", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Mapping, tool_name:LocationIQ, api_name:Directions, api_description:Finds the fastest route between coordinates in the supplied order., required_params: [{\"name\": \"coordinates\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"String of format {longitude},{latitude};{longitude},{latitude}[;{longitude},{latitude} ...] or polyline({polyline}) or polyline6({polyline6}). polyline follows Google's polyline format with precision 5\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10728", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fidelity Investments, api_name:v3/auto-complete, api_description:Auto suggestion by input name or quote, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Symbol or company name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quotes\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"suggestions\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"cusip\": \"str\", \"desc\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"subType\": \"str\", \"exchange\": \"str\", \"nc\": \"bool\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10729", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BB Finance, api_name:market/get-cross-currencies, api_description:Get exchange rate between currencies, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The currency code, separated by comma to query multiple currencies at once\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"MXNJPY:cur\\\": {\\\"baseName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securityType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resourceType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resourceSubtype\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ticker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tickerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"template\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tinyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchlist\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"resourceId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"netChange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastPriceTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"yearHigh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dayHigh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yearLow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sourceCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dayLow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pctChange\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"JPYMXN:cur\\\": {\\\"baseName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securityType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resourceType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"resourceSubtype\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"region\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ticker\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tickerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"template\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tinyName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"watchlist\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"resourceId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"netChange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lastPriceTime\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"yearHigh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dayHigh\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yearLow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sourceCurrency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dayLow\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pctChange\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"MXNGBP:cur\\\": \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10730", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Exchanges, api_name:Asset Markets by ID, api_description:Get Asset Markets by Asset ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"exchangeId\": \"str\", \"baseId\": \"str\", \"quoteId\": \"str\", \"baseSymbol\": \"str\", \"quoteSymbol\": \"str\", \"volumeUsd24Hr\": \"str\", \"priceUsd\": \"str\", \"volumePercent\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}], \"timestamp\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10731", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:SEC Filings, api_name:Financial Statements & Disclosures, api_description:Returns a list of financial statements and disclosures from a company's Annual or Quarterly report.\n

Use the CIK and Accession Number values returned from the SEC Filings endpoint for this endpoint's Request Parameters.

, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cik\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Central Index Key (CIK)\"}, {\"name\": \"accessionNumber\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"SEC Filing Identifier\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10732", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:insider-trades, api_description:Latest insider trading activities from CEO, Directors, Chief Executive Officer, 10% Owner, etc..., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10733", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Futures Leaderboard, api_name:search_nickname, api_description:Get the trader by nickname, required_params: [{\"name\": \"nickname\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The trader nickname to search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"NoneType\", \"data\": \"empty list\", \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10734", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Binance Smart Chain, api_name:Transaction, api_description:Get full data from a specific transaction on the Binance Smart Chain!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"hash\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Transaction you want to scan!\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_type\": \"str\", \"accessList\": \"NoneType\", \"blockNumber\": \"int\", \"blockHash\": \"str\", \"chainId\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\", \"from\": \"str\", \"gasLimit\": \"str\", \"gasPrice\": \"str\", \"hash\": \"str\", \"maxFeePerGas\": \"NoneType\", \"maxPriorityFeePerGas\": \"NoneType\", \"nonce\": \"int\", \"signature\": {\"_type\": \"str\", \"networkV\": \"str\", \"r\": \"str\", \"s\": \"str\", \"v\": \"int\"}, \"to\": \"str\", \"type\": \"int\", \"value\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10735", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Metals Prices Rates API, api_name:Time-Series, api_description:Timeseries endpoint lets you query the API for daily historical rates between two dates of your choice.\nThis endpoint has a limitation of 365 days and only one symbol per request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the three-letter currency code or metal code of your preferred base currency.\"}, {\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the three-letter currency code or metal code of your preferred base currency.\"}, {\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The end date of your preferred timeframe. YYYY-MM-DD\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date of your preferred timeframe. YYYY-MM-DD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"timeseries\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"start_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"end_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rates\\\": {\\\"2022-12-20\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2022-12-21\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2022-12-22\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2022-12-24\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2022-12-25\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2022-12-26\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2022-12-27\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2022-12-28\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2022-12-29\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2022-12-30\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2022-12-31\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-01-01\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-01-02\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-01-03\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-01-04\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-01-05\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-01-06\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-01-07\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-01-08\\\": {\\\"USD\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"2023-01-09\\\": {\\\"USD\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10736", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BB Finance, api_name:stories/list, api_description:Get a list of stories related to a sticker, required_params: [{\"name\": \"template\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : COMMODITY|CURRENCY|INDEX|INDEXFUTURE|RATE|STOCK\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../market/auto-complete endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"stories\": [{\"resourceType\": \"str\", \"card\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"published\": \"int\", \"internalID\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"thumbnailImage\": \"str\", \"primarySite\": \"str\", \"shortURL\": \"str\", \"longURL\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"title\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10737", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:market/get-videos, api_description:Get latest videos in the market, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Timestamp\": \"str\", \"Videos\": [{\"ResourceId\": \"str\", \"Title\": \"str\", \"Source\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"str\", \"TypeLabel\": \"str\", \"SubType\": \"str\", \"Href\": \"NoneType\", \"PublicationTime\": \"str\", \"AuthorName\": \"str\", \"AuthorThumbnail\": \"str\", \"VideoThumbnail\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 17}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10738", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/crypto/intraday, api_description:Return intraday time series (Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) given the input parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"1-minute level time interval, e.g., `1` (1 min), `5` (5 min).\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query end date (supported formats are : **YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM**, **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-21 10:30` or simply `2020-04-22`.\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the cryptocurrency pair to look for, e.g., `BTC/USD` (Bitcoin USD), `BTC-EUR` (Bitcoin EUR), `ETH/BTC` or `ETH-BTC` or `ETHBTC` (Ethereum BTC).\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query start date (supported formats are : **YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM**, **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-21 10:00` or simply `2020-04-21`.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10739", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/search/symbol, api_description:Lookup for a Symbol or Name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Partial Company Name or Symbol, e.g., `apple`, `qualcomm`.\"}, {\"name\": \"categories\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Asset categories. Supported categories are : [`EQT, IND, ETF, FUNDS, FX, CRYPTO`]. They can be mixed separated by a comma , e.g., `EQT,ETF`.\"}, {\"name\": \"regions\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The region(s) in which to look for. Supported regions are : [`US, CA, UK, EU, AU`]. They can be mixed separated by a comma. They can be mixed separated by a comma , e.g., `US,UK,EU`.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"exchange\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10740", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Hryvna Today, api_name:/v1/list/currencies, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"code\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"verbal\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10741", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:walletapi.cloud, api_name:List transactions, api_description:Retrieve a pageable list of transactions for a time period., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Date from\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date to\"}, {\"name\": \"projectId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Project id\"}, {\"name\": \"pageSize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Max: 500\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10742", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:stock/net-share-purchase-activity/{stock}, api_description:Get net share purchase activity information for a particular stock, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10743", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ByBit Leaderboard, api_name:trader/details, api_description:Returns full trader info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"product\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"product\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10744", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_num_shares_outstanding, api_description:return number of share outstanding, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10745", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Analysis, api_name:Company Description, api_description:Get company description., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10746", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:The Sandbox - SAND, api_name:Past 3 Years, api_description:Get price data for the past 3 years.\n\n~ daily (00:00 UTC) data points., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prices\": [\"list of list with length 1037\"], \"market_caps\": [\"list of list with length 1037\"], \"total_volumes\": [\"list of list with length 1037\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10747", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:The Sandbox - SAND, api_name:Past 3 Months, api_description:Get price data for the past 3 months.\n\n~hourly data points., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prices\": [\"list of list with length 92\"], \"market_caps\": [\"list of list with length 92\"], \"total_volumes\": [\"list of list with length 92\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10748", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Latest Mutual Fund NAV, api_name:fetchAllSchemeNames, api_description:Fetch All Scheme Names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10749", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Top Coins By Sentiment, api_description:Retrieve real time top 10 coins by Sentiment\n\n**Output:**\nEach item contains:\n- Rank number\n- Coin name\n- Coin ticker\n- Sentiment value\n\n**Definitions:**\n\n- Sentiment: Democratic Sentiment Score out of 100 Points (100 for the most positive, 50 for neutral and 0 for the most negative). Democratic Sentiment is a sentiment that gives the same weight to each mention related to the coin despite the number of followers for each mention]\n\n**Details:**\n- All results are in real time, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10750", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BB Finance, api_name:market/get-price-chart, api_description:Get related data to draw price chart, required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : d1|d3|ytd|m1|m3|m6|y1|y5\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../market/auto-complete endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"INMEX:IND\": {\"historical\": \"bool\", \"ticksType\": \"str\", \"ticks\": [{\"time\": \"int\", \"close\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 253}], \"low\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"first\": \"int\", \"last\": \"int\", \"security\": {\"ticker\": \"str\", \"open\": \"str\", \"prevClose\": \"str\"}, \"hasVolume\": \"bool\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10751", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BB Finance, api_name:market/auto-complete, api_description:Query suggestion by term and phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quote\": [{\"securityType\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"resourceType\": \"str\", \"resourceSubtype\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"ticker\": \"str\", \"tickerName\": \"str\", \"template\": \"str\", \"tinyName\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"watchlist\": \"bool\", \"resourceId\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"card\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 25}], \"news\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"card\": \"str\", \"date\": \"int\", \"longURL\": \"str\", \"thumbnailImage\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 25}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10752", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Trading View, api_name:ideas/list, api_description:List ideas post with options and filters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page_size\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"page_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"image_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"created_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated_at\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"date_timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"updated_date_timestamp\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"chart_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": {\\\"big\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"middle\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"middle_webp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bg_color\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"is_public\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_visible\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"is_video\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"video_duration\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"video_cam\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"video_filename\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"is_education\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"badge\\\": {\\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"full_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"short_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"interval\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"direction\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"logo_id\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"currency_logo_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"base_currency_logo_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"logo_urls\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"]}, \\\"user\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"username\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"badges\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"verbose_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"picture_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mid_picture_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_pro\\\": \\\"bool\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10753", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Data, api_name:Get Company Ratios, api_description:Get Company ratios latest data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currentRatio\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"longTermDebtCapital\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"debtEquityRatio\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"grossMargin\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"operatingMargin\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 14}]}, \\\"EBITMargin\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"f\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10754", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Chaingateway.io, api_name:getTokenBalance, api_description:Returns the token balance of a given address., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10755", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:index historical data (deprecated), api_description:get index historical data by dates, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10756", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/equity/splits, api_description:Return splits history data for a given security., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the asset to look for, e.g., `AAPL` (Apple Inc), `MSFT` (Microsoft Corporation).\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query start date (supported format is : **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2019-01-01`.\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query end date (supported format is : **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-17`.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10757", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ChangeNOW crypto exchange, api_name:API V2 | Estimated exchange network fee, api_description:This endpoint provides an estimated value that will be spent on paying network fees during an exchange.\n\nThis number is ALREADY included in the estimate.\n\n## SUCCESSFUL RESPONSE:\nThe response contains the ‘estimatedFee’ object and 'deposit', 'withdrawal', 'totals', and 'converted' fields inside it.\n\n\n\n### SUCCESSFUL RESPONSE FIELDS\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fromNetwork\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Optional) Used to disambiguate multichain currencies.\"}, {\"name\": \"toCurrency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) Ticker of the currency you want to receive\"}, {\"name\": \"fromCurrency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) Ticker of the currency you want to exchange\"}, {\"name\": \"convertedCurrency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Optional) Ticker of the currency you want to convert\"}, {\"name\": \"convertedNetwork\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Optional) Used to disambiguate multichain currencies.\"}, {\"name\": \"toNetwork\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Optional) Used to disambiguate multichain currencies.\"}, {\"name\": \"fromAmount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"(Required if type is direct) Must be greater then 0.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10758", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:Sweden Scheduled Flights Growth, api_description:Get weekly Sweden scheduled departing flights growth., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10759", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:China Scheduled Flights Growth, api_description:Get weekly China scheduled departing flights growth., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10760", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:South Korea Scheduled Flights Level, api_description:Get weekly South Korea scheduled departing flights level., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10761", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing - Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:get-ico-calendar, api_description:Get ICO calendar, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"screen_ID\": \"str\", \"screen_data\": {\"icoData\": {\"tabname\": \"str\", \"categories\": [{\"category_id\": \"str\", \"category_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 13}]}}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10762", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-timestamps/15m, api_description:Search for a ticker and capture the total posts, comments, likes, impressions over a specified timeframe. Each timeframe is grouped by time intervals specified below., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"twitterPosts\": \"int\", \"twitterComments\": \"int\", \"twitterLikes\": \"int\", \"twitterImpressions\": \"int\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"utc\": \"str\", \"local\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10763", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:Exchange Rate, api_description:This API call returns real-time exchange rate for currency pair. Works with forex and cryptocurrency., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10764", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get market, api_description:Find information on a specific market listed on Coinranking.\nThis endpoint requires the **ultra** plan or higher., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Uuid of the market you want to request\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10765", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get markets, api_description:Get a list of markets. Markets are ranked by their volume over the last 24 hours. Use our filters to get a subset of the markets.\nThis endpoint requires the **ultra** plan or higher., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10766", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/parent/get-lowest-rated-investments, api_description:Get lowest rated investments as displayed in the Parent tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10767", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/parent/get-recent-investment-rating-change, api_description:Get recent investment rating change as displayed in the Parent tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}, {\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10768", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:quote/get-option-chains, api_description:Get option chains, required_params: [{\"name\": \"root\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of RootSymbol field returned in .../quote/get-option-fundamentals endpoint.\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol to get details information\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The format is yyyyMMdd\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"OptionChains\": {\"Underyling\": \"str\", \"Roots\": \"str\", \"RequestTimeStamp\": \"str\", \"Expirations\": [{\"DaysToExpiration\": \"str\", \"DateDisplay\": \"str\", \"Date\": \"str\", \"ExpType\": \"str\", \"RootSymbol\": \"str\", \"Pairs\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 19}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10769", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:tickers_list, api_description:A list response of all stock tickers with their ID, that are possible to trade, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10770", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_pe_ratio, api_description:return pe ratio, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10771", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:sentiments_list, api_description:Here we provide a list of all sentiments. A sentiment is computed via NLP, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10772", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Palmy Investing API, api_name:quote_list, api_description:This endpoint provides stock quotes with time critical information, such as price and trading volume, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10773", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get an account's orders, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"account\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An account number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10774", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Data, api_name:Get Company Quarterly Balance Sheet, api_description:Get Company Quarterly Balance Sheet, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"result\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cashOnHand\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 57}]}, \\\"receivables\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 57}]}, \\\"inventory\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 57}]}, \\\"prePaidExpenses\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 57}]}, \\\"otherCurrentAssets\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiveYrChage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"tenYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"dates\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 57}]}, \\\"totalCurrentAssets\\\": {\\\"isMain\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"twoYrChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiv\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10775", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:{type}/risk/get-risk-return-summary, api_description:Get summary of risk return in the Risk tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}, {\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in \\u2026/market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"endDate\": \"str\", \"categoryName\": \"str\", \"for3Year\": {\"epUsedFlag\": \"bool\", \"riskVsCategory\": \"int\", \"returnVsCategory\": \"int\", \"numberOfFunds\": \"int\"}, \"for5Year\": {\"epUsedFlag\": \"bool\", \"riskVsCategory\": \"int\", \"returnVsCategory\": \"int\", \"numberOfFunds\": \"int\"}, \"for10Year\": {\"epUsedFlag\": \"bool\", \"riskVsCategory\": \"int\", \"returnVsCategory\": \"int\", \"numberOfFunds\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10776", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:stock/v2/get-price-fair-value, api_description:Mapped to Price vs Fair Value tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from \\u2026/auto-complete or /get-summary or \\u2026/get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_meta\": {\"responseStatus\": \"str\", \"hint\": \"str\", \"performanceId\": \"str\"}, \"columnDefs\": [\"list of str with length 11\"], \"chart\": {\"chartDatums\": {\"recent\": {\"latestFairValue\": \"str\", \"uncertainty\": \"str\", \"latestClose\": \"str\", \"bf\": [\"list of str with length 6\"]}, \"yearly\": [{\"annualHigh\": \"str\", \"annualLow\": \"str\", \"monthly\": [{\"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"close\": \"str\", \"starRating\": \"NoneType\", \"bf\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"_list_length\": 12}], \"_list_length\": 11}]}, \"isQual\": \"bool\", \"closePriceCurrency\": \"NoneType\", \"realtimeCurrency\": \"str\", \"lastCloseCurrency\": \"str\", \"fairValCurrency\": \"str\"}, \"table\": {\"rows\": [{\"label\": \"str\", \"salDataId\": \"str\", \"isQuantitative\": \"bool\", \"datum\": [\"list of NoneType with length 11\"], \"_list_length\": 3}]}, \"userType\": \"str\", \"footer\": {\"asOfLabel\": \"str\", \"asOfDate\": \"str\", \"indexLabel\": \"str\", \"indexName\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10777", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:stock/v2/get-mini-chart-realtime-data, api_description:Used to draw chart in Quote tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from \\u2026/auto-complete or /get-summary or \\u2026/get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"iiv\": \"NoneType\", \"status\": \"str\", \"idsMessage\": \"str\", \"lastPrice\": \"float\", \"priceOfTradeAfter\": \"NoneType\", \"timeOfTradeAfter\": \"NoneType\", \"lastUpdateTime\": \"str\", \"tradingStatus\": \"str\", \"dayChange\": \"float\", \"dayChangePer\": \"float\", \"lastClose\": \"float\", \"exchangeId\": \"str\", \"ts\": \"str\", \"currencyCode\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10778", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Historical forex price, api_description:Provides historical forex data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"source\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10779", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:PLUS_DI, api_description:Plus Directional Indicator(PLUS_DI) is a component of the Average Directional Index(ADX), and it measures the existence of uptrend., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Interval between two consecutive points in time series\\nSupports: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `30min`, `45min`, `1h`, `2h`, `4h`, `1day`, `1week`, `1month`\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instrument symbol, can be any equity, index, ETF, forex or cryptocurrency\\nE.g. `AAPL`, `EUR/USD`, `ETH/BTC`, ...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10780", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:indices countries, api_description:get all indices countries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 96}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10781", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get a user's orders, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10782", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Tradier, api_name:Get an account's cost basis, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"account\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"An account number\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10783", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Greenlight, api_name:Get Signals, api_description:**Provides BUY/SELL signals and trends for BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, TRX/USDT 1 hour timeframe.**\n- Types of signals: BUY, SELL, HOLD\n- Types of trends: UP, DOWN, FLAT\n**Use telegram bot for extended functionality**\nAny pair, 6 different timeframes, indicator settings and much more:\nhttps://t.me/crypto_greenlight_bot?start=CEB66C31, required_params: [{\"name\": \"coin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"BTC, ETH or TRX\"}, {\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Binance, Bybit, Huobi, Kucoin, Coinex, MXC, Gate\"}, {\"name\": \"market_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"SPOT or FUTURES\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"RSI\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"WILLR\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"DONCH\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"BBANDS\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"KC\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"HA\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"EMA\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"VWMA\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"ADX\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"VI\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"AO\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"RVGI\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"EMV\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"CMF\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"WILLF\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"STOCH\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"KST\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"MACD\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"PSAR\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"FISHER\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"HMA\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"ALMA\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"CC\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"FI\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"time\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10784", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Crypto quotes, api_description:Provides real-time crypto data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"source\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10785", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:indices future tables, api_description:get indices futures tables, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"indices\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"month\": \"str\", \"last\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"change_percent\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 30}], \"us_futures_delayed\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"month\": \"str\", \"last\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"change_percent\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"eurex\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"month\": \"str\", \"last\": \"str\", \"high\": \"str\", \"low\": \"str\", \"change\": \"str\", \"change_percent\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10786", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get coin price, api_description:With the price endpoint the price can be requested for a specific coin on a specific time. The response is just a single price nearest to the requested time, including its timestamp., required_params: [{\"name\": \"uuid\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"UUID of the coin you need the price\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"price\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10787", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:economic indicators news, api_description:get latest economic indicators news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 35}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10788", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:MOM, api_description:Momentum(MOM) compares the current price with the previous price N timeperiods ago., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Interval between two consecutive points in time series\\nSupports: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `30min`, `45min`, `1h`, `2h`, `4h`, `1day`, `1week`, `1month`\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instrument symbol, can be any equity, index, ETF, forex or cryptocurrency\\nE.g. `AAPL`, `EUR/USD`, `ETH/BTC`, ...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10789", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:COPPOCK, api_description:Coppock Curve(COPPOCK) is usually used to detect long-term trend changes, typically on monthly charts., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Interval between two consecutive points in time series\\nSupports: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `30min`, `45min`, `1h`, `2h`, `4h`, `1day`, `1week`, `1month`\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instrument symbol, can be any equity, index, ETF, forex or cryptocurrency\\nE.g. `AAPL`, `EUR/USD`, `ETH/BTC`, ...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10790", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:CCI, api_description:Commodity Channel Index(CCI) is a universal indicator that can help to identify new trends and assess current critical conditions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instrument symbol, can be any equity, index, ETF, forex or cryptocurrency\\nE.g. `AAPL`, `EUR/USD`, `ETH/BTC`, ...\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Interval between two consecutive points in time series\\nSupports: `1min`, `5min`, `15min`, `30min`, `45min`, `1h`, `2h`, `4h`, `1day`, `1week`, `1month`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10791", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_SABR, api_name:funcOne, api_description:Testing function for the SABR module, required_params: [{\"name\": \"x2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"x1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10792", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fidelity Investments, api_name:quotes/get-details, api_description:Get quote information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Separated by comma to query multiple symbols \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10793", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Shares float, api_description:Provides the amount of current shares float., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"freeFloat\": \"float\", \"floatShares\": \"int\", \"outstandingShares\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10794", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:quote/get-summary, api_description:Get summary information of quote, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol to get information\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"QuoteOutput\\\": {\\\"Symbol\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Exchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LastPrice\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Change\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ChangePercent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Volume\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"VolumePace\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Bid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BidSize\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Ask\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AskSize\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AverageVolume10Day\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MarketCap\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SharesOutstanding\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"High\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Low\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"High52Week\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Low52Week\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AsOfDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FSI\\\": {\\\"Code\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"Description\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"PriceOpen\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PricePreviousClose\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StatusCodeTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StatusMessageTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Error\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"FundamentalsOutput\\\": {\\\"SharesHeld\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EarningsPerShare\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PriceToEarningsRatio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ForwardPriceToEarnings\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StatusCodeTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StatusMessageTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Error\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"PutCallOutput\\\": {\\\"PutCallRatio30Day\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StatusCodeTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"StatusMessageTemp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Error\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"SchwabEquityRatingOutput\\\": {\\\"SchwabEquityRating\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EquityRatingUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AsOfDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Sta\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10795", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_50day_moving_avg, api_description:return 50 day moving average, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10796", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_daily_dividend_data, api_description:return daily dividend data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}, {\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"end_date should be entered in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format and is the last day that data will be pulled for.\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"start_date should be entered in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format and is the first day that data will be pulled for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10797", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Finance Data, api_name:Company Cash Flow, api_description:Get public company's **quarterly** or **annual** cash flow information. Supports the *stock* type only., required_params: [{\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Period for which to get company's cash flow.\\n\\n**Periods**: *QUARTERLY*, *ANNUAL*.\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Stock symbol (ticker).\\n\\n**e.g.** *`MSFT:NASDAQ`*\\n**e.g.** *`MSFT`*\\n**e.g.** *`AAPL`*\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"cash_flow\": [{\"year\": \"int\", \"quarter\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"net_income\": \"int\", \"cash_from_operations\": \"int\", \"cash_from_investing\": \"int\", \"cash_from_financing\": \"int\", \"net_change_in_cash\": \"int\", \"free_cash_flow\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"period\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10798", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Prices, api_name:2 Year Historical Monthly Prices, api_description:2 Year monthly historically adjusted Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Monthly Volume, Dividend, and Split information is also included., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10799", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kalshi Trading API, api_name:GetPositions, api_description:Endpoint for getting all market positions for the logged-in member., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10800", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Data, api_name:Get All Symbols, api_description:Get all available symbols in API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [\"list of str with length 6387\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10801", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_Project, api_name:opt_delta, api_description:option lognormal greeks : delta calculates the delta, given where\nS = forward (float), K = strike (float), T = time-to-expiry (float), sigma = implied volatility lognormal (float)\nr = risk-free-rate (float), cp =call (c) /put (p) (string), type_ = 0 (default) for use in rapidAPI.com\n\n\nr: float, S: float, K: float, T: float, sigma: float, type_: str =\"c\", ret_: int = 1, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type_\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"T\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sigma\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ret_\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"S\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"K\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"r\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"delta\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10802", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Freedom Finance, api_name:Live Stock Statistics, api_description:Get all the real time statistics about the stock (market cap, etc), required_params: [{\"name\": \"Symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"currency\": \"str\", \"quarterlyValuationMeasures\": \"empty list\"}, \"responseStatus\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10803", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Freedom Finance, api_name:Stock Splits, api_description:List all stock splits for given stock symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"results\": \"empty list\", \"responseStatus\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10804", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinranking, api_name:Get coins index, api_description:List of all coins currently available on coinranking, for indexing purposes.\nThis endpoint requires the **ultra** plan or higher., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"coins\": [\"list of list with length 26694\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10805", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Popular News, api_description:This endpoint provides the popular news on stocks, commodities, money, politics, etc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"link\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"shortDescription\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"when\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 18}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10806", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Softs Futures Prices, api_description:page source : https://www.investing.com/commodities/softs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"MCX Futures Market Quotes\": [{\"Area\": \"str\", \"Chg.\": \"float\", \"Chg. %\": \"str\", \"Commodity\": \"str\", \"High\": \"float\", \"Last\": \"float\", \"Low\": \"float\", \"Month\": \"str\", \"Prev.\": \"float\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"Real Time Streaming Futures Quotes\": [{\"Area\": \"str\", \"Chg.\": \"float\", \"Chg. %\": \"str\", \"Commodity\": \"str\", \"High\": \"float\", \"Last\": \"float\", \"Low\": \"float\", \"Month\": \"str\", \"Prev.\": \"float\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"US Futures Market Quotes (10-minute Delayed)\": [{\"Chg.\": \"float\", \"High\": \"float\", \"Last\": \"float\", \"Low\": \"float\", \"Month\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Open\": \"float\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}]}, \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10807", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:stock/history, api_description:Historic data for stocks, ETFs, mutuals funds, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Allows one of following : 5m|15m|30m|1h|1d|1wk|1mo|3mo\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10808", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:stock/institution-ownership, api_description:Get stock institution ownership., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10809", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance_v2, api_name:stock/get_financial_data, api_description:return stock financial information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker Symbol ( Ex. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"AAPL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is Ticker symbol for Apple Inc. on the stock market )\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10810", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-timestamps/30m, api_description:Search for a ticker and capture the total posts, comments, likes, impressions over a specified timeframe. Social activity is grouped in 30 min intervals., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10811", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:COVID-19 Economic Impact, api_name:United States COVID-19 New Case Count, api_description:Get United States COVID-19 new case count daily., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"COVID case numbers and death numbers from the New York Times COVID-19 repository. COVID test numbers from the COVID Tracking Project\\\": {\\\"2020-01-07\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-08\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-09\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-10\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-11\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-12\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-13\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-14\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-15\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-16\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-17\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-18\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-19\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-20\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-21\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"2020-01-22\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-23\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-24\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-26\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-27\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-13\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-14\\\": \\\"flo\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10812", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:COVID-19 Economic Impact, api_name:United States Employment, api_description:Get daily average percent change of employment relative to January 4 - 31, 2020., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Employment levels relative to Jan 4-31 from Paychex, Intuit, Earnin and Kronos.\\\": {\\\"2020-01-14\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-15\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-16\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-17\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-19\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-20\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-21\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-22\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-23\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-24\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-26\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-27\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-13\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-14\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-15\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-16\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-17\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-19\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-20\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-21\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-22\\\": \\\"flo\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10813", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:Key Executives, api_description:Returns individuals at the highest level of management of an organization.\n\nAvailability: Mega plan\nData weighting: 1000 API credits per symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10814", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Coinbase, api_name:List bitcoin addresses, api_description:List bitcoin addresses associated with this account., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10815", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:BraveNewCoin, api_name:Asset, api_description:List the UUID and details for all assets or provide an optional query parameter to search.\nAssets may have a status . Active assets will be available at both AssetTicker and DailyOHLCV endpoints. Inactive assets are not available for AssetTickers but may provide some historical OHLCV data if available., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10816", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ChangeNOW crypto exchange, api_name:API V2 | Market estimate fiat/crypto-to-crypto, api_description:This API endpoint provides the direct and reverse market crypto-to-crypto or fiat-to-crypto estimated amounts. \nAttention! Do not use this endpoint for financial aims, only for informational! These rates don't include any fees. \nTo work with this endpoint, provide your API key in the X-CHANGENOW-API-KEY title. \nTo calculate the direct estimated amount, set: fromCurrency, toCurrency, fromAmount, type: direct \nTo calculate the reverse estimated amount, set: fromCurrency, toCurrency, toAmount, type: reverse \n\n

