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Which of the following is the brand name for the drug abatacept?,Orencia,"{'A': 'Vibramycin', 'B': 'Orencia', 'C': 'Oxytrol', 'D': 'Incurin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug abciximab?,Reopro,"{'A': 'Reopro', 'B': 'Advil', 'C': 'Rocephin', 'D': 'Mesnex'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug acarbose?,Precose,"{'A': 'Allerlief', 'B': 'Lanoxin', 'C': 'Tambocor', 'D': 'Precose'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug acebutolol?,Sectral,"{'A': 'Phenergan', 'B': 'Lampit', 'C': 'Sectral', 'D': 'Matulane'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug acetazolamide?,Diamox,"{'A': 'Resinol', 'B': 'Lodosyn', 'C': 'Diamox', 'D': 'Bactroban'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug acitretin?,soriatane,"{'A': 'Enbrel', 'B': 'Emcyt', 'C': 'Zaditor', 'D': 'soriatane'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug adapalene?,differin,"{'A': 'Benemid', 'B': 'differin', 'C': 'Reminyl', 'D': 'kineret'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug albendazole?,albenza,"{'A': 'albenza', 'B': 'Nesacaine', 'C': 'Dipentum', 'D': 'Cipramil'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug aldesleukin?,proleukin,"{'A': 'Rebetol', 'B': 'Nebupent', 'C': 'proleukin', 'D': 'differin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug alendronate?,fosamax,"{'A': 'fosamax', 'B': 'Canasa', 'C': 'Proloprim', 'D': 'Eulexin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug alfentanil?,alfenta,"{'A': 'Treanda', 'B': 'Biaxin', 'C': 'alfenta', 'D': 'Dopar'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug aliskiren?,tekturna,"{'A': 'Sustiva', 'B': 'tekturna', 'C': 'Firazyr', 'D': 'Tofranil'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug allopurinol?,caplenal,"{'A': 'caplenal', 'B': 'Reopro', 'C': 'Novocaine', 'D': 'Dexedrine'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug alogliptin?,nesina,"{'A': 'Clozaril', 'B': 'nesina', 'C': 'Cytotec', 'D': 'Aricept'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug alprazolam?,xanax,"{'A': 'xanax', 'B': 'Altace', 'C': 'Gastrotsepin', 'D': 'Atrovent'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug alprostadil?,caverject,"{'A': 'Azulfidine', 'B': 'Flaxedil', 'C': 'Actos', 'D': 'caverject'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug alteplase?,activase,"{'A': 'activase', 'B': 'Altace', 'C': 'Mirapex', 'D': 'Belviq'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug amantadine?,symmetrel,"{'A': 'Cuprimine', 'B': 'Viramune', 'C': 'Crestor', 'D': 'symmetrel'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ambenonium?,mytelase,"{'A': 'Flaxedil', 'B': 'mytelase', 'C': 'Adriamycin', 'D': 'Visken'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug amikacin?,amikin,"{'A': 'amikin', 'B': 'Wellbutrin', 'C': 'Targocid', 'D': 'Xyrem'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug amiodarone?,cordarone,"{'A': 'cordarone', 'B': 'Cytotec', 'C': 'Fluothane', 'D': 'Jardiance'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug amitriptyline?,elavil,"{'A': 'Keflex', 'B': 'Intal', 'C': 'elavil', 'D': 'Zyvox'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug amlodipine?,norvasc,"{'A': 'Isoflo', 'B': 'norvasc', 'C': 'proleukin', 'D': 'Macrobid'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug amoxapine?,asendin,"{'A': 'Vermox', 'B': 'Nolvadex', 'C': 'Nplate', 'D': 'asendin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ampicillin?,penbritin,"{'A': 'penbritin', 'B': 'Garamycin', 'C': 'Detrol', 'D': 'Hemabate'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug anakinra?,kineret,"{'A': 'Garamycin', 'B': 'Deltasone', 'C': 'kineret', 'D': 'Colcrys'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug anastrozole?,arimidex,"{'A': 'Minocin', 'B': 'arimidex', 'C': 'Lioresal', 'D': 'Carospir'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug apixaban?,eliquis,"{'A': 'Evista', 'B': 'soriatane', 'C': 'Flagyl', 'D': 'eliquis'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug apraclonidine?,iopidine,"{'A': 'Nymalize', 'B': 'Xolair', 'C': 'iopidine', 'D': 'Adalat'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug aprepitant?,emend,"{'A': 'Kabikinase', 'B': 'Ativan', 'C': 'emend', 'D': 'Benemid'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug aripiprazole?,abilify,"{'A': 'Papacon', 'B': 'Ethrane', 'C': 'abilify', 'D': 'Resochin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug atenolol?,tenormin,"{'A': 'Ella', 'B': 'Serzone', 'C': 'Anafranil', 'D': 'tenormin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug atorvastatin?,lipitor,"{'A': 'lipitor', 'B': 'Fortaz', 'C': 'Gastrotsepin', 'D': 'Cleocin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug atracurium?,tracrium,"{'A': 'Lariam', 'B': 'Xylocaine', 'C': 'tracrium', 'D': 'Refolin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug atropine?,AtroPen,"{'A': 'Glytrin', 'B': 'Lamisil', 'C': 'AtroPen', 'D': 'Soframycin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug azathioprine?,Imuran,"{'A': 'Epogen', 'B': 'Imuran', 'C': 'Mesnex', 'D': 'Trexall'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug azithromycin?,Zithromax,"{'A': 'Zithromax', 'B': 'Biaxin', 'C': 'Invirase', 'D': 'Flolan'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug bacitracin?,Baci-IM,"{'A': 'Baci-IM', 'B': 'Chloraprep', 'C': 'Rebetol', 'D': 'Foradil'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug baclofen?,Lioresal,"{'A': 'Canesten', 'B': 'Atrovent', 'C': 'Naropin', 'D': 'Lioresal'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug basiliximab?,Simulect,"{'A': 'Diuril', 'B': 'Levaquin', 'C': 'Simulect', 'D': 'Fortaz'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug benazepril?,Lotensin,"{'A': 'Propine', 'B': 'Lotensin', 'C': 'Brethine', 'D': 'Macrodex'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug bendamustine?,Treanda,"{'A': 'tracrium', 'B': 'Monoket', 'C': 'Belviq', 'D': 'Treanda'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug benzocaine?,cepacol,"{'A': 'Prevacid', 'B': 'cepacol', 'C': 'Novocaine', 'D': 'Clozaril'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug benztropine?,cogentin,"{'A': 'Halcion', 'B': 'Sustiva', 'C': 'cogentin', 'D': 'Desferal'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug bethanechol?,duvoid,"{'A': 'Lescol', 'B': 'Ultram', 'C': 'duvoid', 'D': 'Prozac'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug bimatoprost?,lumigan,"{'A': 'Drisdol', 'B': 'Caladryl', 'C': 'Cylert', 'D': 'lumigan'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug biotin?,Appearex,"{'A': 'Stimate', 'B': 'Appearex', 'C': 'Pletal', 'D': 'Declomycin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug bisacodyl?,dulcolax,"{'A': 'dulcolax', 'B': 'alfenta', 'C': 'Mevacor', 'D': 'Cipramil'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug bisoprolol?,Zebeta,"{'A': 'Digipepsin', 'B': 'Zebeta', 'C': 'Glibenese', 'D': 'Feldene'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug bosentan?,Tracleer,"{'A': 'Zemuron', 'B': 'Glucagen', 'C': 'Somavert', 'D': 'Tracleer'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug bran?,Fybranta,"{'A': 'Scopace', 'B': 'Cartrol', 'C': 'Rebetol', 'D': 'Fybranta'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug brimonidine?,Alphagan,"{'A': 'Claritin', 'B': 'Diabinese', 'C': 'Alphagan', 'D': 'Apstil'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug bromocriptine?,Parlodel,"{'A': 'Cefizox', 'B': 'Halcion', 'C': 'Parlodel', 'D': 'emend'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug bupivacaine?,Exparel,"{'A': 'Adriamycin', 'B': 'Senokot', 'C': 'Exparel', 'D': 'Sporanox'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug bupropion?,Wellbutrin,"{'A': 'Physiotens', 'B': 'Welchol', 'C': 'Wellbutrin', 'D': 'Platinol'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug butorphanol?,Stadol,"{'A': 'soriatane', 'B': 'Normison', 'C': 'differin', 'D': 'Stadol'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cabergoline?,Dostinex,"{'A': 'Dostinex', 'B': 'Singulair', 'C': 'Phenergan', 'D': 'Quelicin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug calamine?,Caladryl,"{'A': 'Vibramycin', 'B': 'Symlin', 'C': 'Sabril', 'D': 'Caladryl'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug calcitriol?,Calcijex,"{'A': 'Ritalin', 'B': 'Calcijex', 'C': 'Senokot', 'D': 'Diovan'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug capecitabine?,Xeloda,"{'A': 'Xeloda', 'B': 'Anticholium', 'C': 'Zemuron', 'D': 'Revia'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug captopril?,Capoten,"{'A': 'Altace', 'B': 'Sinequan', 'C': 'Simulect', 'D': 'Capoten'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug carbamazepine?,Tegretol,"{'A': 'Yohimex', 'B': 'Matulane', 'C': 'Tegretol', 'D': 'Fluothane'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug carbidopa?,Lodosyn,"{'A': 'Doribax', 'B': 'Pletal', 'C': 'Lodosyn', 'D': 'Estinyl'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug carboplatin?,Paraplatin,"{'A': 'Orfadin', 'B': 'Paraplatin', 'C': 'Femara', 'D': 'Proloprim'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug carboprost?,Hemabate,"{'A': 'Symlin', 'B': 'Diflucan', 'C': 'Lexapro', 'D': 'Hemabate'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug carteolol?,Cartrol,"{'A': 'Cuprimine', 'B': 'Tivicay', 'C': 'Cartrol', 'D': 'Wellbutrin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug carvedilol?,Coreg,"{'A': 'Coreg', 'B': 'Apresoline', 'C': 'Winstrol', 'D': 'Aldara'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cefaclor?,Ceclor,"{'A': 'lipitor', 'B': 'Ceclor', 'C': 'Cyprostat', 'D': 'Oramorph'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cefoperazone?,Cefobid,"{'A': 'Sufenta', 'B': 'Cefobid', 'C': 'Stadol', 'D': 'Intal'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cefotaxime?,Claforan,"{'A': 'Oforta', 'B': 'Trilafon', 'C': 'Claforan', 'D': 'Cubicin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cefotetan?,Cefotan,"{'A': 'Krystexxa', 'B': 'Firazyr', 'C': 'Cefotan', 'D': 'Apresoline'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cefpodoxime?,Vantin,"{'A': 'Stromectol', 'B': 'Vantin', 'C': 'Digipepsin', 'D': 'Stadol'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ceftazidime?,Fortaz,"{'A': 'Ethrane', 'B': 'Zestril', 'C': 'Forteo', 'D': 'Fortaz'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ceftizoxime?,Cefizox,"{'A': 'Ceclor', 'B': 'Griseofulvic', 'C': 'Cefizox', 'D': 'Lovenox'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ceftriaxone?,Rocephin,"{'A': 'Rocephin', 'B': 'Pronestyl', 'C': 'Exelon', 'D': 'Norcuron'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug celecoxib?,Celebrex,"{'A': 'Celectol', 'B': 'Cymbalta', 'C': 'Celebrex', 'D': 'Afrin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug celiprolol?,Celectol,"{'A': 'Pertofrane', 'B': 'Nilstat', 'C': 'glutarol', 'D': 'Celectol'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cephalexin?,Keflex,"{'A': 'Toradol', 'B': 'Keflex', 'C': 'Synarel', 'D': 'Betaloc'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cephalothin?,Keflin,"{'A': 'Ponderax', 'B': 'Dostinex', 'C': 'Keflin', 'D': 'Staticin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cetuximab?,Erbitux,"{'A': 'penbritin', 'B': 'Trelstar', 'C': 'Atrovent', 'D': 'Erbitux'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cevimeline?,Evoxac,"{'A': 'Evoxac', 'B': 'Epipen', 'C': 'Nesacaine', 'D': 'Dostinex'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug chlorambucil?,Leukeran,"{'A': 'Xifaxan', 'B': 'FreshKote', 'C': 'Dilantin', 'D': 'Leukeran'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug chloramphenicol?,Chloromycetin,"{'A': 'Chloromycetin', 'B': 'Vincasar', 'C': 'Synthroid', 'D': 'Xalatan'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug chlordiazepoxide?,Librium,"{'A': 'Tylenol', 'B': 'Librium', 'C': 'Nilstat', 'D': 'Prolixin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug chlorhexidine?,Chloraprep,"{'A': 'Chloraprep', 'B': 'Orapred', 'C': 'soriatane', 'D': 'Glucagen'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug chloroprocaine?,Nesacaine,"{'A': 'Implanon', 'B': 'Propine', 'C': 'Nesacaine', 'D': 'Phenergan'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug chloroquine?,Resochin,"{'A': 'Resochin', 'B': 'Firvanq', 'C': 'xanax', 'D': 'Resinol'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug chlorothiazide?,Diuril,"{'A': 'Restasis', 'B': 'Diuril', 'C': 'Seizalam', 'D': 'Samsca'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug chlorpheniramine?,Allerlief,"{'A': 'Allerlief', 'B': 'Reopro', 'C': 'Zontivity', 'D': 'Synthroid'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug chlorpromazine?,Largactil,"{'A': 'Azulfidine', 'B': 'Zocor', 'C': 'Largactil', 'D': 'Pronestyl'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug chlorpropamide?,Diabinese,"{'A': 'Zontivity', 'B': 'Coreg', 'C': 'Santyl', 'D': 'Diabinese'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug chlorthalidone?,Hygroton,"{'A': 'Fortaz', 'B': 'Cervidil', 'C': 'Hygroton', 'D': 'Vantin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ciclesonide?,Alvesco,"{'A': 'Glyset', 'B': 'Alvesco', 'C': 'Podofin', 'D': 'Epogen'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cilostazol?,Pletal,"{'A': 'Vibramycin', 'B': 'Jardiance', 'C': 'Pletal', 'D': 'Trilafon'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cimetidine?,Tagamet,"{'A': 'Vermox', 'B': 'Uloric', 'C': 'Tagamet', 'D': 'Apresoline'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ciprofloxacin?,Proquin,"{'A': 'Imodium', 'B': 'Vantin', 'C': 'Proquin', 'D': 'Ventolin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cisatracurium?,Nimbex,"{'A': 'Glytrin', 'B': 'Zoladex', 'C': 'Nimbex', 'D': 'Avelox'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cisplatin?,Platinol,"{'A': 'Glucagen', 'B': 'Humatin', 'C': 'Platinol', 'D': 'Epivir'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug citalopram?,Cipramil,"{'A': 'Lanoxin', 'B': 'Cipramil', 'C': 'Norcuron', 'D': 'Stemetil'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cladribine?,Mavenclad,"{'A': 'Desogen', 'B': 'Epipen', 'C': 'Dobutrex', 'D': 'Mavenclad'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug clarithromycin?,Biaxin,"{'A': 'Rectacaine', 'B': 'Biaxin', 'C': 'Cipramil', 'D': 'Losec'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug clindamycin?,Cleocin,"{'A': 'Trilafon', 'B': 'Lamictal', 'C': 'Romazicon', 'D': 'Cleocin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug clofazimine?,Lamprene,"{'A': 'Apstil', 'B': 'Lamprene', 'C': 'Halcion', 'D': 'Tensilon'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug clomiphene?,Serophene,"{'A': 'Serophene', 'B': 'Pavulon', 'C': 'Treanda', 'D': 'Pitressin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug clomipramine?,Anafranil,"{'A': 'Anafranil', 'B': 'Brethine', 'C': 'Evoxac', 'D': 'Vermox'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug clonidine?,Catapres,"{'A': 'Catapres', 'B': 'Capoten', 'C': 'Brevibloc', 'D': 'lipitor'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug clopidogrel?,Plavix,"{'A': 'Brilinta', 'B': 'Cytotec', 'C': 'Cymbalta', 'D': 'Plavix'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug clotrimazole?,Canesten,"{'A': 'Fybranta', 'B': 'Reminyl', 'C': 'Canesten', 'D': 'albenza'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug clozapine?,Clozaril,"{'A': 'Xenazine', 'B': 'Clozaril', 'C': 'Reglan', 'D': 'Valium'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug colchicine?,Colcrys,"{'A': 'Visken', 'B': 'Colcrys', 'C': 'Pronestyl', 'D': 'Chloraprep'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug colesevelam?,Welchol,"{'A': 'proleukin', 'B': 'Welchol', 'C': 'Trecator', 'D': 'Targocid'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug collagenase?,Santyl,"{'A': 'Ketalar', 'B': 'penbritin', 'C': 'Sprycel', 'D': 'Santyl'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cromolyn?,Intal,"{'A': 'Elitek', 'B': 'Intal', 'C': 'Vazculep', 'D': 'Stelazine'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cyclophosphamide?,Endoxana,"{'A': 'Trelstar', 'B': 'Brethine', 'C': 'Nesacaine', 'D': 'Endoxana'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cycloserine?,Seromycin,"{'A': 'Treanda', 'B': 'Xeloda', 'C': 'Seromycin', 'D': 'Halcion'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cyclosporine?,Restasis,"{'A': 'Jantoven', 'B': 'Minocin', 'C': 'Restasis', 'D': 'Diflucan'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cyproheptadine?,Periactin,"{'A': 'Nebupent', 'B': 'Cymevene', 'C': 'Capoten', 'D': 'Periactin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cyproterone?,Cyprostat,"{'A': 'Cyprostat', 'B': 'Vermox', 'C': 'Aldara', 'D': 'Calcijex'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug cytarabine?,Cytosar,"{'A': 'Xarelto', 'B': 'Proloprim', 'C': 'Surmontil', 'D': 'Cytosar'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug danazol?,Danocrine,"{'A': 'Danocrine', 'B': 'Stromectol', 'C': 'Cyprostat', 'D': 'Vincasar'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dantrolene?,Dantrium,"{'A': 'Dantrium', 'B': 'Pertofrane', 'C': 'Fluothane', 'D': 'Cubicin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dapsone?,Aczone,"{'A': 'Firvanq', 'B': 'Aczone', 'C': 'Jantoven', 'D': 'Doribax'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug daptomycin?,Cubicin,"{'A': 'Medrol', 'B': 'Cubicin', 'C': 'Flomax', 'D': 'Esidrix'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug darunavir?,Prezista,"{'A': 'Talwin', 'B': 'Corlopam', 'C': 'Prezista', 'D': 'Belviq'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dasatinib?,Sprycel,"{'A': 'Yohimex', 'B': 'Sprycel', 'C': 'Protonix', 'D': 'Durabolin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug deferoxamine?,Desferal,"{'A': 'Desferal', 'B': 'Vasotec', 'C': 'Flaxedil', 'D': 'Colace'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug demeclocycline?,Declomycin,"{'A': 'Jardiance', 'B': 'Seromycin', 'C': 'eliquis', 'D': 'Declomycin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug desflurane?,Suprane,"{'A': 'Prostigmin', 'B': 'Refolin', 'C': 'Flurox', 'D': 'Suprane'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug desipramine?,Pertofrane,"{'A': 'fosamax', 'B': 'Jantoven', 'C': 'Pertofrane', 'D': 'Dynapen'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug desmopressin?,Stimate,"{'A': 'Digipepsin', 'B': 'cogentin', 'C': 'Pilagan', 'D': 'Stimate'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug desogestrel?,Desogen,"{'A': 'Desogen', 'B': 'Targocid', 'C': 'lipitor', 'D': 'Sovaldi'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dexamethasone?,Decadron,"{'A': 'Taxotere', 'B': 'Decadron', 'C': 'Scopace', 'D': 'Forteo'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dextran?,Macrodex,"{'A': 'Proloprim', 'B': 'Prevacid', 'C': 'Macrodex', 'D': 'Eulexin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dextroamphetamine?,Dexedrine,"{'A': 'Lodosyn', 'B': 'Dexedrine', 'C': 'Robaxin', 'D': 'Azulfidine'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug diazepam?,Valium,"{'A': 'Xenazine', 'B': 'Valium', 