diff --git "a/axb_pt-PT/test.jsonl" "b/axb_pt-PT/test.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/axb_pt-PT/test.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,1104 @@ +{"sentence1": "O gato sentou-se no tapete.", "sentence2": "The cat did not sit on the mat.", "idx": 0, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O gato n\u00e3o se sentou no tapete.", "sentence2": "The cat sat on the mat.", "idx": 1, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Quando n\u00e3o h\u00e1 neve, \u00e9 muito dif\u00edcil aprender um desporto de neve, por isso analis\u00e1mos todas as formas diferentes de imitar a neve sem estar realmente na neve.", "sentence2": "When you've got snow, it's really hard to learn a snow sport so we looked at all the different ways I could mimic being on snow without actually being on snow.", "idx": 2, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Quando se tem neve, \u00e9 muito dif\u00edcil aprender um desporto de neve, por isso analis\u00e1mos todas as formas diferentes de imitar a neve sem estar realmente na neve.", "sentence2": "When you've got no snow, it's really hard to learn a snow sport so we looked at all the different ways I could mimic being on snow without actually being on snow.", "idx": 3, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Ouya suporta aplica\u00e7\u00f5es multim\u00e9dia como o Twitch.tv e o leitor multim\u00e9dia XBMC.", "sentence2": "Out of the box, Ouya doesn't support media apps such as Twitch.tv and XBMC media player.", "idx": 4, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "De imediato, a Ouya n\u00e3o suporta aplica\u00e7\u00f5es multim\u00e9dia como o Twitch.tv e o leitor multim\u00e9dia XBMC.", "sentence2": "Out of the box, Ouya supports media apps such as Twitch.tv and XBMC media player.", "idx": 5, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Ouya suporta aplica\u00e7\u00f5es multim\u00e9dia como o Twitch.tv e o leitor multim\u00e9dia XBMC.", "sentence2": "Out of the box, Ouya supports Twitch.tv and XBMC media player.", "idx": 6, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A Ouya \u00e9 compat\u00edvel com o Twitch.tv e o leitor multim\u00e9dia XBMC.", "sentence2": "Out of the box, Ouya supports media apps such as Twitch.tv and XBMC media player.", "idx": 7, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tendo em conta esta defini\u00e7\u00e3o, \u00e9 surpreendente encontrar uma utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o frequente de linguagem sarc\u00e1stica em conte\u00fados opinativos gerados pelos utilizadores.", "sentence2": "Considering this definition, it is not surprising to find frequent use of sarcastic language in opinionated user generated content.", "idx": 8, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tendo em conta esta defini\u00e7\u00e3o, n\u00e3o \u00e9 surpreendente encontrar uma utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o frequente de linguagem sarc\u00e1stica em conte\u00fados gerados por utilizadores com opini\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Considering this definition, it is surprising to find frequent use of sarcastic language in opinionated user generated content.", "idx": 9, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A nova consola de jogos \u00e9 acess\u00edvel.", "sentence2": "The new gaming console is unaffordable.", "idx": 10, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A nova consola de jogos \u00e9 inacess\u00edvel.", "sentence2": "The new gaming console is affordable.", "idx": 11, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Brexit \u00e9 uma decis\u00e3o irrevers\u00edvel, afirmou Sir Mike Rake, presidente da WorldPay e antigo presidente do grupo BT, no momento em que os apelos a um segundo referendo sobre a UE foram lan\u00e7ados na semana passada.", "sentence2": "Brexit is a reversible decision, Sir Mike Rake, the chairman of WorldPay and ex-chairman of BT group, said as calls for a second EU referendum were sparked last week.", "idx": 12, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Brexit \u00e9 uma decis\u00e3o revers\u00edvel, afirmou Sir Mike Rake, presidente da WorldPay e antigo presidente do grupo BT, no momento em que os apelos a um segundo referendo sobre a UE foram lan\u00e7ados na semana passada.", "sentence2": "Brexit is an irreversible decision, Sir Mike Rake, the chairman of WorldPay and ex-chairman of BT group, said as calls for a second EU referendum were sparked last week.", "idx": 13, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Constru\u00edmos a nossa sociedade com base numa energia impura.", "sentence2": "We built our society on clean energy.", "idx": 14, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Constru\u00edmos a nossa sociedade com base em energias limpas.", "sentence2": "We built our society on unclean energy.", "idx": 15, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Seguindo uma estrat\u00e9gia de protesto n\u00e3o violento, Gandhi apanhou a administra\u00e7\u00e3o de surpresa e obteve concess\u00f5es das autoridades.", "sentence2": "Pursuing a strategy of violent protest, Gandhi took the administration by surprise and won concessions from the authorities.", "idx": 16, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Seguindo uma estrat\u00e9gia de protesto violento, Gandhi apanhou a administra\u00e7\u00e3o de surpresa e obteve concess\u00f5es das autoridades.", "sentence2": "Pursuing a strategy of nonviolent protest, Gandhi took the administration by surprise and won concessions from the authorities.", "idx": 17, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Seguindo uma estrat\u00e9gia de protesto n\u00e3o violento, Gandhi apanhou a administra\u00e7\u00e3o de surpresa e obteve concess\u00f5es das autoridades.", "sentence2": "Pursuing a strategy of protest, Gandhi took the administration by surprise and won concessions from the authorities.", "idx": 18, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Seguindo uma estrat\u00e9gia de protesto, Gandhi apanhou a administra\u00e7\u00e3o de surpresa e obteve concess\u00f5es das autoridades.", "sentence2": "Pursuing a strategy of nonviolent protest, Gandhi took the administration by surprise and won concessions from the authorities.", "idx": 19, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "E se ambos se aplicam, s\u00e3o essencialmente imposs\u00edveis.", "sentence2": "And if both apply, they are essentially possible.", "idx": 20, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "E se ambos se aplicam, s\u00e3o essencialmente poss\u00edveis.", "sentence2": "And if both apply, they are essentially impossible.", "idx": 21, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Escrever Java n\u00e3o \u00e9 muito diferente de programar com algemas.", "sentence2": "Writing Java is similar to programming with handcuffs.", "idx": 22, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Escrever em Java \u00e9 semelhante a programar com algemas.", "sentence2": "Writing Java is not too different from programming with handcuffs.", "idx": 23, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O mercado est\u00e1 prestes a tornar-se mais dif\u00edcil, mas n\u00e3o imposs\u00edvel de navegar.", "sentence2": "The market is about to get harder, but possible to navigate.", "idx": 24, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O mercado est\u00e1 prestes a tornar-se mais dif\u00edcil, mas poss\u00edvel de navegar.", "sentence2": "The market is about to get harder, but not impossible to navigate.", "idx": 25, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Mesmo depois de ter descoberto que se trata de alimentos para animais, nunca deixarei de ser viciado em Flamin' Hot Cheetos.", "sentence2": "Even after now finding out that it's animal feed, I will never stop being addicted to Flamin' Hot Cheetos.", "idx": 26, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Mesmo depois de ter descoberto que se trata de alimentos para animais, nunca deixarei de ser viciado em Flamin' Hot Cheetos.", "sentence2": "Even after now finding out that it's animal feed, I won't ever stop being addicted to Flamin' Hot Cheetos.", "idx": 27, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ele n\u00e3o discordava da posi\u00e7\u00e3o do partido, mas achava que se se demitisse, a sua popularidade junto dos \u00edndios deixaria de abafar a ades\u00e3o ao partido.", "sentence2": "He agreed with the party's position, but felt that if he resigned, his popularity with Indians would cease to stifle the party's membership.", "idx": 28, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Concordava com a posi\u00e7\u00e3o do partido, mas considerava que, se se demitisse, a sua popularidade junto dos \u00edndios deixaria de abafar a ades\u00e3o ao partido.", "sentence2": "He did not disagree with the party's position, but felt that if he resigned, his popularity with Indians would cease to stifle the party's membership.", "idx": 29, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se o esquema de tokeniza\u00e7\u00e3o do pipeline n\u00e3o corresponder ao que foi utilizado quando um modelo foi criado, seria de esperar um impacto negativo nos resultados do pipeline.", "sentence2": "If the pipeline tokenization scheme does not correspond to the one that was used when a model was created, a negative impact on the pipeline results would not be unexpected.", "idx": 30, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se o esquema de tokeniza\u00e7\u00e3o do pipeline n\u00e3o corresponder ao que foi utilizado quando um modelo foi criado, n\u00e3o seria inesperado um impacto negativo nos resultados do pipeline.", "sentence2": "If the pipeline tokenization scheme does not correspond to the one that was used when a model was created, a negative impact on the pipeline results would be expected.", "idx": 31, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se o esquema de tokeniza\u00e7\u00e3o do pipeline n\u00e3o corresponder ao que foi utilizado quando um modelo foi criado, seria de esperar um impacto negativo nos resultados do pipeline.", "sentence2": "If the pipeline tokenization scheme does not correspond to the one that was used when a model was created, it would be expected to negatively impact the pipeline results.", "idx": 32, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se o esquema de tokeniza\u00e7\u00e3o do pipeline n\u00e3o corresponder ao que foi usado quando um modelo foi criado, espera-se que isso tenha um impacto negativo nos resultados do pipeline.", "sentence2": "If the pipeline tokenization scheme does not correspond to the one that was used when a model was created, a negative impact on the pipeline results would be expected.", "idx": 33, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se o esquema de tokeniza\u00e7\u00e3o do pipeline n\u00e3o corresponder ao que foi utilizado quando um modelo foi criado, seria de esperar um impacto negativo nos resultados do pipeline.", "sentence2": "If the pipeline tokenization scheme does not correspond to the one that was used when a model was created, it would not be unexpected for it to negatively impact the pipeline results.", "idx": 34, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se o esquema de tokeniza\u00e7\u00e3o do pipeline n\u00e3o corresponder ao que foi usado quando um modelo foi criado, n\u00e3o seria inesperado que isso afetasse negativamente os resultados do pipeline.", "sentence2": "If the pipeline tokenization scheme does not correspond to the one that was used when a model was created, a negative impact on the pipeline results would be expected.", "idx": 35, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A \u00e1gua est\u00e1 demasiado quente.", "sentence2": "The water is too cold.", "idx": 36, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A \u00e1gua est\u00e1 demasiado fria.", "sentence2": "The water is too hot.", "idx": 37, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Falcon Heavy \u00e9 o maior foguet\u00e3o desde o Saturn V da NASA, que foi utilizado para as miss\u00f5es \u00e0 Lua na d\u00e9cada de 1970.", "sentence2": "Falcon Heavy is the smallest rocket since NASA's Saturn V booster, which was used for the Moon missions in the 1970s.", "idx": 38, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Falcon Heavy \u00e9 o foguet\u00e3o mais pequeno desde o Saturn V da NASA, que foi utilizado nas miss\u00f5es \u00e0 Lua na d\u00e9cada de 1970.", "sentence2": "Falcon Heavy is the largest rocket since NASA's Saturn V booster, which was used for the Moon missions in the 1970s.", "idx": 39, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os sintomas da adenoidite persistem frequentemente durante dez ou mais dias e incluem muitas vezes um corrimento nasal semelhante a pus.", "sentence2": "Adenoiditis symptoms often pass within ten days or less, and often include pus-like discharge from nose.", "idx": 40, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os sintomas da adenoidite passam frequentemente no prazo de dez dias ou menos e incluem frequentemente um corrimento nasal semelhante a pus.", "sentence2": "Adenoiditis symptoms often persist for ten or more days, and often include pus-like discharge from nose.", "idx": 41, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "No exemplo (1), \u00e9 bastante simples ver o sentimento positivo exagerado utilizado para transmitir fortes sentimentos negativos.", "sentence2": "In example (1) it is quite difficult to see the exaggerated positive sentiment used in order to convey strong negative feelings.", "idx": 42, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "No exemplo (1) \u00e9 bastante dif\u00edcil ver o sentimento positivo exagerado utilizado para transmitir fortes sentimentos negativos.", "sentence2": "In example (1) it is quite straightforward to see the exaggerated positive sentiment used in order to convey strong negative feelings.", "idx": 43, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "No exemplo (1), \u00e9 bastante simples ver o sentimento positivo exagerado utilizado para transmitir fortes sentimentos negativos.", "sentence2": "In example (1) it is quite easy to see the exaggerated positive sentiment used in order to convey strong negative feelings.", "idx": 44, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "No exemplo (1) \u00e9 muito f\u00e1cil ver o sentimento positivo exagerado utilizado para transmitir fortes sentimentos negativos.", "sentence2": "In example (1) it is quite straightforward to see the exaggerated positive sentiment used in order to convey strong negative feelings.", "idx": 45, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "No exemplo (1), \u00e9 bastante simples ver o sentimento positivo exagerado utilizado para transmitir fortes sentimentos negativos.", "sentence2": "In example (1) it is quite important to see the exaggerated positive sentiment used in order to convey strong negative feelings.", "idx": 46, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "No exemplo (1), \u00e9 muito importante ver o sentimento positivo exagerado utilizado para transmitir fortes sentimentos negativos.", "sentence2": "In example (1) it is quite straightforward to see the exaggerated positive sentiment used in order to convey strong negative feelings.", "idx": 47, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Alguns c\u00e3es gostam de co\u00e7ar as orelhas.", "sentence2": "Some animals like to scratch their ears.", "idx": 48, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Alguns animais gostam de co\u00e7ar as orelhas.", "sentence2": "Some dogs like to scratch their ears.", "idx": 49, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Cruz tem frequentemente apelidado de \"amnistia\" v\u00e1rios planos que conferem estatuto legal ou cidadania a pessoas que vivem ilegalmente no pa\u00eds.", "sentence2": "Cruz has frequently derided as \"amnesty\" various bills that confer legal status or citizenship on people living in the country illegally.", "idx": 50, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Cruz tem frequentemente apelidado de \"amnistia\" v\u00e1rios projectos de lei que conferem estatuto legal ou cidadania a pessoas que vivem ilegalmente no pa\u00eds.", "sentence2": "Cruz has frequently derided as \"amnesty\" various plans that confer legal status or citizenship on people living in the country illegally.", "idx": 51, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A maior parte dos licenciados do meu programa mudaram para outras coisas porque os empregos s\u00e3o p\u00e9ssimos.", "sentence2": "Some of the graduates of my program have moved on to other things because the jobs suck.", "idx": 52, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Alguns dos licenciados do meu programa passaram para outras coisas porque os empregos s\u00e3o p\u00e9ssimos.", "sentence2": "Most of the graduates of my program have moved on to other things because the jobs suck.", "idx": 53, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Em muitas zonas desenvolvidas, a atividade humana alterou a forma dos canais fluviais, alterando as magnitudes e a frequ\u00eancia das inunda\u00e7\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "In many areas, human activity has changed the form of river channels, altering magnitudes and frequencies of flooding.", "idx": 54, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Em muitas zonas, a atividade humana alterou a forma dos canais fluviais, alterando as magnitudes e a frequ\u00eancia das inunda\u00e7\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "In many developed areas, human activity has changed the form of river channels, altering magnitudes and frequencies of flooding.", "idx": 55, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Consideramos algumas palavras de contexto como exemplos positivos e seleccionamos negativas aleatoriamente do dicion\u00e1rio.", "sentence2": "We consider some words as positive examples and sample negatives at random from the dictionary.", "idx": 56, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Consideramos algumas palavras como exemplos positivos e seleccionamos negativas aleatoriamente do dicion\u00e1rio.", "sentence2": "We consider some context words as positive examples and sample negatives at random from the dictionary.", "idx": 57, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Consideramos algumas palavras de contexto como exemplos positivos e seleccionamos negativas aleatoriamente do dicion\u00e1rio.", "sentence2": "We consider all context words as positive examples and sample many negatives at random from the dictionary.", "idx": 58, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Consideramos todas as palavras de contexto como exemplos positivos e seleccionamos aleatoriamente muitos negativos do dicion\u00e1rio.", "sentence2": "We consider some context words as positive examples and sample negatives at random from the dictionary.", "idx": 59, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Consideramos algumas palavras de contexto como exemplos positivos e seleccionamos negativas aleatoriamente do dicion\u00e1rio.", "sentence2": "We consider many context words as positive examples and sample negatives at random from the dictionary.", "idx": 60, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Consideramos muitas palavras de contexto como exemplos positivos e seleccionamos negativas aleatoriamente do dicion\u00e1rio.", "sentence2": "We consider some context words as positive examples and sample negatives at random from the dictionary.", "idx": 61, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Consideramos todas as palavras de contexto como exemplos positivos e seleccionamos aleatoriamente as negativas do dicion\u00e1rio.", "sentence2": "We consider all words as positive examples and sample negatives at random from the dictionary.", "idx": 62, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Consideramos todas as palavras como exemplos positivos e seleccionamos os negativos aleatoriamente do dicion\u00e1rio.", "sentence2": "We consider all context words as positive examples and sample negatives at random from the dictionary.", "idx": 63, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Todos os c\u00e3es gostam de co\u00e7ar as orelhas.", "sentence2": "All animals like to scratch their ears.", "idx": 64, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Todos os animais gostam de co\u00e7ar as orelhas.", "sentence2": "All dogs like to scratch their ears.", "idx": 65, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Cruz tem frequentemente apelidado de \"amnistia\" qualquer plano que confira estatuto legal ou cidadania a pessoas que vivem ilegalmente no pa\u00eds.", "sentence2": "Cruz has frequently derided as \"amnesty\" any bill that confers legal status or citizenship on people living in the country illegally.", "idx": 66, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Cruz tem frequentemente apelidado de \"amnistia\" qualquer projeto de lei que confira estatuto legal ou cidadania a pessoas que vivem ilegalmente no pa\u00eds.", "sentence2": "Cruz has frequently derided as \"amnesty\" any plan that confers legal status or citizenship on people living in the country illegally.", "idx": 67, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A maior parte dos licenciados do meu programa mudaram para outras coisas porque os empregos s\u00e3o p\u00e9ssimos.", "sentence2": "None of the graduates of my program have moved on to other things because the jobs suck.", "idx": 68, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Nenhum dos licenciados do meu programa passou para outras coisas porque os empregos s\u00e3o p\u00e9ssimos.", "sentence2": "Most of the graduates of my program have moved on to other things because the jobs suck.", "idx": 69, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A maior parte dos licenciados do meu programa mudaram para outras coisas porque os empregos s\u00e3o p\u00e9ssimos.", "sentence2": "All of the graduates of my program have moved on to other things because the jobs suck.", "idx": 70, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Todos os licenciados do meu programa passaram para outras coisas porque os empregos s\u00e3o uma porcaria.", "sentence2": "Most of the graduates of my program have moved on to other things because the jobs suck.", "idx": 71, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Em todas as zonas, a atividade humana mudou a forma dos canais fluviais, alterando as magnitudes e a frequ\u00eancia das inunda\u00e7\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "In all developed areas, human activity has changed the form of river channels, altering magnitudes and frequencies of flooding.", "idx": 72, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Em todas as zonas desenvolvidas, a atividade humana mudou a forma dos canais fluviais, alterando a magnitude e a frequ\u00eancia das inunda\u00e7\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "In all areas, human activity has changed the form of river channels, altering magnitudes and frequencies of flooding.", "idx": 73, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tom e Adam estavam a sussurrar no teatro.", "sentence2": "Tom and Adam were whispering quietly in the theater.", "idx": 74, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tom e Adam estavam a sussurrar baixinho no teatro.", "sentence2": "Tom and Adam were whispering in the theater.", "idx": 75, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tom e Adam estavam a sussurrar no teatro.", "sentence2": "Tom and Adam were whispering loudly in the theater.", "idx": 76, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tom e Adam estavam a sussurrar alto no teatro.", "sentence2": "Tom and Adam were whispering in the theater.", "idx": 77, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Antes do baile, que \u00e9 volunt\u00e1rio, os alunos s\u00e3o convidados a preencher um cart\u00e3o, seleccionando cinco pessoas com quem querem dan\u00e7ar.", "sentence2": "Prior to the dance, which is voluntary, students are told to fill out a card by selecting five different people they want to dance with.", "idx": 78, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Antes do baile, que \u00e9 volunt\u00e1rio, os alunos s\u00e3o convidados a preencher um cart\u00e3o, seleccionando cinco pessoas diferentes com quem querem dan\u00e7ar.", "sentence2": "Prior to the dance, which is voluntary, students are told to fill out a card by selecting five people they want to dance with.", "idx": 79, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As notifica\u00e7\u00f5es sobre o Farmville e outras porcarias tornaram-se insuport\u00e1veis, depois aconteceu a mudan\u00e7a para a linha temporal n\u00e3o cronol\u00f3gica e o conte\u00fado dos teus amigos come\u00e7ou a ser substitu\u00eddo por an\u00fancios e outras campanhas virais de mau gosto.", "sentence2": "Notifications about Farmville and other crappy apps had become unbearable, then the shift to the non-chronological timeline happened and the content from your friends started to be replaced by ads and other cringy wannabe-viral campaigns.", "idx": 80, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As notifica\u00e7\u00f5es sobre o Farmville e outras aplica\u00e7\u00f5es de baixa qualidade tornaram-se insuport\u00e1veis. Depois, a mudan\u00e7a para a linha temporal n\u00e3o cronol\u00f3gica aconteceu e o conte\u00fado dos seus amigos come\u00e7ou a ser substitu\u00eddo por an\u00fancios e outras campanhas virais de mau gosto.", "sentence2": "Notifications about Farmville and other crap had become unbearable, then the shift to the non-chronological timeline happened and the content from your friends started to be replaced by ads and other cringy wannabe-viral campaigns.", "idx": 81, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A C\u00e2mara Municipal de Chicago \u00e9 a sede oficial do governo da cidade de Chicago.", "sentence2": "Chicago City Hall is the official seat of government of Chicago.", "idx": 82, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A C\u00e2mara Municipal de Chicago \u00e9 a sede oficial do governo de Chicago.", "sentence2": "Chicago City Hall is the official seat of government of the City of Chicago.", "idx": 83, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O aspeto da gera\u00e7\u00e3o de perguntas \u00e9 exclusivo da nossa formula\u00e7\u00e3o e corresponde, grosso modo, a identificar que r\u00f3tulos de pap\u00e9is sem\u00e2nticos est\u00e3o presentes em formula\u00e7\u00f5es anteriores da tarefa.", "sentence2": "The question generation aspect is unique to our formulation, and corresponds roughly to identifying what semantic role labels are present in previous other formulations of the task.", "idx": 84, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O aspeto da gera\u00e7\u00e3o de perguntas \u00e9 exclusivo da nossa formula\u00e7\u00e3o e corresponde, grosso modo, a identificar que r\u00f3tulos de pap\u00e9is sem\u00e2nticos est\u00e3o presentes noutras formula\u00e7\u00f5es anteriores da tarefa.", "sentence2": "The question generation aspect is unique to our formulation, and corresponds roughly to identifying what semantic role labels are present in previous formulations of the task.", "idx": 85, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O Jo\u00e3o comeu massa ao jantar.", "sentence2": "John ate pasta for supper.", "idx": 86, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O Jo\u00e3o comeu massa ao jantar.", "sentence2": "John ate pasta for dinner.", "idx": 87, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O Jo\u00e3o comeu massa ao jantar.", "sentence2": "John ate pasta for breakfast.", "idx": 88, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Jo\u00e3o comeu massa ao pequeno-almo\u00e7o.", "sentence2": "John ate pasta for dinner.", "idx": 89, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Presidente da C\u00e2mara dos Representantes, Paul Ryan, estava a enfrentar problemas com os colegas republicanos insatisfeitos com a sua lideran\u00e7a.", "sentence2": "House Speaker Paul Ryan was facing problems from fellow Republicans unhappy with his leadership.", "idx": 90, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O Presidente da C\u00e2mara dos Representantes, Paul Ryan, estava a enfrentar problemas com os colegas republicanos descontentes com a sua lideran\u00e7a.", "sentence2": "House Speaker Paul Ryan was facing problems from fellow Republicans dissatisfied with his leadership.", "idx": 91, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O Presidente da C\u00e2mara dos Representantes, Paul Ryan, estava a enfrentar problemas exclusivamente com os colegas republicanos insatisfeitos com a sua lideran\u00e7a.", "sentence2": "House Speaker Paul Ryan was facing problems uniquely from fellow Republicans supportive of his leadership.", "idx": 92, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Presidente da C\u00e2mara dos Representantes, Paul Ryan, estava a enfrentar problemas exclusivamente com os colegas republicanos que apoiavam a sua lideran\u00e7a.", "sentence2": "House Speaker Paul Ryan was facing problems uniquely from fellow Republicans dissatisfied with his leadership.", "idx": 93, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Estou mesmo a v\u00ea-lo a subir para um Lincoln e a dizer isto.", "sentence2": "I can actually see him getting into a Lincoln saying this.", "idx": 94, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Estou mesmo a v\u00ea-lo a entrar num Lincoln a dizer isto.", "sentence2": "I can actually see him climbing into a Lincoln saying this.", "idx": 95, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Estou mesmo a v\u00ea-lo a subir para um Lincoln e a dizer isto.", "sentence2": "I can actually see him climbing into a Mazda saying this.", "idx": 96, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Estou mesmo a v\u00ea-lo a entrar num Mazda e a dizer isto.", "sentence2": "I can actually see him climbing into a Lincoln saying this.", "idx": 97, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O vil\u00e3o \u00e9 a personagem que tende a ter um efeito negativo sobre as outras personagens.", "sentence2": "The villain is the character who tends to have a negative impact on other characters.", "idx": 98, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O vil\u00e3o \u00e9 a personagem que tende a ter um impacto negativo nas outras personagens.", "sentence2": "The villain is the character who tends to have a negative effect on other characters.", "idx": 99, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O vil\u00e3o \u00e9 a personagem que tende a ter um efeito negativo sobre as outras personagens.", "sentence2": "The villain is the character who tends to have a negative correlation with other characters.", "idx": 100, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O vil\u00e3o \u00e9 a personagem que tende a ter uma correla\u00e7\u00e3o negativa com as outras personagens.", "sentence2": "The villain is the character who tends to have a negative effect on other characters.", "idx": 101, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A an\u00e1lise sem\u00e2ntica requer normalmente a utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o de um conjunto de opera\u00e7\u00f5es para consultar a base de conhecimentos e processar os resultados.", "sentence2": "Semantic parsing typically needs a set of operations to query the knowledge base and process the results.", "idx": 102, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A an\u00e1lise sem\u00e2ntica necessita normalmente de um conjunto de opera\u00e7\u00f5es para consultar a base de conhecimentos e processar os resultados.", "sentence2": "Semantic parsing typically requires using a set of operations to query the knowledge base and process the results.", "idx": 103, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A an\u00e1lise sem\u00e2ntica requer normalmente a utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o de um conjunto de opera\u00e7\u00f5es para consultar a base de conhecimentos e processar os resultados.", "sentence2": "Semantic parsing typically creates a set of operations to query the knowledge base and process the results.", "idx": 104, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A an\u00e1lise sem\u00e2ntica cria normalmente um conjunto de opera\u00e7\u00f5es para consultar a base de conhecimentos e processar os resultados.", "sentence2": "Semantic parsing typically requires using a set of operations to query the knowledge base and process the results.", "idx": 105, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A an\u00e1lise sem\u00e2ntica requer normalmente a utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o de um conjunto de opera\u00e7\u00f5es para consultar a base de conhecimentos e processar os resultados.", "sentence2": "Semantic parsing infrequently creates a set of operations to query the knowledge base and process the results.", "idx": 106, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A an\u00e1lise sem\u00e2ntica raramente cria um conjunto de opera\u00e7\u00f5es para consultar a base de conhecimentos e processar os resultados.", "sentence2": "Semantic parsing typically requires using a set of operations to query the knowledge base and process the results.", "idx": 107, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Jo\u00e3o partiu a janela.", "sentence2": "The window was broken by John.", "idx": 108, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A janela foi partida pelo Jo\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "John broke the window.", "idx": 109, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O Jo\u00e3o partiu a janela.", "sentence2": "The window broke John.", "idx": 110, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A janela partiu-se, John.", "sentence2": "John broke the window.", "idx": 111, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A equipa de Mueller pediu informa\u00e7\u00f5es a antigos funcion\u00e1rios superiores do Departamento de Justi\u00e7a.", "sentence2": "Former senior Justice Department officials were asked for information by Mueller's team.", "idx": 112, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A equipa de Mueller pediu informa\u00e7\u00f5es a antigos funcion\u00e1rios superiores do Departamento de Justi\u00e7a.", "sentence2": "Mueller\u2019s team asked former senior Justice Department officials for information.", "idx": 113, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A equipa de Mueller pediu informa\u00e7\u00f5es a antigos funcion\u00e1rios superiores do Departamento de Justi\u00e7a.", "sentence2": "Mueller\u2019s team was asked for information by former senior Justice Department officials.", "idx": 114, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A equipa de Mueller foi solicitada a fornecer informa\u00e7\u00f5es por antigos funcion\u00e1rios superiores do Departamento de Justi\u00e7a.", "sentence2": "Mueller\u2019s team asked former senior Justice Department officials for information.", "idx": 115, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A equipa de Mueller pediu informa\u00e7\u00f5es a antigos funcion\u00e1rios superiores do Departamento de Justi\u00e7a.", "sentence2": "Mueller\u2019s team was asked for information.", "idx": 116, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A equipa de Mueller foi convidada a fornecer informa\u00e7\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "Mueller\u2019s team asked former senior Justice Department officials for information.", "idx": 117, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A equipa de Mueller pediu informa\u00e7\u00f5es a antigos funcion\u00e1rios superiores do Departamento de Justi\u00e7a.", "sentence2": "Former senior Justice Department officials weren't asked for information.", "idx": 118, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o foram pedidas informa\u00e7\u00f5es a antigos altos funcion\u00e1rios do Departamento de Justi\u00e7a.", "sentence2": "Mueller\u2019s team asked former senior Justice Department officials for information.", "idx": 119, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Toda a gente devia ter medo da parte em que ele pede ao Congresso que autorize os secret\u00e1rios do seu gabinete a demitir quem quiserem.", "sentence2": "Everyone should be afraid of the part when Congress was asked to allow his cabinet secretaries to terminate whoever they want.", "idx": 120, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Toda a gente devia ter medo da parte em que se pede ao Congresso que autorize os secret\u00e1rios do seu gabinete a demitir quem quiserem.", "sentence2": "Everyone should be afraid of the part when he asked Congress to allow his cabinet secretaries to terminate whoever they want.", "idx": 121, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Toda a gente devia ter medo da parte em que ele pede ao Congresso que autorize os secret\u00e1rios do seu gabinete a demitir quem quiserem.", "sentence2": "Everyone should be afraid of the part when he was asked to allow his cabinet secretaries to terminate whoever they want.", "idx": 122, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Toda a gente devia ter medo da parte em que lhe foi pedido que autorizasse os secret\u00e1rios do seu gabinete a despedir quem quisessem.", "sentence2": "Everyone should be afraid of the part when he asked Congress to allow his cabinet secretaries to terminate whoever they want.", "idx": 123, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os pardais do Cabo comem sementes, bem como partes moles de plantas e insectos.", "sentence2": "Seeds, along with soft plant parts and insects, are eaten by cape sparrows.", "idx": 124, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As sementes, juntamente com as partes moles das plantas e os insectos, s\u00e3o consumidas pelos pardais do Cabo.", "sentence2": "Cape sparrows eat seeds, along with soft plant parts and insects.", "idx": 125, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os pardais do Cabo comem sementes, bem como partes moles de plantas e insectos.", "sentence2": "Cape sparrows are eaten by seeds, along with soft plant parts and insects.", "idx": 126, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os pardais do Cabo alimentam-se de sementes, de partes moles de plantas e de insectos.", "sentence2": "Cape sparrows eat seeds, along with soft plant parts and insects.", "idx": 127, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os pardais do Cabo comem sementes, bem como partes moles de plantas e insectos.", "sentence2": "Cape sparrows are eaten.", "idx": 128, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os pardais do Cabo s\u00e3o comidos.", "sentence2": "Cape sparrows eat seeds, along with soft plant parts and insects.", "idx": 129, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os pardais do Cabo comem sementes, bem como partes moles de plantas e insectos.", "sentence2": "Soft plant parts and insects eat seeds.", "idx": 130, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As partes moles das plantas e os insectos comem as sementes.", "sentence2": "Cape sparrows eat seeds, along with soft plant parts and insects.", "idx": 131, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os pardais do Cabo comem sementes, bem como partes moles de plantas e insectos.", "sentence2": "Soft plant parts and insects are eaten.", "idx": 132, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "S\u00e3o consumidas partes moles de plantas e insectos.", "sentence2": "Cape sparrows eat seeds, along with soft plant parts and insects.", "idx": 133, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os sistemas de extra\u00e7\u00e3o de rela\u00e7\u00f5es preenchem bases de conhecimento com factos provenientes de corpora de texto n\u00e3o estruturados.", "sentence2": "Knowledge bases are populated with facts from unstructured text corpora by relation extraction systems.", "idx": 134, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As bases de conhecimento s\u00e3o preenchidas com factos provenientes de corpora de texto n\u00e3o estruturado por sistemas de extra\u00e7\u00e3o de rela\u00e7\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "Relation extraction systems populate knowledge bases with facts from unstructured text corpora.", "idx": 135, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os sistemas de extra\u00e7\u00e3o de rela\u00e7\u00f5es preenchem bases de conhecimento com factos provenientes de corpora de texto n\u00e3o estruturados.", "sentence2": "Knowledge bases are populated by relation extraction systems with facts from unstructured text corpora.", "idx": 136, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As bases de conhecimento s\u00e3o preenchidas por sistemas de extra\u00e7\u00e3o de rela\u00e7\u00f5es com factos provenientes de corpora de texto n\u00e3o estruturado.", "sentence2": "Relation extraction systems populate knowledge bases with facts from unstructured text corpora.", "idx": 137, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os sistemas de extra\u00e7\u00e3o de rela\u00e7\u00f5es preenchem bases de conhecimento com factos provenientes de corpora de texto n\u00e3o estruturados.", "sentence2": "Relation extraction systems are populated by knowledge bases with facts from unstructured text corpora.", "idx": 138, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os sistemas de extra\u00e7\u00e3o de rela\u00e7\u00f5es s\u00e3o preenchidos por bases de conhecimentos com factos provenientes de corpora de textos n\u00e3o estruturados.", "sentence2": "Relation extraction systems populate knowledge bases with facts from unstructured text corpora.", "idx": 139, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os sistemas de extra\u00e7\u00e3o de rela\u00e7\u00f5es preenchem bases de conhecimento com factos provenientes de corpora de texto n\u00e3o estruturados.", "sentence2": "Relation extraction systems are populated with facts from unstructured text corpora by knowledge bases.", "idx": 140, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os sistemas de extra\u00e7\u00e3o de rela\u00e7\u00f5es s\u00e3o preenchidos com factos de corpora