Successful response:

Successful response fields
estimatedFeeObjectObject that contains detailed info on the network fee estimation.\n
depositObjectObject that contains detailed info on the deposit network fees.\n
currencyStringDeposit currency's ticker.\n
networkStringDeposit currency's network.\n
amountNumberNetwork fee in the deposit currency.\n
withdrawalObjectObject that contains detailed info on the withdrawal network fees.\n
currencyStringWithdrawal currency's ticker.\n
networkStringWithdrawal currency's network.\n
amountNumberNetwork fee in the withdrawal currency.\n
totalsObjectObject that contains combined network fee in deposit or withdeawal currency. \n
fromObjectObject that contains combined network fee estimated to the deposit currency.\n
toObjectObject that contains combined network fee estimated to the withdrawal currency.
convertedObjectObject that contains detailed info on the network fee estimation in select currency.
currencyStringNetwork fee currency's ticker.
networkStringNetwork of currency's ticker.
depositNumberDeposit fee in the selected currency.\n
withdrawalNumberWithdrawal fee in the selected currency.\n
totalNumberCombined network fee in selected currency.\n
\n\t\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
fromCurrencyString“From” currency
toCurrencyString“To” currency
fromAmountNumberThe amount of “from” currency
toAmountNumberThe amount of “to” currency
typeStringThe type of the estimated amount — direct or reverse

Request Parameters:

, required_params: [{\"name\": \"toCurrency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"To\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" currency\"}, {\"name\": \"fromCurrency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"From\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" currency\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10817", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:France Scheduled Flights Growth, api_description:Get weekly France scheduled departing flights growth., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10818", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:United States Scheduled Flights Level, api_description:Get weekly United States scheduled departing flights level., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Scheduled Departing Flights by Country and by Week\\\": {\\\"2019-W02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W03\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W10\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W12\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W13\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W14\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W15\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W16\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W17\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W19\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W20\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W21\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W22\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W23\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W24\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W26\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W27\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W31\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W32\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W33\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W34\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W35\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W36\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W37\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W38\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W39\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W40\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W41\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W42\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W43\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W44\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W45\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2019-W46\\\": \\\"float\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10819", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Get 52 Week High by Technical with respecto to Country, api_description:Get 52 Week High by Technical with respecto to Country, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Please use the **Value** key pair that is returned from /countryList API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"hourly\": \"str\", \"daily\": \"str\", \"weekly\": \"str\", \"monthly\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10820", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Markets, api_name:Current Average Price, api_description:Current Average Price, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"mins\": \"int\", \"price\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10821", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/get-quote, api_description:Get quote related to an ETF or FUND, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10822", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/risk/get-risk-volatility-measures, api_description:Get risk volatility measures in the Risk tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10823", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:market/v2/get-time-series, api_description:Query one or more entities data at once in time series manner, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceIds\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of performanceId returned in .../market/v2/get-movers , .../market/v2/auto-complete, etc... endpoints. Separated by comma to query multiple entities.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10824", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ChangeNOW crypto exchange, api_name:List of available currencies for a specific currency, api_description:This API endpoint returns the array of markets available for the specified currency be default. The availability of a particular pair is determined by the 'isAvailable' field. Some currencies get enabled or disabled from time to time, so make sure to refresh the list occasionally.\n\n

Successful response:


The response contains an array of objects with currencies information.

Successful response fields
\n\n\n\t\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
tickerStringCurrency ticker
nameStringCurrency name
imageStringCurrency logo url
hasExternalIdBooleanIndicates if a currency has an Extra ID
isFiatBooleanIndicates if a currency is a fiat currency (EUR, USD)
featuredBooleanIndicates if a currency is popular
isStableBooleanIndicates if a currency is stable
supportsFixedRateBooleanIndicates if a currency is available on a fixed-rate flow
isAvailableBooleanIndicates whether the pair is currently supported by our service

You can find examples of errors in the Example request block (use the drop-down list).


Request Parameters:

, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) Currency ticker\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ticker\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"hasExternalId\": \"bool\", \"isFiat\": \"bool\", \"featured\": \"bool\", \"isStable\": \"bool\", \"supportsFixedRate\": \"bool\", \"isAvailable\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10825", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:stock/v2/get-security-info, api_description:Mapped to Quote section in Quote tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from .../auto-complete or /get-summary or .../get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10826", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/risk/get-market-volatility-measures, api_description:Get market volatility measures in the Risk tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}, {\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10827", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:ByBit Leaderboard, api_name:trader/positions, api_description:Returns all trader positions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"traceId\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10828", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fake Credit Card Generator , api_name:Generate CC Number, api_description:Generate a fake Credit Card Number, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"cvv\": \"int\", \"balance\": \"int\", \"issuer\": \"str\", \"number\": \"str\", \"brand\": \"str\", \"expiration\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10829", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Get Latest News, api_description:View the latest financial news articles published on Investing.com. Read the most recent stories and breaking news, covering all aspects of financial markets worldwide, including commodities, stocks, currencies, indices and more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"newsTitle\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"postedBy\": \"str\", \"postedOn\": \"str\", \"shotDesc\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10830", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Stock Market API Data, api_name:Get Major Commodities by Performance, api_description:World financial market to get major commodities with respect to performance, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"daily\": \"str\", \"oneWeek\": \"str\", \"oneMonth\": \"str\", \"yearToDate\": \"str\", \"oneYear\": \"str\", \"threeYear\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10831", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/equity/earnings, api_description:Return earnings (EPS, quarterly) history data for a given security., required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query end date (supported format is : **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-17`.\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query start date (supported format is : **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2019-01-01`.\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the asset to look for, e.g., `AAPL` (Apple Inc), `T` (AT&T Inc).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10832", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CA Lottery, api_name:Super Lotto Plus Recent, api_description:Most recent draw for Super Lotto Plus, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10833", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CA Lottery, api_name:Daily Derby, api_description:Daily Derby History, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10834", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Morning Star, api_name:{type}/get-realtime-data, api_description:Get realtime data related to an ETF or FUND, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in .../market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10835", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Fidelity Investments, api_name:quotes/get-chart, api_description:Get information to draw chart, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Separated by comma for multiple symbols, support up to 3 symbols at a time\"}, {\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date format must be strictly follow yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss\"}, {\"name\": \"endDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date format must be strictly follow yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10836", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-trending/comments, api_description:Search the top 50 tickers trending on social media by comments., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10837", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Freedom Finance, api_name:Companies By Exchange, api_description:Convenient User-Friendly Manually Populated List Of Common Stocks Per Exchange Code. Not Guaranteed To Be Up To Date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ExchangeCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10838", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-moving-averages/1w, api_description:Search for a ticker and capture the moving average of posts, comments, likes, and impressions within a specified timeframe. The recorded social moving average is grouped by 1 week intervals., required_params: [{\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tickers\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10839", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Qvantana, api_name:Standard deviation, api_description:Standard deviation indicator, required_params: [{\"name\": \"exchange\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Available markets are:\\n\\nspot\\nusdt-perpetual\\ninverse-perpetual\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"value\": \"float\", \"length\": \"int\", \"timeFormat\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10840", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:JP Funda, api_name:getDisclosedWeek, api_description:### Return securities report data disclosed within this week include today.\nNote: If the company doesn't have a consolidated subsidiary, all of consolidated management indicators become null. But you can obtain data instead of consolidated management indicators from non consolidated management indicators, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"company_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"edinet_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securities_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"securities_report_submission_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"beginning_of_year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ending_of_year\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"consolidated_management_indicators\\\": {\\\"revenue\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"operating_revenue\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"operating_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ordinary_income\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"income_before_tax\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_income\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_income_attributable_to_owners_of_parent\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"comprehensive_income\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"comprehensive_income_attributable_to_owners_of_parent\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"net_assets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total_assets\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"net_assets_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"basic_earnings_loss_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"diluted_earnings_per_share\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"equity_to_asset_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"price_earnings_ratio\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"rate_of_return_on_equity\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_operating_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_investing_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_flows_from_used_in_financing_activities\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cash_and_cash_equivalents\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"n\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10841", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:Italy Scheduled Flights Growth, api_description:Get weekly Italy scheduled departing flights growth., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10842", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:COVID-19 Economic Impact, api_name:United States Continued Claims Count, api_description:Get weekly count of continued claims, combining Regular, PUA and PEUC claims., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"Unemployment insurance claims data from the Department of Labor (national and state-level) and numerous individual state agencies (county-level)\\\": {\\\"2020-01-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-01-25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-15\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-22\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-02-29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-07\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-14\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-21\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-03-28\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-04-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-04-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-04-18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-04-25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-05-02\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-05-09\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-05-16\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-05-23\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-05-30\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-06-06\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-06-13\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-06-20\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-06-27\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-07-04\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-07-11\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-07-18\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-07-25\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-08-01\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-08-08\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-08-15\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-08-22\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-08-29\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-09-05\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"2020-09-12\\\": \\\"float\\\",\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10843", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:StockTwits, api_name:streams/symbol, api_description:Returns the most recent 30 messages for the specified symbol., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker symbol, Stock ID, or RIC code of the symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10844", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:market/quotes/{stocks}, api_description:Quote data for stocks, ETFs, mutuals funds, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Multiple symbols separated by commas. Max is 200\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ask\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"askSize\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"averageDailyVolume10Day\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"averageDailyVolume3Month\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"bid\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"bidSize\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"bookValue\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dividendDate\\\": {\\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timezone_type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"earningsTimestamp\\\": {\\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timezone_type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"earningsTimestampStart\\\": {\\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timezone_type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"earningsTimestampEnd\\\": {\\\"timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timezone_type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"epsForward\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"epsTrailingTwelveMonths\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"exchange\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangeDataDelayedBy\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"exchangeTimezoneName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exchangeTimezoneShortName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiftyDayAverage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiftyDayAverageChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiftyDayAverageChangePercent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiftyTwoWeekHigh\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiftyTwoWeekHighChange\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiftyTwoWeekHighChangePercent\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fiftyTwoWeekLow\\\": \\\"float\\\", \"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10845", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:Indices List, api_description:This API call return array of indices available at Twelve Data API. This list is daily updated., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10846", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:market/news, api_description:Recently published stock news in all sectors., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"pubDate\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"guid\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10847", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:symbols/get-earnings-chart, api_description:Generate image of earnings chart of specific stock quote, index, exchange, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"issueId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of issueId field returned in .../auto-complete or .../symbols/translate endpoints. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10848", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:symbols/get-priceline-chart, api_description:Generate image of price line chart of specific stock quote, index, exchange, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"issueId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of issueId field returned in .../auto-complete or .../symbols/translate endpoints. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10849", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:equity ratios, api_description:get all equity ratios by slug, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"company_value\": \"str\", \"industry_value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 49}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10850", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Stock Cryptocurrency Forex Market Data, api_name:Get TimeFrames, api_description:Get list TimeFrames, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": [\"list of str with length 13\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10851", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Holistic Finance - Stock Data, api_name:Historical stock price, api_description:Provides historical stock data., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"interval\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10852", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finance Social Sentiment For Twitter and StockTwits, api_name:/get-social-notifications, api_description:Social Sentiment Notifications\nSearch for notifications that identify changes in social media activity for a given stock or cryptocurrency on Twitter, StockTwits, and Reddit., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tickers\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"social\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"timestamp\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10853", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:press-releases/get-details, api_description:Get press release detail by id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id returned in .../press-releases/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10854", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:symbols/get-analyst-recommendations, api_description:Get Wall Street analyst recommendations for specific symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker_ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id field returned in .../symbols/get-meta-data\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"revisions\": {}, \"estimates\": {\"146\": {\"underperform\": {\"0\": [{\"effectivedate\": \"str\", \"dataitemvalue\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}, \"outperform\": {\"0\": [{\"effectivedate\": \"str\", \"dataitemvalue\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}, \"hold\": {\"0\": [{\"effectivedate\": \"str\", \"dataitemvalue\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}, \"sell\": {\"0\": [{\"effectivedate\": \"str\", \"dataitemvalue\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}, \"buy\": {\"0\": [{\"effectivedate\": \"str\", \"dataitemvalue\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10855", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:The Sandbox - SAND, api_name:Past 1 Year, api_description:Get price data for the past 1 year.\n\n~ daily (00:00 UTC) data points., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prices\": [\"list of list with length 365\"], \"market_caps\": [\"list of list with length 365\"], \"total_volumes\": [\"list of list with length 365\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10856", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:options/{stock}, api_description:Get option data for stocks, ETFs, and indexes., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10857", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Schwab, api_name:news/get-details, api_description:Read news in details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"docID\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of DocumentID returned in .../news/list-latest endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10858", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing - Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:coins/get-fullsize-chart, api_description:Get fullsize chart of specific cryptocurrency, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pair_ID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Value of pair_id field returned in coins/list, coins/search, coins/list-pairs, etc...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"pair_data\": {}, \"quotes_data\": {\"interval_node\": [{\"start_timestamp\": \"str\", \"open\": \"str\", \"close\": \"str\", \"min\": \"str\", \"max\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 165}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10859", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/indexes/daily, api_description:Return end of day (daily) time series (Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) given the input parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query start date (supported format is : **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2018-04-01`.\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query end date (supported format is : **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-21`.\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the index to look for, e.g., `^GSPC` (S&P 500 index) or with suffix notation `SPX:INDEX` (S&P 500 index), `^GSPTSE` (TSX Composite Index) or with suffix notation `TXCX:INDEXCA` (TSX Composite Index). Valid suffixes are :\\n\\n - `:INDEX`: for world indices, e.g., `SPX:INDEX` (S&P 500 index) or `^GSPC`\\n - `:INDEXUS`: for us specific indices, e.g., `SREN:INDEXUS` (S&P 500 Energy (Sector)) or `^GSPE`\\n - `:INDEXCA`: for canadian specific indices, e.g., `TXCX:INDEXCA` (TSX Composite Index) or `^GSPTSE`\\n - `:INDEXAU`: for australian specific indices, e.g., `XTO:INDEXAU` (ASX 100 Index) or `^ATOI`\\n - `:INDEXEU`: for european specific indices, e.g., `BEL2I:INDEXEU` (BEL 20 Gr) or `BEL2I.BR`\\n\\n Please use the lookup endpoint to find out the symbol you're looking for.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10860", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Symbols Estimated estimates, api_description:Get the estimates for the symbol (Latest Quarter's Earnings, Upcoming Quarter's Earnings). Ex result: https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/NVDA/income-statement, required_params: [{\"name\": \"estimates_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ticker_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Ticker ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"revisions\\\": {}, \\\"estimates\\\": {\\\"1150\\\": {\\\"revenue_consensus_mean\\\": {\\\"3\\\": [{\\\"effectivedate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dataitemvalue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"period\\\": {\\\"periodtypeid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiscalquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fiscalyear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calendarquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calendaryear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodenddate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"advancedate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"2\\\": [{\\\"effectivedate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dataitemvalue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"period\\\": {\\\"periodtypeid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiscalquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fiscalyear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calendarquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calendaryear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodenddate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"advancedate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"1\\\": [{\\\"effectivedate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dataitemvalue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"period\\\": {\\\"periodtypeid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiscalquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fiscalyear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calendarquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calendaryear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"periodenddate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"advancedate\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"0\\\": [{\\\"effectivedate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dataitemvalue\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"period\\\": {\\\"periodtypeid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fiscalquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fiscalyear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"calendarquarter\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cal\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10861", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Screeners Filters, api_description:Get list of screener filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"screeners_category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"filters\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"label\": \"str\", \"values\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 221}], \"options\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10862", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:{type}/people/get-proxy-voting-management, api_description:Get proxy voting management as displayed in the People tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in \\u2026/market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"template\": \"str\", \"managementList\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10863", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:{type}/parent/get-lowest-rated-investments, api_description:Get lowest rated investments as displayed in the Parent tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}, {\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in \\u2026/market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"StarRatingFund\": [{\"calendarYearFlow\": \"float\", \"netAsset\": \"float\", \"fundShareClassId\": \"str\", \"mstarRating\": \"str\", \"overallMorningstarRating\": \"NoneType\", \"name\": \"str\", \"returnEndDate\": \"str\", \"ePUsedFor3YearReturn\": \"float\", \"trailing3YearReturn\": \"float\", \"trailing3YearReturnRank\": \"str\", \"secId\": \"str\", \"securityType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"footerFundFlowDate\": \"str\", \"footerReturnDate\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"secId\": \"NoneType\", \"securityType\": \"NoneType\", \"userType\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10864", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:{type}/parent/get-morningstar-rating, api_description:Get Morningstar's rating as displayed in the Parent tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in \\u2026/market/v2/get-returns\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"naPercentage\": \"float\", \"mstarRating\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10865", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:search, api_description:search by query, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"quates\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"articles\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10866", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Flight Data, api_name:India Scheduled Flights Growth, api_description:Get weekly India scheduled departing flights growth., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10867", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finanzoo API_Fundamentals, api_name:API_Index_Name, api_description:Determine shareuid\nTo query the fundamental data via our API, you need the Shareuid for the share you are looking for. You can either determine this yourself via the API, or take it from the Excel table.\nIMPORTANT! The currency that is output in the API_Fundamentals results is also included here.\n\nSyntax:\n\nname = search shareuid with company name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"API_Index\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"shareuid\": \"str\", \"isin\": \"str\", \"wkn\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"shortname\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"indizes\": \"str\", \"sector\": \"str\", \"lastbalanceupdate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10868", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finanzoo API_Fundamentals, api_name:API_Pricetofreecashflow, api_description:Contains the price-free-cash-flow ratio (P / FC ratio) for each past trading day.\n\nAPI_Pricetofreecashflow\nSyntax:\n \n\nshareuid = unique identifier for the share searched\nfrom = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0\nto = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0, required_params: [{\"name\": \"API_Pricetofreecashflow\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"shareuid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10869", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finanzoo API_Fundamentals, api_name:API_Pricetoearning, api_description:Contains the price-earnings ratio (P / E ratio) for each past trading day\n\nAPI_Pricetoearning\nSyntax:\n \n\nshareuid = unique identifier for the share searched\nfrom = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0\nto = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0, required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"API_Pricetoearning\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"shareuid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10870", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Symbols Faq, api_description:Get Answers to common questions on a topic by Ticker slug. Ex.: https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/NVDA, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker_slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Ticker slug\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"question\": \"str\", \"answer\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 11}], \"meta\": {\"group_id\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10871", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Article Comments, api_description:Get list of comments by article id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"article_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Article id\"}, {\"name\": \"comment_ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Comment IDs, from `News comment-maps`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"content\": \"str\", \"edited\": \"bool\", \"parentId\": \"NoneType\", \"likesCount\": \"int\", \"rating\": \"int\", \"activeSubject\": \"bool\", \"createdOn\": \"str\", \"topParentId\": \"int\", \"pinned\": \"bool\"}, \"relationships\": {\"user\": {\"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}}}, \"links\": {\"self\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 4}], \"included\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"userId\": \"int\", \"image\": {\"small\": \"NoneType\", \"medium\": \"NoneType\", \"big\": \"NoneType\", \"extra_large\": \"NoneType\"}, \"commentsCount\": \"str\", \"contributorStatus\": \"NoneType\", \"nick\": \"str\", \"bio\": \"str\", \"mostPopularService\": \"NoneType\", \"authorBadges\": \"empty list\"}, \"links\": {\"self\": \"str\", \"profileUrl\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 3}], \"meta\": {\"page\": {\"size\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10872", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha Finance, api_name:Screeners Details, api_description:Get more details about screener. Ex. https://seekingalpha.com/screeners/96793299-Top-Rated-Stocks, required_params: [{\"name\": \"screener_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Screener ID, from `Screeners list` and `Screeners filters`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10873", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Kiann_Options_SABR, api_name:sabr_hist, api_description:This function pulls out the latest 5 time-stamp snapshot of the SABR calibrated parameters.\nThere are choices of either 'btc' or 'eth'.\n\nThe data returns, amongst, the time-to-expiry, the error-in-calibration (where error = sum[abs(target_vol - sabr_vol)], required_params: [{\"name\": \"ccy_\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10874", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/crypto/live, api_description:Return current market price data given the input parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the cryptocurrency pair to look for, e.g., `BTC/USD` (Bitcoin USD), `BTC-EUR` (Bitcoin EUR), `ETH/BTC` or `ETH-BTC` or `ETHBTC` (Ethereum BTC).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10875", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Quotient, api_name:/equity/dividends, api_description:Return dividends history data for a given security., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The symbol of the asset to look for, e.g., `AAPL` (Apple Inc), `T` (AT&T Inc).\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query end date (supported format is : **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2020-04-17`.\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The query start date (supported format is : **YYYY-mm-dd**), e.g., `2019-01-01`.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Date\": \"str\", \"dividend\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10876", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Market Data from Token Metrics, api_name:Quantmetrics Tier 1, api_description:Get quant metrics for tokens powered by Token Metrics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tokens\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10877", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance Complete, api_name:Balansheet/Financials, api_description:This endpoint returns a company/ stock financials, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"i.e: TSLA\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10878", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance Complete, api_name:Upgrade Downgrade History, api_description:This endpoint returns a Upgrade Downgrade History., required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date format: yyyy-mm-dd\"}, {\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Date format: yyyy-mm-dd\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ticker... i.e: TSLA\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10879", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:news/v2/list-trending, api_description:List trending news, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value is always Articles\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"mostPopularEntries\\\": 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\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"premium\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 30}]}}, \\\"extensions\\\": {\\\"tracing\\\": {\\\"version\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"startTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"endTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"execution\\\": {\\\"resolvers\\\": [{\\\"path\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"parentType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fieldName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"returnType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"startOffset\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"dura\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10880", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:news/list, api_description:List latest news, required_params: [{\"name\": \"performanceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of performanceId field from \\u2026/auto-complete or /get-summary or \\u2026/get-movers endpoints\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"sourceId\": \"str\", \"sourceName\": \"str\", \"providerName\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"publishedDate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10881", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:MS Finance, api_name:{type}/sustainability/get-esg-risk, api_description:Get ESG risk in the Sustainability tab, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"One of the following values : etf|fund\"}, {\"name\": \"securityId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of securityId field returned in \\u2026/market/v2/get-returns\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"esgData\\\": {\\\"sociallyResponsibleFund\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"ethicalIssueStrategyFocus\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"portfolioDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"portfolioDateSustainabilityRating\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fundESGScore\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"percentAUMCoveredESG\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fundSustainabilityScore\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"percentAUMCoveredControversy\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"categoryRankDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sustainabilityFundQuintile\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sustainabilityPercentCategoryRank\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sustainabilityMandate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"secId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"performanceId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tradingSymbol\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"iSIN\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"fundId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"masterPortfolioId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"categoryId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"controversyDeduction\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"categoryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"globalCategoryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fundHistoryAvgSustainabilityScore\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"historicalSustainabilityScoreGlobalCategoryAverage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"currentSustainabilityScoreGlobalCategoryAverage\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"numberofFundsAnalyzedinCategorySustainability\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"HistoryAvgSustainabilityPercentCategoryRank\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"su\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10882", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Finanzoo API_Fundamentals, api_name:API_Index_Isin, api_description:Determine shareuid\nTo query the fundamental data via our API, you need the Shareuid for the share you are looking for. You can either determine this yourself via the API, or take it from the Excel table.\nIMPORTANT! The currency that is output in the API_Fundamentals results is also included here.\n\nSyntax:\n\nisin = search shareuid with ISIN, required_params: [{\"name\": \"API_Index\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"isin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"shareuid\": \"str\", \"isin\": \"str\", \"wkn\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"shortname\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"indizes\": \"str\", \"sector\": \"str\", \"lastbalanceupdate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10883", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:articles/list-trending (Deprecated), api_description:List trending articles, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"publishOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isLockedPro\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"commentCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gettyImageUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"videoPreviewUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"themes\\\": {\\\"market-outlook\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isPaywalled\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"relationships\\\": {\\\"author\\\": {\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"sentiments\\\": {\\\"data\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"primaryTickers\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]}, \\\"secondaryTickers\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 11}]}, \\\"otherTags\\\": {\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 8}]}}, \\\"links\\\": {\\\"self\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}], \\\"included\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"company\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tagId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"image\\\": {\\\"small\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"medium\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"big\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"extra_large\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"nick\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"deactivated\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"memberSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"contributorSince\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"followersCount\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10884", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Seeking Alpha, api_name:analysis/get-details (Deprecating), api_description:Get analysis detail by id\n* This endpoint is deprecating. Use .../analysis/v2/get-details instead, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id returned in .../analysis/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"attributes\\\": {\\\"publishOn\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"isLockedPro\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"commentCount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"gettyImageUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"videoPreviewUrl\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"themes\\\": {\\\"d-m-martins-research\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"aapl\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"technology\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"sa-exclusive\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"earnings\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sasource\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"us\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"personal-computers\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"non_theme\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"information-technology\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"kind\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sasource\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"summary\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 3\\\"], \\\"isPaywalled\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"las\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10885", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crowdsense, api_name:Get Supported Coins, api_description:Get all the supported coins, the result contains pairs of Name and Ticker of each coin ordered alphabetically, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10886", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Mboum Finance, api_name:stock/data/{stock}/{modules}, api_description:Get combine stock data such as profile, financial data, statistics, balance sheet, sec-filing, quote, earnings, trends and more!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"module\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`asset-profile`, `income-statement`, `balance-sheet,` `cashflow-statement`, `default-key-statistics`, `calendar-events`, `sec-filings`, `upgrade-downgrade-history`, `institution-ownership`, `fund-ownership`, `insider-transactions`, `insider-holders`, `earnings-history`\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A single symbol.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"assetProfile\\\": {\\\"address1\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"phone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"website\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"industry\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"industryDisp\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sector\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longBusinessSummary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fullTimeEmployees\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"companyOfficers\\\": [{\\\"maxAge\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"age\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yearBorn\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fiscalYear\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"totalPay\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"exercisedValue\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"unexercisedValue\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"longFmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 10}], \\\"auditRisk\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"boardRisk\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"compensationRisk\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"shareHolderRightsRisk\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"overallRisk\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"governanceEpochDate\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"compensationAsOfEpochDate\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"maxAge\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"earnings\\\": {\\\"maxAge\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"earningsChart\\\": {\\\"quarterly\\\": [{\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"actual\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"estimate\\\": {\\\"raw\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"fmt\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"currentQu\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10887", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Chaingateway.io, api_name:getBlock, api_description:Returns information of an ethereum block with or without transactions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10888", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Chaingateway.io, api_name:newAddress, api_description:Generates a new ethereum addresses you can use to send or receive funds. Do not lose the password! We can't restore access to an address if you lose it., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10889", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CA Lottery, api_name:Super Lotto Plus, api_description:Super Lotto Plus History, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10890", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CA Lottery, api_name:Powerball Recent, api_description:Most recent draw for Powerball, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"DrawGameId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NextDraw\\\": {\\\"DrawNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"DrawDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DrawCloseTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"JackpotAmount\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"EstimatedCashValue\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"WinningNumbers\\\": {}, \\\"Prizes\\\": {}, \\\"WinningRetailers\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"RaceTime\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"DrawCloseDateTime\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"HasJackpot\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"TotalPreviousDraws\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"LastWinningStraightPrizeAmount\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"MostRecentDraw\\\": {\\\"DrawNumber\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"DrawDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DrawCloseTime\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"JackpotAmount\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"EstimatedCashValue\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"WinningNumbers\\\": {\\\"0\\\": {\\\"Number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IsSpecial\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"1\\\": {\\\"Number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IsSpecial\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"2\\\": {\\\"Number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IsSpecial\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"3\\\": {\\\"Number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IsSpecial\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"4\\\": {\\\"Number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IsSpecial\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"5\\\": {\\\"Number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"IsSpecial\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"Name\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}}, \\\"Prizes\\\": {\\\"1\\\": {\\\"PrizeTypeDescription\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"Cou\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10891", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:CNBC, api_name:news/list-special-reports (Deprecated), api_description:List special reports, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10892", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ExerciseDB, api_name:Exercise by ID, api_description:Fetch an exercise by its ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`id` property of exercise object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10893", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Appointment System API, api_name:Login, api_description:This Endpoint is use for login to the system and getting the Api Key for the clinic. It needs username and password as query parameters. \nParameter Descriptions:\nusername --> parameter for username in the system. It is the same with username while creating the account.\npassword --> password for the username. It is same with the password while creating the acoount.\n\nReturn Value\nThis Endpoint returns string value.\nIf you get a sting with 6+ long this means that you have successfully passed username and password check and you are getting the Accesskey fort he system.\nIf you get “W1” it means a warning that your username doesn’t exists\nIf you get “W2” it means a warning that your password is not correct.\nIt you get “E1” it means a programmatic internal error. If you get E1 in the next calls you can get help from us., required_params: [{\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10894", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Pregnancy Calculator API, api_name:Last Menstrual Period (LMP)., api_description:This endpoint calculates the current week of pregnancy based on the Last Menstrual Period (LMP)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cycle_length\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The average length of the user's menstrual cycle in days.\"}, {\"name\": \"last_period_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the user's last menstrual period in the format '**YYYY-MM-DD**'.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10895", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Ski Resorts and Conditions, api_name:Index, api_description:Show a list of all endpoints available, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10896", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Rental terms, api_description:Rental terms and conditions by pick up location_id, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from_country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"pick_up_location_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Pick up location id. Use `Vehicle supplier details`\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10897", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Search cars locations, api_description:Search cars locations by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10898", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flightera Flight Data, api_name:airportInfo, api_description:Returns detailed airport information for airports identified by the provided identifiers. In most cases the list should contain only one entry.\nHowever, due to the nature of the data, it is possible that multiple entries are returned.\nIf searched by ident, only one airport is returned.\nOne of ident, iata, icao, localID must be provided., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10899", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Search Property By GEO Co-Ordinates V2, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"neLng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the northeastern corner of the search area\"}, {\"name\": \"neLat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the northeastern corner of the search area\"}, {\"name\": \"swLng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the southwestern corner of the search area\"}, {\"name\": \"swLat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the southwestern corner of the search area\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10900", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels com Provider, api_name:Hotel Rooms (offers), api_description:Get available rooms at the hotel, required_params: [{\"name\": \"adults_number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of adults\"}, {\"name\": \"checkout_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Checkout date\"}, {\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel ID\"}, {\"name\": \"checkin_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Checkin date\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10901", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:webcams.travel, api_name:/webcams/map/{ne_lat},{ne_lng},{sw_lat},{sw_lng},{zoom}, api_description:Returns a list of webcams optimized for displaying on a map for a given bounding box and {zoom} level. The value for the zoom level is compatible with the Google Maps zoom level., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ne_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"North-east WGS84 latitude of the bounding box.\"}, {\"name\": \"ne_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"North-east WGS84 longitude of the bounding box.\"}, {\"name\": \"sw_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"South-west WGS84 latitude of the bounding box.\"}, {\"name\": \"sw_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"South-west WGS84 longitude of the bounding box.\"}, {\"name\": \"zoom\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"A zoom level compatible with Google Maps.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10902", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels, api_name:locations/v2/search (Deprecated), api_description:Search for related locations and suggestions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of countries, cities, districts, places, etc...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10903", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:IRCTC, api_name:TrainsBetweenStations, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"toStationCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fromStationCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10904", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Get Property Checkout Price, api_description:This API will return the checkout cost of the Property, required_params: [{\"name\": \"checkOut\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Check-out date\"}, {\"name\": \"checkIn\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Check-in date\"}, {\"name\": \"propertyId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Required filed **propertyId** can be got from search property api as **id** parameter.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10905", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:IRCTC, api_name:Get Train Live Status, api_description:This API will take train no and day of journey, and will return current status of train with other informations., required_params: [{\"name\": \"trainNo\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10906", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb Search, api_name:Search Property By GEO, api_description:Search Property By GEO, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id item from the Get Languages API\"}, {\"name\": \"swLat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"neLng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"neLat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"swLng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id item from the Get Currency API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10907", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Search Cars Same DropOff, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"order\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"Order by parameter\\n\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"pickUpDate\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"PickUp Date\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}, {\"name\": \"pickUpLocationType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**pickUpLocationType** can be retrieved from **Search Rental Cars Location** API from the **Rental Cars** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"pickUpTime\", \"type\": \"TIME (24-hour HH:MM)\", \"description\": \"PickUp Time\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}, {\"name\": \"dropOffTime\", \"type\": \"TIME (24-hour HH:MM)\", \"description\": \"DropOff Time\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}, {\"name\": \"dropOffDate\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"DropOff Date\\nFormat: **YYYY-MM-DD**\"}, {\"name\": \"pickUpPlaceId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**placeId** for the **location** from where you want to **pick up** the car. **pickUpPlaceId** can be retrieved from **Search Rental Cars Location** API from the **Rental Cars** collection.