{ "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0, "metadata": { "accelerator": "GPU", "colab": { "name": "starter_notebook.ipynb", "provenance": [], "collapsed_sections": [], "toc_visible": true, "include_colab_link": true }, "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.5.6" } }, "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "view-in-github", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "\"Open" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "Igc5itf-xMGj" }, "source": [ "# Masakhane - Machine Translation for African Languages (Using JoeyNMT)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "x4fXCKCf36IK" }, "source": [ "## Note before beginning:\n", "### - The idea is that you should be able to make minimal changes to this in order to get SOME result for your own translation corpus. \n", "\n", "### - The tl;dr: Go to the **\"TODO\"** comments which will tell you what to update to get up and running\n", "\n", "### - If you actually want to have a clue what you're doing, read the text and peek at the links\n", "\n", "### - With 100 epochs, it should take around 7 hours to run in Google Colab\n", "\n", "### - Once you've gotten a result for your language, please attach and email your notebook that generated it to masakhanetranslation@gmail.com\n", "\n", "### - If you care enough and get a chance, doing a brief background on your language would be amazing. See examples in [(Martinus, 2019)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.05685)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "l929HimrxS0a" }, "source": [ "## Retrieve your data & make a parallel corpus\n", "\n", "If you are wanting to use the JW300 data referenced on the Masakhane website or in our GitHub repo, you can use `opus-tools` to convert the data into a convenient format. `opus_read` from that package provides a convenient tool for reading the native aligned XML files and to convert them to TMX format. The tool can also be used to fetch relevant files from OPUS on the fly and to filter the data as necessary. [Read the documentation](https://pypi.org/project/opustools-pkg/) for more details.\n", "\n", "Once you have your corpus files in TMX format (an xml structure which will include the sentences in your target language and your source language in a single file), we recommend reading them into a pandas dataframe. Thankfully, Jade wrote a silly `tmx2dataframe` package which converts your tmx file to a pandas dataframe. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "oGRmDELn7Az0", "outputId": "c9ee041b-aba3-402e-943c-6729fb267ccf", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 122 } }, "source": [ "from google.colab import drive\n", "drive.mount('/content/drive')" ], "execution_count": 1, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Go to this URL in a browser: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=947318989803-6bn6qk8qdgf4n4g3pfee6491hc0brc4i.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=urn%3aietf%3awg%3aoauth%3a2.0%3aoob&response_type=code&scope=email%20https%3a%2f%2fwww.googleapis.com%2fauth%2fdocs.test%20https%3a%2f%2fwww.googleapis.com%2fauth%2fdrive%20https%3a%2f%2fwww.googleapis.com%2fauth%2fdrive.photos.readonly%20https%3a%2f%2fwww.googleapis.com%2fauth%2fpeopleapi.readonly\n", "\n", "Enter your authorization code:\n", "··········\n", "Mounted at /content/drive\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "Cn3tgQLzUxwn", "colab": {} }, "source": [ "# TODO: Set your source and target languages. Keep in mind, these traditionally use language codes as found here:\n", "# These will also become the suffix's of all vocab and corpus files used throughout\n", "import os\n", "source_language = \"en\"\n", "target_language = \"bin\" \n", "lc = False # If True, lowercase the data.\n", "seed = 42 # Random seed for shuffling.\n", "tag = \"baseline\" # Give a unique name to your folder - this is to ensure you don't rewrite any models you've already submitted\n", "\n", "os.environ[\"src\"] = source_language # Sets them in bash as well, since we often use bash scripts\n", "os.environ[\"tgt\"] = target_language\n", "os.environ[\"tag\"] = tag\n", "\n", "# This will save it to a folder in our gdrive instead!\n", "!mkdir -p \"/content/drive/My Drive/masakhane/$src-$tgt-$tag\"\n", "os.environ[\"gdrive_path\"] = \"/content/drive/My Drive/masakhane/%s-%s-%s\" % (source_language, target_language, tag)" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "kBSgJHEw7Nvx", "outputId": "1fea18c5-7a9c-4b65-e718-72cd0f06b96d", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 34 } }, "source": [ "!echo $gdrive_path" ], "execution_count": 3, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "/content/drive/My Drive/masakhane/en-bin-baseline\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "gA75Fs9ys8Y9", "outputId": "85f1a7de-5ab8-45b9-cdb0-9ae3199df91b", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 102 } }, "source": [ "# Install opus-tools\n", "! pip install opustools-pkg" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Collecting opustools-pkg\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/6c/9f/e829a0cceccc603450cd18e1ff80807b6237a88d9a8df2c0bb320796e900/opustools_pkg-0.0.52-py3-none-any.whl (80kB)\n", "\r\u001b[K |████ | 10kB 23.8MB/s eta 0:00:01\r\u001b[K |████████ | 20kB 1.7MB/s eta 0:00:01\r\u001b[K |████████████▏ | 30kB 2.5MB/s eta 0:00:01\r\u001b[K |████████████████▏ | 40kB 1.7MB/s eta 0:00:01\r\u001b[K |████████████████████▎ | 51kB 2.1MB/s eta 0:00:01\r\u001b[K |████████████████████████▎ | 61kB 2.5MB/s eta 0:00:01\r\u001b[K |████████████████████████████▎ | 71kB 2.9MB/s eta 0:00:01\r\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 81kB 2.5MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hInstalling collected packages: opustools-pkg\n", "Successfully installed opustools-pkg-0.0.52\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "xq-tDZVks7ZD", "outputId": "9d17c9e1-b6a7-43f4-ee1e-3ea9a8559c27", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 204 } }, "source": [ "# Downloading our corpus\n", "! opus_read -d JW300 -s $src -t $tgt -wm moses -w jw300.$src jw300.$tgt -q\n", "\n", "# extract the corpus file\n", "! gunzip JW300_latest_xml_$src-$tgt.xml.gz" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "Alignment file /proj/nlpl/data/OPUS/JW300/latest/xml/en-iso.xml.gz not found. The following files are available for downloading:\n", "\n", " 2 MB https://object.pouta.csc.fi/OPUS-JW300/v1/xml/en-iso.xml.gz\n", " 263 MB https://object.pouta.csc.fi/OPUS-JW300/v1/xml/en.zip\n", " 26 MB https://object.pouta.csc.fi/OPUS-JW300/v1/xml/iso.zip\n", "\n", " 291 MB Total size\n", "./JW300_latest_xml_en-iso.xml.gz ... 100% of 2 MB\n", "./JW300_latest_xml_en.zip ... 100% of 263 MB\n", "./JW300_latest_xml_iso.zip ... 100% of 26 MB\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "n48GDRnP8y2G", "colab_type": "code", "outputId": "8949fb1b-854c-4644-a03c-43fdb68dbc42", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 578 } }, "source": [ "# Download the global test set.\n", "! wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juliakreutzer/masakhane/master/jw300_utils/test/test.en-any.en\n", " \n", "# And the specific test set for this language pair.\n", "os.environ[\"trg\"] = target_language \n", "os.environ[\"src\"] = source_language \n", "\n", "! wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juliakreutzer/masakhane/master/jw300_utils/test/test.en-$trg.en \n", "! mv test.en-$trg.en test.en\n", "! wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juliakreutzer/masakhane/master/jw300_utils/test/test.en-$trg.$trg \n", "! mv test.en-$trg.$trg test.$trg" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "--2020-01-17 04:59:50-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juliakreutzer/masakhane/master/jw300_utils/test/test.en-any.en\n", "Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...,,, ...\n", "Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.\n", "HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK\n", "Length: 277791 (271K) [text/plain]\n", "Saving to: ‘test.en-any.en’\n", "\n", "\rtest.en-any.en 0%[ ] 0 --.-KB/s \rtest.en-any.en 100%[===================>] 271.28K --.-KB/s in 0.05s \n", "\n", "2020-01-17 04:59:51 (5.15 MB/s) - ‘test.en-any.en’ saved [277791/277791]\n", "\n", "--2020-01-17 04:59:52-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juliakreutzer/masakhane/master/jw300_utils/test/test.en-iso.en\n", "Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...,,, ...\n", "Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.\n", "HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK\n", "Length: 205488 (201K) [text/plain]\n", "Saving to: ‘test.en-iso.en’\n", "\n", "test.en-iso.en 100%[===================>] 200.67K --.-KB/s in 0.04s \n", "\n", "2020-01-17 04:59:52 (5.30 MB/s) - ‘test.en-iso.en’ saved [205488/205488]\n", "\n", "--2020-01-17 04:59:54-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juliakreutzer/masakhane/master/jw300_utils/test/test.en-iso.iso\n", "Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...,,, ...\n", "Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.\n", "HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK\n", "Length: 251918 (246K) [text/plain]\n", "Saving to: ‘test.en-iso.iso’\n", "\n", "test.en-iso.iso 100%[===================>] 246.01K --.-KB/s in 0.05s \n", "\n", "2020-01-17 04:59:55 (4.68 MB/s) - ‘test.en-iso.iso’ saved [251918/251918]\n", "\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "NqDG-CI28y2L", "colab_type": "code", "outputId": "44ef9271-b0fc-418d-dc5f-04c90e4e38cd", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 34 } }, "source": [ "# Read the test data to filter from train and dev splits.\n", "# Store english portion in set for quick filtering checks.\n", "en_test_sents = set()\n", "filter_test_sents = \"test.en-any.en\"\n", "j = 0\n", "with open(filter_test_sents) as f:\n", " for line in f:\n", " en_test_sents.add(line.strip())\n", " j += 1\n", "print('Loaded {} global test sentences to filter from the training/dev data.'.format(j))" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Loaded 3571 global test sentences to filter from the training/dev data.\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "3CNdwLBCfSIl", "outputId": "fcf09810-26de-481b-8ba0-39853c4378b0", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 159 } }, "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "\n", "# TMX file to dataframe\n", "source_file = 'jw300.' + source_language\n", "target_file = 'jw300.' + target_language\n", "\n", "source = []\n", "target = []\n", "skip_lines = [] # Collect the line numbers of the source portion to skip the same lines for the target portion.\n", "with open(source_file) as f:\n", " for i, line in enumerate(f):\n", " # Skip sentences that are contained in the test set.\n", " if line.strip() not in en_test_sents:\n", " source.append(line.strip())\n", " else:\n", " skip_lines.append(i) \n", "with open(target_file) as f:\n", " for j, line in enumerate(f):\n", " # Only add to corpus if corresponding source was not skipped.\n", " if j not in skip_lines:\n", " target.append(line.strip())\n", " \n", "print('Loaded data and skipped {}/{} lines since contained in test set.'.format(len(skip_lines), i))\n", " \n", "df = pd.DataFrame(zip(source, target), columns=['source_sentence', 'target_sentence'])\n", "# if you get TypeError: data argument can't be an iterator is because of your zip version run this below\n", "#df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(source, target)), columns=['source_sentence', 'target_sentence'])\n", "df.head(3)" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Loaded data and skipped 5685/243487 lines since contained in test set.\n" ], "name": "stdout" }, { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0“ Only One of the Many Lives That You Touched ”“ Omọvo Ahwo Buobu nọ Who Duobọ te Uzuazọ Riẹ ”
1BACK in January 1996 , Carol was sick with a b...EVAỌ January 1996 , Carol ọ jẹ mọ ẹyao ẹvori .
2She was in her 60 ’ s and until then had alway...Ọ kpako te ikpe 60 no yọ oke yena kpobi ọ jọ a...
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " source_sentence target_sentence\n", "0 “ Only One of the Many Lives That You Touched ” “ Omọvo Ahwo Buobu nọ Who Duobọ te Uzuazọ Riẹ ”\n", "1 BACK in January 1996 , Carol was sick with a b... EVAỌ January 1996 , Carol ọ jẹ mọ ẹyao ẹvori .\n", "2 She was in her 60 ’ s and until then had alway... Ọ kpako te ikpe 60 no yọ oke yena kpobi ọ jọ a..." ] }, "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "execution_count": 11 } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "YkuK3B4p2AkN" }, "source": [ "## Pre-processing and export\n", "\n", "It is generally a good idea to remove duplicate translations and conflicting translations from the corpus. In practice, these public corpora include some number of these that need to be cleaned.\n", "\n", "In addition we will split our data into dev/test/train and export to the filesystem." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "M_2ouEOH1_1q", "outputId": "b109ef42-7557-4c8c-8952-874ac33ed667", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 187 } }, "source": [ "# drop duplicate translations\n", "df_pp = df.drop_duplicates()\n", "\n", "# drop conflicting translations\n", "# (this is optional and something that you might want to comment out \n", "# depending on the size of your corpus)\n", "df_pp.drop_duplicates(subset='source_sentence', inplace=True)\n", "df_pp.drop_duplicates(subset='target_sentence', inplace=True)\n", "\n", "# Shuffle the data to remove bias in dev set selection.\n", "df_pp = df_pp.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed).reset_index(drop=True)" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:6: SettingWithCopyWarning: \n", "A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame\n", "\n", "See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy\n", " \n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:7: SettingWithCopyWarning: \n", "A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame\n", "\n", "See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy\n", " import sys\n" ], "name": "stderr" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "Z_1BwAApEtMk", "colab_type": "code", "outputId": "175b8c38-2c43-47f7-bccc-0cffe0336959", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000 } }, "source": [ "# Install fuzzy wuzzy to remove \"almost duplicate\" sentences in the\n", "# test and training sets.\n", "! pip install fuzzywuzzy\n", "! pip install python-Levenshtein\n", "import time\n", "from fuzzywuzzy import process\n", "import numpy as np\n", "\n", "# reset the index of the training set after previous filtering\n", "df_pp.reset_index(drop=False, inplace=True)\n", "\n", "# Remove samples from the training data set if they \"almost overlap\" with the\n", "# samples in the test set.\n", "\n", "# Filtering function. Adjust pad to narrow down the candidate matches to\n", "# within a certain length of characters of the given sample.\n", "def fuzzfilter(sample, candidates, pad):\n", " candidates = [x for x in candidates if len(x) <= len(sample)+pad and len(x) >= len(sample)-pad] \n", " if len(candidates) > 0:\n", " return process.extractOne(sample, candidates)[1]\n", " else:\n", " return np.nan\n", "\n", "# NOTE - This might run slow depending on the size of your training set. We are\n", "# printing some information to help you track how long it would take. \n", "scores = []\n", "start_time = time.time()\n", "for idx, row in df_pp.iterrows():\n", " scores.append(fuzzfilter(row['source_sentence'], list(en_test_sents), 5))\n", " if idx % 1000 == 0:\n", " hours, rem = divmod(time.time() - start_time, 3600)\n", " minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60)\n", " print(\"{:0>2}:{:0>2}:{:05.2f}\".format(int(hours),int(minutes),seconds), \"%0.2f percent complete\" % (100.0*float(idx)/float(len(df_pp))))\n", "\n", "# Filter out \"almost overlapping samples\"\n", "df_pp['scores'] = scores\n", "df_pp = df_pp[df_pp['scores'] < 95]" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Collecting fuzzywuzzy\n", " Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/d8/f1/5a267addb30ab7eaa1beab2b9323073815da4551076554ecc890a3595ec9/fuzzywuzzy-0.17.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl\n", "Installing collected packages: fuzzywuzzy\n", "Successfully installed fuzzywuzzy-0.17.0\n", "Collecting python-Levenshtein\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/42/a9/d1785c85ebf9b7dfacd08938dd028209c34a0ea3b1bcdb895208bd40a67d/python-Levenshtein-0.12.0.tar.gz (48kB)\n", "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 51kB 1.7MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: setuptools in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from python-Levenshtein) (42.0.2)\n", "Building wheels for collected packages: python-Levenshtein\n", " Building wheel for python-Levenshtein (setup.py) ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n", " Created wheel for python-Levenshtein: filename=python_Levenshtein-0.12.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl size=144672 sha256=27cc679925e9ea7d499147fe08f2564ad8e4295a570a1a075b46139a669d35bc\n", " Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/de/c2/93/660fd5f7559049268ad2dc6d81c4e39e9e36518766eaf7e342\n", "Successfully built python-Levenshtein\n", "Installing collected packages: python-Levenshtein\n", "Successfully installed python-Levenshtein-0.12.0\n", "00:00:00.10 0.00 percent complete\n", "00:00:23.78 0.46 percent complete\n" ], "name": "stdout" }, { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "WARNING:root:Applied processor reduces input query to empty string, all comparisons will have score 0. [Query: '']\n" ], "name": "stderr" }, { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "00:00:47.40 0.92 percent complete\n", "00:01:10.57 1.39 percent complete\n" ], "name": "stdout" }, { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "WARNING:root:Applied processor reduces input query to empty string, all comparisons will have score 0. [Query: '*']\n" ], "name": "stderr" }, { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "00:01:33.67 1.85 percent complete\n", "00:01:56.94 2.31 percent complete\n", "00:02:20.72 2.77 percent complete\n", "00:02:43.97 3.23 percent complete\n", "00:03:07.38 3.70 percent complete\n", "00:03:31.62 4.16 percent complete\n", "00:03:56.02 4.62 percent complete\n", "00:04:19.06 5.08 percent complete\n", "00:04:42.39 5.54 percent complete\n", "00:05:06.25 6.00 percent complete\n", "00:05:30.46 6.47 percent complete\n", "00:05:53.63 6.93 percent complete\n", "00:06:17.23 7.39 percent complete\n", "00:06:41.67 7.85 percent complete\n", "00:07:05.22 8.31 percent complete\n", "00:07:29.08 8.78 percent complete\n", "00:07:52.78 9.24 percent complete\n", "00:08:16.19 9.70 percent complete\n", "00:08:39.44 10.16 percent complete\n", "00:09:03.31 10.62 percent complete\n", "00:09:26.40 11.09 percent complete\n", "00:09:51.25 11.55 percent complete\n", "00:10:15.14 12.01 percent complete\n", "00:10:38.52 12.47 percent complete\n", "00:11:02.41 12.93 percent complete\n", "00:11:26.41 13.40 percent complete\n", "00:11:50.05 13.86 percent complete\n", "00:12:13.38 14.32 percent complete\n" ], "name": "stdout" }, { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "WARNING:root:Applied processor reduces input query to empty string, all comparisons will have score 0. [Query: '․ ․ ․ ․ ․']\n" ], "name": "stderr" }, { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "00:12:37.46 14.78 percent complete\n", "00:13:01.81 15.24 percent complete\n", "00:13:25.69 15.70 percent complete\n", "00:13:49.63 16.17 percent complete\n", "00:14:13.48 16.63 percent complete\n", "00:14:37.29 17.09 percent complete\n", "00:15:01.50 17.55 percent complete\n", "00:15:25.57 18.01 percent complete\n", "00:15:49.18 18.48 percent complete\n", "00:16:13.51 18.94 percent complete\n", "00:16:37.01 19.40 percent complete\n", "00:17:00.10 19.86 percent complete\n", "00:17:23.41 20.32 percent complete\n", "00:17:47.00 20.79 percent complete\n", "00:18:10.96 21.25 percent complete\n", "00:18:34.67 21.71 percent complete\n", "00:18:59.32 22.17 percent complete\n", "00:19:23.61 22.63 percent complete\n", "00:19:47.81 23.10 percent complete\n", "00:20:12.35 23.56 percent complete\n", "00:20:36.05 24.02 percent complete\n", "00:20:59.50 24.48 percent complete\n", "00:21:23.22 24.94 percent complete\n", "00:21:47.62 25.40 percent complete\n", "00:22:11.51 25.87 percent complete\n", "00:22:35.28 26.33 percent complete\n", "00:22:58.71 26.79 percent complete\n", "00:23:22.48 27.25 percent complete\n", "00:23:46.81 27.71 percent complete\n" ], "name": "stdout" }, { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "WARNING:root:Applied processor reduces input query to empty string, all comparisons will have score 0. [Query: '․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․']\n" ], "name": "stderr" }, { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "00:24:10.94 28.18 percent complete\n", "00:24:34.16 28.64 percent complete\n", "00:24:58.34 29.10 percent complete\n", "00:25:22.14 29.56 percent complete\n", "00:25:46.52 30.02 percent complete\n", "00:26:09.90 30.49 percent complete\n", "00:26:34.10 30.95 percent complete\n", "00:26:58.06 31.41 percent complete\n", "00:27:21.26 31.87 percent complete\n", "00:27:45.50 32.33 percent complete\n", "00:28:09.00 32.79 percent complete\n", "00:28:32.87 33.26 percent complete\n", "00:28:57.11 33.72 percent complete\n", "00:29:21.37 34.18 percent complete\n", "00:29:45.41 34.64 percent complete\n", "00:30:08.93 35.10 percent complete\n", "00:30:32.97 35.57 percent complete\n", "00:30:56.46 36.03 percent complete\n", "00:31:19.93 36.49 percent complete\n", "00:31:44.33 36.95 percent complete\n", "00:32:07.88 37.41 percent complete\n", "00:32:32.08 37.88 percent complete\n", "00:32:56.34 38.34 percent complete\n", "00:33:20.79 38.80 percent complete\n", "00:33:44.59 39.26 percent complete\n", "00:34:08.98 39.72 percent complete\n", "00:34:32.93 40.19 percent complete\n", "00:34:56.72 40.65 percent complete\n", "00:35:21.12 41.11 percent complete\n", "00:35:45.38 41.57 percent complete\n", "00:36:09.10 42.03 percent complete\n", "00:36:33.30 42.49 percent complete\n", "00:36:57.68 42.96 percent complete\n", "00:37:21.90 43.42 percent complete\n", "00:37:45.21 43.88 percent complete\n", "00:38:09.01 44.34 percent complete\n", "00:38:33.14 44.80 percent complete\n", "00:38:57.65 45.27 percent complete\n", "00:39:21.34 45.73 percent complete\n", "00:39:45.27 46.19 percent complete\n", "00:40:09.16 46.65 percent complete\n" ], "name": "stdout" }, { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "WARNING:root:Applied processor reduces input query to empty string, all comparisons will have score 0. [Query: '․ ․']\n" ], "name": "stderr" }, { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "00:40:32.51 47.11 percent complete\n", "00:40:56.64 47.58 percent complete\n", "00:41:20.36 48.04 percent complete\n", "00:41:44.61 48.50 percent complete\n", "00:42:08.32 48.96 percent complete\n", "00:42:31.93 49.42 percent complete\n", "00:42:56.28 49.89 percent complete\n", "00:43:20.24 50.35 percent complete\n", "00:43:44.62 50.81 percent complete\n", "00:44:08.91 51.27 percent complete\n", "00:44:32.54 51.73 percent complete\n", "00:44:56.09 52.19 percent complete\n", "00:45:20.95 52.66 percent complete\n", "00:45:44.71 53.12 percent complete\n", "00:46:08.30 53.58 percent complete\n", "00:46:32.61 54.04 percent complete\n", "00:46:56.86 54.50 percent complete\n", "00:47:20.82 54.97 percent complete\n", "00:47:44.99 55.43 percent complete\n", "00:48:08.38 55.89 percent complete\n", "00:48:32.48 56.35 percent complete\n", "00:48:56.67 56.81 percent complete\n", "00:49:20.35 57.28 percent complete\n", "00:49:44.61 57.74 percent complete\n", "00:50:08.07 58.20 percent complete\n", "00:50:32.40 58.66 percent complete\n", "00:50:56.51 59.12 percent complete\n", "00:51:20.65 59.59 percent complete\n", "00:51:44.56 60.05 percent complete\n", "00:52:08.95 60.51 percent complete\n", "00:52:32.77 60.97 percent complete\n", "00:52:56.32 61.43 percent complete\n", "00:53:20.96 61.89 percent complete\n", "00:53:45.01 62.36 percent complete\n", "00:54:08.62 62.82 percent complete\n", "00:54:32.80 63.28 percent complete\n", "00:54:56.52 63.74 percent complete\n", "00:55:20.42 64.20 percent complete\n", "00:55:44.48 64.67 percent complete\n", "00:56:08.38 65.13 percent complete\n", "00:56:32.50 65.59 percent complete\n", "00:56:56.41 66.05 percent complete\n", "00:57:20.00 66.51 percent complete\n", "00:57:43.52 66.98 percent complete\n", "00:58:07.51 67.44 percent complete\n", "00:58:31.43 67.90 percent complete\n", "00:58:55.35 68.36 percent complete\n", "00:59:19.06 68.82 percent complete\n", "00:59:42.85 69.29 percent complete\n", "01:00:07.00 69.75 percent complete\n", "01:00:30.53 70.21 percent complete\n", "01:00:54.45 70.67 percent complete\n", "01:01:18.35 71.13 percent complete\n", "01:01:42.37 71.59 percent complete\n", "01:02:06.05 72.06 percent complete\n", "01:02:29.54 72.52 percent complete\n", "01:02:53.79 72.98 percent complete\n", "01:03:17.95 73.44 percent complete\n", "01:03:41.78 73.90 percent complete\n", "01:04:05.36 74.37 percent complete\n", "01:04:29.49 74.83 percent complete\n", "01:04:54.40 75.29 percent complete\n", "01:05:18.19 75.75 percent complete\n", "01:05:41.97 76.21 percent complete\n", "01:06:05.42 76.68 percent complete\n", "01:06:29.65 77.14 percent complete\n", "01:06:53.24 77.60 percent complete\n", "01:07:16.62 78.06 percent complete\n", "01:07:40.89 78.52 percent complete\n", "01:08:05.22 78.98 percent complete\n", "01:08:28.49 79.45 percent complete\n", "01:08:52.56 79.91 percent complete\n", "01:09:16.44 80.37 percent complete\n", "01:09:40.34 80.83 percent complete\n", "01:10:04.15 81.29 percent complete\n", "01:10:28.28 81.76 percent complete\n", "01:10:51.83 82.22 percent complete\n", "01:11:15.87 82.68 percent complete\n", "01:11:39.95 83.14 percent complete\n", "01:12:03.72 83.60 percent complete\n", "01:12:26.92 84.07 percent complete\n", "01:12:51.37 84.53 percent complete\n" ], "name": "stdout" }, { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "WARNING:root:Applied processor reduces input query to empty string, all comparisons will have score 0. [Query: '⇩']\n" ], "name": "stderr" }, { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "01:13:15.72 84.99 percent complete\n", "01:13:39.67 85.45 percent complete\n", "01:14:03.39 85.91 percent complete\n", "01:14:27.32 86.38 percent complete\n", "01:14:51.76 86.84 percent complete\n", "01:15:15.58 87.30 percent complete\n", "01:15:39.33 87.76 percent complete\n", "01:16:03.85 88.22 percent complete\n", "01:16:27.71 88.68 percent complete\n", "01:16:51.58 89.15 percent complete\n", "01:17:15.41 89.61 percent complete\n", "01:17:39.83 90.07 percent complete\n", "01:18:04.13 90.53 percent complete\n", "01:18:28.67 90.99 percent complete\n", "01:18:53.01 91.46 percent complete\n", "01:19:16.73 91.92 percent complete\n", "01:19:41.87 92.38 percent complete\n", "01:20:05.67 92.84 percent complete\n", "01:20:29.44 93.30 percent complete\n", "01:20:53.86 93.77 percent complete\n", "01:21:18.33 94.23 percent complete\n", "01:21:42.36 94.69 percent complete\n", "01:22:06.26 95.15 percent complete\n", "01:22:29.82 95.61 percent complete\n", "01:22:53.83 96.08 percent complete\n", "01:23:17.51 96.54 percent complete\n", "01:23:41.70 97.00 percent complete\n", "01:24:05.69 97.46 percent complete\n", "01:24:30.08 97.92 percent complete\n", "01:24:53.94 98.38 percent complete\n", "01:25:17.57 98.85 percent complete\n", "01:25:41.43 99.31 percent complete\n", "01:26:05.41 99.77 percent complete\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "hxxBOCA-xXhy", "colab": {} }, "source": [ "# This section does the split between train/dev for the parallel corpora then saves them as separate files\n", "# We use 1000 dev test and the given test set.