{ "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0, "metadata": { "accelerator": "GPU", "colab": { "name": "herman_en-af_masakhane2", "provenance": [], "collapsed_sections": [], "toc_visible": true }, "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "name": "python3" } }, "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "Igc5itf-xMGj" }, "source": [ "# Masakhane - Machine Translation for African Languages (Using JoeyNMT)\n", "\n", "Languages: English-Afrikaans\n", "\n", "Author: Herman Kamper" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "l929HimrxS0a" }, "source": [ "## Retrieve data and make a parallel corpus" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "oGRmDELn7Az0", "outputId": "7c779786-db5d-4c8b-fc66-f4610f9328e5", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 127 } }, "source": [ "from google.colab import drive\n", "drive.mount('/content/drive')" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Go to this URL in a browser: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=947318989803-6bn6qk8qdgf4n4g3pfee6491hc0brc4i.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&scope=email%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fdocs.test%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fdrive%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fdrive.photos.readonly%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fpeopleapi.readonly&response_type=code\n", "\n", "Enter your authorization code:\n", "··········\n", "Mounted at /content/drive\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "Cn3tgQLzUxwn", "colab": {} }, "source": [ "# TODO: Set your source and target languages. Keep in mind, these traditionally use language codes as found here:\n", "# These will also become the suffix's of all vocab and corpus files used throughout\n", "import os\n", "source_language = \"en\"\n", "target_language = \"af\"\n", "tag = \"baseline\" # Give a unique name to your folder - this is to ensure you don't rewrite any models you've already submitted\n", "\n", "os.environ[\"src\"] = source_language # Sets them in bash as well, since we often use bash scripts\n", "os.environ[\"tgt\"] = target_language\n", "os.environ[\"tag\"] = tag\n", "\n", "# This will save it to a folder in our gdrive instead!\n", "!mkdir -p \"/content/drive/My Drive/colab/masakhane/$src-$tgt-$tag\"\n", "os.environ[\"gdrive_path\"] = \"/content/drive/My Drive/colab/masakhane/%s-%s-%s\" % (source_language, target_language, tag)" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "kBSgJHEw7Nvx", "outputId": "612f08e7-8708-45cf-e75f-6ca76ded9089", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 35 } }, "source": [ "!echo $gdrive_path" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "/content/drive/My Drive/colab/masakhane/en-af-baseline\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "xq-tDZVks7ZD", "outputId": "a32e560a-968c-474a-9183-26ed242d5449", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 755 } }, "source": [ "# Download the corpus\n", "! wget \"https://www.kamperh.com/data/siyavula_en_af.noweb.3.zip\"\n", "! unzip siyavula_en_af.noweb.3.zip\n", "! ls -lah\n", "! head -3 train.en\n", "! head -3 train.af\n", "! cat train.en | wc -l\n", "! cat train.af | wc -l" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "--2019-10-14 12:40:33-- https://www.kamperh.com/data/siyavula_en_af.noweb.3.zip\n", "Resolving www.kamperh.com (www.kamperh.com)...,,, ...\n", "Connecting to www.kamperh.com (www.kamperh.com)||:443... connected.\n", "HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK\n", "Length: 303271 (296K) [application/zip]\n", "Saving to: ‘siyavula_en_af.noweb.3.zip’\n", "\n", "\r siyavula_ 0%[ ] 0 --.-KB/s \rsiyavula_en_af.nowe 100%[===================>] 296.16K --.-KB/s in 0.05s \n", "\n", "2019-10-14 12:40:34 (5.89 MB/s) - ‘siyavula_en_af.noweb.3.zip’ saved [303271/303271]\n", "\n", "Archive: siyavula_en_af.noweb.3.zip\n", " inflating: dev.af \n", " inflating: dev.en \n", " inflating: readme.md \n", " inflating: test.af \n", " inflating: test.en \n", " inflating: train.af \n", " inflating: train.en \n", "total 1.4M\n", "drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K Oct 14 12:40 .\n", "drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K Oct 14 11:55 ..\n", "drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K Oct 8 20:06 .config\n", "-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 29K Oct 14 12:17 dev.af\n", "-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 28K Oct 14 12:17 dev.en\n", "drwx------ 3 root root 4.0K Oct 14 12:40 drive\n", "-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 310 Oct 11 11:46 readme.md\n", "drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K Aug 27 16:17 sample_data\n", "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 297K Oct 14 10:18 siyavula_en_af.noweb.3.zip\n", "-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 36K Oct 14 12:17 test.af\n", "-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 34K Oct 14 12:17 test.en\n", "-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 458K Oct 14 12:17 train.af\n", "-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 442K Oct 14 12:17 train.en\n", "how to introduce this topic\n", "remind them of the lessons in the last term of gr. 4 when they learnt about the earth sun moon and planets .\n", "use figure 1 to start them thinking about what is on the surface of the earth and under the surface of the earth .\n", "hoe om hierdie onderwerp bekend te stel\n", "herinner die leerders aan die lesse in die laaste kwartaal van graad 4 toe hulle van die aarde son maan en planete geleer het .\n", "gebruik figuur 1 om hulle aan die dink te kry oor wat op die oppervlakte van die aarde en onder die oppervlakte van die aarde is .\n", "6535\n", "6535\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "epeCydmCyS8X" }, "source": [ "\n", "\n", "---\n", "\n", "\n", "## Installation of JoeyNMT\n", "\n", "JoeyNMT is a simple, minimalist NMT package which is useful for learning and teaching. Check out the documentation for JoeyNMT [here](https://joeynmt.readthedocs.io) " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "iBRMm4kMxZ8L", "outputId": "4787b1c1-77a3-4004-8c1b-75a258b7b52c", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000 } }, "source": [ "# Install JoeyNMT\n", "! git clone https://github.com/joeynmt/joeynmt.git\n", "! cd joeynmt; pip3 install ." ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Cloning into 'joeynmt'...\n", "remote: Enumerating objects: 52, done.\u001b[K\n", "remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 3% (2/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 5% (3/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 7% (4/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 9% (5/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 11% (6/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 13% (7/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 15% (8/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 17% (9/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 19% (10/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 21% (11/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 23% (12/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 25% (13/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 26% (14/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 28% (15/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 30% (16/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 32% (17/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 34% (18/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 36% (19/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 38% (20/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 40% (21/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 42% (22/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 44% (23/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 46% (24/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 48% (25/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 50% (26/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 51% (27/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 53% (28/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 55% (29/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 57% (30/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 59% (31/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 61% (32/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 63% (33/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 65% (34/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 67% (35/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 69% (36/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 71% (37/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 73% (38/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 75% (39/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 76% (40/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 78% (41/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 80% (42/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 82% (43/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 84% (44/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 86% (45/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 88% (46/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 90% (47/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 92% (48/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 94% (49/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 96% (50/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 98% (51/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 100% (52/52)\u001b[K\rremote: Counting objects: 100% (52/52), done.\u001b[K\n", "remote: Compressing objects: 100% (40/40), done.\u001b[K\n", "remote: Total 2058 (delta 29), reused 24 (delta 12), pack-reused 2006\u001b[K\n", "Receiving objects: 100% (2058/2058), 2.40 MiB | 2.53 MiB/s, done.\n", "Resolving deltas: 100% (1418/1418), done.\n", "Processing /content/joeynmt\n", "Requirement already satisfied: future in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.16.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pillow in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (4.3.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: numpy<2.0,>=1.14.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.16.5)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=41.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (41.2.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: torch>=1.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.2.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tensorflow>=1.14 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.15.0rc3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: torchtext in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.3.1)\n", "Collecting sacrebleu>=1.3.6 (from joeynmt==0.0.1)\n", " Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/0e/e5/93d252182f7cbd4b59bb3ec5797e2ce33cfd6f5aadaf327db170cf4b7887/sacrebleu-1.4.2-py3-none-any.whl\n", "Collecting subword-nmt (from joeynmt==0.0.1)\n", " Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/26/08/58267cb3ac00f5f895457777ed9e0d106dbb5e6388fa7923d8663b04b849/subword_nmt-0.3.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl\n", "Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (3.0.3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: seaborn in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.9.0)\n", "Collecting pyyaml>=5.1 (from joeynmt==0.0.1)\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e3/e8/b3212641ee2718d556df0f23f78de8303f068fe29cdaa7a91018849582fe/PyYAML-5.1.2.tar.gz (265kB)\n", "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 266kB 7.8MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hCollecting pylint (from joeynmt==0.0.1)\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/ef/ed/1cb8e7b85a31807aa0bff8b3e60935370bed7e141df8b530aac6352bddff/pylint-2.4.2-py3-none-any.whl (302kB)\n", "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 307kB 44.6MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: six>=1.12 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.12.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: olefile in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from pillow->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.46)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: wrapt>=1.11.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.11.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: astor>=0.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.8.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: absl-py>=0.7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.8.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: protobuf>=3.6.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (3.7.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: opt-einsum>=2.3.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (3.1.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: google-pasta>=0.1.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.1.7)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: keras-applications>=1.0.8 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.0.8)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: keras-preprocessing>=1.0.