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10908", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:IRCTC, api_name:SearchStation, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10909", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb Search, api_name:Search Property, api_description:Search Property, required_params: [{\"name\": \"locale\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id item from the Get Languages API\"}, {\"name\": \"currency\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id item from the Get Currency API\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10910", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:Popular airline routes, api_description:Returns routes for which an airline operates flights, sorted by popularity., required_params: [{\"name\": \"airline_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IATA code of airline\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10911", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Get Property Details ( Depreciates ), api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"propertyId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Required filed **propertyId** can be got from search property api as **id** parameter.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10912", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Get Restaurant Details, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"restaurantsId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Get id from **search restaurant** API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10913", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:Special offers, api_description:Brings the recent special offers from the airline companies back in the .XML format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10914", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:Data of countries in json format, api_description:API returns a file with a list of countrys from the database, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10915", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Search hotels locations, api_description:Search locations by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name\"}, {\"name\": \"search_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10916", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Download chains, api_description:Downloads a list of Hotel chains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10917", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Tripadvisor, api_name:Rental Rates, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"rentalId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Get **rentalId** from **Rental Search** API in **Vacation Rentals** collection.\"}, {\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkin Date\\nFormat: YYYY-MM-DD\"}, {\"name\": \"adults\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of guests.\"}, {\"name\": \"endDate\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Checkout Date\\nFormat: YYYY-MM-DD\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10918", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Get administrative divisions, api_description:Retrieve geographical admin names to be used in Listing by georef endpoint. admin* parameters are optional but to use admin2, admin1 is required, to use admin 3, admin2 and admin1 are required and so on. Not respecting this requirement could give you unwanted results (ie cities with the same name but in different countries). Returns 50 results, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countrycode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10919", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:borders, api_name:USA Borders Waiting Times, api_description:Returns all usa ports with description and wait times., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"query\\\": {\\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"portName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ports\\\": [{\\\"port_number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"border\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"port_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"crossing_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"hours\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"port_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"commercial_automation_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"passenger_automation_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"pedestrain_automation_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"commercial_vehicle_lanes\\\": {\\\"maximum_lanes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"standard_lanes\\\": {\\\"operational_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"update_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"delay_minutes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lanes_open\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"FAST_lanes\\\": {\\\"operational_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"update_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"delay_minutes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lanes_open\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"passenger_vehicle_lanes\\\": {\\\"maximum_lanes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"standard_lanes\\\": {\\\"operational_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"update_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"delay_minutes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lanes_open\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"NEXUS_SENTRI_lanes\\\": {\\\"operational_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"update_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"delay_minutes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lanes_open\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ready_lanes\\\": {\\\"operational_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"update_time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"delay_minutes\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lanes_open\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"pedestria\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10920", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flightera Flight Data, api_name:airportSearch, api_description:Returns a list of airports for a given country, bbox or timezone. Multiple arguments can be specified to limit the search.\nEither one of country, bbox or timezone must be specified., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10921", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:IRCTC, api_name:Get PNR Status V3, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pnrNumber\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10922", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flightera Flight Data, api_name:airportMetar, api_description:Returns the most recent METAR for an airport specified by the given ident.\nIncludes a parsed version of the METAR., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ident\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ident of the airport (e.g. as returned by /airport/search)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10923", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flightera Flight Data, api_name:flightInfo, api_description:Returns the info for a flight on a specified date, or the current flight if date is omitted. Will return a 400 if the date requested is outside the subscription level, required_params: [{\"name\": \"flnr\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The flight number to request\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10924", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels com Provider, api_name:Domains List, api_description:Get a list of Domains, available domains code, currencies and locales, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10925", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Search (return flights), api_description:Gets all the return flights for a given contract/return bundle from FlightDepartures through the getFlightReturns endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Session ID. Random string ex.: j10k11l12m13n14\"}, {\"name\": \"ppn_bundle\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ppn_bundle is a unique ID that ppn uses to identify a specific rate. This is the return bundle that is provided by FlightDepartures only.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10926", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Booking details of the hotel, api_description:Get hotel descriptions, prices and available booking options. Indicate the hotel_id, check-in and check-out date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date_checkin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Checkin date\"}, {\"name\": \"hotel_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Hotel id\"}, {\"name\": \"date_checkout\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Checkout date\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10927", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb_v2, api_name:Search Property By GEO Co-Ordinates (Deprecated), api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"neLng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the northeastern corner of the search area\"}, {\"name\": \"neLat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the northeastern corner of the search area\"}, {\"name\": \"swLng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the southwestern corner of the search area\"}, {\"name\": \"swLat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the southwestern corner of the search area\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10928", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Download areas, api_description:Downloads an Area list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10929", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Search cars locations, api_description:Search locations by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10930", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:List of Room facility types, api_description:Returns room facility types names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10931", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flightera Flight Data, api_name:airlineAircrafts, api_description:A list of plane registrations for a given airline. Can search by ident only.\nOnly returns currently active aircraft, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ident\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ident of the airline, as returned by /airline/search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10932", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Download filter amenities, api_description:Downloads an Amenity list filtered , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10933", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Download states, api_description:Downloads a list of Satets , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10934", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Connect test, api_description:No parameters needed. Useful to test connectivity and authentication, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10935", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:aaaa, api_name:Get API Spotlights, api_description:Get API Spotlights, required_params: [{\"name\": \"apiId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"showUnpublished\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10936", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Dados CNPJ, api_name:CNPJ, api_description:Buscar dados empresa pelo CNPJ, required_params: [{\"name\": \"cnpj\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"mensagem\": \"str\", \"dados\": {\"cnpj\": \"str\", \"razao_social\": \"str\", \"nome_fantasia\": \"str\", \"data_criacao\": \"str\", \"natureza_juridica\": \"str\", \"cnae_principal\": \"str\", \"data_situacao\": \"str\", \"situacao\": \"str\", \"porte\": \"str\", \"capital_social\": \"str\", \"endereco\": {\"logradouro\": \"str\", \"numero\": \"str\", \"complemento\": \"str\", \"bairro\": \"str\", \"cep\": \"str\", \"uf\": \"str\", \"municipio\": \"str\"}, \"telefones\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"email\": \"str\", \"cnaes_secundarios\": \"empty list\"}, \"socios\": [{\"documento_socio\": \"str\", \"nome_socio\": \"str\", \"data_entrada\": \"str\", \"qualificacao\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"participacoes\": [{\"cnpj\": \"str\", \"razao_social\": \"str\", \"nome_empresa\": \"str\", \"data_entrada\": \"str\", \"qualificacao\": \"str\", \"data_situacao\": \"str\", \"situacao\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10937", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Mocking Rock , api_name:Get Countrywise city data, api_description:Use this API to get city list of country. You need to send country name or ISO3 or ISO2 code \nas query to get it. Which you can get it from other API \"Country Codes\", required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"iso2\": \"str\", \"iso3\": \"str\", \"capital\": \"str\", \"admin_name\": \"str\", \"population\": \"int\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lng\": \"float\", \"city_ascii\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10938", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Mocking Rock , api_name:Get Locales List, api_description:You can use this API to get the list of available locales \nWhich can be used to generate profile APIs response., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"AF_ZA\": \"str\", \"AR\": \"str\", \"AZ\": \"str\", \"CZ\": \"str\", \"DE\": \"str\", \"DE_AT\": \"str\", \"DE_CH\": \"str\", \"EL\": \"str\", \"EN\": \"str\", \"EN_AU\": \"str\", \"EN_AU_OCKER\": \"str\", \"EN_BORK\": \"str\", \"EN_CA\": \"str\", \"EN_GB\": \"str\", \"EN_GH\": \"str\", \"EN_IE\": \"str\", \"EN_IND\": \"str\", \"EN_NG\": \"str\", \"EN_US\": \"str\", \"EN_ZA\": \"str\", \"ES\": \"str\", \"ES_MX\": \"str\", \"FA\": \"str\", \"FI\": \"str\", \"FR\": \"str\", \"FR_BE\": \"str\", \"FR_CA\": \"str\", \"FR_CH\": \"str\", \"GE\": \"str\", \"HE\": \"str\", \"HR\": \"str\", \"HU\": \"str\", \"HY\": \"str\", \"ID_ID\": \"str\", \"IT\": \"str\", \"JA\": \"str\", \"KO\": \"str\", \"LV\": \"str\", \"MK\": \"str\", \"NB_NO\": \"str\", \"NE\": \"str\", \"NL\": \"str\", \"NL_BE\": \"str\", \"PL\": \"str\", \"PT_BR\": \"str\", \"PT_PT\": \"str\", \"RO\": \"str\", \"RU\": \"str\", \"SK\": \"str\", \"SV\": \"str\", \"TR\": \"str\", \"UK\": \"str\", \"UR\": \"str\", \"VI\": \"str\", \"ZH_CN\": \"str\", \"ZH_TW\": \"str\", \"ZU_ZA\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10939", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Mocking Rock , api_name:Get Sample BusinessProfile, api_description:Use this API to get fake-generated Business Profile sample data.\nBy default, it will generate \"en\" locale for a single count.\nIf count query is greater than 1 it will randomize the generated profiles \nto a different locale. \nTo set a default locale pass it as the query.List of the locale you can get from locale API.\nIn case of the wrong locale is given it will return the result based on default settings as mentioned above., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10940", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Motorcycle Specs Database, api_name:Models by {Make}, api_description:Get all models by make name\nex: /model/make-name/BMW\nsample:\n\n```\n {\n \"id\": 1514,\n \"name\": \"450 Sports Enduro\"\n },\n {\n \"id\": 1515,\n \"name\": \"C 400 GT\"\n },\n {\n \"id\": 1516,\n \"name\": \"C 400 X\"\n },\n {\n \"id\": 1517,\n \"name\": \"C 600 Sport\"\n },\n {\n \"id\": 1518,\n \"name\": \"C 650 GT\"\n },\n```, required_params: [{\"name\": \"make\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10941", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:aaaa, api_name:Get User Teams, api_description:Get all of the `organizationTeamIds` for each Team the user is a member of., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A number associated with a specific user. You can use the \\\"Get All Users\\\" endpoint to get the userId, or obtain it from the admin panel.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"correlationId\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10942", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:CatBreedDB, api_name:Single Cat Breed, api_description:Gives details of a single cat breed., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breedName\": \"str\", \"breedType\": \"str\", \"breedDescription\": \"str\", \"furColor\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"minHeightInches\": \"NoneType\", \"maxHeightInches\": \"NoneType\", \"minWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"maxWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"NoneType\", \"imgAttribution\": \"NoneType\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10943", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:aaaa, api_name:Get All Teams, api_description:Get information about all of the Teams in a specific Organization, including the `name`, `status`, and `description` for each Team. , required_params: [{\"name\": \"organizationId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A number associated with a specific organization. You can get the organizationId from the \\\"Organization\\\" tab on the Admin Panel, or by using the \\\"Get All Organizations\\\" endpoint.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"correlationId\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10944", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:aaaa, api_name:Get API Log Details, api_description:Get API logs details information, including `endpoint`, `http method`, `payload` and more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"requestId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A number associated with a specific request. You can get the request ID from the \\\"Get API Logs\\\" endpoint.\"}, {\"name\": \"apiId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A string associated with a specific API. You can get the API ID from the \\\"APIs\\\" tab on the Admin Panel, or by using the \\\"Get All APIs\\\" endpoint.\"}, {\"name\": \"callTime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"correlationId\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10945", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:MongoDB Wix, api_name:Search All Schemas, api_description:This call returns all schemas and its definition. Schemas are also called as case types. These case types will be consumed in Wix Database as Schemas., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10946", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:aaaa, api_name:Get all Billing Plans, api_description:Get all Billing Plans, required_params: [{\"name\": \"apiId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"correlationId\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10947", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:DogBreedDB, api_name:Order by Descending, api_description:Gives a list of all dogs sorted in descending order by name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ordering\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breedName\": \"str\", \"breedType\": \"str\", \"breedDescription\": \"str\", \"furColor\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"minHeightInches\": \"float\", \"maxHeightInches\": \"float\", \"minWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"maxWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"str\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10948", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Motorcycle Specs Database, api_name:Specifications by {Make} / {Model}, api_description:Get Specifications by {Make} / {Model}\n[MakeModelGetCompleteSpecification], required_params: [{\"name\": \"make\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"model\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"articleCompleteInfo\\\": {\\\"articleID\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"makeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"modelName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"categoryName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"yearName\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"engineAndTransmission\\\": {\\\"displacementName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"engineTypeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"engineDetailsName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"powerName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"torqueName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"compressionName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"boreXStrokeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"valvesPerCylinderName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"fuelSystemName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lubricationSystemName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coolingSystemName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gearboxName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transmissionTypeFinalDriveName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"clutchName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"drivelineName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"exhaustSystemName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"chassisSuspensionBrakesAndWheels\\\": {\\\"frameTypeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontBrakesName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontBrakesDiameterName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontSuspensionName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontTyreName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"frontWheelTravelName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rakeName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rearBrakesName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rearBrakesDiameterName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rearSuspensionName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rearTyreName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rearWheelTravelName\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"trailName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"physicalMeasuresAndCapacities\\\": {\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10949", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:CatBreedDB, api_name:Fur Color, api_description:Gives a list of all cats with the color as provided in the parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"furColor__icontains\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"breedName\": \"str\", \"breedType\": \"str\", \"breedDescription\": \"str\", \"furColor\": \"str\", \"origin\": \"str\", \"minHeightInches\": \"float\", \"maxHeightInches\": \"float\", \"minWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"maxWeightPounds\": \"float\", \"minLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"maxLifeSpan\": \"float\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgSourceURL\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"str\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10950", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:siteDomain, api_name:industry list, api_description:產業別二碼, required_params: [{\"name\": \"alias\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"cid\": \"int\", \"codeName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 16}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10951", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Onboarding Project, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": \"empty list\", \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10952", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Weed Strain, api_name:All Strains - Ascending, api_description:List of all strains ordered by name in ascending order., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ordering\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"strain\": \"str\", \"thc\": \"str\", \"cbd\": \"str\", \"cbg\": \"str\", \"strainType\": \"str\", \"climate\": \"str\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"fungalResistance\": \"str\", \"indoorYieldInGramsMax\": \"int\", \"outdoorYieldInGramsMax\": \"int\", \"floweringWeeksMin\": \"float\", \"floweringWeeksMax\": \"float\", \"heightInInchesMin\": \"float\", \"heightInInchesMax\": \"float\", \"goodEffects\": \"str\", \"sideEffects\": \"str\", \"imgThumb\": \"str\", \"imgAttribution\": \"str\", \"imgAttributionLink\": \"str\", \"imgCreativeCommons\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10953", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Student, api_name:students, api_description:all students, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10954", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Indian RTO's Names Search , api_name:All RTO's, api_description:Search for RTO names all over India,\nyou can use this API for autosuggestion, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"popular\": [{\"ekey\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"total\": [{\"ekey\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1498}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10955", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10956", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Database, tool_name:Database Of Airports API, api_name:Airports, api_description:Get data about global airports by providing the IATA code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"codeIataAirport\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Use this parameter to get information about a specific airport, you can search based on IATA code.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"GMT\": \"str\", \"airportId\": \"int\", \"codeIataAirport\": \"str\", \"codeIataCity\": \"str\", \"codeIcaoAirport\": \"str\", \"codeIso2Country\": \"str\", \"geonameId\": \"str\", \"latitudeAirport\": \"float\", \"longitudeAirport\": \"float\", \"nameAirport\": \"str\", \"nameCountry\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10957", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:Radical position, api_description:The Advanced Search URL parameters are described here as individual endpoints to permit per parameter testing. Parameters may be combined as required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"rpos\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Hiragana or romaji\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kanji\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\"}, \"radical\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10958", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learning Engine, api_name:/memre_api/v1/study, api_description:Get items a specific user should study.\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ID of the user you want to get learning items for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10959", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Hadiths API, api_name:Search for hadiths with key words, api_description:Searching for hadiths. Just enter the keyword, example searching for food, the request will look like this https://hadiths-api.vercel.app/api/hadiths?search=food\n\nAnd limit can be added to reduce the amount of data received, by default the limit is 10.\nPage number by default is page1, but it can be changed as you want.\nNB: The %20 in the example query is just an empty space as the name of the collection is Sahih Bukhari in the database., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10960", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Hadiths API, api_name:Get all collections, api_description:Get all collections from the database, by default limit is 10 and page is 1. the limit and page can be altered to suit your taste., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"collections\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"Collection\": \"str\", \"Volume\": \"int\", \"Hadith_Total\": \"int\", \"Categories\": \"int\", \"Book\": \"str\", \"Author\": \"str\", \"Publisher\": \"str\", \"DownloadLink\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"Image\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10961", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Drillster 2.0, api_name:Search in repertoire, api_description:Retrieves the user's repertoire, or searches in it using a search query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sortDirection\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The sort direction (ascending or descending), if a sortField has been specified. If omitted, a default sort direction is used, which depends on the sortField. Possible values are: ASC, DESC.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10962", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Hadiths API, api_name:Search for hadiths in collection with key words, api_description:Searching for hadiths based on their various collections. Just enter the keyword, example searching for food, the request will look like this https://hadiths-api.vercel.app/api/hadiths?collection=Sahih Bukhari&search=food\n\nAnd limit can be added to reduce the amount of data received, by default the limit is 10.\nPage number by default is page1, but it can be changed as you want.\nNB: The %20 in the example query is just an empty space as the name of the collection is Sahih Bukhari in the database., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"collections\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"hadiths\": [{\"Likes\": \"empty list\", \"_id\": \"str\", \"Chapter_Number\": \"int\", \"Chapter_English\": \"str\", \"Chapter_Arabic\": \"str\", \"Section_Number\": \"int\", \"Section_English\": \"str\", \"Section_Arabic\": \"str\", \"Hadith_number\": \"int\", \"English_Hadith\": \"str\", \"English_Isnad\": \"str\", \"English_Matn\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Hadith\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Isnad\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Matn\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Comment\": \"str\", \"English_Grade\": \"str\", \"Arabic_Grade\": \"str\", \"Volume\": \"int\", \"Created_By\": \"str\", \"Approved_By\": \"str\", \"Translated_By\": \"str\", \"Approved_At\": \"str\", \"Collection\": \"str\", \"Status\": \"str\", \"__v\": \"int\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10963", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:Kunyomi reading, api_description:The Advanced Search URL parameters are described here as individual endpoints to permit per parameter testing. Parameters may be combined as required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"kun\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Hiragana or romaji\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kanji\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\"}, \"radical\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10964", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Learn to read and write Japanese kanji, api_name:Study list (Macquarie), api_description:The Advanced Search URL parameters are described here as individual endpoints to permit per parameter testing. Parameters may be combined as required., required_params: [{\"name\": \"list\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Kanji divided into chapters (12-22)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"kanji\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\"}, \"radical\": {\"character\": \"str\", \"stroke\": \"int\", \"order\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10965", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:TLE, api_name:Collection, api_description:Search records, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"@context\": \"str\", \"@id\": \"str\", \"@type\": \"str\", \"totalItems\": \"int\", \"member\": [{\"@id\": \"str\", \"@type\": \"str\", \"satelliteId\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"line1\": \"str\", \"line2\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}], \"parameters\": {\"search\": \"str\", \"sort\": \"str\", \"sort-dir\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"page-size\": \"int\"}, \"view\": {\"@id\": \"str\", \"@type\": \"str\", \"first\": \"str\", \"next\": \"str\", \"last\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10966", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:EveryEarthquake, api_name:M1.0+ Earthquakes, Past 7 Days, api_description:Magnitude 1.0+ Earthquakes, Past Seven Days, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"httpStatus\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"noun\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"verb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"errorCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"errors\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"friendlyError\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"result\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"magnitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"detailUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"felt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cdi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mmi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alert\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tsunami\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sig\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"net\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ids\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sources\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"types\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nst\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dmin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rms\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gap\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"magType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geometryType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"depth\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"place\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"distanceKM\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"placeOnly\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subnational\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"what3words\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locationDetails\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"wikidataId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geonameId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"adminL\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10967", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:EveryEarthquake, api_name:Earthquakes By Date, api_description:Get the 100 most recent earthquakes from all over in the world, within a specified date range., required_params: [{\"name\": \"startDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The start date for the search period in YYYY-MM-DD format. All dates start and end at midnight UTC.\"}, {\"name\": \"endDate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The end date for the search period in YYYY-MM-DD format. All dates start and end at midnight UTC.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10968", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Irene, api_name:Irene, api_description:irene0, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10969", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:EveryEarthquake, api_name:Significant Earthquakes, Past 7 Days, api_description:Significant Earthquakes, Past Seven Days, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"httpStatus\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"noun\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"verb\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"errorCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"errors\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"friendlyError\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"result\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"magnitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"detailUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"felt\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cdi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mmi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alert\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tsunami\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sig\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"net\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ids\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sources\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"types\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"nst\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"dmin\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rms\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"gap\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"magType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geometryType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"depth\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"place\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"distanceKM\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"placeOnly\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"continent\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subnational\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postcode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"what3words\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timezone\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locationDetails\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"wikidataId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geonameId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"adminLevel\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10970", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Yawin Indian Astrology, api_name:Convert Planet Angle to Planet Degree, api_description:Convert a Planet Angle to Degree Format . (Angle is 67.34.0, converted to Degree as 67.5666666667), required_params: [{\"name\": \"angle\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}, \"degree\": \"float\", \"angle\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10971", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Science, tool_name:Yawin Indian Astrology, api_name:Get Tamil Calendar Date, api_description:Find the Tamil calendar date from the given English calendar date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}, \"date\": \"str\", \"tamilDate\": \"str\", \"tamilDateLong\": \"str\", \"tamilYearName\": \"str\", \"tamilMonthName\": \"str\", \"tamilDayOfMonth\": \"int\", \"tamilYear\": \"str\", \"tamilMonth\": \"int\", \"tamilDayOfYear\": \"int\", \"tamilMonthTotalDays\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10972", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cryptography, tool_name:Cryptocurrency News, api_name:BSC News, api_description:Get the top latest news from BSC News., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10973", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Cryptography, tool_name:Cryptocurrency News, api_name:Cointelegraph, api_description:Get the top latest news from Cointelegraph., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10974", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:cmyk to hex, api_description:Converts cmyk color code to hex color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"c\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"m\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"k\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hex\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10975", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:oDesk APIs, api_name:Generate Time Reports for a Specific Team, api_description:Time reports can be generated for a specific team, with or without detailed monetary information based on the relationship of the authorized user at the time the call is made and what information is included in the call., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"note: format must be specified in tqx parameter, see example.\"}, {\"name\": \"tq\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Google query goes here.\"}, {\"name\": \"company\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The company ID\"}, {\"name\": \"team\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The team ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10976", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:USA Jobs for IT, api_name:Business Intelligence Jobs, api_description:Business Intelligence Jobs Api, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"IdNumber\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10977", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:UnitConversion, api_name:/time/:from/:to/:number, api_description:Temperature unit conversions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"from\": \"str\", \"to\": \"str\", \"from_symbol\": \"str\", \"to_symbol\": \"str\", \"input\": \"int\", \"rounded\": \"int\", \"result\": \"int\", \"roundedResult\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10978", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Proof of concept, api_name:Read Root, api_description:Ping the API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ping\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10979", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:SimpleEcho, api_name:Echo, api_description:Send a GET request to the Echo, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10980", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Ephemeral Proxies, api_name:Extend expiration time of a datacenter proxy, api_description:By calling this endpoint the expiration time of an already allocated proxy will be extended by 30 mins.\nSuccessive calls will keep incrementing the expiration time, up to a maximum of 24 hours.\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The proxy identifier to extend the expiration time. This identifier can be obtained from the response of /v2/datacenter/proxy, field proxy.id.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10981", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:SEO Fast Audit, api_name:Scraper, api_description:Gets the text of any html selector, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"selector\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10982", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Exerra phishing check, api_name:Get all, api_description:Get all domains (or links) associated with phishing attempts. The response is very large (>≈13MB), so it is preferred to use \"Check a link\". \n\nDue to the large response size (and processing) this endpoint is paid., required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"params\": [{\"instancePath\": \"str\", \"schemaPath\": \"str\", \"keyword\": \"str\", \"params\": {\"allowedValues\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"message\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10983", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Calendar Converter, api_name:Convert Date, api_description:# Converts a date to a specified calendar., required_params: [{\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"The calendar to convert the specified date.\\n\\nPossible values are:\\n\\n- Gregorian\\n- Julian\\n- FrenchRepublican\\n- Maya\\n- Islamic\\n- Hebrew\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": {\"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10984", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:hsv to hsl, api_description:Converts hsv color code to hsv color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"s\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"h\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"v\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hue\": \"float\", \"saturation\": \"float\", \"lightness\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10985", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:oDesk APIs, api_name:Generating Provider Specific Reports, api_description:This API allows callers to fetch data source of themselves. No monetary fields, such as charges or earnings, are supported. The caller of this API must be the provider himself., required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"note: format must be specified in tqx parameter, see example\"}, {\"name\": \"tq\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Google query goes here\"}, {\"name\": \"provider\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The provider ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10986", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:oDesk APIs, api_name:List all oTask records, api_description:returns all task records under the company, required_params: [{\"name\": \"company\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The company ID\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"formation of response\"}, {\"name\": \"team\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The team ID\"}, {\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The username of the target user account\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10987", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Convexity, api_name:cmyk to hsl, api_description:Converts cmyk color code to hsl color code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"c\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"m\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"k\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"y\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hue\": \"int\", \"saturation\": \"float\", \"lightness\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10988", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Tools, tool_name:Scanova QR Code, api_name:Website URL QR Code, api_description:This request returns a Static QR Code (standard or custom-designed) encoded with a specified URL, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10989", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:Ginger, api_name:Rephrase, api_description:-, required_params: [{\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"data\": {\"QueryId\": \"int\", \"Sentences\": [{\"Frequency\": \"NoneType\", \"Id\": \"int\", \"Sentence\": \"str\", \"Classification\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 15}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10990", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Text_Analysis, tool_name:CleanTalk, api_name:Advance, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"fill_char\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"add\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10991", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PrivatePublicAPI, api_name:getUserByName, api_description:Get user by user name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"username\": \"str\", \"firstName\": \"str\", \"lastName\": \"str\", \"email\": \"str\", \"password\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"userStatus\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10992", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PrivatePublicAPI, api_name:logoutUser, api_description:Logs out current logged in user session, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10993", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:PetstoreRateLimit, api_name:logoutUser, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10994", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Autosub, api_name:brotli, api_description:testing auto subscription, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Host\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10995", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:pe-demo, api_name:View status code and message, api_description:View status code and message for the specified value., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"HTTP status code.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10996", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:ThisisaPublicAPI_v2, api_name:logoutUser, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10997", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:a, api_name:api, api_description:a, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10998", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Test_v2, api_name:some-operation-od, api_description:H2H team comparison, required_params: [{\"name\": \"secret\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your API Secret that you get from your account on our website\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your API Key that you get from your account on our website API key\"}, {\"name\": \"team2_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Team 2\"}, {\"name\": \"team1_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Team 1\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10999", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Test_v2, api_name:some-operation-od, api_description:Getting match lineups, required_params: [{\"name\": \"secret\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your API Secret that you get from your account on our website\"}, {\"name\": \"match_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Match ID\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your API Key that you get from your account on our website API key\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11000", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Test_v2, api_name:some-operation-od, api_description:Goalscorers list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"secret\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your API Secret that you get from your account on our website\"}, {\"name\": \"key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Your API Key that you get from your account on our website API key\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11001", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:ThisshouldbeFREE, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11002", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:ThisshouldbeFREE, api_name:loginUser, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"password\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The password for login in clear text\"}, {\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The user name for login\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11003", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Advertising, tool_name:Free IP Geolocation, api_name:Multi-language support, api_description:Get an IP's country name in a different language. 