'C': 'Viracept', 'D': 'Arfonad'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dibucaine?,Rectacaine,"{'A': 'Ganite', 'B': 'Rectacaine', 'C': 'Minipress', 'D': 'Zantac'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug diclofenac?,Zorvolex,"{'A': 'Diuril', 'B': 'Zorvolex', 'C': 'Natrecor', 'D': 'Nilstat'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dicloxacillin?,Dynapen,"{'A': 'Tamiflu', 'B': 'Ticlid', 'C': 'Dynapen', 'D': 'Floxin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug diethylstilbestrol?,Apstil,"{'A': 'Adalat', 'B': 'Frova', 'C': 'Santyl', 'D': 'Apstil'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug digoxin?,Lanoxin,"{'A': 'Imitrex', 'B': 'Proquin', 'C': 'Uloric', 'D': 'Lanoxin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dihydroergotamine?,Trudhesa,"{'A': 'Trudhesa', 'B': 'Phenergan', 'C': 'cordarone', 'D': 'Implanon'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dihydroxyacetone?,Vitadye,"{'A': 'Accolate', 'B': 'amikin', 'C': 'Vitadye', 'D': 'Colcrys'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug diltiazem?,Angiozem,"{'A': 'Largactil', 'B': 'Resinol', 'C': 'Pavulon', 'D': 'Angiozem'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dinoprostone?,Cervidil,"{'A': 'Cervidil', 'B': 'Artane', 'C': 'Lioresal', 'D': 'Mivacron'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug diphenhydramine?,Benadryl,"{'A': 'Stelazine', 'B': 'Flomax', 'C': 'Benadryl', 'D': 'Januvia'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dipivefrine?,Propine,"{'A': 'Colace', 'B': 'Propine', 'C': 'Revlimid', 'D': 'Sectral'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug disulfiram?,Antabuse,"{'A': 'Myambutol', 'B': 'Antabuse', 'C': 'arimidex', 'D': 'Propine'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dobutamine?,Dobutrex,"{'A': 'soriatane', 'B': 'Dobutrex', 'C': 'AtroPen', 'D': 'Yohimex'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug docetaxel?,Taxotere,"{'A': 'Chloromycetin', 'B': 'Inspra', 'C': 'Taxotere', 'D': 'Parlodel'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug docusate?,Colace,"{'A': 'Nesacaine', 'B': 'Hylenex', 'C': 'Pronestyl', 'D': 'Colace'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dolutegravir?,Tivicay,"{'A': 'Tivicay', 'B': 'Protonix', 'C': 'Platinol', 'D': 'Cymevene'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug donepezil?,Aricept,"{'A': 'Lovenox', 'B': 'Somavert', 'C': 'Aricept', 'D': 'Zontivity'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug doripenem?,Doribax,"{'A': 'Doribax', 'B': 'Azulfidine', 'C': 'Clinoril', 'D': 'Mevacor'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug dorzolamide?,Trusopt,"{'A': 'Vectibix', 'B': 'Trusopt', 'C': 'Dobutrex','D': 'oxytocin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug doxepin?,Sinequan,"{'A': 'Trecator', 'B': 'Kenalog', 'C': 'Serevent', 'D': 'Sinequan'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug doxorubicin?,Adriamycin,"{'A': 'Soframycin', 'B': 'Adriamycin', 'C': 'Brisdelle', 'D': 'Mesnex'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug doxycycline?,Vibramycin,"{'A': 'Tagamet', 'B': 'Extina', 'C': 'Vibramycin', 'D': 'caverject'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug duloxetine?,Cymbalta,"{'A': 'Isoptin', 'B': 'Integrilin', 'C': 'Cymbalta', 'D': 'Aricept'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug econazole?,Ecoza,"{'A': 'FreshKote', 'B': 'Zantac', 'C': 'Ecoza', 'D': 'Hylenex'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug edrophonium?,Tensilon,"{'A': 'Sovaldi', 'B': 'Tensilon', 'C': 'Dyrenium', 'D': 'Blocadren'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug edta?,Disotate,"{'A': 'Zonegran', 'B': 'Keflin', 'C': 'Disotate', 'D': 'Glucagen'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug efavirenz?,Sustiva,"{'A': 'Sustiva', 'B': 'Garamycin', 'C': 'Evoxac', 'D': 'Foradil'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug empagliflozin?,Jardiance,"{'A': 'Depakene', 'B': 'Jardiance', 'C': 'Chloromycetin', 'D': 'iopidine'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug emtricitabine?,Emtriva,"{'A': 'Osmitrol', 'B': 'Emtriva', 'C': 'Kabikinase', 'D': 'Rocephin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug enalapril?,Vasotec,"{'A': 'Valium', 'B': 'Actonel', 'C': 'Duphalac', 'D': 'Vasotec'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug enflurane?,Ethrane,"{'A': 'Ethrane', 'B': 'Invirase', 'C': 'Soframycin', 'D': 'xanax'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug enoxaparin?,Lovenox,"{'A': 'Dolophine', 'B': 'Niclocide', 'C': 'Tylenol', 'D': 'Lovenox'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug entacapone?,Comtess,"{'A': 'Bactroban', 'B': 'Retrovir', 'C': 'Comtess', 'D': 'abilify'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug entecavir?,Baraclude,"{'A': 'Femara', 'B': 'Crixivan', 'C': 'Baraclude', 'D': 'duvoid'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug epinephrine?,Epipen,"{'A': 'Luminal', 'B': 'Epipen', 'C': 'Zerit', 'D': 'Winstrol'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug eplerenone?,Inspra,"{'A': 'lipitor', 'B': 'Inspra', 'C': 'Zoladex', 'D': 'Mavenclad'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug epoprostenol?,Flolan,"{'A': 'Endoxana', 'B': 'Flolan', 'C': 'Uloric','D': 'oxytocin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug eptifibatide?,Integrilin,"{'A': 'Revlimid', 'B': 'Stimate', 'C': 'Integrilin', 'D': 'Januvia'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ergocalciferol?,Drisdol,"{'A': 'Trexall', 'B': 'Macrodex', 'C': 'VFEND', 'D': 'Drisdol'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ertapenem?,Invanz,"{'A': 'Sabril', 'B': 'Angiozem', 'C': 'Rilutek', 'D': 'Invanz'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug erythromycin?,Staticin,"{'A': 'Catapres', 'B': 'Staticin', 'C': 'Largactil', 'D': 'Actidil'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug erythropoietin?,Epogen,"{'A': 'Blocadren', 'B': 'Epogen', 'C': 'Aggrastat', 'D': 'Ethrane'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug escitalopram?,Lexapro,"{'A': 'proleukin', 'B': 'Ancobon', 'C': 'Corgard', 'D': 'Lexapro'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug esmolol?,Brevibloc,"{'A': 'Ecoza', 'B': 'Trexall', 'C': 'Pitressin', 'D': 'Brevibloc'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug estramustine?,Emcyt,"{'A': 'Garamycin', 'B': 'Renvela', 'C': 'Myambutol', 'D': 'Emcyt'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug estriol?,Incurin,"{'A': 'Dilantin', 'B': 'Incurin', 'C': 'Halcion', 'D': 'Biaxin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug etanercept?,Enbrel,"{'A': 'Enbrel', 'B': 'Zoladex', 'C': 'Nucala', 'D': 'Pepcid'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ethambutol?,Myambutol,"{'A': 'Comtess', 'B': 'Myambutol', 'C': 'Effient', 'D': 'Epipen'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ethinylestradiol?,Estinyl,"{'A': 'Pilagan', 'B': 'Nplate', 'C': 'Prolixin', 'D': 'Estinyl'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ethionamide?,Trecator,"{'A': 'Trecator', 'B': 'Plaquenil', 'C': 'Livial', 'D': 'Sovaldi'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug etomidate?,Amidate,"{'A': 'Deltasone', 'B': 'Amidate', 'C': 'Serevent', 'D': 'Orudis'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug etonogestrel?,Implanon,"{'A': 'Pertofrane', 'B': 'Prograf', 'C': 'Implanon', 'D': 'Vasotec'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug etoposide?,Vepesid,"{'A': 'Femara', 'B': 'Emtriva', 'C': 'Valium', 'D': 'Vepesid'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug exenatide?,Byetta,"{'A': 'Imodium', 'B': 'Ultiva', 'C': 'Byetta', 'D': 'Pravachol'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ezetimibe?,Zetia,"{'A': 'Zetia', 'B': 'Zyvox', 'C': 'Corvert', 'D': 'Macrobid'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug famotidine?,Pepcid,"{'A': 'Sandostatin', 'B': 'Pepcid', 'C': 'Sublimaze', 'D': 'Effient'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug febuxostat?,Uloric,"{'A': 'Uloric', 'B': 'Calcijex', 'C': 'Sprycel', 'D': 'Serophene'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fenfluramine?,Ponderax,"{'A': 'Byetta', 'B': 'Xyrem', 'C': 'Penthrane', 'D': 'Ponderax'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fenofibrate?,Lipanthyl,"{'A': 'Lipanthyl', 'B': 'Nolvadex', 'C': 'Hycamtin', 'D': 'Toradol'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fenoldopam?,Corlopam,"{'A': 'Frova', 'B': 'Orinase', 'C': 'Integrilin', 'D': 'Corlopam'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fentanyl?,Sublimaze,"{'A': 'amikin', 'B': 'Atrovent', 'C': 'Sublimaze', 'D': 'Cytotec'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fexofenadine?,Allegra,"{'A': 'Allegra', 'B': 'mytelase', 'C': 'Aczone', 'D': 'Brilinta'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug flecainide?,Tambocor,"{'A': 'Vincasar', 'B': 'Tambocor', 'C': 'Anafranil', 'D': 'Brethine'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fluconazole?,Diflucan,"{'A': 'Refolin', 'B': 'Diflucan', 'C': 'Corvert', 'D': 'Reglan'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug flucytosine?,Ancobon,"{'A': 'Reglan', 'B': 'Lasix', 'C': 'Blocadren', 'D': 'Ancobon'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fludarabine?,Oforta,"{'A': 'Platinol', 'B': 'proleukin', 'C': 'Dantrium', 'D': 'Oforta'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fludrocortisone?,Florinef,"{'A': 'Flolan', 'B': 'Florinef', 'C': 'Largactil', 'D': 'Trudhesa'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug flumazenil?,Romazicon,"{'A': 'Tracleer', 'B': 'Romazicon', 'C': 'Keflin', 'D': 'Flaxedil'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fluorescein?,Flurox,"{'A': 'Cylert', 'B': 'Flurox', 'C': 'Colace', 'D': 'Selzentry'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fluorometholone?,Eflone,"{'A': 'Xalatan', 'B': 'Adrucil', 'C': 'Eflone', 'D': 'Lamprene'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fluorouracil?,Adrucil,"{'A': 'Exelon', 'B': 'Artane', 'C': 'Dilaudid', 'D': 'Adrucil'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fluoxetine?,Prozac,"{'A': 'Chloromycetin', 'B': 'Prozac', 'C': 'Senokot', 'D': 'Geodon'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fluphenazine?,Prolixin,"{'A': 'Visken', 'B': 'Nimbex', 'C': 'Sprycel', 'D': 'Prolixin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug flutamide?,Eulexin,"{'A': 'Surmontil', 'B': 'Floxin', 'C': 'Ovide', 'D': 'Eulexin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fluvastatin?,Lescol,"{'A': 'Zaditor', 'B': 'Lescol', 'C': 'Jardiance', 'D': 'amikin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fomepizole?,Antizol,"{'A': 'Antizol', 'B': 'Cymbalta', 'C': 'Proamatine', 'D': 'Oramorph'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fondaparinux?,Arixtra,"{'A': 'Mifeprex', 'B': 'Vepesid', 'C': 'Cubicin', 'D': 'Arixtra'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug formoterol?,Foradil,"{'A': 'Glucagen', 'B': 'Dilaudid', 'C': 'Chemet', 'D': 'Foradil'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug foscarnet?,Foscavir,"{'A': 'Tegretol', 'B': 'Protonix', 'C': 'Paraplatin', 'D': 'Foscavir'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug framycetin?,Soframycin,"{'A': 'Brilinta', 'B': 'Soframycin', 'C': 'Tylenol', 'D': 'Glucophage'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug frovatriptan?,Frova,"{'A': 'glutarol', 'B': 'caverject', 'C': 'Frova', 'D': 'Ritalin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug fulvestrant?,Faslodex,"{'A': 'Ventolin', 'B': 'Geodon', 'C': 'Taxotere', 'D': 'Faslodex'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug furosemide?,Lasix,"{'A': 'Lasix', 'B': 'Thalomid', 'C': 'Xenical', 'D': 'Pravachol'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug gabapentin?,Neurontin,"{'A': 'Santyl', 'B': 'Neurontin', 'C': 'Baci-IM', 'D': 'Ethrane'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug galantamine?,Reminyl,"{'A': 'Mesnex', 'B': 'Sabril', 'C': 'Reminyl', 'D': 'Panmycin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug gallamine?,Flaxedil,"{'A': 'Foscavir', 'B': 'Brilinta', 'C': 'Anticholium', 'D': 'Flaxedil'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug gallium?,Ganite,"{'A': 'Isoptin', 'B': 'Catapres', 'C': 'Ganite', 'D': 'Fluothane'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ganciclovir?,Cymevene,"{'A': 'Victoza', 'B': 'Ergamisol', 'C': 'Cymevene', 'D': 'Elitek'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug gatifloxacin?,Zymaxid,"{'A': 'Dynapen', 'B': 'Griseofulvic', 'C': 'Reopro', 'D': 'Zymaxid'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug gentamicin?,Garamycin,"{'A': 'Garamycin', 'B': 'Isoflo', 'C': 'Hytrin', 'D': 'Arixtra'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug glipizide?,Glibenese,"{'A': 'Kenalog', 'B': 'Spiriva', 'C': 'Glibenese', 'D': 'proleukin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug glucagon?,Glucagen,"{'A': 'Santyl', 'B': 'Lodosyn', 'C': 'Glucagen', 'D': 'Drisdol'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug glutaraldehyde?,glutarol,"{'A': 'Cefobid', 'B': 'Rituxan', 'C': 'Lamisil', 'D': 'glutarol'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug glycerin?,Osmoglyn,"{'A': 'Tamiflu', 'B': 'Pamelor', 'C': 'Osmoglyn', 'D': 'Matulane'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug goserelin?,Zoladex,"{'A': 'Zoladex', 'B': 'lipitor', 'C': 'Glytrin', 'D': 'Viagra'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug griseofulvin?,Griseofulvic,"{'A': 'Griseofulvic', 'B': 'Jakafi', 'C': 'Lariam', 'D': 'Bactroban'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug halothane?,Fluothane,"{'A': 'Stimate', 'B': 'Betaloc', 'C': 'Implanon', 'D': 'Fluothane'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug hyaluronidase?,Hylenex,"{'A': 'Advil', 'B': 'Zymaxid', 'C': 'Sublimaze', 'D': 'Hylenex'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug hydralazine?,Apresoline,"{'A': 'Betadine', 'B': 'Apresoline', 'C': 'Atrovent', 'D': 'amikin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug hydrochlorothiazide?,Esidrix,"{'A': 'Pertofrane', 'B': 'Cervidil', 'C': 'Esidrix', 'D': 'Dipentum'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug hydromorphone?,Dilaudid,"{'A': 'Dilaudid', 'B': 'Demerol', 'C': 'Glyset', 'D': 'Serzone'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug hydroxychloroquine?,Plaquenil,"{'A': 'Apresoline', 'B': 'Plaquenil', 'C': 'Stadol', 'D': 'Nymalize'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ibuprofen?,Advil,"{'A': 'Atrovent', 'B': 'Yohimex', 'C': 'Advil', 'D': 'cordarone'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ibutilide?,Corvert,"{'A': 'Plaquenil', 'B': 'Pronestyl', 'C': 'Cylert', 'D': 'Corvert'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug icatibant?,Firazyr,"{'A': 'Bactroban', 'B': 'asendin', 'C': 'Actemra', 'D': 'Firazyr'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug imatinib?,Gleevec,"{'A': 'Nymalize', 'B': 'Viramune', 'C': 'Gleevec', 'D': 'Indocin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug imipramine?,Tofranil,"{'A': 'Flurox', 'B': 'Wellbutrin', 'C': 'Tofranil', 'D': 'Antizol'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug imiquimod?,Aldara,"{'A': 'Orencia', 'B': 'Hygroton', 'C': 'Aldara', 'D': 'Narcan'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug indinavir?,Crixivan,"{'A': 'Crixivan', 'B': 'elavil', 'C': 'Catapres', 'D': 'Rituxan'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug indomethacin?,Indocin,"{'A': 'Paraplatin', 'B': 'Indocin', 'C': 'Ponderax', 'D': 'Dipentum'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug infliximab?,Remicade,"{'A': 'tracrium', 'B': 'Remicade', 'C': 'Krystexxa', 'D': 'Ethrane'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ipratropium?,Atrovent,"{'A': 'Amerge', 'B': 'Singulair', 'C': 'Extina', 'D': 'Atrovent'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug irbesartan?,Avapro,"{'A': 'Scopace', 'B': 'Zymaxid', 'C': 'Avapro', 'D': 'Cefotan'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug isoflurane?,Isoflo,"{'A': 'Garamycin', 'B': 'Pepcid', 'C': 'Serevent', 'D': 'Isoflo'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug isoniazid?,Nydrazid,"{'A': 'Zebeta', 'B': 'Crestor', 'C': 'Nydrazid', 'D': 'Adrucil'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug isosorbide?,Monoket,"{'A': 'Monoket', 'B': 'abilify', 'C': 'Romazicon', 'D': 'Zyprexa'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug isotretinoin?,Amnesteem,"{'A': 'Corlopam', 'B': 'Amnesteem', 'C': 'Trudhesa', 'D': 'Ecoza'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug itraconazole?,Sporanox,"{'A': 'Niclocide', 'B': 'Cymbalta', 'C': 'Sporanox', 'D': 'Seizalam'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ivermectin?,Stromectol,"{'A': 'Eulexin', 'B': 'Lamisil', 'C': 'Emcyt', 'D': 'Stromectol'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ketamine?,Ketalar,"{'A': 'Vitadye', 'B': 'Incurin', 'C': 'Sufenta', 'D': 'Ketalar'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ketoconazole?,Extina,"{'A': 'tekturna', 'B': 'Chloromycetin', 'C': 'Prandin', 'D': 'Extina'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ketoprofen?,Orudis,"{'A': 'Viracept', 'B': 'Actemra', 'C': 'Orudis', 'D': 'Drisdol'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ketorolac?,Toradol,"{'A': 'Drisdol', 'B': 'Toradol', 'C': 'Coreg', 'D': 'Requip'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ketotifen?,Zaditor,"{'A': 'Carbocaine', 'B': 'Zaditor', 'C': 'Olysio', 'D': 'Pitressin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug labetalol?,Trandate,"{'A': 'Plavix', 'B': 'Yohimex', 'C': 'Trandate', 'D': 'cordarone'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug lactulose?,Duphalac,"{'A': 'Treanda', 'B': 'Duphalac', 'C': 'Celectol', 'D': 'cogentin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug lamivudine?,Epivir,"{'A': 'Lamictal', 'B': 'Epivir', 'C': 'Amnesteem', 'D': 'Avapro'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug lamotrigine?,Lamictal,"{'A': 'Lamictal', 'B': 'Fortaz', 'C': 'Coreg', 'D': 'Tensilon'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug lansoprazole?,Prevacid,"{'A': 'AtroPen', 'B': 'Prevacid', 'C': 'Vepesid', 'D': 'Pitressin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug latanoprost?,Xalatan,"{'A': 'Danocrine', 'B': 'Digipepsin', 'C': 'Xalatan', 'D': 'Cyprostat'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug lenalidomide?,Revlimid,"{'A': 'Dynapen', 'B': 'Revlimid', 'C': 'Cipramil', 'D': 'Plavix'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug letrozole?,Femara,"{'A': 'Caladryl', 'B': 'Cervidil', 'C': 'Femara', 'D': 'Hytrin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug leucovorin?,Refolin,"{'A': 'Refolin', 'B': 'Gleevec', 'C': 'Fortaz', 'D': 'Ultram'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug levamisole?,Ergamisol,"{'A': 'Ergamisol', 'B': 'Alvesco', 'C': 'Cleocin', 'D': 'Chemet'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug levodopa?,Dopar,"{'A': 'Sanctura', 'B': 'Precose', 'C': 'Dopar', 'D': 'Simulect'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug levofloxacin?,Levaquin,"{'A': 'Refolin', 'B': 'Tylenol', 'C': 'Senokot', 'D': 'Levaquin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug lidocaine?,Xylocaine,"{'A': 'proleukin', 'B': 'Lanoxin', 'C': 'Clozaril', 'D': 'Xylocaine'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug linezolid?,Zyvox,"{'A': 'Zyvox', 'B': 'Periactin', 'C': 'Isoflo', 'D': 'Hytrin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug liothyronine?,Cytomel,"{'A': 'Cipramil', 'B': 'Amidate', 'C': 'Florinef', 'D': 'Cytomel'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug liraglutide?,Victoza,"{'A': 'Mevacor', 'B': 'Dostinex', 'C': 'Xolair', 'D': 'Victoza'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug lisinopril?,Zestril,"{'A': 'Rituxan', 'B': 'Adalat', 'C': 'Dipentum', 'D': 'Zestril'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug loperamide?,Imodium,"{'A': 'Enbrel', 'B': 'Xalatan', 'C': 'Dolophine', 'D': 'Imodium'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug loratadine?,Claritin,"{'A': 'Prezista', 'B': 'Matulane', 'C': 'Claritin', 'D': 'Retrovir'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug lorazepam?,Ativan,"{'A': 'Xalatan', 'B': 'Eulexin', 'C': 'Minocin', 'D': 'Ativan'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug lorcaserin?,Belviq,"{'A': 'Actidil', 'B': 'Imitrex', 'C': 'Belviq', 'D': 'Corgard'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug losartan?,Cozaar,"{'A': 'Erbitux', 'B': 'Cozaar', 'C': 'Zontivity', 'D': 'Griseofulvic'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug lovastatin?,Mevacor,"{'A': 'Leukeran', 'B': 'Mevacor', 'C': 'Forteo', 'D': 'Pavulon'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug malathion?,Ovide,"{'A': 'Cozaar', 'B': 'Ovide', 'C': 'Carbocaine', 'D': 'Emtriva'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug mannitol?,Osmitrol,"{'A': 'Osmitrol', 'B': 'Mobic', 'C': 'Detrol', 'D': 'Zonegran'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug maraviroc?,Selzentry,"{'A': 'differin', 'B': 'Selzentry', 'C': 'Pavulon', 'D': 'Ethrane'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug mebendazole?,Vermox,"{'A': 'Parlodel', 'B': 'Vermox', 'C': 'Integrilin', 'D': 'Aflaxen'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug mefloquine?,Lariam,"{'A': 'Durabolin', 'B': 'Lariam', 'C': 'Xarelto', 'D': 'Keflin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug meloxicam?,Mobic,"{'A': 'Zaditor', 'B': 'Prostigmin', 'C': 'Mirapex', 'D': 'Mobic'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug memantine?,Namenda,"{'A': 'Rozerem', 'B': 'Sprycel', 'C': 'Antabuse', 'D': 'Namenda'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug mepivacaine?,Carbocaine,"{'A': 'Faslodex', 'B': 'Carbocaine', 'C': 'Talwin', 'D': 'Flagyl'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug mepolizumab?,Nucala,"{'A': 'Nucala', 'B': 'Podofin', 'C': 'Demerol', 'D': 'Prostigmin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug mesalazine?,Canasa,"{'A': 'Normison', 'B': 'Ventolin', 'C': 'Canasa', 'D': 'Esidrix'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug mesna?,Mesnex,"{'A': 'iopidine', 'B': 'Orinase', 'C': 'Mesnex', 'D': 'Topamax'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug metformin?,Glucophage,"{'A': 'Cefizox', 'B': 'Trelstar', 'C': 'Cytosar', 'D': 'Glucophage'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug methadone?,Dolophine,"{'A': 'SwineAid', 'B': 'cepacol', 'C': 'Dolophine', 'D': 'Prozac'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug methenamine?,Hiprex,"{'A': 'soriatane', 'B': 'Ergamisol', 'C': 'Nplate', 'D': 'Hiprex'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug methocarbamol?,Robaxin,"{'A': 'Robaxin', 'B': 'Flagyl', 'C': 'Norvir', 'D': 'Ultram'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug methotrexate?,Trexall,"{'A': 'Diovan', 'B': 'Invirase', 'C': 'Trexall', 'D': 'Soframycin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug methoxyflurane?,Penthrane,"{'A': 'Brilinta', 'B': 'Decadron', 'C': 'Penthrane', 'D': 'Zebeta'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug methyldopa?,Aldomet,"{'A': 'Lamisil', 'B': 'Aldomet', 'C': 'tenormin', 'D': 'Elixophyllin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug methylphenidate?,Ritalin,"{'A': 'Hycamtin', 'B': 'Minocin', 'C': 'Ritalin', 'D': 'cordarone'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug methylprednisolone?,Medrol,"{'A': 'Rocephin', 'B': 'Stemetil', 'C': 'Welchol', 'D': 'Medrol'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug methysergide?,Sansert,"{'A': 'Osmitrol', 'B': 'Tensilon', 'C': 'Sansert', 'D': 'Oxoject'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug metoclopramide?,Reglan,"{'A': 'Actos', 'B': 'Reglan', 'C': 'Adalat', 'D': 'Vantin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug metoprolol?,Betaloc,"{'A': 'Macrobid', 'B': 'soriatane', 'C': 'Betaloc', 'D': 'Garamycin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug metronidazole?,Flagyl,"{'A': 'Flagyl', 'B': 'Protopam', 'C': 'Nardil', 'D': 'Vitadye'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug metyrapone?,Metopirone,"{'A': 'tracrium', 'B': 'Metopirone', 'C': 'Geodon', 'D': 'Tivicay'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug miconazole?,Daktarin,"{'A': 'Somavert', 'B': 'Matulane', 'C': 'Daktarin', 'D': 'Oraverse'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug midazolam?,Seizalam,"{'A': 'Seizalam', 'B': 'Cymbalta', 'C': 'Extina', 'D': 'Aggrastat'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug midodrine?,Proamatine,"{'A': 'Proamatine', 'B': 'Jakafi', 'C': 'Zoladex', 'D': 'Senokot'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug mifepristone?,Mifeprex,"{'A': 'Mifeprex', 'B': 'Macrobid', 'C': 'abilify', 'D': 'Nilstat'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug miglitol?,Glyset,"{'A': 'Tylenol', 'B': 'Adalat', 'C': 'Glyset', 'D': 'Simulect'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug miltefosine?,Impavido,"{'A': 'Resochin', 'B': 'Epipen', 'C': 'Epogen', 'D': 'Impavido'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug minocycline?,Minocin,"{'A': 'Maxalt', 'B': 'Cytosar', 'C': 'Desferal', 'D': 'Minocin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug mirtazapine?,Remeron,"{'A': 'Remeron', 'B': 'Pamelor', 'C': 'Physiotens', 'D': 'Zonegran'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug misoprostol?,Cytotec,"{'A': 'Cytotec', 'B': 'Desogen', 'C': 'Tamiflu', 'D': 'Dynapen'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug mivacurium?,Mivacron,"{'A': 'Azulfidine', 'B': 'Mivacron', 'C': 'Fybranta', 'D': 'Femara'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug modafinil?,Provigil,"{'A': 'Provigil', 'B': 'Florinef', 'C': 'Winstrol', 'D': 'amikin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug montelukast?,Singulair,"{'A': 'Singulair', 'B': 'Matulane', 'C': 'Jantoven', 'D': 'Revia'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug morphine?,Oramorph,"{'A': 'penbritin', 'B': 'Trandate', 'C': 'Oramorph', 'D': 'Kuvan'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug moxifloxacin?,Avelox,"{'A': 'Desogen', 'B': 'Mivacron', 'C': 'Targocid', 'D': 'Avelox'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug moxonidine?,Physiotens,"{'A': 'Prolixin', 'B': 'Pavulon', 'C': 'Orencia', 'D': 'Physiotens'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug mupirocin?,Bactroban,"{'A': 'Adriamycin', 'B': 'tracrium', 'C': 'Doribax', 'D': 'Bactroban'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nadolol?,Corgard,"{'A': 'Matulane', 'B': 'Biaxin', 'C': 'Corgard', 'D': 'Zyflo'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nafarelin?,Synarel,"{'A': 'Imitrex', 'B': 'Griseofulvic', 'C': 'Effient', 'D': 'Synarel'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug naloxone?,Narcan,"{'A': 'Zyflo', 'B': 'Trusopt', 'C': 'Pravachol', 'D': 'Narcan'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug naltrexone?,Revia,"{'A': 'Kuvan', 'B': 'abilify', 'C': 'Integrilin', 'D': 'Revia'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nandrolone?,Durabolin,"{'A': 'caverject', 'B': 'Resochin', 'C': 'Flagyl', 'D': 'Durabolin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug naproxen?,Aflaxen,"{'A': 'xanax', 'B': 'Estinyl', 'C': 'Aflaxen', 'D': 'Ganite'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug naratriptan?,Amerge,"{'A': 'Sublimaze', 'B': 'Amerge', 'C': 'Narcan', 'D': 'Tegretol'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nefazodone?,Serzone,"{'A': 'glutarol', 'B': 'Canesten', 'C': 'Serzone', 'D': 'Colcrys'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nelfinavir?,Viracept,"{'A': 'Anticholium', 'B': 'Resinol', 'C': 'Viracept', 'D': 'Mevacor'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug neostigmine?,Prostigmin,"{'A': 'Antabuse', 'B': 'Vepesid', 'C': 'Sublimaze', 'D': 'Prostigmin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nesiritide?,Natrecor,"{'A': 'Natrecor', 'B': 'Synthroid', 'C': 'Staticin', 'D': 'Ventolin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nevirapine?,Viramune,"{'A': 'Viramune', 'B': 'Soframycin', 'C': 'Mirapex', 'D': 'Spiriva'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug niclosamide?,Niclocide,"{'A': 'Glyset', 'B': 'Imodium', 'C': 'Belviq', 'D': 'Niclocide'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nifedipine?,Adalat,"{'A': 'Myambutol', 'B': 'Xenical', 'C': 'Floxin', 'D': 'Adalat'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nifurtimox?,Lampit,"{'A': 'Lampit', 'B': 'Byetta', 'C': 'Rebetol', 'D': 'caplenal'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nimodipine?,Nymalize,"{'A': 'Oraverse', 'B': 'Ancobon', 'C': 'Natrecor', 'D': 'Nymalize'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nitisinone?,Orfadin,"{'A': 'Dexedrine', 'B': 'Orfadin', 'C': 'Winstrol', 'D': 'Lariam'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nitrofurantoin?,Macrobid,"{'A': 'Diabinese', 'B': 'Lioresal', 'C': 'Macrobid', 'D': 'Drisdol'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nitroglycerin?,Glytrin,"{'A': 'Depakene', 'B': 'symmetrel', 'C': 'Pletal', 'D': 'Glytrin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nitroprusside?,Nitropress,"{'A': 'Inderal', 'B': 'Nitropress', 'C': 'Nolvadex', 'D': 'Brisdelle'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nortriptyline?,Pamelor,"{'A': 'Zontivity', 'B': 'Pamelor', 'C': 'Keflex', 'D': 'asendin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug novobiocin?,Albamycin,"{'A': 'Albamycin', 'B': 'Protopam', 'C': 'Xolair', 'D': 'Zaditor'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug nystatin?,Nilstat,"{'A': 'Flaxedil', 'B': 'Nilstat', 'C': 'Sustiva', 'D': 'Quelicin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug octreotide?,Sandostatin,"{'A': 'Lanoxin', 'B': 'Sandostatin', 'C': 'Retrovir', 'D': 'Plaquenil'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ofloxacin?,Floxin,"{'A': 'AtroPen', 'B': 'Benadryl', 'C': 'Daktarin', 'D': 'Floxin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug olanzapine?,Zyprexa,"{'A': 'Apstil', 'B': 'Renvela', 'C': 'Zyprexa', 'D': 'Robaxin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug olsalazine?,Dipentum,"{'A': 'Neurontin', 'B': 'Amnesteem', 'C': 'Dipentum', 'D': 'Nardil'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug omalizumab?,Xolair,"{'A': 'Aflaxen', 'B': 'Xolair', 'C': 'Rilutek', 'D': 'Lioresal'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug omeprazole?,Losec,"{'A': 'Losec', 'B': 'Protopam', 'C': 'Cytosar', 'D': 'Ganite'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug orlistat?,Xenical,"{'A': 'Sabril', 'B': 'Xenical', 'C': 'Coreg', 'D': 'Mevacor'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug oseltamivir?,Tamiflu,"{'A': 'Tamiflu', 'B': 'Demerol', 'C': 'Namenda', 'D': 'Desogen'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug oxaliplatin?,Eloxatin,"{'A': 'Stadol', 'B': 'duvoid', 'C': 'Eloxatin', 'D': 'penbritin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug oxybate?,Xyrem,"{'A': 'Remicade', 'B': 'Pertofrane', 'C': 'Xyrem', 'D': 'Norvir'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug oxybutynin?,Oxytrol,"{'A': 'iopidine', 'B': 'Pronestyl', 'C': 'Sanctura', 'D': 'Oxytrol'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug oxycodone?,Oxycontin,"{'A': 'Reminyl', 'B': 'Oxycontin', 'C': 'Thalomid', 'D': 'differin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug oxymetazoline?,Afrin,"{'A': 'Alphagan', 'B': 'Afrin', 'C': 'Lampit', 'D': 'Digipepsin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug oxytocin?,Oxoject,"{'A': 'Declomycin', 'B': 'Oxoject', 'C': 'Betaloc', 'D': 'Mesnex'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug paba?,SwineAid,"{'A': 'SwineAid', 'B': 'Podofin', 'C': 'Physiotens', 'D': 'Dynapen'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug paclitaxel?,Taxol,"{'A': 'Resochin', 'B': 'Januvia', 'C': 'tracrium', 'D': 'Taxol'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pancuronium?,Pavulon,"{'A': 'Pavulon', 'B': 'Ultane', 'C': 'Amidate', 'D': 'Zocor'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug panitumumab?,Vectibix,"{'A': 'Vectibix', 'B': 'Trelstar', 'C': 'Papacon', 'D': 'Lodosyn'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pantoprazole?,Protonix,"{'A': 'fosamax', 'B': 'Protonix', 'C': 'Arixtra', 'D': 'Cozaar'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug papaverine?,Papacon,"{'A': 'Qualaquin', 'B': 'Papacon', 'C': 'Serophene', 'D': 'Provigil'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug paracetamol?,Tylenol,"{'A': 'Revia', 'B': 'Lasix', 'C': 'Tylenol', 'D': 'Chloromycetin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug paromomycin?,Humatin,"{'A': 'Orencia', 'B': 'Corlopam', 'C': 'Humatin', 'D': 'Feldene'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug paroxetine?,Brisdelle,"{'A': 'Brisdelle', 'B': 'Cytotec', 'C': 'Canesten', 'D': 'Serzone'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pegloticase?,Krystexxa,"{'A': 'Garamycin', 'B': 'Deltasone', 'C': 'Krystexxa', 'D': 'Rimactane'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pegvisomant?,Somavert,"{'A': 'Zoloft', 'B': 'Keflin', 'C': 'Sovaldi', 'D': 'Somavert'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pemoline?,Cylert,"{'A': 'Rituxan', 'B': 'Cylert', 'C': 'Blocadren', 'D': 'Claforan'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug penicillamine?,Cuprimine,"{'A': 'Cuprimine', 'B': 'Actos', 'C': 'Indocin', 'D': 'Serzone'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pentamidine?,Nebupent,"{'A': 'Clinoril', 'B': 'Maxalt', 'C': 'Firazyr', 'D': 'Nebupent'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pentazocine?,Talwin,"{'A': 'Talwin', 'B': 'Fybranta', 'C': 'Zymaxid', 'D': 'Dantrium'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pepsin?,Digipepsin,"{'A': 'Digipepsin', 'B': 'Mobic', 'C': 'Jakafi', 'D': 'Tegretol'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug perphenazine?,Trilafon,"{'A': 'Rocephin', 'B': 'Trilafon', 'C': 'Griseofulvic', 'D': 'Benemid'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pethidine?,Demerol,"{'A': 'abilify', 'B': 'Erbitux', 'C': 'Demerol', 'D': 'Proquin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug phenelzine?,Nardil,"{'A': 'Nardil', 'B': 'Brilinta', 'C': 'Corvert', 'D': 'Santyl'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug phenobarbital?,Luminal,"{'A': 'Tambocor', 'B': 'asendin', 'C': 'Luminal', 'D': 'Allerlief'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug phenoxybenzamine?,Dibenyline,"{'A': 'Allerlief', 'B': 'Dibenyline', 'C': 'Canesten', 'D': 'Emsam'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug phentolamine?,Oraverse,"{'A': 'Cyprostat', 'B': 'Hemabate', 'C': 'Oraverse', 'D': 'Senokot'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug phenylephrine?,Vazculep,"{'A': 'Vazculep', 'B': 'Revia', 'C': 'tekturna', 'D': 'Biaxin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug phenytoin?,Dilantin,"{'A': 'Imodium', 'B': 'Dilantin', 'C': 'Belviq', 'D': 'Eloxatin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug physostigmine?,Anticholium,"{'A': 'Anticholium', 'B': 'Naropin', 'C': 'Nebupent', 'D': 'Rimactane'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pilocarpine?,Pilagan,"{'A': 'xanax', 'B': 'Mesnex', 'C': 'Eflone', 'D': 'Pilagan'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pindolol?,Visken,"{'A': 'cogentin', 'B': 'activase', 'C': 'Visken', 'D': 'Carbocaine'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pioglitazone?,Actos,"{'A': 'Aflaxen', 'B': 'Imitrex', 'C': 'Periactin', 'D': 'Actos'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pirenzepine?,Gastrotsepin,"{'A': 'Cervidil', 'B': 'Corvert', 'C': 'Pamelor', 'D': 'Gastrotsepin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug piroxicam?,Feldene,"{'A': 'Feldene', 'B': 'Evoxac', 'C': 'Dilantin', 'D': 'proleukin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug podophyllin?,Podofin,"{'A': 'Podofin', 'B': 'Sustiva', 'C': 'Emtriva', 'D': 'Lotensin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug povidone?,FreshKote,"{'A': 'FreshKote', 'B': 'Declomycin', 'C': 'Zoloft', 'D': 'Cymbalta'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug povidone-iodine?,Betadine,"{'A': 'Ritalin', 'B': 'Cialis', 'C': 'Betadine', 'D': 'Ovide'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pralidoxime?,Protopam,"{'A': 'Podofin', 'B': 'Normison', 'C': 'Reminyl', 'D': 'Protopam'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pramipexole?,Mirapex,"{'A': 'Mirapex', 'B': 'Imitrex', 'C': 'Losec', 'D': 'Ganite'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pramlintide?,Symlin,"{'A': 'Provigil', 'B': 'Stromectol', 'C': 'Appearex', 'D': 'Symlin'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug prasugrel?,Effient,"{'A': 'Effient', 'B': 'Hylenex', 'C': 'Retrovir', 'D': 'Capoten'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug pravastatin?,Pravachol,"{'A': 'Firvanq', 'B': 'Depakene', 'C': 'Atrovent', 'D': 'Pravachol'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug prazosin?,Minipress,"{'A': 'Minipress', 'B': 'Comtess', 'C': 'Incurin', 'D': 'cepacol'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug prednisolone?,Orapred,"{'A': 'Losec', 'B': 'Paraplatin', 'C': 'Thalomid', 'D': 'Orapred'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug prednisone?,Deltasone,"{'A': 'Tofranil', 'B': 'Zyprexa', 'C': 'Dynapen', 'D': 'Deltasone'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug primidone?,Mysoline,"{'A': 'Retrovir', 'B': 'Sansert', 'C': 'Mysoline', 'D': 'Valium'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug probenecid?,Benemid,"{'A': 'Stromectol', 'B': 'Dolophine', 'C': 'Benemid', 'D': 'Zanaflex'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug procainamide?,Pronestyl,"{'A': 'Namenda', 'B': 'Pronestyl', 'C': 'Zorac', 'D': 'Celebrex'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug procaine?,Novocaine,"{'A': 'Trandate', 'B': 'Cuprimine', 'C': 'Firvanq', 'D': 'Novocaine'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug procarbazine?,Matulane,"{'A': 'Plavix', 'B': 'Vincasar', 'C': 