de texto n\u00e3o estruturado atrav\u00e9s de bases de conhecimento.", "sentence2": "Relation extraction systems populate knowledge bases with facts from unstructured text corpora.", "idx": 141, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os sistemas de extra\u00e7\u00e3o de rela\u00e7\u00f5es preenchem bases de conhecimento com factos provenientes de corpora de texto n\u00e3o estruturados.", "sentence2": "Relation extraction systems populate knowledge bases with assertions from unstructured text corpora.", "idx": 142, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os sistemas de extra\u00e7\u00e3o de rela\u00e7\u00f5es preenchem bases de conhecimento com afirma\u00e7\u00f5es de corpora de texto n\u00e3o estruturado.", "sentence2": "Relation extraction systems populate knowledge bases with facts from unstructured text corpora.", "idx": 143, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A recente iniciativa da Wal-Mart est\u00e1 ligada aos seus esfor\u00e7os cont\u00ednuos para vencer a concorr\u00eancia de retalhistas como a Amazon.", "sentence2": "The recent move by Wal-Mart is tied to its continuing efforts to beat back competition against retailers like Amazon.", "idx": 144, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A recente iniciativa da Wal-Mart est\u00e1 ligada aos seus esfor\u00e7os cont\u00ednuos para vencer a concorr\u00eancia de retalhistas como a Amazon.", "sentence2": "Wal-Mart's recent move is tied to its continuing efforts to beat back competition against retailers like Amazon.", "idx": 145, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A recente iniciativa da Wal-Mart est\u00e1 ligada aos seus esfor\u00e7os cont\u00ednuos para vencer a concorr\u00eancia de retalhistas como a Amazon.", "sentence2": "The recent move against Wal-Mart is tied to its continuing efforts to beat back competition against retailers like Amazon.", "idx": 146, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A recente a\u00e7\u00e3o contra a Wal-Mart est\u00e1 ligada aos seus esfor\u00e7os cont\u00ednuos para vencer a concorr\u00eancia de retalhistas como a Amazon.", "sentence2": "Wal-Mart's recent move is tied to its continuing efforts to beat back competition against retailers like Amazon.", "idx": 147, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O homem ajoelha-se e inspecciona a parte inferior da pata do elefante, encontrando apenas um grande espinho profundamente cravado.", "sentence2": "The man gets down on one knee and inspects the bottom of the foot of the elephant only to find a large thorn deeply embedded.", "idx": 148, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O homem ajoelha-se e inspecciona a parte inferior da pata do elefante, encontrando apenas um grande espinho profundamente cravado.", "sentence2": "The man gets down on one knee and inspects the bottom of the elephant's foot only to find a large thorn deeply embedded.", "idx": 149, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A popula\u00e7\u00e3o de pardais do Cabo n\u00e3o diminuiu significativamente e n\u00e3o est\u00e1 seriamente amea\u00e7ada pelas actividades humanas.", "sentence2": "The population of the Cape sparrow has not decreased significantly, and is not seriously threatened by human activities.", "idx": 150, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A popula\u00e7\u00e3o do pardal do Cabo n\u00e3o diminuiu significativamente e n\u00e3o est\u00e1 seriamente amea\u00e7ada pelas actividades humanas.", "sentence2": "The Cape sparrow's population has not decreased significantly, and is not seriously threatened by human activities.", "idx": 151, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A popula\u00e7\u00e3o de pardais do Cabo n\u00e3o diminuiu significativamente e n\u00e3o est\u00e1 seriamente amea\u00e7ada pelas actividades humanas.", "sentence2": "The population of the Cape sparrow has decreased significantly, and is seriously threatened by human activities.", "idx": 152, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A popula\u00e7\u00e3o do pardal do Cabo diminuiu significativamente e est\u00e1 seriamente amea\u00e7ada pelas actividades humanas.", "sentence2": "The Cape sparrow's population has not decreased significantly, and is not seriously threatened by human activities.", "idx": 153, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Este documento apresenta uma abordagem para compreender o conte\u00fado destes vectores de mensagens, traduzindo-os em linguagem natural.", "sentence2": "This paper presents an approach for understanding these message vectors' content by translating them into natural language.", "idx": 154, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Este documento apresenta uma abordagem para compreender o conte\u00fado destes vectores de mensagens, traduzindo-os em linguagem natural.", "sentence2": "This paper presents an approach for understanding the contents of these message vectors by translating them into natural language.", "idx": 155, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Este documento apresenta uma abordagem para compreender o conte\u00fado destes vectores de mensagens, traduzindo-os em linguagem natural.", "sentence2": "This paper presents an approach for understanding the contents of these message vectors by translating them into foreign language.", "idx": 156, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Este documento apresenta uma abordagem para compreender o conte\u00fado destes vectores de mensagens, traduzindo-os para uma l\u00edngua estrangeira.", "sentence2": "This paper presents an approach for understanding the contents of these message vectors by translating them into natural language.", "idx": 157, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 perita em violino.", "sentence2": "She is a skilled violinist.", "idx": 158, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ela \u00e9 uma violinista habilidosa.", "sentence2": "She is skilled at violin.", "idx": 159, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ela \u00e9 competente.", "sentence2": "She is a skilled violinist.", "idx": 160, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ela \u00e9 uma violinista habilidosa.", "sentence2": "She is skilled.", "idx": 161, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 cirurgi\u00e3 e violinista ex\u00edmia.", "sentence2": "She is a skilled surgeon.", "idx": 162, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ela \u00e9 uma cirurgi\u00e3 competente.", "sentence2": "She is a surgeon and skilled violinist.", "idx": 163, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A combina\u00e7\u00e3o de mentos e coca-cola diet causou a explos\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Combining mentos and diet coke caused the explosion.", "idx": 164, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A combina\u00e7\u00e3o de mentos e coca-cola diet causou a explos\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "The combination of mentos and diet coke caused the explosion.", "idx": 165, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Numa reuni\u00e3o na Sala Oval ap\u00f3s a nomea\u00e7\u00e3o de Mueller, Trump disse a Sessions que se devia demitir, o que levou o procurador-geral a apresentar uma carta de demiss\u00e3o, segundo o The New York Times.", "sentence2": "In an Oval Office meeting after Mueller's appointment, Trump told Sessions he should resign, prompting the attorney general's submission of a letter of resignation, according to The New York Times.", "idx": 166, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Numa reuni\u00e3o na Sala Oval ap\u00f3s a nomea\u00e7\u00e3o de Mueller, Trump disse a Sessions que se devia demitir, o que levou o procurador-geral a apresentar uma carta de demiss\u00e3o, segundo o The New York Times.", "sentence2": "In an Oval Office meeting after Mueller's appointment, Trump told Sessions he should resign, prompting the attorney general to submit a letter of resignation, according to The New York Times.", "idx": 167, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Numa reuni\u00e3o na Sala Oval ap\u00f3s a nomea\u00e7\u00e3o de Mueller, Trump disse a Sessions que se devia demitir, o que levou o procurador-geral a apresentar uma carta de demiss\u00e3o, segundo o The New York Times.", "sentence2": "In an Oval Office meeting after Mueller's appointment, Trump told Sessions he should resign, prompting the attorney general's withholding of a letter of resignation, according to The New York Times.", "idx": 168, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Numa reuni\u00e3o na Sala Oval ap\u00f3s a nomea\u00e7\u00e3o de Mueller, Trump disse a Sessions que se devia demitir, o que levou o procurador-geral a n\u00e3o apresentar uma carta de demiss\u00e3o, segundo o The New York Times.", "sentence2": "In an Oval Office meeting after Mueller's appointment, Trump told Sessions he should resign, prompting the attorney general to submit a letter of resignation, according to The New York Times.", "idx": 169, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Achei isto muito fixe e um passo muito importante na preserva\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os livros f\u00edsicos.", "sentence2": "Thought this was super cool, and a really important step in the preservation of all the physical books.", "idx": 170, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Achei isto muito fixe e um passo muito importante para a preserva\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os livros f\u00edsicos.", "sentence2": "Thought this was super cool, and a really important step in preserving all the physical books.", "idx": 171, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Achei isto muito fixe e um passo muito importante na preserva\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os livros f\u00edsicos.", "sentence2": "Thought this was super cool, and a really important step in the destruction of all the physical books.", "idx": 172, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Achei isto muito fixe e um passo muito importante na destrui\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os livros f\u00edsicos.", "sentence2": "Thought this was super cool, and a really important step in preserving all the physical books.", "idx": 173, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Achei isto muito fixe e um passo muito importante na preserva\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os livros f\u00edsicos.", "sentence2": "Thought this was super cool, and a really important step in the processing of all the physical books.", "idx": 174, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Achei isto muito fixe e um passo muito importante no processamento de todos os livros f\u00edsicos.", "sentence2": "Thought this was super cool, and a really important step in preserving all the physical books.", "idx": 175, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Achei isto muito fixe e um passo muito importante na preserva\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os livros f\u00edsicos.", "sentence2": "Thought this was super cool, and a really important step in all the physical books' preservation.", "idx": 176, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Achei isto muito fixe e um passo muito importante na preserva\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os livros f\u00edsicos.", "sentence2": "Thought this was super cool, and a really important step in preserving all the physical books.", "idx": 177, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, os cinco barcos gregos restantes foram afundados por avi\u00f5es do Eixo durante a invas\u00e3o alem\u00e3 da Gr\u00e9cia em abril de 1941.", "sentence2": "During World War II, the five remaining Greek boats were sunk by Axis aircraft when the Germans invaded Greece in April 1941.", "idx": 178, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, os cinco barcos gregos que restavam foram afundados por avi\u00f5es do Eixo quando os alem\u00e3es invadiram a Gr\u00e9cia em abril de 1941.", "sentence2": "During World War II, the five remaining Greek boats were sunk by Axis aircraft during the German invasion of Greece in April 1941.", "idx": 179, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, os cinco barcos gregos restantes foram afundados por avi\u00f5es do Eixo durante a invas\u00e3o alem\u00e3 da Gr\u00e9cia em abril de 1941.", "sentence2": "During World War II, the five remaining Greek boats were sunk by Axis aircraft during the Greek invasion of Germany in April 1941.", "idx": 180, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, os cinco barcos gregos restantes foram afundados por avi\u00f5es do Eixo durante a invas\u00e3o grega da Alemanha em abril de 1941.", "sentence2": "During World War II, the five remaining Greek boats were sunk by Axis aircraft during the German invasion of Greece in April 1941.", "idx": 181, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Muitas vezes, o primeiro passo na constru\u00e7\u00e3o de modelos estat\u00edsticos de PNL envolve a extra\u00e7\u00e3o de caracter\u00edsticas.", "sentence2": "Often, the first step in building statistical NLP models involves extracting features.", "idx": 182, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Muitas vezes, o primeiro passo na constru\u00e7\u00e3o de modelos estat\u00edsticos de PNL envolve a extra\u00e7\u00e3o de caracter\u00edsticas.", "sentence2": "Often, the first step in building statistical NLP models involves feature extraction.", "idx": 183, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O Bob gosta da Alice.", "sentence2": "Alice likes Bob.", "idx": 184, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Alice gosta do Bob.", "sentence2": "Bob likes Alice.", "idx": 185, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Bob \u00e9 o pai da Alice.", "sentence2": "Alice is Bob's parent.", "idx": 186, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Alice \u00e9 a m\u00e3e do Bob.", "sentence2": "Bob is Alice's parent.", "idx": 187, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Presidente Trump vai pedir aos legisladores republicanos que utilizem uma estrutura controversa da Casa Branca como base para um pr\u00f3ximo debate no Senado sobre a pol\u00edtica de imigra\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Republican lawmakers will ask President Trump to use a controversial White House framework as the baseline for a coming Senate debate on immigration policy.", "idx": 188, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os legisladores republicanos v\u00e3o pedir ao Presidente Trump que utilize um quadro controverso da Casa Branca como base para um pr\u00f3ximo debate no Senado sobre a pol\u00edtica de imigra\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "President Trump will ask Republican lawmakers to use a controversial White House framework as the baseline for a coming Senate debate on immigration policy.", "idx": 189, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os Mythbusters provaram que os touros reagem ao movimento e n\u00e3o \u00e0 cor.", "sentence2": "Bulls proved that mythbusters react to movement and not color.", "idx": 190, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os touros provaram que os ca\u00e7adores de mitos reagem ao movimento e n\u00e3o \u00e0 cor.", "sentence2": "Mythbusters proved that bulls react to movement and not color.", "idx": 191, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os modelos geram tradu\u00e7\u00f5es com a sua \u00e1rvore de constituintes e os seus alinhamentos derivados da aten\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "The translations generate models with their constituency tree and their attention-derived alignments.", "idx": 192, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As tradu\u00e7\u00f5es geram modelos com a sua \u00e1rvore de constituintes e os seus alinhamentos derivados da aten\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "The models generate translations with their constituency tree and their attention-derived alignments.", "idx": 193, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Bob casou-se com a Alice.", "sentence2": "Alice married Bob.", "idx": 194, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A Alice casou-se com o Bob.", "sentence2": "Bob married Alice.", "idx": 195, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O chefe dos servi\u00e7os de espionagem estrangeiros da R\u00fassia reuniu-se com altos funcion\u00e1rios dos servi\u00e7os secretos dos EUA, apesar das san\u00e7\u00f5es existentes.", "sentence2": "Top U.S. intelligence officials met with the head of Russia's foreign spy service, despite existing sanctions.", "idx": 196, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os principais funcion\u00e1rios dos servi\u00e7os secretos dos EUA reuniram-se com o chefe dos servi\u00e7os de espionagem estrangeiros da R\u00fassia, apesar das san\u00e7\u00f5es existentes.", "sentence2": "The head of Russia's foreign spy service met with top U.S. intelligence officials, despite existing sanctions.", "idx": 197, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As abelhas n\u00e3o seguem as mesmas regras que os avi\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "Airplanes do not follow the same rules as bees.", "idx": 198, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os avi\u00f5es n\u00e3o seguem as mesmas regras que as abelhas.", "sentence2": "Bees do not follow the same rules as airplanes.", "idx": 199, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As abelhas n\u00e3o seguem as mesmas regras que os avi\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "Bees fly using a different mechanism from airplanes.", "idx": 200, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As abelhas voam com um mecanismo diferente do dos avi\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "Bees do not follow the same rules as airplanes.", "idx": 201, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As abelhas n\u00e3o seguem as mesmas regras que os avi\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "Bees fly using the same mechanism as airplanes.", "idx": 202, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As abelhas voam utilizando o mesmo mecanismo que os avi\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "Bees do not follow the same rules as airplanes.", "idx": 203, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As abelhas n\u00e3o seguem as mesmas regras que os avi\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "Bees are more energy-efficient flyers than airplanes.", "idx": 204, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As abelhas s\u00e3o mais eficientes do ponto de vista energ\u00e9tico do que os avi\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "Bees do not follow the same rules as airplanes.", "idx": 205, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Leslie Dixon \u00e9 casada com o tamb\u00e9m argumentista e produtor Tom Ropelewski.", "sentence2": "Tom Ropelewski is married to fellow screenwriter and producer Leslie Dixon.", "idx": 206, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tom Ropelewski \u00e9 casado com a tamb\u00e9m argumentista e produtora Leslie Dixon.", "sentence2": "Leslie Dixon is married to fellow screenwriter and producer Tom Ropelewski.", "idx": 207, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Isto significa que resolver quest\u00f5es de analogia com aritm\u00e9tica vetorial \u00e9 matematicamente equivalente a procurar uma palavra que seja semelhante a x e y mas diferente de z.", "sentence2": "This means that seeking a word that is similar to x and y but is different from z is mathematically equivalent to solving analogy questions with vector arithmetic.", "idx": 208, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Isto significa que procurar uma palavra que seja semelhante a x e y mas diferente de z \u00e9 matematicamente equivalente a resolver quest\u00f5es de analogia com aritm\u00e9tica vetorial.", "sentence2": "This means that solving analogy questions with vector arithmetic is mathematically equivalent to seeking a word that is similar to x and y but is different from z.", "idx": 209, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O Bob casou-se com a Alice.", "sentence2": "Bob and Alice got married.", "idx": 210, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O Bob e a Alice casaram-se.", "sentence2": "Bob married Alice.", "idx": 211, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tulsi Gabbard discorda de Bernie Sanders sobre qual a melhor forma de lidar com Bashar al-Assad.", "sentence2": "Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders disagree on what is the best way to deal with Bashar al-Assad.", "idx": 212, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tulsi Gabbard e Bernie Sanders discordam sobre a melhor forma de lidar com Bashar al-Assad.", "sentence2": "Tulsi Gabbard disagrees with Bernie Sanders on what is the best way to deal with Bashar al-Assad.", "idx": 213, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Faz-me lembrar os tempos em que jogava Super Mario com o meu irm\u00e3o mais novo.", "sentence2": "It reminds me of the times my little brother and I played Super Mario.", "idx": 214, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Faz-me lembrar os tempos em que eu e o meu irm\u00e3o mais novo jog\u00e1vamos Super Mario.", "sentence2": "It reminds me of the times I played Super Mario with my little brother.", "idx": 215, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Neste jogo para PC, o Shredder luta contra as tartarugas no seu esconderijo em Manhattan.", "sentence2": "In this PC game, Shredder and the turtles fight in his Manhattan hideout.", "idx": 216, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Neste jogo para PC, o Shredder e as tartarugas lutam no seu esconderijo em Manhattan.", "sentence2": "In this PC game, Shredder fights the turtles in his Manhattan hideout.", "idx": 217, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se a semelhan\u00e7a de cosseno dos seus vectores for elevada, podemos concluir que \"gato\" \u00e9 semelhante a \"c\u00e3o\".", "sentence2": "If their vectors' cosine similarity is high, we can conclude that \"cat\" and \"dog\" are similar.", "idx": 218, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se a semelhan\u00e7a de cosseno dos seus vectores for elevada, podemos concluir que \"gato\" e \"c\u00e3o\" s\u00e3o semelhantes.", "sentence2": "If their vectors' cosine similarity is high, we can conclude that \"cat\" is similar to \"dog\".", "idx": 219, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Jane deu uma festa no domingo.", "sentence2": "On Sunday, Jane had a party.", "idx": 220, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "No domingo, a Joana deu uma festa.", "sentence2": "Jane had a party on Sunday.", "idx": 221, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Durante d\u00e9cadas, confiou-se ao FBI a investiga\u00e7\u00e3o da corrup\u00e7\u00e3o no seio do governo.", "sentence2": "The FBI has been trusted to investigate corruption inside the government for decades.", "idx": 222, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "H\u00e1 d\u00e9cadas que se confia no FBI para investigar a corrup\u00e7\u00e3o no seio do governo.", "sentence2": "For decades, the FBI has been trusted to investigate corruption inside the government.", "idx": 223, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "H\u00e1 algumas semanas, estava a passar pelo meu bairro e havia uma senhora a segurar a m\u00e3o de uma crian\u00e7a, parada na berma da estrada, a falar com algu\u00e9m que estava estacionado num carro.", "sentence2": "A few weeks ago, I was driving through my neighborhood, and there was a lady holding a child's hand, standing on the side of the road talking to someone parked in a car.", "idx": 224, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "H\u00e1 algumas semanas, estava a passar pelo meu bairro e havia uma senhora a segurar a m\u00e3o de uma crian\u00e7a, na berma da estrada, a falar com algu\u00e9m que estava estacionado num carro.", "sentence2": "I was driving through my neighborhood a few weeks ago, and there was a lady holding a child's hand, standing on the side of the road talking to someone parked in a car.", "idx": 225, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A madeira de Bass River foi utilizada na constru\u00e7\u00e3o do Empire State Building.", "sentence2": "In construction of the Empire State Building, Bass River timber was used.", "idx": 226, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Na constru\u00e7\u00e3o do Empire State Building, foi utilizada madeira de Bass River.", "sentence2": "Bass River timber was used in construction of the Empire State Building.", "idx": 227, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Neste artigo, apresentamos uma abordagem para adquirir conhecimento f\u00edsico trivial a partir de texto em linguagem natural n\u00e3o estruturada.", "sentence2": "We present in this paper an approach to acquire trivial physical knowledge from unstructured natural language text.", "idx": 228, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Apresentamos neste artigo uma abordagem para adquirir conhecimento f\u00edsico trivial a partir de texto em linguagem natural n\u00e3o estruturada.", "sentence2": "In this paper, we present an approach to acquire trivial physical knowledge from unstructured natural language text.", "idx": 229, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Neste artigo, apresentamos uma abordagem para adquirir conhecimento f\u00edsico trivial a partir de texto em linguagem natural n\u00e3o estruturada.", "sentence2": "We present an approach to acquire trivial physical knowledge from the unstructured natural language text of this paper.", "idx": 230, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Apresentamos uma abordagem para adquirir conhecimentos f\u00edsicos triviais a partir do texto em linguagem natural n\u00e3o estruturada deste documento.", "sentence2": "In this paper, we present an approach to acquire trivial physical knowledge from unstructured natural language text.", "idx": 231, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Comi pizza com amigos.", "sentence2": "I ate pizza.", "idx": 232, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Comi pizza.", "sentence2": "I ate pizza with friends.", "idx": 233, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Comi pizza com uns amigos.", "sentence2": "I ate some friends.", "idx": 234, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Comi alguns amigos.", "sentence2": "I ate pizza with some friends.", "idx": 235, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Comi pizza com azeitonas.", "sentence2": "I ate pizza.", "idx": 236, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Comi pizza.", "sentence2": "I ate pizza with olives.", "idx": 237, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Comi pizza com azeitonas.", "sentence2": "I ate olives.", "idx": 238, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Comi azeitonas.", "sentence2": "I ate pizza with olives.", "idx": 239, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Mueller recebeu um mandato para investigar um poss\u00edvel conluio com a R\u00fassia.", "sentence2": "Mueller received a mandate to investigate possible collusion.", "idx": 240, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Mueller recebeu um mandato para investigar um poss\u00edvel conluio.", "sentence2": "Mueller received a mandate to investigate possible collusion with Russia.", "idx": 241, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Mueller recebeu um mandato para investigar um poss\u00edvel conluio com a R\u00fassia.", "sentence2": "Mueller received a mandate to investigate with Russia.", "idx": 242, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Mueller recebeu um mandato para investigar a R\u00fassia.", "sentence2": "Mueller received a mandate to investigate possible collusion with Russia.", "idx": 243, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Mueller recebeu um mandato para investigar um poss\u00edvel conluio com vastos recursos.", "sentence2": "Mueller received a mandate to investigate possible collusion.", "idx": 244, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Mueller recebeu um mandato para investigar um poss\u00edvel conluio.", "sentence2": "Mueller received a mandate to investigate possible collusion with vast resources.", "idx": 245, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Mueller recebeu um mandato para investigar um poss\u00edvel conluio com vastos recursos.", "sentence2": "Mueller received a mandate to investigate with vast resources.", "idx": 246, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Mueller recebeu um mandato para investigar com vastos recursos.", "sentence2": "Mueller received a mandate to investigate possible collusion with vast resources.", "idx": 247, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Devem ser fixados ao mecanismo de eleva\u00e7\u00e3o da torneira.", "sentence2": "They should be attached to the lifting mechanism.", "idx": 248, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Devem ser fixados ao mecanismo de eleva\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "They should be attached to the lifting mechanism in the faucet.", "idx": 249, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Devem ser fixados ao mecanismo de eleva\u00e7\u00e3o da torneira.", "sentence2": "They should be attached in the faucet.", "idx": 250, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Devem ser fixados na torneira.", "sentence2": "They should be attached to the lifting mechanism in the faucet.", "idx": 251, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Devem ser fixados ao mecanismo de eleva\u00e7\u00e3o com um n\u00f3 inquebr\u00e1vel.", "sentence2": "They should be attached to the lifting mechanism.", "idx": 252, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Devem ser fixados ao mecanismo de eleva\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "They should be attached to the lifting mechanism in an unbreakable knot.", "idx": 253, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Devem ser fixados ao mecanismo de eleva\u00e7\u00e3o com um n\u00f3 inquebr\u00e1vel.", "sentence2": "They should be attached in an unbreakable knot.", "idx": 254, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Devem ser atados com um n\u00f3 inquebr\u00e1vel.", "sentence2": "They should be attached to the lifting mechanism in an unbreakable knot.", "idx": 255, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os tanques foram desenvolvidos pela Gr\u00e3-Bretanha e pela Fran\u00e7a, e foram utilizados pela primeira vez em combate pelos brit\u00e2nicos durante uma batalha com sucesso apenas parcial.", "sentence2": "Tanks were developed by Britain and France, and were first used with only partial success.", "idx": 256, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os tanques foram desenvolvidos pela Gr\u00e3-Bretanha e pela Fran\u00e7a e foram utilizados pela primeira vez com um sucesso apenas parcial.", "sentence2": "Tanks were developed by Britain and France, and were first used in combat by the British during a battle with only partial success.", "idx": 257, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os tanques foram desenvolvidos pela Gr\u00e3-Bretanha e pela Fran\u00e7a, e foram utilizados pela primeira vez em combate pelos brit\u00e2nicos durante uma batalha com sucesso apenas parcial.", "sentence2": "Tanks were developed by Britain and France, and were first used in combat by the British during a battle.", "idx": 258, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os tanques foram desenvolvidos pela Gr\u00e3-Bretanha e pela Fran\u00e7a, e foram utilizados pela primeira vez em combate pelos brit\u00e2nicos durante uma batalha.", "sentence2": "Tanks were developed by Britain and France, and were first used in combat by the British during a battle with only partial success.", "idx": 259, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os tanques foram desenvolvidos pela Gr\u00e3-Bretanha e pela Fran\u00e7a e foram utilizados pela primeira vez em combate pelos brit\u00e2nicos durante uma batalha contra as for\u00e7as alem\u00e3s.", "sentence2": "Tanks were developed by Britain and France, and were first used with German forces.", "idx": 260, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os tanques foram desenvolvidos pela Gr\u00e3-Bretanha e pela Fran\u00e7a, e foram utilizados pela primeira vez com as for\u00e7as alem\u00e3s.", "sentence2": "Tanks were developed by Britain and France, and were first used in combat by the British during a battle with German forces.", "idx": 261, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os tanques foram desenvolvidos pela Gr\u00e3-Bretanha e pela Fran\u00e7a e foram utilizados pela primeira vez em combate pelos brit\u00e2nicos durante uma batalha contra as for\u00e7as alem\u00e3s.", "sentence2": "Tanks were developed by Britain and France, and were first used in combat by the British during a battle.", "idx": 262, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os tanques foram desenvolvidos pela Gr\u00e3-Bretanha e pela Fran\u00e7a, e foram utilizados pela primeira vez em combate pelos brit\u00e2nicos durante uma batalha.", "sentence2": "Tanks were developed by Britain and France, and were first used in combat by the British during a battle with German forces.", "idx": 263, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Propomos modelos de distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de probabilidades a partir dos quais os invent\u00e1rios de vogais atestadas foram extra\u00eddos.", "sentence2": "We propose models of the probability distribution.", "idx": 264, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Propomos modelos de distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de probabilidades.", "sentence2": "We propose models of the probability distribution from which the attested vowel inventories have been drawn.", "idx": 265, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Propomos modelos de distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de probabilidades a partir dos quais os invent\u00e1rios de vogais atestadas foram extra\u00eddos.", "sentence2": "We propose models from which the attested vowel inventories have been drawn.", "idx": 266, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Propomos modelos a partir dos quais foram elaborados os invent\u00e1rios de vogais atestados.", "sentence2": "We propose models of the probability distribution from which the attested vowel inventories have been drawn.", "idx": 267, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Propomos modelos da distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de probabilidades a partir de um espa\u00e7o restrito de fun\u00e7\u00f5es lineares.", "sentence2": "We propose models of the probability distribution.", "idx": 268, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Propomos modelos de distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de probabilidades.", "sentence2": "We propose models of the probability distribution from a restricted space of linear functions.", "idx": 269, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Propomos modelos da distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de probabilidades a partir de um espa\u00e7o restrito de fun\u00e7\u00f5es lineares.", "sentence2": "We propose models from a restricted space of linear functions.", "idx": 270, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Propomos modelos a partir de um espa\u00e7o restrito de fun\u00e7\u00f5es lineares.", "sentence2": "We propose models of the probability distribution from a restricted space of linear functions.", "idx": 271, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Jorge foi ao lago para apanhar um peixe, mas caiu \u00e0 \u00e1gua.", "sentence2": "George fell into the water.", "idx": 272, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "George caiu na \u00e1gua.", "sentence2": "George went to the lake to catch a fish, but he fell into the water.", "idx": 273, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Jorge foi ao lago para apanhar um peixe, mas caiu \u00e0 \u00e1gua.", "sentence2": "A fish fell into the water.", "idx": 274, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um peixe caiu na \u00e1gua.", "sentence2": "George went to the lake to catch a fish, but he fell into the water.", "idx": 275, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Partido Republicano op\u00f4s-se quase universalmente a esse projeto de lei em 2009, que custou 787 mil milh\u00f5es de d\u00f3lares em 10 anos, com o argumento de que aumentaria demasiado a d\u00edvida.", "sentence2": "That bill would increase the debt too much.", "idx": 276, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Esse projeto de lei aumentaria demasiado a d\u00edvida.", "sentence2": "The Republican party almost universally opposed that bill in 2009, which cost $787 billion over 10 years, on the grounds that it would increase the debt too much.", "idx": 277, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Partido Republicano op\u00f4s-se quase universalmente a esse projeto de lei em 2009, que custou 787 mil milh\u00f5es de d\u00f3lares em 10 anos, com o argumento de que aumentaria demasiado a d\u00edvida.", "sentence2": "The Republican party would increase the debt too much.", "idx": 278, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Partido Republicano aumentaria demasiado a d\u00edvida.", "sentence2": "The Republican party almost universally opposed that bill in 2009, which cost $787 billion over 10 years, on the grounds that it would increase the debt too much.", "idx": 279, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O feij\u00e3o trepador sufocou o milho e a ab\u00f3bora cresceu tanto que ofuscou v\u00e1rias fileiras adjacentes de feij\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "The squash overshadowed several adjacent rows of beans.", "idx": 280, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A ab\u00f3bora ofuscou v\u00e1rias fileiras adjacentes de feij\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "The climbing beans choked the corn, and the squash grew so big that it overshadowed several adjacent rows of beans.", "idx": 281, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O feij\u00e3o trepador sufocou o milho e a ab\u00f3bora cresceu tanto que ofuscou v\u00e1rias fileiras adjacentes de feij\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "The corn overshadowed several adjacent rows of beans.", "idx": 282, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O milho ensombrava v\u00e1rias fileiras adjacentes de feij\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "The climbing beans choked the corn, and the squash grew so big that it overshadowed several adjacent rows of beans.", "idx": 283, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Como a Gr\u00e3-Bretanha ainda mantinha o controlo dos assuntos externos do Canad\u00e1 ao abrigo da Lei da Confedera\u00e7\u00e3o, a sua declara\u00e7\u00e3o de guerra em 1914 levou automaticamente o Canad\u00e1 \u00e0 Primeira Guerra Mundial.", "sentence2": "Britain's declaration of war in 1914 automatically brought Canada into World War I.", "idx": 284, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A declara\u00e7\u00e3o de guerra da Gr\u00e3-Bretanha em 1914 levou automaticamente o Canad\u00e1 \u00e0 Primeira Guerra Mundial.", "sentence2": "Because Britain still maintained control of Canada's foreign affairs under the Confederation Act, its declaration of war in 1914 automatically brought Canada into World War I.", "idx": 285, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Como a Gr\u00e3-Bretanha ainda mantinha o controlo dos assuntos externos do Canad\u00e1 ao abrigo da Lei da Confedera\u00e7\u00e3o, a sua declara\u00e7\u00e3o de guerra em 1914 levou automaticamente o Canad\u00e1 \u00e0 Primeira Guerra Mundial.", "sentence2": "Canada's declaration of war in 1914 automatically brought Canada into World War I.", "idx": 286, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A declara\u00e7\u00e3o de guerra do Canad\u00e1 em 1914 levou-o automaticamente \u00e0 Primeira Guerra Mundial.", "sentence2": "Because Britain still maintained control of Canada's foreign affairs under the Confederation Act, its declaration of war in 1914 automatically brought Canada into World War I.", "idx": 287, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Mostramos que, se os resolvedores de corefer\u00eancias se basearem principalmente em caracter\u00edsticas lexicais, dificilmente poder\u00e3o generalizar para dom\u00ednios n\u00e3o vistos.", "sentence2": "Coreference resolvers can hardly generalize to unseen domains.", "idx": 288, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os resolvedores de corefer\u00eancias dificilmente podem ser generalizados para dom\u00ednios n\u00e3o vistos.", "sentence2": "We show that if coreference resolvers mainly rely on lexical features, they can hardly generalize to unseen domains.", "idx": 289, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Mostramos que, se os resolvedores de corefer\u00eancias se basearem principalmente em caracter\u00edsticas lexicais, dificilmente poder\u00e3o generalizar para dom\u00ednios n\u00e3o vistos.", "sentence2": "Lexical features can hardly generalize to unseen domains.", "idx": 290, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As caracter\u00edsticas lexicais dificilmente podem ser generalizadas a dom\u00ednios n\u00e3o vistos.", "sentence2": "We show that if coreference resolvers mainly rely on lexical features, they can hardly generalize to unseen domains.", "idx": 291, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As partes chegaram a um acordo ap\u00f3s a sua reuni\u00e3o em Estocolmo.", "sentence2": "The sides came to an agreement after their meeting in Sweden.", "idx": 292, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As partes chegaram a um acordo ap\u00f3s a sua