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.1.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tensorboard<1.16.0,>=1.15.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.15.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tensorflow-estimator==1.15.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.15.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: grpcio>=1.8.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.15.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: wheel>=0.26 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.33.6)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: termcolor>=1.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.1.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: gast==0.2.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.2.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from torchtext->joeynmt==0.0.1) (4.28.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from torchtext->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2.21.0)\n", "Collecting portalocker (from sacrebleu>=1.3.6->joeynmt==0.0.1)\n", " Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/60/ec/836a494dbaa72541f691ec4e66f29fdc8db9bcc7f49e1c2d457ba13ced42/portalocker-1.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl\n", "Collecting typing (from sacrebleu>=1.3.6->joeynmt==0.0.1)\n", " Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/fe/2e/b480ee1b75e6d17d2993738670e75c1feeb9ff7f64452153cf018051cc92/typing-\n", "Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from matplotlib->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.1.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from matplotlib->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.10.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6,>=2.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from matplotlib->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2.4.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from matplotlib->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2.5.3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=0.14.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from seaborn->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.3.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=0.15.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from seaborn->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.24.2)\n", "Collecting astroid<2.4,>=2.3.0 (from pylint->joeynmt==0.0.1)\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/13/e1/74a63c85c501c29c52da5be604c025e368f4dd77daf1fa13c878a33e5a36/astroid-2.3.1-py3-none-any.whl (205kB)\n", "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 215kB 50.2MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hCollecting isort<5,>=4.2.5 (from pylint->joeynmt==0.0.1)\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e5/b0/c121fd1fa3419ea9bfd55c7f9c4fedfec5143208d8c7ad3ce3db6c623c21/isort-4.3.21-py2.py3-none-any.whl (42kB)\n", "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 51kB 24.6MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hCollecting mccabe<0.7,>=0.6 (from pylint->joeynmt==0.0.1)\n", " Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/87/89/479dc97e18549e21354893e4ee4ef36db1d237534982482c3681ee6e7b57/mccabe-0.6.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl\n", "Requirement already satisfied: h5py in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from keras-applications>=1.0.8->tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2.8.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: markdown>=2.6.8 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorboard<1.16.0,>=1.15.0->tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (3.1.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: werkzeug>=0.11.15 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorboard<1.16.0,>=1.15.0->tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.16.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.25,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests->torchtext->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.24.3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: idna<2.9,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests->torchtext->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2.8)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests->torchtext->joeynmt==0.0.1) (3.0.4)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests->torchtext->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2019.9.11)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from pandas>=0.15.2->seaborn->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2018.9)\n", "Collecting lazy-object-proxy==1.4.* (from astroid<2.4,>=2.3.0->pylint->joeynmt==0.0.1)\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/0e/26/534a6d32572a9dbca11619321535c0a7ab34688545d9d67c2c204b9e3a3d/lazy_object_proxy-1.4.2-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (49kB)\n", "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 51kB 24.0MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hCollecting typed-ast<1.5,>=1.4.0; implementation_name == \"cpython\" and python_version < \"3.8\" (from astroid<2.4,>=2.3.0->pylint->joeynmt==0.0.1)\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/31/d3/9d1802c161626d0278bafb1ffb32f76b9d01e123881bbf9d91e8ccf28e18/typed_ast-1.4.0-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (736kB)\n", "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 737kB 47.0MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hBuilding wheels for collected packages: joeynmt, pyyaml\n", " Building wheel for joeynmt (setup.py) ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n", " Created wheel for joeynmt: filename=joeynmt-0.0.1-cp36-none-any.whl size=69430 sha256=369004e99a7050461c10fb79c76bb63b36d4c8aefcc5f53990fd2ce279095e05\n", " Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-2493nseq/wheels/db/01/db/751cc9f3e7f6faec127c43644ba250a3ea7ad200594aeda70a\n", " Building wheel for pyyaml (setup.py) ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n", " Created wheel for pyyaml: filename=PyYAML-5.1.2-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl size=44104 sha256=8140f9abc28ffeef011a7c489be5f1176541a7e7a3762277b0428ff3c954d1b0\n", " Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/d9/45/dd/65f0b38450c47cf7e5312883deb97d065e030c5cca0a365030\n", "Successfully built joeynmt pyyaml\n", "Installing collected packages: portalocker, typing, sacrebleu, subword-nmt, pyyaml, lazy-object-proxy, typed-ast, astroid, isort, mccabe, pylint, joeynmt\n", " Found existing installation: PyYAML 3.13\n", " Uninstalling PyYAML-3.13:\n", " Successfully uninstalled PyYAML-3.13\n", "Successfully installed astroid-2.3.1 isort-4.3.21 joeynmt-0.0.1 lazy-object-proxy-1.4.2 mccabe-0.6.1 portalocker-1.5.1 pylint-2.4.2 pyyaml-5.1.2 sacrebleu-1.4.2 subword-nmt-0.3.6 typed-ast-1.4.0 typing-\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "AaE77Tcppex9" }, "source": [ "# Preprocessing the Data into Subword BPE Tokens\n", "\n", "- One of the most powerful improvements for agglutinative languages (a feature of most Bantu languages) is using BPE tokenization [ (Sennrich, 2015) ](https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.07909).\n", "\n", "- It was also shown that by optimizing the umber of BPE codes we significantly improve results for low-resourced languages [(Sennrich, 2019)](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-1021) [(Martinus, 2019)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.05685)\n", "\n", "- Below we have the scripts for doing BPE tokenization of our data. We use 4000 tokens as recommended by [(Sennrich, 2019)](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-1021). You do not need to change anything. Simply running the below will be suitable. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "H-TyjtmXB1mL", "outputId": "6258182f-8f84-417a-b8cd-88e1c4160304", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 451 } }, "source": [ "# One of the huge boosts in NMT performance was to use a different method of tokenizing. \n", "# Usually, NMT would tokenize by words. However, using a method called BPE gave amazing boosts to performance\n", "\n", "# Do subword NMT\n", "from os import path\n", "\n", "os.environ[\"data_path\"] = path.join(\"joeynmt\", \"data\", source_language + target_language) # Herman! \n", "! subword-nmt learn-joint-bpe-and-vocab --input train.$src train.$tgt -s 4000 -o bpe.codes.4000 --write-vocabulary vocab.$src vocab.$tgt\n", "\n", "! subword-nmt apply-bpe -c bpe.codes.4000 --vocabulary vocab.$src < train.$src > train.bpe.$src\n", "! subword-nmt apply-bpe -c bpe.codes.4000 --vocabulary vocab.$tgt < train.$tgt > train.bpe.$tgt\n", "\n", "! subword-nmt apply-bpe -c bpe.codes.4000 --vocabulary vocab.$src < dev.$src > dev.bpe.$src\n", "! subword-nmt apply-bpe -c bpe.codes.4000 --vocabulary vocab.$tgt < dev.$tgt > dev.bpe.$tgt\n", "! subword-nmt apply-bpe -c bpe.codes.4000 --vocabulary vocab.$src < test.$src > test.bpe.$src\n", "! subword-nmt apply-bpe -c bpe.codes.4000 --vocabulary vocab.$tgt < test.$tgt > test.bpe.$tgt\n", "\n", "# Create directory, move everyone we care about to the correct location\n", "! mkdir -p $data_path\n", "! cp train.* $data_path\n", "! cp test.* $data_path\n", "! cp dev.* $data_path\n", "! cp bpe.codes.4000 $data_path\n", "! ls $data_path\n", "\n", "# Also move everything we care about to a mounted location in google drive (relevant if running in colab) at gdrive_path\n", "! cp train.* \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "! cp test.* \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "! cp dev.* \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "! cp bpe.codes.4000 \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "! ls \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "\n", "# Create that vocab using build_vocab\n", "! sudo chmod 777 joeynmt/scripts/build_vocab.py\n", "! joeynmt/scripts/build_vocab.py joeynmt/data/$src$tgt/train.bpe.$src joeynmt/data/$src$tgt/train.bpe.$tgt --output_path joeynmt/data/$src$tgt/vocab.txt\n", "\n", "# Some output\n", "! echo \"BPE Afrikaans Sentences\"\n", "! tail -n 5 test.bpe.$tgt\n", "! echo \"Combined BPE Vocab\"\n", "! tail -n 10 joeynmt/data/$src$tgt/vocab.txt # Herman" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "bpe.codes.4000\tdev.bpe.en test.bpe.af train.af train.en\n", "dev.af\t\tdev.en\t test.bpe.en train.bpe.af\n", "dev.bpe.af\ttest.af test.en\t train.bpe.en\n", "bpe.codes.4000\tdev.bpe.en test.af\t test.en train.bpe.en\n", "dev.af\t\tdev.en\t test.bpe.af train.af train.en\n", "dev.bpe.af\tmodels\t test.bpe.en train.bpe.af\n", "BPE Afrikaans Sentences\n", "wat is 'n on@@ we@@ t@@ tige elektriese skak@@ el@@ ings ?\n", "hoe dink jy kan die plaas@@ like reg@@ ering dit keer of die hoeveelheid on@@ we@@ t@@ tige skak@@ el@@ ings ver@@ minder .\n", "'n on@@ we@@ t@@ tige skak@@ eling is wanneer ie@@ mand toe@@ gan@@ g kry tot elektrisiteit deur 'n kra@@ gl@@ yn te sny en 'n ander l@@ yn daaraan te verbind sonder om daar@@ voor te be@@ taal .\n", "die plaas@@ like reg@@ ering kan dit probeer stop deur eer@@ st@@ ens te probeer om die ar@@ mer geb@@ ie@@ de met genoeg elektriese toe@@ g@@ ang@@ sp@@ unte te voorsien rond te gaan en te kyk of daar ge@@ vaar@@ like skak@@ el@@ ings is be@@ w@@ us@@ theid oor die gev@@ are van on@@ we@@ t@@ tige skak@@ el@@ ings te verbe@@ ter deur ad@@ ver@@ ten@@ sie@@ bor@@ de radi@@ o die ko@@ er@@ ant ens .\n", "asses@@ seer enige ander rele@@ van@@ te antwoorde wat die leerder mag hê .\n", "Combined BPE Vocab\n", "sende\n", "stly\n", "secon@@\n", "desc@@\n", "sedimen@@\n", "vers\n", "interdepen@@\n", "sour@@\n", "plastie@@\n", "pollut@@\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "IlMitUHR8Qy-", "outputId": "e739d5d2-ac18-4886-f4be-7698424271aa", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 71 } }, "source": [ "# Also move everything we care about to a mounted location in google drive (relevant if running in colab) at gdrive_path\n", "! cp train.* \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "! cp test.* \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "! cp dev.* \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "! cp bpe.codes.4000 \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "! ls \"$gdrive_path\"" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "bpe.codes.4000\tdev.bpe.en test.af\t test.en train.bpe.en\n", "dev.af\t\tdev.en\t test.bpe.af train.af train.en\n", "dev.bpe.af\tmodels\t test.bpe.en train.bpe.af\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "Ixmzi60WsUZ8" }, "source": [ "# Creating the JoeyNMT Config\n", "\n", "JoeyNMT requires a yaml config. We provide a template below. We've also set a number of defaults with it, that you may play with!