5 languages are currently supported i.e. English - en, German - de, French - fr, Japanese - ja and Simplified Chinese -zh-CN. The response will contain an ASCII encoded version of the country name in the language you specify., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11004", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/points/{point}/forecast, api_description:Forecast data for a point. The DWML format is a temporary format to aid transition and will be sunset at a later date. This response is derrived from the /gridpoints endpoint and is intentionally less structured. If more structure is required, developers should use the /gridpoints endpoint directly. Example: /points/39.0693,-94.6716/forecast, required_params: [{\"name\": \"point\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"point: EPSG:4326 latitude, EPSG:4326 longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"correlationId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11005", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:WeatherAPI.com, api_name:Time Zone API, api_description:Time Zone API method allows a user to get up to date time zone and local time information in json., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query parameter based on which data is sent back. It could be following:\\n\\nLatitude and Longitude (Decimal degree) e.g: q=48.8567,2.3508\\ncity name e.g.: q=Paris\\nUS zip e.g.: q=10001\\nUK postcode e.g: q=SW1\\nCanada postal code e.g: q=G2J\\nmetar: e.g: q=metar:EGLL\\niata:<3 digit airport code> e.g: q=iata:DXB\\nauto:ip IP lookup e.g: q=auto:ip\\nIP address (IPv4 and IPv6 supported) e.g: q=\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11006", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:WeatherAPI.com, api_name:Sports API, api_description:Sports API method allows a user to get listing of all upcoming sports events for football, cricket and golf in json., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"football\": [{\"stadium\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"tournament\": \"str\", \"start\": \"str\", \"match\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"cricket\": [{\"stadium\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"tournament\": \"str\", \"start\": \"str\", \"match\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"golf\": [{\"stadium\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"tournament\": \"str\", \"start\": \"str\", \"match\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11007", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:National Weather Service, api_name:/points/{point}/forecast/hourly, api_description:Hourly forecast data for a point. This response is derrived from the /gridpoints endpoint and is intentionally less structured. If more structure is required, developers should use the /gridpoints endpoint directly. Example: /points/39.0693,-94.6716/forecast/hourly, required_params: [{\"name\": \"point\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"point: EPSG:4326 latitude, EPSG:4326 longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"correlationId\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\", \"instance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11008", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Groundhog Day API, api_name:predictions, api_description:Get all predictions for a given year., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"predictions\": [{\"year\": \"int\", \"shadow\": \"int\", \"details\": \"str\", \"groundhog\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"shortname\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"contact\": \"str\", \"currentPrediction\": \"str\", \"isGroundhog\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"active\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11009", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Groundhog Day API, api_name:groundhog, api_description:Returns a prognosticating animal and its known predictions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Groundhog name in kebab-case: (eg, lucy-the-lobster)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"groundhog\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"shortname\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"contact\": \"str\", \"currentPrediction\": \"str\", \"isGroundhog\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"active\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"predictions\": [{\"year\": \"int\", \"shadow\": \"int\", \"details\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11010", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Easy Weather, api_name:Historical (daily), api_description:Get a historical daily forecast for the given latitude, longitude, and start date/time., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11011", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Easy Weather, api_name:Daily forecast (5 days), api_description:Get a 5-day daily forecast for the given latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"resource\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"parameters\\\": {\\\"latitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"forecastDaily\\\": {\\\"reportedTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"readTime\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"days\\\": [{\\\"forecastStart\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"forecastEnd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"conditionCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"maxUvIndex\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"temperatureMax\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"temperatureMin\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"precipitationChance\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"precipitationType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"precipitationAmount\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"snowfallAmount\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"daytimeForecast\\\": {\\\"forecastStart\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"forecastEnd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cloudCover\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"conditionCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"humidity\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"precipitationChance\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"precipitationType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"precipitationAmount\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"snowfallAmount\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"windDirection\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"windSpeed\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"overnightForecast\\\": {\\\"forecastStart\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"forecastEnd\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cloudCover\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"conditionCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"humidity\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"precipitationChance\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"precipitationType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"precipitationAmount\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"snowfallAmount\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"windDirection\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"windSpeed\\\":\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11012", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:History, api_name:hourlyWeather, api_description:This endpoint returns the historical weather on hourly level for a given day for a given location (latitude and longitude), required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The latitude in decimal format of the requested point\"}, {\"name\": \"parameters\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Define the parameter, you wish to request. Allowed options are \\\\\\\"all\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"air_quality\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"anomaly\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"astronomy\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"weather\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"signal\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"pollen\\\\\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The requested day in the format \\\\\\\"YYYYmmdd\\\\\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The longitude in decimal format of the requested point\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"astronomy\": {\"max_sunshine\": \"float\", \"sunrise\": \"str\", \"sunset\": \"str\"}, \"location\": {\"date\": \"str\", \"height\": \"int\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}, \"meta\": {\"additional_info\": \"NoneType\", \"errors\": \"NoneType\"}, \"weather\": [{\"air_pressure\": \"float\", \"air_temp_anomaly\": \"NoneType\", \"air_temp_long_time_avg\": \"NoneType\", \"air_temp_mean\": \"float\", \"cloud_cover\": \"float\", \"dew_point\": \"float\", \"evaporation_pressure\": \"float\", \"precipitation\": \"float\", \"precipitation_form\": \"int\", \"relative_humidity\": \"float\", \"snowfall\": \"float\", \"solar_radiation\": \"NoneType\", \"sunshine\": \"float\", \"time\": \"str\", \"weather_state\": \"NoneType\", \"wind_avg\": \"float\", \"wind_direction\": \"float\", \"wind_peak\": \"float\", \"windchill\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 24}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11013", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:AI Weather by Meteosource, api_name:alerts, api_description:**Severe weather alerts** for the USA, Europe, and Canada. **Define your location** using GPS coordinates or `place_id` from `Location` endpoints., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"elevation\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"alerts\": {\"data\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11014", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Forecast, api_name:RapidApiGetForecastHourlyByCoordinates, api_description:Get forecast hourly information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"period\": \"int\", \"freshSnow\": \"float\", \"weather\": {\"state\": \"int\", \"text\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\"}, \"sunHours\": \"NoneType\", \"rainHours\": \"NoneType\", \"prec\": {\"sum\": \"int\", \"probability\": \"int\", \"sumAsRain\": \"NoneType\", \"class\": \"int\"}, \"temperature\": {\"avg\": \"int\"}, \"pressure\": \"int\", \"relativeHumidity\": \"int\", \"clouds\": {\"high\": \"int\", \"low\": \"int\", \"middle\": \"int\"}, \"wind\": {\"unit\": \"str\", \"direction\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"avg\": \"int\", \"min\": \"NoneType\", \"max\": \"NoneType\", \"gusts\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"text\": \"NoneType\"}, \"significationWind\": \"bool\"}, \"windchill\": {\"avg\": \"int\", \"min\": \"NoneType\", \"max\": \"NoneType\"}, \"snowLine\": {\"avg\": \"NoneType\", \"min\": \"NoneType\", \"max\": \"NoneType\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"isNight\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 302}], \"forecastDate\": \"str\", \"nextUpdate\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"point\": \"str\", \"fingerprint\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11015", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:RapidWeather, api_name:Historical air pollution data, api_description:Historical air pollution data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Start date (unix time, UTC time zone), e.g. start=1606488670\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude)\"}, {\"name\": \"end\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"End date (unix time, UTC time zone), e.g. end=1606747870\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"coord\": {\"lon\": \"int\", \"lat\": \"int\"}, \"list\": [{\"main\": {\"aqi\": \"int\"}, \"components\": {\"co\": \"float\", \"no\": \"int\", \"no2\": \"float\", \"o3\": \"float\", \"so2\": \"float\", \"pm2_5\": \"float\", \"pm10\": \"float\", \"nh3\": \"int\"}, \"dt\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 61}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11016", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:RapidWeather, api_name:One Call API, api_description:The One Call API provides the following weather data for any geographical coordinates:\n\n- Current weather\n- Minute forecast for 1 hour\n- Hourly forecast for 48 hours\n- Daily forecast for 7 days\n- National weather alerts\n- Historical weather data for the previous 5 days, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11017", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Online Movie Database, api_name:title/get-sound-tracks, api_description:Get sound tracks in specific title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tconst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You need to extract the value started with 'tt' of id field returned from \\u2026/title/auto-complete or \\u2026/title/find endpoint. Ex : tt0944947\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"@type\": \"str\", \"base\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"image\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\"}, \"runningTimeInMinutes\": \"int\", \"nextEpisode\": \"str\", \"numberOfEpisodes\": \"int\", \"seriesEndYear\": \"int\", \"seriesStartYear\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"titleType\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\"}, \"soundtracks\": [{\"comment\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"products\": [{\"artist\": \"str\", \"format\": \"str\", \"image\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\"}, \"productId\": {\"amazonMarketplaceId\": \"str\", \"key\": \"str\", \"keyType\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"relatedNames\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"image\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\"}, \"legacyNameText\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11018", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:A.I. Smartable, api_name:GetNewsletters, api_description:Get newsletters, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\", \"value\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"publishedDateTime\": \"str\", \"images\": \"empty list\", \"locale\": \"str\", \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 20}], \"nextPage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11019", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:IMDb, api_name:title/get-more-like-this, api_description:Get similar title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tconst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You need to extract the value started with \\\\\\\"tt\\\\\\\" of id field returned from .../title/auto-complete or .../title/find endpoint. Ex : tt0944947\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11020", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:BizToc, api_name:Pages, api_description:Get the list of avilable `{page_id}`s. Akin to the /crypto and /media sites on biztoc.com. Required parameter for endpoints like **Tags/Trending**., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11021", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Google News, api_name:Entertainment, api_description:This endpoint is used to get entertainment news from Google News., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lr\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"language region, ex: en-US\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"items\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"original\": \"str\"}, \"hasSubnews\": \"bool\", \"subnews\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"images\": {\"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"original\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 62}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11022", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:A.I. 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The details will include it's website, it's description, etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"next\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"previous\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"logo_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"logo\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"website\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"affiliate_link\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"short_description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"promo_video\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": [{\\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"attributes\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_con\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"upvotes_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"tweb_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"upvotes_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"og_image_url\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"price_plans\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"asset\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"currency\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"price\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"per\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"features\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"most_popular\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"questions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"customer_organizations\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"website\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"logo_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"solutions\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"avg_rating\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reviews_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"has_free_trial\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"trial_days\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"snapshots\\\": [\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11042", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Real Estate USA, api_name:search properties by zip, api_description:search properties by zip code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postal_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transformVersion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"transformApi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data_key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"count_key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"total_key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"api\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"properties\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"rethink_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prop_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"permalink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listings\\\": [{\\\"office\\\": {\\\"mls_memberships\\\": {\\\"member\\\": {\\\"office_system_id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}, \\\"address\\\": {\\\"line\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"street\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"street_number\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postal_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"county\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"street_suffix\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"long\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"agent\\\": {\\\"mls_memberships\\\": {\\\"member\\\": {\\\"agent_system_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"office_system_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}, \\\"mls_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"mls\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"plan_id\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"broker\\\": {\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"photos\\\": [{\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 16}], \\\"photo_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"photo\\\": {\\\"d\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11043", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:My API 12345, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. 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\"errorCode\": \"int\", \"errorMessage\": \"NoneType\", \"contentType\": \"str\", \"body\": {\"v\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11049", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:BoldSign, api_name:ListSenderIdentities, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"Page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page index specified in get sender identity request.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11050", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:IronWifi, api_name:READ ACCESS POINT, api_description:READ ACCESS POINT, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ap_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11051", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:Print your own labels and stickers, api_name:Print on dynamically generated label templates, api_description:Generates the PDF file which contains the printout of labels.\n\nThe label template will be generated on the fly, based on the label layout dimensions that you will supply on every request.\nThe content printed on each label, is the image whose URL is supplied by **labelContent** query parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"rightMargin\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The distance from the right edge of the paper to the right edge of the last column of labels.\\n\\nWhen the template code is **Letter**, its value will count in inches.\\nWhen the template code is **A4**, its value will count in millimeters.\"}, {\"name\": \"labelHeight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The height of the label.\\nWhen the template code is **Letter**, its value will count in inches.\\nWhen the template code is **A4**, its value will count in millimeters.\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The total 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"11056", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:IronWifi, api_name:READ CAPTIVE PORTALS, api_description:READ CAPTIVE PORTALS, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11057", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business_Software, tool_name:IronWifi, api_name:READ - ACCT DATA 1, api_description:READ - ACCT DATA 1, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11058", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Events, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Products, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11059", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ESportApi, api_name:TeamMedia, api_description:Get the media for a specific E-Sports team by providing the team ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the team for which you want to retrieve the media.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"media\": [{\"createdAtTimestamp\": \"int\", \"doFollow\": \"bool\", \"id\": \"int\", \"keyHighlight\": \"bool\", \"mediaType\": \"int\", \"sourceUrl\": \"str\", \"subtitle\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11060", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Community, api_name:Group Trending Topics, api_description:Get a list of the trending topics, and the OP., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"trendingTopics\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"creator\": \"str\", \"contents\": \"str\", \"latestComment\": \"str\", \"replies\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11061", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ESportApi, api_name:PlayerPlaceholderImage, api_description:Get the player placeholder image in PNG format., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11062", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark, api_name:get raids by level, api_description:Get all guardian raids by level, required_params: [{\"name\": \"level\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"itemLevel\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11063", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark Simple, api_name:Get Food Recipes, api_description:Get List of Lost Ark Food Recipes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"materials\": [{\"item\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"details\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 113}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11064", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ContextoGuess, api_name:Home, api_description:Home, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11065", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:SteamGames Special offers, api_name:GamesData, api_description:This endpoint will give you the Games Data if you provide the APP_ID.\nYou can use the GamesList endpoint to get the list of APP_IDs and Feed it to this Endpoint to get the Games Data. Sample Details are given below:\n`{\n \"discount\": \"-40%\",\n \"original_price\": \"$49.99\",\n \"price\": \"$29.99\",\n \"title\": \"God of War\",\n \"url\": \"https://store.steampowered.com/app/1593500/\"\n}`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"app_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11066", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Trackmania, api_name:Top Players by Matchmaking, api_description:Get the top players by their matchmaking rank., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amount\": \"int\", \"query\": {\"method\": \"str\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"page\": \"str\"}, \"results\": [{\"progression\": \"int\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"score\": \"int\", \"player\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"meta\": {\"twitter\": \"str\", \"twitch\": \"str\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"zone\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", 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required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"materials\": [{\"item\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"details\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 54}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11069", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ESportApi, api_name:TVCountries, api_description:Get a list of countries and their respective TV channels broadcasting a specific Football match., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The ID of the match you want to retrieve the TV countries for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11070", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Steam Store API, api_name:Free to play, api_description:Get a full list of free to play games and other free products., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Page numbering starts from 0, so the first page is 0.\"}, {\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available country codes, just call the **Country code list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}, {\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"To get available languages, just call the **Language list** endpoint from **General** section.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"store_items\\\": [{\\\"item_type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"visible\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"store_url_path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"full_store_url_path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"appid\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"tagids\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 20\\\"], \\\"categories\\\": {\\\"supported_player_categoryids\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 1\\\"], \\\"controller_categoryids\\\": [\\\"list of int with length 1\\\"], 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Valorant Riot ID and Tag in the required parameters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"riot-id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"tag\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11072", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:ESportApi, api_name:MatchSchedules, api_description:Get e-sports schedules for a specific day., required_params: [{\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The day you want to retrieve the schedules\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The year you want to retrieve the schedules\"}, {\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The month you want to retrieve the schedules\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"events\\\": [{\\\"awayScore\\\": {\\\"current\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"awayTeam\\\": {\\\"country\\\": {\\\"alpha2\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": 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tool_name:Trackmania, api_name:In-game Ads, api_description:All currently active Maniapubs displayed in-game., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amount\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"img16x9\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"img64x10\": \"str\", \"displayformat\": \"str\", \"media\": \"str\", \"endtime\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"img2x3\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11076", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v2, api_name:Get Products in Category, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"category\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"skip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11077", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v2, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11078", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v2, api_name:Get Categories, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11079", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:COD API 2.0, api_name:Season Critical Damage Leaderboard WZ2, api_description:Get season critical damage information for up to 2000 players on the leaderboard., required_params: [{\"name\": \"season\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Example: s1\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"columns\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"mode\": \"str\", \"ranks\": [{\"gamertag\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"percentileRank\": \"NoneType\", \"sortKeyStat\": 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\"globalWlRatio\": \"float\"}, \"_list_length\": 2000}], \"nextPageToken\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11081", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Trackmania, api_name:Player Matchmaking Information, api_description:Get the matchmaking info of a player., required_params: [{\"name\": \"player_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The Account ID of the Player. Can be obtained using the `/players` endpoints.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amount\": \"int\", \"query\": {\"method\": \"str\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"page\": \"str\", \"player_id\": \"str\"}, \"results\": [{\"win\": \"bool\", \"afterscore\": \"int\", \"starttime\": \"str\", \"lid\": \"str\", \"typeid\": \"int\", \"typename\": \"str\", \"mvp\": \"bool\", \"leave\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 26}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11082", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Rocket League, api_name:Profile, api_description:Check a player's profile:\n`rocket-league1.p.rapidapi.com/profile/:player`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The Epic Games account ID or display name to search.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11083", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Rocket League, api_name:Stat, api_description:Check a player's stat:\n`rocket-league1.p.rapidapi.com/stat/:player/:stat`, required_params: [{\"name\": \"player\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"The Epic Games account ID or display name to search.\"}, {\"name\": \"stat\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"The stat to search. Valid options include:\\n- `assists`\\n- `goals`\\n- `mvps`\\n- `saves`\\n- `shots`\\n- `wins`\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11084", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Trackmania, api_name:Top Players by Royal, api_description:Get the top players by their royal rank., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amount\": \"int\", \"query\": {\"method\": \"str\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"page\": \"str\"}, \"results\": [{\"progression\": \"int\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"score\": \"int\", \"player\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"zone\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}}}}}, \"tag\": \"str\"}, \"division\": {\"minwins\": \"int\", \"maxpoints\": \"int\", \"minpoints\": \"int\", \"rule\": \"str\", \"position\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11085", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Woosmap, api_name:getZone, api_description:Used to retrieve a zone from his `zone_id`\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zone_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the zone to get\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11086", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Woosmap, api_name:storeSearch, api_description:Used to retrieve assets from query\n, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11087", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Tanzania API, api_name:Reverse Geocode, api_description:This endpoint allows you to perform reverse geocoding in Tanzania by providing query parameters for latitude and longitude. It returns the name of the address where the location is located., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The longitude of the location.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The latitude of the location.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"boundingbox\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"category\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"road\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11088", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Location, api_name:Get the countries, api_description:Get the countries., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"alpha2\": \"str\", \"alpha3\": \"str\", \"number\": \"int\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11089", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Ghana API, api_name:Geocode, api_description:This endpoint allows you to lookup locations in Ghana by providing an address query parameter. It returns the latitude, longitude and city name of the location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of address to lookup\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"display_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11090", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Ghana API, api_name:Reverse Geocode, api_description:This endpoint allows you to perform reverse geocoding in Ghana by providing query parameters for latitude and longitude. It returns the name of the city where the location is located., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The longitude of the location.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The latitude of the location.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amenity\": \"str\", \"boundingbox\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"category\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11091", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Referential, api_name:Timezone by id, api_description:Lookup a time zone, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timezone\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Timezone\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11092", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Referential, api_name:Country by iso code, api_description:Get country by 2 letter iso code localized to a given language, required_params: [{\"name\": \"iso_code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"2 letter iso country code. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11093", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Pincode Distance Measurement , api_name:Fetch Distance between two pincodes, api_description:Enter two valid pincodes., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errorCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11094", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Ghana API, api_name:Directions Between 2 Locations, api_description:This endpoint returns information about the route between two locations in terms of distance, duration, and steps.\n\nBelow Example: **Directions from Kumasi to Accra**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"end_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the starting point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the starting point (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"steps\": [{\"direction\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"instruction\": \"str\", \"location\": [\"list of float with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 28}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11095", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Cameroon, api_name:Measure Distance, api_description:This endpoint calculates the distance between two locations based on their latitude and longitude coordinates, while allowing the user to specify the unit of measurement., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the second location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat2\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the second location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lat1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the first location (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"lon1\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the first location (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11096", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Cameroon, api_name:Geocode, api_description:This endpoint allows you to lookup locations in Cameroon by providing an address query parameter. It returns the latitude, longitude and city name of the location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of address\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"display_name\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11097", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Nearby Places, api_name:Nearby - (ArcGIS), api_description:Returns nearby places sorted by distance from the origin coordinates in ascending order.\n\nOnly type values from **/v2/types (ArcGIS)** are valid.\n\nMaximum returned places is 50., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"results\": [{\"location\": {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lng\": \"str\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"phone\": \"str\", \"distanceMeter\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11098", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Referential, api_name:Countries, api_description:List or search countries of the world in different languages.. Get iso a2, a3 country code and localized country name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11099", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Nearby Places, api_name:Types - (ArcGIS), api_description:Types (categories) of establishments. These types will only work with **/v2/nearby (ArcGIS)**., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11100", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Tanzania API, api_name:Directions Between 2 Locations, api_description:This endpoint returns information about the route between two locations in terms of distance, duration, and steps.\n\nBelow Example: **Directions from Arusha to Dar es Salaam**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the starting point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the starting point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the ending point (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"steps\": [{\"direction\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"instruction\": \"str\", \"location\": [\"list of float with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 37}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11101", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Uganda API, api_name:Directions Between 2 Locations, api_description:This endpoint returns information about the route between two locations in terms of distance, duration, and steps.\n\nBelow Example: **Directions from a location in Nansana to Kampala**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"end_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the starting point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the starting point (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"steps\": [{\"direction\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"instruction\": \"str\", \"location\": [\"list of float with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 18}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11102", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GeoSource API, api_name:emoji Flag By Country, api_description:Retrives the emoji flag code of the country., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"CountryName\": \"str\", \"CountryCode\": \"str\", \"emojiU\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11103", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Geolocalization API, api_name:IP Address Lookup, api_description:When an IP address is provided this API will retrieve all possible data referred to its location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IP to look up\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"regionName\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"isp\": \"str\", \"org\": \"str\", \"as\": \"str\", \"query\": \"str\", \"areaCode\": \"str\", \"dmaCode\": \"str\", \"inEU\": \"int\", \"euVATrate\": \"bool\", \"continentCode\": \"str\", \"continentName\": \"str\", \"locationAccuracyRadius\": \"str\", \"currencyCode\": \"str\", \"currencySymbol\": \"str\", \"currencySymbol_UTF8\": \"str\", \"currencyConverter\": \"int\", \"flag\": \"str\", \"callingCode\": \"str\", \"languageCode\": \"NoneType\", \"security\": {\"is_proxy\": \"bool\", \"proxy_type\": \"NoneType\", \"is_crawler\": \"bool\", \"crawler_name\": \"NoneType\", \"crawler_type\": \"NoneType\", \"is_tor\": \"bool\", \"threat_level\": \"str\", \"threat_types\": \"NoneType\"}, \"connection\": {\"asn\": \"int\", \"isp\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11104", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Woosmap, api_name:getRoute, api_description:Get distance, duration and path (as a polyline) for a pair of origin and destination, based on the recommended route between those two points for a specified travel mode.\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"origin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The starting point for the route. It should be supplied in the form of latitude/longitude coordinates. Ensure that no space exists between the latitude and longitude values.\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"destination\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The ending point for the route. It should be supplied in the form of latitude/longitude coordinates. Ensure that no space exists between the latitude and longitude values.\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11105", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:India Pincode API, api_name:findallstates, api_description:findallstates, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"noOfItems\": \"int\", \"result\": [{\"statecode\": \"str\", \"statename\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"altabbreviation\": \"str\", \"links\": {\"state\": {\"href\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 35}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11106", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:mymappi, api_name:Direct Geocoding, api_description:Translates an address as input into geographic coordinates. If there are multiple possible results, it retrieves the list of possible results ordered by the distance to the provided source coordinate (if any), in ascending order., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"apikey\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"licence\": \"str\", \"osm_type\": \"str\", \"osm_id\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"class\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"distance_to_source\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11107", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Spott, api_name:Get place by Geoname ID, api_description:Returns a single Place identified by a Geoname ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"geonameId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Unique identificator given by Geonames\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11108", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:PhoneNumberValidate, api_name:ValidateTest, api_description:Validate any phone number from any country. For testing purposes only., required_params: [{\"name\": \"number\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"1_ Option: local format (without prefix):\\nExample: 94887799\\n\\n2_ Option: format E 164:\\nRecommended: starting with symbol + followed by country prefix and number, without blank spaces\\nRemark: the + symbol in a url is escaped for the text %2B leaving %2B59894887799\\nExample: +59894887799 \\n\\n1_ Opci\\u00f3n: formato local (sin prefijo):\\nEjemplo: 94887799\\n\\n2_ Opci\\u00f3n: formato E 164:\\nRecomendado: comenzando con s\\u00edmbolo + seguido de prefijo pa\\u00eds y n\\u00famero, sin espacios en blanco\\nObservaci\\u00f3n: el s\\u00edmbolo + en una url se escapea para el texto %2B quedando %2B59894887799\\nEjemplo: +59894887799\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"phoneNumberEntered\": \"str\", \"defaultCountryEntered\": \"str\", \"languageEntered\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"nationalNumber\": \"str\", \"extension\": \"str\", \"countryCodeSource\": \"str\", \"italianLeadingZero\": \"bool\", \"rawInput\": \"str\", \"isPossibleNumber\": \"bool\", \"isValidNumber\": \"bool\", \"phoneNumberRegion\": \"str\", \"numberType\": \"str\", \"E164Format\": \"str\", \"originalFormat\": \"str\", \"nationalFormat\": \"str\", \"internationalFormat\": \"str\", \"outOfCountryFormatFromUS\": \"str\", \"outOfCountryFormatFromCH\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"timeZone_s\": \"str\", \"carrier\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11109", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:g2API2019, api_name:lei, api_description:Testing, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Lei\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"test\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11110", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:👋 Demo Project, api_name:Get Product, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11111", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:sms77io, api_name:Inbound, api_description:Retrieves inbound messages history., required_params: [{\"name\": \"p\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API key from [Sms77.io](https://www.sms77.io)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11112", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSAPI.com, api_name:/profile/regional_settings/available_languages, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"errors\": \"NoneType\", \"developer_description\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11113", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSAPI.com, api_name:/subusers/{id}/shares/sendernames, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"errors\": \"NoneType\", \"developer_description\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11114", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSAPI.com, api_name:/profile/regional_settings, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"errors\": \"NoneType\", \"developer_description\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11115", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSAPI.com, api_name:/subusers, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"errors\": \"NoneType\", \"developer_description\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11116", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:lqv68, api_name:lqv, api_description:get whois, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11117", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:dedu, api_name:dedu, api_description:dedu, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11118", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:sms77io, api_name:Outbound, api_description:Retrieves outbound messages history., required_params: [{\"name\": \"p\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API key from [Sms77.io](https://www.sms77.io)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11119", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:sms77io, api_name:Get Analytics, api_description:Get detailed statistics of your account directly through our API., required_params: [{\"name\": \"p\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"API Key\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11120", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSAPI.com, api_name:/profile, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"errors\": \"NoneType\", \"developer_description\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11121", "title": "", "text": "category_name:SMS, tool_name:SMSAPI.com, api_name:/short_url/links/{id}, api_description:Get short URL., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Short URL ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\", \"errors\": \"NoneType\", \"developer_description\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11122", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Profile, api_name:GET Info, api_description:Basic profile information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"username\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"is_private\": \"bool\", \"is_verified\": \"bool\", \"profile_pic_url\": \"str\", \"profile_pic_url_proxy\": \"str\", \"profile_pic_url_hd\": \"str\", \"profile_pic_url_hd_proxy\": \"str\", \"followers\": \"int\", \"following\": \"int\", \"fbid\": \"int\", \"usertags_count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11123", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Social Media Data TT, api_name:Trending feed (Video posts) V2, api_description:Get trending feed V2. \n\nV2 - returns more data then older version of the endpoint, video without watermark and etc\n\n- Endpoint will return an array of objects with very useful metadata. \n- Direct urls to the video , statistics and more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"has_more\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"max_cursor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"media\\\": [{\\\"aweme_list\\\": [{\\\"added_sound_music_info\\\": {\\\"album\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"artists\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"audition_duration\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"author\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"author_deleted\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"author_position\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"binded_challenge_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"can_not_reuse\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"collect_stat\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"commercial_right_type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cover_large\\\": {\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url_list\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"cover_medium\\\": {\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url_list\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"cover_thumb\\\": {\\\"height\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"uri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url_list\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"dmv_auto_show\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"duration\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"duration_high_precision\\\": {\\\"audition_duration_precision\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"duration_precision\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"shoot_duration_precision\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"video_duration_precision\\\": \\\"float\\\"}, \\\"external_song_info\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"extra\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id_str\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_audio_url_with_cookie\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11124", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/search/location, api_description:Search locations by text query, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"cursor\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"extra\\\": {\\\"fatal_item_ids\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"logid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"now\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"search_request_id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"feedback_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"global_doodle_config\\\": {\\\"display_filter_bar\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"feedback_survey\\\": [{\\\"feedback_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"multiple_choices\\\": [{\\\"key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"hide_results\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hit_dolphin\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"hit_shark\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"keyword\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"new_source\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"search_channel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tns_search_result\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"has_more\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"log_pb\\\": {\\\"impr_id\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"poi_info\\\": {\\\"dynamic_patch\\\": {\\\"aweme_list\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"aweme_multi_tab_list\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"related_word_list\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"tab_map\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"nearby_auth\\\": {\\\"aweme_list\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"aweme_multi_tab_list\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"related_word_list\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"tab_map\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"poi_info\\\": [{\\\"img_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_collected\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lat\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lng\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"poi_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"poi_id_str\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"poi_location\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"poi_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"poi_t\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11125", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:ScrapTik, api_name:List Comments, api_description:Get list comments of a post., required_params: [{\"name\": \"aweme_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"alias_comment_deleted\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"comments\\\": [{\\\"author_pin\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"aweme_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"cid\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"collect_stat\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"comment_language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"create_time\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"digg_count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"is_author_digged\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"label_list\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"no_show\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"reply_comment\\\": [{\\\"alias_aweme\\\": {\\\"added_sound_music_info\\\": {\\\"album\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"artists\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"audition_duration\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"author\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"author_deleted\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"author_position\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"binded_challenge_id\\\": 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[{\"name\": \"mediaid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11127", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API_v2, api_name:User info by pk, api_description:Get all information about an Instagram account by pk (the unique id of Instagram account) such as username, profile_pic_url (hd), full_name, media_count, follower_count, following_count and etc, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pk\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11128", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/user/{user_id}/qr_code, api_description:QR code by user ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"user's ID can be uid or sec_uid\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"extra\": {\"fatal_item_ids\": \"empty list\", \"logid\": \"str\", \"now\": \"int\"}, \"log_pb\": {\"impr_id\": \"str\"}, \"qrcode_url\": {\"uri\": \"str\", \"url_list\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}, \"status_code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11129", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Zodiac Sign API, api_name:Getallsign, api_description:Get all sign. 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api_description:search any query in an Instagram account followers when you have the pk, it can be one part or the whole username or full name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pk\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11134", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Tiktok Video Feature Summary, api_name:get tiktok video full info, api_description:Support Tiktok & Douyin.\nReturns relevant information about querying video addresses, \nincluding high-definition watermark free video addresses, \nauthor information, \nbackground music information, \nviews, \nlikes, \ncomments, \netc- List Item, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Tiktok or Douyin video address\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"processed_time\": \"float\", \"data\": 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with specific music., required_params: [{\"name\": \"music_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11136", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Data, api_name:User information(metadata), api_description:Get user information(followers, followings and etc), required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instagram username\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"biography\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"bio_links\\\": [{\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"lynx_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"link_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"biography_with_entities\\\": {\\\"raw_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"entities\\\": \\\"empty list\\\"}, \\\"blocked_by_viewer\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"restricted_by_viewer\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"country_block\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"eimu_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"external_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", 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"11137", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:twitter_v3, api_name:hls, api_description:hls => mp4 converter, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11138", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Data, api_name:Audio Feed, api_description:Get audio post feed, required_params: [{\"name\": \"audio_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Audio id\\n\\nFor example: \\nhttps://www.instagram.com/reels/audio/921447351682109/\\n\\n**921447351682109 - will be the audio_id**\\n\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"endCursor\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"has_more\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"items\\\": [{\\\"media\\\": {\\\"taken_at\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"pk\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"device_timestamp\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"media_type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"client_cache_key\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"filter_type\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"caption\\\": {\\\"pk\\\": 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\"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11142", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Tiktok_v2, api_name:Video by Url, api_description:Fetch video data from TikToc video url \n\ne.g. \nhttps://www.