reuni\u00e3o na Su\u00e9cia.", "sentence2": "The sides came to an agreement after their meeting in Stockholm.", "idx": 293, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As partes chegaram a um acordo ap\u00f3s a sua reuni\u00e3o em Estocolmo.", "sentence2": "The sides came to an agreement after their meeting in Europe.", "idx": 294, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As partes chegaram a um acordo ap\u00f3s a sua reuni\u00e3o na Europa.", "sentence2": "The sides came to an agreement after their meeting in Stockholm.", "idx": 295, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As partes chegaram a um acordo ap\u00f3s a sua reuni\u00e3o em Estocolmo.", "sentence2": "The sides came to an agreement after their meeting in Oslo.", "idx": 296, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As partes chegaram a um acordo ap\u00f3s a sua reuni\u00e3o em Oslo.", "sentence2": "The sides came to an agreement after their meeting in Stockholm.", "idx": 297, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Musk decidiu oferecer o seu roadster Tesla pessoal.", "sentence2": "Musk decided to offer up his personal car.", "idx": 298, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Musk decidiu oferecer o seu carro pessoal.", "sentence2": "Musk decided to offer up his personal Tesla roadster.", "idx": 299, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Musk decidiu oferecer o seu roadster Tesla pessoal.", "sentence2": "Musk decided to offer up his personal yacht.", "idx": 300, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Musk decidiu oferecer o seu iate pessoal.", "sentence2": "Musk decided to offer up his personal Tesla roadster.", "idx": 301, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "TIL David Attenborough e a Rainha Isabel II t\u00eam mais ou menos a mesma idade.", "sentence2": "TIL David Attenborough and the Queen of England are roughly the same age.", "idx": 302, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "TIL David Attenborough e a Rainha de Inglaterra t\u00eam mais ou menos a mesma idade.", "sentence2": "TIL David Attenborough and Queen Elizabeth II are roughly the same age.", "idx": 303, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "TIL David Attenborough e a Rainha Isabel II t\u00eam mais ou menos a mesma idade.", "sentence2": "TIL David Attenborough and the Queen of Denmark are roughly the same age.", "idx": 304, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "TIL David Attenborough e a Rainha da Dinamarca t\u00eam mais ou menos a mesma idade.", "sentence2": "TIL David Attenborough and Queen Elizabeth II are roughly the same age.", "idx": 305, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A regi\u00e3o de Sydney tem sido habitada por ind\u00edgenas australianos h\u00e1 pelo menos 30.000 anos.", "sentence2": "The Sydney area has been inhabited by Aboriginal people for at least 30,000 years.", "idx": 306, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A regi\u00e3o de Sydney \u00e9 habitada por abor\u00edgenes h\u00e1 pelo menos 30.000 anos.", "sentence2": "The Sydney area has been inhabited by indigenous Australians for at least 30,000 years.", "idx": 307, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A regi\u00e3o de Sydney tem sido habitada por ind\u00edgenas australianos h\u00e1 pelo menos 30.000 anos.", "sentence2": "The Sydney area has been inhabited by Europeans for at least 30,000 years.", "idx": 308, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A regi\u00e3o de Sydney \u00e9 habitada por europeus h\u00e1 pelo menos 30.000 anos.", "sentence2": "The Sydney area has been inhabited by indigenous Australians for at least 30,000 years.", "idx": 309, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As redes neuronais profundas alcan\u00e7aram um desempenho impressionante em tarefas de classifica\u00e7\u00e3o supervisionada e de previs\u00e3o estruturada.", "sentence2": "Deep learning has achieved impressive performance in supervised classification and structured prediction tasks.", "idx": 310, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A aprendizagem profunda alcan\u00e7ou um desempenho impressionante em tarefas de classifica\u00e7\u00e3o supervisionada e de previs\u00e3o estruturada.", "sentence2": "Deep neural networks have achieved impressive performance in supervised classification and structured prediction tasks.", "idx": 311, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As redes neuronais profundas alcan\u00e7aram um desempenho impressionante em tarefas de classifica\u00e7\u00e3o supervisionada e de previs\u00e3o estruturada.", "sentence2": "Decision trees have achieved impressive performance in supervised classification and structured prediction tasks.", "idx": 312, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As \u00e1rvores de decis\u00e3o alcan\u00e7aram um desempenho impressionante em tarefas de classifica\u00e7\u00e3o supervisionada e de previs\u00e3o estruturada.", "sentence2": "Deep neural networks have achieved impressive performance in supervised classification and structured prediction tasks.", "idx": 313, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Dave atirou-se ao lago.", "sentence2": "Dave was wet.", "idx": 314, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O Dave estava molhado.", "sentence2": "Dave jumped into the lake.", "idx": 315, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Dave atirou-se ao lago.", "sentence2": "Dave was hungry.", "idx": 316, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Dave tinha fome.", "sentence2": "Dave jumped into the lake.", "idx": 317, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Mesmo que o Senado consiga aprovar um projeto de lei, est\u00e1 longe de ser certo que a C\u00e2mara o fa\u00e7a.", "sentence2": "The House might kill the bill anyway.", "idx": 318, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "De qualquer modo, a C\u00e2mara poder\u00e1 anular o projeto de lei.", "sentence2": "Even if the Senate is able to pass a bill, it\u2019s far from certain that the House will move ahead with it.", "idx": 319, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Mesmo que o Senado consiga aprovar um projeto de lei, est\u00e1 longe de ser certo que a C\u00e2mara o fa\u00e7a.", "sentence2": "The House will pass the bill.", "idx": 320, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A C\u00e2mara aprovar\u00e1 o projeto de lei.", "sentence2": "Even if the Senate is able to pass a bill, it\u2019s far from certain that the House will move ahead with it.", "idx": 321, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Durante o cortejo f\u00fanebre de Notorious B.I.G. pelas ruas de Brooklyn, algu\u00e9m interrompeu o ambiente sombrio tocando \"Hyponotize\" a todo o volume, o que levou o p\u00fablico a dan\u00e7ar e a cantar.", "sentence2": "Notorious B.I.G. passed away.", "idx": 322, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Notorious B.I.G. faleceu.", "sentence2": "During Notorious B.I.G.'s funeral procession through the streets of Brooklyn, someone interrupted the somber atmosphere by playing \"Hyponotize\" at full volume, which prompted the public to dance and sing along.", "idx": 323, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Durante o cortejo f\u00fanebre de Notorious B.I.G. pelas ruas de Brooklyn, algu\u00e9m interrompeu o ambiente sombrio tocando \"Hyponotize\" a todo o volume, o que levou o p\u00fablico a dan\u00e7ar e a cantar.", "sentence2": "Notorious B.I.G. hosted his funeral.", "idx": 324, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O seu funeral foi organizado por Notorious B.I.G..", "sentence2": "During Notorious B.I.G.'s funeral procession through the streets of Brooklyn, someone interrupted the somber atmosphere by playing \"Hyponotize\" at full volume, which prompted the public to dance and sing along.", "idx": 325, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Durante o cortejo f\u00fanebre de Notorious B.I.G. pelas ruas de Brooklyn, algu\u00e9m interrompeu o ambiente sombrio tocando \"Hyponotize\" a todo o volume, o que levou o p\u00fablico a dan\u00e7ar e a cantar.", "sentence2": "During Notorious B.I.G.'s funeral procession through the streets of Brooklyn, there was a somber atmosphere part of the time.", "idx": 326, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Durante o cortejo f\u00fanebre de Notorious B.I.G. pelas ruas de Brooklyn, o ambiente era, em parte, sombrio.", "sentence2": "During Notorious B.I.G.'s funeral procession through the streets of Brooklyn, someone interrupted the somber atmosphere by playing \"Hyponotize\" at full volume, which prompted the public to dance and sing along.", "idx": 327, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Durante o cortejo f\u00fanebre de Notorious B.I.G. pelas ruas de Brooklyn, algu\u00e9m interrompeu o ambiente sombrio tocando \"Hyponotize\" a todo o volume, o que levou o p\u00fablico a dan\u00e7ar e a cantar.", "sentence2": "Notorious B.I.G.'s funeral procession was attended by the general public.", "idx": 328, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O cortejo f\u00fanebre de Notorious B.I.G. foi assistido pelo p\u00fablico em geral.", "sentence2": "During Notorious B.I.G.'s funeral procession through the streets of Brooklyn, someone interrupted the somber atmosphere by playing \"Hyponotize\" at full volume, which prompted the public to dance and sing along.", "idx": 329, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Durante o cortejo f\u00fanebre de Notorious B.I.G. pelas ruas de Brooklyn, algu\u00e9m interrompeu o ambiente sombrio tocando \"Hyponotize\" a todo o volume, o que levou o p\u00fablico a dan\u00e7ar e a cantar.", "sentence2": "Only members of the public attended B.I.G.'s funeral procession was restricted to an exclusive club of associates.", "idx": 330, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O cortejo f\u00fanebre do B.I.G. s\u00f3 contou com a presen\u00e7a do p\u00fablico e foi limitado a um clube exclusivo de associados.", "sentence2": "During Notorious B.I.G.'s funeral procession through the streets of Brooklyn, someone interrupted the somber atmosphere by playing \"Hyponotize\" at full volume, which prompted the public to dance and sing along.", "idx": 331, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O problema na Irlanda n\u00e3o era a falta de alimentos, que eram abundantes, mas sim o pre\u00e7o dos mesmos, que estava fora do alcance dos pobres.", "sentence2": "Poor Irish people could not get food because it was too expensive.", "idx": 332, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os irlandeses pobres n\u00e3o podiam obter alimentos porque eram demasiado caros.", "sentence2": "The problem in Ireland was not lack of food, which was plentiful, but the price of it, which was beyond the reach of the poor.", "idx": 333, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O problema na Irlanda n\u00e3o era a falta de alimentos, que eram abundantes, mas sim o pre\u00e7o dos mesmos, que estava fora do alcance dos pobres.", "sentence2": "The poor in Ireland starved.", "idx": 334, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os pobres da Irlanda passaram fome.", "sentence2": "The problem in Ireland was not lack of food, which was plentiful, but the price of it, which was beyond the reach of the poor.", "idx": 335, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O problema na Irlanda n\u00e3o era a falta de alimentos, que eram abundantes, mas sim o pre\u00e7o dos mesmos, que estava fora do alcance dos pobres.", "sentence2": "The poor in Ireland had plentiful food.", "idx": 336, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os pobres da Irlanda tinham comida em abund\u00e2ncia.", "sentence2": "The problem in Ireland was not lack of food, which was plentiful, but the price of it, which was beyond the reach of the poor.", "idx": 337, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O problema na Irlanda n\u00e3o era a falta de alimentos, que eram abundantes, mas sim o pre\u00e7o dos mesmos, que estava fora do alcance dos pobres.", "sentence2": "The problem in Ireland was the price of food.", "idx": 338, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O problema na Irlanda era o pre\u00e7o dos alimentos.", "sentence2": "The problem in Ireland was not lack of food, which was plentiful, but the price of it, which was beyond the reach of the poor.", "idx": 339, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O problema na Irlanda n\u00e3o era a falta de alimentos, que eram abundantes, mas sim o pre\u00e7o dos mesmos, que estava fora do alcance dos pobres.", "sentence2": "The problem in Ireland was lack of food.", "idx": 340, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O problema na Irlanda era a falta de alimentos.", "sentence2": "The problem in Ireland was not lack of food, which was plentiful, but the price of it, which was beyond the reach of the poor.", "idx": 341, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Este conjunto de dados \u00e9 duas ordens de grandeza maior do que todos os outros recursos existentes.", "sentence2": "Every other existing resource is smaller than this dataset.", "idx": 342, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Todos os outros recursos existentes s\u00e3o mais pequenos do que este conjunto de dados.", "sentence2": "This dataset is two orders of magnitude larger than all other existing resources.", "idx": 343, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Este conjunto de dados \u00e9 duas ordens de grandeza maior do que todos os outros recursos existentes.", "sentence2": "This dataset is very big.", "idx": 344, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Este conjunto de dados \u00e9 muito grande.", "sentence2": "This dataset is two orders of magnitude larger than all other existing resources.", "idx": 345, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Falhei as minhas resolu\u00e7\u00f5es todos os anos desde 1997, e agora estamos em 2008.", "sentence2": "I failed my resolutions in 2004.", "idx": 346, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Falhei as minhas resolu\u00e7\u00f5es em 2004.", "sentence2": "I have failed my resolutions every year since 1997, and it's now 2008.", "idx": 347, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Falhei as minhas resolu\u00e7\u00f5es todos os anos desde 1997, e agora estamos em 2008.", "sentence2": "I failed my resolutions in 1995.", "idx": 348, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Falhei as minhas resolu\u00e7\u00f5es em 1995.", "sentence2": "I have failed my resolutions every year since 1997, and it's now 2008.", "idx": 349, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Falhei as minhas resolu\u00e7\u00f5es todos os anos desde 1997, e agora estamos em 2008.", "sentence2": "I did not fail my resolutions in 2004.", "idx": 350, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o falhei as minhas resolu\u00e7\u00f5es em 2004.", "sentence2": "I have failed my resolutions every year since 1997, and it's now 2008.", "idx": 351, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Falhei as minhas resolu\u00e7\u00f5es todos os anos desde 1997, e agora estamos em 2008.", "sentence2": "I did not fail my resolutions in 1995.", "idx": 352, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o falhei as minhas resolu\u00e7\u00f5es em 1995.", "sentence2": "I have failed my resolutions every year since 1997, and it's now 2008.", "idx": 353, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tanto o m\u00e9dico como o doente t\u00eam alguma responsabilidade no \u00eaxito dos cuidados de sa\u00fade.", "sentence2": "The doctor bears some responsibility for successful care.", "idx": 354, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O m\u00e9dico tem alguma responsabilidade pelo sucesso dos cuidados.", "sentence2": "Both doctor and patient bear some responsibility for successful care.", "idx": 355, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tanto o m\u00e9dico como o doente t\u00eam alguma responsabilidade no \u00eaxito dos cuidados de sa\u00fade.", "sentence2": "The doctor does not bear responsibility for successful care.", "idx": 356, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O m\u00e9dico n\u00e3o \u00e9 respons\u00e1vel por um tratamento bem sucedido.", "sentence2": "Both doctor and patient bear some responsibility for successful care.", "idx": 357, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tanto o m\u00e9dico como o doente t\u00eam alguma responsabilidade no \u00eaxito dos cuidados de sa\u00fade.", "sentence2": "The patient bears some responsibility for successful care.", "idx": 358, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O doente tem alguma responsabilidade no sucesso dos cuidados.", "sentence2": "Both doctor and patient bear some responsibility for successful care.", "idx": 359, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tanto o m\u00e9dico como o doente t\u00eam alguma responsabilidade no \u00eaxito dos cuidados de sa\u00fade.", "sentence2": "The patient does not bear responsibility for successful care.", "idx": 360, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O doente n\u00e3o \u00e9 respons\u00e1vel por um tratamento bem sucedido.", "sentence2": "Both doctor and patient bear some responsibility for successful care.", "idx": 361, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tanto o m\u00e9dico como o doente t\u00eam alguma responsabilidade no \u00eaxito dos cuidados de sa\u00fade.", "sentence2": "The attorney bears some responsibility for successful care.", "idx": 362, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O advogado tem alguma responsabilidade pelo sucesso dos cuidados.", "sentence2": "Both doctor and patient bear some responsibility for successful care.", "idx": 363, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tanto o m\u00e9dico como o doente t\u00eam alguma responsabilidade no \u00eaxito dos cuidados de sa\u00fade.", "sentence2": "The attorney does not bear responsibility for successful care.", "idx": 364, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O advogado n\u00e3o \u00e9 respons\u00e1vel pelo sucesso do tratamento.", "sentence2": "Both doctor and patient bear some responsibility for successful care.", "idx": 365, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ou ele tem uma confian\u00e7a cega ou tem um conflito de interesses.", "sentence2": "He has a conflict of interest.", "idx": 366, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ele tem um conflito de interesses.", "sentence2": "Either he has a blind trust or he has a conflict of interest.", "idx": 367, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ou ele tem uma confian\u00e7a cega ou tem um conflito de interesses.", "sentence2": "He does not have a conflict of interest.", "idx": 368, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o existe qualquer conflito de interesses.", "sentence2": "Either he has a blind trust or he has a conflict of interest.", "idx": 369, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ou ele tem uma confian\u00e7a cega ou tem um conflito de interesses.", "sentence2": "He has a blind trust.", "idx": 370, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ele tem uma confian\u00e7a cega.", "sentence2": "Either he has a blind trust or he has a conflict of interest.", "idx": 371, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ou ele tem uma confian\u00e7a cega ou tem um conflito de interesses.", "sentence2": "He does not have a blind trust.", "idx": 372, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ele n\u00e3o tem uma confian\u00e7a cega.", "sentence2": "Either he has a blind trust or he has a conflict of interest.", "idx": 373, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Toda a gente tem um conjunto de princ\u00edpios pelos quais se rege.", "sentence2": "Someone has a set of principles to live by.", "idx": 374, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Algu\u00e9m tem um conjunto de princ\u00edpios pelos quais viver.", "sentence2": "Everyone has a set of principles to live by.", "idx": 375, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Toda a gente tem um conjunto de princ\u00edpios pelos quais se rege.", "sentence2": "No one has a set of principles to live by.", "idx": 376, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ningu\u00e9m tem um conjunto de princ\u00edpios pelos quais viver.", "sentence2": "Everyone has a set of principles to live by.", "idx": 377, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Toda a gente tem um conjunto de princ\u00edpios pelos quais se rege.", "sentence2": "Susan doesn't have a set of principles to live by.", "idx": 378, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Susan n\u00e3o tem um conjunto de princ\u00edpios pelos quais viver.", "sentence2": "Everyone has a set of principles to live by.", "idx": 379, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Susan sabe como \u00e9 que as tartarugas se reproduzem.", "sentence2": "Someone knows how turtles reproduce.", "idx": 380, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Algu\u00e9m sabe como \u00e9 que as tartarugas se reproduzem.", "sentence2": "Susan knows how turtles reproduce.", "idx": 381, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Susan sabe como \u00e9 que as tartarugas se reproduzem.", "sentence2": "No one knows how turtles reproduce.", "idx": 382, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ningu\u00e9m sabe como \u00e9 que as tartarugas se reproduzem.", "sentence2": "Susan knows how turtles reproduce.", "idx": 383, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Susan sabe como \u00e9 que as tartarugas se reproduzem.", "sentence2": "Cedric doesn't know how turtles reproduce.", "idx": 384, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Cedric n\u00e3o sabe como \u00e9 que as tartarugas se reproduzem.", "sentence2": "Susan knows how turtles reproduce.", "idx": 385, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ou n\u00e3o h\u00e1 casa de banho nesta casa, ou ela est\u00e1 num s\u00edtio estranho.", "sentence2": "If there is a bathroom in this house, it is in a funny place.", "idx": 386, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se h\u00e1 uma casa de banho nesta casa, \u00e9 num s\u00edtio engra\u00e7ado.", "sentence2": "Either there is no bathroom in this house, or it is in a funny place.", "idx": 387, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ou n\u00e3o h\u00e1 casa de banho nesta casa, ou ela est\u00e1 num s\u00edtio estranho.", "sentence2": "The bathroom in this house is in a funny place.", "idx": 388, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A casa de banho desta casa est\u00e1 num s\u00edtio engra\u00e7ado.", "sentence2": "Either there is no bathroom in this house, or it is in a funny place.", "idx": 389, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Joan acredita que todos os discursos s\u00e3o discursos pol\u00edticos.", "sentence2": "All speech is political speech.", "idx": 390, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Todo o discurso \u00e9 discurso pol\u00edtico.", "sentence2": "Joan believes that all speech is political speech.", "idx": 391, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Joan duvida que todos os discursos sejam discursos pol\u00edticos.", "sentence2": "All speech is political speech.", "idx": 392, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Todo o discurso \u00e9 discurso pol\u00edtico.", "sentence2": "Joan doubts that all speech is political speech.", "idx": 393, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Joan sabe que todos os discursos s\u00e3o discursos pol\u00edticos.", "sentence2": "All speech is political speech.", "idx": 394, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Todo o discurso \u00e9 discurso pol\u00edtico.", "sentence2": "Joan knows that all speech is political speech.", "idx": 395, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Joan sabe que todos os discursos s\u00e3o discursos pol\u00edticos.", "sentence2": "No speech is political speech.", "idx": 396, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Nenhum discurso \u00e9 um discurso pol\u00edtico.", "sentence2": "Joan knows that all speech is political speech.", "idx": 397, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham esperava ganhar o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham won the popular vote.", "idx": 398, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham ganhou o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham hoped to win the popular vote.", "idx": 399, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham esperava ganhar o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham did not win the popular vote.", "idx": 400, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham n\u00e3o ganhou o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham hoped to win the popular vote.", "idx": 401, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Jacob viu Tex assinar o contrato.", "sentence2": "Tex signed the contract.", "idx": 402, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tex assinou o contrato.", "sentence2": "Jacob saw Tex sign the contract.", "idx": 403, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Jacob n\u00e3o viu Tex assinar o contrato.", "sentence2": "Tex signed the contract.", "idx": 404, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tex assinou o contrato.", "sentence2": "Jacob did not see Tex sign the contract.", "idx": 405, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham tentou ganhar o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham won the popular vote.", "idx": 406, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham ganhou o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham tried to win the popular vote.", "idx": 407, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham tentou ganhar o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham did not win the popular vote.", "idx": 408, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham n\u00e3o ganhou o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham tried to win the popular vote.", "idx": 409, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham quase ganhou o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham won the popular vote.", "idx": 410, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham ganhou o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham almost won the popular vote.", "idx": 411, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham mal ganhou o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham won the popular vote.", "idx": 412, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Grisham ganhou o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham barely won the popular vote.", "idx": 413, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham quase ganhou o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham did not win the popular vote.", "idx": 414, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Grisham n\u00e3o ganhou o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham almost won the popular vote.", "idx": 415, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham mal ganhou o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham did not win the popular vote.", "idx": 416, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Grisham n\u00e3o ganhou o voto popular.", "sentence2": "Grisham barely won the popular vote.", "idx": 417, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ela tem tr\u00eas perguntas.", "sentence2": "She had three questions.", "idx": 418, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ela tinha tr\u00eas perguntas.", "sentence2": "She has three questions.", "idx": 419, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Maria saiu antes de Jo\u00e3o entrar.", "sentence2": "John entered after Mary left.", "idx": 420, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Jo\u00e3o entrou depois de Maria ter sa\u00eddo.", "sentence2": "Mary left before John entered.", "idx": 421, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Maria saiu antes de Jo\u00e3o entrar.", "sentence2": "John entered before Mary left.", "idx": 422, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Jo\u00e3o entrou antes de Maria sair.", "sentence2": "Mary left before John entered.", "idx": 423, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Maria estava a sair enquanto Jo\u00e3o entrava.", "sentence2": "John entered while Mary was leaving.", "idx": 424, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Jo\u00e3o entrou enquanto Maria estava a sair.", "sentence2": "Mary was leaving while John entered.", "idx": 425, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se Pedro tem um burro, ent\u00e3o bate-lhe.", "sentence2": "Pedro beats his donkey.", "idx": 426, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Pedro bate no seu burro.", "sentence2": "If Pedro has a donkey, then he beats it.", "idx": 427, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se Pedro tem um burro, ent\u00e3o bate-lhe.", "sentence2": "Pedro doesn't have a donkey.", "idx": 428, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Pedro n\u00e3o tem um burro.", "sentence2": "If Pedro has a donkey, then he beats it.", "idx": 429, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Esta \u00e9 a prova mais clara de que Xi planeia governar para al\u00e9m do final do seu segundo mandato, em 2023, levando a China de volta \u00e0 era do governo de um homem s\u00f3, ao mesmo tempo que refor\u00e7a o seu papel na pol\u00edtica mundial.", "sentence2": "Xi's second term ends in 2023.", "idx": 430, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O segundo mandato de Xi termina em 2023.", "sentence2": "It is the clearest evidence yet that Xi plans to rule beyond the end of this second term, in 2023, taking China back to the era of one-man rule just as it steps up its role in global politics.", "idx": 431, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Esta medida p\u00f5e termo a um sistema criado por Deng Xiaoping nos anos 80 para evitar a ascens\u00e3o de outro Mao, que foi presidente do Partido Comunista desde a sua subida ao poder em 1949 at\u00e9 \u00e0 sua morte em 1976.", "sentence2": "Deng Xiaoping was chairman of the Communist Party from before its accession to power in 1949 until his death in 1976.", "idx": 432, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Deng Xiaoping foi presidente do Partido Comunista desde antes da sua subida ao poder em 1949 at\u00e9 \u00e0 sua morte em 1976.", "sentence2": "The move marks an end to a system put in place by Deng Xiaoping in the 1980s to prevent the rise of another Mao, who was chairman of the Communist Party from before its accession to power in 1949 until his death in 1976.", "idx": 433, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Esta medida p\u00f5e termo a um sistema criado por Deng Xiaoping nos anos 80 para evitar a ascens\u00e3o de outro Mao, que foi presidente do Partido Comunista desde a sua subida ao poder em 1949 at\u00e9 \u00e0 sua morte em 1976.", "sentence2": "Mao was chairman of the Communist Party from before its accession to power in 1949 until his death in 1976.", "idx": 434, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Mao foi presidente do Partido Comunista desde antes da sua subida ao poder em 1949 at\u00e9 \u00e0 sua morte em 1976.", "sentence2": "The move marks an end to a system put in place by Deng Xiaoping in the 1980s to prevent the rise of another Mao, who was chairman of the Communist Party from before its accession to power in 1949 until his death in 1976.", "idx": 435, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Embora a tomada de poder tenha valido a Xi compara\u00e7\u00f5es com l\u00edderes como Recep Tayyip Erdogan da Turquia e Vladimir Putin da R\u00fassia, a sua vis\u00e3o para a China \u00e9 singular - e ter\u00e1 um impacto muito para al\u00e9m das fronteiras da China.", "sentence2": "Though the power grab has earned Xi comparisons to leaders such as Turkey\u2019s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, his vision for China is singular \u2014 and will have an impact well beyond China\u2019s borders.", "idx": 436, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Embora a tomada de poder tenha valido a Xi compara\u00e7\u00f5es com l\u00edderes como o turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a sua vis\u00e3o da China \u00e9 singular - e ter\u00e1 um impacto muito para al\u00e9m das fronteiras da China.", "sentence2": "Though the power grab has earned Xi comparisons to leaders such as Turkey\u2019s Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russia\u2019s Vladimir Putin, his vision for China is singular \u2014 and will have an impact well beyond China\u2019s borders.", "idx": 437, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Embora a tomada de poder tenha valido a Xi compara\u00e7\u00f5es com l\u00edderes como Recep Tayyip Erdogan da Turquia e Vladimir Putin da R\u00fassia, a sua vis\u00e3o para a China \u00e9 singular - e ter\u00e1 um impacto muito para al\u00e9m das fronteiras da China.", "sentence2": "Though the power grab has earned Xi comparisons to leaders such as Russia\u2019s Vladimir Putin, his vision for China is singular \u2014 and will have an impact well beyond China\u2019s borders.", "idx": 438, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Embora a tomada de poder tenha valido a Xi compara\u00e7\u00f5es com l\u00edderes como o russo Vladimir Putin, a sua vis\u00e3o para a China \u00e9 singular - e ter\u00e1 um impacto muito para al\u00e9m das fronteiras da China.", "sentence2": "Though the power grab has earned Xi comparisons to leaders such as Turkey\u2019s Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russia\u2019s Vladimir Putin, his vision for China is singular \u2014 and will have an impact well beyond China\u2019s borders.", "idx": 439, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Desde ent\u00e3o, os meios de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o social do partido intensificaram a hagiografia, apresentando Xi como o pai da na\u00e7\u00e3o e o homem singularmente equipado para liderar.", "sentence2": "Party media have since amped up the hagiography, casting Xi as the father of the nation.", "idx": 440, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Desde ent\u00e3o, os meios de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o do partido intensificaram a hagiografia, apresentando Xi como o pai da na\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Party media have since amped up the hagiography, casting Xi as the father of the nation and the man uniquely equipped to lead.", "idx": 441, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Desde ent\u00e3o, os meios de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o social do partido intensificaram a hagiografia, apresentando Xi como o pai da na\u00e7\u00e3o e o homem singularmente equipado para liderar.", "sentence2": "Party media have since amped up the hagiography, casting Xi as the man uniquely equipped to lead.", "idx": 442, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Desde ent\u00e3o, os meios de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o social do partido intensificaram a hagiografia, apresentando Xi como o homem singularmente equipado para liderar.", "sentence2": "Party media have since amped up the hagiography, casting Xi as the father of the nation and the man uniquely equipped to lead.", "idx": 443, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Desde ent\u00e3o, os meios de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o social do partido intensificaram a hagiografia, apresentando Xi como o pai da na\u00e7\u00e3o e o homem singularmente equipado para liderar.", "sentence2": "Party media have since amped up the hagiography, casting Xi as the father of the man uniquely equipped to lead.", "idx": 444, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Desde ent\u00e3o, os meios de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o social do partido intensificaram a hagiografia, apresentando Xi como o pai do homem singularmente preparado para liderar.", "sentence2": "Party media have since amped up the hagiography, casting Xi as the father of the nation and the man uniquely equipped to lead.", "idx": 445, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O \u00faltimo incidente mortal, registado na segunda-feira de manh\u00e3, matou um rapaz de 17 anos e feriu uma mulher.", "sentence2": "The latest incident, reported Monday morning, killed a 17-year-old boy and wounded a woman.", "idx": 446, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O \u00faltimo incidente, registado na segunda-feira de manh\u00e3, matou um rapaz de 17 anos e feriu uma mulher.", "sentence2": "The latest fatal incident, reported Monday morning, killed a 17-year-old boy and wounded a woman.", "idx": 447, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A pol\u00edcia tamb\u00e9m respondeu por volta das 11h50 de segunda-feira \u00e0 den\u00fancia de uma explos\u00e3o no sudeste de Austin, na qual uma mulher ficou gravemente ferida.", "sentence2": "Police also responded around 11:50 a.m. Monday to the report of a blast in southeast Austin in which a woman was badly injured.", "idx": 448, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A pol\u00edcia tamb\u00e9m respondeu por volta das 11h50 de segunda-feira \u00e0 den\u00fancia de uma explos\u00e3o no sudeste de Austin, na qual uma mulher ficou gravemente ferida.", "sentence2": "Police also responded around 11:50 a.m. Monday to the report of an explosion in southeast Austin in which a woman was badly injured.", "idx": 449, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O an\u00fancio representa um endurecimento significativo da postura brit\u00e2nica em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 R\u00fassia, com a qual tem mantido uma valiosa rela\u00e7\u00e3o de partilha de informa\u00e7\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "The announcement represents a slight hardening of Britain's posture toward Russia, with which it has had a valuable intelligence-sharing relationship.", "idx": 450, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O an\u00fancio representa um ligeiro endurecimento da postura brit\u00e2nica em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 R\u00fassia, com a qual tem mantido uma valiosa rela\u00e7\u00e3o de partilha de informa\u00e7\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "The announcement represents a significant hardening of Britain's posture toward Russia, with which it has had a valuable intelligence-sharing relationship.", "idx": 451, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O an\u00fancio representa um endurecimento significativo da postura brit\u00e2nica em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 R\u00fassia, com a qual tem mantido uma valiosa rela\u00e7\u00e3o de partilha de informa\u00e7\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "The announcement represents a significant change in Britain's posture toward Russia, with which it has had a valuable intelligence-sharing relationship.", "idx": 452, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O an\u00fancio representa uma mudan\u00e7a significativa na postura da Gr\u00e3-Bretanha em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 R\u00fassia, com a qual tem mantido uma valiosa rela\u00e7\u00e3o de partilha de informa\u00e7\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "The announcement represents a significant hardening of Britain's posture toward Russia, with which it has had a valuable intelligence-sharing relationship.", "idx": 453, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tillerson interrompeu a sua viagem na segunda-feira para regressar a casa, e o seu porta-voz disse na ter\u00e7a-feira que o Secret\u00e1rio de Estado \"n\u00e3o tinha conhecimento do motivo\" do seu despedimento e n\u00e3o tinha falado diretamente com Trump.", "sentence2": "Tillerson cut his trip short Monday to take a train home, and his spokesman said Tuesday that the secretary of state was \u201cunaware of the reason\u201d for his firing and had not spoken directly with Trump.", "idx": 454, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tillerson interrompeu a sua viagem na segunda-feira para apanhar um comboio para casa, e o seu porta-voz disse na ter\u00e7a-feira que o secret\u00e1rio de Estado \"desconhecia o motivo\" do seu despedimento e n\u00e3o tinha falado diretamente com Trump.", "sentence2": "Tillerson cut his trip short Monday to fly home, and his spokesman said Tuesday that the secretary of state was \u201cunaware of the reason\u201d for his firing and had not spoken directly with Trump.", "idx": 455, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tillerson interrompeu a sua viagem na segunda-feira para regressar a casa, e o seu porta-voz disse na ter\u00e7a-feira que o Secret\u00e1rio de Estado \"n\u00e3o tinha conhecimento do motivo\" do seu despedimento e n\u00e3o tinha falado diretamente com Trump.", "sentence2": "Tillerson cut his trip short Monday to take a plane home, and his spokesman said Tuesday that the secretary of state was \u201cunaware of the reason\u201d for his firing and had not spoken directly with Trump.", "idx": 456, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tillerson interrompeu a sua viagem na segunda-feira para apanhar um avi\u00e3o para casa, e o seu porta-voz disse na ter\u00e7a-feira que o secret\u00e1rio de Estado \"desconhecia o motivo\" do seu despedimento e n\u00e3o tinha falado diretamente com Trump.", "sentence2": "Tillerson cut his trip short Monday to fly home, and his spokesman said Tuesday that the secretary of state was \u201cunaware of the reason\u201d for his firing and had not spoken directly with Trump.", "idx": 457, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tillerson interrompeu a sua viagem na segunda-feira para regressar a casa, e o seu porta-voz disse na ter\u00e7a-feira que o Secret\u00e1rio de Estado \"n\u00e3o tinha conhecimento do motivo\" do seu despedimento