\n", "import csv\n", "\n", "# Do the split between dev/train and create parallel corpora\n", "num_dev_patterns = 1000\n", "\n", "# Optional: lower case the corpora - this will make it easier to generalize, but without proper casing.\n", "if lc: # Julia: making lowercasing optional\n", " df_pp[\"source_sentence\"] = df_pp[\"source_sentence\"].str.lower()\n", " df_pp[\"target_sentence\"] = df_pp[\"target_sentence\"].str.lower()\n", "\n", "# Julia: test sets are already generated\n", "dev = df_pp.tail(num_dev_patterns) # Herman: Error in original\n", "stripped = df_pp.drop(df_pp.tail(num_dev_patterns).index)\n", "\n", "with open(\"train.\"+source_language, \"w\") as src_file, open(\"train.\"+target_language, \"w\") as trg_file:\n", " for index, row in stripped.iterrows():\n", " src_file.write(row[\"source_sentence\"]+\"\\n\")\n", " trg_file.write(row[\"target_sentence\"]+\"\\n\")\n", " \n", "with open(\"dev.\"+source_language, \"w\") as src_file, open(\"dev.\"+target_language, \"w\") as trg_file:\n", " for index, row in dev.iterrows():\n", " src_file.write(row[\"source_sentence\"]+\"\\n\")\n", " trg_file.write(row[\"target_sentence\"]+\"\\n\")\n", "\n", "#stripped[[\"source_sentence\"]].to_csv(\"train.\"+source_language, header=False, index=False) # Herman: Added `header=False` everywhere\n", "#stripped[[\"target_sentence\"]].to_csv(\"train.\"+target_language, header=False, index=False) # Julia: Problematic handling of quotation marks.\n", "\n", "#dev[[\"source_sentence\"]].to_csv(\"dev.\"+source_language, header=False, index=False)\n", "#dev[[\"target_sentence\"]].to_csv(\"dev.\"+target_language, header=False, index=False)\n", "\n", "# Doublecheck the format below. There should be no extra quotation marks or weird characters.\n", "! head train.*\n", "! head dev.*" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "epeCydmCyS8X" }, "source": [ "\n", "\n", "---\n", "\n", "\n", "## Installation of JoeyNMT\n", "\n", "JoeyNMT is a simple, minimalist NMT package which is useful for learning and teaching. Check out the documentation for JoeyNMT [here](https://joeynmt.readthedocs.io) " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "iBRMm4kMxZ8L", "outputId": "6a3b14c7-c103-40c4-c3ff-f1afb9ad24f7", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000 } }, "source": [ "# Install JoeyNMT\n", "! git clone https://github.com/joeynmt/joeynmt.git\n", "! cd joeynmt; pip3 install ." ], "execution_count": 4, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Cloning into 'joeynmt'...\n", "remote: Enumerating objects: 61, done.\u001b[K\n", "remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done.\u001b[K\n", "remote: Compressing objects: 100% (39/39), done.\u001b[K\n", "remote: Total 2245 (delta 34), reused 34 (delta 22), pack-reused 2184\u001b[K\n", "Receiving objects: 100% (2245/2245), 2.63 MiB | 16.80 MiB/s, done.\n", "Resolving deltas: 100% (1555/1555), done.\n", "Processing /content/joeynmt\n", "Requirement already satisfied: future in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.16.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pillow in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (6.2.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: numpy<2.0,>=1.14.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.17.5)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=41.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (42.0.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: torch>=1.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.3.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tensorflow>=1.14 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.15.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: torchtext in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.3.1)\n", "Collecting sacrebleu>=1.3.6\n", " Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/45/31/1a135b964c169984b27fb2f7a50280fa7f8e6d9d404d8a9e596180487fd1/sacrebleu-1.4.3-py3-none-any.whl\n", "Collecting subword-nmt\n", " Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/74/60/6600a7bc09e7ab38bc53a48a20d8cae49b837f93f5842a41fe513a694912/subword_nmt-0.3.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl\n", "Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (3.1.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: seaborn in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.9.0)\n", "Collecting pyyaml>=5.1\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/3d/d9/ea9816aea31beeadccd03f1f8b625ecf8f645bd66744484d162d84803ce5/PyYAML-5.3.tar.gz (268kB)\n", "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 276kB 7.9MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hCollecting pylint\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e9/59/43fc36c5ee316bb9aeb7cf5329cdbdca89e5749c34d5602753827c0aa2dc/pylint-2.4.4-py3-none-any.whl (302kB)\n", "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 307kB 14.1MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: six==1.12 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.12.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: opt-einsum>=2.3.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (3.1.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: absl-py>=0.7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.9.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: wheel>=0.26 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.33.6)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: gast==0.2.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.2.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: astor>=0.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.8.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: keras-preprocessing>=1.0.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.1.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: keras-applications>=1.0.8 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.0.8)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: google-pasta>=0.1.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.1.8)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tensorboard<1.16.0,>=1.15.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.15.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: termcolor>=1.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.1.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: grpcio>=1.8.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.15.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: protobuf>=3.6.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (3.10.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tensorflow-estimator==1.15.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.15.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: wrapt>=1.11.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.11.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from torchtext->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2.21.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from torchtext->joeynmt==0.0.1) (4.28.1)\n", "Collecting portalocker\n", " Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/91/db/7bc703c0760df726839e0699b7f78a4d8217fdc9c7fcb1b51b39c5a22a4e/portalocker-1.5.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl\n", "Requirement already satisfied: typing in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from sacrebleu>=1.3.6->joeynmt==0.0.1) (3.6.6)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from matplotlib->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.10.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from matplotlib->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2.6.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6,>=2.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from matplotlib->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2.4.6)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from matplotlib->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.1.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=0.15.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from seaborn->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.25.3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=0.14.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from seaborn->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.4.1)\n", "Collecting isort<5,>=4.2.5\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e5/b0/c121fd1fa3419ea9bfd55c7f9c4fedfec5143208d8c7ad3ce3db6c623c21/isort-4.3.21-py2.py3-none-any.whl (42kB)\n", "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 51kB 8.1MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hCollecting mccabe<0.7,>=0.6\n", " Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/87/89/479dc97e18549e21354893e4ee4ef36db1d237534982482c3681ee6e7b57/mccabe-0.6.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl\n", "Collecting astroid<2.4,>=2.3.0\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/ad/ae/86734823047962e7b8c8529186a1ac4a7ca19aaf1aa0c7713c022ef593fd/astroid-2.3.3-py3-none-any.whl (205kB)\n", "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 215kB 19.8MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: h5py in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from keras-applications>=1.0.8->tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2.8.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: werkzeug>=0.11.15 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorboard<1.16.0,>=1.15.0->tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (0.16.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: markdown>=2.6.8 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from tensorboard<1.16.0,>=1.15.0->tensorflow>=1.14->joeynmt==0.0.1) (3.1.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests->torchtext->joeynmt==0.0.1) (3.0.4)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: idna<2.9,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests->torchtext->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2.8)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.25,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests->torchtext->joeynmt==0.0.1) (1.24.3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests->torchtext->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2019.11.28)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from pandas>=0.15.2->seaborn->joeynmt==0.0.1) (2018.9)\n", "Collecting typed-ast<1.5,>=1.4.0; implementation_name == \"cpython\" and python_version < \"3.8\"\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/90/ed/5459080d95eb87a02fe860d447197be63b6e2b5e9ff73c2b0a85622994f4/typed_ast-1.4.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (737kB)\n", "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 747kB 19.2MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hCollecting lazy-object-proxy==1.4.*\n", "\u001b[?25l Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/0b/dd/b1e3407e9e6913cf178e506cd0dee818e58694d9a5cd1984e3f6a8b9a10f/lazy_object_proxy-1.4.3-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (55kB)\n", "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 61kB 9.0MB/s \n", "\u001b[?25hBuilding wheels for collected packages: joeynmt, pyyaml\n", " Building wheel for joeynmt (setup.py) ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n", " Created wheel for joeynmt: filename=joeynmt-0.0.1-cp36-none-any.whl size=72136 sha256=159545bc769a0d181d1eee7bbf6f30321d64b70603b41fe08604e22c8ddc149c\n", " Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-5r8ske78/wheels/db/01/db/751cc9f3e7f6faec127c43644ba250a3ea7ad200594aeda70a\n", " Building wheel for pyyaml (setup.py) ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n", " Created wheel for pyyaml: filename=PyYAML-5.3-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl size=44229 sha256=4647aabc8a38863f65c59a8fc19c500947c36765eb711b7edf647fab1156760c\n", " Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/e4/76/4d/a95b8dd7b452b69e8ed4f68b69e1b55e12c9c9624dd962b191\n", "Successfully built joeynmt pyyaml\n", "Installing collected packages: portalocker, sacrebleu, subword-nmt, pyyaml, isort, mccabe, typed-ast, lazy-object-proxy, astroid, pylint, joeynmt\n", " Found existing installation: PyYAML 3.13\n", " Uninstalling PyYAML-3.13:\n", " Successfully uninstalled PyYAML-3.13\n", "Successfully installed astroid-2.3.3 isort-4.3.21 joeynmt-0.0.1 lazy-object-proxy-1.4.3 mccabe-0.6.1 portalocker-1.5.2 pylint-2.4.4 pyyaml-5.3 sacrebleu-1.4.3 subword-nmt-0.3.7 typed-ast-1.4.1\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "AaE77Tcppex9" }, "source": [ "# Preprocessing the Data into Subword BPE Tokens\n", "\n", "- One of the most powerful improvements for agglutinative languages (a feature of most Bantu languages) is using BPE tokenization [ (Sennrich, 2015) ](https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.07909).\n", "\n", "- It was also shown that by optimizing the umber of BPE codes we significantly improve results for low-resourced languages [(Sennrich, 2019)](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-1021) [(Martinus, 2019)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.05685)\n", "\n", "- Below we have the scripts for doing BPE tokenization of our data. We use 4000 tokens as recommended by [(Sennrich, 2019)](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-1021). You do not need to change anything. Simply running the below will be suitable. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "H-TyjtmXB1mL", "colab": {} }, "source": [ "# # One of the huge boosts in NMT performance was to use a different method of tokenizing. \n", "# # Usually, NMT would tokenize by words. However, using a method called BPE gave amazing boosts to performance\n", "\n", "# # Do subword NMT\n", "# from os import path\n", "# os.environ[\"src\"] = source_language # Sets them in bash as well, since we often use bash scripts\n", "# os.environ[\"tgt\"] = target_language\n", "\n", "# # Learn BPEs on the training data.\n", "# os.environ[\"data_path\"] = path.join(\"joeynmt\", \"data\", source_language + target_language) # Herman! \n", "# ! subword-nmt learn-joint-bpe-and-vocab --input train.$src train.$tgt -s 4000 -o bpe.codes.4000 --write-vocabulary vocab.$src vocab.$tgt\n", "\n", "# # Apply BPE splits to the development and test data.\n", "# ! subword-nmt apply-bpe -c bpe.codes.4000 --vocabulary vocab.$src < train.$src > train.bpe.$src\n", "# ! subword-nmt apply-bpe -c bpe.codes.4000 --vocabulary vocab.$tgt < train.$tgt > train.bpe.$tgt\n", "\n", "# ! subword-nmt apply-bpe -c bpe.codes.4000 --vocabulary vocab.$src < dev.$src > dev.bpe.$src\n", "# ! subword-nmt apply-bpe -c bpe.codes.4000 --vocabulary vocab.$tgt < dev.$tgt > dev.bpe.$tgt\n", "# ! subword-nmt apply-bpe -c bpe.codes.4000 --vocabulary vocab.$src < test.$src > test.bpe.$src\n", "# ! subword-nmt apply-bpe -c bpe.codes.4000 --vocabulary vocab.$tgt < test.$tgt > test.bpe.$tgt\n", "\n", "# # Create directory, move everyone we care about to the correct location\n", "# ! mkdir -p $data_path\n", "# ! cp train.* $data_path\n", "# ! cp test.* $data_path\n", "# ! cp dev.* $data_path\n", "# ! cp bpe.codes.4000 $data_path\n", "# ! ls $data_path\n", "\n", "# # Also move everything we care about to a mounted location in google drive (relevant if running in colab) at gdrive_path\n", "# ! cp train.* \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "# ! cp test.* \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "# ! cp dev.* \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "# ! cp bpe.codes.4000 \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "# ! ls \"$gdrive_path\"\n", "\n", "# # Create that vocab using build_vocab\n", "# ! sudo chmod 777 joeynmt/scripts/build_vocab.py\n", "# ! joeynmt/scripts/build_vocab.py joeynmt/data/$src$tgt/train.bpe.$src joeynmt/data/$src$tgt/train.bpe.$tgt --output_path joeynmt/data/$src$tgt/vocab.txt\n", "\n", "# # Some output\n", "# ! echo \"BPE Ẹ̀dó Sentences\"\n", "# ! tail -n 5 test.bpe.$tgt\n", "# ! echo \"Combined BPE Vocab\"\n", "# ! tail -n 10 joeynmt/data/$src$tgt/vocab.txt # Herman\n", "# ! cp joeynmt/data/$src$tgt/vocab.txt \"$gdrive_path\"" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "4OkAKSIK7Eg4", "colab_type": "code", "outputId": "ae3949ee-6216-466c-bf50-af6b2279cf04", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 326 } }, "source": [ "###### IOHAVOC MODIFICATIONS ==>> CREATE THE VOCAB FOR NON-BPE EXPERIMENTS\n", "from os import path\n", "\n", "os.environ[\"src\"] = source_language # Sets them in bash as well, since we often use bash scripts\n", "os.environ[\"tgt\"] = target_language\n", "\n", "! sudo chmod 777 joeynmt/scripts/build_vocab.py\n", "! joeynmt/scripts/build_vocab.py \"$gdrive_path/train.$src\" \"$gdrive_path/train.$tgt\" --output_path \"$gdrive_path/vocab-nonBPE.txt\"\n", "\n", "# Some output\n", "! echo \"Ẹ̀dó test Sentences\"\n", "! tail -n 5 \"$gdrive_path/test.$tgt\"\n", "! echo \"Combined Vocab\"\n", "! tail -n 10 \"$gdrive_path/vocab-nonBPE.txt\" # iroro" ], "execution_count": 5, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Ẹ̀dó test Sentences\n", "I keghi do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ , emwa wa danmwehọ ẹsẹsẹmwẹse vbe iran gha tobọ iran bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ , e Baibol ẹre u mobọ loo kevbe wẹẹ , ekhọe hia ẹre u ya hoo ne u ru iyobọ ne iran . ”\n", "Umozo ọghe orhiọn ( Ghee okhuẹn 19 - 20 )\n", "Vbe ẹtin e Jehova , ma gha sẹtin khọnmiotọ yan oghian ima !\n", "( b ) De emwi ne ima khian ziro yan vbe ako iruẹmwi nọ ghi lele ọna ?\n", "( Tie Hibru 11 : 24 - 27 . )\n", "Combined Vocab\n", "payable\n", "Focused\n", "balancing\n", "redeeming\n", "complaint\n", "accord\n", "locate\n", "explanations\n", "counter\n", "Ọgbẹlẹzẹ\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "Ixmzi60WsUZ8" }, "source": [ "# Creating the JoeyNMT Config\n", "\n", "JoeyNMT requires a yaml config. We provide a template below. We've also set a number of defaults with it, that you may play with!\n", "\n", "- We used Transformer architecture \n", "- We set our dropout to reasonably high: 0.3 (recommended in [(Sennrich, 2019)](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-1021))\n", "\n", "Things worth playing with:\n", "- The batch size (also recommended to change for low-resourced languages)\n", "- The number of epochs (we've set it at 30 just so it runs in about an hour, for testing purposes)\n", "- The decoder options (beam_size, alpha)\n", "- Evaluation metrics (BLEU versus Crhf4)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "PIs1lY2hxMsl", "colab": {} }, "source": [ "# This creates the config file for our JoeyNMT system. It might seem overwhelming so we've provided a couple of useful parameters you'll need to update\n", "# (You can of course play with all the parameters if you'd like!)\n", "\n", "name = '%s%s' % (source_language, target_language)\n", "gdrive_path = os.environ[\"gdrive_path\"]\n", "\n", "# Create the config\n", "config = \"\"\"\n", "name: \"{name}_transformer\"\n", "\n", "data:\n", " src: \"{source_language}\"\n", " trg: \"{target_language}\"\n", " train: \"{gdrive_path}/train\"\n", " dev: \"{gdrive_path}/dev\"\n", " test: \"{gdrive_path}/test\"\n", " level: \"bpe\"\n", " lowercase: False\n", " max_sent_length: 100\n", " src_vocab: \"{gdrive_path}/vocab-nonBPE.txt\"\n", " trg_vocab: \"{gdrive_path}/vocab-nonBPE.txt\"\n", "\n", "testing:\n", " beam_size: 5\n", " alpha: 1.0\n", "\n", "training:\n", " # load_model: \"{gdrive_path}/models/{name}_transformer_orig/142000.ckpt\" # if uncommented, load a pre-trained model from this checkpoint\n", " random_seed: 42\n", " optimizer: \"adam\"\n", " normalization: \"tokens\"\n", " adam_betas: [0.9, 0.999] \n", " scheduling: \"plateau\" # TODO: try switching from plateau to Noam scheduling\n", " patience: 5 # For plateau: decrease learning rate by decrease_factor if validation score has not improved for this many validation rounds.\n", " learning_rate_factor: 0.5 # factor for Noam scheduler (used with Transformer)\n", " learning_rate_warmup: 1000 # warmup steps for Noam scheduler (used with Transformer)\n", " decrease_factor: 0.7\n", " loss: \"crossentropy\"\n", " learning_rate: 0.0003\n", " learning_rate_min: 0.00000001\n", " weight_decay: 0.0\n", " label_smoothing: 0.1\n", " batch_size: 4096\n", " batch_type: \"token\"\n", " eval_batch_size: 3600\n", " eval_batch_type: \"token\"\n", " batch_multiplier: 1\n", " early_stopping_metric: \"ppl\"\n", " epochs: 120 # TODO: Decrease for when playing around and checking of working. Around 30 is sufficient to check if its working at all\n", " validation_freq: 100 # TODO: Set to at least once per epoch.\n", " logging_freq: 100\n", " eval_metric: \"bleu\"\n", " model_dir: \"{gdrive_path}/models/{name}_transformer\"\n", " overwrite: True # TODO: Set to True if you want to overwrite possibly existing models. \n", " shuffle: True\n", " use_cuda: True\n", " max_output_length: 100\n", " print_valid_sents: [0, 1, 2, 3]\n", " keep_last_ckpts: 3\n", "\n", "model:\n", " initializer: \"xavier\"\n", " bias_initializer: \"zeros\"\n", " init_gain: 1.0\n", " embed_initializer: \"xavier\"\n", " embed_init_gain: 1.0\n", " tied_embeddings: True\n", " tied_softmax: True\n", " encoder:\n", " type: \"transformer\"\n", " num_layers: 6\n", " num_heads: 4 # TODO: Increase to 8 for larger data.\n", " embeddings:\n", " embedding_dim: 256 # TODO: Increase to 512 for larger data.\n", " scale: True\n", " dropout: 0.2\n", " # typically ff_size = 4 x hidden_size\n", " hidden_size: 256 # TODO: Increase to 512 for larger data.\n", " ff_size: 1024 # TODO: Increase to 2048 for larger data.\n", " dropout: 0.3\n", " decoder:\n", " type: \"transformer\"\n", " num_layers: 6\n", " num_heads: 4 # TODO: Increase to 8 for larger data.\n", " embeddings:\n", " embedding_dim: 256 # TODO: Increase to 512 for larger data.\n", " scale: True\n", " dropout: 0.2\n", " # typically ff_size = 4 x hidden_size\n", " hidden_size: 256 # TODO: Increase to 512 for larger data.\n", " ff_size: 1024 # TODO: Increase to 2048 for larger data.\n", " dropout: 0.3\n", "\"\"\".format(name=name, gdrive_path=os.environ[\"gdrive_path\"], source_language=source_language, target_language=target_language)\n", "with open(\"joeynmt/configs/transformer_{name}.yaml\".format(name=name),'w') as f:\n", " f.write(config)\n", "\n", "! cp joeynmt/configs/transformer_$src$tgt.yaml \"$gdrive_path\"" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "pIifxE3Qzuvs" }, "source": [ "# Train the Model\n", "\n", "This single line of joeynmt runs the training using the config we made above" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "6ZBPFwT94WpI", "outputId": "7271122c-bf33-4d55-9523-a5857f2da7f5", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000 } }, "source": [ "# Train the model\n", "# You can press Ctrl-C to stop. And then run the next cell to save your checkpoints! \n", "# !cd joeynmt; python3 -m joeynmt train configs/transformer_$src$tgt.yaml\n", "!python3 -m joeynmt train \"$gdrive_path/transformer_$src$tgt.yaml\"" ], "execution_count": 7, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "2020-01-26 03:56:48,705 Hello! This is Joey-NMT.\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:49,971 Total params: 14526720\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:49,972 Trainable parameters: ['decoder.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.dec_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.dec_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.src_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.trg_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.0.x_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.0.x_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.dec_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.dec_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.src_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.trg_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.1.x_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.1.x_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.dec_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.dec_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.src_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.trg_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.2.x_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.2.x_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.dec_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.dec_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.src_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.trg_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.3.x_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.3.x_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.dec_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.dec_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.src_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.trg_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.4.x_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.4.x_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.dec_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.dec_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.src_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.k_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.k_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.output_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.output_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.q_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.q_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.v_layer.