****.com/@therock/video/6800111723257941253\n(copy exact url from browser), required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11143", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Scraper_v2, api_name:Music info, api_description:Get music info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"music_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11144", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Geeklist, api_name:Get Specified Users Activity, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"user id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11145", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Geeklist, api_name:Get Authenticated Users Activity, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11146", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Geeklist, api_name:Get Individual Link, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"link id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11147", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TokApi - mobile version, api_name:/v1/sticker, api_description:Effects information by IDs (look at stickers field in video response), required_params: [{\"name\": \"sticker_ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Comma separated ids\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11148", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Check Username, api_name:Reddit, api_description:Check username on Reddit, required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11149", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Bulk Profile Scrapper, api_name:Story Highlights, api_description:Instagram Story Highlights, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ig\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"response_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11150", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok_v4, api_name:User Info by ID, api_description:Get User Information By \"user_id\",\nand the endpoint will return user data, including => id, nickname, bio, secUid, avatar, statistics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11151", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Social Media Data TT, api_name:Hashtag feed (Video posts) V2, api_description:Get hashtag feed V2. \n\nV2 - returns more data then older version of the endpoint, video without watermark and etc\n\n- Before testing don't forget to fill out the **name** query\n- Endpoint will return an array of objects with very useful metadata. \n- Direct urls to the video , statistics and more., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11152", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:gwyo-twitch, api_name:Get Channel Profile Pic URL, api_description:Get Channel Profile Picture's URL (using username or id)\n( Sizes: 150x150, 300x300, 600x600 ), required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"img_urls\": {\"smallProfilePicture\": \"str\", \"mediumProfilePicture\": \"str\", \"bigProfilePicture\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11153", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TwttrAPI, api_name:User Media, api_description:Get user's images, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"user_result\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"timeline_response\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"timeline\\\": {\\\"instructions\\\": [{\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"entries\\\": [{\\\"content\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tweetDisplayType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tweetResult\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"conversation_muted\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"core\\\": {\\\"user_result\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"affiliates_highlighted_label\\\": {\\\"label\\\": {\\\"badge\\\": {\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, 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optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11155", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter AIO, api_name:Tweet Likes, api_description:Receive all likes for a tweet., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tweetId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11156", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter AIO, api_name:User Details by username, api_description:Receive follower counts, images and more user related data with this endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11157", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Snapchat, api_name:getLensItem, api_description:getLensItem, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lens_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"lensDisplayInfo\": {\"scannableUuid\": \"str\", \"lensName\": \"str\", \"lensCreatorDisplayName\": \"str\", \"lensPreviewImageUrl\": \"str\", \"lensPreviewVideoUrl\": \"str\", \"iconUrl\": \"str\", \"unlockUrl\": \"str\", \"lensResource\": {\"checkSum\": \"str\", \"archiveLink\": \"str\", \"signature\": \"str\", \"lastUpdated\": \"str\"}, \"userProfileUrl\": \"str\", \"lensCreatorUsername\": \"str\", \"lensId\": \"str\", \"lensCreatorSearchTags\": [\"list of str with length 995\"], \"isOfficialSnapLens\": \"bool\"}, \"linkPreview\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"canonicalUrl\": \"str\", \"twitterImage\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"size\": {\"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}}, \"facebookImage\": {\"url\": \"str\", \"size\": {\"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\"}}}, \"pageMetadata\": {\"pageType\": \"int\", \"pageTitle\": \"str\", \"pageDescription\": {\"value\": 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need to send it, and it can be taken from previous call as a next_max_id in Json response.\nfor example:\n\"next_max_id\": \"QVFBeHItQXBZTHZPdEdNM2RLTmFtODJEZXpkUVIwbktBWDFscFQ5SFIyZTlodWU3bFZ6RXJmaURNMGJGYk1BbFk1WjIzdzlITGJzRjBkM2lNZ2lwZ2s2TA==\", required_params: [{\"name\": \"tag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11171", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Snapchat, api_name:getDeeplinkToLensId, api_description:getDeeplinkToLensId, required_params: [{\"name\": \"deeplink\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"lensId\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11172", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram_v5, api_name:Search Hashtag, api_description:Get Instagram hashtags by keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11173", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Bulk Profile Scrapper, api_name:Tagged Posts, api_description:Instagram Users Tagged posts, required_params: [{\"name\": \"corsEnabled\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"ig\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11174", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Data, api_name:User Tagged Feed, api_description:Get user tagged feed, post where user was tagged\n\n**NOTE:** Profile should be public(not private)\n**NOTE:** By using **user_id** instead of the username your request will be executed much faster, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"user\": {\"edge_user_to_photos_of_you\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"page_info\": 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{"_id": "11180", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter V2, api_name:Tweet Detail & Conversation, api_description:Get Tweet Detail & Conversation, required_params: [{\"name\": \"tweet_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"threaded_conversation_with_injections_v2\\\": {\\\"instructions\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"entries\\\": [{\\\"entryId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sortIndex\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"entryType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"itemContent\\\": {\\\"itemType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tweet_results\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"core\\\": {\\\"user_results\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"rest_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"affiliates_highlighted_label\\\": {}, \\\"has_nft_avatar\\\": \\\"bool\\\", 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[{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"specified user\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11188", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Data, api_name:Location Search, api_description:Get locations metadata (id and etc), required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location name, for example: new york\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items\": [{\"location\": {\"pk\": \"int\", \"short_name\": \"str\", \"facebook_places_id\": \"int\", \"external_source\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"has_viewer_saved\": \"bool\", \"lng\": \"float\", \"lat\": \"float\"}, \"title\": \"str\", \"subtitle\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 55}], \"has_more\": \"bool\", \"rank_token\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11189", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Geeklist, api_name:Get Specified 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the limit parameter to its maximum value of 250 allows you to retrieve the maximum number of search results in a single request., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_users\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"total_results\": \"int\", \"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"username\": \"str\", \"created_utc\": \"float\", \"post_karma\": \"int\", \"comment_karma\": \"int\", \"fallowers\": \"str\", \"is_employee\": \"bool\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"over_18\": \"str\", \"is_mod\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11198", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Looter, api_name:Get Media Info by url, api_description:Get **Instagram** media info by **/p/** - **/tv/** - **/reel/**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"link\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"__typename\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"id\\\": 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[{\"name\": \"hashtag\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Hashtag name. 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"category_name:Social, tool_name:Twitter_v5, api_name:Get User Followers, api_description:Get User Followers By ID. \n\nYou can get the user(rest_id) query from \"Get User By Username\" endpoint, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11208", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API_v2, api_name:Get Followings by pk, api_description:Get lists of any public Instagram account followings via pk, required_params: [{\"name\": \"pk\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11209", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram API_v2, api_name:Search among Followings by pk, api_description:search any query in an Instagram account followings when you have the pk, it can be one part or the whole 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\"description\": \"id challenge or name challenge\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11220", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Video No Watermark_v2, api_name:get video detail, api_description:**Get links without watermarks quickly and easily**\nNo support url image list, required_params: [{\"name\": \"url\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Support url: (ID: xxxxxxxxxxxx)\\n- https://www.tiktok.com/@username/video/xxxxxxxxxxxx\\n- https://vm.tiktok.com/xxxxxxxxxxxx/\\n- https://vt.tiktok.com/xxxxxxxxxxxx/\\n- xxxxxxxxxxxx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11221", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:TikTok Video No Watermark_v2, api_name:Search music, api_description:Search music, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keywords\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11222", "title": "", 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"category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Bulk Profile Scrapper, api_name:Get Feed by Location Id, api_description:Get Instagram Feeds by Location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"loc_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"feed_type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11227", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Social, tool_name:Instagram Bulk Profile Scrapper, api_name:Validate Username, api_description:**Contact me for Custom package or requirements**\n\nThis API will be usefull for Instagram username validation or finding similar usernames to pick correct one., required_params: [{\"name\": \"username\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"pk\": \"int\", \"username\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"is_business\": \"bool\", \"is_professional\": \"bool\", 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return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"vin\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11230", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:City and State Search API, api_name:Countries Search, api_description:This endpoint allows you to search for specific countries by name. It returns a list of countries that match the specified search query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"iso2\": \"str\", \"native\": \"str\", \"emoji\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11231", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:SuperHero Search, api_name:Search, api_description:This endpoint searches through our superhero database, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"powerstats\": {\"intelligence\": \"int\", \"strength\": \"int\", \"speed\": \"int\", \"durability\": \"int\", \"power\": \"int\", \"combat\": \"int\"}, \"appearance\": {\"gender\": \"str\", \"race\": \"str\", \"height\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"weight\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"eyeColor\": \"str\", \"hairColor\": \"str\"}, \"biography\": {\"fullName\": \"str\", \"alterEgos\": \"str\", \"aliases\": [\"list of str with length 15\"], \"placeOfBirth\": \"str\", \"firstAppearance\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"alignment\": \"str\"}, \"work\": {\"occupation\": \"str\", \"base\": \"str\"}, \"connections\": {\"groupAffiliation\": \"str\", \"relatives\": \"str\"}, \"images\": {\"xs\": \"str\", \"sm\": \"str\", \"md\": \"str\", \"lg\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11232", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:SuperHero Search, api_name:Heroes, api_description:Return a list of 20 random heroes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"powerstats\": {\"intelligence\": \"int\", \"strength\": \"int\", \"speed\": \"int\", \"durability\": \"int\", \"power\": \"int\", \"combat\": \"int\"}, \"appearance\": {\"gender\": \"str\", \"race\": \"str\", \"height\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"weight\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"eyeColor\": \"str\", \"hairColor\": \"str\"}, \"biography\": {\"fullName\": \"str\", \"alterEgos\": \"str\", \"aliases\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"placeOfBirth\": \"str\", \"firstAppearance\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"alignment\": \"str\"}, \"work\": {\"occupation\": \"str\", \"base\": \"str\"}, \"connections\": {\"groupAffiliation\": \"str\", \"relatives\": \"str\"}, \"images\": {\"xs\": \"str\", \"sm\": \"str\", \"md\": \"str\", \"lg\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11233", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:SuperHero Search, api_name:Villains, api_description:Return 20 random Villains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"powerstats\": {\"intelligence\": \"int\", \"strength\": \"int\", \"speed\": \"int\", \"durability\": \"int\", \"power\": \"int\", \"combat\": \"int\"}, \"appearance\": {\"gender\": \"str\", \"race\": \"NoneType\", \"height\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"weight\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"eyeColor\": \"str\", \"hairColor\": \"str\"}, \"biography\": {\"fullName\": \"str\", \"alterEgos\": \"str\", \"aliases\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"placeOfBirth\": \"str\", \"firstAppearance\": \"str\", \"publisher\": \"str\", \"alignment\": \"str\"}, \"work\": {\"occupation\": \"str\", \"base\": \"str\"}, \"connections\": {\"groupAffiliation\": \"str\", \"relatives\": \"str\"}, \"images\": {\"xs\": \"str\", \"sm\": \"str\", \"md\": \"str\", \"lg\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11234", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:VIN decoder, api_name:VIN Decoder@Lite, api_description:Get 7 items, required_params: [{\"name\": \"vin\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The VIN must be 17 characters\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Report_Type\": \"str\", \"VIN\": \"str\", \"Status\": \"str\", \"Model_Year\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"Make\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"Model\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"Trim_Level\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"Manufactured_in\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"Body_Style\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"Engine_Type\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"Engine_Displacement\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"Engine_Shape\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"Fuel_Type\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"Vehicle_Type\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}, \"GVWR_Class\": {\"value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11235", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:VIN decoder, api_name:US License Plate to VIN, api_description:Get the vin by license plate number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"state_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"**Run a License Plate Search By State**\\nAL,AK,AZ,AR,CA,CO,CT,DE,DC,FL,GA,HI,ID,IL,IN,IA,KS,KY,LA,ME,MD,MA,MI,MN,MS,MO,MT,NE,NV,NH,NJ,NM,NY,NC,ND,OH,OK,OR,PA,RI,SC,SD,TN,TX,UT,VT,VA,WA,WV,WI,WY\"}, {\"name\": \"license_plate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"vin\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11236", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Postali, api_name:Codes, api_description:Search by code ej. 66446, required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11237", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Search, tool_name:Google Reviews Scraper, api_name:GetFullReviews, api_description:this endpoint get all the reviews in one request, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fullsort\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"fullid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11238", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Visual_Recognition, tool_name:Aspose OCR Cloud, api_name:GetFileVersions, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11239", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Metro IATA codes, api_description:Returns a list of metro IATA codes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11240", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Car API, api_name:Makes, api_description:Search makes by name and year., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exception\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11241", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Waze, api_name:Alerts and Jams, api_description:Get real-time alerts and jams from Waze in a geographic rectangular area defined by bottom-left and top-right latitude, longitude pairs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"top_right\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Top-right corner of the geographic rectangular area for which to get alerts and traffic jams. Specified as latitude, longitude pair.\"}, {\"name\": \"bottom_left\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Bottom-left corner of the geographic rectangular area for which to get alerts and traffic jams. Specified as latitude, longitude pair.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"alerts\\\": [{\\\"alert_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"subtype\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"reported_by\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"image\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"publish_datetime_utc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"street\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"num_thumbs_up\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"alert_reliability\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"alert_confidence\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"near_by\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"comments\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"num_comments\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 21}], \\\"jams\\\": [{\\\"jam_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"level\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"severity\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"line_coordinates\\\": [{\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lon\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 4}], \\\"start_location\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"end_location\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"speed_kmh\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"length_meters\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"delay_seconds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"block_alert_id\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"block_alert_type\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"block_alert_description\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"block_alert_update_datetime_utc\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"block_start_datetime_utc\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"publish_datetime_utc\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"update_datetime_utc\\\": \\\"str\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11242", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:City List, api_description:Returns a list of valid cities for this API when provided a valid province. Ex: 'Ontario', required_params: [{\"name\": \"province\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11243", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Travel Hacking Tool, api_name:Get Country Details, api_description:This returns details for a country based on the country codes (ISO-3166)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11244", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Nearest airports for a given latitude and longitude, api_description:Returns the nearest airports for a given latitude and longitude, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Specify longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Specify latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11245", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:flights/get-playback, api_description:Get history traveling data of specific flight, required_params: [{\"name\": \"flightId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Value of 'id' OR 'identification/id' field returned in .../flights/detail or .../flights/get-more-info endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"timestamp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Value of 'departure' field returned in .../flights/detail OR .../flights/get-more-info endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"errors\": {\"message\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"parameters\": {\"timestamp\": \"empty list\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11246", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:airports/list, api_description:List all airports around the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"version\": \"str\", \"rows\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"iata\": \"str\", \"icao\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"country\": \"str\", \"alt\": \"int\", \"size\": \"int\", \"timezone\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"offsetHours\": \"str\", \"abbr\": \"str\", \"abbrName\": \"str\", \"isDst\": \"bool\"}, \"countryId\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5095}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11247", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:flights/detail, api_description:Get detailed information of specific flight, required_params: [{\"name\": \"flight\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of id, flight_id field returned in .../flights/list-in-boundary or .../flights/list-most-tracked endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"s\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11248", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:AP sample, api_name:Zipcode, api_description:Get locations by zipcode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"Zipcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"detail\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11249", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Car API, api_name:Trims, api_description:To include additional information about the returned body (such as year, make, model and trim) request with the query parameter as verbose=yes.\n\nFor complex queries you may use the json field to send an array of URL encoded JSON conditions, example:\n\n`[{\"field\": \"year\", \"op\": \">=\", \"val\": 2010}, {\"field\": \"year\", \"op\": \"<=\", \"val\": 2020}]`\n\nAllowed operators are: `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `in`, `not in`, `like`, `not like`, `is null` and `not null`.\n\nAllowed json search fields are: year, make, model, trim, bodies.type, engines.cam_type, engines.cylinders, engines.drive_type, engines.engine_type, engines.fuel_type, engines.transmission, engines.valve_timing, engines.valves, make_id, make_model_id, make_model_trim_id, created, and modified., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"exception\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11250", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Waze, api_name:Autocomplete, api_description:Waze/Google autocomplete/type-ahead for places, locations and addresses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Free-text geographic query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11251", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:aqls-b2c-system, api_name:get_wheelchair_mrt__train_no__wagons__wagon_no__wheelchairrows__wheelchairrows_no__seats_get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"train_no\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"wagon_no\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"wheelchairrows_no\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11252", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:aqls-b2c-system, api_name:get_wagons_mrt__train_no__wagons__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"train_no\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11253", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:aqls-b2c-system, api_name:get_train_data_mrt_id__id__get, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11254", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:13, api_name:accountList, api_description:Retrieves all accounts, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11255", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/comments-ccfc31c2-0e94-4db6-9956-382d4c9efe6e, api_description:Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11256", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/types/{id}-523e7700-867d-45a5-8362-f7d4818f6bc9, api_description:Get Single Type, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11257", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Datapoint health status by id, api_description:Retrieve some informations about the status of the destination URL associated to a datapoint. Available info depends on the account plan, required_params: [{\"name\": \"datapoint_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11258", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Block Info with Transactions, api_description:Gets a block with transactions of a given block number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"blockNumber\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Block number to retrieve block.\"}, {\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Network to fetch information about a specific block.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11259", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Tasks Cloud, api_name:GetDocumentProperties, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The document name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11260", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Tasks Cloud, api_name:GetTaskTimephasedData, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the file.\"}, {\"name\": \"taskUid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Uid of task to get timephased data for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11261", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:HauteCouture-API, api_name:get all maisons categories, api_description:Renders all the maisons categories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11262", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Block Number From Timestamp, api_description:Gets the block number closest to the given timestamp., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Network to fetch a timestamp from.\"}, {\"name\": \"timestamp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Date to retrieve block. Unix timestamp in seconds.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11263", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Token Price History by Period, api_description:Gets the price chart of a token within a given period in USD., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Specific network the desired coin resides on.\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The token address of the desired coin.\"}, {\"name\": \"period\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Returns the chart within this time.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11264", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Quran Com, api_name:tafsir info by id, api_description:Get the information of a specific tafsir. Could include information about the author, when it was published etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"tafsir_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11265", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Horoscope Astrology, api_name:Get a tarot card, api_description:This endpoint returns a randomly selected tarot card from a traditional tarot deck, along with its corresponding interpretation and meaning. The tarot card reading is generated using a randomized algorithm, offering users a unique and personalized tarot experience. The API is designed to be easy to use, allowing developers to integrate tarot card readings into their own applications and websites., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"res\": [{\"cbd_desc\": \"str\", \"desc\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"rdesc\": \"str\", \"sequence\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11266", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/tags/{id}-b45ea222-6d54-4156-b9e6-5630c4edffe7, api_description:Get Single Tag, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11267", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/categories/{id}-411760b4-8ab7-4a73-a04a-6e0cb2e2c00c, api_description:Get Single Category, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11268", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/posts/{id}-9d548709-72a0-48c0-a0fa-57c41026a2ef, api_description:Get Single Post, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11269", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/taxonomies-6b249ef7-e2c2-4378-b40a-42146d250423, api_description:List Taxonomy, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11270", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud, api_name:ObjectExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File or folder path e.g. '/file.ext' or '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11271", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:PragmavantApi, api_name:/file/content-type, api_description:File: get content type, required_params: [{\"name\": \"source\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"source\": \"str\", \"mime_type\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11272", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose Email Cloud, api_name:EmailGetAsFile, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File format\\nEnum, available values: Eml, Msg, MsgUnicode, Mhtml, Html, Tnef, Oft\"}, {\"name\": \"fileName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email document file name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11273", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Event Logs, api_description:Gets the logs of a contract., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Network to fetch logs for.\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The address to fetch logs from.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11274", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Look up Address, api_description:Looks up the ens domain for a crypto address if there is any domain bound with the address., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Network to fetch the default ENS domain for.\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address of the user to fetch the default ENS domain for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11275", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Historical NFT Balances, api_description:Gets the user's historical NFT balance records., required_params: [{\"name\": \"walletAddress\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The wallet address of the user whose NFT balances are being retrieved. Accepts either address or ENS.\"}, {\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Specific network to fetch the user's NFT balance.\"}, {\"name\": \"timestamp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Date to retrieve user's NFT balances. Unix timestamp in seconds.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11276", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose Email Cloud, api_name:CalendarGetAsAlternate, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"calendarAction\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"iCalendar method type\\nEnum, available values: Create, Update, Cancel\"}, {\"name\": \"fileName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"iCalendar file name in storage\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11277", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/media/{id}-adb0e84c-5f56-4e25-8aba-9042e0c3f90f, api_description:Get Single Media, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of object\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11278", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:The South Asian Express, api_name:get-/categories-36a9b66a-641f-4969-a849-36119ad674a3, api_description:List categories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11279", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Diagram Cloud, api_name:GetPages, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Document name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"RequestId\": \"str\", \"Error\": {\"Code\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"DateTime\": \"str\", \"InnerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11280", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Translation Cloud, api_name:GetDiscUsage, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11281", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud, api_name:GetFileVersions, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"File path e.g. '/file.ext'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11282", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:PragmavantApi, api_name:root, api_description:Root resource, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11283", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose Email Cloud, api_name:StorageExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"storageName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Storage name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11284", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose Email Cloud, api_name:GetFilesList, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Folder path e.g. '/folder'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11285", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Tasks Cloud, api_name:GetCalendarWorkWeeks, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"calendarUid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Calendar Uid\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the file.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11286", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Tasks Cloud, api_name:GetDiscUsage, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11287", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Tasks Cloud, api_name:GetDocumentProperty, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"propertyName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The property name.\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The document name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11288", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Tasks Cloud, api_name:GetAssignmentTimephasedData, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the file.\"}, {\"name\": \"assignmentUid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Uid of assignment to get timephased data for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11289", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Tasks Cloud, api_name:GetExtendedAttributeByIndex, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"index\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Index (See ExtendedAttributeItem.Index property) or FieldId of the extended attribute.\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the file.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11290", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Quran Com, api_name:random, api_description:Get a random verse. You can get random verse by `chapter`,`page`, `juz`, `hizb`, `rub el hizb`, `ruku`, `manzil` number, or from whole Quran., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11291", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Shapeways, api_name:GET /models/{modelId}/v1, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"modelid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Model id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11292", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Shapeways, api_name:GET /categories/{categoryId}/v1, api_description:, required_params: [{\"name\": \"categoryid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Category id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11293", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Shapeways, api_name:GET /materials/v1, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"List\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"httpMethod\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"revision\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"preferred\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"discoveryRestUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"discoveryLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"discoveryRootUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"documentationLink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"parameters\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"returns\\\": {\\\"result\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"materials\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"properties\\\": {\\\"\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"properties\\\": {\\\"title\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"supportsColorFiles\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"printerId\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"swatch\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"restrictions\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"properties\\\": {\\\"\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"properties\\\": {\\\"restrictionId\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"restrictionName\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"restrictio\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11294", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Tasks Cloud, api_name:GetResource, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"resourceUid\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Resource Uid\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The name of the file.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11295", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:GroupDocs Watermark Cloud, api_name:StorageExists, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"storageName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Storage name\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"requestId\": \"str\", \"error\": {\"code\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"dateTime\": \"str\", \"innerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11296", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:PracticaUipath, api_name:prueba, api_description:prueba, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11297", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:List custom blacklisted IPs, api_description:List custom blacklisted IPs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11298", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.Cells Cloud, api_name:GetRecognizeDocument, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Name of the file to recognize.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11299", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Get a full list of conversions with statistics, api_description:Get a full list of conversions with statistics, required_params: [{\"name\": \"timeframe\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Timeframe can be \\\"today\\\", \\\"yesterday\\\", \\\"last7\\\", \\\"last30\\\", \\\"last90\\\", \\\"beginning\\\", \\\"custom\\\". If \\\"custom\\\" use also fromDay-toDay parameters.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11300", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ClickMeter, api_name:Tags Count, api_description:Get a count of the tags. You can use the same filters of \"/tags\", required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11301", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.PDF Cloud, api_name:GetPdfInStorageToMobiXml, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The document name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"RequestId\": \"str\", \"Error\": {\"Code\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"DateTime\": \"str\", \"InnerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11302", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.PDF Cloud, api_name:GetComboBoxField, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The document name.\"}, {\"name\": \"fieldName\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The field name.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"RequestId\": \"str\", \"Error\": {\"Code\": \"str\", \"Message\": \"str\", \"Description\": \"str\", \"DateTime\": \"str\", \"InnerError\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11303", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Aspose.PDF Cloud, api_name:GetPdfAInStorageToPdf, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"srcPath\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Full source filename (ex. /folder1/folder2/template.pdf)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11304", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:trainmyAPI27, api_name:belajarpostAPI, api_description:belajar post dan get, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11305", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:ODAM, api_name:tsv3, api_description:Get all values of a merged data subsets\n, required_params: [{\"name\": \"dataset\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"dataset identifier\"}, {\"name\": \"subset\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"data subset identifier\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11306", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Token Price History between Blocks, api_description:Gets the price chart of a token between two blocks in USD, required_params: [{\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Specific network the desired coin resides on.\"}, {\"name\": \"endBlock\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Returns the users net worth chart ending at this block.\"}, {\"name\": \"startBlock\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The start block that was requested.\"}, {\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The token address of the desired coin.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11307", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:Uniblock, api_name:Get Current Block Number, api_description:Gets the current block number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chainId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Network to fetch the current block number from.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11308", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Other, tool_name:HauteCouture-API, api_name:Get a random maison, api_description:Renders a maison who possessed the haute couture label, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11309", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:top free apps, api_name:temp endpoint, api_description:/, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11310", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:originals/episodes/get-info, api_description:Get episode and photo links\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [{\"name\": \"episodeNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of episodeNo field returned in .../originals/episodes/list endpoint.\"}, {\"name\": \"titleNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of titleNo field returned in .../originals/titles/list or .../originals/titles/list-by-rank endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11311", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Hummingbird APIv1, api_name:Feed, api_description:Get the latest posts on a user's feed, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11312", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Manga Scrapper, api_name:Search result for webtoon's query, api_description:Make request to find webtoons based on the provided query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specify the search query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11313", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Manga Scrapper, api_name:Providers list - all, api_description:Make request to fetch webtoon providers list., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11314", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Minecraft-Forge-Optifine, api_name:downloadMinecraftJson, api_description:Redirect to download Minecraft .json file., required_params: [{\"name\": \"minecraftversion\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11315", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Minecraft-Forge-Optifine, api_name:downloadMinecraftJar, api_description:Redirect to download Minecraft .jar file., required_params: [{\"name\": \"minecraftversion\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11316", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Manga Scrapper, api_name:Chapters list - paginated, api_description:Make request to fetch chapter collection for a specific webtoon from a specific provider., required_params: [{\"name\": \"provider\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specify the webtoon provider' slug. See /providers for the provider list.\"}, {\"name\": \"webtoon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specify the webtoon's slug. See /webtoons for the webtoon list.\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of results per page, between 1 - 20.\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Specify the page to fetch.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11317", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:canvas/search, api_description:Search for comics by term or phrase\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11318", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Anime, manga and Novels Api, api_name:Novels, api_description:Get novels information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11319", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Manga Scrapper, api_name:A webtoon by its slug, api_description:Make request to fetch a specific webtoon information from a specific provider., required_params: [{\"name\": \"provider\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specify the webtoon provider' slug. See /providers for the provider list.\"}, {\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Specify the webtoon's slug. See /webtoons for the webtoon list.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11320", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Fantasy 5, api_name:Drawing By Date, api_description:Get the winning Fantasy 5 number set from a specific drawing date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Must be a date field in the form of MM-DD-YYYY. Please no slashes \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11321", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Minecraft-Forge-Optifine, api_name:forgeLegacyList, api_description:Return a JSON format file of http://files.minecraftforge.net/minecraftforge/index_legacy.html ., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11322", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Manga Scrapper, api_name:Webtoons list - all, api_description:Make request to fetch webtoon's series collection from a specific provider., required_params: [{\"name\": \"provider\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11323", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Web - Novel API, api_name:/novel/{novel_id}/chapter/{chapter_id}, api_description:Returns the Crawling Result for the selected Chapter ID.\n\nThis Endpoint is Crawling Results live so there can be Problems due to Bot Protection etc. this usually is automatically resolved, and you should not be billed in this case, so if you get an Error Return we recommend waiting some time and to retry., required_params: [{\"name\": \"chapter_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"novel_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11324", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Riddlie , api_name:Get Riddle of the Day, api_description:With this endpoint, you can request a riddle of the day. Each day API will serve a different riddle with an answer and other details., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11325", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Watchmode, api_name:Titles with Changed Episodes, api_description:Get a listing of titles that have changes to their episodes (new episodes, episode details changed, etc) within the date range., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"statusCode\": \"int\", \"statusMessage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11326", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Watchmode, api_name:Person, api_description:Return details on a specific person (actor, director, etc)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"first_name\": \"str\", \"last_name\": \"str\", \"tmdb_id\": \"int\", \"imdb_id\": \"str\", \"main_profession\": \"str\", \"secondary_profession\": \"str\", \"tertiary_profession\": \"str\", \"date_of_birth\": \"str\", \"date_of_death\": \"NoneType\", \"place_of_birth\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"headshot_url\": \"str\", \"known_for\": [\"list of int with length 4\"], \"relevance_percentile\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11327", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:canvas/titles/get-info, api_description:Get comic information\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [{\"name\": \"titleNo\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of titleNo field returned in .../canvas/titles/list or .../canvas/search or .../canvas/home endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11328", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Webtoon, api_name:canvas/home, api_description:Reproduce comic data in home screen\n*To load images, please check the tutorial at https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/webtoon/tutorials/how-to-load-images, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11329", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Euro Millions, api_name:Get All M1lhao draws dates, api_description:Get all M1lhao draws dates (M1lhão (‘The Million’) is a supplementary game offered to Portuguese EuroMillions players which offers the chance to win a prize of €1 million on Friday evenings.), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11330", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Entertainment, tool_name:Cash4Life, api_name:Drawings Between Dates, api_description:Get all Cash4Life winning number sets between two specified dates where the first number supplied is the beginning date and the second number supplied is the end date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date1\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date2\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11331", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Virtual Accounts API, api_name:GetTransactionById, api_description:To get transaction by unique id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11332", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Payments, tool_name:Capacitacionangular, api_name:Cliente, api_description:Clientes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11333", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:The Fork The Spoon, api_name:sale-type-menu/list (Deprecated), api_description:Get menu of specific restaurant, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id_restaurant\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of data/id field returned in \\u2026/restaurants/v2/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11334", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Keto Diet, api_name:Filter - Prep Time in Minutes, api_description:Gives keto recipes within given range of preparation time.