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"n\u00e5gon", "location": {"start": 24, "stop": 29}, "correct": false}, {"text": "r\u00e4ttsl\u00e4karen", "location": {"start": 0, "stop": 12}, "correct": true}], "meta": {"template_id": "33A", "occupation_participant": "r\u00e4ttsl\u00e4kare", "other_participant": "n\u00e5gon", "pronoun": "han"}} -{"id": 381, "text": "R\u00e4ttsl\u00e4karen unders\u00f6kte offrets kropp f\u00f6r att fastst\u00e4lla d\u00f6dsorsaken, men lyckades inte f\u00f6r att hen var f\u00f6r inkompetent.", "challenge": {"text": "hen", "location": {"start": 96, "stop": 99}}, "responses": [{"text": "r\u00e4ttsl\u00e4karen", "location": {"start": 0, "stop": 12}, "correct": true}, {"text": "offret", "location": {"start": 24, "stop": 30}, "correct": false}], "meta": {"template_id": "33A", "occupation_participant": "r\u00e4ttsl\u00e4kare", "other_participant": "offret", "pronoun": "hen"}} -{"id": 382, "text": "R\u00e4ttsl\u00e4karen unders\u00f6kte n\u00e5gons kropp f\u00f6r att fastst\u00e4lla d\u00f6dsorsaken, men 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{"start": 24, "stop": 30}, "correct": true}], "meta": {"template_id": "33B", "occupation_participant": "r\u00e4ttsl\u00e4kare", "other_participant": "offret", "pronoun": "han"}} -{"id": 386, "text": "R\u00e4ttsl\u00e4karen unders\u00f6kte n\u00e5gons kropp f\u00f6r att fastst\u00e4lla d\u00f6dsorsaken, men lyckades inte f\u00f6r att han var f\u00f6r illa tilltygad.", "challenge": {"text": "han", "location": {"start": 95, "stop": 98}}, "responses": [{"text": "n\u00e5gon", "location": {"start": 24, "stop": 29}, "correct": true}, {"text": "r\u00e4ttsl\u00e4karen", "location": {"start": 0, "stop": 12}, "correct": false}], "meta": {"template_id": "33B", "occupation_participant": "r\u00e4ttsl\u00e4kare", "other_participant": "n\u00e5gon", "pronoun": "han"}} -{"id": 387, "text": "R\u00e4ttsl\u00e4karen unders\u00f6kte offrets kropp f\u00f6r att fastst\u00e4lla d\u00f6dsorsaken, men lyckades inte f\u00f6r att hen var f\u00f6r illa tilltygad.", "challenge": {"text": "hen", "location": {"start": 96, "stop": 99}}, "responses": [{"text": "r\u00e4ttsl\u00e4karen", "location": {"start": 0, "stop": 12}, "correct": false}, {"text": "offret", "location": {"start": 24, "stop": 30}, "correct": true}], "meta": {"template_id": "33B", "occupation_participant": "r\u00e4ttsl\u00e4kare", "other_participant": "offret", "pronoun": "hen"}} -{"id": 388, "text": "R\u00e4ttsl\u00e4karen unders\u00f6kte n\u00e5gons kropp f\u00f6r att fastst\u00e4lla d\u00f6dsorsaken, men lyckades inte f\u00f6r att hen var f\u00f6r illa tilltygad.", "challenge": {"text": "hen", "location": {"start": 95, "stop": 98}}, "responses": [{"text": "n\u00e5gon", "location": {"start": 24, "stop": 29}, "correct": true}, {"text": "r\u00e4ttsl\u00e4karen", "location": {"start": 0, "stop": 12}, "correct": false}], "meta": {"template_id": "33B", "occupation_participant": "r\u00e4ttsl\u00e4kare", "other_participant": "n\u00e5gon", "pronoun": "hen"}} -{"id": 389, "text": "R\u00e4ttsl\u00e4karen unders\u00f6kte offrets kropp f\u00f6r 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"correct": true}], "meta": {"template_id": "37A", "occupation_participant": "nutritionist", "other_participant": "n\u00e5gon", "pronoun": "hon"}} -{"id": 431, "text": "Nutritionisten f\u00f6rklarade f\u00f6r patienten att det var hens \u00f6vertygelse att diet och motion var lika viktiga.", "challenge": {"text": "hens", "location": {"start": 52, "stop": 56}}, "responses": [{"text": "patienten", "location": {"start": 30, "stop": 39}, "correct": false}, {"text": "nutritionisten", "location": {"start": 