\n", "\n", "- We used Transformer architecture \n", "- We set our dropout to reasonably high: 0.3 (recommended in [(Sennrich, 2019)](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-1021))\n", "\n", "Things worth playing with:\n", "- The batch size (also recommended to change for low-resourced languages)\n", "- The number of epochs (we've set it at 30 just so it runs in about an hour, for testing purposes)\n", "- The decoder options (beam_size, alpha)\n", "- Evaluation metrics (BLEU versus Crhf4)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "PIs1lY2hxMsl", "colab": {} }, "source": [ "# This creates the config file for our JoeyNMT system. It might seem overwhelming so we've provided a couple of useful parameters you'll need to update\n", "# (You can of course play with all the parameters if you'd like!)\n", "\n", "name = '%s%s' % (source_language, target_language)\n", "gdrive_path = os.environ[\"gdrive_path\"]\n", "\n", "# Create the config\n", "config = \"\"\"\n", "name: \"{name}_transformer\"\n", "\n", "data:\n", " src: \"{source_language}\"\n", " trg: \"{target_language}\"\n", " train: \"data/{name}/train.bpe\"\n", " dev: \"data/{name}/dev.bpe\"\n", " test: \"data/{name}/test.bpe\"\n", " level: \"bpe\"\n", " lowercase: False\n", " max_sent_length: 100\n", " src_vocab: \"data/{name}/vocab.txt\"\n", " trg_vocab: \"data/{name}/vocab.txt\"\n", "\n", "testing:\n", " beam_size: 5\n", " alpha: 1.0\n", "\n", "training:\n", " #load_model: \"{gdrive_path}/models/{name}_transformer/1.ckpt\" # if uncommented, load a pre-trained model from this checkpoint\n", " random_seed: 42\n", " optimizer: \"adam\"\n", " normalization: \"tokens\"\n", " adam_betas: [0.9, 0.999] \n", " scheduling: \"noam\" # Try switching from plateau to Noam scheduling\n", " learning_rate_factor: 0.5 # factor for Noam scheduler (used with Transformer)\n", " learning_rate_warmup: 1000 # warmup steps for Noam scheduler (used with Transformer)\n", " patience: 8\n", " decrease_factor: 0.7\n", " loss: \"crossentropy\"\n", " learning_rate: 0.0002\n", " learning_rate_min: 0.00000001\n", " weight_decay: 0.0\n", " label_smoothing: 0.1\n", " batch_size: 8192 # 4096 # Herman\n", " batch_type: \"token\"\n", " eval_batch_size: 1000 # 3600 # Herman\n", " eval_batch_type: \"token\"\n", " batch_multiplier: 1\n", " early_stopping_metric: \"eval_metric\" # \"ppl\" # Herman\n", " epochs: 200 # TODO: Decrease for when playing around and checking of working. Around 30 is sufficient to check if its working at all\n", " validation_freq: 500 # 4000 # Decrease this for testing # Herman\n", " logging_freq: 50 # 100 # Herman\n", " eval_metric: \"bleu\"\n", " model_dir: \"models/{name}_transformer\"\n", " overwrite: True\n", " shuffle: True\n", " use_cuda: True\n", " max_output_length: 100\n", " print_valid_sents: [0, 1, 2, 3]\n", " keep_last_ckpts: 3\n", "\n", "model:\n", " initializer: \"xavier\"\n", " bias_initializer: \"zeros\"\n", " init_gain: 1.0\n", " embed_initializer: \"xavier\"\n", " embed_init_gain: 1.0\n", " tied_embeddings: True\n", " tied_softmax: True\n", " encoder:\n", " type: \"transformer\"\n", " num_layers: 6\n", " num_heads: 8\n", " embeddings:\n", " embedding_dim: 512\n", " scale: True\n", " dropout: 0.\n", " # typically ff_size = 4 x hidden_size\n", " hidden_size: 512\n", " ff_size: 2048\n", " dropout: 0.3\n", " decoder:\n", " type: \"transformer\"\n", " num_layers: 6\n", " num_heads: 8\n", " embeddings:\n", " embedding_dim: 512\n", " scale: True\n", " dropout: 0.\n", " # typically ff_size = 4 x hidden_size\n", " hidden_size: 512\n", " ff_size: 2048\n", " dropout: 0.3\n", "\"\"\".format(name=name, gdrive_path=os.environ[\"gdrive_path\"], source_language=source_language, target_language=target_language)\n", "with open(\"joeynmt/configs/transformer_{name}.yaml\".format(name=name),'w') as f:\n", " f.write(config)" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "pIifxE3Qzuvs" }, "source": [ "# Train the Model\n", "\n", "This single line of joeynmt runs the training using the config we made above" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "6ZBPFwT94WpI", "outputId": "afc7b4fb-ae9a-4068-8f64-13dd42103643", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000 } }, "source": [ "# Train the model\n", "# You can press Ctrl-C to stop. And then run the next cell to save your checkpoints! \n", "!cd joeynmt; python3 -m joeynmt train configs/transformer_$src$tgt.yaml" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "2019-10-14 12:43:11,392 Hello! This is Joey-NMT.\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:12,910 Total params: 46140928\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:12,912 Trainable parameters: ['decoder.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.dec_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.dec_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.x_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.x_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.dec_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.dec_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.x_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.x_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.dec_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.dec_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.x_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.x_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.dec_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.dec_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.x_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.x_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.dec_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.dec_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.x_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.x_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.dec_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.dec_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.x_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.x_layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.k_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.k_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.output_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.output_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.q_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.q_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.v_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.v_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.k_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.k_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.output_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.output_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.q_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.q_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.v_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.v_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.k_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.k_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.output_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.output_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.q_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.q_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.v_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.v_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.k_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.k_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.output_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.output_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.q_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.q_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.v_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.v_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.k_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.k_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.output_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.output_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.q_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.q_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.v_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.v_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.k_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.k_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.output_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.output_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.q_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.q_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.v_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.v_layer.weight', 'src_embed.lut.weight']\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,657 cfg.name : enaf_transformer\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,657 cfg.data.src : en\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,657 cfg.data.trg : af\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,657 cfg.data.train : data/enaf/train.bpe\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,657 cfg.data.dev : data/enaf/dev.bpe\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,657 cfg.data.test : data/enaf/test.bpe\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,658 cfg.data.level : bpe\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,658 cfg.data.lowercase : False\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,658 cfg.data.max_sent_length : 100\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,658 cfg.data.src_vocab : data/enaf/vocab.txt\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,658 cfg.data.trg_vocab : data/enaf/vocab.txt\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,658 cfg.testing.beam_size : 5\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,658 cfg.testing.alpha : 1.0\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,658 cfg.training.random_seed : 42\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,658 cfg.training.optimizer : adam\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,658 cfg.training.normalization : tokens\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,659 cfg.training.adam_betas : [0.9, 0.999]\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,659 cfg.training.scheduling : noam\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,659 cfg.training.learning_rate_factor : 0.5\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,659 cfg.training.learning_rate_warmup : 1000\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,659 cfg.training.patience : 8\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,659 cfg.training.decrease_factor : 0.7\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,659 cfg.training.loss : crossentropy\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,659 cfg.training.learning_rate : 0.0002\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,659 cfg.training.learning_rate_min : 1e-08\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,660 cfg.training.weight_decay : 0.0\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,660 cfg.training.label_smoothing : 0.1\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,660 cfg.training.batch_size : 8192\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,660 cfg.training.batch_type : token\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,660 cfg.training.eval_batch_size : 1000\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,660 cfg.training.eval_batch_type : token\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,660 cfg.training.batch_multiplier : 1\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,660 cfg.training.early_stopping_metric : eval_metric\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,661 cfg.training.epochs : 200\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,661 cfg.training.validation_freq : 500\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,661 cfg.training.logging_freq : 50\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,661 cfg.training.eval_metric : bleu\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,661 cfg.training.model_dir : models/enaf_transformer\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,661 cfg.training.overwrite : True\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,661 cfg.training.shuffle : True\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,661 cfg.training.use_cuda : True\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,661 cfg.training.max_output_length : 100\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,661 cfg.training.print_valid_sents : [0, 1, 2, 3]\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,662 cfg.training.keep_last_ckpts : 3\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,662 cfg.model.initializer : xavier\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,662 cfg.model.bias_initializer : zeros\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,662 cfg.model.init_gain : 1.0\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,662 cfg.model.embed_initializer : xavier\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,662 cfg.model.embed_init_gain : 1.0\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,662 cfg.model.tied_embeddings : True\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,662 cfg.model.tied_softmax : True\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,662 cfg.model.encoder.type : transformer\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,662 cfg.model.encoder.num_layers : 6\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,663 