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.trg_trg_att.v_layer.weight', 'decoder.layers.5.x_layer_norm.bias', 'decoder.layers.5.x_layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.k_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.k_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.output_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.output_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.q_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.q_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.v_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.0.src_src_att.v_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.k_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.k_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.output_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.output_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.q_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.q_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.v_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.1.src_src_att.v_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.k_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.k_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.output_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.output_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.q_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.q_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.v_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.2.src_src_att.v_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.k_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.k_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.output_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.output_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.q_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.q_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.v_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.3.src_src_att.v_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.k_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.k_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.output_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.output_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.q_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.q_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.v_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.4.src_src_att.v_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.feed_forward.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.feed_forward.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.0.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.feed_forward.pwff_layer.3.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.layer_norm.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.layer_norm.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.k_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.k_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.output_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.output_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.q_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.q_layer.weight', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.v_layer.bias', 'encoder.layers.5.src_src_att.v_layer.weight', 'src_embed.lut.weight']\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,714 cfg.name : enbin_transformer\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,714 cfg.data.src : en\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,715 cfg.data.trg : bin\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,715 cfg.data.train : /content/drive/My Drive/masakhane/en-bin-baseline/train\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,715 cfg.data.dev : /content/drive/My Drive/masakhane/en-bin-baseline/dev\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,715 cfg.data.test : /content/drive/My Drive/masakhane/en-bin-baseline/test\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,715 cfg.data.level : bpe\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,716 cfg.data.lowercase : False\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,716 cfg.data.max_sent_length : 100\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,716 cfg.data.src_vocab : /content/drive/My Drive/masakhane/en-bin-baseline/vocab-nonBPE.txt\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,716 cfg.data.trg_vocab : /content/drive/My Drive/masakhane/en-bin-baseline/vocab-nonBPE.txt\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,716 cfg.testing.beam_size : 5\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,717 cfg.testing.alpha : 1.0\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,717 cfg.training.random_seed : 42\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,717 cfg.training.optimizer : adam\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,717 cfg.training.normalization : tokens\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,718 cfg.training.adam_betas : [0.9, 0.999]\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,718 cfg.training.scheduling : plateau\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,718 cfg.training.patience : 5\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,718 cfg.training.learning_rate_factor : 0.5\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,718 cfg.training.learning_rate_warmup : 1000\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,719 cfg.training.decrease_factor : 0.7\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,719 cfg.training.loss : crossentropy\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,719 cfg.training.learning_rate : 0.0003\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,719 cfg.training.learning_rate_min : 1e-08\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,719 cfg.training.weight_decay : 0.0\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,720 cfg.training.label_smoothing : 0.1\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,720 cfg.training.batch_size : 4096\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,720 cfg.training.batch_type : token\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,720 cfg.training.eval_batch_size : 3600\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,720 cfg.training.eval_batch_type : token\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,720 cfg.training.batch_multiplier : 1\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,721 cfg.training.early_stopping_metric : ppl\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,721 cfg.training.epochs : 120\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,721 cfg.training.validation_freq : 100\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,721 cfg.training.logging_freq : 100\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,721 cfg.training.eval_metric : bleu\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,721 cfg.training.model_dir : /content/drive/My Drive/masakhane/en-bin-baseline/models/enbin_transformer\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,722 cfg.training.overwrite : True\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,722 cfg.training.shuffle : True\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,722 cfg.training.use_cuda : True\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,722 cfg.training.max_output_length : 100\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,722 cfg.training.print_valid_sents : [0, 1, 2, 3]\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,723 cfg.training.keep_last_ckpts : 3\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,723 cfg.model.initializer : xavier\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,723 cfg.model.bias_initializer : zeros\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,723 cfg.model.init_gain : 1.0\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,723 cfg.model.embed_initializer : xavier\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,723 cfg.model.embed_init_gain : 1.0\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,724 cfg.model.tied_embeddings : True\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,724 cfg.model.tied_softmax : True\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,724 cfg.model.encoder.type : transformer\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,724 cfg.model.encoder.num_layers : 6\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,724 cfg.model.encoder.num_heads : 4\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,724 cfg.model.encoder.embeddings.embedding_dim : 256\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,725 cfg.model.encoder.embeddings.scale : True\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,725 cfg.model.encoder.embeddings.dropout : 0.2\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,725 cfg.model.encoder.hidden_size : 256\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,725 cfg.model.encoder.ff_size : 1024\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,725 cfg.model.encoder.dropout : 0.3\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,726 cfg.model.decoder.type : transformer\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,726 cfg.model.decoder.num_layers : 6\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,726 cfg.model.decoder.num_heads : 4\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,726 cfg.model.decoder.embeddings.embedding_dim : 256\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,726 cfg.model.decoder.embeddings.scale : True\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,726 cfg.model.decoder.embeddings.dropout : 0.2\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,727 cfg.model.decoder.hidden_size : 256\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,727 cfg.model.decoder.ff_size : 1024\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,727 cfg.model.decoder.dropout : 0.3\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,727 Data set sizes: \n", "\ttrain 10186,\n", "\tvalid 1000,\n", "\ttest 847\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,727 First training example:\n", "\t[SRC] Third , elders are commissioned and trained to reassure repentant sinners , helping to ease their pain and guilt .\n", "\t[TRG] 12 : 11 ) Usun iwinna nọ bi ye ediọn izabọ ọre ne iran gha rhie igiọdu ne emwa ni ro iro fi uyinmwẹ werriẹ , ne iran ghẹ gha gbe ọsumẹ segbe .\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,728 First 10 words (src): (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) . (5) , (6) ne (7) the (8) vbe (9) gha\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,728 First 10 words (trg): (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) . (5) , (6) ne (7) the (8) vbe (9) gha\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,729 Number of Src words (types): 13541\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,729 Number of Trg words (types): 13541\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,730 Model(\n", "\tencoder=TransformerEncoder(num_layers=6, num_heads=4),\n", "\tdecoder=TransformerDecoder(num_layers=6, num_heads=4),\n", "\tsrc_embed=Embeddings(embedding_dim=256, vocab_size=13541),\n", "\ttrg_embed=Embeddings(embedding_dim=256, vocab_size=13541))\n", "2020-01-26 03:56:59,749 EPOCH 1\n", "2020-01-26 03:57:16,557 Epoch 1 Step: 100 Batch Loss: 5.067271 Tokens per Sec: 11342, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:04,269 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:04,269 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,494 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,496 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,497 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,497 \tHypothesis: ne ne ne ne ne .\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,497 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,497 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,497 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,497 \tHypothesis: ne ne ne ne ne .\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,498 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,498 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,498 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,498 \tHypothesis: ne ne ne ne ne .\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,498 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,499 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,499 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,499 \tHypothesis: ne ne ne ne ne ne .\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:05,499 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 1, step 100: bleu: 0.00, loss: 117286.5391, ppl: 152.3540, duration: 48.9413s\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:09,843 Epoch 1: total training loss 693.96\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:09,844 EPOCH 2\n", "2020-01-26 03:58:23,036 Epoch 2 Step: 200 Batch Loss: 4.821405 Tokens per Sec: 10765, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:14,829 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:14,830 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,100 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,101 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,101 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,101 \tHypothesis: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,101 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,102 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,102 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,102 \tHypothesis: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,102 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,102 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,102 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,102 \tHypothesis: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,102 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,103 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,103 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,103 \tHypothesis: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:16,103 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 2, step 200: bleu: 0.00, loss: 111289.6562, ppl: 117.8268, duration: 53.0666s\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:25,399 Epoch 2: total training loss 614.03\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:25,399 EPOCH 3\n", "2020-01-26 03:59:34,244 Epoch 3 Step: 300 Batch Loss: 4.527116 Tokens per Sec: 10215, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:27,365 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:27,365 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,700 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,701 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,701 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,701 \tHypothesis: ( : ( : ( : ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,701 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,702 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,702 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,702 \tHypothesis: ( : : ( : ( : ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,702 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,703 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,703 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,703 \tHypothesis: ( : ( : ( : ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,703 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,703 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,704 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,704 \tHypothesis: ( : ( : ( : ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:28,704 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 3, step 300: bleu: 0.00, loss: 106089.8203, ppl: 94.2906, duration: 54.4597s\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:42,943 Epoch 3: total training loss 574.42\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:42,944 EPOCH 4\n", "2020-01-26 04:00:46,703 Epoch 4 Step: 400 Batch Loss: 4.298993 Tokens per Sec: 10728, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:40,184 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:40,184 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,427 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,428 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,428 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,428 \tHypothesis: Ọ gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,428 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,428 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,428 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,428 \tHypothesis: De ne ima ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,428 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,428 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,429 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,429 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,429 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,429 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,429 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,429 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:41,429 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 4, step 400: bleu: 0.00, loss: 100155.7031, ppl: 73.1184, duration: 54.7254s\n", "2020-01-26 04:01:59,264 Epoch 4 Step: 500 Batch Loss: 4.223577 Tokens per Sec: 10569, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:52,984 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:52,985 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,208 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,209 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,209 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,209 \tHypothesis: De ne ima ya ya ya ya ru ne ima ya ya ru ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,209 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,210 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,210 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,210 \tHypothesis: De ne ima ya ya ya ya ya ru ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,210 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,211 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,211 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,211 \tHypothesis: ( : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : E : E : E : E ọ gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha ru .\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,211 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,211 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,212 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,212 \tHypothesis: ( : 1 ) De ne ọ gha ya ya ru ne ima gha ya ru ne ima gha gha gha gha gha gha gha ru ne ima gha ru ne ima gha gha ru ne ima gha ru ne ima gha ru .\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:54,212 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 4, step 500: bleu: 0.31, loss: 95349.1172, ppl: 59.5073, duration: 54.9478s\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:55,168 Epoch 4: total training loss 533.81\n", "2020-01-26 04:02:55,168 EPOCH 5\n", "2020-01-26 04:03:12,458 Epoch 5 Step: 600 Batch Loss: 3.906376 Tokens per Sec: 10431, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:06,460 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:06,460 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,149 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,149 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,150 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,150 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,150 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,150 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,150 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,150 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,150 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,151 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,151 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,151 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ , ọ gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha gha ru\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,151 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,151 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,151 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,152 \tHypothesis: ( 1 : 1 : 1 ) De emwi ne ima gha ya gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha gha gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ya ru iyobọ ne ima .\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:08,152 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 5, step 600: bleu: 0.79, loss: 90747.8906, ppl: 48.8580, duration: 55.6933s\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:13,703 Epoch 5: total training loss 501.37\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:13,703 EPOCH 6\n", "2020-01-26 04:04:26,484 Epoch 6 Step: 700 Batch Loss: 3.727063 Tokens per Sec: 10233, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:20,778 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:20,778 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,145 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,145 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,146 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,146 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,146 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,146 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,146 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,146 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,147 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,147 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,147 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,147 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ , ọ gha ya gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima .\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,147 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,147 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,148 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,148 \tHypothesis: Ọ gha ya gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima .\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:22,148 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 6, step 700: bleu: 1.73, loss: 87377.4297, ppl: 42.2870, duration: 55.6638s\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:32,815 Epoch 6: total training loss 474.98\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:32,815 EPOCH 7\n", "2020-01-26 04:05:40,640 Epoch 7 Step: 800 Batch Loss: 3.639551 Tokens per Sec: 10558, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:34,838 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:34,839 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,047 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,048 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,048 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,048 \tHypothesis: De vbene ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,048 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,049 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,049 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,049 \tHypothesis: De vbene ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,049 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,049 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,049 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,049 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ , ọ na gha mwẹ aro iyobọ ne iran gha ru iyobọ ne iran gha ru iyobọ ne iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,049 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,049 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,049 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,050 \tHypothesis: ( 1 : 1 ) Vbe ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima .\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:36,050 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 7, step 800: bleu: 1.89, loss: 84570.6484, ppl: 37.4946, duration: 55.4087s\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:51,190 Epoch 7: total training loss 456.90\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:51,191 EPOCH 8\n", "2020-01-26 04:06:54,126 Epoch 8 Step: 900 Batch Loss: 3.285566 Tokens per Sec: 10369, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:48,379 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:48,380 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,175 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,176 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,176 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,177 \tHypothesis: De vbene ima ya gha ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya ima ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya ima ya ima ya ima ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya ima ya ima ya ima ya ima ru iyobọ ne ima ya ima ya ima ya ima ya ima ya ima ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,177 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,177 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,177 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,177 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne ima ya gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya egbe ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,177 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,177 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,177 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,178 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ , ọ na gha gha mwẹ aro daa emwi ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,178 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,178 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,178 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,178 \tHypothesis: ( 1 : 1 ) Vbe ima gha ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima .\n", "2020-01-26 04:07:50,178 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 8, step 900: bleu: 1.49, loss: 82261.7578, ppl: 33.9623, duration: 56.0511s\n", "2020-01-26 04:08:08,231 Epoch 8 Step: 1000 Batch Loss: 3.204321 Tokens per Sec: 10369, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:02,351 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:02,351 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,740 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,741 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,741 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,744 \tHypothesis: De vbene ima ya ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,744 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,744 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,744 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,745 \tHypothesis: De vbene ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,745 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,746 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,746 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,746 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ , ọ na gha mwẹ aro daa emwa ni rre iko , ọ na gha mwẹ aro daa iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,747 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,747 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,747 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,747 \tHypothesis: ( 1 : 1 ) Vbe ima gha ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima , ne ima gha ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ya egbe egbe ima , ne ima gha ya egbe egbe ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima .\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:03,748 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 8, step 1000: bleu: 2.37, loss: 80139.0938, ppl: 31.0093, duration: 55.5161s\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:05,872 Epoch 8: total training loss 443.68\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:05,873 EPOCH 9\n", "2020-01-26 04:09:22,041 Epoch 9 Step: 1100 Batch Loss: 3.214714 Tokens per Sec: 10219, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:16,169 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:16,169 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,428 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,429 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,429 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,429 \tHypothesis: De vbene ima ya ima ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,429 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,430 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,430 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,430 \tHypothesis: De vbene Jehova ya gha ya gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha ru iyobọ ne iran ya gha ru iyobọ ne iran ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,430 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,431 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,431 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,431 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ , ọ na gha mwẹ aro daa emwa ni rre iko .\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,431 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,432 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,432 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,432 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 2 : 1 ) Vbe igiemwi , ma khẹke ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima , ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima .\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:17,433 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 9, step 1100: bleu: 2.23, loss: 78887.5938, ppl: 29.3900, duration: 55.3911s\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:24,601 Epoch 9: total training loss 422.23\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:24,601 EPOCH 10\n", "2020-01-26 04:10:36,570 Epoch 10 Step: 1200 Batch Loss: 3.344467 Tokens per Sec: 10058, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:30,993 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:30,994 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,438 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,439 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,439 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,439 \tHypothesis: De vbene ima ya sẹtin ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,440 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,440 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,440 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,440 \tHypothesis: De vbene Jesu ya ru iyobọ ne a ya ru iyobọ ne a ya ru ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,441 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,441 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,441 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,441 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọ ghi gha mwẹ ẹghẹ ne a ya gha mwẹ aro daa emwa ni rre uwu ẹvbo nii .\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,441 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,442 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,442 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,442 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 2 : 1 ) Ọ khẹke ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya egbe fiohan ne ima , ne ima gha ya egbe fiohan ne ima , ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima .\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:32,442 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 10, step 1200: bleu: 3.47, loss: 77106.4688, ppl: 27.2302, duration: 55.8720s\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:44,950 Epoch 10: total training loss 412.34\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:44,950 EPOCH 11\n", "2020-01-26 04:11:51,148 Epoch 11 Step: 1300 Batch Loss: 3.069253 Tokens per Sec: 10751, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:45,311 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:45,311 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,613 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,614 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,614 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,614 \tHypothesis: De vbene ima ya sẹtin ya sẹtin ya ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,615 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,615 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,615 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,615 \tHypothesis: De vbene ọ ya gha ya egbe fiohan ne emwa ni rre Baibol ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,616 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,616 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,616 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,616 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọ ma gha mwẹ ẹghẹ ne a ya gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe ẹghẹ ne a ya ru iyobọ ne a ya ru iyobọ ne a ya ru iyobọ ne iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,617 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,617 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,617 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,617 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr 3 : 1 ) Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ , te ọ khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ , te ọ khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn , ne ima gha ya sẹtin ya sẹtin ya sẹtin ya egbe fiohan ne ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn .\n", "2020-01-26 04:12:46,618 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 11, step 1300: bleu: 3.11, loss: 76134.8047, ppl: 26.1196, duration: 55.4693s\n", "2020-01-26 04:13:03,084 Epoch 11: total training loss 394.92\n", "2020-01-26 04:13:03,084 EPOCH 12\n", "2020-01-26 04:13:04,957 Epoch 12 Step: 1400 Batch Loss: 2.915069 Tokens per Sec: 11283, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:13:59,147 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:13:59,147 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,488 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,489 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,489 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,489 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne ima gha ya sẹtin ru iyobọ ne ima ya sẹtin ya sẹtin ru iyobọ ne ima ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,489 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,489 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,490 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,490 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne a ya ru iyobọ ne emwa ni rre Baibol ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,490 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,490 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,490 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,490 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọ ma gha mwẹ ẹghẹ ne a ya ru iyobọ ne iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,490 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,490 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,491 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,491 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr 3 : 1 ) Vbe igiemwi , e Jehova keghi kha wẹẹ , e Jehova gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ , e Jehova gha ya ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn .\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:00,491 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 12, step 1400: bleu: 3.88, loss: 74919.4219, ppl: 24.7940, duration: 55.5337s\n", "2020-01-26 04:14:19,219 Epoch 12 Step: 1500 Batch Loss: 3.129153 Tokens per Sec: 10121, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:13,376 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:13,377 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,640 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,641 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,641 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,641 \tHypothesis: De vbene ima ya sẹtin ya sẹtin ya egbe tae Jehova hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,641 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,641 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,642 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,642 \tHypothesis: De vbene Jehova ya ru iyobọ ne emwa ni rre Baibol ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,642 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,642 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,642 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,642 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọ ma gha mwẹ ẹghẹ ne a ya ru iyobọ ne iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,642 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,643 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,643 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,643 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 2 : 1 ) E Jehova keghi kha wẹẹ , e Jehova ma gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ , ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn .\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:14,643 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 12, step 1500: bleu: 4.02, loss: 74142.4375, ppl: 23.9821, duration: 55.4234s\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:17,544 Epoch 12: total training loss 387.56\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:17,544 EPOCH 13\n", "2020-01-26 04:15:33,101 Epoch 13 Step: 1600 Batch Loss: 2.891641 Tokens per Sec: 10213, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:27,235 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:27,235 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,494 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,495 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,495 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,495 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne ima gha ya ima gha ru iyobọ ne ima mieke na sẹtin ya ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,495 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,496 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,496 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,496 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne a ya ru iyobọ ne emwa ni rre Baibol ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,496 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,496 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,497 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,497 \tHypothesis: Vbe igiemwi , e Jehova keghi kha wẹẹ , e Jehova ẹre ọ ya egbe fiohan ne iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,497 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,497 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,498 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,498 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 2 : 1 ) E Jehova keghi re emwi nọ khẹke ne ima gha ru , ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn .\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:28,498 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 13, step 1600: bleu: 3.99, loss: 73486.7969, ppl: 23.3176, duration: 55.3965s\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:36,399 Epoch 13: total training loss 382.58\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:36,400 EPOCH 14\n", "2020-01-26 04:16:47,311 Epoch 14 Step: 1700 Batch Loss: 2.660901 Tokens per Sec: 9955, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:41,529 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:41,529 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,832 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,832 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,833 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,833 \tHypothesis: De emwi nọ khẹke ne ima gha ya sẹtin ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,833 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,833 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,834 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,834 \tHypothesis: De vbene Jehova ya ru iyobọ ne iran hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,834 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,834 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,834 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,834 \tHypothesis: Vbe ukpo 1990 , e Pọl keghi re arọndẹ ne a ya kporhu ma iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,835 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,835 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,835 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,835 \tHypothesis: ( Mat . 2 : 1 ) E Jehova keghi re emwi nọ khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn .\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:42,835 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 14, step 1700: bleu: 4.73, loss: 72772.5938, ppl: 22.6148, duration: 55.5238s\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:55,613 Epoch 14: total training loss 369.88\n", "2020-01-26 04:17:55,613 EPOCH 15\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:01,048 Epoch 15 Step: 1800 Batch Loss: 3.003688 Tokens per Sec: 10489, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:55,175 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:55,176 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,496 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,497 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,497 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,497 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne ima gha ya sẹtin ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,497 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,498 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,498 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,498 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne Jehova ru ne iran ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,498 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,499 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,499 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,499 \tHypothesis: Ọ na ghi sẹ ẹghẹ , ọ na vbe gha re emwa ni rre uwu ẹbu iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,499 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,499 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,500 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,500 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 4 : 1 ) Ọ keghi re emwi nọ khẹke ne ima gha ru , ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn .\n", "2020-01-26 04:18:56,500 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 15, step 1800: bleu: 4.04, loss: 72191.2734, ppl: 22.0583, duration: 55.4520s\n", "2020-01-26 04:19:14,298 Epoch 15: total training loss 363.55\n", "2020-01-26 04:19:14,299 EPOCH 16\n", "2020-01-26 04:19:15,086 Epoch 16 Step: 1900 Batch Loss: 2.930828 Tokens per Sec: 10873, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:09,283 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:09,283 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,575 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,576 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,576 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,577 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne ima gha ya sẹtin ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,577 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,577 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,578 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,578 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne Jehova ya ru iyobọ ne iran ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,578 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,579 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,579 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,579 \tHypothesis: Vbe ukpo ukpo ukpo , ọ keghi re ọkpa vbe usun emwa ni rre ẹvbo ne iran ya gha mwẹ izinegbe .\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,579 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,580 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,580 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,580 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 2 : 1 ) Vbe igiemwi , te ọ khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ izinegbe vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn , te ọ khẹke ne ima gha ya egbe fiohan ne Jehova .\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:10,581 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 16, step 1900: bleu: 4.12, loss: 71133.2031, ppl: 21.0805, duration: 55.4939s\n", "2020-01-26 04:20:29,298 Epoch 16 Step: 2000 Batch Loss: 3.000616 Tokens per Sec: 9990, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:23,165 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:23,165 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,539 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,540 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,540 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,540 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne ima gha ya sẹtin ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,540 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,540 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,540 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,541 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne iran gha ya egbe fiohan ne Jehova ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,541 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,541 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,541 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,541 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na mu otuẹ ye ugan , ọ na vbe gha re ọmọ esi .\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,541 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,541 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,542 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,542 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 2 : 1 ) E Baibol keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ izinegbe , ọ na vbe gha mwẹ izinegbe .\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:24,542 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 16, step 2000: bleu: 4.40, loss: 70768.9531, ppl: 20.7540, duration: 55.2429s\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:28,834 Epoch 16: total training loss 355.39\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:28,834 EPOCH 17\n", "2020-01-26 04:21:43,103 Epoch 17 Step: 2100 Batch Loss: 2.626771 Tokens per Sec: 10239, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:37,292 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:37,292 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,566 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,567 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,568 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,571 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,571 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,571 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,571 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,571 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne iran gha ru ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,571 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,571 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,571 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,572 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na gha re ọmọ nọ rre uwu ẹbu emwa ni rre uwu ẹbu iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,572 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,572 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,572 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,572 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 2 : 1 ) Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ irẹnmwi ọghe Osanobua , ọ keghi re emwi nọ khẹke ne ima gha ru .\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:38,572 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 17, step 2100: bleu: 4.39, loss: 70209.4844, ppl: 20.2623, duration: 55.4689s\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:47,624 Epoch 17: total training loss 347.74\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:47,624 EPOCH 18\n", "2020-01-26 04:22:56,889 Epoch 18 Step: 2200 Batch Loss: 2.813062 Tokens per Sec: 10151, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:51,219 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:51,220 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,521 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,522 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,523 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,523 \tHypothesis: De vbene ima khian ya sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,523 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,523 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,523 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,523 \tHypothesis: De vbene Jehova ya ru iyobọ ne emwa ni rre uwu ẹbu iran ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,523 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,523 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,524 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,524 \tHypothesis: Vbe ukpo ukpo ukpo igbe , ọ na vbe gha rrie ẹvbo ne a ya gha kporhu ma emwa ni ma emwa ni ma gba ehe ne iran ya gha kporhu .\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,524 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,524 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,524 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,524 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 2 : 1 ) Vbe igiemwi , te ọ khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ , ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn .\n", "2020-01-26 04:23:52,524 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 18, step 2200: bleu: 4.35, loss: 70083.1484, ppl: 20.1529, duration: 55.6344s\n", "2020-01-26 04:24:06,585 Epoch 18: total training loss 337.44\n", "2020-01-26 04:24:06,585 EPOCH 19\n", "2020-01-26 04:24:10,957 Epoch 19 Step: 2300 Batch Loss: 2.322270 Tokens per Sec: 10304, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:05,177 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:05,177 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,582 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,583 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,583 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,583 \tHypothesis: De vbene ima khian ya sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,583 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,584 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,584 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,584 \tHypothesis: De vbene Jehova ya ru iyobọ ne emwa ni rre uwu ẹbu iran ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,584 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,584 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,585 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,585 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na ghi sẹ ẹghẹ , ọ na ghi sẹ ẹghẹ ne a ya gha kporhu ma emwa ni ma emwa ni ma he ru iyobọ ne iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,585 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,586 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,586 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,586 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 4 : 1 ) Vbe igiemwi , te ọ khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ irẹnmwi nọ khẹke ne ima ya gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn .\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:06,586 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 19, step 2300: bleu: 4.64, loss: 69697.9609, ppl: 19.8230, duration: 55.6287s\n", "2020-01-26 04:25:25,029 Epoch 19 Step: 2400 Batch Loss: 2.484298 Tokens per Sec: 10203, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:19,449 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:19,450 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,859 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,860 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,860 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,860 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Tim 2 : 1 ) De emwi ne ima gha ya sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,861 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,861 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,861 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,862 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne emwa ni rre uwu ẹbu emwa ni rre uwu ẹbu iran ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,862 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,862 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,862 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,863 \tHypothesis: Vbe ukpo ukpo , ọ na ghi gbe ọbokhian ne Jesu , ọ na vbe gha re emwa ni rre ẹvbo ne iran na gha re emwa ni rre ẹvbo ne iran na gha re emwa ni rre ẹvbo ọvbehe .\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,863 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,864 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,864 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,864 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Tim 2 : 1 ) Vbe igiemwi , te ọ khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ irẹnmwi nọ khẹke ne ima ya rẹn wẹẹ , ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ izinegbe .\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:20,864 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 19, step 2400: bleu: 4.37, loss: 69377.1641, ppl: 19.5523, duration: 55.8345s\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:21,455 Epoch 19: total training loss 332.70\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:21,455 EPOCH 20\n", "2020-01-26 04:26:39,419 Epoch 20 Step: 2500 Batch Loss: 2.643545 Tokens per Sec: 10428, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:33,464 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:33,464 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,827 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,828 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,828 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,828 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr .\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,828 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,829 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,829 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,829 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne emwa ni ma he ru ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,829 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,829 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,829 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,829 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na gha re emwa ni ma gba ehe ne iran ya kporhu ma emwa ni ma emwa ni ma gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,829 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,830 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,830 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,830 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 4 : 1 ) Ọ khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ irẹnmwi nọ gbae wẹẹ , ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ irẹnmwi nọ gbae .\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:34,830 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 20, step 2500: bleu: 4.33, loss: 69189.0781, ppl: 19.3954, duration: 55.4101s\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:40,041 Epoch 20: total training loss 323.78\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:40,041 EPOCH 21\n", "2020-01-26 04:27:53,048 Epoch 21 Step: 2600 Batch Loss: 2.559581 Tokens per Sec: 10093, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:46,891 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:46,892 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,165 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,166 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,166 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,166 \tHypothesis: ( Psm .\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,166 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,166 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,166 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,167 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne evbibiẹ emọ gha ru ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,167 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,167 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,167 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,167 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na do gha re Osẹe Jehova vbe ọ ghaa rre ẹvbo ne iran na tie ẹre .\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,167 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,167 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,167 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,168 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọ khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ irẹnmwi nọ maan sẹ , ọ na vbe rẹn wẹẹ , emwi ne ọ ru ẹre ọ ru .\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:48,168 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 21, step 2600: bleu: 4.88, loss: 68857.2109, ppl: 19.1215, duration: 55.1196s\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:58,600 Epoch 21: total training loss 323.00\n", "2020-01-26 04:28:58,601 EPOCH 22\n", "2020-01-26 04:29:06,447 Epoch 22 Step: 2700 Batch Loss: 2.638526 Tokens per Sec: 9948, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:00,543 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:00,544 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,776 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,776 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,777 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,777 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Tim 2 : 1 ) De emwi ne ima gha ya sẹtin ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,777 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,777 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,777 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,778 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne Jehova ru ne iran mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ udinmwẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,778 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,778 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,779 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,779 \tHypothesis: Vbe ukpo 1952 , ọ na do gha re Osẹe Jehova vbe ọ ghaa rre ẹvbo ne iran na tie ẹre .\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,779 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,779 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,779 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,780 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọmwa nọ mwẹ ekhọe nọ ma gba , ọ keghi ya ima rẹn emwi nọ khẹke ne ima ru .\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:01,780 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 22, step 2700: bleu: 5.09, loss: 68757.9531, ppl: 19.0403, duration: 55.3322s\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:17,108 Epoch 22: total training loss 315.91\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:17,108 EPOCH 23\n", "2020-01-26 04:30:19,826 Epoch 23 Step: 2800 Batch Loss: 2.301673 Tokens per Sec: 9973, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:13,593 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:13,594 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,854 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,854 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,854 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,854 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Tim 2 : 1 ) De vbene ima khian ya sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,854 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,854 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,855 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,855 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne Jehova ru ne iran mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ ẹbo izinegbe ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,855 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,855 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,855 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,855 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na do gha re emwa ni ma gba ehe ne iran ye na gha rrie ehe ne iran na kporhu ma emwa ni ma emwa ni ma gba .\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,855 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,856 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,856 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,856 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọmwa nọ mwẹ ekhọe , ọ keghi ya ima rẹn emwi ne ọ ru , ọ gha ya ima rẹn emwi ne ọ ru .\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:14,856 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 23, step 2800: bleu: 4.82, loss: 68448.8281, ppl: 18.7898, duration: 55.0295s\n", "2020-01-26 04:31:33,003 Epoch 23 Step: 2900 Batch Loss: 2.371929 Tokens per Sec: 10459, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:27,125 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:27,126 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,406 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,407 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,407 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,407 \tHypothesis: ( Itan 3 : 1 ) De odẹ ne ima ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ima mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,407 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,408 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,408 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,408 \tHypothesis: De emwi nọ khẹke ne emwa ni rre uwu ẹbu iran ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,408 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,408 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,408 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,409 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na gha re emwa ni ma gba ehe ne iran ye vbe ehe ne iran ye .\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,409 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,409 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,409 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,409 \tHypothesis: Vbe igiemwi , ọ keghi kha wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin rhie adia ne emwa ni ma gba , ọ keghi re emwi nọ khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ esa .\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:28,409 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 23, step 2900: bleu: 5.41, loss: 68084.9453, ppl: 18.4990, duration: 55.4057s\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:30,559 Epoch 23: total training loss 307.46\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:30,559 EPOCH 24\n", "2020-01-26 04:32:46,516 Epoch 24 Step: 3000 Batch Loss: 2.406897 Tokens per Sec: 10306, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,141 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,142 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,142 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,142 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr .\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,142 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,143 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,143 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,143 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne iran gha ru ne iran mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ ẹbo izinegbe ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,143 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,144 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,144 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,144 \tHypothesis: Vbe ukpo nibun , iran na do gha mwẹ obọ vbe iran ghaa rre uwu ẹbu iran , iran na vbe gha ga zẹvbe emwa ni rre ẹvbo ọvbehe .\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,144 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,145 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,145 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,145 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọ gha kẹ , ọ keghi rhie ẹghẹ ne ima ya gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ , emwi ne ọ ru ekpataki sẹ ne ima .\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:40,145 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 24, step 3000: bleu: 5.07, loss: 68092.3047, ppl: 18.5049, duration: 53.6287s\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:47,023 Epoch 24: total training loss 298.87\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:47,023 EPOCH 25\n", "2020-01-26 04:33:58,150 Epoch 25 Step: 3100 Batch Loss: 2.489514 Tokens per Sec: 10730, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:52,261 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:52,262 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,101 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,102 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,102 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,102 \tHypothesis: ( Psm .\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,102 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,103 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,103 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,103 \tHypothesis: De emwi ne Jehova ru ne iran mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ ẹbo izinegbe ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,103 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,104 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,104 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,104 \tHypothesis: Vbe ukpo nibun , iran na do gha mwẹ obọ vbe iwinna ne iran ru , iran na vbe gha ga zẹvbe emwa ni rre ẹvbo ughughan .\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,104 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,104 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,105 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,105 \tHypothesis: ( Jọn 4 : 15 ) Ọ keghi rhie adia ne ọmwa nọ mwẹ ekhọe , ọ na vbe khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ ekhọe agiẹngiẹn daa emwa ọvbehe .\n", "2020-01-26 04:34:54,105 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 25, step 3100: bleu: 5.11, loss: 68055.5234, ppl: 18.4757, duration: 55.9543s\n", "2020-01-26 04:35:05,669 Epoch 25: total training loss 290.94\n", "2020-01-26 04:35:05,670 EPOCH 26\n", "2020-01-26 04:35:12,406 Epoch 26 Step: 3200 Batch Loss: 2.222144 Tokens per Sec: 10927, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:06,444 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:06,444 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,686 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,687 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,687 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,687 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 2 : 1 ) De odẹ ne ima ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ima mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,687 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,688 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,688 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,688 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,688 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,688 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,689 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,689 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na mu okhian gha rrie ehe ne iran na gha re Osẹe Jehova .\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,689 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,689 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,689 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,689 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi re ọmwa nọ mwẹ ekhọe ekhọe ọguọmwaziro nọ wegbe , ọ keghi ya ima rẹn wẹẹ , irẹn i khian sẹtin ya ima rẹn emwi nọ khẹke ne ima ru .\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:07,690 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 26, step 3200: bleu: 5.06, loss: 67795.4141, ppl: 18.2709, duration: 55.2829s\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:23,853 Epoch 26: total training loss 288.08\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:23,853 EPOCH 27\n", "2020-01-26 04:36:25,861 Epoch 27 Step: 3300 Batch Loss: 2.180992 Tokens per Sec: 11205, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,737 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,738 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,739 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,739 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Tim 2 : 1 ) De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,739 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,740 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,740 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,740 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne iran gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,740 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,741 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,741 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,742 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na gha re emwa ni ga e Jehova vbe odẹ ọghe ẹmwata .\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,742 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,742 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,742 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,743 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi re ọmwa nọ mwẹ ekhọe ekhọe , ọ keghi rhie adia ne ima vbe nọ dekaan vbene ọ ya rhie ifuẹko ne emwa ọvbehe .\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:19,743 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 27, step 3300: bleu: 5.50, loss: 67913.5234, ppl: 18.3636, duration: 53.8815s\n", "2020-01-26 04:37:38,026 Epoch 27 Step: 3400 Batch Loss: 2.142214 Tokens per Sec: 10327, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,161 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,161 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,162 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,162 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr .\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,162 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,162 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,162 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,163 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,163 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,163 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,163 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,163 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na gha re Osẹe Jehova , iran na gha ga zẹvbe emwa ni rre ẹvbo ughughan .\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,164 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,164 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,164 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,164 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọmwa nọ hoẹmwẹ ima , ọ keghi ya ima rẹn vbene ọ ya rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ne ima hẹ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:32,165 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 27, step 3400: bleu: 5.34, loss: 67867.4062, ppl: 18.3274, duration: 54.1382s\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:34,882 Epoch 27: total training loss 282.99\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:34,882 EPOCH 28\n", "2020-01-26 04:38:50,286 Epoch 28 Step: 3500 Batch Loss: 2.441194 Tokens per Sec: 10634, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:44,344 Hooray! New best validation result [ppl]!\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:44,345 Saving new checkpoint.\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,669 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,670 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,670 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,670 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 2 : 1 ) De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,670 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,670 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,671 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,671 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne iran gha mu ọghọ ye etẹn egbe ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,671 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,671 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,671 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,671 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na gha re emwa ni ma gba ehe ne iran na kporhu iyẹn nọ maan , iran na vbe gha re emwa ni ma gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,671 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,672 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,672 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,672 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọmwa nọ hoẹmwẹ ima , ọ keghi rhie aro tua emwi ne ima ru , ọ keghi re emwi nọ maan ne ima gha ru .\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:45,672 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 28, step 3500: bleu: 5.58, loss: 67613.3359, ppl: 18.1289, duration: 55.3859s\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:53,409 Epoch 28: total training loss 279.97\n", "2020-01-26 04:39:53,410 EPOCH 29\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:04,423 Epoch 29 Step: 3600 Batch Loss: 2.375540 Tokens per Sec: 10141, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,816 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,817 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,817 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,818 \tHypothesis: ( Fil 2 : 1 ) Gi ima gha ru erria yan rẹn vbe odẹ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,818 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,818 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,818 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,818 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne iran gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,818 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,819 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,819 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,819 \tHypothesis: Vbe ukpo eso , iran na suẹn gha gu iran kpa hin owa rre , iran na vbe gha mwẹ ọghae vbe iwinna ugamwẹ e Jehova .\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,819 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,820 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,820 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,820 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Emwi ne ọ ru , ọre ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha rhie aro tua emwi ne ọ ru .\n", "2020-01-26 04:40:58,820 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 29, step 3600: bleu: 5.74, loss: 67925.5391, ppl: 18.3731, duration: 54.3966s\n", "2020-01-26 04:41:10,951 Epoch 29: total training loss 269.22\n", "2020-01-26 04:41:10,951 EPOCH 30\n", "2020-01-26 04:41:16,973 Epoch 30 Step: 3700 Batch Loss: 2.301428 Tokens per Sec: 10469, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,958 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,960 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,960 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,960 \tHypothesis: Gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn , te ọ khẹke ne ima gha ru erria yan rẹn vbe odẹ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,960 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,961 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,961 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,961 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne iran gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,961 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,962 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,962 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,962 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ ma ghi sẹ ẹghẹ , iran na gha rrie ẹvbo ne a lẹgbinna kevbe ehe ne iran ye na .\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,962 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,963 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,963 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,963 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi re emwi nọ sunu daa ima , ọ keghi rhie adia ne ima ya gha rhie adia ne emwa ni ma rẹn vbene ọ ya aro tua emwi ne ima ru .\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:10,963 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 30, step 3700: bleu: 5.79, loss: 67812.2188, ppl: 18.2841, duration: 53.9901s\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:28,353 Epoch 30: total training loss 270.90\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:28,353 EPOCH 31\n", "2020-01-26 04:42:29,369 Epoch 31 Step: 3800 Batch Loss: 2.317252 Tokens per Sec: 10411, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,752 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,753 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,753 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,753 \tHypothesis: “ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,754 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,754 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,755 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,755 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,755 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,756 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,756 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,756 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ ghi sẹ ẹghẹ , ọ na gha mu okhian gha rrie ehe ne iran na kporhu ma iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,757 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,757 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,757 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,757 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọmwa nọ fu ẹre ọ rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn , ọ keghi ya ima rẹn wẹẹ , emwi ne ima ru .