'Arfonad', 'D': 'Matulane'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug prochlorperazine?,Stemetil,"{'A': 'Stemetil', 'B': 'glutarol', 'C': 'Ancobon', 'D': 'Cialis'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug promethazine?,Phenergan,"{'A': 'Enbrel', 'B': 'Zyprexa', 'C': 'Phenergan', 'D': 'Colcrys'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug propofol?,Diprivan,"{'A': 'Tivicay', 'B': 'FreshKote', 'C': 'Diprivan', 'D': 'Invanz'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug propranolol?,Inderal,"{'A': 'Inderal', 'B': 'Welchol', 'C': 'emend', 'D': 'Sansert'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug quetiapine?,Seroquel,"{'A': 'symmetrel', 'B': 'Pamelor', 'C': 'Ceclor', 'D': 'Seroquel'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug quinidine?,Quinora,"{'A': 'Quinora', 'B': 'Wellbutrin', 'C': 'Brevibloc', 'D': 'Dibenyline'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug quinine?,Qualaquin,"{'A': 'Qualaquin', 'B': 'Mevacor', 'C': 'Librium', 'D': 'Mavenclad'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug raloxifene?,Evista,"{'A': 'Baraclude', 'B': 'Evista', 'C': 'Ultiva', 'D': 'elavil'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ramelteon?,Rozerem,"{'A': 'Talwin', 'B': 'Trilafon', 'C': 'Forteo', 'D': 'Rozerem'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ramipril?,Altace,"{'A': 'Naropin', 'B': 'Altace', 'C': 'Tambocor', 'D': 'Firvanq'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ranitidine?,Zantac,"{'A': 'Xifaxan', 'B': 'Keflex', 'C': 'Zantac', 'D': 'Gastrotsepin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug rasburicase?,Elitek,"{'A': 'Zantac', 'B': 'Forteo', 'C': 'Elitek', 'D': 'Vectibix'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug remifentanil?,Ultiva,"{'A': 'elavil', 'B': 'Catapres', 'C': 'Ultiva', 'D': 'Arfonad'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug repaglinide?,Prandin,"{'A': 'Prandin', 'B': 'Ovide', 'C': 'Minipress', 'D': 'Retrovir'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug resorcinol?,Resinol,"{'A': 'Paraplatin', 'B': 'Synthroid', 'C': 'Resinol', 'D': 'Vasotec'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ribavirin?,Rebetol,"{'A': 'Rebetol', 'B': 'Doribax', 'C': 'kineret', 'D': 'Sprycel'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug rifampin?,Rimactane,"{'A': 'Flurox', 'B': 'Serophene', 'C': 'Rimactane', 'D': 'dulcolax'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug rifaximin?,Xifaxan,"{'A': 'Nitropress', 'B': 'Sustiva', 'C': 'Tofranil', 'D': 'Xifaxan'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug riluzole?,Rilutek,"{'A': 'Epogen', 'B': 'Remicade', 'C': 'Flaxedil', 'D': 'Rilutek'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug risedronate?,Actonel,"{'A': 'Floxin', 'B': 'Natrecor', 'C': 'Nucala', 'D': 'Actonel'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ritonavir?,Norvir,"{'A': 'Victoza', 'B': 'Lioresal', 'C': 'Elixophyllin', 'D': 'Norvir'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug rituximab?,Rituxan,"{'A': 'Appearex', 'B': 'Rituxan', 'C': 'caverject', 'D': 'Aricept'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug rivaroxaban?,Xarelto,"{'A': 'Pavulon', 'B': 'Serzone', 'C': 'Xarelto', 'D': 'Inspra'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug rivastigmine?,Exelon,"{'A': 'Impavido', 'B': 'Exelon', 'C': 'Robaxin', 'D': 'Dantrium'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug rizatriptan?,Maxalt,"{'A': 'Aricept', 'B': 'Maxalt', 'C': 'Serzone', 'D': 'dulcolax'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug rocuronium?,Zemuron,"{'A': 'Flagyl', 'B': 'Zemuron', 'C': 'Refolin', 'D': 'Celebrex'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug romiplostim?,Nplate,"{'A': 'Nplate', 'B': 'Dibenyline', 'C': 'Topamax', 'D': 'Naropin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ropinirole?,Requip,"{'A': 'Requip', 'B': 'alfenta', 'C': 'Crestor', 'D': 'Tracleer'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ropivacaine?,Naropin,"{'A': 'Exelon', 'B': 'Librium', 'C': 'Naropin', 'D': 'Robaxin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug rosuvastatin?,Crestor,"{'A': 'Atrovent', 'B': 'Crestor', 'C': 'Dynapen', 'D': 'Namenda'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ruxolitinib?,Jakafi,"{'A': 'Ceclor', 'B': 'Panmycin', 'C': 'Jakafi', 'D': 'Reminyl'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug salbutamol?,Ventolin,"{'A': 'Ventolin', 'B': 'Pamelor', 'C': 'Physiotens', 'D': 'Vitadye'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug salmeterol?,Serevent,"{'A': 'Remicade', 'B': 'Serevent', 'C': 'Dopar', 'D': 'FreshKote'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug saquinavir?,Invirase,"{'A': 'Zyvox', 'B': 'Invirase', 'C': 'Glucagen', 'D': 'Cytosar'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug scopolamine?,Scopace,"{'A': 'Cytosar', 'B': 'Ovide', 'C': 'Cleocin', 'D': 'Scopace'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug selegiline?,Emsam,"{'A': 'Stimate', 'B': 'Emsam', 'C': 'Orfadin', 'D': 'elavil'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug senna?,Senokot,"{'A': 'Proamatine', 'B': 'Nardil', 'C': 'Tracleer', 'D': 'Senokot'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug sertraline?,Zoloft,"{'A': 'Zestril', 'B': 'Minipress', 'C': 'Nimbex', 'D': 'Zoloft'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug sevelamer?,Renvela,"{'A': 'Keflin', 'B': 'Renvela', 'C': 'Adrucil', 'D': 'Orencia'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug sevoflurane?,Ultane,"{'A': 'Foscavir', 'B': 'Viagra', 'C': 'Ultane', 'D': 'Ella'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug sildenafil?,Viagra,"{'A': 'Viagra', 'B': 'Osmoglyn', 'C': 'Sufenta', 'D': 'Monoket'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug simeprevir?,Olysio,"{'A': 'Lescol', 'B': 'Benemid', 'C': 'Olysio', 'D': 'Seizalam'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug simvastatin?,Zocor,"{'A': 'Synthroid', 'B': 'Sprycel', 'C': 'Trecator', 'D': 'Zocor'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug sitagliptin?,Januvia,"{'A': 'Ritalin', 'B': 'Januvia', 'C': 'Zemuron', 'D': 'Prograf'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug sofosbuvir?,Sovaldi,"{'A': 'Toradol', 'B': 'Sovaldi', 'C': 'Matulane', 'D': 'Vasotec'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug spironolactone?,Carospir,"{'A': 'Carospir', 'B': 'Alvesco', 'C': 'Xyrem', 'D': 'Topamax'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug stanozolol?,Winstrol,"{'A': 'Scopace', 'B': 'Zorac', 'C': 'Rituxan', 'D': 'Winstrol'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug stavudine?,Zerit,"{'A': 'Zerit', 'B': 'Lanoxin', 'C': 'Norvir', 'D': 'Winstrol'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug streptokinase?,Kabikinase,"{'A': 'Norvir', 'B': 'Kabikinase', 'C': 'Aldomet', 'D': 'Levaquin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug succimer?,Chemet,"{'A': 'Jantoven', 'B': 'Santyl', 'C': 'Treanda', 'D': 'Chemet'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug sufentanil?,Sufenta,"{'A': 'Sufenta', 'B': 'Dolophine', 'C': 'Somavert', 'D': 'Isoflo'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug sulfasalazine?,Azulfidine,"{'A': 'Azulfidine', 'B': 'Alvesco', 'C': 'Orfadin', 'D': 'Emcyt'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug sulindac?,Clinoril,"{'A': 'Clinoril', 'B': 'Depakene', 'C': 'Declomycin', 'D': 'Diamox'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug sumatriptan?,Imitrex,"{'A': 'Lasix', 'B': 'Imitrex', 'C': 'Byetta', 'D': 'Sansert'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug suxamethonium?,Quelicin,"{'A': 'amikin', 'B': 'Eulexin', 'C': 'Quelicin', 'D': 'Phenergan'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tacrolimus?,Prograf,"{'A': 'Kenalog', 'B': 'Prograf', 'C': 'Zoloft', 'D': 'Cefizox'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tadalafil?,Cialis,"{'A': 'Cialis', 'B': 'Imuran', 'C': 'Tegretol', 'D': 'Ativan'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tamoxifen?,Nolvadex,"{'A': 'Nolvadex', 'B': 'Sovaldi', 'C': 'Norvir', 'D': 'Sansert'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tamsulosin?,Flomax,"{'A': 'Dantrium', 'B': 'Effient', 'C': 'Ultiva', 'D': 'Flomax'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tazarotene?,Zorac,"{'A': 'Vibramycin', 'B': 'Xylocaine', 'C': 'Hiprex', 'D': 'Zorac'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug teicoplanin?,Targocid,"{'A': 'Targocid', 'B': 'Anticholium', 'C': 'Trusopt', 'D': 'Nplate'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug telmisartan?,Micardis,"{'A': 'Mavenclad', 'B': 'Remicade', 'C': 'Cymevene', 'D': 'Micardis'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug temazepam?,Normison,"{'A': 'Leukeran', 'B': 'Normison', 'C': 'Thalomid', 'D': 'SwineAid'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug terazosin?,Hytrin,"{'A': 'Dilantin', 'B': 'Hytrin', 'C': 'Orudis', 'D': 'Tensilon'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug terbinafine?,Lamisil,"{'A': 'Levaquin', 'B': 'Brilinta', 'C': 'elavil', 'D': 'Lamisil'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug terbutaline?,Brethine,"{'A': 'Betaloc', 'B': 'Pravachol', 'C': 'Sublimaze', 'D': 'Brethine'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug teriparatide?,Forteo,"{'A': 'Topamax', 'B': 'Forteo', 'C': 'Bactroban', 'D': 'caverject'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tetrabenazine?,Xenazine,"{'A': 'Suprane', 'B': 'Jantoven', 'C': 'Xenazine', 'D': 'Hylenex'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tetracycline?,Panmycin,"{'A': 'Panmycin', 'B': 'Nimbex', 'C': 'Oraverse', 'D': 'Epipen'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tetrahydrobiopterin?,Kuvan,"{'A': 'Kuvan', 'B': 'Stimate', 'C': 'Lamisil', 'D': 'caverject'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug thalidomide?,Thalomid,"{'A': 'Thalomid', 'B': 'Plavix', 'C': 'Vibramycin', 'D': 'Emsam'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug theophylline?,Elixophyllin,"{'A': 'Angiozem', 'B': 'Elixophyllin', 'C': 'Declomycin', 'D': 'Cefizox'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug thyroxine?,Synthroid,"{'A': 'Carbocaine', 'B': 'Mirapex', 'C': 'Synthroid', 'D': 'Sandostatin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tibolone?,Livial,"{'A': 'Livial', 'B': 'Taxotere', 'C': 'Forteo', 'D': 'Geodon'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ticagrelor?,Brilinta,"{'A': 'Brilinta', 'B': 'Lariam', 'C': 'Depakene', 'D': 'Tensilon'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ticlopidine?,Ticlid,"{'A': 'Invanz', 'B': 'Demerol', 'C': 'Fybranta', 'D': 'Ticlid'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug timolol?,Blocadren,"{'A': 'Effient', 'B': 'Namenda', 'C': 'Blocadren', 'D': 'Santyl'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tiotropium?,Spiriva,"{'A': 'Prevacid', 'B': 'Spiriva', 'C': 'Glyset', 'D': 'Eulexin'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tirofiban?,Aggrastat,"{'A': 'Lampit', 'B': 'Aggrastat', 'C': 'Claritin', 'D': 'Zocor'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tizanidine?,Zanaflex,"{'A': 'Zanaflex', 'B': 'Diamox', 'C': 'Actemra', 'D': 'Viagra'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tocilizumab?,Actemra,"{'A': 'Soframycin', 'B': 'Actemra', 'C': 'Parlodel', 'D': 'Desogen'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tolbutamide?,Orinase,"{'A': 'Xylocaine', 'B': 'Treanda', 'C': 'Apresoline', 'D': 'Orinase'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tolterodine?,Detrol,"{'A': 'Detrol', 'B': 'Maxalt', 'C': 'Samsca', 'D': 'Zestril'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tolvaptan?,Samsca,"{'A': 'Nymalize', 'B': 'elavil', 'C': 'Samsca', 'D': 'Ovide'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug topiramate?,Topamax,"{'A': 'Dopar', 'B': 'Serzone', 'C': 'Halcion', 'D': 'Topamax'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug topotecan?,Hycamtin,"{'A': 'Hycamtin', 'B': 'Tracleer', 'C': 'Rectacaine', 'D': 'amikin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tramadol?,Ultram,"{'A': 'Nucala', 'B': 'Ultram', 'C': 'Cervidil', 'D': 'Mesnex'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug trazodone?,Desyrel,"{'A': 'Flaxedil', 'B': 'Desyrel', 'C': 'Betaloc', 'D': 'Evista'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug triamcinolone?,Kenalog,"{'A': 'Kenalog', 'B': 'Viramune', 'C': 'Crixivan', 'D': 'Pepcid'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug triamterene?,Dyrenium,"{'A': 'Rebetol', 'B': 'Dyrenium', 'C': 'Nucala', 'D': 'Crestor'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug triazolam?,Halcion,"{'A': 'Dynapen', 'B': 'Clinoril', 'C': 'Aczone', 'D': 'Halcion'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug trifluoperazine?,Stelazine,"{'A': 'Serzone', 'B': 'lipitor', 'C': 'symmetrel', 'D': 'Stelazine'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug trihexyphenidyl?,Artane,"{'A': 'Artane', 'B': 'Serevent', 'C': 'Cuprimine', 'D': 'Altace'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug trimethaphan?,Arfonad,"{'A': 'Arfonad', 'B': 'Jardiance', 'C': 'Altace', 'D': 'Hylenex'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug trimethoprim?,Proloprim,"{'A': 'Zerit', 'B': 'Proloprim', 'C': 'Renvela', 'D': 'Cipramil'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug trimipramine?,Surmontil,"{'A': 'Forteo', 'B': 'Zymaxid', 'C': 'Seroquel', 'D': 'Surmontil'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug triprolidine?,Actidil,"{'A': 'proleukin', 'B': 'Actidil', 'C': 'Plavix', 'D': 'Vazculep'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug triptorelin?,Trelstar,"{'A': 'Caladryl', 'B': 'Trelstar', 'C': 'Xolair', 'D': 'Sublimaze'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug tropicamide?,Tropicacyl,"{'A': 'Suprane', 'B': 'Yohimex', 'C': 'Xifaxan', 'D': 'Tropicacyl'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug trospium?,Sanctura,"{'A': 'Provigil', 'B': 'Elixophyllin', 'C': 'Sanctura', 'D': 'Corvert'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ulipristal?,Ella,"{'A': 'Xenazine', 'B': 'Antizol', 'C': 'Ella', 'D': 'Pletal'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug valproate?,Depakene,"{'A': 'Depakene', 'B': 'Restasis', 'C': 'Celectol', 'D': 'Hylenex'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug valsartan?,Diovan,"{'A': 'Parlodel', 'B': 'Fybranta', 'C': 'Diovan', 'D': 'Dilaudid'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug vancomycin?,Firvanq,"{'A': 'Eulexin', 'B': 'Lioresal', 'C': 'Firvanq', 'D': 'Dantrium'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug vasopressin?,Pitressin,"{'A': 'Pitressin', 'B': 'AtroPen', 'C': 'Brisdelle', 'D': 'Proquin'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug vecuronium?,Norcuron,"{'A': 'Quinora', 'B': 'Betadine', 'C': 'Ella', 'D': 'Norcuron'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug verapamil?,Isoptin,"{'A': 'Lotensin', 'B': 'Isoptin', 'C': 'Mavenclad', 'D': 'Viracept'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug vigabatrin?,Sabril,"{'A': 'Esidrix', 'B': 'Sabril', 'C': 'Hiprex', 'D': 'Dibenyline'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug vincristine?,Vincasar,"{'A': 'Cubicin', 'B': 'Vincasar', 'C': 'Implanon', 'D': 'Frova'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug vorapaxar?,Zontivity,"{'A': 'Benadryl', 'B': 'Zontivity', 'C': 'Coreg', 'D': 'Thalomid'}",B
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug voriconazole?,VFEND,"{'A': 'Mobic', 'B': 'Macrodex', 'C': 'VFEND', 'D': 'Orfadin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug warfarin?,Jantoven,"{'A': 'Penthrane', 'B': 'Resochin', 'C': 'Actos', 'D': 'Jantoven'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug yohimbine?,Yohimex,"{'A': 'Yohimex', 'B': 'Biaxin', 'C': 'Robaxin', 'D': 'Depakene'}",A
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug zafirlukast?,Accolate,"{'A': 'Tambocor', 'B': 'Vazculep', 'C': 'Intal', 'D': 'Accolate'}",D
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug zidovudine?,Retrovir,"{'A': 'Vantin', 'B': 'Elixophyllin', 'C': 'Retrovir', 'D': 'Tofranil'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug zileuton?,Zyflo,"{'A': 'Halcion', 'B': 'Stromectol', 'C': 'Zyflo', 'D': 'Robaxin'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug ziprasidone?,Geodon,"{'A': 'Winstrol', 'B': 'Kabikinase', 'C': 'Geodon', 'D': 'Diamox'}",C