e n\u00e3o tinha falado diretamente com Trump.", "sentence2": "Tillerson cut his trip short Monday to go home by air, and his spokesman said Tuesday that the secretary of state was \u201cunaware of the reason\u201d for his firing and had not spoken directly with Trump.", "idx": 458, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tillerson interrompeu a sua viagem na segunda-feira para regressar a casa por via a\u00e9rea e o seu porta-voz disse na ter\u00e7a-feira que o Secret\u00e1rio de Estado \"desconhecia o motivo\" do seu despedimento e n\u00e3o tinha falado diretamente com Trump.", "sentence2": "Tillerson cut his trip short Monday to fly home, and his spokesman said Tuesday that the secretary of state was \u201cunaware of the reason\u201d for his firing and had not spoken directly with Trump.", "idx": 459, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O an\u00fancio da sa\u00edda de Tillerson provocou ondas de choque em todo o mundo.", "sentence2": "People across the globe were not expecting Tillerson's departure.", "idx": 460, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Em todo o mundo, as pessoas n\u00e3o estavam \u00e0 espera da partida de Tillerson.", "sentence2": "The announcement of Tillerson\u2019s departure sent shock waves across the globe.", "idx": 461, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O an\u00fancio da sa\u00edda de Tillerson provocou ondas de choque em todo o mundo.", "sentence2": "People across the globe were prepared for Tillerson's departure.", "idx": 462, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Em todo o mundo, as pessoas estavam preparadas para a partida de Tillerson.", "sentence2": "The announcement of Tillerson\u2019s departure sent shock waves across the globe.", "idx": 463, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "LaBeouf tinha tentado pedir um cigarro a dois desconhecidos, sem saber que um deles era um agente da pol\u00edcia.", "sentence2": "LaBeouf had tried to bum a smoke from a police officer.", "idx": 464, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "LaBeouf tinha tentado roubar um cigarro a um agente da pol\u00edcia.", "sentence2": "LaBeouf had tried to bum a smoke from two strangers, unaware that one of them was a police officer.", "idx": 465, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "LaBeouf tentou pedir um cigarro a dois desconhecidos, sem saber que um deles era um agente da pol\u00edcia.", "sentence2": "LaBeouf knowingly had tried to bum a smoke from a police officer.", "idx": 466, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "LaBeouf tentou conscientemente roubar um cigarro a um agente da pol\u00edcia.", "sentence2": "LaBeouf had tried to bum a smoke from two strangers, unaware that one of them was a police officer.", "idx": 467, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Depois de ter sido recusado, ficou zangado e ignorou os avisos do agente da pol\u00edcia para se acalmar, pelo que foi algemado e levado para a esquadra.", "sentence2": "After being denied, he grew angry and ignored the police officer's warnings to relax, so he was arrested.", "idx": 468, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Depois de ter sido recusado, ficou zangado e ignorou os avisos do agente da pol\u00edcia para se acalmar, pelo que foi detido.", "sentence2": "After being denied, he grew angry and ignored the police officer's warnings to relax, so he was handcuffed and taken to the station.", "idx": 469, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Depois de ter sido recusado, ficou zangado e ignorou os avisos do agente da pol\u00edcia para se acalmar, pelo que foi algemado e levado para a esquadra.", "sentence2": "After being denied, he grew angry and ignored the police officer's warnings to relax, so he was escorted home.", "idx": 470, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Depois de ter sido recusado, ficou zangado e ignorou os avisos do agente da pol\u00edcia para se acalmar, pelo que foi escoltado at\u00e9 casa.", "sentence2": "After being denied, he grew angry and ignored the police officer's warnings to relax, so he was handcuffed and taken to the station.", "idx": 471, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "H\u00e1 v\u00e1rios anos que Marc Sims vai ao barbeiro uma vez por semana.", "sentence2": "Marc Sims has been getting his hair cut once a week, for several years.", "idx": 472, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "H\u00e1 v\u00e1rios anos que Marc Sims corta o cabelo uma vez por semana.", "sentence2": "Marc Sims has been seeing his barber once a week, for several years.", "idx": 473, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "H\u00e1 v\u00e1rios anos que Marc Sims vai ao barbeiro uma vez por semana.", "sentence2": "Marc Sims has been cutting hair once a week, for several years.", "idx": 474, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Marc Sims corta o cabelo uma vez por semana, h\u00e1 v\u00e1rios anos.", "sentence2": "Marc Sims has been seeing his barber once a week, for several years.", "idx": 475, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O evento em que Hamdallah participou na ter\u00e7a-feira foi a inaugura\u00e7\u00e3o de uma esta\u00e7\u00e3o de tratamento de \u00e1guas residuais em Beit Lahia, h\u00e1 muito adiada, que se destina a servir 400 000 habitantes de Gaza.", "sentence2": "The event Mr. Hamdallah attended on Tuesday was the opening of a long-delayed water treatment plant in Beit Lahia that is intended to serve 400,000 Gaza residents.", "idx": 476, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O evento em que Hamdallah participou na ter\u00e7a-feira foi a inaugura\u00e7\u00e3o de uma esta\u00e7\u00e3o de tratamento de \u00e1gua em Beit Lahia, h\u00e1 muito adiada, que se destina a servir 400.000 habitantes de Gaza.", "sentence2": "The event Mr. Hamdallah attended on Tuesday was the opening of a long-delayed wastewater treatment plant in Beit Lahia that is intended to serve 400,000 Gaza residents.", "idx": 477, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A R\u00fassia prometeu retaliar se a Gr\u00e3-Bretanha impuser san\u00e7\u00f5es em resposta a um suposto ataque qu\u00edmico em solo brit\u00e2nico e exigiu acesso a amostras de um agente nervoso que os investigadores brit\u00e2nicos dizem ter identificado como sendo russo.", "sentence2": "British investigators say they have identified a nerve agent as Russian.", "idx": 478, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os investigadores brit\u00e2nicos dizem ter identificado um agente nervoso como sendo russo.", "sentence2": "Russia vowed Tuesday to retaliate if Britain imposes sanctions in response to a suspected chemical attack on British soil and demanded access to samples of a nerve agent that British investigators say they have identified as Russian.", "idx": 479, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A R\u00fassia prometeu retaliar se a Gr\u00e3-Bretanha impuser san\u00e7\u00f5es em resposta a um suposto ataque qu\u00edmico em solo brit\u00e2nico e exigiu acesso a amostras de um agente nervoso que os investigadores brit\u00e2nicos dizem ter identificado como sendo russo.", "sentence2": "Russians have identified a nerve agent used in a suspected chemical attack on British soil.", "idx": 480, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os russos identificaram um agente nervoso utilizado num presum\u00edvel ataque qu\u00edmico em solo brit\u00e2nico.", "sentence2": "Russia vowed Tuesday to retaliate if Britain imposes sanctions in response to a suspected chemical attack on British soil and demanded access to samples of a nerve agent that British investigators say they have identified as Russian.", "idx": 481, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Lavrov insistiu que os peritos russos deveriam poder examinar as provas brit\u00e2nicas, mas voltou a negar o envolvimento da R\u00fassia no ataque da semana passada.", "sentence2": "Lavrov insisted that Russian experts should be able to examine the British evidence but again denied Russian responsibility for last week\u2019s attack.", "idx": 482, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Lavrov insistiu que os peritos russos deveriam poder examinar as provas brit\u00e2nicas, mas voltou a negar a responsabilidade russa pelo ataque da semana passada.", "sentence2": "Lavrov insisted that Russian experts should be able to examine the British evidence but again denied Russian involvement in last week\u2019s attack.", "idx": 483, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Lavrov insistiu que os peritos russos deveriam poder examinar as provas brit\u00e2nicas, mas voltou a negar o envolvimento da R\u00fassia no ataque da semana passada.", "sentence2": "Lavrov insisted that Russian experts should be able to examine the British evidence but again denied Russian ignorance of last week\u2019s attack.", "idx": 484, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Lavrov insistiu que os peritos russos deveriam poder examinar as provas brit\u00e2nicas, mas voltou a negar que a R\u00fassia ignorasse o ataque da semana passada.", "sentence2": "Lavrov insisted that Russian experts should be able to examine the British evidence but again denied Russian involvement in last week\u2019s attack.", "idx": 485, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A R\u00fassia prometeu retaliar se a Gr\u00e3-Bretanha impuser san\u00e7\u00f5es em resposta a um suposto ataque qu\u00edmico em solo brit\u00e2nico e exigiu acesso a amostras de um agente nervoso que os investigadores brit\u00e2nicos dizem ter identificado como sendo russo.", "sentence2": "Russia vowed Tuesday to retaliate if Britain imposes sanctions in response to a chemical attack on British soil and demanded access to samples of a nerve agent that British investigators say they have identified as Russian.", "idx": 486, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A R\u00fassia prometeu retaliar se a Gr\u00e3-Bretanha impuser san\u00e7\u00f5es em resposta a um ataque qu\u00edmico em solo brit\u00e2nico e exigiu acesso a amostras de um agente nervoso que os investigadores brit\u00e2nicos dizem ter identificado como sendo russo.", "sentence2": "Russia vowed Tuesday to retaliate if Britain imposes sanctions in response to a suspected chemical attack on British soil and demanded access to samples of a nerve agent that British investigators say they have identified as Russian.", "idx": 487, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A R\u00fassia prometeu retaliar se a Gr\u00e3-Bretanha impuser san\u00e7\u00f5es em resposta a um suposto ataque qu\u00edmico em solo brit\u00e2nico e exigiu acesso a amostras de um agente nervoso que os investigadores brit\u00e2nicos dizem ter identificado como sendo russo.", "sentence2": "Russia vowed Tuesday to retaliate if Britain imposes sanctions in response to an attack on British soil and demanded access to samples of a nerve agent that British investigators say they have identified as Russian.", "idx": 488, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A R\u00fassia prometeu retaliar se a Gr\u00e3-Bretanha impusesse san\u00e7\u00f5es em resposta a um ataque em solo brit\u00e2nico e exigiu acesso a amostras de um agente nervoso que os investigadores brit\u00e2nicos dizem ter identificado como sendo russo.", "sentence2": "Russia vowed Tuesday to retaliate if Britain imposes sanctions in response to a suspected chemical attack on British soil and demanded access to samples of a nerve agent that British investigators say they have identified as Russian.", "idx": 489, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Gina Haspel, a veterana agente infiltrada da CIA que o Presidente Donald Trump escolheu na ter\u00e7a-feira para chefiar a ag\u00eancia, \u00e9 apoiada por muitos membros da comunidade de servi\u00e7os secretos dos EUA, mas foi criticada por ter supervisionado uma pris\u00e3o secreta da CIA na Tail\u00e2ndia, onde os detidos foram torturados.", "sentence2": "Gina Haspel, the veteran CIA undercover officer President Donald Trump picked on Tuesday to head the agency, is supported by many in the U.S. intelligence community but has faced criticism for overseeing a CIA black site in Thailand where detainees were tortured.", "idx": 490, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Gina Haspel, a veterana agente infiltrada da CIA que o Presidente Donald Trump escolheu na ter\u00e7a-feira para chefiar a ag\u00eancia, \u00e9 apoiada por muitos membros da comunidade de servi\u00e7os secretos dos EUA, mas tem sido alvo de cr\u00edticas por ter supervisionado uma \"black site\" da CIA na Tail\u00e2ndia, onde os detidos foram torturados.", "sentence2": "Gina Haspel, the veteran CIA undercover officer President Donald Trump picked on Tuesday to head the agency, is supported by many in the U.S. intelligence community but has faced criticism for overseeing a secret CIA prison in Thailand where detainees were tortured.", "idx": 491, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Gina Haspel, a veterana agente infiltrada da CIA que o Presidente Donald Trump escolheu na ter\u00e7a-feira para chefiar a ag\u00eancia, \u00e9 apoiada por muitos membros da comunidade de servi\u00e7os secretos dos EUA, mas foi criticada por ter supervisionado uma pris\u00e3o secreta da CIA na Tail\u00e2ndia, onde os detidos foram torturados.", "sentence2": "Gina Haspel, the veteran CIA undercover officer President Donald Trump picked on Tuesday to head the agency, is supported by many in the U.S. intelligence community but has faced criticism for overseeing a clandestine CIA prison in Thailand where detainees were tortured.", "idx": 492, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Gina Haspel, a veterana agente infiltrada da CIA que o Presidente Donald Trump escolheu na ter\u00e7a-feira para chefiar a ag\u00eancia, \u00e9 apoiada por muitos membros da comunidade de servi\u00e7os secretos dos EUA, mas foi criticada por ter supervisionado uma pris\u00e3o clandestina da CIA na Tail\u00e2ndia, onde os detidos foram torturados.", "sentence2": "Gina Haspel, the veteran CIA undercover officer President Donald Trump picked on Tuesday to head the agency, is supported by many in the U.S. intelligence community but has faced criticism for overseeing a secret CIA prison in Thailand where detainees were tortured.", "idx": 493, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Poder\u00e1 ter a oposi\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os democratas e alguns republicanos tamb\u00e9m poder\u00e3o opor-se-lhe, incluindo o senador Rand Paul, que convocou uma confer\u00eancia de imprensa para quarta-feira para discutir a nomea\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "She could be opposed by every Democrat, and some Republicans may also oppose her, including Senator Rand Paul, who has called a news conference on Wednesday to discuss the nomination.", "idx": 494, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Poder\u00e1 ter a oposi\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os democratas e alguns republicanos tamb\u00e9m se poder\u00e3o opor, incluindo o senador Rand Paul, que convocou uma confer\u00eancia de imprensa para quarta-feira para discutir a nomea\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "She could be opposed by all the Democrats, and some Republicans may also oppose her, including Senator Rand Paul, who has called a news conference on Wednesday to discuss the nomination.", "idx": 495, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "No passado, o Twitch j\u00e1 ofereceu regularmente jogos e conte\u00fados de jogo gratuitos aos subscritores do Twitch Prime.", "sentence2": "Twitch has routinely given away free in-game content to Twitch Prime subscribers in the past.", "idx": 496, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "No passado, o Twitch j\u00e1 ofereceu regularmente conte\u00fados de jogo gratuitos aos subscritores do Twitch Prime.", "sentence2": "Twitch has routinely given away free games and in-game content to Twitch Prime subscribers in the past.", "idx": 497, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "No passado, o Twitch j\u00e1 ofereceu regularmente jogos e conte\u00fados de jogo gratuitos aos subscritores do Twitch Prime.", "sentence2": "Twitch has routinely given away games and in-game content to Twitch Prime subscribers in the past.", "idx": 498, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "No passado, o Twitch j\u00e1 ofereceu habitualmente jogos e conte\u00fados de jogo aos subscritores do Twitch Prime.", "sentence2": "Twitch has routinely given away free games and in-game content to Twitch Prime subscribers in the past.", "idx": 499, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "No passado, o Twitch j\u00e1 ofereceu regularmente jogos e conte\u00fados de jogo gratuitos aos subscritores do Twitch Prime.", "sentence2": "Twitch has routinely given Twitch Prime subscribers free games and in-game content in the past.", "idx": 500, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "No passado, o Twitch j\u00e1 ofereceu regularmente aos seus subscritores jogos e conte\u00fados de jogo gratuitos.", "sentence2": "Twitch has routinely given away free games and in-game content to Twitch Prime subscribers in the past.", "idx": 501, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "No passado, o Twitch j\u00e1 ofereceu regularmente jogos e conte\u00fados de jogo gratuitos aos subscritores do Twitch Prime.", "sentence2": "Twitch has rarely given Twitch Prime subscribers free games and in-game content in the past.", "idx": 502, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "No passado, o Twitch raramente oferecia jogos e conte\u00fados gratuitos aos seus subscritores.", "sentence2": "Twitch has routinely given away free games and in-game content to Twitch Prime subscribers in the past.", "idx": 503, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Todos estes cinco jogos estar\u00e3o dispon\u00edveis para os membros Prime at\u00e9 31 de mar\u00e7o.", "sentence2": "Several games will be available to Prime members until March 31.", "idx": 504, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "V\u00e1rios jogos estar\u00e3o dispon\u00edveis para os membros Prime at\u00e9 31 de mar\u00e7o.", "sentence2": "All five of these games will be available to Prime members until March 31.", "idx": 505, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os futuros legisladores devem centrar-se [nos impostos baixos, na regulamenta\u00e7\u00e3o limitada e no controlo local] para manter um clima empresarial previs\u00edvel e fi\u00e1vel, evitando legisla\u00e7\u00e3o que desvie a aten\u00e7\u00e3o de prioridades cr\u00edticas e que seja vista por muitos como permitindo a discrimina\u00e7\u00e3o contra certos grupos ou classes de texanos.", "sentence2": "Future legislators should focus on [low taxes, limited regulation and local control] to maintain a predictable and reliable business climate, avoiding legislation that distracts from critical priorities and is viewed by many as enabling discrimination against certain groups of Texans.", "idx": 506, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os futuros legisladores devem centrar-se [nos impostos baixos, na regulamenta\u00e7\u00e3o limitada e no controlo local] para manter um clima empresarial previs\u00edvel e fi\u00e1vel, evitando legisla\u00e7\u00e3o que distraia as prioridades cr\u00edticas e que seja vista por muitos como permitindo a discrimina\u00e7\u00e3o contra certos grupos de texanos.", "sentence2": "Future legislators should focus on [low taxes, limited regulation and local control] to maintain a predictable and reliable business climate, avoiding legislation that distracts from critical priorities and is viewed by many as enabling discrimination against certain groups or classes of Texans.", "idx": 507, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O tenente-governador Dan Patrick apresentou pela primeira vez uma \"lei da casa de banho\" em janeiro de 2017 e, durante os primeiros meses de debate, Abbott manteve-se em sil\u00eancio, mesmo quando alguns advertiram que seria mau para os neg\u00f3cios.", "sentence2": "Abbott remained largely silent for the first several months of debate after Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick first unveiled a \u201cbathroom bill\u201d in January 2017, even as some cautioned that it would be bad for business.", "idx": 508, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Abbott permaneceu em sil\u00eancio durante os primeiros meses de debate, depois de o tenente-governador Dan Patrick ter apresentado pela primeira vez uma \"lei da casa de banho\" em janeiro de 2017, mesmo quando alguns advertiram que seria mau para os neg\u00f3cios.", "sentence2": "Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick first unveiled a \u201cbathroom bill\u201d in January 2017, and for the first several months of debate, Abbott remained largely silent even as some cautioned that it would be bad for business.", "idx": 509, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O tenente-governador Dan Patrick apresentou pela primeira vez uma \"lei da casa de banho\" em janeiro de 2017 e, durante os primeiros meses de debate, Abbott manteve-se em sil\u00eancio, mesmo quando alguns advertiram que seria mau para os neg\u00f3cios.", "sentence2": "Abbott remained largely silent for the first several months of debate before Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick first unveiled a \u201cbathroom bill\u201d in January 2017, even as some cautioned that it would be bad for business.", "idx": 510, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Abbott permaneceu em sil\u00eancio durante os primeiros meses de debate, antes de o tenente-governador Dan Patrick ter apresentado pela primeira vez uma \"lei da casa de banho\" em janeiro de 2017, mesmo quando alguns advertiram que seria mau para o neg\u00f3cio.", "sentence2": "Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick first unveiled a \u201cbathroom bill\u201d in January 2017, and for the first several months of debate, Abbott remained largely silent even as some cautioned that it would be bad for business.", "idx": 511, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O tenente-governador Dan Patrick apresentou pela primeira vez uma \"lei da casa de banho\" em janeiro de 2017 e, durante os primeiros meses de debate, Abbott manteve-se em sil\u00eancio, mesmo quando alguns advertiram que seria mau para os neg\u00f3cios.", "sentence2": "Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick first unveiled a \u201cbathroom bill\u201d in January 2017, and in the second month of debate, Abbott remained largely silent even as some cautioned that it would be bad for business.", "idx": 512, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O tenente-governador Dan Patrick apresentou pela primeira vez uma \"lei da casa de banho\" em janeiro de 2017 e, no segundo m\u00eas de debate, Abbott manteve-se em sil\u00eancio, mesmo quando alguns advertiram que seria mau para os neg\u00f3cios.", "sentence2": "Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick first unveiled a \u201cbathroom bill\u201d in January 2017, and for the first several months of debate, Abbott remained largely silent even as some cautioned that it would be bad for business.", "idx": 513, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Nenhum projeto de lei sobre casas de banho chegou \u00e0 secret\u00e1ria de Abbott at\u00e9 ao final da sess\u00e3o legislativa em maio.", "sentence2": "A bathroom bill made it to Abbott\u2019s desk by the end of the legislative session in May.", "idx": 514, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um projeto de lei sobre casas de banho chegou \u00e0 secret\u00e1ria de Abbott no final da sess\u00e3o legislativa, em maio.", "sentence2": "No bathroom bill made it to Abbott\u2019s desk by the end of the legislative session in May.", "idx": 515, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Nenhum projeto de lei sobre casas de banho chegou \u00e0 secret\u00e1ria de Abbott at\u00e9 ao final da sess\u00e3o legislativa em maio.", "sentence2": "No bills made it to Abbott\u2019s desk by the end of the legislative session in May.", "idx": 516, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Nenhum projeto de lei chegou \u00e0 secret\u00e1ria de Abbott at\u00e9 ao final da sess\u00e3o legislativa, em maio.", "sentence2": "No bathroom bill made it to Abbott\u2019s desk by the end of the legislative session in May.", "idx": 517, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Nenhum projeto de lei sobre casas de banho chegou \u00e0 secret\u00e1ria de Abbott at\u00e9 ao final da sess\u00e3o legislativa em maio.", "sentence2": "A bill made it to Abbott\u2019s desk by the end of the legislative session in May.", "idx": 518, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um projeto de lei chegou \u00e0 mesa de Abbott no final da sess\u00e3o legislativa, em maio.", "sentence2": "No bathroom bill made it to Abbott\u2019s desk by the end of the legislative session in May.", "idx": 519, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tal como nos brindes anteriores, os jogos oferecidos desta forma ser\u00e3o permanentemente seus, embora seja necess\u00e1rio utilizar a aplica\u00e7\u00e3o Twitch para computador para os obter.", "sentence2": "As with previous freebies, the games offered in this manner will be yours to keep permanently, though you'll presumably need to use the Twitch desktop app in order to download them.", "idx": 520, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tal como aconteceu com as ofertas gratuitas anteriores, os jogos oferecidos desta forma ser\u00e3o permanentemente seus, embora seja necess\u00e1rio utilizar a aplica\u00e7\u00e3o para computador do Twitch para os transferir.", "sentence2": "As with previous freebies, the games offered in this manner will be yours to keep permanently, though you'll presumably need to use the Twitch desktop app in order to grab them.", "idx": 521, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Do Maine ao Hawaii, milhares de estudantes planearam fazer greves na quarta-feira para protestar contra a viol\u00eancia armada, um m\u00eas depois do tiroteio mortal numa escola secund\u00e1ria em Parkland, na Florida.", "sentence2": "From Maine to Hawaii, thousands of students planned to stage walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, two months after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.", "idx": 522, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Do Maine ao Hawaii, milhares de estudantes planearam fazer greves na quarta-feira para protestar contra a viol\u00eancia armada, dois meses ap\u00f3s o tiroteio mortal numa escola secund\u00e1ria em Parkland, na Florida.", "sentence2": "From Maine to Hawaii, thousands of students planned to stage walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, one month after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.", "idx": 523, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Uma subcomiss\u00e3o da C\u00e2mara do Tennessee aprovou a legisla\u00e7\u00e3o que prev\u00ea a oferta de propinas no estado a estudantes de faculdades p\u00fablicas cujos pais os tenham trazido ou mantido ilegalmente no pa\u00eds.", "sentence2": "A Tennessee House subcommittee has approved legislation to offer in-state tuition to public college students whose parents kept them in the country illegally.", "idx": 524, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Uma subcomiss\u00e3o da C\u00e2mara do Tennessee aprovou a legisla\u00e7\u00e3o que prev\u00ea a oferta de propinas no estado a estudantes de faculdades p\u00fablicas cujos pais os tenham mantido ilegalmente no pa\u00eds.", "sentence2": "A Tennessee House subcommittee has approved legislation to offer in-state tuition to public college students whose parents brought or kept them in the country illegally.", "idx": 525, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os legisladores do Missouri est\u00e3o a considerar um boicote governamental \u00e0s empresas que boicotam Israel.", "sentence2": "Missouri lawmakers are considering a boycott of companies that boycott Israel.", "idx": 526, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os legisladores do Missouri est\u00e3o a considerar um boicote \u00e0s empresas que boicotam Israel.", "sentence2": "Missouri lawmakers are considering a government boycott of companies that boycott Israel.", "idx": 527, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Segundo ele, os Estados Unidos tencionavam utilizar o falso ataque como pretexto para bombardear o quartel-general do governo na vizinha Damasco, onde, segundo ele, se encontravam conselheiros militares russos, a pol\u00edcia militar russa e os monitores russos do cessar-fogo.", "sentence2": "He said the United States intended to bomb the government quarter in nearby Damascus where he said Russian military advisers, Russian military police and Russian ceasefire monitors were based.", "idx": 528, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Disse que os Estados Unidos tencionavam bombardear o bairro governamental na vizinha Damasco, onde, segundo ele, se encontravam os conselheiros militares russos, a pol\u00edcia militar russa e os monitores russos do cessar-fogo.", "sentence2": "He said the United States intended to use the fake attack as a pretext to bomb the government quarter in nearby Damascus where he said Russian military advisers, Russian military police and Russian ceasefire monitors were based.", "idx": 529, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O assunto \u00e9 t\u00e3o sens\u00edvel que s\u00f3 aceitaram falar sob condi\u00e7\u00e3o de anonimato.", "sentence2": "It is so sensitive that they agreed to talk about the matter only on condition of anonymity.", "idx": 530, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O assunto \u00e9 t\u00e3o sens\u00edvel que s\u00f3 aceitaram falar sobre ele sob condi\u00e7\u00e3o de anonimato.", "sentence2": "The matter is so sensitive that they agreed to talk only on condition of anonymity.", "idx": 531, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O assunto \u00e9 t\u00e3o sens\u00edvel que s\u00f3 aceitaram falar sob condi\u00e7\u00e3o de anonimato.", "sentence2": "The matter is so sensitive that they agreed to talk about something else on condition of anonymity.", "idx": 532, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O assunto \u00e9 t\u00e3o sens\u00edvel que concordaram em falar de outro assunto sob condi\u00e7\u00e3o de anonimato.", "sentence2": "The matter is so sensitive that they agreed to talk only on condition of anonymity.", "idx": 533, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O sistema governamental russo, apesar de projetar uma imagem de unidade, est\u00e1 dividido em muitas linhas - entre falc\u00f5es da seguran\u00e7a e liberais econ\u00f3micos, entre pessoas com vingan\u00e7as pessoais e entre interesses comerciais concorrentes.", "sentence2": "Russia\u2019s ruling projects an image of unity, but is divided along many lines \u2014 between security hawks and economic liberals, between people with personal vendettas, and between competing business interests.", "idx": 534, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O governo russo projecta uma imagem de unidade, mas est\u00e1 dividido em muitas linhas - entre falc\u00f5es da seguran\u00e7a e liberais econ\u00f3micos, entre pessoas com vingan\u00e7as pessoais e entre interesses comerciais concorrentes.", "sentence2": "Russia\u2019s ruling system, while projecting an image of unity, is divided along many lines \u2014 between security hawks and economic liberals, between people with personal vendettas, and between competing business interests.", "idx": 535, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O sistema governamental russo, apesar de projetar uma imagem de unidade, est\u00e1 dividido em muitas linhas - entre falc\u00f5es da seguran\u00e7a e liberais econ\u00f3micos, entre pessoas com vingan\u00e7as pessoais e entre interesses comerciais concorrentes.", "sentence2": "Russia\u2019s ruling projects an image of unity, but is divided along many lines \u2014 between security hawks and economic liberals, between people with personal vendettas, and between competing business interests.", "idx": 536, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O governo russo projecta uma imagem de unidade, mas est\u00e1 dividido em muitas linhas - entre falc\u00f5es da seguran\u00e7a e liberais econ\u00f3micos, entre pessoas com vingan\u00e7as pessoais e entre interesses comerciais concorrentes.", "sentence2": "Russia\u2019s ruling system, while projecting an image of unity, is divided along many lines \u2014 between security hawks and economic liberals, between people with personal vendettas, and between competing business interests.", "idx": 537, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Putin est\u00e1 de tal forma enraizado no sistema governamental russo que muitos dos seus membros n\u00e3o conseguem imaginar outro l\u00edder.", "sentence2": "Putin is so entrenched within Russia\u2019s ruling system that many of its members can imagine no other leader than Putin.", "idx": 538, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Putin est\u00e1 de tal forma enraizado no sistema governamental russo que muitos dos seus membros n\u00e3o conseguem imaginar outro l\u00edder que n\u00e3o seja Putin.", "sentence2": "Putin is so entrenched within Russia\u2019s ruling system that many of its members can imagine no other leader.", "idx": 539, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Putin est\u00e1 de tal forma enraizado no sistema governamental russo que muitos dos seus membros n\u00e3o conseguem imaginar outro l\u00edder.", "sentence2": "Putin is so entrenched within Russia\u2019s ruling system that many of its members can imagine no other leader than themselves.", "idx": 540, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Putin est\u00e1 t\u00e3o enraizado no sistema governamental russo que muitos dos seus membros n\u00e3o conseguem imaginar outro l\u00edder que n\u00e3o seja ele pr\u00f3prio.", "sentence2": "Putin is so entrenched within Russia\u2019s ruling system that many of its members can imagine no other leader.", "idx": 541, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Microsoft afirmou que n\u00e3o se justifica uma a\u00e7\u00e3o colectiva porque n\u00e3o existe uma causa comum para as queixas dos trabalhadores e os queixosos n\u00e3o identificaram uma discrimina\u00e7\u00e3o sist\u00e9mica em raz\u00e3o do sexo.", "sentence2": "Microsoft has said a class action is warranted because there is a common cause for the employees\u2019 complaints and plaintiffs have not identified systemic gender discrimination.", "idx": 542, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Microsoft afirmou que se justifica uma a\u00e7\u00e3o colectiva porque existe uma causa comum para as queixas dos trabalhadores e os queixosos n\u00e3o identificaram uma discrimina\u00e7\u00e3o sist\u00e9mica em raz\u00e3o do sexo.", "sentence2": "Microsoft has said a class action isn\u2019t warranted because there is no common cause for the employees\u2019 complaints and plaintiffs have not identified systemic gender discrimination.", "idx": 543, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Microsoft afirmou que n\u00e3o se justifica uma a\u00e7\u00e3o colectiva porque n\u00e3o existe uma causa comum para as queixas dos trabalhadores e os queixosos n\u00e3o identificaram uma discrimina\u00e7\u00e3o sist\u00e9mica em raz\u00e3o do sexo.", "sentence2": "Microsoft has said a class action is warranted because there isn't a common cause for the employees\u2019 complaints and plaintiffs have not identified systemic gender discrimination.", "idx": 544, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Microsoft afirmou que uma a\u00e7\u00e3o colectiva se justifica porque n\u00e3o existe uma causa comum para as queixas dos trabalhadores e os queixosos n\u00e3o identificaram uma discrimina\u00e7\u00e3o sist\u00e9mica em fun\u00e7\u00e3o do sexo.", "sentence2": "Microsoft has said a class action isn\u2019t warranted because there is no common cause for the employees\u2019 complaints and plaintiffs have not identified systemic gender discrimination.", "idx": 545, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tr\u00eas mulheres alegaram ter sido sexualmente agredidas ou violadas por colegas do sexo masculino durante esse per\u00edodo.", "sentence2": "Three women alleged they were sexually assaulted by male colleagues during that time.", "idx": 546, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tr\u00eas mulheres alegaram ter sido abusadas sexualmente por colegas do sexo masculino durante esse per\u00edodo.", "sentence2": "Three women alleged they were sexually assaulted or raped by male colleagues during that time.", "idx": 547, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tr\u00eas mulheres alegaram ter sido sexualmente agredidas ou violadas por colegas do sexo masculino durante esse per\u00edodo.", "sentence2": "Three women alleged they were raped by male colleagues during that time.", "idx": 548, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tr\u00eas mulheres alegaram ter sido violadas por colegas do sexo masculino durante esse per\u00edodo.", "sentence2": "Three women alleged they were sexually assaulted or raped by male colleagues during that time.", "idx": 549, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A Microsoft afirmou que poder\u00e3o ser tomadas medidas correctivas mesmo que n\u00e3o tenha sido detectada qualquer viola\u00e7\u00e3o da pol\u00edtica e que a pessoa que apresentou a queixa poder\u00e1 n\u00e3o ser informada.", "sentence2": "Microsoft has said that corrective action might not be taken even if a policy violation was found, and that the person who filed the complaint might not be informed.", "idx": 550, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Microsoft afirmou que poder\u00e3o n\u00e3o ser tomadas medidas correctivas, mesmo que seja detectada uma viola\u00e7\u00e3o da pol\u00edtica, e que a pessoa que apresentou a queixa poder\u00e1 n\u00e3o ser informada.", "sentence2": "Microsoft has said that corrective action might be taken even if no policy violation was found, and that the person who filed the complaint might not be informed.", "idx": 551, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Quanto mais tempo se mantiver no poder, mais dif\u00edcil ser\u00e1 a sua sa\u00edda.", "sentence2": "If he stays in power longer, it will be harder for him to exit.", "idx": 552, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se se mantiver no poder durante mais tempo, ser-lhe-\u00e1 mais dif\u00edcil sair.", "sentence2": "The longer he stays in power, the harder it will be to exit.", "idx": 553, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Quanto mais tempo se mantiver no poder, mais dif\u00edcil ser\u00e1 a sua sa\u00edda.", "sentence2": "If he stays in power longer, it will be harder to exit.", "idx": 554, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se ele se mantiver no poder durante mais tempo, ser\u00e1 mais dif\u00edcil sair.", "sentence2": "The longer he stays in power, the harder it will be to exit.", "idx": 555, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Quanto mais tempo se mantiver no poder, mais dif\u00edcil ser\u00e1 a sua sa\u00edda.", "sentence2": "The shorter he stays in power, the easier it will be to exit.", "idx": 556, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Quanto mais tempo permanecer no poder, mais f\u00e1cil ser\u00e1 a sua sa\u00edda.", "sentence2": "The longer he stays in power, the harder it will be to exit.", "idx": 557, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As nossas mais sinceras condol\u00eancias a todas as pessoas afectadas por este acidente.", "sentence2": "Our deepest sympathies are with a victim who was affected by this accident.", "idx": 558, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As nossas mais profundas condol\u00eancias v\u00e3o para uma v\u00edtima que foi afetada por este acidente.", "sentence2": "Our deepest sympathies are with all those affected by this accident.", "idx": 559, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As autoridades ser\u00e3o objeto de um inqu\u00e9rito exaustivo.", "sentence2": "The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration will carry out a comprehensive investigation.", "idx": 560, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A Administra\u00e7\u00e3o Federal para a Seguran\u00e7a e Sa\u00fade no Trabalho levar\u00e1 a cabo uma investiga\u00e7\u00e3o exaustiva.", "sentence2": "There will be a comprehensive investigation involving authorities.", "idx": 561, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A m\u00e3e do pr\u00edncipe herdeiro n\u00e3o seria a primeira realeza saudita cujos movimentos foram restringidos desde junho de 2017.", "sentence2": "The crown prince's mother wouldn't be the first royal whose movements were restricted since June 2017.", "idx": 562, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A m\u00e3e do pr\u00edncipe herdeiro n\u00e3o seria a primeira realeza cujos movimentos foram restringidos desde junho de 2017.", "sentence2": "The crown prince's mother wouldn't be the first Saudi royal whose movements were restricted since June 2017.", "idx": 563, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A embaixada saudita em Washington negou \u00e0 NBC as alega\u00e7\u00f5es de que a princesa est\u00e1 separada do marido ou em pris\u00e3o domicili\u00e1ria.", "sentence2": "Representatives of the Saudi government denied to NBC the claims that the princess is separated from her husband or under house arrest.", "idx": 564, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Representantes do governo saudita negaram \u00e0 NBC as alega\u00e7\u00f5es de que a princesa est\u00e1 separada do marido ou em pris\u00e3o domicili\u00e1ria.", "sentence2": "The Saudi Embassy in Washington denied to NBC the claims that the princess is separated from her husband or under house