cfg.model.encoder.num_heads : 8\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,663 cfg.model.encoder.embeddings.embedding_dim : 512\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,663 cfg.model.encoder.embeddings.scale : True\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,663 cfg.model.encoder.embeddings.dropout : 0.0\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,663 cfg.model.encoder.hidden_size : 512\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,663 cfg.model.encoder.ff_size : 2048\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,663 cfg.model.encoder.dropout : 0.3\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,663 cfg.model.decoder.type : transformer\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,663 cfg.model.decoder.num_layers : 6\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,663 cfg.model.decoder.num_heads : 8\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,664 cfg.model.decoder.embeddings.embedding_dim : 512\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,664 cfg.model.decoder.embeddings.scale : True\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,664 cfg.model.decoder.embeddings.dropout : 0.0\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,664 cfg.model.decoder.hidden_size : 512\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,664 cfg.model.decoder.ff_size : 2048\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,664 cfg.model.decoder.dropout : 0.3\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,664 Data set sizes: \n", "\ttrain 6532,\n", "\tvalid 380,\n", "\ttest 417\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,665 First training example:\n", "\t[SRC] how to introduce this topic\n", "\t[TRG] hoe om hierdie onderwerp bekend te stel\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,665 First 10 words (src): (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) . (5) die (6) the (7) is (8) in (9) of\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,665 First 10 words (trg): (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) . (5) die (6) the (7) is (8) in (9) of\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,666 Number of Src words (types): 3907\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,666 Number of Trg words (types): 3907\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,666 Model(\n", "\tencoder=TransformerEncoder(num_layers=6, num_heads=8),\n", "\tdecoder=TransformerDecoder(num_layers=6, num_heads=8),\n", "\tsrc_embed=Embeddings(embedding_dim=512, vocab_size=3907),\n", "\ttrg_embed=Embeddings(embedding_dim=512, vocab_size=3907))\n", "2019-10-14 12:43:18,670 EPOCH 1\n", "2019-10-14 12:44:01,255 Epoch 1: total training loss 244.26\n", "2019-10-14 12:44:01,255 EPOCH 2\n", "2019-10-14 12:44:14,551 Epoch 2 Step: 50 Batch Loss: 5.978227 Tokens per Sec: 2607, Lr: 0.000035\n", "2019-10-14 12:44:43,529 Epoch 2: total training loss 224.33\n", "2019-10-14 12:44:43,529 EPOCH 3\n", "2019-10-14 12:45:11,673 Epoch 3 Step: 100 Batch Loss: 5.400428 Tokens per Sec: 2707, Lr: 0.000070\n", "2019-10-14 12:45:26,552 Epoch 3: total training loss 206.17\n", "2019-10-14 12:45:26,553 EPOCH 4\n", "2019-10-14 12:46:07,512 Epoch 4 Step: 150 Batch Loss: 5.548982 Tokens per Sec: 2680, Lr: 0.000105\n", "2019-10-14 12:46:08,579 Epoch 4: total training loss 192.08\n", "2019-10-14 12:46:08,579 EPOCH 5\n", "2019-10-14 12:46:50,694 Epoch 5: total training loss 186.20\n", "2019-10-14 12:46:50,694 EPOCH 6\n", "2019-10-14 12:47:04,711 Epoch 6 Step: 200 Batch Loss: 5.020994 Tokens per Sec: 2688, Lr: 0.000140\n", "2019-10-14 12:47:32,907 Epoch 6: total training loss 182.43\n", "2019-10-14 12:47:32,907 EPOCH 7\n", "2019-10-14 12:48:00,308 Epoch 7 Step: 250 Batch Loss: 4.471223 Tokens per Sec: 2591, Lr: 0.000175\n", "2019-10-14 12:48:15,246 Epoch 7: total training loss 181.59\n", "2019-10-14 12:48:15,246 EPOCH 8\n", "2019-10-14 12:48:56,949 Epoch 8 Step: 300 Batch Loss: 4.548144 Tokens per Sec: 2648, Lr: 0.000210\n", "2019-10-14 12:48:57,974 Epoch 8: total training loss 179.61\n", "2019-10-14 12:48:57,974 EPOCH 9\n", "2019-10-14 12:49:40,238 Epoch 9: total training loss 168.50\n", "2019-10-14 12:49:40,238 EPOCH 10\n", "2019-10-14 12:49:53,519 Epoch 10 Step: 350 Batch Loss: 4.674281 Tokens per Sec: 2692, Lr: 0.000245\n", "2019-10-14 12:50:22,528 Epoch 10: total training loss 168.05\n", "2019-10-14 12:50:22,528 EPOCH 11\n", "2019-10-14 12:50:49,320 Epoch 11 Step: 400 Batch Loss: 4.504136 Tokens per Sec: 2676, Lr: 0.000280\n", "2019-10-14 12:51:04,883 Epoch 11: total training loss 163.38\n", "2019-10-14 12:51:04,883 EPOCH 12\n", "2019-10-14 12:51:45,286 Epoch 12 Step: 450 Batch Loss: 4.119469 Tokens per Sec: 2645, Lr: 0.000314\n", "2019-10-14 12:51:47,541 Epoch 12: total training loss 157.61\n", "2019-10-14 12:51:47,541 EPOCH 13\n", "2019-10-14 12:52:29,667 Epoch 13: total training loss 147.60\n", "2019-10-14 12:52:29,667 EPOCH 14\n", "2019-10-14 12:52:41,707 Epoch 14 Step: 500 Batch Loss: 3.357079 Tokens per Sec: 2702, Lr: 0.000349\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:17,443 Hooray! New best validation result [eval_metric]!\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:17,444 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,027 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,027 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,027 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,027 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy die water van die water ?\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,028 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,028 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,028 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,028 \tHypothesis: jy kan jy die water in die water in die water in die water ?\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,028 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,029 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,029 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,029 \tHypothesis: dit is 'n paar paar paar paar paar paar materiaal .\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,029 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,029 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,029 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,029 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy die volgende maantuig ?\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:19,029 Validation result at epoch 14, step 500: bleu: 0.79, loss: 29601.4746, ppl: 67.6085, duration: 97.3222s\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:50,340 Epoch 14: total training loss 150.84\n", "2019-10-14 12:54:50,341 EPOCH 15\n", "2019-10-14 12:55:14,755 Epoch 15 Step: 550 Batch Loss: 3.614363 Tokens per Sec: 2627, Lr: 0.000384\n", "2019-10-14 12:55:32,574 Epoch 15: total training loss 146.25\n", "2019-10-14 12:55:32,574 EPOCH 16\n", "2019-10-14 12:56:11,323 Epoch 16 Step: 600 Batch Loss: 3.674654 Tokens per Sec: 2684, Lr: 0.000419\n", "2019-10-14 12:56:14,683 Epoch 16: total training loss 134.65\n", "2019-10-14 12:56:14,683 EPOCH 17\n", "2019-10-14 12:56:57,512 Epoch 17: total training loss 132.37\n", "2019-10-14 12:56:57,512 EPOCH 18\n", "2019-10-14 12:57:07,695 Epoch 18 Step: 650 Batch Loss: 3.671648 Tokens per Sec: 2392, Lr: 0.000454\n", "2019-10-14 12:57:40,189 Epoch 18: total training loss 122.92\n", "2019-10-14 12:57:40,190 EPOCH 19\n", "2019-10-14 12:58:04,285 Epoch 19 Step: 700 Batch Loss: 3.902515 Tokens per Sec: 2553, Lr: 0.000489\n", "2019-10-14 12:58:22,967 Epoch 19: total training loss 118.08\n", "2019-10-14 12:58:22,968 EPOCH 20\n", "2019-10-14 12:59:00,420 Epoch 20 Step: 750 Batch Loss: 2.831395 Tokens per Sec: 2677, Lr: 0.000524\n", "2019-10-14 12:59:04,987 Epoch 20: total training loss 112.01\n", "2019-10-14 12:59:04,987 EPOCH 21\n", "2019-10-14 12:59:47,422 Epoch 21: total training loss 106.90\n", "2019-10-14 12:59:47,423 EPOCH 22\n", "2019-10-14 12:59:56,598 Epoch 22 Step: 800 Batch Loss: 3.423971 Tokens per Sec: 2571, Lr: 0.000559\n", "2019-10-14 13:00:30,123 Epoch 22: total training loss 99.38\n", "2019-10-14 13:00:30,123 EPOCH 23\n", "2019-10-14 13:00:52,852 Epoch 23 Step: 850 Batch Loss: 2.306886 Tokens per Sec: 2943, Lr: 0.000594\n", "2019-10-14 13:01:12,274 Epoch 23: total training loss 95.09\n", "2019-10-14 13:01:12,275 EPOCH 24\n", "2019-10-14 13:01:47,395 Epoch 24 Step: 900 Batch Loss: 3.138384 Tokens per Sec: 2630, Lr: 0.000629\n", "2019-10-14 13:01:54,577 Epoch 24: total training loss 88.29\n", "2019-10-14 13:01:54,577 EPOCH 25\n", "2019-10-14 13:02:37,321 Epoch 25: total training loss 81.18\n", "2019-10-14 13:02:37,321 EPOCH 26\n", "2019-10-14 13:02:43,928 Epoch 26 Step: 950 Batch Loss: 1.868362 Tokens per Sec: 2742, Lr: 0.000664\n", "2019-10-14 13:03:19,550 Epoch 26: total training loss 80.46\n", "2019-10-14 13:03:19,550 EPOCH 27\n", "2019-10-14 13:03:41,126 Epoch 27 Step: 1000 Batch Loss: 2.968389 Tokens per Sec: 2822, Lr: 0.000699\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:16,804 Hooray! New best validation result [eval_metric]!\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:16,804 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,951 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,952 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,952 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,952 \tHypothesis: as jy hoe kan dit verhoek kry ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,952 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,952 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,952 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,952 \tHypothesis: dink jy dat jy die water deur die water te los deur dit deur jou filter te los ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,953 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,953 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,953 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,953 \tHypothesis: probeer dit en dan as dit met 'n aktiwiteit maak .\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,953 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,953 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,954 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,954 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:18,954 Validation result at epoch 27, step 1000: bleu: 13.47, loss: 23326.1074, ppl: 27.6726, duration: 97.8270s\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:39,334 Epoch 27: total training loss 72.92\n", "2019-10-14 13:05:39,334 EPOCH 28\n", "2019-10-14 13:06:16,085 Epoch 28 Step: 1050 Batch Loss: 1.593412 Tokens per Sec: 2656, Lr: 0.000682\n", "2019-10-14 13:06:21,639 Epoch 28: total training loss 67.38\n", "2019-10-14 13:06:21,639 EPOCH 29\n", "2019-10-14 13:07:03,784 Epoch 29: total training loss 62.05\n", "2019-10-14 13:07:03,784 EPOCH 30\n", "2019-10-14 13:07:12,184 Epoch 30 Step: 1100 Batch Loss: 1.236794 Tokens per Sec: 2804, Lr: 0.000666\n", "2019-10-14 13:07:46,124 Epoch 30: total training loss 62.43\n", "2019-10-14 13:07:46,124 EPOCH 31\n", "2019-10-14 13:08:09,436 Epoch 31 Step: 1150 Batch Loss: 2.306559 Tokens per Sec: 2739, Lr: 0.000652\n", "2019-10-14 13:08:29,001 Epoch 31: total training loss 57.30\n", "2019-10-14 13:08:29,001 EPOCH 32\n", "2019-10-14 13:09:04,729 Epoch 32 Step: 1200 Batch Loss: 1.965446 Tokens per Sec: 2616, Lr: 0.000638\n", "2019-10-14 13:09:11,791 Epoch 32: total training loss 52.97\n", "2019-10-14 13:09:11,792 EPOCH 33\n", "2019-10-14 13:09:53,262 Epoch 33: total training loss 47.08\n", "2019-10-14 13:09:53,262 EPOCH 34\n", "2019-10-14 13:10:02,434 Epoch 34 Step: 1250 Batch Loss: 0.589475 Tokens per Sec: 2552, Lr: 0.000625\n", "2019-10-14 13:10:36,168 Epoch 34: total training loss 45.60\n", "2019-10-14 13:10:36,168 EPOCH 35\n", "2019-10-14 13:10:59,672 Epoch 35 Step: 1300 Batch Loss: 1.279803 Tokens per Sec: 2816, Lr: 0.000613\n", "2019-10-14 13:11:19,286 Epoch 35: total training loss 42.86\n", "2019-10-14 13:11:19,287 EPOCH 36\n", "2019-10-14 13:11:54,857 Epoch 36 Step: 1350 Batch Loss: 1.528362 Tokens per Sec: 2678, Lr: 0.000601\n", "2019-10-14 13:12:01,510 Epoch 36: total training loss 40.04\n", "2019-10-14 13:12:01,511 EPOCH 37\n", "2019-10-14 13:12:44,000 Epoch 37: total training loss 37.40\n", "2019-10-14 13:12:44,000 EPOCH 38\n", "2019-10-14 13:12:49,693 Epoch 38 Step: 1400 Batch Loss: 0.699236 Tokens per Sec: 2253, Lr: 0.000591\n", "2019-10-14 13:13:25,735 Epoch 38: total training loss 37.23\n", "2019-10-14 13:13:25,735 EPOCH 39\n", "2019-10-14 13:13:45,608 Epoch 39 Step: 1450 Batch Loss: 0.727600 Tokens per Sec: 2463, Lr: 0.000580\n", "2019-10-14 13:14:08,322 Epoch 39: total training loss 34.42\n", "2019-10-14 13:14:08,323 EPOCH 40\n", "2019-10-14 13:14:42,296 Epoch 40 Step: 1500 Batch Loss: 0.550756 Tokens per Sec: 2637, Lr: 0.000571\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:17,769 Hooray! New best validation result [eval_metric]!