Which of the following is the brand name for the drug zonisamide?,Zonegran,"{'A': 'Zonegran', 'B': 'Faslodex', 'C': 'Garamycin', 'D': 'Adriamycin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Orencia?,abatacept,"{'A': 'propofol', 'B': 'adapalene', 'C': 'procarbazine', 'D': 'abatacept'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Reopro?,abciximab,"{'A': 'sildenafil', 'B': 'abciximab', 'C': 'terazosin', 'D': 'collagenase'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Precose?,acarbose,"{'A': 'cyclophosphamide', 'B': 'doxycycline', 'C': 'etomidate', 'D': 'acarbose'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Sectral?,acebutolol,"{'A': 'pindolol', 'B': 'enflurane', 'C': 'tacrolimus', 'D': 'acebutolol'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Diamox?,acetazolamide,"{'A': 'sevelamer', 'B': 'sumatriptan', 'C': 'acetazolamide', 'D': 'nitrofurantoin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug soriatane?,acitretin,"{'A': 'acitretin', 'B': 'risedronate', 'C': 'ropivacaine', 'D': 'emtricitabine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug differin?,adapalene,"{'A': 'adapalene', 'B': 'duloxetine', 'C': 'griseofulvin', 'D': 'etomidate'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug albenza?,albendazole,"{'A': 'clozapine', 'B': 'cytarabine', 'C': 'albendazole', 'D': 'dobutamine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug proleukin?,aldesleukin,"{'A': 'vecuronium', 'B': 'gabapentin', 'C': 'etomidate', 'D': 'aldesleukin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug fosamax?,alendronate,"{'A': 'alendronate', 'B': 'cycloserine', 'C': 'oxaliplatin', 'D': 'nortriptyline'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug alfenta?,alfentanil,"{'A': 'calamine', 'B': 'sertraline', 'C': 'nesiritide', 'D': 'alfentanil'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug tekturna?,aliskiren,"{'A': 'nimodipine', 'B': 'clomipramine', 'C': 'aliskiren', 'D': 'chlorpromazine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug caplenal?,allopurinol,"{'A': 'vasopressin', 'B': 'zidovudine', 'C': 'ofloxacin', 'D': 'allopurinol'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug nesina?,alogliptin,"{'A': 'alogliptin', 'B': 'ceftazidime', 'C': 'povidone-iodine', 'D': 'mifepristone'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug xanax?,alprazolam,"{'A': 'alprazolam', 'B': 'sildenafil', 'C': 'rifampin', 'D': 'flutamide'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug caverject?,alprostadil,"{'A': 'hydromorphone', 'B': 'alprostadil', 'C': 'ciprofloxacin', 'D': 'nefazodone'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug activase?,alteplase,"{'A': 'alteplase', 'B': 'mesalazine', 'C': 'azithromycin', 'D': 'nandrolone'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug symmetrel?,amantadine,"{'A': 'ethionamide', 'B': 'bimatoprost', 'C': 'amantadine', 'D': 'danazol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug mytelase?,ambenonium,"{'A': 'pepsin', 'B': 'ambenonium', 'C': 'cyclosporine', 'D': 'oxybate'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug amikin?,amikacin,"{'A': 'ketoprofen', 'B': 'amikacin', 'C': 'celecoxib', 'D': 'ketotifen'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug cordarone?,amiodarone,"{'A': 'procaine', 'B': 'piroxicam', 'C': 'amiodarone', 'D': 'cefaclor'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug elavil?,amitriptyline,"{'A': 'prazosin', 'B': 'amitriptyline', 'C': 'methocarbamol', 'D': 'glipizide'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug norvasc?,amlodipine,"{'A': 'desflurane', 'B': 'sulindac', 'C': 'amlodipine', 'D': 'colchicine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug asendin?,amoxapine,"{'A': 'metoprolol', 'B': 'apraclonidine', 'C': 'amoxapine', 'D': 'disulfiram'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug penbritin?,ampicillin,"{'A': 'labetalol', 'B': 'ampicillin', 'C': 'flutamide', 'D': 'liothyronine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug kineret?,anakinra,"{'A': 'trimethaphan', 'B': 'omeprazole', 'C': 'celiprolol', 'D': 'anakinra'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug arimidex?,anastrozole,"{'A': 'anastrozole', 'B': 'miglitol', 'C': 'selegiline', 'D': 'furosemide'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug eliquis?,apixaban,"{'A': 'edta', 'B': 'mepolizumab', 'C': 'salbutamol', 'D': 'apixaban'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug iopidine?,apraclonidine,"{'A': 'dextroamphetamine', 'B': 'povidone', 'C': 'apraclonidine', 'D': 'atracurium'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug emend?,aprepitant,"{'A': 'prochlorperazine', 'B': 'aprepitant', 'C': 'quetiapine', 'D': 'trimethaphan'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug abilify?,aripiprazole,"{'A': 'aripiprazole', 'B': 'benazepril', 'C': 'alprostadil', 'D': 'chloramphenicol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug tenormin?,atenolol,"{'A': 'fenofibrate', 'B': 'fluvastatin', 'C': 'atenolol', 'D': 'bisoprolol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug lipitor?,atorvastatin,"{'A': 'ranitidine', 'B': 'ciprofloxacin', 'C': 'atorvastatin', 'D': 'entacapone'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug tracrium?,atracurium,"{'A': 'linezolid', 'B': 'griseofulvin', 'C': 'atracurium', 'D': 'alteplase'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug AtroPen?,atropine,"{'A': 'procainamide', 'B': 'econazole', 'C': 'atropine', 'D': 'mesna'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Imuran?,azathioprine,"{'A': 'azathioprine', 'B': 'amlodipine', 'C': 'methyldopa', 'D': 'mesna'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zithromax?,azithromycin,"{'A': 'stavudine', 'B': 'rocuronium', 'C': 'acebutolol', 'D': 'azithromycin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Baci-IM?,bacitracin,"{'A': 'vorapaxar', 'B': 'amikacin', 'C': 'valsartan', 'D': 'bacitracin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lioresal?,baclofen,"{'A': 'foscarnet', 'B': 'baclofen', 'C': 'atorvastatin', 'D': 'ciclesonide'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Simulect?,basiliximab,"{'A': 'bromocriptine', 'B': 'nimodipine', 'C': 'basiliximab', 'D': 'desogestrel'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lotensin?,benazepril,"{'A': 'memantine', 'B': 'benazepril', 'C': 'procaine', 'D': 'levamisole'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Treanda?,bendamustine,"{'A': 'chlorambucil', 'B': 'phenytoin', 'C': 'bendamustine', 'D': 'ampicillin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug cepacol?,benzocaine,"{'A': 'benzocaine', 'B': 'zileuton', 'C': 'mifepristone', 'D': 'ropinirole'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug cogentin?,benztropine,"{'A': 'benztropine', 'B': 'chlorpropamide', 'C': 'oseltamivir', 'D': 'oxaliplatin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug duvoid?,bethanechol,"{'A': 'cefpodoxime', 'B': 'cycloserine', 'C': 'zafirlukast', 'D': 'bethanechol'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug lumigan?,bimatoprost,"{'A': 'ceftazidime', 'B': 'paroxetine', 'C': 'bimatoprost', 'D': 'metoclopramide'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Appearex?,biotin,"{'A': 'stanozolol', 'B': 'biotin', 'C': 'dicloxacillin', 'D': 'chlorambucil'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug dulcolax?,bisacodyl,"{'A': 'valproate', 'B': 'azathioprine', 'C': 'ciprofloxacin', 'D': 'bisacodyl'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zebeta?,bisoprolol,"{'A': 'abatacept', 'B': 'vasopressin', 'C': 'nesiritide', 'D': 'bisoprolol'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Tracleer?,bosentan,"{'A': 'pemoline', 'B': 'tirofiban', 'C': 'panitumumab', 'D': 'bosentan'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Fybranta?,bran,"{'A': 'ketoprofen', 'B': 'cyproterone', 'C': 'bran', 'D': 'tolbutamide'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Alphagan?,brimonidine,"{'A': 'fulvestrant', 'B': 'brimonidine', 'C': 'mepolizumab', 'D': 'alprazolam'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Parlodel?,bromocriptine,"{'A': 'flucytosine', 'B': 'bromocriptine', 'C': 'ciclesonide', 'D': 'amoxapine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Exparel?,bupivacaine,"{'A': 'bupivacaine', 'B': 'carboplatin', 'C': 'lactulose', 'D': 'scopolamine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Wellbutrin?,bupropion,"{'A': 'bupropion', 'B': 'amiodarone', 'C': 'fluorouracil', 'D': 'hydromorphone'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Stadol?,butorphanol,"{'A': 'romiplostim', 'B': 'lamotrigine', 'C': 'raloxifene', 'D': 'butorphanol'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Dostinex?,cabergoline,"{'A': 'cabergoline', 'B': 'escitalopram', 'C': 'ethinylestradiol', 'D': 'sulindac'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Caladryl?,calamine,"{'A': 'fenoldopam', 'B': 'tolvaptan', 'C': 'calamine', 'D': 'digoxin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Calcijex?,calcitriol,"{'A': 'calcitriol', 'B': 'valsartan', 'C': 'eplerenone', 'D': 'cisplatin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Xeloda?,capecitabine,"{'A': 'verapamil', 'B': 'butorphanol', 'C': 'allopurinol', 'D': 'capecitabine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Capoten?,captopril,"{'A': 'midazolam', 'B': 'captopril', 'C': 'lorcaserin', 'D': 'gallium'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Tegretol?,carbamazepine,"{'A': 'alprostadil', 'B': 'carbamazepine', 'C': 'rocuronium', 'D': 'atorvastatin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lodosyn?,carbidopa,"{'A': 'carbidopa', 'B': 'ibutilide', 'C': 'prednisone', 'D': 'acarbose'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Paraplatin?,carboplatin,"{'A': 'pentamidine', 'B': 'carboplatin', 'C': 'piroxicam', 'D': 'perphenazine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Hemabate?,carboprost,"{'A': 'cisplatin', 'B': 'halothane', 'C': 'carboprost', 'D': 'indomethacin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cartrol?,carteolol,"{'A': 'liothyronine', 'B': 'gallium', 'C': 'carteolol', 'D': 'prednisone'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Coreg?,carvedilol,"{'A': 'carvedilol', 'B': 'ceftriaxone', 'C': 'benztropine', 'D': 'flumazenil'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ceclor?,cefaclor,"{'A': 'nitisinone', 'B': 'desmopressin', 'C': 'cefaclor', 'D': 'estriol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cefobid?,cefoperazone,"{'A': 'cefoperazone', 'B': 'lisinopril', 'C': 'ethinylestradiol', 'D': 'lorazepam'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Claforan?,cefotaxime,"{'A': 'cefotaxime', 'B': 'lamotrigine', 'C': 'olanzapine', 'D': 'ulipristal'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cefotan?,cefotetan,"{'A': 'zileuton', 'B': 'cefotetan', 'C': 'nefazodone', 'D': 'oxytocin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Vantin?,cefpodoxime,"{'A': 'metyrapone', 'B': 'sufentanil', 'C': 'cefpodoxime', 'D': 'prasugrel'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Fortaz?,ceftazidime,"{'A': 'pegloticase', 'B': 'orlistat', 'C': 'ceftazidime', 'D': 'demeclocycline'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cefizox?,ceftizoxime,"{'A': 'bupropion', 'B': 'liraglutide', 'C': 'ceftizoxime', 'D': 'minocycline'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Rocephin?,ceftriaxone,"{'A': 'ticagrelor', 'B': 'vecuronium', 'C': 'cevimeline', 'D': 'ceftriaxone'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Celebrex?,celecoxib,"{'A': 'vancomycin', 'B': 'celecoxib', 'C': 'clopidogrel', 'D': 'omalizumab'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Celectol?,celiprolol,"{'A': 'povidone', 'B': 'cevimeline', 'C': 'tolterodine', 'D': 'celiprolol'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Keflex?,cephalexin,"{'A': 'oxycodone', 'B': 'cephalexin', 'C': 'oxymetazoline', 'D': 'atracurium'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Keflin?,cephalothin,"{'A': 'cephalothin', 'B': 'bimatoprost', 'C': 'telmisartan', 'D': 'ganciclovir'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Erbitux?,cetuximab,"{'A': 'imiquimod', 'B': 'cetuximab', 'C': 'oxaliplatin', 'D': 'amoxapine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Evoxac?,cevimeline,"{'A': 'carboprost', 'B': 'cevimeline', 'C': 'captopril', 'D': 'carteolol'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Leukeran?,chlorambucil,"{'A': 'rosuvastatin', 'B': 'chlorambucil', 'C': 'maraviroc', 'D': 'epinephrine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Chloromycetin?,chloramphenicol,"{'A': 'butorphanol', 'B': 'chloramphenicol', 'C': 'aripiprazole', 'D': 'diazepam'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Librium?,chlordiazepoxide,"{'A': 'salmeterol', 'B': 'mepivacaine', 'C': 'chlordiazepoxide', 'D': 'dextran'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Chloraprep?,chlorhexidine,"{'A': 'penicillamine', 'B': 'chlorhexidine', 'C': 'clindamycin', 'D': 'aliskiren'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Nesacaine?,chloroprocaine,"{'A': 'glucagon', 'B': 'chloroprocaine', 'C': 'trifluoperazine', 'D': 'rivaroxaban'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Resochin?,chloroquine,"{'A': 'clomipramine', 'B': 'famotidine', 'C': 'chloroquine', 'D': 'acetazolamide'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Diuril?,chlorothiazide,"{'A': 'atorvastatin', 'B': 'chlorothiazide', 'C': 'midodrine', 'D': 'nitroprusside'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Allerlief?,chlorpheniramine,"{'A': 'panitumumab', 'B': 'chlorpheniramine', 'C': 'hydralazine', 'D': 'citalopram'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Largactil?,chlorpromazine,"{'A': 'rifaximin', 'B': 'chlorpromazine', 'C': 'flucytosine', 'D': 'riluzole'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Diabinese?,chlorpropamide,"{'A': 'zileuton', 'B': 'ticlopidine', 'C': 'salmeterol', 'D': 'chlorpropamide'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Hygroton?,chlorthalidone,"{'A': 'prednisone', 'B': 'chlorthalidone', 'C': 'clotrimazole', 'D': 'meloxicam'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Alvesco?,ciclesonide,"{'A': 'ciclesonide', 'B': 'moxifloxacin', 'C': 'biotin', 'D': 'bupivacaine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Pletal?,cilostazol,"{'A': 'cilostazol', 'B': 'doxycycline', 'C': 'edrophonium', 'D': 'cromolyn'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Tagamet?,cimetidine,"{'A': 'cyproterone', 'B': 'ribavirin', 'C': 'cimetidine', 'D': 'stanozolol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Proquin?,ciprofloxacin,"{'A': 'naproxen', 'B': 'ciprofloxacin', 'C': 'fludarabine', 'D': 'glutaraldehyde'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Nimbex?,cisatracurium,"{'A': 'sumatriptan', 'B': 'salbutamol', 'C': 'cisatracurium', 'D': 'tirofiban'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Platinol?,cisplatin,"{'A': 'temazepam', 'B': 'cisplatin', 'C': 'hydroxychloroquine', 'D': 'scopolamine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cipramil?,citalopram,"{'A': 'povidone', 'B': 'citalopram', 'C': 'quinidine', 'D': 'probenecid'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Mavenclad?,cladribine,"{'A': 'docetaxel', 'B': 'losartan', 'C': 'cladribine', 'D': 'maraviroc'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Biaxin?,clarithromycin,"{'A': 'dihydroxyacetone', 'B': 'atorvastatin', 'C': 'clarithromycin', 'D': 'methylphenidate'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cleocin?,clindamycin,"{'A': 'teriparatide', 'B': 'alprostadil', 'C': 'clindamycin', 'D': 'famotidine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lamprene?,clofazimine,"{'A': 'etanercept', 'B': 'clofazimine', 'C': 'doripenem', 'D': 'methocarbamol'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Serophene?,clomiphene,"{'A': 'rizatriptan', 'B': 'dobutamine', 'C': 'nevirapine', 'D': 'clomiphene'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Anafranil?,clomipramine,"{'A': 'phenoxybenzamine', 'B': 'clomipramine', 'C': 'bisoprolol', 'D': 'procaine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Catapres?,clonidine,"{'A': 'collagenase', 'B': 'clonidine', 'C': 'danazol', 'D': 'entecavir'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Plavix?,clopidogrel,"{'A': 'clopidogrel', 'B': 'imatinib', 'C': 'topiramate', 'D': 'diphenhydramine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Canesten?,clotrimazole,"{'A': 'clomiphene', 'B': 'dexamethasone', 'C': 'clotrimazole', 'D': 'docetaxel'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Clozaril?,clozapine,"{'A': 'midodrine', 'B': 'clozapine', 'C': 'ketoprofen', 'D': 'fenofibrate'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Colcrys?,colchicine,"{'A': 'fexofenadine', 'B': 'desipramine', 'C': 'etonogestrel', 'D': 'colchicine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Welchol?,colesevelam,"{'A': 'midazolam', 'B': 'colesevelam', 'C': 'procainamide', 'D': 'midodrine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Santyl?,collagenase,"{'A': 'oxybate', 'B': 'collagenase', 'C': 'moxonidine', 'D': 'ivermectin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Intal?,cromolyn,"{'A': 'daptomycin', 'B': 'cromolyn', 'C': 'bisacodyl', 'D': 'tetrahydrobiopterin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Endoxana?,cyclophosphamide,"{'A': 'rocuronium', 'B': 'mesalazine', 'C': 'cyclophosphamide', 'D': 'atracurium'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Seromycin?,cycloserine,"{'A': 'cycloserine', 'B': 'pemoline', 'C': 'trimipramine', 'D': 'digoxin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Restasis?,cyclosporine,"{'A': 'acitretin', 'B': 'cyclosporine', 'C': 'ibuprofen', 'D': 'mefloquine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Periactin?,cyproheptadine,"{'A': 'cyproheptadine', 'B': 'celecoxib', 'C': 'mesna', 'D': 'cimetidine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cyprostat?,cyproterone,"{'A': 'cyproterone', 'B': 'ofloxacin', 'C': 'alprostadil', 'D': 'paroxetine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cytosar?,cytarabine,"{'A': 'cytarabine', 'B': 'temazepam', 'C': 'isoflurane', 'D': 'demeclocycline'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Danocrine?,danazol,"{'A': 'danazol', 'B': 'oxycodone', 'C': 'nystatin', 'D': 'flumazenil'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Dantrium?,dantrolene,"{'A': 'capecitabine', 'B': 'ciclesonide', 'C': 'dantrolene', 'D': 'zidovudine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Aczone?,dapsone,"{'A': 'dapsone', 'B': 'azithromycin', 'C': 'trimethaphan', 'D': 'minocycline'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cubicin?,daptomycin,"{'A': 'daptomycin', 'B': 'halothane', 'C': 'quinidine', 'D': 'tadalafil'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Prezista?,darunavir,"{'A': 'darunavir', 'B': 'neostigmine', 'C': 'atracurium', 'D': 'acitretin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Sprycel?,dasatinib,"{'A': 'dasatinib', 'B': 'oxymetazoline', 'C': 'methocarbamol', 'D': 'teriparatide'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Desferal?,deferoxamine,"{'A': 'amoxapine', 'B': 'amlodipine', 'C': 'quetiapine', 'D': 'deferoxamine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Declomycin?,demeclocycline,"{'A': 'demeclocycline', 'B': 'vasopressin', 'C': 'methysergide', 'D': 'procarbazine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Suprane?,desflurane,"{'A': 'desflurane', 'B': 'fluorometholone', 'C': 'acebutolol', 'D': 'pegvisomant'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Pertofrane?,desipramine,"{'A': 'methenamine', 'B': 'gallamine', 'C': 'desipramine', 'D': 'linezolid'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Stimate?,desmopressin,"{'A': 'indinavir', 'B': 'ambenonium', 'C': 'desmopressin', 'D': 'icatibant'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Desogen?,desogestrel,"{'A': 'naproxen', 'B': 'fluvastatin', 'C': 'desogestrel', 'D': 'phentolamine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Decadron?,dexamethasone,"{'A': 'dipivefrine', 'B': 'celecoxib', 'C': 'teicoplanin', 'D': 'dexamethasone'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Macrodex?,dextran,"{'A': 'ezetimibe', 'B': 'dextran', 'C': 'metformin', 'D': 'nimodipine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Dexedrine?,dextroamphetamine,"{'A': 'etomidate', 'B': 'dextroamphetamine', 'C': 'mirtazapine', 'D': 'naproxen'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Valium?,diazepam,"{'A': 'benztropine', 'B': 'isotretinoin', 'C': 'zidovudine', 'D': 'diazepam'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Rectacaine?,dibucaine,"{'A': 'timolol', 'B': 'aripiprazole', 'C': 'dibucaine', 'D': 'bacitracin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zorvolex?,diclofenac,"{'A': 'dapsone', 'B': 'paclitaxel', 'C': 'benzocaine', 'D': 'diclofenac'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Dynapen?,dicloxacillin,"{'A': 'chlorhexidine', 'B': 'dicloxacillin', 'C': 'topiramate', 'D': 'hydrochlorothiazide'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Apstil?,diethylstilbestrol,"{'A': 'memantine', 'B': 'diethylstilbestrol', 'C': 'doxepin', 'D': 'ibuprofen'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lanoxin?,digoxin,"{'A': 'digoxin', 'B': 'bisacodyl', 'C': 'famotidine', 'D': 'panitumumab'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Trudhesa?,dihydroergotamine,"{'A': 'trihexyphenidyl', 'B': 'dihydroergotamine', 'C': 'glutaraldehyde', 'D': 'apraclonidine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Vitadye?,dihydroxyacetone,"{'A': 'estriol', 'B': 'prasugrel', 'C': 'dibucaine', 'D': 'dihydroxyacetone'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Angiozem?,diltiazem,"{'A': 'diltiazem', 'B': 'desipramine', 'C': 