\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:23,758 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 31, step 3800: bleu: 5.89, loss: 67852.4609, ppl: 18.3156, duration: 54.3880s\n", "2020-01-26 04:43:42,398 Epoch 31 Step: 3900 Batch Loss: 2.266263 Tokens per Sec: 10054, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,942 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,943 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,943 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,943 \tHypothesis: ( Fil 2 : 12 ) Ma gha vbe sẹtin ya egbe tae Jehova sayọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,943 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,944 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,944 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,944 \tHypothesis: Vbọ ya iran gha mwẹ udinmwẹ daa emwa ọvbehe ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,945 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,945 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,945 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,945 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ ma zẹdẹ gha re emwa ni ga e Jehova vbe Abotu , iran na vbe gha re Osẹe Jehova .\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,946 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,946 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,946 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,946 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Jọn 4 : 15 ) Ọmwa nọ mwẹ ekhọe nọ sọnnọ ọmwa keghi rhie ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko ma , ọ keghi rhie ẹghẹ ne ima ya gha mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa nọ wegbe sayọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:36,947 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 31, step 3900: bleu: 6.10, loss: 67841.9531, ppl: 18.3074, duration: 54.5484s\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:41,064 Epoch 31: total training loss 263.80\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:41,065 EPOCH 32\n", "2020-01-26 04:44:55,796 Epoch 32 Step: 4000 Batch Loss: 2.191322 Tokens per Sec: 9960, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,323 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,325 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,325 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,325 \tHypothesis: ( Psm . 1 : 1 ) Gi ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,325 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,326 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,326 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,326 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,326 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,327 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,327 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,327 \tHypothesis: Ọ ghi sẹ ẹghẹ , ọ na gha mu okhian gha rrie ehe ne iran ye vbe agbọn Esu .\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,327 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,328 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,328 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,328 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọmwa nọ fu ẹre ọ rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn , ọ keghi rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn .\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:50,328 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 32, step 4000: bleu: 5.89, loss: 68069.4766, ppl: 18.4868, duration: 54.5311s\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:59,340 Epoch 32: total training loss 256.72\n", "2020-01-26 04:45:59,340 EPOCH 33\n", "2020-01-26 04:46:09,277 Epoch 33 Step: 4100 Batch Loss: 1.596815 Tokens per Sec: 9842, Lr: 0.000300\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,761 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,763 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,763 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,763 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,769 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,770 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,770 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,770 \tHypothesis: De aro ne Jehova ya ghee emwa ni ghaa rre uwu ẹbu iran ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,771 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,771 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,771 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,772 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo nibun , iran na vbe gha gualọ iwinna ugamwẹ ọghe ẹghẹ hia .\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,772 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,772 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,772 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,773 \tHypothesis: ( Mat . 4 : 15 ) Ọmwa nọ mwẹ ekhọe , keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , e Jehova gha sẹtin rhie ifuẹko ne emwa ni khiẹ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:03,773 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 33, step 4100: bleu: 5.64, loss: 68345.1719, ppl: 18.7065, duration: 54.4952s\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:17,337 Epoch 33: total training loss 250.03\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:17,337 EPOCH 34\n", "2020-01-26 04:47:22,240 Epoch 34 Step: 4200 Batch Loss: 1.799411 Tokens per Sec: 9988, Lr: 0.000210\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,657 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,658 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,659 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,659 \tHypothesis: “ Gha ru erria yan rẹn , ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,659 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,660 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,660 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,660 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,661 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,662 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,662 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,662 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na gha re iwinna arọndẹ ọghe iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,663 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,663 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,664 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,664 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi re ọmwa nọ hoẹmwẹ ima , ọ keghi rhie adia ne ima vbe nọ dekaan ọghọ ne ima rhie ne emwa ọvbehe .\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:16,664 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 34, step 4200: bleu: 5.87, loss: 68322.0391, ppl: 18.6879, duration: 54.4241s\n", "2020-01-26 04:48:34,972 Epoch 34 Step: 4300 Batch Loss: 2.048851 Tokens per Sec: 10340, Lr: 0.000210\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,287 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,288 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,289 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,289 \tHypothesis: “ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,289 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,290 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,290 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,290 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,290 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,291 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,291 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,291 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na gha re iwinna arọndẹ ọghe iran , iran na vbe gha ga zẹvbe emwa ni rre ugamwẹ e Jehova .\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,291 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,292 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,292 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,292 \tHypothesis: ( Mat . 5 : 23 ) Ọna rhiema wẹẹ , ọ mwẹ ẹghẹ eso ne a ya rhie uyi ne emwa ni ma rẹn vbene ọ ya rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ma hẹ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,292 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 34, step 4300: bleu: 6.06, loss: 68446.7422, ppl: 18.7881, duration: 54.3201s\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,491 Epoch 34: total training loss 245.32\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:29,491 EPOCH 35\n", "2020-01-26 04:49:48,046 Epoch 35 Step: 4400 Batch Loss: 2.161614 Tokens per Sec: 10278, Lr: 0.000210\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,148 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,149 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,149 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,150 \tHypothesis: “ De odẹ ne ima gha ya sẹtin ru erria yan e Baibol kevbe ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,150 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,150 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,150 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,151 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,151 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,151 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,152 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,152 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , Jesu na gha gualọ iwinna arọndẹ ọghe iran , iran na vbe gha re arọndẹ ọghe iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,152 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,152 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,152 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,153 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Kọr . 4 : 1 ) Ọna rhiema wẹẹ , e Baibol keghi rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ma , ọ keghi re odẹ ne a ya rhie akpa ọghe ọgbọn ma .\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:42,153 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 35, step 4400: bleu: 6.20, loss: 68404.1641, ppl: 18.7538, duration: 54.1064s\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:46,961 Epoch 35: total training loss 237.50\n", "2020-01-26 04:50:46,961 EPOCH 36\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:00,442 Epoch 36 Step: 4500 Batch Loss: 1.636003 Tokens per Sec: 10315, Lr: 0.000210\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,568 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,570 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,570 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,570 \tHypothesis: “ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,570 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,571 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,571 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,571 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne iran gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,571 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,572 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,572 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,572 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna arọndẹ ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran bọ owa .\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,572 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,573 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,573 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,573 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ Ọmwa nọ fu ẹre ọ rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn , ọ keghi ya ima rẹn vbene a ya rhie ahoẹmwọmwa hẹ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:51:54,573 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 36, step 4500: bleu: 5.99, loss: 69054.2500, ppl: 19.2836, duration: 54.1311s\n", "2020-01-26 04:52:04,254 Epoch 36: total training loss 235.63\n", "2020-01-26 04:52:04,254 EPOCH 37\n", "2020-01-26 04:52:13,059 Epoch 37 Step: 4600 Batch Loss: 1.649626 Tokens per Sec: 10211, Lr: 0.000210\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,229 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,230 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,231 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,231 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,231 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,231 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,232 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,232 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,232 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,232 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,233 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,233 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo nibun , ọ na gha re iwinna ugamwẹ ọghe ẹghẹ hia , iran na vbe gha mwẹ ọghae vbe iwinna ugamwẹ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,233 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,233 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,234 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,234 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọmwa nọ fu ẹre rre , ọ vbe khẹke ne ima gha rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn .\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:07,234 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 37, step 4600: bleu: 6.08, loss: 68864.7734, ppl: 19.1277, duration: 54.1742s\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:21,505 Epoch 37: total training loss 232.08\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:21,506 EPOCH 38\n", "2020-01-26 04:53:25,604 Epoch 38 Step: 4700 Batch Loss: 1.889513 Tokens per Sec: 11078, Lr: 0.000210\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,925 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,926 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,926 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,927 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,927 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,927 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,928 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,928 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,928 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,929 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,929 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,929 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ugamwẹ ọghe ẹghẹ hia .\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,929 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,930 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,930 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,930 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi re emwi nọ ya ima rẹn wẹẹ , ọmwa nọ fu ẹre ọ dia ima .\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:19,930 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 38, step 4700: bleu: 6.27, loss: 68893.5859, ppl: 19.1513, duration: 54.3262s\n", "2020-01-26 04:54:38,507 Epoch 38 Step: 4800 Batch Loss: 2.012930 Tokens per Sec: 10097, Lr: 0.000147\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,723 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,724 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,725 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,725 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,725 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,726 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,726 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,726 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,726 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,727 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,727 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,727 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo nibun , iran na suẹn gha gu emwa ni rre Judia .\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,727 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,728 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,728 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,728 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin ya ima gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin ne ẹi beghe wẹẹ , e Jehova gha sẹtin dia ima .\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:32,728 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 38, step 4800: bleu: 6.49, loss: 69113.6406, ppl: 19.3328, duration: 54.2214s\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:33,384 Epoch 38: total training loss 226.60\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:33,385 EPOCH 39\n", "2020-01-26 04:55:50,746 Epoch 39 Step: 4900 Batch Loss: 1.808265 Tokens per Sec: 10570, Lr: 0.000147\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,104 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,106 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,106 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,106 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,106 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,107 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,107 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,107 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,107 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,108 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,109 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,109 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , ọ na gha re iwinna arọndẹ ọghe iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,109 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,110 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,110 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,110 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin rhie ẹghẹ ne ima ya gha sinmwi oseghe ne ọdakha ọghe Osanobua .\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:45,110 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 39, step 4900: bleu: 6.88, loss: 69230.0234, ppl: 19.4294, duration: 54.3635s\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:50,519 Epoch 39: total training loss 222.94\n", "2020-01-26 04:56:50,519 EPOCH 40\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:03,060 Epoch 40 Step: 5000 Batch Loss: 1.395422 Tokens per Sec: 10594, Lr: 0.000147\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,184 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,184 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,185 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,185 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,185 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,185 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,186 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,186 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,186 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,186 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,187 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,187 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , ọ na gha re iwinna arọndẹ ọghe iran ni ga zẹvbe arọndẹ ọghe iran .\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,187 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,187 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,188 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,188 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin rhie ẹghẹ ne ima ya gha dia iziro ọghe ima .\n", "2020-01-26 04:57:57,188 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 40, step 5000: bleu: 6.84, loss: 69183.8984, ppl: 19.3911, duration: 54.1273s\n", "2020-01-26 04:58:07,435 Epoch 40: total training loss 224.20\n", "2020-01-26 04:58:07,435 EPOCH 41\n", "2020-01-26 04:58:15,018 Epoch 41 Step: 5100 Batch Loss: 1.713330 Tokens per Sec: 10456, Lr: 0.000147\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,126 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,127 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,127 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,127 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,128 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,128 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,128 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,128 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne iran gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,129 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,129 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,129 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,129 \tHypothesis: Vbe iyeke ọni , ọ na gha re iwinna arọndẹ ọghe iran vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia .\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,129 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,130 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,130 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,130 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin rhie ẹghẹ ne ima ya gha dia egbe ima vbe ẹghẹ hia .\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:09,131 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 41, step 5100: bleu: 6.42, loss: 69722.4688, ppl: 19.8438, duration: 54.1121s\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:24,342 Epoch 41: total training loss 219.04\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:24,343 EPOCH 42\n", "2020-01-26 04:59:27,006 Epoch 42 Step: 5200 Batch Loss: 1.786891 Tokens per Sec: 11124, Lr: 0.000147\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,203 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,204 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,204 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,204 \tHypothesis: Gha ru erria yan rẹn , ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,204 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,205 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,205 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,205 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,205 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,206 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,206 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,206 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo nibun , iran na suẹn gha gu emwa ni rre Judia . Iran keghi ga zẹvbe arọndẹ ọghe ẹmwata .\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,206 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,207 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,207 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,207 \tHypothesis: ( 1 Tim 2 : 1 , 2 ) Ọmwa nọ rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ma , ọre ne ima gha yerre wẹẹ , ọ mwẹ asẹ ne a ya rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ma .\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:21,207 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 42, step 5200: bleu: 6.64, loss: 69573.3281, ppl: 19.7174, duration: 54.2007s\n", "2020-01-26 05:00:39,514 Epoch 42 Step: 5300 Batch Loss: 1.902922 Tokens per Sec: 10308, Lr: 0.000147\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,640 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,641 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,641 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,642 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,642 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,642 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,643 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,643 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne iran gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,643 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,643 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,644 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,644 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ugamwẹ ọghe ẹghẹ hia , iran na vbe gha re arọndẹ ọghe iran .\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,644 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,645 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,645 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,645 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi maan sẹ ọre wẹẹ , ọmwa ne ọ rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn keghi re nọ dekaan vbene a ya rhie uyi ne Jehova hẹ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:33,645 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 42, step 5300: bleu: 6.86, loss: 69718.4141, ppl: 19.8404, duration: 54.1310s\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:35,646 Epoch 42: total training loss 215.36\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:35,646 EPOCH 43\n", "2020-01-26 05:01:52,029 Epoch 43 Step: 5400 Batch Loss: 1.831976 Tokens per Sec: 10369, Lr: 0.000103\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,081 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,081 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,081 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,081 \tHypothesis: ‘ Gha ru erria yan emwi ewe ọghomwa , ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,081 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,082 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,082 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,082 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne iran gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,082 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,082 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,082 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,082 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na suẹn gha gu iran winna vbe Abotu .