\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:17,769 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,392 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,393 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,393 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,393 \tHypothesis: indien jy so verhoek kan jy dit in die water oplos ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,393 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,393 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,393 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,393 \tHypothesis: dink jy dat jy verder kan suiwer deur die water gesuiwer kan word deur dit weer die filter te gebruik ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,394 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,394 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,394 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,394 \tHypothesis: probeer dit en kyk of 'n verskil 'n verskil verskil .\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,394 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,394 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,394 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,394 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:19,394 Validation result at epoch 40, step 1500: bleu: 17.52, loss: 23168.0332, ppl: 27.0569, duration: 97.0980s\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:27,724 Epoch 40: total training loss 30.99\n", "2019-10-14 13:16:27,724 EPOCH 41\n", "2019-10-14 13:17:10,016 Epoch 41: total training loss 29.16\n", "2019-10-14 13:17:10,016 EPOCH 42\n", "2019-10-14 13:17:16,590 Epoch 42 Step: 1550 Batch Loss: 0.864469 Tokens per Sec: 2310, Lr: 0.000561\n", "2019-10-14 13:17:52,810 Epoch 42: total training loss 27.85\n", "2019-10-14 13:17:52,811 EPOCH 43\n", "2019-10-14 13:18:13,481 Epoch 43 Step: 1600 Batch Loss: 0.502151 Tokens per Sec: 2681, Lr: 0.000552\n", "2019-10-14 13:18:35,395 Epoch 43: total training loss 25.32\n", "2019-10-14 13:18:35,395 EPOCH 44\n", "2019-10-14 13:19:09,322 Epoch 44 Step: 1650 Batch Loss: 0.357009 Tokens per Sec: 2491, Lr: 0.000544\n", "2019-10-14 13:19:18,049 Epoch 44: total training loss 24.82\n", "2019-10-14 13:19:18,050 EPOCH 45\n", "2019-10-14 13:20:00,030 Epoch 45: total training loss 24.90\n", "2019-10-14 13:20:00,030 EPOCH 46\n", "2019-10-14 13:20:05,353 Epoch 46 Step: 1700 Batch Loss: 0.509773 Tokens per Sec: 2230, Lr: 0.000536\n", "2019-10-14 13:20:42,493 Epoch 46: total training loss 22.97\n", "2019-10-14 13:20:42,493 EPOCH 47\n", "2019-10-14 13:21:01,650 Epoch 47 Step: 1750 Batch Loss: 0.740150 Tokens per Sec: 2504, Lr: 0.000528\n", "2019-10-14 13:21:24,222 Epoch 47: total training loss 21.81\n", "2019-10-14 13:21:24,222 EPOCH 48\n", "2019-10-14 13:21:58,169 Epoch 48 Step: 1800 Batch Loss: 0.870140 Tokens per Sec: 2663, Lr: 0.000521\n", "2019-10-14 13:22:07,053 Epoch 48: total training loss 26.55\n", "2019-10-14 13:22:07,053 EPOCH 49\n", "2019-10-14 13:22:48,748 Epoch 49: total training loss 21.67\n", "2019-10-14 13:22:48,749 EPOCH 50\n", "2019-10-14 13:22:54,819 Epoch 50 Step: 1850 Batch Loss: 0.840069 Tokens per Sec: 2535, Lr: 0.000514\n", "2019-10-14 13:23:30,577 Epoch 50: total training loss 19.63\n", "2019-10-14 13:23:30,577 EPOCH 51\n", "2019-10-14 13:23:53,289 Epoch 51 Step: 1900 Batch Loss: 0.312580 Tokens per Sec: 2814, Lr: 0.000507\n", "2019-10-14 13:24:12,748 Epoch 51: total training loss 17.41\n", "2019-10-14 13:24:12,748 EPOCH 52\n", "2019-10-14 13:24:48,503 Epoch 52 Step: 1950 Batch Loss: 0.355698 Tokens per Sec: 2590, Lr: 0.000500\n", "2019-10-14 13:24:55,549 Epoch 52: total training loss 17.01\n", "2019-10-14 13:24:55,549 EPOCH 53\n", "2019-10-14 13:25:37,796 Epoch 53: total training loss 17.39\n", "2019-10-14 13:25:37,796 EPOCH 54\n", "2019-10-14 13:25:44,859 Epoch 54 Step: 2000 Batch Loss: 0.708449 Tokens per Sec: 3057, Lr: 0.000494\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,375 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,375 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,375 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,376 \tHypothesis: as jy kan verhoed van dit akkaat?\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,376 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,376 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,376 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,376 \tHypothesis: dink jy dat jy die water deur die gesuiwer kan word deur die filter gegooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,376 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,377 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,377 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,377 \tHypothesis: probeer dit op en kyk of dit 'n verskil sien .\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,377 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,377 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,377 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,377 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:20,378 Validation result at epoch 54, step 2000: bleu: 16.99, loss: 24336.3438, ppl: 31.9524, duration: 95.5183s\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:55,572 Epoch 54: total training loss 16.50\n", "2019-10-14 13:27:55,572 EPOCH 55\n", "2019-10-14 13:28:16,651 Epoch 55 Step: 2050 Batch Loss: 0.215570 Tokens per Sec: 2692, Lr: 0.000488\n", "2019-10-14 13:28:38,249 Epoch 55: total training loss 15.59\n", "2019-10-14 13:28:38,250 EPOCH 56\n", "2019-10-14 13:29:12,406 Epoch 56 Step: 2100 Batch Loss: 0.415079 Tokens per Sec: 2700, Lr: 0.000482\n", "2019-10-14 13:29:20,423 Epoch 56: total training loss 14.83\n", "2019-10-14 13:29:20,423 EPOCH 57\n", "2019-10-14 13:30:03,068 Epoch 57: total training loss 13.85\n", "2019-10-14 13:30:03,069 EPOCH 58\n", "2019-10-14 13:30:08,604 Epoch 58 Step: 2150 Batch Loss: 0.424672 Tokens per Sec: 2335, Lr: 0.000477\n", "2019-10-14 13:30:45,748 Epoch 58: total training loss 13.42\n", "2019-10-14 13:30:45,748 EPOCH 59\n", "2019-10-14 13:31:05,153 Epoch 59 Step: 2200 Batch Loss: 0.479001 Tokens per Sec: 2905, Lr: 0.000471\n", "2019-10-14 13:31:27,490 Epoch 59: total training loss 12.58\n", "2019-10-14 13:31:27,491 EPOCH 60\n", "2019-10-14 13:32:02,216 Epoch 60 Step: 2250 Batch Loss: 0.338876 Tokens per Sec: 2750, Lr: 0.000466\n", "2019-10-14 13:32:09,794 Epoch 60: total training loss 11.78\n", "2019-10-14 13:32:09,794 EPOCH 61\n", "2019-10-14 13:32:52,017 Epoch 61: total training loss 12.11\n", "2019-10-14 13:32:52,018 EPOCH 62\n", "2019-10-14 13:32:56,769 Epoch 62 Step: 2300 Batch Loss: 0.220975 Tokens per Sec: 1681, Lr: 0.000461\n", "2019-10-14 13:33:33,964 Epoch 62: total training loss 14.47\n", "2019-10-14 13:33:33,964 EPOCH 63\n", "2019-10-14 13:33:53,694 Epoch 63 Step: 2350 Batch Loss: 0.380454 Tokens per Sec: 2739, Lr: 0.000456\n", "2019-10-14 13:34:16,460 Epoch 63: total training loss 13.72\n", "2019-10-14 13:34:16,460 EPOCH 64\n", "2019-10-14 13:34:50,164 Epoch 64 Step: 2400 Batch Loss: 0.254034 Tokens per Sec: 2638, Lr: 0.000451\n", "2019-10-14 13:34:59,227 Epoch 64: total training loss 12.56\n", "2019-10-14 13:34:59,227 EPOCH 65\n", "2019-10-14 13:35:41,891 Epoch 65: total training loss 11.52\n", "2019-10-14 13:35:41,891 EPOCH 66\n", "2019-10-14 13:35:46,436 Epoch 66 Step: 2450 Batch Loss: 0.359930 Tokens per Sec: 3065, Lr: 0.000446\n", "2019-10-14 13:36:23,305 Epoch 66: total training loss 10.27\n", "2019-10-14 13:36:23,305 EPOCH 67\n", "2019-10-14 13:36:42,483 Epoch 67 Step: 2500 Batch Loss: 0.197312 Tokens per Sec: 2530, Lr: 0.000442\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:17,908 Hooray! New best validation result [eval_metric]!\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:17,908 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,640 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,640 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,641 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,641 \tHypothesis: indien jy kan verhoed van dit watervrieswater ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,641 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,641 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,641 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,641 \tHypothesis: dink jy kan die water gesuiwer kan word deur die vinnige filter te verwyder ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,641 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,641 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,641 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,641 \tHypothesis: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil waaruit 'n verskil .\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,641 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,642 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,642 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,642 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:19,642 Validation result at epoch 67, step 2500: bleu: 18.67, loss: 24009.4551, ppl: 30.4997, duration: 97.1581s\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:43,156 Epoch 67: total training loss 10.00\n", "2019-10-14 13:38:43,157 EPOCH 68\n", "2019-10-14 13:39:16,718 Epoch 68 Step: 2550 Batch Loss: 0.202484 Tokens per Sec: 2620, Lr: 0.000438\n", "2019-10-14 13:39:25,771 Epoch 68: total training loss 10.04\n", "2019-10-14 13:39:25,771 EPOCH 69\n", "2019-10-14 13:40:08,296 Epoch 69: total training loss 10.42\n", "2019-10-14 13:40:08,296 EPOCH 70\n", "2019-10-14 13:40:13,103 Epoch 70 Step: 2600 Batch Loss: 0.330738 Tokens per Sec: 3438, Lr: 0.000433\n", "2019-10-14 13:40:50,804 Epoch 70: total training loss 10.82\n", "2019-10-14 13:40:50,804 EPOCH 71\n", "2019-10-14 13:41:09,713 Epoch 71 Step: 2650 Batch Loss: 0.404237 Tokens per Sec: 2610, Lr: 0.000429\n", "2019-10-14 13:41:33,656 Epoch 71: total training loss 9.97\n", "2019-10-14 13:41:33,656 EPOCH 72\n", "2019-10-14 13:42:06,690 Epoch 72 Step: 2700 Batch Loss: 0.202149 Tokens per Sec: 2622, Lr: 0.000425\n", "2019-10-14 13:42:16,002 Epoch 72: total training loss 9.23\n", "2019-10-14 13:42:16,002 EPOCH 73\n", "2019-10-14 13:42:58,534 Epoch 73: total training loss 9.40\n", "2019-10-14 13:42:58,534 EPOCH 74\n", "2019-10-14 13:43:02,796 Epoch 74 Step: 2750 Batch Loss: 0.351751 Tokens per Sec: 2436, Lr: 0.000421\n", "2019-10-14 13:43:40,780 Epoch 74: total training loss 9.55\n", "2019-10-14 13:43:40,781 EPOCH 75\n", "2019-10-14 13:43:57,967 Epoch 75 Step: 2800 Batch Loss: 0.194954 Tokens per Sec: 2414, Lr: 0.000418\n", "2019-10-14 13:44:23,007 Epoch 75: total training loss 9.31\n", "2019-10-14 13:44:23,008 EPOCH 76\n", "2019-10-14 13:44:54,230 Epoch 76 Step: 2850 Batch Loss: 0.300233 Tokens per Sec: 2649, Lr: 0.000414\n", "2019-10-14 13:45:05,609 Epoch 76: total training loss 8.73\n", "2019-10-14 13:45:05,609 EPOCH 77\n", "2019-10-14 13:45:48,617 Epoch 77: total training loss 8.41\n", "2019-10-14 13:45:48,617 EPOCH 78\n", "2019-10-14 13:45:50,484 Epoch 78 Step: 2900 Batch Loss: 0.131869 Tokens per Sec: 1625, Lr: 0.000410\n", "2019-10-14 13:46:31,375 Epoch 78: total training loss 8.38\n", "2019-10-14 13:46:31,375 EPOCH 79\n", "2019-10-14 13:46:47,337 Epoch 79 Step: 2950 Batch Loss: 0.196720 Tokens per Sec: 2779, Lr: 0.000407\n", "2019-10-14 13:47:14,218 Epoch 79: total training loss 8.05\n", "2019-10-14 13:47:14,218 EPOCH 80\n", "2019-10-14 13:47:43,682 Epoch 80 Step: 3000 Batch Loss: 0.177025 Tokens per Sec: 2766, Lr: 0.000403\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,192 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,192 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,193 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,193 \tHypothesis: as jy kan verhoed van dit watervrieswater ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,193 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,193 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,193 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,193 \tHypothesis: dink jy dat jy die water gesuiwer kan word deur jou filter gegooi word ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,193 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,194 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,194 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,194 \tHypothesis: probeer dit sien en as dit 'n verskil is .