import json import sys, os, os.path as osp import asyncio import requests import fire import pandas as pd from random import random from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor def ytb_download(uid, url, json_info, output_dir="ytb_videos/"): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # uid = url.split("?v=")[-1] video_path = osp.join(output_dir, f"{uid}.mp4") meta_path = osp.join(output_dir, f"{uid}.json") if osp.exists(video_path) and osp.exists(meta_path): print(f"{uid} already downloaded.") return 0 if osp.exists(video_path): print(f"[video] {uid} already downloaded.") else: with requests.get(url) as resp: if resp.status_code != 200: print(f"{uid} failed to fetch.") return -1 print(f"downloading {uid}: {url} to {output_dir}") open(video_path, "wb").write(resp.content) if not osp.exists(meta_path): with open(osp.join(output_dir, f"{uid}.json"), "w") as fp: json.dump(json_info, fp, indent=2) return 0 async def main(csv_path, max_workers=2, shards=0, total=-1, limit=False): PPE = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() df = pd.read_csv(csv_path) output_dir = csv_path.split(".")[0] tasks = [] data_list = df.iterrows() if total > 0: data_list = list(df.iterrows()) chunk = len(data_list) // total begin_idx = shards * chunk end_idx = (shards + 1) * chunk if shards == total - 1: end_idx = len(data_list) data_list = data_list[begin_idx:end_idx] print(f"Downloading total {len(data_list)} videos") for idx, (index, row) in enumerate(data_list): uid = row["videoid"] url = row["contentUrl"] # name,page_idx,page_dir,duration try: json_info = { "name": row["name"], "url": url, # "page_idx": row["page_idx"], # "page_dir": row["page_dir"], "duration": row["duration"], } except KeyError as e: print(row) print(row.keys()) print(e) exit(0) tasks.append( loop.run_in_executor(PPE, ytb_download, uid, url, json_info, output_dir) ) if idx >= 20 and limit: break res = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) print(f"[{sum(res)} / {len(res)}]") output_log = f"log_{output_dir}.json" key = "total" if total is not None: key = f"{shards}-of-{total}" json_output = {} if osp.exists(output_log): with open(output_log, "r") as fp: json_output = json.load(fp) json_output[key] = f"[{sum(res)} / {len(res)}]" with open(output_log, "w") as fp: json.dump(json_output, fp, indent=2) def entry(csv="panda70m_testing.csv", shards=0, total=-1, limit=False):, shards=shards, total=total, limit=limit)) if __name__ == "__main__": fire.Fire(entry) # url = "" # uid = "1053841541" # json_info = {} # res = ytb_download(uid, url, json_info, output_dir="test/") # print(res)