arrest.", "idx": 565, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A embaixada saudita em Washington negou \u00e0 NBC as alega\u00e7\u00f5es de que a princesa est\u00e1 separada do marido ou em pris\u00e3o domicili\u00e1ria.", "sentence2": "American ambassadors to Riyadh denied to NBC the claims that the princess is separated from her husband or under house arrest.", "idx": 566, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os embaixadores americanos em Riade negaram \u00e0 NBC as afirma\u00e7\u00f5es de que a princesa est\u00e1 separada do marido ou em pris\u00e3o domicili\u00e1ria.", "sentence2": "The Saudi Embassy in Washington denied to NBC the claims that the princess is separated from her husband or under house arrest.", "idx": 567, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A partir de uma r\u00e1pida pesquisa no Google, o Bitcoin Cash foi criado como um hard fork do Bitcoin e \u00e9 suposto ser mais r\u00e1pido e mais sustent\u00e1vel.", "sentence2": "From a quick Google search, it was created as a hard fork of Bitcoin and it's supposed to be faster and more sustainable than Bitcoin.", "idx": 568, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Segundo uma r\u00e1pida pesquisa no Google, foi criado como um hard fork do Bitcoin e \u00e9 suposto ser mais r\u00e1pido e mais sustent\u00e1vel do que o Bitcoin.", "sentence2": "From a quick Google search, Bitcoin Cash was created as a hard fork of Bitcoin and it's supposed to be faster and more sustainable.", "idx": 569, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A partir de uma r\u00e1pida pesquisa no Google, o Bitcoin Cash foi criado como um hard fork do Bitcoin e \u00e9 suposto ser mais r\u00e1pido e mais sustent\u00e1vel.", "sentence2": "From a quick Google search, Bitcoin Cash was created as a hard fork of Bitcoin and it's supposed to be faster and more sustainable than Bitcoin Cash.", "idx": 570, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A partir de uma r\u00e1pida pesquisa no Google, o Bitcoin Cash foi criado como um hard fork do Bitcoin e \u00e9 suposto ser mais r\u00e1pido e mais sustent\u00e1vel do que o Bitcoin Cash.", "sentence2": "From a quick Google search, Bitcoin Cash was created as a hard fork of Bitcoin and it's supposed to be faster and more sustainable.", "idx": 571, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A partir de uma r\u00e1pida pesquisa no Google, o Bitcoin Cash foi criado como um hard fork do Bitcoin e \u00e9 suposto ser mais r\u00e1pido e mais sustent\u00e1vel.", "sentence2": "From a quick Google search, Bitcoin Cash was created as a hard fork of Bitcoin and Bitcoin's supposed to be faster and more sustainable.", "idx": 572, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Numa r\u00e1pida pesquisa no Google, o Bitcoin Cash foi criado como um hard fork do Bitcoin e \u00e9 suposto o Bitcoin ser mais r\u00e1pido e mais sustent\u00e1vel.", "sentence2": "From a quick Google search, Bitcoin Cash was created as a hard fork of Bitcoin and it's supposed to be faster and more sustainable.", "idx": 573, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os seus \u00faltimos dias foram dolorosos para ela e para n\u00f3s, mas pelo menos tive tempo de fazer as pazes e de me despedir enquanto ela ainda estava l\u00e1.", "sentence2": "Such a cute furry ball of personality, her last nights were painful for her and us but at least I had the time to make my peace and say goodbye while she was still there.", "idx": 574, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As suas \u00faltimas noites foram dolorosas para ela e para n\u00f3s, mas pelo menos tive tempo de fazer as pazes e de me despedir enquanto ela ainda estava l\u00e1.", "sentence2": "Such a cute furry ball of personality, her last days were painful for her and us but at least I had the time to make my peace and say goodbye while she was still there.", "idx": 575, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Abandonou os ensinamentos radicais da Na\u00e7\u00e3o do Isl\u00e3o a favor da corrente principal do Isl\u00e3o ap\u00f3s uma peregrina\u00e7\u00e3o a Meca, onde testemunhou mu\u00e7ulmanos de todas as ra\u00e7as a unirem-se em solidariedade.", "sentence2": "He abandoned the radical teachings of the Nation of Islam in favor of mainstream Islam until a pilgrimage to Mecca where he witnessed Muslims of all races coming together in solidarity.", "idx": 576, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Abandonou os ensinamentos radicais da Na\u00e7\u00e3o do Isl\u00e3o em favor da corrente principal do Isl\u00e3o at\u00e9 uma peregrina\u00e7\u00e3o a Meca, onde testemunhou mu\u00e7ulmanos de todas as ra\u00e7as a unirem-se em solidariedade.", "sentence2": "He abandoned the radical teachings of the Nation of Islam in favor of mainstream Islam after a pilgrimage to Mecca where he witnessed Muslims of all races coming together in solidarity.", "idx": 577, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Abandonou os ensinamentos radicais da Na\u00e7\u00e3o do Isl\u00e3o a favor da corrente principal do Isl\u00e3o ap\u00f3s uma peregrina\u00e7\u00e3o a Meca, onde testemunhou mu\u00e7ulmanos de todas as ra\u00e7as a unirem-se em solidariedade.", "sentence2": "He abandoned the radical teachings of the Nation of Islam in favor of mainstream Islam due in part to a pilgrimage to Mecca where he witnessed Muslims of all races coming together in solidarity.", "idx": 578, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Abandonou os ensinamentos radicais da Na\u00e7\u00e3o do Isl\u00e3o a favor da corrente dominante do Isl\u00e3o, em parte devido a uma peregrina\u00e7\u00e3o a Meca, onde testemunhou mu\u00e7ulmanos de todas as ra\u00e7as a unirem-se em solidariedade.", "sentence2": "He abandoned the radical teachings of the Nation of Islam in favor of mainstream Islam after a pilgrimage to Mecca where he witnessed Muslims of all races coming together in solidarity.", "idx": 579, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A cada hora de almo\u00e7o, o meu objetivo \u00e9 ler um trabalho de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Every day around noon, I make it my goal to sift through one research paper.", "idx": 580, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Todos os dias, por volta do meio-dia, tenho como objetivo analisar um trabalho de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Every lunch hour I make it my goal to sift through one research paper.", "idx": 581, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A cada hora de almo\u00e7o, o meu objetivo \u00e9 ler um trabalho de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Today at lunch, I had the goal of sifting through one research paper.", "idx": 582, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Hoje, ao almo\u00e7o, tinha o objetivo de analisar um trabalho de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Every lunch hour I make it my goal to sift through one research paper.", "idx": 583, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A cada hora de almo\u00e7o, o meu objetivo \u00e9 ler um trabalho de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Every night, I make it my goal to sift through one research paper.", "idx": 584, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Todas as noites, o meu objetivo \u00e9 ler um trabalho de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Every lunch hour I make it my goal to sift through one research paper.", "idx": 585, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os epis\u00f3dios de David Tennant foram definitivamente os mais assustadores (e os melhores) dos \u00faltimos anos.", "sentence2": "David Tennant's episodes were definitely the scariest (and best) ever.", "idx": 586, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os epis\u00f3dios de David Tennant foram definitivamente os mais assustadores (e os melhores) de sempre.", "sentence2": "David Tennant's episodes were definitely the scariest (and best) in years.", "idx": 587, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "David Tennant \u00e9 o melhor Doutor da s\u00e9rie.", "sentence2": "David Tennant is the best Doctor in the Doctor Who series.", "idx": 588, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "David Tennant \u00e9 o melhor Doutor da s\u00e9rie Doctor Who.", "sentence2": "David Tennant is the best Doctor in the series.", "idx": 589, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "David Tennant \u00e9 o melhor Doutor da s\u00e9rie.", "sentence2": "David Tennant is the best Doctor in the House, M.D. series.", "idx": 590, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "David Tennant \u00e9 o melhor Doutor da s\u00e9rie House, M.D..", "sentence2": "David Tennant is the best Doctor in the series.", "idx": 591, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um facto curioso: o tipo do casaco irland\u00eas est\u00e1 agora no SNL.", "sentence2": "Fun fact, that guy in the Ireland jacket is on Saturday Night Live now.", "idx": 592, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Um facto curioso: o tipo do casaco irland\u00eas est\u00e1 agora no Saturday Night Live.", "sentence2": "Fun fact, that guy in the Ireland jacket is on SNL now.", "idx": 593, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A \u00faltima vez que o visitei foi h\u00e1 quase 6 meses e ainda encontro pelo de husky nas minhas meias.", "sentence2": "Last time I visited my friend was nearly 6 months ago and I am still finding husky fur on my socks.", "idx": 594, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A \u00faltima vez que visitei o meu amigo foi h\u00e1 quase 6 meses e ainda encontro pelo de husky nas minhas meias.", "sentence2": "Last time I visited was nearly 6 months ago and I am still finding husky fur on my socks.", "idx": 595, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A \u00faltima vez que o visitei foi h\u00e1 quase 6 meses e ainda encontro pelo de husky nas minhas meias.", "sentence2": "Last time I visited was more than 6 months ago and I am still finding husky fur on my socks.", "idx": 596, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A \u00faltima vez que o visitei foi h\u00e1 mais de 6 meses e ainda encontro pelo de husky nas minhas meias.", "sentence2": "Last time I visited was nearly 6 months ago and I am still finding husky fur on my socks.", "idx": 597, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Esta perspetiva f\u00e1-la parecer gigantesca.", "sentence2": "That perspective makes it seem gigantic.", "idx": 598, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Essa perspetiva f\u00e1-lo parecer gigantesco.", "sentence2": "That perspective makes it look gigantic.", "idx": 599, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Esta perspetiva f\u00e1-la parecer gigantesca.", "sentence2": "That perspective makes it look miniscule.", "idx": 600, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Essa perspetiva f\u00e1-lo parecer min\u00fasculo.", "sentence2": "That perspective makes it look gigantic.", "idx": 601, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Esta perspetiva f\u00e1-la parecer gigantesca.", "sentence2": "That perspective makes it sound gigantic.", "idx": 602, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Essa perspetiva f\u00e1-la parecer gigantesca.", "sentence2": "That perspective makes it look gigantic.", "idx": 603, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A radia\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o protegida de um n\u00facleo nuclear pode matar-nos numa quest\u00e3o de horas.", "sentence2": "Unshielded radiation from a nuclear core will kill you in a matter of hours.", "idx": 604, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A radia\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o protegida de um n\u00facleo nuclear mata-nos numa quest\u00e3o de horas.", "sentence2": "Unshielded radiation from a nuclear core could kill you in a matter of hours.", "idx": 605, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Penso que a parte irrealista \u00e9 o facto de ele ter sobrevivido \u00e0 for\u00e7a bruta da explos\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "He survived the blunt force of the blast.", "idx": 606, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ele sobreviveu ao impacto da explos\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "I think the unrealistic part is him surviving the blunt force of the blast.", "idx": 607, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A teoria de que s\u00e3o produtos da radia\u00e7\u00e3o da bomba \u00e9 genial.", "sentence2": "They are products of the radiation from the bomb.", "idx": 608, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "S\u00e3o produtos da radia\u00e7\u00e3o da bomba.", "sentence2": "The theory that they are products of the radiation from the bomb is genius.", "idx": 609, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A teoria de que s\u00e3o produtos da radia\u00e7\u00e3o da bomba est\u00e1 correcta.", "sentence2": "They are products of the radiation from the bomb.", "idx": 610, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "S\u00e3o produtos da radia\u00e7\u00e3o da bomba.", "sentence2": "The theory that they are products of the radiation from the bomb is correct.", "idx": 611, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Todos os humanos vivos atualmente s\u00e3o membros da esp\u00e9cie homo sapiens, mas houve muitas outras esp\u00e9cies de humanos ao longo dos \u00faltimos ~2,5 milh\u00f5es de anos que poderiam ser chamadas de \"humanos\".", "sentence2": "The last ~2.5 million years could be called \"humans\".", "idx": 612, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os \u00faltimos ~2,5 milh\u00f5es de anos podem ser chamados de \"humanos\".", "sentence2": "Every human alive today is a member of the homo sapiens species, but there have been plenty of other species of humans over the last ~2.5 million years that could be called \"humans\".", "idx": 613, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Todos os humanos vivos atualmente s\u00e3o membros da esp\u00e9cie homo sapiens, mas houve muitas outras esp\u00e9cies de humanos ao longo dos \u00faltimos ~2,5 milh\u00f5es de anos que poderiam ser chamadas de \"humanos\".", "sentence2": "Plenty of other species could be called \"humans\".", "idx": 614, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Muitas outras esp\u00e9cies poderiam ser chamadas de \"humanos\".", "sentence2": "Every human alive today is a member of the homo sapiens species, but there have been plenty of other species of humans over the last ~2.5 million years that could be called \"humans\".", "idx": 615, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Todos os humanos vivos atualmente s\u00e3o membros da esp\u00e9cie homo sapiens, mas houve muitas outras esp\u00e9cies de humanos ao longo dos \u00faltimos ~2,5 milh\u00f5es de anos que poderiam ser chamadas de \"humanos\".", "sentence2": "Every human alive today is a member of other species of humans over the last ~2.5 million years that could be called \"humans\".", "idx": 616, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Todos os seres humanos vivos atualmente s\u00e3o membros de outras esp\u00e9cies de seres humanos nos \u00faltimos ~2,5 milh\u00f5es de anos que poderiam ser chamados de \"humanos\".", "sentence2": "Every human alive today is a member of the homo sapiens species, but there have been plenty of other species of humans over the last ~2.5 million years that could be called \"humans\".", "idx": 617, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o consegui deit\u00e1-lo fora, n\u00e3o por afeto a ela, mas pelo gosto de todas as recorda\u00e7\u00f5es que envolvem esse per\u00edodo.", "sentence2": "I couldn\u2019t bring myself to throw it away, not out of the fondness of all the memories surrounding that time period.", "idx": 618, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o consegui deit\u00e1-lo fora, n\u00e3o por causa do carinho de todas as mem\u00f3rias que envolvem esse per\u00edodo.", "sentence2": "I couldn\u2019t bring myself to throw it away, not out of affection to her, but rather the fondness of all the memories surrounding that time period.", "idx": 619, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o consegui deit\u00e1-lo fora, n\u00e3o por afeto a ela, mas pelo gosto de todas as recorda\u00e7\u00f5es que envolvem esse per\u00edodo.", "sentence2": "I couldn\u2019t bring myself to throw it away, out of affection to her.", "idx": 620, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o consegui deit\u00e1-lo fora, por afeto a ela.", "sentence2": "I couldn\u2019t bring myself to throw it away, not out of affection to her, but rather the fondness of all the memories surrounding that time period.", "idx": 621, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o consegui deit\u00e1-lo fora, n\u00e3o por afeto a ela, mas pelo gosto de todas as recorda\u00e7\u00f5es que envolvem esse per\u00edodo.", "sentence2": "I couldn\u2019t bring myself to throw it away, out of the fondness of all the memories surrounding the time period.", "idx": 622, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o consegui deit\u00e1-lo fora, por causa do carinho de todas as recorda\u00e7\u00f5es que envolvem a \u00e9poca.", "sentence2": "I couldn\u2019t bring myself to throw it away, not out of affection to her, but rather the fondness of all the memories surrounding that time period.", "idx": 623, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Sabe-se que \u00e9 preciso tomar algumas medidas para mudar a vida quando a av\u00f3 reage com o emoji triste.", "sentence2": "You know that some actions must be taken when grandma reacts with the sad emoji.", "idx": 624, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Sabe-se que \u00e9 preciso tomar algumas medidas quando a av\u00f3 reage com um emoji triste.", "sentence2": "You know that some life changing actions must be taken when grandma reacts with the sad emoji.", "idx": 625, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Sabe-se que \u00e9 preciso tomar algumas medidas para mudar a vida quando a av\u00f3 reage com o emoji triste.", "sentence2": "You know that some life-changing actions must be taken when grandma reacts with emoji.", "idx": 626, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Sabe-se que \u00e9 preciso tomar algumas medidas para mudar a vida quando a av\u00f3 reage com emoji.", "sentence2": "You know that some life changing actions must be taken when grandma reacts with the sad emoji.", "idx": 627, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Nunca vi um colibri que n\u00e3o voasse.", "sentence2": "I have always seen hummingbirds flying.", "idx": 628, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Sempre vi os colibris a voar.", "sentence2": "I have never seen a hummingbird not flying.", "idx": 629, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Nunca vi um colibri que n\u00e3o voasse.", "sentence2": "I have never seen a hummingbird.", "idx": 630, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Nunca vi um beija-flor.", "sentence2": "I have never seen a hummingbird not flying.", "idx": 631, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Nunca vi um colibri que n\u00e3o voasse.", "sentence2": "I have never seen a bird not flying.", "idx": 632, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Nunca vi um p\u00e1ssaro que n\u00e3o voasse.", "sentence2": "I have never seen a hummingbird not flying.", "idx": 633, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Gostaria de poder dar um voto positivo a ambos para partilhar.", "sentence2": "I wish I could give an upvote to both of you to share.", "idx": 634, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Gostaria de poder dar um \"upvote\" a ambos para partilhar.", "sentence2": "I wish I could give both of you an upvote to share.", "idx": 635, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Gostaria de poder dar um voto positivo a ambos para partilhar.", "sentence2": "I wish both of you could get an upvote from me to share.", "idx": 636, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Gostaria que ambos obtivessem um voto positivo da minha parte para partilhar.", "sentence2": "I wish I could give both of you an upvote to share.", "idx": 637, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os beija-flores s\u00e3o realmente atra\u00eddos pelo laranja e pelo vermelho vivo (da\u00ed que os comedouros sejam normalmente destas cores).", "sentence2": "Hummingbirds are red (hence why the feeders are usually these colours).", "idx": 638, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os beija-flores s\u00e3o vermelhos (da\u00ed que os comedouros sejam normalmente desta cor).", "sentence2": "Hummingbirds are really attracted to bright orange and red (hence why the feeders are usually these colours).", "idx": 639, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os beija-flores s\u00e3o realmente atra\u00eddos pelo laranja e pelo vermelho vivo (da\u00ed que os comedouros sejam normalmente destas cores).", "sentence2": "Hummingbirds are really attracted to bright red (hence why the feeders are usually these colours).", "idx": 640, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os beija-flores s\u00e3o realmente atra\u00eddos pelo vermelho vivo (da\u00ed que os comedouros sejam normalmente destas cores).", "sentence2": "Hummingbirds are really attracted to bright orange and red (hence why the feeders are usually these colours).", "idx": 641, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os beija-flores s\u00e3o realmente atra\u00eddos pelo laranja e pelo vermelho vivo (da\u00ed que os comedouros sejam normalmente destas cores).", "sentence2": "The feeders are usually coloured so as to attract hummingbirds.", "idx": 642, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os comedouros s\u00e3o geralmente coloridos para atrair os beija-flores.", "sentence2": "Hummingbirds are really attracted to bright orange and red (hence why the feeders are usually these colours).", "idx": 643, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os beija-flores s\u00e3o realmente atra\u00eddos pelo laranja e pelo vermelho vivo (da\u00ed que os comedouros sejam normalmente destas cores).", "sentence2": "Hummingbirds have monochromatic vision.", "idx": 644, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os beija-flores t\u00eam uma vis\u00e3o monocrom\u00e1tica.", "sentence2": "Hummingbirds are really attracted to bright orange and red (hence why the feeders are usually these colours).", "idx": 645, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os beija-flores s\u00e3o realmente atra\u00eddos pelo laranja e pelo vermelho vivo (da\u00ed que os comedouros sejam normalmente destas cores).", "sentence2": "Hummingbirds will feed from feeders of all colours.", "idx": 646, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os colibris alimentam-se em comedouros de todas as cores.", "sentence2": "Hummingbirds are really attracted to bright orange and red (hence why the feeders are usually these colours).", "idx": 647, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A temperatura e a consist\u00eancia da neve devem ser as correctas.", "sentence2": "Temperature must be just right.", "idx": 648, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A temperatura deve ser a correcta.", "sentence2": "Temperature and snow consistency must be just right.", "idx": 649, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Depois de as pin\u00e7as a imobilizarem completamente, levo-a para a banheira.", "sentence2": "After the clingers completely immobilize her, I carry her to the tub or sink.", "idx": 650, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Depois de as pin\u00e7as a imobilizarem completamente, levo-a para a banheira ou para o lavat\u00f3rio.", "sentence2": "After the clingers completely immobilize her, I carry her to the tub.", "idx": 651, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A vida ou \u00e9 uma aventura ousada ou n\u00e3o \u00e9 nada.", "sentence2": "Life is nothing at all.", "idx": 652, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A vida n\u00e3o \u00e9 nada.", "sentence2": "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.", "idx": 653, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A vida ou \u00e9 uma aventura ousada ou n\u00e3o \u00e9 nada.", "sentence2": "Life is a daring adventure.", "idx": 654, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A vida \u00e9 uma aventura ousada.", "sentence2": "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.", "idx": 655, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A vida ou \u00e9 uma aventura ousada ou n\u00e3o \u00e9 nada.", "sentence2": "Life is a not a daring adventure.", "idx": 656, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A vida n\u00e3o \u00e9 uma aventura ousada.", "sentence2": "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.", "idx": 657, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Acabei de ver os primeiros 15 minutos, aborreci-me, saltei para a parte da magia, \u00e9 mais engra\u00e7ado como um GIF.", "sentence2": "Just watched the first 30 minutes, got bored, skipped to the magic bit, it's funnier as a GIF.", "idx": 658, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Acabei de ver os primeiros 30 minutos, aborreci-me, saltei para a parte da magia, \u00e9 mais engra\u00e7ado como um GIF.", "sentence2": "Just watched the first 15 minutes, got bored, skipped to the magic bit, it's funnier as a GIF.", "idx": 659, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Acabei de ver os primeiros 15 minutos, aborreci-me, saltei para a parte da magia, \u00e9 mais engra\u00e7ado como um GIF.", "sentence2": "Just watched the first 10 minutes, got bored, skipped to the magic bit, it's funnier as a GIF.", "idx": 660, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Acabei de ver os primeiros 10 minutos, aborreci-me, saltei para a parte da magia, \u00e9 mais engra\u00e7ado como um GIF.", "sentence2": "Just watched the first 15 minutes, got bored, skipped to the magic bit, it's funnier as a GIF.", "idx": 661, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Acabei de ver os primeiros 15 minutos, aborreci-me, saltei para a parte da magia, \u00e9 mais engra\u00e7ado como um GIF.", "sentence2": "Just watched the first quarter hour, got bored, skipped to the magic bit, it's funnier as a GIF.", "idx": 662, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Acabei de ver o primeiro quarto de hora, aborreci-me, saltei para a parte da magia, \u00e9 mais engra\u00e7ado como um GIF.", "sentence2": "Just watched the first 15 minutes, got bored, skipped to the magic bit, it's funnier as a GIF.", "idx": 663, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tem m\u00e1s cr\u00edticas na Amazon, mas este clip \u00e9 engra\u00e7ado.", "sentence2": "This clip was funny.", "idx": 664, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Este clip foi engra\u00e7ado.", "sentence2": "Has bad reviews on Amazon but this clip was funny.", "idx": 665, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Est\u00e1 a caminhar pela floresta, n\u00e3o h\u00e1 ningu\u00e9m por perto e o seu telem\u00f3vel est\u00e1 desligado. Pelo canto do olho v\u00ea-o, Shia LaBeouf!", "sentence2": "You\u2019re walking through the woods, there are lurkers are around and your phone is dead, out of the corner of your eye you spot him, Shia LaBeouf!", "idx": 666, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Est\u00e1 a caminhar pela floresta, h\u00e1 espreitadores por perto e o seu telem\u00f3vel est\u00e1 desligado. Pelo canto do olho v\u00ea-o, Shia LaBeouf!", "sentence2": "You\u2019re walking through the woods, there\u2019s no one around and your phone is dead, out of the corner of your eye you spot him, Shia LaBeouf!", "idx": 667, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 estranho que queiras mostrar algo a uma pilha de pap\u00e9is.", "sentence2": "Weird that you want to show this video to a stack of papers.", "idx": 668, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 estranho que queiras mostrar este v\u00eddeo a uma pilha de pap\u00e9is.", "sentence2": "Weird that you want to show something to a stack of papers.", "idx": 669, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Acho que isto fez parte da \u00faltima temporada de Bojack Horseman.", "sentence2": "I think this was part of the last episode of Bojack Horseman.", "idx": 670, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Acho que isto fez parte do \u00faltimo epis\u00f3dio de Bojack Horseman.", "sentence2": "I think this was part of the last season of Bojack Horseman.", "idx": 671, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se pensarmos bem, \u00e9 a t\u00e1tica perfeita de psicologia inversa.", "sentence2": "It's the perfect reverse psychology tactic.", "idx": 672, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 a t\u00e1tica perfeita de psicologia inversa.", "sentence2": "If you think about it, it's the perfect reverse psychology tactic.", "idx": 673, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Este \u00e9, sinceramente, o artigo mais lamechas que j\u00e1 vi em toda a Internet.", "sentence2": "This article reads like satire.", "idx": 674, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Este artigo parece uma s\u00e1tira.", "sentence2": "This is honestly the most oniony article I've seen on the entire internet.", "idx": 675, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Se todos acreditassem nas minhas piadas, saberiam exatamente quem eu era.", "sentence2": "My jokes fully reveal my character.", "idx": 676, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As minhas piadas revelam totalmente o meu car\u00e1cter.", "sentence2": "If everyone believed my jokes, they'd know exactly who I was.", "idx": 677, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se todos acreditassem nas minhas piadas, saberiam exatamente quem eu era.", "sentence2": "My jokes reflect exactly zero of my character.", "idx": 678, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As minhas piadas n\u00e3o reflectem exatamente nada do meu car\u00e1cter.", "sentence2": "If everyone believed my jokes, they'd know exactly who I was.", "idx": 679, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Se todos acreditassem nas minhas piadas, saberiam exatamente quem eu era.", "sentence2": "If everyone believed my jokes, they'd be quite concerned for me.", "idx": 680, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Se todos acreditassem nas minhas piadas, estariam muito preocupados comigo.", "sentence2": "If everyone believed my jokes, they'd know exactly who I was.", "idx": 681, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Na d\u00e9cada de 1890, um trabalhador t\u00edpico trabalhava 60 horas por semana; em 1920, 48 horas e, em 1940, 40 horas.", "sentence2": "Working hours go up as you look further back in time from 1940.", "idx": 682, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As horas de trabalho aumentam \u00e0 medida que se recua no tempo, a partir de 1940.", "sentence2": "In the 1890's a typical worker worked 60 hours per week; down to 48 by 1920 and 40 by 1940.", "idx": 683, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Na d\u00e9cada de 1890, um trabalhador t\u00edpico trabalhava 60 horas por semana; em 1920, 48 horas e, em 1940, 40 horas.", "sentence2": "Working hours go down as you look further back in time from 1940.", "idx": 684, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As horas de trabalho diminuem \u00e0 medida que se recua mais no tempo, a partir de 1940.", "sentence2": "In the 1890's a typical worker worked 60 hours per week; down to 48 by 1920 and 40 by 1940.", "idx": 685, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Havia um livro que estava a tentar importar e vi que finalmente estava dispon\u00edvel com envio pela Amazon Prime e acabei por pagar o dobro dos outros pre\u00e7os para o receber em 2 dias em vez de 2 semanas.", "sentence2": "I waited until Prime availability and paid a higher sticker price for a book so I could get free 2-day shipping.", "idx": 686, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Esperei at\u00e9 \u00e0 disponibilidade do Prime e paguei um pre\u00e7o de etiqueta mais elevado por um livro para poder obter o envio gratuito em dois dias.", "sentence2": "There was a book I was trying to import and I saw that it was finally available with Amazon Prime shipping and I ended up paying like double the other prices to have it in 2 days vs. 2 weeks.", "idx": 687, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Havia um livro que estava a tentar importar e vi que finalmente estava dispon\u00edvel com envio pela Amazon Prime e acabei por pagar o dobro dos outros pre\u00e7os para o receber em 2 dias em vez de 2 semanas.", "sentence2": "I waited until Prime availability and paid a higher Shipping & Handling fee to have a book in 2 days vs. 2 weeks.", "idx": 688, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Esperei at\u00e9 \u00e0 disponibilidade do Prime e paguei uma taxa de envio e manuseamento mais elevada para ter um livro em 2 dias em vez de 2 semanas.", "sentence2": "There was a book I was trying to import and I saw that it was finally available with Amazon Prime shipping and I ended up paying like double the other prices to have it in 2 days vs. 2 weeks.", "idx": 689, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A oferta e a procura... a escassez... todos estes princ\u00edpios econ\u00f3micos que determinam o custo das coisas resumem-se, na realidade, ao valor do trabalho humano.", "sentence2": "The Labor Theory of Value is at the heart of the economics of cost.", "idx": 690, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A Teoria do Valor do Trabalho est\u00e1 no cerne da economia dos custos.", "sentence2": "Supply and demand... scarcity... all these economic principles that determine the cost of things really boil down to the value of human labor.", "idx": 691, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A oferta e a procura... a escassez... todos estes princ\u00edpios econ\u00f3micos que determinam o custo das coisas resumem-se, na realidade, ao valor do trabalho humano.", "sentence2": "The Labor Theory of Value is a scarce determinant of the economics of cost.", "idx": 692, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Teoria do Valor do Trabalho \u00e9 um determinante escasso da economia dos custos.", "sentence2": "Supply and demand... scarcity... all these economic principles that determine the cost of things really boil down to the value of human labor.", "idx": 693, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A oferta e a procura... a escassez... todos estes princ\u00edpios econ\u00f3micos que determinam o custo das coisas resumem-se, na realidade, ao valor do trabalho humano.", "sentence2": "Supply and demand... scarcity... all these economic principles that determine the cost of things are related to the value of human labor.", "idx": 694, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A oferta e a procura... a escassez... todos estes princ\u00edpios econ\u00f3micos que determinam o custo das coisas est\u00e3o relacionados com o valor do trabalho humano.", "sentence2": "Supply and demand... scarcity... all these economic principles that determine the cost of things really boil down to the value of human labor.", "idx": 695, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Embora o seu deslocamento projetado fosse de 262 toneladas (258 toneladas longas), deslocavam cerca de 320 toneladas (310 toneladas longas) totalmente carregados.", "sentence2": "Their loading capacity was about 58 tonnes.", "idx": 696, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A sua capacidade de carga era de cerca de 58 toneladas.", "sentence2": "While their designed displacement was 262 tonnes (258 long tons), they displaced about 320 tonnes (310 long tons) fully loaded.", "idx": 697, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Embora o seu deslocamento projetado fosse de 262 toneladas (258 toneladas longas), deslocavam cerca de 320 toneladas (310 toneladas longas) totalmente carregados.", "sentence2": "Their loading capacity was about 262 tonnes.", "idx": 698, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A sua capacidade de carga era de cerca de 262 toneladas.", "sentence2": "While their designed displacement was 262 tonnes (258 long tons), they displaced about 320 tonnes (310 long tons) fully loaded.", "idx": 699, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Devido a um financiamento inadequado, o 76 T e o resto da classe de 250t eram essencialmente navios costeiros, apesar da inten\u00e7\u00e3o inicial de os utilizar em opera\u00e7\u00f5es de \"alto mar\".", "sentence2": "Due to inadequate funding, 76 T and the rest of the 250t class were essentially high seas vessels, despite the original intention that they would be used for coastal operations.", "idx": 700, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Devido a um financiamento inadequado, o 76 T e o resto da classe 250t eram essencialmente navios de alto mar, apesar da inten\u00e7\u00e3o inicial de serem utilizados para opera\u00e7\u00f5es costeiras.", "sentence2": "Due to inadequate funding, 76 T and the rest of the 250t class were essentially coastal vessels, despite the original intention that they would be used for \"high seas\" operations.", "idx": 701, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Permaneceu em Inglaterra at\u00e9 novembro de 1918, altura em que retomou as suas fun\u00e7\u00f5es na YMCA, fundando uma casa de repouso e uma biblioteca em Col\u00f3nia.", "sentence2": "He stayed in England until November 1918, when he again took up his YMCA duties, establishing a rest hut and library in Germany.", "idx": 702, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Permaneceu em Inglaterra at\u00e9 novembro de 1918, altura em que retomou as suas fun\u00e7\u00f5es na YMCA, criando uma cabana de repouso e uma biblioteca na Alemanha.", "sentence2": "He stayed in England until November 1918, when he again took up his YMCA duties, establishing a rest hut and library in Cologne.", "idx": 703, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Permaneceu em Inglaterra at\u00e9 novembro de 1918, altura em que retomou as suas fun\u00e7\u00f5es na YMCA, fundando uma casa de repouso e uma biblioteca em Col\u00f3nia.", "sentence2": "He stayed in England until November 1918, when he again took up his YMCA duties, establishing a rest hut and library in Italy.", "idx": 704, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Permaneceu em Inglaterra at\u00e9 novembro de 1918, altura em que retomou as suas fun\u00e7\u00f5es na YMCA, criando uma cabana de repouso e uma biblioteca em It\u00e1lia.", "sentence2": "He stayed in England until November 1918, when he again took up his YMCA duties, establishing a rest hut and library in Cologne.", "idx": 705, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ao longo das hist\u00f3rias de Raffles, o patriotismo \u00e9 um tema intermitente - a tal ponto que o escritor William Vivian Butler o descreve como um \"super-patriota\".", "sentence2": "Throughout the Raffles stories patriotism runs as an intermittent theme\u2014to such an extent that the writer William Vivian Butler describes him as a \"anti-patriot\".", "idx": 706, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ao longo das hist\u00f3rias de Raffles, o patriotismo \u00e9 um tema intermitente - a tal ponto que o escritor William Vivian Butler o descreve como um \"anti-patriota\".", "sentence2": "Throughout the Raffles stories patriotism runs as an intermittent theme\u2014to such an extent that the writer William Vivian Butler describes him as a \"super-patriot\".", "idx": 707, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Uma constela\u00e7\u00e3o t\u00e9nue, as suas tr\u00eas estrelas mais brilhantes - Alfa, Beta e Gamma Pyxidis - est\u00e3o numa linha aproximada.", "sentence2": "A faint constellation, its three brightest stars\u2014Alpha, Beta and Gamma Pyxidis\u2014are in an equilateral triangle.", "idx": 708, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Uma constela\u00e7\u00e3o t\u00e9nue, as suas tr\u00eas estrelas mais brilhantes - Alfa, Beta e Gamma Pyxidis - encontram-se num tri\u00e2ngulo equil\u00e1tero.", "sentence2": "A faint constellation, its three brightest stars\u2014Alpha, Beta and Gamma Pyxidis\u2014are in a rough line.", "idx": 709, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Kappa Pyxidis foi catalogada mas n\u00e3o recebeu uma designa\u00e7\u00e3o Bayer por Lacaille, mas Gould achou que a estrela era suficientemente brilhante para merecer uma carta.", "sentence2": "Lacaille and Gould agreed about the designation of Kappa Pyxidis.", "idx": 710, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Lacaille e Gould concordaram com a designa\u00e7\u00e3o de Kappa Pyxidis.", "sentence2": "Kappa Pyxidis was catalogued but not given a Bayer designation by Lacaille, but Gould felt the star was bright enough to warrant a letter.", "idx": 711, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Kappa Pyxidis foi catalogada mas n\u00e3o recebeu uma designa\u00e7\u00e3o Bayer por Lacaille, mas Gould achou que a estrela era suficientemente brilhante para merecer uma carta.", "sentence2": "Lacaille and Gould disagreed about the designation of Kappa Pyxidis.", "idx": 712, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Lacaille e Gould discordaram quanto \u00e0 designa\u00e7\u00e3o de Kappa Pyxidis.", "sentence2": "Kappa Pyxidis was catalogued but not given a Bayer designation by Lacaille, but Gould felt the star was bright enough to warrant a letter.", "idx": 713, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Uma forma\u00e7\u00e3o de cerca de 50 agentes da Pol\u00edcia de Baltimore acabou por se colocar entre os desordeiros e os milicianos, permitindo que o 6\u00ba Massachusetts prosseguisse para a Esta\u00e7\u00e3o de Camden.", "sentence2": "A formation of approximately 50 officers of the police of the City of Baltimore eventually