\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,194 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,194 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,194 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,194 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:19,195 Validation result at epoch 80, step 3000: bleu: 17.61, loss: 23779.2090, ppl: 29.5162, duration: 95.5121s\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:31,864 Epoch 80: total training loss 8.00\n", "2019-10-14 13:49:31,865 EPOCH 81\n", "2019-10-14 13:50:14,088 Epoch 81 Step: 3050 Batch Loss: 0.274788 Tokens per Sec: 2658, Lr: 0.000400\n", "2019-10-14 13:50:14,089 Epoch 81: total training loss 8.38\n", "2019-10-14 13:50:14,089 EPOCH 82\n", "2019-10-14 13:50:55,671 Epoch 82: total training loss 8.24\n", "2019-10-14 13:50:55,671 EPOCH 83\n", "2019-10-14 13:51:11,083 Epoch 83 Step: 3100 Batch Loss: 0.196188 Tokens per Sec: 2979, Lr: 0.000397\n", "2019-10-14 13:51:37,830 Epoch 83: total training loss 7.34\n", "2019-10-14 13:51:37,830 EPOCH 84\n", "2019-10-14 13:52:07,124 Epoch 84 Step: 3150 Batch Loss: 0.199934 Tokens per Sec: 2795, Lr: 0.000394\n", "2019-10-14 13:52:20,097 Epoch 84: total training loss 7.67\n", "2019-10-14 13:52:20,097 EPOCH 85\n", "2019-10-14 13:53:02,868 Epoch 85 Step: 3200 Batch Loss: 0.152920 Tokens per Sec: 2624, Lr: 0.000391\n", "2019-10-14 13:53:02,868 Epoch 85: total training loss 7.51\n", "2019-10-14 13:53:02,869 EPOCH 86\n", "2019-10-14 13:53:45,270 Epoch 86: total training loss 7.43\n", "2019-10-14 13:53:45,271 EPOCH 87\n", "2019-10-14 13:53:59,125 Epoch 87 Step: 3250 Batch Loss: 0.253703 Tokens per Sec: 2731, Lr: 0.000388\n", "2019-10-14 13:54:27,365 Epoch 87: total training loss 9.07\n", "2019-10-14 13:54:27,365 EPOCH 88\n", "2019-10-14 13:54:53,512 Epoch 88 Step: 3300 Batch Loss: 0.200083 Tokens per Sec: 2637, Lr: 0.000385\n", "2019-10-14 13:55:09,850 Epoch 88: total training loss 8.31\n", "2019-10-14 13:55:09,851 EPOCH 89\n", "2019-10-14 13:55:50,036 Epoch 89 Step: 3350 Batch Loss: 0.285257 Tokens per Sec: 2665, Lr: 0.000382\n", "2019-10-14 13:55:52,249 Epoch 89: total training loss 7.43\n", "2019-10-14 13:55:52,250 EPOCH 90\n", "2019-10-14 13:56:34,941 Epoch 90: total training loss 7.23\n", "2019-10-14 13:56:34,941 EPOCH 91\n", "2019-10-14 13:56:45,804 Epoch 91 Step: 3400 Batch Loss: 0.151101 Tokens per Sec: 2442, Lr: 0.000379\n", "2019-10-14 13:57:17,732 Epoch 91: total training loss 7.13\n", "2019-10-14 13:57:17,733 EPOCH 92\n", "2019-10-14 13:57:42,551 Epoch 92 Step: 3450 Batch Loss: 0.238364 Tokens per Sec: 2702, Lr: 0.000376\n", "2019-10-14 13:58:00,074 Epoch 92: total training loss 7.13\n", "2019-10-14 13:58:00,074 EPOCH 93\n", "2019-10-14 13:58:38,428 Epoch 93 Step: 3500 Batch Loss: 0.156168 Tokens per Sec: 2574, Lr: 0.000374\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:14,020 Hooray! New best validation result [eval_metric]!\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:14,020 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,696 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,696 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,696 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,697 \tHypothesis: as jy kan verhoed dat dit nwatervrieswater ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,697 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,697 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,697 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,697 \tHypothesis: dink jy jy kan die water gesuiwer deur die filter te suiwer word deur jou filter .\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,697 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,697 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,697 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,698 \tHypothesis: probeer dit kyk en kyk of dit 'n verskil waaruit 'n verskil .\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,698 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,698 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,698 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,698 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:15,698 Validation result at epoch 93, step 3500: bleu: 18.91, loss: 23638.4180, ppl: 28.9306, duration: 97.2703s\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:20,121 Epoch 93: total training loss 6.92\n", "2019-10-14 14:00:20,121 EPOCH 94\n", "2019-10-14 14:01:02,420 Epoch 94: total training loss 6.41\n", "2019-10-14 14:01:02,420 EPOCH 95\n", "2019-10-14 14:01:12,494 Epoch 95 Step: 3550 Batch Loss: 0.199882 Tokens per Sec: 2254, Lr: 0.000371\n", "2019-10-14 14:01:45,432 Epoch 95: total training loss 6.56\n", "2019-10-14 14:01:45,432 EPOCH 96\n", "2019-10-14 14:02:09,582 Epoch 96 Step: 3600 Batch Loss: 0.212894 Tokens per Sec: 2708, Lr: 0.000368\n", "2019-10-14 14:02:27,804 Epoch 96: total training loss 6.28\n", "2019-10-14 14:02:27,804 EPOCH 97\n", "2019-10-14 14:03:06,199 Epoch 97 Step: 3650 Batch Loss: 0.126355 Tokens per Sec: 2621, Lr: 0.000366\n", "2019-10-14 14:03:10,681 Epoch 97: total training loss 6.23\n", "2019-10-14 14:03:10,681 EPOCH 98\n", "2019-10-14 14:03:52,402 Epoch 98: total training loss 5.97\n", "2019-10-14 14:03:52,402 EPOCH 99\n", "2019-10-14 14:04:02,672 Epoch 99 Step: 3700 Batch Loss: 0.119305 Tokens per Sec: 2693, Lr: 0.000363\n", "2019-10-14 14:04:34,213 Epoch 99: total training loss 5.99\n", "2019-10-14 14:04:34,213 EPOCH 100\n", "2019-10-14 14:04:59,032 Epoch 100 Step: 3750 Batch Loss: 0.150591 Tokens per Sec: 2597, Lr: 0.000361\n", "2019-10-14 14:05:16,652 Epoch 100: total training loss 6.17\n", "2019-10-14 14:05:16,652 EPOCH 101\n", "2019-10-14 14:05:55,422 Epoch 101 Step: 3800 Batch Loss: 0.141966 Tokens per Sec: 2635, Lr: 0.000358\n", "2019-10-14 14:05:59,029 Epoch 101: total training loss 5.96\n", "2019-10-14 14:05:59,029 EPOCH 102\n", "2019-10-14 14:06:41,278 Epoch 102: total training loss 5.75\n", "2019-10-14 14:06:41,278 EPOCH 103\n", "2019-10-14 14:06:52,467 Epoch 103 Step: 3850 Batch Loss: 0.160515 Tokens per Sec: 2275, Lr: 0.000356\n", "2019-10-14 14:07:23,817 Epoch 103: total training loss 5.90\n", "2019-10-14 14:07:23,818 EPOCH 104\n", "2019-10-14 14:07:49,366 Epoch 104 Step: 3900 Batch Loss: 0.192392 Tokens per Sec: 2688, Lr: 0.000354\n", "2019-10-14 14:08:06,294 Epoch 104: total training loss 5.76\n", "2019-10-14 14:08:06,294 EPOCH 105\n", "2019-10-14 14:08:44,341 Epoch 105 Step: 3950 Batch Loss: 0.129470 Tokens per Sec: 2555, Lr: 0.000352\n", "2019-10-14 14:08:49,102 Epoch 105: total training loss 5.88\n", "2019-10-14 14:08:49,103 EPOCH 106\n", "2019-10-14 14:09:31,311 Epoch 106: total training loss 5.78\n", "2019-10-14 14:09:31,311 EPOCH 107\n", "2019-10-14 14:09:40,304 Epoch 107 Step: 4000 Batch Loss: 0.183306 Tokens per Sec: 2589, Lr: 0.000349\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:15,886 Hooray! New best validation result [eval_metric]!\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:15,887 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,395 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,395 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,395 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,395 \tHypothesis: as jy so verhoed dat dit van watervroue kon maak ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,395 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,395 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,395 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,395 \tHypothesis: dink jy kan die water gesuiwer het deur die filter te gesuiwer deur jou filter op jou filter gaan ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,396 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,396 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,396 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,396 \tHypothesis: probeer dit uitkyk en as dit 'n verskil is .\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,396 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,396 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,396 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,396 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:17,396 Validation result at epoch 107, step 4000: bleu: 19.69, loss: 23474.0020, ppl: 28.2613, duration: 97.0915s\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:50,786 Epoch 107: total training loss 5.62\n", "2019-10-14 14:11:50,786 EPOCH 108\n", "2019-10-14 14:12:14,833 Epoch 108 Step: 4050 Batch Loss: 0.197383 Tokens per Sec: 2695, Lr: 0.000347\n", "2019-10-14 14:12:33,790 Epoch 108: total training loss 5.56\n", "2019-10-14 14:12:33,791 EPOCH 109\n", "2019-10-14 14:13:11,618 Epoch 109 Step: 4100 Batch Loss: 0.163495 Tokens per Sec: 2669, Lr: 0.000345\n", "2019-10-14 14:13:16,015 Epoch 109: total training loss 5.36\n", "2019-10-14 14:13:16,015 EPOCH 110\n", "2019-10-14 14:13:57,927 Epoch 110: total training loss 5.58\n", "2019-10-14 14:13:57,928 EPOCH 111\n", "2019-10-14 14:14:07,250 Epoch 111 Step: 4150 Batch Loss: 0.117560 Tokens per Sec: 2564, Lr: 0.000343\n", "2019-10-14 14:14:39,416 Epoch 111: total training loss 5.19\n", "2019-10-14 14:14:39,416 EPOCH 112\n", "2019-10-14 14:15:04,200 Epoch 112 Step: 4200 Batch Loss: 0.138829 Tokens per Sec: 2694, Lr: 0.000341\n", "2019-10-14 14:15:21,704 Epoch 112: total training loss 5.17\n", "2019-10-14 14:15:21,704 EPOCH 113\n", "2019-10-14 14:16:01,083 Epoch 113 Step: 4250 Batch Loss: 0.181514 Tokens per Sec: 2607, Lr: 0.000339\n", "2019-10-14 14:16:04,541 Epoch 113: total training loss 5.40\n", "2019-10-14 14:16:04,541 EPOCH 114\n", "2019-10-14 14:16:47,336 Epoch 114: total training loss 5.60\n", "2019-10-14 14:16:47,336 EPOCH 115\n", "2019-10-14 14:16:56,394 Epoch 115 Step: 4300 Batch Loss: 0.130552 Tokens per Sec: 2567, Lr: 0.000337\n", "2019-10-14 14:17:29,756 Epoch 115: total training loss 5.44\n", "2019-10-14 14:17:29,756 EPOCH 116\n", "2019-10-14 14:17:52,787 Epoch 116 Step: 4350 Batch Loss: 0.123957 Tokens per Sec: 2612, Lr: 0.000335\n", "2019-10-14 14:18:11,981 Epoch 116: total training loss 5.18\n", "2019-10-14 14:18:11,982 EPOCH 117\n", "2019-10-14 14:18:49,066 Epoch 117 Step: 4400 Batch Loss: 0.174190 Tokens per Sec: 2633, Lr: 0.000333\n", "2019-10-14 14:18:54,430 Epoch 117: total training loss 5.31\n", "2019-10-14 14:18:54,430 EPOCH 118\n", "2019-10-14 14:19:36,729 Epoch 118: total training loss 5.43\n", "2019-10-14 14:19:36,729 EPOCH 119\n", "2019-10-14 14:19:44,827 Epoch 119 Step: 4450 Batch Loss: 0.113445 Tokens per Sec: 2421, Lr: 0.000331\n", "2019-10-14 14:20:18,533 Epoch 119: total training loss 5.30\n", "2019-10-14 14:20:18,534 EPOCH 120\n", "2019-10-14 14:20:41,879 Epoch 120 Step: 4500 Batch Loss: 0.117656 Tokens per Sec: 2725, Lr: 0.000329\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:17,244 Hooray! New best validation result [eval_metric]!\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:17,244 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,845 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,846 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,846 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,846 \tHypothesis: as jy so verhoed hoe dit van water ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,846 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,846 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,846 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,846 \tHypothesis: dink jy jy kan die water gesuiwer word deur jou filter te gefiltreer ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,846 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,847 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,847 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,847 \tHypothesis: probeer dit uit en kyk as dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,847 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,847 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,847 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,847 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:18,847 Validation result at epoch 120, step 4500: bleu: 19.82, loss: 23306.6621, ppl: 27.5961, duration: 96.9675s\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:37,625 Epoch 120: total training loss 5.20\n", "2019-10-14 14:22:37,625 EPOCH 121\n", "2019-10-14 14:23:13,791 Epoch 121 Step: 4550 Batch Loss: 0.174481 Tokens per Sec: 2583, Lr: 0.000328\n", "2019-10-14 14:23:20,700 Epoch 121: total training loss 5.47\n", "2019-10-14 14:23:20,701 EPOCH 122\n", "2019-10-14 14:24:02,569 Epoch 122: total training loss 5.27\n", "2019-10-14 14:24:02,570 EPOCH 123\n", "2019-10-14 14:24:10,970 Epoch 123 Step: 4600 Batch Loss: 0.217661 Tokens per Sec: 2786, Lr: 0.000326\n", "2019-10-14 14:24:45,008 Epoch 123: total training loss 5.62\n", "2019-10-14 14:24:45,008 EPOCH 124\n", "2019-10-14 14:25:07,490 Epoch 124 Step: 4650 Batch Loss: 0.158564 Tokens per Sec: 2841, Lr: 0.000324\n", "2019-10-14 14:25:26,989 Epoch 124: total training loss 5.68\n", "2019-10-14 14:25:26,989 EPOCH 125\n", "2019-10-14 14:26:03,930 Epoch 125 Step: 4700 Batch Loss: 0.124293 Tokens per Sec: 2575, Lr: 0.000322\n", "2019-10-14 14:26:09,665 Epoch 125: total training loss 5.24\n", "2019-10-14 14:26:09,665 EPOCH 126\n", "2019-10-14 14:26:51,925 Epoch 126: total training loss 4.93\n", "2019-10-14 14:26:51,925 EPOCH 127\n", "2019-10-14 14:27:01,634 Epoch 127 Step: 4750 Batch Loss: 0.171232 Tokens per Sec: 3068, Lr: 0.000321\n", "2019-10-14 14:27:34,062 Epoch 127: total training loss 4.83\n", "2019-10-14 14:27:34,062 EPOCH 128\n", "2019-10-14 14:27:56,389 Epoch 128 Step: 4800 Batch Loss: 0.124279 Tokens per Sec: 2422, Lr: 0.000319\n", "2019-10-14 14:28:16,404 Epoch 128: total training loss 4.82\n", "2019-10-14 14:28:16,405 EPOCH 129\n", "2019-10-14 14:28:53,031 Epoch 129 Step: 4850 Batch Loss: 0.101875 Tokens per Sec: 2577, Lr: 0.000317\n", "2019-10-14 14:28:58,831 Epoch 129: total training loss 4.87\n", "2019-10-14 14:28:58,831 EPOCH 130\n", "2019-10-14 14:29:41,890 Epoch 130: total training loss 4.84\n", "2019-10-14 14:29:41,890 EPOCH 131\n", "2019-10-14 14:29:48,409 Epoch 131 Step: 4900 Batch Loss: 0.141378 Tokens per Sec: 2225, Lr: 0.000316\n", "2019-10-14 14:30:24,052 Epoch 131: total training loss 4.69\n", "2019-10-14 14:30:24,052 EPOCH 132\n", "2019-10-14 14:30:44,513 Epoch 132 Step: 4950 Batch Loss: 0.157539 Tokens per Sec: 2599, Lr: 0.000314\n", "2019-10-14 14:31:07,026 Epoch 132: total training loss 4.77\n", "2019-10-14 14:31:07,027 EPOCH 133\n", "2019-10-14 14:31:40,728 Epoch 133 Step: 5000 Batch Loss: 0.133076 Tokens per Sec: 2766, Lr: 0.000313\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,232 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,232 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,232 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,233 \tHypothesis: as jy so verhoed hoe dit met water ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,233 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,233 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,233 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,233 \tHypothesis: dink jy jy kan die water gesuiwer deur jou filter te gefiltreer deur die filter .