\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,082 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,083 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,083 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,083 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin ya ima gha mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko , vbene ọ ya rhie uyi ne Jehova hẹ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:46,083 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 43, step 5400: bleu: 6.44, loss: 70030.9844, ppl: 20.1079, duration: 54.0537s\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:52,574 Epoch 43: total training loss 211.10\n", "2020-01-26 05:02:52,574 EPOCH 44\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:03,890 Epoch 44 Step: 5500 Batch Loss: 1.881248 Tokens per Sec: 10485, Lr: 0.000103\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,005 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,006 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,007 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,007 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,007 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,008 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,008 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,008 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,008 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,009 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,009 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,009 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo eso , ọ na gha mu okhian gha rrie ehe ughughan vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia .\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,010 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,010 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,010 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,010 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ọmwa nọ deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn , ọ keghi rhie ẹghẹ ne ima ya gha rhie uyi gie Jehova .\n", "2020-01-26 05:03:58,011 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 44, step 5500: bleu: 6.82, loss: 70127.2891, ppl: 20.1911, duration: 54.1201s\n", "2020-01-26 05:04:09,685 Epoch 44: total training loss 211.22\n", "2020-01-26 05:04:09,686 EPOCH 45\n", "2020-01-26 05:04:16,401 Epoch 45 Step: 5600 Batch Loss: 1.773542 Tokens per Sec: 10694, Lr: 0.000103\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,337 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,338 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,338 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,338 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,339 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,339 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,339 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,340 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,340 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,340 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,341 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,341 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , ọ keghi mu okhian gha rrie owa iran kevbe emwa ni ga e Jehova .\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,341 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,342 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,342 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,342 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ sunu vbe ẹghẹ na ọre wẹẹ , ọmwa nọ fu ẹre ima khin , ọre ne ọ rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn .\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:10,342 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 45, step 5600: bleu: 6.69, loss: 70304.6562, ppl: 20.3451, duration: 53.9408s\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:26,426 Epoch 45: total training loss 207.38\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:26,427 EPOCH 46\n", "2020-01-26 05:05:28,284 Epoch 46 Step: 5700 Batch Loss: 1.521942 Tokens per Sec: 10058, Lr: 0.000103\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,314 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,315 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,315 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,315 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,315 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,316 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,316 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,316 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,316 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,317 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,317 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,317 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , ọ keghi mu okhian gha rrie owa iran rhunmwuda , iran rẹnrẹn wẹẹ , iran gha mu ugamwẹ ọghe ẹghẹ hia .\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,317 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,318 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,318 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,318 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi ru ekpataki sẹ ọre ne a gha ya egbe tae Jehova ọre wẹẹ , ọ gha ya ima gha mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko .\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:22,318 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 46, step 5700: bleu: 7.04, loss: 70358.1406, ppl: 20.3918, duration: 54.0335s\n", "2020-01-26 05:06:40,334 Epoch 46 Step: 5800 Batch Loss: 1.857658 Tokens per Sec: 10581, Lr: 0.000103\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,511 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,512 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,512 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,513 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,513 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,513 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,513 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,513 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,514 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,514 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,514 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,514 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , ọ na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,514 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,515 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,515 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,515 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi ru ekpataki sẹ ọre ne a gha ya egbe tae Keni ọre wẹẹ , ọ gha ya ima gha rhie aro tua emwi nọ khẹke ne ima ru .\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:34,515 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 46, step 5800: bleu: 7.21, loss: 70411.1484, ppl: 20.4382, duration: 54.1805s\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:37,472 Epoch 46: total training loss 207.56\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:37,473 EPOCH 47\n", "2020-01-26 05:07:52,265 Epoch 47 Step: 5900 Batch Loss: 1.847733 Tokens per Sec: 10712, Lr: 0.000103\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,097 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,098 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,098 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,098 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,098 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,098 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,098 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,099 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,099 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,099 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,099 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,099 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,099 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,100 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,100 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,100 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ọmwa nọ deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn , ọ keghi rhie ẹghẹ ne ima ya gha dia egbe ima .\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:46,100 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 47, step 5900: bleu: 7.11, loss: 70754.5469, ppl: 20.7412, duration: 53.8345s\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:53,714 Epoch 47: total training loss 203.69\n", "2020-01-26 05:08:53,715 EPOCH 48\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:03,706 Epoch 48 Step: 6000 Batch Loss: 1.524139 Tokens per Sec: 10812, Lr: 0.000072\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,730 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,731 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,731 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,732 \tHypothesis: “ Gha ru erria yan emwi ne ima khian ru , ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,732 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,732 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,732 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,733 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,733 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,733 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,733 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,733 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,734 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,734 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,734 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,734 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin rhie ẹghẹ ne ima ya gha sinmwi oseghe ne ọdakha ọghe Osanobua .\n", "2020-01-26 05:09:57,735 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 48, step 6000: bleu: 7.06, loss: 70785.0781, ppl: 20.7683, duration: 54.0280s\n", "2020-01-26 05:10:10,185 Epoch 48: total training loss 202.64\n", "2020-01-26 05:10:10,185 EPOCH 49\n", "2020-01-26 05:10:15,652 Epoch 49 Step: 6100 Batch Loss: 1.611763 Tokens per Sec: 11140, Lr: 0.000072\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,833 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,834 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,835 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,835 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,835 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,836 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,836 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,836 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,836 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,836 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,837 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,837 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na suẹn gha gu iran guan , iran na vbe gha gualọ iwinna ugamwẹ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,837 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,837 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,837 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,838 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ : “ U gha miẹn vbene emwi ruẹ sẹ hẹ , vbene a ya egbe tae Jehova hẹ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:09,838 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 49, step 6100: bleu: 6.95, loss: 70742.6797, ppl: 20.7306, duration: 54.1853s\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:27,156 Epoch 49: total training loss 199.56\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:27,157 EPOCH 50\n", "2020-01-26 05:11:27,922 Epoch 50 Step: 6200 Batch Loss: 1.622020 Tokens per Sec: 10022, Lr: 0.000072\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,201 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,202 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,203 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,203 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin ru erria yan e Baibol ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,203 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,204 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,204 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,204 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,204 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,205 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,205 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,205 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , ọ na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,205 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,205 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,206 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,206 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin ya ima gha dia iziro ọghe ima , ọ vbe khẹke ne ima gha rhie aro tua emwi ne ima ru .\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:22,206 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 50, step 6200: bleu: 7.32, loss: 71127.7969, ppl: 21.0756, duration: 54.2837s\n", "2020-01-26 05:12:40,090 Epoch 50 Step: 6300 Batch Loss: 1.287560 Tokens per Sec: 10575, Lr: 0.000072\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,137 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,138 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,139 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,139 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,139 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,139 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,140 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,140 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,140 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,140 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,140 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,140 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ugamwẹ ọghe ẹghẹ hia .\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,140 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,141 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,141 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,141 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin ya ima gha dia iziro ọghe ima kevbe vbene ọ ya gbe ọmwa hin ọkhọ rre .\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:34,141 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 50, step 6300: bleu: 7.02, loss: 71225.7344, ppl: 21.1642, duration: 54.0506s\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:38,174 Epoch 50: total training loss 200.17\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:38,174 EPOCH 51\n", "2020-01-26 05:13:51,971 Epoch 51 Step: 6400 Batch Loss: 1.449190 Tokens per Sec: 10699, Lr: 0.000072\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,017 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,018 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,018 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,018 \tHypothesis: Gha ru erria yan emwi ne ima khian ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,018 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,019 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,019 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,019 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,019 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,020 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,020 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,020 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,020 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,021 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,021 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,021 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin ya ima gha dia iziro ọghe ima vbe ẹghẹ hia .\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:46,021 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 51, step 6400: bleu: 6.74, loss: 71426.2656, ppl: 21.3469, duration: 54.0501s\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:54,721 Epoch 51: total training loss 197.25\n", "2020-01-26 05:14:54,721 EPOCH 52\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:03,678 Epoch 52 Step: 6500 Batch Loss: 1.813136 Tokens per Sec: 10640, Lr: 0.000072\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,621 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,622 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,622 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,622 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,622 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,623 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,623 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,623 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,623 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,623 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,623 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,623 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,624 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,624 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,624 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,624 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi maan sẹ ọre wẹẹ , ọ gha ya ima gha mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko , ọre ne ima gha ya egbe ta .\n", "2020-01-26 05:15:57,624 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 52, step 6500: bleu: 7.25, loss: 71306.0781, ppl: 21.2372, duration: 53.9461s\n", "2020-01-26 05:16:11,042 Epoch 52: total training loss 195.20\n", "2020-01-26 05:16:11,042 EPOCH 53\n", "2020-01-26 05:16:15,480 Epoch 53 Step: 6600 Batch Loss: 1.592255 Tokens per Sec: 10238, Lr: 0.000050\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,569 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,570 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,570 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,570 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,570 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,571 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,571 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,571 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,571 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,572 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,572 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,572 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , ọ na gha mu okhian gha rrie owa iran , iran na vbe gha mwẹ ọghae vbe iwinna ugamwẹ e Jehova .\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,572 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,573 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,573 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,573 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi ru ọre wẹẹ , ọmwa ne ẹi rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn ẹre ọ ru . ( 2 Kọr .\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:09,573 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 53, step 6600: bleu: 7.31, loss: 71297.8984, ppl: 21.2298, duration: 54.0929s\n", "2020-01-26 05:17:27,575 Epoch 53 Step: 6700 Batch Loss: 1.762703 Tokens per Sec: 10780, Lr: 0.000050\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,627 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,628 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,628 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,629 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,629 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,629 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,629 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,630 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,630 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,630 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,630 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,630 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ugamwẹ ọghe ẹghẹ hia , iran na vbe gha ga zẹvbe arọndẹ ọghe ẹmwata .\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,630 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,631 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,631 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,631 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi maan sẹ ọre wẹẹ , ọmwa ne ẹi rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn ẹre ọ ru .\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,631 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 53, step 6700: bleu: 7.37, loss: 71441.2422, ppl: 21.3606, duration: 54.0553s\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,635 Epoch 53: total training loss 192.73\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:21,635 EPOCH 54\n", "2020-01-26 05:18:39,464 Epoch 54 Step: 6800 Batch Loss: 1.278164 Tokens per Sec: 10687, Lr: 0.000050\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,329 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,330 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,330 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,330 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,330 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,331 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,331 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,331 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,331 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,332 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,332 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,332 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , ọ ma gha kẹ obọ esi ọghe avbe ọkaolotu ọghe iran rhunmwuda iran rẹnrẹn wẹẹ , iran gha mu otuẹ yo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,332 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,333 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,333 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,333 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin dia iziro ọghe ima , ọ keghi rhie ẹghẹ ne ima ya dia egbe ọmwa .\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:33,333 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 54, step 6800: bleu: 7.33, loss: 71436.5859, ppl: 21.3563, duration: 53.8681s\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:37,964 Epoch 54: total training loss 193.56\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:37,964 EPOCH 55\n", "2020-01-26 05:19:51,208 Epoch 55 Step: 6900 Batch Loss: 1.294908 Tokens per Sec: 10625, Lr: 0.000050\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,032 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,033 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,033 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,033 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,034 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,034 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,034 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,034 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,034 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,035 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,035 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,035 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,035 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,035 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,036 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,036 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi ru iyobọ ne ima ya rẹn vbene ọ sẹ hẹ ne a gha dia egbe ọmwa kevbe ne ọ na dia ima .\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:45,036 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 55, step 6900: bleu: 7.44, loss: 71471.7188, ppl: 21.3885, duration: 53.8273s\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:54,149 Epoch 55: total training loss 192.58\n", "2020-01-26 05:20:54,150 EPOCH 56\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:02,725 Epoch 56 Step: 7000 Batch Loss: 1.695107 Tokens per Sec: 10564, Lr: 0.000050\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,689 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,690 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,691 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,691 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,691 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,691 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,692 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,692 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,692 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,692 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,692 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,693 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , ọ ma gha kẹ obọ esi ọghe Jesu rhunmwuda iwinna arọndẹ ọghe iran .\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,693 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,693 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,693 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,694 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi maan sẹ ọre wẹẹ , ọ gha ya ima gha rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ma , ọre ne ima gha dia egbe ọmwa .\n", "2020-01-26 05:21:56,694 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 56, step 7000: bleu: 7.07, loss: 71724.4609, ppl: 21.6215, duration: 53.9681s\n", "2020-01-26 05:22:10,667 Epoch 56: total training loss 191.65\n", "2020-01-26 05:22:10,667 EPOCH 57\n", "2020-01-26 05:22:14,519 Epoch 57 Step: 7100 Batch Loss: 1.765279 Tokens per Sec: 10539, Lr: 0.000050\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,341 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,342 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,342 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,342 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,342 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,343 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,343 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,343 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,343 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,344 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,344 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,344 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , erhuanegbe ẹre nikhuo eva keghi rhiegba ye iwinna ugamwẹ ọghe ẹghẹ hia .\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,344 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,344 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,344 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,345 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi maan sẹ ọre wẹẹ , ọmwa ne ẹi rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn ẹre ọ ru .