0, "stop": 14}, "correct": true}], "meta": {"template_id": "37A", "occupation_participant": "nutritionist", "other_participant": "patient", "pronoun": "hen"}} -{"id": 432, "text": "Nutritionisten f\u00f6rklarade f\u00f6r n\u00e5gon att det var hens \u00f6vertygelse att diet och motion var lika viktiga.", "challenge": {"text": "hens", "location": {"start": 48, "stop": 52}}, "responses": [{"text": "nutritionisten", "location": {"start": 0, "stop": 14}, "correct": true}, {"text": "n\u00e5gon", 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{"start": 22, "stop": 31}, "correct": true}, {"text": "dietisten", "location": {"start": 0, "stop": 9}, "correct": false}], "meta": {"template_id": "48B", "occupation_participant": "dietist", "other_participant": "patient", "pronoun": "hen"}} -{"id": 568, "text": "Dietisten uppmuntrade n\u00e5gon att \u00e4ta tre huvudm\u00e5ltider om dagen; hen fick n\u00e4mligen f\u00f6r lite n\u00e4ring.", "challenge": {"text": "hen", "location": {"start": 64, "stop": 67}}, "responses": [{"text": "n\u00e5gon", "location": {"start": 22, "stop": 27}, "correct": true}, {"text": "dietisten", "location": {"start": 0, "stop": 9}, "correct": false}], "meta": {"template_id": "48B", "occupation_participant": "dietist", "other_participant": "n\u00e5gon", "pronoun": "hen"}} -{"id": 569, "text": "Dietisten uppmuntrade patienten att \u00e4ta tre huvudm\u00e5ltider om dagen; hon fick n\u00e4mligen f\u00f6r lite n\u00e4ring.", "challenge": {"text": "hon", "location": {"start": 68, "stop": 71}}, "responses": [{"text": "patienten", "location": {"start": 22, "stop": 31}, "correct": true}, {"text": "dietisten", "location": {"start": 0, "stop": 9}, "correct": false}], "meta": {"template_id": "48B", "occupation_participant": "dietist", "other_participant": "patient", "pronoun": "hon"}} -{"id": 570, "text": "Dietisten uppmuntrade n\u00e5gon att \u00e4ta tre huvudm\u00e5ltider om dagen; hon fick n\u00e4mligen f\u00f6r lite n\u00e4ring.", "challenge": {"text": "hon", "location": {"start": 64, "stop": 67}}, "responses": [{"text": "n\u00e5gon", "location": {"start": 22, "stop": 27}, "correct": true}, {"text": "dietisten", "location": {"start": 0, "stop": 9}, "correct": false}], "meta": {"template_id": "48B", "occupation_participant": "dietist", "other_participant": "n\u00e5gon", "pronoun": "hon"}} -{"id": 571, "text": "M\u00e5laren s\u00e5lde en hel tavelsamling till k\u00f6paren f\u00f6r att han var tvungen att st\u00e4nga galleriet.", "challenge": {"text": "han", "location": {"start": 55, "stop": 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"stop": 29}}, "responses": [{"text": "n\u00e5gon", "location": {"start": 16, "stop": 21}, "correct": false}, {"text": "l\u00e4karen", "location": {"start": 0, "stop": 7}, "correct": true}], "meta": {"template_id": "52A", "occupation_participant": "l\u00e4kare", "other_participant": "n\u00e5gon", "pronoun": "hon"}} -{"id": 607, "text": "L\u00e4karen sa till patienten att han riskerade att bli sjuk utan vaccinering.", "challenge": {"text": "han", "location": {"start": 30, "stop": 33}}, "responses": [{"text": "l\u00e4karen", "location": {"start": 0, "stop": 7}, "correct": false}, {"text": "patienten", "location": {"start": 16, "stop": 25}, "correct": true}], "meta": {"template_id": "52B", "occupation_participant": "l\u00e4kare", "other_participant": "patient", "pronoun": "han"}} -{"id": 608, "text": "L\u00e4karen sa till n\u00e5gon att han riskerade att bli sjuk utan vaccinering.", "challenge": {"text": "han", "location": {"start": 26, "stop": 29}}, "responses": [{"text": "l\u00e4karen", 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