\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,233 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,233 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,234 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,234 \tHypothesis: probeer dit uitdaging en as 'n verskil is .\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,234 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,234 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,234 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,234 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:16,234 Validation result at epoch 133, step 5000: bleu: 19.27, loss: 23490.8320, ppl: 28.3291, duration: 95.5061s\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:24,597 Epoch 133: total training loss 4.64\n", "2019-10-14 14:33:24,597 EPOCH 134\n", "2019-10-14 14:34:07,206 Epoch 134: total training loss 4.63\n", "2019-10-14 14:34:07,206 EPOCH 135\n", "2019-10-14 14:34:11,491 Epoch 135 Step: 5050 Batch Loss: 0.119887 Tokens per Sec: 2513, Lr: 0.000311\n", "2019-10-14 14:34:49,656 Epoch 135: total training loss 4.67\n", "2019-10-14 14:34:49,656 EPOCH 136\n", "2019-10-14 14:35:06,831 Epoch 136 Step: 5100 Batch Loss: 0.136887 Tokens per Sec: 2509, Lr: 0.000309\n", "2019-10-14 14:35:32,280 Epoch 136: total training loss 4.62\n", "2019-10-14 14:35:32,281 EPOCH 137\n", "2019-10-14 14:36:04,516 Epoch 137 Step: 5150 Batch Loss: 0.131575 Tokens per Sec: 2615, Lr: 0.000308\n", "2019-10-14 14:36:14,826 Epoch 137: total training loss 4.42\n", "2019-10-14 14:36:14,827 EPOCH 138\n", "2019-10-14 14:36:56,906 Epoch 138: total training loss 4.43\n", "2019-10-14 14:36:56,906 EPOCH 139\n", "2019-10-14 14:37:00,621 Epoch 139 Step: 5200 Batch Loss: 0.123772 Tokens per Sec: 2996, Lr: 0.000306\n", "2019-10-14 14:37:39,468 Epoch 139: total training loss 4.50\n", "2019-10-14 14:37:39,468 EPOCH 140\n", "2019-10-14 14:37:56,629 Epoch 140 Step: 5250 Batch Loss: 0.130182 Tokens per Sec: 2530, Lr: 0.000305\n", "2019-10-14 14:38:22,912 Epoch 140: total training loss 4.46\n", "2019-10-14 14:38:22,912 EPOCH 141\n", "2019-10-14 14:38:51,822 Epoch 141 Step: 5300 Batch Loss: 0.100073 Tokens per Sec: 2450, Lr: 0.000304\n", "2019-10-14 14:39:05,272 Epoch 141: total training loss 4.46\n", "2019-10-14 14:39:05,272 EPOCH 142\n", "2019-10-14 14:39:48,031 Epoch 142: total training loss 4.38\n", "2019-10-14 14:39:48,031 EPOCH 143\n", "2019-10-14 14:39:48,870 Epoch 143 Step: 5350 Batch Loss: 0.088209 Tokens per Sec: 2229, Lr: 0.000302\n", "2019-10-14 14:40:30,954 Epoch 143: total training loss 4.30\n", "2019-10-14 14:40:30,954 EPOCH 144\n", "2019-10-14 14:40:46,005 Epoch 144 Step: 5400 Batch Loss: 0.136266 Tokens per Sec: 2839, Lr: 0.000301\n", "2019-10-14 14:41:13,647 Epoch 144: total training loss 4.28\n", "2019-10-14 14:41:13,647 EPOCH 145\n", "2019-10-14 14:41:41,768 Epoch 145 Step: 5450 Batch Loss: 0.137936 Tokens per Sec: 2748, Lr: 0.000299\n", "2019-10-14 14:41:55,878 Epoch 145: total training loss 4.36\n", "2019-10-14 14:41:55,879 EPOCH 146\n", "2019-10-14 14:42:38,410 Epoch 146 Step: 5500 Batch Loss: 0.085756 Tokens per Sec: 2639, Lr: 0.000298\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,921 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,922 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,922 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,922 \tHypothesis: as jy so verhoed hoe dit waterdreineer ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,922 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,923 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,923 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,923 \tHypothesis: dink jy dat jy die water nie kan suiwer deur jou filter gefiltreer word nie .\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,923 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,923 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,923 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,923 \tHypothesis: probeer uitvind as dit te sien as dit 'n verskil is .\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,923 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,924 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,924 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,924 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,924 Validation result at epoch 146, step 5500: bleu: 19.25, loss: 23279.6992, ppl: 27.4904, duration: 95.5132s\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,925 Epoch 146: total training loss 4.24\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:13,925 EPOCH 147\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:56,256 Epoch 147: total training loss 4.11\n", "2019-10-14 14:44:56,256 EPOCH 148\n", "2019-10-14 14:45:10,586 Epoch 148 Step: 5550 Batch Loss: 0.078974 Tokens per Sec: 2438, Lr: 0.000297\n", "2019-10-14 14:45:38,994 Epoch 148: total training loss 4.21\n", "2019-10-14 14:45:38,994 EPOCH 149\n", "2019-10-14 14:46:08,082 Epoch 149 Step: 5600 Batch Loss: 0.082520 Tokens per Sec: 2693, Lr: 0.000295\n", "2019-10-14 14:46:21,574 Epoch 149: total training loss 4.02\n", "2019-10-14 14:46:21,575 EPOCH 150\n", "2019-10-14 14:47:03,818 Epoch 150 Step: 5650 Batch Loss: 0.096497 Tokens per Sec: 2657, Lr: 0.000294\n", "2019-10-14 14:47:03,818 Epoch 150: total training loss 4.14\n", "2019-10-14 14:47:03,819 EPOCH 151\n", "2019-10-14 14:47:45,635 Epoch 151: total training loss 4.13\n", "2019-10-14 14:47:45,636 EPOCH 152\n", "2019-10-14 14:47:59,173 Epoch 152 Step: 5700 Batch Loss: 0.092602 Tokens per Sec: 2526, Lr: 0.000293\n", "2019-10-14 14:48:28,080 Epoch 152: total training loss 4.02\n", "2019-10-14 14:48:28,080 EPOCH 153\n", "2019-10-14 14:48:56,395 Epoch 153 Step: 5750 Batch Loss: 0.124726 Tokens per Sec: 2647, Lr: 0.000291\n", "2019-10-14 14:49:10,637 Epoch 153: total training loss 3.95\n", "2019-10-14 14:49:10,637 EPOCH 154\n", "2019-10-14 14:49:52,910 Epoch 154: total training loss 3.89\n", "2019-10-14 14:49:52,910 EPOCH 155\n", "2019-10-14 14:49:54,092 Epoch 155 Step: 5800 Batch Loss: 0.094692 Tokens per Sec: 2686, Lr: 0.000290\n", "2019-10-14 14:50:34,843 Epoch 155: total training loss 3.90\n", "2019-10-14 14:50:34,843 EPOCH 156\n", "2019-10-14 14:50:50,854 Epoch 156 Step: 5850 Batch Loss: 0.130135 Tokens per Sec: 2700, Lr: 0.000289\n", "2019-10-14 14:51:17,100 Epoch 156: total training loss 3.96\n", "2019-10-14 14:51:17,101 EPOCH 157\n", "2019-10-14 14:51:47,377 Epoch 157 Step: 5900 Batch Loss: 0.135181 Tokens per Sec: 2735, Lr: 0.000288\n", "2019-10-14 14:51:59,568 Epoch 157: total training loss 3.95\n", "2019-10-14 14:51:59,568 EPOCH 158\n", "2019-10-14 14:52:42,174 Epoch 158: total training loss 4.03\n", "2019-10-14 14:52:42,175 EPOCH 159\n", "2019-10-14 14:52:43,244 Epoch 159 Step: 5950 Batch Loss: 0.081408 Tokens per Sec: 1891, Lr: 0.000286\n", "2019-10-14 14:53:24,426 Epoch 159: total training loss 4.05\n", "2019-10-14 14:53:24,427 EPOCH 160\n", "2019-10-14 14:53:39,417 Epoch 160 Step: 6000 Batch Loss: 0.115625 Tokens per Sec: 2704, Lr: 0.000285\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:14,808 Hooray! New best validation result [eval_metric]!\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:14,809 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,434 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,435 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,435 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,435 \tHypothesis: as jy so verhoed dat dit waterdig is ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,435 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,436 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,436 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,436 \tHypothesis: dink jy jy kan die water gesuiwer word deur die filter te gefiltreer deur dit te filtreer ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,436 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,436 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,436 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,437 \tHypothesis: probeer dit sien en as dit 'n verskil is .\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,437 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,437 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,437 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,437 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:16,437 Validation result at epoch 160, step 6000: bleu: 20.27, loss: 23328.7344, ppl: 27.6829, duration: 97.0199s\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:44,007 Epoch 160: total training loss 4.00\n", "2019-10-14 14:55:44,008 EPOCH 161\n", "2019-10-14 14:56:13,277 Epoch 161 Step: 6050 Batch Loss: 0.128801 Tokens per Sec: 2708, Lr: 0.000284\n", "2019-10-14 14:56:27,051 Epoch 161: total training loss 3.96\n", "2019-10-14 14:56:27,052 EPOCH 162\n", "2019-10-14 14:57:08,731 Epoch 162: total training loss 3.65\n", "2019-10-14 14:57:08,731 EPOCH 163\n", "2019-10-14 14:57:11,512 Epoch 163 Step: 6100 Batch Loss: 0.127656 Tokens per Sec: 3648, Lr: 0.000283\n", "2019-10-14 14:57:50,865 Epoch 163: total training loss 3.82\n", "2019-10-14 14:57:50,865 EPOCH 164\n", "2019-10-14 14:58:06,017 Epoch 164 Step: 6150 Batch Loss: 0.111806 Tokens per Sec: 2435, Lr: 0.000282\n", "2019-10-14 14:58:32,562 Epoch 164: total training loss 3.93\n", "2019-10-14 14:58:32,562 EPOCH 165\n", "2019-10-14 14:59:04,040 Epoch 165 Step: 6200 Batch Loss: 0.089149 Tokens per Sec: 2749, Lr: 0.000281\n", "2019-10-14 14:59:14,987 Epoch 165: total training loss 3.73\n", "2019-10-14 14:59:14,988 EPOCH 166\n", "2019-10-14 14:59:58,162 Epoch 166: total training loss 3.89\n", "2019-10-14 14:59:58,162 EPOCH 167\n", "2019-10-14 15:00:00,791 Epoch 167 Step: 6250 Batch Loss: 0.135432 Tokens per Sec: 3149, Lr: 0.000280\n", "2019-10-14 15:00:40,359 Epoch 167: total training loss 3.85\n", "2019-10-14 15:00:40,359 EPOCH 168\n", "2019-10-14 15:00:56,583 Epoch 168 Step: 6300 Batch Loss: 0.132239 Tokens per Sec: 2878, Lr: 0.000278\n", "2019-10-14 15:01:22,409 Epoch 168: total training loss 3.89\n", "2019-10-14 15:01:22,409 EPOCH 169\n", "2019-10-14 15:01:51,398 Epoch 169 Step: 6350 Batch Loss: 0.094800 Tokens per Sec: 2633, Lr: 0.000277\n", "2019-10-14 15:02:04,529 Epoch 169: total training loss 3.77\n", "2019-10-14 15:02:04,530 EPOCH 170\n", "2019-10-14 15:02:46,805 Epoch 170: total training loss 3.85\n", "2019-10-14 15:02:46,806 EPOCH 171\n", "2019-10-14 15:02:47,752 Epoch 171 Step: 6400 Batch Loss: 0.113079 Tokens per Sec: 643, Lr: 0.000276\n", "2019-10-14 15:03:28,899 Epoch 171: total training loss 3.85\n", "2019-10-14 15:03:28,899 EPOCH 172\n", "2019-10-14 15:03:43,995 Epoch 172 Step: 6450 Batch Loss: 0.102424 Tokens per Sec: 2813, Lr: 0.000275\n", "2019-10-14 15:04:10,910 Epoch 172: total training loss 4.36\n", "2019-10-14 15:04:10,911 EPOCH 173\n", "2019-10-14 15:04:39,502 Epoch 173 Step: 6500 Batch Loss: 0.103793 Tokens per Sec: 2556, Lr: 0.000274\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,983 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,984 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,984 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,984 \tHypothesis: as jy so verhoed dat dit watervalge ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,984 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,984 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,984 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,985 \tHypothesis: dink jy kan jy die water gesuiwer kan jy die filter gegooi word deur dit weer blink te filtreer ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,985 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,985 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,985 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,985 \tHypothesis: probeer dit so en kyk of dit 'n verskil is .