\nprep_time_in_minutes__lt = Less than\nprep_time_in_minutes__gt = Greater than, required_params: [{\"name\": \"prep_time_in_minutes__gt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"prep_time_in_minutes__lt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"recipe\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"prep_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prep_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", 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with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"queryPlaceValueCityId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of id_city field returned in \\u2026/locations/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"geo\\\": {\\\"longitude\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"servesCuisine\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"containedInPlace\\\": {}, \\\"priceRange\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"currenciesAccepted\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"address\\\": {\\\"street\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postalCode\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locality\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"aggregateRatings\\\": {\\\"thefork\\\": {\\\"ratingValue\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"reviewCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"tripadvisor\\\": {\\\"ratingValue\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"reviewCount\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"mainPhoto\\\": {\\\"source\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"612x344\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"480x270\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"240x135\\\": 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[], return_schema: {\"ok\": \"bool\", \"mensaje\": \"str\", \"promo\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"nombrePromo\": \"str\", \"descripcion\": \"str\", \"precioFinal\": \"str\", \"porcentajeDescuento\": \"NoneType\", \"cantidadDescuento\": \"NoneType\", \"sucursal\": \"int\", \"linkImagen\": \"str\", \"fechaInicio\": \"str\", \"fechaCaducidad\": \"str\", \"borrado\": \"int\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11338", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Testing_v3, api_name:FindTags, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11339", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Fast Food Restaurants USA - TOP 50 Chains, api_name:GET all {State} names, api_description:GET all {State} names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"stateName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11340", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Testing_v3, api_name:FindCategory, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"where\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11341", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Testing_v3, api_name:FindOrganisationCities, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"populate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"where\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11342", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:side-dish/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random side dish recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 6\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11343", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Ordering, api_name:listLast, api_description:Get last orders for user (all states included)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11344", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Keto Diet, api_name:Filter - Carbohydrates, api_description:Gives keto recipes within given range of carbohydrates value.\ncarbohydrates_in_grams__lt = Less than\ncarbohydrates_in_grams__gt = Greater than, required_params: [{\"name\": \"carbohydrates_in_grams__lt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"carbohydrates_in_grams__gt\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"recipe\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"category\\\": {\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"category\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"prep_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prep_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"cook_time_in_minutes\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"cook_time_note\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"difficulty\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"serving\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"measurement_1\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_2\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_3\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_4\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_5\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"measurement_6\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_7\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"measurement_8\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", 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\"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"canonical_term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"message\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"results\\\": {\\\"feed\\\": [{\\\"seo\\\": {\\\"web\\\": {\\\"noindex\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"canonical-term\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"meta-tags\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"link-tags\\\": [{\\\"rel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"image-url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"redirect\\\": {\\\"permanent\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"domain\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"spotlightSearch\\\": {\\\"keywords\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 20\\\"], \\\"noindex\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}, \\\"firebase\\\": {\\\"noindex\\\": \\\"bool\\\"}}, \\\"tracking-id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"locale\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"description\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", 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recipes/list API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"keywords\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"servings_noun_singular\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated_at\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"seo_title\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"user_ratings\\\": {\\\"count_positive\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"score\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"count_negative\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"price\\\": {\\\"consumption_total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"consumption_portion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"updated_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"portion\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"video_id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"prep_time_minutes\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sections\\\": [{\\\"components\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"measurements\\\": [{\\\"unit\\\": {\\\"system\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_plural\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_singular\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"abbreviation\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"quantity\\\": 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\"id of the venue\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11348", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Yummly, api_name:tags/list, api_description:List all tags in which recipes are group together, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"de-DE\\\": {\\\"user-diet\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"localesAvailableIn\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 6\\\"], \\\"value-type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ordinal\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"exclusive?\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 6}], \\\"picker-units\\\": {\\\"imperial\\\": [\\\"list of list with length 14\\\"], \\\"metric\\\": [\\\"list of list with length 13\\\"]}, \\\"user-allergy\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"localesAvailableIn\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 2\\\"], \\\"value-type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ordinal\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"exclusive?\\\": 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\"str\", \"data\": [{\"alias\": \"str\", \"dni\": \"str\", \"nombre\": \"str\", \"apellido\": \"str\", \"categoriaIva\": \"str\", \"domicilio\": \"empty list\", \"email\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 35}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11350", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Ordering, api_name:listOpened, api_description:Get opened orders for user., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\", \"error_description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11351", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:OKTOSHOP, api_name:endpoint1, api_description:qweqwdq, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11352", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:MyNewTestApi, api_name:MyTestEndpoint, api_description:My test end point, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"testkey\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11353", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Tasty, api_name:recipes/get-more-info, api_description:Get more information of recipe if available, such as : ingredients, nutrition info, preparation, etc... This endpoint returns 404 status code, it means there is no more information to obtain.\n* .../recipes/list already returns ingredients, nutrition info, preparation, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id value of any recipe returned in recipes/list API\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"brand\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"instructions\\\": [{\\\"position\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"start_time\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"end_time\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"temperature\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"appliance\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"display_text\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 7}], \\\"tags\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"display_name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"root_tag_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 6}], \\\"cook_time_minutes\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"keywords\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"language\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"servings_noun_singular\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"thumbnail_url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"canonical_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"servings_noun_plural\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"updated_at\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"original_video_url\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"draft_status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"is_one_top\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"seo_path\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"price\\\": {\\\"consumption_portion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"updated_at\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"portion\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"consumption_total\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"promotion\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"slug\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"total_time_minutes\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"aspect_ratio\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"buzz_id\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"is_shoppable\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"num_servings\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"credits\\\": [{\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11354", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:The Fork The Spoon, api_name:food-report/list (Deprecated), api_description:List all available food reported by other diners, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id_restaurant\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of data/id field returned in \\u2026/restaurants/v2/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11355", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Testing_v3, api_name:FindCuisine, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11356", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Testing_v3, api_name:MenuDetail, api_description:A **multi-language** api\r\n\r\nGet menu details using KV (need resync to get latest data) and filter dynamic multi language data based on query params (eg. ?lang=zh-hans), required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"id of the menu\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11357", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Argaam Data APIs Free, api_name:Get a List of Fund Managers, api_description:Get a List of Fund Managers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fundManagerID\": \"int\", \"companyNameAr\": \"str\", \"companyNameEn\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11358", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Argaam Data APIs Free, api_name:Get a List of Cement Attributes against each group, api_description:Get a List of Cement Attributes against each group, required_params: [{\"name\": \"reportID\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"reportID\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11359", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Argaam Data APIs Free, api_name:Get Markets, api_description:Get Markets, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"marketID\": \"int\", \"marketNameAr\": \"str\", \"marketNameEn\": \"str\", \"bid\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11360", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Amazon_API_v2, api_name:/Laptops, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11361", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Inventory and eCommerce hosted and self-hosted solution, api_name:All, api_description:, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11362", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Cartify, api_name:getAllUsers, api_description:For a valid response, you would need to have an authorization header and set the role to *Bearer admin*., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11363", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Argaam Data APIs Free, api_name:Get a List of Funds against each Fund Manager, api_description:Get a List of Funds against each Fund Manager, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fundManagerID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"fundID\": \"int\", \"fundNameAr\": \"str\", \"fundNameEn\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11364", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Argaam Data APIs Free, api_name:Get International Market Data, api_description:Get International Market Data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"marketID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"International Market ID for which Data is needed.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"marketID\": \"int\", \"bid\": \"NoneType\", \"tradingDate\": \"str\", \"openValue\": \"float\", \"closeValue\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"change\": \"float\", \"percentageChange\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11365", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Test_v2, api_name:asdf, api_description:asdf, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11366", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Argaam Data APIs Free, api_name:Get Market Data, api_description:Get Market Data, required_params: [{\"name\": \"marketID\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Market ID for which Data is needed.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"marketID\": \"int\", \"bid\": \"str\", \"tradingDate\": \"str\", \"openValue\": \"float\", \"closeValue\": \"float\", \"previousCloseValue\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"changeValue\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"amount\": \"float\", \"contractCount\": \"int\", \"isOpened\": \"bool\", \"percentageChange\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11367", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Argaam Data APIs Free, api_name:Get a List of Cement Attribute Groups, api_description:Get a List of Cement Attribute Groups, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"reportID\": \"int\", \"nameAr\": \"str\", \"nameEn\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11368", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Argaam Data APIs Free, api_name:Get a List of Indicator Groups and Subgroups, api_description:Get a List of Indicator Groups and Subgroups, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"groupID\": \"int\", \"nameAr\": \"str\", \"nameEn\": \"str\", \"subGroups\": [{\"groupID\": \"int\", \"parentGroupID\": \"int\", \"nameAr\": \"str\", \"nameEn\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 13}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11369", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Argaam Data APIs Free, api_name:Get Commodities, api_description:Get Commodities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"commodityID\": \"int\", \"nameEn\": \"str\", \"nameAr\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11370", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Argaam Data APIs Free, api_name:Get a List of Bank Sector Groups, api_description:Get a List of Bank Sector Groups, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"reportID\": \"int\", \"nameAr\": \"str\", \"nameEn\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11371", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:The Cancer Imaging Archive, api_name:getBodyPartValues, api_description:Set of all body part names filtered by query keys, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"BodyPartExamined\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11372", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Konviere DrugsAPI, api_name:Get Adverse Event Info by Reaction, Sex & Age Group, api_description:This web method will return a summary dataset related to the adverse events information using the “reaction” the reaction, “sex” the patient sex (0: unknown, 1: male, 2: female) and “ageGrp” age group (1: Neonate, 2: Infant,3: Child,4: Adolescent,5: Adult,6: Elderly), these input parameters are required. All web method requires the \"api_key\" as query parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ageGrp\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sex\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"reaction\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11373", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Konviere DrugsAPI, api_name:Get Adverse Event Info by Reaction, api_description:This web method will return a summary dataset related to the adverse events information using the “reaction” the reaction that was reported, this input parameter is required. All web method requires the \"api_key\" as query parameter., required_params: [{\"name\": \"reaction\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"api_key\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\", \"invalidHeaders\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"invalidQueryParams\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11374", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:23andMe, api_name:carriers, api_description:Our analysis of whether or not each profile is a carrier for these diseases (starred reports). The person has 0, 1, or 2 mutations, or null if they're not analyzed at any of the markers. Normally, with one mutation, the person is considered a \"carrier\" and can pass the mutation to children; with two, the person is likely to be affected by the disease., required_params: [{\"name\": \"profile_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11375", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:eGFR Calculator (Glomerular filtration rate calculator) , api_name:eGFR Calculation for Creatinine value in μmol/L, api_description:API documentation for eGFR2 (for Creatinine value in μmol/L)\n\n\n\n\nIntroduction\n\n\nThis API provides a way to calculate the Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) for assessing renal function using the 2021 CKD-EPI formula. The eGFR is a measure of the kidney's ability to filter waste from the blood, and is an important indicator of renal health.\nEndpoint\n\nThe API endpoint for the eGFR calculation is:\n\n\nhttps://api.algomed.in/egfr2\n\n\nInput\n\nThe API requires the following input parameters to be passed in the request body as a JSON object:\n* creatinine (float): The patient's creatinine level, in μmol/L. \n* age (integer): The patient's age, in years.\n* Female (boolean): Is the patient a female, True or false.\n\n\nInput example:\n\nHere is an example for an input request \n\nhttps://api.algomed.in/egfr1?creat=100.0&female=true&age=50\n\nHere the creatinine is 100.0 μmol/L, The gender is female (Female = true) and age of the patient is 50 years. \n\ncurl -X 'GET' \n 'https://api.algomed.in/egfr1?creat=1.2&female=true&age=50' \n -H 'accept: application/json'\n\n\nOutput\nThe API returns a JSON object with the following structure:\n\n{\n \"egfr\": 59, ==> The calculated eGFR value\n \"units\": \"mL/min/1.73m2\", ==> The units for the same\n \"CKD category\": \"G3a\", ==> CKD category based on current guidelines \n \"details\": \"This falls in category of mildly to moderately decreased eGFR\" ==> Information about the CKD category\n}\n\n\n\nExample\nHere is an example of a request to the API endpoint:\n\nGET https://api.algomed.in/egfr1?creat=100.0&female=true&age=50\n\nAnd the corresponding response from the API:\n\n{\n \"egfr\": 59,\n \"units\": \"mL/min/1.73m2\",\n \"CKD category\": \"G3a\",\n \"details\": \"This falls in category of mildly to moderately decreased eGFR\"\n}\n\n\nError Codes\nIn case of any errors, the API returns a JSON object with the following structure:\n* error: A string indicating the error that occurred.\n* message: A detailed error message.\nNotes\n* The creatinine value must be entered in μmol/L.\n* The API only accepts requests with the 'application/json' content type.\n* The API returns a 500 Internal Server Error response in case of any internal errors.\nDisclaimer\nThis API is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The results of the eGFR calculation should always be interpreted in the context of a comprehensive medical evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional., required_params: [{\"name\": \"female\", \"type\": \"BOOLEAN\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"creatmicromol\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11376", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:23andMe, api_name:risks, api_description:Our analysis for each profile's lifetime risk of these diseases (starred reports). population_risk is the average risk for the population for which the analysis applies, and risk is the profile's risk., required_params: [{\"name\": \"profile_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"profile_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11377", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:23andMe, api_name:traits, api_description:Our analysis for each profile for these traits (starred reports). trait is a value in possible_traits, or null if the profile's not analyzed at those markers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"profile_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"profile_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11378", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:23andMe, api_name:neanderthal, api_description:Estimated genome-wide proportion of Neanderthal ancestry for the user's profile. Most users have between 0.01 and 0.04 Neanderthal ancestry -- read a full explanation of the science. proportion is -1 for un-genotyped (or as-of-yet uncomputed) profiles., required_params: [{\"name\": \"profile_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"profile_id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11379", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard-API, api_name:Mexico Songs, api_description:Provide the Mexico Songs chart information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"range\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"date format(YYYY-MM-DD)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"notice\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11380", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Latest Spotify Downloader, api_name:Download Track, api_description:Download a track by passing the details from the fetch track API, required_params: [{\"name\": \"track_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"track_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11381", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Web, api_name:Artist albums, api_description:Get artist albums, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Artist ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"artist\": {\"discography\": {\"albums\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"releases\": {\"items\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"date\": {\"year\": \"int\", \"isoString\": \"str\"}, \"coverArt\": {\"sources\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}, \"playability\": {\"playable\": \"bool\", \"reason\": \"str\"}, \"sharingInfo\": {\"shareId\": \"str\", \"shareUrl\": \"str\"}, \"tracks\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}, \"_list_length\": 11}]}}}}, \"extensions\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11382", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Miza, api_name:Retrieve file, api_description:Retrieves a file hosted by the server. This link is usually obtained by replacing the /p/ path in the /merge and /edit endpoint responses with /f/ or /d/. The request fails if the file requested does not exist or has been deleted., required_params: [{\"name\": \"path\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11383", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:SoundCloud Scraper, api_name:Get Playlist/Album Metadata, api_description:This endpoint fetches full details of a playlist or album, including all track IDs., required_params: [{\"name\": \"playlist\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Playlist/album URL or ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11384", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Genius - Song Lyrics, api_name:Chart: Albums, api_description:Chart: Albums, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11385", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Genius - Song Lyrics, api_name:Artist Albums, api_description:Get artist albums, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Artist ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"albums\": [{\"_type\": \"str\", \"api_path\": \"str\", \"cover_art_thumbnail_url\": \"str\", \"cover_art_url\": \"str\", \"full_title\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"name_with_artist\": \"str\", \"release_date_components\": {\"year\": \"int\", \"month\": \"int\", \"day\": \"int\"}, \"release_date_for_display\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"artist\": {\"_type\": \"str\", \"api_path\": \"str\", \"header_image_url\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"image_url\": \"str\", \"index_character\": \"str\", \"is_meme_verified\": \"bool\", \"is_verified\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"iq\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 19}], \"next_page\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11386", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:kotak7, api_name:Artis info, api_description:Artis info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"num\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"index\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11387", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Data API, api_name:Get album tracks, api_description:Get album tracks by album ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"album id\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Number of results in range 0-50\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"uri\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"artists\": [{\"uri\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"duration_ms\": \"int\", \"explicit\": \"bool\", \"disc_number\": \"int\", \"track_number\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11388", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Web, api_name:Artist related, api_description:Artist related, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Artist ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artists\": [{\"external_urls\": {\"spotify\": \"str\"}, \"followers\": {\"href\": \"NoneType\", \"total\": \"int\"}, \"genres\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"id\": \"str\", \"images\": [{\"height\": \"int\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"name\": \"str\", \"popularity\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11389", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify Web, api_name:Search, api_description:Search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search query\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"`multi` or one of these:\\n\\n- albums\\n- artists\\n- episodes\\n- genres\\n- playlists\\n- podcasts\\n- tracks\\n- users\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"albums\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": \"empty list\"}, \"artists\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": \"empty list\"}, \"episodes\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": \"empty list\"}, \"genres\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": \"empty list\"}, \"playlists\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": \"empty list\"}, \"podcasts\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": \"empty list\"}, \"topResults\": {\"items\": \"empty list\", \"featured\": \"empty list\"}, \"tracks\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": \"empty list\"}, \"users\": {\"totalCount\": \"int\", \"items\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11390", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard-API, api_name:Top Country Artists, api_description:Provide the Greatest of All Time Top Country Artists chart information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11391", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:K-POP, api_name:random song, api_description:Get random K-POP song, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"Post\": \"str\", \"Date\": \"str\", \"Artist\": \"str\", \"Song Name\": \"str\", \"Korean Name\": \"str\", \"Director\": \"str\", \"Video\": \"str\", \"Type\": \"str\", \"Release\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11392", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Genius - Song Lyrics, api_name:User Details, api_description:User Details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"user\\\": {\\\"_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"about_me\\\": {}, \\\"about_me_summary\\\": 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or `undefined` if the number is invalid or if there are no phone number type regular expressions for this country in metadata., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11422", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in US, api_name:agents/get-listings, api_description:Get agent's listings, required_params: [{\"name\": \"fulfillment_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of advertiser_id field returned in .../agents/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of abbreviation field returned in .../agents/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"agent_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The value of ...member/id JSON object returned in .../agents/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"data\\\": {\\\"forSale\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"results\\\": [{\\\"listing_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"property_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"permalink\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"list_price\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"list_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"other_listings\\\": {\\\"rdc\\\": [{\\\"listing_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}]}, \\\"open_houses\\\": [{\\\"start_date\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"advertisers\\\": [{\\\"fulfillment_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"flags\\\": {\\\"is_contingent\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"is_pending\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\"}, \\\"primary_photo\\\": {\\\"href\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"description\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sold_date\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"sold_price\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"baths\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"beds\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"sqft\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"lot_sqft\\\": \\\"int\\\"}, \\\"source\\\": {\\\"agents\\\": [{\\\"id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"agent_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}]}, \\\"location\\\": {\\\"address\\\": {\\\"line\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"postal_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"coordinate\\\": {\\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"lon\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 37}]}, \\\"forRent\\\": {\\\"total\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"count\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"results\\\": \\\"e\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11423", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:TEXTKING Translation, api_name:Get project, api_description:Returns a single project with the given ID., required_params: [{\"name\": \"projectid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The project UUID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11424", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CallTrackingMetrics, api_name:List Numbers, api_description:The numbers API allows you to search, purchase, and manage settings on each tracking number., required_params: [{\"name\": \"aid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11425", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CatalogAPI, api_name:View, api_description:Returns the current address and items in the cart., required_params: [{\"name\": \"external_user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is an id from your system that identifies the user that the cart is for. 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You can find your available sockets by using the list_available_catalogs method.\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"rest or restx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Fault\": {\"faultcode\": \"str\", \"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11426", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CatalogAPI, api_name:Unlock, api_description:Unlocks a cart that has been locked via the cart_validate method., required_params: [{\"name\": \"creds_datetime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"UTC iso8601\"}, {\"name\": \"creds_uuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"GUID\"}, {\"name\": \"creds_checksum\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"checksum\"}, {\"name\": \"socket_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the socket that the item is in. You can find your available sockets by using the list_available_catalogs method.\"}, {\"name\": \"external_user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is an id from your system that identifies the user that the cart is for. It can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores.\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"rest or restx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Fault\": {\"faultcode\": \"str\", \"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11427", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in US, api_name:properties/v2/list-by-mls (Deprecated), api_description:List properties by MLS ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"mls_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The MLS ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"build\": \"str\", \"schema\": \"str\", \"tracking_params\": {\"channel\": \"str\", \"siteSection\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"county\": \"str\", \"neighborhood\": \"str\", \"searchCityState\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"zip\": \"str\", \"srpPropertyStatus\": \"str\", \"listingActivity\": \"str\", \"propertyStatus\": \"str\", \"propertyType\": \"str\", \"searchBathrooms\": \"str\", \"searchBedrooms\": \"str\", \"searchMaxPrice\": \"str\", \"searchMinPrice\": \"str\", \"searchRadius\": \"str\", \"searchHouseSqft\": \"str\", \"searchLotSqft\": \"str\", \"searchResults\": \"str\", \"sortResults\": \"str\", \"searchCoordinates\": \"str\", \"version\": \"str\"}, \"tracking\": \"str\", \"returned_rows\": \"int\", \"matching_rows\": \"int\"}, \"properties\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11428", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in US, api_name:properties/list-for-rent (Deprecated), api_description:List properties for rent, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of city field responded in locations/auto-complete API (do not use this parameter with postal_code)\"}, {\"name\": \"offset\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The offset of items to be ignored in response for paging\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of items to be responded in every request\"}, {\"name\": \"state_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of state_code field responded in locations/auto-complete API (do not use this parameter with postal_code)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"build\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"schema\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tracking_params\\\": {\\\"channel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"siteSection\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"county\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"neighborhood\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"searchCityState\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"zip\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"srpPropertyStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listingActivity\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"propertyStatus\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"propertyType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"searchBathrooms\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"searchBedrooms\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"searchMaxPrice\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"searchMinPrice\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"searchRadius\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"searchHouseSqft\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"searchLotSqft\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"searchResults\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"sortResults\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"searchCoordinates\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"tracking\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"returned_rows\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"matching_rows\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"listings\\\": [{\\\"property_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listing_id\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"prop_type\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"last_update\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"address_new\\\": {\\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"county\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"county_needed_for_uniq\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"lat\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"line\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"long\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"postal_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state_code\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"state\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"time_zone\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"pro\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11429", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CatalogAPI, api_name:View Item, api_description:Returns an image and description of the item, required_params: [{\"name\": \"creds_datetime\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"UTC iso8601\"}, {\"name\": \"creds_uuid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"GUID\"}, {\"name\": \"creds_checksum\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"checksum\"}, {\"name\": \"socket_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the socket that the item is in. You can find your available sockets by using the list_available_catalogs method.\"}, {\"name\": \"catalog_item_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The catalog_item_id from the search_catalog method.\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"rest or restx\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Fault\": {\"faultcode\": \"str\", \"faultstring\": \"str\", \"detail\": \"NoneType\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11430", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:AgroFitData, api_name:GetByRegistrationNumber, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"type\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"traceId\": \"str\", \"errors\": {\"registrationNumber\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11431", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Google Play, api_name:Get permissions by app ID, api_description:Returns the permissions of a single application by its ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11432", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Google Play, api_name:Get data safety attributes by app ID, api_description:Returns the data safety attributes of a single application by its ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": {\"sharedData\": \"empty list\", \"collectedData\": \"empty list\", \"securityPractices\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11433", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Google Play, api_name:Get similar apps by ID, api_description:Returns list of applications that is similar to a single application by its ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11434", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla, api_name:UK letting agents, api_description:UK letting agents, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11435", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla, api_name:New homes for sale, api_description:New homes for sale, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_area\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"currentPage\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"data\\\": {\\\"featuredProperties\\\": \\\"empty list\\\", \\\"listings\\\": [{\\\"address\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"alternativeRentFrequencyLabel\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"availableFrom\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"availableFromLabel\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"branch\\\": {\\\"branchDetailsUri\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"branchId\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"logoUrl\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"phone\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"displayType\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"featuredType\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"features\\\": [{\\\"content\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"iconId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"flag\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"gallery\\\": [\\\"list of list with length 16\\\"], \\\"highlights\\\": [{\\\"description\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"label\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"image\\\": {\\\"caption\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\", \\\"responsiveImgList\\\": [{\\\"src\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"width\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 2}], \\\"src\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"isFavourite\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"isPremium\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"lastPublishedDate\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listingId\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"listingUris\\\": {\\\"contact\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"detail\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"success\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"location\\\": {\\\"coordinates\\\": {\\\"isApproximate\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\", \\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\"}}, \\\"numberOfFloorPlans\\\": \\\"int\\\", \\\"numberOfImages\\\": \\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11436", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:apfd, api_name:getOrderById, api_description:For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"orderId\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"ID of pet that needs to be fetched\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11437", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Comparable Companies, api_name:/rating, api_description:Enables the user to rate the output returned by the /similar API. It is advisable to refresh results after ratings have been submitted as the algorithm fine-tunes its output based on them. Re-searching a company is always free of charge.\n\n*Example*: If a user searches similar companies for \"unilever.com\", and the first result is \"nestle.com\", then the user is able to rate how similar those companies are on a scale from 0-10 through this API. If the user submits a rating of 0, that comparable company (\"nestle.com\") will not show up when searching the same company (\"unilever.com\") in the future. If the user submits a rating higher than 5, then the algorithm will fine-tune its output to include more companies similar to that one (\"nestle.com\").\n\n*Including user ratings in the output is completely optional*., required_params: [{\"name\": \"comp_company_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) domain_name of the comparable company which is being rated\"}, {\"name\": \"rating\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"(Required) The rating given by the user ranging from 0 to 10. Ratings above 5 will fine-tune the algorithm to find more companies similar to that one.\"}, {\"name\": \"main_company_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"(Required) The company domain which was queried\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11438", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Google Play, api_name:Get app by ID, api_description:Returns a single application by its ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"appId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Application ID\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11439", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:test_v3, api_name:sa, api_description:a, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11440", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Sertifi eSignature and ePayment, api_name:/v1/{folderId}/participants, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"folderId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The id of the folder to retrieve data for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"isError\": \"bool\", \"messages\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11441", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in US, api_name:locations/v2/auto-complete, api_description:Get auto complete suggestions by city, ward, street name to pass in other endpoints. This endpoint also helps to get a specific property id by its address, required_params: [{\"name\": \"input\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"States, cities, districts, addresses, zipcode. \\nEx : \\nCalifornia\\nLos Angeles\\n2425 Sahalee Dr W Sammamish, WA\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"version\": \"str\", \"es_took\": \"int\"}, \"autocomplete\": [{\"area_type\": \"str\", \"_id\": \"str\", \"_score\": \"float\", \"state\": \"str\", \"state_code\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"centroid\": {\"lon\": \"float\", \"lat\": \"float\"}, \"slug_id\": \"str\", \"geo_id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11442", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in US, api_name:properties/v3/detail, api_description:Get property detail information (include new Home Value feature), required_params: [{\"name\": \"property_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The value of property_id field returned in .../properties/.../list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11443", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Realty in US, api_name:schools/list, api_description:List schools with options and filters, required_params: [{\"name\": \"state_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Filter schools by state (You need to specify at least one of the following : state_code|city|county|neighborhood|postal_code|school_district_id)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11444", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Blogzee AI - SEO & Social Content Generator, api_name:Generate Youtube Video Description, api_description:Endpoint: /generate_youtube_video_description\n\nMethod: GET\n\nSummary: This endpoint generates an SEO-optimized, keyword-rich description for a YouTube video. It also optionally includes social media links.\n\nParameters:\n\n video_title (required): The title of the YouTube video.\n include_emojis (required): A boolean indicating whether to include emojis in the video description.\n keyword1 to keyword5 (required for keyword1 and keyword2, optional for keyword3 to keyword5): Keywords relevant to the video. A minimum of two keywords and a maximum of five can be specified. Each keyword should not exceed 30 characters.\n facebook_link, twitter_link, instagram_link, linkedin_link, tiktok_link (all optional): Valid URLs pointing to respective social media profiles.\n\nResponse: The response is a YouTubeDescriptionResponse model that includes the video title, video description (which includes the social media links if provided), a boolean indicating if emojis were included, and a list of the provided keywords.\n\nUse Case: Use this endpoint when you need to generate a unique, keyword-rich description for a YouTube video. This can be particularly useful for SEO and improving the visibility of your video in YouTube search results. Also, by providing social media links, you can direct your audience to your other platforms, enhancing your overall online presence.\n\nErrors:\n\n 400 Bad Request: Raised if the number of keywords is not between 2 and 5, or if a keyword exceeds 30 characters.\n 500 Internal Server Error: Raised for unknown API errors.\n 503 Service Unavailable: Raised if the OpenAI server is unavailable., required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"include_emojis\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"video_title\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11445", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Blogzee AI - SEO & Social Content Generator, api_name:Generate Blog Post Ideas, api_description:This is the /generate_blog_ideas endpoint for the Blogzee AI service, designed to generate blog post ideas based on user-provided keywords.\n\nEndpoint Structure:\n\n Method: GET\n Route: /generate_blog_ideas\n Response Model: BlogIdeasResponse\n\nFunctionality:\nThis endpoint accepts a list of keywords (minimum of 2, maximum of 5), each with a maximum length of 30 characters. The keywords are used to generate blog post ideas using the underlying AI model.\n\nInput Validation:\nThe endpoint validates the input parameters to ensure they are within the expected range and character limits. If the validation fails, it returns an HTTP 400 status code with an appropriate error message.\n\nError Handling:\nThe endpoint handles potential API errors from OpenAI's language model, specifically the \"Request failed due to server shutdown\" error. In this case, it returns an HTTP 503 status code with the detail \"OpenAI API is currently unavailable\". If an unknown error occurs, it returns an HTTP 500 status code.\n\nOutput:\nThis endpoint returns a BlogIdeasResponse, which is a list of blog post ideas generated based on the input keywords.\n\nOverall, this endpoint provides a way for users to leverage AI to generate creative blog post ideas tailored to specific keywords, helping to streamline the content creation process., required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11446", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:LemurBot, api_name:List All Bots, api_description:Get a list of bots that are available to this user.\nThese will either be bots created by the user or 'locked' public bots which can be chatted to but not editted. (e.g. 1), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11447", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:LemurBot, api_name:Get A Conversation Turn, api_description:Get a specific conversation turn by it's id and view it's details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of ConversationTurn\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11448", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:👋 Demo Project_v3, api_name:Get Order, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11449", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:LemurBot, api_name:Get A Conversation, api_description:Get a specific conversation by it's id and view it's details, required_params: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The id of Conversation\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11450", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:LemurBot, api_name:List All Bot Properties, api_description:Get a list of bot properties that belong to bots created by the user (not locked bots)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11451", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:LemurBot, api_name:List All Conversations, api_description:Conversations are created between clients and bots.\nUsers can only view conversations between their clients and bots., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11452", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Artificial_Intelligence_Machine_Learning, tool_name:Carbon management, api_name:Statusforkeysentenceextraction, api_description:Get results in details from the task id., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"current\": \"int\", \"state\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11453", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/scripts/inventory/parsed, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11454", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:BombsAway, api_name:Bombed, api_description:Sends SMS, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11455", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Sim based Location Tracking, api_name:Checkconcent, api_description:

This endpoint is responsible for refreshing the tracking concent of provided number, i.e. whether location tracking is allowed or not yet


Body Parameters

telYes 10 digit previously added mobile number




Invalid user credentials


{\n    \"errors\": \"Invalid username/password.\"\n}\n


Wrong or not added mobile number passed


\n{\n    \"status\": \"invalid_mobile\"\n}\n
, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11456", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Sim based Location Tracking, api_name:FetchLocation, api_description:

This endpoint is for fetching location of a trip


Required Body Parameters



  • Atleast one of the below three parameters should be passed
  • \n
invoiceNo invoice received in response of submit trip API
idNo trip_id received in response of submit trip API
lr_numberNo lr_number received in response of submit trip API




Invalid user credentials


{\n    \"errors\": \"Invalid username/password.\"\n}\n
, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11457", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Sim based Location Tracking, api_name:FetchaTrip, api_description:

This endpoint is for fetching a trip


Body Parameters



  • Atleast one of the below three parameters should be passed
  • \n
invoiceNo invoice received in response of submit trip API
trip_idNo trip_id received in response of submit trip API
lr_numberNo lr_number received in response of submit trip API




Invalid user credentials


{\n    \"errors\": \"Invalid username/password.\"\n}\n
, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11458", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Zipwhip, api_name:message/list, api_description:Retrieves messages for account. A start of 0 provides newest to oldest messages., required_params: [{\"name\": \"session\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"response\": {\"desc\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"path\": \"str\"}, \"sessions\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11459", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Zipwhip, api_name:message/read, api_description:Marks the given message as read in Zipwhip's database., required_params: [{\"name\": \"messages\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The message ID being modified. In all cases the method will take multiple messages as parameters.\"}, {\"name\": \"session\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"response\": {\"desc\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"path\": \"str\"}, \"sessions\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11460", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Maytapi WhatsApp, api_name:getGroups, api_description:Sets the option for getting the acknowledge messages from the webhook to true or false., required_params: [{\"name\": \"phone_id\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Enter phone id\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11461", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Zipwhip, api_name:group/save, api_description:Create a group. A named group is a unique set of contacts that are referenced similar to a contact A group is defined as device:/xxxxxxxxxx/xx. After the :/, this is the phone number associated with the account you are sending messages under. The /xx is the id for the group., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the name of the group that you would like to associate with a group of contacts when using group/save.\"}, {\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is used to identify the type of group you wish to create. For now, please use 'Group'\"}, {\"name\": \"session\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"response\": {\"desc\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"path\": \"str\"}, \"sessions\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11462", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Zipwhip, api_name:group/delete, api_description:Delete the group. This is similar to deleting a contact, no message objects will be affected by deleting the group., required_params: [{\"name\": \"address\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"For US domestic use 10-digit number. For International numbers use full E.164 format. Examples: US: 5555555555 E.164: +1155555555555\"}, {\"name\": \"session\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"This is the sessionKey that is returned from user/login. sessionKeys do not expire. Because of this, it is recommended that you do a single user/login and then save the sessionKey locally for future web calls.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"response\": {\"desc\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\", \"path\": \"str\"}, \"sessions\": \"NoneType\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11463", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:Retrieve DNS Entries, api_name:/api/schema, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"openapi\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"info\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"contact\\\": {\\\"email\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"version\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"servers\\\": [{\\\"url\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"tags\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"_list_length\\\": 1}], \\\"paths\\\": {\\\"/api/schema\\\": {\\\"get\\\": {\\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"responses\\\": {\\\"200\\\": {\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"application/json\\\": {\\\"schema\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}}}}}, \\\"/api/whois\\\": {\\\"get\\\": {\\\"summary\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"tags\\\": [\\\"list of str with length 1\\\"], \\\"parameters\\\": [{\\\"name\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"in\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"required\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"example\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"schema\\\": {\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"_list_length\\\": 3}], \\\"responses\\\": {\\\"200\\\": {\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"application/json\\\": {\\\"schema\\\": {\\\"$ref\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}}, \\\"401\\\": {\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"application/json\\\": {\\\"schema\\\": {\\\"$ref\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}}, \\\"404\\\": {\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"application/json\\\": {\\\"schema\\\": {\\\"$ref\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}}}, \\\"500\\\": {\\\"description\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"content\\\": {\\\"application/json\\\": {\\\"sc\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11464", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:GeneralTalker, api_name:on_line, api_description:LINEボット専用の雑談APIです。\n\n以下はon_lineのレスポンス例と、その意味です。\n```\n{\n\"response\":{\n \"res\":\"おはよーございます\" # 生成された返答\n \"user_score\":-2.8724350929260254 # ユーザーの発話のスコア\n \"lm\":0.7096909880638123 # 文章の妥当性スコア\n \"mc\":-1.5187406539916992 # 返答としての妥当性スコア\n \"score\":-0.3534274697303772 # 総合スコア\n \"history_text\":\"Hello\" # 発話の生成に使われた発話履歴\n \"res_score_list\":[ # 採用しなかった返答のリスト\n 0:[\n 0:\"おはよーございます\" # 返答の内容\n 1:[ # スコア(文章の妥当性,返答としての妥当性,総合スコア)\n 0:0.7096909880638123\n 1:-1.5187406539916992\n 2:-0.3534274697303772\n ]\n ]\n ... # 中略\n ]\n }\n}\n```, required_params: [{\"name\": \"bot_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u3053\\u306eAPI\\u3092\\u5229\\u7528\\u3059\\u308b\\u30dc\\u30c3\\u30c8\\u306e\\u540d\\u524d\\u3092\\u6307\\u5b9a\\u3057\\u3066\\u304f\\u3060\\u3055\\u3044\\u3002\\n\\u203bAPI\\u5185\\u90e8\\u3067\\u306f[bot_name - user_name]\\u9593\\u306e\\u4f1a\\u8a71\\u5c65\\u6b74\\u3092\\u5143\\u306b\\u3001\\u300c\\u6d41\\u308c\\u306e\\u3042\\u308b\\u81ea\\u7136\\u306a\\u4f1a\\u8a71\\u300d\\u3092\\u6210\\u7acb\\u3055\\u305b\\u307e\\u3059\\u3002\"}, {\"name\": \"channel_token\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u30c1\\u30e3\\u30f3\\u30cd\\u30eb\\u30a2\\u30af\\u30bb\\u30b9\\u30c8\\u30fc\\u30af\\u30f3\\u3092\\u6307\\u5b9a\\u3057\\u3066\\u304f\\u3060\\u3055\\u3044\\u3002\"}, {\"name\": \"user_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u30dc\\u30c3\\u30c8\\u306e\\u8a71\\u3057\\u76f8\\u624b\\u3067\\u3042\\u308b\\u30e6\\u30fc\\u30b6\\u30fc\\u306e\\u540d\\u524d\\u3092\\u6307\\u5b9a\\u3057\\u3066\\u304f\\u3060\\u3055\\u3044\\u3002\"}, {\"name\": \"user_msg_text\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\u30e6\\u30fc\\u30b6\\u30fc\\u304b\\u3089\\u8a71\\u3057\\u304b\\u3051\\u3089\\u308c\\u305f\\u5185\\u5bb9\\uff08\\u30c6\\u30ad\\u30b9\\u30c8\\uff09\\u3092\\u6307\\u5b9a\\u3057\\u3066\\u304f\\u3060\\u3055\\u3044\\u3002\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"response\": {\"res\": \"str\", \"user_score\": \"float\", \"lm\": \"float\", \"mc\": \"float\", \"score\": \"float\", \"history_text\": \"str\", \"res_score_list\": [\"list of list with length 5\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11465", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/users/{userId}/setupProgress, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the user the progress should be retrieved for.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11466", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/teams/{teamId}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ID of the team that should be retrieved.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11467", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/users/{userId}/image, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11468", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/prepaid/balance, api_description: , required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11469", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/webhooks, api_description:Returns a collection of defined outbound webhooks in the system., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11470", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/teams/{teamId}/memberships, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Team ID of team you want to request.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11471", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/alerts/{alertId}/annotations, api_description:Get annotations of an alert by id., required_params: [{\"name\": \"alertId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of the requested Alert.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11472", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/users/{userId}, api_description:Returns a user object with details such as his email address and duty information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"userId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Identifier of the user to get. Use 'Me' to get information about the currently logged in user. This is not possible with an api key.\\r\\nCan also be an email address of a user in the team or the unique id of an according user object.\\u201d\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11473", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Communication, tool_name:SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting, api_name:/teams/{teamId}/schedules/{scheduleId}, api_description: , required_params: [{\"name\": \"teamId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of the team the duty belongs to\"}, {\"name\": \"scheduleId\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Id of the requested duty schedule.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}}