placed themselves between the rioters and the militiamen, allowing the 6th Massachusetts to proceed to Camden Station.", "idx": 714, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Uma forma\u00e7\u00e3o de cerca de 50 agentes da pol\u00edcia da cidade de Baltimore acabou por se colocar entre os desordeiros e os milicianos, permitindo que o 6\u00ba Massachusetts seguisse para a esta\u00e7\u00e3o de Camden.", "sentence2": "A formation of approximately 50 officers of the Baltimore Police eventually placed themselves between the rioters and the militiamen, allowing the 6th Massachusetts to proceed to Camden Station.", "idx": 715, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Uma forma\u00e7\u00e3o de cerca de 50 agentes da Pol\u00edcia de Baltimore acabou por se colocar entre os desordeiros e os milicianos, permitindo que o 6\u00ba Massachusetts prosseguisse para a Esta\u00e7\u00e3o de Camden.", "sentence2": "A formation of approximately 50 officers of the police of from outside Baltimore eventually placed themselves between the rioters and the militiamen, allowing the 6th Massachusetts to proceed to Camden Station.", "idx": 716, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Uma forma\u00e7\u00e3o de cerca de 50 agentes da pol\u00edcia de fora de Baltimore acabou por se colocar entre os desordeiros e os milicianos, permitindo que o 6\u00ba Massachusetts prosseguisse para a esta\u00e7\u00e3o de Camden.", "sentence2": "A formation of approximately 50 officers of the Baltimore Police eventually placed themselves between the rioters and the militiamen, allowing the 6th Massachusetts to proceed to Camden Station.", "idx": 717, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O regimento regressou a Baltimore a 13 de maio, quando o Major-General Benjamin F. Butler ocupou a cidade com v\u00e1rios regimentos da Uni\u00e3o, antecipando um ataque confederado a Baltimore que nunca se concretizou.", "sentence2": "On May 13, Major General Benjamin F. Butler occupied the city with several Union regiments in anticipation of a Confederate attack on Baltimore which never developed.", "idx": 718, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Em 13 de maio, o Major-General Benjamin F. Butler ocupou a cidade com v\u00e1rios regimentos da Uni\u00e3o, antecipando um ataque confederado a Baltimore que nunca se concretizou.", "sentence2": "The regiment returned to Baltimore on May 13, when Major General Benjamin F. Butler occupied the city with several Union regiments in anticipation of a Confederate attack on Baltimore which never developed.", "idx": 719, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O regimento regressou a Baltimore a 13 de maio, quando o Major-General Benjamin F. Butler ocupou a cidade com v\u00e1rios regimentos da Uni\u00e3o, antecipando um ataque confederado a Baltimore que nunca se concretizou.", "sentence2": "Long before May 13, Major General Benjamin F. Butler occupied the city with several Union regiments in anticipation of a Confederate attack on Baltimore which never developed.", "idx": 720, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Muito antes de 13 de maio, o Major-General Benjamin F. Butler ocupou a cidade com v\u00e1rios regimentos da Uni\u00e3o, antecipando um ataque confederado a Baltimore que nunca se concretizou.", "sentence2": "The regiment returned to Baltimore on May 13, when Major General Benjamin F. Butler occupied the city with several Union regiments in anticipation of a Confederate attack on Baltimore which never developed.", "idx": 721, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Amea\u00e7ados pela perda de habitat e pela ca\u00e7a, os l\u00e9mures-ruivos est\u00e3o em vias de extin\u00e7\u00e3o na natureza.", "sentence2": "Threatened by habitat loss and hunting, ruffed lemurs are extinct in the wild.", "idx": 722, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Amea\u00e7ados pela perda de habitat e pela ca\u00e7a, os l\u00e9mures-de-crista est\u00e3o extintos na natureza.", "sentence2": "Threatened by habitat loss and hunting, ruffed lemurs are facing extinction in the wild.", "idx": 723, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os l\u00e9mures-de-cabe\u00e7a-branca, por outro lado, preferem o sub-bosque e o dossel inferior, abaixo dos 15 m, enquanto os l\u00e9mures-de-cabe\u00e7a-ruiva se mant\u00eam principalmente no dossel superior, acima dos 15 m.", "sentence2": "Ruffed lemurs prefer to live lower than white-headed lemurs.", "idx": 724, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os l\u00e9mures-de-cabe\u00e7a-branca preferem viver mais baixo do que os l\u00e9mures-de-cabe\u00e7a-branca.", "sentence2": "White-headed lemurs, on the other hand, prefer the understory and lower canopy, below 15 m (49 ft), while the ruffed lemurs mainly keep to the upper canopy, above 15 m (49 ft).", "idx": 725, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os l\u00e9mures-de-cabe\u00e7a-branca, por outro lado, preferem o sub-bosque e o dossel inferior, abaixo dos 15 m, enquanto os l\u00e9mures-de-cabe\u00e7a-ruiva se mant\u00eam principalmente no dossel superior, acima dos 15 m.", "sentence2": "Ruffed lemurs prefer to live higher than white-headed lemurs.", "idx": 726, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os l\u00e9mures-de-cabe\u00e7a-branca preferem viver mais alto do que os l\u00e9mures-de-cabe\u00e7a-branca.", "sentence2": "White-headed lemurs, on the other hand, prefer the understory and lower canopy, below 15 m (49 ft), while the ruffed lemurs mainly keep to the upper canopy, above 15 m (49 ft).", "idx": 727, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "S\u00e3o diurnos; embora o pico de atividade ocorra durante o in\u00edcio da manh\u00e3 e o fim da tarde ou da noite, o repouso ocorre geralmente por volta do meio-dia.", "sentence2": "They are nocturnal; although peak activity occurs during the early morning and late afternoon or evening, resting usually occurs around midnight.", "idx": 728, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "S\u00e3o noturnos; embora o pico de atividade ocorra durante o in\u00edcio da manh\u00e3 e o final da tarde ou \u00e0 noite, o repouso ocorre geralmente por volta da meia-noite.", "sentence2": "They are diurnal; although peak activity occurs during the early morning and late afternoon or evening, resting usually occurs around midday.", "idx": 729, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O cruzador de batalha Seydlitz atingiu uma mina quando se dirigia para o alvo e teve de se retirar.", "sentence2": "The battlecruiser Seydlitz struck a mine while en route to the target, and was damaged.", "idx": 730, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O cruzador de batalha Seydlitz embateu numa mina quando se dirigia para o alvo e ficou danificado.", "sentence2": "The battlecruiser Seydlitz struck a mine while en route to the target, and had to withdraw.", "idx": 731, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O cruzador de batalha Seydlitz atingiu uma mina quando se dirigia para o alvo e teve de se retirar.", "sentence2": "The battlecruiser Seydlitz struck a mine while en route to the target, and was destroyed.", "idx": 732, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O cruzador de batalha Seydlitz embateu numa mina quando se dirigia para o alvo e foi destru\u00eddo.", "sentence2": "The battlecruiser Seydlitz struck a mine while en route to the target, and had to withdraw.", "idx": 733, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ao dizer isto, Kennedy estava a aconselhar as pessoas a n\u00e3o se amotinarem ap\u00f3s a morte de King e, na realidade, a equiparar as suas ac\u00e7\u00f5es \u00e0s do assassino do l\u00edder dos direitos civis.", "sentence2": "By saying this, Kennedy was admonishing people not to riot in wake of King's death and in effect equating their actions to that of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassin.", "idx": 734, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ao dizer isto, Kennedy estava a aconselhar as pessoas a n\u00e3o se amotinarem na sequ\u00eancia da morte de King e, na realidade, a equiparar as suas ac\u00e7\u00f5es \u00e0s do assassino do Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.", "sentence2": "By saying this, Kennedy was admonishing people not to riot in wake of King's death and in effect equating their actions to that of the civil rights leader's assassin.", "idx": 735, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ao dizer isto, Kennedy estava a aconselhar as pessoas a n\u00e3o se amotinarem ap\u00f3s a morte de King e, na realidade, a equiparar as suas ac\u00e7\u00f5es \u00e0s do assassino do l\u00edder dos direitos civis.", "sentence2": "By saying this, Kennedy was admonishing people not to riot in wake of King's death and in effect equating their actions to that of Kennedy's assassin.", "idx": 736, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ao dizer isto, Kennedy estava a aconselhar as pessoas a n\u00e3o se amotinarem na sequ\u00eancia da morte de King e, na realidade, a equiparar as suas ac\u00e7\u00f5es \u00e0s do assassino de Kennedy.", "sentence2": "By saying this, Kennedy was admonishing people not to riot in wake of King's death and in effect equating their actions to that of the civil rights leader's assassin.", "idx": 737, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ao dizer isto, Kennedy estava a aconselhar as pessoas a n\u00e3o se amotinarem ap\u00f3s a morte de King e, na realidade, a equiparar as suas ac\u00e7\u00f5es \u00e0s do assassino do l\u00edder dos direitos civis.", "sentence2": "By saying this, Kennedy was admonishing people not to riot in wake of King's death and in effect equating their actions to that of Malcolm X's assassin.", "idx": 738, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ao dizer isto, Kennedy estava a aconselhar as pessoas a n\u00e3o se amotinarem na sequ\u00eancia da morte de King e, na realidade, a equiparar as suas ac\u00e7\u00f5es \u00e0s do assassino de Malcolm X.", "sentence2": "By saying this, Kennedy was admonishing people not to riot in wake of King's death and in effect equating their actions to that of the civil rights leader's assassin.", "idx": 739, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ao dizer isto, Kennedy estava a aconselhar as pessoas a n\u00e3o se amotinarem ap\u00f3s a morte de King e, na realidade, a equiparar as suas ac\u00e7\u00f5es \u00e0s do assassino do l\u00edder dos direitos civis.", "sentence2": "By saying this, Kennedy was admonishing people not to riot in wake of King's death and in effect equating their actions to that of his assassin.", "idx": 740, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ao dizer isto, Kennedy estava a aconselhar as pessoas a n\u00e3o se amotinarem na sequ\u00eancia da morte de King e, na realidade, a equiparar as suas ac\u00e7\u00f5es \u00e0s do seu assassino.", "sentence2": "By saying this, Kennedy was admonishing people not to riot in wake of King's death and in effect equating their actions to that of the civil rights leader's assassin.", "idx": 741, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ao dizer isto, Kennedy estava a aconselhar as pessoas a n\u00e3o se amotinarem ap\u00f3s a morte de King e, na realidade, a equiparar as suas ac\u00e7\u00f5es \u00e0s do assassino do l\u00edder dos direitos civis.", "sentence2": "By saying this, Kennedy was admonishing people not to riot in wake of King's death and in effect equating their actions to that of the civil rights leader.", "idx": 742, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ao dizer isto, Kennedy estava a aconselhar as pessoas a n\u00e3o se amotinarem ap\u00f3s a morte de King e, na realidade, a equiparar as suas ac\u00e7\u00f5es \u00e0s do l\u00edder dos direitos civis.", "sentence2": "By saying this, Kennedy was admonishing people not to riot in wake of King's death and in effect equating their actions to that of the civil rights leader's assassin.", "idx": 743, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Depois de citar Abraham Lincoln, retratou o p\u00fablico americano como um povo que sucumbe cada vez mais \u00e0s suas tend\u00eancias violentas que minam os seus ideais nacionais.", "sentence2": "After quoting Abraham Lincoln, he portrayed the American public as a people that undermined its national ideals.", "idx": 744, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Depois de citar Abraham Lincoln, retratou o p\u00fablico americano como um povo que minou os seus ideais nacionais.", "sentence2": "After quoting Abraham Lincoln, he portrayed the American public as a people increasingly succumbing to its violent tendencies that undermined its national ideals.", "idx": 745, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Depois de citar Abraham Lincoln, retratou o p\u00fablico americano como um povo que sucumbe cada vez mais \u00e0s suas tend\u00eancias violentas que minam os seus ideais nacionais.", "sentence2": "After quoting Abraham Lincoln, he portrayed the American public's violent tendencies as undermining its national ideals.", "idx": 746, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Depois de citar Abraham Lincoln, retratou as tend\u00eancias violentas do p\u00fablico americano como sendo prejudiciais aos seus ideais nacionais.", "sentence2": "After quoting Abraham Lincoln, he portrayed the American public as a people increasingly succumbing to its violent tendencies that undermined its national ideals.", "idx": 747, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As avel\u00e3s foram frequentemente encontradas noutros s\u00edtios mesol\u00edticos, mas raramente em tais quantidades ou concentradas numa \u00fanica cova.", "sentence2": "Hazelnuts have often been found on other Mesolithic sites, but rarely in such quantities, and rarely concentrated in one pit.", "idx": 748, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As avel\u00e3s foram frequentemente encontradas noutros s\u00edtios mesol\u00edticos, mas raramente em tais quantidades e raramente concentradas numa \u00fanica cova.", "sentence2": "Hazelnuts have often been found on other Mesolithic sites, but rarely in such quantities or concentrated in one pit.", "idx": 749, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As avel\u00e3s foram frequentemente encontradas noutros s\u00edtios mesol\u00edticos, mas raramente em tais quantidades ou concentradas numa \u00fanica cova.", "sentence2": "Hazelnuts have often been found on other Mesolithic sites concentrated in one pit, but rarely in such quantities.", "idx": 750, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As avel\u00e3s foram frequentemente encontradas noutros s\u00edtios mesol\u00edticos concentradas numa \u00fanica cova, mas raramente em tais quantidades.", "sentence2": "Hazelnuts have often been found on other Mesolithic sites, but rarely in such quantities or concentrated in one pit.", "idx": 751, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Foram encontradas avel\u00e3s noutros s\u00edtios mesol\u00edticos, mas raramente em tais quantidades ou concentradas numa \u00fanica cova.", "sentence2": "Hazelnuts have rarely been found on other Mesolithic sites.", "idx": 752, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As avel\u00e3s raramente foram encontradas noutros s\u00edtios mesol\u00edticos.", "sentence2": "Hazelnuts have been found on other Mesolithic sites, but rarely in such quantities or concentrated in one pit.", "idx": 753, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Ferrero SpA, fabricante de Nutella e Ferrero Rocher, utiliza 25% da oferta mundial de avel\u00e3s.", "sentence2": "Makers of chocolate confectioneries use at least 25% of the global supply of hazelnuts.", "idx": 754, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os fabricantes de produtos de confeitaria de chocolate utilizam pelo menos 25% da oferta mundial de avel\u00e3s.", "sentence2": "Ferrero SpA, the maker of Nutella and Ferrero Rocher, uses 25% of the global supply of hazelnuts.", "idx": 755, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Ferrero SpA, fabricante de Nutella e Ferrero Rocher, utiliza 25% da oferta mundial de avel\u00e3s.", "sentence2": "Makers of nuts use at least 25% of the global supply of hazelnuts.", "idx": 756, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os fabricantes de frutos secos utilizam pelo menos 25% da oferta mundial de avel\u00e3s.", "sentence2": "Ferrero SpA, the maker of Nutella and Ferrero Rocher, uses 25% of the global supply of hazelnuts.", "idx": 757, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Ferrero SpA, fabricante de Nutella e Ferrero Rocher, utiliza 25% da oferta mundial de avel\u00e3s.", "sentence2": "Ferrero SpA, the maker of Nutella and Ferrero Rocher, uses almost 25% of the global supply of hazelnuts.", "idx": 758, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Ferrero SpA, fabricante de Nutella e Ferrero Rocher, utiliza quase 25% da oferta mundial de avel\u00e3s.", "sentence2": "Ferrero SpA, the maker of Nutella and Ferrero Rocher, uses 25% of the global supply of hazelnuts.", "idx": 759, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Dacquoise, um bolo de sobremesa franc\u00eas, cont\u00e9m frequentemente uma camada de merengue de avel\u00e3.", "sentence2": "Dacquoise, a French dessert cake, always contains a layer of hazelnut meringue.", "idx": 760, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Dacquoise, um bolo de sobremesa franc\u00eas, cont\u00e9m sempre uma camada de merengue de avel\u00e3.", "sentence2": "Dacquoise, a French dessert cake, often contains a layer of hazelnut meringue.", "idx": 761, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os p\u00e2ntanos com condi\u00e7\u00f5es h\u00famidas e anaer\u00f3bicas podem mesmo preservar os restos org\u00e2nicos.", "sentence2": "Dry conditions and oxygen contribute to the degredation of organic remains in middens.", "idx": 762, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As condi\u00e7\u00f5es de secura e o oxig\u00e9nio contribuem para a degrada\u00e7\u00e3o dos restos org\u00e2nicos nas pias.", "sentence2": "Middens with damp, anaerobic conditions can even preserve organic remains.", "idx": 763, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os p\u00e2ntanos com condi\u00e7\u00f5es h\u00famidas e anaer\u00f3bicas podem mesmo preservar os restos org\u00e2nicos.", "sentence2": "Damp conditions and lack of oxygen contribute to the degredation of organic remains in middens.", "idx": 764, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As condi\u00e7\u00f5es de humidade e a falta de oxig\u00e9nio contribuem para a degrada\u00e7\u00e3o dos restos org\u00e2nicos nas pocilgas.", "sentence2": "Middens with damp, anaerobic conditions can even preserve organic remains.", "idx": 765, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A an\u00e1lise de massa baseia-se na an\u00e1lise de popula\u00e7\u00f5es de detritos com base na sua distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de tamanho em classes de tamanho especificadas.", "sentence2": "One form of debitage analysis is based on analyzing debitage populations based on their size distribution across specified size grades.", "idx": 766, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Uma das formas de an\u00e1lise de fragmentos de pedra \u00e9 baseada na an\u00e1lise de popula\u00e7\u00f5es de fragmentos com base na sua distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de tamanho em classes de tamanho especificadas.", "sentence2": "Mass analysis is based on analyzing debitage populations based on their size distribution across specified size grades.", "idx": 767, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Em algumas (por exemplo, Castanea), as escamas s\u00e3o desenvolvidas em espinhos afiados, dando \u00e0 noz prote\u00e7\u00e3o contra esquilos e outros predadores de sementes, enquanto noutras (por exemplo, a maioria dos Quercus), n\u00e3o o s\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "In some (e.g. Quercus), the scales are developed into sharp spines, giving the nut protection from squirrels and other seed predators, while in others (e.g. most Castanea), they are not.", "idx": 768, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Em algumas (por exemplo, Quercus), as escamas s\u00e3o desenvolvidas em espinhos afiados, dando \u00e0 noz prote\u00e7\u00e3o contra esquilos e outros predadores de sementes, enquanto noutras (por exemplo, a maioria das Castanea), n\u00e3o o s\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "In some (e.g. Castanea), the scales are developed into sharp spines, giving the nut protection from squirrels and other seed predators, while in others (e.g. most Quercus), they are not.", "idx": 769, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Em algumas (por exemplo, Castanea), as escamas s\u00e3o desenvolvidas em espinhos afiados, dando \u00e0 noz prote\u00e7\u00e3o contra esquilos e outros predadores de sementes, enquanto noutras (por exemplo, a maioria dos Quercus), n\u00e3o o s\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "In Castanea, the scales are developed into sharp spines, giving the nut protection from squirrels and other seed predators, while in most Quercus, they are not.", "idx": 770, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Em Castanea, as escamas s\u00e3o desenvolvidas em espinhos afiados, dando \u00e0 noz prote\u00e7\u00e3o contra esquilos e outros predadores de sementes, enquanto na maioria dos Quercus, n\u00e3o o s\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "In some (e.g. Castanea), the scales are developed into sharp spines, giving the nut protection from squirrels and other seed predators, while in others (e.g. most Quercus), they are not.", "idx": 771, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Em algumas (por exemplo, Castanea), as escamas s\u00e3o desenvolvidas em espinhos afiados, dando \u00e0 noz prote\u00e7\u00e3o contra esquilos e outros predadores de sementes, enquanto noutras (por exemplo, a maioria dos Quercus), n\u00e3o o s\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "In some (e.g. Castanea), the scales are developed into sharp spines, giving the nut protection from squirrels and other seed predators, while in others (e.g. most Quercus), they are not developed into sharp spines.", "idx": 772, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Em algumas (por exemplo, Castanea), as escamas s\u00e3o desenvolvidas em espinhos afiados, dando \u00e0 noz prote\u00e7\u00e3o contra esquilos e outros predadores de sementes, enquanto noutras (por exemplo, a maioria dos Quercus), n\u00e3o s\u00e3o desenvolvidas em espinhos afiados.", "sentence2": "In some (e.g. Castanea), the scales are developed into sharp spines, giving the nut protection from squirrels and other seed predators, while in others (e.g. most Quercus), they are not.", "idx": 773, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As l\u00e2minas prism\u00e1ticas come\u00e7am a aparecer com grande frequ\u00eancia na transi\u00e7\u00e3o entre o Paleol\u00edtico M\u00e9dio e o Paleol\u00edtico Superior.", "sentence2": "Prismatic blades appeared in high frequencies during the Upper Paleolithic.", "idx": 774, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As l\u00e2minas prism\u00e1ticas apareceram com grande frequ\u00eancia durante o Paleol\u00edtico Superior.", "sentence2": "Prismatic blades begin to appear in high frequencies during the transition between the Middle and Upper Paleolithic.", "idx": 775, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As l\u00e2minas prism\u00e1ticas come\u00e7am a aparecer com grande frequ\u00eancia na transi\u00e7\u00e3o entre o Paleol\u00edtico M\u00e9dio e o Paleol\u00edtico Superior.", "sentence2": "Prismatic blades appeared in high frequencies during the Middle Paleolithic.", "idx": 776, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As l\u00e2minas prism\u00e1ticas apareceram com grande frequ\u00eancia durante o Paleol\u00edtico M\u00e9dio.", "sentence2": "Prismatic blades begin to appear in high frequencies during the transition between the Middle and Upper Paleolithic.", "idx": 777, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As l\u00e2minas prism\u00e1ticas come\u00e7am a aparecer com grande frequ\u00eancia na transi\u00e7\u00e3o entre o Paleol\u00edtico M\u00e9dio e o Paleol\u00edtico Superior.", "sentence2": "Prismatic appeared in high frequencies after the transition between the Middle and Upper Paleolithic.", "idx": 778, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A prism\u00e1tica apareceu com grande frequ\u00eancia ap\u00f3s a transi\u00e7\u00e3o entre o Paleol\u00edtico M\u00e9dio e o Paleol\u00edtico Superior.", "sentence2": "Prismatic blades begin to appear in high frequencies during the transition between the Middle and Upper Paleolithic.", "idx": 779, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A faixa foi originalmente intitulada \"Seibu\" e quase foi deixada de fora do \u00e1lbum antes de ser redescoberta mais tarde durante as sess\u00f5es de grava\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "The track was originally titled \"Seibu\" and was left off the album before it was rediscovered later during the recording sessions.", "idx": 780, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A faixa foi originalmente intitulada \"Seibu\" e foi deixada de fora do \u00e1lbum antes de ser redescoberta mais tarde durante as sess\u00f5es de grava\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "The track was originally titled \"Seibu\" and was almost left off the album before it was rediscovered later during the recording sessions.", "idx": 781, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Aos 24 anos, ficou noiva do Pr\u00edncipe Alberto Victor, Duque de Clarence e Avondale, o filho mais velho do Pr\u00edncipe de Gales, mas seis semanas ap\u00f3s o an\u00fancio do noivado, este morreu inesperadamente de pneumonia.", "sentence2": "At the age of 24, she was betrothed to Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, the eldest child of the Prince of Wales, but six weeks after the announcement of the engagement, he died unexpectedly of pneumonia.", "idx": 782, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Aos 24 anos, foi prometida em casamento ao Pr\u00edncipe Alberto Victor, Duque de Clarence e Avondale, o filho mais velho do Pr\u00edncipe de Gales, mas seis semanas ap\u00f3s o an\u00fancio do noivado, este morreu inesperadamente de pneumonia.", "sentence2": "At the age of 24, she was betrothed to Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, the eldest son of the Prince of Wales, but six weeks after the announcement of the engagement, he died unexpectedly of pneumonia.", "idx": 783, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Aos 24 anos, ficou noiva do Pr\u00edncipe Alberto Victor, Duque de Clarence e Avondale, o filho mais velho do Pr\u00edncipe de Gales, mas seis semanas ap\u00f3s o an\u00fancio do noivado, este morreu inesperadamente de pneumonia.", "sentence2": "At the age of 24, she was betrothed to Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, the eldest able-bodied son of the Prince of Wales, but six weeks after the announcement of the engagement, he died unexpectedly of pneumonia.", "idx": 784, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Aos 24 anos, foi prometida em casamento ao Pr\u00edncipe Alberto Victor, Duque de Clarence e Avondale, o filho mais velho do Pr\u00edncipe de Gales, mas seis semanas ap\u00f3s o an\u00fancio do noivado, este morreu inesperadamente de pneumonia.", "sentence2": "At the age of 24, she was betrothed to Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, the eldest son of the Prince of Wales, but six weeks after the announcement of the engagement, he died unexpectedly of pneumonia.", "idx": 785, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Era a mais velha de quatro filhos, a \u00fanica rapariga, e \"aprendeu a exercer a sua discri\u00e7\u00e3o, firmeza e tato naturais\" ao resolver as pequenas disputas de inf\u00e2ncia dos seus tr\u00eas irm\u00e3os mais novos.", "sentence2": "She was the eldest of four children, the only girl, and \"learned to exercise her native discretion, firmness, and tact\" by resolving her three brothers' petty boyhood squabbles.", "idx": 786, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Era a mais velha de quatro filhos, a \u00fanica rapariga, e \"aprendeu a exercer a sua discri\u00e7\u00e3o, firmeza e tato naturais\" ao resolver as pequenas disputas de inf\u00e2ncia dos seus tr\u00eas irm\u00e3os.", "sentence2": "She was the eldest of four children, the only girl, and \"learned to exercise her native discretion, firmness, and tact\" by resolving her three younger brothers' petty boyhood squabbles.", "idx": 787, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O Albertossauro e outros tiranossaur\u00eddeos eram heterodontes, com dentes de diferentes formas, dependendo da sua posi\u00e7\u00e3o na boca.", "sentence2": "Albertosaurus and other tyrannosaurids were heterodont.", "idx": 788, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Albertosaurus e outros tiranossaur\u00eddeos eram heterodontes.", "sentence2": "Albertosaurus and other tyrannosaurids were heterodont, with teeth of different forms depending on their position in the mouth.", "idx": 789, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O Albertossauro e outros tiranossaur\u00eddeos eram heterodontes, com dentes de diferentes formas, dependendo da sua posi\u00e7\u00e3o na boca.", "sentence2": "Albertosaurus and other tyrannosaurids were heterodont, with lots of teeth.", "idx": 790, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Albertossauro e outros tiranossaur\u00eddeos eram heterodontes, com muitos dentes.", "sentence2": "Albertosaurus and other tyrannosaurids were heterodont, with teeth of different forms depending on their position in the mouth.", "idx": 791, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Todos eles s\u00e3o hoje considerados sin\u00f3nimos mais jovens de outras esp\u00e9cies ou nomina dubia, e n\u00e3o s\u00e3o atribu\u00eddos ao Albertosaurus.", "sentence2": "All of these are today seen as nomina dubia, and are not assigned to Albertosaurus.", "idx": 792, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Todos estes s\u00e3o atualmente considerados nomina dubia e n\u00e3o s\u00e3o atribu\u00eddos ao Albertosaurus.", "sentence2": "All of these are today seen as younger synonyms of other species or as nomina dubia, and are not assigned to Albertosaurus.", "idx": 793, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Todos eles s\u00e3o hoje considerados sin\u00f3nimos mais jovens de outras esp\u00e9cies ou nomina dubia, e n\u00e3o s\u00e3o atribu\u00eddos ao Albertosaurus.", "sentence2": "All of these are today seen as younger synonyms of other species or as nomina dubia, and are distinguished from Albertosaurus.", "idx": 794, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Todas elas s\u00e3o hoje consideradas sin\u00f3nimos mais jovens de outras esp\u00e9cies ou nomina dubia, e distinguem-se do Albertosaurus.", "sentence2": "All of these are today seen as younger synonyms of other species or as nomina dubia, and are not assigned to Albertosaurus.", "idx": 795, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se a ala esquerda de Carlos, comandada por Nauendorf, se unisse \u00e0 for\u00e7a de Hotze, que se aproximava pelo leste, Mass\u00e9na sabia que Carlos atacaria e, muito provavelmente, o empurraria para fora de Zurique.", "sentence2": "Mass\u00e9na knew that Charles' left wing, commanded by Nauendorf, uniting with Hotze's force, approaching from the east, would attack and very likely push him out of Z\u00fcrich.", "idx": 796, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Mass\u00e9na sabia que a ala esquerda de Carlos, comandada por Nauendorf, unindo-se \u00e0 for\u00e7a de Hotze, que se aproximava de leste, atacaria e muito provavelmente empurr\u00e1-lo-ia para fora de Zurique.", "sentence2": "If Charles' left wing, commanded by Nauendorf, united with Hotze's force, approaching from the east, Mass\u00e9na knew Charles would attack and very likely push him out of Z\u00fcrich.", "idx": 797, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Se a ala esquerda de Carlos, comandada por Nauendorf, se unisse \u00e0 for\u00e7a de Hotze, que se aproximava pelo leste, Mass\u00e9na sabia que Carlos atacaria e, muito provavelmente, o empurraria para fora de Zurique.", "sentence2": "If Charles' left wing, commanded by Nauendorf, united with Hotze's force, approaching from the east, Mass\u00e9na doubted Charles would attack and push him out of Z\u00fcrich.", "idx": 798, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Se a ala esquerda de Carlos, comandada por Nauendorf, se unisse \u00e0 for\u00e7a de Hotze, que se aproximava pelo leste, Mass\u00e9na duvidava que Carlos atacasse e o expulsasse de Zurique.", "sentence2": "If Charles' left wing, commanded by Nauendorf, united with Hotze's force, approaching from the east, Mass\u00e9na knew Charles would attack and very likely push him out of Z\u00fcrich.", "idx": 799, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Se a ala esquerda de Carlos, comandada por Nauendorf, se unisse \u00e0 for\u00e7a de Hotze, que se aproximava pelo leste, Mass\u00e9na sabia que Carlos atacaria e, muito provavelmente, o empurraria para fora de Zurique.", "sentence2": "If Charles' left wing, commanded by Nauendorf, united with Hotze's force, approaching from the east, Mass\u00e9na would prepare for Charles to attack and very likely push him out of Z\u00fcrich.", "idx": 800, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Se a ala esquerda de Carlos, comandada por Nauendorf, se unisse \u00e0 for\u00e7a de Hotze, que se aproximava pelo leste, Mass\u00e9na preparar-se-ia para o ataque de Carlos e, muito provavelmente, empurr\u00e1-lo-ia para fora de Zurique.", "sentence2": "If Charles' left wing, commanded by Nauendorf, united with Hotze's force, approaching from the east, Mass\u00e9na knew Charles would attack and very likely push him out of Z\u00fcrich.", "idx": 801, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Fernando de N\u00e1poles recusou-se a pagar o tributo acordado com a Fran\u00e7a, e os seus s\u00fabditos seguiram esta recusa com uma rebeli\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Ferdinand of Naples refused to pay France the agreed-upon tribute, and his subjects followed this refusal with a rebellion.", "idx": 802, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Fernando de N\u00e1poles recusou-se a pagar \u00e0 Fran\u00e7a o tributo acordado e os seus s\u00fabditos seguiram esta recusa com uma rebeli\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Ferdinand of Naples refused to pay agreed-upon tribute to France, and his subjects followed this refusal with a rebellion.", "idx": 803, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Al\u00e9m disso, os franceses subestimaram perigosamente a tenacidade e a capacidade militar dos austr\u00edacos.", "sentence2": "Furthermore, the French dangerously underestimated Austrian military skill and tenacity.", "idx": 804, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Al\u00e9m disso, os franceses subestimaram perigosamente a habilidade e a tenacidade militar austr\u00edaca.", "sentence2": "Furthermore, the French dangerously underestimated Austrian tenacity and military skill.", "idx": 805, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Al\u00e9m disso, os franceses subestimaram perigosamente a tenacidade e a capacidade militar dos austr\u00edacos.", "sentence2": "Furthermore, the French dangerously underestimated Austrian military skill.", "idx": 806, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Al\u00e9m disso, os franceses subestimaram perigosamente a capacidade militar austr\u00edaca.", "sentence2": "Furthermore, the French dangerously underestimated Austrian tenacity and military skill.", "idx": 807, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Existem quatro escamas supra-oculares (acima dos olhos) em quase todos os exemplares e cinco escamas supraciliares (imediatamente acima dos olhos, abaixo das supra-oculares).", "sentence2": "There are four supraocular scales (above the eyes) in most specimens and five supraciliary scales (immediately above the eyes, below the supraoculars).", "idx": 808, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Existem quatro escamas supra-oculares (acima dos olhos) na maioria dos esp\u00e9cimes e cinco escamas supraciliares (imediatamente acima dos olhos, abaixo das supra-oculares).", "sentence2": "There are four supraocular scales (above the eyes) in almost all specimens and five supraciliary scales (immediately above the eyes, below the supraoculars).", "idx": 809, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Existem quatro escamas supra-oculares (acima dos olhos) em quase todos os exemplares e cinco escamas supraciliares (imediatamente acima dos olhos, abaixo das supra-oculares).", "sentence2": "There are four scales above the eyes in almost all specimens and five supraciliary scales (immediately above the eyes, below the supraoculars).", "idx": 810, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Existem quatro escamas acima dos olhos em quase todos os exemplares e cinco escamas supraciliares (imediatamente acima dos olhos, abaixo das supra-oculares).", "sentence2": "There are four supraocular scales (above the eyes) in almost all specimens and five supraciliary scales (immediately above the eyes, below the supraoculars).", "idx": 811, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Todos os 860 oficiais e homens a bordo, incluindo Spee, afundaram-se com o navio.", "sentence2": "Spee went down with the ship.", "idx": 812, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Spee afundou-se com o navio.", "sentence2": "All 860 officers and men on board, including Spee, went down with the ship.", "idx": 813, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os governadores regionais n\u00e3o podiam contar com a ajuda do rei em tempos de crise, e a escassez de alimentos e as disputas pol\u00edticas que se seguiram transformaram-se em fomes e guerras civis de pequena escala.", "sentence2": "Regional governors could not rely on anyone for help in times of crisis, and the ensuing food shortages and political disputes escalated into famines and small-scale civil wars.", "idx": 814, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os governadores regionais n\u00e3o podiam contar com a ajuda de ningu\u00e9m em tempos de crise, e a escassez de alimentos e as disputas pol\u00edticas que se seguiram transformaram-se em fomes e guerras civis de pequena escala.", "sentence2": "Regional governors could not rely on the king for help in times of crisis, and the ensuing food shortages and political disputes escalated into famines and small-scale civil wars.", "idx": 815, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os fara\u00f3s do Imp\u00e9rio do Meio restauraram a estabilidade e a prosperidade do pa\u00eds, estimulando assim o ressurgimento da arte, da literatura e de projectos de constru\u00e7\u00e3o monumentais.", "sentence2": "The pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt restored the country's stability and prosperity, thereby stimulating a resurgence of art, literature, and monumental building projects.", "idx": 816, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os fara\u00f3s do M\u00e9dio Imp\u00e9rio do Egipto restauraram a estabilidade e a prosperidade do pa\u00eds, estimulando assim o ressurgimento da arte, da literatura e de projectos de constru\u00e7\u00e3o monumentais.", "sentence2": "The pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom restored the country's stability and prosperity, thereby stimulating a resurgence of art, literature, and monumental building projects.", "idx": 817, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os fara\u00f3s do Imp\u00e9rio do Meio restauraram a estabilidade e a prosperidade do pa\u00eds, estimulando assim o ressurgimento da arte, da literatura e de projectos de constru\u00e7\u00e3o monumentais.", "sentence2": "The pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom of China restored the country's stability and prosperity, thereby stimulating a resurgence of art, literature, and monumental building projects.", "idx": 818, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os fara\u00f3s do Imp\u00e9rio do Meio da China restauraram a estabilidade e a prosperidade do pa\u00eds, estimulando assim um ressurgimento da arte, da literatura e de projectos de constru\u00e7\u00e3o monumentais.", "sentence2": "The pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom restored the country's stability and prosperity, thereby stimulating a resurgence of art, literature, and monumental building projects.", "idx": 819, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os fara\u00f3s do Imp\u00e9rio do Meio restauraram a estabilidade e a prosperidade do pa\u00eds, estimulando assim o ressurgimento da arte, da literatura e de projectos de constru\u00e7\u00e3o monumentais.", "sentence2": "The pharaohs of Egypt restored the country's stability and prosperity, thereby stimulating a resurgence of art, literature, and monumental building projects.", "idx": 820, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os fara\u00f3s do Egipto restauraram a estabilidade e a prosperidade do pa\u00eds, estimulando assim o ressurgimento da arte, da literatura e de projectos de constru\u00e7\u00e3o monumentais.", "sentence2": "The pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom restored the country's stability and prosperity, thereby stimulating a resurgence of art, literature, and monumental building projects.", "idx": 821, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O 15\u00ba Corpo de Tanques era um corpo de tanques do Ex\u00e9rcito Vermelho da Uni\u00e3o Sovi\u00e9tica.", "sentence2": "The 15th Tank Corps was a corps of the Soviet Union's Red Army.", "idx": 822, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O 15\u00ba Corpo de Tanques era um corpo do