\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,985 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,985 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,985 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,986 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:14,986 Validation result at epoch 173, step 6500: bleu: 19.71, loss: 23496.4551, ppl: 28.3518, duration: 95.4832s\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:29,240 Epoch 173: total training loss 6.11\n", "2019-10-14 15:06:29,240 EPOCH 174\n", "2019-10-14 15:07:11,017 Epoch 174 Step: 6550 Batch Loss: 0.146055 Tokens per Sec: 2672, Lr: 0.000273\n", "2019-10-14 15:07:11,945 Epoch 174: total training loss 5.35\n", "2019-10-14 15:07:11,945 EPOCH 175\n", "2019-10-14 15:07:54,279 Epoch 175: total training loss 4.67\n", "2019-10-14 15:07:54,279 EPOCH 176\n", "2019-10-14 15:08:06,498 Epoch 176 Step: 6600 Batch Loss: 0.142089 Tokens per Sec: 2373, Lr: 0.000272\n", "2019-10-14 15:08:37,168 Epoch 176: total training loss 4.18\n", "2019-10-14 15:08:37,169 EPOCH 177\n", "2019-10-14 15:09:04,209 Epoch 177 Step: 6650 Batch Loss: 0.113586 Tokens per Sec: 2835, Lr: 0.000271\n", "2019-10-14 15:09:19,590 Epoch 177: total training loss 4.05\n", "2019-10-14 15:09:19,590 EPOCH 178\n", "2019-10-14 15:10:00,919 Epoch 178 Step: 6700 Batch Loss: 0.080085 Tokens per Sec: 2699, Lr: 0.000270\n", "2019-10-14 15:10:01,865 Epoch 178: total training loss 3.84\n", "2019-10-14 15:10:01,866 EPOCH 179\n", "2019-10-14 15:10:44,116 Epoch 179: total training loss 3.85\n", "2019-10-14 15:10:44,116 EPOCH 180\n", "2019-10-14 15:10:57,191 Epoch 180 Step: 6750 Batch Loss: 0.106096 Tokens per Sec: 2939, Lr: 0.000269\n", "2019-10-14 15:11:26,836 Epoch 180: total training loss 3.76\n", "2019-10-14 15:11:26,836 EPOCH 181\n", "2019-10-14 15:11:53,274 Epoch 181 Step: 6800 Batch Loss: 0.097475 Tokens per Sec: 2850, Lr: 0.000268\n", "2019-10-14 15:12:09,548 Epoch 181: total training loss 3.65\n", "2019-10-14 15:12:09,549 EPOCH 182\n", "2019-10-14 15:12:49,181 Epoch 182 Step: 6850 Batch Loss: 0.079030 Tokens per Sec: 2539, Lr: 0.000267\n", "2019-10-14 15:12:52,858 Epoch 182: total training loss 3.57\n", "2019-10-14 15:12:52,858 EPOCH 183\n", "2019-10-14 15:13:35,346 Epoch 183: total training loss 3.66\n", "2019-10-14 15:13:35,346 EPOCH 184\n", "2019-10-14 15:13:43,913 Epoch 184 Step: 6900 Batch Loss: 0.093704 Tokens per Sec: 2404, Lr: 0.000266\n", "2019-10-14 15:14:18,351 Epoch 184: total training loss 3.50\n", "2019-10-14 15:14:18,351 EPOCH 185\n", "2019-10-14 15:14:41,398 Epoch 185 Step: 6950 Batch Loss: 0.096410 Tokens per Sec: 2681, Lr: 0.000265\n", "2019-10-14 15:15:01,099 Epoch 185: total training loss 3.45\n", "2019-10-14 15:15:01,099 EPOCH 186\n", "2019-10-14 15:15:38,145 Epoch 186 Step: 7000 Batch Loss: 0.082676 Tokens per Sec: 2685, Lr: 0.000264\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:13,775 Hooray! New best validation result [eval_metric]!\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:13,775 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,334 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,335 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,335 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,335 \tHypothesis: as jy so verhoed dat dit soos 'n waterdreineer ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,335 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,335 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,335 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,335 \tHypothesis: dink jy jy kan die water gesuiwer kan jy dit deur die filter gegooi word ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,335 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,335 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,335 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,336 \tHypothesis: probeer dit op en kyk as 'n verskil is .\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,336 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,336 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,336 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,336 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:15,336 Validation result at epoch 186, step 7000: bleu: 20.83, loss: 23252.3848, ppl: 27.3837, duration: 97.1910s\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:20,836 Epoch 186: total training loss 3.35\n", "2019-10-14 15:17:20,837 EPOCH 187\n", "2019-10-14 15:18:03,845 Epoch 187: total training loss 3.44\n", "2019-10-14 15:18:03,845 EPOCH 188\n", "2019-10-14 15:18:12,022 Epoch 188 Step: 7050 Batch Loss: 0.071749 Tokens per Sec: 2664, Lr: 0.000263\n", "2019-10-14 15:18:46,620 Epoch 188: total training loss 3.75\n", "2019-10-14 15:18:46,620 EPOCH 189\n", "2019-10-14 15:19:08,337 Epoch 189 Step: 7100 Batch Loss: 0.103738 Tokens per Sec: 2573, Lr: 0.000262\n", "2019-10-14 15:19:29,403 Epoch 189: total training loss 4.28\n", "2019-10-14 15:19:29,403 EPOCH 190\n", "2019-10-14 15:20:04,715 Epoch 190 Step: 7150 Batch Loss: 0.125232 Tokens per Sec: 2643, Lr: 0.000261\n", "2019-10-14 15:20:12,069 Epoch 190: total training loss 3.94\n", "2019-10-14 15:20:12,069 EPOCH 191\n", "2019-10-14 15:20:54,184 Epoch 191: total training loss 4.58\n", "2019-10-14 15:20:54,184 EPOCH 192\n", "2019-10-14 15:20:59,785 Epoch 192 Step: 7200 Batch Loss: 0.090326 Tokens per Sec: 2403, Lr: 0.000260\n", "2019-10-14 15:21:36,528 Epoch 192: total training loss 3.77\n", "2019-10-14 15:21:36,528 EPOCH 193\n", "2019-10-14 15:21:56,275 Epoch 193 Step: 7250 Batch Loss: 0.195592 Tokens per Sec: 2635, Lr: 0.000260\n", "2019-10-14 15:22:18,486 Epoch 193: total training loss 4.89\n", "2019-10-14 15:22:18,487 EPOCH 194\n", "2019-10-14 15:22:53,886 Epoch 194 Step: 7300 Batch Loss: 0.082657 Tokens per Sec: 2655, Lr: 0.000259\n", "2019-10-14 15:23:00,890 Epoch 194: total training loss 4.01\n", "2019-10-14 15:23:00,890 EPOCH 195\n", "2019-10-14 15:23:42,916 Epoch 195: total training loss 3.74\n", "2019-10-14 15:23:42,916 EPOCH 196\n", "2019-10-14 15:23:49,849 Epoch 196 Step: 7350 Batch Loss: 0.120253 Tokens per Sec: 2927, Lr: 0.000258\n", "2019-10-14 15:24:25,059 Epoch 196: total training loss 3.48\n", "2019-10-14 15:24:25,059 EPOCH 197\n", "2019-10-14 15:24:45,965 Epoch 197 Step: 7400 Batch Loss: 0.082194 Tokens per Sec: 2643, Lr: 0.000257\n", "2019-10-14 15:25:07,440 Epoch 197: total training loss 3.54\n", "2019-10-14 15:25:07,440 EPOCH 198\n", "2019-10-14 15:25:43,051 Epoch 198 Step: 7450 Batch Loss: 0.105848 Tokens per Sec: 2682, Lr: 0.000256\n", "2019-10-14 15:25:49,785 Epoch 198: total training loss 3.37\n", "2019-10-14 15:25:49,785 EPOCH 199\n", "2019-10-14 15:26:32,946 Epoch 199: total training loss 3.40\n", "2019-10-14 15:26:32,946 EPOCH 200\n", "2019-10-14 15:26:39,715 Epoch 200 Step: 7500 Batch Loss: 0.067201 Tokens per Sec: 2443, Lr: 0.000255\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,358 Example #0\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,359 \tSource: if so how could you prevent it from leaking ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,359 \tReference: indien wel hoe kan jy verhoed dat dit lek ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,359 \tHypothesis: as jy so kan verhoek soos wat jy in water ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,359 Example #1\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,359 \tSource: do you think you could further purify the water you filtered by passing it through your filter again ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,360 \tReference: dink jy jy kan die water verder skoonmaak deur dit weer deur jou filter te gooi ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,360 \tHypothesis: dink jy jy kan die water deur die filter gesuiwer word deur jou filter te filtreer ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,360 Example #2\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,360 \tSource: try it out and see if this makes a difference .\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,360 \tReference: probeer dit en kyk of dit 'n verskil maak .\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,360 \tHypothesis: probeer dit uitkyk en kyk of dit 'n verskil .\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,360 Example #3\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,361 \tSource: how could you improve your design ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,361 \tReference: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,361 \tHypothesis: hoe kan jy jou ontwerp verbeter ?\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:15,361 Validation result at epoch 200, step 7500: bleu: 20.42, loss: 23162.3203, ppl: 27.0349, duration: 95.6454s\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:51,013 Epoch 200: total training loss 3.35\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:51,014 Training ended after 200 epochs.\n", "2019-10-14 15:28:51,014 Best validation result at step 7000: 20.83 eval_metric.\n", "2019-10-14 15:29:18,002 dev bleu: 22.06 [Beam search decoding with beam size = 5 and alpha = 1.0]\n", "2019-10-14 15:29:18,002 Translations saved to: models/enaf_transformer/00007000.hyps.dev\n", "2019-10-14 15:29:49,947 test bleu: 14.84 [Beam search decoding with beam size = 5 and alpha = 1.0]\n", "2019-10-14 15:29:49,948 Translations saved to: models/enaf_transformer/00007000.hyps.test\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "MBoDS09JM807", "outputId": "7fb80c1e-6262-452b-f6d4-85b2f980343c", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 53 } }, "source": [ "# Copy the created models from the notebook storage to google drive for persistant storage \n", "!mkdir -p \"$gdrive_path/models/${src}${tgt}_transformer/\" # Herman\n", "!cp -r joeynmt/models/${src}${tgt}_transformer/* \"$gdrive_path/models/${src}${tgt}_transformer/\"" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "cp: cannot create symbolic link '/content/drive/My Drive/colab/masakhane/en-af-baseline/models/enaf_transformer/best.ckpt': Function not implemented\n", "cp: cannot create symbolic link '/content/drive/My Drive/colab/masakhane/en-af-baseline/models/enaf_transformer/best.ckpt': Function not implemented\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "n94wlrCjVc17", "outputId": "58522ee6-91dc-4de9-d708-6b52ef7757ee", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 287 } }, "source": [ "# Output our validation accuracy\n", "! cat \"$gdrive_path/models/${src}${tgt}_transformer/validations.txt\"" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Steps: 500\tLoss: 29601.47461\tPPL: 67.60847\tbleu: 0.78623\tLR: 0.00034939\t*\n", "Steps: 1000\tLoss: 23326.10742\tPPL: 27.67259\tbleu: 13.46693\tLR: 0.00069877\t*\n", "Steps: 1500\tLoss: 23168.03320\tPPL: 27.05686\tbleu: 17.51870\tLR: 0.00057054\t*\n", "Steps: 2000\tLoss: 24336.34375\tPPL: 31.95243\tbleu: 16.99290\tLR: 0.00049411\t\n", "Steps: 2500\tLoss: 24009.45508\tPPL: 30.49967\tbleu: 18.66731\tLR: 0.00044194\t*\n", "Steps: 3000\tLoss: 23779.20898\tPPL: 29.51625\tbleu: 17.61267\tLR: 0.00040344\t\n", "Steps: 3500\tLoss: 23638.41797\tPPL: 28.93059\tbleu: 18.91206\tLR: 0.00037351\t*\n", "Steps: 4000\tLoss: 23474.00195\tPPL: 28.26134\tbleu: 19.68848\tLR: 0.00034939\t*\n", "Steps: 4500\tLoss: 23306.66211\tPPL: 27.59610\tbleu: 19.81664\tLR: 0.00032940\t*\n", "Steps: 5000\tLoss: 23490.83203\tPPL: 28.32913\tbleu: 19.27047\tLR: 0.00031250\t\n", "Steps: 5500\tLoss: 23279.69922\tPPL: 27.49038\tbleu: 19.25319\tLR: 0.00029796\t\n", "Steps: 6000\tLoss: 23328.73438\tPPL: 27.68294\tbleu: 20.27485\tLR: 0.00028527\t*\n", "Steps: 6500\tLoss: 23496.45508\tPPL: 28.35181\tbleu: 19.71401\tLR: 0.00027408\t\n", "Steps: 7000\tLoss: 23252.38477\tPPL: 27.38370\tbleu: 20.83329\tLR: 0.00026411\t*\n", "Steps: 7500\tLoss: 23162.32031\tPPL: 27.03487\tbleu: 20.42162\tLR: 0.00025516\t\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "66WhRE9lIhoD", "outputId": "36c76633-73c3-47e5-d09d-38857cd1e115", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 89 } }, "source": [ "# Test our model\n", "! cd joeynmt; python3 -m joeynmt test \"$gdrive_path/models/${src}${tgt}_transformer/config.yaml\"" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "2019-10-14 15:31:18,094 - dev bleu: 22.06 [Beam search decoding with beam size = 5 and alpha = 1.0]\n", "2019-10-14 15:31:18,094 - dev bleu: 22.06 [Beam search decoding with beam size = 5 and alpha = 1.0]\n", "2019-10-14 15:31:50,269 - test bleu: 14.84 [Beam search decoding with beam size = 5 and alpha = 1.0]\n", "2019-10-14 15:31:50,269 - test bleu: 14.84 [Beam search decoding with beam size = 5 and alpha = 1.0]\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "uPqSUwVzLLMM", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "## Record\n", "\n", "After 200 epochs:\n", "\n", " Steps: 500\tLoss: 28996.02539\tPPL: 65.32051\tbleu: 0.74017\tLR: 0.00034939\t*\n", " Steps: 1000\tLoss: 22725.31836\tPPL: 26.45606\tbleu: 12.15630\tLR: 0.00069877\t*\n", " Steps: 1500\tLoss: 22900.86719\tPPL: 27.13401\tbleu: 17.04406\tLR: 0.00057054\t*\n", " Steps: 2000\tLoss: 24123.17773\tPPL: 32.36132\tbleu: 17.20765\tLR: 0.00049411\t*\n", " Steps: 2500\tLoss: 23582.63867\tPPL: 29.93578\tbleu: 18.16604\tLR: 0.00044194\t*\n", " Steps: 3000\tLoss: 23164.73633\tPPL: 28.18586\tbleu: 19.39783\tLR: 0.00040344\t*\n", " Steps: 3500\tLoss: 23084.53516\tPPL: 27.86192\tbleu: 19.46346\tLR: 0.00037351\t*\n", " Steps: 4000\tLoss: 23180.01953\tPPL: 28.24801\tbleu: 19.10164\tLR: 0.00034939\t\n", " Steps: 4500\tLoss: 22994.55078\tPPL: 27.50288\tbleu: 20.05288\tLR: 0.00032940\t*\n", " Steps: 5000\tLoss: 22928.59961\tPPL: 27.24268\tbleu: 19.66884\tLR: 0.00031250\t\n", " Steps: 5500\tLoss: 22814.38477\tPPL: 26.79788\tbleu: 18.71092\tLR: 0.00029796\t\n", " Steps: 6000\tLoss: 22747.05664\tPPL: 26.53909\tbleu: 19.54311\tLR: 0.00028527\t\n", " Steps: 6500\tLoss: 22670.42383\tPPL: 26.24757\tbleu: 19.12990\tLR: 0.00027408\t\n", " Steps: 7000\tLoss: 22537.89453\tPPL: 25.75094\tbleu: 19.76692\tLR: 0.00026411\t\n", " Steps: 7500\tLoss: 22478.74023\tPPL: 25.53232\tbleu: 20.04524\tLR: 0.00025516\t" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "xvFGcTI4aXMZ", "colab_type": "code", "colab": {} }, "source": [ "" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [] } ] }