'gabapentin', 'D': 'mesna'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cervidil?,dinoprostone,"{'A': 'dinoprostone', 'B': 'yohimbine', 'C': 'malathion', 'D': 'stanozolol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Benadryl?,diphenhydramine,"{'A': 'ampicillin', 'B': 'imipramine', 'C': 'diphenhydramine', 'D': 'quinine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Propine?,dipivefrine,"{'A': 'scopolamine', 'B': 'dipivefrine', 'C': 'memantine', 'D': 'tiotropium'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Antabuse?,disulfiram,"{'A': 'pentamidine', 'B': 'citalopram', 'C': 'disulfiram', 'D': 'saquinavir'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Dobutrex?,dobutamine,"{'A': 'dobutamine', 'B': 'escitalopram', 'C': 'ertapenem', 'D': 'glipizide'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Taxotere?,docetaxel,"{'A': 'pirenzepine', 'B': 'acitretin', 'C': 'chloramphenicol', 'D': 'docetaxel'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Colace?,docusate,"{'A': 'naratriptan', 'B': 'trospium', 'C': 'framycetin', 'D': 'docusate'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Tivicay?,dolutegravir,"{'A': 'docetaxel', 'B': 'rituximab', 'C': 'sofosbuvir', 'D': 'dolutegravir'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Aricept?,donepezil,"{'A': 'donepezil', 'B': 'pegloticase', 'C': 'tibolone', 'D': 'fludrocortisone'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Doribax?,doripenem,"{'A': 'doripenem', 'B': 'mefloquine', 'C': 'amiodarone', 'D': 'letrozole'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Trusopt?,dorzolamide,"{'A': 'cyclosporine', 'B': 'dorzolamide', 'C': 'tadalafil', 'D': 'nelfinavir'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Sinequan?,doxepin,"{'A': 'dextroamphetamine', 'B': 'pemoline', 'C': 'propofol', 'D': 'doxepin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Adriamycin?,doxorubicin,"{'A': 'alfentanil', 'B': 'doxorubicin', 'C': 'cevimeline', 'D': 'gallium'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Vibramycin?,doxycycline,"{'A': 'baclofen', 'B': 'doxycycline', 'C': 'pralidoxime', 'D': 'calamine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cymbalta?,duloxetine,"{'A': 'clarithromycin', 'B': 'duloxetine', 'C': 'ropivacaine', 'D': 'digoxin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ecoza?,econazole,"{'A': 'celecoxib', 'B': 'econazole', 'C': 'apraclonidine', 'D': 'ceftizoxime'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Tensilon?,edrophonium,"{'A': 'glutaraldehyde', 'B': 'edrophonium', 'C': 'ethionamide', 'D': 'ertapenem'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Disotate?,edta,"{'A': 'prazosin', 'B': 'tolterodine', 'C': 'edta', 'D': 'fluconazole'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Sustiva?,efavirenz,"{'A': 'cephalothin', 'B': 'efavirenz', 'C': 'niclosamide', 'D': 'spironolactone'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Jardiance?,empagliflozin,"{'A': 'ergocalciferol', 'B': 'dinoprostone', 'C': 'flucytosine', 'D': 'empagliflozin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Emtriva?,emtricitabine,"{'A': 'panitumumab', 'B': 'diazepam', 'C': 'emtricitabine', 'D': 'mepolizumab'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Vasotec?,enalapril,"{'A': 'enalapril', 'B': 'albendazole', 'C': 'pancuronium', 'D': 'indinavir'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ethrane?,enflurane,"{'A': 'enflurane', 'B': 'methyldopa', 'C': 'lactulose', 'D': 'fludrocortisone'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lovenox?,enoxaparin,"{'A': 'nevirapine', 'B': 'enoxaparin', 'C': 'desflurane','D': 'oxytocin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Comtess?,entacapone,"{'A': 'pramlintide', 'B': 'carboplatin', 'C': 'rituximab', 'D': 'entacapone'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Baraclude?,entecavir,"{'A': 'ticagrelor', 'B': 'entecavir', 'C': 'sofosbuvir', 'D': 'nystatin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Epipen?,epinephrine,"{'A': 'etonogestrel', 'B': 'oseltamivir', 'C': 'epinephrine', 'D': 'naproxen'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Inspra?,eplerenone,"{'A': 'bran', 'B': 'enalapril', 'C': 'foscarnet', 'D': 'eplerenone'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Flolan?,epoprostenol,"{'A': 'primidone', 'B': 'trifluoperazine', 'C': 'epoprostenol', 'D': 'naltrexone'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Integrilin?,eptifibatide,"{'A': 'flucytosine', 'B': 'methyldopa', 'C': 'eptifibatide', 'D': 'mivacurium'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Drisdol?,ergocalciferol,"{'A': 'butorphanol', 'B': 'docetaxel', 'C': 'irbesartan', 'D': 'ergocalciferol'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Invanz?,ertapenem,"{'A': 'ertapenem', 'B': 'nesiritide', 'C': 'carteolol', 'D': 'azathioprine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Staticin?,erythromycin,"{'A': 'trimethaphan', 'B': 'cyproheptadine', 'C': 'capecitabine', 'D': 'erythromycin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Epogen?,erythropoietin,"{'A': 'erythropoietin', 'B': 'rituximab', 'C': 'nandrolone', 'D': 'diltiazem'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lexapro?,escitalopram,"{'A': 'rizatriptan', 'B': 'escitalopram', 'C': 'dipivefrine', 'D': 'dexamethasone'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Brevibloc?,esmolol,"{'A': 'fenfluramine', 'B': 'esmolol', 'C': 'apraclonidine', 'D': 'pravastatin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Emcyt?,estramustine,"{'A': 'estramustine', 'B': 'aripiprazole', 'C': 'tibolone', 'D': 'flecainide'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Incurin?,estriol,"{'A': 'lactulose', 'B': 'latanoprost', 'C': 'mivacurium', 'D': 'estriol'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Enbrel?,etanercept,"{'A': 'nefazodone', 'B': 'etanercept', 'C': 'memantine', 'D': 'bisacodyl'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Myambutol?,ethambutol,"{'A': 'ethambutol', 'B': 'glutaraldehyde', 'C': 'mepolizumab', 'D': 'indinavir'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Estinyl?,ethinylestradiol,"{'A': 'etonogestrel', 'B': 'glycerin', 'C': 'ethinylestradiol', 'D': 'piroxicam'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Trecator?,ethionamide,"{'A': 'ethionamide', 'B': 'temazepam', 'C': 'loperamide', 'D': 'salbutamol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Amidate?,etomidate,"{'A': 'isosorbide', 'B': 'olanzapine', 'C': 'etomidate', 'D': 'loratadine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Implanon?,etonogestrel,"{'A': 'carbidopa', 'B': 'pemoline', 'C': 'ibutilide', 'D': 'etonogestrel'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Vepesid?,etoposide,"{'A': 'mesalazine', 'B': 'terbinafine', 'C': 'etoposide', 'D': 'clopidogrel'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Byetta?,exenatide,"{'A': 'triamcinolone', 'B': 'teicoplanin', 'C': 'exenatide', 'D': 'trimipramine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zetia?,ezetimibe,"{'A': 'apraclonidine', 'B': 'collagenase', 'C': 'ezetimibe', 'D': 'ceftazidime'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Pepcid?,famotidine,"{'A': 'nortriptyline', 'B': 'etomidate', 'C': 'hydromorphone', 'D': 'famotidine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Uloric?,febuxostat,"{'A': 'febuxostat', 'B': 'imiquimod', 'C': 'terazosin', 'D': 'orlistat'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ponderax?,fenfluramine,"{'A': 'fenfluramine', 'B': 'sufentanil', 'C': 'nifedipine', 'D': 'teicoplanin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lipanthyl?,fenofibrate,"{'A': 'fenofibrate', 'B': 'amantadine', 'C': 'omalizumab', 'D': 'timolol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Corlopam?,fenoldopam,"{'A': 'fenoldopam', 'B': 'irbesartan', 'C': 'vecuronium', 'D': 'bendamustine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Sublimaze?,fentanyl,"{'A': 'fenofibrate', 'B': 'fentanyl', 'C': 'flecainide', 'D': 'docetaxel'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Allegra?,fexofenadine,"{'A': 'spironolactone', 'B': 'cephalexin', 'C': 'fexofenadine', 'D': 'repaglinide'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Tambocor?,flecainide,"{'A': 'flecainide', 'B': 'promethazine', 'C': 'ranitidine', 'D': 'terazosin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Diflucan?,fluconazole,"{'A': 'nitrofurantoin', 'B': 'fluconazole', 'C': 'tetrahydrobiopterin', 'D': 'ramipril'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ancobon?,flucytosine,"{'A': 'trimipramine', 'B': 'ampicillin', 'C': 'cefpodoxime', 'D': 'flucytosine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Oforta?,fludarabine,"{'A': 'atorvastatin', 'B': 'fludarabine', 'C': 'prednisolone', 'D': 'chlorpheniramine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Florinef?,fludrocortisone,"{'A': 'fludrocortisone', 'B': 'cromolyn', 'C': 'pramlintide', 'D': 'sumatriptan'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Romazicon?,flumazenil,"{'A': 'flumazenil', 'B': 'alendronate', 'C': 'pepsin', 'D': 'acebutolol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Flurox?,fluorescein,"{'A': 'fluorescein', 'B': 'trimipramine', 'C': 'rizatriptan', 'D': 'chloramphenicol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Eflone?,fluorometholone,"{'A': 'mannitol', 'B': 'fluorometholone', 'C': 'methysergide', 'D': 'glucagon'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Adrucil?,fluorouracil,"{'A': 'fluorouracil', 'B': 'ziprasidone', 'C': 'mesna', 'D': 'triazolam'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Prozac?,fluoxetine,"{'A': 'butorphanol', 'B': 'nimodipine', 'C': 'bosentan', 'D': 'fluoxetine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Prolixin?,fluphenazine,"{'A': 'fluphenazine', 'B': 'stavudine', 'C': 'trazodone', 'D': 'brimonidine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Eulexin?,flutamide,"{'A': 'paroxetine', 'B': 'methysergide', 'C': 'flutamide', 'D': 'doxycycline'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lescol?,fluvastatin,"{'A': 'pravastatin', 'B': 'isotretinoin', 'C': 'fluvastatin', 'D': 'amlodipine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Antizol?,fomepizole,"{'A': 'zonisamide', 'B': 'fomepizole', 'C': 'chlordiazepoxide', 'D': 'methenamine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Arixtra?,fondaparinux,"{'A': 'methylphenidate', 'B': 'anastrozole', 'C': 'butorphanol', 'D': 'fondaparinux'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Foradil?,formoterol,"{'A': 'pancuronium', 'B': 'cisatracurium', 'C': 'trospium', 'D': 'formoterol'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Foscavir?,foscarnet,"{'A': 'erythromycin', 'B': 'nafarelin', 'C': 'foscarnet', 'D': 'vincristine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Soframycin?,framycetin,"{'A': 'framycetin', 'B': 'mirtazapine', 'C': 'pramlintide', 'D': 'pegvisomant'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Frova?,frovatriptan,"{'A': 'nafarelin', 'B': 'lenalidomide', 'C': 'tetrabenazine', 'D': 'frovatriptan'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Faslodex?,fulvestrant,"{'A': 'fulvestrant', 'B': 'paclitaxel', 'C': 'phenelzine', 'D': 'oxytocin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lasix?,furosemide,"{'A': 'rifampin', 'B': 'lorcaserin', 'C': 'trimethoprim', 'D': 'furosemide'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Neurontin?,gabapentin,"{'A': 'spironolactone', 'B': 'gabapentin', 'C': 'tetrahydrobiopterin', 'D': 'nefazodone'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Reminyl?,galantamine,"{'A': 'tetrahydrobiopterin', 'B': 'efavirenz', 'C': 'galantamine', 'D': 'chloramphenicol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Flaxedil?,gallamine,"{'A': 'gallamine', 'B': 'fludrocortisone', 'C': 'cyclophosphamide', 'D': 'fluorouracil'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ganite?,gallium,"{'A': 'simvastatin', 'B': 'infliximab', 'C': 'isoflurane', 'D': 'gallium'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cymevene?,ganciclovir,"{'A': 'ganciclovir', 'B': 'pantoprazole', 'C': 'repaglinide', 'D': 'clozapine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zymaxid?,gatifloxacin,"{'A': 'desflurane', 'B': 'gatifloxacin', 'C': 'tacrolimus', 'D': 'benzocaine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Garamycin?,gentamicin,"{'A': 'fludarabine', 'B': 'simeprevir', 'C': 'nifedipine', 'D': 'gentamicin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Glibenese?,glipizide,"{'A': 'ethambutol', 'B': 'probenecid', 'C': 'glipizide', 'D': 'dantrolene'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Glucagen?,glucagon,"{'A': 'piroxicam', 'B': 'sufentanil', 'C': 'panitumumab', 'D': 'glucagon'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug glutarol?,glutaraldehyde,"{'A': 'fludarabine', 'B': 'cyclosporine', 'C': 'glutaraldehyde', 'D': 'omeprazole'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Osmoglyn?,glycerin,"{'A': 'indomethacin', 'B': 'nefazodone', 'C': 'glycerin', 'D': 'glucagon'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zoladex?,goserelin,"{'A': 'rocuronium', 'B': 'hydromorphone', 'C': 'aripiprazole', 'D': 'goserelin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Griseofulvic?,griseofulvin,"{'A': 'clozapine', 'B': 'ampicillin', 'C': 'griseofulvin', 'D': 'dipivefrine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Fluothane?,halothane,"{'A': 'edrophonium', 'B': 'halothane', 'C': 'niclosamide', 'D': 'procarbazine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Hylenex?,hyaluronidase,"{'A': 'bromocriptine', 'B': 'hyaluronidase', 'C': 'irbesartan', 'D': 'ibutilide'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Apresoline?,hydralazine,"{'A': 'topiramate', 'B': 'hydralazine', 'C': 'cefpodoxime', 'D': 'carteolol'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Esidrix?,hydrochlorothiazide,"{'A': 'naproxen', 'B': 'spironolactone', 'C': 'mesna', 'D': 'hydrochlorothiazide'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Dilaudid?,hydromorphone,"{'A': 'phenobarbital', 'B': 'ampicillin', 'C': 'hydromorphone', 'D': 'dicloxacillin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Plaquenil?,hydroxychloroquine,"{'A': 'paromomycin', 'B': 'hydroxychloroquine', 'C': 'pepsin', 'D': 'tacrolimus'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Advil?,ibuprofen,"{'A': 'linezolid', 'B': 'griseofulvin', 'C': 'docusate', 'D': 'ibuprofen'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Corvert?,ibutilide,"{'A': 'scopolamine', 'B': 'ketorolac', 'C': 'ibutilide', 'D': 'cilostazol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Firazyr?,icatibant,"{'A': 'pirenzepine', 'B': 'efavirenz', 'C': 'icatibant', 'D': 'tiotropium'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Gleevec?,imatinib,"{'A': 'salmeterol', 'B': 'liraglutide', 'C': 'imatinib', 'D': 'stavudine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Tofranil?,imipramine,"{'A': 'rituximab', 'B': 'loratadine', 'C': 'imipramine', 'D': 'atenolol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Aldara?,imiquimod,"{'A': 'rosuvastatin', 'B': 'citalopram', 'C': 'imiquimod', 'D': 'butorphanol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Crixivan?,indinavir,"{'A': 'tramadol', 'B': 'indinavir', 'C': 'cefoperazone', 'D': 'deferoxamine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Indocin?,indomethacin,"{'A': 'indomethacin', 'B': 'clotrimazole', 'C': 'methylprednisolone', 'D': 'midodrine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Remicade?,infliximab,"{'A': 'metoprolol', 'B': 'simvastatin', 'C': 'atropine', 'D': 'infliximab'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Atrovent?,ipratropium,"{'A': 'eptifibatide', 'B': 'ipratropium', 'C': 'bacitracin', 'D': 'fomepizole'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Avapro?,irbesartan,"{'A': 'amitriptyline', 'B': 'paromomycin', 'C': 'irbesartan', 'D': 'rituximab'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Isoflo?,isoflurane,"{'A': 'isoflurane', 'B': 'rocuronium', 'C': 'efavirenz', 'D': 'ceftriaxone'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Nydrazid?,isoniazid,"{'A': 'mepivacaine', 'B': 'voriconazole', 'C': 'cyproheptadine', 'D': 'isoniazid'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Monoket?,isosorbide,"{'A': 'isosorbide', 'B': 'azathioprine', 'C': 'basiliximab', 'D': 'linezolid'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Amnesteem?,isotretinoin,"{'A': 'isotretinoin', 'B': 'terbutaline', 'C': 'cytarabine', 'D': 'foscarnet'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Sporanox?,itraconazole,"{'A': 'cyclosporine', 'B': 'itraconazole', 'C': 'paclitaxel', 'D': 'ambenonium'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Stromectol?,ivermectin,"{'A': 'ivermectin', 'B': 'indinavir', 'C': 'paracetamol', 'D': 'enflurane'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ketalar?,ketamine,"{'A': 'nitrofurantoin', 'B': 'ketamine', 'C': 'liraglutide', 'D': 'desflurane'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Extina?,ketoconazole,"{'A': 'ketoconazole', 'B': 'tetracycline', 'C': 'nesiritide', 'D': 'dicloxacillin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Orudis?,ketoprofen,"{'A': 'fexofenadine', 'B': 'ketoprofen', 'C': 'doripenem', 'D': 'sulindac'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Toradol?,ketorolac,"{'A': 'apraclonidine', 'B': 'griseofulvin', 'C': 'ketorolac', 'D': 'primidone'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zaditor?,ketotifen,"{'A': 'ketotifen', 'B': 'demeclocycline', 'C': 'brimonidine', 'D': 'methoxyflurane'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Trandate?,labetalol,"{'A': 'labetalol', 'B': 'dantrolene', 'C': 'escitalopram', 'D': 'erythromycin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Duphalac?,lactulose,"{'A': 'isoflurane', 'B': 'oxybutynin', 'C': 'lactulose', 'D': 'papaverine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Epivir?,lamivudine,"{'A': 'lamivudine', 'B': 'atenolol', 'C': 'chlorhexidine', 'D': 'topiramate'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lamictal?,lamotrigine,"{'A': 'cefotetan', 'B': 'fenofibrate', 'C': 'timolol', 'D': 'lamotrigine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Prevacid?,lansoprazole,"{'A': 'methotrexate', 'B': 'lamivudine', 'C': 'lansoprazole', 'D': 'triprolidine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Xalatan?,latanoprost,"{'A': 'latanoprost', 'B': 'teriparatide', 'C': 'benzocaine', 'D': 'icatibant'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Revlimid?,lenalidomide,"{'A': 'rifampin', 'B': 'lenalidomide', 'C': 'duloxetine', 'D': 'cyclosporine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Femara?,letrozole,"{'A': 'alteplase', 'B': 'trimethoprim', 'C': 'letrozole', 'D': 'loratadine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Refolin?,leucovorin,"{'A': 'ofloxacin', 'B': 'ketamine', 'C': 'leucovorin', 'D': 'streptokinase'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ergamisol?,levamisole,"{'A': 'cisatracurium', 'B': 'hyaluronidase', 'C': 'nevirapine', 'D': 'levamisole'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Dopar?,levodopa,"{'A': 