Ex\u00e9rcito Vermelho da Uni\u00e3o Sovi\u00e9tica.", "sentence2": "The 15th Tank Corps was a tank corps of the Soviet Union's Red Army.", "idx": 823, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o acredito que n\u00e3o seja manteiga.", "sentence2": "It's not butter.", "idx": 824, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o \u00e9 manteiga.", "sentence2": "I can't believe it's not butter.", "idx": 825, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o acredito que n\u00e3o seja manteiga.", "sentence2": "It's butter.", "idx": 826, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 manteiga.", "sentence2": "I can't believe it's not butter.", "idx": 827, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "No entanto, estas regularidades s\u00e3o por vezes obscurecidas por diferen\u00e7as sem\u00e2nticas e sint\u00e1cticas.", "sentence2": "However, these regularities are always obscured by semantic and syntactic differences.", "idx": 828, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "No entanto, estas regularidades s\u00e3o sempre obscurecidas por diferen\u00e7as sem\u00e2nticas e sint\u00e1cticas.", "sentence2": "However, these regularities are sometimes obscured by semantic and syntactic differences.", "idx": 829, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "No entanto, estas regularidades s\u00e3o por vezes obscurecidas por diferen\u00e7as sem\u00e2nticas e sint\u00e1cticas.", "sentence2": "However, these regularities are sometimes obscured by syntactic differences.", "idx": 830, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "No entanto, estas regularidades s\u00e3o por vezes obscurecidas por diferen\u00e7as sint\u00e1cticas.", "sentence2": "However, these regularities are sometimes obscured by semantic and syntactic differences.", "idx": 831, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Em tarefas de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o fundamentadas, os falantes enfrentam press\u00f5es na escolha de express\u00f5es referenciais que distinguem os seus alvos de outros no contexto, levando a muitos tipos de enriquecimento pragm\u00e1tico do significado.", "sentence2": "In grounded communication tasks, speakers face pressures in choosing referential expressions that distinguish their targets from others in the context, leading to many kinds of meaning enrichment.", "idx": 832, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Em tarefas de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o fundamentadas, os falantes enfrentam press\u00f5es na escolha de express\u00f5es referenciais que distinguem os seus alvos de outros no contexto, levando a muitos tipos de enriquecimento de significado.", "sentence2": "In grounded communication tasks, speakers face pressures in choosing referential expressions that distinguish their targets from others in the context, leading to many kinds of pragmatic meaning enrichment.", "idx": 833, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Assim, um modelo do falante deve processar as representa\u00e7\u00f5es das cores no contexto e produzir um enunciado para distinguir a cor alvo das outras.", "sentence2": "Thus, a model of the speaker must process representations of the colors in the context and produce an utterance to distinguish the target color from the other colors.", "idx": 834, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Assim, um modelo do falante deve processar as representa\u00e7\u00f5es das cores no contexto e produzir um enunciado para distinguir a cor alvo das outras cores.", "sentence2": "Thus, a model of the speaker must process representations of the colors in the context and produce an utterance to distinguish the target color from the others.", "idx": 835, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Assim, um modelo do falante deve processar as representa\u00e7\u00f5es das cores no contexto e produzir um enunciado para distinguir a cor alvo das outras.", "sentence2": "Thus, a model of the speaker must process representations of the colors in the context and produce an utterance to distinguish the target color from the other utterances.", "idx": 836, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Assim, um modelo do falante deve processar as representa\u00e7\u00f5es das cores no contexto e produzir um enunciado para distinguir a cor alvo dos outros enunciados.", "sentence2": "Thus, a model of the speaker must process representations of the colors in the context and produce an utterance to distinguish the target color from the others.", "idx": 837, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Embora as abordagens mais bem sucedidas para a compreens\u00e3o da leitura se baseiem em redes neuronais recorrentes (RNN), a sua execu\u00e7\u00e3o em documentos longos \u00e9 proibitivamente lenta, porque \u00e9 dif\u00edcil paralelizar sequ\u00eancias.", "sentence2": "While most approaches for reading comprehension rely on recurrent neural networks (RNNs), running them over long documents is prohibitively slow because it is difficult to parallelize over sequences.", "idx": 838, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Embora a maioria das abordagens para a compreens\u00e3o da leitura se baseie em redes neuronais recorrentes (RNN), a sua execu\u00e7\u00e3o em documentos longos \u00e9 proibitivamente lenta, porque \u00e9 dif\u00edcil paralelizar sequ\u00eancias.", "sentence2": "While most successful approaches for reading comprehension rely on recurrent neural networks (RNNs), running them over long documents is prohibitively slow because it is difficult to parallelize over sequences.", "idx": 839, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Devido \u00e0 estrutura e \u00e0 curta extens\u00e3o da maioria dos documentos da Wikip\u00e9dia (n\u00famero m\u00e9dio de frases: 9), a resposta pode normalmente ser inferida a partir das primeiras frases.", "sentence2": "Due to the structure and short length of most Wikipedia documents (median number of sentences: 9), the answer can always be inferred from the first few sentences.", "idx": 840, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Devido \u00e0 estrutura e \u00e0 curta extens\u00e3o da maioria dos documentos da Wikip\u00e9dia (n\u00famero m\u00e9dio de frases: 9), a resposta pode sempre ser inferida a partir das primeiras frases.", "sentence2": "Due to the structure and short length of most Wikipedia documents (median number of sentences: 9), the answer can usually be inferred from the first few sentences.", "idx": 841, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Cada um deles capta apenas um \u00fanico aspeto da coer\u00eancia e todos se concentram na pontua\u00e7\u00e3o de frases existentes, em vez de na cria\u00e7\u00e3o de um discurso coerente para tarefas como o resumo abstrato.", "sentence2": "Each captures only a single aspect of coherence and focuses on scoring existing sentences, rather than on generating coherent discourse for tasks like abstractive summarization.", "idx": 842, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Cada um deles capta apenas um \u00fanico aspeto da coer\u00eancia e concentra-se na pontua\u00e7\u00e3o de frases existentes, em vez de gerar um discurso coerente para tarefas como o resumo abstrato.", "sentence2": "Each captures only a single aspect of coherence, and all focus on scoring existing sentences, rather than on generating coherent discourse for tasks like abstractive summarization.", "idx": 843, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Num contexto coerente, uma m\u00e1quina deve ser capaz de adivinhar o enunciado seguinte tendo em conta os anteriores.", "sentence2": "In a coherent context, a machine can guess the next utterance given the preceding ones.", "idx": 844, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Num contexto coerente, uma m\u00e1quina pode adivinhar o enunciado seguinte tendo em conta os anteriores.", "sentence2": "In a coherent context, a machine should be able to guess the next utterance given the preceding ones.", "idx": 845, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Propomos, assim, eliminar a influ\u00eancia do modelo lingu\u00edstico, o que permite obter a seguinte pontua\u00e7\u00e3o de coer\u00eancia.", "sentence2": "The language model yields the following coherence score.", "idx": 846, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O modelo lingu\u00edstico produz a seguinte pontua\u00e7\u00e3o de coer\u00eancia.", "sentence2": "We thus propose eliminating the influence of the language model, which yields the following coherence score.", "idx": 847, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Propomos, assim, eliminar a influ\u00eancia do modelo lingu\u00edstico, o que permite obter a seguinte pontua\u00e7\u00e3o de coer\u00eancia.", "sentence2": "Eliminating the influence of the language model yields the following coherence score.", "idx": 848, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Eliminando a influ\u00eancia do modelo lingu\u00edstico, obt\u00e9m-se a seguinte pontua\u00e7\u00e3o de coer\u00eancia.", "sentence2": "We thus propose eliminating the influence of the language model, which yields the following coherence score.", "idx": 849, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O t\u00f3pico para a frase atual \u00e9 definido com base no t\u00f3pico da frase (ou palavra) anterior e n\u00e3o na distribui\u00e7\u00e3o global de t\u00f3picos ao n\u00edvel do documento no LDA simples.", "sentence2": "The topic for the current sentence is drawn based on the global document-level topic distribution in vanilla LDA.", "idx": 850, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O t\u00f3pico para a frase atual \u00e9 definido com base na distribui\u00e7\u00e3o global de t\u00f3picos ao n\u00edvel do documento no LDA simples.", "sentence2": "The topic for the current sentence is drawn based on the topic of the preceding sentence (or word) rather than on the global document-level topic distribution in vanilla LDA.", "idx": 851, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O t\u00f3pico da frase atual \u00e9 definido com base no t\u00f3pico da frase (ou palavra) anterior e n\u00e3o com base na distribui\u00e7\u00e3o global de t\u00f3picos ao n\u00edvel do documento no LDA simples.", "sentence2": "The topic for the current sentence is drawn based on the topic of the preceding sentence (or word).", "idx": 852, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O t\u00f3pico da frase atual \u00e9 definido com base no t\u00f3pico da frase (ou palavra) anterior.", "sentence2": "The topic for the current sentence is drawn based on the topic of the preceding sentence (or word) rather than on the global document-level topic distribution in vanilla LDA.", "idx": 853, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Partilhamos publicamente o nosso conjunto de dados e o c\u00f3digo para investiga\u00e7\u00e3o futura.", "sentence2": "We publicly share our dataset for future research.", "idx": 854, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Partilhamos publicamente o nosso conjunto de dados para investiga\u00e7\u00e3o futura.", "sentence2": "We publicly share our dataset and code for future research.", "idx": 855, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Partilhamos publicamente o nosso conjunto de dados e o c\u00f3digo para investiga\u00e7\u00e3o futura.", "sentence2": "We code for future research.", "idx": 856, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A nossa proposta de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o futura.", "sentence2": "We publicly share our dataset and code for future research.", "idx": 857, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Isto d\u00e1 ao modelo uma no\u00e7\u00e3o da din\u00e2mica de a\u00e7\u00e3o impl\u00edcita do verbo entre o agente e o mundo.", "sentence2": "This gives to the model a sense of the implied action dynamics of the verb between the agent and the world.", "idx": 858, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Isto d\u00e1 ao modelo um sentido da din\u00e2mica de a\u00e7\u00e3o impl\u00edcita do verbo entre o agente e o mundo.", "sentence2": "This gives the model a sense of the implied action dynamics of the verb between the agent and the world.", "idx": 859, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Isto d\u00e1 ao modelo uma no\u00e7\u00e3o da din\u00e2mica de a\u00e7\u00e3o impl\u00edcita do verbo entre o agente e o mundo.", "sentence2": "This gives the model to a sense of the implied action dynamics of the verb between the agent and the world.", "idx": 860, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Isto d\u00e1 ao modelo uma no\u00e7\u00e3o da din\u00e2mica de a\u00e7\u00e3o impl\u00edcita do verbo entre o agente e o mundo.", "sentence2": "This gives the model a sense of the implied action dynamics of the verb between the agent and the world.", "idx": 861, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Este grupo de atributos indica as partes do corpo mais importantes envolvidas na execu\u00e7\u00e3o da a\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "This attribute group specifies prominent limbs involved in carrying out the action.", "idx": 862, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Este grupo de atributos indica os membros proeminentes que participam na execu\u00e7\u00e3o da a\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "This attribute group specifies prominent body parts involved in carrying out the action.", "idx": 863, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Este problema j\u00e1 foi estudado anteriormente para o reconhecimento de objectos de disparo zero, mas existem v\u00e1rias diferen\u00e7as importantes.", "sentence2": "This problem has been previously studied for zero-shot object recognition, but there are several key differences.", "idx": 864, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Este problema j\u00e1 foi estudado anteriormente para o reconhecimento de objectos de disparo zero, mas existem v\u00e1rias diferen\u00e7as importantes.", "sentence2": "This problem has been studied before for zero-shot object recognition, but there are several key differences.", "idx": 865, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Este problema j\u00e1 foi estudado anteriormente para o reconhecimento de objectos de disparo zero, mas existem v\u00e1rias diferen\u00e7as importantes.", "sentence2": "This problem will be studied for zero-shot object recognition, but there are several key differences.", "idx": 866, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Este problema ser\u00e1 estudado para o reconhecimento de objectos de disparo zero, mas existem v\u00e1rias diferen\u00e7as importantes.", "sentence2": "This problem has been studied before for zero-shot object recognition, but there are several key differences.", "idx": 867, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A compreens\u00e3o de um documento extenso exige o acompanhamento da forma como as entidades s\u00e3o introduzidas e evoluem ao longo do tempo.", "sentence2": "Understanding a long document requires evolving over time.", "idx": 868, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A compreens\u00e3o de um documento extenso exige uma evolu\u00e7\u00e3o ao longo do tempo.", "sentence2": "Understanding a long document requires tracking how entities are introduced and evolve over time.", "idx": 869, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A compreens\u00e3o de um documento extenso exige o acompanhamento da forma como as entidades s\u00e3o introduzidas e evoluem ao longo do tempo.", "sentence2": "Understanding a long document requires tracking how entities evolve over time.", "idx": 870, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A compreens\u00e3o de um documento extenso exige o acompanhamento da evolu\u00e7\u00e3o das entidades ao longo do tempo.", "sentence2": "Understanding a long document requires tracking how entities are introduced and evolve over time.", "idx": 871, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A compreens\u00e3o de um documento extenso exige o acompanhamento da forma como as entidades s\u00e3o introduzidas e evoluem ao longo do tempo.", "sentence2": "Understanding a long document requires understanding how entities are introduced.", "idx": 872, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Para compreender um documento extenso \u00e9 necess\u00e1rio entender como as entidades s\u00e3o introduzidas.", "sentence2": "Understanding a long document requires tracking how entities are introduced and evolve over time.", "idx": 873, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o assumimos que estas vari\u00e1veis s\u00e3o observadas na altura do ensaio.", "sentence2": "These variables are not observed at test time.", "idx": 874, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Estas vari\u00e1veis n\u00e3o s\u00e3o observadas na altura do ensaio.", "sentence2": "We do not assume that these variables are observed at test time.", "idx": 875, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Para calcular os n\u00fameros de perplexidade nos dados de teste, o nosso modelo apenas tem em conta as probabilidades de registo na previs\u00e3o de palavras.", "sentence2": "To compute the perplexity numbers on the test data, our model doesn't take account of anything other than the log probabilities on word prediction.", "idx": 876, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Para calcular os n\u00fameros de perplexidade nos dados de teste, o nosso modelo n\u00e3o tem em conta nada para al\u00e9m das probabilidades logar\u00edtmicas na previs\u00e3o de palavras.", "sentence2": "To compute the perplexity numbers on the test data, our model only takes account of log probabilities on word prediction.", "idx": 877, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tamb\u00e9m experiment\u00e1mos a op\u00e7\u00e3o de utilizar as palavras GloVe pr\u00e9-treinadas ou as palavras inicializadas aleatoriamente (depois actualizadas durante o treino).", "sentence2": "We experiment with the option using randomly initialized word embeddings (then updated during training).", "idx": 878, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Experimentamos a op\u00e7\u00e3o de utilizar palavras incorporadas inicializadas aleatoriamente (depois actualizadas durante o treino).", "sentence2": "We also experiment with the option to either use the pretrained GloVe word embeddings or randomly initialized word embeddings (then updated during training).", "idx": 879, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A tarefa de previs\u00e3o de entidades requer a previs\u00e3o de xxxx com base no texto anterior, escolhendo uma entidade previamente mencionada ou decidindo que se trata de uma \"nova entidade\".", "sentence2": "The entity prediction task requires predicting xxxx given the preceding text by choosing a previously mentioned entity.", "idx": 880, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A tarefa de previs\u00e3o de entidades requer a previs\u00e3o de xxxx com base no texto anterior, seleccionando uma entidade previamente mencionada.", "sentence2": "The entity prediction task requires predicting xxxx given the preceding text either by choosing a previously mentioned entity or deciding that this is a \u201cnew entity\u201d.", "idx": 881, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Assim, n\u00e3o h\u00e1 um bloco de mem\u00f3ria dedicado a cada entidade e n\u00e3o h\u00e1 distin\u00e7\u00e3o entre palavras que mencionam entidades e palavras que n\u00e3o as mencionam.", "sentence2": "So there is no dedicated high-dimensional memory block for every entity and no distinction between entity mentions and non-mention words.", "idx": 882, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Assim, n\u00e3o existe um bloco de mem\u00f3ria de alta dimens\u00e3o dedicado a cada entidade e n\u00e3o h\u00e1 distin\u00e7\u00e3o entre palavras que mencionam entidades e palavras que n\u00e3o as mencionam.", "sentence2": "So there is no dedicated memory block for every entity and no distinction between entity mentions and non-mention words.", "idx": 883, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A nossa abordagem complementa estes m\u00e9todos anteriores.", "sentence2": "Our approach complements some previous methods.", "idx": 884, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A nossa abordagem complementa alguns m\u00e9todos anteriores.", "sentence2": "Our approach complements these previous methods.", "idx": 885, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Anot\u00e1mos manualmente 687 modelos de mapeamento de predicados KB para texto para diferentes tipos de composi\u00e7\u00e3o (com 462 predicados KB \u00fanicos) e utiliz\u00e1mos esses modelos para modificar a pergunta WebQuestionsSP original de acordo com o significado da consulta SPARQL gerada.", "sentence2": "We manually annotated over 650 templates mapping KB predicates to text for different compositionality types (with 462 unique KB predicates), and use those templates to modify the original WebQuestionsSP question according to the meaning of the generated SPARQL query.", "idx": 886, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Anot\u00e1mos manualmente mais de 650 modelos de mapeamento de predicados KB para texto para diferentes tipos de composicionalidade (com 462 predicados KB \u00fanicos), e utiliz\u00e1mos esses modelos para modificar a pergunta WebQuestionsSP original de acordo com o significado da consulta SPARQL gerada.", "sentence2": "We manually annotated 687 templates mapping KB predicates to text for different compositionality types (with 462 unique KB predicates), and use those templates to modify the original WebQuestionsSP question according to the meaning of the generated SPARQL query.", "idx": 887, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Anot\u00e1mos manualmente 687 modelos de mapeamento de predicados KB para texto para diferentes tipos de composi\u00e7\u00e3o (com 462 predicados KB \u00fanicos) e utiliz\u00e1mos esses modelos para modificar a pergunta WebQuestionsSP original de acordo com o significado da consulta SPARQL gerada.", "sentence2": "We manually annotated over 690 templates mapping KB predicates to text for different compositionality types (with 462 unique KB predicates), and use those templates to modify the original WebQuestionsSP question according to the meaning of the generated SPARQL query.", "idx": 888, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Anot\u00e1mos manualmente mais de 690 modelos de mapeamento de predicados KB para texto para diferentes tipos de composicionalidade (com 462 predicados KB \u00fanicos) e utiliz\u00e1mos esses modelos para modificar a pergunta WebQuestionsSP original de acordo com o significado da consulta SPARQL gerada.", "sentence2": "We manually annotated 687 templates mapping KB predicates to text for different compositionality types (with 462 unique KB predicates), and use those templates to modify the original WebQuestionsSP question according to the meaning of the generated SPARQL query.", "idx": 889, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Para gerar diversidade, os trabalhadores recebiam um b\u00f3nus se a dist\u00e2ncia de edi\u00e7\u00e3o de uma par\u00e1frase fosse elevada em compara\u00e7\u00e3o com a pergunta MG.", "sentence2": "To generate diversity, workers whose paraphrases had high edit distance compared to the MG question got a bonus.", "idx": 890, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Para gerar diversidade, os trabalhadores cujas par\u00e1frases tivessem uma dist\u00e2ncia de edi\u00e7\u00e3o elevada em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 pergunta MG recebiam um b\u00f3nus.", "sentence2": "To generate diversity, workers got a bonus if the edit distance of a paraphrase was high compared to the MG question.", "idx": 891, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Para gerar diversidade, os trabalhadores recebiam um b\u00f3nus se a dist\u00e2ncia de edi\u00e7\u00e3o de uma par\u00e1frase fosse elevada em compara\u00e7\u00e3o com a pergunta MG.", "sentence2": "To generate diversity, workers got a bonus if the edit distance of a paraphrase was above 3 operations compared to the MG question.", "idx": 892, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Para gerar diversidade, os trabalhadores recebiam um b\u00f3nus se a dist\u00e2ncia de edi\u00e7\u00e3o de uma par\u00e1frase fosse superior a 3 opera\u00e7\u00f5es em compara\u00e7\u00e3o com a pergunta MG.", "sentence2": "To generate diversity, workers got a bonus if the edit distance of a paraphrase was high compared to the MG question.", "idx": 893, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Para gerar perguntas complexas, utilizamos o conjunto de dados WEBQUESTIONSSP, que cont\u00e9m 4.737 perguntas emparelhadas com consultas SPARQL para a Freebase.", "sentence2": "To generate simple questions we use the dataset WEBQUESTIONSSP, which contains 4,737 questions paired with SPARQL queries for Freebase.", "idx": 894, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Para gerar perguntas simples, utilizamos o conjunto de dados WEBQUESTIONSSP, que cont\u00e9m 4.737 perguntas emparelhadas com consultas SPARQL para a Freebase.", "sentence2": "To generate complex questions we use the dataset WEBQUESTIONSSP, which contains 4,737 questions paired with SPARQL queries for Freebase.", "idx": 895, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Para gerar perguntas complexas, utilizamos o conjunto de dados WEBQUESTIONSSP, que cont\u00e9m 4.737 perguntas emparelhadas com consultas SPARQL para a Freebase.", "sentence2": "To generate highly compositional questions we use the dataset WEBQUESTIONSSP, which contains 4,737 questions paired with SPARQL queries for Freebase.", "idx": 896, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Para gerar perguntas altamente composicionais, utilizamos o conjunto de dados WEBQUESTIONSSP, que cont\u00e9m 4737 perguntas emparelhadas com consultas SPARQL para a Freebase.", "sentence2": "To generate complex questions we use the dataset WEBQUESTIONSSP, which contains 4,737 questions paired with SPARQL queries for Freebase.", "idx": 897, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Neste artigo, exploramos a ideia da tradu\u00e7\u00e3o sem\u00e2ntica poliglota, ou seja, a aprendizagem de modelos de an\u00e1lise sem\u00e2ntica treinados em v\u00e1rios conjuntos de dados e l\u00ednguas naturais.", "sentence2": "In this paper, we explore the idea of learning semantic parsing models that are trained on multiple datasets and natural languages.", "idx": 898, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Neste documento, exploramos a ideia de aprender modelos de an\u00e1lise sem\u00e2ntica que s\u00e3o treinados em v\u00e1rios conjuntos de dados e l\u00ednguas naturais.", "sentence2": "In this paper, we explore the idea of polyglot semantic translation, or learning semantic parsing models that are trained on multiple datasets and natural languages.", "idx": 899, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "De seguida, utilizam um modelo discriminativo para classificar o resultado da tradu\u00e7\u00e3o utilizando caracter\u00edsticas adicionais de n\u00edvel n\u00e3o-mundial.", "sentence2": "They then use a generative model to rerank the translation output using additional nonworld level features.", "idx": 900, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Em seguida, utilizam um modelo generativo para classificar novamente o resultado da tradu\u00e7\u00e3o utilizando caracter\u00edsticas adicionais de n\u00edvel n\u00e3o-mundial.", "sentence2": "They then use a discriminative model to rerank the translation output using additional nonworld level features.", "idx": 901, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Em contraste com as tarefas normais de MT, estamos a lidar com um cen\u00e1rio de recursos relativamente baixos, em que a escassez do vocabul\u00e1rio alvo \u00e9 um problema.", "sentence2": "Unlike in standard MT tasks, we are dealing with a relatively low-resource setting where the sparseness of the target vocabulary is an issue.", "idx": 902, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ao contr\u00e1rio das tarefas normais de MT, estamos a lidar com um cen\u00e1rio de recursos relativamente baixos, em que a escassez do vocabul\u00e1rio alvo \u00e9 um problema.", "sentence2": "In contrast to standard MT tasks, we are dealing with a relatively low-resource setting where the sparseness of the target vocabulary is an issue.", "idx": 903, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 ent\u00e3o calculada uma distribui\u00e7\u00e3o sobre estas ac\u00e7\u00f5es utilizando uma fun\u00e7\u00e3o softmax e as ac\u00e7\u00f5es espec\u00edficas s\u00e3o escolhidas em conformidade durante o treino e a descodifica\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Logits are then computed for these actions and particular actions are chosen according to a softmax over these logits during training and decoding.", "idx": 904, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os logits s\u00e3o ent\u00e3o calculados para estas ac\u00e7\u00f5es e as ac\u00e7\u00f5es espec\u00edficas s\u00e3o escolhidas de acordo com um softmax sobre estes logits durante o treino e a descodifica\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "A distribution is then computed over these actions using a softmax function and particular actions are chosen accordingly during training and decoding.", "idx": 905, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 ent\u00e3o calculada uma distribui\u00e7\u00e3o sobre estas ac\u00e7\u00f5es utilizando uma fun\u00e7\u00e3o softmax e as ac\u00e7\u00f5es espec\u00edficas s\u00e3o escolhidas em conformidade durante o treino e a descodifica\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "A distribution is then computed over these actions using a maximum-entropy approach and particular actions are chosen accordingly during training and decoding.", "idx": 906, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 ent\u00e3o calculada uma distribui\u00e7\u00e3o sobre estas ac\u00e7\u00f5es utilizando uma abordagem de m\u00e1xima entropia e s\u00e3o escolhidas ac\u00e7\u00f5es espec\u00edficas em conformidade durante o treino e a descodifica\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "A distribution is then computed over these actions using a softmax function and particular actions are chosen accordingly during training and decoding.", "idx": 907, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 ent\u00e3o calculada uma distribui\u00e7\u00e3o sobre estas ac\u00e7\u00f5es utilizando uma fun\u00e7\u00e3o softmax e as ac\u00e7\u00f5es espec\u00edficas s\u00e3o escolhidas em conformidade durante o treino e a descodifica\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "A distribution is then computed over these actions using a softmax function and particular actions are chosen randomly during training and decoding.", "idx": 908, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 ent\u00e3o calculada uma distribui\u00e7\u00e3o sobre estas ac\u00e7\u00f5es utilizando uma fun\u00e7\u00e3o softmax e s\u00e3o escolhidas aleatoriamente ac\u00e7\u00f5es espec\u00edficas durante o treino e a descodifica\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "A distribution is then computed over these actions using a softmax function and particular actions are chosen accordingly during training and decoding.", "idx": 909, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os sistemas assim produzidos s\u00e3o incrementais: os di\u00e1logos s\u00e3o processados palavra a palavra, o que se revelou anteriormente essencial para apoiar o di\u00e1logo natural e espont\u00e2neo.", "sentence2": "The systems thus produced support the capability to interrupt an interlocutor mid-sentence.", "idx": 910, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os sistemas assim produzidos suportam a capacidade de interromper um interlocutor a meio de uma frase.", "sentence2": "The systems thus produced are incremental: dialogues are processed word-by-word, shown previously to be essential in supporting natural, spontaneous dialogue.", "idx": 911, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os sistemas assim produzidos s\u00e3o incrementais: os di\u00e1logos s\u00e3o processados palavra a palavra, o que se revelou anteriormente essencial para apoiar o di\u00e1logo natural e espont\u00e2neo.", "sentence2": "The systems thus produced are incremental: dialogues are processed sentence-by-sentence, shown previously to be essential in supporting natural, spontaneous dialogue.", "idx": 912, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os sistemas assim produzidos s\u00e3o incrementais: os di\u00e1logos s\u00e3o processados frase a frase, o que se revelou anteriormente essencial para apoiar o di\u00e1logo natural e espont\u00e2neo.", "sentence2": "The systems thus produced are incremental: dialogues are processed word-by-word, shown previously to be essential in supporting natural, spontaneous dialogue.", "idx": 913, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "De facto, afirma-se frequentemente que, para os seres humanos aprenderem a ter um desempenho adequado num dom\u00ednio, um exemplo \u00e9 suficiente para aprender.", "sentence2": "Indeed, it is often stated that for humans to learn how to perform adequately in a domain, one-shot learning is sufficient.", "idx": 914, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "De facto, afirma-se frequentemente que, para que os seres humanos aprendam a ter um desempenho adequado num dom\u00ednio, \u00e9 suficiente uma aprendizagem \u00fanica.", "sentence2": "Indeed, it is often stated that for humans to learn how to perform adequately in a domain, one example is enough from which to learn.", "idx": 915, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "De facto, afirma-se frequentemente que, para os seres humanos aprenderem a ter um desempenho adequado num dom\u00ednio, um exemplo \u00e9 suficiente para aprender.", "sentence2": "Indeed, it is often stated that for humans to learn how to perform adequately in a domain, any number of examples is enough from which to learn.", "idx": 916, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "De facto, afirma-se frequentemente que, para que os seres humanos aprendam a ter um desempenho adequado num dom\u00ednio, qualquer n\u00famero de exemplos \u00e9 suficiente para aprender.", "sentence2": "Indeed, it is often stated that for humans to learn how to perform adequately in a domain, one example is enough from which to learn.", "idx": 917, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Investigamos uma vasta gama de m\u00e9tricas, incluindo as mais avan\u00e7adas, baseadas em palavras e em novas gram\u00e1ticas, e demonstramos que estas apenas reflectem fracamente as avalia\u00e7\u00f5es humanas dos resultados do sistema gerados por NLG de ponta a ponta orientadas por dados.", "sentence2": "We investigate a wide range of metrics, including state-of-the-art word-based and novel grammar-based ones, and demonstrate that they only weakly reflect human judgements of system outputs as generated by data-driven, end-to-end natural language generation.", "idx": 918, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Investigamos uma vasta gama de m\u00e9tricas, incluindo as mais avan\u00e7adas baseadas em palavras e as novas baseadas em gram\u00e1tica, e demonstramos que estas apenas reflectem fracamente as avalia\u00e7\u00f5es humanas dos resultados do sistema, tal como s\u00e3o gerados por uma gera\u00e7\u00e3o de linguagem natural de ponta a ponta orientada por dados.", "sentence2": "We investigate a wide range of metrics, including state-of-the-art word-based and novel grammar-based ones, and demonstrate that they only weakly reflect human judgements of system outputs as generated by data-driven, end-to-end NLG.", "idx": 919, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Investigamos uma vasta gama de m\u00e9tricas, incluindo as mais avan\u00e7adas, baseadas em palavras e em novas gram\u00e1ticas, e demonstramos que estas apenas reflectem fracamente as avalia\u00e7\u00f5es humanas dos resultados do sistema gerados por NLG de ponta a ponta orientadas por dados.", "sentence2": "We investigate a wide range of metrics, including state-of-the-art word-based and novel grammar-based ones, and demonstrate that they only weakly reflect human judgements of system outputs as generated by data-driven, end-to-end natural language parsing.", "idx": 920, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Investigamos uma vasta gama de m\u00e9tricas, incluindo as mais avan\u00e7adas baseadas em palavras e as novas baseadas em gram\u00e1tica, e demonstramos que estas apenas reflectem fracamente as avalia\u00e7\u00f5es humanas dos resultados do sistema, tal como s\u00e3o gerados pela an\u00e1lise de linguagem natural de ponta a ponta orientada por dados.", "sentence2": "We investigate a wide range of metrics, including state-of-the-art word-based and novel grammar-based ones, and demonstrate that they only weakly reflect human judgements of system outputs as generated by data-driven, end-to-end NLG.", "idx": 921, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Para avaliar a fiabilidade das classifica\u00e7\u00f5es, calcul\u00e1mos o coeficiente de correla\u00e7\u00e3o intra-classe (ICC), que mede a fiabilidade inter-observador em dados ordinais para mais de dois avaliadores (Landis e Koch, 1977).", "sentence2": "To assess the unreliability of ratings, we calculated the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), which measures inter-observer reliability on ordinal data for more than two raters (Landis and Koch, 1977).", "idx": 922, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Para avaliar a falta de fiabilidade das classifica\u00e7\u00f5es, calcul\u00e1mos o coeficiente de correla\u00e7\u00e3o intra-classe (ICC), que mede a fiabilidade inter-observador em dados ordinais para mais de dois avaliadores (Landis e Koch, 1977).", "sentence2": "To assess the reliability of ratings, we calculated the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), which measures inter-observer reliability on ordinal data for more than two raters (Landis and Koch, 1977).", "idx": 923, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Mostramos tamb\u00e9m que o desempenho da m\u00e9trica \u00e9 espec\u00edfico dos dados e do sistema.", "sentence2": "We also show that metric performance varies between datasets and systems.", "idx": 924, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Mostramos tamb\u00e9m que o desempenho das m\u00e9tricas varia consoante os conjuntos de dados e os sistemas.", "sentence2": "We also show that metric performance is data- and system-specific.", "idx": 925, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Mostramos tamb\u00e9m que o desempenho da m\u00e9trica \u00e9 espec\u00edfico dos dados e do sistema.", "sentence2": "We also show that metric performance is constant between datasets and systems.", "idx": 926, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Mostramos tamb\u00e9m que o desempenho da m\u00e9trica \u00e9 constante entre conjuntos de dados e sistemas.", "sentence2": "We also show that metric performance is data- and system-specific.", "idx": 927, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As nossas experi\u00eancias indicam que os sistemas neuronais s\u00e3o bastante bons a produzir resultados fluentes e, em geral, obt\u00eam bons resultados nas m\u00e9tricas padr\u00e3o de correspond\u00eancia de palavras, mas t\u00eam um desempenho bastante fraco na sele\u00e7\u00e3o de conte\u00fados e na capta\u00e7\u00e3o da estrutura a longo prazo.", "sentence2": "Our experiments indicate that neural systems are quite good at surface-level language modeling, but perform quite poorly at capturing higher level semantics and structure.", "idx": 928, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As nossas experi\u00eancias indicam que os sistemas neuronais s\u00e3o bastante bons na modela\u00e7\u00e3o da linguagem ao n\u00edvel da superf\u00edcie, mas t\u00eam um desempenho bastante fraco na capta\u00e7\u00e3o da sem\u00e2ntica e da estrutura de n\u00edvel superior.", "sentence2": "Our experiments indicate that neural systems are quite good at producing fluent outputs and generally score well on standard word-match metrics, but perform quite poorly at content selection and at capturing long-term structure.", "idx": 929, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As nossas experi\u00eancias indicam que os sistemas neuronais s\u00e3o bastante bons a produzir resultados fluentes e, em geral, obt\u00eam bons resultados nas m\u00e9tricas padr\u00e3o de correspond\u00eancia de palavras, mas t\u00eam um desempenho bastante fraco na sele\u00e7\u00e3o de conte\u00fados e na capta\u00e7\u00e3o da estrutura a longo prazo.", "sentence2": "Our experiments indicate that neural systems are quite good at capturing higher level semantics and structure but perform quite poorly at surface-level language modeling.", "idx": 930, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As nossas experi\u00eancias indicam que os sistemas neuronais s\u00e3o bastante bons a captar a sem\u00e2ntica e a estrutura de n\u00edvel superior, mas t\u00eam um desempenho bastante fraco na modela\u00e7\u00e3o da linguagem ao n\u00edvel da superf\u00edcie.", "sentence2": "Our experiments indicate that neural systems are quite good at producing fluent outputs and generally score well on standard word-match metrics, but perform quite poorly at content selection and at capturing long-term structure.", "idx": 931, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As t\u00e9cnicas baseadas na reconstru\u00e7\u00e3o tamb\u00e9m podem ser aplicadas ao n\u00edvel do documento ou da frase durante a forma\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Reconstruction-based techniques can operate on multiple scales during training.", "idx": 932, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As t\u00e9cnicas baseadas na reconstru\u00e7\u00e3o podem funcionar em v\u00e1rias escalas