\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:08,345 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 57, step 7100: bleu: 7.25, loss: 71793.4219, ppl: 21.6854, duration: 53.8253s\n", "2020-01-26 05:23:26,138 Epoch 57 Step: 7200 Batch Loss: 1.330632 Tokens per Sec: 10596, Lr: 0.000035\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,980 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,981 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,981 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,981 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,982 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,982 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,982 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,982 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,983 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,983 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,983 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,983 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,984 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,984 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,984 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,984 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin dia iziro ọghe ima , ọ gha khọn rẹn wẹẹ , ọ gha ya ima gha dia iziro ọghe ima .\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:19,984 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 57, step 7200: bleu: 7.20, loss: 71751.5234, ppl: 21.6465, duration: 53.8465s\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:20,912 Epoch 57: total training loss 191.74\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:20,912 EPOCH 58\n", "2020-01-26 05:24:37,815 Epoch 58 Step: 7300 Batch Loss: 1.404167 Tokens per Sec: 10917, Lr: 0.000035\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,710 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,711 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,711 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,711 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,711 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,712 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,712 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,712 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,712 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,712 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,713 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,713 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,713 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,713 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,713 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,713 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi maan sẹ ọre wẹẹ , ọ gha ya ima gha rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ma , vbene a ghee ẹre hẹ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:31,714 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 58, step 7300: bleu: 7.40, loss: 71795.3203, ppl: 21.6872, duration: 53.8984s\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:37,155 Epoch 58: total training loss 189.38\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:37,155 EPOCH 59\n", "2020-01-26 05:25:49,347 Epoch 59 Step: 7400 Batch Loss: 1.643898 Tokens per Sec: 10752, Lr: 0.000035\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,257 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,258 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,259 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,259 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,259 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,260 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,260 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,260 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,260 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,261 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,261 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,261 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,261 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,262 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,262 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,262 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi maan sẹ ọre wẹẹ , ọmwa ne ọ rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn ẹre ọ ru . ( 2 Kọr .\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:43,262 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 59, step 7400: bleu: 7.29, loss: 71961.7812, ppl: 21.8425, duration: 53.9150s\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:53,250 Epoch 59: total training loss 189.17\n", "2020-01-26 05:26:53,250 EPOCH 60\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:00,826 Epoch 60 Step: 7500 Batch Loss: 1.635389 Tokens per Sec: 10761, Lr: 0.000035\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,700 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,701 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,701 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,701 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,701 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,702 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,702 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,702 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,702 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,703 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,703 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,703 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,703 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,703 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,703 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,704 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin ya ima gha dia iziro ọghe ima , ọ vbe khẹke ne ima ya egbe tae igiemwi esi ne a rhie yotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:27:54,704 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 60, step 7500: bleu: 7.31, loss: 72026.0938, ppl: 21.9027, duration: 53.8771s\n", "2020-01-26 05:28:09,380 Epoch 60: total training loss 188.24\n", "2020-01-26 05:28:09,380 EPOCH 61\n", "2020-01-26 05:28:12,374 Epoch 61 Step: 7600 Batch Loss: 1.448786 Tokens per Sec: 10249, Lr: 0.000035\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,179 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,180 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,180 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,180 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,180 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,181 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,181 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,181 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,181 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,181 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,181 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,182 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,182 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,182 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,182 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,182 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin gbogba gae egbe ima , vbene ọ ya ye hẹ ne ima gha dia egbe ọmwa .\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:06,182 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 61, step 7600: bleu: 7.41, loss: 72041.0000, ppl: 21.9167, duration: 53.8084s\n", "2020-01-26 05:29:23,769 Epoch 61 Step: 7700 Batch Loss: 1.173527 Tokens per Sec: 10852, Lr: 0.000035\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,673 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,674 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,674 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,674 \tHypothesis: ‘ ọfunmwegbe Osanobua ’ ne ima mwẹ ne ima mieke na sẹtin ru erria yan rẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,674 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,675 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,675 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,675 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,675 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,675 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,676 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,676 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,676 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,676 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,676 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,676 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin dia iziro ọghe ima , ọ keghi rhie uyi ne Jehova .\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:17,677 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 61, step 7700: bleu: 7.26, loss: 72095.5547, ppl: 21.9680, duration: 53.9067s\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:19,524 Epoch 61: total training loss 189.02\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:19,524 EPOCH 62\n", "2020-01-26 05:30:35,545 Epoch 62 Step: 7800 Batch Loss: 1.135618 Tokens per Sec: 10735, Lr: 0.000025\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,684 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,685 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,685 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,685 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,685 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,686 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,686 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,686 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,686 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,687 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,687 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,687 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,687 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,688 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,688 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,688 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi maan sẹ ọre wẹẹ , ọmwa ne ọ rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn ẹre ọ ru . ( 2 Kọr .\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:29,688 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 62, step 7800: bleu: 7.40, loss: 72066.2969, ppl: 21.9405, duration: 54.1422s\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:35,974 Epoch 62: total training loss 186.51\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:35,975 EPOCH 63\n", "2020-01-26 05:31:47,371 Epoch 63 Step: 7900 Batch Loss: 1.234709 Tokens per Sec: 10729, Lr: 0.000025\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,424 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,426 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,426 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,426 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin ru erria yan e Baibol ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,426 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,427 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,427 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,427 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,427 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,428 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,428 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,428 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , eghian keghi mu okhian gha rrie owa iran . Ọ ma gha re arọndẹ ọghe iran vbe deba iran .\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,428 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,429 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,429 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,429 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi ru ọre wẹẹ , ọmwa ne ọ rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn ẹre ọ khian gha dia ima .\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:41,429 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 63, step 7900: bleu: 7.58, loss: 72150.6484, ppl: 22.0200, duration: 54.0583s\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:52,136 Epoch 63: total training loss 184.88\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:52,137 EPOCH 64\n", "2020-01-26 05:32:58,869 Epoch 64 Step: 8000 Batch Loss: 1.226974 Tokens per Sec: 10879, Lr: 0.000025\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,774 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,775 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,776 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,776 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,776 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,776 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,777 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,777 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,777 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,777 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,777 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,778 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,778 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,778 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,778 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,778 \tHypothesis: Ọ keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne ima wẹẹ , ọ gha sẹtin ya ima gha dia iziro ọghe ima kevbe vbene ọ ya gbe ima hin ọkhọ rre .\n", "2020-01-26 05:33:52,778 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 64, step 8000: bleu: 7.37, loss: 72185.8828, ppl: 22.0532, duration: 53.9089s\n", "2020-01-26 05:34:08,367 Epoch 64: total training loss 187.11\n", "2020-01-26 05:34:08,367 EPOCH 65\n", "2020-01-26 05:34:10,637 Epoch 65 Step: 8100 Batch Loss: 1.556567 Tokens per Sec: 10896, Lr: 0.000025\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,456 Example #0\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,457 \tSource: Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,457 \tReference: De vbene okha ni rre Baibol ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,457 \tHypothesis: ‘ De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,457 Example #1\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,458 \tSource: What are the rewards for being humble ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,458 \tReference: Ma ghaa mu egbe rriotọ , de afiangbe na lae miẹn ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,458 \tHypothesis: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha mu egbe rriotọ ?\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,458 Example #2\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,458 \tSource: In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances .\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,459 \tReference: Vbe Jesu rre ọvbokhan , ughaghe emwa eso ne ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn wulo .\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,459 \tHypothesis: Vbe ọ rre ukpo nibun , iran na gha gualọ iwinna ọghe Ọgua Osa ne iran gba ga .\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,459 Example #3\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,459 \tSource: One reason is that he rules with love . Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty .\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,459 \tReference: Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Arriọba ọghẹe na maan sẹ ọghe emwa ọvbehe , ere ọ vbe si ẹre ne emwa ne irẹn kha yan na mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ .\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,460 \tHypothesis: Emwi nọ ghi ru ọre wẹẹ , ọmwa ne ọ rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn ẹre ọ khian gha dia ima .\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:04,460 Validation result (greedy) at epoch 65, step 8100: bleu: 7.56, loss: 72172.5469, ppl: 22.0406, duration: 53.8221s\n", "2020-01-26 05:35:22,013 Epoch 65 Step: 8200 Batch Loss: 1.719597 Tokens per Sec: 10579, Lr: 0.000025\n", "Traceback (most recent call last):\n", " File \"/usr/lib/python3.6/runpy.py\", line 193, in _run_module_as_main\n", " \"__main__\", mod_spec)\n", " File \"/usr/lib/python3.6/runpy.py\", line 85, in _run_code\n", " exec(code, run_globals)\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/joeynmt/__main__.py\", line 41, in \n", " main()\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/joeynmt/__main__.py\", line 29, in main\n", " train(cfg_file=args.config_path)\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/joeynmt/training.py\", line 596, in train\n", " trainer.train_and_validate(train_data=train_data, valid_data=dev_data)\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/joeynmt/training.py\", line 338, in train_and_validate\n", " batch_type=self.eval_batch_type\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/joeynmt/prediction.py\", line 106, in validate_on_data\n", " max_output_length=max_output_length)\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/joeynmt/model.py\", line 170, in run_batch\n", " max_output_length=max_output_length)\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/joeynmt/search.py\", line 43, in greedy\n", " decoder, encoder_output, encoder_hidden)\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/joeynmt/search.py\", line 139, in transformer_greedy\n", " trg_mask=trg_mask\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py\", line 541, in __call__\n", " result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/joeynmt/decoders.py\", line 514, in forward\n", " trg_embed.size(1)).type_as(trg_mask)\n", "KeyboardInterrupt\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "MBoDS09JM807", "colab": {} }, "source": [ "# Copy the created models from the notebook storage to google drive for persistant storage \n", "# !cp -r joeynmt/models/${src}${tgt}_transformer/* \"$gdrive_path/models/${src}${tgt}_transformer/\"" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "n94wlrCjVc17", "outputId": "ccaad2fb-b2bd-4a39-d47b-4f735d5bd3ee", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000 } }, "source": [ "# Output our validation accuracy epoch 1-30\n", "! cat \"$gdrive_path/models/${src}${tgt}_transformer/validations.txt\"" ], "execution_count": 8, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Steps: 100\tLoss: 117286.53906\tPPL: 152.35403\tbleu: 0.00000\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 200\tLoss: 111289.65625\tPPL: 117.82683\tbleu: 0.00000\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 300\tLoss: 106089.82031\tPPL: 94.29065\tbleu: 0.00000\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 400\tLoss: 100155.70312\tPPL: 73.11843\tbleu: 0.00000\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 500\tLoss: 95349.11719\tPPL: 59.50728\tbleu: 0.31248\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 600\tLoss: 90747.89062\tPPL: 48.85797\tbleu: 0.78670\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 700\tLoss: 87377.42969\tPPL: 42.28699\tbleu: 1.72511\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 800\tLoss: 84570.64844\tPPL: 37.49462\tbleu: 1.89084\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 900\tLoss: 82261.75781\tPPL: 33.96234\tbleu: 1.48612\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 1000\tLoss: 80139.09375\tPPL: 31.00930\tbleu: 2.36609\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 1100\tLoss: 78887.59375\tPPL: 29.39002\tbleu: 2.22556\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 1200\tLoss: 77106.46875\tPPL: 27.23020\tbleu: 3.47284\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 1300\tLoss: 76134.80469\tPPL: 26.11963\tbleu: 3.10803\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 1400\tLoss: 74919.42188\tPPL: 24.79403\tbleu: 3.87890\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 1500\tLoss: 74142.43750\tPPL: 23.98206\tbleu: 4.01993\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 1600\tLoss: 73486.79688\tPPL: 23.31761\tbleu: 3.99283\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 1700\tLoss: 72772.59375\tPPL: 22.61475\tbleu: 4.72826\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 1800\tLoss: 72191.27344\tPPL: 22.05834\tbleu: 4.03661\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 1900\tLoss: 71133.20312\tPPL: 21.08049\tbleu: 4.12395\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 2000\tLoss: 70768.95312\tPPL: 20.75399\tbleu: 4.39785\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 2100\tLoss: 70209.48438\tPPL: 20.26232\tbleu: 4.38805\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 2200\tLoss: 70083.14844\tPPL: 20.15291\tbleu: 4.34919\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 2300\tLoss: 69697.96094\tPPL: 19.82299\tbleu: 4.63979\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 2400\tLoss: 69377.16406\tPPL: 19.55234\tbleu: 4.37130\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 2500\tLoss: 69189.07812\tPPL: 19.39537\tbleu: 4.33400\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 2600\tLoss: 68857.21094\tPPL: 19.12148\tbleu: 4.88237\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 2700\tLoss: 68757.95312\tPPL: 19.04032\tbleu: 5.09470\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 2800\tLoss: 68448.82812\tPPL: 18.78975\tbleu: 4.82302\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 2900\tLoss: 68084.94531\tPPL: 18.49902\tbleu: 5.40836\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 3000\tLoss: 68092.30469\tPPL: 18.50485\tbleu: 5.06514\tLR: 0.00030000\t\n", "Steps: 3100\tLoss: 68055.52344\tPPL: 18.47571\tbleu: 5.11174\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 3200\tLoss: 67795.41406\tPPL: 18.27091\tbleu: 5.06357\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 3300\tLoss: 67913.52344\tPPL: 18.36362\tbleu: 5.50067\tLR: 0.00030000\t\n", "Steps: 3400\tLoss: 67867.40625\tPPL: 18.32736\tbleu: 5.33751\tLR: 0.00030000\t\n", "Steps: 3500\tLoss: 67613.33594\tPPL: 18.12890\tbleu: 5.57518\tLR: 0.00030000\t*\n", "Steps: 3600\tLoss: 67925.53906\tPPL: 18.37308\tbleu: 5.73634\tLR: 0.00030000\t\n", "Steps: 3700\tLoss: 67812.21875\tPPL: 18.28407\tbleu: 5.78880\tLR: 0.00030000\t\n", "Steps: 3800\tLoss: 67852.46094\tPPL: 18.31563\tbleu: 5.89042\tLR: 0.00030000\t\n", "Steps: 3900\tLoss: 67841.95312\tPPL: 18.30739\tbleu: 6.10220\tLR: 0.00030000\t\n", "Steps: 4000\tLoss: 68069.47656\tPPL: 18.48676\tbleu: 5.88613\tLR: 0.00030000\t\n", "Steps: 4100\tLoss: 68345.17188\tPPL: 18.70647\tbleu: 5.63960\tLR: 0.00021000\t\n", "Steps: 4200\tLoss: 68322.03906\tPPL: 18.68793\tbleu: 5.87361\tLR: 0.00021000\t\n", "Steps: 4300\tLoss: 68446.74219\tPPL: 18.78807\tbleu: 6.06462\tLR: 0.00021000\t\n", "Steps: 4400\tLoss: 68404.16406\tPPL: 18.75382\tbleu: 6.19643\tLR: 0.00021000\t\n", "Steps: 4500\tLoss: 69054.25000\tPPL: 19.28363\tbleu: 5.98828\tLR: 0.00021000\t\n", "Steps: 4600\tLoss: 68864.77344\tPPL: 19.12768\tbleu: 6.07807\tLR: 0.00021000\t\n", "Steps: 4700\tLoss: 68893.58594\tPPL: 19.15132\tbleu: 6.26995\tLR: 0.00014700\t\n", "Steps: 4800\tLoss: 69113.64062\tPPL: 19.33277\tbleu: 6.49308\tLR: 0.00014700\t\n", "Steps: 4900\tLoss: 69230.02344\tPPL: 19.42943\tbleu: 6.87653\tLR: 0.00014700\t\n", "Steps: 5000\tLoss: 69183.89844\tPPL: 19.39106\tbleu: 6.83945\tLR: 0.00014700\t\n", "Steps: 5100\tLoss: 69722.46875\tPPL: 19.84381\tbleu: 6.42493\tLR: 0.00014700\t\n", "Steps: 5200\tLoss: 69573.32812\tPPL: 19.71739\tbleu: 6.63912\tLR: 0.00014700\t\n", "Steps: 5300\tLoss: 69718.41406\tPPL: 19.84037\tbleu: 6.86405\tLR: 0.00010290\t\n", "Steps: 5400\tLoss: 70030.98438\tPPL: 20.10791\tbleu: 6.44495\tLR: 0.00010290\t\n", "Steps: 5500\tLoss: 70127.28906\tPPL: 20.19107\tbleu: 6.81961\tLR: 0.00010290\t\n", "Steps: 5600\tLoss: 70304.65625\tPPL: 20.34513\tbleu: 6.68736\tLR: 0.00010290\t\n", "Steps: 5700\tLoss: 70358.14062\tPPL: 20.39181\tbleu: 7.03921\tLR: 0.00010290\t\n", "Steps: 5800\tLoss: 70411.14844\tPPL: 20.43819\tbleu: 7.20889\tLR: 0.00010290\t\n", "Steps: 5900\tLoss: 70754.54688\tPPL: 20.74118\tbleu: 7.10939\tLR: 0.00007203\t\n", "Steps: 6000\tLoss: 70785.07812\tPPL: 20.76833\tbleu: 7.05607\tLR: 0.00007203\t\n", "Steps: 6100\tLoss: 70742.67969\tPPL: 20.73063\tbleu: 6.94862\tLR: 0.00007203\t\n", "Steps: 6200\tLoss: 71127.79688\tPPL: 21.07561\tbleu: 7.31921\tLR: 0.00007203\t\n", "Steps: 6300\tLoss: 71225.73438\tPPL: 21.16425\tbleu: 7.01997\tLR: 0.00007203\t\n", "Steps: 6400\tLoss: 71426.26562\tPPL: 21.34691\tbleu: 6.74479\tLR: 0.00007203\t\n", "Steps: 6500\tLoss: 71306.07812\tPPL: 21.23724\tbleu: 7.24593\tLR: 0.00005042\t\n", "Steps: 6600\tLoss: 71297.89844\tPPL: 21.22980\tbleu: 7.31159\tLR: 0.00005042\t\n", "Steps: 6700\tLoss: 71441.24219\tPPL: 21.36061\tbleu: 7.36518\tLR: 0.00005042\t\n", "Steps: 6800\tLoss: 71436.58594\tPPL: 21.35635\tbleu: 7.33152\tLR: 0.00005042\t\n", "Steps: 6900\tLoss: 71471.71875\tPPL: 21.38853\tbleu: 7.43720\tLR: 0.00005042\t\n", "Steps: 7000\tLoss: 71724.46094\tPPL: 21.62145\tbleu: 7.06899\tLR: 0.00005042\t\n", "Steps: 7100\tLoss: 71793.42188\tPPL: 21.68544\tbleu: 7.24576\tLR: 0.00003529\t\n", "Steps: 7200\tLoss: 71751.52344\tPPL: 21.64654\tbleu: 7.20487\tLR: 0.00003529\t\n", "Steps: 7300\tLoss: 71795.32031\tPPL: 21.68720\tbleu: 7.39530\tLR: 0.00003529\t\n", "Steps: 7400\tLoss: 71961.78125\tPPL: 21.84246\tbleu: 7.29412\tLR: 0.00003529\t\n", "Steps: 7500\tLoss: 72026.09375\tPPL: 21.90275\tbleu: 7.30558\tLR: 0.00003529\t\n", "Steps: 7600\tLoss: 72041.00000\tPPL: 21.91674\tbleu: 7.41498\tLR: 0.00003529\t\n", "Steps: 7700\tLoss: 72095.55469\tPPL: 21.96804\tbleu: 7.26062\tLR: 0.00002471\t\n", "Steps: 7800\tLoss: 72066.29688\tPPL: 21.94051\tbleu: 7.39782\tLR: 0.00002471\t\n", "Steps: 7900\tLoss: 72150.64844\tPPL: 22.01997\tbleu: 7.57592\tLR: 0.00002471\t\n", "Steps: 8000\tLoss: 72185.88281\tPPL: 22.05324\tbleu: 7.37402\tLR: 0.00002471\t\n", "Steps: 8100\tLoss: 72172.54688\tPPL: 22.04064\tbleu: 7.56074\tLR: 0.00002471\t\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "colab_type": "code", "id": "66WhRE9lIhoD", "outputId": "ae67b0e9-f1da-41d0-e59e-894443a64c94", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 68 } }, "source": [ "# Test our model\n", "! cd joeynmt; python3 -m joeynmt test \"$gdrive_path/models/${src}${tgt}_transformer/config.yaml\"" ], "execution_count": 9, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "2020-01-26 05:36:06,194 Hello! This is Joey-NMT.\n", "2020-01-26 05:36:34,163 dev bleu: 5.99 [Beam search decoding with beam size = 5 and alpha = 1.0]\n", "2020-01-26 05:36:49,732 test bleu: 8.24 [Beam search decoding with beam size = 5 and alpha = 1.0]\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] } ] }