'prednisolone', 'B': 'levodopa', 'C': 'thyroxine', 'D': 'irbesartan'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Levaquin?,levofloxacin,"{'A': 'letrozole', 'B': 'levofloxacin', 'C': 'clotrimazole', 'D': 'midazolam'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Xylocaine?,lidocaine,"{'A': 'metoprolol', 'B': 'empagliflozin', 'C': 'lidocaine', 'D': 'piroxicam'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zyvox?,linezolid,"{'A': 'clomiphene', 'B': 'linezolid', 'C': 'pegloticase', 'D': 'pepsin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cytomel?,liothyronine,"{'A': 'dasatinib', 'B': 'liothyronine', 'C': 'ceftizoxime', 'D': 'dobutamine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Victoza?,liraglutide,"{'A': 'liraglutide', 'B': 'ropinirole', 'C': 'doxepin', 'D': 'cephalothin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zestril?,lisinopril,"{'A': 'rituximab', 'B': 'lisinopril', 'C': 'prochlorperazine', 'D': 'ganciclovir'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Imodium?,loperamide,"{'A': 'doripenem', 'B': 'loperamide', 'C': 'desogestrel', 'D': 'allopurinol'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Claritin?,loratadine,"{'A': 'dorzolamide', 'B': 'clindamycin', 'C': 'pioglitazone', 'D': 'loratadine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ativan?,lorazepam,"{'A': 'dantrolene', 'B': 'nitisinone', 'C': 'lorazepam', 'D': 'levamisole'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Belviq?,lorcaserin,"{'A': 'alendronate', 'B': 'lorcaserin', 'C': 'sildenafil', 'D': 'diazepam'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cozaar?,losartan,"{'A': 'carbamazepine', 'B': 'losartan', 'C': 'fenfluramine', 'D': 'lorazepam'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Mevacor?,lovastatin,"{'A': 'clindamycin', 'B': 'furosemide', 'C': 'teriparatide', 'D': 'lovastatin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ovide?,malathion,"{'A': 'pramlintide', 'B': 'olanzapine', 'C': 'malathion', 'D': 'vincristine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Osmitrol?,mannitol,"{'A': 'rasburicase', 'B': 'mannitol', 'C': 'phenobarbital', 'D': 'oxaliplatin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Selzentry?,maraviroc,"{'A': 'doxorubicin', 'B': 'maraviroc', 'C': 'pindolol', 'D': 'perphenazine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Vermox?,mebendazole,"{'A': 'carboplatin', 'B': 'mebendazole', 'C': 'modafinil', 'D': 'pindolol'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lariam?,mefloquine,"{'A': 'simeprevir', 'B': 'ketoconazole', 'C': 'aldesleukin', 'D': 'mefloquine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Mobic?,meloxicam,"{'A': 'nadolol', 'B': 'probenecid', 'C': 'meloxicam', 'D': 'diethylstilbestrol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Namenda?,memantine,"{'A': 'mebendazole', 'B': 'memantine', 'C': 'nimodipine', 'D': 'clindamycin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Carbocaine?,mepivacaine,"{'A': 'adapalene', 'B': 'lorcaserin', 'C': 'lamotrigine', 'D': 'mepivacaine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Nucala?,mepolizumab,"{'A': 'clopidogrel', 'B': 'terbutaline', 'C': 'mepolizumab', 'D': 'tocilizumab'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Canasa?,mesalazine,"{'A': 'ketotifen', 'B': 'glipizide', 'C': 'clozapine', 'D': 'mesalazine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Mesnex?,mesna,"{'A': 'triazolam', 'B': 'gatifloxacin', 'C': 'mesna', 'D': 'rizatriptan'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Glucophage?,metformin,"{'A': 'metformin', 'B': 'trimethoprim', 'C': 'temazepam', 'D': 'trihexyphenidyl'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Dolophine?,methadone,"{'A': 'fenoldopam', 'B': 'calcitriol', 'C': 'methadone', 'D': 'imatinib'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Hiprex?,methenamine,"{'A': 'rivastigmine', 'B': 'timolol', 'C': 'methenamine', 'D': 'neostigmine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Robaxin?,methocarbamol,"{'A': 'methocarbamol', 'B': 'sevoflurane', 'C': 'topotecan', 'D': 'tolterodine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Trexall?,methotrexate,"{'A': 'flucytosine', 'B': 'basiliximab', 'C': 'sevelamer', 'D': 'methotrexate'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Penthrane?,methoxyflurane,"{'A': 'isoflurane', 'B': 'methoxyflurane', 'C': 'montelukast', 'D': 'tetrabenazine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Aldomet?,methyldopa,"{'A': 'pethidine', 'B': 'exenatide', 'C': 'sitagliptin', 'D': 'methyldopa'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ritalin?,methylphenidate,"{'A': 'methylphenidate', 'B': 'nimodipine', 'C': 'dextran', 'D': 'doxorubicin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Medrol?,methylprednisolone,"{'A': 'erythropoietin', 'B': 'triamcinolone', 'C': 'fluvastatin', 'D': 'methylprednisolone'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Sansert?,methysergide,"{'A': 'methysergide', 'B': 'ramelteon', 'C': 'fexofenadine', 'D': 'repaglinide'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Reglan?,metoclopramide,"{'A': 'metoclopramide', 'B': 'doxepin', 'C': 'ketotifen', 'D': 'chlorhexidine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Betaloc?,metoprolol,"{'A': 'terazosin', 'B': 'metoprolol', 'C': 'aripiprazole', 'D': 'ethambutol'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Flagyl?,metronidazole,"{'A': 'stavudine', 'B': 'methadone', 'C': 'metronidazole', 'D': 'darunavir'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Metopirone?,metyrapone,"{'A': 'podophyllin', 'B': 'prochlorperazine', 'C': 'vecuronium', 'D': 'metyrapone'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Daktarin?,miconazole,"{'A': 'miconazole', 'B': 'isoflurane', 'C': 'methotrexate', 'D': 'nelfinavir'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Seizalam?,midazolam,"{'A': 'midazolam', 'B': 'succimer', 'C': 'methoxyflurane', 'D': 'triptorelin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Proamatine?,midodrine,"{'A': 'ritonavir', 'B': 'albendazole', 'C': 'midodrine', 'D': 'miglitol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Mifeprex?,mifepristone,"{'A': 'pirenzepine', 'B': 'lenalidomide', 'C': 'risedronate', 'D': 'mifepristone'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Glyset?,miglitol,"{'A': 'miglitol', 'B': 'cisatracurium', 'C': 'dorzolamide', 'D': 'labetalol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Impavido?,miltefosine,"{'A': 'fomepizole', 'B': 'miltefosine', 'C': 'dolutegravir', 'D': 'pravastatin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Minocin?,minocycline,"{'A': 'tolbutamide', 'B': 'minocycline', 'C': 'naproxen', 'D': 'dextran'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Remeron?,mirtazapine,"{'A': 'levodopa', 'B': 'aliskiren', 'C': 'albendazole', 'D': 'mirtazapine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cytotec?,misoprostol,"{'A': 'paba', 'B': 'misoprostol', 'C': 'gentamicin', 'D': 'modafinil'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Mivacron?,mivacurium,"{'A': 'zileuton', 'B': 'mivacurium', 'C': 'enalapril', 'D': 'gabapentin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Provigil?,modafinil,"{'A': 'desogestrel', 'B': 'tirofiban', 'C': 'triprolidine', 'D': 'modafinil'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Singulair?,montelukast,"{'A': 'phentolamine', 'B': 'ticagrelor', 'C': 'montelukast', 'D': 'trihexyphenidyl'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Oramorph?,morphine,"{'A': 'bacitracin', 'B': 'tetrabenazine', 'C': 'mesna', 'D': 'morphine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Avelox?,moxifloxacin,"{'A': 'levofloxacin', 'B': 'moxifloxacin', 'C': 'desmopressin', 'D': 'calamine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Physiotens?,moxonidine,"{'A': 'povidone-iodine', 'B': 'flumazenil', 'C': 'tamsulosin', 'D': 'moxonidine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Bactroban?,mupirocin,"{'A': 'ribavirin', 'B': 'valsartan', 'C': 'quinine', 'D': 'mupirocin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Corgard?,nadolol,"{'A': 'nadolol', 'B': 'acetazolamide', 'C': 'repaglinide', 'D': 'paroxetine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Synarel?,nafarelin,"{'A': 'econazole', 'B': 'edrophonium', 'C': 'carboprost', 'D': 'nafarelin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Narcan?,naloxone,"{'A': 'thyroxine', 'B': 'naloxone', 'C': 'butorphanol', 'D': 'doxycycline'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Revia?,naltrexone,"{'A': 'indomethacin', 'B': 'cladribine', 'C': 'naltrexone', 'D': 'prazosin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Durabolin?,nandrolone,"{'A': 'nandrolone', 'B': 'suxamethonium', 'C': 'naltrexone', 'D': 'methocarbamol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Aflaxen?,naproxen,"{'A': 'valsartan', 'B': 'cyproheptadine', 'C': 'naproxen', 'D': 'dipivefrine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Amerge?,naratriptan,"{'A': 'naratriptan', 'B': 'rifaximin', 'C': 'citalopram', 'D': 'terbutaline'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Serzone?,nefazodone,"{'A': 'anastrozole', 'B': 'enflurane', 'C': 'nefazodone', 'D': 'cefaclor'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Viracept?,nelfinavir,"{'A': 'basiliximab', 'B': 'memantine', 'C': 'nelfinavir', 'D': 'clomipramine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Prostigmin?,neostigmine,"{'A': 'neostigmine', 'B': 'risedronate', 'C': 'allopurinol', 'D': 'pantoprazole'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Natrecor?,nesiritide,"{'A': 'nesiritide', 'B': 'oxytocin', 'C': 'clotrimazole', 'D': 'brimonidine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Viramune?,nevirapine,"{'A': 'tolvaptan', 'B': 'celecoxib', 'C': 'nevirapine', 'D': 'diphenhydramine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Niclocide?,niclosamide,"{'A': 'acitretin', 'B': 'niclosamide', 'C': 'alprazolam', 'D': 'tetracycline'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Adalat?,nifedipine,"{'A': 'bromocriptine', 'B': 'lorazepam', 'C': 'abciximab', 'D': 'nifedipine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lampit?,nifurtimox,"{'A': 'clindamycin', 'B': 'ticlopidine', 'C': 'orlistat', 'D': 'nifurtimox'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Nymalize?,nimodipine,"{'A': 'nimodipine', 'B': 'perphenazine', 'C': 'fluorescein', 'D': 'clomipramine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Orfadin?,nitisinone,"{'A': 'ribavirin', 'B': 'clofazimine', 'C': 'tiotropium', 'D': 'nitisinone'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Macrobid?,nitrofurantoin,"{'A': 'nitrofurantoin', 'B': 'clarithromycin', 'C': 'alprazolam', 'D': 'gallamine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Glytrin?,nitroglycerin,"{'A': 'nitroglycerin', 'B': 'lactulose', 'C': 'ziprasidone', 'D': 'ergocalciferol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Nitropress?,nitroprusside,"{'A': 'nitroprusside', 'B': 'tacrolimus', 'C': 'cefotaxime', 'D': 'succimer'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Pamelor?,nortriptyline,"{'A': 'vigabatrin', 'B': 'methoxyflurane', 'C': 'lisinopril', 'D': 'nortriptyline'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Albamycin?,novobiocin,"{'A': 'cytarabine', 'B': 'novobiocin', 'C': 'mesna', 'D': 'cefotaxime'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Nilstat?,nystatin,"{'A': 'cephalothin', 'B': 'mupirocin', 'C': 'cilostazol', 'D': 'nystatin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Sandostatin?,octreotide,"{'A': 'lamotrigine', 'B': 'ethambutol', 'C': 'octreotide', 'D': 'amiodarone'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Floxin?,ofloxacin,"{'A': 'ofloxacin', 'B': 'diclofenac', 'C': 'ethionamide', 'D': 'fondaparinux'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zyprexa?,olanzapine,"{'A': 'sitagliptin', 'B': 'diclofenac', 'C': 'chlorhexidine', 'D': 'olanzapine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Dipentum?,olsalazine,"{'A': 'liraglutide', 'B': 'nadolol', 'C': 'chloramphenicol', 'D': 'olsalazine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Xolair?,omalizumab,"{'A': 'omalizumab', 'B': 'biotin', 'C': 'fomepizole', 'D': 'miltefosine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Losec?,omeprazole,"{'A': 'omeprazole', 'B': 'lansoprazole', 'C': 'ketoconazole', 'D': 'basiliximab'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Xenical?,orlistat,"{'A': 'biotin', 'B': 'orlistat', 'C': 'desflurane', 'D': 'rosuvastatin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Tamiflu?,oseltamivir,"{'A': 'hydroxychloroquine', 'B': 'senna', 'C': 'oseltamivir', 'D': 'ketotifen'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Eloxatin?,oxaliplatin,"{'A': 'oxaliplatin', 'B': 'vecuronium', 'C': 'mefloquine', 'D': 'digoxin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Xyrem?,oxybate,"{'A': 'oxybate', 'B': 'chlordiazepoxide', 'C': 'chlorpropamide', 'D': 'pantoprazole'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Oxytrol?,oxybutynin,"{'A': 'temazepam', 'B': 'oxybutynin', 'C': 'ketoconazole', 'D': 'moxonidine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Oxycontin?,oxycodone,"{'A': 'alendronate', 'B': 'oxycodone', 'C': 'mesna', 'D': 'infliximab'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Afrin?,oxymetazoline,"{'A': 'oxymetazoline', 'B': 'pindolol', 'C': 'edta', 'D': 'procainamide'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Oxoject?,oxytocin,"{'A': 'vigabatrin', 'B': 'docusate', 'C': 'mesalazine', 'D': 'oxytocin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug SwineAid?,paba,"{'A': 'paba', 'B': 'zonisamide', 'C': 'bromocriptine', 'D': 'moxifloxacin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Taxol?,paclitaxel,"{'A': 'bendamustine', 'B': 'amitriptyline', 'C': 'paclitaxel', 'D': 'lansoprazole'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Pavulon?,pancuronium,"{'A': 'triazolam', 'B': 'methocarbamol', 'C': 'pancuronium', 'D': 'nortriptyline'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Vectibix?,panitumumab,"{'A': 'panitumumab', 'B': 'benztropine', 'C': 'chlorhexidine', 'D': 'baclofen'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Protonix?,pantoprazole,"{'A': 'pantoprazole', 'B': 'clonidine', 'C': 'albendazole', 'D': 'benztropine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Papacon?,papaverine,"{'A': 'enalapril', 'B': 'celiprolol', 'C': 'papaverine', 'D': 'orlistat'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Tylenol?,paracetamol,"{'A': 'ceftizoxime', 'B': 'dihydroergotamine', 'C': 'pentazocine', 'D': 'paracetamol'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Humatin?,paromomycin,"{'A': 'paromomycin', 'B': 'fenfluramine', 'C': 'dantrolene', 'D': 'amiodarone'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Brisdelle?,paroxetine,"{'A': 'methyldopa', 'B': 'paroxetine', 'C': 'brimonidine', 'D': 'telmisartan'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Krystexxa?,pegloticase,"{'A': 'cevimeline', 'B': 'miglitol', 'C': 'pegloticase', 'D': 'dolutegravir'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Somavert?,pegvisomant,"{'A': 'prochlorperazine', 'B': 'mebendazole', 'C': 'terazosin', 'D': 'pegvisomant'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cylert?,pemoline,"{'A': 'pemoline', 'B': 'diltiazem', 'C': 'ropinirole', 'D': 'isotretinoin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cuprimine?,penicillamine,"{'A': 'epoprostenol', 'B': 'quinine', 'C': 'chlorpromazine', 'D': 'penicillamine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Nebupent?,pentamidine,"{'A': 'halothane', 'B': 'liraglutide', 'C': 'anakinra', 'D': 'pentamidine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Talwin?,pentazocine,"{'A': 'pentazocine', 'B': 'mirtazapine', 'C': 'chlorothiazide', 'D': 'naltrexone'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Digipepsin?,pepsin,"{'A': 'nesiritide', 'B': 'pepsin', 'C': 'methoxyflurane', 'D': 'povidone-iodine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Trilafon?,perphenazine,"{'A': 'perphenazine', 'B': 'colchicine', 'C': 'digoxin', 'D': 'pepsin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Demerol?,pethidine,"{'A': 'metyrapone', 'B': 'desflurane', 'C': 'pethidine', 'D': 'clopidogrel'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Nardil?,phenelzine,"{'A': 'phenelzine', 'B': 'omeprazole', 'C': 'fondaparinux', 'D': 'eplerenone'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Luminal?,phenobarbital,"{'A': 'ziprasidone', 'B': 'captopril', 'C': 'oxymetazoline', 'D': 'phenobarbital'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Dibenyline?,phenoxybenzamine,"{'A': 'perphenazine', 'B': 'acebutolol', 'C': 'phenoxybenzamine', 'D': 'bosentan'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Oraverse?,phentolamine,"{'A': 'alprostadil', 'B': 'ceftizoxime', 'C': 'ibutilide', 'D': 'phentolamine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Vazculep?,phenylephrine,"{'A': 'pramipexole', 'B': 'enflurane', 'C': 'phenylephrine', 'D': 'anakinra'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Dilantin?,phenytoin,"{'A': 'clofazimine', 'B': 'naltrexone', 'C': 'phenytoin', 'D': 'chlordiazepoxide'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Anticholium?,physostigmine,"{'A': 'bran', 'B': 'physostigmine', 'C': 'amitriptyline', 'D': 'atropine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Pilagan?,pilocarpine,"{'A': 'ropivacaine', 'B': 'pilocarpine', 'C': 'quinidine', 'D': 'edta'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Visken?,pindolol,"{'A': 'eplerenone', 'B': 'clarithromycin', 'C': 'pindolol', 'D': 'irbesartan'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Actos?,pioglitazone,"{'A': 'cetuximab', 'B': 'pioglitazone', 'C': 'vasopressin', 'D': 'timolol'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Gastrotsepin?,pirenzepine,"{'A': 'chlorthalidone', 'B': 'metronidazole', 'C': 'pirenzepine', 'D': 'fluphenazine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Feldene?,piroxicam,"{'A': 'fenofibrate', 'B': 'ciclesonide', 'C': 'piroxicam', 'D': 'enflurane'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Podofin?,podophyllin,"{'A': 'desogestrel', 'B': 'tiotropium', 'C': 'lenalidomide', 'D': 'podophyllin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug FreshKote?,povidone,"{'A': 'doripenem', 'B': 'misoprostol', 'C': 'dihydroergotamine', 'D': 'povidone'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Betadine?,povidone-iodine,"{'A': 'povidone-iodine', 'B': 'oxytocin', 'C': 'fluorescein', 'D': 'propranolol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Protopam?,pralidoxime,"{'A': 'entacapone', 'B': 'riluzole', 'C': 'pralidoxime', 'D': 'podophyllin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Mirapex?,pramipexole,"{'A': 'indomethacin', 'B': 'bisoprolol', 'C': 'pramipexole', 'D': 'primidone'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Symlin?,pramlintide,"{'A': 'sildenafil', 'B': 'ticagrelor', 'C': 'pramlintide', 'D': 'maraviroc'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Effient?,prasugrel,"{'A': 'bupivacaine', 'B': 