--- annotations_creators: - other language_creators: - other language: - en license: - unknown multilinguality: - monolingual source_datasets: - original task_categories: - text-classification - image-classification - feature-extraction - image-segmentation - image-to-image - image-to-text - object-detection - summarization - zero-shot-image-classification pretty_name: Germany - Mr Porter - Product-level price list tags: - webscraping - ecommerce - Mr Porter - fashion - fashion product - image - fashion image configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* dataset_info: features: - name: website_name dtype: string - name: competence_date dtype: string - name: country_code dtype: string - name: currency_code dtype: string - name: brand dtype: string - name: category1_code dtype: string - name: category2_code dtype: string - name: category3_code dtype: string - name: product_code dtype: int64 - name: title dtype: string - name: itemurl dtype: string - name: imageurl dtype: string - name: full_price dtype: float64 - name: price dtype: float64 - name: full_price_eur dtype: float64 - name: price_eur dtype: float64 - name: flg_discount dtype: int64 splits: - name: train num_bytes: 9116565 num_examples: 27744 download_size: 2073015 dataset_size: 9116565 --- # Mr Porter web scraped data ## About the website Mr Porter operates within the **Ecommerce industry** in the **EMEA** region, particularly in **Germany**. This industry is critically important in the modern business world, supplying goods and services to consumers through various online methods. Ecommerce has revolutionized retail, radically reshaping the way consumers shop and businesses sell products. Specifically in Germany, the Ecommerce industry has seen remarkable growth in recent years. The dataset we observed provides detailed Ecommerce **Product-List Page (PLP) data** on **Mr Porter**, showcasing various aspects of their operations in Germany, giving insight into their strategies, customer behaviors, and market trends. ## Link to **dataset** [Germany - Mr Porter - Product-level price list dataset](https://www.databoutique.com/buy-data-page/Mr%20Porter%20Product-prices%20Germany/r/recFSFFzeJE9jUAr6)