durante o treino.", "sentence2": "Reconstruction-based techniques can also be applied at the document or sentence-level during training.", "idx": 933, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As t\u00e9cnicas baseadas na reconstru\u00e7\u00e3o tamb\u00e9m podem ser aplicadas ao n\u00edvel do documento ou da frase durante a forma\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Reconstruction-based techniques can also be applied at the document or sentence-level during test.", "idx": 934, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As t\u00e9cnicas baseadas na reconstru\u00e7\u00e3o tamb\u00e9m podem ser aplicadas ao n\u00edvel do documento ou da frase durante o teste.", "sentence2": "Reconstruction-based techniques can also be applied at the document or sentence-level during training.", "idx": 935, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As t\u00e9cnicas baseadas na reconstru\u00e7\u00e3o tamb\u00e9m podem ser aplicadas ao n\u00edvel do documento ou da frase durante a forma\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "Reconstruction-based techniques can only be applied at the sentence-level during training.", "idx": 936, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As t\u00e9cnicas baseadas na reconstru\u00e7\u00e3o s\u00f3 podem ser aplicadas ao n\u00edvel da frase durante o treino.", "sentence2": "Reconstruction-based techniques can also be applied at the document or sentence-level during training.", "idx": 937, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Na pr\u00e1tica, a nossa proposta de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o extractiva detectar\u00e1 muitos erros nesta passagem.", "sentence2": "In practice, our proposed extractive evaluation will pick up on few errors in this passage.", "idx": 938, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Na pr\u00e1tica, a nossa proposta de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o extractiva detectar\u00e1 poucos erros nesta passagem.", "sentence2": "In practice, our proposed extractive evaluation will pick up on many errors in this passage.", "idx": 939, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Do mesmo modo, a utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o de mais verbos de empoderamento do agente nas narrativas femininas diminui as probabilidades de passar no teste de Bechdel.", "sentence2": "Similarly, the use of more agent-empowering verbs in female narratives decrease the odds of two named women characters talking about something besides men.", "idx": 940, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Do mesmo modo, a utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o de mais verbos de capacita\u00e7\u00e3o do agente nas narrativas femininas diminui as probabilidades de duas personagens femininas nomeadas falarem de algo para al\u00e9m de homens.", "sentence2": "Similarly, the use of more agent-empowering verbs in female narratives decrease the odds of passing the Bechdel test.", "idx": 941, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Do mesmo modo, a utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o de mais verbos de empoderamento do agente nas narrativas femininas diminui as probabilidades de passar no teste de Bechdel.", "sentence2": "Similarly, the use of more agent-empowering verbs in female narratives decrease the odds of men in the narrative talking to each other about women.", "idx": 942, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Do mesmo modo, a utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o de mais verbos de capacita\u00e7\u00e3o do agente nas narrativas femininas diminui as probabilidades de os homens da narrativa falarem uns com os outros sobre as mulheres.", "sentence2": "Similarly, the use of more agent-empowering verbs in female narratives decrease the odds of passing the Bechdel test.", "idx": 943, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Al\u00e9m disso, as personagens masculinas utilizam mais a linguagem inibit\u00f3ria (inhib), que cont\u00e9m palavras relativas a bloquear ou permitir, o que sugere que estas personagens est\u00e3o em posi\u00e7\u00f5es de poder.", "sentence2": "Furthermore, male characters use inhibitory language more (inhib), which contains words pertaining to blocking or allowing, suggesting that these characters are more often in positions where they can forbid or permit actions and decisions.", "idx": 944, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Al\u00e9m disso, as personagens masculinas utilizam mais a linguagem inibit\u00f3ria (inib), que cont\u00e9m palavras relativas a bloquear ou permitir, o que sugere que estas personagens est\u00e3o mais frequentemente em posi\u00e7\u00f5es em que podem proibir ou permitir ac\u00e7\u00f5es e decis\u00f5es.", "sentence2": "Furthermore, male characters use inhibitory language more (inhib), which contains words pertaining to blocking or allowing, suggesting that these characters are in positions of power.", "idx": 945, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Al\u00e9m disso, as personagens masculinas utilizam mais a linguagem inibit\u00f3ria (inhib), que cont\u00e9m palavras relativas a bloquear ou permitir, o que sugere que estas personagens est\u00e3o em posi\u00e7\u00f5es de poder.", "sentence2": "Furthermore, male characters use inhibitory language more (inhib), which contains words pertaining to blocking or allowing, suggesting that these characters are more often in positions where they are blocked or allowed to do things by others.", "idx": 946, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Al\u00e9m disso, as personagens masculinas utilizam mais a linguagem inibit\u00f3ria (inib), que cont\u00e9m palavras relativas a bloquear ou permitir, o que sugere que estas personagens est\u00e3o mais frequentemente em posi\u00e7\u00f5es em que s\u00e3o bloqueadas ou autorizadas a fazer coisas por outros.", "sentence2": "Furthermore, male characters use inhibitory language more (inhib), which contains words pertaining to blocking or allowing, suggesting that these characters are in positions of power.", "idx": 947, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Al\u00e9m disso, as personagens masculinas utilizam mais a linguagem inibit\u00f3ria (inhib), que cont\u00e9m palavras relativas a bloquear ou permitir, o que sugere que estas personagens est\u00e3o em posi\u00e7\u00f5es de poder.", "sentence2": "Furthermore, male characters use inhibitory language more (inhib), which contains words pertaining to blocking or allowing, suggesting that these characters are in positions of low power.", "idx": 948, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Al\u00e9m disso, as personagens masculinas utilizam mais a linguagem inibit\u00f3ria (inhib), que cont\u00e9m palavras relativas a bloquear ou permitir, o que sugere que estas personagens est\u00e3o em posi\u00e7\u00f5es de baixo poder.", "sentence2": "Furthermore, male characters use inhibitory language more (inhib), which contains words pertaining to blocking or allowing, suggesting that these characters are in positions of power.", "idx": 949, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ver fotografias online de pessoas que tentam tirar fotografias de espelhos que querem vender \u00e9 a minha nova paix\u00e3o...", "sentence2": "Looking at pictures online of people trying to take photos of mirrors is my new thing...", "idx": 950, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Olhar para fotografias online de pessoas que tentam tirar fotografias de espelhos \u00e9 a minha nova paix\u00e3o...", "sentence2": "Looking at pictures online of people trying to take photos of mirrors they want to sell is my new thing...", "idx": 951, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um vento sereno soprava sobre a clareira.", "sentence2": "A tempestuous wind rolled across the glade.", "idx": 952, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um vento tempestuoso soprava sobre a clareira.", "sentence2": "A serene wind rolled across the glade.", "idx": 953, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um vento sereno soprava sobre a clareira.", "sentence2": "An easterly wind rolled across the glade.", "idx": 954, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um vento de leste soprava sobre a clareira.", "sentence2": "A serene wind rolled across the glade.", "idx": 955, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um vento sereno soprava sobre a clareira.", "sentence2": "A calm wind rolled across the glade.", "idx": 956, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Um vento calmo soprava sobre a clareira.", "sentence2": "A serene wind rolled across the glade.", "idx": 957, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Um vento sereno soprava sobre a clareira.", "sentence2": "A wind rolled across the glade.", "idx": 958, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Um vento soprava na clareira.", "sentence2": "A serene wind rolled across the glade.", "idx": 959, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A rea\u00e7\u00e3o foi fortemente exot\u00e9rmica.", "sentence2": "The reaction media got very hot.", "idx": 960, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O meio de rea\u00e7\u00e3o ficou muito quente.", "sentence2": "The reaction was strongly exothermic.", "idx": 961, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A rea\u00e7\u00e3o foi fortemente exot\u00e9rmica.", "sentence2": "The reaction media got very cold.", "idx": 962, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O meio de rea\u00e7\u00e3o ficou muito frio.", "sentence2": "The reaction was strongly exothermic.", "idx": 963, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A rea\u00e7\u00e3o foi fortemente endot\u00e9rmica.", "sentence2": "The reaction media got very hot.", "idx": 964, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O meio de rea\u00e7\u00e3o ficou muito quente.", "sentence2": "The reaction was strongly endothermic.", "idx": 965, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A rea\u00e7\u00e3o foi fortemente endot\u00e9rmica.", "sentence2": "The reaction media got very cold.", "idx": 966, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O meio de rea\u00e7\u00e3o ficou muito frio.", "sentence2": "The reaction was strongly endothermic.", "idx": 967, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ela n\u00e3o pensou que eu j\u00e1 o tivesse terminado, mas eu tinha.", "sentence2": "I had already finished it.", "idx": 968, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Eu j\u00e1 o tinha terminado.", "sentence2": "She didn't think I had already finished it, but I had.", "idx": 969, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ela n\u00e3o pensou que eu j\u00e1 o tivesse terminado, mas eu tinha.", "sentence2": "I hadn't already finished it.", "idx": 970, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ainda n\u00e3o o tinha terminado.", "sentence2": "She didn't think I had already finished it, but I had.", "idx": 971, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ela pensou que eu j\u00e1 o tinha terminado, mas n\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "I had already finished it.", "idx": 972, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Eu j\u00e1 o tinha terminado.", "sentence2": "She thought I had already finished it, but I hadn't.", "idx": 973, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ela pensou que eu j\u00e1 o tinha terminado, mas n\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "I hadn't already finished it.", "idx": 974, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ainda n\u00e3o o tinha terminado.", "sentence2": "She thought I had already finished it, but I hadn't.", "idx": 975, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Temple afirmou que a empresa estava a enfrentar dificuldades, mas n\u00e3o fez quaisquer afirma\u00e7\u00f5es espec\u00edficas.", "sentence2": "Temple didn't make any specific claims.", "idx": 976, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Temple n\u00e3o fez nenhuma afirma\u00e7\u00e3o espec\u00edfica.", "sentence2": "Temple said that the business was facing difficulties, but didn't make any specific claims.", "idx": 977, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Temple afirmou que a empresa estava a enfrentar dificuldades, mas n\u00e3o fez quaisquer afirma\u00e7\u00f5es espec\u00edficas.", "sentence2": "The business didn't make any specific claims.", "idx": 978, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A empresa n\u00e3o fez nenhuma reclama\u00e7\u00e3o espec\u00edfica.", "sentence2": "Temple said that the business was facing difficulties, but didn't make any specific claims.", "idx": 979, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Temple disse que a empresa estava a enfrentar dificuldades, mas que n\u00e3o tinha hip\u00f3teses de ficar no vermelho.", "sentence2": "Temple didn't have a chance of going into the red.", "idx": 980, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A Temple n\u00e3o tinha hip\u00f3tese de entrar no vermelho.", "sentence2": "Temple said that the business was facing difficulties, but didn't have a chance of going into the red.", "idx": 981, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Temple disse que a empresa estava a enfrentar dificuldades, mas que n\u00e3o tinha hip\u00f3teses de ficar no vermelho.", "sentence2": "Temple said the business didn't have a chance of going into the red.", "idx": 982, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Temple disse que a empresa n\u00e3o tinha qualquer hip\u00f3tese de ficar no vermelho.", "sentence2": "Temple said that the business was facing difficulties, but didn't have a chance of going into the red.", "idx": 983, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os lucros das empresas que se concentraram no branding continuaram a ser negativos.", "sentence2": "The businesses that focused on branding still had negative profits.", "idx": 984, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As empresas que se concentraram no branding continuaram a ter lucros negativos.", "sentence2": "The profits of the businesses that focused on branding were still negative.", "idx": 985, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os lucros da empresa mais bem sucedida continuavam a ser negativos.", "sentence2": "The profits that focused on branding were still negative.", "idx": 986, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os lucros que se centraram no branding continuaram a ser negativos.", "sentence2": "The profits of the business that was most successful were still negative.", "idx": 987, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os lucros das empresas que registaram os valores mais elevados neste trimestre continuaram a ser negativos.", "sentence2": "The businesses that were highest this quarter still had negative profits.", "idx": 988, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As empresas que registaram os valores mais elevados neste trimestre continuam a ter lucros negativos.", "sentence2": "The profits of the businesses that were highest this quarter were still negative.", "idx": 989, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os lucros das empresas que registaram os valores mais elevados neste trimestre continuaram a ser negativos.", "sentence2": "For the businesses, the profits that were highest were still negative.", "idx": 990, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Para as empresas, os lucros mais elevados continuam a ser negativos.", "sentence2": "The profits of the businesses that were highest this quarter were still negative.", "idx": 991, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Fiz-lhe um bolo.", "sentence2": "I baked him.", "idx": 992, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Eu cozinhei-o.", "sentence2": "I baked him a cake.", "idx": 993, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Fiz-lhe um bolo.", "sentence2": "I baked a cake for him.", "idx": 994, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Fiz um bolo para ele.", "sentence2": "I baked him a cake.", "idx": 995, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Dei-lhe um bilhete.", "sentence2": "I gave a note to him.", "idx": 996, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Dei-lhe um bilhete.", "sentence2": "I gave him a note.", "idx": 997, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O Jake partiu o vaso.", "sentence2": "The vase broke.", "idx": 998, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O vaso partiu-se.", "sentence2": "Jake broke the vase.", "idx": 999, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O Jake partiu o vaso.", "sentence2": "Jake broke.", "idx": 1000, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Jake partiu.", "sentence2": "Jake broke the vase.", "idx": 1001, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 uma pessoa com muitos talentos.", "sentence2": "He has many talents.", "idx": 1002, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ele tem muitos talentos.", "sentence2": "He is someone of many talents.", "idx": 1003, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 uma pessoa com muitos talentos.", "sentence2": "His talents are many.", "idx": 1004, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os seus talentos s\u00e3o muitos.", "sentence2": "He is someone of many talents.", "idx": 1005, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o quero ter de estar sempre a lutar contra os irritantes percevejos.", "sentence2": "I don't want to have to keep fighting bedbugs\u2014they are so pesky.", "idx": 1006, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o quero ter de estar sempre a lutar contra os percevejos - s\u00e3o t\u00e3o inc\u00f3modos.", "sentence2": "I don't want to have to keep fighting pesky bedbugs.", "idx": 1007, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o quero ter de estar sempre a entreter pessoas que n\u00e3o valorizam o meu tempo.", "sentence2": "I don't want to have to keep entertaining people.", "idx": 1008, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o quero ter de estar sempre a entreter as pessoas.", "sentence2": "I don't want to have to keep entertaining people who don't value my time.", "idx": 1009, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o \u00e9 o caso de n\u00e3o haver um rabino neste casamento; ele est\u00e1 mesmo ali, atr\u00e1s daquela \u00e1rvore.", "sentence2": "There is a rabbi at this wedding; he is right there standing behind that tree.", "idx": 1010, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "H\u00e1 um rabino neste casamento; ele est\u00e1 mesmo ali, atr\u00e1s daquela \u00e1rvore.", "sentence2": "It's not the case that there is no rabbi at this wedding; he is right there standing behind that tree.", "idx": 1011, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o \u00e9 o caso de n\u00e3o haver um rabino neste casamento; ele est\u00e1 mesmo ali, atr\u00e1s daquela \u00e1rvore.", "sentence2": "There is no rabbi at this wedding, let alone behind that tree.", "idx": 1012, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o h\u00e1 nenhum rabino neste casamento, muito menos atr\u00e1s daquela \u00e1rvore.", "sentence2": "It's not the case that there is no rabbi at this wedding; he is right there standing behind that tree.", "idx": 1013, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o \u00e9 o caso de n\u00e3o haver um rabino neste casamento; ele est\u00e1 mesmo ali, atr\u00e1s daquela \u00e1rvore.", "sentence2": "A rabbi is at this wedding, standing right there standing behind that tree.", "idx": 1014, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Um rabino est\u00e1 neste casamento, mesmo ali, atr\u00e1s daquela \u00e1rvore.", "sentence2": "It's not the case that there is no rabbi at this wedding; he is right there standing behind that tree.", "idx": 1015, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "H\u00e1 um rabino neste casamento; ele est\u00e1 mesmo ali, atr\u00e1s daquela \u00e1rvore.", "sentence2": "A rabbi is at this wedding, standing right there standing behind that tree.", "idx": 1016, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Um rabino est\u00e1 neste casamento, mesmo ali, atr\u00e1s daquela \u00e1rvore.", "sentence2": "There is a rabbi at this wedding; he is right there standing behind that tree.", "idx": 1017, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A primeira experi\u00eancia agrad\u00e1vel que tive ao interagir com outro ser humano foi aos dezassete anos.", "sentence2": "The first experience I had interacting with another human being was at the age of seventeen.", "idx": 1018, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A primeira experi\u00eancia que tive ao interagir com outro ser humano foi aos dezassete anos.", "sentence2": "The first pleasurable experience I had interacting with another human being was at the age of seventeen.", "idx": 1019, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A primeira experi\u00eancia agrad\u00e1vel que tive ao interagir com outro ser humano foi aos dezassete anos.", "sentence2": "The first displeasurable experience I had interacting with another human being was at the age of seventeen.", "idx": 1020, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A primeira experi\u00eancia desagrad\u00e1vel que tive ao interagir com outro ser humano foi aos dezassete anos.", "sentence2": "The first pleasurable experience I had interacting with another human being was at the age of seventeen.", "idx": 1021, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Como era a sua primeira noite nos Estados Unidos, ele pediu uma bebida no bar depois de mostrar a sua identifica\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "He is over 20 years of age.", "idx": 1022, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Tem mais de 20 anos de idade.", "sentence2": "It being his first night in the US, he eagerly got a drink at the bar after showing his ID.", "idx": 1023, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Como era a sua primeira noite nos Estados Unidos, ele pediu uma bebida no bar depois de mostrar a sua identifica\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "He is under 21 years of age.", "idx": 1024, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Tem menos de 21 anos de idade.", "sentence2": "It being his first night in the US, he eagerly got a drink at the bar after showing his ID.", "idx": 1025, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Como era a sua primeira noite nos Estados Unidos, ele pediu uma bebida no bar depois de mostrar a sua identifica\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "He has a beard.", "idx": 1026, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ele tem barba.", "sentence2": "It being his first night in the US, he eagerly got a drink at the bar after showing his ID.", "idx": 1027, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Sei fazer ovos mexidos, mas n\u00e3o pratos complexos como o consomm\u00e9.", "sentence2": "Consomm\u00e9 is more complex to make than scrambled eggs.", "idx": 1028, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A confe\u00e7\u00e3o do consomm\u00e9 \u00e9 mais complexa do que a dos ovos mexidos.", "sentence2": "I can make scrambled eggs, but not complex dishes like consomm\u00e9.", "idx": 1029, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Sei fazer ovos mexidos, mas n\u00e3o pratos complexos como o consomm\u00e9.", "sentence2": "Consomm\u00e9 is not more complex to make than scrambled eggs.", "idx": 1030, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A prepara\u00e7\u00e3o do consomm\u00e9 n\u00e3o \u00e9 mais complexa do que a dos ovos mexidos.", "sentence2": "I can make scrambled eggs, but not complex dishes like consomm\u00e9.", "idx": 1031, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Entrou em casa com um sorriso radioso e despiu imediatamente o casaco, que ainda pingava \u00e1gua quando o colocou no cabide.", "sentence2": "It was raining outside.", "idx": 1032, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Estava a chover l\u00e1 fora.", "sentence2": "She walked into the house with a shining smile and immediately took off her jacket, still dripping with water as she placed it on the rack.", "idx": 1033, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Entrou em casa com um sorriso radioso e despiu imediatamente o casaco, que ainda pingava \u00e1gua quando o colocou no cabide.", "sentence2": "It was sunny outside.", "idx": 1034, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Estava sol l\u00e1 fora.", "sentence2": "She walked into the house with a shining smile and immediately took off her jacket, still dripping with water as she placed it on the rack.", "idx": 1035, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ele proclamou com sinceridade: \"Isto \u00e9 tudo o que eu realmente sempre quis\".", "sentence2": "He was satisfied.", "idx": 1036, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ele estava satisfeito.", "sentence2": "He earnestly proclaimed: \"This is all I ever really wanted.\"", "idx": 1037, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ele proclamou com sinceridade: \"Isto \u00e9 tudo o que eu realmente sempre quis\".", "sentence2": "He was dissatisfied.", "idx": 1038, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ele estava insatisfeito.", "sentence2": "He earnestly proclaimed: \"This is all I ever really wanted.\"", "idx": 1039, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ele proclamou enganosamente: \"Isto \u00e9 tudo o que eu sempre quis.\"", "sentence2": "He was satisfied.", "idx": 1040, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ele estava satisfeito.", "sentence2": "He deceitfully proclaimed: \"This is all I ever really wanted.\"", "idx": 1041, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ele proclamou enganosamente: \"Isto \u00e9 tudo o que eu sempre quis.\"", "sentence2": "He was dissatisfied.", "idx": 1042, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ele estava insatisfeito.", "sentence2": "He deceitfully proclaimed: \"This is all I ever really wanted.\"", "idx": 1043, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O carro da frente passou gradualmente para a faixa da esquerda.", "sentence2": "The leading car shifted to the left lane.", "idx": 1044, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O carro da frente passou para a faixa da esquerda.", "sentence2": "The leading car gradually shifted to the left lane.", "idx": 1045, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O carro da frente passou gradualmente para a faixa da esquerda.", "sentence2": "The leading car suddenly shifted to the left lane.", "idx": 1046, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O carro da frente passou subitamente para a faixa da esquerda.", "sentence2": "The leading car gradually shifted to the left lane.", "idx": 1047, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O carro da frente passou gradualmente para a faixa da esquerda.", "sentence2": "The leading car slowly shifted to the left lane.", "idx": 1048, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O carro da frente passou lentamente para a faixa da esquerda.", "sentence2": "The leading car gradually shifted to the left lane.", "idx": 1049, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O carro da frente passou gradualmente para a faixa da esquerda.", "sentence2": "The leading car shifted to the third gear.", "idx": 1050, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O carro da frente passou para a terceira velocidade.", "sentence2": "The leading car gradually shifted to the left lane.", "idx": 1051, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Est\u00e1vamos a arrastar o caixote para a garagem quando ela se apercebeu de uma infeliz constata\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "We were dragging the bin out of the garage when she had an unfortunate realization.", "idx": 1052, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Est\u00e1vamos a arrastar o caixote para fora da garagem quando ela teve uma infeliz perce\u00e7\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "We were dragging the bin into the garage when she had an unfortunate realization.", "idx": 1053, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O edif\u00edcio, constru\u00eddo desde o in\u00edcio dos anos 20, era alto e despretensioso.", "sentence2": "The building, standing since the early 20s, was sturdy and unassuming.", "idx": 1054, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O edif\u00edcio, existente desde o in\u00edcio dos anos 20, era robusto e despretensioso.", "sentence2": "The building, standing since the early 20s, was tall and unassuming.", "idx": 1055, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "De acordo com um porta-voz da Starbucks, o hor\u00e1rio da reuni\u00e3o ainda n\u00e3o foi definido.", "sentence2": "The timing of the meeting has not been considered, according to a Starbucks spokesperson.", "idx": 1056, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O calend\u00e1rio da reuni\u00e3o n\u00e3o foi considerado, segundo um porta-voz da Starbucks.", "sentence2": "The timing of the meeting has not been set, according to a Starbucks spokesperson.", "idx": 1057, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Os clientes disseram que estavam \u00e0 espera da chegada de outro homem.", "sentence2": "The customers believed they were waiting for another man to arrive.", "idx": 1058, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Os clientes pensavam que estavam \u00e0 espera da chegada de outro homem.", "sentence2": "The customers said they were waiting for another man to arrive.", "idx": 1059, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Algumas das afirma\u00e7\u00f5es do orador eram incompreens\u00edveis, mas o p\u00fablico adorou-as.", "sentence2": "Some of the orator's statements were comprehensible, but the crowd loved them.", "idx": 1060, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Algumas das afirma\u00e7\u00f5es do orador eram compreens\u00edveis, mas a multid\u00e3o adorou-as.", "sentence2": "Some of the orator's statements were incomprehensible, but the crowd loved them.", "idx": 1061, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o vou dizer que ela n\u00e3o me roubou o dinheiro.", "sentence2": "I won't say that she stole my money.", "idx": 1062, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o vou dizer que ela me roubou o dinheiro.", "sentence2": "I won't say that she didn't steal my money.", "idx": 1063, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o vou dizer que ela n\u00e3o me roubou o dinheiro.", "sentence2": "I will say that she stole my money.", "idx": 1064, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Eu digo que ela roubou o meu dinheiro.", "sentence2": "I won't say that she didn't steal my money.", "idx": 1065, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "N\u00e3o vou dizer que ela n\u00e3o me roubou o dinheiro.", "sentence2": "I will say that she stole my money.", "idx": 1066, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Eu digo que ela roubou o meu dinheiro.", "sentence2": "I won't say that she didn't steal my money.", "idx": 1067, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Existem algumas caminhadas fant\u00e1sticas \u00e0 volta do Monte Fuji.", "sentence2": "There are some amazing hikes in Japan.", "idx": 1068, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "H\u00e1 caminhadas fant\u00e1sticas no Jap\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "There are some amazing hikes around Mt. Fuji.", "idx": 1069, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Existem algumas caminhadas fant\u00e1sticas \u00e0 volta do Monte Fuji.", "sentence2": "There are some amazing hikes in Nepal.", "idx": 1070, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "H\u00e1 caminhadas espectaculares no Nepal.", "sentence2": "There are some amazing hikes around Mt. Fuji.", "idx": 1071, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Existem algumas caminhadas fant\u00e1sticas \u00e0 volta do Monte Fuji.", "sentence2": "There are some strenuous hikes around Mt. Fuji.", "idx": 1072, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "H\u00e1 algumas caminhadas extenuantes \u00e0 volta do Monte Fuji.", "sentence2": "There are some amazing hikes around Mt. Fuji.", "idx": 1073, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um sommelier experiente sabe a diferen\u00e7a entre a colheita de 2009 e a de 2013 de um Riesling alem\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "A sommelier knows the difference between the 2009 and 2013 vintage of a German Riesling.", "idx": 1074, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um sommelier sabe a diferen\u00e7a entre a colheita de 2009 e a de 2013 de um Riesling alem\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "An experienced sommelier knows the difference between the 2009 and 2013 vintage of a German Riesling.", "idx": 1075, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Um sommelier experiente sabe a diferen\u00e7a entre as colheitas de 2009 e 2013 de um Riesling alem\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "An Italian sommelier knows the difference between the 2009 and 2013 vintage of a German Riesling.", "idx": 1076, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um sommelier italiano sabe a diferen\u00e7a entre a colheita de 2009 e a de 2013 de um Riesling alem\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "An experienced sommelier knows the difference between the 2009 and 2013 vintage of a German Riesling.", "idx": 1077, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um sommelier fraudulento n\u00e3o saber\u00e1 distinguir entre a colheita de 2009 e a de 2013 de um Riesling alem\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "A sommelier won't know the difference between the 2009 and 2013 vintage of a German Riesling.", "idx": 1078, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Um sommelier n\u00e3o saber\u00e1 a diferen\u00e7a entre a colheita de 2009 e a de 2013 de um Riesling alem\u00e3o.", "sentence2": "A fraudulent sommelier won't know the difference between the 2009 and 2013 vintage of a German Riesling.", "idx": 1079, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Duas das tr\u00eas \u00e1rvores que est\u00e3o do lado de fora da minha janela, com os seus ramos pendurados e a balan\u00e7ar ao vento, j\u00e1 floresceram, e ainda nem sequer estamos em abril.", "sentence2": "Of the three trees outside my window, with their branches dangling and swaying in the wind, two have already bloomed, and it's not even April.", "idx": 1080, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Das tr\u00eas \u00e1rvores que est\u00e3o do lado de fora da minha janela, com os seus ramos pendurados e a balan\u00e7ar ao vento, duas j\u00e1 floresceram, e ainda nem sequer estamos em abril.", "sentence2": "Two of the three trees outside my window, with their branches dangling and swaying in the wind, have already bloomed, and it's not even April.", "idx": 1081, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Duas das \u00e1rvores do lado de fora da minha janela, com os seus ramos pendurados e balan\u00e7ando ao vento, j\u00e1 floresceram, e ainda nem sequer estamos em abril.", "sentence2": "Of the trees outside my window, with their branches dangling and swaying in the wind, three have already bloomed, and it's not even April.", "idx": 1082, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Das \u00e1rvores que est\u00e3o \u00e0 minha janela, com os seus ramos a balan\u00e7ar ao vento, tr\u00eas j\u00e1 floresceram, e ainda nem sequer estamos em abril.", "sentence2": "Two of the trees outside my window, with their branches dangling and swaying in the wind, have already bloomed, and it's not even April.", "idx": 1083, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "At\u00e9 agora, duas das minhas cerejeiras j\u00e1 floresceram, e ainda nem sequer estamos em abril.", "sentence2": "So far two of my trees have already bloomed, and it's not even April.", "idx": 1084, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "At\u00e9 agora, duas das minhas \u00e1rvores j\u00e1 floresceram, e ainda nem sequer estamos em abril.", "sentence2": "So far two of my cherry trees have already bloomed, and it's not even April.", "idx": 1085, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O livro surpreende pela riqueza e profundidade com que Grossman desenvolve as personagens e retrata o sofrimento, mas a sua representa\u00e7\u00e3o das mulheres continua a sofrer de muitos dos estere\u00f3tipos infelizes e da moraliza\u00e7\u00e3o que seria de esperar de um escritor do seu tempo.", "sentence2": "The book astounds as Grossman richly, deeply develops characters and portrays suffering, but his portrayal of women still suffers from a lot of the unfortunate stereotypes and moralizing that we would expect of a writer from his time.", "idx": 1086, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O livro surpreende pela riqueza e profundidade com que Grossman desenvolve as personagens e retrata o sofrimento, mas a sua representa\u00e7\u00e3o das mulheres continua a sofrer de muitos dos infelizes estere\u00f3tipos e moralismos que esperar\u00edamos de um escritor do seu tempo.", "sentence2": "The book astounds with Grossman's rich, deep character development and portrayal of suffering, but his portrayal of women still suffers from a lot of the unfortunate stereotypes and moralizing that we would expect of a writer from his time.", "idx": 1087, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "O livro surpreende pela riqueza e profundidade com que Grossman desenvolve as personagens e retrata o sofrimento, mas a sua representa\u00e7\u00e3o das mulheres continua a sofrer de muitos dos estere\u00f3tipos infelizes e da moraliza\u00e7\u00e3o que seria de esperar de um escritor do seu tempo.", "sentence2": "The book astounds as Grossman richly, deeply develops characters and ignores suffering, but his portrayal of women still suffers from a lot of the unfortunate stereotypes and moralizing that we would expect of a writer from his time.", "idx": 1088, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "O livro surpreende pela riqueza e profundidade com que Grossman desenvolve as personagens e ignora o sofrimento, mas a sua representa\u00e7\u00e3o das mulheres continua a sofrer de muitos dos infelizes estere\u00f3tipos e moralismos que esperar\u00edamos de um escritor do seu tempo.", "sentence2": "The book astounds with Grossman's rich, deep character development and portrayal of suffering, but his portrayal of women still suffers from a lot of the unfortunate stereotypes and moralizing that we would expect of a writer from his time.", "idx": 1089, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Comi at\u00e9 me sentir desconfort\u00e1vel para comer mais.", "sentence2": "I ate until I was full.", "idx": 1090, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Comi at\u00e9 ficar cheio.", "sentence2": "I ate until it was uncomfortable to eat more.", "idx": 1091, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ele \u00e9 o tipo de judeu que come bagels com salm\u00e3o todas as manh\u00e3s durante a P\u00e1scoa.", "sentence2": "He's the kind of Jew who doesn't adhere to all of the rules.", "idx": 1092, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Ele \u00e9 o tipo de judeu que n\u00e3o segue todas as regras.", "sentence2": "He's the kind of Jew who eats bagels with lox every morning during Passover.", "idx": 1093, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ele \u00e9 o tipo de judeu que come bagels com salm\u00e3o todas as manh\u00e3s durante a P\u00e1scoa.", "sentence2": "He's the kind of Jew who rejects every facet of Jewish identity and culture.", "idx": 1094, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "\u00c9 o tipo de judeu que rejeita todas as facetas da identidade e cultura judaicas.", "sentence2": "He's the kind of Jew who eats bagels with lox every morning during Passover.", "idx": 1095, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ele \u00e9 o tipo de judeu que come bagels com salm\u00e3o todas as manh\u00e3s durante a P\u00e1scoa.", "sentence2": "He's the kind of Jew who avoids switching the lights during Shabbat.", "idx": 1096, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Ele \u00e9 o tipo de judeu que evita acender as luzes durante o Shabbat.", "sentence2": "He's the kind of Jew who eats bagels with lox every morning during Passover.", "idx": 1097, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "As pessoas usam t\u00fanicas ou camisas de uma forma ou de outra em muitas culturas do mundo.", "sentence2": "Tunics or shirts of some form or another are worn in many world cultures.", "idx": 1098, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "As t\u00fanicas ou camisas, de uma forma ou de outra, s\u00e3o usadas em muitas culturas do mundo.", "sentence2": "People wear tunics or shirts of some form or another in many world cultures.", "idx": 1099, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "Uma intelig\u00eancia artificial geral deve ter sempre um bot\u00e3o de desligar.", "sentence2": "The new general artificial intelligence I'm developing shouldn't come with an off switch.", "idx": 1100, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "A nova intelig\u00eancia artificial geral que estou a desenvolver n\u00e3o deve ter um bot\u00e3o de desligar.", "sentence2": "A general artificial intelligence should always come with an off switch.", "idx": 1101, "label": 1} +{"sentence1": "Uma intelig\u00eancia artificial geral deve ter sempre um bot\u00e3o de desligar.", "sentence2": "The new general artificial intelligence I'm developing should come with an off switch.", "idx": 1102, "label": 0} +{"sentence1": "A nova intelig\u00eancia artificial geral que estou a desenvolver devia ter um bot\u00e3o de desligar.", "sentence2": "A general artificial intelligence should always come with an off switch.", "idx": 1103, "label": 1} \ No newline at end of file