'diclofenac', 'C': 'ganciclovir', 'D': 'prasugrel'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Pravachol?,pravastatin,"{'A': 'simeprevir', 'B': 'pantoprazole', 'C': 'chlorambucil', 'D': 'pravastatin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Minipress?,prazosin,"{'A': 'ramelteon', 'B': 'naltrexone', 'C': 'prazosin', 'D': 'miglitol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Orapred?,prednisolone,"{'A': 'prednisolone', 'B': 'orlistat', 'C': 'bimatoprost', 'D': 'tizanidine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Deltasone?,prednisone,"{'A': 'prednisone', 'B': 'cephalexin', 'C': 'amikacin', 'D': 'pramlintide'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Mysoline?,primidone,"{'A': 'estramustine', 'B': 'primidone', 'C': 'infliximab','D': 'oxytocin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Benemid?,probenecid,"{'A': 'docusate', 'B': 'miglitol', 'C': 'oxytocin', 'D': 'probenecid'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Pronestyl?,procainamide,"{'A': 'clozapine', 'B': 'procainamide', 'C': 'ranitidine', 'D': 'fenfluramine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Novocaine?,procaine,"{'A': 'methoxyflurane', 'B': 'procaine', 'C': 'teicoplanin', 'D': 'albendazole'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Matulane?,procarbazine,"{'A': 'linezolid', 'B': 'procarbazine', 'C': 'prazosin', 'D': 'sumatriptan'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Stemetil?,prochlorperazine,"{'A': 'prochlorperazine', 'B': 'erythromycin', 'C': 'dobutamine', 'D': 'sofosbuvir'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Phenergan?,promethazine,"{'A': 'nandrolone', 'B': 'promethazine', 'C': 'disulfiram', 'D': 'darunavir'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Diprivan?,propofol,"{'A': 'foscarnet', 'B': 'propofol', 'C': 'carteolol', 'D': 'desogestrel'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Inderal?,propranolol,"{'A': 'stanozolol', 'B': 'propranolol', 'C': 'chloramphenicol', 'D': 'labetalol'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Seroquel?,quetiapine,"{'A': 'bupropion', 'B': 'rifampin', 'C': 'indinavir', 'D': 'quetiapine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Quinora?,quinidine,"{'A': 'quinidine', 'B': 'miglitol', 'C': 'ibutilide', 'D': 'levofloxacin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Qualaquin?,quinine,"{'A': 'terbutaline', 'B': 'quinine', 'C': 'cetuximab', 'D': 'colesevelam'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Evista?,raloxifene,"{'A': 'lorazepam', 'B': 'raloxifene', 'C': 'novobiocin', 'D': 'clozapine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Rozerem?,ramelteon,"{'A': 'ramelteon', 'B': 'carbamazepine', 'C': 'cephalothin', 'D': 'hyaluronidase'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Altace?,ramipril,"{'A': 'meloxicam', 'B': 'dextran', 'C': 'ramipril', 'D': 'doxepin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zantac?,ranitidine,"{'A': 'fentanyl', 'B': 'cetuximab', 'C': 'ranitidine', 'D': 'nafarelin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Elitek?,rasburicase,"{'A': 'citalopram', 'B': 'edta', 'C': 'rasburicase', 'D': 'phenelzine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ultiva?,remifentanil,"{'A': 'thalidomide', 'B': 'remifentanil', 'C': 'trospium', 'D': 'pilocarpine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Prandin?,repaglinide,"{'A': 'rizatriptan', 'B': 'clozapine', 'C': 'repaglinide', 'D': 'bupivacaine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Resinol?,resorcinol,"{'A': 'resorcinol', 'B': 'levamisole', 'C': 'pegloticase', 'D': 'demeclocycline'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Rebetol?,ribavirin,"{'A': 'ribavirin', 'B': 'metronidazole', 'C': 'calamine', 'D': 'ciprofloxacin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Rimactane?,rifampin,"{'A': 'sertraline', 'B': 'donepezil', 'C': 'rifampin', 'D': 'epoprostenol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Xifaxan?,rifaximin,"{'A': 'tadalafil', 'B': 'miglitol', 'C': 'nortriptyline', 'D': 'rifaximin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Rilutek?,riluzole,"{'A': 'chloramphenicol', 'B': 'riluzole', 'C': 'dexamethasone', 'D': 'saquinavir'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Actonel?,risedronate,"{'A': 'benztropine', 'B': 'febuxostat', 'C': 'risedronate', 'D': 'povidone-iodine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Norvir?,ritonavir,"{'A': 'dihydroergotamine', 'B': 'ritonavir', 'C': 'rivastigmine', 'D': 'nystatin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Rituxan?,rituximab,"{'A': 'darunavir', 'B': 'sulfasalazine', 'C': 'rituximab', 'D': 'glipizide'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Xarelto?,rivaroxaban,"{'A': 'isoniazid', 'B': 'prazosin', 'C': 'rivaroxaban', 'D': 'phenobarbital'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Exelon?,rivastigmine,"{'A': 'rivastigmine', 'B': 'ampicillin', 'C': 'metoclopramide', 'D': 'bacitracin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Maxalt?,rizatriptan,"{'A': 'aliskiren', 'B': 'erythromycin', 'C': 'terazosin', 'D': 'rizatriptan'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zemuron?,rocuronium,"{'A': 'alogliptin', 'B': 'rocuronium', 'C': 'paromomycin', 'D': 'nifurtimox'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Nplate?,romiplostim,"{'A': 'captopril', 'B': 'alogliptin', 'C': 'chloramphenicol', 'D': 'romiplostim'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Requip?,ropinirole,"{'A': 'imiquimod', 'B': 'mirtazapine', 'C': 'bromocriptine', 'D': 'ropinirole'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Naropin?,ropivacaine,"{'A': 'suxamethonium', 'B': 'glutaraldehyde', 'C': 'ropivacaine', 'D': 'bromocriptine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Crestor?,rosuvastatin,"{'A': 'rizatriptan', 'B': 'nifedipine', 'C': 'aripiprazole', 'D': 'rosuvastatin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Jakafi?,ruxolitinib,"{'A': 'collagenase', 'B': 'nitrofurantoin', 'C': 'cilostazol', 'D': 'ruxolitinib'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ventolin?,salbutamol,"{'A': 'propofol', 'B': 'salbutamol', 'C': 'trimethoprim', 'D': 'indomethacin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Serevent?,salmeterol,"{'A': 'novobiocin', 'B': 'acarbose', 'C': 'salmeterol', 'D': 'carboplatin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Invirase?,saquinavir,"{'A': 'saquinavir', 'B': 'acebutolol', 'C': 'tibolone', 'D': 'ketoconazole'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Scopace?,scopolamine,"{'A': 'scopolamine', 'B': 'nafarelin', 'C': 'nefazodone', 'D': 'miconazole'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Emsam?,selegiline,"{'A': 'etomidate', 'B': 'pepsin', 'C': 'tocilizumab', 'D': 'selegiline'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Senokot?,senna,"{'A': 'senna', 'B': 'triamterene', 'C': 'bethanechol', 'D': 'vancomycin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zoloft?,sertraline,"{'A': 'tamoxifen', 'B': 'ibuprofen', 'C': 'sertraline', 'D': 'senna'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Renvela?,sevelamer,"{'A': 'epinephrine', 'B': 'sevelamer', 'C': 'infliximab', 'D': 'paba'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ultane?,sevoflurane,"{'A': 'cetuximab', 'B': 'benzocaine', 'C': 'phentolamine', 'D': 'sevoflurane'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Viagra?,sildenafil,"{'A': 'montelukast', 'B': 'ceftizoxime', 'C': 'sildenafil', 'D': 'tamsulosin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Olysio?,simeprevir,"{'A': 'simeprevir', 'B': 'carboprost', 'C': 'repaglinide', 'D': 'amitriptyline'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zocor?,simvastatin,"{'A': 'simvastatin', 'B': 'metronidazole', 'C': 'propranolol', 'D': 'lorazepam'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Januvia?,sitagliptin,"{'A': 'bendamustine', 'B': 'nandrolone', 'C': 'sitagliptin', 'D': 'oxymetazoline'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Sovaldi?,sofosbuvir,"{'A': 'acitretin', 'B': 'naratriptan', 'C': 'ramipril', 'D': 'sofosbuvir'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Carospir?,spironolactone,"{'A': 'imiquimod', 'B': 'aripiprazole', 'C': 'spironolactone', 'D': 'propofol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Winstrol?,stanozolol,"{'A': 'probenecid', 'B': 'stanozolol', 'C': 'diazepam', 'D': 'phentolamine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zerit?,stavudine,"{'A': 'phenobarbital', 'B': 'thyroxine', 'C': 'stavudine', 'D': 'nandrolone'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Kabikinase?,streptokinase,"{'A': 'saquinavir', 'B': 'ergocalciferol', 'C': 'fluconazole', 'D': 'streptokinase'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Chemet?,succimer,"{'A': 'etomidate', 'B': 'succimer', 'C': 'rifaximin', 'D': 'malathion'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Sufenta?,sufentanil,"{'A': 'sufentanil', 'B': 'acarbose', 'C': 'telmisartan', 'D': 'deferoxamine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Azulfidine?,sulfasalazine,"{'A': 'mesalazine', 'B': 'itraconazole', 'C': 'sulfasalazine', 'D': 'fondaparinux'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Clinoril?,sulindac,"{'A': 'mepolizumab', 'B': 'sulindac', 'C': 'indomethacin', 'D': 'goserelin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Imitrex?,sumatriptan,"{'A': 'glipizide', 'B': 'flutamide', 'C': 'sumatriptan', 'D': 'ipratropium'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Quelicin?,suxamethonium,"{'A': 'fluorometholone', 'B': 'hydralazine', 'C': 'edrophonium', 'D': 'suxamethonium'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Prograf?,tacrolimus,"{'A': 'albendazole', 'B': 'ramelteon', 'C': 'tacrolimus', 'D': 'fentanyl'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Cialis?,tadalafil,"{'A': 'tadalafil', 'B': 'dipivefrine', 'C': 'fulvestrant', 'D': 'brimonidine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Nolvadex?,tamoxifen,"{'A': 'clotrimazole', 'B': 'glycerin', 'C': 'rifampin', 'D': 'tamoxifen'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Flomax?,tamsulosin,"{'A': 'rasburicase', 'B': 'tamsulosin', 'C': 'sufentanil', 'D': 'rituximab'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zorac?,tazarotene,"{'A': 'amantadine', 'B': 'febuxostat', 'C': 'vincristine', 'D': 'tazarotene'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Targocid?,teicoplanin,"{'A': 'diphenhydramine', 'B': 'colchicine', 'C': 'ruxolitinib', 'D': 'teicoplanin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Micardis?,telmisartan,"{'A': 'halothane', 'B': 'terazosin', 'C': 'telmisartan', 'D': 'efavirenz'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Normison?,temazepam,"{'A': 'senna', 'B': 'quinine', 'C': 'celiprolol', 'D': 'temazepam'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Hytrin?,terazosin,"{'A': 'pramlintide', 'B': 'escitalopram', 'C': 'terazosin', 'D': 'tropicamide'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Lamisil?,terbinafine,"{'A': 'terbinafine', 'B': 'ethambutol', 'C': 'trimethoprim', 'D': 'methylphenidate'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Brethine?,terbutaline,"{'A': 'fludarabine', 'B': 'bimatoprost', 'C': 'cladribine', 'D': 'terbutaline'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Forteo?,teriparatide,"{'A': 'pemoline', 'B': 'fluphenazine', 'C': 'triazolam', 'D': 'teriparatide'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Xenazine?,tetrabenazine,"{'A': 'pramipexole', 'B': 'albendazole', 'C': 'tetrabenazine', 'D': 'selegiline'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Panmycin?,tetracycline,"{'A': 'tetracycline', 'B': 'cefoperazone', 'C': 'simeprevir', 'D': 'diethylstilbestrol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Kuvan?,tetrahydrobiopterin,"{'A': 'itraconazole', 'B': 'bendamustine', 'C': 'tetrahydrobiopterin', 'D': 'griseofulvin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Thalomid?,thalidomide,"{'A': 'ergocalciferol', 'B': 'thalidomide', 'C': 'ezetimibe', 'D': 'propofol'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Elixophyllin?,theophylline,"{'A': 'theophylline', 'B': 'dorzolamide', 'C': 'amlodipine', 'D': 'halothane'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Synthroid?,thyroxine,"{'A': 'labetalol', 'B': 'thyroxine', 'C': 'naloxone', 'D': 'oxycodone'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Livial?,tibolone,"{'A': 'amikacin', 'B': 'remifentanil', 'C': 'acebutolol', 'D': 'tibolone'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Brilinta?,ticagrelor,"{'A': 'salmeterol', 'B': 'cyproterone', 'C': 'amoxapine', 'D': 'ticagrelor'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ticlid?,ticlopidine,"{'A': 'ticlopidine', 'B': 'tetracycline', 'C': 'sevoflurane', 'D': 'nitisinone'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Blocadren?,timolol,"{'A': 'timolol', 'B': 'furosemide', 'C': 'alprostadil', 'D': 'mupirocin'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Spiriva?,tiotropium,"{'A': 'isoflurane', 'B': 'zileuton', 'C': 'tiotropium', 'D': 'demeclocycline'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Aggrastat?,tirofiban,"{'A': 'tirofiban', 'B': 'yohimbine', 'C': 'rifampin', 'D': 'nandrolone'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zanaflex?,tizanidine,"{'A': 'metoclopramide', 'B': 'tizanidine', 'C': 'triprolidine', 'D': 'rizatriptan'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Actemra?,tocilizumab,"{'A': 'orlistat', 'B': 'amoxapine', 'C': 'tocilizumab', 'D': 'bethanechol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Orinase?,tolbutamide,"{'A': 'collagenase', 'B': 'tolbutamide', 'C': 'oxycodone', 'D': 'ramipril'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Detrol?,tolterodine,"{'A': 'enoxaparin', 'B': 'tolterodine', 'C': 'oxybate', 'D': 'povidone-iodine'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Samsca?,tolvaptan,"{'A': 'dibucaine', 'B': 'sulindac', 'C': 'temazepam', 'D': 'tolvaptan'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Topamax?,topiramate,"{'A': 'topiramate', 'B': 'dapsone', 'C': 'timolol', 'D': 'lamivudine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Hycamtin?,topotecan,"{'A': 'calcitriol', 'B': 'benztropine', 'C': 'ivermectin', 'D': 'topotecan'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ultram?,tramadol,"{'A': 'tramadol', 'B': 'cyclosporine', 'C': 'maraviroc', 'D': 'bethanechol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Desyrel?,trazodone,"{'A': 'tetrabenazine', 'B': 'fluorescein', 'C': 'trazodone', 'D': 'vasopressin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Kenalog?,triamcinolone,"{'A': 'warfarin', 'B': 'triamcinolone', 'C': 'topotecan', 'D': 'omalizumab'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Dyrenium?,triamterene,"{'A': 'oseltamivir', 'B': 'triamterene', 'C': 'ramelteon', 'D': 'chlorthalidone'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Halcion?,triazolam,"{'A': 'triazolam', 'B': 'maraviroc', 'C': 'pentazocine', 'D': 'methotrexate'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Stelazine?,trifluoperazine,"{'A': 'nitroglycerin', 'B': 'trifluoperazine', 'C': 'famotidine', 'D': 'methylphenidate'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Artane?,trihexyphenidyl,"{'A': 'pramipexole', 'B': 'trihexyphenidyl', 'C': 'misoprostol', 'D': 'cephalexin'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Arfonad?,trimethaphan,"{'A': 'amlodipine', 'B': 'dasatinib', 'C': 'trimethaphan', 'D': 'naloxone'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Proloprim?,trimethoprim,"{'A': 'clomiphene', 'B': 'collagenase', 'C': 'trimethoprim', 'D': 'edta'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Surmontil?,trimipramine,"{'A': 'diazepam', 'B': 'atropine', 'C': 'chlorothiazide', 'D': 'trimipramine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Actidil?,triprolidine,"{'A': 'triprolidine', 'B': 'naratriptan', 'C': 'lisinopril', 'D': 'pralidoxime'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Trelstar?,triptorelin,"{'A': 'dolutegravir', 'B': 'triptorelin', 'C': 'calamine', 'D': 'oxymetazoline'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Tropicacyl?,tropicamide,"{'A': 'trimipramine', 'B': 'chlorhexidine', 'C': 'tropicamide', 'D': 'vasopressin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Sanctura?,trospium,"{'A': 'capecitabine', 'B': 'tacrolimus', 'C': 'pentamidine', 'D': 'trospium'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Ella?,ulipristal,"{'A': 'ulipristal', 'B': 'nifurtimox', 'C': 'enflurane', 'D': 'stanozolol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Depakene?,valproate,"{'A': 'methyldopa', 'B': 'furosemide', 'C': 'etanercept', 'D': 'valproate'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Diovan?,valsartan,"{'A': 'paclitaxel', 'B': 'doxorubicin', 'C': 'eptifibatide', 'D': 'valsartan'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Firvanq?,vancomycin,"{'A': 'vancomycin', 'B': 'metformin', 'C': 'liothyronine', 'D': 'carvedilol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Pitressin?,vasopressin,"{'A': 'midazolam', 'B': 'mesalazine', 'C': 'vasopressin', 'D': 'estriol'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Norcuron?,vecuronium,"{'A': 'vecuronium', 'B': 'phentolamine', 'C': 'bendamustine', 'D': 'cyclosporine'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Isoptin?,verapamil,"{'A': 'aliskiren', 'B': 'streptokinase', 'C': 'verapamil', 'D': 'cyproheptadine'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Sabril?,vigabatrin,"{'A': 'citalopram', 'B': 'isotretinoin', 'C': 'mesalazine', 'D': 'vigabatrin'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Vincasar?,vincristine,"{'A': 'teriparatide', 'B': 'disulfiram', 'C': 'vincristine', 'D': 'fenoldopam'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zontivity?,vorapaxar,"{'A': 'vorapaxar', 'B': 'fluoxetine', 'C': 'diazepam', 'D': 'vecuronium'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug VFEND?,voriconazole,"{'A': 'voriconazole', 'B': 'dihydroxyacetone', 'C': 'naproxen', 'D': 'ethionamide'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Jantoven?,warfarin,"{'A': 'cefoperazone', 'B': 'warfarin', 'C': 'azathioprine', 'D': 'oxymetazoline'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Yohimex?,yohimbine,"{'A': 'lorcaserin', 'B': 'atorvastatin', 'C': 'oseltamivir', 'D': 'yohimbine'}",D
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Accolate?,zafirlukast,"{'A': 'zafirlukast', 'B': 'entecavir', 'C': 'alteplase', 'D': 'metoprolol'}",A
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Retrovir?,zidovudine,"{'A': 'moxonidine', 'B': 'dicloxacillin', 'C': 'zidovudine', 'D': 'metformin'}",C
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zyflo?,zileuton,"{'A': 'losartan', 'B': 'zileuton', 'C': 'chlorothiazide', 'D': 'edta'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Geodon?,ziprasidone,"{'A': 'pramipexole', 'B': 'ziprasidone', 'C': 'prednisolone', 'D': 'vecuronium'}",B
Which of the following is the generic name for the drug Zonegran?,zonisamide,"{'A': 'montelukast', 'B': 'zonisamide', 'C': 'ulipristal', 'D': 'levodopa'}",B